Mega Man X Walk Through

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*Mega Man X: FAQ/Walkthrough* by CRESPO99 </features/recognition/10267.

Version 1.3, Last Updated 2001-12-15 View/Download Original File
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/ |/ / | |/ | / / /\ \ - GUIDE FOR: MEGAMAN X
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Copyright CRESPO99 - August/2001 - Version 1.3

[1.01] What is MEGAMAN X?
[1.02] Game Review
[2.01] Story
[2.02] Gameplay
Regular Items
Special Items
Maverick Weapons
[3.01] Highway Stage
[3.02] Stage Select
Boss Order
Boss and Stage Difficulty
[3.03] Snow Mountain Stage
[3.04] Power Plant Stage
[3.05] Gallery Stage
[3.06] Ocean Stage
[3.07] Tower Stage
[3.08] Forest Stage
[3.09] Sky Stage
[3.10] Factory Stage
[3.12] SIGMA Stage 1
[3.13] SIGMA Stage 2
Rangda Bangda
[3.14] SIGMA Stage 3
[3.15] SIGMA Stage 4
[4.01] Story
[4.02] Cast
[5.01] Updates
[5.02] Disclaimer

-[1.01]-----------------------WHAT IS MEGAMAN X?-------------------------------

MEGAMAN X (CAPCOM 1993) was the first 16 BIT game to feature the ever popular
Blue Bomber - but there was more that just a few extra "console bits" to
distance this from his previous outing (MEGAMAN 6 on the NES). Possibly
scared that they were running out of respectable numbers, CAPCOM gave this
game a much needed change of direction - set in the distant future, with an
overly darker tone and all-new characters.
This game would begin the "X" spin-off series - hence the next SNES Megaman
game was called MEGAMAN 7, and did feature a continuation of the original
series for the first time in 16bit. Although the two Megaman characters might
appear similar, our hero in this game is simply known as X, and has learned a
few new tricks too.
The general format of the game remains the same - as before there are eight
adversaries to defeat, each at the end of their own level, and which can be
chosen in any order. When you defeat each boss you obtain its special weapon
(sound familiar), and which helps you greatly when playing the rest of the
game. Apart from a few other slight additions there was nothing that anyone
who had played a previous MEGAMAN game wouldn't quickly pick up.
Within two years this new series had spawned two sequels, with a 32bit fourth
instalment predictably arriving in 1997. Each game introduced many new
friends and adversaries for our hero, but it was the psychotic super-robot
SIGMA who provided the final challenge in each. Two more recent 32bit
instalments have bought the series up to its 6th episode(!), although Megaman
X5 was the last to be released here in the UK.

-[1.02]---------------------------GAME REVIEW----------------------------------
Hopefully a different and unbiased look at Megaman X - but being a fan of the
series, character, and genre - can it be possible?
As well as being one of the best known video game characters ever (and
arguably CAPCOM'S main gaming icon), Megaman possibly holds the dubious title
of staring in the most video games ever. You could therefore be forgiven by
thinking that this is just another Megaman title - because you would be wrong
(but obviously right to!). For starters this is not Megaman 7, instead it's
the beginning of a completely different series of games (I have heard that
the X could possibly stand for 10, and that this game ties in with the more
recent Megaman 9?). As with most of his previous outings, this is a 1 player,
2d platform affair.
If you think back to when this game first came out (hopefully you can
remember that far back), the Super Nintendo had already been knocking around
for a couple of years even in the UK, so far from this being just a launch
title, CAPCOM where always going to pull out all the stops to make Megaman's
16 bit debut special. I for one was very excited at the prospect of a new
Megaman game, although this change of direction with a new cast, and new
animal like bosses was met with scepticism.
The game intro simply profiles this supposed latest incarnation of Megaman,
and with the actually game plot barely hinted upon, you will have to read the
manual if you are even remotely interested in what's going on (you do have a
manual right?). Luckily though, the storylines have never been the strong
point of Megaman games, but the gameplay is usually spot on - which is the
case here.
Begin the actual game and the first thing you will notice are the enhanced
graphics, with colourful sprites and interesting backgrounds - especially on
the great looking intro stage (cars, lights, and the enemies that destroy the
ground are a very nice touch). You really wouldn't expect anything less than
enhanced graphics seeing as Megaman has spent most of his existence in 8 BIT,
but they are actually quite good even by SNES standards. Despite the nifty
visuals, there are a few moments of slowdown in the game, most noticeably on
the fast moving mine cart stage (make that slow motion). Overall though, the
graphics are definitely a strong point.
The easy intro level quickly gets new players adjusted to the controls, and
then onto the familiar stage select. The eight bosses all look equally
daunting in profile form, and come in all shapes and sizes due to the SNES'
extra processing power. Being able to choose any one of 8 stages has always
been a good thing about Megaman games, with most being pretty varied (if
unoriginal), consisting of the usual ice stage, mine cart stage, factory
stage with conveyer belts etc. A single familiar face returns in the shape of
those Hardhat wearing robots from the previous games, while robot bunnies,
robot woodcutters, even robot caterpillars make up the rest of the enemies
(everything is robotic remember). Perhaps some of the enemies seem
uninspired, but the bosses all look great - the chameleon boss who blends
in with the background is especially neat.
The new Megaman character runs, jumps, shoots, and even climbs with ease -
the control is easily this games best feature, in fact the Megaman X
character is probably the most responsive 2D character ever (better even than
Mario). The new wall climbing feature can often prevents you from falling to
your death, and once you get the hang everything you will realise what a huge
dimension this adds to the game. The slide from the last few games has gone,
and replaced with a dash button which overall proves more effective. The
other trick from Megaman's original array of abilities is being able to
charge up his weapon, and this also remains relatively unchanged.
After playing for a while you will notice how none of the stages are
particularly long or difficult, and it is mainly those damn bosses that will
prevent you from completing most early on - with some proving particularly
tough. What comes into play here is the thing that Megaman X is all about -
enhancements. At the start your character seems nicely reminiscent of the
original Megaman, but grab a few upgrades and the added defensive armour
changes his looks completely. Other extras include extending your life bar
up to 100%, and spare energy tanks to call upon when you need them. Needless
to say, with the fully powered up Megaman you can defeat any of the Mavericks
with ease, but these enhancements are not at all easy to find - so bear that
in mind.
Another nice new trick is the addition of altering stages, which although not
to the extent of adding much to the already good replay value, is still a
nice touch. Defeat the penguin boss for example, and the dangerous lava in
another stage freezes, while defeating the eagle boss will cause his plane to
crash into the power plant stage, removing the dangerous sparks from the
The familiar catchy tunes return, but now make use of SNES' formidable audio
chip - the result is one of the more memorable game soundtracks, and one of
Megaman's finest moments. The original tinny NES tunes are replaced with
some classic drum and bass, guitar and piano style tunes - most of which are
perfectly in fitting with the surroundings. The overall music quality is very
high, with great themes for the title screen and stage select, and the
accompanying fanfares and sound effects are all perfect.
The crazy mine cart stage has an equally hip tune, while the snow stage has a
serene and slow tune, and the boss theme is perfect for the Maverick
showdowns. STORM EAGLE and SPARK MANDRILL both have great catchy tune's, and
the end theme and ZERO'S theme are quite moving with the storyline. The few
poor tunes just seem a bit hard to make out the rhythm, with LAUNCH OCTOPUS'
and STING CHAMELEON'S tunes both seemingly lacking, but that's about it.
This is a great platform game, and most Megaman fans will rate this as one of
the best, but others should enjoy it too. It might appear difficult at first,
but is in fact is one of the easier Megaman games once you discover all of
the power-ups, but the last boss just might be to difficult for some people -
damn is he tough. The number of sequels has proved that this is still a very
popular series, and hopefully CAPCOM will continue to do it justice.
Its Megaman! Uneven Difficulty Megaman X3 9/10
Great Graphics Unoriginal Levels Rockman & Forte 9/10
Amazing Control Some Poor Enemies >> MEGAMAN X << 9/10
Excellent Music A Bit Short Megaman 7 8/10
Altering Stages TO MANY SEQUELS!! Megaman X2 7/10

/_|/-\|_\ Broad-range eye camera
| _\___/_ | Ultra-sensitive Voice Recognition System
|| \_ _/ || Voice Generation System made by HAYATON Inc.
\ \_o|o_/ /
\| -_ |/
___ _\___/_ ___ "CHEST" IS EQUIPPED WITH:
/ |/ \_/ \| \ Accumulative Energy Generator
\ |__ __| / Micro-fusion Fuel Tank
/\_// \___/ \\_/\ Central Joint-controlling System
|_/ \__/ \__/ \_|
/ | -\___/- | | X Buster (Mega Buster Mark17)
| __ | | | \__/ Energy Amplifier
\/ \/ /_\ /_\ / _| Variable Weapon system
\()/ / \_/ \ \/_/
/ \_/ \_/ \ Gyroscopic Stabilization System
/ \ / \ Emergency Acceleration System (Optional)
| | | |
/ | | \ Reactive armor skeleton which reduces
| | | | damage by 93 percent.
| | | |
| | | | BODY SKIN:
_|___ / \ ___|_ Lightweight "Titanium-X" alloy.
/ \___/ \___/ \
/___________\ /___________\
You have to read the game manual to get a better idea of the actual story,
which centres around an archaeologist named Dr. CAIN who stumbles upon the
remains of what was Dr. Thomas LIGHTS Laboratory (Dr. LIGHT Invented the
original MEGAMAN). Inside he discovered a capsule containing a robot simply
named X - and the warning shown above, but all the lengthy system checks
seemed to have been completed on him. Realising Dr. LIGHTS genius, Dr. CAIN
witnessed a robot that could think and make its own decisions in an almost
human way. With Dr. LIGHT'S knowledge, Dr. CAIN hoped to create a new era of
X helped Dr. CAIN create a replica, from now on know as a "REPLOID", and it
seemed to function ok. Within months the REPLOIDS where running off the
assembly line, and most people seemed to accept them and the jobs they
performed. After a while, it was clear that all was not well - certain robots
were going MAVERICK and harming people before they could be shut down. The
people's reaction was mixed simply because of the dependency on REPLOIDS, and
so instead a new group of REPLOIDS were assigned to stop these malfunctioning
machines - known as the MAVERICK HUNTERS and led by the incredibly
intelligent SIGMA!
All went well for a while, with only X's constant wondering about his role in
life seeming to disturb him. Eventually though, SIGMA also went MAVERICK, and
took most of the HUNTERS with him. In thinking that REPLOIDS are more
intelligent than humans, they are preventing their development - and so must
be eradicated! With the terrified humans fleeing the city, X is very
distressed by these events and decides to join the MAVERICK HUNTERS and their
new leader ZERO...

This game uses a password system to save your progress, so remember to write
this down as you progress through the game - you get one whenever you leave
a stage regardless of the circumstances. You can re-enter your password from
the title screen later, which will restore your exact status to the stage
select screen. In some cases, certain special events WILL NOT be saved, and
this includes your progress through the four final SIGMA stages.
From the title screen you can also choose the options menu, offering a nice
sound test and the ability to reconfig your buttons (I find it easier to
switch the dash button to R on the top of the pad) - but unfortunately there
is no difficulty option.

You standard weapon is the trusty X-Buster, for which you can rely on to
defeat any enemy in the game, albeit with varying levels of ease. It will
never run out of ammo, and can be charged up to 2 higher damaging levels.
Simply hold the fire button down, and as soon as you see X begin to absorb
energy then he is ready to fire the medium shot (1 second approx.). Hold the
fire button down slightly longer (2 seconds approx.) and the energy absorbed
will turn yellow, enabling you to fire the larger shot.
Later in the game you will acquire the ability to charge up to an even higher
level - hold down the button for even longer and the energy absorbed will
turn pink (3 seconds approx.), which releases an awesome pink wave of energy.
Pressing the START button during the game will immediately bring up the
STATUS SCREEN - displaying the number of lives, various energy levels for any
weapons or SUB TANKS you have obtained (see below), and also providing an
EXIT function if you are returning to an already completed stage (taking you
back to the stage select). From here the game is effectively paused, allowing
you to choose your weapon or use a SUB TANK without hindrance.
In this game you can cycle through the special weapons you have obtained by
pressing buttons L or R (L or A if you change them like I do), although it is
probably still easier just to press start and choose one from the status
screen. Pressing R will cycle forward, while pressing L will cycle through in
reverse order - you can also revert immediately back to the X-Buster by
pressing both buttons simultaneously.
The wall climb is a new skill unique to Megaman X, and is an invaluable
tactic for avoiding death on many occasions. When X is falling or jumping
next to a wall, press the jump button and he will propel from it - this is
made slightly easier if you hold the joypad towards the wall, which makes X
slide slowly down it. This tactic allows easy navigation of vertical walls
right from the start, and is something that you will need to do a lot of
(this is something that the original MEGAMAN still cannot do).

When you start the game you will see your LIFE BAR in the top left, which
provides 16 easily lost bars of energy - so you need to be careful and
constantly on the look out for energy capsules. There are two types of these
- small and large, both of which can be found scattered all over the levels,
but most often appear randomly from destroyed enemies.
Two similar items that you will come across are the blue weapon capsules,
which recharge the energy of any special weapons you might have obtained.
Weapons gained from each defeated MAVERICK will drain WEAPON ENERGY as you
use them - which is denoted by a separate bar that appears to the right of
your LIFE BAR when you select one. If the current weapon is at full energy,
then the power will automatically be transferred to the weapon in your
inventory which has the lowest energy.
There is also a less common item that can be found scattered around a few of
the levels, or possibly dropped by destroyed enemies - a Megaman head,
providing you with a much needed EXTRA LIFE (a maximum of 9).
The Special items can only be found hidden throughout the eight regular
stages, and usually require a lot of skill to locate or obtain.
The HEART TANK extends your maximum LIFE BAR by two small bars, of which
there are Eight in the game - one on each MAVERICK stage (collect them all to
effectively double your LIFE BAR).
The SUB TANK (of which there are four) allows you to store surplus energy,
meaning that any energy capsules collected when you are at full power will
instead be stored and not wasted. When you run low of energy, simply select
a SUB TANK from the status screen and press Y - it will then completely empty
into your LIFE BAR (filling up to 14 bars).

Megaman X's final surprise is the new UPGRADE system. There are five capsules
hidden throughout the eight regular stages, and each provides X with an
enhancement that not only makes the character look cooler, but provides
abilities that are invaluable for your survival later on.
This is the easiest upgrade to obtain, but also the MOST important. Without
this you will not be able to get any of the other upgrades, or many of the
special items - not to mention the fact that most bosses are considerably
more difficult without it! You cannot avoid picking up this upgrade during
CHILL PENGUIN'S stage, but you should still aim to get it as early as
Simply press the assigned dash button (or double tap in the direction you're
facing) and X will boost forward - best used in conjunction with the jump
button. With good timing you can also use this to jump further off of the
walls, and just by having this upgrade you can break certain bricks by
jumping against them.
This is the second most important upgrade, which simply halves all of the
damage you receive, but you still need to be wary of Instant Death
This is the least most useful upgrade, which simply allows X to destroy
breakable bricks by bashing them with his head. It only has one positive use
in the game, which is to obtain the.....
You will eventually obtain this upgrade during the course of the game even if
you fail to gain it on FLAME MAMMOTH'S stage - but at a much later point in
SIGMA'S fortress. It allows you to charge your normal X-Buster to a higher
level, but more importantly is the added ability to charge the weapons you
gain from each MAVERICK.
The hardest Upgrade to find, and one which provides the most amazing power to
wield. Press the Joypad DOWN, then FORWARD, then FIRE to perform RYU'S
trademark move from STREET FIGHTER 2. It can only be performed when you have
a full LIFE BAR, but defeats enemies and MAVERICKS (including SIGMA!) with
just one hit!!!

Fires a fast shot which rebounds and sprays into 5 smaller (but equally
damaging) shots when it hits a wall. Charge it up to create an ice platform
that will slide forward along any flat surface and can be stood on - it will
only break against strong enemies or if it hits a wall.
Fires a medium speed shot that splits into two sparks that hug the walls on
contact. Charged up will create a powerful electric wall that fires both back
and forward.
Fires a slow moving forcefield that rolls forward, rebounding once from a
wall and rolling indefinitely before crashing into a second wall or enemy.
Charged up will create a permanent force field around X which can destroy all
weak enemies, but will be absorbed by anything stronger.
Fires a slow moving missile that will seek and follow an enemy - a maximum of
2 can be fired at once. Charged up will create 5 fish missiles that will also
home in on enemies, but are much more damaging.
Fires a medium speed boomerang that circles a short range in an upwards arc
(occasionally a downwards arc while jumping). You can fire a maximum of 3 at
a time, and they will all return to you unless they leave the screen or hit
an enemy (WEAPON ENERGY w ill return when reclaimed). Another benefit from
this useful weapon is the way it grabs onto both regular and special items,
and then brings them to you - which is the only way to obtain some of them.
Charged up this will produce 4 large green boomerangs that will circle the
screen in all directions before leaving (you will not get the energy back).
Sprays 3 fast green laser beams forward, but charged up will make you
transparent (invincible) for just under 10 seconds - during which for can
move through enemies and even over spikes. You can also fire the CHAMELEON
STING while transparent.
This creates a long stream of air in front of you that hovers briefly before
shooting forward - excellent against enemies that require multiple hits to
destroy. Charged up will create a huge tornado around you, severely damaging
anything close, above or below you.
You can hold the button down for a short-range but constant stream of fire.
This flame-thrower attack will charge up automatically if you have the
X-BUSTER UPGRADE, so you might want to tap the button instead. Charge it up
to shoot a flame into the ground - creating a wall of fire that travels
forward along flat surfaces. This weapon is also excellent against stronger
enemies but remember that it will not work while you are underwater, so be
This Walkthrough details the stages in the order which is probably best for
new players, although each section has been written without any assumptions
made on the number of upgrades collected, or previous levels completed. In
other words, you can go with any order you wish and still find the guide
(hopefully) useful.

-[3.01]------------------------Highway Stage-----------------------------------
The first MEGAMAN game to feature the now customary introduction level, which
takes place on a collapsing highway, and populated with all sorts of robotic
enemies as well as cosmetic vehicles fleeing the Reploid overrun city. You
just need to head right, constantly charging the X-Buster helps because the
largest shot can destroy many enemies at once. Small flying enemies attempt
to destroy the floor, but pose little worry, but a few larger enemies tend to
take many hits. There is a section where you have to fight a large robotic
wasp-like flying enemy, and you will need to use the new wall climb after it.
There is an identical situation right after, with another giant wasp like
thing - just keep blasting it while avoiding its missiles. Shortly after a
few collapsing platforms you will see enemy cars driving towards you - just
keep shooting to slow them down. If you don't kill the driver and attempt to
jump over them, then the car will turn around and chase you.
|---------| Boss |-----------| A large spaceship will drop a few more car
|----------------------------| enemies onto the ground before VILE appears.
| | VILE is the small purple guy in the giant
| Name: VILE | Ride-Armour, and no matter how much you avoid
| Difficulty: Very Easy | him or fight back, he will eventually pummel
| Normal X Shots: NA | you into submission. Just before you are dead,
| Large X Shots: NA | he will stop running into you and try to hit
| Weakness: NA | you with a paralysing weapon (so you can't beat
| | him, but you can still die if you are not
|----------------------------| careful).
After a mocking speech, a red robot called ZERO shows up and blasts the arm
off of VILE'S Ride-Armour, after which VILE makes a hasty retreat. X is
reassured by ZERO that he will soon get stronger, possibly even as strong as
him one day! ZERO then departs for SIGMA'S fortress, while X goes on a quest
to build his strength and abilities up.

-[3.02]-------------------------Stage Select-----------------------------------
A new twist this time, no longer do we have humanoid robots all ending in
***man, but all of X's adversaries now resemble various animal like forms
(which is also hinted in their name). You can click on SPEC/STAGE/MAP on this
screen before highlighting each MAVERICK to get an idea of each ones stage
and abilities, although this is mostly cosmetic and helps little. While it is
possible to defeat a number of the MAVERICKS from the start, it is only
something that the best players should attempt, and even then - some of these
are nigh on impossible at this point.
Each of the eight MAVERICKS possess an obtainable weapon that seriously
damages another Maverick, so in theory it is best to tackle them in this
order regardless of who you start with, but this often means returning to
previous levels to obtain important items - and so it is less efficient.
Below is a guide to help you decide the order in which to tackle each stage.
BOSS ORDER (Clockwise):
By using the first order (starting with Chill Penguin) you will always have
the correct SPECIAL WEAPON to defeat the next boss. By using the second order
(again starting with CHILL PENGUIN) you will only have to return to a stage
once - so it is by far the most efficient (but more taxing).
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
\ / \ /
\ / \ /

When using the OPTIMAL order, note that it is actually possible to place
either LAUNCH OCTOPUS' or ARMORED ARMADILLO'S stage at any point in the ring
- this is simply because neither stage requires any items or upgrades to
obtain every item on the level. The only exception to this rule is that STING
CHAMELEON *MUST* be chosen *AFTER* LAUNCH OCTOPUS so that the level will
flood - allowing you to reach a vital SPECIAL ITEM. All of the other other
levels must be done in the order stated, leaving you needing only to revisit
CHILL PENGUIN'S stage to collect the HEART TANK.
BOSS AND STAGE DIFFICULTY (When chosen first):
The BOSS table assumes you will collect all possible power-ups from the level
before fighting the boss (e.g. even if you select ARMORED ARMADILLO first,
you can still obtain both the HEART TANK and the SUB TANK - whereas if you
choose STING CHAMELEON first you will be unable to pick up any of the
levels special items).
The STAGE difficulty table in mainly ranked on aspects such as the overall
size and the number of instant death situations - although to be honest, none
of the level can really be classed as difficult.
-[3.03]---------------Snow Mountain Stage: CHILL PENGUIN-----------------------
This stage is the obvious first choice because not only is it an easy level,
but you will obtain the DASH UPGRADE at no real effort. Just head right and
then up (remember to use the wall climb jump), and you will eventually find
the upgrade capsule blocking your path. The accelerator system (DASH UPGRADE)
is a must at this early stage, giving you a longer jump when used in
combination, and which can also be used when jumping from the wall (very
helpful against the bosses).
Shortly after, you will find a Ride-Armour suit similar to the one used by
VILE on the Highway Stage. While using this armour you can smash the ice
covered houses, and if you jump out of it while it is also jumping, you can
get some extra height. Right after the Ride-Armour is a situation like this,
you can either go through the cave, or jump up and then out of the armour and
go across the top. It is slightly easier to go over, although you might want
to muck around in the Ride-Armour for a while (remember to jump out of the
armour if you fall into a hole inside the cave - you can easily wall climb
Over the top of the cave are more of those small iced buildings, but you are
unable to destroy these unless you have the FIRE WAVE from FLAME MAMMOTH.
Inside the first small building is the HEART TANK for this level (come back
here later). Continue and you will soon find snowballs being thrown at you,
but these are pretty easy to avoid, and when you reach the boss-door keep
destroying the robots that throw them to get energy capsules (full energy is
a must for any boss battle). Then enter the door to face CHILL PENGUIN...

|---------| Boss |-----------| CHILL PENGUIN is small compared to most of the
|----------------------------| others, giving a large area to avoid him. He
| | often jumps across the screen in an attempt
| Name: CHILL PENGUIN | to hit you (contact is very damaging), but
| Height: 5.34ft | you should easily be able to avoid it. When
| Weight: 237lb | he lands he sometimes breathes icy breath,
| Difficulty: Easy | creating two ice statures that remain on the
| Normal X Shots: 32 | level until destroyed (and also damage on
| Large X Shots: 10 | contact), his breath can also freezes you
| Weakness: FIRE WAVE | temporarily if you are close enough, giving
| (11 Hits) | him a damaging free hit. Sometimes while
|----------------------------| jumping he might grab the hook in the middle
on the ceiling instead, summoning an icy wind
that blows you either left or right, also sending any statues smashing into
the wall. He can also shoot slow or fast ice rocks at you, although these
stop if they hit an ice statue (so you can hide behind them). His final
attack is the Slide, where he shoots forward on his stomach - also very
As long as you hit him with Charged shots, and remain on the walls (just
watch for him jumping when he is near to the wall you are climbing), you can
defeat him quite easily. Just hit him constantly, the easiest time being
when he jumps, lands or finishes a slide attack.
Using the FIRE WAVE doesn't really make him much easier, although you can now
destroy the ice statues almost immediately. He will still jump around and
slide on his stomach, so you still need to be careful while on the ground.
The charged up FIRE WAVE is completely useless because it is so hard to hit
him with and will run out after about 4 or 5 hits. Because the Fire Wave
requires you to hold down the fire button, it will charge up automatically
anyway - which is actually more of a hindrance during the battle.

-[3.04]---------------Power Plant Stage: SPARK MANDRILL------------------------

This stage is one of the more difficult ones, so you need to watch out for
the constant sparks shooting across parts of the floor. These sparks will
disappear after you defeat STORM EAGLE (looks like the remains of his plane
at the start!), but this will cause some areas to plunge into darkness -
making a few sections actually more difficult.
Shortly after the start you will see two ladders, the one going down leads to
a SUB TANK, but you cannot get it unless you have defeated BOOMER KUWANGER so
just go up (use his BOOMERANG CUTTER to snatch the SUB TANK later). It will
soon get dark, and fast flying enemies will try to knock you off platforms to
your death - so remember to wall climb back up if you can't avoid them (just
stop and wait if this part goes completely dark).
The strange mid level boss is quite tough early on in the game, with the best
advice simply to avoid the sticky slime it leaves on the floor (move the
d-pad left and right if you do get stuck). You can use the wall climb to hit
it while it is high up, which is useful for when it shoots sparks downwards
(defeat STORM EAGLE and it can no longer shoot these sparks). It does moves
quite slowly, and occasionally pauses, which is when you should get close and
fire rapidly to defeat it in no time.
After this you can then continue right - avoiding the wall turrets is easy,
but the giant turtle enemies take many hits, so you will need to avoid the
missiles they shoot back. When you come to a ladder going down, you should
see the HEART TANK for this level above you - this can be obtained by dash-
jumping from the right wall and then trying to just touch the ledge (needs
good judgement as well as the DASH UPGRADE), you can also use the BOOMERANG
CUTTER if you have it. Keep going and it will get dark like before, so watch
out for more of those those fast birds (try and anticipate when they fly
across the screen to shoot them) before reaching the door.
|---------| Boss |-----------| SPARK MANDRILL is huuuge, but not impossible to
|----------------------------| beat even without the DASH UPGRADE. He only
| |has a few different attacks, his most damaging
| Name: SPARK MANDRILL |being the dash punch - which takes off lots of
| Height: 10.0ft |energy, and tends to knock you off the wall
| Weight: 646lb |that he bashes (so you might land on him if you
| Difficulty: Hard |climbed the wall to avoid it). The dash punch
| Normal X Shots: 32 |is a good move to counter however, so if you
| Large X Shots: 11 |anticipate it a nd hit him with a charged shot
| Weakness: SHOTGUN ICE |you will knock him back. Watch out if he
| (11 Hits) |repeats the punch however, you wont have enough
| Charged SHOTGUN ICE |time to charge up another shot, so its a good
| (8 Hits) |idea to prepare to jump against the wall and
|----------------------------| vault him afterwards. He also tries to jumps
on you, but sometimes grabs the ceiling instead
- slowly swinging across (also a good time to hit him with a charged shot).
His special attack is when he punches the floor, sending two pink sparks (the
ELECTRIC SPARK) each way hugging the arena wall (jump them and you can hit
him with a charged shot).
He is easy to hit, and charged shots damage him severely - so always have one
ready and try to make them count. Hit him from the start because he usually
does the dash punch, and prepare for his follow up because you can only take
a few hits early on. When he hangs on the ceiling you can hit him at least
twice, and he is particularly vulnerable during the ELECTRIC SPARK. As long
as you avoid his contact and anticipate the Dash punch, you should be able to
beat him first with practice.
His weakness is the SHOTGUN ICE, with which you can just keep on hitting him
over and over to freeze him, making him a doddle (shoot again just as he
breaks free).

-[3.05]----------------Gallery Stage: ARMORED ARMADILLO------------------------

The customary mine cart level is another tough stage - so jump on the cart at
the beginning and shoot like crazy (enemies hit by the cart are killed
instantly). If you jump off after the first downward slope you should see a
bat that is considerably larger than the normal ones - blast this for an
almost certain EXTRA LIFE, and then keep walking forward and back to refresh
the enemies for more lives from it! If you stayed on the cart you will hit
the wall at the end, so remember to jump off - the momentum throws you off a
bit so be careful.
When you reach the wall going down, slide down slowly until the rock-crusher
goes past underneath, just behind it is a SUB TANK. This level is good for
filling your SUB TANKS, so boss fights from now on will be slightly fairer.
Just follow the rock-crusher until it destroys itself, and carry on until you
reach the next mine cart.
When you jump off you have another vertical wall to slide down, but this time
you want to get in front of the rock-crusher - so stay to the right as you
descend (touching its front is instant death). Go on ahead until you see the
HEART TANK above (you cannot reach this if the rock-crusher went in front),
and then wait for the rock-crusher to go past below and destroy itself again.
It is possible to destroy the rock-crusher using the X-Buster, and before it
reaches the HEART TANK - but unless you are quick on the buttons you will
need either the STORM TORNADO or the FIRE WAVE. Right after this is the final
mine cart ride, so shoot like crazy and remember to jump off at the end -
just before the door to ARMORED ARMADILLO.
|---------| Boss |-----------| This small Boss is annoying because he will
|----------------------------| almost always block your shots, and even when
| | you hit him you don't do much damage (charged
| Name: ARMORED ARMADILLO | hits do no extra damage). His main attack is
| Height: 6.36ft | to roll up into a ball and bounce around the
| Weight: 510lb | screen at 45 degree angles (you need to judge
| Difficulty: Intermediate | where he will hit regardless of where you are
| Normal X Shots: 32 | on the screen) - this is very damaging and you
| Large X Shots: 32 | will probably need that SUB TANK from earlier
| Weakness: ELECTRIC SPARK | after a few hits. You can usually get a hit in
| (11 Hits) | just as he comes out of the roll, and just as
| Charged ELECTRIC SPARK | he enters it if you are quick. When he stands
| (5 Hits) | still he will begin shooting small shots at
|----------------------------| you, this is easiest time hit him even though
he will still block some of your shots. If he
blocks a charged shot he will absorb it and release a blast of energy in many
directions (very damaging).
I prefer to remain on the left side for the entire battle, where you should
eventually notice a pattern in his roll attack (knowing when to be either up
the left wall, or on the ground to avoid it). When he jumps out of his roll
attack you want to shoot him constantly - hitting him a few times while
avoiding the small laser beams he fires back. Because of the high number of
hits he takes to kill, this battle will last quite a while - so your only
real worry is the occasional lack of judgement...
If you have the ENERGY SPARK you just need to hit him properly once - he can
block this as before, but as soon as you DO hit him he will lose his armour,
allowing you to keep hitting him no matter what he does. Without his armour
he cannot even block X-Buster shots, but try and hit him as often as possible
with the ENERGY SPARK because he still has a lot of vitality.

-[3.06]------------------Ocean Stage: LAUNCH OCTOPUS---------------------------

This level takes place mostly underwater, allowing you to jump higher but
very slowly (hold the jump button to jump really high). Keep going across the
seabed until you stop to fight a large fish, this will shoot eels at you that
are annoying to avoid, he also tries to draw you in - not too difficult. You
will then come across many fish that will try to suck you inside them, these
do not appear to damage you but actually drain you energy quite rapidly after
a few seconds if you do nothing - so shoot to escape from their stomach. The
second pause is another of those giant fish's, except this time parts of the
ground have spikes, and so you need to be extra careful when he draws you
towards him (jumping high helps you land back on the small floor section).
Soon after you will find whirlpool machines that you can use to climb to the
water surface, the second of which allows you to jump onto a Whale like boat
which can be sunk after a pummelling (shoot the orb on the top). When the
Whale sinks it destroys the spiked ground on the seabed, revealing a large
fighting area and a serpent like mini-boss. You can stand on is back as it
weaves around the area, making it easier to hit its head and tail weakpoints.
If you have the STORM TORNADO you can defeat it in just a few hits, but
always be wary of the spike patches below. When you destroy it, a small cave
appears to the right which contains the HEART TANK.
Head back left and up to the main path and continue to another pause, here
you fight another of those serpents, although the shallower water means you
can't stay on its back for as long. Destroy it and walk up to the boss door
(there are no enemies to obtain energy capsules from so you might not be in a
good position to do him first time).
|---------| Boss |-----------|This underwater boss is a really tough one, but
|----------------------------|still possible to defeat very early on. He will
| |mainly stand or hop forward while firing three
| Name: LAUNCH OCTOPUS |missiles at you, so keep your distance and
| Height: 7.80ft |continuously fire normal shots - by standing
| Weight: 348lb |your ground you can destroy these missiles and
| Difficulty: Very Hard |hit him in-between (so don't bother to charge).
| Normal X Shots: 32 |He less frequently fires 4 fish like homing
| Large X Shots: 11 |missiles (you can prepare because he waves his
| Weakness: ROLLING SHIELD | arms before firing them), which are harder to
| (11 Hits) |avoid and more damaging. His last attack is to
| BOOMERANG CUTTER |jump up and create a whirlpool that tries to
| (3 Hits to cut off arms) | draw you inside - so watch out for this if you
|----------------------------|do not have the DASH UPGRADE because you will
not be able to escape from it. If you do have
the DASH UPGRADE then you can easily avoid this and even escape if you do
get caught in it - allowing you more time to charge up your X-Buster and hit
him when he stops spinning. If you do get caught, he will move down and suck
your energy (healing himself too), so wiggle the d-pad to escape with
minimum damage.
The best tactic is just stay away from him and shoot - only hitting him with
charged shots when he is in the air. This battle is only difficult because
the fish missiles are so hard to avoid, and you will almost certainly need a
lucky match if you don't have the DASH UPGRADE or a SUB TANK.
LAUNCH OCTOPUS' weakness is the ROLLING SHIELD, which damages him badly, but
is hard to actually hit him with because many shots will be cancelled by his
missiles. From the start its best to just get close to him and unload the
ROLLING SHIELD continuously, he should only have about a third of his energy
left when it runs out, then revert to the X-Buster and you should beat him
comfortably (I hope).
Strangely this boss has a second weakness which is overall more effective
than his true weakness. If you have the BOOMERANG CUTTER, you just need to
hit him with it three times (normal or charged) to remove his arms. Without
his arms he loses the ability to fire the homing fish missiles or use his
whirlpool attack. All he is left with is those easily countered rockets,
making him one of the easiest battles!

-[3.07]------------------Tower Stage: BOOMER KUWANGER--------------------------

This level takes place inside a tower, and the direction you travel most is
up - so be prepared to climb. Various ladders help you most of the time, but
make use of the wall climb to quickly reach the top of the short first
section. You soon have to go right past laser detectors turning on and off -
break any of theses beams and the guns will shoot you. Its difficult not to
get hit a few times and so the best tactic here is to just sprint dash (using
the DASH UPGRADE) all the way through regardless - proving too quick for the
guns to hit you before you reach the end. Continue up and you will soon come
to a fast moving lift taking you even higher, here you have to avoid instant
death spikes as well as flying enemies - the walls on the side also kill
instantly. You then move outside, here you need to use the wall climb
ability, made slightly harder by the presence of gun turrets popping out of
the wall.
At the top you can clearly see the HEART TANK for this level, which you can
easily grab later on with the weapon from this levels boss (use the BOOMERANG
CUTTER). If you already have both the SHOTGUN ICE and the X-BUSTER UPGRADE
however, it is possible to ride the charged up ice platform off the edge and
then jump up onto the ledge (needs good timing). Continue up afterwards,
destroying the enemies on the platforms so you can ride them up to entrance
to the boss room.
|---------| Boss |-----------| Apparently BOOMER KUWANGER is a Cockroach, but
|----------------------------| during the Japanese translation it would seem
| | CAPCOM decided BOOMER COCKROACH just doesn't
| Name: BOOMER KUWANGER | sound right, but either way this boss is not to
| Height: 7.93ft | difficult. His most common technique is the
| Weight: 206lb | teleport, and he does seem to make a nasty
| Difficulty: Intermediate | habit of appearing in front of you regardless
| Normal X Shots: 32 | of which way you move (often making contact for
| Large X Shots: 11 | big damage). He can also charge into you, and
| Weakness: HOMING TORPEDO | likes following up both these attacks with the
| (11 hits) | damaging "Dead Lift" - where he lifts you up
| Charged HOMING TORPEDO | with his horns and throws you into the ceiling.
| (8 Hits) | If you face him Without the DASH UPGRADE, then
|----------------------------| these two attacks are quite hard to avoid
unless you stay high up the walls. His final
move is the BOOMERANG CUTTER, where he removes his horns and throws them
towards you, but this often misses and is not particularly damaging anyway -
usually done if you are up a wall when he stops teleporting.
My best tactic is to just keep wall climbing on either side, and then jumping
over him when he appears right below - usually getting in a charged shot
before climbing up the other wall. By doing this he almost constantly
teleports, pausing only to throw the BOOMERANG CUTTER which as also a good
time to hit him - he cannot teleport while the boomerang is travelling
through the air, so make use of this vulnerability.
If you have the HOMING TORPEDOES then BOOMER KUWANGER is very easy indeed -
just shoot them one at a time and they will always hit him. Because he can
still teleport next to you, it is best not to just stand still and fire away,
instead the best place to be is either of the top corners - here you can just
shoot continuously.

-[3.08]------------------Forest Stage: STING CHAMELEON-------------------------

This Stage is a poor first choice because none of the cool bonuses can be
obtained without the DASH UPGRADE. At the start are those annoying wood
cutting robots, so have the charged shot ready to destroy them and the tree's
they hide behind. Not far from the start is a vertical cliff face at the
entrance to a cave (where rock-robots fall inside) - dash jump and climb this
cliff face instead of going inside the cave. At the top you will be caved-in
to face a giant green robot with pincer claws - this is Dr. Light's test for
the second most-important upgrade, the ARMOUR UPGRADE.
This mini boss is not too hard, and his moves are not particularly damaging
either, but he does take a lot of hits. He will jump to where you are
standing most of the time, so always move when he jumps. His other attack is
to extend his claw about 2 thirds a screen in length, sometimes grabbing and
smashing you into the wall - but this is also pretty weak. Just keep dashing
from wall to wall, and concentrate on shooting his head with charged shots
(he takes 64 regular hits and 32 of the larger shot!!!!). Afterwards take
the ARMOUR UPGRADE, which will help you considerably from now on (all damage
is halved). Also, by destroying this secret boss, there will be no more rocks
falling in the cave below.
Go back and slide down the cliff face, and immediately below is a small gap
in the ground - slide down here to find a secret area leading to the HEART
TANK. If you have defeated LAUNCH OCTOPUS, this area will be filled with
water, and this is vital for reaching the HEART TANK. Remember that you first
need the DASH UPGRADE, and then its a leap of faith as far to the right as
you can. When you reach the small ledge, grab the HEART TANK and attempt to
jump all the way back - easier if you slide down the ledge before jumping.
Now climb back up and continue through the level. There is an EXTRA LIFE in
plain view shortly before a suit of Ride-Armour, grab this and head right,
jumping to avoid the swamp that slows you down. Shortly ahead is the door
to the boss.
|---------| Boss |-----------| The Chameleon boss is a very difficult foe to
|----------------------------| beat early on, but if you had the DASH UPGRADE
| |and then acquired the ARMOUR UPGRADE from his
| Name: STING CHAMELEON |stage, he becomes quite easy. The top of the
| Height: 5.80ft |arena is covered in spikes that are incredibly
| Weight: 169lb |damaging (even with the ARMOUR UPGRADE), so be
| Difficulty: Hard |careful when climbing up the walls. His main
| Normal X Shots: 20 |manoeuvre is moving while invisible (being a
| Large X Shots: 16 |Chameleon he blends in with the background),
| Weakness: BOOMERANG CUTTER | crawling across the arena and re-appearing
| (11 hits) |either high or low. You can usually make out
| Charged BOOMERANG CUTTER | where he is crawling, giving a split second to
| (8 Hits) |react before he reappears, and which is vital
|----------------------------| for avoiding the devastating tongue attack he
usually does when he appears low (but this is
still hard to avoid without the DASH UPGRADE). If he appears high, he can
use his special weapon - the CHAMELEON STING, where he sprays three green
spikes multiple times (not too damaging). Wherever he appears, he can also
drop to the ground before jumping up to the ceiling and swinging from his
tongue - this shakes spikes from the ceiling that are hard to avoid but also
not very damaging.
Because he disappears quite quickly you need to move fast if you want to hit
him after avoiding his attacks. He is vulnerable during all his attacks,
particularly when he sprays the CHAMELEON STING. When he swings from the
ceiling you don't need to jump off the walls to hit him, he is low enough to
hit with charged jump shots. If you see him about to reappear low, its really
just best to concentrate on avoiding his tongue attack.
If you have the BOOMERANG CUTTER then he is very easy even without any of the
upgrades - and because the Boomerang goes in a high loop you can hit him even
when he is high up. Every time you hit him he will fall down and jump up to
the opposite side (almost always starting the tongue swing) - where you can
knock him down again and repeat. Just watch out for him falling onto you if
you knock him down from right above you.

-[3.09]--------------------Sky Stage: STORM EAGLE------------------------------

A different stage compared to those so far, with good jumping and judgement
required from the start. Head up from the beginning, carefully jumping from
the small platforms while avoiding those annoying enemies that pick you up.
You can destroy parts of the right wall where you can see platforms (only
hiding large energy capsules), and when you reach the very top you should
dash jump as far to the left as you can (need the DASH UPGRADE), to obtain
the HEART TANK for this level. Drop down after and make your way all the way
back to the top to carry on.
Back at the top you will soon come to more platforms to navigate (destroy the
turrets on each platform), but from here you can instead head up and left to
reach the control tower. Just shoot the glass to easily obtain a SUB TANK,
and then drop back down and head right. Without the DASH UPGRADE you will
have to wait for the next platform to be lower than the one you are on before
jumping to it, so you might have to judge where it is if you can't see it
below you. At the end of this section is another wall to destroy, and inside
Right after this is a tall mast to climb, taking you even higher, so climb it
but slide down the other side instead of jumping to the higher Platform - and
from here you can dash jump (need the DASH UPGRADE) to a right platform with
another of those destroyable walls. Inside here is the HELMET UPGRADE, which
allows you to destroy certain bricks in a "Super Mario Bros" style. Apart
from looking pretty cool it does little else. Return back up to the main
path and continue right (there is another easy EXTRA LIFE in plain sight).
Just before the boss is a section where you have to jump onto a plane using
platforms that fall when you land on them - needless to say be quick to jump
off. Walk off the right edge of the plane instead of going through the door
to find a large weapon and energy capsule - then jump on the platform to face
|---------| Boss |-----------| STORM EAGLE flaps his wings, blowing you back
|----------------------------| from the start (ultimately trying to push you
| |off the edge) - so without the DASH UPGRADE you
| Name: STORM EAGLE |need to run desperately against it to make back
| Height: 8.20ft |some ground. He might fly upwards and hover
| Weight: 275lb |before splitting out an egg that 4 robot birds
| Difficulty: Intermediate | hatch from and chase you - but time a charged
| Normal X Shots: 32 |blast right and you can destroy all four with
| Large X Shots: 16 |just one hit. While hovering he will either
| Weakness: CHAMELEON STING | land again, or disappear upwards - and begin to
| (11 hits) |dive-bomb you. This is easily his most damaging
|----------------------------| attack, and unless you take action to evade it
he will always hit you - so move constantly. He
will later fly down from the top of the screen and hover once more, before
possibly landing or disappearing upwards again and dive-bombing. If he lands
he will try to blow you off the edge again, sometimes using his special
weapon instead - the STORM TORNADO, which pushes you back with much more
force than his wings but can be jumped to gain more ground, and also doesn't
You can easily hit him when he hovers or lands with a charged shot, and if
you are quick also when he dive-bombs (although just evading this attack is
more important). If you have the DASH UPGRADE you can nail him constantly by
shooting and dashing as he blows you back. As long as you just concentrate on
avoiding him you can beat this boss quite early in the game, just watch for
him blowing you off the edge if you do not have the DASH UPGRADE.
Using the CHAMELEON STING only makes it easier to hit him, but charging it up
to turn yourself invincible will prevent him from hitting you with the
dive-bomb or the STORM TORNADO - very helpful.

-[3.10]------------------Factory Stage: FLAME MAMMOTH--------------------------

This shortish stage is a melting factory, so watch out for the robotic junk
on the conveyer belts that can knock you into the very damaging lava (some
shoot laser beams, so be careful). By defeating CHILL PENGUIN you can freeze
all the lava at the bottom, allowing you to avoid the conveyer belts by
running underneath.
After this you will fall down to a lower section, where you should notice
smashable bricks above you, this is just before the large area. Remember that
you need the HELMET UPGRADE and DASH UPGRADE beforehand - to reach this you
need to dash jump from the higher right platform as far as you can, then just
press the jump button rapidly and you should find yourself climbing up to a
small hidden chamber (need good jump timing). If you fall down after smashing
some bricks then you cannot get the upgrade without exiting the level. Inside
the capsule is the X-BUSTER UPGRADE, which allows you to charge your normal
X-Buster to a higher level (the energy will turn pink when it is ready), but
more importantly is the new ability to charge the weapons you gain from each
Continue Right until you come to more platforms over lava, except these fire
flames upwards, destroying parts of the floor (not if it is frozen though).
This area is quite high and contains both the HEART TANK and SUB TANK for
this level. To the far bottom right is the HEART TANK, which you can get even
without having frozen the lava, but you will take serious damage so make sure
you can take a few hits. After this head up to the top left to find an EXTRA
LIFE, and from here you can dash jump left (need DASH UPGRADE) to find a
small room behind smashable blocks. Get the SUB TANK inside and head back to
the right, where you will soon come to another conveyer section except this
one has junk crushers (not an instant kill). Carry on and you will soon
arrive at the boss door.
|---------| Boss |-----------| You fight this boss in an unusually long arena,
|----------------------------| with a conveyer belt floor which FLAME MAMMOTH
| | can change the direction of by calling out. He
| Name: FLAME MAMMOTH | is pretty agile for a Mammoth, with his main
| Height: 10.5ft | attack simply trying to squash you by jumping
| Weight: 719lb | forward over a screens length - and even if he
| Difficulty: Intermediate | misses you will be stunned by the ground
| Normal X Shots: 32 | shaking (but not damaged). He will stop
| Large X Shots: 16 | in-between jumps to either spit tar from his
| Weakness: STORM TORNADO | trunk (which slows you slightly if walked in),
| (11 Hits) | or shooting far reaching flames from his arm
| Charged STORM TORNADO | gun. If he hits a blob of tar with his flame -
| (8 Hits) | it will ignite and burn away shortly, causing
|----------------------------| you damage if you touch it.
Because the arena is so long it is very easy to just keep your distance and
shoot him. It is a good idea to be on a wall if you can, which will prevent
you from being stunned when he shakes the ground, although you can also avoid
this by jumping just before he lands. When he gets close it is possible to
stand right next to him and shoot continuously - as long as he just stands
and shoots, his flames will simply fly over your head, but watch out for the
conveyer belt trapping you between him and the wall. It is generally best to
be on the side which is taking him backwards, so either run underneath him
when he jumps, or vault him when he comes close using the wall. You should
then be able to hit him a few times before moving to the far side. If you
have the DASH UPGRADE then you will have a much easier time avoiding him, and
should beat him in no time.
If you have the STORM TORNADO then you can just stand in front of him and
fire away - you should hit him every time (just watch out for the conveyer
drawing you towards him). He will probably fire back and still try to jump on
you, so if you are low on energy or just don't want to get hit, just keep
your distance when shooting as before.
Similarly to the tactic against LAUNCH OCTOPUS , you can use the BOOMERANG
CUTTER to remove his trunk (just hit him 3 times). Without his trunk he is
unable to drop blobs of tar, and is also unable to change the direction of
the conveyer belt - but overall this doesn't effect the difficulty of the

-[3.11]-----------------------HADOUKEN UPGRADE---------------------------------
After defeating all eight MAVERICKS you will join ZERO at the entrance to
SIGMA'S fortress, and after a short conversation you will return to the stage
select. You can select SIGMA'S stage by choosing the bottom right box, but
first you should return to some of the MAVERICK'S stages to pick up any
missed items (although you can do this in-between SIGMA stages if you want
- but I don't recommend it).
The final upgrade can now be found at the end of ARMORED ARMADILLO'S stage
after you have obtained all eight HEART TANKS, all four SUB TANKS, and the
other four upgrades. Just make your way to the final mine cart ride, and when
you jump off at the end just before the boss's door, jump up and get the
energy capsule before jumping into the ravine to your death. Repeat this
strange requirement four more times, making sure you have Full Energy and all
full SUB TANKS on the fifth time - and you should see the final capsule on
the cliff. You need a lot of lives for this, so make sure you get a maximum
of nine from the "Fat Bat" at the start of this level (see ARMORED ARMADILLO
stage guide above).
With the HADOUKEN UPGRADE in your possession it's time to take on SIGMA!

-[3.12]-------------------------SIGMA STAGE 1----------------------------------

SIGMA'S fortress is divided into 4 incredibly difficult stage's which must
all be completed in one sitting - so passwords from now on will only remember
special items collected from the regular stages (apart from the HADOUKEN
You will have another conversation with Zero at the start of the first stage,
and he will then run off ahead and create a diversion allowing you to sneak
in! Shortly after the start you will come to a very difficult section where
you must make your way up the screen using moving platforms over a bottomless
pit, and made all the more difficult by the quick flying enemies. If you have
the X-BUSTER UPGRADE then you can charge up the ROLLING SHIELD to create a
force field, preventing the enemies from knocking you to your death. If you
missed that upgrade then you will have to be really careful jumping, and try
and shoot each enemy as you jump because they keep coming back!
Inside the base you will soon come face to face with VILE, who will then be
chased through a boss door by ZERO. As you follow you will hear the battle
in the room ahead, and soon discover ZERO captured by VILE who is now riding
his Ride-Armour.
|---------| Boss |-----------| You will have to fight against his Ride-Armour
|----------------------------| first of all, and just as with your previous
| | meeting you will not be able to harm him (so
| Name: VILE | don't waste any SUB TANKS on him). After he has
| Difficulty: Easy | given you a beating, he will paralyse you like
| Normal X Shots: 32 | before - except this time ZERO will sacrifice
| Large X Shots: 8 | himself, and the last of his power to destroy
| Weakness: ROLLING SHIELD | VILE'S Ride-Armour. You will kindly be given a
| (8 Hits) | full LIFE BAR to fight him now, and this should
| Charged SHOTGUN ICE | be enough to beat him with unless you have a
| (4 Hits) | short LIFE BAR or missed some of the upgrades
|----------------------------| (but don't be afraid to use a SUB TANK if you
need one).
He will run or fly from left to right, pausing only to shoot yellow
paralysing plasma balls (which don't damage, but give him a free hit). When
he flies overhead he drops two bombs that send sparks across the floor - but
contact with either is pretty weak. He is sometimes unpredictable in
movement, and very damaging to make contact with - so avoid him at all costs.
Vault the paralysing Plasma balls he shoots, and either jump over or run
under him as he crosses the screen. You will have a hard time avoiding the
bombs he drops if you are close to him, but you can easily hit him at any
point during the battle, and as long as you use charged shots then he wont
last long.
His weakness is the ROLLING SHIELD, although the charged-up SHOTGUN ICE
actually kills him in just 4 hits(!!), but you will probably have a harder
time hitting him with it. Of course you could always just use the HADOUKEN
UPGRADE if you can pull it off at the right time.
After beating VILE, you will find ZERO close to death, and If you didn't
obtain the X-BUSTER UPGRADE on FLAME MAMMOTH'S stage, then you will receive
it now from ZERO before he dies. Make your way right and then up a long and
annoying vertical section (you can make use of the charged up CHAMELEON STING
here), and at the top you will face BOOMER KUWANGER for the second time. He
will be a lot easier now you definitely have the HOMING TORPEDO, which you
can now charge up for an even quicker dispatch. After these two easy bosses
you will soon come to the real boss for this level.
|---------| Boss |-----------|You will notice the four web-track in the
|----------------------------|background that this large spider boss will
| |
travel downwards on. Every time he pauses at
| Name: BOSPIDER |
the top of the screen, eight random connectors
| Difficulty: Very Hard |
will appear between these tracks, and which he
| Normal X Shots: 32 |
will always use to switch between them. The
| Large X Shots: 11 |
trick here is work out where he will end up at
| Weakness: SHOTGUN ICE |
the bottom of the the screen so that can get a
| (11 Hits) |
quick shot in when he opens his eye. Although
| Charged SHOTGUN ICE |shooting him is the main objective, you will
| (7 Hits) |
also have to judge where he will finish up so
|----------------------------|that you can avoid his damaging contact. He
also speeds up as you reduce his energy, and if
he uses the outer tracks he can hit you even when you are right against the
wall - very irritating.
He will only open the eye for a split second before quickly retreating
upwards, so unless you are close to him you will need to shoot just before he
reaches the bottom. During the pause at the top, he sometimes drops four
smaller robot spiders that are too low to hit with Normal X-Buster shots, and
which will walk along the floor and up the walls unless you destroy them. He
will also stop and drop these spiders if you become level with him while he
descends (such as you jumping or wall climbing).
This boss can be really annoying, and sometimes always seems go the way you
do - constantly damaging you really badly. The smaller spiders are also
annoying to avoid, so try not to make him drop extra ones if you can help it.
The charged up X-Buster is effective, but takes too long to recharge if you
use it to destroy the smaller spiders. The SHOTGUN ICE is not only his
weakness, but destroys the smaller spiders too, but you are likely to run out
unless you can manage to hit consistently. If you ever miss your shot, then
you will not get another chance to hit him unless you are using the X-Buster
- so try to make them all count. Use a SUB TANK if you need one, and don't
bother to charge up the SHOTGUN ICE - it is too difficult to get close enough
for it to hit him. You can also use the HADOUKEN if you get lucky...

-[3.13]-------------------------SIGMA STAGE 2----------------------------------

A short distance into this level and you will face CHILL PENGUIN for the
second time, but you should have even less problems this time around. Shortly
on and you fight STORM EAGLE again - also easy, but you may want to save the
CHAMELEON STING for the real Boss. You should soon come to the boss door of
this easier stage - but its not a particularly easy boss.
|---------| Boss |-----------| This boss consists of three different parts
|----------------------------| that must all be destroyed separately. The two
| |eyes can only be hit after they open - where
| Name: RANGDA BANGDA | they will either be green, blue or red. The
| LEFT EYE/RIGHT EYE/NOSE | green eye shoots 1 bullet, the blue one will
| Difficulty: Intermediate | fly towards you, and the red one can do both
| Normal X Shots: 10/10/12 | but fires 3 bullets. The bottom of the screen
| Large X Shots: 5/5/6 |has instant death spikes in the middle, and
| Weakness: CHAMELEON STING | every so often the walls will close together
| (4/4/4 Hits) |and the nose will come to life - so you need
| |to cling on to the wall and watch out for it
|----------------------------| knocking you onto them. It will repeat this
over and over until you either destroy the
nose, or both of the eyes - in which case the walls will close in for good,
and you will have to destroy the rest while desperately clinging on the wall.
Not too difficult as long as you can competently remain on the walls when
they close together. By using the CHAMELEON STING you can destroy all three
parts quite easily, but if you used it up earlier then you will have to hang
on for slightly longer. The best tactic either way is to hit all three in
equal measures - just to make sure the last part when you have to remain on
the wall indefinitely, is as short as possible.

-[3.14]-------------------------SIGMA STAGE 3----------------------------------

This level is basically the rematch against all the remaining MAVERICKS.
Right at the Start you will have to fight ARMORED ARMADILLO before coming up
FLAME MAMMOTH completes the order, but you really shouldn't be having trouble
against them this time around. Just use the correct weapon for each, charging
it up for a quicker kill (but you may want to save the BOOMERANG CUTTER for
the proper boss of this level) - or even using the HADOUKEN if you have full
When you leave the water after beating LAUNCH OCTOPUS but before facing FLAME
MAMMOTH, you will see a platform of instant death spikes above you which
holds a large energy capsule, a large weapon capsule, and an Extra Life.
Simply charge up the CHAMELEON STING and run across the spikes to get all
three items - and if you are quick you can even make it to the boss door
while still invincible, thus evading the many enemies outside.
|---------| Boss |-----------| A very strange looking boss that is in two
|----------------------------| separate parts, but only the top one will take
| | damage. It will split up and the two parts
| Name: D-REX | will move independently across the screen, with
| Difficulty: Hard | the bottom half knocking you off any wall by
| Normal X Shots: 32 | crashing against either - very annoying. The
| Large X Shots: 16 | bottom part can only actually damage you by
| Weakness: BOOMERANG CUTTER | crushing you against the wall, so you can
| (11 Hits) | stand on it to avoid its charge, but watch out
| Charged BOOMERANG CUTTER | for the top half trying to crush you when you
| (8 Hits) | do. Both parts will occasionally pause on the
|----------------------------| right side of the screen before charging up
and then firing a huge plasma ball, which is
best avoided by being in the top left corner and jumping forward when it
fires - this is its most damaging attack.
You will have to be quick to avoid contact with this unpredictable boss, who
will speed up as its energy decreases. Dash jump between the two halves -
towards the right when it comes towards you, and back to the left as it
returns. It is risky to shoot while both parts are moving because you might
be knocked off the wall you need to jump from (and then stunned), so try to
hit it with charged shots while it is charging up the plasma ball. You will
almost certainly need a SUB TANK if you are relying on the X-Buster, but you
can fill them up to the max easily on the final level.
If you are using the BOOMERANG CUTTER then you just need to watch out for the
bottom half of the boss, which will simply cancel the boomerangs on contact.

-[3.15]-------------------------SIGMA STAGE 4----------------------------------

You just need to climb upwards to finally face SIGMA, but first charge up the
ROLLING SHIELD, and destroy the caterpillars that emerge from the holes in
the wall to fill your SUB TANKS. With everything full, make your way to the
top - and the start of a sequence of battles that will give you nightmares!
|---------| Boss |-----------|SIGMA will teleport into the arena and give you
|----------------------------|the usual bad-guy speech before setting his pet
| |
dog onto you. It is not a hard battle, and
possible to do without getting hit - but you
| Difficulty: Easy |
should aim for at least half a LIFE BAR
| Normal X Shots: 32 |
remaining. VELGUADER is quite agile, and can
| Large X Shots: 11 |
leap towards you from quite a distance - which
| Weakness: SHOTGUN ICE |
he will do right at the start (stand still and
| (11 Hits) |
he will jump over you). He can also jump from
| Charged SHOTGUN ICE |the walls as well, and if you are hiding high
| (8 Hits) |
up one, then he will vault from wall-to-wall to
|----------------------------|reach you. His final attack is the ability to
breath either a fire or ice attack - both
deadly in their own right. The ice will spray in a rainbow arc, and is very
hard to avoid while standing on the floor, but it cannot reach you high up
the walls. The fire shoots in an upwards arc, and can hit you high up the
walls at distance, plus he can also sneakily fire it vertically if he is
right below you.
His biggest weakness is the push-back effect from either the yellow or pink
X-Buster charged shots. So if you constantly charge and hide up the walls,
you can knock him back to the ground every time with a well timed charged
shot. He will probably do the vertical fire move at least once, so you need
to jump across the arena and quickly up the other wall if he does - then
repeat. You can use this weakness successfully from the ground too if you
cannot bear to hide like a coward, just move from side to side, quickly
jumping over him using the walls. And remember to try the HADOUKEN UPGRADE at
the start, once you know what he does you can get him every time.
Because the SHOTGUN ICE shatters into smaller shots when it hits the wall,
you can fire it while hiding high up and hit him while he is on the ground.
Unfortunately it doesn't push him back after a hit so it cannot prevent him
from chasing you up the walls - and therefore it's not as useful as the
charged X-Buster.
|---------| Boss |-----------| After a second speech, SIGMA ditches his cloak
|----------------------------| and faces you himself - with his light Sabre!
| | Using his Light Sabre he can block anything you
| Name: SIGMA | throw at him, including the HADOUKEN UPGRADE.
| Difficulty: Intermediate | His main method of attack is to simply zig-zag
| Normal X Shots: 32 | from wall to wall climbing up the screen - done
| Large X Shots: 32 | to chase you if you hide in the top corners
| Weakness: ELECTRIC SPARK | (which is where you should be). He will damage
| (16 Hits) | you most often simply by crashing into you, but
| Charged ELECTRIC SPARK | while you are on the floor he has two other
| (11 Hits) | attacks. He sometimes shoots fast laser shots
|----------------------------| from his forehead, which are hard to avoid from
close range, but not much threat at distance.
His final attack is to shoot forward and slash you with his light sabre -
taking off almost a quarter of the maximum LIFE BAR, but you should see it
coming unless you are really close to him (which you shouldn't ever be).
He doesn't really have a pattern, but by staying high up the walls he will
always zig-zag up and down the screen - over and over. Just wait in a top
corner until he is just below you, then prepare to jump down and shoot him as
you fall. He will then zig-zag down, so you need to judge and then dash away
from where he will land - and then get in another shot before climbing up
again. You can sometimes get him into a (kind of) pattern, where you can
safely remain in the same place whenever you fall - but this is risky because
he will eventually come out of it. You can also use the HADOUKEN UPGRADE, but
unless you have full energy, don't waste a SUB TANK.
He takes too many regular hits, and so you should always use the ELECTRIC
SPARK against him. The ELECTRIC SPARK splits into two when it hits a wall,
which is really useful for hitting him while he climbs them. The ELECTRIC
SPARK is a rapid fire weapon, and easy to get carried away with - so unless
you time your shots right then you are almost certain to run out of it during
the battle. Just try to get his energy down significantly before you are
forced to use something else (use anything else except the ROLLING SHIELD)
- try the charged CHAMELEON STING (temporary invincible) for the safest time,
and its worth noting that the HOMING TORPEDO will not home onto him.
You should ultimately aim not to use any SUB TANKS on either of these battles
because the final boss is very tough, and drains energy at a frightening
|---------| Boss |-----------|SIGMA'S head will rise and attach itself onto
|----------------------------|the head of a giant machine that appears in the
| |
background. He is so high up that the only way
to hit him is to stand on either of his two
| Difficulty: Very Very Hard |moving claws which unfortunately shoot
| Normal X Shots: NA |
lightning out of their top and bottom. This
| Large X Shots: (PINK) 32 | lighting is very damaging, as is contact with
| Weakness: ROLLING SHIELD | the spikes underneath the claws - which he will
| (16 Hits) |
occasionally send downwards to hit you. His
| |
other move is to breath fast laser beams, which
|----------------------------|will sweep either left or right, but can be
expertly avoided by dashing through when they
get close. His final move is to breath fire, but this will miss if you are
standing against either wall. All these moves are very damaging, and take
skill to avoid - so you will probably need "at least" 3 SUB TANKS to defeat
him, and which you should use whenever you fall below half energy.
You should try to get onto one of the claws as early as possible rather than
wait for him to send one down. Then just do all you can to remain on it for
as long as possible, while hitting him at every opportunity. Stand on the
very edge or try jumping onto the wall when it shoots lighting upwards, and
also watch out for the other claw occasionally moving across. Whenever you
jump always try to land back onto the claw - this is very tough in its own
right, but from up here you will avoid the laser and fire it breathes. You
will need to jump up to drop the ROLLING SHIELD onto his head, but you can
also hit him with the largest charged X-BUSTER shot (pink energy) just by
remaining standing (it does take a long time to charge this remember).
There is not really much more advice to give because even veteran players can
sometimes come unstuck, but with practice (and luck) you will beat him - and
finish the game (HOORAY!)...
When the credits finish, wait for a few moments to see a message from SIGMA -
he will be back!


Spiky Amenhopper Ray Bit Gun Volt
Crusher Sea Attacker Tombot Hotarion
Ball De Voux Gulpfer Bomb Been Flammingle
Road Attackers Armor Soldier Turn Cannon
Anglerge Snow Shooter
Bee Blader Cruiziler Thunder Slimer


Lift Cannon Scrap Robo Batton Bone Dodge Blaster
Flamer Dig Labour Batton M-501 Sine Faller
Sky Claw Rolling Gabyool Mettool C-15 Jamminger
Hoganmer Metal Wing Mega Tortois
Death Rogumer Slide Cannon
Mole Borer Ladder Yadder


Planty Bospider LAUNCH OCTOPUS
Iworm Rangda Bangda STORM EAGLE
Crag Man Velguader FLAME MAMMOTH

And you as MEGAMAN X


1.0 - Initial Release

1.1 - Added a few missing bits of information.
- Mentioned that the BOOMERANG CUTTER grabs onto items,
- Added that you can only smash blocks by jumping against them if you
have the DASH UPGRADE,
- Mentioned that the HEART TANK secret room in STING CHAMELEON'S stage
will not be filled with water unless you have defeated LAUNCH
- Added that destroying the secret boss on STING CHAMELEON'S stage will
stop rocks from falling in the cave below,
- Fixed some spellings.
1.2 - Tidied up everything and added a few more missing bits of information.
- Added a contents.
- Added the Ending section.
- Added a paragraph about the Status Screen.
- Added to the quick Weapon Select with L and R.
- Mentioned that the Fire Wave does not work while underwater.
- Added the Optimal Boss order, and a Stage difficulty table.
- Mentioned another way to gain the HEART TANK on the Tower Stage.
- Mentioned the ability to cut off FLAME MAMMOTH'S trunk.
- Also added many small bits here and there.
1.3 - Lots of tidying up and formatting everywhere.
- Added my game review.
- Updated for Megaman X5's UK release.
- Finally mentioned that Boomer Kuwanger is a Cockroach.
- A few poorly explained strategy points have been fixed,
Sting Chameleon, Flame Mammoth, Velguader, etc.
- Slightly changed the Stage Difficulty chart.
All main characters names are possibly copyrighted to CAPCOM (the people who
made the game that this guide was wriiten for). This guide is all my own
work, with all opinions also being mine, and not that of anyone connected to
CAPCOM. You may only reproduce this document for non-profit use, and if you
want to put this file on your site please ask me first (I have always said
yes so far). I hope you find this guide useful, and remember to always
respect the work of others!

Thanks for reading
[email protected]
*Mega Man X: FAQ/Walkthrough* by CRESPO99 </features/recognition/10267.html>
Version 1.3, Last Updated 2001-12-15 View/Download Original File
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