Variables and Patterns Book

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Variables and Patterns

Introducing Algebra
Unit Opener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Mathematical Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Variables, Tables, and Coordinate Graphs . . . . . . . . . 5

1.1 Preparing for a Bicycle Tour: Interpreting Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2 Making Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3 Day 1: Atlantic City to Lewes: Interpreting Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.4 Day 2: Lewes to Chincoteague Island: Reading Data from
Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.5 Day 3: Chincoteague Island to Norfolk: Finding Average
Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Homework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Mathematical Reflections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Analyzing Graphs and Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

2.1 Renting Bicycles: Analyzing a Table and a Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.2 Finding Customers: Making and Analyzing a Graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.3 Whats the Story? Interpreting Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Homework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Mathematical Reflections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48


Variables and Patterns

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Rules and Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

3.1 Writing Equations: Equations With One Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.2 Writing More Equations: Equations With Two Operations. . . . . . . . . . 52
3.3 Paying Bills and Counting Profits: Equations for Revenue,
Expenses, and Profit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Homework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Mathematical Reflections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Calculator Tables and Graphs

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

4.1 Making and Using Calculator Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

4.2 Making and Using Calculator Graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.3 Extending the Tour: Comparing Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Homework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Mathematical Reflections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Looking Back and Looking Ahead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
English/Spanish Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

Table of Contents


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Introducing Algebra

How does the number

of daylight hours change
with the passage of time
in a year? Why does
this happen?

Who offers the better

deal for renting a truck?
East Coast Trucks: $4.25
for each mile driven or
Philadelphia Truck
Rental: $200 plus
$2 per mile driven.

The group admission price

for Wild World Amusement
park is $50, plus $10 per
person. What equation
relates the price to the
number of people in
the group?

Variables and Patterns

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ome things never seem to change.

The sun always rises in the east and
sets in the west. The United States
holds a presidential election every
four years. Labor Day always falls
on the first Monday of September.
But many other things are always
changing. Temperatures rise and fall
within a day and from season to
season. Store sales change in response
to rising and falling prices and shopper
demand. Audiences for television
shows and movies change as viewers
interests change. The speeds of cars
on streets and highways change in
response to variations in traffic
density and road conditions.

In mathematics, science, and

business, quantities that change are
called variables. Many problems
require predicting how changes in
the values of one variable are related
to changes in the values of another.
To help you solve such problems,
you can represent the relationships
between variables using word
descriptions, tables, graphs, and
equations. The mathematical ideas
and skills used to solve such
problems come from the branch of
mathematics called algebra. This
unit introduces some of the basic
tools of algebra.

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Introducing Algebra

In Variables and Patterns, you will study some basic ideas of algebra and
learn some ways to use those ideas.
You will learn how to

Identify variables in situations

Describe patterns of change shown in words, tables, and graphs

Use algebraic symbols to write equations relating variables

Recognize situations in which changes in variables are related in useful

Construct tables and graphs to display relationships between variables
Observe how a change in the relationship between two variables affects
the table, graph, and equation
Use tables, graphs, and equations to solve problems
Use graphing calculators to construct tables and graphs of relationships
between variables and to answer questions about these relationships

As you work on problems in this unit, ask yourself questions about problem
situations that involve related quantitative variables:
What are the variables in the problem?
Which variables depend on, or change in relation to, others?
How can I use a table, graph, or equation to display and analyze a
relationship between quantitative variables?
What does it mean when I see regular and predictable changes in a table
of data or a graph?
How can I use these regular or predictable changes to make estimates or
predictions about other data values?

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Variables, Tables, and
Coordinate Graphs
The bicycle was invented in 1791.
People of all ages use bicycles for
transportation and sport. Many people
spend their vacations taking organized
bicycle tours.

RAGBRAI, which stands for Registers Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across
Iowa, is a weeklong cycling tour across the state of Iowa. The event has
been held every summer since 1973. Although the tour follows a different
route each year, it always begins with as
many as 10,000 participants dipping their
back bicycle wheels into the Missouri
River along Iowas western border and
ends with the riders dipping their front
wheels into the Mississippi River on
Iowas eastern border.
For: Information about RAGBRAI
Web Code: ane-9031

Investigation 1 Variables, Tables, and Coordinate Graphs

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Preparing for a Bicycle Tour


Sidney, Celia, Liz, Malcolm, and Theo

decide to operate bicycle tours as a summer
business. The five college students choose a
route from Atlantic City, New Jersey, to
Norfolk, Virginia. The students name their
business Ocean Bike Tours.
While planning their bike tour, the students
need to determine how far the touring group
can ride each day. To figure this out, they
take test rides around their hometowns.

Getting Ready for Problem 1.1

How far do you think you could ride in a day?

What conditions would affect the speed and distance you could ride?

How do you think the speed of your ride would change during the
course of the day?

To accurately answer the questions above, you would need to take a test
ride yourself. Instead you can perform an experiment involving jumping
jacks. This experiment should give you some idea of the patterns commonly
seen in tests of endurance.
Jumping Jack Experiment
You will need a group of at least four people:

a jumper (to do jumping jacks)

a timer (to keep track of the time)
a counter (to count jumping jacks)
a recorder (to write down the number of jumping jacks)

As a group, decide who will do each task.

When the timer says go, the jumper begins doing jumping jacks. The
jumper continues jumping for 2 minutes. The counter counts the jumping
jacks out loud. Every 10 seconds, the timer says time and the recorder
records the total number of jumping jacks the jumper has done.

Variables and Patterns

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Problem 1.1 Interpreting Tables

A. Do the jumping jack experiment. For each jumper, prepare a table for
recording the total number of jumping jacks after every 10 seconds, up
to a total time of 2 minutes (120 seconds).
Jumping Jack Experiment
Time (seconds)








Total Number of
Jumping Jacks

Use the table of your jumping jack data

to answer these questions:
B. How did the jumping jack rates (the
number of jumping jacks per second)
in your group change as time passed?
How is this shown in your tables?
C. What might this pattern suggest about
how bike-riding speed would change
over a days time on the bicycle tour?
Homework starts on page 15.


Making Graphs

In the jumping jack experiment, the number of jumping jacks and the time
are variables. A variable is a quantity that changes or varies. You recorded
data for the experiment variables in a table. Another way to display your
data is in a coordinate graph. Making a coordinate graph is a way to show
the relationships between two variables.

Investigation 1 Variables, Tables, and Coordinate Graphs

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There are four steps to follow when you make a coordinate graph.
Step 1 Identify two variables.
In Problem 1.1, the two variables are time and number of jumping jacks.
Step 2 Select an axis to represent each variable.
Often, you can assign each variable to an axis by thinking about how the
variables are related. If one variable depends on the other, put the
dependent variable on the y-axis (the vertical axis) and the
independent variable on the x-axis (the horizontal axis). You may have
encountered the terms dependent variable and independent variable in
your science classes.
If time is a variable, you usually put it on the x-axis. This helps you see
the story that occurs over time as you read the graph from left to right.

Label your graph so that someone else can

see what it represents. You can label the
x-axis as Time (seconds) and the y-axis as
Number of Jumping Jacks. You can use
these labels to help you choose a title for
your graph. You might title this graph,
Jumping Jacks Over Time.

Jumping Jacks Over Time


Number of Jumping Jacks

In Problem 1.1, the number of jumping jacks

depends on time. So, put number of jumping
jacks (the dependent variable) on the y-axis
and time (the independent variable) on the

Time (seconds)

Variables and Patterns

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Step 3 Select a scale for each axis. For each axis, determine the least and
greatest values to show. Then decide how to space the scale marks.
In Problem 1.1, the values for time are between 0 and 120 seconds. On the
graph, label the x-axis (time) from 0 to 120. Because you collected data
every 10 seconds, label by 10s.
The scale you use on the y-axis (number of jumping jacks) depends on the
number of jumping jacks you did. For example, if you did 97 jumping jacks,
you could label your scale from 0 to 100. Because it would take a lot of
space to label the scale for every jumping jack, you could label by 10s.

Number of Jumping Jacks

Jumping Jacks Over Time

100 y

Step 4
Plot the data points.


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Time (seconds)

Step 4 Plot the data points.

Suppose that at 60 seconds, you had done 66 jumping jacks. To plot this
information, start at 60 on the x-axis (time) and follow a line straight up.
On the y-axis (number of jumping jacks), start at 66 and follow a line straight
across. Make a point where the two lines intersect.You can describe this
point with the coordinate pair (60, 66).The first number in a coordinate pair
is the x-coordinate, and the second number is the y-coordinate.

Problem 1.2 Making Graphs

A. Make a graph of the jumping jack data for one of the jumpers in your group.
B. What does your graph show about the jumping jack rate as time passes?
(Another way to say this is, what does your graph show about the
relationship between the number of jumping jacks and time?)
C. Is the relationship you found between the number of jumping jacks
and time easier to see in the table or in the graph? Explain.
Homework starts on page 15.
Investigation 1 Variables, Tables, and Coordinate Graphs

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Day 1: Atlantic City to Lewes

Sidney, Liz, Celia, Malcolm, and Theo found they could comfortably ride
from 60 to 90 miles in one day. They use these findings, as well as a map
and campground information, to plan a three-day tour route. They wonder
if steep hills and rough winds coming off the ocean might make the trip too
difficult for some riders.
It is time to test the projected tour route. The students want the trip to
attract middle school students, so Sidney asks her 13-year-old brother,
Tony, and her 14-year-old sister, Sarah, to come along. The students will
collect data during the trip and use the data to write detailed reports. Using
the reports, they can improve their plans and explain
the trip to potential customers.
They begin their bike tour in Atlantic City and
ride five hours south to Cape May, New Jersey.
Sidney and Sarah follow in a van with camping gear.
Sarah records distances traveled until they reach
Cape May. She makes the table at the right.
From Cape May, they take a ferry across the
Delaware Bay to Lewes (LOO-is), Delaware. They
camp that night in a state park along the ocean.

Problem 1.3 Interpreting Graphs

A. Make a coordinate graph of the time and
distance data in Sarahs table. Show time
on the x-axis.

Atlantic City to Cape May

Time (hr) Distance (mi)




















B. Analyze your graph by answering the following

1. Give the coordinate pair for the third point on your graph. What
information does this point give?
2. Connecting the points on a graph sometimes helps you see a
pattern more clearly. You can connect the points to consider what
is happening in the intervals between the points.

Connect the points on your graph with straight line segments. Use
the line segments to estimate the distance traveled after 4 of an
hour (0.75 hours).


Variables and Patterns

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3. The straight-line segment you drew from (4.5, 40) to (5.0, 45) shows
the progress if the riders travel at a steady rate for the entire half
hour. The actual pace of the group, and of individual riders, may
vary throughout the half hour. These paths show some possible
ways the ride may have progressed:




Match each of these connecting paths with the travel notes below.
a. Celia rode slowly at first and gradually increased her speed.
b. Tony and Liz rode quickly and reached the campsite early.

Malcolm had to fix a flat tire, so he started late.

d. Theo started off fast. He soon felt tired and slowed down.
C. Sidney wants to describe Day 1 of the tour. Using information from
the table or the graph, what can she write about the days travel?
Consider the following questions:

How far did the group travel? How much time did it take them?

Did the riders go farther in the first half or the second half of the
days ride?

During which time interval(s) did they go the greatest distance?

During which time interval(s) did they go the least distance?

D. Sidney wants to include either the table or the graph in her report.
Which do you think she should include? Why?
Homework starts on page 15.

Investigation 1 Variables, Tables, and Coordinate Graphs


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Day 2: Lewes to Chincoteague Island

On Day 2, the students leave Lewes, Delaware, and ride through Ocean City,
Maryland. They stop for the day on Chincoteague (SHING kuh teeg)
Island, which is famous for its annual pony auction.

Assateague (A suh teeg) Island is home

to herds of wild ponies. To survive in a harsh
environment of beaches, sand dunes, and
marshes, these sturdy ponies eat saltmarsh,
seaweed, and even poison ivy!
To keep the population of ponies under
control, an auction is held every summer.
During the famous Pony Swim, the ponies
that will be sold swim across a quarter mile
of water to Chincoteague Island.
For: Information about the Pony Swim
Web Code: ane-9031

Celia collects data along the way and uses it to make the graph below. Her
graph shows the distance the riders are from Lewes as the day progresses.
This graph is different from the graph made for Problem 1.3, which showed
the total distance traveled as Day 1 progressed.

Day 2 Progress

Distance (mi)

100 y

Time (hr)


Variables and Patterns

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Problem 1.4 Reading Data from Graphs

A. Does it make sense to connect the points on this graph? Explain.
B. Make a table of (time, distance) data that matches the coordinate
pairs of the graph. (You will need to estimate many of the distance
C. What might have happened between hours 2 and 4? What do you
think happened between hours 1.5 and 2?
D. During which interval(s) did the riders make the most progress?
During which interval(s) did they make the least progress?
E. Which method of displaying the data helps you see the changes
better, a table or a graph? Explain.
F. Use the graph to find the total distance the riders travel on Day 2.
How did you find your answer?
Homework starts on page 15.

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite navigation system

funded and operated by the U.S. Department of Defense. However, there
are many thousands of civilian users of GPS
worldwide. With the use of a portable computer,
a Braille keyboard, and a GPS receiver, a blind
person is able to get directions.
For: Information about GPS
Web Code: ane-9031

Investigation 1 Variables, Tables, and Coordinate Graphs


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Day 3: Chincoteague Island to Norfolk

On Day 3, the group travels from Chincoteague Island to Norfolk, Virginia.

Malcolm and Tony ride in the van. They forget to record the distance
traveled each half hour, but they do write some notes about the trip.

We started at 8:30 A.M. and rode

into a strong wind until our
midmorning break.
About midmorning, the wind shifted
to our backs.
We stopped for lunch at a barbeque
stand and rested for about an hour.
By this time, we had traveled about
halfway to Norfolk.

Around 3:30 P.M., we reached

the north end of the Chesapeake
Bay Bridge and Tunnel. We stopped
for a few minutes to watch the
ships passing. Because riding
bikes on the bridge is not allowed,
we put the bikes in the van and
drove across.
We took 7.5 hours to complete
todays 80-mile trip.

Around 2:00 P.M., we stopped for

a brief swim in the ocean.

Problem 1.5 Finding Average Speed

A. Make a table of (time, distance) data that reasonably fits the
information in Malcolm and Tonys notes.
B. Sketch a coordinate graph that shows the same information.
C. Explain how you used each of the six notes to make your table and
D. The riders traveled 80 miles in 7.5 hours. Suppose they had traveled at
a constant speed for the entire trip. This constant speed would be the
same as the average speed of the real trip. What was the average speed
for this trip?
E. Suppose you made a (time, distance) graph for a rider who made the
entire 7.5-hour trip traveling at the average speed you found in
Question D. What would the graph look like? How would it compare
with the graph you made in Question B?
Homework starts on page 15.


Variables and Patterns

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1. A convenience store has been keeping track of its popcorn sales.
Popcorn Sales

Total Bags Sold

6:00 A.M.

7:00 A.M.

8:00 A.M.


9:00 A.M.


10:00 A.M.


11:00 A.M.




1:00 P.M.


2:00 P.M.


3:00 P.M.


4:00 P.M.


5:00 P.M.


6:00 P.M.


7:00 P.M.


a. Make a coordinate graph of the data in the table above. Which

variable did you put on the x-axis? Why?
b. Describe how the number of bags of popcorn sold changed during
the day.
c. During which hour did the store sell the most popcorn? During
which hour did it sell the least popcorn?
For: Climbing Monkeys
Web Code: and-1101

Investigation 1 Variables, Tables, and Coordinate Graphs


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a. What does the graph tell you about

Marys experiment?
b. How is this graph different from
the graph you made in Problem 1.2?

Marys Graph
Number of Jumping
Jacks per Interval

2. At the right is a graph of jumping

jack data. (On the x-axis, 20 means the
interval from 0 seconds to 20 seconds,
40 means the interval 20 seconds to
40 seconds, and so on.)

c. What total number of jumping

jacks did Mary do?

20 y
0 20

40 60 80 100 120
Time (seconds)

3. After doing the jumping jack experiment, Andrea and Ken compare
their graphs. Because the points on his graph are higher, Ken said he
did more jumping jacks in the 120 seconds than Andrea did. Do you
agree? Explain.

Number of
Jumping Jacks

Andreas Graph
160 y
0 20

40 60 80 100 120
Time (seconds)

Number of
Jumping Jacks

Kens Graph
80 y
0 20

40 60 80 100 120
Time (seconds)


Variables and Patterns

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4. Katrinas parents kept this record of her growth from her birth until
her 18th birthday.
Katrinas Height
Age (yr)

Height (in.)






























a. Make a coordinate graph of Katrinas height data.

b. During which time interval(s) did Katrina have her greatest
growth spurt?
c. During which time interval(s) did Katrinas height change the
d. Would it make sense to connect the points on the graph? Why or
why not?
e. Is it easier to use the table or the graph to answer parts (b) and
(c)? Explain.

Investigation 1 Variables, Tables, and Coordinate Graphs


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5. Below is a chart of the water depth in a harbor during a typical

24-hour day. The water level rises and falls with the tides.
Effect of the Tide on Water Depth
Hours Since Midnight
Depth (m)
Hours Since Midnight
Depth (m)
Hours Since Midnight
Depth (m)

10.1 10.6


12.9 11.4



15.4 16.0
































a. At what time is the water the deepest? Find the depth at that time.
b. At what time is the water the shallowest? Find the depth at that
c. During what time interval does the depth change most rapidly?
d. Make a coordinate graph of the data. Describe the overall pattern
you see.
e. How did you determine what scale to use for your graph? Do you
think everyone in your class used the same scale?


Variables and Patterns

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6. Three students made graphs of the population of a town called

Huntsville. The break in the y-axis in Graphs A and C indicates that
there are values missing between 0 and 8.

Population in 1000s

Graph A


2000 2002 2004


Population in 1000s

Graph B


2000 2002 2004


Population in 1000s

Graph C


2000 2002 2004


a. Describe the relationship between time and population as shown

in each of the graphs.
b. Is it possible that all three graphs correctly represent the
population growth in Huntsville? Explain.
Investigation 1 Variables, Tables, and Coordinate Graphs


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7. On the x-axis of the graph below, 6 means the time from 5:00 to 6:00,
7 means the time from 6:00 to 7:00, and so on.

Cans Sold

Juice Vending Machine Sales


6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Time of Day (starting with 6 A.M.)

a. The graph shows the relationship between two variables. What

are the variables?
b. Describe how the number of cans sold changed during the day.
Explain why these changes might have occurred.

Temperature (F)

8. Here is a graph of temperature data collected on the students trip

from Atlantic City to Lewes.

Temperatures for Day 1


Time (hr)

a. This graph shows the relationship between two variables. What

are they?
b. Make a table of data from this graph.
c. What is the difference between the days lowest and highest
d. During which time interval(s) did the temperature rise the
fastest? During which time interval did it fall the fastest?


Variables and Patterns

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e. Is it easier to use the table or the graph to answer part (c)? Why?
f. Is it easier to use the table or the graph to answer part (d)? Why?
g. What information can you get from the lines connecting the
points? Do you think it is accurate information? Explain.
9. Here is a graph Celia drew on the
bike trip.

Celias Graph

b. Is this a reasonable pattern for

the speed of a cyclist? Is this a
reasonable pattern for the speed
of the van? Is this a reasonable
pattern for the speed of the wind?
Explain each of your conclusions.


a. What does this graph show?


10. Make a table and a graph of (time, temperature) data that fit the
following information about a day on the road:

We started riding at 8 A.M. The day

was quite warm, with dark clouds
in the sky.
About midmorning, the temperature
dropped quickly to 63F, and there
was a thunderstorm for about
an hour.

As the day went on, the sun

steadily warmed the air. When we
reached our campground at 4 P.M.
it was 89F.

After the storm, the sky cleared and

there was a warm breeze.

11. When Ben first started to play the electric guitar, his skill increased
quite rapidly. Over time, Ben seemed to improve more slowly.
a. Sketch a graph to show how Bens guitar-playing skill progressed
over time since he began to play.
b. Your graph shows the relationship between two variables. What
are those variables?
c. What other variables might affect the rate at which Bens playing
Investigation 1 Variables, Tables, and Coordinate Graphs


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12. Amanda made the graphs below to show how her level of hunger and
her feelings of happiness changed over the course of a day. She forgot
to label the graphs.

Graph I
6 A.M. 9 A.M. 12 P.M. 3 P.M.

6 P.M.

9 P.M.

6 P.M.

9 P.M.

Graph II
6 A.M. 9 A.M. 12 P.M. 3 P.M.

Use the following descriptions to determine which graph shows

Amandas hunger pattern and which graph shows Amandas
happiness. Explain.
Hunger: Amanda woke up really hungry and ate a large breakfast.
She was hungry again by lunch, which began at 11:45. After school, she
had a snack before basketball practice, but she had a big appetite by
the time she got home for dinner. Amanda was full after dinner and
did not eat much before she went to bed.
Happiness: Amanda woke up in a good mood, but got mad at her
older brother for hogging the bathroom. She talked to a boy she likes
on the morning bus. Amanda enjoyed her early classes, but got bored
by lunch. At lunch, she had fun with friends. She loved her computer
class, which was right after lunch, but she didnt enjoy her other
afternoon classes. After school, Amanda had a good time at basketball
practice. After dinner, she did homework and chores.


Variables and Patterns

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For Exercises 1315, order the numbers from least to greatest. Then
describe how each number in your ordered list can be obtained from the
previous number.
13. 1.75, 0.25, 0.5, 1.5, 2.0, 0.75, 1.25, 1.00
1 7 3 1 1 5
14. , 1, , , , , ,
4 8 4 2 8 8
4 1 1 4 8 32
15. , , , , ,
3 3 6 6 3 6

For: Multiple-Choice Skills

Web Code: ana-1154

16. Draw the next shape in this pattern. Then, make a table of (number
of squares in bottom row, total number of squares) data for the first
five shapes in this pattern.

17. Make a table to show how the total number of cubes in these
pyramids changes as the width of the base changes from 3 to 7.

Investigation 1 Variables, Tables, and Coordinate Graphs


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18. Multiple Choice Suppose you know that there are five blocks in a
bag, and one of these is marked winner.

You reach into the bag and choose one block at random. What is the
probability you will choose the winner?






D. None of these

19. a. Suppose you replace the block you chose in Exercise 18 and add
another winner block. Now there are six blocks in the bag.
What is the probability of choosing a winner if you choose one
block at random?
b. How does your probability of choosing a winner change for
every extra winner block you add to the bag? Use a table or
graph to explain your answer.
20. Suppose you toss a 6-sided die twice to make the coordinate pair
(roll 1, roll 2). You will win a prize if the result is (2, 2), (4, 4), or
(6, 6). What is the probability you will win a prize?
21. The directors of Ocean Bike Tours want to compare their plans with
other bicycle tour companies. The bike tour they are planning takes
three days, and they wonder if this might be too short. Malcolm called
18 different companies and asked, How many days is your most
popular bike trip? Here are the answers he received:

3, 6, 7, 5, 10, 7, 4, 2, 3, 3, 5, 14, 5, 7, 12, 4, 3, 6

Make a line plot of the data.
22. Multiple Choice What is the median of the data in Exercise 21?
F. 3


G. 5

Variables and Patterns

H. 6

J. 14

For: Help with Exercise 20

Web Code: ane-1120

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23. On the basis of the information in Exercises 21 and 22, should Ocean
Bike Tours change the length of the three-day trip? Explain.
24. The graph below shows the results of a survey of people over age 25
who had completed different levels of education.

Education and Salary


Median Salary


9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Years of Education Completed

a. Make a table that shows the information in the graph.

b. After how many years of education do salaries take a big jump?
Why do you think this happens?
c. Do you find it easier to answer part (b) by looking at the graph or
at your table? Explain.
25. Think of something in your life that
varies with time, and make a graph
to show how it might change as time
passes. Some possibilities are the
length of your hair, your height,
your moods, or your feelings
toward your friends.

Investigation 1 Variables, Tables, and Coordinate Graphs


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26. The number of hours of daylight in a day changes
throughout the year. We say that the days are
shorter in winter and longer in summer. The
table shows the number of daylight hours in
Chicago, Illinois, on a typical day during each
month of the year (January is month 1, and so on).

Daylight Hours
Month Daylight Hours




a. Describe any relationships you see between

the two variables.



b. On a grid, sketch a coordinate graph of the

data. Put months on the x-axis and daylight
hours on the y-axis. What patterns do you see?











c. The seasons in the southern hemisphere are

the opposite of the seasons in the northern
hemisphere. When it is summer in North
America, it is winter in Australia. Chicago is
about the same distance north of the equator
as Melbourne, Australia, is south of the equator.
Sketch a graph showing the relationship you
would expect to find between the month and
the hours of daylight in Melbourne.

d. Put the (month, daylight) values from your graph in part (c) into a


Variables and Patterns

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27. Some students did a jumping jack experiment. They reported their data
in the graph below.

Number of Jumping Jacks

Our Jumping Jack Experiment

50 y


20 30 40 50 60

Elapsed Time (seconds)

a. According to the graph, how many jumping jacks did the jumper
make by the end of 10 seconds? By the end of 20 seconds? By the
end of 60 seconds?
b. Give the elapsed time and number of jumping jacks for two other
points on the graph.
c. What estimate would make sense for the number of jumping jacks
in 30 seconds? The number in 40 seconds? In 50 seconds?
d. What does the overall pattern in the graph show about the rate at
which the test jumper completed jumping jacks?
e. Suppose you connected the first and last data points with a straight
line segment. Would this line show the overall pattern? Explain.
28. a. A school booster club sells sweatshirts. Which, if any, of the
graphs describes the relationship you expect between the price
charged for each sweatshirt and the profit? Explain your choice,
or draw a new graph you think better describes this relationship.










b. What variables might affect the clubs profits?

Investigation 1 Variables, Tables, and Coordinate Graphs


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29. Chelsea and Nicole can paddle a canoe at a steady rate of 5 miles per
a. On Saturday, they paddle for 3 hours on a calm river. Sketch a
graph of their speed over the 3-hour period.
b. On Sunday, they go canoeing again. They paddle with a
2-mile-per-hour current for 1 hour. Then, they turn into a
tributary that feeds the river. They paddle against a
2-mile-per-hour current for 2 hours. On the same axes you used
in part (a), sketch a graph of their speed over this 3-hour period.
c. How does the speed of the current affect the speed of the canoe?

30. In parts (a)(e) below, how does the value of one variable change as
the value of the other changes? Estimate pairs of values that show the
pattern of change you would expect. Record your estimates in a table
with at least five data points.

Sample hours of television you watch in a week and your school

grade-point average
As television time increases, I expect my grade-point average
to decrease.
TV Time (hours per week)
Grade Point Average









a. distance from school to your home and time it takes to walk home
b. price of popcorn at a theater and number of bags sold
c. speed of an airplane and time it takes the plane to complete a
500-mile trip
d. number of days you keep a rented DVD and rental charge
e. length of a long-distance telephone call in minutes and cost of the call


Variables and Patterns

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The problems in this investigation asked you to think about variables and
the patterns relating the values of variables. You made tables and graphs to
show how different variables are related. The following questions will help
you summarize what you have learned.
Think about your answers to these questions. Discuss your ideas with other
students and your teacher. Then write a summary of your findings in your
1. Describe the steps you would take in making a graph to show the
relationship between two related variables.
2. How do you decide which variable should be on the x-axis and which
should be on the y-axis?
3. a. What are the advantages and disadvantages of representing a
relationship between variables in a table?
b. What are the advantages and disadvantages of representing a
relationship between variables in a graph?
c. What are the advantages and disadvantages of describing a
relationship between variables in a written report?

Investigation 1 Variables, Tables, and Coordinate Graphs


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Analyzing Graphs
and Tables
In this investigation you will continue
to use tables, graphs, and descriptions
to compare information and make
decisions. Using tables, graphs, and
words to represent relationships is
an important part of algebra.
Sidney, Celia, Liz, Malcolm, and
Theo continue making plans for
Ocean Bike Tours. Many of these
plans involve questions about money.
How much will it cost to operate
the tours?
How much should customers pay?
Will the company make a profit?
The five tour operators decide to do some research.

Getting Ready for Problem 2.1


With your classmates, make a list of things the tour operators must
provide for their customers. Estimate the cost of each item per

Estimate how much customers would be willing to pay for the

three-day tour.

Based on your estimates, will the partners earn a profit?

Variables and Patterns

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Renting Bicycles

The tour operators decide to rent bicycles for their customers. They get
information from two bike shops.
Rockys Cycle Center sends a table of weekly rental fees for bikes.
Rockys Weekly Rental Rates for Bikes

Rental Fee
















Adrians Bike Shop sends a graph of

their weekly rental fees. Because the
rental fee depends on the number of
bikes, they put the number of bikes
on the x-axis.



$1,180 $1,200

Adrians Weekly Rental

Rates for Bikes
$1,600 y

Rental Fee

of Bikes








Number of Bikes

Problem 2.1 Analyzing a Table and a Graph

A. Which bike shop should Ocean Bike Tours use? Explain.
B. Suppose you make a graph from the table for Rockys Cycle Center.
Would it make sense to connect the points? Explain.
C. How much do you think each company charges to rent 32 bikes?
D. 1. What patterns do you find in the table and in the graph?
2. Based on the patterns you found in part (1), how can you predict
values that are not included in the table or graph?
E. 1. Describe a way to find the costs for renting any number of bikes
from Adrians Bike Shop.
2. Describe a way to find the costs for renting any number of bikes
from Rockys Cycle Center.
Homework starts on page 35.
Investigation 2 Analyzing Graphs and Tables


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Finding Customers

The tour operators plan a route and choose a

bike shop. Now they must figure out what price
to charge so they can attract customers and
make a profit.
To help set a price, they conduct a survey. They
ask 100 people who have taken other bicycle
tours which of the following amounts they would
pay for the Ocean Bike Tour: $150, $200, $250,
$300, $350, $400, $450, $500, $550, or $600. The
results are shown in the table below.

Problem 2.2 Making and Analyzing a Graph

A. To make a graph of these data, which variable would you
put on the x-axis? Which variable would you put on the
y-axis? Explain.
B. Make a coordinate graph of the data on grid paper.
C. Based on your graph, what price do you think the tour
operators should charge? Explain.
D. 1. The number of people who say they would take the
tour depends on the price. How does the number of
potential customers change as the price increases?
2. How is the change in the number of potential
customers shown in the table? How is the change
shown on the graph?
3. Describe a way to find the number of potential
customers for a price between two prices in the table.
For example, how can you predict the number of
customers for a price of $425?
Homework starts on page 35.


Variables and Patterns

Price Customers
Would Pay
Total Price

Number of




















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Whats the Story?

Its important to be good at reading the story in a graph. Remember that

the y-axis, or vertical axis, of a graph usually represents the dependent
variable, and the x-axis, or horizontal axis, represents the independent
variable. Here are some questions to ask when you look at a graph.
What are the variables represented by the graph?
Do the values of one variable seem to depend on the values of the other?
In other words, do changes in one variable seem to be the result of
changes in the other?
What does the shape of the graph say about the relationship between the

Getting Ready for Problem 2.3

The number of cars in a school parking lot changes as time passes during a
school day. These graphs show two possibilities for the way the number of
cars might change over time.
Graph 1

Graph 2

Describe the story each graph tells about the school parking lot.
Which graph shows the pattern you expect?

How could you label the graph you chose so that someone else would
know what it represents?

Investigation 2 Analyzing Graphs and Tables


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Problem 2.3 Interpreting Graphs

Questions AG describe pairs of related variables. For each pair,

Decide which variable is the dependent variable and which is the

independent variable.

Find a graph that tells a reasonable story about how the variables
might be related. If no graph tells a reasonable story, sketch your own.

Explain what the graph tells about the relationship of the variables.
Give the graph a title.

A. The number of students who go on a school trip is related to the price

of the trip for each student.
B. When a skateboard rider goes down one
side of a half-pipe ramp and up the other
side, her speed changes as time passes.
C. The water level changes over time when
someone fills a tub, takes a bath, and
empties the tub.
D. The waiting time for a popular ride at an
amusement park is related to the number
of people in the park.
E. The number of hours of daylight changes
over time as the seasons change.
F. Weekly attendance at a popular movie changes as time passes from the
date the movie first appears in theaters.
G. The number of customers at an amusement park with water slides
is related to the predicted high temperature for the day.
Graph 1

Graph 2

Graph 3

Graph 4

Graph 5

Graph 6

Homework starts on page 35.


Variables and Patterns

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1. Use the table to answer parts (a)(e).
Typical Weights for
Tiger Cubs

Expected Body
Weight (kg)

















a. What weight is predicted for a 1-week-old tiger cub?

b. What weight is predicted for a 10-week-old tiger cub?
c. At what age do tiger cubs typically weigh 7 kilograms?
d. Describe the pattern relating age and weight. Do you expect this
pattern to continue indefinitely?
e. Would it make sense to connect the points in a graph of these data?

Investigation 2 Analyzing Graphs and Tables


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2. Dezi researches DVD rental prices at local video stores. Source Video
has a yearly membership package. The manager gives Dezi this table:
Source Video Membership/Rental Packages
Number of DVDs Rented
Total Cost













Supreme Video does not have membership packages. Dezi makes the
graph below to relate the cost at Supreme Video to the number of
DVDs rented.
a. Both video stores have a good
selection of movies. Dezis family
plans to watch about two movies a
month. Which video store should
they choose?
b. Write a paragraph explaining to Dezi
how he can decide which video store
to use.

Rental Cost

Supreme Video
DVD Rentals
$100 y

c. For each store, describe the pattern of

change relating the number of DVDs
rented to the cost.



Number of DVDs

3. The table shows the fees charged at one of the campgrounds on the
Ocean Bike Tour.
Campground Fees
Number of
Campground Fee









a. Make a coordinate graph of the data.

b. Does it make sense to connect the points on your graph? Explain.
c. Using the table, describe the pattern of change in the total
campground fee as the number of campsites increases.
d. How is the pattern you described in part (c) shown in your graph?


Variables and Patterns

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4. Some class officers want to sell T-shirts to raise funds for a class trip.
They ask the students in their class how much they would pay for a
shirt and record the data in a table.
Projected Shirt Sales
Price per Shirt






Number of Shirt Sales






a. Describe the relationship between the price per shirt and the
expected number of shirt sales. Is this the sort of pattern you
would expect?
b. Copy and complete this table to show the relationship between
price per shirt and the expected total value of the shirt sales.
Projected Shirt Sales
Price per Shirt






Number of Shirt Sales








Value of Shirt Sales

c. How would you describe the relationship between price per shirt
and expected total value of shirt sales? Is this the sort of pattern
you would expect?
d. Use grid paper to make coordinate graphs of the data like the ones
started below.
Projected Shirt Sales

Projected Shirt Sales

$500 y

Value of Shirt Sales

Number of Sales

50 y


$10 $15 $20 $25

Price per Shirt



$10 $15 $20 $25

Price per Shirt

e. Explain how your answers to parts (a) and (c) are shown in the

Investigation 2 Analyzing Graphs and Tables


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5. A camping-supply store rents camping gear for $25 per person.

a. Make a table of the total rental charges for 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30,
35, 40, 45, and 50 campers.
b. Make a coordinate graph using the data in your table.
c. Compare the pattern of change in your table and graph with
patterns you found in Exercise 3. Describe the similarities and
differences between the two sets of data.
6. The tour operators need to rent a truck to transport camping gear,
clothes, and bicycle repair equipment. They check prices at two
truck-rental companies.
a. East Coast Trucks charges $4.25 for each mile driven. Make a
table of the charges for 0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225,
250, 275, and 300 miles.
b. Philadelphia Truck Rental charges $40 per day and an additional
$2.00 for each mile driven. Make a table of the charges for renting
a truck for five days and driving it 0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175,
200, 225, 250, 275, and 300 miles.

c. On one coordinate grid, plot the charge plans for both rental
companies. Use a different color to mark each companys plan.
d. Based on your work in parts (a)(c), which company offers the
better deal? Explain.


Variables and Patterns

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7. The table shows fees for using a campsite at a state park from 1 day
up to the park limit of 10 days.
Campsite Fees
Days of Use
Campsite Fee












a. Make a coordinate graph using the table.

b. Does it make sense to connect the points on your graph? Why or
why not?
c. Describe the pattern relating the variables days of use and
campsite fee.
8. Suppose a motion detector tracks the time and the distance traveled
as you walk 40 feet in 8 seconds. Match the following (time, distance)
graphs with the stories that describe each walk.

Graph 1

Graph 2

Graph 3

Graph 4

Graph 5

a. You walk at a steady pace of 5 feet per second.

b. You walk slowly at first and then steadily increase your walking
c. You walk rapidly at first, pause for several seconds, and then walk
at an increasing rate for the rest of the trip.
d. You walk at a steady rate for 3 seconds, pause for 2 seconds, and
then walk at a steady rate for the rest of the trip.
e. You walk rapidly at first, but gradually slow down as the end of
the trip nears.
9. For each walk in Exercise 8, complete a (time, distance) table like the
one below. Use numbers that will match the pattern of the walk and
its graph.
Time (seconds)

Distance (feet)


Investigation 2 Analyzing Graphs and Tables


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10. The graphs below show five patterns of change in the price per gallon
of gasoline. Match each (time, price) graph with the story it tells.

Graph 1

Graph 2

Graph 3

Graph 4

Graph 5

a. The price declined at a steady rate.

b. The price did not change.
c. The price rose rapidly, then leveled off for a while, and then
declined rapidly.
d. The price rose at a steady rate.
e. The price dropped rapidly at first and then at a slower rate.
11. Multiple Choice Jamie is going to Washington, D.C., to march in a
parade with his school band. He plans to set aside $25 at the end of
each month to use for the trip. Choose the graph that shows how
Jamies savings will build as time passes.
$150 y
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Total Savings

Total Savings


Time (mo)

Total Savings

Time (mo)


Time (mo)

$150 y
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Variables and Patterns

$150 y
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

None of these is correct.

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Air Temperature (C)

12. The graph shows how the temperature changed during an all-day hike
by students.

Temperature During Hike








Elapsed Time (hr)

a. What was the maximum temperature and when did it occur?

b. When was the temperature rising most rapidly?
c. When was the temperature falling
most rapidly?
d. When was the temperature about
e. The hikers encounter a thunderstorm
with rain. When do you think this

Investigation 2 Analyzing Graphs and Tables


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Jacy works at a department store. This graph shows

parking costs at the parking garage Jacy uses.

Parking Costs

13. Multiple Choice How much does Jacy spend

to park for less than a half hour?


G. $0.75

H. $1



J. $1.50

14. Multiple Choice How much does Jacy spend

to park for 4 hours and 15 minutes?
A. $6

B. $6.50

C. $6.75

D. $7

$9 y
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Parking Time (hr)

a. Find all whole number pairs of length and
width values that give an area of 24 square
meters. Record the pairs in a table.


15. The area of a rectangle is the product of its

length and its width.


Rectangles with an
Area of 24 m2


b. Make a coordinate graph of the (length, width) data from part (a).
c. Connect the points on your graph if it makes sense to do so. Explain
your decision.
d. Describe the relationship between length and width for rectangles
of area 24 square meters.
16. The perimeter of any rectangle is the sum of its side lengths.
a. Make a table of all possible whole-number pairs of length and
width values for a rectangle with a perimeter of 18 meters.
b. Make a coordinate graph of the (length, width) data from part (a).
c. Connect the points on your graph if it makes sense to do so.
Explain your decision.
d. Describe the relationship between length and width for rectangles
of perimeter 18 meters, and explain how that relationship is
shown in the table and graph.


Variables and Patterns

For: Help with Exercise 16

Web Code: ane-1216

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17. The table below shows the winners and the winning times for the
womens Olympic 400-meter dash since 1964.
Womens Ol ympic 400-meter Dash




Celia Cuthbert, AUS



Colette Besson, FRA



Monika Zehrt, E. GER



Irena Szewinska, POL



Martia Koch, E. GER



Valerie Brisco-Hooks, USA



Olga Bryzgina, USSR



Marie-Jose Perec, FRA



Marie-Jose Perec, FRA



Cathy Freeman, AUS



Tonique Williams-Darling, BAH


a. Make a coordinate graph of the (year, time) information. Choose

a scale that allows you to see the differences between the winning
b. What patterns do you see in the table and graph? Do the winning
times seem to be rising or falling? In which year was the best time
18. The circumference of a circle is related to
its radius by the formula C 5 2 3 p 3 r.
The area of a circle is related to its radius
by the formula A = p 3 r2.

C 2pr
A  p  r2

a. Make a table showing how the circumference of a circle increases as

the radius increases in 1-unit steps from 1 to 6. Make sure to express
the circumferences in terms of p. Then describe the pattern relating
those two variables.
b. Make a table showing how the area of a circle increases as the
radius increases in 1-unit steps from 1 to 6. Make sure to express
the areas in terms of p. Then describe the pattern relating those
two variables.

Investigation 2 Analyzing Graphs and Tables


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19. Here are the box-office earnings for a movie during each of the first
eight weeks following its release.
Box Office Earnings
Weeks in Theaters
Weekly Earnings









a. Make a coordinate graph showing the weekly earnings after each

week. Because a films weekly earnings depend on the number of
weeks it is in theaters, put the weeks in theaters on the x-axis and
the weekly earnings on the y-axis.
b. Explain how the weekly earnings changed as time passed. How is
this pattern of change shown in the table and the graph? Why
might this change have occurred?
c. What were the total earnings of the movie in the eight weeks?
d. Make a coordinate graph showing the total earnings after each
e. Explain how the movies total earnings changed over time. How is
this pattern of change shown in the table and the graph? Why
might this change have occurred?

20. Use what you know about decimals to find coordinates of five points
that lie on the line segment between the labeled points on each graph:


(2, 2)

(0, 0)


Variables and Patterns

(0.2, 0.2)

(0, 0)

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21. The graphs below each show relationships between independent

(x-axis) and dependent (y-axis) variables. However, the scales on the
coordinate axes are not the same for all the graphs.

Graph 1

Graph 2

10 y

10 y



Graph 3

Graph 4

5 y

5 y




a. Which graph shows the dependent variable increasing most rapidly

as the independent variable increases?
b. Which graph shows the dependent variable increasing most slowly
as the independent variable increases?

Investigation 2 Analyzing Graphs and Tables


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22. To raise money, students plan to hold a car wash. They ask some adults
how much they would pay for a car wash. The table below shows the
results of their research.

Price Customers Would Pay for a Car Wash

Car Wash Price







Number of Customers







a. Make a coordinate graph of the (price, customers) data. Connect the

points if it makes sense to do so.
b. Describe the pattern relating the price to the number of customers.
Explain how the table and the graph show the pattern.
c. Based on the pattern, what number of customers would you predict
if the price were $16? What number would you predict if the price
were $20? What if the price were $2?
23. a. Copy and complete the table below, using the information from
Exercise 22.
Projected Car Wash Income
Car Wash Price







Number of Customers







Projected Income

b. Make a graph of the (price, projected income) data. Connect the

points if it makes sense to do so.


Variables and Patterns

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c. Describe the pattern relating the price and the projected income.
Explain how the table and the graph show the pattern. Explain
why the pattern does or does not make business sense to you.
d. Suppose the shopping center where the students plan to hold the
car wash will charge the students $1.50 per car for water and
cleaning supplies. How can you use this factor to find the profit
from the car wash for various prices?
24. Adriana is at a skateboard park that has tracks shaped like regular
polygons. Recall that a regular polygon is a polygon with congruent
sides and congruent angles. Here are some examples:

Regular Triangle
(Equilateral Triangle)

Regular Quadrilateral

Regular Pentagon

Regular Hexagon

At each vertex of a track, Adriana must make a turn.

The size of the turn relates to the number of sides in
the polygon. For example, at each vertex of the triangle
track, she must make a 120 turn.
a. Copy and complete the table below to show how the
size of the turn Adriana must make at each vertex
is related to the number of sides of the polygon.




Track Turns
Number of Sides


Degrees in Turn


b. Make a coordinate graph of the (sides, degrees) data.

c. What pattern of change do you see in the degrees Adriana must
turn as the number of sides increases? How does the table show
that pattern? How does the graph show that pattern?

Investigation 2 Analyzing Graphs and Tables


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The problems in this investigation asked you to think about patterns
relating the values of variables. These questions will help you to summarize
what you have learned.
Think about your answers to these questions. Discuss your ideas with other
students and your teacher. Then write a summary of your findings in your
1. Explain what the word variable means in mathematics.
2. What does it mean to say that two variables are related?
3. a. Suppose the y-values increase as the x-values increase. How is this
indicated in a table? How is this indicated in a graph?
b. Suppose the y-values decrease as the x-values increase. How is
this indicated in a table? How is this indicated in a graph?
4. In a coordinate graph of two related variables, when does it make
sense to connect the points?


Variables and Patterns

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Rules and Equations
In the last investigation, you used tables and graphs of relationships to
find values of one variable for given values of the other variable. In some
cases, you could only estimate or predict a value.
For some relationships, you can write an equation, or formula, to show how
the variables are related. Using an equation is often the most accurate way
to find values of a variable.
In this investigation, you will use the patterns in tables to help you write
equations for relationships. You will then use your equations to compute
values of the dependent variable for specific values of the independent


Writing Equations

On the last day of the Ocean Bike Tour, the riders will be near Wild World
Amusement Park. Liz and Malcolm want to plan a stop there. They
consider several variables that affect their costs and the time they can spend
at Wild World.

Getting Ready for Problem 3.1

What variables do you think

are involved in planning for
the amusement-park trip?

How are those variables

related to each other?

Investigation 3 Rules and Equations


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Malcolm finds out that it costs $21 per person to visit Wild World. Liz
suggests they make a table or graph relating admission price to the number
of people. However, Malcolm says there is a simple rule for calculating
the cost:
The cost in dollars is equal to 21 times the number of people.
He writes the rule as an equation:
cost 5 21 3 number of people
Liz shortens Malcolms equation by using single letters to stand for the
variables. She uses c to stand for the cost and n to stand for the number
of people:
c 5 21 3 n
When you multiply a number by a letter variable, you can leave out the
multiplication sign. So, 21n means 21 3 n. You can shorten the equation
even more:
c 5 21n
The equation c = 21n involves one calculation. You multiply the number of
customers n by the cost per customer $21. Many common equations involve
one calculation.

Problem 3.1 Equations With One Operation

The riders visited Wild World and the tour is over. They put their bikes and
gear into vans and head back to Atlantic City, 320 miles away. On their way
back, they try to calculate how long the drive home will take. They use a
table and a graph to estimate their travel time for different average speeds.
A. Copy and complete the table.
Distance Traveled at Different Average Speeds


Distance for Speed

of 50 mi/h

Distance for Speed

of 55 mi/h

Distance for Speed

of 60 mi/h



Variables and Patterns

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B. Copy and complete the graph for all three speeds below. Use a
different color for each speed.

Distance at
Different Speeds

Distance (mi)


Time (hr)

C. Do the following for each of the three average speeds:

1. Look for patterns relating distance and time in the table and
graph. Write a rule in words for calculating the distance traveled
in any given time.
2. Write an equation for your rule, using letters to represent the
3. Describe how the pattern of change shows up in the table, graph,
and equation.
D. For each speed, (50, 55, and 60 mph) tell how far you would travel in
the given time. Explain how you can find each answer by using the
table, the graph, and the equation.
1. 3 hours
2. 4 hours
3. 5 hours
E. For each speed, find how much time it will take the students to reach
these cities on their route:
1. Atlantic City, New Jersey, about 320 miles from Norfolk

2. Baltimore, Maryland, about 4 of the way from Norfolk to

Atlantic City
Homework starts on page 55.

Investigation 3 Rules and Equations


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Writing More Equations

The equations you wrote in Problem 3.1 involved only multiplication.

Some equations involve two or more arithmetic operations (+, -, 3, 4).
To write such equations, you can reason just as you do when you write
one-operation equations:
Determine what the variables are.
Work out some specific numeric examples and examine them carefully.
What patterns do you see? What is the role of each variable in the
Write a rule in words to describe the general pattern in the calculations.
Convert your rule to an equation with letter variables and symbols.
Think about whether your equation makes sense. Test it for a few values
to see if it works.

Problem 3.2 Equations With Two Operations

When Liz tells Theo about the idea to visit Wild World, he suggests she
check to see whether the park offers special prices for large groups. She
finds this information on the parks Web site:
W i l d Wo r l d A m u s e m e n t Pa r k


Regular Admission:




per person


Special Group Price:


plus $10.00 per group member
Admission includes 100-point bonus card!

A. 1. Find the price of admission for a group of 20 people, a group of

35 people, and a group of 42 people.
2. Describe in words how you can calculate the admission price for a
group with any number of people.


Variables and Patterns

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3. Write an equation for the admission price p for a group of

n people.
4. Sketch a graph to show the admission price for a group of any
5. How does the pattern of change show up in the equation and
graph? How is this pattern similar to the pattern in Problem 3.1?
How is it different?
B. Admission to Wild World includes a bonus card with 100 points that
can be spent on rides. Rides cost 6 points each.
1. Copy and complete the table below to show a customers bonus
card balance after each ride. Pay close attention to the values in
the Number of Rides row.
Bonus Card Balance
Number of Rides
Points on Card





2. Describe in words how you can calculate the number of points left
after any number of rides.
3. Write an equation showing the relation between the number of
rides and the points left on the bonus card. Use letters to
represent the variables.
4. Sketch a graph of the data.
5. How does the pattern of change between the variables show up in
the equation and graph? How is this pattern similar to the pattern
in Question A? How is it different?
C. Liz wonders whether they should rent a golf cart to carry the riders
backpacks at the park. The equation c 5 20 1 5h shows the cost c in
dollars of renting a cart for h hours:
1. Explain what information the numbers and variables in the
equation represent.
2. Use the equation to make a table for the cost of renting a cart for
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 hours.
3. Make a graph of the data.
4. Describe how the pattern of change between the two variables
shows up in the table, graph, and equation.
Homework starts on page 55.

Investigation 3 Rules and Equations


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Paying Bills and Counting Profits

The students think that $350 is a fair price to charge for the tour. Sidney
wants to be certain Ocean Bike Tours will make a profit if they charge $350.
She starts making the table below.

Tour Revenue and Expenses

Number of




$ 125






$ 375

Food and
Rental Camp Costs



Equations for Revenue, Expenses,

Problem 3.3
and Profit
A. Extend and complete Sidneys table for 1 to 6 customers.
B. Write a rule in words and an equation for calculating the
1. revenue r for n customers
2. total expenses e for n customers
3. profit p for n customers
C. Use the equations you wrote in Question B to find the revenue,
expenses, and profit for 20 customers and for 31 customers.
D. Sidney forgot that the tour operators need to rent a van to carry
equipment. The rental cost for the van will be $700.
1. How does this expense affect the equation for total expenses?
2. How does this expense affect the equation for profit?
Homework starts on page 55.


Variables and Patterns

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1. The El Paso Middle School girls basketball team is going from
El Paso to San Antonio for the Texas state championship game.
The trip will be 560 miles. Their bus travels at an average speed of
60 miles per hour.
a. Suppose the bus travels at an almost steady
speed throughout the trip. Make a table and
a graph of time and distance data for the bus.
b. Estimate the distance the bus travels in 2 hours,
2 4 hours, 3 2 hours, and 7.25 hours.
c. How are 2 hours and the distance traveled in
2 hours represented in the table? How are
they shown on the graph?

d. How are 2 4 hours and the distance traveled in 2 4 hours

represented in the table? How are they shown on the graph?
e. Describe in words a rule you can use to calculate the distance traveled
for any given time on this trip.
f. The bus route passes through Sierra Blanca, which is 90 miles
from El Paso. About how long does it take the bus to get to
Sierra Blanca?
g. The bus route also passes through Balmorhea, which is 1 of the way
from El Paso to San Antonio. About how long does it take
the bus to get to Balmorhea?
h. How long does it take the bus
to complete its 560-mile trip
to San Antonio?

Investigation 3 Rules and Equations


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2. Celia writes the equation d = 8t to represent the distance in miles d

that bikers could travel in t hours at a speed of 8 miles per hour.
a. Make a table that shows the distance traveled every half hour, up
to 5 hours, if bikers ride at this constant speed.
b. How far would bikers travel in 1 hour, 6 hours, 8.5 hours, and
10 hours?
3. The equation d = 70t represents the distance in miles covered after
traveling at 70 miles per hour for t hours.
a. Make a table that shows the distance traveled every half hour
from 0 hours to 4 hours.
b. Sketch a coordinate graph that shows the distance traveled
between 0 and 4 hours.
c. What is d when t = 2.5 hours?
d. What is t when d = 210 miles?
e. You probably made your graph by plotting points. In this
situation, would it make sense to connect these points?
4. a. Use the table to write an equation that relates lunch cost L and
number of riders n.
Bike Tour Box Lunch Costs
Lunch Cost










b. Use your equation to find the lunch cost for 25 riders.

c. How many riders could eat lunch for $89.25?

For Exercises 57, use the equation to complete the table.

5. y = 4x + 3

6. m = 100 - k

7. d = 3.5t


Variables and Patterns







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8. Sean is buying a new DVD player and speakers for $315. The store
offers him an interest-free payment plan that allows him to pay in
monthly installments of $25.
a. How much will Sean still owe after one payment? After two
payments? After three payments?
b. Use n to stand for the number of payments and a for the amount
still owed. Write an equation for calculating a for any value of n.
c. Use your equation to make a table and a graph showing the
relationship between n and a.
d. As n increases by 1, how does a change? How is this change shown
in the table? How is it shown on the graph?
e. How many payments will Sean have to make in all? How is this
shown in the table? How is this shown on the graph?

For Exercises 912, express each rule as an equation. Use single letters to
stand for the variables. Identify what each letter represents.
9. The area of a rectangle is its length multiplied
by its width.
10. The number of hot dogs needed for the
picnic is two for each student.
11. The amount of material needed to
make the curtains is 4 square yards
per window.
12. Taxi fare is $2.00 plus $1.10 per mile.
13. The sales tax in a state is 8%. Write an
equation for the amount of tax t on an item
that costs p dollars.
14. An airplane is traveling at 550 miles per hour. Write an
equation for the distance d the plane travels in h hours.
15. Potatoes sell for $0.25 per pound at the produce market. Write an
equation for the cost c of p pounds of potatoes.
16. A cellular family phone plan costs $49 per month plus $0.05 per
minute of long-distance service. Write an equation for the monthly bill
b when m minutes of long-distance service are used.

Investigation 3 Rules and Equations


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For Exercises 1719, describe the relationship between the variables

in words and with an equation.







For: Help with Exercise 17
Web Code: ane-1317











20. Multiple Choice Which equation describes the relationship in

the table?

A. C = 10n








B. C = 10 + n

C. C = 10

D. C = 10 + 10n

21. The perimeter P of a square is related to the side length s
by the formula P = 4s. The area, A, is related to the side
length by the formula A = s 3 s, or A = s 2.
a. Make a table showing how the perimeter of a square
increases as the side length increases from 1 to 6 in
1-unit steps. Describe the pattern of change.

P 4s
A s2

b. Make a table showing how the area of a square increases

as the side length increases from 1 to 6. Describe the pattern of

For Exercises 2227, find the indicated value or values.

22. the mean, or average, of 4.5 and 7.3
23. the area of a circle with radius 6 centimeters
24. the sum of the angle measures in a triangle, in a
parallelogram, in a pentagon, and in a hexagon


Variables and Patterns

For: Multiple-Choice Skills

Web Code: ana-1354

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25. the 10th odd number (1 is the first odd number, 3 is the second odd
number, and so on.)
26. the area of a triangle with a base of 10 centimeters and a height of
15 centimeters
27. 33 3 52 3 7
28. The wheels on Kais bike are 27 inches in diameter. His little sister,
Masako, has a bike with wheels that are 20 inches in diameter. Kai
and Masako are on a bike ride.
a. How far does Kai go in one complete turn of his wheels?
b. How far does Masako go in one complete turn of her wheels?
c. How far does Kai go in 500 turns of his wheels?
d. How far does Masako go in 500 turns of her wheels?
e. How many times do Kais wheels have to turn to cover 100 feet?
f. How many times do Masakos wheels have to turn to cover
100 feet? To cover 1 mile?
29. Bicycles that were popular in the 1890s were called penny farthing
bicycles. These bikes had front wheels with diameters as great as
5 feet! Suppose the front wheel of these bicycles have a diameter of
5 feet.

a. What is the radius of the front wheel?

b. How far will one bike travel in 100 turns of the front wheel?
c. How many times will the front wheel turn in a 3-mile trip?
d. Compare the number of times the wheels of Masakos bike turn in a
1-mile trip [see part (f) of Exercise 28] with the number of times the
front wheel of this penny-farthing bike turns in a 3-mile trip. Why
are the numbers related this way?
Investigation 3 Rules and Equations


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Write a formula for the given quantity.

30. the area A of a rectangle with length , and width w
31. the area A of a parallelogram with base b and height h
32. the perimeter P of a rectangle with base b and height h
33. the mean m of two numbers p and q
34. the area A of a circle with radius r
35. the sum S of the measures of angles in a polygon of n sides
36. the nth odd number, O (1 is the first odd number, 3 is the second odd
number, and so on.)
37. the area A of a triangle with base b and height h

Complete the table of values for the given equation.

38. y = x +









39. y = Q R x








Describe the relationship between x and y in words.




0 1 2 3 4 5

Variables and Patterns


0 1 2 3 4 5


0 1 2 3 4 5

7cmp06se_VP3.qxd 5/19/06 8:02 AM Page 61

43. a. You can calculate the average speed of a car trip if you know the
distance and time traveled. Copy and complete the table below.
Car Trips


Average Speed














b. Write a formula for calculating the average speed s for any given
distance d and time t.

For Exercises 4447, solve each problem by estimating and checking.

44. The equation p = 50 + 10n gives the admission price p to Wild World
for a group of n people. A clubs budget has $500 set aside for a visit
to the park. How many club members can go?
45. The equation b = 100 - 6r gives the number of bonus points b left on
a Wild World bonus card after r rides.
a. Rosi has 34 points left. How many rides has she been on?
b. Dwight has 16 points left. How many rides has he been on?
46. The equation d = 2.5t describes the distance in meters d covered by a
canoe-racing team in t seconds. How long does it take the team to go
125 meters? How long does it take them to go 400 meters?
47. The equation d = 400 - 2.5t describes the distance in meters d of
a canoe-racing team from the finish line t seconds after a race
starts. When is the team 175 meters from the finish line? When is it

100 meters from the finish line?

Investigation 3 Rules and Equations


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48. Armen builds models from rods. When he builds bridges, he makes the
sides using patterns of triangles like the ones below. The total number
of rods depends on the number of rods along the bottom.

Rods along bottom = 4

Total number of rods = 15

Rods along bottom = 3

Total number of rods = 11

a. Copy and complete the table.

Rod Bridges
Rods Along
the Bottom


Total Number
of Rods


b. Write an equation relating the total number of rods t to the number

of rods along the bottom b. Explain how the formula you write
relates to the way Armen puts the rods together.
c. What do you know about the properties of triangles and rectangles
that makes the design above better than the one below?

49. The students in Problem 3.3 decide to visit Wild World Amusement
Park on the tour. They include the cost of this and the van in their
revenue and expenses. How does this affect the equation for profit?


Variables and Patterns

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In this investigation, you wrote equations to express relationships between
variables. The following questions will help you summarize what you have
Think about your answers to these questions. Discuss your ideas with other
students and your teacher. Then write a summary of your findings in your
1. What decisions do you need to make when you write an equation to
represent a relationship between variables?
2. In what ways are equations useful?
3. In this unit, you have represented relationships with tables, graphs,
and equations. List some advantages and disadvantages of each of
these representations.

Investigation 3 Rules and Equations


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Calculator Tables
and Graphs
In the last investigation, you wrote equations
to describe patterns and to show how variables
are related. Such equations are used in
mathematics, science, economics, and many
other subject areas. Tables, graphs, and
equations are all useful ways of representing
relationships between variables. When you
have an equation relating variables, you can
use a graphing calculator to make a graph or
table of the relationship quickly.


Making and Using Calculator Tables

Suppose you want to use your calculator to make a table of values for the
formulas for the circumference C and area A of a circle with radius r:

C = 2pr and A = pr .
To enter the equations into your calculator, press Y= to get a screen like
the one below.
Plot1 Plot2 Plot3
\Y1 =
\Y2 =
\Y3 =
\Y4 =
\Y5 =
\Y6 =
\Y7 =


Variables and Patterns

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On most calculators, you enter the independent variable as X; the

dependent variable is Y. Enter the equation for circumference as Y1 and
the equation for area as Y2 as shown below.
Plot1 Plot2 Plot3
\Y1 = 2X
\Y2 = X2
\Y3 =
\Y4 =
\Y5 =
\Y6 =
\Y7 =

Next, press
and enter the table settings shown below. The
settings indicate that the x-values (radius values) in the table should start at
0 and increase in steps of 1.
TblStart = 0
Tbl = 1
Depend: Auto



, and you will see the table.




You can use the scroll keys to see more values for radius, circumference,
and area.

Getting Ready for Problem 4.1

What does the number 28.274 in the third column mean?

What does 25.133 in the second column mean?
What does 5 in the first column mean?

Investigation 4 Calculator Tables and Graphs


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In the following problem, you will use calculator tables to explore

relationships between variables. You will scan the tables to solve problems
or look for interesting patterns in the entries.

Problem 4.1 Making and Using Calculator Tables

A. The equation p = 50 + 10n represents the Wild
World admission price in dollars p for a group of
n people. To study this relationship, enter the
equation Y1 = 50 + 10X into your calculator.
1. Make a calculator table showing (n, p) values
for n = 1, 2, 3, and so on.
2. Scan the table to find the admission price for
a group of 26 people.
3. Find the value of n for which p = 480.
Explain what this entry tells you about the
admission price and the number of people.
4. Use the table to find the value of n for which
950 = 50 + 10n. Explain what this table entry
tells you about the admission price and the
number of people.
B. The equation d = 2.5t represents the distance
a canoe team paddles in meters d in t seconds.
1. Make a calculator table showing (t, d) values for t = 4, 8, 12, and
so on.
2. Use the table to find the distance the team paddles in 40 seconds.
3. Use the table to find the value of t for which 2.5t = 437.5. Explain
what this entry tells you about the time and distance traveled.
C. The equation b = 100 - 6r gives the number of bonus points b left on
a Wild World bonus card after r rides.
1. Make a calculator table showing (r, b) values for r = 0, 2, 4, and
so on.
2. How does the number of bonus points change as the number of
rides increases in steps of 2? Why does that pattern occur?
3. Use your table to find a value of r for which 100 - 6r = 10.
(Adjust the table settings if you need to.) Explain what this entry
tells you about the number of rides and the bonus points left on
the card.
Homework starts on page 72.


Variables and Patterns

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Making and Using Calculator Graphs

Graphing calculators can help you make and study graphs. Just as when
you make a graph with pencil and paper, the key step is choosing ranges
and scales for the axes.
Suppose you want to graph y = 1.5x + 2. Press Y= and enter the
equation, just as you do when you make a table. Next, set the boundaries of
the graphing window. Press
to see the screen below. The settings
shown here are the standard window settings.


least x-value
greatest x-value
marks on x-axis for every 1 unit
least y-value
greatest y-value
mark on y-axis for every 1 unit

to see what the graph looks like in this window.

Suppose you want to focus on the part of the graph that shows positive
x- and y-values. Press
again and change the settings. Use the
settings shown below at the left. Then press
to see the screen on
the right.

Investigation 4 Calculator Tables and Graphs


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To find coordinates of particular points on

the graph, press
. Use the arrow
keys to move the cursor along the graph
and see coordinates of highlighted points.
When the cusor is on the line, the coordinates
appear at the bottom of the screen and the
equation appears in the upper left.



Getting Ready for Problem 4.2

Experiment with your graphing calculator and the following equations.
Graph one set of equations at a time. Use the standard window.
Set 1

Set 2

Set 3

Set 4

y 3x 4


y 2x 3

y 2x

y x2

y 3x

y 2x 5


y 3x 2

y 1x

y (0.5)x 2

y 2x

Answer the following questions for each set of equations.

Which, if any, of the graphs show similar patterns of change? How are
the graphs similar? How are the equations for the graphs similar?

How are the graphs different? How are the equations for the graphs

Problem 4.2 Making and Using Calculator Graphs

A. One popular attraction at Wild World is the climbing wall. Supports
for the wall are frames of squares made from steel rods. The number
of rods depends on the number of square sections in the frame.

1 section
4 rods


Variables and Patterns

2 sections
7 rods

3 sections
10 rods

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1. An engineer at Wild World wrote the equation r = 3s + 1 to

relate the number of sections and the number of rods. Do you
think this formula is correct? Explain. What does each variable in
the equation represent?

Number of Rods

2. Use your calculator to graph the engineers equation. Use the

window settings Xmin = 0, Xmax = 15, Ymin = 0, and Ymax = 50.
Sketch your graph on axes like these. Give your graph a title.

Number of Sections

3. Press
and use the arrow keys to move along the graph.
Locate a point with a y-value of about 19. Mark this point on your
sketch and label it with its coordinates. Then, find a point with a
y-value of about 43. Mark and label this point on your sketch.
4. Explain what the coordinates of each point in part (3) tell you
about the number of sections and the number of rods.
5. Use your calculator graph to find a value of s for which
3s + 1 = 28. Give the coordinates of that point, and explain what
they tell you about sections and rods.
B. Make a calculator graph of b = 100 - 6r, which gives the bonus card
balance b after r rides. Experiment with the window settings until you
have a good view of the graph. (You might find it helpful to look at the
table you made in Problem 4.1.)
1. Make a sketch of the graph. Label the axes with variable names and
scales. Add a descriptive title to your graph.
2. Find a point on the calculator graph for which b < 58. (The
symbol < means is approximately equal to.) Mark this point on
your sketch and label it with its coordinates. Explain what the
coordinates tell you about the number of rides taken and the
balance on the card.
3. Use your calculator graph to find a value of r for which
100 - 6r < 22. Give the coordinates of that point and explain what
they tell you about the rides taken and the card balance.
Homework starts on page 72.

Investigation 4 Calculator Tables and Graphs


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Extending the Tour

The bike tour was a success! So many people signed up for the tour that
the students decide to offer an additional two-day bike tour. Two bike
rental companies submit bids to the students. Their price quotes are
shown here.

123 Surf Street


Bike Sales and Rentals

Price Quote for Ocean Bike Tours

Bikes delivered and picked up
each day for two days.
Price: $25 per bike for two days

Bikes and Skateboards
72 Market Street


Ocean Bike Tours

Touring bikes, various sizes
2 days
$100 for pickup and delivery,
plus $20 per bike for two days

In the next problem, you will use your graphing calculator to analyze the
price quotes and advise Ocean Bike Tours about which company to use.


Variables and Patterns

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Problem 4.3 Comparing Relationships

Study the price quotes from the two companies. The following questions
will help you analyze the information.
A. Make a table showing the costs for renting bikes from each company.
Include costs for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 bikes in your table.
B. Plot the (number of bikes, rental cost) data for both companies on a
graph like the one below. Use a different color or plotting symbol for
each company.
Comparison of
Rental Costs

Rental Cost







Number of Bikes Rented

C. For each company, write an equation relating the number of bikes

rented to the total cost. Tell what the letter variables in your equation
D. Enter your equations into your calculator as Y1 and Y2. Graph both
equations in the same window. Compare the calculator graph with the
graph you made by hand.
E. Is there a number of bikes for which both companies charge the same
rental fee? How can the graph help you find the answer?
F. How does the graph show the number of bikes for which Cycle the
Coast is the most economical? How does it show the number of
bikes for which Speedy Wheels offers the better deal?
G. What advice would you give Ocean Bike Tours about which company
to rent bikes from? Use your analysis of the two plans to justify your
Homework starts on page 72.

Investigation 4 Calculator Tables and Graphs


7cmp06se_VP4.qxd 5/19/06 8:07 AM Page 72

1. Sean bought a DVD player and a receiver. The store offered him an
interest-free payment plan with weekly installments. Sean figured out
that after n weeks of payments, he would still owe 175 - 7.5n dollars.
a. Make a calculator table showing what Sean owes after payments
1, 2, 3, and so on. Study the table to figure out the amount of his
weekly payment. How is this amount shown in the table pattern?
b. Scan the table to find out how much Sean will owe after 20 weeks.
Record the (x, y) table entry that shows the answer.
c. When will the amount Sean owes fall below $100? Which (x, y)
table entry shows the answer to this question?
d. When will Sean have paid for his items in full? How is this shown
in the table?
2. Trevor entered an equation into his graphing calculator, and the
calculator displayed this graph and table. The graph is shown in the
standard window.


a. What is the value of y when x = 6? How is this shown in the

table? How is it shown in the graph?
b. What equation did Trevor enter into his calculator?
3. Ziamara used her calculator to make a
graph of y = 3x. She noticed that the
point (0, 0) was on the graph. Name
three other points on the graph. Explain
how you found these points.


Variables and Patterns

7cmp06se_VP4.qxd 5/19/06 8:07 AM Page 73

4. The operators of Ocean Bike Tours consider leasing a small bus. They
compare two companies. Superior Buses charges $5 for each
mile driven. East Coast Transport charges $1,000, plus $2.50 per mile
a. For each company, write an equation to show how the lease cost c
depends on number of miles driven m.
b. Enter both equations into your calculator. Choose window
settings that make sense for this situation and that show a good
view of both graphs. Sketch the graphs, and tell what axes limits
(Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax) you used.
c. Press
. Trace your graph to estimate the coordinates of the
point at which the lease cost is the same for both companies.
Explain what the coordinates of the point tell you about the
bus-rental situation.
d. For what driving mileage would the East Coast lease be a better
deal? For what mileage would the Superior Buses lease be better?
Explain how your answers are shown on the graph from part (b).
5. The Mudville Manatees won the league baseball championship. The
manager of the souvenir shop wants to order special shirts and caps
to sell to fans. She does market research and predicts these
relationships between price in dollars p and number sold n:

Shirts: n = 5,000 - 150p


n = 3,000 - 100p

Use these equations to answer the questions below. Making

calculator tables and graphs might help.
a. What are the projected shirt sales if the price is $20 per shirt?
b. Suppose the manager wants to sell 3,500 shirts. How much should
she charge for each shirt?
c. What are the projected cap sales if the price is $17 per cap?
d. Suppose the manager wants to sell 1,800 caps.
How much should she charge for
each cap?

Investigation 4 Calculator Tables and Graphs


7cmp06se_VP4.qxd 5/19/06 8:07 AM Page 74

6. The principal of Lincoln Middle School wants to send her top science
students on a field trip to the state science center. The trip costs $250
for a bus and driver, plus $17.50 per student for food and admission.
a. What equation relates the trip cost c to the number of students who
go on the trip n?
b. What is the cost of sending 30 students? What is the cost for 60
c. How many students can go if the budget allows a maximum cost of

For Exercises 710, use the pattern to find the missing entries. Then, write
an equation relating the two variables.















9 16

11. Jos used his graphing calculator to find the whole-number factors of
960. Here are the steps he followed:

Step 1: Enter the equation y = 960 4 x.

Step 2: Set TblStart = 1 and DTbl = 1.
Step 3: Scan the table, looking for whole numbers in the y column.
a. Use Joss strategy. Make a list of the factor pairs for 960.
b. Explain why Joss strategy works for 960. How could you modify
his strategy to find factors of a different whole number?
c. What is the greatest x-value you need to check to guarantee you
have found all the factors of 960? Explain.


Variables and Patterns

7cmp06se_VP4.qxd 5/19/06 8:07 AM Page 75

12. Most states add sales tax to the cost of non-food items.
Let p stand for the list price of an item, t for the additional
amount you must pay due to the sales tax, and c for the
total cost of buying the item.

For: Help with Exercise 12

Web Code: ane-1412

a. What equation relates c, p, and t?

b. Suppose a state has a sales tax of 8%. What equation
relates t and p? What equation relates c and p?
c. Enter the equations from part (b) in your calculator. Make a
calculator table showing list price, tax, and total cost for items
priced from $0 to $100 in steps of $5.
d. What is the total cost of a non-food item that is priced $65?
13. You have seen that many of the costs for the Ocean Bike Tour depend
on the number of customers. This table shows a new relationship
between the number of customers and the cost of a ferry ride.
Costs for Ferry Ride

Ferry Cost










a. Write an equation for the rule relating ferry cost f and number of
customers n.
b. Use your equation to find the cost if 35 people are on the tour.
c. How many people can go on the ferry if the tour leader has $75?

14. Look back at Exercise 12 in Investigation 1. The first graph shown is

the relationship between Amandas hunger and the time of day. Could
you represent this relationship in a table? Could you represent this
relationship with an equation? Explain.

Investigation 4 Calculator Tables and Graphs


7cmp06se_VP4.qxd 5/19/06 8:07 AM Page 76

15. You know from your work with polygons that one way to find the
sum of the interior angles of a polygon is to divide the shape into
triangles by drawing diagonals from one of the vertices, as shown

3 sides
0 diagonals

4 sides
1 diagonal

5 sides
2 diagonals

a. Copy and complete the table below. The last row should contain
formulas for D, S, and A for a regular polygon with n sides.
(Remember that a regular polygon is a polygon in which all sides
are the same length and all angles are the same size.)
Regular Polygons
Number of
Sides, n

Number of Diagonals, D
(from a single vertex)

Sum of Interior
Angles, S

Size of Each Angle if

Polygon is Regular, A



b. Enter your formula for D into your calculator. Use a table or

graph to find the number of sides a polygon must have if you can
draw exactly 10 diagonals from a single vertex.
c. Enter your formula for S into your calculator. Use a table or
graph to find the sum of the angles for a polygon with 10 sides.
d. Enter your formula for A into your calculator. Using a table or
graph, look at the A values for polygons with up to 20 sides.
Identify (by giving the number of sides) all regular polygons that
have whole number interior angle measures.


Variables and Patterns

7cmp06se_VP4.qxd 5/19/06 8:07 AM Page 77

16. The area, A, of a circle is related to the radius, r, by the equation

A = pr . Enter this formula into your calculator. Use a calculator
graph or table to estimate the answers to the questions below. Make
your estimates correct to the nearest tenth.
a. What is the radius of a circle that has area 144 square inches
(1 square foot)?
b. What is the radius of a circle that has area 9 square feet
(1 square yard)?

17. In this unit, you have studied a variety of relationships between
variables. The equations below are simple cases of three important
types of patterns of change.
y2 = x2
y3 = x
y1 = 2x
a. For each equation, make a table of (x, y) values for x = 0, 1, 2, 3, and
so on. Describe the pattern of change in each table by completing
this sentence:

As the value of x increases, the value of y __________________.

Be as precise as you can in describing the patterns. Then, compare
each individual pattern of change with the others.
b. Graph the three equations in the same viewing
window, with Xmin = 0, Xmax = 5, Ymin = 0,
and Ymax = 15. Describe the patterns of
change shown by the graphs. Explain
how each pattern can be predicted by
thinking about the calculations
required to find y from x.

5670 - VP

Investigation 4 Calculator Tables and Graphs


7cmp06se_VP4.qxd 5/19/06 8:07 AM Page 78

18. You can use your graphing calculator to simulate probability

experiments that involve rolling dice or flipping coins.
a. Press Y= .

Plot1 Plot2 Plot3

\Y1 =
\Y2 =
\Y3 =
\Y4 =
\Y5 =
\Y6 =
\Y7 =

Then, press
highlight PRB on the top
of the screen, and press 5
to select randInt(.

1 :rand
2 :nPr
3 :nCr
4 :!
5 :randInt(
6 :randNorm(
7 :randBin(

You will be back to the

Y= screen. Complete the
equation by typing
1 .



Plot1 Plot2 Plot3

\Y1 = randInt (0,1)
\Y2 =
\Y3 =
\Y4 =
\Y5 =
\Y6 =
\Y7 =

The equation y = randInt(0, 1) randomly gives a y-value of either

0 or 1, no matter what the x-value is. Consider 0 to mean heads
and 1 to mean tails.
and specify TblStart = 1 and Tb = 1. Then
. The X column counts the coin tosses, and the Y1
column tells you whether the result is heads (0) or tails (1).
Copy and complete the table below.
Graphing Calculator Coin Tossing
Number of Tosses






Number of Heads

Fraction of Heads

Fraction of Tails

Describe patterns in the results. Are the results what you would
expect? Explain.


Variables and Patterns

7cmp06se_VP4.qxd 5/19/06 8:07 AM Page 79

b. Revise the procedures of part (a) to simulate rolling a fair die

50 times. Calculate the number of times and fraction of times the
outcome 1 occurs in the 50 rolls. Are the results what you would
expect? Explain. (Hint: The equation y = randInt(3, 5) randomly
gives a y-value of 3, 4, or 5. The equation y = randInt (13, 17)
randomly gives a y-value of 13, 14, 15, 16, or 17. What equation
would give random dice rolls?)
19. The bike tour holds a 30-mile race on the last day. They give the two
youngest riders, Tony and Sarah, a half-hour head start. For this first
half hour, Tony and Sarah ride at a steady pace of 12 miles per hour.
Then, they keep up a steady pace of about 10 miles per hour. When the
others start riding, they go at a steady pace of about 15 miles per hour.
a. Write an equation for the distance d in miles Tony and Sarah
travel in t hours.
b. Write an equation for the distance d in miles the other riders
travel in t hours.
c. Use the equations from parts (a) and (b) to make a table and a
graph showing the relationship between distance and time for the
two groups of riders.
d. Will the older riders catch up with Tony and Sarah before the end
of the 30-mile race? Explain using both the table and the graph.

Investigation 4 Calculator Tables and Graphs


7cmp06se_VP4.qxd 5/19/06 8:07 AM Page 80

In this investigation, you used a graphing calculator to help you
understand relationships between variables. These questions will help you
summarize what you have learned.
Think about your answers to these questions. Discuss your ideas with other
students and your teacher. Then write a summary of your findings in your
1. a. Describe the steps required to make a calculator table that shows
how two variables are related.
b. How can you scan a calculator table to answer questions about a
2. a. Describe the steps required to make a calculator graph that shows
how two variables are related.
b. How can you trace a calculator graph to answer questions about a
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using tables and
graphs to solve problems and search for patterns? In what ways is
using a calculator more useful than using paper-and-pencil methods?
In what ways is it less useful?


Variables and Patterns

7cmp06se_VPLB.qxd 5/19/06 8:11 AM Page 81

Unit Review

In this unit, you studied some basic ideas of algebra. You learned ways to
use those ideas to solve problems about variables and the patterns relating
variables. In particular, you studied how to

recognize situations in which changes in variables are related in useful


describe patterns of change shown in tables and graphs of data

For: Vocabulary Review

Web Code: anj-1051

construct tables and graphs to display relationships between variables

use algebraic symbols to write equations relating variables
use tables, graphs, and equations to solve problems
use a graphing calculator to construct tables and graphs of relationships
and to solve equations

Use Your Understanding: Algebraic Reasoning

To test your understanding of algebraic ideas and your skill in using
algebraic techniques, consider how algebra is involved in a business we all
depend onthe shipping of packages from town to town, across the
country, and around the world.

Looking Back and Looking Ahead


7cmp06se_VPLB.qxd 5/19/06 8:11 AM Page 82

1. A shipping company offers two-day shipping of any package weighing

up to 2 pounds for $5 plus $0.01 per mile.
a. Copy and complete the table.
Two-Day Shipping Costs
Distance (mi)









Shipping Cost

b. Describe the pattern by which the shipping cost

increases as the shipping distance increases.
c. Make a graph showing shipping charges for distances
from 0 to 2,000 miles. Use appropriate labels and
scales on the axes.
d. Write an equation for the relationship between
distance d in miles and shipping cost c in dollars.
e. Use a graphing calculator and the equation in part (d)
to check the graph you made in part (c).
f. Use the table, graph, or equation to find the cost to ship a 1-pound
package 450 miles.
g. Use the table, graph, or equation to figure out how far you can ship
a 2-pound package for $35.

Explain Your Reasoning

Answer the following questions in your own words to summarize what you
know about variables and patterns.
2. What does the word variable mean in algebra?
3. What are dependent and independent variables and how are they
usually related to each other in a problem situation?
4. Give examples that show at least two common patterns that occur in
the values of related variables.
5. What are the main decisions and procedures involved in making a
table to illustrate the relationship between two variables? How does a
table help you describe and study a relationship?


Variables and Patterns

7cmp06se_VPLB.qxd 5/19/06 8:11 AM Page 83

6. What are the main decisions and procedures involved in making a

graph to illustrate the relationship between two variables? How does a
graph help you describe and study a relationship?
7. What are the main decisions and procedures involved in writing an
equation to illustrate the relationship between two variables? How
does an equation help you describe and study a relationship?
8. How can you use a graphing calculator to study relationships between
variables? What do you need to know about a situation in order to use
a calculator? How can the calculator be used to solve problems about
variables and relationships?

Look Ahead
Your understanding of algebraic ideas and skills will grow as you work on
future Connected Mathematics units. You will use variables and symbolic
expressions in the geometry unit Stretching and Shrinking, the proportionalreasoning unit Comparing and Scaling, the algebra unit Moving Straight
Ahead, and all units in the next Connected Mathematics course.

Looking Back and Looking Ahead


7cmp06se_VPGL.qxd 5/19/06 7:39 AM Page 84

cambiar Variar, volverse diferente. Por ejemplo, las
temperaturas suben y bajan, los precios aumentan y
se reducen, y as sucesivamente. En matemtica, las
cantidades que cambian se llaman variables.

coordinate graph A graphical representation of

pairs of related numerical values that shows the
relationship between two variables. It relates the
independent variable (shown on the x-axis) and the
dependent variable (shown on the y-axis).

grfica de coordenadas Una representacin

grfica de pares de valores numricos asociados que
muestra la relacin existente entre dos variables.
Dicha representacin relaciona la variable
independiente (mostrada en el eje de las x) y la
variable dependiente (mostrada en el eje de las y).

Temperature (F)

change To become different. For example,

temperatures rise and fall, prices increase and
decrease, and so on. In mathematics, quantities that
change are called variables.

Temperatures for Day 1


Time (hr)

coordinate pair An ordered pair of numbers used

to locate a point on a coordinate grid. The first
number in a coordinate pair is the value for the
x-coordinate, and the second number is the value
for the y-coordinate. A coordinate pair for the graph
shown above is (0, 60).

par de coordenadas Un par ordenado de nmeros

utilizado para localizar un punto en una cuadrcula
de coordenadas. El primer nmero del par de
coordenadas es el valor de la coordenada x y el
segundo nmero es el valor de la coordenada y.
Un par de coordenades para la grfica que aparece
abajo es (0, 60).

dependent variable One of the two variables

in a relationship. Its value depends upon or is
determined by the other variable called the
independent variable. For example, the cost of a
long-distance phone call (dependent variable)
depends on how long you talk (independent

variable dependiente Una de las dos variables en

una relacin. Su valor depende del valor de la otra
variable llamada variable independiente, o est
determinado por dicho valor. Por ejemplo, el costo
de una llamada telefnica de larga distancia
(variable dependiente) depende de la duracin de la
conversacin (variable independiente).

equation, formula A rule containing variables that

represents a mathematical relationship. An example
is the formula for finding the area of a circle:
A = pr 2.

ecuacin, frmula Una regla que contiene

variables que representa una relacin matemtica.
Un ejemplo de ello es la frmula para hallar el rea
de un crculo: A = pr 2.


Variables and Patterns

7cmp06se_VPGL.qxd 5/19/06 7:39 AM Page 85

independent variable One of the two variables in
a relationship. Its value determines the value of the
other variable called the dependent variable. If you
organize a bike tour, for example, the number of
people who register to go (independent variable)
determines the cost for renting bikes (dependent

variable independiente Una de las dos variables

relacionadas. Su valor determina el de la otra
variable, llamada variable dependiente. Por ejemplo,
si organizas un recorrido en bicicleta, el nmero de
personas inscritas (variable independiente)
determina el costo del alquiler de las bicicletas
(variable dependiente).

pattern A change that occurs in a predictable way.

For example, the squares on a checkerboard form a
pattern in which the colors of the squares alternate
between red and black. The sequence of square
numbers: 1, 4, 9, 16, . . . forms a pattern in which the
numbers increase by the next odd number. That is,
4 is 3 more than 1, 9 is 5 more than 4, 16 is 7 more
than 9, and so on.

patrn Una variacin que ocurre de manera

predecible. Por ejemplo, los cuadrados del tablero de
damas forman un patrn en el que los colores de los
cuadrados se alternan. La secuencia de nmeros
cuadrados: 1, 4, 9, 16, . . . forma un patrn en el que
los nmeros aumentan segn la cifra del siguiente
nmero impar. Es decir, 4 es 3 ms que 1, 9 es 5 ms
que 4, 16 es 7 ms que 9, y as sucesivamente.

relationship An association between two or more

variables. If one of the variables changes, the other
variable may also change, and the change may be

relacin Una asociacin entre dos o ms variables.

Si una de las variables cambia, la otra variable
tambin puede cambiar, y dicho cambio puede ser

rule A summary of a predictable relationship that

tells how to find the value of a variable. A rule may
be given in words or as an equation. For example,
this rule relates time, rate, and distance: distance is
equal to rate times time, or d = rt.

regla Un resumen de una relacin predecible que

indica cmo hallar el valor de una variable. Se trata
de un patrn que, debido a su coherencia, puede
escribirse, convertirse en una ecuacin,
representarse grficamente o utilizarse para hacer
una tabla. Por ejemplo, la siguiente regla relaciona
tiempo, velocidad y distancia: la distancia es igual al
producto de la velocidad y el tiempo, o sea d = rt.

scale A labeling scheme used on each of the axes on

a coordinate grid.

escala Un esquema de rotulacin empleado en los

ejes de una cuadrcula de coordenadas.

table A list of values for two or more variables that

shows the relationship between them. Tables often
represent data made from observations, from
experiments, or from a series of arithmetic
operations. A table may show a pattern of change
between two variables that can be used to predict
values not in the table.

tabla Una lista de valores para dos o ms variables

que muestra la relacin existente entre ellas.
Frecuentemente, las tablas contienen datos
provenientes de observaciones, experimentos o de
una serie de operaciones aritmticas. Una tabla
puede mostrar un patrn de variacin existente
entre dos variables, el cual puede utilizarse para
predecir los valores de otras entradas de la tabla.

variable A quantity that can change. Letters are
often used as symbols to represent variables in rules
or equations that describe patterns.

variable Una cantidad que puede cambiar. Suelen

usarse letras como smbolos para representar las
variables de las reglas o ecuaciones que describen

English/Spanish Glossary


7cmp06se_VPGL.qxd 5/19/06 7:39 AM Page 86

x-axis The number line that is horizontal on a
coordinate grid.

eje de las x La lnea numrica horizontal en una

cuadrcula de coordenadas.

y-axis The number line that is vertical on a

coordinate grid.

eje de las y La lnea numrica vertical en una

cuadrcula de coordenadas.


Variables and Patterns

7cmp06se_VPINDEX.qxd 5/19/06 7:40 AM Page 87

Acting it out, 6 7
Algebra, definition, 3
Area model, 4243, 58
Axes, on a coordinate graph, 89,
84 85
Calculator graph, 6769, 71, 80,
ACE, 7273, 7677
making, 6769, 71, 73, 7679,
steps for making, 6768
tracing, 68, 69, 73, 80
Calculator table, 6466, 7279,
80, 81
making, 6466, 7279
of random numbers, 7879
steps for making, 6465
Change, 3 85
ACE, 1528, 3547, 5562,
definition, 84
Check for reasonableness, 21, 61
Concrete model, see Model
Coordinate graph, 814, 29,
3034, 48, 4951, 53, 63, 69,
71, 80, 8182
ACE, 1522, 2428, 3647,
5557, 60, 75, 79
analyzing, 3132
connecting points on, 10, 13, 17,
21, 27, 31, 3536, 39, 42, 44,
46, 48, 56
definition, 7, 84
equations and, 53, 5657,
6769, 7273, 7677, 79, 82
on a graphing calculator, see
Calculator graph
interpreting, 1011, 3334
labeling, 8, 22, 3334, 69
making, 810, 14, 15, 1718, 21,
2428, 32, 3639, 4244,
4647, 51, 53, 5557, 69, 71,
79, 82
patterns and, 10, 18, 2122,
2627, 31, 33, 36, 3840,
4344, 4647, 51, 53, 68, 72,
77, 80

predicting from, 3132, 57, 71,

73, 77
selecting a scale for, 9
steps for making, 89
x-axis, 8, 85
x-coordinate, 9, 84
y-axis, 8, 85
y-coordinate, 9, 84

Experiment, jumping jack, see

Jumping jack experiment

Coordinate grid, see Coordinate


Geometric formulas, 43, 58, 60,

7677, 84

Coordinate pair, 9, 84

Glossary, 84 85

Coordinate point
connecting, 10, 13, 17, 21, 27, 31,
3536, 39, 42, 44, 46, 48, 56
plotting, 9

calculator, see Calculator graph
coordinate, see Coordinate
line plot, 24

Cube stack model, 23

Dependent variable, 8, 33, 84
Diagram, 23, 47, 76
make, 23
Distance, 6, 1014, 5051, 66, 82,
ACE, 28, 38, 39, 5557, 59, 61, 79
equations and, 5051, 5557,
59, 61, 66, 79
Equation (see also Formula),
49 85
ACE, 5562, 7279
for cost, 50, 5253, 5657, 61,
66, 71, 7275, 82
definition, 49, 84
for distance, 5051, 5557, 59,
61, 66, 79, 82
graphing, 53, 5657, 6769,
7273, 7677, 79, 82
with one operation, 4951
patterns and, 49, 5153, 64, 66,
68, 72, 7778, 82
for profit, 54
relating variables with, 4954,
5562, 63
for a rule, 5052, 54, 5758, 85
for speed, 61
table for, 53, 5658, 60, 6466,
with two operations, 5253
writing, 5051, 5354, 5658,
62, 71, 7375, 79, 82

Formula (see also Equation), 49,

ACE, 43, 58, 6061, 7677
geometric, 43, 58, 60, 7677, 84
definition, 49, 84
writing, 6061, 76

Graphing calculator, 6471, 80,

81, 83
ACE, 7279
graphing on, 6769, 71, 7273,
7677, 80, 82
making tables on, 6466, 7279
simulating probability with,
Independent variable, 8, 33, 84
Interpreting data
area model, 4243, 58
cube stack model, 23
diagram, 23, 47, 76
graph, 822, 2434, 3651, 53,
5557, 60, 63, 6769, 7173,
7577, 7982
line plot, 24
map, 56, 55
organized list, 30
picture, 2324, 47, 76
rod model, 62, 6869
table, 611, 1315, 1718,
2021, 2326, 2832, 3539,
4244, 4651, 5358, 6066,
6869, 7182
Analyzing Graphs and Tables,
30 48
Calculator Tables and Graphs,
64 80
Rules and Equations, 4963



7cmp06se_VPINDEX.qxd 5/19/06 7:41 AM Page 88

Variables, Tables, and

Coordinate Graphs, 529
Jumping jack experiment, 6 9
ACE, 16, 27
performing, 67
Justify answer, 9, 11, 13, 3132,
69, 71, 8283
ACE, 1517, 1922, 2425, 27,
36, 3839, 42, 44, 59, 62, 72,
7475, 7879
Justify method, 11, 13, 29, 63, 71,
ACE, 18, 21, 25, 27, 7475
Line plot, making, 24
Looking Back and Looking
Ahead: Unit Review, 8183
Looking for a pattern, 4, 67, 10,
29, 31, 33, 48, 49, 5153, 64,
66, 68, 80, 8182
ACE, 18, 2123, 2628, 3540,
43 44, 46 47, 58, 62, 72,
Manipulatives, timer, 67
Map, 5 6, 55
Mathematical Highlights, 4
Mathematical Reflections, 29, 48,
63, 80
area, 4243, 58
cube stack, 23
diagram, 23, 47, 76
graph, 89, 1112, 16, 1922,
25, 27, 31, 3334, 3637,
3942, 4445, 51, 60, 69,
map, 56, 55
picture, 2324, 47, 76
rod, 62, 6869
Notation, 50, 69
variable, 50
Notebook, 29, 48, 63, 80
Organized list, making, 30
Pattern, 4 85
ACE, 1528, 3547, 5562,
coordinate graph and, 10, 18,
2122, 2627, 31, 33, 36,
3840, 4344, 4647, 51, 53,
68, 72, 77, 80
definition, 85


Variables and Patterns

looking for, 4, 67, 10, 29, 31,

33, 48, 49, 5153, 64, 66, 68,
80, 8182
predicting from, 31, 46
relating variables with, 4954,
5562, 63
rules and, 5152
table and, 7, 23, 28, 31, 3538,
4344, 4647, 51, 53, 58, 66,
72, 7778, 82
Pictorial model, see Model
Picture, 2324, 47, 76
from a coordinate graph,
3132, 57, 71, 73, 77
from a pattern, 31, 46
from a table, 3132, 35, 4647,
Problem-solving strategies
acting it out, 67
drawing a diagram, 23
looking for a pattern, 4, 67,
10, 18, 2123, 2628, 29, 31,
33, 3540, 4344, 4647, 48,
49, 5153, 58, 62, 64, 66, 68,
72, 7778, 80, 8182
making a graph, 810, 14, 15,
1718, 21, 2428, 32, 3639,
4244, 4647, 51, 53, 5557,
6769, 71, 73, 7679, 82
making a line plot, 24
making an organized list, 30
making a table, 67, 1314,
2021, 2326, 28, 3739,
4243, 4647, 50, 5354,
5558, 6062, 6466, 71,
7279, 82
writing an equation, 5051,
5354, 5658, 62, 71, 7375,
79, 82
writing a formula, 6061, 76
writing a rule, 5154, 55, 58, 60,
Reasonableness, see Check for
Relationship, 4 85
ACE, 1528, 3547, 5562,
definition, 85
graphing, 79
Rod model, 62, 6869
Rule, 4954, 85
ACE, 5562, 7778

definition, 50, 85
equation for, 5052, 54, 5758,
patterns and, 5152
tables and, 4951, 5354, 55,
58, 7778
writing, 5154, 55, 58, 60,
Scale, 9, 18, 19, 43, 45, 85
definition, 85
selecting, 9
Table, 611, 1314, 29, 3032, 48,
4951, 5354, 63, 6869, 71,
80, 8182
ACE, 15, 1718, 2021, 2326,
28, 3539, 4244, 4647,
5558, 6062, 7479
analyzing, 31
calculator, see Calculator table
definition, 85
from an equation, 53, 5658,
60, 6466, 7279
on a graphing calculator, see
Calculator table
interpreting, 67
making, 67, 1314, 2021,
2326, 28, 3739, 4243,
4647, 50, 5354, 5558,
6062, 71, 74, 7679, 82
patterns and, 7, 23, 28, 31,
3538, 4344, 4647, 51, 53,
58, 66, 72, 7778, 82
predicting from, 3132, 35,
4647, 57
rules and, 4951, 5354, 55, 58,
Variable, 3 85
ACE, 1528, 3547, 5562,
definition, 3, 7, 85
dependent, 8, 33, 84
independent, 8, 33, 84
notation, 50
patterns and, 4954, 5562,
relating with equations, 4954,
5562, 63
representation on a coordinate
graph, 79
x-axis, 8, 85
x-coordinate, 9, 84
y-axis, 8, 85
y-coordinate, 9, 84

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