InterwovenStories-The Fabric of Community

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Pagina en blanco
Interwoven Stories:
The Fabric of Community

Editors-in-Chief: Jessica Moe and Lisa Jokivirta


Editors-in-Chief: Jessica Moe and Lisa Jokivirta

Advisory Group: Jessica Moe, Lisa Jokivirta, Dominic Stucker, Mirian Vilela and Amr Abdalla

Cover Photography and Design by: Oscar Morera

Translation into English: Lisa Jokivirta

Donors: Plan Netherlands, University for Peace, and Earth Charter International

Copyright © 2008 by UPEACE and ECI

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission in writing from
the publishers

The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the views, beliefs, opinions, or values of the University
for Peace or Earth Charter International

ISBN: 978-9977-925-56-1

Published by: Lidia Picado

Alpi Producciones

Cover: Woven fabrics from the countries of Malawi, India, and Guatemala.
Note from Editors

Jessica Moe The University for Peace is indeed a unique place. Consisting broad to invite a diversity of thoughts, reflections, and
and of 150 students from 50 countries and 6 continents, it is interpretations, from our various social, cultural, and spiritual
Lisa Jokivirta characterized simultaneously by a sense of intimacy and of perspectives.
diversity. Students converge from worlds and experiences
apart; become united by a sense of understanding of our After much energy expended persuading, collecting, and
common humanity; and disperse with a sharpened vision of arranging, it is with the utmost pride and honour that we
the possibility of building a more peaceful world. look upon the rich compilation that has come together, piece
by piece; a whole finds an organic coherence.
The UPEACE community is also about all of those who
contribute their energy to bringing it together - fiancés and This publication is a humble attempt to show the beauty of
significant others; faculty and professors; administrative staff; the fabric of our interwoven stories.
and every individual who dedicates him or herself to making
sure the gate opens for the bus every morning, keeping the
flowers watered and the grass trimmed, or filling our
stomachs with hearty lunches and delicious brownies. This is
our community.

This project was born out of a fascination with the richness

of our stories. It was also born out of a sincere vision that,
through sharing these stories, we might gain a deeper level
of understanding, empathy, and inspiration through which we
might know one another better and be brought closer

Over the course of three months, we collected stories,

essays, poetry, art, photographs, personal narratives,
anecdotes, and other forms of expression, from UPEACE
community members. The guiding theme for submissions
was the First Pillar of the Earth Charter: “Respect and Care
for the Community of Life.” This theme was intentionally left

The Power of Stories
Jessica Moe This process has been so deeply rewarding. Looking at the The physicist Heisenberg developed a principle of
compilation in front of us, we catch an unmistakable glimpse uncertainty. Broadly expressed, no two entities can ever
of the beauty of our diverse community. All of us together meet without influencing the path of the other. Even an
have created something that is unique in the world, its observer, by the act of observing, changes the course of that
essence arising from the timbre of each voice, the care of which he observes. So it is with people. Coming, going,
each brushstroke, the song of each idea, the detail of each weaving together, becoming the best of friends, brushing by
photograph, and the poetry of each word. We have created a one another in the street, happening to sit beside one
reflection of ourselves, through the stories we have shared. another on the bus, we become inextricably woven into each
We have created something that glimpses unmistakably into other’s experience. Their course, even if to the slightest
the soul of our community. degree, becomes deflected by its contact with our own;
neither experience remains unchanged. Our stories are
How can there by such power in stories, to tap so deep? In hence inevitably woven together.
telling our stories, we make ourselves vulnerable; we share
the things that inspire us, that revolt us, that bring joy or utter In a community like ours, the meeting of diverse entities is a
pain. We move beyond the polite distance of the everyday. deliberate experience. Ours is truly a unique space in which
We share a thought that might be ridiculed; an idea that individuals from all over the world, from a spectrum of
brightens us up at the risk that of it being found lackluster backgrounds and perspectives, have been purposefully
by others; a moving experience knowing that it may not stir brought together. Here, we discover how we weave our
a single fiber in the person to whom we carefully pass it. We experiences together, how we interact, clash, unite, are
share an insight that, to us, opened up the whole universe, challenged, and work towards some sort of consensus of a
while knowing that the other may find it dull or passé. resolution. We find something about our common selves.

In telling stories, in sharing thoughts and ideas, we open

ourselves, whether fearlessly or with cautious trepidation. In
so doing we allow ourselves to be known from the light of a
new metaphor or from a vantage point previously
undisclosed. When we share stories, we are party to a tacit
and meaningful understanding, one forged by the power of
having together volunteered our vulnerabilities. Thus, we are
brought closer together, in a special bond that could not
otherwise have been created.

Mirian Vilela When I first heard about the idea of putting together this “Interwoven Stories: the Fabric of Community” became a
collection of thoughts, expressions, and feelings regarding reality because every contributor dared to share his or her
“Respect and Care for the Community of Life,” I thought this thoughts, emotions, experiences, and ways of interpreting
was an excellent and unique opportunity to bring together the notion of “Respect and Care for the Community of Life.”
different voices from the University for Peace community and Whether through poems, stories, or essays, each voice
honor the rich diversity we have here. I was particularly helped, in its own unique way, to shape this into a fantastic
excited because the vision was to call for contributions across collection and an example of both our rich diversity and the
different ‘groups’ and ‘boundaries’ within the UPEACE common ground we share across cultures. I believe this will
community. inspire many future generations of students, faculty, and staff
members to come.
This remarkable effort shows that when a good idea is mixed
with the commitment of talented individuals who have a
clear vision of what they want to do, the result can only be
something good. For this, I want to pay special tribute to Lisa
Jokivirta and Jessica Moe for their sparkling idea, fantastic
human qualities, enthusiasm and profound dedication to
making this book project a reality. And, especially, for
themselves being examples of caring human beings. It was
such an inspiring experience for me to hear their joy and
celebration each time they received a submission from the
authors in this book. It was also remarkable to see their
pleasure, dedication, and passion in undertaking this project.

Pagina en Blanco
Jessica Moe and Lisa Jokivirta Dorothee Raas
Note from the Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i Globalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Jessica Moe Mirian Vilela

Preface: The Power of Stories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii An Ethic of Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Mirian Vilela Mauricio Mireles

Foreword: Inspiration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii Moments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Koffi Sawyer
I. Connectedness Who I am within the Community of Life . . . . . . . . . . 15

Adria Scharmen Lisa Jokivirta

Home in the Wind . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Lessons of a Nomad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Erika Hartwick Israa Hamad

Searching for Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Simple Complexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Menandro Abanes
My Kind of Communities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 II. Walls and Borders

Franklin Ngassa Ross Ryan

Connections: From Cameroon to Costa Rica . . . . . . . . 6 Building Walls in the Free World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Monica Acuña Mauricio Mireles

UPEACE in the Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Always a Country, Never a Nation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Catherine Chaweza Jessica Moe

Out of the Darkness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Johnny Goes to War . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Tom Ketteley Maggie Schwalbach

_öm__ñ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Love . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Yoko Fukushima Naita Saecho
The Only Flower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Interconnectedness of my Life Spaces:
A Female Mienh Peace Education Perspective . . . . . 51
Smilja Jankovic
1 & All . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Takako Ueda
Keeping Traditions Alive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Mauricio Mireles
City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Nigist Tilahun
Missing a New Millennium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Karim El Mantawi, Jessica Moe,
Paul Klassen and Keiko Sasaki Nicole Oliviera
Remember . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Sun and Moon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Ian Mathieson Timote George

O Canada? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Haiti: The Personal versus the Political . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Usman Khan & Varghese Theckanath s.g. Adria Scharmen

India-Pakistan Dialogue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 The life of my death . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Sandra Macharia Sava Mounange-Badimi

It Stops with Me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Some Aspects of Customs within
the Nzebi Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

III. Rituals
IV. The Earth, Our Home
Flo Vineberg
A hui hou kokou (until we meet again) . . . . . . . . . . 47 Bonnie Mahl
Acorns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Golda Keng
In the land of my fathers, a ‘knock-door’ ceremony . 48 Alicia Jimenez
Cloud seeding - ‘Community of Life’ in Practice! . . . 68
Smilija Jankovic, Nicole Oliviera
and Karim El Mantawi Aimee Gaines
Earthquake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Hay Bale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Anna Duhon V. Community in Action
The Spirit of Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Amel Dehaib
Candy Henderson Community Initiative in Red Sea State, Sudan . . . . . 91
Water/Art (in online format) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Birta Vidarsdottir
Keiko Sasaki The United World College Community . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Tree Planting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Eddy Quesada
Dominic Stucker Community Comedy Hour with Eddy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Bakhrom-aka Farmer,Uzbek Farmer, Shows Off His
Wheat Harvest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Kaley Lachapelle
One of the most Beautiful Places on Earth! . . . . . . . 97
Marissa Bond
The Harvest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Marcos Estrada de Oliveira
Living the Earth Charter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Kosana Beker
Grounded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Abelardo Brenes
Caring for the Community of Life:
Marina Garcia
Community-based Rural Tourism in Costa Rica . . . . 77 A Personal Journey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

Dominic Stucker Williams Sanchez

Community in Season: Memories of Gould Farm . . . 79 Mr. Muller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

Diana Stoecklin Israa Hamad

Food security in Favela do Luxou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Man and Mule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

Willy Mugenzi Francesca Musiani

Mismatch between Ecology and Economy? . . . . . . . 83 Second-hand Clothes: Community-builders? . . . . . 111

Federico Chialvo Gabriela Montero

A Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Children Paint for Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

George Kasekende David Korish

Call to Action: Mabira Forest in Uganda . . . . . . . . . . 86 The Power of Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Nicole Pion Oscar Morera
A UPEACE Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Diversidad / Diversity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

Amr Abdalla Jessica Moe

My Inspiration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Creative Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

Karim El Mantawi
VI. Musings Solidarity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

Juan Amaya Castro Appreciations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

Community: Sometimes It’s Hot,
Sometimes It’s Not . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Acknowledgements
Photographers and Artists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Noah Taylor
A reflection on community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

Menandro Abanes
Haikus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

Various Contributors
Tattoos of UPEACE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

Muhiba Rabejanova
Winds of Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

Lisa Jokivirta
Thoughts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

Hamish Low
The Eye is the First Circle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

Julio Silva
Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

Marco Rosaire Rossi

Thinking with Ted Koppel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
I. Connectedness
Pagina en blanco
in the Wind
I can stand on the balcony of this,
My new home and open my eyes.
I can stand and feel the raging wind
Race through that valley of blinking lights
It makes chills run down my spine and my mind
Wonder where it comes from.
Adria Scharmen Where does this wind come from?
Fuentes And why is it in such a hurry to get away?
Student, Mexico
I can stand on the balcony of this,
Adria Scharman Fuentes
My new home and wonder
is what her mom calls Wonder how far this wind has traveled,
a “pata de perro,” who just cannot How far it comes from and
stay in one place for longer How far away it will go?
than a year, running like the wind
in seasonal search Maybe it’s the same wind that some time ago
of new homes.
Crossed my way in some other far away place
A Cultural and
Social Anthropologist,
I once called home?
she finds joy in studying
the world and its people Maybe one day I will feel its rage and
by what is better known Chills down my spine, when I am far away
as participant observation. From this, my new home and somewhere new
Inspired by people’s stories, I by then will call home?
and the art of it all;
the music, the dancing,
the theater, the drawings,
And by then this will just be another place
the public expression of Far away from home.
communities which bring her
to firmly believe in the power
it all has in our search for peace.
She quotes Augusto Boal:
it is “Peace not passivity”
that she wants,
and she will continue
to be an activist
as long as there
is wind to breathe.

for Community
Perhaps it is my human tribal instinct that has driven me to a United States flag flying from the window. The flags were
look for a space, shared by other humans, in which I feel an emblem of solidarity for our country, our community that
comfortable. Whatever the reason, I’ve been searching as was attacked just days before on September 11. Strangers
long as I can remember. Although, I didn’t realize that I was talked peacefully to each other while standing in lines at the
searching until I actually found it. I found a community store. This was not normal behavior. Individuals let down
where I can be me, where I feel safe enough to let their guards and made eye contact with one another. They
Erika Hartwick someone know that I don’t know. I can close my eyes and shared stories and showed genuine concern for people they
Student, United States
fall backward and know that there are arms to catch me. had never met. My country was united as a community in
mourning. The behavior was right, the situation was all
Erika Hartwick hails When I was much younger than I am now, my parents took wrong.
from Los Estados Unidos, me to church every Sunday. Each week, I pondered the
where she has experienced hairstyles of the older women in front of me and worked to Luckily for me, September 2001 was also the time that I
communities of many kinds. harness my nervous energy as we all stood up, kneeled, started new work at the National Association for Community
Having graduated from stood up, sat, stood up, stood up, stood up and voices Mediation.
James Madison University droned words in unison all around me, with no inflection,
in Virginia, she moved with no depth, with no evidence of real meaning. I couldn’t My job was to help connect conflict resolution practitioners
to New York City really see what the man up front was doing because of the from all over the United States in order that they might share
to take on her first “real job” large hair in front of me, but when it came time for the best practices, curricula, and participate in training to further
as a Labor Relations Analyst. homily and he stood high on a podium and told a story, I develop or start new community mediation centers in their
She later spent five years looked around me and only saw vacant expressions. “Why neighborhoods. The people I talked to on the phone and
working with an NGO are these people here?” I thought to myself. “They all look met in person shared the very same passion that I have, to
in Washington, DC sad. They all look miserable. They all look like they are in help empower individuals to solve problems and bring peace
called National Association trouble and are being punished.” And then Christmas arrived. to their lives. Every encounter with a member felt a little bit
for Community Mediation. The church transformed into a home with warm rich light, like Christmas!
accented by the dense red of poinsettias and families and friends packed into pews who raised their voices in song and Six years later, I entered the University for Peace with the
celebration! I felt the hair on my arms raise and tingle and hope that I could expand my work and learn more about
felt my face grow hot with happiness and the communal communities and cultures from all around the world. As I sit
sensation of hope and togetherness. This is it! This is the in class and look around at my new friends and colleagues,
feeling of community! I want more of this feeling! But one listening and learning about the worlds they come from,
week later, back in church again, it was gone. Stand. Sit. I feel that I have found myself a brand new kind of
Kneel. Stand. Stand. Stand. community, one that expands around the globe and one that
will stay with me for the rest of my life. One where I can be
Travel forward through time about 15 years. Car after car me, close my eyes and fall backward and know that there
passed by me as I sat at a stoplight. Each and every car had will always be arms open to catch me.

My Kind
of Communities
There are questions that remind me of community. These life. It hosts a particular space and time for the advancement
are the types of questions that invoke a certain feeling of and nourishment of my intellectual, social, and ethical
nostalgia, of the significance of nourishment, and a sense of potential, and choices in life. It also prepares me to be a
belonging. Let me begin by welcoming you to my kind of colleague of my esteemed professors who engage me in
communities. academic discussions.

Menandro S. Abanes My Locale as a Community These instructive exchanges of views and ideas and other
Student, Philippines educational activities in which I participate provide me an
Every time I am asked where I come from, I am reminded of opportunity for meaningful professional growth and the
my small community in Milaor, Camarines Sur in Bicol, pursuit of my passions.
Menandro Abanes lives Philippines. In this community where I was born and raised, I
in Milaor, Camarines Sur find myself part of its harmony, energy and character. My The Dual-Campus Program as a Community
in Bicol, Philippines. attachment to the community is not merely based on locale
He is currently pursuing and territory. A fundamental association has been built in the What course are you taking at UPEACE? This question causes
the Dual-Campus Program years that I have lived there, in the names of people I know me to realize the uniqueness of my program. Aside from
in International there, in the streets and corners I cross and turn, and in the being dual-campus, my program creates a distinctive identity
Peace Studies stories I share with the locals. It is personally and intimately for those taking the course. The program is designed for
at UPEACE. connected with me. Thus, wherever I go I bring a part of my Asian students who journey together for 19 months through
He is an advocate locale. the bustling Manila and lush-green Costa Rica campuses.
of alternatives Our common experiences and stories weave a strong and
and student of life. UPEACE and Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU) as a profound bond among us. Our struggles with the formal
Community English language within the classroom and colloquial Spanish
in Ciudad Colon and San Jose make us reach out to those
Another question which reminds me of a community is: who understand and accept our struggles. The delight of our
where do you study? I am pursuing a graduate degree at own cultures contextualizes our differences in the light and
UPEACE in Costa Rica and Ateneo de Manila University spirit of “unity in diversity.” The multicultural setting of both
(ADMU) in Manila. I spend most of my conscious time at campuses facilitates cultural understanding, which enables us
UPEACE and ADMU. This is where I encounter and socialize to appreciate the beauty of our differences and similarities.
with my peers, the staff and faculty. Graduate university life
is not simply an extension of college life. Neither is it only
about mastering a field of study, investing more time in
reading and writing essays at the graduate level, or meeting
deadline after deadline of required submissions. It is, to my
mind, a cultivation of a learning environment within every
student’s sphere of experience, even outside of university

From Cameroon to Costa Rica
Communities find their roots embedded in peace and love, based on hunting and the collection of forest resources.
strengthened by the desire to live and to work together. It is Today, they occupy the Congo Basin Forest and its fringes,
a question of facing the challenges of human nature and cutting across national boundaries and sharing their land
the philosophies by which we are bound to exist. So far, in with other ethnic groups. As a result of their co-existence
my life, I have had only two truly deep and meaningful with Bantu tribes in the forested areas that they inhabit,
experiences with community. Common to these two these indigenous tribes have experienced all types
Franklin Ngassa communities has been the profound desire to achieve the of marginalization, insults, and dubious exploitation.
dream for a better tomorrow and the capacity to transcend The Bantus generally refer to members of the Bagyeli/
Student, Cameroon
human differences. Another peculiarity of these communities Bakola tribes as “My Pygmy,” demonstrating a clear act of
has been the people that constitute them, people who human ownership.
choose to work and live for peace and love.
Franklin Ngassa is currently
That notwithstanding, the Bagyeli /Bakola Pygmy
a student in the Environmental
This reflection is based on my experiences with the communities have sought to live in harmony with their Bantu
Security and Peace
indigenous Bagyeli/ Bakola Pygmy communities of Southern neighbors who, generally, are considered their masters. As
program at UPEACE. Cameroon and the UPEACE community in Costa Rica. I gatherers and hunters, the Pygmy communities have always
He completed his spent three years working as a technical assistant and site shared their bush meat and knowledge of plants and wildlife
undergraduate studies officer in the former, as part of a project designed to improve with their ‘superiors’, in the hope of obtaining land for their
in Geography the livelihoods of the Bagyeli/ Bakola communities through settlement by the road side. So far, they have never shown
and Political Science, the sustainable any sign of organized revolt
and has experience management of natural whatsoever. Rather, they
working in several resources in the have developed and
non-profit organizations Ngoyayang Forest. maintained a simplistic
in his home country. Although I will live in the approach to life, spiced with
His work with
latter for only one year, inborn and in-depth peace.
the realities pertaining to This can be attributed to
Birdlife International
the UPEACE community their attachment to nature
in the indigenous
are so striking that they as opposed to the
Bagyeli/ Bakola Pygmy
will always remain conventional, materialistic
communities in Cameroon memorable events world where wealth, money,
has been particularly in my life. and competition rule over
meaningful to him. every other emotion.
Franklin is passionate about The indigenous Bagyeli/ Although their simple
environmental conservation, Bakola tribes of Southern approach to life was a
indigenous issues, and rugby. Cameroon make up the barrier to some of the
second largest group of project goals for which
Pygmies in Central Africa. I was working, the
Their economy is entirely omnipresence of peace was

far more laudable than any other goal I could have ever
wanted to achieve.

Similarly, what continues to strike me about the UPEACE

community is the zeal with which cultures mix under the
canopy of peace. It is only by living in such a community that
you can experience the strength of cultural diversity in
building peace for the world. Simply knowing, accepting, and
embracing someone`s culture leads to mutual respect and
recognition, which I believe are all prerequisites for peace.

As a typical African who has never been exposed to Western

cultures, I have learned how to adapt to terms such as
‘sexual orientation’ and ‘rainbow’. Maybe more terms are still
to come, but I will remain committed to the underlining
principle that made me join this community. That is striving
for a better world through the promotion of peace in all
aspects and levels of human interaction, with the aim of
improving the quality of human life for all.

From these two communities, I have learned

that it is possible to work towards a peaceful
world. What is required are the right people at
the right place; people who are peaceful and
want to promote peace. Hopefully, the next
community that we visit maybe an
opportunity for each and every one of us,
as UPEACE alumni, to continue working for
peace. After all, you can choose to either work
for peace or to work for the absence of peace
- and, if the students I have met here at
UPEACE are any indication, we might just be
heading down the right path after all.

in the Field
Mónica Acuña

of the Darkness
Out of the darkness into the light. A spot, a dot, a stop, a me! I want us to play together, let’s kick ball, when I kick you
period. touch me, you stop me but I want to play with you, you and
me, together. For we are one, aren’t we? In our two different
Does it know it is there? Does she know? Does anybody? worlds, we are one. But I love it here, it’s warm and safe,
The innocence, the ignorance, the nothingness. Engulfed in though a little bit dark, if you ask me. So it hasn’t changed,
this sense of ignorance, of nothingness, the two, in separate it’s still me. In the dark.” “It’s the uncertainty that hurts, when
Catherine Chaweza worlds do exist. Are they two or are they one, maybe yes, will I stop being us? How is it going to be like? I can’t wait,
Student, Malawi maybe not. Or maybe not just yet! When will I know, when yet why am I so afraid? I wait,” “I wait too,” together we wait.
will she know, when will they know and when will we know.
All of them, in the dark. It’s Time
Catherine Chaweza is an
M.A. Candidate in the Media, Am Here “It’s too small in here, way too hot at times and way way too
dark if you ask me. I need to go out, to your world, to the
Peace and Conflict Program
Am here! I guess this is the time to know, the time to feel world. It’s time, my time, your time. Show me the way, show
at the University for Peace.
my presence, the moment of truth is finally here. “Why are me the way out. Is it this way?” “...ouch!” “Oh no, dead end,
She is the mother of two,
my mornings so hard? Why isn’t it easy anymore? Where did maybe that way...Oh no! Get me out of here, out of this
a girl and a boy. maze, out of the darkness. Into the world, your world, my
all the innocence go, what is going on, who is here, in my
world, in my space, in my being, in me, anybody home?” “I world. The world. Let me out!”
said am here!” “Gosh, I missed it, I lost it, somebody should
be here, but it’s difficult to say welcome home; I can’t eat, “It hurts, it pains, and I can’t breathe, please come home, to
can’t smile, can’t wear my favorite perfume. That’s why it’s the world, your world and mine, our world. Who do you look
difficult for me to say welcome home, welcome here, to me. like, what do you like? Please just come home, to the world.
But you are welcome to me. You are here with me; it’s you Make it easy for both of us, I know you can’t wait, I can’t wait
and me, us in me.” too, together we can no longer wait. You and I, we can’t wait.
Ouch!” “Oh no!”, “Ouch, yes we can’t wait.”
The Wait
The Moment
“Why can’t I get in my dress? I can’t do my exercise!
Its over, we did it, you and I we made it, we are we, you are
There are two of us and we are getting big. Yes bigger and
you, and I am me. You and I. Us. You cry, I smile, I look into
better. I have to see the doctor we both do.” The ultrasound,
your eyes. You are so beautiful. Welcome into the world. Into
the pre-natal class, the breathing session. The secrecy, the
the light. Out of the dark, into the light.
uncertainty, the waiting, the pain, the heat. “Am growing, am
getting big, can you hear me, it’s quiet, it’s calm but I can
Your world, my world, our world.
hear you, in this darkness, and I can feel you, my heart, your
heart. Together, we beat, tuk, tuk, tuk, tuk like a drum.
When you are sad I feel it in here, you are happy I feel it; we
cry together, we laugh together; we are together, you and

Communication and social interactions are at the core
of every community. Language plays an important part in
facilitating the ability of people to involve themselves within
their communities, especially within global metropolitan
centers. Among the most marginalized within urban
environments are those who find the language barriers
Tom Ketteley insurmountable. Exclusion from essential services and civic
Student, United Kingdom
life besets those who cannot communicate. Nonetheless,
urban communities are enriched by a diversity of cultures
Tom Ketteley is studying towards especially when different peoples come together.
an M.A. in International Law
and Human Rights This figure embodies the cosmopolitan centers which global
at the University for Peace. cities have become. Each letter is taken from a different
Tom read for his B.Sc. written script to represent the breadth of diversity evident
International Relations within urban communities. The disparate letters join together
in London, to form a whole - the word community - just as disparate
a truly global city, people come together within a city to form a community.
and has worked
in various countries
including Poland,
and most recently

Common humanity
in a global community
Nearly seven billion people live today on this planet. With worn such clothes, never heard this language before, I felt as
airplanes able to bring us within a day from one corner of if I was at home, mostly because people understood what
the world to the other, it feels like we have never been so would please me or what would make me sad; and they felt
close to one another. At the same time, there is a large the same way.
diversity of cultures, languages, religions, and mindsets: In
short, we human beings are different culturally, sometimes Here as well, political issues could divide people. However,
Dorothee Raas as specific groups, but also individually. I believe that this is going to the basis of our deep wishes and desires, we
Student, Switzerland the reason we travel to other places. Were we all the same, always found a common ground, often more easily while
there would be nothing to discover. talking one-on-one than in a group, where everyone feels
Dorothee Raas is currently some pressure to say certain things.
studying in the International Law
Understood in the word ‘community’ is that we have
and the Settlement of Disputes M.A. Similar situations occurred to me on a daily basis in Eastern
something in common. What is the common ground that the
program at the University for Peace. Europe, Central Asia, and Australia.
world community, the community on this planet of so many
She holds a degree
differences, shares? I believe that the answer is found in the I can be best friends with someone who has a greatly
in International Relations
beautiful word of ‘humanity’. different background. I can understand this person’s
from the Graduate Institute
of International Studies problems, concerns and thoughts at an inter-personal level
This is not about becoming sensitive, but is what I have and they can understand me as well. But, as mentioned,
in Geneva, Switzerland.
experienced every time I have gone to live with people on when it comes to politics, things may change. Whether Mao
Dorothee has traveled
other continents, who did not have much more in common was good or bad for China, whether Hitler was intelligent,
on five continents,
with me than these invisible human values and desires. whether human rights should be universal and be given
and has worked
with governmental especially to women... such topics can divide people, and
I felt great happiness living in the slums of Peru because of discussions over them hardly ever end. Or, the problem is
and non-governmental
the friendships I made - that have lasted until today - and that such discussions hardly ever get started in a productive
organizations in
because of a deep mutual understanding I found with the way: many people feel annoyed and have already made up
South America, West Africa,
people: of who we are, why we are sad or happy, and what their minds about the supposed opinion of the person they
Central Asia, and Switzerland.
we should do in life. are conversing with before they have listened to the
She speaks German, French,
English, Spanish explanations for his or her thoughts: we think we can picture
Not surprisingly, when the discussion turned to political matters, where the person in front of us grew up, his or her general
and some basic Russian.
we did not always have the same point of view, which goes background, maybe his or her current job and education
back - in addition to our personality - to our education and how that, for example, do not encourage criticism of a current
a particular situation has been presented to us as students, so regime. We guess that we understand that we cannot
influencing and shaping our future judgment. understand each other.

During my months in West Africa, I did not feel alone or far It is often said that we live in a global world. Do we? How
from home. Although I had never eaten such food, never much in this world really gets globally exchanged, besides a

bunch of jet setters or economic items a country needs from planet, with everyone of the global community, I wondered
another part of the world? What about global values, the how this could happen. I have also stated that I generally do
exchange of opinions and understanding? not encounter serious problems talking to people on a
personal level, no matter where they come from. However,
Is there something like a globalization of perceptions? Or problems start when our conversation goes to the
does the process of globalization impose certain ideas to understanding of our world, perceptions, and politics.
create an impression of some kind of understanding?
We can do something about this. In our university, where the
Let’s take our so-called Western values. What we suppose world meets in a kind of micro-cosmos, we - from countries
to be polite, clothes we see as formal, and even rules of of this world so far apart - should meet to discuss the hottest
international law get exported slowly to all parts of the world. topics. The universality of human rights, women’s rights,
Is this a new imperialistic behavior? Is it imposing something democracy, international economics, labor rights, the concept
by destroying something else? of development... Coming with different educational
backgrounds, religions, languages, etc., we have to learn
No one can physically force people to say what we think or to how to express our views in a way and language that allow
wear what we design, but there is eventually a kind of moral us to understand what seems very alien to us and what we
or mental force that makes people believe that they are only might think we would never believe.
advanced, modern and good if they are like the West.
As long as people do not understand, they do not know how
A very misleading perception. to value differences. It is the differences among us that make
our global community so beautiful. But we have a lot of
As said in the beginning, what constitutes our global mental reframing and sharpening before us, to be able to
community are our differences that are based on our value the contribution that each of us can make, built on our
common humanity. If everyone becomes the same, common -let me say it again- basis of humanity.
the mystery of life, the beauty that makes it worth living,
risks disappearing.

Sometimes I am in a bad mood, sometimes I just do not like

someone, and usually I am not able to explain why. It feels
like this person is so different from me, and that we could
probably never get along with each other. I can have this
same feeling for Europeans and U.S. Americans as for Latin
people, Africans or Asians. So what is it about our
differences? Such personal differences seem to be absolutely
independent of differences we can find among the countries
and cultures all across the world.

Having stated that we all share a common humanity which

should allow us to communicate with everyone on this
An Ethic
of Care
At the heart of the Earth Charter lies an ethic of care - care As Leonardo Boff discusses in his book Saber Cuidar
for oneself, for one another, and care for the large community (‘Knowing How to Care’), “Humanity is currently facing a
of life in all its diversity. To care generally means to value, crisis point. This is a symptom of the lack of care through
love, and have concern for the ‘other’. Conversations about which we deal with life’s important realities:
this theme in class last year brought to my attention that it is the environment; millions and millions of children being
easier to care for who or what we know; for what we are condemned to work as adults; inadequate public health;
Mirian Vilela familiar with. It seems that the closer we are to someone or and lack of access to education. This is a crisis of our
Executive Director
of Earth Charter International, Brazil
a given situation, the more we care and feel inspired to act. civilization. To get out of this crisis, we need a new ethic.
Therefore, for us to have a profound sense of caring for the An ethic that needs to emerge from something that is
larger community of life, it seems to me that we need to essential in every human being and common across all
Mirian Vilela is Executive Director understand and feel the close interconnectedness between human beings. This human essence resides more in the
of Earth Charter International, all human beings, as well as between human needs and sense of care than in any reasoning or will...
and has been nature. This shows the need for all of us to broaden our
promoting the Initiative vision and see the interrelationship between these areas. ... Everything that exists and lives deserves to be cared for in
internationally since 1996. order to continue to exist and live: a plant, an animal, a child,
Prior to her work with Principle 2 of the Earth Charter deepens the notion of care, an elder, the planet Earth.”1
the Earth Charter, to suggest that we need to care with understanding,
Mirian worked for compassion, and love. This involves knowledge and the
the United Nations Conference mind, as well as feelings and the heart. I like to think of this
on Environment principle, as any other principle of the Earth Charter, as an
and Development (UNCED) invitation for us to move toward an ethic of care. The idea is
for two years in preparation not to impose this upon others, but rather to let each of our
of the 1992 UN Earth Summit. lives be our message to the world. In doing so, we will
She moved from Geneva inspire others to see the interconnections of our everyday
to Costa Rica in 1993 lives, and act accordingly with a deep sense of respect and
to join in the establishment care for the larger community of life.
of the Earth Council.
Mirian holds a Master’s Degree I like to think of these as an aspiration that needs to be
in Public Administration crystallized into our everyday lifestyles and into the ways our
from the Harvard Kennedy School communities are organized. Without a deep sense of care,
of Government, coupled with a clear sense of the interconnectedness
where she was between all of us and the various issues humanity now
an Edward Mason Fellow. faces, people will probably lack the motivation to act.

Boff, Leonardo. Saber cuidar: ética do humano-compaixao pela terra.


Sao Paolo: Editora Vozes, 1999.


Mauricio Mireles

Who I Really Am
Within the Community of Life
I am Koffi Henry Sawyer, a dark-in-complexion 25 year old; only who I am because all of these things are. They also
bilingual in French and English; Cameroonian of the live and deserve respect because there is no ‘me’ without
Bakweri tribe; born and raised in a little village called them! Ernest, my white, Canadian friend; Ishmael my
Bokwaongo, situated at the foot of Mt. Cameroon, which is Muslim friend; my illiterate pygmy friend Jamboni; and
the highest peak in West Africa. I am a vegetarian, a Dorothy my conservative pork-eating friend and I all sit
passionate snail eater, and a moderate drinker. I was together, discussing the wonders of the community of life
Koffi Sawyer brought up in, and follow, the Christian faith. I have a on which we all depend and to which we all belong.
Student, Cameroon
Master’s Degree, liberal views, permanent afro hair-style,
and a fairly bushy moustache. We all eat, sleep, drink, love, feel, and depend on this
Koffi Henry Sawyer was community - on this ‘other’ - for our identity and survival.
born in Buea, Cameroon. This is the physical ‘me’, and I can only say who I really am So it is and so shall it always be because without the other,
He obtained a Bachelor of because there is ‘the other’- he or she who I am not. I we are not. Love, mutual care, and above all, utter respect
Science and a post-gradu- would not be able to say who I am without this ‘other’- this for diversity in oneness should characterize our relationship
ate degree in Political other has a wide range, encompassing not only the fair- with ‘the other’. I am who I am not only because there is a
Science in 2003 and 2004 skinned, the ten-year old, the Spanish speaker, the Tutsi whiter human being than myself, but also because there
from the Universities of from the country of a thousand hills, the meat eater, the are insects, plants, other animals - in short the wider
Buea and Yaoundé II, conservative Muslim who wears a turban, but also the community of life.
respectively. entire community of life including all those things that help
In 2006, he graduated to sustain our life. All these make us who we are - by I am one of God’s creations among many within this
with a Diplôme d’Etudes showing us who we are not. Can we even begin to community. An appreciation of the entire community of life
Superieures Specialisées imagine a vacuous ‘individual world’ where no one or is the beginning of one’s understanding of what or who
(DESS) in Strategy, nothing else surrounds us? Who would we measure up to, one really is. As we pass through this ‘stage of life’ where
Defense, Security and and who would be our source of inspiration, sustenance, my ‘Cameroonian-ness’, my ‘African-ness’, my Christianity,
Conflict Management, and and self-identification if there were no ‘other’? my love for snails, my complexion, my tribe, and my
is currently studying for a political affiliation don’t really matter, then you and I will be
Master’s in International Not only important is my neighbor who brings me piping at peace. We share something more in common, in simply
Law and Human Rights hot soup when I catch a fever, but so are the trees that being human beings- be it Tutsi, republican, communist,
at UPEACE. help in cleaning the air I breathe and providing me with all Asian, Muslim, black, red, or white. It does not even end
Koffi has worked with a the vitamins I need. Important, too, are the maggots that there. Other non-human beings also partake in our
humanitarian NGO, Ndolo break down non-living materials and add fertility to my soil; environment, from whom we greatly benefit and who
Sisters, in Cameroon; the snails that serve as food; the erupting mountains; the starry make this world a more beautiful place- plants, animals,
UN Criminal Tribunal for skies; the moving clouds; and all the bodies of water that the earth, the mountains, the smiling stars, the bright-faced
Rwanda; ‘live’ in their own right and make life what it is to us! I am sun, and the ever-moving bodies of water.

and is a Student Executive Who am I therefore?
Committee Member
of the University for I am you, and you are me, and we are all part of one
Peace Human Rights Centre. inseparable whole. If you knew who you really are, who
He is a great admirer ‘they’ really are, and who I really am, you wouldn’t want to
of communal life. hurt, destroy, or kill me or them because we seem ‘different’.
Rather, we would eat and drink in the same calabash
because I -like you and ‘they’- am wonderfully created out of
God’s image. We are all in this cosmos forming the beautiful
community of life, where even the most microscopic
organisms have their role to play even if they, together with
plants and others, might not necessarily have a language and
an intellect as developed as us. WE all ARE, and should
uphold the other if we value our own identity and existence;
an identity and existence inextricably intertwined with ‘the
other’ with whom I was made to share this astonishing
community of life!!

of a Nomad
On Nomadic Beginnings It was a classic scene at the airport: mother weeping as
daughter sets off into the world, and daughter beaming,
“Wherever you place your foot, there rests a blessing.” -Rumi ready to seize the world. We all know when we reach a
defining moment in our lives – one of those moments when
My last name, in Finnish, means ‘flowing river’. And, ever our lives take an unexpected turn, when a new chapter
since I was little, I have been fascinated with finding a world begins. I knew that this was one of those moments. I took a
Lisa Jokivirta where borders do not exist. I used to spend hours reading, deep breath; realized that I had absolutely no idea what lay
Earth Charter Intern,
writing, telling, and being told stories. It didn’t matter whether ahead of me; smiled; and, simply let go. It was the most
they were good or bad, fictitious or real; the beauty resided liberating feeling in the world.
in the mere fact that the imagination knows no limitations,
Lisa Jokivirta is a nomad that anything and everything could ring true. My favorite I remember that first year of living and working in London
who has spent the past six years past-time, growing up, was to hang out at the local train unlike any other. It was as though I was suddenly awake,
working and studying in Finland, station, post office, bus stop, ice cream stand or, on a lucky without ever having realized that I had been half-asleep. My
France, Canada, Costa Rica, day, airport – anywhere and everywhere I could watch the senses were heightened; I walked around with a certain
and the UK. paths of wandering souls intersect, even for the briefest sense of awe; and, as clichéd as it might sound, I was driven
She is currently undertaking
moment in time. I guess it is hardly surprising, then, that I by a fierce determination to make the most of each waking
a Master’s in Development
grew up to be a nomad. As soon as I got hold of my first hour. It wasn’t because I fell in love with London as a city, as
and International Cooperation,
and has previously worked
passport, I knew that I had joined the global body of such. Rather, it was because a whole realm of possibilities
in various NGOs, wanderers, travelers, pilgrims, and nomads who belong to no had opened up before me – I was completely unknown in a
the Canadian Embassy in Paris, one place and to everywhere at once; who challenge those city completely unknown to me. It was a state of anonymity,
and as a freelance boundaries that restrict, constrain, and confine us, and ambiguity and indeterminacy, but also one of transition,
writer and editor. re-map more promising ways of living together in this world. openness and you-can-be-anything-you-want-to-be. It was a
She is an island girl, kind of sudden death – stepping out of your usual identity
violin player, friend of The following, then, is a stream of random thoughts, stories, and comfort zone – with the possibility for re-birth. There
the Earth Charter, listener, and spontaneous moments of connectedness that I have was something so magical about being the stranger who had
Finnish-Canadian, experienced during the course of my travels thus far. Looking come to town.
believer in people, passions,
back, I realize that, wherever the undercurrents have led me,
and possibilities,
there has always been a connection, a lesson, a story to be On Shootings and Spontaneous Love
and lover of sushi.
Lisa is not exactly sure
unearthed, wherever I have planted my feet and for
what she envisions doing whatever duration in time… “You have not lived a perfect day, unless you've done
in the future but, something for someone who will never be able to repay
whatever it is, On Leaving Home you.” --Ruth Smeltzer
it is going to be
something that she loves. "Begin at once to live, and count each separate day as a I have been lucky not to come across much trouble over the
separate life." - Seneca course of my travels, but I have been even luckier to come
across beautiful individuals when I have. I was once out but one random fact particularly stuck to mind: in the Sami
(making rather sad attempts at) salsa dancing at a club along language, there are sixteen ways of saying ‘us’ and no real
the Caribbean Coast. It was a night like any other – a sea of way of saying ‘I’. Imagine how it must feel to see the world
bodies pulsating to Latino beats – when, all of a sudden, a through this lens, to naturally accept our connectedness to
fight broke out. Bottles shattering, heads down. A few the community of life!
seconds later, a car pulled up. Shots firing, bodies down.
On Borders and Belongings
I don’t remember much about what happened that night
– you always hear that these sorts of things happen fast, and “What the border cuts across, the story cuts across”
they really do. All I know is that, before I could even duck – J. B. Harley
down, a warm body plunged on top of mine; whispered a
few consoling words; and, when the shooting stopped, During my time in India, I met a Palestinian student who
pushed me to go. I did not get his name. I did not even get opened up about the conflict in his country. He described
to thank him. All I remember are his eyes, and the genuine some of the harsh realities of his everyday life – water
look of care and kindness within them. shortages, constant tension, the feeling of being imprisoned
between walls. The only real hope he has ever experienced
I still sometimes think back to that night. Who was that man? for his country, he claimed, came from having been
What is his story? How can we –could even he?– begin to roommates with an Israeli student during his college years.
explain such spontaneous acts of love? Although they were never able to directly talk about the
issue at hand, it was simply a matter of putting a human
On Language as a Lens face to ‘the other’, of knowing which sports he likes, how he
orders his coffee, on which side of the bed he sleeps. In
“Oneness is not a miracle. It is the diversity of the one that short, all of those things that make us relate to one another,
is the miracle.” – R. Field which re-humanize us.

We live in a world of borders. Between us and nature. Us

My classmates and I once traveled to Lapland, close to the
and God. Us and them. Us and us. The question, for each of
Arctic Circle, on a field trip as part of our Master’s program.
us, becomes: within which borders are you living? And, how
We spent one evening by a bonfire with a few local Sami
long are you going to wait to break out of the lines?
people – the largest indigenous group in Europe, inhabiting
parts of northern Sweden, Norway, Finland, and the Kola On Simplicity
Peninsula of Russia. Traditionally, the Sami were a nomadic
people whose livelihood was based on reindeer herding. "Anyone who's spent time on her knees in a berry patch or
Territorial disputes with national governments have meant flower bed comes to see this attention to small things as a
that only a minority continues to enjoy a nomadic lifestyle, form of prayer, a way of vanishing, for one sweet hour, into
although the Sami still view the entire region as their home. whatever crumb of creation we are privileged to take into
our hands." - Philip Simmons
We listened to the jokes and stories of Antti and Petri that
night, while preparing fish we had caught earlier that day. I Some of my most profound encounters with community
was touched by many of the stories that they shared with us, have been, ironically, times spent away from all forms of
civilization. I particularly remember one summer with my We spent the first hour in classic first date mode, playing all
Aunt Gitta at her cabin, in The-Middle-Of-Nowhere, Finland. of those games we are expected to play. But, this didn’t last
We would spend entire days picking mushrooms and berries long. Somewhere in between the small talk, we both realized
from the nearby forest; getting our hands dirty (admittedly, that we could let down our guards – we had nothing to lose.
hers more than mine) in the vegetable garden; preparing We would soon be going on our separate paths, and all that
the pike that we had caught earlier in the afternoon; rowing would remain was the memory of this six-hour encounter
out to visit friends on the island nearby. In the evenings, between two wandering souls. And, suddenly, this seemingly
a profound sense of connection emerged around the dinner confident-verging-on-cocky Columbian began to share with
table – the dishes were always very simple, but a certain me his deepest thoughts – about life, about heartache,
sense of gratitude came from having gathered and prepared about his fears, flings, dreams, weaknesses and loneliness.
our food together. This would be followed by evenings at the He showed me his vulnerabilities, and I showed him mine.
sauna, featuring skinny dipping sessions and a few shots of And, as we said goodbye, I realized that I deeply cared about
vodka in classic Finnish style. a stranger whom I had known for six hours and whom I will
probably never see again.
“Taking time off” is often perceived as a self-indulgent sport,
particularly when practiced regularly. Personally, I don’t think Ultimately, perhaps this is community: letting go of all those
there is a greater contribution to the world, than taking time masks we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot
off for silent reflection. When we are immersed in the live within. Perhaps it is about breaking down all of those
woods, mountains, fields, or berry batches, we are reminded: boundaries that are meant to protect us, and letting all of our
there is no need to fit in. Everything already does. And, so vulnerabilities pour out onto the world. Sometimes, it might
we, too, become more centered, grounded, rooted, and not be pretty, but what could be more refreshing, beautiful,
connected. And, even for a brief moment, we are once again or real?
reminded of our belonging within the beautiful family of life.
On Getting into the Groove
On Airplanes and Attractions
"When we are self-conscious, we cannot be wholly aware;
In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is we must throw ourselves out first. This throwing ourselves
then burst into flame by an encounter with another human away is the act of creativity. So, when we wholly
being. We should all be thankful for those people who concentrate, like a child in play, or an artist at work, then we
rekindle the inner spirit. - Albert Schweitzer share in the act of creating." - Madeleine L'Engle

I was sitting in the lounge, waiting to board a flight to New More than anything else in this world, I love watching people
York. Suddenly, a man walked up to me and simply stated: lose themselves in the moment. It doesn’t matter if it’s
“You and I, we need to sit together.” Once I boarded the dancing, bungee jumping, stamp-collecting, or playing the
plane, the air hostess informed me that there had indeed didgeridoo – it’s the most beautiful sight in the world.
been a ‘request’ to switch seats. In my classic travel, a-little-
more-daring-than-usual mode, I automatically agreed. The I remember watching an improv session in Montreal. Two
next thing I knew, I was sitting next to a beautiful Columbian female vocalists came on stage. The first began; her voice
stranger, for the next six hours to come. raw, untamed, intuitive. The other joined, and soon, energies
merged into one. The audience was mesmerized – clapping,
singing, swaying. An exchange of energies; who was feeding
off of whom?

Performance –or living, for that matter– is simply about

being called to respond.
A sudden death and re-birth.
A brief escape from the body;
an instant of being the beauty in this world.

On Returning Home

“The lesson is to have seen a thousand landscapes, and to

return home as if seeing it for the first time.” - Buddha

I return home, after a long time away. My body aches to be

back, and my restlessness subsides. I look at my mom, my
dad, my sister – how grounded they are, without ever really
having left at all. I meet up with a few old friends. With
some, no time has passed. With others, small talk, awkward
silences, attempts to fill-in-the-spaces. Every meeting for a
reason and a season, I tell myself. How lucky to have once
crossed paths, and we wish each other well on our way.

I walk around my neighborhood, my old university, the inner

harbor. Few familiar faces. Details, buildings, trees I had
never noticed before. The same sounds of the ocean. The
blowing wind. Awe, excitement, nervousness.

And, suddenly, laughter. The stranger who has come back to


On Nomadic Minds

“May you walk on holy ground.” – Miriam Winter

Maybe a rolling there are a multiplicity of communities. This diversity is what
stone gathers no makes our beauty, our strength, but also our weakness. OUR
moss, but a sense of superiority over THEM, because we are more
traveling earthling powerful, make better tea, play better soccer, are more
(or other) gathers developed...heck WE made all this possible, this civilization,
experience, this get the point.
Israa Hamad sights, sounds,
Student, Sudan colors, smells, Somehow this free flow of thoughts naturally leads me to
emotions, the Quran. Is it because I am a proud Muslim woman? Or is
Israa Hamad is a knowledge... the it simply because I feel the need to share a piece of
Sudanese citizen stuff from which wisdom? Or, maybe I feel compelled to defend a
of the world the fiber of life is misunderstood part of one of my communities? Whatever it
who has lived on woven. There is a is, let me not stray from what I wanted to share with you, my
four different continents, reason we were newest community. In the Quran, it says that God made us
and has worked once called hunter-gathers; we still are. We hunt our dreams into nations and tribes, so that WE may know each other
for the United Nations and gather our memories; this hunting and gathering of life (Al-hujrat 49:13). Additionally, “And amongst his signs (of
in New York, Western Sahara never stops; and, through experiences that are never quite being God) is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and
and many World Conferences. the same but still very alike, we evolve, we create, and we the variations in your languages and colors. Verily, in that are
She is currently a student form bonds. When the bond is shared by more than a signs for those who know” (Quran 30:21).
in International Law couple of souls, we become part of a community of peers.
and Human Rights One earthling (or other) can be part of many communities Even in the most precious book I own, diversity is celebrated
at the University for Peace. at the same time. When the ‘I’ becomes an ‘us’, you have a as a beautiful, divine creation, and those who can’t see this
couple; then ‘us’ becomes ‘we’: a community. We the are missing out on a “gift.” Communities should reinforce our
liberals, we the women, we the students, we the party sense of belonging and our pride in who we are, but they
lovers, we the music lovers, we the struggling peoples, we should also
the activists, we the encourage
free. WE. This sense curiosity,
of community WE tolerance and
recreate where we the love of
go, we take it with us, diversity... the
and share it, creating love of this
yet another divine gift...WE!
community of those
who share their WE
with THEM, until

Pagina en blanco

II. Walls and Borders
Pag blanca
Building Walls
in the Free World
It may seem odd to dedicate this article to the emerging impede peace processes, and promote sectarianism.
political trend of building walls, given that so much has been The first questionable claim made by those lobbying for a
written recently about the juggernaut of globalization and the fence across the southern border of the US, is that
seeming irrelevance of national boundaries, but such are the immigrants are automatically a threat, counted among drug
ironies of our time. Only twenty years after former US smugglers and terrorists. The United States, of all nations,
President Ronald Reagan famously called for former General should recognize the value of immigration, given the large
Secretary of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev to tear percentage of foreign born scientists, artists, athletes,
Ross Ryan
down the Berlin Wall, walls are on the rise again. And this soldiers, and workers who have brought prosperity to that
Editor, Canada
time, they are being built and/or maintained by nations from country, many of them without proper documentation.
what Reagan referred to in his same speech at the Berlin Demonizing the very people on whose labour the
Ross Ryan is a student Wall as the “free world” - the United States, Britain (in economy depends is a sure symptom of irrational
of life and friend Ireland), Israel, and Spain (in Morocco) being only the most xenophobia, and calls to mind the old adage about biting
glaring examples. the hand that feeds you.
of the Earth Charter.
He is currently
Taken together with the overpowering force of commercial Of course immigrants are not automatically perfect either;
globalization, people on the outside of many of these walls they are simply human beings and, as such, deserve to be
of the Peace
may be forgiven for feeling, as Brazilian President Luiz Inácio treated with the same dignity and respect we would like to
and Conflict Monitor, Lula da Silva has put it, that rich nations practice protectionist be treated with ourselves. As High Representative of the EU
an online forum policies when it suits their interests. Even as they urge poorer Common Security and Foreign Policy Javier Solana told a
for academic debate nations to continue relaxing border restrictions for the ready group of reporters in Mexico last May, “A wall that separates
and peace journalism hosted access of foreign businesses. Certainly, for average citizens of one country from another is not something that I like or that
by the UN mandated walled out nations, the freedoms of the free world - the European Union members like [...] we don’t think walls
University for Peace freedoms of movement and travel in particular - seem to be are reasonable instruments to stop people from crossing into
in Costa Rica. enjoyed at a level somewhere above their heads. While a country; [...potential immigrants should be treated] like
corporations may be free to move their investments and people, not like criminals.” (CNN 03/05/2007) Broadly
operations from one country to another with fewer and speaking, the circumstances driving immigration are
fewer national restrictions, the movements of actual human understandable and have affected all human societies at one
beings are obstructed by fences and walls. time or another. They should be used, therefore, as a natural
starting point for cross cultural integration and mutual
Of course, advocates of such barriers argue that they are benefit, not as an excuse for isolation and exclusionism.
needed for practical reasons of security. The people behind
public policy interest group Let Freedom Ring Inc., for As far as drug smuggling is concerned, even a remote
example, argue that a separation barrier between Mexico and familiarity with the principles of supply and demand should
the United States will keep the latter safe by controlling be enough to dispel the myth that a wall - no matter how
immigration, blocking the supply of controlled substances, high or wide - could possibly stop the supply of controlled
and reducing the risk of terrorism. It is my own opinion that substances so long as American citizens continue to demand
the best such barriers can do is to provide an expensive them. The only likely effect of building such a concrete
illusion of security. At worst, they may actually fuel conflict, symbol of prohibition would be, ironically, to increase the
value of illicit substances and therefore encourage internal
corruption and the activities of international organized crime.
The other reason to build the wall, terrorism, is possibly the
most emotionally charged and politically sensitive of all the
terms used to describe potential threats to the free world
today. Before recoiling in fear at the very thought of “OTMs”
(“other than Mexicans”) sneaking across the desert into the
southern states of the US, however, and paying millions of
dollars for the construction and maintenance of a giant
security barrier to keep them out, I should hope that the
American public would demand to know exactly how many
of the OTMs apprehended at the Mexico/America border
until now have actually been found to be part of Al Qaeda or
some other terrorist network. In other words, the costs of the
project should relate to the actual risks, not mere speculation
or emotional manipulation.

It is of no little significance to this cost/risk analysis

that there are enough weapons (conventional, nuclear,
or improvised), as well as violent ideas for conflict
resolution and political persuasion north, east, and
west of the Mexican border, to ensure that terror and
insecurity will persist. This will remain unaffected by
the construction of even the biggest and most
repulsive barrier possible. Peace and security, in any
meaningful sense, require much more empathy and
thoughtfulness, and much more human interaction
than any such wall can possibly offer.

As a final thought, it is worth noting that this latest

geopolitical fad of wall building is nothing new. The
citizens of Ur, Troy, and Copan all ducked behind walls
in the ancient world, and ultimately found the security
they provided to be as illusionary as that of the
Soviet’s Iron Curtain in the modern age. Surely we The fence idea proposed by Let
have realized by now that security cannot come from Freedom Ring, Inc.
guarding the lines that divide us from one another. (
The only chance we have is to unite as a global community
and to turn our attention to the sources of insecurity that we
commonly face: poverty, environmental degradation,
oppression, disease, ignorance, and war.

Always a Country,
Never a Nation
As a little boy, I remember hearing a story that always made our hearts. Our politicians still play to separate us, still focus
me very sad, but which nevertheless clearly illustrates what I on socio-economic and ethnic differences in order to divide
consider to be the biggest problem in my country. The story our society and further fracture our communities. We have
goes something like this: “There are two jars in which learned to distrust our neighbor, our co-workers, our police,
grasshoppers have been trapped. Both jars are wide open, our government, and ultimately ourselves. “El que no tranza
but for some reason, grasshoppers are only escaping from no avanza” is a common saying that means: “s/he who does
one of the jars while the other remains quite full. The jar not cheat will not progress.” These are our lessons, our
Mauricio Mireles from which no grasshoppers have escaped is full of Mexican education, our self-defense mechanisms, and the way that
Student, Mexico
grasshoppers. And, what is the reason for this? It’s because we attempt to survive in a fractured and dysfunctional
instead of helping each other, instead of allowing their peers society.
Mauricio Mireles completed his
to climb on top of each other, every time the Mexican
grasshoppers feel someone climbing ahead of them, they Our nationalism only awakens when our national football
Bachelor’s in Sociology and
pull them down while thinking to themselves “If I do not go team plays a match; during 90 minutes, the world will hear
Anthropology at Eastern Oregon
up, nobody goes up.” our “Cielito Lindo”; our hearts will pump with pride and the
University in the United States,
colors of our flag will be displayed everywhere, providing the
and is currently undertaking When I was asked to write a piece for this publication illusion of a great nation. But, once the match finishes, the
his Master’s explaining the relation between peace, cooperation, and effects of the alcohol dissipate and the lights of the stadium
in Environmental Security community in my country, I felt extremely hesitant about it. I go off, Mexican nationalism vanishes once again.
and Peace concluded that, unless I could talk about the exact opposite,
at the United Nations-mandated there would be no point in bothering. Being a “full blooded Mexican” who lived in the United
University for Peace. States during my college years, I could not help but feel truly
Mauricio has spent In Mexico, we have never stopped being strangers among intrigued by the many Mexican-Americans (legal, illegal, first
the past six years working ourselves. We have built strong social structures that make it or second generation) that I met during this time. Until that
and studying in Mexico, impossible for people to be equal. We have built a country, moment in my life, I had never met people so proud of
but never a nation. In the words of a good friend of mine, being Mexican - to them it meant everything, from their
Thailand, the USA,
Mexico is many different countries within the same borders. food, to their traditions, to their religion, and ultimately, to
and now Costa Rica.
My country is divided between the rich and the poor, their identity. Oftentimes, I became mesmerized by their
His interests include football,
between the light skinned European-looking people and the hospitality and willingness to help without asking for anything
debate, public speaking, dark skinned Indian-looking people. The lighter your skin, the in return. To them, being Mexican meant becoming part of a
and photography. greater your chances for social mobility, the greater family that was absent, becoming a substitute for the missing
opportunities you will have for becoming successful in our beloveds that lived across the border and could not be there.
cultural context. Racism and discrimination exist and prevail It was much more than a simple network - it was a real
in our society - you might not see violence at a superficial commitment to your fellow beings.
glance, but it certainly takes very little to find deep hatred
and resentment among our people. I cannot even begin to contextualize the irony of finding a
true sense of Mexican community living outside of Mexico!
Colonization happened almost 500 years ago, but still we Especially when, within our borders, there is such a need for
have not learned to erase its legacy of indirect ruling from community, and yet this remains a lacking reality. How can it
be possible for those who had nothing - no jobs, no However, reviving the past to confront the challenges of
education - and those who left behind a bitter life, to tomorrow is not the answer for my country. The key issue
understand that working together as a community would facing Mexico is our lack of commitment to a common
improve and facilitate their chances of having a better life? identity - not one that sacrifices the richness of our
Whereas those who stayed behind only care for themselves? multiculturalism for the sake of simplistic equality, but one
There is a lesson to be learned from our fellow countrymen that dares to dignify our differences, to create a place where
and women, a teaching that illustrates that struggle and hard a Mexican-Jew and a Mexican Zapoteca can become equal
work can be a good mentor. Or, in the words of Gabriel while remaining harmoniously different. We must find new
Garcia Marquez, “Virtue is the legitimate daughter of incentives within ourselves to understand that we deserve
necessity.” not only a great life, but also a great nation. I believe that
Mexicans, as well as all nations, should learn to be proud of
People often say that nationalism is a dangerous thing, that it what they have, of who they are, and perhaps more
can only bring hatred and negative feelings. I disagree. I importantly, of what they share.
believe that nationalism is a necessary condition for a
healthy society - the result of a good relationship between
the state and the nation. When people think of nationalism,
they often think of Zionism or Nazism. But, little do we
reflect upon how much nationalism has - or how much it
can - help other nations to stick together. Only in a state
where a certain degree of pride exists is a civilian willing to
work for the greater good; unless a man or a woman truly
believes in his or her country, no personal sacrifice will ever
take place. A great society is one that favors those values
that bring us together, and one which diminishes those that
set us apart.

The one symbol in our country that has succeeded in

creating some sense of community, identity, and pride
among our people was, and still is, ‘La Virgen de Guadalupe.’
During the beginning of Mexico’s independence movement,
when the Priest Hidalgo called on his fellow countrymen to
join him in war, he lifted the image of ‘La Guadalupana’ and
used it as the flag under which people came together.
Hidalgo was well aware that the peasants in 1810 did not
follow him because of the principles of freedom and equality
that he preached about; instead, they followed the one
symbol that meant ‘nation’ to them. The Virgin of Guadalupe
perfectly blended Native and Spanish ideologies, bringing
together Indigenous and Catholic traditions, to give birth to a
dark skinned virgin. The mythical nature of this icon is still
something that remains dormant in our spirit.

Goes to War
As a child, Johnny was a quiet, thoughtful boy. He would One day, Johnny came eye to eye with his enemy. In him,
spend hours lost in thought as he contemplated the clouds he saw an echo of himself: of innocence stripped by
or visited the many adventurous lands of his imagination. By bloodied hands, of frantic bloodshot eyes, of fear encrusted
the time he was 18, he had grown into a lean muscular by mud and adrenaline. Johnny heard the gunshots. One,
frame but hadn’t lost the starry-eyed wonder of his two, three. He was watching himself, as if in a slow motion
childhood. It took only the confident voice on the radio and video, fall to his knees, mouth open in passive shock, eyes
Jessica Moe the proud, persuasive posters to convince Johnny to go to glazed and glassy. He felt warm blood and cold steel, and
Student, Canada war. then, Johnny felt no more.

Dolce et decorum est, pro patria mori.2 At Johnny’s funeral, the soldiers stood at command, in the
Jessica Moe
rigid ceremonial pose they had come to know and dread.
is a perpetual learner.
It was a fresh spring day when Johnny set off. He held Theirs were faces of boys come to age too soon, fighting
She is fascinated
himself upright, clenching his muscles to camouflage a back the urge to scream, to cry, to run, because such are
with stories, stars,
tingling nervousness. He felt serious, mature, proud to be things that grown men don’t or shouldn’t do.
people on buses,
serving his country and family. His eyes glimmered with the
and electrons
excitement of encountering the battlefields of his boyhood At home, the lieutenant broke the news, cap in hand.
(not an exhaustive list).
daydreams, those places where dragons were slain and Johnny’s father felt weak, robbed of breath, and leaned
Jessica is an avid surfer
heroes created. His father’s eyes shone with pride as he against the wall to brace faltering knees. Johnny’s mother
and traveler,
clapped his son’s broad shoulder. His mother fought back collapsed to the floor, taken by uncontrollable wails. Johnny,
and loves the beauty
tears as she put on a courageous smile. Here was little their only son, gone.
and tranquility of nature.
Johnny, their only son, all grown up. The train whistle blew
shrilly and whisked Johnny away. Dolce et decorum est, pro patria mori.

Dolce et decorum est, pro patria mori.

Then came months of gunshots and cannons, of smoke,

trenches and bayonets, of blood mixed with rain and mud
and human filth. Johnny’s eyes learned the glint of raw fear.
The dragons he had valiantly conquered in his dreams were
dwarfed by the shock, the stench of death.

A Latin phrase, which roughly translates: “it is sweet and proper to die for one’s country.“
The phrase is from Roman poet horace’s Odes, and was borrowed by Wilfred Owen in his
poem Dulce Et Decorum Est about the horrors of the First World War.

Can you love someone so much that you think your chest going through. But I wonder if sometimes you think about
will explode? When he doesn’t choose you, why the empty me so that your gut aches, or long for me so that the area
ache in your insides, below the heart, right in the gut? below your belly summersaults in flashes.
Reading through old e-mails. Just seeing his name makes
me smile. Reading the messages, seeing the holes, Are there moments when you are lying there with her and
overcome by the emotion. you think of me? Or do I come to you only in the mundane
Maggie Schwalbach vacancies, when you’re running errands or having dinner
Student, United States Hardest reading mine. They are my own rawness mixed with wishing for escape. I know I’m your escape. I know that. You
trying-to-be-complex- mysterious-alluring-desirable. I can’t are mine, too. Foreign and fantastical.
fool myself when I know. I can’t play tough when I see my
Maggie Schwalbach is a heart on those lines. How cleverly written, how carefully If I sent you this message you wouldn’t understand. Or
Master’s candidate in Media, masked the word construction. Play the character of the maybe you would, which is what makes my chest heave
Peace and Conflict Studies carefree seductress. He’ll play the role of let-you-down-easy. again with tears. Somehow we do understand each other.
at the University for Peace.
She has traveled extensively But thank you for letting me down easy, chapa. I couldn’t Our magic. It would have to fade. It would inevitably have to
in the Middle East, have taken the blow in a direct hit. Maybe emotions need to fade when the layers of velvet language and metaphors are
Europe, North, Central, be padded in paragraphs. Start at the beginning with flattery. stripped down and we’re left with the disillusion of differences
and South America... Move on to the sweet memories. Use the code word in background and nationality and age. You would never be
but Buenos Aires “connection” for love. Don’t say love. I tried it, but only able to fully understand my friends or family. I’m enthralled
still captures her heart. distanced by e-mail. with cafes and asados and the seductive shhhs in your yo, but
eventually you’d learn that I overeat and procrastinate and
When does it evolve from fantasy into reality? The reality of advocate for causes that I don’t really understand. I’m a
stability. The butterflies leave then, I guess. I wouldn’t know. I humanist, trained in bullshit. I’m not elegant, but I felt elegant
can only say I love you with code words like “Esta es la with you in the light of such a beautiful city.
primera vez para mi” as we’re lying down and I feel so warm
and scared. And you respond, “Me hace sentir mal porque no “Me perfumo todavía,” you quoted. And then it fades, right?
puedo devolvértelo”... Did you add, “como me gustaría” or It settles into pajamas and grown-up routines.
“como nos merecemos” or did I add that to pad the rejection
of your confession that wasn’t really an I love you, too. So you settle down and I move on, and we both hope that
our hearts won’t shrivel.
I can hide behind the fact that I didn’t say it directly, not in
person. Not in those raw, exposed words. It’s codes with us. ~Postscript~
Poetry and songs and jokes. But I swear to God, I really do, I This poem is about losing love. It speaks to loss of
swear it was real. This isn’t me forcing myself to feel it. community... a tiny community of two... and more
Now I force myself to try to get through the day without specifically, the loss of a shared language that two people
thinking about it. You may or may not ever know what I’m share when they are in love.
The Only Flower
in the World
“Accept and respect differences” is easier to say than to do. I even thought: how could it be possible to respect
However, no matter how difficult it is, it is an imperative for differences in serious issues such as language, religion, and
world peace, because “cultural diversity today is the outcome politics, when I couldn’t even tolerate a small difference
of thousands of years of human interaction with nature and about the internet?
among people with different customs, beliefs, and ways of
life” (Koichiro Matsuura, Director-General of UNESCO, However, there was an incident in my class which gave me
Yoko Fukushima 2004). Culture is a reflection of how people have been hope that we can go beyond differences. It was after a
Student, Japan living. Therefore, respecting culture is equal to respecting lecture by a visiting professor. He told the class that he was
human beings. In the global multicultural society of today, now ready to take questions. So, one of my Japanese
accepting differences is a keystone of co-existence in peace. classmates raised his hand. However, he could not make his
Yoko Fukushima is from question clear enough to be understood by the teacher,
the town of Yokohama, Having spent six months at UPEACE where students from 38 possibly because of nervousness, and because of a lack of
which is a multicultural city countries get together, I feel the importance of this golden English proficiency. Since I am also Japanese, I totally
with a big port, rule of respecting differences. But, at the same time, I also understood what he was trying to say (we share typical
next to Tokyo in Japan. feel the difficulty of this with my body (this is a Japanese mistakes in English because our mistakes are often caused
She majored in International expression meaning a real experience of your own, not a by our mother tongue), but the teacher could not. He said, “I
Politics in her undergraduate lesson from textbooks). For example, I often felt frustration am sorry, but you are losing me...” Ironically, it turned out to
studies, and is now pursuing with how things go slow here in Costa Rica. Believe or not, I be the teacher who was losing the students! To help out my
a Master’s degree in waited for almost two months until internet access became Japanese classmate, one of our classmates (an English
International Peace Studies. available in my house! For me, it was an unbelievably slow native speaker) raised his hand and rephrased the Japanese
Having traveled and lived process because getting internet only takes a few days in student’s question so that the teacher could understand. Still,
in many countries so far, Japan, where I am from. Frustrated, I once asked the the teacher didn’t get it. Then, another student jumped in to
she has faced the difficulties accommodation coordinator why it was taking so long. I still explain it in a different way. I don’t know why those students
of accepting different cultures. remember her answer, “Because this is Costa Rica, Yoko.” I could understand what the Japanese student meant (maybe
Her essay is about still remember the moment because her answer smashed because we had spent enough time together by then to
the challenges my head (not literally, of course). Her answer made me understand each other), but it was surely the moment we
she’s experienced realize that I was expecting the same level of services in understood the real meaning of cooperation.
in accepting these Costa Rica as in my own country.
differences. It was such a great moment to feel unity in the class. Those
I noticed how difficult it is to go beyond a built-in expectation students who volunteered to help out the Japanese student
and how people automatically and unconsciously expect showed such a splendid respect and care for differences.
what they are used to. I even thought I was such a hypocrite Yes, it might be true that the Japanese student’s ability to
for not being able to accept a small difference about the make himself understood in English was not satisfactory (at
internet without frustration, although I was trying to advocate least for the teacher), and he was not outspoken enough to
the importance of mutual understanding beyond differences. pose a question in front of everybody without getting

nervous. However, such differences in language and attitudes
towards public speaking (the Japanese often get shy) were
not problems because there were people around who
understood our differences and offered to help.

This incident not only gave me hope that we can go beyond

serious differences like languages, but also emphasized the
importance of cooperation. The Japanese student in this
story may not be as good in English as native speakers, but
he has thorough skills and knowledge about child education.
Maybe when this topic is raised in class, it will be his turn to
help other students. Obviously, nobody is perfect. People
have their own strengths and weaknesses. That is why we
need to compensate for each other. That is why we need to
understand each other’s differences.

Lastly, let me conclude with the lyrics of a Japanese song. Its

title is “One of a kind.” It became very popular in Japan
several years ago. Like the message of this song, I truly
believe that each of us is the only flower in the world. Each
one is different, but the best in a different way. As I leave the
campus of UPEACE, I wish for every flower which got
together here to go into full bloom and to show the beauty
of the world in the future.

Best wishes for everyone,

Yoko Fukushima

& All
We met sometime ago at a friend’s party, costumed and heard the phone from the grand foyer and Iza on the other
crazy, worshiping the full moon and dancing wildly to the line, whispering in a voice I could not recognize. She repeated
hollow beat of the city - happy to be alive and loving every a few confused phrases, asked some bizarre questions,
minute of it. It was one of those ad-hoc nights when people paused every 10 seconds and, in the end, after about 10
just happened to crawl out of their urban holes and release minutes of this crazy monologue, her speech finally became
all those days of tension and stress into a single night of normal and she screamed: “I have it. I freaking have it...” Then
Smilja Jankovic drugged out unity in mind, body and spirit. Clutching a she stopped, took a deep breath, and hung up the phone.
Student, Bosnia whiskey glass in her right hand, Iza was standing by the door,
not yet sure whether she had found the right address, but the IT, of course, was HIV and, by the time the doctors had found
black leotard and a pair of cat ears gave her away and it in her body, the virus had already spread and contaminated
Smilja Jankovic is originally from
prevented her from leaving the safe confines of the small every third or fourth cell of that fiery young blood. Soon
Sarajevo, Bosnia.
downtown apartment building. Eventually the rhythms of afterwards, Iza started feeling the symptoms and I, for the first
She is currently a student
Coltrane brought us closer together and we continued our time, found myself thinking about karma and mystic traditions
in the International
‘party’ missions for many, many more full moons to come. of the far East and the kingdoms of ancient secretes where all
Law and Human Rights
broken were fixed and all sickly healed. I couldn’t watch her
program at UPEACE,
Iza and I have known each other for 17 years-13 years of crawling on all fours, gasping for breath and begging for a
and also fondly
solid fun and another 4 of agony, decay, and medicine little water because “the fire had consumed her body,” and I
remembers her days
cabinets overflowing with blue, red, yellow, green, and white especially couldn’t bear the look of hopelessness in her eyes
of studying literature
tablets. If someone had told me then that I would be sitting even after 10 liters of icy-cold liquid simply could not fight the
and film.
here today writing this story, I would have been the one fever burning inside. I could not listen to those violent
deciding to leave and saying a few quick good-byes to the outbursts of coughing that made her growl like a jungle
people closest to the door, but no one did. We all drowned animal, hidden in a dark corner of the room with blankets
those boring voices of consciousness and caution and and sheets that still could not keep her from shaking. I could
proceeded with our nights of total debauchery and complete not be a witness to the arrival of death in the house where
freedom, always drinking from the fullest cup and having sex once life had reigned supreme, but I had to and I did.
like there was no tomorrow. It must’ve been during one of
those nights that Iza got sick, but no one knew that then I stayed with my friend through all those months of suffering
either. and pain and, together with her, I finally lost faith in the
human race, in their goodness and compassion. Every door
The day I received a phone call from my always cheery friend that once welcomed Iza in all her energy and high spirits,
was the day I broke my great-great-grandmother’s mirror. It now slammed shut in her face; every hand that once invited
gently slipped out of my hand and, with a force of 200 years, her to dance, now pointed menacingly towards the exit sign;
hit the floor of the big room, shattering into hundreds of every mouth that once kissed those full lips, now whispered
pieces and falling under furniture that hasn’t been moved for behind her back words of disgust and fear. In the end, these
decades. Still on my knees and struggling to keep my cool, I were the hardest moments, but neither I nor any doctor

could have given her anything to heal those wounds. The
party girl - the loudest, the wildest, the most beautiful and
alive, was dying the worst kind of death and no music had
stayed behind to play her death march.

Finally, I could tell you about Iza’s departure from this world,
but it was completely ordinary and abandoned and nothing
like her life of many friends and crazy gatherings. I still
remember the moment when our eyes first met. From the
other side of the room, she had the air of force and serenity
that gave her an otherworldly glow and made her seem as
though she were standing tall above, seeing and touching
heights unreachable to the rest of us. Lou Reed was
screeching in the background and every body in the room
swayed to that beat, individual and united like never before.
But Iza stood aside, as if she knew, and looking straight at
me, she quietly mouthed the words of a poem left behind:
“Please stop and think before you make that final mistake,
please stop and don’t end up with AIDS.”


Mauricio Mireles

A Story with Musical and Audio Interpretation
Karim El Mantawi, AUDIO - Buddhist Chant All Tremble at the rod,
Paul Klassen, ... All hold their life dear.
Jessica Moe, Drawing the parallel to yourself,
and “Thousands of Buddhist monks are leading massive protests Neither kill nor get others to kill.
Keiko Sasaki through the streets of Yangon, Myanmar’s biggest city. They
carry no weapons and wear only their saffron- and maroon- Whoever takes a rod
colored robes, but their most powerful weapon is the To harm living beings desiring ease,
reverence in which they are held throughout the country. When he himself is looking for ease,
Will meet with no ease after death.
Their heads are shaven and they march barefoot and silent.
The city of Yangon (formerly Rangoon) seems to be Whoever doesn’t take a rod
dominated by the Buddhist monks these days. They have To harm living beings desiring ease,
been marching repeatedly through the streets for a week - When he himself is looking for ease,
and their marches are getting bigger by the day.” (The Will meet with ease after death.
Barefoot Art of War, (Dhammapada 129-134)

... Although I would have liked to have stayed with the monks, I
couldn’t bear to see my mother struggle to feed my younger
Growing up in Yangon, my mother would walk me to the brothers and sisters. Thus, the path I chose to take would
Buddhist monastery for my weekly lessons. The winding wander away from the teachings of our beloved Buddha.
streets that lead to the monastery were lined with stray dogs
and beggars. At the monastery, I learned a great deal from After failing to secure a decent income, I realized that if I
the monks, who are like sons of Buddha to the Burmese. At were to become a soldier with the ruling military I would be
the beginning of my experience with the monks, I had no guaranteed some financial security for my family. Suddenly,
compassion for what I saw in the streets of my city. But as I found my reality to be that of military drills and obedience
time passed, I developed a new understanding of my human to the orders that the generals shouted at us. Although
connection to those I had previously ignored. There, I obedience was taught by both the monks and the generals,
learned to recite by heart Buddha’s wise words of peace: they were two worlds apart. The monks had always taught
that non-violence was the means to change whereas the
All Tremble at the rod, generals were espousing that strength and respect was
All are fearful of death. earned with force. My allegiance was now to those that
Drawing the parallel to yourself, served the ‘junta’.
Neither kill nor get others to kill. ...

AUDIO (Al Jazeera):

“Openly, in a huge show of defiance, Myanmar’s monks Drawing the parallel to yourself,
took to the streets again, determined to challenge the Neither kill nor get others to kill.
military dictatorship. With Buddhist flags raised, they Drawing the parallel to yourself,
marched through the Yangon, chanting religious mantras Neither kill nor get others to kill.
and calling for peace. Always at the head, the monks. The
men in maroon become the biggest challenge to the ...
generals in nearly 20 years.”
AUDIO - Buddhist Chant

Suddenly I found myself transported in the troop truck to the

streets that I had walked as a child. On the front lines, I
came face to face with those I had revered.


AUDIO (Al Jazeera):

“Then they fired tear gas. Police reinforcements came in, but
defiantly the monks and their followers edged forward in
the face of the guns and continued their direct challenge.
There is huge uncertainty about what will happen here.
Whether this will become a defining moment, a turning
point in Myanmar’s future, or another bout of state-
sponsored killing and brutality, is in the hands of the
generals, or more accurately, the young soldiers who are
now pointing their guns at their countrymen.”


O Canada?

What can you call community? Perhaps there is nothing The first aspect, and one that everyone learns rather quickly,
more contradictory. Community is something so very is the fact that no matter what happens in Canada, it will
personal and subjective yet so reliant on other people to always be compared to the U.S., usually in a passive-
make it happen. So often manicured and crafted by our aggressive manner similar to the melting pot / mosaic
institutions and media but only true when experienced as metaphor. The second aspect is that while generally the
someone who has “actually lived there.” When you’re from Canadian public educational system is a good thing, much of
anywhere there is a stereotype of how it should be; this is what they are telling you is bullshit. And the first time you go
Ian Mathieson
what I will start with. My goal however will be to point you, to the U.S. and see just how multicultural much of it is, this
Student, Canada
my kind reader, towards a sense of what that subjective idea fact becomes clear.
of community has come to be in my world, as a person
from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. “City of Champions” -Slogan you see driving into the City of
Ian Mathieson is a current graduate Edmonton
student at the University for Peace. “Through multiculturalism, Canada recognizes the potential of
His undergraduate degree in all Canadians, encouraging them to integrate into their society So if we can’t rely on our educational systems to tell us what
Anthropology and Religious Studies and take an active part in its social, cultural, economic and culture and community is, what do we do then? For me, I
was obtained at political affairs.” - Government of Canada Website didn’t grasp my surroundings and what they meant until a
The University of Alberta, Canada. few things happened. One was leaving the warm and
When you grow up in Canada and you go to school, you are comforting haven of my family home. The other was my
He has also studied
always taught a few things without fail, things that become experience of having left and then living abroad, where I met
in Cortona, Italy
increasingly difficult to forget as they are pounded into your many people who wanted to know what Canada was all
and Lancaster University
brain as you march through the grades of public education. about. I would have to explain, much to the disappointment
in the United Kingdom. The first of these facts is that Canada is a multicultural place; of my 4th grade teacher Ms. Mazzolini, how many of us
His work experience includes that where you live is a mix of people happily co-existing and actually lived in contrast to the many assumptions of
Amnesty International Canada living their own cultural way. The second is that our everyone else in the world. It was hard to describe a place
and community work neighbours to the south live in what is considered to be a that was so big in a few words. It was also difficult to really
in Edmonton, Alberta, ‘melting pot’. The contrast is clear: On one hand you have find anything that encapsulated what Canada, or even more
among other places. the image of thousands of people being stirred about in a specifically Edmonton, was like overall, besides what they
Ian’s current research entails giant hot cauldron until there is nothing left but some already knew - the winter is cold...
the correlation between unrecognizable soup of humanity, bland and tasteless but
the Canadian un-offensive. On the other are images of quilts, mosaics and “Yo... yo, it’s corrupt where I’m from... Edmonton!” -from the
political constellation
interwoven patchworks where harmony reins supreme and song Oliver Square, Cadence Weapon, local rapper
everyone lives appreciating each other’s uniqueness.
and peace-keeping trends.
But with these exchanges and more time away from ‘home’,
“Don’t blame the Canadians...” ,from the song North American at a distance, Canada became clearer to me. It ceased to be
Scum, The band LCD Soundsystem what I had been told it was for so many years and slowly
formed into a place that I could describe beyond the
These two perspectives encapsulate two important aspects textbooks from grade school that had titles like: “Canada, A
of my movement through the Canadian education system. Cultural Mosaic.” In other words, I had a sense of a place

that I refer to as home and then could describe what made Creek to go to school in Edmonton, from the East coast to
it seem like home to me. This notion of what home is often the prairies for work, from off the reserve into the city, from
changes based upon my perspectives, but I know now that Poland, from India for that ‘better life’. We come from the
one place solidly resonates as that ‘home’ we so often speak Suburbs to be in the centre of the city, we leave the lonely
of, and that now I’m stuck with it, for better or worse. We apartments of downtown to have a family in the lonelier
truly can never, as the saying goes, escape our roots, no cookie cutter homes of the suburbs, from the panicked
matter how far we wander. We can also not return as the streets of Toronto to the quiet lakes of northern Ontario.
same person, having left home for any amount of time.
Platitudes perhaps, but for me a very strong part of what “On the back of a cartoon coaster in the blue of a TV screen
makes up the Canadian psyche, if we have one at all. light, I drew a map of Canada... Oh Canada... with your face
sketched on it twice...” -from the song A Case of You by Joni
“The Guess Who suck, the Jets were lousy anyway, the same Mitchell
route everyday...” -from the song One Great City, Winnipeg
band, Weakerthans Rarely in my community do I meet someone like myself
who says that they have lived in Edmonton or any one place
“The city you live in is ugly...” -from the song of the same name, for 25 years; I’m now 27. But they can tell you where home
Vancouver band, Young and Sexy is, where they have a community, and they came to
understand this in many different ways. In our short lives, we
We often do return to these ‘hometowns’ and if I think about all have these places, these communities, these
it carefully, Canada for me has become a land of leaving, ‘hometowns’ that grew inside us, that we cannot extract from
coming and returning, a place where people really develop a ourselves no matter how much we would like to sometimes.
schizophrenic relationship with their roots from which they My community is full of people from somewhere else,
try to break free but cannot ever completely disentangle perhaps not a mosaic but certainly a place that is constantly
themselves. My community, my home, had insidiously and shifting, just as my perception of it does every time I leave
secretively infiltrated my identity, yet I have always had a and inevitably return.
desperate need to escape from it. Once free, I reminisced
with equal desperation and nostalgia. Only when set to When the winter rains come pouring down on that new home
return would I begin to remember the endless black winters, of mine, will you think of me and wonder if I’m fine?
depressingly monotone and sprawling suburbs, and the
reserved and predictable existence of safe nine-to-five Will your restless heart come back to mine on a journey to
familiarity, of day in, day out. through the past?

“Across the shaky airport table café... you say my eyes are Will I still be in your in eyes and on your mind?
emblems of going away, f@#$ me... Why does it have be this
way...?” -from the song Cinnamon Hearts by Edmonton / - from the song Journey through the Past by Neil Young
Vancouver songwriter Christian Hansen

When you speak to people where I’m from, they often have Special recognition must go to CBC radio 3 Podcast with
a similar sensation of the ‘hometown’, that at one time they Grant Lawrence: “Home for the Holidays: The Hometown
were desperate to leave. And that they left, that someone Song Special” for inspiration musically and otherwise.
had to leave them, that someday they will return, that they
will never go back, that if they could they would leave here
for somewhere else. We come from the town of Pincher

Every once in a while, we come across moments within our (L): In your countries, would this sort of a friendship be
UPEACE community when borders are crossed and genuine possible?
connections made. I met up with two friends, Usman and
Varghese, from Pakistan and India respectively, for an evening (V): Hardly! It is very difficult to obtain papers to cross the
of drinks, dining, and, indeed, discussion and debate. border between the two countries. For a Pakistani to come to
Usman Khan India, it is very difficult. And I believe the reverse is also true.
Student, Pakistan On Meetings
(U): He’s right. There are many barriers to visiting India and,
(L)isa: So.... how and when did you two first meet? even then, access is often restricted to specific areas. That’s
why, in terms of making Indian friends, this man right here
(U)sman: [laughing] Well, upon arriving at UPEACE, I [pointing to Varghese] would definitely be my first.
remember feeling a little bit overwhelmed at first. Meeting
Varghese was like looking into a mirror - it was like finding a
(V): Same here. Usman is my first glimpse into a Pakistani
familiar face.
(V)arghese: Yes, I remember I first met Usman in the
Foundation course. At the beginning, I was slightly cautious. [Everyone laughs]
Not because I have any problems with Pakistanis, personally,
Varghese Theckanath s.g. but because you never know if the reverse might be true. On the ‘External Hand’
Student, India
(U): It was an interesting start! Our course was on peace and (L): You both talked about borders and barriers. How do you
(transcribed by Lisa Jokivirta) conflict. But Varghese and I couldn’t exactly discuss in a think these are being constructed, even in everyday life?
direct way. Whatever we should talk about, will be in conflict.
Usman Khan, from Pakistan, My examples will always come from Pakistan, his will always
(U): You see, as soon as you start schooling, you start
is a Peace Education come from India, and of course, this will always lead to
reading against India. You automatically begin to develop
student at UPEACE. contradictions, no?
some negative feelings towards it.
Before coming to Costa Rica,
he was living in Pakistan (V): [laughing] I suppose it could!
and completed his Master’s in (V): Oh, see now, I don’t know if this is quite true. At least, I
Anthropology at Quaid-i-Azam (U): Although, I do remember when I first got accepted to have not come across any anti-Pakistan or, for that matter,
University Islamabad. UPEACE. I asked if there would be any Pakistani students, anti-Muslim curriculum in India’s school system. You see, in
Usman has worked and found out there wouldn’t. Next, I asked how many India, we have more than 180 million Muslims - the second
for several development Indian students would be attending. I knew that we have largest Muslim population after Indonesia. Such curriculum
organizations many things in common, and knew that we might be able to will not generally be tolerated. Some fundamentalist groups
in various capacities. somehow relate. would love to have such things included though...
Varghese Theckanath, from India, (U): And yet, we are not allowed in. Pakistanis have great programs and Indo-Pakistani cooperative initiatives are on the
is a student of International Law difficulties visiting India. First, they apply for the visa. Then, rise. Every Indian who visits Pakistan is most pleased. We have
and Human Rights at UPEACE. they must go to the police station to report upon their arrival... come a long, long way.
Prior to his UPEACE days,
he was a community (V): Yes, well, there is something quite wrong with this... I (V): You’re right - it’s about human-to-human contact.
development and human rights remember how some Pakistani delegates had trouble visiting Governments are in dialogue on substantive issues. Trade is
activist for many years some places when attending an international conference increasing. There are more people from India going to
in Hyderabad, India. back home. We had people from all over - China, Brazil, Pakistan, and vice versa. There are many who have relatives
He founded Europe, Russia... They could go anywhere they wanted. But in India, and there is some level of communication between
two community-based NGOs: those from Pakistan could visit only very restricted locations. them. Also, like Usman said, there are a lot of people-to-
the People’s Initiative Network At first, the Pakistanis were very upset over this and even people efforts and alliances being created. For example, I
for educating children in slums, wanted to leave the conference. But, then, some persuasive once proposed creating a South Asian network for an
and the Campaign for Housing friends finally managed to get this issue somehow sorted... organization that I was a part of. One of the main reasons,
and Tenure Rights though, I confess, was to be able to visit Pakistan! There are
for the protection of the housing (U): Well, all I can say is that it would all seem to come many like me in India who would like to visit Pakistan...
rights of the urban poor. down to a lack of personal, one-on-one contact, which as we
He is a member of the Montfort know only breeds ignorance. For example, my only real (U): How convenient! Shall we tell the funders? [chuckling]
Brothers of St. Gabriel, knowledge about India has come from Indian movies, and
a Church-based NGO since arriving at UPEACE - from interactions with Roshni, (V): Yes, well, it is now taking shape, although I never got to
working in India for education, Varghese, Harsh... go.
and human rights (V): Yes, too little person-to-person communication and too (U): And let us not forget the issue of good leadership.
for over a hundred years. much mass communication! Politicians on either sides of the Actually, India had some very prominent politicians like
border don’t make things any easy either. Let’s take the case Nehru and Sardar Patel for a longer period than Pakistan. I
of Mrs. Indira Gandhi, for example. She was in power for think this has helped shape India into what it is today - in
almost fourteen years, until 1984. Whenever there were democratic transition - at least a partial one. And, for sure let
problems in the country, she would put the blame on an us not forget the Railway Minister of India, Lalu Prasad Yadav,
‘external hand’. This always meant Pakistan. Such notions for example... He is a true Indian sample... He was such a hit
coming from influential politicians tend to gain popularity on his visit to Pakistan...Oh, I like this guy - very
over time. We used to joke about it. Gratefully, we seem to straightforward and humorous ... He has such an open
have made progress. Now, no-one speaks about the external mind... Oh, and always brushing his ear hair, too, such rustic
hand. You simply don’t hear it. I guess that it all comes down humour...
to small steps from those in power, from the mass media,
from ordinary citizens..., isn’t it? (V): [laughing] Yeh! He’s very humanist. Interestingly, he is
not concerned about his security, and yeh, also doesn’t give
On Crossing Borders much thought to brushing his ear hair in front of the public
or media..... He is only concerned with daring to take steps
(U): Yes, because progress is actually being made. Perceptions forward. He comes from Bharath, as he himself says. Bharat
are changing, becoming re-defined. Student exchange is a Sanskrit name for India and India is only the anglicized
form created by the elite. Actually, these are two different
worlds. The earlier term is linked with tradition and culture
and later with modernity. He comes from the milkmen’s
caste, but has remained very humble and down-to-earth. He
is definitely a favorite politician among both Pakistanis and

(U): And, the most important issue of all: cricket! In Pakistan,

the Indian team is in fact very popular. When India and
Pakistan are playing, of course we want our own team to
win. But, if we are not playing, we might as well let the
Indians claim victory. They are always our first second choice!

(V): This is true! But, even when it’s India versus Pakistan,
loyalties are not always that clear. In Hyderabad, where I am
from, when Pakistan beats India, you will hear fireworks in
the city. This, of course, builds some tension - where do your
loyalties stand?

(U): Or, more importantly, where do our orders stand? It’s

about time to get this night underway - shall we order drinks,

(V): My loyalty is entirely yours, my friend!

[ Everyone laughs. And drinks start coming our way.]

It Stops
With Me
Since the disputed election in Kenya on 27 December 2007, that we are so much more than this inane label - that we are
more than one thousand of my fellow Kenyans have met a women and men of integrity, compassion, and faith. I want
violent death and hundreds of thousands have been us to teach our children, and our children’s children that this
displaced. Life, as we have known it, has changed forever. thing called ‘tribe’ is neither a currency nor an investment.
Neither a shield nor a weapon.
What began as a reaction to a deeply flawed electoral
Sandra Macharia process has morphed into an ugly spiral of vengeful killing To bring our beautiful country through this fire, we must
Student, Kenya regarding genuine and perceived marginalization over land make sure that everybody counts. That every Kenyan can
and other resources. But, the purpose of this writing is not to feed and educate their child. That we have hope for the
examine the politics, the posturing, the lack of sensibility, future. That we have a stake in this land. If this were already
Sandran Macharia is a journalist
vision and leadership, nor the vacuum of credible institutions so, we would not be burning down our homes, our churches
and communications specialist.
through which to address grievance. with people in them, or our economy. We would not be
She has served as
killing our neighbours with guns, machetes and poisoned
Communications Officer
Rather, I have been forced to scrutinize my own role in this arrows. We would not be raping our girls and women.
for UNDP Somalia,
debacle. What would I have done differently, really, if I were
gaining experience in crisis
any of the protagonists - power-hungry, land-starved or I stand up now and swear before God and before my
and post-conflict contexts.
denied access to justice? I cannot know as I sit, ironically, in country, that tribalism stops with me. Everybody, everybody
Sandra earned her Bachelor
Costa Rica, bastion of peace. Perhaps I would have done counts.
of Arts degree in Journalism
exactly the same thing that thousands have done - sent an
from the University
email or a text message ridiculing one tribe or another.
of Cardiff, Wales.
Jokingly, of course. On the other hand, perhaps I would have
read the gathering storm clouds with clarity, and raised the
alarm far and wide. For, in the end, nobody wins when
people’s lives are lost and seeds of hate sown. But, that is all
in my mind. I am appalled, disappointed, and frustrated as I
read and watch the news reports daily, as yet more people
die for supposed leaders who do not even know their
names. But, a journey must start with one step. An action.

And, that must be a commitment: tribalism stops with me.

I want the youth in my country to stand up and say,

unanimously, that tribalism stops with us and we shall not be
slaves to it any longer. Old and young people who believe

III. Rituals
Paagina blanca
A hui hou kakou
(until we meet again)
Come and sit with me beneath the Kumi Nui
And I will tell you a story of this Nani Moku.
Listen Closely to the Kai, Moana with all it secrets, and
let the sun heal your body, for you are home.
We are your O’hana now; hear the keiki playing as waves wash upon your feet.
This is our land, Kama Aina. The land our ancestors
Flo Vineberg preserved and fought for,
Student, Canada the land that gave birth to taro fields, to Pele -great Hawaiian goddess, defender
of the volcanoes,
Flo Vineberg grew up in to the great Kalalaus looming majestic along shimmering horizons.
downtown Toronto, CANADA (eh?!) Welcome home.
and attended Cornell University You may breathe easier now, for life here is simple.
where she received a B.Sc.
We live by Aloha in spirit and in practice; we come with leis, with instruments, with warmth,
in Industrial and Labour Relations,
with a concentration in African and with the rich history and culture preserved for us along paths of both hardship and success.
studies. Upon graduation We are your Hanei family now, and we welcome you to sit with us at our table,
in May 2006, she moved to Hawaii to eat poi and lomi lomi,
where she lived for just over a year, to travel from windward to leeward side on the wings of the great Pacific...
spending her time working
and to fall silent as the illustrious day gives way to starry night.
at a small, private
family law firm, and traveling Welcome to your community. Let us celebrate the Hanau of new days, rejuvenated spirit,
around learning about Hawaiian Let there be a Ho’olaule for the rhythms we have found together.
language, culture, spirituality, We embrace you, we give you life
community and artistic as the sun rises in the Ai and sets in the Komohana...
expression. She found a magical
connection in the closeness
of the artisan and musician Welcome.
communities in Hawaii,
which provided her with the sup-
port, encouragement and dynamic
perspective necessary to laugh
more at life, to take herself less spiritual and historical connection
seriously, and to learn how to unique to this place;
effectively express herself Flo plans on returning to Hawaii as
through written and spoken word, soon as possible to pursue Hawaiian
singing and musicianship. language classes, to rejoin
The islands are rich and mystical, her community, and to continue
and awaken in almost all to perform and grow as both
who go a sense of a person and an artist.

In the land of my fathers,
a “knock-door” ceremony
Dry season mornings are usually frosty in my hometown, people who value food and never waste it, so everything will
Nyen, in the Northwest province of Cameroon. On this be eaten and each person will leave with a package, as is
December morning in 2003, I awaken to the sounds, sights, customary. “Tiwar” women dancers, mostly cohorts of my
smells, and feel of my homeland. I stretch and take a peek granny, will show up soon and start to heat things up a little.
outside, my senses begin to kick into gear. My teeth chatter But for now, some kind of Rap music is blaring from a radio
as I hear the whispery breeze squeeze through the shut my favorite cousin Awah has just brought out. Abot thinks it’s
Golda Keng window onto my face. I turn over, yawning, to look at the sacrilegious to listen to stuff like that, especially on a day like
Student, Cameroon fireplace in the middle of the room, wondering why the this. It’s a good thing she does not know that I listen to Rap
warmth has disappeared. I try to go back to sleep but the too. To her, I am a ‘normal’ child.
happy chatter outside reminds me what day this is. I can hear
Born and raised in Cameroon,
my granny “Abot” talking, no, questioning in the way that is Sheryl is nowhere in sight. Not even Mom knows where
Golda Keng is pursuing
natural for morning greetings. Granny has stuck her. This is the beginning of the happy
her Master’s degree
“Are you fine?” exercise of ‘finding the girl’ that will take place when Dan
in Peace Education at the
“Did you sleep well?” (my future brother-in-law) and his family arrive. Everyone
UN-mandated University
I have come to accept this morning routine. At least twenty knows Granny did the hiding, but she will never admit that
for Peace,
more inquiries to every grandchild, child, and cousin of hers she did. We all join n the food preparation and cleaning of
with emphasis in the fields
will be posed. Greetings are not mere platitudes here. She the large yard. I love this part, where everyone works
of Media, Human Rights,
really wants to know how you slept, and will drill you more together. We rarely do that in the city.
Conflict Resolution, Gender,
than your city doctor will. I generally make up stories about a
and Environmental education.
dream in which I had eight babies and that genuinely It is 10:30 a.m. and the tempo has quickened. Granny is now
As an educator,
brightens her entire day. She is undoubtedly the family in her element. She yells for everyone to shower and show
Golda has worked in her native
matriarch and everyone looks up to her. up in the traditional colorful dress. My dad has taken his seat
Cameroon, China, South Korea,
at the central ancestral chair in the middle of the podium, the
and currently volunteers
My ‘home’ cousins have already fetched water and firewood seat to his left reserved for Granny, and the one to his right,
at the United World College
and I can smell the fires from the numerous huts. Those of for Dan’s dad. Every sitting arrangement is symbolic. In front
in Costa Rica.
us from the city, whom everyone calls ‘city’ cousins, are still of Dad is the symbolic family drinking ‘horn’ that was used by
dealing with the transition of waking up before the sunrise, my deceased grandfather and his male ancestors, and will be
much to the chagrin of the rest of the family here. passed down to the next generations of males.

Today is a special day. It is the “knock-door” (traditional As I finish dressing up, I hear my six-year-old cousin yelling
introductory marriage ceremony) of my older sister, Sheryl. and clapping: “They are coming, they are coming...!”
There are two others: the blessings, and the handing-over All the uncles, male cousins, and married women go out front
ceremonies. We are at my paternal grandparents and have to to welcome the visitors, while the unmarried females, myself
get ready to welcome the family of my sister’s fiancé before included, stay in the back waiting for the fun part. We all have
midday. A huge quantity of food is being prepared. We are a our ears plastered to the wall, straining to hear the talk. After

about 30 minutes during which all of the salutations and with them, and fall with them. If this is what you want our
introductions are in order, my granduncle, feigning innocence, family to do, then I shall let you and these people drink from
speaks up: “We are honored to have you in our midst, but we my cup.”
are still unaware of the nature and purpose of your visit.
”Yeah, right!” As he says this, Dad takes a drink from the horn and gives it
“Well-spoken.” I hear Dan’s dad say. to Sheryl, who goes on her knees to receive it. She looks
“The Timah family is here because we respect your family around at everyone and then drinks from the cup. There is
and need you at this time...” utter silence as she moves over to where Dan is sitting, goes
The talk goes on for sometime. The summary of it is that they down on her knees and hands him the horn. With a smile of
are interested in one of the daughters of my family. We all relief, Dan takes a sip and in turn hands it to his father. After
know this. But tradition says we have to play the roles. Dan’s his father drinks it all up and shows the crowd the empty
family is then asked if they are willing to pay the price of horn, there is another burst of pandemonium. The Tiwar
finding the woman they seek, and of course, they are. A ‘gift’ women come forward to perform the marriage dance and we
basket is placed in the center of the room. My granny comes all clap and watch. Later, food is served in a very formal way,
into the room and takes us out, one after the other, and starting with the fathers, Dan and Sheryl, then Dan’s family
presents us to the guests. members and last, my family members. Eating and dancing
continues into the night when a huge bonfire is lit. Dan and
“This one?” Of course, there is a smile and a “no” answer his family go back to their family house to prepare for my
followed by a drop of cash onto the basket for the next girl. I family’s visit the next day, where the final blessings and
am glad when it comes to my turn, since leaning against the handing-over ceremony will take place.
wall for an hour has taken its toll on my feet. As I sit down, I
I look around for my sister and go to give her a bear hug. She
signal Dan and mouth, “Am sorry” since unfortunately, we are
cannot stop crying. We move to the side and there, we see
a family of girls. After all of the presentations, Granny finally
Mom, hugging my dad in a corner. Now there’s a sight! It is
brings out Sheryl, and there is a burst of elation as everyone
probably the second time I have seen my parents hug each
screams a ‘yes’ answer, followed by a fanciful drum roll,
other in public! Sheryl and I start laughing.
clapping, and gongs going off. She looks so radiant in her
“Maybe you should think about getting married too.” She says.
beautiful dress and mesmerizing smile.
“Yikes!” we squeal in unison. She and I do this all the time.
We know she is genuinely happy. Dan has been a classmate
When all quiets down, Dad takes the stage and addresses the
since forever. I am glad. We stand in silence hearing others
family and the ‘guests’, expressing his happiness that such a
sing: “Aye ha’a ni nwei na’a na, eh.” (It is the joy that God has
family would seek his daughter.... Finally he has to carry out
given us)
the rites. Granny hands over the ‘horn’ and someone fills it
with traditional palm wine. After blessing the ‘gods’ by pouring P.S: The ‘horn ceremony’ is very symbolic, and my favorite
some on the ground, he signals to Sheryl saying: “My ceremony. It unites the two families. Divorces are not an
daughter, it is because of you that we have these strangers option; as my people say, “you never spit out the wine.” For
among us today. We don’t know them, but we have to begin this reason, many adults nowadays choose to skip this part of
to know them. You have decided they are good enough for the marriage ceremony. The wine sharing establishes the
us to unite with them, and so I ask you to show everyone in unbreakable cord that has united the two families, since
this family that we can eat with them, drink with them, stand marriages here are a family affair.

Smilja Jankovic, 3. Here - With the collapse of their homes, the walls that
Nicole Oliveira, had long separated the three good people were no more.
and Their lives reconciled by their common fortune, three homes
Karim El Mantawi were one.

4. There - Having never before shared a loaf of bread, the

three good people were destined to eat with each other, all
the while learning of the ways of the neighbor.

5. Belief - With time, the neighbors knew and understood

enough to see. The former barriers that were their beliefs
1. Beliefs - In the town of Tombua, on the Atlantic coast of served now as a reason to rejoice, and with the first light of
Angola, there lived three good people by the names of the third week after the great shudder, they began their
Smilja, Nicole and Karim. These three were neighbors, ceremonies together.
divided not only by the walls of their building, but also by
their beliefs, for Karim followed Santeria, Nicole practiced
Candomble and Smilja was a Zoroastrian. Each practiced
their faith separately, ignorant of the other and rejecting their
ways. They lived and prayed in solitude, barely exchanging a
smile or uttering a simple greeting.

2. Collapse - This was the way of the three neighbors of the

building. Their story, their beliefs, their disconnected and
separated lives changed little until the great shudder of
Tombua. The monstrous quake shook their walls and, with
them, the three solitude lives that unfolded beyond them.
The building tumbled to the ground where once only earth
had lived.4

Jason Skinner. Oil Rig Worship at Sunrise. 2007.
Available at:
Anonymous. Building Crashing. 2007.

Available at:

Interconnectedness of My Life Spaces:
A Female Mienh Peace Education Perspective
As I reflect on my journeys, experiences and moments in this people of whom I am a daughter. The Mienh people highly
lifetime, in my world community, I begin to recognize all the value communal living and the relations that we have with
energies that must have been re-directed to create this the land, our ancestors, and the spirit world. Peace Education
passageway for the destined meeting of the UPEACE integrates this perspective beautifully through the six strands
community with my life spaces-personally, professionally, and or “petals of the flower”- educating for dismantling a culture
socially. It is a belief of indigenous people that we all start of war, educating for living with justice and compassion,
Naita Saechao out as one seed where every particle of our bodies comes educating for promoting human rights and responsibilities,
Student, United States from the union of the bounty of Mother Earth, the sun, and educating for building cultural respect, reconciliation and
spirit.5 With this understanding, sustainable living is necessary solidarity, educating for living in harmony with the earth, and
for the survival of humanity. None of my life spaces would finally, educating for cultivating inner peace.7 Within each
Naita Saechao is mostly
exist if it were not for the great gifts of the Earth providing us strand, I find examples of my life experiences that have
from Northern California.
with life and existence. The Mienh people believe that contributed to developing my identity, consciousness and
She is a first generation
without any true connection with the Earth, we will not have understanding of the world, as well as applications toward
immigrant to the U.S.
any true connection with the spirit world. This is of utmost building a culture of peace.
from Laos via Thailand,
importance to many indigenous groups all over the world
product of the so-called
because it forces us to be accountable and responsible for In the Mienh language and culture, ancestral ties and
“Secret War.”
our past, present, and futures. The practices within the Peace histories reflect all that is important for the inheritance of the
She is currently a student
Education community are most purposeful because they Mienh traditions. It is deeply understood knowledge as a
in the Peace Education M.A.
attempt to encompass the wisdom of all people throughout Mienh person that I cannot claim to be Mienh unless I feel
program at UPEACE.
our generations, challenging us to remember that “biology the inherited burdens and hardships of my ancestors. These
The many places
does not condemn humanity to war”6. Through my Peace ancestral ties allow us to look into our past and to carry that
she has lived include:
Education experiences, I’ve gained valuable insights about burden onto future generations to pass on the legacies,
a refugee camp in Thailand,
myself and my interconnections with the world in which I responsibilities, and traditions of our people. Oral traditions
San Francisco,
live, the people with whom I have relations, and the karmic have created stories that reflect the beginning of the lineage
Los Angeles,
energies of all other things of this universe which I affect. of the Mienh. The story follows that we are descendants of a
These insights provide me with lessons of awareness and princess and a dog. The sons and daughters of the princess
the Marshall Islands,
mindfulness that encompass my daily praxis of educating for and the dog formed the twelve clans of the Mienh people. I
and now Costa Rica central.
peace. am of the Chao clan. With that, I am able to trace back my
She is interested in exploring
roots to one of the sons of the princess and the dog. My
language policies,
The holistic and ecological aspects of the Peace Education lineage is of the ancestors who had migrated into the
language shift,
community truly embody the spirit of the Iu-Mienh hill tribe mountains of Laos; hence the more widely accepted term
the many links
between language
and culture, and multi-lingual 5
Eagle Man, McGaa, E. Mother Earth spirituality. San Francisco: Harper San Francisco, 1999.
Adams, David (ed). The Seville statement on violence. Paris: UNESCO, 1989.
education systems. 7
Toh, Swee-Hin. Pathways to Building a Culture of Peace. Presented at Peace Education Workshop in Uganda, July10 -13,
organized by the Ugandan National Commission for UNESCO and the Korean National Commission for UNESCO (2007).

“hill tribe.” There in the mountains, the Mienh resorted to Those moments push me towards also realizing the ideology
slash and burn farming as a means of agricultural production of one world and one love. In promoting one’s own identity
for the sole purpose of subsistence. This practice went and culture, it is important to also be able to share the
against the Mienh beliefs about our relations to the land. uniqueness of each experience with one another, with this
They found that it harmed their relationships with their planet, peacefully, and to realize the beauty and harmony of
ancestors as well. Because of this, a religious ceremonial the underlying connections that make us all human. The
tradition had to be performed every time the land was ripe interconnectedness of our relations is reminiscent of
for harvest to get permission from the spirits of the land and Indigenous peoples’ common theme of “creation as a living
our ancestors. The Mienh had to adapt their ways and values process, resulting in a living universe in which a kinship exists
to survive in the new land they inhabited, reflecting between all things...all our relations.”8 These are the relations
community’s ability to transform itself. that allow us to realize the illogic of living in an unsustainable
world of war, violence, structural injustices, consumption,
My parents’ generation grew up in Laos during times of environmental destruction, and the premature death of all
conflict and oppression. They have shared with me stories of things. These links also highlight the importance of critically
abuse and hardships that have stayed with them to this day, evaluating the deeper issues to expose the cause of the
to ensure the passage of histories, values, and traditions to peacelessness within our societies, and furthermore, to
my siblings and me. Through the Mienh people’s historical challenge these positions to become more compassionate,
legacy of militarization and marginalization, I’ve inherited and more loving, and more peaceful.
learned of the burdens and responsibilities that accompany
my right to identify myself as Mienh. With this information, I I am drawn to the process of creating a community
have the opportunity to see that there is survival and beauty dedicated to a culture of peace because it implies that war
in living simply, whether it is for subsistence or to create a and violence are not the only answers to our problems. The
culture of peace with the environment. This embodies the ability to find some light at the end of the tunnel is vital to
Mienh beliefs and gives me a sense of connection with the the Peace Education pedagogy because it is this hope that
land and the spirit world. This knowledge of past struggles will motivate people to take action against the violence in
also allows me to see the potential for change in a society our current world agenda. It is important to remember the
with the habit of perpetuating a culture of war. ideals of people power-”a secret that is repeatedly forgotten,
to be rediscovered every time a new social movement
I find it interesting that in America, I am not considered arises.”9 Although it is easier to “turn off” and become an
American. I am viewed as an “other.” People always ask me, automaton oblivious to the globalizing forces at play, we can
“What are you?” or “what’s your background?” I never really be the agents of the change we wish to see in our world.
figured out how to answer these questions. As an
adolescent,I found it most difficult to claim myself as Mienh.
It was always difficult to explain what being Mienh was.
There was no nation that we were a part of. Do I tell them
where I was born or where my parents came from? Because
of those moments of personal identity conflicts, I’ve seen the
necessity of realizing one’s community identity, history,
struggles, experiences, and futures.
Keeping Traditions
Takako Ueda

Miloradz, Poland, 2002. One day, these children learned

how to make “Kapusta Kieszona” in kindergarten.
Kapusta Kieszona is a preserved food that is eaten
during the long winter.
In turn, one day these children will pass
on this ancestral wisdom
and culture to the next generation.

Boruca, Costa Rica, 2008. Villagers held a ritual to express

their indigene history. They were invaded by the Spanish
over several days following one New Year’s Day.
Men with masks walked around the village and finally
dueled with a bull in one part of the ceremony.
The women supported them while the children observed
the ritual. The whole village attended the festival.

a New Millennium
September The Ethiopian calendar has 12 months of 30 days each and
11 was just a 13th month with five or six days in leap years.
a typical day
in Ciudad New Year’s day is called Enkutatash, meaning ‘the gift of the
Colon, a jewels’. The day is named after the Legend related to the trip
small town made by the famous Ethiopian Queen Sheba to visit King
Nigist Tilahun
on the Solomon of Jerusalem. Legend has it that when the queen
Student, Ethiopia
outskirts of returned from the visit, her chiefs welcomed her back by
San Jose, replenishing her treasury with ‘enku’, which literally means
Nigist Tilahun was born Costa Rica: spending half the night reading 40-something pearls or Jewels. The spring festival has been celebrated
and raised pages, rushing to school in the morning and listening to since these early times and as the rains come to their abrupt
in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. hours of lectures. Basically, what my life has become since end, dancing and singing can be heard at every village in the
She has a B.A. degree joining UPEACE. country.
in Sociology
and Social Administration I can imagine what the same date would look like some 14 The day itself, New Year’s day, begins early in the morning
from Addis Ababa University. hours of flight away from Costa Rica, in Ethiopia. with young boys going around their neighborhoods giving
Nigist has worked out drawing of flowers and doves with lettered wishes for a
in journalism and For millions of Ethiopians, the day of September 11 peaceful and prosperous New Year. A little later, young girls
communication, represents the beginning of the New Year. It’s full of those dressed in the white cotton traditional clothes decorated with
and is currently pursuing things you would do on such a date: hang out with friends, flowers go from house to house singing “Abebayehush,”
an M.A in Gender exchange gifts, eat, drink, and celebrate. which literally means: Have you seen a Flower? This forwards
and Peace Studies New Year best wishes and praises the daisies blooming
at UPEACE. September in Ethiopia signifies the end of the hardships of during the season.
the rainy season and the transition to an abundant harvest
season. The sun starts shining, the beautiful daisies bloom The day is spent treating visiting friends and families to spicy
and the country turns into green. Ethiopian traditional dishes and a coffee ceremony.

Ethiopia follows a distinct and unique calendar dictated by This September 11, 2007 celebration was unique as it
the predominant Orthodox Church, one of the oldest welcomed the New Ethiopian Millennium. The rest of Africa
churches in the world. According to the teachings of the and the world joined Ethiopians in welcoming this special
church, the world was created 5000 years before the birth of day, which was commemorated with much celebration and
Christ. Based on this timeline, the year 2007, for instance, is joy.
the year 2000 in the Ethiopian calendar. This makes the
Ethiopian calendar seven and a half years behind the
Gregorian calendar. The difference is both in days and years.

The Legend
of Sun and Moon
Act 1: The Announcement All colors of the rainbow were represented in this creature.
It was the most beautiful thing they had ever seen. Both the
Sun was a beautiful young man, very strong and intelligent. Chief and his future son-in-law were so astonished, they
Moon was a pretty and delicate Indian girl. The two fell in stood mesmerized.
love. After months of dating, the chief of the tribe, Moon’s
father, announced a grand wedding for his beloved Then the bird spread its wings and took flight. Each man
Nicole Oliveira daughter. prepared his bow, took aim, and shot the arrows. For some
Student, Brazil reason, Sun, who was a much better hunter, missed, and
As the tribe’s only princess, Moon was very spoiled and the chief’s arrow hit the flying rainbow. The bird tumbled
enjoyed being important. She demanded Sun to act the from the sky and fell in the middle of the river. Both the
Nicole Oliveira was born same way. Sun, who was born a humble and simple man, chief and Sun jumped into the water and struggled for it.
in 1981 in São Paulo, soon became conceited and wanted to be as lovely as
Brazil, Moon. Drunken with vanity, they both adorned themselves Sun got to the bird first, but offered the catch to the Chief,
where she spent with nature’s most beautiful things and competed realizing that it was he who had shot it down. The chief, too
her early years. for the tribe’s attention. proud, could not accept it, and gave it back to Sun. Both
In 1997 and 1998 were too proud to accept the bird and the beautiful creature
she lived in Indiana, Moon, who out of pride never accepted presents from Sun, was tossed aside in a corner.
U.S.A., constantly asked her old father to bring valuable things from
where she graduated the forest. As the wedding approached, she wanted to be Act 3: The Wedding
from high school. the prettiest Indian in the whole tribe. She demanded that
Upon her return her father bring her exotic and rare treasures for the The day of the wedding soon arrived. Big preparations were
to São Paulo, wedding party. Ignoring her father’s old age, she insisted made with ample amounts of food and drink. Sun and
she went to law school, that he find her adornments to wear. Moon were very busy taking care of their looks. Sun, seeing
graduating in 2004 the moon so pretty, felt jealous and started fighting with her.
from Mackenzie University. Act 2: The Forest
Currently, In the heat of the argument, they noticed the bird laying
she is pursuing Moon’s father set out into the forest to comply with his there, abandoned in a corner. Horrified with the idea of
a Master’s degree daughter’s wishes. By the river, hunting birds for their exotic ignoring such beautiful creature, Moon accused Sun of
at the University for Peace. feathers, the chief ran into Sun, who was in the forest being negligent and asked how the bird could lay there,
because he also wanted to find feathers for adornment. The forgotten.
two set out in search of beauty.
While the fuss was happening, a strange smoke started to
All of a sudden, they heard a rustle. High in the sky, flying rise. Noticing the commotion, the chief called the other
slowly, they saw a majestic bird perched on a tree. What members of the tribe. A loud noise struck like an explosion
brilliant colors! What delicate feathers! They were gorgeous! and a burst of smoke appeared.

When sight was finally recovered, instead of the bird, all the
Indians saw their god, Tupa himself, personified. They were
all trembling.

Tupa looked at the two young Indians and said:

- You are too vain and too proud. All you worry about is
being noticed! All you wish for is richness! The feathers I
sent you were magic. If you would have shared them, you
would have been happy for your entire lives. But vanity
won. So now you are cursed to never see each other again.
You, Sun, will circle around during the day in solitude. And
you, Moon, will circle only at night and will never again
cross your beloved Sun.

Immediately, Tupa and the two Indians disappeared. From

that day on, Sun and Moon started the dance across the sky
in isolation.

Community in Haiti:
the Personal versus the Political
When you think of Haiti, what words come to mind? If you of community and connection. For example, between
are like most people, you might think back to one of the different communities in Haiti, there is a lack of social
many conflicts faced by my country. And, it is true that there responsibility or care for the ‘common good’.
have been many tensions, divisions, and cleavages in Haitian
society, particularly at the political level. But, few who have We all know John F. Kennedy’s famous words: “Ask not what
not lived in Haiti would be able to tell you about the rituals your country can do for you, but what you can do for your
Timote Georges and traditions that bind my fellow countrymen and women country.” Well, many of my countrymen and women have
Student, Haiti together. become disillusioned not only with their government, but
also with their own ability to help the country, their fellow
Here, I would like to share with you a few details about both compatriots, and even themselves.
Timote Georges is a
the challenges to achieving unity in Haiti, as well as those
theologian and agronomist
beautiful aspects of community that touch and unite us in The Personal
by training,
our everyday lives.
and is currently
That said, if we step away from this macro-level focus of
a student at UPEACE.
The Political Haiti, a glance at local communal life reveals a million causes
for celebration. At the village level, food is an important part
Solidarity, equity, equitability - these are some of the values of Haitian community. Every day, families share the dishes
that I imagine would make up a peaceful community, but that they have prepared with their neighbors. It doesn’t
which are not always present in Haiti. In my country, there matter if they have already cooked- they will simply eat
have been many divisions and cleavages, particularly at the more. It also doesn’t matter if there isn’t enough -everyone
political level. Our country has known somewhat of a will eat just a little bit less. Generally, households exchange
turbulent past, with US occupation from 1915-1934, dishes, and always eat together.
dictatorship between 1957-1986, a coup d’etat in 1991, and
military intervention in 2004, to name just a few. It is Every day is an excuse to party in Haiti, and holidays are all
understandable, then, that Haiti has seen many struggles the wilder. On January 1st, every family prepares a special
over political power. Each group tends to pursue its own kind of Haitian soup that they share with their friends, family,
interests, and at times, this hinders peaceful coexistence at and neighbors. If they do not cook this soup, the New Year is
all levels of society. not likely to bring all of the possibilities that it might have to
offer - so, the soup is prepared across the entire country!
I remember being in school when some of the conflicts Meanwhile, children get dressed up and go from house to
broke out. All of my classmates were supposed to leave the house, greeting other families and receiving small gifts in
capital in order to ensure their safety, but a sense of return.
uncertainty and tension prevailed. Great progress has been
made in restoring stability since then, but political divisions But, there is nothing that brings Haitians together like
and cleavages have had long-term repercussions on notions Carnival. It is celebrated every year on the Sunday, Monday,

and Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. Carnival is about to cultivate peace education in my country. I have dreams of
nothing other than dancing, parades, costumes, and rejoicing helping to stop the vicious cycles of conflict, and of teaching
life. During three consecutive days, music and celebrations younger generations how to strive for peace in their everyday
take over whatever worries or troubles may be plaguing lives. I can’t implement this by myself, but I might be able to
Haitians at that time. make a small contribution with the help of other hands.

Religion also plays an important role in building solidarity and I have been inspired by UPEACE to achieve this vision. The
community in my country. Nearly half of Haiti’s population is University has shown me that peaceful coexistence is
Christian, and the remainder is mainly Roman Catholic. possible, but this needs to be practiced, rehearsed, and built.
Nevertheless, practices of voodoo are also still ongoing. I tell my friends and family back home that if the world were
Voodoo dates back to colonial times. It was a secret like UPEACE, the world really would be OK. And, I tell myself
language used amongst slaves to revolt against colonial that, if every UPEACE student carries the message of peace
masters, and is closely associated with the country’s struggle back to his/her own home country, the world will already be
for independence. a little bit of a better and safer place.

On 14 August 1791, Dutty Boukman, a Voodoo priest, and a

group of slaves began to carry out nighttime ceremonies to
encourage the spirits to free them from colonial ties. These
rituals were practiced until 1 January 1804, when the dream
for Haiti’s independence was realized. Voodoo is still
practiced in my country today, although only by a small
segment of the population.

The Political versus the Personal

In short, the notion of community is never black or white.

Haiti continues to face a lot of challenges to achieving unity,
but there is also great hope to be found at the personal and
local levels. The main message is that community needs to
be constructed at all levels of society in a holistic way. We
need to promote the political, social, and economic equity
and equitability of all Haitians, particularly in decision making
processes. We also need to respond to the needs of
disadvantaged and marginalized Haitians. Without this,
peaceful coexistence will never be possible.

This is the reason why I decided to leave my home country

and enroll in the Natural Resources and Peace program at
UPEACE. I came with the hope that, one day, I could return
The life
of my death
Adria Scharmen Fuentes I believe I must tell you about my life before I can tell you loved getting into. Sometimes other children would come
about my death. And how could I talk about my life without with their parents and we would spy from the back rooms
giving my progenitors the credit they deserve for it, them, the pretending to be them. That is how I met Carmen, my most
most significantly influential people in my short life. memorable childhood companion. This continued until my
tenth birthday, when new words came into their
When I learned to walk in the summer of 1965 they were as vocabularies, when the overall mood at these gatherings
happy as ever. Of course, they hadn’t yet grasped what this started getting somber and I began to notice that it wasn’t at
meant to me and how far that walk would take me. As all a game. That is when I grew up.
dedicated teachers of other people’s children, they finally
experienced the unknown bliss of teaching their own It was in 1974 that everything changed, the air itself felt
daughter, especially those things they sometimes could not poignantly heavier. My parents and their friends had to hide
teach in their classroom. These were my happiest memories: when they met, and suddenly the group lost members. No
an only child with never-ending games and stories, and the more children came to the meetings and I stopped wanting
attention of not only my parents, but their many friends and to be around the adults. Their attention was somewhere else
colleagues who would gather evening upon evening talking and it was not amusing anymore. Carmen didn’t come
and planning what I, at the time, could not understand but anymore, and after an argument with my father her father

10 11

David Linn. In the Family Circle. 1979. Available at:
Fernando Botero. Masacre de Mejor Esquina. 1997. Available at:

ceased coming as well. I spent the next couple of years wanted for the country. I don’t know if they ever did, but I
practically on my own, yearning for things to go back to never saw them again. If they sacrificed their cause for my
normal, to the way they were before our country turned life it was all in vain. I died nonetheless and was never given
upside down. My parents were too busy and secretive at the option of being neither good nor bad for their country
their meetings, more active in their cause than before and I again. All sensation vanished with me after what seemed like
more lonely than ever, still not able to comprehend what a few months; body and mind, gone. I no more could listen
was truly happening. or react to them, especially after they told me about
Carmen’s burning body at a protest, her scorching flesh
School and books were my only distraction, until I started blown by the wind. I bit by bit disappeared with them, with
secondary school and miraculously found Carmen again in their memory and the ideal of a country I never got to
the fall of 1979. Carmen brought the light back to my life. inhabit. That is how it was, the life of my death.
She was a couple of years older than me and already
involved in underground movements with other students. I
immediately joined them and greatly enjoyed meeting with
them. It was like the old days, only this time it was real,
there was no more pretending. Unfortunately I had very little
understanding of reality then, and marveled at the role my
new friends gave me. I played it well, and it was thrilling to
attend public demonstrations and cause controversies.

My parents usually were not at these demonstrations, they

knew of the danger public appearances brought. Yet they
continued to be very active, mostly by writing for resistance
magazines and continuing with their clandestine meetings. I
never told them of my involvement with the student
movement, even though they must have found out that
dreadful night, just a few months before I was to begin
University, when our house was broken into and I was taken
away from them. Disappeared, forever.

Everything is a blur of darkness and blood subsequent to

that moment. My death came too slowly for my own sake. I
have no recollection of time and cannot say how long I was
held captive for, but there was no end to it in my mind. I
never talked, never gave names and continued to play their
game, continued to play my role, even though I understood
they were using me to punish my parents. It was their way
of suppressing their subversive behavior, of forcing my
parents to become the “good” and subordinate citizens they
Some aspects of customs
within the Nzebi community
I invite the reader to take a walk with me, throughout the respect for and protection of nature, for one’s security and
Nzebi space, in Central Africa. I may not be a good the security of others. His awareness of the existence and
commentator, but you can count on my sincerity as guide. I needs of other people is particularly encouraged and
am going to take you where, spontaneously, my spirit and supported. A member of the community must always think:
brain will tell my feet to lead us. Mè, Besu. In English: Me, We.

Sava Mathias The Nzebi space “You shall respect whoever has seen the sun before you.”
Student, Gabon There is a place on earth -one among other similar places, The ultimate goal of children’s education and teachings of
hopefully- where people have, for centuries, practiced life’s realities is to render them fit to survive when their
respect and care for their community of life. That place is in parents and protectors are away. A child is taught that the
Sava Mathias
the Nzebi Country, situated south of Gabon and west of nearest person to him who “has seen the sun before” him is
Congo Brazza, in West Central Africa. This modest paper is a his elder brother or sister, his father or mother, his
was raised
witness of things I have experienced in my life, being Nzebi grandfather or grandmother. The philosophy of respect for
in the Nzebi country.
myself, and having grown up in a Nzebi village in Gabon. elders, in a “modern” context, includes young supervisors or
He left his home village
at age 12
teachers who have seen the sunlight before their students.
to attend high school BaNzebi (Ba is a prefix for plural in many Bantu idioms) are
120 km away. generally described as courageous, determined, patient, Blessed be the deserving child
He has grown enduring, and peaceful people. In the Nzebi society, honesty,
with independent Gabon. integrity, righteousness, and nobility of the spirit are the When a very young man (8-16 years) is lucky enough to
Being a assets one needs to live long. For the Nzebi people, the clan catch a big game during a collective hunting session or to
“Child of the Independence,” is the alpha and omega of the community. A Nzebi feels catch a big fish, his father calls the whole family. In particular,
he has a good sense very secure within his clan. The clan is the compass, the the chiefs of both clans, from the father’s and mother’s side,
of his country’s progress reference, the identity, the landmark, lifelong guideline. The organize a solemn ceremony at which the child is amply
and setbacks. Clan has no boundaries. blessed.
Sava is currently
studying in the There are many ways that the Nzebi show respect and care Your child is not your slave
Environmental Security for the community of life in the village and in nature.
and Peace Program When a man or a woman is correcting his or her child by
at UPEACE. In the village scolding or even spanking her, a neighbor, passer-by, or even
a group of persons might interfere if they think the parent is
When a child is born within a family, he belongs both to the abusing his or her child. The observer(s) will say: “Your child,
family and the village. The foundations of his education are I agree, but...not your slave!” No one will go away until the
respect for life, respect for his being and others’ being, parent, ashamed, stops beating the child.
“The orphan child gets educated from someone else’s uncle” Reimburse the dead

For a child who has lost his parents, there is always One vivid custom of the Nzebi practice since time
somebody to adopt him and raise him like any other kid. immemorial is to consider that a lost life must be paid for
Since the Clan has no boundaries, the possibility always back. Here is how it is done: when someone older than six
exists for anybody to be somebody’s relative. months passes away, representatives of all seven clans
gather for the mourning ceremonies. After the burial, there is
“Here are your village, your family, and your property” an Ikumbu, a “Ceremony of Reimbursement.” The one who
pays is the husband if the deceased was a married woman,
These are the words of welcome addressed to the traveler the father if the deceased was a man or a single woman, or
who finds himself far from home, in a land where he has the clan of the ex-husband if the deceased was a divorced
never been before. After he salutes the first people he meets woman.
in the foreign land, he introduces himself by stating his
name(s), the clan of his father, mother, grandparents and Blood forbidden
ancestors, and the name of his village or town. Then,
someone from the surrounding crowd will step forward and In Nzebi society, it is forbidden for children and women to
tell him: “Welcome home. Your bath, meal and bed are see human blood or a dead human body. This is a way to
ready.” If the traveler decides to settle in this place, the protect their sensitivity.
members of his clan will give him what he needs to start a
new life: land, cattle, and even a spouse. Stealing, humanity, and inhumanity

No beggars allowed Having spent long hours far from home, you are hungry. You
pass by a private tree bearing fruits: avocado, oranges,
The sense of dignity is very deep within the Nzebi banana, apples, or cherries. You decide to pick up some
community. Each person’s dignity is considered the dignity of fruits to feed yourself, and will report to the owner. This is
all of humanity. Begging is considered a disgrace. The society alright, but the fruits must be ripe. If your hunger makes you
does not understand how someone would not work for eat immature fruits (with the possibility to make you sick), or
himself or for the good of the community. Therefore, the wild or domestic animals that are too young (cattle, goat,
community organizes itself to make sure that no one will beg sheep, chicken, duck, pigeon, etc), you are not humane: you
for a living. One typical case is that of an old childless widow. are inhumane and will be tried for having lacked respect
The men of the village build a house for her. They prepare towards Nature.
her crop field. They make sure she lacks no fuel to cook her
food and that she always has her share of meat or fish or Recycling garbage and bio-gardening, an immemorial Nzebi
fruits, particularly when she is absent. In return, she practice
participates in community life the best she can, and makes
sure to bring her contribution of cooked food to the men’s The Nzebi hate littering garbage. Long before the “novelty” of
shelter in the afternoon. recycling became common practice in “modern” life, villagers

had been using household garbage for growing crops in Clearing the way
gardens behind their homes. This is knowledge drawn from
observing the healthy state of crops planted in such gardens. The day following a strong wind, if you are the first to wake
up and go to the fields to collect foodstuff, you might find
Celebrating the renewal of life: the new crops that a fallen tree has blocked the public road. Though you
have the possibility to deviate, you must, before continuing
A very pleasant ceremony, called Lelagh, is organized every your way, clear the way for the people who will pass after
year, during the short dry season (mid-December to mid- you.
February), when families make their first harvest of new
crops. This is exactly 3 to 5 months after the return of the Water is sacred, and the river belongs to the community
short rainy season (mid-September). Each family contributes
by bringing all kinds of crops, fish, meat, fruits, drinks, etc. When walking in the forest while minding your business, you
These are all gathered in a big men’s shelter, on giant leaves, might need to satisfy a natural need. But you are near a river
on the floor. The ceremony starts with a parade at one or a small stream. You must not pee there, or satisfy your
extremity of the village, where spots have been prepared on natural need in the vicinity of the water, as you are aware
the ground. In each spot is deposited a specific kind of food. that there might be somebody using the water downstream.
The food is blessed and offered to the Ancestors. Then, Therefore, you will always displace yourself as far as you can
chanting and dancing, the procession returns to the shelter, before you relieve yourself. And, remember: a river, small or
the children first. The children are seated first around the big, will never be private property. Free access to water is
collection of cooked food. At a given signal, they help inalienable.
themselves to whatever they like. That evening, the children
are allowed to eat all they want. The huge dinner is really Lock the tree, the forest, the river
enjoyable, and people do appreciate exchanging and
complementing plates and recipes. This “new crops” Water, vegetation, and Nature are sacred. Irrational
ceremony is usually the ceremony kids look most forward to exploitation of resources in the forest can deplete them and
each year. It is the time the community asks for blessings create a path to scarcity and thus conflict. The Nzebi have
from Nzembi-a-Pungu, God the Almighty, for the new harvest found a way to sustain and renew resources through the
and the abundance in the nature. practice of “locking” a particular resource. “Locking” means
that the Council of the Elder organizes a traditional ceremony
The country of plenty at which the locked resource is declared forbidden for use or
exploitation. The immediate consequence of the interdiction
The Nzebi territory is forested and mountainous. It is crossed is that no fruit from the locked tree will be picked nor eaten,
by hundreds of rivers and clear-water streams. Depending on nor game from the locked forest be caught for consumption,
the season, fierce storms and the accompanying lightning nor, finally, fish from the locked river be taken nor eaten. The
and thunder are common. People take their livelihood from interdiction lasts until the Council of the Elder declares the
the forest, where they establish their crop plantations, hunt, fruits ripe, or the forest or the river adequately populated.
and fish. Another formal ceremony is then organized, at which the

Council “unlocks” the tree, the forest or the river. The First, viewing human blood and corpses is common on TV,
harvesting is then organized to make sure that each family and our children are exposed to violence. What present and
will get enough, and that the village will benefit from the future mentalities are the media shaping for them? Secondly,
resource during a certain time. respect for the ones who have “seen the sun before us” is
not often a standard anymore: people are free to choose
The privilege of having people: the shield whom to respect, even those who don’t deserve respect,
and this constitutes a threat to peace. Finally, rare now are
Old people are honored within the Nzebi community, like people who discourage their friends from undertaking wrong
everywhere in Africa. They live in the same house as the deeds. Complicity for actions that destroy peace in our time
younger members of their family. They are the depositories is preferred to loyalty for noble achievements and progress
of knowledge, experience, love, and authority. Respect for humankind. But the reader should not think that the
towards them is absolute. Each family is proud to take care values I’ve just written about have disappeared. They are still
of its elders, and everybody struggles to obtain the privilege there, in the remaining villages and in towns where people
of looking after the old men and women. They are the ones are realizing, more and more, that reassuming these values
who guard the village, day and night. They wake up first in is the most secure way to resume our positive evolution.
the morning and go to bed last at night. Children and their
grandparents have a particular relationship, like everywhere My stories come from this 80,000 hectare territory of
in the world, of course. A Nzebi saying illustrates this special mountains, forests, and clear-water streams.
bond: “A son, a daughter is his or her parents’ heart. A girl, a
boy is her or his grandparents’ soul.” Needless to say,
grandparents feel that it is their unique duty to transmit
traditions and family memories to their little ones.

I discourage you because I am your friend

Being loyal to a friend is when you discourage him by

making him give up a negative action. If you did not care for
him, you would just let him pursue his bad ways.

Concluding comment

The walk I have just taken with the reader remains open.
Along the way, I hope the reader noticed that Nzebi behavior
is comparable to all other human communities’ behavior.
The reader could perhaps regret that the deeply rooted
respect and care for the community of life observed within
the Nzebi community, as almost second nature, is
dangerously challenged in “modern” life, starting with the TV.
IV. The Earth, Our Home
pagina en blanco

I have this thing about acorns. It all started one day when I
was walking and came across one. I picked it up and started
really looking at it. Mind you, I’ve picked up countless acorns
before, though I’d usually dissect them to get to the actual
nut. This time, instead of dissecting it with my hands, I
dissected it with my eyes. I was amazed by the interknit
Bonnie Mahl design on the cap of the acorn. How is it that nature knows
Student, United States how to create something so simple as an acorn with such a
precise design? After looking closely at that acorn, I had a
new-found appreciation for nature’s simplistic and beautiful
Bonnie Mahl is a design. Such symmetry and preciseness exist throughout the
Master’s Student natural world, from massive trees to small acorns. Works of
pursuing a dual degree human design end up in large cities and museums, but
in Natural Resources works of nature’s design can be found everywhere. All we
and Sustainable Development have to do is open our eyes to the world around us and take
at American University time to really look at what we see.
in Washington D.C
and the University for Peace
in Costa Rica.
She is from Virginia
in the United States.

Cloud Seeding
- An Example of ‘Community of Life’ in Practice!
‘Community of life’... the first time I read the Earth Charter, this I should have known that clouds are not only water vapor -
concept really resonated with me... it was what I had been after all, every time I boil water, there aren’t exactly clouds
looking for in a formal document related to sustainable forming in my kitchen! There are other basic ingredients that
development. As the Brazilian theologian Leonardo Boff once make water vapor have that consistency - the most
said in one of his articles, this concept expresses a spiritual important being dimethyl sulphide (DMS). This gas is very
sense of all beings helping each other, being important for one important for bringing the water molecules together and
Alicia Jimenez another, being connected in some way. This is so profound forming ‘planet cooling clouds’ which, as Stephan Harding
Earth Charter Project Coordinator, and at the same time difficult, at least for me, to grasp. put it, are like “the hair of the Earth.” There are in fact many
Costa Rica different types of clouds with different purposes. For
Sometimes I wonder -How am I connected with living beings example, ‘low clouds’, such as marine stratus, help to cool
that I don’t even know exist? (And, they probably don’t know the Earth (and us of course!) by reflecting much of the heat
Alicia Jimenez has worked
that I exist either!) Moreover, what’s my connection with all from the sun. ‘High clouds’, such as cirrus, ensure that not all
in conservation and sustainable
people around the world, especially those whom I have heat is reflected, helping our Earth to maintain temperatures
development since 1998,
never met and probably never will? What about species living that allow all beings to live.
after graduating from
very far away? Can they have an impact on my livelihood? In
the University of Costa Rica
short, how is this concept of ‘community of life’ lived out in It amazes me that, despite all the advancements in science
as a biologist.
practice? and technology, it was only recently that scientists started to
For several years,
understand how DMS is produced and released into the
she worked at the IUCN
While reflecting on this, I remembered a story that was atmosphere. In other words, it was only recently that
Mesoamerican Regional Office
astonishing for me, and which helped me to have a better scientists still didn’t have a clue about how clouds are
and then started a
grasp about what the ‘community of life’ is. It is the story formed! It was James Lovelock and his colleagues who
professional services co-op.
about how clouds are formed... discovered that it is a whole range of organisms that are in
In both of these roles,
charge of producing this very important gas. It turns out that
she completed extensive field work
Clouds... for me, there was nothing exceptional about them. many different algae in our oceans are the major producers
in community conservation
I used to think that they were only water vapor ready to be of DMS!
and environmental education.
transformed into rain - until I read a story in Stephen
In 2002, Alicia moved
Harding’s “Animate Earth”12. This is a scientific book that talks Now, how and why do algae play such an important role?
to the USA to complete an MSc
about the Earth’s capacity to regulate its temperature and It seems that when the sea starts to get warm, algae
in Resource Development at
conditions. In short, it explains the Gaia theory, but the populations start growing. With more algae, there is also
Michigan State University.
explanation about cloud seeding is really quite exciting. more DMS expelled into the air, and hence, more dense
She then moved back to Costa
Of course, I won’t be able to give you all the fantastic details clouds are formed. These clouds help to cool down the
Rica, and started to work at the
of this very complex process, but at the very least, I’ll give temperature of the ocean; then, when this gets cooler, algae
National University of Costa Rica.
you a glance. populations once again diminish. When there are fewer

Harding, Stephen. Animate Earth. Science, Intuition and Gaia. London: Green Books Ltd, 2006.

She also became involved in the algae, less DMS is produced and fewer clouds are formed... Overall, I guess what I wanted to say is that cloud seeding is
Earth Charter Initiative and so forth. just one of the countless examples of how many different
while working at species on Earth work in an orchestrated way to not only
the National University, It seems that it is beneficial for algae to produce and expel create better living conditions for themselves, but in doing
as this is a very close partner DMS. The most important advantage is the possibility of so, to also create better living conditions for the entire
of the ECI. dispersal - which is crucial for finding new places with new community of life.
In 2006, Alicia joined sources of food. What amazes me is that, as the algae pump
the Earth Charter Costa Rica team DMS into the atmosphere and clouds start forming, a huge But, what about human beings and our role within this
and is very happy quantity of energy is released as heat, which makes the community of life? Why are we affecting it so much? It
to have found her dream job. clouds rise. In Harding’s words: The newly forming clouds seems that our feelings of disconnectedness are not leading
literally hoist themselves aloft, sucking air in behind them, to very promising paths. So, what makes us become more
creating waves in the ocean. The algae that are close to the connected with other living beings? This question could lead
water surface during a strong upward gust, it stands a good to endless discussions. However, perhaps one of the reasons
chance of being sucked up into the air and rapidly and behind our feelings of disconnectedness could be our
ascends to the cloud.13 ignorance about other living and non-living beings. It’s just
like what happens with human communities - if you don’t
Then, when it rains, the algae can find a new spot where they know who ‘the others’ are, what they think, etc, then you
can reproduce and hopefully find more food. Can you probably won’t care for or about them.
imagine, algae riding the clouds? I never thought that
organisms could actually live in the clouds! But, algae are not Similarly, it’s very difficult for many of us, living in urban
the only ones responsible for producing DMS - coral reefs do, areas, to feel connected to the natural world when we are so
too, when they become affected from rising temperatures in separated from it. It’s hard to have the same wisdom as
the ocean. Terrestrial life also contributes to DMS production. those who have had a very close relationship with other
Bromeliads, a kind of aerial pineapple that lives on tree living beings - after all, it is through this relationship that we
branches in the rainforest, collect water that is full of microbes. develop understanding, knowledge and respect. But, I think
Many of these are algae which, in turn, produce DMS. that we, urban dwellers, might have some hope in acquiring
at least part of this knowledge through the research that
Trees in the rainforest also produce molecules similar to many scientists carry out in their quest to understand life-
DMS, which also help to condense water into clouds. systems on Earth. We could have a lot to learn from those
Similarly, temperate forests, moss-covered peat bogs and, to living in rural areas, especially indigenous groups, who have
a lesser extent, northern boreal forests, are all able to seed a strong sense of respect for their own place and the place
clouds. These clouds are of great importance for all of us, of other living beings within the community of life (even
because they help to regulate the Earth’s temperature. But, though they probably don’t use this term!) Finally, perhaps
now, we increasingly face an urgent and desperate situation, we, urban dwellers, could also gain a sense of connection by
where increasing CO2 levels are changing temperatures in simply looking up at the clouds once in a while to remember
ways that many organisms, like algae, find it difficult to just how incredibly and intricately linked we truly are.
adapt... but, this is another issue...

Ibid., p.139.

Hay Bale

Amy Gaines

The Spirit
of Community
For most of my life, community was a word like any other. We don’t live and work and play beside each other, or
But, sometimes we are blessed with the opportunity to honor and share the bounty of old mountains and generous
crash through the meaning of words into their vivid, living fields. At the same time, I am struck by how the spirit of
revelation. I would call this encountering the spirit of a word. community can transcend all of these elements and alight in
the smallest of moments - a stranger’s passing smile, the
I first encountered the spirit of community while I was living dusk chorus of birdsong, a shared meal. Perhaps it is always
Anna Duhon and working at a healing farm community that welcomes there to be realized and accepted, and then the only task
Student, United States guests with mental illness. I particularly remember a warm becomes: to trace of our lives a path of ripe and brimming
September evening, coming out from the barns bearing moments.
freshly made ice cream, to a community picnic celebrating
Anna Duhon is currently the newly built outdoor brick oven. In easy rest and laughter,
a Master’s student in we sat on the grassy hill overlooking the farmyard and
“Natural Resources summer-laden gardens, and beyond, the ancient rolling hills
and Peace” at the University of New England. All the paths that led to that moment were
for Peace, with an A.B. ripe and brimming - the bricks layered to build the oven; the
in Social Anthropology vegetables harvested for the meal; the early morning
from Harvard University. milkings and afternoons spent turning ice cream; a season of
She is from hard work shared together.
Western Massachusetts,
and still finds her sense I looked around at the gathering of such different people -
of home rooted in the hills, kids and elders, guests and staff, those passing through, and
small towns, and farmland those rooted for decades to those hills - and saw and loved
there despite many years the wholeness in each person, and a larger wholeness
of following passions encompassing fields, cows, mountains...all. The revelation is
and opportunities far afield. no more profound than that the world is right, and we all
Some of her most defining belong. Such transcendent moments seemed to flow
moments have been spent naturally through the rhythm of my days at the farm, and
living in community, expand all understandings. The spirit of community redefines
or working at the the edges of oneself, of others; of identities, worlds, and
intersection of human visions of possibilities.
and environmental needs
and wellness. The problem is, I’m not sure one can ever recover from such
It is also community; it is not to be recovered from, but encompassed
her great joy to farm! within everyday life. Yet, often, our world does not nurture
the conditions that give rise to it. We do not stay in place.


When I started Water/Art, I was on an internship where I

drove one-and-a-half hours to and from work, and it was
raining a lot in the evenings by the time I made it home.
So, I thought I’d make the best of it, took after-hours video
footage, and combined it with some I’d already taken in
Costa Rica and New York. In that respect, you could say that
Candy Henderson the topic of water ‘fell on me like rain’. I am glad that it did.
Student, United States Water is such an important aspect of all of our lives and it
deserves to be appreciated - like a piece of art.

Candy Henderson To see Water/Art, visit:

is a graduate student
in International Affairs at American
University, Washington, D.C.,
and a graduate of the University
for Peace, Costa Rica.
She is currently living
in the U.S. and is working
on her second short film,
untitled Not In My Backyard,
about trash disposal
and collection.
She enjoys peaceful
encounters with nature,
the company of good people,
and freshly canned
pear preserves spread
on a warm buttermilk biscuit.

Tree Planting /
Bakhrom-aka, Uzbek Farmer, Shows Off His Wheat Harvest

Keiko Sasaki
Dominic Stucker

Tree Planting, Bakhrom-aka, Uzbek Farmer, Shows Off His Wheat Harvest,
Keiko Sasaki Dominic Stucker

The Harvest:
A Short Story of Resilience
Born and raised in a small farming community of would catch crawfish and freshwater fish of a variety of
southeastern Pennsylvania, I was nurtured to appreciate the species, including rainbow trout and brownies, amongst
abundant splendor of the surrounding environment and of others. At a relatively early age, my brothers were taught by
Earth’s bounty. Benefiting from Earth’s fertile provisions, each my father how to harvest an even greater bounty from the
member of my family took great pride in harvesting the fruits earth.
of the nearby soil, stream, and forest. The benevolence of
the harvest represents, for me, the spirit of resilience, for it With the changing colors of the trees, my father and brothers
Marissa L. Bond
Student, United States
provides my family with a great amount of food and would set out on foot to hike through the valleys and rolling
livelihood security, without which we would subsist on a hills in search of a buck of grandeur or a doe without young.
familial livelihood of a diverse essence. Because there are three hunters in my family, we had the
Born and raised opportunity to harvest three deer -yet my family only ever
in the foothills of the Appalachians, As a young girl and into adolescence, I remember that, with took two, at most. “Waste not, want not,” my father always
A nature enthusiast at heart: the coming of each spring and autumn season, I would said. Surely, he learned this from the humility of his mother,
collect a variety of local fruits and berries. We would use who raised him and his siblings in a manner much alike my
Lover of life and all her beauty these fruits to supplement our diet: mulberries and seedless parents raised their own.
Natural wanderer grapes, full-fledged for some time on our land; strawberries
Curiously Experimental and pears from our neighbor’s lawn and pear tree, Our experience as a household in the small farming
Drifting on the wind respectively; crabapples and more mulberries from across community was unique in that my family owned and
Enjoys an ocean or river swim the local train tracks; cantaloupe, pumpkin and winter squash operated a Ma and Pa shop, named Wanamakers General
spawned from seedlings embedded within our compost. Store.14 It was through this shop that we supported the food
Mountain climbing We respected and cared for our environment, and, in turn, security in our local community of Wanamakers as well as
Trail tramping we contented in receiving what we were able to use of that of ourselves. Implied in the meaning of store, we were
Tree admiring the earth. blessed with the ability to maintain the storage of reserve
Meditating cross legged foods, upon which my family and other community
amid the grass As time passed, and as I began to journey deeper into the households could depend in times of need. In the winter
forest, I was able to gather raspberries and blackberries from months, when families are often incapacitated for days on
And, so as to completely reveal the local Appalachian mountainsides. I remember being both end, those courageous enough would make their way by
my inner self, astonished and amazed at how much subsistence the earth foot to our store, where they would purchase necessary
A confession: would naturally provide. My two brothers and I would spend supplies such as water and staple foodstuffs. Although we
summer days basking in the waters of a local crick, a hidden have since moved to a new home and have sold the store
I find that I completely treasure within the woods surrounding our home. There, we to another family, my family provided a very real service to
lose myself
In the wondrous
Based on your knowledge of my story, The Harvest, this website shows you my home:
world of libraries You can view the home page and contact page to see photos.
This is where I grew up and my family is so very proud to pass on the tradition to our dear friends, the Hungaskis, pictured on the home page.
“Please see ‘History’ page for a visual representation of my family, our general store and of my home community, the Village of Wanamakers.”

our community by means of maintaining the principle food sustainability of their food security and livelihood security,
resource. Like my family, however, other community respectively.
members also depended greatly on the natural abundance
of Earth’s giving. Since the sale of our store, our means of avoiding the
occurrence of household food insecurity are of a slightly
While farming and livestock rearing has occurred throughout different nature. While my family is no longer able to provide
generations past and present in my family, the only animal for the community, we still maintain our own personal
husbandry my family had ever undergone was the raising of storage. With the approaching of the winter months, my
egg-producing hens, whose product we would often share mother will always stock up on canned and dry goods. This
with members of our community. Within my own family, we is a means of evading any resemblance of hunger that may
had cultivated our previously owned land, and continue to result with an excessive accumulation of snow and ice that,
cultivate the soil of our new homestead when the rains are without doubt, would restrict us to the confines of our
frequent and the earth is fertile enough to provide a homestead. Even in this occurrence, we are fortunate that
plethora. Vegetables, such as sweet corn, vine tomatoes, bell we live in an environment of abundance and that we are
peppers, lettuce, spinach, and a variety of spices and herbs, able to pride ourselves on a sense of community, which
used both in flavoring and adding nutrients to prepared food allows us to turn to our surroundings in times of need.
as well as for homeopathy, are grown in our garden and
supplement purchases from the grocery. These provide a While this interdependence on community and environment
healthy and organic alternative to store-bought produce. We is always underlying our actions, my family has established
also harvest the sour cherries, raspberries and blackberries that we are able to procure our food security through a
found on our land, which we share with neighbors and system of hunting, gathering, growing, and storing. In
extended family members, particularly with one uncle who essence, the glory of the harvest enables our resilience
always provides us with freshly picked strawberries and plum against food insecurity and provides for our secure
tomatoes grown on his land. livelihoods. I have every intention of passing on this
knowledge to my children as my parents have onto theirs.
Also cultivated on our soil is a variety of crops, each
of which serves its own intrinsic purpose in a system of
interconnectedness with the environment and the local
community. A field of clover feeds the wild turkeys and deer,
which, one day, will in turn be ready to harvest for
consumption. A field of sunflowers provides a rich food for
the variety of bird species native to our environment; whose
distinct voices carry on the wind and whose rainbow of
colors pleases the eye. Finally, the local farmer cuts, bales
and uses a field of timothy to feed his own livestock, and
this also plows our mountain road access during the winter
months. This makes it easier for my parents to purchase
food from the grocery and to reach their jobs, enabling the


Sanja Beker
Kosana Beker?

Community-Based Rural Tourism in Costa Rica:
An Example of Respect and Care for the Community of Life in Practice
How can we their environment in order to ensure the sustainability of
briefly express resources for future generations. This type of sustainable
what ‘respect and development is precisely what some rural communities in
care for the Costa Rica have been hoping to achieve through their
community life’, involvement in Community-based Rural Tourism (CRT).
the first principle
Marina V. Garcia of the Earth By definition, CRT consists of planned touristic experiences
Charter, means to which are integrated sustainably with the rural environment
(translated by Lisa Jokivirta)
us? How can we and developed by local organizations for the benefit of the
UPEACE Intern, Mexico show to the world community. There are many benefits to CRT. These include:
that we understand what this is, and how we can apply this combating poverty by supplementing family income;
principle to our daily lives? More importantly, how can integrating revenue-generating activities into the natural
Marina Garcia is 27 years people protect the community of life without foregoing wealth and daily lives of local populations; and preserving
of age, socio-economic development? Although this does not seem cultures and traditions. The main vision is to adapt
and lives in Mexico City. possible, I tried to get to the bottom of this by studying sustainable tourism practices to rural contexts, in order to
She completed Community-based Rural Tourism (CRT) in Costa Rica. empower local populations to actively care for the
a Bachelor’s in Law, environment, generate employment opportunities, and
and is currently undertaking a prevent migration into urban areas.
As a Master’s student in International Cooperation for
Master’s in International
Development, I am interested in showing that community
Cooperation for Development
development is not exclusively achieved through political It becomes evident, then, that CRT simulateneously
at the Institute
reform. Development can be spearheaded from within the promotes respect and care for the community of life, and
for Social Research
community itself, even in highly marginalized and forgotten the economic well-being of rural communities that have
(Instituto de Investigaciones
areas. However, here, I am not referring to ‘development’ in adopted this principle. Specialized development agencies
the post-modern sense of the term, often associated with have helped rural communities in Costa Rica to achieve a
Dr. Jose Maria Luis Mora.
urban living, industralization, over-consumption, and balance
She worked as an attorney
environmental degradation. Rather, I hope to convey that the between
after finishing her
development of rural communities should imply progress for these two
undergraduate studies,
all community members, including access to public services objectives,
and then at the National
and the conservation of the land where the communities are mainly
based. through a
for Science
policy of
and Technology (CONACYT)
It is precisely in rural communities that people have direct international
prior to commencing
contact with their natural surroundings, and recognize the decentralized
her current program.
value of the resources upon which their livelihoods depend. cooperation.
Marina’s thesis is on local
Local community members are generally seeking to protect This type of
development through cooperation is designed to provide external support to Development of Rural San Jose. Located in Palmichal de
decentralized international community-based projects, while promoting the self- Acosta, in San Jose Province, this Association is focused on
cooperation, with a focus on empowerment of local community members. The vision is to environmental education and the conservation of 42
Community-Based Rural Tourism facilitate capacitybuilding and sustainable development hectares of community-owned land. With the support of
in Costa Rica. practices in rural communities, through collaboration external partners within the decentralized international
between international and national non-government cooperation scheme, the Association is particularly involved
organizations, government agencies, and the private sector. in raising awareness about water management issues
amongst local community members and building
Through external support and funding, most rural biodegradors in the area. The Association also opened a
communities in Costa Rica have managed to either register CRT-oriented center to encourage visitors to tour around
themselves as a CRT-oriented Association or Cooperative. local farms and taste the local cuisine. The center, named
This has enabled them to access resources for technical and “Nacientes Palmichal”, also offers lectures on Community-
financial support, including training local community based Rural Tourism and topics such as water management.
members in the marketing and coordination of local tourism There are many examples of sustainable living practices at
activities. Other topics included in the training range from the center, including solar-powered cooking and organic
customer service, food handling, and English classes, to farming.
building infrastructure, new technologies, and sustainable
production practices. These two examples show that it is possible to actively
practice respect and care for the community of life through
One interesting example of CRT in action is the Association CRT. Both associations are concerned with not only
for the Conservation and Development of Carbón Dos environmental conservation and the sustainable use of
(ASODEC), a community located close to the National Park resources, but also the social and cultural well-being of the
of Cahuita, in the southern part of Limón Province. This local communities. At the time of writing, there are more
Association was initially focused exclusively on protecting the than 70 CRT initiatives underway in Costa Rica. These are all
land owned by the community. Over time, ‘Casa Calateas’ concerned with raising awareness about the culture and
was opened as a community-based tourism center traditions of rural communities; protecting their natural
aimed at promoting Costa Rican Caribbean culture environment; and, promoting socio-economic justice through
as well as environmental conservation best local and inclusive participation.
practices. It mainly aims to raise awareness about
local flora and fauna, the regional cuisine, and I hope that this brief overview of my research has conveyed
calypso music. The center also organizes visits to the potential of CRT to teach rural communities about the
local farms and schools to improve local notion of respect and care for the community of life. I also
consumption patterns and promote conservation hope that I have shown how understanding leads to action
efforts. These activities benefit not only members in these cases. The CRT initatives have inspired community
of the Association, but also the community of organizations to apply the first principle of the Earth Charter
Carbón Dos at large. not only as a framework for their tourism activities, but also
as a guiding principle in their everyday lives.
Another example of a Community-based Rural
Tourism organization is the Association for Sustainable
Community in Season:
Memories of Gould Farm
Brisk sunrise and thaw Later dishwashing
spring in northeast Appalachia catering cloud-enshrouded
as a child Scottish bagpipe weddings
boiling sap in the sugar house. serving hors d’oeuvres
to the bride’s maids.

Clouds sweet
Spent the money
Dominic Stucker billowing forth humid
on rock climbing gear
Earth Charter International Youth logs ablaze all night
Coordinator, learned the ropes and taught friends
Germany and the United States and frozen candy in the snow. to rise above their fears -
mind over matter
Breakfast at the Roadside Store trust
Dominic is a young father of twin steaming hot endeavoring to persevere.
boys who cares deeply about whole wheat goodness
the future of the Earth Reap the harvest
with blueberries and
and the community of life. and put up hay in the fall.
maple syrup -
He is a strong promoter of youth Twine taught across
pure delight produced
leadership in bringing about a callous hands,
just, sustainable,
in community.
searing sun and no shade.
and peaceful world.
He also has a keen interest Snowmelt Jump in the Falls at dusk
in sustainable livelihoods, swollen torrent and swinging high on the thick rope
especially in rural, daffodils in the streambed revelry and respite with friends
developing contexts. bright yellow and work well done.
In 2006, Dominic graduated buoyant fragrance.
from the Master’s program School’s back in
in Environmental Security and -was it ever out?-
School’s out
Peace at the University for Peace, for we are
summer job on the Farm
Costa Rica. students of the world.
or waiting tables.
He also holds degrees in
Education and Comparative Cross-country skiing amidst birch
Literature from Brown University I collected eggs at 12
and tall pines
and Stanford University. and washed them - proud
Over the course of three years, a penny for each mournful
he worked with humanitarian and well-beloved by the cats. swaying.

and educational Long-shadow sunset,
organizations now beneath blazing sharp starlight,
in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, the brook runs frigid
and Tajikistan. over hibernating stones.
He also has two years’
experience working The roaring sauna
as a mental healthcare ensconced in snow
professional. full of laughter, singing
Dominic is originally from and friends.
Germany and was raised in
the USA. The piercing cold plunge -
At present, he works as invigorating
Earth Charter’s International life-affirming
Youth Coordinator, based in howling delight
Costa Rica. naked
at the moon.

Food Security
in Favela do Luxou
While working as a volunteer in a Street and Risk Children My host-family would cope with food insecurity by changing
Project in Fortaleza, Brazil15, I was invited to stay with a family their diet. The type of food would change by the third week
in the Favela do Luxou, where many of the children I worked of the month, as the finances (monthly income) would
with also lived. The Favela do Luxou is one of four Favelas come to an end. My host mom would buy cheaper and a
situated at Praia do Futuro, right by the ocean. The area is lesser variety of food, often skimming the meals down to
slightly remote from the rest of Fortaleza, with much less only rice and beans. One of my host sisters would spend the
Diana Stoecklin infrastructure and a reduced amount of public transportation. last days or week of the month with her baby’s father’s
Student, Switzerland family, whom she disliked, in order to decrease the number
Through my work with the children, their parents and their of people eating. Another form of coping strategy I witnessed
Diana Stoecklin was born
communities, and through my own experience living in a in the Favela was taking children out of school and having
August 22, 1978
household in the Favela, I have gained a better
in Basel, Switzerland.
understanding of life in extreme poverty and how people
She attended
cope with it.
Hotel Business School
in Lausanne, and graduated
During my stay in the Favela, I witnessed a number of
in June 2003 with a B.Sc.
families going through severe shocks and distresses: financial
in International Hospitality
(i.e. a member of the family losing employment and income,
or rising expenses due to hospital and medical bills), human
She has worked
(i.e. losing a family member through death or imprisonment,
in various countries including
illness, violation, or sexual abuse), and physical (losing their
the Dominican Republic,
belongings through water damage, fire, house collapse).
where she managed a
Clearly, such events have a major impact on the household
Hotel for two years,
and can lead to food and/or livelihood insecurity.
Ecuador, where she participated
in a Tourism and Hospitality
It is important to know how people react to certain events
(i.e. accept, tolerate, surrender, master). My host family in
in the Andes
the Favela was quite religious and they would accept a
for the International Trade
stressful situation by accepting that it was God’s will. I find
Center (WTO),
that the personal and psychological way that people cope
and Brazil, where she worked
with a stressful situation is an important indicator of how
as a volunteer.
resilient they are to food and livelihood insecurity.
She has also worked in Hawaii,
Mexico, and Costa Rica.

Associação Curumins: NGO in Fortaleza, Brazil, that works with street children and children at risk.
For more information, visit their website:

Diana speaks five languages them sell items to tourists on the beach, or do other work to large and only a few members were usually employed. The
(German, French, English, increase the household income. Others would send the families also often didn’t send all or any of their children to
Spanish and Portuguese), children to projects like the Project Curumins, in order to get school (human assets). On the other hand, there was quite
and is currently pursuing its monthly subventions. Families who send their children to a good network not only within the community, but also to
a Master’s in International the Curumins Project receive a certain amount of money outside NGOs and other Favelas (social assets). Physical
Law and Human Rights. every month to substitute the income their children would assets, such as essential household items, and other goods
make working on the beach or street. The children also have are also important. It surprised me that no matter how bad
access to showers, hygienic products and to a balanced the state of the houses and shacks, almost every household
meal. in the Favela do Luxou possessed a television, whereas
refrigerators, to ensure the freshness of food, were not as
The way the community is assisting households can also common. Community-based assets like infrastructure
indicate their level of resilience. Important examples include (schools, clinics, NGOs) also contribute to resilience.
community involvement, information-sharing about risk and
preventive actions, networking, and cooperation with NGOs, Thus, the various types of assets that a household might or
just to mention a few. In the Favela do Luxou we had might not have indicate what the family has to survive in
monthly community meetings, therapy group sessions, times of crisis, and how resilient the household is to food
information sessions (for example, about their rights), and and/or livelihood insecurity.
cross-community meetings (all led by community workers
from the Project Curumins), which were used as a platform In Favela do Luxou, I learned that coping strategies and
for information-sharing, and providing advice and expertise to assets are important in determining the resilience of a
the residents, especially the women. household to food and/or livelihood insecurity. Food security
is something I never had to think about, living in a perfect
Financial, human, social, world in Switzerland. I came across poverty once I started to
physical and natural assets travel to and work in developing countries, but I only
are helpful indicators of the understood the intensity and extent of real struggle and
resilience of a household to hunger when I was actually experiencing it myself.
food and/or livelihood
insecurity. In the Favela do
Luxou, water and electricity
(natural assets) were not
given to every household.
Financial assets, such as
savings, insurance and access
to loans were often missing
in the households, due to
very little and often unstable
income and lack of bank
accounts. The families were

A Mismatch between Ecology and Economy?
The Cases of Rwanda and Costa Rica
There is a close nexus between Ecology and Economy. degradation. The capitalistic nature of man has given no
Although I am not an expert in this field, my eyes have room for the elephant grass to grow in the greener,
exposed me to the ugliest realities between nature and swampy areas of the country. Swamps are continually
man. The latter destroys the former; and, the destruction of getting leveled for the sake of rentable mansions -all in the
the former affects the latter, especially in the long run. name of urbanization and ‘development’.

Willy Mugenzi Rwanda is generally regarded as “the land of a thousand My fellow Africans, especially those from countries that are
Student, Rwanda green hills.” This reflects the beauty of Mother Nature in my slowly becoming encroached by deserts, need to ‘borrow a
homeland. However, human greed and grievance have left leaf’ from Costa Rican when it comes to developing
Willy Mugenzi graduated Rwanda’s environment severely destroyed. The 1990-1994 comprehensive environment management strategies. Our
from the Rwandan war and Genocide not only affected human life, but also question, until now, has been: Can economic development
Journalism and Mass left scores of wild animals scared and scattered. harmoniously co-exist with environmental protection? If so,
Communication School. how?
At University, he was a This is in contrast to the country that I currently call ‘home’.
columnist for the two In Costa Rica, even the minutest living organisms enjoy the Though Costa Rican environmental management strategies
university newspapers. highest spirit of tolerance and co-existence. At first, I was are impressive, this does not mean, however, that they are
Later, he secured a job with worried about the large dog population in my peaceful beyond reproach. During my time in Costa Rica, I have
Rwanda’s only English daily, town and university campus in El Rodeo. We raised this noticed that, although black plastic bags are said to be
The New Times, topic in class, to discuss whether or not we should allow detrimental to the environment, their usage seems to be
where he served as a Journalist dogs on campus. widespread in the country. This is one lesson that Costa
and Bureau Chief before starting Rica could learn from Rwanda, where the use of polythene
his current Master’s in Media, Since then, my perception of peace has gone beyond the bags is strictly forbidden, precisely in order to protect and
Conflict & Peace Studies notions of ‘negative peace’ and ‘positive peace’, as put preserve the environment.
at the University for Peace. forth by Johan Galtung. Denying animals their alienable
He is a co-founder right to exist is, by and large, a denial of peace. As such, Likewise, Rwanda should learn a lesson or two from the
of Peace Watch. since arriving at UPEACE, my definition of peace has Costa Rican style of housing. Despite being overpopulated
As part of the become: ‘Live and Let All Live’. Human and nonhuman and small in size compared to Costa Rica, housing
post-Genocide beings alike. developments in Rwanda are really quite scary. Financial-
generations, gigantism has led capitalists to build mega-houses to
he strongly believes In my home country, the growing popularity of commercial express their economic prowess. Meanwhile, in Costa Rica,
that peace will not come and mechanized agriculture has undermined the right of smaller, more modest living situations seem to meet the
unless it is peacefully fauna and flora. Due to a lack of alternative energy, needs of local inhabitants.
waged for. deforestation is the norm rather than the exception for
It cannot be served domestic fuel consumption. Similarly, the dominant Overall, there are plentiful suggestions to this whole
on a silver platter. methods of farming continue to play a critical role in land question of environmental preservation versus economic

development. Mine is simply to call for systematic thinking
and learning from each other’s experiences. The simple
reason why the whole World is currently facing
environmental challenges is because, at some point in
time, there were a bunch of thinkers who believed that
there is a big mismatch between ecology and economy.
Yet, there is hope: what if another bunch of thinkers were
to emerge, this time believing that these two concepts are
complementary and interdependent? That, in fact, the
reverse could be true?

A tree

Federico Chialvo

A Call to Action:
The “Save the Mabira Forest” Campaign in Uganda
On March 9th, 2008, as Uganda joined the rest of the eco-tourism in the country. The destruction of the forest will
Commonwealth family to celebrate Commonwealth Day, have unimaginable consequences for the millions of civilians
whose theme in 2008 was ‘Our Environment, Our Future’, I and communities that depend on the surrounding areas for
couldn’t help but remember the vicious scenes of violence agriculture. The adverse effects on the environment, such as
that I witnessed in Kampala, exactly one year before. Two increased soil erosion into Lake Victoria and deforestation,
people were killed at a protest against the Ugandan will be inescapable.
George William government’s plans to allocate 7,000 out of 28,000 hectares
Kasekende of Mabira Forest land to a sugar company. The two who died SCOUL argues that the sugar plantation will benefit the
Student, Uganda were of Asian descent. These mortalities occurred because Ugandan economy, since it addresses the prevailing sugar
the Sugar Corporation of Uganda Limited (SCOUL) - which is scarcity in Uganda, and shall contribute more revenue to the
owned by the Mehta Group and wants to use part of Mabira country’s coffers. They contend that this project will improve
George William Kasekende
Forest for economic gain - is Asian-owned. infrastructure in Uganda and create thousands of jobs. They
is a Ugandan Lawyer
also claim that part of the forest is already degraded and has
and is currently pursuing
Before setting off to attend the celebrations in London, His an ‘inferior’ type of trees, which cannot produce valuable
a Master’s in International Law
Excellency President Yoweri Museveni, who is the current timber anyway. It is important to note that these arguments
and Settlement of Disputes
Commonwealth Chairperson, released a letter entitled are misleading because they don’t take into consideration
at the University for Peace
‘Protect the environment for future generations’. In this, he the long-term effects of such a project. In my humble
in Costa Rica.
stated shortly that this year’s theme is a reminder of the opinion, if part of Mabira Forest is destroyed, three things will
serious consequences of environmental degradation, as well happen: Lake Victoria will dry up; agricultural production will
as the collective responsibility to protect the environment. I become harsher; and, millions of people will be displaced.
do believe that my dear President may have good intentions
for protecting the environment, but I urge him to act now I am disgustingly perturbed that, despite generous and
and bring to a halt the contentious issue of giving away one- openhanded land offers from the Buganda Kingdom, Masaka
quarter of Mabira Forest to a company that intends to Diocese and some Districts in Northern Uganda in efforts to
replace the forest with a sugarcane plantation, a low value save the Mabira forest, SCOUL and the Mehta Group
commodity, at the expense of the future generations of continue to arrogantly insist on the forest plan. This, in my
Ugandans like myself. opinion, is a substantially flawed deal for all Ugandans and
the world as a whole. This project is an assault on the
Mabira Forest is one of the biggest natural forests in Uganda, natural resources of Uganda as it negatively impacts the
acting as a water catchment area for the Lake Victoria and livelihood of the Ugandan population, creating unnecessary
Lake Kyoga basins. Lake Victoria is the largest fresh water burdens that threaten the stability of the country.
lake in the world and the source of the Nile, one of the
longest rivers in the world. Mabira Forest is also a source of Destroying one of Uganda’s few remaining primary forests
many rivers within Uganda; it is home to many species of for sugar plantations - low-value industries at best - would be
rare birds, plants, and animals; and, therefore, a boost to a significant loss to the current and future generations of

Ugandans, as well as a long-term setback to the ecological
viability of the country. This primary forest cannot be re-
grown, at least not in my lifetime or even in my children’s
and grandchildren’s lifetime. It is basically irreplaceable, and
once it disappears, it will effectively be gone for several
generations of Ugandans to come.

It is within this context that I conclude by saying it’s time for

my dear President Museveni to do the right thing, especially
in light of his commitment to protect the environment for
future generations as stated in his above-mentioned letter!
Uganda would be better served by President Museveni
pushing for the conservation of native forests such as Mabira
and the rehabilitation of the many existing deforested lands
in Uganda, as opposed to giving the land away to
unscrupulous investors.

As of March 10th 2008, no decision has been reached by

the President or the Ugandan Parliament on whether to
allocate the 7,000 hectares. Meanwhile, the ‘Save the Mabira
Forest’ campaign is gaining momentum, with thousands of
people sending in petitions.

Please sign the petition to save the Mabira Forest by

accessing the link below to offer your much needed support:

Pagina en blanco
V. Community in Action
Pagina en blanco
Community Initiative in Red Sea State,
An Overview of East Sudan ‘development’ policies, as well as from environmental
degradation. As a result, the majority of the Beja have been
East Sudan is one of the most marginalized and displaced to Port Sudan, the capital city of the region. There,
underdeveloped regions in Sudan. The region is they live in shanty areas around the city; feel socially
characterized by a severe shortage in public services. Its excluded; assume the lowest paying jobs; and, generally, are
population suffers from poor access to basic human needs, forced to live under the poverty line.
Amel Dehaib such as clean drinking water, health, food, and education.
Student, Sudan Health indicators show that the region faces one of the direst More than ten years back, there was a man who made a
situations in all of sub-Sahara Africa. real difference in the lives of the Beja people in one of the
localities called Rify Elgunub. He is of Beja descent, and had
Amel Dehaib’s background This situation is further exacerbated by poor infrastructure, become an engineer in the United Arab Emirates. He was
is in Economics including roads, transportation, and other means of very concerned about the living conditions of his people
and Development Studies, communication, which has kept most of the rural areas back home and about how their life conditions might be
and she will soon be isolated from the rest of the country. Furthermore, the region improved. This man decided to sacrifice ‘the good life’ he
finishing her M.A. has been hard-hit by a drought that started in the 1980s in was enjoying in the Emirates, and to return back to his
in Gender the Sahel region. This has led to severe environmental village. This decision was made out of a desire to move
and Peace Building degradation and the loss of livelihood sources, and has been beyond personal interest and to work for a greater cause:
at UPEACE. particularly devastating for the communities in this region the common good.
She has also been working who are mostly pastoralist and semi-pastoralist.
for about ten years now
with many international As a development worker in international organizations, I
as well national NGOs have worked directly with communities in the region.
in the field Through these experiences, I have seen and felt firsthand the
of community isolation and deprivation faced by East Sudan compared to
development across other regions in the country. More particularly, I had the
her home country, Sudan, chance to spend some time in Tumalla - where I would be
as both an employee introduced to the community initiative described below - as
and a volunteer. part of a primary health care project implemented jointly by
the World Bank and the state’s Ministry of Health.

A Community Initiative with the Beja People

Water, the Source of Life
The Beja people are the original inhabitants of East Sudan
and one of the oldest ethnic groups in Africa. As the Beja The Beja people called this man Shiek Tumolaa - ‘Shiek’
mainly inhabit rural areas, they have suffered a lot from referring to being a Muslim leader and ‘Tumolaa’ being the
name of his village. The Shiek set out to resolve the water Soon after, the Sheikh mobilized community members to
issue first, as people in this area used to buy water from the build an elementary school along with the Maddrassa. Now,
city at a very high price that they could not afford. The water both girls and boys are enrolling in secondary and high
was very unhygienic, and the Beja had very little access to it, school in the city. The Shiek also mobilized local community
leading to health problems such as kidney failure, water- stakeholders to build more infrastructures, including water
related diseases, and even high mortality rates. This situation source pipes. He also encouraged the local community to
also forced so many to be displaced to the shanty areas in grow communal vegetable gardens and cultivate a variety of
the city, simply to have access to water. The Shiek seemed crops, for which they developed water management plans
to diagnose the problems faced by his community well and on how the water would be used.
believed that water would be the key to life for his people
and their development. As a result, Tumolaa currently has two basic schools, a health
center with trained midwives, good water resources, adult
The Shiek started by using his own money and expertise, education classes, as well as a community garden. These are
and succeeded in digging a well that provided safe drinking all run by and for the community. The whole village was also
water not only to his village, but also to a number of tree planted and, today, continues to stand out as a lush,
surrounding villages. Families from nearby villages soon green garden in the middle of a huge desert. This has attracted
started to move closer to Tumolaa to have regular access to and encouraged villagers from other surrounding villages to
drinking water. The Beja people declared this to be join this community and settle down in Tumolaa. As a result,
somewhat of a miracle. It had always been believed that migration and internal displacement from this area to urban
water in Tumolaa was destined to be salty and undrinkable cities has stopped, as the local Beja inhabitants have been able
as the area is near the Red Sea. Therefore, witnessing the to find a dignified life for themselves in their home area.
success of this community initiative, the Beja claimed that
God must have been performing miracles through Shief Giving Meaning to One’s Life
Tumolaa - which is why his name, until today, signifies
‘Muslim Leader of Tumolaa’. Now, international organizations are approaching the Shiek in
a move to support his efforts. The government has also
Education, the Key to Sustainability offered to provide some support. Beja community members
in this area claim that their life has been dramatically
Shiek Tumolaa then opened the first Madrassa (religion transformed, and they have regained hope for a decent life.
school), knowing that communities in Eastern Sudan are very They attribute this transformation to the leadership style of
closely linked to their religion (Islam). Parents soon started Shiek Tomolaa. Having been based in Tumolaa for some
sending their children to the Madrassa, in which the Sheikh time, I had the opportunity to talk to the community and to
was teaching not only religion lessons, but also other issues the Shiek - I was so inspired and touched by his initiative,
related to their life and development. Interestingly, the and felt that what the Shiek did exemplified the way one can
Shiekh was able to smoothly convince the community to give meaning to her/his life. It is the Shiek’s belief in what
send girls to the Madrassa. The community is very he is doing, as well as his voluntary, humble, and kind spirit,
conservative about sending girls for education, but the Shiek that has touched the lives of so many Beja people, and
was able to show that girls’ education is important for the which will undoubtedly continue to touch the lives of so
lives of the general community and not only for the girls. many more Beja to come.
The United World
College Community
It took 33 hours to reach the other side of the world. Then The young, promising students in front of him quickly
there I was, one of 250 high school students from 67 formed an ‘international community’, united by a sense of
countries, living on a tiny campus on the outskirts of Hong higher purpose and personal empowerment. We were
Kong.16 At first, it was intimidating, but my fear did not last provided with a vision; a philosophy so enticing that each
long: how could a community united by the mission of and every one of us bought into it, although some naturally
achieving international peace and understanding inspire adopted this vision with more idealist fervor than others.
Birta Vidarsdottir anything but trust and acceptance? The place was surreal,
Intern, Iceland the people amazing. The idea behind UWC, reinforced by our experience there,
was that each one of us could make a difference. Each one
of us could take initiative towards the betterment of our
Birta Vidarsdottir has spent community, or the world for that matter, and the rest would
the last six years studying abroad simply run to our
in Hong Kong, aid. All of a sudden,
the U.S.A. and Argentina. the world did not
She is currently seem that big
working with anymore and things
Professor could be brought
Mohit Mukherjee under control!
on marketing
and fundraising The teachers were
for the Centre for Executive also from all over the
and Professional Education. Upon our arrival, around 120 of us, the newly arrived first world. The class
She envisions a future year students, congregated in a small classroom in front of room experience
in Peace Education. the headmaster. The latter, in a loud voice, announced that was participatory and
we were special because we were chosen, and chosen dynamic, enriching in
because we were special - it did not even occur to us that so many ways... but
this could be a circular fallacy. “You are the world’s future nothing could
leaders,” he proclaimed, as if it were a certain, undisputed compare to our
truth. monthly Cultural

The first UWC ever created was the Atlantic College in the UK in 1962, as an initiative of the German educationalist Kurt Hahn who was fascinated by the dialogues between the representatives
of former enemy countries working together under NATO. Since 1995, her Majesty Queen Noor of Jordan has served as the President of the United World Colleges with Nelson Mandela as the
Honorary President. There are currently 10 UWC campuses around the world, in countries including Costa Rica, Canada, India, Norway, South Africa and Venezuela.
‘Quan Cai’ is Chinese for ‘Whole Education’ - High academic standards are balanced by opportunities for personal development. A part of the College’s extra curricular program is left open each
year to be run by students. The learning process of identifying a genuine need, designing a program or activity to meet that need, and evaluating its implementation (whether successful or not),
is vital in acquiring the confidence to promote authentic change. In the words of Nelson Mandela: “The virtue and the strength of UWC is that it provides small but powerful cells of innovation,
catalysts for change, breaking barriers of habit and opening up broader vistas of experience for both pupils and educationalists”
(The LPC UWC Website -

Evenings covering every region of the world; the ‘Quan Cai’ while growing up were completely incompatible. Over and
activities program17; China Week; Project Week; or, our over, they would get frustrated hearing one another’s stories.
Christmas vacation trips where we got to roam free and But, then, they would force themselves to admit as the other
independent around South-East Asia. The College saw it as side interrupted that, if they did not agree, neither side could
its mission to form a community of pro-active students with claim to know anything for a fact. The presentation was just
the confidence to take initiative in shaping their environment as confusing as it was enlightening. It was the Socratic lesson
and finding opportunities for personal growth that lead to where the wise is the one who knows s/he knows nothing -
wisdom, peace, and happiness. a common baseline to be acknowledged before we could
begin building ‘international understanding’.
One would race out of a Kung Fu class to an International
Cooking class. And, when the fire alarm went off, as it
habitually did when we were cooking, the fire trucks would
arrive. Some would quickly escape to an African dance
rehearsal for the African cultural evening coming up in a
week, while others would prepare the weekly newsletter.
There were kayaking excursions, a coral monitoring activity,
camping trips, painting classes for non-artists, musical
sessions, an improvisational theatre group, football and
basketball tournaments - in short, every activity we could
think of and get more than two people to join. In the
evenings, students would gather in the Common Rooms for
midnight noodles and group study projects; during I remember China week in the first year when the teachers led
weekends, we would sneak out of campus down to the groups of students to different places in China. My group
beach after hours, lighting a bonfire and playing music. headed towards the city of Shaoguan in western China. It was
not a well-known tourist destination like the China Wall; on the
There were also various service-oriented activities, like contrary, our focus was on experiencing real life. We spent a
horseback riding for handicapped children, environmental day with local farmers, harvesting nuts; another day at a steel
action clubs working on the outskirts of the city, and English factory; and yet another day experiencing the life of Chinese
tutoring at local high schools. The options for community soldiers at an army training camp. We visited a local primary
involvement seemed almost endless in this tiny community school to help out with English lessons for a day; later, we
of only 250 students, and most activities were coordinated improvised a cultural show at the local university. We visited
and led by students for students, although fully supported by local markets; played games on every mode of transportation
the teachers who lived with us on campus. we took; and, over traditional Chinese dinners, brainstormed a
hundred ways chopsticks could come in handy.
There was so much activism and so many initiatives. One
event that I will never forget - it was when four Israeli girls It was very difficult to leave after our two years at UWC came
and a Palestinian boy decided to give a presentation on the to an end. We thought we would never see each other
Israel-Palestine conflict to the rest of the community. They again; that nothing would be the same. In our minds, the
started out well, but the stories each of them had learnt community was disintegrating.
However, three months later, I showed up at Middlebury Later, while traveling through the Balkans on a Peace and
College, in the middle of nowhere, Vermont, USA. The first Conflict Resolution trip organized by the American University, I
two people I met were a couple, today married, a Hungarian heard about the new UWC being built in Bosnia. This UWC
girl and a Macedonian guy. They were the recent alumni of brings to one place Bosnian Muslim, Bosnian Serb, and
the UWC in Norway and introduced me to alumni of the Bosnian Croat students who have been studying in separate
United World Colleges of Singapore, Italy, the USA, Canada, school systems since the Balkan war ended in 1995. It is a
UK, India and Swaziland. Over the next few years, I met promising peace education experiment in a country still
many of my best friends from Hong Kong; there are divided after a civil war. During my time at UPEACE, I also got
countless UWC reunions happening all around the world; to meet a number of students from the new UWC of Costa
and, meanwhile, online UWC networks continue to Rica. They came to participate in our Model United Nations
proliferate. Conference, amazing everyone with their drive and passion.

You may know that feeling that

sometimes arises when you meet your
fellow countrymen after being abroad
for a long time. It’s a mix of
recognition, nostalgia, and trust -at
Middlebury, right in the beginning,
I could tell which students had gone to
UWC. We had never met before, but
we had a culture in common-
we were a community, almost a nation
on our own. Then again, UPEACE is
not far from a UWC-
my emotions upon entering the
UPEACE campus for the first time were
like coming home after four years

Community Comedy Hour
with Eddy Quesada
Eddy Quesada is known around campus for being the student had been complaining for some time about missing
‘jokester’ - for making all those around him laugh or crack a her favorite foods from back home. She opened the package
smile, at the very least. Here is a series of humorous moments in front of me, and low and behold - her family had sent her
that Eddy shared with us from his time at UPEACE. Enjoy! a fish in the post. And, crawling on it, was a worm - still alive
and well after the long commute!
More rice and beans, anyone?
Eddy Quesada Breathe - Smile -and then Freak Out!
Administrative Assistant, A student once came to my office, and asked me to call his
Costa Rica landlord. He told me that his host family had been feeding A lot of students tend to pass by my office while waiting for
him nothing but rice and beans - three times a day, seven their visas to be processed. Many complain that the visa
days a week. I tried to explain to him that this is typical Costa application procedure runs on ‘Latino time’, but I am always
Eddy Quesada has been working Rican fare, but I also called the landlord and asked him to try armed and ready with the same response: you simply have
at UPEACE for six years. to switch up the menu once in a while. Soon after, the to apply early and wait your turn - that’s the way life goes.
During these years, he has met a student came back to my office. I asked him if he was
lot of different people from many enjoying a little more variety in his diet, and he simply replied I particularly remember one student who came to my office
countries and continents, includ- that: “Oh boy, am I ever! I get one more slice of meat to after her visa was rejected to go to the Philippines. She was
ing Africa, the U.S.A., Canada, wash down the rice and beans, thank you very much!” crying, and I simply said to her: “Breathe, smile, and then
Russia, Japan, China, Kyrgyzstan,
freak out.” She actually did manage to smile and still thanks
and Latin America. ¿ Hablas Spanglish ? me to this day for reminding her that, no matter what, life
Sometimes, Eddy still receives
will go on. Even in Latino time.
news from them. I was once sitting in the cafeteria, eating lunch with a group
When new students arrive at of my UPEACE colleagues. Suddenly, a student approached
Insider Info
UPEACE, me, and in his best Spanish, asked me: “!Hola Eddy! ?Cuales
they tend to come and ask where son las mejores nightclub donde podría salir esta noche? I
Ever wonder how Eddy can remember the names of all
the ‘Mafia’ of UPEACE is. know you’d be the best one to ask!”
those on campus? How he called you by your first name
They claim that someone in their
even before you were introduced? Well, Eddy revealed his
home country had told them to My colleagues looked at me, not quite knowing what to say.
little secret: yes, he is naturally good with names, but he also
ask for Eddy, as he will help out I patted the student on the back, and told him that nightclub
spends months looking through student applications
with anything that they need. in Spanish means ‘strip club’, not ‘dancing venue’. The
(including photos!) during the application process. He then
This is very important for Eddy, student turned bright red, and set off to brush up his good
secretly enjoys freaking students out during their first day on
because it means that he has ol’ Spanish skills after that!
campus, when he enthusiastically calls out their first name
made their studies in Costa Rica
from behind.
just a little bit more fun and less An Unusual Package
difficult, just like any true friend
would. A package once arrived for a student, and I really started to
wonder what was inside. It smelled really bad, and the
One of the Most Beautiful Places
on Earth!
February 3, 2008 industry. Luckily, however, his manager was happy to help
out as he knew me personally from my first stay at the
I feel so refreshed and inspired! I just spent some of the Lodge. The relationships I created on my trips to the Lodge
best days of my time in Costa Rica on a trip to see my during my holiday break would prove invaluable over the
friends Geovanny and Giselle in a small town called Bajo del course of my three-day trip in January.
Kaley Lachapelle On Thursday, January 31st, I left my house at 1 p.m., took a
Student, Canada I met Geovanny and Giselle on my first trip to Pacuare Lodge bus to San Jose, a taxi to another terminal, got the last ticket
with my family in December 2007. Geovanny was one of for the bus leaving at 2 p.m., and hopped on the bus for
our canopy tour guides - his smile calmed all of us down, as Turrialba. There I caught the 4 p.m. bus leaving for Santa
Kaley Lachapelle is a
we were quite nervous on our first zip line. He didn’t say Marta and one hour later met Geovanny who was waiting to
graduate candidate in
much, but his nature made him unforgettable to all of us. I accompany me on the hike down the mountain to his town.
International Law
met Giselle the morning we went rafting. I guess it was fate We arrived in Bajo del Tigre after an hour trek down a steep
at the University for Peace.
that we were delayed a few hours as the delay gave me the and bumpy dirt road that I wouldn’t recommend for any car
She is passionate about
opportunity to sit and talk with her. She invited me to come that isn’t four wheel drive!
cultural learning, travel,
visit her in her town, Bajo del Tigre. Many of the workers at
sustainable ecotourism,
Pacuare Lodge come from the town, including Geovanny. When we arrived, I met Geovanny’s two sisters, his brother,
and volunteering.
They hike in and out from the lodge every day along a and his mom. We spent the evening in his house eating,
Kaley is excited to pursue
rigorous trail. I told Giselle I would definitely take her up on talking, and looking at photos. Geovanny’s little three-year-old
a career that will allow her
her offer - I don’t know if she believed that I really would. sister absolutely adores him, so she wanted to do everything
to make a positive difference
with us that night. Geovanny, who has helped raise her,
in the lives of others
I returned to Pacuare Lodge ten days later with a friend for really displays a level of care for her that I’ve never seen in a
across the globe.
New Year’s Eve. I had the pleasure of seeing Giselle and
Geovanny again, although only for a short period of time as
it is difficult to chat when they are on the job. We invited
Geovanny to share some wine and conversation before he
headed home for the night and he happily took us up on
our offer. I told him that I would definitely try to make it to
Bajo del Tigre... again, I know he hoped that I would but
probably doubted that I could make it.

When I found out that I had a couple of days off at the end
of January, I immediately called Geovanny to tell him that I
was coming to visit. He was worried about getting time off as
I was coming during the high season for the tourism

man his age. The bond between all family members is truly sometimes get in too. I have to admit, this part of the
beautiful. It was a great, relaxing evening in the quiet town of experience really freaked me out. I was terrified I’d wake up
Bajo del Tigre in the Costa Rican jungle. with a venomous snake in my bed! But when you’re in Bajo
del Tigre, you really become one with nature. You have no
We woke up to rain on Friday morning. All the paths and choice in the matter, really.
roads are dirt around the town, since it is in the middle of
the rainforest, and everything had turned to mud. Finally, at After our little town tour we headed to Giselle’s house. Her
10 a.m. we decided that we could not wait any longer; it mom hand-made tortillas for us, we bought some sausage,
was time to explore! We had no rain jackets so we agreed to and had rice and salad for dinner. It was delicious. Geovanny
just get wet. It was a chilly start to the hike but the rain brought over a sufficient quantity of beer and so the party
eventually stopped and so it became more enjoyable, got started. We decided to play a card game and needed
especially when we made it through all the mud and got to some form of penalty for the loser of each round. We sent
the waterfall. For two hours we hiked along a creek adorned Geovanny’s brother off to buy some Guarro (a hard alcohol
with numerous waterfalls. I sure found it slippery on the typical of Costa Rica). As we neared the end of the first
rocks. Geovanny, of course, had no problem since he grew bottle, we had to call the shop owners to ask them to open
up climbing and playing in the water. The “20-minute” walk their store so we could buy two more bottles. This was
to the two largest waterfalls actually took us two hours! (That around 9 p.m. and they were already going to sleep - some
did, however, include stopping to take many photos.) good negotiation skills were definitely needed to allow us to
continue with the fun. The party was inevitably a good time
After a nice dip in the brisk pool at the bottom of one of the for all involved. We played some reggaeton music that the
falls, we headed back up to the town. We were super dirty pet toucan, Tori, apparently loved since he started singing
and cold, so we rinsed off our feet and I put on all of the along. The night ended around 11:30 or midnight. We
warm clothes I had brought with me! (I’m talking fleece stumbled back to Geovanny’s and were sound asleep until
sweater and long pants!) I couldn’t bear to shower in cold 5:30 a.m. when it was time wake up and get ready for work.
water so I decided to just settle for a few bad hair days. We
ate lunch, had a siesta and then headed off to tour the town. I am so lucky to have met such awesome people during my
travels at Christmas. Although relatively speaking they have
While the town has only a small population, it is spread out few material goods, everyone in Bajo del Tigre is very giving
across a huge amount of land. It is an interesting town -it and kind. It is really inspiring. I admire all of them so much
goes to sleep at 8 or 9 p.m. and is up by 4:30 or 5 a.m. It and am so happy to have become their friends. They work
has a very small shop, or ‘pulperia’, inside someone’s home. very hard but don’t get stressed and complain very little.
I was surprised that they have potable water and electricity They have the greatest attitudes
given the remote nature of the town. The main industry is
tourism and cilantro cultivation. Everyone is related to one They also expressed happiness with my friendship. My friend
another, apart from Giselle’s family! The houses are humble Giselle was thrilled that we had become friends because we
and mostly have tin roofs with walls that don’t reach the come from completely different socio-economic and
roof. Many people live in one house and there is no privacy - educational backgrounds. I’m a city girl (though I love
you just get used to hearing everyone in the bathroom! Bugs nature) and she’s a rural girl who never wants to live in the
easily enter the house -including scorpions- and snakes city (though she loves going out dancing!) She was happy
citizens/employees with a salary and lifestyle that they truly
deserve. If you’re interested in helping me develop such a
project, let me know! This was definitely an eye-opening,
fun, and exciting three days. I feel so blessed for all the
opportunities that I have had presented to me. I can’t wait
to go back and visit my friends. I wanted to share this
experience with you because it has meant so much to me.

Qué Bonita es esta Vida (Life is so Beautiful)


that our differences didn’t prevent me from wanting to get to

know her - I guess when you’re in the tourism industry, the
clients rarely make an effort to get to know the staff and
often do not treat them with much respect. I could tell that
those who hadn’t met me were a bit suspicious of me when
they saw me in the town. They didn’t know what kind of
person I was and were hesitant in their actions around me.
But as they got to know me, they became more at ease and
we ended up having a wonderful time together.

I must say that I am saddened that Geovanny could never

finish high school because he had to start working to support
his family. I am inspired by the initiative he takes to learn
English, carrying a notebook with him to work and writing
down new words and phrases that he learns on a daily basis.
I wish I could do something to help him finish his schooling
and get trained to work on the river, which is what he really
would like to do. He is such a wonderful individual and
deserves the opportunity to excel.

When I finish at UPEACE, I would like to look into developing

a sustainable (environmentally and economically) business
in Bajo del Tigre to help employ the town and to provide the

the Earth Charter
Until January 2007, I had been searching to find globally Charter’s pedagogical materials on primary education in
shared values and principles for promoting a better world. Costa Rica. I have visited many primary schools across the
Until that time, the Earth Charter was still unknown to me. country, and spoken with teachers and students about the
The fact that the Earth Charter came into being through a value of incorporating the Earth Charter into the classroom.
large grassroots-level consultation process inspired me to This research has given me the opportunity to reach out to
adopt it as a guiding framework for positive change. The first my own local community in Ciudad Colon and El Rodeo, as
Marcos Estrada Principle of the Earth Charter particularly means a lot to me: well to see how these pedagogical materials are making a
de Oliveira ‘Respect and Care for the Community of Life’ implies holding big difference in many communities across the country.
Student, Brazil values that are necessary for a better world.
Finally, the Earth Charter has also come to shape my
After I personally endorsed it, I felt compelled to disseminate personal life: it is a framework for personal growth and
Marcos Estrada de Oliveira the Earth Charter around Kingston University in London, inspiration. It has been a great experience to meet
is a Master’s student where I was studying at the time. I also felt inspired to write individuals from different parts of the world through the
in the Peace Education program an article in a newspaper about the importance of the Earth Earth Charter network. We share some of the same goals
at the University for Peace. Charter as a pedagogical tool, particularly within the and values, and through the Charter, we have the
He spent the first 21 years framework of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable opportunity to exchange unique experiences and wrap our
of his life in the city of Valinhos, Development. heads around some of the world’s problems. Thus, on an
State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, academic, social, and even personal level, the Earth Charter
but has also lived has become an important part of my everyday life, as a
in four different countries source of inspiration for carrying on in my efforts to affect
in the last six years: positive change in the world around me.
Spain, Italy, England,
and Costa Rica.
During his studies in London,
he was part of the
Sustainability Team
at Kingston University,
and since 2005,
he has been contributing
to a socio-environmental
consultancy firm
with development projects When I was accepted to the University for Peace, I saw an
in Brazil. opportunity to actively contribute to the Earth Charter
Secretariat that is based here. In fact, my Master’s research
project is focused on studying the impact of one of the Earth

Caring for the Community of Life,
a Personal Journey
Introduction We must realize that when basic needs have
been met, human development is primarily about
I consider Earth Charter principle 2, “Care for the community being more, not having more.
of life with understanding, compassion, and love” as the
heart of the Charter and also it’s most significant pedagogical
rationale. It has implicit the possibility of realizing the In sum, the principles of universal and differential
potential of the principle of universal responsibility—as stated responsibility; Principle 2; the Charter’s peace concept, and
Abelardo Brenes its view human develop are the five most personally
Earth Charter and UPEACE in paragraph five of the Preamble—by providing a rationale
for applying this principle differentially, as stated in significant core elements. The purpose of this paper is to
Community Member,
Costa Rica complementary principle 2b: share some key moments of my experience as a member of
the communities of UPEACE, the Earth Charter drafting
committee, and the Earth Charter Initiative’s international
Abelardo is Special Advisor to 2b. Affirm that with increased freedom, community which may be of interest for appreciating this
Earth Charter International; knowledge, and power comes increased rationale in theory and praxis.
an Independent Consultant; responsibility to promote the common good.
and Member of the Monitoring Given the limitations of space, the interested reader can
and Evaluation Expert Group at obtain further information about my view of the significance
the Secretariat of the U.N. Central to this rationale is the evocative power of sub- of the principle of universal responsibility in Brenes (2002a)
Decade of Education for principle 16f, which states the Charter’s peace concept: and the relationship between it and the principal of
Sustainable Development, differential responsibility in Brenes (2005).
UNESCO. Abelardo has directed 16f. Recognize that peace is the wholeness
several projects in Central created by right relationships with oneself, other The contributions of peace and environmental psychology to
America for UPEACE, the most persons, other cultures, other life, Earth, and the understanding human responsibility are developed in Brenes
recent of which was the Central larger whole of which all are a part. & Winter (2001). Information on the pedagogical
American Programme for a implications of these five principles can be found in Brenes
Culture of Peace and Democracy (2004) and in Brenes (2006). Finally, current thinking on
This principle opens significant potentials for developing a the ‘beingness’ dimension of personal development and the
(1995-2001). He was also
holistic integrative pedagogical rationale, through which the Charter is presented in Brenes (2008).
Director of the M.A. in Peace
positive psychological potentials and needs of learners for a
Education at UPEACE from
sense of belongingness to a vital community of life, can
September 2004 to August
provide the direction and energy for reaching a common The Seeking the True Meaning of Peace Conference and the
2006. Abelardo was a member
understanding of the implications of living with a Declaration of Human Responsibilities for Peace and
of the drafting committee
consciousness of respect and care for the community of life. Sustainable Development
of the Earth Charter
I believe this requires personal and collective reflection and
from 1998 to 2000.
dialogue on the implications of the Charter’s vision of human When, in the beginning of the 1980’s wars started to break-
development in paragraph four of the Preamble: out in El Salvador and Nicaragua, I joined the Quaker
sponsored Friends Peace Center, based in San José, Costa Jointly with the Foreign Ministry of the Government of Costa
Rica. It was devoted to supporting solidarity movements Rica, we drafted a Declaration on Human Responsibilities for
throughout Central America and also counteracting efforts Peace and Sustainable Development with the intention of
from some parties for Costa Rica to become a second front using it as a working document and as an outcome
against the Sandinista Regime in Nicaragua. statement of that Conference. That same year the
Declaration was presented by the Government of Costa Rica
In 1987 the Esquipulas Peace Accords were signed. A new to the General Assembly of the United Nations as document
period of peaceful resolution of the violent conflicts in Central A/44/626. In May of 1990, President Oscar Arias and
America ensued. However, I felt a deep restlessness, because Environment Minister Alvaro Umaña signed Executive Decree
the dimension of negative ‘peace’ that was being achieved No. 19682—MIRENEM, which states:
served to justify almost anything in its name. I recall, for
example, a Gran Prix for Peace in La Guácima, Costa Rica. Article 1. To welcome, in all its implications, the
Declaration of Human Responsibilities for Peace
That year I joined the University for Peace (UPEACE) as a and Sustainable Development, adopted by the
volunteer and received authorization to organize a seminar Seeking the True Meaning of Peace Conference,
on the Buddhist approach to peace. The acceptance of our as an instrument for reflection and commitment.
invitation to be the keynote speaker on the part of His
Holiness the Dalai Lama and the support of Costa Rican
President Oscar Arias, gave impetus to this project and it The final Declaration articulated the Buddhist principle of
evolved into an international conference in 1989, entitled universal responsibility with the global challenges as we saw
Seeking the True Meaning of Peace. Almost 700 people them in those days. A quote of one of its articles is relevant
participated and there was also a parallel children's to appreciate the relationship which we saw between
conference. In addition, a public inter-faith mass was held at universal responsibility and caring for the community of life
the national Basilica de los Angeles, in Cartago, Costa Rica; with understanding, love and compassion.
seven faiths participated, including the Dalai Lama, the
Archbishop of the Catholic Church of the time and a shaman Article 7. Of all living creatures, human beings
of the Bribri indigenous people from Talamanca, Costa Rica. have the unique capacity to decide consciously
The two main themes of the mass were ‘compassion’ and whether they protect or harm the quality and
‘celebration’. The former was brought to life by a circle of conditions of life on Earth. In reflecting on the fact
banners with the names of children who had died in wars, that they belong to the natural world and occupy
which circled the Basilica and was organized by Patricia a special position as participants in the evolution
Montandon, of Children as Peacemakers Foundation. of natural processes, people can develop, on the
basis of selflessness, compassion and love, a
A Proceedings book was published (Brenes, 1991) and a sense of universal responsibility towards the world
video documentary entitled Seeking the True Meaning of as an integral whole, towards the protection of
Peace was produced by the Gandhi Center of nature and the promotion of the highest potential
Communications at UPEACE. Many people have for change, with a view to creating those
commented that this event sent ripples that inspired much conditions which will enable them to achieve the
work and collaboration throughout the 90s. highest level of spiritual and material well-being.
This articulation of universal responsibility derives from provide a significant contribution in the post-war
Mahayana Buddhism’s assumption of universal compassion reconstruction phase that was beginning to emerge. In our
as a prime motivating value for human development. This work we assumed that if Central America could take on its
motivation, coupled with an understanding of the collective responsibility to develop its potential as a region
interdependence of all phenomena, has been the characterized by values such as peace, responsible freedom,
cornerstone of the educational model that I have been democracy and development of its human potential, then it
developing over this 20 year time span. could contribute substantially to forge a planetary civilization
of peace and sustainability, which we interpreted as a
Peace Education in Central America in the nineties
fundamental challenge for our generation.

Using the Declaration of Human Responsibilities as an Thus, in 1992 the European Community supported the
educational framework, I had an opportunity to continue University for Peace to develop a Program for the Promotion
collaborating with the University for Peace during the nineties of Human Rights and Peace Education in Central America.
in two major peace education programs in Central America This provided a first opportunity to design the Integral Model
sponsored by the governments of the sub-region. Within of Peace Education, inspired by the Declaration of Human
these programs we developed a Integral Model of Education Responsibilities for Peace and Sustainable Development.
for Peace, Democracy and Sustainable Development, using Appraising this initiative as successful, the Government of
the Declaration as a framework. Nicaragua proposed to the other Central American
governments to invite the University for Peace to carry-out a
Our pedagogical orientation was inspired by research and more ambitious program. In 94, the Culture of Peace and
seminars which UPEACE carried-out during that period on Democracy in Central America Program was launched by
the “peace zone” concept, which provided a foundation for the University for Peace.
the 1990 Declaration of Puntarenas, in which the Central
American presidents stated: “…interpreting the aspirations The Program’s objectives were:
of the Central American peoples, we declare the Isthmus as
a Region of Peace, Freedom, Democracy and Development.” - To contribute to the development of a Culture of
This notion of ‘aspiration’ has played a key educational role Peace in the area, incorporating patterns of dialogue,
in my work, which has followed the rationale that if people respect, tolerance and social responsibility.
are given the opportunity to understand the nature of the
violence and authoritarianism that they have experienced, - To promote the development of values and behaviors
realizing that it is not inevitable, and to recognize that they that make possible peaceful human relations and the
have powers to envision aspirations to live in peace, this can respect for human rights, in the framework of the
be a solid starting point for a process of transformation ethnic and cultural diversity that characterize the
based on the empowerment of their aspirations by region.
generating corresponding values, norms and life practices
(see Brenes 2004). - To contribute to the establishment of consensus-
building opportunities between institutions and
Within this political context, the governments of the region persons that were representative of diverse
also acknowledged that the University for Peace could tendencies of opinion in each country.
- To produce bridges for interchange and joint action The results of the Program were positively appraised by the
between diverse organizations that promote integration, Central American governments in 1996. As a result, a
sustainable development and a culture of peace. mandate was given to the University for Peace to execute a
second four-year phase of the Program, from 1997 to May
National Advisory Councils, with representatives of diverse 2001.
social sectors, were created in each country to provide
orientation for the program. They also served as democratic More detailed information about the Central American
contexts that facilitated processes of dialogue on difficult and Culture of Peace Program is available in Brenes (1992a),
complex issues. Brenes (1995), Brenes (1996), Brenes (1997), and
Brenes (2002a). Essays on education for universal
With the participation of the National Councils, about responsibility are found in Brenes (1990), Brenes & Gang
fifteen communities throughout Central America were (1990), Brenes (1992b), Brenes (1992c) and Brenes, Ito
identified for the development of the community & The Project ‘Preparedness for Peace’ (1994). The
component of the program. These communities had either Integral Model is explained in Brenes (2004); its
been involved in the wars within some of the countries or presentation as a three volume set of ten modules
had traditions of violence, suffered socio-economic adapted for popular education is available in Brenes &
exclusion and diverse social and developmental problems. Rojas (2002); finally there is a publication available which
The Program’s philosophy was to support these synthesizes the experience of applying it with journalists
communities, through local councils, by means of diverse and the good news concept (Brenes, Navarro, & Román,
educational and cultural activities and then to disseminate 2002).
those practices that had exemplary educational value to
broader sectors, particularly through the action of another Sharing this praxis in the drafting process and use of The Earth
key component of the program: communicators and Charter
In 1998, on the basis of my previous work with the
The underlying pedagogical rationale was to promote in Declaration of Human Responsibilities and the educational
public opinion consciousness of a fundamental personal applications based on it, Mirian Vilela & Steven Rockefeller,
and collective desideratum which all Central American Coordinator of the drafting committee of The Earth Charter,
countries faced: we could either continue ignoring the invited me to join this group. This provided an opportunity
situations of structural violence or we could dialogically to link the ‘principle of universal responsibiliity’ to the key
understand the deep historical roots of the violent conflicts challenges for the XXIst Century which had been identified
and break-out of the vicious cycles of violence by listening throughout the series of United Nations world conferences
deeply to the voices of the morally excluded with and summits during the 1990s.
compassion and love. This desideratum was contextualized
within the context of our global challenges and the Besides contributing the paragraph on ‘Universal
principles of universal and differential responsibility. Once the Responsibility’ for the Preamble, I also had the privilege of
Charter was available in the year 2000, it was used as the making a significant contribution to Principle 2. A joint
main framework for this purpose (see Brenes & Rojas, 2002; meeting between the IUCN Working Group on Ethics and
Brenes, 2004). Jurisprudence and the Drafting Committee of the Earth
Charter was held at the Hastings Center, New York, June Brenes, A. (1992c). Educating for Universal Responsibility, in Holistic
Science and Human Values 1992, Adyar, Madras, India. Theosophy
7-9, 1999. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Science Centre, 1992, pp. 67-74
relationship between Benchmark Draft 2 of the Charter and Brenes, A., Ito, T. & The Project “Preparedness for Peace” (1994). Peace
IUCN’s Draft Convenant on Environment and Development. Education: Perspectives from Costa Rica and Japan, Peace Education
Miniprints, No. 62, April, Malmo, Sweden
In Benchmark Draft 2, principle 2 stated: “Care for the
Brenes, A. (1995), Cultura de Paz y Democracia en América Central. Un
community of life in all of its diversity”. There was also a
anhelo que une a todos los centroamericanos, in Hombres de Maíz.
principle 7, which stated: “Treat all living beings with Revista Centroamericana de Desarrollo Humano, No. 37, octobre, pp.
compassion, and protect them from cruelty and wanton 28-29

destruction.” The representative of the Inuit people said that Brenes, A. (1996).Valores y principios de la cultura de paz, in Hombres
de Maíz, Revista Centroamericana de Desarrollo Humano, No. 41, mayo /
principle 7 was not acceptable to them, because their junio de 1996, pp. 39-40
livelihood depended on hunting and fishing. An Brenes, A. (1997). La cultura de paz, un anhelo de los centroamericanos,
insurmountable obstacle for consensus seemed imminent. in Una experiencia pionera: Memoria 1994-1996, Programa Cultura de
Paz y Democracia en América Central, Universidad para la Paz, Costa
I suggested that we take compassion out of principle 7 and Rica, pp. 17-24
bring it into principle 2, given that it is of such fundamental Brenes, A. & Winter, D.D.N. (2001). Earthly Dimensions of Peace: The
importance. The representative of the Inuit found this Earth Charter, Peace and Conflict. Journal of Peace Psychology, Vol. 7,
No., pp. 157-171
solution acceptable. This is for me a confirmation that
Brenes, A. & Rojas, A., Serie Didáctica “Construyendo la Cultura de Paz
principle 2 is, in effect, expressive of fundamental tendencies
en nuestra comunidad”, Programa Cultura de Paz y Democracia en
and qualities of the human psyche, in which we can put our América Central, Edición y producción CIIP/UPAZ, Uruguay, 2002
faith to meet the tremendous challenges and opportunities Brenes, A. (2002a). The Earth Charter Principles: Source for an Ethics of
of our time. This experience also demonstrates the Universal Responsibility, in P. Miller & L. Westra (eds.), Just Ecological
Integrity, The Ethics of Maintaining Planetary Life, Maryland: Rowman &
importance of respecting diversity in the application of Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
principles to concrete realities, which requires diverse skills Brenes, A. (2002b). Il programma di cultura di pace e di democrazia in
related to understanding. Centro America, in G. Ambrosi, Rose & F.Pinto Minerva (eds.), I
Percosi dell’integrazione. L’educazione per la pace: tra informazione e
formazione, Italia: Tecnodid Editrice, 2002
Brenes, A., Navarro, P. & Román, S. (2002). Elementos de la Buena
References Noticia, para apoyar la posibilidad de elaborar información positiva,
Documentos de trabajo, Universidad para la Paz Brenes, A. (2004), “An
Integral Model of Peace Education”, in A.L. Wenden (Ed.), Educating for a
Brenes, A. (1990). Educating for Universal Responsibility, Peace Review, Culture of Social and Ecological Peace, Albany: State University of New
Vol. 2, No. 2, Spring, pp. 33-36 York Press, 2004, pp. 77-98
Brenes, A. & Gang, P. (1990). Toward a Global Curriculum for Peace and Brenes, A. (2005). Universal and Differentiated Responsibility, in P.B.
Sustainable Development. An Interview with Abelardo Brenes by Phil Corcoran, M. Vilela, & A. Roerink (Eds.), Toward a Sustainable World: The
Gang, Holistic Education Review, Vol. 3, No. 4, Winter, pp. 57-60 Earth Charter in Action, Amsterdam: KIT Publishers
Brenes, A. (1991), Editor. Seeking the True Meaning of Peace, University Brenes, A. (2006). Educación para la paz y la Carta de la Tierra, Revista
for Peace Press, Costa Rica, 1991 EDUCAÇÃO, Porto Alegre/RS, ano XXIX, n. 2 (59), maio/ago, pp. 255-
Brenes, A. (1992 a). Conference on Peace Education Develops Programs
for Central America. Psychology International, Vol. 3, No. 1, Winter, p. 12 Brenes, A. (2008). Personal transformations needed for cultures of peace.
Brenes, A. (1992 b). Educacao Ambiental, in Ciencia, Educacao e In J. de Rivera (Ed.). Handbook on Building Cultures of Peace. Springer
Ecología, Asociacio Educacional e Cultura Holistica, Belo Horizonte, Brasil (in press)

Mr. Muller

When my company sent me here about four years ago, I the Second World War and, after the guns fell silent and the
didn’t know how the University for Peace was, but I knew fields were once again fertile, Mr. Muller was determined to
that it had a lot of people and cultures. I also knew a special work for peace. Like he said: God did not grant me the gift
person that caught my attention; his name was Mr. Robert of art. Therefore, I have to express myself through my own
Muller.18 He was an old person that told me a lot of stories life, my own thoughts, my feelings, my dreams and my
of his life. He had been raised in Sarreguimines, on the ideas, and my love for all humanity.
Williams Sanchez French side of Germany, and he was young when Hitler took
Security Guard, control of Europe. Later, Mr. Muller graduated from the Finally, Mr. Muller left everything behind, joined the UN,
Costa Rica University of Strasbourg after the war. and continues his dreams.

He impressed me because he spoke seven languages and

Williams Sanchez was born
sometimes he spoke about his thoughts and feelings about
in Costa Rica,
all humanity and the Earth. I used to think that people have
and has been working
to change a lot, but now I believe the world will not change
at UPEACE for four years
unless we have a spiritual education because change has to
as a Security Guard.
start from within.
He worked in Los Angeles
and Michigan, U.S.A.,
Returning to the topic of Mr. Muller- he was, as Margaret
for seven years,
Mead said, “the most brilliant man in the United Nations.” In
and spent one year
Europe, after the end of the war, Mr. Muller’s generation saw
in Vancouver, Canada.
Hitler’s armies enslaving their countries. Mr. Muller survived
Williams is fascinated
by languages,
and has studied German
and English in addition
to his native
Spanish language.

Robert Muller is Co-Founder and Chancellor Emeritus of the University for Peace in Costa Rica. He has
also been Assistant to several Secretary Generals of the United Nations, Recipient of the UNESCO Peace
Education Prize, and the author of numerous books on cultivating a culture of peace.

and Mule

Israa Hamad

Second-hand Clothes:
Community -Builders?
They are used clothes in the Western world, whose lives take
Select, select, select, mother a sudden turn after you decide that they still deserve more
These nice shoes they are wearing than the closest garbage bin. So you pack them up, and
And the nice trousers they are wearing donate them to NGOs or charities, assuming that they will
And the nice shirts they are wearing soon make the lives of local poor families a little warmer.
It is salaula, mother
Francesca Musiani It might be. But often, and increasingly so, the beginning of
This year we are praising the Zaireans
Student, Italy
For this bale you have given us, father their new life is also the start of a long journey - statistics
Because that is where salaula show that up to seventy-five percent of all used clothes
Francesca Musiani is a Master’s is found, mother, pick from there donated in the West end up not in the houses of Western
candidate in International Law poor, but in developing countries’ second-hand clothing
and the Settlement Translation of “Salaula,” markets. Zambia, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda... How
of Disputes a song in Bemba language this journey actually happens, routing around controls and
at the University for Peace, by Zambian singer Teddy Chilambe, entering in spite of national regulations and bans, might
where she is researching reported in Karen Tranberg Hansen’s remain a mystery for quite a while, wrapped in the
how Information Salaula: The World of Secondhand Clothing complicated dynamics of today’s global market. This article
and Communication Technologies and Zambia, will hopefully provide some insight, instead, into what
influence dispute University of Chicago Press, 2000. happens after the end of the journey: what are the
resolution. implications and impacts of used clothing trade on the
Francesca has past study markets, cultures and lives of sub-Saharan regions and
and work experience populations.
in organizational communication They are those jumpers with one or two little holes that you
and journalism, keep in the cupboard and think about throwing away once In recent times, anthropologists, sociologists and economists
and is fluent in English, next winter begins. have analyzed the market of used clothes in least developed
French, Spanish, countries. These countries historically rely very heavily on
and her native Italian. They are the shirts offered by your grandmother as imports of textiles and garments, mostly due to the abrupt
Christmas presents, whose bright colors you have always switch from prior colonial systems to independent, but very
found a little too bright for your taste. basic and often inadequate, industrial systems. However,
these products no longer come in small quantities from
They are the jeans that still carry some faint traces of your bordering countries as it used to be, but in bulk from
child’s bread-and-jam feast in your lap, when she was little. Western countries: they are our old jumpers, shirts, and
spotted Levi’s. And a lot of them, too.
They are all the garments that you have several doubles of in
your closet; you just don’t know if there’s going to be room To what extent is this harmful to the already fragile
for the next one you buy. economies of least developed countries? The recent focus
on sustainable development and sustainable business as a The deployment of support towards this aim, resource- and
necessary element of the Millennium Development Goals strategy-wise, by bodies such as the joint UNCTAD/WTO
has included several attempts to find an answer to this International Trade Centre, is probably premature and bound,
question. for the moment, to failure.

Supporters of local industries argue that such trade is Possible answers to the situation of clothing markets in least
nothing but a transitory, easy “patch” to cover a hole that developed countries might come from the same dynamics
could otherwise constructively be filled with an articulate plan of globalization that challenge them.22 There is more chance
to boost local clothing industries, in countries that are very for different qualities, prices and shapes of clothes to find
much in need of economic improvements. In this light, used their way into a market that is truly global. Therefore, the
clothing trade is also deemed responsible for encouraging answer might be diversification, experts say23 - the ability of
foreign business and downplaying local business.19 Although developing countries’ firms to find niche markets that the
barriers to trade and custom restrictions have been set up in massive flow of low-price, low-quality clothing goods from
some countries worldwide to try and prevent this, they seem giants like China completely neglects, but that do not
to be of little effectiveness, as mentioned before, and the disappear because of this.
key to solving the problem will most likely have to be found
elsewhere. Another solution might be to pursue, in the shorter term,
further development in raw materials industries (e.g. farming
It is also argued, conversely, that the reason why these of cotton), rather than in the whole chain of textile
countries are not producing their own clothing does not lie in production for which developing countries still lack adequate
the used clothing trade, as there are cases of countries that infrastructure. Support for this view come both from the
are at the same time big importers of used clothes and successful opposition, in countries such as Benin and
producers of clothes on their own.20 Uganda, to subsidized exports of cotton by the U.S.A.24, and
from the 2006 ruling by the World Trade Organization that
Least developed countries’ core issue in this regard is not, or U.S.-subsidized cotton exports violate Brazil’s trade
not mainly, competition, but the lack of necessary regulations. Effective and fair competition in cotton markets
equipment, investment and capital to start up a clothing seems to be on the way and so does a place in these
market that can be competitive enough to face the markets for least developed countries’ farmers and workers.
challenges of the global market.21 Until the capital and tools
are brought or built, it is unlikely and unrealistic that the A number of factors seem to indicate, then, that the market
development of a large textile industry is going to take place. for used clothes is not the cause - at least not the primary

Baden, Sally, and Catherine Barber. The Impact of the Second-Hand Clothing on Developing Countries.
Oxfam. 2005.
Also, Hansen, Karen Tranberg. Transnational Biographies and Local Meanings: Used Clothing Practices in Lusaka.
Journal of Southern African Studies. 21,1 (1995): 7-8.
Hansen, Karen Tranberg. Salaula: The World of Secondhand Clothing and Zambia.
Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2000. Also, Hansen, Karen Tranberg.
Transnational Biographies and Local Meanings: Used Clothing Practices in Lusaka. Journal of Southern African Studies. 21,1 (1995): 7-8.
Gorelick, Melissa. The Secrets of Used Clothes. UN Chronicle 3 (2006), New York: UN/DPI.
Mangieri, Tina. African Cloth, Export Production and Secondhand Clothing in Kenya.
Working paper, Department of Geography, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2006.

one - that prevents a successful flourishing of the textile “filter” of urban markets, that previously allowed only the
industry in least developed countries. Moreover, there is remainders of used clothing markets to reach these regions,
more to the realm of used clothing trade than meets the no longer applies today.
eye. What is it, then? What do clothes in general, and more
specifically used clothes, mean in these countries? In conclusion, despite what a superficial glance might
indicate, used clothing trade might in fact improve living
Quite surprisingly, the answer to this question is social rather standards in least developed countries. Our old jumpers,
than economic, and can be summed up in “community,” at shirts and jeans tell very interesting stories. Not only about
the macro and the micro levels. us - but also about how their journeys, longer and more
complicated than we can imagine, can ultimately contribute
Firstly, the wide increase in diversity of styles, materials, and to increasing developing countries’ awareness of being actors
quality that is fostered by the trade of used clothes leads to in their own right in the global international arena, while
an increase in possible choice: purchasing, wearing and building and strengthening their sense of community in the
modifying used clothes is a sign of “being in the world.”25 process.
This also determines a shift in the status of these regions
and their inhabitants; this shift can be more easily and
accurately acknowledged if elements such as fashion, design,
desires, and style are allowed to enter a picture that, if
consisting only of figures and graphs, is quite sterile.

Secondly, used clothing trade is modifying the type and

quantity of professions available in the job market, allowing
for a number of local, small-scale tailors to work and thrive
from creating new styles by modifying these used

Thirdly, the connection of least developed countries to

international trade, exemplified by the trade of used clothes,
helps to achieve the inclusion of these countries into the
global community.27 The increased diversity in available
garments now reaches even the most remote regions28; the

Ibid. Also, Masyuko, Mary. Uganda Considers Limits on Used-Clothing Imports. International Market
Research Report. 2004.
Hansen, Karen Tranberg. Salaula: The World of Secondhand Clothing and Zambia. Chicago, IL: University
of Chicago Press, 2000.
Gorelick, Melissa. The Secrets of Used Clothes. UN Chronicle 3 (2006), New York: UN/DPI.
Mangieri, Tina. African Cloth, Export Production and Secondhand Clothing in Kenya. Working paper,
Department of Geography, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2006.
Hansen, Karen Tranberg. Salaula: The World of Secondhand Clothing and Zambia. Chicago, IL: University
of Chicago Press, 2000.

Children Paint
for Children
The Association “Children Paint for Children” aims to affect
positive change in the lives of disadvantaged children in
Costa Rica who are sick or at social risk; have been
neglected; or, face economic hardship. The vision for the
Association came about ten years ago, through art
workshops offered by Mrs. Lila Herrera. These workshops
Gabriela Montero draw more than 100 children together every year to re-
Kitchen Staff, Costa Rica enforce their technique and love of painting. In addition to
teaching art, Mrs. Lila has emphasized the importance of
values such as solidarity, charity, and equality, and she has
Gabriela Montero is thereby instilled in her students a desire to help children in
twenty years of age. need through painting.
She likes Biology
and everything that has
In 2005, “Children Paint for Children” was officially registered
to do with Nature,
as an Association. Since then, the Association has worked on
but also believes
projects such as producing a yearly calendar that is fully
that if we don’t take care
illustrated with children’s paintings from Mrs. Lila’s workshops
of our environment,
(see above for images from the 2008 agenda). This project
there won’t be
has enabled the Association to solicit donations and
much of it left to admire.
engagement from a range of community members, including
She is a participant
private firms and organizations. All proceeds go directly to
of Rotaract Club La Guaria
helping children in need.
and found out about
the Association
“Children Paint For Children” I had the opportunity to speak with Mrs. Lila over the phone,
through her parents, and I asked her what motivated her to realize this inspiring
both of whom vision for disadvantaged children. According to Mrs. Lila, it all
are long-standing began when one of her students - who was already from a
Rotary Club members. disadvantaged background - became seriously ill. She went
One night, to visit the student at the Children’s Hospital, and noticed
she went with her mom what a marvelous hospital this was. However, at the same
to the children’s paint exhibition time, Mrs. Lila also noticed that the hospital faced a lack of
and was touched resources and equipment. This led Mrs. Lila to ask herself:
“Why not make a modest contribution to the community,
for children who are at risk?”
by the expression of joy, Out of the many positive contributions and inspiring stories
motivation, and dedication that have come about as a result of this project, allow me to
in the children’s faces share with you only one example. Last year, the Association
as they showed off brought a little joy into the lives of children who, in special or
their paintings. critical treatment, often spend hours or even entire days at
the hospital. With the money raised through selling paintings
made by children in her workshops and through the sale of
the beautiful calendars, the Association was able to buy
DVD’s and films for children in each of the hospital rooms.
Mrs. Lila commented that one of the children’s paintings (i.e.
the first image shown in the figure above, with the children
holding each other’s hands) was purchased by a company
that makes children’s clothing. Doctors from the same
Children’s Hospital where her student was first admitted
have also bought paintings to decorate the walls of the

The Power
of Play
There was one class that particularly stands out for me this people just stick stubbornly to an agenda and stop seeing
year in our Theatre and Peacebuilding class. We had just how to relate that agenda to what’s going on around them.
completed an assignment in which small groups had to
prepare and lead a game or exercise drawn from Augusto For the first time, talking about games became a way to talk
Boal’s Games for Actors and Non-Actors. The idea behind cogently and organically about all these issues that are
the assignment is to stimulate a shared responsibility for a relevant to both their Peace Studies programs and even our
David Korish small body of classtime as well as begin to cross the bridge lives at large. It became clear that what is essential to a good
Visiting Professor, towards leading a large group in practical activities. The theatre exercise illuminates what is essential to a rich human
United States/Costa Rica
games and exercises were well-chosen, well-prepared, and experience. And, as we began to discuss how one group led
well-led, and so the journey that was articulated as result of into the next, how the journey as a whole was constructed,
the sequence was rich and fun. we noticed the session reflected a deepening, a building, a
David Korish is Associate
layering in the construction of our relationships.
Later we set out to dissect why the experience was so
of Theatre Studies
good. This reflection on the session turned into probably The first group began with an exercise of Concentration as
at the National University
the richest discussion we had in the class as we began to we tried to come to a place of individual focus. This gave
of Costa Rica and co-director,
get underneath the fun we had in playing the games and way to an exercise of Trust, and we observed that mutual
with Roxana Avila,
address some of the subterranean issues supporting the trust cannot exist without individual focus and concentration.
of Teatro Abya Yala,
exercise: the challenges of group leadership and shared The next group introduced the idea of Play, and we
an independent theatre
leadership; how to strike a balance between what is discussed how Play, in its richest, most vital manifestation,
company based
necessary for an activity to go well and the need for truly can only emerge in a place where trust has been
in Costa Rica since 1991.
leadership to be horizontal in structure and fluid in established. To play you must trust. The next group
He received his B.A.
dynamic; the role of willing participation from an individual introduced the incorporation of the Imagination, as we began
in English Literature
point of view; the difference between group consensus to work for the first time from the creative self, first physical
from Columbia University
and group acquiescence; the role of patience in leading an creativity and then both physical and mental. Again this
(1984) and Masters in Fine Arts
activity; the ideas of real listening, and of being truly sense of deepening and layering became apparent as we
with emphasis
present. observed how, only after having established a groundwork of
in Theatre Directing from
trust and play, can we give ourselves over to the personal
Carnegie-Mellon University
In addition, we talked at length about an issue that would risk of being creative. And finally, we came back around full
turn into a kind of leitmotif during the next few weeks of the circle to a game of Trust, but now a more complex exercise
The recipient of a
class: the tension between agenda and flow, how to be which introduced the concept of opposition and conflict.
Fulbright Specialist Scholarship
prepared but also flexible in the moment of leading a game, This seemed fascinating in that to play within an adversarial
for Professional Exchange
how the only true way to improvise—to go with the flow—is relationship requires a tremendous degree of Concentration,
in 1991, he has taught
to have sufficient structure that protects you from collapse. Trust, Play, and Imagination. The tail had wound back upon
at the University level
One student mentioned how this balance is so applicable to itself but had also dug itself deeper into the terrain of human
and conducted professional
the world of politics in that so many problems arise when encounter, creating more a spiral than circle. Uncovering the

workshops worldwide, archaeological substructure of the series of games didn’t Augusto Boal understood this; and that is why I’d like to
including Brazil, make playing them less fun, but it did clearly shed light on believe he has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
the United States, the essential relationship between Play, Human Relationships Not because of the Theatre of the Oppressed so readily
Guatemala, and creating a Group Experience. identified with his name, but rather because of the Games
Belize, Germany, he wants us to play, for reminding us that in order for us to
and Spain, I write this on the eve of our Final Presentation, and confess be together in mind, body and spirit, we must be able to
and has directed to having mixed feelings about what we will do tomorrow. It play together.
professionally in England, is important to share some our work with the community-at-
Scotland, Belgium, Denmark large, in this case the University for Peace, even though there
and the United States. is so much we are unable to share. But the deepest
misgiving stems from the awareness that, while we can
share some of the work that emerged from our time
together, and try to communicate a sense of the spirit of our
class, the essential component that defined our experience
cannot really be shared.

For I realized very clearly this year that it is the games and
exercises we did together that hold the real value of the
course. It is the songs, the tripping, the tangling, the dancing,
the balloons and bears, the sitting on the knees, the reaching
in the is through all this total silliness, in this
power of play, that we experience the essence of the
relationship between theatre and peacebuilding. And of
course what we played we cannot share; we cannot be silly
before people and expect them to understand what is going
on at the heart of the game, at the heart of that experience.
If we did make that mistake, it wouldn’t be real play
anymore; it would a performance of play, something totally
different. Because it is the experience of the game, the doing
it, the freely playing it together wherein lies the secret. And it
became clear that the value of play is precisely in that you
must be part of the experience in order to understand and
appreciate it. Play is always about building a new experience,
letting go of the past in order to build the game together, the
rich and playful now, the always silly present.

Nicole Pion

This picture was taken on my birthday and I think it demonstrates the sense of community here
at UPEACE, which is quite unique. I can’t think of any other time in my life when I have been
able to share my birthday with friends from ten different countries! The shared experience of
studying at UPEACE has drawn us all together for this short time, and this community that we
have created will soon disperse. But the UPEACE community’s strength lies in the fact that it
does not have to be tangible. No matter where we find ourselves six months from now, or with
whom we celebrate our next birthday, the UPEACE ‘community’ that we have created will still be
very much alive and well.

My Inspiration

The community that has impressed me for years now is that, most of the time when I did this, the students and I
that of UPEACE students! I want to talk about this from my engaged in light discussions, jokes, and laughter that
own angle and to express gratitude for how this community became like an energizer to me for the rest of the day!
has been instrumental to my motivation and effort for There were times when I drove to UPEACE carrying a
many years. heavy burden of work-related tension, worries, and
sometimes frustration. But, once I came face-to-face with
Amr Abdalla
By no means is UPEACE unique in terms of bringing UPEACE students either as they caught a ride with me, or
UPEACE Vice-Rector
people together from many countries, cultures, and as I met them in the hallways, they had this magical
for Academic Affairs, Egypt
backgrounds to study at the graduate level. Universities in influence on me that I cannot comprehend! Somehow, the
the US and Europe perhaps have more diversity in smile on a student’s face, a light joke, or even a reminder
Dr. Amr Abdalla is Professor quantitative terms than UPEACE. But, UPEACE stands out that a student owed me a paper, or I owed her or him a
and Vice Rector because of its intense academic and non-academic life. grade, brought back the perspective that I very much
for Academic Affairs at UPEACE. Once at UPEACE, a student is ‘stuck’ between Ciudad needed in order to carry on with positive energy.
Before arriving at UPEACE,
Colon, El-Rodeo, and our small, breath-taking campus. The
he was a Senior Fellow
entire system sets a daily rhythm that starts with a well- Then, there are those many students who come every year
with the Peace Operations
maintained bus schedule, class time, lunch time, afternoon with wonderful suggestions for action and change. Every
Policy Program,
School of Public Policy,
hangout at UPEACE, and evening outings, parties and get- year, groups of students come to my office to discuss an
at George Mason University, togethers. And, of course in the middle of all this, students issue or a concern about our UPEACE life. And, often, they
in Virginia, USA. find time to study, write papers, prepare for exams, and also come up with suggestions for specific actions or
He was also finish theses! We are all continuously engaged with each projects to address this issue or concern. In such cases,
a Professor of Conflict other every day for 11 months! There is almost no way out together, we engage in long-term activities to build up the
Analysis and Resolution at the of getting to know people from every walk of life. action plan or project. Such activities, including this one
Graduate School of Islamic
that Jessica and Lisa led (I refer to them as the ‘Narrative
and Social Sciences
In addition to all this, and returning back to UPEACE Ladies’), give me the chance to meet with the students
in Leesburg, Virginia
students more specifically, I have found that, as a several times over weeks or months and to together build
Both his academic and
professional careers community and as individuals, they have this amazing up a project and see it to completion. Last year, it was Jeff
are multi-disciplinary. influence on me. I have worked in many places in the past, Lais and the Student Bill of Rights and Responsibilities; the
He obtained a law degree in but never had I experienced the sense of connection and year before, it was the Asia Fest with Morse, Zahid, Ajit,
Egypt in 1977 where he belonging that I do with UPEACE students. It starts from Jennifer, Rachna and many others; the year before, it was
practiced law as a prosecuting the moment I am driving to UPEACE in the morning. Often, the electronic Year Book with Grace, Balazs, Dina, and
I pick up students on my way to campus. I noticed early on again, many others. And, these are only a few among many

attorney from 1978 to 1987. other projects. Such experiences, as small as they may
He then emigrated to the U.S. appear, are in themselves rich with what they brought to
where he obtained a Master’s me and the students: stronger bonds, trust, a belief in what
degree in Sociology and a Ph.D. we can accomplish, team work, and a sense of fulfillment.
in Conflict Analysis and Resolution
This is community!
from George Mason University.

He has been an active figure in UPEACE students: You are my inspiration, and what you
promoting effective cross-cultural have contributed to me as a person, teacher, and
messages within the Islamic and administrator has been the richest and most beautiful
Arabic-speaking communities in inspiration in my life. In all the languages of the world, I say
America through workshops, T.V. Thank You and In Peace.
and radio presentations. He has
also been actively involved in
inter-faith dialogues in the United
States. He pioneered the
development of the first conflict
resolution training manual for the
Muslim communities in the United
States titled (“...Say Peace”).
He also founded Project LIGHT
(Learning Islamic Guidance for
Human Tolerance), a community
peer-based anti-discrimination
project funded by the National
Conference for Community and
Justice (NCCJ).

Pagina en blanco
VI. Musings
Pagina en blanco
Sometimes It’s Hot, Sometimes It’s Not
The Complexities of Community be a negative experience, and why Community can be
something to keep in check rather than unleash. I will end
For most people, the notion of Community has a nice sound with some reflections on what this might mean, ethically and
or color. It is almost invariably used in contexts with a aesthetically. I will also try to put forth some ideas about how
positive function or connotation, just like ‘love’, ‘peace’, one might relate to Community in view of its confusing
‘harmony’, and many other similar words. It is a word that complexity.
Juan M. Amaya Castro usually does not require a specific definition; in fact, it more
Assistant Professor and Deputy or less speaks for itself, and what it says is nice and cuddly Community is Cool
Head of Department, and fuzzy and warm.
Colombia/The Netherlands What is it about the notion of Community that makes it so
A closer look at the use of the word gives us some appealing, so seductive and so powerful? Well, as John
interesting insights. For one, the word ‘community’ does not Donne famously said in the early 17th Century, “no man is
Juan Amaya Castro is employed
refer to everybody or everyone. When referring to those total an island,” or in the words of Aristotle, or somebody long
at the University for Peace,
categories, people usually refer instead to ‘the international before him, “man is a social animal.” Or, even better, that
where he works
community’, ‘the global community’, ‘the community of same wisdom is echoed by Homer Simpson in The
as an Assistant Professor
humankind’, or to a completely different word that sounds Simpsons: the Movie, when he concludes that “without
as well as the Deputy Head
similar: humanity. The word ‘community’, by contrast, more others, I am nobody.” People base their individual identities
of the Department
often refers to a locality, a small scale that evokes coziness, on belonging to a particular group or community. Identity is a
of International Law
as in ‘community centers’ or ‘community colleges’. It refers to tag that refers to a collective trait. Everybody has at least one
and Human Rights.
a group of people, and not to everyone, as in ‘the (usually many), and everybody needs one.
He has many identities:
community of human rights activists’, the ‘community of
Dutch, right handed, male,
immigrants’. And, sometimes, it even refers to groups of Moreover, Community means strength, the strength of
lawyer, academic,
people that are scattered about, such as the ‘global solidarity: “united we stand,” and “one for all, all for one.”
Colombian, white,
community of peace educators’. In other words, ‘community’ Community is about reliance and security, about feeling safe
nerd, overweight,
seems to be a bit more complex upon closer analysis than at and sheltered. Interaction with others in a Community is
first sight. fraternal and altruistic. Amidst the scariness of the world and
(although for some young
the dangers of nature, Community is about culture and order,
and for some old),
In this short piece, I want to explore this complexity a bit as opposed to chaos. Community is about giving and
citizen of the world,
further. I will start by pursuing a hunch that tells me that the receiving, as opposed to taking and losing. Community is also
homeless nomad,
notion of community is about exclusion as well as about about the whole, which is more than the sum of its parts; and
and many others.
inclusion; that it has less to do with a specific content and it is, in that sense, abstract and mystical, something
He believes
more to do with boundaries. I will do this first by sketching unfathomable and transcendental: ‘we are one’. Community is
in the possibility
out what is so great about the boundaries of Community. I maternal, in the sense that it cares for us; it is also paternal, in
of wisdom,
will then try to illustrate why the boundaries of Community the sense that it directs us, gives us a place and a purpose.
and also in luck.
are not so great at all - why being part of a Community can Community is about the ultimate beauty of being connected,

of belonging, of having a common past, a common present, a among the worst possible crimes; ratting out your buddies is
common purpose. something that can hardly ever be justified. Community is
something that needs to be policed, constantly, by
In today’s world, amidst growing uncertainties, climate everybody: “We don’t do things like that here,” or any other
change, and the threat of impending catastrophes of all sorts, use of the idea of the ‘abnormal’ to signal out deviance and
Community offers itself as a solution, as a necessity, as a discipline the deviant.
way out of the aggregate lack of direction that seems to be
heading for the abyss. Community is the idea that reminds Communities are governed, and government is hierarchical,
us of our interdependence: “united we stand, together we even when ‘democratic’. Majority rule is one way in which
fall.” Without Community, there is no control, or as the Dutch Community can oppress; ironically, and tellingly, one only
put it: Ieder voor zich. God voor ons allen. Everyone for him invokes the existence of a consensus when there is
or herself. God for us all. Without Community, we cannot disagreement or dissent. Community will often become
help each other - we are at the mercy of God. reified, or ‘thingified’, made into a ‘thing’ in and of itself.
People will refer to Community as if it is a monolithic entity
Community is about intimacy, about togetherness. As the ‘out there’, which really exists, rather than as something that
song goes: “We are a family. Brother, sister, one family.” is always in a moment of becoming and always filled with
Community is a nest, a haven, a site of nurturing and disaggregate forces of contestation. Instead, this or that is
growth, about caring for the weak and needy, about ‘good for the Community’ and therefore some people
common values, common interests, the common good. should forget their individual interests. Community becomes
Community is understanding, tolerance, and peace. the rhetorical tool used to discipline, regulate, and oppress,
Community is love, and isn’t love all you need? where necessary. In fact, Community becomes the cloak of
elites, the watchword of a status quo based on some form
Community is Not So Cool of privilege and entitlement.

So, after all that, what can possibly be wrong with Community is boundaries. It was the existence of
Community, with all that it offers and represents? For one, Community that impeded the love affair between Romeo
Community does not come about just like that. It is often the and Juliet, who belonged to rival families. Community is
product of strife and imposition, something that needs to be what is invoked to restrain migration, to ostracize, and harass
defended against disintegrating forces, something that is migrants. It is the idea that talks of ‘integration’, when what is
artificial and, as Benedict Anderson has pointed out, meant is ‘assimilation’. You abandon your identity, your ways,
imagined. Community is something that is created by your values, if you want to live here. If you don’t like that,
emphasizing distinctions from others. As the ‘we’ or the ‘us’ leave; go back to where you came from. Community is what
takes shape, so does the ‘they’ and the ‘them’. “You are is invoked to say that this part of the world belongs to ‘us’,
either one of us or one of them”; “either with us or against and you are not one of ‘us’. Community is ghetto; it is
us,” etc. Community demands loyalty and punishes oppression. It is the language of those who tell you who you
transgressors. Indeed, in order to survive, it has to enforce its are, and of those who tell you who you are (not) allowed to
boundaries, sometimes brutally. Community takes care of be. “Whites only.” And also: Leonardo Da Vinci was not really
you, but for a price. La Cosa Nostra and patriotism have a gay, Barak Obama is not really African American, Margaret
lot in common. Treason and sedition are traditionally counted Thatcher is not really a woman, etc. ‘Belonging’ cuts both
ways. Community is used to keep people out; it is used to messy realm in which politics is used to allocate resources,
keep people in. identities, and accountability. Community is always utopia for
some, always oppression for others. It embraces some,
Zen, or the Art of Wielding the Sword suffocates others. What is required is an understanding of
Community as an act of power, as something with an effect.
Like knives and swords, Community has a double edge. Like One never gets the full picture, either in terms of aesthetics
love and friendship, it is a tool of selective embrace, a tool of or in terms of ethics. There is always a large degree of
selective exclusion. Beware when invoking it - it could do unknowability in our perspective on the world, in the value
harm. What is required is wisdom, or what Aristotle called of our actions. The way to deal with this is to remain open
phronesis, meaning a deep knowledge of what to do, and aware, humble and curious. Good luck.
depending on the circumstances. Here are some
suggestions, or rather, some insights to keep in mind when
wielding the sword:

1) Community is a selective way of describing the world: It is

a tool of aesthetics, an epistemological instrument.
Community is never really already there. Rather, it is made,
constructed, given a substance in the act of its utterance and
reiteration. As such, it is selective, it imposes boundaries. It is
a way of cutting up the world - the world out there and the
world in here - into definable entities; insides and outsides;
us and them. The more inclusively it is used, the more of
the world ‘out there’ it includes, the more of the world ‘in
here’ it excludes, and vice versa. Too much Community ends
up excluding the individual, too much individualism ends up
excluding the social. What is required is a delicate and
nuanced consciousness of this selective process of boundary
formation. What is required is a sense of Community as a

2) Community has a normative effect; it creates winners and

losers. It is a political tool, and one that is usually grounded
in an ethics. Its use is crucial in the way a political entity is
constructed and essential in the way political processes are
defined. Whether one is talking about a Community of
friends, or about the family, or a university, or a city or state,
or about the world, the language of Community-boundaries,
us and them, inside and outside, always has real-life effects
on its participants. Community is the product of power: the
A Reflection
on Community
Reassurance along the “path less traveled” can be hard to with a mirror to examine ourselves. The Buddha recognized
come by. I am often swept away and I overlook the the importance of community, placing it as one of the three
importance of community in relation to peace, in relation to jewels or refuges essential for following the path towards
everything. I have been involved in many different enlightenment. There are too few refuges; we must take care
movements, protests, campaigns, and the like. Some of of the ones we have. It has to be the best place to start. You
these have felt hollow, usually the ones that did not work, would be hard pressed to find a place where you were not
Noah Taylor and the ones that fell apart. The movements that had a already in a community.
Student, United States strong community as a foundation seemed to possess a ‘life
energy’ of their own. Ideally, then, to create a strong movement toward peace, we
should try to create a supporting community. I often wonder
Noah Taylor is currently The largest obstacles I see in any grassroots movement or if something like this can be intentionally constructed. It is
in the International Peace organization is a lack of community or perhaps a poor like trying to make a family. After all, who is not in this
Studies program. relationship to a good community. I have met so many family? Who could be excluded on the path to peace? To be
He has a B.A. amazing people who cared so much, fought so hard. But the honest, I don’t know how to build such a community, but I
in Religious Studies realities, the difficulties on any path to peace, can quickly do know that when one begins, you can feel it; you can feel
from his home, steal the compassion that drove us to fight in the first place - its life beginning. Perhaps we could spend some of our time
Eau Claire Wisconsin, U.S.A. leaving too many wonderful people jaded, leading so many here to take a step back from ourselves and examine the
His areas of academic interest people to give up. community that we have built thus far in our short time here
are terrorism, at UPEACE. Maybe we could reflect on what makes a
religious violence, David Rovics, a progressive folk singer in the US has the community. Is it what you thought it would be? Is it what you
human security, following verse in his song, “Behind the Barricades”: wanted it to be? What has worked well? What areas need to
and disaster management. be improved? How important is community to you? What
As the movement grows stands in the way of your community reaching its full
There will be hills and bends potential? What obstacles prevent you from becoming a part
But at the center of the struggle of a community? I do know that, for whatever we do build to
Are your lovers and your friends work, it must come from a place and it must be a harbor for
The more we hold each other up more love and compassion than we could ever think
The less we can be swayed possible.
Here’s to love and solidarity
And a kiss behind the barricades.” Our task is so large, so twisted and tangled and often too
much to bear. Nonetheless we should give it a try. What
I think most of us realize the value of community at some could be more revolutionary? What alone could do more for
level. But it is so easy to get stuck in our own judgment, fear, peace?
and confusion. We know that a community can keep us
awake, keep us connected, keep us strong, and provide us

Haiku /
Menandro Abanes Haiku Senryu

Wondering Separation

Aloft birds are free As the bus moved on,

Overlooking you and me I looked around to see you
Who gets the best view? Not in this bus, sigh.

In love Submission

Falling hard like rain Deadline tomorrow

Millions of drops pushing down Number of words incomplete
My heart, falling too. What the heck! I’ll sleep.

Objectivity Choices

Glass windows see through Fiestas, beach outings

I’m inside watching airplane discos, traveling around
And a bird crashes. Homework, anyone?

Various Contributors When the designs are chosen with care, tattoos have a power The following is a collection of tattoos and their stories from the
and magic all their own. They decorate the body but they also community of the University for Peace in Costa Rica. From all
enhance the soul. ~Michelle Delio corners of the world, these people have come together with the
sincere intention of connecting and joining in the effort to make
the world a better place, cliché as that may sound. Their unique
backgrounds and adventures have helped shape the wonderful,
dedicated, creative, and crazy people they are today. Each one
of the following tattoos came to life for a different reason; each
one has a story to tell; each one shows what we believe in; each
one says something about the people we are and want to be.

I NEVER WANTED A TATTOO, but while I was

living in Vanuatu as a Peace Corps Volunteer,
the idea of a custom
tattoo grew on me.
[A] genuine tattoo.... tells a story. I like stories and tattoos, So, during my last
no matter how well done, and if they don’t tell a story that month I asked a good
involves you emotionally, then they’re just there for decoration, friend of mine, Roy,
then they’re not a valid tattoo. There has to be some emotional to give me a custom
appeal or they’re not, to my way of thinking, a real tattoo. tattoo of a seed of a
It tells people what you are and what you believe in, Nakatombol Tree. I
so there’s no mistakes. picked the seed
~Leo, tattooist, 1993, quoted in Margo DeMello, because to me it represents the amazing
Bodies of Inscription, 2000 designs that are found in nature. To prepare for
my tattoo, Roy went into the forest and got a
A tattoo is a true poetic creation, and is always more than special leaf from which he would later use the
meets the eye. As a tattoo is grounded on living skin, water to mix with the soot from a Kerosene
so its essence emotes a poignancy unique light to make the ink. To apply the ink to my
to the mortal human condition. skin, Roy used a sewing needle. The whole
~V. Vale and Andrea Juno, Modern Primitives process took about 20 minutes. When I look at
my tattoo, I’m able to recall my time in
A man without tattoos is invisible to the Gods. Vanuatu, and am reminded of my appreciation
~Iban Proverb of nature.

I THOUGHT FOR YEARS THIS IS MY FIRST TATTOO that I got in honor of a trip I took
ABOUT MY FIRST to Guatemala. The tattoo is of a Quetzal Bird. I did a LOT of
TATTOO since I wanted research about the bird and its
it to mean something symbolism before I went
and not just look pretty, forward with the inking. There
to be a statement of my was a lot of change going on
whole view on life. I in my life when I got the ink. I
finally settled on this went to an artist with my
design, which flows from sister and her best friend and
my family and roots to he opened his store on a
the leaves of the whole day that it is normally closed
world. As a connection to work on me. They sat by
to my Irish heritage, I wanted the design to be Celtic. I also me for the hour that it took
wanted it to show a deep connection to nature. This design is for the artist to finish. It’s an
from a Celtic journal given to me by my sister for being in her experience I will remember
wedding. An environmentalist through and through, I happened for the rest of my life!
to choose the Celtic design for the Spirit of the Forest. Made of
antlers and moons, it shows the balance of male and female “The Resplendent Quetzal
energies. The image shows the balance and connections that was considered divine,
flow through life. The three half moons also stand for the three associated with the
stages of life, highlighting the value of every step in our journey ‘snake god’, Quetzalcoatl
and of our presence here. The spirals accentuate that our lives by Pre-Columbian
connect in and outside of ourselves and develop and build Central American
upon past experiences. I added the central triad in memory of civilizations. Their
my uncle Robert who dedicated his life to helping others and iridescent green tail
gave his life in the process. It is to remind me that we are all feathers, symbols for
connected and can help every day, even in ‘small’ ways. Every spring plant growth,
act, every smile makes a difference. Every moment. were venerated by the ancient Mayas and
Aztecs, who viewed the quetzal as the ‘god of the air’ and as
MY BEST FRIEND AND a symbol of goodness and light. Mesoamerican rulers and
I got identical some nobility of other ranks wore headdresses made from
“sootballs” tattoos on quetzal feathers, symbolically connecting them to
our ankles right before I Quetzalcoatl. Since it was a crime to kill a quetzal, the bird
left California for was simply captured, its long tail feathers plucked, and was
UPEACE. The characters set free. Quetzalcoatl was the creator god and god of wind,
are from Hayao often depicted with grey hair. In several Mesoamerican
Miyazaki’s movie, languages, the term for quetzal can also mean precious,
They make us smile. “Spirited Away” (2001). sacred, or erected.” (Resplendent Quetzal, from Wikipedia,

between a Persian design
and a Celtic knot. It
represents my background
and reminds me that, in the
end, we all are citizens of
the world. My family came
from Spain to Costa Rica in
the 16th century, but before
that one part had fled from
Scotland, changed its name
and settled in northern
Spain. The other part came from Persia, through Africa and
then settled in the south of Spain. Mix them with conquerors,
and that’s my background. My tattoo also has a spiritual and EARTH RED
emotional significance, but in general it is a pretty design that
reminds me that there is more to the world than it seems. Ancestral Spirit
You have touched
My life


Faerie, Belief
Naked, Innocence
She sits upon Lotus, Peace
Earth, Solidarity amid us each
Air, Leaves gently dancing on the wind
The season change, in its pure innocence we play
Ever your spirit does wander, to what end we will see
Fire, Energetic flames of Jupiter aglow
Water, Sea where it all began
Nourishing the vine, Solid
To connect us, Home
Fertility, Rebirth
o All
hanks T ntribute
Many T
W o Co
h ce

of Change
We live in a beautiful, fragile, and small world, and yet there forgets where he or she comes from, and instead tries to
is so much diversity in it. Nature, culture, people, and become someone he or she is not and never will be, that
climates all differ from one end of it to another. We look person is doomed to be an incomplete member of any
different, we live in different ways, and we have different community and will not be content within society. It is
languages, food, clothing, traditions, religions, and much important to keep in mind that keeping your own culture is
more. As separate individuals and societies, we conceive the remaining true to who you are, and yet appreciating others is
Muhiba Rabejanova practice and concept of community differently. Nevertheless, the main prerequisite to building a powerful, inclusive, and
Student, Tajikistan although we might all have a personal opinion about united community.
community and apply it in our own way, we belong to
distinct societies and groups, and mostly follow their ways of I keep mentioning community, as well as asserting that
Who is Muhiba Rabejanova? thinking and behaving. cultural awareness and appreciation are the main conditions
She is a person to creating a peaceful community. But, is community
who believes that human beings, I lived in the United States for several years. Reflecting on my permanent or temporary? I am afraid I do not know. All I
not their titles, are important. life and experiences there, I have come to believe that in the know is that, during human growth and maturation, people
She is someone United States, rampant individualism is promoted to the encounter sets of other individuals and experiences. Infants
who finds joy extent that the responsibilities of giving to a community, and first encounter their immediate family, then their extended
in life’s simple pleasures. vice versa, have been dismissed. At the same time, there family, and then local groups (such as school and work).
She is happy that she is free seem to be so many charities and community events to They thus develop their individual and group identities
and can express her opinions which almost everybody wants to belong, because it is “the through associations that connect them to life-long group
freely. right thing to do.” What I found interesting about the sense of experiences. As people mature, they learn about and form
She is just another person community in the United States is that they have promoted perceptions of social structures. During this period, they form
who wants to do this idea of a ‘melting pot’, where cultures blend into ‘one’. personal and cultural values, as well as world views and
good deeds They have tried to weld a feeling of solidarity and attitudes toward a larger community: global society.
and be a friend commonality; to encourage all U.S. citizens to shed their
to those around her. ethnic roots and become part of an American identity. All, Individuals develop relationships with one another and begin
The most important thing paradoxically, in the name of individualism. to make choices about with whom they want to associate
about Muhiba is: themselves. Through this, they start to form groups, and
she is an ordinary person This movement towards getting rid of your ethnic identity - when these groups are created, thus emerges this sense of
just like you. so much that you do not even want to speak your mother belonging and brotherhood where everyone helps and
tongue to your children - is a sure way to prevent the protects one another. People form groups for different
development of a nourished community. I cannot help but reasons; people enter these groups with various motives and
wonder whether the same destiny is awaiting European interests in mind. These groups often fall apart once interests
countries, particularly members of the European Union? Will are met and there is nothing remaining to hold the members
they face the same social difficulties as the U.S. does, in together. If we suppose that these groups are communities, it
terms of the homogenization of its peoples? If a person seems appropriate to state that communities appear to stick

together on a temporary rather than on a permanent basis. relate to all other fourteen countries that were once a part of
They form as circumstances arise, and when this need has the Soviet Union. Also, all of us, in addition to our native
been met, people go back to their individualistic mood. languages, speak Russian, which enables us to communicate
without any barriers. This gives us friends and shelter in the
Why do we need to form groups? Especially when we are no former Soviet block. In addition to all this, we share a special
longer in high school, when there was an extensive need for historic and ethnic bond with Tajiks in Afghanistan, as well as
a sense of belonging? Wouldn’t it be better to let things Iranians, because we have the same roots. Whenever we
happen freely, and not push everything and everyone into meet an Iranian or an Afghan person anywhere in the world,
little niches? We always tend to seek an ideal setting where we have this wonderful opportunity to connect even more.
we can build our perfect little world and try to stretch it to fit
all of our expectations for a perfect and idyllic space. Only, in Considering all this, it is important to remember that, instead
doing so, we neglect what we already have: our daily of losing our identity and becoming a part of a ‘melting pot’,
experiences at workplaces and neighborhoods, civic groups, we have to remember who we are, including our history and
the cinema, our local markets and stores, the world itself. values. In doing this, we are not creating problems. There is
This is all a part of forming a sense of community, and always something that we can find in one another that we
identity even. can relate to. If all of us were to sit down and find things we
have in common with other nations, cultures, and even
It is time to face reality and understand that in today’s world, religions, we would be able to reduce the world’s problems
there cannot be any other community than the global by half. I say enough to forming little groups, and trying to
community. Children need to be raised in a way that they protect ‘that group’ or ‘that community’ against the “others”!
are ready to take in all the wonderful flavors that the world
has to offer. I come from a society that I think has prepared It is time for us to focus on what we can do to help the
us well for becoming skillful and very flexible individuals who world -we have had enough of this individualistic and one-
can relate to a diversity of people in the world, not only to sided worldview. There needs to be only one community -
their local communities. Just thinking about it put me in awe that is the global community, from which no one should be
one night. Tajikistan is a secular democracy, where the left out.
majority of the population is Muslim; we were part of the
former Soviet Union; we are culturally and ethnically close to
Afghanistan and Iran; we are in the same geographical area
as China. When we -Tajik children- were growing up, we had
no idea that when we would become adults and start our
careers, and if we were lucky enough to get to travel
internationally, that we would have a big number of people
around the globe to whom we could relate.

As Muslims, we are considered brothers and sisters amongst

all the Muslims in the world, which means that we have
shelter and support almost everywhere in the world. As
citizens of a country that was under Soviet rule, we can

Lisa Jokivirta

The eye
is the first circle
The eye is the first circle I watched his hand shaking like paper,
I haven’t stared at the sun long enough to know its shape his fist clench and unclench,
the ripple of a raindrop and then slowly walked away.
perfect circles falling like fallout I thought about a video I’d watched that day
I could feel them on my skin as I walked slowly through the a ten-year-old Iraqi boy,
trees breaking the sonic mesh of cicadas, his hands blown off by a cluster bomb saying
Hamish Low silent as I passed. “someone give me some hands,
Student, New if I have no hands I’ll kill myself”
Zealand Earlier that evening two guys jumped me I wondered how he could kill himself with no hands,
demanded my empty wallet. and then thought,
With the first punch a poem appeared fully formed in my of course,
Hamish was mind, he could find a way
conceived like it had been transferred from his fist.
and I felt guilty at how cynical,
under a coconut Not a very good poem but then it wasn’t a very hard punch.
how jaded I had become
tree in Fiji.
fallen from your mind
is the first qualification
of the revolutionary
wrapped like presents
Something that children have but so often adults have lost,
under the trees
somewhere along the way,
I felt strangely calm. like the ability to draw with crayons.
I got away okay. the love of money is a haemorrhage of the human spirit
Apparently sudden poems about forgetfulness are and war is a failure of the imagination
one of the first signs of early-onset alzheimers. to make the same mistake
On the road ahead a truck was engulfed in flames. knowingly
I could hear the metal contorting in the heat is negligence
and I hoped noone was inside. to make the same mistake
An old man stood, his weight on his walking stick, repeatedly
listening to the fire, his eyes blurred with cataracts. is insanity
“¿Por que?” I asked him or worse.
“Cocaina” he said only two weeks of holiday
without a glance. should be plenty enough reason for
The fire danced in his heavy-rimmed glasses and time to
and for a moment I thought maybe he had started it. plan a revolution

4 in the morning and I was stumbling alone through London. make at the very least
My brain had arrived under heavy anaesthetic, ready for re- a minor contribution
transplant. I met some friends, left them in a club and went to the greater good
out for air. Somehow I couldn’t retrace my steps. I followed share
my mental map of the monopoly board through the square laugh more,
mile of the City, that insane, inhumane concentration of worry less
wealth. With the clarity that only whisky, over lesser spirits, remember to breathe
can bring, I could hear the money, buzzing, inside the walls. deeper
East through Whitechapel. Outside the mosque there were close your eyes
maybe 200 people, all men, all in white. it was Ramadan patterns pulse
and they were breaking the fast before dawn. I walked slowly quick and kinaesthetic
through the crowd and I could feel the energy of these they hypnotise
people, all their minds aligned toward Mecca. It was pure mesmerise
and it was good. It was the same thing I sensed in an old the disparate moments of the day become
wooden church at my brother’s wedding and while dancing, sleeping pixels in the white noise of your unconscious
with 20,000 other humans on the top of a mountain in the a black moth with crepe paper wings circles a streetlight
middle of nowhere for the millennium. a billion raindrops fall to the sea
There’s something that happens when humans are together and so
some greater sense soon
the little lines
time is a veil between everyone you have seen
something Einstein also understood experientially every place you have ever been
how we are energy swimming in energy connect
from Miradór you can see a slowly falling star, the sun
melt behind the hills
and the moon rise
its heavy smiling eye This work is licensed under the
smothering the city with light Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-
No Derivative Works 3.0 New Zealand License.
make every day new To view a copy of this license, visit
never forget
how precious this life is or send a letter to
cultivate Creative Commons, 171 Second Street,
an ever-deepening Suite 300, San Francisco, California 94105, USA.
of what being
on this planet means
communication and co-creation

Julio Silva

With Ted Koppel
This is the story of Bob Dylan, but not the singer song-writer Bobby was supposed to leave his home and start school like
pop star Bob Dylan -even though that is a good story too. the rest of the seven-year-olds in his town. But Bobby
This is a story about another Bob Dylan. His parents named refused to go. He would kick and scream and holler and bite
him after the folk singer because they thought it would be and yell and do everything that is little body could do to
hip, and that this Bob Dylan was destined for great things prevent his parents from dragging him to school. One time,
like the “real” Bob Dylan. As it would turn out, they were half Bobby escaped. The whole school was looking for him. His
Marco Rosaire Rossi right. Bobby would do great things, but naming your kids parents were notified at work, and soon after the police were
Student, United States after icons from the sixties is never hip. called. Later, when his parents came home, they found the
boy in front of the TV reciting lines along with an episode of
Bobby was born in the late 1980s, and like most kids in his Star Trek: The Next Generation. After that his parents
Marco Rosaire Rossi is generation, he was raised by television. It is not that his decided that it wasn’t worth forcing the boy to go to school,
from the United States. parents didn’t love him. They actually loved Bobby very and in the meantime, they would try to wean him off the TV.
When he is not studying much. It is just that his parents, like most people from their
Superman and preparing generation, didn’t plan to have a kid. They didn’t know what Well, the weaning was unsuccessful. Mostly because
his home in case of a to do when poor little Bobby popped out, and sure as hell weaning someone off of anything takes a lot of time, effort,
zombie take over, weren’t ready for him. Plus, they were consumed with their and care, and those are things that Bobby’s parents didn’t
he likes to write own jobs and lives and didn’t have the time to give Bobby have. So Bobby stayed in front of the TV, flipping through
stories, poems, the attention he needed. So, like most parents from their channels and memorizing programs.
and bad jokes. generation, they relied on the cheapest nanny they could
He is a currently find, the old boob-tube, to raise their one and only child. It was in that year, when Bobby was seven, that something
a student at the University else happened - something truly phenomenal. Bobby started
for Peace in Costa Rica, Bobby didn’t mind that his parents didn’t have the time to to read spontaneously as if he had done it from birth. This
but despite this fact raise him and that they left the responsibility to cable. Bobby was unbelievable enough, but Bobby’s case was truly
he still retains had an abnormal affection for television. He watched it remarkable. First, his book of choice was the first book of the
a sense of humor constantly. He flipped through channels endlessly. At the age Dylans’ Encyclopedia Britannica; next, he didn’t stop
and remains hopeful of five, before his formal schooling would begin, he was able watching TV while he read. He placed the large book right
about the future. to recite word for word most reruns from The Care Bears, underneath the family TV and stared at the old delicate
He also like comic books, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Full House. It was quite an pages and the soft glow of the TV screen at the same time.
horror movies, Italian food, accomplishment for a five year-old, but no one really noticed.
and has secret erotic Chronic TV watchers aren’t exactly the most respected His parents first thought Bobby was fooling around like
fantasies about individuals, especially ones under the age of thirteen. seven-year-olds usually do. They were proven wrong when
Noam Chomsky, Bobby gave his parents in-depth information on the subjects
Howard Zinn, Memorizing television programs would be a minor he had read, like aardvarks, aerodynamics, and Aristotle,
and Murray Bookchin. accomplishment compared to Bob’s other achievements. It all along with describing, line by line, what happened in the last
He hopes you enjoy his work. started around the age of seven. That was the year that episode of Full House.

His parents couldn’t believe it. They thought their son was Tumors caused by electro-magnetic waves were actually fairly
some type of child genius, and they were right. It didn’t take common. Bobby already knew that, of course.
long for Bobby to make his way through every single book,
magazine, and newspaper in the house. After that, he started The doctors deduced that Bobby was one of those people
to make frequent trips to the local library by himself. He who were particularly sensitive to electro-magnetic waves,
picked up massive books and devoured them along with old but his reaction was different. Bobby’s tumor was definitely
episodes of Batman. caused by the signals his body received from sitting in front
of the TV all day, but instead of making him dumber, the
By the time he was eight he had read so many books and tumor appeared give him intellectual abilities that were vastly
was knowledgeable in such a wide variety of subjects that outside the realm of anyone his age or the majority of
his parents figured it would be a disservice to send the boy people in the world.
to school. So Bobby was left to his own devices for several “Is he in any danger?” Bobby’s mother asked the doctors.
years. He finished off great works of literature and
“We don’t think so, his brain and the tumor appear to be
philosophy in front of the half-hour to an hour spits of
functioning in a symbiotic relationship, where each one
American pop-culture pulsating through the thin glass screen.
helps and supports the other,” one of the doctors replied.

At age nine-and-half things changed again for Bobby. His “Well what do you recommend we do?” Bobby’s mother
mother, while watching television with him in the living asked.
room, noticed a small bump on the back left-side of Bobby’s “Surgery of course,” The doctors replied.
head. She inquired about it, and Bobby replied that it was “What will surgery do? Will it hurt him?”
nothing. But the bump didn’t go away. It appeared to be
“No, no, no, we’ll open up his skull, remove the tumor, and
cut out a portion of the brain that it has grown into, and
sew him back up. He will be fine,” another one of the
Bobby’s mother started to get worried. She tried dragging
doctors said.
Bobby to the doctors to have a look at it and find out exactly
what it was. He protested against the idea and told her that it “That is really unnecessary. I’m actually quite fine and I
would cut into his television/reading/thinking time. Eventually, think the tumor will continue function in harmony with my
Bobby conceded and went with her. Bobby was not pleased, brain,” Bobby added in, but of course no one listened.
but he was touched by his mom’s concern for him. She had “We need to remove the tumor. That thing has really got
actually taken an interest in his life. He didn’t like being away itself tangled up in his skull. Bobby will probably lose
from TV, but he appreciated his mother’s love. several of his emotions and language capacity, but he
should retain much of his basic motor skills - enough to
The doctors couldn’t tell what caused the bump. It was soft be a fine upright citizen,” one of the doctors said, trying to
but not squishy. Bobby wasn’t in any pain or discomfort and soothe Mrs. Dylan.
that baffled them. After the x-rays, the CAT scan, countless
tests, and examinations by an endless amount of specialists, It didn’t matter though, Bobby’s mother wasn’t going to have
the doctors developed an answer. Apparently the constant the doctors open up her boy’s head. He was perfect the way
exposure to electro-magnetic waves at an early age from the he was, as far as she was concerned, and he didn’t need to
television set had produced a tumor in Bobby’s brain. be a “fine upright citizen.” Bobby was opposed to the idea
too. He and his tumor had grown attached to each other, At first his parents were worried. Who knew what Bobby was
and not just in a literal sense. According to Bobby, the tumor capable of now that he had telekinesis? But, as the years
was developing a character of its own, to such a degree that went by, Bobby and his family lived happily. Certain things
Bobby decided to give it a name. He began calling it Ted remained the same: Bobby’s parent went to work every
Koppel. Not because he necessarily admired the actual Ted weekday and went out with their friends every weekend, and
Koppel. Bobby felt that most new anchor people were boring Bobby spent his days in front of the television reading away
and bit foolish. He just liked the way it sounded when it the entire local library. On the other hand, other things slowly
rolled off your tongue: Ted-Kop-pel. changed. Bobby’s telekinetic powers became stronger over
the years. He was able to not only move small objects, like
Well, Bobby didn’t end up going through with the surgery, pages in books, but heavy furniture. His parents would come
and he and his mother were fine with that. Instead, he home and find their entire house rearranged.
stayed at home and watched TV. He would spend all of his
day and a good portion of his night watching television and Over time, Bobby’s powers were considered normal in the
reading books. His mother would come downstairs to the home and his parents and he spoke little of his ability to
living room late at night and find Bobby still stuck in front of move things with his mind and Ted Koppel; that is, until the
the television with a book. CIA showed up. When Bobby was around fourteen years old,
two CIA agents showed up at the door and asked Bobby’s
“Bob Dylan, what are you still doing up? You need to go mother if they could see her son. She invited them in, talked
to bed,” she would say. to them for a bit, and told them that her son wasn’t home.
“I can’t right now mom, I’m thinking with Ted Koppel,” That was true. He was out going for one of his brief walks.
Bobby replied. She told that she didn’t think they needed to be there. That
was also true. The CIA never needs to be anywhere. She
Eventually Bobby’s mom gave up and let the boy stay up as asked them to leave and not come back. After some
late as he wanted. It wasn’t long before all of Bobby’s suspicious glances and murmurs to each other, one of the
movements were reserved to a few actions. The only things agents said “the eagle’s home is without the egg” into his
that Bobby did were eat, go to the bathroom, exercise, and, collar, and the CIA agents decided to leave.
of course, watch television and read books. His parents
thought it strange that their only son led such a solitary life, When Bobby came home his mother told him what had
especially at such a young age, but he was happy and he happened. He told her he already knew. Bobby had
didn’t seem to be developing any abnormal behaviors - that predicted that CIA agents would be showing up at the door
is, except for his superhuman intelligence and the fact that any day now. He picked up a radio signal from them.
he talked to a tumor in his head. Apparently they had been watching the home for weeks in a
big black van parked a few blocks away. That was why he
Then, a few years later, another strange occurrence decided to go for the walk when he did. He explained to his
happened with Bobby and his tumor Ted Koppel. Bobby mother that the federal government had been using psychics
developed telekinetic powers. He could move things with the to spy on the Russians for years. After the end of the cold
sheer force of his brain. It was as if Bobby had a special war it was reported that Bill Clinton cut the program, but
relationship with everything in his immediate environment some believe it still existed in a more underground form.
and could command small inanimate objects to life. Since the adoption of the PATRIOT ACT the government was
looking into people’s medical and library records to find woke to discover his entire fortune missing. A week later, in
more psychics. They had probably realized that Bobby had what appeared to be a completely unrelated story, various
an abnormal medical history and extremely abnormal library nonprofits in America received large sums of money from an
history. unknown source. Later, his parents heard of trees and
wildlife spontaneous growing in cities throughout the world.
“How do you know all this?” Bobby’s mom asked. Car production had stopped, the machines just wouldn’t
“Ted Koppel told me,” Bobby said. “You know mom, not work, and the ozone, who knows how, started to improve.
the one on the news, the one in my head.” No one could explain this, but the Dylans knew that their
son was behind it. There was no other explanation. Through
From that point on, Bobby and his family lived a fairly routine Bobby’s work the world was becoming a much better place
life. For the next seven years, Bobby mostly stayed in front of to live; people learned to share, war was slowly becoming a
the TV and his parents mostly went to work. But all that thing of the past, and many nation-states tumbled with direct
came to an end, when Bobby made a crucial decision at democracy taking their place.
dinner one evening.
Decades went by before Bobby’s parents received any word
“Mom and Dad” he began, “in all my years of reading from their son. By this time, they were both very old and
great works of literature by great people, I have come to approaching death. One day they found an envelope in the
two important truisms that have been ignored mailbox without a return address. Inside the envelope was
throughout history: that humanity is a power which must this letter:
be activated through thoughtful action, and that
institutions based on violence can never be trusted.”
Dear My Beloved Parents,
With that, Bob Dylan got up, left the dinner table, walked out I know I have not kept in touch with you for several
the door, and was never seen by his parents again. decades, but at the age of 21, I discovered my life passion. I
Years went by without any word from their son and Bobby’s believe that if you were in my position you would have chosen
parents thought that he may be dead, but when they the same course.
watched the news and read the paper they received small I have been doing well, and thanks to your parenting and
hints that their son was still very much alive and very busy. support, I have grown-up to be a fine upright human. Thank
They would read stories about police unable to break-up you with all my love.
protests because their pepper-spray, rubber bullets, and Ted would also like to thank you. He has grown so large
clubs would fly out of their hands and end up in some lake, over the years that he has actually ended up growing his own
towns away; or hear stories about bombs dropped by planes tumor named {Xui#iuX}. Ted told me he named his tumor that
traveling upward toward the sun instead of onto some poor because he liked the way it looks on paper. All three of us
third-world nation. It was their belief that their son, single- have been engaging in a very interesting conversation on how
handedly, stopped a small atomic bomb from being dropped traveling faster than the speed light (thus creating a time
on Iraq through a sudden two week shut-down of all vision tunnel of past events) may be possible in the next
military technology in the world. That was not all. Strange 253-326 years, and how this will enhance our understanding
stories of sudden redistribution of wealth would occur. It was of the relationship of preliterate societies to recent
on the front page of every paper in America when Bill Gates democratization movements.
Other than that, I do not have much more to say. I just
want you to know that I love you both and that my thoughts
are with you, and please go somewhere you love tomorrow
and enjoy it.

Your son,
Bob Dylan

The next day both of Bobby’s parents went to the beach.

While lying on the sand, at the same time, they both had a
heart attack and died. Their final thoughts were that though
they had led fairly uneventful lives, they could be proud that
they had a profound impact on their son, Bob Dylan - who
was able to change the entire world by thinking with Ted


No matter who we are, we are all born with certain gifts - some are more phenomenal
than others. With this in mind, there are only really two questions in life: what is each
individual’s particular gift, and how can that person best use that gift? The first question
we can only answer on our own, but for the latter question we need others, a
community of people, to help us answer. In the end, after all our searching, I believe that
each of us will come to the same conclusion: by giving to others we give to ourselves, by
seeing ourselves as part of a community (and eventually, by seeing ourselves as part of
humanity) we realize the best in ourselves and maximize our fullest potential by doing
good for others. That is the lesson to be learned from the story I wrote. The gifted
character could have used his unique abilities to conquer the world, but instead he used
them to overcome those who have conquered the world. His intelligence was granted by
nature, but his sense of compassion was something that was developed by the people
around him - specifically his parents; which means, in a way, that they are the real
heroes of the story. What their actions show is that if we really want to form ourselves as
individuals, then the best way to do so is to form the community around us. Parents give
to children, and children give to the world.

Me asomo a tus ojos y te conozco. los susurros de las hojas,

I look into your eyes and I know you. the whispers of the leaves,

Me recuerdas al viento en mi cara, el silencio de los pájaros.

Oscar Morera H. You remind me of the wind in my face, the silence of the birds.
Acting Head of Information
Technologies at UPEACE, al sol en mi espalda, al frío en mis pies. De tus sombras, levanto inventarios de recuerdos.
Costa Rica
the sun on my back, the cold on my feet. From your shadow, I collect an inventory of
Oscar was born En tus pasos, reconozco el retumbo
Analizando los detalles que te alejan,
in February 1970,
In your steps, I recognize the sound
in a family concerned
Analyzing the details that take you further away,
about social change. del andar milenario de las tribus.
This helped him to look disecando los rincones que te acercan
at all of our differences of the one thousand-year-old march of the tribes.
in the world, Dissecting the corners that bring you closer
the good En tus manos descubro las rutas
and the not-so-good. Desafiando convenciones.
In your hands I discover the paths
Through his journey,
Challenging conventions.
Oscar arrived to UPEACE
de ancestrales navegantes en el cielo.
in 2004, Ignorando las distancias.
getting the chance to live of the ancient navigators in the sky.
one of his childhood dreams Ignoring distances.
and work with others En tu piel adivino el olor
to make this world a better Aceptando diferencias.
place. In your skin I discover the scent
And now,
Accepting differences.
de los bosques, los desiertos y los mares.
he has learned more
Me asomo a tus ojos y te conozco
about differences, of the forests, the deserts, and the seas.
which he can safely I look into your eyes and I know you.
declare to be mostly good. Los destellos de tormentas,

The intensity of storms,

I remember distinctly a certain frigid Montreal winter day, awareness; having moved to the big city, far from friends,
one of those cloudless frozen afternoons of piercing blue family, and familiar, communities became newly apparent -
and heavy breath. An eclectic candlelit bohemian café the ones I had left behind, and those remaining to be built
became cozy refuge, populated by thawing people grasping around me.
mugs and bowls of steaming warmth, their skin tinted red
and their spirits awakened by the cold. It was over a bowl of Through my travels and experiences, I have lived and
Jessica Moe hot pea soup and conversation bubbling with ideas and observed many permutations of community, simultaneously
inspiration that I met V. Her whole being exuded kindness, distinct and similar in a striking way. Community is a group
generosity, and youthful exuberance - the light cotton scarf of transient farmers converging upon a secluded farm,
wrapped loosely around her neck, hair pulled into a tousled bound by the common soil beneath work-worn nails. It is
bun, eyes that would twinkle and swell with unbridled winter bikers on an ice-glazed street, knowingly saluting one
excitement. another as they pedal head-on into freezing sleet. It is a
gaggle of pregnant women, silently waiting their turn in the
V was an architect by trade, but rather than physical overcrowded maternity ward of a run-down hospital, held
structures, life had spun for her a path of building together by their fear of the unknown, their trepidation of
communities. She was an artist; her canvas a space, a that terrifying, terrible, uncertain joy in store. It is travelers,
possibility, her materials the people she drew with ease hailing from all corners of the globe, uniting to marvel at the
around her. Over the years, I came to know V as a dear expansiveness of the stars. It is the tacit understanding
friend and mentor. I became woven into the spaces she between surfers as they paddle, in almost reverential
crafted as she became threaded into my own experience. conversation with the ocean, out into open waters; they
She poured her heart into an organization that brought throw themselves at the mercy of breaking waves then stop
together volunteers and neighborhoods, children, adults and to peacefully watch a glorious sunset, bound together by
elderly, musicians, students, artists and businessmen. their wonder. As much as community is unification, it is
Diverse strands were held by a common goal - the physical separation. It is walls, gates, and barbed wire, of many
and holistic nourishment of the community. Strangers manifestations, both physical and metaphorical; that visceral
became friends, brought together in their shared fear of the other that pushes us to shrink towards the
stewardship of a receptive and inviting common space. They familiar and erect barriers to keep out the foreign. It is
often opened to one another over the warmth of baked antagonism, opposition, and differences. Community rises
goods or the sharing of songs, jokes, stories or ideas. and falls, ebbs and flows, appears then evanesces; it is built,
destroyed, and fades with time.
It was from V that I first came to see community as an entity
to be crafted with care; in fact, it was the first time I was Community is unmistakably felt, but difficult to define. What
inspired to ponder the notion of community at all. To me, is the invisible and potent force that binds people together
community had always been a given, the inconspicuous and apart? Solidarity, empathy, common experience, fear?
backdrop of a changing drama. V awoke in me a new At its basis, community implies something communal,

something shared. It is this sharing that highlights a thread of
commonality through our spectacular differences. These
commonalities reflect both our potential and our frailties, for
just as community may arise organically or as a
manifestation of creative energy, it may be a coagulation, a
pulling away of the elements of a whole into themselves, of
people cowering inwards in the face of difference or

What is undeniable, however, is the constructive possibility

evoked by the idea of community. This is what V taught me
over the many cups of tea that we shared: community as a
structure within which people may be brought together.
While we may live on different streets or distant continents,
while we may worry or find joy in the diverging
circumstances of our mosaic lives, while we may enjoy our
toast buttered or plain or not eat toast at all, we are bound
together in the enjoyment of others’ company, the sharing of
a cozy space, the warming of our bellies, our fear of the
unknown, or the common appreciation of a marvel.

This is the wonder of the phenomenon of community: that

shared humanity can shine through diversity, that people
brought together can create an entity somehow beyond the
sum of its parts. It is our common joy, pride, respect, fear or
awe with the sun and the stars that allows us to find a
deeper understanding of our collective selves, and it is in
reflecting carefully on this process that we may become
aware of our creative potential.


To one who has lived in seven nations across four continents music, their dance, their poetry, their faith, and their soul - all
in nearly 30 years, a global nomad, the notion of community are similar and all are ours. A spirit of solidarity arises.
is a vast, open terrain. Beyond language, belief, ethnicity, or
borders lies the most basic community: the simple core of Respect and care mustn’t be reserved for our own nationals.
the terrestrial nuclear family; the community of human They must be shared generously amongst the whole family,
beings. and wherever I may go, they may ask me, “Where are you
Karim El Mantawi from?” And I shall reply, “I am from here.”
Student, Egypt Respecting and caring for the community of life, a
community that encompasses our maternal home with all of
her natural beings, must begin with respect and care for
Karim El Mantawi is a
one’s own species. Our species transcends borders, and if
Master of Arts candidate
we look far enough, in the expanse of our settled horizons,
at the University for Peace,
we will find the most miniscule of communities: that of
studying Media, Peace
humankind. These humans, my family, are the community to
and Conflict studies.
which I belong, with which I identify, and from whom I draw
His research focuses
my strength. My nation is humanity, my respect reserved for
on media literacy for
equal distribution, and my care is for the common good.
international high schools,
and his passion lies
Our small community, fragmented and interdependent, with
in empowering youth
its great potential, mustn’t lose sight of the simple core. It
to participate in media
mustn’t be engrossed in identity and pride, nationalism,
production as a means
patriotism, and other ‘-isms’. Instead, our fundamental traits
to bring about social
must be celebrated. Culture and arts must be nourished,
celebrated, and exported. Through familiarity with our global
extended family, we deter dehumanization of the other. Their

Pagina en blanco

This project could not have been possible without the Oscar Morera, for so generously helping us with the title
incredible energy of many generous people. You have no page, for his creativity and care;
idea how much you have inspired us!
Federico Chialvo, for sharing with us his beautiful artwork
We would especially like to thank: and thoughtful ideas;

Dominic Stucker, for sharing with us so many insights and Mauricio Mireles, for sharing with us his striking photographs,
ideas, for his many hours of help in planning and and for his insightfulness and calming and playful presence;
proofreading, or his unending generosity, wisdom, and
support, and for feeding our souls every day with his caring Anna Duhon, for her thoughtful contemplation, ideas, and
spirit; advice;

Karim El Mantawi, for so diligently tracking down our authors Alicia Jimenez for her kindness and patience in always
to take biography photos, for always being ready with helpful lending a hand;
advice, for his unending enthusiasm, and for his energizing
smile; And of course, all of the individuals who contributed their
stories, poems, essays, photos, thoughts, ideas, and excite-
Amr Abdalla, for his generous support and participation in ment to this collection: your voices have made this creation
our project, for his unending dedication to the UPEACE the beauty that it is.
community, for his ideas, encouragement, humor, and full-
Many sincere thanks!
bodied laughter;

Mirian Vilela, for so enthusiastically giving us the full support

of the Earth Charter, for her warm and caring nature, for the
inspiration of her smile, and for being a role-model of heart
and dedication;

Photographer and Artists
Paul Klassen
Student, Canada
Photographers for Section Title Pages

Paul Klassen is a candidate for an M.A. in

- Connectedness Paul Klassen Peace Education from the University for
Peace in Costa Rica. He has taught
- Walls and Borders Tina Maria Saeteraas Stoum Internationally for ten years and will be
returning to Canada to teach at
- Rituals Mauricio Mireles Shawnigan Lake School on
Vancouver Island.
- The Earth, Our Home Adria Scharmen He is also an avid surfer.

- Community in Action Mauricio Mireles

- Musings Mauricio Mireles

Mónica Acuña
Student, Costa Rica

Mónica Acuña holds a Master Degree

in Polluting Processes and Defence of
the Environment from the Polytechnic
University of Madrid, Spain. Currently,
she is a Master’s Candidate at
UPEACE in the Natural Resources
and Peace-Building Program. Her
thesis will explore “Protected Areas and
Poverty Reduction in Mesoamerica.” Monica’s main areas of interest
are the relationship and impacts of urban issues on the
environment, natural resources, and environmental and human
security, especially in fast-growing Latin American cities. She is also
interested in the adaptation to climate change in Latin America and
in other developing countries. Monica has traveled to several
countries in North America, Latin America and Europe.

Tina Maria Saeteraas Stoum Adria Scharmen
Student, Norway Student, Mexico

Tina Maria believes there is nothing

new under the sun (nihil novi sub

Aimee Gaines
Student, United States

Mauricio Mireles Aimee Gaines grew up in rural Ohio,

Student, Mexico USA; a barefoot childhood spent mostly
exploring forests and creek beds. Since
those times, she has pursued an
undergraduate degree in natural and
environmental science and has
expanded her stomping grounds to
include Haiti, where she lived for
over two years as a Peace Corps volunteer,
and Hawaii, where she worked for two years as a grassroots
organizer for various environmental NGOs. She is currently working
Takako Ueda toward a master’s degree in Natural Resources and Peace at the
Student, Japan University for Peace in Costa Rica.
Takako Ueda was born in Ibaraki,
Japan. She graduated with a B.A. in
Keiko Sasaki
Sociology and an M.A. in Area studies
Student, Japan
(European Studies) in Japan, and
studied International Relations in
Keiko Sasaki studies in the International
England as an exchange student.
Peace Studies Dual Campus program
Takako worked in Miloradz and at the University for Peace in both
Lodz, Poland for 2 years with the Japan Costa Rica and the Philippines. Before
Overseas Cooperative Volunteers (JOCV) of the Japan she joined the University, she worked
International Cooperation Agency (JICA). She is currently a student with foreign children struggling to
of the University for Peace Dual-Campus M.A. in International Peace integrate into Japanese society. She
Studies. is interested in the rights of ethnic,
linguistic, sexual, disabled, and other minority groups.
She loves coffee, chocolate, movies, music, and cats!

Dominic Stucker Israa Hamad
Earth Charter International Youth Student, Sudan
Coordinator, United States

Kosana Beker Nicole Pion

Student, Serbia Student, United States

Kosana is a lawyer, and is studying in Nicole Pion is from Massachusetts,

the Gender and Peace Building U.S.A. Prior to coming to UPEACE, she
program at UPEACE. All of her photos worked at Physicians for Human
were taken in 2007 in Serbia. Rights on their Health Action AIDS

Federico Chialvo
UPEACE Intern, Argentina/United Lisa Jokivirta
States Earth Charter Intern, Canada/Finland

Federico is interning at UPEACE with

Peace Education. He believes that one
can only change the world by
changing oneself. He loves to jiggle
the pattern, i.e. create.

Julio Silva
Student, Brazil

Born in Salvador, Brazil in 1983, Julio

Silva is currently undertaking an M.A. in
International Law and Human Rights
at the UN-mandated University for
Peace, after serving as an
international technical advisor for
the Presidency of his country. He
holds a B.A. in International Relations from the
University of Brasilia, and is fluent in Portuguese, English, Spanish,
and has working skills in French. Julio’s experience at UPEACE is
one of his major steps in the pursuit of a career as an international
lawyer. In 2008, he plans to advance further along his career path
by attending law school to become a solicitor in the United

Pagina en blanco
“The Earth Charter Initiative” is the collective name for the extraordinarily diverse, global network of people, organizations,
and institutions that participate in promoting and implementing the values and principles of the Earth Charter. The Initiative is
a broad-based, voluntary, civil society effort. Participants include leading international institutions, national governments and
their agencies, university associations, non-government organizations and community-based groups, city governments, faith
groups, schools and businesses — as well as thousands of individuals.

The mission of the Earth Charter Initiative is to help establish a sound ethical foundation for the emerging global society and
to promote the transition to a sustainable way of life founded on: respect and care for the community of life; ecological
integrity; universal human rights; respect for diversity; economic justice; democracy; and a culture of peace. For more
information about the Earth Charter, please visit

The mission of the University for Peace is to provide humanity with an international institution of higher education for peace
with the aim of promoting among human beings a spirit of understanding, tolerance and peaceful coexistence, to stimulate
cooperation among peoples and to help lessen obstacles and threats to world peace and progress, in keeping with the noble
aspirations proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations.
United Nations General Assembly resolution 35/55

Plan Netherlands, part of Plan International, provides generous financial support to Earth Charter International. Plan’s vision
is to live in a world in which all children realize their potential in societies which respect people’s rights and dignity. Plan’s
mission is to achieve lasting improvements in the quality of life of deprived children in developing countries, through a
process that unites people across cultures and adds meaning and value to their lives, by enabling deprived children, their
families and their communities to meet their basic needs and to increase their ability to participate in and benefit from their
societies; building relationships to increase understanding and unity among peoples of different cultures and countries; and
promoting the rights and interests of the world’s children. To learn more about Plan Netherlands, please visit
University for Peace
P.O. Box 138-6100 San Jose, Costa RIca
Phone (505) 2205 9000
Fax (506) 2249 1324
Email: [email protected]

Earth Charter International Secretariat Plan Netherlands

P.O. Box 138-6100 San Jose, Costa RIca Van Boshuizenstraat 12
Phone (505) 2205 9060 Amsterdam
Fax (506) 2249 1929 Netherlands
Email: [email protected] Phone +31 (0) 20 5495555 Fax +31 (0) 20 6444055
Email: [email protected]

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