Is there really a need to use these cusp charts, bhava chalit etc?
Why are you complicating things by using cusp chart, why cant you just make use of Lagan chart?
In the past we never used to have cusp chart, then how come you have started using cusp chart now, what has
Indeed many issues, so my main objective through this article would be resolve all these issues which always cross
peoples mind.
So just fasten your seat belts as here I go:
First I will explain you all about cusp chart in detail, and when you all are absolutely clear about this cusp chart( K.P
chart)based on Placidus system, only then I will differentiate rest of the charts (Bhava Chalit, shripati, bhava equal etc)
from Cusp Chart, otherwise most of you will get confused.
One more thing, before starting with cusp chart, let us first be very clear about Lagan chart or normal rashi chart.
See, in a very simple language, in the regular birth chart, each house is equivalent to one sign, Planets are placed in the
houses according to the sign they occupy.
Now just read the above 2 sentences once again, you will realize that there is one BIG lapse in above configuration of
Lagan Chart or basic birth chart.
Now what is that?
Simple, you can divide space of 360 degree (taking all directions) in 12 different parts of 30 degrees each, and you call
them as houses or bhavas BUT BUT,
CAN YOU ALSO divide the LENGTH OF EACH RASHI or SIGN like this?
The answer is NO, you cannot.
Now again the question, why?
Thats because the length of each rashi or sign is not 30 degree as in case of bhava or houses.
Aries, Taurus, Aquarius and Pieces are SHORT LENGTH signs(Less than 30 degrees)
Gemini, Cancer, Sagittarius and Capricorn are MEDIUM LENGTH signs.(approx close 30 degree, may not be of exactly
30 degrees)
And finally Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio are LONG LENGTH signs. (Greater than 30 degrees)
The above length again varies w.r.t latitudes, how I will explain?
Now read those 2 sentences again w.r.t normal birth chart which says that each house is equivalent to one sign.
NOW can you all see the LAPSE, bhava or houses are equal to 30 degrees in length but signs ARE NOT?
Thats why Lagan chart or rashi chart HAS TO BE CORRECTED and cannot be used alone.
Now the questions which arise are again 2:
1) Why the length of signs are NOT constant or 30 degree. ?
2) If the length of sign does not MATCH with the length of Houses, HOW WILL you arrange these varying length
signs in fixed length Houses?
I hope you all are slowly following me, now let me answer the above 2 questions one by one.
I am telling you all that read each of my sentences very carefully, otherwise things will immediately get slipped and then
you will again ask me these questions only and I will refer you this article only.
Ok, why Rashis or signs have different length:
See, SIX signs elapse between sunrise and sunset and six signs elapse between Sunset and sun rise.
6+6= 12 signs
I am using very simple language so that each one of you understands this mathematical part of astrology which is
generally taken care off by our astrological software.
Ok so lets move slowly and steadily.
FOR any given latitude, the rising period of a given sign is absolutely fixed.
Now as we move away from EQUATOR, certain signs gets elongated as they gets visible on the horizon for a
longer period than others, as a result others gets less time on horizon and hence they gets shortened for us.
For example, In winters, when days are shorter, those signs which gets elapsed between sunrise and sunset
gets compressed, and the remaining 6 which appears on the horizon in the night gets stretched, as night in
winters are long.
So in northern hemisphere, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius gets longer ascension and these very
signs in SOUTHERN hemisphere gets shorter ascension.
Rest of the signs gets shorter ascension in Northern hemisphere and longer in southern hemisphere.
AS I said things will vary as you will go away from equator, when you will reach POLES, some zodiacal sign will not
EVEN RISE, and they will be gone for the native born over there.
SO, see how simple things are, I would suggest you to read again this article again till this point, otherwise you will
blame me for complicating the things.
Ok, so you have learnt a very basic but important thing that signs length depends on the LATITUDE applicable.
The signs varying length can also be explained from the concept of precision of equinoxes (mean solar day is longer
than the sidereal day), but I will not explain those things over here as that would be a kind of overdose for you people.
Lets move ahead with our 2nd question that If the length of sign does not MATCH with the length of Houses, HOW WILL
you arrange these varying length signs in fixed length Houses? And how will your form a birth chart?
Its just like trying to show a 3 dimension Image on 2 dimensions.
The answer to this question can be given by a chart which could help us seeing that 3 dimensional image on 2
dimensional birth chart.
Now we cannot reduce or extend the length of rashis or signs which are decided as per their presence on the
horizon, so the ONLY OPTION WE HAVE is MAKE CHANGES IN BHAVA LENGTH to SUIT them or customize
them as per SIGNS.
In other words if you and me have different heights, like if I am tall and you are short and if we want that head should
come on a same level, then either I have to bent or you have to rise. There has to be a compromise.
Here the compromise has to be done by bhavas or houses as rashis or signs cannot compromise their length.
So for this, purpose only different kinds of BHAVA charts make their entry in the story as a correction to Birth
In the bhava chart, the houses may have a span of more or less than 30 degrees as per the varied length signs. Planets
are placed in the houses according to the span of the Bhava or houses. The junction points between the bhavas are
called the Bhava Sandhis, and the mid point of the house is called the Bhava Madhya. It is said that, When a Planet is
placed close to the Bhava Madhya; it will have a pronounced effect on the Bhava, and if a planet is close to the Sandhis
of the Bhava has little effect on the Bhava.
NOW, there are three basic methods to calculate the span of the Bhavas.
1. The "Shripati method", in this method, the Ascendant and mid heaven points are used as basis. The 10th house
degree (Bhava Madhya of the 10th house) is the mid heaven point. The 7th house degree (Bhava Madhya of the 7th
house) is taken as the point opposite of the Ascendant degree, and the 4th house degree is taken as the point opposite
of the 10th house degree. Now there are 4 cardinal points.
The spaces in between are further divided in 3 equal portions, and the 2 junction points are the Bhava Madhyas of the
2nd /3rd, the 5th / 6th, 8th / 9th, and 11th/12th houses. The Bhava Sandhis are placed halfway between each pair of
adjacent houses.
Here what makes this system inaccurate is:
1) Cardinal points of 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses are the mid points of these bhavas which is conceptually wrong as in
this way starting of houses are not correctly aligned to the starting of signs.
2) Only 4 cardinal points are chosen and rest of the space is divided in equal signs, as I have explained in the
beginning, sign vary in length hence there is NOTHING like EQUAL division of the space between cardinal points.
Divisions of bhava are done as per the length of signs.
Remember each bhava (or house) have the starting degree as per the starting degree of the sign which is falling in that
So we have 12 such starting point w.r.t each bhava (or house), but shripati method takes into account only 4 out of them
(that of quadrants, that too their middle points instead of starting ones) and divide the space in between them in equal
parts, which is wrong.
Lets move to another method, generally used, which is bhava chalit or equal house method.
2. The "Equal house method". Here the beginning of each house (Pravarti) is said to be 15 degrees before the Bhava
Madhya (which is taken as ascendant degree), and the end of the house (Poorti) is 15 degrees past the Bhava Madhya.
In this system, every house is the same size, but the Bhava Madhya is determined by the Ascendant degree. If the
Ascendant degree would be exactly 15 degrees, all bhavas would align with the signs, in all other cases the bhavas are
shifted forward or backward relative to the signs.
This again has loop holes in the very definition, because of 2 reasons:
1) Since the sign varies in length and we have to map Bhava (houses) and signs together on a single chart, hence if
length of signs is varying then houses also cannot be of equal length.
2) Starting of the houses cannot be from 15 degree back, like from this concept, 1 st house will start from the 15 degree
backward from ascendant degree.
NOW WE HAVE FINALLY come to the MOST ACCURATE chart, i.e. cusp chart, this is the one for which you all
have been waiting for so long.
So here it is:
3. The "placidus method" which is used in the Krishnamurti Paddhati system. In this system, the House boundaries
are calculated by dividing the sky in 30 degree portions, and projecting them onto the zodiac (Actual conversion of 3
dimensions into 2 Dimension). 1st house starts with the ascendant degree itself not from 15 degree back as it was
there in bhava chalit. Nether any mid points are chosen like in both the above cases.
Bhava (houses) lengths are not equal and depend on the elongation of signs, i.e. in synchronization with the ascension
of the signs on the horizon. As I have explained in the beginning.
Hence most accurate one as it very well takes into account the expansion or the compression of all the rashis
on the horizon depending on the latitudes, let me take an example to make you understand the working of this chart.
02nd Nov 1984
09:11:09 am (corrected up to D-108)
Chandni chowk, Delhi, India
Lahri Ayanamsa
PL6 OR Jhora software
So points to note:
1) My 1st house extends from Scorpio 18 degree 53 minutes to 20 degree 26 minutes Sagittarius, 2 nd house from 20
degree 26 minutes Sagittarius to 25 degree 18 minutes Capricorn and so on.
2) My Venus (22 degree 02 minutes 56 seconds Scorpio) and Jupiter 15 degree 23 minutes Sagittarius) lies in between
Scorpio 18 degree 53 minutes to 20 degree 26 minutes Sagittarius, hence placed in 1st house, like wise, you can check
that my Moon is in 3rd house (instead of 4th house, as displayed in lagan chart), Sun and Saturn are in 11th house
(instead of 12th house as per the lagan chart) Ketu and mercury in 12th house and mars is there in 2ndhouse.
3) Mars simultaneously lords over my 1st, 5th and 6th houses, Venus simultaneously lords over my 7th, 11th and
12thhouses, Jupiter lords over my 2nd house and 4th house, Saturn only lords over 3rd house; mercury lords over my
8th house and 10th house, moon lords over my 9th house and Sun lords over no house.
Remember I am NOT going into sub lordships etc, which are generally used in KP method, I am just telling you,
how to use Cusp chart as a corrected chart for Birth chart.
So basically I am using Cusp chart to implement all the Parashar concepts. Simple.
RASHI CHART or LAGAN chart will only be used to see the sign or rashi placement of any planet.
Bhava lordships and actual planetary placements are to be taken as per Cusp or KP chart only.
Bhava chalit and shripati charts employ incorrect way of calculations hence inaccurate so, should not be used.