Minutes 10.19.07
Minutes 10.19.07
Minutes 10.19.07
19 October 2007
11AM, Firstenburg Conference Room
1. Call to Order. Meeting was called to order 11:05 am by Vice President Sterr.
2. Roll Call. All Senators Present.
3. Additions or corrections to agenda. None.
4. Approved Agenda. Moved Bill 17.017 to the end of the meeting. Moved by
Senator Whitling. Seconded by Senator Wiggins. The amended agenda was
5. Approve Minutes. Minutes were approved.
6. Reports.
a. President Announcements –
i. Darren talked about executive training retreat and a challenge
course. They worked on group issues, and participated in a
group football game that was very beneficial.
ii. SGC, or Student Government Council, is the President and Vice
President of all campuses, and the Student Regent. There is an
idea from Notre Dame for holding a T-shirt competition and then
selling the T-shirts for scholarship money.
iii. Student Lobbying – Wsu is creating a new lobby group for more
direct lobbying. This will get more money and support bigger
iv. Book Sharing – Darren is working with Brandon Hunter to work
on a library to keep text books and rent them out to other
students to save everyone money.
v. The DLA position deadline was extended one and a half more
weeks to get more applicants. Issues that we would like to lobby
for include; childcare issues, book costs being lowered, lower
tuition, bookie sales, Pell Grant increased, middle-class squezzed
for too much money for financial aid.
vi. Text Book issue – Resolution 17.020, students get less back for
their books, no used books to buy, not as much Buy-back. We
are contacting the departments and notifying them that they have
until next Thursday to turn their book orders in or we will
publicly identify them to the students.
vii. Bookie is owned by students, however, our 10% of sales goes to
Pullman, which is around $100,000 per year.
viii. Regarding the Recreation Center, Darren is touring faciclities.
Initiative on ballot, raise fees for rec center does no good, state
has to pass 2/3 vote on the November ballot.
ix. Regarding Travel, Darren took a trip to Montana and stopped in
Pullman to talk about lobbying. In Montana, he learned about
the student government ran Childcare system they have. Peter
went to San Diego to view and gather information about Rec
Center Research.
x. Advertising takes as much time as the actual planning.
xi. C-Tran runs every half hour to hour, working on getting another
b. Vice-President Announcements – SGC planning and research, he is
working on a Recreation Center Research Survey, and he has been
working student government events.
c. Executive Staff –
i. Activities Director: Working on movie nights, had one last night
with 30 people, Worked on Promo posters, Next movie night is
November 15th or 16th, Maybe a Friday. Open to anyone,
possibly in the administration building next time. Monday at 5
pm, there is a pumpkin carving and cookie decorating party.
There is a Halloween party next Friday from 9-12am and help is
needed to set up decorations at 5pm. There are still movie tickets
still available, Mocktails at the end of November, Soul Food for
Finals (Bola), Film Festival in March, Center pieces for the
Mobster Ball, and Give-Aways that say “ASWSUV”
ii. Public Relations: Advertising for the Halloween party and all
other events, Poker Tournament, Lobby to get boards on campus
for Advertising.
iii. IT: Website and Share-Drive
iv. Legislative Affairs: N/A
v. Director of Clubs: Contact clubs, information to clubs,
spreadsheets, Forums this week with clubs. Blake has also been
a big help to Mackenzie and Emily Shaw.
d. Committees Announcement –
i. External affairs – Charity project, 10 local ommunity projects.
Senator LaPore is still working on the blanket drive thru next
week until November 1.
ii. Programming – Policy on printing changes, seed money
conclusions, Blake handed out information to all clubs at the
Forum discussing in house printing vs. printing at Kinkos.
iii. Finance – The panic about the budget was covered. We are in
good shape concerning the budget and can safely spend $3,000-
4,000 per meeting and be in good shape for the rest of the year.
Working on a new system with Arlene to show money granted
by the senate and money actually spent until the event date.
iv. Rules and Regulations – Thanks for the help with the pizza feed,
Change by-laws as we need them. Met with Nicole and Darren
Benson to change committees, and drop current committees
because there isn’t charter.
Michelle asked if the campus is open to the whole campus?
There are some changes in the population, are students able to
imput? Tell students that committees exist.
v. Budget- No information at this time.
7. Old Business.
Elections Board – no new nominations, nominations from the floor, people don’t
have to be in attendance. Elliot- 3 people in the board, Rob- one year paid term, Gaya
– move to table Seconded by Wiggins, Passed and tabled until next meeting.
8. New Business.
a. Bill 17.016. Read by Senator Hildebrant, Moved to second reading by
Whitling, seconded by Wiggins. Whitlings asked, “How many people?”
Moved to Call to Question by Senator Whitling seconded by Wiggins, Bill
b. Bill 17.018. Read by Senator Aday, moved to second reading by
Whitling, seconded by Gaya. Sterr moved to amend the bill to read “17th
Senate” Fuller seconded. Sterr moved to add brackets to 17.018.
Motioned by Whitling, seconded by Wiggins. Moved to call to question
by Gaya, seconded by Whitling. Bill passed.
c. Bill 17.019. Read By V.P. Sterr. Gaya moved to second reading. Fuller
seconded. Gaya moved to add $160.00 to section 1. Seconded by
Morgan. Wiggins moved to add brackets. Seconded by Fuller.
Discussion on the issues and narrative of the accident. Wiggins moved to
call to question. Seconded by Fuller.
d. Bill 17.012.
e. By Law Amendment 17.007
f. Nominations of Judicial Board.
9. Announcements.
10. Adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 12:21 pm by Vice President Peter