16-741 Mechanics of Manipulation Project A Semiquantitative Analysis of Tippe Top Inversion
16-741 Mechanics of Manipulation Project A Semiquantitative Analysis of Tippe Top Inversion
16-741 Mechanics of Manipulation Project A Semiquantitative Analysis of Tippe Top Inversion
The Tippe Top is a type of spinning top (Fig. 1) that exhibits the strange
behavior of inverting itself such that it spins on its stem after being spun on
its spherical base. The mass of the top is distribued symmetrically about
the stem axis and the center of mass, C, is located on the stem axis while
not coinciding with the geometric center of the sphere. (See Fig. 2.)
The cause of the tippe tops seemingly paradoxical behavior (i.e. transitioning from a gravitationally favorable state to an unfavorable one) was
the subject of much debate before Del Campo [2] argued that frictional
forces played a major role in tippe top inversion. Figure 3 shows that the
z-component of the angular momentum remains dominant both before and
after inversion, meaning that the direction of rotation with respect to the
fixed coordinates of the tops body is reversed. Also, the elevation of the
center of mass means that the kinetic energy of the top decreases in order
to balance the increase in potential energy. Thus, both the total angular
velocity and the total angular momentum decrease during inversion. Given
that a torque is required to reduce angular momentum, it follows that fric2
tional forces must be responsible, since the only other forces acting on the
top are gravity and the normal force exerted by the table, both of which are
parallel to the z-axis and therefore incapable of producing torques along the
en = ez e3 /|
ez e3 |
en0 = e3 en
The unit vectors en , en0 are fixed in the plane in which e1 , e2 rotate (Fig.
4b). It can be seen that the vector en is also fixed in the plane spanned
by ex , ey remaining horizontal at all times. Rotation about the stem axis is
denoted by ; nutation, or the inclination from the vertical, is denoted by
; and precession, or rotation about the vertical, is denoted by . From Fig.
5, we can also obtain the relationship
ez = sin
en0 + cos
en0 + cos
( n en + n0 en0 + 3 e3 )
If we momentarily neglect the translational motion of the top, it is clear
(given an initial counter-clockwise applied rotation when looking down on
the top) that the sliding frictional force, Ff , at the point of contact, T ,
opposes the motion of T in the table surface plane along the
en axis. The
resulting torque, Nf , about the center of mass is
Nf = r Ff
= (a
e3 R
ez ) (|Ff |
en )
= (a
e3 R(sin
en0 + cos
e3 )) (|Ff |
en )
[using Eq. 2]
= |Ff |[a(
en ) + R(sin(
en0 en ) + cos(
e3 en ))]
= |Ff |[a
en0 + R(sin(
e3 ) + cos
en0 )]
= |Ff |[(Rcos a)
en0 Rsin
e3 ]
This frictional torque Nf is the only torque with components about the
e3 and en0 axes since normal forces can only affect the torque about en .
Equation 4 also reveals that without the frictional force at T , there are no
torques that can cause inversion further verifying the key role of Ff . We
can see that for < cos1 (a/R), the torque about en0 is positive and the
torque about e3 is negative. It follows then that n0 would increase and
3 would decrease over time. Thus, the ratio 3 /n0 = cot (from Eq.
3) decreases over time, meaning that increases, or the top tips. When
cos1 (a/R) /2, the torques about both e3 and en0 are negative.
However, the magnitude of the torque about e3 is larger so provided that the
inertial moments I3 and In0 about e3 and en0 respectively are approximately
the same (or I3 < In0 ), 3 decreases more rapidly than n0 , so will continue
to decrease. Similarly, if > /2, the torques are still negative so 3 and n0
must continue to decrease with 3 becoming more negative since it passes
through zero at = /2.
(b) Point of contact slides around rotation axis providing the torque necessary for inversion. (Taken from [7].)
traverses around the rotation axis going through the center of mass (Fig.
6) is at a maximum. This translational sliding is also a source of friction.
In fact, at = /2 it is the only source of friction because 3 = 0 so there
is no friction due to spinning. Translational velocity was ignored when
considering < /2 because the friction at T due to the spin about the
stem axis (spinning friction) was in roughly the same direction as, and for close to zero - relatively insignificant compared to, the friction due to
translation (sliding friction). When > /2, however, the spinning friction
acts in the opposite direction of the sliding friction, but since the sliding
friction is larger in magnitude (at least initially when n0 >> 3 ) the total
friction still points in the
en0 direction. The resulting Nf continues to
exert negative torques about e3 and en0 meaning that 3 and n0 continue
Once increases to the point that the stem touches the ground (Fig. 7),
there is a transfer of weight to the stem and the behavior becomes identical to
what happens when an ordinary top is spun. The radius R0 of the stem that
contacts the table is much smaller than that of the sphere of the tippe top,
hence it has a smaller moment arm, R0 sin, about which frictional forces
can retard the rotation about the stem axis allowing the top to continue
It can be seen that when the stem touches the table, the velocity of the
contact point T 0 slides across the table surface at a greater velocity than
T since it traverses a circular path with a larger radius. Furthermore, due
to the smaller stem radius R0 as compared to R, the spinning velocity at
T 0 due to rotation about e3 is smaller than it is at point T . For some
arbitrary normal force, this translates into a greater frictional force in the
Figure 7: The tippe top with both the sphere and stem in contact with the
friction at T 0 . The result is an abrupt change in the direction of the dominant
frictional force at T 0 and a torque N0 f that points in the opposite direction
as the vector depicted in Fig. 7 which stabilizes the top.
[1] Cohen, R.J., The Tippe Top Revisited, American Journal of Physics, vol.
45, p. 12, January 1977.
[2] Del Campo, A.R., Tippe Top (Topsy-Turnee Top) Continued, American
Journal of Physics, vol. 23, p. 544, 1955.
[3] Or, A.C. The dynamics of a tippe top, SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 54, p. 597-609, 1994.
[4] Soodak, H., A geometric theory of rapidly spinning tops, tippe tops, and
footballs, American Journal of Physics vol. 70, p. 815, August 2002.
[5] Bou-Rabee N.M., J.E. Marsden, and L.A. Romero, Tipee Top Inversion as
a Dissipation-Induced Instability, SIAM J. Applied Dynamical Systems, vol.
3, no. 3, p. 352-377, 2004.
[6] Hugenholtz, N.M., On tops rising by friction, Physica, vol. 18, p. 515-527,
[7] http://www.fysikbasen.dk/TippetopENGLISH.php