Fasting, The Most Natural Therapy

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Fasting, the most natural therapy

Fasting food has preventive virtues, purifying and healing

Fasting completely or partially, is one of the oldest treatments and most
effective in existence. This exceeds the power of healing all known
procedures, its action through experience proved to be not only devoid of any
danger, but even saving in many situations. This is because the fasting acts
directly on the cause of the disease, reaching even to cure, if the fasting is
held long enough.
The main effects of the fasting are those of the rest of the entire digestive
tract, facilitating processes and internal exchanges, the elimination of
metabolic waste and purification of the whole being. Recent scientific
research shows that fasting is including strong antioxidant virtues.
When we talk about fasting referring mainly to fasting, fasting completely
done in a certain period of time that do not eat nothing and drink only water.
Fasting one day a week - this is an optimal frequency for practicing fasting
total - they provide the body the necessary time for regeneration and
purification. Using water, at least 1.5 liters in 24 hours, it is mandatory to
avoid dehydration and kidney failure body. Those who feel devitalized during
fasting or after will have to drink much more water than usual (even 3 or 4
liters). It is best to hold the fasting since the previous evening of the day of
fasting and fasting only coming out next morning - ie the day job does not end
the evening, 24 hours after the last meal!
This type of job is indicated as detoxification, therapy is the most powerful and
fastest effects, both for healing body and soul, thus representing an essential
way not only for healing but also for transforming the human being. Basically,
we can say that acting fast in all structures being, from the subtle and
resonance, has powerful effects on the physical level.
Fasting, a fashionable topic in the scientific world
Fasting understood as fasting, arrived in the last 5-10 years to gradually
capture the attention of researchers. Possible psychological and spiritual
aspects of fasting is still a mystery to the medical world scientific and poverty
in these competing methods of quantification and monitoring current
processes less concrete. Although his riddles have not yet been fully
elucidated, it is widely agreed that the food item has an anti-aging and reduce
the risk of developing pathological conditions.
Science is proving that man can live without food up to 100 days, inner
reserves stored in the body should need to be sufficient to support life, without
food outside for the duration of common illnesses. There are many examples
of those who have kept fasting for 40 days to heal serious diseases such
times to be closer to God.
Nutrition and Longevity

The link between nutrition and longevity type is referred to since the dawn of
human history. In ancient times, overeating were considered to be the cause
of all disease, while having a reputation for short life, while moderation in diet
be one of the "golden rules" of any therapeutic strategies.
A traditional custom aimed at maintaining health, still practiced in the Orient,
is to get "up from the table hungry half" or in other words, only half full
stomach. Modern nutritionists subscribe to this view, considering that one of
the reasons overeating occurrence of conditions, including obesity.
Pure and impure food Feed
Any food, even if naturally leave some residue in the body. When you eat,
your body absorbs what it needs from food, then trying to get rid of debris. He
can not do this removal is more effective when overcharged or when - as is
often the case - offer him food that is indigestible. Residues then accumulates
in various organs, especially the intestines, where they rot and is thus a
source of imbalance and illness for our whole being. Traditionally, food
speaks "pure" (that which is beneficial in all our body view) and food
"impure" (one who harms us, for whatever reason). These appellations do not
refer at all to the fact that food is washed or cleaned, it is about quality. How
can we distinguish pure from the impure food? The food rots more quickly and
leaves no residue in the body is considered pure, even if prepared from
ingredients thoroughly washed and properly prepared. An example of pure
food is the food that remain fresh for a long time, those that are almost
entirely absorbed by the body without leaving only a small residue, natural
ripe fruits and vegetables, which are full of solar energy.
Body signals that show the need for purification
The importance of purification and detoxification action is too little understood
and implemented, so that the body is often required to handle it alone, using
"emergency mechanisms". Sometimes fever suddenly, we runny nose, rash
occurs. All this is nothing but natural means of purifying the body uses when it
is forced by circumstances. People who have a fever almost automatically
tend to fast, ie not feel the need to eat, and this is even welcome it, because
we know that digestive processes lead to increase body temperature.
It is important to take a day of fasting regularly, especially when we note that
eliminated waste through the intestines and sweat have a strong odor. Then
we can be sure that we are or will be ill, even though the disease has not yet
manifested, physically or mentally. The smell and body secretions heavily
dependent on food they consume, but also the mental states we are
experiencing. If we watch carefully, we see that when we are anxious or
upset, angry or jealous, body odor changes, becoming unpleasant. The smell
of a person is revealing to his health and, say insiders, even for her level of
spiritual evolution.
Item triggers the body's cleansing mechanisms

Natural action to eliminate impurities from the body may be accompanied in

the early fasting some less pleasant events: may occur headaches,
palpitations, fainting sensation. All of them are actually good signs showing
that we just release a large amount of accumulated impurities. Those who feel
disturbed when fast are precisely those who most need to keep fasting.
Attitude wise in this situation is to wait patiently to end the natural action of
removal of toxins. It is important that confidence in the beneficent
transformation station will produce in ourselves. Soon the discomfort will
disappear giving way to a state of well being and inner peace. Become easier
and happier. This is because the fasting is deleted even karmic residues, ie
traces in our being the mistakes they have committed in this life or in previous
ones, violating universal laws of nature.
Return to ordinary food is gradual
To maintain as long as wellbeing that we bring is good to be cautious position
and when returning to the usual diet. At first meal after 24 hours fasting it's
best to eat a fruit salad or raw vegetables and avoid heavy foods (milk, oil)
you can consume 2-3 hours. If the station (black) is longer, the return to
normal diet should be made gradually in the same number of days how long
fasting, from very dilute soups, which were cooked some vegetables or
cereals (usually carrots and rice ). George Bernard Shaw, the famous English
writer who was fond of the vegetarian diet, said: "Any fool can take fasting but
only a wise man sees is the correct return of fasting."
A longer fasting for three days is good to be done under the supervision of a
naturopathic physician. Fasting is not recommended for underweight, with a
low vitality, hypotensive, with serious deficiencies of minerals and vitamins. In
these cases, they prefer straps fruit and vegetable juices.
Fasting as a way of transforming the human being
Throughout the history of human civilization, fast food was invested with
curative meanings not only in terms of the physical body and psyche, soul
and spirit even being a central element of most religions: Christianity,
Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam etc. The practice of fasting is said in
ancient texts of humanity, global teaches you self from being subjected
hunger and education. If we learn to abstain from physical food and learn to
abstain from feelings, thoughts and negative trends. Thus we regain or retain
our purity and freedom.
"And remember that every seventh day is holy and dedicated to God. Six
days feed your body with the gifts of the Earthly Mother, but on the seventh
day sanctify your body for your Heavenly Father. And in the seventh day do
not eat earthly food, but live only in God's words. And be all day with God's
angels in Heavenly Father's kingdom. And on the seventh day let the angels
of God to build the kingdom in your body, as I will work six days in the
kingdom of the Earthly Mother. And do not leave food to disturb the work of
the angels in your body during the seventh day. And God will give long life on
Earth, that you may have long life in the kingdom of heaven. For truly I tell

you, if you no longer see any disease on earth, you will live forever in the
Kingdom of Heaven. "(Peace Gospel of John)
Astrological correlations
Black Item achieved a certain day of the week put us in resonance with the
subtle astral influx of predominantly affecting the planet that day. Making
regular job on the same day of the week in time lead to assimilation into being
proper beneficial aspects of power and influence that planetary spheres. For
example: black fasting Tuesday (day under the subtle influence of Mars
planetary) augment maleness and helps remove life situations involving
violence; black fasting held Wednesday (day under the subtle influence of
Mercury Planetary) allow material success; black fasting Friday (day under
the subtle influence of Venus planetary) promote assimilation issues related
to love, harmony, beauty, inner peace and happiness; fasting on Sunday (day
under the subtle influence of the Sun) and purified solarizeaz burn the
accumulated negative karma favors closer to God. To reach the desired
effects necessary to fast regularly on the same day of the week; 3-4 months
after the effects begin to be felt, and after two years to stabilize their yield.

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