2006 NAHJ Network Brownout Report

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Network Brownout Report 2006


Table of Contents
About the Authors ............................................................................................................2
Executive Summary............................................................................................................4
Introduction ......................................................................................................................6
Part I. Quantitative Assessments ...............................................................................7
Overall Number of Stories...............................................................................7
Topics Covered ...............................................................................................8
Time Devoted to Latino Stories .......................................................................9
Story Length .................................................................................................10
Latino Anchors and Reporters.......................................................................10
Number of Sources and Viewpoint Balance ..................................................11
Latino Presence in Stories .............................................................................12
Unidentifiable Latinos ...................................................................................13
Locations ......................................................................................................13
Part II. Qualitative Analysis of Latino Stories.............................................................14
Part III. Other Representations of Latinos in the News...............................................17
Part IV. Comparison with Two Sample Weeks of News Coverage..............................17
Conclusion ......................................................................................................................19
End Notes........................................................................................................................23

About the Authors

Daniela Montalvo was the lead researcher affairs from the George Washington
and author for this year’s Network Brownout University in Washington D.C.
Report. Montalvo is the communication and
research coordinator for NAHJ. She received Joseph Torres is NAHJ’s deputy director of
her master’s degree in media and public communication and media policy.

The authors and the NAHJ would like to Subervi was the lead researcher and author
extend a special note of gratitude to Diane of this report in 2003 and 2004, and he
Alverio, former NAHJ president, and Rod introduced much of the methodology that
Carveth who established the report's we continue to use in this year’s report.
baseline. This study builds on the work they
conducted dating back to 1996. We extend Finally, we would like to thank Bethsaida
our thanks to the Project for Excellence in George and Lisa Goodnight who both
Journalism for providing us with a copy of assisted with the coding of data.
their code guide on the balance of views and
sources variables adopted for this study. Funding for this report was made available
by the National Association of Hispanic
We would also like to thank Dr. Federico Journalists. For more information, please
Subervi, a professor at the School of contact: NAHJ, 529 14th St., NW, Suite
Journalism and Mass Communication at 1000, Washington, DC, 20045-2001. (202)
Texas State University-San Marcos. Dr. 662-7145, www.nahj.org.


The National Association of Hispanic Journalists has been studying coverage of Latinos on the
network evening news for the past 11 years in an effort to provide the public with a greater
understanding of how Latinos are portrayed.

We also conduct this study because the network evening news continues to play a major role
in setting the national news agenda. We hope each year that network coverage of issues
affecting Latinos will improve; however, we remain baffled when the results are otherwise.

Despite the growing influence and presence of the nation’s Latino community, stories about
Latinos remain woefully absent on the network news. Occasionally, as was the case this year,
we see some signs of improvement. Nonetheless, when a story about Latinos periodically
makes it on the air, the coverage is often stereotypical.

Although the U.S. Latino community has grown significantly since the inception of this report,
the amount of coverage devoted to Latinos does not reflect this reality. We believe the lack of
Latino journalists and managers working at the networks is the primary reason for dismal
coverage of the Latino community.

Poor coverage of communities of color has real consequences for our society. We call on the
networks to cover our community fairly because it is a question of journalistic credibility. And
we believe the credibility of the news media will remain in question as long as the issue of fair
coverage of communities of color is not addressed.

Until then, NAHJ will continue to call on the networks and the U.S. news media to improve the
representation of Latinos not only in their news coverage, but also in their newsrooms.

Rafael Olmeda
President, NAHJ

Manny De La Rosa
Vice President-Broadcast, NAHJ


Executive Summary
This year’s report examines news stories topic compared with 34.7 percent of
about Latinos and Latino issues that aired in stories in 2004.
2005 on ABC World News Tonight, CBS
Evening News, and NBC Nightly News. • One negative trend: a sharp increase in
crime coverage with 18.1 percent of
As in prior studies, Latino-related stories stories devoted to this topic in 2005
were identified by searching Vanderbilt compared with 7.8 percent in 2004.
University’s Television News Archive. Other
networks, such as Fox and MSNBC, are not • A significant portion of Latino stories
fully archived by the university and thus are continued to lack a diversity of opinion.
not included. Also, for 2005, CNN was not Of 105 stories, one third (33.3 percent)
examined due to the cancellation of did not cite a single source. Of the stories
NewsNight with Aaron Brown. using sources, one third (33.3 percent)
presented mostly one perspective.
The 2005 report contains quantitative and
qualitative assessments of news stories about • Latinos continued to be nearly absent
Latinos. NAHJ also performed a content from non-Latino related stories. Out of an
analysis of news coverage that aired during estimated 12,495 non-Latino stories aired
the weeks of May 23-27, 2005 and by the networks in 2005, Latinos
December 5-9, 2005 to study the portrayal appeared as quoted sources in only 217
of Latinos during two typical weeks of news stories (1.7 percent), the same percentage
coverage. as in 2004.

• The networks dedicated more time to

The quantitative analysis of the Latino stories. Stories that lasted less than
2005 network news showed: 30 seconds decreased to 24.8 percent of
stories in 2005 from 33 percent in 2004.
• Out of an estimated 12,600 stories aired
And, stories that lasted between two and
by ABC, CBS and NBC, only 105, or 0.83
three minutes comprised half of the
percent, were found to be exclusively
stories (50.5 percent) in 2005 compared
about Latinos or Latino-related issues. This
with 43 percent of stories in 2004.
represents a slight increase from 2004
when Latino stories comprised 0.72
• Only five Latino stories featured Latino
percent of coverage.
• Of the estimated 329 hours the networks
devoted to the evening news in 2005, 3
The qualitative analysis of Latino
hours and 2 minutes were dedicated
stories found:
exclusively to Latino stories, making up
0.92 percent of the total time. • Latinos were featured in a variety of
universal stories that did not focus on
• In 2005, no single topic dominated ethnicity.
more than 20 percent of coverage. The
top five topics for Latino stories were • In contrast to 2004, Latinos were more
domestic government (20 stories or 19 often portrayed in crime stories in 2005.
percent), crime (19 stories or 18.1 For most of these stories, Latinos were the
percent), human interest (18 stories or perpetrators, not the victims.
17.1 percent), immigration (15 stories or
14.3 percent) and sports (12 stories or • Immigration did not dominate the
11.4 percent). framing of Latino stories as it has in years
past. Even so, immigration was still a
• One positive trend: a notable drop in the popular topic for the networks to cover.
networks’ focus on immigration with 14.3 One dominant theme in immigration
percent of stories this year devoted to the coverage for 2005 was the notion that


immigrants, mostly undocumented, were Conclusion
changing communities across the United
States. These stories were often told from The booming growth of the Latino
the perspective of longtime community population (in numbers and in economic and
residents, and not from the perspective of political power) should serve as a wake-up
immigrants. call for the news networks. But each year
very little changes and this report continues
• Once again, networks are missing Latino to yield the same dismal results. Latinos
political news stories. This year, stories make up 14.5 percent of the U.S. population
concerning Los Angeles Mayor Antonio but less than one percent of stories on the
Villaraigosa and U.S. Attorney General network evening news.
Alberto Gonzales provided the networks
an opportunity to explore the political One major problem shown by this report is
climate of the Latino community. Not one that Latino voices are lacking in news
network did a story that provided the coverage. Key political stories about Latinos
Hispanic perspective on these issues. lacked Hispanic perspectives. The vast
majority of immigration stories were also not
told from the Latino perspective.
Content analysis of two sample
weeks of network news coverage NAHJ strongly believes that increasing the
found: number of Latino journalists and managers
will improve news coverage of the Latino
• Latinos continued to be nearly absent community.
from general news coverage. Out of 115
stories NAHJ examined during the two
sample weeks, only four were exclusively
about Latinos and only two featured
Latinos as news sources.


The 2006 Network Brownout Report Since then, news coverage of people of color
examines the ways in which Latinos and continues to fail to reflect the reality of these
Latino-related issues are portrayed on the groups. Every year, this report finds that
evening news programs of the nation’s major Latinos continue to be covered through a
English-language television networks — narrow prism even though they have
ABC, CBS and NBC. Now in its 11th year, experienced exponential growth in the last
this report remains the only study to annually decades. According to the Pew Hispanic
examine how network news programs Center, Latinos in the United States have
portray Latinos. grown in the past 16 years, from 22.3
million and 9 percent of the population in
The goals of this report are to bring greater 1990 to 41.9 million and 14.5 percent of the
awareness to how Latinos are being population currently. The U.S. Census Bureau
portrayed on national news programs and to estimates that by 2050, Latinos will number
urge the networks to increase and improve 102.5 million and comprise 24.4 percent of
their coverage of the Latino community. the country’s population.

The news media’s poor media coverage of The Network Brownout Report has
Latinos and people of color is historic. In historically found that Latinos are too often
1947, the Commission on Freedom of the portrayed as criminals or undocumented
Press, also known as the Hutchins immigrants. While it is important to cover
Commission, outlined the responsibilities of crime and immigration stories, the focus on
the news media in a democratic society. these issues becomes unfair when it
Among its five major recommendations, the comprises an overabundance of the
commission stated that the press should network’s coverage of the Latino community.
project a “representative picture of the Accurate news coverage of Latinos is a
constituent groups in the society.” crucial issue since 27 million people watch
the evening news each night and are
Twenty years later, President Lyndon Johnson influenced by these programs.
appointed the National Advisory Commission
on Civil Disorders, known as the Kerner The 2006 report begins with the quantitative
Commission, to examine the causes of the findings of Latino stories from 2005. Part
riots that erupted across the country in the Two represents the qualitative examination
late 1960s. Among its major findings, the of Latino stories. Part Three provides an
Kerner Commission concluded that the overview of Latinos as secondary or
media’s inaccurate portrayals and background subjects. Part Four presents an
misrepresentations of the black community analysis of Latino-related stories compared to
contributed to the racial division in our a content audit of two sample weeks of
nation. Both the Hutchins and Kerner network news coverage. The report closes
Commissions urged the nation’s news media with a conclusion followed by the study’s
to improve their coverage of minority methodology and limitations.


Part I. The Quantitative Analysis
This section outlines the results of the virtually every Brownout Report. Latino
quantitative analysis of stories that were coverage has comprised less than one
determined to be exclusively about Latinos or percent of news stories.
Latino-related issues. The quantitative results
provide information on: Although stories about Latinos represent less
than one percent of all news stories, NAHJ
a) number of stories wants to recognize that each network
b) story topics increased the number of stories they aired
c) story length about Latinos in 2005.
d) use of Latino reporters and anchors
e) number of sources used in each story • ABC slightly increased its coverage of
f) balance of viewpoints expressed in Latinos with 34 stories in 2005, compared
each story with 30 in 2004.
g) overall statistics on the presence of • CBS had the most significant increase
Latinos in Latino stories among the networks with 34 stories
about Latinos in 2005 compared with 23
stories in 2004.
Overall Number of Stories • NBC also slightly increased its coverage of
Latinos with 37 stories in 2005, compared
The 2006 Network Brownout Report
with 33 in 2004.
continues the historical trend of finding a
lack of Latino stories that air annually on the
Even though networks aired more Latino
network evening news.
stories in 2005, NAHJ remains frustrated by
these negligible gains. CBS made the
In 2005, stories exclusively about Latinos or
greatest stride of any network in 2005 by
Latino-related issues made up less than one
covering 11 more stories about Latinos than
percent of all network news coverage.
it did in the previous year. But the overall
number of stories covered by each network
Out of an estimated 12,600 stories2 aired by
remains woeful.
ABC, CBS and NBC, only 105, or 0.83
percent, were found to be exclusively about
Latinos remain practically invisible on the
Latinos or Latino-related issues. This
evening news. NAHJ is concerned that the
continues the pattern that we have seen in

Table 1.
Overall distribution of stories by number, time and length.

Network ABC CBS NBC Total

Number Stories 34 34 37 105
Total Time in Minutes 62:49 58:17 61:18 3:02:24
Average Minutes/Story 1:51 1:43 1:39 1:44
Distribution by seconds n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
< 30 seconds 6 (17.6) 11 (32.4) 9 (24.3) 26 (24.8)
30-59 seconds 2 (5.9) 2 (5.9) 5 (13.5) 9 (8.6)
60-119 seconds 5 (14.7) 3 (8.8) 3 (8.1) 11 (10.5)
120-179 seconds 21 (61.8) 13 (38.2) 19 (51.4) 53 (50.5)
180 + seconds 0 5 (14.7) 1 (2.7) 6 (5.7)


viewing audience continues to learn little Another trend, however, is the unfortunate
about issues affecting the Latino community rise of crime stories in 2005. We applauded
by watching the network evening news. the networks for decreasing their coverage
of Latinos and crime to nine stories in 2004,
but the networks reverted to their old
Topics Covered pattern. In 2005, 19 stories, or 18.1 percent,
dealt with crime and most of these stories
One positive trend in this year’s report was
focused on Latinos as perpetrators rather
that no single topic dominated more than 20
than victims.
percent of coverage of Latinos (see Table 2).
This was a welcome change from last year
In 2005, Latinos played a central role in
when immigration made up 34 percent of all
sports stories. Unfortunately, the vast
stories aired about Latinos.
majority of these stories (10 out of 12) were
In 2005, the top five topics for Latino stories
about the allegations or acknowledgment of
were domestic government (20 stories or 19
steroid use by Major League Baseball players
percent), crime (19 stories or 18.1 percent),
that included Rafael Palmeiro, Jose Canseco
human interest (18 stories or 17.1 percent),
and Sammy Sosa.
immigration (15 stories or 14.3 percent) and
sports (12 stories or 11.4 percent)
Domestic government was the number one
topic for Latino stories in 2005. This was
We applaud the networks for diversifying
the result of two major stories. First was the
their coverage of Latinos. In 2004,
nomination and confirmation of Alberto
immigration was a central theme in a vast
Gonzales as U.S. attorney general. Gonzales
number of Latino stories, thus painting a
was also covered because of the
one-dimensional view of Latinos as
speculation that he would succeed Sandra
immigrants. In 2005, immigration
Day O’Connor on the Supreme Court. Out
continued to be an important topic on the
of 20 U.S. domestic government stories, 14
evening news, but it did not dominate
were about Alberto Gonzales. The second
network coverage of Latinos.
story that dominated this topic was the

Table 2.
Distribution of number and (%) of exclusively Latino stories by topic.

Topics ABC CBS NBC Total

Arts, Culture 1 (2.9) 0 0 1 (1.0)
Calamities (Disasters/Accidents) 1 (2.9) 1 (2.9) 0 2 (1.9)
Crime 5 (14.7) 7 (20.6) 7 (18.9) 19 (18.1)
Education 0 0 1 (2.7) 1 (1.0)
Election/Politics 2 (5.9) 1 (2.9) 2 (5.4) 5 (4.8)
Ethnic/Racial Relations 1 (2.9) 2 (5.9) 0 3 (2.9)
Government: Domestic 7 (20.6) 6 (17.6) 7 (18.9) 20 (19)
Health/Medical/Science 1 (2.9) 0 0 1 (1.0)
Homeland Security/Iraq War 4 (11.8) 1 (2.9) 2 (5.4) 7 (6.7)
Human Interest 4 (11.8) 8 (23.5) 6 (16.2) 18 (17.1)
Immigration 6 (17.6) 5 (14.7) 4 (10.8) 15 (14.3)
Sports 2 (5.9) 3 (8.8) 7 (18.9) 12 (11.4)
Religion 0 0 1 (2.7) 1 (1.0)
Total 34 34 37 105


Supreme Court ruling on a domestic government are important, when other
violence case involving a Colorado woman stories important to Latinos are not covered,
named Jessica Gonzales and the death of the networks fail in their duty to educate the
her three children who were killed by their public and provide their audiences with
father, Simon Gonzales. This story relevant information.
accounted for four stories related to this
topic. Thus, these two subjects accounted We also noted in 2005 that Latinos were
for 18 of 20 stories about domestic included in more universal stories where
government. ethnicity was not a focal point. We
applaud the networks for including Latinos
Although the networks diversified their in these types of stories. However, we want
coverage of Latinos last year, we believe that to see more stories about issues affecting
these stories largely lacked an overall the Latino community. For instance, where
assessment of Latinos in the United States. are the stories about Latino small
businesses or the positive impact Latinos
For example, this year’s report showed a rise are having on the U.S. economy? Where
in domestic government stories. But this are the cultural stories about Latinos in
coverage focused on Gonzales’ nomination their communities? Where are the stories
to become the first Latino U.S. Attorney about healthcare or educational issues
General or, possibly, the first Latino to serve important to Latinos?
on the U.S. Supreme Court. These stories,
however, did not include how members of Increasing coverage of issues affecting
the Latino community felt about his Latinos is the only way to provide more
nomination or his prospects of being named comprehensive coverage of the community.
to the Supreme Court. Domestic
government stories also failed to
communicate how government policies or Time Devoted to Latino Stories
legislation impacted Latino communities.
A positive trend in this year’s report was the
increase in time the networks devoted to
Although topics like immigration, crime and

Table 3.
Number of minutes and (average minutes) of exclusively Latino stories by topic.

Topics ABC CBS NBC Total

Arts, Culture 2:25 (2:25) 2:25 (2:25)
Calamities (Disasters/Accidents) 2:13 (2:13) 2:01(2:01) 4:14 (2:07)
Crime 11:25 (2:17) 12:55 (1:51) 13:45 (1:58) 38:05 (2:00)
Education 2:47 (2:47) 2:47 (2:47)
Election/Politics 2:25 (1:13) :32 (:32) 2:39 (1:20) 5:36 (1:07)
Ethnic/Racial Relations 2:17 (2:17) 4:36 (2:18) 6:53 (2:18)
Government: Domestic 9:49 (1:24) 7:39 (1:17) 8:22 (1:12) 25:50 (1:18)
Health/Medical/Science 2:01 (2:01) 2:01 (2:01)
Homeland Security/Iraq War 5:36 (1:24) 2:36 (2:36) 5:19 (2:40) 13:31 (1:56)
Human Interest 8:55 (2:14) 9:43 (1:13) 8:06 (1:21) 26:44 (1:29)
Immigration 12:54 (2:09) 14:09 (2:50) 9:10 (2:18) 36:13 (2:25)
Sports 2:49 (1:25) 4:06 (1:22) 8:42 (1:15) 15:37 (1:18)
Religion 2:28 (2:28) 2:28 (2:28)
Totals 62:49 (1:51) 58:17 (1:43) 61:18 (1:39) 3:02:24 (1:44)


Latino stories. Of the estimated 329 hours3 Stories of 30 seconds or less made up 33
of network news in 2005, 3 hours and 2 percent of Latino stories in 2004, but
minutes were devoted exclusively to Latino decreased to 24.8 percent of Latino stories in
stories. This represented just 0.92 percent of 2005 (see Table 1).
total network airtime dedicated to news
about Latinos (see Table 3) and a small On ABC, stories about Latinos that were less
increase from 2004 when the time given to than 30 seconds accounted for 17.6 percent
Latino stories comprised 0.62 percent of all (six stories) of its coverage in 2005. This was
stories. a drop from 2004 when these stories made
up 33 percent of coverage.
Although we are encouraged by the slight
increase, the time devoted to Latino stories CBS aired 11 stories that were less than 30
was still less than one percent of the total seconds in 2005, representing 32.4 percent
time for news in 2005. of its stories.

CBS experienced the most significant NBC was the only network that increased
increase in time spent on Latino stories. The the number of short stories it aired with nine
network aired 58 minutes of coverage of stories (24.3 percent) in 2005, compared
Latino stories last year, compared with 39 with six (18 percent) in 2004.
minutes in 2004. ABC increased its coverage
from 51 minutes to almost 63 minutes. NBC Stories lasting between 2 and 3 minutes
decreased its coverage from 66 minutes in (120-179 seconds) increased in 2005,
2004 to 61 minutes in 2005. making up half of all stories about Latinos
that the networks aired (50.5 percent).
Although domestic government was the
leading topic in terms of the number of Even though overall stories tended to be
stories about Latinos, crime and immigration longer in 2005, stories that were more than
stories accounted for the greatest amount of 3 minutes (180+ seconds) experienced a
airtime (40 percent). decline from 17 stories (15 percent) in 2004
to six stories (6 percent) in 2005.
Out of 3 hours and 2 minutes of coverage
devoted to Latino stories, 38 minutes (20.9 The drop in stories longer than 3 minutes is
percent) focused on crime. Immigration disappointing since these stories tend to
followed with 36 minutes (19.8 percent), allow for more in-depth analysis with a wider
and human interest and domestic range of viewpoints. Latino stories that are
government stories each took up about 26 shorter in length have little time to delve
minutes (approximately 14.3 percent). deeply into issues.

In 2004, immigration stories made up more

than one hour of news coverage. We Latino Anchors and Reporters
welcome the decline in the amount of time
The most obvious and positive change in the
dedicated to immigration stories in 2005,
use of Latino journalists by the networks was
but we are disappointed with the rise in time
the increasing presence of Elizabeth Vargas
given to crime stories.
as an anchor for ABC. Due to the
deteriorating health of anchor Peter
We urge the networks to provide more in-
Jennings, Vargas was used more frequently
depth coverage of issues affecting Latinos
by the network as his replacement. By the
across a wider range of topics.
end of 2005, ABC made the official
announcement that Vargas and journalist
Bob Woodruff would become the new
Story Length
anchors for ABC’s evening news.
The average length of Latino stories
remained virtually unchanged from 2004. In Unfortunately, ABC did not keep Vargas as its
2005, it was 1 minute and 44 seconds, anchor. But, it was a welcome change to see
compared with 1 minute and 49 seconds in a Latina anchor on a network news program.
2004. Barring the presence of Vargas, the


participation of other Latino journalists believe that the lack of diverse Latino
reporting Latino stories in 2005 was very viewpoints at these networks contributes to
low. Out of 105 Latino stories, only five (4.8 the poor coverage of the Latino community.
percent) stories were reported by Latino
journalists. Three of these stories appeared
on CBS and two appeared on ABC. Number of Sources and Viewpoint
One CBS story was reported by Vince
In 2005, the number of Latino stories that
Gonzalez about a priest abuse case
had no sources, meaning no one was
involving a Latino priest and Latino victims.
interviewed or commented during the story
The other two CBS stories were reported by
except for the reporter or anchor, comprised
Jim Acosta — one about the arrest of
one-third of the stories (35 stories or 33.3
Cuban exile Luis Posada, who was accused
percent). In 2004, these stories made up 36
of terrorism, and the other about
percent of coverage.
undocumented immigration. Barbara Pinto
of ABC reported the remaining two stories
In 2005, the number of stories that had one
— one about how Latinos were changing
or more sources declined slightly from 74
the demographic makeup of many
stories to 70 stories (see Table 5).
communities across the country and the
other about a Latina doll and her impact on
Stories that provided a diversity of viewpoints
a Chicago neighborhood.
increased from 18 percent (21 stories) in
2004 to 29.5 percent (31 stories) in 2005
NAHJ is disappointed by the dearth of
(see Table 6). The increase in the number of
Latino reporters covering Latino stories. We
viewpoints expressed in Latino stories is
do not believe that only Latino reporters
should cover Latino stories, but we do

Table 5.
Number of stories (and percentages) for each network by number of sources used for
news exclusively about Latinos.

No. of sources ABC CBS NBC Totals

none 8 (23.5) 13 (38.2) 14 (37.8) 35 (33.3)
1 1 (2.9) 2 (5.9) 0 (0) 3 (2.9)
2 6 (17.6) 5 (14.7) 4 (10.8) 15 (14.3)
3 4 (11.8) 5 (14.7) 8 (21.6) 17 (16.2)
4 or more 15 (44.1) 9 (26.5) 11 (29.7) 35 (33.3)
Total 34 34 37 105

Table 6.
Number of stories (and percentages) for each network according to the balance of
viewpoints expressed by sources used for stories exclusively about Latinos.

Balance of Views ABC CBS NBC Totals

All one opinion 12 (35.3) 7 (20.6) 10 (27) 29 (27.6)
Mostly one opinion 2 (5.9) 1 (2.9) 3 (8.1) 6 (5.7)
Mix opinions 10 (29.4) 12 (35.3) 9 (24.3) 31 (29.5)
Not applicable 10 (29.4) 14 (41.2) 15 (40.5) 39 (37.1)
Total 34 34 37 105


Even so, the majority of Latino stories percent) in 2004 to 55 (52.4 percent).
presented one viewpoint or no viewpoints Virtually all stories in 2005 included at least
(68 stories or 64.8 percent). This percentage one identifiable Latino, a very positive
becomes higher when stories expressing change from past years.
mostly one opinion are added — 74 stories
or 70.5 percent. Although this percentage Across all networks, the number of Latinos
is down from 2004 (82 percent), it is still who appeared in Latino stories increased in
discouraging that the vast majority of 2005 (see Table 8). ABC increased from a
Latino stories lack diversified viewpoints. A total of 46 Latinos appearing in its Latino
large majority of these stories are providing stories to 76 in 2005. CBS increased from 41
narrow, one-sided opinions, or are Latinos to 66 in 2005 and NBC increased
providing no opinions at all, which does from 56 Latinos to 66 in 2005.
not produce comprehensive coverage.
Out of 105 total Latino stories, 65 or 61.9
percent had at least one Latino who not only
Latino Presence in Stories appeared on camera, but also spoke in the
story (many had more than one). Out of 34
NAHJ examined and counted the number
Latinos stories on ABC, 25 included Latinos
of identifiable Latinos who appeared in
who spoke on camera. For CBS, the total
Latino stories, the number of Latinos who
was 20 out of 34 stories and for NBC 20 out
actually spoke or commented in the stories
of 37 stories.
and the number of stories that included
unidentifiable Latinos, often portrayed in
ABC and CBS increased the number of
Latinos who both appeared and spoke on
camera in 2005 (from 32 Latinos to 44 and
Identifiable Latinos are individuals who
from 23 Latinos to 31, respectively). NBC
appear in a story whom we can deduce are
dropped slightly from 41 Latinos who
Latino. They are either interviewed or are
appeared and spoke on camera in 2004 to
shown but do not necessarily have to be
37 Latinos in 2005.
named or have to speak on camera.

The number of stories featuring no Latinos

Unidentifiable Latinos
was down considerably, from 23 stories or
20 percent with no Latinos in 2004 to This report also examined the use of
three stories or 2.9 percent in 2005 (see unidentifiable Latinos in each story.
Table 7). This significant change signals a Unidentifiable Latinos are shown in large
positive trend. groups, such as undocumented immigrants
crossing the border or groups on a crowded
The number of stories showing two or city street. They do not speak on camera and
more Latinos increased from 39 stories (34 are not individually named.
percent) in 2004 to 47 stories (44.8
percent) in 2005. Stories featuring one In 2005, there was a decrease in stories that
Latino increased from 53 stories (46 portrayed unidentified groups of Latinos. Out

Table 7.
Number (and percentages) of stories with identifiable Latinos.

Number by news story ABC CBS NBC Totals

none 1 (2.9) 0 (0) 2 (5.4) 3 (2.9)
1 16 (47.1) 18 (52.9) 21 (56.8) 55 (52.4)
2 6 (17.6) 7 (20.6) 7 (18.9) 20 (19)
3 or more 11 (32.4) 9 (26.5) 7 (18.9) 27 (25.7)
Total 34 34 37 105


Table 8.
Number (and percentages) of individual Latinos on camera and their type of presence.

Number by type of presence

in each news story ABC CBS NBC Totals
Image/Voice 44 (58.7) 31 (47) 37 (56.1) 112 (54.1)
Image/No Voice 26 (34.7) 32 (48.5) 28 (42.4) 86 (41.5)
Voice/No Image 1 (1.3) 0 0 1 (0.5)
No Voice/No Image(mentioned) 4 (5.3) 3 (4.5) 1 (1.5) 8 (3.9)
Total 75 66 66 207

of 105 Latino stories, 30.5 percent (32 It is to be expected that a large number of
stories) showed these groups as opposed to Latino stories originate in a state like
41 percent in 2004. California due to its large Latino population.
For 2005, Washington D.C. is also to be
Of these 32 stories, 18 stories (56.2 percent) expected as a central location since so many
portrayed these groups as immigrants. This is stories in 2005 dealt with the federal
a decrease from 2004 when 66 percent of government and specifically, Alberto
stories with unidentifiable groups portrayed Gonzales.
these groups as immigrants. These results
correlate with the overall decrease in Even though California, Washington D.C.
immigration coverage for 2005. and New York are “typical” locations for
Latino stories to originate from, this year’s
Although these images, especially of report shows that networks were covering
immigrants, have decreased in 2005, their stories in other locations with large or
use is still problematic. Images of day growing Latino populations such as New
laborers standing in a parking lot or Jersey, Illinois, Virginia, Louisiana and
immigrants crossing the border often provide Maryland.
viewers with a negative, menacing and
stereotypical depiction of Latinos. The presence of Latinos is no longer
restricted to southwestern states, Florida,
New York and Washington D.C. Latinos have
Locations a significant presence in states such as North
Carolina, Georgia and now, Louisiana —
Of the 105 stories that were exclusively
places not previously known for having large
about Latinos in 2005, 15 stories originated
Latino communities.
in Washington D.C., 11 originated in
California and seven originated in New York.
We hope that this year’s report indicates that
These numbers are similar to 2004 when
the networks are heading toward diversifying
California, Washington D.C. and New York
the locations of their coverage.
were among the locations that dominated
coverage of Latinos.


Part II. Qualitative Analysis of Latino Stories
In this section, we examine the network family in Texas and specifically of
news stories exclusively about Latinos from a Rosemary Ruiz whose husband and son
qualitative standpoint. Specifically, this were both deployed to Iraq.
section examines how these stories were • The uproar in Rhode Island over the
framed in 2005, the nuances of how Latinos suspension of a student, Eliazar
were portrayed and a general evaluation of Velasquez, who took pictures of his
stories from a more in-depth perspective. principal smoking on school property.
• The story of Macario Guajardo, a fifth-
Overall in 2005, the networks in some ways grader who boycotted a standardized test
portrayed Latinos more positively and more in Texas.
completely than in years past. In other ways,
coverage continued to be disappointing for These stories offer some examples in which
its lack of a truly representative picture of Latinos were featured regardless of their
Latinos in the United States. ethnicity. Other stories included profiles of
soldiers killed in Iraq and thus their deaths
were profiled as human interest stories.
Universal Stories
We appreciate the inclusion of Latinos in
One positive trend that we noted among the
these types of stories. It is important that the
networks in this year’s coverage was the
networks showcase Latinos in stories that
inclusion of Latinos in universal stories that
affect the average person without focusing
did not focus on their ethnicity. When we
on ethnicity. However, the networks still
conduct this study every year, we hope to
need to air more stories on Hispanic issues
see more coverage that focuses on the
and Hispanic perspectives.
Latino community and informs viewing
audiences about issues affecting U.S. Latinos.
Another goal is for more coverage of Latinos
in “everyday” stories that are not specifically
about their ethnicity. As noted in the quantitative analysis of
Latino stories, crime made up a large portion
Latinos are woven throughout society in of the time devoted to portraying Latinos.
communities across the United States; This is a change from 2004 when crime was
therefore we would expect them to appear not a dominant topic.
frequently in stories regardless of their
ethnicity. Unfortunately, this is not always the It is unfortunate that such a significant
case. But we applaud the networks for portion of stories portrayed Latinos as
including Latinos in more universal stories in criminals. This coverage reinforces a negative
2005. stereotype and when stories about other
topics involving Latinos are not covered, this
Latinos appeared in a variety of stories in this type of coverage paints an unbalanced
year’s report. Some examples include: picture of the contributions Latinos make to
our society.
• The Supreme Court case of Jessica
Gonzales who challenged her local police One theme we saw in crime coverage was
department for failing to enforce a that of the “soldier gone bad.” One story
restraining order which resulted in the focused on Andres Raya, a soldier home
death of her children. The case brought from Iraq who went on a shooting spree in
about a major domestic violence ruling by which he was eventually killed. Another story
the Supreme Court. involved Alberto Martinez, a soldier who
• The story of Francisco Gutierrez, a pilot killed two of his superior officers in Iraq.
who followed the migration path of
monarch butterflies in his own plane Crime coverage this year also focused on
across the United States. nonviolent crimes perpetrated by Latinos. For
• The story of the sacrifice of the Ruiz example, we saw several stories about Anna


Ayala who lied about finding a human finger undocumented immigrants under
in her bowl of Wendy’s chili. We also saw a trespassing laws.
story about Candace Martinez, the “cell
phone bandit” who robbed a string of banks Another story focused on the “flood” of
in the Washington D.C. area while talking on immigrants entering New Orleans searching
her cell phone. for work in the rebuilding efforts after
Hurricane Katrina. It is particularly troubling
Although some crime coverage was non- that this story, which aired on ABC, used the
violent, much of it portrayed violent Latinos. word “flooding” to refer to the migration of
In two stories we saw Latino fathers who immigrants to the city — a comparison that
killed their children. Although the story juxtaposes new immigrants to the damaging
about Simon Gonzalez, the father who floods of Hurricane Katrina.
murdered his three daughters after ignoring
a restraining order, was coded as a domestic Other stories about new immigrant
government story because it was told within populations originated in Herndon, Va.,
the framework of a Supreme Court ruling, it Atlanta, Ga., and Caldwell, Idaho. Most of
still portrayed an image of a violent Latino. these stories portrayed immigrants as a
Several other stories were about Jose Peña, nuisance and drain on the community. Many
who used his infant daughter as a human stories showed groups of day laborers
shield during a standoff with police in which standing in parking lots and on street
eventually both he and his daughter died. corners. Most of the stories interviewed
established residents who complained about
The theme of gang violence was also present the presence of Latinos in their town or city.
in these crime stories and these stories tied
the rise in gangs to the growth of Another trend in immigration coverage was
undocumented immigrants in the United the humanization of immigrants. News
States. stories often cover immigrants as coming to
the United States to take jobs or drain
In 2005, crime coverage focused less on communities of their resources. These stories
Latino victims. Latinos were mostly portrayed rarely examine the risks immigrants take to
as perpetrators of crime. Occasionally, there come to this country. Some of the stories this
was a crime story that focused on a Latino year examined the dangers involved in
victim, such as the case of Latoya Figueroa crossing the border, adding a layer of depth
who was murdered by her boyfriend. The to immigration coverage. One story featured
story of Figueroa’s murder was also a nighttime surveillance tape of a group of
noteworthy because it explored the role of immigrants swept away by the currents of
race in media coverage in terms of who and the Rio Grande. Another story featured
what stories get covered. images of mass graves marked with plain
white crosses where undocumented
immigrants are buried. We applaud the
Immigration networks for airing stories that allowed the
viewing audience to learn more about the
Immigration was still present as a topic in
challenges, and often horrors, faced by
coverage of Latinos, which is to be expected
immigrants coming to the United States.
considering the national importance of this
issue both socially and politically.
Other stories focused on the benefit of the
Latino workforce for farmers in the United
In 2005, immigration coverage seemed more
States. In these stories, several farmers said
varied than in years past. One theme we saw
they would have to shut down their farm if
throughout 2005 was immigrants, mostly
it were not for Latino farmworkers who
undocumented, changing the communities
harvested their crops.
where they live. This coverage focused
mostly on the perspective of community
Although immigration was still a major focus
residents who viewed these immigrants as a
of Latino coverage in 2005, the topic was
problem in their neighborhoods. One story
covered differently than in years past. The
took place in New Ipswich, N.H., a town
focus for many stories shifted from the
where community leaders were arresting
Mexican border to cities in the United States.


Politics Other Stories
Unfortunately, and surprisingly, the networks We found several stories about Latinos that
continue to fail to cover Latino political aired in 2005 that provided viewing
stories. The nomination and confirmation audiences with insights about issues
process of Alberto Gonzales as well as the affecting the Latino community.
election of Antonio Villaraigosa as the mayor
of Los Angeles gave the networks two big One story by ABC was about an American
opportunities to explore the impact of Girl doll named Marisol and the controversy
Latinos on politics. the doll stirred in the Chicago neighborhood
she was fictionally from. All American Girl
Inexplicably, CBS did not cover Villaraigosa’s dolls have their own books that tell their
election in Los Angeles at all. ABC and NBC biographical stories. In Marisol’s book, her
did cover this story, but not once did either parents decide to move from her Chicago
network interview an identifiable Latino to neighborhood because it is unsafe. Residents
capture their viewpoint on the monumental of the real-life Latino neighborhood in
election. Chicago reacted to the story about the doll.
The news story gave the audience an insight
Stories about Gonzales fell into the same into how residents of this neighborhood
pattern. The appointment of the first Latino viewed themselves and their opinions on
to the position of attorney general merited how this doll portrayed their community.
some commentary from Latinos, but this
commentary was missing from every story NBC aired a story about White Sox manager
about Gonzales. The networks never covered Ozzie Guillen and the growth of Hispanic
the Gonzales story or the Villaraigosa story baseball fans in Chicago. Another story aired
from the Latino perspective. by NBC explored why Latinos in a California
town were leaving the Catholic Church to
This seems to be a very disturbing trend. join other faiths.
Politics and news (and voting and news) are
intrinsically tied, yet Latinos rarely see A series of stories that caught our attention
themselves on the news in relation to were about three missing boys who were
politics. We were aghast in 2004 when the found dead in the trunk of a car in Camden,
stories about electoral politics actually N.J. ABC aired one story about these boys
declined even though it was a presidential and CBS aired two stories. Although the
election year. One goal of increased news story was tragic, we appreciated that three
coverage of Latinos is to inform and missing Latino boys received media attention
empower Latino citizens so they become since missing person stories typically center
actively engaged in their communities, on young, white victims.
politically and otherwise.
More importantly, we applaud CBS for its
Political issues are desperately lacking in follow-up story six weeks after the bodies of
Latino coverage. This lack of coverage the boys were found. The death of the boys
marginalizes the Latino community into a had been accidental. CBS reevaluated why
segment of the population that appears to police officers in Camden had not searched
not matter in regards to politics in this the trunk of the vehicle parked close to
country — something far from the truth. where the boys had last been seen. Network
news is too rarely retrospective so it was a
welcome change to see an in-depth follow-
up story. .

These are just some examples of the bright

spots of coverage we saw of Latinos in


Part III. Other Representations of Latinos in
the News in 2005
In researching Latino stories on the While stories about Latinos were scarce on
networks’ nightly newscasts, we found that the network news, the Latino presence in
400 stories, in some way, featured Latinos or non-Latino related stories was only slightly
Latino issues. Of these, 105 were centrally better.
and exclusively about Latinos. We have
already examined these stories in the Out of an estimated 12,495 non-Latino
previous sections. stories4 aired by ABC, CBS and NBC during
their evening news broadcasts in 2005, 217
Of the remaining 295 stories: stories, or 1.7 percent, featured Latinos as
interviewed sources in reports not involving
• 38 centrally involved Latinos, but were not the Latino community or Latino issues. This
exclusively about them. figure stayed the same from last year when
• 24 involved issues important to the Latino these types of stories also made up 1.7
community (such as immigration policy) percent of the total stories for 2004.
but did not explicitly feature Latinos or a
Latino perspective. Of the 38 stories centrally but not exclusively
• 217 featured Latinos as news sources about Latinos, 10 focused on domestic
(interviewed) in stories not involving the government with Gonzales being a central
Latino community or Latino issues and focus. In many of these stories about
that were not personally about them. Gonzales, he is discussed as a potential
• 16 mentioned Latinos in passing. candidate among several to ascend to a post
on the Supreme Court, but the stories did
not centrally focus on him.

Part IV. Comparisons with Two Sample

Weeks of News Coverage
In this section, we examine the portrayal of Topics
Latinos during two typical composite news
weeks. The composite weeks were derived Out of 115 stories that aired during these
from news broadcasts in 2005 that were not two weeks, homeland security/Iraq war
dominated by a particular topic, like the war stories and stories about domestic
in Iraq. We randomly selected two weeks government received the most coverage
out of the year to examine, and we with 28 stories (24.3 percent) and 21 stories
randomly assigned each network to each (18.3 percent) respectively. The third most
night of those two weeks. The sample common topic was human interest with 19
weeks we examined were May 23-27, 2005 stories or 16.5 percent and the fourth was
and December 5-9, 2005. the topic of medicine/science with 12 stories
or 10.4 percent. Together, these four topics
We found Latinos were virtually non-existent represent 69.5 percent of all news stories
during these two composite weeks of that aired during the composite weeks (see
coverage. Table 9).


Table 9.
Number (percentage of network totals) and time in minutes of stories by topic during sample weeks.

Topics ABC CBS NBC Total

Business/Economy 2 (6.5) 4:43 5 (11.1) 4:49 4 (10.3) 5:02 11 (9.6) 14:34
Calamities (Disasters/Accidents) 3 (9.7) :58 2 (4.4) 5:02 1 (2.6) :27 6 (5.2) 6:27
Celebrity/Entertainment 1 (3.2) 2:20 1 (2.2) 3:01 1 (2.6) 1:31 3 (2.6) 6:52
Crime 2 (6.5) :32 1 (2.2) :20 1 (2.6) :30 4 (3.5) 1:22
Education 1 (2.2) 3:21 1 (0.9) 3:21
Government: Domestic 6 (19.4) 12:47 6 (13.3) 6:24 9 (23.1) 11:57 21 (18.3) 31:08
Government: Foreign Policy 2 (6.5) 4:11 1 (2.2) 2:22 1 (2.6) :20 4 (3.5) 6:53
Health/Medical/Science 1 (3.2) :43 6 (13.3) 14:34 5 (12.8) 6:33 12 (10.4) 23:50
Homeland Security/Iraq War 10 (32.3) 17:27 11 (24.4) 19:55 7 (17.9) 11:51 28 (24.3) 49:13
Human Interest 2 (6.5) 3:50 10 (22.2) 11:55 7 (17.9) 13:01 19 (16.5) 28:46
Sports 1 (3.2) 2:32 1 (0.9) 2:32
International Story 1 (3.2) :23 1 (2.2) 2:03 2 (5.1) 2:38 4 (3.5) 5:04
Religion 1 (2.6) 2:25 1 (0.9) 2:25
Total 31 52:26 45 73:46 39 56:15 115 3:02:27

The majority of stories that aired during coverage of domestic government was
the composite weeks and the majority of more varied for the two composite weeks.
Latino stories that aired in 2005 both fell
under a narrow range of topics. This year, Both the composite stories and the Latino
more than in past years, we see some stories had human interest as the third most
similar topics explored in both the popular topic. It is a positive step when
composite coverage and Latino coverage topics of Latino coverage looks similar to
(see Table 10). topics being covered on a more general
Domestic government ranked high as a
topic for both categories of coverage, but Even so, there is a drastic difference in terms
as we mentioned earlier in this report, the of crime coverage. Whereas crime comprised
high number of domestic government 18.1 percent of Latino coverage, and was
Latino stories were the result of Alberto the second most popular topic for this
Gonzales’ nomination process. The category, it was not a top topic for the

Table 10
Top Four Topics for Latino and Sample Weeks’ Stories

Sample Weeks’ Stories Latino Stories

Rank Topic N (%) Rank Topic N (%)
1 Homeland Security/Iraq 28 (24.3) 1 Domestic Government 20 (19)
2 Domestic Government 21 (18.3) 2 Crime 19 (18.1)
3 Human Interest 19 (16.5) 3 Human Interest 18 (17.1)
4 Medicine/Science 12 (10.4) 4 Immigration 15 (14.3)


composite coverage. Crime stories only Latino Anchors and Reporters
appeared four times during the composite
two weeks of coverage and made up only In these sample weeks of news coverage,
3.5 percent of stories. Latino journalists had a significant presence
due to the role of Elizabeth Vargas as anchor
of ABC’s evening news program. Vargas
Latino Faces and Voices anchored two out of three broadcasts by
ABC that we examined.
Latinos were nearly absent from coverage
when we examined the two composite Even so, other instances of Latino journalists
sample weeks. Out of these 115 stories, only were nearly nonexistent in these two weeks
four stories were exclusively about Latinos of broadcasts. Out of 115 stories we
and only two stories featured Latinos as examined, only three were reported by
news sources. Latino journalists. One story that aired on
ABC about Saddam Hussein’s trial was
Three of these four stories were aired by reported by Miguel Marquez. The other two
CBS. These three stories were about criminal stories were reported on CBS by Vince
charges being dropped against a Latino Gonzalez — one story was about the
soldier, the shooting of a Latino man on an Michael Jackson trial and the other profiled
airplane by air marshals in Miami, and the video postcards sent home by soldiers in
profile of a fallen Latino soldier. The fourth Iraq. None of these stories reported by Latino
story was an ABC story about Elizabeth journalists involved Latinos or Latino issues.
Vargas and Bob Woodruff assuming news
anchor duties for the network. NBC had no
stories exclusively about Latinos during these
two weeks.

Latinos make up 14.5 percent of the U.S. to meaningful patterns. For example, in
population but less than one percent of 2004 we praised the networks for focusing
stories on the network evening news. We less on crime stories but in 2005, crime was
think this is shameful. once again a major focus for network
coverage of Latinos.
The booming growth of the Latino
population in numbers and in economic and The network news audience continues to
political power should serve as a wake-up learn little about the Latino community by
call for the news networks. But each year watching the evening news. Latinos also
very little changes and this report continues rarely see themselves or their issues covered
to yield the same dismal results. by these media outlets. We believe the
credibility of the news networks is harmed
Nevertheless, every report has its bright spots by their failure to adequately cover issues
of coverage. This year, Latinos were featured affecting the Latino community.
in more universal stories that did not focus
on their ethnicity. Immigration did not The voices of Latinos are lacking in news
dominate coverage as it has in years past coverage. Major political stories about
and more stories included identifiable Latinos such as the election of Antonio
Latinos. Villaraigosa in Los Angeles or the nomination
process of Alberto Gonzales lacked Hispanic
Even so, these positive trends are not perspectives. The vast majority of
enough. We have learned that these trends immigration stories were also not told from
are often aberrations in coverage as opposed the Latino perspective. In immigration


coverage, the voices of established residents NAHJ strongly believes that increasing the
were heard loud and clear while the voices number of Latino journalists and managers
of Latino immigrants were muted. will improve news coverage of Latinos. We
believe, however, that it is ultimately the
The news media are failing to fulfill their responsibility of the networks to make the
public interest obligations of projecting a changes needed to improve news coverage
“representative picture of the constituent of the Latino community.
groups in the society,” as put forth by the
Commission on Freedom of the Press in Although this report yields results that NAHJ
1947. Almost 60 years later, the media are criticizes, as an association of Latino
still failing in this regard. journalists, we are eager to help the
networks improve their coverage and hire
We believe the lack of newsroom diversity at more Latinos for their newsrooms. We
these networks is the primary reason for respect our colleagues and our NAHJ
their poor coverage of Latinos. members working at the networks for their
Unfortunately, the nation’s news media have dedication to the profession, and we share
historically failed to ensure that their their goal of improving the overall quality of
newsrooms, as well as their news coverage, news.
reflect the communities they serve.

The source for the data analyzed in this input to select stories related to Latinos
Brownout Report is the Vanderbilt University transmitted via the three networks during
Television News Archives (TNA), which the year 2005. All stories containing the key
contains videotapes, indexes and summaries words showed up on the screen and were
of all the evening news programs then reviewed for subsequent selection or
transmitted by the nation’s major television exclusion for the report’s analysis.
news networks — ABC, CBS, and NBC. In
previous years, this report examined CNN, In order to identify the stories related to
but for 2005 NewsNight with Aaron Brown Latinos and Latino issues, we used some of
was taken off the air, so we did not examine the same words and criteria used in previous
CNN for this year. studies. However, we also enhanced the
The summaries, accessible via the TNA Web
site (www.tvnews.vanderbilt.edu), provide With respect to the key words5 for the search
the following key descriptors for each story of the TNA, we proceeded as follows:
archived: 1) network and program on which
the story aired; 2) date of the news program; We searched for stories containing the
3) running title or topic of the story; 4) name general and most important Latino
of the anchor or studio correspondent who designations. These were “Latino,” “Latin-
introduced the story; 5) the city where the Americans,” “Hispanic,” and “Hispanic-
story originated; 6) the field correspondent(s) Americans.” The vast majority of the stories
who was/were part of the report; 7) an selected for the first phase of the selection
abstract of the story, including the names were obtained from this search. The searches
and title of any persons interviewed for the using the next round of key words produced
story; 8) beginning time, ending time, and the remaining stories.
duration of the story; and 9) last names of
the reporters for the story. We prepared a broad list of specific Latino
subgroups. Examples were “Cuban,” “Cuban
Using the TNA’s powerful search capabilities American,” “Puerto Ricans,” “Colombian,”
available via the Internet, key words were “Ecuadorians,” “Chileans,” etc.


We also searched the national countries of story, mention is made of how a legal
origin of the Latino groups. Examples were case, law, pending legislation, etc. may
“Puerto Rico,” “Mexico,” “Cuba,” etc. or will affect diverse communities,
among them Latinos. The accompanying
We prepared a comprehensive list of graphic may show a person,
keywords such as “bilingual education,” neighborhood or other image that could
“crime,” “undocumented laborers,” and be explicitly identified as Latino. If the
“border.” This list consisted of more than 30 story is primarily focused on the impact
descriptors associated with Latino society in or effects on Latinos, or that Latinos are
the United States. key players in the process, the code
would be 1.
Finally, we searched the top 100 Hispanic last
names from the U.S. Census Bureau. These 3 Mainstreaming: Regardless of the story
last names were from a 1996 U.S. Census topic, one or more Latinos (excluding
Bureau working paper called, Building a the reporter of the story) appear in
Spanish Surname List for the 1990s: A New medium or close-up shots and speak on
Approach to an Old Problem. camera. The main difference between
category 2 and 3 is that the topic here is
Using these very broad and encompassing not relevant or specific to a Latino or
words and last names, the search yielded Latino community. Typically, this type of
more than 1300 stories which included the story involves a person on the street
following five descriptors: 1) network and who offers comments on the non-Latino
program, 2) date, 3) running title or topic, aspect of the story. It could also be a
which contained a live link to the abstract of sports story in which a Latino player is
the story, 4) beginning and end time and mentioned, but not featured. The key is
duration of the story. All 1300+ stories were that a Latino is part of the story, but not
downloaded from the TNA archives into an necessarily for being Latino. If a Latino is
Excel file. featured because he or she is Latino,
then it should be coded as 1 or 2
In the second round of selection, we depending on the centrality of the
assessed the TNA’s abstracts of each story for involvement. At the same time, the
two key variables: central involvement of image and/or sound of the Latino
Latinos (CIL) and exclusivity. person(s) is not just in passing, a distant
blurred background with no significance
CIL establishes what, if any, specific role to the story (see next category).
Latinos played in a news story. We assigned
each of the 1,300+ stories one of the 4 Passing: The stories under this category
following: are those that show up in the index
search, but in which Latinos or Latino
1 Primary newsmaker role: One or communities have no bearing as
more Latinos clearly played a central role described by either of the previous three
in the creation, development, or categories. A story under this category
resolution of a news issue being aired. would be one that states, for example,
The topic of the story is also relevant or the accident/ceremony/event took place
centered on the Latino individual or in the Mexican neighborhood of
his/her community, business, or Chicago. But nothing else is mentioned
organization. If one of the newsmakers about the community or the people
is Latino, but no visuals of this person there. Due to the word Mexican, the
are shown, it is still coded as centrally story was “tagged.” But lacking any
involving Latinos. other context, it is thus only a “passing”
2 Secondary for relevant specific
issues: The topic of the story is 5 None: Story showed up because of key
pertinent to Latinos and/or a Latino word search only, but not related to U.S.
community. However, it is not explicitly Latinos.
nor primarily about them. In this type of


Exclusivity establishes if the story was among other documents, the full text
exclusively about Latinos or Latino-related transcriptions for thousands of print and
issues. If so, a code 1 was given for this broadcast news programs from major media
variable. Stories coded CIL 1 could be coded across the nation, including the news
1 or 2 for exclusivity. However, by default programs studied for this report. Thus, while
definition, stories coded CIL 2, 3 or 4 could the individual news story remained as the
only be coded as 2 in terms of exclusivity. basic unit of analysis, the source for
Stories coded 5 for CIL were not coded for obtaining the information needed to shift
exclusivity and were given no further from the running headlines and the abstracts
consideration in the analysis. scrutinized from the TNA to the Lexis-Nexis
transcripts as needed.
The coding for CIL and exclusivity was done
by two trained NAHJ staff members who For the qualitative phase of the study, the
agreed on more than 90 percent of the unit of analysis was the video segment of
codes given to the stories. Discrepancies for each story that was centrally and exclusively
these variables, and for the ones that about Latinos (105 total stories). For this
followed, were discussed with each other phase, two members of the NAHJ staff
and, when necessary, with the principal watched and then discussed each video
investigator of the report. Very high inter- segment to observe framing, images and the
coder reliability for all the variables was thus development of each story to examine trends
assured for the study. and patterns in the coverage.

Upon excluding all the news stories classified Another facet of this study involves
as CIL 5, e.g., those about Latin America, examining two sample weeks of network
Spain and other matters for which the key news coverage to see how Latinos are
words were within the abstract yet had no portrayed during a “typical” week of news.
reference to Latinos in the United States, the First, we randomly chose two weeks
sample was reduced to 400 stories, all of (Monday-Friday) during 2005 to examine.
which were then coded for the topics We then checked these selected weeks
indicated in Tables 1 and 2.6 against the Tyndall Report, a Web site that
tracks the most popular topics on network
Next, we selected the stories in which news and the time devoted to these topics
Latinos were centrally involved or which by the networks on a daily basis (and
were exclusively about Latinos and Latino- archives this information). Our reason for
related issues. A total of 105 stories fit these checking these weeks against the Tyndall
criteria. We purchased videotapes of those Report was to make sure that neither week
105 stories from the Vanderbilt University was dominated by one specific topic such as
TNA. We based the quantitative analysis on the war in Iraq or a major catastrophe such
the viewing and coding of these 105 stories as Hurricane Katrina.
via video.
Once we knew these weeks were not
The TNA’s abstracts were the unit of analysis dominated by any one story, we randomly
for the first phase of selection of stories and drew the names of each network and
for the coding of CIL, exclusivity and topics assigned them to each night of news during
of the stories. An additional unit of analysis both weeks. In this way, we were able to put
— as well as a source for enhancing the together a sample that represented an
information that was often needed for average model of network nightly news that
coding those variables — was the transcript we were then able to compare with our
of each story. The transcripts were obtained exclusively Latino coverage.
from the Lexis-Nexis archives, which contain,


All efforts were made to find and include the do not have Spanish surnames. However, we
universe of network news stories related to attempted to capture any of those stories
Latinos. That is why NAHJ conducted with other key words.
multiple category searches of the index of
Vanderbilt University’s Television News We also acknowledge the possibility of
Archive. Even so, we acknowledge that we stories that were not indexed with key words
may have overlooked Latino stories that related to Latinos, but were about Latinos
were not indexed by using our search nonetheless. The only way to capture the full
criteria. For example, we looked for stories universe of Latino-related stories is to
that included the top 100 Spanish surnames observe each and every news story that aired
listed by the U.S. Census Bureau. There are in 2005, a task not possible given our time
thousands of other last names we did not and human resources.
search. Likewise, there are many Latinos who

See Commission on the Freedom of the Press, A Free and Responsible Press: A General
Report on Mass Communication: Newspapers, Radio, Motion Pictures, Magazines and
Books (University of Chicago Press: Chicago) and National Advisory Commission on Civil
Disorders, Report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders (Bantam Books:
New York).
Estimate based on an average calculation of approximately 11.5 stories per each half-hour
newscast. This calculation was taken from our two sample weeks of news coverage. The
actual total number of stories for three networks airing 11.5 per newscast for 365 days of
news coverage is 12,592 stories, which we rounded to 12,600.
Again, this estimate was taken from our two sample weeks of news coverage. We took an
average of how many minutes each half-hour newscast devoted to news. The average total
was 18 minutes. We then multiplied 18 minutes times 3 (for each network), then multiplied
that total by 365 (nights a year). Our total was 19,710 minutes, which is 328.5 hours which
we rounded up to 329.
The average number of stories aired by the three networks in 2005 was estimated to be
12,600. This figure (12,495) is this average less the 105 stories we determined to be about
For a full list of the key words used in the TNA search, contact NAHJ.
The topics in tables 2 and 3 only represent those topics found in Latino stories. A total of 20
topics were used as categories for evaluating Latino stories (and the two composite weeks).
For a full list of topics contact NAHJ.


National Association of Hispanic Journalists
1000 National Press Building
529 14th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20045

202.662.7145 p
202.662.7144 f

[email protected]

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