Manual Hima Opc A e Server Rev 1
Manual Hima Opc A e Server Rev 1
Manual Hima Opc A e Server Rev 1
Version 1.3
Operating systems:
Windows XP / Server 2003 / 7 /Server 2008
Valid from A&E Server Version 4.0.1
The information of this document may be changed without prior notice and does not present any obligation
for HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH & Co KG. The software described in this document is provided according
to a licence or secrecy agreement. The software may only be used or copied corresponding to the agreement conditions. The software must not be copied to any other media unless the licence or secrecy agreement permit so. No part of this manual may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means with recording or information storage and retrieval systems without explicit written permission by HIMA.
Copyright 2010 HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH & Co KG. All rights reserved.
MS-DOS, Microsoft, Windows and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
All other mark and product names are the property of their respective trademark owners.
Printed in Germany
Document Number: Handbuch HIMA OPC A&E Server
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................. 4
Add menu..................................................................................... 21
Help menu.................................................................................... 36
The HIMA OPC-A&E-Server provides the OPC interface and communication facility for
well- known standard HIMA H41/H51q and PLANAR 4 devices supporting Modbus slave
data output.
The OPC Server has a Windows style common menu and user interface scheme. Some
dialog boxes and its controls will appear however according to the current OPC device and
communication protocol rules and properties. The current OPC window workspace is always divided on two views like Windows Explorer: a tree view for devices and groups and a
list view for tags.
A tree view can be seen on the left side to show the defined devices and groups in their hierarchy. The user has some interactive control possibilities to open or close hierarchy layers to see them globally (by name only) or detailed. The user can add new devices, new
groups or change parameters on existing devices.
On the right side of the workspace there is a list view where the tags of the lastly selected
tree view node are always seen with their main properties.
Most of menu items can be accessed by toolbar buttons or keyboard accelerator combinations of the Ctrl key and a letter key.
The HIMA OPC A&E Server provides an OPC Data Access Server with data access interfaces 1.0 and 2.0. All HIMA process point can be represented as data tags in this server.
Each data tag has alarm properties so the program provides an OPC Alarm/Event Server
applied to specification 1.10.
OPC Data Access Server
The programs user interface has the following menus for actions:
File Add Edit View Help
Data Typ
Depend on tag
value type
Item Canonical Data Type
Item Value
Item Quality
Item Timestamp
Item Access Rights
Server Scan Rate
EU Units
Item Description
High EU
Low EU
Default Display
Process Low Value
Process High Value
Conversion. The meaning of the discrete signal can be selected. In case of Normal the
output value of tag will be the value came from PES device. Otherwise the PES data will be
inverted as tag output value.
Init Value. The tag initialization value while it is not refreshed by simulation or real device
communication. If checked the tag output will be initialized as ON otherwise OFF.
Conversion. The tag raw value can be converted into the different range and unit. The
conversion can use linear and square root algorithm. The calculation is the following in linear case:
OUT Min = (RAW_IN RawMin) / (RawMax - RawMin) * (Max Min)
In case of Square root case the calculation is similar but the square root is extracted from
the right side of the equation.
If type None is selected the field Units will not be used and the range of tag output value is
the whole range which is allowed by the numeric representation. Otherwise the simulation
or device communication data of raw value must be between Raw Data minimum and maximum so the converted value always will be between Min and Max value. If it would be below or above these limits it will be truncated to the related limit as output value. The Units
will be the name of (generally engineering) unit, which the raw value is converted to.
Init Value. The tag initialization value while it is not refreshed by simulation or real device
communication. This numeric value must be in the same unit and same scale as the tag
output value.
Low Process, High Process. Two configurable floating point value, which will be the item
properties of this data tag. Valid only if scaling is defined. These properties are not avalilable for discrete data tags.
Device category for special device related alarms. It contains only the Device
Comm condition. By now the device communication redundancy failure alarms
(alarm only on port #1 or port #2) or the device complete communication failure
alarm (both port on alarm) use this category. These alarms can be configured as
parts of device property. Tag name of alarm messages will be the device name.
The alarm/normal message texts, priorites, Ack.-requirements are configurable
similarly to events of other categories.
Discrete category for conditions applied by discrete (logical value) tags. Two conditions type is possible: Discrete Trip or Discrete On condition according to the
discrete tag state, which generates alarm.
Analog category for conditions applied by analogue (numeric value) tags. One
condition type is possible: Analog Level. This is a simple 4-layer limit comparison
condition. It has Level LoLo, Level Low, Level High and Level HiHi subconditions.
User-defined category for user defined condition and subcondition groups. These
alarms can be used for grouping several digital tags (signals) to be represented as
one multi-state alarm source
The built-in conditions have no additionally specified attributes. During filling the tag properties the configurator automatically generates Discrete alarm for discrete tags ,which have
BOOL data types, and Analog alarm for other tags, which have numeric data types as INT,
The Discrete alarm will be Discrete Trip condition, if the tag generates the alarm when its
value is OFF.
The Discrete alarm will be Discrete On condition, if the tag generates the alarm when its
value is ON.
The Analog Level alarm condition will be generated when the tag value is below the Low
or LoLo limits or tag value is above the High or HiHi limits.
Discrete and analog alarm conditions must be configured differently:
Configure Device Comm alarm
Configure Discrete alarmCO
Configure Analog Level alarm
Configure User-defined alarm
Failure. will send message to the active clients when its device communication failure occured (using Communication Retry server option and registry key). Otherwise no alarm
message will be sent.
Normal. If it is checked the tag will send message to the active clients when the communication failure passed and communication backed up. Otherwise only the failure status message
will be sent but normal not.
Priority. Message severity values for failure and normal status. These values must be between 1 and 1000 according to the OPC specification. The lowest severity is 1 and the highest is 1000.
Message Text. Additional message texts when communication failure or communication
normal status occured. The alarm and normal message will be created from the description
of tag and the related message text.
Ack. If it is checked the message will require acknowledge from client.
Alarm. If it is checked the tag will send message to the active clients when its value becomes the same as State. Otherwise no alarm message will be sent.
State. Tag value state, which will generate alarm. If it is checked ON state otherwise OFF
state will generate alarm. It can be checked only when Alarm is checked.
Return to Normal. If it is checked the tag will send message to the active clients when its
value return to normal (becomes different to State). Otherwise only the alarm state message will be sent but normal not.
Priority. Message severity values for alarm and normal states. These values must be between 1 and 1000 according to the OPC specification. The lowest severity is 1 and the
highest is 1000.
Message Text. Additional message text for alarm and normal states. The alarm and normal
message will be created from the description of tag and the related message text.
Ack. If it is checked the message will require acknowledge from client.
Specific Properties. Use this option on configuring user-defined alarms (see under Configure User-defined alarm).
LoLo. Enables LoLo limit check for tag value if checked. When tag value falls below its limit
value an alarm message will be sent to the active clients. The limit must be lower than Low
limit and this alarm will override Low limit alarm.
Low. Enables Low limit check for tag value if checked. When tag value falls below its limit
value an alarm message will be sent to the active clients. The limit must be higher than LoLo limit and this alarm will be overridden LoLo limit alarm.
High. Enables High limit check for tag value if checked. When tag value rises above its limit
value an alarm message will be sent to the active clients. The limit must be lower than HiHi
limit and this alarm will be overridden HiHi limit alarm.
HiHi. Enables HiHi limit check for tag value if checked. When tag value rises above its limit
value an alarm message will be sent to the active clients. The limit must be higher than
High limit and this alarm will override High limit alarm.
Return to Normal. If it is checked the tag will send message to the active clients when its
value return to normal (tag value will be between Low and High limit values). Otherwise only the selected limit alarm messages will be sent but normal not.
Value. The limit value of the related condition. The values is in the same unit as the tag
value and uses the same scale.
Priority. Message severity values for limit alarm conditions and normal state. These values
must be between 1 and 1000 according to the OPC specification. The lowest severity is 1
and the highest is 1000.
Message Text. Additional message text for limit alarm conditions and normal state. The
alarm condition and normal messages will be created from the description of tag and the
related message text.
Ack. If it is checked the message will require acknowledge from client.
Area and Class: Please, read the following!
Vendor specific (HIMA) event attributes
Free user configurable
Area: The attribute name is "Area". The value is free configurable for each event source.
Type of the value is OLE string (VT_BSTR)
Class: The attribute name is "Class". Type of the value is 4-byte-integer (VT_I4)
Auto populated
AREAS: Auto populated for each notification with the actual area. The actual area means
the area provided by the existing auto area function. (VT_BSTR)
NEW VALUE: The actual value of the belonging source at the time of the notification.
The binary alarm properties must be filled as in case of simple discrete alarms. However
the selected binary alarm becomes one of the states of multi-state group. So it will be represented as a condition and its subcondition. Any other tag can also be configured as same
source to represent another condition and subcondition and so on. The names of conditions
and subconditions are user-defined and described in the text file AE_COND.INI.
This file should be placed in the A&E Server start directory (see example). This file is a hierarchical list of condition and subcondition names in the following structure:
[Condition1 Name]
Subcondition11 Name
Subcondition12 Name
SubCondition1Last Name
[Condition2 Name]
Subcondition21 Name
Subcondition22 Name
SubCondition2Last Name
Creates new empty configuration data without devices, groups and tags. The name of the
new configuration always will be Untitled.
Opens an existing configuration file. First the open dialog box will be displayed to select file
name and the file extension. The HIMA OPC configuration datafile has always .HIM file extension and saved in the Microsoft MFC 4.50 serialized format.
The configuration file contains the configuration data of defined ports, devices, groups and
tags and their connection hierarchy.
The OPC server program automatically saves the last configuration name and loads the
recently used configuration file during startup. It is very important when it was started by
any client program using OLE/DCOM calls or by NT Service Control Manager.
The current configuration file only can be changed when no client connected to the OPC
server parts. However the tag database (mostly the tags which are not in use) can be edited manually on-line. Be careful editing tags which are in use by any client program. It is
suggested avoiding this situation.
Saves the current configuration data into the .HIM configuration file lastly loaded. The current configuration name is shown on the caption of main application window. If the current
configuration file is Untitled the application will show the Save As dialog box to rename the
configuration to an another name instead of this reserved name.
Save function can be performed in any time it does not disturb the data monitoring or refresh functions..
Saves the current configuration data on a new name. The new configuration file name and
its extension can be selected from a dialog box named Save As. Default extension is the
.HIM. Confirming new selection the data will be saved in a new name in Microsoft MFC
4.50 serialized format and the new configuration name will appear on the main application
windows caption.
Imports a tag configuration information from a HIMA RES Documentation output text file. As
it contains only tag information but with device and group names the devices and groups
will be created in the requested hierarchy. As the file does not contain information about
these objects the devices and the groups must be parameterized manually after the importing process. The current configuration must be empty because all the tags from file will be
imported so tag duplication can happen.
RES documentation has the following format:
first line starts with RES word (after blanks) and contains HIMA project name finally,
The file contains no additional information like scaling, priority and message texts,
this has to be configured in the server.
Variable. This is a variable name in the HIMA ELOP II project.
Data. This is the data type of the variable using standard signs: INT, UINT, BOOL, REAL,
Read. Contains * sign if variable can be read externally (i.e.: exported in ELOP II).
Reimports the previously imported HIMA RES Documentation output file again to update
changes. Only the tags not existing will be created and added to the current configuration.
The tags deleted from the RES Docu file will be kept in the configuration.
Imports a tag configuration information from a CSV (comma delimited) text file. As it contains tag information with device and group names the devices and groups will be created
in the requested hierarchy. As the file does not contain information about these objects the
devices and the groups must be parameterized manually after the importing process. The
current configuration must be empty because all the tags from file will be imported so tag
duplication can happen.
The CSV file will contain all properties of tags as columns (without column header) in the
following order in case of analog tag:
Name, Description, Data type, Location, Access, InitValue, Conversion, RawMin,
RawMax, EngMin, EngMax, Unit, Normal Prty, Normal Text, LoLo Alarm Value, LoLo
Alarm Prty, LoLo Alarm Text, Low Alarm Value, Low Alarm Prty, Low Alarm Text,
High Alarm Value, High Alarm Prty, High Alarm Text, HiHi Alarm Value, HiHi Alarm
Prty, HiHi Alarm Text, Simulation type, Source, Condition, Subcondition, Attribute,
Process Low Value, Process High Value, Default Display, Normal Ack, LoLo Alarm
Ack, Low Alarm Ack, High Alarm Ack, HiHi Alarm Ack.
This will be the header line of the CSV file, too.
Reimports the previously imported CSV text file again to update changes. Only the tags not
existing will be created and added to the current configuration. The tags deleted from CSV
file will be kept in the configuration.
Exports the current tag configuration to a CSV (comma delimited) text file. Only the tags will
be exported with its full name (including device and group name hierarchy) and properties.
The property fields are delimited by comma characters. The output always overwrites the
existing CSV file.
The structure and the order of columns in the CSV file will be in the same as described at
Import CSV function.
Creates a new device and calls the Device Properties dialog box to define its properties.
The device must have a unique name, all other parameters can be filled freely. After closing
dialog box the defined device will appear in the tree view window between the devices. Following properties must be filled:
Name. The identifier of device. All tagnames of this device will begin with this name as a
Description. Long description of device.
Device Type. One of HIMA device types H41/51q and PLANAR 4 can be selected.
Event area. HIMA internal event area can be selected.
Initially read event status. It defines whether server should read the real status of HIMA
events during startup. If it is not checked these events will show their predefined initial value (configured on Scaling tab of Tag Property dialog). The real state will be shown on the
first state change in PES.
Com Ports. PC communication port for this device communication. In OPC Server version
2 there is a possibility to define redundant serial communication ports for each device. In
normal case the primary port is used. If permanent communication failure occurs on port
the server will switch to secondary port. In case of permanent communication failure here it
will switch back to the primary port.
These points will be grayed and cannot be changed when Modbus TCP connection is
checked. Otherwise these should be configured for using asynchron serial communication
Address. MODBUS RTU address for HIMA device between 1 and 31.
Tag scan. Scan rate for data tags in milliseconds.
Event scan. Scan rate for event stack in millisecond.
Timeout. Device communication timeout in millicseconds.
Time Sync. Time synchronization period from PC to HIMA device can be set. Time synchronization is possible at program/communication startup and periodically by some
minutes (max. 1440). Zero value will disable periodical time synchronization.
1. In case of serial Modbus RTU communication only for ONE in the OPC A&E
Server configured PLCs, which reside on the same bus, the time synchronization SHALL BE activated.
Background: With the used Modbus function code 70 for the time sync. the
PLCs are not addresses one by one, but via a broadcast transmission with the
time information. If, for all PLCs on one bus, the time syncronisation is activated for each one a broadcast is generated. This may/will led to
wrong/different time settings in the PLCs.
2. With ethernet based Modbus TCP Communication the syncronisation MUST (if
required) be activated for each PLC individually (no broadcast).
Creates a new group for the lastly selected device or group and calls the Group Properties
dialog box to define its parameters. The Group must have a unique name, all other parameters can be filled freely. After closing dialog box the defined group will appear in the tree
view window between the subgroups of the selected device or group.
Every group has two properties: a short identifier name and a long description. The identifier will be the part of tagnames connected to this group.
Creates a new tag for the lastly selected device or group and calls the Tag Properties dialog box to define its parameters. The tag must have a unique name, all other parameters
include the hardware connection location can be filled freely. After closing dialog box the
defined tag will appear in the list view window and its device or group will be active on the
tree view.
The tag configuration dialog box contains three property pages: connection, scaling and
alarm. The Connection property sheet contains the following properties:
Name. Short identified name of tag. This will be the final part of the qualified tagname
Description. Long description text of the tag.
Location. Over MODBUS location names: input status, output coil, input register or holding
register the event signal type can also be selected. The location numbers always start from
1 according to the MODBUS general terminology.
Data type. Raw data type in HIMA PES. For binary tags (input status, output coil or event
signal) always BOOL will be shown automatically. Registers can be INT, UINT, LONG,
ULONG or REAL data types.
Number of Bytes. It shows the length of the data item in bytes. Cannot be edited.
Def. Display. Default display name. It is a browsable property of this OPC DA tag.
Simulation. Defines the simulation signal type: None, Sine, Ramp or Random. It will be
used for generating tag values of simulated devices.
Access rights. There is a possibility to manually control the access of variables. Read access can be configured for any Modbus data but write access only for Output coils and
Holding Registers. For HIMA events the OPC A&E Server automatically generates read access, which cannot be changed by user.
The tags in the list view can be multiplied automatically if they have the continuous hardware connection location (for instance inputs or registers). The Multiply Tag dialog box will
appear. The base name will defined using the lastly selected tag name. The base name will
be extended with numbers with given decimal places (2 place enables maximum 100 tags,
3 place enables maximum 1000 tags, and so on). The first connection location also must be
defined and it will be continuously increased by one location for each tag. Finally the number of requested tags must be enter.
Be careful, duplicated tag names cannot be generated but duplicated connections can happened.
Several OPC Server working options can be set here. Some callback features, the trace file
options and the redundancy options are adjustable. The settings are stored in the registry
database under HKLM\Software\HIMA\HIMA A&E OPC Server key.
Server redundancy is a computer level property. The related properties will be stored in the
Windows registration database not in the configuration file. Following options must be filled:
Enable redundancy. Enables server redundancy feature.
Synchronization master. Either of PCs must be master and other must be slave. The realtime clock of PCs will be synchronized using the values of master Server clock.
Redundant Server. Name or IP address of redundant remote computer and the Gateway
interface IP address which is used to route the redundant server when the server computer
has more than one Ethernet interface installed.
Redundant servers are connected to each other using WinSock TCP/IP function on the
specified TCP Port. In case of installed firewalls on the server-PCs, the TCP Port has to be
released for full access.
Shutdown on disconnected. Presently not used.
Shutdown on comm. failure. If checked there will be a shutdown request sent to all client
applications after the configured time (in seconds), when a complete communication failure
(both communication channel failure for all devices) occurs. Client applications should release the OPC server on this shutdown request so OPC server will quit.
Communication retry. Number of consecutive unsuccessful communication transactions
after which the server will swap the active communication port to the secondary one and
generate the communication redundancy failure alarm (if configured) and complete communication failure alarm (if configured and the second interface is also in failure status.
Cuts the currently selected object i.e. copies it into the clipboard and remove from its place.
Only the single objects can be cut. If the object is a group or device its subgroups or tags
will not be copied into the clipboard but will be deleted from the tree view.
Copies the currently selected object with its properties into the clipboard but will not remove
it from its place. Only single objects can be copied. If the object is a group or device its
subgroups or tags will not be copied together with their parent object.
Inserts the object, which previously had been cut or copied to the clipboard. The object can
only be pasted between the same type objects as itself is. Otherwise nothing will be happened.
Deletes the currently selected object(s) form the tree view or list view. If some tag(s) were
selected they will be simply deleted form the list. If a device(s) or group(s) were selected all
they will be deleted and with all objects contained by them.
Calls the Port Configuration dialog box to set the port parameters. COM1...COM16 ports
can be adjusted. For each port the baud rate, parity, data and stop bits and the flow control
can be set similarly the Windows port configuration dialog. The default values are the most
probably used values in the practice.
The following properties must be filled:
The properties of the currently selected object in the tree view or list view can be edited. If a
device is selected the Device Property dialog box will appear. If the group is selected the
Group Property dialog box will appear. If a tag is selected on the list view the Tag Property dialog box will appear. This item will be shown in the local menu of the selected object,
The communication with existing devices can be tested and tag information can be received directly. Clicking here will switched on or off this function as it will be checked on the
menu panel. If it has started the currently requested tags will be scanned by the I/O scanner. Currently requested tags are the tags currently seen on the application list view window on the right side. If the device containing them has been checked as simulated I/O device the simulation will be provided for tags. If this device checked as a real I/O (no simulation) the serial port scanner will build poll messages and scan the device through the serial
port has defined for connection.
The value of the scanned tags will appear on the list view in the Value column. If there is a
scanning problem the Uncertain if there is a communication error Bad qualifier will be
shown near the value. Otherwise the value is a really scanned and good value.
The timestamp (date and time) of the actually scanned tags will appear on the list view in
the Timestamp column.
This dialog box can be activated only when PES communication is active. In this case any
selected device communication statistics can be monitored: the number of sent and received communication messages and communication timeouts or errors. It is monitored on
device level and on communication port level too. Both of redundant ports data and the current port swap selection can be seen here. If Ethernet communication (Modbus TCP connection) is selected for a device - the primary and secondary IP addresses and their statistics will be shown instead of serial port names.
This dialog box always can be activated and it shows the number of all devices and tags in
the current configuration and the main client connection information: the number of connections and the information refreshing objects (which is a group in a Data Access server and
the subscription in Alarm/Event servers):
The existence of the status bar at the bottom of the main application window will be
switched on or off. This means that it will be shown or hidden as it is checked on the menu
panel. This status bar is used for displaying some information for current actions to help
The WinHelp-style help file in English language can be activated and displayed from here.
The default name of the English Help file is HIMAOPC_E.HLP. This file must be in the
home directory of the HIMA OPC Server (default installation path is: Program
The WinHelp-style help file in German language can be activated and displayed from here.
The default name of the German Help file is HIMAOPC_D.HLP. This file must be in the
home directory of the HIMA OPC Server (default installation path is: Program
The About box contains program name, version and the license information items: user
name, company name and current program serial number used during installation.
Version 1.3