Alan Aragon Research Review

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Fitness information is available everywhere in the publi

c domain, but sifting out the good stuff from the junk can be an expensive waste
of time. This is especially true with the internet, which is absolutely saturat
ed with pseudoscience and obnoxious marketing. On the other hand, there's the le
gitimate information in the peer-reviewed scientific literature. The problem is,
science can only work on bits and pieces at a time, and the big picture gets lo
st among the details. Real-world applications of the findings are often missing
from the studies. Not to mention, the way they're written works better than slee
p narcotics.
As a solution, I've developed a unique educational resource to make learning an
engaging and practical experience, without diluting or oversimplifying the data.
Content Overview: Alan Aragon's Research Review (AARR) is an unbiased monthly c
ritical analysis and application of the latest research pertaining to nutrition,
exercise, and supplementation. This journal is designed to help the reader deve
lop a solid understanding of important topics in fitness that are widely misunde
rstood. Overall, the goal is to provide a unique science & practice-based, multi
-topic, bias-free, commercial-free, in-depth, ongoing resource of information.
Enhanced Navigation: The table of contents provides direct links to each study
within the issue. Every section and study is internally bookmarked. This means t
hat you can click on the "bookmarks" tab (vertically positioned near the top lef
t side of the screen) and navigate through the journal effortlessly.
View the AARR Index of articles here.
View a an extract from the Review: Kudos to my friend Eric Helms for doing such
a great job on this article.
Format: Each issue will be sectioned as follows:
Editor's Cut -- A comprehensive review article that covers the full range of det
ails of the given topic. It's fully referenced, and includes a summary & applica
tion section.
Nutrition & Exercise Research -- Just what the title denotes. Some research look
s at nutrition or exercise individually, and some of it is combined. Strengths,
limitations, and applications of the research released in the current month is e
Supplementation Research -- Same format as above, but I look at all the wonderfu
l powders, pills, & potions on the market.
Less Recent Gems -- Just because research is more than a month old doesn't make
it less important. In fact, it's the collective body of research that shapes our
current beliefs and practices, so this section of the review is just as importa
nt as the sections covering the late-breaking stuff.
In The Lay Press -- Fitness articles outside of the scientific literature that I
find interesting or provocative are critically evaluated.
Good Question -- In this section, I choose a subscriber's question to answer indepth.
No Financial Bias: AARR is completely self-sponsored and free of obligations to
promote any product whatsoever.
Subscriber Support & Feedback: Unlike typical academic subscriptions, AARR is n
ot an impersonal experience. If you ever have a question, comment, concern, or s
uggestion, you can contact [email protected] and receive prompt support.
Low Cost, No Risk: $10.00 per month gets you a wealth of practical, relevant, s
uper-current information from multiple scientific journals right at your fingert
ips, which my staff and I will do all the legwork to obtain. Once you join, your
monthly subscription dues will be automatically debited. You have complete cont

rol of canceling your subscription at any point. Cancelation can be done on your
own by following the simple steps in this link, or you may contact us to do it
for you. Your commitment and risk are virtually nonexistent.
"There is a glaring deficiency of honest, evidence-based, and un-faddish informa
tion available to fitness and nutrition professionals and the public at large. E
nter the AARR. Nowhere (and I mean NOWHERE) will you find such a winning combina
tion of cutting edge research interspersed with perspicacious commentary and rea
l-life application. I have yet to see anyone tackle the most controversial, divi
ded and relevant health and performance issues with the same depth, scrutiny and
objectivity as Alan... Since subscribing, I feel as though I have armed myself
with an untapped dimension of knowledge." - Mike Howard
"Just wanted to say thank you for the AARR. I know you must get comments like th
is all the time but it's legitimately the best source of information available.
Thank you so much. You've impacted me, and thus everyone whom I work with, more
than you could possibly imagine." - Jordan Syatt
If you need an extra nudge to subscribe by seeing more unsolicited feedback (wit
h linked sources), I've created a separate testimonial page here.
Terms & Conditions: Subscription terms & conditions are on a separate page to e
nsure everyone reads them before subscribing. To take the next step, click the b
utton below, you'll find the sign up button at the bottom of the page.

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