Articulo Petersen2005
Articulo Petersen2005
Articulo Petersen2005
Received 26 June 2004; received in revised form 8 August 2004; accepted 25 September 2004
Available online 29 December 2004
The Theory of Sampling (TOS) provides a description of all errors involved in sampling of heterogeneous materials as well as all
necessary tools for their evaluation, elimination and/or minimization. This tutorial elaborates onand illustratesselected central aspects of
TOS. The theoretical aspects are illustrated with many practical examples of TOS at work in typical scenarios, presented to yield a general
overview. TOS provides a full scientific definition of the concept of sampling correctness, an attribute of the sampling process that must
never be compromised. For this purpose the Fundamental Sampling Principle (FSP) also receives special attention. TOS provides the first
complete scientific definition of sampling representativeness. Only correct (unbiased) mass reduction will ensure representative sampling. It
is essential to induct scientific and technological professions in the TOS regime in order to secure the necessary reliability of: samples (which
must be representative, from the primary sampling onwards), analysis (which will not mean anything outside the miniscule analytical volume
without representativity ruling all mass reductions involved, also in the laboratory) and data analysis (bdataQ do not exist in isolation of their
provenance). The Total Sampling Error (TSE) is by far the dominating contribution to all analytical endeavours, often 100+ times larger than
the Total Analytical Error (TAE).We present a summarizing set of only seven Sampling Unit Operations (SUOs) that fully cover all practical
aspects of sampling and provides a handy btoolboxQ for samplers, engineers, laboratory and scientific personnel.
D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Theory of Sampling; TOS; Sampling practice; Data analysis reliability; Sampling in chemometrics
1. Introduction
Sampling is not my responsibility, I analyze the data.
Quote from a distinguished chemometrician
Sampling is not my responsibility, I analyze the stuff
supplied to the laboratory.
Quote from a distinguished analytical chemist
Data analysis is often regarded as separate from chemical
analysis and especially separate from the process producing
the samples, upon which depend both chemical analysis and
data analysis. But bdataQ do not exist in a vacuum; bdataQ are
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (L. Petersen).
0169-7439/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
aS aL
It is emphasized that e is a relative error representing sample grade deviation as a proportion of true lot
A selection, a sampling process, is accurate if the mean
of e, m e , is less than a given number, m 0, i.e., m e2Vm 02
A selection is reproducible if the variance of e, s e2, is less
than a given number s 02, i.e., s e2Vs 02.
A selection is representative if the mean square (a
function of both the mean as well as the variance)
re m2e s2e V r02 m20 s20 :
Therefore, a sample is representative only if it is selected
in a representative way or when the sampling process is both
accurate and reproducible.
2.2. Lot dimensionality
To understand and use TOS, one needs first a clear
understanding of the geometry of the lot to be sampled in
relation to the Fundamental Sampling Principle (FSP
definition below). The dimensionality of a lot depends on
how the sample is cut from it, and it can be any
Fig. 2. Illustrations of 0-D and 3-Dim. (left) and 1-Dim. lots (right) and the scale issues in lot sampling. Note the extreme fragment size of the lot depicted in the
left panel, compared to the more conventional fragment sizes relative to the dimensions of the conveyor belt in the 1-D illustration. Lots range from these
macro- to meso-scale all the way down to stockpiles of fine powders.
Fig. 3. Illustrative examples of grab sampling. Only the top and most easily accessible material has a chance of ending up in the final sample. This is by all
accounts the most often used sampling procedure of alland it is at the same time the worst of all sampling procedures as it blatantly ignores the Fundamental
Sampling Principle FSP. TOS stresses again and again: Avoid grab sampling at all costs.
Fig. 4. First overview of the sampling errors involved in 0-D and 1-D
sampling. All parts of the figure are explained fully in text.
Fig. 5. What is the optimal relationship between primary sample size and
the analytical sample volume (insert) and how can it come about? When
sample size increases one can intuitively understand that the sample
becomes more representative. But at the same time, todays analytical
volumes continue to decrease (insert) as the analytical instruments become
more and more precise. For all heterogeneous materials, there is
consequently an intrinsic contradiction between primary sampling representativity and the instrumental analytical volume requirements. This is the
root cause of all sampling and representativity issues.
white spheres are more to the top, the system displays a very
high DH. If on the other hand the spheres were to be well
mixed (bhomogenizedQ), the system DH would be significantly reduced. The size of extracted groups of fragments (increments) has great influence on DH. As an
ideal end-member case if the increments consist of only
one fragment, DH would be zero. An increasing number
of fragments in the groups consequently implies an
increase in DH. Fragment size and density also influence
DH. For example, particles with large differences in size
(and/or density) tend to segregate or stratify heavily, with
the smallest and/or densest particles at the bottom of the
The effective sampling error resulting from DH can be
split conceptually into two factors according to the arguments presented above: a grouping factor ( Y) and a
segregation factor (Z). The grouping factor is a measure
of the total number of fragments in the lot (N F) to the
number of groups (N G), more precisely:
which is well approximated by:
NG 1
1 YZ
Fig. 7. Illustration of rapidly decreasing GSE as a consequence of progressive mixing (left to right). Note identical material composition in all panels, i.e.,
CH=constant, while DH (manifesting the local stratification/segregation) decreases significantly. A single sample of constant mass/volume, selected from the
rightmost state will of course be immensely more representative for the whole lot than any taken from either of the less mixed material states.
Fig. 9. Illustration of the effects of mixing and composite sampling. Left panel: thoroughly segregated material. Right panel: the same material mixed to a much
lower residual heterogeneity state. For both situations (panels), it may be appreciated how compositing a number of small samples gives a much more
representative sample than extracting only one large sample of the same mass/volume. Even in the lower heterogeneity state, one still gains in representativity
by composite sampling. GSE is also lowered significantly even if one was forced to use only one large sample size (large rectangle in both panels).
Cd 3
s20 FSE
Cs20 FSE
Fig. 10. Illustration of IDE. In order for IDE to be fully suppressed, the cut delineation must correspond exactly with the geometrical plan, i.e., the planar sides
of the cut must be parallel and all material inside the increment must be fully extracted. In the present case, coal is sampled on a stopped conveyor belt by
inserting a manual bcutter-deviceQ and scooping out all the material (the fine particles in the groove are extracted using a brush). (The material in the rightmost
panel has fallen into the bincrement spaceQ only after removal of the cutter-device.)
Two more sampling errors are introduced, related to shortand long-range fluctuations, respectively. The local
brandom noiseQ error component is also present in 1-D
sampling; however, this can be shown to be equivalent to
FSE+GSE, just as in the 0-Dim case. TOS also provides indepth description of a vast array of automated 1-D
samplers, the design and operation of these, along with
instructions on frequency, etc. of sub-sample extraction.
The reader is referred to the TOS literature [13,1721] on
1-D sampling for further details.
Fig. 12. Examples of mass reduction methods and devices. Top left: Spoon method (pouring); Top middle: Fractional shoveling; Top right: Boerner divider;
Bottom left: Schematic of the bVario dividerQ; Bottom middle and bottom right: A 10-chute and a 34-chute riffle splitter.
particulate materials (the present designed material represents a particularly demanding material with widely
contrasting characteristics for the three components), these
results are rather generic with regard to device type
performance etc. This is further elaborated in Ref. [24].
Fig. 13 provides a complete overview of representativeness pooled for wheat, rape seed and glass, thus representing
and covering all principal concentration levels: trace,
intermediate, major components (spanning 0.1% w/w to
89.9 % w/w). Fig 13 presents an overall measure of method
or device reliability for the purpose of representative mass
The following (major) conclusions can be drawn [24]:
! Grab sampling is the by far worst performer of all!
Shoveling methods in general also provide unreliable
biased results.
! Riffle splitters generally provide most reliable and
excellent representativities.
! The larger the number of chutes, the smaller the
! Closed riffle splitters provide better results than open
models (open models loose significant amounts of
bouncing material).
! Rotational dividers provide equally reliable mass reduction. They also require very little maintenance and are fast
to use. Set-back would appear to be difficulty to cleaning
sticky materials and immobility when needed in field
! The Boerner divider, if used properly, provides the
marginally most accurate and precise overall mass
Fig. 13. Pooled representativeness (wheat, rape seed and glass). Representativeness should be as low as possible, cf. Eq. (1) above. Higher sums thus mean
lower reliability (r e2=m e2+s e2).
Fig. 14. Construction materials meant for recycling, but partly contaminated
by PAH from earlier tar impregnation. Insert shows an example of this most
difficult lot heterogeneity manifestation. Even such bimpossible-to-sampleQ
problems are doable in the context of TOS however, see text.
We thank Pierre Gy, octogenarian July 25, 2004, for his
monumental achievements: founding, developing, educating, consulting, inspiring. . . all and everybody about TOS.
His intellectual honesty is a continuing inspiration for all of
us at ACABS and at LUT.
We would also like to thank A/S Rationel Kornservice,
Esbjerg (Knud Klit, Axel Schou and Christian Husted) for
many helpful suggestions and contributions to the research
results presented here (mass reduction survey).
We are grateful for the comments of two thorough
reviewers, one chemometrician and one geostatistician,
who provided numerous valuable and constructive
Appendix A
A short introductory description of the full set of
parameters in the bGy formulaQ:
5. Conclusions
Based on the exposition of TOS and the presented
illustrations, the following conclusions are drawn:
! It is important to know, at least to a certain level, the
basic principles and practice of TOS when dealing with
sampling of heterogeneous materials.
! Respecting the relevant correct TOS principles is a
guarantee for arriving at unbiased samples concomitant
with the lowest possible Total Sampling Error.
! FSE can only be reduced by comminution (crushing).
! Mixing minimizes the grouping contribution to GSE
! Decreasing increment size minimizes the segregation
contribution to GSE.
! Composite sampling is powerful for primary sampling of
0-D and 1,(2,3)-D lots.
! Careful consideration of (problem-dependent) correct
mass reduction methods or devices is mandatory. The
riffle-splitting principle (static/rotary) reigns supreme.
TOS is available at any entry level one would wish to
desire. The three supreme textbooks [13] are all to be
[1] P.M. Gy, Sampling for Analytical Purposes, John Wiley and Sons,
[2] F.F. Pitard, Pierre Gys Sampling Theory and Sampling Practice, 2nd
edn., CRC Press, 1993.
[3] P.L. Smith, A primer for sampling solids, liquids and gases-Based on
the seven sampling errors of Pierre Gy. ASA SIAM, 2001.
[4] P.M. Gy, Coal Min. Process. (1981 Sept.) 62 67.