Annex 2 List of Resolutions Adopted by The SOLAS Conferences

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Annex2: List of resolutions

Annex 2
List of resolutions
adoptedby the SOLAS Conferences
International Conference on Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (October1974)
Resolution 1 - Comprehensiverevision of the InternationalConvention for the Safetyof Life at
Resolution 2 - Rapid amendment procedure and entry into force of the International
Convention for the Safetyof Life atSea,1.974
Resolution 3 - Voting rights in the Maritime SaGryCommittee for the adoption ofamendments
Resolution 4 - Recommendationsof the 1960 SafetyConGrence and resolutionsof the
Assembly of the Organrzation related to regulations of the International Convention for the Safety
of Life at Sea,1.974
Resolution 5 - Recommendationson the use of a systemof units in the International
Convention for the SaGryof Life at Sea,1.974
Conference of Contracting Governments to the International Convention for the Safety of
Life at Sea,7974 (May 1994)
Resolution 1 - Adoption of amendmentsto the annex to the International Convention for the
Safecyof Life at Sea, 1.974
Resolution 2 - Implementation of chapterIX of the 1974 SOLAS Convention on management
for the safeoperation of ships
Resolution 3 - Implementation of the International Safety Management (ISM) Code for cargo
ships of lessthan 500 grosstonnage
Resolution 4 - Acceleratedtacit acceptanceprocedure under the 1,974SOLAS Convention in
Resolution 5 - Future amendmentsto chapter XI of the 1,974SOLAS Convention on special
measuresto enhance maritime safety
Conference of Contracting Governments to the International Convention for the Safety of
Life at Sea, 1974 (Nouember1995)
Resolution 1 - Adoption of amendmentsto the annex to the International Convention for the
Saferyof Life at Sea, 7974
Resolution 2 - Ftre-extinguishing arrangementsin machinery spacesof passengerships
Resoiution 3 - Escapearrangementsin ships constructedbefore l July 1997
Resoiution 4 - Maximum evacuation time for new ro-ro passengerships
Resolution 5 - Amendments to chapter III of the 1.974SOLAS Convention
Resolution 6 - Low-powered radio homing devices for liferafts on ro-ro passengerships
Resolution 7 - Development of requirements,guidelinesand performancestandards
obligationsand procedures
Resolution 8 - Distressmessages:
Resolution 9 - Automatic ship identification transponder/transceiver
Resolution 10 - Establishmentof working languageson ships
Resolution 11 - Operational limitations on passengerships
Resolution 1,2 - Yoyase data recorders
Resolution 13 - Cargo securingequipment
Resolution 14 - Regional agreementson specificstabilityrequirementsfor ro-ro passengerships


Conference of Contracting Governments to the International Convention for the Safety of
Life at Sea, 1974 (Nouember1997)
Resolution 1 - Adoption of amendments to the annex to the International Convention for the
Safetyof Life at Sea,1,974
Resolution 2 - Adoption of amendments to the Guidelines on th3 enhanced programme of
inspectionsduring surveysof bulk carriersand oil tankers (resolution A.744(19))
Resolution 3 - Recommendation on compliancewith SOLAS regulation XII/5
Resolution 4 - Standardsfor the evaluation of scantlingsof the transversewatertight vertically
corrugated bulkhead between the rwo foremost cargo holds and for the evaluation of allowable
hold loading of the foremost cargo hold
Resolution 5 - Recommendation on loading instruments
Resolution 6 - Interpretation of the definition of "bulk canier", as given in chapter IX of
SOLAS 1974, as amendedin 1994
Resolution 7 - Enhanced surveys carried out prior to entry into force of the amendments
Resolution 8
Further work on the safetyof bulk carriers
Resolution 9
Implementation of the International SafetyManagement (ISM) Code
Conference of Contracting Governments to the International Convention for the Safety of
Life at Sea,1974 (December
Resolution 1 Adoption of amendments to the Annex to the International Convention for the
Saferyof Life at Sea, 1.974
Resolution 2 - Adoption of the International Code for the Security of Ships and of Port Facilities
Resolution 3 - Further work by the International Maritime Organization pertaining to the
enhancement of maritime security
Resolution 4 -Future amendmentsto chaptersXI-1 andXI-2 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention
on specialmeasuresto enhance maritime safetyand security
Resolution 5 - Promotion of technical co-operation and assistance
Resolution 6 - Early implementation of the specialmeasuresto enhance maritime security
Resolution 7 - Establishryegtof appropriatemeasures_to
enhancethe security of ships,port
faciiities. moblle
mobile oilsnore
of!3hore clnllmg
unrts on locatl
location and fixed and floating platforms nofcovered by
chapter XI-2 of rhe 1974 SOLAS Convention

Resolution 8 - Enhancement of security in co-operation with the International Labour

Resolution 9 - Enhancementof securiryin co-operation with the'World Customs Organization
Resolution 10 - Early implementation of long-range ship's identification and tracking
Resolution 11 - Human-element-relatedaspectsand shore leave for seafarers


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