DAC2011 Placement Project Paper

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Thermal-Aware Cell and Through-Silicon-Via

Co-Placement for 3D ICs

Jason Cong,1,2 Guojie Luo,1 Yiyu Shi3

Computer Science Department, University of California, Los Angeles

California NanoSystems Institute
ECE Department, Missouri University of Science and Technology
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Existing thermal-aware 3D placement methods assume that the
temperature of 3D ICs can be optimized by properly distributing
the power dissipations, and ignoring the heat conductivity of
though-silicon-vias (TSVs). However, our study indicates that this
is not exactly correct. While considering the thermal effect of
TSVs during placement appears to be quite complicated, we are
able to prove that when the TSV area in each bin is proportional
to the lumped power consumption in that bin, together with the
bins in all the tiers directly above it, the peak temperature is
minimized. Based on this criterion, we implement a thermalaware 3D placement tool. Compared to the methods that prefer a
uniform power distribution that only results in an 8% peak
temperature reduction, our method reduces the peak temperature
by 34% on average with even slightly less wirelength overhead.
These results suggest that considering thermal effects of TSVs is
necessary and effective during the placement stage. To the best of
the authors knowledge, this is the first thermal-aware 3D
placement tool that directly takes into consideration the thermal
and area impact of TSVs.

Categories and Subject Descriptors

B.7.2 [Integrated Circuits]: Design Aids placement and routing;
G.4 [Mathematical Software]: Algorithm Design and Analysis; J.6
[Computer-Aided Engineering]: Computer-Aided Design

General Terms
Algorithms, Design.

Thermal awareness, TSV distribution, 3D placement

One of the most critical challenges in 3D IC design is heat
dissipation, which has already posed serious problemseven for
2D IC designs [1]. The thermal problem is exacerbated in the 3D
ICs for two main reasons: 1) The vertically stacked multiple
layers of active devices cause a rapid increase in power density; 2)
For face-to-back tier bonding, a dielectric layer exists between
each tier to provide insulation. The thermal conductivity of the
dielectric layers is very low compared to silicon and metal. For

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DAC'11, June 5-10, 2011, San Diego, California, USA
Copyright 2011 ACM 978-1-4503-0636-2/11/06...$10.00

instance, at room temperature the thermal conductivity of the

dielectric layer is 0.05 W/mK, while the thermal conductivity of
silicon and copper is 150 W/mK and 285 W/mK, respectively [17].
Accordingly, the heat can mainly flow along through-silicon-vias
(TSVs) instead of through the entire substrate. Such a decrease in
the cross-sectional area of the heat channel further increases the
chip temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the
thermal integrity during every stage of 3D IC designs, including
the placement stage.
There are several works that address the thermal issue during 3D
placement. The work in [9] applies a force-directed method with
thermal forces to move cells away from high temperatures. The
transformation-based 3D placement [7] relieves the thermal issues
at the legalization stage, where it is preferable to place hot cells
close to the heat sink. The partitioning-based 3D placement [11]
uses net weights to shorten the high switching nets to reduce
power, and uses pseudo nets to pull hot cells to the heat sink to
reduce temperature. The work in [18] models and minimizes the
unevenness of thermal distribution, in addition to minimizing the
wirelength and the unevenness of cell area distribution. A detailed
survey of 3D physical design can be found in [3][4].
It is well known that for 2D ICs, properly distributed power
dissipations (e.g., uniform distribution) can result in low
temperatures. Most of the aforementioned work simply extends
this conclusion to 3D and still focuses on properly distributing
power dissipations for temperature reduction. However, as
detailed in Section 2, uniform power distribution is no longer a
good heuristic for temperature reduction in 3D ICs. Since TSVs
are the major channel for heat flow, their distribution also has a
significant impact on the temperature. A survey on concurrent
TSV planning within thermal-aware 3D floorplanning and 3D
routing is given in [19]. Unfortunately, none of the existing work
in thermal-aware 3D placement takes the thermal effect of TSVs
into consideration, mainly due to the high complexity of such a
In this paper we propose a thermal-aware 3D placement method
that considers both the thermal effect and the area impact of TSVs.
We first devise a simple criterion to guide the placement of TSVs
for achieving the lowest temperature. Based on the approximation
that the dielectric layer is an ideal heat insulator, we are able to
prove that when the TSV area in each bin is proportional to the
lumped power consumption in that bin, together with the bins in
all the tiers directly above it, the peak temperature is minimized.
We then use this result to guide our analytical 3D placement tool.
Experimental results show that compared to the methods
preferring a uniform power distribution which only result in an
8% peak temperature reduction, our method reduces the peak
temperature by 34% on average with even slightly less wirelength
overhead. To the best of the authors knowledge, this is the first

thermal-aware 3D placement tool that directly takes into

consideration the thermal and area impact of TSVs.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2
provides the motivation for our work. Section 3 discusses the
optimal distribution of TSVs to minimize the temperature, which
is integrated into a 3D placement framework in Section 4.
Experimental results are given in Section 5, and concluding
remarks are given in Section 6.

temperature significantly, with minimal wirelength or runtime


The stack-die structure has dramatically increased power density
compared to conventional 2D ICs, and thus threatens the thermal
reliability of 3D ICs. In addition, the low thermal conductivity of
the dielectric layers in face-to-back bonding tiers prohibits the
heat from flowing vertically. Accordingly, as pointed out in [10],
TSVs are the major channels for vertical heat flow.
Such an observation results in the fundamental difference between
the thermal-aware placement for 2D ICs and for 3D ICs. In 2D
placement, by properly distributing the power dissipations across
the chip, heat can flow uniformly through the entire substrate to
the heat sink, and the temperature can be minimized [16].
However, in 3D ICs, it is the correlation between the distributions
of the TSVs and the power density that has a direct impact on the
temperature. For example, compare the two artificial placement
results with the relative power values shown in Figure 1. In Figure
1(a), the power distribution is uniform while the TSVs are
clustered in the center; while in Figure 1(b), the power
distribution is non-uniform with 2 to 8 times higher power density
in some regions than the previous case, and the TSVs are
clustered proportional to the regional power density. The
corresponding temperature maps are shown in Figure 1(c) and (d),
respectively, assuming a 4-tier 3D chip with 6W power in a
1.5mm2 area with about 1200 TSVs per tier, where the 3D
technology parameters for temperature evaluation are the same as
in Section 5. From this artificial example, we can see that the
locations of the TSVs play a very important role in the thermal
integrity of 3D ICs.
As expected, it is sub-optimal for existing thermal-aware 3D
placement to be targeted at distributing power dissipations and
neglect the thermal effect of TSVs. To improve this, a nave
approach would be to compute the optimal locations of the TSVs
that can result in the minimum temperature during each iteration
of placement. However, it will result in an optimization-in-theloop with significant runtime overhead. Since thermal-aware
placement mainly targets large designs, this method is less
practical. On the other hand, if we adjust the locations of the
TSVs after placement is done to minimize the temperature; it will
bring about significant wirelength overhead because these TSVs
are also part of the signal nets. We will address this dilemma in
the remainder of the paper.
There are many different 3D integration technologies, including
face-to-face bonding, face-to-back bonding, via-first, via-middle,
via-last. Different techniques can have totally different thermal
models. In this paper we focus on the face-to-back bonding with
via-first technology. In addition, although it is possible to insert
additional thermal TSVs [10] after placement to further suppress
the temperature, it brings in extra area overhead. In this paper we
focus on exploring the opportunities of temperature reduction by
utilizing the signal TSVs in 3D placement. Our experimental
results show that signal TSVs alone can already reduce the



Figure 1. Uniform power with clustered TSVs vs. consistent TSV
and power distribution


As discussed in Section 2, the fundamental problem in thermalaware placement can be stated as follows: Given a power
distribution, what will be the optimal distribution of TSVs so that
the temperature is minimized? While this problem seems to be
complicated, we will show that the answer is surprisingly simple.
We can derive an analytical solution without involving any
optimization tools. For simplicity of presentation, we summarize
the key notations used in this section in Table 1.
Table 1. Major notations

t i ( ti j )
pi ( pij )
Atot ( Atotj )
ai ( aij )
M i ( M ij )


thermal conductance matrix

thermal conductance matrix without TSVs
vectorized temperature map
vectorized power map
the temperature in bin i for single-tier case (in
bin i, tier j for multi-tier case)
the power in bin i for single-tier case (in bin i,
tier j for multi-tier case)
total TSV area for single-tier case (in tier j for
multi-tier case)
TSV area in bin i for single-tier case (in bin i
tier j for multi-tier case)
stamping matrix of the lumped TSV in bin i for
single-tier case (in bin i, tier j for multi-tier
number of bins in each tier
number of tiers
thermal conductance of a unit area TSV

To start, we assume steady-state analysis to calculate the

temperature, where the chip is thermally modeled as a resistive
network. We also lump the TSVs in each bin as a thermal
conductor, with its conductance proportional to the total TSV area.
The temperature-temperature relation can be expressed as
BT = P

A two-tier example of the thermal resistive network is illustrated

in Figure 2, where the nodes (labeled with numbers) are
connected by thermal conductors (labeled with subscripted
symbols), and the bin numbers are in gray color. Take node 3 (bin
3, tier 1) for example, the power-temperature relation is expressed
g1,3 (t31 t11 ) + g 3,4 (t31 t14 ) + g 3,7 (t31 t32 ) = p31
Thus, the network can be written in a matrix form as equation (1),
where each row corresponds to one node.

The two constraints are also self-evident: the total TSV area in
each tier is a fixed number, and the lumped TSV area in each bin
should be non-negative. Note that we have relaxed the constraint
that the TSV area aij in each bin should be discrete. As such, the
TSV areas mentioned in the theorems and corollaries proposed
below should be rounded.
Problem (P1) is non-linear in nature. Integrating nonlinear
optimization engines in a placement tool directly would be
impractical due to the high complexity.
Before we directly tackle (P1), we resort to a simpler version of
the problem: For a one-tier 3D IC(footnote 2) with a given power
distribution, what will be the optimal locations of TSVs so that the
temperature is minimized?
In this case, each TSV is directly connected to the PCB via bumps
(ambient air). As such, (P1) can be rewritten as

min TL = B0 + i =1 gTSV ai M i


B = B0 + gTSV aij M i j


i =1 j =1

where B0 is the constant thermal conductance matrix without

TSVs, and the variable aij is the total area of a lumped TSV in
bin i, tier j. The stamping matrix M i j indicates the connectivity of
a lumped TSV from bin i, tier j to bin i, tier j+1(footnote 1). If we
denote k1 and k2 to be the node id corresponding to bin i, tier j
and bin i, tier j+1, in the thermal resistive network, then
M i j (k1 , k 2 ) = M i j (k2 , k1 ) = 1, M i j (k1 , k1 ) = M i j (k2 , k2 ) = +1, and
all the other elements in M i j are zeros.
Again, take node 3 for example, let b3,7 be the thermal
conductance between node 3 and node 7 when there is no TSVs,
gTSV be the conductance of a unit-area TSV, and the variable a31
be the area of a lumped TSV in bin 3, the conductance becomes
g 3,7 = b3,7 + gTSV a31
In this example, the stamping matrix M 31 only has non-zero
elements M 31 (3,3) = M 31 (7,7) = +1, and M 31 (3,7) = M 31 (7,3) = 1.
Now, we can mathematically state the problem for optimal TSV
placement as

n K

min TL = B0 + gTSV aij M i j P

i =1 j =1



= Atot

i =1

ai 0 1 i n

where M i is the stamping matrix for the TSV in bin i, ai is the

total TSV area in bin i, and Atot is the total TSV area.
At first look, this problem is still non-linear and difficult to solve.
But intuitively we should place more TSVs in the bins with higher
power density to provide lower impedance to thermal ground.
This leads to the conjecture that the optimal TSV area ai in bin i
should be proportional to the power consumption pi . This
conjecture is indeed correct, as stated in the following theorem:
Theorem 1 (Single-Tier Case). To minimize the peak temperature,
the TSV area in bin i should be proportional to the power in that
bin; i.e., the optimal solution of problem (P2) is

ai* = Atot pi

i =1



In the interest of space, we will only outline the proof for the
Theorem. From the fact that TSVs are the major vertical heat flow
channel ( gTSV ak  bk ,l where bk ,l is the inter-tier conductance
without TSVs), we can get

p g


a jt j = gTSV aT T


where a = [ a1 , a2 ," , an ] . Based on Hlders inequality, we have

aT T || a ||1|| T ||
Combining (8) and (9), we have



Figure 2. A two-tier example of the thermal resistive network

If we treat TSV size as variables, the thermal conductance matrix
B of the network can be expressed in a parameterized form as

i =1

a 1 = pi
i =1

a = p

i =1



i =1

where Atotj is the total area of the TSV connecting tier j and tier
j+1, and is determined once the floorplanning is done. The
infinity norm is defined as x = max{ x1 , x2 ,", xn }. The
objective function is obtained by simply substituting (3) into (1).

In order for T to attain the above minimum, the inequalities in

(9) must become equality. According to Holders inequality, such
a condition is
T1 = T2 = ... = Tn
Substitute it back to (8), and we can get
p1 a1 = p2 a2 = ... = pn an
which, along with the second constraints in (P2), yields


= Atotj 1 j K

i =1

aij 0 1 i n,1 j K

M iK is the stamping matrix for the lumped TSV in the last tier
connecting to the PCB.

This case is where TSVs are only used to connect the IC and the

ai = Atot pi


i =1

Note that in the above theorem, we neglected the fact that the total
TSV area in each area is discrete, that the dielectric layer is not an
ideal thermal insulator, and that the total TSV area allocated in
each bin cannot exceed the area of that bin. In reality, the optimal
condition needs to be tailored to fit into these constraints. We can
also easily derive a corollary based on this theorem.
Corollary 1. When the TSVs are placed proportional to the power
consumption in each bin, the temperature in each bin is identical,

ti* = pi ( gTSV Atot )

i =1

Corollary 1 has a particularly important meaning, as it allows us

to generalize Theorem 1 (which is limited to the single-tier case)
to the general multi-tier cases. Take a two-tier case as an example.
According to Theorem 1, as long as we place the TSVs
connecting the bottom tier and the package proportional to the
power density in each bin, the temperature is minimized in the
bottom tier. Now, since such optimized temperature distribution is
also uniform based on Corollary 1, the bottom tier can be treated
as ground. Accordingly, we can again apply Theorem 1 to the top
tier, and place the TSVs connecting the top tier and the bottom
tier according to the power distribution. Such an observation leads
to the following theorem.
Theorem 2 (Multi-Tier Case). If we denote the bottom tier (with
connection to the PCB package) as tier K, and the top tier as tier
1, then to minimize the temperature, the TSV area in bin i of tier j
connecting to tier j+1 should be proportional to the lumped power
in bin i of tier 1, 2, , j. In other words, the optimal solution of
problem (P1) shall satisfy

(aij ) = Atotj pik

k =1



i =1 k =1

The proof can be derived based on the induction on the number of

tiers with Theorem 1; this is because the optimized temperature in
a tier is uniform and can be treated as thermal ground to further
optimize upper tiers. Figure 3 shows a simple two-tier ( K = 2)
example to illustrate the theorem, where each tier is divided into
four bins (n = 4).
Similar to Corollary 1 for the single-tier case, we also have the
following corollary for the multi-tier case.
Corollary 2. When the TSVs in each tier are placed proportional
to the lumped power consumption in each bin and the same bins
in all the tiers above, then each tier shall have a uniform
temperature distribution. The temperature in the tier j can be
expressed as

Figure 3. A two-tier example to illustrate Theorem 2


(tij ) = pik ( gTSV Atotj )


i =1 k =1

To summarize this section, we would like to point out that all the
theorems and corollaries are based on the assumption that TSVs
are much more effective in conducting heat than the dielectric
layer. And accordingly, we have treated the dielectric layer as an
ideal heat insulator. In reality this is not correct, and thus the
theorems are only an approximation. However, our experimental
results show that they work pretty well.

Our 3D placement flow is similar to the one in [14], but in this
section we mainly focus on the 3D placement step in the TSV coplacement flow. We assume the tier assignment of each cell is
given, either by manually partitioning or automatic partitioning.
An automatic partitioning method by 3D floorplanning will be
explained in Section 4.2. The 3D placement step is called after 3D
net splitting and TSV insertion.

4.1 Thermal-Aware Cell/TSV Co-Placement

Based on the optimality condition in Theorem 2, we are able to
effectively reduce the temperature during the 3D placement step
by an analytical method like the following,

min HPWL( x, y ) + COST(x, y )


Db ( x, y ) = Cb

HPWL(init )
COST (init)


for each area bin b

where ( x, y ) is the placement variable, Db (x, y ) = Cb is the area

density constraints for overlap removal, HPWL(x, y ) is the total
half-perimeter wirelength as the objective function, TSV
distribution cost COST(x, y ) is to measure the distance
between the current solution and a thermally optimal distribution,
and is a user-defined parameter for tradeoffs between
wirelength quality and temperature reduction. The TSV
distribution cost is also normalized by a factor as the ratio
between the gradient norm of the initial HWPL function and the
gradient norm of the initial COST function.
Please refer to Chapters 7, 10 and 11 in [15] for the algorithms
that solve problem (P3) by the quadratic penalty method when
= 0, and refer to [2] for the parameter tunings when > 0. In
this section we focus on the definition of the TSV distribution cost
function COST(x, y ).
The TSV distribution cost is constructed with the property that
COST(x, y ) = 0 if and only if the optimality condition in
Theorem 2 is satisfied. In detail, the cost is constructed as the
Let Ni j be the number of TSVs in the bin i, tier j, and we assign a
negative power value p TSV
to all the TSVs on tier j. The
negative power value is defined as

= (1) Pi k
i =1 k =1



i =1

Under this assignment, the total negative power of the TSVs in the
bin i, tier j is

p ij = p TSV
Therefore, the total TSV power and the lumped cell power in the
bin i, tier j is

k =1

k =1

Pi k + p ij = Pi k + p TSV

= Pi k + (1) Pi k N i j
k =1

i =1 k =1



i =1

= Pi k + (1) Pi k aij Atotj

k =1

i =1 k =1

It is obvious that this amount of power value is equal to zero if

and only if the TSVs are optimally distributed, as in Theorem 2.
Thus, the TSV distribution cost can be defined as

n K

COST ( x, y ) = Pi k ( x, y ) + p ij ( x, y )
i =1 j =1 k =1

which is a sum of squares of the total TSV power and the lumped
cell power in each bin. This quadratic penalty method is an easyto-use, common method in engineering practice to satisfy the
equality constraints. Since the existence of a solution that satisfies
both the area density constraint and the TSV distribution
constraint is not easy to determine, we only penalize the COST
function by a finite number instead of pushing it to +.

4.2 Overall Thermal-Aware Placement Flow

To obtain the tier assignment, we use a 3D floorplanner [6] on a
coarsened circuit, which is produced by doing an 80-way partition
using hMetis [13]. The number of partitions for floorplanning is
determined empirically, so that the runtime is under control for
circuits of various sizes. The tier assignment obtained in the 3D
floorplan is locked before 3D placement.
Given the tier assignment, we split the circuit into tiers, and insert
one TSV per 3D net. The cells and inserted TSVs are co-placed
by solving problem (P3) with a modified placement engine of [8].
Finally, the cells and TSVs are legalized, tier-by-tier, to complete
the flow using the mPL [5] detailed placement engine.

We implement the algorithm in C++ and run on an Intel Xeon 2.0
GHz machine with Linux. The experiments are performed on
seven open-source IP cores in the IWLS 2005 benchmarks [21].
The circuits are summarized in Table 2, where the utility rate
(Util.) is the total cell area divided by the total chip area.
We synthesize the circuits with a standard cell library for the MIT
Lincoln Lab 130nm 3D SOI technology. The target 3D
technology is a 4-tier 3D IC, with TSV size 6 m 6 m and TSV
pitch 12 m 12 m. The 3D chip temperature is measured by the
compact model in [17], assuming that the height of the silicon
layer is 300 m on the bottom tier and 25 m on the other tiers.
The placement area is set as a square with 20% to 28% whitespace
in total, and the I/O pins are placed uniformly along the
boundaries in alphabetical order. The power dissipation of each
cell is generated as follows: The circuit is partitioned into eight
parts by hMetis. Each part is assigned a random number between
0 and 1 as a relative power number. These relative numbers are
scaled to power values such that the overall power density is on
the order of magnitude of 1 W/mm2, which is the projected power
density for the high-performance chips at the 14nm generation by
ITRS [20].

Table 2. Circuit statistics








Cell Area


The advantage of our thermal-aware 3D placement is compared to

other thermal optimization methods. The results are presented in
Table 3, and the results of wb_conmax are visualized in Figure 4.
The x-axis shows the normalized half-perimeter wirelength
(HPWL), and the y-axis shows the temperature. The baseline in
Table 3 is a wirelength-driven placement generated by solving
(P3) with = 0.
Three thermal optimization methods, uniform power, postprocessing, and co-placement are compared.
The uniform-power method mimics the thermal-aware 3D
placement methods [11][18] that do not consider the thermal
effects of TSVs. Although a uniform power distribution is not a
thermal optimal solution, the difference is only a few degrees
according to the Hotspot [12] simulation for 3D ICs. Thus,
uniform power is a fair replacement for the previous thermalaware 3D placement methods. It is able to be implemented by
solving problem (P3) with TSV power p TSV = 0. In this way, the
TSV distribution cost becomes purely a power distribution cost.
When the per-tier total power is assumed to be a constant, the
minimizer of the cost function in equation (21) is a uniform pertier power distribution. The cost weight is set to 1 in the
The post-processing method is a direct application of Theorem 2
at the post-placement stage. After 3D global placement, an
optimal TSV distribution is computed according to the power
distribution, regardless of overlaps. The assignment of TSVs to
the TSV slots in the target distribution is computed by a linear
assignment method to minimize the wirelength overhead. The
resulting overlaps are removed by a legalization step.
The co-placement presents our method, which optimizes the TSV
distribution during 3D placement. In Figure 4, the left endpoint of
the curve is the result with TSV distribution cost weight
= 0.00, and the right endpoint is with = 1.00.

From Figure 4, it is clear that co-placement outperforms the other

two optimization methods, and reduces more temperature within a
similar amount of wirelength overhead. As discussed in Section 2,
if the thermal benefits of TSVs are not being considered, a
uniform-power distribution is not effective for temperature
reduction. The average rows in Table 3 show the average results
normalized by the baseline results. Our co-placement method is
able to reduce temperature by 34%, which is 4X greater than the
uniform-power method that reduces temperature by only 8%.
Although the post-processing method makes use of the heat
conductivity of TSVs, it is likely to cause congestion due to
displacement. Thus, the legalized results have either higher
temperature, or longer wirelength.
Moreover, our co-placement method provides a mechanism for
wirelength and temperature tradeoffs, as shown in Figure 4. The

data points are generated with different values labeled in the

figure. When the performance is critical, the acceptable
wirelength degradation is limited. Our method is still able to
reduce temperature with a negligible amount of wirelength
degradation (e.g., 2%).

[2] Y.-L. Chuang, P.-W. Lee, and Y.-W. Chang, Voltage-drop aware


Figure 4. Comparison of thermal optimizations on wb_conmax

Table 3. Results of our co-placement method and comparisons
with other methods

HPWL (m)
T (C)
RT (s)
HPWL (m)
T (C)
RT (s)
HPWL (m)
T (C)
RT (s)
HPWL (m)
T (C)
RT (s)
HPWL (m)
T (C)
RT (s)
HPWL (m)
T (C)
RT (s)
HPWL (m)
T (C)
RT (s)











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In this paper we identified a simple criterion for thermally optimal

TSV placement, where the TSV should follow the lumped power
distribution. Based on this condition, we implement a thermalaware 3D placement method. Experimental results show that it
outperforms the uniform-power method that mimics existing
thermal-aware placement methods.




This research is partially supported by Semiconductor Research

Corporation (SRC) under task 1460.001, Gigascale Systems
Research Center (GSRC) under task 2049.002, and the University
of Missouri Research Board (UMRB).

[20] International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors,

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[21] http://www.iwls.org/iwls2005/benchmarks.html

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