Fasting, The Most Natural Therapy
Fasting, The Most Natural Therapy
Fasting, The Most Natural Therapy
The link between nutrition and longevity type is referred to since the dawn of
human history. In ancient times, overeating were considered to be the cause
of all disease, while having a reputation for short life, while moderation in diet
be one of the "golden rules" of any therapeutic strategies.
A traditional custom aimed at maintaining health, still practiced in the Orient,
is to get "up from the table hungry half" or in other words, only half full
stomach. Modern nutritionists subscribe to this view, considering that one of
the reasons overeating occurrence of conditions, including obesity.
Pure and impure food Feed
Any food, even if naturally leave some residue in the body. When you eat,
your body absorbs what it needs from food, then trying to get rid of debris. He
can not do this removal is more effective when overcharged or when - as is
often the case - offer him food that is indigestible. Residues then accumulates
in various organs, especially the intestines, where they rot and is thus a
source of imbalance and illness for our whole being. Traditionally, food
speaks "pure" (that which is beneficial in all our body view) and food
"impure" (one who harms us, for whatever reason). These appellations do not
refer at all to the fact that food is washed or cleaned, it is about quality. How
can we distinguish pure from the impure food? The food rots more quickly and
leaves no residue in the body is considered pure, even if prepared from
ingredients thoroughly washed and properly prepared. An example of pure
food is the food that remain fresh for a long time, those that are almost
entirely absorbed by the body without leaving only a small residue, natural
ripe fruits and vegetables, which are full of solar energy.
Body signals that show the need for purification
The importance of purification and detoxification action is too little understood
and implemented, so that the body is often required to handle it alone, using
"emergency mechanisms". Sometimes fever suddenly, we runny nose, rash
occurs. All this is nothing but natural means of purifying the body uses when it
is forced by circumstances. People who have a fever almost automatically
tend to fast, ie not feel the need to eat, and this is even welcome it, because
we know that digestive processes lead to increase body temperature.
It is important to take a day of fasting regularly, especially when we note that
eliminated waste through the intestines and sweat have a strong odor. Then
we can be sure that we are or will be ill, even though the disease has not yet
manifested, physically or mentally. The smell and body secretions heavily
dependent on food they consume, but also the mental states we are
experiencing. If we watch carefully, we see that when we are anxious or
upset, angry or jealous, body odor changes, becoming unpleasant. The smell
of a person is revealing to his health and, say insiders, even for her level of
spiritual evolution.
Item triggers the body's cleansing mechanisms
you, if you no longer see any disease on earth, you will live forever in the
Kingdom of Heaven. "(Peace Gospel of John)
Astrological correlations
Black Item achieved a certain day of the week put us in resonance with the
subtle astral influx of predominantly affecting the planet that day. Making
regular job on the same day of the week in time lead to assimilation into being
proper beneficial aspects of power and influence that planetary spheres. For
example: black fasting Tuesday (day under the subtle influence of Mars
planetary) augment maleness and helps remove life situations involving
violence; black fasting held Wednesday (day under the subtle influence of
Mercury Planetary) allow material success; black fasting Friday (day under
the subtle influence of Venus planetary) promote assimilation issues related
to love, harmony, beauty, inner peace and happiness; fasting on Sunday (day
under the subtle influence of the Sun) and purified solarizeaz burn the
accumulated negative karma favors closer to God. To reach the desired
effects necessary to fast regularly on the same day of the week; 3-4 months
after the effects begin to be felt, and after two years to stabilize their yield.