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Ledermix Paste and Ledermix Cement

Tried Tested Trusted



Table of Contents



One of the most common reasons for patients to seek dental care is the presence of
pain. There can be many reasons for oral and dental pain but the most common pain
conditions in general dental practice are usually related to pulp and periapical diseases.
These conditions have a variety of clinical presentations depending on the particular
disease condition.1,2 The pain can range from being a very mild, occasional ache to a
spontaneous, very intense, severe and continuous pain.

The LEDERMIX Materials.......................................................................5

How do the LEDERMIX Materials Work?...............................................7

Pharmacokinetics of the LEDERMIX Materials.................................... 8

Indications for Use.............................................................................13

Ledermix paste.............................................................................. 13

Ledermix cement........................................................................... 15

Directions for Use...............................................................................16

Ledermix paste.............................................................................. 16

Time of Use.................................................................................. 18

Ledermix cement........................................................................... 19


Acute reversible pulpitis is a common although not very painful condition. It is generally
characterized by reactions to extreme temperature changes in the mouth such as those
caused by eating or drinking very hot or very cold foods and drinks typical examples
are ice cream and hot coffee or tea. The pain is typically short and sharp in nature, and it
disappears almost immediately after the stimulus is removed from the tooth in question.1
Reversible pulpitis is usually a result of bacterial invasion of the tooth such invasion
typically occurs via caries, breakdown of a restoration, cracks in the tooth, fracture of the
tooth or restoration.1
Acute irreversible pulpitis is one of the most severe dental pain conditions and it is
characterized by a sharp intense pain (typically associated with mild temperature changes
such as tap water) which then becomes a dull lingering pain. The tooth may be sore to
bite on or even just to light touch. The pain can be spontaneous, may be worse when the
patient is lying down and it may wake them at night.1 Acute irreversible pulpitis is usually
a result of bacterial invasion of the tooth such invasion typically occurs via caries,
breakdown of a restoration, cracks in the tooth, fracture of the tooth or restoration.1
Acute apical periodontitis is an inflammatory condition within the periapical tissues
and it is usually a result of either inflammation in the pulp (i.e. pulpitis) or an infection
within the root canal system. Infected root canal systems can occur when there is a
necrotic pulp, when the tooth is pulpless or when the tooth has had previous endodontic
treatment.2 The infection within the root canal system is a result of bacterial invasion of
the tooth and this can occur via the same pathways mentioned above for pulpitis.1,2 In
addition, the infection may be a result of bacteria that have survived previous endodontic
treatment procedures. The pain associated with acute apical periodontitis is characterized
by the tooth being very sore to bite on. Occasionally, there may be some swelling of the
overlying mucosa.2
Acute apical abscesses can also cause severe pain. Such teeth are extremely tender
to even just light biting pressure. There will be swelling which is tender to palpation and


the patient may feel generally unwell with increased body temperature and lymph node
involvement. An apical abscess is a sequel to an infected root canal system and apical
periodontitis so the same pathways for bacterial invasion are the original cause of the
disease process. Apical abscesses can progress to become facial cellulitis so this condition
requires immediate and comprehensive management to avoid further complications.2
Management of the above conditions requires a thorough and accurate diagnosis of the
disease conditions and an evaluation of what has caused these diseases. The cause must
be identified so it can be removed as the first stage of treating the patient.3 Attempts to
manage the pain just with analgesics and/or antibiotics are not appropriate and usually
have little effect.4
All teeth with pulp and periapical disease should be carefully evaluated during the initial
examination and early treatment phases to determine whether the tooth is suitable for
further restoration3 - if there is insufficient tooth structure remaining and the tooth is
not suitable for further restoration, then extraction should be considered. Otherwise,
conservative pulp therapy or endodontic treatment should be considered.
Teeth with reversible pulpitis can usually be managed by removing the irritant from the
tooth and restoring it to normal function although the adjunctive use of a therapeutic
material on exposed pulp and/or dentine can be advantageous in relieving pain for the
Teeth with irreversible pulpitis should also be managed by removing the cause of the
diseases as well as by removing the inflamed pulp.1 This treatment can be enhanced by
placing an intracanal medicament to ensure effective and rapid pain relief.5,6
Teeth with infected root canal systems should be managed by debridement of the debris
from within the root canal followed by the placement of an intracanal medicament which
will lead to effective and rapid pain relief.2,5-8 Previously root-filled teeth will require
removal of the root filling before debridement can be done.
As outlined above, an intracanal medicament should be used as an adjunct to the
mechanical phases of root canal treatment.5,6,9 There are two major functions of
medicaments namely, anti-inflammatory action and antimicrobial action.6,9 These two
actions address the primary problems encountered with pulp and periapical diseases
which helps to ensure effective and rapid pain relief for patients. Other functions
of medicaments include the inhibition of clastic cells that are responsible for root
resorption,10,11 and the stimulation of hard tissue repair (such as bone and cementum).5,6,9




The LEDERMIX materials were developed in 1960 by Prof. Andre Schroeder from
Switzerland. There is a paste form and a cement form of this material. Both of these
materials have been widely researched and used extensively in clinical practice since
becoming commercially available in 1962. A wide range of researchers and clinicians
have investigated and reported the use of these materials. A partial list of these articles
is included in this booklet7,8,10-27 and readers should be aware that there are numerous
other articles in the dental literature which support the use of these materials.
Although the two forms of Ledermix have different uses in Dentistry, they have two
common active components, triamcinolone (a corticosteroid) and demeclocycline (a
tetracycline antibiotic). The bases in which these components are presented dictate the
way each material is used and their indications for use.
LEDERMIX Paste is formulated to be used as an intracanal medicament with a watersoluble paste base.18 It is presented as a single paste in a tube so there is no need to mix
this material prior to use.28
LEDERMIX Cement is a hard-setting material for use on dentine as a lining, as a pulp
capping agent and as a pulpotomy agent.16 This material is presented as a powder and
a liquid that must be mixed immediately prior to use in a tooth.28 There are two forms of
the liquid component a fast-setting formulation and a normal setting formulation and
the majority of the liquid is eugenol (85%).27,28 The powder component contains zinc oxide
(47.2%) and calcium hydroxide with the latter making up 33.4% of the powder.27 Once
the powder and liquid are mixed, the cement is a zinc oxide-eugenol cement containing
triamcinolone, demeclocycline and calcium hydroxide as its active ingredients.27
Triamcinolone is used in the LEDERMIX materials because of its anti-inflammatory
action which assists with rapid pain relief following the commencement of treatment. It
also inhibits clastic cells (osteoclasts, cementoclasts and dentinoclasts) and therefore it
can be used to manage root resorption.6,10,11 The triamcinolone is present in LEDERMIX
Paste at a concentration of 1.0%9,18 and in LEDERMIX Cement at a concentration of


How do the
Demeclocycline is used for its antimicrobial action and it also has some limited ability to
inhibit the clastic cells involved in root resorption.6,10,11 It is present in LEDERMIX Paste at
a concentration of 3.21%9,18 and in LEDERMIX Cement at a concentration of 2.0%.16,27
The purpose of this manual is to provide dentists with information and directions to assist
them in their endodontic treatment through the use of LEDERMIX Paste.


Materials Work?

In general, LEDERMIX Paste has two main therapeutic actions as a result of its two active
components one reduces inflammation whilst the other reduces the viable microbial
flora within the root canal system.5,6,9 A further therapeutic action is by inhibition of clastic
cells when managing inflammatory root resorption.10,11
The pain associated with pulp and periapical diseases is a result of inflammation of
the pulp and/or periapical tissues.1,2 Hence, in order to reduce the patients pain, it
is essential to remove the cause of the inflammation.6 In addition, reduction of the
inflammatory reaction will help to reduce pain more rapidly.5,6
The management of acute irreversible pulpitis can be greatly enhanced by placing
LEDERMIX Paste in the root canal system after the inflamed pulp has been removed.6
The LEDERMIX Paste can then work by the direct contact and anti-inflammatory action
of the triamcinolone component on any remaining pulp tissue. It can also act by diffusing
through the apical foramen of the root canal to the periapical tissues which may also
be inflamed.18 Direct action by the triamcinolone component on these tissues can help
to reduce the inflammation that is present. Furthermore, the demeclocycline component
can provide some useful antimicrobial action in pulpitis cases as there may be bacteria
within the inflamed pulp (although insufficient for the pulp to have necrosed and become
The management of pain associated with infected root canal systems can also be
enhanced by placing LEDERMIX Paste in the root canal following initial debridement of
the canals.6,7,8 In these cases, the LEDERMIX Paste has dual functions. The first function
is similar to the direct action described above for pulpitis cases where the triamcinolone
diffuses through the apical foramen to the inflamed periapical tissues to help reduce the
inflammation there.18 The second function is the inhibition of bacteria within the root
canal system.9
Periapical diseases are usually a result of bacterial invasion of the root canal system.2
Initially, the pulp may become inflamed through direct bacterial invasion of the pulp or
as a reaction to the bacterial metabolic by-products and endotoxins diffusing through the
dentinal tubules to irritate the pulp.1 Once the bacteria have invaded the pulp space, they
progress through the entire tooth root and root canal system. The root canal system is a
very complex maze of places where bacteria can establish colonies. The root canal system
consists of the root canals themselves, lateral canals, accessory canals, interconnections
between the main canals, fins, and dentinal tubules.9 Hence, the bacteria can exist in


Antimicrobial irrigants may reach some of the bacteria beyond the main canals but
irrigants are typically only used for a short period of time and therefore their effectiveness
is somewhat limited.9 In order to reach all areas of the root canal system, adequate
time is required for diffusion of the antimicrobial substance though the dentine this
requires at least several hours but days and even weeks for most materials to reach their
full potential and to be effective.18 Studies have shown that the major components of
LEDERMIX Paste will diffuse through the tooth root when the paste is placed in the root
canal as a medicament. This diffusion can persist for up to six weeks in adult teeth.18
Studies of LEDERMIX Cement have also shown that the triamcinolone can diffuse into
the pulp space when placed in a coronal cavity.16,27

the higher initial concentration in the paste (3.21% compared to 1% for triamcinolone)
and the effects of the tetracycline binding with the calcium of the dentine. This latter
effect helps to maintain the drug in the dentine for a longer period of time which is
advantageous and provides some antimicrobial substantivity.18,29

all parts of the tooth root, many of which are inaccessible to mechanical endodontic
procedures such as filing and irrigation.9



Pharmacokinetics of the LEDERMIX Materials

The active components of LEDERMIX Paste, triamcinolone and demeclocycline, are
released from the preparation following placement in the root canal.18 They then diffuse
through the main root canals themselves, lateral canals, accessory canals, interconnections
between the main canals, fins, and dentinal tubules.18 These components exit the tooth
root via any openings such as the apical foramina or lateral canal foramina, as well as via
diffusion through the cementum.20 The rate of diffusion is affected by factors such as the
presence of smear layer on the canal walls, the presence of cementum, the permeability
of the dentine and cementum, the size and structure of the molecules that are diffusing,
the initial amount of paste used and the concentrations of the components.18,20
The majority of both active components are released within the first few days18-20 and this
ensures rapid action and particularly pain relief for the patient. Diffusion will continue
at a progressively reducing rate and therapeutic amounts are released for up to about
six weeks in adult teeth, based on an in vitro study.18 In that study, after application of
radioactively-marked LEDERMIX Paste into prepared root canals of freshly extracted
teeth, release and diffusion of demeclocycline and triamcinolone through dentine could
be detected after one hour (Fig.1). The triamcinolone had a slight increase in release
and diffusion over the next seven hours and then it decreased gradually until about
six weeks when it could no longer be detected at therapeutically-useful amounts. The
demeclocycline had a much greater initial rate of release and diffusion, and this reduced
steadily over the first day before slowing to a gradual decrease for up to 14 weeks.18
The different pattern of release and diffusion of demeclocycline is likely to be a result of




1 Day

3 Days

10 Days

31 Days 14 Weeks

Fig. 1 - Mean rates of release and diffusion (pmol/min) through

human tooth roots of the active components of LEDERMIX Paste
(from Abbott et al18)
In the same study,18 the concentration of demeclocycline within the root dentine was also
measured. By the end of the first day, a concentration of 200 g/ml was found in the
dentine close to the root canal. A concentration gradient occurred across the dentine with
concentrations of 21 g/ml in the middle layer of dentine and 17 g/ml in the dentine
adjacent to the cementum. After one week, these concentrations reduced by a factor of
about ten in all levels of the dentine. The concentration of demeclocycline in the dentine
is high enough to inhibit most endodontic bacteria in the dentine immediately adjacent
to the root canal in the first few days. However, the levels reached further out in the
dentine and over longer periods was not sufficient to inhibit most bacteria that are likely
to be present.18 Hence, further antimicrobial strategies (e.g. the use of calcium hydroxide)
should be employed to ensure complete disinfection of the root canal system prior to
placement of the root canal filling.6
LEDERMIX Paste can also be used in a coronal cavity as a sedative dressing under a
temporary restoration in cases of reversible pulpitis. The triamcinolone and demeclocycline




have been shown to be released and diffuse through coronal dentine to reach the pulp
space.19 The demeclocycline release reached its peak rate after two hours and then
dropped throughout the remainder of the first day to a rate that was maintained for at
least 8 days (Fig.2). The triamcinolone reached its maximum release rate in the period
between 2 to 8 hours and then dropped over the next two days and had almost been
completely eliminated by the end of the eighth day.19

the crack and caries followed by the placement of Ledermix cement and an interim glass
ionomer restoration, complete resolution of symptoms occurred immediately in 71% of
the patients. A further 21% of cases had resolution of the symptoms within 1 day, 6% took
2 days and 3% took 3 days. On follow-up after three months, 98% of the teeth showed
signs of the pulpitis having completely resolved and the pulps had returned to a clinically
normal state (Fig 4).27



Percent of Release











1 Day

2 Days

4 Days

8 Days




2 Days

28 Days

Fig. 2 - Mean rates of release and diffusion (pmol/min) through

coronal dentine of the active components of LEDERMIX Paste
(from Abbott et al19)

Fig. 3 - Percentage release and diffusion through coronal dentine

of triamcinolone from Ledermix Cement in three experimental
teeth (A, B, C) and one control tooth (with no Ledermix cement)
(Adapted from Hume & Kenney16)

As outlined above, LEDERMIX Cement is a hard-setting material. It can be used as

a sedative dressing or lining under temporary or definitive restorations in teeth with
reversible pulpitis with or without pulp exposures.16,27,28 As it is a hard-setting cement, it
is preferred for this situation rather than using the paste form. LEDERMIX Cement has
been shown to release triamcinolone which then diffuses through the dentine to reach
the pulp space.16 Approximately 70% of the triamcinolone is released by the end of the
first day and the remainder is released by the end of the third day following application
to a cavity floor (Fig 3).16 The results of this in vitro study are consistent with a clinical
study27 of the use of Ledermix cement as an indirect pulp capping or lining material in 85
teeth with reversible pulpitis due to the presence of cracks in the teeth. After removal of

After the triamcinolone is released from LEDERMIX Cement, the remaining cement
is essentially a zinc oxide-eugenol material with calcium hydroxide. Both of these
components have well known and researched therapeutic effects on the pulp. Calcium
hydroxide has beneficial effects on the healing of dental pulps and the formation of
reactionary/reparative dentine30,31 whilst the eugenol can be both anti-inflammatory and
anti-bacterial,32-34 depending on the concentration reaching the dentine and pulp as it is
released by progressive hydrolysis occurring at the cavity floor.




Pulp necrosis
1 tooth


Indications for Use

Pulpitis continued
1 tooth

Pulpitis resolved
83 teeth

LEDERMIX Paste is indicated for use

as an intracanal medicament in teeth
undergoing root canal treatment5,6 in
the following situations:
Acute irreversible pulpitis.
 cute apical periodontitis due to an infected root canal system. Other medicaments
then need to be used as subsequent dressings (e.g. calcium hydroxide) to ensure
maximum disinfection since the demeclocycline has a limited antibacterial spectrum
of activity.
Inflammatory root resorption - both internal and external - as the initial dressing
when the resorption is established. Other medicaments then need to be used as
subsequent dressings (e.g. calcium hydroxide) to promote hard tissue repair.

Fig. 4 - 97.6% of teeth treated with Ledermix Cement had their

Reversible Pulpitis resolved. Pulp status at the three-month review
for 85 teeth that had conservative pulp treatment with Ledermix
cement. (Adapted from Abbott & Leow27)

 o prevent the development of inflammatory resorption10,11,35 following avulsion of
fully developed teeth and other injuries (e.g. intrusion of fully developed teeth) where
this type of resorption is likely to occur. Its use in these situations may also reduce the
amount of replacement resorption that can occur following these injuries.35
 o reduce post-operative pain by reducing the periapical inflammation.7,8 If the pain
is associated with an infected root canal system, then other medicaments then need
to be used as subsequent dressings (e.g. calcium hydroxide) to ensure maximum
disinfection since the demeclocycline has a limited antibacterial spectrum of activity.
 o inhibit & reduce the number of bacteria within infected root canals. Other
medicaments then need to be used as subsequent dressings (e.g. calcium hydroxide)
to ensure maximum disinfection since the demeclocycline has a limited antibacterial
spectrum of activity.
LEDERMIX Paste can also be used as a pulpotomy agent in the emergency management
of acute irreversible pulpitis5,6 - in these cases, it should only be used as an interim
pain relief measure that must be followed by more comprehensive treatment such as
pulpectomy and root canal therapy.




LEDERMIX Paste can be used in both deciduous and permanent teeth for the above
NOTE: LEDERMIX Paste can be used in conjunction with calcium hydroxide in order to
improve the overall disinfection of the root canal system.36,37 As mentioned above, the
antibacterial spectrum of demeclocycline is limited, particularly in the peripheral parts
of the root dentine and over time. Calcium hydroxide can be mixed with the LEDERMIX
Paste (as an approximate 50:50 mixture)5,6,36,37 or it can be used as a separate
subsequent dressing in the canal.5,6 If the calcium hydroxide is being mixed with the
LEDERMIX Paste, then the formulation of calcium hydroxide will dictate how this should
be done,5,6 as follows:
 alcium hydroxide in a saline-based paste approximately equal amounts of the
LEDERMIX Paste and the calcium hydroxide paste can be mixed on a glass slab or
on a mixing pad. The mixture can then be inserted into the canal in the same manner
as when placing LEDERMIX Paste alone.
 alcium hydroxide in a methylcellulose-based paste the LEDERMIX Paste should
be placed into the root canal by itself with the spiral filler or hand file (as described
above although less will be required). Then, the calcium hydroxide paste should be
placed into the canal in the same way and whilst doing so, the two pastes are mixed
together inside the canal. This method is recommended because the methylcellulose
base in these pastes causes the mixture to become quite thick or gluggy and
therefore it is difficult to insert to the full length of the root canal as it does not flow
 alcium hydroxide powder the powder can be mixed into the LEDERMIX Paste
prior to insertion of the mixture into the root canal. The powder will cause the paste to
become thicker and therefore it may be more difficult to spin down the canal with a
spiral filler as it will not flow as easily.


NOTE: LEDERMIX Cement is NOT suitable for use in teeth with
irreversible pulpitis - such teeth require pulpectomy and root canal
therapy, or extraction. Hence, an accurate diagnosis is essential
and should be based on a thorough history, clinical examination,
pulp sensibility tests and periapical radiograph(s).
LEDERMIX Cement is indicated for use15,16,27,38-44 in the following
 or the management of reversible pulpitis in both deciduous
and permanent teeth by indirect pulp capping that is, where
there has not been a pulp exposure.
 or the management of reversible pulpitis in both deciduous and permanent teeth
by direct pulp capping or as a pulpotomy agent where the pulp has been exposed.
In this situation, the clinician must decide whether to perform a direct pulp cap or a
pulpotomy - this will depend on many factors including the age of the patient, status
of the tooth, the size of the exposure, the type of restoration required, which tooth is
being treated and its strategic value, financial considerations, etc.
 se as a lining or indirect pulp capping material in asymptomatic teeth with deep
carious cavities prior to placing a restoration in order to reduce the inflammation that
may have been present due to the caries and also to reduce the inflammatory effects
of the operative procedures.
 se to cement interim crowns following preparation of the tooth for a crown
restoration in order to reduce the inflammatory effects of the operative procedures.
 se as a root filling material in deciduous teeth with irreversible pulpitis or an infected
root canal system following thorough canal cleaning and preparation.





Directions for Use

The two methods of application of LEDERMIX Paste are as follows:


1. F
 or narrow or unprepared canals use a small hand file to place the paste (e.g.
at an emergency appointment for pain relief when there has been insufficient time
available to enlarge/biomechanically prepare the canals).5,6

When used as an intracanal medicament, LEDERMIX Paste can be placed into the canal
in two ways. The method chosen will depend on the size of the canal and whether it has
been enlarged at all.5,6 The aim is to fill as much of the root canal space as possible with
the paste so the maximum amount possible is placed. The paste needs to be in contact
with the dentine walls of the root canal to ensure diffusion through the dentine.5,6,18,20
It is extremely important to ensure that NONE of the paste touches the access cavity walls
or remains in the coronal part of the tooth as this can lead to discolouration of the tooth
structure45,46 with resultant aesthetic complications for the patient. Although tetracycline
staining can be removed via internal bleaching following endodontic treatment, it is
highly desirable and advantageous to avoid discolouration by very careful placement of
the paste. The paste only needs to be in the root canal and not in the pulp chamber in
order to achieve its therapeutic effects.

Temporary filling

2. F
 or large canals and canals that have been biomechanically prepared/
enlarged use a spiral filler rotating in a low-speed handpiece to insert the paste.5,6

o P
 lace a very small amount of the paste on the end of the spiral filler only
2-3mm of the spiral filler needs to be covered with the paste.

o Insert the spiral filler into the canal and then start the handpiece spinning in the
forward (i.e. clockwise) direction. The spiral filler should not be rotated until it has
been fully inserted into the canal in order to avoid the paste being placed in the
pulp chamber of the tooth.

o T
 he spiral filler should be kept 3-4 mm short of the canals Working Length and
a very low speed is recommended.

o U
 se the spiral filler with an in and out pumping action that is, move it up and
down inside the canal but only move it 2-3 mm vertically each time. At the same
time, keep spinning it in the forward direction.

o K
 eep spinning the spiral filler at a low speed as you remove it from the canal so
it keeps pushing the paste material down into the canals and it does not draw the
paste back out of the canal with the instrument. This will minimise the possibility
of the paste being placed in the pulp chamber, and subsequent discolouration of
the tooth.

o If any excess paste is inadvertently left in the pulp chamber, remove it with an
excavator and then wipe the pulp chamber clean with a dry sterile cotton pellet.

Cotton wool pellet

in the root canal

o P
 lace a very small amount of LEDERMIX Paste on a small file (e.g. size 10 or 15
Hedstrm file) and insert the file into the canal as far as possible without forcing
the instrument. Use a slight anti-clockwise rotation action (approximately oneeighth turn maximum) and an in and out vertical pumping action (i.e. move
the file 2-3 mm vertically). The slight rotation wipes some of the paste off the file
by contact with the canal wall whilst the vertical movement helps to distribute the
paste over the canal wall. Remove the file and repeat this process with another
very small amount of paste on the file.

Apical periodontitis





Time of Use


Since LEDERMIX Paste releases its active components over a period of time, it has a
limited time of therapeutic use.5,6,18,20 This applies in all of the situations where LEDERMIX
Paste is indicated for use. There are minimum and maximum times that this paste should
be used for.

The powder and liquid components of LEDERMIX Cement must be mixed immediately
prior to use.28 The powder can be mixed with either the Normal Set or the Fast Set
liquid, according to the dentists preferences and the clinical situation. The setting time
with both forms of liquid will be dependent on the thickness of the mix i.e. the more
powder that is used, the faster the setting time.28 The powder:liquid ratio is not critical
to the performance of the material and generally a creamy-like consistency should be
used. There are no special mixing requirements although it is advisable to progressively
add small amounts of powder in order to gauge the thickness of the mixture as it is being
mixed. This will avoid wastage that can occur if too much powder is added at one time.

 INIMUM TIME OF USE: Although most of the release and diffusion of the
components occurs within the first few days,18 the minimum time of use should be
TWO WEEKS since inflamed tissue needs at least 10-14 days for the inflammation
to resolve and for the tissues to heal initially.5
 AXIMUM TIME OF USE: The maximum time of effective use of LEDERMIX Paste
in adult teeth is about SIX WEEKS. After this, the remaining concentrations of the
active components are very low and insufficient to provide a therapeutic effect. In
young teeth with wider dentinal tubules and open apical foramina, a shorter period
of time of action should be expected.5,18
IDEAL TIME OF USE: The ideal time of use of LEDERMIX Paste is between FOUR
and SIX WEEKS since bone repair can take longer than two weeks.5,6

o As an intracanal medicament for acute irreversible pulpitis: 4-6 weeks.

o A
 s an intracanal medicament for acute apical periodontitis due to an infected
root canal system: 4-6 weeks.

o A
 s an intracanal medicament for inflammatory root resorption - both internal
and external - as the initial dressing when the resorption is established: 6 weeks
followed by a further application of fresh paste for another 6 weeks.

o A
 s an intracanal medicament to prevent the development of inflammatory
resorption following avulsion of fully developed teeth and other injuries (e.g.
intrusion of fully developed teeth) where this type of resorption is likely to occur:
6 weeks followed by a further application of fresh paste for another 6

o A
 s an intracanal medicament to reduce post-operative pain by reducing the
periapical inflammation: 4-6 weeks.

o A
 s an intracanal medicament to inhibit & reduce the number of bacteria within
infected root canals: 4-6 weeks.

o A
 s a pulpotomy agent in the emergency management of acute irreversible
pulpitis: 4-6 weeks.

Methods of application for LEDERMIX Cement are:

1. F
 or the management of reversible pulpitis in both deciduous and permanent
teeth by indirect pulp capping that is, where there has not been a pulp exposure.
Mix the powder and liquid to form a creamy paste-like mixture. Place this mix on
the dentine and allow it to set hard. Then place a suitable restoration as required
for the particular tooth. In some cases, the dentist may choose to place an interim
or temporary restoration for a period of time to reassess the tooth and the pulp
response. In all cases, the pulp status should be reviewed after 3-6 months to
determine whether it has healed adequately.

Temporary filling





2. F
 or the management of reversible pulpitis in both deciduous and permanent
teeth by direct pulp capping or as a pulpotomy agent where the pulp has
been exposed.
Mix the powder and liquid to form a creamy paste-like mixture. Place this mix on the
exposed pulp and adjacent dentine and allow it to set hard. Then place a suitable
restoration as required for the particular tooth. In some cases, the dentist may choose
to place an interim or temporary restoration for a period of time to reassess the tooth
and the pulp response. In all cases, the pulp status should be reviewed after 3-6
months to determine whether it has healed adequately.
3. U
 se as a lining or indirect pulp capping material in asymptomatic teeth with
deep carious cavities prior to placing a restoration.
Mix the powder and liquid to form a creamy paste-like mixture. Place this mix on the
dentine in the deepest part of the cavity floor and on any pulp walls of the cavity.
Then place a base using a glass ionomer cement or other hard setting material
followed by the final restoration as required for the particular tooth. In some cases,
the dentist may choose to place an interim or temporary restoration for a period of
time to reassess the tooth and the pulp response. In all cases, the pulp status should
be reviewed after 3-6 months to determine whether it has healed adequately.
4. Use to cement interim crowns following preparation of the tooth for a crown.
Mix the powder and liquid to form a creamy paste-like mixture. Coat the fitting
surface of the interim crown with this mixture, seat the crown on the tooth with light
pressure to ensure complete seating. Allow the cement to set hard and then clean any
excess cement away from the margins with a suitable hand instrument (e.g. scaler or
probe). Review the pulp status prior to fitting and cementing the definitive crown at a
subsequent appointment.
5. U
 se as a root filling material in deciduous teeth with irreversible pulpitis
or an infected root canal system following thorough canal cleaning and
Mix the powder and liquid to form a creamy paste-like mixture. Place the mixture
into the root canal system using a spiral filler (as described above for Ledermix Paste)
or other appropriate method (e.g. hand file) and allow it to set hard. Then place a
suitable restoration as required for the particular tooth. Review the tooth and the
periapical healing response after 6-12 months.


1. A
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