Streptococcus Pyogenes and Streptococcal Disease (Page 1) : © Kenneth Todar, PHD
Streptococcus Pyogenes and Streptococcal Disease (Page 1) : © Kenneth Todar, PHD
Streptococcus Pyogenes and Streptococcal Disease (Page 1) : © Kenneth Todar, PHD
Acute Streptococcus pyogenes infections may present as pharyngitis (strep throat), scarlet
fever (rash), impetigo (infection of the superficial layers of the skin) or cellulitis (infection of the
deep layers of the skin). Invasive, toxigenic infections can result in necrotizing
fasciitis, myositis and streptococcal toxic shock syndrome. Patients may also develop
immune-mediated post-streptococcal sequelae, such as acute rheumatic fever and
acuteglomerulonephritis, following acute infections caused by Streptococcus pyogenes.
Streptococcus pyogenes produces a wide array of virulence factors and a very large number of
diseases. Virulence factors of Group A streptococci include: (1) M protein, fibronectin-binding
protein (Protein F) and lipoteichoic acid for adherence; (2) hyaluronic acid capsule as an
immunological disguise and to inhibit phagocytosis; M-protein to inhibit phagocytosis
(3) invasins such asstreptokinase, streptodornase (DNase B), hyaluronidase,
and streptolysins; (4) exotoxins, such as pyrogenic (erythrogenic) toxin which causes the
rash ofscarlet fever and systemic toxic shock syndrome.
Classification of Streptococci
Hemolysis on blood agar
The type of hemolytic reaction displayed on blood agar has long been used to classify the
streptococci. Beta -hemolysis is associated with complete lysis of red cells surrounding the
colony, whereas alpha-hemolysis is a partial or "green" hemolysis associated with reduction of
red cell hemoglobin. Nonhemolytic colonies have been termed gamma-hemolytic. Hemolysis is
affected by the species and age of red cells, as well as by other properties of the base
medium. Group A streptococci are nearly always beta-hemolytic; related Group B can
manifest alpha, beta or gamma hemolysis. Most strains of S. pneumoniae are alpha-hemolytic but
can cause -hemolysis during anaerobic incubation. Most of the oral streptococci and enterococci
are non hemolytic. The property of hemolysis is not very reliable for the absolute identification of
streptococci, but it is widely used in rapid screens for identification of S. pyogenes and S.
Antigenic types
The cell surface structure of Group A streptococci is among the most studied of any bacteria
(Figure 2). The cell wall is composed of repeating units of N-acetylglucosamine and Nacetylmuramic acid, the standard peptidoglycan. Historically, the definitive identification of
streptococci has rested on the serologic reactivity of "cell wall" polysaccharide antigens as
originally described by Rebecca Lancefield. Eighteen group-specific antigens (Lancefield
groups) were established. The Group A polysaccharide is a polymer of N-acetylglucosamine and
rhamnose. Some group antigens are shared by more than one species. This polysaccharide is also
called the C substance or group carbohydrate antigen.
antigens and to go unrecognized as antigenic by its host. The Hyaluronic acid capsule also
prevents opsonized phagocytosis by neutrophils or mancrophages.
Colonization of tissues by S. pyogenes is thought to result from a failure in the constitutive
defenses (normal flora and other nonspecific defense mechanisms) which allows establishment of
the bacterium at a portal of entry (often the upper respiratory tract or the skin) where the
organism multiplies and causes an inflammatory purulent lesion.
It is now realized that S. pyogenes (like many other bacterial pathogens) produces multiple
adhesins with varied specificities. There is evidence thatStreptococcus
pyogenes utilizes lipoteichoic acids (LTA), M protein, and multiple fibronectin-binding
proteins in its repertoire of adhesins. LTA is anchored to proteins on the bacterial surface,
including the M protein. Both the M proteins and lipoteichoic acid are supported externally to the
cell wall on fimbriae and appear to mediate bacterial adherence to host epithelial cells. The
fibronectin-binding protein, Protein F, has also been shown to mediate streptococcal adherence to
the amino terminus of fibronectin on mucosal surfaces.
Identification of Streptococcuspyogenes adhesins has long been a subject of conflict and debate.
Most of the debate was between proponents of the LTA model and those of the M protein model. In
1972, Gibbons and his colleagues proposed that attachment of streptococci to the oral mucosa of
mice is dependent on M protein. However, Olfek and Beachey argued that lipoteichoic acid (LTA),
rather than M protein, was responsible for streptococcal adherence to buccal epithelial cells. In
1996, Hasty and Courtney proposed a two-step model of attachment that involved both M protein
and teichoic acids. They suggested that LTA loosely tethers streptococci to epithelial cells, and then
M protein and/or other fibronectin (Fn)-binding proteins secure a firmer, irreversible association.
The first streptococcal fibronectin-binding protein (Sfb) was demonstrated in 1992. Shortly
thereafter, protein F was discovered. Most recently (1998), the M1 and M3 proteins were shown to
bind fibronectin.
Extracellular products: invasins and exotoxins
Colonization of the upper respiratory tract and acute pharyngitis may spread to other portions of
the upper or lower respiratory tracts resulting in infections of the middle ear (otitis media), sinuses
(sinusitis), or lungs (pneumonia). In addition, meningitis can occur by direct extension of infection
from the middle ear or sinuses to the meninges or by way of bloodstream invasion from the
pulmonary focus. Bacteremia can also result in infection of bones (osteomyelitis) or joints
(arthritis). During these aspects of acute disease the streptococci bring into play a variety of
secretory proteins that mediate their invasion.
For the most part, streptococcal invasins and protein toxins interact with mammalian blood and
tissue components in ways that kill host cells and provoke a damaging inflammatory response. The
soluble extracellular growth products and toxins of Streptococcus pyogenes (see Figure 2, above),
have been studied intensely. Streptolysin S is an oxygen-stable leukocidin; Streptolysin O is an
oxygen-labile leukocidin. NADase is also leukotoxic. Hyaluronidase (the original "spreading
factor") can digest host connective tissue hyaluronic acid, as well as the organism's own
capsule. Streptokinases participate in fibrin lysis.Streptodornases A-D possess
deoxyribonuclease activity; Streptodornases B and D possess ribonuclease activity as
well. Protease activity similar to that inStaphylococcus aureus has been shown in strains causing
soft tissue necrosis or toxic shock syndrome. This large repertoire of products is important in the
pathogenesis of S. pyogenes infections. Even so, antibodies to these products are relatively
insignificant in protection of the host.
The streptococcal invasins act in a variety of ways summarized in Table 1 at the end of this article.
Streptococcal invasins lyse eukaryotic cells, including red blood cells and phagocytes; they lyse
other host macromolecules, including enzymes and informational molecules; they allow the
bacteria to spread among tissues by dissolving host fibrin and intercellular ground substances.
Pyrogenic Exotoxins
Three streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxins (SPE), formerly known asErythrogenic toxin, are
recognized: types A, B, C. These toxins act assuperantigens by a mechanism similar to those
described for staphylococci. As antigens, they do not requiring processing by antigen presenting
cells. Rather, they stimulate T cells by binding class II MHC molecules directly and nonspecifically.
With superantigens about 20% of T cells may be stimulated (vs 1/10,000 T cells stimulated by
conventional antigens) resulting in massive detrimental cytokine release. SPE A and SPE C are
encoded by lysogenic phages; the gene for SPE B is located on the bacterial chromosome.
The erythrogenic toxin is so-named for its association with scarlet fever which occurs when the
toxin is disseminated in the blood. Re-emergence in the late 1980's of exotoxin-producing strains
of S. pyogenes has been associated with atoxic shock-like syndrome similar in pathogenesis
and manifestation to staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome, and with other forms of invasive
disease associated with severe tissue destruction. The latter condition is termednecrotizing
fasciitis. Outbreaks of sepsis, toxic shock and necrotizing fasciitis have been reported at
increasing frequency. The destructive nature of wound infections prompted the popular press to
refer to S. pyogenes as "flesh-eating bacteria" and "skin-eating streptococci". The increase in
invasive streptococcal disease was associated with emergence of a highly virulent serotype M1
which is disseminated world-wide. The M1 strain produces the erythrogenic toxin (Spe A), thought
to be responsible for toxic shock, and the enzyme cysteine protease which is involved in tissue
destruction. Because clusters of toxic shock were also associated with other serotypes, particularly
M3 strains, it is believed that unidentified host factors may also have played an important role in
the resurgence of these dangerous infections.
killed after engulfment by phagocytes. The streptococcal defense must be one to stay out of
In immune individuals, IgG antibodies reactive with M protein promote phagocytosis which results
in killing of the organism. This is the major mechanism by which AMI is able to terminate Group A
streptococcal infections.M protein vaccines are a major candidate for use against rheumatic
fever, but certain M protein types cross-react antigenically with the heart and themselves may be
responsible for rheumatic carditis. This risk of autoimmunity has prevented the use of Group A
streptococcal vaccines. However, since the cross-reactive epitopes of the M-protein are now
known, it appears that limited anti-streptococcal vaccines are on the horizon.
Impetigo involves the infection of epidermal layers of skin. Pre-pubertal children are the most
susceptible. Cellulitis occurs when the infection spreads subcutaneous tissues. Erysipelas is the
infection of the dermis. About 5% of patients will develop more disseminated disease. Necrotizing
fasciitis involves infection of the fascia and may proceed rapidly to underlying muscle.
Scarlet fever is caused by production of erythrogenic toxin by a few strains of the organism.
Toxic shock is caused by a few strains that produce a toxic shock-like toxin.
Non-suppurative Sequelae
Some of the antibodies produced during the above infections cross-react with certain host tissues.
These can indirectly damage host tissues, even after the organisms have beencleared, and cause
non suppurative complications.
Rheumatic fever. M protein cross reacts with sarcolemma. Antibodies cross-react with heart tissue,
fix complement, and cause damage.
Glomerulonephritis. Antigen-antibody complexes may be deposited in kidney, fix complement, and
damage glomeruli. Only a few M-types are nephritogenic.
Critical point dried whole group A streptococci (Streptococcus pyogenes) viewed directly
by transmission electron microscopy (TEM 6,500X). Chains of streptococci are clearly
evident. To remove cell surface proteins, cells were treated with trypsin prior to
preparation and mounting. Strain: D471; M-type 6. Electron micrograph
of Streptococcus pyogenes by Maria Fazio and Vincent A. Fischetti, Ph.D. with
permission. The Laboratory of Bacterial Pathogenesis and Immunology, Rockefeller
Negative staining of group A streptococci viewed by TEM 28,000X. The "halo" around the
chain of cells (approximately equal in thickness to the cell diameter) is the remnants of
the capsule that may be found surrounding the exterior of certain strains of group A
streptococci. The septa between pairs of dividing cells may also be seen. Electron
micrograph of Streptococcus pyogenes by Maria Fazio and Vincent A. Fischetti, Ph.D.
with permission. The Laboratory of Bacterial Pathogenesis and Immunology, Rockefeller