$5000 in 7 Days

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$5000 in 7 Days

By Trevor Young

$5000 in 7 Days

Table of Contents

Copyright 2015
All rights reserved. The information in this

Introduction ................................................... 3

document is copyrighted. No part of this

The Right Mindset .......................................... 6

document may be reproduced or transmitted

What should I write about? .......................... 10

in any form by any means without the prior

Writing the eBook ......................................... 13

written permission of the publisher.

Choosing the Title ........................................ 22

Cover, Copyright, & Disclaimer .................... 24
Proofreading ................................................. 26


The Final Product ......................................... 30

The author has made every effort to ensure

Pricing Your Book ........................................ 32

EIN, Blog, Social & Website ......................... 35

that the information in this book was correct

$0 to $5,000 ................................................ 39

at the time of publication, and does not

What Next? ................................................... 43

assume and hereby disclaim any liability to

any party for any loss, damage, and/or
disruption caused by errors and/or omissions,
whether such errors or omissions result from
negligence, accident, or any other cause.

$5000 in 7 Days

When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
-Buddhist proverb

Leap and the net will appear.

-John Burroughs

Today is the tomorrow you were worried about


I believe anybody with a laptop, access to the

internet, and $150 can make $5000 in 7 days.
This book will share with you how I did it, and

$5000 in 7 Days

provide a step-by-step manual so you can do it

tooif you so choose.

First, lets eliminate what the person cannot

sell. Selling a physical item that needs to be

The concept of this book is the result of a two-

packaged and shipped is clearly not an option

week immersion in the world of ecommerce,

due to high overhead costs and delivery time.

which is a world I was only recently

introduced to. In the process of learning more

The product needs to be digital, with the

about electronic commerce, I stumbled onto a

option for immediate download and delivery

product that shocked me in its simplicity. It

to the customer.

was not new or unique; thousands of people

were actually already producing it and

The product needs to be a digital audio, video,

creating substantial income for themselves.

or eBook.

Yet so many more were unaware and not

taking advantage of this ideal opportunity.

It would be extremely challenging to produce

a high quality audio or video product within a

So what is it, exactly, that a person with $150

week, and with minimum funds allocated; so

can produce and sell and generate $5,000 in a

the product has to be an electronic bookan

mere 7 days?


$5000 in 7 Days

However, it cannot be just any eBook. There is

completion before proceeding to the next step.

one type of eBook that can be created in less

This eBook is a roadmap; you have to take

than a week and have immediate demand: a

certain turns at exactly the right places to

self-help book.

arrive at the desired destination.

Everyone has enough knowledge in some

I aim to prove that everyone who follows these

specific area to write a self-help book. Even if

steps with discipline, focus, and belief in

they are not an expert, they have enough

themselves can make $5,000 in only 7 days.

knowledge and life experience that is of value

to someone else.
Resources you will need:
This eBook that I wrote in less than 72 hours
will take you through the process of creating


and publishing your own self-help eBook. It

Internet Access

provides the intricate details of producing an


eBook, bringing it to market, and selling an


initial batch to reach a specific financial goal.

Each actionable step is deliberately placed,
and must be followed in its specific order to

$5000 in 7 Days

To accomplish great things, we must not only act,

but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.
-Anatole France

Remind yourself. Nobody built like you, you design

- Jay Z

The Right

If you want things to change, first you have to

-Dan Pena

Before jotting down your first few words or

making your first sale, you need to truly
believe that you can make $5,000 in just one

$5000 in 7 Days

To begin this first stage, you must do the very

This doesnt mean the casual, half-hearted

first action stepand remember, each step

belief that Maybe it could work, you never

must be completed in its entirety before

know, but the feeling of absolute certainty

moving to the next step.

that with hard work, success is imminent.

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of

Action Step #1:

this first step; it is truly the foundation on

Listen to The Strangest Secret by Earl

which everything else is built. It is necessary


that all worries, doubts, and thoughts of

failure be set aside for the next seven days,
and replaced with a fierce determination and

Action Step#2:

laser-sharp focus on the task at hand. Begin

Hand write the following phrase on 5

this first step with the understanding that the

sheets of paper:

reward is already awaiting you, and that you

just need to do the work needed to obtain it.

(Your Name Here)

Has Earned
$5,000 in 7 Days

$5000 in 7 Days

This is a tried and true method I used during

that you can actually accomplish this huge

my seven daysand it worked! It may sound


trite or minimal, but the effects were real.

After writing this phrase on five different

Action Step #3

sheets of paper, place each sheet in the

Take a 7 Day Information Break

following locations:
Hanging inside of your front door

Stop watching the news, which includes the

On your refrigerator

newsfeeds on all your social media accounts

Inside your bedroom door

for the next seven days. The only exception

On your bathroom mirror

will be using your social media sites to market

On the wall of your primary work area

your book when necessary, but we are not

there yet.

Take it one step further, and take a picture of

the phrase with your phone; make it your

Do not watch any form of digital

phone and computer wallpaper for the next

entertainment, including sports, movies, TV

seven days. Seeing this message everywhere

Shows, and music videos. This may sound a

will remind you of what you have to gain, and

bit harsh, but remember your goal is to make

$5,000 in a week, so focus is the key.

$5000 in 7 Days

Action Step #4
The Strangest Secret Routine
Listen to The Strangest Secret first thing
every morning, and again every night before
you sleep for the next seven days.
After completing these tasks we can move to
the next stage, where you determine the
subject of your book.

$5000 in 7 Days

We can't help everyone, but everyone can help

- Ronald Reagan

Our prime purpose in this life is to help others.

- Dalai Lama

What should
I write

Help me help you.

- Jerry Maguire

Everyone has something to teach. Some sort

of specialized knowledge in something,
whether its newly found but enlightening
knowledge, as in my case, or knowledge that
has been acquired through years of training,

$5000 in 7 Days

or life experience. Whether you know a little

or a lot, you have information that can greatly
benefit another person.

What do I know now that I wish

someone had taught me sooner?

Keep this process simple; do not overthink it.

You do not need a sheet of paper with a list of
the top ten subjects or ideas that you can

The very first answer to this question will be

narrow down to one. Remember, you dont

topic of your eBook.

have time to do that; we need to have the first

draft of this eBook completed in the next 24
hours to stay on schedule, and the clock is

Action Step #2


Find a copy editor

You may not have your rough draft
Action Step #1

started yet, but you want to make sure

Find Your Topic

you have a copy editor in place when you


Go to a quiet place, sit down, close your

Create a job posting on Upwork to find a

eyes, and ask yourself this question:

qualified freelancer to edit your draft.


$5000 in 7 Days

Make sure to specify that there is a tight

deadline in the job posting.
Look at the reviews on the freelancers
profile; you can see the comments they
received from work in the past, and this
can help you to quickly identify the best

Now move on to the next stepwriting the

actual book.


$5000 in 7 Days

I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers done.

- Steven Wright

If you really want to know yourself, start by writing a

- Shereen El Feki

If theres a book that you want to read, but it hasnt been

written yet, then you must write it.

Writing the

- Toni Morrison

Now that we have the topic for the eBook, the

next step is to actually write the book.


$5000 in 7 Days

This is the framework we will use:

Writing the Introduction

Step #1: Introduction

Create a folder on your desktop and

label it My First Book.

Step #2: Connecting with the Reader

Open a blank word document label it:

Step #3: Sharing Your Knowledge

Step #4: Stay the course

001_Introduction_v1 and save it

Step #5: Conclusion

in the My First Book folder.

Copy the following questions into the
001_Introduction_v1 document:

For simplification purposes, I have separated

the process of writing the book into 5 steps.

Who am I?

This does not necessarily mean it will be a five

chapter book. When you have completed these

Why did I write my book?

steps you very likely will have more than five

chapters. The steps are simply for the process

Why should people read my book?

of writing, not the structure of the eBook


What kind of value will my book

provide to the reader?
Action Step #1:

$5000 in 7 Days

What will the reader gain from

What can I say about my book to

reading my book?

make it interesting?

What is my book about?

How can I hook the reader?

Why is my book relevant?

Should my book be read from

cover to cover or in sections?

What was my reason for writing

this book?

Should the reader read the entire

book in one day, and/or in stages?

Why have I chosen to write a book

After copying all the questions to the
What does the reader need to do to

document, set a timer for one hour.

get the most out of my book?

Answer all the questions listed without

skipping any, or spending an extended

How can I inspire the reader?

amount of time on spelling and

grammatical errors. You will be very
tempted to edit as you go along, but

$5000 in 7 Days

please do not. This is your rough draft,

Connecting with the Reader

so you will have time during the revision

stage to make those corrections. You

Open another blank word document,

have a finite amount of energy and time,

label it 002_Connecting with the

and it needs to be used effectively. Right

Reader_v1 and save it in the My

now, we are only concentrating on

First Book folder.

getting the words that are in your head

Copy the following questions into the

out as quickly as possible.


If you answer all the questions before

the hour is up, you can revisit specific

Why did the reader purchase my

questions and add more details until the


time runs out.

If you do not answer all the questions,

How can I gain the trust of my

you should still stop at the hour mark.


Save and close the document and

What information is the reader

proceed to the next step.

Action Step #2:

$5000 in 7 Days

What can I share to excite the


What created the specific need of

the reader?

How will my book help my reader?

Why does the need of the reader
How will my book satisfy the


specific needs of my reader?

What will happen to the reader
What benefits will the reader

after receiving the information I

receive from reading my book?

have to share?

How will my book improve the

Why am I certain this information

current condition of my reader?

will be beneficial to my reader?

How can I meet the reader where

What are examples of when the

they are?

information I am sharing helped


How can I define the need of the


Set the timer to one hour again.


$5000 in 7 Days

What do I know now that I wish

Answer all the questions listed without

someone had taught me earlier?

skipping any or spending time on

spelling and grammatical errors.
When the hour is up, STOP.

How have I benefited from this

Save and close the document and go to


the next step.

What are specific details of the
information that I now have?
Action Step #3:
What are the steps needed to

Sharing Your Knowledge

acquire this information?

Open another blank word document,
label it 003_Sharing Your

How was I able to acquire this

Knowledge_v1 and save in the My


First Book folder.

What does the reader need to do to

Copy the following questions into the

acquire this knowledge?



$5000 in 7 Days

How will the information change

Stay The Course

the life of the reader?

Open another blank word document,
How does your information get to

label it 004_Stay The Course_v1

the root cause of any problem the

and save in the My First Book folder.

reader might have?

Copy the following questions into the


This section will need very specific

details, so you will set your timer for two

How do I encourage the reader to


invest the time needed to acquire

Answer all the questions without

the knowledge?

skipping any or spending extended time

on spelling and grammatical errors.

What should the reader do if he or

she gets off the course?

When the 2 hours are up, STOP.

Save and close the document, then go to

What are examples and strategies

the next step.

to get back on track?

Action Step #4:

$5000 in 7 Days

How can I convey to the reader

When the hour is up, STOP.

that none of us are perfect?

Save and close the document and go to

the next step.

What are some of the obstacles the

reader might face?
Action Step #5:
What advice can I give to the


reader for overcoming the

obstacles that will come their way?

Open another blank word document,

label it 005_Conclusion_v1 and

How can I convey to the reader

save in the My First Book folder.

that if others can do it, so can

Copy the following questions into the



How can I make the reader believe

How can I prompt the reader to

that success is possible?

act immediately?

Set the timer to 1 hour.

Answer all the questions.

$5000 in 7 Days

How can I show the reader why

Answer all the questions.

they need to gain this information

When the hour is up, STOP.


Save and close the document and go to

the next step.

What is my call to action?

What can I write to leave the

Action Step#6:

reader feeling positive?

First Rough Draft

What can I write to leave the

Revisit each of your documents and

reader feeling encouraged?

formulate the answers into coherent


What can I write to leave the

Create separate chapters if necessary.

reader feeling uplifted?

Combine the separate chapters into one

master document.

What lasting message should I

leave with the reader?
Set your timer to 1 hour.

$5000 in 7 Days

I never really know the title of a book until it's

-Mary Wesley

I always have trouble with titles for my books. I

usually have no title until the editor has to present
the book and calls me frantically, 'Judy, we need a

Choosing the

-Judy Blume

We don't have to think up a title till we get the

doggone book written.
-Carl Sandburg

The book title should attract your target

audience and provide a quick window into the

$5000 in 7 Days

book. It should stand out from the other

Action #2:

competing books that may attract the

Verify the Title

attention of your potential reader. Use the

following techniques to create the best title for

Do a search on Amazon and Google to

your masterpiece:

make sure your title is not being used by

another book.

Action Step#1:

Make sure your title has an available

Choosing a Title

domain name.

Identify the core message of your book.

Ok, so now you have a titletime to move on.

Identify the appeal of your book.

Be eloquent and use plays on words
but dont make up words.
Avoid overused phrases and jargons.
Choose a title that draws the reader in.
Keep your title to less than five words.
Keep the words of your title simple.


$5000 in 7 Days

A vague disclaimer is nobody's friend

- Joss Whedon

-Amazon, Kindle User's Guide

Copyright, &

There are books of which the backs and covers are by far
the best parts.
-Charles Dickens

Action Step #1
Hire a graphic designer
Hire a graphic designer on
Upwork to design the following:

$5000 in 7 Days

o Ebook cover

Insert the following Copyright and

o Banner for your website with

Disclaimer information in the front of

book title and authors name

the book after the cover:

o Poster for your website with

quotes and book in

All rights reserved. The information in


this document is copyrighted. No part

of this document may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form, by any means
without the prior written permission of

Action Step#2

the publisher.

Table of Contents
The author has made every effort to
ensure that the information in this book

Insert a Table of Contents, with

was correct at the time of publishing,

hyperlinks to each section or chapter of

and does not assume and hereby

your eBook.

disclaim any liability to any party for

any loss, damage, and/or disruption
caused by errors and/or omissions,

Action Step#3

whether such errors or omissions result

Copyright & Disclaimer Information

from negligence, accident, or any other



$5000 in 7 Days

I was working on the proof of one of my poems all the

morning, and took out a comma. In the afternoon I put it
back again.

-Oscar Wilde

...she certainly was one of the best proofreaders

around, and knew her way around there, their, and
-Sara Branmore


I'd be a better writer if I could type better. Or,

maybe proofread better the first twelve times.
Jack Shaw

I really want to emphasize this next stage,

because it is crucial to the immediate and long


$5000 in 7 Days

term success of your eBook, as well as, your

particularly in a product that they have

career in self-publishing.


It is commendable that you have dedicated

Errors in spelling and grammar interrupt the

yourself to this task and have completed your

process of conveying the message to the

first draft. It is a huge accomplishment just to

reader. Even the smallest error may have the

have reached this level in the development of

readers thoughts straying away from the

your product as you strive to help others while

message you are sharing, focusing instead on

helping yourself.

questions of poor spelling, grammar, and

syntax. This will ultimately lead the reader to

However, the results of your efforts will be

question the information being delivered, as

significantly compromised if you do not take

well as their decision to purchase the book in

the time and care needed to successfully

the first place. A misspelled word could

proofread your book. It is paramount that you

quickly cause the reader to become

take the time needed to edit your rough draft

dissatisfied and dismiss the author as

with the goal of delivering the finest product

unprofessional and unqualified.

you can to your reader. Most readers are

extremely sensitive and unforgiving of

Additionally, incorrect spelling and poor

mistakes in spelling and grammar,

grammar destroy any credibility that the


$5000 in 7 Days

author may be establishing. This will not only

decimate a potential fan base, but will also

Action Step #1

result in a hugely increased refund rate and

Connecting with your copyeditor

negative growth.
Come to terms with the copyeditor on a
Give this step the attention to detail that is

fixed price that fits your budget.

required, especially with your very first eBook,

Submit your rough draft.

which is the first step in building your name as

a writer. This will be the first impression that
the public will have of you and it will be

Action Step#2:

difficult, if not impossible, to change a

Print Hard Copy of Edited eBook

negative perception. Presentation and

perception are everything.

After receiving the edited draft, print a

hard copy. Diligently read over each

The steps in this stage will be happening

page to check for any spelling and

simultaneously with the next stage, and can

grammar errors, as well as

take up to 48 hours.

inconsistencies in formatting.
Make changes if necessary.


$5000 in 7 Days

Action Step#3:
Have your copy editor proofread your
updated copy.

Action Step#5:
Certify your Master Document
Certify that the master document is
error free and ready to be converted to a
PDF format.


$5000 in 7 Days

Writing is like sausage making in my view; you'll all

be happier in the end if you just eat the final product
without knowing what's gone into it.
-George R.R. Martin

All wealth is the product of labor.

-John Locke

The Final

Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase

perfection we can catch excellence.
-Vince Lombardi

After you have completed the proofreading

and you have a final product that you are
confident in and ready to sell, the next step is


$5000 in 7 Days

packaging it in a format for digital delivery to

8 1/2 x 11 inches standard page size.

the reader.

Landscape layout
two columns

The eBook is currently in a Word processing

one inch gutters

document, and you will need to change it to a

one inch margins on all sides

format compatible with most eBook readers.

Georgia font style

14 Font Size

The universally accepted format for eBooks is

1.5 Spacing

the Portable Document Format (PDF). Two

Place title in header with link to website

additional formats that are also well known

Place page number in footer

are Kindle and Nook reader formats, but for

Select different first page in

our seven day goal Im focusing exclusively on

header/footer tools

the PDF format.

Insert page with book title and authors

name immediately after cover

The word document software will have an

Add ample blank space

option to convert the word document to PDF.

No images in the first edition

Check all links before converting to PDF

Use the following specifics:


$5000 in 7 Days

Price is what you pay. Value is what

you get.
-Warren Buffett

The price of anything is the amount

of life you exchange for it.
-Henry David Thoreau

Pricing Your

Everything has a price.

-Anne Bishop

Identifying the ideal price for a book is an area

a large number of self-publishing authors
spend a great deal of time discussing. All selfpublishing authors must decide whether to
sell their eBook for a low priceor even for

$5000 in 7 Days

free to develop a following, or to sell high to

will get sales through Amazon or Barnes &

maximize profits.

Noble at this point. All sales will be made

directly through your website.

To complicate matters, royalty structures from

both Amazon and Barnes & Noble add another

I have concluded that the highest price you

layer of complexity when youre determining

can set for the eBook without losing large

the price of your eBook.

numbers of potential buyers is $9. Naturally,

this price will vary based on the author, the

Fortunately, the urgency of the moment and

target market, and other variables.

the necessity to acquire a specific amount of

Nevertheless, it is an ideal price with which to

funds by a precise date make this a very

test your specific market.

simple process for us.

With a sale price of $9, all you need to do is
Remember: our goal is to have sales reach

make 556 sales to reach your goal.

$5,000 in seven days.

Keep it simple:
This is the very first book youre publishing,
and youre doing so with no following as of

Produce a quality self-help eBook with

yet. Because of this, it is very unlikely that you

demand in a target market.


$5000 in 7 Days

Develop an ecommerce site.

Start selling the eBook.
Remember that finding the ideal price pales in
comparison to taking action. Each action will
allow you to test pricing and make corrections
where necessary. The important thing is to
produce and launch the eBook.


$5000 in 7 Days

Social networking is about building people up in

your network NOT tearing them down
-Tasha Turner

Twitter isn't a social network, it's an information

Evan Williams

EIN, Blog,
Social &

Many of us get our news from social networks,

blogs, and daily aggregators.
Chris Hughes

Action Step #1:

Register for an EIN number


$5000 in 7 Days

The Employer Identification Number (EIN) is

A personalized email is good, but not

like a social security number for your

necessary within the first 7 days. I highly

company. It is issued for free by the federal

recommend that you get one.

Action Step #4:
Action Step #2:

Setup a Gmail account dedicated to

Acquire your domain

your EBook

Acquire your personalized domain address;

You will need to get a Gmail account to setup

select the name of your book, or something

your YouTube Channel.

closely related. I use GoDaddy to obtain my

domains. I find their prices reasonable, and
the customer service superb.

Action Step #5:

Setup a YouTube Page dedicated to
your eBook

Action Step #3:

Setup a personalized email account


$5000 in 7 Days

The YouTube Channel will be dedicated to

Step #8:

videos relating toand promoting your

Setup your ecommerce website

Now that we have completed these essentials,
Action Step #6:

we can move on to setting up the ecommerce

Set up a Facebook Fan Page


You will need to set up a Facebook fan page.

Im not going to waste time comparing the

In order to do this, you will need to already

various options because I have not used all of

have a personal Facebook profile. You can

them. I have used enough to know what works

then create a Fan Page for your eBook, which

best for me. Without hesitation, I will say that

you can continue to manage.

Shopify is the best ecommerce platform and

overall website builder.

Step #7:
Set up a twitter account

They currently have a 14 day trial period, so

you will be able to complete the seven day

Finally, you will need to set up a Twitter

program, earn your $5,000, and decide if you


still want to stay in the platform.


$5000 in 7 Days

So lets get started building!

Make $5,000 in sales in 7 days

Use the Kickstand template in Shopify. This is

Keep it simple.

the template I am currently using. Customize

it to fit your needs and your style.
I do not recommend spending too much time
on redesigning the website at this stage
because most initial buyers will come from
personal relationships and direct influences.
You will ultimately use the momentum and
resources from the first weeks success to
restructure your site, as well as your
marketing and sales strategy.
For now our goals remain the same:
Create a quality product.
Set up your ecommerce platform.

$5000 in 7 Days


Ninety percent of selling is conviction, and 10 per

cent is persuasion.
-Shiv Khera

Art is making something out of nothing and selling

-Frank Zappa

$0 to $5,000

If someone likes you, they'll buy what you're selling,

whether or not they need it.
-Gene Simmons

You have now completed your eBook,

designed your website, and uploaded your
product for sale.


$5000 in 7 Days

How do you go from $0 in sales to $5,000 in

salesand you need to do this over the next

the next four days?

four days.

At this point efficiency and staying grounded

There is no time to spend reading up on

in reality are imperative.

internet marketing techniques with the hope

that visitors to your website convert to buyers.

You are a new author with no promotion

From now until the 7 day mark, you have to

before launch; and no word-of-mouth chatter

focus exclusively on your personal and

or social media hype about your book. The

professional circle, and their connections, to

actions you take now, and moving forward,

acquire the 556 buyers you need to reach your

will help nurture your developing fan base.


Stay grounded in the present. Assess your

situation with clear eyes. Make decisions

To successfully do this, you need to be proud

based on the reality of your current situation.

of your eBook and truly believe it is

exceptional. After all, youve worked hard over

Your present situation is that you are selling

the past 72 hours to produce this product; be

your book for $9, and you need to sell 556

proud of it. This pride will radiate and be

copies to surpass your goal of $5,000 in

contagious, and will easily attract potential

buyers in swarms.

$5000 in 7 Days

and to ask the people you know well to help

This is the gift that you are now presenting to

you spread the news.

the world. Remember that.

The power of exponential growth is massive.
You must internalize the goal of selling 556

Your goal on the first day is to get 100 sales

copies by the seventh day. From now on,

within your circle. It may sound daunting, but

everything you do will rotate around the sale

you can easily do it.

of your book, and getting that initial push out

the gate. Everybody you know should be made

The second day youll need to get another 100

aware of your recent publication, and can be

sales, but you also need to dig deeper. Contact

viewed as potential buyers.

the individuals who purchased the book on

the first day and get their feedback before

They can then share your accomplishment of

subtly asking them to promote your eBook.

completing your eBook, publishing it, and

Keep selling to everyone you know to your

marketing it in 72 hours. They can spread the

neighbor, the mailman, and the random

word to everyone they also know.

person at the coffee shop.

This is no time to be bashful and modest. This

is the time to be proud of what youve done,

$5000 in 7 Days

For the next four days, release your inner

salesperson and get to that magic number of


$5000 in 7 Days


I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I

think I have ended up where I needed to be.
-Douglas Adams

All endings are also beginnings. We just don't know

it at the time.
-Mitch Albom

What Next?

And in the end it is not the years in your life that

count, it's the life in your years.
Abraham Lincoln

By the time youve reached the seventh day,

you will not only be $5,000 richer, but you
will have completed the first leg on your way
to building your own eBook collection.

$5000 in 7 Days

force you to improve, and if you work hard

The beauty of this industry that you have now

enough, you will.

entered is that when you build a large enough

fan base and people are exposed to the quality

The most important thing is that you are now

work you can deliver, name alone becomes a

ahead of 99% of other people who have ideas

valuable commodity. A collection of eBooks

in their heads and the desire to write a book,

authored by you becomes the ultimate source

but never do. You have not only completed

of passive income.

your eBook, but you did it in less than 72

hours, and you were able to sell 556 copies in

This eBook was meant to get you off the

less than a week. You deserve congratulations

starting block and show the worldand

for that.

youself what you are capable of doing. The

rest is up to you.

Give yourself some time to revel in your glory

and we will get back to work when youre

The quality of your work will speak for itself,

done. Pat yourself on the back. Take a deep

and what you do next will also speak volumes

breath. Bask in it for a minute.

about where you want to go. The people who

read your work and are impressed will become

Basked for a minute?

instant fans and want more. The critics will


$5000 in 7 Days

Okay, good; now back to work.

Action Step #4
Open a business checking account.

Youve got your final set of action steps, and

then you will able to fly solo from here.

Action Step #5
Get a professional picture.

Action Step #1
Post a general thank you message on all your

Action Step #6

social network accounts.

Set up or update your LinkedIn page; make

sure to use your new professional picture.

Action Step #2
Contact every single person by phone who

Action Step #7

purchased or supported you, and personally

Update your profiles on all of your social

thank them for supporting your first book.

network accounts with your new picture.

Action Step #3

Action Step #8

Learn how to do scheduled posting on

Request connections with 5 new people on

Facebook and schedule daily posts for the next

Facebook and LinkedIn. Do this every week.

seven days; do this once a week.

Action Step #9

$5000 in 7 Days

Teach yourself how to edit videos.

Watch tutorials on Google AdWords.

Action Step #10

Action Step #15

Create a video of yourself doing your favorite

Watch tutorials on advertising on Bing

activity with your favorite music in the


Action Steps#16
Action Step #11

Watch tutorials on Google Analytics and

Upload your video to your YouTube page.

install it on your site.

Action Step #12

Action Step#17

Send a message to your fans on Twitter and

Write a Press Release.

Facebook to start a conversation.

Action Step#18
Action Step #13

Get a Skype Account.

Watch tutorials on Search Engine

Optimization (SEO) and Internet Marketing.

Action Step#19
Learn how to record a video conversation on

Action Step #14


$5000 in 7 Days

Action Step #24

Action Step#20

Start advertising on Facebook.

Interview a reader of your eBook in person or

on Skype (with their permission), and post the

Action Step #25

interview on your YouTube channel.

Start using Google AdWords.

Action Step #21

Action Step #26

Submit a guest post to a blog that your readers

Buy Banner Ads on sites your readers visit.

follow. Do this once a week.

Action Step #27
Action Step #22

Start advertising on Twitter.

Post content on your blog at least every 3

times a week.
Action Step #28
Action Step #23

Print up 100 books and sell them at a Flea

Build your email list by offering a reward or


incentive on your site that can only be

received through email subscriptions.

Action Step #29

Print up business cards.

$5000 in 7 Days

Action Step #35

Action Step #30

Do a reading in a bookstore.

Attend a local business networking event.

Share at least 10 of your business cards.

Action Step #36

Do a workshop, record it, and upload it to

Action Step #31

your YouTube page.

Register on a meeting exchange network.

Action Step #37
Action Step #32

Recruit somebody to sell your book.

Attend an event scheduled on a meeting

exchange network.

Action Step #38

Get a membership to an organization focused

Action Step #33

on your topic; if there isnt one yet, create one

Schedule an event on a meeting exchange


Action Step #39
Action Step #34

Attend an event by the organization. If no

Find a book store that will sell your book.

event is scheduled yet, then plan one for


$5000 in 7 Days

Film a commercial about your book, and

Action Step #40

advertise on one of your local TV stations.

Knock on your neighbors door, and let them

know about your new eBook.

Action Step #46

Participate in related forums.

Action Step #41

Buy a print ad in one of your local papers

Action Step #47

about your book.

Translate your book into another language.

Action Step #42

Sponsor an event in the name of your eBook.

And the Final Step:

Action Step #43

Do It All Over Again!

Print and distribute flyers about your eBook.

Action Step #44
Get a billboard for your eBook.

Congratulations, and Good

Action Step #45


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