RPD Esthetic. Review
RPD Esthetic. Review
RPD Esthetic. Review
March. 2013
pertaining to the study of beauty and the sense of beautiful. Descriptive of a specific creation that results from such study: objectifies
beauty and attractiveness, and elicits pleasure
In dentistry: the theory and philosophy that deal with beauty and the beautiful, especially with respect to the appearance of a dental
restoration, as achieved through its form and/or color. Those subjective and objective elements and principles underlying the beauty
and attractiveness of an object, design or principle.
Esthetic zone:
The visible area seen upon full smile, including the teeth, gingiva, and lips. (white and pink esthetic)
- According to Preston: The esthetic zone is wherever the patient thinks it is
- Patients requiring removable dentures have the same desires regarding esthetics as patients receiving fixed prosthodontic therapy,
so the Esthetic analysis is mandatory for all prosthetic procedure.
----------------------------------------Esthetic In complete Denture:
Denture esthetics: is defined as the cosmetic effect produced by a dental prosthesis which affects the desirable beauty, attractiveness,
character and dignity of the individual.
- Denture esthetics demands:
1- Artistic skill
2- Scientific knowledge
- The subject of esthetics is not a totally scientific and objective discipline nor is it 100% an art form . Esthetics is a combination of
the art and the science of prosthodontics.
The subject of esthetics should be examined from 3 points of view:
1- biological
2- physiological
3- biomechanical
4- psychological
Ala'a Otaibi
March. 2013
and mandibular anterior during the production of speech give one of the best guidelines for creating and maintaining an adequate
inter occlusal distance.
- Biomechanical:
There are certain mechanical limitations in the placement of anterior teeth that must be taken into account. The anterior teeth
should be placed closely in relation to the residual ridge as were the original natural teeth. Fish says the proper position for the teeth
is not necessarily on the ridge, inside the ridge, or outside the ridge, but at a point where the tongue and cheek pressures balance.
- Psychological:
1- Patient's self image is an important factor in esthetics. (how?)
- A patients perception of his or her appearance may result in a broad simle (if it is a positive self evaluation.)
- A tight - lipped, small, controlled smile, A patient with a poor self image may appear done, unsure, questioning and introverted.
2- Campers line may be thought of as a psychological plane of orientation (how?)
- In a person who appears happy this line tends to rise
- in a person who to depressed it may slant downward.
3- The occlusal plane established by the dentist has an effect in determining the appearance of a patients psychological state.
eg: - by effecting a downward slant to the plane posteriorly an observer may gain a negative impression of the patients emotional or
phychological state.
1- Denture base characterization.
2- Teeth characterization.
- Rugae can be reproduced in denture for natural feel. A 0.003 guage tin foil is adapted over the rugae area of the
edentulous cast of trimmed. This is adapted to the base plate after wax up so as t reproduced the rugae properly
Distribution in
Ala'a Otaibi
2- Teeth characterization
A- tooth size and form B- tooth color
March. 2013
C- tooth position
Ala'a Otaibi
March. 2013
C- Teeth position:
1. Varying the direction of the long axis of teeth.
2. Place the teeth so that the tips of the maxillary lateral incisors show when the patient speaks seriously; the amount depends on the
age and sex, less for old than for young people and more for woman than for men.
- Lateral incisors personality tooth:
- females labioversion
- males linguoversion
3. Create asymmetry in the divergences of the proximal surfaces of the teeth from the contact points. Martone stated that, The key
to esthetics lies in asymmetry. Most things in nature are asymmetric, and in the human face many minute and subtle differences
are found from one side to the other.
4. Use an eccentric midline.
5. Place one maxillary central and lateral incisor parallel to the midline and rotate the other central and lateral incisors slightly in a
posterior direction.
6. Place one maxillary central incisor slightly in an anterior direction to the other central incisor.
7. Place the neck of one maxillary central incisor in a posterior direction and the neck of other central incisor in an anterior
8. Create asymmetry for the maxillary right and left cuspids. Rotate one in a posterior direction than the other.
9. Gingival tissues recede with age. Selecting a long tooth, contouring the wax to show gingival recession and then staining it a bit,
can give natural appearance, can reproduce this recession. Long clinical crowns with receded gingiva after periodontal destruction,
may also play a role in achieving a natural-looking denture for selected patients.
10. Grinding the incisal edges. Teeth abrade with age. Reshaping the incisal edges and mesiodistal diameter makes it possible to
modify any tooth to the desired form.
11. A teeth arrangement that is too perfect may not be ideal. In fact, slight modifications in the position of teeth such as overlapping,
tilting, rotation and incisal variations may contribute to a natural-looking denture.
12. Spacing and diastemas often exist in natural dentition. Thus slight diastema can be created between the lateral incisor and the
cuspid on one side. The wearing away of the natural teeth at the contact points creates spaces between the teeth. The migration of
teeth also creates spaces. To simulate the wear by positioning the artificial teeth to create spaces, can give a natural appearance.
Diastema given should exceed 2-3mm and should be wider at the incisal edge than the base. In diastemas smaller than 2-3 mm,
fibrous food tends to be trapped and can be a source of embarrassment.
13. A hair line crack can be given in the teeth.
14. Often, gold or alloy restorations can be placed in these teeth to create the illusion of naturalness. The use of gold occlusal surfaces
on the teeth of prosthesis can contribute to its clinical success.
15. Silver filling can be given on posterior teeth.
16. Cast crown can be given on posterior teeth. Some patients who seek new dentures ask that a metal crown be placed in the
denture to resemble their natural dentition.
17. A discolored tooth (as R.C.T treated) can be shown by selecting one or two teeth of darker shade compared to the rest of the
teeth set. Older patients tend to have darker teeth as a result of discoloration from fillings and food stains.
Alaa Al-Otaibi
March. 2013
- Patients requiring removable dentures have the same desires regarding esthetics as patients receiving fixed prosthodontic therapy and they deserve the best possible treatment
Esthetic approaches in RPD:
1. Gingival
Approaching Retainer
1- I bar clasp
2. Palatal I-bar
3. RLS-system
4. Twin-flex clasp or
- Occlusal approaching retainer to undercut area on the mesiobucal surface of canine will very bother
- Esthetics of gingival approaching retainer will be better because the metal is more hided.
- In the other hand it can be enhanced an indirect retainer at incisive.
- The indirect retainer that can be selected in the form of cingulum rest beside mesial occlusal surface of
canine, embrasure hook, terminal rest, incisal rest; secondary lingual bar, and so on.
- This way will be more aesthetic, more stabilize, and the free-end saddle are not easy to lift up by sticky
If canine and incisive has weakened, strengthen this teeth by splinting. Splinting can be conducted with
orthodontic wire, or with composite in inter proximal area.
- Splinting wire should place as low as possible in order to more aesthetic appearance.
2. Wrought Wire
Wrought wire is more flexible compared to casting retainer. Because of this characteristic
the tip of retentive arm can be placed more cervical to be more esthetic.
- In the other hand for free-end RPD with retainer design first class lever, a more flexible retentive arm
will decrease leverage to abutment teeth (act as shock absorber)
Alaa Al-Otaibi
March. 2013
3. Special Design Labial This retainer look like labial bow in orthodontic treatment, but there some differences that is
Bow for Retainer
Loop part is smaller
Wire that patch at anterior teeth should place as low as possible near gingival margin, and for better
esthetic the wire close over by red acrylic base.
- The other advantage of Labial Bow like this will united anterior teeth in mastication when distal
extension base lever up, so it is act as splint for anterior teeth.
- The disadvantage is in the early patient feels bothered its lower lip .
4- Attachment
5- Rotational path
Removable partial
6- overdenture / overlay Some remain teeth that still healthy enough but over-eruption, tipping, degree one mobility, and
partial denture:
considered not to extracted and conducted for root canal treatment.
For this remain teeth its clinical crown is lessened, then made a dowel-core or dowel with layers that
a- natural tooth
close over clinical crown remains. Restoration will be functioned to give support, stability, and retention
b- implants
for overdenture that made on it. In the other hand it also give informational proprioceptive, and lessen
resorption alveolar ridge.