Buddhist Meditation and Depth Psychology
Buddhist Meditation and Depth Psychology
Buddhist Meditation and Depth Psychology
Depth Psychology
Douglas M. Burns
The Goals of Meditation....................................................................................................... 1
Preparations............................................................................................................................................... 2
Psychological Obstacles..................................................................................................... 4
Material Considerations.................................................................................................... 5
Social Factors.........................................................................................................................................6
Individual Variations................................................................................................................ 7
The Techniques of Meditation...................................................................................9
Mindfulness of Breathing...............................................................................................11
Mindfulness of Postures and of Actions............................................ 16
Repulsiveness, Material Components,
and Cemetery Meditations. .......................................................................18
Discursive Meditations....................................................................................................... 22
Mindfulness of Feelings, Consciousness,
and Mental Objects. .............................................................................................25
The Eighth Step.................................................................................................................................36
Other Forms of Meditation. .......................................................................................38
Scientific Evaluations of Meditation...................................................... 42
Sensory Deprivation................................................................................................................. 42
Electroencephalographic Analysis of Meditation. ......... 45
The Social Fruits of Meditation....................................................................... 46
Mind is the forerunner of all (evil) conditions.
Mind is their chief, and they are mind-made.
If, with an impure mind, one speaks or acts,
Then suffering follows one
Even as the cart wheel follows the hoof of the ox.
Mind is the forerunner of all (good) conditions.
Mind is their chief, and they are mind-made.
If, with a pure mind, one speaks or acts,
Then happiness follows one
Like a never-departing shadow.
hese words, which are the opening lines of the Dhammapada, were
spoken by Gotama Buddha 2,500 years ago. They illustrate the central theme of Buddhist teaching, the human mind.
Buddhism is probably the least understood of all major religions.
Indeed, from an Occidental viewpoint we might well question whether
it warrants the title of religion. In the West we are accustomed to thinking of theology in terms of God, revelation, obedience, punishment, and
redemption. The themes of creation, worship, judgment, and immortality have been major concerns in the Christian heritage and are virtually
inseparable from our concept of religion. Against such a cultural background Western man views Buddhism and in so doing unconsciously
projects his own concepts, values and expectations. Erroneously he perceives ceremonies and bowing as examples of worship or even idolatry.
He may extol its scientific world view or abhor and condemn its atheism. The Buddha is vaguely equated with God or Jesus, and meditation
is suspected of being a hypnotic approach to mysticism or an escape from
However, such erroneous notions of the Dhamma, the teaching of
the Buddha, are not entirely the result of Western ignorance and ethnocentrism. Before his demise the Buddha predicted that within a thousand
years his doctrine would fall into the hands of men of lesser understanding and would thereby become corrupted and distorted. Such has
. Buddhism, by Richard A. Gard. New York: George Braziller, Inc., 1961, pp. 207-8.
been the case throughout much, if not most, of the Orient. Ritual has
replaced self-discipline, faith has replaced insight, and prayer has replaced
If the basis of Christianity is God, the basis of Buddhism is mind.
From the Buddhist viewpoint, mind or consciousness is the core of our
existence. Pleasure and pain, good and evil, time and space, life and death
have no meaning to us apart from our awareness of them or thoughts
about them. Whether God exists or does not exist, whether existence is
primarily spiritual or primarily material, whether we live for a few decades or live forever all these matters are, in the Buddhist view, secondary to the one empirical fact of which we do have certainty: the existence of conscious experience as it proceeds through the course of daily
living. Therefore Buddhism focuses on the mind; for happiness and sorrow, pleasure and pain are psychological experiences. Even such notions
as purpose, value, virtue, goodness, and worth have meaning only as the
results of our attitudes and feelings.
Buddhism does not deny the reality of material existence, nor does
it ignore the very great effect that the physical world has upon us. On
the contrary, it refutes the mind-body dichotomy of the Brahmans and
says that mind and body are interdependent. But since the fundamental reality of human existence is the ever-changing sequence of thoughts,
feelings, emotions, and perceptions which comprise conscious experience,
then, from the viewpoint of early Buddhism, the primary concern of religion must be these very experiences which make up our daily lives. Most
significant of these are love and hate, fear and sorrow, pride and passion,
struggle and defeat. Conversely, such concepts as vicarious atonement,
Cosmic Consciousness, Ultimate Reality, Buddha Nature, and redemption of sins are metaphysical and hypothetical matters of secondary importance to the realities of daily existence.
Therefore, in Buddhism the most significant fact of life is the first
noble truth, the inevitable existence of dukkha. Dukkha is a Pali word
embracing all types of displeasurable experience sorrow, fear, worry,
pain, despair, discord, frustration, agitation, irritation, etc. The second
noble truth states that the cause of dukkha is desire or craving. In various
texts this cause is further explained as being threefold greed, hatred,
and delusion. Again, on other occasions the Buddha divided the cause of
suffering into five components sensual lust, anger, sloth or torpor, agitation or worry, and doubt. On still other occasions he listed ten causes of
dukkha belief that oneself is an unchanging entity; scepticism; belief in
salvation through rites, rules and ceremonies; sensual lust; hatred; craving for fine-material existence; craving for immaterial existence; conceit;
restlessness; and ignorance. The Third Noble Truth states that dukkha
can be overcome, and the Fourth Truth prescribes the means by which
this is achieved.
Thus, with the Fourth Noble Truth, Buddhism becomes a technique,
a discipline, a way of life designed to free people from sorrow and improve
the nature of human existence. This aspect of the Dhamma is called the
Noble Eightfold Path, and includes moral teachings, self-discipline, development of wisdom and understanding, and improvement of ones environment on both a personal and social level. These have been dealt with
in previous writings and for the sake of brevity will not be repeated here.
Suffice it to remind the reader that this essay is concerned with only one
aspect of Buddhism, the practice of meditation. The ethical, practical, and
logical facets of the Teaching are covered in other publications.
If the cause of suffering is primarily psychological, then it must follow that the cure, also, is psychological. Therefore, we find in Buddhism
a series of mental exercises or meditations designed to uncover and cure
our psychic aberrations.
Mistakenly, Buddhist meditation is frequently confused with yogic
meditation, which often includes physical contortions, autohypnosis,
quests for occult powers, and an attempted union with God. None of
these are concerns or practices of the Eightfold Path. There are in Buddhism no drugs or stimulants, no secret teachings, and no mystical formulae. Buddhist meditation deals exclusively with the everyday phenomena of human consciousness. In the words of the Venerable Nyanaponika
Thera, a renowned Buddhist scholar and monk:
In its spirit of self-reliance, Satipatthana does not require any
elaborate technique or external devices. The daily life is its
working material. It has nothing to do with any exotic cults or
rites nor does it confer initiations or esoteric knowledge in
Non-attachment is freedom from craving and freedom from infatuation for sensual experience. It is not a state of chronic apathy nor a denial
of sense perception existence. Rather it is psychological liberation from
our enslaving passions and our addictions to sensual and emotional pleasures. Thus non-attachment is akin to freedom, equanimity, and serenity.
Insight is a word with two meanings both of which are sought in Buddhist meditation. In its classical Buddhist usage insight (vipassana) means
full awareness of the three characteristics of existence, i.e., impermanence,
suffering (dukkha), and impersonality. Otherwise stated, this means full
realization of the fact that all things in the universe are temporary and
changing; the human psyche is no exception and thus is not an immortal soul; and as a consequence suffering is always inevitable, for no state
of mind, pleasant or unpleasant, can endure forever. The word awareness is italicized here to distinguish it from mere conceptual knowledge,
which is usually insufficient to have lasting effect upon ones feelings and
In its psychiatric usage insight means gaining awareness of those
feelings, motives, and values which have previously been unconscious.
Repressed feelings of guilt, fear, lust, and hatred may lurk in the hidden
recesses of our minds and unconsciously shape our lives until such time
as they are brought into awareness. And unless they are brought into
awareness, we cannot effectively deal with them. In Buddhism this version of insight is included under the heading of mindfulness and will be
discussed later.
Concentration involves the ability to keep ones attention firmly fixed
on a given subject for protracted periods of time, thus overcoming the
minds usual discursive habit of flitting from subject to subject. As we shall
see, concentration is one of the earliest goals of Buddhist meditation.
its fascination for sensory experience can it readily become aware of the
unconscious feelings and motivations which shape our thoughts, speech,
and behavior. Furthermore, only with detached objectivity and its ensuing insights can we readily confront and renounce unwholesome feelings.
On the other hand, we do not achieve complete calmness and detachment so long as we harbor unwholesome feelings and unconscious emotional conflicts. Thus the process is reciprocal: the more we quiet the
mind, the more we gain insight and relinquishment of undesirable feelings. The more we relinquish such feelings and resolve emotional conflicts,
the more we quiet the mind and approach perfect calmness, detachment,
and objectivity.
The obscuring of unconscious feelings by preoccupation with thoughts
and actions is demonstrated in a variety of neurotic symptoms. Most
characteristic are obsessive compulsive reactions; these occur in persons
who are desperately trying to repress overpowering impulses of fear, anger,
lust, or guilt. In order to achieve this repression they divert nearly all their
attention to some repetitious mental or physical activity, which is conducted in a compulsive, ritualistic manner. If prevented from performing
their defensive rituals, they often become acutely anxious and even panic
as their unconscious feelings begin to come into awareness. Less severe
examples of the same defensive phenomena are seen in persons who are
chronically anxious and are continuously focusing their worries on minor
concerns of exaggerated importance such as unpaid bills, social commitments, and alleged physical ills. They, too, rarely relax and are forever busy
with petty chores.
These neurotic symptoms are strikingly similar to an increasingly
common way of life in Western society. Our ever-expanding populations
with their accompanying advertising, mass entertainment, socializing,
industrialization, and emphasis upon success, sensuality, and popularity
have produced an environment in which we are forever bombarded with
an increasing number of sensory and emotional stimuli. The opportunities for solitude and introspection have diminished to the point that now
solitude is often viewed as either depressing or abnormal. This is not to
assert that the majority of our citizens are involved in a frantic endeavor
to escape from their inner selves. Such is no doubt the case with many,
but there still remains a sizeable percentage of people who are involved in
the same frenzy only because they have conformed to the social norm and
have been lured into a habitual fascination for television, jazz, sports, and
the countless other forms of readily-available entertainment. Such persons are not necessarily precluded from relative happiness and emotional
The point to be made, however, is that the conditions of modern living are such as to pose several obstacles to successful meditation. These
are threefold: psychological, material, and social. These same obstacles
are present to a lesser degree in traditionally Buddhist cultures and must
be considered before discussing meditation itself.
Psychological Obstacles
In every Buddhist country only a minority of devotees undertake regular practice. The decision to meditate rests with each individual. Many
wait until their later years when moral development has progressed and
family obligations have been fulfilled. On the other hand, meditation
. Samyutta Nikaya, 47:21.
Material Considerations
Seclusion and isolation from noise are important considerations, especially for beginners. In an urban environment complete seclusion is rarely
possible, but even relative seclusion is of value. How this is achieved must
be determined by the practitioners individual opportunities and circumstances. The time and duration of meditation will also vary with individual situations. Ideally one should choose a time when ones mind is alert.
Fifteen to forty-five minutes is recommended for lay beginners, and many
persons are of the opinion that it should be at the same time each day,
preferably in the early morning. A good nights sleep and moderation in
eating are valuable, but one should avoid an excess of fasting and sleep.
The preferred posture in both Asia and the West is the lotus posture
or similar positions of sitting on the ground with legs folded. A cushion
or other padding is desirable for comfort. These positions furnish maximum physical stability without the need of a back rest or other devices
and are especially suitable if one intends to remain alert and motionless
for protracted periods of time. However, many Occidentals are unaccustomed to this posture and are thus unable to assume it or can do so only
with discomfort. With practice this difficulty is usually overcome; otherwise one can meditate seated on a chair. The eyes either can be closed or
resting on some neutral object such as a blank place on the ground or a
simple geometric shape at a distance of three or four feet.
Social Factors
. An Experiment in Mindfulness, p. 8.
Individual Variations
a lifetime with nearly every available moment dedicated to meditative seclusion is not supported by the recorded teachings of the Buddha
nor the accounts of the daily activities of the Buddha and his followers.
Nor is this the case with Theravada monks today, except during temporary periods of intensive training. As with all other aspects of meditation, the amount of time must be varied according to individual needs
and circumstances.
One final point must be made before proceeding to the techniques
of meditation. It is simply this: Meditation requires patience, persistence,
and effort. For one who practices less than several hours a day, lasting and
notable progress can only be achieved by months, if not years, of endeavor.
There are no short cuts or magical formulae. Consequently, the aspiring
practitioner should not expect quick results and before starting should
decide if he sincerely intends to put forth the necessary time and effort.
A decision not to meditate, however, in no way precludes one from progressing towards the same goals of insight, non-attachment, concentration, etc. Their full realization requires formal meditation practice, but
relative success may be acquired at a slower pace through cultivation of
ones moral and intellectual faculties.10
he seventh step of the Noble Eightfold Path is termed right mindfulness, also called the four foundations of mindfulness and Satipatthana. The three terms are synonymous and encompass not only the
most important aspects of Theravada meditation but also one of the most
unique and important features of all Buddhism. A full explanation of
mindfulness or Satipatthana is given in the Satipatthana Sutta, which
appears twice in the Pali Canon. The Buddha begins the discourse as
This is the only way, monks, for the purification of beings, for
the overcoming of sorrow and lamentation, for the destruction of suffering and grief, for reaching the right path, for
10. Buddhism as a Way of Life, by Douglas M. Burns. San Carlos, California: NeoDhamma, 1964.
Mindfulness of Breathing
and therefore the beginner should start his practice by focusing his attention on some quiet, readily available, rhythmic process. Respiratory
movements are ideal for this purpose. Thus the first exercise of the sutta
Herein, monks, a monk having gone to the forest, to the foot of
a tree, or to an empty place, sits down cross-legged, keeps his
body erect and his mindfulness alert. Just mindful he breathes
in and mindful he breathes out. Breathing in a long breath, he
knows I breathe in a long breath; breathing out a long breath,
he knows I breathe out a long breath; breathing in a short
breath, he knows I breathe in a short breath; breathing out
a short breath, he knows I breathe out a short breath. Conscious of the whole (breath-) body, I shall breathe in, thus he
trains himself. Conscious of the whole (breath-) body, I shall
breathe out, thus he trains himself. Calming the bodily function (of breathing), I shall breathe in, thus he trains himself.
Calming the bodily function (of breathing), I shall breathe
out, thus he trains himself. As a skillful turner or his apprentice, making a long turn, knows I am making a long turn, or
making a short turn, knows I am making a short turn, just
so the monk breathing in a long breath, knows I breathe in a
long breath; breathing out a long breath, he knows I breathe
out a long breath.
The practitioner endeavors to keep his mind focused only on the act of
breathing itself and not to think about breathing as a subject of intellectual contemplation. In other words, one attempts to give full attention to
the reality of immediate experience and not become involved in speculations or contemplations about reality.
The theory is quite simple but the practice most difficult. In a typical
case, at the beginning of his meditation the novice directs his attention
solely to the process of breathing. Then after a few seconds, he inadvertently begins to think, So far I am doing all right. My mind hasnt strayed
from its subject. But at this very moment he has strayed from his subject.
For now he is not concentrating but thinking about concentrating. If he
does not catch himself (and he probably will not), the stream of consciousness will proceed something as follows: My mind hasnt strayed from its
subject. Im doing better than yesterday. I wonder why? Maybe its because
Ive finished all of my letter writing. I wonder if Marvin will answer the
letter I sent him? He hasnt Oh, Oh! Ive gotten off the subject. Id better get back to it. But Im not really back; Im just thinking about it. I
wonder how long it will take me And so on it goes, day after day, week
after week until the practitioner begins to wonder if he is not seeking the
impossible. Yet the fact remains that many thousands living today have
achieved this degree of concentration. With little short of amazement,
the Western novice reads the Venerable Nyanaponika Theras remarks
concerning Burmese Satipatthana training: Three to four hours of continuous mindfulness, i.e., without unnoticed breaks, are regarded as the
minimum for a beginner undergoing a course of strict practice.15
The most widely practiced form of the breathing meditation is focusing attention at the nostrils where one feels the faint pressure of the ebb
and flow of the breath. This technique is not mentioned in any of the
recorded teachings of the Buddha or his disciples but has been popular
at least since the time of Buddhaghosa in the fifth century A.D. In the
words of Buddhaghosa:
This is the simile of the gate-keeper: just as a gate-keeper does
not examine people inside and outside the town, asking Who
are you? Where have you come from? Where are you going?
What have you got in your hand? for those people are not
his concern , but does examine each man as he arrives at
the gate, so too, the incoming breaths that have gone inside
and the outgoing breaths that have gone outside are not this
monks concern, but they are his concern each time they arrive
at the (nostril) gate itself.16
And again, in the simile of the saw, the woodcutters attention is focused
only at the point of contact between the saw and the wood:
As the saws teeth, so the in-breaths and out-breaths. As the
15. Heart of Buddhist Meditation, p. 98.
16. Visuddhimagga, VIII, 200.
further quiet the mind. There is, however, no attempt to stop respiration
as in certain yogic practices:
When his gross in-breaths and out-breaths have ceased, his
consciousness occurs with the sign of the subtle in-breaths and
out-breaths as its object. And when that has ceased, it goes
on occurring with the successively subtler signs as its object.
How? Suppose a man struck a bronze bell with a big iron bar
and at once a loud sound arose, his consciousness would occur
with the gross sound as its object; then, when the gross sound
had ceased, it would occur afterwards with the sign of the subtle sound as its object; and when that had ceased, it would go
on occurring with the sign of the successively subtler sound as
its object.20
It was a Burmese meditation teacher, Venerable U Narada (Mingun Sayadaw), who in the early part of this century, stressed the application of
mindfulness of breathing as a means of cultivating direct awareness. It
was he who gave the first strong impetus to the revival of Satipatthana
meditation in contemporary Burma. He passed away in 1955 at the age of
87 and is said by many to have realized Nibbana.
A variation of the breathing meditation was developed by another
Burmese monk, the Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw, who was a pupil of the
Venerable U Narada. His technique involves focusing attention upon
the respiratory movements of the abdomen instead of the sensation at
the nostrils. This system has become popular in several parts of southern Asia. A revived interest in meditation has developed in that section
of the world, especially in Burma, where numerous training centers have
been established, and thousands of monks and lay people have received
During meditation, when the practitioner finds that his mind has
strayed from its subject, there should be no attempt to suppress or forcibly remove the extraneous thoughts. Rather he should briefly take mental
note of them and objectively label them with some appropriate term. This
20. Ibid., VIII, 206-7.
21. The Heart of Buddhist Meditation, pp. 85-86.
may be done by thinking to himself planning, remembering, imagining, etc., as the case may be. Then he should return to his original meditation subject. However, if after several tries the unwanted thoughts persist, he should temporarily take the thoughts themselves as the meditation
subject. In so doing their intensity will diminish, and he can then return
to his original subject. This same technique can be used for distracting noises. It can also be used for feelings of anger or frustration, which
may develop as the result of unwanted thoughts or distractions. In these
instances the meditator should think to himself noise, or irritation.22
As the mind becomes quiet and verbal thinking begins to diminish,
other stimuli come into awareness. Among these are sensations, such as
itches and minor pains, which are always present but go unnoticed because
attention is directed elsewhere. The same may occur with emotions such
as worry or fear, and these we shall discuss in detail later. Pictures or visual scenes may arise and are often so vivid as to be termed visions or hallucinations. They often have the appearance of dreams or distant memories and differ from thoughts in that the meditator usually finds himself a
passive spectator not knowing when such scenes will arise or what forms
they will take. The meditator should first attempt to ignore these sensations, feelings, and pictures. This failing, he should label them itching,
fear, picture, etc., and lastly make them his meditation subject until
they diminish.23
To be successful, meditation should not be an unpleasant experience.
Strain and tension should be minimized. Therefore, if the practitioner
finds himself becoming tense, irritable, or fatigued during meditation,
he may wish to terminate the practice until he acquires a better state of
bile, phlegm, pus, blood, sweat, fat, tears, grease, saliva, nasal
mucus, synovial fluid, urine.
Just as if there were a double-mouthed provision bag full
of various kinds of grain such as hill paddy, paddy, green gram,
cow-peas, sesamum, and husked rice, and a man with sound
eyes, having opened that bag, were to take stock of the contents thus: This is hill paddy, this is paddy, this is green gram,
this is cow-pea, this is sesamum, this is husked rice. Just so,
monks, a monk reflects on this very body, enveloped by the
skin and full of manifold impurity, from the soles up, and from
the top of the head hair down, thinking thus: There are in
this body hair of the head, hair of the body, nails, teeth, skin,
flesh, sinews, bones, marrow, kidney, heart, liver, diaphragm,
spleen, lungs, intestines, mesentery, gorge, feces, bile, phlegm,
pus, blood, sweat, fat, tears, grease, saliva, nasal mucus, synovial fluid, urine.
And further, monks, a monk reflects on this very body however it be placed or disposed, by way of the material elements:
There are in this body the element of earth, the element of
water, the element of fire (caloricity), the element of air.
Just as if, monks, a clever cow-butcher or his apprentice,
having slaughtered a cow and divided it into portions, should
be sitting at the junction of four high roads, in the same way, a
monk reflects on this very body, as it is placed or disposed, by
way of the material elements: There are in this body the elements of earth, water, fire and air.
This last paragraph is explained in the Visuddhimagga:
Just as the butcher, while feeding the cow, bringing it to the
shambles, keeping it tied up after bringing it there, slaughtering it, and seeing it slaughtered and dead, does not lose the perception cow so long as he has not carved it up and divided it
into parts; but when he has divided it up and is sitting there he
loses the perception cow and the perception meat occurs;
he does not think I am selling cow or They are carrying cow
in other sections of the Pali scriptures for the purpose of freeing the practitioner from undue cravings for food:
When a monk devotes himself to this perception of repulsiveness in nutriment, his mind retreats, retracts and recoils from
craving for flavors. He nourishes himself with nutriment without vanity27
While these meditations are intended to eliminate passion and craving
they carry the risk of making one morbid and depressed. Therefore the
Buddha recommended:
If in the contemplation of the body, bodily agitation, or mental
lassitude or distraction should arise in the meditator, then he
should turn his mind to a gladdening subject. Having done so,
joy will arise in him.28
A cartoon in an American medical magazine shows four senior medical students standing together. Three are engaged in active conversation.
Only the remaining one turns his head to take notice of a pretty nurse.
The caption beneath the cartoon reads: Guess which one has not done
twelve pelvic examinations today. It is doubtful that many persons outside of the medical profession will appreciate the meaning, but to medical students and interns it speaks a reality. During his months of training
in obstetrics and gynecology the medical trainee must spend many hours
engaged in examining and handling the most repulsive aspects of female
genitals. As a result he finds the female body becoming less attractive and
his sexual urges diminishing. During my own years as a medical student
and intern, this observation was repeatedly confirmed by the comments
of my co-workers, both married and single. As we have seen, the same
principle is utilized in the sections of the Discourse on repulsiveness and
the cemetery meditations.
Other aspects of scientific and medical training can produce results
similar to those sought in the latter three body meditations. Chemistry,
biochemistry, and histology foster an objective way of viewing the body
27. Ibid., XI, 26.
28. Samyutta Nikaya, 47:10.
Discursive Meditations
limited use of technical jargon and theoretical concepts. He asks questions often but answers few. This same technique is employed in Burmese and Zen meditation centers. The student is discouraged from making philosophical inquiries and is told: Pursue your meditation, and soon
you will see.35
You may, Ananda, also keep in mind this marvellous and wonderful quality of the Tathagata (the Buddha): knowingly arise
feelings in the Tathagata, knowingly they continue, knowingly
they cease; knowingly arise perceptions in the Tathagata, knowingly they continue, knowingly they cease; knowingly arise
thoughts in the Tathagata, knowingly they continue, knowingly they cease. This, Ananda, you may also keep in mind as a
marvellous and wonderful quality of the Tathagata.36
In his earlier years Sigmund Freud experimented with hypnosis. He found
it a useful tool in revealing unconscious feelings and conflicts to the therapist, but it was of little value to the patient. The reason was that hypnotic
trance precluded the patient from consciously confronting and resolving
his problems. Therefore, Freud abandoned hypnosis in preference to the
now standard procedures of psychiatry and psycho-analysis. These same
findings and conclusions have often been repeated by later researchers
and clinicians. Similarly, the Buddha rejected the use of trance states so
common in yogic practice and developed a means by which people can
acquire insight without the aid of a therapist or psychedelic drugs. Two
approaches are employed.
The easier approach to insight is one which both monks and laymen
can use regardless of meditative development. It consists in developing the
habit of reflecting on ones feelings from time to time and detecting the
motives which produce seemingly spontaneous words and deeds. Why
did I say that? Why am I tense when I meet so and so? I find myself
disliking such and such a character in this novel. Why is that? Of whom
does he remind me?
For those who have progressed in the breathing meditation or made
35. An Experiment in Mindfulness.
36. Majjhima Nikaya, 123.
and lasting, and that, not subject to any change, will eternally
remain the same. If there existed such an ego that is permanent, enduring and lasting, and not subject to any change, then
the holy life leading to the complete extinction of suffering will
not be possible.41
Better it would be to consider the body as the ego rather
than the mind. And why? Because this body may last for ten,
twenty, thirty, forty or fifty years, even for a hundred years and
more. But that which is called mind, consciousness, thinking,
arises continuously, during day and night, as one thing, and as
something different again it vanishes.42
Such statements, however, are merely philosophical arguments through
which one may intellectually accept this fact. Only by experiencing it as a
living reality and by an impartial analysis of the self do we relinquish egotism. Thus in the Satipatthana Sutta, after each of the six body meditations and after each of the meditations on feeling, consciousness, and mental objects, the following passage occurs. (Quoted here is the section on
feelings. The words body, consciousness, and mental objects are substituted for the word feelings in their respective sections of the sutta.)
Thus he lives contemplating feelings in himself, or he lives contemplating feelings in other persons, or he lives contemplating
feelings both in himself and in others. He lives contemplating
origination-factors in feelings, or he lives contemplating dissolution-factors in feelings, or he lives contemplating origination-and-dissolution factors in feelings. Or his mindfulness
is established with the thought, Feeling exists, to the extent
necessary just for knowledge and mindfulness, and he lives
independent, and clings to nothing in the world. Thus, monks,
a monk lives contemplating feelings.
In the instance of anger, one would reflect: This is anger. It is a feeling. I do not identify with it. It will eventually be replaced by
another feeling, which in turn will be replaced by still another. I am
41. Ibid., 22:96.
42. Ibid., 12:61.
Supernormal powers are the supernormal powers of the ordinary man. They are hard to maintain, like a prone infant or
like a baby hare, and the slightest thing breaks them. But they
are an impediment for insight, not for concentration, since
they are obtainable through concentration. So the supernormal powers are an impediment that should be severed by one
who seeks insight.53
phenomena of conscious experience, and thus its meditations are psychologically oriented. Hinduism, on the other hand, is mystically, religiously,
and metaphysically inclined. Yogic meditation, therefore, has devotional
aspects often including prayer. While Buddhism emphasizes motivations
and insight, Hinduism speaks of Infinite Consciousness, Cosmic Reality,
and oneness with God. To the Hindu, freedom from hatred is not so
much an end in itself as it is a step towards Immortality. The following
typifies Hindu writings:
Retire into a solitary room. Close your eyes. Have deep silent
meditation. Feel his (Gods) presence. Repeat His name OM
with fervor, joy and love. Fill your heart with love. Destroy the
Sankalpas, thoughts, whims, fancies, and desires when they
arise from the surface of the mind. Withdraw the wandering
mind and fix it upon the Lord. Now, Nishta, meditation will
become deep and intense. Do not open your eyes. Do not stir
from your seat. Merge in Him. Dive deep into the innermost
recesses of the heart. Plunge into the shining Atma (Soul)
within. Drink the nectar of Immortality. Enjoy the silence now.
I shall leave you there alone. Nectars son, Rejoice, Rejoice!
Peace, Peace! Silence, Silence! Glory, Glory!55
Another important difference concerns the visions that occur during
meditation. The Buddhist regards these as psychological phenomena to
be dealt with in the same way as distracting thoughts. The Hindu often
interprets them as psychic experiences indicative of spiritual development.
In the words of Swami Sivananda:
Sometimes Devatas (gods), Rishis (sages), Nitya Siddhas will
appear in meditation. Receive them with honor. Bow to them.
Get advice from them. They appear before you to help and
give you encouragement.56
A few passages in the Tao-Te-Ching suggest that the Chinese mystics discovered meditation independently of Buddhist and Hindu traditions:
55. Concentration and Meditation, by Swami Sivananda. Himalayas, India: Yoga
Vedanta Forest Academy, 1959, p. 314.
56. Ibid., p. 171.
Can you govern your animal soul, hold to the One and never depart
from it?
Can you throttle your breath, down to the softness of breath in a
Can you purify your mystic vision and wash it until it is spotless?
Stop your senses,
Close the doors;
Let sharp things be blunted,
Tangles resolved,
The light tempered
And turmoil subdued;
For this is mystic unity
In which the Wise Man is moved
Neither by affection
Nor yet by estrangement
Or profit or loss
Or honor or shame.
Accordingly, by all the world,
He is held highest. (v. 56)
To know that you are ignorant is best;
To know what you do not, is a disease;
But if you recognize the malady
Of mind for what it is, then that is health.
The Wise Man has indeed a healthy mind;
He sees an aberration as it is
And for that reason never will
be ill. (v. 71)57
The exact nature of early Taoist meditation will probably remain unknown,
since later Taoism has intermingled with Mahayana Buddhism.
Mahayana Buddhist meditations include all the above mentioned
57. The Way of Life: Tao-Te-Ching. Translation by R.B. Blakney. New York: The New
American Library, 1955.
Theravada practices plus others. The division of Mahayana into numerous and varied sects precludes any general statement about its practices. In some forms it bears similarities to Hinduism by virtue of devotional emphasis and prayer. In other schools this similarity is seen in the
Mahayana concepts of Universal Mind, the Void, and Buddha Nature,
which sometimes take precedence over the Theravada concerns of greed,
hatred, and delusion. The curing of physical illness and the flow of spiritual forces through the body are other features of certain Mahayana
Vibrations (during meditation) show the free passage of the
vital principle. As it passes through the stomach and intestines,
it vibrates when the belly is empty. But when the belly is full,
it ceases to vibrate. The breath reaches the lower belly more
easily when the latter is full. Vibrations are not accidental but
come from the vital principle circulating in the belly. As time
passes, when your meditation is more effective and the vital
principle flows freely, then these vibrations will cease.58
Of all the Mahayana schools, Zen places the greatest emphasis upon meditation. Zen practice is much like Theravada. It focuses on quieting the
mind and shuns conceptual thinking in preference to direct experience.
The postures are also similar, and the initial Zen practice usually involves
attention to breathing. It does not include as wide a variety of different
techniques. Zen places greater emphasis on the details of correct posture
and, especially in the Soto school, contrasts with Theravada by preferring
group meditation to individual practice. In order to cultivate a suitable
state of mind, Zen meditation is often followed by chanting and gongs.
Perhaps the most significant difference is that, as compared to Theravada, Zen makes little mention of the need and means of dealing with
motives, feelings, and emotions. It lays great emphasis upon freeing oneself from intellectualizing and conceptualizing in ones quest of the Ultimate. But at the same time it offers scant advice on the means by which
one overcomes unwholesome impulses or confronts mental hindrances
that are emotional or motivational in origin.
58. The Secrets of Chinese Meditation, by Charles Luk. London: Rider & Co., 1964, p. 187.
He replied:
It is a state of mind, brethren, that is firmly grounded in the
four foundations of mindfulness; and due to that, painful bodily sensations cannot perturb my mind.59
Throughout Buddhist history, there have been numerous other testimonies as to the benefits of Satipatthana. Yet personal testimonies and case
histories are subjective and prone to distortion. The reader may well wonder what, if any, scientific studies have been conducted. To date there are
two areas of investigation which have given some evidence as to the benefits of meditation.
Sensory Deprivation
Electroencephalographic Analysis of
n 1963 a fascinating and unique report on Zen meditation was presented by Dr. Akira Kasamatsu and Dr. Tomio Hirai of the Department of Neuro-Psychiatry, Tokyo University. It contained the results of a
ten-year study of the brain wave or electroencephalographic (EEG) tracings of Zen masters.66,67
The EEG tracings revealed that about ninety seconds after an accomplished Zen practitioner begins meditation, a rhythmic slowing in the
brain wave pattern known as alpha waves occurs. This slowing occurs
with eyes open and progresses with meditation, and after thirty minutes
one finds rhythmic alpha waves of seven or eight per second. This effect
persists for some minutes after meditation. What is most significant is
that this EEG pattern is notably different from those of sleep, normal
waking consciousness, and hypnotic trance, and is unusual in persons
who have not made considerable progress in meditation. In other words,
it suggests an unusual mental state; though from the subjective reports
of the practitioners, it does not appear to be a unique or highly unusual
conscious experience. It was also found that a Zen masters evaluation of
the amount of progress another practitioner had made correlated directly
with the latters EEG changes.
Another finding of the same study concerned what is called alpha
blocking and habituation. To understand these phenomena let us imagine
In the Sumbha country in the town of Sedaka the Buddha once said:
I shall protect myself, in that way the foundations of mindfulness should be practiced. I shall protect others, in that
way the foundations of mindfulness should be practiced. Protecting oneself one protects others; protecting others one protects oneself. And how does one, in protecting oneself, protect
others? By the repeated and frequent practice of meditation.
And how does one, in protecting others, protect oneself? By
patience and forbearance, by a non-violent and harmless life,
by loving-kindness and compassion. I shall protect myself, in
that way the foundations of mindfulness should be practiced.
I shall protect others, in that way the foundations of mindfulness should be practiced. Protecting oneself, one protects
others; protecting others, one protects oneself.68
Some Observations and Suggestions for Insight Meditation
One thing do I teach: suffering (i.e., dukkha) and the end of suffering.
Thus if one has truly progressed, we would expect that where previously
sad and depressed, one is now less so; where previously selfish, one is now
more giving; where previously defensive, secretive, and guarded, one is
now more open and self-assured. Worry and anxiety should be reduced.
Objective humility should replace conceit. Instead of recurrent thoughts
of anger and getting even one is more forgiving and at peace with the
world. It is felt that such attainments have been observed, occurring as
the result of properly directed Buddhist practice.
Again with reference to the Four Noble Truths, it is craving or desire
which causes our unhappiness and produces our mental defilements.
Thus only by attacking the problems of craving, wanting, and desiring
can progress be made. I speak now not so much of the crude and obvious desires such as hunger and sex but of the more subtle ones of egotism,
emotional dependency, and desires for possession. One may fast for two
weeks and yet never once look at the fact that the real reason for fasting is
to feed ones ego to be better, more disciplined, more pious than ones
fellow practitioners. Or one may work diligently attempting to win the
approval, confidence, and affection of a stern and aloof teacher and never
once realize that one is attempting to compensate for the frustration and
lack of love from a stern and aloof parent. To really break through these
hang ups one must focus attention, not on the sensation of breath at the
nostrils, but instead focus on the agonizing feelings of inadequacy, mediocrity, loneliness, or rejection in ones heart.
When asked What have you gained from meditation? the correct
answer should be nothing. For meditation is not for acquiring but for
giving up a full and complete giving up of the self. Too often people
put in a half-hour each day at meditation in the same way that they put
in a half-hour studying French. After so many months or years one has
a new attribute, a new skill to add to ones already impressive repertoire
of virtues, achievements, talents, and abilities. I can speak French, play
the piano, ski, type sixty words a minute, and meditate as well. Such a
person is either compensating for strong feelings of inadequacy or else is
badly afflicted with narcissism.
Another way in which meditation becomes misdirected, as a result of
the very motives which determined it, is the quest for new sensations or
experiences, i.e., lobha. Many seek from meditation the very same thing
they seek from drugs i.e., an overwhelming ego-immersing experience
of sensations, perceptions, colors, emotions, and transcendental states
beyond words.
It is not meant to belittle such experiences and say that they have no
significance or no value. But as with taking LSD or seeing a good motion
picture, they quickly pass into memories. And once past, in a very short
time ones old mood changes, petty jealousies, conceits, and irritations are
back just as strong and as frequent as ever. If there has been no true and
lasting personality change, then Buddhist meditation has fallen short of
its intended goal.
At the opposite extreme are persons whose approaches to Buddhism
are excessively dogmatic, literal, orthodox, and moralistic. They strongly
resist a pragmatic, eclectic approach to meditation and are hyper-concerned with the nuances and fine points of Buddhist tradition and decorum. From these sources one repeatedly hears such statements as, To
progress at meditation there must be strict moral discipline, or You cannot expect fast results but must work for years. Now there is truth in both
these statements. But in this context they are really symptoms of extreme
rigidity and dogmatism, which in principle is no different than the dogmatism of many Christian missionaries or other persons doggedly committed to a given institution. Ones commitment to the tradition and to
the letter of the teaching is so strong that one is incapable of truly practicing that very same teaching which advises one to have no prejudices and
to see truth as universal and independent of any institution. I feel that
this unfortunate phenomenon accounts for several instances of very diligent and dedicated meditation practitioners who, despite years of intensive practice, reveal little more than chronic, mild depression mixed with
plodding determination.
The theme of guilt and self-punishment is one factor (though not the
only one) which tends to perpetuate the phenomenon of diligent striving with minimal results. It usually begins with one taking a highly idealistic, moralistic, and sometimes devotional approach to Dhamma. One
tries for one-pointed concentration and complete suppression of men50
tal defilements. One fails and tries again; fails and tries again. Blaming
oneself for ones failure one comes to feel guilty and tries even harder,
again failing. With this the austerity of ones practice comes to take on a
self-punitive nature. Angry with oneself, one becomes more severe with
For those who have some insight into their dilemma, there may be the
added problem of feeling guilty about feeling guilty or becoming irritated
that one gets irritated. But insight is also the first step to resolution. The
second step is to back off and relax a bit. As the Buddha said, the guitar
string once too slack has now been wound too tight, and to produce harmony the tension must be relieved. For idealistic, moralistic personalities,
letting go and relaxing are the very things that intensify ones guilt. Yet in
principle this is much like what the Buddha did when he renounced austere asceticism and took up the middle way. The practitioner must stand
back and re-appraise his whole involvement in Buddhism and examine
the matter fully without fearing the consequences of his decision.
In evaluating progress at meditation it is important to distinguish
between true Buddhist attainment and adaptation. Any human being (or
for that matter almost any biological organism) when placed in a new
situation goes through the process of adjusting, adapting, and growing
accustomed. This is true of human life in general, and it is true of a man
who takes the robes of a Buddhist monk. With the passage of time he
grows to accept his role, to acclimatize, and to learn to work the system;
he may become contented and happy by virtue of duration and age alone.
This process of adaptation is especially relevant in the case of intensive
meditation practice where one may spend weeks or months confined to
a small room, leaving that room only for brief meetings and instructions
from the meditation master. In such situations the practitioner may get
extreme feelings of peace and happiness, of clarity and alertness of mind
such as never before seen, and also he may glimpse what appear to be transcendental states. (However, moments of depression, agitation, sobbing,
etc., are also common, depending on the person.) Many who have completed such training have come away greatly impressed and highly praising this technique. However, it appears that all of these impressive subjective experiences vanish as soon as one comes out of cloistered isolation,
and then, much like a drug experience, they remain only as memories.
Moreover, many people who have finished the course appear to manifest
the same selfishness and general human shortcomings as found in human
beings picked at random. In addition, there is a hazard in that some graduates have revealed extreme pride relative to their attainment.
From this it should not be assumed that there is nothing to be gained
from such intensive training. On the contrary, I have frequently suggested
it to persons seeking competent meditation instruction. However, I do feel
that the empirical evidence shows that for many if not most people this
technique alone is insufficient. And the very facts of the Eightfold Path
and the Buddhist scriptures in general support this thesis. Thus it would
be wise to resolve ones mundane problems of social adjustment and other
emotional conflicts before attempting more specialized practices.
Quite often a cloister which protects one from all forms of insults,
humiliation, irritation, and anxiety may induce a false sense of attainment and lull one into complacency. We can confront and abolish our
mental defilements only when they are actively alive in our minds. We
cannot do this when they are but hazy memories or intellectually created
notions. Consequently many practitioners have found that their progress
is enhanced by having true life situations of social interaction and frustration. On the other hand, an excessive exposure to such interactions
and frustrations may exceed ones ability for alert mindfulness, and one
thereby insidiously becomes involved with the quarrels and fascinations
that breed hatred and sorrow. When living in a cloister where no problems arise, ones defensive reactions and dispositions may lie dormant and
thus remain hidden. But in ordinary lay life, temptations, sensations, and
problems arise so fast that much of the daily routine is little more than
a repeating pattern of perceive, react and solve; perceive, react and solve;
perceive, react and solve; and so on.
Thus for many practitioners the solution lies in a middle way between
these extremes: that is, a situation in which one still has a moderate
exposure to chores, annoyances, and social interactions, but this is interspersed with intervals of quietude and meditation. Such intervals may be
a duration of hours or a duration of weeks depending on individual needs
and circumstances. Thus by maintaining an optimal amount of involve52
ment with social and sensory arousal, such a one does more than just perceive, react and solve. With mindfulness he is able to catch the perception and reaction as it arises. He observes it, scrutinizes it, and evaluates
it. In so doing, it may then be modified, abandoned or developed as seen
fit. He acts with mindfulness instead of on habit or reflex, and thus new
responses and solutions may be learned. If (as some psychologists have
claimed) ones personality is the sum total of ones perceptions, responses
and reactions, then in this way the growth and development of the personality is possible.
The optimum proportion of time that one should spend in isolated
meditation as contrasted with the time spent in more mundane pursuits
will vary among different individuals. It will also vary according to the
method of practice and with different times and stages of development
for a given individual.
I state these above conclusions not only from a theoretical position and
not just because they seem to be revealed in the life pattern of the Buddha
and his disciples as portrayed in the suttas. My own limited observations
of persons who appear to have progressed at Buddhist practice also fits
this conclusion.
It is against such a background of observations and considerations
that I have reviewed my own earlier writing on meditation. In essence
these words still appear to be sound, and there are no statements that
I would see fit to repudiate. However, I feel one point needs to be more
strongly emphasized, and that is that a regular daily practice of meditation
alone will not be likely to show results unless one is willing to thoroughly
scrutinize his or her entire pattern of living and be prepared to revise or
abandon this lifestyle if so indicated. In the same way one who undertakes Buddhist training as either a monk or layman would do well not
to set a time limit and should not commit himself too strongly to future
plans (such as I will finish my university training or I will return to my
homeland to teach the Dhamma). For such a one has already decided
beforehand just what he will become and thereby has limited the amount
of change that he will allow himself to make.
Also (and partly as a result of Buddhaghosas writings, i.e., the Visuddhimagga) I think I have emphasized too strongly the amount of breath53
retard progress.
A general rule of practice which many practitioners have used to
advantage is as follows: One starts practice by attempting to quiet and
concentrate the mind. But after some minutes of finding that the mind
repeatedly wanders from its intended object, the practitioner then stands
back as it were and asks: Just what is my present state of mind at this
instant? What is it that makes my attention wander from its intended
object? This then is analyzed and confronted. In principle this is much
like another useful technique which is: One does not choose any given
meditation subject but instead simply sits and takes note: What is my
mental state now? What gross feelings? What subtle feelings? What
memories and expectations? What intentions or desires? In actual practice this is done not in the form of verbal thoughts, as expressed in the
preceding sentences, but rather as a state of watchful observation with
few if any word thoughts present. Quite often at such times one finds a
subtle mental defilement which must be examined and discarded. That is
the idea: Now I am meditating and want to have something to show for
it. I want something to happen. Or it may be: I want to confront and
overcome my anger, but now that Im looking for it, it seems to have gone,
and with this arises a feeling of frustration. Herein one has set a goal and
been thwarted. Thus the desiring of this specific goal and its resultant
frustration is the very state of mind that must be dealt with. Successful
meditation requires catching the immediate present.
Finally a note about the attainments in meditation: unless one is very
advanced, one does not expect or aspire to any new or unusual experience
such as are known in ordinary life. Instead the attainments are negative
ones and thus only seen in retrospect. For example, one suddenly reflects:
A year ago I was chronically depressed, unhappy, irritable, defensive. That
rarely happens now. Such and such a thing used to upset me greatly. Now
it happens and I hardly notice.
It may be stating the case too strongly to say that in meditation one
seeks to gain nothing. For there is an increase in happiness and peace of
mind. But when asked, What have you gained from meditation? the
answer would be: It is not what I have gained that is important but rather
what I have diminished, namely, greed, hatred, and delusion.