A - Development of A Natural Gas To Hydrogen Fuel Station

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3 Development of a Natural Gas to Hydrogen Fuel Station

ability to fill vehicles (5 kg capacity) in less than five
minutes using a new dispenser design.

William E. Liss

Gas Technology Institute

1700 S. Mount Prospect Road
Des Plaines, IL 60018
Phone: (847) 768-0753; Fax: (847) 768-0501
E-mail: [email protected]

Milestone 11: Validate cost of producing hydrogen

in quantity of $3.00/gge (untaxed, based on
volume production). GTIs economic models
predict hydrogen costs below $3.00/kg at hydrogen
station sizes of 750 kg/day and larger.

DOE Technology Development Managers:


Sigmund Gronich
Phone: (202) 586-1623; Fax: (202) 586-9811
E-mail: [email protected]

Fuel Processing

John Garbak
Phone: (202) 586-1723; Fax: (202) 586-9811
E-mail: [email protected]

DOE Project Officer: Carolyn Elam

Phone: (303) 275-4953; Fax: (303) 275-4788
E-mail: [email protected]

GreenField Compression
Richardson, TX

Develop cost-competitive technology for distributed

production of high-pressure hydrogen from natural
gas to fuel hydrogen-powered vehicles.

Design and test fast-fill natural gas-to-hydrogen

fueling system with 40-60 kg/day delivery capacities
(scalable to higher output levels).

Demonstrate capability of producing high-purity,

high-pressure hydrogen at $3.00/kg (at higher
volumes of production)

Demonstrate innovative, compact natural gas steam

reforming system.

Develop a hydrogen dispenser that can accurately,

safely and cost effectively fill hydrogen vehicle
containers in less than five minutes.

Size from 10 kg/day to 50 kg/day.

Three units designed for low pressure operation.

Two units designed for higher pressure

operation (up to 200 psig).

Latest designs of the small (10 kg/day) and larger

(50 kg/day) pressurized fuel processors achieved
efficiencies in the range of 75%, with peak values
of 83% achieved (Figure 1, exceeding DOE 2010
Technical Target of 70%).

Units incorporate compact steam generation, fuel

reformer, single-stage low-temperature shift, and
heat recovery reducing package cost and footprint.
U.S. patent issued on fuel processor design

Tests run using fuel processor operating on ethanol.

Various desulfurization materials evaluated for

removing hydrogen sulfide and odorants from
natural gas. New material evaluated with elevated
performance characteristics.

Start Date: July 16, 2001

End Date: August 31, 2006


DOE Cooperative Agreement Number:


Five different fuel processors built and tested.

Contribution to Achievement of DOE Technology

Validation Milestones

Milestone 6: Validate vehicle refueling time of

5 minutes or less. Dispenser testing has shown
Figure 1. Fuel Processor Thermal Balance

FY 2006 Annual Progress Report


DOE Hydrogen Program

VI.B Technology Validation / Distributed Reforming

William E. Liss

Fuel Purification

Developed test lab for collecting accurate

performance and gas quality measurements.

Evaluated design concepts for multi-adsorbent,

multi-functional pressure swing adsorption (PSA).

Tested three different pre-commercial PSA

technologies: SeQual, Air Products, Quest Air.

Tested two different metal membranes: Pd-Cu

membrane from Hy9 Corporation and PBI-coated
sintered metal membrane from Pall Corporation
(developed in cooperation with LANL).

Incorporated PSA tail-gas recycle with customdesigned fuel processor burner for efficient

Detailed PLC-based program developed (254

executable steps) and implemented on low-cost

Licensing and technology transfer begun; one

license agreement to date.

Commercial hydrogen dispenser built, tested and

deployed in the field (Figure 2).

Performed modeling to characterize dynamic

heat transfer and temperature profiles throughout
a hydrogen cylinder structure (Type 3 and Type
4) during and after fueling with high short-term

Hydrogen Compression

Fuel Dispensing

Primary (<200 psig) reciprocating compressor

designed & built.

Developed thermodynamic hydrogen cylinder filling

model (CHARGEH2).

Testing was unsuccessful.

Two-stage diaphragm compressor testing on-going

(PDC Compressor).

Evaluating oil-free multi-stage reciprocating

hydrogen compressor with unique magnetic
coupling drive from GreenField Compression
(Figure 3).

First principle thermodynamic model using

multiple differential equations to characterize
fuel station storage, dispensing, and vehicle
container filling (350 bar/5,075 psig).

Ran hundreds of cases using a wide matrix of

starting conditions, end conditions, flow rates,
cylinder types, etc.

Hydrogen Storage

Upgraded model to evaluate 700 bar/10,000

psig fill operation.

Three-bank cascade storage built (7,500 psig) using

conventional ASME steel alloy storage containers.

Designed three-bank canopy storage system using

composite pressure vessels.

Obtained lightweight composite tanks for use in a

small-capacity cascade storage system and a largecapacity cascade storage cascade (Figure 4).

Constructed full-scale high-pressure hydrogen test

facility containing full-scale three-bank storage
cascade (pressure to 500 bar/7,500 psig) with
capability for -40F to 150F testing.

Developed lab-based hydrogen dispenser with full


Performed high-pressure hydrogen mass flow meter

tests using high-precision gravimetric scale to
validate meter performance.

Conducted comprehensive hydrogen fast-fill tests.

Three different cylinder types (Type 1, Type 3,

Type 4).

Eleven different thermocouples mounted inside

(in gas phase) and outside to fully quantify
heating effects.

Controlled tests run from -20F to 120F.

Total of over 100 different controlled hydrogen

fill tests run.

Hydrogen dispenser fill control algorithm developed

and validated.

U.S. patent issued (#7,059,364) along with

additional know how.
Figure 2. Hydrogen Dispenser Field Test

DOE Hydrogen Program


FY 2006 Annual Progress Report

VI.B Technology Validation / Distributed Reforming

William E. Liss

System Design and Economics

Conducted economics analysis to evaluate size

effects and economics at system sizes of 750 kg/day
and 1,500 kg/day. GTIs economic models predict
hydrogen costs below $3.00/kg at hydrogen station
sizes of 750 kg/day and larger (350 bar/5,075 psig).

Comprehensive subsystem and integrated 50 kg/day

system design report completed.

System controls procured and programming


Comprehensive 50 kg/day system economic model


Several technical papers presented at NHA annual

conferences and other technical forums.

Constructing public-access high-pressure hydrogen

fueling station for operation at GTIs location near

Developing 10-15 kg/day transportable hydrogen

fueling station.

Established technology transfer and licensing

agreement with commercialization partner.

Initiated follow-on deployment program with State

of Texas; others in development.

Revised summary will be included in final


A key impediment to expanded fuel cell vehicle use
is fueling infrastructure. The use of distributed hydrogen
fueling systems is seen as an intermediate pathway
to permit infrastructure development, with a future
transition to a hydrogen pipeline delivery infrastructure.
This project leverages the substantial natural gas delivery
infrastructure by using onsite natural gas to hydrogen
fueling systems.
Several key technologies are being developed in
this project. This includes a compact, cost-effective, and
efficient steam methane reformer and fuel-processing
technology developed by GTI. An additional core effort
is development of hydrogen dispenser with an advanced
filling algorithm that will permit accurate and complete
filling of compressed hydrogen vehicles under a range
of conditions. These advanced subsystems reforming,
fuel cleanup, compression, storage, and dispensing
are being incorporated into an integrated and costcompetitive small natural gas-to-hydrogen fueling
station that will support hydrogen fueling infrastructure
development and expansion. GTI is also producing a
Mobile Hydrogen Unit that will be capable of producing
up 15 kg/day used scaled-down versions of equipment
used in the nominal 50 kg/day system.

Figure 3. Novel Multi-Stage Hydrogen Reciprocating Compressor

The project approach is to develop and test
key subsystems (main tasks include fuel processor,
compression, fuel purification, storage, and dispensing)
and then integrate these subsystems into an overall costeffective hydrogen fueling solution. The project includes
three phases: 1) Design, 2) Subsystem Development and
Lab Testing, and 3) Field Testing. The final system will

Figure 4. Three-Bank Hydrogen Cascade Using Composite Pressure


FY 2006 Annual Progress Report


DOE Hydrogen Program

VI.B Technology Validation / Distributed Reforming

William E. Liss

be used as a public-access style hydrogen fueling station

located at GTIs facilities near OHare Airport.

incorporating the GTI-developed Hydrofill algorithm.

Initial validation testing showed good performance. An
initial unit was implemented in the field (separate from
this project). A picture of this installation is shown in
Figure 2.

The project began in February 2002 with a focus
on subsystem and system design. A comprehensive
design and analysis report was submitted in September
2002. This covered all of the key subsystems as well
as a first-generation integrated system design. The
footprint for the system (excluding hydrogen storage) is
approximately 8 by 14.

In a separate project funded in part by the State of

Texas, GTI and GreenField Compression are evaluating
use of a novel high-pressure, multi-stage reciprocating
compressor. This unique compressor is completely oil
free and uses a magnetic coupling to segment the drive
motor from the sealed compressor (Figure 3).
GTI is working with Lincoln Composites to evaluate
the use of Type 4 plastic-lined, composite pressure
vessels for hydrogen fuel station cascade storage. The
cost of these units, on a $/scf basis, look attractive
even compared to conventional steel vessels. Two
different size three-bank hydrogen storage cascades were
constructed (Figure 4).

The development of the fuel processing subsystem,

the heart of the overall system, is completed. A compact
steam methane reformer and low-temperature, singlestage shift conversion system has been tested that
maximizes the hydrogen yield at high efficiency. Tests
of the complete system indicate the ability to reliably
obtain high hydrogen concentrations of 75 to 80% with
low CO levels. The fuel processor has been designed
to comply with appropriate fire safety standards.
Initial prototypes were developed to operate at low
natural gas pressures (below 15 psig). Due to technical
challenges in developing or obtaining a single-stage
reformate compressor, recent fuel processor units have
been constructed to operate at 200 psig. Both smaller
scale (10-15 kg/day) and larger scale (50-80 kg/day)
fuel processors have exhibited thermal efficiencies in
the range of 75% and higher. Peak efficiency and heat
balance shows 83% efficiency (LHV basis).

1. The application of a natural gas steam methane
reformer-based fuel processing system is technically
2. Fuel conversion efficiencies in excess of 75% are
feasible (LHV basis) with integrated operation with
hydrogen purification systems (e.g., PSA).
3. Fuel processor start-up time and dynamic response
rates are acceptable for fast-fill stations that
incorporate high-pressure cascade storage systems.

GTI has constructed a full-scale hydrogen storage

cascade and simulated dispenser within a large
temperature-controlled environmental chamber. This
facility stores high-pressure hydrogen gas in a threebank cascade storage system. Temperature can be
controlled from 40 to 70C. The facility includes
essential components of a hydrogen dispenser, including
precision mass flow meter (provided by Emerson
Process Controls), cascade controls, thermocouples,
and precision pressure transmitters. Cylinder filling is
gravimetrically validated using an ultra-high-precision,
intrinsically safe scale.

4. Improved guidelines are needed for fuel quality

requirements and measurement techniques related
to high-pressure hydrogen for fuel cell vehicles.
5. Significant thermal effects are seen with fast filling
of high-pressure hydrogen cylinders.
6. Accurate filling of hydrogen vehicle containers can
be achieved without on-board communications
under a wide vary of conditions and scenarios.

8. System economics will be attractive as the demand

for hydrogen develops and larger stations (in excess
of 500 kg/day) become justified and highly utilized.
Delivered costs of hydrogen below $3.00/kg are
feasible in this scenario. In the interim, smaller
stations will entail a higher delivered cost of
hydrogen or benefit from incentives to offset capital

A large number of tests on fast-filling of highpressure hydrogen cylinders have been conducted under
a range of starting ambient temperature conditions,
starting pressure levels, varying time of fill, and other
key parameters. These results were used with GTIs
CHARGE H2 model to develop a hydrogen dispenser
filling control algorithm (Hydrofill). The Hydrofill
algorithm allows accurate and complete filling of
hydrogen cylinders over a wide range of operating
conditions. The accuracy of the algorithm derives from
its reliance on first-principle thermodynamics.

Special Recognitions & Awards/Patents

1. Two U.S. patents were issued related to the GTI fuel
processor and the GTI-developed HydroFill hydrogen
dispenser control algorithm.

GTI and Greenfield Compression worked together

to develop a pre-commercial hydrogen dispenser

DOE Hydrogen Program

Composite pressure vessels are improving in cost

relative to steel containers.


FY 2006 Annual Progress Report

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