A - Development of A Natural Gas To Hydrogen Fuel Station
A - Development of A Natural Gas To Hydrogen Fuel Station
A - Development of A Natural Gas To Hydrogen Fuel Station
William E. Liss
Sigmund Gronich
Phone: (202) 586-1623; Fax: (202) 586-9811
E-mail: [email protected]
Fuel Processing
John Garbak
Phone: (202) 586-1723; Fax: (202) 586-9811
E-mail: [email protected]
GreenField Compression
Richardson, TX
William E. Liss
Fuel Purification
Incorporated PSA tail-gas recycle with customdesigned fuel processor burner for efficient
Hydrogen Compression
Fuel Dispensing
Hydrogen Storage
William E. Liss
A key impediment to expanded fuel cell vehicle use
is fueling infrastructure. The use of distributed hydrogen
fueling systems is seen as an intermediate pathway
to permit infrastructure development, with a future
transition to a hydrogen pipeline delivery infrastructure.
This project leverages the substantial natural gas delivery
infrastructure by using onsite natural gas to hydrogen
fueling systems.
Several key technologies are being developed in
this project. This includes a compact, cost-effective, and
efficient steam methane reformer and fuel-processing
technology developed by GTI. An additional core effort
is development of hydrogen dispenser with an advanced
filling algorithm that will permit accurate and complete
filling of compressed hydrogen vehicles under a range
of conditions. These advanced subsystems reforming,
fuel cleanup, compression, storage, and dispensing
are being incorporated into an integrated and costcompetitive small natural gas-to-hydrogen fueling
station that will support hydrogen fueling infrastructure
development and expansion. GTI is also producing a
Mobile Hydrogen Unit that will be capable of producing
up 15 kg/day used scaled-down versions of equipment
used in the nominal 50 kg/day system.
The project approach is to develop and test
key subsystems (main tasks include fuel processor,
compression, fuel purification, storage, and dispensing)
and then integrate these subsystems into an overall costeffective hydrogen fueling solution. The project includes
three phases: 1) Design, 2) Subsystem Development and
Lab Testing, and 3) Field Testing. The final system will
William E. Liss
The project began in February 2002 with a focus
on subsystem and system design. A comprehensive
design and analysis report was submitted in September
2002. This covered all of the key subsystems as well
as a first-generation integrated system design. The
footprint for the system (excluding hydrogen storage) is
approximately 8 by 14.
1. The application of a natural gas steam methane
reformer-based fuel processing system is technically
2. Fuel conversion efficiencies in excess of 75% are
feasible (LHV basis) with integrated operation with
hydrogen purification systems (e.g., PSA).
3. Fuel processor start-up time and dynamic response
rates are acceptable for fast-fill stations that
incorporate high-pressure cascade storage systems.
A large number of tests on fast-filling of highpressure hydrogen cylinders have been conducted under
a range of starting ambient temperature conditions,
starting pressure levels, varying time of fill, and other
key parameters. These results were used with GTIs
CHARGE H2 model to develop a hydrogen dispenser
filling control algorithm (Hydrofill). The Hydrofill
algorithm allows accurate and complete filling of
hydrogen cylinders over a wide range of operating
conditions. The accuracy of the algorithm derives from
its reliance on first-principle thermodynamics.