University of Glasgow: Thursday, May 10, 2007 2:30p.m. - 4:15p.m

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Thursday, May 10, 2007

2:30p.m. 4:15p.m.

University of Glasgow
DEGREES OF M.Sc., P.G. Dip., M.Sci., M.Eng., B.Eng., B.Sc., M.A. and
M.A. (Social Sciences)


(Answer 3 out of 4 questions)



Consider a system of three independent preemptable periodic tasks:

T1 = (8, 1), T2 = (6, 3), and T3 = (12, 1)
All jobs have phase equal to zero, and relative deadline equal to their period. Is
this system schedulable using the Earliest Deadline First algorithm? Explain your


The system from part (a) must be modified such that the relative deadline of T3 is
shorter than its period. What is the shortest relative deadline for T3 that still
allows the system to be scheduled? Explain your answer.


The set of independent preemptable periodic tasks described in part (a) are to be
re-implemented on a system that supports only fixed priority scheduling. Which
scheduling algorithm would you prefer: rate monotonic or deadline monotonic?
Justify your answer.


The system from part (c) is to be implemented on a real time operating system
that provides a scheduling interface conforming to POSIX 1003.1b. Outline the
features of this interface, describe the scheduling policies that it provides, and
explain the differences between those policies.


Discuss how would you use the features of POSIX 1003.1b to implement the
scheduling algorithm chosen in part (c).

Summer Diet


Continued Overleaf/



One technique for scheduling aperiodic jobs in a fixed priority system involves
the use of a bandwidth-preserving server. Explain how such a server is used to
schedule aperiodic jobs, and discuss why it is preferable to use a bandwidthpreserving server instead of running the aperiodic jobs in a background task.


Two simple types of bandwidth-preserving server are the polling server and the
deferrable server. Describe how each of these algorithms works in terms of the
parameters of the server task Ts = (, p, e, D), server release times, and the budget
consumption and replenishment rules.


You are designing a system that must support a mix of periodic tasks and
aperiodic jobs. You have the choice of using a polling server or a deferrable
server to support the aperiodic jobs. Which would you use? Explain why.


How can sporadic jobs be scheduled in a fixed priority system including a

number of periodic tasks? Your answer should explain how the sporadic jobs are
scheduled, outline how the acceptance test for new sporadic jobs works, and
explain how you can prove that the periodic tasks meet their deadlines.

Summer Diet


Continued Overleaf/



You have been given the task of implementing a voice-over-IP application, to

support interactive telephone calls over the Internet. The specification calls for
the application to use UDP/IP as the transport protocol for the voice data, rather
than TCP/IP. Explain why this is the correct choice of transport.


On deploying the voice-over-IP application, you find that IP phone calls to some
users fail, because they have a firewall that prevents UDP/IP traffic, but allows
TCP/IP. You implement an alternative system, using TCP/IP for the voice traffic,
to allow those users to communicate. Under what conditions do you expect the
TCP/IP-based alternative to have acceptable real-time behaviour? Explain why.


Some time later, you are involved in the implementation of a streaming Internet
radio station. Will a TCP/IP-based transport work better for the radio station than
for the interactive voice application? Justify your answer.


Your answers to parts (a)(c) of this question have touched on some problems
that can occur when running real time applications over IP networks. These, and
the other problems with such systems, occur because IP was not architected to
provide timing guarantees to networked applications. Given this seemingly
fundamental limitation, explain why so many companies are adopting voice-overIP solutions, and discuss how IP networks could evolve to better support real
time applications.

Summer Diet


Continued Overleaf/



Summer Diet

In his paper Absolutely Positively on Time: What Would it Take? (IEEE

Computer, July 2005, pages 85-87), Edward A. Lee argues that many recent
computing advances do more harm than good when embedded computing
systems absolutely must meet tight timing constraints. Discuss this argument,
comparing the facilities provided by Real Time Specification for Java (and its
associated virtual machine), with those in the traditional framework of C and a
POSIX compliant operating system.



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