Effluent Traetment Plant Sop
Effluent Traetment Plant Sop
Effluent Traetment Plant Sop
Muhammad Ismail
Reviewed By
Rehan Siraj
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Table of Contents
Page No.
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Ensure all slip plates are in proper position and all drains are closed.
Instrument air
Check instrument air supply to LT-5012, LT-5013, LT-5014 and LT-5015 (buffer tank A12500A/B/C/D tank level transmitters) bubbler type.
1. Mother liquor is not to be diverted to neutralization plant even mother liquor filter M1-1603 is inservice or not .It is due to the reason that pH probes of the both F1-2508 and F1-2519 may be
damaged due to the high temperature of the mother liquor.
2. Effluent of the plant to be lined up in the buffer storage tanks and changeover the mother liquor and
waste water accordingly.
3. Quality-wise the effluents of the plant to be lined up in the buffer storage tanks and divert the waste
water or mother liquor accordingly.
4. Physically check the level of the buffer tanks and update the DCS board man .In order to avoid the
overflowing the buffers due to malfunction of the level transmitters.
5. To increase the flow of effluent from the buffer storage tank or to take effluent from another buffer
tank FCV-5001/5008/5021/5024 should not open more than 5% at -a -time. This is due to avoid the
entrainment of the PTA powder to neutralization section and feed storage tanks A1-2504A/B/C/D.
6. Disturbance in the oxidation plant, i-e, M1-1603 by passing causes high COD effluent flow to the
buffer storage section, due to this lineup the mother liquor to the dedicated buffer. High COD
effluent will reduce the total hydraulic load of the deep shaft, so buffers management will be
7. When waste water flow from the G1-851 A/B start to decrease than open the bypass valve of the
E1-2526 and check the flow, if it become normal, inform to the shift manager for chocking of inlet
strainer of E1-2526. The PTA in effluent causes chocking of E1-2625 inlet strainer.
8. Check that all pumps G1-2501A/B/C/D are available in healthy condtion and can be taken in
5. Select one buffer storage tank A1-2500 A/B/C/D before one week of the plant shutdown in order to
accommodate the plant flush effluent. Plant effluent may contain the metals which are toxic for the
6. Take maximum flow from this buffer storage tank during the week. It should not keep on filling.
Level need to be decreased up to minimum.
7. As the core plant put on flush after shutdown, then stop taking effluent from this buffer and lock
close the buffer outlet valve and stop the transfer pump G1-2501A/B/C/D.
8. Shift both waste water and mother liquor streams to this buffer storage tank, in order to collect the
effluent in one buffer.
9. Monitor the level of this buffer via DCS and also from area in order to avoid the overflowing of
effluent in other buffer storage tanks.
10. When core plant completes its flushing than take the sport sample of the both streams Mother
Liquor and waste water from IBCs sample point and check the cobalt and manganese result.
11. Line up the effluent in some other buffer storage tank if the result of the metals is normal.
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12. Put the buffer in which contaminated effluent is collected on settling for 24 hours then take the
sample for metals and carry out test, if metals found normal then line up this buffer for feed
preparation otherwise inform to shift manager.
There is no shutdown in the effluent collection section, the effluent collection stop which is only for
the time being. Buffer storage pumps remain in service on kickback if required otherwise can be
only feed
5001/5008/5021/5024.from DCS. For the cleaning of the buffers storage isolate the valves of this
buffer storage tank and carryout the necessary preparation for cleaning as per given procedure.
1.2. Procedure for the PTA Sludge removal From Buffer Tanks A1-2500A/B/C/D
List of the equipment to be utilized for the cleaning of the buffer tanks
Clamp Bucket
Dump Trucks
Assistant Riggers/Helper
1. PTW will be issued for seven days and re-validate it daily in the morning. However job will be
started daily at 08:00 hrs till sunset and will continue on Sunday and gazetted holidays.PTW
revalidation will be done at site to avoid any delay in the job.
2. Safety signs would be displayed for crane and dumpers activity.
3. No entry signs to be posted for restriction of entry of unauthorized persons/traffic to avoid any
safety incident.
4. The crane and dumpers activity area to be hard barricaded with an entry gate. A crane and only
one dumper will be parked inside barricaded area. The other waiting dumper to be parked
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outside the barrication. PTA will provide scaffolding team and material, while Descon will give
the exact requirement of scaffolding.
5. Tanker cleaning activity to be carried out during daylight only.
6. A scaffolding platform along with ladder on the tank to be erected by PTA scaffolding team
with plant scaffolding material.
7. Bucket movement will be controlled through a tie-rope by a rigger to avoid its hitting the tanks
walls or other surfaces.
8. The tank cleaning staff will wear proper PPEs including splash goggles, PVC gloves and
rubber boots.
9. Dump truck water arrangement will be made at working site and working staff will be changed
after every 60 minutes.
10. A resting area i.e. tank with bench/chairs will be provided near work area but outside the
11. Immediately reported any safety incident to PTA plant area operator, who will report the matter
to Utilities shift manager.
12. All standard safety instructions and operating procedures must be followed at work site.
13. Dispensation for hot work permits for crane to be arranged by PTA (if needed).
14. Descon will explain the job method and give task instructions to their workforce before starting
the job.
15. Bucket will be inspected at least once a week. Inspection will be arranged by PTA planning, to
avoid the wastage of contractors man-hours inspection will be done in time.
1. Park the crane inside the barricaded area where it will be operated.
2. The crane weight will be taken on outer riggers (jacks) with no load on wheels to ensure
balanced operation of the crane.
3. In order to ensure that crane bucket is not touching with tanker bottom. The crane bucket rope
will be marked up to 6000 mm (including basket height) and this mark should be clearly visible
and must remain outside the top surface of the PTA sludge.
4. The tank will be prepared for the entry and it will be handed over to maintenance staff before
starting cleaning operation.
5. Once dumper is parked for loading sludge. Its engine must be switched off and driver should go
to the tent. No one will enter the work site without proper PPE.
6. The rope tied up with the bucket will be held by a rigger positioned at scaffolding platform; the
rope will further be knotted with scaffolding pipes. When the bucket is at height the rigger will
loose the rope slowly in such a manner that it will not hit the tank surface or sidewalls.
7. Another rigger must be positioned at scaffolding platform who will direct the crane driver
regarding bucket movement; He will watch the depth of bucket inside the sludge tank and will
ensure the depth mark on the bucket rope that it does not touch the sludge tank top surface.
8. The site supervisor must ensure that no person is doing any activity under the crane operation.
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Check all mechanical jobs are completed and system is ready to take the effluent.
Check the effluent level in the buffer storage tanks A1-2500A/B/C/D is sufficient.
Check that G1-2501A/B/C/D are available.
Check that FCV-5008/5001/5021/5024 are working normal.
Check that G1-2508 and G1-2519 are electrically energized.
Check the availability of the following utilities
47 % caustic soda.
Seal water
Cooling water
Instrument air
Portable water for the Safety shower
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For the cold startup open fire water in the F1-2508 and fill the tank up to 20 %.
Line up the buffer storage effluent via G1-2501A/B/C/D.
Fill the tank and overflow this in the A1-2519.
Check the pH of the effluent via QT-5027/28 and calibrate them if required.
Start the agitator of the G1-2508 when it level reaches up 75 %.
Fill the A1-2519 and take the G1-2519 in service.
Check the pH of the effluent via QT-5030/31 and calibrate them if required.
Complete fill the A1-2502 and lineup 47% caustic to maintain the pH.
Check any abnormal sound in the G1-2508 & G1-2519 and inform to shifty manager about
abnormality.(if any)
10. When the effluent is completely neutralized and downstream system is ready to take the
neutralized effluent then take the G1-2503A/B in service as per given startup procedure.
1. Check all PTWS are signed off.
2. Check the system for the completion of all mechanical jobs.
3. Check that pumps G1-2503A/B are electrically energized.
4. Check that seal water line isolation valve is open and its pressure is normal on the local PG.
5. Check that sufficient liquid level is available in the A1-2502.
6. Check that E1-2518A&B are ready to take the effluent.
7. Check that E1-2518 A&B cooling water is lineup.
8. Check that feed storage tank A1-2504A/B/C is ready to take the effluent.
9. Confirm that feed tank ZCV-5040/5045/5050 is operational.
10. Check that pump kick back line is minimum 10 % open.
11. Open the suction and discharge valve of the elected G1-2503A/B.
12. Check that LCV-5032 is 50% open.
13. Pull emergency stop button and push the start button.
14. Check the pump for any abnormal sound.
15. Pressure on the discharge PG-5038/5033 must be 3.5 to 4.0 barg.
16. Confirm that suction and discharge isolation valves of the standby pump are isolated.
1. Ensure that seal water is lineup to the standby pump G1-2503SA/B.
2. Open suction and discharge valve of the standby pump.
3. Ensure that spill back line valve is minimum 10 % open.
4. Pull emergency stop button and push the start button.
5. Check the pump for any abnormal sound.
6. Pressure on the discharge PG-5038/5033 must be 3.5 to 4.0 barg.
7. Press emergency stop button of the running pump.
8. Isolate suction and discharge valves and put the pump on standby
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1. Physically check the level of the F1-2508 and F1-2519 should be full upto the overflow because
low level can damaged the agitator.
2. Physical check any abnormal sound from the agitator of the all neutralization tanks, i-e, G1-2508
and G1-2519.
3. Switch off /stop the agitator if any abnormality is observed from them and inform to shift manager.
4. To increase the flow or start taking effluent from buffer storage FCV-5001/5008/5021/5024 to be
opened slowly not more than 5% at a time.
5. Check any abnormality in the pH at DCS (in the Process value and set point).
6. Mother liquor not to be lined up in the F1-2508 neutralization tank even M1-1603 is (mother liquor
filter) in service or not. It must remain line up in buffer storage tanks.
7. When there is low pH problem then check the acetic acid concentration in the buffers and also
check the buffers tank level physically.
8. When pH value in the A1-2519 is lower than 6 then do not forward this batch to the feed tanks F12504A/B.
9. When pH become low then reduce the flow from buffers and increase QT-5027 /5030 pH set
In normal operation of the neutralization systems following emergencies can occur.
1. High or low pH disturbance due to the powder in the feed from the buffer tanks.
2. High or low pH issue due the malfunction of the QT-5027/5030.
3. Gear box problem of the G1-2508 & G1-2519.
4. Actuator failure of the LCV-5032.
5. Power failure
6. MCC# 22 power failure or any other issue on the MCC#22.
7. 47% caustic header leakage or G1-2621A/B failure.
8. G1-2503A/B duty pump failure while standby is under maintenance.
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6. Check E1-2518A&B discharge temperature on TIA-5067. It should be <45 0C.At-a- time both
E1-2518 A & B can be taken in service but one E1-2518A/B is enough for the maximum flow
of effluent.
7. Confirm LT-5041/5046/5051of the select feed tank working normal and cross check it from the
Following emergencies can be occurred on this plant
1. Power failure.
2. FCV-5068 mal function.
3. Feed Quality (if it is out of order then transfer this to the buffer storage are via divergent line).
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8. On completion of purging close vent valve of the chilled water circuit
9. The sound of the G1-2583 should be normal.
10. Check the pump outlet pressure at the PG-5068; it should be around 2.5 brag
avoid the hammering in steam circuit and in the tubes of the absorption chiller.
Check chilled water inlet & outlet valves are opened.
Check cooling water inlet and out valves are opened.
Check if there is leakage from the chiller all supply circuits.
Check the lube oil level in the vacuum pump G1-2596.
Checks purge tank pressure it should be less than 2.0 kPa.
Check cooling water inlet pressure on the PG-5106 it should be higher than 3.5 barg.
Check chilled water supply pressure on PG-5105 it should be 2.5 barg.
Check absorption chiller power supply is resumed.
Check that the millennium panel works normally.
Check all parameter and set point of the absorption chiller.
Check that chiller ready to start is indication is appearing and on pressing the status key NO
18. Check that local mode is selected before taking the chiller in service.
When 1st stage generator pressure will reach to 15kpa then Solution pump will take
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board man.
Now check the chiller parameters and confirm that it is normal in service.
Check if any abnormality is in the parameters.
Check any abnormal sound and leakage from any header and inform to shift manager.
Keep the feed flow rate should be >50 m 3/hr in order to avoid the tripping of the absorption
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1. The purge tank to be purge when the pressure exceeds 60 mmHg. The purge tank will be
evacuated until tank pressure is reduced to 30 mmHg.
2. The Micropanel should be set to operate in the manual purge mode.
3. Operate purge pump G1-2596 for 10 minutes to warm up oil with gas ballast open, leak rate
valve open and all purge system valves closed.
4. Check that the purge pump G1-2596 is capable of pulling down to at least 3 mm Hg by opening
manual valves slowly and reading the purge pump pressure on the vacuum indicator gauge.
5. Slowly open purge tank valve to read the purge tank pressure on the vacuum indicator gauge. If
the pressure exceeds 30 mm Hg absolute, the purge tank may be purged although it is not
necessary unless the tank pressure is equal to or exceeds 60 mm Hg absolute.
6. Slowly open purge tank valve. Watch the purge tank pressure. When it is lowered to 30 mm Hg
absolute, close the valves.
7. Run purge pump for 10 minutes more to clean up oil.
Following are the possible emergencies in the absorption chiller.
1. Power failure.
2. L.P Steam failure
3. L.P Steam MOV failure
4. Cooling failure
5. Chilled water failure
6. Feed pump failure or lower flow rate <50 m3/hr.
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temperature, oil sump temperature, condenser pressure and line voltage) are within the
limits then control reads PRESTART otherwise the startup will be delayed or aboard.
If chiller reads PRESTART then the following sequence will start.
a. The chilled water relay energizes, and the MAINSTAT screen line now reads
b. After Five seconds, the cooling water relay energizes.
c. After point b (minimum 30 seconds to maximum 5 minutes) the control system
monitors the flow of chilled water and cooling water by the PDS-5230/32/5234 &
PDS-5229/31/5233 respectively.
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d. Now control system will check the chilled water temperatures against set point. If
temperature will be below or equal to the set point plus chilled water dead
band then sequence will not proceed and if the chilled water temperature is high
enough, then start-up sequence continues.
e. Now control will check the guide vane position. If the guide vanes are more than
4% open, the start-up waits until the control system closes the vanes.
If the vanes are closed and the oil pump pressure is less than 4 psi (28 kPa), the oil
pump relay energizes. The control system then waits until the oil pressure reaches
a maximum of 18 psi (124 kPa). Oil pressure verified (15 seconds minimum, 300
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12. Check any external leakage in E1-2582 (large quantity of the makeup water indicates that there
is some leakage of the chilled water inside the circuit this continuous makeup water will not
give the required cooling).
13. If two chillers are parallel in service and chilled water entering temperature reaches to the 16 0C
then stop one of the chillers in order to run one chiller on maximum load.
14. Start the second chiller when the chilled water entering temperature is 22 to 23 0C.
If the AVERAGE LINE CURRENT is greater than 5% after shutdown, or the starter contacts
remain energized, the oil pump and chilled water pump remain energized and the alarm is
g. The condenser pump shuts down when the CONDENSER PRESSURE is less than the COND
PRESS OVERRIDE threshold minus 3.5 psi (24.1 kPa) and the CONDENSER REFRIG
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TEMP is less than or equal to the ENTERING CONDENSER WATER temperature plus 3 F
(1.6 C).
h. If the chiller shuts down due to low refrigerant temperature, the chilled water pump continues
to run until the LEAVING CHILLED WATER temperature is greater than the CONTROL
POINT temperature, plus 5 F (3 C).
When chiller is in normal operation a massage on the LED screen appears RUNNING
TEMPERATURE CONTROL LEAVING CHILLED WATER. it changes to indicate the abnormality
2. For checking the history and trouble guide from the screen carry out the following actions.
Press 1key four time to enter the password and you will observe the **** on the main
Note the alarm history / massage and press EXIT key.
plant manager.
Press MENU key
Press SETPOINT key.
Bring the cursor to the desire setpoint by pressing NEXTOR PREVIOUS KEYS.
Press select key
The cursor on that set point and the keys will change to
7. Press key INCREASEOR DECREASE to change the value of the required set point
8. Press key ENTER
9. Again press keyEXIT;
Confirm evaporator bottom valve which is used for the refrigerant charging is close.
Remove the plug of the refrigerant charging line slowly.
Fit the Gas charging adaptor at the place of plug .
Fit charging manifold at adopter.
Slightly open the gas charging valve then manifold valve to remove the air from the manifold
pipes.(air purging is carried out to avoid air mixing with the refrigerant)
6. Fit manifold middle pipe at the cylinder valve and keep this valve with minimum opening,
slightly open the manifold valve, as some refrigerant starts coming from this then tight manifold
7. Keep cylinder valve open in downward direction and open the cylinder valve then manifold
valve and start the refrigerant charging in the chiller.
It is possible to manually operate the guide vanes in order to check control operation or to
control the guide vanes in an emergency. Manual operation is possible by overriding the target
guide vane position.
1. Access the COMPRESS screen on the control screen and scroll down to highlight TARGET
2. To control the position, use the INCREASE or DECRESE soft key to adjust to the percentage of
guide vane opening that is desired.
3. 0% is fully closed and 100% is fully open. To release the guide vanes to automatic control, press
the RELEASE soft key.
NOTE: Manual control overrides the configured pull down rate during start-up and permits the guide
vanes to open at a faster rate. Motor current above the electrical demand setting, capacity overrides,
and chilled water temperature below the control point override the manual target and close the guide
Following emergencies are possible
a) Feed is not available for deep shaft due to high pH and high COD in A1-2504A/B/C and the level of
the feed tanks is full.
1. Stop all chillers and divert 50 % feed tank in buffer A/C.
2. Add high pH effluent in this feed tank and check the pH from the lab and also calibrate the pH
analyzer of this feed tank.
3. When pH is in the normal range, then open feed to deep shaft at the minimum flow rate of 55 m 3/ hr
via FCV- 5068 and start the chiller.
4. If the FCV-5068 close stuck then all chillers need to stopped, as there is no bypass available for
Heavy leakage in the cooling water circuit.
Heavy leakage in the chilled water circuit..
Failure of the G1-2583.
Heavy leakage in the E1-2582.
Fault in the MCC#21 & 22 the chiller trips.
Power failure
Chiller control mal operation.
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This condition refers to plant operating at process feed flow sheet of combined influent of 213.6
m3/hr and a COD load of up to 18.4 te /day. Under this regime normally both degasser and both
clarifier basins are operational. However it is possible to run the plant with one degasser lane and
one clarifier. During the normal plant operation one degasser and one clarifier can be handed over
for maintenance.
This condition refers to the plant operating at process feed flow rates of combined influent between
213.6 m3/hr to 322.6 m3/hr with COD load between 18.4 te /day to 26.5 te/day. Under this regime
both degasser lanes (A1-2510A/B) and clarifiers (A1-2511A/B) must be operational.
Deep shaft is designed to operate continuously. During the period of plant shutdown the deep shaft is
operated at low flow which is called tickover (to run the plant at low COD load without any major
change) operation.
Under above described conditions the plant must be left on tickover to prevent anaerobic condition
occurring in the process. This requires one compressor, one degasser blower, both clarifiers scarpers
and at least two RAS pumps in service. In this condition one clarifier can be taken offline. It is
necessary to reduce the MLSS concentration in the deep shaft during tickover to prevent excessively
low F/M (How much food a single pound of organisms will eat every day) ratio which loads to
the long sludge age. Long sludge age may lead to nitrification in the clarifier basins. This in turn can
lead to sludge floatation as the nitrogen attaches itself to the flocs.
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100%on manual.
Check that all the air is flowing to the riser pipes and the shaft liquor is circulating. Once all
the air flow is established to the risers and carryout the following steps
Wait for 10 minutes
Manually adjust the flow at FCV-5120 up to 1600 m3/hr.
Wait for further 15 minutes
Once the dissolved oxygen value reaches to >2 mg/l, adjust the air flow using the air
compressor inlet guide vanes to its correct operating value of 4581 Nm 3/hr.
Confirm the deep shaft is now circulating at its normal operating point.
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indication is appearing.
6. If compressor ready indication does not appear on the MP-3 panel then check all the parameters of
the compressor and identify the wrong parameter.
7. Inform to shift manager and see the trouble shooting guide.
8. Push the start button.
9. Keep the compressor in operation on unload condition for small time then press the load soft key on
CMC panel.
Confirm the opening of inlet valve and closing of the bypass valve.
Ask DCS Boardman to put the FCV-5120 on manual and open up to 100 %.
Turn the flow knob of the compressor from 0% to 100% gradually.
Increase air flow to deep shaft by rotating knob of air flow and set at 3000 m 3/hr (read at FIA-5360
14. Check the flow direction of deep shafts, if it is normal, increase the flow to 3500 and then to 4000
m3/hr, otherwise decrease the flow to zero and find the reason.
15. Open the six valves of the deep shaft and check the direction of the deep shaft.
16. Ask DCS Boardman to put the FCV-5120 on auto with set point 1550 to 1600 m3/hr.
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17. Adjust the total air flow from air compressor to 4250 to 4300 m 3/hr at the FIA-5360, as per
18. Check passing of stand by compressor discharge valve.
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Check that splitter box, degasser and degasser outlet tank are full of liquid to the normal operating
Confirm that isolation stop-log in the splitter box and degasser outlet line is free to take in service.
Check the clarifier is ready to take the effluent.
Check that C1-2509A/B are ready to be taken in service.
Check that G1-2514 A/B ventilation fan is in healthy condition.
Select the degasser blower to be taken in service, start the ventilation fan of that blower and
normal in service.
8. Check that air bubble can be seen breaking the surface of the liquor in the degasser.
9. Check the discharge temperature of the blower at the TG-5244 it should be less than 100 0C
10. Check the discharge pressure of the blower at the PG-5242 and it must be less than .5 barg.
Degasser (A1-2510A/B) system is now operating normally.
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would only occur if one of the lanes had been shut down for maintenance.
Ensure that regular sampling of the degasser liquor is sampled to confirm the MLSS concentration.
Monitor the blower discharge pressure at PG-5242 and discharge temperature on TG-5244.
Check that the duty degasser blower is in healthy condition.
Check that a regular distribution of bubbles can be seen breaking the surface of the liquor in the
7. Ensure that all the alarms are regularly monitored.(i-e,FSL-5314,etc)
8. Respond to alarm condition and rectify as necessary.
9. Ensure that degasser blower is running normal.
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full of liquid.
8. Ensure that before the start-up all conditions relating to RAS pumps to be started are healthy.
9. Start the selected RAS pumps (G1-2512A/B/C) after filling the startup chick list.
10. The RAS pump to be run with the isolation of the WAS valve unless the MLSS concentration in
the deep shaft reaches the operating level of the 5000 mg/l or sludge blanket level in the
clarifiers reach up to 3 feet.
11. Check that sludge centrifuge M1-2548A/B are ready to accept the WAS.
12. Open the WAS valve when MLSS concentration in the deep shaft ET-10 sample reaches to
operating level of 5000 mg/l.
13. Open the WAS take-off valve slowly to 100%.
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air to the PCV-5213 located on the RAS line to its normal operating rate before opening the
WAS valve.
15. Daily monitor the concentration of the MLSS in the deep shaft and adjust the RAS flow to
maintain it accordingly.
The RAS pumps are operating normally 2 out of 3
water should either be pumped to the working clarifier basin or the degasser outlet.
Put one fire water hose down to the bottom of the clarifier basin with water open for leaning
flow accordingly.
10. Check that clarifier is ready for the required job.
11. Carry out the necessary checks before entering the vessel.
12. Clarifier basin is now ready for the maintenance job.
5. Ensure that water is available for flushing when RAS pumps are stopped.
Ensure RAS pumps run in accordance with the required operating instruction.
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1. Air compressor may trip due to any reason, e.g. due to power dip, power failure, tripping of
MCC# 21, or any compressor internal FAULT.
2. Start up air compressor as per procedure.
3. Mal operation of FCV-5120 can reduce the deep shaft risers flow to zero. Due to which the deep
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1. Introduction
The tertiary treatment stage of the effluent treatment plant operates when the clarifier effluent from
A1-2511A/B does not meet the discharge effluent quality .To polish the effluent by the removal of
residual suspended solid and subsequent reduction in COD. The effluent gravitates through
conditioning (coagulant and flocculent dosing) clarification and filtration stages before discharge
from site outfall to the Sea.
When the effluent from A1-2511A/B dose meet discharge quality then tertiary treatment stage can be
bypassed and effluent sent directly to final effluent pit A1-3105.
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mixed with a known volume of the filtered water to make a batch of 0.5% W/W polymer
solution. The batch is transferred to polymer stock tank F1-3125 by the polymer solution
transfer pump G1-3123 for 30 minutes .After transfer a new batch is immediately prepared in
F1-3114 and subsequently transfer to F1-3125 on low level in F1-3125.
B. Liquid
Polymer liquid system is not being used at plant, but its option is available in the polymer
preparation package. The sequence will be started automatically by sensing low level and will
continue until stopped. We are not using this on the plant.
0.5% W/W polymer solution batch preparation from powder of Nalco-9916
1. Ensure dehumidifier M1-3117 is operational in powder hopper enclosure
2. Ensure that enclosure door are closed
3. Ensure raw water line isolation valve to package is open; Fire water can be used if raw water
is un-available.
Open appropriate valves of pumps and tanks to prepare package for operation
Select the powd or liq switch on the control panel.
Release all stop button and press emergency stop reset button on control panel.
Check that there is polymer powder in the polymer powder hopper P1-3112.
Move switch from OFF to Auto on control panel.(sequence will be started automatically)
On sensing the low level of the F1-3114 batch preparation tank by LSL-5713 the polymer
A1-2511A/B.T his tank receives the gravity flow from the secondary clarifier.
Ensure that by pass line valve to the tertiary treatments is in close position.
Establish the level in the F1-3100 tank and verify form area.
Confirm the level of Nalco-8105 in the IBC.
Start the F1-3100 agitator G1-3100.
Confirm the pH analyser QIA-5171 is working normal otherwise calibrate it. It must in the
range of 6-9.
14. Establish the level in the A1-3101(flocculent mixing tank).
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15. Confirm that sufficient level up to 50% is available in the F1-3101(tank fills with effluent
under flowing coagulant mixing tank A1-3100).
16. Start the G1-3101 Flocculent tank agitator.
17. Confirm the dosing rate of the Nalco-9916.
7. Confirm that raw water SOV-5797A/B is open condition.
8. Open the raw water line isolation valve located on the downstream of the dosing pumps
G1-3116A/B, control the raw water flow manually to dilute the polymer solution up 0.1%
W/W .Raw water flow can be adjusted manually with the help of the rota meter .(1unit =1
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1. Check pumps G1-3104A/B seal flush valves are open and confirm the seal water pressure
on PG-5177/78.
2. Ensure that tertiary clarifier is full with liquid.
3. Ensure that pumps suction and discharge drain valves are fully close and drains blanks are
4. Open the suction and discharge isolation valves of the duty pump. Dont start the G15.
pumps flushing until clean water started to come from discharge drain.
15. Remove the hose, close the drain valve and refit the blank.
1. Check the system against any abnormality.
2. Fill are logs sheet and monitor the changes.
6. Open LCV-5184 up to 20 % on manual from DCS.
7. Confirm that deep shaft mixing box is ready to take the effluent and it is in operational
8. Start the duty by backwash pump G1-3107A/B.
9. Ensure that there is kick back flow to F1-3106 through ROP-5210/5227.This spill back flow
will protect the pump in case of no forward flow.
10. Slowly open the pump discharge valve.
11. Check the pump discharge pressure on PG-5211/12.
12. Control level in the A1-3106 at required level on auto on LICA-5184.
Note: both pumps can be taken in service parallel when the level inA1-3106 is high.
Empty the tertiary clarifier until all the sludge has been removed via G1-3104A/B.
Stop the clarifier when basin is empty.
Clean the clarifier with fire water.
On complete emptying of the clarifier stop and isolate the G1-3104A/B.
Carry out the clearing of the clarifier.
Note: after complete cleaning of the A1-3102 take this in service as per start-up procedure.
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Sludge Handling.
1. Introduction:
There are two Guinard centrifuges at effluent treatment plant. It uses centrifugal force to
separate the component of the mixture with different densities clarification is carried out by the
rotating horizontal bowl. The bowl of the centrifuge decanter has cylindrical and conical
sections. The sludge enters the decanter through a feed tube and enters the bowl through a
distribution chamber. As the bowl rotates the solid rapidly settles against the walls of the
spinning bowl. A screw conveyor rotating slightly lower speed than the bowl moves the solid
through the conical to the solid discharge section. At the same time the liquid effluent flow
flows through the cylindrical section to the liquid discharge.
Each centrifuge can process 11.2-27.4 M3/hr sludge contains 0.2 tons/hr of dry solid maximum.
The sludge is feed to the centrifuge from discharge header of the return activated sludge pumps
G!-2512A/B/C. The feed is under flow control. One unit is sufficient at full load of effluent
treatment plant.
Polymer is injected with the feed to the centrifuge in proportional to sludge flow. Normally it is
cationic polymer, diluted to 0.1 % W/W, for addition to centrifuge. The sludge from the outlet of
the centrifuge is transferred to the road dumper by the dedicated sludge transfer pump G1-2560
A/B with bridge breaker P1-2565 A/B. Speed of these two machines can be vary via gearbox
manual variation, provided flow range of 0.5 to 2.5 m3/hr at 6 barg pressure. The centrate water
goes to backwash pit A1-3106, from where it is send back to the deep shaft.
Checks availability of :
1. Waste activated sludge (WAS)
2. Backwash pit A1-3106
3. polymer solution (Nalco-9916)
4. Raw water
5. Road dumper for sludge
Checking of instrument and control valves
FCV-5189 flow control valve in sludge feed water line to sludge centrifuge M1-2548 A from
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16. Then solution will be transferred via G1-2572 to the solution feed tank F1-2568, when low
level 10 % will be sensed on LS-5701.
17. The solution transfer pump G1-2572 will be stopped at high level 90% indication on LS-5701
.this switch will stop the pump automatically.
4. Ensure that duty two RAS pumps G1-2512A/B/C are in service and WAS (waste
activated sludge) discharge valve towards M1-2548 A/B is in open condition.
5. Ensure polymer preparation package Z1-2564 is on auto preparation condition and
solution tank is > 80%.
6. G1-2575 A/B is on auto and mode and pumps suction and discharge valves are open.
7. Check that seal water supply to the G1-2560 A/B is open and water is coming from
the drain.
8. Ensure that backwash pit pump G1-3107 A/B should be in the service and LICA5184 is set to control the level in the A1-3106 pit at 40% on auto. This is used to
transfer the concentrate back to deep shaft.
9. Ensure that road dumper is in place for the collection of the wet sludge.
10. Start the M1-2548 A/B duty centrifuge. Ensure that all emergency stop buttons are
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Check the sludge concentrate. If it contains sludge then change the value of the torque
through reducing WL by 01. The relative speed of the bowl and the screw will increase,
due to the high separation. Maximum relative speed must be kept upto 5.0.
If the centrifuge tripped due to the increase in torque, then bring it to the previous setting
and start to increase the polymer doing after its start-up. Some time centrifuge tripped due
polymer low dosing rate and does not show any indication.
3. Have the normal round of the centrifuge and check it against nay abnormality. If any
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Check that P1-2665A/B started normal with G1-2560A/B respectively. Otherwise centrifuge will trip
on hopper high level.
7. Check that G1-2540A/B grease pumps are on auto. To confirm that bearing are properly
8. Check that batches of the polymer are properly consumed. To check the proper
consumption of the chemical Nalco-9916.
9. Check the dehumidifier of the polymer package is in service and is controlling the
humidity. Its failure will cause the lump formation of polymer powder.
4. Press the wash stop button on the panel in the PLC room, This sequence will also
happens automatically if a lack of torque is detected for any specific length of the
time. The following automatic timed operating sequence will be initiated and
centrifuge will be washed.
i. Wash water solenoid valve ZCV-5235/5236 opens
ii. Sludge feed valve FCV-5138/5189 closes
Polymer dosing pump G1-2575A/B stops
iv. High speed wash,10 minutes at 2800 RPM
v. Low speed wash,500 sec at 900 RPM then water valve will close
vi. Centrifuge stops
vii. Sludge transfer pump G1-2560 a/B and lump (bridge) breaker P12565A/B stop on low level (after the draining of the centrifuge)
12. Start the standby centrifuge if it is required when the duty centrifuge is on wash
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5. After having the observation during the first run of the centrifuge, if instrument
team will be in need to proceed with further adjustment, the centrifuge will be
stopped and isolated again before the re-initiation of the job.
6. For further test run, instruction mentioned in step (3) and (4) will be followed.
7. The permission for said job will be given by the Plant manager Utilities plant.
9. M1-2548A/B Emergencies:
8. CentrifugeM1-2548A/B vent on wash cycle without any indication. Restart the
centrifuge and check all the parameter, and find out the reason.
9. Centrifuge trips on high high level, first check the sludge level in the hopper if is
actual then start the sludge discharge pump on manually form local panel and open
the local drain of the sludge discharge line and provide a water hose. Secondly
check the bridge breaker P1-2565A/B is rotating or not .If it is not rotating then
stop sludge pump and inform to shift manager for the replacement of the bridge
breaker pin.
10. If the bridge beaker is ok and a fault indication is appearing on the panel then clean
the sensor with the help of the shift instrument teach and take the centrifuge in
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