Curatorialproposalform 2014 Sampleform

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Curatorial Proposal



Root Division is an arts & arts education non-profit organization that was founded in 2002. Part of
our mission is to offer opportunities for emerging and professional artists to develop, which
includes exhibiting work and curating exhibitions. We embrace artists and curators with no
experience in these areas as well as those with extensive resumes. As we consider submissions,
we intend to include a broad range of artistic practices.
Our gallery space serves many needs, and as such is a unique environment in which to curate a
show. We strongly encourage that you visit our space and our website, familiarize yourself with
our past & current exhibition program, and understand the mission of the organization before
submitting a proposal. Strong proposals will be clear & concise, will present innovative &
engaging ideas, and will intend to draw a diverse group of participants & visitors. While we do
not exclude artists & curators from outside the Bay Area, our primary focus is presenting local
emerging artists and local emerging curators. In order to promote as many artists as possible,
we currently only accept proposals for group exhibitions. Recent shows have ranged from five
to thirty-five artists.

Our Curatorial Committee of established Bay Area arts professionals meets in March, July &
November to review submissions. We have an Initial Review & a Follow-Up Review Process. The
Initial Review is a great opportunity to submit the kernel of the curatorial idea, presenting a
limited number of images and writing materials. Once the Curatorial Committee completes the
Initial Review, we will request additional materials from a select number of applicants for a
Follow-up Review.


Request for Initial Review Form: attached below
Curatorial Statement: a one-page statement describing the project and the artworks submitted
Images: Up to eight (jpgs, 1200px in largest dimension) labeled to correspond with the inventory numbers
listed on application (i.e. 01_ShowTitle). If there is video it should be submitted as a still and as a link to a
web-hosted video viewer.
Image Inventory Sheet: attached below
Curators Resume: (2 pg. max) Please do not submit all exhibiting artist resumes for Initial Review
SASE for return of materials, if desired

Thanks for your interest in Root Division!

Curatorial Proposal
Contact Name: ___________________________________________________________ Date: _______________
Contact Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________

E-mail: _____________________________________________

Title of proposed project/exhibition: _____________________________________________________________

Estimated number of artists exhibited: (not all need to be confirmed at this time) ___________
Would you consider an open call for this exhibition?



Proposed Artists: Please list the names of proposed artists here: _______________________________________

Schedule: We try to schedule our exhibitions up to one year in advance. Is there a particular month that
you prefer for the project, or any other time restraints youd like the committee to be aware of?

Please describe how you feel the project is particularly suited to Root Division. (This could be in relation to
our mission, location, physical space, artists involved in the project, etc.)

Exhibition History: Root Divisions vision is to provide a space for innovative ideas to develop into unique
exhibitions. Has this exhibition, or grouping of artists been shown anywhere else? If so, where, and how
would you modify it for presentation at Root Division?

How did you hear about Root Division, and have you visited our space?

Image Inventory Sheet

Curatorial Proposal
Contact Name: ___________________________________________________________ Date: _______________
Contact Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ___________________________

E-mail: _____________________________________________

Title of proposed project/exhibition: _____________________________________________________________

Image Inventory: Please include the artist, year, title, media, & size of each image included.
The space for notes is a good opportunity to annotate or explain the image how it relates to the exhibition
theme/curatorial vision
Image 1: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Notes or video link: ____________________________________________________________________________
Image 2: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Notes or video link: ____________________________________________________________________________
Image 3: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Notes or video link: ____________________________________________________________________________
Image 4: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Notes or video link: ____________________________________________________________________________
Image 5: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Notes or video link: ____________________________________________________________________________
Image 6: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Notes or video link: ____________________________________________________________________________
Image 7: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Notes or video link: ____________________________________________________________________________
Image 8: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Notes or video link: ____________________________________________________________________________


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