Major Neurological Syndromes PDF
Major Neurological Syndromes PDF
Major Neurological Syndromes PDF
Although neurology of the XXI century benefits from
modern diagnostic methods, knowledge and especially timely
recognition of neurological syndromes remains a challenge
and a fundamental prerequisite of physicians and medical
Neurological diagnosis inevitably passes through two
successive and complementary phases. In a first phase, the
clinical diagnosis of the syndromes and diseases will be
established. In the second stage, based on laboratory
examinations, the already established clinical diagnosis may
be confirmed or rejected (positive or negative diagnosis) and
therefore differential diagnosis can be made.
Clinical neurological diagnosis can be accurately
established if at least two basic conditions are met: a)
existence of an important neurological knowledge base
(anatomo- physiology, pathology, pathophysiology, semiology,
sindromology); b) use of pragmatic medical thinking and lack
of hesitation.
In the modern era both the medical doctor but especially
the neurologist must reach the diagnosis as quickly and as
safely as possible by following a commonly obstacle-ridden
The first (analytical) step of storage, is based on a clear
protocol for examination of the signs and symptoms.
The second step (synthetic) comprises in its turn two
subsequent phases, a) a first phase of establishing the
syndrome diagnosis; b) in the second phase, by properly
assembling syndromes, diagnosis of the disease is reached.
Obviously, it is optimal time for the use of laboratory
examinations, which will be recommended according to clinical
Rodica Blaa
Hemiplegic gait:
Typical posture during walking:
The forearm and fingers are flexed.
The leg on same side is in extension with plantar
flexion of the foot and toes.
When waking, the patient will hold his or her arm to
one side and drag his or her affected leg in a semicircle
Recovery of motor deficit of paresis starts with
rhizomelic musculature of lower limb.
Topographic diagnosis:
UMNS at the cortical level (cortical PS):
Hemiparesis is on the opposite side of lesion.
Hemiparesis can be limited only at face and upper limb
or only at lower limb.
Hemiparesis is frequently associated with other
cortical signs (aphasia in the dominant hemisphere,
apraxia, agnosia, jacksonian epileptic seizures,
hemianopsia etc).
Etiology: a) cerebrovascular diseases; b) cerebral
tumor; c) cerebral trauma; d) encephalitis.
UMNS at the internal capsule level (capsular PS):
Hemiplegia is on the opposite side of posterior limb
Hemiplegia is equal in both upper and lower limbs.
Spasticity is more precocious and more severe than in
cortical pyramidal syndrome.
Facial paralysis is present on the same side with
hemiplegia (lesion of both posterior limb and genu of
internal capsule.
Recovery of motor deficit is more difficult and more
slowly than in cortical pyramidal syndrome.
Etiology: a) cerebrovascular diseases; b) cerebral
UMNS at the brain stem level = alternate syndromes:
Hemiparesis/hemiplegia is contralateral of the lesion.
(submandibular and pterigopalatine ganglia) and IX
(otic ganglion), which distribute para-sympathetics to
the head.
Function of PNS:
Dilates blood vessels leading to the gastro-intestinal
tract, increasing blood flow.
Constricts the bronchiolar diameter.
Controls the heart.
During accommodation, the PNS causes constriction of
the pupil and contraction of the ciliary muscle to the
lens., allowing for closer vision.
Stimulates salivary gland secretion and accelerates
peristalts and mediates digestion of food and
indirectly, the absorption of nutrients.
It is involved in erection of genitals.
Stimulates sexual arousal.
Peripheral ANS is controlled by the central nervous system
(CNS) via complex neuronal interconnections functioning in
Dysautonomia include:
Horner syndrome.
Adie syndrome.
Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome.
Inappropriate sinus tachycardia.
Vagovagal syncope.
Pure autonomic failure.
Neurocardiogenic syncope.
Shy-Drager syndrome.
N.B.: All the diseases included in Multiple system atrophy
(e.g.: Shy-Drager syndrome, sporadic olivopontocerebellar
atrophy, striatonigral degeneration) have different degrees of
Horner syndrome (HS) = Claude Bernard-Horner
HS is an oculosympathetic palsy.
Clinically (ipsilateral):
Partial ptosis of the upper lid.
Anhidrosis of the face.
Flushing of the face (warm skin of the forehead,
conjunctival hyperemia, epiphora and nasal
Ocular hypotonia.
Increased accommodative amplitude.
First-order neuron disorder (central lesion that
involve the hypothalamospinal tract transaction of
the cervical spinal cord).
Second-order neuron disorder (preganglionic lesions
compression of the sympathetic chain by a
laterocervical or thoracic tumor).
Third-order neuron disorder (postganglionic lesions at
the level of the internal carotid artery (a tumor in the
cavernous sinus or a carotid artery dissection).
Adie syndrome (AS) = Adie tonic pupil:
AS presents three hallmark symptoms (ipsilateral):
Unilateral dilated pupil (mydriasis) which does not
constrict in response to light.
Accommodation is normal, slow or tonic.
Autoimmune disorders.
Ramsay Hunt syndrome (RHS):
RHS is a peripheral facial nerve impairment (motor
and/or sensory) due to varicella-zoster virus, with or
without associated rash and is associated with otologic
manifestations other neurologic complications,
including cranial polyneuropathy or meningitis.
RHS is a specific form of herpes zoster that often presents
with pre-eruptive (pre-herpetic) pain, allodinia, burning
or itching generally localized to the ear and mastoid
Facial palsy may precede, occur simultaneously with, or
follow erythematosus maculopapular rash.
A small patients with facial palsy associated with
varicella-zoster infection do not have a rash (or at least no
rash in the expected location in the internal auditory canal
or on the tympanic membrane).
Facial palsy can be associated with decreased lacrimation
and decreased taste (dysguesia) on the anterior two third
of the tongue.
RHS is more likely than Bell palsy to be associated with a
complete clinical facial paralysis.
Otologic complications in RHS include otalgia, tinnitus,
sensorineural hearing loss, hyperacusis (dysacusis),
vertigo, nystagmus and skew deviation with diplopia.
RHS may occur as a cranial polyneuropathy, involving
especially cranial nerves VII and VIII, but also III, V, VI, IX,
X, XI and XII, plus C2-C3 sensory dermatomes.
Varicella-zoster inflammation of the geniculate
ganglion (geniculate neuralgia) and of the skin .
Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome (MRS):
MRS is characterized by the triad:
Recurrent and sometimes bilateral facial palsy.
Recurrent swelling of orofacial structures.
Furrowed tongue.
Noncaseous granulomas with perivascular and
lymphatic inflammatory cell infiltration.
Glossopharyngeal nerve syndromes:
Glossopharyngeal palsy:
Isolated glossopharyngeal neuropathy is rare as lesions
often involve other cranial nerves in close proximity (VIII,
X, XI and XII).
Quality of speech: a) nasal; b) guttural.
Dysfunction of the secretory parotid gland.
Isolated palsy of ninth nerve can often be asymptomatic,
due to redundant innervations of target structures by the
other cranial nerves.
Difficulty swallowing.
Impairment of taste over the posterior one third of the
tongue for bitter.
Impaired sensation over the posterior one third of the
tongue, soft palate and posterior pharynx.
Absent gag reflex.
Glossopharyngeal neuralgia (GPN):
GPN is a rare pain syndrome, primarily affects the elderly
and is severe and paroxysmal.
Sharp, stabbing pulses of pain in the back of the throat and
tongue, the tonsil and middle ear.
The excruciating pain of GPN can last for a few seconds to
a few minutes.
Paroxysmal pain may return multiple times in a day or
once every few weeks.
Trigger factors:
Drinking cold liquids.
Clearing the throat.
Vascular diseases.
Wagener granulomatosis.
Hyperostossis of the skull.
Gullain-Barr disease.
Metabolic disorders.
Idiopathic cranial neuropathy.
The brain stem is the posterior part of the brain which is located
caudal to the diencephalon, ventral to the cerebellum and rostral
to the spinal cord.
The brain stem provides the main motor and sensory
innervations to the face and neck (via cranial nuclei and
cranial nerves (CN): III, IV,V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI and XII).
The brain stem includes:
Midbrain (mesencephalon).
Pons (part of metencephalon).
Medulla oblongata (myelencephalon).
Medial structures of brain stem:
Motor pathway.
Medial lemniscus.
Medial longitudinal fasciculus.
Motor nucleus and nerve.
Periaqueductal gray matter.
Central tegmental tract.
Reticular formation.
Lateral structures of brain stem:
Spinocerebellar pathway.
Spinothalamic pathway.
Sensory nucleus of cranial nerve V.
Sympathetic pathway;
Reticular formation.
The brain stem is an extremely important part of the brain
as the nerve connections of the motor and sensory systems of
the main part of the brain to or from the rest of the body
(corticospinal tract, the posterior column-medial lemniscus
pathway, spinothalamic tract and spinocerebellar tract).
The brain stem plays also an important role in:
Horners syndrome.
Weakness of soft palate, pharynx, larynx and tongue.
Loss of taste of the posterior third of the tongue.
Cerebellar ataxia with nystagmus.
Hemiplegia (corticospinal tract).
Occlusion of paramedian branches and short circumferential arteries of basilar artery.
Unilateral central facial weakness (corticospinal tract).
Clumsiness appearing as a cerebellar ataxia.
Dysarthria without dysphasia.
No sensory symptoms or signs.
Lacunar infarction at junction of upper one-third and
lower two-thirds of pons.
The largest part of the metencephalon.
Situated with brain stem in the posterior cranial fossa;
Present behind the pons and medulla oblongata.
Separated from pons and medulla oblongata by the cavity of
fourth ventricle
Covered by tentorium cerebelli.
To the midbrain by superior peduncle.
To the pons by middle peduncle.
To the medulla oblongata by inferior peduncle.
Cerebellum promotes the synchrony and accuracy of
movement required for purposeful motor activity.
The cerebellar modulation and coordination of muscular
are important in: a) skilled voluntary movement;
movements of posture; c) equilibrium.
Cerebellum receives a tremendous number of inputs from
the spinal cord and from many regions of both the cortical
and subcortical brain.
In this way, the cerebellum receives extensive information
from somesthetic, vestibular, visual and auditory sensory
systems, as well as from motor and nonmotor areas of the
cerebral cortex.
Longitudinally, the cerebellum consists of two large
hemispheres, which are united by midline vermis.
Transversally, the cerebellum is divided in:
Anterior lobe (paleocerebellum, spinocerebellum).
Posterior lobe (neocerebellum, cerebrocerebellum).
Vestibulocerebellum (archicerebellum) is phylogenetically
the oldest division of the cerebellum and receives input from
the vestibular system and projects back to the vestibular and
reticular nuclei, which in turn projects to the spinal cord and
oculomotor nuclei.
The vestibulocerebellum is important for equilibrium and
for control of the axial muscles that are used to maintain
balance in face of gravity.
The vestibulocerebellum also controls eye movement and
coordinates movements of the head and eyes.
Spinocerebellum (paleocerebellum) receives extensive
somato-sensory input from the spinal cord, auditory, visual
and vestibular systems.
The vermis projects to the fastigial nucleus and from there
influences cortical and brain stem components of the
medial descending systems (axial and girdle muscles).
The intermediate part of cerebellar hemispheres projects
to the interposed nuclei (globose and emboliform) to
control the lateral descending systems (distal muscles of
The spinocerebellum receives a continuous flow of
somatosensory information regarding the status of the
musculo-skeletal system, as well as
information from cortical areas about motor commands.
Cerebrocerebellum (neocerebellum), which occupies the
lateral zone of the cerebellar hemispheres, is phylogenetically
late in development and is particularly well represented in
This region receives, via the pontine nuclei, most of its
input from sensory, motor and premotor areas of cerebral
Most of the outputs of the cerebrocerebellum are to the
dentate nucleus, which in turn projects to the cerebral
The cerebrocerebellum is thought to function in the
planning and initiation of voluntary movements.
Difficulty regulating the force, range, direction, velocity,
duration and rhythm in smooth performance of voluntary
Defective timing of sequential contraction of agonist/
antagonist muscle.
Usually persists despite visual cues (unlike ataxia due to
posterior column disease affecting the spinal cord).
Gait ataxia:
Unsteady during ambulation.
Waking with broad-based gait.
Lower center of gravity.
Decrease in the normal, free-flowing arm swing.
Walking heel-to-toe or running the heel of one foot
dawn the shin of the other leg while standing or
waking or lying down if difficult.
Limb ataxia:
Dysmetria = difficulty in bringing a limb smoothly and
accurately to a specific target in space (inability to
control range of movement).
Hypermetria = an involved limb may overshoot its
Hypometria = an involved limb may undershoot its
Asynergia = decomposition of movement = lack of
synergy of various muscles while performing complex
movements (because of errors in the timing and
sequencing of their component parts, may deteriorate
Bulbar ataxia:
Loss of motor coordination caused by a lesion in the
medulla oblongata..
Cerebellar dysarthria = abnormalities in articulation and
prosody: scanning, slurring, staccato, explosive, hesitant,
garbled speech.
Oculomotor dysfunction:
Pendular nystagmus.
Gaze-evoked nystagmus.
Upbeat nystagmus.
Rebound nystagmus.
Optokinetic nystagmus.
Skew deviation.
Occular bobbing.
Muscle hypotonia:
Usually accompanies acute hemispheric lesions and tends
to decrease with time.
More noticeable in upper limbs and proximal muscles.
Refers to a decreased resistance to passive stretch as
might occur with passive limb movement.
In early and severe cases, a distinct flabbiness of muscle
can be palpated and the muscle accommodates greater
stretch without discomfort.
Pendular deep tendon reflex.
Inability to stop a rapidly moving limb.
Nonmotor deficits:
Cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome:
Executive function (impairments of set-shifting,
abstract reasoning, verbal fluency and working
Spatial cognition (visual-spatial disorganization,
impaired visual-spatial memory).
Language (dysprosodia, agrammatism, mild anomia).
Emotional, personality and behavioral changes:
Disinhibited and inappropriate behavior (anxiety,
hyperactivity, impulsiveness, irritability, dysphoria,
Lowering of intellectual function.
Archicerebellar syndrome:
Disorders cause disturbances of locomotion and
equilibrium, with permanent truncal and gait ataxia.
Patients with isolated flocculonodular lesions lose their
ability to stand or to walk without swaying or falling and
trend to fall even when sitting with their eyes open.
When the effects of gravity are reduced by the patient
lying in bed or being physically supported, movements
may be completely normal.
Abnormalities of posture and station (e.g.: head tilt) and
eye movements also occur.
Developmental disorders:
Arnold-Chiari malformations.
Dandy-Walker malformation.
Congenital cerebellar hypoplasia.
Nutritional disorders:
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) deficiency.
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) deficiency.
Vitamin E deficiency.
Neoplastic disorders:
Cerebellar metastasis.
Tumors of the cerebellopontine angle.
Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration.
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
Cerebellitis with viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites.
Vascular disorders:
Cerebellar infarction.
Cerebellar hemorrhage.
Drug-induced cerebellar syndrome.
Recreational or accidental exposure to volatile
Poisoning with heavy metals.
Injury due to physical or mechanical trauma:
Trauma of the head, particularly in the area of the
Metabolic disorders:
Inherited and acquired disorders of lipids, urea cycle,
pyruvate and lactate metabolism.
Demyelinating disorders:
Multiple sclerosis.
Thalamus (Th) is a midline paired symmetrical nuclear
structure on the top of brain stem, between midbrain and
forebrain, that form part of the lateral wall of third ventricle.
Th is the largest part of diencephalon.
Th is bordered laterally by the internal capsule, medially by
the third ventricle, inferior by the subthalamus and superiorly
by the lateral ventricle and caudate nucleus.
Th is the primary site of relay for all of the sensory pathways
except olfaction on their way to the cerebral cortex.
Even olfactory signals reach the thalamus via indirect
connections with the cortical regions initially receiving
olfactory pathways. It is a site where sensory inputs can
be modulated.
Th is a site of relay for cerebellar and basal ganglia inputs to
the cerebral cortex.
Limbic pathways also make input to the thalamus.
All thalamic nuclei, with exception of the nonspecific
nuclei, project primarily to the cerebral cortex.
Additionally, each portion of the thalamus receives a
reciprocal and strong connections from the cerebral
Deep coma.
Akinetic mutism (awake unresponsiveness).
Anterograde and retrograde memory deficit and
apathy can be severe and persistent.
In the late stages: a) inappropriate social behaviors; b)
impulsive aggressive outbursts; c) emotional blunting;
d) loss of initiative; e) apraxia; f) dysgraphia.
Thalamic dementia.
Elementary neurological signs: a) asterixis;
b) complete or partial gaze paresis; c) loss of
convergence; d) bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia; e) miosis.
Inferolateral artery syndrome:
Inferolateral arteries (thalamogeniculate arteries)
arise from the P2 segment of the PCA.
Djerine-Roussy syndrome (contralateral):
Transient mild hemiparesis.
Athetiod posture.
Homonymous hemianopsia.
sensation may be more or less spread.
With partial recovery of sensation, the severe,
spontaneous, persistent, distressing and often
intolerable pain is variously described and any
outside stimulus
(e.g.: cold stimuli, emotional
disturbances, loud sound) appears capable of
aggravating it = hypoalgesia with hyperpatia.
Posterior choroidal artery syndrome:
Posterior choroidal arteries arise from the P2 segment of
the cerebral posterior artery and supplies in part the
region of the lateral geniculate body.
There is limited information on clinical manifestations:
Homonymous quadrantanopsia.
Incongruous homonymous hemianoptic scotoma.
Hemisensory loss.
Transcortical aphasia.
Memory deficits.
Delayed complex hyperkinetic motor syndrome.
SNr bears a strong resemblance, both structurally and
functionally, to the GPi.
SNr is an important processing center in basal ganglia.
The neurons in SNr are mainly GABAergic.
The main input to the SNr derives from striatum and
comes by two routes, direct and indirect pathways.
The direct pathway consist of axons from striatum that
project directly to SNr.
The indirect pathway consists of three links: a) a
projection from striatum to the GPe; b) GABAergic
projection from GPe to the STN; c) glutamatergic
projection from STN to SNr.
Striatal activity exerts an excitatory (or rather
disinhibitory) effect on SNr neurons via direct
pathway, but an inhibitory effect via indirect pathway.
Musculoskeletal deformities:
Deformity of the hands and feet are common in PD.
The parkinsonian hand display ulnar deviation,
Asterixis (flapping tremor, negative tremor, negative
Asterixis consists essentially of arrhythmic lapses of
sustained posture.
Asterixis is by definition only present during active
muscular contraction.
There are two major clinical presentations: a) asterixis;
b) postural lapses.
Asterixis is tremor of the hand when the wrist is extended
(dorsiflexion), sometimes said to resemble a bird flapping
its wings.
It consists of a silence of EMG discharges for a short
period of time (50-200ms), thus producing a brief loss
of anti-gravitational activity and postural control.
Flexion movements of hands may occur once of several
times a minute.
Asterixis is usually multifocal in distribution but may
affect a muscle group in isolation.
Postural lapses consist of a long duration EMG silence
(200-500ms), usually occupying axial and proximal
muscles of the lower limbs, with tendency for repetitive
appearance over a few seconds.
In patients with severe myoclonic encephalopathies,
such as postanoxic myoclonus.
These postural lapses may follow a myoclonic
discharge and may actually lead to greater functional
disability than the myoclonic discharge.
Hepatic encephalopathy.
Postanoxic encephalopathies.
Other metabolic and toxic encephalopathies.
Dystonic tremor (DT):
DT is a tremor in an extremity or body part that is affected
by dystonia.
DT, usually have irregular amplitude and variable
frequency (mainly less than 7 cyles/s).
DT is mainly postural/kinetic and usually not seen during
complete rest.
Hartnup disease.
Abnormalities of purine metabolism:
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome.
Dystonia due to physical agents:
Head trauma.
Dystonia due to therapeutic agents:
Dopamine receptor blockers.
Antihistaminics + dopamine receptor blocking
Catecholamine stimulating agents.
Serotonin stimulating agents.
Acetylcholine stimulators or inhibitors.
Antiepileptic drugs.
Other: a) anesthetics; b) disulfiram; c) flecainide;
d) ranitidine; e) cimetidine; f) sumatriptan;
meperidine; h) flunarizine; i) cinnarizine; j) lithium; k)
Dystonia due to neurotoxic chemicals:
Minerals: a) manganese; b) copper: c) mercury.
Organic compounds: a) methyl alcohol; b) cyanide;
c) carbon monoxide; d) carbon disulfide.
Plant derivates and pesticide: a) ergotmycotoxin;
b) fenthion.
Psychogenic dystonia:
Munchausens syndrome is characterized by a chronic
factitious disorder consistent with clinical symptoms
that are under patients voluntary control and depend
on the medical knowledge of the subject.
Athetosis is an involuntary movement disorder:
Irregular, forceful, slow, writhing movements generally of
the extremities, very often with finger movements and
with co-contraction of agonists and antagonists.
Athetosis can be characterized
by unbalanced,
involuntary movements of muscle tone and a difficulty
maintaining posture.
Athetosis can vary from mild to severe motor dysfunction.
Athetosis can be restricted to a part of body or present
through the body.
Myoclonus (Mc) is a movement disorder:
Mc is a brief jerk caused by neuronal discharges.
A myoclonic jerk consist of a single muscle discharge but
can be repetitive, giving rise to a salvo of muscle activity.
Myoclonic jerks mai occur alone or in sequence, in a
pattern or without pattern.
Mc is caused by rapid contraction (positive Mc) and
relaxation (negative Mc) of the muscle.
Both forms often share the same etiology, coincide in the
same patients and can even affect the same muscle group.
It is important to realize that different patterns of Mc are
often combined in the same subject.
Mc can be classified from various point of view:
Clinical presentation:
Clinical distribution:
Neurophysiological origin:
Brain stem (reticular).
Spinal cord.
Epileptic myoclonus:
Cortical reflex Mc.
Normal Mc:
Hiccups: Mc of the diaphragm.
Hypnic jerks: involuntary myoclonic twitch during
hypnagogia just as a person is beginning to fall asleep
or during the non-REM sleep, often causing awaken
Essential Mc:
Essential Mc occurs in the absence of the epilepsy or
other apparent abnormalities in the brain or nerves.
The EEG should be normal.
Familial cases as well as sporadic cases are seen.
The Mc is generalized, appears to occur seldom at rest
and is clearly induced by action.
Reflex Mc:
independently and in combination may trigger Mc.
Such Mc is focal or generalized in distribution.
Action Mc:
Action Mc occurs during active muscular contraction
and affects both posturally acting muscles and prime
Action Mc may be focal or segmental, but the most
common distribution is multifocal or generalized.
Negative Mc (astreixis):
Negative Mc is present only during active muscular
contraction and in fact is almost always combined with
positive action Mc.
Negative Mc are two major clinical presentation:
asterixis; b) postural lapses.
Spontaneous Mc:
Spontaneous Mc may be focal, multifocal or
It may be sporadic and occur unpredictably or coincide
with specific movements, such as in normal people
with nocturnal myoclonus or in patients with early
morning myoclonic epilepsy.
In other instances, it may be almost continuously
encephalopathies or Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
In the GAD (glutamic acid decarboxylase) antibody
positive form of SPS there is a strong association with
other autoimmune diseases such as diabetes,
hyperthyroidism, pernicious anemia and vitiligo.
Neuromyotonia (Nmt):
Nmt is a form of peripheral nerve hyperexcitability that
causes spontaneous muscular activity resulting from
repetitive motor unit action potentials of peripheral origin.
As result of muscular hyperactivity patients with Nmt may
Muscle cramps.
Myotonia-like symptoms (delyed muscle relaxion after
voluntary contraction).
Myokymia (quivering of muscle).
Exercise intolerance.
The symptoms (especially the stiffness and fasciculations)
are most prominent in the calves, legs, trunk and
sometimes the face and neck, but can also affect other
body parts.
Symptoms range from mere inconvenience to debilitating
Autoimmune Nmt is typically caused by antibodies
that bind to potassium channels on the motor nerve
resulting in continuous hyperexcitability.
Fasciculations (Fsc):
Fsc are visible spontaneous twitches of muscle caused by
sporadic discharges of motor unit.
Fsc arise as a result of spontaneous depolarization of a
lower motor neuron leading to the synchronous
contraction of all of skeletal muscle fibers within a single
motor unit.
Fsc can happen in any skeletal muscle in the body.
Fsc indicate denervation of muscle caused by a lesion
of the lower motor neuron at any site from the
anterior horn cell to the terminal motor axon.
Inflammatory polyneuropathy.
Radiation plexopathies.
Chronic radiculopathies.
Focal compressive neuropathies.
Motor cortex.
Motor area and premotor area receive information from
various cerebral structures and control the execution of
voluntary muscle movement.
Prefrontal cortex is extremely well developed in humans
(~30% of cortical volume).
There are three main portions of the prefrontal cortex:
a) dorsolateral; b) dorsomedial; c) orbitofrontal.
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex :
It is roughly equivalent to areas 9 and 46 and consists
of lateral portions of areas 9-12, of areas 45, 46 and
superior part of area 47 Brodmann.
Connections: temporal, parietal, thalamus, caudate GP,
substantia nigra, cingulate.
Primarily involved in executive functions: a) working
memory; b) judgment; c) motor initiating and
d) sequencing of activity (maintaining,
alternating or stopping); e) abstract reasoning and
dividing attention; f) monitoring behavior.
Dorsomedial prefrontal cortex:
It consist of medial portions of Brodmann areas 9-12
and of Brodmann areas 32, 33.
Connections: motor/sensory convergence areas,
thalamus, GP, caudate, SN.
Functions: monitors and adjusts behavior using
working memory
Orbitofrontal cortex:
Especially areas 10, 11, 12 and 47 Brodmann.
It has extensive connections with other association
cortices, primary motor, primary sensory, olfaction,
gustatory, visual streams, striatum and other
subcortical areas
It is involved in: emotional impulse control, arousal,
personality, reactivity to the surroundings and mood.
Psychomotor retardation.
Loss of self.
Discrepant motor and verbal behavior
Motor programming deficits.
Poor word list generation.
Poor abstraction approach to visuospatial analysis.
Compromised learning and poor spontaneous recall are
the primary memory disturbances.
Poor strategies for copying tasks.
Compromised attention.
Environmental dependency.
Depressive symptoms.
Paucity of spontaneous movements and gestures.
Sparse verbal output (repetition may be preserved).
Lower extremity weakness and loss of sensation.
When frontal eye field is affected unilaterally, the patients
has ipsilateral gaze deviation or gaze preference directed
toward the side of the lesion.
Prefrontal lesions can also produce contralateral neglect,
usually manifested by lock of action directed into the
neglected space (hemi-intention).
Gait impairment:
A relatively upright posture in the setting of shortstride.
Hesitant, lightly widened-base gait are characteristic
to frontal lobe disorders (common in Alzheimer
disease, vascular dementia and normal pressure
Frontal release responses, including suck, grasp, snout
and groping reflexes, may by present.
Alien hand syndrome occurs when a patients hand
assumes complex position that are not under the patients
volitional control.
Incontinence: dysfunction of the posterior superior frontal
gyri and anterior part of the cingulate gyrus can lead to
incontinence of urine and stool.
Orbitofrontal syndrome:
The orbitofrontal syndrome is the most dramatic of all
frontal lobe disorders.
Parietal lobe:
Parietal lobe extends from the central sulcus (Rolando
fissure) anteriorly to the imaginary parietal-occipital fissure
posteriorly, above temporal lobe (Sylvian fissure).
There is a parietal lobe in each hemisphere and one is not
completely a mirror image of the other, especially in the
functional level.
Each lobe shows three parts: a) the postcentral gyrus; b)
the superior parietal lobule; c) the inferior parietal lobule.
The inferior lobule includes the angular and
supramarginal gyri.
From the medial aspect, the parietal lobe contains:
The postcentral gyrus part of paracentral lobule.
Part of cingulate gyrus.
Primary sensory strip (postcentral gyrus) = Brodmann
areas 3, 1 & 2.
Secondary sensory area (superior parietal lobule, sensory
associated areas) = 5 &7 Brodmann areas.
Supramarginal gyrus = 40 Brodmann area.
Angular gyrus = 39 Brodmann area.
Ventral posterior nucleus of thalamus.
Commissural fibers from the opposite somatic sensory
cortex through the corpus callosum.
Short association fibers from the adjacent primary
motor cortex (collaterals of corticospinal fibers).
Association fibers pass to the ipsilateral motor cortex
and to area 5 and area 40 Brodmann.
Commissural fibers pass to the contralateral
somesthetic cortex.
Projection fibers descend to the ventral posterior
nucleus of the thalamus of the same side and the
posterior column and spinal posterior gray horn of the
opposite side.
The first function of the parietal lobes is to integrate
sensory information to form a single perception
Constructional apraxia.
Dominant hemisphere:
Bilateral idiomotor apraxia (motor apraxia, kinesthetic
apraxia limb-kinetic apraxia):
Loss of ability to carry out, on command, a complex or
skilled movement, though the purpose thereof is clear
to the patient.
Bilateral ideational apraxia:
Loss of ability to conceptualize, plan and execute the
complex sequence of motor actions involving the use
of tools or objects in everyday life.
The patient has lost the perception of the objects
Disturbance in the idea of sequential organization of
voluntary actions.
Cannot perform a series of acts although able to
perform individual components of the series.
Loss of conceptual knowledge associated with objects
and overall goal of the activity sequence.
Disorder of language.
Tactile agnosia (bimanual asteriognosis).
Visual autotopagnosia.
Dyslexic types of aphasia (conduction aphasia, lesions in
supramarginal gyrus):
Severely defective repetition.
Paraphasia in repletion and in spontaneous speech.
Normal comprehension.
Impaired writing spontaneous and to dictation.
Errors in spelling, word choice and syntax.
Pain asymboly.
Gerstman syndrome (angular syndrome):
Dysgraphia/agraphia (deficiency in the ability to
Dyscalculia/acalculia (difficulty in learning or comprehending mathematics).
Finger agnosia (inability to distinguish the finger on
the hand).
Nondominant hemisphere:
Topographic disorientation.
Topographic memory loss.
Dressing apraxia ( lesions in inferior parietal lobule).
Constructional apraxia ( lesions in inferior parietal
Contralateral neglect a part of the body.
Anton-Babinski syndrome:
Asomatognosia (inability to recognize part of ones
Anosodiaphoria (indifference to illness).
Anosognosia (denial of illness).
Spatial neglect.
Apraxia of eye opening.
The individual typically has difficulty putting together
Bilateral parietal lobe:
Blint syndrome:
Bilateral damage to the posterior superior watershed
area of parietooccipital junction (Brodmann areas 7 &
Paralysis of visual fixation.
Optic ataxia (the inability to guide the hand toward an
object using visual information).
Ocular apraxia (inability to voluntarily control gaze
and inability to carry out familiar movements when
asked to do so).
Spatial disorientation
Inability to execute voluntary movement in response
to visual stimuli.
Despite normal field of view and normal acuity, the
patients perceives only one object, from which he can
hardly move his eyes, while all other objects are not
Simultanagnosia inability to perceive the visual field
as a whole (inability to perceive simultaneous events
or objects in ones visual field (difficulty integrating
components of visual scene).
Pure cases are extremely rare, often associated with
alexia, prosopagnosia, visual field deficits.
Pure agraphia:
Aphasic agraphia:
Spelling and grammatical errors abound.
Special forms of agraphia caused by abnormalities of
spatial perception and praxis.
Constructional agraphia:
Words are formed clearly enough but are wrongly
arranged on the page.
Words may be superimposed, reversed, written
diagonally or haphazard arrangement, or from right to
With right parietal lesions, only the right of the page is
Usually one finds other constructional difficulties as
well, such as inability to copy geometric figures or to
make drawings of clocks, flowers, or maps.
Apraxic agraphia:
Language formation is correct and the spatial
arrangements of words are respected, but the hand
has lost its skill in forming letters and words.
Handwriting becomes a scrawl, losing all personal
An inability to use body parts successfully.
An inability to carry out learned skilled, purposeful
movements to command or in imitation, despite intact
motor and sensory systems, good comprehension, normal
volition normal cognition and full cooperation.
The subject cannot produce the correct movement in
response to verbal command, nor imitate correctly a
Auditory disorders:
Cortical deafness appears in bilateral lesions of Heschl
Lesions of the secondary (unimodal association) zones of
auditory cortex Brodmann area 21 and part of
Brodmann area 22 have no effect on the perception of
sounds and pure tones.
However, the perception of complex combinations of
sounds is severely impaired (auditory agnosia).
Amusia is a form of the auditory agnosia and appears
in lesions of nondominant hemisphere.
hemisphere is important for
recognition of harmony and melody (in the absence of
words), but that the naming of musical scores and all
the semantic (writing and reading) aspects of music
require integrity of dominant temporal and probably
the frontal lobes as well.
Auditory illusions (paracusias) :
Sounds or words may seem strange or disagreeable.
Sounds or words may seem to be repeated, a kind of
sensory perseveration.
Auditory hallucinations:
Elementary (e.g.: murmurs, blowing, sound of running
water or motors, whistles, clangs, sirens).
Complex (e.g.: musical themes, choruses, voices).
Hearing may fade before or during hallucinations.
Insular lobe.
Insular lobe (insula, insular cortex) is a portion of the
cerebral cortex folded deep within the lateral sulcus between
the temporal lobe and the frontal lobe.
Mammillary body.
Septal nuclei (located anterior to the interventricular
Cingulum (white matter fibers projecting from cingulate
cortex to the entorhinal cortex).
In addition:
Entorhinal cortex.
Pyriform cortex.
Nucleus accumbens.
Orbitofrontal cortex.
Functions of limbic system:
Parahippocampal gyrus plays a role in formation of spatial
Cingulate cortex:
Autonomic function regulating heart rate and blood
Cognitive and attentional processing.
Dentate gyrus thought to contribute to new memories.
Required for the formation of long-term memories.
Implicated in maintenance of cognitive maps for
Amygdala is involved in signaling the cortex of
motivationally significant stimuli as those related to
reward and fear in addition to social functions such as
Fornix carries signals from the hippocampus to the
mammillary bodies and septal nuclei.
Mammillary body is important for the formation of
Septal nuclei provide critical interconnections.
Entorhinal cortex is important in memory and associative
Pyriform cortex relates to the olfactory system.
Nucleus accumbens is involved in reward, pleasure and
Orbitofrontal cortex is required for decision making.
Anterior cingulate cortex appears to play a crucial role in
initiation, motivation and goal-directed behaviors.
Papez circuit (PC):
Altered sexuality:
Encephalitis (autoimmunity).
Cerebrovascular diseases.
Corpus callosum
There are three structures that interconnect the cerebral
The anterior commisure, a structure that interconnects
the olfactory system and part of the limbic system.
The posterior commisure (hippocampal), a structure that
interconnects parts of the limbic system.
The corpus callosum, a large structure that mediates
interconnection between a large number of cortical
processing areas.
Corpus callosum (CC):
CC is a wide, flat bundle of neural fibers beneath the
cortex in the human brain at the longitudinal fissure.
CC connect the left and right cerebral hemispheres and
facilitates interhemispheric communication.
CC is consisting of 200-250 millions contralateral axonal
The posterior portion of corpus callosum is called the
The anterior is called the genu (knee).
Between anterior and posterior portions is the truncus
(body) of the corpus callosum.
The part between the body and splenium is often
markedly thinned and thus referred to as the isthmus.
The rostum is part of corpus callosum that projects
posteriorly and inferiorly from the anterior most genu.
Thinner axons in the genu connect the prefrontal cortex
between the two hemispheres.
Thicker axons in the midbody of the corpus callosum and
the splenium interconnect areas of the premotor,
supplementary motor regions and motor cortex, with
proportionally more corpus callosum dedicated to
supplementary motor regions.
The posterior body of corpus callosum communicates
somatosensory information between the two halves of the
parietal lobe and visual center at the occipital lobe.
Callosal disconnection syndromes
Alien hand:
The actions of each side of the body are independently
controlled by the contralateral hemisphere.
The patients hand often act is if they were independently
This is most apparent when the left hand behaves
inconsistent with what the patient say he is doing.
Sometimes patients will notice the aberrant actions of the
left hand and comment on the behaviour as if the hand did
not belong of the body.
Verbal anosmia:
Patients are unable to name smells presented only to the
right nostril.
Double hemianopsia:
Patients cannot indicate the onset of visual stimulus in
the left or right visual field with the contralateral hand.
Processing of verbal information:
Patients will have a complete right ear advantage for
verbal information.
Verbal information is very poorly perceived by the left
Unilateral apraxia of the left hand:
The patient cannot perform an action with left hand to
verbal command that is easily performed by the right
Unilateral agraphia of the left hand:
The patient has an inability to write with left hand.
The right hand writes fluently.
Unilateral anomia:
Patients cannot name objects placed in the left hand when
Patients can easily name objects placed in the right hand.
Unilateral constructional apraxia:
The patient has a poor performance by the right hand on
tasks that require spatial processing (e.g.: copying
geometric forms).
Parietal lobe:
Anterior parietal.
Posterior parietal.
Temporal occipital.
Temporal lobe:
Anterior temporal:
Middle temporal.
Posterior temporal.
Areas supplied:
The bulk of the lateral surface of the hemisphere
except for the superior inch of the frontal and parietal
lobes ( supplies by ACA) and the inferior part of the
temporal lobes (supplies by PCA).
Superior division supplies rolandic and prerolandic
areas (location of Brocas area).
Inferior division supplies lateral temporal and inferior
parietal lobes (location of Wernickes area).
The penetrating branches of MCA supply:
Part of the head and body of caudate nucleus.
Outer globus pallidus. Posterior limb of the internal
Corona radiata.
MCA ischemic syndromes:
Occlusion of MCA by a thrombus is relatively infrequent.
Most MCA occlusions are embolic.
Main trunk occlusion of either side yields:
Contralateral hemiplegia.
Eye and head deviation toward the MCA infarct.
Contralateral hemianopia.
Contralateral hemianesthesia.
Loss of consciousness may occur.
Main trunk occlusion involving dominant hemisphere:
Global aphasia.
Idiomotor apraxia.
homonymous hemianopia.
Right AChA infarction:
Spatial hemineglect.
Left AChA infarction:
Mild language disorders.
VA ischemic syndromes:
The results of VA occlusion are quite variable.
When there are two good-sized arteries, occlusion of one
may cause no recognizable symptoms and signs.
If the subclavian artery is blocked proximal to the origin of
left VA, exercise of the arm on that side may draw blood
from the right VA and BA, down the VA and into the distal
left subclavian artery sometimes resulting in the
symptoms of vertebrobasilar insufficiency (subclavian
steal syndrome).
Subclavian steal syndrome (a demand for blood flow to
the arm is met by siphoning effect on the blood within the
ipsilateral VA causing it to flow in retrograde fashion):
Vertebrobasilar insufficiency: a) moderate posterior
headache; b) dizziness or vertigo; c) syncope;
ataxia; e) motor deficits; f) visual disturbances.
Symptoms and signs in the left arm: a) diminished or
absent radial pulse; b) transient weakness on exercise;
c) claudication; c) paresthesias;
d) coldness; e)
Initiation or exacerbation of symptoms by physical
If the occlusion of the VA is so situated as to block the
branches suppying the lateral medulla (PICA) a
characteristic syndrome may result (lateral medullary
syndrome Wallenberg syndrome).
When the vertebral branch to the anterior spinal artery is
blocked, flow from the other (corresponding) branch is
usually sufficient to prevent infarction of cervical cord.
Rarely, occlusion of the VA or one of its medial branches
produces a medial medullary syndrome.
Cerebellar infarctions.
Locked-in syndrome.
Top-of-basilar syndrome.
Internuclear ophthalmoplegia.
One-and-a-half syndrome.
Ventral pontine (Millard-Gubler) syndrome.
Upper dorsal pontine (Raymond-Cestan) syndrome.
Lower dorsal pontine (Foville) syndrome.
Ventral midbrain (Weber) syndrome.
Dorsal midbrain (Benedikt) syndrome.
Posterior cerebral artery syndromes.
Facial weakness.
Ipsilateral cerebellar ataxia.
Ipsilateral Horner syndrome.
Paresis of conjugate lateral gaze.
Contralateral loss of pain and temperature sense of arm,
trunk and leg (lateral spinothalamic tract).
If the AICA occlusion is close to the origin of the artery, the
corticospinal fibers may also be involved, producing a
contralateral hemiplegia.
If the AICA occlusion is distal, there may be cochlear and
labyrinthine infarction.
Posterior cerebral artery (PCA):
PCAs are paired vessels, usually arising from the top of the BA
and curving laterally, posteriorly and superiorly around the
In about 70% of persons, both PCAs are formed by the
bifurcation of BA and only thin PCoAs join this system to
the ICAs.
In 20 to 25% of the persons one PCA arises from the BA in
the usual way, but the other arises from the ICA.
In the remainder (5 to 10%) both PCAs arise from
corresponding ICA.
The PCA is divided into P1 and P2 segments by the PCoA.
Penetrating branches to the mesencephalon, subthalamic,
basal structures and thalamus arise primarly from the P1
segment and PCoA.
The P2 segment bifurcate into posterior temporal artery
and internal occipital artery.
Ataxic tremor.
Postural tremor.
Intention tremor.
Decerebrate attacks.
Peripheral territory PCA syndromes:
Contralateral homonymous hemianopsia.
Bilateral occipital lobe lesion, possibly with involvement
of parieto-occipial region:
Bilateral homonymous hemianopia.
Failure to see to-and-from movements.
Inability to perceive objects not centrally located.
Apraxia of ocular movements.
Inability to count or enumerate objects.
Memory defects.
Topographic disorientation.
Unformed visual hallucinations.
Illusory visual spread.
Distortion of outlines.
Dilated, nonreactive pupil or pupils.
Unilateral or bilateral cranial nerve VI palsies.
Altered level of consciousness.
Fever (in meningitis or in meningoencephalitis).
Cushing reflex bradycardia, hypertension and
irregular respirations; i) decerebrate posturing.
Psychical disturbances (irritability, aggressiveness,
hallucinations, delirium).
Subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Bacterial meningitis (including tuberculosis
Viral meningitis.
Parasitic meningitis.
Aseptic meningitis.
Neoplastic meningitis
Intracerebral hematoma.
Cerebral infarction with edema.
Subdural or epidural hematoma.
Generalized brain swelling (tend to decreases the cerebral
perfusion pressure, but with minimal tissue shifts:
Ischemic-anoxia states.
Acute liver failure.
Hypertensive encephalopathy.
Pseudotumor cerebri.
Reye hepatocerebral syndrome.
Increase in venous pressure:
Cerebral venous thrombosis.
Heart failure.
Obstruction of superior mediastinal or jugular veins.
Obstruction to CSF flow and/or absorption:
subarachnoid space al base of brain, e.g.: Arnold-Chiari
Extensive meningeal diseases (e.g.: infection,
carcinoma, granuloma, hemorrhage).
Obstruction in cerebral convexities and superior
sagital sinus (decreased absorption).
Increased CSF production:
Choroid plexus tumor.
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH).
IIH is a neurological disorder that is characterized by
increased intracranial pressure around the brain in absence
of tumor or other disease.
The term idiopathic means existence without any
underlying cause.
This is why the condition is diagnosed only in absence of
any alternative explanation for manifestations or
Signs and symptoms:
Consciousness is a set of neural process that allow an individual
to perceive, comprehend and act on internal and external
Consciousness is envisioned in two parts: a) arousal;
b) awareness.
Arousal describes the degree of which the individual appears
to be able to interact with these environments (the contrast
between waking and sleeping is common example of two
different states of arousal.
Reflects the depth and content of aroused state and
awareness is dependent on arousal.
Does not imply any specificity for the modality of
stimulation (external auditory or internal thirst).
Attention depends on awareness and implies the ability to
respond to particular types of stimuli (modality-specific).
Gradations of consciousness:
Anatomophysiology of awareness.
Awareness implies that the individual is not only alert but
is cognizant of self and surroundings.
Interaction of the CC and RF is required for the individual
to be awake.
Anatomophysiology of attention.
Attention to specific aspects of the perceived universe
depends on both awareness as a general property and on
the specific anatomical structures that mediate the
sensory phenomena involved.
In order to attend to a particular stimulus, the pathways
required for its perception must be functional.
Each primary sensory modality has one or more principal
cortical regions the must function in order to attend to a
Brain stem.
Intracranial infection.
Subdural empyema.
Focal encephalitis (herpes simplex).
Cerebral abscess.
Brain tumor.
Primary neoplasm.
Secondary neoplasm.
Diffuse lesion of both cerebral hemispheres (cortical gray
matter and subcortical white matter).
Bilateral diencephalic damage (especially to the
paramedian dorsal thalamus).
Damage to the paramedian gray matter anywhere from
the posterior hypothalamus to the tegmentum of the
lower pons.
When the respiratory centers in the lower medulla are
damage, apnea ensues.
The irreversible destruction of critical brain stem areas
usually follows catastrophic supratentorial events that
cause brain herniation and subsequent compression and
ischemia of the brain stem.
Eye opening
Spontaneous open with blinking at baseline..4
Opens to verbal command....3
Opens to pain, not applied to face..2
None.... 1
Respiratory pattern.
Normal pattern.
Cheyne-Stokes: periodic increase and decrease of rate and
depth, followed by an expiratory pause and then a
repeated pattern seen with diencephalic pathology and
bilateral hemisphere dysfunction (nonspecific).
Hyperventilation: raises suspicion of hypoxia or metabolic
coma with acidosis, such as with ethylene glycol,
methanol, salicylates and lactic acidosis (central
neurogenic hyperventilation may occur with midbrain
Cluster breathing: periods of rapid irregular breathing
separated by periods of apnea it is similar to CheyneStokes respiration but without the crescendo/
decrescendo pattern or regularity of the latter (this is seen
with high medullary or low pontine lesions.
Apneustic breathing: deep inspiration followed by breath
holding, then long slow expiration at a rate of 6 breath per
minute (implies pontine damage basilar artery
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