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BMC Remedy Asset

Management User Guide

BMC Remedy Asset Management version 7.6.04
January 2011

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BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

About this Book
BMC Remedy IT Service Management Suite documents
Chapter 1
Introducing BMC Remedy Asset Management
About BMC Remedy Asset Management
BMC Remedy ITSM usability enhancements
Where to find features and fields that have moved
User interface standards for field labels
Icons used in the interface
Using BMC Remedy Asset Management with other products
Installing and configuring BMC Remedy Asset Management
User roles
Configuration administrator
Contract manager
Financial manager
Purchasing agent
Software asset manager
User scenarios
Calbro Services
BMC Remedy Asset Management user scenarios
Chapter 2
Getting started
About the IT Home Page
Configuring the IT Home Page
Using Global search
Navigating consoles, forms, and modules
Using the Asset Management console
Functional areas of the Asset Management console
Using the functions on the Asset Management console
Using the KPI flashboards
Searching for CIs
Broadcasting a message
Changing datasets


Performing bulk updates

Creating reminders
Modifying your application preferences
Using the Overview console
Functional areas of the Overview console
Console List table
Selecting status values
Role-based consoles
Chapter 3
Working with configuration items
Overview of a CI
CIs and other BMC products
Overview of the CI form
Categorizing CIs
Setting the company and location of a CI
Providing access to a CI for multiple companies
Using a sandbox dataset for CI data
Working with discovered CIs
Creating CIs
Creating a Computer System CI
Creating a Bulk Inventory CI
Adding bulk inventory to a storage location
Viewing CI audits
Viewing a notification audit of a CI
Viewing a BMC Atrium CMDB audit of a CI
Exploring CI relationships
Using BMC Atrium Impact Simulator
Functional areas of the BMC Atrium Impact Simulator console
Running an impact simulation
Creating relationships in a topology
Using network topologies to diagnose problems
Relating CIs in a network topology
Chapter 4
Leveraging secondary CI features
Adding work information
Relating people, organizations, and groups to CIs
Working with configurations
Viewing configuration information
Adding a configuration to a CI
Working with related items
Viewing relationship details for a computer system CI

BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Creating records from the Relationships tab

Relating records to CIs
Using relationship quick actions
Working with costs
Adding costs
Working with maintenance schedules and audit schedules
Creating a schedule
Relating a schedule to a CI
Searching for and modifying a schedule
Changing the status for a schedule
Managing decommission schedules
Notification of a virtual machine scheduled for decommission
Creating outage information
CI unavailability lifecycle
Creating a blackout schedule
Creating a one-time blackout schedule
Creating a recurring blackout schedule
Performing additional functions on the CI form
Chapter 5
Requisition management
Overview of the purchasing process
Creating purchase requisitions
Specifying purchase items manually
Purchase requisition states
Obtaining pricing
Pricing purchase items
Submitting the purchase requisition for approval
Approving the purchase requisition
Modifying rejected purchase requisitions
Working with purchase requisitions
Modifying purchase items
Removing purchase items
Holding a purchase requisition
Canceling a purchase requisition
Viewing purchase requisitions in the console
Searching for purchase requisitions
Working with purchase orders
Searching for purchase orders
Completing a purchase order
Placing a purchase order
Resending a purchase order

Canceling a purchase order

Generating reports from the Purchasing console
Receiving and returning purchase items
Receiving items
Returning purchase items
Returning purchase items to be replaced
Returning purchase items from a CI
Chapter 6
Contract management
Contract types
About the Contract Management console
Functional areas of the Contract Management console
Searching for contracts
Secondary functions on the Contract Management console
Creating master contracts
Creating non-software-license contracts
Adding contact information
Adding cost information to a contract
Adding terms and conditions
Relating the contract to another contract
Tracking the contract lifecycle
Adding a payment for a contract
Relating contracts to CIs
Relating CIs to a contract
Relating a contract to a CI
Creating a new contract to relate to a CI
Adding end-of-lease terms
Chapter 7
Software license management
About software asset management and software license management
About the software lifecycle
Implementing software license management
Software license management and multi-tenancy
About the Software Asset Management console
Functional areas of the Software Asset Management console
Secondary functions on the Software Asset Management console
Viewing KPIs
Creating a software contract
Reviewing a software contract
Adding a license certificate to a software contract
About certificate groups

BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Manually managing certificate groups

Relating licenses to users and devices
Adding work information
Managing jobs that automatically attach CIs to license certificates
About the Manage License Jobs console
Creating a job
Running a job immediately
Scheduling a time-based license job
Viewing the results of a license job
Scheduling a reconciliation-based license job
Reviewing a software license certificate
Relating one license certificate to another license certificate
Adding, modifying or removing product categorization from a license
Viewing software usage details
Upgrading licenses
Determining which CIs use a license certificate
Manually managing CIs attached to a license certificate
Manually specifying a license certificate for a software CI
Recording the purchase cost for a license
Troubleshooting software license management
No CIs are related to a software license certificate
One or more CIs are not related to any software license certificates
Incorrect CIs are related to a software license certificate
A "per copy" license is approaching breach faster than expected
Chapter 8
Costing and charge-backs
IT roles for asset accounting
The charge-back cycle
About cost centers
About charge-backs
About time periods
Providing accounting information
Providing purchasing information
Working with costs
Viewing costs
Adding costs
Modifying costs
Removing costs
Working with depreciation
Providing depreciation information


Viewing depreciation
Modifying depreciation
Specifying tax-related values other than depreciation
Working with charge-backs
Planning and setting up charge-back information
Implementing the charge-back process during each period
Generating a list of charge-back entries
Viewing charge-back entries
Adjusting charge-back entries
Generating charge-back reports and invoices
Generating charge-back reports
Generating charge-back invoices
Viewing and resolving process messages
Closing the current period
Chapter 9
Managing inventory
Creating bulk inventory CIs
Creating inventory location CIs
Placing bulk CIs in inventory
Placing non-bulk CIs in inventory
Viewing inventory locations
Relocating CIs
Reserving and using inventory
Chapter 10
Using the configuration catalog
About the configuration catalog
Viewing configurations
Adding a configuration
Adding items to the configuration
Creating items to add to a configuration
Changing the unit type and the number of items
Relating CIs to a configuration
Generating a differences report
Modifying a configuration
Generating a review schedule
Relating additional configurations to a review schedule
Removing configurations from a review schedule
Marking a review as in progress or completed
Creating a new version of an active configuration
Creating a configuration from a copy


BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Chapter 11
Working with reports
Generating a report
Using qualifications to generate a report
Using advanced qualifications to generate a report
BMC Remedy Asset Management predefined reports
Appendix A
CI and relationship types
BMC_Access Point subclass
BMC_Bulk Inventory subclass
BMC_Collection subclass
BMC_Document class
BMC_Equipment class
BMC_Logical Entity subclass
BMC_Settings subclass
BMC_System subclass
BMC_System Component subclass
BMC_System Service subclass
Relationship types




BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

About this Book

The BMC Remedy Asset Management User's Guide describes how to use the BMC
Remedy Asset Management application to manage assets throughout your
enterprise. BMC Remedy Asset Management is one of the BMC Remedy IT Service
Management suite (BMC Remedy ITSM suite) applications, which also include:
The BMC Remedy Change and Release Management applications.
The BMC Remedy Service Desk solution (which includes the

BMC Remedy Incident Management application and the BMC Remedy Problem
Management application).

The applications run in conjunction with the BMC Remedy Action Request System
platform (BMC Remedy AR System platform) and share a common database. The
applications consume data from the BMC Atrium Configuration Management
Database (BMC Atrium CMDB) application.

BMC Remedy Asset Management is intended for the following IT professionals:
Asset manager
Configuration administrator
Contract manager
Financial manager
IT director
Purchasing agent
Software asset manager

About this Book 13

BMC Remedy IT Service Management Suite documents

BMC Remedy IT Service Management Suite

The following table lists the documentation available for BMC Remedy Asset
Management. It also lists relevant documents for related solutions and products.
Unless otherwise noted, online documentation in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format is
available on product installation CDs, on the Customer Support website http:// , or both.

Document provides


BMC Remedy ITSM Configuration

Quick Start

A reference card to quickly install

and configure applications in the
BMC Remedy ITSM suite.


BMC Remedy Asset Management

User's Guide

Procedures for using the BMC

Remedy Asset Management
applications; includes new
features and overview.


BMC Remedy IT Service

Management Concepts Guide

Conceptual overview of the

applications that make up the
BMC Remedy ITSM suite of


BMC Remedy IT Service

Management Administration Guide

Procedures for configuring the

BMC Remedy ITSM applications.


BMC Remedy IT Service

Management Data Management
Administrator's Guide

Procedures for using the Data

Management tool that is part of
the BMC Remedy ITSM suite.


BMC Remedy Asset Management

BMC Remedy IT Service

Scenarios for implementing multiManagement Guide to Multi-Tenancy tenancy. It also describes how
multi-tenancy is implemented in
the BMC Atrium CMDB product
and how that implementation
relates to multi-tenancy as
implemented in the BMC Remedy
ITSM applications

14 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide


BMC Remedy IT Service Management Suite documents


Document provides


BMC Remedy IT Service

Management Installation Guide

Procedures for installing the BMC

Remedy IT Service Management
applications and solutions, BMC
Remedy Service Desk solution
(BMC Remedy Incident
Management and BMC Remedy
Problem Management), BMC
Remedy Change Management,
and BMC Remedy Asset


BMC Remedy IT Service

Management Release Notes

Information about known issues in Everyone

each release of BMC Remedy
ITSM. Also provides a list of new
features included with the


Help for using BMC Remedy

Asset Management, available by
clicking Help in the product


Available from help links after

help is installed.
Other BMC Remedy IT Service Management products
BMC Remedy Change Management
Users Guide

Procedures for using the BMC

Remedy Change Management
application; includes new features
and overview.


BMC Remedy Service Desk: Incident

Management Users Guide

Procedures for using the BMC

Remedy Service Desk: Incident
Management application; includes
new features and overview.

BMC Remedy Service Desk: Problem

Management Users Guide

Procedures for using the BMC

Remedy Service Desk: Problem
Management application; includes
new features and overview.

BMC Dashboards for Business
Service Management Getting Started

Information about installing,

configuring, and using BMC
Dashboards for BSM.


BMC Atrium Core

Administrator's Guide

Information about configuring the Administrators

BMC Atrium CMDB application to
manage data about your IT

About this Book


BMC Remedy IT Service Management Suite documents


Document provides


BMC Atrium CMDB Common Data

Model Diagram

Hierarchical diagram of all classes

in the CDM, including unique
attributes and applicable


BMC Atrium CMDB Normalization

and Reconciliation Guide

Information about configuring and Administrators

managing jobs that normalize and
reconcile product information
from data providers that is used to
update the BMC Atrium CMDB.

BMC Atrium Core Concepts and

Planning Guide

Information about BMC Atrium

Executives and administrators
CMDB concepts and best practices
for planning your BMC Atrium
CMDB implementation.

BMC Atrium CMDB User's Guide

Information about using BMC

Atrium CMDB, including how to
search for CIs and relationships,
launch federated data, generate
reports, and run reconciliation jobs.

BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping

BMC Atrium Discovery and
Dependency Mapping: Populating

Information about configuring a

connection to BMC Atrium
CMDB, synchronizing discovery
data, and reconciling and
maintaining the data.


BMC BladeLogic Client Automation

BMC Configuration Automation for
Clients Configuration Discovery
Integration for CMDB
Implementation Guide

Instructions about planning,

installing, and configuring the
Configuration Discovery
integration. This guide also
includes information about
relationship classes and mapping,
data exchanges, and reconciliation

BMC Remedy Action Request System

BMC Remedy Action Request System Concepts for using the BMC
Concepts Guide
Remedy Action Request System.
BMC Remedy Action Request
System: BMC Remedy Approval
Server Guide

Topics on installation and

configuration of the Approval
Server, how to use the Approval
Server, and understanding the
approval workflow.

BMC Service Level Management

16 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Users and administrators



Document provides


BMC Service Level Management

Configuration Guide

Procedures for configuring the

BMC Service Level Management


BMC Service Level Management

User's Guide

Procedures for using the BMC

Service Level Management


This document uses the following special conventions:
All syntax, operating system terms, and literal examples are
presented in this typeface.
Variable text in path names, system messages, or syntax is displayed in italic text:

This document uses a symbol to show menu sequences. For example, Actions =>

Create Test instructs you to choose the Create Test command from the Actions

About this Book



18 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Introducing BMC Remedy Asset
This section introduces you to BMC Remedy Asset Management. IT professionals
can use BMC Remedy Asset Management to track and manage enterprise
configuration items (CIs), the items they represent, and their changing relationships,
throughout the entire CI lifecycle.

About BMC Remedy Asset Management

BMC Remedy Asset Management helps reduce the total cost of ownership of items
represented by your CIs and increases return on investment. The BMC Remedy
ITSM suite integrates BMC Remedy Asset Management with BMC Remedy Service
Desk (which contains the BMC Remedy Incident Management and BMC Remedy
Problem Management applications), BMC Remedy Change Management, and BMC
Service Level Management. BMC Remedy Asset Management offers the flexibility to
support customized business processes.
BMC Remedy Asset Management provides the following capabilities:
Enhanced software license management automationReduce software license

overspending and non-compliance through greater accuracy in discovering,

tracking, and reallocating software licenses. By automatically linking discovered
software CIs to contracts, BMC Remedy Asset Management can report on license
compliance. If BMC Remedy Change Management is installed, it can also facilitate
license reallocation.

Contract managementTrack the status, type, terms, conditions, payments, and

other information about lease, software, warranty, and maintenance contracts.

Blackout scheduleCreate schedules listing available or unavailable times for CIs.

Inventory managementSpecify, track, and manage individual CIs and bulk items.

Chapter 1 Introducing BMC Remedy Asset Management


BMC Remedy ITSM usability enhancements

Configuration managementDefine standard configurations, or setups, for

different people or groups within a company, and maintain the status of the CIs
within the configurations.

Lifecycle IT CI managementUse best practices workflow to manage all phases

of the IT CI management lifecycle from requisition, purchase and receipt, to

installation and deployment.

Financial managementConsolidate CI costs from procurement to disposition,

and allocate and track costs to cost centers.

Requisition managementCreate purchase requisitions, manage the approvals

of the requisitions, create purchase orders, and manage the receipt of items from
suppliers and the creation of the associated CIs.

BMC Remedy ITSM usability enhancements

The BMC Remedy ITSM 7.6.04 release contains the following usability
enhancements. These enhancements are available only when the applications are
accessed through a web browser.
Table 1: BMC Remedy ITSM usability enhancements
To help you retrieve information faster, the typeahead search functionality is available on more
fields. When you start to type a query into a field
that has the type-ahead search functionality, one or
more possible matches are immediately presented
for selection in a drop-down list. As you type more
characters, the list changes to match what you type.

Affected applications and modules

BMC Remedy Asset Management
BMC Remedy Change Management, including
Release Management
BMC Remedy Incident Management
BMC Remedy Problem Management
BMC Remedy Knowledge Management
BMC Service Request Management

20 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

BMC Remedy ITSM usability enhancements


Affected applications and modules

To improve application performance, system

administrators can configure system messages from BMC Remedy Asset Management
filters and servers to appear in a message bar instead
BMC Remedy Change Management, including
of in pop-up windows. For information about this
configuration, see the BMC Remedy Action Request
Release Management
System 7.6.04 Configuration Guide .
BMC Remedy Incident Management
BMC Remedy Problem Management
BMC Remedy Knowledge Management
BMC Service Request Management
BMC Service Level Management
To provide easier access to the BMC Service
Management Process Model (SMPM) from the
applications, the Process Overview link is available
from the Quick Actions navigation area of the main
forms. The Process Overview link is also available
above the main tables on the consoles.

BMC Remedy Asset Management

BMC Remedy Change Management
BMC Remedy Incident Management
BMC Remedy Problem Management

To improve overall system performance, most

consoles and forms now open inside a single view
area, instead of in individual windows.

BMC Remedy Asset Management

BMC Remedy Change Management
BMC Remedy Incident Management
BMC Remedy Problem Management
BMC Service Request Management
BMC Remedy Knowledge Management

Chapter 1 Introducing BMC Remedy Asset Management


BMC Remedy ITSM usability enhancements

To make navigation through the BMC Remedy ITSM
suite of applications easier, a more consistent
navigation model is used on the IT Home Page,
consoles, and forms. For example, the application
menu that appeared on the IT Home page in earlier
releases of the BMC Remedy ITSM suite of
applications is now used on all of the application
consoles and main forms.

Affected applications and modules

BMC Remedy Asset Management
BMC Remedy Change Management
BMC Remedy Incident Management
BMC Remedy Problem Management
BMC Service Request Management
BMC Remedy Knowledge Management

To make required fields more obvious, when you

save a record, a red box outlines mandatory fields
that do not contain valid information.

BMC Remedy Asset Management

BMC Remedy Change Management
BMC Remedy Incident Management
BMC Remedy Problem Management

To make searching for information across

applications easier and more intuitive, a global
search option is available. The search scans and
retrieves information from the installed BMC
Remedy ITSM applications and presents it in a
readable, consumable format. See the applicable
application user guide for information about how the
global search function works.
To quickly access BMC Atrium Explorer from the
Service and CI fields, you can click the new Explore
CI icon.

BMC Remedy Asset Management

BMC Remedy Change Management
BMC Remedy Incident Management
BMC Remedy Problem Management

BMC Remedy Asset Management

BMC Remedy Change Management
BMC Remedy Incident Management
BMC Remedy Problem Management

22 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Where to find features and fields that have moved

Where to find features and fields that have

This section lists features and fields that have moved from their previous locations
on the user interface and provides you with their new location.

The following console features and links have moved:

KPIsYou now access the KPIs by clicking the KPIs link in the Functions menu

on the navigation pane.

Defined Searches You now access Defined Searches from the Filter By drop

down menu at the top of the console.

Process OverviewYou now access Process Overview from a link above the

console table.

User interface standards for field labels

On BMC Remedy ITSM forms, field labels provide data entry hints.
Table 2 on page 23 lists the significance of field-label formats and special characters.
Table 2: Significance of field labels for data entry
Field-label format or special characters

Significance for data entry

Bold label followed by an asterisk (*)

Field is required to submit and update the form.

Note: If you leave the field blank when you attempt
to submit the form, the field is highlighted with a red

Field label not bolded

Field is optional.

Italicized label

System-generated value for this field. Typically this

field is read-only for the user.

Label followed by a plus sign (+)

Additional functionality is associated with this field.

Typically, you access this functionality by pressing
Enter. For example, you might press Enter in a field
to access a search dialog box or to perform a search
based on the value typed into the field.
If a field label followed by a plus sign is also bolded,
the field is required. Otherwise, the field is optional.

Chapter 1 Introducing BMC Remedy Asset Management


Icons used in the interface

Icons used in the interface

This table describes the icons used on the consoles and in the Best Practice view of
the application interface.
Table 3: Icon descriptions

DetailDisplays detailed information about the field's content. For example, if you
click the Detail icon associated with the Customer field, the People form appears with
information about the customer whose name appears in the field.
SearchSearches for field contents. This icon is associated with fields that have the
ability to open a search dialog box or form.
Explore CIOpens the BMC Atrium Explorer for the CIs selected in the Service and
CI fields.
Clear field contentsClears the contents of the field and allows you to make another
selection. It does not delete the record.

Using BMC Remedy Asset Management with

other products
In a typical environment, you use BMC Remedy Asset Management with other
products. For example, you might use a discovery product to populate BMC Atrium
Configuration Management Database (BMC Atrium CMDB). The following table
lists products that might be used in your environment.
Table 4: Products used with BMC Remedy Asset Management

Relationship with BMC Remedy Asset Management


BMC Remedy Asset Management extends the BMC Atrium

CMDB common data model. BMC Remedy Asset
Management provides views of CIs that focus on the
attributes applicable to managing your assets.

24 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Installing and configuring BMC Remedy Asset Management


Relationship with BMC Remedy Asset Management

Discovery products, such as the following


Discovery products automatically populate BMC Atrium

CMDB. BMC Remedy Asset Management is a consumer of
data from discovery products.
Note: If you are using the BMC Remedy Asset Management
software license management feature together with BMC
Configuration Automation CDI, you must use BMC
Configuration Automation CDI patch or later.

BMC Configuration Automation for

Clients Configuration Discovery
Integration for CMDB (BMC
Configuration Automation CDI)
BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency
Mapping (BMC Atrium Discovery)
BMC Service Level Management

Agreements created in BMC Service Level Management can

be tied to CI unavailability (outages). For example, an
agreement can establish the maximum length of time that
certain items can be unavailable and set penalties for
breaching the agreement.

BMC Remedy Change Management

BMC Remedy Asset Management can initiate change

requests to make sure that work is performed in the
following areas:
PurchasingWhen you purchase an item requiring
installation, you can generate a change request.
Scheduled audits and maintenanceChange requests can
be generated to assign and track the work.
When BMC Remedy Change Management updates BMC
Atrium CMDB, you can view the changes in BMC Remedy
Asset Management.

BMC Remedy Service Desk

Service desk analysts can record CI unavailability from

incidents and can link incidents to CI unavailability. Service
desk analysts and problem analysts can use information from
BMC Remedy Asset Management to help diagnose incidents
and problems.

Installing and configuring BMC Remedy Asset

Application administrators use the Application Administration console to configure
the BMC Remedy Asset Management application. They use this console to:
Modify permissions and functional roles.

Chapter 1 Introducing BMC Remedy Asset Management


User roles

Configure assignment rules.

Define bulk CI reorder levels.
Delete CIs duplicated during the reconciliation process.
Configure the default depreciation method for a specific CI categorization.
Configure who to notify when a CI is set to a specific status.
Configure whether a CI is down or up depending on its status.
Configure license management rules.
Configure the priority of a CI unavailability record based on the unavailability

class (Incident or Change), and type (scheduled or unscheduled).

Configure the approval process for configurations.

Create contract types and software license types.

For information about installation and configuration of BMC Remedy Asset

Management, see the BMC Remedy IT Service Management Installation Guide and the
BMC Remedy IT Service Management Administration Guide.

User roles
The roles related to using BMC Remedy Asset Management generally encompass the
responsibilities outline in the following sections. The roles in your organization
might vary. For example, one person might fulfill several roles.

To define the permissions and functional roles for each of the following roles, review
the BMC Remedy Asset Management permissions section in the BMC Remedy IT
Service Management Administration Guide.
BMC Remedy Asset Management includes the following roles:
Approver on page 27
Configuration administrator on page 27
Contract manager on page 28
Financial manager on page 28

26 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

User roles

Purchasing agent on page 28

Software asset manager on page 29

Approvers use BMC Remedy Asset Management to perform the following tasks:
Approve or reject requests for the acquisition of new items.
Approve or reject proposed standard configurations.

An approver can be any person in your organization. This role uses the following
Asset Viewer
Incident Viewer
Infrastructure Change Viewer
Problem Viewer

Configuration administrator
Configuration administrators require an overall view of the CIs for which their
support groups are responsible. Some organizations call this role an asset manager.
For CIs for which their support group is responsible, configuration administrators
perform the following tasks:
Create purchase requisitions.
After an item is ordered has been delivered, verify the condition and inform


Label items after they have been delivered.

Keep CIs up-to-date.
Maintain the information of external organizations that supply or support items.
Maintain CI relationships. These relationships include the relationships between a

CI and other CIs, its supplier, its contracts, and the service infrastructures that it is
a part of.

Chapter 1 Introducing BMC Remedy Asset Management


User roles

Manage inventory.
Perform bulk updates.
Create maintenance schedules and audit schedules for CIs.

This role uses the following permissions:

Asset Admin
Contract User
Purchasing User
Receiving User

Contract manager
Contract managers are responsible for managing IT contracts. This role uses the
Contract Admin permission. Contract managers perform the following tasks:
Create support, warranty, lease, maintenance, and software contract and license


Relate the contracts to the applicable CIs.

Maintain the contract data.
Make sure that customers are renewing or renegotiating their contracts.

In some organizations, the contract manager also takes on the role of software asset

Financial manager
Financial managers use BMC Remedy Asset Management to review cost information
and prepare periodic charge-back and cost-recovery reports. This role uses the Cost
Manager permission.

Purchasing agent
Purchasing agents who are not part of the IT organization might have access only to
the Purchasing console. Purchasing agents who are part of the IT organization
28 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

User scenarios

assume one or more additional roles and have access to the applicable consoles. The
Purchasing console provides access to purchase requisitions and purchase orders.
This role uses the Purchasing User permission. Purchasing agents perform the
following tasks:
Obtain quotes from suppliers for items that have been requested for purchase.
Request approval for ordering items after the quotes from suppliers for these

items have been collected.

Submit purchase orders for items that have been approved for purchase.
Update purchase line items after configuration administrators have confirmed the

receipt of items for which purchase orders were submitted.

Software asset manager

Software asset managers are responsible for optimizing software assets and for
managing compliance with software license contracts. They also evaluate usage of
software licenses to make sure that the organization is not over-purchasing licenses.
This role uses the Asset Admin permission. This role can be fulfilled by the
configuration administrator.

User scenarios
This section describes common BMC Remedy IT Service Management user scenarios
that you encounter as IT support staff. Calbro Services user personas help to
illustrate the user scenarios. The typical steps described by these user scenarios are
in keeping with BMC best practices as outlined by BMC Service Management
Process Model (BMC SMPM).
The user scenarios indicate people that are included with sample data. For each of
these people, the user name is the person's first name, and the password is password.
The user scenarios do not necessarily refer to specific Calbro Services sample data
(for information about Calbro Services, see Calbro Services on page 30). To
follow the user scenarios, in some instances, you might need to create your own
sample data (for example, bulk inventory CIs). In addition, you might need to grant
additional permissions to certain users.

Chapter 1 Introducing BMC Remedy Asset Management


User scenarios

Calbro Services
In the BMC Remedy ITSM documentation set, a fictional company named Calbro
Services helps explain how BMC Remedy ITSM principles and procedures are used
in practice.
Although Calbro Services is a fictional company, it is based on research of actual
BMC Software customers. Learning how Calbro Services manages common IT
Service Management scenarios should prove useful as you use the BMC Remedy
ITSM applications in your own environment.
Calbro Services, a large, global company, is headquartered in New York City and
publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange. The company has 27,000
employees in 240 offices located in 20 countries. Table 5 on page 30 describes key
business services in Calbro Services.
Table 5: Key business services


Online banking

500 ATMs in major cities

WWW presence

Corporate site and online brokerage services

Discount equity brokerage

Online and storefront services

Sales force automation

Automated sales activities such as leads, orders, reports,

and so on

Customer support

Support centers in the United States, Europe, and Asia

Mass marketing

World-wide marketing campaigns aimed at making

Calbro Services a household name

BMC Remedy Asset Management user scenarios

This section describe at a high-level common BMC Remedy Asset Management user
scenarios that you typically encounter as IT support staff. The Calbro Services
sample data is used to illustrate the user scenarios.
The following user scenarios are provided:
Purchasing software and assigning a license on page 31
Scheduling regular maintenance on a network printer on page 32
Purchasing a laptop for a new employee on page 34
Investigating inaccurate CI data on page 37
30 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

User scenarios

Making sure that scheduled changes to CIs do not impact business services on

page 37

Purchasing software and assigning a license

Calbro Services has an enterprise license for Microsoft Office, which gives all
employees access to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, and
Microsoft Outlook. However, because only a few people require Microsoft Visio, this
software is purchased only as required.
Allen Allbrook is the Contract Manager for Calbro Services. He maintains the
contracts for Microsoft products.
Joe Unser, who works in Human Resources, requires a copy of Microsoft Visio. Allen
Allbrook, who is also the configuration administrator and software asset manager,
orders Microsoft Visio.
Table 6 on page 31 describes the typical steps involved in this user scenario.
Table 6: Purchasing software and assigning a license



Contract manager

On the Contract Management console,

the contract manager creates a software
license contract for Microsoft Visio and
sets the status to Executed.

Allen Allbrook creates a contract for

Microsoft Visio. Because this contract is
managed by Backoffice Support, contract
users (such as Bob Baxter) can add license
certificates as they are purchased.


On the Purchasing console, the

Allen Allbrook creates a purchase
configuration manager creates a
requisition for Microsoft Visio. He specifies
purchase requisition for Microsoft Visio. details about the license certificate. The
manager of the requester is the default
On the License Certificate tab of the
approver of the purchase requisition.
line item, the configuration
Note: If Per Instance license types are not
administrator selects a Per Instance
available, you must enable the Per Instance
license type and completes the
license type, as described in the BMC
required fields.
Remedy IT Service Management Administration
The configuration administrator
submits the purchase requisition for

Requester's manager On Approval Central, the requester's

manager selects the purchase
requisition and approves it.

The requesters manager must approve the

purchase requisition.
Note: If no manager is assigned to the
requester, you should assign a manager in
the People form. For more information, see
the BMC Remedy IT Service Management
Administration Guide.

Chapter 1 Introducing BMC Remedy Asset Management


User scenarios




Purchasing agent

The purchasing agent creates the

purchase order:

After the purchase requisition is approved,

a purchase order is automatically created
and is ready to be placed with the vendor.

On the Purchasing console, the

purchasing agent searches for orders to If the system is configured to auto-receive
software products, the license certificate is
created when the purchase order is placed
He views and then places the order.
on order and is linked to the line item on the
purchase order.
Note: To set auto-receive, refer to the
Configuring BMC Remedy Asset
Management section in the BMC Remedy IT
Service Management Administration Guide.

The configuration administrator

If the system is not configured to autoreceives the item on the purchase order: receive software products, Allen Allbrook
receives Microsoft Visio on the purchase
On the Receiving console, the
order. At this time, the license certificate is
configuration administrator searches
automatically created and linked to the line
for the purchase order and receives a
item on the purchase order.
quantity of one.
This action automatically creates a new CI.


The customer installs the software.

After Joe Unser installs Microsoft Visio on

his computer, discovery software discovers
the software. During reconciliation, the CI,
which previously had a status of Received,
is set to a status of Deployed.

Contract manager

The contract manager runs a license job Allen Allbrook runs a license job.
to assign the license:
If a broad license job is already scheduled to
From the Software Asset Management run nightly or upon reconciliation, Allen
console, the contract manager accesses could skip this step. The license job connects
the Manage License Jobs console.
the CI to the software license certificate.
The contract manager creates a license
job for the Per instance license type.
On the Manage License Jobs console,
the contract manager runs the license

Scheduling regular maintenance on a network printer

Calbro Services has a high-speed high-volume network printer on each floor of its
offices. These printers require maintenance every six months. The configuration
administrator, Allen Allbrook, sets up a maintenance schedule for each of these

Not all data for this example is included with the sample data. You must create the
Asset Maintenance change type template and the network printer CI.

32 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

User scenarios

Allen selects a network printer maintenance change template, so that the

appropriate change request is started when maintenance is scheduled. Because this
is a pre-approved change, no approval is required, and a technician performs the
scheduled work.
After completing the maintenance tasks, the technician changes the status of the
schedule to completed.


BMC Remedy Asset Management and BMC Remedy Change Management must be
installed to follow this user scenario.
Table 7 on page 33 describes the typical steps involved in this user scenario.
Table 7: Scheduling regular maintenance




The configuration administrator creates

a maintenance schedule for a network

Allen Allbrook, the Calbro configuration

administrator, needs IT personnel to perform
maintenance every six months on a network
From the Asset Management console, the printer. He sets up a maintenance schedule,
selects the change template, and selects the
configuration administrator accesses
network printers.
schedules and creates a new
maintenance schedule.
The configuration administrator specifies
the details of the schedule. He selects a
change template for network printer
maintenance. To select network printers,
he chooses the categorization
Hardware => Printer => Network.


The technician completes the change

request to perform maintenance:
That technician receives an alert that a
change request is assigned (through
email, alert, or page).

When the maintenance schedule comes due,

the Asset Maintenance change template is
used to create the change request. This
template assigns the change request to the
correct technician and notifies the technician
to complete the maintenance every six months.

On the Change Management Support

console, the technician opens the change The technician completes the change request.
request. The technician relates an ad hoc For more information, see the BMC Remedy
task to the change request and moves the Change Management Users Guide.
change request through its lifecycle to
the Implementation stage.
The technician completes maintenance
and closes the task. The technician then
closes the change request.

Chapter 1 Introducing BMC Remedy Asset Management


User scenarios





The technician indicates that

maintenance is complete:

The technician indicates that the maintenance

is complete.

On the Asset Management console, the

technician searches for the network
printer CI and views it.
From the CI form, the technician accesses
the schedules and views the network
printer maintenance schedule.
The technician indicates that the
maintenance is complete.

Purchasing a laptop for a new employee

Calbro Services ensures that new employees are fully functional on their first day of
employment. Purchasing a laptop for a new employee is therefore a common task
for the purchasing agent at Calbro Services. He must create a purchase requisition
and place a purchase order (PO). When the PO is received, BMC Remedy Asset
Management automatically generates a new CI and a change request.
The change coordinator can also create a new employee change request in which
one of the tasks is providing a fully configured laptop to new employees on their
first day at Calbro Services.


BMC Remedy Asset Management and BMC Remedy Change Management must be
installed to follow this user scenario. If you cannot find the correct CIs in the Calbro
sample data, you must create a laptop CI and add it to the inventory to follow this
user scenario. For more information about managing CI inventory, especially if you
are adding bulk items, see the BMC Remedy Asset Management Users Guide.
Table 8 on page 35 describes the typical steps involved in this user scenario.

34 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

User scenarios

Table 8: Purchasing a laptop for a new employee





From the Purchasing console, the

configuration administrator creates a
purchase requisition.

When the configuration administrator

creates the purchase requisition, Allen
Allbrook, the manager of the requester, is
the default approver of this purchase

The configuration administrator enters

the required details. The configuration
administrator indicates that installation Using a change template automatically
is needed, and chooses the Configure
creates a change request when the ordered
New Computer change template.
laptop is received.
To make sure there is enough
inventory, the configuration
administrator selects the standard
configuration, and checks whether the
computer system is in inventory.
The configuration administrator adds
the item to the requisition and submits
the requisition for approval.
Requester's manager On Approval Central, the requester's
manager selects the purchase
requisition and approves it.

The requester's manager must approve the

purchase requisition.
Note: If no manager is assigned to the
requester, you should assign a manager in
the People form. For more information, see
the BMC Remedy IT Service Management
Administration Guide.

Purchasing agent

After the purchase requisition is approved,

a purchase order is automatically created
and is ready to be placed with the vendor.

The purchasing agent creates the

purchase order:
On the Purchasing console, the
purchasing agent searches for orders to
The purchasing agent views and then
places the order.


The configuration administrator

This action automatically creates a new CI.
receives the item on the purchase order: If your system is properly configured, a new
change request is also created.
On the Receiving console, the
configuration administrator searches
for the purchase order and receives a
quantity of one.

Purchasing agent

The purchasing agent views the new CI: The original purchase requisition is
On the Asset Management console, the automatically related to this CI.
Note: If the purchasing agent does not have
purchasing agent searches for all
access to the Asset Management console, a
computers with a status of Received.
configuration administrator can view the CI.
The purchasing agent finds the laptop
CI and views the details, including the
financial details.

Chapter 1 Introducing BMC Remedy Asset Management


User scenarios




Change coordinator

The change coordinator views the

change request:

Mary Mann is the change coordinator for

Calbro Services. She views all open Change
Requests in the Manager Console view.

On the Change Management console,

the change coordinator searches for all
open changes. The change coordinator
views the change request for the new
Change coordinator

The change coordinator views dates for Mary opens the Change Calendar to see if
the change request and performs risk
there are any conflicting change requests or
business events.
On the Change form, the change
coordinator views the calendar.
The change coordinator defines the
risk level of the change request.

Change coordinator

For more information about using BMC

Remedy Change Management, see the BMC
Remedy Change Management Users Guide.

The change coordinator creates a task

and schedules the change request:
On the Change form, the change
coordinator moves the change request
to the Plan & Schedule stage.
The change coordinator relates the
change request to the Install Laptop
task template. The change coordinator
assigns the task to the task
implementer who is part of Calbros
Backoffice Support Staff.

Although the Risk Level had a predefined

value, she can perform Risk Assessment to
formalize the Risk Level.
This type of change request is pre-approved
and does not require any formal approvals.
Mary creates a task to install or configure
the laptop and assigns the task to the task
When the change request reaches the
Implement stage, the task moves to
Assigned status and the task implementer
can start working on the task.

The change manger moves the change

request to the Scheduled for Review
The change coordinator specifies the
scheduled dates and moves the change
request to the Implement stage.
Task implementer

After performing each task, the task

implementer closes the tasks:
From the Change Management
Support console, the task implementer
searches for assigned tasks.
After performing the task, the task
implementer records information
about performing the task and changes
the status to Closed.

36 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Ian Plyment, the task implementer,

completes the task.

User scenarios




Change coordinator

The change coordinator completes the

change request:

Mary Mann completes and closes the

change request. She enters a performance
rating and start and end dates.

The change coordinator moves the

change request to the Closed stage.
The change coordinator enters the
performance rating and the actual
dates of the change.

Investigating inaccurate CI data

CI data is used by IT personnel throughout Calbro Services. Configuration
administrators use CI data for most tasks. Change coordinators analyze the CIs and
their relationships before implementing changes. Service Desk personnel use CI data
to help resolve incident requests and investigate problems. Accurate CI data is
important to their work.
Allen Allbrook, a configuration administrator at Calbro Services, thinks that the data
for a computer system might be inaccurate. He wants to view the audit history of the
CI, so that he can see all the modifications to this computer system during its history.
He can investigate whether the data is no longer accurate by checking the audit
history for the CI.
Typically, Allen accesses data stored in BMC Atrium CMDB from the Asset
Management console. On the Asset Management console, he searches for the CI and
views it. From the CI form, he views the BMC Atrium CMDB audit history.

Making sure that scheduled changes to CIs do not impact

business services
The Finance department at Calbro Services processes payroll checks every Thursday.
Allen Allbrook, the configuration administrator, wants to make sure that neither the
payroll server nor the payroll printer are taken down for maintenance on Thursdays.
He sets two blackout schedules to accomplish thisthese key services are unavailable
for maintenance on any Thursday.
The payroll server is having performance issues and needs more memory. When
Mary Mann, the change coordinator, schedules the change request, she sees that the
payroll server is unavailable on Thursday. To prevent conflicts, she creates another
unavailable time segment, on Monday instead of Thursday.
The Calbro business process has predefined that this type of change request requires
standard approvals to move the project forward.

Chapter 1 Introducing BMC Remedy Asset Management


User scenarios

BMC Remedy Asset Management and BMC Remedy Change Management must be
installed to follow this user scenario. If you cannot find the correct CIs in the Calbro
sample data, you must create a server CI and add it to the inventory to follow this
user scenario. For more information about managing CIs, see the BMC Remedy
Change Management Users Guide.
Table 9 on page 38 describes the typical steps involved in this user scenario.
Table 9: Scheduling mandatory unavailability for key services



The configuration administrator

creates unavailability blackout
schedules for the payroll server and
payroll printer:


Allen specifies that the payroll server and

printer server CIs are unavailable every
Thursday because of maintenance. During
this blackout, these CIs must not be brought
On the Asset Management console, the down.
configuration administrator searches
for the server CI.
On the CI form, the configuration
administrator opens the blackout
The configuration administrator adds a
business time segment. The
configuration administrator specifies
the server CI to be Unavailable. The
configuration administrator sets up a
weekly recurring duration for

Change coordinator

The change coordinator creates a

change request, using a change
On the Change Management console,
the change coordinator creates a new
change request.
On the Change form, the change
coordinator selects the Server Hard
Drive template. The change
coordinator completes the required
information to finish creating the
change request.

38 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Mary uses a predefined change template

that supports the business process and
accelerates the change request process. It
prepopulates fields on the change request
with information.

User scenarios




Change coordinator

The change coordinator views dates for Mary opens the Change Calendar to see if
the change request and performs risk
there are any conflicting change requests or
business events.
On the Change form, the change
coordinator views the calendar.

Although the Risk Level had a predefined

value, she performs Risk Assessment to
The change coordinator defines the risk formalize the Risk Level.
level of the change request.
Change coordinator

The change coordinator relates the CI

to the change request:

Mary creates a server CI unavailability that

is related to the change request.

On the Change form, the change

coordinator creates a relationship to
the server CI. She specifies the
Relationship Type as Upgrades.
The change coordinator creates an
unavailability relationship.
In the Configuration Item
Unavailability dialog box, the change
coordinator specifies the unavailability
type (for example, Scheduled Full) and
the scheduled dates.
Change coordinator

The change coordinator searches for

available times to schedule the change
On the Change form, the change
coordinator uses the Schedule Assist
tool to search for available times. The
change coordinator views the times
when the server CI is unavailable. The
change coordinator finds the next
available time, based on the duration
and available start time.

Mary finds the next available time to

upgrade the payroll server. She schedules
the CI unavailability on Monday to avoid
conflicts with the Thursday blackout

The change coordinator creates a

schedule time segment.

Chapter 1 Introducing BMC Remedy Asset Management


User scenarios




Change coordinator

The change coordinator creates an

unavailability blackout schedule to fix
the payroll server:

Mary creates a blackout schedule to

upgrade the server CI.

On the Change Management console,

the change coordinator searches for the
server CI.
From the CI form, the change
coordinator accesses blackout
The Change coordinator adds a
business time segment. She specifies
the server CI to be unavailable on some
day other than Thursday (for example,
The change coordinator moves the
change request to the Implementation
Approval phase.
Change approver

The change approver approves the

Install Hard Drive change request.

Allen Allbrook must approve the change to

move it forward to the Scheduled status.

Task implementer

The task implementer performs the


Task implementers must complete all three

tasks successfully before the change request
can be closed.

On the Change Management Support

console, the task implementer searches
for assigned tasks.
The task implementer performs each of
the three Upgrade Server Hard Drive
tasks and records the work performed.
Change coordinator

The change coordinator completes the

change request:
The change coordinator moves the
change request to the Closed stage.
The change coordinator enters the
performance rating and the actual
dates of the change.

40 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Mary completes and closes the change

request. She enters the performance rating
and start and end dates.

Getting started
This section introduces you to BMC Remedy Asset Management and describes how
to access the application. This section describes the Asset Management console and
some of its features, some of which are common across the other BMC Remedy IT
Service Management applications. This section also introduces the other consoles in
BMC Remedy Asset Management.

About the IT Home Page

When you start the BMC Remedy IT Service Management Suite, the IT Home Page
displays the Overview console by default. However, you can set up what you want
to see on the IT Home Page. If you are a system administrator, you can configure the
page for all users. Otherwise, you can configure your own user ID to see your views.

Chapter 2 Getting started 41

About the IT Home Page

The following figure illustrates the functional areas of the IT Home Page.
Figure 1: IT Home Page and its functional areas

The following table describes each of the functional areas of the IT Home Page.
Functional area


Home Page header


Click Logout to exit the application.

Breadcrumb bar

The breadcrumb bar helps you keep track of the records you are viewing and
helps with navigation. For more information about breadcrumbs, refer to
Navigating consoles, forms, and modules on page 46.

Global search

Type in a word or a phrase in the search area, and the application will search
across multiple forms for records that match your input. For more information
about global search, refer to Using Global search on page 45.

Navigation pane

42 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

About the IT Home Page

Functional area



Depending on your permissions and other installed applications, the following

links are displayed. Use them to open applications.
Quick Links
AR System Administration
BMC Atrium Core
BMC Atrium Integration Engine
Administrator Console
Asset Management
Change Management
Change Management Dashboard
Contract Management
Product Catalog
Foundation Elements
Incident Management
Problem Management
Return On Investment
Release Management
Requestor Console
Task Management
Note: When you run your mouse over the applications, you see a second menu.
You can select one of those options to go directly to a form. For example, roll
over Change Management and select Change/Release Calendar. The Calendar
screen appears.

Configuration Buttons

Use these buttons to configure your panel display.

Overview console

Chapter 2 Getting started 43

About the IT Home Page

Functional area


Company and View By

These fields combine to provide a way to indicate the company name and the
assigned-to categories filtering the records in the Console List table.


This button refreshes the data in the table.


This button allows you to set preferences for the console list table. You can
remove columns, set refresh intervals, reset and save your preferences.

Console List table

This table lists the different types of requests.

Configuring the IT Home Page

You can configure the IT Home Page to display information of your choice. For
example, Bob Baxter is the Manager for payroll at Calbro Services. He likes to keep
track of all potential problems, changes, and incidents pertaining to his department.
He also tracks software license contracts so that he knows which ones are about to
expire. Bob configures his panels to display all the information he is looking for, as
Asset Management => Contracts About to Expire in 90 Days
Change Management => All Open Changes with Extensive Impact
Incident Management => All Open Incidents with Extensive Impact
Problem Management => All Open Problems by Status and Priority

To add or delete panels

You can specify how many panels to display on your IT Home Page up to a
maximum of four panels.
1 In the IT Home Page, click the Add panels to layout


Four panels appear.

2 To delete a panel, click the Close

button on the panel.

To configure panels
You can select what to display on your IT Home Page.


You can configure your panels only with options for which you have permissions.

44 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

About the IT Home Page

1 In the panel, click the Show list and run your cursor over the list of options.
2 From the list of work areas for each option, select the one to display (for example,
Asset Management => Software Certificates).
The panel displays your selection.
3 Repeat Step 1 to for your other panels.
To change display on a panel, click the Edit
and make another selection.
4 Click the Save Current Layout

button to display the Show list,

button to save your IT Home Page.

A dialog box confirms that your customized layout has been saved.
5 Click OK.
When you next log in, you will see your saved IT Home Page.

To expand and collapse panels

1 In the panel, click the Collapse
click the Expand

button. The panel will collapse. In the panel

button. The panel will expand to its original size.

To restore a default IT Home Page view

1 In the IT Home Page, click the Restore Default Layout
button. A dialog box
informs you that the default layout for this page will be brought back. Click OK
to proceed or Cancel to retain your current layout. If you click OK, the panels on
the IT Home Page disappear and the Overview Console is displayed.

To hide or show the navigation pane

1 In the IT Home Page, click the Applications button to hide or show the
navigation pane.

Using Global search

If you have BMC Remedy Knowledge Management installed, you can use the Global
search feature. Global search searches across multiple forms for records that match a
word or phrase that you type in the search area.

Chapter 2 Getting started 45

Navigating consoles, forms, and modules

To use Global search

1 In the text field to the right of the breadcrumb bar, type your search string and
then click Search.
Figure 2: Global search

2 Locate the record you want in the search results table and double-click it.
The record opens in the viewing area and the system updates the breadcrumb
trail with an entry for the record you opened.


As you drill down through the record, each record you open is also added to the
breadcrumb trail.
If you want to maintain the contents of the search results table to view later, do
not change the text in the Search field. If you do, when you click the Search icon
to return to the search results table, the search feature will execute a new search
based on the changed content of the Search field.
3 To return to the search results table, click the Search icon again.

Navigating consoles, forms, and modules

This section describes how to navigate around BMC Remedy ITSM consoles, forms,
and modules.
In most cases, when you open consoles, forms, and modules from the IT Home page,
they open inside the IT Home page view. Similarly, if you open a form from a
console, the form replaces the console in the view.
If you open a related record from a form, the related record opens in the view that
was occupied by the form. For example, if you are working with a problem
investigation (the "parent" record) and from the parent record you open a related
incident request, the incident request replaces the parent record in the view. If you
then open a change request from the incident request, the change request replaces
the incident request in the view, and so on. To help you keep track of the records
you are viewing and to help with navigation, there is a breadcrumb bar across the
top of the view field.

46 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Navigating consoles, forms, and modules

Not all of the consoles, forms, and modules open in the view area. For example, CI
records open in a new window. When a console, module, or form opens in a
window, it is not added to the breadcrumb bar.
The breadcrumb bar contains links to the records that you opened from the parent
record. When you open a record, the breadcrumb trail expands along the
breadcrumb bar to the right, with the new link. If there are more than six links in the
breadcrumb trail, arrows appear at one or both ends of the bar that let you scroll
back and forward on the bar to see links not currently in the view.
The first link in the breadcrumb trail indicates the place from which you started. It
can be a console or a form. For example, if you open a change request record directly
from the IT Home page, the first link in the breadcrumb trail takes you to the change
The last link corresponds to the record currently in the view. If you open a link to the
left of the record currently in view, the system truncates the breadcrumb trail to that
link. The history is retained, however, so you can use the back and forward arrows
in the navigation controls to move through the bar one record at a time. There is also
a history of your most recently viewed records, which you can use to move directly
to a record. Click the down arrow to open the history list.


The Forward button is only visible after you move back down the breadcrumb bar
by opening a link to a record that you previously viewed.
Figure 3: The breadcrumb navigation buttons and bar

If you are viewing a record from the middle of the breadcrumb trail and then branch
off to another parent-type record, the system removes the forward breadcrumb trail
from the point where you branched off and starts a new history from there, using the
new parent-type record as the starting point. For example: You open a problem
investigation, then open a related incident request, and from the incident request
you open a related change request. If you go back to the incident request record and
then open a second problem investigation, the breadcrumb bar no longer contains a
link to the change request. The breadcrumb trail now shows the original problem
investigation, the incident request, and the second problem investigation. It then
shows any related records that you subsequently open from the second problem
When you close the parent record, the system removes the breadcrumb history.

Chapter 2 Getting started 47

Navigating consoles, forms, and modules

What happens to data as I move back and forth on the

breadcrumb trail?
If you are entering information into a record and open another record from the
breadcrumb trail, the system prompts you to save the work, if you have not done so.
If you do not save the information, the system does not preserve it on the record and
you must re-enter it later.
If someone updates a record on your breadcrumb trail that is not currently in the
view, those changes are visible to you when you open the record again.

How does the breadcrumb trail behave with forms in

Search mode?
If you run a search from a form that is in Search mode, the last entry in the
breadcrumb trail is the name of the form.
When you open a record from the search results table, that record does not appear in
the breadcrumb trail. However, if you drill down through that record to open other
related records, those related records will appear in the breadcrumb trail.
To return to the originating record, use the history list.


All of the records that you open from a form in Search mode are added to the history
To return to the results table, click the name of the form in the breadcrumb trail.

Can I force a second window to open?

If you press the Shift key and then click a record entry in a console or in any search
results table, the record opens in a second window. Also, if you hold the Shift key
and click a link, button, and so on, the form or dialog box associated with the link or
button opens in another window.


If there is a record in the history list that you want to open in a second window,
press the Shift key and then double-click the entry.

Which consoles, forms, and modules open in a new window?

Not all of the consoles, forms, and modules open in the IT Home page's view. The
consoles, forms, and modules in the following list open in a new window. If you
48 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Using the Asset Management console

open one of these from the IT Home page, any unsaved changes to the IT Home
page are lost.


Before you open any of these consoles, forms, or modules, save the changes to the IT
Home page that you want to keep.
BMC Remedy Asset Management, except for the Asset Management console.
BMC Action Request System Administrator
All BMC Atrium applications
Application Administration
BMC Service Level Management
All Service Request Management entry points, except for Work Order
Service Management Process Model

Using the Asset Management console

Use the Asset Management console to manage configuration items (CIs) within BMC
Remedy Asset Management. This console is used by configuration administrators.


As you work with the forms and dialog boxes associated with this console and
throughout BMC Remedy Asset Management, you might see a plus sign (+)
included in a field label. You can type part of the information in these fields and
press ENTER. If an exact match is located, the application automatically completes
the field. If a selection list appears, double-click the appropriate item. Using auto-fill
fields and lists is faster, more consistent, and more accurate than typing the
The following topics are provided:
Functional areas of the Asset Management console on page 50
Using the functions on the Asset Management console on page 53
Using the KPI flashboards on page 54

Chapter 2 Getting started 49

Using the Asset Management console

Searching for CIs on page 58

Broadcasting a message on page 63
Changing datasets on page 66
Performing bulk updates on page 66
Modifying your application preferences on page 68

For information about another major task that you can perform in this console, see
Adding work information on page 95.

Functional areas of the Asset Management console

The following figure illustrates the functional areas of the Asset Management console.
Figure 4: Asset Management console and its functional areas

The following table describes what you can do in each of the functional areas.

50 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Using the Asset Management console

Table 10: Asset Management console functional areas

Functional area


Asset Management console banner

Breadcrumb bar

A navigation aid that contains links to related records that you opened
from the console.

Breadcrumb navigation

Back button-takes you back one link in the breadcrumb trail.

Forward button-takes you forward one link inthe breadcrumb trail. The
Forward button is only visible if you have returned to a record on the
breadcrumb trail that you previously viewed.
Drop down menu-contains links to all the records that you have viewed
from the current view, including records that might not be currently
visible in the breadcrumb trail.
Home icon-takes you to the IT Home Page.


This search feature lets you search across multiple forms for records that
match a key term. For more information about using this search, refer to
Using Global search on page 45.

Asset Management console header

Filter By

Search using predefined searches, and manage your searches. The

magnifying glass icon opens a dialog box from which you can edit, save,
and delete custom searches. Saved custom searches appear in the My
Searches node of the Defined Searches list. For more information about
Manage My Searches, see Creating a custom search on page 58.


You can filter the CIs by company.

Dataset Name

Work with CIs in the selected dataset. For example, you might switch
between working with CIs in the production dataset (BMC Asset) and the
sandbox dataset (BMC.ASSET.SANDBOX). For more information, see
Changing datasets on page 66 and Using a sandbox dataset for CI data
on page 81.


Refreshes the data in the tables.

Navigation pane
Broadcasts indicator

The broadcasts indicator displays the number of broadcast messages.

Click the indicator to view and to create broadcast messages. For more
information, see Broadcasting a message on page 63.


Provides links to asset management functions. For more information, see

Using the Asset Management console on page 49.

Chapter 2 Getting started 51

Using the Asset Management console

Functional area



Depending on your permissions and what other applications are installed,

use these links to open:

(not shown in Figure 4 on page


IT Home Page
Incident Management
Problem Management
Change Management
Release Management
Contract Management
Software Asset Management
Approval Console
Atrium Core

Advanced Filter panel

Display CIs where

Select advanced filter options to search for CIs with specific components.
For example, you can search for all CIs where the Company name is equal
to Calbro Services.

Configuration Items (CIs) panel


Create a new CI. For more information, see Creating CIs on page 82.


View or modify the selected CI. For more information, see Working with
configuration items on page 77.


Print a report of the selected CI.

Explore CI

Use BMC Atrium Explorer to see a map of the relationships between the
selected CI and related CIs. For more information, see Exploring CI
relationships on page 88.

Related Services

See the list of business services that are affected by the selected CI.

Process Overview

Opens the detailed asset configuration management process in BMC

Remedy Service Management Process Model (SMPM), which provides an
overview of IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) best practice processes, if
installed. Otherwise, it opens a high-level diagram of the the asset
configuration management process.

CIs table

Lists CIs from the results of your search. When the console first opens, it
displays deployed computer systems for all companies to which you have

52 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Using the Asset Management console

Functional area


CI Relationships panel

View or modify the related CI.

Show Related

Select the relationship to the CI from this list to be displayed in the CIs
table. The various relationships are Assets, Releases, Incidents, Problems,
Known Errors, Change Requests, Solutions Database, People and Contacts.

Relationship Type

You can filter the Related CIs table for CIs with a specific relationship
type, such as component.


Select whether the Related CIs table displays CIs that are children or
parents of the CI selected in the CIs table.

Related CIs table

Lists CIs related to the CI that you select in the CIs table.

Using the functions on the Asset Management console

The Asset Management console provides access to asset management tasks. The
following table describes the function links in the navigation pane.
Table 11: Function links


Manage CIs

Create or search for CIs. For more information, see Working with
configuration items on page 77.

Advanced CI Search

Perform a search of the BMC Atrium CMDB, based on CI type. For more
information, see Performing an advanced CI search on page 59.

Manage Inventory

Create bulk items. Search for bulk items, nonbulk CIs, or CIs in inventory.
For more information, see Managing inventory on page 259.

Manage Contracts

Open the Contract Management console. For more information, see

Contract management on page 155.

Manage Software Asset

Open the Software Asset Management console. For more information, see
Software license management on page 173.

Manage Configurations

Create new or manage current configurations. Also use to check inventory

and create purchase requisitions. For more information, see Using the
configuration catalog on page 265.

Manage Costs

Manage cost center and charge-back processes. For more information, see
Costing and charge-backs on page 227.

Manage Bulk Updates

Perform bulk updates to CI and people information. See Performing bulk

updates on page 66.

New Schedule

Create audit, maintenance, review, and decommission schedules. For more

information, see Creating a schedule on page 107.

Chapter 2 Getting started 53

Using the Asset Management console



Search Schedule

Search for or modify audit, maintenance, review, and decommission

schedules. For more information, see Searching for and modifying a
schedule on page 109.


Open the Purchasing console to create or search for purchase requisitions

and purchase orders. For more information, see Requisition management
on page 125.

My Profile

Open your People Profile record. For more information, see the BMC
Remedy IT Service Management Administration Guide.

Application Preferences

Modify your console or Overview console preferences. For more

information, see Modifying your application preferences on page 68.


Create reminders for yourself or other members of your organization. For

more information, see Creating reminders on page 68.


Generate reports on CIs, contracts, and so on. For more information, see
Working with reports on page 281.


Select and view KPIs. The KPIs that appear inthe Asset Management
console represent, in graphical format:
Computer system by status
CI by type
For more information, see Using the KPI flashboards on page 54.

Using the KPI flashboards

The KPI flashboards graph asset management business processes against the asset
management key performance indicators (KPIs).


The BMC SMPM defines a key performance indicator as, "A vital and measurable
result to track the efficiency, effectiveness, and predictability of a process."
The KPI flashboard component collects the data according to the selected customer
company. Each KPI flashboard contains graphs that present the following types of
Relevant historical dataUse this graph for trending purposes. The most recent

historical data displayed in the graph is collected from the previous month.
Historical data goes back to a maximum of one year.

54 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Using the Asset Management console

Historical data only appears in a graph when that historical data exists in the
database. Typically, new or recent installations, or upgrades, of BMC Remedy
Asset Management might not have historical data available.
Current, or real time dataUse this graph to see what is happening with the

business process now. In most cases, the displayed real time data is collected from
the first day of the current month to todays date.

KPI flashboards are available only for version 7.6.00 (and later) of the BMC
Remedy ITSM applications. If you are running a mixed environment, that is, if
you are running some BMC Remedy ITSM applications at version level 7.5.01
(or earlier), you see flashboards with only the version 7.6.00 (or later) applications.

BMC Remedy Asset Management KPIs

The following table lists and describes the asset management key performance
Table 12: BMC Remedy Asset Management KPIs
KPI name

Description of graph content

Computer System by Status

For the selected company, this graph displays the computer system

CI Type

For the selected company, this graph displays the CI types.

KPI flashboard variables

KPI flashboards use variables to fetch the data that is used to create the flashboard
graphs for the selected company. In most cases, you can control what data appears
in the graph.
The following table lists the KPI graph types and the active variable names, and
describes the information they provide. This helps you understand the effects of
hiding or displaying a specific variable.
Table 13: KPI flashboards variables
Variable name

Data displayed by the variable

Computer System by Status


Displays the computer systems of the selected

company by status.

Chapter 2 Getting started 55

Using the Asset Management console

Variable name

Data displayed by the variable

CI Type

Displays the CI types of the selected company.

Opening the KPI flashboards

Use this procedure to open the KPI flashboards to view the information that they

To open the KPI flashboards

1 From the Funtions area of the navigation pane, click the KPIs link.
2 From the Company list at the top, select the customer company for which you
want to view KPI flashboards.


Your access level determines the companies that you see in the Company list.
3 From the Navigation pane, choose ProcessKPIs => KPIflashboardLink
KPIflashboardLink is the link to the specific KPI flashboard that you want to see.


Click the triangle beside the Process KPI text to open and close this area of the
Navigation pane.

Viewing and displaying data

Controls on the open flashboard help you view and display the data. The actions
that you can perform and the procedures that you use to perform them are described
in the following table.

Not all of the KPI flashboards support all of these procedures.

56 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Using the Asset Management console

Table 14: Viewing and displaying data



Zoom a graph
Note: Use the zoom feature to enlarge a 1 Click the arrow in the lower left corner of the graph to expand
section of the graph. You can also use
the bottom control panel.
full screen mode to enlarge the entire
graph as described by View a graph in
full screen mode, which appears later 2 Click the magnifying glass icon, then follow the onscreen
in this table.
Hide or display the graph legend
Note: The default setting is to show the
graph legend. The legend provides
information about how to interpret the

1 Click the arrow in the lower left corner of the graph to expand
the bottom control panel.

2 Deselect or select the Show Legend check box to either hide or

display the legend.

Change the graph style

Note: There are a number of different
graph styles from which you can
choose. For example, you can select to
display the data in a line graph, a bar
graph, a stacked bar graph, an area
chart, and so on.

1 Click the arrow in the lower left corner of the graph to expand
the bottom control panel.

2 Click the double-arrow button, then select the graph style you

Change the graph titles

Note: You can customize the title text
1 In the upper right corner of the graph, click the Open Options
that appears on the graphs to suit your
organizations needs. For example, you
Panel icon.
can change the titles of the X and Y axis.

2 Change the label text appropriately to your organizations needs.

3 Click Apply when you finish updating the text.
Hide or display active variables
Note: The flashboards use active
1 In the upper right corner of the graph, click the Open Options
variables to fetch the data that is used
to populate the graphs. If you choose to
Panel icon.
hide a variable, then the part of the
graph that uses the variable is hidden.
This gives you the ability to further
2 Select or deselect the active variables that you want to display
customize the flashboards appearance.
or hide.
View a graph in full screen mode
Note: You can display the selected
graph across the entire screen for better

1 In the upper right corner of the graph, click the Show

Flashboard in Full Screen icon.

2 When you finish viewing the graph in full screen mode, press
ESC to restore regular display mode. Alternatively you can
click the Show Flashboard in Normal Screen icon.

Chapter 2 Getting started 57

Using the Asset Management console

Searching for CIs

You might choose to search for CIs to view cost, unavailability, or other lifecycle
information about particular CIs and the items that they represent. You can perform
any of the searches listed in the following table.
Table 15: Methods of searching for a CI


Reference to instructions

Predefined search

Quickly find CIs for which you frequently search.

You can create custom searches.

Creating a custom search on

page 58

Basic search

Use the basic search functionality to open a CI form, Performing a basic search on
such as the Computer System form, in search mode. page 59

Advanced CI search Search for computer systems with specific

components. For example, you can search for all
computer systems running a specific patch or
operating system.

Performing an advanced CI
search on page 59

BMC Atrium
Use the BMC Atrium CMDB query dialog box to
CMDB advanced CI build complex searches.

Using the BMC Atrium CMDB

query dialog box to search for
CIs on page 61

Creating a custom search

You can define and save a custom search. After you save the custom search, it
appears in the My Searches node of the Defined Searches list.


The My Searches node appears only after you define a custom search.
You can also create custom searches on the Contract Management console and on the
Software Asset Management console.

To define a custom search

1 At the top of the console, click the magnifying glass icon beside the Filter by field.
2 In the Search Name field, type a name for the search.
3 Click Build Search Qualification to open the Advanced Qualification Search
Builder dialog box, and then define the search qualification.
4 From the Keywords or Fields selection boxes, select the keywords or record fields
on which you want to search.

58 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Using the Asset Management console

To insert operators (+, =, >,<, and so on), click the appropriate operator button.
Place literal values between double quotation marks. For example, to search for a
CI where the urgency was not defined, you would construct the following search:
'Urgency' = $\NULL$
5 Click Select to close the Advanced Qualification Search Builder, and then click
6 Close the Manage My Searches dialog box.
The search appears in the Defined Searches list, under the My Searches node.

To edit the custom search

1 Open the Manage My Searches dialog box as described in the preceding
2 From the list of searches, select the search to modify, and then click Build Search
3 Edit the search as required, and then click Select.
4 Click Save to save the edit.

Performing a basic search

Use the basic search functionality to open a CI form, such as the Computer System
form, in search mode.

To perform a basic search for CIs

1 At the top of the console, click the magnifying glass icon beside the Filter by field.
2 From the CI Type list, select a CI type, and click Search.
The selected CI form appears in search mode.
3 Use the fields to specify your search criteria, and click Search.

Performing an advanced CI search

Use the advanced CI search to perform a search of the BMC Atrium CMDB, based on
CI type. You can refine the search by providing more specific search criteria from a
set of selection fields.

Chapter 2 Getting started 59

Using the Asset Management console

When you search the Computer System CI class, the advanced search feature
provides a further set of search criteria that you can use to conduct searches at the
component level. For example, you can search for all computer systems running a
specific patch or for all computer systems running Windows 2000.
When you finish performing your search, the results appear in an on-screen table.
You can generate and then print a high-level report of one or more of the CIs found
during the search.

To perform an advanced CI search

1 In the navigation pane of the Asset Management console, choose Functions =>
Manage CIs.
2 In the Manage CI Information dialog box, click Advanced Search.
3 In the CI Advanced Search dialog box, select the applicable CI type.
For example, if you want to search for a LAN Endpoint, expand the Access Point
menu item, and then select LAN Endpoint.
You can click Search to find all the items that match the selected CI type, or you
can narrow the search by providing more specific search criteria. Continue with
List item. on page 60 if you are providing more specific search criteria;
otherwise, go to List item. on page 60.

Best practice
Broad searches can take a long time to complete. They can also create
performance issues for your system. BMC recommends that you provide more
specific search criteria.
If you selected a Computer System CI type, an extended list of specific search
criteria appears that enables you to search at the system component level.
4 In the Search Criteria for ciType area, provide the search criteria and then click
To narrow your search results, provide as much information in this area as possible.
5 To perform a task on one of the CIs, in the CI Search Results table, locate and then
select the appropriate CI.
6 Perform one or more of the tasks described in the following table.

60 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Using the Asset Management console


Step or steps to perform the task

View the details of a specific CI.

Click View. The CI form opens with the details of the selected CI.

View related CIs.

Click Explore CI. BMC Atrium Explorer appears, with the details
of the related CIs.

Create a high-level report.

1 Click CI Report.
A window appears containing a high-level report of the selected CIs.

1 To print the report, click the print icon in the report window. A
copy of the report is sent to your systems default printer.

Using the BMC Atrium CMDB query dialog box to search

for CIs
Use the BMC Atrium CMDB query dialog box to build complex searches. You can
specify multiple classes and attributes, and group search conditions. For example,
you can search for all computer systems in Houston or London that are running
Microsoft Windows XP.
When you use the BMC Atrium CMDB query dialog box, you interact directly with
BMC Atrium CMDB. Note the following elements:
CI classCI types in BMC Remedy Asset Management correspond to CI classes.
AttributeFields on the BMC Remedy Asset Management CI forms correspond

to attributes. Most attributes are the same or similar to the field names on BMC
Remedy Asset Management CI forms. Some attributes do not appear as fields on
BMC Remedy Asset Management CI forms, because they are not relevant to asset

For information about using and creating searches in the BMC Atrium CMDB query
dialog box, see the BMC Atrium CMDB Users Guide.

To use the BMC Atrium CMDB query dialog box to search for CIs
1 In the navigation pane of the Asset Management console, choose Functions =>
Advanced CI Search.
2 In the BMC Atrium CMDB query dialog box, click the New icon.
3 In the Query dialog box, click the Query Criteria tab.
4 Double-click a CI class to search, such as BMC_ComputerSystem.

Chapter 2 Getting started 61

Using the Asset Management console

5 In the list of search conditions, use the drop-down menus to create one or more
search conditions for that class:
a Optionally, select the check box and type a label for the condition.
If you save this search, whenever you run the search, you are prompted with
this label. You might choose to use the attribute name, or you might choose a
more descriptive label. For example, if you are building a query for a computer
system in a location, you might create labels of Server Name and Location,
for the two name attributes.
b Select an attribute.
c Select an operator.
d Enter a value.
e If you want to add another search condition, select AND or OR.
f Use the search condition buttons to arrange and group conditions.
6 To include a relationship between CI classes:
a In the list of chosen classes and relationships, click the drop-down arrow for a
CI class and select a relationship class.
b From the list of unselected CI classes, select the related CI class.
c In the list of search conditions, use the drop-down menus to create one or more
search conditions for the new class.
For example, you might query for all computer systems with Microsoft XP by
building a query that includes the BMC_ComputerSystem CI class, the
BMC_HostedSystemComponents relationship class, and the
BMC_OperatingSystem CI class.
7 Repeat step 5 through step 6 until you have added all the classes and conditions
necessary for the search.
8 To run the search, and to make sure that the search returns expected values, click
9 To view the results in the display pane, click Copy and Close.

62 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Using the Asset Management console

Broadcasting a message
Use broadcast messages to share timely information across the IT organization and
to customers. For example, if an outage is scheduled for a CI, you could broadcast an
announcement of the outage. Service desk analysts would see the broadcast message
from the Incident Management console, and would be aware of the outage when
customers report incidents. If you set the broadcast message with public view access,
then customers would see the broadcast message from the Requester console.
While viewing broadcast messages, you can perform several tasks. If you belong to
an authorized authoring group, you can create a new broadcast message or modify a
message. If you are viewing the message from a record, you can relate the broadcast
message to that record.
When viewing a broadcast from either the Incident Management console or the
Incident form, you can create a new incident from the broadcast. If the broadcast was
created from a problem investigation, CI unavailability, or another incident, the
application asks whether you want to relate the new incident to the originating record.

To create a new broadcast

1 Open the Asset Management console and click the broadcasts indicator.

To create a new broadcast from a CI, click View Broadcast.
2 In the View Broadcasts dialog box, click Create.
3 To create a broadcast, you must have the functional role of Broadcast Submitter.
See the BMC Remedy IT Service Management Administration Guide for details.
4 In the New/Modify Broadcasts form, enter information in the required fields.
Specify the following information on the Broadcast Details tab.



Select the company to which this broadcast pertains. Only users with
access to this company can see the broadcast. If you select Global from
the Company list, the broadcast is sent to everyone.
Of the various Location fields, only Company is mandatory. The other
Location fields: Region, Site Group, Site, Organization, and Department
are informational fields that allow you to specify the physical location,
and so on, to which the broadcast applies. These fields otherwise do not
restrict who can see the broadcast within the company specified in the
Company field. All people assigned to this company sees the broadcast.

Chapter 2 Getting started 63

Using the Asset Management console




A short description of what the broadcast is about.

Broadcast Message

The text of your message.

Broadcast Type

Select a broadcast type from the list.

Broadcast Start Date

Broadcast End Date

To start the broadcast now, click the Broadcast Start Date field, and press
ENTER. To select a date from the calendar, next to the date field, click
Browse. Use the calendar to select the start date and end dates of the
broadcast. You can also specify times of the day using the Time feature at
the bottom of the calendar.

Broadcast Originated From

This field is completed by the system. The contents depend on where

you are creating the broadcast. For example, if you broadcast from an
incident, this is set to Incident.

Broadcast Originated From ID

This field is filled in by the system, but only when you create a broadcast
from within a record. If you create a broadcast from the main console,
the field appears disabled.

View Access

To make this broadcast visible only to members of your organization,

select Internal. To make this broadcast visible from the Requester
console, select Public.


To send a broadcast notification automatically to an individual or group,

select Yes.
If you select Yes, an Email button and the Notify Support area appears.
To manually send an email about the broadcast to a person or group,
click Manual Email. When the Email System form appears, enter the
recipients email address in the Internet Email field, then click Send
Email Now.
To indicate the group you want to notify of the broadcast, use the
Notify Support area. You must complete all three fields, Support
Company, Support Organization, and Support Group. The
notification is sent at the time and on the date specified in the
Broadcast Start Date field.


Select a priority level for the broadcast. The choices are Low, Medium,
and High.

5 To add an attachment to the broadcast message, right-click inside the table and
select Add from the menu.
In the Add Attachment dialog box , indicate the file to attach. Click Open to
attach the indicated file. You are limited to one attachment for each broadcast.

64 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Using the Asset Management console

6 To allow members of another group to modify the message, perform the

following steps:
a Click the Authoring Groups tab.
b Click Manage Authoring Groups.
c In the Authoring Group dialog box, indicate the group that you want to have
authoring rights by selecting from the menus. When you finish, click Add.
The support group you belong to appears in the table. You can indicate
another group, or click Close to dismiss the dialog box.
7 Click Save.
The Broadcast appears in the Broadcast table.

To view broadcast messages

1 You can view broadcast messages from the following locations:
From the Asset Management console, click the broadcasts indicator.
Open a CI, and then in the navigation pane, choose Quick Links => View

Broadcast. The View Broadcasts dialog box appears. Select the message you
want to view from the broadcast messages table. The Broadcast Details tab
displays the details of the selected broadcast.


When you are viewing broadcast messages from the Asset Management console,
the dialog box does not include search fields.
When you view broadcast messages from the current CI, the list include all the
broadcast messages. This list is not limited to the broadcast messages related to
the current CI.
2 To view another message, perform either of the following steps:
When viewing from the main console, close the View Broadcasts dialog box,

select the broadcast message you want to view from the table, then click View.

When viewing from the current record, click the message you want to view

from the table. The message details appear.

Chapter 2 Getting started 65

Using the Asset Management console

Changing datasets
A dataset is a collection of CIs that are identified by a unique name.
CIs can be discovered by a discovery tool or manually entered. In either situation,
the CIs are likely to be put into one of the following datasets in the BMC Atrium CMDB:
BMC AssetThe default production dataset.
BMC.ASSET.SANDBOXThe default sandbox dataset. For information about the

sandbox dataset, see Using a sandbox dataset for CI data on page 81.

BMC Configuration ImportData from BMC Configuration Automation for


BMC Impact ProductionData that is modeled in BMC Service Impact Manager.

BMC Topology ImportData from BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency


Third-party datasetYou might have other datasets from third parties.

You can change the dataset in which you are working by selecting it from the
Dataset Name list on the Asset Management console.
For more information about working with data in the BMC Atrium CMDB, see the
BMC Atrium CMDB Users Guide.

Performing bulk updates

You can use the bulk update feature in BMC Remedy Asset Management to modify
CIs that require many concurrent changes.


You can perform many-to-one or one-to-many bulk updates. You cannot perform
many-to-many bulk updates.

Relating people through bulk updates

You can use the bulk update feature to relate people to CIs.

To relate people through a bulk update

1 In the navigation pane of the Asset Management console, choose Functions =>
Manage Bulk Updates.
66 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Using the Asset Management console

2 In the Manage Bulk Updates dialog box, in the CI Search Criteria area, specify
your search criteria, and click Search.
3 In the People Search Criteria area, specify your search criteria, and click Search.
4 From the CI Search Results table, select the CIs you want to relate to a person. Or,
select one CI to relate to several people.
5 From the People Search Results table, select the people records that you want to
relate to a CI. Or, select one person to relate to several CIs.
6 From the Role list, select the role you want the person or people, who are
assigned to this CI, to perform.
7 Click Relate.
8 In the confirmation message, click OK.

Updating CI locations through bulk updates

You can use the bulk update feature to update CI locations.


The software license management feature requires that the Company field is
completed for software CIs. If you are managing site licenses, you must complete the
Site field for computer system CIs. If these fields are not completed by your
discovery products, you can use the bulk update feature to update the Company and
Site fields in bulk.

To update CI locations through bulk updates

1 In the navigation pane of the Asset Management console, choose Functions =>
Manage Bulk Updates.
2 In the Manage Bulk Updates dialog box, in the CI Search Criteria area, specify
your search criteria, and click Search.
3 From the table, select all the CIs for which you want to change a location, and
click Update CI Location.
4 In the Relocate CIs dialog box, from the Company, Region, Site Group, and Site
lists, select a new location for the CIs you selected.
5 Click Save.
6 In the confirmation message dialog box, click Yes.

Chapter 2 Getting started 67

Using the Asset Management console

Creating reminders
A reminder is similar to a BMC Remedy AR System notification. For a reminder,
however, you can define the content of a reminder and specify when to send it.

To create a reminder
1 In the navigation pane of the Asset Management console, choose Functions =>
2 In the Reminders dialog box, click the Create Reminder tab.
3 From the Notify list, select whether you want to notify an individual or a group.
4 In the Recipient field, specify the name of the person or group you want to send
the reminder to.
5 In the Time field, specify the time and date you want the reminder to be sent.
The time and date must be in the future.
6 In the Message field, specify the text you want in the reminder.
7 Click Save.

Modifying your application preferences

You use the Application Preferences link to modify the default search criteria on the
Asset Management console to search for CIs. You can also modify your preferences
so that the following types of information appear by default on the Overview console.

To modify your preferences

1 From the Navigation pane of the Problem console, choose Functions =>
Application Preferences.
2 Update the form as appropriate.
The following table describes the settings available on the form.
Table 16: Application preference settings


Preferences for

This is a read-only field that identifies the user.

68 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Using the Overview console



Default Home Page

Select the console that you want to appear as your home page when you open the
BMC Remedy Asset Management. For example, if you want the Problem console
to appear, select Problem Management Console.


Select the company. By selecting a company you can create a separate preference
record for each company that you are assigned to. This means you can have one
set of preferences for Company A and another set of preferences for Company B.

Console View

This is not applicable for BMC Remedy Asset Management.

Search Criteria Default

Select default search criteria for CI Types. The following list shows you the
available selections:
CI TypeSelect the default CI type to be displayed.
StatusSelect the default status to be displayed.


Tab ViewsYou can choose whether to show the following panels:


Overview Console

You can choose whether to show CI unavailability and purchase requisitions.

You can also select CI unavailability and purchase requisition statuses on the
Overview console.

3 Click Save.

Using the Overview console

Use the Overview console if you must respond to, manage, or track individual or
group work assignments from a variety of sources. For example, if your company
runs the full BMC Remedy ITSM suite, either you or the group you manage might
receive work assignments from BMC Remedy Incident Management, BMC Remedy
Problem Management, and BMC Remedy Change Management. From the Overview
console, you can quickly get information about all your work assignments and
perform the procedures that you use most often.
This section includes the following topics:
Functional areas of the Overview console on page 70

Chapter 2 Getting started 69

Using the Overview console

Console List table on page 72

Selecting status values on page 73

Functional areas of the Overview console

The following figure illustrates the functional areas of the Overview console.
Figure 5: Overview console and its functional areas

The following table describes what you can do in each of the functional areas.
Table 17: Overview console functional areas
Functional area


Overview console header

Company and View By

This area contains two fields: Company and View By. These fields combine to
provide a way that you can indicate the company name and the assigned-to
categories used to filter the records in the Console List table.


Refreshes the data in the tables.

Navigation pane

70 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Using the Overview console

Functional area


View Broadcast, or New


Opens the broadcast dialog box, from where you can view, create, modify, and
delete broadcast messages.
When there are unread broadcast messages, this area displays a message: New
Broadcasts, followed by the number of new messages. When there are new
broadcast messages, the area also turns red.
See Broadcasting a message on page 63.
Note: If you open the Overview console with no new broadcast messages, but
the View Broadcast link is red, open the Application Preferences dialog box and
make sure that a Console View preference has been selected. For information
about how to view and select Console View preference, see Modifying your
application preferences on page 68.


Use the links in this area to do the following actions:

Select Status ValuesSee only those records in a certain state, which you
specify from the Select Status Values dialog box. See Selecting status values
on page 73.
My ProfileView your profile.
Application PreferencesSet your application preferences and options.
This function is also available from the BMC Remedy Asset Management
console. See Modifying your application preferences on page 68.


Depending on your permissions and what other applications are installed, use
these links to open:
IT Home Page
Asset Management console
Change Management console
Contract Management console
Incident Management console
Problem Management console
Release Management console
Software Asset Management console
Approval Console
ROI Console

Chapter 2 Getting started 71

Using the Overview console

Functional area


Console List panel


Displays a form containing detailed information about the selected record in the
Console List table.


Creates a new record. For an example, see Creating purchase requisitions on

page 129.


To print the selected record, select the Print action from the menu.

Search For Ticket

Opens a dialog box from which you can select the type of ticket you are
searching for. After you select the type of record from the menu, click the Select
button to open a search form specific to the type of ticket. For an example, see
Searching for purchase requisitions on page 144.
Note: To see activity records and CI unavailability records, you must search for
those tickets, because these records are not displayed in the Console List table.

Console List table

Lists the different types of requests. See Console List table on page 72.

Console List table

The Console List table lists different types of requests. The types of requests that you
can choose from depend on the applications that are installed.
A specific prefix identifies each type of request:
CRQIdentifies change requests. To view and define change requests, BMC

Remedy Change Management must be installed.

RLMIdentifies release requests. To view and define release requests, BMC

Remedy Change Management must be installed.

TASIdentifies tasks.
SDBIdentifies solution database entries. To view and define solution entries,

BMC Remedy Service Desk must be installed.

INCIdentifies incidents. To view and define incidents, BMC Remedy Service

Desk must be installed.

PBIIdentifies problems. To view and define problems, BMC Remedy Service

Desk must be installed.

PKEIdentifies known errors. To view and define known errors, BMC Remedy

Service Desk must be installed.

PRIdentifies purchase requisitions. To view and define purchase requisitions,

BMC Remedy Asset Management must be installed.

72 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Using the Overview console

Company and View By filters

You can also change the tables contents by using the Company and View By filters
at the top of the console:
CompanyShows records associated with a particular company (useful in a multitenancy environment).
View ByShows records that either are assigned to you or to your support groups,
according to the following table.
View By filter



Displays records assigned to you.

Selected Groups

Prompts you to select any support groups to which you belong. You can select to
display all records assigned to your group, or records assigned to your group
that are not yet assigned to an individual.

All My Groups

Displays records assigned to all your support groups. You can choose to display
all records, or records that are not yet assigned to an individual.

Selecting status values

You can use the Select Status Values dialog box to filter the requests that appear in
the Overview console based on their status.

To select status values

1 From the navigation pane , choose Functions => Select Status Values.
2 In the Select Status Values dialog box, select the status values for each category
from the lists, then click OK to close the dialog box.


The Select Status Values you select are only applicable for the current session. If
you close the Overview Console, the Select Status Values will revert to the default
values you had chosen in the Application Preferences.
3 If the Assigned Work table does not refresh with the filtered records, click
Refresh to reload the tables contents.

Chapter 2 Getting started 73

Role-based consoles

Role-based consoles
Depending on your role, you might have access to one or more of the consoles listed
in the following table. You can access these consoles from the navigation pane of the
BMC Remedy AR System IT Home page.
Table 18: Role-based consoles

Used by



Create purchase

Purchasing agents

Place purchase orders

For more information, see

Requisition management on
page 125

Price purchase requisitions

Access approval console
Run reports

Anyone with
Requisition management on
permission to approve a Approve or reject purchase page 125
purchase requisition
Note: This console is
also used by BMC
If BMC Remedy Change
Remedy Change
Management is installed,
approve or reject change
Access Approval Central
View or create reminders



Receive and return items

from suppliers

Requisition management on
page 125

View purchase orders


Contract Managers

Create and manage contracts

74 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Contract management on page


Role-based consoles


Used by

Software Asset

Software Asset

View software license

For more information, see

Software license management
on page 173

Manage software license

Manage jobs that
automatically attach CIs to
license certificates

Chapter 2 Getting started 75

Role-based consoles

76 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Working with configuration items
This section describes how to create, track, and work with configuration items (CIs).

Overview of a CI
A configuration item (CI) represents any component of an infrastructure. For example,
a CI can represent a hardware component or software component, a service, an
inventory location, and a network (LAN or WAN). CIs can vary widely in
complexity, size, and type, from representing an entire system to representing a
single component.
Configuration administrators use the CI forms to create CIs and track them
throughout their lifecycle. Throughout the CI lifecycle, configuration administrators
manage costs, software licenses, and contracts. They schedule resources and perform
other activities.

CIs and other BMC products

Discovery products, such as BMC Configuration Automation for Clients and BMC
Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping (BMC Atrium Discovery) can populate
CIs in BMC Atrium Configuration Management Database (BMC Atrium CMDB).
You can use BMC Remedy Asset Management to manually create or update CIs.

Best practice

Users of BMC Remedy Incident Management, BMC Remedy Problem Management,

or BMC Remedy Change Management use the information in CIs. This information
helps them to diagnose user problems. They can use this information to determine
whether a change to a CI or the IT infrastructure is required.
For example, a user calls in with a printing problem. A staff member using BMC
Remedy Incident Management can check a printer CI to see whether the printer is
down or in repair. Or, for example, your change manager determines that an
operating system must be upgraded on certain computers. That manager can relate
those CIs to the related change request.

Chapter 3 Working with configuration items 77

Overview of a CI

For more information, see the BMC Remedy Service Desk: Incident Management Users
Guide or the BMC Remedy Change Management Users Guide.

Overview of the CI form

This section describes the different functions available from a CI form.
The CI form contains the following areas:
Navigation paneUse the quick links in the navigation pane to page or to email

contacts, run reports, view broadcast messages, create blackout schedules, and so

CI InformationUse this area to specify general information about the CI and the

item that it represents. For example, you can specify the CI name, status, and
number of users affected by the item. You can specify the impact, and urgency
that apply when the item goes down.

CI tabsUse these tabs to perform additional activities. You can relate contracts

and configurations. You can add cost, schedule, outage, and return information.
You can track work and can update areas impacted by this CI. For more
information, see Leveraging secondary CI features on page 95.

When you use BMC Remedy Asset Management to create a new CI, you can perform
some tasks before you save the CI. After you save it, or when you open a CI, you can
perform additional tasks. For example, when you create a new Computer System CI,
you see only the tabs listed in the table below.
Table 19: CI tabs displayed before you save the CI



Categorize your CIs and specify location

and lifecycle information.

Creating CIs on page 82


Specify additional information about the

item, for example, environment information
and network information.

Creating CIs on page 82


Specify costs associated with owning the item. Working with costs on page 106

Impacted Areas

If the item goes down, use this tab to add

areas that might be affected.

Performing additional functions on the

CI form on page 121

Work Info

Add tasks that you perform against the

current CI or the item that it represents.
Note: You can also access this feature from
the navigation pane.

Adding work information on page 95

When you open a CI, depending on the CI type, you might see the additional tabs
listed in the table below.
78 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Categorizing CIs

Table 20: CI tabs displayed after you save the CI





Relate contracts to a CI. For software

product CIs, release a software license
certificate to a CI.

Relating a contract to a CI on page 170


Relate people to a CI.

Relating people, organizations, and

groups to CIs on page 96


Relate CIs to other CIs.

Working with related items on page



Display components related to a computer

system CI, such as memory, operating
system, and products.

Viewing relationship details for a

computer system CI on page 101


Add outage information about a CI.

Creating outage information on page


Categorizing CIs
The CI categorization model is based on the classes in the BMC Atrium CMDB. CIs
are direct views into those classes. You leverage the product categorization in BMC
Remedy Asset Management to further categorize and define the CIs in a BMC
Atrium CMDB class.
CIs are categorized using a five-tier categorization structure, which includes the
product name and product version. The fourth tier, product name, determines the


The following Product Categorization fields and structure correlate directly with the
CI data fields in BMC Atrium CMDB.
Figure 6: Product Categorization area

Chapter 3 Working with configuration items 79

Setting the company and location of a CI

For information about creating categorization data for use in BMC Remedy Asset
Management, see the BMC Remedy IT Service Management Administration Guide.

Setting the company and location of a CI

The location structure is a hierarchy of Company, Region, Site Group, and Site.
Define location data on the Company and Site configuration forms, as described in
the BMC Remedy IT Service Management Administration Guide .
If you are using software license management, you must specify the company for
software CIs. If you do not specify the company, the CI will not be related to a
software license certificate. Other fields might be required for some license types; for
example, the Site field is required for matching with a site license.
Location information is specified at the company level. To the user, the value in the
Company field on a CI determines what selection data appears in the Location lists
and fields.

Providing access to a CI for multiple companies

To separate data for multiple companies or multiple business units, use the
Company field. Users can access data only for companies for which they have access.
To see the data for a specific company that you have the permission to view, select
the company from the list.
In a multi-tenancy environment, users can access a CI only if one of the following
conditions is met:
The user belongs to the same company as the CI.
On the People tab, you create a "Supported by" or "Used by" relationship to a

support group. The user is a member of the same company as the people

The user has unrestricted access to all companies.

If multiple companies access an item, such as a printer, you can use the Company
field to indicate the company with primary responsibility for the CI. You can relate
the CI to the other companies. For instructions on relating CIs, see Working with
related items on page 100.

80 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Using a sandbox dataset for CI data

Using a sandbox dataset for CI data

When multiple sources update BMC Atrium CMDB, there must be some control on
how that data is updated. Without control, BMC Atrium CMDB can become loaded
with unintended data. BMC Atrium CMDB and BMC Remedy Asset Management
provide an underlying mechanism to control how your production data is updated.
This mechanism is the sandbox dataset.
BMC Remedy Asset Management is installed with the sandbox dataset set to
BMC.ASSET.SANDBOX and the production dataset set to BMC ASSET.
An administrator defines what sources of updates have the most appropriate
information to load into the production data, and can disable the sandbox. The BMC
Remedy IT Service Management Administration Guide describes this procedure.
The user does not make changes directly to production data, unless the sandbox is
disabled. When a user modifies data, the data flows through a temporary storage
area (the sandbox dataset), and then runs through the Reconciliation Engine. The
Reconciliation Engine determines which modified attributes to also modify into the
production data.


During reconciliation, some updates might not get updated in the production
dataset. The system can be configured to treat another data source as a higher
precedence than the data being entered through BMC Remedy Asset Management. If
two data sources make updates, the data source with the highest precedence
determines the production dataset.
Depending on whether your system is configured with a sandbox dataset, the CI
creation process varies slightly.
If your system is configured with a sandbox dataset, CIs that you create or modify

flow through the sandbox dataset. You can choose to wait until the data has been
reconciled, or move on to the next CI.

If your system does not have a sandbox dataset, CI data goes directly into the

production dataset.

Working with discovered CIs

Discovery products automate the process of populating BMC Atrium CMDB. When
these products discover IT hardware and software, they create CIs and relationships
from the discovered data.

Chapter 3 Working with configuration items 81

Creating CIs

For example, you might use BMC Configuration Automation for Clients or BMC
Atrium Discovery to populate BMC Atrium CMDB. BMC Configuration Automation
for Clients can discover CI types such as computer system, processor, operating
system, and software product. BMC Atrium Discovery can discover CI types, such as
computer system, cluster, application, and business service.
When data providers, such as discovery products, put data into BMC Atrium
CMDB, this data is partitioned into separate datasets. The Reconciliation Engine
component of BMC Atrium CMDB reconciles these datasets into a consolidated
production dataset that you use as the single source of reference for your IT
The Reconciliation Engine identifies CIs for reconciliation from discovery products
and from BMC Remedy Asset Management, merges the identified records to the
production dataset based on a precedence value, and purges obsolete configuration
data from the production dataset. The production dataset is named BMC Asset.
Data consumers, such as BMC Remedy Asset Management, read data from the
production dataset. You can use BMC Remedy Asset Management to view, modify,
and work with the discovered CIs. You can also use BMC Remedy Asset
Management to create CIs that are not discovered, as described in Creating CIs on
page 82.


BMC discovery products populate key CI fields so that CIs can be uniquely
identified during reconciliation. If you create a CI that might later be discovered, you
must enter values in these fields that match the values populated by discovery
products. For example, the CI Description field can be used during reconciliation to
identify a CI. Failure to enter this data correctly can result in duplicate CIs. For
information about how BMC discovery products identify CIs, see the BMC Atrium
Discovery and Dependency Mapping: Populating BMC Atrium CMDB guide and the
BMC Configuration Automation for Clients Configuration Discovery Integration for CMDB
Implementation Guide.

Creating CIs
To create a CI, you must have Asset Admin permissions. If you have Asset User
permissions, you can modify a CI only if the CI is related to your Support Group.
Your administrator (or any person with Asset Admin permissions) can related the CI
to your Support Group.
You specify information about each of your CIs and the items that they represent by
using forms for different CI types, such as:
Computer System
82 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Creating CIs

Bulk Inventory

Most CI forms contain similar fields; the only difference is how you categorize the
CI. The following two examples show how to create a CI for two different CI types.
The procedure is similar for other CI types.
For a description of CI types and their relationships, see CI and relationship types on
page 289.

When you save a CI and the sandbox is enabled, the new or modified CI is stored in
the sandbox dataset until the Reconciliation Engine runs and moves it into the
production dataset. Until the Reconciliation Engine runs, you can see your changes
in the sandbox dataset only.

Creating a Computer System CI

Follow this procedure to create a Computer System CI.

To create a Computer System CI

1 In the navigation pane of the Asset Management console, choose Functions =>
Manage CIs.
2 In the Select a CI Type dialog box, choose System => Computer System, and
click Create.
At the top of the Computer System form, specify general information. Bold field
names indicate required fields. You must specify information into these fields
before you can save the CI.
3 In the CI Name field, specify a name for the CI.
Best Practice
When creating a CI name, follow a consistent naming convention. According to
IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) guidelines, identifiers should be short but
meaningful, and for hardware, not based on supplier device names. For example,
the name might include an indicator of the items function followed by a numeric
code, such as MONITOR100.
4 In the CI ID field, type a unique alphanumeric value for the CI.
5 Specify whether the item is supported by selecting Yes or No from the Supported
Chapter 3 Working with configuration items 83

Creating CIs

This field provides information for your records.

6 From the Company list, select the company to which this item belongs.
For more information about this field, see Providing access to a CI for multiple
companies on page 80.
7 From the Primary Capability and Capability List fields, select or type the roles
this item performs in your companys topology.
8 Select a status from the Status list.
The default value is Deployed. You can select one of the following options:



The item represented by the CI was received in shipping.

Being Assembled

The item is being assembled.

In Repair

The item is down for maintenance.


The item is down, but not yet in maintenance.

End of Life

The item is no longer being deployed.


The item was transferred to another location.


The CI is marked for deletion.

In Inventory

The item is in inventory but not yet deployed.

On Loan

The item is on loan to another location.


The item has been ordered but is not yet available.


The item is no longer available and was disposed of.


The item was reserved and taken out of inventory.

Return to Vendor

The item must be returned to the vendor as damaged or unwanted.

9 Select the impact, urgency, and priority that apply when this item goes down
(becomes unavailable).
10 In the Users Affected field, specify the number of people who use this item.
Alternatively, specify the number of users who are affected when the item goes
11 Complete the other fields in this area.

84 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Creating CIs

Field name


Tag Number

The CI tag number. This number is usually placed on the product by a

member of your IT department to track the CI.

Serial Number

The items serial number.

Part Number

The items part number.

System Role

The role this item plays in your company.

Status Reason

The reason for the current CI status.

12 Click the General tab.

13 Use the Tier fields to categorize the item, as described in Categorizing CIs on page
14 In the Location area, use the lists and fields to specify the location of the item.
15 Specify the dates of the CI in the Lifecycle area.
Field name


Received Date

This field is automatically populated when the CI is received using the

Requisition, Purchase/Receive feature.

Installation Date

This field is populated when the CI is put into 'Deployed' state.

Available Date

Enter the date the CI will be available.

Return Date

Enter the return date of the CI.

Disposal Date

Enter the disposal date of the CI.

Last Scan Date

This field is automatically populated when the CI instance has been

discovered using a discovery tool such as, BMC BladeLogic Client
Automation or BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping.

16 Click the Specifications tab.

17 Add additional information about the CI and the item that it represents.
18 Click Save.
19 If you see a message instructing you to complete additional fields, which might be
necessary for this particular CI, do so.

Chapter 3 Working with configuration items 85

Creating CIs

Creating a Bulk Inventory CI

You create Bulk Inventory and Inventory Location CIs from the Select a CI Type
dialog box. After you create these records, you manage your bulk item quantities
and your storage locations from the Manage Inventory form.
For more information, see Managing inventory on page 259.

To create a Bulk Inventory CI

1 In the navigation pane of the Asset Management console, choose Functions =>
Manage CIs.
2 In the Select a CI Type dialog box, choose Bulk Inventory => Bulk Inventory,
and click Create.
3 Click Create.
4 In the Bulk Inventory form, use the Tier fields to categorize the item, as described
in Categorizing CIs on page 79.
5 Specify the number of bulk inventory items in the Received Quantity field.
6 Click Save.

Adding bulk inventory to a storage location

After you create your bulk inventory records, add them to an inventory location.

To add your bulk inventory to an inventory location

1 Create a Bulk Inventory CI and save it, as described in Creating a Bulk Inventory
CI on page 86.
2 Click the Inventory Location tab.
3 Click Add.
4 In the Search Inventory Locations dialog box, specify your search criteria, and
click Search.
5 From the Results List table, select a location and click Relate.
A message appears stating that the selected inventory location has been related to
the bulk inventory record.
86 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Viewing CI audits

6 Click OK, and then click Close.

7 In the Bulk Inventory form, click the Quantity per Location column and specify
the bulk item quantity you want in this location.
Figure 7: Bulk item quantity on the Inventory Location tab

8 Click Save.

Viewing CI audits
You can view the following types of CI audits:
Notification audits, which provide a log of notifications sent about a CI.
BMC Atrium CMDB audit, which shows information about the creation and

modification of a CI.


You cannot view a CI audit unless auditing has been enabled on the
BMC.CORE:BMC_BaseElement and other specific attributes. For more
information refer to the BMC Atrium CMDB guide.

Viewing a notification audit of a CI

You can see an audit log of notifications related to a CI.

To view a notification audit of a CI

1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 From the navigation pane, choose Functions => Notification Audits.

Chapter 3 Working with configuration items 87

Exploring CI relationships

3 In the CI Notification Audits dialog box, select an audit, and click View.

Viewing a BMC Atrium CMDB audit of a CI

The BMC Atrium CMDB audit shows information about a selected CI, as stored in
BMC Atrium CMDB. The audit includes the date that the CI was created, the user ID
of the creator, the date it was last modified, and so on.
For example, Allen Allbrook, a configuration administrator at Calbro Services, thinks
that the data for a computer system might be inaccurate. He wants to view the audit
history of the CI so that he can see all the modifications to this computer system
during its history. He can investigate why the data is no longer accurate.
For more information about BMC Atrium CMDB audits, see the BMC Atrium CMDB
Users Guide.

To view a BMC Atrium CMDB audit of a CI

1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 From the navigation pane, choose Functions => CMDB Audits.
3 In the View Instance History form, select a history entry, and click View.
The data displayed in the CMDB DetaultAuditLog form depends on how the
form is configured. By default, Name, Status, Region, Site Group, and Site are
displayed. An administrator can configure more fields to audit, as described in
the BMC Atrium CMDB Administrator's Guide.

Exploring CI relationships
BMC Atrium Explorer shows a map of the relationships between the selected CI and
related CIs. To view relationships at all levels throughout your environment, you
can traverse this map from one CI to another. For example, the selected CI might be
a computer system that is related to a printer. You might traverse the map to see
how that printer is related to other computer systems. BMC Atrium Explorer shows
the relationship between the computer system, printer, and other computer systems.

To explore CI relationships
1 Open the Asset Management console.
2 From the Configuration Items (CIs) table, select the CI, and click Explore CI.
88 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Using BMC Atrium Impact Simulator

BMC Atrium Explorer opens, displaying the selected CI. Other related CIs might
be displayed, depending on the CI types and relationships.
Figure 8: BMC Atrium Explorer

3 To view CI instances related to a currently displayed CI instance, click the expand

button underneath it.
4 To limit the related CIs displayed in the view, you can select a filter.
For information about creating filters, see the BMC Atrium CMDB Users Guide.
5 To resize the diagram, use the zoom tool.
6 To see further information about any CI in the viewer, pause the mouse over the
Alternative text displays the CI name, class ID, categorization, and owner name.
In the BMC Atrium Explorer, the categorization appears as category, type, and
item. This categorization is the same as product categorization tier 1, tier 2, and
tier 3.

Using BMC Atrium Impact Simulator

You can use the BMC Atrium Impact Simulator application to determine how a
change to the availability of an item represented by a CI affects other items. For

Chapter 3 Working with configuration items 89

Using BMC Atrium Impact Simulator

example, you can run a simulation in BMC Atrium Impact Simulator to learn what
devices and applications in the network would be affected if you took a sever offline.
You can also use BMC Atrium Impact Simulator to plan for disaster recovery. You
can run simulations to determine where the network is weakest, and plan accordingly.
BMC Atrium Impact Simulator uses the impact relationships that you create between
CIs. For information about creating relationships, see Working with related items on
page 100.
When you run a simulation, you can specify an impact state for each CI in the
simulation. The following table lists the states that you can select in BMC Atrium
Impact Simulator.
Table 21: Impact states in BMC Atrium Impact Simulator
BMC Atrium Impact Simulator Description
Slightly Impaired

The item is delivering services normally, but some problem might affect it.


The items delivery of service is slightly affected.

Very Impaired

The items delivery of service is affected.


The item has a failure and is unable to deliver service.

When you run a simulation, BMC Atrium Impact Simulator uses these states and the
impact relationships defined between CIs to predict the corresponding impact on the
items that they represent. For example, a simulation that includes a server with an
impact state of Unavailable might return several related CIs that are predicted to be
unavailable as a result of the unavailable server. However, an Impaired server in
that same simulation might return impacted CIs that are predicted to be only
Slightly Impaired.
Priorities can help you understand the problems that you should address first if you
were to make the changes that you simulated. For example, a simulation might
reveal that if a server were to fail, email and payroll services might be disabled. The
computed priority for these services would help you decide which service to restore
If you have BMC Remedy Change Management installed, you can open a new
change request directly from BMC Atrium Impact Simulator. Similarly, if you have
BMC Remedy Service Desk installed, you can open a new incident request. This
enables you to take immediate action if the results of an impact simulation are
acceptable. For information about change requests, see the BMC Remedy Change
Management Users Guide. For information about incident requests, see the BMC
Remedy Service Desk: Incident Management Users Guide.
For more information about BMC Atrium Impact Simulator, see the BMC Atrium
CMDB Users Guide.
90 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Using BMC Atrium Impact Simulator

Functional areas of the BMC Atrium Impact Simulator console

The following table describes what you can do in each of the functional areas.
Table 22: BMC Atrium Impact Simulator console functional areas
Functional area


CIs for Simulation

CIs for Simulation table

This table contains the CIs that you select for simulation. The left column contains
the Set CIs State for Simulation field. Use this field to assign an impact state to
the CI in the table.

Add CI

Click to search for one or more CIs to add to the table.

Remove CI

Click to remove the selected CI from the table.

Simulate Impact

Click to run an impact simulation for the CIs in the table.

Results in Topology

Shows the results of a simulation as a topology, including any impact

relationships between the CIs. An icon on each CI image represents the predicted
impact state for each CI, based on the simulation criteria.

Results in Table

Shows the results of a simulation as a table. The Predicted State column indicates
the expected impact for each CI. To list only impacted service CIs, click Show
Only Services. To list all impacted CIs, click Show All Results.

Save Simulation

Save the simulation. Saved simulations can be loaded and compared.

Running an impact simulation

Use this procedure to simulate the impact that a change to one or more items has on
other items.

To run an impact simulation

1 Open BMC Atrium Explorer and display one of the CIs that you are including in
the simulation, as described in Exploring CI relationships on page 88.
2 Right-click the CI and choose Simulate Impact from the context menu.
3 To add more CIs to the simulator, perform the following steps in the BMC Atrium
a Click Add CI.
b In the Query window, run a query to return the CIs that you want to include in
a simulation.
Chapter 3 Working with configuration items 91

Creating relationships in a topology

For more information about searching for CIs, see Using the BMC Atrium
CMDB query dialog box to search for CIs on page 61.
c In the results list, select one or more CIs to include in a simulation, and click
4 In the CIs for Simulation area of the BMC Atrium Impact Simulator console, select
a CI, and then select an impact state in the Set CIs State for Simulation field.
Repeat this step until every CI in the CIs for Simulation area has the impact state
that you want to simulate.
5 Click Simulate Impact.
6 View the results of the simulation on the Results in Table and Results in Topology
7 To save the simulation, complete the following steps:
a Click Save Simulation.
b In the dialog box, enter a name for the simulation.
c Provide a description of the simulation, such as its purpose, and the source CIs
used in the simulation.
d Click OK.

Creating relationships in a topology

This section discusses how to use the network topology feature in BMC Remedy
Asset Management. You can use this feature to create relationships between the
networked items in your organization. You can also use this feature to track network
information and system information about those items.

Using network topologies to diagnose problems

Service desk staff can view the relationships between CIs in a network topology to
diagnose problems. For example, a user might call about a problem with a network
printer. The specialist can view the network topology to identify the network printer.
The specialist can then determine whether the problem is with the network printer
or another problem. The specialist can make this determination by searching for

92 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Creating relationships in a topology

tickets that are related to the CI. The tickets might indicate whether the item is down
or in repair.
Network topologies can also be useful during the planning and risk assessment
phases of a change request. For example, a change request comes in that requests an
operating system upgrade for several application servers. The change manager or
configuration administrator views the network topologies of these computer
systems. The topologies indicate which computers or users would be affected by the

Relating CIs in a network topology

To arrange CIs in a network topology, relate them to connectivity segments or IP
connectivity subnets. You can relate the following CI types to segments and subnets
in a peer-to-peer relationship:
Computer System

You can use your discovery tool (for example, BMC Configuration Automation for
Clients or BMC Atrium Discovery) to discover these CIs, segments, or subnets, or
you can create them manually. Then you can relate the connectivity segments and
subnets to a CI.

To relate connectivity segments and subnets to a CI

1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 From the navigation pane, choose Advanced Functions => Topology.
3 In the Topology Relationships Form, from the Show Related list, select
Connectivity Segment or IP Connectivity Subnet, and click Relate.
4 In the message that appears, click OK.
5 In the CI Search dialog box, specify your search criteria, and click Search. You can
use the Advanced Search field to perform an advanced search.
6 Select the connectivity segment or IP connectivity subnet you want to relate.
7 From the Relationship Type list, select the relationship of this segment or subnet
to the CI.

Chapter 3 Working with configuration items 93

Creating relationships in a topology

8 Click Relate. The Topology Relationships form reappears with the records in the
Next, you can relate other Computer System, Mainframe, or Printer CIs to the
segments or subnets.

To relate other CIs to connectivity segments or subnets

1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 From the navigation pane, choose Advanced Functions => Topology.
The Topology Relationships form appears.
3 From the Show Related list, select Connectivity Segment or IP Connectivity
4 From the CI Type list, select the system you want to relate to the current
connectivity segment or subnet.
5 Click Relate.
6 In the CI Search dialog box, specify your search criteria, and click Search.
7 Select the system you want to relate, and click Relate.
The Topology Relationships form reappears with the records in the table.

94 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Leveraging secondary CI features
This section describes secondary tasks that you can perform from a configuration
item (CI) Information form.
Working with configuration items on page 77 describes the primary tasks.
For information about contracts and software license certificates related to CIs, see
the following sections:
Relating contracts to CIs on page 169
Determining which CIs use a license certificate on page 218
Manually managing CIs attached to a license certificate on page 219
Manually managing CIs attached to a license certificate on page 219

Adding work information

You use the Work Info tab on the CI Information form to add information about
tasks performed on the current record. For example, you might want to add work
information about the following topics:
General InformationNotes about the record. For example, you might want to

add a note that a particular CI was deployed, and include the date.

Implementation PlanNotes about a plan to implement a global change

throughout your organization.

Costing and ChargingAdditional information about the cost of the current CI,

incident, change, or so on. For example, if you split the cost of maintaining a CI
between two cost centers, you might add a note here. You might also add a note
to indicate that the cost to implement a change came under budget.

You can find more options available from the Work Info Type list on the Work Info

Chapter 4 Leveraging secondary CI features 95

Relating people, organizations, and groups to CIs

To add work information

1 From the Asset Management console, view a CI record, and click the Work Info
2 Complete the following fields:
Field name


Work Info Type

Select the type of work information that you want to add.


Select the date for work information that you want to add.


Select the source of this information. For example, you can indicate whether the
information was received through an email, was a system assignment, or was a
request received over the web.


Specify the details of your work information record.


To add an attachment, perform the following steps:

1 Right-click in the attachment table, and choose Add.

2 From the Add Attachment dialog box, select a file, and click Open.

To lock the log, select Yes.

WARNING: If you select Yes, you cannot modify the work log after you save it.

View Access

This field is available on all work info records. For records that are displayed on
the Requester console, selecting External makes the records available on the
Requester console. CI records, however, are not displayed on the Requester

3 To add the information to the Work Info History table, click Save.
4 To see a report of the tasks that you performed against this record, click Report.

Relating people, organizations, and groups to

You can relate people, organizations, and support groups, to CIs. You might need to
relate CIs to people that either manage, support, or own the CI. For example, if you
set up a new salesperson with a laptop, you can assign that person to the laptop.
96 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Relating people, organizations, and groups to CIs

When you relate the salesperson, you can keep track of who uses the laptop. And, if
you know the support group responsible for repairing laptops, you might also relate
that support group to the laptop.
In a multi-tenancy environment, users can access a CI record only if one of the
following conditions is met:
The user belongs to the same company as the CI.
On the People tab, you create a Supported by or Used by relationship to a

people organization. The user is a member of the same company as the people

The user has unrestricted access to all companies.

People with Asset Admin permission can modify any CI that they can access. People
with Asset Viewer permission can view any CI that they can access, but they cannot
modify CIs.
People with Asset User permission can perform the following tasks:
If they belong to a Support Group that has a Supported by role for the CI, they

can modify the CI.

They can view, but not modify, any other CI that they can access.

You can relate more than one person, organization, or group to a CI. You can also
relate different people or groups to the same CI, with different roles. For example,
you can relate a printer to users of the marketing and engineering groups. You can
set the printer as owned by the marketing group and managed by the printer
support group.

To relate a person, organization, or group to a CI

1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 Click the People tab, and click Add.
3 In the Select Type dialog box, select the type of contact; then search for and select
the contact as described in the following table.

Chapter 4 Leveraging secondary CI features 97

Relating people, organizations, and groups to CIs

Type of contact

Steps to select the contact


1 In the Type list, select People, and click OK.

The Primary Contact option buttons become enabled.

1 To make this person the primary contact for the CI, select Yes, and click OK.
2 In the People Search dialog box, search for the person.
3 Select the person that you want to relate, and click Select.
People organization

Use People organization to relate people by their company, organization, or


1 In the Type list, select People Organization, and click OK.

2 In the Organization Search dialog box, search for the organization or

3 Select a record from the results table and choose a relationship level.
The relationship level defines which people are related to the CI. For example,
you can related a CI at the company level. Therefore, if you are an employee of
that specific company, you are related to that CI.
Support group

Note: To create a CI, you must have Asset Admin permissions. If you have
Asset User permissions, you can modify a CI only if it is related to your support
group. Your administrator (or any person with Asset Admin permissions) can
relate the CI to your support group.

1 In the Type list, select Support Group, and click OK.

2 In the Support Group Relationships dialog box, search for the support group.
3 Select the support group that you want to relate, and click Select.
4 In the Select Role dialog box, select the role the person, organization, or group
performs in relation to the CI. The various options are:
5 Approved by The individual who approved the CI.
6 Created by The individual who created the CI.
7 Managed by People who manage the CI.
8 Owned by The owner of the CI.

98 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Working with configurations

9 Supported by The people who support the CI.

10 Used by Use this role if you are specifying the Users of the system.


The Used By role is used by software license management for compliance.

11 Click OK.
The related record appears on the People tab on the CI Information form.

Working with configurations

Configuration administrators define configurations as sets of CIs that are required
by different groups of people in the company. For example, the configuration for
support agents might include a computer, monitor, keyboard, mouse, and printer.
If a CI belongs to a configuration, to view details about the configuration, click the
Configuration link from the navigation pane. This link opens the Configuration
Information dialog box. You can also add a new configuration to replace the current

The Configurations link is only available for the Computer System, Application,
Application Infrastructure, Application System, Equipment, Mainframe, Person,
Printer, Software Server, and Document CIs. If you select any other CI type you will
not see the Configurations link.

Viewing configuration information

If the CI that you are working with belongs to a configuration, you can view details
about it on the Configuration dialog box.

To view configuration information for a CI

1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 From the navigation pane, choose Functions => Configuration.
The Configuration Information dialog box appears. If the CI belongs to a specific
configuration, information about the configuration appears in read-only fields.

Chapter 4 Leveraging secondary CI features 99

Working with related items

3 To see a categorization comparison of CIs to items in the configuration, click

View Differences.
4 To check the inventory for an item in the configuration, perform the following steps:
a Click Check Inventory.
b In the Manage Configurations dialog box, select the item and click Check
c In the Configuration Information dialog box, view the items in inventory.

Adding a configuration to a CI
If a configuration does not appear in the Configuration tab, you can add the
configuration for the CI. The configuration administrator or application
administrator usually creates configurations.


A CI can be related to only one configuration. If you add a new configuration, it

replaces the current configuration.

To add a configuration to a CI
1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 From the navigation pane, choose Functions => Configuration.
3 In the Configuration Information dialog box, click Add.
If the CI already belongs to a configuration, a warning message appears.
4 In the Searching for Configurations dialog box , specify your search criteria, and
click Search.
5 Select a configuration, and click Relate.
Information about the new configuration appears on the Configuration tab.

Working with related items

A CI can be related to other CIs. For example, the monitor, mouse, and keyboard CIs
can be related to a computer system CI as components. If you are using a BMC
100 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Working with related items

discovery product, the discovery product can create the relationships when it
populates BMC Atrium CMDB.
When a CI or relationship is not discovered, you can manually create the
relationship. When you relate a CI or service to another CI, you must define the
relationship type between the two records. For a description of each relationship
type, see CI and relationship types on page 289.
If the applicable application is installed, you can also relate incidents, problems,
known errors, solution database entries, and change requests to the current CI. For
example, if an incident or change request affects the availability of a CI, you can
relate it to the CI.
You can use the Quick Action field to create new relationships or to modify

Viewing relationship details for a computer system CI

When you open a computer system CI, you can view the details of the following
related components:
BIOS element
Disk drive
IP endpoint
LAN endpoint
Network port
Operating system

To view relationship details

1 Open a computer system CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.

Chapter 4 Leveraging secondary CI features 101

Working with related items

You can use the advanced search feature to locate a computer system with
specific components.
2 Click the Relationship Details tab.
The left side of the Relationship Details tab contains a tree view, organized by CI
category. The rest of the tab displays information about the related CIs.
3 From the tree view, select the category of the CI that you want to view.
The related CIs that belong to that category appear in the table.
4 View either a detailed description or a summary of the related CI, as described in
the following table:
To view...

Perform the following steps

A detailed description of the

related CI

1 Select the related CI from the table.

2 Click View.
The CI information form refreshes with the details of the selected CI.

A summary of the related CI

1 In the tree view, expand the category of the related CI that you want to

A list of the related components appears beneath the category heading.

2 From the list, select the component that you want to view.
The table is replaced with a view that contains high-level information about
the component.

Creating records from the Relationships tab

You can use the Relationships tab to create records to relate to the current CI.


Only users with a permission of Asset Admin can relate one CI to another. If the
applicable application is installed, users with a permission of Asset User can relate
CIs to incidents or other records.

To create a record from the Relationships tab

1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.

102 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Working with related items

2 Click the Relationships tab.

3 To see relationships to the current CI, select an option from the Show Related list.
4 From the Request Type list, select the type of record you want to relate.
5 If you selected Asset Record, select a CI type from the CI Type list.
For a description of each CI type, see CI and relationship types on page 289.
6 Click Create.
The dialog box or the form that appears depends on your selection. If you select
Asset Record, the Select Relationship Type dialog box appears.
7 From the Relationship list, select the relationship between these two CI records,
for example, Component.
8 Click OK.
9 In the Select Relationship Type dialog box, from the Show list, select Parent or Child.
a To set the related CI as a parent of the current CI record, select Parent.
b To set the related CI as a child of the current CI record, select Child.
10 Click OK.
11 In the new CI Information form, complete the required fields, and click Save.
12 In the Show Related field of the Relationships tab of the CI, select the appropriate
item, and click Search.
If the selection criteria for the table includes the CI that you related, it appears in
the Current Relationships table.

Relating records to CIs

You can relate records to the current CI from the Relationships tab.

To relate a record
1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 Click the Relationships tab.
Chapter 4 Leveraging secondary CI features 103

Working with related items

3 From the Request Type list, select the type of record you want to relate.


Depending on which BMC Remedy applications you have installed, you might
see more than one option in the Request Type list. For example, if you have BMC
Remedy Incident Management installed, you can select to relate an incident or a
CI from this list.
4 If you selected Asset Record, select a CI type from the CI Type list, and click
A search dialog box appears for the type of record you want to relate. Depending
on your selections, a CI Search dialog box might appear.
5 Specify your search criteria, and click Search.
6 Select one or more records from the table.
7 From the Relationship Type list, select the relationship between the records.


What appears in the Relationship Type list depends on the type of record you are
relating. The list is different for a known error in BMC Remedy Problem
Management, an infrastructure change in BMC Remedy Change Management,
and so on.
8 Click Relate.
In this example, a Select Relationship Type dialog box appears. Select a value and
click OK.
The record that you related appears in the Current Relationships table of the CI

Using relationship quick actions

You can perform various quick actions, as described in the following table,
depending on the record type of the selected related record.
Table 23: Relationship quick actions
Quick action

Applicable record type


Explore CI


Explore the CI and its relationships to other CIs. For

details, see Exploring CI relationships on page 88.

104 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Working with related items

Quick action
Get Related Relationships

Applicable record type



Pull relationships from the selected records to the

current CI.

Known error
Solution database
Change request
Modify Relationship Type


Modify the relationship between the selected record

and the current CI.

Known error
Solution database
Change request
Show Related Services


See the list of business services that are affected by the

selected CI.

To use a relationship quick action

1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 Click the Relationships tab.
3 To show another related record type, select the appropriate type from the Show
Related list, such as Incidents.
4 Select a record.
5 From the Quick Action list, select the action, and click Execute.
The quick action is performed.

Chapter 4 Leveraging secondary CI features 105

Working with costs

Working with costs

A CI record can include information about related expenses, such as contract costs,
total cost of ownership (TCO), and depreciation. Use the Financials tab to view, add,
modify, or delete costs for a CI.
To work with costs, you must have one of the following permissions:
Asset Admin, which maps to the cost manager permission.
Asset User, which maps to the cost user permission.
Asset Viewer, which maps to the cost viewer permission.

For information and procedures for defining roles and their permissions, see the
BMC Remedy IT Service Management Administration Guide.

Adding costs
Use the Financials tab to add total cost of ownership (TCO) information about a CI.

To add TCO information to a CI

1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 Click the Financials tab.
If available, information appears about the costs associated with this CI. For
example, when someone at Calbro Services looks at a laptop that was purchased
and received by using BMC Remedy Asset Management, the Financials tab
displays the cost from the purchase order.
3 In the Cost/Entries area, click Add.
4 In the Costs dialog box, add information to the Cost Center Code, Cost Category,
Related Cost, and the other related cost fields.


When you compute the Total Purchase Cost and exclude the price, the currency
for the Unit Price or Sales Tax fields on the Financials tab require a currency ratio.
Otherwise, a warning message appears.
5 Click Save.

106 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Working with maintenance schedules and audit schedules

The cost appears on the Financials tab on the CI Information form.

Working with maintenance schedules and

audit schedules
You can set up schedules that notify IT or asset management personnel when
maintenance and audits for CIs are necessary. For example, an IT technician might
perform routine maintenance on all the printers in a company once every six
months. The maintenance tasks can include changing the toner and checking for
printer driver updates. You can create a maintenance schedule that notifies the
technician when to begin maintenance tasks. After completing the maintenance
tasks, the technician changes the status of the schedule to Completed.


If you have BMC Remedy Change Management installed, you can select a change
template. When the maintenance schedule comes due, this change template is used
to create the change request. The change request is then assigned to a technician to
complete the maintenance.
You can create an audit schedule to perform periodic audits. Perform audits to check
for differences between the information in the CI database and the CIs that are
deployed in the company. For example, to schedule a quarterly audit of the CIs at a
site, relate the audit schedule to all the CIs at that location. You can also set up a
review schedule to review the configuration of CIs.
After you create a schedule, you can relate the schedule to a CI. When you no longer
need a schedule, you can remove the schedule from the CI.
You work with schedules in the Schedule Criteria form. You can open this dialog
box from the Asset Management console or from the Schedule tab on the CI
Information form.

Creating a schedule
You create maintenance schedules and review schedules in the Schedule Criteria
form. For example, Calbro Services has a high-speed high-volume network printer
on each floor of their offices. These printers require maintenance every six months.
The configuration administrator sets up a maintenance schedule for each of these

Chapter 4 Leveraging secondary CI features 107

Working with maintenance schedules and audit schedules

To create a schedule
1 On the Asset Management console, from the navigation pane, choose
Functions => New Schedule.
2 In the Schedule Criteria form, from the Schedule Type list, select the appropriate
schedule type.
Audit ScheduleYou can create only one audit schedule for each CI. If you

create a new audit schedule for a CI that already has an audit schedule, the
current audit schedule is deleted.

Maintenance ScheduleUse this to establish a periodic maintenance schedule.

If necessary, you can create several maintenance schedules for a CI. For
example, for the printers at a site, you can set up one schedule for changing the
toner and another schedule for restocking the paper.

Review ScheduleUse this to establish periodic review of configurations. For

more information about review schedules, see Generating a review schedule on

page 275.

Decommission ScheduleUse this to drive the decommission process. For

more information about decommission schedules, see Managing decommission

schedules on page 111.

3 Specify information about the schedule:

a For Schedule Name, specify a name for the schedule.
b For Schedule Description, provide a description for the schedule.
c From the Frequency and Period lists, select how often you want the schedule
to occur (for example, every six months).
d For Lead Time in Days, specify the number of days in advance that you want
someone to be notified about the schedule.
4 Complete the rest of the fields:
a Select the Support and Notification criteria.
b If you have BMC Remedy Change Management installed, select a change
template from the Change Template list.
For example, when setting up a maintenance schedule for a network printer at
Calbro Services, Allen Allbrook selects the Network.
A change request is created when the schedule is due.
108 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Working with maintenance schedules and audit schedules

5 Categorize the CIs using the Tier fields, as described in Categorizing CIs on page
6 To relate the CI records to the schedule, click Add.
7 Click Save.

Relating a schedule to a CI
You can relate a maintenance schedule or audit schedule to one or more CIs. For
example, to maintain a server on a standard interval, create a maintenance schedule.
Then relate the schedule to the CI record for the server.

To relate a schedule to a CI
1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 From the navigation pane, choose Functions => Schedule.
3 In the Schedule Information dialog box, from the Schedule Type list, select the
type of schedule that you want to relate, and click Create.
The Select the schedule(s) to be related dialog box appears.
4 Select the schedule you want to relate to the CI.
5 Click Relate Selected Schedule.
The schedule appears in the Schedule Information table.

Searching for and modifying a schedule

After you create a schedule and save it, you can search for a schedule, and modify
the entire schedule. For example, you can change an audit schedule so that it occurs
yearly instead of monthly.
You can also change one occurrence of a schedule that is related to a CI. For
example, if an IT technician is out of the office when a monthly maintenance task is
scheduled, you can change the notification contact for that month. Any user can
change one occurrence of the schedule by using the Schedule tab on the CI
Information form.

Chapter 4 Leveraging secondary CI features 109

Working with maintenance schedules and audit schedules

Whenever you complete tasks for a maintenance schedule or audit schedule, you
must change the status of the schedule to Completed.

Modifying the entire schedule

Use the Schedule Criteria form to modify the entire schedule.

To modify an entire schedule

1 On the Asset Management console, from the navigation pane, choose
Functions => Search Schedule.
2 In the Schedule Criteria form, from the Schedule Type list, select Audit Schedule,
Maintenance Schedule, Review Schedule, or Decommission Schedule, and click
3 Select a schedule from the search results.
4 Modify the fields that you want to change, and click Save.

Modifying one occurrence of the schedule for a CI

Use the Schedule tab on the CI Information form to modify one occurrence of the
schedule for a CI. Any user can modify one occurrence of the schedule.

To modify one occurrence of the schedule for a CI

1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 From the navigation pane, choose Functions => Schedule.
3 In the Schedule Information dialog box, select the schedule you want to modify,
and click View.
4 In the Schedule Information form, modify the fields you want to change, and click

110 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Managing decommission schedules

Changing the status for a schedule

After you complete scheduled activities for a maintenance schedule or audit
schedule, you must change the status of the schedule to Completed. Any user can
change the status of a schedule.

To change the status for a schedule

1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 From the navigation pane, choose Functions => Schedule.
3 In the Schedule Information dialog box, select the schedule you want to modify,
and click View.
4 In the Schedule Information form, in the Status field, select a new option.
The options are Scheduled, In Progress, and Completed. After you complete
activities for a maintenance schedule or an audit schedule, change the status to
5 Click Save.
In the confirmation message that appears, click OK.
The modified schedule appears in the Schedule tab on the CI Information form. If
you changed the status to Completed, the Schedule Information table displays the
next scheduled audit or maintenance date.

Managing decommission schedules

The virtualization administrator, configuration manager, or change coordinator can
create a decommission schedules to drive the decommission process. If a
decommission schedule is related to a virtual machine (VM), the owner of the VM
receives notification of the upcoming decommission.
A configuration item (CI) for a VM is related to a CI for virtual settings data, which
includes the proposed decommission date. When the CI for the VM is attached to the
schedule, the proposed decommission date stored in the CI's related virtual settings
data becomes the proposed decommission date in the Schedule Information form.
Upon receiving notification, the owner can request an extension of the proposed
decommission date so that the VM is available for use. If the VM owner does not
request an extension, the decommission proceeds on schedule.

Chapter 4 Leveraging secondary CI features 111

Managing decommission schedules

On the proposed decommission date, the decommission schedule creates a change

request to request the decommissioning of the VM.

Best practice

Set a default decommission schedule for each company. Then, when a VM is created,
the default decommission schedule (for the company for which the VM is being
created) is related automatically to the CI for the VM. This eliminates the need to
manually relate a decommission schedule to the CI and can help reduce VM sprawl.

Before you begin

The computer system CI for the virtual system must be created.

To create a decommission schedule

1 On the Asset Management console, from the navigation pane, choose
Functions => Schedules.
2 In the Schedule Information dialog box, click New Schedule.
3 In the Schedule Criteria form, from the Schedule Type list, select Decommission
4 Specify information about the schedule:
Schedule Name

Specify the name of the schedule.

Schedule Description

Provide a description for the schedule.

Schedule Type

Specify the type of schedule (in this case, a decommission schedule).

Default Decommission Schedule

The default decommission schedule is automatically attached to CIs for VMs.

You can have only one default decommission schedule for a company.

Best practice

Create a default decommission schedule for each company.

Send Notification Only

112 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Managing decommission schedules

Send Notification and Create Decommission Change Request

When a default decommission schedule is automatically attached to the CI

for a VM, specify whether to send notification only or to also create the
change request (based on the indicated change template).
Lead Time in Days

Specify the number of days in advance to notify the VM owner about the
decommission date. This value is auto-populated by the default lead time.
Notification Company, Support Organization, Support Group, and Contact

Specify a support person to be notified in addition to the owner of the VM.

Both the contact person and the CI owner receive notification about the
Change Template

Select the change template to use when the change request is created on the
decommission date.
Change Requester
Change Coordinator

Specify the change requester and change coordinator for the change request
that is created.
5 Click Save.

To relate a virtual machine to a decommission schedule

You can relate multiple virtual machines to a single decommission schedule. You
cannot relate a single virtual machine to multiple decommission schedules.
1 In the Schedule Criteria dialog box, click Add.
2 In the Searching for Configuration Items dialog box, in the Search For list, select
System => Computer System.
3 Enter other search criteria to narrow the search results, and click Search.
4 Select the appropriate CI and click Relate.


You can relate only VMs to a decommission schedule. When a computer system
CI refers to a VM, the Is Virtual field is set to Yes.

Chapter 4 Leveraging secondary CI features 113

Creating outage information

Notification of a virtual machine scheduled for decommission

The owner of a virtual machine (VM) and a notification contact can be notified in
advance of the VM decommission date, as specified by the lead time.
Configuration items (CIs) for VMs include a proposed decommission date. The CI
also indicates the owner of the VM. The decommission schedule indicates the lead
time and the notification support group or company.
Notification is sent to both the owner of the VM and to the notification contact in
advance of the proposed decommission date, as specified on the decommission
schedule. This notification provides the VM owner with time to request an extension
of the decommission date if the VM is still being used.

Creating outage information

CI unavailability, or outage, is the actual down time of a CI. Unavailability might be
due to scheduled maintenance (the record is created from a change request) or an
unexpected problem (the record is created from an incident).
For example, the change manager at Calbro Services creates a change request for a
server upgrade and creates a CI unavailability record from the request. The
configuration administrator at Calbro Services can open the CI unavailability record
and add financial information about the cost of unavailability.
You can create CI unavailability records only for the following CI types:
Application Infrastructure
Application Service
Application System
Business Service
Computer System
114 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Creating outage information

NT Domain
Software Server

CI unavailability lifecycle
The CI unavailability lifecycle supports the following status changes, as shown in the
table below. A CI Unavailability record is Open if the status is not Restored.
For more information about CI unavailability lifecycle, see Table 24 on page 115.
Table 24: Status changes in the CI unavailability lifecycle
Your action

If no CI Unavailability records apply

If CI Unavailability records apply

Change the status of a

CI from Up to Down.

An unavailability record exists dialog

box appears.

A dialog box appears. You can create a

new unavailability record.

Update a CI while its

status is Down.

Nothing happens.

A dialog box appears. You can create a

new unavailability record.

Change the status of a

CI from Down to Up.

A dialog box appears. You can update

the CI Unavailability record.

Nothing happens.

Update a CI while its

status is Up.

A dialog box appears. You can update

the CI Unavailability record.

Nothing happens.

To create outage information

1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 Click the Outage tab, and click Create.
3 In the Configuration Item Unavailability form, indicate whether the unavailability
request originated from a change request or an incident.
From the Unavailability Class list, select Change or Incident.

Chapter 4 Leveraging secondary CI features 115

Creating outage information

If you have BMC Remedy Change Management or BMC Remedy Incident
Management installed, and you create a CI Unavailability record from either of
these applications, this field is automatically populated.
4 From the Unavailability Type list, select one of the following options:
Unavailability type


Availability of selection

Schedule Full

You plan to take the CI out of service

during a scheduled change

Only when you are creating a CI

Unavailability record from a change request.

Scheduled Partial

You plan to change the CI, but not take

it out of service.

Only when you are creating a CI

Unavailability record from a change request.

Note: CI performance suffers some

performance degradation during the
duration of the change.
Unscheduled Full

The CI is experiencing an unplanned

complete service outage.

Only when you are creating the CI

Unavailability record from an incident or
change request.


The CI is experiencing an unplanned

service degradation.

Only when you are creating the CI

Unavailability record from an incident or
change request.

After you select the class and type, the priority field is automatically completed.
5 Provide a description for the unavailability.
6 If this is a scheduled unavailability, specify scheduled start dates and end dates
on the Dates/Assignment tab.
When you save the form, the scheduled duration of the unavailability appears in
the Estimated Duration field.


If you specify a scheduled start and end date without specifying the actual dates,
the Unavailability Status is set to Scheduled after you save the form.
7 Specify actual start dates and end dates for the unavailability.
When you save the form, the actual duration appears in the Actual Duration field.

116 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Creating outage information

After you save the form, if you specify an actual start date without an end date,
the Unavailability Status field is set to Current Unavailability. The Unavailability
Status is set to Restored when you specify an actual end date. After you set the
actual end date, you can modify it, but not remove it.
8 Select an option from the Assignment is set from area.
Configuration ItemIf you assign a support group responsibility for the CI

unavailability when you relate the group to a configuration item, this option is
selected. In addition, if you set the assignment lock to yes, you cannot change
the support group assignment from the CI Unavailability record. If you set the
lock to no, you can select another assignment method.

Cross Referenced RequestIf the CI Unavailability record is created from an

incident or a change request, this option is selected. The person assigned the
ticket is also assigned the CI Unavailability record. This option keeps the CI
Unavailability assignment synchronized with the assignment for the incident or
change request.

ManuallySelect this option when you want to manually assign the CI

Unavailability record to any group. Then, set the Assignment Status to Assigned.
Setting the Assignment Status to Completed marks the CI Unavailability record
as closed. Only users with Asset Admin or Asset User permissions can modify
a closed unavailability record.

You can do this only from the CI Unavailability form, not from the Outage tab
on the CI Information form.
Automated RoutingIf you do not assign a support group from the People

tab, unavailability assignment defaults to Automated Routing. Automated

Routing configured on the Assignment configuration form.

For more information about configuring your applications, see the BMC Remedy
IT Service Management Administration Guide.
9 Set the assignment.
Assignment is set first through the CI. If assignment is not set using this method,
the automated routing option is used.
If you are working from the BMC Remedy Incident or BMC Remedy Change
Management applications and automated routing is not configured, assignment is
set as Cross Referenced Request.

Chapter 4 Leveraging secondary CI features 117

Creating a blackout schedule

For descriptions of each of these assignment methods, see List item. on page 117.
The individual or group assigned to this unavailability record must set the status
to Completed after recording the actual start and end times.
10 Use the other tabs to add supporting unavailability information:
CI Status InformationChange the CI status to reflect the CI unavailability.

Examples of status include Down and In Repair.

RelationshipsView or relate incidents, infrastructure changes, and problem

investigations. This tab is available only if you have BMC Remedy Incident
Management, BMC Remedy Change Management, or BMC Remedy Problem

FinancialsView, create, and track outage costs related to the CI

unavailability. For information about adding costs, see Working with costs on
page 106.


You must save the CI Unavailability record before you can create relationships
and costs.
ReferencesView the incident or change IDs that might have created the

unavailability record. This tab is available only if you have BMC Remedy
Incident Management or BMC Remedy Change Management.

11 Click Save.

Creating a blackout schedule

Use the blackout schedule to indicate:
Times when the current CI is unavailable for changes in BMC Remedy Change

Management. During this time, a CI must not be brought down. For example, the
server used by payroll might have a blackout schedule to indicate that the CI must
not be affected by any changes during paycheck processing.

Scheduled outages during which the CI is available for maintenance and other

changes. When a CI is available for changes, business services might be affected.

You use the Registration for Shared Time Segment form to create a blackout
schedule. You can schedule a blackout to occur once or to recur. Blackout schedules
are stored in the Business Time Segment form. This form is also used by BMC
118 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Creating a blackout schedule

Remedy Change Management to help to avoid scheduling changes when a CI must

be available.

You can create a blackout schedule either from BMC Remedy Asset Management or
from BMC Remedy Change Management.

Creating a one-time blackout schedule

Use a one-time blackout schedule to indicate a nonrecurring interval when a CI must
be available or will be unavailable.
For example, at Calbro Services, a server is hosting a website for a special
anniversary event. Allen Allbrook, the configuration administrator, creates a onetime blackout schedule for the week of the anniversary event to prevent the server
from being taken down during that week, making sure that the website is available
throughout the event.

To create a one time blackout schedule

1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 From the navigation pane, choose Advanced Functions => Blackout Schedules.
3 In the Registration for Shared Time Segment form, click Add.
4 In the Business Time Segment form, provide a description of the availability or
unavailability of the CI.
5 From the Availability list, select whether the CI will be available or unavailable
for changes:
UnavailableBusiness services require use of the CI in this time segment, so it

is unavailable for changes.

AvailableThe CI is available for changes.

6 To enable this blackout, select the Enable check box.

7 For Duration Type, select One Time.
8 Click the One Time tab.
9 Specify your start and end date times, and click Save.

Chapter 4 Leveraging secondary CI features 119

Creating a blackout schedule

Creating a recurring blackout schedule

Use a recurring blackout schedule to indicate regular CI availability or unavailability
For example, Finance at Calbro Services process payroll checks every Thursday.
Allen Allbrook, the configuration administrator, wants to make sure that neither the
payroll server nor the payroll printer are taken down for maintenance on Thursdays.
He sets two recurring blackout schedules to accomplish this.

To create a recurring blackout schedule

1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 From the navigation pane, choose Advanced Functions => Blackout Schedules.
3 In the Registration for Shared Time Segment form, click Add.
4 In the Business Time Segment form, provide a description of the availability or
unavailability of the CI.
For example, at Calbro Services, Allen Allbrook provides the description, Payroll
check processing.
5 From the Availability list, select whether the CI will be available or unavailable
for changes:
UnavailableBusiness services require use of the CI in this time segment, so it

is unavailable for changes.

AvailableThe CI is available for changes.

For example, Allen selects Unavailable, to make sure that the payroll server is not
taken down for maintenance.
6 To enable this blackout, select the Enable check box.
7 For Duration Type, select Recurring. The Recurrence Definition tab is displayed.
8 Specify start and end date times for the activity recurrence and the recurrence
type information. Depending on your selections, you might have to complete
additional fields.
For example, to set a weekly schedule, Allen selects Weekly.
9 Click Save.

120 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Performing additional functions on the CI form

In the example, Allen repeats this procedure for the payroll printer.

Performing additional functions on the CI form

On the CI form, you can perform the additional functions that are listed in the
following table.
To perform any of these functions, you must first open the applicable CI, as
described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
Table 25: Additional functions on the CI form


Adding additional data

You can add, view, modify, or remove additional CI data. You specify both
the labels and values for this additional data. If you delete a CI, the
associated additional data is also deleted.
To access this function, from the navigation pane, choose Advanced
Functions > Additional Data.

Emailing contacts about

information pertaining to CIs

To send email with information about a CI, perform the following steps:

1 From the navigation pane, choose Functions => Email System.

2 On the Email System form, search for the people that you want to contact.
3 In the Email Information area, specify the message details.
4 If applicable, add an attachment.
5 Click Send Email Now.

Chapter 4 Leveraging secondary CI features 121

Performing additional functions on the CI form



Paging a person or on-call


Use the paging feature to perform manual pages. Pager service provider
and paging email are set up on the Notifications tab on the People form.
For information about setting up paging notifications, see the BMC Remedy
IT Service Management Administration Guide.
To page a person or on-call group, perform the following steps:

1 From the navigation pane, choose Functions => Paging System.

2 In the Paging System form, in the People Search Criteria area, specify
your search criteria, and click Search.

3 Select the person you want to page, and click Select.

4 In the Paging Information area, specify the persons pager information,
enter the message, and click Send Page Now.

Alternatively, you can click the Page By On-Call Group tab and send a
page to a group instead of an individual. To do this, perform the following

1 Click the Page By On-Call Group tab.

2 In the On-Call Group Search Criteria area, specify your search criteria,

and click Search. Results matching your search criteria appear in the table.

3 From the table, select the group you want to page, and click Select.
4 In the Paging Information area, specify the groups pager information,
enter the message, and click Send Page Now.

Updating impacted areas

Changes or updates to CIs can affect more than one company, location, or
organization. You specify which areas are impacted by a specific CI on the
Impacted Areas tab on the CI Information form.
Note: BMC Remedy Change Management uses the CIs impacted areas to
help determine approval mappings. For example, you can determine
mappings based on location or organization.
To specify the impacted areas for a CI, perform the following steps:

1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.

2 On the Impacted Areas tab, click View.
3 In the Impacted Areas dialog box, complete the fields to relate an
impacted area to the current CI.

4 Click Add and then click Close. Then, on the CI Information form, click

122 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Performing additional functions on the CI form



Working with returns

When you return a CI, you can record the return information. You can also
view and delete return information. The Returns function is not available
for bulk CIs.
You can record return information either from the CI form or from the
Receiving console. For information about the Receiving console, see
Receiving and returning purchase items on page 149.
To add return information for a CI, perform the following steps:

1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.

2 From the navigation pane, choose Functions => Returns.
3 In the Return Receipts dialog box, click Create.
4 In the Return Information dialog box, record the information.
Specify the type of return, the quantity to return, and the reason for the
return. You can also specify a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number.

1 Click OK.

Chapter 4 Leveraging secondary CI features 123

Performing additional functions on the CI form

124 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Requisition management
This section discusses how to use BMC Remedy Asset Management to create
purchase requisitions to order items needed to resolve incidents or complete change
requests. This section also discusses how to receive and return items represented as
configuration items (CIs).

Overview of the purchasing process

The purchasing process starts when someone requires an item that is not available in
inventory. The purchasing process involves IT personnel involved in different roles.
The process ends when the item is received and installed. The following figure
illustrates the process.
Figure 9: Purchasing process overview

The following table summarizes the role of each person in the purchasing process.

Chapter 5 Requisition management 125

Overview of the purchasing process

Table 26: Roles of IT personnel in the purchasing process


Description of role


Configuration Configuration administrators submit purchase requisitions

administrator for items. Although anyone with Purchasing User
permission can create a purchase requisition, the best
practice indicates that a configuration administrator
submits the purchase requisition. The requirement for the
purchase requisition comes from the change management
For example, a support specialist might work on an
incident that involves a request for new memory. Or, a
change coordinator might get a request from an IT director
to upgrade all laptops in the company with the latest
Microsoft Windows operating system. If the item is not in
inventory, the change coordinator assigns a task to the
configuration administrator to submit the purchase
When the purchased item arrives, the configuration
administrator receives and secures the item, reconciles line
items of the purchase order with the packing list or other
documents, and ensures the quality of the received item. If
necessary, the configuration administrator returns items.

If the configuration
administrator asks for
installation assistance and
BMC Remedy Change
Management is installed,
when the item is received, a
change request is created. The
change request notifies
support specialists that they
must install the received items.
Sometimes an item must be
returned after the CI is
created in the database. In this
situation, the configuration
administrator can change the
status of the CI to Return to
Vendor and create a return
receipt, await reshipment, or
return the item.

A contract manager or software license manager can create
manager or
a requisition for software licenses.
software asset



The purchasing agent prices line items and routes the

purchase requisition for approval. After receiving
approval, the purchasing agent places the order with the
vendor for items on the purchase order.

Purchasing agents might have

access only to the Purchasing
console, which provides
access to purchase
requisitions and purchase


The person responsible for approving or rejecting the

purchase requisition is typically a manager.


The following table summarizes the tasks each person performs to complete the
purchasing process.
Table 27: Tasks each person performs to complete the purchasing process



For more information, see


Use the configuration catalog to check

inventory for current items. If the items
are available, reserve them to be
removed from inventory.

About the configuration

catalog on page 265

126 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Overview of the purchasing process





Contract manager
or software asset


For more information, see

If the items are not available, create a

Creating purchase
purchase requisition to order those
requisitions on page 129
items. For software, a contract manager
or software asset manager creates a
purchase requisition for software licenses.
To add line items to the purchase
requisition, use either of the following
Search the configuration catalog for
the items that you need. Add the
items from the catalog.
Manually add the line items.
Provide information about billing,
shipping, and accounting codes, and
indicate whether installation is needed.
If entering the line items manually, route
the purchase requisition to purchasing
for pricing. If pricing is not needed, route
the purchase requisition for approval.

Purchasing agent

Receive the purchase requisition from

the configuration administrator, price the Pricing purchase items
on page 136
line items, and then route the requisition
for approval.
Submitting the purchase
requisition for approval
on page 138


Approve or reject the purchase

If the purchase requisition is rejected, it
is routed back to the configuration
administrator for any changes, and then
it is resubmitted for approval. After the
purchase requisition is approved, the
purchase requisition generates a
purchase order.

Approving the purchase

requisition on page 138
Modifying rejected
purchase requisitions on
page 140

Chapter 5 Requisition management 127

Overview of the purchasing process




For more information, see

Purchasing agent

Order line items on a purchase order. For Placing a purchase order on

example, for a line item for a Dell
page 147
monitor and a Gateway computer, the
purchase requisition is split into two
purchase orders. Each purchase order
indicates a single supplier (Dell and
Gateway). The purchasing agent
modifies any cost center information or
accounting information. The purchasing
agent then places the order with the
suppliers. You can place order using
email, BMC Remedy Asset Management
web services, or a manual method, such
as fax. If an Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) integration is present, the
ERP information can be passed back to
BMC Remedy Asset Management, and
includes the purchase order number,
invoice number, shipping information,
and so on.
Software license purchases typically do
not require physical shipment. Other line
items on the purchase order, however,
might be for the physical media.


After receiving items, use the Receiving

console to verify receipt of the correct
line items from the supplier.
Determine whether any of the items
received needs to be returned. If so,
record what is being returned, the date
the item will be returned, the quantity to
be returned, and the reason for the
return. Contact the supplier and await
If the items are being returned and not
replaced, the system updates the line
item quantities on the purchase order
and original purchase requisition to
reflect this, and also updates the
purchase order amount.
Record which items are received or
partially received. The corresponding
CIs are created in BMC Atrium CMDB
and can be accessed in BMC Remedy
Asset Management.
Fifteen days after all the items are
received, the purchase order and
purchase requisition are closed.

128 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Receiving and returning

purchase items on page 149

Creating purchase requisitions

Creating purchase requisitions

The first step in ordering items and software licenses is to create a purchase requisition.
After you create the purchase requisition, you can perform additional tasks, as
described in the following sections:
Specifying purchase items manually on page 132
Obtaining pricing on page 136
Pricing purchase items on page 136
Submitting the purchase requisition for approval on page 138
Approving the purchase requisition on page 138
Modifying rejected purchase requisitions on page 140
Modifying rejected purchase requisitions on page 140
Working with purchase requisitions on page 141

To create a purchase requisition

1 In the navigation pane on the Purchasing console, choose Functions > Create
2 In the Purchase Requisition form, provide general information about the purchase
requisition at the top of the form.


The Status field and Requisition ID fields are read-only. The status of the
purchase requisition changes depending on at what stage the purchase
requisition is in its lifecycle.
a In the Date Required field, select the date the items are required.
b Select whether installation is needed.
c If you selected Yes and BMC Remedy Change Management is installed, select a
change template from the Change Template list.


The change template might contain a change request for a specialist to install
this item when it is received.

Chapter 5 Requisition management 129

Creating purchase requisitions

d In the Description field, provide a description of the purchase requisition, for

example, new employee setup.
e In the Justification field, specify why these items are needed, for example, for
a new employee.
f In the Full Name field, specify the name of the person who needs these items,
for example, a new employee.
When you specify the person, information appears in the Phone Number and
Manager fields, depending on the settings defined by your administrator.


The Full Name and Phone Number fields display the name and the phone
number of the person requesting the items.
3 If you are ordering an item from the configuration catalog, perform the following
a Click Select Configuration.
b In the Manage Configurations dialog box, select the configuration for which
you want to view items to purchase.
c Click Check Inventory.
The Configuration Information for [Name] dialog box appears.
The Purchase Requisition form appears again. The items in the configuration
now appear on the Line Items tab on the form.

130 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Creating purchase requisitions

4 If you are ordering an item that is not in the configuration catalog, perform the
steps described in Specifying purchase items manually on page 132.
Figure 10: Purchase Requisition form

5 Click the Details tab.

6 Complete the following fields:
Field name


Cost Center

The cost center number. If the person in the Requested For field has a cost
center number, the number appears here.

Accounting Code

The accounting code number. If the person in the Requested For field has an
accounting code, the accounting code appears here.

Project Number

The project number.

Budget Code

The budget code.

PR Number

The purchase requisition number.

7 Click the Shipping tab.

8 If it does not already appear, provide the Ship To Address and Bill To Address
information. Specify shipping or billing instructions in the Instructions field.


Your application administrator can define what appears in the lists on the
Shipping tab. For more information, see the BMC Remedy IT Service Management
Administration Guide.

Chapter 5 Requisition management 131

Creating purchase requisitions

The Approval tab is a read-only tab. This tab shows the purchase requisitions that
are pending approval, approved, or rejected. To view the signature information
from this tab, select a record and click View.
9 Click Save.

Specifying purchase items manually

If the items you want to order are not in the configuration catalog, you can create
and specify them manually.

To specify purchase items manually

1 Find a purchase requisition, as described in Searching for purchase requisitions
on page 144.
2 On the Line Items tab, click View.
3 At the top of the Line Item information form, provide general information about
the line item.
a In the Part Number field, specify the part number for the item.
b In the Description field, specify a description of the item.


The Status field is read-only. The status of the line item changes depending on
at what stage the line item is in its lifecycle.
c From the CI Type list, select the type of CI that you want to add to the
purchase requisition.
d Specify the quantity and pricing information as follows:
Field name


Unit of Measure

This field has a default value of Each. This field can contain any applicable
value, such as Box, Bag, or Pallet.

Required Qty

Select the number of items that you want to purchase. The default value is 1.

132 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Creating purchase requisitions

Field name


Unit Price

The price of each item. If the unit price is not provided, the purchase
requisition is routed to purchasing for pricing.
Note: If no currency ratio exists for a currency used in a line item, a warning
appears when the Grand Total is computed and the price is excluded.
Note: The Grand Total on the Purchase Requisition is a sum of the Estimated
Price column of all its purchase line items (those in the table). The Grand
Total on the Purchase Order is a sum of the Actual Price column of all its
purchase line items(those in the table).

4 On the Details tab complete the following fields:

Field name


Product Categorization
Tier 1

Make a selection from the list to categorize the item. For more information
see, Categorizing CIs on page 79.

Tier 2

Make a selection from the list to categorize the item.

Tier 3

Make a selection from the list to categorize the item.

Product Name

Select a name to categorize the item.


Select a model or version to categorize the item.

Market Version

Select the market version to categorize the item.

Note: Market version pertains to software CI types only, such as Product,
Operating System, Software Server, System Software, Patch, and Virtual
System Enabler. If you do not enter information into the Market Version
field, software license management will not work correctly, and you will not
be able to license the software you are using. Also, you will not be able to
track software license usage. The market version is set up in BMC Atrium
CMDB. For more information about setting the market version for Product
Catalog entries, see the BMC Atrium CMDB Product Catalog and DML Guide.
To configure rules for normalizing the market version on CIs, see the BMC
Atrium CMDB Normalization and Reconciliation Guide.


When you select the product name, the manufacturer name might appear in
the form.

Supplier Name

Provide a name of the company that sells the item.

If you do not provide the supplier name, the purchase requisition is routed
to purchasing to provide a supplier name.

Notes to Purchasing

Enter additional notes for purchasing.

Chapter 5 Requisition management 133

Creating purchase requisitions

Field name



To add an attachment, perform the following steps:

1 Right-click in the attachment table.

2 From the menu choose Add.
3 From the Add Attachment dialog box select a file , and click Open.
Cost Center

The cost center number, filled in from the Purchase Requisition form. You
can change the number if necessary.

Accounting Code

The accounting code number, filled in from the Purchase Requisition form.
You can change the number if necessary.

Project Number

The project number.

Budget Code

The budget code.

5 Click the Work Info tab and enter work information for the line item.


The Received Items and Returns tabs are read-only. You can use these tabs to see
which items have been received or returned.
6 Click the Tracking tab and add any notes about the line item.
7 If you selected one of the software CI types in step 3c , click the License Certificate
tab to search for or enter certificate information.
8 In the Application Administration Console, under Application Settings => Asset
Management => Advanced Options => Rules, on the Config CI Rules screen in
the License Certificate tab, if you set Auto Receive Certificate to "Yes," and if the
Software Contract ID and License Type fields are filled in when the purchase
order is placed, the system automatically creates a license certificate. If you set
Auto Receive Certificate to "Yes" and enter the certificate ID, the system does not
create a license certificate; it links to the existing certificate.
9 Complete the following fields:

134 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Creating purchase requisitions

Field name


Software Contract ID

The Software Contract ID that you can associate with this line item.

1 Click Search. The Contact Search dialog box is displayed.

2 In the Results List, find the contract that you want to associate with the
purchase requisition, and then click Select.

Note: To view details about the selected contract, click View.

3 Click Close to close the dialog box.

4 Click Clear to clear the information in the Software Contract ID field.
License Type

Select a License Type to be associated with the Software Contract.

Certificate ID

The Certificate ID that you can associate with this line item.

1 Click Search. The Certificate Search dialog box is displayed. Search for a
Certificate and click Select. The Certificate you selected is displayed in the
Certificate ID field.

2 In the Results List, find the certificate that you want to associate with the
purchase requisition, and then click Select.

Note: To view details about the selected contract, click View.

3 Click Close to close the dialog box.

4 Click Clear to clear the information in the Certificate ID field.


When a certificate is created by means of procurement, only the number

purchased is populated. The breach levels 1 and 2 default to what has been
specified in the Rules. You must answer all other questions and update breach
level details on the Certificate after it has been created from procurement. These
certificates are not auto grouped when created from procurement. You must
manually group them. Also, the certificate will be created in the draft mode from
10 Click Save.
The Purchase Requisition form appears, and the line item that you created
appears in the table.
11 Click Save again.

Chapter 5 Requisition management 135

Creating purchase requisitions

Purchase requisition states

A purchase requisition can be in any of the following states:
In PreparationThe requester is modifying the purchase requisition.
Pending PricingThe purchase requisition has been routed to purchasing for


Quote In ProgressThe purchase requisition is in purchasing and is being priced.

On HoldThe requester or the approver suspended the purchase requisition.
Pending ApprovalThe purchase requisition is pending approval. In this state

you can reduce the quantity of items or remove items. You cannot add new items.

Obtaining pricing
If you do not know the price or the supplier name of the items you are requesting,
you can submit them to purchasing for pricing.
If you submit purchase items that are missing either the estimated price or the
supplier name, their status changes to Pending Pricing. In addition, a message
appears, stating that the purchase requisition was routed to purchasing for pricing.

To obtain pricing on purchase items

1 Open a purchase requisition, as described in Searching for purchase requisitions
on page 144.
2 Click Request Pricing.
3 Click OK.
4 On the Purchasing console, open the requisition again.
The status of the purchase requisition changes to Pending Pricing.

Pricing purchase items

If you are a purchasing agent and are responsible for pricing purchase requisitions
and processing purchase orders, use the Purchasing console. The Purchasing User

136 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Creating purchase requisitions

permission gives you access to the Purchasing console. You can have access to the
Purchasing console without full access to BMC Remedy Asset Management.
In addition to being able to show your own purchase requisitions, from the Show
menu, you can choose to show:
Requisitions to Price
Orders to Place
Orders already Placed

The navigation pane provides you with two additional links: Search Order and

To price purchase items in a purchase requisition

1 On the Purchasing console, from the Show list, select Requisitions to Price.
2 Select the purchase requisition you want to price, and click View.
3 In the Purchase Requisition form, click Request Pricing, and click OK.
4 On the Purchasing console, open the purchase requisition again.
5 On the Line Items tab, select the line item that needs pricing, and click View.
Figure 11: Line Item Information formPricing information area

6 In the Line Item Information form, make changes to the pricing, as necessary.
7 On the General tab, specify values in the Quote Number and Quote Info fields.
8 If you know that the item is taxable, select Yes from the Taxable list.
9 Click Save, and in the confirmation message, click OK.
10 In the Purchase Requisition form, type a name in the Manager field.

Chapter 5 Requisition management 137

Creating purchase requisitions

11 To route the newly priced requisition to a manager for approval, click Submit for
The purchase items on the Line Items tab change to Pending Approval.
12 Click Save.
On the Purchasing console, the purchase requisition that you priced no longer
appears in the table.

Submitting the purchase requisition for approval

After you price a purchase requisition, someone must approve it. You can click
Submit for Approval to change the status of the purchase requisition to Pending
Approval and route it to the appropriate approver.

To submit the purchase requisition for approval

1 Find a purchase requisition, as described in Searching for purchase requisitions
on page 144.
2 In the Manager field, specify a manager who has approval permission.
3 Click Submit for Approval, and in the confirmation message, click OK.
4 On the Purchasing console, click Refresh.
The purchase requisitions status changes to Pending Approval.

Approving the purchase requisition

If you are a manager, you might need to approve or reject a purchase requisition that
one of your employees submitted.
BMC Remedy Asset Management provides an out-of-the-box approval process. By
default, the purchase requisition is routed to the necessary manager for approval.
You can use the Approval console to route the requisition to another manager for
approval. For example, if you charge the cost of the items on a purchase requisition
for one of your employees to another managers cost center, you can route the
purchase requisition to that manager for additional approval.

138 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Creating purchase requisitions


You can use the Approval Server to define different process types, configure
approval notifications, and so on. For more information, see the BMC Remedy Action
Request System: BMC Remedy Approval Server Guide.

To approve a purchase requisition as approver

1 In the navigation pane on the Purchasing console, choose Functions =>
Figure 12: Approval console

2 On the Approval console, if the purchase requisition needs additional approval or

must be routed to another approver, select it from the table, and click View
Details. Otherwise, skip to Step 5.
3 To add one or more additional approvers, perform the following steps:
a Click Adhoc.
b In the Name field of the Ad hoc Approvers dialog box, select the name of a
manager who also must approve the requisition.
c If there are multiple approvers, select One Must Sign or All Must Sign from the
If Multiple Approvers list.
d If an approver is optional, set Independent to Yes.

Chapter 5 Requisition management 139

Creating purchase requisitions

Independent indicates that the approval process can continue without that
persons approval. That person can approve or reject the purchase requisition
before the process is complete.
e Click Add.
f As needed, continue to add approvers.
g When you are done adding approvers, select the approvers to be added, and
then click Save.


Rows in the table of approvers are not saved until you select them and click
h Click Close.
4 To reassign approval to another manager, perform the following steps:
a Click Reassign.
b In the message that appears, specify the name of the manager you are
reassigning the purchase requisition to for approval, and click OK.
5 On the Approval Console, in the Pending Approvals table, select the purchase
requisition that you want to approve.
6 Click Approve or Reject.
The purchase requisition is removed from the table.

Modifying rejected purchase requisitions

If the purchase requisition has been rejected instead of approved, it is routed back to
the configuration administrator to make changes.

To make changes to a rejected purchase requisition

1 Find a purchase requisition with a Rejected status, as described in Searching for
purchase requisitions on page 144.
2 In the message that appears, click one of the following buttons:
ModifyThe purchase requisition reappears and the status changes to In

Preparation. Make the necessary changes, and click Submit for Approval.

140 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Working with purchase requisitions

Cancel RequisitionThe purchase requisition reappears and the status

changes to Canceled. You cannot make more changes to the requisition.

CloseThe status of the purchase requisition remains as Rejected.

Working with purchase requisitions

The following sections describe tasks that you can perform on the Purchase
Requisition form:
Modifying purchase items on page 141
Removing purchase items on page 142
Holding a purchase requisition on page 143
Canceling a purchase requisition on page 143

Modifying purchase items

You can modify purchase items on your purchase requisition while the purchase
requisition is in one of the following states:
In Preparation
Pending Pricing
Quote In Progress
On Hold
Pending Approval

In this state you can reduce the quantity of items or remove items. You cannot
add new items.

To modify purchase items

1 Find a purchase requisition, as described in Searching for purchase requisitions
on page 144.
2 Click the Line Items tab.
3 Select the purchase item that you want to view or modify, and click View.

Chapter 5 Requisition management 141

Working with purchase requisitions

4 In the Line Item Information form, make your changes.

5 Click Save.
The Purchase Requisition form appears, and the line item that you created
appears in the table.
6 Click Save again.

Removing purchase items

If you do not need a purchase item, you can remove it. You can remove items from
the purchase requisition when the requisition is in one of the following states:
In Preparation
Pending Pricing
Quote In Progress
On Hold
Pending Approval

In this state you can reduce the quantity of items or remove items. You cannot
add new items.

To remove purchase items

1 Find a purchase requisition, as described in Searching for purchase requisitions
on page 144.
2 Click the Line Items tab.
3 Select the purchase item you want to remove.
4 Click Remove.
5 In the confirmation message that appears, click Yes.
6 Click Save.

142 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Working with purchase requisitions

Holding a purchase requisition

You might need to place a purchase requisition on hold. If the status of a purchase
requisition is In Preparation, Pending Pricing, Quote in Progress, or Rejected, you
can place it on hold.

To hold a purchase requisition

1 Find a purchase requisition, as described in Searching for purchase requisitions
on page 144.
2 Click Hold or Cancel.
3 In the message, click Put on Hold.
The status of the purchase requisition changes to On Hold.
4 To take the purchase requisition off hold, save, close, and reopen the purchase
requisition, and then click Submit for Approval.

Canceling a purchase requisition

You might need to cancel a purchase requisition. If the status of a purchase
requisition is Approved, Partially Received, Received, or Closed, you cannot cancel it.


After you cancel a purchase requisition, you cannot make changes to it.

To cancel a purchase requisition

1 Open a purchase requisition, as described in Searching for purchase requisitions
on page 144.
2 Click Hold or Cancel.
3 In the message that appears, click Cancel Requisition.
A warning message appears, indicating that you cannot undo a canceled requisition.
4 Click Yes.
The status of the purchase requisition changes to Canceled.

Chapter 5 Requisition management 143

Viewing purchase requisitions in the console

Viewing purchase requisitions in the console

Configuration administrators and purchasing agents can view purchase requisitions.

To view purchase requisitions in the console

1 On the Purchasing console, from the Show list, select Requisitions Requested By
The purchase requisitions that you created and submitted appear in the table.
Figure 13: Purchasing console

2 To view purchase requisitions that were requested for another individual,

perform the following steps:
a Select Requisitions Requested For.
b In the People Search Criteria dialog box, specify your search criteria, and click
c Select an item from the table, and click Select.
The requisitions created for that person appear in the console.

Searching for purchase requisitions

You can search for and modify purchase requisitions that you have created and

144 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Working with purchase orders

To search for and modify purchase requisitions

1 In the navigation pane on the Purchasing console, choose Functions => Search
2 In the Search Requisitions dialog box, specify your search criteria, and click
Results matching your search criteria appear in the table.
If you do not specify search criteria in the Supplier Name field, Estimated Price

and Description columns appear in the search results.

If you specify search criteria in the Supplier Name field, Supplier Name and

Part Number columns appear in the search results.

3 To open a purchase requisition, select the purchase requisition, and click View.

Working with purchase orders

After the purchase requisition has been priced and approved, becomes a purchase
order and is routed to purchasing. A purchasing agent submits the purchase order to
a supplier for purchase.
The following sections describe tasks that you can perform with purchase orders:
Searching for purchase orders on page 145
Completing a purchase order on page 146
Placing a purchase order on page 147
Resending a purchase order on page 148
Canceling a purchase order on page 148
Generating reports from the Purchasing console on page 149

Searching for purchase orders

As a purchasing agent, you can search for and view purchase orders that are in
preparation, on order, partially received, received, or canceled.

Chapter 5 Requisition management 145

Working with purchase orders

To search for purchase orders

1 In the navigation pane on the Purchasing console, choose Functions => Search
2 In the Search Purchase Order dialog box, specify your search criteria, and click
3 To view a purchase order, select the item from the table, and click View.

Completing a purchase order

When purchasing agents first open a purchase order, they might need to complete
some additional fields.

To complete a purchase order

1 On the Purchasing console, from the Show list, select Orders to Place.
2 Select the purchase order you want to place, and click View.
3 If necessary, on the Purchase Order Form, from the Payment Terms list, change
the payment terms.
4 In the Notes to Supplier field, add any notes to the supplier.
5 If known, in the Tax Rate field, specify the tax rate.


If a tax rate is entered at the purchase order level, the tax rate is calculated, and
distributed across the line items based on their Actual Price. A line item is
charged a tax only if the Taxable field is set to "Yes," the default value for this
field on Purchase Line Item is "Yes." The Tax field on the Purchase Order shows
the sum of the tax amounts of its Taxable line items.
6 If known, In the Shipping & Handling field, specify the shipping and handling


If a shipping and handling amount is entered into the Purchase Order, it is split at
the line item level based on the Actual Price. Once a Purchase Requisition is
approved, and a Purchase Order(s) created from it, monetary updates to the
Purchase Requisition are considered done.
7 Click the Shipping tab.
146 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Working with purchase orders

8 If necessary, complete the fields in the Ship to Address and Bill to Address areas.
If necessary, change the default values in the Freight Terms, Ship Via, and
Shipping Options fields.
The Tracking tab contains read-only information, for example, whether the order
can be accessed using a web service.
9 Click Save.

Placing a purchase order

As a purchasing agent, you can send a purchase order to a supplier by email or by
web service. You can also send it manually.

To place a purchase order

1 Open a purchase order, as described in Searching for purchase orders on page
2 In the Purchase Order Information form, click Place Order.
3 In the Place Purchase Order dialog box, from the Place Order Using list, select
Email, Web Service, or Manual.
If you select Web Service, the order becomes accessible to a web service.

Another application can use its web service to accept the order.

If you select Manual, you must complete a purchase order on paper.

4 If you select Email, complete the remaining fields as follows:

a Complete the SendTo field, and, optionally, the CC and BCC fields with the
recipients of the message.
b If appropriate, modify the subject line from the default value.
c Review the message text. If necessary, you can change it.
5 Click Save.
On the Purchase Order Information form, the status of the purchase order
changes to On Order.

Chapter 5 Requisition management 147

Working with purchase orders

If in the Configure rules form you set the Auto Recive field to "Yes," then the
License Certificate will be generated upon the placement of the order for software
types of the line items.

Resending a purchase order

As a purchasing agent, if you must change a purchase order after you have placed it,
you can resend the order.

To resend a purchase order

1 Open a placed purchase order, as described in Searching for purchase orders on
page 145.
2 In the Purchase Order Information form, click Resend Order.
3 In the Resend Purchase Order form, repeat steps 2 through 5 in the procedure
Placing a purchase order on page 147.

Canceling a purchase order

As a purchasing agent, you can cancel a purchase order by clicking Cancel Order
from the purchase order.

To cancel a purchase order

1 Open a purchase order, as described in Searching for purchase orders on page
2 On the Purchase Order Information form, click Cancel Order.
3 When prompted to confirm whether to cancel the order, click Yes.
4 In the Cancel Purchase Order dialog box, from the Cancel Order Using list, select
Email, Web Service, or Manual.
5 If you select Email, complete the remaining fields as follows:
a Complete the SendTo field, and, optionally, the CC and BCC fields with the
recipients of the message.

148 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Receiving and returning purchase items

b If appropriate, modify the subject line from the default value.

c Review the message text. If necessary, you can change it.
6 Click Save.
On the Purchase Order Information form, the status of the purchase order
changes to Canceled.

Generating reports from the Purchasing console

As a purchasing agent, you can generate purchasing reports from the Purchasing

To generate a report from the Purchasing console

1 In the navigation pane on the Purchasing console, choose Functions => Reports.
2 On the Reports console, from the Report Name list, select the report you want to
3 Categorize the fields you want to search using the Tier fields, as described in
Categorizing CIs on page 79.
4 Click Run Report.
5 In the Enter Values dialog box, type new values for the report title and the
6 Click OK.
7 Click Close.
The report appears.

Receiving and returning purchase items

After you have placed the purchase order with the supplier, the next step is to
receive the items from the supplier. When items are received, new CIs are created in
BMC Remedy Asset Management for the items that were received.

Chapter 5 Requisition management 149

Receiving and returning purchase items

To see items that are received by way of a purchase requisition, click the Financials
tab on the CI form. If the item was received in this manner, the Requisition ID and
Order ID fields are completed.
You can also use the Receiving console to return items that are damaged or are not
The following sections describe tasks for receiving and returning purchase items:
Receiving items on page 150
Returning purchase items on page 152
Returning purchase items to be replaced on page 153
Returning purchase items from a CI on page 153

Receiving items
You can record receipt of items in BMC Remedy Asset Management.


When you receive an item, the corresponding CI is created. If you receive an item
that will be discovered, the CI must be updated with identifying information. After
the item is on the network, it can be discovered. If the Reconciliation Engine cannot
identify the discovered CI as the same as the received CI, two CIs will represent the
same item in your BMC Atrium Configuration Management Database (BMC Atrium
CMDB). For information about how BMC discovery products identify CIs, see the
BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping: Populating BMC Atrium CMDB guide
and the BMC Configuration Automation for Clients Configuration Discovery Integration
for CMDB Implementation Guide.

If the PO line item is "Software CI Types" such as Product, Package, Operating
System, Software Server, or System Software, then the receiving process will not
generate CIs as other CI Types.

150 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Receiving and returning purchase items

To receive items
1 To see purchase order line items waiting to be received, on the Receiving console,
specify your search criteria, and click Search.
Figure 14: Receiving console

2 For each item you are receiving, click the Received Qty column and change the
quantity to the quantity you are receiving.


For Software types, partial receiving is not allowed. You will have to receive the
entire amount.
3 Select each line item you want to receive, and click Receive.
The Total Received Qty column is updated with the number of received items.
The amount you specify is cleared from the Rec Qty column. If you receive the
entire required quantity, the line item disappears from the Receiving console.


For software CIs, a license Certificate should be created upon receiving, if the
certificate fields (on the License Certificate tab) are specified on the purchase line
For hardware CIs, it still works the same way as before, i.e. the CIs will get
created upon receiving.

Chapter 5 Requisition management 151

Receiving and returning purchase items

4 To receive items within the line item, select the line item from the table, and click
5 In the Line Item Information form in the Received Qty field, specify the received
quantity, and click Save.

Returning purchase items

If you have inspected an item but have not yet marked it as received, you can return
it. For example, you might want to return an item because it arrived damaged or is
no longer needed.
If the item has already been received, a CI has been created for it. If the item is
damaged or is no longer needed, the configuration administrator can return it from
the CI.

To return an item from the Receiving console

1 To see purchase order line items waiting to be received, on the Receiving console,
specify your search criteria, and click Search.
Results matching your search criteria appear in the table.
2 Select the item you want to return.
3 Click Return.
4 In the Return Item Information dialog box, from the Type list, select Return.
Selecting Return indicates that you are returning the item and canceling the
request for the item.
5 In the RMA field, specify a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number
6 In the Quantity to Return field, reduce the number of items have yet to be
This number cannot be greater than the number remaining to be received.
7 In the Reason for Return field, provide a reason for the return.
8 Click OK.
If you return the total number of items remaining to be received, on the Receiving
console, the item is removed from the table. If you return fewer items, the
152 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Receiving and returning purchase items

Required Qty is reduced by the number you return, but the line item remains in
the Receiving console.

Returning purchase items to be replaced

You can replace the items that you return. First, contact the supplier and arrange for
a replacement of the return. Then, mark the item for replacement in the Return
dialog box.

To return an item to be replaced

1 To see purchase order line items waiting to be received, on the Receiving console,
specify your search criteria, and click Search.
2 Select the item you want to replace.
3 Click Return.
4 In the Return dialog box, from the Type list, select Replace.
5 In the RMA field, specify a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number
6 In the Quantity to Return field, specify the number of items to be replaced.
This number cannot be greater than the number remaining to be received.
7 In the Reason for Return field, provide a reason for the replacement.
8 Click OK.

Returning purchase items from a CI

If an item has been received and a CI was created for it, a configuration
administrator can return or replace the item from the CI.

To return an item from a CI

1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 From the navigation pane, choose Functions => Returns.
3 In the Return Receipts dialog box, click Create.
Chapter 5 Requisition management 153

Receiving and returning purchase items

4 In the Return Information dialog box, from the Type list, select whether you are
returning or replacing the item.
5 In the RMA field, specify a Return Materials Authorization (RMA) number
6 In the Quantity to Return field, specify the number of items being returned or
This number cannot be greater than the number remaining to be received.
7 In the Reason for Return field, provide a reason for the return.
8 Click OK.

154 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Contract management
This section describes how to create support, warranty, lease, and maintenance
contracts that you can relate to your configuration items. This section also provides
an overview of the Contract Management console.
Software license management is described in Software license management on
page 173.

Contract types
You can create stand-alone contracts or contracts that are related to CIs. The
following table lists the contract types that BMC Remedy Asset Management provides.
Table 28: Contract types provided by BMC Remedy Asset Management
Contract type



Use a lease contract to track details associated with leasing equipment. For
example, if you lease several servers from one company, you might have a
master lease contract that shows the general terms and conditions. You might
have subcontracts for each server.


Use a maintenance contract to provide routine maintenance by a vendor. For

example, when you purchase a network printer, it might come with a
maintenance contract. Or, you might decide to purchase an additional or
extended maintenance contract.

Master Contract

Use a master contract as the overarching contract with a company for which you
have additional related contracts. The related contracts can include software
licenses, support contracts, and any other type of contract.

Software License

Use a software license contract for a software license. You can track compliance
and use of the license. For information, see Software license management on
page 173.

Chapter 6 Contract management 155

About the Contract Management console

Contract type



Use a support contract to track contracts you might buy for support of a product.
For example, if you buy a scanner, a support contract gives you access to
customer support for any problems or questions you have about the scanner.
You can create a master support contract that shows the general terms and
parameters, with subcontracts for specific items. For example, you can have a
software contract with a company. You can have subcontracts for support of
each software product that you buy.


Use a warranty contract to guarantee equipment against mechanical

imperfections and defects. For example, if you buy a scanner, a warranty
contract replaces any defective parts for the scanner, for a defined period. When
you buy a piece of equipment, it might come with a warranty contract. You
might buy an additional or extended warranty for the equipment.


If created by your application administrator, additional contract types might be

available, such as a statement of work contract. Application administrators can
create additional contract types, as described in the BMC Remedy IT Service
Management Administration Guide.

About the Contract Management console

The Contract Management console is the primary console for contract managers.
Anyone who manages contracts with vendors, enters contracts in the system, and
has any of the following permissions, can use this console:
Contract Viewer
Contract User
Contract Admin

Functional areas of the Contract Management console

The following figure illustrates the functional areas of the Contract Management

156 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

About the Contract Management console

Figure 15: Contract Management console and its functional areas

The table below describes what you can do in each of the functional areas.
Table 29: Contract Management console functional areas
Functional area


Contract Management console banner

Breadcrumb bar

A navigation aid that contains links to related records that you opened from the

Breadcrumb navigation

Back button-takes you back one link in the breadcrumb trail.

Forward button-takes you forward one link inthe breadcrumb trail. The
Forward button is only visible if you have returned to a record on the
breadcrumb trail that you previously viewed.
Drop down menu-contains links to all the records that you have viewed from
the current view, including records that might not be currently visible in the
breadcrumb trail.
Home icon-takes you to the IT Home Page.


This search feature lets you search across multiple forms for records that match
a key term. For more information about using this search, refer to Using Global
search on page 45.

Contract Management console header

Chapter 6 Contract management 157

About the Contract Management console

Functional area


Company and Supplier

You can filter the contracts listed in the contracts table by company, by supplier,
or by both.

Filter By

Search using predefined searches, and manage your searches. The magnifying
glass icon opens a dialog box from which you can edit, save, and delete custom
searches. Saved custom searches appear in the My Searches node of the Defined
Searches list. For more information, see Searching for contracts on page 159.
Note: Contract types created by your organization are not displayed in the
Defined Search list. To see these contract types, select All, or create a custom


Refreshes the data in the tables.

Navigation pane

The inbox displays events generated when the License Engine runs, and other
messages about contract and software compliance information.
The inbox displays messages for the following areas:
Contracts that have expired or are about to expire.
Software license certificates that are not compliant or are approaching noncompliance.
Software license certificates that have expired or are about to expire.
Summary results of the engine run.
List of new CIs that are linked to software license certificates
Note: You might see different types of messages displayed, depending on
how the application administrator has configured inbox preferences.
From the inbox, you can indicate whether you have dealt with a message. To
view the applicable contract or certificate, select the message and click View.

Contract Counts

Indicates how many of the listed contracts are in each status. Contract status can
be draft, executed, historical, or delete.
CI counts reflect the filtersyour selections for Company and Supplier. Using
search definitions does not change the contract counts.


The Contract Management console provides access to additional functions that

are not related to contract management. For example, you can access other
consoles from this console. For more information, see Secondary functions on
the Contract Management console on page 160.

158 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

About the Contract Management console

Functional area



Depending on your permissions and what other applications are installed, use
these links to open:
Asset Management console
Change Management console
Incident Management console
Overview console
Problem Management console
Release Management console
Software Asset Management console
BMC IT Business Management

Contracts panel
Create and View

Create a new contract or view details of the selected contract. For more
information, see Creating non-software-license contracts on page 163 and
Creating a software contract on page 186.


Print the selected contract.

Show Work Info

When you access the Asset Management console from a browser, you can show
or hide work information. When you access the Asset Management console
from BMC Remedy User, work information is always displayed.

Hide Work Info

Contract table

Lists contracts from the results of your search. When the console first opens, it
displays all contracts for all companies to which you have access.

Work Info

Displays work information records for the selected contract or CI. Use the
Create and View buttons to create new work information records and to view
details of the selected work information record.


Select whether to view related contracts or related CIs.

Related Contracts table

or Related CIs table

When you select a contract, the table on the bottom half of the console displays
related contracts or related CIs.

Searching for contracts

Use the filters above the contract list to search for contracts by company.

Chapter 6 Contract management 159

Creating master contracts

Use the Filter By field to search for contracts by the following criteria:
Contract type, such as leases or software contracts
Expiration date, such as contracts that expired in the past 48 hours or that are due

to expire in 30 days

Predefined searches
Criteria that you define

Secondary functions on the Contract Management console

This console also includes links to perform the following functions:
Open other consoles, such as the Purchasing console and the Reporting console.
Manage CIs. For more information, see Working with configuration items on page


Create reminders, as described in Creating reminders on page 68.

View your profile.
Select and view KPIs for all suppliers or for a selected supplier. The KPIs that

appear in the Contract Management console represent, in graphical format:

Contract by status
Contract by type

Creating master contracts

A master contract is an overarching contract with a company for which you have
additional related contracts. The related contracts can include software licenses,
support contracts, and any other type of contract.
You can use the Financials tab to manage costs and payments that are directly tied to
the master contract.


Only a user with Contract Admin permission can create contracts. A user with
Contract User permission can modify contracts.

160 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Creating master contracts

To create a master contract

1 On the Contract Management console from the Create list, select Master Contract.
The Master Contract form has two main areas. In one area, you specify standard
contract information. In the other area, you specify general information, relating
contracts, adding payment information, and so on.
2 Specify the following information:
Field name



A unique alphanumeric value.


Brief description of the contract.


Select the applicable term:

FixedContract expires at the expiration date.
Never EndingContract never expires. This is also known as an
evergreen contract.
Rolling ContractContract automatically renews at the expiration date.

Term Conditions

If you select a term that has an expiration date, select the duration until the
expiration date.


Select the applicable status of the contract:

DraftThe contract has never been executed but is going through the
process of being executed. You can use draft status for contracts that are
in negotiation or pending signature.
ExecutedThe contract that is executed and valid. Executed contracts
include active contracts that have started. An executed contract might
have the following status reasons: active, change pending, on hold,
requires attention, under renegotiation.
HistoricalThe contract is not valid. Historical contracts include
contracts that have expired, been terminated, or been canceled.
DeleteThe contract is scheduled for deletion.

Status Reason

Optionally, you can select a status reason. The status reason provides
additional explanation for the status. For further information about status
and status reason values, see Tracking the contract lifecycle on page 167.


The company associated with this contract.

Chapter 6 Contract management 161

Creating master contracts

Field name


View Access

Select who can view or modify this contract:

PublicAnyone who has "view contract" permissions can view this
Internal Only people with "view contract" permissions related to the
selected company, can view this contract.
People from the support group managing this contract, can view and modify
this contract.

Supplier Name

The supplier associated with this contract.

Cost Center

The cost center that owns this contract. This field and the following fields are
located on the General tab.

Contract Managed By

The support company associated with this contract.


The support organization associated with this contract.


The support group associated with this contract.


Optionally, you can assign an individual to receive notifications for this

contract. If you do not specify a notification contact, the notification group
receives notifications.

Expiration Date

Date that the contract expires. When a contract expires, individuals are
notified first, then groups.
Note: This field is not available for never-ending contracts.

Notification Date

When the contract expires, the notification contact and the owner contact are
notified on this date.

3 To add related contracts, perform the following steps in the Master Contract form:
a Save the master contract.
b Click the Related Contracts tab.
c In the Create New Contracts area, select the contract type, and click Create.
d Complete the contract form, as described in Creating non-software-license
contracts on page 163 or in Creating a software contract on page 186.
When you save the related contract, it is automatically related to the master

162 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Creating non-software-license contracts

Creating non-software-license contracts

You can create a stand-alone contract or a contract that is related to a CI.
To create and track your software license contracts, follow the procedures in
Software license management on page 173.
All contract forms are identical and track the same type of information, except the
Lease and Software License contract forms.


For information about additional Lease contract information see Adding end-of-lease
terms on page 172. For information about Software Licenses contracts, see Software
license management on page 173.
This procedure uses a Lease contract as an example, but the procedure is similar for
other contract types. You can create a Lease contract from the following locations:
From the Contracts tab on the CI form
From the Contract Management console, by clicking Create

After you create the contract, you can perform the tasks described in the following
Adding contact information on page 165
Adding cost information to a contract on page 165
Relating the contract to another contract on page 167
Adding a payment for a contract on page 169
Relating contracts to CIs on page 169

For a lease contract, you can add end-of-lease terms, as described in Adding end-oflease terms on page 172.

To create a lease contract

1 On the Contract Management console, click Create and select the type of contract
that you are creating, such as Lease.
The Lease Contract form has two main areas. In one area, you specify standard
contract information. In the other area, you specify ownership information, relate
child contracts, add payment information, and so on.

Chapter 6 Contract management 163

Creating non-software-license contracts

2 Specify the following information:

Field name



A unique alphanumeric value.


Brief description of the contract.


Duration of contract in months.


Select the applicable status of the contract:

DraftThe contract has never been executed but is going through the
process of being executed. You can use draft status for contracts that are
in negotiation or pending signature.
ExecutedThe contract that is executed and valid. Executed contracts
include active contracts that have started. An executed contract might
have the following status reasons: active, change pending, on hold,
requires attention, under renegotiation.
HistoricalThe contract is not valid. Historical contracts include
contracts that have expired, been terminated, or been canceled.
DeleteThe contract is scheduled for deletion.

Status Reason

Optionally, you can select a status reason. The status reason provides
additional explanation for the status. For further information about status
and status reason values, see Tracking the contract lifecycle on page 167.


The company associated with this contract.

View Access

Select who can view or modify this contract:

PublicAnyone who can access contracts can view or modify the contract.
InternalOnly people in the support group managing this contract can
view or modify the contract.

Customer ID

Optionally, you can enter the customer ID by which the supplier identifies
the company.

Supplier Name

The supplier associated with this contract.

Cost Center

The cost center that owns this contract. This field and the following fields
are located on the General tab.

Contract Managed By

The support company associated with this contract.


The support organization associated with this contract.


The notification group associated with this contract.

164 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Creating non-software-license contracts

Field name


Expiration Date

Date that the contract expires. When a contract expires, individuals are
notified first, then groups.

Notification Date

The date contacts on the Contacts tab are notified when the contract expires.

3 Click Save.

Adding contact information

On the top half of the contract form, you can select the supplier. BMC Remedy Asset
Management adds the supplier to the supplier contacts table in the Contacts form,
which you can access from the Contract Information form. Use the Contacts dialog
box to specify information about the contact people, how to contact them, and who is
authorized to call them.
To see the list of contacts for a contract, click the Profile link below the Supplier

Name field. The Company form is displayed. Select the Contacts tab to view

For information about setting up contacts (people) in your company, see the BMC
Remedy IT Service Management Administration Guide.

Adding cost information to a contract

You can add cost information to non-software contracts.
On software contracts, you can view cost information. However, you can add and
remove cost information only from the attached license certificates, as described in
Recording the purchase cost for a license on page 221.

To add cost information to a contract

1 If it is not already open, open the contract.
2 Click the Financials tab.
The Cost Entries table lists currently recorded costs.
3 Below the Cost Entries table, click Add.
4 In the Costs dialog box, specify the following information:

Chapter 6 Contract management 165

Creating non-software-license contracts




After you save the cost, the company is set to the company for the contract.

Cost Center Code

Select the appropriate cost center.

Cost Category

This is set to Contract. Costing reports list costs from multiple sources.

Cost Type

To keep a record of the type of cost, select from the following choices:
Purchase Cost
Renewal Cost


Optionally, type a note describing the cost.

Related Cost

Type the cost and select the currency.

Related Units

If this charge is time-based, enter the number of hours or minutes.

Unit Type

If this charge is time-based, select either Hours or Minutes. Otherwise, select Flat

Date Incurred

Select the date that the cost is incurred.

5 Click Save.

Adding terms and conditions

You can record terms and conditions for any contract.

To record terms and conditions for a contract

1 If it is not already open, open the contract.
2 In the navigation pane, choose Functions => Terms and Conditions.
3 In the Terms and Conditions dialog box, specify the following information:
Field name



Terms and conditions can be draft, executed, or historical.

Effective Date

Set the effective date to the same date as the contract.

Terms and Conditions ID

When you save the terms and conditions, the application sets the ID.


Enter a summary of the terms and conditions. You can enter additional
information in the Notes field and by adding up to three attachments.

166 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Tracking the contract lifecycle

Field name



If you leave this field blank, when you save the terms and conditions, you
are set as the submitter.

Submit Date

When you save the terms and conditions, the applications sets the Submit Date.

4 Click Save.

Relating the contract to another contract

You can relate any contract to any other contract.

To relate a contract to another contract

1 If it is not already open, open the contract.
2 Click the Related Contracts tab.
3 Specify the contract to which you are relating the current contract.
To relate the contract to a new contract, click Create and complete the new

contract form.

To relate the contract to a contract already in the system, perform the following


a Select the contract type, click Search, and search for the contract.
b Select the contract.
c Select the relationship type, and then click Relate.

Tracking the contract lifecycle

You can use the contract status and status reasons to track the contract throughout
its life.
A status can have one of the following status values:
DraftBefore the contract start date, the contract has a draft status. You can reset

a cancelled contract to draft status.

Chapter 6 Contract management 167

Tracking the contract lifecycle

ExecutedAt the contract start date, the contract status becomes executed.
HistoricalWhen an executed contract expires or is cancelled, its status is set to


DeleteUse this status to flag contract records for deletion.

Status reason provides additional information, as listed in the table below.

Table 30: Contract status reasons

Status reason

Description of status reason


In negotiation

The contract is under negotiation.

Pending Signature

Negotiations and review are completed, but the contract is

not signed.


The contract has been signed, but is not yet executed.


This is the default value for executed contracts.

Requires Attention

This value is set when there is no activity on the contract

for the configured amount of time.

Under re-negotiation

When a contract is being renegotiated, a possible change is


Change Pending

A change on the contract is pending.

On Hold

No activity is allowed on this contract until the status

reason is changed.

Pending renewal

Use this status reason to indicate that the contract is still

being recognized as valid after the expiration date, while
the renewal is being negotiated.
Note: You must also extend the expiration date. After the
expiration date, the contract is set to a status of Historical
with a status reason of Expired.


When a contract reaches the expiry date, its status is set to

historical, and the status reason is set to expired.


Indicates a contract that was terminated at the expiry date.


Indicates a contract that was terminated before the expiry


Scheduled for Deletion

The contract record is scheduled for deletion and can be





168 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Adding a payment for a contract

Adding a payment for a contract

Use the Financials tab on the Contract Information form to specify information about
payments. You can specify due dates, date sent, and information about the check.
You can also add, remove, and view payments.

To add a payment for the current contract

1 If it is not already open, open the contract.
2 If you made changes to the contract, save the contract.
3 Click the Financials tab.
4 In the Payments area, click Add.
5 In the Payment Information dialog box, complete the fields, and click Save.
6 On the contract form, click Save.

Relating contracts to CIs

You can link CIs to related contracts. For example, if a warranty agreement applies
to a hardware item, you can relate this agreement to the CI. For software contracts,
you must relate the CI to the license certificate. Software license compliance is
tracked at the certificate level.
To relate multiple CIs to a single non-software contract, create the relationships on
the Contract form. To relate a single CI to multiple non-software contracts, create the
relationships on the CI form.
You can relate one or more contracts to a CI. If a contract later changes or expires,
you can remove the contract from the CI.

Relating CIs to a contract

Use the Relationships tab on the Contract Information form to relate, remove, and
view CIs that are related to the contract. Relationships between contracts and CIs can
be 1-to-many and many-to-1.

Chapter 6 Contract management 169

Relating contracts to CIs

To relate a CI to a contract
1 If it is not already open, open the contract.
2 Click the Relationships tab.
3 From the CI Type lists, select the type of CI that you want to relate to the contract.
Only certain CI types are available, depending on the contract. For example, from
a lease contract you can select a computer system, but not software.
4 Specify the CI to which you are relating the current contract.
To create the CI, click Create and complete the new CI form.
To select a CI, search for the CI, select the relationship type, and then click


For definitions of these relationship types, see CI and relationship types on page
5 Click Save.

Relating a contract to a CI
To relate multiple contracts to a CI, you can open the CI, and use the Contracts tab to
relate contracts to the CI.
You cannot relate a CI directly to a software contract. Instead, use the License
Certificate field to relate the CI to the software license certificate. The software
license certificate is related to the software contract.

To relate a contract to a CI
1 From the Asset Management console, open a CI.
For information about opening a CI, see Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 Click the Contracts tab.
3 In the Search Existing Contracts area, select a contract type from the Contract
Type list, and click Search.
4 In the Searching for Contracts dialog box, from the Search For list, select the type
of contract you want to relate, and click Search.

170 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Relating contracts to CIs

5 In the Results List, select one or more contracts to relate to the CI.
If no contracts appear in the list, you can add a contract. See Creating a new
contract to relate to a CI on page 171.
6 From the Relationship Type list, select the relationship of this contract to the CI:
Attached toThe contract is related to the CI.
Terms and Conditions ofThe contract uses the terms and conditions of the

CI contract.

7 Click Relate.
The contract is related to the CI, and the contract appears in the Current Contracts
for this CI table.

Creating a new contract to relate to a CI

If you do not find the contract when you search for it, you can create it. Create the
contract from the Contracts tab on the CI form.

To create a new contract to relate to a CI

1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 Click the Contracts tab.
3 In the Create New Contracts area, select a contract type from the Contract Type list.
4 Click Create.
The appearance of the contract form varies, depending on the type of contract.
5 Complete the required fields on the contract form.
6 Click Save.
A message appears stating that the person in the Notification Contact field will
be notified when this contract expires. Click OK.


To notify a group when a contract expires, leave the individual contact field
blank. Otherwise, specify the notification group and the individual under that
group to notify an individual.

Chapter 6 Contract management 171

Adding end-of-lease terms

7 Click Close.
The contract record is related to the CI, and the contract appears in the Current
Contracts for this CI table.

Adding end-of-lease terms

On a lease contract, end-of-lease terms specify what happens when the lease term is
up. Use the End of Lease tab on the Lease Contract form to provide this information.
End-of-lease options usually include opportunities to renew the item, and to return,
upgrade, purchase, or buy out the remaining lease.

To add end-of-lease terms

1 Open the lease contract.
2 Click the End of Lease tab, and complete the following fields:
Field name


Planned End of Term Action Select an end-of-lease term action from the list.
Residual Value

Specify the residual value of this lease. The residual value is the value you
can purchase the item for after the lease expires.

Lease Rate Factor

Specify the expected percentage increase for this lease contract payment.

3 If BMC Remedy Change Management is installed, complete the fields in the

Change Types area, and complete the End of Lease and Renew Lease fields.
If you want someone to take action when the lease contract expires, you can
specify that a change request be created when the lease expires. Specify the
change request by relating a change type to the contract. For example, if you
select a change type named End of Life (EOL) Renew Lease, this change can
trigger the creation of a change request. The change request can contain tasks that
need to be performed to renew the lease.
Depending on the end-of-term action you take, different fields appear below the
End of Lease field. If you select Renew, a Renew Lease field appears. If you select
Return, a Return to Lessor field appears. If you want someone to take action when
a lease is renewed or returned, relate change templates from these fields.
4 Click Save.

172 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Software license management
You can use the software license management feature in BMC Remedy Asset
Management to facilitate, focus, and follow-through on compliance. This section
describes how to use BMC Remedy Asset Management to manage software licenses
and their compliance within your organization.

About software asset management and

software license management
Organizations can acquire software in different manners. Software can be built for a
specific purpose within the company. Software can be purchased from a software
vendor or outsourcer. Software can be acquired through an acquisition or merger
between companies, or between departments within a single company.
Software asset management is a core component of an overall asset management
policy. IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) in the Software Asset Management Book
defines software asset management as all of the infrastructure and processes
necessary for the effective management, control and protection of the software assets
within an organization, throughout all stages of their lifecycle.
ITIL indicates that the following processes make up the holistic approach to software
asset management:
Overall management processesThe management processes surrounding the

other software assets management processes. The overall management processes

are related to change management.

Core asset management processesIdentification of software assets, including

maintaining this information in the configuration management database (CMDB).

Logistic processesControl of the software asset lifecycle. These processes

include procurement, deployment, and end of life.

Verification and compliance processesVerification and compliance of software

asset management policies and procedures, including license compliance.

Chapter 7 Software license management 173

About software asset management and software license management

Relationship management processesSoftware contract management.

BMC provides solutions in each of these processes. This section focuses on the key
processes for verification and compliance (license compliance), relationship
processes (contract management), and logistic processes (deployment) in the context
of the solution that BMC provides for software license management.

About the software lifecycle

The software lifecycle comprises stages for negotiation, procurement, deployment,
maintenance, renewal, and end of life, as illustrated in the figure below.
Figure 16: Software lifecycle

174 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

About software asset management and software license management

When you plan to procure software from another company,one of the first steps is to
negotiate a software license contract with the vendor. If you have BMC IT Business
Management suite, you can use the BMC Supplier Management module during the
negotiation stage. Refer to the BMC Supplier Management User Guide.

BMC Supplier Management is an add-on license. You must have a BMC IT Business
Management suite basic license to use this module.
In BMC Remedy Asset Management, you can use the Contract Management console
to track the different types of contracts for each vendor, including software contracts.
You can use the Software Contract form to track the terms of the contract, the cost of
the contract, and the individual certificates that represent the license purchased. The
Software Contract form provides links to extended information about the contract,
such as the purchase order, the Definitive Media Library (DML), and the deployed
software configuration items (CIs) in BMC Atrium Configuration Management
Database (BMC Atrium CMDB).

You can use BMC Remedy Asset Management to generate a purchase order for the
software, or you can use other procurement software. You can relate the purchase
order for the software to the software license certificates, so that you can track the
financial information regarding software procurement.

When the software arrives, several procedures must be performed to deploy the
software, as indicated in the following table.
Table 31: Procedures for deploying software


Managing the deployment process

BMC provides several mechanisms to manage the deployment of

the software. You can use BMC Remedy Change Management to
manage the deployment of software into the IT infrastructure as
described in the BMC Remedy Change Management Users Guide.
BMC Remedy Change Management tracks the tasks involved in
deploying the software, and can help you understand the risks or
dependencies on the software. BMC also provides solutions to
manage the actual deployment.

Deploying the software to existing

systems in the IT infrastructure

BMC Configuration Automation for Clients can manage the

deployment of software to existing desktops. It uses policies to
enforce that the software is deployed only to the systems entitled
to have the software.

Chapter 7 Software license management 175

About software asset management and software license management



Managing the bare metal provisioning

of new systems

You can use BMC BladeLogic and BMC Atrium Orchestrator to

manage the bare metal provisioning of systems. BMC Atrium
Orchestrator integrates with BMC Remedy Change Management
to take information about the systems that are being deployed.
BMC Atrium Orchestrator works with BMC BladeLogic and with
BMC Configuration Automation for Clients to deploy the
appropriate software packages to the system.

Accurately populating data into BMC

Atrium CMDB

After the software is deployed, BMC discovery products, such as

BMC Configuration Automation for Clients and BMC Atrium
Discovery and Dependency Mapping (BMC Atrium Discovery),
can find the software deployed on the IT infrastructure and
populate the data into BMC Atrium CMDB. For information, see
the BMC Configuration Automation for Clients Configuration
Discovery Integration for CMDB Implementation Guide and the BMC
Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping: Populating BMC Atrium
As part of this process, data is normalized and reconciled, as
described in the BMC Atrium CMDB Normalization and
Reconciliation Guide.

Accurately connecting the software

represented in BMC Atrium CMDB to
the software license certificate that
represents the license agreement for that

BMC Remedy Asset Management provides dynamic mechanisms

to connect the software that has been deployed and represented
in BMC Atrium CMDB. License certificates provide a definition
of how to find the software in BMC Atrium CMDB and leverage
information from the DML, so that the searches are performed
using a consistent, normalized set of data. The license engine uses
this information to query BMC Atrium CMDB to find the new or
updated software that has been deployed, and to connect that
software to the appropriate license certificates. If deployed
software cannot be related to a certificate, it is treated as an
exception for the software asset manager to evaluate and
determine the appropriate action.

Maintenance is an ongoing activity. BMC Remedy Asset Management provides a
way for you to track the ongoing license compliance for the software. Tracking
compliance is rule-based and can vary based on the license agreement for the
specific software and specific vendor.
To manage the health of the software, you can use the following BMC products:
BMC Remedy Service DeskManage incident requests, problem investigations,

and known errors related to the software.

BMC monitoring softwareMonitor application and server performance using

programs such as BMC ProactiveNet Analytics, BMC Performance Manager, and

BMC Transaction Management.

176 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

About software asset management and software license management

BMC Service Level ManagementManage service level agreements related to

the software.

BMC Service Impact ManagerTrack the impact to the company if the software

has issues.

You can use BMC Configuration Automation for Clients to track and understand the
usage of software. By understanding usage, you can proactively maintain the
deployment of software to allow for the most effective use of the purchased software

When software contracts are nearing expiration, BMC Remedy Asset Management
can send notification. BMC Remedy Asset Management provides processes for
renewing contracts and for tracking the additional purchase of licenses. The renewal
process feeds back into the negotiation process, providing a closed loop vision of the
software lifecycle.

End of life
If software is being put through an end-of-life process, you can use BMC Remedy
Asset Management to help determine where the software is deployed, which can
help you decide whether to upgrade the software to newer or other versions.

Implementing software license management

The contract manager and software asset manager create software contracts, add
license certificates, and relate software CIs to license certificates.
The power of software license management comes when you use the License Engine
to automate the process. When you add a license certificate, you specify the license
type (such as a per instance or site license) and specify details required for that
license type. Each license type provides a set of connection rules, which the License
Engine uses to query BMC Atrium Configuration Management Database (BMC
Atrium CMDB) and select the appropriate CIs to connect to the license. Each license
type also provides a set of compliance rules, which the License Engine uses to
calculate whether the license is in compliance. The software asset manager schedules
license jobs, so that the License Engine regularly connects software CIs to license
certificates and checks for compliance.
You are not restricted to the license types that come with BMC Remedy Asset
Management. An application administrator can create new license types, as
described in the BMC Remedy IT Service Management Administration Guide. The
application administrator can create sophisticated queries and calculations based on
Chapter 7 Software license management 177

About software asset management and software license management

the data in BMC Atrium CMDB. For example, the Per Copy license type, which
comes with BMC Remedy Asset Management, calculates the number of users for a
software product by looking at the number of users (stored as BMC_Person) with a
dependency on the computer system of which the software CI is a component. For
compliance calculations, you can get data from an BMC Remedy AR System form, in
addition to data stored in BMC Atrium CMDB.
The software license management lifecycle, as described in About the software
lifecycle on page 174, is implemented as described in the following table.
Table 32: Software license management lifecycle

What happens


The contract manager creates the software Creating a software contract on page
contract with a draft status.



Described in

If the contract requires a new license type,

the application administrator creates the
new license type.

BMC Remedy IT Service Management

Administration Guide

The contract manager changes the status

of the software contract to executed.

Reviewing a software contract on

page 188

The configuration administrator

requisitions and purchases software.

Creating purchase requisitions on

page 129 and Working with purchase
orders on page 145

The software asset manager adds license

certificates for purchased software.

Adding a license certificate to a

software contract on page 189

The software asset manager creates and

schedules a license job to connect CIs to
the license certificate and to check
compliance of the license.

Managing jobs that automatically

attach CIs to license certificates on
page 199

The configuration administrator receives

the software.

Receiving and returning purchase

items on page 149

178 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

About software asset management and software license management


What happens

Described in


Discovery products, such as BMC

Configuration Automation for Clients or
BMC Atrium Discovery, discover the
software. The discovery products
populate BMC Atrium CMDB with the CI
for the software and with the relationship
between software and the computer
system on which it is installed.

BMC Configuration Automation for

Clients Configuration Discovery
Integration for CMDB Implementation
Guide and BMC Atrium Discovery and
Dependency Mapping: Populating BMC
Atrium CMDB

The BMC Atrium Reconciliation Engine

runs, populating the production dataset
(BMC Asset) with the discovered data.

BMC Atrium CMDB Normalization and

Reconciliation Guide

The License Engine runs the license job to About the Manage License Jobs
connect CIs to the license certificate and to console on page 200
check compliance of the license. The
software asset manager can check the
history from the Manage License Jobs
The software asset manager monitors the
status of software license certificates.

About the Software Asset

Management console on page 180
and Reviewing a software license
certificate on page 204

To prepare for an audit, the software asset

manager runs a license job immediately,
to check for compliance, and then prints a

Running a job immediately on page

202 and Using predefined reports
BMC Remedy Asset Management
includes predefined reports to help
you monitor activities related to your
organization. This section outlines
the available predefined reports.

Renewal and End of Life When the software license expires, the
Not applicable
next time that the License Engine runs a
connection and compliance job, it removes
the software CIs from the expired license.
If there is another non-expired license, the
License Engine attaches the software CIs
to the license. Otherwise, the software CIs
are unlicensed.
If the license is renewed, the software
asset manager opens the license certificate
and renews the license. The next time that
the License Engine runs a connection and
compliance job, it attaches the software
CIs to the renewed license certificate.

Reviewing a software license

certificate on page 204

Chapter 7 Software license management 179

About the Software Asset Management console

Software license management and multi-tenancy

Each software contract and software license applies to the company that you specify
on the software contract. The License Engine connects CIs only for that company to
the software license. This means that you must specify the Company field in the CI,
or configure your discovery product to specify the Company field.

About the Software Asset Management

The Software Asset Management console is the primary console for software asset
managers. Anyone who manages software licensing and has any of the following
permissions can use this console:
Asset Admin
Asset User
Contract User
Contract Admin

Functional areas of the Software Asset Management console

The figure below illustrates the functional areas of the Software Asset Management

180 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

About the Software Asset Management console

Figure 17: Functional areas of the Software Asset Management console

The table below describes what you can do in each of the functional areas.
Table 33: Software Asset Management console functional areas
Functional area


Software Asset Management console banner

Breadcrumb bar

A navigation aid that contains links to related records that you opened from the

Breadcrumb navigation

Back button-takes you back one link in the breadcrumb trail.

Forward button-takes you forward one link inthe breadcrumb trail. The
Forward button is only visible if you have returned to a record on the
breadcrumb trail that you previously viewed.
Drop down menu-contains links to all the records that you have viewed from
the current view, including records that might not be currently visible in the
breadcrumb trail.
Home icon-takes you to the IT Home Page.


This search feature lets you search across multiple forms for records that match
a key term. For more information about using this search, refer to Using Global
search on page 45.

Software Asset Management console header

Chapter 7 Software license management 181

About the Software Asset Management console

Functional area


Company, Manufacturer, You can filter the software license certificates listed in the certificates table by
any company, by manufacturer, by product name, or by a combination. For
and Product Name
example, you can list all Microsoft Visio licenses for your company.
Filter By

Search using predefined searches, and manage your searches. You can search
for certificates that are approaching breach, in compliance, out of compliance, or
of unknown compliance. Saved custom searches appear in the My Searches
node of the Defined Searches list.


Refreshes the data in the tables.

Navigation pane

The inbox displays events generated when the License Engine runs, and other
messages about contract and software compliance information.
The inbox displays messages for the following areas:
Contracts that have expired or are about to expire.
Software license certificates that are not compliant or are approaching noncompliance.
Software license certificates that have expired or are about to expire.
Summary results of the engine run.
List of new CIs that are linked to software license certificates.
Note: You might see different types of messages displayed, depending on
how the application administrator has configured inbox preferences.
From the inbox, you can indicate whether you have dealt with a message. To
view the applicable contract or certificate, select the message and click View.


A summary of certificate software license compliance with counts of how many

certificates are in compliance, out of compliance, or approaching breach.
CI counts reflect the filtersyour selections for Company, Manufacturer, and
Product Name. Using search definitions does not change the certificate counts.

182 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

About the Software Asset Management console

Functional area



The Software Asset Management console provides access to the following

Managing software license jobs. For more information, see Manually
managing CIs attached to a license certificate on page 219.
Managing CIs. For more information, see Working with configuration items
on page 77.
Viewing software usage. For more information, see Viewing software usage
details on page 210.
Upgrading license certificates. For more information, see Upgrading licenses
on page 213.
Additional functions, as described in Secondary functions on the Software
Asset Management console on page 184.


Depending on your permissions and what other applications are installed, use
these links to open:
Asset Management console
Change Management console
Contract Management console
Incident Management console
Overview console
Problem Management console
Release Management console
BMC IT Business Management
Approval Console
Atrium Core

Certificates panel
Note: If you cannot see the Certificates panel, click the Certificates title.
View Contracts

To view details of a contract, select the certificate and click View Contract. For
more information about viewing contracts, see Reviewing a software contract
on page 188.

Chapter 7 Software license management 183

About the Software Asset Management console

Functional area


View Certificate

View details of the selected certificate. For more information, see Adding a
license certificate to a software contract on page 189.

View Usage

View software usage of the selected certificate. For more information, see
Viewing software usage details on page 210.


Print the selected contract.

Certificates table

Lists software license certificates. The Compliance Status column indicates

whether the license is in compliance.


Select whether to view related contracts or related CIs.

Related CIs

To view which CIs are related to a certificates, select the certificate. The Related
CIs table lists the related CIs. To view details of one of the CIs, select the CI and
click View CI.
For information about manually managing CIs attached to a certificate, see
Manually managing CIs attached to a license certificate on page 219.

Unrelated CIs panel

Note: If you cannot see the Unrelated CIs panel, click the Unrelated CIs title.
View CI

Select a CI and click View CI to view details about the CI. For more information,
see Working with configuration items on page 77.

Job Name

When running connection rules for a job, if the License Engine cannot link a CI
or a list of CIs to contracts, the engine creates an exception record for each CI
that it cannot relate. Select a job to see the unrelated CIs for that job.

CIs table

The CIs table lists the exception records for the most recent run of the selected
job. These records are software CIs that should be related to a certificate, but are
Note: A CI that is unrelated on one job might be related as the result of a
different subsequent job.

Secondary functions on the Software Asset Management

This console includes links to perform the following functions that are not related to
either contract or software license management:
Open other consoles, such as the Purchasing console and the Reporting console.
Use the BMC Atrium CMDB query dialog box to build complex searches, as

described in Using the BMC Atrium CMDB query dialog box to search for CIs on
page 61.

Create reminders, as described in Creating reminders on page 68.

View your profile.

184 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Viewing KPIs

Viewing and selecting KPIs. Click this link to select a flashboard. The KPIs that

appear in the Software Asset Management console represent, in graphical format:

Certificates by compliance status
Certificates by manufacturer
Certificates by supplier

Viewing KPIs
Click the KPIs tab to select and to view KPIs. The KPIs that appear in the Software
Asset Management console represent, in graphical format:
By Compliance
By Manufacturer
Purchase vs Deployed
Products by Supplier

The Purchased versus Deployed KPI displays data only for the following license types:
Per Instance
Per Copy
Per Copy Per Device

Because this KPI is applicable only when the count for the number of deployed
licenses can be larger than the number of purchased licenses, data for Enterprise and
Site license types are not displayed.
Custom license types are not included in the Purchased versus Deployed flashboard.

To add custom license types to the Purchased versus Deployed KPI

1 When you create the custom license type, use Compliance Question 1 to record
the number purchased.
2 When you create the custom license type, use Compliance Question 2 to record
the number deployed.
Use BMC Remedy Developer Studio to update the
AST:CLR:LicenseType_PurchasedvsDeployed menu on the Software Asset
Chapter 7 Software license management 185

Creating a software contract

Management console with the custom license type by setting the

LicenseTypeGUID_Base field to the custom license type.

For information on configuring license types, refer to the Configuring BMC
Remedy Asset Management section in the BMC Remedy IT Service Management
Administration Guide.

Creating a software contract

You can track compliance and usage of software license contracts. Unlike most other
contracts, however, you do not relate the software CI directly to the contract. For
software contracts, you add software license certificates to the contract, and relate
the software CIs to the certificates.
For software contracts, you maintain the cost information in the attached certificates.
You can view the total cost on the contract.

To create a software license contract

1 On the Contract Management console, click Create, and select Software License.
2 On the Software Contract form, complete all the required fields.
Field name



A unique alphanumeric value.


Brief description of the contract.


Select the applicable term:

FixedContract expires at the expiration date.
Never EndingContract never expires.
Rolling ContractContract automatically renews at the expiration date.

186 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Creating a software contract

Field name



Select the applicable status of the contract:

DraftThe contract has never been executed but is going through the process
of being executed. You can use draft status for contracts that are in
negotiation or pending signature.
ExecutedThe contract that is executed and valid. Executed contracts
include active contracts that have started. An executed contract might have
the following status reasons: active, change pending, on hold, requires
attention, under renegotiation.
HistoricalThe contract is not valid. Historical contracts include contracts
that have expired, been terminated, or been canceled.
DeleteThe contract is scheduled for deletion.


The company associated with this contract.

View Access

Select who can view or modify this contract:

PublicAnyone who can access contracts can view or modify the contract.
InternalOnly people in the support group managing this contract can view
or modify the contract.

Supplier Name

The supplier associated with this contract.

Cost Center

The cost center that owns this contract. This field and the following fields are
located on the General tab.

Support Company

The support company associated with this contract.

Support Organization

The support organization associated with this contract.

Notification Group

The notification group associated with this contract.

Notification Contact

Optionally, you can assign an individual to receive notifications for this contract.

Owner Group

The group responsible for this contract.

Owner Contact

Optionally, you can indicate an individual responsible for this contract.

Expiration Date

Date contract expires. When a contract expires, individuals are notified first, then
Note: Out-of-the-box escalations are set to fire once a day at 5AM so the
notifications are sent accordingly. You can set the escalation to fire at different
intervals/times as needed.

Chapter 7 Software license management 187

Reviewing a software contract

Field name


Notification Date

When the contract expires, the notification contact and the owner contact are
notified on this date.
Note: If individual contacts are not specified on the Contacts tab, the notification
group and owner group are notified.
Note: Out-of-the-box escalations are set to fire once a day at 5AM so the
notifications are sent accordingly. You can set the escalation to fire at different
intervals/times as needed.

3 Save the contract.

4 Add license certificates, as described in Adding a license certificate to a software
contract on page 189.

Reviewing a software contract

The Software Contract form displays the following information:
Contract details, including the status, and the terms and conditions
A list of all license certificates for the contract
The cost rollup from the license certificates

From the Software Contract form, you can perform the following actions:
Update the status of the contract.
Record payment for the contract.
Add license certificates, as described in Adding a license certificate to a software

contract on page 189.

You can perform high-level reviews of all software contracts from the Software Asset
Management console and the Contract Management console. For information about
the consoles, see About the Software Asset Management console on page 180 and
About the Contract Management console on page 156.

188 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Adding a license certificate to a software contract

Adding a license certificate to a software

A license certificate indicates the right to deploy software in your environment.
Because one contract might have multiple certificates, software compliance is
tracked at the software level.
To maintain a history of the purchase, you can link the certificate to a purchase order
line item.
When the License Engine runs, it attaches CIs to the certificate, based on the
following information about the license certificate:
Product manufacturer and name
Answers to connection questions

To add a license certificate to a software contract

1 On the Contract Management console, select the software license contract, and
click View.
2 On the Software License Contract form, click the License Details tab, and click
3 On the License Certificate form, complete all the required fields.
Field name

This information comes from the software contract.

Software Contract ID
Certificate ID

The certificate ID identifies the license certificate in listings and reports. It

does not have to be unique.


This field provides additional space to describe the certificate.


When you create a license certificate, the status is set to Draft.

Chapter 7 Software license management 189

Adding a license certificate to a software contract

Field name


Status Reason

A status reason is not required for an executed license certificate.

For an historical license certificate, the status reason indicates whether it
expired, and whether this expiration is a result of the contract expiration
Note: When a contract expires, all the certificates under it expire.

License Category Type

Select from Client, Server, or Mainframe. The selection you make here is
used for informational purposes only.

190 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Adding a license certificate to a software contract

Field name


License Type

Select the appropriate license type. The license type determines the
connection questions and the compliance questions. BMC Asset
Management comes with the following license types:
EnterpriseA company-wide site license for the product.
Per copyThis license type counts the number of licenses deployed
based on the number of users of the product. If the same user has the
product installed on two computers, such as a desktop and a laptop, one
license is consumed. A user of a product is identified by a BMC_Person
record related to the computer system on which the product is installed.
If no users are related to the computer system on which the product is
installed, the product consumes one license. For example, Customer A
has two machines, a desktop and a laptop, and has one MS Office license.
In this instance one license is consumed.
Per copy per deviceThis license type counts the number of licenses
consumed based on the number of computer systems on which the
product is installed. To be in compliance, the number of licenses must be
equal to or less than the number of licenses purchased, and the number of
copies per device must not exceed the number indicated on the license
certificate. For example, if a license certificate for Product X indicates that
it is licensed for two copies per device, but three copies are discovered on
a single computer, then the license is out of compliance. For example,
Customer B has two machines, a desktop and a laptop, and has one MS
Office license. In this instance two licenses will be consumed.
Per instanceEach instance of the software requires a separate license.
SiteThe product is licensed for an entire site within the company. It can
be restricted to a region, site group, or site. The site is determined by the
site of the computer system on which the product is installed.
Per ServerThis license supports doing a count of the unique number of
servers that a particular software title is installed on, and compare that
with the total number of servers that a certificate allows from a
compliance standpoint.
Per CPU Sum BasedThis license model is based on the sum of all
unique CPUs associated with products that are associated with the
Per CPU Multiplier BasedThis license model is computed based on a
multiplier factor for each processor. The value for each processor is then
summed to determine the number of licenses consumed.

Chapter 7 Software license management 191

Adding a license certificate to a software contract

Field name


License Types (Continued)

Per CPU Constant BasedThis license model is computed based on a

constant value for each processor. The value for each processor is then
summed to determine the number of licenses consumed.
Per Core Sum BasedThis license model is based on the sum of cores on
the unique hardware the software is installed on. These server instances
can be either physical or virtual systems.
Per Core Multiplier BasedThis license model is computed based on a
multiplier factor for each processor type which is then multiplied with
the number of cores found. This value is then summed to determine the
total number of cores in use.
Per Core Constant BasedThis license model is computed based on a
constant value for each processor which is then multiplied with the
number of cores found. This value is then summed to determine the total
number of cores in use.
Note: BMC Configuration Automation for Clients Configuration
Discovery Integration for CMDB (BMC Configuration Automation CDI)
does not populate the Site attribute (field) for CIs. You can perform bulk
updates of location information (including the Site field) for CIs. For
more information see, Performing bulk updates on page 66.
If your administrator created other license types, select the appropriate
license type.

Cost Center

This information comes from the software contract, but can be changed.

Effective Date

Specify the date that the license becomes effective.

Expiration Date

Specify the date that the license expires.

If the license does not expire, leave this field blank.

4 To link the certificate to a purchase, perform the following steps:

a In the Purchase Line Item area, click Search Line Item.
b In the Search Purchase Line Items dialog box, search for the purchase line item.
c Select the appropriate line item, and click Relate.
5 Click Next.
6 Select the software from the product dictionary.

192 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Adding a license certificate to a software contract

You must select the manufacturer. Optionally, you can select the product name,
the version, or the categorization.

Software license management uses the market version of the software product for
licensing. This helps in the maintenance of certificates, so that you do not need to
relate each of the minor versions to the certificate, instead just relate the market
version for the product. For example, Adobe Acrobat Professional gets discovered
with various minor versions in BMC Atrium Configuration Management
Database (CMDB) such as 6.1.1, 6.1.2, and 6.1.3 depending on the patch level. The
market version attribute allows you to refer to these three versions by a single
version in BMC Atrium CMDB. For more information about setting the market
version for Product Catalog entries, see the BMC Atrium CMDB Product Catalog
and DML Guide. To configure rules for normalizing the market version on CIs, see
the BMC Atrium CMDB Normalization and Reconciliation Guide .
If the same type of certificate exists, you are asked whether to group the
certificates. You are prompted to group only certificates that have the same
product categorization.

Best practice

If you do not need to track license certificates separately, BMC recommends that
you group them. If you must track license certificates separately, however, do not
group them. For example, if each department pays separately for their own
Microsoft Visio licenses, do not group them. For information about certificate
groups, see About certificate groups on page 194.
7 If you are prompted to group the certificate, perform the following steps to add it
to a group:
a Click Manage Grouping.
b Search for and select the master certificate.
If there is no appropriate master certificate, you can create a master certificate.
c Click Add to Group.
d After you finish grouping certificates, click Next.
8 Provide connection details and compliance details.

Chapter 7 Software license management 193

About certificate groups

Detail type


Connection details

To determine which CIs use the license certificate, the License Engine uses the
information that you provide about connection details. These details provide
information about how to connect the license certificate to the appropriate CI.

Compliance details

To determine compliance, the License Engine uses the information that you
provide about compliance details. For example, a Per Instance license certificate
asks you how many licenses were purchased and displays how many licenses
were deployed.


For some license types, a dialog box prompts you for connection details and
compliance details. Use the Save button to save the details and continue.
9 On the certificate, click Save.

About certificate groups

Certificate groups consolidate the tracking of license certificates. A master certificate
is grouped with individual child license certificates. The CIs are attached to the
master certificates. License allocation numbers are attached to the child license
For example, under the same software contract, you might buy 200 licenses for
Microsoft Word. Later, you might buy 100 more licenses. In this example, it does not
matter which CI is attached to a specific license certificate. For compliance, it only
matters that you do not exceed 300 Microsoft Word instances for the contract.
By grouping license certificates, you gain flexibility in how the license certificates are
applied. The number of deployed licenses are computed at the product
categorization level and rolled up to reflect the total number of deployed licenses at
the certificate level. This is useful when there are multiple product categorizations
on a certificate, for example, in case of an upgrade and or downgrade scenario. This
computation gives you visibility into the number of deployments per product that
each certificate or a group of certificates is supporting.
The number of deployed licenses in the case of grouped certificates is computed at
the master level. However, once the number of deployed licenses at the master level
is computed, the licenses from the children certificates in the group are used based
on the sequencing defined for the children certificates. When the licenses in the first
certificate are fully used, the licenses are used from the next certificate in the group,
based on the sequence. As a result, only the last certificate can be out of compliance.
The sequencing of children certificates is taken into account while distributing the
number of deployed licenses from the master to the children. The distribution
194 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Manually managing certificate groups

function also takes the product categorizations of the certificates into account, when
distributing deployed licenses to the children certificates. Accordingly, the certificate
that is last in the sequence for a product will be marked out of compliance if the
number of deployments exceeds the number of purchased for that product and or


If you have multiple contracts with different costs for being out of compliance, make
sure that the most expensive certificate is allocated first, because only the last
certificate can become out of compliance.
Certificate groups help you avoid unnecessary warnings. Consider the preceding
Microsoft Word license example. If you do not group the license certificates, you
might receive a warning when 190 CIs are attached to the first license certificate.
Although you have another license certificate that is valid for 100 instances, the first
certificate would be approaching the maximum usage. If, however, you group the
certificates, for compliance checks, it is equivalent to having one certificate for 300
instances. You receive a warning only when the last certificate in the sequence
approaches being completely allocated.
When a certificate expires, the License Engine checks for compliance. If you have
enough licenses remaining in the group, you do not receive a warning. If a license
certificate is not part of a group, when it expires, all the related CIs are out of


When you group license certificates, the connection details from the master license
certificate apply. For example, if you group two site licenses, the site specified on the
license certificate that you choose as the master certificate is used by the license
engine when connecting CIs to the certificate. If you group license certificates for two
different sites, such as New York and Boston, this can have unintended results.
BMC recommends that site licenses, if for different sites, should not be grouped.


If you group license certificates that calculate the cost per asset, but the certificates
have different costs per asset, you must update the cost on the master certificate.

Manually managing certificate groups

You can manually add or remove a certificate from a certificate group.

Chapter 7 Software license management 195

Relating licenses to users and devices

When you remove a certificate from a group, the CIs remain attached to the master
certificate; when you run a licence job, CIs might be attached to the ungrouped
certificate. If the group contained two certificates only, when you remove a
certificate from the group, the master certificate is removed, because you cannot
have a group of only one certificate.

To remove a certificate from a group

1 From the Software Asset Management console, open the certificate.
2 In the navigation pane, choose Functions => Unrelate From Group.
A message prompts you to confirm that you want to unrelate the certificate from
the group.
3 To unrelate the certificate from the group, click Yes.

To manually add a certificate to a certificate group

1 From the Software Asset Management console, open the certificate.
2 In the navigation pane, choose Functions => Manage Grouping.
The Group Certificates dialog box displays certificate groups and ungrouped
certificates that can be grouped with the open certificate.
3 Select the appropriate certificate or certificate group, and click Select Certificate,
and then click Close.

Relating licenses to users and devices

Your organization might want to assign licenses for use by certain users or on certain
hosts. You use the entitlement capability to specify users who are entitled to use
licenses and devices that are assigned to those licenses.
Based on the usage information, you can track users who are not using the licenses
that are assigned to them. To save costs, you can reassign unused licenses to other
users instead of purchasing new licenses.

196 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Relating licenses to users and devices

When multiple certificates are grouped together, the master certificate will display
the rolled-up entitlement information for all users or devices for those certificates.
When you delete a master certificate the user or device relationship will be defaulted
to first matching child certificate. Once a Master Certificate has been created, all user
and device entitlements will be made against the master certificate only. For more
information about grouping certificates, see Manually managing certificate groups
on page 195.
Figure 18: Relating licenses to users and devices

To relate licenses to users or devices

1 On the Software Asset Management console, select a certificate from the
Certificates table and the click View Certificate.
2 On the License Certificate Information screen, click the Entitlement tab.
3 From the Show list, select whether to display Users or Devices in the Current
Entitlements table.
The Current Entitlements table displays relationship types and descriptions for
entitlements. To see details about a particular entitlement, select the entitlement in
the table, and click View. To delete an entitlement, select the entitlement in the
table, and click Remove.
4 To relate a license to a user, perform the following steps:

Chapter 7 Software license management 197

Adding work information

a Select the User option, and then click Search.

b On the People Search form, select the user to whom you want to relate the
license certificate, and then click Select.
On the Entitlement tab, the user that you selected is displayed in the Current
Entitlements table.
5 To relate a license to a device, perform the following steps:
a Select the Device option.
b In the Type list, select a device and then click Search.
c On the Select CI form, select the device to which you want to relate the
certificate, and then click Select.
On the Entitlement tab, the device you selected is displayed in the Current
Entitlements table.

Adding work information

You use the Work Info tab on the License Certificate Information form to add
information about tasks performed on the current certificate. For example, you
might want to add work information about the following topics:
General InformationNotes about the record. For example, you might want to

add a note that a particular license has been upgraded, and include the date.

Asset TaskNotes about the Asset task you are working on.
Implementation PlanNotes about a plan to implement a global change

throughout your organization.

You can find more options in the Work Info Type list on the Work Info tab.

To add work information

1 On the Software Asset Management console, select a certificate, click View
Certificate, and then click the Work Info tab.
2 Complete the following fields:

198 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Managing jobs that automatically attach CIs to license certificates

Field name


Work Info Type

Select the type of work information that you want to add.


Select the date for the work information that you want to add.


Select the source of this information. For example, you can indicate whether the
information was received through an email message, was a system assignment,
or was a request received over the web.


Specify the details of your work information record.


To add an attachment, perform the following steps:

1 Right-click in the attachment table, and choose Add.

2 In the Add Attachment dialog box, select a file, and then click Open.

To lock the log, select Yes.

WARNING: If you select Yes, you cannot modify the work log after you save it.

View Access

Select the type of view access.

Internal: Only users within your organization can see the entry.
External: Everyone with access to the system can see the entry.

3 Click View to see the work information that you have created and to update the
Work Info History table, if necessary.
4 To add the information to the Work Info History table, click Save.

Managing jobs that automatically attach CIs

to license certificates
The License Engine automatically connects CIs to license certificates, based on
company, product information, and answers to connection questions. It also
calculates compliance based on answers to compliance questions.
You can schedule the License Engine to run immediately, at a specific time, or after

Chapter 7 Software license management 199

Managing jobs that automatically attach CIs to license certificates

The License Engine runs only jobs that you create and schedule.
You can manage these jobs from the Manage License Jobs console. From this console,
you can also see the results of license job executions.

About the Manage License Jobs console

From the Manage License Jobs console you can manage license jobs and view the
results of license job executions. The top half of the console lists license jobs.
From the Manage License Jobs console, which is illustrated in the figure below, you
can manage license jobs and view the results of license job executions. The top half of
the console lists license jobs.
Figure 19: Manage License Jobs console

Depending on your selection for the Show Related option, the bottom half of the
console shows one of the following sections:
ScheduleLists the schedules for the selected license job. You can create new

schedules, view (and modify) details of schedules, and delete schedules.

200 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Managing jobs that automatically attach CIs to license certificates

Schedules can be time-based or reconciliation-based. To manage time-based

schedules, click the Time Based Schedules title. To manage the reconciliationbased schedules, click the Reconciliation Based Schedules table title.
HistoryDisplays the history of the selected license job. The history displays the

following information about the license job:

The number of certificates connected to CIs.

The number of certificates with multiple certificates.
The number of software CIs that are not related to certificates.
The number of certificates out of compliance.
To view details for the license job run, select the job and click View Details.
Running JobsIf the select job is running, displays the status.

Creating a job
You can create a job to check license compliance, or to connect CIs to licenses and
then check compliance. After you create the job, you can either run it immediately or
schedule it to run at a later time.

To create a job
1 In the navigation pane of the Software Asset Management console, choose
Functions => Manage License Jobs.
2 In the Manage Licence Jobs console below the list of license jobs, click Create.
3 In the Create License Job dialog box, specify the following information:



This job applies to licenses for the company that you select.

Job Name

Enter a descriptive name to identify this job.

Job Status

Select whether the job is active or inactive.

Job Type

To check for CIs to connect to the license and then check compliance, select
CONNECTION AND COMPLIANCE. To check compliance without connecting

4 To restrict the certificates being checked, specify the job criteria.

Chapter 7 Software license management 201

Managing jobs that automatically attach CIs to license certificates



License Type

You can run jobs for a specific license type, such as Per Instance.

Product catalog fields

You can specify the product manufacturer, product name, product market
version, or product categorization.
Note: If you specify market version in the job, but the certificate does not
indicate market version, no license certificates are checked.

Advanced Certificate

You can build any certificate criteria with the advanced certificate criteria.

5 To specify the CIs being checked, specify the following information:



DataSet Name

To check the production dataset, leave the default value BMC Asset. To check
another dataset, such as a test dataset, select the dataset.

Advanced CI Criteria

The license certificate contains connection questions that determine applicable

CIs for the license. However, you can specify Advanced CI Criteria to restrict the
scope of CIs that are checked.
Note: Limiting the scope of CIs that are checked improves performance when
running the license job.

6 Click Save.

Running a job immediately

After you create a job, you can run it immediately.
For example, to check compliance in preparation for an audit, create a compliance
job, as described in Creating a job on page 201, and then run it.

To Running a job immediately

1 In the navigation pane of the Software Asset Management console, choose
Functions => Manage License Jobs.
2 Select the job and click Run.
The job runs immediately. You can view the results in the History, as described in
Viewing the results of a license job on page 203.

202 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Managing jobs that automatically attach CIs to license certificates

If you run two license jobs at the same time, performance is degraded, because the
two jobs are run sequentially.

Scheduling a time-based license job

After you create a job, you can schedule it to run on a recurring basis.

To schedule a time-based license job

1 In the navigation pane of the Software Asset Management console, choose
Functions => Manage License Jobs.
2 Select the job and, in the bottom half of the console, click Create.
3 In the Job Schedule Information dialog box, select each day that the job should
run, such as Sunday and Wednesday.
4 Select the schedule time.
5 Click Save.

Viewing the results of a license job

History displays the results of a license job.

To view the history of a license job

1 In the navigation pane of the Software Asset Management console, choose
Functions => Manage License Jobs.
2 Select the license job.
3 For Show Related, select History.

Scheduling a reconciliation-based license job

After you create a job, you can schedule it to run after reconciliation. Reconciliationbased jobs only check CIs that were modified after the last time the job was run.

Chapter 7 Software license management 203

Reviewing a software license certificate

To schedule a reconciliation-based license job

1 In the navigation pane of the Software Asset Management console, choose
Functions => Manage License Jobs.
2 Select the job and, in the bottom half of the console, click Reconciliation Based
3 Select the applicable reconciliation job, and click Relate.

Reviewing a software license certificate

The License Certificate form displays the following information:
License certificate details, including the license type, status, company, and


Accounting and purchasing information about the license

A list of all product names, versions, and categorization that apply to the license


A list of all software CIs attached to the license certificate

A list of certificates grouped with the current license certificate

From the License Certificate form, you can perform the actions listed in the table below.

204 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Reviewing a software license certificate

Table 34: Actions that you can perform on a license certificate



View information not displayed on

the certificate form.

From the Functions menu in the navigation pane, you can view the
following information:
Audit trail
Connection detailsInformation that you provided when
adding the license certificate
Compliance DetailsInformation that you provided when
adding the license certificate, and information resulting from a
license job run, such as the number of licenses deployed.
Note: The number of purchased and the number of deployed
licenses are also displayed in the License Certificate Information
License models provided by BMC are set up to compute the
number of deployed licenses per product, the number deployed
per product can also be viewed in the Related Product
Categorizations table on the General tab of the License
Certificate Information form.

Manage grouping.

Manage certificate groups, as described in Manually managing

certificate groups on page 195.

Relate the license certificate to another When you renew or upgrade a software license, you can relate the
license certificate.
new and old license certificates to each other, to help maintain
traceability, as described in Relating one license certificate to
another license certificate on page 206
Add or remove product
categorization from the license

When you upgrade a software license, you can add the product
categorization for the new version to the license certificate, as
described in Adding, modifying or removing product
categorization from a license certificate on page 210. You can
remove product categorization for versions that are no longer

Modify the certificate.

For master certificates and ungrouped certificates, you can modify

any information about the license certificate, except for the software
contract ID, license type, and company. You cannot modify
grouped certificates, because the details on the master certificate
apply to all the grouped certificates.
Note: If you modify the connection details or the compliance
details, you have the option to remove all software CIs from the
certificate. To connect the appropriate CIs, you must run a license
job, as described in Manually managing CIs attached to a license
certificate on page 219.

You can perform high-level reviews of all software license certificates from the
Software Asset Management console. For information about the console, see About
the Software Asset Management console on page 180.
Chapter 7 Software license management 205

Relating one license certificate to another license certificate

Relating one license certificate to another

license certificate
When you renew or upgrade a software license, you can relate the new and old
license certificates to each other, to help maintain traceability.
For upgrades, both certificates might be executed. Software CIs for the old version
are connected to the old certificate, and software CIs for the new version are
connected to the new certificate.
For renewals, the old certificate is typically historical. Only the new certificate is
You can relate certificates for other reasons, if appropriate.


Relating licence certificates is not the same as grouping license certificates. For
information about grouping license certificates, see Manually managing certificate
groups on page 195.

To relate one license certificate to another

1 Open the Software Asset Management console.
2 Select the license certificate, and click View.

206 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Relating one license certificate to another license certificate

3 On the License Certificate form, click Related Certificates.

4 In the Relationship Type list, select from Renew, Upgrade, or Relate.


If you select Upgrade, skip to step 7.

5 If you selected Relate or Renew in step 4 to create a new certificate to relate or
renew to the current license certificate, click Create.
Information from the current license certificate is copied to the Create License
Certificate wizard. For information about creating a license certificate, see Adding
a license certificate to a software contract on page 189.
6 If you selected Renew or Relate in step 4 to renew or relate the license certificate
to an existing license certificate, complete the following steps:
a Click Search.
b In the Searching for Certificates dialog box, specify the search criteria and click
c Select the appropriate license certificate.
d Select whether the relationship indicates an upgrade, a renewal, or that the two
certificates are otherwise related, and click Relate.

Chapter 7 Software license management 207

Relating one license certificate to another license certificate

7 If you selected Upgrade in step 4, and then selected Create, the Upgrade License
Certificate wizard is displayed.

a The Product to upgrade panel allows you to enter information regarding the
product version you want to upgrade to. Complete all necessary fields, and
then click Next.
b On the Upgrade information panel, complete all necessary fields. The
Software Contract ID will default to the original certificate software contract
ID. However, you can select a different Software Contract ID if you bought a
new licenses under a different software contract or vendor. The Supplier
Company will be populated based on the supplier of the software contract.
You can select a different supplier company. When entering the Number
Purchased, note that you can only enter a maximum of the licenses shown in
the Number Upgradable field. The number upgradable is based on the
maximum number of original licenses that you had selected to upgrade.

You will be entering only upgrade information in this panel. However, other
fields on the new upgraded certificate will get populated based on the original
certificate which is being upgraded.
c Once you have entered all relevant information on this panel, click Next.
The Summary panel is displayed, prompting you to either save the certificate
or go back and review your information.

208 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Relating one license certificate to another license certificate

d Click Save.
e A dialog box appears, displaying the upgraded certificate number. Click OK.
The wizard closes and the newly upgraded license certificate is displayed on
the Related Certificates tab. You will observe that the number on the original
certificate gets reduced by the number that you have upgraded. The new
upgrade certificate will now become a part of the Master Certificate group. The
new certificate will handle the old version and the new upgraded version.
8 If you selected Upgrade in step 4, and then selected Search, the Upgrade License
Certificate wizard is displayed.
a The Product to upgrade panel allows you to enter information regarding the
product version you want to upgrade to. Complete all necessary fields, and
then click Next.
b the Select Upgrade Certificate to Relate area on the Upgrade information
panel displays certificates which are already in the system. These certificates ca
be used to upgrade original certificates to the new version. If you are
upgrading a certificate which is not a part of any group, then you will need to
enter the Master Certificate ID that will get created. Then the original and the
new certificate ID will become a part of the Master Certificate created with the
ID which you specified. If you are upgrading a certificate which is not a part of
any group, then you will need to enter the Master Certificate ID that will get
created. Then the original and the new certificate ID will become a part of the
Master Certificate created with the ID which you specified.
c Select an existing certificate, and then click Next.
d Click Save.
The Summary panel is displayed, prompting you to either save the certificate
or go back and review your information.
e A dialog box appears, displaying the upgraded certificate number. Click OK.
The wizard closes and the newly upgraded license certificate id displayed on
the Related Certificates tab. You will observe that the number on the original
certificate gets reduced by the number that you have upgraded. The new
upgrade certificate will now become a part of the Master Certificate group. The
new certificate will handle the old version and the new upgraded version.

Chapter 7 Software license management 209

Adding, modifying or removing product categorization from a license certificate

Adding, modifying or removing product

categorization from a license certificate
When you upgrade a software license, you add product categorization for the new
version to the license certificate. You might also add product categorization if
multiple products are covered by the same software license.
For example, when Calbro Services upgrades a site license for Microsoft Office 2003
to Microsoft Office 2007, Allen Allbrook (the Software Asset Manager) adds the
categorization for Microsoft Office 2007 to the existing license certificate. After Joe
Unser upgrades his version of Microsoft Office to Microsoft Office 2007, BMC
Configuration Automation for Clients discovers that Microsoft Office 2003 is no
longer present on his system, and Microsoft Office 2007 is now present. When the
License Engine runs, it relates the license certificate to the new CI for Microsoft
Office 2007.
You can remove product categorizations that are no longer applicable.

To add, modify or remove a product categorization to a certificate

1 Open the Software Asset Management console.
2 Select the license certificate, and click View.
3 On the License Certificate form, in the Related Product Categorizations area, click
4 In the Certificate Product Association dialog box, select the appropriate product
categorization, and click Add.
5 To modify a product categorization, select it from the list, modify the values, and
click Modify.
6 To remove a product categorization, select it from the list, and click Remove.
7 To save the product categorization changes, click Save.

Viewing software usage details

Viewing software usage helps you identify whether software is either over- or underutilized in your organization. This identification enables you to take harvesting
action based on the information that you see. Viewing software usage also helps you
plan future purchases and discontinue unneeded licenses. This information enables

210 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Viewing software usage details

companies to be audit compliant and optimize IT expenses. You can view this
information from the Software Asset Management console and from the Navigation


For Software usage to be enabled with BMC Remedy Asset Management you must
configure your software usage provider in the AST:ConfigUsageProvider form.
For example, if you are using BBCA as your desktop discovery, then you can setup
the AST:ConfigUsageProvider form with the BBCA software usage federated class

To view software usage from the Software Asset Management console

1 Open the Software Asset Management console.
2 Select one or more certificates, and click View Usage. The Software Usage by
Certificate screen is displayed.
3 In the Navigation pane under Defined Searches, define your search criteria for
By ComputerYou can view certificates by All or Non Deployed Computer.
By StatusYou can view certificates by All, Expired, In Compliance, Out of

Compliance, or Unknown.

By UsageYou can view certificates by All, Not used in the past 180 days, Not

used in the past 30 days, or Not used in the past 90 days.

In the table, you can view detailed information about software usage of the
certificate currently selected by clicking the following options. In the lower part of
the screen, you can view related users to the computer system where the software
product has been installed.
View CertificateDisplays the License Certificate Information screen. You can

view and modify the information.

View ProductDisplays the CI Information screen pertaining to the related

software product. You can view and modify the information.

View Computer SystemDisplays the CI Information screen pertaining to the

Computer System. You can view and modify the information.

Usage ReportGenerates a software usage report for the certificates currently

displayed in the usage table. The report displays the following information
about the certificate: the Software Product, Computer System, Certificate,
Install Date, Last Used, Times used in 30 days, Times used in 90 days, and
Times used in 180 days. You can export or print the report.

Chapter 7 Software license management 211

Viewing software usage details

4 To exit, click Close.

To view software usage from the navigation bar

1 On the Software Asset Management console, under Functions select Software
2 Select the Company.
3 Select a Manufacturer.
4 Select a Product Name.
5 In the Navigation pane under Defined Searches, you can define your search
criteria for software products by the following options:
By ComputerYou can view certificates by All or Non Deployed Computer.
By StatusYou can view certificates by All, Expired, In Compliance, Out of

Compliance, or Unknown.

By UsageYou can view certificates by All, Not used in the past 180 days, Not

used in the past 30 days, or Not used in the past 90 days.

In the table you can view detailed information about software usage of the
certificate currently selected by clicking the options. In the lower part of the
screen you can view related users to the computer system where the software
product has been installed.
View CertificateDisplays the License Certificate Information screen. You can

view and modify the information.

View ProductDisplays the CI Information screen pertaining to the related

software product. You can view and modify the information.

View Computer SystemDisplays the CI Information screen pertaining to the

Computer System. You can view and modify the information.

Usage ReportGenerates a software usage report for the software relevant to

the selected company and manufacturer, grouped by software name (multiple

rows can have the same software name due to multiple computer systems). The
report displays the following information: Software Product, Computer
System, Certificate, Install Date, Last Used, Times used in 30 days, Times used
in 90 days, and Times used in 180 days. You can export or print the report.

6 To exit, click Close.

212 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Upgrading licenses

Upgrading licenses
Asset Management supports the upgrading and downgrading of license certificates.
When you have a license to use a certain version of a product (for example,
Microsoft Visio 2003), you want to have a license certificate that allows you to
upgrade when a new version of the product (for example, Microsoft Visio 2007) is
released. Rather than purchasing new full licenses of Microsoft Visio 2007, you could
decide to buy upgrade licenses, which might be a more cost-effective option.
However, in order to be able to use the upgrade licenses, you need to have a
certificate for the original full version. Asset Management provides a wizard to walk
you through upgrading your original certificate to a new upgraded certificate.
This procedure is followed by examples that describe various combinations of
original and upgrade certificates.

To upgrade licenses
1 On the Software Asset Management Console, select the Company, Manufacturer
and Product Name for which you want to upgrade a license certificate.
2 In the Functions section, select Upgrade License.
The Upgrade License Certificate wizard is displayed.
Figure 20: Upgrade license certificate wizard

Chapter 7 Software license management 213

Upgrading licenses

3 On the Product to upgrade panel, complete all necessary fields, and then click
4 On the Certificate to upgrade panel, select the appropriate Master Certificate and
Available Certificates to upgrade.
5 At the bottom of this panel, select Create Certificates or Search Certificates,
depending on whether you need to create a new upgrade license certificate or can
use an existing upgrade license certificate. Then click Next.
6 If you selected Create Certificates, complete all the necessary fields on the Other
information panel, and then click Next.
The Summary panel is displayed, prompting you to either save the certificate or
go back and review your information. Skip to step 8.
7 If you selected Search Certificates, select an existing certificate on the Search
existing certificates panel, and then click Select.
The Summary panel is displayed, prompting you to either save the certificate or
go back and review your information.
8 Click Save.
9 In the dialog box that displays the upgraded certificate number, click OK.
The wizard closes and the Software Asset Management Console is displayed.
10 On the Software Asset Management Console, select the certificate that you
upgraded, and click View Certificate.
On the General tab of the License Certificate Information screen, the upgraded
product details are shown in the Related Product Categorizations table. The
Group Certificates tab displays the newly upgraded license certificates. However,
if you had selected more than one certificate to upgrade, then a corresponding
upgrade certificate will get created for each of the original certificates.

To roll back the upgrade of an original license certificate or delete an upgrade

license certificate
After you have upgraded some or all of the licenses on a license certificate, and you
want to revert or roll back the upgrade to the original certificate, or delete it, perform
the following steps:
1 On the SAM console select the master certificate, and click View Certificate.

214 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Upgrading licenses

The License Certificate Information screen opens displaying details about the
master certificate.
2 In the License Certificate Information screen on the General tab from the Related
Product Categorization table, select the upgrade product categorization, and click


Perform this step only if you do not have any certificates in the group with this
version, otherwise leave it as is.
3 Open the Group Certificates tab and select the certificate that was upgraded (not
the original certificate), then click Ungroup Selected.
A dialog box appears asking you to confirm the upgroup. Click Yes. A message
appears confirming that the certificates have been removed from the group.
4 Select the original certificate, then on the Functions menu select Compliance
details. In the Number of licenses purchased field, enter the amount of original
licenses, and click Save.

The original licenses should be the original plus the licenses that was moved to
the upgrade certificate.
5 You can then delete the Upgraded certificate or leave it in a draft state if you wish
to use it later for upgrading another original certificate.
6 If you keep the upgraded cerificate, clear the Full license flag as the certificate is
not valid towards a full license.
User scenario 1
Upgrade-only types of certificate can be used only if the original certificate that
covers the original product exists. In this scenario, you have a certificate for 100
licenses of Visio 2003 with no upgrade rights. When version 2007 becomes available,
you buy upgrade rights to upgrade 50 licenses from Visio 2003 to 2007.
You will have the following:
Certificate 1 includes 100 licenses for Visio 2003. After you upgrade 50 of the 100
licenses to Visio 2007:
Certificate 1 includes 50 licenses for Visio 2003.
Certificate1_Upgrade includes 50 licenses for Visio 2003 and 2007.
So you can still use up to a maximum of 100 Visio 2003 licenses, or you can use a
combination of a maximum of 50 Visio 2007 licenses and 50 Visio 2003 licenses.
Following are more details about the certificates and their relationship:
The Number Purchased value of Certificate 1 was downgraded by 50 licenses and

is still good for 50 licenses of Visio 2003.

Chapter 7 Software license management 215

Upgrading licenses

The Number Purchased value of Certificate1_Upgrade is 50 licenses and is valid

for Visio 2003 and 2007 licenses.

Certificate1_Upgrade was created as the next available Sequence number on the

master certificate. (A master certificate is created if one does not already exist.)

Certificate1_Upgrade Product Categorization Visio 2007 is added to the master

certificate. (The master certificate now has both Visio 2003 and 2007.)

Both certificates are grouped on the same master certificate under the Grouped

Certificates tab.

Both certificates are related to each other on their Related Certificates tabs with

the appropriate relationship.

User scenario 2
If an upgrade only type of certificate is purchased or is manually created in the
system, it can be used only if the original certificate that covers the original product
exists. So, if you have a certificate for 100 licenses of 2003 with no upgrade rights,
when version 2007 becomes available, you buy upgrade rights to upgrade all 100
licenses from 2003 to 2007.
You will have the following:
Certificate 1 includes 100 licenses for Visio 2003. After you upgrade all 100 licenses
to Visio 2007:
Certificate 1 includes 0 licenses for Visio 2003.
Certificate1_Upgrade includes 100 licenses for Visio 2003 and 2007.
You can now use a combination of a maximum total of 100 Visio 2003 and Visio 2007
The Number Purchased value of Certificate 1 was downgraded by 100 licenses to

0 and no longer usable.

The Number Purchased value of Certificate 1_Upgrade is 100 licenses and is good

for both Visio 2003 and 2007 licenses.

Certificate1_Upgrade was created as the next available Sequence number on the

master (master is created if not already exists).

Certificate1_Upgrade Product Categorization Visio 2007 is added to the master

certificate. (The master certificate now has both Visio 2003 and 2007).

Both certificates are grouped on the same master certificate under the Grouped

Certificates tab.

Both certificates are related to each other on their Related Certificates tabs with

the appropriate relationship.

216 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Upgrading licenses

Since the number of purchased for Certificate 1 became 0, it will now be marked

Historical and the Status reason will be upgraded.

User scenario 3
If an upgrade only type of certificate is purchased, it can be used only if the original
certificate that covers the original product exists. So, if you have a certificate for 50
licenses of 2003 and a certificate for 100 licenses of 2003 and 2005 grouped on a
master with no upgrade rights. So when version 2007 becomes available, you buy
upgrade rights to upgrade all 150 licenses from 2003 to 2007.
Before the upgrade:
Certificate 1 included 50 licenses for Visio 2003.
Certificate 2 included 100 licenses for Visio 2003 and 2005.
(You originally have 150 licenses of Microsoft Visio 2003 or a combination of

licenses for Visio 2003 and Visio 2005, with a maximum of 100 licenses for 2005.)

After you upgrade all 150 licenses to Microsoft Visio 2007:

Certificate 1 has 0 licenses for Visio 2003.
Certificate1_Upgrade has 50 licences for Visio 2003 and 2007.
Certificate 2 has 0 licenses for Visio 2003 and 2005.
Certificate 2_Upgrade has 100 license for Visio 2003, 2005, and 2007.
Since Certificate 1 and 2 are left with 0 licenses, they will be marked Historical

and Status Reason will be upgraded.

So you can now use 150 Visio 2003 licenses, or 150 Visio 2007 licenses, or a
combination of a maximum of 100 Visio 2005 licenses with a combination of 50 Visio
2003 and 2007 licenses.
The Number Purchased value of Certificate1 was downgraded by 50 licenses to 0

and no longer usable.

The Number Purchased value of Certificate1_Upgrade is 50 licenses and is good

for both Visio 2003 and 2007 licenses.

Certificate 1_Upgrade was created as the next available Sequence number on the

master certificate.

Certificate 1_Upgrade Product Categorization Microsoft Visio 2007 is added to the

master certificate. (The master now has Visio 2003, 2005, and 2007.)

Both certificates are grouped on the same master certificate under the Grouped

Certificates tab.

Chapter 7 Software license management 217

Determining which CIs use a license certificate

Both certificates are related to each other on their Related Certificates tabs with

the appropriate relationship.

The Number Purchased value of Certificate 2 was downgraded by 100 licenses to

0 and no longer usable.

The Number Purchased value of Certificate 2_Upgrade was created for 100

licenses and is good for Visio 2003, 2005, and 2007 licenses.

Certificate 2_Upgrade was created as the next available sequence number on the

master certificate.

Certificate 2_Upgrade Product Categorization Visio 2007 was already added to

the master certificate when the first certificate was upgraded.

Both certificates are grouped on the same master under Grouped Certificates tab.
Both certificates are related to each other on each of their Related Certificates tabs

with the appropriate relationship.

Determining which CIs use a license certificate

You can determine which CIs use a license certificate, which can help you handle the
following situations:
A license certificate is out of compliance. You want to find software instances that

can be removed.

A software contract is up for negotiation. You want to determine if all the licenses

are required.

You have a license certificate that is not applied automatically, at least for some

CIs. You want to confirm that the appropriate CIs are related to the license
certificate. If necessary, you can manually relate CIs to the license certificate.

To determine which CIs use a license certificate

1 Open the Software Asset Management console.
2 Select the license certificate.
The Related CIs table lists CIs that use the selected license certificate.

218 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Manually managing CIs attached to a license certificate

Manually managing CIs attached to a license

The License Engine automatically attaches CIs to license certificates, based on
company, product information, and answers to connection questions. However, if
necessary, you can manually add or remove software CIs from the license certificate.
Software CIs include the following CI types: Operating System, Package, Patch,
Product, Software Server, and System Software.

If you manually remove a CI from a license certificate, manually add it to the correct
license certificate. Otherwise, when the License Engine runs, it might attach the CI to
the same certificate.

To add or remove a software CI from a license certificate

1 Open the license certificate from either the Software Asset Management console
or the Contract Management console, as described in the following table.

Steps to open the license certificate

Software Asset Management console

1 Select the license certificate.

2 Click View certificate.

Contract Management console

1 Select the applicable software license contract.

2 Click View.
3 On the License Details tab, select the license certificate
and click View.

2 Click the Software Assets tab.

The Software Assets tab lists all the CIs that use the license certificate.
3 To add a CI, perform the following steps:
a From the CI Type lists, select the type of configuration item that you want to
relate to the license certificate.
b Specify the CI to which you are relating the current contract.
To create the CI, click Create and complete the new CI form.
Chapter 7 Software license management 219

Manually specifying a license certificate for a software CI

To select a CI, search for the CI, select the relationship type, and then click


4 To remove a CI, select it and click Remove.

5 In the message window that appears, select whether to run a license job.
The license job checks for connections and compliance.
6 If you run a license job, complete the Create License Job dialog box and click
The Company, License Type, and product catalog fields are filled in with values
from the license certificate. In the Job Name field, you must enter a descriptive
name to identify this job.

Manually specifying a license certificate for a

software CI
The License Engine automatically attaches software CIs to license certificates, based
on company, product information, and answers to connection questions. However, if
necessary, you can manually specify the license certificate for a software CI. Software
CIs include the following CI types: Operating System, Package, Patch, Product,
Software Server, and System Software.

To manually specify a license certificate for a software CI

1 Open the software CI from either the Software Asset Management console or the
Asset Management console, as described in the following table.

Steps to open the CI

Software Asset Management console

1 Expand the Unrelated CIs panel.

2 From the Job Name list, select the job that found the
unrelated CI.

3 Select the CI from the list of Unrelated CIs, and click

Asset Management console

Search for the CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page


2 On the CI form, click the Contracts tab.

220 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Recording the purchase cost for a license

3 In the Search Existing Contracts Area, select the License Certificate contract type,
and click Search.
In the Searching for Certificates dialog box, you can refine your search.
4 Select the applicable software contract, select a relationship type of Attached to,
and click Relate.
5 In the message window that appears, select whether to run a license job.
The license job checks for connections and compliance.
6 If you run a license job, complete the Create License Job form and click Submit.
The Company, License Type, and product catalog fields are filled in with values
from the license certificate. In the Job Name field, you must enter a descriptive
name to identify this job.

Recording the purchase cost for a license

On a certificate, you can record the purchase cost for a license. Each software
contract displays the costs for the licenses attached to the contract.

To record the purchase cost for a license

1 From the Software Asset Management console, open the license certificate.
2 In the Purchase Cost field, type the cost to purchase the license, and select the
The cost center comes from the software contract.
3 Click Save.

Troubleshooting software license

This section helps you troubleshoot the following problems that you might
encounter in software license management:
No CIs are related to a software license certificate.

Chapter 7 Software license management 221

Troubleshooting software license management

One or more CIs are not related to any software license certificates.
Incorrect CIs are related to a software license certificate.
A "per copy" license is approaching breach faster than expected.

For your records, and to assist with troubleshooting, each certificate includes an
audit trail of modifications to the certificate and of notifications sent about the

No CIs are related to a software license certificate

The following table lists possible causes why no CIs are related to a software license
certificate, along with the diagnostic method to determine the cause.
Table 35: Tips for troubleshooting why no CIs are related to a software license certificate
Possible cause

Diagnostic method

Categorization specified on the license certificate

does not match categorization of discovered CIs.

View the license certificate, as described in

Reviewing a software license certificate on page 204.
If categorization fields are completed, open a CI to
see whether the categorization matches.
To fix this issue, change the categorization on the
certificate either to match the CI, or to be blank.

Connection questions are not answered correctly.

View the license certificate and check the answers to
Connection questions must be answered correctly to connection questions.
connect the CI to the certificate.
No job has been run to connect the CIs to the

Open the Manage License Jobs console, as described

in Manually managing CIs attached to a license
certificate on page 219, and check the history. View
the jobs to determine whether any apply to the
license type.

The license type is not correctly configured. When

creating a license type, an administrator specifies
how the connection question answers map to CIs in
BMC Atrium CMDB. An error can result in no CIs
being related to the certificate.

An administrator can examine the license type, as

described in the BMC Remedy IT Service Management
Administration Guide. To check for issues with rules,
open the AST:ConfigRuleSet form. This is an
intermediate form between the Configure License
Type wizard and the License Engine.

222 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Troubleshooting software license management

Possible cause

Diagnostic method

The License Engine did not complete its run.

Check the following forms:

RLE:RunHistoryProvides information about
each License Engine run, including status
(Pending, Running, Aborted, Completed,
Completed with Warning, Completed with Errors).
RLE:EngineExceptions - Lists Java exceptions,
RLE exceptions, and the ruleset ID.
arjavaplugin.logThis log file is typically located
in the ARserver\Db directory of the server. If
you turn on logging, this log file provides details
of the License Engine job run. Logging is
configured from the Application Administration
console, as described in the BMC Remedy IT Service
Management Administration Guide.

The Company attribute (or another attribute used to

connect the CI to the license certificate) is not set on
the CIs.

Search for and open the appropriate CI, as described

in Searching for CIs on page 58. The Company and
Manufacturer attributes are always used to connect a
CI to a license certificate.
Whether other attributes are required for a
connection depends on the license type. For example,
for a site license, the Site attribute must be specified
on the computer system on which the product is

One or more CIs are not related to any software license

The following table lists possible causes why one or more CIs would not be related
to any software license certificates, along with the diagnostic method to determine
the cause.

Chapter 7 Software license management 223

Troubleshooting software license management

Table 36: Tips for troubleshooting one or more CIs are not related to a software license certificate
Possible cause

Diagnostic method

No software license certificates are applicable for the On the Software Asset Management console, check
the Unrelated CIs panel. This panel lists CIs that
could not be matched to license certificates by a job.
View the license certificate, as described in
Reviewing a software license certificate on page 204.
If no other CIs appear on the Software Assets tab,
continue to diagnose the cause, as described in No
CIs are related to a software license certificate on
page 222. If the Software Assets tab lists incorrectly
related CIs, continue to diagnose the cause, as
described in Incorrect CIs are related to a software
license certificate on page 224.
A CI could be related to multiple certificates.
Because the License Engine cannot determine the
appropriate certificate, the CI is not related to any
software license certificate.

On the Software Asset Management console, check

the Unrelated CIs panel. This panel lists CIs that
could not be matched to license certificates by a job.
Check the inbox for a message with additional
details. From the inbox message, you can relate the CI
to the appropriate certificate.

Incorrect CIs are related to a software license certificate

The table below lists possible causes why incorrect CIs are related to a software
license certificate, along with the diagnostic method to determine the cause.
Table 37: Tips for troubleshooting why incorrect CIs are related to a software license certificate
Possible cause

Diagnostic method

Categorization is too broad. Many CIs match the

specified configuration.

View the license certificate, as described in

Reviewing a software license certificate on page 204.
If a product is not specified, all CIs that match the
manufacturer and categorization are related to the

Connection questions are not answered correctly.

View the license certificate and check the answers to
Connection questions must be answered correctly to connection questions.
connect the correct CI to the certificate.
The license type is not correctly configured. When
An administrator can examine the license type, as
creating a license type, an administrator specifies
described in the BMC Remedy IT Service Management
how the connection question answers map to CIs in Administration Guide.
BMC Atrium CMDB. An error can result in incorrect
CIs being related to the certificate.

224 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Troubleshooting software license management

A "per copy" license is approaching breach faster than

The "per copy" license type is based on the number of unique people using the
license. Unique people are the people related to the computer system on which the
software is installed. These people include both people related to the computer
system through BMC Remedy ITSM with the "used by" relationship and people who
are discovered with dependency on the computer system.
People created in BMC Remedy ITSM are stored in the People form, but are also
reconciled into BMC Atrium CMDB in the BMC_Person class. People who are
discovered by BMC discovery products are stored in BMC Atrium CMDB in the
BMC_Person class. If more people are discovered on a computer system than
expected, you might be using more licenses than expected.
BMC_Person records, when related to computer systems, are displayed on the
Relationships tab of the Computer System form. The People tab of the Computer
System form displays the people related through BMC Remedy ITSM, but does not
include the people related through BMC discovery products. The Relationships tab
displays records for all related people.
You can build a query to search for people as described in Using the BMC Atrium
CMDB query dialog box to search for CIs on page 61.

To determine the people using a per copy license

1 Open the Software Asset Management console and select the license.
2 In the Related CIs table, select a related CI and click View CI.
3 In the Product form, click the Relationships tab.
4 Select the computer system CI, and click View.
5 In the Computer System form, click the Relationships tab and count the number
of BMC_Person records.
6 Repeat List item. on page 225 through List item. on page 225 for each product CI
that is related to the selected license, and total the number of BMC_Person

Chapter 7 Software license management 225

Troubleshooting software license management

226 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Costing and charge-backs
This section presents tasks necessary to specify and track costs in BMC Remedy
Asset Management.
With BMC Remedy Asset Management, IT personnel can manage infrastructure
costs by accurately tracking all the expenses and depreciation costs related to IT
configuration items (CIs). IT personnel specify costs for CIs. To allocate costs to the
appropriate cost center for recovery purposes, they can generate charge-back invoices.

IT roles for asset accounting

When working with BMC Remedy Asset Management, the IT personnel involved in
asset accounting generally are either configuration administrators or financial
managers. IT roles can vary from organization to organization, and in some
companies, one person might fulfill several roles.
Configuration administratorUses BMC Remedy Asset Management to create,
track, and manage CI records. In some companies, an asset manager performs this
The configuration administrator is responsible for the following tasks:
Creating, searching for, and modifying CI records. See Providing accounting

information on page 230.

Adding and modifying costs to CI records, and charging costs to the appropriate

cost centers. See Working with costs on page 232.

Configuration administrators add and track accounting information, such as

purchasing details, depreciation, and other costs. They use the Financials tab on the
CI Information form to add and track this information. See Working with
depreciation on page 237.
Financial managerTracks cost data, prepares periodic charge-back reports, and
generates charge-back invoices for cost recovery.

Chapter 8 Costing and charge-backs 227

The charge-back cycle

The financial manager is responsible for the following tasks:

Working with the application administrator to set up cost centers and charge-back

information. See Working with charge-backs on page 244.

Generating charge-back reports, making any necessary adjustments, and then

generating charge-back invoices. See Generating charge-back reports and invoices

on page 249.

Sending charge-back invoices to departments for review, and then sending final

invoices to the accounting department.

Closing each accounting period. See Closing the current period on page 257.

Financial managers use the Manage Costs dialog box to track costs and generate chargeback invoices to recover costs. For more information about recovering costs, see
Working with charge-backs on page 244.

The charge-back cycle

The configuration administrator and the financial manager complete the tasks listed
in the following table when working with BMC Remedy Asset Management.
Table 38: Overview of tasks performed during the charge-back cycle



For more information

Throughout the
current period


Specify costs

See Providing accounting

information on page 230

Charge costs to the

appropriate cost centers
End of the
current period,
before approval

Financial manager

Generate charge-back reports

and make any necessary
adjustments, such as for
unallocated costs
Generate preliminary chargeback invoices, and then sends
them to the appropriate
business units for verification
and approval

228 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

See Working with charge-backs

on page 244

About cost centers



End of the
Financial manager
current period,
after verification
or approval


For more information

If changes are required, make

the adjustments

See Working with charge-backs

on page 244

If required, send the final

invoices to the accounting
department for posting to the
general ledger
Close the current period

About cost centers

A cost center is an entity used to track cost information within an organization.
Many companies use cost centers to group expenses by department (for example, by
Engineering or Sales).
Administrators can also set up split cost centers, so that a department can allocate its
costs to other departments. You can split costs equally, or specify a percentage for
each department involved. For example, a project management department might
split its costs equally between an engineering department and a sales department.
The project management department is the source cost center, and the engineering
and sales departments are the target cost centers. One hundred dollars in costs for
the project management department is allocated as $50 to the engineering
department and $50 to the sales department.
In BMC Remedy Asset Management, you can have only one level of split cost
centers. For example, if you split a source cost center called C1 into two target cost
centers called C-1 and C-2, you cannot also split C-1 and C-2 into additional target
cost centers.
The application administrator can associate a cost center with an employee, a CI or a
contract. If BMC Remedy Change Management is installed, the application
administrator can associate a cost with a change request. If a cost center is associated
with a CI, you can use the cost center to allocate portions of the CIs cost to different

About charge-backs
Charge-backs are invoices for charging departments or cost centers for the IT CIs
required to support their business processes. The IT group can use charge-backs to
Chapter 8 Costing and charge-backs 229

About time periods

recover expenses from departments that use their CIs or services. Charge-backs help
show the value of IT services to departments within the company who use those
services. During each period, the financial manager reviews the costs and generates
a preliminary charge-back invoice for the business unit review. Then, the financial
manager sends the charge-back invoices to the appropriate business units. When the
invoices are approved, the financial manager can send them to the accounting
department to post to the general ledger.
Financial managers can generate charge-back invoices for the expenses incurred.
They can also charge an additional amount to cover the cost of their services and
other indirect costs. This additional amount is called a charge-back percentage.
For example, suppose an IT department orders a $2,000 laptop for an employee. The
IT department might generate a charge-back invoice for the employees department
for $2,000. Or, the IT department can add a charge-back percentage, such as 10%, to
the purchase price to cover the expense of purchasing and configuring the
equipment. In this example, the charge-back invoice to the other department would
be $2,200. You can add a charge-back percentage when you generate a charge-back
invoice. See Generating charge-back reports and invoices on page 249.

About time periods

Time periods are the regular intervals during which you review costs and create
charge-back invoices. You work with the application administrator to configure
BMC Remedy Asset Management with the appropriate time periods. Time periods
can be set as quarters or months. They can also be set so that you can manually
determine the start date and end date for each period.
At the end of the period, the financial manager generates charge-back invoices and
closes the period. After the period is closed, cost entries for that period can no longer
be used for future charge-backs. As a result, costs are not charged to departments
more than once.

Providing accounting information

Many corporations depend on a finance department to manage and control finances
and costs. IT organizations also need accounting information to manage, calculate,
and reduce the total cost of ownership for their IT CI portfolio.
Configuration administrators provide CI accounting information in the Financials
tab on the CI Information form.

230 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Providing purchasing information

Use the fields in the Financials tab on the CI Information form to specify the cost

center, requisition ID, and other purchasing information.

Use the Cost Entries table to add costs that are associated with the CI.
For CI records, use the Accounting Information area to provide information about

depreciation, tax credits, market value, and book value.

Figure 21: CI Information formFinancials tab

Providing purchasing information

Use the Financials tab on the CI Information form to provide purchasing information.

To provide purchasing information

1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 Click the Financials tab.
3 Complete the following fields:
Field name


Ownership type

Select how this asset was acquired.

Fixed Asset

Specify whether this is a fixed asset or not. Selecting "Yes" means that this
asset is a tangible asset. For example, a computer. If you select "No" it means
that this is a non-tangible/liquid asset. For example, a software package.

Cost Center

Specify the cost center to charge for related costs. If the CI is purchased with
a purchase requisition, this field is already populated. For more information,
see About cost centers on page 229 and Working with charge-backs on page

Budget Code

Specify the budget code. Companies use budget codes to track expenses to
specific categories. Budget codes are used in a capital or operating budget.

Chapter 8 Costing and charge-backs 231

Working with costs

Field name


Project Number

If this cost is for a project, specify the project number.

Accounting Code

Specify the accounting code. Accounting codes correspond to an expense

line in a general ledger. Companies use them to track specific line items.
Examples of accounting codes might include 00021: Hardware or 00022:

Requisition ID

If the CI record was created from a purchase order, or if your applications

administrator has integrated a procurement program, this field is already

Order ID

If the CI record was created from a purchase order, or if your applications

administrator has integrated a procurement program, this field is already

Purchase Date

Specify the date the CI was purchased, or click to select a date from the

Invoice Number

Specify the invoice number of the CI.

Unit Price

Specify the unit price. If you create the CI record from a purchase requisition
or from a purchase order, this field is already filled.

Sales Tax

Specify the sales tax. If you create the CI record from a purchase requisition
or from a purchase order, this field is already filled.

Total Purchase Cost

BMC Remedy Asset Management calculates the total purchase cost by

adding the values in the Unit Price and the Sales Tax fields.

4 Choose your next step:

To specify costs for this record, continue with Adding costs on page 233.
To specify depreciation information for this record, continue with Providing

depreciation information on page 239.

To save your changes after you finish providing information for this record,

click Save in the record.

Working with costs

Configuration administrators use the Cost Entries table in the Financials tab on the
CI Information form to work with costs that are associated with the record. This
table also lists any contract-related costs.

232 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Working with costs

If you belong to the Asset Admin or Asset User permission groups, you can add,
modify, or delete cost records with the Costs dialog box.
After you specify costs and make any necessary adjustments, you can issue chargeback invoices to recover your expenses.

Viewing costs
You can view costs for the current period using the Financials tab on the CI
Information form.
If information must be modified, you can change it using the procedures in Adding
costs on page 233, Modifying costs on page 235, and Removing costs on page 236.
Figure 22: CI Information formFinancials tab

To view costs
1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 Click the Financials tab.
3 At the top of the Cost Entries table, select an option from the Show field to view
specific types of costs.
For example, you can select Chargeback to display any charge-back costs. See
Working with charge-backs on page 244.

Adding costs
You add costs for CIs using the Costs dialog box. If contract costs are associated with
CIs, you can specify those costs here. If BMC Remedy Change Management is
installed, you can also add change costs, such as a charge for installation.
Chapter 8 Costing and charge-backs 233

Working with costs

For information about allocating change costs to CIs, see the BMC Remedy Change
Management Users Guide.

After you add information about costs, you can issue charge-back invoices to other
departments to recover your costs. See Working with charge-backs on page 244.

To add costs
1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 Click the Financials tab, and click Add.
Figure 23: Costs dialog box

3 In the Costs dialog box, for Cost Center Code, select the cost center that you want
to bill for this expense.
The default value for this field is the default cost center, Unallocated. To issue a
charge-back invoice to recover this cost from another department, you must
replace this value with another cost center code.
When you select a cost center code, the read-only Cost Center Name field is
4 For Cost Type, select an option:
ChargebackCosts are charged back to another department. Before you can

issue a charge-back invoice for this cost, you can select this option and specify a
cost center.

ComponentCosts are associated with a CIs components.

DisposalThe item has been disposed of, and the disposal has a cost.
LeaseCosts associated with a lease contract or service for this item.
234 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Working with costs

MaintenanceCosts associated with a maintenance contract or service for this


OtherOther associated incidental costs.

Purchase PriceThe purchase price of the item.
Sales TaxSales tax based on purchase price.
Software LicenseCosts associated with a software license contract or service

for this item.

SupportCosts associated with a support contract or service for this item.

UpgradeCosts associated with upgrades for this item.
WarrantyCosts associated with a warranty contract or service for this item.


The entries in the Sales Tax and Purchase Price fields are added to the entry in the
Total Purchase Cost field. If an entry exists, when the sales tax is not zero or
charged, the cost is updated. If no entry exists, a cost entry is created. If you
modify these prices using the Costs dialog box, you must also modify the Total
Purchase Cost field on a CI Information form.
5 For Description, provide a description of the cost.
6 For Related Cost, select a currency type and specify the cost.
7 For Date Incurred, specify the date that the cost was incurred.
8 Click Save.
The cost appears in the Cost Entries table, and the Total Cost field is updated.
9 In the CI record, click Save.

Modifying costs
You can modify costs for CIs on the Financials tab on the CI Information form.
However, you can modify information only for the current period.
For more information see About time periods on page 230.

Chapter 8 Costing and charge-backs 235

Working with costs

To modify costs
1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 Click the Financials tab.
3 At the top of the Cost Entries table, select an option from the Show field to view
specific types of costs.
For example, you can select Chargeback to display any charge-back costs. See
Working with charge-backs on page 244.
4 Select a cost item in the table, and click View.
5 Modify the fields in the Costs form. For information about these fields, see
Adding costs on page 233.
6 Click Save.
The modified information appears in the record.
7 In the CI record, click Save.

Removing costs
You can remove costs for CIs on the Financials tab on the CI Information form.
However, you can remove costs only for the current period.
For more information see About time periods on page 230.

To remove costs
1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 Click the Financials tab.
3 At the top of the Cost Entries table, select an option from the Show field to view
specific types of costs.
For example, you can select Chargeback to display any charge-back costs. See
Working with charge-backs on page 244.
4 Select a cost item in the table, and click Remove.

236 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Working with depreciation

The cost item is removed from the record.

5 In the CI record, click Save.

Working with depreciation

Each year that you own an asset, the asset loses some value until it eventually has no
more value to the business. Measuring the loss in value of an asset is called
depreciation. Depreciation is a method to allocate the cost of an asset over its
estimated useful life. By depreciating your assets, you can take tax deductions for the
loss in value.


You can configure depreciation rules by Product Catalog using the Configuration
Manager. For more information, see the BMC Remedy IT Service Management
Administration Guide.
When you set up a depreciation schedule, and then need to adjust the cost and do a
recalculation, the recalculation only takes affect from the current month forward.
The system will not go back and recalculate from the beginning. For example, if a
depreciation schedule starts on 4/1/09, and you change the Actual Cost on 8/11/09
and recalculate, the recalculation only takes affect from 8/1/09 forward. This is
because the previous months are considered already depreciated.
BMC Remedy Asset Management includes the following four methods of depreciation.
Table 39: Methods of depreciation
Depreciation method


Straight-line depreciation

Assets depreciate at a constant value per year. The total depreciation equals
the purchase price minus the salvage value. To calculate the annual
depreciation, the total depreciation is divided by the estimated useful life of
the asset.

Declining balance (150%)

Assets depreciate at a constant rate per year, accelerated by a factor of 150%.

In this method of accelerated depreciation, 150% of the straight-line
depreciation amount is taken the first year. That same percentage is applied
to the undepreciated amount in subsequent years.

Double-declining balance

Assets depreciate at a constant rate per year, accelerated by a factor of 200%.

In this method of accelerated depreciation, double the straight-line
depreciation amount is taken the first year. That same percentage is applied
to the undepreciated amount in subsequent years.

Chapter 8 Costing and charge-backs 237

Working with depreciation

Depreciation method


Sum-of-the-years digits

Assets lose more of their value early in their lifetime. This method of
calculating depreciation of an asset assumes higher depreciation charges
and greater tax benefits in the early years of an assets life.
In this method of accelerated depreciation, each year of useful life is
assigned a value from the total down to 1. The sum of the years of the useful
life of an asset is calculated. For example, for 3 useful years, this sum is 6 (3
+ 2 + 1). For each year, the asset is depreciated by the years value divided
by the sum. For example, in the first year, it is depreciated by 3 / 6, which is

To understand depreciation of an asset, you must know the following information:

Initial cost of the asset.
Useful life of an assetHow many years you expect the asset to retain value for

your business.

Book value of an assetThe purchase cost minus the accumulated depreciation.

DepreciationAn expense that reduces the value of a long-term tangible asset.
Accelerated depreciationA method of depreciation that enables greater

deductions in the earlier years of the life of an asset.

Salvage valueThe estimated value that an asset will realize at the end of its

useful life.


For more information about depreciation, consult your tax professional.

Use the Financials tab on the CI Information form to track the initial cost and the
subsequent depreciation of your assets. Enter the initial price in the Unit Price field.
If no depreciation information has been specified, the field is set to No and the
Create button is visible. Click the Create button to create the depreciation schedule
and calculate it. After depreciation has been calculated, the Depreciated field is set
to Yes and the Create button is replaced by a View button.
Figure 24: CI Information formFinancials tab

238 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Working with depreciation

Providing depreciation information

You can add depreciation information for a CI using one of several depreciation
methods. Before you provide depreciation information, you must create a record for
the CI and save the record. You must also set the status of the CI to either Received
or Deployed.

To provide depreciation information

1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 Click the Financials tab.
3 Specify a unit price.
4 In the Accounting Information area, click Create.
If depreciation has not yet been calculated, the Accounting Information area
includes a Create button. After depreciation has been calculated, this area
includes a View button.
5 In the Create CI Depreciation dialog box, for Method, select the depreciation
method that you want to use for this CI.
Select this method

If the CI

Straight Line Depreciation

Depreciates at a constant value per year.

Declining Balance (150%)

Depreciates at a constant rate per year, accelerated by a factor of

1.5 (150%).

Double-Declining Balance (200%)

Depreciates at a constant rate per year, accelerated by a factor of

2.0 (200%).

Sum-of-the-years Digits

Loses more of its value early in its lifetime.

6 For Useful Life (months), specify the number of months that you expect this CI to
be in service.
7 For Depreciation Starts, select the date when you want to start calculating
depreciation for this CI.
BMC Remedy Asset Management calculates depreciation on the last day of the
month prior to the month you select, even if you select a specific date.
8 If this CI has a salvage value, specify it in the Salvage Value field and select a
currency type from the list.

Chapter 8 Costing and charge-backs 239

Working with depreciation

The salvage value is the estimated value that an asset will realize at the end of its
useful life. BMC Remedy Asset Management uses the salvage value in calculating
the monthly depreciation figures. For example, if a laptop costs $4,000.00 and has
a useful life of 12 months and a salvage value of $1,000.00, BMC Remedy Asset
Management uses $3,000.00 as the fully depreciated amount. The default amount
for this field is $0.
9 Click Compute Depreciation.
10 Click OK in any confirmation messages that appear.
The Depreciated field is now set to Yes, and the Create button is changed to
11 In the CI record, click Save.

Viewing depreciation
After you provide depreciation information for a CI, you can view the depreciation
schedule. You can also modify the depreciation, change the methods, and recalculate
the result to see the effects of changes.
For more information see Modifying depreciation on page 241.


If depreciation has been calculated for this asset, the Depreciated field on the
Financials tab on the CI Information form is set to Yes and a View button appears. If
depreciation has not been calculated, the Depreciated field is set to No and a Create
button appears.

To view depreciation
1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 Click the Financials tab.
3 In the Accounting Information area, click View.
If you see a Create button instead of a View button, depreciation has not yet been
specified for this CI. See Providing depreciation information on page 239.

240 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Working with depreciation

The Depreciation Information for CI dialog box appears, displaying the

depreciation for any months in which the CI has already been depreciated.
Figure 25: Depreciation Information for CI dialog box

4 To view the details of the depreciation history, select an item in the table, and
click View.
5 After you finish viewing the information, in the Depreciation Details for CI dialog
box, click Close.
6 Click the Depreciation Schedule tab to view the depreciation schedule for this CI.
7 The Depreciation Schedule tab shows the following information:
Effective DateThe date that the listed depreciation takes effect.
StatusThe status of the CIs depreciation.
Current DepreciationThe amount of the listed depreciation.
LTD DepreciationThe life-to-date depreciation.
Useful Life of AssetThe estimated number of months that the depreciable

asset is expected to be in use.

Remaining LifeThe number of months remaining in the useful life of the asset.

Modifying depreciation
You can use the Depreciation Details for CI dialog box to change the start date for
depreciation and to select the depreciation method. You can also recalculate
depreciation based on different criteria.
Chapter 8 Costing and charge-backs 241

Working with depreciation

After depreciation has been calculated for an asset, the Depreciated field on the
Financials tab on the CI Information form is set to Yes and the View button is visible.

To modify depreciation
1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 Click the Financials tab.
3 In the Accounting Information area, click View. (If you see a Create button
instead of a View button, depreciation has not yet been specified for this record.
See Providing depreciation information on page 239.)
The Depreciation Details for CI dialog box appears, displaying the depreciation
for any months in which the CI has already been depreciated.
Figure 26: Depreciation Information for CI dialog box

4 Modify any of the following fields:

Useful Life (months)
Depreciation Starts
Salvage Value

For information about these fields, see Providing depreciation information on

page 239.

242 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Working with depreciation

For charge-back entries for depreciation to work correctly, the same price must
appear in the following fields: Unit Price field on the CI record form, Related Cost
field on the Cost form, and the Total Purchase Cost field on the Depreciation form.
5 Click Recalculate to recalculate the depreciation for this CI record.
6 Click Yes or OK in any confirmation messages that appear.
7 In the CI record, click Save.


If you modify the Total Purchase Cost field on the Depreciation Details for CI
dialog box and click Recalculate, a message indicates that you must manually
update the Total Purchase Cost field on the Financials tab on the CI Information

Specifying tax-related values other than depreciation

In addition to depreciation, you can track other tax-related values for assets. For CI
records, you can provide information about tax credits, book value, and market value.

To specify tax-related values other than depreciation

1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 Click the Financials tab.
3 In the Accounting Information area, complete the following optional fields:
Field name


Tax Credit

If you have donated this asset, specify the tax credit amount in the Tax
Credit field.

Market Value

Specify the fair market value for this asset. This is the price at which an item
can be sold by a willing seller to a willing buyer, neither of whom are under
any pressure to buy or sell.

Book Value

The book value (subtracted from the accumulated depreciation from the
purchase cost) for this asset.

4 In the CI record, click Save.

Chapter 8 Costing and charge-backs 243

Working with charge-backs

Working with charge-backs

To implement charge-backs, IT personnel must plan how to implement charge-backs
at their company. They can then work with the application administrator to
configure BMC Remedy Asset Management with the appropriate cost centers and
time periods.
Configuration administrators specify costs for the current period and they track
them against the appropriate cost centers. Costs are also added by purchase
When costs are specified for the current period, financial managers review chargebacks, make any necessary adjustments, and print charge-back invoices. Financial
managers send the charge-back invoices to the appropriate cost centers for approval,
and then send the charge-back information to the accounting department for posting
to the general ledger. After the information is received by accounting, financial
managers close the current period.

Planning and setting up charge-back information

Use these steps to plan and to set up charge-back information.
1 Plan how to implement cost centers and the charge-back process at your company:
Determine the cost centers at your company. Determine whether any cost

centers split their costs with other cost centers (target cost centers). See The
charge-back cycle on page 228.

Decide which employees must belong to each cost center.

Plan appropriate time periods for implementing charge-backs.

2 Work with the application administrator to configure BMC Remedy Asset

Management with the information from Step 1 on page 141. The administrator
must complete the following tasks:
If necessary, set up cost centers for the company, including split cost centers.
Add all application users to appropriate cost centers.
Set up appropriate time periods for implementing charge-backs.

For information about configuring BMC Remedy Asset Management, see the
BMC Remedy IT Service Management Administration Guide.

244 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Working with charge-backs

Implementing the charge-back process during each period

Use these steps to implement the charge-back process during each period.
1 Specify costs for the current period. See Working with costs on page 232.
2 At the end of the period, generate preliminary charge-back reports and make any
necessary adjustments. See Generating a list of charge-back entries on page 245,
Generating charge-back reports on page 250, and Adjusting charge-back entries
on page 247.
3 Generate and print charge-back invoices. See Generating charge-back invoices on
page 253.
4 Send the charge-back invoices to the appropriate business units for verification
and approval.
5 Send the final charge-back invoices to your companys accounting department.
6 At the end of the period, close the period. See Closing the current period on page

Generating a list of charge-back entries

After the configuration administrator specifies costs and charge-backs, the financial
manager generates a list of charge-back entries. This list summarizes charge-back
information for a specified period, including the cost centers billed, cost types, and
related costs. The information is used to generate reports and charge-back invoices.
At the end of the period (but before you close the current period), generate the chargeback entries to check the information for accuracy. If you find discrepancies, you can
make any necessary adjustments before you print your charge-back invoices. For
example, after checking the list, you might discover that you allocated a cost to the
wrong cost center. You can then specify the correct cost center before you create your
If you change the cost information after you generate the list, you can regenerate the
list to refresh the data. When you regenerate the list, you can choose to discard or
preserve your changes. If you have split cost centers, you can calculate the entries for
these cost centers. For more information about split cost centers, see The charge-back
cycle on page 228.

Chapter 8 Costing and charge-backs 245

Working with charge-backs

To generate a list of charge-back entries

1 On the Asset Management console, from the navigation pane, choose
Functions => Manage Costs.
The Manage Costs form appears. The first time that you open the form for the
current period, no information appears in the Charge-back Entries table. After
you click Generate Preliminary Costing, the table lists charge-back entries.
2 In the Period Start Date and Period End Date fields, specify the start date and
end date for the current period.
3 Click Generate Preliminary Costing.
4 If you have already generated the list for the current period, respond to any
confirmation messages that appear:
If you have already generated the list for the current period, to create the list

again, click Yes.

If you made adjustments to any entries since you last generated the list, to

preserve the adjustments, click Yes. To discard the adjustments, click No.

The table now lists charge-back entries.

The next time that you open the Manage Costs form for the current period, chargeback entries appear in the table.

Viewing charge-back entries

You view charge-back information for assets in the Manage Costs form. The first
time that you open the console for the current period, generate a list of charge-back
For more information see Generating a list of charge-back entries on page 245.

To view charge-back information

1 On the Asset Management console, from the navigation pane, choose
Functions => Manage Costs.
The Manage Costs form appears. The first time you open the dialog box for the
current period, no entries appear in the table. After you click Generate
Preliminary Costing, the entries appear in the table.

246 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Working with charge-backs

2 If this is the first time you have viewed charge-back entries for the current period,
click Generate Preliminary Costing.
The Charge-back Entries table now lists charge-back entries.
Figure 27: Manage Costs formCharge-back Entries table

3 To limit the number of entries that appear in the table, specify criteria for the
entries that you want to see.
To view entries from a different period, specify new values in the Period Start

Date and Period End Date fields.

To view the charge-back entries for a specific cost center, select a cost center,

and click Search.

To view costs that have not yet been billed to a cost center, for Cost Center

Code, select Unallocated, and click Search.

4 In the Charge-back Entries table, select the charge-back entry that you want to
view, and click View.
Results matching your search criteria appear in the table.

Adjusting charge-back entries

You can use the Adjustment dialog box to change charge-back information for assets.
For example, if you discover that you specified the wrong cost for an asset, or if the
cost is not allocated to the correct cost center, you can adjust the entry. You can also
provide a reason for your adjustment.
After you make adjustments to a charge-back entry, two new entries appear at the
bottom of the Charge-back Entries list in the Manage Costs form. The Adjustment
Chapter 8 Costing and charge-backs 247

Working with charge-backs

column indicates that both of these entries are adjustments. The first entry has a
positive value. The second entry has a negative value that cancels out the value of
the original entry. Both values remain in the table so that you can keep a record of
this adjustment.
Figure 28: Manage Costs formCharge-back Entries table

For example, if you originally specified a charge-back cost of $150 and did not
specify a cost center code, the cost center is unallocated. To correct the cost center,
select the charge-back entry, click Adjustment, and specify the appropriate Cost
Center Code, for example, W1. After you click Save, you see two new entries at the
bottom of the table in the Manage Costs form. The first entry shows that a cost of
$150 is now allocated to the W1 cost center. The second entry shows the previous,
unallocated cost of -$150.

To adjust charge-back information

1 On the Asset Management console, from the navigation pane, choose
Functions => Manage Costs.
The Manage Costs form appears. The first time that you open the console for the
current period, no information appears in the Charge-back Entries table. After
you click Generate Preliminary Costing, any current charge-back information
appears in the table. You might have to wait a few minutes for it to appear.
2 If this is the first time you have viewed charge-back entries for the current period,
click Generate Preliminary Costing.
3 To limit the number of entries that appear in the table, specify criteria for the
entries that you want to see.
To view entries from a different period, specify new values in the Period Start

Date and Period End Date fields.

To view the charge-back entries for a specific cost center, select a cost center,

and click Search.

To view costs that have not yet been billed to a cost center, select Unallocated

from the Cost Center Code field, and click Search.

4 In the Charge-back Entries table, select the charge-back entry that you want to
248 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Generating charge-back reports and invoices

5 Click Adjustment.
6 In the Adjustment dialog box, modify the information that you want to change.
You can change the entries in the following fields: Cost Type, Cost Center Code,
and Related Cost. You can also add a reason for your adjustment.
7 Click Save.
New entries appear in the Charge-back Entries list in the Manage Costs form. To
indicate that these entries are adjustments, they display Yes in the Adjustment
column. One of the entries has a positive value, and the other has a negative value.

Generating charge-back reports and invoices

After the configuration administrator specifies charge-back costs, the financial
manager can generate reports to track information and to find entries that might
need to be adjusted.
The financial manager can then make any necessary adjustments and generate
invoices to give to the appropriate cost centers. After the invoices are accepted, the
financial manager can forward them to the companys accounting department for
The financial manager generates charge-back reports and invoices with the Cost
Management Reports dialog box. For all reports, you can change the title of the
report and add a subtitle. For example, if you generate an invoice for a cost center
called W1, you might use the following title and subtitle:
Title: Charge-back Invoice for Cost Center W1
Subtitle: Q4 2003
You can also change the currency type that is used to calculate charge-back values.
For some reports, you can specify a charge-back percentage to add to the base cost.
After you generate reports, you can view them onscreen, print them, or save the file
to another format.
You can generate the following types of reports:
Charge-back InvoiceProvides a detailed list of charges to cost centers,

including any charge-back percentage. At the end of each period, you can send

Chapter 8 Costing and charge-backs 249

Generating charge-back reports and invoices

this type of report to other departments for approval. Then you can send the final
invoice to your companys accounting organization.
For each cost center, the invoice lists the category of the asset and the amount
charged. For split cost centers, it also provides information about how charges are
allocated for source cost centers and target cost centers.
Charge-back SummaryLists the total charges made to cost centers, including

charge-back percentage. For split cost centers, it also provides information about
how charges are allocated for source cost centers and target cost centers. This type
of report gives the following details: total direct cost, allocation to, and allocation

Cost Incurred from SourceLists the base costs charged to cost centers. This type

of report is similar to the Charge-back Summary report, but does not include chargeback percentage.

Unallocated ReportSummarizes costs that have not been billed to any cost

center, and lists records that still have the default value of Unallocated in the Cost
Center Code field. Before you generate charge-back invoices for each period, you
can run this report to determine whether any costs are unallocated. You can then
assign these costs to the appropriate cost centers.

Adjustment ReportLists any adjustments that have been made for the current

period. You can run this report to keep a record of your adjustments before you
remove adjustments in the Manage Costs form.


If your charge-back entries include split cost centers, you can view information
about the split cost centers in the Allocation To and Allocation From rows in
the following reports: Charge-back Invoice, Charge-back Summary, and Cost
Incurred from Source.

Generating charge-back reports

Financial managers use the Cost Management Reports dialog box to generate reports
to check charge-back information. For example, you can generate an Unallocated
Report to determine whether any costs have not yet been billed to a cost center. If
you find unallocated costs, you can assign them to appropriate cost centers. You can
generate the following types of reports: Charge-back Invoice, Charge-back
Summary, Cost Incurred from Source, Unallocated Report, and Adjustment Report.
After you view charge-back reports, you can make any necessary modifications to
the charge-back information for the current period. Then you can generate chargeback invoices to send to other departments for approval at the end of each period.

250 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Generating charge-back reports and invoices

To generate a report
1 On the Asset Management console, from the navigation pane, choose
Functions => Manage Costs.
2 In the Manage Costs form, If you have not yet generated charge-back entries for
the current period, follow the procedure in Generating a list of charge-back
entries on page 245.
3 Click Reports.
4 In the Cost Management Reports dialog box, select the company.
5 If you have not made any changes to charge-back entries for the current period,
skip to List item. on page 172 to print the report. If you have made changes to chargeback entries, select one of the following options from the Generate Option field.
These options generate charge-back entries for split cost centers. You can retain or
discard any adjustments that you made in the current period.
Preserve AdjustmentsIf you want to retain changes made to charge-back

entries in the current period.

Remove AdjustmentsIf you want to discard changes made to charge-back

entries in the current period.

To generate a record of adjustments before you remove them, generate an

Adjustment Report before you select this option.
Calculate Split Allocation for AdjustmentsIf you made changes to split cost

centers in the current period.

If your charge-back entries include split cost centers, you do not see information
about these cost centers in the table. Details about split cost centers appear in the
Allocation To and Allocation From rows in the following reports: Charge-back
Invoice, Charge-back Summary, and Cost Incurred from Source.
6 Click Generate Costing Entries.
7 Respond to the confirmation message by clicking OK.
The most recent process that you have run appears in the top of the Process Log
table. If the Process Log table includes an entry with a status of Done With
Message, for more information, you can view the process messages. See Viewing
and resolving process messages on page 256.
8 Click the Step 2: Print Reports tab.
Chapter 8 Costing and charge-backs 251

Generating charge-back reports and invoices

9 Select options for the report.

For Period Start Date and Period End Date, specify the dates for the beginning

and the end of the period for which you want to print the report.

If you want the report to include information for a specific cost center, specify

the name of the cost center. If you want it to include information for all cost
centers, leave the Cost Center field blank.

10 For Report, select the type of report you want to generate:

Charge-back InvoiceCreates an invoice for the charges made to cost centers,

including charge-back percentage.

Charge-back SummaryLists the total charges made to cost centers, including

charge-back percentage.

Cost Incurred from SourceLists the base costs charged to cost centers,

without including a charge-back percentage.

Unallocated ReportSummarizes the costs that have not been billed to any

cost center, and lists records that still have the default value of Unallocated in
the Cost Center Code field.

Adjustment ReportLists the adjustments that have been made for the current


11 Click Print Report.

12 In the Enter Values dialog box, for each of the fields in this form, select the value
that you want to change.
Type the new value in the Enter a Value field. You must complete each field, or
the report is not generated.
To change the title, type a new name for the report.
To add a subtitle, type a subtitle for the report.
To change the currency type used to calculate charge-back costs in this report,

select a new currency and a value.

To define a charge-back percentage for reports that support this value, select a

percentage and type a value.

13 Click OK.

252 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Generating charge-back reports and invoices

The report appears.

Figure 29: Charge-back Summary report

14 Select an option for the report:

To print the report, click the Print Report icon at the top of the window.
To export the report to another format, click the Export Report icon at the top

of the window. In the Export dialog box, select a format for the data and a
destination for the file, and click OK.

To scroll through the onscreen data, click the navigation icons at the top of the


To close the report window, click the close box in the report window.

Generating charge-back invoices

At the end of each period, the financial manager can generate charge-back invoices
to send to other departments.
Before you generate the final charge-back invoices, you can generate other reports to
check the information. For example, you can run the Unallocated Report to
determine whether any costs are not yet allocated to a cost center. You can then
make adjustments to the cost centers so that these charges are included in the chargeback invoice. See Generating charge-back reports on page 250.

To generate charge-back invoices

1 On the Asset Management console, from the navigation pane, choose
Functions => Manage Costs.

Chapter 8 Costing and charge-backs 253

Generating charge-back reports and invoices

2 In the Manage Costs form, if you have not yet generated charge-back entries for
the current period, follow the procedure in Generating a list of charge-back
entries on page 245.
3 Click Reports.
4 In the Cost Management Reports dialog box, select a company.
5 If you have not made any changes to charge-back entries for the current period,
skip to List item. on page 68 to print the invoice. If you have made changes to chargeback entries, select an option from the Generate Option field.
These options generate charge-back entries for split cost centers. You can retain or
discard any adjustments that you made in the current time period.
Preserve AdjustmentsRetains any changes that you made to charge-back

entries in the current period. This updates the charge-back entries for the
current period and retains any adjustments.

Remove AdjustmentsDiscards any changes you made to charge-back entries

in the current period. This removes any adjustments for the current period, and
regenerates the charge-back entries based on the cost entries for the current
period. To generate a record of adjustments before you remove them, generate
an Adjustment Report before you select this option.

Calculate Split Allocation for AdjustmentsGenerates charge-back entries

based on adjustments to split cost centers.


If your charge-back entries include split cost centers, you do not see information
about these cost centers in the table. Details about split cost centers appear in the
Allocation To and Allocation From rows in the Charge-back Invoice.
6 Click Generate Costing Entries.
7 Respond to the confirmation message by clicking OK.
The most recent process that you have run appears in the top of the Process Log
table. If an entry appears with a status of Done With Message in the Process Log
table, you can view the process messages to get more information. See Viewing
and resolving process messages on page 256.
8 Click the Step 2: Print Reports tab.
9 Select options for the invoice.

254 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Generating charge-back reports and invoices

a For Period Start Date and Period End Date, specify the dates for the beginning
and the end of the period for which you want to print the invoice.
b If you want the invoice to include information for a specific cost center, specify
the name of the cost center. If you want it to include information for all cost
centers, leave the Cost Center field blank.
10 For Report, select Charge-back Invoice.


You can also generate other reports. See Generating charge-back reports on page
11 Click Print Report.
12 In the Enter Values dialog box, for each of the fields in this form, select the value
that you want to change. Type the new value in the Enter a Value field. You must
complete each field, or the report is not generated.
To change the title, click Report Title and type a new name for the invoice.
To add a subtitle, click Report Subtitle and type a subtitle for the invoice.
To change the currency type used to calculate charge-back costs in this invoice,

select a new currency.

To change the charge-back percentage used to calculate charge-back costs in

this invoice, select a percentage and type a value.

13 Click OK.
The Report Preview window appears, displaying the invoice you created.
Figure 30: Charge-back Invoice

14 Select an option for the invoice:

To print the report, click the Print Report icon at the top of the window.

Chapter 8 Costing and charge-backs 255

Generating charge-back reports and invoices

To export the report to another format, click the Export Report icon at the top

of the window. In the Export dialog box, select a format for the data and a
destination for the file, and click OK.

Viewing and resolving process messages

If BMC Remedy Asset Management encounters any potential problems when you
generate charge-back information, the Charge Back Status dialog box displays a
process message. A process message alerts you to information that might need
attention, but it does not necessarily indicate an error. If you make changes to costs
or cost centers for past time periods, or if you delete cost entries, process messages
For example, suppose that you generated an invoice last month to bill a department
for a $100 purchase. After you closed the current period, you discovered that the
actual cost was $1,000. You then modified the information in the Costs dialog box by
changing the incurred date and the cost. After that, you generated a new invoice for
the current period, and sent it to the department to get reimbursed for the rest of the
When you generated the new invoice, you would see a process message indicating
that you modified an entry from a past period. You can disregard this process
message because it does not indicate an error. In this case, you intended to change
costs from a previous period.
You can use the Cost Management Reports dialog box to view and print any
available process messages.

To view and print process messages

1 On the Asset Management console, from the navigation pane, choose
Functions => Manage Costs.
2 In the Manage Costs form, click Reports.
3 In the Cost Management Reports dialog box, if you have not yet generated chargeback entries for the current period, follow the procedure in Generating a list of
charge-back entries on page 245.
A status entry in the Process Log table beginning with Done indicates process
messages. A message might also appear in the Process Message column.
4 Select a company.
5 Select an item in the Process Log table.

256 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Closing the current period

6 Click View Process Messages.

The Process Status Messages dialog box appears. Any process messages appear in
the Process Message field.
7 To print a report of the process messages, click Print Process Messages.
8 For each of the fields in this form, select the value that you want to change in the
list, and then type the new value. You must complete each field, or the report is
not generated.
To change the title of the report, select Report Title and specify a value in the

Value field.

To add a subtitle, select Report Subtitle and specify a value in the Value field.

9 Click OK.
10 Select an option for the report:
To print the report, click the printer icon at the top of the window.
To export the report to another format, click the envelope icon at the top of the

window. Then select a format for the data and a destination for the file and
click OK.

Closing the current period

After financial managers generate charge-back invoices, they send the invoices to the
appropriate cost centers for approval. When the invoices are accepted, they send
them to the companys accounting department.
For more information about the charge-back process, see Working with charge-backs
on page 244.
After these procedures are completed, the financial managers final task for the
period is to close the current period. Closing the current period locks the chargeback entries for this period so they cannot be modified. You can still make
adjustments for past charge-back entries, though, and you can still generate reports
from the entries.
The financial manager uses the Cost Management Reports dialog box to close the
current period. The start date is reset to the first day of the next period for all types
of time periods. If the administrator has configured the period as Monthly or
Quarterly, the end date is automatically generated. If the period is configured as
Manual, you must select the end date for the new period.
Chapter 8 Costing and charge-backs 257

Closing the current period

To close the current period

1 On the Asset Management console, from the navigation pane, choose
Functions => Manage Costs.
2 In the Manage Costs form, click Reports.
3 In the Cost Management Reports dialog box, click the Step 3: Close Current
Period tab.
4 Click Close Current Period.
5 To close the current period, in the confirmation message, click Yes.
If the time period is configured as Monthly or Quarterly, the next time period
begins automatically. If the period is configured as Manual, the Current Charge
Back Dates dialog box appears, and you must specify an end date for the new period.

258 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Managing inventory
This section describes how to track and manage configuration items (CIs) that are in
inventory and available for deployment.
Before you can track inventory, you must add items to inventory. To add a bulk item
to inventory, you must create a Bulk Inventory CI type and an Inventory Location CI
type, and then relate the two. Bulk inventory items are CIs that you order in
quantity, such as power cables. To add a CI to inventory, change the Status field on
the CI record to In Inventory, and then designate a location.
After items are in inventory, you can view, relocate, and reserve and use CIs and
bulk inventory items.

Creating bulk inventory CIs

You do not need to create a record for each individual item. Instead, you can classify
bulk items by the type of item, for example, cables or printer cartridges. You can
then indicate the quantity and the base unit, as defined by the application
administrator. You can also set notifications for reorder when the item reaches the
specified reorder quantity.

To create a bulk inventory CI

1 On the Asset Management console, from the navigation pane, choose
Functions => Manage CIs.
2 In the Select a CI Type dialog box, from the Type list, select Bulk Inventory =>
Bulk Inventory, and click Create.
3 In the Bulk Inventory form, complete the following required fields, and click

Chapter 9 Managing inventory 259

Creating inventory location CIs

Field name


CI Name

Specify the name of the bulk inventory item, for example, Microsoft
Windows XP.
Note: After you create the CI, you cannot modify the CI name.
Use up to three product categorization tiers to categorize the item.

Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Received Quantity

Specify the number of items received.

Creating inventory location CIs

After you create your bulk inventory CIs, create inventory locations in which to
place them.

To create an inventory location CI

1 On the Asset Management console, from the navigation pane, choose
Functions => Manage CIs.
2 In the Select a CI Type dialog box, from the Type list, select System => Inventory
Location, and click Create.
3 In the Inventory Location form, in the CI Name field, specify the location name.
4 Complete the other, optional fields.

If CIs related to this inventory location were created from a purchase requisition,
they appear on the Inventory Transactions tab.
5 Click Save.

Placing bulk CIs in inventory

To place bulk CIs in inventory, you must specify the location or locations for them.

260 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Placing non-bulk CIs in inventory


If you do not see a location, make sure that the CI has a CI type of inventory location,
and not physical location. For information about creating inventory locations, see
Creating inventory location CIs on page 260.

To place bulk CIs in inventory

1 Open a bulk CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 On the Inventory Location tab, click Add.
3 In the Search Inventory Locations dialog box, specify the search criteria and click
4 Select a location, and click Relate.
5 In the message about the relationship, click OK.
6 If the inventory is stored in multiple locations, for each location, repeat List item.
on page 96 and List item. on page 261.
7 Click Close.
On the Bulk Inventory form, the Inventory Location tab lists each of the related
8 Click in the Quantity Per Location field for a location, and type the quantity in
that location.
9 Continue to enter the quantity for each location, until all the quantity in stock for
the bulk CI is accounted for.
10 Click Save.

Placing non-bulk CIs in inventory

You can place non-bulk CIs that you want to manage in inventory by changing the
status of the CI to In Inventory, and then designating a location for that CI.

To place non-bulk CIs in inventory

1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 From the Status list, select In Inventory.
Chapter 9 Managing inventory 261

Viewing inventory locations

3 Click OK in the confirmation message that appears.

4 In the Search Inventory Locations dialog box, from the Location list, select a
location, make sure other values are correct, and click Search.
5 Select a location and click Return.
6 In the CI Information form, click Save.

Viewing inventory locations

You can view the location of all your CIs from the Manage Inventory dialog box.

To view inventory locations

1 On the Asset Management console, from the navigation pane, choose
Functions => Manage Inventory.
2 Specify your search criteria, and click Search.
3 Select a CI or bulk inventory item from the table, and click View Location.
In the Inventory Location form, you can view the CIs in the inventory.

Relocating CIs
You can relocate CIs or bulk inventory items from one location to another.

To relocate CIs
1 On the Asset Management console, from the navigation pane, choose
Functions => Manage Inventory.
2 In the Manage Inventory dialog box, specify your search criteria, and click Search.
3 Select the CI or bulk inventory item that you want to relocate, and click Relocate
4 In the Search Inventory Locations dialog box, from the Location list, select the
location where you want to relocate the CI. If necessary, delete the default
Company and Support Company values. Click Search.

262 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Reserving and using inventory

5 Select the location where you want to relocate your CI.

6 In the Quantity field, specify the number of CIs that you want to relocate.
7 Click Relocate.

Reserving and using inventory

You can reserve and use the CIs and bulk inventory items that are in inventory.

To reserve and use inventory

1 On the Asset Management console, from the navigation pane, choose
Functions => Manage Inventory.
2 In the Manage Inventory dialog box, specify your search criteria, and click Search.
3 Select the CI or bulk inventory item that you want to reserve and use.
4 Click the Transaction Qty column and specify the number of CIs or bulk
inventory items that you want to use.
Figure 31: Manage Inventory dialog boxTransaction Qty column

5 Click Reserve/Use Inventory.

The number of CIs or bulk inventory items in the Qty in Stock column is reduced
by the number reserved and used. The number in the Trans Qty column is
cleared. If you reserve the total number in stock, the item is removed from the table.

Chapter 9 Managing inventory 263

Reserving and using inventory

264 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Using the configuration catalog
This section describes how to use the configuration catalog in BMC Remedy Asset
Management to set up and manage approved configurations in your company.

About the configuration catalog

Configuration administrators and application administrators use the configuration
catalog to define approved configurations to be used for people and groups within a
For example, a salespersons configuration might consist of a laptop, a personal
digital assistant (PDA), a keyboard, a mouse, and a printer. You can add this
configuration to the configuration catalog as the salesperson approved configuration.
Each of the approved configurations in the configuration catalog contains items. The
items in a configuration are not CI records. A CI record represents an actual item in
your IT environment, such Joe Unsers laptop. The items in a configuration outline
the components that comprise the configuration. Some items might be tracked as CIs
in BMC Atrium CMDB (for example, a laptop). Other items might be tracked as bulk
inventory (for example, a mouse). After you add items to a configuration, you must

Chapter 10 Using the configuration catalog 265

About the configuration catalog

relate the corresponding CI records to the configuration. By relating the CI records to

a configuration, you can keep track of which CIs are deployed in the configuration.
Figure 32: Configuration diagram

On the effective date of a new configuration, the following actions occur:

Approved configurations become active.
Previous versions of the configuration become inactive.

266 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Viewing configurations

Obsolete configurations are deleted from the database.

Use the configuration catalog to help accomplish the following tasks:

Make sure that only approved configurations are deployedNew

configurations must be approved before they are deployed. If BMC Remedy

Change Management is installed, approvers can use it to approve configurations.
If BMC Remedy Change Management is not installed, approvers can approve
configurations manually.
Approved configurations serve the following purposes:
Help IT specialists to troubleshoot problems. Any CIs that are not included as

part of the approved configuration for that user might be contributing to the

Help the configuration administrator determine how many systems are out of

compliance or how many systems have previous configurations.

Check inventoryWhen you require an approved configuration, use the

configuration catalog to check whether the items are in inventory, and to reserve
the required items. For example, when a new salesperson is hired, you can check
that items for the salesperson approved configuration are in inventory.

Submit purchase requisitionsYou can access configuration functionality when

creating a purchase requisition, and can access purchase requisition functionality

when checking a configuration.
When creating a purchase requisition, you can select a configuration in the

configuration catalog to order. For example, when a new salesperson is hired,

the manager can submit a purchase requisition for items that are not in inventory.

When checking inventory for a configuration, you can create purchase

requisitions for CIs that are low in inventory or that must be replaced because
they are damaged or obsolete.

Review configurationsYou can schedule a review of configurations. You might

review active configurations on a weekly, monthly, or yearly basis. You can use
this review to find configurations that have outdated hardware or software. When
you review a configuration, you can create a new version of the current
configuration and relate all new CIs. For details, see Generating a review schedule
on page 275.

Viewing configurations
Configuration administrators and application administrators set up configurations.

Chapter 10 Using the configuration catalog 267

Adding a configuration

To view configurations
1 On the Asset Management console, from the navigation pane, choose
Functions => Manage Configurations.
2 In the Manage Configurations dialog box, select a configuration, and click View.
The Configuration Information form displays details about the configuration. For
active configurations, you can view the list of CIs that are related to the
configuration (the Related CIs tab is not active for inactive configurations).

Adding a configuration
Configuration administrators and application administrators can add configurations
to the configuration catalog.
After you add a configuration, you can:
Add items to the configuration.
Create items to be added to the configuration.
Change the unit type and number of items.

To add a configuration
1 On the Asset Management console, from the navigation pane, choose
Functions => Manage Configurations.
2 In the Manage Configurations dialog box, click Add.
3 In the Configuration Information form, provide general information about the
configuration at the top of the form by completing the following fields:


If you plan to make changes to the configuration after you save it, you can leave
the Approval Status as Not Submitted. After you complete the configuration, you
must change the Approval Status to Pending Approval to submit the
configuration for approval.

Field name



Specify a unique alphanumeric ID for the configuration.


Provide a description of the configuration.

268 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Adding a configuration

Field name


Effective Date

Specify the date that the configuration becomes active.

Approval Status

To submit the configuration for approval, select Pending Approval.


Type the name of the configuration.

Schedule Name

You can specify a review schedule for active and approved configurations
only. To specify a technology review schedule, perform the following steps:

1 Click this field and press ENTER.

2 To create a schedule, click Create Schedule Information, complete the
schedule criteria, and click Save.

3 Select the schedule and click Relate Selected Schedule.


Select the company that owns the configuration.


Select the region where the configuration is deployed.

Site Group

Select the site group where the configuration is deployed.


Select the site where the configuration is deployed.


Add special notes about the configuration.

4 Click Save.

Adding items to the configuration

Items in a configuration are not CIs, but they represent the CI and bulk inventory
records in the configuration. You can add items to configurations that have a status
of Proposed or an Approval Status of Not Submitted or Pending Approval.
After you add items to a configuration, you can relate CIs to the configuration that
correlate to the items in the configuration. You can relate CIs only to configurations
that are active and approved.

To add items to the configuration

1 On the Asset Management console, from the navigation pane, choose
Functions => Manage Configurations.
2 In the Manage Configurations dialog box, select a configuration to which you
want to add items, and click View.
3 In the Configuration Information form, click the Items tab, and click Add.
Chapter 10 Using the configuration catalog 269

Adding a configuration

4 In the Searching for Items dialog box, specify your search criteria, and click
5 To view the details of a particular item before adding it, select the item and click
View. After you have reviewed the item, click Close.
6 Select the items that you want to relate, and click Relate.
7 Click Save.

Creating items to add to a configuration

If the items that you want to add to the configuration are not available, you can
create them.

To create an item to add to a configuration

1 On the Asset Management console, from the navigation pane, choose
Functions => Manage Configurations.
2 In the Manage Configurations dialog box, select the configuration to which you
want to add items, and click Add.
3 In the Configuration Information form, click the Items tab.
4 Specify an ID, effective date, and description, and click Add.
5 In the Searching for Items dialog box, click Create.
6 In the Item Information form, complete the following fields:
Field name


Item ID

Specify a unique alphanumeric ID for the item.


Provide a description of the item.


Keep the default choice of Active.


Select the company to which this item belongs.

CI Type

Select the CI type.

270 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Adding a configuration

Field name


Tier 1

Use the Tier fields to categorize the item, as described in Categorizing CIs on
page 79.

Tier 2
Tier 3
Item Name

Specify the name of the item.

Supplier Name

Specify the name of the company that supplied the item to your company.

Part Number

Specify the part number of the item.

Unit Price

Specify the unit price of the item. Select a currency code from the list next to
the Unit Price field.


Add notes about the item.

7 Click Save.
8 In the Searching for Items dialog box, select the new item, and click Relate.
9 In the Configuration Information form, click Save.

Changing the unit type and the number of items

After you have added items to the configuration, you can change their unit type and
the number of the items. You can make this change to correct or update a configuration.

To change the unit type or the quantity of an item

1 On the Asset Management console, from the navigation pane, choose
Functions => Manage Configurations.
2 In the Manage Configurations dialog box, select a configuration for which you
want to change items, and click View.
3 In the Configuration Information form, in the Items table, click the Unit Type
column and select either Quantity or Length.
Quantity refers to the number of items in the configuration. Length refers to the
length of a bulk item, such as a cable.
4 Click one of the numbers in the Number column and specify a new quantity or a
new length.

Chapter 10 Using the configuration catalog 271

Relating CIs to a configuration

5 To recalculate the grand total, click Recalculate.

6 Click Save.

Relating CIs to a configuration

By relating the CI records to an approved configuration, you can keep track of which
CIs are deployed in the configuration.
Before you can relate CI records to a configuration, the configuration must:
Have items that correspond to the CI records.
Be active and approved.

Each CI can be deployed in only one configuration. You can relate multiple CIs to a
configuration, but you can relate only one configuration to a CI. If you relate a CI to
a configuration, the configuration replaces any existing configuration for the CI.

To relate a CI to a configuration -test

1 On the Asset Management console, from the navigation pane, choose
Functions => Manage Configurations.
2 In the Manage Configurations dialog box, select an active and approved
configuration to which you want to relate a CI, and click View.
3 In the Configuration Information form, click the Related CIs tab, and click Add.
Figure 33: Configuration Information formRelated CIs tab


If you relate a CI to a configuration, the configuration replaces any existing

configuration for this CI.

272 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Generating a differences report

4 Click OK in the warning message.

5 In the Searching for Configuration Items dialog box, from the Search For list,
select a CI type.
6 Optionally, you can limit the search results by making additional selections, such
as selecting a CI status.
7 Click Search.
8 Select the CIs that you want to relate to the configuration, and click Relate
Selected CI.
9 Click Save.

Generating a differences report

The differences report indicates the difference between what is in a configuration
and the CIs related to it. For example, you might have a configuration that contains a
laptop, mouse, keyboard, and docking station. If the keyboard is not the same type
of keyboard as specified in the related configuration, the differences report shows
this. This report helps you determine who is software and hardware compliant.

To generate a differences report

1 Open a CI, as described in Searching for CIs on page 58.
2 From the navigation pane, choose Functions => Configuration.
3 In the Configuration Information dialog box, click View Differences.
In the Comparison of CI to Items in Configuration dialog box, the name of the
configuration appears in the Configuration field. Any related CIs appear in the
table. The Authorized column shows whether the CI is authorized for this

Modifying a configuration
The status and the approval status of a configuration determine what you can
modify, as indicated in the following table.

Chapter 10 Using the configuration catalog 273

Modifying a configuration

Table 40: Configuration status and modifying the configuration


Approval status

You can modify


Not Submitted

All the fields in the configuration.

Pending Approval



All the fields in the configuration.

Note: When you save your changes, the configuration is
submitted for approval again and the Approval Status remains
set to Pending Approval. If you do not want the configuration
to go out for approval again, you must change the Approval
Status back to Rejected before you save the configuration.
You can relate or remove related CIs, but not items. You can
edit any of the following fields: Status, Schedule Name, and

To modify a configuration
1 On the Asset Management console, from the navigation pane, choose
Functions => Manage Configurations.
2 In the Manage Configurations dialog box, select the configuration that you want
to modify, and click View.
3 In the Configuration Information form, make your changes, as indicated in the
table below.
Table 41: Making changes to a configuration
Type of change


Modify the configuration information.

Make changes to the fields. Depending on the particular

configuration, you might not be able to change all fields.

Remove items.

You can remove items from a configuration without deleting the

item record from the database. From the Items table, select the
items you want to remove, and click Remove.

Remove CIs.

You can remove CIs from a configuration without deleting the CI

from the database. Click the Related CIs tab. Then select the CIs
you want to remove and click Remove.

4 Click Save.

274 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Generating a review schedule

Generating a review schedule

You can use the configuration catalog to set up review schedules. Use review
schedules to review active configurations on a monthly, weekly, or yearly basis. You
can review configurations that might contain outdated hardware or software. When
you review a configuration, you can create a new version of the current
configuration and relating all new CIs.

To generate a review schedule

1 On the Asset Management console, from the navigation pane, choose
Functions => Manage Configurations.
2 In the Manage Configurations dialog box, select an active and approved
configuration, and click View.
3 In the Configuration Information form, click the Schedule Name field and press
4 In the Select Schedule dialog box, click Create Schedule Information.
5 In the Schedule Criteria form, complete the following fields:
Field name


Schedule Name

Specify the name of the schedule.

Schedule Description

Provide a short description of the schedule.

Schedule Type

Leave the default value, which is Review Schedule.


Select how often you want the configuration to be reviewed (for example,

Lead Time in Days

Specify the number of days in advance you want someone to be notified.

Notification Company

Specify the name of the company assigned to perform the review.

Notification Support

Specify the name of the organization assigned to perform the review.

Notification SupportGroup

Specify the name of the group assigned to perform the review.

Notification Contact

Specify the name of the contact assigned to perform the review.

6 Click Save.

Chapter 10 Using the configuration catalog 275

Generating a review schedule

7 In the Select Schedule dialog box, select the review schedule that you created, and
click Relate Selected Schedule.
The schedule appears in the Schedule Name field in the Configuration
Information form. The next review date appears in the Next Review Date field.

Relating additional configurations to a review schedule

You can relate configurations to a review schedule. You can apply the same schedule
to several configurations at one time.

To relate additional configurations to a review schedule

1 On the Asset Management console, from the navigation pane, choose
Functions => Manage Configurations.
2 In the Manage Configurations dialog box, select an active and approved
configuration, and click View.
3 Click the Schedule Name field, and press ENTER.
4 In the Select Schedule dialog box, select a review schedule from the table, and
click View.
5 In the Schedule Criteria form, in the Configuration Information area, click Add.
6 In the Searching for Configurations dialog box, specify your search criteria, and
click Search.
7 Select the configurations that you want to relate to the review schedule, and click
In the Schedule Criteria form, the configurations that you related appear in the
Configuration Information table.

Removing configurations from a review schedule

You can remove configurations from a review schedule.

To remove configurations from a review schedule

1 On the Asset Management console, from the navigation pane, choose
Functions => Manage Configurations.
276 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Creating a new version of an active configuration

2 In the Manage Configurations dialog box, select an active and approved

configuration, and click View.
3 In the Configuration Information form, click the Schedule Name field and press
The Select the schedule(s) to be related dialog box appears.
4 Select a review schedule from the table, and click View.
5 In the Schedule Criteria form, select the configurations that you want to remove,
click Remove, and then click Save.

Marking a review as in progress or completed

If you are the person responsible for reviewing the configurations, you can change
the status of the review to In Progress or Completed.

To mark a review as in progress or completed

1 On the Asset Management console, from the navigation pane, choose
Functions => Manage Configurations.
2 In the Manage Configurations dialog box, select an active and approved
configuration, and click View.
3 In the Configuration Information form, next to the Next Review Date field, click
4 In the Schedule Information form, from the Status list, select In Progress or
5 Click Save.

Creating a new version of an active

To update some of the items in the configuration, you can create a new version of an
active configuration. For example, you might want to upgrade the operating system
installed on your workstations, or you might need to replace some 300 MHz computers.

Chapter 10 Using the configuration catalog 277

Creating a configuration from a copy


All previous versions of a configuration are retained until the Status is set to
Obsolete. You can create only one new version of an active configuration.

To create a new version of an active configuration

1 On the Asset Management console, from the navigation pane, choose
Functions => Manage Configurations.
2 In the Manage Configurations dialog box, select the active and approved
configuration from which you want to create a new version.
3 Click Create New Version.
The Configuration Information form appears, and the Version field updates to
reflect the new version (version 2).
4 In the Description field, update the description of the new version.
5 From the Effective Date calendar, select when you want the new version to
become active.
6 Use the Schedule Name field to generate a schedule for the new version or
modify the current schedule.
7 Add new items or remove items from the Items table, then click Save.

Creating a configuration from a copy

If the new configuration that you want to create is similar to an existing one, you can
create a copy of the existing configuration. For example, you might want to create a
new configuration for quality assurance engineers that contains most of the same
items in a configuration for software developers. Creating a copy eliminates having
to add items to the configuration again.

To create a new configuration from a copy

1 On the Asset Management console, from the navigation pane, choose
Functions => Manage Configurations.
2 In the Manage Configurations dialog box, select the configuration from which
you want to create a new configuration, and click Copy.

278 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Creating a configuration from a copy

In the Configuration Information form on the Items tab, the items from the
configuration that you copied appear. You also see the region and site
information from the copied configuration.
3 Complete the fields in the new configuration.
4 If necessary, click Add or Remove to add or remove items.
5 Relate CIs to the new configuration after it is approved, as described in Relating
CIs to a configuration on page 272.
6 Click Save.

Chapter 10 Using the configuration catalog 279

Creating a configuration from a copy

280 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Working with reports
BMC Remedy ITSM provides a variety of predefined reports to give you quick and
easy access to information about your system. Use the Report console to generate
these reports. If the predefined reports return more information than you need, you
can manage the scope of the report using qualifications.
This release of BMC Remedy ITSM integrates the Crystal reports from version 7.6.00
and Web reports from version 7.6.01. On the web interface, a number of reports are
available in the Web format. Additional Crystal reports are available only if users
have a valid Crystal license and have chosen to install them for the web at the time
of installation.

If you modify the prepared reports supplied Customer Support can only provide
limited assistance if you should have a reporting problem. In addition, there is no
guarantee that BMC Customer Support can solve problems that result from these
modifications. The standard reports included with the BMC Remedy ITSM
application are designed to be used without modification.
If your database does not support the Not Equal To argument in this format: "!=",
format the content of your reports can be affected. Reports that have additional
qualifications that filter out Group By fields (for example, Department !=
"Engineering") also filter out the specified conditions and records that have Group
By fields set to Unspecified or Null. Check with your system administrator to
determine whether your database supports this form of the Not Equal To argument.

Generating a report
Use this procedure to generate a standard report without qualifications by using the
BMC Remedy web console.
For information about generating reports with qualifications, see Using
qualifications to generate a report on page 283 or Using qualifications to generate a
report on page 283.

Chapter 11 Working with reports 281

Generating a report

To generate a report by using the Remedy web console

1 In the navigation pane on the application console, choose Functions => Reports.
2 On the Reporting console, select one of the options under Show:
All Reports

Displays all available reports

Created by me

Displays reports that you created

3 Under Category, select applicationName => reportCategory => reportName.

A list of available reports is displayed. Reports are organized by category, some
of which contain subcategories. The reports that you see vary according to which
applications are installed.
4 Select the report that you want to run.
5 Click Run.
If you select a report that requires additional parameters, you are prompted to
enter the required parameters. For example, if the selected report requires a date
range, the date range field appears.
6 Enter the required parameters, and click OK.
7 If the report displayed is a web report, you can specify the following additional

Table of

Display the table of contents for the current report

Export the report to a file of the specified format

To export the report, select one of the following formats from
the Export Format list:

282 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Using qualifications to generate a report


Select the appropriate page options, and click OK.

Print Report

Print the report to HTML or PDF format

Using qualifications to generate a report

You can manage the scope of a report by adding qualifications to the criteria that the
report engine uses to generate the report content. You can tell the report to search
only certain specified fields for particular values, or you can build advanced
qualifications by using field names, keywords, and operators.
This procedure describes how to generate basic qualifications by using the Show
Additional Filter option. To generate a report by using advanced qualifications, see
Using advanced qualifications to generate a report on page 285.

To use qualifications to generate a report

1 From the navigation pane in the application console, choose Functions =>
2 On the Reporting console, select one of the options under Show:
All Reports

Displays all available reports

Created by me

Displays reports that you created

3 Under Category, select applicationName => reportCategory => reportName.

A list of available reports is displayed. Reports are organized by category, some
of which contain subcategories. The reports that you see vary according to which
applications are installed.
4 Select the Show Additional Filter option.
Along with a list of available fields, two sections are displayedthe simple query
builder and the advanced query builder. You use the simple query builder to
quickly construct a simple query. Alternatively, advanced users can use the
advanced query builder to build the query by using BMC Remedy AR System
query syntax.

Chapter 11 Working with reports 283

Using qualifications to generate a report

For additional information about the BMC Remedy AR System Reporting console,
see the BMC Remedy Mid Tier Guide.
5 Select a field name from the Available Fields list, and click Add next to the
simple query builder.

to remove a qualification.

6 Click the down arrow next to the field name listed in the qualification box, and
select the appropriate operator.
7 Enter or select a value for the field in the right column.


If you want to enter the qualification Cost Center = 001, select the Cost Center
field, click the down arrow next to the field and select =, and then enter 001 in the
right column.
8 Repeat steps 5 through 7 for each field that you want to include in the report.
9 When you finish defining your additional qualifications, click Run.
10 If the report displayed is a web report, you can specify the following additional

Toggle Table
of Contents
Export Report

Display the table of contents

Export the report to a file of the specified format

To export the report, select one of the following formats from
the Export Format list:

Select the appropriate page options, and click OK.

284 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Using advanced qualifications to generate a report

Print Report

Print the file to HTML or PDF format

Using advanced qualifications to generate a

You can manage the scope of a report by adding qualifications to the criteria that the
report engine uses to generate the report content. You can tell the report to search
only specified fields for particular values, or you can build advanced qualifications
by using field names, keywords, and operators.

To generate a report by using advanced qualifications

1 From the Navigation pane in the application console, choose Functions =>
2 On the Reporting Console, select one of the options under Show:
All Reports

Displays all available reports

Created by me

Displays reports that you created

3 Under Category, select applicationName => reportCategory => reportName.

A list of available reports is displayed. Reports are organized by category, some
of which contain subcategories. The reports that you see vary according to which
applications are installed.
4 Select the Show Additional Filter option.
Along with a list of available fields, two sections are displayedthe simple query
builder and the advanced query builder. You use the simple query builder to
quickly construct a simple query. Alternatively, advanced users can use the
advanced query builder to build the query by using BMC Remedy AR System
query syntax.
For additional information about the BMC Remedy AR System Reporting console,
see the BMC Remedy Mid Tier Guide.
5 Select a field name from the Available Fields list, and click Add next to the
advanced query builder. Use the BMC Remedy AR System query syntax to build
your qualification.

Chapter 11 Working with reports 285

BMC Remedy Asset Management predefined reports

6 Construct your qualification by using the various operators provided by the

qualification builder.
7 Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each field that you want to include in the report.

Select the qualification and press Delete to remove a qualification.
8 When you finish defining your advanced qualification, click Run to view the
updated report.

BMC Remedy Asset Management predefined

This section lists the predefined Web reports and Crystal Reports available for BMC
Remedy Asset Management. It provides a brief description of each report and shows
you where to find it.
You first select the type of report that you want to run. The report type pulls
information from the appropriate BMC Remedy ITSM application form. After you
select a report type, you select the individual report that you want to run.
Table 42 on page 286 describes the predefined Web reports and Table 43 on page
287 describes the predefined Crystal Reports included, organized by the type of report.
Table 42: Web reportsnames and descriptions
Report type

Report name


Computer System

Server Counts by OS

The number of servers, organized by operating system.

This report does not include subtotals.


Expiring Contracts By Date


For a select contract type, expiring contracts by

expiration date range


Configuration Item
Depreciation Costs By Date

Cost of the items depreciation. The depreciation records

are grouped by CI.

286 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

BMC Remedy Asset Management predefined reports

Report type

Report name



Active Product Names

For each product in the Product Catalog that is deployed

in the organization, the number of CIs and the number
of software license certificates
Note: Because a software license certificate can be valid
for more than one CI, this is not a compliance report.
Use the Certificates Breached or Approaching Breach
report to view compliance.


Certificates Breached or
Approaching Breach

Software license certificates that have been breached and

certificates that are approaching breach

Table 43: Crystal Reportsnames and descriptions

Report type

Report name



Configurations by Approval

Details of configurations based on approval status

Details of Active

Details of an active configuration with its component


Upcoming Configuration
Reviews by Date Range

Details of active and approved configurations awaiting



Payments Due in Date Range Payments due for selected contract types based on the
specified date range
Payments Made in Date

Payments made for selected contract types based on the

specified date range

Contracts by Status /
Expiration Date Range

For a select contract type, contracts sorted by status or

by expiration date range


Configuration Item
Purchase / Total Costs

Either purchase costs for items represented by CIs, or all

costs for items represented by CIs


Open Purchase Orders by


Open purchase orders by status

Open Purchase Requisitions

Open purchase requisitions

Purchase Orders by CI Type

Purchase orders based on CI type

Supplier Performance

Supplier performance organized by supplier, order ID,

and purchase order number

Chapter 11 Working with reports 287

BMC Remedy Asset Management predefined reports

Report type

Report name



Upcoming Configuration
Items Due for Audit

CIs that are due for audits. This report can be sorted by
status, product categorization, and site.

Upcoming Configuration
Item Maintenance Checks

CIs that are due for maintenance checks within the

specified date range

Upcoming Maintenance
Assets by Site

Assets due for maintenance, organized by site

Decommission Exceptions for Virtual


Virtual machines for which proposed decommission

date, virtual machine owner or decommission schedules
are not defined the or the virtual machine owner is not a
person (for example, it is a group)*

Certificates by Software

Software license certificates, grouped by contract

Certificates by Supplier

Software license certificates, grouped by supplier and by


Certificates by Vendor

Software license certificates, grouped by vendor


Client License Model Totals

Total used and available licenses for each software

contract, grouped by license type and product

License Job Summary

Results of license jobs run by the License Engine


Software CI Exception Report Software CIs that should be tied to a certificate but are not
Software Contract List by
Expiration Date

Software contracts, organized by expiration date

Software Title Detail Report

For each software product name, the applicable software

contracts and their software license certificates

Software Licenses

Compliance / Maximum

Software licenses deployed compared with contracts,

organized by manufacturer, and a maximum monetary
exposure estimate for over deployed software licenses


Configuration Items Related

by Entity Type

Lists Configuration Items grouped by Association Type

of People with CI and People Organization along with
count of CI's.

288 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

CI and relationship types
BMC Remedy Asset Management provides the CI and relationship types listed in
this section.

BMC_Access Point subclass

The following CI types are available when you create a CI under the BMC_Access
Point subclass. You use these CI types to define the endpoints in your topology.
From the CI Type list on applicable forms, consoles, and dialog boxes, select Access
CI type


Communication Endpoint

A communication protocol endpoint that is dedicated to running TCP/


IP Endpoint

A protocol endpoint that is dedicated to running IP.

LAN Endpoint

A communication endpoint that, when its associated interface device is

connected to a LAN, can send and receive data frames. LAN Endpoints
include Ethernet, Token Ring, and FDDI interfaces.

Protocol Endpoint

A communication point from which data can be sent or received.

Protocol Endpoints link system or computer interfaces to logical networks.

BMC_Bulk Inventory subclass

Bulk Inventory is the only CI type available under this subclass. You use this CI type
to define your bulk items.
From the CI Type list in the Manage CI Information dialog box, select Bulk Inventory.

Appendix A CI and relationship types 289

BMC_Collection subclass

BMC_Collection subclass
The following CI types are available when you create a CI under the
BMC_Collection subclass. You use these CI types to define site information and
connectivity information.
From the CI Type list on applicable forms, consoles, and dialog boxes, select Collection.
CI type


Concrete Collection

Stores a generic and instantiable collection, such as a pool of hosts

available for running jobs.

Connectivity Collection

A connectivity collection is used to collect a set of protocol

endpoints of the same type that are able to communicate with each
other. This collection can also collect related systems, users, or other
managed elements.

Connectivity Segment

A group of endpoints of a particular type (for example, ethernet or

token ring) that are able to intercommunicate with the assistance of
bridging or routing services.

IP Connectivity Subnet

A group of related IP protocol endpoints that can communicate

with each other as members of a subnet.

IPX Connectivity Network

A network or subnet that uses the IPX protocol.

LNs Collection

A LNs Group represents a group of logical networks.

Local Area Network (LAN)

A collection of IP subnets in a LAN.


A role, for example, a business or IT role.

Wide Area Network (WAN)

A collection of IP subnets in a WAN.

BMC_Document class
Document is the only CI type available under this class. You use this CI type to store
information about documentation in your environment
From the CI Type list on applicable forms, consoles, and dialog boxes, select Document.

BMC_Equipment class
Equipment is the only CI type available under this class. You use this CI type to
define noncomputing equipment, such as vehicles or maintenance tools.

290 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

BMC_Logical Entity subclass

From the CI Type list on applicable forms, consoles, and dialog boxes, select

BMC_Logical Entity subclass

The following CI types are available when you create a CI under the BMC_Logical
Entity subclass. You use these CI types to define accounts, business processes,
databases, and so on.
From the CI Type list on applicable forms, consoles, and dialog boxes, select Logical
CI type



An account that a person owns, used to access a specific target

system. An Account is usually connected to a Person entity.


A function or step in a business process definition. Activity is also

the superclass for Business Process and other types of activity

Business Process

Intended to group a set of Activity components to describe a

business process

Business Service

A business, IT, or technical service.

A business service can be provided from one business or
organization within a business to another. Examples of business
services include customer support, order processing, and payroll.
An IT service is a business service that the IT organization provides
to support business services or ITs own operations. Examples of IT
services include employee provisioning and backup and recovery.
A technical service can be provided by IT to represent a service
offering and the service level targets associated with that service.
Examples of technical services include web farms and storage.


A database is a collection of interrelated data, treated as a unit,

which is organized into one or more schemas.

Physical Location

Specifies the position and address of a physical element.


A single transaction initiated by an user or system. For example, a

user selecting a web page from a user interface is a transaction, just
as a computer program calling a web service to perform a function
in another computer program is also a transaction.

Appendix A CI and relationship types 291

BMC_Settings subclass

BMC_Settings subclass
The following CI types are available when you create a CI under the BMC_Setting
subclass. You use these CI types to specify virtual systems. From the CI Type list on
applicable forms, consoles, and dialog boxes, select Settings.
A virtual system configuration consists of a top-level virtual system setting data CI
with child resource allocation setting data CIs that are related as components. You
can use virtual system configurations to represent current virtual systems and
requests to create or modify virtual systems.
CI type


Resource Allocation Setting Data

These settings contain information specific to the allocation that

might not be visible to the consumer of the resource. For example, a
virtual processor might look like a 2 GHz processor to the
consumer; however, the virtual processor might only use 1 GHz of

Virtual System Setting Data

Virtual system setting data defines the virtual aspects of a virtual

system through a set of virtualization-specific properties. You can
use this CI to model configuration information about virtual
systems and their components.

BMC_System subclass
The following CI types are available when you create a CI under the BMC_System
subclass. You use these CI types to define the systems in your organization. From the
CI Type list on applicable forms, consoles, and dialog boxes, select System.
CI type


Admin Domain

A subclass of systems representing the admin domains for other

elements such as Windows NT Domain, J2EE Domain, and so on.


A deployed program that performs specific tasks.

Application Infrastructure

Hierarchically separates an application system from the

infrastructure supporting that application system.

Application System

An application or software system that supports a particular

business function and that can be managed as an independent unit.


A group of disk sectors. The operating system assigns a unique

number to each cluster and then keeps track of files according to the
clusters they use.

Computer System

A complete, working computer. This CI type can also see a virtual


292 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

BMC_System Component subclass

CI type


Inventory Location

The location of your inventory items.


A large computer capable of supporting hundreds, or even

thousands, of users simultaneously.

NT Domain

A group of computers and devices on a Windows NT network that

are administered as a unit with common rules and procedures.


A printer. Can represent both local printers and network printers.

Software Server

A server on which your software applications reside.

BMC_System Component subclass

The following CI types are available when you create a CI under the BMC_System
Component subclass. From the CI Type list on applicable forms, consoles, and dialog
boxes, select System Component.
CI type



The built-in software that determines what a computer can do

without accessing programs from a disk.


A printed circuit board that you can insert into a computer to give it
added capabilities.


A device that can read information from a CD ROM.


A metal frame that serves as the structural support for electronic


Database Storage

A device to hold and retain data from a database.

Disk Drive

A machine that reads data from and writes data on to a disk.

Disk Partition

A continuous range of logical blocks that is identifiable by the

operating system using the partitions type field and subtype field.

File System

The system that an operating system or a program uses to organize

and keep track of files.

Floppy Drive

A machine that reads data from and writes data on to a disk.

Hardware Package

A hardware package that groups hardware components that are

made up of other hardware components. For example, a chassis is
made up of a disk drive, memory, a processor, and so on.

Hardware System Component

A hardware system component is a physical object, such as a disk,

disk drive, display screen, keyboard, printer, board, or processor.


The set of typewriter-like keys that enables you to enter data into a

Appendix A CI and relationship types 293

BMC_System Component subclass

CI type


Local File System

Files that reside on your workstation.

Logical System Component

A logical system component.


Objects on which data can be stored. These include hard disks,

floppy disks, CDs and tapes.


Internal storage areas in the computer.


The display screen of a computer.

Network Port

An interface on a computer to which you can connect a network


Operating System

Software that controls the operation of a computer and directs the

processing of programs.


A computer program or a collection of related software, for

example, Microsoft Works.


Also called a service patch, a fix to a program defect.

Pointing Device

A device with which you can control the movement of the cursor to
select items on a display screen.


A silicon chip that contains a CPU.


Something that is produced, such as a software program or a

hardware component. For example, Microsoft Office would be
categorized under Product.


A hardware component that holds other hardware components.

Remote File System

A file system that is not connected directly to your workstation.

Resource Pool

A logical entity provided by the host system to allocate and assign



Represents shared components such as a file system.

System Resource

An entity managed by a BIOS (basic input/output system), an

operating system, or other software that is available for use by
application software, logical devices, or both. System resources are
individually identified and allocated entities that are assignable,
reservable, counted or tracked, releasable, resettable, and so on.
Examples of software resources are message queues, shared
memory segments, and named pipes. Examples of hardware
resources in an x86 environment are IRQs, DMA channels, and
memory-mapped I/O. Another example is J2EE resources used by a
J2EE server to provide the J2EE standard services required by the
J2EE platform architecture.

System Software

Refers to the operating system and all utility programs that manage
computer resources at a low level.

Tape Drive

A device that reads data from and writes it on to a tape.

294 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

BMC_System Service subclass

CI type



Short for uninterruptible power supply. A power supply that

includes a battery to maintain power in the event of a power outage.

Virtual System Enabler

A virtual system enabler represents a collection of virtual operating

systems (for example, VMWare) that can run on a specified system.

BMC_System Service subclass

Application Service is a CI type available under the BMC_System Service subclass.
You use this to define the system services in your organization.
An Application Service is a logical element that contains the information necessary
to represent and manage the functionality that a software feature provides. This
service is a general-purpose object to configure and manage the implementation of
functionality. This service is not the functionality itself.
From the CI Type list on applicable forms, consoles, and dialog boxes, select System

Relationship types
When you relate a CI or service to another CI, you must define the relationship type
between the two records. The following relationship types are available with BMC
Remedy Asset Management.
Relationship type



Establishes component (or part of) relationships between

managed elements.


Establishes dependency relationships between object store elements.

Element Location

Relates a managed element to a location for site, inventory, and

maintenance purposes. Physical elements can have locations,
however, other managed elements might also be related to
locations. For example, organizations might exist in one or more
location, or services might be restricted to one location.

Hosted Access Point

Relates an access point and the system on which it resides. This

relationship is 1-to-many and is weak with respect to the system.
Each system might host many service access points. If the
implementation of the access point is modeled, it must be
implemented by a device or software feature that is part of the
system hosting the service access point.

Appendix A CI and relationship types 295

Relationship types

Relationship type


Hosted Service

Relates a service and the system on which the service resides. The
relationship is 1-to-many and is weak with respect to the service. A
service is hosted on the stem where logical devices or software
features that implement the service are located. The model does not
represent services hosted across multiple systems. The service is
modeled as an application system that acts as an aggregation point
for services that are each located on a single host.

Hosted System Components

A specialization of the Component relationship that establishes

part of relationships between a system and the managed system
elements on which it is composed.


Generically relates impact relationships between objects.

Inventory Bulk Items

Relates a bulk item to inventory location.

Inventory Computer Systems

Relates a computer system to inventory location.

Inventory System Components

Relates a system component to inventory location.

Member Of Collection

Establishes membership of managed elements in a collection.

Settings Of

Relates a managed element to the applicable setting data. Describes

whether this is the default or current setting.

296 BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide


accounting information, entering 230
active configurations 266
Active Product Name report 287
active variables
for KPIs, described 55
activities, completing for schedules 111
bulk inventory to a storage location 86
contact information to contracts 165
cost information to contracts 165
items to configurations 269
terms and conditions to contracts 166
adding costs, charge-backs
adding cost information to CIs 234
adjusting charge-backs 247
Adjustment report 250
adjustments, generating reports on 250
advanced CI search 59
Advanced Qualification dialog box, generating
reports 285
advanced qualifications, using to generate reports
advanced search 59
application preferences, modifying 68
approaching breach
per copy license 225
report 287
Approval console
about 74
using 138
Approval Server 139
approver role 27
configurations 267
purchase requisitions 138
Asset Admin permissions 82, 106
Asset Management console
about 49
function links 53
functional areas 50

Asset User permissions 82, 106

Asset Viewer permissions 106
attaching CIs to license certificates 199, 219
audience 13
BMC Atrium CMDB 88
notification 87
schedules, about 107
schedules, changing status of 111
schedules, creating 107
schedules, modifying all occurrences 110
schedules, modifying one occurrence 110
schedules, relating to CIs 109
auto-fill fields 49

basic searches 59
best practices
CI naming conventions 83
diagnosing problems and changes 77
license certificates, grouping 193, 194
license jobs, scheduling 203
searching 60
blackout schedules
multiple occurrences 120
one occurrence 119
BMC Asset dataset 66
BMC Asset sandbox dataset 66
about 24
audits 88
query dialog box 61
BMC Atrium Discovery and Dependency Mapping
CI types discovered 81
dataset 66
described 25
received purchase items, and 150
role in software deployment 176
role in software license management 179
BMC Atrium Impact Simulator 90
BMC Atrium Impact Simulator console 91
BMC Configuration Automation CDI 25


BMC Configuration Automation for Clients
Configuration Discovery Integration for CMDB
dataset 66
patch level required 25
BMC Impact Production dataset 66
BMC Remedy Asset Management
user scenarios 30
BMC Remedy Change Management 25
BMC Remedy Service Desk 25
BMC Service Impact Manager dataset 66
BMC Service Level Management 25
BMC_Access Point subclass 289
BMC_Bulk Inventory subclass 289
BMC_Document subclass 290
BMC_Equipment subclass 290
BMC_Generic Group subclass 290
BMC_Logical Component subclass 291
BMC_Settings subclass 292
BMC_System Service subclass 295
BMC_System subclass 292
book value, entering 243
breach, per copy license 225
breadcrumb bar 46
budget code, entering 231
bulk inventory CIs, creating 86, 259
bulk updates
location 67
people 66

Calbro Services 30
purchase orders 148
purchase requisition 143
purchase requisitions 143
categorizing CIs 79
Certificate Breaches or Approaching Breaches
report 287
Certificate by Supplier report 288
certificate groups
about 194
manually managing 195
tip for grouping 195
tip for manually removing a CI 219
Certificates by Software Contract report 288
Certificates by Vendor report 288
change requests, planning 93
Charge-back Summary report 250


BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

about 230
configuring the application 244
cycle 228
entries, adjusting 247
entries, generating 245
entries, messages 256
entries, viewing 246
generating entries 245
generating reports on 249
invoices 249, 253
messages 256
modifying costs 235
percentage 230
planning 244
process 245
removing costs 236
reports 249
reports, generating 250
reports, invoices 253
reports, process messages 256
reports, types of 249
setting up 244
CI description field 82
CI unavailability
described 115
scheduling 37


adding configurations to 100

attaching to license certificates 199, 219
best practice for naming 83
BMC Atrium CMDB audits of 88
bulk inventory 86
categorizing 79
company field 80
computer system example 83
computer system, relationship details 101
depreciation for 239
discovered 81
entering general information for 83
exploring 88
generating reports on differences between
configuration and related CI 273
identifying 82
inventory locations 260
investigating data 37
license certificates 218
location fields 80
multiple companies and 80
non-bulk 261
notification audits of 87
providing access for multiple companies 80
relating information to 265
relating records to 103
relating schedules to 109
relating to configurations 272
relating to existing contracts 170
relating to new contracts 171
relating to other CIs 102
relating to people 97
relating to people organizations 98
relating to support groups 98
relocating 262
removing from configurations 274
returning 123
returning items from 153
sandbox datasets for 81
separating data 80
simulating impact 90
status 84
unavailability 37
unavailability life cycle, about 115
Client License Model Totals 288
current time period 230
time periods 257
company field
setting for CIs 80
updating for CIs in bulk 67

purchase orders 146
review schedules 277
scheduled activities 111
compliance, software licenses 173
Compliance/Configuration Items Related by Entity
Type report 288
Compliance/Maximum Exposure report 288
computer systems, creating CIs for 83
configuration administrator
described 27
role in asset accounting 227
configuration catalog, about 265
Configuration Import dataset 66
Configuration Item Purchase / Total Costs report
configuration items. 77
about 99
active 267
adding items to 269
adding to CIs 100
approving 267
creating 268
creating from a copy 278
creating new versions of 277
generating reports on differences between
configuration and related CI 273
inactive 266
modifying 273
obsolete 267
opening 267
relating to CIs 272
relating to review schedules 276
removing CIs from 274
removing items from 274
review schedules 275
viewing 99, 267
working with 99
Configurations by Approval report 287
configuring BMC Remedy Asset Management 25
connectivity segments, relating to CIs 93
Console List table 72
Approval 74, 138
Asset Management 49
Contract Management 74, 156
Manage License Jobs 200
Purchasing 74, 144
Receiving 74, 150
Report 149
role-based 74
Software Asset Management 75, 180



Contract Management console
about 74, 156
functional areas 157
contract manager role 28
adding contact information to 165
adding cost information 165
adding end-of-lease terms to 172
adding payments 169
creating 171
lease 155
lifecycle 167
maintenance 155
master 155
other 156
relating CIs to 169
relating to another contract 167
searching for 159
software license 155, 186
status reasons 167
status values 167
support 156
terms and conditions 166
types 155
warranty 156
Contracts by Status / Expiration Date Range report
conventions, documentation 17
cost centers
about 229
entering 231
source 229, 250
split 229
target 229, 250
Cost Incurred from Source report 250
adding information on total cost of ownership
contracts, and 165
generating reports on 250
licenses 221
modifying 235
removing 236
types of 234
viewing 233


BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

bulk inventory CIs 86, 259
configurations 268
configurations from copies 278
configurations from new versions 277
contracts related to CIs 171
custom searches 58
differences reports 273
inventory location CIs 259, 260
items for configuration 270
lease contracts 163
license jobs 201
master contracts 160
network topologies 93
purchase requisitions 129
reminders 68
review schedules 275
software contracts 186
crystal reports
license 281
current time period 230
custom searches
creating 58
editing 58

data entry tip 49
BMC Asset 66
BMC Impact Production 66
changing 66
Configuration Import 66
production 66, 81
sandbox 66, 81
Topology Import 66
decommission schedules
creating 111
relating to a virtual machine 113
decommissioning virtual machines
notification of 114
deploying software 175, 178
Deprecation Costs by Date report 286
about 237
entering 239
methods 237
modifying 241
viewing 240
Details of Active Configurations reports 287
diagnosing problems using network topologies 93
differences reports, creating 273

about 25
BMC Remedy Asset Management, and 81
received items, and 150
documents available for ITSM 14

editing custom searches 58
emails about CIs, sending 121
end-of-lease terms, adding to contract 172
end-of-life stage, software lifecycle 177, 179
enterprise license type 191
entitlement 196
error messages, viewing 256
expiration dates for software contracts, generating
reports on 288
Expiring Contracts by Date Range report 286
exploring CI relationships 88

standards for labels 23
finance roles 227
financial manager
described 28
role in asset accounting 227
fixed assets
entering 231
Advanced Qualification 285
Simple Qualification 284
function links and Asset Management console 53

icons, recognizing 24
impact simulation
about 90
running 91
impacted areas, updating 122
implementing software license management 177
inactive configurations 267
Inbox 157
Index Term 23, 41
installing BMC Remedy Asset Management 25
creating locations for CIs 259, 260
non-bulk CIs 261
reserving 263
using 263
viewing 100
viewing locations 262
inventory locations, physical locations, and 261
investigating CI data 37
invoices 253
IT roles, and finance 227
adding to configurations 269
changing unit type or quantity 271
creating for configuration 270
obtaining pricing for 136


charge-back invoices 253
charge-back reports 250
reports from Purchasing console 149
reports with advanced qualifications 285
reports with qualifications 283
reports without qualifications 281
standard reports 281
Global search 45
grouping license certificates 193, 194

creating 201
history 203
reconciliation, and 203
results 203
running immediately 202
scheduling 203

KPI flashboards
active variables 55
described 54
opening the Flashboard console 56
view and display controls 56

history of license job 203



lease contracts
about 155
creating 163
license certificates
adding to software contracts 189
attaching CIs to 219
attaching to CIs 199
determining CI usage 218
grouping 193, 194
relating to another license certificate 206
specifying for CI 220
license compliance, checking 202
license engine, about 199
License Job Summary report 288
license jobs
creating 201
performance 202
reconciliation, and 203
running immediately 202
scheduling 203
license types
enterprise 191
per copy 191
per copy per device 191
per core constant based 192
per core multiplier based 192
per core sum based 192
per CPU constant based 192
per CPU multiplier based 191
per CPU sum based 191
per instance 191
per server 191
per site 191
licenses, costs 221
contracts 167
software 174
software license management 177
location fields 80
locations, bulk updates of 67

maintaining, software license compliance 176, 179
maintenance contracts 155
maintenance reports, generating 288


BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

maintenance schedules
about 107
changing status 111
creating 107
modifying all occurrences 110
modifying one occurrence 110
relating to CIs 109
maintenance, scheduling 32
Manage License Jobs console 200
managing certificate groups 195
market value, entering 243
master contracts
about 155
creating 160
sending emails about CIs 121
viewing 256
application preferences 68
configurations 273
costs 235
datasets 66
depreciation 241
purchase items 141
purchase requisitions 144
rejected purchase requisitions 140
multi-tenancy and software license management

navigation pane, defined 78
negotiating software license contracts 175, 178
network topologies 93
non-bulk CIs, placing in inventory 261
notification audits, viewing 87
notification, virtual machine scheduled for
decommission 114

obsolete configurations 267
on-call groups, paging 122
one-time blackout schedules 119
Open Purchase Orders by Status report 287
Open Purchase Requisitions report 287
Report console 149
Overview console
functional areas 70
ownership type
entering 231


paging feature 122
Payments Due in Date Range report 287
Payments Made in Date Range report 287
payments, adding to contracts 169
bulk updates 66
relating organizations to CIs 98
relating to CIs 97
searching for 67
per copy license 225
per copy license type 191
per copy per device license type 191
per core constant based license type 192
per core multiplier based license type 192
per core sum based license type 192
per CPU constant based license type 192
per CPU multiplier based license type 191
per CPU sum based license type 191
per instance license type 191
per server license type 191
per site license type 191
license jobs 202
searches 60
Asset Admin 28, 29, 82, 97, 98, 102, 106, 180
Asset User 82, 97, 98, 102, 106, 180
Asset Viewer 27, 97, 106
contract admin 156
Contract Admin 28, 160, 180
contract user 156
Contract User 28, 160, 180
contract viewer 156
Cost Manager 28
Incident Viewer 27
Infrastructure Change Viewer 27
modifying 25
Problem Viewer 27
Purchasing User 28, 29, 137
Receiving User 28
change requests 93
charge-backs 244
predefined reports
Crystal Reports 286
Web reports 286
application 68
pricing purchase items 137
pricing, obtaining 136

printing process messages 256

problems and changes, best practice for handling
process messages 256
procuring software 175, 178
production datasets 66, 81
purchase items
entering manually 132
modifying 141
pricing 137
receiving 150
removing 142
returning 152
returning for replacement 153
returning from CIs 153
purchase orders
canceling 148
completing 146
generating report on supplier performance 287
generating reports on 149
placing 147
resending 148
searching for 145
Purchase Orders by CI Type report 287
purchase requisitions
approving 138
canceling 143
creating 129, 267
placing on hold 143
rejected 140
searching 144
status values 136
submitting for approval 138
viewing 144
hardware scenario 34
software scenario 31
purchasing agent role 29
Purchasing console 74, 144
purchasing information, entering 231
purchasing process, overview 125
Purchasing User permissions 137

qualifications, generating reports with 283
quantity, changing 271
query dialog box 61
quick actions 104

recalculating depreciation 241


received purchase items, discovering 150
Receiving console 74, 150
receiving purchase items 150
recent records, viewing 46
identifying CIs, and 82
license engine jobs, and 203
records, relating to CIs 103
recurring blackout schedules 120
refreshing data 70
rejecting purchase requisitions 138
related items, working with 101
CIs to configurations 265
CIs to connectivity segments and subnets 93
CIs to contracts 169
CIs to other CIs 102
CIs to records 103
configurations to review schedules 276
contracts to CIs 171
contracts to other contracts 167
license certificates to other license certificates
people organizations to CIs 98
people to CIs 97
support groups to CIs 98
relating licenses to users and devices 196
about 101
network topology and 93
types, about 295
types, selecting 103
viewing 89
Relationships tab, quick actions 104
relocating CIs 262
reminders, creating 68
CIs from configurations 274
configurations 276
costs 236
items from configurations 274
purchase items 142
software contracts 177, 188
software licenses 179, 206
Report console
opening 149


BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

about 281
Active Product Names 287
Certificate Breaches or Approaching Breach 287
Certificate by Supplier 288
Certificates by Software Contract 288
Certificates by Vendor 288
charge-back 250
Client License Model Totals 288
Compliance/Configuration Items 288
Compliance/Maximum Exposure 288
Configuration Item Purchase / Total Costs 287
Configurations by Approval Status 287
Contracts by Status / Expiration Date Range
Deprecation Costs by Date 286
Details of Active Configurations 287
differences 273
Expiring Contracts by Date Range 286
generating 281
generating from Purchasing console 149
generating with advanced qualifications 285
generating with qualifications 283
generating without qualifications 281
License Job Summary 288
Open Purchase Orders by Status 287
Open Purchase Requisitions 287
Payments Due in Date Range 287
Payments Made in Date Range 287
predefined 286
Purchase Orders by CI Type 287
Server Counts by OS 286
Software CI Exception Report 288
Software Contract List by Expiration Date 288
Software Title Detail Report 288
Supplier Performance 287
Upcoming Configuration Item Maintenance
Checks 288
Upcoming Configuration Items Due for Audit
Upcoming Configuration Reviews by Date
Range 287
Upcoming Maintenance Assets by Site 288
Upcoming VLM 288
resending purchase orders 148
reserving inventory 263
returned purchase items, recording information
about 123
CIs 123
purchase items 152, 153

review schedules
completing 277
creating 275
relating configurations to 276
removing configurations from 276
reviewing, software license certificate 204
approver 27
configuration administrator 27
contract manager 28
financial manager 28
IT and finance 227
purchasing agent 29
software asset manager 29

sandbox datasets 66, 81
scenarios 29
about 107
changing status 111
creating 107
decommissioning 111
modifying all occurrences 110
modifying one occurrence 110
relating to CIs 109
review schedules 275
CI unavailability 37
reconciliation-based license jobs 203
regular maintenance 32
time-based license jobs 203
searches, best practices 60
searching for
CIs 58, 273
configurations 100, 276
contracts 159, 170
inventory locations 262
items for configurations 270
organizations 98
people 67, 98
purchase orders 145
purchase requisitions 144
selecting relationship types 103
emails about CIs 121
pages 122
purchase orders 148
Server Counts by OS report 286
Simple Qualification dialog box, generating reports
site field, updating for CIs in bulk 67

deploying 175, 178
procuring 175, 178
Software Asset Management console
about 75
described 180
functional areas 181
software asset management, about 173
software asset manager role 29
Software CI Exception Report 288
software CIs, specifying license certificate 220
Software Contracts List by Expiration Date report
software license certificates
compliance and 173
renewing 179, 206
reviewing 204
upgrading 206
software license contracts
about 155
creating 186
generating reports on 288
license certificate, adding 189
negotiating 175, 178
renewing 177, 188
software license management
about 173
Company field, and 67
compliance, maintaining 176, 179
implementing 177
lifecycle 177
multi-tenancy, and 180
scenario 31
Site field, and 67
troubleshooting 221
software lifecycle 174
Software Title Detail Report 288
source cost centers
about 229
viewing 250
split cost centers
about 229
viewing 250
status reasons, contracts 167
status values
CIs 84
contracts 167
purchase requisitions 136
schedules 111
selecting 73
storage locations, adding bulk inventory to 86



BMC_Access Point 289
BMC_Bulk Inventory 289
BMC_Document 290
BMC_Equipment 290
BMC_Generic Group 290
BMC_Logical Component 291
BMC_Settings 292
BMC_System 292
BMC_System Service 295
submitting purchase requisitions for approval 138
subnets, relating to CIs 93
Supplier Performance report 287
support contracts 156
support groups, relating to CIs 98

target cost centers
about 229
viewing 250
tax credits 243
terms and conditions 166
time periods
about 230
closing 257
closing current 230
dates for 257
auto-fill fields 49
bulk CIs and locations 261
data entry 49
grouping certificates 195
manually removing a CI from a license
certificate 219
topologies 93
Topology Import dataset 66
total cost of ownership, adding information about
"per copy" license approaching breach 225
CIs not related to software license certificate
incorrect CIs related to software license
certificate 224
no CIs related to software license certificate 222
types, relationship 295

unallocated costs, generating reports on 250
Unallocated report 250
unit type, changing 271

BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide

Upcoming Configuration Item Maintenance Checks

Upcoming Configuration Items Due for Audit
report 288
Upcoming Configuration Reviews by Date Range
report 287
Upcoming Maintenance Assets by Site report 288
CI locations 67
impacted areas 122
people and CI records 66
upgrading licenses 213
upgrading software license certificates 206
usability improvements 20
use scenarios
BMC Remedy Asset Management 30
investigating inaccurate CI data 37
overview 29
purchasing a laptop 34
purchasing software and assigning a license 31
scheduling CI changes without impact 37
scheduling regular maintenance 32
user interfaces
standards for field labels 23

BMC Atrium CMDB audits 88
charge-back entries 246
configurations 99, 267
costs 233
depreciation 240
inventory 100
inventory locations 262
notification audits 87
process messages 256
purchase requisitions 144
split cost centers 250
topologies 93
virtual machines
relating to decommission schedules 113

warnings, CIs and configurations 272
warranty contracts 156
web reports 281
work information, leveraging secondary CI
features 95
work information, software license management
working with costs, costing and charge-backs 232

working with costs, leveraging secondary CI
features 106





BMC Remedy Asset Management User Guide


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