Knowledge Transfer Needs and Methods Final Report

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Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities

Alaska University Transportation Center

Knowledge Transfer Needs and Methods

Final Report

Prepared By:
Dr. Robert A. Perkins, P.E.
University of Alaska Fairbanks, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Dr. F. Lawrence Bennett, P.E.

University of Alaska Fairbanks, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering

December 2012
Prepared For:
Alaska University Transportation Center
Duckering Building Room 245
P.O. Box 755900
Fairbanks, AK 99775-5900

Alaska Department of Transportation

Research, Development, and Technology
2301 Peger Road
Fairbanks, AK 99709-5399

INE/AUTC 12.32


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December 2012


Final Report



Knowledge Transfer Needs and Methods


Dr. Robert A. Perkins
Dr. F. Lawrence Bennett
Alaska University Transportation Center
P.O. Box 755900
Fairbanks, AK 99775-5900




Alaska Department of Transportation
Research, Development, and Technology Transfer
2301 Peger Road
Fairbanks, AK 99709-5399



INE/AUTC 12.32





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13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)
The State of Alaska has an aging workforce. There is a paucity of workers in the 25 to 45 year age group. The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
(AKDOT & PF) has almost one third of its workforce eligible to retire within five years. In earlier research we examined this problem with respect to recruitment,
retention, and succession planning.
This project will focus on issues related to knowledge transfer, the passing of knowledge from more experienced employees to newer employees, especially in the
engineering and technical areas. Both the state and the AKDOT&PF are well aware of the employment demographics and knowledge transfer issues. These are indeed
problems nationwide problems and in developed countries worldwide. Here we propose to review the knowledge transfer needs of the AKDOT&PF, the current practices
with respect to the many tools available, and meet with AKDOT&PF managers and professionals in focus groups to determine which tools are likely to be effective in
enhancing knowledge transfer. We plan to identify barriers to knowledge transfer, such as managers reluctance, corporate culture, and history. Following reviews, this
project will present recommendations to the AKDOT&PF with tools that can be implemented to enhance knowledge transfer.


Labor force (Kabkb), Labor relations (Kabkr), Knowledge (Mxrdk),

Personnel retention (Ccbt)



NSN 7540-01-280-5500








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The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides high-quality information to
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Authors Disclaimer
Opinions and conclusions expressed or implied in the report are those of the author.
They are not necessarily those of the Alaska DOT&PF or funding agencies.

This research was funded jointly by the U.S. Department of Transportation Research and
Innovative Technology Administration Program and the Alaska Department of Transportation
and Public Facilities, through the Alaska University Transportation Center at the University of
Alaska Fairbanks. The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors who are responsible
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the official views of the Alaska University Transportation Center or the Alaska Department of
Transportation and Public Facilities. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or
Robert A. Perkins, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alaska
Fairbanks, was the principal investigator and responsible for all work on the project. Dr. F.
Lawrence Bennett, Professor Emeritus of Engineering Management, University of Alaska
Fairbanks, was the lead investigator and principal author.

Perkins, Robert A. (2013). Knowledge Transfer Needs and Methods, Final Report, INE/AUTC
No. 510009, Alaska University Transportation Center, University of Alaska Fairbanks, 115



When You Know



Multiply By

To Find




square millimeters
square meters
square meters
square kilometers




square inches
square feet
square yard
square miles


fl oz

fluid ounces
cubic feet
cubic yards


short tons (2000 lb)





poundforce per square inch

cubic meters
cubic meters
NOTE: volumes greater than 1000 L shall be shown in m



megagrams (or "metric ton")

Mg (or "t")

TEMPERATURE (exact degrees)


5 (F-32)/9
or (F-32)/1.8











When You Know



Multiply By

To Find




square inches
square feet
square yards
square miles


fluid ounces
cubic feet
cubic yards

fl oz

short tons (2000 lb)




square millimeters
square meters
square meters
square kilometers



cubic meters
cubic meters

Mg (or "t")

megagrams (or "metric ton")




TEMPERATURE (exact degrees)













poundforce per square inch


*SI is the symbol for the International System of Units. Appropriate rounding should be made to comply with Section 4 of ASTM E380.
(Revised March 2003)

Table of Contents
Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ 1
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 2
This Study ....................................................................................................................................... 3
The Purpose ................................................................................................................................ 3
The Process ................................................................................................................................. 4
Organization of the Report.......................................................................................................... 5
Background ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Literature Review........................................................................................................................ 6
Knowledge, Knowledge Management, and Knowledge Transfer .............................................. 6
Explicit Knowledge ............................................................................................................... 7
Tacit Knowledge ................................................................................................................... 8
Explicit and Tacit .................................................................................................................. 8
Knowledge Management and Transfer ....................................................................................... 9
Knowledge Transfer in Government ........................................................................................ 13
Knowledge Transfer in Public Transportation Agencies .......................................................... 14
Selected Knowledge Transfer Activities in other state DOTs ................................................. 15
ADOT&PF Knowledge Transfer Activities ................................................................................. 17
Interviews...................................................................................................................................... 19
Interview Process ...................................................................................................................... 19
Interview Findings .................................................................................................................... 20
2012 Focus Group Meeting .......................................................................................................... 32
Conclusions ................................................................................................................................... 34
Recommendations; ........................................................................................................................ 34
Appendix A ................................................................................................................................... 37
Appendix B ................................................................................................................................... 47
Appendix C ................................................................................................................................... 50
Appendix D................................................................................................................................. 105

Executive Summary
This report examines knowledge transfer (KT) in the Alaska Department of
Transportation and Public Facilities (ADOT&PF). The departments fund of
knowledge is threatened because of retirements, pending retirements, and changes
to workforce demographics. As turnover occurs, newer employees must acquire
the knowledge needed to make good decisions. In most cases, this knowledge must
be transferred from the more experienced employees to the less experienced. This
report examines the vast literature about knowledge management and transfer,
especially literature that pertains to governments, state highway departments, and
transportation agencies. The review found that many agencies face similar
challenges and some report success at improving KT. This report then summarizes
interviews from about 60 current ADOT&PF employees regarding the types of
knowledge they need for their jobs and the techniques used to acquire that
knowledge. Although the differences were not striking, the report found some
differences between employees with fewer than 10 years with the department and
those with more than ten years. Where enough employees responded to determine
the effectiveness of KT, the report notes six knowledge types that more than 25%
reported as fully or partly ineffective. These were 1) regulations policies and
procedures and compliance with these, 2) review process and findings, 3) project
management process, 4) working with agencies and elected officials, 5) manuals,
6) budgeting, cost accounting and control. Regarding the specific techniques used,
most reported on the job training, communities of practice, and document
repositories as most common techniques, while exit interviews, knowledge fairs,
yellow pages, and knowledge mapping as the least common. This report
recommends 1) supporting formal and informal meetings both within and across
specialist groups; 2) recognizing the limitations of manuals and Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs) as well as helping newer employees learn to
supplement and update manuals and SOPs; 3) making job shadowing and double
fills a priority; 4) recognizing the need for informal KT between various specialty
groups; 5) recognizing the value of formal lessons learned meetings and
presentations, but also recognizing the need for less formal sessions; 6) developing
yellow pages and communities of practice, and dedicating resources to update the
system; and 7) capturing more of the knowledge of departing experts with a semiformal debriefing to rising professionals and managers.

The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (ADOT&PF), and
the Departments of Transportation (DOTs) in many states, are confronting large
losses of their most experienced technical and managerial employees to
retirements. Does the loss of these employees imply loss of their knowledgetheir
knack for getting the job done? Or can this knowledge be transferred to the rising
technical and managerial employees? The ADOT&PF and the Alaska University
Transportation Center (AUTC) sponsored Knowledge Transfer Needs and
Methods, AUTC Research Project Number 51009, in 2011 to examine knowledge
transfer practices in the ADOT&PF and note improvements that might be made.
For an organization, knowledge is the capacity for effective actions or decisionmaking in the context of organizational activity (Delong, 2004). That is, the
ability to get things done and make effective decisions. Knowledge is the most
important asset of the technical organization.
Knowledge is based on data and information. Knowledge implies the capacity to
use information to get things done and make decisions.

Figure 1. Relationship of data, information, and knowledge to decision making.

Knowledge might be explicit, which means knowledge transferable by media, or
tacit, knowledge which cannot be transferred by media. (We noted in our research
that for technical professionals, knowledge is often of mixed formit involves
both explicit technical knowledge and tacit knack).

Knowledge is an asset of the organization and must be managed. New information,

circumstances, and technology must be added to the knowledge base, even as some
of the existing knowledge obsolesces or leaves the organization. Since knowledge
resides with individuals, transmitting knowledge between individuals is a critical
phase of knowledge management (KM) and the subject of this research.







Figure 2. Main components of Knowledge Management.

This report will review knowledge transfer (KT) practices of other organizations,
government organizations, and other DOTs; analyze the KT practices of the
ADOT&PF; discuss findings with ADOT&PF managers; and list suggestions for
enhancing KT in the ADOT&PF.

This Study
The Purpose
As stated in the proposal for this project, The objective is to produce a set of
implementable recommendations to assist ADOT&PF in capturing and transferring
many types of knowledge from senior managers and technical experts to those who
can use this knowledge to perpetuate the departments on-going efforts. Thus, the
intent is to suggest practical guidelines for KT in the department, based on the
departments current practices and future needs, to include both explicit and tacit
Recognizing that all ADOT&PF managers are probably too busy already, the
proposal promises One thing our report will NOT conclude: Here is a form and
the ADOT&PF should ask each manager (in their spare time?) to fill out the form
and list all the important things they know and map the transfer of knowledge

Watter from an
Anccient Welll
The m
music of Adb
him, South A
African jazz
pianiist and comp
refleccts his deeplly religious
life and the musiical
influeences of his childhood in
multiicultural Ca
ape Town

tradiitional African songs,

gospeel music, rag
gas, modern
jazz, and other W
styless. In 1984, IIbrahim
posed a lovely, haunting
melody, Water ffrom an
Ancieent Well. T
The title
referrs to the eldeerly folks of
his Affrican tribe;; the ancientt
well iis those eldeers and the
wateer, the knowlledge and
om they posssess.
The m
most disastrrous thing
that can happen to such a
tribe is to be overrun by a
rival tribe and to
o have its
elderrs taken awa
ay, leaving
the remaining m
ndering with
h no directio
and p
purpose. A ttribe in such
dition has no
o future
because it has lost its past.

hin their deepartment One important
nsideration is to suggest tactics appropriatte to
the routine annd culture oof those poossessing thhe
e Process
Thee project beegan with an extensivve review of
the literature rrelating to KM in genneral and tthen
KT as one asppect of KM
M. Many soources deall
h KT in geeneral. Theere is also aan extensivve
literrature on K
KT in goveernment annd a substanntial
ount relatinng to transportation aagencies. O
partticular inteerest to thiss project, thhe researchh
m reviewedd the KT ppractices off several sttate
Thee research tteam also cconducted a series off
inteerviews witth a selectiion of proffessional annd
hnical AD
mployees from Precon
nstruction, Constructiion and Maaintenancee &
Opeerations. T
The purposee was to iddentify the
typees of know
wledgebooth explicit and tacit

y possess, how that kknowledge is transferrred,
d how effecctively the transfer iss
omplishedd. The interrviewees w
were also
queeried as to ttheir familliarity and experiencee
T methodss or strateggies.
h various ooft-used KT

After the interrview responses weree analyzedd and

mmarized, rresearcherrs conducteed a focus
up meetingg with the Northern R
nagement sstaff to preesent an ovverview off the
A YouT
Tube performancee of Water from an
field as foundd in the liteerature, to cclarify KT
Ancientt Well can be fou
und at
needs within A
F, describee the resultts of
&feature=related .
the interviewss, solicit suuggestions for how too
mattch needs w
with possibble strategiies and
metthods, and determinee other activities the
h team sho
ould underttake prior to
t completiing the prooject.
At the focus
p meeting, the researrch team w
was encouraaged to prooceed as
d; to recogn
nize the deepartmentss use, at leaast in the N
Northern R
Region, of

software not previiously men

ntioned; to utilize
many off its prelim
minary reco
ommendatiions; and too
add several other suggested recommen
Attendeees felt thatt the interv
view resultts generallyy
nted well the KT stattus within the
The finaal step wass the development off this reportt,
ng a set of conclusion
ns and
Organiization off the Rep
The balance of thiis report prroceeds alo
ong the
lines deescribed ab
bove. We begin
with a
ound sectio
on based on
n the literaature review
and past and curreent ADOT
T&PF pracctices. We
then sett forth desccriptions off a large nu
umber of
KT tech
hniques enu
umerated in
i the literaature and
indicatee their posssible use fo
or the depaartment.
Next, th
he process for conduccting the em
intervieews is described, follo
owed by a summary
of thosee findings.
Results of the focu
us group meeting
aree then set
forth, in
ncluding a discussion
n of our intterview
findingss. The main
n body of the
t report ends with
conclusions and reecommend
dations. Ap
include an annotatted referen
nce list, a liisting of
other reeferences an
nd sourcess, a copy off a useful
KM doccument pub
blished by the State of
o New
hire Departtment of Administrat
Service, and somee excellent and comprehensive
informaation that iss availablee on the weeb from thee
Swiss Agency
for Developm
ment and Cooperation

Keyy Conceptss about KM

M as a
Bussiness Proccess
--frrom European Guides to
Goood Practicee in Knowledge
The organnization neeeds to
deffine its misssion, visioon, and
straategy in reggard to KM
A culture oof motivattion is
neccessary, in which peoople
are respected,, feel a sennse of
trusst, belonginng, and
Knowledgge activitiess are
seen as an inttegral part of
widder businesss processees, and
shoould be valuue-adding,,
cleaarly comm
undderstood, aand accepteed.
Roles and responsibiilities
muust be madee clear.
Individualls need to bbe
ackknowledgedd and rewaarded
for their contrributions.
The enviroonment muust be
connducive forr people
meeeting, workking togethher,
andd sharing iddeas and
Quoteed in Preserving aand Using Institutioonal
Memoory Through Know
wledge Management
Practtices. M. Ward, 20007. Washington D
Transsportation Researchh Board. NCHRP
P Synthesis
365, 1114 pp.

Literature Review
This section draws heavily on an extensive literature searchcitations for which
are provided in Appendix A and Appendix B, the former containing annotations
for 29 of the most relevant sources. It became apparent that the literature on KM is
overwhelming in numbers. The project proposal noted that an Alta Vista search
generated 154 million hits on the term knowledge transfer. Much theoretical and
philosophical material is extant, and a great deal concerns information technology
applications. But there are also many reports of practical applications and
successes. The challenge, of course, is to select from the large number of sources
material relevant to ADOT&PFs practical needs. In much of the discussion that
follows, we refer to some of the literature found in the appendices.

Knowledge, Knowledge Management, and Knowledge Transfer

The introductory section of this report suggested some helpful definitions (we
hope) related to knowledge and its management. Here is one oft-cited definition of
knowledge: the combination of data and information, to which is added expert
opinion, skills, and experience, to result in a valuable asset which can be used to
aid decision making. Knowledge maybe explicit and/or tacit, individual and/or
collective (Ward, 2007). Thus, knowledge is more than data gathered from a field
trial (data), and it is more than the statistical analysis of that data
(information). It combines analyzed and summarized data with experience and
skill to provide an asset that is useful in making decisions.
The concept of knowledge as an asset has been around at least since 1969, when
Peter Drucker wrote in his classic The Age of Discontinuity, knowledge has
become the central factor of production in an advanced, developed economy
knowledge has actually become the primary industry, the industry that supplies to
the economy the essential and central resource of production knowledge is now
the main cost, the main investment, and the main product of the advanced economy
(Drucker, 1969). As the field of KM developed in the 1990s, this idea began
to take hold; organizations must manage their physical, financial, and human
resources assets, but they must also manage their knowledge assets. A survey
conducted for the Transportation Research Board (TRB) and reported in 2007
concluded, however, that knowledge is generally not seen as an asset of sufficient
importance to warrant organization-wide attention (Ward, 2007).

So, the challenge for the ADOT&PF is to manage the organizations knowledge
call it institutional memory, perhapsthat resides within individual members of
the department but also within various project records, guidelines, manuals,
memoranda, and other written records, in a way that is both effectiveit gets the
job doneand efficientit does so in ways that are not unduly costly, timeconsuming or otherwise burdensome. In the context of this project, ADOT&PF
has an interest in this challenge in at least two respects: 1) the capture and transfer
of knowledge, both tacit and explicit, from employees who leave the organization
due primarily to retirement but also to take other jobs, or who are transferred
within ADOT&PF to other sections and/or other locations; and 2) the transfer of
knowledge, again both explicit and tacit, between individuals and sections as part
of the departments on-going activities, be they design, maintenance, construction,
headquarters operations, financial planning, or whatever.
What sort of knowledge do employees recognize as existing in the department? A
later section of this report will provide details about a survey of a subset of
technical and professional employees asked to identify various KT practices. A
sampling of the kinds of knowledge identified in the survey includes the following:
Explicit Knowledge

Various manuals: construction, drainage, right of way, environmental

Plans and specifications
Laboratory testing procedures
State statutes and regulations
Lessons-learned databases
Field books
Property records
Cost data
Design status reports
Change orders
Site Manager software
Survey equipment operation instructions
Training materials
Regional maintenance station profiles
Deferred maintenance inventories
Snow and ice control plans

Tacit Knowledge

Maintenance and operations processes: crack sealing, equipment operation,

tire chain installation
Various review processes: materials, claims, permits, subdivisions
Personnel matters: supervising, making the job enjoyable, conveying
expectations, job duty clarification
Team building
Project manager roles and responsibilities
Effective relations between project and functional groups
Priority setting
Dealing with contractors
Dealing with the public; community involvement processes
Dealing with other agencies
Budget process
Use of accounting system
Departments cultural values
Design nuances
Project lessons learned
Knowing where to go and whom to talk to in order to gather information,
have questions answered, etc.
Report preparation (and other documents)
In the course of our interviews it also became clear that many interviewees believe
that much of the departments knowledge must be considered a combination of
explicit and tacit. Examples are listed below. Note some to-be-expected repeats
from the above lists.
Explicit and Tacit

Use of various manuals, rules and regulations (such as those listed under
explicit above): Professional services manual, traffic control manual,
construction manual, procurement code
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) requirements and
Project development process
Design process
Budgeting process
Process for relocating individuals and businesses
Any knowledge gained through face-to-face training

Many personnel management matters, such as performance evaluation

Project engineering
Project delivery methods (design/build, etc.)
Highway Safety Improvement Program
FAA Advisory Circulars
Use of Maintenance Management System
Integration of new software into the design and construction process
Use of bid tabs
Document management
Public involvement
Organizational knowledge
Lessons learned

Knowledge Management and Transfer

Knowledge management focuses on the capture, using and sharing of
knowledge (CTC & Associates, LLC, 2010). Thus, KM refers to maximizing the
use of knowledge by employing various business management practices. The
Australian Standard (2005) describes KM in an all-encompassing (and somewhat
wordy) way as a trans-disciplinary approach to improving organizational
outcomes and learning, through maximizing the use of knowledge. It involves the
design, implementation, and review of social and technological activities and
processes to improve the creating, sharing, and applying or using of knowledge.
The State of New Hampshire Department of Administrative Service has produced
a manual entitled Knowledge Management & Transfer Model (State of New
Hampshire, n.d.). A table from that document (see Table 1 below) suggests various
methods for identifying and collecting, storing, and transferring knowledge, as
The analysis of all of ADOT&PFs KM practices is well beyond the scope of this
project. The intent is to examine and make recommendation regarding knowledge
transfer, which is one aspect of the overall KM discipline. Please see Figure 2,
which shows the major components of KM, how they fit together, and the position
of KT in the typical flow of knowledge.

Knowledge Management
A systematic approach to finding, understanding, and
using knowledge to achieve organizational objectives.
Identifying & Collecting
Storing Knowledge
Transferring Knowledge
1. Best Practices
1. Document
1. After Action
2. Documenting
Repositories and
2. Communities of
3. Expert
Systems Databases
3. Co-op/Internships
4. Knowledge
4. Job Aids
5. Knowledge Fairs
5. Knowledge
6. Learning Games
Maps &
7. Mentoring
8. On-the-Job
9. Storytelling
10. Training

Table 1. KM Methods (from State of New Hampshire Department of

Administrative Service, n.d.)
Thus, we focus here on KT. According to Hammer (2010a), knowledge transfer
refers to identifying knowledge held by an individual or group and sharing that
knowledge with another individual or group, resulting in a change of how the
business process is approached, considered or handled. For our study, then, we
looked at ADOT&PFs knowledge resources and asked: what they are, how they
are held, how they are shared among individuals and/or sections, and whether such
sharing is effective. Further, we ask whether they need to be shared in the first
place, and, if so, whether improved strategies can be developed for that transfer.
What methods, or strategies, do organizations use to transfer knowledge between
and among individuals and sections? Although terminology may vary among
organizations, there is a sense of agreement in a common set of methods that can
help in the KT process. Given below is a long, though not exhaustive, list of
several such strategies; the descriptions are taken in part from the New Hampshire
manual. (New Hampshire DOA, n.d.)
After Action/Lessons Learned Reviews: debriefings that identify, analyze, and
capture experiences, what worked well and what needs improvement, so others can
learn from those experiences.
Best Practices: identification and use of processes and/or practices that result in
excellent products or services.

Co-op/Internships: formal arrangements that provide for an experienced person to

pass along knowledge and skills to a novice, often so that students can obtain
practical on-the-job experience and academic credit as part of their educational
Communities of Practice (COPs): groups of individuals who share knowledge
about a common work practice over a period of time, though they are not part of a
formally constituted work team and generally cut across traditional organizational
Document Repositories: collections of documents that can be viewed, retrieved,
and interpreted by humans and automated software systems.
Double Fills: the practice of the employee who is leaving a position and the
replacement employee occupying the same position for a period of time, to allow
the new employee to have knowledge about the position transferred easily and
Exit Interviews: structured meetings with departing employees, to capture critical
parts of their job knowledge.
Expert Interviews: sessions where one or more people who are considered experts
in a particular subject, program, policy, process, etc., meet with others to share
Job Aids: tools that help people perform tasks accurately, such as checklists, flow
diagrams, reference tables, and decision tree diagrams.
Job Rotation: job assignments in which an employee occupies different positions
for several weeks or months each, so that knowledge about those jobs can be
transferred directly.
Job Shadowing: less active and shorter term than job rotation, a practice in which
an employee observes another in the everyday conduct of the job.
Knowledge Fairs: events that showcase information about an organization or a
topic, either internally or externally.

Knowledge Maps and Inventories: catalogs containing references to

information/knowledge available in an organization and where it is located.
Mentoring: pairing an experienced, skilled person (mentor) with a lesser skilled or
experienced person (protg), with the goal of developing or strengthening
competencies of the protg.
On-the-Job Training: an experienced employee teaching a new person how to
perform job tasks, either in an informal, unstructured manner or more formally
with training materials, schedules, and records of the training.
Peer Assist: knowledge and experience sharing among two teams, based on
dialogue and mutual respect, typically used by a work team starting up a new
project or task that calls upon another team with experience in the respective field
of activity.
Process Documentation: developing a written and/or graphical record of a
specific work process.
Storytelling: construction of fictional examples or telling of real stories to
illustrate a point and effectively transfer knowledge, either informally or as a part
of more structured presentations.
Training: a large variety of activities, instructor-led or self-directed, designed to
facilitate learning (of knowledge, skills, and abilities or competencies), including
classroom instruction, simulations, role-plays, computer or web-based instruction.
Yellow Pages: special kind of knowledge map listing knowledge areas, persons
knowledgeable in those areas (usually within the organization but sometimes
outsiders as well), and contact information.

The literature abounds with case studies, other experiences, research projects, and
recommendations from an almost endless variety of organizations, from both the
private and public sectors. The oil and gas industry, for example, embraced KM
early and reports considerable success (Carrillo, 2004; Leavitt, 2002). Our
recommendations to ADOT&PF, at the end of this report, will draw from both
private and public sector experience. The balance of this background section will

be confined to public sector KT practices, with emphasis on public transportation

One point that many writers emphasize is the importance of human factors in the
transfer of knowledge; much depends on openness, trust, and a willingness to share
knowledge. A knowledge-sharing culture has been described as one where people
share openly, there is a willingness to teach and mentor others, where ideas can be
freely challenged and where knowledge gained from other sources is used (quoted
in Hammer, 2010a). While much has been written about various information
technology applications to KM (for example, Rao, 2005), in the view of many,
such emphasis is misplaced. Gaptu and Govindarajan (2000) caution that, while
technology infrastructure can be useful in KM, it
should be considered an enabler, not the answer.
Ardichivili, Page and Wentling (2002) are even
more forthright: the chief reason [for the failure
E-mail is not to be
of KM to become the magic key to organizational
used to pass on
success] is an overemphasis on technology-based
information or data. It
solutionsfrom search-and-retrieval tools to
should be used only
decision-support and data mining systemsand a
for company
lack of attention to the human side of the enterprise,
especially the dynamics of knowledge creation,
dissemination, and use at the group and organization
Source unknown;
quoted in Meredith,
J.R. and S.J.Mantel
Knowledge Transfer in Government

Literature related to KT in the public sector in
general is oriented, in part at least, toward the
concern of succession planning and capturing the
workers knowledge before they retire (Calo, 2008).
Another paper describes two New York State successes, one involving knowledge
sharing between state agencies and another between state and local agencies
(Pardo, 2006). A book by McNabb (2006) covers collecting, categorizing,
processing, distributing, and archiving organization knowledge before converting
and disseminating the knowledge to those who need it. We include in Appendix C
the complete manual on KT prepared by the State of New Hampshire (State of
New Hampshire, n.d.) In addition, it should be noted that the State of Alaska
Department of Administration has prepared a helpful manual, Knowledge Transfer
in State of Alaska Agencies (State of Alaska, 2008), that includes, inter alia, an
easy-to-use compendium of several KT techniques and activities.

Some of the other broad themes found in the literature about KT in government
relate to: 1) knowledge transfer partnerships (KTPs) between businesses and
government entities that are formed to facilitate transfer of knowledge to
businesses (Knowledge Transfer Partnerships, 2012); and, 2) the on-going
challenge of transferring information and knowledge derived from university
research results to private and public entities that can benefit from those results
(Reardon, Lavis, and Gibson, 2006). The latter is a primary task of ADOT&PFs
Research, Development and Technology Transfer section.

Knowledge Transfer in Public Transportation Agencies

Early in the current century, the Transportation Research Board (TRB) and the
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)
established a committee whose charge was to develop a sustainable method for
meeting the information needs of the transportation sector and to recommend an
appropriate funding structure. The result was a report that recommended the
development of a federal transportation knowledge network and several similar
regional networks (TRB, 2006). The recommendation was implemented, with the
result that there are now three regional networks (eastern, midwestern, and
western), a national transportation coordination function in the form of a federal
network, and an advisory committee (Spy Pond Partners, 2009).
As an example of these networks, the following is extracted directly from the
website of the Western Transportation Knowledge Network (Western
Transportation Knowledge Network, n.d.) and explains its membership, and
The Western Transportation Knowledge Network (WTKN) is a
diverse group of transportation organizations from AASHTO Region
4 focused on improving the access to transportation information, data
and research to help the entire community. Membership includes
libraries representing state departments of transportation (DOTs),
academic institutions, transit agencies, metropolitan planning
organizations (MPOs) and private industry.
WTKN members work to benefit participating organizations, through
collaboration and regular communication. WTKN also partners with
other groups that share an interest in the access and use of
transportation information, such as AASHTO, TRB, SLA [Special
Libraries Association] Transportation Division. WTKN members
have established channels for communication and information

sharing. The diversity of membership provides a broader view of how

transportation information is created and consumed.
Another example of a national program oriented toward transportation KM is the
National Transportation Library (NTL). Congressionally authorized in 1998 by the
Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21), NTL was charged with
coordinating information sharing among other transportation libraries and
information providers so that the entire transportation community would have
access to materials. In 2008 a new NTL was formed through merger with the US
Department of Transportation (USDOT) library (About the National
Transportation Library, n.d.). Consistency of funding from USDOT has been a
challenge, with the result that the library has been able to operate only within a
narrow definition of its mission (TRB, 2006).
A major contribution to the literature about transportation agency KM was
authored in 2007 for the TRB (Ward, 2007). The basis for the report was a
questionnaire given to a large number of state transportation agencies that inquired
about their KM practices. Of special interest to this project is a section of the
questionnaire related to capturing knowledge from experienced, retiring, or exiting
Selected Knowledge Transfer Activities in other state DOTs
A review of KT activities in other state transportation agencies indicates that most
are facing similar challenges: the need to capture knowledge from an aging
workforce soon to retire, the changing nature of the government workplace, the
increasing need to share knowledge with the public, downsizing of the workforce,
and hiring freezes. But some states have active KT programs. In this section we
cite several examples of KM progress underway within state departments of
The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) includes a KM Division that
comprises a KM Office, the Virginia Local Technical Assistance Center and the
VDOT Research Library (Virginia Department of Transportation, 2012). The
divisions director has published widely in the field of KM, producing some
excellent guidelines and case studies (Hammer, 2010a; Clark & Hammer, 2008;
Hammer, 2010b; Novak and Hammer, 2009). A VDOT Knowledge Management
Tool Kit provides guidance on when a KM initiative is needed and describes
several tools and techniques currently in use at VDOT. For example, VDOT has an
active Communities of Practice program with over 40 such communities.


By 2006, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PDOT) had established

a successful KM program (Dering Consulting Group, 2006). It was judged to have
deployed both its explicit and its tacit knowledge exceptionally well. Six years ago,
PDOT was looking forward to developing a KM strategic plan based on worker
needs, work force demographics, available technologies, and existing KM assets.
The Maryland Department of Highway Administration developed a KM program
in response to the classic pressures of a changing workforce (Burke, 2011). The
departments 2012-2015 business plan includes a section on workforce
development, comprised of subsections on strategic staffing, recruitment and
retention, KM succession planning, core training, mandated training, workplace
injuries, and safety-sensitive employees (Maryland State Highway Administration,
2012). The subsection on KM is comprehensive and challenging; it is repeated here
in its entirety:
Sub-Objective 4.3C Knowledge Management
Ensure employee awareness of, access to and use of the most current
policies and procedures and key processes through an (State Highway
Administration) SHA-wide knowledge management (KM) portal.
Performance measures:
Number of key processes and number of current policies.
Number of key policies and documented processes published to the
Percent complete.
Number of FAQs posted on the SHA-wide KM portal.
Percent of RCs participating.
Each office/district validates and documents their key policies,
procedures and processes and enters them through an SHA-wide KM portal
by June 30, 2015.
On a quarterly basis, each RC will create, validate and update as needed,
FAQs answering their most relevant questions.
Placeholder: Strategy for communication/marketing benefits.
It should also be noted that most state transportation agencies maintain
transportation libraries, and many of them take pride in their roles as KM

professionals. The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MDOT) (2012) is an

example. Their website links to numerous databases, MDOT forms, laws, and
resources such as standards, statistics and associations, as well as the more
common links to transportation-related literature, in both hard copy and electronic
form. While such efforts are only part of the totality of managing explicit and tacit
knowledge, it is important to acknowledge their contributions.

ADOT&PF Knowledge Transfer Activities

Below we discuss in detail the findings of our research. Here we note some
programs currently in use.
Within the Program Development Division is the Transportation Information
Group who, among other important tasks, is responsible for Traffic Data Systems
(TDS) which includes a document management system,
[which keeps] track of corporate information in a central, searchable
location. Historical corporate knowledge is instantly available to all staff
members rather than being maintained in private e-mail archives, on
individual work stations, scattered throughout multiple server directories or
in paper format in one's file cabinet or desk area. Other benefits include
providing a back-up system so there are no lost documents and having faster
access to documents (Stickle, n.d.).
The categories of data in the system are:
Asset Management
Highway Safety
Road Network/GIS
Road Weather
Traveler Information
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
Much of this data and information is quite program-specific; that is, the data is
accumulated to meet the needs of specific program requirements, usually federal.
For example, GIS is chiefly used in Program Development (formerly Planning) to

support federal reporting, such as highway performance monitoring. Data on all the
states roads was in tabular format on a mainframe but has been transferred to a
GIS system. Certainly the GIS technology could be used for other program areas
such as pavement management, maintenance, transportation asset management,
and crash reporting, but at this time, data is stored in division-specific silos and it is
difficult to cross boundaries.
These valuable efforts are very much KM, but not in and of themselves KT. Closer
to our definition of KT is the Northern Region Design sections use of Pinnacle
Series software to manage workflows. Closely tied to the AutoCAD system in
useCivil 3DPinnacle can walk a new designer through the required steps in
the project development and design process. Associated with the steps might be
files and notes from other designers. Much of the effort to transfer knowledge
seems to relate to the design programs themselves, but clearly other data, such a
geotechnical reports, surveys, and as-builts, might be made available.
Both the TDS and Pinnacle technology could aid in KT and will be discussed
briefly below.
The ADOT&PF has a robust training program for specific tasks such as the Storm
Water Pollution Prevention Guide or for equipment inspection. Along the same
lines, ADOT&PFs Technology Transfer (T2) has a strong library and links to the
TRB and other libraries. We note these here as overarching programs that might be
associated with KT and discuss the programs more below, following the


Interview Process
To gather information on current KT practices within ADOT&PF, an individual
interview was conducted with 61 technical/professional employees who were
nominated by their supervisors. Each interview consisted of two sets of questions.
The first was very open-ended; the second was more structured.
The first set of questions asked, in essence:
1. What do you know?
2. How is what you know transferred?
3. How effective is that knowledge transfer?
In other words:
1. Identify some piece of knowledge, whether explicit or tacit, that you possess
or need to possess in order to perform your job.
2. Describe the way(s) in which that knowledge is transferred from employee
to employee or section to section.
3. Is that knowledge transferred effectively so that it can be utilized by the
person or section receiving it?
Each interviewee was asked to name as many pieces of knowledge as they could
identify (within the interviews time limit) and for each describe the transfer and its
The second set of questions presented a list of generally recognized KT
methods/techniques/strategies (on-the-job training (OJT), storytelling, mentoring,
etc.) and asked whether the interviewee was aware of the use of each within that
persons work area. Responses were thus yes or no, with an opportunity to add
appropriate comments.


Interview Findings
As with most open-ended questions, the analysis and evaluation of responses from
the first set of interview questions were challenging, and the analysts took some
liberties in interpreting and categorizing those responses. From the 61 interviews,
390 pieces of knowledge were identified. These pieces were not necessarily
unique; in many cases, more than one interviewee named the same piece of
knowledge, such as project development process or construction manual. In
total, 390 responses were offered and recorded.
It was of interest to analyze the proportion of responses that identified a piece of
knowledge as explicit, tacit, or a combination of explicit and tacit. Further, since
the responses might differ between younger and more experienced employees, the
data was summarized for employees who had been with the department for ten
years or fewer and for those with more than ten years at the department. The
results are shown in Figure 3.


















Figure 3. Proportion of KT Examples that are Explicit, Tacit, or Both, by

experience level.
In total, 34% of the knowledge examples were identified as explicit; a somewhat
higher proportion, 40%, were considered tacit; and the remaining 25% were

considered a combination of the two. Thus, 65%, or nearly two-thirds, had some
element of tacit knowledge. We see a smaller proportion of tacit knowledge types
from the younger employees, with 54% of their examples considered tacit or both
explicit and tacit. Perhaps younger, less experienced employees are less inclined to
recognize tacit knowledge as a type of knowledge, or perhaps their work
experience to date has been more related to technical matters in which explicit
knowledge is likely to be more prominent.
Next we analyzed the effectiveness of KT for examples suggested by our
interviewees. Figure 4 shows the results.



74% 74% 74%












Figure 4. KT Effectiveness of Interview Examples, by experience level.

With little difference between younger and older employees, nearly three-quarters
of the suggested knowledge examples are believed to be transferred effectively. In
this graph, mixed indicates the interviewee considered the transfer process to be
partially effective. It seems significant that 86% of the pieces of knowledge
identified in the interviews are transferred effectively or partially so. In Table 2 we
show the 27 categories into which the responses were grouped, along with the
number of times the pieces of knowledge within them were mentioned. Separation

of the data into these somewhat arbitrary categories was based on our judgment
and the nature of the responses.






































Table 2. Times mentioned for each knowledge type, from first set of interview
In Table 2, the most common types of knowledge identified by interviewees in
response to our open-ended question related to history and lessons learned from
specific projects; a wide range of policies, regulations and procedures; and a

variety of knowledge regarding personnel matters. Knowledge about project

closeout, contractor relations, and performance data generated some response but
were mentioned least frequently.
We now turn to a more detailed analysis of those knowledge types mentioned most
frequently in the interviews. Results of the eleven most popular types of
knowledge from Table 2 are shown in the tables appearing below. In each, we
show the type of knowledge; the proportion of the examples within that type that
were considered explicit, tacit, or both; a sampling of the specific examples; and
the degree to which the transfer of the knowledge examples within that type was
deemed effective. Following each table, we comment on the explicit/tacit
proportion and the degree of effectiveness.
Transfer Methods



%Effective %Ineffective


1. This type of knowledge is an almost equal combination of explicit, tacit and
2. About 4 of 5 transfer methods are considered effective.
Transfer Methods



%Effective %Ineffective


1. As expected, this type of knowledge is considered either explicit or a
combination of explicit and tacit, in about 4 of 5 cases.
2. Transfer of this kind of primarily explicit knowledge is either effective or
partially so in about 90% of our responses.





Transfer Methods

%Effective %Ineffective


1. This is a very mixed bag of knowledge examples, but it is clear that most
knowledge related to personnel management is not purely explicit.
2. Though not completely effective, over 80% of the examples were totally or
partly effective.
Transfer Methods



%Effective %Ineffective


1. These responses were keyed to types of transfer rather than types of
2. For the types shown, most (more than 80%) were tacit or a combination of
tacit and explicit.
3. Many of the transfer methods were informal, and all were considered








Transfer Methods

%Effective %Ineffective



1. Nearly all of the knowledge contained in these manuals, and the
explanations used to transfer and understand them, are explicit.
2. Respondents suggested that about 30% of attempts to transfer this type of
knowledge are ineffective.

Transfer Methods



%Effective %Ineffective


1. Although checklists, manuals and other job aids exist for this kind of
knowledge, nearly 70% of the knowledge is considered to be tacit or a
combination of explicit and tacit.
2. 95% of the knowledge examples were thought to be transferred fully or
partially effectively.


Transfer Methods



%Effective %Ineffective


1. Nearly 80% of knowledge about the project management process is
considered to be fully or partially tacit.
2. About one in three of the knowledge examples in this category were judged
to be transferred ineffectively or with only partial effectiveness.

Transfer Methods



%Effective %Ineffective


1. Knowledge about the departments financial mattershow it is developed
and how it is usedis mostly tacit or a combination of tacit and explicit
(less than 20% purely explicit).
2. Half the knowledge examples in the category were considered to be
transferred ineffectively or partially so.


Transfer Methods



%Effective %Ineffective


1. Less than 20% of the examples of design practice knowledge were
considered purely explicit, with nearly 85% tacit or a combination of tacit
and explicit.
2. All of the examples were judged to be transferred effectively or partially so.
Transfer Methods



%Effective %Ineffective


1. This category includes knowledge about the process for conducting reviews
as well as the results of those reviews.
2. This type of knowledge is about 30% purely explicit and about 45% purely
3. 80% of the examples were judged to be transferred completely or partly


Transfer Methods







%Effective %Ineffective





1. Not surprisingly, this kind of knowledge is essentially all tacit.
2. 2 of 3 knowledge examples were judged to be transferred effectively.
We now summarize the findings for effectiveness of the KT process by tabulating
the ineffective statistics by knowledge types. Table 3 shows the percent of
knowledge examples in each category whose transfer was judged fully or partially
ineffective. We confine the listing to those knowledge types for which at least 8
responses related to effectiveness were obtained, believing that smaller response
rates would produce unreliable, and possibly misleading, results. [Note that Table
3 contains 13 entries, whereas the previous Table 2 Times Mentioned for Each
Knowledge Type, from First Set of Interview Questions contained 17 entries that
were mentioned 8 or more times. This apparent discrepancy is explained by the
fact that some of those 17 entries did not generate 8 or more effective/ineffective
Table 3 reveals that different types of knowledge at ADOT&PF are transferred
with varying degrees of effectiveness. If we assume a 25% or smaller
ineffectiveness rate can be considered good, then the first seven types of
knowledge in Table 3 are being transferred effectively. The other six knowledge
types would seem to deserve serious attention and improvement. The type of
knowledge judged to be transferred least effectively encompasses the budgeting
process, interpreting accounting reports and records, and similar aspects of project
finance. The respondents awarded second place to manuals. They cited several
types of manuals; indicating they contained obsolescent information, it was
difficult to obtain knowledge about how to interpret and use them, and the manual
contained nuances that required special knowledge to understand. Third in line is
the matter of working with other agencies and elected officials; transfer of this

almost completely tacit knowledge type involves such practices as observation and
involvement, getting to know personalities, sitting down and talking about an
issue, and one-on-one knowledge sharing and mentoring. In our recommendation
section, we offer some suggestions for improving the transfer of the six types of
knowledge found to be least effective in our interviews.

Percent of respondents stating KT method was partly or full ineffective when

at least 8 respondents rated the effectiveness.


Table 3. Percent of knowledge examples in each type whose transfer was judged
fully or partially ineffective.
Despite deciding to confine the results presented in Table 3 to those types for
which at least 8 useable responses were obtained, in the authors experience and
judgment, two other categories may be cause for concern and worthy of
departmental improvements. One is information sources, or where to go and
whom to ask for information. In our recommendation section, we suggest that a
structured approach to a directory of such sources could be developed in a cost
effective manner. The other type of information that did not attract a significant
amount of concern but seems worthy of attention is categorized as ADOT&PF
general background. It would seem that enhanced knowledge about the
departments organization, leadership, mission, inside and outside relationships,
and processes, obtained during orientation should be available as well in written
and/or electronic form to help to prepare employees for the jobs they do and the
decisions they make.

Since the second set of questions demanded yes/no responses (plus comments, if
any), analysis of these was relatively straightforward and could be reduced to
statistics. In each interview, the employee was presented with a list of commonly
used KT techniques and was asked to indicate which they used in their activities at
ADOT&PF. Figure 5 displays the results of the analysis.




















Figure 5. Proportion of respondents who indicated a given KT technique is in use

(* = technique included in only one of the three sets of interviews).
Figure 5 makes it clear that many commonly used KT techniques are actively used
within the department. OJT, communities of practice, document repositories,
lessons learned and project reviews, job aids, storytelling, and mentoring were all
cited by more than half of the respondents.
On the other hand, it appeared that many of the techniques were not familiar to the
interviewees or, if they were familiar, they were not used extensively. Why?
Perhaps they have been tried and discarded as ineffective, perhaps they have been
judged impractical, perhaps they lack the support structure or leadership support to
sustain them. Among those, double fills, exit interviews, and yellow pages, if not

others, seem worthy of a larger degree of use, with a potentially positive impact on
KT at relatively low cost.
Here we note some information from the proportion of respondents when separated
by length of timeless than ten years versus greater than ten years.
Almost twice as many older employees felt knowledge was being transferred
by document repositories.
Also, the older employees more often felt knowledge was being transferred
by Lessons Learned and Reviews. This has a straightforward explanation
more senior employees are invited to these sessions far more often than
newer employees.
Likewise, almost twice as many of the older employees felt knowledge was
often transmitted by storytelling. Although one could interpret this disparity
as meaning the older employees are telling the stories and the younger are
not paying attention [the author of this report has 67 birthdays], a more
benign interpretation is that the older employees realize they learned things
from listening to stories during their career. In any case, storytelling is an
excellent way to transmit tacit knowledge since the story relates to past
events in which the listener generally has no ego invested. Thus the listener
can hear past events to get a feel for the people and circumstances
A striking contrast emerges regarding coops and internships with only
13% of the newer employees believing knowledge is successfully transferred
in this manner, while 41% of the older employees believed this category was
a common practice. Again, ADOT&PF had a strong EIT (Engineer in
Training) program in years past that involved transferring young engineers
between different sections and even regions. These engineers tended to stay
with the department. In recent years they have fewer young engineers in the
program and has not utilized the relocation between departments and
regions, which results in fewer younger engineers participating in programs.

























33% 33%
30% 30%30%

20% 20%





9% 10%
8% 9% 8%
5% 4%



*onlyPerkins inquiredaboutTrainingandGoogle/Internet




Figure 6. Proportion of respondents reporting a particular KT technique is in use,

based on years with the department, greater than ten years or less than ten years.

2012 Focus Group Meeting

On 12 December 2012 we met with the ADOT&PF Northern Region management
group to explain our research findings, present our preliminary recommendations,
and gather feedback. The preliminary recommendations are summarized here:
Continue face-to-face manager meetings, lessons learned, including funding
support for travel, etc.
Provide adequate time for job shadowing and other transfer from retiring
Incorporate support areas (e.g., environmental) within line areas to encourage
tacit knowledge transfer (versus just giving manual or instructions).
Resolve issues related to use of manuals (timeliness, updates, on-line
Encourage more formal communities of practice.

Develop more formal means for capturing knowledge from retiring employees
(interviews, panel discussions, etc.).
Provide easy means of accessing documents in repositories (effective indexing,
Support both informal and more formal mentoring.
At the meeting, the managers also noted:
Special software such as Pinnacle and AASHTO Transport were useful
A section chief mentioned that people cant find the data they need, even
though the data is available somewhere. The senior people can find it, but
others cant. We interpreted this as the senior managers tacit knowledge is
needed to find explicit knowledge for others.
Another section chief brought up the concept of timing of knowledge
transfer within a career. Initially, a lot of profound knowledge is not needed
to make decisions, but more is needed later in a professionals career.
A senior manager brought up the training the chief and other very senior
managers who change with political terms.
A group chief brought up the issue of bringing back retirees to train newer
employees; not all retirees were good at mentoring during their tenure, so
preference should be given to those who are good at helping new people
Participants noted that knowledge gaps need to be identified in the rising
generation, and these may not be the same gaps identified by the retiring


ADOT&PF is already demonstrating considerable success in KT. About
three-quarters of the knowledge examples cited in our interviews were
considered to be transferred effectively.
Overall, there is little difference between senior and less experienced
employees regarding to KT effectiveness.
Effective KT at ADOT&PF varies with the type of knowledge, from almost
completely effective for some types to about 50%, or partially ineffective,
for other types.
The degree of use for different KT techniques varies widely, with 70% using
OJT, to none or very small percentages using exit interviews, yellow pages,
and knowledge mapping. Some of these infrequently used techniques have
potential for enhancing KT within the department.

Here we consolidate some of the tentative recommendations, integrate the
mangers remarks from the focus group, and add some later reflections:
1. Continue transfer of tacit knowledge by funding and supporting formal
meetings of managers, Lessons-Learned sessions, participation in AASHTO
sub-committees, as well as barbecues and other informal meetings of staff,
both within disciplinessuch as Right-of-Wayand across disciplines
such as Northern Region Airports.
2. Manuals and similar sources of explicit knowledge need constant updating.
Regarding KT through manuals, consider transferring not only the
knowledge already in the manual, but also the knowledge of how to update
and supplement the manual.
3. Job shadowing and double- fills are an excellent method of transferring the
tacit knowledge associated with a job to a likely replacement. We recognize
there are often personnel and budgetary constraints which make this
difficult. Here we are simply recommending that job shadowing, double fills
or other intensive training of the replacement be made a priority by the
department with suitable planning and budgeting.
4. Individuals with specialized knowledge, such as environmental, can supply
technical expertise to a project by working in cross-functional teams. In
large projects where all the individuals are co-located and share the same

water cooler, both tacit and explicit knowledge needs of the various team
members is transmitted directly. For smaller projects, where cross-functional
team members are not co-located and remain within their specialized units,
we recommend special efforts be made to enhance team interaction and KT.
Travel, video conferencing, team meetings, and similar interactions should
be looked at as opportunities for learning.
4. Earlier in an employees career, there should be some special efforts made to
help the employee understand the General Background of ADOT&PF.
Presumably at hire there is some general orientation or on-boarding but
later in ones career more general information is needed. It would seem that
enhanced knowledge about the departments organization, leadership,
mission, inside and outside relationships, and processes, obtained during
orientation but also available in written and/or electronic form, would help
to prepare employees for the jobs they do and the decisions they make.
5. Employees expressed a learning gap regarding project processes including
environmental. They referred to the usually complex set of rules
associated with federal funding and the many approvals that are needed.
Although all these rules and lists of the needed approvals are explicit
knowledge, applying them to a particular project is daunting for newer
managers. Here the most is learned in OJT or informal mentoring. We note
that most project manager Lessons Learned sessions refer to technical
matters: what we did when we encountered unexpected permafrost. Rarely
are matters such as funding delays, permitting problems, and so on,
discussed; for instance, if we had done this we would not have had
problems getting the permit. Recognize that many of these problems and
their solutions are difficult to discuss in public venues. Therefore,
mentoring, informal Lessons Learned sessions, and notes from retiring
employees are vital.
6. We believe that the Yellow Pages concept could be combined with the
notion of Community of Practice and perhaps current software into a webbased resource. There are good general guidelines in Appendix C and in the
VDOT toolkit (Hammer 2010a), under COPs. ADOT&PF should first
develop a master list of disciplines, specialty areas, and sub-areas within the
department, then provide contacts for personnel active in those areas,
particularly those with special expertise. Next, the designated personnel
could provide links to documents on the ADOT&PF server or to external
sites, which might include persons or organizations outside ADOT&PF. The
most important part of this concept is that time and resources must be
provided for one individual in each sub-area, who is responsible for calling a

semi-annual meeting of the community, probably by teleconference, in order

to update the site and create opportunities for the sub-area members to
become familiar with each other and discuss new information. Another
important part of the site would be a keyword for each person or data-set for
more accessible searching. This area or sub-area could then be linked on
Pinnacle or a similar workflow process. In addition, retirees might be asked
to participate in the contact list. In addition to allocating time for a dedicated
employee in each sub-group and some general IT help, the department might
provide some incentives or recognition for the communities most effective
in contributing useful information to their community and others in the
7. Capturing the knowledge of retiring employees is sometimes possible
through an Exit Interview or a process whereby the departing employee
shares the things I did that made a difference with an interviewer. Often
others in an organization do not know all that the departing employee has
done or was doing on a regular basis. The effectiveness of the exit interview
will vary tremendously with the personality of the employee and the
interviewer. If there were not resources for a sufficient period of job shadow
or double fill, a definite exit interview process is needed to capture, if
nothing else, a list of things not in the job description, for the replacement.
A variation on this (which we recommend) is to expand that exit process to
include two or three rising managers who, while not the current replacement,
are likely future replacements for that or similar jobs. This should be made
part of the out-processing routine, whereby the departing employee gives a
one or two hour very informal talk, which might include: three things I did
that made a difference; five administrative or procedural barriers to getting
my job done and how I (sometimes) overcame them; five technical barriers
or problems in my work and how I (usually) overcame them.


Appendix A
Annotated References
Ardichivili, A., V. Page and T. Wentling (2002). Virtual Knowledge-Sharing
Communities of Practice at Caterpillar: Success Factors and Barriers.
Performance Improvement Quarterly. V 15 N 3, 94-113.
the chief reason [for the failure of KM [knowledge management] to
become the magic key to organizational success] is an overemphasis on
technology-based solutions from search-and-retrieval tools to decisionsupport and data mining systems and a lack of attention to the human side
of the enterprise, especially the dynamics of knowledge creation,
dissemination, and use at the group and organization levels. The paper
explores barriers and success factors for on-line knowledge-sharing
communities of practice (COPs) and includes a helpful definition of
community of practice. Caterpillar began virtual COPs 1997; by 2002 there
were 600. The study reports benefits, success factors, barriers. to
understand how to overcome barriers, we need to better understand the
mechanisms of trust among community members and the organizations.
Burk, M. (2000). Communities of Practice. Public Roads. V 63 N 6.
This is a good general overview of communities of practice, which the
author describes as simply expansions of one-on-one knowledge sharing.
Although focused on organization at the Federal Highway Administration,
the ideas apply to any knowledge management program. Guidelines for
developing a COP are given. The success of any such community depends
on its members; a COP must best suit the interests and working styles of its
members rather than using a format and process dictated by the organization.
Canas, A.J., D.B. Leake, and D.C Wilson (1999). Managing, Mapping and
Manipulating Conceptual Knowledge. Institute for Human and Machine
The paper describes the use of case-based reasoning for managing aerospace
design knowledge. The technique extends the concept mapping technique,
which makes internal knowledge explicit in visual form, by applying such
maps to new problems.

Carrillo, P. (2004). Managing knowledge: lessons from the oil and gas industry.
Construction Management and Economics. V 22 N 4, 631-642.
This study was performed because of increasing interest in knowledge
management (KM) among leading UK construction organizations. It looked
at how eight Canadian oil and gas companies manage their knowledge.
Among several conclusions: the need for KM must be driven by senior
management, peer recognition has more sustainable impact than financial
reward, people-centered techniques work best for sharing tacit knowledge,
whereas IT tools are effective in sharing explicit knowledge.
Chakravarthy, B., S. McEvily, Y. Doz and D. Rau (2003). Knowledge
Management and Competitive Advantage. Chapter 15 in Easterby-Smith, M and
M.A. Lyles, eds. The Blackwell Handbook of Organizational Learning and
Knowledge Management. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
The authors argue that it is not knowledge per se but rather KM
accumulation, protection, and leverage of knowledgethat is the source of a
firms competitive advantage: characteristics of knowledge are primarily
valuable for defending existing advantages, while the processes [the firm]
uses to accumulate and leverage knowledge have greater implications for
creating new sources of advantage.
Chang-Albitres, C.M. and P.E. Krugler (2005). A Summary of Knowledge
Management Information Gathered from Literature, Web Sites, and State
Departments of Transportation. College Station, TX: Texas Transportation
Produced for the Texas Department of Transportation, this report is
especially pertinent to our project due to its sections on historical
background, the nature of knowledge, the role of information technology,
and KM integrations into business. It also describes other states experiences
with KM, which we have captured in other references. Sections on the
Texas Transportation website and software are less helpful, since they are at
least eight years old.
Clark, K. and M. Hammer (2008). Communities of Practice: The VDOT
Experience. KM Review. V 11 N 5, 10-15.
By 2008, the Virginia DOT (VDOT) had formed over 40 COPs. The paper
provides guiding criteria for building a knowledge-sharing culture. It then
gives recommendations for developing and maintaining COPs as they

mature, including maintaining a clear focus on the COPs objectives and

role, having the right persons involved, maintaining appropriate
management support, keeping groups small and their processes simple and
informal, and meeting in-person, rather than electronically, whenever
CTC & Associates, LLC (2010). Knowledge Management on the Transportation
Sector. Transportation Synthesis Report prepared for Wisconsin Department of
Transportation, 19.
This recent report is a valuable comprehensive review of literature sources
related to transportation knowledge and its management. It includes such
topics as managing information in the transportation library, capturing and
managing knowledge in transportation agencies, COPs, person-to-person
technology transfer, and KM practices in the public sector, other disciplines
and industries, and in the international community. Many of the references
cited in this closure report are described in the CTC report.
Dering Consulting Group, Fleming, G, and Pennsylvania Department of
Transportation (2006). PennDOT Knowledge Management. Final report, 1-189.
Abstract available at:
KM at Pennsylvania DOT is a success story. PennDOT has accumulated a
vast amount of both of these forms of knowledge [tacit and explicit], and it
has deployed these assets exceptionally well over time. Now, a strategic
plan is needed, based on worker needs, work force demographics,
availability of enabling technologies, and availability of existing knowledge
Drucker, P. (1969). The Age of Discontinuity: Guidelines to Our Changing
Society. New York, NY: Harper and Row.
Many authors still cite this classic book, in which Drucker emphasized the
importance of knowledge as an asset.
European Committee for Standardization (2004). European Guide to Good
Practice in Knowledge Management.
European Committee for Standardization (2004). European Guide to Good
Practice in Knowledge Management. Part 2: Organizational Culture.

The guide is intended for employees, managers, directors and anyone else
involved in a KM program at European organization. In particular, Part 2
confronts the oft-needed cultural change that must take place to enhance and
gain a greater value from knowledge. Sections include getting the support
and active involvement of an organizations members, organizing for
implementing KM, and setting an appropriate climate for KM
implementation. The guide could almost serve as the textbook for a class in
organizational culture.
Fong, P.S. and L. Chu (2006). Exploratory Study of Knowledge Sharing in
Contracting Companies: A Sociotechnical Perspective. Journal of Construction
Engineering and Management. ASCE V132 N 9, 928-939.
This paper reports on a questionnaire survey of UK and Hong Kong
construction companies involving personnel from tendering departments
with a 21.5% response rate. It begins with a discussion of knowledge
concepts and knowledge sharing. Major topics include work areas in which
knowledge and experience are shared, practices used for sharing,
organizational and personal barriers to knowledge sharing, reasons for
sharing, critical factors, and benefits.
Gilmour, D. (2003). How to Fix Knowledge Management. Harvard Business
Review. October, 16-17.
The author suggests that (as of 2003) KM practices have not shown a payoff.
Last year, US companies spent $4.5 billion on software and other
technologies that claim to foster information sharing among employees.
Wheres the payoff? Instead of a publishing model, in which someone
collects information from employees, organizes it, advertises its availability,
and sits back to see what happens, he recommends a brokering model. A
brokering approach connects people who should be connected, in a
collaborative manner. One software product continually surveys all of a
companys data sources e-mail and network folders, for exampleand
alerts those employees with similar interests that the information is


Gupta, A.K. and V. Govindarajan (2000). Knowledge Managements Social

Dimension: Lessons from Nucor Steel. MIT Sloan Management Review. V 42 N
1, 71-80.
Based on experience at a private sector manufacturing company, the paper
draws the important conclusion that, while technology infrastructure can be
very useful in KM, it should be considered the enabler, not the answer.
Hammer, M. (2010a). VDOT Knowledge Management Toolkit. Virginia
Department of Transportation.
This helpful toolkit, prepared by the VDOTs Knowledge Management
Officer includes background information, definitions and a large reference
list. It quotes Rubenstein-Montano et al. on eight key indicators that a KM
initiative is needed (including the average age of employees is senior). KM
is defined at VDOT as Implementing ways to better utilize the expertise
that we have people and information to improve ongoing processes and
procedures and to retain critical knowledge. It distinguishes between tacit
and explicit knowledge and asks a key question: Who owns the knowledge?
Tools and techniques include 1) COPs, 2) knowledge mapping, 3) lessons
learned, 4) process mapping.
Hedesstrom, T. and E.A. Whitley (2000). What is Meant by Tacit Knowledge?
Towards a Better Understanding of the Shape of Actions. Proceedings of the 8th
European Conference on Information Systems. ECIS 2000.
Although over ten years old, this paper is a good review of the concept of
tacit knowledge. Two quoted definitions are personal knowledge embedded
in individual experience and involv[ing] intangible factors such as personal
belief, perspective and value system and non-codified, disembodied knowhow that is acquired via the informal take-up of learned behaviour and
procedure. It points out that the term tacit knowledge is used in various
inconsistent and confusing ways in the literature. For example, some define
tacit knowledge as any knowledge that has not yet been formalized, whereas
others limit tacit knowledge to that which cannot be formalized.


Martin de Holan, P., N. Phillips and T.B. Lawrence (2004). Managing

organizational forgetting. MIT Sloan Management Review. V 45, 45-51.
This prize-winning paper is based on the intriguing premise that, although
companies often focus on creating organizational processes and structures
that allow them to learn quickly, an organizations effectiveness is equally
determined by what it chooses to remember, to unlearn or not to learn in the
first place. In other words, real learning and real growth require a selective,
discriminating and active approach to acquiring and utilizing knowledge.
(from the Richard Beckhard Memorial Prize citation)
Mughal, F. (2010). Beyond the Tacit-Explicit Dichotomy: Towards a Conceptual
Framework for Mapping Knowledge Creation, Sharing and Networking. Journal
of Knowledge Management Practice. V 11 N 2.
Tacit knowledge is the most effective type of knowledge for an
organization in terms of both value and utilizationHowever, organizations
need to ensure that the tacit knowledge must be transformed into explicit,
expressible, and easy to understand knowledge before transferring it. (This
premise is often debated.) The author shows a matrix of four knowledgesharing mechanisms, and suggests that each gives rise to a certain type of
knowledge network which is dependent on the mechanism: IndividualizedPersonalization; Individualized-Codification; Institutionalized-Codification;
Institutionalized-Personalization, where personalization = informal and
inexpressible, and codification = formal and expressible (embedded in
databases or repositories).
Novak, M.J and M. Hammer (2009). Tacit Knowledge Transfer in a State
Transportation Agency. Ohio Transportation Engineering Conference. October 27
& 28, 2009.
This is an excellent recent reference with a large reference list. It starts with
an interesting brief history of human civilization, including food-gathering
era, Neolithic Revolution, Industrial Revolution, Post-Industrial Revolution.
It then discusses knowledge workers, explicit v. tacit knowledge, knowledge
management definition, Drucker (Age of Discontinuity) and the knowledge
economy, with a helpful list of the characteristics of knowledge workers. It
then turns to the public sector, with some emphasis on the coming retirement
of public sector workers and how to capture their knowledge. (as well as
how to take care of older workers who remain behind. It discusses
challenges of the changing government workplace, knowledge draining
factors, and what public sector leaders can do. The paper includes a case

study of the V DOT and tacit knowledge networks, with implications and
Powers, V.J. (n.d.). Knowledge Retention Captures Critical Knowledge Before
Baby Boomers Walk Away. Houston TX: American Productivity and Quality
After citing well-known predictions of the loss of key employees, and
therefore key knowledge due to large numbers of near-future retirements, the
article suggests several guidelines for capturing that critical knowledge. One
method is to identify such critical knowledge. Another is to calculate the
cost of losing such information (implying that some knowledge might not be
worth retaining). It is important to leverage information that is already in
place in the organization.
Rao, M., ed. (2005). Knowledge Management Tools and Techniques: Practitioners
and Experts Evaluate KM Solutions. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann, 1438.
The introductory chapter, Overview: The Social Life of KM Tools,
written by the editorgives a good introduction to the topic, but with great
emphasis on tools and techniques (as implied by the books title) instead of
the people/organizational aspects. He does admit that the non-IT aspects are
equally as important. The balance of the book consists of a large number of
case studies. Throughout the book are a multitude of references, albeit at
least eight years old. One has to work hard to find much KT from retiring
and leave-taking employees.
Spy Pond Partners, LLC, and S. Tucker (2009). Implementing Transportation
Knowledge Networks. Transportation Research Boards National Cooperative
Highway Research Program Report 643, 1-74 .
This report on NCHRP Project 20-75 describes the development of a
business plan for implementing transportation knowledge networks (TKNs)
in the United States. The necessity of sharing many types of transportation
knowledge between state transportation agencies and other entities including
the US Department of Transportation led to this plan whose three major
elements include three regional TKNs (eastern, midwest and western), a
national TKN coordination function, and an advisory board. The project
builds upon previous TRB efforts to improve access to transportation
information, including the work reported in National Cooperative Highway
Research Program (NCHRP) Special Report 284 cited herein. At this writing

(late 2012), the three recommended regional TKNs and the federal TKN
have been established.
State of Alaska Department of Administration Division of Personnel & Labor
Relations. (2008). Knowledge Transfer in State of Alaska Agencies.
The report emphasizes the connection between KT and succession planning.
There are three main sections: 1. Identifying knowledge to be transferred 2.
Selecting appropriate knowledge transfer techniques (with explanations of
each) 3. Three articles on after-action reviews, exit interviews, and online
inventories are taken from Canada School of Public Service, Roundtable on
Organizational Memory, (2007). Lost and Found.
State of New Hampshire Department of Administrative Service Division of
Personnel (New Hampshire DOA) (n.d.). Knowledge Management & Transfer
Model (Techniques and Forms).
This manual begins with definitions and a discussion of tacit v. explicit
knowledge and the importance and benefits of a KT program. (Note the
emphasis on KT.) It includes a flow chart of KT process (from DeLong). It
describes suggested steps in developing and implementing a KM/KT plan:
1) Identify critical tasks and activities 2) Define each task and activity 3)
Develop knowledge transfer plan. It then sets forth KM/KT, categorized by
1) identifying and collecting, 2) storing, and 3) transferring, with guidelines
for using most of them. The third of these three is most relevant to our
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) (2009). SDC Knowledge
Management Tools.
This website comprises a well-organized summary of a number of
techniques, many of which apply specifically to KT.
Tong, J. and R. Ayres. (2009). Knowledge Needs: Uncharted Area in Knowledge
Management International Conference on Organizational Learning,
Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC).
The paper suggests knowledge needs maps as a means for people to express
their knowledge needs. (whereas current knowledge maps are used to

advertise locations of available knowledge). It reviews knowledge mapping

schemes: knowledge yellow pages, knowledge concept mapping, knowledge
application mapping, and knowledge competence mapping. It discusses two
knowledge transfer models: knowledge market (Davenport & Prusak) and
transaction-oriented (Tong & Ayres). And it describes two types of
knowledge needs maps: subject-based and task-based.
Transportation Research Board (TRB) (2006). Transportation Knowledge
Networks: A Management Strategy for the 21st Century, Special Report 284. 1-88
TRB and AASHTO charged a committee to advise on developing a
sustainable administrative structure for meeting the information needs of the
transportation sector and to suggest an appropriate funding mechanism. This
report resulted from that study and recommends the development of regional
and federal transportation knowledge networks (TKNs). A follow-on study,
described in NCHRP Report 643 cited herein, provides guidance for
implementing the recommendations.
Tsoukas, H. (2003). Do We Really Understand Tacit Knowledge? Chapter 21 in
Easterby-Smith, M and M.A. Lyles, eds. The Blackwell Handbook of
Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management. Malden. MA: Blackwell
In the debate over whether tacit knowledge can and should be converted to
explicit knowledge, the author argues strongly against that notion. He
suggests that the basic ineffability of tacit knowledge means that the idea
of translating or converting it is unsustainable.
Ward, M. (2007). Preserving and Using Institutional Memory Through
Knowledge Management Practices. Transportation Research Boards National
Cooperative Highway Research Program Synthesis 365, 1-114.
The paper is a major contribution to the literature on KM in transportation
agencies. It reports the results of a questionnaire survey of state
transportation agencies about their KM practices. There are many valuable
references and helpful definitions. It provides a good background for the
introductory section of our report. There are several categories of KM
activities (p 12): one is transferring knowledge from one human mind to
another in non-tangible form (often termed tacit) through, for example,
COPs, face-to-face discussions, interviews, or roundtable sessions. The first
questionnaire question is most relevant to our projectSpecial efforts to

capture knowledge of experienced retiring or exiting employees. Some of

the 42 ideas will be helpful. The paper includes some interesting nontransportation case studies, but little about KT from exiting employees.
Several annotated literature surveys are found in appendices, including one
(96-99) titled Challenges Owing to High Rate of Retirements and LeaveTaking, which includes much more than just KT.


Appendix B
Other References and Sources
About the National Transportation Library. (n.d). Research and Innovation
Technology Adminstration- National Transportation Library.

Australian Standard: Knowledge Management A Guide. (2005). as 5037-2005,

2nd ed., Standards Australia. Sydney, Australia, 1-76.
Beazley, H., J. Boenisch, and D. Hardan (2002). Continuity Management:
Preserving Corporate Knowledge and Productivity When Employees Leave.
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
Boh, W.F. (2007). Mechanisms for sharing knowledge in project-based
organizations. Information and Organization. V 17, 27-58.
Brown, S. (2010). Learning How to Train Employees for the Workplace. TRB
Annual Meeting Power Point .
Burke, Becky (2011) Knowledge Management at Maryland State Highway
Administration. TRB Annual Meeting, session 407, p 11-3587.
Calo, T.J. (2008). Talent Management in the Era of the Aging Workforce: The
Critical Role of Knowledge Transfer. Public Personnel Management. V37 N 4,
Delong, D.D. (2004). Lost Knowledge: Confronting the Threat of an Aging
Workforce. New York, NY: Oxford University Press USA, , 1- 272.
Denning, S.( 2011). The Springboard: How Storytelling Ignites Action in
Knowledge-Era Organizations. Boston, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Eastern Transportation Knowledge Network. (n.d).
Gordon. P. (2003). Knowledge Transfer: Improving the Process. Poster Session
at Enterprise Integration EXPO 2003.
Hammer, M. (2010b). What is Knowledge Management and How Does It Help
You? Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting Power Point .

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships. (2012). Wikipedia website
Leavitt, P. (2002). Applying Knowledge Management to Oil and Gas Industry
Challenges. Houston TX: American Productivity and Quality Center.
Martin de Holan, P. and N. Phillips (2003). Organizational forgetting. Chapter
20 in Easterby-Smith, M and M.A. Lyles, eds. The Blackwell Handbook of
Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management. Malden. MA: Blackwell
Maryland State Highway Administration (2012). FY 20122015 SHA
Business Plan.
McNabb, D.E. (2006). Knowledge Management in the Public Sector: A Blueprint
for Innovation in Government. M.E. Sharpe Inc.
Meredith, J.R. and S.J.Mantel (2012), Project Management: A Managerial Approach, 8th ed.
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., p. 446.

Midwest Transportation Knowledge Network. (n.d).
Minnesota Department of Transportation (2012). Minnesota Department
ofTransportation Library.
National Transportation Knowledge Network. (n.d).
New York State Government Knowledge Transfer Strategies. (n.d).
Pardo, T.A, A. M. Cresswell, and F. Thompson (2006). Knowledge Sharing in
Cross-Boundary Information System Development in the Public Sector.
Information Technology and Management. V7 N 4, 293-313.
Pederson, N.J. (2010). Planning for the Future: Succession Planning and
Knowledge Management: One States Experience. TRB Annual Meeting Power

Perkins, R.A. (2011). Knowledge Transfer Needs and Methods. Research

proposal to Alaska University Transportation Center, Institute of Northern
Engineering, University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Reardon, R. J. Lavis, and J. Gibson (2006). From Research to Practice: A
Knowledge Transfer Planning Guide. Toronto, Canada: Institute for Work and
South Carolina State Government. (2006). Knowledge Transfer Strategies.
American Association of Certified Public Managers Professional Development
Stickel, J. (n.d.). Knowledge Management for TIG. ADOT&PF, Division of
Program Development, Transportation Information Group.
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) (2009). SDC Knowledge
Management Tools
Szulanski,G. and R. Cappetta (2003). Stickiness: Conceptualizing, measuring, and
predicting difficulties in the transfer of knowledge within organizations. Chapter
26 in Easterby-Smith, M and M.A. Lyles, eds. The Blackwell Handbook of
Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management. Malden. MA: Blackwell
Thrum, S. (2006). Companies Struggle to Pass on Knowledge That Workers
Acquire. The Wall Street Journal. January 23, 2006. p. B1.
Trautman, S. (2007). Teach What You Know: A Practical Leaders Guide to
Knowledge Transfer Using Peer Mentoring. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice
Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) (2012). Knowledge
Western Transportation Knowledge Network (n.d).


Appendix C
State of New Hampshire Knowledge Management & Transfer Model
Note: Page numbers referenced in Appendix C do not refer to page numbers as
shown in this report.


Knowledge Management
& Transfer Model
{Techniques and Forms}

Division of Personnel
Department of Administrative Service
State of New Hampshire


Table of Contents


Generally Accepted Definitions for Knowledge
Management and Transfer
Knowledge Transfer Practices Chart


Developing and implementing a knowledge

management/transfer plan [Steps, Forms, and Example]


Overviews of knowledge management/transfer strategies


Knowledge management and transfer strategies [strategy,

definition, benefits, obstacles, when to use, and how to use]
After Action Reviews
Best Practices
Communities of Practice
Co-op Internships
Expert Interviews
Job Aids
Knowledge Fairs
Learning Games
On-the-Job Training [OJT]


Addendum #1 [Using a Knowledge Loss Risk Assessment

Metrics to Identify Positions Key to Organizational
Goals and Objectives]




This document is intended to help state agencies retain critical organizational knowledge.
The goal of Knowledge Management is not to capture all knowledge, but rather manage
the knowledge that is most important to the organization. It involves applying the
collective knowledge and abilities of the entire workforce to achieve specific
organizational objectives.
State agencies should feel free to adapt and use information and tools on the following
pages as necessary within their organization. It is provided to be a starting point for
sharing knowledge and experience, allowing those who remain with the organization to
continue providing quality service.
Capturing and sharing critical knowledge and expertise should be occurring continuously
among employees. In many cases, however, it is not and this need becomes pressing
when a valued employee is preparing to retire or change positions. When an organization
is considering implementing a knowledge transfer plan it is important to answer several
1. Is the organization going to fill the vacant position or reassign the duties?
2. Are all the duties of the position still important to the mission of the organization?
3. Is there a need to update the position description?
4. Will the position change, remain as is, or be eliminated once the employee
What is knowledge transfer?
David DeLongs book Lost Knowledge describes knowledge as the capacity for
effective actions or decision-making in the context of organizational activity.
Accordingly, lost knowledge would decrease this vital capacity and help undermine
organizational effectiveness and performance. The goal of transferring knowledge to
others [known as Knowledge Transfer] is to:
1. Identify key positions and people where potential knowledge loss is most
2. Assess how critical the knowledge loss will be.
3. Develop a plan of action to ensure the capture of that critical knowledge and a
plan of action to transfer it.
Why is knowledge transfer important?
A significant percentage of the states workforce is nearing retirement age over the next
ten years. These employees have acquired a tremendous amount of knowledge about how
things work, how to get things done and who to go to when problems arise. Losing their
expertise and experience could significantly reduce efficiency, resulting in costly
mistakes, unexpected quality problems, or significant disruptions in services and/or
performance. In addition, faster turnover among younger employees and more
competitive recruiting and compensation packages add significantly to the mounting
concern about the states ability to sustain acceptable levels of performance.

What are the benefits of a knowledge transfer program?

Knowledge transfer [KT] programs prevent critical knowledge loss by focusing on key
areas. Some of the immediate benefits of KT programs are:
1. They provide reusable documentation of the knowledge required in certain
positions or job roles.
2. They result in immediate learning and knowledge transfer when carried out by
individuals who can either use the transferred knowledge themselves or have
responsibility for hiring, training, mentoring, coaching or managing people within
an organizational unit.
3. They reduce the impact of employee departure.
4. They integrate staffing, training, job and organization redesign, process
improvements and other responses.
5. They aid in succession planning.
6. They prevent the loss of knowledge held only in employees heads when they
leave the organization or retire.
7. They enhance career development.

Generally Accepted Definitions for Knowledge

Management and Transfer
Knowledge Management (KM) refers to practices used by organizations to find, create,
and distribute knowledge for reuse, awareness, and learning across the organization.
Knowledge Management programs are typically tied to organizational objectives and are
intended to lead to the achievement of specific outcomes such as shared intelligence,
improved performance, or higher levels of innovation.
Knowledge Transfer (an aspect of Knowledge Management) has always existed in one
form or another through on-the-job discussions with peers, apprenticeship, and
maintenance of agency libraries, professional training and mentoring programs. Since the
late twentieth century, technology has played a vital role in Knowledge Transfer through
the creation of knowledge bases, expert systems, and other knowledge repositories.
To understand knowledge management and knowledge transfer, it is helpful to examine
the differences between data, information, and knowledge.
Data is discrete, objective facts. Data is the raw material for creating information. By
itself, data carries no judgment, interpretation or meaning.
Information is data that is organized, patterned and/or categorized. It has been sorted,
analyzed and displayed, and is communicated through various means. Information
changes the way a person perceives something, thus, affecting judgment or behavior.
Knowledge is what is known. It is richer and more meaningful than information.
Knowledge is gained through experience, reasoning, intuition, and learning. Because
knowledge is intuitive, it is difficult to structure, can be hard to capture on machines, and

is a challenge to transfer. We often speak of a "knowledgeable person," and by that we

mean someone who is well informed, and thoroughly versed in a given area. We expand
our knowledge when others share theirs with us. We create new knowledge when we
pool our knowledge together.


The Working Council of the Federal Chief Information Officers Council in its publication
"Managing Knowledge at Work: An Overview of Knowledge Management" illustrates
these differences in the simplest terms:


Unorganized Facts
Data + Context
Information + Judgment

What is Tacit versus Explicit Knowledge?

A key distinction made by the majority of knowledge management practitioners is the

distinction between tacit and explicit knowledge. Tacit knowledge is often subconscious,
internalized, and the individual may or may not be aware of what he or she knows and
how he or she accomplishes particular results. At the opposite end of the spectrum is
conscious or explicit knowledge - knowledge that the individual holds explicitly and
consciously in mental focus, and may communicate to others. In the popular form of the
distinction, tacit knowledge is what is in our heads, and explicit knowledge is what we
have arranged into an organized system.

Tacit knowledge is often difficult to access. People are not aware of the knowledge they
possess or how valuable it may be to others. Tacit knowledge is considered more
valuable because it provides context for people, places, ideas, and experiences. Effective
transfer of tacit knowledge generally requires extensive personal contact and trust.

Explicit knowledge is relatively easy to capture and store in databases and documents.
It is shared with a high degree of accuracy. It may be either structured or unstructured:

Structured - Individual elements are organized or diagramed in a particular way for

future retrieval. It includes documents, databases, and spreadsheets.

Unstructured - The information is not referenced for retrieval. Examples include email messages, images, training courses, and audio and video selections.


Knowledge Transfer Practices



Developing and implementing a knowledge

management/transfer plan
A knowledge transfer plan allows you, along with the employee, to target the knowledge
and expertise that should be shared with the remaining staff. It also allows you to
evaluate how critical a task is to the mission of the organization.

In addition, having an employee complete a knowledge transfer tool provides a positive

framework for the departing employee to look back over their career and document their
accomplishments and worth to the organization. It also provides a mechanism for the
employee to give honest feedback on the necessity of actual tasks and activities.

State agencies should feel free to adapt and use information and tools on the following
pages as necessary within your organization. It is provided to be a starting point for
sharing knowledge and experience, allowing those who remain with the organization to
continue providing quality service.


Instructions For Completing A Knowledge Transfer Form

There are three simple steps to complete the worksheet:
1. Identify critical tasks and activities.
2. Define each task and activity.
3. Develop a knowledge transfer plan.

Set aside some quiet time to work through the steps. You may find it helpful to talk to
coworkers and your manager as you answer the questions. Sometimes experienced
employees dont realize how much they know. Others can help uncover the pieces.



There are probably some aspects of your work that only you know how to do. In this step
you are developing a list of those tasks and activities. It isnt necessary to go into detail.
Let the questions below stimulate your thinking:

What are you known for? What are you the go to person for?
What do only you know how to do?
If you left your position today, what wouldnt get done because no one else knows how
to do it or what to do?
When you return from a vacation, what work is usually waiting for you because no one
else knows how to do it?
When you have to be away from work, what do you worry about (what work isnt
getting done or what work isnt being done well)?
What does your office rely on you for?

List the tasks and activities below, using as many blanks as necessary.
1. _____________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________________________
8. _____________________________________________________________


9. _____________________________________________________________
10. ____________________________________________________________

1. Customer complaints are not addressed. (Addressing customer complaints)
2. New initiatives lay on your desk until you return. (Developing new business
3. Special requests are not processed. (Processing special request forms)
4. Computer glitches are not fixed. (Solving computer glitches)
5. G&C requests wait until you return.
6. You are the only person who can expedite purchase orders.
7. You are the only person who knows all the vendors [Vendor Knowledge]
8. You are the go to person to mediate internal disputes [Dispute Resolution]
Complete this worksheet on each task or activity identified in Step 1. You will be
identifying in more detail the essence of the knowledge and experience required to
complete each task or activity. It is not necessary to inventory all your knowledge and
experience. You are simply defining the particular task/activity in more detail. What
information or experience do you need to have in order to carry out this responsibility or
task? Focus especially on things only you know and that others need to learn.
Consider these areas to get you started:
Knowing key contacts (customers, universities, other state agency contacts, federal
government contacts, people who can walk a G&C request through the process, business
contacts, etc.)
Having strong relationships with key customers or coworkers
Knowing logistics or locations (training rooms, field offices, etc.)
Knowing past history (court cases, customer requests, business decisions, etc.)
Knowing locations of critical files or information

Knowing how to carry out a task or responsibility

There are many other areas. Think through the steps necessary to complete the task and
work to uncover the parts that are critical to your success. What do you know that others
need to learn from you in order to be able to serve your customers as well as you do?
Task or Activity (from step 1):
Special requests are not processed
List the critical knowledge, experience, or skill needed for this task:
1. Knowing how to enter special requests into the computer system
2. Knowing how to assign special requests, based on each persons experience
3. Knowing which information to ask customers for when they make a special request
4. Knowing the history of a customers special requests, and being able to judge what
their true need is

See next page for blank form.

Critical knowledge and experience worksheet

Task or Activity from step #1:

List the critical knowledge, experience, or skill needed for this task:

Critical knowledge and experience worksheet

Task or Activity from step #1:

List the critical knowledge, experience, or skill needed for this task:



Fill in the matrix below. Start by inserting all the critical tasks and activities you identified in Step 1. Answer the questions in the chart for each area.
Use the detail you developed in Step 2 to help you think about the questions.
Complete the matrix with your manager. When working closely in an area, it is sometimes hard to judge the importance and impact of the tasks on
the organization. He or she will help you confirm your perception of the current importance, availability and impact on the organization.
For the tasks identified as critical, work with your manager to develop a strategy for addressing that area.

From Step 1 in
the worksheet.

Gauge the
importance of the
task identified

requests arent


Is this knowledge and
expertise currently
available from anyone else
in our work area?
Yes, No, or Dont Know
[if yes, who?]

[If the task is important
and there is no one else
who possesses the
knowledge, impact is

No. Jane knows how to

enter data, but the rest only
I do.


What resources
[files, people,
web sites,
references, etc.]
exist to help
others learn this
Jane for
database. My
special request
files for format
of info needed.

How do you plan to
address this
knowledge gap?
Who will learn it?
How and when?
Outline step-by-step
process of handling
special requests.
Me 7-31-09
Creating a matrix of
each persons
expertise to help
with assignment of
special requests.
Me 7-31-09

See next page for blank transfer plan form.


Knowledge Transfer Plan Worksheet

From Step 1
in the

Gauge the
importance of the
task identified

Is this knowledge and
expertise currently
available from anyone
else in our work area?
Yes, No, or Dont Know
[if yes, who?]

[If the task is important
and there is no one else
who possesses the
knowledge, impact is

What resources
[files, people, web
sites, references,
etc.] exist to help
others learn this

How do you plan to address this
knowledge gap?
Who will learn it?
How and when?




There are many ways for an organization to identify, store, and transfer knowledge. Some
strategies will work better in one organization than another. Some may not be appropriate
for specific types of content. The challenge is to identify and develop complementary
ways to further knowledge management and transfer in an organization.

Knowledge Management
A systematic approach to finding, understanding and
using knowledge to achieve organizational objectives.
Identifying & Collecting
Storing Knowledge
Transferring Knowledge
6. Best Practices
2. Document
11. After Action
7. Documenting
Repositories and
12. Communities of
8. Expert
Systems Databases
13. Co-op/Internships
9. Knowledge
14. Job Aids
15. Knowledge Fairs
10. Knowledge
16. Learning Games
Maps &
17. Mentoring
18. On-the-Job
19. Storytelling
20. Training
After Action Reviews: These debriefings are a way to identify, analyze, and capture
experiences, what worked well and what needs improvement, so others can learn from
those experiences. For maximum impact, after action reviews should be done either
immediately following an event or on a regular basis, with results shared quickly among
those who would benefit from the knowledge gained.
Best Practices: The identification and use of processes and/or practices that result in
excellent products or services. Best practices, sometimes called preferred practices, often
generate ideas for improvements in other organizations or work units.
Co-op/Internships: Formal arrangements are established for an experienced person to
pass along knowledge and skills to a novice. In New Hampshire State government, the
Co-op/Intern Educational Placement Program serves as a recruiting tool for agencies. The
program helps agencies meet their short-term staffing needs in critical skill areas. It also
serves as a mechanism for students to obtain practical on-the-job experience and
academic credit as part of their educational experience.
Communities of Practice: Groups of individuals who share knowledge about a common
work practice over a period of time, though they are not part of a formally constituted
work team. Communities of practice generally cut across traditional organizational


boundaries. They enable individuals to acquire new knowledge faster. They may also be
called Communities of Interest if the people share an interest in something but do not
necessarily perform the work on a daily basis.
Documenting Processes: Developing a written or electronic record of a specific work
process that includes the business case for the process, steps in the process, key dates,
relationship to other processes that come before and after, key players and contact
information, any required references and legal citations, back-up procedures, and copies
of forms, software, data sets, and file names associated with the process.
Document Repositories: Collections of documents that can be viewed, retrieved, and
interpreted by humans and automated software systems (e.g. statistical software
packages). Document repositories add navigation and categorization services to stored
information. Key word search capability is often provided to facilitate information
Expert Interviews: Sessions where one or more people who are considered experts in a
particular subject, program, policy, or process, etc. meet with others to share knowledge.
Expert interviews can be used in many ways, including capturing knowledge of those
scheduled to leave an organization, conducting lessons learned debriefings, and
identifying job competencies.
Job Aids: These are tools that help people perform tasks accurately. They include things
such as checklists, flow diagrams, reference tables, decision tree diagrams, etc. that
provide specific, concrete information to the user and serve as a quick reference guide to
performing a task. Job aids are not the actual tools used to perform tasks, such as
computers, measuring tools, or telephones.
Knowledge Audits: Knowledge audits help an organization identify its knowledge
assets, including what knowledge is needed and available. They provide information on
how knowledge assets are produced and shared, and where there is a need for internal
transfer of knowledge.
Knowledge Fairs: These events showcase information about an organization or a topic.
They can be used internally, to provide a forum for sharing information, or externally, to
educate customers or other stakeholders about important information.
Knowledge Maps and Inventories: These catalog information/knowledge available in
an organization and where it is located. They point to information but do not contain it.
An example is an Experts or Resource Directory that lists people with expert knowledge
who can be contacted by others in need of that knowledge.
Learning Games: These structured learning activities are used to make learning fun and
more effective, provide a review of material that has already been presented in order to
strengthen learning, and evaluate how much learning has occurred.


Mentoring: In mentoring, an experienced, skilled person (mentor) is paired with a lesser

skilled or experienced person (protg), with the goal of developing or strengthening
competencies of the protg.
On-the-Job Training: Most organizations use some form of on-the-job training where
an experienced employee teaches a new person how to perform job tasks. If this happens
at random or with no consistent written materials or processes, it is called unstructured
OJT. A system of structured OJT differs in that specific training processes are written;
training materials and guides exist and are used consistently by all those who train;
training is scheduled; records are kept of training sessions; and "trainers" are given
training on how to do OJT, how to give feedback, and several other factors.
Storytelling: This involves the construction of fictional examples or the telling of real
organizational stories to illustrate a point and effectively transfer knowledge. An
organizational story is a detailed narrative of management actions, employee interactions,
or other intra-organizational events that are communicated informally within the
organization. When used well, storytelling is a powerful transformational tool in
Training: Training encompasses a large variety of activities designed to facilitate
learning (of knowledge, skills, and abilities or competencies) by those being trained.
Methodologies can include: classroom instruction, simulations, role-plays, computer or
web-based instruction, small and large group exercises, and more. It can be instructor-led
or self-directed in nature.


Pages 71 through 95 of this model provide a description of the strategies

listed on pages 67 through 69. Each strategy contains a definition, benefits, when to
use the strategy, how to use the strategy, and obstacles you may encounter when
using the strategy.


Management &
Transfer Strategies

When to Use
How to Use

After Action Reviews



When to Use

How to Use

An After Action Review (AAR) is a discussion of a project or an activity

that allows individuals involved to better learn what was done right and
what could be done better the next time.
AARs identify and capture the things that went well and the things that
could be improved so that team or work group members are aware of and
can use the broader team/group's learning in their future projects or work
activities. Results can also be shared with future teams or other work
groups so they can learn from the experiences of others. AARs are
excellent for making tacit knowledge explicit during the life of a project
or activity. AARs are a useful tool for developing employees by
providing constructive, directly actionable feedback in a non-threatening
way. They give employees an opportunity to share their views and ideas.
The sessions should be done as soon as possible after the completion of
the project or activities. They could also be done at any strategic point
during a project. AARs simply need to have a beginning and an end, an
identifiable purpose and some basis on which actions can be assessed.
There are three types of AARs. Although the fundamentals are similar
and depending upon the event, an AAR can be Formal, Informal or
Personal. All involve the exchange of observations and ideas. Both
Formal and Informal AARs should be appropriately documented so
lessons learned may be shared across functional and geographic
boundaries, and so that implementation of improvements can be
Formal AAR. A formal AAR is more structured, requires planning
and takes longer to conduct. The formal AAR usually occurs
immediately or soon after an event is completed. It may also
occur while the event is in-progress. A neutral third party should
facilitate a formal AAR.
Informal AAR. Informal AARs are less structured, require much
less preparation and planning and can be conducted anywhere,
anytime, for any event, by anyone. Examples: following a
meeting or conference call; or as part of a safety briefing.
Managers or other interested parties may facilitate their own
informal AARs.
The amount of planning and preparation required for an AAR will vary
based on the type of AAR conducted; however, the process for both
informal and formal AARs has four steps:
Schedule the AAR
Select a facilitator


Notify participants
Select AAR site
Assemble AAR materials
Establish the AAR agenda
Review the expected outcomes for the project or event
Identify key processes
Prepare the AAR site
Rehearse as required
Seek maximum participation
Maintain focus on AAR objectives
Review key points learned
Record the AAR
Follow up:
Distribute the record of the AAR to all participants
Publish lessons learned in an easily accessible location
Prioritize actions
Develop action plan to fix the problem (revise procedures;
develop a new process, etc.)
Personal AARs are a simple matter of personal reflection. For
example, take a few minutes to reflect on something you did
yesterday such as a client consultation, dealing with a complaint
or making a specific telephone call. Ask yourself the four AAR
questions below. What does that tell you about what you could
do differently tomorrow?
What did I set out to do?
What did I actually do?
What did I do well?
What can I improve?
An AAR is both an art and science. What makes AARs so powerful is
that they can be applied across a wide spectrum of events from two
individuals conducting a 5-minute AAR at the end of a short meeting to a
longer AAR held by a team at the end of a large project. Individuals
involved may absorb lessons learned on the spot and they can be
documented in a format that can be shared with a wider audience. A


properly conducted AAR can also have a powerful influence on the

climate of the organization. It is a part of the communication process that
educates and motivates people and focuses them on organizational
priorities to improve procedures across the organization.

Mutual trust must be obtained so that people will speak freely. The
climate must be one of trust, openness and commitment to learning.
AARs are not critiques and should not be treated or interpreted as a
performance evaluation.

HQDA Training Circular 25-20, A Leaders Guide to After-Action
Rock Island District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; Fiscal Year 2003
Annual Report
Introduction to After Action Reviews, David Gurteen, 2000.


Best Practices


When to Use

How to Use

"Best practices" are ways of doing business, processes, methods,

strategies, etc. that yield superior results. They have been implemented
and honed over time to a point where they are viewed as exemplary and
should or could be adopted by others. A formal "benchmarking" process
is often used to identify best practices. A full description of this
technique is beyond the scope of this document; however, there are many
books and other resources on the subject.
Identifying and sharing best practices is an important way to incorporate
the knowledge of some into the work of many. Organizational structures
tend to promote "silo" thinking where particular locations, divisions, or
functions focus on maximizing their own accomplishments and rewards,
keeping information to themselves and thereby sub-optimizing the whole
organization. The mechanisms are lacking for sharing of information and
learning. Identifying and sharing best practices helps build relationships
and common perspectives among people who don't work side by side.
Best practices can also spark innovative ideas and generate suggestions
for improving processes, even if a practice can't be used in its entirety.
The process of identifying them can also benefit employee morale. By
highlighting or showcasing people's work, employees get organizationwide recognition for their work.
The technique of identifying and sharing best practices can be done at
any time. It can be especially important when looking for ways to
improve results of important or significant processes. In today's
environment of tight budgets and rapid change, identifying ways to
improve effectiveness and efficiency are crucial.
There are many approaches to identifying and sharing best practices,
ranging from a formal organization-wide initiative with staff assigned to
researching, documenting, and creating a database to more informal ways
such as talking at the water cooler (sometimes the most effective
One "in between" approach involves management identifying the results
they want to improve, determining the parameters of a process that
should be studied, and then chartering a team to conduct the study. A
sample of people involved in the process should:
Thoroughly review and document the current process.
Identify organization(s) that have exemplary practices or processes

that produce high results.

Explore the "best practices."
Generate possible ways to improve their process.
Recommend or select changes to be implemented.
Arrange for implementation of the changes.
Evaluate the results of the changes.


Another approach some organizations use is to encourage employees to

learn from others within the organization through annual or periodic best
practices or benchmarking conferences.
Some organizations recognize teams that have been particularly
successful in accomplishing their objectives. Their process and results are
often showcased at internal conferences or through knowledge fairs.
Sometimes employees are reluctant to share their methods with others.
Information can be seen as a source of power and some people hoard it.
A more likely reason for not sharing is reluctance to say that something is
the "best way." The "not-invented-here" syndrome could negatively
affect the adoption of a method created by a different workgroup.
Documenting and storing descriptions of best practices can be a
challenge. If storage is to be in written form, a database or other shared
file system, the practice needs to be described in enough detail for all to
understand. Often, written descriptions are the starting point for transfer,
with employees using site visits and other forms of communication to
learn. Keeping best practice information current is important. Since
organizations are constantly finding ways to improve processes and
products, a "best practice" could become obsolete.


Communities of Practice


When to Use

How to Use

A Community of Practice (COP) is a group of individuals sharing a

common working practice over a period of time, though not a part of a
formally constituted work team. They generally cut across traditional
organizational boundaries and enable individuals to acquire new
knowledge faster. COPs can be structured depending on the needs of the
Communities of practice provide a mechanism for sharing knowledge
throughout one organization or across several organizations. They lead to
an improved network of organizational contacts, supply opportunities for
peer-group recognition, and support continuous learning, all of which
reinforce knowledge transfer and contribute to better results. They are
valuable for sharing tacit (implicit) knowledge.
Communities of practice can be used virtually anywhere within an
organization: within one organizational unit or across organizational
boundaries, with a small or large group of people, in one geographical
location or multiple locations, etc. They can also be used to bring
together people from multiple agencies, organized around a profession,
shared roles, or common issues.
They create value when there is tacit information that, if shared, leads to
better results for individuals and the organization. They are also valuable
in situations where knowledge is being constantly gained and where
sharing this knowledge is beneficial to the accomplishment of the
organization's goals.
There are different kinds of COP. Some develop best practices, some
create guidelines, and others meet to share common concerns, problems,
and solutions. They can connect in different ways: face-to-face, in small
or large meetings, or electronically. An organization or group of
practitioners needs to decide which kind of community is best for it by
determining what knowledge people need to share, how closely
connected the community is, and how closely knowledge needs to be
linked with people's everyday jobs. The supporting organization(s) needs
to be willing to make resources available to the community. These
resources include supporting employees' ability to participate at COP
events as well as providing logistical and other support. Public and
private entities that have created communities of practice say they work
best when they set their own agenda and focus on developing members'
capabilities. Management should not dictate. Smaller, more informal
COPs will likely have fewer constrictions and less need for support.
Following are guidelines to consider in forming a COP:

A. Determine the community's purpose.

Link the community's purpose to the profession or organization's goals
and objectives. Communities can be formed as:
1. Helping communities that provide a forum for members to help
each other solve everyday work problems.
2. Best practice communities to develop and disseminate best
practices, guidelines, and procedures for member use.
3. Knowledge stewarding communities to organize, manage, and
steward a body of knowledge from which community members
can draw.
4. Innovation communities for creating breakthrough ideas,
knowledge, and practices.
B. Clarify roles and responsibilities.
Roles can include the following, especially for larger, more formal COPs:
1. Functional Sponsors: sponsors need to believe in the value of
knowledge sharing. They encourage community growth and
commitment of agency resources, act as champion for the
community within the organization, and work with community
leaders to resolve issues.
2. Core Group: a subset of the community, consisting of
knowledgeable and experienced community members (subject
matter experts) to assist with start-up of the group and to provide
ongoing organizational support.
3. Community Leaders: active members of the community who help
to focus the community, plan and schedule meetings and events,
represent the community within the organization, manage day-today activities, etc.
4. Members: membership should be voluntary. Members will
continue to be actively engaged to the extent the community
meets their needs, but the expectation must be set that members
participate in community discussions, activities, and work.
5. Facilitator to guide the community's process: facilitators provide
process expertise, assist with the use of process tools, and help to
create and maintain a collaborative environment.


6. Logistics Coordinator: coordinates calendars, schedules meetings

and events, coordinates facilities, and arranges for equipment.
Other roles to consider include functional support staff and a project
historian. Functional support staffs help to arrange for databases to store
and share community knowledge and establish mechanisms for on-line
sharing of information through such tools as chat rooms or discussion
lists. The project historian documents project decisions and events for
reuse by the agency.
C. Identify community members.
Membership is voluntary but it is recommended that individuals who
could learn from each other and have a stake in the community's success
be identified and cultivated. Employees, who are seen as experts or as
trusted information sources, add value to the community and efforts
should be made to recruit them.
D. Develop mechanisms for communication and collaboration.
There can be a combination of face-to-face meetings and events, instant
messaging or chat rooms, shared databases, videoconferencing, etc.
E. Hold an initial community workshop to engage member interest
and stimulate continued involvement.
At this meeting, the community's purpose should be clarified as follows:
Work should begin on building member relationships.
Ground rules should be decided and roles explained.
Methods for creating, capturing, and sharing knowledge should be
Consensus should be reached on the highest priority knowledge
F. Check community progress to identify and resolve any barriers
that impede the community's success.
This is often a function of the community leader and core group.


To be successful, COPs require support from the organization(s).

However, if management closely controls their agendas and methods of
operation, they are seldom successful. This is more of an issue for
communities of practice within organizations.


Wenger, Etienne C, and William M. Snyder, "Communities of Practice:

The Organizational Frontier," Harvard Business Review, JanuaryFebruary 2000, p. 139-145.
NAVSEA Community of Practice Practitioner's Guide, U.S. Department
of the Navy, Version 1.0a, May 2001. 2001

Co-op Internships


When to Use

How to Use

Co-op/Internships are formal arrangements where a person gains

practical experience or knowledge by working for a prescribed period of
time under the supervision of more experienced workers.
Co-ops/Interns typically have basic skill sets or competencies, such as
analytical skills, but lack the specialized competencies necessary for the
job. In some situations, specialized education may be required.
Co-op/Internships provide a structured means for passing on specific
knowledge and skills required for success in a particular job or
profession. Because they take place at an actual job site, they provide
ready access to people who are experienced in the job and to hands-on
learning opportunities. It also serves as a mechanism for students to
obtain practical on-the-job experience and academic credit as part of their
educational experience.
The Co-op/Intern Educational Placement Program serves as a recruiting
tool for agencies that cannot find potential employees with appropriate
skills in order to fill their vacant positions. The program helps agencies
meet their short-term staffing needs in critical skill areas. State agencies
may use the following criteria in their selection process:
The students' area of study and their special skills or abilities should
be utilized in the co-op/intern position.
The students' interest in working for State Government upon
completion of their course of study should be considered.
Recommendations of the campus co-op/intern coordinator.
Contact the NH Division of Personnel.
Funds for the payment of student salaries must come from the agency's
budget and be coordinated with the division of personnel. Work Study
Programs that are non-paid programs can be coordinated between the
agency and the learning institution.


Expert Interviews


When to Use

How to Use


Expert interviews are sessions where one or more people who are
considered experts in a particular subject, program, process, policy, etc.,
meet with others to share their knowledge. The format of the sessions can
range from an informal one-on-one meeting to a larger group session
with a panel of experts. Sessions can be audio or videotaped or even
transcribed if the subject is highly technical. The experts can come from
within an organization or from the outside.
Expert interviews are a way of making tacit knowledge more explicit. A
person can describe not only what was done but why, providing context
and explaining the judgment behind the action. Interviews are often
easier for the experts than having them write down all the details and
nuances. Learners can ask questions and probe more deeply to ensure
Expert interviews can be used in many situations. The best place to begin
is with people who have unique knowledge developed over a period of
time. The next step might be to identify mission critical processes or
programs where only one or two staff has a high level of technical
This process is probably most effective when someone facilitates the
experience, setting the stage with participants, facilitating the exchange
of any information prior to the interview, and handling scheduling or
other logistics.
Identify the people and knowledge you want to start with, both the
experts and the learners. Discuss with the experts the reasons for the
interviews, who will be involved, and what you would like to focus on. If
the learner needs to prepare for the session, the expert can identify how to
do this and what resource materials would be helpful. It is also essential
to ask the learners what they think they would like to know from the
experts. If they have specific questions, provide these to the expert in
advance so he or she can be prepared.
If the session is more formal, with larger numbers of experts and learners,
a facilitator can help keep the session focused and on time. If the
interview is a one-on-one meeting, a facilitator is probably not needed.
If audio or videotaping, arrangements should be made in advance and
equipment tested to ensure both experts and learners can be heard on
Making time for these sessions is probably the biggest challenge for both
the experts and the learners. If the session is more formal with a large

group of learners, some may be intimidated and need coaching.

Job Aids

A job aid can take many forms, but basically it is a document that has
information or instruction on how to perform a task. It guides the user to
do the task correctly and is used while performing the task, when the
person needs to know the procedure.
A job aid can be as simple as a sticker on an answering machine that
describes how to access messages. Types of job aids include:
Step-by-step narratives or worksheets sequencing a process.
Checklists, which might show items to be considered when planning
or evaluating.
Flow charts, leading the user through a process and assisting the
user to make decisions and complete tasks based on a set of


When to Use

How to Use

Reference resources, such as a parts catalog or telephone listing.

Job aids are usually inexpensive to create and easy to revise. Using job
aids can eliminate the need for employees to memorize tedious or
complex processes and procedures. When a job aid is easy to access, it
can help increase productivity and reduce error rates.
Consult with knowledgeable users to identify what job aids to develop.
Create job aids that include only the steps or information required by the
user. Keep the information and language simple, using short words and
sentences. Don't include background information or other information
extraneous to actual performance of the task; put that in another location.
Use graphics or drawings, when appropriate, to more clearly demonstrate
Use bold or italicized text to highlight important points. Use colors to
code different procedures or parts of a process. Make sure the job aid can
be easily accessed and is sturdy. A laminated wall chart hung near where
a task is performed can be consulted more quickly than a piece of paper
stored in a file.
Job aids are most appropriate for tasks that an employee does not perform
frequently, or for complex tasks. Tasks with many steps that are difficult
to remember, or tasks that, if not performed correctly cause high costs,
can benefit from having readily accessible job aids. Also, if a task

changes frequently, a job aid would save time and reduce the chance for
Job aids can be a good supplement to classroom training. Users can learn
tasks in a classroom but will likely need something to rely on when on
the job.

Job aids need to be written clearly and concisely, with nothing left to
interpretation. They also need to be updated and kept current. Finding the
time to create job aids can be a challenge; however, creation of good job
aids produces benefits over the long term.
Russell, Susan, "Create Effective Job Aids," American Society for Training &
Development Info-Line, Issue 9711, November 1997.
Willmore, Joe, Job Aids Basics, American Society for Training &
Development Training Basics Series, 2006.


Knowledge Fairs


When to Use


The Knowledge Fair is an event designed to showcase information about

an organization or a topic. It can be organized in many ways using
speakers, demonstrations, or more commonly, booths displaying
information of interest to the attendees.
A large amount of information can be made available and attendees can
focus specifically on what they are interested in learning. Attendees can
interact directly with the presenters, getting immediate answers to their
specific questions. They also can establish contacts for further
exploration of topics if needed.
Attendees often network with one another and booth developers' often
strengthen their teamwork. Knowledge fairs also provide opportunities to
draw attention to best practices and recognize employee and team
Consider a knowledge fair when there is a lot of information to share
with a lot of people and participants need a broader perspective, as well
as an opportunity to interact on a one-on-one basis on specific topics. A
knowledge fair is an alternative to traditional presentations when more
interactive experiences are desirable
Depending on the scope and size of the event, it can require a large
amount of staff time for creating booths, putting information together to
display, and for organization and logistics. The costs for space, materials,
and resources can be high. The potential exists for participants to become
overwhelmed with information.


Learning Games


When to Use

How to Use

A game is a type of structured learning activity used to make learning

fun. It can provide a review of material that has been presented to
strengthen the learning or evaluate how much learning has occurred.
Games can also be used to:
Help people prepare for learning by testing current levels of
Apply a newly learned skill.
Learn as they play the game.
Practice what has been presented to reinforce the learning.
Games improve knowledge transfer by:
Increasing participation among all involved.
Improving the learning process by creating an environment where
people's creativity and intelligence are engaged.
De-stressing learning by making it fun.
Addressing the different ways in which people best learn.
Adding variety to a training program, which helps to keep people
actively involved.
Games are usually used in conjunction with other learning
methodologies, such as presentations and discussions. Using learning
games depends on the learning you are trying to convey and whether
games will help you meet your learning objectives. Games used at the
beginning of a program can measure existing knowledge and build
immediate interest in the training material. Games used during a program
can help people discover the learning themselves (strengthens recall and
commitment), practice using new knowledge or skills, or reinforce initial
learning. Games used near the end of a program can test knowledge
gained and people's ability to apply it in their work settings
For games to be effective, they must:
1. Be related to the workplace by providing knowledge, reinforcing
attitudes, and initiating action that is important to job success.
2. Teach people how to think, access information, react, understand,
and create value for themselves and their organizations.
3. Be enjoyable and engaging without being overly simplistic or silly.
4. Allow for collaboration between learners.
5. Be challenging yet attainable.
6. Permit time for reflection, feedback, dialog, and integration. In
other words, games should be debriefed.
Examples of games:


Scavenger hunts
Quiz show games, including those modeled on television game
shows such as Jeopardy or Family Feud
"Name that" games
Sports-related games
20 questions

There are two major obstacles to learning games:

1. When games are used as an end in themselves and not a means
towards an end, they waste time and can hamper learning.
2. Using too many games can destroy learning effectiveness.
Meier, Dave, The Accelerated Learning Handbook: A Creative Guide to Designing
and Delivering Faster, More Effective Training Programs, McGraw-Hill, New
York, 2000.
Scannell, E. E. & Newstrom, J. W., The Complete Games Trainers Play,
McGraw-Hill, 1995




Mentoring is a process by which the mentor and protg work together to

discover and develop the protg's knowledge, skills, and abilities, usually in
a particular area. The mentor acts as a teacher, coach and advisor, offering
knowledge, wisdom, insight, or perspective that is especially useful to the
protg's personal and professional development.

In addition to formal mentoring programs, mentoring also occurs in

organizations on an informal basis through a supervisor's daily contact
with staff; through interactions with peers; and, through observation of
someone who has succeeded in an area where we wish to excel. In some
instances, we are the mentor, helping to guide others, and in some we are
the protg, learning from those around us. So, in addition to formal
mentoring programs, there are ample opportunities in the workplace to
mentor and be mentored on an informal basis.
The organizational benefits of mentoring extend to the protg, the mentor,
and the organization itself.
The benefits to the protg are numerous: mentoring contributes to a
protg's personal growth, professional maturity, career development, and
leadership/managerial skills.

When to Use

The benefits to the mentor are just as significant. Being a mentor can
contribute to the mentor's own personal and professional growth. As the
mentor coaches and guides the protg, he or she stays focused on the
skills, characteristics, and styles that are valued by the organization and
needed to succeed. Being a mentor also identifies you as someone of
professional distinction who can serve as an example and role model for
others. A mentor can also learn from the protgs knowledge and
Mentoring can be effective when:
There is a need for deliberate, systematic knowledge transfer
You want to create and reinforce a positive organizational culture
When there is a need for methods of providing job specific
knowledge and insight for those positions requiring experience,
judgment, discretion and soft skills in order to be effective
You want to create opportunities to shape the workforce of the
future in an intentional, deliberate way to meet the agencys


How to Use

strategic goals and objectives

You want to provide structured learning for employees assuming
new or expanded responsibilities
You need identification of talent and development of
organizational leadership
Mentor Responsibilities:
Serve as guide and facilitator of growth
Share critical knowledge and experience
Set expectations for success
Offer wise counsel
Provide information and resources
Identify role requirements, organizational imperatives,
professional demands
Correct mistakes, demonstrate techniques
Assist in mapping career plan
Provide challenge and validation
Build self-confidence, self-esteem, strengthen motivation
Listen to personal and professional challenges
Offer guidance, give feedback and cheer accomplishments
Discuss and facilitate opportunities for new experiences and skill
building tasks associated with the mentoring relationship
Meet with primary protg to discuss progress
Meet with other mentors discussing all protgs progress
Protgs Responsibilities
The mentoring relationship requires commitment and shared
responsibility for the person being mentored also. The partner should
discuss mutual roles and responsibilities at the beginning of the
relationship and review them periodically as necessary.
Establish and clearly define personal employment goals
Take and follow through on directions given
Accept and appreciate mentoring assistance
Listen and learn experiences shared
Express appreciation
Be assertive ask good questions
Ask for help/advice when needed
Share credit for a job well done with other team members
Respect the mentors time and agency responsibilities
Effort and hard work strive for excellence
Take the initiative
Critically self-evaluate
Disclose frustrations and concerns


Help others

Mentoring is an effective planning strategy that benefits the organization

in numerous ways. Mentoring programs can be valuable tools in
recruitment, retention, knowledge transfer, and workforce development.
Mentoring can also contribute to the promotion of diversity in an


In summary, mentoring programs offer a relatively low-cost opportunity

to serve the needs of the protg, the mentor, and the organization as a
whole. Many studies have supported the benefits of mentoring programs.

Resources such as staff, oversight and record keeping can involve

substantial time.
Not every seasoned employee is capable of being a mentor.
Anonymous, "How to be an Effective Mentor," For Achievers
Only, June 1998, p. 8-9.
Barbian, Jeff. "The Road Best Traveled," Training, May 2002, p.
38 - 42.
Bell, Chip R. Managers as Mentors: Building Partnerships for
Learning. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 1998.
Daugherty, Duane."Wanted: A Mentor to Advance Your Career,"
Supervisory Management, January 1995, p. 4-5.
Kaye, Beverly, and Jacobson, Betsy. "Reframing Mentoring,"
Training & Development, August 1996, p. 44-47.
Kizilos, Peter. "Take My Mentor, Please!" Training, April 1990,
p. 49-54.
"Mentoring: Facilitator's Guide and Participant's Workbook,"
developed by Brainstorm Dynamics, Inc.
Murray, Margo. Beyond the Myths and Magic of Mentoring:
How to Facilitate an Effective Mentoring Process, San Francisco:
Jossey-Bass Inc., 2001.
Peters, Helen. "Peer Coaching for Executives," Training &
Development, March 1996, p. 30-41.
Shea, Gordon F. Mentoring, Menlo Park, CA: Crisp Publications,
Inc., 2002.
The Public Management Institute (PMI) Guide Part 3 - Mentor Guide


On-the-Job Training (OJT)



When to Use

How to Use

On-the-job training is any kind of instruction that takes place at the actual
job site and involves learning tasks, skills, or procedures in a hands-on
manner. It can be informal, such as when a person asks a co-worker to
show how to perform a task, or part of a more formal structured OJT
system. If part of a structured system, there are usually prescribed
procedures for training that specify the tasks and skills to be learned and
the sequence of activities to build on knowledge already acquired. There
are also administrative processes requiring both trainer (sometimes called
a coach) and trainee to certify that a particular task or skill has been
mastered. Structured OJT is usually more effective than informal;
however, informal can also be valuable.
On-the-job training can be very effective because someone skilled in
performing the tasks does the training (the coach). With training done on
the actual job site, it may not reduce productivity as much as taking a
person off site to a classroom setting.
The cost is usually the coach's and employee's time. If a more structured
approach is being taken, there are costs associated with training coaches
and developing checklists and other materials. However, those costs can
be amortized over time and over the number of trainees who use them.
Consider the following when deciding whether to use structured OJT:
When equipment and/or materials needed to perform the job are not
replicable in a classroom environment.
When instruction needs to take place in small chunks so that taking
the person away from the job site is not an efficient use of time.
When the number of people needing instruction is too small to
efficiently organize a classroom session.
When showing someone how to do something using real work is the
most effective way of teaching.
One-on-one training should not be presented in a vacuum, but as part of
an overall training program that might include some classroom
instruction, job aids (e.g., check lists See Job Aids), manuals, and
A. Preparation
Analyze the job to figure out the best way to teach
Make a list of the tasks and associated knowledge and skills

Break the job tasks into steps and note the key factors that relate
to each step


Present the process

Put the employee at ease
Find out what the employee already knows about the job
Tell the employee the importance of the job or task and how it fits
into the larger picture of what the employee does
Show the employee how to perform the task and describe what
you are doing
Stress the key points and use appropriate job aids
Completely instruct one point at a time, at a rate slow enough for
the employee to understand

C. Test the performance

Have the employee perform the job while you observe
Have the employee show you how he or she does each step of the
job and describe what is being done
Ask questions and offer advice
Continue until you are satisfied that the employee knows the job
or task [s]


Follow up
Tell the employee who to go to for help
Check on the employee as often as you feel necessary
Encourage questions
Have employee perform independently with normal supervision

Sometimes informal OJT can be a problem if the training objectives are

not clearly stated and understood. If the training is presented in an offthe-cuff manner, it might not be taken seriously enough. Also if the
person doing the training is not adequately prepared, the training could be
confusing and the time wasted.
Levine, Charles I., On-the Job Training, American Society of
Training and Development Info-line, Issue #9708, August 1997.




When to Use

Storytelling uses anecdotal examples to illustrate a point and effectively

transfer knowledge. There are two types:
Organizational stories (business anecdotes) are narratives of
management or employee actions, employee interactions, or other
intra-organizational events that are communicated within the
organization, either formally or informally.
Future scenarios create a future vision for the enterprise that
describes how life will be different once a particular initiative,
change, etc. is fully implemented. They provide a qualitative way
of describing the value of the initiative even before it starts.
Stories capture context, which gives them meaning and makes them
We are used to stories. They are natural, easy, entertaining, and
Stories help us make sense of things. They can help us understand
complexity and assist us in seeing our organizations and ourselves
in a different light.
Stories are easy to remember. People will remember a story more
easily than a recitation of facts.
Stories are non-adversarial and non-hierarchical.
Stories engage our feelings and our minds and are, therefore, more
powerful than using logic alone. They complement abstract
Stories help listeners see similarities with their own backgrounds,
contexts, fields of experience, etc., and, therefore, help them to
see the relevancy of their own situations.
Stories can be a powerful transformational tool. Stories of
transformation were coined "springboard stories" by Stephen
Stories are seldom used alone, but rather they are combined with other
approaches such as quantitative analysis, best practices, knowledge
audits, etc. They impart meaning and context to ideas, facts, and other
kinds of knowledge derived from other knowledge management tools.
Stories can be used to support decision making, aid communications,
engage buy-in, or market an idea or approach. If being used to illustrate
the value of a way of thinking, or explaining an idea, they are best used at

How to Use

the outset, to engage the listener and generate buy-in.

In using storytelling, the message, plot, and characters must be
considered. Determine what underlying message is to be conveyed
(examples: importance of organizational goals, impact on an individual
of a change effort, end-benefits associated with a change effort, how a
process works, and so on). How does the story illustrate the underlying
message (plot)? Who was involved in the story (characters)?
Think about the audience for the story. To whom is the story aimed?
What will each audience listening to the story do with the story's
message? What message will be told to each audience? How do we tell
each desired story?
Four different structures for using stories have been developed (from The
Springboard, by Stephen Denning):
Open with the springboard story, and then draw out its implications.
Tell a succession of stories. The telling of multiple stories can help
enhance the chances that the audience will co-create the followup. Two examples: You want to describe the benefits of a
proposed change effort. Tell a story that only partly serves your
purpose, and then extrapolate with an anecdote (e.g., a future
scenario) that describes how the story will play out when the
change effort is fully in place. Or, tell a series of related stories
that, taken together, illustrate various ways in which the change
effort is leading to payoffs for colleagues.
Accentuate the problem. Start with describing the nature of a
problem, tell the story, and draw out the implications.
Simply tell the story. This is useful when time is very limited and
you want to plant a seed.
The story should:
Be relatively brief and have only enough detail for the audience to
understand it. Too much detail and the listener gets caught up in
the explicit story and not its message.
Be intelligible to a specific audience so it hooks them. It must be
relevant to them.
Be inherently interesting, maybe because the problem presented is
difficult, the "old" way of resolving the problem won't work, there
is tension between characters in the story, there are unexpected
events, or an element of strangeness exists.
Embody the idea you are trying to convey and provide an easy
mental leap from the "facts" of the story to its underlying
Have a positive ending, to avoid people being caught up in a
negative, skeptical frame of mind.
Have an implicit change message, especially if the audience is


skeptical or resistant, since the audience can then discover the

change message on their own and, therefore, make it their own
Feature a protagonist with which the audience can identify.
Deal with a specific individual or organization.
Have a protagonist who is typical of the organization and its main
True stories are generally more powerful than invented stories, and can
serve as jumping off points for future scenario stories. Stories should be
tested on individuals or small groups before being tried on large groups
or in high-risk settings.
The stories must be simple, brief, and concise. They should represent the
perspective of one or two people in a situation typical of the
organization's business, so that the explicit story is familiar to the
audience. Similarly, the story should be plausible; it must ring true for the
listener. It needs to be alive and exciting, not vague and abstract. By
containing a strange or incongruous aspect, the listener can be helped to
visualize a new way of thinking or behaving. Stories, therefore, should be
used to help listeners extrapolate from the narrative to their own
Finally, storytellers must believe in the story (own it) and tell it with
conviction. Otherwise, the audience will not accept it.

Stories are only as good as the underlying idea being conveyed. Since
stories are usually orally presented, the person telling the story must have
good presentation skills.
Denning, Stephen, The Springboard: How Storytelling Ignites Action in
Knowledge-Era Organizations, Butterworth-Heinemann, Woburn, MA, 2001.
Poage, James L., "Designing Performance Measures to Tell a Story:
Applying Knowledge Management Principles," presented to the Federal
CIO Council, Knowledge Management Working Group, November 1,




When to Use
How to Use

Training encompasses a large variety of activities designed to facilitate

learning (of knowledge, skills, and abilities or competencies) by those
being trained. Methodologies can include: classroom instruction,
simulations, role-plays, computer or web-based instruction, small and
large group exercises, and more. It can be instructor-led or self-directed
in nature.
Training provides the ability to address multiple participants at one time
in a structured environment. Training can provide the transmission of
consistent information allowing employees to come away with the same
skills/knowledge. Training may be conducted in a self-paced
environment or through distance learning. (If instructor-led, participants
may benefit through other attendees experiences or expertise.)
Train multiple participants at the same time with the same information.
Information/skills can be replicated (practiced) on the job.
Several obstacles may include time spent away from job, cost, travel, etc.
Participants may not have opportunity to ask questions or achieve a highlevel of confidence in skills learned, or no real work related (on the job)


Addendum #1
Using a Knowledge Loss Risk Assessment [Metrics] to Identify
Positions Key to Organizational Goals and Objectives
Note: This format is for organizations or individuals seeking a metrics [numerical]
format for decision making. Some organizations or individuals may not find this
format necessary or helpful.
Management must identify positions that are key to its business goals and objectives. A
key position is not necessarily determined by the location of the position on an
organizational chart, but rather by its influence on the organizations performance. The
same jobs can exist in different offices and not have the same levels of importance.
Sometimes a particular type of job plays a key role within an organization. There may be
several positions in that role (e.g., Correctional Officers), but they are not all key
positions. In such cases, a combination of position attributes and critical employee
knowledge and skills is the deciding criterion that makes a position key. This is the
difference between a key role and a key position.
Once key positions are identified, employees who possess knowledge that is both crucial
and unique to those positions should be identified. The manager should make extensive


efforts to retain those employees knowledge through application of appropriate

knowledge practices identified earlier in this model.
A. Tips for Identifying Key Positions: Below is a list of criteria to assist in identifying
key positions.

Mission critical tasks are activities, if left undone, will result in an adverse effect
on the accomplishment of organizational and unit goals and objectives.

Unique expertise is crucial knowledge or expertise that is inherent to the position.

If possessed by the incumbent, this places that person in a technical leadership

Organizational fit describes the positions area of responsibility and its

importance to the overall organizational structure.

Strategic location is determined on a job-by-job basis. In one location a position

may be key, but in another, it may not.

Decision-making responsibilities are assessed based on the positions role as a

part of the decision-making process, or how it frees others to make critical
The above list of criteria is adapted from the State of New Yorks Succession
Planning Criteria for a Key Position program.
Once key positions and employees have been identified, assessments of their
criticality should be conducted to assist management in focusing on the most
significant knowledge issues. Guidelines for conducting a Knowledge Loss Risk
Assessment are described below:
B. Position Risk Factor: Apply a rating scale of 1 - 5 (as identified below)
to the position being assessed to estimate the level of difficulty
involved in replacing the incumbent in the position. The value
assigned is the position risk factor and helps management assess the
overall attrition risk. The following lists of evaluative criterion were
adapted from the Tennessee Valley Authoritys (TVA) Knowledge
Retention Program:
5 Critical and unique knowledge or skills. This is missioncritical knowledge, agency- or unit-specific knowledge that is
undocumented and requires three to five years of experience to
bring skills to journey level. No skilled replacement is available to
move into the position.
4 Critical knowledge and skills. The knowledge and skills are
Limited duplication exists in other
positions/units or divisions, and only limited documentation exits


to guide employee moving into this position. It requires two to

four years of focused training and experience.
3 Important organizational knowledge and skills.
Documentation exists for the knowledge and skills and/or other
personnel on site possess the knowledge/skills necessary to be
successful in these positions. Applicants can generally be trained
in one to two years.
2 Procedural or Non-Mission-Critical knowledge and skills.
Clear, up-to-date procedures exist. Training programs in place are
current and effective. Training can be completed in less than one
1 Common knowledge and skills. External hires possessing the
knowledge/skills are readily available and require little additional


Retirement/Departure Factor: Apply a rating scale of 1 - 5 (as

described below) to estimate the timing and probability of the
incumbent retiring or leaving the key position.
Attrition data can be gathered at least two ways at present: A
managers survey of employee population to get an estimate of
probable retirement dates, or managers awareness of the career
paths of their staff (are some employees looking to advance their
careers by moving on to another job, or might some be less than
happy in their current job?)
5 Projected attrition date within one year
4 Projected attrition date within one to two years
3 Projected attrition date within two to three years
2 Projected attrition date within three to five years
1 Projected attrition date is more than five years

The two parts to this exercise will give managers a starting point in taking charge
of retaining critical knowledge and preventing its loss in their work unit. The
focus should be on positions that really are critical, where knowledge loss would
present the greatest threat to the success of the work unit
Once the critical knowledge has been identified, it can be prioritized according to
the level of importance and effort required to replace it if lost.


The projected attrition dates add the dimension of urgency to the situation.
Managers can make an assessment as to how quickly they must apply a solution
to stop the leakage of intellectual capital from their unit and the organization.
The total attrition factor will help managers determine the level of urgency, the
amount of effort that might be required, and the options available to mitigate the
impending knowledge loss. To calculate the overall attrition risk factor for the
position, a simple calculation is done:
Position Risk Factor (PRF) x Retirement/Departure Factor (RDF)
= Total Attrition Factor (TAF)
To further give value to the Total Attrition Factor, a weighting scale is described
20 25: High Priority and Immediate Action Needed
Action plan with due dates should be developed to include
the method of knowledge transfer and specific training
16 19: Priority with Candidate Development Planning Needed
Planning should include method and timing of replacement,
recruitment efforts and the method by which knowledge will
be transferred.
10 15: High Importance
Assess how position will be filled in the future.
1 9:

Recognize the functions of the position and determine the
transfer timing and methods.

Once a Total Attrition Factor has been assigned, a manager can then create a
report revealing all the hot spots for the work unit relative to loss of critical
From such a report, a plan can be devised for controlling or mitigating the adverse
effects of impending loss of hard-to-replace knowledge. See the Risk Assessment
Work Sheet on the next page.



Risk Assessment Worksheet -Sample

Dept. Name

Job Title




Senior Design
Admin. Asst.
to Director

John Doe


Estimated Date or

Linda Sue









Score Rating & Risk Level Legend:


20 25
16 19
10 15
1 - 9


High Priority, immediate action needed

Priority; staffing plans should be established
High Importance; look ahead to how the position will be filled or the work accomplished
Important; intermediate succession planning triggered

Adapted from the TVAs Knowledge Retention Program.



Commonwealth of Kentucky, Personnel Cabinet, Governmental Services Center
North Carolina State, Office of State Personnel, Workforce Development
New York State, Department of Civil Services, Governors Office of Employee
Relations, Workforce and Succession Planning Tools & Resources.
Broadwell, Martin M., Supervisor and On-the-Job Training, 3rd Ed., Addison-Wesley,
Reading, MA, 1986.
Davenport, Thomas H. and Laurence Prusak, Working Knowledge: How Organizations
Manage What They Know, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, 1998.
Denning, Stephen, The Springboard: How Storytelling Ignites Action in Knowledge-Era
Organizations, Butterworth-Heinemann, Woburn, MA, 2001.
Dixon, Nancy M., Common Knowledge: How Companies Thrive by Sharing What They
Know, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, 2000.
Hartz, Cynthia,, Measurement for Knowledge Management, American Productivity
and Quality Center Organization, February 2001.
Knowledge management Working Group of the Federal Chief Information Officers
Council. Managing Knowledge @ Work: An Overview of Knowledge management,
August 2001.
Levine, Charles I., "On-the-Job Training," American Society for Training &
Development Info-Line, Issue 9708, August 1997.
Meier, Dave, The Accelerated Learning Handbook: A Creative Guide to Designing and
Delivering Faster, More Effective Training Programs, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2000.
O'Dell, Carla S.,, If Only We Knew What We Know: The Transfer of Internal
Knowledge and Best Practice, The Free Press, New York, 1998.
Plunkett, Patrick T., Managing Knowledge @ Work: An Overview of Knowledge
Management, Knowledge management Working Group of the Federal Chief Information
Officers Council, August 2001. r
Poage, James L., "Designing Performance Measures to Tell a Story: Applying
Knowledge Management Principles," presented to the Federal CIO Council, Knowledge
Management Working Group, November 1, 2000.
Russell, Susan, "Create Effective Job Aids," American Society for Training &
Development Info-line, Issue 9711, November 1997. Governmental Services Center


Wenger, Etienne C, and William M. Snyder, "Communities of Practice: The

Organizational Frontier," Harvard Business Review, January? February 2000, p. 139/145. (Website of the Federal Chief Information Officers Council,
Knowledge management Working Group, containing lots of useful resources.)


Appendix D
Homepage from SDC (Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation)
Knowledge Management Tools, plus pages for selected tools

(taken from Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) (2009). "SDC
Knowledge Management Tools" KM Tools)

See also englisch%5B1%5D.pdf for a small pocket guide with twopage descriptions of 22 tools based on this website.


Page 106

SDC Learning and Networking- SDC KM Tools

Learning and Networking

You are here: Home SOC KM Tools

SOC Knowledge Management Tools

The aim of this page is to help people in getting familiar with a variety of
methods and tools for planning and reflection of their own activities, for
drawing lessons and for sharing insights and applying them. It features a
selection of more than 20 methods and tools for knowledge sharing
and learning, from basic to more advanced tools, applicable at personal,
team and organisational level.
See the table below for the different tools and methods. The links lead you
to a short individual description as well as links to additional documents.
For the SOC KM toolkit in German, French, English and Spanish see the
publications section below.



Individual Descriptions of the Tools













After Action Review

Balanced Scorecard


Briefing und

Collegial Coaching

Community of

Exit Interviews



Good Practice

Group Facilitation



Knowledge Fair

Knowledge Map

Knowledge Network

Lessons Learnt

Open Space


Peer Assist I Peer


Ritual Dissent




World Cafe
Yellow Pages



Descriptions of selected methods are also available in the form of the

following publications- download them with the links below or order print
versions at [email protected].
Vademecum - a handy, small pocket guide with a short 2-page
description of 22 tools. Available in four languages as download
(english/french/german/spanish) and print version.
Flyer - A4 format, 7 pages, 2-4 methods on one page, only in web
format. (english/french/german/spanish)
Comprehensive Brochure - Full text version, 126 pages, with
additional explanations. Available as download and in print. Only in
In addition to these KM tools you find here some underlying concepts
linked to learning processes in organisations:
Capacity Development: a key concept in SOC for working with
strategic partners and developing their capacities in order to
contribute to social and structural change in partner countries.
Scaling-up and Replication: Learning from efforts and building on
successes: Scaling-up and replication are key strategic elements
to ensure sustainability of investment through working on different
societal levels and/or in different, comparable contexts.
Click here for links to learning and knowledge-sharing toolkits of other
organisations we consider useful.
Learning and Networking


SDC Learning and Networking - Community of Practice

Page 108

Learning and Networking

You are here: Home SOC KM Tools Community of Practice

Communities of Practice (CoP)

A CoP is a network of people with a common interest or problem in a specific area of competence and who are willing to
work together for a given time to learn, develop and share that knowledge.

Six essential aspects of a successful CoP

Strong community - a group of (more or less) active members with a lively interest for the CoP and its topics and
who give it priority. Member pool is often fluctuating not stable.
Clear and well-defined domain -there is a specific thematic orientation; the domain is relevant and meaningful to
Link to own practice- members are active in the given domain. Shared experiences, concepts and strategies spring
from and are being tested against the individual reality of practice.
Personal motivation - membership is voluntary and based on personal interest.
Mandate- the involved organization(s) defines and is interested in the given thematic focus and has an interest in
a concrete outcome. Commitment of members is supported by providing necessary working time and resources.
Informal structure - goes beyond organizational boxes and lines, often combining horizontal and diagonal links. It
makes a link between units within and/or between the organization(s).
Networks and Communities of Practice (CoPs) are both specific forms of cooperation. Whereas networks represent


interests, agendas and resources of organizations, CoPs are more driven by individuals and their personal priorities. CoPs
are involving a sense of common identity and purpose, a sense of belonging; networks are more topic- and interestoriented forms.
CoPs may develop into networks and vice versa. The CoP a Network dynamism represents the formalization or
institutionalization of an "informal" initiative. The Network a CoP dynamism represents the need to leave organizational
logics and procedures in order e.g. to be creative and innovative.


Ensure that key stakeholders are members; balance giving and taking.
Strive for most practical and tangible outputs/outcomes; disseminate them widely.
Carefully select how to "be connected" - balance and combine face to face meetings with other means.
Combine informality with a basic set of rules for communication and collaboration.
Ensure ownership within - cultivate and support the roles of manager, expert, facilitator.Adjust to changes in the

More Information
Comprehensive Text about
Communities of Practice (CoP)
Experiences within SOC

Community of Pract1ce 1n brief (business

card s1ze)
Calendar sheet as pdf file

In addition to the SOC Knowledge Management Toolkit

Find more information about communities of practice:

What is a community of practice?

Concepts on communities of practice
Questions and answers

Learning and Networking


SDC Learning and Networking - Knowledge Map

Page 110

Learning and Networking

You are here: Home SOC KM Tools Knowledge Map

Knowledge Map
A knowledge map is a tool for presenting what knowledge resides where (e.g. people, media, organizational units or
sources of knowledge outside the organisation) and for demonstrating the patterns of knowledge flow (access, distribution,
learning). Knowledge mapping is the first step in creating an inventory of knowledge (i.e. the knowledge base) and
developing/improving the processes of knowledge sharing. Its principal purpose and clearest benefit is to show people in
an organization or within a network/supply chain very fast where to go when they need expertise. It also helps to
understand what knowledge is essential or at risk to be lost and thus needs to be reused or "secured". Based on
knowledge maps organizations can go about developing new models for improving knowledge sharing and knowledge flow
and the fulfillment of their mission and goals. Knowledge maps can also help in organizing research activities and
analyzing the related flow and impact of knowledge. The most common way of presenting a knowledge map is a simple
graph with typically 60- 100 nodes representing knowledge repositories/sources and connections representing the flow of
knowledge (in a physical or mental sense).

How to go about a Knowledge Map

1. In a series of interviews ask people to provide information about the (structure of) knowledge in the concerned
domain (what is linked to each other, how)

Let them rate the importance for the company, the difficulty to replace it, whether it is acquired mainly from study or

practice and the proportion of staff in the knowledge area who would also know about it.


3. Plot the results on a knowledge map.

4. Analyze the knowledge map and integrate the results in a knowledge management strategy, keeping in mind that a
knowledge map is a momentary snapshot and might change.

Experience with Knowledge Map

"We have been using Knowledge Mapping in Bolivia during my time in the CooF to map outstanding capacities of our
partner organisations and their staff in fields relevant for development cooperation ( ; gesti6n de
conocimientos). The idea behind this mapping was to foster the access to skilled and experienced people within the SOC
network. The CooF thus got a less central position in the knowledge sharing, but more the role of a knowledge broker. The
knowledge map has also been used to identify lessons learned presented on the SOC Website."
Willi Graf, Senior Advisor NRM Division (2007)

More information
Comprehensive Text about Knowledge Map
Experience within SOC

Knowledge Map in brief (business card size)

Calendar sheet as pdf

Learning and Networking


SDC Learning and Networking- Lessons Learnt

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Lessons Learnt
The formulation of lessons is the collection, validation, consolidation and finally documentation of experiences,
developments, hints, mistakes and risks found during a project. Drawing lessons learnt makes sense at the end of any
project, activity and work phase. Doing so not only gives credit to the efforts made it also leads to a valuable selection of
information that can be useful in the planning and preparation of new endeavours. The analysis of a series of lessons
learnt in a sequence of projects can yield ideas for improving the project management in an organization in general.
Lessons learnt are drawn first and foremost at an individual level. In a team these (often diametrically different) individual
lessons can be consolidated into lessons learnt of the team. Likewise lessons learnt of various teams can be consolidated
and made useful for the whole organization.

How to go about it

Clarify a) for what area lessons learnt are to be drawn, b) who (else) could have an interest in these lessons.
Delineate the system boundaries (project, area of activity, action-learning).
Then formulate guiding questions corresponding to the above.
Collect (individual) answers to these questions and any other spontaneous idea.
Consolidate individual lessons into shared lessons (team, organization).
Describe the lessons learnt (and the surrounding setting) in an attractive and well-structured way
Make lessons learnt accessible to all interested persons.


SDC Learning and Networking- Lessons Learnt

Page 113

Experience with Lessons Learnt

"The more one has been involved in an exercise, the more you feel like learning lessons. In my view, learning lessons is a
natural human reflex. The amazing thing is to share in a team, what (often different) lessons we have learnt based on a
common experience and to learn common lessons."
Geri Siegfried, Head of Controlling Division (2007)

More Information
Experiences within SOC

Lessons Learnt in brief (business card size)

Calendar sheet as pdf file

Learning and Networking


SDC Learning and Networking - Yellow Pages

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You are here: Home SOC KM Tools Yellow Pages

Yellow Pages
An organisational "yellow pages" is a tool to help people to find others in their organisation who have the knowledge and
expertise they need for a particular task or project. It is like a staff directory including details about knowledge, skills,
experience and interests. The "yellow pages" is electronic rather than paper-based, so that users can efficiently search
information. "Yellow pages" are particularly beneficial in organisations that are over a certain size or that are spread around
in different locations, and so people don't have the opportunity to get to know each other well. "Yellow pages" are helping
organisations to 'know what they know'. They allow to find people and to get access to their tacit knowledge. A "yellow
pages" is not necessarily aimed at those embarking on a major project or piece of work; often the greatest value comes
from a multitude of simple ten-minute conversations in which people ask each other for a quick word of advice or a steer in
the right direction.

How to go about it?


Be clear about your aims: What purpose will the yellow pages serve?
Create ownership with the people contributing to, and using, the system.
Balance formal with informal information. Personal information and a photograph help in building contacts.
Include name, job title, team, job description, current projects, professional qualifications, CV, areas of knowledge
and expertise, areas of interest, key contacts (internal and external), membership of knowledge networks or CoPs,
contact information.



Organise entries for ease of loading and retrieval.

Keep it up-to-date.
Encouraging use- make marketing efforts to create peoples curiosity.

Experience with Yellow Pages

"As with any working tool, be it even the Internet: Yellow Pages require an invitation to participate, an
introduction, some sort of assistance to enter."
Manuel Flury, Head Knowledge Management SeNice (2007)

Additional information ...

Comprehensive text on Yellow Pages

Yellow Pages in brief (credit card size)

Calendar sheet as pdf file

Learning and Networking


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