EVS Important Questions
EVS Important Questions
EVS Important Questions
State the components of ecosystems and explain. (16)
What are food chains and food webs? (8)
Explain ecological pyramids (8)
Explain the role of biodiversity at global, natural and local levels
What are different types of ecosystems and explain their structure and functions
What is Red Data Book? What do you mean by extinct, endangered, vulnerable and
rare species? Name some endangered species of plants and animals in our country?
What are the major threats to biodiversity?
Discuss the value of biodiversity
What adverse effects can solid wastes cause? How can the solid waste be
managed? (16)
Explain the various methods of controlling air pollution. (And)
Explain the various methods of controlling Water pollution. (Or)
Explain the various methods of controlling Noise pollution. (Any two from air, water,
marine or Noise pollution)
Explain disaster management in detail
Discuss the major soil pollution and their impact.
Write notes on the role of individuals in preventing pollution
What is deforestation? Explain its impact on the environment
Explain how the alternate energy sources play an important role in environmental
Define the term conservation of natural resources and explain the role of an
individual in conservation of natural resources.
Explain in detail about the forest resources and give the merits and demerits of
forest resources
What are the problems of modern agriculture fertilizer and pesticide?
Discuss in detail about water resources & water conservation strategies
Briefly explain the soil conservation practices adopted in India
Explain the environmental damage caused by mining activities. Illustrate one case
Explain the term sustainable developments and their concepts
Discuss the effects of global warming
What are the sources of green house gases in Atmosphere?
Write briefly on any one of nuclear disaster.
What are the major functions of central pollution control board?
Why do we refer to Environmental protection Act 1986 as an umbrella act? Discuss
the major protection rules, 1986.
Write notes on Consumerism and Waste products
Give the solutions for urban energy problem
Explain the role of information technology in environment and human health (16
marks repeated more than 5 times)
What is universal declaration of Human Rights? What is its importance in achieving
the goals of equality, justice and sustainability (16?)
Give a brief account on various issues and measures of women and child welfare in
Discuss the population growth variation among nations.