Ebook s104 Book5 E2i1 n9781848731660 l3
Ebook s104 Book5 E2i1 n9781848731660 l3
Ebook s104 Book5 E2i1 n9781848731660 l3
Science: Level 1
Prepared by Diane Butler, Michael Gillman, Judith Metcalfe and
David Robinson
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This publication forms part of an Open University course S104 Exploring science. The
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
What is life?
Summary of Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Classifying species
Summary of Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Cell structure
Summary of Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Substances of life
Introducing biopolymers
Nucleic acids
Biological membranes
Summary of Chapter 5
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Chapter 6
Glucose oxidation
Integration of metabolism
Summary of Chapter 6
Chapter 7
An introduction to ecology
Feeding relationships
Primary production
Secondary production
Food webs
Steady state
Summary of Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Patterns of inheritance
Summary of Chapter 8
Chapter 9
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Variations on a gene
Multiple alleles
Summary of Chapter 9
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14.2 Interactions
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Answers to questions
Comments on activities
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Chapter 1
Chapter 1
As you will recall from Book 1, the part of the Earth that is capable of supporting
life is called the biosphere. Now that you know something of the processes that
shape the biosphere, it is a good time to look at life on Earth. Perhaps the most
fascinating feature of life on Earth is the huge variety of plants and animals that
it supports. Many of these are easily seen, but there are others that we are only
dimly aware of or never encounter at all, for example most of the animals in
the soil or the microscopic plants and animals in the sea. The size range of life
on Earth is impressive too. The smallest form of life is the virus, which may be
20 nm in size (1 nm is 1 109 m) and 100 times smaller than a bacterium, but
there are trees that are 112 m tall and a blue whale may be 33 m in length. You
might also be struck by the immense variety of some forms of life. There are only
a dozen or so different whales, but 40% of all insects are beetles and there are
350 000 different ones. But underlying the astonishing variety or diversity of
life is a much less diverse framework. Not only is the fine structure of organisms
surprisingly consistent, but a lot of the chemistry of life is consistent as well. The
fact that uniformity underlies diversity in living organisms is central to the study
of life on Earth.
Imagine that you are walking through the rainforest in Brazil or more likely
through a garden or shopping centre and you see a plant like the one in
Figure 1.1. If you touch the flower it might well feel warm and perhaps be much
warmer than its surroundings. This is not what you would expect and is unusual
among plants.
Bearing in mind what you have already studied in earlier books, why might
the flower be warm?
Chemical energy may be converted to heat energy as a result of a chemical
reaction. Such a reaction is an exothermic one. So, you might reasonably
deduce that an exothermic reaction is taking place within the flower.
You will be familiar with the heat that you dissipate even when sitting still.
This is also as a result of chemical reactions. Cold can stimulate a particular
reaction that liberates a lot of heat energy from the chemical breakdown of fats.
The chemical reaction by which the flower warmed was found to be very much
like that in humans, with the plant breaking down fats via a similar series of
reactions, liberating heat. The breakdown process for fats, and other sources of
energy for life, is referred to as respiration and the chemical pathways involved in
respiration are ubiquitous in the natural world. The details of the chemistry of the
stages of respiration are covered in Chapter 6 of this book.
The observation of the warmth of the flower should lead you to another and
potentially much more difficult question, Why is this flower warm, when most
are not? A biologist would ask this question in a more formal way, so that rather
than asking, Why is the flower warm? would ask, What advantages does the
warmth bring to the flower? The reason for rephrasing the question in this way,
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Book 5
is to put it into an evolutionary context. New characteristics that arise that confer
an advantage to an organism are more likely to be retained in a population. You
will read more about the mechanisms of evolution in Chapter 14.
The flower of the Arum lily is actually a group of flowers, so is more properly
called an inflorescence. It is made up of lots of small flowers (florets), both
male and female, arranged on the central flower spike the spadix (Figure 1.1).
The male flowers are usually above the female ones. The flowers of some lily
species, for example in Brazil, are pollinated by beetles, which are attracted in
large numbers to each flower spike. The peak temperature of the flower coincides
with the period of 1824 hours of female receptivity. One possibility for this is
that the rise in temperature triggers the release of a volatile chemical that attracts
the beetles. The petal-like surround closes up the spadix after about 12 hours,
trapping beetles inside where, as they blunder around in the warmth feeding
and mating, they transfer pollen to the female flowers. After a further 12 hours,
the flower opens and the beetles depart, picking up male pollen as they go. The
temperature inside the flower is close to the preferred temperature for the beetle.
Considering the information that you now have about the Arum lily flower,
try to answer the question, What advantages does the warmth bring?
For the plant, the warmth of the flower appears to be a mechanism for
attracting beetles, resulting in both pollination of the female florets and
dispersion of the pollen from the male florets. The beetles appear to reap a
reward from the food sources within the flower, and perhaps also from the
warmth of their temporary prison. They can also mate.
This is a close link between the beetle and the plant, with each being beautifully
adapted to its particular lifestyle. Very detailed study is required to explain how
that link came about. The most significant unifying concept in biology is that of
evolution by natural selection. In any particular environment a fast-running
river or stream, for example only those animals that are well suited to that
environment will prosper and reproduce successfully. Should the speed of the
river change, then animals that are suited to the new speed will survive and
others will not. The change in river speed has selected a particular subset of the
animals. Natural selection offers the best explanation of how individual animals
and plants have, over time, become adapted to a particular habitat or lifestyle.
The key to natural selection is variation, but variation within an interbreeding
group of animals. Animals that can interbreed and produce offspring that can
themselves interbreed are said to be in the same species. You will know from
everyday experience that individuals within species differ from one other. These
variations become significant if some individuals are more successful than others
and make a greater contribution to the future generations. You will explore the
processes of evolution in much more detail later in this book; you will also
consider the ways in which characteristics of one individual are inherited in
subsequent generations.
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Chapter 1
You might not have posed this question yourself, but another question raised
by the warm Arum lily flowers is whether the relationship between the flowers
and the beetles has developed recently. The surprising answer is that plants that
show this characteristic are all in ancient groups that started to appear about
180 million years (180 Ma) ago and they have all been around since the Jurassic
(200145 Ma) and Cretaceous (14565 Ma) Periods. (You will learn more about
periods of geological time in Book 6.) Similarly, the beetles first appear during
the same periods. Thus it seems likely that the close relationship between the
two also dates from the same time. 180 million years might seem to you to be
a very long period over which there has been relatively little change, but there
are animals that have existed with very little change since the first period of
geological time, the Cambrian (542488 Ma) Period. For example, a brachiopod
is a type of shelled animal that has changed very little over time. Compare the
fossil and present-day forms of the brachiopod shown in Figure 1.2. They are
very similar.
Figure 1.2 (a) The brachiopod Lingulella from the Cambrian Period; (b) the brachiopod Lingula from the
Pacific Ocean.
Figure 1.2 comprises two photographs. (a) is a picture of a lot of fossil brachiopods and (b) is a living one. The shell is oblong and is attached to a long stalk. The fossil ones resemble the living ones very closely, though many of the fossils have lost the stalk and only the point where it enters the shell is visible.
Evolution can produce large changes in short periods of time. For example,
it was only 7 Ma ago that the human ancestral line diverged from that of
chimps. When it comes to viruses and bacteria, observable changes in their
characteristics occur over periods of a few years, or sometimes even more
rapidly. So the rate of evolution is highly variable.
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Book 5
The pearly shells of Nautilus (Figure 1.3a) can quite often be found in seaside
shops that sell souvenirs. The animals live in tropical seas and, although they
have remained largely unaltered for over 150 Ma, their relatives the ammonites
had three periods of extensive expansion, with large numbers of new species
appearing. Each period of expansion was followed by a drastic reduction in
numbers. After the final period of expansion, all the ammonites disappeared
around 65 Ma ago. There are close similarities between the ammonites and
Nautilus, as you can see in Figure 1.3, and it is interesting that Nautilus survives
but the similar looking ammonites are all extinct. You will learn more about
extinction in later chapters.
Figure 1.3 (a) A live Nautilus; (b) Nautilus shell sectioned to show the internal
chambers. (c) An ammonite showing the external zigzag lines that mark the
internal divisions between the chambers. (d) A section through an ammonite to
show the internal chambers.
Figure 1.3 compares photographs of the modern Nautilus with those of fossil ammonites, showing their similarities. A Nautilus shell and an ammonite shell have been cut in half to show the internal chambers.
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Just because animals look alike does not necessarily mean that they are very
closely related. Consider the three animals pictured in Figure 1.4. They are
obviously moles and you might pick out differences in the colour of their fur,
but they do not look obviously different. However, these moles are not closely
related. The mole in 1.4a is the common mole from Europe; the mole in 1.4b
is not closely related to the common mole and comes from South Africa; the
mole in 1.4c is even more distantly related, being a marsupial, and is found in
Australia. Marsupial mammals have a pouch, in which the young suckle and
grow and they are only distantly related to other mammals. Over time, these
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Chapter 1
unrelated animals that have all adopted a burrowing lifestyle have come to look
like each other. What is the biological explanation for this? As you read on
through the book, you will be able to develop your own explanation. You will
return to the moles in Chapter 15.
You will have already realised that this is a very thick book! Take a look at the
Study Calendar to see the number of weeks set aside for the study of Book 5
and how the chapters and activities fit into each of the allotted weeks. You need
to think carefully about how you will divide up your time to ensure that you
maintain a reasonable pace through the material. As with previous books of the
course, it is strongly recommended that you spend time planning your study, and
that you construct your own personal study timetable.
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Book 5
On first examination of the book you will notice that the chapters are of uneven
length. This is intentional, and you should take this into account when you plan
your study timetable. Inevitably you will find some chapters more difficult than
others; many students find biochemistry topics (Chapters 5 and 6) to be quite
challenging and you may need to allow more time to study these parts of the
book. Dont be afraid to keep moving through this material if you find it difficult
and try not to become bogged down you will find that your understanding
develops gradually. It is a good strategy to return to problematic concepts at a
later date, as more recently studied topics can help the ideas fall into place. You
will find that the Book 5 activities are very good at supporting your learning of
these difficult concepts.
In planning your detailed study schedule there are some activities in Book 5
that are worth thinking about ahead of time. In Chapter 2 (Activity 2.1) you
will conduct an experiment that will take a few days to run to completion, so do
plan ahead and make sure you have all the equipment you need. In addition, this
book has several quite lengthy computer-based activities. These are in Chapter 2
(Activity 2.2), Chapter 3 (Activity 3.1), Chapter 4 (Activity 4.3, Part 1),
Chapter 7 (Activities 7.1 and 7.2), Chapter 8 (Activity 4.3, Part 2), Chapter 10
(Activity 10.1) and Chapter 14 (Activity 14.1). Its important that you study these
activities at the correct time, so ensure you organise computer access (if that is
a problem) well in advance. You are advised to complete all the computer-based
activities; these are designed to complement and augment the biology developed
in the book and you may well be assessed on material that is only found within a
computer-based activity.
Another important item to plan into your study of Book 5 is the set of online
activities that will take place in your tutor group forum. Chapters 2 and 3 have
online activities associated with them and, in order to participate fully in your
tutor group discussion, you must make sure you complete the preparatory tasks in
good time and post your findings to the forum when appropriate.
In addition to developing your knowledge and understanding of biology, this
book will help you to develop and practise other important skills. Many of the
books activities are based around extracting and assimilating information that
can then be presented in a variety of ways, for example as diagrams, flow charts,
tables, lists or short accounts. The book emphasises a very important skill, which
is the ability to relate knowledge and concepts both within and between different
sections of the book and with other books of the course, particularly Book 4. By
completing these activities in full and making use of the comments at the end of
the book, you will be able to improve your understanding of the concepts and
develop your written communication skills and information literacy skills.
Finally, before you move on to Chapter 2, think about how you will cope with
the huge number of new words (many of which look unpronounceable!) and
terms that you will meet in Book 5. Biology is a subject with its own specialist
vocabulary and most people find it difficult to keep track of the large number
of new words they encounter. You might want to consider keeping your own
glossary. Whatever strategy you employ, be assured that most of these long and
difficult words really do become second nature in the end.
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Chapter 2
What is life?
Look around any garden or park and it is easy to pick out the living from the
non-living (Figure 2.1). The trees, flowers, birds and people are living, whereas
the parked cars, pathways and lake are non-living. To answer the question, What
is life? should simply be a matter of listing those things (i.e. qualities) that living
things share with each other, but which they do not share with non-living things.
Unfortunately, such a list is not easy to compile, as you would discover quickly if
you tried to specify what flowers, humans and birds have in common.
There are, however, three qualities that these organisms, and all other organisms,
do share. They form the subject matter for this section, and indeed for much of
The qualities possessed by all living organisms are reproduction, growth
and metabolism. These three shared qualities are called attributes of life.
Before you go on holiday, it is always a good idea to empty your teapot (and
coffee cup and fruit bowl). If you do not, then when you return you will find a
fine cottony mat of material growing on the tea (or coffee or fruit). The material
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Book 5
The argument in favour of the small airborne particle hypothesis was clinched in
1867 by another French scientist, Louis Pasteur (Figure 2.3). Pasteur conducted a
meticulous series of experiments that led him to the final, conclusive experiment
described here. He believed that the fungi that grew on suitable surfaces must
either have been present already, or have arrived there from the air. He therefore
devised an experiment that did two things. First, fungi had to be eliminated from
the suitable surface before starting the experiment. Second, it was necessary
to prevent any new fungal particles arriving on the surface from the air. Under
these very specific conditions in which no fungal particles were present, no fungi
should grow on the surface.
What would it mean if fungi did grow on the surface under these conditions?
It would mean that spontaneous generation did occur.
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18 pica
Pasteur found that fungi did not grow on or within the solution; it remained clear
of life. This seemed to indicate that when life was eliminated from the solution
and the air above it, nothing would grow in the solution. But there is another
reason why nothing might grow.
What other possible reason could there be for nothing growing in the
The conditions in the flask may no longer be suitable for fungal growth.
How could the conditions in the flask be tested for their suitability for fungal
Some fungal particles could be introduced to see if they can grow.
Pasteur introduced fungal particles by tipping the flask so that some of the sugar
solution ran down into the U and then tipping it back into the body of the flask
(Figure 2.5). By doing this he was also hoping to prove that living particles were
indeed trapped in the U. As a consequence of the tipping, fungi grew in the
Figure 2.5 (a) The flask is tipped so that solution runs down into the U and
then back into the body of the flask (b). (c) After 3 weeks the mixture is clouded
with fungi.
Pasteur proved two things with his experiments:
boiling a liquid would kill any life that might be in it
life would grow on suitable surfaces or in suitable solutions only if living
particles arrived from elsewhere, i.e. spontaneous generation did not occur.
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Book 5
You will now have the opportunity to investigate fungal particles in the air for
yourself in Activity 2.1.
Activity 2.1
We expect this activity will take you approximately 30 minutes (spread over
several days).
In this activity you will carry out your own investigation into the fungal particles
in the air around you and share your findings with other students in your tutor
group forum.
The aim of this investigation is to estimate the density of fungal particles in a
room (e.g. the kitchen) by exposing an appropriate growth medium (tomato soup)
to a known volume of air and then seeing how many fungi grow on it.
Non-kit items
small can of cheap tomato soup
rectangular plastic container
means of labelling plastic container
cling film
ruler or other measuring device.
Density tells you the mass of a substance per cubic metre; however, you can
also consider density as expressing the number of things, e.g. fungal particles
per cubic metre. The basic idea of this investigation is to allow fungal particles
in the air to settle on the tomato soup and then to estimate the density of particles
in the air by counting the number of fungi growing on the surface of the soup.
Since it would be very difficult to expose the soup to exactly 1 m3 of air, the
strategy you will use is to expose the soup to a known (smaller) volume of air in
the rectangular container and then use maths to work out the number of particles
per cubic metre.
The design of the investigation
Among other things, you will need to think about how to make sure that a
known volume of air is in contact with the soup, and that no fungal particles are
introduced from elsewhere.
Spend a few minutes thinking about precisely how you will carry out this
investigation using the equipment listed above. It may help you to think of
questions such as:
What size container do I need?
Why was it suggested that a rectangular container be used rather than (say) a
cylindrical one?
How do I make sure that only air and soup are in the container at the start of
the investigation?
How do I make sure that nothing else gets inside the container once the
investigation is under way?
How do I measure the volume of air in the container?
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Where should I leave the container for the duration of the investigation?
How long should I leave it?
How do I make sure that no one disturbs it?
What records should I keep of the investigation?
What should I do with the container and its contents afterwards?
You should read the comments on this activity at the end of this book and the
safety warning below before proceeding.
Safety warning
Read the whole of this section before starting the activity and make sure
that you have read the section on Practical activities in the Course Guide.
When carrying out practical activities, you should always take care to
observe the simple safety precautions highlighted in the course book.
Very often, as in the case of this activity, these precautions will seem quite
obvious and just a matter of using common sense. However, that does not
mean that you should ignore the safety instructions. The Open University
has a duty to give advice on health and safety to students carrying out any
activities that are described in the course. Similarly, you have a duty to
follow the instructions and to carry out the practical activity having regard
for your own safety and that of other people around you. Whenever you do
practical activities you should think about the hazards involved, and how
any risks can be minimised.
Important safety precautions
Take note of the following safety precautions, which apply to all practical
Practical procedure
Wash the container thoroughly and allow it to dry upside down. When it is
dry, open the can of soup and quickly pour the contents into the container.
Immediately cover the container with the cling film. Label the container so
that it is clear what it is and who is responsible for it; ensure that the label says
NOT TO BE EATEN. Record the date and time, and where the container is to
be kept for the duration of the investigation. Make sure that the container is kept
out of reach of young children and pets at all times.
You need to calculate the volume of air between the surface of the soup and
the cling film. Measure the width and length of the container (these will be
approximate measurements as the corners of the container are likely to be
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Book 5
rounded). If you use a translucent container, you will be able to measure the
distance from the surface of the soup to the cling film from the outside. If you
cannot see the level of the soup through the side of the container, wait until the
end of the experiment and then take the measurement after peeling back the cling
film a little before re-attaching it. You should not do this during the course of the
investigation, as this would allow more fungal particles to enter.
Record your measurements, being careful to use the same unit for each one you
make. Dont forget to note down which unit you used (e.g. cm).
Carefully place the container in a warm location where it will not be disturbed.
Without lifting the cling film, inspect the surface of the soup every day or two.
On each occasion count and record the number of separate areas of fungal growth
you can see. You might also like to write a brief description of the fungal areas.
Are there different types of fungus growing on the soup?
Data collection can cease once it is clear that the number of areas of fungal
growth is no longer increasing between inspections, but this may well take a
few days or longer. You will find instructions on what to do next in Part 2 of this
activity near the end of this chapter.
Pasteur s findings helped establish that all life on Earth today comes from already
living organisms; this fact is captured in the phrase the life cycle. To explain
what is meant by the life cycle, and how it fits in with Pasteurs findings, two of
the three attributes of life reproduction and growth must be considered.
Figure 2.6 is a photograph of an adult strawberry frog carrying a very much smaller (less than the size of the frogs foot) tadpole (its offspring) on its back.
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adult reproduces
repeatedly before
adult dies
after reproducing
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Book 5
The unusual feature of the fungal life cycle that fooled Pouchet is that fungal
particles retain indefinitely their ability to grow. The particles are spores, which
are special structures produced by fungi that serve a similar function to seeds in
plants. The spores could sit in Pasteurs U bend for hundreds of years without
losing their ability to grow.
Under what conditions did Pasteurs experiments show that fungal spores
lose their ability to grow?
When they are subjected to the heat of boiling water. (In fact, the spores of a
few types of fungi will survive even boiling water.)
When the spores are in favourable conditions they will begin to grow. The
concept of favourable conditions is an extremely important one in biology.
Different organisms require different conditions of, for example, humidity and
temperature in order to grow. What makes one type of organism different from
another are the conditions in which it grows; each type of organism has a specific
set of conditions in which it grows best. Thus, one type of fungus grows best on
bread, another on rotten fruit and yet another on damp wallpaper.
Several different materials on which fungi grow have been mentioned. What
do these materials have in common?
They are made of, or incorporate, once-living material.
Fungi of one sort or another will grow on almost anything that was once living
collectively called organic matter. Yet other fungi are able to grow on organic
matter that is still living; one such is the common fungus Tinea pedis that
causes cracks in the skin between the toes and itching, the condition known as
athletes foot.
The organic matter is the source of both material and energy for the fungus.
Material is needed for the production and growth of new body parts, for repairing
damage and for making new organisms (i.e. offspring). Energy is required for
growth and for other processes that are essential for life. Material and energy are
therefore essential requirements in all organisms for maintaining life, for growth
and for reproduction. For example, as a tadpole changes from a pond-living,
swimming organism to a land-based, hopping frog it requires material from
which to make new legs and new skin. As a land-based frog, it continues to grow.
Energy is required, not just to enable the tadpole to swim or the frog to hop, but
also for the construction of new bone, muscle and skin from raw material.
So far, the discussion of the life processes of growth and reproduction has
focused on whole organisms of different types (e.g. fungi and frogs). The whole
organism is relatively easy to relate to, because that is what is usually seen. Next
you will look briefly at the level of the molecules that make up organisms, a level
that provides a somewhat different perspective on life processes.
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rest of the material of which an organism is made contains carbon. So water and
carbon-based substances constitute an organisms biggest requirements. The way
in which organisms obtain their carbon-based materials separate them into two
groups: the autotrophs and the heterotrophs.
Autotrophs (from the Greek auto meaning self and troph meaning feed)
make their own carbon-based material starting with carbon dioxide. You met the
chemical reaction for this process in Book 1, Section 7.3.1:
carbon dioxide + water organic carbon + oxygen
What is missing from this chemical reaction?
The reaction requires the input of energy.
Where does the energy come from and what is this process called?
The energy comes from the Sun and the process is called photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis is part of the carbon cycle. Solar energy is
captured in very small structures called chloroplasts in the
leaves of plants. Carbon dioxide effectively reacts with water to
produce simple, carbon-based, organic molecules, i.e. sugars.
Nearly all living organisms depend either directly or indirectly
on photosynthesis for their supply of organic molecules. (There
are a few bacteria, called chemoautotrophs, which produce
sugars using different reactions that do not require solar energy.)
Sugars serve two important roles. First, other organic molecules
can be made from them. Second, they serve as a store for some
of the Suns energy. However, before considering how the energy
is released from storage, you need to look briefly at heterotrophs.
Heterotrophs (from the Greek hetero meaning other and
troph meaning feed) cannot make sugars by photosynthesis, so
they rely on other organisms for their carbon-based materials.
Essentially, heterotrophs either eat plants (herbivores), eat other
animals that have eaten plants (carnivores) (Figure 2.8) or eat
both plants and animals (omnivores).
All animals are heterotrophs, which means that all the animals you see around
you are ultimately dependent on plants for their carbon-based materials.
Are fungi heterotrophs or autotrophs?
Fungi are heterotrophs because they rely on other organisms (e.g. leaves of
the tea plant, fruit and human skin) for their carbon-based materials.
However an organism obtains its organic molecules, whether by photosynthesis
or by eating them, these molecules undergo a series of chemical transformations
that result in the production of the hundreds of different substances needed for
life. The sum total of all these transformations is the organisms metabolism.
Each type of organism has its own particular metabolism suited to its carbon
source(s) and the substances it needs to make for body maintenance, repair
and new growth. Maintenance involves the destruction of old material and its
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Book 5
replacement with new. For example, in an average adult human up to 2.5 million
red blood cells are destroyed every second and are normally replaced at the
same rate (so that all the red blood cells you have in you now will have been
entirely replaced in four months time). Skin, muscle and internal organs are all
also subject to a continuous programme of replacement for which metabolism is
responsible. In addition, organisms get injured and damaged; making new bark
(in the case of trees) or new skin (in the case of humans) to repair such damage
also involves metabolism.
Heterotrophs obtain their carbon-based materials ultimately from plants.
From where do they obtain their energy?
From the same source: the carbon-based materials also supply energy.
We can now return to the process by which energy stored in organic molecules
is released. The specific process is respiration and it is effectively the reverse
of photosynthesis. Note that respiration at this level, the molecular level, is not
the same as breathing. It is unfortunate, but quite common in biology, that one
word has two different meanings. The process of respiration releases the energy
stored in organic molecules in a series of highly controlled, very small steps.
The end result is the production of carbon dioxide and water, so this process is
an important part of the carbon cycle, as you saw in Section 7.3 of Book 1. The
chemical reaction for respiration is:
organic carbon + oxygen carbon dioxide + water
Organisms live over a period of time centuries in the case of some trees. During
its lifetime, an organism will exhibit each of the attributes of life. However, at
any particular moment an organism might not be growing (e.g. as an adult) or it
might not be reproducing (e.g. as a juvenile). The one attribute of life that nearly
all organisms reveal nearly all of the time is metabolism, although it is difficult to
detect in seeds and even more so in fungal spores. In fact, only one organism, the
brine shrimp (Artemia franciscana) (Figure 2.9), has ever been found that appears
to be able to survive a period of time without metabolising at all.
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Question 2.3
An adult male mayfly neither grows nor feeds, but flies around searching for a
female with which to mate.
(a) Does the adult mayfly metabolise?
(b) All organisms have to grow, so how can the adult mayfly not grow?
(c) Is the adult mayfly an autotroph or a heterotroph?
(d) Apart from the adult mayfly, give an example of an organism that is neither
growing nor photosynthesising.
Question 2.4
You want to grow some mould on a piece of bread. You seal the bread in a clear
plastic bag to stop it drying out. Do you think it makes any difference whether
you put the bread in a dark cupboard or leave it on a table in the light? Explain
your answer.
Question 2.5
It was stated earlier that metabolism is difficult to detect in seeds and even more
so in fungal spores. What might scientists measure to show that metabolism is
taking place in fungal spores?
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like the Arum lily and the beetles you were introduced to in Chapter 1, include
pollination (which usually also involves some feeding).
Feeding interactions between populations become increasingly interesting as more
links in the food chain are considered. The term food chain is self-explanatory:
starting with autotrophs (usually plants), energy and nutrients are transferred
through a chain of individuals (and therefore populations) from herbivores
to different levels of carnivores. The composition of complex food chains is
considered in Chapter 7, but for now the focus is on the feeding interactions
between three populations: plant, herbivore and carnivore. The plant will be
represented by a species of grass, which is fed on by a population of snowshoe
hares, which are in turn eaten by a population of lynx. These interactions are
played out over large areas of northern USA and Canada. The interactions
between these populations should help you understand more complex systems.
In order to study the interactions between the lynx and its prey, you should now
do Activity 2.2, which uses a computer model.
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Analysis of results
Since each area of growth probably represents one fungus, which will have arisen
from one fungal particle, you can now work out the density of fungal particles in
the sample of air above the soup.
To find the volume of air, multiply your three measurements together. You are
multiplying three lengths together, so your units will become cubic (e.g. cubic
centimetres). To convert from cubic centimetres (cm3) to cubic metres (m3), divide
by 106 (because there are 100 cm 100 cm 100 cm, or 106 cm3, in 1 m3).
You can write your result as so many fungal particles per so many cubic
metres, for example 6 fungal particles per 6.8 104 m3.
However, it is more useful to know how many fungal particles there are in 1 m3,
so that your results can more readily be compared with those of other students.
In the example given above, there are:
6 fungal particles per 6.8 104 m3
6 particles
6.8 10 4 m3
fungal particles per m3
6.8 10
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Summary of Chapter 2
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Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Diversity: the spice of life
You saw in Chapter 2 that all living organisms share three fundamental
attributes: the processes of reproduction, growth and metabolism. You will see,
in Chapter 4, that all living organisms are also united in their construction since
they are composed of one or more of the basic units known as cells. While most
multicellular organisms are composed of huge numbers of individual cells,
altogether there are only a few hundred different types of cell.
In contrast to this impressive display of unity, this section is concerned with
diversity. Specifically, it is concerned with the manifestation of life in an
enormous number (millions) of different types of organism (i.e. different
species). Among the knowledge and skills emphasised in this section are
therefore those that relate to classification, since it is important to be able to
see the wood for the trees among this great variety of species.
You are probably familiar with the expression the human species. But what
does the word species mean? It means that members of our species (Homo
sapiens) possess one or more characters in common that make it sensible
(a) to group or classify humans together and (b) to distinguish humans from
other species. In the present context, the term character is used to mean a
characteristic or trait. All other species must likewise have some distinguishing
character(s). (Incidentally, the word species is both singular and plural: one
species, several species.)
From general knowledge, what two characters are generally implied about
organisms that are said to belong to the same species?
Most obviously, members of the same species tend to be quite similar to one
another in, for example, appearance and behaviour. Perhaps less obviously,
members of the same species are capable of producing offspring that clearly
belong to the same species and only the same species as themselves.
You probably understand why a particular organism belongs to one species rather
than another, but in practice it is remarkably difficult to give a precise definition
of the word species. This is not dissimilar to the situation you encountered
when trying to pin down the precise meaning of the word life in Chapter 2.
Of the two characters of species suggested above, many biologists prefer to give
priority to the ability of organisms of a particular species to produce offspring,
all of which are members of the same species as themselves. Such biologists
emphasise the reproductive isolation of species from one another. Two adult
humans of the opposite sex are usually capable of mating and producing more
humans (their offspring). This is true also of pairs belonging to other familiar
species, such as the common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), the domestic horse
(Equus caballus), the donkey (Equus asinus), the lion (Panthera leo) and the
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agricultural animals, although the reason for the large amount of variation here is
undoubtedly human interference. However, there are many wild species that are
described as polymorphic because they exist in a number of highly distinctive
types with different appearance or morphology (Figure 3.2). There are also species
in which the sexes are strikingly different from one another, a phenomenon known
as sexual dimorphism (Figure 3.3). In each case, if you did not know about the
breeding behaviour of the animals concerned, you might well assume that they
belonged to different species.
Figure 3.3 (a) Male and female elephant seals (Mirounga angustirostris)
differ greatly in size, while (b) male and female peafowl (Pavo cristatus) have
strikingly different plumage.
Figure 3.3a is a photograph of a pair of elephant seals lying alongside each other on the seashore. The male seal is more than twice the size of the female seal.
Figure 3.3b is a photograph of two peafowl, the female bird is about the same size as the male bird but the male has a highly elongated tail made up of brightly coloured feathers.
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Biologists would like to be able to classify all living (and fossil) organisms into
one or another species. Ideally this would be on the basis of their reproductive
behaviour, but generally it is on the basis of their appearance and/or other
aspects of their behaviour. Intrinsic to this procedure is, first, recognising
species as distinct entities and, second, giving these entities unique names. It is
important to realise that a labelled category (such as a species) should not have
been designated in the first place, and individual organisms cannot be placed
consistently into one category rather than another unless significant differences
between organisms that belong to different species can be reliably identified.
You probably already know that the scientific name of our own species is
Homo sapiens. You may also know that this Latin name is generally translated as
thinking man (with the immodest implication that humans are better at thinking
than other species and the inaccurate implication that males are somehow more
significant than females). What you may not fully appreciate as you see and
hear this scientific name bandied about is that it is not just a fancy alternative to
the word human. Rather, its use implies acceptance of all sorts of knowledge
about how the human species relates to other species, knowledge that may be
commonplace to our generation, but which would have been (quite literally)
unthinkable in earlier times.
Consider someone who decides to take up birdwatching as a hobby. They would
not, of course, be starting from scratch. Several distinctive species (e.g. the
robin), as well as some distinctive categories of birds (e.g. wildfowl and gulls),
would already be familiar. However, the novice would soon be able to distinguish
between far more species and also classify many more species into groups that
are widely accepted as natural. For instance, they would learn to distinguish
between blue tits, great tits and coal tits and also realise that tits form a group
(or family) of species distinct from other groups such as finches (Figure 3.1a),
sparrows (Figure 3.1b) and warblers (Figure 3.1c and d). With perseverance, the
birdwatcher will develop the knowledge and skills needed to distinguish (often
instantly) between the 300 or so bird species regularly found in the British Isles,
sometimes on the basis of extremely subtle differences in their plumage or call.
Is it possible, however, that agreement about what constitutes a particular bird
species, or which species form natural groups (families), exists only because
of uncritical acceptance of the published opinions of experts? An expedition
to the Arfak Mountains of New Guinea in 1928 by the American biologist Ernst
Mayr (19042005) provided an opportunity to test this possibility. Before setting
out, Mayr studied the relevant bird collections in European museums. When
he arrived in New Guinea, he hired local hunters to collect specimens of all the
different birds they knew of in the region. Mayr found that the Arfak hunters
recognised 136 distinct types of bird. The match between these types and the
species recognised by European biologists on the basis of museum specimens
was almost perfect. In fact, the Arfak hunters lumped together just one pair
of very similar species. The very high level of agreement between two such
different cultures strongly suggests that our division of organisms into distinct
species is a true reflection of the natural world.
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Chapter 3
Classifying species
So far the focus has been on the division of organisms into species. You will
now move on to look at the classification of species into larger groups (e.g. bird
species into families).
An important reason for classifying species is to help in the sorting of the vast
number of different species known to exist. While there may be a few people
who can identify all 9000 or so known bird species, there is surely no one
who can do this for the one million or more known species of insect. In order
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to systematically record all the information known about (say) insects, and
efficiently retrieve that information when needed, insects have to be classified
into a succession of categories between insects (a group of a million species) at
one end of the spectrum and individual species (a million single-species groups)
at the other.
Classifying anything (whether birds, insects, volcanoes or library books)
depends on recognising similarities between individuals to enable them to be
grouped together, and differences to enable one group to be distinguished from
another. There are, of course, many ways in which species could be classified.
For instance, you could distinguish between species that (at least some) humans
consider edible and those considered inedible. Alternatively, you could for
example group together species generally regarded as pests, those known to be
poisonous or sources of medicine, and those that make good pets. The basis of
such classifications is how useful (or otherwise) the species are to humans, but
they do not tell us much about what the organisms are like. However, there is a
much more fundamental basis for classifying species, which is that species do
seem to cluster into natural groups.
Most people would be in agreement about certain natural groupings of species.
For example, birds are obviously distinct from mammals, fishes and insects.
All birds share a number of major characters (e.g. they all have feathers and
beaks) that are distinct from the characters of any other group (mammals,
fishes and insects do not have feathers and beaks). Among birds, more specific
characters allow smaller groupings to be distinguished, such as waterfowl,
birds of prey and songbirds. Among songbirds, tits are distinct from finches,
warblers, sparrows, etc. Certainly the broadest of these natural groupings of
species has been recognised since at least the time of the ancient Greeks, while
a natural classification had been worked out in considerable detail by early
in the 19th century. Indeed, thousands of species were fitted into a natural
classification, still largely accepted by biologists today, before people knew
why there were natural links between species. The process now known to be
responsible for species falling into such natural groups is evolution.
During the course of evolution, a group of ancestral vertebrate animals (i.e. animals
with backbones) gave rise to several distinct subgroups of vertebrates (e.g. birds
and mammals). Each of these gave rise to further subgroups (e.g. ancestral birds
evolved into waterfowl, birds of prey, songbirds, etc.), which gave rise to further
subgroups (e.g. ancestral songbirds evolved into tits, finches, sparrows, etc.), and
so on until the level of the individual modern species was reached, e.g. the blue tit
(Figure 3.4). In their natural classification of living (and, indeed, extinct) species,
biologists aim to reflect this top down splitting of groups of organisms into ever
smaller groups and, in so doing, to trace the course of evolution. Figure 3.5 shows
the blue tit species nested into successively larger groups of organisms (i.e. tit
species, songbird species, bird species and vertebrate species).
You may be wondering why, after emphasising the importance of scientific names,
both common and scientific names are still being used here. This is primarily
because by launching straight into a complete use of scientific names many of you
would be completely unfamiliar with the groups of organisms. Instead, the use of
scientific names is phased in so that you can follow the thread of the argument.
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bird species
songbird species
tit species
birds of prey
blue tit
Parus caeruleus
Parus ater
Parus major
In this regard you should note that songbirds (which includes the warblers and
the tits) are not the only birds that make calls. Thus, the common name songbird
is misleading, which is why the scientific name Passeriformes (also known as
passerines), used to cover all songbirds, is preferable.
All blue tits are very similar to one another, which is one of two main reasons
why they are recognised as a particular species. What is the other main
Blue tits breed with one another to produce more blue tits, but they do not
breed with other species.
Blue tits also share many features with other species of tit. If they did not, we
would not recognise the category tit. Note that this similarity is reflected in
them being placed in the same genus (Parus, Figure 3.4). However, a blue tit has
fewer features in common with a coal tit or a great tit than it does with other blue
tits. Similarly, tit species have fewer features in common with other songbird
species than they do with one another; songbird species have fewer features
in common with other types of bird species than they do with one another,
and so on.
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are-key-ah) and the Bacteria include all the Prokarya, which are
organisms composed of the simplest cell types that exist; these types of cells
are referred to as prokaryotes (prokaryotes are commonly referred to as
bacteria, which combines Archaea and true Bacteria). The third domain,
which includes all the eukaryotes, is known as the Eukarya. Cells of the
Eukarya are fundamentally more complex than those of Prokarya. The domain
Eukarya is further subdivided into four kingdoms: the Protoctista (formerly,
but less accurately, known as Protista), the Fungi, the Plantae and the
Animalia. Within any particular domain or kingdom most species share just a
few key features; otherwise they are rather diverse (i.e. most are only distantly
related to one another). Much of the following information about domains
and kingdoms is summarised in Table 3.1, to which you might like to refer as
you read on. You will see that the classification refers to unicellular organisms
(composed of just one cell) and multicellular organisms (composed of many
Table 3.1 Summary of information about the classification of organisms into domains and kingdoms.
Cell type
Number of
(almost all)
All members of the domains Archaea and Bacteria are, by definition, prokaryotic
and most of them are unicellular (Figure 3.7).
Prokaryotes are perhaps the most widely dispersed of all organisms, some
being capable of living in even the most extreme of environments, such as hot
volcanic springs and strong solutions of acid or salt (brine). Some prokaryotes are
autotrophic and others are heterotrophic. Although some cause serious diseases
in humans, including tuberculosis, leprosy and typhoid, we are also dependent on
them because of the crucial part they play in the carbon cycle. They were the first
living organisms to arise on Earth about 4 billion years ago, and they had it to
themselves for about 2 billion years.
Members of the kingdom Protoctista (referred to informally as protoctists) are
also mostly unicellular, although their cells are eukaryotic (Figure 3.8). Again,
some are autotrophic and others are heterotrophic. Protoctists are responsible for
many diseases in humans, including amoebic dysentery and malaria. Protoctists
come in such a wide variety of forms that classifying them together in a single
kingdom may say more about our lack of knowledge about them than about the
evolutionary course they followed.
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The final three kingdoms (which, of course, are referred to informally as fungi,
plants and animals), include the vast majority of multicellular eukaryotic
organisms. As such, they will be more familiar to you than the mostly unicellular
organisms already discussed. While almost all multicellular organisms belong
to one of these three kingdoms, some fungi and plants exist as both unicellular
and multicellular types. Unfortunately, in biology there is usually an exception to
every rule.
Question 3.1
Which two characters would allow you to distinguish fairly reliably between
fungi, plants and animals?
In order to show how organisms are classified within kingdoms, the focus will
be on the animal kingdom because it is the one with which you are likely to
be most familiar. Similar principles apply in the case of other kingdoms, but
generally speaking more detailed knowledge is required to appreciate the relevant
distinctions. The classification scheme will be illustrated with two particularly
familiar animals: the domestic cat (Felis catus) and the domestic dog (Canis
familiaris). You will find it useful to refer to Figure 3.9 as you read on.
10 m
15 m
Figure 3.8 consists of two photographs of protoctists. 3.8a shows a sample of human blood down the microscope with several pale stained blood cells and two dark stained Trypanosoma which are about 50 microns in length with an elongated shape and a whip like flagellum at one end. Figure 3.8b shows a foraminiferan which is a protoctist with a coiled shell, not unlike a snails shell but less than 1mm in diameter.
6 other
3 other
15 other
30 other
8 other
Figure 3.9 The scientific classification of the domestic cat (Felis catus) and
the domestic dog (Canis familiaris).
Figure 3.9 is a schematic diagram showing the scientific classification of the domestic dog and the cat. It consists of 6 rows of boxes, the rows are labelled from the top down; kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species. The dog and cat share the same kingdom animalia (row 1), the same phylum (row 2) Chordata, the same class (row 3) mammalia and the same order (row 4) Carnivora. At the family level of classification (row 5) they diverge, there are 8 families of the order Carnivora. The cat belongs to the family Felidae and the dog to the order Canidae. There are 4 genera (row 5) of Felidae and 15 genera of Canidae. The domestic cat belongs to the genus Felis and the species Felis catus (row 6). The domestic dog belongs to the genus Canis and the species Canis familiaris (row 6).
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For example, a scientist might have carried out some research and published
a paper with the title Beziehungen zwischen Hunden (Canis familiaris) und
Katzen (Felis catus) im Rahmen vom Stadtmilieu. Even if unable to read
German, a scientist could immediately see that the paper concerned two particular
animal species. If those species were relevant to the scientists own work,
translation of the papers title and summary, and then perhaps the entire paper,
could be arranged. But without the use of species scientific names in this way,
comparatively few scientists would realise the potential relevance of papers
written in languages other than their own.
To help you become familiar with the use of organisms scientific names, they
are used in this book just as you might come across them in scientific papers.
Where an organism has a widely used common name, its scientific name is
usually given in parentheses the first time the species is referred to, but not used
thereafter. Where several species belong to the same genus, the genus is often
abbreviated after the first use to just its initial letter followed by a full stop,
provided there is no ambiguity, e.g. the domestic horse (Equus caballus) and the
donkey (E. asinus). If a species does not have a common name (e.g. the common
gut bacterium, Escherichia coli), its scientific label has to be used throughout
(abbreviated to E. coli after the first use). Where an author wants to refer to all
the species in a genus (or does not want to distinguish between species), then the
genus name is used by itself and never abbreviated to just its initial letter, e.g. the
fly genus Drosophila.
Doubtless you will have noticed that the scientific names of genera (whether
abbreviated or not) and species are always printed in italics. If possible
(e.g. when using a computer), you should use italics for genera and species
labels. If this is not possible (e.g. in handwriting), you should underline the
labels. Thus, Felis catus and Felis catus are equally acceptable; however,
Felis catus and Felis catus should be avoided. Note that the names of genera
always start with a capital letter, as do those of families, orders, classes, etc.
However, the names of species never do, even when the species has been
named after a person (e.g. Bonellis warbler, Phylloscopus bonelli). It is
surprising how often scientific names are used incorrectly in newspapers and
kingdom Animalia
phylum Chordata
class Mammalia
order Carnivora
family Felidae
genus Felis
Felis catus
Finally, you may have noticed that gardeners use scientific-looking names
for plants. Beware! Sometimes the names used really are the species scientific
names however, there are many exceptions. For instance, plants that
gardeners call geraniums belong to the genus Pelargonium; on the other hand,
Geranium is the scientific name of the genus that includes bloody cranesbill
(G. sanguineum).
Question 3.2
Figure 3.10 shows how Felis catus can be nested within successively
broader, more inclusive, levels of classification. Produce a similar diagram
for Canis familiaris.
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The word biodiversity is widely used these days by biologists, the popular
media and even politicians. It is, however, rarely defined clearly. Most commonly,
biodiversity refers to the fact that the Earth contains a very large number of
animal, plant and other species, and that these species are extremely diverse in size,
appearance and behaviour. You will recall from Section 3.3 that the classification
scheme was devised partly to help cope with biodiversity in this sense. Sometimes
the word is also used to encompass the diversity of ecological systems.
Since biologists have been carefully documenting the Earths living organisms
for many years, it may well come as a surprise to you to learn that no one really
knows how many species there are. The basic problem is that there are so many
species on Earth that biologists have barely begun the task of documenting them.
A secondary problem is that no central archive exists at present, so even the
number of species that have been recorded and labelled has to be estimated. The
current construction of the Encyclopedia of Life on the internet may go some
way to solving this problem; this website aims to bring together all the available
information into a freely accessible site.
According to the American biologist Edward O. Wilson in his book The
Diversity of Life (1992), about 1 413 000 species have been fully described,
labelled and classified. Of these, 73% are animals and 18% are plants. The total
number of known species in 2007 is about 1.75 million. This is likely to be a
major underestimate of the actual number of species; for example, the number
of fungi species that have been described is likely to be less than 10% of the
global number, which is estimated at 1.5 million. Within the animal kingdom,
arthropods have by far the largest number of species (Table 3.2).
Table 3.2 Numbers of described species in the different animal phyla.
Animal phylum
Arthropoda (e.g. insects)
Mollusca (e.g. snails)
Chordata (e.g. fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals)
Platyhelminthes (e.g. tapeworms)
Nematoda (i.e. unsegmented worms)
Annelida (i.e. segmented worms)
Cnidaria and Ctenophora (e.g. jellyfish)
Echinodermata (e.g. starfish)
Porifera (e.g. sponges)
other phyla, each with relatively few species
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Number of
described species
1 113 400
81 000
59 800
12 200
12 000
12 000
9 000
6 100
5 000
9 300
Within the arthropod phylum, the insect class is the largest and, within that
class, the beetle order predominates (Table 3.3). No wonder the British biologist
J. B. S. Haldane (18931964), on being asked what one could conclude as to
the nature of the Creator from a study of creation, famously responded An
inordinate fondness for beetles. The first number given in Table 3.3 is the current
(2007) number of species; the numbers in brackets are the estimates for the late
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Chapter 3
1990s. You can see how much knowledge of certain groups has increased in that
time (it is assumed that evolution accounts for a relatively small proportion of the
observed increase in numbers of species).
Table 3.3 Numbers of described species within subgroups of the phylum
Arthropoda in 2007. (Numbers in brackets are the numbers of species described
in the late 1990s.)
Arthropod class
class Insecta
order Coleoptera (beetles)
order Lepidoptera (butterflies, moths)
order Hymenoptera (ants, bees, wasps)
order Diptera (two-winged or true flies)
orders Homoptera and Hemiptera (true bugs)
other insect orders
class Arachnida (e.g. spiders)
other arthropod classes
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estimated. Such estimates are made using simple arguments based on the relative
abundances of organisms already known and a variety of assumptions the
validity of which may be open to question. Thus, while the estimates are useful
for getting an indication of the numbers involved, the results obtained should be
treated with caution.
To take one example of such an estimate, the catalogues of known bird and
mammal species indicate that for both these fairly completely described groups,
there are twice as many species living in the tropics as in temperate regions of the
Earth. In contrast, most insect species that have been described so far are from
temperate regions. On the assumption that insects, like birds and mammals, are
in reality twice as numerous in the tropics, it has been estimated that the Earth
contains 35 million insect species.
For which groups of organisms do you suppose that estimates of species
numbers are most likely, and least likely, to be accurate?
The estimates are most likely to be accurate for birds and mammals. Since
new species are only rarely described for these groups, it appears that most
species have already been described (which is hardly surprising, given that
most are fairly conspicuous). It is for groups like insects, arachnids and
nematodes, in which the rates at which new species are still being discovered
are relatively high, that there is greatest uncertainty about how many species
there are altogether.
One technique used to estimate species numbers is to sample a new region of the
world and determine the proportion of species in the sample that have already
been described.
Question 3.3
True bugs are members of two insect orders (Table 3.3). A study of these bugs in
Indonesia revealed 1690 species, of which 63% were new to science. Assuming
that the percentage of previously unknown bug species is similar throughout the
world, use information from Table 3.3 to estimate the total number of bug species
on Earth.
A study of beetles in Panama by the American biologist Terry Erwin used similar
methods to estimate the total number of arthropod species living in the worlds
tropical forests. Erwin and his team blew a fog of fast-acting insecticide from
ground level into the tops of individual trees at dawn when there was very
little wind. For the next five hours they collected the rain of dead and dying
arthropods in funnels arranged beneath the trees. Finally, the specimens were
sorted and sent to specialists for identification. Erwin found that 163 species of
beetle lived exclusively in the crowns of one species of tree that he considered to
be typical of the tropics.
Using Erwins estimate that beetles represent about 40% of all described
arthropods, roughly how many arthropod species inhabit only the crowns of
this particular species of tree?
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or about 400 arthropod species.
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Chapter 3
Erwin reckoned that there are about 5 104 species of tropical tree. He also
believed that most arthropod species are confined to a single tree species.
Roughly how many species of arthropod live in the crowns of tropical trees?
About 400 5 104 species, i.e. about 2 107 arthropod species.
Finally, Erwin reckoned that about half as many arthropod species live on
the ground as in the crowns of tropical trees. What would his total be for the
number of arthropod species inhabiting tropical forests?
About 107 species live on the ground (half of 2 107 species), so the total
number of species would be about (2 107) + 107, i.e. 3 107 or 30 million
arthropod species.
Question 3.4
One of the problems of estimating species numbers in this sort of way is that
quite a few assumptions have to be made. What do you consider to be the six
most important assumptions made by Erwin?
Another method that has been used to estimate species numbers is based on
the fact that organisms vary in body size and that larger organisms are less
numerous than smaller ones. As a general rule, a tenfold reduction in body size
between one group of species and another group usually means that the smaller
species will be 100 times more numerous than the larger species. For obvious
reasons, biologists probably know most of the worlds larger species, so their
numbers can be estimated quite accurately. From the number of large animals
already documented, it has been estimated by this method that there is a total
of 107 species of land-dwelling animals. This is in marked contrast to Erwins
It should now be clear that making estimates of the number of living species is a
very imprecise process, which depends on assumptions that may or may not be
true. It is thus not surprising that such estimates vary enormously.
Species turnover
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Book 5
species on Earth. However, the rate at which this turnover has occurred has
not been constant over time; it has been much faster during certain periods of
the Earths history than during others. These periods of accelerated species
turnover, called mass extinctions, are discussed in Book 6. In the view of many
biologists, we are currently witnessing a mass extinction event caused by human
activity in which the rate of species extinction is so high that it is likely to have
a more profound effect on the Earths biodiversity than any of the previous mass
It is largely from the study of fossils that we know about life on Earth in the past,
and hence can make some kind of estimate of former rates of species turnover.
The fossil record contains an even more diverse range of organisms than the
variety of living species. Some fossil remains are of species that bear little or no
resemblance to living species, whereas others clearly resemble living species and
may be their evolutionary ancestors. An important distinction must therefore be
made between the true extinction of a species, representing the end of the line for
that species (or even a whole group of species if it leaves no descendent species),
and the gradual replacement over time of one species by a descendent species.
Ammonites (Chapter 1, Figure 1.3) are an example of the end of the line, since
they appear to have left no descendants when they became extinct 65 Ma ago. On
the other hand, although the dinosaurs are usually thought of as having become
extinct at the same time, this may not be strictly true, as living birds probably
descended from a group of related reptiles. One of the features of the era of rapid
extinction that we are currently witnessing is that the species that are becoming
extinct are not leaving descendant species.
Attempts have been made to estimate the number of species in various groups
of organisms that have inhabited the Earth, and thus to arrive at a figure for
the average time for which individual species exist. Given the fact that there
is considerable variation in estimates of the number of living species, it is not
surprising that estimates of species longevities, from origin to extinction, are
very vague indeed. For example, estimates of the number of bird species that
have existed on Earth since the time of one of the earliest known fossil species,
Archaeopteryx, about 125 Ma ago, range from 1.5 105 to 1.6 106. While
these estimates are wildly different, both suggest that the 9000 or so species of
birds estimated to be alive today represent only a very small proportion of the
total number of species that have existed. From figures such as these, it has been
estimated that the average longevity of a bird species is about half a million years.
A similar figure has been estimated for mammals. However, average species
longevities are believed to be much longer for most other animal groups. Why
species turnover rates should be higher for birds and mammals than for other
groups of animals is a question that biologists have not yet been able to answer.
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Chapter 3
Medical use
Chemical extracts enable four out of five children
with leukaemia to recover.
Extracts regulate the heartbeat of people with heart
Produces a muscle relaxant used in surgery.
Some tests have shown it may be effective in
killing melanoma (skin cancer) cells.
Used in the treatment of Parkinsons disease.
Produces taxol, which is used to treat several forms
of cancer.
Extracts inspired the development of aspirin.
Quinine is extracted from the bark and used to treat
Extracts are modified to produce oestrogen, which
is used in birth control pills.
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Book 5
It is important to note that many of the plants listed on the WWF website are
not used in their natural plant form. However, this does not diminish their value.
Without the knowledge of the structures of the plant chemicals, many of which
have evolved as defence compounds, pharmaceutical companies would not have
been able to manufacture the anaesthetics, pain-killers, anti-malarials and anticancer agents in use today.
Activity 3.1
Summary of Chapter 3
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Chapter 3
Eukarya is further divided into four kingdoms: the Protoctista (protoctists mostly
unicellular eukaryotes); the Fungi (fungi mostly multicellular, heterotrophic
eukaryotes); the Plantae (plants mostly multicellular, autotrophic eukaryotes);
and the Animalia (animals multicellular, heterotrophic eukaryotes).
The domains are divided into about 100 phyla.
An organisms binomial scientific label, which is important for international
scientific communication, is a combination of its genus and species labels
(e.g that for modern humans is Homo sapiens).
Biodiversity refers to the very large number of animal, plant and other species,
and to their great diversity.
About 1.75 million species have been described but there may be the same
number again that are either undescribed or are yet to be discovered.
The vast majority of species that have ever lived are now extinct, and only a few
have left descendant species.
The average longevity of bird and mammal species may be about half a million
years, but the average species longevity is probably much greater in most other
animal groups.
Many biologists believe that, as a consequence of environmental impacts such as
habitat destruction and pollution caused by humans, the current rate of species
extinction is comparable with the highest rates detectable in the fossil record
(i.e. during so-called mass extinctions).
The loss of biodiversity matters for ethical, aesthetic, biological and economic
Activity 3.1 gave you the opportunity to collaborate with fellow students
online by researching and discussing a topical issue related to biodiversity and
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Chapter 4
The cell: unity within diversity
Virtually all organisms are composed of cells; they are the basic unit of life.
Some organisms can be single cells but others are composed of huge numbers
of cells they are multicellular organisms. It is difficult to give an exact figure
for the number of cells in such an organism because there are usually too many
to count. As a guide, though, it has been estimated that your brain alone contains
somewhere in the region of 1010 cells. Whether an organism is composed of
one cell or many, all cells have many fundamental characteristics in common.
They are the smallest units of living things that show the three attributes of life:
reproduction, growth and metabolism. At a fundamental level, cells have the
individual capability to obtain energy from their environment; to use this energy
to sustain life processes including the manufacture of new components for
growth and to transmit information to offspring during reproduction.
The cell is an elegant and universal solution to a particular problem. The problem
is that metabolism requires the intimate association between many different
molecules; yet molecules have a tendency to drift about and become separated.
Hence, the right molecules may be too far apart to interact with each other
when needed. Metabolism and thus life would stop and start, depending on
the proximity of particular molecules. The solution used by all organisms is to
constrain the molecules needed for metabolism in small bags made of sheet-like
structures called membranes. Thus constrained, the molecules remain relatively
close together. The small amount of living material in each bag, including its
enclosing membrane, is called the cell.
Cells are found in an enormous variety of sizes and shapes; they can range from
the smallest bacteria with a length of 210 m (1 m is 1 106 m) to human
cells typically with a diameter of 1050 m and plant cells, which are larger still,
with typical diameters of 50100 m. But more startling is their sheer variety;
in a multicellular organism, there are many types of cell, each suited to a wide
variety of different functions within the organism. However, despite this variety,
there is an underlying similarity between all cells; the cell, therefore, exemplifies
unity within diversity. This chapter begins by considering the structure of cells,
identifying the structural components that all cells have in common. It then
investigates cell diversity, and looks at how the structure of cells is related to their
function. The chapter continues with an examination of a hypothesis that provides
a unifying concept to account for the evolutionary relationships of all types of cell.
Finally, it takes a first look at cell division, explores how multicellular organisms
can arise from a single cell and how organisms reproduce themselves.
Cell structure
You will begin your investigation of cell structure by considering basic cell types.
Recall from Chapter 3 that cell type was used as a basis for the classification
of organisms into distinct domains. In fact, all cells are divided into two distinct
groups on the basis of the location within the cell of their genetic material. This
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Book 5
is the material that stores all the information necessary for reproduction, growth
and metabolism and is copied from parent to offspring during reproduction. In
fact, the genetic material is the molecule deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). You will
return to look at DNA in detail in Chapter 10 but for the moment you are only
concerned about its location in the cell. In some organisms, DNA is contained
within a nucleus (plural nuclei); these are prominent structures found inside each
cell. Organisms with nuclei are known as eukaryotes; their cells are known as
eukaryotic cells and they belong to the domain Eukarya. Not all organisms have
nuclei, however. Organisms that do not have nuclei, and whose DNA is therefore
free within the cell, are known as prokaryotes (and their cells are described as
prokaryotic). All prokaryotes are single-celled organisms.
Which two domains consist of organisms with prokaryotic cells?
Archaea and Bacteria.
15 m
While some eukaryotes also consist of single cells, others consist of many cells.
Two of the most familiar types of eukaryotic cells are animal cells and plant cells.
You will now examine each of these cell types in turn, beginning with animal
cells. In Section 4.2, you will investigate the other important types of eukaryotic
cells, the fungi and the protoctists.
Look at Figure 4.1, which shows views through a microscope of two slices, or
sections, of material taken from different parts of the body of a mammal. Note
that both are not only made up of many cells, but also have areas without cells.
The presence of the scale bar will help you deduce the actual size of the individual
cells. If you were to examine material from other parts of an animal, say from
bone, brain or muscle, you would see that these too are composed of cells.
What features are common to the cells in both Figures 4.1a and b?
35 m
Each cell contains a round or ovoid, dark object. This is the nucleus of
the cell. You will also notice in Figure 4.1 that each cell is separated from
its immediate environment by a cell membrane and that this membrane
encloses a grainy material (stained light pink in Figure 4.1) called the
cytoplasm (pronounced sigh-toe-plaz-um).
Several key features that typify a eukaryotic cell have now been identified:
each has an outer boundary cell membrane, which encloses the cytoplasm and
the nucleus. These features are shown in diagrammatic form and labelled in
Figure 4.2 to help you identify them.
Virtually all cells are too small to be seen by the unaided eye; although giant
squids have nerve cells nearly 1 mm in diameter. Therefore, in order to visualise
cells and examine their external form and internal details, they have to be
enlarged, or magnified, using microscopes. There are two principal types of
microscopy, which differ in the ways that images are viewed: light microscopy
and electron microscopy.
In light microscopy, the object to be examined is illuminated by placing it in a
beam of light. The beam of light passes through the object and then through a
series of lenses, which magnify the object. The beam of light then reaches the
eye of the observer; the magnified image is viewed directly by the eye. Using this
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10 m
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Book 5
interpret to the untrained eye, although if you compare this with Figure 4.1 you
will appreciate how much more detail can be seen using electron microscopy
surface features of cells as well as internal structures can be identified.
To help you make sense of the electron micrograph, Figure 4.3b shows a drawing
of the same cell as that in Figure 4.3a with the key features highlighted. It is
important to realise that this shows just one section through a cell, so all that you
are seeing is a two-dimensional slice of a three-dimensional object.
The cell membrane is an extremely thin, yet very complex, structure notice how
in Figure 4.3b it appears to be highly folded and convoluted. Its main function is
to constrain the molecules involved in metabolism, thereby maintaining the right
environment for the cells metabolism. The membrane does this by restricting the
movement of molecules from the inside of the cell to the outside, and vice versa.
The latter restriction serves to protect the contents of the cell from harmful or
unnecessary molecules.
Although most substances cannot cross the cell membrane, it is not a total barrier
to the movement of substances. Rather than being completely permeable (which
means allowing any substance to pass through), the cell membrane is selectively
permeable, which means that it exerts some control over which substances can pass
through it. Molecules of some substances (e.g. oxygen, carbon dioxide and water)
move freely from one side of the cell membrane to the other by diffusion, which
is simply the process by which molecules tend to move from areas where they
are plentiful to areas where they are scarce. Sugars do not diffuse across the cell
membrane. Instead, cells have special molecules in their membranes that assist in
the process of moving sugar into and out of the cell. You will meet cell membranes
again in Chapter 5 where there is a little more explanation about how the movement
of some substances is restricted while others can cross the membrane easily.
The most prominent feature of the cell in Figure 4.3 is the nucleus, which
contains the DNA, the genetic material. The nucleus, like the cell itself, is
bounded by a membrane, the nuclear membrane. You know (from the presence
of a nucleus) that this is a eukaryotic cell.
How many membranes separate the DNA of a eukaryote from the cells
There are two membranes: the nuclear membrane separating the DNA from
the cytoplasm and the cell membrane that encloses all the cells contents,
including the nucleus.
The nucleus is the largest of several membrane-bound cell components, called
organelles. Outside the nucleus other organelles can be seen. The most prominent
of these are the mitochondria (pronounced my-toe-kon-dree-a; singular
mitochondrion). These vary in size and shape, being either spherical or sausageshaped, but in Figure 4.3 they are shown in section and appear mainly as circles.
Not only do mitochondria have an outer membrane, but they also have a highly
convoluted internal membrane. The mitochondrion is often described as the
powerhouse of the cell. This is because it is within this organelle that energy is
transferred to a form that can be used by the cell, as will be described in Chapter 6.
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cell wall
cell membrane
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Book 5
What features are common to both the animal cell in Figure 4.3 and the plant
cell in Figure 4.4?
Cell membrane, cytosol, nucleus, and nuclear membrane. (Rough
endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria are also present in plant cells, but
are not visible in Figure 4.4.)
Having identified the similarities between an animal and a plant cell, the two
types of cell will now be contrasted.
Which of the features labelled on the drawing of the plant cell (Figure 4.4b)
are absent from the animal cell in Figure 4.3b?
Cell wall, chloroplasts and vacuole.
cell membrane
cell wall
These three features are found in most plant cells. The rigid cell
wall occurs just outside the cell membrane. It is made of fibres
of cellulose (described in Book 4, Section 15.3) embedded in a
gel-like matrix, and helps to maintain the shape of the cell. The
chloroplasts are organelles that, like mitochondria, are bound by
a membrane, but they also have complex internal membranes.
These are the organelles where photosynthesis occurs, a process
that is discussed in Chapter 6. Finally, occupying most of the
cell volume, there is a vacuole filled with a watery solution and
bounded by a membrane. The large permanent vacuole provides
structural support for the cell; it also acts as a store for water,
other small molecules and ions, as well as waste products.
Vacuoles can also occur in animal cells, but here they are
generally small and transitory.
The two types of cell considered so far are both eukaryotic
cells. The third basic cell type is the prokaryotic cell shown in
Figure 4.5.
What is the main feature that distinguishes the prokaryotic cell (Figure 4.5)
from the eukaryotic cells shown in Figures 4.3 and 4.4?
The prokaryotic cell lacks a nucleus.
The prokaryotic cell also lacks membrane-bound organelles such as mitochondria
and chloroplasts. So, inside the cell membrane there are no clearly defined
structures. Ribosomes are present in the cytosol, but are not associated with
rough endoplasmic reticulum.
How long is the cell shown in Figure 4.5?
About 2.5 m.
Prokaryotic cells are generally smaller than eukaryotic ones. In the examples
chosen here, the prokaryotic cell is even smaller than the animal cell nucleus.
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What feature is common to the prokaryotic cell (Figure 4.5) and the plant cell
(Figure 4.4), but absent from the animal cell (Figure 4.3)?
A cell wall; both the plant cell and the prokaryotic cell are bound by a cell
wall, but the animal cell is not.
As in plant cells, cell walls help to maintain the rigid shapes of prokaryotic cells,
in contrast to animal cells which can readily change their shape.
Question 4.1
(a) Summarise and compare the basic features of animal cells, plant cells and
prokaryotic cells by completing Table 4.1. For each of the cell features listed,
indicate with a tick or a cross whether it is present or absent in each of the
three cell types.
Table 4.1 Comparison of three basic cell types.
Cell feature
cell membrane
Cell type
cell wall
nuclear membrane
rough endoplasmic reticulum
large vacuole
(b) Which of the three cell types, animal, plant or prokaryote, has the largest
number of the cell features listed in Table 4.1?
Question 4.2
List six eukaryotic cell features that are composed of, or are bounded by,
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Book 5
Cells come in an immense variety of sizes and shapes. Having looked at the
structural features that cells have in common, you will move on to consider how
diverse they are and then explore diversity across the range of living organisms,
in order of increasing complexity. You will begin with a very brief look at
prokaryotic cells (members of the domain Bacteria) and will then look in turn
at examples from the four kingdoms of the domain Eukarya: Protoctista, Fungi,
Plantae and Animalia (Section 3.3). What is important here is the diversity
of cell form, and the relationship between form and function in multicellular
organisms. You are not expected to memorise the various cell features illustrated
in Figures 4.74.10.
Before looking at true cells, a brief consideration of viruses is appropriate.
Viruses cause many diseases of plants and animals. For example, the tobacco
mosaic virus produces brown blotches on the leaves of tobacco plants and the
pox virus causes cowpox in cattle. Viral damage to crop plants can result in
loss of yield and the effects of viral disease on livestock can also have serious
economic consequences. Familiar viral diseases of humans in the western world
include the common cold, influenza, mumps and acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome (AIDS).
Each virus particle consists of genetic material contained within a protein
coat. Viruses are not free-living because they are incapable of independent
reproduction or replication, and can reproduce only when inside a host cell.
Outside of their host cells viruses are inert, capable of neither reproduction nor
metabolism. Viruses are therefore not cells. These parasitic particles are small,
significantly smaller than the smallest known cells (Figure 4.6).
Figure 4.6 Virus size and
structure: (a) the size of a
typical virus particle compared
with a typical animal cell and its
nucleus, and a typical bacterial
cell; (b) an electron micrograph
of influenza virus particles.
Figure 4.6a is a diagram demonstrating the relative sizes of viruses, bacteria and animal cells. In this diagram the virus is shown to be about the size of a pin head, the bacterial cell the length of a fingernail and the animal cell about the length of a little finger. 4.6b shows an electron micrograph of influenza particles; they are less than 0.1 micron in length and are irregular in shape with spiked surfaces.
0.1 m
animal cell
1 m
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The simplest types of true cells are prokaryotic, from the domains Archaea and
Bacteria. The term bacteria is used to encompass organisms from both these
domains. Most bacteria are unicellular and usually spherical or rod-shaped (such
as the one illustrated in Figure 4.5). Despite their apparently simple cellular
structure, bacteria are incredibly successful at colonising any environment on
Earth from soil to acidic water near 100 C to radioactive waste to the bodies of
other organisms. They are the most ubiquitous of all organisms on the planet; you
will return to an examination of their ancestry in Book 8 where you will consider
how life might have begun on Earth.
You will now consider the more diverse eukaryote domain, beginning with
protoctists. Cell diversity within protoctists is illustrated in Figure 4.7. The vast
majority of organisms in this kingdom are unicellular (although some do have
multicellular stages within their life cycle). Many of these can move and hence
are described as motile. Some protoctist cells, such as that shown in Figure 4.7a,
are covered in numerous small, hair-like structures termed cilia (pronounced
silly-a; singular: cilium). Others have one, or two, whip-like projections known
as flagella (pronounced fla-jell-a; singular: flagellum), which are longer than
cilia; a unicellular protoctist with two flagella is shown in Figure 4.7b. This
contrasts with the protoctist shown in Figure 4.7c, which moves by pushing out
projections of cytoplasm. This capacity to change shape illustrates that some
protoctist cells do not have cell walls. (In fact, this is true for the majority of
Cells of fungi are illustrated in Figure 4.8. A relatively small number of fungi
are unicellular, such as the bakers or brewers yeast shown in Figure 4.8a.
These cells can exist on their own, and as they grow and divide (by a process
called budding) the new cells either remain loosely attached or become
separated. Most fungi, though, are multicellular organisms, as shown in
Figure 4.8b. In these fungi, different cell
types with different functions occur in the
same organism, i.e. the cells are specialised.
Most fungi consist of long, thin filaments
comprising large numbers of cells linked
5 m
together. Most of the smaller cells shown
in Figure 4.8a are reproductive structures,
which will separate off, be dispersed,
and begin their separate life cycles. A
characteristic feature of the cells of most
fungi is that, like prokaryote and plant cells,
they have rigid cell walls.
10 m
20 m
5 m
100 m
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Book 5
0.4 mm
0.2 mm
water loss from the plant. The cells on the inside of the leaf contain chloroplasts
and carry out photosynthesis. The two main cell types shown in Figure 4.9a
and c, therefore, have different roles, or functions. In contrast to the cells that
make up leaves, the cells in plant stems are extremely long and narrow. This is
consistent with their principal function, which is the transport of materials, such
as water, ions and sugars, through the stem.
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Finally, this review of cell diversity looks at the specialised cells of animals,
a few of which are shown in Figure 4.10 which should be sufficient to give
you an idea of the diversity found in animals. Figure 4.10a shows red blood
cells; these have the very regular appearance of concave disks. Their primary
function is to transport oxygen around the body via the bloodstream. In
contrast, muscle cells (Figure 4.10b) do not exist singly, but as with the liver
cells in Figure 4.3, are part of a continuous structure made up of many cells of
the same type, called a tissue. Muscle cells are long and thin and, since they
can contract, the actions of these cells bring about movement. The cells
in Figure 4.10c are from the lining of the windpipe, or trachea. The cilia
on their surfaces move mucus up into the throat, thus preventing inhaled
particles, which become trapped in the mucus, from reaching the lungs.
Finally, Figure 4.10d shows two types of cell of markedly different shape and
5 m
30 m
25 m
40 m
Figure 4.10 Examples of the range of cell shapes and cell organisation found
in animals: (a) human (Homo sapiens) red blood cells; (b) a section of the layer of
ciliated cells lining the trachea (windpipe) of R. norvegicus; (c) a section of heart
muscle cells from a rat (Rattus norvegicus); (d) a number of spermatozoa, each
with a single flagellum, on the surface of an ovum from a mollusc (Mya sp.).
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size: many sperm on the surface of an egg. Sperm and eggs are the specialised
types of cells involved in reproduction and you will learn more detail about
their role later in this chapter. Each sperm is a single cell with a flagellum
that enables it to swim and so make contact with the egg (also a single cell).
Note that the structure of each specialised type of cell is closely related to the
function it carries out.
Despite this apparent diversity, all the types of cell illustrated have the same
basic features that were elaborated in Section 4.1 there is unity within
diversity. Indeed, the unity of structure found at the level of organelles and
other intracellular structures is echoed in the very molecules that make up cells.
All cells are constructed of the same sorts of biochemical material and these
chemicals of life are the subject of Chapter 5.
Question 4.3
Examine Figure 4.11, which shows a unicellular organism, and then answer the
following questions.
Figure 4.11 An electron
micrograph of a unicellular
organism. For use with
Question 4.3.
1 m
Figure 4.11 is an electron micrograph of a roundish shaped cell budding into two. It is surrounded by a thick outer layer labelled cell wall material. The cell is about 5 microns in diameter and contains several internal structure labelled A. These structures are circular in transverse cross section but elongated in longitudinal section and they appear to have internal membranes. These are the same circular objects as found in Figure 4.3.
cell wall
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(Figure 4.12), which provides a unifying concept to account for the evolutionary
relationships of cells of all domains and kingdoms.
It is believed that the earliest eukaryotic cells had a nucleus, but no other
organelles, and that mitochondria and chloroplasts were acquired later, by
an interesting route. Margulis proposed that both types of organelle were
originally free-living bacteria, which were engulfed by eukaryote host cells.
The association between the host cell and its bacterial lodgers must have
been mutually beneficial (with each partner performing a useful function for
the other) and eventually the bacterial partners must have become completely
integrated into, and dependent upon, the host cell. A useful term that describes
this process is endosymbiosis (endo- meaning inside and symbiosis meaning
living together). The so-called endosymbiotic hypothesis provides a plausible
explanation for the evolutionary origin of modern-day eukaryotic cells.
Figure 4.13 shows the proposed pathway for the evolution of eukaryotic cells
from a universal ancestor. This ancestor gave rise to three different cellular lines
(13) that represent the three domains. As you have already seen, there are two
different prokaryote domains: the Bacteria (1) and the Archaea (2). Bacteria of
the Archaea domain, like those of the Bacteria domain, are single celled with
no internal membranes and only a single naked loop of DNA inside the cell.
However, there are also many important differences that suggest the Archaea
have more in common with eukaryotic cells: aspects of the chemistry of their
protein synthesis is similar to that of eukaryotes and many of their cellular
structures, such as the cell wall, are made from different substances to those used
evolution of
relationship between
a non-photosynthetic
bacterium (primitive
mitochondrion) and a
eukaryotic cell
origin of
universal ancestor
evolution of
relationship between
a photosynthetic bacterium
(primitive chloroplast)
and a eukaryotic cell
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in the Bacteria. The third major evolutionary line, the Eukarya domain, arising
from the universal ancestor was the nuclear line (3), which gave rise to a primitive
eukaryotic cell, i.e. one with a nucleus (event 4). Event 5 was the evolution of
a relationship between a primitive eukaryotic cell and a non-photosynthetic
bacterium (a primitive mitochondrion), giving a cell with a nucleus and a
mitochondrion. From here protoctists (6), animals (7) and fungi (8) evolved.
Another major evolutionary route (9) involved a relationship between a
relatively primitive eukaryotic cell (containing a nucleus and a mitochondrion)
and a photosynthetic bacterium (a primitive chloroplast). This is the origin of a
photosynthetic eukaryotic cell, from which further evolution (10) gave rise to
There are many endosymbiotic relationships known to exist today; for example,
unicellular green plants live inside the cells of coral (an animal). Evidence
supporting the endosymbiotic hypothesis for the evolution of eukaryotes is the
fact that mitochondria and chloroplasts still retain traces of their free-living
ancestry in the form of genetic material (DNA) and ribosomes, both of which
are similar to those found in modern bacteria. In addition, both mitochondria and
chloroplasts reproduce by dividing.
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progeny cells
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The cell cycle can take anything from a few hours to many weeks to complete.
The rate at which a cell proceeds through the cycle depends on many factors,
including the type of organism, the type of cell and its size, and the environment
in which the cell is growing. There is also variation in the duration of cell
division itself. For instance, cells in the roots of many plants take about 12 hours
to divide, those in the gut of a mouse take about 17 hours and those in human
skin take about 24 hours to divide.
It is important to appreciate that the cell cycle is continuous. Nevertheless, for
convenience of explanation, it can be divided into four phases (Figure 4.16). The
longest phase, and the one with the most variable duration, is when most of the
cells increase in size takes place. This phase, which is referred to as growth I,
can be speeded up or slowed down quite considerably, depending upon the
prevailing conditions, and so it has the greatest influence on how long the cell
cycle takes to complete. In dormant organisms (e.g. plant seeds or the fungal
spores you encountered in Activity 2.1), cells are usually held in this phase until
conditions are suitable for them to grow. After growth I, the DNA molecules
within the cells nucleus are copied, during the replication phase, to produce two
identical sets of DNA molecules. A second, shorter, growth phase, growth II,
follows. These three phases, growth I, replication and growth II, are collectively
referred to as interphase. The cycle finishes with cell division, which comprises
two short, but crucial, episodes. In the first, called mitosis (which is considered
in detail in Section 4.4.1), one copy of each DNA molecule is distributed to each
end of the parent cell. In the second, the parent cell makes a new membrane
across its middle and, in so doing, divides to create two progeny cells, each with
a set of genetic material identical to that of the parent cell.
Within the nucleus, DNA molecules are attached to other molecules (mainly
proteins) to form structures known as chromosomes. During interphase most DNA
exists as very long, thin threads; this makes it very difficult to see chromosomes
growth I
h ou rs
c e ll di
v is i o n
growth II
new membrane
divides cell
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Each progeny cell must have a complete set of the parent cells chromosomes
so that each has a copy of all the organisms genetic information. The process
by which this is achieved is known as mitosis (pronounced my-toe-sis). For
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(a) prophase
(b) metaphase
(c) anaphase
(d) telophase
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Delicate threads anchored at one or other end of the cell become attached to the
centromeres. During the next phase (known as metaphase) these threads exert
tension on the chromosomes, eventually aligning them across the middle of the
cell (Figure 4.19b).
The chromatids then separate, so that each becomes a chromosome in its own
right. One member of each former pair of chromatids is drawn to one end of the
cell, while its partner is drawn to the other end. This phase of mitosis is known as
anaphase (Figure 4.19c).
Once the chromosomes reach one or other end of the cell, the threads that were
attached to them disappear. There is now a set of four chromosomes clustered at
one end of the cell and an equivalent set of four chromosomes clustered at the
other end (Figure 4.19d), a phase of mitosis known as telophase.
The DNA molecules then start to become uncoiled. At the same time, a nuclear
membrane forms around each chromosome cluster so that the cell temporarily
contains two nuclei. Mitosis has now finished but, to complete the cell cycle, the
cell itself must divide in two.
The division of the cytoplasm between the two new progeny cells is achieved
by the production of a new membrane exactly where the chromosomes aligned
across the middle of the cell during metaphase. (The start of this process is
visible in Figure 4.19d.) Once the new membrane divides the cell, cell division is
complete; one cell has become two. These two cells are now in interphase.
Each of the two new cells contains an identical copy of the genetic material.
However, each of the two new cells is half the size of the original cell just before
mitosis began. A period of growth, during which the cells increase in size (i.e.
the growth I and growth II phases of the cell cycle) and the DNA molecules
replicate, is therefore required before the new cells can themselves undergo
mitosis and cell division.
Activity 4.2
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Question 4.5
How many chromosomes would you expect to see in a human cell during
Question 4.6
Explain why each of the following statements is incorrect:
(a) There are always two chromosomes in every diploid cell.
(b) There are always two chromatids in every chromosome.
(c) Each chromosome has its own nucleus.
(d) Mitosis is part of interphase.
(e) A cell with no nucleus must be prokaryotic.
As you know from Section 4.2, most multicellular organisms contain lots of
different types of cells. All these many and varied cells originated from other cells
by the process of mitosis and cell division. Figure 4.20a illustrates four of the few
hundred different types of cell from the human body and Figure 4.20b shows the
relative sizes of three human cells and a bacterial cell.
human ovum
liver cell
red blood cell
nerve cell
bacterial cell
100 m
muscle cell
gut cells
Figure 4.20 (a) Four different sorts of cell from the human body (not to scale). (b) Diagram to show the relative
sizes of four different cells.
Your skin cells provide protection from the external environment, your nerve
cells help you to sense your surroundings and your muscle cells enable you to
move. The cells of multicellular organisms each do a few things very well; they
are said to be specialised. When they become specialised, some types of cell lose
the ability to divide. Red blood cells are very good at carrying oxygen around
the body, but they cannot divide. Since red blood cells are continually being
destroyed in large numbers, other cells have to do the dividing for them in order
to replace the lost cells. The cells that specialise in dividing to produce red blood
cells are found in the bone marrow.
Figure 4.20 consists of drawing of 4 types of cell from the human body which all have the basic constituents of cells but have different shapes and levels of specialisation depending on the role they play in the body. Spermatozoon or sperm cells have a tail which can propel the cell along, gut cells are arranged in adjacent rows with long drawn out fringes, muscle cells are elongated and capable of contracting while nerve cells are very long and thin with projections which can connect to other nerve cells.
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All this specialisation raises the question, How is it achieved? After all, since all
the cells in a multicellular organism are all derived ultimately from the zygote.
Mitotic cell division ensures that each cell contains exactly the same genetic
information as that present in the zygote. But some of this information is about
how to make skin cells, some of it is about how to make nerve cells, some of
it is about how to make muscle cells, and so on. If a cell were to obey all the
instructions present in its DNA, it could not become specialised. Therefore, only
some of the genetic information present in every one of an organisms cells is
switched on in any particular cell at any particular time.
Activity 4.3
We expect this part of the activity will take you approximately 30 minutes.
You will now have an opportunity to consolidate your understanding of the
process of mitotic cell division by observing the sequence of events in living cells
and an interactive animation of the process (DVD screens 15).
There are no comments for this part of the activity. In Section 8.5.2 you will
return to this activity to study a second type of cell division, meiosis.
The ability to reproduce, the process by which all new organisms are created, is
a fundamental attribute of living organisms. At the simplest level, many singlecelled organisms reproduce by undergoing mitosis to produce two independent
cells; for multicellular organisms reproduction is a little more complicated.
Essentially, there are two ways in which organisms can reproduce. They can do
so alone, out of their own resources, by asexual reproduction, or they can do
so with another organism of the same species, by sexual reproduction. Each of
these ways has advantages and disadvantages, some of which are discussed here.
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During asexual reproduction, the mature strawberry plant produces long, thin
shoots called runners. The runners grow out from all sides of the plant keeping
close to, but just above, the ground. When a runner is 510 cm long, leaves
begin to form at its end (Figure 4.21b). These leaves will eventually be part of a
new plant. The runner keeps growing away from the parent plant, but the longer
it gets, the less able it is to keep the new leaves at its tip above the ground. So,
when the runner is 1015 cm long, it sags sufficiently for the tip to come into
contact with the ground. When such contact is made, roots grow down into the
soil. The roots and leaves at the tip of the runner are not a new plant yet, because
they remain connected to the parent plant by the runner. However, once the roots
have become established, the runner joining the parent to its offspring withers
and breaks, leaving two separate plants (Figure 4.21c). The original plant has
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Is the new strawberry plant, formed at the end of a runner, a clone of the
parent plant?
The new strawberry plant is indeed a clone of the parent. The cells of the
new plant arose by mitosis of cells in the parent plant and so contain identical
DNA to that in the cells of the parent plant.
Many plants use asexual reproduction and some of these produce clones that
cover vast areas. For instance, the bamboo forests of China (Figure 4.22)
originate in this way.
Selective breeding of agricultural animals has been used over hundreds of years
to improve yields of food products such as meat and milk. Animals with desirable
traits are bred together to produce offspring that share the characteristics of each
parent. This type of selection can be rather hit or miss and many of the animals
produced do not live up to the breeders expectations. More recently, scientists
are investigating laboratory techniques to produce cloned mammals so-called
reproductive cloning. Once again, the main driver is to improve livestock by
producing large numbers of cloned agricultural animals from elite animals. In
this case, only one parent animal is required: an individual that possesses all the
desirable characteristics of a specific breed. By using artificial cloning methods,
the scientists can be sure that any offspring that are produced will be completely
identical to their parent with no rogue traits appearing in the next or subsequent
generations a common occurrence with selective breeding methods.
Dolly, the cloned sheep, was introduced to the world in February 1997. What
made Dolly special is that she was cloned from another sheep. Scientists in
Scotland took an ovum (i.e. an unfertilised egg) from a ewe (sheep 1) and
discarded its nucleus (Figure 4.23).
At the same time, they extracted the nucleus from a cell taken from the udder
of another ewe (sheep 2). They then inserted the nucleus from the udder cell
of sheep 2 into the denucleated egg (nucleus removed) from sheep 1, thus
Figure 4.22 is a photograph of a forest of very tall and straight bamboo trees.
sheep 1
egg cell
sheep 2
epithelial cells
from the udder in
culture dish
nucleus in
Figure 4.23 The cloning procedure used to produce Dolly. An unfertilised mature ovum is taken from sheep 1 and
subjected to ultraviolet light to destroy the nucleus. The nucleus from an udder taken from sheep 2 is then injected
into the ovum. The embryo is implanted into the uterus of sheep 3 and the result is Dolly.
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reject any implanted cells with a different genetic make-up. This is a common
problem for all transplanted human tissue and requires constant drug therapy to
reduce the risk of rejection. Therapeutic cloning can therefore deliver a readymade supply of cells to replace those lost to disease but the technique is not
uncontroversial, not least because the created human embryo is always destroyed
by the harvesting process.
Question 4.7
Describe what is meant by the term clone.
Sexual reproduction
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The cells produced by meiosis, which contain one sex chromosome and one
member of each pair of autosomes, are said to be haploid rather than diploid.
Some organisms (e.g. some fungi, algae and insects) spend a large part of their
life cycle with all their cells in the haploid state. Other organisms (e.g. mammals)
use haploid cells only for sexual reproduction. In such sexually reproducing
organisms, haploid cells constitute an extremely special group because only
haploid cells directly contribute DNA to the next generation. The haploid cells
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are called ova (singular ovum, sometimes called an egg) in female animals and
spermatozoa (or sperm, for short; singular spermatozoon) in male animals. The
equivalent terms in plants are ovules and pollen grains. Collectively, the haploid
cells involved in reproduction are known as gametes.
Sexual reproduction requires that a sperm fuses with (or fertilises) an ovum.
Although some animal species and many plant species are hermaphrodite (i.e. they
produce both male and female gametes), the sperm and ova usually come from
different individuals if fertilisation is to occur. Moreover, those two individuals
must be of the same species. If they are not, then either fertilisation will not occur at
all or the resulting hybrid offspring will have much reduced fertility (Section 3.1).
When a sperm fertilises an ovum, the result is a single cell called a zygote
(this is a more accurate definition and replaces that given in Section 4.4). After
fertilisation, the chromosomes present in the sperm and those present in the ovum
are brought together in the zygote.
Is the zygote haploid or diploid?
The zygote is diploid. The zygote contains a haploid set of chromosomes
from the sperm and a haploid set from the ovum, making a diploid set of
chromosomes in all.
The strawberry plant, which was used to illustrate asexual reproduction,
also reproduces sexually. In sexual reproduction the plant produces flowers
(Figure 4.24a), which are quite complex structures (Figure 4.24b). Some
strawberry plants have flowers that produce both ovules and pollen grains. Others
have only either female (i.e. ovule-producing) flowers or male (i.e. pollenproducing) flowers. Whatever the precise arrangement, fertilisation requires that
a pollen grain from one flower gets to the ovule of another flower. The pollen is
carried from one flower to another attached to the body of an insect (such as a
bee). Even if a pollen grain gets carried to a flower of the same species, it may
not fertilise an ovule. Only pollen that attaches to a particular small part of the
flower, the stigma, will do so (Figure 4.24b). Soon after it arrives on a stigma,
a pollen grain grows a tube down to the ovule. The pollen nucleus moves down
pollen produced
by anthers
ovaries (containing
10 mm
5 mm
1 mm
10 mm
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the tube to enter the ovule. The resulting zygote grows into a seed by repeated
mitotic divisions. The seed of the strawberry is very small (Figure 4.24c) and is
usually seen on the outside of the familiar fruit (Figure 4.24d). The seed may
eventually grow into a new individual plant, provided it encounters favourable
conditions. The complete sexual reproduction cycle of the strawberry is shown
in Figure 4.25. Most other flowering plants undergo sexual reproduction in a
similar way.
Figure 4.25 The sexual
reproduction cycle in the
strawberry plant.
carrying pollen
Activity 4.4
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You have seen that sexual reproduction has a number of disadvantages over
asexual reproduction. Yet sexual reproduction is used by many species. An
important question taxing the minds of contemporary biologists is, What is so
advantageous about sexual reproduction that so many organisms use it? Although
the answer remains unclear at present, there is likely to be great significance in
the fact that DNA from two individuals is combined in the offspring to produce a
different combination of chromosomes than in either parent.
Question 4.8
Select six words from the following list and use each selected word once to
correctly complete sentences (a) and (b).
meiosis, mitosis, haploid, diploid, spermatozoon, ovum, pollen, stigma, zygote
(a) A male _______________ fertilises a female _______________ to produce
a _______________ _______________.
(b) Gametes are _______________ and are produced by cell division that
involves _______________.
Question 4.9
(a) Why should the term zygote not be used in connection with asexual
(b) Why is the zygote not a clone of the male contributing the sperm in sexual
Some animal species are actually capable of both sexual and asexual modes of
reproduction. The tiny, soft-bodied, pond-dwelling animal Hydra can reproduce
asexually by budding. The cells on the trunk of Hydra sometimes divide in such
a way as to form a bud on the side of the trunk (Figure 4.26). The bud grows out
from the side of the parent animal until it becomes a small, but complete, version
of the parent. Once fully formed, the offspring separates from the parent.
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sexual reproduction
asexual reproduction
Summary of Chapter 4
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Chapter 5
The chemistry of life: biological
If the similarities in the cell structure of different organisms and different cell
types are impressive, the similarities in cell chemistry and biochemistry are
even more so. This underlying chemical unity is hardly surprising, given the
evolutionary relationships between cells as proposed by the endosymbiotic
hypothesis (Section 4.3). All organisms are organised cellular assemblages
of similar chemicals: they comprise both soluble and insoluble, organic and
inorganic molecules and ions.
The description of cells in Chapter 4 was based mainly on observations of dead
cellular material. But it is important to remember that living cells are complex
molecular factories, with many different processes going on at once. So at a
given moment, a cell may be replicating its genetic material (DNA) between
cell divisions, building large molecules, taking in small molecules and ions from
outside the cell membrane, breaking down complex molecules and creating
new cell parts. Such activities require energy (which is released inside the cell,
largely from sugars) and, directly or indirectly, involve metabolism the sets of
chemical reactions that take place inside cells.
Since the 19th century, organic chemists have been assiduously isolating and
identifying the great range of molecules found inside cells. In more recent years,
with the rapid growth of biochemistry, more and more information about cell
metabolism has been revealed.
Bearing in mind that biochemical research is expensive, what reasons would
you suggest, from your general knowledge, for large resources being made
available for this kind of work?
Biochemical knowledge lies at the heart of modern medicine and agriculture,
and vast international industries depend on continuing research in
A living cell is composed of a restricted set of elements, four of which (carbon,
hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen) make up nearly 99% of its dry mass (i.e. the
material that remains when all the water is removed). This composition differs
markedly from the average composition of the Earths crust and is evidence
of a distinctive type of chemistry associated with life. Chapters 5 and 6 look
at this special chemistry, beginning here in Chapter 5 with a description of the
types of molecules found in living organisms both within cells and in the
surrounding extracellular space. As you learned in Chapter 4, structures have
functions in the living world, and so this section may provide some answers
to the question, How do the structures of molecules relate to their biological
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Activity 5.1
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Substances of life
What are cells made of? This section gives an overview of the molecules found in
cells. By far the greatest contributor to cell mass is water. Nearly all of the other
molecules in a cell are compounds of carbon. As described in Book 4, carbon is
outstanding among all the elements for its ability to form very large molecules
in which carbon atoms are linked by strong covalent bonds to each other and to
hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorus atoms.
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Apart from water, proteins are the compounds present in mammalian cells
in the largest proportion (Table 5.1), followed by lipids (fats and oils) and
polysaccharides (pronounced polly-sack-a-rides, literally many sugars).
Nucleic acids are present in smaller proportions; you have already met one of
these DNA as the genetic material (Section 4.1). Polysaccharides, nucleic
acids and proteins are all biopolymers, that is, polymers synthesised by living
organisms from small-molecule building blocks, or monomers. Although lipids
share some of the features of biopolymers, they are not generally regarded as
such, for most exist as large aggregates of individual, relatively small, lipid
molecules. All biopolymers and lipids are synthesised inside the cell itself. Some
biopolymers, such as the major components of wood and bone, are secreted
by cells and are so tough that they last long after the cells that made them have
died. The small proportion of organic molecules that remains free in solution
inside the cell includes amino acids and sugars. Only about 1% of body cell mass
comprises inorganic ions, e.g. calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride
and bicarbonate ions.
Table 5.1 Chemical composition of a typical mammalian cell.
lipids (fatty substances)
polysaccharides (made of sugars)
nucleic acids
small organic molecules
inorganic ions
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extended chain
groups interact
with water
groups interact
with one another
folded chain
Figure 5.1 A biological molecule (in this case a globular protein) folding in
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Lipids are the fatty components of living organisms, and include (among others)
all the substances you might already think of as fats or oils. They are the major
components of margarine, cooking oil, butter, and the white fat associated with
meat. All of these lipids originated from animals or plants, which gives a hint
of how widespread and important these compounds are in living things. As you
will recall from Book 4, Section 15.1, the terms fat and oil simply describe
whether a lipid is solid (a fat) or liquid (an oil) at room temperature.
It is important to stress that lipids are not biopolymers; their average molecular
mass is very much smaller than that of proteins, polysaccharides and nucleic
acids. Chemically, lipids are a rather varied group of compounds, but with one
outstanding property in common: all lipids are hydrophobic. They, therefore, tend
to separate from water and from all water-soluble, hydrophilic compounds, and to
group themselves together as large hydrophobic aggregates.
What type of weak interactions hold the molecules in lipid aggregates
Hydrophobic interactions (and van der Waals forces; Book 4, Section 4.2.1).
Because of the weak interactions between the molecules, lipids tend to be fluid
aggregates that can easily change shape. To demonstrate this readiness to change
shape, try pressing with your thumb on a packet of butter at room temperature;
it dents. A material like this with a certain amount of fluidity can be extremely
useful in certain situations as you will see shortly.
The large proportion of hydrophobic groups is the most basic chemical
characteristic of lipids, and underpins the crude definition of a lipid as a
substance that is insoluble in water and soluble in hydrophobic solvents, such as
chloroform. As you will remember from Book 4, Section 15.1, the simplest lipids
are the fats and oils, collectively called triacylglycerols, which serve mainly as
energy storage compounds. Being insoluble in water is extremely useful when it
comes to forming a barrier that separates one cell from another, as in the case of
phospholipids, which make up cellular membranes.
5.1.2 Triacylglycerols
Triacylglycerols are the commonest lipids in living organisms. Recall that
these molecules are esters of long-chain carboxylic acids, called fatty acids,
and an alcohol called glycerol. A fatty acid molecule has two distinct parts:
a long hydrocarbon chain and a carboxylic acid group. An ester is formed
by a condensation reaction between the OH of an alcohol (R\OH) and the
COOH of a carboxylic acid (R\COOH), where R is the hydrocarbon chain
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(e.g. CH3\ CH2\CH2\ etc.) The condensation reaction between acetic acid
(CH3\COOH) and methanol (CH3\OH) can be written as:
acetic acid
(carboxylic acid)
+ H2O
methyl acetate
Since glycerol has three OH groups it can form three ester bonds, one with each
of the carboxylic acid groups at the ends of three fatty acid molecules. One of
the ways in which naturally occurring fatty acids differ is in the length of the
hydrocarbon chain. The name triacylglycerol, which is often abbreviated to
TAG, is derived from its constituent parts: tri means three, fatty acids are acyl
groups, plus glycerol. Figure 5.2 is a simplified representation of a triacylglycerol
molecule, showing the glycerol core and the long, hydrophobic, hydrocarbon
tails of the three fatty acids.
three fatty acid tails
Phospholipids, like TAGs, are long-chain fatty acid esters of glycerol, but one
of the glycerol OH groups is esterified by a phosphorus-containing group with a
negative charge (instead of a third fatty acid group), as shown in Figure 5.3.
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two fatty acid 'tails'
negatively charged O
P-containing group
Charged groups are extremely hydrophilic, which accounts for the major
difference in properties between phospholipids and TAGs. As in TAGs,
the fatty acid hydrocarbon chains in phospholipids may be very long, with
at least 14 CH2 groups (sometimes 24 or more), making them strongly
You will return to phospholipids at the end of this chapter to take a closer look at
the role these molecules play in the composition of cell membranes.
Introducing biopolymers
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amino acid 1
amino acid 2
Figure 5.4 consists of the structural formula of two amino acids, amino acid 1 and 2, each amino acid has a central carbon atom with an amino group (NH2) attached on the left hand side and a carboxylic acid group (COOH) on the right hand side. The central carbon in each case has a hydrogen atom attached to it and an R group. The R group in amino acid 1 is designated R1 and in amino acid 2, R2.
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+ H2O
glycosidic linkage
Figure 5.7 Formation of a glycosidic linkage between two glucose molecules. (Note that the bonds from
the O atom to C-1 and C-4 in the glycosidic linkage are not actually bent.)
Figure 5.7 shows the reaction of one glucose molecule with another. The Haworth projections of two molecules of glucose are drawn side by side. A condensation reaction occurs between the fourth carbon molecule in the ring of the right hand side glucose molecule and the first carbon atom in the ring of the left hand side glucose molecule. An oxygen and a hydrogen atom from the left hand side glucose react with a hydrogen atom from the right hand side glucose to produce a molecule of water (2 hydrogen atoms and an oxygen). This leaves the two glucose molecules joined together by a bond between the remaining oxygen atom and a carbon atom (carbon atom 1 and carbon atom 4) in each ring. The two glucose molecules are therefore joined in the plane of the rings structure i.e. side by side.
Figure 5.8 shows the simplified structure of two glucose polymers; each oval
represents a glucose monomer, and the lines between them denote the glycosidic
linkages. Cellulose (Figure 5.8a) is a typical fibrous polysaccharide, with
extended unbranched chains, each at least 500 monomers long. The chains can
pack side by side to give a very tough fibre, which is strengthened by many
(C-1 to C-4)-glycosidic linkages
glucose monomer
(C-11 to C-6)-glycosidic linkages
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Nucleic acids
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present in the cell nucleus (Section 4.4). In prokaryotes the DNA is present in the
cytosol and is not associated with proteins.
Like polysaccharides, nucleic acids are condensation polymers. In this case the
monomers are called nucleotides, and these are linked together into chains, which
can be hydrolysed back to their constituent nucleotide monomers. The biological
importance of nucleic acids depends on their nucleotide sequence. This acts as a
code, with different sequences representing different messages, and hence nucleic
acids are often referred to as informational macromolecules. The sequence of
nucleotides within DNA is the genetic message. The structure of DNA and how it
conveys this message is the subject of Chapter 10.
Proteins are remarkably versatile with respect to the structures that they form.
They fall into one of two classes: fibrous and globular. The fibrous proteins are
usually very elongated, with roughly linear structures in which two, or three,
almost identical polymer chains wind around one another like the strands of a
rope, to form a spiral, or helix.
All fibrous proteins are made within cells, but many are then secreted outside the
cell into the extracellular space where the individual molecules come together
into double or triple helices. Most animal tissues are composed not only of cells
but also of extracellular space, which is filled with a network of macromolecules
permeated by fluid. This network is called the extracellular matrix and is made
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Individual molecules of these fibrous proteins are extremely thin and long. For
example, the collagen triple helix molecule is 1.5 nm wide, and hundreds of
micrometres in length. However, the molecules are always packed side by side
into small groups of up to 200 triple helices to form fibrils, as shown in
Figure 5.10a and b. Fibrils are then bundled together to make larger structures
called fibres (Figure 5.10c), and the fibres in turn may be bundled together into
yet larger aggregates. So fibrous proteins are mostly used in large numbers to
build up body structure. The controlled aggregation of hundreds of parallel
fibrous molecules ultimately produces something very strong and tough, such as
the skin or the tendons of vertebrates mentioned above. Hence fibrous proteins
are important for providing support.
In contrast to the fibrous proteins, the globular proteins are compact and
roughly spherical in shape. This shape is achieved by the polymer chain winding
round and round itself, rather like a ball of string, as shown in Figure 5.11 for
myoglobin, the oxygen-binding protein found in muscle. Globular proteins
usually have more specialised roles than fibrous proteins. Most importantly, they
rely for their activity on specialised pockets built into the protein surface. These
specialised pockets, or binding sites, are precisely shaped so that each provides
an exact fit with one particular type of molecule.
The binding of a globular protein to a specific molecule serves a number of
different functions. For instance, for a particular receptor protein that forms part
of the cell membrane, the molecule with which it has an exact fit is the hormone
(Book 4, Section 16.2.2), or other molecule, that it recognises. A receptor protein
can receive messages from specific hormones only if it has a binding site that
1.5 nm
single molecule
single fibril
Figure 5.10 (a) A collagen molecule, up to 200 of which are packed together to form fibrils (b), which themselves
pack together to form fibres (c).
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the hormone fits into exactly, as shown in Figure 5.12. In insects, for example,
female sex hormones can stimulate a male of the same species even if he is
2 kilometres downwind because he has receptor proteins on the cells of his
antennae that have specific binding sites for that particular hormone molecule.
Humans are not sexually aroused by insect sex hormones because they lack the
right receptor proteins! In enzyme proteins, which are biological catalysts (such
as trypsin and cyclo-oxygenase discussed in Book 4, Section 16.2), the specific
binding site is known as the active site, and its shape determines the molecule
that it can bind (the substrate) and the reaction it catalyses (Figure 5.12b).
To explore this subject of protein binding sites with which specific molecules
interact, consider another type of globular protein, the antibodies. Antibody
proteins are produced by certain types of white blood cells, which are part of the
bodys immune system. They are produced in response to attack from viruses
and bacteria, for example, and can be induced by immunisation against specific
diseases. For instance, the polio vaccine stimulates white blood cells to make
antibodies against the polio virus. Antibodies are very large globular proteins,
and in this case, each has a binding site that exactly matches part of the surface
structure of a polio virus, as illustrated in Figure 5.13. By locking the virus onto
its surface as shown, the antibody effectively prevents the virus from entering
cells and reproducing. (The virus is then destroyed by further processes in the
blood.) Having once met and overcome the polio virus, the body can make a
rapid response to any future polio infection by rapidly synthesising more of
this same polio virus antibody. However, to be similarly prepared against, say,
tetanus (caused in this case by a bacterial infection), the body must be immunised
specifically against the tetanus bacterium. The important point here is that the
body becomes immune to specific diseases only by producing antibody protein
with a specific binding site, one that precisely fits the surface structure of the
invading organism. Such binding specificity is found in all globular proteins.
part of cell
binding site
active site
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The precise shape of the binding site is unique to each type of globular protein
and confers on it a unique specificity, which is the basis of its precise biological
Having met some proteins with very different structures and therefore very
different functions, you will now explore how these structures are built up and
look at the structural features that proteins have in common. To do this, consider
myoglobin, the protein shown in Figure 5.11.
Muscles need a plentiful supply of oxygen while they are working to produce
movement. (The reasons for this will become clear in Chapter 6.) Myoglobin is
one kind of oxygen-storage protein, and is largely responsible for the red colour
of meat. This protein is found in many muscles, including those of humans,
but is particularly abundant in the muscles of diving mammals, such as whales
and seals. While the animal is breathing in air, oxygen is taken up from the
bloodstream by the muscles, and concentrated by binding to myoglobin. The
myoglobin releases oxygen while the animal is under water, when the blood does
not contain enough oxygen to meet the muscles demands.
In Figure 5.11 the myoglobin molecule is represented as a long, contorted, blue
sausage. The string of black dots within the blue sausage represents the chain
of amino acid monomers. The amino acids are linked together by condensation
reactions between amino (NH2) and carboxylic acid (COOH) functional groups,
and as you saw in the answer to Question 5.1, the result of each condensation
reaction is an amide bond, known as a peptide bond (Figure 5.14).
two amino
R1 O
H R2
Figure 5.14 The formation of a peptide bond from two amino acids.
Figure 5.14 is a diagram showing how two amino acids can become joined together during a condensation reaction. Two amino acids are drawn side by side with their amino groups on the LH side and their carboxylic acids groups on the right hand side. The OH group from the left hand side carboxylic acid group is removed with a hydrogen from the amino group of the right hand side amino acid. These three atoms form a molecule of water which is released. This leaves a peptide bond consisting of the carbon from the carboxylic acid group of the left hand side amino acid bonded to the nitrogen from the amino group of the right hand side amino acid.
There is always a free amino group at one end (conventionally drawn as the lefthand end of the chain) and a free carboxylic acid group at the other, right-hand
end; these ends are known respectively as the N-terminus and the C-terminus of
the protein chain.
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There are 20 different amino acids commonly found in proteins. The two
amino acid structures shown in Figure 5.14 represent the general formula of
amino acids. You will notice that both amino acids in Figure 5.14 are identical
except for the group designated R1 or R2. Recall from Book 4, Section 15.2 that
amino acids differ from each other only in the type of R group they contain.
You have already met several different amino acids in Book 4; Table 5.2 gives
the full and abbreviated names and R group formulas of six additional amino
acids. However, there are many thousands of different proteins, each with a
particular biological function, and it is clear that there must be an enormous
variety of structures. How can this be, given that they are all polymers of only
20 different amino acid monomers? The answer is that when several hundred of
the 20 different types link up to form a protein chain, there is a huge number of
possible sequences. Some amino acids may not be used at all in a protein whereas
others may occur many times. Every different protein is unique because it has its
own unique sequence of amino acids along its length.
Table 5.2 Six amino acids commonly found in proteins. (You do not need to memorise the structures in this table.)
Name and
Formula of R
glycine (gly-seen)
Name and
Formula of R
lysine (lye-seen)
The structure of a protein can be partially described by listing its entire sequence
of amino acids, reading from the N-terminus to the C-terminus (i.e. from left to
right). This analysis would be rather like taking the black chain of amino acids of
myoglobin (Figure 5.11), stretching it out across the page and writing the name
of each amino acid above each of the black dots. Recall from Book 4 that this
sequence of amino acids is known as the primary structure of the protein.
Chains of amino acids are often called polypeptides. Biochemists use the terms
protein and polypeptide rather loosely and interchangeably. Here too both terms
are used. When a protein is synthesised in a cell, the linear polypeptide chain folds
as it is produced. The biological activity of this newly formed molecule depends
on its three-dimensional, folded structure, and when considering a polypeptide
chain as a three-dimensional structure it is generally referred to as a protein.
The primary structure of myoglobin appears to give no clues about the overall
shape of the protein, nor whether it has any specific binding sites. Yet, amazingly,
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Similarly, there are weak interactions holding all the other lengths of polymer
chain in place. The strength of these weak interactions is very much less than the
strength of covalent bonds but, if there are enough of them, weak interactions can
stabilise a particular folding pattern very effectively.
Look at the generalised formula for an amino acid in Figure 5.4. How many
functional groups does it have? Which of them are still available for reaction
once the amino acid is polymerised to form a polypeptide chain?
An amino acid has a minimum of two functional groups: COOH and NH2.
Each amino acid also has a side chain referred to as R and can consist of
a variety of different groups, some of which may be simple hydrocarbon
chains, while others may be additional functional groups such as hydroxyl
groups (OH). When the amino acid is part of a polypeptide chain, only the
R group is available for interaction.
The biological activity of a protein depends critically on the shape of the
whole molecule which in turn depends crucially on its R groups. Look at the
formula of the R group for each of the six amino acids listed in Table 5.2.
What is significant here is the range of different chemical structures, and
hence properties, of the amino acid R groups. For example, in glycine, R is a
single, unreactive hydrogen atom; some R groups are hydrophobic (e.g. the
CH3 group of alanine); some are large and bulky as well as being hydrophobic
(e.g. in phenylalanine); some are charged (e.g. the negatively charged aspartate
R group and the positively charged lysine R group) and others are hydrophilic
(e.g. the OH in the CH2OH group of serine).
The higher-order structure of a globular protein is held together by weak
interactions between different R groups of the folded chain. This requires the
two R groups to be compatible (i.e. they must have the right chemical structures
for a weak interaction to form between them). There are R groups all along the
polypeptide chain, and this will fold to bring together as many weak interacting
pairs as possible, so that an exact and highly specific higher-order protein
structure always results.
Different proteins have different primary structures (different combinations of
monomers in a different order) so there are different opportunities for weak
interactions. The same is true for the other types of biopolymer; nucleic acids
and polysaccharides also rely on weak interactions to stabilise their higher-order
structure. To understand this effect, you need to look more closely at the nature
of weak interactions. You have already met two types hydrophobic interactions
and hydrogen bonds (Section 5.1). In Figure 5.1, all the hydrophilic groups are
on the surface of the folded molecule. However, this is an oversimplification.
When a biopolymer folds in water, many of the hydrophilic groups will be in
the interior of the molecule, away from the surrounding water, and instead of
interacting with water molecules will form weak interactions (hydrogen bonds
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and ionic interactions) with each other. The three types of weak interactions are
illustrated in Figure 5.15.
Figure 5.15 Weak
interactions in biopolymers. The
zigzag bars represent polymer
chains. (a) A hydrophobic
interaction formed between two
hydrophobic groups, such as
the hydrocarbon chains shown
here. (b) A hydrogen bond,
which is formed when two
electronegative atoms (here
O and N) each bond weakly
with an H atom. (c) An ionic
interaction, which is due to the
attraction between oppositely
charged groups. Here, a
positively charged ammonium
group and a negatively charged
carboxylate group.
Activity 5.2
aspartate (Asp)
alanine (Ala)
lysine (Lys)
valine (Val)
isoleucine (Ile)
serine (Ser)
phenylalanine (Phe)
threonine (Thr)
The comments on this activity at the end of this book provide a full explanation
of the types of weak interactions that can be formed between the various
combinations of R group.
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Having seen where the three types of weak interaction are likely to be formed,
it is time to revisit the link between the structure of a globular protein and
its function. The important point is that proteins tend to fold up in a way that
maximises opportunities for weak interactions. If all molecules of a particular
protein fold in this way, they all finish up with the same shape the same higherorder structure.
Weak interactions also play a significant role in fibrous proteins, such as collagen
and keratin, which consist of several intertwined helices. For example, a collagen
molecule is strengthened by hydrogen bonds that run between its three helices, at
right angles to the polypeptide chains. Newly formed collagen is fairly deformable,
but over the years the hydrogen bonds between the helices are supplemented by
much stronger, covalent bonds, thereby making the collagen fibres much tougher.
This change is one reason why skin loses its suppleness with age.
So the key to understanding the relationship between the structure and function
of proteins are weak interactions.
Question 5.5
Which of the following statements are true? Explain why any are false.
(a) All proteins yield amino acids when they are hydrolysed.
(b) A molecule of any protein contains all 20 of the common amino acids.
(c) A polypeptide chain containing 100 amino acid monomer units has
100 peptide bonds.
Activity 5.3
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In the next two sections, you will consider two very different roles for proteins
in the living cell, beginning with an examination of enzymes one of the most
important groups of biological molecules and then further investigating the role
of proteins in the cell membrane.
Question 5.6
List the key structural similarities of the three types of biopolymer that have been
discussed: polysaccharides, nucleic acids and proteins.
Enzymes are all globular proteins and they act as biological catalysts, speeding
up chemical reactions in living organisms to a rate that is suitable to sustain life.
The presence of enzymes allows the cell to carry out highly complex chemical
transformations at moderate temperatures about 37 C for humans.
Enzymes are effective in exceedingly small amounts; even a few nanograms
(109 g) can make a spectacular difference to the rate of a reaction. This can be
demonstrated in the laboratory using hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which breaks
down according to the following equation:
2H2O2 2H2O + O2
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Enzyme specificity
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The catalase example shows that enzyme-catalysed reaction rates may be many
times higher than those of uncatalysed reactions. Nevertheless, it is important
to remember that, however miraculous their effects may seem, enzymes
still obey the ordinary laws of physics and chemistry. Like other catalysts
that operate in non-biological systems, enzymes are subject to the following
They cannot catalyse a reaction that would not otherwise take place. They
can only speed up reactions that are already happening. (It may seem as if the
reaction does not start until the enzyme is added, but this is only because the
uncatalysed reaction is extremely slow.)
They are not used up during a reaction; they may be reused over and over again.
You know from Book 4, Section 10.4, that catalysts work by lowering the energy
barrier for a chemical reaction. Figure 5.17 compares the energy change of an
uncatalysed reaction with that of the same reaction catalysed by an enzyme.
energy barrier
without enzyme
energy barrier
with enzyme
progress of reaction
Figure 5.17 is a sketch graph showing energy on the y axis and progress of a chemical reaction without (solid line) and with (dotted line) an enzyme along the x axis (no units are given). A bell shaped curve joins two points on the graph close to the x axis, point A and point B. Point A denotes the starting energy of the reaction while point B denotes the finishing energy of the reaction. Point B has a lower energy value than point A. The curve reaches a peak between these two points and denotes the change in energy as the reaction proceeds without addition of an enzyme, reaching a maximum about half way between point A and point B. An additional curve is shown on the graph with a dotted line this indicates the same reaction but with the addition of an enzyme this cuts off the top of the original bell shaped curve and indicates a smaller change in energy as the reaction progresses. The graph indicates that the so called energy barrier, the difference between the energy of the reactants and top of the curve is less for the reaction with the enzyme than for the same reaction without the enzyme.
edge of
active site
How do enzymes achieve their great powers of catalysis? The key feature is the
binding of the substrate to the enzyme to form an enzymesubstrate complex (ES
for short). The substrate does this by forming weak interactions with groups at the
active site, as shown in Figure 5.18. Here the substrate molecule fits into a threedimensional cavity on the enzyme surface, and this provides the ideal environment
for the reaction to take place. It is ideal because the parts of the substrate to
be chemically changed are placed next to parts of the enzyme protein able to
catalyse this change. This fit is crucial to the whole catalytic reaction. Only if the
substrate fits absolutely correctly like a key fitting into a lock will the parts to
be chemically modified be correctly aligned. Binding of substrate to enzyme (to
form the ES complex) greatly reduces the energy barrier of the reaction. In many
cases, this is related to the distortion of bonds in the substrate, which occurs on
binding (compare Figures 5.19a and b). These bonds, now under strain, are more
readily broken, so the reaction is facilitated. After the reaction has taken place, the
product(s) are then released from the active site (Figure 5.19c). Thus the analogy
with a key in a lock is rather limited because the key (substrate) does not become
distorted by being inserted into the lock (enzyme), and then does not emerge either
in pieces or with a different shape (as product(s))!
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The enzyme is then free to bind again with more substrate. The whole process
can be summed up in the general equation:
Now you have an understanding of how enzymes work and how their structure
relates to their function, it is interesting to consider a factor that affects the rate of
enzyme-catalysed reactions, namely temperature. It has already been mentioned
that enzymes catalyse chemical reactions at very moderate temperatures, but now
you will investigate how they operate over a range of temperatures and see if
their catalytic activity varies.
Consider one of the digestive enzymes in the human gut. Amylase is an enzyme
secreted by the salivary glands, which hydrolyses the minor component of
starch, amylose, to maltose (a disaccharide). In order to examine how the rate of
the chemical reaction catalysed by amylase is affected by temperature, several
experiments need to be conducted over a range of different temperatures. In
Book 4, Section 10.1, you were introduced to the definition of reaction rate as a
change in a physical quantity over a certain time period.
To investigate the rate of the amylase-catalysed reaction breaking down
starch to maltose, what physical quantity could be measured as the reaction
The increase in the concentration of maltose with time.
under strain
The chemical reaction can be set up at a range of temperatures and the amount of
maltose formed in a set period of time can be measured. The larger the amount of
maltose produced in a fixed time period, the faster the reaction rate. A graph of
reaction rate against temperature (Figure 5.20) could then be plotted. It is highly
likely that for whatever enzyme and reaction was chosen, the graph would look
something like the one shown in Figure 5.20.
rate of reaction
loss of catalytic
activity of
enzyme, known
as denaturation
increasing temperature
increases rate of
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You will notice that the graph has several distinct phases. At comparatively
low temperatures, as temperature increases the rate of reaction increases.
At a certain specific temperature, the curve levels off at a maximum value
for reaction rate, and then further increases in temperature actually slow the
reaction down.
Look at Figure 5.20. At what temperature does the activity of this enzyme
reach a maximum?
Around 38 C.
From Book 4, Section 10.2 you know that increasing the temperature increases
the rate of a chemical reaction because more collisions occur between the
reactant molecules (due to their increased kinetic energy) and more of the
reacting molecules have sufficient kinetic energy to react. This feature explains
why the rate of reaction initially seems to increase with temperature but it does
not account for the levelling off of the graph and the final downturn. From
your understanding of protein structure, can you explain why this curve should
be characteristic of enzyme-catalysed reactions? Recall that the higher-order
structure of proteins is dependent on weak interactions such as ionic interactions,
hydrophobic interactions and hydrogen bonds. It is the action of these bonds in
maintaining the three-dimensional shape of the protein that allows the protein to
behave as an enzyme.
Which specific part of the enzyme has to be exactly the correct shape to bind
it to its substrate?
The active site.
As temperatures increase, the weak interactions holding the enzymes active
site in exactly the correct shape to fit its substrate break down and consequently
the higher-order structure of proteins is progressively destroyed. This process
is called thermal denaturation and accounts for the levelling off of the curve
as the activity of the enzyme is reduced. Most enzymes have an optimum
temperature at which they operate at peak activity; commonly this occurs
between 35 C and 45 C. Organisms need to maintain their body temperatures
within specific limits to maintain optimum reaction rates for their metabolic
At what temperature would you expect the enzymes of the human body to
have their optimum activity?
37 C.
Question 5.9
Why is prolonged cooling or overheating so dangerous for the human body?
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Some enzymes do their catalytic work without help from other substances. Others
require the help of small organic molecules called coenzymes. Coenzymes
are so called because they work in cooperation with enzymes and can be used
many times over. Since they bind to the active site of the enzyme alongside the
substrate, a more appropriate name might be cosubstrate. However, because
coenzymes are continuously recycled, they are not substrates in the true sense.
Coenzymes play a vital role in enzyme-catalysed reactions, as you will see in the
example below.
Many enzyme-catalysed reactions involve the removal of (usually two) hydrogen
atoms from the substrate molecule, a process called dehydrogenation. To
understand the part played by coenzymes in metabolism you will look at one
particular reaction: the transfer of two hydrogen atoms (which is represented as
2H) by a coenzyme called NAD (short for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
but you only need to remember the abbreviated name).
In which types of chemical reaction would you expect NAD to take part, if
its role is to transfer hydrogen atoms?
Oxidation and reduction reactions, since these involve the removal and
addition of hydrogen, respectively.
As you will see in Chapter 6, one particular carbon compound accumulates
in muscles when they are worked hard, i.e. when exercised vigorously.
This compound is called lactic acid, or lactate. (Organic acids are present
in the cell as the corresponding negative ion; for this reason, the term
lactate rather than lactic acid is used here.) Lactate has to be removed from
muscles so that they can go on working efficiently. There is a specific enzyme,
lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), which catalyses the oxidation of lactate to
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pair of H atoms
to be transferred
site for
Figure 5.21 is a diagram showing the reaction between the enzyme lactase dehydrogenase and the coenzyme NAD. The enzyme is drawn as a blob shape and it has discrete, specifically shaped areas (binding sites) where molecules of its substrate (lactate) and NAD can fit into it, like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. The enzyme facilitates the transfer of 2H atoms from lactate, which is oxidised to pyruvate (the product of the reaction). The hydrogen atoms are then picked up by NAD which becomes reduced to NAD.2H.
The reduced coenzyme, NAD.2H, can then take part in another reaction,
in which the hydrogen atoms are removed and it is thereby converted back
to NAD; the coenzyme is thus recycled. Coenzymes are often called group
transfer molecules because they shuttle back and forth between reactions,
picking up groups of atoms and then passing them on. This continual recycling
of coenzymes explains why they need only be present in extremely small
quantities in the cell.
There are just a few different coenzymes, each of which functions in a particular
type of reaction. Thus one coenzyme can serve many different enzymes, provided
these all catalyse the same type of reaction oxidation or reduction in the case of
NAD. Four of the coenzymes are listed in Table 5.3.
Table 5.3 Some coenzymes: their roles in group transfer and the vitamins from which they are derived.
Full name
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
flavin adenine dinucleotide
coenzyme A
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
Group transferred
CH3CO (acetyl)
Vitamin source
niacin (vitamin B3)
riboflavin (vitamin B2)
pantothenate (vitamin B5)
niacin (vitamin B3)
Although the full names of coenzymes need not be remembered, the initials by
which they are conventionally known are important. You will see from Table 5.3
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that many of them are derived from vitamins, which most animals, including
humans, are unable to synthesise for themselves. (Most plants cells, on the other
hand, can synthesise all the vitamins they need.)
What can you conclude from the fact that the vitamin niacin, needed to
produce NAD, cannot be made in the human body?
Niacin must be obtained from food.
Look at the nutritional components listed on any cereal packet for other examples
of vitamins. Given the vital role of coenzymes in metabolism, it is hardly
surprising that vitamin deficiency has very serious consequences for health. For
example, deficiency of niacin in humans can lead to pellagra (a skin, gut and
nerve disorder). As noted above, without this particular vitamin the coenzyme
NAD cannot be made.
Question 5.10
(a) An enzyme catalyses the dehydrogenation of compound BH2 to B, a reaction
in which the coenzyme NAD also participates. What happens to NAD in this
dehydrogenation reaction?
(b) The enzyme also has some effect on the substrate JH2, but at a rate of only
10% of that with BH2 as substrate. What is the probable reason for the lower
activity of the enzyme with JH2?
Biological membranes
Now you will consider how two types of biological molecule can be used to build
an important cellular structure the cell membrane. Biological membranes are
composed of both phospholipids and proteins. However, it is the phospholipids
that give membranes their unique sheet-like, bilayered structure and many of
their functional properties. The structure of phospholipids was briefly mentioned
in Section 5.1.3; recall that, like TAGs, they are long-chain fatty acid esters
of glycerol, but one of the glycerol OH groups is esterified by a phosphoruscontaining group with a negative charge (instead of a third fatty acid group,
Figure 5.3).
Charged groups are extremely hydrophilic, which accounts for the major
difference in properties between phospholipids and TAGs. As in TAGs, the
fatty acid hydrocarbon chains in phospholipids may be very long, with at least
14 CH2 groups (sometimes 24 or more), making them strongly hydrophobic. The
immediate external environment for cells is always aqueous (watery) and this has
implications for the molecules making up the surface of the cell. Hydrophobic
groups, such as fatty acid tails, will try to orientate themselves away from this
aqueous environment; whereas hydrophilic groups, such as the negatively
charged phosphorous-containing group, will try to get as close to the water as
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Book 5
core of
fatty acid tails
When there are large numbers of phospholipid molecules, the result is a doublelayered structure, a phospholipid bilayer. As shown in Figure 5.22, this arrangement
brings the phosphate-containing heads of the phospholipids into contact with water,
while the fatty acid tails are concealed in the interior, held together by hydrophobic
interactions, so forming a hydrophobic core. The phospholipid bilayer of a cell
membrane (shown in Figure 5.23) is a very effective barrier, preventing hydrophilic
molecules from passing freely into or out of the cell. Membranes define the
boundaries of organelles, as described in Section 4.1, restricting various cellular
functions to particular compartments of the cell. The movement of small molecules
(such as glucose) and ions across membranes is controlled by special transport
proteins that are embedded in the phospholipid bilayer, as shown in Figure 5.23.
Receptor proteins are also found embedded in membranes (Figure 5.12a).
10 1nm
All the cells described in Chapter 4 contain all the biological polymer types that
have been discussed in this section (proteins, polysaccharides and nucleic acids)
and lipid aggregates. Thus the unity of structure observed at the level of cells and
organelles occurs also at the molecular level. In Chapter 6, you will explore this
molecular unity further, when the chemical reactions that go on inside cells are
Question 5.11
Which of the small molecules (i)(vi) below are likely to be among the starting
material(s) for the synthesis of each of the three compounds: (a) myoglobin,
(b) TAGs and (c) glycogen?
(i) glucose; (ii) alanine; (iii) glycerol; (iv) fructose; (v) lysine; (vi) palmitic acid.
Question 5.12
Which type(s) of biopolymer or lipid provide each of the following functions in cells?
(a) support; (b) energy storage; (c) catalytic activity; (d) carry genetic
information; (e) cell compartmentation.
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Summary of Chapter 5
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Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Energy for life
In this chapter, the processes by which living things obtain the energy they need
for life are examined. You will look in detail at the vital energy transformations
that maintain organisms and how energy is made available to living cells for the
fundamental processes of life: metabolism, growth and reproduction.
In Section 2.3 you met the concept of metabolism to describe the sum total of
all the chemical reactions that occur in living things. There it was established
that organisms have two broad requirements a source of carbon-based
materials and a source of energy, and that these requirements differ between
autotrophic organisms and heterotrophic organisms. Starting with the process
of photosynthesis, autotrophs can manufacture all the biological molecules they
require from basic chemical raw materials, i.e. carbon dioxide and water. The Sun
supplies the energy for photosynthesis and solar energy is converted ultimately
into chemical energy in the form of sugars. Heterotrophs, on the other hand,
derive both their supply of carbon-based substances and their energy supply from
the food they eat, by consuming either plants and/or other animals.
Photosynthesis is therefore one of the most important chemical processes in
nature because by harnessing solar energy it supplies the biological molecules
on which autotrophs and, in turn, heterotrophs depend. This chapter begins
with an overview of the process of photosynthesis and then considers the fate
of the carbon-based molecules produced. Plants use some of these molecules as
building blocks to manufacture the complex molecules (storage carbohydrates
such as starch, proteins and TAGs) investigated in Chapter 5. Alternatively, large
proportions are used to supply chemical energy for reactions taking place in
the cell.
As you are aware from Book 1 (Section 7.3), energy is released from organic
molecules by the process of respiration. In this chapter you will consider how
the organic molecules manufactured by photosynthesis are made available (via
feeding and digestive processes) for respiration in heterotrophic organisms
and then investigate the process of respiration in more depth. The commonest
source of energy in cells is glucose; you will be concerned only with the main
principles of the complex series of reactions required to break glucose down in
aerobic (with oxygen) conditions and in anaerobic (without oxygen) conditions.
You will briefly examine how cells can also release energy from molecules other
than glucose. A final consideration of the similarities between respiratory and
photosynthetic processes concludes this chapter.
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Book 5
organisms can use it for the processes of life. This is a chemical store or
carrier of energy and it takes the form of a molecule, adenosine triphosphate
(ATP). The simplified structure of ATP is shown in Figure 6.1. It consists
of an organic part a base plus sugar combination called adenosine and
a short chain of three phosphate groups; hence the name triphosphate. One
of the phosphate groups can be easily removed by hydrolysis to give ADP
(adenosine diphosphate) and an inorganic phosphate ion, which is usually
written as Pi.
+ energy
Figure 6.2 ATP acts as a molecular link between the various cellular processes
that release energy and those that require energy. The energy from energyreleasing processes is coupled to the energy-requiring process of ATP synthesis.
What is important to the cell is that the reverse coupling can take place.
Figure 6.2 also shows how the conversion of ATP to ADP + Pi releases energy
and this reaction is coupled to energy-requiring processes. ATP therefore acts as
an energy transfer molecule in the cell.
ATP is only a short-lived energy store, or energy carrier, which is never
allowed to accumulate in the cell. It is rapidly recycled so there is a
continuous turnover of ADP + Pi to ATP and vice versa occurring constantly
in the cell. In fact, in a typical cell a molecule of ATP is consumed within a
minute of its formation.
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Chapter 6
Equation 6.1 shows the reaction for photosynthesis giving glucose as the organic
compound produced. Chloroplasts lie in the cytosol, are bounded by an outer
membrane and also have internal membranes. The internal membranes are folded
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Book 5
back on themselves many times to form stacks called grana (singular: granum), as
shown in Figure 6.3.
starch grain
1 m
1 m
outer membrane
inner membrane
(surface view)
lumen of thylakoid
stromal lamella
Each granum consists of a stack of flattened sacs called thylakoids. The lightcapturing machinery for photosynthesis, including the all-important light-absorbing
chlorophyll molecules, are embedded within the surface membranes of the thylakoids
and it is in these membranes where ATP is generated using energy captured from the
Sun. The space inside the thylakoid is known as the thylakoid lumen.
Why is it important that the chloroplast contains so many membranes?
To increase the surface area of the chloroplast capable of capturing incident solar
Surrounding the thylakoid membranes is the stroma of the chloroplast; this is a
fluid-filled space and is the site of the biosynthetic processes that manufacture
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Chapter 6
(Note that, for convenience, we may sometimes use fractions to balance equations
in this case, 12 .)
The released electrons are immediately transferred to a protein embedded in the
thylakoid membrane called an electron carrier, the protons are released into the
lumen of the thylakoid membrane and the oxygen is ultimately released from the cell
as a by-product. So light energy is used to transfer electrons from water to a specific
membrane protein in the thylakoid. You will now follow the fate of these transferred
electrons and find the link to ATP production.
This first electron carrier is actually one of several membrane proteins; collectively
these make up a photosynthetic electron transport chain or ETC. These are
arranged in sequence repetitively along all the thylakoid membranes in every
chloroplast (Figure 6.4). The electron carriers can readily accommodate extra
electrons. Those carriers that bind electrons more tightly than other carriers are said
to have a higher electron affinity. Carriers are arranged in the thylakoid membrane in
order of increasing electron affinity. In this way, they form a chain that transports the
outer membrane
inner membrane
movement of
H+ H+
series of
electron carriers
H+ H
H + H protons
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Book 5
electrons released from water. The electron affinity of the first carrier is high enough
to accept a pair of electrons from water. The second carrier removes the electrons
from the first, and so on down the chain.
Once the moving electrons reach the end of the carrier system they have to be
removed, otherwise electron transport would come to a halt. The ETC therefore
relies on a substance that is capable of accepting the electrons from the final carrier.
In Section 5.6.4, you learnt about coenzymes, which are group transfer molecules
that can collect atoms from one reaction and shuttle them to another. In this case,
the coenzyme NADP (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate) accepts the
electrons from the ETC and combines them with protons from the stroma to produce
NADP.2H, the reduced form of this coenzyme; the NADP molecule has therefore
accepted the equivalent of two hydrogen atoms. The NADP.2H molecules formed
during this process will be vitally important for the synthesis of glucose, which
occurs during the dark reactions of photosynthesis.
2H+ + 2e + NADP NADP.2H
As Equation 6.3 shows, each NADP combines with two electrons from the ETC
and two protons from the stroma to form NADP.2H. One oxygen atom is released
for every water molecule undergoing this photolytic (literally, splitting by light)
process. Overall the reaction can be summarised as:
NADP + H2O + solar energy NADP.2H + 12 O2
How many water molecules must undergo photolysis in order to produce one
molecule of oxygen?
Two, since each water molecule contains only one oxygen atom.
This still leaves the question of exactly how ATP is synthesised from ADP. As
electrons move along this electron transport chain, energy is released. This energy
is not harnessed directly into the production of ATP. In fact, two processes are
coupled together here: first, electron transport, which brings about the reduction of
NADP to NADP.2H by water; and second, phosphorylation, which is the associated
production of ATP from ADP and Pi. The synthesis of ATP hinges on the differences
in concentration of protons (H+ ions) in the two compartments of the chloroplast, the
lumen of the thylakoid (the inside) and the stroma (the area outside the thylakoid).
The transport of electrons from water along the ETC has a marked effect on the
concentration of protons on either side of the thylakoid membrane separating these
two compartments. Three processes achieve this difference in proton concentration:
The protons from the hydrogen in the water molecules are left behind in the
lumen when the electrons begin their journey along the ETC. This increases the
number of protons on the lumen side of the thylakoid membrane.
Protons are removed from the stroma side of the thylakoid membrane when two
protons combine with NADP and two transported electrons to form NADP.2H.
This reduces the number of protons on the stroma side of the thylakoid membrane.
The second electron carrier protein in the ETC is actually a mobile carrier that
shuttles across the thylakoid membrane, collecting protons from the stroma side
of the membrane and depositing them on the lumen side.
This means that a proton concentration gradient is formed across the thylakoid
membrane, with a high concentration of protons in the lumen and a low concentration
in the stroma, as shown in Figure 6.5.
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Chapter 6
outer membrane
inner membrane
movement of
high concentration H +
+ of protons
low concentration
of H+ protons
ADP + Pi
ATP synthase
ADP + Pi
Energy from electron transport is now effectively stored, because there is a proton
concentration gradient between the stroma and the lumen. This energy can be
released, simply by allowing protons to move in the reverse direction, i.e. down
their concentration gradient, from high to low concentration. This movement
of protons can only occur in one part of the thylakoid membrane; protons are
allowed to flood back into the stroma through a channel protein, which is also
an enzyme, called ATP synthase (Figure 6.5). This movement of protons down
the concentration gradient from lumen to stroma supplies energy to synthesise
ATP from ADP and Pi. As the name ATP synthase suggests, this enzyme catalyses
the formation of ATP from ADP and Pi. Thus the energy released in the transfer
of electrons along the ETC to NADP.2H is used to accumulate protons in the
thylakoid lumen, thereby being stored as a proton concentration gradient; as
the protons flood back through the ATP synthase channel, this energy is used to
convert ADP + Pi to ATP.
What may be the consequences for ATP production if the thylakoid
membranes were damaged so that H+ ions could move across them without
It would be impossible to build up a proton concentration gradient as H+ ions
would tend to move freely across the thylakoid membrane, equalising their
concentrations on either side. This would mean that protons would not flow
through ATP synthase channel proteins and ATP would not be formed.
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Book 5
This storage and flow of protons is analogous to a water storage system for
producing electricity. In such a system, electricity is used in off-peak periods to
move water from a lower-level reservoir to a higher-level reservoir, where it is
stored. This process transforms electrical energy into the gravitational energy of
water. During peak hours, the water is allowed to flow down from the higherlevel to the lower-level reservoir through turbines (large water wheels) coupled
to electricity generators. So in this process, the stored gravitational energy of the
water is converted back to electrical energy (Book 3, Section 5.4). In this analogy,
the stored water is the protons that are concentrated on one side of the thylakoid
membrane as a result of electron transport, the higher reservoir is the thylakoid
lumen, the lower reservoir is the stroma, and the turbine is the ATP synthase.
The formation of ATP in this way is called photophosphorylation (meaning
light-driven phosphorylation). These initial reactions of photosynthesis, the light
reactions (or more correctly the light-dependent reactions, since they can only
take place in the presence of light), are summarised in Equation 6.5:
ADP + Pi + NADP + H2O + solar energy ATP + NADP.2H +
The products of the light reactions, NADP.2H and ATP, do not appear in the
overall equation for photosynthesis (Equation 6.1) since they will be used up in
the pathway that builds sugar from carbon dioxide.
Activity 6.1
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Chapter 6
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Book 5
The relationship between the light and dark reactions is shown in Figure 6.7.
Note that the dark reactions are not directly dependent on light, nor do they occur
only in the dark. They use the ATP and NADP.2H from the light reactions in a
cyclic sequence of reactions to reduce carbon dioxide, so converting it to sugars.
The cycle of reactions is called the Calvin cycle (after its principal discoverer,
Melvin Calvin, in 1945). Equation 6.6 summarises the dark reactions of
photosynthesis. Notice the large amounts of ATP and NADP.2H that are required
to produce each molecule of 3C sugar phosphate from carbon dioxide.
3CO2 + 9ATP + 6NADP.2H 3C sugar phosphate + 9ADP + 8Pi + 6NADP (6.6)
As shown in Equation 6.6 and Figure 6.7, the first carbon compound to be
produced in the chloroplast is a 3C sugar phosphate. The designation 3C refers
to the number of carbon atoms in the carbon backbone of the molecule. This
3C sugar phosphate is transported to the cytosol. Here, some is used directly as
an energy source, but much of it is converted into glucose phosphate and fructose
phosphate, which are both 6C sugars.
Figure 6.7 The relationship
between the light and dark
reactions of photosynthesis. The
reactions of carbon fixation are
collectively called the Calvin
H 2O
electron transport
ADP + Pi
carbon fixation
CO 2
3C sugar
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Chapter 6
In fact, almost all the Earths supply of atmospheric oxygen comes from
photosynthesis. Without the evolution of photosynthetic autotrophs, the Earths
atmosphere would have remained anaerobic (literally, without air; this will be
discussed in more detail in Book 8).
As you saw in Section 4.2, most of a plants chloroplasts are located in the
inner layers of cells of the leaves. How can the carbon dioxide needed for
photosynthesis get to the chloroplasts in these cells? Carbon dioxide enters the
leaf through small pores in its surface. These pores, called stomata (singular:
stoma), are shown in Figure 6.8. Stomata can open to allow the exchange of
gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) and close to reduce water loss from the plant.
This opening and closing of stomata is controlled by pairs of guard cells that
surround them (Figure 6.8).
Not surprisingly, photosynthesis is subject to stringent controls by the cell,
ensuring that light and dark reactions keep in step and that the plant makes
maximum use of the available light and carbon dioxide. An understanding of the
mechanisms of control of photosynthesis is very important for maximising plant
growth and crop production, particularly in countries where many people go
hungry. Currently, there is a great deal of interest in the mechanism of the light
reactions, since this is the stage that uses a truly renewable energy source solar
energy. In the long term, the key components of photosynthesis may perhaps be
assembled artificially into light-driven fuel cells.
Question 6.1
State two reasons why photosynthesis is a vital process for life on Earth.
Question 6.2
guard cell
guard cell
In what way are the dark reactions dependent on the light reactions of
Question 6.3
Chloroplasts isolated from spinach can be broken open and then separated into
membranous material and soluble components, which will be called M and S,
respectively. Both M and S are biochemically active. Which of the following
features apply to each of these two chloroplast components: (a) contains
chlorophyll; (b) converts carbon dioxide to sugar; (c) produces oxygen from
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Book 5
organic carbon in the dark reactions. The first sugar produced is a 3C sugar
phosphate, but this may be built up further into glucose or fructose phosphates
and further converted to sucrose or to starch. Alternatively, the sugar phosphate
molecules may be converted to amino acids (in order for the plant cell to
construct proteins) or to fatty acids (for TAG synthesis). In fact, all the other
biological molecules in plants are derived from the carbon dioxide that the plant
fixed during photosynthesis. All these building up type chemical reactions
are examples of biosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a special type of biosynthetic
process; it is one where the energy used for the biosynthesis steps (the dark
reactions where glucose is made) is derived from the ATP manufactured in the
light-driven steps (the light reactions).
Manufacturing all other complex molecules from the products of photosynthesis
requires energy and again this energy must be supplied in the form of ATP.
However, this time the ATP will not be generated from the capture of solar
energy that can only occur in the chloroplast in order to fix carbon dioxide
but by the breakdown of glucose molecules (or indeed other substances like fats
and proteins) in glucose oxidation. By converting solar energy into chemical
energy in glucose the plant has a method of storing energy until that energy is
required, at which point it re-oxidises the glucose in order to release the chemical
energy it contains and converts it back to carbon dioxide and water. This is the
reverse process to photosynthesis and the term cellular respiration is used to
fully describe the reaction. You will return to a comparison of photosynthesis
and respiration in a short while. In the meantime, you will look at the process of
respiration in more detail. Bear in mind that the respiratory process is exactly the
same in both autotrophs and heterotrophs. All organisms must respire to release
energy from fuel molecules, no matter if they made the fuel themselves (plants)
or acquired it by eating another organism (animals).
Question 6.4
Biosynthesis reactions require energy in the form of ATP. What is unique
about the way this ATP is supplied for the biosynthesis of glucose during
photosynthesis compared with all other cellular biosynthetic reactions?
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Chapter 6
know that in photosynthesis the ATP needed to drive the biosynthetic part of the
pathway, the dark reactions, is synthesised using energy derived from the Sun
during the light reactions, but in respiration the energy to phosphorylate ADP
comes from the chemical energy contained in glucose molecules.
It is through the production of ATP that the energy originally derived from the
oxidation of glucose (or TAGs) is released in a conveniently packaged form for
immediate use. This happens in all living organisms.
multi-step catabolism
via a sequence of
CO2 + H 2O
CO2 + H 2O
Figure 6.9 Glucose oxidation to carbon dioxide and water: (a) one-step
oxidation outside the cell; (b) multi-step oxidation inside the cell, which occurs
via a sequence of intermediates. (The number of intermediates is much greater
than shown here.) Notice that the total amount of energy released is the same in
(a) and (b).
So what is the energy-carrying capacity or energy value of ATP? The
conversion of ADP + Pi to ATP absorbs quite a large amount of energy (about
30.6 kJ mol1) and, conversely, the conversion of ATP to ADP + Pi releases the
same amount of energy. The complete oxidation of one mole of glucose to carbon
dioxide and water produces around 30 moles of ATP.
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Book 5
You may be wondering why chemical interconversions in cells follow such complex
pathways. As you saw above, this means that energy is parcelled out, bit by bit, and
efficiently transferred to ATP. In fact, cellular respiration is remarkably efficient.
If 30 moles of ATP are produced for each mole of glucose completely
respired (to carbon dioxide and water), and about 30.6 kJ are required to
produce each mole of ATP, what percentage of the chemical energy available
from glucose oxidation is transferred into the chemical energy of ATP?
A total of 30 30.6 kJ = 918 kJ of chemical energy are transferred to ATP.
Since 2900 kJ are released in the complete oxidation of one mole of glucose,
the percentage of the chemical energy in glucose that is transferred to ATP is:
918 kJ
100% = 32%
2900 kJ
What happens to the rest of the energy?
It is lost as heat.
So the efficiency with which the energy from sugar is transferred to ATP is about
32%. You can now answer the question that was posed at the beginning of this
section, How efficient is the process of respiration compared with a car fuelled
by petrol? The answer is that it is considerably more efficient, since a car at best
transforms 20% of the chemical energy stored in petrol to mechanical energy. If
animals were so inefficient at transferring the energy stored in food into energy
stored in ATP they would need to eat voraciously most of the time.
In the next section, you will look at how heterotrophic organisms obtain the food
they need from other organisms.
Question 6.5
When a person runs, what change occurs in the amount of ATP in their muscles?
Question 6.6
Which of the following statements about metabolism are true?
(a) The conversion of ADP + Pi to ATP is coupled to energy-requiring reactions
in the cell.
(b) ATP is a carrier of chemical energy.
(c) All the ATP produced in the cell by catabolic pathways is used in biosynthetic
(d) Energy derived from the oxidation of glucose is packaged as ATP and used
within minutes.
It has already been mentioned that glucose respiration occurs in all cells. It
is quite clear where plants get the raw materials for respiration from: they
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Chapter 6
in gut
amino acids
fatty acids + glycerol
absorption into
and transport
to body cells
and catabolism)
Plants will have utilised the glucose made during photosynthesis to manufacture
a whole range of organic molecules. When animals eat they consume plant cells
and hence the diet can contain a mixed bag of biological molecules. This can
include sugars such as glucose and fructose, polysaccharides such as starch or
cellulose, plus lipids and proteins. Large multicellular animals have specialised
organs in which this occurs, such as the gut in humans.
Apart from mechanical processes, such as chewing and churning around in the
stomach and intestine, digestion is largely a matter of hydrolysis. As you saw
in Section 5.2, hydrolysis is the reversal of the condensation reactions by which
small organic molecules were linked together in the first place. In Book 4,
Chapter 15 you were introduced to the digestive enzymes (proteins in the gut that
hydrolyse the components of food): lipids (fats) are hydrolysed to fatty acids and
glycerol, polysaccharides are hydrolysed to sugars, and proteins are hydrolysed
to amino acids. Examples of digestive enzymes include: amylase in saliva, which
hydrolyses starch; pepsin in the stomach and trypsin in the intestine, both of
which hydrolyse proteins; and lipases in the intestine, which hydrolyse lipids.
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Book 5
The small organic molecules resulting from digestion then have to reach
individual cells. This is a very important step. In large multicellular animals, such
as humans, there are specialised transport systems, like the blood, which carry
nutrients from the gut to within a few micrometres of the cell membrane. The cell
membrane is selectively permeable (Section 5.7) and the transfer of molecules
across it the final stage of getting the molecules into the cell requires specific
membrane transport proteins and the expenditure of energy. When the products of
digestion are inside the cell, their metabolism can begin.
Glucose oxidation
The focus of this section is the metabolism of just one of the products of
digestion: glucose. This is the commonest source of energy in cells, and almost
all cells that live in an aerobic (oxygen-containing) environment get substantial
amounts of their energy through this process. You saw in Section 6.2.1 that
energy is required to fuel the huge number of biosynthetic reactions necessary
to maintain life and to drive various other activities of life, such as muscular
movement. The breakdown of glucose involves a complex series of chemical
reactions and only the main principles are dealt with here.
Question 6.7
Imagine a molecule of glucose, originally produced by photosynthesis, then used
for storage within a plant cell. Outline what must happen to this glucose molecule
before it can be broken down inside a cell of an animal that consumes the plant.
This section gives a brief overview of the complex process of glucose oxidation
(respiration) in the cell, which is described in detail in Sections You
will find it helpful to bear in mind the basic information given here as you study
these later sections. You need to remember the names and key features of the
overall process and where the component pathways occur in the cell.
Recall from Section 6.3.2 that the oxidation of glucose takes place in many small,
enzyme-catalysed steps. In fact, there are four distinct stages in the breakdown
of glucose to release energy, each of which comprises many separate chemical
reactions. These stages operate in succession to bring about its complete
oxidation to carbon dioxide and water:
C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 30ADP + 30Pi 6CO2 + 6H2O + 30ATP
(Equation 6.8 is a repeat of Equation 6.7, but with the associated ATP production;
note that the value for 30 ATP molecules per molecule of glucose completely
oxidised is approximate and depends on the type of cell in question.)
The four stages of glucose oxidation are shown in Figure 6.11. They are
glycolysis, the link reaction, the tricarboxylic acid cycle (abbreviated to
TCA cycle) and electron transport coupled to oxidative phosphorylation. This
figure summarises the important information on glucose oxidation; the details
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Chapter 6
are explained in later sections, but for now you will consider how the component
pathways illustrated relate to the overall equation of glucose oxidation given in
Equation 6.8.
(6C compound)
Stage 1
(3C compound)
Stage 2
link reaction
acetyl CoA
(2C compound)
(4C compound)
(6C compound)
Stage 3
TCA cycle
5C compound
4C compound
hydrogen atoms
carried by
reduced coenzymes
Stage 4
electron transport
and oxidative
H 2O
much ATP
Figure 6.11 The glucose oxidation pathway showing the four distinct stages
of the process, the changes that occur in the carbon backbone, and the points at
which the end-products carbon dioxide and water are released. (The term carbon
backbone refers to those carbon atoms linked together in the glucose molecule.)
The information given in this diagram is important and by the time you have
completed your study of glucose oxidation you should be able to explain it.
Figure 6.11 shows the glucose oxidation pathway as a flow diagram divided into 4 stages, labelled 1 4. Stages 1 (glycolysis), 2 (link reaction) and 4 (electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation) are shown as linear processes but Stage 3 (TCA cycle) is shown as a cycle.
Stage 1 begins with glucose (a 6C carbon compound). During glycolysis the glucose is converted into the 3C compound pyruvate. Some reduced co-enzyme NAD.2H and some ATP re produced.
In Stage 2 the pyruvate is converted to acetyl CoA, a 2C compound and the remaining carbon from each pyruvate is released as carbon dioxide. Some more NAD.2H is produced. This reaction is known as the link reaction as it joins the reactions of glycolysis to the reactions of the TCA cycle (Stage 3).
In Stage 3 the 2C acetyl CoA produced by the link reaction reacts with a 4C compound called oxaloacetate to produce citrate (a 6C compound). Citrate then undergoes a cycle of reactions whereby the original carbon atoms from the acetyl CoA (and therefore from the glucose that started out in Stage 1) are lost as carbon dioxide. Eventually oxaloacetate is regenerated and is ready to combine with another molecule of acetyl CoA to start the TCA cycle again. Some ATP is generated during the TCA cycle but also many molecules of NAD.2H.
In Stage 4 all the molecules of reduced co-enzymes (NAD.2H) are re-oxidised by passing on their hydrogen atoms to oxygen with the associated production of many molecules of ATP.
Notice from Figure 6.11 that the first three stages break down sequentially the
carbon backbone of glucose (a chain of six carbon atoms, 6C), and release the
carbon as the end-product, carbon dioxide.
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Book 5
The tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle) completes the breakdown of the
carbon chain to 1C, i.e. to carbon dioxide.
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Chapter 6
glucose entering
the cell
cell membrane
inner membrane
electron transport and
oxidative phosphorylation
link reaction
TCA cycle
outer membrane
Figure 6.12 The location of each of the four stages of the glucose oxidation
pathway in the cell. (The mitochondrion is much enlarged relative to the nucleus
in order to show its internal structure.)
Name another organelle that illustrates this sort of compartmentation.
The chloroplast remember different chemical reactions take place in the
stroma (dark reactions) and on the thylakoid membranes (light reactions).
Like the chloroplast, in the mitochondrion there is also a division of labour by
the physical separation of internal compartments. Both Stages 2 and 3 of glucose
oxidation the link reaction and the TCA cycle occur in the matrix. Stage 4, the
coupled processes of electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation, takes place at
the inner mitochondrial membrane. It is here that most of the ATP is produced in the
cell. By the end of Section 6.4 you should appreciate the role of the mitochondrion
in glucose oxidation, and why it is called the powerhouse of the cell.
Different kinds of cell have different numbers of mitochondria within them there
are sometimes more than a thousand per cell. If you look back at Figure 4.3 you
can see many mitochondria in the electron micrograph of a single mammalian
liver cell. The more work a cell does, of whatever kind (e.g. biosynthesis or
movement), the more mitochondria it contains. Thus, for example, a human skin
cell contains fewer mitochondria than a human liver or muscle cell. Skin cells are
relatively passive metabolically, liver cells are involved in much biosynthesis, and
muscles are involved in the transformation of much chemical energy into kinetic
energy. Thus the ATP requirements of cells and tissues can vary, and consequently
the number of mitochondria they possess also differs.
Each of the four stages of glucose oxidation (Figure 6.11) will now be considered
in turn, beginning with glycolysis.
Stage 1: glycolysis
Consider a glucose molecule that has just entered the cell. The first stage of
glucose breakdown the process of glycolysis (literally sugar splitting) takes
place in the cytosol. Here are found all the necessary enzymes. Glycolysis
comprises a number of steps, and these are outlined in Figure 6.13. The pathway
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begins with the 6C glucose molecule (shown at the top of the figure) and ends
with two molecules of a 3C intermediate called pyruvate (pronounced pieroo-vate), shown at the bottom of Figure 6.13. Altogether there are eight
intermediates between glucose and pyruvate, each formed from the preceding
one by a different enzyme-catalysed reaction. Only the main reactions will be
considered, starting with the splitting of the glucose carbon backbone.
glucose (6C)
3C-phosphate + 3C-phosphate
3C-bisphosphate 3C-bisphosphate
Before glucose can be split under the conditions that exist in the cell, it has to be
activated, so that energetically strong bonds like the C\C bonds holding
the 6C backbone together are weakened and hence more readily broken in
the enzyme-catalysed reactions that follow. Activation is a complex process,
but it can be brought about simply by placing charged groups near the bonds to
be broken. Phosphate is one such group (Figure 5.3). All the intermediates of
glycolysis have at least one phosphate group.
The first step in glycolysis is to phosphorylate (add a phosphate to) glucose,
converting it to glucose 6-phosphate. The phosphate group is donated by ATP,
and the reaction is catalysed by the enzyme hexokinase. There then follows a
second phosphorylation step, which produces a doubly activated bisphosphate
sugar (6C-bisphosphate in Figure 6.13; bis here means two). This is then split
into two 3C sugar phosphate molecules (3C-phosphate in the figure).
It may seem odd to use up two molecules of ATP right at the beginning of
glycolysis, if the whole point of glucose oxidation is to generate ATP. But if
you look again at Figure 6.13, you can see that this initial investment of ATP is
justified by events later in the glycolytic pathway, where two reactions generate
ATP, again from ADP. In fact, four ATP molecules are formed because each of
the two 3C sugar phosphate molecules follows the same route to pyruvate; that
is, the second half of the pathway happens twice for each molecule of glucose. In
addition, as Figure 6.13 shows, some NAD is reduced to NAD.2H.
The important points to remember about glycolysis are that some of the energy
stored in glucose has been tapped off into ATP and the reduced coenzyme
NAD.2H. Most of the energy, however, is still stored in the two pyruvate
molecules produced at the end of glycolysis.
Question 6.8
Complete Table 6.1 to summarise the key inputs and outputs and processes
involved in glycolysis. You should include the number of molecules of substrate,
the number of carbon-containing products and the number of any other products
produced for each molecule of glucose moving along the pathway.
Table 6.1 Summary of glycolysis.
Reaction or
Part of cell/
located in
Begins with
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The two pyruvate molecules produced in glycolysis now move from the
cytosol to the mitochondrion, passing through both outer and inner membranes
and into the matrix (see Figure 6.12). It is here that the link reaction takes
In this reaction, one carbon atom is lost from the 3C pyruvate molecule as
carbon dioxide, leaving a 2C fragment the very reactive acetyl (pronounced
asset-ile) group. This is transferred directly from pyruvate to a coenzyme called
coenzyme A (CoA for short) (which was listed in Table 5.3). On combining
with an acetyl group, the CoA molecule becomes acetyl CoA. At the same time,
one molecule of NAD is reduced to NAD.2H. These simultaneous reactions are
summarised in Equation 6.9.
pyruvate + CoA + NAD acetyl CoA + CO2 + NAD.2H
The important point to remember about the link reaction is that the 2C acetyl
group still contains some of the energy originally trapped in the glucose
molecule and it is this group that is fed into the TCA cycle. In addition,
some NAD.2H has been produced and this is eventually oxidised in the
mitochondrion in Stage 4.
Question 6.9
Complete Table 6.2 to summarise the key inputs and outputs and processes
involved in the link reaction. You should include the number of molecules of
substrate, the number of carbon-containing products and the number of any other
products produced for each molecule of glucose moving along the pathway.
Table 6.2 Summary of the link reaction.
Reaction or
Part of cell/
located in
Begins with
link reaction
The 2C acetyl group (carried by CoA) is now dealt with by the TCA cycle
(Figure 6.14). Like the link reaction, this circular sequence of enzyme-catalysed
reactions occurs in the fluid-filled matrix of the mitochondrion. The overall
change brought about by this cycle is the breaking of the C\C bond in the acetyl
group, thus producing two molecules of carbon dioxide for each acetyl group
entering the cycle.
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citrate (6C)
Figure 6.14 Details of the TCA cycle. The numbers 18 refer to the reactions
that make up the cycle. OAA is the abbreviation for oxaloacetate.
This pathway is a cycle because one of the two compounds that take part in the
first reaction (1) is regenerated at the end of the cycle, as shown in Figure 6.14.
From Figure 6.14, what are the two compounds that react together in
reaction 1, and which one of these is regenerated at the end of the cycle?
The two compounds that take part in reaction 1 are acetyl CoA (whose
acetyl group is removed, releasing CoA again) and the 4C intermediate,
oxaloacetate (OAA). Oxaloacetate is regenerated in the last reaction
(reaction 8) of the cycle.
You can see from Figure 6.14 that the product of reaction 1 of the TCA cycle is
citrate, a 6C compound. This is the result of combining 4C oxaloacetate with a
2C acetyl group. The 6C citrate is converted to another 6C intermediate, which is
then converted via a 5C intermediate to a series of 4C intermediates, the last one
of these being oxaloacetate (produced in reaction 8).
What happens to the two carbon atoms that are lost between 6C and 4C?
They are converted to carbon dioxide (in reactions 3 and 4 of Figure 6.14).
During the TCA cycle hydrogen atoms are also lost.
Where have these hydrogen atoms gone?
They have been picked up by coenzymes, mainly NAD, forming the reduced
coenzymes, mainly NAD.2H, that are so important for making ATP in the
final stage of glucose oxidation. Another coenzyme shown in Figure 6.14 is
FAD that, like NAD, carries pairs of hydrogen atoms.
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Chapter 6
Some ATP is made directly during each turn of the TCA cycle (reaction 5 in
Figure 6.14), like the ATP produced in glycolysis. But as you will see, most of
the cells ATP is synthesised while dealing with the reduced coenzymes produced
in Stages 13.
For each turn of the cycle, acetyl CoA has to be fed in from outside, from
pyruvate via the link reaction as just described. Because two molecules of acetyl
CoA are produced from each glucose molecule, the cycle has to turn twice to deal
with both of them. (Some people remember this by thinking of the TCA cycle as
the TCA bicycle!)
The important points to remember about the TCA cycle are:
Question 6.10
Complete Table 6.3 to summarise the key inputs and outputs and processes
involved in the TCA cycle. You should include the number of molecules of
substrate, the number of carbon-containing products and the number of any other
products produced for each molecule of glucose moving along the pathway.
Table 6.3 Summary of the TCA cycle.
Reaction or
Part of cell/
located in
Begins with
TCA cycle
Question 6.11
Where in the cell is the carbon dioxide produced that animals breathe out?
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production of ATP from ADP and Pi. The overall reaction of Stage 4 can be
summarised as:
NAD.2H + 12 O2 + ADP + Pi NAD + H2O + ATP
Just one molecule of NAD.2H is being considered, hence only half an oxygen
molecule is required to balance the equation. This equation is however not accurate
with respect to the amounts of ADP and ATP. The number of ATP molecules
produced per molecule of NAD.2H is variable and can only be estimated.
Where have you met coupling of phosphorylation and electron transport
In the light reactions of photosynthesis, where NADP is reduced to NADP.2H
as ADP is phosphorylated to ATP.
Looking back at Figure 6.11 will reveal that NAD.2H is produced in all three
of the preceding stages of glucose oxidation, in fact most of it is produced in
Stage 3, the TCA cycle. NAD.2H is processed in Stage 4. The oxidation of
reduced coenzymes inside the mitochondrion in Stage 4 does not occur in a single
step, but just like the oxidation of water in photosynthesis, it is brought about by
a series of steps involving membrane components known as electron carriers,
which form the mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC). As Figure 6.15
shows, the ETC is made up of five carriers, numbered 15. This figure also
shows that at the beginning of the electron transport chain the hydrogen atoms
are removed from NAD.2H, and at the end of the chain molecular oxygen comes
in to oxidise the hydrogen atoms to water. The overall reaction is summarised in
Equation 6.11:
NAD.2H + 12 O2 NAD + H2O
Figure 6.15 The electron
transport chain consists of five
electron carriers, numbered
15 in order of increasing
electron affinity. The carriers are
alternately reduced and oxidised
as electrons are transported
down the chain. The relative
size and shape of each carrier
is shown, as determined by
electron microscopy.
electron flow
2 O2
H 2O
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Chapter 6
and at the end molecular oxygen accepts the protons and electrons, so becoming
water, as in Equation 6.13:
2H+ + 2e + 12 O2 H2O
So the oxidation of glucose is now complete oxygen has entered the process at
last and water has been produced. Look back to Equation 6.7 to remind yourself
of the whole reaction. Once relieved of its 2H passenger group, the NAD can be
recycled to pick up more 2H pairs.
Interestingly, the oxygen-binding site of the last carrier, cytochrome oxidase,
can be irreversibly blocked by both cyanide and carbon monoxide, preventing
it from binding oxygen, hence the disastrous effects of these poisons on aerobic
organisms (such as ourselves).
What would happen at the biochemical level if potassium cyanide entered the
Electron transport would stop because the final electron carrier would no
longer be able to bind oxygen. Consequently, NAD.2H could not be oxidised,
so NAD would not be regenerated.
The vital consequence of the fact that NAD.2H could not be oxidised is that there
would be no oxidative phosphorylation, so very little ATP would be produced and
cell respiration would stop (resulting in death of the organism).
Question 6.12
Which of the following biological transformations directly involves: (i) the
breaking of a C\C bond; (ii) reduction of NAD to NAD.2H; (iii) electron
transport within the inner mitochondrial membrane?
(a) NAD.2H + 12 O2 NAD + H2O
(b) glucose 2 pyruvate
(c) pyruvate + CoA acetyl CoA + CO2
(d) acetyl CoA CoA + 2CO2
You now need to consider how ATP is produced as electrons are transferred
along the electron transport chain. A major outcome of glucose oxidation is the
transfer of energy from glucose to ATP, but so far, mention has only been made
of the few ATP molecules that are produced directly in glycolysis and the TCA
cycle. As you have seen, the transfer of hydrogen atoms from NAD.2H to oxygen
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takes place in several steps. This is not surprising; if the NAD.2H were oxidised
directly by oxygen, there would be unacceptably large amounts of energy
released (as heat), which might damage the cell, as well as being wasteful. The
small oxidation (electron transfer) steps ensure the controlled release of energy,
which is tapped off into making ATP. However, as in photosynthesis, the energy
released during electron transfer is not harnessed directly into the production
of ATP but relies on the creation of a proton concentration gradient across a
membrane, this time the inner mitochondrial membrane. There is, however,
a slight difference: in the respiratory ETC, the flow of electrons leads to the
pumping of protons from the mitochondrial matrix into the intermembrane space.
This contrasts with photosynthesis, where the proton gradient is induced by the
location of hydrogen-releasing (photolysis reactions and proton shuttling) and
hydrogen-removing (reduction of NADP to NADP.2H) reactions on different
sides of the thylakoid membrane. In both cases, however, it is the movement of
protons along the concentration gradient that generates ATP.
The link between the electron transport in Stage 4 and ATP synthesis is described
by the chemiosmotic hypothesis, which was proposed by the British biochemist,
Peter Mitchell (Figure 6.16). For this work he was awarded the Nobel Prize for
Medicine and Physiology in 1978. An important clue to the nature of this link
came from experiments with mitochondria isolated from cells and suspended in
a medium supplied with nutrients and oxygen. Such mitochondria can oxidise
NAD.2H and simultaneously form ATP, but only if they are not damaged and, in
particular, if the inner mitochondrial membrane is still intact.
Figure 6.17 Three of the five electron carriers in the electron transport chain
are also proton pumps, which transfer protons (H+) from the matrix across the
inner membrane and into the intermembrane space.
As electrons are transferred along the ETC, protons are moved out of the
mitochondrial matrix, through the proton channels, and into the intermembrane
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Chapter 6
ATP synthase
ADP + Pi
catalytic site
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inner mitochondrial
CO 2
CO 2
acetyl CoA
CO 2
CO 2
H 2O
The net yield of ATP per glucose molecule completely oxidised to carbon dioxide
and water is around 30 ATP molecules. The vast majority of this ATP is made by
oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria. As you have seen, this process
involves an energy-releasing reaction, the oxidation of NAD.2H, coupled to
an energy-requiring reaction, the phosphorylation of ADP. This is a different
mechanism from the direct production of ATP in glycolysis and the TCA cycle
(Figures 6.13 and 6.14), which does not involve electron transport to oxygen.
This second type of phosphorylation is called substrate-level phosphorylation.
Here the intermediates contain phosphate groups that are transferred directly to
ADP to produce ATP. In certain conditions, substrate-level phosphorylation can
be crucially important to cells, as explained in the next section.
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Chapter 6
Question 6.13
Complete Table 6.4 to summarise the key inputs and outputs and processes
involved in the electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation. On this
occasion you should include the number of substrate molecules, the number of
carbon-containing products and the number of other products for each molecule
of glucose moving through the pathway.
Table 6.4 Summary of electron transport chain/oxidative phosphorylation.
Reaction or
Part of cell/
located in
Begins with
Question 6.14
Stage 4 of glucose oxidation includes oxidative phosphorylation. What is
oxidised and what is phosphorylated in this process?
Question 6.15
What changes, if any, take place in the distribution of protons on either side of
the inner mitochondrial membrane during electron transport:
(a) when the membrane is intact?
(b) when 2,4-dinitrophenol (2,4-DNP) is present?
(c) when the oxygen-binding site of cytochrome oxidase is blocked by
carbon monoxide?
Cells sometimes temporarily have no, or a much reduced, oxygen supply. One
such example is muscle cells in mammals, including humans. Muscles can
exhaust their supply of oxygen, for example, as a herbivore escapes from the
attack of a carnivore, or a human runs for a bus, and under these conditions
they resort to anaerobic respiration (meaning respiration in the absence of
oxygen) instead of the usual aerobic respiration. Thus muscles can continue to
contract in the absence of oxygen and ATP is produced entirely by substrate-level
In anaerobic respiration in muscles, the only energy-producing process in
operation is glycolysis. Figure 6.13 showed that during glycolysis some NAD.2H
is produced. Because oxygen is not present, this reduced coenzyme cannot be
oxidised via the ETC. Under anaerobic conditions, pyruvate the end-product
of glycolysis serves as the oxidising agent (hydrogen acceptor). The pyruvate
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is reduced to lactate by the two hydrogen atoms from NAD.2H. The enzyme
involved is one you have met already (Section 5.6.4), lactate dehydrogenase
(LDH), which is present in the cytosol.
C3H 4O3 + NAD.2H LDH
Notice that this is the reverse of the forward reaction in Equation 5.4.
Figure 6.13 also showed that during glycolysis some ATP is produced. In fact,
four molecules of ATP are formed but two molecules are used to activate the
glucose, making a net gain of only two molecules of ATP per molecule of
glucose. This is an extremely small yield compared with the 30 or so molecules
produced by the complete oxidation of glucose (Section 6.3.2). Nevertheless,
the production of this relatively small amount of ATP is sufficient for muscle
contraction to continue and, since the NAD.2H is converted back to NAD, the
process of glycolysis can continue at least for a while.
Are mitochondria involved in anaerobic respiration?
No, because glycolysis occurs in the cytosol.
Anaerobic respiration leads to a build-up of lactate in muscles. You may be aware
of this during exercise, because it causes the muscles to feel stiff. When exercise
is over, the large amount of lactate that has accumulated is oxidised back to
pyruvate, and this reaction is catalysed by lactate dehydrogenase (Equation 5.4).
This reaction requires large amounts of oxygen (to oxidise the NAD.2H
produced), which is provided by the deep and rapid breathing that continues for
some time after physical activity has ceased.
Many organisms can live without oxygen, for example the bacterium that
causes tetanus is an anaerobic organism. Yeast can live with or without oxygen,
depending upon the environment. In aerobic conditions, respiration in yeast is
the same as that described earlier. However, under anaerobic conditions, the
NAD required for the continuation of glycolysis is regenerated, not via lactate
formation, but by the process of fermentation. Here, the pyruvate is converted,
via two steps, to alcohol and carbon dioxide hence the use of yeast in the
brewing and bread-making industries.
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Chapter 6
Integration of metabolism
amino acids
glucose (6C)
fatty acids
pyruvate (3C)
acetyl (2C)
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stores in liver
in cells
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As blood glucose level falls between meals, or during bouts of exercise when
the muscles use large quantities of glucose, insulin secretion is greatly reduced
and another hormone, glucagon (glue-ka-gon), is released into the blood.
Glucagon stimulates the breakdown of glycogen stores in the liver and muscles
and the release of glucose from the liver into the bloodstream. Thus the effects of
glucagon on liver and muscle cells are opposite to those of insulin.
So stored glycogen can be used to provide glucose to fuel the metabolism of body
cells. However, glycogen stores are limited, even in a well-fed animal. During
prolonged exercise, or if there is a long period without food intake, the body must
turn to its alternative energy stores TAGs (fats).
As well as sugars, both fatty acids and glycerol (released by the hydrolysis
of TAGs) can be used by cells to provide energy. The hormone glucagon not
only stimulates the release of glucose from the liver but also promotes the
mobilisation of fat reserves from adipose tissue. (The terms TAGs and fat are
used interchangeably here.) Quantitatively, fat is usually more important as an
energy store than glycogen. On average, an adult human stores enough glycogen
to last for only about a day of typical activities, but enough fat to last at least a
month. This is partly because the body stores a much greater quantity of fat than
glycogen and partly because the oxidation of fatty acids generates about six times
as much energy as the oxidation of the same mass of glycogen.
When TAGs are broken down to generate energy, they are first hydrolysed
to fatty acids and glycerol. The glycerol is eventually converted to a 3C
intermediate of glycolysis, as shown in Figure 6.20. The fatty acids are converted
via another catabolic pathway into acetyl groups, which are carried by CoA
(Figure 6.19). This acetyl CoA then feeds into the TCA cycle.
CoA can accept acetyl groups from either fatty acids or pyruvate (in the link
reaction). However, whether the acetyl groups come from fatty acids or from
glucose depends on the availability of these fuels. As long as there is sufficient
glucose, the oxidation of fats is suppressed. A high-energy diet, rich in both
carbohydrates and fats (as is common in the western world) may eventually
lead to obesity, because the carbohydrates meet most of the energy needs
of the body and so the excess fat consumed gets stored in adipose tissue.
(Carbohydrate consumed in excess of requirements can also be converted into
fat and stored.)
Imagine a person on a low-energy diet. What will be happening to their TAG
They will be slowly broken down, via fatty acids to acetyl CoA, which will
be catabolised in the TCA cycle, thereby making up the shortfall in energy
provision from the diet.
Such a diet would lead to weight loss over time as more and more of the stored
TAGs would be mobilised to provide energy for the rest of the body.
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Book 5
Catabolism of proteins
Protein breakdown happens all the time as part of body maintenance. But proteins
can also serve as an energy source. When amino acids from protein digestion in
the gut are in excess of the bodys requirements for growth and maintenance, they
are broken down to provide energy, and during periods of inadequate food intake
body proteins, particularly muscle proteins, can be catabolised to provide energy.
When proteins are broken down, they are first split into the individual amino
acid monomers. Since there are 20 of these (Section 5.5.2), there are 20 different
starting points to their catabolic routes. However, you will focus only on the
general principles of amino acid catabolism. In all cases, the amino group (NH2)
is first removed, and the remaining non-nitrogenous acids, either directly or after
further catabolism, feed into the central pathway at one of a number of points:
to pyruvate (at the end of glycolysis), to acetyl CoA (after the link reaction) or
to one of several TCA cycle intermediates (see Figure 6.20). A proportion of the
amino groups are recycled in the process of amino acid biosynthesis and the rest
are ultimately excreted; for example, as urea, in the urine of humans.
In conclusion, the key point is that energy stores of all types are catabolised via
the central pathway of glucose catabolism.
of Z
CO2 + H2O
You now know that processes of biosynthesis and catabolism take place in stages.
Thus, there are biosynthetic pathways for building (synthesising) compounds
and catabolic pathways for breaking them down. Figure 6.22 shows the catabolic
glucose oxidation pathway linked to a biosynthetic metabolic pathway. You
know that biosynthesis requires energy in the form of ATP and so in this example
of two linked pathways the oxidation of glucose to carbon dioxide and water
is synthesising the ATP, which allows the biosynthesis pathway to take place.
However, the two pathways are more intimately linked than merely by the
supply of ATP. During glucose oxidation, numerous intermediates the partial
breakdown products of each reaction in the sequence, such as A, B, Q and R are
formed. The cell can use these intermediates by putting them together again in
different ways to form different molecules. In this way, the early products of
a catabolic pathway, such as intermediate B, may participate in a biosynthetic
pathway. Here the intermediate B from one pathway is being combined with
another intermediate, Y, from a different pathway, to form a new compound YB.
These intermediates are called precursor molecules: for example, the acetyl
group is a precursor of cholesterol (a type of lipid) in mammals and vitamin A in
plants. Because of the links between different pathways, the routes of catabolism
and biosynthesis are all interconnected, forming a complex network of chemical
Oxidation and reduction reactions are central to energy metabolism. You
have seen that the chemical energy in food molecules is released in catabolic
oxidative reactions. However, the synthesis of biological molecules like glucose
in photosynthesis involves reduction reactions and requires energy. Because of
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Chapter 6
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of sugars and fats to carbon dioxide and water, and enable much of the energy
stored in these metabolic fuels to be temporarily stored in ATP before it is used to
drive a variety of energy-requiring reactions in the cell. In contrast, chloroplasts
convert carbon dioxide and water to sugars and oxygen, and in the process they
store some of the energy trapped from sunlight. The differences between the
two organelles are thought to be a consequence of their different origins from
different bacterial ancestors, as described in Section 4.3.
Oxidative phosphorylation
plant cells containing chlorophyll
energy source
carbohydrates/lipids/amino acids
electron acceptor
Now look at the comments on this activity at the end of this book.
Despite the complex biochemistry you have covered in this chapter there is
a simple take-home message and one that will serve you well in Chapter 7
where the flow of energy through ecological systems is examined in greater
depth. Energy and resources flow through ecosystems. All ecosystems are
ultimately dependent on solar energy; this energy is made available to autotrophs
through the process of photosynthesis. Heterotrophs obtain chemical energy by
consuming autotrophs and they release the energy in their food by metabolic
pathways such as glucose oxidation. It is possible to measure the flow of energy
through ecosystems and this is the subject of the next chapter.
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Chapter 6
Summary of Chapter 6
Energy for almost all living organisms is ultimately derived from the Sun by
Energy-requiring reactions are coupled to the conversion of ATP to ADP + Pi,
while the reverse reaction, the conversion of ADP + Pi to ATP, is coupled to
energy-releasing reactions.
The essential feature of photosynthesis is that solar energy is converted by means
of the pigment chlorophyll into chemical energy in sugar.
Photosynthesis consists of two sets of reactions; the light reactions harness
energy from the Sun (absorbed by chlorophyll) and use it to produce ATP and
reducing power in the form of reduced coenzymes, NADP.2H. The dark reactions
use the products of the light reactions to fix atmospheric CO2 and convert it to
glucose. Oxygen is released as a by-product.
The glucose manufactured by photosynthesis can be used for further biosynthesis
of more complex molecules or in catabolism to release energy stored in the fuel
molecule for other uses in the cell. This process is called respiration and is the
oxidation of glucose to release energy.
Respiration (glucose oxidation) occurs in all cells; it proceeds via a large number
of small steps, releasing small quantities of energy at a time.
Metabolism is the sum of all chemical reactions in the cell and comprises
catabolic (breaking down) and biosynthetic (building up) reactions.
Glucose is oxidised in the cell in four consecutive stages: glycolysis, which takes
place in the cytosol; the link reaction and the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, both
of which take place in the mitochondrial matrix; and electron transport coupled to
oxidative phosphorylation, which occurs in the inner mitochondrial membrane.
Anaerobic respiration occurs in mammals in the absence of oxygen.
In mammals, glucose is stored as glycogen in muscle and liver. Between meals,
glycogen is hydrolysed to release glucose. Blood glucose level is regulated by
hormones, including insulin and glucagon.
Activity 6.1 gave you an opportunity to practise the important skill of integrating
diagrams into short pieces of writing. Communicating effectively with diagrams
is an essential skill to develop. Written accounts are enhanced by the use of
diagrams, which should be given suitable titles, fully labelled and referred to
explicitly in the text of the written account.
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Chapter 7
Chapter 7
Ecosystems and energy flow
So far, Book 5 has been chiefly concerned with the individual organism; with
what makes it an organism (as opposed to, say, a rock), what distinguishes one
organism from another and how many different kinds there might be. Real
organisms, though, are parts of communities and populations in which there are
complex interactions. You are already aware of the complex predator and prey
relationships exhibited by certain species (Section 2.4 and Activity 2.2). The
relationship between the snowshoe hare and the lynx is relatively straightforward
compared with the relationships between the huge numbers of different species
inhabiting an oak woodland. In this section, the oak tree is explored as a habitat
upon (and in) which many organisms of many species live. The oak tree is also
part of an ecological system, or ecosystem, through which resources, including
energy, flow. A large proportion of the study material for this chapter is provided
in the computer-based activity Ecological Chains: Finding the Links. You should
begin by reading this chapter and tackle the various sections of the computerbased activity when directed in the text. It is important that you study each
section in the given order. The activity introduces you to the study of an oak
woodland ecosystem. You will investigate a number of interactions between
species in this ecosystem. In doing so, you will learn about the interdependence
of communities of organisms, sometimes referred to as the balance of nature.
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Book 5
rich complexity of all the interactions in the ecosystem so instead you will take
a few examples. The most obvious (and final) way an organism can interact with
another is to eat it and, in Activity 7.1 Section 2, you will investigate feeding
relationships between four of the oak woodland species. You will learn some
basic principles of feeding relationships before turning to this specific example.
From Chapter 6, you know that all organisms need constant supplies of energy
and carbon to support life. For heterotrophic organisms, these requirements come
from the food they eat. The breakdown of food molecules during respiration
releases the energy they require for movement, keeping their bodies warm, and
via biosynthesis (the manufacture of new cellular materials) for growth and
reproduction. The feeding relationships between specific organisms are called
food chains; these sequences identify the fixed order in which organisms feed on
each other.
Organisms can sustain life only if they consume sufficient food from the species
below them in the food chain. By making careful observations of an ecosystem,
it is possible to quantify how much food each organism in the food chain
requires for its energy needs and you will undertake some calculations using field
data to establish how many organisms are consumed in a specific food chain.
Activity 7.1 Section 3 will demonstrate how these complex calculations are made
in the field.
Activity 7.1
We expect these sections of the activity will take you approximately 2 hours.
As the name Ecological chains suggests, this activity is an introduction to key
ecological ideas and techniques, based on the ecology of temperate woodland
that is dominated by oak trees. The activity introduces the ideas of producers
and consumers within an ecosystem, and examines the links between different
organisms in food chains and more complex food webs. These links can be
viewed in terms of the flow of energy through an ecosystem.
For this activity you should study Sections 1, 2 and 3 of the computer-based
activity Ecological Chains. The estimated study time for each of these sections is
as follows:
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
DVD screens 13
DVD screens 411
DVD screens 1217
Now look at the comments on Sections 13 of this activity at the end of this
Feeding relationships
You have now established a simple food chain containing four different species:
oak tree, winter moth caterpillar, great tit and sparrowhawk.
Like all food chains, this one begins with an autotroph (Section 2.3), the oak tree,
an organism that can capture energy from the Sun and use it to convert simple
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Chapter 7
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Book 5
(Accipiter nisus)
tertiary consumer
great tit
(Parus major)
secondary consumer
winter moth
primary consumer
oak tree
(Quercus robur)
primary producer
Figure 7.1 is a diagram representing the numbers of each species in the food chain (oak tree, winter moth caterpillar, great tit and sparrowhawk). Each species has a bar making up a pyramid as one is stacked on top of the other oak tree at the base an sparrowhawk at the top. The width of the bar in each case is proportional to the number of organisms of each species at each level. The base of the pyramid is very narrow (representing the small number of the oak trees), the next level the winter moth caterpillar is very broad representing high numbers and then the numbers of each successive species go down (bars shrink in size) as you move up the pyramid.
tertiary consumer
secondary consumer
primary consumer
primary producer
Figure 7.2 Pyramid of numbers for a grassland ecosystem; this time, the broad
base reflects the large number of grass plants that are primary producers.
Figure 7.2 is a diagram representing the pyramid of numbers for a grassland ecosystem. This is a true pyramid with a broad base representing huge numbers of grass plants and successively narrow bars as you go up the pyramid.
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Chapter 7
Clearly the difference here is the size of the autotrophic organisms at the base
of the pyramid. The oak trees are massive and consequently few are needed to
sustain the consumers above them in the food chain. A pyramid of numbers does
not always accurately represent the feeding relationships between the species in
an ecosystem; sometimes it is better to use alternative methods to quantify each
trophic level.
One such method requires taking samples of organisms at each trophic level
over a fixed area, drying them and weighing them to give an estimate of the
biomass (kg m2), the amount of dry biological material per unit area.
Sketch the shape of the pyramid of biomass for the oakwinter moth
caterpillargreat tit sparrowhawk food chain.
Figure 7.3 shows a sketch of this pyramid, which is similar in shape to
Figure 7.2, but here the base of the pyramid reflects the huge amount of
living material in the oak trees.
(Accipiter nisus)
tertiary consumer
great tit
(Parus major)
secondary consumer
winter moth
primary consumer
oak tree
primary producer
We expect this section of the activity will take you approximately 1 hour.
For this activity you should study Section 4 Energy flow DVD screens 1832 of
the computer-based activity Ecological Chains.
Now look at the comments on Section 4 of this activity at the end of this book.
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Book 5
Primary production
You know that all food chains begin with autotrophs but you now need to
investigate how the process of photosynthesis makes energy available for all the
consumers in the food chain. Gross primary productivity (GPP) is a measure
of the amount of solar energy trapped by photosynthesis and therefore converted
into food molecules over a specified time and in a specified area or volume or in
a specified food chain, food web or ecosystem. In the computer-based activity,
you calculated the GPP for immature oak leaves on a typical day and found that
the efficiency of photosynthesis is surprisingly low. Given that the total solar
energy reaching the Earth from the Sun is so high, it is interesting to investigate
why more of this energy does not get converted to GPP. Recall from Book 1 that
a large proportion of the intercepted solar radiation is absorbed by the atmosphere
or reflected from the Earths surface or the atmosphere. Only around one-tenth of
this energy actually reaches the surface of the land and, of this, a large proportion
is made up of ultraviolet and infrared wavelengths, which cannot be absorbed by
Which part of the electromagnetic spectrum can plants absorb?
Plants (via the pigment chlorophyll) absorb light energy from specific regions
of the visible spectrum.
Obviously, a large proportion of the solar energy reaching the ground does not
fall on plants and even when it does it may be reflected from or transmitted
through the leaf. Consequently, only a very small proportion of solar energy is
actually absorbed by the chlorophyll molecules and used to manufacture glucose.
As you calculated, the proportion of light energy reaching the oak wood that is
converted into energy stored in carbon compounds is around 1%. The first step in
your food chain, converting solar energy into chemical energy is therefore very
inefficient. These inefficiencies continue with significant energy losses as you
progress along the food chain. Your first step is therefore to determine where and
how this energy is lost.
What then is the fate of the GPP? The carbon compounds produced during
photosynthesis can be used to provide energy for maintenance, growth and
reproduction. As you know from Chapter 6, energy is released from food
molecules such as glucose via the process of plant respiration (R) and ultimately
this energy is dissipated as heat. Alternatively, a proportion of the GPP can be
stored in the cells of the plant contributing to additional biomass; this is called
the net primary production (NPP). The relationship between GPP, R and NPP
can therefore be summarised as:
You will notice that this simple equation demonstrates the principle of the
conservation of energy very well (Book 3, Chapter 2). All the energy fixed
by the ecosystem as GPP during photosynthesis is either converted into
energy and stored as biomass (NPP) or lost from the ecosystem as a result of
respiration (R); indeed the energy used for respiration really is lost, as it is no
longer available to other organisms in the food chain to utilise. GPP and NPP are
expressed in units of energy per unit area and per unit time (kJ ha1 y1) where
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Chapter 7
the unit area is usually the hectare (unit equal to 10 000 m2) and the unit time
is the year. Biomass is often expressed in terms of its chemical energy content
rather than in units of mass and so the terms biomass and energy can be used
Secondary production
Once the energy losses due to plant respiration are taken into account, the next
species in the food chain has only the NPP (energy captured in oak tree biomass)
left to feed on. In fact, the winter moth caterpillar only eats the leaves of the oak
tree so any energy in the biomass of bark, twigs or roots is not available to it.
Hence only a small proportion of the oaks biomass is actually consumed and,
even more significantly, a large proportion of the biomass consumed will be lost
as faeces without being absorbed by the caterpillar.
This can be expressed as:
biomass consumptionW = energy assimilatedW + energy lost in faecesW
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Book 5
We expect this section of the activity will take you approximately 30 minutes.
For this activity you should study Section 5 Food webs DVD screens 3346 of
the computer-based activity Ecological Chains.
Now look at the comments on Section 5 of this activity at the end of this book.
Food webs
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Chapter 7
There are two important groups of organisms not yet included in the discussions
of the oak woodland ecosystem: detritivores and decomposers. A significant
proportion of biomass from one trophic level can remain unassimilated by the next
trophic level because of the feeding behaviour of the organisms concerned: for
example, sparrowhawks pluck the feathers and remove the feet from their great
tit prey before feeding them to their nestlings. In addition, the large quantities
of faecal matter produced by all the heterotrophs in the food chain represent
chemical energy not available to the organism, often because it is difficult to digest.
Decomposers and detritivores process unassimilated material, faeces and dead plant
and animal material and use the biomass it contains for their own respiration and to
increase their biomass. This means that all the energy captured by photosynthesis in
an ecosystem is ultimately released through respiration by one organism or another.
The flow of energy through the oak wood ecosystem can be represented as a flow
chart. Figure 7.4 illustrates the flow of energy through the various trophic levels in
an ecosystem, with the thickness of the lines between levels crudely representing
the amount of energy flow. In the next activity, you will try to quantify the energy
flowing between the trophic levels of the oak woodland ecosystem.
plant biomass
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Book 5
Figure 7.5 is a simplification of the real world. The assumption is made that
photosynthetic efficiency is the same for all plants as it is for the oak leaf.
Detritivores and decomposers have been lumped together into one category and it
has been assumed that nothing eats them. Parasites are also ignored. The energy
content of animals that have died of natural causes and not been consumed by
carnivores has been combined with energy in discarded/unassimilated plant
material and shown as one value.
The units used throughout this activity are kJ ha1 y1 expressed to 2 significant
figures throughout. You will begin by considering the amount of solar
energy that is incident on one hectare of oak woodland in one year. This is
1.0 1010 kJ ha1 y1. We cannot assume however, that the entire solar energy
incident on the hectare of oak woodland is all used for photosynthesis. From
Activity 7.1 Section 4, you know that the efficiency of the photosynthetic process is
actually only about 1%.
So, assume the amount of solar energy absorbed by plants is 1.0% of the amount
of solar energy that is incident on one hectare of oak woodland in one year, i.e.
0.010 1.0 1010 kJ ha1 y1 = 1.0 108 kJ ha1 y1
Recall from Activity 7.1 Section 4 that this value is the gross primary production
Using this value of GPP (1.0 108 kJ ha1 y1) for the oak woodland, you now
need to systematically work through the following calculations to establish
the various energy inputs and outputs at the different trophic levels. In this
ecosystem, four trophic levels, plants (autotrophs), herbivores, first carnivores
and second carnivores, have been identified. You will calculate energy inputs
and outputs as far as the first carnivores; data for second carnivores is already
included in the energy flow diagram. You may find these calculations rather
repetitive; however, it is a useful exercise to go stepwise through the trophic
levels and ensure that you understand the fate of all the energy in the ecosystem.
As you complete each calculation, add the relevant data to the energy flow
diagram (Figure 7.5).
Given that only 20% of the energy assimilated from solar energy is used in
respiration, calculate the amount of energy lost to respiration by plants (R) in
kJ ha1 y1.
Use Equation 7.1 to calculate the NPP for the oak woodland per hectare per year.
You can now move up to the next trophic level, the herbivores. Given that
10% of the energy in plant material is available to herbivores, calculate the
amount of biomass consumed by herbivores when they eat the plants.
Using your answer to Question 3 and, given that 60% of the energy
consumed by herbivores is unassimilated, i.e. lost in faeces, calculate the
energy assimilated by the herbivores using the equation:
biomass consumption = energy assimilated + energy lost in faeces
You may find an alternative way to reach the required value for energy
assimilated by herbivores here this is not incorrect, but it is advisable to use
the equation provided to demonstrate your understanding of the energy flow
through the ecosystem.
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Chapter 7
Using your answer to Question 4 and, given that 15% of the energy
consumed by the herbivores is converted into biomass, calculate the energy
lost to respiration using the equation:
energy assimilated = increase in biomass + energy lost in respiration
Now you move up to the next trophic level in the ecosystem, the first carnivores.
Given that 25% of herbivore biomass is consumed by carnivores, calculate the
amount of energy consumed by the carnivores by eating plant biomass.
Using your answer to Question 6 and, given that 25% of the energy
consumed by the first carnivore is unassimilated, i.e. lost in faeces, calculate
the energy assimilated by the carnivore using the equation:
biomass consumption = energy assimilated + energy lost in faeces
Using your answer to Question 7 and, given that 5% of the energy consumed
by first carnivores is converted into biomass, calculate the energy lost to
respiration using the equation:
energy assimilated = increase in biomass + energy lost in respiration
The energy flow diagram shows that the total amount of discarded and
unassimilated energy for all the trophic levels is 2.9 107 kJ ha1 y1.
Use your answer to part (b) to calculate the amount of energy lost to
respiration if 5% of the energy consumed is used to increase detritivore
and decomposer biomass.
Remember to add all your calculated data to the appropriate spaces in Figure 7.5.
R = 2.6 10
solar energy =
first carnivore
second carnivore
consumed =
consumed =
biomass =
biomass =
biomass =
1.9 102
discarded and
unassimilated = 2.9 107
detritivore and decomposer
consumed =
biomass =
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Book 5
Calculate the percentage of energy entering the ecosystem from the Sun that
ends up as biomass in the highest carnivore. Explain where most of the energy
has gone.
Why are there progressively fewer organisms as you move from herbivore level
to highest carnivore level in an ecosystem?
The energy values in the flow diagram show that organisms in the different
trophic levels of this ecosystem differ in their efficiency to assimilate energy
from their food. Plants assimilate only 1% of the energy available from the
Sun, herbivores assimilate 40% and carnivores 75%. Explain why carnivores
assimilate a much higher proportion of the food they consume compared with
Now look at the comments on this activity at the end of this book.
Steady state
From your detailed look at the fates of energy absorbed by the various trophic levels
in the oak woodland ecosystem, you now need to consider the overall energy inputs
and outputs to the system. In Book 1, Section 4.2.2, the idea of the leaky tank to model
energy inputs and outputs from the Earths surface was introduced and the term steady
state was used to describe situations where energy inputs and outputs are completely
balanced. In any ecosystem, if all the energy captured by photosynthesis is ultimately
released as heat as a consequence of respiration by one organism or another, then the
ecosystem is said to be in a steady state.
Is this the case, for the oak woodland ecosystem? Hint: you need to add up all the
values for energy lost via respiration at each trophic level from your energy flow
From the data, it appears that 2.2 107 kJ ha1 y1 (energy output) are lost via
respiration, while 1.0 108 kJ ha1 y1 are absorbed by the system (energy input)
by photosynthesis. This suggests that outputs are significantly less than inputs
and so the ecosystem is not in steady state.
One possible reason for energy input being higher than energy output may be the
age of the woodland. If the producers, the oak trees, are still rapidly growing, then
a greater proportion of the energy inputs are stored as tree biomass or wood and not
respired. In comparision, in a mature woodland, the trees are larger, not actively
growing and the increased biomass requires more respiration to sustain it. Any
production of new wood/leaf is balanced by decomposition of old material and,
ultimately, the steady state where energy input equals output is reached. From your
observations of the oak woodland in the computer-based activity, can you tell if this
is an old established woodland or an actively growing young one? Although only
a small section of the wood can be seen in the activity, it seems that the trees are
relatively young and therefore could be still actively storing energy as biomass. It
would be interesting to revisit the site in the future to see if a steady state has been
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Chapter 7
gross primary productivity
net primary productivity
solar energy
food chain
trophic level
As you study this course, you will have realised that many scientific words and
phrases have a very precise meaning. In this activity, you are asked to demonstrate
your understanding of some scientific terms by using new words and phrases
introduced in Chapter 7 in a piece of writing. We suggest that you follow the
five steps outlined below.
Plan your piece of writing. You may need to look back at your notes from
Chapter 7. Put your ideas into a logical order.
Make sure that you understand the meaning of the terms that you are expected to
use. Look them up in the course Glossary. Where in your account do you think
that each term will fit? Remember that you can use each word or phrase more
than once. Do any of the required terms not fit comfortably into your plan? This
could be because youve missed something from your plan or because youve not
properly understood the term.
Read your answer again. Does the overall meaning seem clear? Do you think that
you have used each of the new terms in the correct way? Does your answer have
a clear structure?
Now compare your answer with the one given in the comments on this activity at the
end of this book and also read the general advice for writing scientific accounts given
Before leaving the oak woodland you need to consider one last problem for food
chain organisms you know what they eat and how much they need, but the
remaining question is: how do they get the timing right? How do species make sure
that they breed at the same time that appropriate food supplies will be available for
their offspring? In the final part of Activity 7.1, you will investigate this interesting
problem and consider how changes to the climate may endanger breeding success for
some species.
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Book 5
We expect this section of the activity will take you approximately 30 minutes.
Study Section 6 Getting the timing right DVD screens 4766 of the computerbased activity Ecological Chains. This is the final computer-based activity in this
series and it concludes your exploration of the oak woodland ecosystem. Now
you have fully explored the feeding relationships and the flow of energy along
your food chain, you need to consider how important it is that the various species
in the chain synchronise their breeding period with the availability of their food.
Now look at the comments on Section 6 of this activity at the end of this book.
Summary of Chapter 7
All the principles applicable to the oak woodland ecosystem also apply to any
other ecosystem.
Food chains begin with autotrophs.
All organisms are part of several food chains, which combine to form a food web.
Species occupy distinct ecological niches within an ecosystem.
Food chains can vary with the time of year, but always consist of several trophic
levels separated by the consumption (in whole or in part) of one organism by
Different organisms have different life cycles that vary in the number of stages,
their duration and their location. Each of these stages is a potential food source
for other organisms; each of the stages may have different food requirements
from other stages.
It is possible to calculate the energy flow through food chains and hence through
an ecosystem. This can be done by measuring the amount of energy captured by
photosynthesis, accumulated in biomass and lost through respiration in plants,
and by measuring the consumption, biomass accumulation and energy lost
through respiration and faeces in animals.
When an ecosystem is in steady state, all the energy captured by photosynthesis
is ultimately released by respiration.
An organisms success depends on getting the timing right in terms of when it
reproduces with respect to the availability of a suitable food resource.
In your study of this chapter, you had the opportunity to observe a specific
ecosystem at close hand in a qualitative way (description and explanation)
and in a quantitative way where you were able to assign numerical values to
determine the energy flow through the ecosystem. In Activities 7.1 and 7.2 you
have presented data in a variety of ways including constructing a complex flow
diagram of energy inputs and outputs. You have then used this numerical data to
draw some general conclusions about energy flow in ecosystems.
Activity 7.3 allowed you to further develop your writing skills, this time with a
focus on the correct use of scientific terminology. Here you were able to practise
the vital processes of planning your writing, arranging concepts into a logical
order, and writing brief introductions and conclusions.
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Chapter 8
Chapter 8
Meiosis and the genetic lottery
Earlier chapters in this book have demonstrated how living organisms use the
components of the world around them and convert these into their own living
material. An acorn grows into an oak tree using only water, oxygen, carbon
dioxide, some inorganic materials from the soil, and light energy. Similarly, a
human baby grows into an adult by digesting and metabolising food and drink.
The parents in each case pass to their progeny, or offspring, the information and
specification for building cells from materials around them. This information lies
in the genetic material, or DNA, which is found in the chromosomes within the
nucleus, and which is transmitted from generation to generation. Chromosomes
can be regarded as strings of genes, the units of inheritance. It is to the study of
chromosomes and genes that this chapter turns.
The idea of passing on information from parents to offspring raises an important
question: how are the units of inheritance transmitted from one generation to the
next? This section takes two approaches to answering this question. First, it looks
at what happens to the chromosomes of animals and plants during the process of
sexual reproduction. Second, it examines how genes are transmitted in particular
patterns from generation to generation. These two approaches are then combined
to show how the patterns of inheritance can be explained by the behaviour of
chromosomes during sexual reproduction. Since genes are an integral part of
chromosomes, following the behaviour of chromosomes allows the movement
of genes to be traced. Thus the focus of this chapter will be at both the gene and
chromosomal levels of explanation.
The majority of the study time will be dedicated to learning about genes and
chromosomes and their patterns of inheritance. Your study of inheritance will
involve the computer-based activity Mitosis, Meiosis and Recombination, which
explores the relationship between division of the nucleus and the inheritance of
genes. You will practise some basic maths skills, particularly the use of ratios and
you will learn about the mathematical idea of probability.
The type of nuclear division called meiosis is intimately linked to the life cycle of
organisms that reproduce sexually. You were introduced to the essential features
of life cycles in Section 4.5. Try to recall the essential stage of a life cycle, such
as the human life cycle, by answering Question 8.1.
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Book 5
Question 8.1
Complete Figure 8.1 using the following terms: fertilisation, haploid, mitosis,
diploid and meiosis. Each term may be used more than once.
Figure 8.1 Diagram to summarise the human life cycle and the changes in
chromosome number at each stage. For completion in Question 8.1.
Figure 8.1 shows a flow diagram with three bubbles connected by arrows running in a clockwise direction. The three bubbles contain the words adult ., gametes. and zygote. respectively. You need to fill in the gaps and identify the processes on the arrows between zygote and adult, adult and gamete and gamete and zygote.
The answer to Question 8.1 shows that haploid gametes contain one set of
chromosomes, and diploid cells contain two sets (with each chromosome
(usually) having a morphologically identical partner). Chromosomes are
present in the cells of all eukaryotes. Their number varies enormously and is
characteristic for each species. The parasitic worm Ascaris lumbricoides has
only four chromosomes whereas some ferns, such as the adders tongue fern
(Ophioglossum vulgatum), have more than 1000 chromosomes. Most eukaryotes
have between 10 and 50 chromosomes; for example, humans have 46. However,
there is no obvious relationship between chromosome number and an organisms
complexity of organisation.
When the chromosomes are aligned along the centre of the cell during metaphase
of mitosis (Figure 4.19b), they are in their most condensed state so their number,
size and shape can be most easily studied. Figure 8.2 shows the metaphase
chromosomes of a human female. These have been stained and spread out so
that they are readily distinguishable. The array of chromosomes that a particular
species possesses is called the karyotype. For any one species, the male and
female karyotypes may differ slightly because of the sex chromosomes. By
cutting out the chromosomes from photographs taken down the microscope and
lining them up according to their size and shape, the distinctive features of the
karyotype can be revealed (Figure 8.3).
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Chapter 8
1 m
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Book 5
karyotype in Figure 8.3 is the different appearances of the chromosomes; nonhomologous chromosomes can be distinguished from each other by their length
and the position of the centromere and, although many look very similar, to
the trained eye and using more sophisticated staining techniques, each pair is
How can you tell that the karyotype in Figure 8.3 is of a diploid cell?
The chromosomes are present in pairs homologous pairs hence they must
be from a diploid cell.
Sexual reproduction includes two distinctive processes:
The production of haploid gametes, such as sperm and ova (Section 4.5.2),
which involves the specialised nuclear division called meiosis. (Later, in
Section 8.5, you will learn how this is brought about.)
The relationship between these two processes, and the changes in chromosome
number that each process brings about, are shown in outline in Figure 8.4. This
figure represents a hypothetical organism with only four chromosomes, that is,
two pairs of homologous chromosomes one long pair and one short pair
as shown for each of the parents in row 1 of the figure. For simplicity, each
chromosome is shown as a single strand, rather than as a pair of chromatids
as shown in Figures 8.2 and 8.3. The chromosomes of the female parent
(maternal chromosomes) are shown in red (lighter shade) and those of the male
parent (paternal chromosomes) are shown in blue (darker shade). As a result
of meiosis, the chromosome number is halved in the gametes, each of which
contains two chromosomes, as shown in row 2 of Figure 8.4. Notice that the
Figure 8.4 Changes in
number of chromosomes at
gamete production (meiosis)
and at fertilisation in a
hypothetical organism with
only two pairs of homologous
chromosomes. For simplicity,
each chromosome is shown as
a single strand, rather than as a
pair of chromatids (Figures 8.2
and 8.3).
Figure 8.4 shows a diagram of a diploid female cell nucleus and a diploid male cell nucleus, each containing two pairs of chromosomes two long and two short each lying alongside their pair. When both these nuclei divide by meiosis haploid nuclei are produced (ovum for the female and sperm for the male), each containing one of each pair of chromosomes. At fertilization these two nuclei (sperm and ovum) fuse and the diploid number of chromosomes is restored.
row 1
diploid nucleus of
nuclei of cells
in parents
diploid nucleus of
row 2
haploid nucleus
of ovum
haploid nucleus
of sperm
row 3
diploid nucleus
of zygote
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Chapter 8
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Book 5
consider hair colour or eye colour within a family. Brothers and sisters may share
features, such as brown hair, that they also share with their biological parents, but in
addition they have their own particular combination of characters that make them
recognisable as individuals. For example, one sister may have blue eyes whilst her
siblings have brown eyes; a brother may have curly hair whilst his siblings have
straight hair, and so on. To understand the differences and similarities in characters
between individuals, you need to look at how copies of genes are transmitted from
parent to offspring. In so doing, you will discover the rules that govern inheritance.
While at one level there is continuity from one generation to the next, at another
level a degree of variation occurs. In fact, there is so much variation that every
human alive today is different from all others we are all genetically unique (with
the exception of identical twins, who have identical genes). Some of this variation
can be seen with the unaided eye, whereas other variation, such as blood groups
or the activity of a particular enzyme, is revealed only by more sophisticated
molecular biological techniques. The sum of all the characters that an individual
organism possesses, not only structural features but also biochemical, behavioural
and physiological features, is described as the phenotype. All aspects of an
organisms phenotype depend ultimately on that organisms chemical composition
and on the biochemical reactions that go on inside it.
The full complement of an individuals genes is called the genotype. The
phenotype of each individual is the result of the combined action of their genes
(their genotype) and their environment, some characters being influenced more
by the environment than are others.
From your own experience, suggest a human character that might be
influenced by environmental factors.
One example is body mass, which is greatly influenced by the amount and
type of food that people eat and the amount of exercise they take.
Phenotype, as well as meaning the sum total of all an individuals characters, also
has a more restricted meaning; it is used as a shorthand way of referring to the
expression of just one character, for example, blue-eyed phenotype. Similarly,
genotype is also used to refer to the specific genes associated with a particular
character, for example, blue-eyed genotype.
Question 8.3
Which of the following is the same for every individual of a species:
(a) karyotype; (b) genotype; (c) phenotype? Explain your answer.
Patterns of inheritance
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Chapter 8
experiments were published in 1865, and laid the foundation of the modern
science of genetics.
As well as following the phenotype, the inheritance of characters at the level of
the genotype can also be studied. In this section, you will jump between these
two levels, and in so doing you will be jumping from the fundamental work of
19th century biologists such as Mendel, who could only trace phenotypes, to that
of present-day geneticists, who work at the level of the gene.
This section begins with one of the simplest known examples of inheritance
that of flower colour in the garden pea. The two possible colours, purple and
white, will be considered. A plant in which all the flowers are purple has the
purple phenotype; a plant with white flowers has the white phenotype
(Figure 8.6a and b). The two plants are said to have contrasting characters.
Figure 8.6 (a) The purple flower of the garden pea; (b) the white flower of the garden pea; (c) cutaway view of
the reproductive parts of a pea flower.
Figure 8.6a and b comprises two photographs of dark coloured pea flowers (purple) and white pea flowers to show the marked contrast in colour between the two types. Figure 8.6c shows a diagram of a cut away through the pea flower to illustrate the reproductive parts of the flower. These consist of a cylindrical structure arising from the centre of the flower called the ovary, this contains a number of ovules. The ovary has a long thin projection from one end reaching up the flower, with a flattened tip called the stigma. These are the female parts of the flower. The male parts of the flower surround the ovary and consist of several very thin filaments reaching up the flower, each filament has a swollen tip which is known as the anther the anthers release pollen which can stick on to the stigma of the same flower or a different one.
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Book 5
Mendel chose his experimental plant very carefully, and found the garden pea
admirably suited to his purpose. There were pure-breeding lines of plants that had
constant contrasting characters, for example, a variety of purple-flowering plants
and a variety of white-flowering plants. A variety is said to be pure-breeding for
a character if all its members have the same character, such as purple flowers, and
all breeding within that variety leads to offspring that have the same character.
The enclosed floral structure of the pea, which produces both ovules and pollen
grains (Figure 8.6c), ensured that self-fertilisation occurred, whereby pollen
fertilises the female gametes of the same plant, without the risk of contamination
by pollen from another plant. However, cross-fertilisation, whereby the pollen
from one plant fertilises the female gametes of another plant, was also possible
(Figure 8.7, row 1). The terms ovule and pollen grain are used as shorthand
for the female and the male gametes, respectively (Section 4.5.2), although these
structures are not actually the gametes of plants but contain the gametes.
But why should flower colour be different in the two varieties of pea? And if
plants of these two varieties were cross-fertilised, what would be the flower
colour of the offspring? In order to answer these questions, we will look at a
breeding experiment, carried out in two stages and using these two pea varieties.
No F1 plants have any white flowers. This is true even if large numbers
of F1 plants are examined. Hence, one of the two characters present in the
parental generation, white flower colour, has vanished in the F1 offspring
It does not matter which way round the cross is carried out; that is, the result
is the same whether the pollen comes from the purple-flowered variety and
the ovules from the white-flowered variety, or vice versa. This rules out the
possibility that flower colour is determined by the plant on which the flower
has grown.
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Chapter 8
Figure 8.7 is a diagram of purple flower and a white flower. The purple flower has its anthers removed with scissors and the pollen from them is transferred to the stigma of a white flowered plant. The white flowered plant sets seeds and peas (fertilised ovules) develop in the pea pod (the remains of the ovary). The seeds are grown and the colours of the flowers in the next generation of plants are recorded.
removal of
transfer of pollen
with forceps
row 1
row 2
all purple
Now that we have examined the phenotype of the flowers in the breeding
experiment, we will explore what is happening at the level of the gene. A gene
can be considered as a small section of the DNA in a chromosome, which issues
instructions for a specific phenotypic character such that a pea flower is either
purple (presence of purple pigment) or white (absence of purple pigment);
for brevity it can be called the gene for flower colour. Most importantly for
understanding the patterns of inheritance of genes, it is known that a gene has a
particular location on a chromosome, such as band A in Figure 8.8. As this figure
shows, a diploid cell contains two copies of a gene for a particular character
situated at corresponding locations on the two homologous chromosomes. The
technical term for the location of a gene on a chromosome is locus (pronounced
lockus, plural loci, pronounced low-sigh).
Where do each of these two copies of a gene in a diploid cell come from?
One comes from the female gamete and the other from the male gamete.
(Fertilisation restores the chromosomes as homologous pairs, as shown in
Figure 8.4.)
Why is the outcome of the breeding experiment described above the same
regardless of which of the parental phenotypes provides the ovules and which
provides the pollen?
The simplest explanation is that the instructions that a gene issues are the
same, irrespective of whether the gene is from the male or female parent.
pair of
homologous chromosomes
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purple flower
white flower
F1 offspring
purple flower
Each gene can exist in one or more forms; each form is a different allele
(pronounced a, as in apple, leel). The existence of alleles of a gene is a
powerful source of variation. It is conventional in genetics to represent each
allele by a letter (either upper or lower case), printed in italics; alleles are given
the same letter symbol to show that they are forms of the same gene. In the
case of flower colour, the letter P (for purple) will be used for the allele that is
associated with purple flowers and p will be used to represent the different allele
that is associated with white flowers.
The terms allele and gene can be confusing because the terms are used
interchangeably in some situations. For example, the allele for purple
flower and the gene for purple flower both refer to the same thing in an
interchangeable way. This derives from the fact that the forms (alleles) of any
gene are, of course, genes themselves.
Now consider what happens at the gene level when the pure-breeding purpleflowered plant is crossed with the pure-breeding white-flowered plant. The
two copies of the gene in the purple-flowered parent will be designated as P P
and the two copies of the gene in the white-flowered parent as p p, as shown
in Figure 8.9. (The reason for this designation will become clear later in the
section.) Note the convention of the multiplication sign to represent a breeding
cross. Of course, the gametes contain a copy of each of the other pea genes too,
but here only the gene for flower colour is considered.
Looking at Figure 8.9, what are the genotypes of the gametes produced by
each parent?
P and p. Gametes from the purple-flowered parent all contain the P allele and
those from the white-flowered parent all contain the p allele.
Recall from Figure 8.4 that meiosis ensures that each gamete contains one member
of each homologous pair of chromosomes and hence only one copy of each gene.
What would be the possible genotypes of the offspring of such a cross?
They would all be P p or p P, and these are the same genotype.
The convention is to write the allele with the capital letter first, so the genotype
of all the F1 offspring would be written as P p. Notice that not only do all the
F1 offspring have the same genotype, P p, but that this genotype is different
from that of either parent. Where the two copies of a gene are different, as
in the offspring of this cross, they are said to be heterozygous (pronounced
het-er-oh-zye-guss) and the individual is referred to as a heterozygote
(pronounced het-er-oh-zye-goat) for that particular gene. When the two copies
of the gene are the same (as in the case of each parent), they are said to be
homozygous and the individual is a homozygote for the gene for flower colour.
But what is the phenotype of the F1 offspring with the heterozygous genotype
P p? You should recall (Figure 8.7) that the phenotype of all the F1 offspring
of this cross was purple. The character that is expressed, or manifest, in the
heterozygote, purple flowers in this case, is said to be the dominant character
because it masks the presence of the alternative character, white flowers. The
character that is not expressed in the heterozygote is said to be recessive. In
this case, white flowers are recessive to, or masked by, the dominant character,
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Chapter 8
purple flowers. Strictly speaking, it is the phenotype rather than the allele
that is dominant or recessive; however, alleles are usually referred to as being
dominant or recessive on the basis of the associated phenotype.
F1 plant 1
P and p
F2 offspring
F1 plant 2
P and p
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Looking at Figure 8.10, you can see that the allele P of plant 1 might combine
with either the P or the p allele of plant 2 at fertilisation. Over a large number of
fertilisations a P-bearing ovule of plant 1 would combine with a P-bearing pollen
grain of plant 2 in half of the fertilisations and combine with a p-bearing pollen
grain of plant 2 in the other half. Similarly, the p-bearing ovule of plant 1 might
combine with either the P- or p-bearing pollen grain of plant 2. Hence, in the
F2 generation, three different genotypes are produced: P P, P p and p p.
What is the expected ratio of the three genotypes in the F2 generation?
The expected ratio is 1 P P : 2 P p : 1 p p (see Figure 8.10).
This ratio follows for two reasons. First, the two different gametes, P and p, are
produced in equal numbers. Second, which ovule is fertilised by which pollen
occurs at random; that is, a P ovule is equally likely to be fertilised by either a
P pollen flower or p pollen flower.
The phenotype of each of these genotypes in the F2 generation can be determined
since you know that the allele P (purple flower) is dominant to p.
What are the phenotypes corresponding to each of the genotypes P P, P p and
p p of the F2 generation?
P P and P p plants are purple-flowered and p p plants are white-flowered.
In what ratio would flowers with the purple phenotype and flowers with the
white phenotype be expected to occur in the F2 generation?
The expected ratio is three purple (the dominant phenotype) : one white (the
recessive phenotype), since three of the four possible fertilisations have at
least one dominant P allele (see Figure 8.10).
The phenotypic ratio of 3 : 1 (three of the dominant phenotype : one of the
recessive phenotype) and the genotypic ratio of 1 : 2 : 1 (one homozygous
dominant : two heterozygous : one homozygous recessive) are of fundamental
importance in genetics.
Figure 8.11 presents the same information about the breeding experiment as
shown in Figure 8.10, but the information is laid out in a different way. Either
way of presenting the details of a cross can be used, and when producing your
own diagrams you can use whichever is easier for you (although you are not
expected to draw the phenotypes).
In Figure 8.11, the fertilisations between the various combinations of gametes
from the F1 generation are shown in boxes at the bottom. Along the top, you
can see the two types of gamete produced by plant 1 of the F1 generation; down
the left-hand side you can see the two types of gamete produced by plant 2 of
the F1 generation. Inside the other boxes are the genotypes of the products of
fertilisation between the various kinds of gamete, that is, the F2 generation. Thus,
for example, the top left-hand box records the outcome of fertilisation between a
P ovule and a P pollen nucleus. An examination of the contents of the four boxes
should convince you that the expected ratio of genotypes of the F2 generation
is 1 P P : 2 P p : 1 p p (one homozygous dominant : two heterozygous : one
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F1 plant 1
F1 plant 2
P and p
P and p
gametes of plant 1
of plant 2
Although the existence of genes and chromosomes was not known in Mendels
time, he predicted the separation or segregation of units (now called genes and
alleles) during gamete formation. You now know that meiosis ensures that each
gamete contains only one copy of a gene, because the pairs of chromosomes on
which the genes are located separate into different gametes (Figure 8.9). This
segregation of genes (units) has been given formal recognition as Mendels
law of segregation.
The breeding experiment in peas shows that characters due to dominant or
recessive alleles, such as flower colour, show a particular pattern of inheritance
from generation to generation: the F1 offspring all resemble one of the parents
(Figure 8.9), and the F2 offspring have the phenotypic ratio of 3 : 1 and the
genotypic ratio of 1 : 2 : 1 (Figures 8.10 and 8.11). The action of dominant alleles
explains why the recessive character disappears in the F1 generation and why
this character reappears in the F2 generation. Most importantly, this pattern of
inheritance is a consequence of two events:
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These conclusions you have drawn from the breeding experiment in pea apply
to all sexually reproducing eukaryotes, including humans. The main features
of the experiment described so far, and that can be explained by the theory of
inheritance, are summarised in Table 8.1.
Table 8.1 A summary of features of the pea-breeding experiment.
Question 8.4
Note down your answers to each of the following breeding experiments, which
use the same species of plant. Assume that the patterns of inheritance follow the
same as those of Mendels garden peas.
Experiment 1
100 pure-breeding red-flowered plants (genotype R R) are crossed with 100
pure-breeding white-flowered plants (genotype r r). All of the offspring have red
flowers. These offspring are then crossed with each other. What is the expected
ratio of red flowers to white flowers in the F2?
Experiment 2
100 pure-breeding red-flowered plants (genotype R R) are crossed with 100 purebreeding white-flowered plants (genotype r r). How many of the offspring would
have pink flowers?
Experiment 3
Would you expect the colour of the offspring of the following two crosses to be
the same or different, and why? Cross 1: the pollen from 100 pure-breeding redflowered plants fertilises the ovules of 100 pure-breeding white-flowered plants.
Cross 2: the pollen from 100 pure-breeding white-flowered plants fertilises the
ovules of 100 pure-breeding red-flowered plants.
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of coming down heads or tails when given a fair toss. Then you could say that, as
a result of a fair toss, the probability of obtaining heads is 0.5 and the probability
of obtaining tails is 0.5. The fact that these two probabilities are equal indicates
the fairness of the coin, and the fact that they are both equal to 0.5 ensures
that the total probability of obtaining either a head or a tail as the result of a fair
toss is 1. It is a convention that a probability of 1 represents a certainty. In other
words, by assigning probabilities of 0.5 to both heads and tails we are saying that
there are only two possible outcomes, and they are equally likely.
When rolling a fair dice (or die, as one is more properly called) there are six
equally likely outcomes (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6). What is the probability of any one
of those outcomes?
The probability of any one of the six outcomes is 16 .
In general, the probability of a particular outcome, such as throwing heads with a
coin, is defined mathematically as:
probability of outcome =
In the case of throwing a six-sided die and getting a 4, there is only one way of
getting that outcome, but there are six possible outcomes, so the probability is 16 .
What would be the probability of throwing an even number with the die?
or 12 , since three of the six possible different outcomes are even numbers.
What is the probability that a gamete produced by a P p plant will have the
white-flowered allele?
The probability is 12 , since there are two possible outcomes and each one is
equally likely. Only one of these corresponds to the white-flowered allele.
Recall the reason why each of these two possibilities is equally likely.
It is because the two copies of a chromosome separate from each other into
different gametes at meiosis, and in equal numbers.
What is the probability that an offspring of a cross between two pea plants
that are heterozygous for flower colour (P p) will have the white-flowered
genotype? (Hint: you might find it helpful to draw out such a cross, or to look
at the one drawn in Figures 8.10 and 8.11.)
The probability is 14 , since there are four possible outcomes (P P, two P p,
and p p), and only one of these corresponds to the white-flowered genotype.
Again, recall that this probability is based on two events: first on an equal
number of P and p gametes being produced by each P p plant; and second, on
male and female gametes combining at random at fertilisation.
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Chapter 8
Question 8.5
What is the probability that an F2 pea flower, as shown in Figures 8.10 and 8.11,
will contain at least one p allele?
So far in Section 8.3 you have looked at only two types of cross, one between two
pure-breeding varieties, which gives rise to the F1 generation, and one between
F1 individuals which gives rise to the F2 generation. However, other crosses can be
carried out and they show that inheritance of the copies of a gene follows the same
basic rules. An understanding of probability, the relationship between dominant and
recessive alleles, and the way that the two copies of a gene segregate at meiosis,
enables the outcome of many breeding experiments to be predicted.
Consider the following example. Suppose a breeding experiment was carried
out in which plants from a pure-breeding white-flowered variety of pea (p p)
were crossed with heterozygous pea plants of genotype P p. What are the
expected genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring arising from this cross, and
in what ratio would they occur? You can begin to answer this question by first
determining the genotypes of the gametes produced by each of the parents. The
pure-breeding white-flowered plants (p p) will produce gametes that all carry
the p allele, as shown in Figure 8.12. The heterozygous P p plants will produce
gametes, half of which carry the P allele and half the p allele (Figure 8.12).
all p
P and p
Question 8.6
Complete Figure 8.12 and hence determine the ratios of the genotypes and
phenotypes of the offspring.
The expected outcome of the cross reveals a further important genetic ratio of
1 : 1. This ratio confirms that during meiosis alleles P and p in a P p plant
segregate from each other into equal numbers of gametes containing P and p
alleles, and that fertilisations between these gametes and those of the other parent
occurs at random and therefore both possible combinations are equally likely.
You have seen that the phenotypes of members of each generation in a breeding
experiment can be understood by using a model of inheritance. This model
involves representing alleles by letters. The relative proportions of the possible
combinations of letters then account for the ratio of the phenotypes. In fact, this is
an example of mathematical modelling; the mechanism of inheritance is regarded
as equivalent to a mathematical process whose consequence can be calculated by
the well established laws of chance and probability.
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To help you solve problems in genetics, some general hints for tackling problems
have been provided in Box 8.1.
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Chapter 8
Question 8.7
A breeding experiment was carried out in which plants from a pure-breeding
purple-flowered variety of pea were crossed with plants that were heterozygous
for flower colour. Draw the mating diagram for this cross and then predict the
genotypic and phenotypic ratios of the offspring.
Question 8.8
The common fruit-fly Drosophila melanogaster (Figure 8.13) is widely used
by geneticists for breeding experiments in the laboratory because it is easy and
inexpensive to rear and each female produces hundreds of eggs. Suppose that
you carry out a breeding experiment using two pure-breeding varieties of
D. melanogaster, one with normal-shaped eyes and one with eyes reduced to about
half the normal size, called eye-less. The first cross is between these two varieties.
The F1 offspring all have normal eyes. The second cross is between an F1 normaleyed fruit-fly and a pure-breeding eye-less variety. What is the expected ratio of
genotypes, and the expected ratio of phenotypes of the offspring of the second cross?
Returning to the pea-breeding experiments, you will now look more closely at some
actual values obtained for the F2 generation and how closely they fit the expected
phenotypic ratio of 3 : 1. Mendel worked with seven different pairs of contrasting
characters, which are listed in column two of Table 8.2. He carried out a separate set
of breeding experiments for each pair of contrasting characters. In one experiment,
for example, he cross-fertilised pure-breeding plants that grew from round seeds
with pure-breeding plants with wrinkled seeds. All of the first generation offspring
had round seeds. When he allowed these first generation offspring (F1) to selffertilise and produce the second generation of offspring (F2), he found that the latter
contained nearly three times as many plants with round seeds as those with wrinkled
seeds. Table 8.2 gives the exact numbers of phenotypes of the F2 of Mendels
Table 8.2 The numbers of F2 offspring possessing particular phenotypic
characters in seven breeding experiments carried out by Mendel. The character in
italics is the one that is found in all of the F1 generation of offspring.
seed shape: round or wrinkled
seed colour: yellow or green
pod shape: inflated or constricted
pod colour: green or yellow
flower colour: purple or white
flower position: along stem or at tip
stem length: long or short
5474 : 1850
6022 : 2001
822 : 299
428 : 152
705 : 224
651 : 207
787 : 277
2.96 : 1
3.01 : 1
2.95 : 1
2.82 : 1
3.15 : 1
3.14 : 1
2.84 : 1
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Look at the characters in Table 8.2 and note that for the phenotype for seed
colour (Experiment 2), yellow is dominant to green, but in the phenotype
for pod colour (Experiment 4), green is dominant to yellow! So one cannot
make assumptions about which phenotype is likely to be dominant and which
might be recessive.
Now examine the ratios in Table 8.2. All the ratios that Mendel found in the
F2 generation were close to, but not exactly equal to 3 : 1. As with the experiment
described above involving purple- and white-flowered plants, the character found
in approximately three-quarters of the second-generation plants was the one
that occurred in all of the first-generation plants (that is, it is dominant), and the
character found in approximately one-quarter of the second-generation plants
was the one that had vanished in the first generation of offspring (that is, it is
recessive). It is clear then that the results of the experiments involving purple and
white flowers discussed in Section 8.3 are not an isolated phenomenon.
Consider the variation around the 3 : 1 ratio in Table 8.2. Why is there a variation
in this ratio and why is this ratio not exactly the expected ratio of 3 : 1? The short
answer is chance. The predicted or expected ratio does not tell you the actual
ratio of purple- to white-flowered plants in a particular flower, but rather the most
probable ratio. In order to understand this, consider chance and probability again.
The observed deviations in genetics experiments from predicted ratios like 3 : 1
are similar, in principle, to what you observe when you toss a coin. The expected
ratio of heads to tails is 1 : 1 because each is equally likely. If you were to toss a
coin a million times, the result would be a ratio very close to 1 : 1. If you tossed it
only ten times, however, the result might be quite a marked deviation from a
1 : 1 ratio (e.g. six heads and four tails a ratio of 3 : 2, or 1.5 : 1 instead of
five heads and five tails).
In an experiment with peas, suppose that exactly half of the ovules on a plant
contained the allele P and the other half contained p. Imagine also that of the
millions of pollen grains that are artificially dabbed onto the flowers in a breeding
experiment, exactly half contain P and the other half contain p. It does not
matter whether the pollen grain contains a P- or a p-bearing gamete; both types
of male gamete have an equal chance of winning the race to fertilise the female
gamete in each ovule. Purely by chance, the proportion of P-bearing gametes that
succeed in this way may be rather higher than one-half for one plant. The plant
would then develop rather more than the 3 : 1 ratio of purple- to white-flowered
offspring. On another plant the opposite might occur, with a disproportionately
higher number of p-bearing pollen grains fertilising the ovules. Similarly, the
proportion of p-bearing ovules fertilised may be more (or less) than one-half. If
a sufficiently large number of plants are investigated, giving a very large total of
the number of offspring counted, then the ratio will be very close to 3 : 1, but for
any one plant it may deviate quite markedly from 3 : 1.
Question 8.9
Examine the data in Table 8.2 more closely. In the seed colour experiment
(Experiment 2) Mendel counted more F2 progeny than in any of his other
experiments while in the pod colour experiment (Experiment 4) he counted the
smallest number of F2 progeny. Comment on the ratios in these two experiments.
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Chapter 8
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The process of meiosis is shown in more detail in Figure 8.14 for four
chromosomes, i.e. two pairs of homologous chromosomes. One pair of
chromosomes is short and the other pair is long (as shown in Figure 8.4). In the
gamete-producing cell shown in Figure 8.14, row 1, one member of each pair
of chromosomes is shown red (maternal origin, lighter shade) and the other
is shown blue (paternal origin, darker shade) so you can readily follow the
movement of each chromosome. Now follow row by row the important stages
of the process of meiosis illustrated in Figure 8.14, which shows only those
features that are important for understanding the transmission of genes and alleles
(a full description of all the stages of meiosis will be given in Activity 4.3). The
most striking feature of meiosis is that it consists of two divisions: meiosis I and
meiosis II.
At the beginning of the first division, the chromosomes appear divided into
chromatids, i.e. they each appear double along their length (Figure 8.14, row 1).
(This was omitted from the figures in Sections 8.2 and 8.3 for simplicity, and the
chromosomes were drawn as single strands.) Early in meiosis, the homologous
chromosomes pair along their lengths in very close juxtaposition so that each
homologous pair consists of four chromatids, i.e. four strands (Figure 8.14,
row 2). The chromosomes separate, one member of each homologous pair
moving to one end of the cell and the other member of the pair moving to the
other end of the cell (Figure 8.14, row 3). Hence the pairing of homologous
chromosomes is the prelude to the members of the pair separating or segregating.
Meiosis I reduces the number of chromosomes to a half of that of the original
parent cell. The result of meiosis I is two cells each containing half the number
of chromosomes (Figure 8.14, row 4), i.e. the haploid number, although each
chromosome is still double along its length.
Meiosis II begins with two haploid cells (Figure 8.14, row 4). In the second
division, in both haploid cells the chromatids separate, one chromatid of each
chromosome moving to one end of the cell and the other chromatid moving to the
other end (Figure 8.14, row 5). Both haploid cells now divide into two cells. Thus
the result of meiosis is a total of four cells, because there are two cell divisions,
2 2 = 4 cells representing the four products of meiosis. Each of the four cells
contains half the number of chromosomes and each chromosome appears as a
single strand (Figure 8.14, row 6).
Note again that the set of chromosomes in the gametes is not a random collection;
it is made up of one member of each homologous pair one long chromosome
and one short chromosome.
This collection is a result of two events at meiosis. What are the two events?
The collection is a consequence of the pairing of homologous chromosomes,
followed by the separation of each member of the pair to opposite ends of the
cell at meiosis I, and the separation of one chromatid of each chromosome to
opposite ends of the cell at meiosis II.
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row 1
row 2
chromosomes pair up in
homologous pairs
row 3
members of each
pair separate
meiosis I
row 4
row 5
meiosis II
row 6
Figure 8.14 A more detailed examination of the process of meiosis compared with Figure 8.4. Here the
chromatids are shown. Note that meiosis consists of two separate divisions: meiosis I where members of each
homologous pair of chromosomes separate, and meiosis II where the two chromatids of each chromosome separate.
Only the cell membrane is shown, the nuclear membrane is omitted.
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The sum total of meiosis is four haploid cells, each containing one member
of each homologous pair of chromosomes. The garden pea has seven pairs of
homologous chromosomes, so the diploid number is 14. Hence a gamete of the
garden pea contains one chromosome 1, one chromosome 2, one chromosome 3,
etc., giving a total of seven chromosomes.
Question 8.11
In order to ensure that you understand the major stages of the process of meiosis
and how these differ from those of mitosis, complete Table 8.3 by ticking the
appropriate box(es) in each row.
Table 8.3 Similarities and differences between mitosis and meiosis. For use
with Question 8.11.
Recombination of chromosomes
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Chapter 8
chromosomes pair up
in homologous pairs
row 1
meiosis I
row 2
meiosis II
row 3
Figure 8.15 The alternative arrangements of red (lighter shade) and blue (darker shade) chromosomes at meiosis
compared with that shown in Figure 8.14. Most stages of the process have been omitted for ease of reference.
Compare the chromosome content of the gametes in row 3 of this figure with that of row 6 in Figure 8.14.
What is the possible combination of chromosomes in the resulting gametes of
meiosis shown in Figure 8.15?
A short red chromosome combined with a long red chromosome and a short
blue chromosome combined with a long blue chromosome.
Note that this combination of chromosomes in the products of meiosis in
Figure 8.15, row 3 is different from the outcome of meiosis shown in Figure 8.14,
row 6. It is a matter of chance whether the red chromosome of a given pair
enters a particular gamete or whether a blue one enters it. This is like tossing a
coin, it is a matter of chance whether you get a head or a tail. In some meioses,
the gametes will contain the combination of red and blue chromosomes shown
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Book 5
in Figure 8.14 and in others, the combinations will be as shown in Figure 8.15.
Thus the independent assortment of chromosomes in an organism with two pairs
of chromosomes (as shown in Figures 8.14 and 8.15) results in four possible
outcomes; the result is four different combinations of genetic material:
So far, the products of meiosis have only been considered from the point of
view of the behaviour of chromosomes, but since genes and alleles are parts
of chromosomes it follows that they too show independent assortment during
gamete production. You will shortly explore this in the second part of Activity 4.3
So far you have considered two pairs of homologous chromosomes. But most
organisms contain more pairs than that. The number of maternal and paternal
chromosome combinations produced by meiosis is equal to 2n, where 2 represents
the chromosomes in each pair, and n represents the number of chromosomes
in a haploid set. Because the garden pea has 7 chromosomes in the haploid set,
then 27 or 128 different combinations of maternal and paternal chromosomes
are possible, in haploid cells. The greater the haploid number of chromosomes
in an organism, the higher the number of possible combinations of maternal and
paternal chromosomes in haploid cells.
Humans have 23 chromosomes in a haploid set. How many different
combinations of maternal and paternal chromosomes are possible?
223 different combinations, i.e. 8 388 608.
Independent assortment of chromosomes during meiosis produces various
combinations of red and blue chromosomes but it does not break up the set of genes
arranged along the length of each individual chromosome. However, the process
of crossing over does break up and rearrange the genetic material on individual
chromosomes. When homologous chromosomes come into physical contact with
each other along their lengths, as shown in Figure 8.14, row 2, the chromatids
of different members of the homologous pair can exchange genetic material.
Homologous chromatids break at identical points along their length, and rejoin with
their homologous partner, as shown in Figure 8.16. In other words, the chromatids
of a homologous pair physically exchange segments and the genes they contain.
Figure 8.16 The process
of crossing over between
chromatids of two chromosomes
of a homologous pair, which
breaks up and rearranges
the combination of alleles
(gene variants) on individual
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Chapter 8
The genetic difference between red and blue members of a homologous pair lies
not in the order of genes, which is identical between all individuals of a species, but
in the variants, or alleles, of each gene. Thus through the process of crossing over,
new combinations of variants are produced, here represented by the rearrangement
of segments of the red and blue chromosomes (Figure 8.16).
Look back at Figures 8.14 and 8.15 and note that crossing over is not shown
here. If it had been, then each of the products of meiosis would show more
genetic variation. Without crossing over, the combination of gene variants on
a particular chromosome would remain linked, i.e. joined together indefinitely
(as shown in Figures 8.14 and 8.15). Crossing over produces new combinations
of gene variants along a chromosome (as shown in Figure 8.16) that might be
advantageous to a species.
The points at which breakage and rejoining occurs is essentially random, but
always at the same distance from the ends of both partners of a homologous pair.
In most organisms (with some exceptions) crossing over typically occurs between
one and three times along the length of each pair of homologous chromosomes,
depending on their lengths. Hence the chromosomes in each gamete are not an
exact copy of either member of a homologous pair present in the parent cell.
When the genetic variability generated by crossing over is added to that
generated by independent assortment, an infinite number of combinations of
variation is possible. Recombination helps to explain the enormous range of
variation between gametes and hence between individuals.
In summary, it can be seen that new combinations of genetic material produced
by any one individual organism is the result of recombination: independent
assortment of homologous chromosomes (Figures 8.14 and 8.15) and crossing
over between chromatids of a homologous pair (Figure 8.16).
We expect this part of the activity will take you approximately 1 hour.
Begin by revisiting Part I of this activity (at the end of Section 4.4 DVD, screens
15) where you investigated the nuclear division of mitosis, which results in the
production of two identical progeny cells. An understanding of the sequence of
the nuclear events and the physical structures involved in mitosis will now help
you to study Part 2 of this activity (DVD screens 616), in which you will study
the nuclear division of meiosis and the production of haploid gametes. In this part
of the activity you will revise the segregation of genes/alleles, which follows the
behaviour of chromosomes at meiosis. This behaviour of chromosomes is also
important for understanding the patterns of inheritance when more than one pair
of contrasting characters are observed simultaneously.
There are no additional comments for this activity.
Your study of Activity 4.3 should have given you a better understanding of both
the separation of two copies of a gene and the recombination of genes during
meiosis. Test your understanding by answering the following questions.
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Book 5
Question 8.12
A heterozygous plant with the genotype E e T t produces four kinds of gametes.
What are these? Explain how these would be produced when (a) the gene T t
is on a separate pair of homologous chromosomes from that of the gene E e
and (b) the two genes are linked, E T on one chromosome and e t on the other
member of the homologous pair.
Question 8.13
In no more than 50 words, describe the two processes that lead to the
recombination of alleles during meiosis.
Summary of Chapter 8
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Chapter 9
Variations on a gene
The range of phenotypes and patterns of inheritance associated with some
genes is more complex than for the examples considered so far. You have
looked at examples of the inheritance of one or two pairs of contrasting
characters where one allele of each gene is dominant to the other allele of
the gene, and you have seen how the segregation and recombination of genes
and alleles can be correlated with the behaviour of chromosomes at meiosis.
These are the basic principles of genetics. However, these are only a base for
understanding inheritance and, in this chapter, a number of extensions to these
basic rules will be considered. Rather than creating a bewildering situation,
these examples reveal a unifying set of principles. The examples include widely
different situations from sex-linkage to the inheritance of characters that show
continuous variation, such as height in humans. In addition, you will look at the
process of mutation the ultimate source of new variation.
All the genes that have been considered so far have been on
autosomes. This section looks at the patterns of inheritance
of genes on the sex chromosomes. Since the same rule of
segregation applies to the sex chromosomes and the copies of
genes present on them, this section will help you review your
understanding of the behaviour of chromosomes at meiosis and
the segregation of the two copies of a gene.
In humans, males and females can be distinguished by a
particular pair of chromosomes, the sex chromosomes, which
direct the development of the sex of the individual. The sex
chromosomes (introduced in Section 4.4) are of two types, called
X and Y, the Y chromosome being much smaller than the X.
Females have two X chromosomes; these are clearly visible in
the human female karyotype that you saw in Figure 8.3. Males
have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome, as shown in
Figure 9.1. Hence, females are said to be XX and males are said
to be XY.
The sex chromosomes segregate from each other at meiosis in
the same way as the pairs of autosomes, with the consequence
that in females all the ova contain 22 autosomes and an
X chromosome.
With respect to the sex chromosomes of a human male, what
do the gametes (i.e. the sperm) contain?
1 m
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Book 5
Question 9.1
To determine the distribution of sex chromosomes during gamete formation, and
the expected ratio of male to female offspring, complete the mating diagram in
Figure 9.2.
sex chromosomes
of offspring
sex ratio of
The answer to this question (see Figure 9.8 in the answers at the end of this book)
shows that it is the presence of the Y chromosome that determines maleness in
From your completed Figure 9.2, what is the notable feature of the expected
Equal numbers of males and females are expected.
Hence, the segregation of sex chromosomes into the gametes results in the
maintenance of approximately equal numbers of male and female individuals.
The small Y chromosome carries very few genes, by far the majority of which
are involved in directing the embryo to develop male characters. However,
the larger X chromosome carries a number of other genes not involved in sex
determination, called X-linked genes. Consequently females carry two copies of
each X-linked gene, one on each X chromosome, but males carry only one copy
of each X-linked gene on the single X chromosome, there being no counterpart
on the Y chromosome. This difference between the sex chromosomes results in
genes on the X chromosome having a pattern of inheritance that is different from
genes on the autosomes, a pattern that is described as X-linked inheritance.
The XX/XY system of sex determination is not universal but is found in all
mammals and also in some insects, including the common fruit-fly (Drosophila
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white-eyed male with a red-eyed female and all the F1 offspring had red eyes.
From this it can be concluded that red eye is dominant to white eye, so the normal
allele can be represented as R (red-eyed) and the recessive allele as r (whiteeyed). These observations in themselves are not unusual. When red-eyed F1 males
were mated with red-eyed F1 females, the F2 generation contained about 3000 redeyed flies and about 1000 white-eyed flies. This result again may not appear to be
striking since the ratio is 3 : 1, and this is consistent with breeding experiments
in which the original parents were both pure-breeding for eye colour. However,
Morgan made a crucial discovery: all the F2 white-eyed flies were males!
(a) To understand these results, complete the diagram in Figure 9.3, which is a
summary of Morgans observations. To help you with this, use the guidelines
for tackling problems in genetics given in Box 8.1. The mating diagram has
already been drawn for you and letters have been assigned to alleles. Note
that each of the gene copies for eye colour is shown on the appropriate sex
chromosome, denoted by the letter X or Y; you will find it helpful to use this
notation when completing the diagram.
(b) What are the possible phenotypes, for both sex and eye colour, of the F2 flies,
and what are their expected ratios?
(c) Explain, in one sentence, why the incidence of phenotypes for recessive
X-linked characters is much higher in males than in females.
Xr Y
F1 offspring
gametes of
F1 female
F2 offspring
gametes of
F1 male
Please refer to the document Book 5 figure descriptions on the S104 course website.
Now check your answers with those given in the comments at the end of this
The comments on Activity 9.1 show that the genetic results are consistent with
the segregation of the X and Y chromosomes at meiosis and with the absence of
X-linked genes on the Y chromosome. It also shows why males are more likely to
manifest a recessive X-linked character than are females.
Note how the inheritance of X-linked genes follows the same basic principles of
Mendels law of segregation. The modification of the pattern of inheritance is a
consequence of the absence of X-linked genes on the Y chromosome.
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Book 5
Question 9.2
With respect to humans, why does a son not inherit an X-linked character from
his father?
Multiple alleles
When considering alleles of a gene, all the examples discussed so far have
involved two different alleles, one of which is dominant to the other, such as
purple and white flower colour in pea. However, early in the history of genetics,
it became clear that many genes have more than two alleles; these are called
multiple alleles.
One such example is the ABO blood group system in humans, of which there
are four different phenotypes, A, B, AB and O. If you have to be given a blood
transfusion, first a sample of your blood has to be taken to match your blood to
that of potential donors. If this is not done, the results can be disastrous because
some of the blood groups are incompatible with each other, resulting in the
clumping together of red blood cells.
The genetic basis of the ABO system is well known and is based on three
alleles at a single locus, denoted by the symbols A, B and O. Note that, for
historical reasons, the nomenclature of these alleles is different from the standard
convention. Any individual carries only two copies of the gene, which might be
the same or different alleles.
Why can an individual not carry all three alleles of the gene?
Each gene has a fixed locus, one on each member of a homologous pair
of chromosomes. For three alleles to be carried by one individual, three
homologous chromosomes, instead of two, would have to be present in each
Human ABO blood groups can be assigned to one of four phenotypes, which
are determined by pair-wise combinations of three alleles A, B and O. The
relationship between the phenotypes and the six possible genotypes is shown in
Table 9.1.
Table 9.1 The genetic basis of ABO blood groups in humans.
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Book 5
All the characters that were considered in Chapter 8 and Sections 9.1 and 9.2
have one of a number of contrasting phenotypes which can be classified
into discrete classes. Such qualitative characters that vary in this way show
discontinuous variation. However, not all differences between individuals are
of this kind. Characters such as weight in humans and economically important
traits in domestic animals and cultivated plants, such as amount of milk produced
and yield of fruit, do not fall into distinct classes. Such characters that can be
measured in some way to give a number with a unit attached to it are described
as quantitative characters. They show continuous variation in the population.
This section examines the differences in inheritance between characters showing
discontinuous variation and those showing continuous variation.
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number of men
Figure 9.5 A normal distribution curve for a quantitative character: height for
1164 adult British men in 1946. The original measurements are presented as a
histogram with 2.5 cm height intervals and interpreted as a smooth curve. (The
mean height of adult British men nowadays is considerably greater than it was in
the 1940s.)
The fact that the phenotype varies continuously does not mean that the variation
is the result of some genetic mechanism different from that of the genes discussed
so far. The development of the phenotype of continuously varying characters
is due to the joint action of several genes, each of which has, individually, a
very small effect on the phenotype. So height, for example, is the cumulative
effect of a number of genes located at different loci. However, genes are not the
only determinants of continuously varying characters; as with those that vary
discontinuously, a major role is also played by environmental factors.
Suggest some environmental factors that might affect a persons height.
Diet, and bouts of infections and disease during childhood. (The latter is
particularly important in developing countries.)
The critical difference between characters that vary continuously and those that
vary discontinuously is not the number of segregating genes but the range of the
phenotypic differences between genotypes. In the case of characters that show
discontinuous variation, there is a small number of clearly defined phenotypes,
as in the case of flower colour in pea plants. In contrast, for characters that show
continuous variation (such as height) there is a potentially infinite number of
slightly different phenotypes.
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Book 5
Genetic analysis, as you have seen, must start with parental differences, such as
purple versus white flowers. Without variation, no genetic analysis is possible.
Where do these variants come from? The answer is that the genetic material
has an inherent tendency to undergo change in a spontaneous process called
mutation. Geneticists recognise two different levels at which mutation takes
place. In gene mutation, an allele of a gene changes and gives rise to a different
allele. A different kind of mutation involves parts of or whole chromosomes and
is called chromosome mutation.
Gene mutation
Gene mutations may bring about a change of one allele to another, such as a
change in an allele for white flowers in pea plants to an allele for purple flowers,
or vice versa. All present variation in organisms that are considered to be
normal variation, such as blue and brown eyes or blood groups in humans, must
have arisen some time ago by mutation. Some mutations may have no effect
on the phenotype, some are useful and some, such as haemophilia a recessive
X-linked disease in humans in which blood clotting is impaired can have
harmful consequences, whilst others are lethal.
Most importantly, only mutations in the cells that give rise to the gametes can
be perpetuated from one generation to the next. Some gene changes transmitted
in gametes are new, and arose very recently as new gametes were formed. In
fact, it is highly probable that each of us has received at least one new mutation
from one of our parents. Other gene changes transmitted in gametes, however,
are descended from mutations that happened many generations ago, and these
mutations have been copied and passed on from parent to offspring. One famous
example is a mutation for haemophilia in the generations of interrelated royal
families in Europe. The original haemophilia allele arose as a mutation in
the reproductive cells of either Queen Victoria or one of her parents. One of
Queen Victorias sons, Leopold, Duke of Albany, suffered from the disease,
as did many of her grandsons and great grandsons. For example, the son of
the last czar of Russia, Alexis, inherited the allele from his mother, Alexandra,
granddaughter of Queen Victoria.
Chromosome mutations
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Book 5
A cell that completes meiosis shortly after puberty has thus been arrested at an
early stage of meiosis I for about 1015 years. By contrast, a cell that completes
meiosis late in a womans reproductive life will have been arrested at an
early stage of meiosis I for up to 50 years or more. As the duration of meiosis
increases, the risk of chromosome mutations, such as the failure of homologous
chromosomes to separate, also increases.
Hence, the longer meiosis is arrested, the greater the chance that chromosomal
abnormalities will occur. Thus the older a woman is, the greater the likelihood
that she will produce an ovum with a chromosome mutation such as an extra
chromosome 21. This is clearly demonstrated by comparing the proportion
of Downs syndrome babies born to mothers of different ages, as shown in
Figure 9.7.
number of individuals with
Downs syndrome
per 100 births
maternal age/y
Looking at the graph in Figure 9.7, what is the frequency (as number per
100 births) of individuals born with Downs syndrome for mothers aged
20 years and those aged 45 years?
The frequency of individuals born with Downs syndrome is very low (less
than 0.1 per 100 births) in mothers aged 20 years but rises steeply to about
three per 100 births in those aged 45 years.
Chromosome mutations in general play a prominent role in determining disability
in humans. However, the number of individuals with chromosome mutations that
are known about is a small fraction of the total number of zygotes produced that
carry a chromosome mutation. The vast majority of human embryos with a major
chromosome abnormality spontaneously abort. It is estimated that chromosome
mutations account for about half of spontaneous abortions.
In conclusion, all the sources of variation considered in Chapters 8 and 9
contribute to the overall range of phenotypes in individuals of a species and help
to explain why each individual is phenotypically unique.
In Chapters 8 and 9, the gene has been considered as a unit of inheritance with a
specific location on a specific chromosome. Through genetic analysis, you have
studied the inheritance of particular genes and chromosomes. But the physical
nature of genes and chromosomes has not yet been considered, and it is the
structure of genes and chromosomes that is the subject of Chapter 10.
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Question 9.4
Match each of the situations found in pea plants and described in (a)(d) with one
of the explanations (i)(v) in the list below.
(a) When two pea plants, each with round-shaped peas, were crossed, most of
the progeny had round-shaped peas but about one-quarter of the progeny
were found to have wrinkled peas.
(b) Stem length size in pea plants is very variable between varieties. Crosses
between varieties revealed no predictable ratio of long to short plants,
although there were relatively few of the extremely long and extremely short
plants in the F2 offspring and a relatively large number of intermediate stem
(c) Two pea plants, when crossed, produce white-flowered plants. However, one
of the plants produced by crossing these two plants had purple flowers the
phenotype that is dominant to white.
(d) In pea plants, if a mutated recessive allele of any one of 15 particular genes is
present, the leaves of the seedlings are virtually white instead of the normal
green colour and are unable to photosynthesise and so die.
(i) A new mutation occurred during gamete formation in the parents.
(ii) The affected offspring are homozygous for the recessive allele of the gene.
(iii) This character is a quantitative one, determined by the combined action of a
number of genes.
(iv) This character is not genetically determined.
(v) This character shows discontinuous variation and is affected by the combined
action of a number of genes.
Summary of Chapter 9
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Book 5
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Chapter 10
What are genes made of?
So far, genes have been considered as units of inheritance, and this chapter
goes on to explore the chemical nature of genes. Genes are composed of DNA,
and a knowledge of the structure of DNA is essential to understand how it
can function as hereditary material. This biopolymer illustrates beautifully the
precise relationship between chemical structure and biological function discussed
in Chapter 5. DNA has three key properties: it is relatively stable and hence
an appropriate store for vital information; its structure suggests an obvious
way in which the molecule can be duplicated, or replicated; and it can convey
information which is used continuously within a cell. This chapter examines the
chemical nature of DNA, which accounts for both its stability and the way it can
be replicated the first two of these three key properties. The third property, how
DNA functions as the genetic material, is the subject of Chapter 11.
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Book 5
Watson and Crick showed that DNA has a double helix structure; it is this that
accounts for the stability of DNA, one of the key features of the hereditary
material. Its simplest representation is shown in Figure 10.1a and in this context
double means the two intertwined strands of this simplified sketch. You will
first look at the composition of each separate strand as it is taken apart to reveal
the monomers of this biopolymer. You will then look at how the two strands
interact to form the characteristic double-helical molecule of DNA.
Figure 10.1b shows a small straightened-out section from one of the strands of
the DNA molecule. Each strand is a polymer comprising a string of monomers,
shown diagrammatically as rectangles in Figure 10.1c. Each monomer is a
nucleotide and is more complicated in structure than the monomers of proteins
and polysaccharides. Each nucleotide consists of three component parts: a
phosphate group, a sugar molecule and a nitrogen-containing organic molecule
called a base. (Here the term base is used as a general name for the nitrogencontaining organic group present in nucleic acids.) Figure 10.2a shows these
separate parts and the relationship between them in a simplified structure of a
nucleotide. The sugar is a 5-carbon molecule called deoxyribose (Figure 10.2b),
and so these nucleotides are known as deoxyribonucleotides. From here on, this
cumbersome term will be simplified to merely nucleotide. Note, though, that
because of the presence of deoxyribose, the polymer of nucleotides described
here is known as deoxyribonucleic acid, which is usually abbreviated to DNA.
phosphate group
In the nucleotide shown in Figure 10.2a the base is undefined. However, there
are four different bases in DNA: adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine. Their
structures are shown in Figure 10.3. (You are not expected to memorise these
structures, although you should remember the names of the bases.)
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Look at the structure of each of the four bases shown in Figure 10.3. How
might you distinguish, in simple terms, the structures of adenine and guanine
from those of cytosine and thymine?
Both adenine and guanine have two nitrogen-containing rings, whereas
cytosine and thymine each have only one such ring. Consequently adenine
and guanine are larger than cytosine and thymine.
The single strand of DNA separated from its pair (a portion of which is shown
in Figure 10.1b and c) is a polymer of the nucleotides shown in Figure 10.2a.
In each strand, the phosphate of one nucleotide forms a bond with the sugar
of another nucleotide, and so on down the strand, as shown on the left (in
white) in Figure 10.4. As with other biopolymers, the bonds joining the chain
of monomers in this case, nucleotides are covalent bonds. The strand of
alternating phosphate groups and sugars is known as the sugarphosphate
backbone, and the bases protrude out from this towards the other strand of the
helix. A length of such a polymer with a number of nucleotides joined together,
as shown in Figure 10.4, is described as a polynucleotide. The size differences
between the bases are illustrated diagrammatically in this figure by the differentsized rectangles that denote the bases; the larger rectangles represent either an
adenine or a guanine base and the smaller rectangles represent either a cytosine
or a thymine base. When illustrating a polynucleotide, the name of each base
can be simplified to a single capital letter, so that A = adenine, G = guanine,
C = cytosine and T = thymine, as shown in Figure 10.4.
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Book 5
DNA molecules are by far the largest known molecules in living organisms;
some have relative molecular masses of many billions. If you consider the
comparatively short sequence of 100 bases shown above, and think about
how a simple coding language of just four letters could be rearranged in such
a sequence, you will gain some appreciation of the huge variety of sequences
that are possible. Take, for example, a short chain (i.e. a polynucleotide) of just
eight nucleotides. Since there are four different bases, there are four options for
each position, and therefore 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 = 48 = 65 536 possible
different sequences for a polynucleotide of this length. The much longer sequence
shown above has 100 bases in it, so the number of different possibilities here is
4100 or 1.6 1060. A DNA molecule consisting of thousands of bases therefore
represents a vast store of potential information, the full consequences of which
should become more apparent as you study subsequent sections.
So far only a single strand of DNA has been considered, but Figure 10.1a shows
that DNA has a double-helical structure. The DNA double helix in fact consists of
two polynucleotide chains spiralled around each other, as shown in Figure 10.5,
which is an enlarged and more detailed version of Figure 10.1a. Here each of
the two ribbons represents the sugarphosphate backbone of Figure 10.4, whilst
the horizontal bars represent the bases of the two strands and the bonds between
The key to understanding the structure of DNA and how it functions in the
cell lies in the interaction between the bases at the core of the molecule.
Along the length of a polynucleotide chain within the double helix, each base
makes specific pairing and bonding with a corresponding base in the other
polynucleotide chain. These interactions are known as base-pairing, for which
there are very precise rules, as illustrated in Figure 10.6.
Figure 10.5 is a diagram of a model of the double helical structure of DNA. This consists of two twisted strands of alternating sugar phosphate groups joined together by nucleotides which span the distance between the two twisted strands. Rather like a ladder which has been twisted from one end so that all the rungs remain straight but the side bars are twisted into a helix. Combination of the nucleotides A and T and C and G exactly fill the gap between the strands.
Figure 10.6 Base-pairing between DNA bases: (a) thymine (T) pairs with adenine (A); (b) cytosine (C) pairs
with guanine (G). The red dashed lines represent the hydrogen bonds between these two pairs of bases. The covalent
linkage of each of the bases to deoxyribose in the sugarphosphate backbone is also shown.
Please refer to the document Book 5 figure descriptions on the S104 course website.
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These pairs of complementary bases sit flat within the spiral of the DNA double
helix, rather like the steps of a spiral staircase. The other important point to
note about base-pairing is that T is bonded to A and C is bonded to G via
weak interactions, shown as the red dashed lines in Figure 10.6. These weak
interactions are hydrogen bonds, and you saw examples of situations where
they are important for the higher-order structure of biopolymers in Sections 5.1
and 5.5. Figure 10.6 clearly illustrates the difference between the AT base pair
and the CG base pair in terms of the number of hydrogen bonds: the AT pair
has only two hydrogen bonds, whereas the CG pair has three.
The base composition of DNA is related to the base-pairing rules just outlined.
If you were to extract some DNA from cells, isolate and purify the four
bases, how much adenine would you expect to find relative to thymine?
Similarly, how much cytosine would you find relative to guanine?
A consequence of the base-pairing rules is that the amount of adenine in a
DNA molecule is always equal to the amount of thymine; the same applies to
the amount of cytosine relative to that of guanine.
The alignment of base pairs within a DNA molecule is shown in Figure 10.7.
Here the helix is shown unwound, with the two sugarphosphate backbones now
parallel but still on the outside; the complementary base pairs with their hydrogen
bonds form the core of the molecule. Notice here the significance in the different
sizes of the bases, even though Figure 10.7 shows them only in a diagrammatic
form: a complementary AT pair is a similar size to a complementary CG pair,
whereas in contrast a GA pair would be too large to fit into the available space,
and a CT pair would be too small. Since the sequence of bases on one strand is
complementary to the sequence of bases on the other strand, the two strands of
the double helix are described as complementary.
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Book 5
Most of the information that you will use during your studies will have started as
laboratory results from research carried out in a university or in industry, or by a
learned society. It is important to understand how information from this original
research is made available more widely through the scientific community and
beyond. Knowledge of this process will help you appreciate the different types of
scientific information that are available, when to use them, and where to look for
them. As the information moves from original research to formal publication (the
so-called research supply chain), it appears in many formats, for example as a
report, a journal article or a book.
As an example of this, you will follow the discovery of the double helix structure
of DNA by Watson and Crick and see where information about their discovery
was published over time and how this developed. You will then concentrate on
two resources in detail and consider the quality of information they contain.
Now go to Activity 10.1 on the course website.
There are no comments on this activity.
The following section considers how new DNA molecules are synthesised, and
shows how true Watson and Cricks prediction was.
Question 10.2
In a fragment of double-stranded DNA, there is a total of 100 bases, of which
30 are cytosine (C). Calculate the total number of each of the following
items in the DNA fragment: (a) complementary base pairs; (b) nucleotides;
(c) deoxyribose groups; (d) guanine (G) bases; (e) thymine (T) bases;
(f) adenine (A) bases; (g) hydrogen bonds.
DNA replication
You know from Chapters 4 and 8 that eukaryotic cells divide by means of mitosis
to produce two progeny cells that contain identical genetic material, which is
also identical to that of the original parent cell. This is how unicellular organisms
form large populations of individual cells, and how a zygote grows into an adult
multicellular organism. Prokaryotic cells also undergo cell division, whereby
one cell divides completely to become two. Recall from Section 4.1 that these
cells do not contain nuclei, so the process of cell division is somewhat simpler.
Whatever the cell type, for one cell to become two new ones the DNA within it
must undergo a process in which an identical copy is made, otherwise the two
new cells would not be genetically identical to the original parent cell.
This section begins at the molecular level by examining how DNA is replicated
and then turns to the level of the chromosome to explore the relationship between
DNA molecules and chromosome structure.
As noted above, Watson and Crick postulated that DNA base-pairing provides a
mechanism by which the DNA might be copied. This DNA copying mechanism,
usually referred to as DNA replication, is the process considered here.
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Recall the significant feature of the bonding between the two bases of a base
pair, and compare this with the bonding in the sugarphosphate backbone.
The hydrogen bonds between a CG pair and between an AT pair are
weak interactions, implying that these could be readily broken. The stronger
covalent bonds of the sugarphosphate backbone are very much more
difficult to break.
Indeed, the breaking of the hydrogen bonds between base pairs and the separation
of the two polynucleotide strands of DNA is an early event in the process of
DNA replication. Once the strands have been separated, new DNA strands are
synthesised; the enzyme that catalyses this process is called DNA polymerase.
Figure 10.8 shows the principal stages of DNA replication. The two strands of
the double helix shown in Figure 10.8a unwind, starting at one end, to expose
the bases on each strand. The two complementary single strands are shown
separated in Figure 10.8b. Each of these strands now acts as a template (i.e. a
mould) for DNA replication. The base-pairing rules are the basis of this process;
that is, the nucleotides are added in a complementary manner C always
opposite G and A always opposite T with the hydrogen bonds being formed
in the process. At the same time, the two new sugarphosphate backbones are
synthesised by the formation of covalent bonds between alternating phosphate
and deoxyribose molecules. The result is the production of two identical doublestranded DNA molecules (Figure 10.8c). Initially the DNA is unwound, as shown
parental strands
new strands
Figure 10.8 The process of DNA replication. (a) A portion of a DNA double helix showing 10 labelled
complementary base pairs. (b) Part of the double helix has unwound and come apart at one end, revealing two singlestranded polynucleotide chains. (c) Part of each polynucleotide chain has been replicated, but the two paired chains
have not yet wound into double helices. The new DNA strands are shown in purple and the hydrogen bonds are
shown as red dashed lines. The process continues until all of the parent DNA molecule has been replicated.
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in Figure 10.8c; later the paired strands wind around each other to form the
characteristic double-helical structure.
This process has been termed semiconservative replication, meaning halfconserved replication. This is because in each new daughter DNA molecule,
one of the two original polynucleotide strands is unchanged from the original
parent molecule; these are labelled as the parental strands in Figure 10.8b. The
second polynucleotide strand has been newly synthesised in its entirety; these
are labelled as the new strands in Figure 10.8c. To put it crudely, each daughter
double helix is only half new; each has one parental strand and one new strand.
Figure 10.8 shows just a small portion of DNA being replicated. The process
continues until the whole of the DNA molecule has been replicated, and the two
daughter DNA molecules form the characteristic double-helical structures, as
opposed to the unwound products of replication shown in Figure 10.8c. Before
the cell can divide to produce identical progeny cells, all the DNA molecules in
the cell have to replicate to produce two identical copies.
This, in outline, is how DNA is copied during cycles of cell division. If you
compare Figures 10.8a and c, you will see that both DNA molecules in 10.8c
are a faithful copy of the sequences of bases of the parent molecule in 10.8a,
although in 10.8c they have not yet formed helices.
An important feature of DNA structure is that the genetic information it
contains is copied into more DNA with the same genetic information.
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DNA double helices and the total mass of DNA in the cell has doubled. Each
chromatid contains one DNA double helix along its length (Figure 10.9b). Since
the double helix in each chromatid has a base sequence identical to that in its
partner chromatid (Figure 10.8c), the gene copies carried by pairs of chromatids
are also identical.
Question 10.3
Figure 10.10 shows part of a double-stranded DNA molecule during the process
of replication. Each square represents a base.
(a) Identify the missing bases and write the correct letter (A, G, C or T) in each
of the blank squares.
(b) At what stage of the cell cycle would DNA be undergoing replication?
The structure of DNA accounts for its stability over generations of replication.
Nevertheless, errors can arise during the process of DNA replication, leading
to mutations. Gene mutation as a fundamental source of heritable variation was
considered in Section 9.5. This section examines these mutations at the level of
DNA and shows that a gene mutation is an error in DNA sequence.
The machinery of DNA replication is generally remarkably efficient and
accurate, so that a parent DNA molecule is faithfully reproduced as two new,
identical helices. However, this process is not always perfect and mistakes
sometimes occur, with the result that wrong bases are inserted into the growing
polynucleotide chain. For example, the replication machinery may add a T into
the growing polynucleotide chain where a C should have been, or it may add a
G instead of an A. Alternatively, slightly larger errors might be made, such as
when a short sequence of the parental template strand is skipped over, or a few
extra bases are inserted. Such errors in replication bring about changes in the
DNA sequence. The wrong sequence would be copied as faithfully in future cell
divisions as would the correct sequence, so the mutation would be perpetuated.
Not all these mistakes go undetected by the cell, however. There are
surveillance processes in cells that detect most of these replication errors. For
example, there are DNA repair pathways containing enzymes that can identify a
wrongly placed base in the growing polynucleotide chain, remove it, and replace
it with the correct base. These DNA repair mechanisms can be viewed as being
analogous to quality control systems in an industrial production line, such that
faulty products are removed before they leave the factory. Hence the mutation
is usually short-lived, since the incorrect base(s) are removed and replaced by the
correct one(s).
In addition to errors brought about by mistakes made by the DNA replication
machinery, environmental agents can produce mutations. Many of these
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Summary of Chapter 10
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Chapter 11
Chapter 11
Using genetic information
One important property of DNA is that it carries genetic information. The simple
coding language of just four letters (bases), which can be arranged in a huge
variety of sequences, represents a vast potential store of information. This chapter
examines how this information is accessed and used by the cell. You have seen in
Chapter 10 that DNAs double-helical structure both gives rise to its stability and
permits its faithful replication to produce two identical daughter double helices.
The key structural features of complementary base pairs joined by hydrogen
bonds that play an important role both in stability and replication are also the
basis for how DNA functions as genetic material.
How does the simple coding language of DNA relate to the nature of the gene;
that is, how do genes function and how do they control phenotype? For example,
how can one allele of a gene result in white flower colour in the garden pea and
another allele lead to purple flower colour, as you saw in Section 8.3? The focus
of this chapter is, therefore, on the gene as a unit of function.
The phenotype of an organism largely depends on its chemical composition and
on the biochemical reactions that go on inside it. So, for example, the different
colour forms of pea flowers will have slightly different biochemical processes,
causing different colours to be produced. All the biochemical reactions of a cell
are catalysed by enzymes, which are proteins (Section 5.5). The enzymes present
in a cell, and structural proteins too, are determined by that cells genotype.
Genes specify polypeptides. How genes do this is the topic of this chapter and the
essence is that the structure of the DNA can be related to the structure of proteins.
As you saw in Chapter 5, proteins come in a huge range of sizes and shapes,
and this diversity arises from different combinations of just 20 amino acids.
You will examine how the simple coding language of DNA of just four letters
contains information for thousands of different proteins, each with its own unique
sequence of amino acids.
The synthesis of proteins is a far more complex process than the more
straightforward process of DNA replication, partly because many other molecules
are involved. This chapter begins by viewing the overall scheme in barest
outline and then goes on to examine each step in turn. The computer-based
video sequence (Activity 11.2) at the end of the chapter provides an animation
of the flow of information from DNA to polypeptide. This will enable you to
consolidate your understanding of the processes involved and help to bring
them alive.
The concept that genes contain hereditary information leads inevitably to the
question, Information for what? Most genes contain the information for the
production of a specific polypeptide or protein. Recall that these terms are used
interchangeably. However, in the context of protein synthesis, it is actually
the polypeptide chain that is being made; it becomes a fully functional protein
molecule later.
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You have seen that a gene is part of a long DNA molecule, which comprises a
linear sequence of base pairs (Section 10.1). So, a gene is divisible into a specific
sequence of DNA base pairs.
What can you recall about the monomers in a polypeptide?
A polypeptide has a linear sequence of amino acids. (Recall that by
convention this is written with the N-terminal amino acid on the left and the
C-terminal one on the right, Section 5.5.2.)
There is a direct and specific relationship between the linear sequence of base
pairs in a DNA molecule that goes to make up a gene and the linear sequence of
amino acids in a polypeptide molecule. This relationship is presented in a very
simplistic manner in Figure 11.1, which shows (in particular in Figure 11.1b) that
the base sequence of the DNA in a gene can be related precisely to the amino
acid sequence of the polypeptide. This collinearity of sequence between a gene
and a polypeptide is known as the one geneone polypeptide hypothesis.
Figure 11.1 (a) The linear relationship between a gene and the polypeptide
for which it codes. (b) More detail of this relationship: the linear sequence of
base pairs corresponds directly to the linear sequence of amino acids in the
polypeptide. (Leu, Thr, Val and Ser are the abbreviations for four consecutive
amino acids in this polypeptide: leucine, threonine, valine and serine.)
Figure 11.1a is a diagram showing a gene which is made of a length of DNA (shown as a two rectangles lying alongside each other to represent the double strand which then can be transcribed and translated to a length of polypeptide another rectangle shown underneath the gene.
Figure 11.1b illustrates how a linear arrangement if bases in the gene - shown as AACTGACATAGC corresponds to a linear arrangements of amino acids in a polypeptide in this case Leu Thr Val Ser.
The one geneone polypeptide hypothesis states that a given gene has a
very precise linear sequence that codes for the linear sequence of amino
acids in one polypeptide molecule.
This linear relationship has been a remarkably useful working hypothesis which
holds true for many polypeptides in many organisms, but with some modification
in the case of others, as you will see in Chapter 12. However, for the moment it
is convenient to view the base sequence of a DNA molecule as having a direct
relationship to the amino acid sequence, or primary structure, of a polypeptide.
How the DNA base sequence gives rise to the polypeptide molecule is the subject
of the rest of Chapter 11.
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Chapter 11
Figure 11.2 is a diagram showing the order of events which lead from DNA to RNA via transcription to polypeptide by translation.
In the process of transcription, the information in a gene, i.e. the DNA base
sequence, is transcribed, or copied, to form an RNA molecule. RNA is therefore
an intermediate in the flow of information from DNA to polypeptide. Before
considering the details of transcription, first look at the structure of RNA.
phosphate group
Please refer to the document Book 5 figure descriptions on the S104 course website.
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Book 5
One way in which RNA and DNA differ is in the sugar component; RNA
has ribose, not deoxyribose as in DNA (compare Figures 11.3b and 10.2b).
A second difference is in the constituent nucleotide bases. RNA has four bases:
adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C) and uracil (U), whereas the DNA bases
are adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine (T). Figure 11.4 compares the
structures of thymine and uracil. Why one of the four bases in RNA is different
from the equivalent base in DNA is not understood.
There is another important structural difference between DNA and RNA. Recall
that DNA is a double helix of two spiralled polynucleotide chains, i.e. it is
double-stranded. In contrast, RNA is usually a single-stranded polynucleotide
Having considered the structure of RNA and contrasted it with DNA, you will
now move on to examine how RNA molecules are synthesised the process of
Before transcription is described, you might like to speculate in outline how
it occurs, bearing in mind what you now know of DNA replication and of the
similarities in structure between DNA and RNA.
You might have come to the conclusion that RNA is synthesised in a manner
similar to DNA replication, i.e. using the DNA as a template.
This is indeed what happens. The process of transcription is illustrated
diagrammatically in Figure 11.5. As in DNA replication, the starting point is a
double-helical molecule of DNA (Figure 11.5a). The hydrogen bonds between
the complementary base pairs are broken, the DNA unwinds and the two
polynucleotide strands separate (Figure 11.5b). Here the process of transcription
diverges from the familiar one of DNA replication because synthesis of RNA
molecules occurs on only one of the two strands: only one DNA strand is the
template for RNA synthesis, and this is termed the template strand. The other
DNA strand, which is not used as a template in RNA synthesis, is termed the
non-template strand (Figure 11.5b). Apart from this important difference, the
basic mechanism of RNA synthesis is the same as that for DNA, in that pairing of
complementary bases is the key to the process.
Which bases are paired together in DNA?
C pairs with G, and A pairs with T.
RNA base
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Chapter 11
template strand
non-template strand
Figure 11.5 The synthesis of RNA on a DNA template. (a) The DNA double helix with 10 labelled base pairs.
(b) The hydrogen bonds between the base pairs have been broken and the two strands have separated; note that only
one of the strands is used as the template for RNA synthesis. (c) A short length of RNA (labelled, and shown in
orange) has been synthesised. In reality, the RNA molecule would be much longer than the chain of 10 nucleotides
shown here.
Thus, the template strand of DNA forms the template on which an RNA
molecule is synthesised, according to the base-pairing rules shown in
Table 11.1. The enzyme RNA polymerase binds to the DNA template strand and
moves along it, extending the growing RNA chain by the successive addition
of nucleotides containing bases complementary to those in the template strand.
The formation of the covalent links between phosphate groups and the ribose
sugar molecules produces the sugarphosphate backbone of the RNA, as shown
in Figure 11.5c.
Another important difference between DNA replication and transcription
is that, in transcription, only relatively short regions of the DNA molecule,
corresponding to genes, are transcribed into RNA molecules. This raises the
intriguing questions of where on the DNA molecule does RNA synthesis begin,
and where does it end? RNA polymerase binds to the template strand of DNA
at a particular sequence of bases at one end of the gene, called a transcriptional
start site. Transcription comes to an end at a termination sequence, a specific
sequence of bases in the DNA at the other end of the gene. At this point, the RNA
polymerase leaves the DNA, as does the newly synthesised RNA molecule. The
DNA double helix reforms and transcription has been completed.
Question 11.1
In what ways do the structures of DNA and RNA differ?
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Book 5
The term RNA covers a collection of somewhat different molecules, which can
be classed together under three main headings: messenger RNA (mRNA), transfer
RNA (tRNA) and ribosomal RNA (rRNA). All three types of RNA are produced
on a DNA template, and in a similar way. Their respective roles are outlined here,
but details will follow in Sections
Messenger RNA (mRNA) has preserved within it the sequence of DNA
bases, although now in an RNA code, which determines the precise amino acid
sequence of a particular polypeptide. The code in mRNA consists of consecutive
three-base sequences, or triplets (e.g. AUG, CCU). Each triplet is termed a
codon, and there are many different ones. Each codon contains the information
for a particular amino acid, and this relationship between codon and amino
acid forms the basis of the genetic code. For example, the mRNA codon AUG
codes for the amino acid methionine (abbreviated to Met), and CCU codes for
the amino acid proline (Pro). Examination of the sequence of codons within a
molecule of mRNA enables the sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide for
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Chapter 11
Transfer RNA (tRNA) is the molecule that brings an individual amino acid to the
mRNA where it will be incorporated into a growing polypeptide molecule. The
generalised structure of a tRNA molecule is shown in Figure 11.6a, and a stylised
version is shown in Figure 11.6b.
Look at Figure 11.6a. Follow the ribbon, which represents the sugar
phosphate backbone. Is tRNA a single-stranded or a double-stranded
There is just one ribbon of a sugarphosphate backbone, so tRNA is
Note, however, that parts of the molecule are folded up around itself, allowing
some base-pairing. Figure 11.6a shows more than 20 such base pairs.
Figure 11.6a shows two other significant features of tRNA, which demonstrate
the relationship between the structure and function of the molecule. First, there is
a loose arm, which is available to bind an amino acid. Second, there is a region
amino acid
binding site
amino acid
binding site
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Book 5
at the other end of the molecule where there are three free, or unpaired, RNA
bases; these constitute the anticodon.
Assuming that each tRNA can bind specifically to only one kind of amino
acid, what can you predict about the number of different tRNA molecules
present in a cell?
There must be at least 20 different tRNA molecules, one for each amino acid.
This is indeed what is found; for each amino acid there is a different tRNA
molecule. Enzymes are involved in joining each amino acid to its specific tRNA
to produce a specific tRNAamino acid complex (i.e. a tRNA and an amino acid
covalently linked together).
amino acid
Figure 11.7 is a diagram of the association between a tRNA molecule and mRNA. The length of mRNA is shown as a small rectangle with three unpaired bases projecting from the bottom AUG. These are then shown as bonding (hydrogen bonding) to three unpaired bases, UAC, sticking out of the top of a molecule of tRNA (Shown as a blob here with no detail). Attached to the other end of the tRNA molecule is rectangle denoting an amino acid, in this case methionine.
The base pairs are held together by hydrogen bonds (shown in the figure as
red dashed lines).
What is the significance of the interaction between the mRNA codon and
tRNA anticodon being via weak interactions?
These bonds can be readily formed and are easily broken.
There is another important feature to be emphasised about the relationship
between the binding of tRNA to mRNA, as illustrated in Figure 11.7. The
relationship between the mRNA codon and the amino acid that is bound to the
specific tRNA is precise because complementary base-pairing occurs between the
codon of the mRNA and the anticodon of the tRNA.
Thus, the interaction between mRNA and tRNA forms the basis of translation,
as shown in Figure 11.8. The first tRNA to bind at the mRNA does so at a very
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Chapter 11
codon 1
codon 2
codon 3 codon 4
codon 5
codon 6
incoming tRNA
(carrying an amino
acid) which will
bind to codon 2
H2 N
particular start codon (labelled codon 1 in this figure), which always has the
base sequence AUG and codes for methionine. Once this first tRNA has bound, a
second follows suit (Figure 11.8a).
To synthesise a polypeptide chain from individual amino acids, what type of
bonds must be formed? (If youre not sure, look back at Section 5.5.2.)
Peptide bonds link the constituent amino acid units together in a polypeptide
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In Figure 11.8b a peptide bond has formed between the first two amino acids that
have arrived at the mRNA. Protein synthesis is a very energy-demanding process,
and in most cells consumes more energy than any other biosynthetic process.
Once a peptide bond has been formed, the first tRNA molecule is released
from the mRNA (Figure 11.8c). The binding and subsequent release of tRNA
molecules is repeated along the length of the mRNA chain, with amino acids
being added sequentially, one at a time, to the growing polypeptide chain. After
the binding of the sixth tRNA, the polypeptide chain consists of six amino
acids covalently linked together by five peptide bonds (Figure 11.8d). Note that
throughout this series of events, there are never more than two tRNA molecules
bound to the mRNA at any one time.
The final event in polypeptide synthesis is termination of translation. This is
brought about by a specific stop codon in the mRNA, which tells the translation
machinery that its job is complete. Each polypeptide has a precise number and
particular sequence of amino acids in its primary structure. When the stop codon
is reached, synthesis stops and the completed polypeptide dissociates from the
The final point to notice from Figure 11.8 is the direction in which the
polypeptide chain is synthesised. Recall from Section 5.5.2 that each polypeptide
chain has an N-terminal amino acid and a C-terminal amino acid. You can now
see from Figure 11.8 that the first amino acid added is the N-terminal one, and
the last amino acid added to the growing polypeptide chain will be the C-terminal
one. Polypeptides are therefore synthesised from their N-terminus to their
H 2N
amino acid
peptide bond
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Chapter 11
The two tRNA molecules remain at the ribosome for the short time necessary for
a peptide bond to form between the two amino acids that they carry.
The next stage in the process (as shown in Figure 11.8c) would be the departure
of the left-hand tRNA from the ribosome. Since only two tRNA molecules can be
bound at a ribosome at any one time, a vacant slot has now been created. The
ribosome then moves one codon along the mRNA, so that this vacant slot is
shifted to the right of the remaining bound tRNA. Another tRNA can now bind to
the mRNA in this vacant slot.
In this way, the ribosome moves stepwise along the mRNA chain, moving from
left to right of the mRNA molecule in Figure 11.8 until it reaches the stop codon.
However, a number of ribosomes can bind simultaneously to the same mRNA
molecule. Figure 11.10 shows this; a string of ribosomes is synthesising molecules
of the same polypeptide and each one is at a different stage in the process. This
string of ribosomes on an mRNA chain is termed a polyribosome more usually
abbreviated to polysome; each polysome is a string of ribosomes with growing
polypeptide chains at different stages of completion. The polypeptide folds up as
it is being synthesised to give the protein product with its own characteristic shape
(Figure 11.10). When a protein chain is complete, both it and the ribosome are
released from the mRNA. The ribosome can bind to either the same or a different
mRNA molecule, and so begin the synthesis of another molecule of polypeptide.
polypeptide chain
complete protein
Question 11.2
Fill in the blanks in each of the following sentences about RNA and protein
synthesis. (In some cases more than one word is required to fill a blank.)
(a) The enzyme __________ copies a stretch of DNA into RNA in a process
known as ___________ .
(b) Only the __________ strand of DNA is read in the process of RNA
synthesis; the other DNA strand is known as the __________ strand.
(c) There are three different types of RNA molecule: __________, __________
and __________ .
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(d) The transfer of information from the mRNA base sequence to the amino acid
sequence of a polypeptide is known as __________ .
(e) The mRNA sequence has a triplet code, and each triplet is known as a
__________ .
(f) Reading of the mRNA base sequence begins at a __________ and finishes
at a __________ .
(g) __________ binds both an amino acid and mRNA; it attaches to the latter via
its three-base _________ .
(h) A ribosome has three RNA binding sites: one for __________ and two for
(i) A ribosome moves along an mRNA chain, and there are several ribosomes
attached to a particular mRNA at any one time; such a string of ribosomes
along an mRNA chain is termed a __________ .
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Chapter 11
double-helical DNA
Figure 11.11 The synthesis of mRNA and protein in a bacterial cell. The
dashed lines indicate that the DNA strands are longer than shown here.
Figure 11.11 is a diagram of protein synthesis in a bacterial cell. On the right we have a double stranded piece of DNA twisted into a helix. At the left hand end of the molecule the helix is untwisted and the two strands separate into two forks upper and lower. A strand of mRNA forms beneath the upper most strand (the template strand). At the right hand side of the diagram we have ribosomes attaching themselves to the newly synthesised mRNA and using it to produce polypeptide chains in fact 5 ribosomes are working on this piece of mRNA like a conveyor belt. Each ribosome has a growing polypeptide chain protruding from it.
non-template strand
template strand
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A considerable amount of work from the mid-1950s until the mid-1960s was
required before the full genetic code was deciphered. It is shown in Figure 11.13.
Here the 64 different codons are arranged in terms of the order of the three bases.
Consider one example: the codon UUU, in the top left-hand corner of the figure.
This is the sequence coding for the amino acid phenylalanine, abbreviated to Phe.
(The abbreviations for all the amino acids are given in the figure caption.) The figure
shows that for most of the 20 amino acids found in proteins there are several codons.
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Chapter 11
second base
first base
third base
Looking at Figure 11.13, which amino acids have the largest number of
Leu (leucine), Ser (serine) and Arg (arginine) each have six codons.
Which amino acids have the fewest codons?
Both Met (methionine) and Trp (tryptophan) have only one each.
[Interestingly, methionine and tryptophan are the least abundant amino acids
found in proteins.]
The other amino acids each have a number of codons somewhere between these
extremes. The fact that most amino acids have several codons has led to the description
of the code as being a degenerate genetic code. A consequence of this is that it is not as
precise as might be expected, as explained in the following discussion.
Figure 11.13 shows that 61 mRNA codons code for the 20 amino acids. How many
different tRNA molecules would you expect to find as a consequence of this?
If there are 61 mRNA codons, you would expect 61 complementary tRNA
anticodons and hence 61 different tRNA molecules.
In fact, far fewer than 61 different tRNA molecules are found in a given cell.
This is because, in many (but not all) cases, accurate base-pairing between
codon and anticodon occurs at only the first two of the three bases and a mismatch
(or wobble) can be tolerated at the third base.
Look at Figure 11.13 and identify the codons for alanine (Ala). How do these
codons compare?
There are four codons: GCU, GCC, GCA and GCG, and the first two bases are
identical for each of them.
This wobble makes it possible to fit 20 amino acids to the 61 mRNA codons with
fewer than 61 tRNA molecules. For Ala, for example, there is usually a single tRNA
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Book 5
in a cell, with an anticodon that can bind to the mRNA codon GC, where the third
base can be any one of U, C, A or G. Although this wobble is tolerated for many
codons, it is not tolerated for all; for example, as noted above, methionine (Met) and
tryptophan (Trp) each have just one codon.
Figure 11.13 shows that the codon AUG codes for the amino acid methionine. As
described in Section 11.4.3, the codon AUG is also the start codon for initiating the
translation of all polypeptides. Methionine can therefore appear both at the beginning
and within a polypeptide. Every newly completed polypeptide chain released from
polysomes has methionine at the N-terminal position. However, this methionine is
removed after the polypeptide chain leaves the ribosome.
The final aspect of the genetic code to be considered is its universal nature. What
this means is that the mRNA codons shown in Figure 11.13 apply in virtually all
organisms where the code has been examined. This observation provides strong
evidence that all cells, or at least the nuclear component of them (leaving the
mitochondria and chloroplasts aside), have evolved from a common ancestor.
In fact, the processes of information storage in DNA, replication, transcription and
translation are fundamentally similar in all organisms. This demonstrates, most
powerfully, the evolutionary continuity between organisms.
Question 11.3
In this question you will examine the relationship between base sequences of DNA and
mRNA, and the amino acid sequence coded for by these polynucleotides.
Below is the start of the base sequence in the template strand of a section of a DNA
molecule isolated from a particular population of cells:
Use the information given in Table 11.1 and Figure 11.13 to answer the following
(a) If the above sequence is transcribed, what will be the corresponding mRNA base
(b) If the mRNA sequence is translated, what will be the amino acid sequence of the
(c) Write down the corresponding DNA sequence of the non-template strand.
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Chapter 11
DNA is stable, can be accurately copied, and contains
information that can be used to direct the synthesis of
Now read the comments on this activity at the end of this book.
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Book 5
Summary of Chapter 11
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Chapter 12
Chapter 12
Gene structure and function in eukaryotes
In this chapter, you will explore the structure and function of genes with
particular reference to eukaryotes using the specific example of the cystic fibrosis
gene in humans. This example has been chosen because a lot is known about
the gene involved and the protein for which it codes. It is a relatively common
genetic disease, affecting 1 in 2500 babies born in the UK.
Chapter 8 was primarily concerned with the inheritance of normal variation such
as purple and white flowers in pea plants. The present chapter moves on to look
at disease phenotypes that are considered to be outside the normal range. Many
diseases are described as genetic diseases because they have a genetic origin,
unlike mumps for example, which is caused by a virus. Thousands of genetic
diseases or genetic disorders, many of them rare, have been shown to be due to
defective copies of genes.
The defective, or disease, alleles involved are variants of genes that we all
contain in our genotypes. However, most of us contain non-disease alleles or
normal alleles of these genes. Some genetic disorders occur when the individual
inherits only one defective allele (dominant disorder); others require both copies
of the gene to be defective (recessive disorder) and some genetic diseases are
X-linked. Disease alleles follow exactly the same patterns of inheritance as nondisease alleles, so the rules already described in Chapter 8 also apply to their
This chapter looks at the relationship between the structure and function of the
cystic fibrosis gene, and then examines the organisation of the gene. In cystic
fibrosis, individuals are usually affected by lung disease, although other tissues
and organs, such as the pancreas (which produces digestive enzymes that are
released into the intestine), may be affected too. In order to understand the origin
of the cystic fibrosis disease, the next section explores mutation in more detail.
Mutation revisited
You saw in Chapter 11 that genes are composed of DNA, and that the DNA
base sequence of these genes determines the structure of polypeptides via
mRNA as the intermediary. The genetic code is the key to understanding this
information flow from DNA to RNA to polypeptide. Sequences of three bases
(codons) in DNA relate directly to mRNA codons, which in turn provide the
template on which a precise sequence of amino acids is joined together to form
a polypeptide.
In Section 10.3, however, you saw that the machinery of DNA replication does
not always produce an accurate copy of the template strand. In other words,
mistakes can occur, in which incorrect bases are inserted into the growing
polynucleotide chain. If the errors are not detected and removed, then these
become mutations. These errors will then be copied each time the DNA molecule
is replicated.
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Chapter 12
(b) Another population of the same type of cells as used in (a) has been treated
with a different chemical agent, which results in a different kind of mutation.
This time an extra base is added to the DNA, such that the template sequence,
with the inserted base shown underlined, now reads as follows:
What effect will this have on the corresponding amino acid sequence? What
is the significance of the result you have obtained?
The answer to this question shows that if a base is deleted or an additional base
inserted, all subsequent codons in the mRNA following this error would be
changed. In turn, the sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide would also be
The effect of a mutation on the function of the protein will depend on the position
and number of the changed amino acid in the polypeptide chain. For example, in
an enzyme some positions can be filled by alternative amino acids, and at least
partial function is maintained. But at other positions in the chain the normal
amino acid must be present for the enzyme to be fully active.
Thinking back to the structure and function of enzymes (Chapter 5), which
parts of an enzyme are most likely to be affected by a change of amino acid
The parts of the enzyme molecule that contribute to the active site, either
directly, or indirectly by helping to maintain the precise shape of the
active site.
Where the mutation results in a large number of amino acids being changed (as in
the answer to Question 12.1), the enzyme is unlikely to have any activity.
Very rarely, mutations can be advantageous, producing a protein with enhanced
qualities, conferring advantages on the host organism in a particular environment.
Such mutations may be replicated and spread throughout the population.
(Examples of these mutations are discussed in Chapter 14.) Other mutations are
deleterious and the next section turns to one such mutation that associated with
the cystic fibrosis phenotype in humans.
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Book 5
pairs, and the mutant allele that lacks them. This description reveals how the
two alleles differ from each other at the level of the DNA. The exact position of
the gene on chromosome 7 was located in 1989. Using sophisticated molecular
techniques, it is possible to extract and identify the DNA of this gene, as shown
in Figure 12.1. In this procedure, DNA is extracted from cells (usually white
blood cells in the case of humans) and it is cut into fragments using enzymes that
recognise and cut within particular sequences. These fragments are loaded at one
end of a gel (jelly-like substance) and separated according to their size. Since
the DNA fragments have a negative charge, when an electric voltage is applied
they move across the gel towards the positive electrode; large fragments move
with difficulty, but smaller pieces move more easily. Once separated, specific
sequences of DNA (i.e. genes or parts of genes) can then be visualised in the gel.
Mutations can create or destroy a cutting site for an enzyme, thus altering the
pattern of cuts in the DNA. Hence it is possible to tell whether a gene is present
and whether it is normal in structure.
What can you learn from the image shown in Figure 12.1? The first point is that
there is gene variation amongst the eight individuals. For each person, there are
either one or two bands. There are two band types, one corresponding to the
normal allele (N) and the other corresponding to the mutant (cystic fibrosis)
allele (M). The individuals can be grouped into three categories in terms of the
bands each has. Look at the bands for individuals 1, 2 and 3. Person 1 has just
a single band, which corresponds to the mutant allele. So, person 1 has only
the mutant allele for this gene. Person 2 has also just a single band, but here it
corresponds to the normal allele. In contrast, person 3 has both bands and hence
has both alleles.
Using Figure 12.1, group the eight people into three groups (IIII) in terms
of the bands and hence alleles that each has: group I, mutant allele only;
group II, normal allele only; group III, both alleles.
Group I: individuals 1 and 6 have only the band for the mutant allele.
Group II: individuals 2 and 8 have only the band for the normal allele.
Group III: individuals 3, 4, 5 and 7 have both bands, and hence both alleles.
The people in group III have been identified as having two different alleles of the
cystic fibrosis gene.
What is the term used to describe this genotype, in contrast to that of
individuals in groups I and II?
Group III individuals are said to be heterozygous, in contrast to members of
groups I and II, who are homozygous.
A further significant point is that the mutant allele is recessive.
Which individuals will exhibit the disease symptoms, and why?
Individuals 1 and 6 would be expected to exhibit disease symptoms because
they have only the mutant allele.
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Chapter 12
The question of which individuals will exhibit the disease, and why, can be
explored further by relating the genetics of cystic fibrosis to events at the level
of the polypeptide coded for by the gene and considering how the normal and
mutant alleles of the gene and their protein products are operating. The cystic
fibrosis gene codes for a protein that is involved in the transport of chloride ions
across cellular membranes. The normal allele codes for a fully functional protein,
whereas the mutant allele codes for a defective protein with greatly reduced
chloride transport activity.
Individuals 1 and 6 have only the mutant allele and consequently their cells
are able to synthesise only the defective protein. The transport function of the
protein in their cells is significantly impaired. In contrast, individuals in group II
have just the normal allele, and hence synthesise the non-mutant protein, which
functions normally.
Individuals in group III, however, have both alleles, normal and mutant. In these
individuals both forms of the protein are synthesised, and yet these people do not
exhibit the disease symptoms. The key to understanding this is that the cells of these
individuals synthesise sufficient normally functioning protein to ensure the transport
of chloride ions, so that disease symptoms are not expressed in the phenotype.
This example shows that the terms dominant and recessive can be better
understood at the level of the functioning protein, rather than at the level of the
gene. In the cystic fibrosis example, the dominant normal phenotype represents
the presence of a fully-functioning protein and the recessive phenotype
represents the protein with significantly reduced chloride transport activity.
The heterozygote makes both proteins, yet the individual has the phenotype
associated with the fully-functioning protein; the mutant protein is not expressed
at the level of the whole organism.
Finally, examples like cystic fibrosis tell the story of how information in genes
becomes realised in the phenotype. This is illustrated in Figure 12.2. This figure
summarises the sequence of events from the normal allele of the cystic fibrosis
gene to the development of the normal phenotype, and, for comparison, shows
the sequence of events from the mutation in the cystic fibrosis gene to the
development of the disease phenotype.
DNA sequence
of normal allele
structure of
faulty protein
produces cystic
fibrosis allele
So far the precise linear relationship between DNA base sequence and
polypeptide structure in the non-disease and the disease allele of the cystic
fibrosis gene has been considered. However, the relationship is not quite so
straightforward, as you will discover in the next section.
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Book 5
Although the simple story of the flow of information from DNA to polypeptide
is largely true for bacteria, important complexities exist in eukaryotes. In fact,
the structure of genes in eukaryotes is far more complicated. The information for
making polypeptides in most genes is not an uninterrupted sequence of bases.
Rather, most eukaryote genes are split into separate parts along the length of a
DNA molecule by intervening non-coding sequences.
Consider a protein with a sequence of 300 amino acids. Approximately how
many mRNA bases and hence how many DNA base pairs would you expect
to code for this protein?
Each mRNA codon is a triplet of three bases, so 900 mRNA bases and hence
900 DNA base pairs would be expected to code for this protein.
You may be surprised to learn that for many proteins of average length of
around 300400 amino acids, each gene contains a staggering 100 000 base
pairs about 100 times the number that is apparently needed. Some eukaryote
genes coding for proteins of this size even contain as many as two million base
pairs. What then is the relationship between all these extra DNA base pairs and
the final protein sequence? The rules you have learnt so far apply in that, for
example, 900 DNA bases would be needed to code for a sequence of 300 amino
acids. However, only a relatively small number of DNA bases within such a
gene actually code for amino acids in the protein product: such protein-coding
DNA sequences are termed exons. Within the DNA sequence of a gene, the exons
are interspersed with non-protein-coding regions termed introns. For a gene of
100 000 base pairs, a large proportion of the base pairs of the gene comprises
introns, the sequences of which do not appear in the final protein product of the
gene. Such a gene, with exons and introns is described as a split gene, a simple
sketch of which is shown in Figure 12.3. As this figure shows, usually there are
relatively long intron regions interspersed with relatively short exon regions.
Figure 12.3 A sketch of
a hypothetical split gene,
consisting of four short exons
(protein-coding regions) and
three larger, intervening introns
(non-protein-coding regions).
Figure 12.3 is a diagram of a piece of double stranded DNA shown as two thin rectangles lying side by side lengthwise. The piece is meant to represent a single gene. At four places along its length and in both strands the gene is shaded in these areas represent the exons. The intervening areas of the gene are not shaded in the diagram and are labelled introns.
single gene
The split gene shown in Figure 12.3 is a very simple, indeed hypothetical,
example with only four exons. Many genes that have actually been identified
and characterised are much more complicated than this. For example, the cystic
fibrosis gene is large, comprising 250 000 base pairs including 26 introns.
If a large amount of the DNA in a gene comprises introns, then somehow there
must be a series of events between transcription of DNA and protein synthesis
(translation), in which these intervening sequences are removed. This series of
events is called RNA processing and is illustrated in Figure 12.4.
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Chapter 12
non-template strand
template strand
primary RNA product
loop of
non-coding RNA
mature mRNA
As Figure 12.4 shows, the DNA sequence of the entire split gene is transcribed,
and the primary RNA product includes the non-protein-coding introns as well
as the protein-coding exons.
How many bases would you expect to find in the primary RNA product?
Since this contains both exons and introns, the primary RNA product should
have the same number of bases as there are base pairs in the DNA template
on which it was produced. This follows from the base-pairing rules of
Indeed, the primary product of transcription is a very large RNA molecule.
What must happen to this primary RNA product, in terms of its length, before
protein synthesis takes place?
After transcription, this RNA must be shortened in some way.
The existence of introns means that the primary RNA product must be processed
before translation can occur. This processing involves removal of the introns and
joining of the exons to produce a continuous mRNA ready for translation. This
is the mature mRNA molecule. As shown in Figure 12.4, the RNA regions that
do not code for amino acid sequences of the protein form loops that are cut out of
the molecule.
What is the relationship, in terms of size, between the primary RNA product
and the mature mRNA?
The mature mRNA is much smaller than the primary RNA product. Its length
corresponds to the total length of all of the exon sequences.
What would be the next step in the sequence of polypeptide production?
The mature mRNA would leave the nucleus and pass into the cytosol where
it would be translated.
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Book 5
Summary of Chapter 12
A mutation in the DNA code can be transcribed into mRNA and subsequently
translated into a protein. For example, a single base change in DNA can result
in a faulty protein product. Such defects can result in heritable diseases, such as
cystic fibrosis in humans.
Many eukaryote genes are split genes, containing non-protein-coding introns and
protein-coding exons.
The primary RNA product, resulting from transcription, is spliced to remove
the introns; the resultant mature mRNA molecule is therefore much smaller.
After processing, the mRNA leaves the nucleus and moves to the cytosol where
translation occurs.
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Chapter 13
Looking at genomes
Chapter 13
Looking at genomes
The previous chapter showed that not all DNA codes for polypeptides. Genes
have both coding and non-coding sequences of DNA, the latter of which
are transcribed into RNA but are not translated into polypeptides. However
surprisingly large amounts of DNA in most eukaryotes is non-coding and is
not even transcribed into RNA. What is the role of such DNA sequences? This
chapter broadens to examine a cells total complement of genetic material, which
is called the genome.
Genomes usually consist of only DNA, but some viruses have RNA instead of
DNA as their genetic material, as in the case of the human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV, the virus responsible for the acquired immune deficiency syndrome,
AIDS). For eukaryotes, the term genome can also be applied to the genetic
material of an organelle, as distinct from that in the nucleus: for example, the
mitochondrial or chloroplast genome. You should recall from Section 4.3 that
both these organelles also contain DNA, as a consequence of their bacterial
In the discussion of DNA replication and polypeptide synthesis (Sections 10.2
and, prokaryotes (bacteria), and eukaryotes were, implicitly,
lumped together, but there are important differences between them as far as
their genomes are concerned. This chapter begins by looking at the relative
simplicity of bacteria, where most of the DNA codes for protein. Then it
moves on to look at the more complex eukaryotes where a lot of the DNA is
non-coding. Some of these non-protein-coding sequences have well defined
roles, whereas others do not. The chapter then looks at current projects that
are aimed at investigating the complete DNA sequence of the genomes of
certain organisms. Genome studies consider the molecular organisation and
structure of the genetic material, and have given rise to the very new science of
genomics. Genomics often involves comparing the genomes of organisms from
widely different taxonomic groups, in a search for similar sequences and gene
structures, and this chapter compares the genomes of yeast (Saccharomyces
cerevisiae), fruit-fly (Drosophila melanogaster) and humans (Homo sapiens).
Finally the chapter explores some of the ethical considerations that arise from
our knowledge of the human genome.
Bacterial genomes
Bacterial genomes are relatively small just a few million base pairs as
against, for example, the few billion base pairs of the human genome. There
are three important features of the bacterial genome to appreciate. First, the
genome consists of a single DNA molecule, and hence, the bacterial cell is
haploid. Second, unlike eukaryote chromosomes, bacterial DNA is essentially
naked, in that it is not associated with proteins that help condense the DNA into
chromosomes. Third, there is great gene density in the bacterial genome, such
that virtually all the DNA codes for protein products (apart from those genes that
code for rRNA and tRNA).
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Book 5
Eukaryote genomes
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Chapter 13
Looking at genomes
the different cell types of an organism all have the same genome. All of these
specialised cells have some proteins in common, but each has other proteins that
are unique to that particular cell type. Clearly, therefore, in any particular cell
only a certain number of genes are active, that is, they are switched on, and
transcribed into RNA and subsequently translated into protein. The vast majority
of other genes are inactive or switched off and are not transcribed, so that the
polypeptides for which they code are not being produced. This control of gene
activity in eukaryotes is brought about by the control sequences and these ensure
that only the right genes are transcribed in a given cell type. The total percentage
of the human genome that corresponds to genes and their supporting sequences is
around 30%.
Hence, one of the most striking features of the genome is the relatively small
amount of space taken up by the genes and their control sequences the majority
of the genome appears to be nothing to do with genes. In fact it is unclear what
the roles of the remaining DNA might be. Examination shows that it falls into
different categories according to its structure. One category of DNA is made up
of stretches of non repetitive, single-copy DNA of unknown function.
The remaining DNA is called repetitive DNA, because each DNA sequence
is repeated a number of times. Repetitive DNA falls into one of two classes
according to its distribution along the chromosomes. One class of repetitive DNA
is dispersed throughout the genome; that is, it occurs at many different sites. Each
repeat varies in length from hundreds to thousands of base pairs long. The other
class of repeats are short sequences of DNA such as:
repeated about 1025 times and grouped together consecutively; that is, they sit
next to one another (Figure 13.1). This type of DNA has proved very useful to
geneticists as described later in Section 13.3.1.
So, in eukaryotes, protein-coding genes are embedded in a complex array of
repetitive DNA sequences and single-copy DNA, which have no known function.
So far, the various categories of DNA have been described, but the variation
between individuals of a species and differences between species have yet to be
examined. The next section considers the DNA variations within the genome
of a species humans before moving on to review the differences in the
organisation of the genome of different species.
Figure 13.1 A simple repeat sequence. This consists of many serially arranged
repeats of a sequence of four base pairs.
Figure 13.1 is a diagram of a double stranded piece of DNA arranged horizontally with the bases projecting inwards. In this case the bases in the topmost strand consist of sequence C A A A repeated over an over again along the length of the DNA. On the bottom strand the repeated sequence is complimentary to the topmost strand G T T T.
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Book 5
Question 13.1
Table 13.1 is for you to record information about the genomes and gene function
in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Complete the table by writing an appropriate
single word, such as present or absent, or the name of a site, such as cytosol
or nucleus, in the blank space in each column opposite each feature.
Table 13.1 Record of information to allow comparison of genomes and gene
function in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
genome complexity
site of DNA replication
site of transcription
site of translation (ribosomes)
split genes
repeat sequences
mRNA splicing
Genome diversity
Although humans all have the same genome, differences between individuals
do exist. As a starting point, this section considers genetic variation within a
population by returning briefly to the example of the cystic fibrosis gene in
Chapter 12. There you considered one gene with two different alleles, for which
there are three genotypes:
Imagine for a moment how much genetic variation there is within a human
population with different alleles for many, many different genes. The number
of possible different combinations is really quite staggering. In order to
appreciate this, consider approximately 25 000 genes, each with one of three
possible genotypes (homozygous recessive, homozygous dominant and
heterozygous). The possible combinations for an individual are then 325000.
It is easier to appreciate how big this number is by converting it to powers
of ten: approximately 1012000. So within a population, the chance of any two
individuals having the same genotype is infinitesimally small. However,
in reality, many genes have more than two known alleles, for example the
ABO system (Section 9.2). Hence the number of different possible combinations
is much greater than this. Furthermore, the variation in base sequences found
outside of the protein-coding regions, especially in the repetitive sequences,
is even greater so much so, that every individual, apart from identical twins,
has a unique DNA profile, which can be identified using the technique of DNA
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DNA fingerprinting
Chapter 13
Looking at genomes
In fact, these fingerprints were produced to test the relatedness of one of the
offspring (C) to the mother (B) and to siblings DF; in this case, the fathers
DNA was not available for comparison. The question was, Did individual C
have the same mother (B) as individuals D, E and F? The degree of sharing of
bands by relatives depends on their degree of relatedness: closer relatives have
more bands in common than do more distant relatives. In this particular case,
close examination showed that C shared enough bands with B, D, E and F to
vindicate the claimed family relatedness. Some of the bands, such as the top one
present in individuals D and F only, must have been inherited from the father.
In reality, a superficial, visual comparison like this would be insufficient for an
accurate analysis of relatedness, and quantitative methods of comparison are
generally used.
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Book 5
The second case study that demonstrates the usefulness of DNA relates to how
DNA fingerprints can be used in forensic science, such as in cases of sexual
assault or murder. For example, the DNA from very small samples of blood or
semen found at sites of crime can be compared with that of potential suspects. The
first forensic case to use the technique occurred in 1986 and was quite dramatic.
It involved the assault and murder of a schoolgirl called Dawn Ashworth in
Narborough, Leicestershire. A hospital porter, Richard Buckland, confessed to the
murder. Dawn Ashworths murder had many similarities to an unresolved murder
three years previously. The question was, Did the DNA fingerprint of Bucklands
blood match that of the semen found at the scene of both of these crimes? Genetic
fingerprinting showed that the two semen fingerprints were identical but neither
matched the fingerprint of Bucklands blood. Buckland was not the murderer!
Five months after Dawn Ashworths death, the police tested the blood of
5500 men who lived in the area of Narborough. There was no DNA match with
the semen found at the scene of the crime. It happened that one of the men tested,
called Ian Kelly, mentioned to a colleague that he had stood in for a friend
Colin Pitchfork at the blood test. Pitchfork had asked him to do this because
he was concerned that the police were trying to frame him. However, the police
got to hear of this tale and arrested Pitchfork. He confessed to both murders and,
importantly, his blood was found to have the same DNA fingerprint as the two
sets of semen found at the scenes of the crimes. Proving Bucklands innocence
and Pitchforks guilt were a direct result of evidence provided by tiny samples of
DNA extracted from suspects cells and the technique of DNA fingerprinting.
Genome projects
Genome projects are revealing much information about how genes are organised
in genomes of various organisms. Towards the end of the last century, a number
of research projects were initiated to elucidate the entire DNA sequence of
selected eukaryote genomes and thereby determine their organisation. The
most notable one is that of humans. The ultimate goal of the Human Genome
Project (HGP) was to discover all the genes and determine the entire sequence
and understand every detail of our genome. This started in 1990 with the goal
to sequence all three billion DNA base pairs by the year 2005. Sequencing the
human genome was a mammoth task. The HGP involved hundreds of laboratories
in six different countries, the main centres being in the USA, Europe and Japan.
In 2000, 85% of the three billion base pairs were published, and by 2005 the
sequence was virtually complete. However, fully interpreting the sequence will
take much longer. The completed genome sequence is being analysed in order
to determine gene function, how genes are controlled and how their function is
coordinated, and this is done with the help of computerised data banks.
In parallel with the study of the human genome, scientists have been sequencing
the genomes of many other organisms. Here the genetic features of the eukaryote
genome are examined, by comparing three organisms, Saccharomyces cerevisiae
(the unicellular bakers or brewers yeast, which you met in Chapter 4),
Drosophila melanogaster (the fruit-fly, which you met in Section 8.3.3), as
well as that of Homo sapiens (humans). The features you will consider and the
relevant data are given in Table 13.2.
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Chapter 13
Looking at genomes
Table 13.2 A comparison of the genomes of yeast, fruit-fly and humans (all figures have been rounded).
13 000
25 000
The first feature to note is that there are very substantial differences in the size
of the genomes of these three organisms. An important point to realise is that the
yeast genome is about 15 times smaller than the fruit-fly genome and 250 times
smaller than the human one. Given the relatively small size of the yeast genome
it is not surprising that this was the first eukaryote genome to be completely
sequenced (in 1996). The size range for the three species coincides with the
complexity of the organism, which might be expected since more complex
organisms require more genes. But an examination of the genome size of other
organisms reveals that the correlation is far from precise. Organisms with a
similar number of genes can have genomes of very different sizes.
The second feature to note in Table 13.2 is the total number of genes within the
genome of the three species. The yeast genome includes about 6000 proteincoding genes representing about 64% of the genome. Expressed another way,
6000 genes are needed to construct this unicellular eukaryote organism. Given
the relative complexity of humans compared with yeast, it was somewhat a
surprise to learn that humans have only about 25 000 genes (this number had still
to be confirmed in 2007), and that humans require only about twice the number
of genes needed to build and maintain a fruit-fly.
What role(s) might the remaining 36% of the yeast genome play?
Such non-protein-coding regions might be control sequences, repeat
sequences or single-copy DNA of no known function.
The repetitive sequences play an important role in determining the compactness
of a genome: yeast has about 4% repetitive sequences compared with 50% in
humans. The result is that the spaces between genes are much shorter in yeast.
Remarkably some genomes appear to be dominated by repetitive sequences, as in
the case of maize (Zea mays).
A further feature of the data in Table 13.2 show is that the genetic organisation
of yeast is much more economical than that of fruit-fly and humans. In order to
appreciate the compactness of the yeast genome compared with that of fruit-fly
and humans, consider the data for gene density and the average number of introns
per gene. The gene density, or distribution of genes, is given as the average
number of genes along the DNA double helix per million bases.
Compare the gene density in the three organisms in Table 13.2.
A glance at the data reveals that the genes in yeast have a greater density than
in the fruit-fly and in turn the genes in fruit-fly have a greater density than in
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Book 5
Ethical considerations
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Chapter 13
Looking at genomes
uterus (womb). This procedure uses the technique of in vitro fertilisation (IVF),
which brings eggs and sperm together to form an embryo outside the prospective
mothers body.
What is the name for the nuclear division that brings about the production of
Meiosis (which results in haploid cells).
IVF was originally developed for the purpose of overcoming some kinds of
infertility. On 25 July 1978, the worlds first test-tube (IVF) baby, Louise Brown,
was born in Oldham, England. She was described in the press as a miracle of
medicine. From this single birth, the use of IVF as a method of reproduction has
exploded throughout the world.
Fertility treatment and embryo research are regulated in the UK by the Human
Fertilisation and Embryology Authority. They engage with public opinion to
provide confidence about the work researchers are doing. Consider for a moment
some of the ethical implications surrounding the technique of IVF alone. This
technique has opened up the possibility of moving embryos from one maternal
womb to another with implications for the meaning of motherhood. In other words,
it is possible for one woman to donate eggs and another to carry the embryo and
fetus to term (Figure 13.3). Whose baby is it? If you were offered to participate in
such a procedure, would your decision be based on emotional considerations or
ethical ones? There are no easy answers here.
Figure 13.3 The procedure of
in vitro fertilisation.
in vitro
fertilised eggs
into uterus
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Book 5
But IVF also provides access to the eggs, sperm and embryos. With this access
comes the possibility of reading the sequence of DNA and manipulating the
genetic material and the embryo before it is implanted in the uterus. It is possible
to remove one or two cells from individual embryos at an early development
stage and then use sophisticated molecular techniques to determine whether
particular genes/alleles are present or not. Removal of one or two cells for
analysis following IVF before implanting into the uterus does not affect
the development of the embryo. Hence by combining our ability to identify
individual genes with the procedure of IVF, embryos can be tested for the
presence of mutations, and only those free of particular alleles implanted. For
example, those embryos with two, or even one, damaged cystic fibrosis genes can
be selected out. Similarly those embryos produced by means of IVF with genetic
diseases such as haemophilia (defects in blood clotting), Huntingtons disease
(a degenerative disease of the nervous system) and muscular dystrophy
(a muscle-wasting disease) are currently discarded in the UK.
Some couples require IVF treatment because they are unable to conceive
naturally, but there is a question as to whether a woman who can have children
naturally should go through the IVF process. For example, should couples known
to be carriers of the cystic fibrosis mutation be offered IVF? Some individuals
consider selecting an embryo that does not carry mutations is a more acceptable
option than having to make a decision about terminating a pregnancy of an
affected embryo. This is particularly so since the test for an affected embryo
occurs whilst it is in the uterus, at a later stage of development than tests in vitro
prior to IVF. The choice of giving birth to an affected child or terminating the
pregnancy is not an easy one to confront.
Summary of Chapter 13
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Chapter 14
Chapter 14
Evolution, selection, species and
So far in this book, you have become aware of the very large number of
very diverse species on the planet, which are nevertheless clearly related to
one another (Chapter 3). Also you have seen that organisms are generally
well adapted to their particular way of life, within a specific environment.
However, until now you have not studied the mechanisms underlying such
diversity. Diversity and adaptation are important observations linked together
by the concept of evolution. In this chapter, you will look at the processes that
contribute to evolution and their impact at the level of both the individual and the
population. The visible characters of individuals their phenotypic characters
are influenced by their genes their genotypic characters. So, in investigating
evolutionary processes, both phenotype and genotype must be considered.
Observations and experiments all provide evidence for evolutionary processes
and there are examples of both in this chapter. When you have finished the
chapter, you should be able to formulate questions about the natural world, from
an evolutionary standpoint.
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Book 5
You have almost certainly heard of natural selection before and probably have
an idea of what it means, but the way that the term natural selection is often
used in newspapers, for example, can be misleading. To clarify the scientific
meaning, first the theory of natural selection as set out by Darwin is described,
and then follows a specific example that illustrates evolution by natural
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Chapter 14
The essence of Darwins theory is that natural selection will occur if three
conditions are met. These conditions, highlighted in bold above, are a struggle
for existence, variation and inheritance. These are said to be the necessary and
sufficient conditions for natural selection to occur. To say that the three conditions
are necessary means that, unless all three conditions are met, natural selection
will not occur. Thus, it will not occur if reproduction does not produce more
progeny than can survive, it will not occur if a character does not show variation,
and it will not occur if variation does not have a heritable basis. To say that the
three conditions are sufficient means that, if all three conditions are met, natural
selection will inevitably occur and this can lead to change in the characters of a
population from one generation to the next.
Darwin was concerned with evolution, i.e. change over time, and he proposed
a process, natural selection, that could bring about such change. Evolution
through natural selection is the main focus here. However, it is important to
bear in mind that natural selection is also a process that can prevent change,
i.e. promote stability. In other words, natural selection can occur without
evolution. Furthermore, there are factors other than natural selection that affect
evolution (some of which are considered in Section 14.1.3). The three conditions
listed above are necessary and sufficient for natural selection to occur, rather than
for evolution to occur. Nevertheless, the vast majority of biologists accept that
natural selection is the most important process by which evolution is brought
Here we will look a little more closely at the three necessary and sufficient
conditions and consider how likely it is that they will be met. The first, a struggle
for existence, is probably almost always met, because living organisms produce
more progeny than are required to replace their parents when they die. The
second condition, variation, is often but not always met. Some characters show
virtually no variation between members of a species, whilst other characters show
considerable variation. The third condition, inheritance, is only sometimes met;
not all variation has a heritable basis.
Before reading on, take a few moments to think about variable characters of
animals that might not be entirely heritable.
You might have thought of size, or strength of muscles.
For example, toads vary in size. The two factors that make the largest
contribution to variation in the body size of toads are variation in age (toads
continue to grow throughout their lives) and variation in their environment (e.g. a
good food supply). These are both external causes (i.e. body size is not a result of
particular characters possessed by the toad). So body size in toads is not primarily
an inherited character.
This last point leads on to an important aspect of natural selection, which was
much discussed when Darwin first proposed his theory. This debate concerns
the possible inheritance of acquired characters. As well as growing, individual
organisms may develop particular skills or physical characters during the
course of their lives as a result of differences in the way they live. Consider
the human practices of body piercing, circumcision and decorative body scars.
These characters, which are acquired deliberately during the course of an
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individuals life, are not inherited by that individuals offspring even though
the practice may have been carried out for hundreds of generations. Likewise,
a plant that has grown particularly large in a patch of good ground, or a toad
that has grown very big because it lives in a garden full of food, will not pass
their large size on to their progeny. So, inheritance of acquired characters does
not occur.
Inheritance of a character occurs only if that character is passed from one
generation to the next during reproduction. In other words, it is reproduction that
is the crucial factor in natural selection. In a nutshell, natural selection is about
the reproduction rather than the survival of the fittest. The term fitness has a
very particular meaning in biology, which is discussed below.
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Chapter 14
Consider the example of great tits that you studied in Chapter 7. Suppose, for
example, that you wanted to measure fitness in a population of great tits. It is
obvious that you would have to record the fledging success of many pairs of great
tits, not just for one year, but for as long as the longest-lived bird. Great tits can
live for up to six years. You would also have to follow the survival and breeding
success of all those birds progeny, some of which might also live for six years.
Thus, to measure accurately the fitness of a single cohort of great tits (i.e. all the
birds born in a given year) would take something like 13 years. A succession of
biologists in Oxford has effectively done this over 50 years. Great tits lay easily
counted numbers of eggs in convenient nest boxes. However, not all animal
species can be as easily studied.
Suggest examples of animals where such a study would be difficult.
Animals with very long lifespans would not be easy some tortoises live
for a hundred or more years. In other species, the number of progeny
produced might be too huge to count some fishes shed millions of eggs
into the ocean. Accurate measurements of fitness for such animals are clearly
Because it is often so difficult to measure fitness accurately, in most studies of
animals and plants researchers measure one or more components of fitness.
Examples include survival to reproductive age, number of fertilised eggs
produced, and number of surviving young. What these components have in
common is that they are to some extent inherited. The ability of an individual to
lay a large clutch or produce offspring that survive is partly determined by what
that individual inherits from its parents. Many other factors affect the survival of
offspring (e.g. the abundance of predators) but, because these other factors are
not inherited, they are not components of fitness.
There is one final, but extremely important, point about fitness in the context
of natural selection. What matters is not the actual value of an individuals
fitness in terms of the number of its progeny that survive to reproduce, but
which individuals have higher fitness than others. Fitness is thus a relative
measure, with the most fit individual in a population being assigned the
value 1. All other individuals have their fitness expressed as fractions or
proportions of 1. Thus, if the fittest bird in a population of great tits leaves
ten offspring that survive to reproduce, a bird that leaves five offspring has a
fitness of 105 1 = 0.5.
Up to this point, evolution and natural selection have been considered from a
theoretical viewpoint. For any theory to be of value, it has to be both testable
experimentally and predictive, in the sense that you can erect a hypothesis
to test. Lots of experiments have been designed to test natural selection. One
of these will be used to explore Darwins propositions in an experimental
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The guppy (Poecilia reticulata) is a small fish whose natural habitat is small
streams in northern Trinidad, but it is also a popular aquarium fish. Male and
female guppies are very different in appearance (Figure 14.2); they are said to
show sexual dimorphism (Section 3.1) as male guppies are very much more
brightly coloured than females. This section considers how natural selection
influences bright coloration in male guppies, and will do so by considering each
of Darwins four propositions in turn.
1 Number of progeny
Female guppies begin to breed as soon as they become mature at about three
months old; they then produce clutches of eggs, most of which become fertilised,
at roughly one-month intervals until they die or become too old. Clutches vary
in size from one to 40 eggs; the average clutch contains about ten eggs. Thus,
female guppies produce a large number of offspring during their lives, far more
than can survive to maturity.
Question 14.1
Suppose that, in a particular stream, the size of a population of guppies stays
more or less stable over several years. How many of a given females offspring,
on average, must survive to reproductive age in such a population?
Given the large number of fertilised eggs produced by female guppies, and the
fact that, on average, only two survive to reproduce, it is clear that there is very
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Chapter 14
high mortality among young organisms in this species. This obviously meets the
first of Darwins propositions. Guppies are fairly typical organisms and illustrate
that mortality in nature is typically very high. This mortality provides the
background against which natural selection acts.
3 Variation
Guppies vary in a number of characters; in particular, male guppies vary in the
number, size and brightness of the coloured spots that decorate their bodies
(Figure 14.2). This variation can be detected within a single population in a given
stretch of stream, but is much more obvious when different populations, from
different streams, are compared. Biologists working in Trinidad have shown
that this variation is related to the presence of predatory fish. Male guppies from
streams where predators are absent are much more brightly coloured than those
from streams that contain predators. The underlying variation that results in the
colour varieties in the guppy is random.
Question 14.2
Suggest an explanation, in terms of adaptation, for the relationship between
the presence or absence of predatory fish in streams and the brightness of male
As you will see shortly, the explanation given in the answer to Question 14.2 is
supported by other observations. But it does beg an important question, Why
are male guppies brightly coloured at all? It is quite common among animals
that males are more brightly coloured than females. The explanation for this is
quite complex, but can be summarised briefly. In the majority of animal species,
males are the more active partner in initiating mating behaviour and they perform
a variety of behaviour patterns to attract the attention of, and stimulate, females.
Commonly, females are more effectively attracted and stimulated by the most
brightly coloured males, giving such males an advantage in terms of enjoying
a higher mating success. For example, peacocks with the greatest number of
eyespots in their tails mate with more females than those with fewer eyespots.
Likewise, male guppies with more brightly coloured spots are more attractive to
females than are those with fewer spots.
The possibility that bright coloration makes male guppies more conspicuous to
predators, and the observation that such males are more attractive to females,
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4 Inheritance
The adaptive explanation for bright coloration in male guppies given above
can only be correct, and can only have evolved by natural selection, if male
coloration has a heritable basis. Direct evidence that it is a heritable character is
of two kinds. First, a wide variety of decorative guppies have been bred for sale
on the aquarium market (Figure 14.2). Such forms could not have been produced
if male coloration were not heritable. Second, if samples of guppies are taken
from different Trinidadian streams and bred in the laboratory, they yield male
offspring that resemble their fathers; stocks derived from predator-free streams
are more brightly coloured than those from predator-rich streams.
The discussion so far of the biology of guppies has concentrated on whether the
necessary and sufficient conditions for natural selection exist in this species. The
fact that they do exist strongly supports the hypothesis that male coloration has
evolved by natural selection. However, this does not constitute a direct, rigorous
test of the hypothesis. A series of experiments carried out during the late 1970s
by the American zoologist John Endler did put the hypothesis to such a test.
In one of his experiments, Endler built several artificial ponds and stocked each
with a population of guppies derived from several different localities in Trinidad.
At this stage, guppies were the only fish in the ponds. There was considerable
variation among males in the number of their spots, but the mean number
of spots per male across all the populations at the start of the experiment
(time = 0 months) was 10 (Figure 14.3). He left the ponds alone for six months,
then sampled the populations in each of the ponds and counted the number of
spots on the male guppies. He found that the mean number of spots per male had
increased to 11.8 (Figure 14.3).
What adaptive explanation can you suggest for this increase in male spot
In the absence of any predatory fish, natural selection had favoured an
increase in spot number. The more heavily spotted males had more offspring
because they were more attractive to females.
Six months may well seem a remarkably short period of time for such a change
to have come about. Indeed it is, although it is not the actual time that is
important. A guppy breeds several times during its life, known as iteroparity
(or, alternatively, the guppy is iteroparous), and over the course of six months,
Endlers artificial populations were able to reproduce several times.
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10 12
The ponds were then left alone for a further five months (time for guppies to
breed several more times), at which point he sampled them again and counted the
number of spots on the male guppies.
From Figure 14.3, how did the mean number of spots per male differ between
the time of the second sample (at 11 months) and the time of the first sample
(at six months) for the three groups of ponds?
The values for groups A and B had increased slightly from 11.8 to 12.5 and
13.0 spots, respectively. However, the value for group C had declined, from
11.8 to 10.5. The populations had therefore diverged in terms of mean male
spot number.
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In the final phase of his experiment, Endler left his populations for a further nine
months (time for several more generations), after which he carried out a final
analysis of male spot numbers. At 20 months, the populations had diverged even
more than at the time of the second sample, with groups A and B now averaging
13.0 spots per fish and group C averaging 9.5 (Figure 14.3).
Do the results summarised in Figure 14.3 support the hypothesis that, through
natural selection, the presence of predatory fish affects the number of spots
on male guppies?
Yes, they do. Several guppy generations after the introduction of predators to
some ponds, male guppies in those ponds that contained voracious predators
had fewer spots than those in ponds that contained either no predators or
predators that are innocuous to guppies.
Question 14.3
The purpose of the group C ponds was to see what the effect would be on the
guppy populations of adding a voracious predator after several generations in
which there had been no predation. What do you think was the purpose of the
group A and B ponds?
This example has illustrated four important points about natural selection. First,
provided the three necessary and sufficient conditions (struggle for existence,
variation and inheritance) are met, the form of a character can change from
generation to generation. Second, the form of the character that results from
natural selection represents a trade-off between the various ways in which that
character affects the survival and reproduction of individuals. Third, natural
selection can lead to a quite marked change in the form of a character in only a
few generations. Finally, and perhaps most crucially, it shows that the theory of
natural selection can be tested by carrying out experiments.
One of the key requirements for natural selection to occur is that there is variation
upon which selection can act. However, it is extremely important to appreciate
that natural selection does not itself cause that variation; it simply acts on
existing variation. The processes that do bring about variation are therefore major
components of evolution.
Using information from Chapter 9, what process might be a source of
variation in individuals?
The most important of the processes is really the ultimate source of all
variation: mutation.
As you read in Section 9.5, a mutation is an alteration in the genetic material that
is copied from parent to offspring the DNA in the cells of an organism. Such
an alteration may be associated with a change in the appearance or behaviour
of an individual carrying it. For example, there might be a mutant male guppy
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Chapter 14
that has no spots at all, or one that has an unusually large number of spots. You
should also remember that sexual reproduction brings about further variation
by shuffling the genes and chromosomes between generations Section 8.5.2).
Mutations are chance events and you should realise that underlying evolution
as a whole are a series of processes that are dependent upon chance. As a
consequence, evolution cannot have a predetermined direction. Another element
of chance is introduced by genetic drift.
Genetic drift is defined as chance variation in the genetic make-up of a
population between one generation and the next. If, for a few years and purely
by chance, the red-haired residents of Liverpool happened to have more children
on average than the other residents did, then (as red hair is a heritable character)
the proportion of red-haired people in the population of that city would increase.
The change would be due to chance and not because red-haired people were
better adapted than other people. Genetic drift would be responsible, not natural
selection. In a large population, however, genetic drift is unlikely to have a great
effect because chance differences in reproductive success between individuals
will tend to even themselves out when a large number of individuals are
involved. But in very small populations (say, fewer than 20 individuals) genetic
drift can have a strong effect because if only one individual happens, purely by
chance, to produce more offspring than the others, its characters will become
more common in the next generation. Similarly, a particular character can easily
disappear from a small population as a consequence of genetic drift.
A somewhat different cause of variation between populations can be illustrated
by the case of the Dunker sect. A number of small religious sects emigrated
from Germany to the USA in the 18th century and have since married almost
exclusively among their own numbers. The Dunkers are a sect that settled in
Pennsylvania. The frequency of blood group A in the general population of
Pennsylvania is 42%, and in Germany it is 45%. However, 60% of Dunkers are
of blood group A.
How would you account for the unusually high frequency of blood group A
among the Dunkers?
The small number of emigrants who established the Pennsylvania population
in the 18th century must have included an unrepresentatively high number of
people with blood group A. Marrying almost exclusively amongst themselves
has preserved the high frequency of the A blood group.
For obvious reasons, this phenomenon is known as the founder effect. The
frequency of a particular character in a particular population, in this case the
frequency of blood group A in the Dunker population of Pennsylvania, may
be due more to chance (the frequency of the character in the small founding
population being different from that in the population from which it was derived)
than to natural selection.
You will have cause to think about the founder effect again when you take a
virtual field trip to the Galpagos Islands as part of Activity 14.1, for early
colonisers of islands may bring with them a subset of genetic characters from
their population that is not representative of the population as a whole.
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If the environment in which organisms live were stable, one could envisage that
natural selection could produce organisms that were perfectly adapted and so did
not become extinct. However, the physical environment is far from stable, and
changes in two principal ways:
Short-term fluctuations
We know from personal experience that the weather changes from year to year:
there may be a warm, sunny summer one year, a wet one the next. Climatic
fluctuations are the cause of numerous biological fluctuations; for example,
changes can occur in the time of the year that plants flower, which will affect any
organisms that are dependent on them for food, such as insects that feed on the
nectar and herbivores that consume the fruits and seeds they bear.
Long-term trends
The Earths climate keeps changing in the long term. Over geological time,
the Earth has gone through a succession of glacial periods separated by
warmer interglacial periods. There is substantial evidence that the effects of
human activities on the Earths atmosphere are raising surface temperatures
on the planet, which may result in major changes in both the abundance and
geographical distribution of numerous species. Both short-term fluctuations and
relatively long-term trends are shown in Figure 14.4 (which you should recall
from Book 1, Chapter 3).
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Chapter 14
temperature difference/C
Figure 14.4 Variations in the global mean surface temperature (GMST) of the
Earth over the period 1850 to 2004. Note that temperature fluctuates from year
to year and that there is an underlying upward trend. (The 19611990 GMST is
indicated by the horizontal line at a temperature difference of 0 C and represents
about 15 C.)
Figure 14.4 shows a graph of the annual global mean surface temperature, plotted as the difference in temperature from the 1961 to 1990 30 year mean level, in units of degrees Celsius on the vertical axis, against the year on the horizontal axis. The scale on the vertical axis goes from minus 0.6 to plus 0.6 degrees Celsius. The data covers the period from 1850 to 2004. Individual data points are shown as well as a smooth trend line through the data. Before 1980 most of the data are below the mean level, whereas after 1980 most of the data are above the mean level.
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At one time, elephant seals were ruthlessly hunted (for the oil they contained)
and very nearly became extinct. Hunting has now been banned and their numbers
are increasing rapidly. Genetic studies of elephant seals have revealed that they
show very little genetic variation between individuals; in other words, the gene
pool of the species is very small. Elephant seals are said to have gone through a
genetic bottleneck. When their population was reduced to a very small size, it
also reduced the amount of genetic variation in the population. Even though the
population is now increasing again, the amount of genetic variation has not yet
increased to previous levels. In Africa, the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) seems also
to have gone through a genetic bottleneck and, in this instance, the resultant loss
of genetic variation has had a harmful effect. Cheetahs are very susceptible to
a leukaemia-like disease and it is thought that a reduction in their numbers has
eliminated alleles that previously conferred some resistance to this disease.
In which other context have you come across a link between small population
size and reduced genetic variation?
In the founder effect, where a small population that is formed from a large
one contains less genetic variation than the larger population (Section 14.1.3).
Thus, the Red Queen effect means that organisms can never be optimally adapted
to their environment because it is constantly changing. As a result of natural
selection, a species may keep up with environmental fluctuations for a time but,
eventually, changes may be such that a population becomes greatly reduced in
size. Small populations are especially likely to become extinct, in part because of
their reduced levels of genetic variation.
Even if the Earth were not subject to physical and climatic changes, the environment
in which organisms evolve would not be constant. Species do not live and evolve
in isolation but interact with one another in many different ways, so that any
evolutionary change in one species alters the environment for other species.
Consider a predator and its prey, for example. The most important cause of mortality
in African lions (Panthera leo) is starvation among their cubs; many prides of lions
cannot catch enough prey to keep their cubs adequately fed. Consequently, natural
selection will favour any adaptation in lions that makes them more effective hunters.
Such adaptations would, however, impose selection on wildebeest (Connochaetes
taurinus) and other species on which lions prey, favouring the evolution of better
defences against predators. Thus any relationship between species in which one
species exploits the other is inherently unstable and contributes to the overall
environmental instability that creates the Red Queen effect.
Even more important than predatorprey relationships as a cause of
environmental instability are pathogens (disease-causing organisms), which
include parasites of all sizes, such as tapeworms, and microscopic pathogens,
such as bacteria and viruses. Such is the specificity and intimacy of the
relationship between pathogens and their hosts that it is clear that each has
become adapted in many ways to the other an example of what is called
coevolution. Coevolution refers to specific, reciprocal adaptations between two,
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Chapter 14
or a few, species that have evolved through prolonged, intricate interaction with
one another and is not just confined to host and pathogens.
Recall, from earlier in the course, an example of coevolution.
The relationship between the Arum lily and the beetle, which you read about
in Chapter 1, is a good example of coevolution.
In the coevolution of a host and a pathogen, the pathogen has a huge advantage.
Pathogens typically have a very short generation time and a very high
reproductive rate; a bacterium in the human gut can generate several dozen
generations in a single day. Although pathogens typically reproduce asexually,
their genotypes are subject to mutation, so there is some genetic variation on
which natural selection can act. Some viruses, such as HIV and the influenza
virus, have very high mutation rates and so generate many, slightly different
varieties. As a result, pathogens can evolve, becoming better adapted to the
defences of their host, within the hosts lifetime.
Any new mutation arising either in the host and causing it to be more resistant
to a pathogen, or in the pathogen and causing it to be more damaging to its host,
alters the relationship between them and leads to evolutionary changes in the
partner. If the pathogen becomes more damaging, the host species will die out if
greater resistance does not evolve. If a more effective immune response evolves
in the host, the parasite will only survive if more effective countermeasures
evolve. For this reason, pathogenhost relationships are evolutionarily unstable
and are subject to change over time, favouring one partner or the other at
different times.
Coevolution between host and pathogen, one or both of which has a
harmful effect on the other, is often likened, incorrectly, to the human arms
race, because any adaptation by one side that increases its effectiveness
tends to lead to counter-adaptations by the other side. This analogy fails
because, in the natural world, coevolution commonly leads to adaptations by
each organism that reduce, rather than increase, its harmful effects on the other.
This means that pathogenhost relationships tend to evolve towards a situation in
which both organisms can coexist without the host being affected as severely as
it once was. Is this due to evolutionary changes in the host, the pathogen or both?
The history of the disease myxomatosis provides some answers to this question.
The Myxoma virus is indigenous to South America. Rabbits (Oryctolagus
cuniculus) there are prone to myxomatosis (a form of fibrous skin cancer) but
do not usually die from the disease. The virus was unknown in other parts of the
world until it was deliberately introduced into Australia in 1950 in an attempt to
control the rabbit population, which threatened the livelihood of sheep farmers.
Rabbits had themselves been introduced to Australia from Europe in the 19th
century and had undergone a population explosion. Carried by mosquitoes, the
Myxoma virus caused an epidemic that killed 99.8% of all rabbits; a second
epidemic killed 90% of the generation that resulted from those that survived
the first. A third epidemic, however, killed only 50% of the remaining rabbits.
This rapid decline in the virulence of myxomatosis was due to two evolutionary
trends. The rabbits became more resistant to the virus and the virulence of the
evolving virus reduced. The rapid speed of evolution here is striking.
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Why do you suppose that reduced virulence might be adaptive for the
Myxoma virus?
A pathogen that does not kill its host has a greater opportunity to survive,
reproduce and infect new hosts than one that kills its host quickly. At the
point when it had reduced the host population by 99.8%, the Myxoma virus
must itself have been at some risk of becoming extinct.
At the point when the rabbit population was reduced to 0.2% of its original
size, what process do you suppose the gene pool of rabbits went through?
A genetic bottleneck.
A further and very important feature played a role in this evolutionary
story. What is it? You need to cast your mind back to the discussion of
Darwins four propositions in Section 14.1.
The important point is variation. There must have been variation in the
virulence of the virus, upon which natural selection could act. Similarly, there
must have been variation in the rabbits. For example, there could have been
a mutation that conferred resistance to infection. This mutation would have
had no selective advantage when the virus was absent, but a huge selective
advantage when the virus appeared.
The myxomatosis story illustrates the potentially devastating effect that
pathogens can have on other organisms. It also illustrates the power of natural
selection. Evolutionary biologists have come to regard pathogens as one of the
most potent forces in the course of evolution.
The above examples of interactions between species not only reveal how
complex these can be, but also show that evolution can occur even in the absence
of changes in the physical environment. Both types of interaction, between
organism and environment and between species and species, drive change over
time within individual species.
Question 14.4
Which of the factors (a)(f) below would tend to promote genetic diversity and
which would lead to its reduction?
(a) Founder effect; (b) Red Queen effect; (c) a constant environment;
(d) recombination; (e) a genetic bottleneck; (f) mutations.
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Chapter 14
Activity 14.1
Galpagos, Sections 13
We expect this section of the activity will take you approximately 2 hours.
You will follow in Darwins footsteps and explore the Galpagos Islands by
taking a virtual field trip. Much of what you see will be as he saw it and you will
visit a crater lake, just as he did, and search for animals there.
Your base is a ship, with a cabin containing different sources of information to
help you books, videos, maps, etc. After studying the geological and biological
history of the islands, you will explore two different environments, observing
the diversity of life there. Then, using this information, you will complete
some guided exercises on adaptation before moving on to study an example of
evolution in real time.
For this activity you should study Sections 1 Galpagos Past and Present, 2
Adaptation and 3 Evolution in Real Time of the computer-based activity
There are no comments on this activity.
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Book 5
There is more to evolution than the changes that take place over time within a
single species; evolution can also lead to the splitting of one species into two or
more different species. (The definition of a species was discussed in Section 3.1.)
This section examines the process of splitting that gives rise to new species.
In your study of the animals on the Galpagos, you have seen how species
evolve as both their physical environment and their interaction with other species
change over time. However, throughout the history of life, new species have
continually emerged, while existing ones have continually become extinct. Even
if the figure of 30 million species living today seems a huge one, it is but a tiny
proportion of the thousands of millions that have probably existed over the whole
of evolutionary time. Extinction is the rule and the vast majority of all the species
that have ever existed are now extinct. Extinction is considered in more detail in
Chapter 15.
How can the emergence of a new species be explained? It can only happen by
the splitting of one species into two or more different species, a process called
speciation. Without speciation, the world would contain just one species of living
organism, descended from the first form of life that ever existed. Some of the
species living today have diverged from each other only recently, but others have
followed separate evolutionary pathways for millions of years or more.
Many mechanisms have been proposed to account for how speciation might
occur, but argument still rages among evolutionary biologists as to which
mechanisms could and could not work, and which are likely to be the most
common. You have seen how speciation might have taken place in the Galpagos
finches after the original population of birds became separated on different
islands. In such geographically separated populations, interbreeding is reduced
because of the distance between them. If interbreeding is reduced sufficiently,
and for long enough, genetic recombination between the two populations will
be at such a low level that each population will be able to evolve in a different
direction without being swamped by alleles from the other population. When
interbreeding between two groups of organisms is reduced sufficiently to allow
them to diverge, they are said to be in reproductive isolation from each other (this
does not mean necessarily that no interbreeding takes place at all, just that it is
reduced to a very low level). Speciation that results from geographical separation
is called allopatric speciation (literally other country speciation).
It is generally accepted that allopatric speciation, the divergence of two or
more populations into separate species after they have become separated
geographically, has occurred commonly. However, most suggested mechanisms
for sympatric speciation (same country speciation), the formation of two
or more species without any geographical separation between the diverging
populations, remain controversial. These two types of speciation are now
considered in more detail.
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Chapter 14
Sympatric speciation
For sympatric speciation to occur, two groups of organisms within the same
species must diverge from each other without there being any geographical
barrier to separate them. Divergence can take place between two sympatric forms
(the ancestral type and a novel type) without total geographical separation, as
long as they are reproductively isolated.
Recall the term used to describe two or more distinct forms of the same
species that occur sympatrically (i.e. in the same geographical area).
Polymorphic species (Section 3.1).
There are a number of ways in which sympatric forms can be reproductively
isolated. The two forms may fail to interbreed because, for example, they
occupy different habitats within the same area and so do not meet, or they show
differences in sexual behaviour, or they become sexually active at different times
of year.
The American haw-fly (Rhagoletis pomonella), for example, has very specific
host-plant preferences. Females lay their eggs only inside fallen fruit from either
the hawthorn (Crataegus spp., i.e. several species within the genus Crataegus)
or the apple tree (Malus pumila). The larvae develop in the fruit and, when the
adult insects emerge, they normally mate on the same food plant and usually lay
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their eggs on the same food plant. There are thus two sympatric forms of this fly:
one that lives and breeds only on hawthorn and one that lives and breeds only on
apple trees.
What will be the likelihood of interbreeding between individuals of the
hawthorn form and the apple form?
The two forms will very rarely interbreed because mating usually takes place
on the food plant.
Haw-flies prefer the plant in which they hatched and their offspring are adapted
to it. Analysis of proteins in the two sympatric forms has also shown that there
are marked genetic differences between them. However, apple trees were
introduced into the USA only in the late 18th century and, previous to that,
only the hawthorn form of the fly existed. Thus, within the last 100 years or
so, a single species of fly has split into two sympatric forms with very little
interbreeding between them. Eventually the two forms may become completely
separate species.
Insects frequently have very specific habitat preferences, e.g. parasites that have
only a single host species, herbivores that feed on only one species of plant, and
predators that have only one type of prey. Insects also often show a tendency
to mate and lay their eggs in their preferred habitat. So it is not surprising that
some biologists think that many insect species evolved by this kind of sympatric
speciation. Others believe that gene flow (the spread of alleles from one population
to another) will usually remain too high to allow speciation to occur in this way.
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Chapter 14
Speciation is not something that just happened in the past. It is going on all
around us. We just do not notice it, because the process is generally very slow.
There is often quite a lot of variation between populations within a single species,
both in genotype and phenotype. A species in a particular geographical area may
be polymorphic, like the peppered moth with its light and dark forms, which we
are going to look at in Section 14.5.1. Where polymorphisms exist, the different
sympatric forms may interbreed freely or be reproductively isolated to a greater
or lesser extent. If a particular species has a wide range, it is also quite common
for individuals in one part of the range to differ in one or more characteristics
from those in another part of the range they might be larger, for example, or
have different coloration.
What familiar animal species varies in coloration in different parts of its range?
Humans (Homo sapiens) vary in eye colour, hair colour and skin colour in
different parts of the world.
Depending on the degree of difference between them, distinct forms of a species
in different geographical areas are designated as races (slight differences) or
subspecies (greater differences). Subspecies are recognised by adding a third
part to the Latin name for the species. Many of the species of Darwins finch are
divided into a number of subspecies, each found on a different island or island
group within the Galpagos. Another example is the crow (Corvus corone),
which is divided into two subspecies: the carrion crow (C. corone corone) and the
hooded crow (C. corone cornix). The all-black carrion crow is found in Western
Europe, including southern Scotland. The hooded crow is grey with a black head,
wings and tail, and is found in central and Eastern Europe, northern Scotland
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Book 5
and Ireland. Figure 14.5 shows the area of overlap, where the two subspecies
hooded crow
carrion crow
Figure 14.5 Map of part of Europe to show the range of the hooded crow and
of the carrion crow. The solid black band denotes the area of overlap between the
two subspecies, and it runs from the south of Ireland northwards across Scotland,
across the North Sea and then down from the Baltic across Germany and Austria
to the Mediterranean coast between France and Italy. The hooded crow is found
to the east and north of this line and the carrion crow to the west and south. The
Isle of Man has only hooded crows.
The various degrees of difference between geographically separated
populations or between sympatric forms can be thought of as a snapshot
of the speciation process. The process takes place over many generations as
differences accumulate. As long as there is little or no interbreeding between
diverging populations or between sympatric forms, they will continue to evolve
in different directions and will eventually become so different that they are
recognisable as completely separate species. The two populations or two forms
may become reproductively incompatible at some stage because of a specific
change in one of them, or the accumulated differences between them may
cause a gradual increase in the degree of reproductive isolation. However, the
evolution of reproductive incompatibility is not inevitable. Different species of
frogs, for example, with very different genotypes (as determined by analysis of
DNA base sequences or of amino acid sequences of proteins) often can and do
hybridise easily.
At any one point in time, some geographically separated populations will be just
starting to diverge from each other; some will have diverged further into different
races, while others will have become subspecies so different that they are almost
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Chapter 14
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species took place 2 million years ago. The sequence of DNA for each of
the two present-day species is shown in Table 14.1 and there are four base
differences between them. One million years ago there would have been only
two base differences between the species and 2 million years ago was probably
the time when a single species split into two species. The changed bases are
underlined in the table.
Table 14.1 DNA sequences from two hypothetical present-day species, with the
four base differences underlined. Assuming that single base changes occur with
a frequency of one per million years, the sequences of the two species 1 Ma ago
would show only two base differences and 2 Ma ago there would have been no
2 Ma ago
1 Ma ago
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Chapter 14
Speciation on Galpagos
Activity 14.1 (continued)
Galpagos, Section 4
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Book 5
Question 14.6
Figure 14.6 is a map of Galpagos. Write beside each island the number of
species and subspecies found on that island and, in brackets after each number,
the number of species and subspecies that are found only on that island. Write the
numbers either directly on the map or on a copy (you can download a copy from
the course website).
Cocos Island
2 km
92 W
90 30
1 N
0 Equator
Equator 0
Santa Cruz
1 S
92 W
50 km
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Chapter 14
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G. fuliginosa
G. fortis
G. magnirostris
G. scandens
G. conirostris
G. difficilis
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Chapter 14
Question 14.7
Which of factors (a)(g) would tend to hinder speciation and which would tend to
promote it?
(a) Large numbers of individuals migrating between two diverging populations.
(b) A genetic bottleneck in which a geographically separate population is
reduced to a very small size.
(c) The intense selection operating on a population in a newly colonised, novel
(d) Hybridisation between two diverging populations.
(e) The presence of a polymorphism in a population, such that there are two
types of female and two types of male; one type of female prefers to mate
with one type of male while the other type of female prefers to mate with the
other type of male.
(f) Reduced fertility of hybrids between two populations.
(g) A greater than average number of offspring produced by hybrids between two
In the oak woodland in Chapter 7, you looked at bird and insect populations and
their interactions, as well as the relationships between predators and their prey.
In your journey around the islands of the Galpagos archipelago, you studied
the selection pressures on the populations of finches and the distribution of finch
species between the islands. From your study, you were able to make deductions
about the responses to selection pressures in finch populations.
The coloration of guppies and the experiments carried out by Endler
(Section 14.1.2) show that during evolution, natural selection changes phenotypic
characters in a population. This does not mean that the phenotypic character of
every individual in the population is different from all individuals in the ancestral
population, although this does happen in the course of large-scale evolutionary
changes, such as the evolution of separate species. Instead, on a smaller scale,
an evolutionary change in a population involves the change of proportions of
phenotypes present in a population.
The phenotype of an organism is influenced by its genes. Evolutionary change,
therefore, has to be considered at two levels. At one level, it consists of changes
in phenotypes in populations over time. At another level, it consists of changes of
proportions of alleles in the gene pool that is, changes in genotype. This section
examines an example in which genetic variation, and the associated phenotypic
variation, within populations has been associated with natural selection,
providing a good example of evolution in action. In this example, changes in the
proportions of different forms in a population of a well-studied insect have been
observed over long periods of time. It has been possible to relate the changing
proportions observed to changes in the relative selection pressures on the
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Book 5
different forms. Furthermore, it has been possible to make predictions about how
a population might react to a change in selection pressure, predictions that are
potentially testable.
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Chapter 14
(typical) form, but in that year a completely black individual was reported from
Manchester. This darker form, called the carbonaria form, rapidly increased in
relative abundance until, by 1900, it formed 95% of populations in industrial
areas of Britain, while it remained rare in most rural areas. The spread of the dark
form, from almost zero to 95% in about 50 generations, illustrates how rapid
evolutionary changes can be under certain circumstances.
Can you suggest what the scientific source was of the information about the
peppered moth history?
Moth collecting has been a popular pastime from early in the 19th century
and museum collections at least those that are well documented provide
specimens covering nearly 200 years.
Differences in the relative abundance of the two forms in different areas were
attributed to how well they were camouflaged during the day. In industrial areas,
sulfur dioxide pollution kills the pale lichens that grow on tree trunks, making
them black in comparison with lichen-covered tree trunks in unpolluted rural
areas. Viewed against a background of bark of a tree from a rural area, the pale
form of the moth is rather difficult to see, whereas the dark form is very obvious.
On the other hand, when viewed against the bark of a tree from an industrialised
area, exactly the reverse is true; the pale form stands out, and the carbonaria
form is nearly invisible. It was hypothesised that birds, hunting for food by day,
would find the dark form much more easily than the pale form in rural areas, and
the pale form more easily than the dark form in urban areas. This hypothesis was
tested by the English entomologist H. Bernard Kettlewell, who caught, marked
and released a large number of peppered moths and then recorded how many he
recaptured alive in moth traps. Moths that were caught in traps were thus those
that had escaped predation by birds. The results are shown in Table 14.3.
Table 14.3 The proportions of dark (carbonaria) and pale (typical) peppered
moths, marked and released into the wild, that were subsequently recaptured in
moth traps in two localities, one urban, the other rural.
Birmingham (urban area)
Dorset (rural area)
Dark form/%
Pale form/%
Does the data presented in Table 14.3 support the hypothesis that there is
differential survival of the two forms in the two localities?
Yes, it does. A smaller proportion of the pale form was recaptured in the
urban area, and a smaller proportion of the dark form in rural areas.
The results of Kettlewells experiment are consistent with the hypothesis that
birds selectively eat the more conspicuous form of peppered moth in each area,
but do not confirm it, as his experiment did not include direct observations
of the foraging behaviour of birds. Subsequent observations have confirmed
the predation hypothesis, but have also suggested that it is not the only factor
involved in maintaining high frequencies of the dark form in industrial areas. For
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Book 5
instance, there are certain rural areas of Britain (for example, Norfolk) where the
dark form is found at quite high frequencies, for reasons that are not understood.
In a recent book Of Moths and Men by the journalist Judith Hooper (2002), the
story of the research carried out by Bernard Kettlewell is subjected to scrutiny,
and ends with the clear imputation that Kettlewell committed fraud, after being
put under pressure by his supervisor E. B. Ford. There is no hard evidence to
support this proposition and scientists in a position to know both the work and the
people involved have written articles firmly refuting any suggestion of fraud. That
experiments conducted over 50 years ago could have been better designed, using
todays standards, is obviously true. It is also true that the designs were not as
good as they could have been by the standards of that time. But that is a long way
from arousing suspicion of fraud. Eight separate field studies carried out between
1966 and 1987 provided tests of the repeatability of Kettlewells observations
part of the scientific process that assesses the correctness of published work.
What does such a change in the proportions of phenotypic forms in a population
involve genetically? Such changes reflect changes in the frequency of different
alleles in the population. Allele frequency is a measure of the commonness of
an allele in a population; it is the proportion of a specific type of allele among
all the alleles of a particular gene in the population. The genetic basis of colour
polymorphism in Biston betularia is simple and well understood. There are
two alleles at a single locus (T and t), with the allele for dark colour (T ) being
dominant to that for pale colour (t). In the first part of the 19th century, the
peppered moth gene pool for body colour would have been relatively constant,
generation by generation, containing an overwhelming proportion of the t allele.
The genotype of almost all individuals would have been t t. Here and there,
mutation would have produced a T allele, so a few moths would have been T t.
What colour would heterozygotes be?
They would be dark, because the dark-colour allele is dominant.
At the phenotypic level, these dark moths would have been disadvantaged
through bird predation; almost all peppered moths would have been the pale
typical form. The dark form caught in Manchester would have been the result of
a mutation.
However, as the Industrial Revolution proceeded and the environment became
dirtier, the dark carbonaria form would have gained a survival advantage and the
proportion of dark moths would have increased. This means that the proportion
of alleles for the dark form in the population would also have increased, and the
proportion of alleles for the light form would have decreased. Putting it another way,
there would have been an increase in the frequency of alleles for the dark form.
At the genetic level, evolution is expressed as change over time in the
frequencies of alleles in a population.
Such change cannot proceed without the presence of genetic variation; in this
case, there are alleles for the dark form and alleles for the light form, and one or
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Chapter 14
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Darwins finches
Finally, this section returns to the finches to consider a further study that
illustrates the increasing influence that molecular genetics has on evolutionary
studies. There is a clear relationship between the food source and the beak size
and shape in Darwins finches. Finches with beaks most closely matched to the
food source will be selected for over time. However, the genes that underlie the
variation in beak dimensions are largely unknown. One that has been studied
recently (2006) is a gene that controls the production of a molecule called
calmodulin (CaM). CaM is associated with the role of calcium ions in cells.
The production of CaM is higher in cactus finches with their long pointed beaks
than it is in ground finches with their shorter more robust beaks. The suggestion
is that a change in the regulation of this, and other genes involved with beak
development, is the primary molecular change that selection brings about. This
work is in the very early stages and more detail can be expected in the future.
Summary of Chapter 14
By biological evolution we mean that many of the organisms that inhabit the
Earth today are different from those that inhabited it in the past. Natural selection
is one of several processes that can bring about evolution, although it can also
promote stability rather than change.
The four propositions underlying Darwins theory of evolution through natural
selection are: (1) more individuals are produced than can survive; (2) there is
therefore a struggle for existence; (3) individuals within a species show variation;
and (4) offspring tend to inherit their parents characters. The three necessary and
sufficient conditions for natural selection to occur are: a struggle for existence;
variation; and inheritance.
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Chapter 14
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Chapter 15
The timeline of life
This final chapter of this book is about evolutionary history, but more importantly
it illustrates how, in modern biology, there is an integration of information from
a wide range of disciplines in studying a particular problem. There are two case
studies that concern evolutionary history but actually draw on environmental,
physiological, biochemical, genetic and molecular sciences. First, however,
in considering changes over time, it is appropriate to revisit the problem set
in Chapter 1 about providing an evolutionary explanation for the existence of
unrelated moles. How is it that three animals that look alike and have the same
name, at least in English, are not closely related? By this stage in the book you
should have sufficient theoretical knowledge to provide an explanation.
Apart from their appearance, what other feature links these animals?
The three moles all occupy the same niche in their respective habitats a
burrowing one.
Animals that occupy similar niches are subject to similar selection pressures
and burrows are probably more stable habitats than surface ones. Adaptations
arise by chance. A mutation that enhances a character related to burrowing
will be selected for and the same or similar mutation occurring in two different
populations will be selected for in the same way in each. Thus, over time,
the burrowing niche will provide a selective advantage for a similar suite of
characters in each population. This process is known as convergent evolution,
because the characters of animals in the same niche but different geographical
locations converge as a consequence of being subjected to similar selection
pressures. We know that the marsupial and placental mammals diverged in the
late Jurassic/early Cretaceous period and from molecular studies we know that
the marsupial mole diverged from other marsupials at least 50 Ma ago. So, it
might be possible in future to place tentative figures on the time taken for the
astonishing convergence to take place.
The marsupial mole has an unusual adaptation not shared with the other two
moles. A marsupial rears its young in a pouch you will be familiar with the
kangaroos pouch. Marsupial moles have a pouch too, but the pouch opening
is at the rear, rather than the front as in kangaroos, which means that the pouch
does not fill up with earth during burrowing as the opening faces away from the
direction of travel.
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Book 5
species. So, for example, in comparing the resting metabolic rates of different
species of fish, mapping the data for metabolic rate onto a secure phylogenetic
tree would reveal evolutionary trends.
There is a correlation between environmental temperature and resting metabolic
rate. The resting metabolic rate of tropical fish is six times that of Antarctic fish
and you can see that there is an energetic advantage in living in cold water in
that the energy costs of maintenance are decreased. So you would imagine that
natural selection would favour individuals with low metabolic rates. Now that
you have studied the evolutionary process, you should immediately be alert to
what question to ask: what is the selection pressure that is keeping the resting
metabolic rates of tropical fish high?
Clearly the higher metabolic rate of the tropical fish must have a selective
advantage. One likely advantage is that with a higher metabolic rate a fish can
generate a greater power output, making available more energy per unit time.
This might be the result of a selection pressure such as predation making high
power outputs advantageous. Recall from Book 3 (Section 4.3) that power is
measured in watts. The power output that a fish can generate above the resting
level can be measured. For a 50 g polar fish, it is an extra 0.33 watts. For a
tropical fish, the figure is 2.05 watts, which is quite a large difference.
Why should you expect a correlation between water temperature, metabolic
rate and power output?
The rate of chemical reactions is temperature dependent (Book 4, Chapter 10,
and Section 5.6.3 of this book) with the rate increasing with increasing
If the difference in the rates of biochemical reactions in the polar and tropical
fish is considered, the effect of the water temperature is even more marked. Rates
of most biochemical and physiological processes increase by 2 to 3 times for a
10 C rise in temperature. The rate of change of such processes is represented as
Qx where x is the temperature change, so Q10 lies between 2 and 3.
For polar fish at a temperature of 2 C, biological processes would proceed at
rates between 16- and 91-fold lower than tropical fish. This comparison assumes
that all the enzymes that catalyse reactions in the two groups of fish respond
in the same way to temperature change. There is now evidence that this is not
the case. You will know from Section 5.6.3 that enzymes have an optimum
temperature for catalysing a reaction.
What can you say about the rate of reaction at the optimum temperature?
The rate of reaction at the optimum temperature is at its maximum.
Either side of the optimum temperature, the rate of reaction falls off. Now
consider the same enzyme from a polar and a tropical fish. The enzyme could
not be at its optimum temperature in both fish, so in one, the rate would be
substantially different from the other. Indeed, if you think of the shape of the
curve for rate of reaction against temperature (Figure 5.20), if in the tropical fish
the enzyme was at or near its optimum, in the polar fish the rate would be very
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Antarctic fish
other fish
reptile (desert iguana)
Tb /C
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Book 5
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to Chapter 13). Unlike nuclear DNA, which is inherited from both parents,
mtDNA is inherited from one parent only the female. The mitochondria in
the male sperm are destroyed in the early embryo. As a consequence, there
is no recombination as there is in nuclear DNA and mtDNA sequences are
inherited unchanged, except for random mutations. Mutations accumulate at a
fairly standard rate and so the differences between mtDNA sequences of two
individuals can be used to calculate how far back in time they had a common
ancestor. A small amount of mtDNA was extracted from the right humerus of
the first Neandertal to be discovered (in 1856 near Dsseldorf, Germany) and
it was amplified before being sequenced. A sequence containing 379 bases was
reconstructed. When the sequence was compared with the equivalent sequence
from 994 modern humans, the mean number of differences between all the
humans was only 8.0 3.1 whereas the mean difference between all the humans
and the Neandertal was 27 2.2. This suggests that the Neandertal genome
is outside the range for modern humans and therefore belongs genetically to
a different population. From these differences, it would appear that the last
common ancestor of humans and Neandertals lived well before the last common
ancestor of all humans. So, it is unlikely that the Neandertal line gave rise to
modern humans.
Analysis of nuclear DNA might provide more information, but with ancient
bones there are problems with obtaining and analysing DNA.
Suggest some of the problems that researchers have to consider when
extracting and analysing ancient DNA.
Bones that have been lying in soil for many years will have been in contact
with soil organisms and so there may be contamination from other DNA.
Skin flakes from the anthropologists carrying out the excavation might also
contaminate the specimen with foreign DNA. If the specimens are valuable
as complete bones, removing a substantial section for analysis would be
To give you an idea of the difficulties of working with ancient DNA, of
70 specimens of Neandertal examined for a recent study, only six were suitable
at all and only one had a low level of contamination with modern human
DNA. Contamination is of very great importance since Neandertals are so
closely related to modern humans that large sections of the two genomes will
be identical. This one specimen (from the Vindija Cave in Croatia) has yielded
sufficient DNA for a million base pairs to be sequenced and for the sequence
to be compared with both modern humans and chimps. As we would like
to establish whether or not hybridisation occurred between modern humans
and Neandertals, the comparison between the three genomes is particularly
interesting. In the human genome, there are several hundred places where
single nucleotides vary that is, a particular site is polymorphic, with two or
more alleles that differ by just a single nucleotide. So, at each such site in the
Neandertal genome there could be the ancestral allele, as found in the chimp, or
a derived one, as found in modern humans. In fact, of the sites that have been
examined in the Neandertal sequence, nearly 30% of them have a derived allele.
This figure is high and has been interpreted as suggesting gene flow from modern
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Book 5
So the limited evidence available suggests that Neandertals and modern humans
may have interbred and thus the idea that the Lapedo child is a hybrid is at
least possible. However, the anatomical evidence is certainly not convincing to
everybody. To date, no DNA extraction has been attempted from the Lapedo child
and it may well not be possible. Without DNA evidence, the Lapedo child will
remain an enigma, but represents an example where anatomy and archaeology,
on their own, could not provide a definitive answer but molecular genetics has
the potential to do so. Once again, it is the integration of different techniques and
disciplines that enables progress to be made.
Question 15.1
What proportion of the total modern human genome would 1 million base pairs
To help you in this activity, here is some information from recent (2007) research
on the CCR5 gene and its allele CCR532. Figure 15.3 shows the frequency
of the mutant gene in the populations of Northern Europe. It is also found in
Iceland. The frequencies of the mutant allele are high enough to show that it must
be maintained by a selective advantage.
The gene codes for a protein that forms a receptor in the cell membrane of human
cells that are part of the immune system. The receptor acts in the same way as an
enzyme, with a site that a specific molecule can bind with (Section 5.5.1). HIV
has a molecule on its surface that can bind to this receptor and so take over the
cell. The mutant allele of this gene prevents the receptor forming and so HIV
cannot take over the cell and the person with this allele is immune to HIV. The
mutant allele is recessive. The drug Maraviroc, which might be used to treat
AIDS in the future, attaches to the receptor and prevents HIV from binding to it.
The mutation that produced the mutant allele is a very rare one, estimated to
occur only once in 2000 years or so. It is possible to estimate, from genetic data,
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when the mutation first appeared and this estimate is approximately 2000 years
ago. Thus we can be fairly sure that the allele in the Northern European
populations only came from one original mutation. We can also suggest that
the mutation originated in Scandinavia, on the basis of the frequency data. It
probably occurred more than 1200 years ago, as it appears in countries that the
Vikings invaded from about 12001000 years ago. However, HIV did not appear
until after 1970 so there would have been no advantage for any individual who
had the mutant gene, as far as infection by HIV was concerned, prior to 1970.
Figure 15.3 A map of Europe showing the frequency of a mutant allele for
a human gene known as CCR5 in 18 European populations. The frequency is
equivalent to the percentage of the population that carry it. The frequencies range
from 16 in Finland to 4 in Sardinia and broadly there is a decrease in frequency
moving south or west from Finland.
Now look at the comments on this activity at the end of this book.
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Book 5
It is the fate of most species to become extinct. At some stage in their existence,
their mortality rate exceeds their reproductive rate and then, inevitably, they
die out. Estimating the total number of species living today is fraught with
uncertainty (Section 3.5.1); estimating the total number of species that has
ever existed is even more problematic. It is clear, however, that the species
surviving today represent only a minute proportion of all the species that have
ever existed on the Earth. For example, there are currently about 9000 species
of birds, a group with a comparatively recent history and a reasonable fossil
record, but estimates for the total number of bird species that have ever existed
range from 1.5 105 to over 1.5 106. There has clearly been, over the course
of the evolution of life on Earth, an enormous turnover among species, with new
species continually replacing existing ones. This seems, at first sight, to pose a
problem for the theory of natural selection. The history of life on Earth prompts
the inevitable question, If natural selection produces well adapted organisms,
why does the vast majority become extinct?
taxonomic extinction / %
Humans have witnessed a great many extinctions during the course of recorded
history, many as a direct result of their activities. The data in Figure 15.4a
might suggest that the worst is over and that the extinction rate for animals
is now declining. This is a very misleading impression, however, for several
reasons. First, this data shows only those species that have actually become
extinct and does not reflect the very much greater number whose populations
are in decline. Second, the data is based on a very incomplete picture of
biodiversity. As discussed in Section 3.5, we have a good knowledge of only
a small proportion of the worlds species and therefore many species have
become extinct, and are now becoming extinct, unnoticed. Third, the extinction
rate may apparently be declining for some groups, but may be increasing for
Figure 15.4 Graphs showing recorded animal extinctions. The data points correspond to the extinctions recorded
in the previous 50 years. (a) Number of extinctions among all animals. (b) Percentage of species becoming extinct in
each class of vertebrates.
Figure 15.4 is two graphs showing rates of recorded animal extinctions since 1600. (a) Number of extinctions among all animals. This plot shows the number of species that have become extinct and there is a sharp rise over the second half of the 19th century from about 20 per year to over 120 per year in the middle of the 20th century. The rate falls to60 per year by 2000. (b) Percentage of species becoming extinct in each class of vertebrates. The birds and mammals have substantially higher percentages of extinctions after 1850 than the other three classes of vertebrates.
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Looking at the data in Figure 15.4b for the last 100 years, for which classes
of vertebrates is the extinction rate apparently declining and for which classes
is it apparently increasing?
Extinction rate is declining for birds and mammals (and possibly reptiles),
but is increasing for fishes and amphibians.
In recorded time, extinctions can often be attributed to specific
causes. The great auk (Alca impennis, Figure 15.5), for example,
was exterminated in about 1852 by a combination of hunting
and egg collecting. The Stephens Island wren (Xenicus lyalli)
lived only on one tiny island off New Zealand, and was totally
exterminated in 1894 when a lighthouse keeper on the island
acquired a cat. Examples such as these suggest that extinctions
are just bad luck. Certain species happened to be subjected
to adverse conditions at particular times. However, most
extinction cannot be explained in this way. Rather, it seems
that natural selection does not always have the capacity to
prevent extinction occurring because the appropriate alleles are
not present in a species gene pool. Underlying evolution is a
whole series of chance events and so it is understandable that
extinction can often be a random process.
In Chapter 1, you read about the ammonites and their living
relative, a nautilus (Order Nautiloidea). Both have a similar
Figure 15.5 Great auks diving for fish. The
structure and lifestyle and it is not clear why the ammonites
great auk (Alca impennis), extinct since the
were a substantially more successful order of molluscs, in
century, was an inhabitant of the North
terms of number of species, than the nautiloids, yet completely
It possessed many adaptations
disappeared by the end of the Cretaceous. It is thought that the
for life in the sea that are similar to those seen
ammonites occupied a different niche, living in shallow, warm
in living penguins, which inhabit the southern
waters. Although the present-day Nautilus lives in tropical
seas, it lives at depth during the day, in cooler waters around
600 m down and only comes closer to the surface at night. So, perhaps cooling of
seawater led to the extinction of the ammonites but Nautilus was able to survive.
It has also been suggested that ammonites could not dive deeper than 100 m as
they could not survive the pressure changes. There is not sufficient evidence
to support this assertion. During the final years of the ammonites, the shell
chambers became more complex, particularly the lines joining the chambers to
the outer shell (Figure 1.3c). The shells themselves became more ornate and some
species had partially uncoiled shells. The significance of these changes is unclear.
Finding reasons for extinctions that occurred in the past is often very difficult.
For example, the Irish elk, a giant deer that stood 2.1 m high at its shoulders and
sported antlers over 3 m across, is often stated to have become extinct because
there was a selective advantage for males in having large antlers and selection
eventually went too far and the antlers became too big and heavy. Is there any
evidence for this? Well, actually no, it is but a plausible hypothesis. The Irish elk
(which, by the way, is neither Irish nor an elk) died out around 7000 years ago.
There is evidence for a series of changes in the climate in what is now Siberia
that would have reduced the availability of food plants. Neolithic humans were
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Book 5
also at work establishing farms and so there may have been a combination of
events that led to extinction. But getting hard evidence of causation is unlikely
for most extinct animals and most species that have existed on this planet are now
extinct. In Book 6 you will be studying the history of life on Earth, as revealed by
fossils and the rocks they are found in.
Summary of Chapter 15
In this chapter you have seen how particular areas of biological study have
benefited from an integrative approach in which different specialist areas are
deployed to try and answer specific questions.
The evolutionary history of Antarctic fish, which show adaptations to a polar
lifestyle, is being worked out using comparative studies of a widely occurring
enzyme, LDH. Comparing the enzyme from polar fish with that found in tropical
fish shows that there are slight differences in the structure of the molecules.
While the structure of the active site of the enzyme is the same, small differences
in the surrounding structure facilitate the functioning of the enzyme at a low
The Neandertals fascinate many of us and we would like to know if we are
related to them. Analysis of both mtDNA and nuclear DNA is being used to
define the extent to which we are directly related. The results so far indicate that
the relationship is a distant one, although there is evidence for modern human
genes having entered the Neandertal genome.
Extinction is the rule for all species and very few survive, as the evidence from
the fossil record shows. The number of extinctions appears to be declining in
modern times, but this is probably an illusory effect in that many populations
are declining and face extinction in the near future, whilst there is also a large
percentage of the total species on the planet that have yet to be described, so we
have no knowledge of their progress towards extinction.
Activity 15.1 gave you another opportunity to improve your written communication
skills, this time by writing a short account that integrates biological information
from various chapters of Book 5.
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Chapter 16
Summary of Book 5
Chapter 16
Summary of Book 5
This book has taken you on a journey of discovery through the biological world.
You have met many important aspects of this vast subject, ranging from the
biological molecules so vital for life, to whole populations of organisms and how
they interact with each other. You have encountered some of the fundamental
principles underpinning biology along your journey.
One such principle is the supposition that uniformity underlies diversity; the
recurring observation that although living things show considerable variety, there
is an underlying similarity in the way they function at a cellular and molecular
level. In fact, in biology the living world can be considered at six different
levels. We can look at life at the level of the ecosystem, the population, the
whole organism, the individual cell or the biological molecules and chemical life
processes contained within them. All these ways of looking at life are equally
important and valid; indeed, you have met examples where modern biology relies
on an understanding of life at all these levels. Without this integrative approach
to biology many important questions would remain unanswered.
What follows is a review of the key concepts that you have encountered in this
book. You have developed knowledge and understanding of the fundamental
characteristics of living organisms and the classification and naming of species.
You have studied the difference between cell types (prokaryotes and eukaryotes)
and learnt something of their evolutionary history. The structure of cells and the
organelles they contain prepared you for topics covering biosynthetic cellular
reactions; protein synthesis on ribosomes and photosynthesis in chloroplasts and
catabolic cellular reactions such as glucose oxidation in mitochondria. Book 5
has added to your considerable knowledge of organic molecules (from Book 4)
and further developed your understanding of the structure and function of a
whole range of biological molecules within living cells. You have encountered
basic groups of chemicals such as proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides and
TAGs and learnt about some of the specific roles they play in living organisms
such as hormones, enzymes and structural components of cells.
You may have found the material in Chapter 6 rather daunting; metabolic
pathways such as photosynthesis and glucose oxidation are complex to follow
and time-consuming to master, but even a basic understanding of these pathways
as a series of interlinked chemical reactions catalysed by enzymes will stand
you in good stead if you decide to take your study of biology further than S104.
Book 5 has also covered reproduction and genetics: from the simple ways in
which unicellular organisms can reproduce themselves asexually by mitotic
cell division through to the complex shuffling of genes during meiosis in sexual
reproduction. You have considered how characters are inherited from one
generation to the next and looked at Mendels classic breeding experiments. You
have learned about the structure of genetic material, DNA and a little about how
this was originally elucidated and communicated to the scientific community.
In addition, you now know the basic differences between genome organisation
in different species and have a grasp of the sheer genetic diversity apparent in
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Book 5
all species on Earth. Finally, you have been introduced to Darwins big idea, the
theory of natural selection as one process that can bring about evolution.
In addition to developing your knowledge and understanding of biology, this
book has given you the opportunity to develop and practise some important
skills. It largely concentrates on three skill areas: revision, communications
skills and information literacy skills, although there are also additional activities
that focus on practical work and working online with fellow students. You will
have noticed that there is a fairly large overlap between the organic chemistry
introduced in Book 4 and the material in Chapters 5 and 6 of this book. It is very
difficult to follow the complex biochemistry in these chapters without a thorough
understanding of functional groups. This was therefore an opportunity for you
to revise and synthesise information; drawing on information from Book 4 and
using it to help you make sense of related material in this book (several activities
revisit Book 4 topics to help you consolidate and develop your understanding).
Communication skills have been developed consistently throughout S104
up to this point and the Book 5 activities have further extended these. You
have practised skills such as drawing flow diagrams, planning short accounts,
integrating diagrams appropriately into your writing, writing and referencing
short accounts, and integrating complex information from more than one source.
By completing these activities, you will be in a good position to write further
extended pieces of scientific writing in assignment questions; you are advised to
follow the advice given in the comments to these activities.
In addition to writing formal accounts, this book has enabled you to communicate
your knowledge and understanding of biology in less-formal contexts. In
Activity 2.1 you were able to discuss your experimental work with fellow
students online and in Activity 3.1 you contributed to an online data-gathering
activity related to biodiversity and conservation a highly topical subject at
Finally, time has been devoted to investigating information literacy. Here the
example of the elucidation of the structure of DNA by Watson and Crick was
used as the subject of your trail through the research supply chain. This also
provided you with an opportunity to evaluate two related websites and critically
assess the information they contained.
Like Book 4, the summary for this book has not required you to formally record
your progress against the course learning outcomes. Once again, the summary
has explored in a general way the skills and knowledge that you have developed
in studying this book. It is recommended that you continue to record your
progress against learning outcomes, even though this is not included as a formal
activity here. You may now like to set aside a short time to note the skills from
this summary in your study folder, so that you have an ongoing record.
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Chapter 16
Summary of Book 5
You have now completed your study of Book 5, but you will find that the biology
you have learned and the skills you have developed will be very useful as you
progress through the remainder of the course. In Book 6, attention now turns to
the Earth and the processes that shaped and are continuing to shape the biosphere.
Here you will consider Earth history and geological time, examine the fossilised
remnants of species long since extinct and consider the evolution of that most
versatile and ubiquitous of species, Homo sapiens.
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Book 5
Answers to questions
Question 2.1
Duration of the life cycle and generation time are the same thing. The duration
of the human life cycle/generation time is about 15 years. Since people can live
about 80 years, the difference between the length of human life and the length of
the life cycle/generation time is about 65 years. [This is in marked contrast with
many other species; at the other extreme is the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar),
which dies immediately after it reproduces at the age of about seven years,
i.e. there is no difference between the duration of its life cycle/generation time
and the length of its life.]
Question 2.2
You may have thought of two or three answers to this question. First, not all
parts of a plant are exposed to the Sun. The roots, and those parts of the tree
underneath the bark, receive no direct sunlight. So these unexposed parts
have to rely on respiration for energy. Second, plants capture solar energy by
photosynthesis and photosynthesis produces sugars, from which other organic
molecules are subsequently made. Solar energy, therefore, cannot be used
directly to drive any other parts of metabolism. Once the energy has been stored
in organic molecules, respiration is needed to release it for use in metabolism.
Third, photosynthesis cannot occur in the dark. Respiration enables plants to have
a source of energy at night.
Question 2.3
(a) Yes, the adult mayfly metabolises. In order to be alive, an organism must
obtain energy from organic molecules by respiration.
(b) Organisms have to grow at some stage in their life cycle, but not at every
stage. The mayfly grew when it was young but does not need to grow as an adult.
(c) The mayfly is a heterotroph, although it feeds only when young. The mayfly
is an animal and all animals are heterotrophs.
(d) There are many possibilities, such as most adult insects (e.g. flies, bees, wasps
and ants), fungal spores, plant seeds and dried yeast. Do not forget adult humans,
of course.
Question 2.4
It does not matter whether you put the bread in a dark cupboard or leave it on
a table in the light. Fungi are heterotrophs, so they grow just as well with or
without light. [Do feel free to try this experiment if you would like to confirm the
result for yourself.]
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Answers to questions
Question 2.5
Metabolism in fungal spores must mean respiration is taking place (fungi are
heterotrophs so they do not photosynthesise). Respiration is described by the
chemical reaction:
organic carbon + oxygen carbon dioxide + water
Question 3.1
The first character is source of food: almost all plants are autotrophs (i.e.
they make their own food by photosynthesis), while all fungi and animals are
heterotrophs. The second character is mobility: most animals have the ability to
move in search of food, while fungi and plants do not.
[The expression fairly reliably had to be used in the question because, as so
often in biology, there are exceptions. A few plant species have lost (or reduced)
their ability to feed autotrophically and so live heterotrophically, feeding on other
plants either while they are alive (i.e. as parasites) or after their death (i.e. as
saprophytes). Insectivorous plants (e.g. Venuss flytrap) are autotrophs that derive
some of their nutrients from the insects they trap. Some animals are not mobile
(at least as adults) and rely on food being brought to them by, for example, water
currents (e.g. certain corals).]
Question 3.2
Figure 3.12 shows how C. familiaris can be nested within successively broader,
more inclusive, levels of classification.
Question 3.3
Since 63% of the Indonesian bug species were new to science, 37% had
previously been described. If you assume that the 80 000 species that have been
described worldwide (Table 3.3) represent 37% of the total, then 1% of the total
80 000
80 000
100%, which is about
and 100% of the total would be
would be
220 000 bug species (to 2 significant figures). [This estimate depends on there
being the same percentage of previously unknown bug species everywhere in the
world. This is unlikely to be the case, so the estimate needs to be treated with
kingdom Animalia
phylum Chordata
class Mammalia
order Carnivora
family Canidae
genus Canis
Canis familiaris
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Book 5
Question 3.4
The six most important assumptions made by Erwin are the following:
All the arthropods in the crowns of the trees would be collected using the
insecticide fog method.
The tree in which 163 species of beetle were found was typical of tropical
trees in general.
Beetles represent 40% of arthropod species (Table 3.3 data suggests
There are about 5 104 species of tropical tree worldwide.
Most arthropod species are confined to a single tree species.
Half as many arthropod species live on the ground as in the crowns of
tropical trees.
Question 4.1
(a) See Table 4.2.
Table 4.2 Completed version of Table 4.1, showing a comparison of three basic
cell types.
Cell feature
Cell type
cell membrane
cell wall
nuclear membrane
large vacuole
In the case of prokaryotes, the cytoplasm is everything contained within the cell membrane,
i.e. cytosol and subcellular structures, including the DNA.
(b) From Table 2.2 you will see that all the cell features listed are found in
plant cells, whereas some are absent from either animal or prokaryotic cells.
Consequently, plant cells are the most varied in terms of the range of cell features
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Answers to questions
Question 4.2
The following eukaryotic cell features are composed of, or are bounded by,
Question 4.3
(a) This is a eukaryotic cell because it contains a nucleus and other membranebound organelles.
(b) Structures labelled A are mitochondria; they resemble the mitochondria
shown in Figure 4.3. There is an outer membrane and an internal convoluted
(c) Since this is a eukaryotic cell, the organism is not a bacterium. There is no
evidence of chloroplasts, so it is unlikely to be a plant. Cell wall material is
labelled in the figure, which precludes the organism from being an animal, since
animal cells lack cell walls. It is probably not a protoctist for the same reason
(although a few protoctists do have cell walls). By a process of elimination,
therefore, the organism shown in Figure 4.11 is a fungus. [It is actually a
unicellular yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), which is producing a new progeny
cell by the process of budding. Figure 4.11, which is an electron micrograph,
shows more detail than does the drawing from a light micrograph of S. cerevisiae
(Figure 4.8a).]
Question 4.4
(a) (iv) Each DNA molecule forms one chromosome, so there is exactly the same
number of chromosomes as there are molecules of DNA during growth phase I.
(b) (iv) The length of a DNA molecule is exactly the same during cell division
as during interphase. [The DNA is coiled in mitosis, but the overall length of the
molecule is the same.]
Question 4.5
You would expect to see 92 chromosomes. The 46 chromosomes replicate to
make 92 chromatids prior to mitosis. These 92 chromatids separate at anaphase
to become 92 individual chromosomes. The cell has not yet divided so there are
92 chromosomes in the cell at anaphase.
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Book 5
Question 4.6
(a) In a diploid cell, each autosome is one of a pair (and this is sometimes
true also for the sex chromosomes). However, there may be many pairs of
chromosomes in a cell. In a human cell there are either 22 or 23 pairs of
chromosomes. [A few eukaryotic cells for example human red blood cells do
not possess any chromosomes when mature.]
(b) This is only true after chromosomes have replicated themselves during
interphase and before the chromatid pairs separate to become independent
chromosomes at the start of anaphase.
(c) No chromosome has its own nucleus. Each nucleus may contain many
(d) Interphase begins when cell division ends and ends as mitosis starts
(Figure 4.16), so is not part of mitosis.
(e) The cell could be eukaryotic, since a eukaryotic cell has no nucleus during
mitosis. [Mature red blood cells have no nuclei at all.]
Question 4.7
A clone is a genetically identical group of cells or organisms resulting from
asexual reproduction or nuclear transplantation.
Question 4.8
(a) A male spermatozoon fertilises a female ovum to produce a diploid zygote.
(b) Gametes are haploid and are produced by cell division that involves meiosis.
Question 4.9
(a) A zygote is defined as the cell that results from a spermatozoon fertilising an
ovum. Since asexual reproduction does not involve sperm or ova or fertilisation,
there is no zygote in asexual reproduction. [Hence Dollys first cell is described
as the equivalent of a zygote.]
(b) A spermatozoon contributes only half of the zygotes chromosomes.
The other half come from the female. Thus, the zygote is not a clone of the
male contributing the spermatozoon. [And neither is it a clone of the female
contributing the ovum.]
peptide bond
Question 5.1
The answer is shown in Figure 5.24.
Remember that in a condensation reaction, a molecule of water is removed in the
formation of a covalent bond between two molecules (an OH group is lost from
one molecule and an H atom from the other).
Question 5.2
(a) Two water molecules are released when a trisaccharide is formed. A
trisaccharide consists of three monosaccharide monomers joined by two
glycosidic linkages and a water molecule is released when each of these linkages
is formed.
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Answers to questions
(b) Cellulose is the principal polysaccharide of plant cell walls and consists of
glucose monomers joined by glycosidic linkages.
(c) Sucrose is a disaccharide made up of one molecule of glucose and one mole
of fructose; if one mole of sucrose is hydrolysed then the products of the reaction
will be one mole of fructose and one mole of glucose.
(d) Glycogen is the main energy-storage polysaccharide of animals.
Question 5.3
Collagen is a protein that forms a triple helix in which three long polymer
chains are intertwined (see Figure 5.9). It functions as an extracellular support
material. [Keratin is made up of pairs of intertwined helices; myosin, which is
also mentioned in Section 5.5.1, has a more complex structure than collagen and
Question 5.4
(a) Protein X is most likely to be a receptor protein that is exactly the correct
shape to bind adrenalin to the surface of specific cells of the body, e.g. heart
muscle cells. These cells will then respond to the bound adrenalin to promote
a coordinated response by the body to the stimulus. Book 4, Section 16.2.2
discusses the fight or flight response to a stressful situation, which is controlled
by the interaction of adrenalin with its specific cell surface receptors.
(b) A change in the amino acid sequence, i.e. the primary structure, of protein X
may change its higher-order structure. If this change occurs at or near the
adrenalin binding site, the binding of this hormone will be impaired. So the cells
of these individuals will not respond to adrenalin or may respond less readily
than those with normal protein X.
Question 5.5
(a) True. Proteins are polymers of amino acids, so they all yield amino acids on
(b) False. A given protein does not necessarily contain all 20 amino acids.
(c) False. When 100 amino acids condense, the protein thus formed has
100 monomers joined by 99 peptide bonds.
Question 5.6
Proteins, polysaccharides and nucleic acids all have the following properties:
they are very large molecules
they consist of chains of monomers
their constituent monomers are covalently linked
weak interactions are important for their higher-order structure.
Question 5.7
(a) Increasing the concentration of the reactants increases the probability of
reactant molecules encountering each other.
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Book 5
(b) Increasing the temperature ensures that more encounters between molecules
have sufficient energy to overcome the energy barrier.
(c) A catalyst lowers the energy barrier of the reaction.
Question 5.8
(a) True. The ending -ase in amylase tell you that it is an enzyme, and all
enzymes are proteins.
(b) True. The basic metabolism of all living things is the same. The metabolic
reactions involved can only occur at the rate they do because of enzymes, so life
depends on the activities of enzymes.
(c) False. All enzymes are globular proteins but not all globular proteins are
enzymes. Receptor proteins and antibodies (described in Section 5.5.1) are not
(d) True. Specificity is a crucial feature of enzymes.
Question 5.9
Prolonged cooling can result in hypothermia, when the rate of enzyme-catalysed
reactions will be significantly reduced to the point at which the rate is insufficient
to maintain metabolism. Overheating can be even more dangerous, since the
thermal denaturation of the higher-order structure of proteins can result in
enzymes that will no longer catalyse reactions. Once again, metabolic reactions
will stop and death can result.
Question 5.10
(a) NAD is reduced to NAD.2H. The two hydrogen atoms are transferred from
BH2 to NAD.
(b) The enzyme involved has an active site tailored to bind both BH2 and NAD.
Presumably it is able to bind JH2 less well than BH2 because the lock and key
fit is less precise, i.e. the enzyme is very specific for the substrate BH2.
Question 5.11
(a) Myoglobin is a protein that stores oxygen, and the monomers from which
proteins are synthesised are amino acids; alanine (ii) and lysine (v) are both
amino acids.
(b) TAGs are made from glycerol (iii) and fatty acids such as palmitic acid (vi).
(c) Glycogen is a polysaccharide made from monomers of the monosaccharide
glucose (i). [Fructose (iv) is also a monosaccharide but is not the monomer unit
of glycogen.]
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Answers to questions
Question 5.12
(a) Fibrous proteins (e.g. collagen) and fibrous polysaccharides (e.g. cellulose)
both provide support.
(b) Polysaccharides, such as starch and glycogen, and TAGs serve as energy
(c) Globular proteins called enzymes have catalytic activity.
(d) Nucleic acids carry genetic information.
(e) Membranes separate the cell into compartments (both surrounding and within
organelles, such as those making up the mitochondria), and phospholipids and
proteins are the main molecular components of cellular membranes.
Question 6.1
Photosynthesis is essential for life on Earth because:
it converts solar energy into chemical energy in sugars, which can be used to
fuel all the energy-requiring processes of life
it releases oxygen, which is required for respiration.
Question 6.2
The dark reactions (i.e. the reactions in which carbon dioxide is reduced to sugar)
are driven by the products of the light reactions, namely ATP (as a source of
energy) and NADP.2H (for the reducing power).
Question 6.3
M, consisting of the chloroplast membranes, contains chlorophyll (a) and all
the components that carry out the light reactions which produce oxygen from
water (c).
S, consisting of the solution between the chloroplast membranes, contains
the enzymes required for the dark reactions which convert carbon dioxide to
sugar (b).
Question 6.4
Solar energy is transformed into chemical energy in the form of ATP in the
light reactions of photosynthesis. This energy drives the dark reactions (the
biosynthetic part of the process). In all other biosynthesis reactions the ATP
required is generated from the breakdown of organic molecules such as glucose.
Question 6.5
There would be little or no change. ATP levels will remain roughly constant,
but there will be a greater rate of both ATP synthesis and ATP breakdown,
i.e. ATP turnover, as the ATP ADP + Pi system is coupled to the energyrequiring activity of working muscles and the energy-releasing process of glucose
oxidation in muscle cells.
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Book 5
Question 6.6
(a) False. The conversion of ADP + Pi to ATP is coupled to energy-releasing
(b) True. ATP is a carrier of chemical energy in that it transfers energy between
energy-releasing and energy-requiring reactions.
(c) False. ATP is used in many processes other than biosynthesis, such as muscle
(d) True. ATP is a short-lived energy store, typically being converted to ADP within a
Question 6.7
The fate of the glucose molecule is summarised in the following sequence of steps.
The glucose is converted to starch the form in which it is stored in the plant.
It enters the cell with the help of glucose transport proteins present in the cell
membrane (see Section 5.7).
Question 6.8
Table 6.6 Summary of glycolysis. Completed Table 6.1.
Reaction or
Part of cell/
located in
Begins with
2 pyruvate
Remember that although glycolysis requires 2ATP to phosphorylate glucose, 4ATP is produced during
the metabolic pathway than is consumed so there is a net gain of 2ATP.
Question 6.9
Table 6.7 Summary of the link reaction. Completed Table 6.2.
Reaction or
Part of cell/
located in
Begins with
link reaction
matrix of
2 pyruvate
2 acetyl CoA
2CO2 (1C)
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Answers to questions
Question 6.10
Table 6.8 Summary of the TCA cycle. Completed Table 6.3.
Reaction or
Part of cell/
located in
Begins with
TCA cycle
matrix of
2 acetyl
CoA (2C)
4 CO2 (1C)
Question 6.11
All the carbon dioxide produced in glucose oxidation (and also in the respiration of
other energy sources) is produced in the link reaction (pyruvate = acetyl + CO2)
and the TCA cycle (acetyl = 2CO2). Both of these stages occur within the mitochondrial
Question 6.12
(a) (iii) NAD.2H is converted to NAD in the electron transport chain.
(b) (i) and (ii) This is glycolysis, in which a 6C molecule is split into two
3C molecules and NAD is converted to NAD.2H.
(c) (i) and (ii) This is the link reaction, in which a 3C molecule (pyruvate) is split into
a 2C fragment (acetyl) and a 1C molecule (carbon dioxide), with the transfer of two
hydrogen atoms to NAD.
(d) (i) and (ii) This is the overall reaction of the TCA cycle, in which a
6C intermediate is split to a 5C compound (+ CO2) and a 5C intermediate is split to a
4C compound (+ CO2) and quantities of NAD.2H are made.
Question 6.13
Table 6.9 Summary of the electron transport chain/oxidative phosphorylation.
Completed Table 6.4.
Reaction or
Part of cell/
located in
Begins with
transport chain/
Recall that each molecule of glucose leads to the production of two NAD.2H during glycolysis and
two NAD.2H during the link reaction, added to the six NAD.2H produced during the TCA cycle gives
us ten in total.
You will be aware that you have answered the same question for each of the 4 stages
of glucose oxidation. You may find it helpful to combine your four answers into one
table so you can see how the whole pathway fits together. See if you can relate the
information in the combined table with the overall equation for glucose oxidation.
C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy
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Book 5
Question 6.14
In Stage 4, NAD.2H molecules (produced by reduction of NAD) are oxidised
back to NAD, and ADP is phosphorylated.
Question 6.15
(a) Protons are pumped from the matrix, through the inner mitochondrial
membrane and accumulate in the intermembrane space. Thus the proton
concentration here is higher than that in the matrix, i.e. a proton concentration
gradient is established.
(b) 2,4-DNP damages the inner mitochondrial membrane, thereby uncoupling
electron transport from oxidative phosphorylation; NAD.2H is converted to
NAD as electron transport proceeds, but there is no net change in the distribution
of protons because protons would leak back into the matrix, and so no ATP is
produced in the process.
(c) In the presence of carbon monoxide, the final carrier, cytochrome oxidase,
cannot pass electrons on to oxygen because the binding site for oxygen is
blocked. Hence electron transport cannot occur, so there is no energy made
available for pumping protons and so no proton gradient is produced.
Question 6.16
(a) True. This is shown in Figure 6.7.
(b) False. The first step in amino acid catabolism is removal of the amino (NH2)
(c) True. This is explained in Section 6.5.1.
(d) True. This is shown in Figure 6.19.
Question 8.1
by mitosis
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Answers to questions
Question 8.2
The missing terms are: (a) homologous; (b) karyotype; (c) meiosis;
(d) fertilisation.
Question 8.3
(a) The karyotype is the number, size and shape of all the chromosomes and
is characteristic of a species. Members of a species have the same karyotype,
although there may be slight differences between males and females because of
the sex chromosomes.
(b) The term genotype can mean either the full complement of genes or the
copies of a gene for a particular character present in an individual. The former
will vary between individuals of the same species (unless they are identical twins
or clones), while the latter may or may not vary.
(c) Likewise, for the phenotype meaning either the sum total of all characters,
or a particular character of an individual. The former will vary between
individuals of the same species, while the latter may or may not vary.
Question 8.4
Experiment 1 The expected ratio is 3 red : 1 white (genotypes 1 R R : 2 R r : 1 r r)
because all the F1 would be heterozygous R r.
Experiment 2 It would be expected that none of the F1 would be pink, but rather
all would be red since this is dominant to white.
Experiment 3 The colour of the F1 plants would be expected to be the same in
both crosses since Mendel found that it made no difference whether the pollen
grains came from the female or the male parent.
Question 8.5
There are four possible outcomes: P P; two P p; and p p. Since three of the
four possible fertilisations contain at least one p allele, the probability that the
offspring will contain at least one p allele is 0.75 or 34 .
Question 8.6
The completed Figure 8.12 is shown in Figure 8.18. The ratio of the genotypes
of the offspring will be 1 P p : 1 p p, and the phenotypic ratio will be
one purple : one white.
all p
P and p
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Book 5
Question 8.7
The mating diagram for this cross is shown in Figure 8.19.
The genotypic ratio of the offspring is 1 P P : 1 P p; the phenotype of all the
offspring is purple-flowered, since they all carry at least one (dominant)
P allele.
Figure 8.19 Mating diagram
for Question 8.7. Our diagram
is based on the style given in
Figure 8.12, but you might have
drawn a diagram based on the
style of Figure 8.11. Both are
equally acceptable.
all P
P and p
Question 8.8
You could best solve the problem by working through each step in the guidelines
in turn:
Using the information given in the question, the mating diagram is as shown
in Figure 8.20:
Next you should have assigned letters to alleles of the gene for eye shape
for the parents of cross 1. Since normal shape appears in the F1 generation,
you deduced that normal shape is dominant to eye-less; you probably used
E E for normal-eyed flies and e e for eye-less, but you may have chosen a
different letter.
The mating diagram you drew should be as shown in cross 1 of Figure 8.21.
(The normal-eyed F1 flies must be heterozygous (E e) since they are the
offspring of E E and e e pure-breeding parents. All eye-less flies must be e e
because this phenotype is recessive.)
You should have repeated steps 24 for cross 2 (as shown in Figure 8.21).
The ratio of the two genotypes of the offspring of the second cross is
1 E e : 1 e e, and the ratio of the two phenotypes is one normal-eyed
(E e) : one eye-less (e e).
The results appear consistent with what you know of genetics, and the ratio is
a familiar genetic ratio.
[You can use the guidelines again when tackling genetics problems later in this
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Answers to questions
cross 1
cross 2
all E
all e
E and e
all e
Question 8.9
The deviations from a 3 : 1 ratio are due to chance. However, larger variations
would be expected with smaller samples. This is what is observed in Mendels
results. In the experiment in which Mendel counted a large number of seeds
(experiments 1 and 2), he obtained a ratio very close to 3 : 1. In the experiment in
which he counted a much smaller sample of pods (Experiment 4), he obtained a
ratio that showed a greater deviation from a 3 : 1 ratio.
Question 8.10
The completed sentences are as follows:
(a) At the start of mitosis, the chromosomes become visible and each can be seen
to be replicated along its length, that is, each consists of two chromatids.
(b) During mitosis, the two chromatids of each chromosome separate, one to one
end of the cell and the other to the other end.
(c) The movement of the chromatids is facilitated by delicate threads.
(d) At the end of mitosis, the number of chromosomes in each progeny cell is the
same as in the original parent cell.
(e) At metaphase, the chromosomes line up across the middle of the cell.
Question 8.11
The completed table is as follows:
Table 8.4 Similarities and differences between mitosis and meiosis. Completed
Table 8.3.
Members of a homologous chromosome separate
Meiosis II
Meiosis I
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Question 8.12
Question 8.13
There are two main processes that lead to the production of new combinations of
alleles at meiosis: the independent assortment of homologous chromosomes and
crossing over between members of a homologous pair.
[Your answer may differ from the one given here, but the meaning should be
Question 9.1
Compare your answer with Figure 9.8.
all X
sex chromosomes
of offspring
sex ratio of
X and Y
Figure 9.8 Completed version of the mating diagram given in Figure 9.2.
Question 9.2
A and B
all O
Question 9.3
The mating diagram is shown in Figure 9.9. The children would
have either the A phenotype (genotype A O) or the B phenotype
(genotype B O). Thus the children have different phenotypes
from either of their parents.
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Answers to questions
Question 9.4
(a) (ii). Both plants are presumably heterozygous and one-quarter of the offspring
inherited two recessive wrinkled-pea alleles, one from each parent. This is a
similar situation to the second cross of the flower-colour experiment (Figures 8.9
and 8.10) which gave a phenotypic ratio in the offspring of three with the
dominant phenotype : one with the recessive phenotype (or three-quarters :
(b) (iii). The variation in stem lengths appears to be continuous, which suggests
that several genes are involved in this phenotype, and probably environmental
factors too, such as soil nutrition.
(c) (i). Since purple flower colour is dominant and neither parent has this
phenotype, a new mutation in a gamete of one of the parents must be involved.
(d) (v). Only two alternative phenotypes (green and virtually white) are
described, suggesting that leaf colour shows discontinuous variation; however,
many genes affect the development of the green pigment, chlorophyll
(Section 6.2), and if any one mutates, chlorophyll will not be produced.
Question 10.1
Statements (a), (b) and (e) are correct. Statements (c) and (d) should read as
(c) Each monomer is linked to adjacent monomers by covalent bonds formed by
condensation reactions with loss of water.
(d) The higher-order structure is maintained by weak interactions.
Question 10.2
(a) 100 bases would form 50 complementary base pairs.
(b) The number of nucleotides is the same as the number of bases, i.e. 100.
(c) Again, the number of deoxyribose molecules is equal to the number of bases,
i.e. 100.
(d) Since C always pairs with G, the number of guanine (G) bases is the same as
the number of cytosine (C) bases, i.e. 30.
(e) and (f) Sixty of the 100 bases are either C or G, so the remaining 40 are either
thymine (T) or adenine (A). As A always pairs with T, then half this number,
i.e. 20, are T and 20 are A.
(g) Each CG pair forms three hydrogen bonds, giving a total of 3 30 = 90 for
the 30 CG pairs present; each AT pair forms two hydrogen bonds giving a total
of 2 20 = 40 for the 20 AT pairs; therefore the total number of hydrogen bonds
in the DNA fragment is 90 + 40 = 130.
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Question 10.3
(a) Figure 10.11 is the completed version of Figure 10.10. Note that sequences
must be the same in the two daughter strands, so these can be deduced from the
limited information provided in Figure 10.10. Here is one example. One member
of the base pair at the bottom right is C. Since C always pairs with G, the missing
base must be G. Because the two daughter strands are identical, the missing base
pair at the bottom left must also be CG.
(b) Since the DNA shown in Figure 10.10 is replicating, the cell must be at
interphase. This is the stage between two nuclear divisions during which the
DNA, and hence the chromosome, becomes replicated, and two double helices,
and hence the two chromatids, are produced.
Question 11.1
The three important differences between the structures of DNA and RNA are
listed below.
(a) DNA contains the sugar deoxyribose; RNA contains ribose instead.
(b) DNA contains the base thymine (T); RNA contains uracil (U) instead.
(c) DNA is double-stranded, i.e. it consists of two polynucleotide chains wound
around one another to form a double helix; RNA is mostly single-stranded.
Question 11.2
The completed sentences are as follows (missing words are shown in italics).
(a) The enzyme RNA polymerase copies a stretch of DNA into RNA in a process
known as transcription.
(b) Only the template strand of DNA is read in the process of RNA synthesis;
the other DNA strand is known as the non-template strand.
(c) There are three different types of RNA molecule: rRNA, mRNA and tRNA.
(d) The transfer of information from the mRNA base sequence to the amino acid
sequence of a polypeptide is known as translation.
(e) The mRNA sequence has a triplet code, and each triplet is known as a codon.
(f) Reading of the RNA base sequence begins at a start codon and finishes at a
stop codon.
(g) tRNA binds both an amino acid and mRNA; it attaches to the latter via its
three-base anticodon.
(h) A ribosome has three RNA binding sites: one for mRNA and two for tRNA.
(i) A ribosome moves along an mRNA chain, and there are several ribosomes
attached to a particular mRNA at any one time; such a string of ribosomes along
an mRNA chain is termed a polysome.
Question 11.3
(a) The mRNA sequence will be:
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Answers to questions
Question 12.1
The original template DNA sequence coded for the following sequence of amino
(See answer to Question 11.3.)
(a) The new DNA sequence is given as:
After transcription, the mRNA sequence would be:
After translation, the amino acid sequence would be:
The significant feature here is that a mutation has resulted in a stop codon in
place of the fourth amino acid in this sequence. Since translation would terminate
at the stop codon, an incomplete and therefore non-functional tripeptide
would be produced.
(b) The new template DNA sequence is given as:
After transcription, the mRNA sequence would be:
After translation, the amino acid sequence would be:
MetGlyAlaSerArg(Asp or Glu)
Notice that because the last codon is incomplete, you cannot be sure which of
either Asp or Glu is the sixth amino acid.
The significant feature is that this mutation has brought about a large change in
the resultant amino acid sequence as a consequence of insertion of a single base.
Only the first amino acid is the same as in the cells that were not treated with the
mutagenic agent (as in Question 11.3).
Question 12.2
(a) The DNA of the cystic fibrosis gene contains 250 000 base pairs, so the
template strand has 250 000 bases. Transcription of this would, therefore,
produce a primary RNA product with 250 000 bases.
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(b) Of these 250 000 bases, only 6500 remain in the mature mRNA. Therefore,
the number of non-protein-coding bases is 250 000 6500 = 243 500. Thus
the percentage of the primary RNA product that consists of non-protein-coding
sequences is:
243 500
100% = 97% (to 2 significant figures).
250 000
So 97% of the primary RNA product consists of non-protein-coding sequences
(introns) which are removed during RNA splicing to produce mRNA.
(c) 243 500 base pairs in the cystic fibrosis gene are non-protein-coding (i.e. form
introns). The gene contains 26 introns. Therefore:
243 500
= 9400 base pairs (to 2 significant figures).
Question 13.1
The genomes and gene function in prokaryotes and eukaryotes are very different,
as Table 13.3 shows.
Table 13.3 Comparison of genomes and gene function in prokaryotes and
eukaryotes. Completed version of Table 13.1.
genome complexity
site of DNA replication
site of transcription
site of translation (ribosomes)
split genes
repeat sequences
mRNA splicing
* Strictly speaking, translation in eukaryotes occurs either on ribosomes free in the cytoplasm, or on
ribosomes attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum (see Section 4.1).
Question 13.2
Statement (d) is the correct statement.
The two statements (a) and (c) contradict the correct statement (d). For (a), genes
are not evenly spread out along the chromosomes of eukaryotes. For (c), genes
are distributed at specific locations at loci (see Chapter 8) but the distribution
is random, and the density of genes varies from chromosome to chromosome
and between regions in a chromosome. (b) Although data for only three species
are provided, the average gene density in humans is 7 per 1 000 000 bases
(Table 13.2), which is a lower density than 7 per 100 000 bases.
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Answers to questions
Question 14.1
Two: one that replaces her in the population when she dies and one that
replaces one of the males with whom she has mated during her life. If any more
than two survive on average, then the population would increase.
Question 14.2
Bright coloration makes male guppies more conspicuous to predators. Thus,
where predators are present, it will be the less-colourful males that tend to
survive and reproduce. Putting it another way, in streams where predators are
present, males have less-bright coloration, an adaptation that reduces their risk of
being eaten.
Question 14.3
The purpose of the group A ponds was to show what happened over the same
period of time in the absence of predators. The change in the number of spots
in the group C guppies might have taken place anyway, whether or not the
predators had been introduced. The group A ponds allowed Endler to check
on this possibility. [The group A ponds therefore served as controls for the
experimental group C ponds. A control is an important feature of scientific
experimental procedure. It enables the investigator to be sure that any change
taking place in the experimental set-up is due to the factor that has been
experimentally changed, and not to some other factor which has not been
accounted for.]
The group B ponds allowed Endler to check whether any change observed in the
group C ponds could have been due, not so much to the addition of a fish that
preys on guppies, but to the addition of any other species of fish or even any
other species of predatory fish (whether it preyed on guppies or not). [So again,
the group B ponds served as controls for the experimental group C ponds.]
Question 14.4
Factors (b), (d) and (f) would tend to promote genetic diversity. The Red Queen
effect (b) means that organisms have to change just in order to survive because
their physical environment and/or their interaction with other species are
constantly changing, and this in turn promotes genetic diversity. Recombination
during meiosis (d) is a process in which the genes and alleles in the genome of
an individual are shuffled, and this, together with the combining of gametes at
fertilisation, generates an enormous number of combinations of genes and alleles.
Mutations (f) are the ultimate source of all variation.
Factors (a), (c) and (e) would lead to a reduction in genetic diversity. In the
founder effect (a), a small population that is formed from a larger one contains
less genetic variation than the larger one. A constant environment (c) would
lead to all members of a species becoming adapted to it by selection of similar
phenotypes with correspondingly similar genotypes. A genetic bottleneck
(e) occurs when a population is reduced to a very few individuals, in which case
the amount of genetic variation in the population may be much reduced, even if
population numbers build up again later.
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Question 14.5
You may have thought of some of the following examples of geographical
populations on different islands or continents separated by sea
fish in different lakes or rivers separated by land
populations on areas of land separated by rivers or streams
populations living on a rocky coastline separated by areas of sandy shore
populations living on a sandy coastline separated by areas of rocky shore
lowland populations separated by mountains
alpine populations separated by valleys
rural populations separated by bands of urban development
woodland populations separated by open fields
areas of vegetation on a volcanic island separated by new lava flows
areas of vegetation separated by areas covered in ice.
Question 14.6
(a) You should be able to see that on an island such as Santa Cruz near the centre
of the archipelago there are no endemic species, whereas if you move out from
the centre, the number of endemic species increases.
(b) See Figure 14.9.
Question 14.7
Factors (a), (d) and (g) will tend to hinder speciation. Speciation is prevented
when there is sufficient gene flow between two populations; (a) migration
and (d) hybridisation both transfer alleles from one population to another.
(g) A greater than average number of offspring produced by hybrids between
two populations, assuming the offspring survive and are themselves fertile, will
also lead to a greater proportion of individuals carrying a mixture of alleles from
both populations, i.e. to greater gene flow.
Factors (b), (c), (e) and (f) will tend to promote speciation. Speciation is
promoted when gene flow between two populations is reduced. A genetic
bottleneck (b) will greatly reduce the genetic variability of the population, with
some alleles disappearing completely, and make the population more different
from other populations of that species than it was before. In a novel environment,
intense selection (c) can cause the colonising population to evolve adaptations to
the new environment very quickly, and become different from other populations
of that species in the process. If there are two types of female in a population,
each of which prefers to mate with a different type of male (e), then this will
tend to lead to two subgroups within the population, with mating mostly taking
place within each subgroup, so that gene flow between them is reduced. Reduced
fertility of hybrids between two populations (f) will mean that hybrids will tend
to have lower reproductive success than other members of each population so that
individuals carrying a mixture of alleles from the two populations will become
less common, i.e. gene flow is reduced.
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Answers to questions
Cocos Island
92 W
2 km
90 30
75% 4(3)
1 N
0 Equator
Equator 0
Santiago 10(0)
Santa F
1 S
Cristbal 7(3)
92 W
50 km
Figure 14.9 Map of the larger islands of the Galpagos archipelago showing
number of species and subspecies on each island (and the number of species
and subspecies found only on that island in brackets). Percentages relate to the
number of species and subspecies that are endemic to each island.
Question 14.8
(a) False. No evidence was presented in the text that the rate of mutation
changed; if there had been some increase, it is unlikely to have been high enough
to explain the dramatic increase in the carbonaria form from almost zero to 95%
in urban areas.
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(b) False. There is no evidence to suggest that moths died because of the direct effect
of sulfur dioxide pollution.
(c) True. Recall that fitness is defined as the relative ability of an organism to survive
and leave offspring that themselves survive and leave offspring. It is known that the
frequency of carbonaria moths increased in industrial areas of Britain from almost
zero to 95% during this time.
(d) False. It is highly unlikely that the changes were due simply to chance. Since
the environment was changing and since colour form is adaptive, differential
reproduction of genotypes would have occurred within the population and this, by
definition, is natural selection!
(e) True. Between 1970 and 1980 the number of the typical form was increasing and
the number of the carbonaria form was decreasing; hence the gene pool must have
Question 15.1
Table 13.2 indicates that there are 3200 million bases (i.e. about 3 109 bases).
1 106
100% = 0.03% of the total.
1 106 base pairs gives
3 109
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Comments on activities
Comments on activities
Activity 2.1
Here are suggested responses to the questions posed:
What size container do I need?
As long as the container has room for the contents of the soup can and approximately
the same volume of air or more, its size is not critical.
Why was it suggested that a rectangular container be used rather than (say) a cylindrical one?
There is nothing wrong with using a cylindrical container. It is just that the maths
involved in working out the volume of the air is easier with a rectangular container
than with a cylindrical one. An empty rectangular ice-cream tub would be ideal for
the investigation.
How do I make sure that only air and soup are in the container at the start of the investigation?
The container must be as clean as possible. After washing and rinsing it, it is best to
leave it to dry in the air, since contamination can be introduced from cloths used for
drying. In fact, it would be better if the container were left upside down as it dries to
reduce the chance of fungal particles settling on the inside while it is drying.
How do I make sure that nothing else gets inside the container once the investigation is
under way?
Clearly, the container needs to be covered during the investigation; cling film is
probably the best option. The advantage of using cling film rather than the containers
own lid is that you can see what is happening during the course of the investigation
without having to lift the lid, which might introduce further contamination.
How do I measure the volume of air in the container?
You are going to have to measure the volume of air above the soup without disturbing
the experimental set-up. It is easy to find the length and width of the container with
a ruler, but how do you measure its depth? It is a good idea to use a translucent
container if possible, so that you can see the level of the soup from the outside.
Where should I leave the container for the duration of the investigation?
The fungi are likely to grow faster if the container is left somewhere reasonably
warm. Since it does not matter whether the container is kept in the light or the dark, a
warm airing cupboard may be ideal.
How long should I leave it?
This is a difficult one to answer at this stage. However, if cling film is used and the
container can be inspected (say) daily, then perhaps you do not have to decide before
the investigation begins.
How do I make sure that no one disturbs it?
Besides putting the container in a safe place (e.g. out of reach of young children),
you should label it so that it is clear what it is and who is responsible for it.
(Although this may be obvious at home, it is good scientific practice to label all
experiments in this way.)
What records should I keep of the investigation?
You should certainly record the date and time you started the investigation, and
the location and conditions of the place where the container is to be kept during
the investigation. You will presumably also want to record the date and time of
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Book 5
each occasion when you inspected the container subsequently, as well as the
number of fungi seen growing on the soup on each occasion and possibly a brief
description of them.
What should I do with the container and its contents afterwards?
Although any fungi growing on the soup will have grown from fungal particles
that were already floating in the air of your kitchen, it is recommended that you
dispose of both the container and its contents without ever having lifted the cling
film. It is for this reason that it was suggested that an ice-cream tub would be
ideal (rather than a plastic lunch box that you would probably want to keep).
Activity 4.1
(a) There are very few actual mistakes in the description. Growth 1 and
growth 2 are generally written growth I and growth II and intophase should
have been spelt interphase.
(b) Perhaps the first criticism to be made is that the writer seems to assume that
the reader knows what is meant by the term cell cycle and therefore hardly
explains it at all. The phrase takes different amounts of time is rather vague. If
anything is to be written about how long the cell cycle takes, there needs to be
more detail than this. An alternative approach is simply to omit all reference to
duration of the cell cycle.
The writer could have done a lot to help the reader by rethinking the order in which
points are raised. For instance, replication which takes place between growth I and
growth II is rather unhelpfully introduced right at the end. Generally speaking,
if a process consists of a series of events that invariably take place in a particular
sequence, then it is probably best to describe the process by following this sequence.
Note that, in this case, particular care has to be exercised to distinguish between cell
division taken to mean mitosis plus growth of the cell membrane across the middle
of the cell, and cell division taken to mean the actual separation of the parent
cell into two progeny cells by the growth of this cell membrane. To emphasise the
nature of this potential confusion, you will come across phrases such as mitotic cell
division (although mitosis is always followed by cell division). Slightly different
uses of the same term or phrase are, regrettably, quite common in biology.
(c) Here is one attempt. Of course, yours is bound to be somewhat different.
However, there is no reason to suppose that it isnt just as good.
The cell cycle is the alternation of cell growth and division giving rise to
successive generations of progeny cells. There is great variation in the
total duration of the cell cycle and in the durations of different parts of it.
The cycle consists of two parts: interphase and cell division. Interphase
comprises two growth phases growth I and growth II separated by
replication of the cells DNA. Cell division consists of mitosis, in which
a copy of each DNA molecule goes to each end of the cell, and actual
division of the cell by growth of a new cell membrane across its middle.
Note that what is sometimes called a top down approach has been used here.
First, an overview is given of the entire cell cycle. Second, it is pointed out that
the cell cycle consists of two parts. Third, these two parts are then described in
more detail in the order in which they occur.
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Comments on activities
Activity 4.2
Figures 4.29 and 4.30 are two possible diagrams. Figure 4.29 is a useful diagram
because it puts the words prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase in the
right order and links them with sketches showing what happens during each
phase. This diagram is thus complete in its visual description of the process and
the order of the phases.
divides cell
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Book 5
Figure 4.30 is also a useful diagram because it makes the relationship between
mitosis and the rest of the cell cycle very clear. In addition, it illustrates the
passage of time. [Certain phases take longer than others. Their approximate
relative durations have been shown for interest only. You were not given enough
information to enable you to show these differences in your diagram.]
Your diagram is unlikely to be identical to either of the ones provided here, but
does it help you to visualise the order in which the phases of mitosis take place?
Another thing that you could do to help you to remember the order of the phases
is to use a mnemonic. PMAT is not very promising, but you could perhaps
assign a different word to each letter so as to form a sentence, such as Phone me
any time. Does this help?
Activity 4.4
One possible diagram is shown in Figure 4.31. This is a flow diagram that shows
clearly the order in which the different events occur.
cell division
Activity 4.5
Table 4.3 lists features relating to asexual and sexual reproduction. Note that
if you were asked for a piece of writing on this topic, drawing up such a table
would be an excellent early stage in the planning process.
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Comments on activities
Asexual reproduction
Sexual reproduction
produces offspring
produces offspring
two parents
meiosis absent
DNA of offspring identical to that of parent
Activity 5.1
Suggested answers are as follows, with the chemical formulae and structural
formulae included for reference.
A carboxylic acid is an organic compound containing the carboxyl group,
\COOH. Example: propanoic acid, CH2CH3COOH.
A catalyst changes the rate at which a chemical reaction occurs, but is itself
unchanged at the end of the reaction.
An enzyme is an organic catalyst produced by living cells, e.g. trypsin that
catalyses the breakdown of food protein in the gut.
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Book 5
A covalent bond is a strong bond in which the electrons are shared by the atoms
involved in the bond, for example CH4 has four covalent bonds, one between
carbon and each hydrogen.
In a condensation reaction two functional groups from two separate monomers
react with each other; a covalent bond is formed and a molecule of water is
+ H2O
+ H2O
A monomer is a small molecule from which polymers are built up, for example
amino acids are monomers of proteins. The monomers must have two functional
groups that react to form strong covalent bonds. For example, all amino acids
have an amino group at one end and a carboxylic acid group at the other, as in
glycine: H2N\CH2\COOH.
A polymer is a large molecule built by many small molecules reacting together.
Most biopolymers are a result of condensation reactions, e.g. three amino acids
condense to form part of a protein:
Note that the bonds formed when amino acids condense in this way are called
peptide bonds.
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Comments on activities
When you want to recall something, you may find that you can remember either an
example, from which you can construct the description or definition for yourself,
or you can remember the description. Either way will help you to interpret further
examples, and to make sense of additional related information.
Reworking and extending earlier knowledge is an important way to consolidate
your understanding. When you come to revise ideas from earlier in the course in
preparation for the final S104 assessment, you will not want to have pages and pages
of notes; gathering together important information in a table, or as a condensed
paragraph, a bullet point list or a diagram, is a valuable way to home in on the core
information you need. Also, working like this makes it easier to remember the
concepts. This is partly because you have reworked them actively, and partly because
you have assembled them in a form in which you can remember them more easily.
Activity 5.2
(a) The following are possible interactions between the R groups.
Ionic interactions: Asp (aspartate) and Lys (lysine). In this case the
negatively charged carboxylate ion in aspartate can form a weak interaction
with the positively charged ammonium ion in lysine.
Hydrogen bonds: Ser (serine) and Thr (threonine); Asp and Ser; Asp and
Thr; Lys and Ser; Lys and Thr. Here a hydrogen with a + charge forms a
hydrogen bond to an oxygen atom (with a negative charge) in another
amino acid. Refer to Book 4, Section 4.2.3 for a recap of hydrogen bonding.
Hydrophobic interactions: Ala (alanine) and Val (valine); Ala and Ile
(isoleucine); Ala and Phe (phenylalanine); Val and Ile; Val and Phe; Ile
and Phe. In this case amino acids with prominent hydrocarbon side chains
(alkyl groups or benzene rings) can form weak interactions when these
hydrophobic groups align themselves together.
(b) Hydrophobic groups (R groups of Ala, Val, Ile and Phe) are water-fearing and
hence are found towards the interior of the molecule. Many hydrophilic groups
(R groups of Asp, Lys, Ser and Thr) are also found in the interior when the
polypeptide chain folds up, where they will interact with each other (as in (a)
above). However, where hydrophilic groups occur on the surface of the protein
they will interact with water molecules.
Activity 5.3
Here is one possible answer:
primary structure of a protein or polypeptide is its sequence of amino acids
peptide bonds link amino acids (amino group to carboxylate group) forming a
20 different amino acids
some amino acids are repeated more than once and some are not present at all
can join up in a huge number of different sequences
amino acid sequence is unique to a specific protein
globular proteins fold up on themselves to give three-dimensional shapes
higher-order structure
the 20 different amino acids have different R groups sticking out from the
polypeptide chain
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Book 5
weak interactions between R groups in the polypeptide result in the higherorder structure
some R groups form hydrophobic interactions, some form hydrogen bonds
and yet others form ionic interactions with each other
proteins fold up so that the maximum number of weak interactions are
given the same sequence of amino acids, the protein will always fold up in
the same way, i.e. same higher-order structure.
By producing a summary list of all the information that you would need to
include in the account, the hard work is already done. You now only need to
decide how to divide up the information into appropriate paragraphs, what
diagrams you might like to use to illustrate your main points, and ensure that you
explain any unfamiliar terms. By attempting to write your list without reference
to the book in the first instance, you are able to check your understanding of the
underlying science, then identify holes in your knowledge and understanding,
which you can rectify from re-examining the book. When you do write your
completed account, you should always use your list rather than going back to
the original text. This will ensure that your final account is written in your own
words and is not a collection of choice sentences lifted from the book.
Activity 6.1
The light reactions of photosynthesis are dependent on the capture of photons
of light energy by chlorophyll molecules in the chloroplast. As Figure 6.23 shows,
this light energy is used to split water to release oxygen and protons and
electrons. The electrons are passed along a sequence of carriers in the thylakoid
membrane, shown in the diagram as the structure separating the stroma of
the chloroplast from the lumen. These electrons eventually combine with the
coenzyme NADP and protons from the stroma to give NADP.2H.
Figure 6.23 Completed
summary of the light reactions.
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Comments on activities
Activity 6.2
Check your completed flow diagram with the one in Figure 6.24. You
might have drawn yours differently. For example, you might have drawn
the reactions that occur in the TCA cycle as a cycle; we chose not to do
this because we wanted to emphasise that most of the energy from the
2C acetyl group is transferred during this cycle to reduced coenzymes,
particularly NAD.2H, and a small amount is harvested to produce ATP
by means of substrate-level phosphorylation. The energy stored in the
reduced coenzymes is released during Stage 4 of glucose oxidation via a
number of steps, eventually being transferred to ATP. What is important
is that your diagram shows all the steps involved in the transfer of energy
to ATP, and that it makes sense to you. This is quite a difficult activity
and if you got most of the steps, then you have followed the text very
well. Drawing this flow diagram should have prompted you to think more
carefully about the sequence of events occurring in the mitochondria.
Remember that flow diagrams like this summarise a considerable number
of pages of text and so are useful revision aids
acetyl CoA
citrate (6C)
series of 4C
energy released as electrons
transferred along ETC
energy used to pump protons from
matrix to intermediate space
energy stored as proton
concentration gradient
energy released as protons move
from high to low concentration
energy used to convert ADP + Pi to ATP
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Book 5
Activity 6.3
The processes of oxidative phosphorylation and photophosphorylation are
summarised in Table 6.10. These are similar for features with yes in the table
but different for all the others.
Table 6.10 A comparison of oxidative phosphorylation and photophosphorylation. Completed Table 6.5.
type of cell found in
location of process in cell
location of ETC
energy source
source of electrons for ETC
electron acceptor
proton gradient established across a membrane
ATP synthase is site for ATP synthesis
ATP produced from ADP and Pi
end-products of phosphorylation process
Oxidative phosphorylation
all cells
inner mitochondrial membrane
carbohydrates/lipids/amino acids
ATP and H2O
plant cells containing chlorophyll
thylakoid membrane
solar energy
ATP and NADP.2H and O2
Activity 7.1
Section 1 Introduction to an oak woodland
Using the virtual woodland landscape and the field guides you have found and
identified a number of species that occupy an oak woodland. The species that
interact with each other form a biological community. The biological community
and the physical environment it occupies is an ecosystem. The oak tree itself can
be regarded as an ecosystem. It provides many different environments which a
wide range of species can occupy as their habitats.
Section 2 A sparrowhawks eye view
There are complex interrelationships within an ecosystem but by focusing on a
single species it was possible to unravel some of that complexity. You were able
to construct a nutritional sequence, or food chain. You first identified what the
sparrowhawk eats. You repeated the process with the great tit, the food of the
sparrowhawk, and completed the chain by identifying the food of the great tit as
the winter moth caterpillar and that these in turn eat the leaves of the oak trees.
The chain consists of two carnivores and a herbivore and begins, as all food
chains do, with an autotroph.
Section 3 How much food to raise a brood
Having identified the steps in the food chain, it may be possible to establish
how many individuals of a particular species are needed to support those species
that feed on them either directly or indirectly. Although the resulting pyramid
of numbers is interesting it must be used with caution (e.g. consider whether
individual trees or individual oak trees should form the base of the pyramid).
Great care needs to be taken over data collection to ensure accurate averages are
used when food chains are quantified.
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Comments on activities
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Book 5
Activity 7.2
20% of the GPP of the plants in the oak woodland per hectare per year is
eventually lost to the ecosystem by plant respiration:
0.20 1.0 108 kJ ha1 y1 = 2.0 107 kJ ha1 y1
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Comments on activities
(a) Material such as leaf fall or wood fall from plants, faeces from animals
including indigestible material such as feathers and bone.
(b) 50% of 2.9 107 kJ ha1 y1 is 1.45 107 kJ ha1 y1 (keeping it to
3 significant figures at present).
25% of this material is assimilated by detritivores and decomposers:
0.25 1.45 107 kJ ha1 y 1 = 3.63 106 kJ ha1 y1
= 3.6 106 kJ ha1 y1 (to 2 significant figures)
(c) 5.0% of the energy consumed is used to increase detritivore and
decomposer biomass:
0.050 1.45 107 kJ ha1 y1 = 7.25 105 kJ ha1 y1
Using the same equation as in step 8:
energy lost to respiration = energy assimilated increase in biomass
= 3.63 106 kJ ha1 y1 7.25 105 kJ ha1 y1
= 2.91 106 kJ ha1 y1
= 2.9 106 kJ ha1 y1 (to 2 significant figures)
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Book 5
R = 2.0 10
solar energy =
1.0 1010
GPP = 1.0
NPP = 8.0 107
2.0 106
R = 2.1 10
R = 2.6 10
first carnivore
consumed = 8.0
biomass = 1.2 106
second carnivore
consumed = 3.0
biomass =
discarded and
unassimilated = 2.9 107
detritivore and decomposer
consumed = 1.5 107
biomass = 7.3 105
R = 2.9 10
Figure 7.6 Energy flow through an oak woodland ecosystem. Completed Figure 7.5.
10 Of the 1.0 1010 kJ ha1 y1 of solar energy incident on the ecosystem only
1.9 102 kJ ha1 y1 ends up as biomass in the highest carnivore. Therefore:
1.9 102 kJ ha 1 y 1
100% = 1.9 106 %
1.0 1010 kJ ha 1 y 1
Photosynthesis is only 1% efficient so there is a huge initial loss of energy.
Further up the trophic levels, energy is lost from the ecosystem at every
trophic level, as heat from herbivore, carnivore, decomposer and detritivore
11 This loss of energy at every level to respiration explains why the numbers of
organisms/biomass of organisms at each trophic level decrease as one moves
from herbivore to highest carnivore. There is simply insufficient energy left
at the highest carnivore level to sustain many organisms.
12 Carnivore assimilation is much more efficient than herbivore assimilation
due to the nature of the food material consumed. A great proportion of
herbivores food is the plant material cellulose (the cell wall polysaccharide
you met in Chapter 5) which is very difficult to digest. A lot of the energy
from the plant material eaten by herbivores is therefore unavailable and
passes out in the faeces. Carnivores can assimilate a much greater proportion
of the energy in their food, as the high protein content is easy to digest and
Activity 7.3
Compare your answer with the one below, written by a student. (The terms you
were asked to include are printed in italics.)
An ecosystem is a set of organisms linked by flows of energy and
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Comments on activities
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Book 5
Finally, look critically at the structure of your piece of writing. Did you try to
order the terms in a logical fashion so that they fitted in with your plan, or did
you just take them in the order they were listed in the question alphabetically?
Here is the plan from the student who wrote the answer above:
Introduction: ecosystem
Initial energy input: solar energy, photosynthesis, autotroph, gross primary
First stage (plant productivity): biomass, respiration, net primary productivity,
trophic level
Next stage: heterotroph, herbivore, food chain, assimilate, faeces
Next stage: carnivore, decomposer, detritivore
Next stage: food web
Conclusion: fate of energy in ecosystems
This student started by grouping the terms into what she thought were related
topics, and then tried to structure her account around that list. As you can see,
she had to move a few of the terms to construct her final account, but the initial
ordered list gave her a good structure to build on. In fact, she ended up by writing
a paragraph around each group of terms. How did you structure your account?
Writing scientific accounts in assignments: general advice
There are many different ways of producing scientific accounts, and what
matters is that you develop your own method so that you can produce accounts
of the standard you want. It is probable that you will be asked to produce some
extended pieces of writing in the remaining assignments of S104. It might help
you to ask yourself the following questions:
(a) What is the question asking me to do?
The first step is to analyse the question. Underline or highlight process words
like describe, discuss or compare and contrast that tell you what you have
to do with the material. Then underline/highlight the words that tell you which
concepts in science you will be working with.
(b) On what science does this question depend?
Next you need to research the science. You will find the information you want by
searching in glossaries, summaries, indexes, contents pages, questions, activities,
your notes, and (if you have time and if it is appropriate to the question asked)
outside sources such as books, articles, internet resources etc.
(c) How am I going to put it all together?
We encourage you to plan pieces of written work before you start writing.
However, research amongst both tutors and students reveals that the actual
process of writing an account takes many different forms, and may not follow
the traditional process of first make a plan. The boon of being able to rearrange
sentences and paragraphs with a word processor means that even a very poorly
thought out first draft can still be turned into what appears to be a well-planned
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Comments on activities
What is essential is that you decide what to include and what to leave out, and
how to link the points that you include so that they answer the question that was
set. Noting down your decisions as a plan, or outline, gives you a framework
within which you can construct your account. Of course, you may change your
ideas about content or order as youre writing, but that will be easier to do if you
have a plan in front of you. And if you have an overall structure for your answer
in mind, then it is much easier to tell a coherent story, and you wont have to
spend so much time rejigging your answer later. What you should be aiming for
is an account that is presented in a good order, written clearly and concisely, in
appropriate language, with signposts and links between the different points to
make it easy to read.
(d) How can I improve my written work?
When you have completed your account, you may like to ask yourself, How well
have I done? and consider Why?
Try to be constructively critical, considering both how good your account is and
how it could be further improved. A similar approach can be applied to any piece
of scientific writing.
In general terms, the criteria by which you should judge your work fall into
three groups. First, there are the criteria by which the science content is judged;
you should demonstrate your knowledge and understanding by ensuring the
information you include is correct, relevant to any question posed and addresses
all the key points. Second, there are criteria by which the writing is judged: the
science is communicated clearly and concisely using language appropriate for
your purpose and audience; that you are writing in the correct style, for example
an account or a report; that the relevant information is well organised with a
logical structure, including relevant figures (such as tables, graphs, or diagrams
addresses that you refer to from the text) and that you reference sources of
information correctly (you will build further on your experience of referencing
websites and journal articles in Book 8). Third, when you are answering an
assignment question, pay particular attention to the cognitive skills that you are
being asked to demonstrate, where words such as describe,
explain, analyse, interpret, compare and contrast, indicate how
you should process your knowledge and understanding of the
subject matter; if you are asked to interpret information, simply
describing data is insufficient.
Of course, to work systematically and thoughtfully through
your answer, improving it as you go, requires that you set aside
F1 offspring
sufficient time and that means not leaving completion of an
assignment until the day before the cut-off date!
One last point; an assignment is not finished until you receive
feedback from your tutor. Read this carefully and integrate any
F2 offspring
advice on how to improve your writing skills into your advice to
yourself about how to tackle future writing and assignments.
Activity 9.1
(a) The completed diagram, summarising Morgans
observations, is shown in Figure 9.10. Note that the whiteeyed flies are all male (and incidentally they appear every
alternate generation).
Xr Y
all X R
X r and Y
X R Xr
X R and Y
X R and X r
gametes of
F1 female
gametes of
F1 male
Xr Y
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Book 5
(b) Half of the F2 offspring would be female (XX) and half would be male (XY).
All the female F2 offspring are red-eyed, in a 1 R R : 1 R r genotypic ratio.
Half of the males would be red-eyed (R; they would have only one copy of
the gene) but the other half would be white eyed (r ). The phenotypic ratio
of all red-eyed flies to white-eyed flies would be 3 : 1, and the overall ratio
would be two red-eyed females : one red-eyed male : one white-eyed male.
(c) Males have to inherit only one copy of the recessive allele for the phenotype
to be shown, whereas females have to inherit two copies of the recessive
allele, one from each parent, in order for the recessive phenotype to be
Activity 11.1
The following is a list of key scientific points to be included, and one possible
order in which they could be written up into a coherent account:
parental DNA
double helix unwinds
two complementary
strands of
parental DNA
RNA synthesis
on template strand
base pairing
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Comments on activities
Asking you to identify key points should help you to look closely at questions
and to assess what is likely to be important in the answer. This in turn should
enable you to become more critical of your own written work. Also, putting the
key points in a logical order is an important part of planning a piece of writing.
Finally, note that this answer summarises 23 pages of the book into one
paragraph. This sort of summary, especially if accompanied by appropriate
diagrams, is useful for revision.
Activity 11.2
In this activity, you reviewed the structure of DNA and RNA, and the processes
of DNA replication, transcription and translation. You have seen how the first
two of these processes relate to the structure of DNA as a double helix, and how
the information carried in DNA is translated via mRNA into a sequence of
amino acids in a polypeptide chain. In this computer-based video sequence,
the information coded in DNA is likened to the printed characters in a pile of
telephone directories. In the cell, only a portion of this information (i.e. only
some genes) is required to be translated into proteins. In the analogy, this portion
is represented as a page in a telephone directory and the information it contains
can be transferred either by being removed (torn out), in which case some of
the information is lost, or by it being copied as a photocopy, in which case the
information in the directories is left intact. In the cell, the information in DNA is
transferred, not by being removed, but by being copied a photocopy in the
form of mRNA, and the entire information in DNA is left intact.
The notes you added to the comments column in Table 11.2 will reflect whatever
you personally found useful or visually striking, and therefore will help you
remember the key points of the structures and processes shown in the video
Activity 15.1
Here is one possible explanation:
The long generation time for humans means it is unlikely that the high
frequencies of the CCR5 32 allele in Northern Europe derive from the selection
pressure of HIV, as this virus became prevalent only from about 1970, well
within the lifespan of individuals living now. As the mutant allele appeared
about 2000 years ago and this mutation event is very rare, the relatively high
frequencies of CCR5 32 in Northern Europe are likely to have resulted from
marked selection pressure, probably a lethal infection prevalent many generations
ago. This infective agent, like HIV, entered the cells of the immune system via
the receptor coded for by the CCR5 gene.
An epidemic of this lethal infection across Northern Europe could have been
spread by Viking invasions. If the CCR5 32 gene conferred immunity to
the infection in a similar way to the way it does for HIV, those individuals
having the CCR5 32 allele would have been resistant to the infection. Most
infected individuals with the CCR5 gene would have died, meaning that there
were relatively fewer offspring having the CCR5 gene following the epidemic.
In contrast, those individuals with the CCR5 32 allele survived and their
offspring inherited the mutant gene. Natural selection therefore resulted in the
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Book 5
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Darwin, C. (1859) On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the
Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, London, John Murray.
Hooper, J. (2002) Of Moths and Men: The Untold Story of Science and the
Peppered Moth, WW Norton & Company, New York.
Linnaeus, C. (1758) Systema Naturae (10th edn).
Watson, J. D. and Crick, F. H. C. (1953) A structure for deoxyribose nucleic
acid, Nature, vol. 171, pp. 737738.
Wilson, E. O. (1992) The Diversity of Life, Cambridge, MA, Belknapp Press.
Global Conservation Organization (WWF), available online from
http://www.panda.org/ [last accessed June, 2007].
2/15/2008 11:30:45 AM
Book 5
The S104 Course Team gratefully acknowledges the contributions of the S103
Discovering science course team and of its predecessors.
Grateful acknowledgement is made to the following sources for permission to
reproduce material in this book.
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Features Picture Library; Figure 1.2b: Colorado State University; Figure 1.3a:
David Fleetham/Alamy; Figure 1.3b: Gavin Kingcome/Science Photo Library;
Figures 1.3c and 1.3d: Peter Sheldon; Figure 1.4a: Heather Angel/Natural
Visions; Figure 1.4b: Tim Jackson/Photolibrary; Figure 1.4c: Mike Gilliam/
Figure 2.1: Kim, S./Flickr Photo Sharing; Figure 2.2: Pat Morris/Ardea;
Figure 2.3: Popperfoto/Alamy; Figure 2.6: Michael Fogden/Photolibrary;
Figure 2.8: Photolibrary;
Figure 3.1a: Philip Mugridge/Alamy; Figure 3.1b: Rolf Mueller/Photolibrary;
Figure 3.1c: Arco Images/Alamy; Figure 3.1d: Lawrie Phipps/Flickr Photo
Sharing; Figure 3.2: G. E. Hyde/FLPA; Figures 3.3a and 3.3b: Heather Angel/
Natural Visions; Figure 3.7: Dr Gopal Murti/Science Photo Library; Figure 3.8a:
Ken Hudson; Figure 3.8b: Astrid & Hanns-Frieder Michler/Science Photo
Library; Figure 3.11: The Linnean Society;
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Davies; Figure 4.5: Dr Klaus Boller/Science Photo Library; Figure 4.10a:
Andrew Syred/Science Photo Library; Figure 4.10d: D Phillips/Science Photo
Library; Figure 4.11: L. Booth and H. S. Vishniac; Figure 4.12: Steve Long/
University of Massachusetts Photo Service; Figure 4.17: Spike Walker/Getty
Images; Figures 4.22 and 4.26: Heather Angel/Natural Visions; Figure 4.28:
Ian Walker/NHMPL;
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Figure 8.5: Science Photo Library; Figure 8.6a: Simon Fraser/Science Photo
Library; Figure 8.6b: Dr Jeremy Burgess/Science Photo Library; Figure 8.13:
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Bildarchiv/Alamy; Figure 9.6: Hattie Young/Science Photo Library;
Figure 13.2: Jeffreys, A. J., Brookfield, J. F. Y. and Semeonoff, R. (1985)
Positive identification of an immigration test-case using human DNA
fingerprints, Nature, vol. 317, 31 October 1985, Nature Publishing;
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Book 5
Entries and page numbers in bold type refer to key words that are printed in bold in the text and that are defined
in the glossary. Where the page number is given in italics, the index information is carried mainly or wholly in an
illustration or table.
ABO blood group 1867, 234
acetyl CoA 119, 123, 124, 125, 135
acetyl group 123, 124, 135
active site 85, 978
case study on Antarctic fish 27780
in real time 257, 265
through natural selection 24151
adenine 196, 197, 198, 199, 208, 209
adipose tissue 78, 135
ADP 104, 105, 10810
African lion (Panthera leo) 254
alanine 87, 90, 213, 219, 220
allele 164, 166
multiple alleles 1867
mutant 223, 2257, 2823
allele frequency 272
allopatric speciation 258, 259, 262
American haw-fly (Rhagoletis
pomonella) 25960
amino acid sequence 206, 21014,
changes to 2245
amino acids 80, 86, 8791, 136
ammonites 4, 38, 285
amphibians, extinctions 284, 285
amylase 95
amylopectin 81, 82
amylose 95
anaerobic respiration 1312
anaphase 59, 60
animal cells 49, 50
diversity of 534
evolution of 55, 56
proteins in 83
Animalia 30, 32
classification of 30, 31
extinctions 284
feeding relationships 143
bacteria 48, 51
coevolution and 2545
and endosymbiosis 556
feeding relationships 143
genomes 2312
thermophilic 97
translation in 216, 217
Bacteria 30
bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) 64
base-pairing 1989, 201
in eukaryotes 228, 229
rules in transcription 208
in translation 211, 212, 213
base sequence 206, 211
bases 104, 1969
complementary 1989, 201, 2089
deletion or insertion 2245, 264
beech leaf (Fagus sylvatica) 52
beetles 1, 2, 3, 35, 367, 255
beneficial (mutualistic) interactions
binding sites 846, 88, 94
biodiversity 3440
biological membranes 99100
see also cell membrane; inner
mitochondrial membrane
biomass 145, 1467
biopolymers 75, 7980, 195
weak bonds in 8990
see also nucleic acids;
polysaccharides; proteins
biosphere 1
biosynthesis 10513
clutch size 253
extinctions 284, 285
number of species 35, 36
species 23, 248, 284
species longevities 38
thermal regulation 97
see also finches; sparrowhawk; tits
Biston betularia 272, 2734
blood sugar levels 1345
body temperature 97, 279
brachiopods 3, 263
breeding experiments 1602
eye colour and sex of the fruit fly
phenotypic ratios 1734
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predicting outcome of crosses 16973
stage one 1625
stage two 1658
brine shrimp (Artemia franciscana) 16
budding 51, 70, 71
Busy Lizzy (Impatiens sp.) 106
6C-bisphosphate 121, 122
C-terminus 86, 87, 214
calmodulin 274
Calvin cycle 112
camouflage 271
carbohydrates 80, 134, 135
see also starch; sugars
carbon cycle 15, 16, 30
carbon dioxide
fixation 11113, 114
from glucose oxidation 118, 119, 120,
123, 124
from respiration 115
carbon monoxide 127
carbonaria form 270, 271, 2723
carnivores 15, 143
energy flow through 1502
feeding interactions 17, 18
catabolism 93, 114, 115
catabolic pathways 1367
proteins 136
raw materials for 11618
catalase 92, 93
catalysts 85, 926, 979, 2789
see also enzymes
CCR5 gene 2823
cell cycle 5662
cell division 56, 57, 62, 66
cell membrane 44, 45, 46, 47,
cell wall 47, 48, 49, 52, 54
cells 29, 43
cell diversity 504
cell structure 439
cell types 30, 43, 83
energy in 1378
information flow in 2202
molecules within 749
cellulose 48, 81, 82
Biston betularia 272, 2734
flowers 161, 1628, 16971
guppies 246, 24750
humans 261
common ancestor 28, 264, 277, 281
communication skills 91, 288
see also writing skills
community 141
complementary bases 1989, 201, 2089
components of fitness 245
computer-based activities 6, 18
ecosystems 141, 142, 145, 148, 149,
genetic information 2201
mitosis and meiosis 155, 181
virtual field trip 257, 265
condensation reactions 778, 80, 81, 83,
conservation 40
conservation of energy 146
consumers 143, 144, 145
continuous variation 1889
contrasting characters 1612
control sequences 2323
convergent evolution 277
cosubstrate 978
covalent bonds 7980
Crick, Francis 195, 196, 199
cross-fertilisation 162, 163, 164, 165
predicting outcome of crosses 16973
crossing over 1801
crow (Corvus corone) 261, 262
cyanide 127
cysteine 219
cystic fibrosis 223, 2257, 228, 230,
234, 238, 240
cytoplasm 44, 45, 46
cytosine 196, 197, 198, 199
cytosol 47
dark reactions 105, 11113
Darwin, Charles 241, 2425
Darwins finches 242, 258, 259, 261,
2658, 274
decomposers 143, 149, 151
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Book 5
dehydrogenation 978
deoxyribonucleic acid see DNA
deoxyribose 196, 198
detritivores 143, 149, 151
diabetes 134, 238
drawing 60, 68, 110, 111
flow diagrams 68, 132, 149, 288
mating diagram 184, 185
die, throwing 16970
digestion 117
digestive enzymes 92, 95, 117
2,4-dinitrophenol 130
dinosaurs 38
diploid 58, 59, 67
disaccharides 80
discontinuous variation 188, 189
diversity 1, 2141
biodiversity 3440
cells 504
genome 2346
see also variation
DNA 44, 46, 48, 823, 196
in asexual reproduction 62, 64, 65
in the cell cycle 578, 5960
chemical structure of 195200, 221
cystic fibrosis gene 226
damage to 2034
in eukaryote genomes 2323
genetic information 205, 221
mtDNA 2801
repair mechanisms 2034
transcription 20710
DNA fingerprinting 2356, 267
DNA polymerase 201
DNA replication 2004, 221
errors in 2235
versus RNA transcription 2089
DNA sequences 227, 22833, 235, 237
base differences in 264
changes in 203, 224
Dolly the sheep 645
domains 2930, 55, 56
domestic cat (Felis catus) 31, 32, 33
domestic dog (Canis familiaris) 31, 32,
33, 242
dominant 1645, 1667, 187
disorder 223, 227
Ecological Chains 141, 142, 145, 148,
149, 154
ecological niches 148
ecology 1412
ecosystem 1412
energy flow through 14952
pyramids of numbers for 1435
electron affinity 1078, 126
electron carriers 1078, 1267, 128
electron microscopy 456
electron transport 119, 120, 12531
electron transport chain (ETC) 1079,
126, 1278
elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris)
23, 2534
embryo 64, 65, 23840
endemic 265, 267
Endler, John 24850
endosymbiosis 546
endosymbiotic hypothesis 55, 73
in biological systems 1034
in cells 1378
energy flow, oak woodland ecosystem
continuous variation and 189
DNA mutations and 2034
human characters and 160
interaction with 2524
phenotype and 1878
reproduction and 70, 71
enzymes 85, 929
and amino acid sequence 225
coenzymes 979, 108
digestive enzymes 92, 95, 117
mode of operation 945
optimum temperature for catalysis
specificity 93
and temperature 957
see also catalysts
F1 162, 164, 165, 167, 1734
F2 1656, 167, 1734
FAD 98, 120, 124
families 24, 31, 32
fats 75, 77, 135
fatty acids 778, 79, 99100, 135
feeding interactions 1718, 1425
feeding relationships 1425
fermentation 132
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fertilisation 67, 68, 1589
in vitro fertilisation 65, 23940
see also cross-fertilisation; selffertilisation
fibrous proteins 834, 91
Darwins finches 242, 258, 259, 261,
2658, 274
ground finch (Geospiza difficilis)
267, 268
warbler finch (Certhidia olivacea)
first filial generation 162, 164, 165,
167, 1734
body temperature 97, 279
case study on Antarctic fish 27780
extinctions 284, 285
fitness 2445, 253, 273
flow diagrams 68, 132, 149, 288
flowers 1, 2, 3, 67, 68
colour 161, 1628, 16971
and blood sugar levels 1345
digestion 117
see also carbohydrates; fats;
food chain 18, 1427
food packaging 75, 80, 83, 99
food web 14852
Ford, E.B. 270, 272
forensic science case study 236
forests 367, 40
fossil record 38
founder effect 251
frogs 261, 262
fructose 80
fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) 59,
173, 1845, 2368
functional groups 76, 7980, 89, 288
fundamental niche 148
activity investigating 1012, 1819
cells of 51
feeding relationships 143
growth and life cycle 14
life arising from 812
metabolism in 15
Fungi 30
Galpagos Islands 2579, 261, 2658
gametes 66, 67, 68, 70, 71
genetic variation in an individual
production 1589
see also ova; spermatozoa
gene 155, 15960
within a genome 237
one geneone polypeptide 2056,
221, 230
patterns of inheritance of 1634
populations and evolution in action
structure and function in eukaryotes
see also allele; DNA
gene flow 260, 263
gene mutation 190, 203
generation time 13
genetic bottleneck 254
genetic code 21011, 21822
genetic diseases 223, 238, 240
see also cystic fibrosis
genetic drift 251
genetic information 20522
transcription 20710, 221
translation 207, 21017, 221
genome 231
bacterial genomes 2312
diversity 2346
ethical considerations 23840
eukaryote genomes 2324
projects 2368
genomics 231
genotype 1601, 164
ABO blood groups 186, 187
differences between species
in F2 generation 166
predicting outcome of 16973
relationship with phenotype
genus 31, 32, 33
geographical barriers 259
global warming 252, 253
globular proteins 76, 846, 88, 89
enzymes as 929, 279
structure and function 91
habitats 141
haemagglutinin 264
haemoglobin 279
haemophilia 190, 240
Haldane, J.B.S. 34
haploid 667, 156, 158
hawthorn (Crataegus) 25960
herbivores 15, 143
energy flow through 1502
feeding interactions 17, 18
heterotrophs 1516, 30, 103
feeding relationships 143
raw materials for catabolism 11718
see also animals
heterozygote 164, 227
heterozygous 164, 166, 226
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Book 5
hexokinase 93
higher-order structure 8891, 93, 96
hinnies 22
histidine 219
HIV/AIDS 231, 255, 2823
H. floresiensis 280
H. neanderthalensis 2802
H. sapiens see humans (Homo
homologous 1579
homozygote 164
homozygous 164, 166, 226
Hooper, Judith 272
binding sites 845, 88
and blood sugar levels 1345
hosts 2546
human cells 58, 61, 656
Human Fertilisation and Embryology
Authority 239
human genome 2323, 234, 2368
Human Genome Project 236, 238
humans (Homo sapiens) 21, 24
and biodiversity 389
coloration in 261
evolution case study 2803
genetic diseases 223, 238, 240
height in 189
life cycle 156
phylogeny of 29
sex chromosomes 1834
viral diseases 50
Huntingtons disease 240
hybridisation 22, 67, 280, 2812
Hydra 6970, 71
hydrogen bonds 89, 90, 198, 199, 201,
hydrogen peroxide 92
hydrolysis 80, 81
hydrophilic 76, 89, 99100
hydrophobic 76, 77, 78, 89, 90, 99100
hydroxyl groups 80
identical twins 160, 234, 235, 242
immunisation 85
karyotype 156, 157, 158, 191
keratin 84
Kettlewell, H. Bernard 271, 272
kinetic energy 96
kingdoms 30, 31, 32
lactate 978, 132
lactate dehydrogenase 978, 132, 279
language of evolution 2567
macromolecules 79
maize (Zea mays) 237
maltose 95
extinctions 284, 285
morphology 261
number of species 35, 36
species longevities 38
thermal regulation 97
see also vertebrates
Maraviroc 282
Margulis, Lynn 55
marsupials 4, 5, 277
mass extinctions 38
maternity case study 235
mathematical modelling 171
mating diagram 184, 185
matrix 834, 1201
mature mRNA 229
mayfly 17
Mayr, Ernst 24
medicinal plants 3940
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meiosis 62, 66, 1758
and chromosome mutation 1912
and the life cycle 1559
recombination of chromosomes at
meiosis I 176, 177, 1912
meiosis II 176, 177
Mendel, Gregor 161, 162, 167, 173, 241
messenger RNA (mRNA) see mRNA
metabolic pathway 105, 1367
metabolism 1417, 15
catalysis of 923
within a cell 43, 46, 47
integration of 1336
see also catabolism
metaphase 59, 60, 157
methionine 210, 212, 213, 214, 219, 220
microsatellite DNA analysis 267, 268
microscopy 446
Mitchell, Peter 128
mitochondria 46, 1201, 1378
glucose breakdown 130
inner mitochondrial membrane 121,
mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) 2801
mitosis 57, 58, 5962, 175, 202
Mitosis, Meiosis and Recombination
155, 181
within a cell 749
and the rate of evolution 2634
moles 4, 5, 277
molluscs 34, 285
monomers 7980
monophyletic 28
monosaccharides 801
mRNA 21011, 221
codons 21214, 21820
mature mRNA 229
and ribosomes 21416
mules 22
multi-step catabolism 115
multicellular organisms 43, 512
classification of 30
multiple alleles 1867
muscle cells 53, 61, 65, 121
muscles, protein storage in 84, 85, 86
N-terminus 86, 87, 214
NAD 979, 119, 120, 1237
NAD.2H 119, 120, 12230
NADP 98, 108, 110
NADP.2H 10810, 11112
natural selection 2, 241, 24251
Nautilus 4, 263, 285
Neandertals 2802
nematodes 34, 36
net primary productivity (BPP) 146,
neuraminidase 264
niches 148, 277
non-template strand 208, 209
normal distribution 189
nuclear membrane 46, 47
nuclear transfer 64, 65
nucleic acids 823
see also DNA; RNA
nucleotide 83, 1969, 201
in RNA 207, 208
nucleus 44, 45, 46, 47
origin of 55, 56
nutritional information 75, 83, 99
oak tree (Quercus robur) 1423, 144,
145, 147, 152
oak woodland 1412
feeding relationships in 1425
food web 14852
primary production in 1467
secondary production 147
steady state 152
P 162
Pi 104, 10810
parallel evolution 280
parasites 254
parental generation 162
parsimony 28
Pasteur, Louis 810, 14
pathogens 2546
pea (Pisum sativum) 1602
breeding experiment stage one
breeding experiment stage two
mutations and 193
phenotypic ratio 1734
predicting outcome of crosses
peppered moth (Biston betularia) 261,
peptide bonds 86, 21315
permeability 46
phenotype 1603
ABO blood groups 186, 187
differences between species 2601
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Book 5
quantitative characters 188, 189
R groups 87, 89, 90
rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) 2556
races 261, 262, 263
ratio, phenotypic 1734
realised niche 148
receptor proteins 845, 100
recessive 1645, 1667
disorder 223, 2267
recombination 62, 17882
red blood cells 53, 61
Red Queen effect 2523, 254
reduction 978, 111, 136
relatedness 235
repetitive DNA 233, 235, 237
replication 57, 59
reproduction 1214, 44
asexual reproduction 626, 6970,
characteristic of species 212
choosing between modes of 6971
and natural selection 242, 243, 244,
2467, 24850
sexual reproduction 62, 669, 70, 71,
reproductive cloning 645
reproductive isolation 21, 22, 258,
25960, 262
reptiles 284
research supply chain 200
respiration 1, 16, 11418
anaerobic respiration 1312
glucose oxidation 11832
plant respiration 146, 147
resting metabolic rate 278
revision skills 74, 90, 210, 288
ribonucleic acid (RNA) see RNA
ribose 207, 208
ribosomal RNA (rRNA) 211
ribosomes 47, 211, 221
role in translation 21416
RNA 20710, 221
different forms of 21011
primary RNA product 229
processing 228, 229
see also mRNA; tRNA
RNA polymerase 209
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rough endoplasmic reticulum 467
rRNA 211
runners 634
safety precautions 11, 18
scientific names 323
second filial generation (F2) 1656,
167, 1734
secondary consumers 143, 144, 145
secondary production 147
seeds 67, 68
segregation 167
selection pressures 252, 263, 278
selectively permeable 46
self-fertilisation 162, 165
semiconservative replication 202
serine 87, 90, 206, 219
sex chromosomes 58, 66, 67, 157
patterns of inheritance 1836
sexual dimorphism 23, 246
sexual reproduction 62, 669, 70, 71,
short-term fluctuations 252
Siamese cats 188
of genome 237
range 1, 12
snowshoe hare 18
solar energy
in a woodland 146, 150, 151, 152
see also light reactions
spadix 1, 2
sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) 1423,
144, 145, 147, 148, 149
speciation 25860, 2619
species 213
classifying 2532
estimating numbers 357
finches in Galpagos Islands 2658
genetic and phenotypic differences
between 2601
interactions among 2546
and natural selection 242
numbers in different animal phyla 34
recognising and labelling 245
scientific names of 33
TAG see triacylglycerols
taxonomy 35
TCA cycle (tricarboxylic acid cycle)
119, 120, 1235
telophase 59, 60
and enzyme activity 957
polar and tropical fish 2789
template strand 2089
termination sequence 209
terminology 153
unicellular organisms 30, 54
uniformity 1, 287
universal ancestor 55, 56
uracil 208, 209
vacuole 47, 48
valine 90, 206, 213, 219
variation 2, 242, 243, 2478
continuous and discontinuous 1889
genetic variation in an individual
and mutation 2501, 256
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Book 5
warbler finch (Certhidia olivacea) 265
warblers (Phylloscopus) 22, 23
within a cell 757
from glucose oxidation 118, 119, 120
X-linked genes 1845
X-linked inheritance 183, 1846
Y chromosome 1834
yeast (Saccharomyces) 51, 132, 2368
zygote 56, 62, 66, 67, 68, 70
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