Una Década de Evaluación en Francia.
Una Década de Evaluación en Francia.
Una Década de Evaluación en Francia.
Philippe Lardo
Centre de Sociologie de lInnovation, cole des Mines de Paris, France
In France, the last decade has been marked by the institutionalisation of evaluation as part of the
landscape of public policies. This movement started with science and technology, which, compared
to other public policies, went through a specific institutionalisation process. In this chapter I shall
present the main transformations and draw some preliminary conclusions on the specific choice
made, i.e. what is often called, following Robert Chabbals work on the EC system (1987), the
guarantor model.
This approach departs from the view of evaluation as an ex-post monitoring exercise: it
focuses on the proactive role of evaluation activities and their embedment in the policy-making
process as one of the recognised instruments of strategic management. It is therefore difficult to
separate the two aspects and analyse the changing situation of evaluation without at the same time
considering the fairly significant organisational changes that have taken place in the French S&T
arena over the same period.1 This leads to the following methodological stand: these transformations
should not be analysed from an external point of view, i.e. with a given definition of evaluation, and
with pre-set norms about what it should be and how it should work. Instead, the responsibility should
be left to the actors themselves to decide what should be considered as evaluation, and to what
process it corresponds. I propose to address this issue by analysing the position of evaluation in the
French public research system and how it has de facto developed over the last decade.
The OECD has a long tradition of evaluation of national S&T policies, pointing to a need for a
global (if not holistic) view of the situation of the national system as a whole (see the chapter by
J.-E. Aubert). For French policy makers there has long been a continuum between evaluation and
advice, as reflected in the rich and entangled set of advisory bodies whose capabilities and
intervention are of crucial importance in the shaping and understanding of the evaluation scene, the
importance given to indicators (with the creation of the Observatoire des Sciences et des Techniques
OST), and the central focus on operators.
The research institutions, universities, programmes, agencies and procedures which mediate
between the political sphere and scientific activities have been at the core of the French experience in
evaluation over the last decade. The growing importance of this intermediary layer, to borrow the
term proposed by B. Van der Meulen and A. Rip (1994), calls for a radical reappraisal of our
ballistic (or linear) view of the formulation-implementation-control triad upon which evaluation
research has long been based. It is interesting to see how evaluation of S&T operators has developed
so that they are considered not solely as the agents of implementation of a policy defined at a higher
level, but rather as mediators between research activities and policy making with their own strategic,
political and managerial capabilities. In this chapter, I will focus on three major settings highlighting
the guarantor approach:2 two committees established at the central political level for the evaluation
of higher education institutions (CNE); all the other S&T public operators (CNER); and one internal
setting, the Dlgation aux audits, which, because of the central role played by the Comit national
de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) in the French landscape, can be considered to represent a third
central initiative.3 This focus will enable us to highlight the results obtained in two dimensions:
the robustness and credibility of the evaluations; and the embedding of strategic evaluation in the
evaluated bodies, especially research institutions. It will also underline the current limitations,
especially in relation to the link between evaluation and policy making at the national level a
situation shared and strongly indicated by the evaluation settings themselves.
Most of the evaluations carried out during this period dealing with research institutions shed new
light on human resources and on the role of evaluation in the dynamics of scientific activities per
se. This reminds us that in France and this may be due to its long-standing organisational double
choice of strong research institutions associated with university enseignants-chercheurs evaluation
rhymes first with the careers of researchers and the life-cycle of the research collectives in which they
work. The growing importance of these aspects has led to analysis of the evaluation settings
developed to handle them, focusing on two cases in so-called mission-oriented institutions. These
two aspects could even be considered to constitute a major element in the changing evaluation
landscape in France.
Advice on and evaluation of national policy
At De Gaulles return to power, in 1958, he established the Conseil consultatif de la recherche
scientifique et technique to assist the newly created Direction gnrale de la recherche scientifique et
technologique (DGRST) in the design of a research policy. Known as the Comit des Sages, this
body constitutes a permanent reference for global guidance of national policy.4 Why consider such
advisory bodies here since they bear no resemblance whatsoever to the long-standing OECD practice
of S&T policy evaluations? The answer lies in the approach taken to evaluation and the balance
established between monitoring (of past decisions) and advice (based upon the lessons learned
from past actions). In France, the evaluation of public policies has two main features: it is recent5
and has developed outside the existing monitoring bodies, the Cour des Comptes and the inspections
gnrales. This departure from usual monitoring practice is not the result of power struggles within
the bureaucracy. On the contrary, if we follow P. Viveret (1989) who was in charge of the report
which was instrumental in establishing evaluation as part of the policy process, this separation is
useful and reposes on the role of evaluation in the democratic process: to act as an instrument for
political intelligence and thus participate in the collective building of a shared judgement.
Evaluation does not exist to deliver good or bad marks, rather it exists to provide political actors with
access to past experience to help solve present-day problems and decisions.6 Evaluation is thus
strongly linked with the global views expressed on the national S&T system or policy.
This was clearly the rationale underlying the law of 1982 which replaced the Comit des Sages
by the Conseil suprieur de la recherche et de la technologie (CSRT), whose role is to support major
choices of government scientific and technological policy and to produce an annual report on the
evaluation of national S&T policy.7 At the same time, its composition changed from a small number
of wise men directly nominated by the government to a quasi-parliament of research with
representation of all the major stakeholders and a complex nomination process.8 A decade later, the
need for a strategy supporting body was felt, and the Comit dorientation stratgique (COS),
composed of 15 members nominated by the Prime Minister, was created in 1995. The priority task of
this committee was to prepare the annual report on the national research strategy to be presented by
the Minister to Parliament.9
If we now turn to the CSRTs counterpart for universities, the CNESER, it can be easily seen
that these high-ranking advisory bodies and their outputs constitute a major element of the French
evaluation scene. All the more so since, in 1984, Parliament, in the face of this unequal balance,
decided to develop its own capabilities and established the Office parlementaire des choix
scientifiques et techniques, a joint body with members from both chambers. This description would
be incomplete without the periodic mobilisations which took place before each of the abovementioned changes (the Colloque de Caen in 1956, the Assises nationales in 1981 and the
Consultation nationale in 1994). These national consultations constitute yet another dimension of the
national scene, although their importance lies less in their direct outputs than in the issues they
brought to the forefront and the cultural changes they promoted.10 We shall later refer to some of
the ideas promoted by the 1994 Consultation nationale which, for the first time, included dedicated
debates on evaluation.
I do not intend to analyse here the effects of these consultative bodies and the periodic national
consultations. However, the reader will easily understand that, given this rich context and the
frequent use of the word evaluation to refer to their outputs, no room was left for yet another
screening mechanism of national policy as a whole.11 This did not mean that evaluation was no
longer an issue, instead the debates focused on the best ways to provide these bodies and arenas with
robust and credible material. In-house information provided by Ministry services or powerful
institutions were regarded as biased and unreliable by the other stakeholders. Evaluation and the
building of national indicators appeared to provide solutions to this problem. Both these issues were
handled at the same time and along the same lines. The Observatoire des Sciences et des Techniques
(OST), in charge of the production of French S&T indicators, was created at the same time as the
CNER (see below) as an integral part of the evaluation system. Its task was to provide a link which
was missing in France, although efforts had been made since the beginning of the 1970s to develop a
French equivalent of the US science indicators. The fact that OST is an independent body, funded by
several Ministries and the largest French research institutions, demonstrates a central feature of the
institutionalisation of the French evaluation process during the 1980s: credibility implied
independence from the central administration and use of the guarantor model of evaluation.
The issue of robustness and credibility (required by both Parliament at the global policy level
and the researchers themselves)12 led to the institutionalisation of evaluation as the question arose
about systematic and periodic evaluation of operators the research institutions, agencies,
programmes and procedures that mediate between policy making and research activities. We shall
see that it has proven more difficult than anticipated to strike a balance between credibility and
relevance to the policy process.
secretariat comprising 24 persons) and the totality of evaluation costs (fees and travel costs for
experts, methodological studies, publication and dissemination of reports, etc.).
At the end of 1994 CNE officially finished its first tour of the French universities (evaluating on
average nine universities per year) and entered a new cycle. The CNE decided to conceive evaluation
not as a comparison between two points in time but as a dynamic analysis of the efforts engaged by
universities in response to rapidly growing demand while improving the quality of teaching and
research (CNE, 1993). Meanwhile, to account for the wide diversity of situations, the Ministry
developed a new policy based on systematic four-year contrats dtablissement with all universities.
The CNE was requested to include the evaluation of these contracts in its own evaluations; this
required adjusting the process and rhythm of the evaluations.
The CNE now carries out more than 20 evaluations per year. The institutional evaluation of
universities and higher education establishments is the backbone of its activities, although the
evaluations vary according to whether they concern departmental issues (following on from
geography, information and communication sciences and odontology, pharmaceutical studies are
currently being evaluated), thematic issues (e.g. university libraries) or even geographic ones
(e.g. evaluating the added value of geographical synergies in a ple, such as that created in the Lyon
The process is now well established as an institutional approach which gives priority to peer
reviews over quantitative approaches and indicators (CNE, 1989). Each evaluation is carried out by
a sub-group of the Committee (generally two or three members), which is responsible for the
conclusions and recommendations; it is managed by one of the seven chargs de mission who, in
addition to the logistical issues, is responsible for the initial information collection and the drafting of
the synthesis report. The four-step process lasts approximately nine months.
Information collection is a preliminary step, handled by the secretariat. It is based on a
questionnaire, which the Committee views as a check list17 of the minimal quantitative elements a
university should know about itself. However, most universities still do not know themselves, and
there have been recent cases where even the number of students was unclear! Annual reports from
the CNE regularly emphasize the urgent task of moving into the light (CNE, 1993). As members of
the secretariat have pointed out, the construction of a set of indicators a tableau de bord is a major
limitation and a major direction in which to strive. We are clearly faced with the continuum which
exists between management and evaluation, and a major lesson from this evaluation approach, and
one which the CNER also emphasizes, is that wherever monitoring instruments are missing,
evaluation tends to play an active role in their initial development (if only for its own requirements).
The starting point of the evaluation is the visit made by the sub-group of the Committee to the
university. As the Committee has begun to return to universities that have already been through an
evaluation process, it has changed its approach; its analysis is no longer all-encompassing, covering
all the departments and activities of the university. Instead, it focuses on the identified strategic
problems faced by the university. The conclusions and recommendations of the previous evaluation,
analysis of the information set and the priorities included in the contrat dtablissement which the
university has signed with the Ministry of Education, all play a role in the identification of strategic
problems. Dialogue with the government of the university (to use the phrasing adopted by CNE) is
thus central to the identification of crucial issues and to the construction of the terms of reference of
the evaluation.18 Biotechnologies in the case of Strasbourg, and medical imaging in Rennes, are good
examples of this approach, which is not always accepted by the university stakeholders, who
challenge the relevance of the choices.
The third step, the experts report, is central to the evaluation process. The use of individual
experts and this will come as no surprise to evaluation analysts poses three main problems: the
selection of the experts; the development of a common framework for the individual reports; and the
assembling of the individual reports into a coherent whole.
All evaluations relying on experts pose a quality issue associated with the independence
and competence of the experts. The CNE, which uses on average nine experts per
evaluation, has chosen to draw its expertise almost exclusively from the French
universities:19 therefore most experts evaluate their colleagues in the knowledge that the
situation will soon be reversed. To counterbalance this situation, the Committee has decided
to keep the experts reports confidential. Nevertheless, the Committee is considering
increasing its use of foreign experts.
How can the relevance of the experts work be ensured? This is another well-known issue
which has led the CNE to develop a sophisticated approach. All the experts participating in
an evaluation are invited to a one-day meeting at the CNE to become acquainted both with
the nature of the work they will be undertaking (the Committee has drawn up a briefing
note for participants) and with the situation of the university. Visits to the site are carried
out over a short period (less than 10 days) to allow for dialogue between experts. This is
fostered by the charg de mission who is on the site during the whole period to ensure the
smooth functioning of the visits.
To help in the formulation of a common view, the experts meet a second time before writing
their individual reports, which remain confidential. Under the guidance of the Committees
sub-group, the Secretariat drafts a synthesis report which is discussed by the Committee. At
this stage, the synthesis report does not include any conclusions or recommendations.
The confrontation phase now takes place. The analytical report is sent to the university (as one
charg de mission states, it is often written rather harshly in order to make them react), and this is
followed by an on-site examination with the Committee group in charge of the evaluation. Taking the
reactions into account, the conclusions and recommendations are then formulated by the group and
adopted, after discussion, by the CNE. They are sent to the President of the university for an official
response which will be incorporated in the published report. The wide dissemination of the report
ends the process.20 With their distinctive blue cover, these reports are now part of the university
Embedding evaluation in the university landscape has always been one of the objectives
underlined by the CNE in its reports to the Prsident de la Rpublique. And, clearly, the CNE
considered as a major achievement the recognised need for evaluation expressed by the conference of
university presidents: autonomy and partnership cannot exist in the absence of an external and
independent evaluation of universities (cited in the 1993 report). This did not stop the Committee
from addressing the questions of the impact and consequences of evaluations in all of its reports.
The CNE (1989) perceives the evaluation process as a process of revelation; it acts as a
catalyst to allow problems to be better identified and stated. It also considers that there are two very
different categories of problems: some are linked to university policy and action, while others relate
to the desirable or undesirable effects of national policy on a given university. The
recommendations therefore address both the strategy of the university and the framing and
implementation of national policy. Their effects have been very contrasted. Following Nemitz
(1993), the core of the tangible effects is linked to the direct take-up of the recommendations by the
universities. This can take many forms, with in a few instances the university asking an evaluation
expert to help in the implementation of recommendations. The most common effect, however, is
contained in the second information package and the universitys handling of the previous
recommendations of the Committee (in the last report you said ...., this is what we have done).21
On the other hand, the link with Ministry policy remains erratic, even in cases where the law requires
a specific evaluation by the CNE before any new action can be taken (as for the so-called universits
nouvelles, established for five years with a derogatory status). This situation led Nemitz (1993) to
call for better co-ordination between evaluation work and the services in charge of four-year
contracts, and to advocate a decision-making-geared follow-up by Ministry services.
Effectiveness in promoting more coherent local strategies, in supporting individual universities
in shaping their policy, in reinforcing the capabilities of the government of individual universities,
is an achievement which requires a counterpart: effectiveness in the shaping of the national
university environment. Clearly the linkages with national policy making (implementation as well as
formulation) are at risk. We shall see that this is also a problem faced by the CNER.
CNER and the periodic evaluations of research operators22
Although it made evaluation a compulsory feature of RTD policy, the 1985 law did not define
any implementation structure. The success of the CNE provided the Ministry with a framework in
which to operate. It initially contemplated increasing the responsibilities of the CNE, but in 1988,
after four years of existence, the CNE had only evaluated one-third of French universities. Finally,
the government opted for replication. The Comit national dvaluation de la recherche (CNER) was
created in 1989 on the same basis as the CNE, i.e. independent from the Ministry of Research and
reporting annually to the Prsident de la Rpublique. Constituted of 10 members nominated for six
years after a strict nomination process involving the French Academy of Science, the CSRT and
monitoring bodies, the CNER has its own logistical means and own budget and complete freedom in
the choice of its timetable, methodologies and dissemination policies. One of the key issues was the
definition of the operators that the CNER was to periodically evaluate: a pragmatic solution was
adopted by including in its scope all the institutions and R&D activities receiving state support from
the civilian budget.23
The CNER started operations in 1990. In seven years of activity it has evaluated 13 operators,
although the annual annex to the budget24 identifies more than 60 operators without taking into
account the universities and other higher education institutions. The required time span to evaluate
all the operators would appear to be very long (almost 30 years), especially compared with the
objective underpinning its creation (a full round of operators for each cycle of the committee, i.e. six
years). This may explain why the CNER went through a long interim period and waited over a year
for the renewal of its members and the nomination, in April 1997, of its third president.25 At the
same time, its evaluations, especially those of research institutions, are considered robust and have
had significant impacts. How can this paradoxical situation be explained? The CNER itself posed
these questions in its 1996 report which reflects on its six years experience, and the title of which,
Lvaluation de la recherche, un enjeu capital, throws light on the difficulties facing the current
Three aspects need to be investigated in order to better grasp the elements which explain the
current situation. These relate to the rationale of the CNER, the handling of the process and the
identification of and interlinkages with the main stakeholders.
The blurring of the CNERs rationale
The dcret which established the CNER sets out in detail the conditions under which
institutions, programmes and procedures should be evaluated. It begins by defining the role of the
CNER: to assess the implementation and results of the national research and technology policy
conducted by the government. Although based on the same objective the evaluation of individual
operators this opened the door to two different options. The initial approach used by the CNER
corresponded to a systematic review of all operators, with ten evaluations started in the first
18 months. A different direction was then progressively taken, which drove the CNER to emphasize
in its 1996 report that the objective of the CNER is not limited to its recommendations on evaluated
operators... It is to progressively identify the strengths and weaknesses of the whole national R&D
system (p. 5). The report underlines the major issues facing French national policy: the definition of
sectoral policies; the mentoring (tutelle in French) of national programmes and research institutions;
and the conditions under which these research institutions function and adapt to changing situations.
The CNER even dedicated a whole annual report (1994) to the national apparatus for research and
technological development.
Individual evaluations, however informative and whatever specific transformations they
advocate, are a means to an end: to produce a(nother) global view on the national system and the
transformations required. For instance, in the above-mentioned 1994 report, the CNER identified
three governmental models used in France over the last 30 years:
co-ordination,26 based on an office at Prime Ministers level (as was the case with DGRST);
autonomy (with a specific Ministry in charge of research and technology and budgetary
responsibility for all civilian budgets, as was the case with the Ministry of Research and
Technology in 1984-86 and then 1988-93 under Mr. Curien); and
agglomeration (linking research and technology and other responsibilities, this linkage being
considered a strategic issue as with industry during the 1970s).
CNER took a clear stand in favour of autonomy, while agglomeration, with higher education and
education as a whole, has been the choice of all governments, the present one included, since 1993,
following the German model. Compared to the CNE, a clear first lesson emerges which goes back to
the reasons why the CNER was created: to produce robust and credible information on the
components of the system in order to foster public debate; not to encapsulate the public debate in the
closed room of the Committee, however wise and informed its members may be. Such a setting, and
the guarantor model as a whole, can be productive and feed into the political debate only if the other
option is chosen, that of the systematic and periodic evaluation of operators. But is this option
feasible? The lessons derived from the process adopted by the CNER lead me to think that it is.
promoting acceptable or realistic recommendations. In the final phase, the CNERs own
recommendations are presented in a short, synthetic document written and unanimously adopted by
the Committee. This constitutes the only official document issued by the CNER which, contrary to
the CNE, has not opted for a wide dissemination of evaluation results.30
This four-step process has been effective in delivering robust evaluations (i.e. the results have
never been challenged as being irrelevant). However, the process is time-consuming, although the
CNER admits that the time lags could be shortened (p. 8). The question is whether it is realistic to
call for a systematic and periodic review, or whether the review process as is stands is necessary to
guarantee the credibility and robustness of the evaluations. Compared with the CNE process, there
are significant variations: the major difference can be seen in the characterisation phase, although the
heavier burden weighs mainly on the secretariat and the external professionals it mobilises. The
approach adopted for the confrontation phase which currently mobilises the full Committee
represents another significant difference, while the involvement of the Committee in the drafting and
adoption of the conclusions and recommendations is similar for the two processes. This leads me to
consider that there might be an issue of critical mass: the secretariat of the CNER, with less than
ten people, would appear to be understaffed compared to that of the CNE, and it might be necessary
to enlarge the Committee in order to better share the burden between members. Therefore, there does
not seem to be any structural reason why a guarantor should not be able to cover the whole body of
French research operators within a reasonable period of time as the CNE does for the universities.
From local to global effects: the role of the CNER in policy making
The CNER was required to periodically assess the follow-up of its evaluations. It has done so
for the first three of its evaluations which all concerned research institutions (CNER, 1996). The
conclusion is clear: evaluations are effective as long as the evaluated institutions can implement the
recommendations on their own. As the Committee noted, follow-up largely took place during the
evaluation, the evaluation of ORSTOM being a good example (of) anticipating conclusions later
formulated by the Committee (p. 8). Evaluations have been quite influential at the operator level,
especially with the development of new management tools. However, the CNER did not aim only at
local effects, however important these may be. The CNER itself stresses that its recommendations
have had limited influence on policy making or on modifications to the institutional framework.
Thus, the CNER and the CNE are faced with the issue addressed by the 1994 Consultation
nationale in its sessions on evaluation: the absence of any take-up mechanism. How can they ensure
that their recommendations are implemented or that explicit reasons are given for not following
them? One proposal was to link the evaluation process to existing consultation mechanisms and to
make it compulsory for the evaluee and the government to provide a follow-up report to the Office
parlementaire des choix scientifiques et techniques, thus raising the debate about potential
modifications to the national research system at the legislative level.
By dissociating evaluation from immediate policy and government management concerns, a gap
is created which has two opposite effects. One is to focus the evaluation on effective long-term issues
and thus promote the proactive and strategic dimensions of the evaluation exercise. This may
prove highly relevant for the evaluated operators as long as they can handle them alone. However,
required changes in national policy have been difficult to implement, and difficult even to propose.
The guarantor model, which is effective in producing robust and strategic evaluations, requires an
institutional framework to link it to the political decision-making process: it is not sufficient to focus
on the conditions for producing evaluations, their space of circulation has also to be established,
and this cannot rely solely on the dissemination of reports.
Evaluation and strategic management
In the same way that it is not enough to grasp only the direct effects in order to analyse the
impact of a programme, the indirect or structural effects of an evaluation should also be accounted
for. Although direct causality may be questioned, the growing importance of evaluation has been
accompanied by three major changes which are shaping the French landscape.
The adoption of a proactive approach, moving away from ex-post monitoring of past actions,
emphasized the need for more long-term, strategic analysis to complement the over-dominant role
of annual budgeting. From 1989 onwards, a progressive but continuous change has occurred in the
relations between Ministries and operators. Four-year contrats dtablissement between the Ministry
and the universities were established in 1989, after five years of action and evaluations by the CNE.
These contracts take into account the diverse situations of French universities and their corresponding
specific needs. This movement was reinforced by the growing involvement of the regional councils
which, since the decentralisation law of the early 1980s, had become accustomed to five-year contrats
de plan tat-rgions. The Ministry of Research progressively implemented a similar scheme which
was generalised to most research institutions and agencies by the mid-1990s. This increasingly
pluri-annual nature of government action calls for a corresponding revision of its management tools,
as proposed by the CNER, which emphasized in its 1996 report the dual role of strategic thinking
and of evaluation in the new process.
The second major change was mentioned above, and deals with the operators management
tools. Both Committees have continued to insist on the inadequacy of current monitoring instruments
and have dedicated significant efforts to starting to develop new evaluation tools. This has had a
clear impact on the managerial settings in the evaluated institutions themselves and also more widely:
some research institutions, such as CEMAGREF, or research agencies, such as ADEME, have
developed functional evaluation and strategy directorates; and the Ministry in charge of equipment,
transport, construction and housing research has set up its own evaluation unit.
However, the major change was implemented by the CNRS. The Dlgation des audits, created
to report on issues of crucial interest to top management, has been very active and, through a very
rigorous process controlled by its own guarantor, the Comit consultatif des audits, has produced
evaluations dealing as much with common facilities (e.g. the CNRS computer frame) as with
interdisciplinary research programmes (such as Imabio or Ultimatech) or, more recently, with the
functioning of the Comit national, in charge of the management of researchers careers. The
evaluation process is, again, different and is built into the decision-making process of the CNRS. The
issues to be examined are decided by the CNRS. An expert group is then set up, with the task of
defining the terms of reference and, with the support of the Dlgation des audits, selecting the
external auditor(s). The findings of the auditor(s) are then discussed with the evaluated body before
the expert group presents its results. The whole process is overseen by the Comit consultatif des
audits which guarantees the relevance of the methodology adopted and the quality of the study. The
process terminates with the presentation by the directorate of CNRS of the new orientationsdecided.
The whole process with its five components is made public. The organisational audit of the
Comit national (CNRS, 1995) is exemplary of this dynamism which shows that, provided the
government of the institution does make use of the instrument, the loop can be looped and the lessons
learnt embedded into the decision-making process.
The above-mentioned evaluation is also exemplary of one issue on which all three guarantors
have been placing increasingly greater emphasis: the handling not to say the management of
human resources. An audit of the Comit national would have been unthinkable only a few years
ago: in the early 1990s, it took more than two years to redefine the borders between its 50 sections!
The recruitment, careers and activities of the enseignants-chercheurs is an issue raised in all the CNE
reports to the Prsident de la Rpublique. The sub-titles used in the reports on three evaluations of
research institutions carried out by the CNER (CNER, 1993b) confront the reader with similar issues:
the problem of the scientific evaluation of researchers, the need for a new system of humanresource management, career opportunities for young researchers, the evaluation of laboratories,
the co-ordination of a network of laboratories, etc. And what better recognition of the crucial
importance of this dimension than CNERs description of the production structures of the French
research system as disseminated in thousands of research units, a mosaic of laboratories (CNER,
1996, p. 37). Operators evaluations and their guarantors take us back to the basic unit of production,
to the initial focus of the evaluation exercises: the researchers and their research units. It is therefore
logical to close this analysis by concentrating on some recent evaluation approaches which have been
designed to tackle this important issue.
A renewed stake: the evaluation of research actors
There is no need to present at length the dual rationale of research as a public good which
justifies state intervention and the delegation to peers of the reviews on which this state intervention
is based. Neither is there any need to pinpoint the long-standing choices that have been made in
France to handle this delegation process: it is jointly based on research institutions with their own
research staff and on the embedment of research in the duties of university staff. The French public
research capacity is currently divided into two almost equivalent groups31 of professionals: full-time
professionals in research institutions (the organismes publics de recherche), and university
professionals, who by status are enseignants-chercheurs and are supposed to devote half of their time
to research (a situation which is supposed to be taken into consideration when teaching duties are
assigned). Both are recruited young and the development of their careers is intrinsically based on
periodic evaluations: whether they become professeurs or directeurs de recherche depends on
choices delegated to evaluating bodies, which are established as such and are independent from the
professionals direct hierarchy. The Comit national, linked to the CNRS, and the Comit national
des universits, with their numerous disciplinary sections, are examples of this situation which was
extended to all the tablissements publics caractre scientifique et technique (EPST) by the 1982
law. Not to take account of the debates which have taken place over the last decade, both at the
individual level and, increasingly, at the collective level of the research units, would be to miss out
on a significant part of the French evaluation scene.32 Scant attention has been paid to these
dimensions in international fora during the last decade, although they might well become, and not
only in France, a major issue in the coming years.
This is why I shall present two original configurations linked to so-called mission-oriented
institutions: the scientific follow-up of researchers at INRA, the national institute for agricultural
research; and the periodic monitoring of research units in INSERM, the French national institute for
medical research and biomedical sciences. It is, of course, not possible in such a short presentation,
to give due credit to the complexity and richness of these configurations. Instead, I have voluntarily
chosen to limit myself to stylised figures highlighting the conditions under which evaluation has
become an integral part of the management and policy-making process of these research institutions.
The scientific evaluation of researchers at INRA
INRA, the French national institute for agricultural research, is organised in seven scientific
directorates in charge of some 20 research departments, each covering a theme or an area. A typical
department comprises 6 to 12 research units and 100 to 200 researchers, spread over a dozen different
locations covering the whole of France. Researchers are recruited in their mid-twenties (after their
PhD) as chargs de recherche and become directeurs de recherche in their forties.33 Apart from
these two rendez-vous, researchers career paths depend on their hierarchy.
This may explain why, when INRA became an tablissement public caractre scientifique et
technique (EPST) in the mid-1980s,34 a new mechanism for the periodic scientific evaluation of
researchers was established. The 1 900 INRA researchers are evaluated every two years by their
respective specialised scientific commission (CSS). There are 13 such commissions, whose
members (between 10 and 20 depending on the size of the population under review) are nominated
for four years with a fixed representation: half are external scientists,35 the other half are from the
institute, split equally between those elected by researchers and those nominated by the directorate of
The evaluation is consultative, it operates as an early-warning mechanism for both the researcher
and his supervisors. But how can such an early-warning mechanism operate without becoming a
routine task with, at best, limited influence? I shall try to show that its relevance lies in the small
organisational details which embed the process into the life of the institution.
First, however, it is important to measure the interest of this early-warning mechanism for
mission-oriented institutions. A simple but robust indicator is the relative importance of identified
problems: in 1996, they affected nearly 12 per cent of the researchers evaluated. Examination of
these situations further indicates that such problems tend to be concentrated in specific periods in the
research life cycle. They overwhelmingly concern the two extremes: younger researchers
(under 35, i.e. with less than ten years experience in the institution); and older ones (over 50).
The reasons for this weakness in scientific production differ significantly between these two
groups. In the case of younger researchers, two major reasons emerge, both of which are linked to
their participation in the research group: dispersion i.e. too many projects lacking sufficient
continuity to enable the academic capitalisation of the knowledge acquired. This is often linked to
participation in the numerous contracts with which the unit is involved. On the other hand,
wavering is often related to the difficulties faced in handling a project which is poorly linked to the
other work undertaken in the team and thus suffers from limited backing or room for discussion. It is
easy to see how such situations can evolve over a two-year period, i.e. between two evaluations,
reinforcing the importance of this early-warning system (which then becomes a follow-up
process). The importance of the system does not diminish for the second group of older
researchers. Although the situations tend to be more varied, two main patterns emerge: first,
thematic exhaustion, where an individual progressively exhausts his/her subject without finding
sufficient challenge (in most cases this is linked to the progressive marginalisation of a researcher
who has not followed the changing interests and approaches of his/her research unit);36 second, the
progressive transformation of the researcher into a service provider (often of a complex technical
service), which is useful for the lab or the related economic activity, but which does not correspond to
any new scientific activity.
How can such a characterisation be obtained? A simple evaluation of scientific production
would not allow such a depth of understanding. This is where the organisational setting comes in. In
addition to the wide dissemination of the findings, three aspects of the process are worthy of note.37
First, researchers describe not only their personal research activities, with the corresponding list of
publications (of whatever type during the last two years); they also describe their other activities,
indicating how their time is split between:38 teaching (with specific attention to PhD tutoring),
collective activities (management of a research unit, co-ordination of a European project, etc.) and
transfer activities (expertise provided to public bodies or the profession, patenting, etc.). In
addition, they have the opportunity to address a personal message to their commission; this
opportunity was taken by 38 per cent of researchers in 1996.39 Second, the reasons for the warning
must be presented in writing and transmitted to both the researcher40 and his/her hierarchy: this fact
alone has often lead commissions to re-organise the process in order to be in a position to discuss all
cases which pose problems and to formalise their justifications. Third, for each case, the
corresponding scientific director presents to the commission his point of view and the action he
expects to take. These exchanges are central to the process. It is interesting to note the three main
situations observed: i) in many cases, the situation had already been identified and the warning was
given as a complementary diagnosis in support of the action taken; ii) in a significant number of
cases, the relevance for the institution of the researchers involvement in other activities is such that
the temporary effect on his/her scientific activity is judged as a necessary counterpart; iii) finally,
in a far more limited number of cases, the process operates as a true warning mechanism, especially
for young researchers, and thus helps in the strategic management of the research institution.
The term strategic management is not accidental: it is truly a strategic issue since, in France,
research institutions recruit their researchers for life; the institutions capabilities thus largely rely
on the adequate shaping of their human resources. This example shows that in order for
evaluations to play the role of an early-warning system they must be linked to the decision-making
structures and this relies mainly on the small organisational details that have been put in place.
These two dimensions relevance to the core dynamics of the institution and embedment in its
management are central to the performance of any evaluation process, although the long-term
effects on the shaping of the competences of the institute as a whole have yet to be seen. It should
also be noted that this early-warning system, which took over a decade to become established,
remains the exception rather than the rule.
The evaluation of research units at INSERM
If we follow the results of the analyses by INRA, most of the problems faced by individual
researchers are linked to the relationship between the individual and the research unit in which he
works. I will not go into the reasons behind the increasing centrality of the research unit in the
dynamics of knowledge, and shall limit myself to an image we often use at CSI: the laboratory is
to science what the firm is to the economy the basic unit of production. It comes as no surprise then
that over the last decade fairly significant transformations in the approach to research activities have
taken place in many countries, even in United Kingdom where basic funding is now allocated through
a grading of university departments and centres. This is a question that French institutions have faced
for some time, each developing its own approach. The CNRS has a long tradition of four-yearly
examinations of own and associated laboratories. However, nowhere has this practice been so
central to the life of the institution as in INSERM. Again, this stems from the transformation of
INSERM into an EPST at the beginning of the 1980s. Fifteen years of existence call for a
retrospective view of its role and effects.
Research units are established for four years and their mandates can be renewed twice, meaning
that after 12 years they are either closed or recreated. Creation is a bottom-up process through a
yearly call for tender. No thematic priorities are expressed by the institution, but clear criteria have
been formulated in order to promote hybridisation: a unit must bring together at least two INSERM
researchers and two non-INSERM ones (mainly from university and university hospitals), and it must
find its own location (again most often within a hospital or university setting).41 In 15 years of
activity, from 1983 to 1997, the number of INSERM units has remained relatively stable (growing
from 236 to 260). Over the same period 189 units have been closed, 70 have been recreated and
213 have been created. Before examining the conditions under which this level of renewal takes
place, let us first analyse the situation.
Three situations need to be taken into consideration: units asking for prolongation after four or
eight years of existence (35, on average, over the last two years); units arriving at their twelfth year
of life and which thus will be either closed or recreated (around 30 per year); and proposals for
new units (45 on average, with over half corresponding to units asking to be recreated).
The renewal of the mandates of existing units is the overwhelming rule since, on average, only
one unit in 20 was closed after a negative evaluation, and around one unit in ten has been placed
under surveillance with a follow-up evaluation planned in two years. Although more than four out
of five units go through the evaluation process without change, the failure rate is high enough for the
units not to regard it as a simple routine check.
The process for closing units (those with 12 years of existence, of which there were 45 in
1992-95) is, of course, very different. One year before the closure date, a specific call for tender is
made to identify whether or not there are candidates to take over the unit as it stands: few candidates
take up this opportunity (only six cases out of 45). The units are then given a three-year temporary
mandate in order to prepare their recreation. The vast majority of labs (34 out of 45) choose to
directly enter the global competition for the creation of new units. One-quarter failed (nine) which,
added to the few cases where no project emerged (five), brings the total number of real closures to
one-third of all closing units during 1992-95.
The majority of the closing units thus enter the basic competition for the creation or
recreation of new units. In 1992-95, more than 90 units were created in this way. To understand
the nature of this renewal process, it is important to grasp the origins of the units. One unit in three
was a recreation (either directly or via a temporary mandate). This means that two-thirds of new
units were completely new for the institution. What are the processes that foster this high creation
rate? Self generation (i.e. creation from scratch, mixing staff from various existing groupings),
exists but is relatively rare (one in five new units). Two major phenomena of relatively equal
importance help to explain the process. The first relates to the units research dynamics, with a team
progressively developing its own agenda and shifting the balance of its collaborations from within the
laboratory to external partners and thus calling for full recognition as a unit (often in conjunction with
some of its external partners). This birth process can also be generated from outside existing teams.
To stimulate the process, INSERM has established a competition to allocate a five-year project to
young teams to give them the time and opportunity to prepare for the main competition. This has
proven highly efficient, since one-third of all creations in 1992-95 (including recreations) stemmed
from this preparation process.
How did this encouraging situation come about? Three elements of the organisational setting are
worthy of mention.
The examination of proposals is a two-step process which involves the scientific council of
INSERM (30 members, renewed every four years) and, as in INRA, a set of specialised scientific
commissions (CSS). There are currently 11 such CSS for some 2 000 INSERM researchers and
260 research units. While, similar to the process at INRA, the composition of commissions is based
on strict rules,42 the number and heading of commissions changes every four years. This is the first
specificity of the process. The commissions are not discipline-based (how could one expect to cover
the whole spectrum of relevant sciences in 11 commissions?); there is a changing mix between
discipline-oriented and disease-oriented commissions. Changes can be quite significant, as in 1995
which witnessed the disappearance of biomedical engineering as a full commission and the
recognition of transmissible diseases as a completely new commission. This movement is all the
more important since each proposer, when putting forward his/her project, must also designate the
commission that will analyse it.
Commissions are central to the process. The project proposal provides a basis for analysis but,
in order to better assess the proposal according to the recommendations put forward by the
institution,43 the core of the evaluation takes the form of a classic site visit: for each proposal, the
commission sets up a group of six persons, five commission members plus a foreign expert; this
group makes a full-day visit to the site, listening to exposs, auditing the potential director as well as
each team leader and the technical staff. The report of the group44 is confidential in order to foster
more pertinent comments which means that the evaluees do not have access to it. Instead, they
receive a one-page summary of the recommendation of the commission after a debate on the groups
report. Proposers can appeal by providing supporting arguments to the scientific council which
devotes each year a full meeting to the examination of all cases: although the commissions
proposals are endorsed in the vast majority of cases, this counter-examination process has been
instrumental in changing the outcomes of such evaluations. The process can go either way (i.e. the
case of biomedical engineering, where the scientific council recommended the closure of a number of
units which the specialised commission had proposed to maintain).
A third key element lies in the handling of closed units: the closing unit has a further 18 months
of budget to enable the researchers and technical staff to finish their ongoing projects and join a new
research setting. For the supervisors, this mechanism is crucial to the performance of the whole
system since it provides the time and means for the unit to adequately reposition itself. Judgements
on the relevance of the research unit rarely have any negative effect at the individual level: the
commissions undertake the same screening of individuals as for INRA, but with a far lower rate of
warnings: between 1992 and 1995 warnings were given to only 2 per cent of the full researcher
population (although it was screened twice). Comparison of the two rates is illuminating and shows
how central the research units are to the long-term management of the relevance and orientation of
the capacities of the institute. Periodic evaluation in its fullest sense covering ex-ante, ongoing
and ex-post exercises is the major instrument used to promote a satisfactory collective setting in
which research work can develop.
These two examples remind us that human resources are not only a fashionable issue, but that
the handling of the human-resource element is crucial to the performance of national research
systems. Evaluation has long been considered the major instrument for handling these issues. The
two cases above confirm this but, at the same time, indicate that, although peer review remains the
cornerstone of evaluation, the choice of the units of analysis, the process which drives it and its
linkage to strategic decision making are central to its relevance.
Striking the right balance between evaluation and management: an ongoing issue
Evaluation was fashionable during the 1980s, particularly in Europe and in France. However,
the fashion has since waned and few policy makers emphasize evaluation in their speeches (or, if so,
refer only to EU programmes!). Still, although it is going through a difficult period, the activity has
not disappeared. On the contrary, the number of evaluations has steadily increased and we have
witnessed a significant institutional spread. This illustrates a lasting problem and the need to clearly
understand what the policy has produced in terms of action. The role of evaluation is to foster the
dimension underlined by economists as crucial to the success of innovations, the learning processes
and the numerous loops, adjustments and redefinitions between policy makers and the numerous and
diverse stakeholders concerned by these policies. It is only through this iterative and never-ending
process that objectives progressively take shape, implementation structures evolve and policy goals or
finalities are revealed and transformed. The problem is then to identify under what conditions
evaluation can loop the loop.
The French experience highlights three conditions which mirror the role of co-ordinating
mechanisms in innovation processes (Lardo, 1996). They deal with the intermediaries produced
(i.e. the content of evaluations and their interlinking capabilities), their production process (i.e. the
conditions which make them credible for stakeholders), and the structural arrangements necessary for
confrontations, debates and alliances on the periodic (re)definition of policies. The guarantor model,
as used in France by both the CNE and CNER, responds to the first two conditions, delivering robust,
relevant and credible evaluations. However, its institutional framing is paradoxically based upon a
linear assumption which assumes that the mere existence of written evaluations is sufficient to
stimulate political debate and change. As Callon and Rip (1992) or Finne (1995) have shown, there
is a need for the creation of hybrid fora or arenas for debate. It remains to be seen whether this
can be fostered by more adequate institutional framing (as was suggested during the 1994 French
Consultation nationale).
Finally, this approach applies not only at the national level; it also concerns the government of
operators to use the revealing term used by the CNE. Here, evaluation first and foremost rhymes
with the evaluation of researchers and their research settings. We have used two recent examples to
illustrate the conditions under which a guarantor approach, largely based on peer judgement, can be
productive when embedded into the strategic management of research operators.
One should be careful not to consider such transformations as linked only to broader political issues. The
movement towards a full Ministry had been prepared before 1981, and the 1997 political change has
maintained the choice made at that time, i.e. associating research and technology with education in
This is not to say that other evaluations have not played an important role; this is especially true of the
work by R. Chabbal on SMEs and ANVAR (1995-96), but they fall into the well-known tradition of
mixing ad hoc commissioning with the recognised wise man status of the individual in charge. This
exceptional auditing approach is a long-standing practice of French S&T policy makers. During the
period under consideration, it was still being used by policy makers, especially in one case in which two of
the three evaluators were nominated as heads of the evaluated institution (CEA in 1986).
This focus will also leave out the numerous but still ad hoc initiatives of some French conseils rgionaux
to evaluate their own involvement in STI activities.
F. Jacq (1996) in his PhD thesis on the history of French research policy shows that the reference is
somewhat idealised and that the comit consultatif de la recherche scientifique et technique had a major
activity and influence only during the first years of its creation.
In his introduction to the one-year seminar which took place in 1990-91, the Commissaire au Plan stated:
What characterises the evaluation of public policies in France is a delay (CGP, 1991).
I shall not deal here with the specificities of the French situation regarding the evaluation of public
policies. Let us simply say that the institutionalisation of evaluation for S&T policy preceded the
institutionalisation of general policies. The four principles put forward by Viveret: independence (to
avoid confiscation by any given power), pluralism, methodological rigour and transparency in its
materials, are very much linked to those put forward for the evaluation of S&T policy: timing, relevance,
robustness and credibility. In both cases, they are based on the guarantor model, the conseil scientifique
de lvaluation (CSE) acting as such in the general case. However, two major differences contrast these
two approaches. While in the case of research, evaluation is systematic and periodical and covers the
whole spectrum, for other policies it depends on the decision of a government interministerial commission
(CIME); the CSE has only an advisory role to oversee the quality and objectivity of evaluations (by
intervening at the beginning on the relevance of the proposed implementation and methods, and towards
the end in order to judge the quality of the work done) while they also have implementation
responsibilities in S&T. The CSE also has a more global methodological role (see the recent report on the
methodologies for evaluation).
To follow the headings of the 1982 and 1985 laws on research and the title of the last report (dated
September 1995).
The historian will find a firm connection with the short-lived conseil suprieur de la recherche
scientifique et du progrs technique created in 1953, by P. Mendes-France who also created the first
Secretariat dtat la recherche.
Although the COS has now been in existence for two years, no such report has yet been produced. The
only available report deals with researchers activities and careers. Still, it must be underlined that COS
was presented by the Minister when it was created as his own scientific council providing only private
output and advice.
For instance, many analysts of the French research system emphasize the role of the Assises nationales in
the changing relationship between industry and public research.
This did not refrain Ministers from requesting such global external views, as was the case with the OECD
evaluation of French innovation policy (OECD, 1986).
In evaluation circles, we often consider that quick and dirty evaluations are of better use than robust
evaluations which arrive too late. Apart from the fact that the former have seldom been used (at least in
the French context), they have had in the French context which witnessed a full wave of audits at the
end of the 1970s a lasting counter-productive effect, that of complete and utter distrust by researchers,
their representatives and research managers of those exceptional one-man exercises which served no other
purpose than to promote choices which had already been made.
For further developments on this issue, see the book edited by Callon, Lardo and Mustar (1995).
This was carried out in two steps, with the whole structure being fully stabilised at the end of the 1980s.
To ensure continuity, half of the members are renewed every two years.
It can also evaluate other higher education institutions such as the grandes coles (if they, or the
department in charge, request it). New missions can be added by law, as has been the case for the
contractual process which the Ministry has entered into with the universities or for the so-called
universits nouvelles.
This check list was developed over time and is now organised around five main headings: students
(composition, success rate, further employment), teaching staff (number, residence, effective teaching
activities, involvement in research), technical staff (qualifications, duties), administrative and financial
management (management-geared analysis, balance between resources, linkages with regional authorities
and economic partners, investment policy), common facilities (university libraries, job search, but also
sport, cultural, health facilities) (CNE, 1993). The term questionnaire is rather misleading, since most
of the time it also encompasses visits by and extensive dialogue with the secretariat.
In addition to the specific issues identified, the terms of reference add transversal issues which the
Committee is evaluating. This is currently the case with university libraries, university research policies
(the object of an ongoing joint examination with CNER), regional funding (comparative analysis of roles
and practices), the handling of non-teaching staff and a departmental evaluation (pharmaceutical studies).
The number of experts varies and there have been as many evaluations involving less than five experts as
with over 20 experts. However, the Committee has an established policy to limit the number as far as
possible. Over an eight-year period, 1 000 evaluations have been carried out. Ninety per cent of the
experts are university professors, with only 4 per cent of foreign origin (CNE, 1993).
In an average year (1993), the Committee sent 13 000 copies of the reports published during that year and
distributed 1 000 more on specific requirements. The reports are free of charge.
But return evaluations also indicate cases where the identified weakness of the university government has
not evolved over time, and where the same situation is still being faced.
For a more in-depth analysis of CNERs first years, see Lardo and Mustar (1995a).
State support being defined by the 22 Ministries which signed the dcret. The path was also left open for
other institutions private or military to ask CNER to evaluate them, or for Ministers to ask CNER to
evaluate any of the organisations funded by their department.
Each year the Ministry in charge of research produces the tat de la recherche et du dveloppement
technologique as an annex to the projet de loi de finances. The calculations are based, as suggested in the
CNERs dcret, on the different operators identified in these yellow books from 1989 to 1995.
The first cycle saw two presidents, the first having resigned after two years due to his taking up of a new
position as chairman of one of the largest French research institutions.
The denominations of the three models are the sole responsibility of the author of this paper.
CNER, 1996. The citations which follow (unless specific mention is made) are taken from the same
The CNERs secretariat underlines, as is also the case for the CNE, the central role of the chargs de
mission in the actual drafting of the reports.
When it is a research institution, both management and workers representatives are confronted with
The report is available to the public, and the seven first recommendations have been collected in a book
published and sold by La Documentation franaise (1993). A new edition will be published in 1998,
presenting the most recent recommendations. All other documents are not endorsed by the CNER and are
unofficial, although some have been widely circulated.
In French the official wording is unit de recherche while the usual terminology is laboratoire, a term
which is often misinterpreted in English since, in French, it does not bear any institutional meaning,
referring simply to the collective setting in which research activities take place and have been at the core
of recent science studies. See Latour and Woolgar 1979; Latour 1987.
They are nominated by the directorate of INRA. In 1996, one-fifth came from teaching institutions linked
to agriculture (and often with joint labs with INRA), and the others nearly equally shared between
universities and other research institutions (with as usual a significant number of university professors
linked to labs associated with the CNRS).
Many researchers in such situations seek an outside posting, i.e. a temporary position outside INRA,
usually in a non-scientific position. Those who are unable to stabilise this managerial repositioning,
face the same problems when they come back to their research positions.
The Secrtariat gnral of the CSS publishes a yearly statement. All data presented here is derived from
the Bilan de la campagne 1996, Prparation de la campagne 1997, which is widely disseminated within
The statistical analysis of this data has enabled four main configurations to be identified which cross over
the institutional situations, showing once more the interest of being in a position to grasp the full range of
activities of evaluated researchers.
Again their analysis is very revealing. Apart from those explaining the difficulties faced in handling the
research programme, three main arguments were developed aiming at directing the evaluation process.
Coherence over time was the first argument (you said that last time and I have started following it this
way). The second argument identified present imbalances, arguing about their temporary (I had to take
a new responsibility, now that things are settling...) or inherent nature (this is especially true for those in
charge of research units). The third attitude links present scientific difficulties to the collective setting
(my position within the research unit, the current problems of the unit as a whole, a thematic
reorientation of the unit which leads to a personal reorientation, the difficult relationship with the units
The researcher has the right to refuse the commissions judgement (there is an official procedure of appeal
which only two researchers used in 1996) or to reply to the commission (one researcher in six, 16 per cent,
took this opportunity in 1996). This, in particular, helped in solving cases where, due to an incomplete file
or the absence of an explanation, the commission gave an undeserved warning.
Less than 10 per cent of INSERM personnel work in buildings owned by INSERM.
But the balance is different: 60 per cent of members are elected while the other 40 per cent are nominated
by the Ministry on the proposal of the general director of INSERM. The directorate of INSERM is thus
far less autonomous than that of INRA, where the directorate nominates half of the INRA members and all
the outside members.
The institution proposes a set of dimensions to complement the originality and quality of the scientific
work, which is widely known as the key judgement criterion used by INSERM commissions. These relate
to partnerships entered into, to social, medical or economic applications deriving from scientific work, to
teaching activities (and especially to PhD training). Other aspects deal with the own dynamics of the unit:
its embedment in its geographical setting, the relevance of buildings and equipment and the access to
heavy equipment, and the handling of individual careers (especially mobility).
Practical aspects matter here: the commission designates those (generally two) of the five members who
will act as rapporteurs, draft and present the report. The foreign expert is required to write his/her own
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