Niveshak February 2010
Niveshak February 2010
Niveshak February 2010
Niveshak Here comes the month of February- a month which is long awaited by many
of us to witness the balance sheet and income statement of our own – India Inc.
Volume III Yes!! I am talking about the Union budget which is expected to be released on 26th
ISSUE 2 Feb by our finance minister Mr Pranab Mukherjee. His first budget may not have
February 2010 been accepted well by Indian citizens, but this time the old warhorse is leaving no
stone unturned. He is expected to target on the GDP growth rate as this budget
Faculty Mentor will be very critical for India to lead the recovery from the global economic crisis.
However, looking at the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) recent review of the monetary
Prof. S.S Sarkar
policy, we can predict that the forthcoming Budget will reverse the expansionary
fiscal policy and rein in fiscal deficits. After two years of runaway deficits, surely, the
time is ripe for the finance minister to initiate the fiscal consolidation process in the
EDITORIAL TEAM forthcoming Budget. Besides this, the Railway Budget 2010-11 is also scheduled to
be presented to the Lok Sabha on February 24 after the Budget session of Parlia-
ment begins on February 22.
Bhavit Sharma The “January effect” on the sensex also seemed to have faded away by the
fag end of January 2010, when our benchmark BSE sensex broke by 490.6 points
on a single day due to global cues and fears of tightening monetary measures
Sub-Editors by central bank. As per the expectations, RBI launched a battering on inflation by
Durgesh Nandini Mohanty increasing the cash reserve ratio by 75 basis points to 5.75 percents. We hope that
Hitesh Gulati this move brings cheers to the aam aadmi by dampening the momentum of sharp
surge in food prices and uneasy price escalation which has been a cause of worry
Sumit Kedia
for all of us. However, there have been some positive results too against the back-
Tanvi Arora
drop of this RBI’s decision. The manufacturing sector seems to be poised for revival
Upasna Agarwal
after the HSBC Markit Purchasing Managers Index (PMI), one of the most reliable
indices tracking the health of the manufacturing sector, climbed to its highest level
in one-and-half years to 57.6 in January, 2010. We also see IIP numbers reaching
new heights. The Indian IT sector, on the contrary, might get perturbed after US
Bhavya Aggarwal
president Obama’s decision to end tax breaks to American firms that outsource
Swarnabha Mukherjee jobs overseas. But it needs to be seen if the president can afford to walk his emo-
tional talk.
Now as we are speeding on a road to recovery, a question arises in front of
us is – Are we achieving this economic recovery at the cost of fiscal deficits and
inflation? So to throw a word of caution on this, we have our cover story which
highlights some of the inherent financial problems like huge fiscal deficits in India,
and which shows a possible way ahead for us in this edition. This reading also
All images, design and artwork
provides a primer on the resurgence of mergers and acquisitions post recession
are copyright of
and an article on “Calendar Spread” along with some arbitrage trading strategies
IIM Shillong Finance Club
for Index spread trading. Let us go through some really insightful articles that our
friends from across all B-Schools have penned down. Hope this issue would prove
to be an interesting read for you.
©Finance Club
Indian Institute of Management Wishing you all a very Happy Holi!!!
Shillong Happy Investing
Disclaimer: The views presented are the opinion/work of the individual author and The Finance Club of IIM Shillong bears
no responsibility whatsoever.
Niveshak Times
04 The Month That Was
13 Coffee Derivatives Market
Cover Story
17 India at crossroads Recherche
- yet again 21 Growth Story : Myth or
09 Resurgence of M&As post
Niveshak Times
mized risk by utilizing ficiencies in the market. Contrary rity period as the “near month” fu-
the calendar spread. to popular beliefs, the real world ture and the other the “far month”
markets are full of irregularities and future. A normal market condition is
Also, a proper flow of provide ample opportunities to the when the far month futures contract
activities for a trading “Intelligent Investors” to enjoy free price is higher than the near month
strategy is provided lunches. futures contract price. So in this
to understand things One such arbitrage strategy, ex- situation, also known as ‘Cotango’,
tremely popular in the world of op- if the spread differential is expected
better. Further the to increase, one should take a short
tions is “Arbitrage Spread”. Spread
concept of exponen- trades are strategies that involve a position in the near month future
tial moving average position on two or more options of and long position in the far month
future. Alternatively, when the
(EMA) is detailed in the same type. The position can be a
call or a put but can never be both. spread is expected to decrease, re-
and the relations to verse position should be taken. The
Some examples of spreads include
trading strategy mix butterfly, vertical, horizontal, diago- rationale behind this strategy is that
and development of nal calendar etc. in a normal market condition when
future market price of far month is
a good returns strat- In this article we explore Index
greater than future market price of
egy is discussed. future spreads and develop an al-
near month and spread is increas-
gorithm which will help us to earn
ing, there can be three cases:
high returns at minimized risk. Here,
we have used “calendar spread” in Case I: Future prices of both
Index futures. “Calendar Spread” near and far month increase
is the difference in prices of two In this case as spread is in-
future contracts with different ma- creasing, therefore increase in price
turities but the same underlying as- of far month future contract will be
set. One can make profit by under- greater than increase in price of near
standing and predicting the relative month future contract hence taking
price movements of the two future long position in far month future
contracts. Depending on the expec- contract and short position in near
tations as to whether the spread month future price will result in pos-
would increase or decrease, traders itive cash flow.
can take long and short positions
in the futures with different matu- Case II: Future price of both
In an inverted market, i.e. when the far month
futures contract price is less than the near month the simple process of comparing the actual spread
futures contract price (a condition called “backward- values to their 3 day exponential moving average
ation”), the strategies are completely reversed. (EMA). The rationale behind this process is very
well documented- ‘the exponential moving average
A long calendar spread, which involves buy-
smoothes the fluctuation in the spread values and
ing an option with a longer maturity and shorting
provides indication of a long term trend’. This will
one with shorter maturity, in a normal market condi-
help us understand the trend of the spread in short
tion would require an initial investment because of
term as compared to long term so that we can deter-
the greater value of the long call. Thus long option
mine whether spread is increasing or decreasing. So
spreads are traded for a debit. The amount of this
this strategy is based around the interaction that the
debit paid up until the short option expires repre-
spread line will have with the moving average line –
sents the maximum possible loss. After expiry the
hence we are creating a kind of a lagging indicator
No Check Yes
Below Below
Take Long in Near Take Long in Far Take Long in Far Take Long in Near
Future & Short in Future & Short in Future & Short in Future & Short in
Far Future Near Future Near Future Far Future
Is spread
Stay trend
Invested changing
Square off
your position
elongated take over battle or This article analyses
wide merger and activity had
Reliance Industries’ proposal to
acquire Lyondell Basel, the pros-
experienced its lowest in years. the various factors
This was because of the liquidity like increasing P/E
pects of M&A seem to be reviving
crunch that the markets expe- Ratios and declin-
this new year.
rienced and there was a severe
These sometimes hostile, dearth of capital for significant
ing Debt to EBIDTA
sometimes friendly multi-billion deals to happen. It is believed ratios that are re-
dollar deals somehow always end that acquisitions are rampant sponsible for this
up becoming a media eye-candy. when good times prevail and upheaval. Besides
So what is it that makes Merg- the cash inflows of the compa-
ers and Acquisitions one of the
some of the latest
nies are good. When biggies like acquisitions have
most sensational happenings in the century old Lehman Brothers
the financial world? The eminent came crashing down in seconds
been looked into
Investment Bankers from the Wall and companies were trying hard from an Indian and
Street are always busy negotiat- to make ends meet it was a dis- a global perspective.
ing and forming a large company tant dream for them think about
from two smaller ones. A Merger buying out other firms. Besides
or an Acquisition is a strategically M&As involve a big deal of risk
important process of corporate and the probability of them be-
restructuring that believes that coming a success is around one-
two companies together create third. And consciously taking one
more value for the shareholder more risk in the downturn was
rather than two separate compa- not something that the conven-
nies. Companies merge to achieve tionally risk-averse companies
higher level of cost efficiency due would do.
to economies of scale and hence
‘Distressed M&A’ which means the purchase of bankrupt companies is a permanent feature of any
Recession period. It was said that deals during downturns sometimes outperformed the ones during
robust economic times.
sion and an acute credit expand their global pres-
crunch. They had to rethink ence. This fact is confirmed
their strategies of entry and by the fact that companies in
exit and managing their portfo- the Asia-Pacific accounted for 26%
lios. With Wall Street nearly back a t of the global M&As. So M&A activity
its previous glory and giving away bonus- es was distributed more uniformly around the
like pre Recession days, investors stand con- globe.
vinced that the economy has found sturdy EXAMPLES OF SOME RECENT ACQUISITIONS:
ground beneath its feet, at last. According to Kraft’s Acquisition of Cadbury
recent poll conducted, 80% of PE managers be-
Kraft Foods, the world’s second largest
lieve that a wave of M&As will sweep the finan-
food company behind Nestle, finally bought out
cial world in near future.
Cadbury in a deal worth £ 11.9 billion. The driv-
Further, exposure to PE investments ing force behind this acquisition was the expo-
through publicly traded Exchange Traded Funds sure to the emerging markets that the British
(ETFs) is being offered by giants like PowerShares confectioner Cadbury offered to Kraft. The new
Global Listed Private Equity Portfolio (PSP). PSP company will own more than 40 brands. Share-
invests in over sixty PE firms all around the holders of Cadbury have been offered 500p in
world. The investments of PSP are distributed cash and 0.1874 Kraft stock for each share they
in various countries with a majority stake in US own. This values Cadbury at 840p per share, but
(36%). Private Equity Companies have making shareholders will also receive a special 10p divi-
big gains in 2009 already. PSP made gains worth dend. Moving above the initial ‘derisory’ offer of
140%, which is still 50% its pre-recession levels. 755p per share of Cadbury, the deal was struck
Sentiment within the private equity industry is at 840p per share which was supposed to be a
clearly yet to fully recover, as firms expecting good deal though the shareholders themselves
to trim their operations far outnumber those believed every share to be worth more than £ 9.
Bharti takes a bite off Zain of factories and customers and this fuels RIL’s
After the Bharti-MTNL deal failed to see new obsession. Lyondell Chemical Co. is a Neth-
the light of the day, international dreams of In- erlands-based company which filed a plan to
dia’s largest telecom operator came true after reorganize with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in De-
it acquired the African assets of Kuwaiti-based cember. RIL said it raised Rs. 26.8 billion rupees
Zain Telecom in a deal worth $10.7 billion. This ($586 million) selling shares. As a result of this
new venture will help Airtel access a customer its shares fell by 0.9%.
base of 70 million across Africa and Middle East. SOME MORE NUMBER CRUNCHING
Bharti, controlled by the Mittal family caters to Mergers and Acquisitions and Private Eq-
110 million customers already. The promoters of uity transactions have surged with a new vigor
Zain, the Kharafi family owned a stock of 11% at present. All the M&A and PE deals (includ-
had been looking for an investor for sometime. ing QIPs) in the month of January have been a
Zain had other eligible suitors like state-owned whopping $3.8 billion (around Rs 17,480 crore)
BSNL and MTNL but none of them were inter- totaling 85 deals. This is way above the statis-
ested to pay more than $ 10 billion. Zain has tics of January of 2009 which amounted to $2.1
annual revenues of over $ 7 billion and has in- billion (around Rs 9,660 crore) coming to a mere
vested around $12 billion to expand its opera- 34 deals. There has been a growth of 81% and
tions in Africa. this is proof enough for the changing climate.
Reliance’s Lyondell dreams Besides many Indian companies are looking for
This is one giant deal which is yet to hap- acquisitions outside the country. The total val-
pen. According to latest reports, Reliance valued ue of outbound M&A deals (Indian companies
the bankrupt chemical maker at $13.5 billion acquiring businesses outside India) in January
which considerably exceeds its November bid of 2010 was $341 million (15 deals), as compared
$12 billion. LyondellBasell’s board is unyielding to $40 million (five deals) in January 2009. The
even now and demands more compensation. total value of domestic deals this January was
If this deal materializes it would entail India’s $2,167 million (32 deals), as compared to $1,324
largest company buying $2.25 billion in stock million (eight deals) and $223 million (28 deals)
and backing a $2.8 billion share sale. Lyondell during the corresponding months of 2009 and
would do wonders to Reliance by giving them 2008, respectively.
access to three continents and large numbers
Although coffee, like cotton, has many Futures markets, however, can respond
grades, growths and specific growth qualities, quickly through their price discovery process
it is primarily classified into two types – Arabica that reflects changing cash market conditions.
and – Robusta. Arabica coffee beans, which grow Futures markets react immediately to any funda-
mainly in the tropical highlands of the Western mental change in the marketplace and the price
Hemisphere, make up the bulk of world produc- discovery process reflects this shift. The coffee
tion and are higher grade, higher quality beans. futures and options markets at NYBOT provide
tion and indicates long run equilibrium between on foreign exchange flows. The absence of a
the variables. Cointegration testing checks if a commodity derivative market in India implies
group of non-stationary series are cointegrated a requirement to trade at International mar-
or not. kets, chiefly New York and London for meeting
India’s hedging needs. These traders and mar-
RESULTS kets, quite unaware of the Indian seasonality
The methodology followed to test the hy- cannot do complete justice to the execution of
pothesis is explained in this section. The data the trade. The translation of prices from the In-
for coffee has been taken from the New York dian to the International scenario could result
Board of Trade spanning from the year 1994 to in some distortions and inhibit efficient trading.
2006. The trends and volatility of the data over a
running period of 30 days has been calculated.
Subsequently, ADF test and cointegration test
Cover Story
@ Crossroads
...Yet again
Anurag Joshi
IIM Shillong
Milton Friedman made a sardonic description from falling. General elections too somehow man-
of Government’s Budget once suggesting four ways aged to coincide with the financial crunch raising
in which money can be spent: the fiscal deficit further. Deficit financing may in
“First, when you spend your money on yourself the short run help the economy curtail the effects
you do your best to put the money to good use. of recession however for a growing economy like
Second, when you spend your money on some- India’s, such an increase in fiscal deficit is non-
body else you try to control costs. sustainable.
Third, when you spend someone else’s money Slowly as the economy has started picking
on yourself you try to have a good time without up the discussion regarding the ‘exit strategy’ has
bothering about costs. started gaining pace. The big question is how the
government and RBI should go about with the roll
Fourth, when you spend someone else’s money out slowly withdrawing the stimulus packages of-
on somebody else—and then you do not care about fered earlier. But, before going on to discuss some
either the efficiency of spending or the price. possible way out, we need to understand the key
And that’s Government, Touche!” financial issues facing the country.
As the economy suffered its biggest recorded The Age old Impossible Trinity
hit in USA, the transmission channels established As the government of India opened up the
during the period of great moderation, sprung into economy for inflows in investment, India has be-
action ensuring that no country in the world re- come a hot market. With investments pouring in,
mained unscathed. In India, the Government was the rupee value will appreciate. However the IT
face to face to with a difficult situation. The reaction Sector of India which is a major source of employ-
was immediate and predictable. As currency inflows ment for millions of Indians suffers because of ru-
dried out, the Govt. of India and RBI performed the pee appreciation as most of its services have been
textbook exercise of lowering interest rates, easing outsourced to it. Hence the RBI is required to keep
trade barriers and deficit financing. a check on the exchange value of Rupee so as to
Below is a graph showing the ratio of Centre’s keep the interests of IT sector in mind. This how-
Fiscal Deficit to GDP. During the period of great mod- ever increases the rupee supply in the economy
eration the ratio showed a steady decline due to leading to a price hike. During the recessionary
tax reforms and increasing inflows in investment. period since the capital inflows dried out a huge
However as the Global Financial Crisis surfaced it- amount of money was pumped into the system to
self in India, after the fall of Lehman Brothers the keep the economy from dying.
Government was forced to push in stimulus package Now as the Capital inflows start coming in,
to prevent the Humpty Dumpty of Indian economy the excess money supplied at the time of reces-
sion needs to be sucked out of the system to cit from 2.7 per cent in 2007-08 to 6.2 per cent
prevent inflation from rising further. And this is of GDP in 2008-09 and estimated that the to-
the big question that the RBI is facing. If it with- tal fiscal stimulus (equal to 3.5 per cent of GDP
draws the stimulus, and capital inflows take at current market prices) in 2008-09 amounted
time, then the economy will be hurt in the long to Rs. 1,86,000 crore. It is true that 2008-09 did
run. However if it does not withdraw the stimu- see a significant increase in expenditures with
lus the rising inflation will continue to torment non-plan expenditures in particular rising by 23
the common man. per cent relative to the revised expenditures for
The problem obviously is graver than 2007-08. However, there were two other areas
suggested by Mundell, as the complex Indian that were responsible for the major rise in the
economy is affected by a multitude of factors. deficit. The areas being Government Subsidies
However the question of balancing the TRINITY and Expenses incurred after Sixth Pay Commis-
is something that has a great relevance for an sion.
emerging economy fighting for its place in the The payment of the new salaries and half
world when it emerges from a downturn. of the arrears during 2008-09 resulted in addi-
The Mammoth Fiscal Deficit tional expenditure of about Rs. 21,500 crore, re-
sulted in 18 per cent of the actual increase in
‘Government spending grew 3 percentage
non-plan expenditure. The increase in subsidies
points a year faster than India’s gross domestic
product at current prices, going by compounded resulting from higher minimum support prices
annual growth rates over 59 years. The abso- and larger procurement during added another
lute numbers are truly astonishing: The size of Rs. 59,500 crore to the non-plan expenditures.
the economy grew 578 times since 1950 while Government debt in the advanced econo-
the size of the government’s spending bill grew mies is projected to jump from the pre-crisis
3,020 times.’ - Niranjan Rajadhyaksha level of 78 per cent of GDP in 2007 to 118 per
As already mentioned the Govt. of India cent by 2014 assuming some discretionary tight-
made huge spending during the last year to ening begins this year. In such a scenario, what
keep the economy buoyant. The spending has are now seen as cyclical fiscal deficits may, in
fact, morph into structural fiscal deficits. We
resulted in a huge fiscal deficit which branches
out into three salient issues: may then see the return of fiscal dominance
and undermining of the independence of cen-
a. The fiscal stimulus at the time of recession tral banks
was more than required
Therefore it can be seen that the rise in
b. The stimulus was largely responsible for defi- fiscal deficit has not been only because of the
cit in the budget stimulus packages rather it is a conjoint effect
c. The only way to solve the problem is through of the benefit package along with other govern-
lowering expenditures ment schemes rolled out during the previous
In his budget speech delivered on July 6, year. It becomes necessary to state this, be-
2009, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee en- cause the effect of a ‘roll back’ on the fiscal
dorsed that the fiscal policy did create a bur- deficit may not be as much as the government
den on the economy when he said that “fiscal expects it to be. Therefore a closer look at the
accommodation” in response to the crisis had Fiscal Policy is needed currently.
resulted in a sharp increase in the fiscal defi- The Supply Side Shocks
Cover Story
shocks. The food prices have sky rocketed this
year on account of poor rainfall leading to lesser
crop yield. As the supply of food grains reduced
the prices shot up. Hence it is being argued that
a mere tightening of monetary policy would be
insufficient to get the food prices down to its
normal level. There is also a chance that the
supply side inflation might change into a de- Weekly movement of Annual Inflation Rate
mand side one as the demand increases in a (May 2009 to August 2009)
recovering economy (with supply shortage). India also experienced a deflationary phase
in 2009 with the fall in oil and metal prices across
the globe and lowering of industrial growth. It
may be argued here that those were exceptional
times requiring drastic steps. However the les-
sons learnt from difficult times(which is not yet
over) should not be forgotten. As Indian econo-
my totters back into life, the ghost of inflation
is here to haunt the dreams of country wishing
for long term growth. The fact that the current
inflation is not a mere effect of monetary stimu-
lus and has been affected due to supply side
Weekly Wholesale Price Index Movements (May constraints which India faces is a lesson to be
2009 to August 2009) learnt for all.
It is true that a mild inflation is good for There should be steady attempts made at
the economy as inflation reduces the return on reducing the supply side vulnerability through
monetary assets relative to real assets. Hence implementation of rural irrigation projects,
investors pull money out of the money mar- stricter monitoring of ‘hoarding’ of food grains
ket and invest in real capital projects. Howev- and a better stock of food grains.
er the level of inflation in India tends to affect Lack of Technological Innovation
the common man the most, reducing his ‘real’ Be it U.S.A. or Europe each of them had
pocket money. Simply put, a very high inflation a point in history where a great technological
makes the poor – poorer. Few steps taken by the push ushered in a new era of development. For
government to cool off inflation are: Europe it was the industrial revolution and for
• The import duty on rice and wheat has been USA it was the golden period of 1960s and 1970s.
reduced to zero. The technological innovation provided the force
• Export of non-basmati rice and wheat has that each of them needed to usher in a new era
been banned and stock limits have been im- of growth and development. While countries like
posed on rice to prevent hoarding and black China, Japan and USA have heavily funded re-
marketing. search facilities, India currently lacks a research
conducive environment. As long as that does
• In order to cool inflationary trends in food
not happen, the country will continue to grapple
economy, the Government has undertaken sale
with imported technology and India will contin-
of wheat under Open Market Sale Scheme. The
ue to be bothered by external shocks.
rate of wheat and rice under this scheme is sub-
sidized, so that the consumers can be benefited. As of now the scientific research receives
very little corporate funding and this has forced
• Allocations have been made through a num-
India to import technology from foreign coun-
ber of channels so as to increase the spread as
tries. A recent example of this can be seen
well as coverage and thereby augment market
from the 3G fiasco in India. As 3G phases out
from the American and European markets the
telecom companies explore newer avenues to
‘dump’ the existing technology. India is the saf-
its estimate of poverty as 37.2% in search of work and their fre- the claims of strong
for all India (41.8% for rural and quently joining the lower cadres
25.7% for urban India). of the labour market and subse-
economic growth.
THE TRUE MANIFESTATION OF quent forced living in dilapidated
INDIAN GROWTH conditions within cities.
Among the many problems CASE STUDY
that plague urban growth in In- “Sonia Camp”, situated be-
dia, a manifold acceleration in side the Jhilmil Industrial area in
the slums and squatter settle- the Shahadra region of East Delhi
ments in the metropolitans has is one area that can claim of giv-
been widespread. Although large ing employment to hundreds of
scale industrialization, mothered researcher minds who are willing
by the extraordinary phenom- to probe deeper into the most
enon of Globalization, has been “fashionable” issue of today:
rampant, it is still doubtful as to Poverty.
how it leads to a betterment in Our survey revealed that
the informal sector of the econ- Working Class consisted of main-
omy, and it should not come to ly casual hard-earned labourers,
us as a surprise that 93% of the Petty shopkeepers or vendors,
workforce is still associated in Factory workers working in the
the informal sector. nearby industrial area, and some
. Hence the level of urban- reported as unemployed. In a sce-
ization and the rate of urbaniza- nario where people complained
tion may not always be the result of accentuating prices of basic
of ‘pull’ factors of economic pros- necessities, only 27% of house-
vide clean drinking water for all by 2009 and en- reported that using open spaces was more vi-
sure that there are no slop backs”, our study of able and economical--- paying for using a provi-
the Sonia Camp done in December 2009 reveals sion which is no more in a state of usage, from
a different story. a stipulated budget made no sense. It is to be
However, if mere installation of the source noted that slum dwellers in some of the house-
can be interpreted as synonymous to access holds were extremely particular about cleanli-
and provision of “safe” drinking water, then ness, and hence preferred using open spaces,
undoubtedly the government has done its job. railway tracks rather than using the filthy MCD
The lives of the people of the camp start much toilet.
earlier than the rest of Delhi. With a net avail- It came to us as a surprise to see cer-
ability of approximately 6 taps(totis as the lo- tain households carving out a part of their
cals call it) with 6 taps in the entire area , with living room( which consisted of the entire
each household comprising of an average of 6.5 household),(about 3*3 in area) as toilets for us-
members, long queues , relentless wait and the ing at night, especially during winters or during
fight for water is inevitable. The constraint is illness, or for bathing purposes of young girls.
however, not limited to this. The water is sup- The lack of proper boring or drainage is what
plied for only two hours in the morning and in is conspicuous. When inquired at a household
the evening. Moreover, with open drains around which had a child of 5 years and suffered from
with every basic chore, right from bathing to polio, the mother reported that the child defae-
defecating, done at such close proximity to the cates and it is then manually disposed off in the
water source, potability of water remains ques- morning.
tionable. The residents report that they have Distance from the household to the MCD
not suffered from any major ailment as a result toilet also determined their usage of it. Proxim-
of the poor water quality. However, behind this ity played a big role, especially for women and
claim there could be a number of possible rea- children, and specifically during night—even if
sons. Either, the people have become immune that entailed using the paid unbearable public
to this kind of environment that owing to their toilet or the open space.
forced complacency, they feel no aberration in LITERACY SITUATION
their lives anymore or it could be as a result of
To reiterate common knowledge, this ig-
mere ignorance. With extremely limited finan-
norance is attributable to the state of educa-
cial resources affording a private doctor seems
tion in the area. The government expenditure
a distant luxury. Also, with a few Government
it is 71 out of 608 members in the entire sam-
ple. That provides the Proportion of Literate Fe-
males in the population notified in the sample
as 0.1167(71/608).
However, the story of India’s sky-rocketing
growth masks the vicissitudes that a majority
Same accounting as before Christopher of population succumbs to. It is time we look
Udry points out that against the common belief, beyond the artifice of growth and widen our
child labour is not responsible for the low level horizon for an all-encompassing Development
of schooling, but it is the other way round. This structure. The fable thus remains incomplete—
is exactly what the story of Sonia Camp con- what appears as mere escalating figures in the
firms. It is because of the poor teaching stan- growth path is actually smeared with the blood
dards that parents attach low opportunity cost of vagary that the poor is subjected to!
in students not going to school. Frequency of
households having 5 children is maximum, in
the entire random sample of 100 enumerated .
9. Name the parliamentarian who raised the matter of insurance fraud by owners of
private insurance companies in 1955. Also name the person, one of wealthiest businessmen
then, who in the resulting investigations was sent to prison for two years. Name them.
10. First credit scoring system in 1958, for American Investments was developed by?
All entries should be mailed at [email protected] by 10th March, 2010 23:59 hours
One lucky winner will receive cash prize of Rs. 500/--
Nivesh Winner
The Nivesh Winner for the month January 2010 is
Amit Arora
of IIM Shillong
He receives a cash prize of Rs.1000/-
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