MSD Student Handbook

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Mississippi School for the Deaf

1253 Eastover Drive
Jackson, MS


Dr. O. Wayne Gann, Chair
Mrs. Kami Bumgarner
Mr. William Harold Jones
Dr. John R. Kelly
Mr. Charles McClelland
Mr. Richard Morrison
Mr. Simon F. Weir, II
Mrs. Rosemary Aultman


Dr. Carey M. Wright


Dr. Kim S. Benton


Dr. Sandra Edwards, Superintendent
Mr. Bradley Porche`, Campus Principal
Dr. Melissa Ausbrooks, Director of Instruction and Research
Dr. Leigh Poole Warren, Director of Assessment and Intervention
Dr. Allison Moffett, Director of Special Education
Vacant, Director of Technology and Public Relations
Mr. Arness Georgetown, Director of Residential Education
Mrs. Shelly Jacobs, Overnight Dormitory Supervisor


The Mississippi Board of Education, the Mississippi Department of
Education, the Mississippi School of the Arts, the Mississippi School for
the Blind, the Mississippi School for the Deaf, and the Mississippi
School for Mathematics and Science do not discriminate on the basis
of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or disability in the
provision of educational programs.


Board of Education and MSD School Administration
Notice of Non-Discrimination
Table of Contents
Philosophy Statement
Mission Statement
Belief Statements
Superintendents Message
Secret Societies/Gang Activity
Alcohol and Drug Prevention
Smoke Free Policy
Suicide Prevention Policy
Confidentiality and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Section 504/Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Disciplinary Management
Items Prohibited on School Property
Notification of Law Enforcement Officials
Zero Tolerance Policy
Disciplinary Procedures and Due Process
School Uniform Policy Requirements
Graduation Options
Response to Intervention
Acceptable Use Policy Student Contract
Acceptable Use Policy Parent or Guardian Contract
School Safety and Transportation
Campus Services
Counseling Services
Health Services
Residential Education Services
Mississippi State Laws (non-exhaustive)
Certification of Acknowledgment



The Mississippi School for the Deaf advocates self-improvement through the
education of all Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing students by utilizing a bilingual
philosophy that places an emphasis on the linguistics of both American Sign
Language and English.


The Mississippi School for the Deaf is a comprehensive center providing education,
resources, and services for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing children, their families, and
educational partners. Empowered with a positive Deaf identity, students will
possess the confidence, discipline, leadership, and productivity to become
contributing citizens in their community.


All people have equal value.

All students can learn and are lifelong learners.

ASL English Bilingual Education (AEBE) is a basic right of Deaf and Hard of Hearing
students. ASL and English are two separate languages.

Both Deaf and Hearing interactions are vital to students bicultural development.

Students benefit when parents and families are involved in the educational
process, as all adults are vital educators.

A safe, secure, inviting, and healthy school environment is essential for learning.

All students need to be immersed in a creative, challenging environment that
encourages risk-taking that enhances their social, emotional, and intellectual skills.

Students have the right to have their individual needs met through learning
opportunities that promote optimum success.

Students should have cultural awareness, respect, and sensitivity when choosing a
natural mode of communication with peers, staff, family, and the diverse multi-
cultural society.


The Mississippi School for the Deaf (MSD) welcomes students to a diverse
community of lifelong learners. MSD strives to promote the development of
each students maximum potential by providing specialized services, materials,
and technology.

As we begin another educational year with programs of excellence, MSD
adheres to a philosophy of bilingual education and strives to demonstrate
mutual respect for all people. MSD has worked diligently over the past several
years to incorporate research-based AEBE (ASL/English Bilingual Education)
strategies, which will improve the education of our students.

Programming Goals:

All programs and services will be student centered.
A bilingual-bicultural environment where cultures and languages are
mutually respected and encouraged with high expectations will be our
Promote a family-friendly environment and a positive customer service
A qualified, proactive staff that creates a learning environment that
challenges students to achieve their highest potential.
An empowered community that interacts and provides leadership focusing
on the best interest of the students at MSD.

It is my hope that the contents of this handbook will guide you in the policies
and procedures of MSD. Take time to read its contents. Should you have any
questions or concerns, please contact the school at 601-984-8000.


Sandra G. Edwards, Ed.D.



The state of Mississippi has established legislation requiring Bullying Prevention to be
taught in schools.

Executive Summary

The purpose of this policy is to assist the Mississippi Special State Schools in preventing
and responding to acts of bullying, harassment, intimidation, violence, and other similar
disruptive behavior. The Mississippi Special State Schools strive to maintain a safe and
civil learning environment for students to attain high academic and artistic achievement
and to promote healthy human relationships. As residential schools, it is imperative to
do everything possible to prevent bullying and harassment and take action to
investigate, respond, remediate, and discipline those acts of bullying which have not
been successfully prevented.


Definition: Bullying or harassing behavior is any pattern of gestures or written,
electronic or verbal communications, or any physical act or any threatening
communication, or any act reasonably perceived as being motivated by any actual or
perceived differentiating characteristic, that takes place on school property, at any
school-sponsored function, or on a school bus. BULLYING includes, but is not limited to,
conduct by a student/employee/parent/ other person against a Special State School
student that one can reasonably believe has the effect of:
harming a student
damaging a student's property
placing a student in actual and reasonable fear of harm to his or her person or
creating a hostile environment* for a student

*Hostile environment means that the victim subjectively views the conduct as bullying
or harassing behavior and the conduct is objectively severe or pervasive enough that a
reasonable person would agree that it is bullying or harassing behavior.

An act of bullying or harassing by an individual student, a group of students, parents,
employee or other person is expressly prohibited on school property, online, at school
functions, or on a school bus. This policy applies not only to those directly engaged in an
act of bullying but also to anyone who, by indirect behavior, condones or supports an
act of bullying. A student does, however, has a fundamental right to take reasonable

actions as may be necessary to defend himself or herself from an attack by another

student who has evidenced menacing or threatening behavior through bullying or
harassing pursuant to Miss. Code Ann. 37-11-69.

No employee of the Special State School shall permit, condone, or tolerate bullying.
Retaliation against a victim, good faith reporter, or a witness of bullying is prohibited.
False accusations or reports of bullying are prohibited.

Reporting: Any person who believes he or she has been the victim of bullying or anyone
with knowledge that a student or school employee has been subjected to bullying or
harassing behavior shall report the alleged acts immediately to an appropriate school
official. A student may report bullying anonymously; however, the school district's
ability to take action based solely on an anonymous report may be limited.

All Special State School employees shall be alert to possible situations, circumstances, or
events that might include bullying.

Reports of bullying are classified as private educational and/or personnel data and/or
confidential investigative data and will not be disclosed except as permitted by law.

Submission of a good faith complaint or report of bullying will not affect the
complainant's or reporter's future employment, grades, or work assignments, or
educational or work environment.

The Special State Schools will annually provide education and information to students
regarding bullying or harassing, including this policy, the harmful effects of bullying, and
other applicable initiatives to prevent bullying.

Action: Upon receipt of a complaint or report of bullying, Special State School officials or
a designated third party will act to investigate all complaints of bullying within 24 hours
of the report and will discipline or take appropriate action against anyone who is found
to have violated this policy.

Investigation and action taken will be consistent with the schools policy on harassment,
violence, or other action causing harm to another.

Consequences for students may include suspension and/or dismissal.

Consequences for employees who permit, condone, or tolerate bullying or intentional
false reporting of bullying may result in disciplinary action up to termination or

Consequences for other individuals engaging in prohibited acts of bullying may include,
but not be limited to, exclusion from school district property and events.

Reporting Harassment

Any school employee or student, who observes, overhears, or otherwise witnesses
harassment is encouraged to take appropriate action to report the incident
immediately. In the event the school employee or student is unable to personally take
prompt action, he or she is encouraged to report the incident or complaint in writing to
an administrator.

An individual who alleges any form of harassment by a staff member, student, or other
person may complain directly to a teacher, staff member, or administrator. An official
complaint must be written and signed. Filing of a complaint or reporting harassment in
any manner will not affect an individuals status, future employment, work assignments,
or grades.

Under certain circumstances, sexual harassment behaviors (e.g., sexual touching,
grabbing, pinching, being forced to kiss, being forced to commit acts against ones
wishes) may constitute physical or sexual abuse. When educators become aware of
suspected abuse, a report of the incident must be made to the Mississippi Department
of Human Services and law enforcement. Such acts constitute violations of Mississippi
criminal law resulting in law enforcement investigations and possible criminal charges.

Retaliation to Harassment

Members of the school community may not retaliate against any person who reports
alleged harassment or any person who testifies, assists, or participates in the
investigation, proceedings, or hearing related to such harassment. Retaliation includes,
but is not limited to, any form of intimidation, reprisal, or harassment and may be
redressed through the same process for reporting, investigating, and enforcing
procedures for harassment.

Any person who knowingly files a false claim or report may be subject to the same
actions that MSD might take against any other individual violating this harassment

The right to confidentiality, both of the complainant and the accused, will be respected
consistent with the legal obligation of the school and the necessity to investigate
allegations of misconduct and to take corrective actions when such conduct occurs.

Reporting Sexual Harassment

It is the policy of the Mississippi School for the Deaf to maintain an environment that is
free from sexual harassment.

No student shall harass other students, employees, or other persons on campus or
during any school function off campus through sexual conduct or communications. (The
term employee also includes non-employees and volunteers who work under the
control of school employees.)

If you should become a victim of sexual harassment or discrimination please report the
incident to your principal or dormitory director.

ALL complaints of sexual harassment, sexual discrimination or sexual misconduct will be
investigated with the assistance of Human Resources and the MDE Legal Department.

False Reporting of Sexual Harassment

A student who gives a false report that a staff member or another student has sexually
harassed a student or has knowingly given false information, will be considered to have
engaged in student misconduct and will be subject to disciplinary action.

Right to Express Concerns, Complaints or Grievances

Students with complaints and grievances should follow this procedure. First, they
should discuss their problem or concern with their counselor, teacher(s) and/or
residential advisors. If their concern or problem is not resolved, students should then
bring it to the attention of the principal, dorm director or superintendent who will then
initiate an investigation. As this is an administrative investigation students may be
interviewed without parental permission. Families of alleged victim(s) and
perpetrator(s) must be notified.

The individual conducting the interview should write up the interview(s).
Interviews should answer who, what, how, when, where, why. There can only
be two results from the investigation: the allegation is substantiated, or the
allegation is unsubstantiated.



School Community: includes, but is not limited to, all students, parents, school and state
employees, contractors, volunteers, committee members, and other visitors.
School Employee: includes, but is not limited to, all administrators, teachers, staff, bus
drivers, custodians, cafeteria workers, and agents of the school.

Harassment: verbal or physical conduct based on an individuals actual or perceived
race, religion, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability that affects or interferes
with a students educational performance or creates a hostile, offensive, or intimidating
environment. Harassment may include any form of unwelcome and unwanted verbal,
physical, or written conduct that offends, degrades, or belittles an individual. Such
conduct includes, but is not limited to, unsolicited derogatory remarks, jokes,
demeaning comments, offensive behavior, slurs, mimicking, name calling, graffiti,
innuendo, gestures, physical contact, stalking, threatening, bullying, extorting, or the
display or circulation of written materials or pictures.

Sexual Harassment: may include, but is not limited to, sexually oriented verbal teasing,
abuse or harassment, pressure for sexual activity, repeated remarks to a person with
sexual or demeaning implications, unwelcome and unwanted touching such as pinching,
patting, or constant brushing against anothers body, suggesting or demanding sexual
involvement accompanied by implied or explicit threats concerning ones grades, or
other personal concerns or filing a false complaint of sexual harassment. These
stipulations apply whether the harassment is between people of the same, or of a
different gender.

Peer Harassment: includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome and unwanted attention
from peers or other individuals and includes such actions as name calling, threatening
gestures, unwanted physical contact, vandalism of personal property, and filing a false

Racial and Color Harassment: includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome and unwanted
verbal, written, or physical conduct directed at the characteristics of an individuals race
or color. Nicknames, emphasizing stereotypes, racial slurs, comments on ones manner
of speaking, and negative references to racial customs are examples of racial or color

Religious Creed Harassment: includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome and unwanted
verbal, written, or physical conduct directed at an individuals religion or creed such as
derogatory comments regarding surnames, religious clothing, religious slurs, or graffiti.

National Origin Harassment: includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome and unwanted
verbal, written, or physical conduct directed at the characteristics of an individuals
national origin such as negative comments regarding surnames, manner of speaking,
customs, language, or ethnic slurs.

Disability Harassment: includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome and unwanted verbal,
written, or physical conduct directed at a persons disabling mental or physical
condition such as manner of speech or movement or interference with an individuals

Consequences to Violation of Harassment Policies

Any school employee or student found to have violated this policy may be subject to
action including, but not limited to, warning, remedial training, education or counseling,
suspension, expulsion, termination, or discharge from duties.


It is unlawful in the state of Mississippi to organize fraternities, sororities, or secret
societies in the public high schools, for a public school student to be a member of such
organizations, and to solicit student membership in such organizations. Students in
violation of this policy are subject to suspension or expulsion.

This school district is committed to maintaining a safe school environment for its
students and staff. Students are expected to adhere to the school and district standards
of conduct that promotes well-being and supports the learning process. Gang activity
will not be tolerated in any form. Where gang activity is suspected or confirmed a
complaint will be filed in accordance with the Mississippi Street Gang Act pursuant to
Miss. Code Ann. 97-44-1 et seq.

Gang activity, which initiates, promotes, or advocates activities that threaten the safety
or well-being of persons or property on school grounds or which disrupts the school
environment are harmful to the educational process. The use of hand signals, graffiti, or
the presence of apparel, jewelry, accessory, or manner of grooming which, by virtue of
color, arrangement, trademark, symbol, or any other attribute which implies
membership or affiliation with such a group, presents a clear and present danger and is
to be discouraged by school officials. Students displaying interest, involvement, or
affiliation with a gang shall be subject to disciplinary action and will be encouraged to
seek involvement in authorized school organizations to enhance self-esteem and
promote activity that can have a positive impact on the student.


Possession, Purchase, Distribution or Use of Alcohol

The purchase and use of alcohol by minors is against the law. MSD considers this a very
serious matter and will make every effort to educate and encourage its students to
refrain from the use of harmful substances. If students choose to become involved in
alcohol-related incidents and threaten the opportunities the state of Mississippi has
extended to them, MSD will respond in a firm, yet fair, disciplinary manner.

Possession of Alcohol: a student having alcohol in his/her room, in a vehicle or other
locations on campus, or on his/her person on campus or off campus if at a school
sponsored event. School officials will make every effort to determine who is responsible
for possession of alcohol, including shared responsibility by more than one person.

Distribution of Alcohol: includes buying, assistance in obtaining, or giving alcohol to any
student enrolled at MSD.

Use of Alcohol: the consumption of alcohol determined by direct observation, a student
emitting the odor of alcohol, or a positive reading on an alcohol breath or blood test. In
addition, other corroborating signs of usage will be reported, such as slurred speech,
uncoordinated body movements, disorientation, incoherence, the proximity of alcohol
containers, and other information obtained through discussion with students or

A student suspected of using, purchasing, possessing, or distributing alcohol would have
an immediate discussion with a designated staff member. If there is reason to believe a
student has consumed alcohol and he/she denies it, MSD officials will ask him/her to
take an alcohol/breath test. Refusal to take the test may result in being charged with
the violation. The decision to administer disciplinary consequences will be based upon
observations and other available information.

Once determined that the student used, purchased, possessed, or distributed alcohol,
the MSD administration will notify parents and schedule an IEP Review/Revision
conference. The student will be subject to at least a five-day suspension.
Expectations for the student while on suspension and following suspension will be
communicated during the conference.


Upon returning to school after suspension, the student must report to the
principal/director and or supervisor to determine a program of action as discussed in
the IEP meeting and/or phone conference.

Students Under the Influence

If a student behaves in such a way that the faculty and staff believe that substance use
may be involved, the following procedure will be initiated:
the students parents will be notified
the students alcohol level will be tested
if the alcohol level is above 0.0, the student will be referred to the principal or the
Director of Residential Services for disciplinary procedures to be initiated
if the behavior creates urgent concern, the student may be transported to the
emergency room at the cost of the parents

Students refusing the test may be subject to disciplinary action. A negative result to any
test does not exonerate a student, as possession is a separate issue.

Illegal Drugs

The administration, faculty, staff, and student body are responsible for ensuring a drug-
free campus for the support of a strong academic and residential learning environment.
Illegal drugs present a threat to the health and safety of all MSD members. The Drug-
Free Schools and Community Act and its amendments (1989) establish programs of drug
abuse, education, and prevention.

MSD works within these guidelines by providing programs, services, and publications
that promote the prevention of substance abuse.

The Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 requires all agencies receiving Federal grants to
certify that they will enforce drugfree policies. This policy provides for the
implementation of statutory requirements in providing a drug-free workplace.

Students are responsible for complying Federal and State laws that make it illegal to
possess, sell, deliver, or manufacture any controlled substance. Violation of the law may
result in prosecution and punishment by the civil authorities as well as disciplinary
proceedings by MSD.


Illegal Purchase, Use, or Possession of Tobacco and/or Tobacco Products

Policies pertaining to smoking and tobacco products at MSD are part of the Drug-Free
School and Community Act. The campus of MSD is a tobacco-free environment.
Cigarettes and other tobacco products are not allowed. Smoking, possession, or use of
tobacco products are prohibited by students and adults on campus and at school
related activities. While under the patronage of MSD the same drugfree policies exist
for all MSD administration, faculty, staff, and students. Possession constitutes a
violation and will be referred to administration as a Level Three violation.


Consistent with the provisions of Public law 103-227, 20 USC 6083, MSD bans the
use of all tobacco products in all school buildings in the district and on all school
vehicles by all persons at all times. This ban extends to all employees, students,
and patrons attending school sponsored athletic events and meetings. The ban
extends to school-owned or operated vehicles and facilities.

Illegal Purchase, Use, or Possession of Tobacco and/or Tobacco Products

Policies pertaining to smoking and tobacco products at MSD are part of the Drug-Free
School and Community Act. The campus of MSD is a tobacco-free environment.
Cigarettes and other tobacco products are not allowed. Smoking, possession, or use of
tobacco products are prohibited by students and adults on campus and at school
related activities. While under the patronage of MSD, the same drugfree policies exist
for all MSD administration, faculty, staff, and students. Possession constitutes a
violation and will be referred to administration as a Level Three violation.

Amnesty Program

Amnesty shall be granted to any student with a substance abuse problem only for the
initial instance of reported abuse. The student must independently report the abuse
and/or seek assistance. This student shall then be immune from disciplinary action.
If a faculty or staff member initiates the conversation about possible use/abuse the
Amnesty Policy is no longer in effect. If deemed necessary, a student must submit to a
substance abuse evaluation and any treatment and evaluation determined as necessary.
Failure to comply with the evaluation or treatment will mean full disciplinary action
from MSD. Parents are responsible for any costs incurred as a result of a substance
abuse evaluation and treatment.



This policy is designed to provide intervention services for students needing
preventative counseling and immediate protection.

Suicidal Attempt: The student will be taken to the health clinic if he or she is able;
otherwise, the nurse will go to the student. The staff member who is calling should give
specific information on the location of the student. The nurse will measure and assess
blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation/first aid as
indicated. A staff member should remain with the student at all times and other staff
members and students should move out of the area. Contact with the superintendent
occurs at this time. The superintendent will assign a staff member to contact the

The nurse will:
determine if a life-threatening situation exists and delegate a staff member to
activate the medical response system (EMS-9-1-1) and meet the emergency
vehicle. The nurse will continue to monitor vital signs every 5 minutes until the
arrival of rescue personnel
will contact POISON CONTROL at MS Poison Control at the University Medical
Center, 800-222-1222 for assistance with any drug overdose/chemical ingestion
will obtain name/description of medication/chemical, amount taken, and time
taken (if possible provide the health care provider the container)
will save all vomitus and send to the health care provider
will give EMS personnel all health related information and where to transport the
student for medical care
advise ER/mental health provider with the current observations and assessments

A copy of the Permission to Treat and Health Care Provider Medical Record is to be sent
with the student to the health care facility. The nurse will complete this if she has time,
otherwise another staff member will be assigned this task.

Best practices for assisting a student who has made a suicide attempt are:
detain student, getting assistance, if student is acting out or presents risk to
dont touch the student if touch increases agitation
dont allow the student to come between you and the door
dont remain alone with a student who becomes aggressive


If a mental health counselor employed by MSD is onsite he/she will respond

immediately for student support. The nurse will remain with the student to monitor
medical status if deemed necessary. Counselor may assume responsibility for remaining
mental health intervention.

Keep student under direct surveillance until dismissed directly to the responsible party
or EMS response personnel.

Imminent Suicide Plan:
specificity-consider high risk if there is a detailed plan
lethality-consider high risk when a student perceives action to be lethal
availability-consider high risk if implement is readily assessable
proximity-consider as higher risk with increased distance from rescuers

EX: Student in a high place with a threat to jump.

Mental Health counselor should complete a mental health intervention. The
superintendent will be notified when a threat is made and policy will be set into motion.

Staff members should encourage student to communicate feelings and concerns using a
non-judgmental manner to maintain student dignity.
actively listen to student and acknowledge students feelings
speak in calm, steady voice as well as sign in a calming nature
try to maintain eye contact with the student
reflect students feelings back to him/her
use touch, if appropriate and do so in a gradual way
ask directly about suicidal intent
DO NOT collude with the student; concerns need to be shared with pertinent
persons in the students life
provide as much privacy as possible and discourage onlookers
introduce concepts of hope
acknowledge students feelings
remind student of the temporary nature of crisis
reinforce desire that student stay alive
refer for immediate medical/mental health assessments

MSD nursing staff will work with medical personnel on medical/physical concerns.


MSD mental health counselor will follow up with mental health services and make
contact with the parent of responsible party of observations noted and
recommendations for future interventions and assist, as needed in facilitating a mental
health evaluation. If the Responsible Party is inaccessible, the counselor will work with
designated school officials to reach an emergency contact.

Keep students with imminent suicidal plans under direct surveillance until dismissed
directly to the responsible party or appropriate surrogate.

Non-Imminent Suicidal Ideation:
refer to the MSD mental health counselor
encourage student to verbalize feelings and concerns using non-judgmental
communication to allow student to maintain dignity
Clarify / Reflect / Summarize feelings, but never say you understand feelings when
you do not
reassure that feelings are important
DO NOT collude with the student as to confidentiality - concerns need to be shared
with pertinent persons in the students life
introduce concepts of hope
acknowledge students feelings
remind student of the temporary nature of crisis
reinforce desire that student stay alive
refer for immediate medical/mental health assessment

Keep students with imminent suicidal plans under direct surveillance until dismissed
directly to the responsible party or appropriate surrogate.



MSD will protect the confidentiality of all previous or currently enrolled students with
regard to information contained in its records as prescribed by the Family Education
Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students
over 18 years of age (eligible students) certain rights with respect to the students
educational records. They are:
The right to inspect and review the students education records within 45 days of
the day the district receives a request for access.


o Parents or eligible students should submit to the Superintendent (or the

Superintendents designee) written request that identifies the record(s)
they wish to inspect. The Superintendent will make arrangements for
access and notify the parent of the eligible student of the time and place
where the records may be inspected.
The right to request the amendment of the students education records that the
parent or eligible student believes is inaccurate or misleading.
o Parents or eligible students may ask the Mississippi School for the Deaf
(MSD) to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading.
They should write the Superintendent, clearly identify the part of the
record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading.
o If MSD decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or
eligible student, MSD will notify the parent or eligible student of the
decision and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding the request
for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures
will be provided to the parent of eligible student when notified of the right
to a hearing. If, as a result of the hearing, MSD still decides not to amend
the record, the parent or eligible student has the right to insert a statement
in the record setting forth his or her views.
The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained
in the students education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes
disclosure without consent.

One exception, which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials
with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the
Mississippi Department of Education as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or
support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit
personnel); a person serving on the Mississippi Board of Education; a person or
company with whom the Mississippi Department of Education has contracted to
perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist);
or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or
grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks.

A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an
education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.

Upon request to officials of another school district or college in which a student seeks or
intends to enroll, MSD discloses educational records without consent. Any disciplinary
actions affecting attendance is included in the students permanent record and
cumulative folder.

MSD will forward education records, including disciplinary records, to other schools or
colleges in which the student seeks or intends to enroll.

MSD discloses directory information regarding its students. Directory information
means information contained in an education record of a student which would not
generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. It includes, but is
not limited to, the students name, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth,
major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight
and height or members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards
received, and the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended.
MSD may disclose directory information about former students without meeting these

A school is required to provide military recruiters names, addresses, and telephone
listings of secondary students, unless the parent has opted-out of the disclosure as
provided below.

The parent or eligible student has the right to refuse to let MSD designate any or all
types of information about the student as directory information. The parent or eligible
student must notify the Superintendent (or designee of the Superintendent) in writing
within 14 days or receipt of this notice that he or she does not want any or all of those
types of information about the student designated as directory information or disclosed
to military recruiters.

The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20202-5920

Confidentiality and Disclosure Policy

MSD respects the privacy rights of all its constituents. This policy does not apply when
disclosure is required to prevent clear and imminent danger to an individual or the MSD
school community, or when legal requirements demand confidential information be
revealed, or when it becomes clear to the faculty or staff that an individual is making
self-destructive choices. This includes, but is not limited to, threats of suicide, child
abuse, pregnancy, communicable or fatal diseases, eating disorders, substance abuse,
self-mutilation, etc.


Only information related to the reason for disclosure will be revealed on a need to
know basis. Individuals should consult with members of the administrative staff as to
the validity of an exception.

The Mississippi School for the Deaf was established to serve deaf and hard of hearing
students who reside in the State of Mississippi. Services are provided in the homes for
children between the ages of 0-3 through the SKI*HI program. Academic programming
on campus serving children ages 2 20 years of age by the start of the school year as
prescribed by Miss. Code Ann. 37-15-9(1).

General Eligibility Requirements

Admission to any educational program or service offered by MSD is determined by an
established list of criteria.
The primary disability of the student must be hearing impairment.
The age of the student must be between 0 and twenty for either the Early
Intervention program or the onsite pre-school through high school program.
The student must meet all of the following to ensure a Least Restrictive
Environment and for a successful transition:
o Must be able to adjust socially and psychologically to the school
environment as evidenced by his/her presenting no deficits in the ability to
adhere to student code of conduct that will interfere with themselves or
other students and their opportunities to learn. This adjustment is
particularly important for students residing at MSD. This requires students
to participate in lengthy bus rides to and from school each week and be
away from their families all week.
o Must demonstrate the capacity to benefit from his/her participation in the
educational programs offered by MSD thus establishing MSD as the
appropriate Least Restrictive Environment.
o Must demonstrate the following prerequisite skills or the ability to develop
these skills during an extended evaluation period:
Schedule-trained in toileting for academic programming.
Accepts solid food or attempts to feed self with a spoon and drinks
from a cup.
Needs only moderate assistance in bathing, dressing, and grooming.
Expresses basic needs.
Must be able to move about on his/her own in a safe manner with
only a minimum amount of assistance.
Must be toilet trained for residential placement consideration.


Families pay no tuition, room, or boarding costs at the Mississippi School for the Deaf.
Legislative appropriations support the costs for attendance at MSD. Families are
responsible for expenses such as prescription medications, personal hygiene items,
laundry supplies, spending money and individual expenses.

Free Appropriate Public Education

The Mississippi School for the Deaf provides free, appropriate educational programming
for all eligible students ages two through twenty years as of the date prescribed in Miss.
Code Ann. 37-15-9(1) and 37-23-1.

Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Under Federal law, every student at MSD will have an IEP to address his or her
individualized education program. The IEP Committee will adhere to all the rules and
regulations surrounding the development and implementation of the IEP.

Due Process

The Mississippi School for the Deaf will ensure that all enrolled students and their
parent(s)/guardian(s) are guaranteed due process with respect to the provision of a
free, appropriate public education. All relevant Federal and State statutes and
regulations apply.

Non-Discrimination Policy

Evaluation materials and placement procedures utilized by MSD will be, to the
maximum extent possible, selected and administered so as to be racially or culturally

Least Restrictive Environment

MSD will, to the maximum extent appropriate, educate disabled students with non-
disabled students in their age groups. A continuum of alternative placements based on
the individual student's IEP will be provided. Placement of students will be determined
at least annually or as required by law.


In selecting the least restrictive environment for each student, consideration will be
given to any potentially harmful effects on the student or on the quality of services
needed. In the event that an enrolled student can function socially, emotionally, and
mentally on a par with non-disabled students of a similar chronological age, he/she will
be given that opportunity in accordance with his/her IEP.

Withdrawal of Students

If a student is to be withdrawn from school, please notify the office as soon as
possible (preferably several days in advance). Teachers should not be interrupted
during teaching time to process paperwork necessary to withdraw a student.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination against persons
with a disability in any program receiving Federal financial assistance. No discrimination
against any person with a disability will be permitted in any of the programs and
practices of the Mississippi School for the Deaf. To ensure the schools compliance with
Section 504, as it applies to students with disabilities, the following procedures have
been adopted.

MSDs Section 504/ADA contact person is the campus principal. The contact information
is as follows:

Campus Principal
1253 Eastover Drive
Jackson MS, 39211

If a student claims that he/she has been subjected to discrimination on the basis of a
disability in violation of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, or if the school
has reason to believe that a student has a disability which substantially limits the
students major life functions, the school shall convene a team of people who are
knowledgeable of the students educational needs to review and consider all pertinent
information related to the suspected disability. Parental involvement and input will be
sought and welcomed. The meeting shall be convened within seven (7) working days
after the school receives a written statement describing the specific discriminatory
conduct, or the school becomes aware of the students disability affecting a major life


The team described in the paragraph above shall determine whether the student is
disabled under Section 504 and whether that disability substantially limits a major life

If such a determination is made, the team must further determine what reasonable
accommodations are required on behalf of the school to allow the student an equal
opportunity to participate in school and school-related activities. This committee shall
render its conclusions and recommendations in writing within seven (7) working days of
the meeting. If the students parents disagree with the MSDs decision, the parents shall
be informed of their right to ask for an impartial hearing to decide the matter.

Hearing request shall be made in writing to MSD giving specific reasons describing the
discriminatory actions by the school and why the schools accommodations are not

An impartial hearing shall be held within 30 calendar days of receipt of the written
request. The school shall obtain as a hearing officer an individual who is not an
employee of the home school district, has no conflict of interest, and who is
knowledgeable of Section 504. The parent and student may take part in the hearing and
have an attorney represent them at their own expense. Counsel also may represent the
home school district.

The hearing officer shall conduct the hearing so as to give the parents an opportunity to
present evidence supporting their claim that their child has been subjected to
discriminatory treatment in violation of Section 504. The school shall be given the
opportunity to present evidence supporting its position with respect to the student. The
school will make a tape recording of the hearing and a copy of the tape will be provided
for the parents upon written request. The impartial hearing will be informal with the
hearing officer controlling the flow of information from each party. For example, the
hearing officer could ask the parties to make statements and present their evidence
without resorting to attorneys conducting direct examination, cross examination,
opening statements, closing arguments, etc. Each party shall bear his or her own costs
for duplication of written evidence and such evidence may be stipulated into the record
by agreement.

The hearing officer shall make a decision within seven (7) working days after the
conclusion of the hearing. The decision shall be given in writing to the home school
districts 504 coordinator and the parents. If either is aggrieved by the action of the
hearing officer, an appeal may be taken to the State Superintendent of Education.


The State Superintendent of Education, or designee, will conduct a review of the written
record within seven (7) working days of receiving the request or review. The State
Superintendent of Education, or designee, may overrule, modify, or uphold the decision
of the hearing officer. A decision will be made within seven (7) working days of
beginning deliberations on the matter and the State Superintendent of Education, or
designee, shall provide a written response to both parties. The decision of the State
Superintendent, or designee, is final. MSD shall publish its policy of nondiscrimination
on the basis of disability and shall inform parents of their rights under Section 504,
including the right to examine records relevant to their child and the right to an
impartial hearing. The schools review procedure will also be made available upon


The superintendent, principal, assistant principal, or any district administrator may
discipline a student for misconduct. Each administrator has the authority to
determine the appropriate disciplinary action, including in-school suspension, out
of school suspension, conferencing with student, and in some cases expulsion.

Students are subject to discipline during any time that they are either under or
subject to the jurisdiction of MSD, while participating in or going to or from any
school-related activity, at any place where an athletic contest or event is taking
place, during the course of any field trip, during the course of any trip or activity
sponsored or supervised by MSD, while under the supervision or direction of any
teacher, principal, or other authority of MSD, or when such conduct does or may
threaten to interfere with or disrupt the educational process or poses a threat to
the safety of the student or others. School administrators may remove students
from participation in school related activities for disciplinary reasons. Parents will
be notified of disciplinary actions regarding their student. The Mississippi School for
the Deaf does not allow corporal punishment of any student.



Possession of the following items on school property, a school bus, or at a

school-related activity is prohibited:

Alcoholic beverages
Stolen property
Gambling paraphernalia
Gun jewelry
Noise making devices
Paint guns
Pornographic materials
Stink bombs

Bandanas, sweat bands

Cigarette lighters
Gang paraphernalia
Illegal drugs
Drug paraphernalia
Incendiary materials
Personal defense spray
Silly bands

Toy weapons
Cap guns
Water pistols

Contraband property confiscated by school officials will be returned only to
the parent or legal guardian. School personnel will not be held responsible
for prohibited items, which have been confiscated.


Commission of any of the following misconduct shall result in notification of law
enforcement officials by the principal or his/her designee:

aggravated assault resulting in serious physical injury
sexual assault/battery
sexual offense
indecent liberties with a minor
assault involving use of a weapon
possession of a firearm in violation of the law
possession or use of a weapon in violation of the law
possession, sale, or use of any controlled substance in violation of the law
simple assault upon any school employee
other violent acts (action resulting in death or physical harm or attempt
to cause death or physical harm to another) or threats of violent acts


The principal making the report or participating in any judicial proceeding

resulting thereof, shall be presumed to be acting in good faith and, as such, shall
be immune from any civil liability that might otherwise be incurred or imposed.


MSD has a zero tolerance policy towards the possession and/or use of firearms
on any school property or at any school function or school-related activity. Any
student found to be in violation of this policy shall be subject to expulsion.

If a student has committed an infraction where Zero Tolerance applies, only the IEP
Committee may determine the placement of a special education student in the
alternative setting. Should the parents disagree with the placement decision, due
process procedures afforded under IDEA will be followed.

The IEP Committee will also determine if the student has met the goals outlined on
the IEP, which would allow the student to return to an appropriate placement
other than the alternative setting.

Probation: a period of time set by an administrator during which a student is given an
opportunity to improve behavior exhibited in prior violations of school policy. The
supervisor will notify students, parents, and teachers in writing of students placed on
probation. This notification could include a contract including future plans and
expectations of the student and the manner in which the student must meet the
prescribed requirements. The parents, student, faculty, principal or supervisor, Director
of Residence Education, and the counselor will receive copies of the signed contract.
Students who fail to make required minimum academic progress, to improve
attendance, or to correct residential life behavioral problems during the probationary
term will be evaluated for appropriate actions.

General Suspension for Ten (10) Days or Less

Suspension: the administrative removal of a student from class attendance at the
Mississippi School for the Deaf for a specified period of time due to violations of school
policy. If the student receives an out-of-school suspension, the student may not come to
campus for any reason for the number of days assigned. The Superintendent may
suspend a student from MSD for a period of ten (10) school days or less when it is
determined that a students behavior is detrimental to the good order of the school,
and that suspension is an appropriate disciplinary action for a serious violation of school
rules (or frequent violations of school rules).

The procedure for suspending a student is as follows:

MSD officials will provide the student with a notice of the charge of violation of school
discipline and the evidence against him/her. The notice of the charge may be given
orally. The opportunity will be given for the student to hear the charge and evidence
and to offer the student an opportunity to respond. This will be the only hearing
conducted. If the facts indicate the students guilt, the Superintendent will determine
the appropriate term of suspension.

Upon notification of the suspension, the student is placed on restriction (in dormitory
room, if during extended day or in a room specified by the principal/supervisor during
the school day) until the actual departure from school to begin the suspension. The
suspension may begin immediately. MSD will inform the parent/guardian(s) of the
suspension prior to the student leaving campus. Within five school days of the informal
hearing with the student, MSD officials will send written notification to the student and
parent/guardian(s) specifying the reasons for the suspension.

Suspended students may not attend school-sponsored functions on or off campus
during the suspension. Such exclusions include field trips, competitions, social events,

A student suspended from school may make up only work involving major grades. To
take advantage of this opportunity, the student must comply with the timelines
specified in MSD policies for making up work. Failure to contact teachers and make
specific arrangements will waive the right to make up the work.

Teachers are not obligated to repeat classroom lectures or provide private tutoring for
material missed in class.

Upon completion of suspension, a student returning to school must make an
appointment with the school official who handled the suspension to discuss returning to
school and any additional restrictions that may apply. Parent/Guardian(s) will be
requested to consult with the MSD official.

Emergency Suspension

Emergency Suspension: occurs when the Superintendent or a designee summarily
suspends a student for not more than three (3) days prior to complete an investigation
for serious student misconduct under circumstances where immediate removal of the
student is necessary to restore order, protect persons on the school grounds, protect

the student, or protect school property. The school official will meet with the student to
explain briefly the purpose of the suspension and allow the student to respond. Parents
will be immediately notified of the suspension. The student may be placed under the
supervision of security that is provided by MSD and may not attend any classes. The
student must leave school as soon as possible.

During the students absence, a school official will complete the investigation by the end
of the school day following the emergency suspension. The administration will
communicate findings to the student by phone and allow the student to respond. This
will be the only hearing conducted.

Further disciplinary action will be recommended or taken as needed. If additional
suspension is necessary, the Superintendent or a designee may extend the suspension
for a period not to exceed a maximum of ten days. A written notification of the reasons
for the suspension will be sent to the student and parents within three (3) school days.

Change in Student Placement

A change in placement only occurs if there is a serious violation to the code of conduct
and (a) the removal is more than 10 consecutive school days; or (b) the child is
subjected to a series of removals that constitute a pattern because they cumulate to
more than 10 school days in a school year; and because the factors such as the length of
each removal, the total amount time the child is removed, and the proximity of the
removals to one another.

Authority of School Personnel

The MSD school personnel may remove a child with a disability who violates the code of
student conduct from their current placement to an appropriate interim alternative
educational setting for not more than 10 school days to the extent such alternatives are
applied to children without disabilities and additional removals for more than 10
consecutive school days in that same school year for separate incidents of misconduct
as long as those removals do not constitute a change in placement.

School personnel may remove a student to an interim alternative educational setting for
not more than 45 school days without regard to whether the behavior is determined to
be a manifestation of the childs disability, in cases where a child:
carries or possess a weapon to or at school, on school premises, or to or at a school


knowingly possesses or uses illegal drugs, or sells or solicits the sale of a controlled
substances, while at school, on school premises, or at a school function
has inflicted serious bodily injury upon another person while at school, on school
premises, or at a school function

Interim Alternative Educational Setting

An IEP Team must determine an interim alternative education setting. Any interim
alternative educational setting in which the student is placed by the school personnel or
hearing officer must be selected so as to enable the child to continue to progress in the
general curriculum, although in another setting, and to continue to receive those
services and modifications, including those described in the students current IEP, that
will enable the student to meet the goals set out in that IEP and includes services and
modifications to address the behavior that are designed to prevent the behavior from

Manifestation Determination Review

A manifestation determination review is an evaluation of the relationship between a
students disability and the act of misconduct that must be conducted when the MSD
proposes to take specified serious disciplinary actions. The IEP Team, as determined by
the parent and MSD, has up to 10 school days from any decision to change a childs
educational placement for disciplinary reasons to review all relevant information in the
students file, including the IEP, any teacher observations, and any relevant information
provided by the parent to determine the relationship, if any, between the students
disability and the misconduct in question.

The behavior is a manifestation of the students disability if:
the conduct in question was caused by, or had a direct and substantial
relationship to, the students disability
the conduct in question was the direct result of the MSDs failure to implement
the students IEP

The conduct will be determined to be a manifestation of the childs disability if the MSD,
the parent and relevant members of the students IEP Team determine that either
condition is met. No manifestation review is required when a child is removed from his
current placement for not more than 10 school days to an interim alternative
educational setting, another setting or as a result of a suspension.


Determination that Behavior WAS a Manifestation of Disability

The IEP Team will conduct a functional behavior assessment (and implement a
behavioral intervention plan) in circumstances where the manifestation determination
review concludes that the students behavior was related to his disability provided the
MSD has not already conducted such assessment before the occurrence of the behavior
that resulted in the change in the students placement. If a Behavioral Intervention Plan
has already been developed and implemented, the IEP Team will review the plan and
make modifications, as necessary, to address the behavior.

Determination that Behavior was NOT a Manifestation of Disability

If a student is removed from the current placement for more than 10 days for conduct
determined not to be a manifestation of his disability or removed to an interim
alternative educational setting for drugs, weapons or infliction of serious bodily injury
(regardless of whether the behavior is a manifestation of the disability), the student will
receive, as appropriate, a functional behavioral assessment, behavioral intervention
services, and modifications, that are designed to address the behavior so that it does
not recur.

Functional Behavioral Assessment

A functional behavioral assessment is a procedure to assess problem behavior prior to
recommending strategies for dealing with the students problem behavior. The general
purpose of a functional assessment of behavior is to provide the IEP Team with
additional information, analysis, and strategies for dealing with undesirable behavior,
especially when it is interfering with the students education. The process involves
identifying the undesirable behavior; observing the student and collecting data on the
problem behavior and consequences; developing an intervention(s); and collecting data
on the effectiveness of the intervention(s) in changing the behavior. A functional
behavioral assessment is only performed when the IEP Committee determines it is

Behavioral Intervention Plan

The IEP Team will consider, when appropriate, strategies, including positive behavioral
interventions and supports, to address behavior in the case of a student with a disability
whose behavior impedes his or her learning or that of other students.


Expedited Due Process

When a parent or the Superintendent or designee for MSD requests an appeal to review
a manifestation determination, the Mississippi Department of Education will arrange for
an expedited, impartial due process hearing, which shall occur within 20 school days of
the date the hearing is requested. The hearing officer will make a determination within
10 school days after the hearing. The student shall remain in the interim alternative
educational setting pending the decision of the hearing officer or until the expiration of
a change in placement resulting from the behavior, whichever occurs first, unless the
parent and the MSD agree otherwise. This applies to removals of up to 45 school days
for special circumstances, such as drugs, weapons, and infliction of serious bodily injury.

A parents right to an expedited, impartial due process hearing is limited to disciplinary
situations involving a change of placement, which would occur if a child were removed
from the current placement for more than 10 school days at a time or if there were a
series of removals from the childs current educational placement in school year. The
MSD has the right to request an expedited hearing if it believes that maintaining the
current placement of the child is substantially likely to result in injury to the student or
to others.

A resolution meeting must occur within seven days of receiving notice of the due
process complaint unless the parent and MSD agree in writing to waive the resolution
meeting or agree to use mediation. The due process hearing may proceed unless the
matter has been resolved to the satisfaction of both parties within 15 days of the
receipt of the due process compliant.

The decisions rendered in expedited due process hearings are appealable in any state
court of competent jurisdiction or in a district court of the United States.

Procedural Safeguards for Students with Disabilities

Procedural Safeguards for Students with Disabilities are given to parents during the
intake process, when notice of the IEP meeting is sent, during IEP development/review,
when notice of staffing meeting is sent, and during a staffing meeting. Procedural
Safeguards for Students with Disabilities Notice is additionally given to parents as an
attachment to the Student Handbook. The procedural safeguards will also be provided
as required in 34 C.F.R. 300.504 and State Board Policy 7219 300.504.



Notification to Student of Level I or Level II Violations

MSD officials will notify students when Level I violations or Level II violations occur with
a copy of the Rule Violation Notification form. Except where circumstances dictate
otherwise (e.g., further investigation needed, availability of students, referral to an
administrator), notification will occur within twenty-four (24) hours of the staff
becoming aware of the violation. Consequences, as defined in the Violations and
Consequences Chart will be applied depending on the level of the violation and the
frequency of the offense. A warning will be noted and need not be discussed with the
reporting staff unless requested by the student. In all other instances, the student must
respond to the notice by discussing the situation with the reporting staff within twenty-
four (24) hours. Upon completion of the conference, the staff will fill out an Assignment
of Consequence form and give a copy of it to the student, unless the student intends to
ask for a review of the disciplinary action. In such case, it must be submitted in writing
to the superintendent.

Determination of Consequences

Staff may use discretion in relation to assigning one or more consequences regarding an
incident. When an incident occurs involving multiple violations on the same level, staff
may count each violation separately or consider the incident as one violation for the
purpose of determining the consequence(s). However, when an incident involves
multiple violations on different levels, the most severe consequence of the higher level,
or consequences based on the frequency of the offense on the lower level, will apply.

Accumulation of Violations and End of Year Violations

Level I violations and Level II violations do not carry over to the next semester. Level III
violations carry over to the next semester.

At the discretion of the administration, a senior who commits a serious violation (Level
II or III) during the weeks prior to the end of the school year may be dismissed, or may
not be permitted to participate in the graduation ceremonies.


Failure to Abide by Disciplinary Action

If a student fails to fulfill consequences assigned for a Level I or Level II violation, they
must complete the restitution, and MSD officials will invoke disrespect charges one level
above the current violations. Students who commit major violations of restriction
guidelines or fail to abide by the consequences of incidents involving multiple Level II
violations will be referred to administration and assigned a Level III violation.

Notification to Student of Level III Violations

Multiple Level III violations (more than one) may result in a students suspension,
dismissal, or expulsion. The student and parents will be notified by MSD in writing of the
alleged incident and the consequences by hand delivered letter, certified mail, or
overnight delivery. Such notification will advise the student and parents that they may
have a right to request a hearing, depending on the level of the disciplinary action.

Serious Offenses

The superintendent, principal, or any administrator is authorized to contact law
enforcement officials and/or to take appropriate disciplinary action for the following

fighting or provoking a fight

harassment (including sexual harassment), intimidation, bullying,

harassing behavior, threats, acting in a defiant or rebellious manner, or
refusing to cooperate with authority

disruption of school operations, function, programs, or activities


disorderly conduct


insulting language or behavior

obscene language or gesture


malicious mischief


unauthorized entry of school premises or unauthorized use of school



possession or use of tobacco

indecent exposure


sexual misconduct or public display of sexual affection such as intimate

physical contact like kissing, hugging, or touching
possession of fireworks, incendiary materials, knives, firearms,
slingshots, weapons of any kind, pornographic materials, stolen
property, tobacco in any form, cards or gambling paraphernalia, or
noise-making devices
possession of dangerous articles such as fireworks, knives, clubs, oriental
stars, nunchuks, or chains
involvement in disruptive demonstrations
possessing or throwing any substance or thing that may be considered
harmful or dangerous
involvement in any gang or gang-related activity, including gang signs,
gang graffiti, gang tattoos, and including involvement in skinhead and
cult groups
plagiarism, cheating, forgery, or counterfeiting
inappropriate use of text messaging, cell phones, internet, or computers
hazing in any form
inappropriate use of a camera
cutting class/school
possession or sale of illegal drugs, prescription drugs for which the
student does not have a prescription, alcohol containers, or drug
use of electronic device for unauthorized filming of activities, or to take
an inappropriate picture

The Mississippi School for the Deaf is committed to providing an environment where its
students may live and learn safely. Success in this regard is dependent upon the full
cooperation of every member of the school's community. This includes school staff,
students, and parent(s)/guardian(s) who understand their responsibilities to others and
are mindful of laws, rules and policies that govern student behavior.

Disciplinary measures employed by MSD are intended to assist students to develop skills
necessary for effective problem solving, develop positive self-images, learn how to have
positive relationships with others, respect personal and property rights of others,
understand and appreciate other cultures, ideas and opinions, and develop a sense of
responsibility for one's actions and an awareness of their possible consequences. MSD
will follow relevant Federal and State statutes and regulations to convene IEP

The Student Code of Conduct provides guidelines for students to utilize when
interacting with others and making daily life decisions that occur as part of a school and
residential setting. The student code of conduct provides students, parents, faculty, and
staff with a definition of appropriate conduct. This code provides standards to
encourage students to grow and develop in an environment that promotes honesty,
integrity, service, and life-long learning.

The Mississippi School for the Deaf admits students with various backgrounds,
experiences, and educational expectations. In a community of diverse learners,
standards of behavior ensure that all students live in a safe environment conducive to
learning and free from disruptions that impede the freedom to develop and grow as
productive individuals in society. All students shall conduct themselves in a positive
manner, attend classes, complete assignments on time, abide by the Student Code of
Conduct, and respect the rights and freedoms of others. MSD students shall
demonstrate honesty, integrity, and respect in all school-related and sponsored
activities, whether on or off the campus.

In keeping with the requirements of the Student Code of Conduct, students will:
act with honor, courtesy, and respect
respect the rights and properties of others in the school and community
care for, support, and respect the physical, natural, educational, and social
environment of the school, community, and State
be truthful to peers, administrators, faculty, staff, parents, and other community
members in all aspects of their lives
be committed to self-discovery, self-motivation, and continual personal
development necessary to achieve artistic, intellectual, social, and personal
be the only source of any work for which they take credit. They will not cheat,
plagiarize, appropriate, or copy the work of others.
participate fully in learning activities required by the teacher and/or the school
exhibit behaviors that promote personal wellness
understand that students are accountable for their own actions
follow all school, local, Federal, and State guidelines, regulations, and laws
throughout their tenure at MSD


Expectations for Students

Student responsibilities and expectations include:
class attendance: Students are expected to attend all classes daily and be punctual
in reporting to class
preparedness: Students are expected to come to class prepared and with the
appropriate materials for learning
respect for others: Students are expected to respect the rights and property of
others as well as not use profane language, and from making inflammatory
statements about and in the presence of others
self-control: Students are responsible for conducting themselves in a safe manner
and for accepting responsibility for their own work and behavior
cooperation: Students are expected to abide by the rules and regulations of the
school and be responsive to authority as represented by teachers, Residence
education parents, and other staff members

Public Display of Affection (PDA)

Public displays of affection, beyond a friendly hug or holding hands, are considered a
breach of MSD expectations and are subject to disciplinary procedures. Listing every
behavior that constitutes PDA is impossible. Students must use caution and common
sense in relation to appropriate behavior. Being in a dating relationship or being of
the same gender does not alter the PDA restrictions. All MSD staff has the responsibility
to use their judgment in asking you to cease any behavior they determine to be PDA.
Failure to respond to such a request in a timely manner will escalate the situation to a
more serious disciplinary matter. The Disciplinary Procedure will correspond to the
gravity of the PDA situation and current disciplinary record.

Expectations for Parent(s)/Guardian(s)

The parent(s)/guardian(s) of a compulsory school-age child are required to make every
reasonable effort to ensure that their child attends school. Likewise,
parent(s)/guardian(s) are responsible financially for destructive acts their children
commit against school property, school personnel, other students and or their property.

Parent(s)/guardian(s) may be requested to come to the school for a meeting with
appropriate school officials to discuss the conduct and acts of their children to make
every reasonable effort to ensure that their children have a successful and safe living
and learning environment.


Appearance and Dress

The administration and faculty expect all students to dress in a manner, which reflects
favorably upon the efforts of the total educational community to provide the best
learning experience possible for each student. The Student Dress Code is based on two
preceptsgood health and safety, and consistency with instructional processes. To
prepare for increased restrictions and responsibilities within the adult workplace,
students must learn to observe basic regulations. All students are expected to wear
uniforms. Students will be required to wear uniforms Monday - Thursday each week. On
Fridays students may wear casual clothes. The following provides additional information
regarding attire on campus.

1. Hair shall be groomed so as not to extend below the eyebrows or cover the eyes.
2. Hair and nails shall not be groomed in class.
3. Hair and body shall be free from obnoxious odors, clean, and neat in appearance.
4. Shoes, sandals, or boots shall be worn at all times with shoes being laced and
tied. No cleats or tennis shoes with wheels.
5. No tank tops, halters, tops with spaghetti straps or tops that expose the
midriff, with hands raised above the head, shall be worn. Appropriate
underclothing shall be worn. No clothing considered and designed as
underclothing, shall be worn as an outside garment. Underclothing shall not be
exposed while worn underneath an outside garment.
6. Any style of clothing tending toward immodesty is prohibited.
7. Belts shall be buckled and young men shall wear shirts completely tucked in so
that the waistband of the pants is visible.
8. Picks, combs, rollers, and other styling devices shall not be worn in the hair.
9. Unless prescribed for medical reasons, sunglasses are not allowed in the building.
10. Hats, caps, toboggans, head scarves, bandanas, wrist bands, sweat bands,
hairnets, or shower caps, stocking caps, or do rags are not allowed to be worn
during the academic day. This rule applies to both boys and girls.
11. No see-through clothing shall be worn.
12. Students may wear shorts, provided the length is no shorter than 4 above the
13. Girls skirt and dress length must meet the 4 inch rule as stated above.
14. Neither female nor male students shall be permitted to wear rings or studs in
their noses, tongues or other body parts. Dog tags must be worn inside of
15. Skin-tight pants and biking shorts shall not be worn.
16. No pants with holes are permitted. No pajama pants are permitted.
17. Overall straps and suspenders shall be fastened and worn over the shoulders.

Leggings must be worn with the appropriate skirt or other covering.

19. Pants should be worn appropriately at the waist. Sagging pants will not be
20. Students with tattoos may be requested to keep them covered.
21. Clothing with suggestive, vulgar, indecent, or disruptive slogans/pictures is not
22. Clothing advertising alcoholic products, tobacco products or drugs is not
23. A student shall not wear any clothing or present himself in a manner (such as
cuts in the eyebrows, one pants leg or sleeve rolled up) that would identify
him/her with gang or any other illegal activity.
24. Further, a student shall not wear any clothing advertising gang-related signs,
colors, or written gestures.
25. Wallet chains are not allowed.
26. Trench coats or duster style coats are not allowed.
27. Any dress or personal appearance that the administration feels is disruptive
or presents a safety hazard to the instructional process will be dealt with on
an individual case basis.

School Uniform Requirements (Monday-Thursday)

Girls: khaki pants/shorts/jumper/skirt/skort/with uniform blouse /golf shirt (If your child
wears a skirt, please provide a pair of shorts to wear underneath during P.E.)
socks/sport shoes (used daily for P.E.)

Boys: khaki pants/shorts with an approved school uniform golf shirt/ socks/sport shoes
(used daily for P.E.)

Students may wear casual clothing each Friday; however, the clothing must follow all

Please make sure your child has seasonally appropriate attire.

Campus Visitors

Visitors, parents, friends, solicitors, or anyone else coming on any campus or into
any school building for any reason must first report directly to the school office to
obtain permission from the principal or school office personnel to visit or make
personal contact with students or teachers.

Visitors will be issued a visitors pass only after being approved. No classroom visits
or observations are allowed during instructional time without prior arrangements.

Staff members shall routinely check with visitors to confirm that they have permission
from the office to visit. If permission has not been secured, the teacher should
immediately escort the visitor to the principals office.

The Mississippi School for the Deaf was created by the Mississippi Legislature to provide
challenging educational services for deaf and hard of hearing students living in the state
of Mississippi. MSD seeks to create a unique educational environment providing
superlative classroom instruction, certified staff, and use of community resources. The
basic premise of MSD academic life is that students can attain academic success when
all participants, including parents, students, faculty, staff, administration, and the
surrounding community, work together to create a support system allowing students to
take advantage of this specialized setting.

The philosophy of academic life at MSD is that all efforts will be made to ensure student
academic success and that students will progress to their fullest potential. Students and
parents should recognize their responsibilities in order to be successful. Students must
meet state graduation requirements to receive a standard high school diploma.

Beginning in the 2014-2015 school year, a student scoring at the lowest achievement
level in reading on the established State assessment for 3rd grade will not be promoted
to 4th grade unless the student meets the good cause exemptions for promotion.


The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) accredits MSD. Educational
programming is comparable to any school district in the state of Mississippi. MSDs
highly qualified and dually certified instructors provide students with objectives found in
the Common Core adopted by the state of Mississippi.

SKI*HI Early Intervention: Ages 0-3: provides early intervention services on a statewide
basis to families of deaf and hard of hearing children ages birth to 3 years. Services are
usually provided in the home during weekly home visits by a staff of parent advisors
who have received training in the use of the SKI*HI Early Intervention Model for delivery
of services.


The SKI*HI Early Intervention resource manual contains information and activities for
families on these topics:
Early communication and interaction
Hearing Aids/Cochlear Implants
Aural-Oral Language
Sign Language
Psycho-emotional support
Deaf/Hard of Hearing Mentors

Other information is provided to parents on the use and care of hearing aids/cochlear
implants; development of auditory skills; establishment of meaningful, two-way
communication; and, the development of language skills.
There are occasions where the SKI *HI program will provide services to children 3-5 until
transition into an appropriate program can be established.

AEBE Pre-School: Ages 2-4: follows early childhood education requirements set forth by
the state of Mississippi while incorporating AEBE strategies and ideals.

The program provides an intensive language-rich and listening environment where
children learn through active hands-on experiences. It utilizes multiple resources and
programs to assess and further the growth of language through American Sign
Language, listening and speaking skills.

The program employs cutting edge strategies developed for the implementation of a
quality AEBE program and provides transition support to the educational program of the
parents choice.

Elementary School: Grades K-5: Students in Pre-K through the fifth grade have an
opportunity to access the Common Core Standards in Language Arts, Math, Science,
Social Studies and PE. An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is provided for every
child. Support services including speech therapy, audiological services, psychometric
services, counseling, and occupational therapy are available based on assessment and
the IEP. Appropriate modifications such as the use of interpreters, captioned films and
learning strategies developed specifically for deaf and hard of hearing students are
provided to support the student's access to and success with the curriculum.
Exposure to communication is important at all ages but critical during the pre-school
and elementary years. It is our ultimate goal that communication includes American
Sign Language (ASL), both written and spoken English, as well as the newest means of
communication through technology.

Staff members, deaf and hearing, work together to provide both ASL and English role
models as we strive to have our students become bilingual. The students will acquire
competency in both languages.

Middle School: Grades 6-8 & High School: Grades 9-12: The goal of the Middle and
Secondary Programs is to provide every student opportunities to obtain an appropriate
education based upon the individual student's abilities and interests. It ensures that
each student is presented with experiences to develop skills and attitudes needed for
transition into and success in post-secondary education and adult life.

Grading Scale and Reports

Written reports of student progress will be mailed to the students
parent(s)/guardian(s) at the end of the each nine-week period grading and each
semester grading period. The parent(s)/guardian(s) are responsible for checking the
report card carefully and contacting the school with questions. If a student has a failing
grade, a parent/student/teacher conference will be scheduled.

The MSD grading scale is as follows:
59-below 0

The lowest passing grade is a 60. The grading policies for each class are determined by
the teacher and are communicated to the student through syllabi or through instructor
policy and are distributed at the beginning of each semester or year. Progress reports,
phone calls, and other methods of communicating with parents will provide any
additional reports that evaluate each student on related issues such as attitude,
completion of projects, and homework.

Incomplete Grades

Students with excused absences that have an incomplete at the end of any grading
period will have one week to complete the work. If the work is not completed, the
teacher will assign the student an F for the assignment. Under special circumstances,
a student may petition the teacher and the principal for more time; granting extensions
will be left to the discretion of the guidance counselor and approved by the principal.

Grade Challenges

The faculty maintains all grades for students. If a student disagrees with an assigned
final grade, he/she must request a meeting with the teacher. If a student believes that
the grade is in error or demonstrably inconsistent with the teachers grading policy,
then the student may file a letter explaining the challenge of the grade to the principal
indicating the steps the student has taken up to this point. Within ten (10) business days
of receiving the letter, the principal will meet, either jointly or separately, with all
involved parties to make a final recommendation to the superintendent. The
superintendents decision can be appealed to the State Board of Education.

Parental Access To Grades and Information

Online access to your students grades, discipline and attendance is available through
the PowerSchool portal. Passwords can be obtained from the school principal or
counselor. Information and school news is available through the MSD website


Mississippi High School Diploma

Students and parents should refer to high school graduation requirements and college
entrance requirements. Pursuit of classes to enhance a college or university major is
suggested. MSD students must select and successfully complete courses required by the
Mississippi State Board of Education, and pass applicable State assessments.

Mississippi Occupational Diploma

Students and parents should refer to Mississippi Occupational Diploma (MOD)
requirements. Students successfully complete courses and work experiences required
by the Mississippi State Board of Education and evaluated by the IEP committee.

The Mississippi Occupational Diploma is available for students with disabilities as
defined by the Mississippi Code, Section 37-16-11 (2), and by the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act (Public Law 108-446). Students must earn the required course
credits and successfully complete an approved occupational portfolio in order to be
awarded the Mississippi Occupational Diploma.


A student may also begin this program once the IEP Committee determines it is
appropriate. Students entering after the ninth grade must also meet the 20 required
course-credits to earn the occupational diploma. Their IEP Team, which must include a
school counselor, will determine the transfer of credits from the regular education
program to the occupational diploma program as well as the technical and portfolio

Note: Students who do not meet the requirements for the above diplomas will receive
a Certificate of Completion of IEP.

Field trips/ community-based lessons

Field trips/community-based lessons are an important extension of the curriculum.
Students are afforded many opportunities during the school year to travel in state and
out-of-state. With this privilege comes the responsibility to exhibit expected behaviors
while representing MSD. Trip administrators, teachers, or staff members in charge will
communicate expectations and the policies of the student handbook are applicable
during all travels. Violators will be referred to the principal/supervisor. All students will
travel in MSD provided transportation. Students are encouraged to participate in all
field trips/community-based lessons sponsored by the school or their teachers.
Students are responsible for contacting teachers prior to missing a class for any field trip
scheduled by another teacher.

Academic Expectations and Honesty

Students must complete and accept credit only for their own work. Expectations for
individual effort may differ among assignments depending on the nature of the work.
Group work may or may not be acceptable. One teacher may allow for help from others
while another teacher may deny this practice. Each teacher will define expectations in
relation to their class. Students must follow teacher expectations and rules.

Students are expected to complete outside assignments alone unless the teacher grants
permission prior to the work beginning. When using a primary or secondary source in
writing a paper, students must use footnotes or references. Rewriting ideas from
another source in your own words is plagiarism if not correctly footnoted or other
reference to the source is provided. Ignorance of the rules is no excuse for plagiarism.

Students are responsible for communicating their need for clarification or help to the
teacher if the obligation to footnote or reference is not understood.


MSD expects academic honesty from all students. Decisions regarding academic
honesty fall to the teacher. To ensure due process, teachers will report suspicion or
other indications of dishonesty to the principal/supervisor and the student within ten
(10) calendar days of the date of the assignment. Violations may fall into the following
cheating on assignments, tests, or other similar evaluations
plagiarism, violation of copyrights
other similar types of violations

Incidents of academic dishonesty may include using an open book during a test unless
the student has been given permission by the teacher to do so, obtaining unauthorized
materials, sharing pertinent information with other students about a test, changing
materials on a graded test, sharing answers during a test without permission, presenting
anothers work as your own, and failure to properly acknowledge sources. Acts of
dishonesty may result in disciplinary action.

Tutorials and Required Study Hours

Students are provided extra opportunities to receive needed academic support through
participation in tutorial and content mastery sessions. Teachers are also available during
their planning period when requested in advance.

Dorm Students: The Residence Education Director will designate study hours. Students
will respect the quiet atmosphere needed for studying and/or rehearsals/practices.
Students are encouraged to study in their residence hall rooms, the residence study
rooms, or in specific classrooms that may open specifically for this purpose. Students
are also expected to respect any assigned quiet areas during the study hours.

Textbooks and Other Media Electronic and Print

Textbooks and other media (e.g., music, CDs, tapes, prints, library books) are the
property of MSD and are provided without cost. Students must exercise care in using
and maintaining school property. The student assigned responsibility for textbooks or
other media must pay for property lost or damaged. In the event MSD property is lost
or damaged, the replacement cost will be the responsibility of the student.


Schedule Changes

Each spring preceding the next school year, junior/senior high students select courses to
fulfill their program of study. MSD develops a master schedule based on the students
choices. Students may not request schedule changes in order to choose a specific
teacher. The counselor and the principal will make all schedule changes based on the
availability of classes and the academic needs of the students.

Schedule change requests must be made within the first week of the semester in which
the course begins. Special circumstances may warrant a change in schedule and must be
approved by the IEP committee.

Exam Schedules

The guidance counselor will establish a schedule for the administration of quarterly
exams so that no student has more than three tests scheduled on any school day.
Teachers must administer all tests according to the schedule or must have prior
approval from the principal to deviate from the approved schedule.

Review of Student Performance

The principal and director of instruction will conduct a review of the academic progress
of all students on a regular basis with assistance from teachers, staff, and counselors.
When needed, the staff will design and implement academic intervention plans with the
assistance of parents and the student.

The review of academic progress will help determine the students ability to attain and
maintain success in prescribed course work and to create strategies to assist those in
need of assistance. Upon review of grades, course work, and attendance, the staff will
make recommendations for students not successful in their schoolwork to be discussed
during an IEP review/revision conference.

To assist with academic progress, students who are not performing satisfactorily will
have specific strategies developed to meet their individual needs. They may be required
to curtail extra-curricular activities when deemed appropriate by the faculty or
administration. Teachers and/or administrators may assign tutorials, content mastery
sessions and/or study times to help students reach the expectations of the class and


College Testing Programs

Students are encouraged to take the ACT as often as possible in order to attain the
highest score possible. Registration packets and dates for testing are available in the
counselors office. The counselor can assist with registration if requested by the student
and/or parent. Students are responsible for payment of their own registration fees. The
counselor will assist and work with the principal to provide reasonable accommodations
as identified by the students IEP.


Publications of the school may include newspapers, newsletters, a yearbook, a literary
magazine, or other media. The school administration and faculty will direct the nature
and function of school-sponsored publications. The final product must reflect and fulfill
the MSD philosophy and mission.

Student Organizations and Clubs

Students will be permitted to form and join lawful groups for common purposes that
are consistent with the philosophy and mission of MSD. Clubs will be co-curricular with
their purpose to serve the educational purpose of MSD. Students have the
responsibility, and will be required, to conduct the activities of the organization in a
manner that reflects compatibility with the school and its purpose.

Fund Raising

All student fundraising projects must be submitted to the faculty sponsor of the
organization. If approved, the faculty sponsor submits the request to the department
supervisor for final approval. Requests should be submitted four (4) weeks in advance of
the proposed activity. All funds raised must be deposited in the Business Office and an
annual accounting given to the principal/supervisor.

Distribution of Non-MSD Printed Material

Any information advocating non-MSD causes must be submitted to the Superintendent
for approval and dissemination.


Media Policies

MSD has a positive working relationship with the news media in order to promote the
school and its mission. The office of public relations is responsible for coordinating
media coverage for events. All news releases, newsletters, public service
announcements, publicity, promotional brochures, advertising (with the exception of
advertising for purchasing), graphics, photography, etc. will be originated, produced,
disseminated and/or approved by the Superintendent. All students, clubs, and
organizations affiliated with MSD must comply.

Dual Enrollment

Upon approval by the State Board of Education, students attending MSD may
participate in a dual enrollment program with local colleges and universities, providing
prerequisites are met. Dual enrollment provides opportunities for advanced high school
students to earn college credit while in high school. Some dual enrollment courses may
be taught on the MSD campus. Only students with 3.0 grade point overall average (on a
4.0 scale) are eligible for dual enrollment. Participation in dual enrollment courses does
not obligate students to enroll at participating college or university after high school
graduation. Credits earned by students enrolled in the dual enrollment program are
held until regular admission status is obtained at a college or university. The same
college regulations apply to dual enrollment program students as regular students. No
tuition is charged.

To be admitted to the dual enrollment program, students must have the following:
fourteen (14) completed Carnegie Units
meet prerequisites for specific classes at the participating college or university
an ACT composite score of sixteen (16)
unconditional letter of recommendation from the school counselor and the
principal stating ACT and GPA must be documented

Students who have not completed the minimum of fourteen (14) core high school units
may be considered for the dual enrollment program if they have a composite ACT score
of thirty (30), the required grade point average, and recommendations prescribed
above. The minimum enrollment required to schedule on MSDs campus is ten (10).


Progress Communication

In an effort to keep parents informed of their childs progress in school, MSD will
progress reports
report cards are issued every nine weeks
teacher/parent Conferences
email, telephone, and VRS (Video Relay Service) Calls to parents when warranted

Please access our school website regularly at for up-to-date school

Parents must provide the school with all current contact information including
emergency contacts to ensure student safety.

MSD is striving to go green. Parents/guardians should provide the school with an
email address to receive information via email if one is available.

Athletic Eligibility

In order to participate in interscholastic athletics, the student must demonstrate
satisfactory progress towards mastering state framework and/or IEP competencies or
objectives. Students must have at least a "C" cumulative average or its equivalence in
academic courses. A student that fails to maintain a "C" average at the end of any nine-
week term will be declared ineligible. The student will remain ineligible through the
next progress report period. At that time, should the student re-establish a "C" average
then athletic eligibility will be granted. If the student does not meet the C average
required for athletic eligibility he/she will remain ineligible until the end of the quarter
or until a C average is obtained at the next grading interval. The students and parents
will be informed of their ineligibility.

The policy used for reporting grades or progress for students with disabilities will be
as follows:
The grading system used in the regular education program will be utilized for
students who receive instruction through the regular education program and
are expected to master the same objectives as regular education students.


For students who receive instruction through the regular education program
but an alternate or parallel curriculum (which differs from that provided to
grade level peers) is taught, grades will be assigned for each academic area
addressed on the students Individualized Education Program (IEP). Grades
given will be based on the mastery of objectives/benchmarks outlined on the
IEP using the regular education grading system with input from both the
regular and special education teachers. The students report card will reflect
that these grades are based on objectives/benchmarks outlined in the
students IEP. For those students in grades K-2, the regular education
mathematics, reading and/or language arts benchmarks being taught will be
marked according to the district grading system. Any benchmark listed on the
K-2 report card that is not being taught, according to the IEP, will be indicated
as not applicable. At the end of each nine (9) weeks (or more often as
outlined on the IEP), the Report of Progress for each objective/benchmark on
the Annual Service Goal Page(s) of the IEP will also be completed and
forwarded to the parent(s). The student will not earn Carnegie unit credit
toward a regular high school diploma for this type of curriculum instruction.
For students who receive direct instruction in academic areas from a special
education teacher, grades will be assigned for each academic area based on
mastery of objectives/benchmarks identified on the students IEP using the
regular education grading system. The students report card will reflect that
these grades are based on objectives/benchmarks addressed in the students
IEP. For those students in grades K-2, the regular education mathematics,
reading and/or language arts benchmarks being taught will be marked
according to the MSDS grading system. Any benchmark listed on the K-2
report card that is not being taught, according to the IEP, will be indicated as
not applicable. At the end of each nine (9) weeks (or more often as outlined
on the IEP), the Report of Progress for each objective/benchmark on the
Annual Service Goal Page(s) of the IEP will also be completed and forwarded
to the parent(s). The student will not earn Carnegie unit credit toward a
regular high school diploma for this type of curriculum instruction.

Any student enrolled in regular education courses who does not meet course
requirements, even though accommodations and modifications have been
implemented in accordance with the students IEP, may receive a failing grade. If it
is obvious, however, that the student with a disability cannot function
appropriately in a regular education class, the students IEP should be revised.



Response to Intervention (RTI) is a process first recommended in 2004 with the
reauthorization of Public Law 94-142, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
(IDEA, 2004). The actual statutory language states: In determining whether a child has a
specific learning disability, a local education agency may use a process that determines
if the child responds to scientific, research-based intervention as a part of the
evaluation procedures (Bradley, Danielson, Doolittle, 2007; Kameenui, 2007).
Throughout the nation a 3-tier framework is often used to operationalize the legislation.
Tier 1 includes quality classroom instruction, Tier 2 involves supplemental instruction,
and Tier 3 requires intensive interventions specifically designed to meet the individual
needs of students. MSDs RTI includes a combination of high quality, culturally and
linguistically responsive instruction; assessment and evidence-based intervention. At all
levels, attention is on fidelity of implementation, with consideration for cultural and
linguistic responsiveness and recognition of student strengths. Figure 1 provides the
summary schematic.


The state of Mississippi, as expressed by the Compulsory School Attendance Statute,
has established responsible attendance habits as a priority for all Mississippi students. A
compulsory-school-age child as defined by Miss.

When a compulsory age student has accumulated five unexcused absences, MSD shall
report the absences to the school attendance officer in accordance with MS Code
Section 37-13-91(6).

Code Ann. 37-13-91 (2)(f). Parents need to support the school by having their
child/ren arrive to school on time.

Emergency Closing and Delays

MSD rarely closes during inclement weather; however, if closure is discussed, a
cooperative decision by the Superintendents of MSD and MSB are required. If buses
from local school districts arrive early to pick up students, MSD will release them. Public
schools will not transport students if the road conditions are not safe. MSD does not
encourage parents to bring their child/ren to school if their local school district is closed.
Students will receive excused absences for inclement weather when their daily buses do
not transport, run on a 2-hour delay, or pick up students for early dismissal.


Should there be a need to inform the public of information regarding MSD and
inclement weather; the Superintendents office will contact WAPT, WLBT, and WJTV.

MSD will contact all parents through phone, email listserv and our website for weather

Reporting Absences

Parents are expected to notify the front office of their childs absence the day of the
absence. If a child does not attend school due to an illness, surgery, mental or physical
incapacity, the school may require a certificate signed by a doctor.

Excessive Absences

Frequent and prolonged absences are in violation of the Compulsory School Attendance
Statute. Excessive absences, whether excused or unexcused, may result in a change of
placement, unearned credit, or retention as determined by the IEP Committee. After 5
unexcused absences MSD will report the student to the Office of Compulsory School
Attendance Enforcement. The social worker would then report to the School
Attendance Officer (SAO) for that students local school district, who would follow up
with the parents.

Excused Absences

An excused absence is an absence from school for all day(s) or for any number of
periods of the day under circumstances granted by law or recognized by the school.
These include:
death in the immediate family
religious observances
college visitation
serving as a legislative page or assignment at an election poll
participation in official organized events sponsored by the 4-H or Future Farmers of
transportation cancelled due to weather
Any weather emergency observances
verified court appearances
authorized school activity with prior approval of the superintendent or designee
illness or injury that prevents the student from being physically able to attend


A complete list of all excused absences may be found at Miss. Code Ann. 37-13-91(4).
The principal or superintendent must approve pre-arranged absences. The
parent/guardian should inform the school in writing at least two days prior to the
absence. No excused pre-arranged absences will be granted during the last week of a
semester or when a student has accumulated ten (10) absences or when the requested
days would exceed that number.

Medical appointments should be scheduled before or after school hours to minimize
the amount of school missed.

One-half day of excused absence will be allowed for a medical appointment without
prior arrangement.

We encourage good medical and dental care for our students. If appointments must
occur during the school day, it is recommended that the appointment times be rotated
to avoid missing the same class repeatedly.

Any student who is absent from school for three consecutive days due to an
illness/injury must present a doctors statement verifying that it is appropriate for the
student to return to school.

Make-up Work for Excused Absences

Students with excused absences may make-up tests, class work, exams, lab work, or
assignments without penalty. Students must schedule make-up work immediately upon
return to class following the absence. The amount of time provided for make-up work
to be completed and turned in for credit will be for each day of an absence, the student
has one (1) day in which to complete the make-up work. (Example: A student has three
days to complete make-up work for a three-day absence.) Exceptions can be made at
the discretion of the teacher, principal, and/or guidance counselor to give students
extended time if needed. Failure to complete and turn in assignments within the
stipulated time shall result in a grade of zero for the assignment. Students may earn up
to 75% of the credit normally allowed for unexcused absence or tardy if the work is
completed and submitted within the allowable time after returning to school as
prescribed above.

In the event of an extended illness or absence, teachers will be cooperative in providing
make-up opportunities. The ultimate responsibility for obtaining and returning
completed make-up work rests with the student.


Activity Participation after Absence

A student may not participate in extracurricular activities, practices, employment, or
after-school functions unless the student attends the last four periods of that school
day. Students absent all day due to illness may not attend any extracurricular activity
that day. If extenuating school or family circumstances result in a students failure to be
present the required periods, an exception can be made.

Tardy to Class

Teachers will keep a record of tardiness to their class. After the third tardy a formal
warning will be given and the principal will be notified. The fourth tardy to a class will
result in in-school suspension. If the student is late to the first period class, he/she
needs to report to the front office for a pass. This will remove them from the absentee


Electronic Devices-Cell Phones and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

Students may bring a cell phone or other personal communication devices (PCDs) for
use while they are on campus at MSD. These devices may NOT be used during the
school day and should not be brought into the school building during class time unless
approved by the principal. These devices may be used in the dorm before and after
study hours.

Dormitory students may bring radios and tape players, if they use earphones, to be
transported home on home-going days. These items will be collected by the dormitory
parent and will be kept in the front office until departure time. When earphones are
used, these items may also be carried on out-of-town school trips if approved by the
trip sponsor(s).

Electronic Device Infractions

First infraction - the device is confiscated for one week.

Second infraction - the device will be confiscated for 4 weeks. The student will serve
two days of in school suspension/dormitory restriction.


Third infraction - the device will be confiscated for the remainder of the school year.
The student will serve three days of in school suspension/dormitory restriction.

MSD does not accept responsibility for lost or misplaced electronic devices; and
MSD will not be held responsible for any fees associated with the use of personal

Possession of cell phones and other electronic equipment is strictly prohibited
in any room during testing. Violation of this policy during State-mandated
testing shall invalidate the students test.

If an electronic device is confiscated for unauthorized use, it will be returned only
to the parent or legal guardian.

Standard Telephone and Internet Access

Each Day Room in Residence Halls is wired for telephone/videophone and Internet
access. Guidelines for phone and Internet usage are as follows:
MSD does not provide phones for individual rooms
MSD has available Video-Relay Services that provided free long distance calling for
all deaf students in each dormitory and academic buildings
connecting to the Internet via phone jacks is forbidden. MSD provides high speed
Internet ports for this purpose
parents should refrain from calling students during academic class time, scheduled
activities, and study hours, or after lights out

In case of emergencies and after lights out, parents may contact students by calling the
dormitory staff at the numbers listed in the directory on our website and/or registration

Network and Computer Usage

The MSD Internet policy is designed to provide an environment that is consistent with
the MSD mission and vision, Mississippi Department of Education requirements, and
Federal/State laws. MSD Internet refers to devices attached to the entire computer
network system at the Mississippi School for the Deaf. MSD Internet includes but is not
limited to the Local Area Network (LAN on campus), all MSD file servers, and access to
the Internet. Access to the Internet is provided through ATM lines that are a part of the
larger statewide network. The MDE wide area network provides filtering services for
MSD Internet.

MSD Internet facilities and network connections are for the purpose of providing
educational computing support to students, faculty, and staff. Under Federal statutes
and the sections of the Mississippi Code, which govern the use of these resources, all
users must use the MSD Internet resources properly and for the purpose designated by
the Legislature. All existing Federal and State laws as well as MSD regulations and
policies apply, including not only those that are specific to computers, networks, and
websites, but also those that may apply generally to personal conduct.

Technology changes rapidly as do the ways in which users are able to use and perhaps
abuse the school computer system. The Mississippi School for the Deaf must ensure
that its computer resources are used properly and within established guidelines. In
pursuit of that goal the school reserves the right to monitor the system for signs of
illegal or unauthorized activity. Even though the MSD Appropriate Use Policy may not
expressly prohibit a particular activity, such behavior is not permissible. For questions
related to appropriate use contact the Technology Director.

Student Responsibilities

As MSD Internet account holders, students should:
be owners of their data
be responsible for ensuring that data is adequately protected against unauthorized
keep their account passwords confidential
remember passwords and refrain from writing them down
change their passwords frequently
avoid using their own names or those of parents or friends as passwords that could
be guessed easily
deny access to their accounts by others for any reason
log out of their accounts and shut down their computers when leaving
perform maintenance on their accounts periodically by deleting old files
refrain from using computers and networks to access, download, upload, create,
reproduce, and/or distribute files containing vulgar language and/or obscene
assure the legal and ethical use of the school computers and user accounts
refrain from using the schools computer systems for personal financial gain
report violations of these guidelines to the technology coordinator


Unauthorized Access to Files and Directories

As MSD Internet account holders, students must not:
engage in any activity that is intended to circumvent computer security controls
attempt to crack passwords, discover unprotected files, or decode encrypted files
create, modify, or execute programs designed to surreptitiously penetrate or hack
computer systems
access the accounts of others with the intent to read, browse, modify, copy, or
delete files and directories

Unauthorized Use of Software

As MSD Internet account holders, students must not:
violate copyright laws
download, possess, or use software (executable) designed to destroy data, provide
unauthorized access to computer systems, or disrupt computing processes, in any
use viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or any other invasive software; such activity is
expressly forbidden

Electronic Mail (email)

If a MSD student chooses to have an email account, the student must:
acquire an email account from a free provider (e.g.,, to
communicate with faculty, staff, and administration
recognize that MSD Internet is provided for educational purposes and as a means
to widen the communication channels between students, parents, faculty, staff
and administration
understand that no means are provided to private email
be aware that MSD administration has authorization to read both incoming and
outgoing email
understand that use of MSD Internet does not guarantee privacy
not transmit or forward fraudulent, harassing, or obscene messages and files
refrain from transmitting or forwarding jokes, chain letters, advertisements, mass
mail, or SPAM to school mail systems or accounts of individual users
abstain from harassment via MSD computer systems including the use of insulting,
sexist, racist, obscene, or suggestive email.


Network, Website, and Communication Systems

As MSD Internet account holders, students must not:
attempt to gain unauthorized access to either MSD computers or to remote
computers since such attempts are illegal under criminal law and subject to
house personal websites on the MSD computer system without specific permission
from the technology coordinator
attempt to degrade the performance of the MSD computer system or subvert it in
any way
crash the system deliberately
play computer games or engage in recreational computing (MUDDing, BBSing, etc.)
on any computer owned by MSD

Waste and Abuse of MSD Internet Resources

As MSD Internet account holders, students must:
avoid activities around workstations that may result in damage to the computer,
printer, software, or information
not eat and/or drink at computer workstations
conserve and protect the resources of MSD computer systems by refraining from
using or wasting valuable, limited resources
students should be considerate of fellow users, avoid monopolizing computer
systems, connect time, and other computer resources

MSD Internet Hardware

As MSD Internet account holders, students must not:
relocate computer hardware, peripherals, or cables from their current locations
without specific authorization from the technology coordinator.
attempt to service any hardware without written authorization from the
technology coordinator

MSD Internet Policy Enforcement

To protect the MSD Internet resources and monitor proper usage of computer
resources for educational purposes, the Technology Coordinator shall:
investigate alleged abuses of computer resources
access the electronic files of its users as part of that investigation if there are
indications that computer privileges have been violated

limit the access of users found to be using computer systems improperly

administer disciplinary actions as directed by school administration for violations of
MSD policies that may include the loss of some or all computer privileges and/or
other disciplinary actions
act as a technical advisor to school administrators when they hear all cases
involving student misuse of MSD Internet privileges
deny student access temporarily pending review when there is reasonable
suspicion that student use may harm or do damage in the interim
assign penalties for computer violations as follows:
o First offense, Level I (non-malicious): written warning
o Subsequent violations, Levels I and II: 5 class day suspension of one or
more network privileges and 2 hours campus work service and/or loss of
personal computer privileges on campus
o Level III violations may include one or more of the following: loss of all
network privileges, loss of privilege of personal computer on campus, and
suspension or dismissal

MSD Acceptable Use Policy

The Mississippi School for the Deaf (MSD) is pleased to offer to its students, faculty, and
staff access to the Internet in accordance with the terms and conditions of this policy.
All users of the Internet access at the MSD must comply with the MSDs Acceptable Use
Policy. It is important that all users understand the terms, conditions and
responsibilities associated with the use of the Internet access at MSD. All users and
parents of all users under the age of 18 are required to sign the attached Contract
stating they have carefully read and understand the terms and conditions of the
Acceptable Use Policy and will comply with the policy while using the MSDs computer
network resources. The attached Contract is a legally binding document and must be
signed prior to the User accessing the Internet at the MSD.


In December 2000, Congress enacted the Childrens Internet Protection Act (CIPA). For
any school or library that receives discounts for Internet access or for internal
connections, CIPA imposes certain requirements. The CIPA requires that schools restrict
employee and student access to the Internet. Under the CIPA, covered schools must
have an Internet safety program which filters both adult and student access to visual
depictions that are obscene or constitute child pornography. The program must also
prevent students from accessing materials that are harmful to minors.


The MSD receives these discounts for Internet Access through the E-Rate program and
is therefore in compliance with the CIPA.


The Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), effective April 21, 2000, applies to
online collection of personal information from children under the age of 13, such as full
name, home address, email address, telephone number or any other information that
would allow someone to identify or contact the child. The Final Rule issued by the
Federal Trade Commission spells out what a Web site operator must include in a privacy
policy, when and how to seek verifiable consent from a parent and what responsibilities
an operator has to protect children privacy and safety online.

MSD Internet Terms and Conditions of Use

Personal Safety

User will not disclose, use, disseminate or divulge personal and/or private information
about himself/herself, minors or any others including personal identification such as,
but not limited to, name, social security numbers, telephone numbers, home address,
email address or credit card information. User will immediately report to MSD
authorities any attempt by other Internet users to engage in inappropriate
conversations or personal contact.

MSD faculty and staff are prohibited from disclosing personal information about
students on its Web site such as a students full name, home or email address,
telephone number, social security number, and personal pictures.

Illegal Activity

User agrees not to access, transmit or retransmit any material(s) in furtherance of any
illegal act or conspiracy to commit any illegal act in violation of local, State or Federal
laws or regulations. User shall not access, transmit, or retransmit: threatening,
harassing, or obscene material, pornographic material, or material protected by trade
secret, and/or any other material that is inappropriate to minors. User shall not
plagiarize copyrighted materials.

User shall not access, transmit, or retransmit any material that promotes violence or the
destruction of persons or property by devices including, but not limited to firearms,
explosives, fireworks, smoke bombs, incendiary devices, or other similar materials.

User shall not use the network for any illegal activity including, but not limited to,
unauthorized access including hacking.

User shall not access, transmit, or retransmit language that may be considered
offensive, defamatory, or abusive.

User shall not access, transmit or retransmit information that could cause danger or
disruption or engage in personal attacks, including prejudicial or discriminatory attacks.

User shall not access, transmit or retransmit information that harasses another person
or causes distress to another person.

System Resource Limits

User shall only use the MSD system for educational and career development activities
and limited, high quality self-discovery activities as approved by MSD faculty for a
limited amount of time per week.

User agrees not to download large files unless it is absolutely necessary. If absolutely
necessary to download large files, User agrees to download the file at the time when
the system is not being heavily used.

User agrees not to download or install unauthorized software on school computers. This
includes students, teachers, staff and administrators.

User shall not damage computers, computer systems or computer networks (hardware
or software).

User agrees not to post chain letters or engage in spamming (that is, sending an
annoying or unnecessary message to large number of people).

Students will not be allowed to engage in any on-line chatting, including Internet
messaging, unless it is a part of the curriculum and specifically designated as such by a
teacher. Then the session will be monitored by the teacher and limited to the time
frames that must also be specified in the curriculum.

Teachers must know with whom the student is communicating at all times.

User agrees to immediately notify his/her teacher or other school administrator should


User accidentally access inappropriate information so MSD can take steps to prevent
future access.

User will not make any attempt to defeat computer or network security on the MSD
network or any other server or network on the Internet.

User shall not engage in any Internet activity harmful to or reflecting negatively on the

User Rights and Expectations

User shall have the responsibility to use computer resources for academic purposes
only. Therefore, as mandated by CIPA, filtering will be utilized on all computers
accessing the Internet. The only exception will be for academic research by a staff
member with the approval of school administration.

There is absolutely no expectation of privacy on the MSD network. Activities at any
workstation or transmission and receipt of data can be monitored anytime both
electronically or by staff observation. This includes transmission and receipt of email;
email attachments, Web browsing and any other use of the network. User consents to
the monitoring of users activities and files.

Faculty and staff users should log off at the end of each workday.

Parents of minor users shall have the right to inspect the contents of the minor users

Under no circumstances should a user provide his/her password to another person or
use another persons password.

MSD will fully cooperate with local, State or Federal officials in any investigation related
to illegal activities conducted through the users Internet account.

Consequences for Failing to Comply with the Terms and Conditions of the Internet
Acceptable Use Policy

Use of the Internet at the MSD is a privilege, not a right. There will be consequences for
any user who fails to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy for the MSD. For student
users, the consequences may include, but are not limited to, paying for damages, denial
of access to technology, detention, suspension, expulsion or other remedies applicable

under the school disciplinary policy. Any disciplinary action that is a result of an alleged
violation of this policy can be appealed through the student grievance procedure
provided in the MSD Student/Parent Manual. Additionally, faculty and staff users who
fail to comply with the Acceptable Use Policy will be subject to discipline, including
termination from employment with the type of discipline imposed being based on the
severity of the specific offense(s). For all users, the MSD will fully cooperate with local,
State and Federal officials in any investigation related to illegal activities conducted
through the users Internet Policy.



(This is a legally binding document.)

After reading the Terms and Conditions of the Mississippi School for the Deaf
Acceptable Use Policy, please fill out the appropriate portions of this Contract
completely and legibly and sign this Contract acknowledging your understanding and
acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of the Acceptable Use Policy. The signature of a
parent or guardian is required for students currently under the age of eighteen. Please
return the contract to your teacher. Anyone who does not return a signed Contract will
be prohibited from the use of computer equipment at the Mississippi School for the

I have read the Mississippi School for the Deaf (MSD) Acceptable Use Policy. I
understand and will comply with all Terms and Conditions of the Acceptable Use Policy.
I consent to the monitoring of my use of the computer, including computer files, and
Internet activities at MSD at any time. I understand that should I commit any violation
of the MSD Acceptable Use Policy, the consequences may include, but are not limited
to, paying for damages, denial of access to technology, detention, suspension, expulsion
or other remedies applicable under the school disciplinary policy. I further understand
that MSD will fully cooperate with local, State or Federal officials in an investigation
related to illegal activities conducted through my Internet Account.

Students Name (please print):________________________________

Students Signature:________________________________________




(This is a legally binding document.)

As the parent or guardian of this student, I have read the Mississippi School for the Deaf
(MSD) Acceptable Use Policy and I understand Terms and Conditions of the policy that
my child is to follow while using the Internet at school. I understand that this access is
designed for educational purposes only and I have discussed the proper use of the
Internet at school with my child. I consent to the monitoring of my childs use of the
computer, including computer files, and Internet activities at MSD at any time.

I understand that, if my child violates any of the Terms and Conditions of the policy,
he/she will be disciplined based on the type of violation made. I understand that should
my child commit any violation of the MSD Acceptable Use Policy, the consequences may
include, but are not limited to, paying for damages, denial of access to technology,
detention, suspension, expulsion or other remedies applicable under the school
disciplinary policy. I understand that the MSD will fully cooperate with local, State or
Federal officials in any investigation related to illegal activities conducted through my
childs Internet account.

I understand that the MSD has taken available precautions to eliminate controversial
material. However, I also recognize it is impossible for the MSD to restrict access to all
controversial materials and I agree not to hold them responsible for materials acquired
by my child on the network. I accept full responsibility for supervision of my childs
Internet access if and when my childs use is not in a school setting. Further, I accept full
responsibility for my childs use of property of the MSD.

I hereby give my permission for MSD to provide computer network and Internet access
to my child and consent to the monitoring of my childs computer and Internet activities
by MSD. I certify that the information contained on this Contract is correct.

Parent or Guardian (please print):



The following numbers are for signature verification. No student will be allowed
Internet access until the above signature is verified by telephone.

Daytime Phone Number:____________________________
Evening Phone Number:__________________________


Safety and Security

Safety and security are universal responsibilities. MSD will provide information and
guidance to students related to their safety and well-being on campus and in the
community. MSDs students and staff must show respect and cooperate with officials at
all times.

The following are general safety precautions:
observe Student Code of Conduct
adhere to all MSB policies and procedures
to help ensure student safety and to protect personal property in the Residence
Halls students should:
o refrain from leaving large sums of money in their rooms
o identify personal belongings, including clothing
o protect luggage and locker keys and do not lend them to anyone
o lock valuable items in wardrobes or luggage
o unplug and store electrical appliances properly after use (e.g., hair dryers,
curling irons, irons)
o memorize emergency evacuation routes and participate in practice drills
o help secure the dormitories by keeping doors closed and locked

On Campus

To ensure safety while on campus, students should:
restrict themselves to common areas of the campus identified during orientation
refrain from loitering around buildings closed during non-operational hours
seek guidance from MSB staff regarding access to appropriate areas
keep purses, backpacks, or other personal items in their possession, do not leave
them unattended
exhibit good sportsmanship when participating in extra-curricular activities
walk with another MSB student at night
walk on sidewalks and stay in well-lit areas
be aware of surrounding activities when you are outdoors
report suspicious persons on campus to the staff or campus police


Off Campus

To ensure safety while off campus, students should:
be aware of all surroundings when using ATMs
stay in designated walkways and established routes
walk in groups of two or more.
restrict destinations and activities to those stated when signing out of the dorm
refrain from getting in any vehicle other than an MSB vehicle
remember that they represent MSB within the community

MSD Safety/Crisis Management Plan and MSD Safety Manual

The School Safety and Crisis Management Response Team is responsible for creating
and updating the MSD/MSB Safety/Crisis Management Plan and MSD/MSB Safety
Manual, which are distributed to all administration, faculty and staff. The purpose of
these manuals is to assure that adequate programs are provided for the protection of
health and safety of students, faculty, staff, and the surrounding community and for
compliance with appropriate codes and regulations. Procedures for emergency/safety
plans will be printed, distributed and posted so all MSD students, faculty, staff, and
administration will be knowledgeable of safety procedures.

The manuals identify health and safety problems, establish standards, evaluate and
report on the status of compliance with health and safety standards, codes, and
regulations, provide technical services, recommend and implement accident
experiences, and develop and manage training resources.

In emergency situations and when required to do so by codes, regulations, or licensure
agreement, any trained employees is authorized to take preventative, investigative, and
remedial actions.

Student Transportation To and From School

Parents or other individuals(s) authorized by the parent must transport Residence
students to and from campus. On weekends and holidays students should make
arrangements to leave campus in advance of the day of departure. Specific times will be
set for students to depart from campus. All students must go home during the
weekends and holidays designated in the MSD calendar.


Car Rider Students

Upon arrival, day students are to report to the cafeteria. Day students must arrive on
campus no later than 7:55 a.m. Parents are to pick up students at time of dismissal.

A day student may stay on campus with residential supervisor, teacher and parent
permission for required practices, rehearsals, class assignments, or other educational
purposes. Day students must leave campus by 9:00 p.m. or at the conclusion of the
designated activity unless properly authorized as an overnight visitor. The day student
must follow all rules and regulations of the Residence facility including the use of
transportation and check-in/check-out policies and procedures.

Student Conduct on Buses

Recognizing that student misconduct can jeopardize the safety of others, the following
procedures have been adopted for student discipline related to school bus
all bus drivers shall report student misconduct promptly to the appropriate
Principal or Director of Residence Education
a prompt due process investigation will ensue and, based upon information,
disciplinary actions deemed appropriate will be administered. Parents will be

Students are subject to disciplinary action, including suspension and/or expulsion from
the school if the student constitutes a threat to the safety of the other students on the
bus, causes damage or destruction of property, distracts the bus driver, or in other ways
interferes with the normal or safe operation of the bus.

Transportation Safety Procedures

To ensure safety during transportation, students shall:
report to the assigned bus pick-up on time
use extreme caution when loading and unloading from the bus
wait until the bus has come to a complete stop and the bus driver indicates it is
safe to board or depart from the bus
keep head, arms, legs, body, and personal possessions out of the aisle of the bus
and inside the windows
be courteous and respectful at all times
follow the instructions of the driver



Food Services

The Mississippi School for the Deaf provides meals at no cost to all students. To
maximize available resources, MSD participates in the National School Lunch and
Breakfast Programs. Therefore, parents/guardians of all students are requested to
complete Free/Reduced Meal Forms so that MSD can receive reimbursement for meals
served to students who qualify for free or reduced meals. Not only does this
information enable MSD to receive Federal school lunch funds and donated
commodities, the data will provide demographics for use in grant applications.

Students must conduct themselves appropriately in the dining room. Shirts and shoes
are required and hats must be removed. Listening to radios, etc., and playing musical
instruments is not permitted. Throwing food, leaving ones tray or in any way making a
mess for others to clean up will result in disciplinary action.

U.S. Postal Services

Regular postal services are available by mail being placed in a designated area in the
Academic Complex and in the Administrative Complex.

Mail on the MSD campus is provided for students through the Residence Education
staff. Packages received may be picked up in the Residence Life office. Outgoing mail
should be deposited in the designated location in the Academic Complex. Mail should
be addressed as follows:
(Name of Student)
Mississippi School for the Deaf
1253 Eastover Drive
Jackson, MS 39211

Religious Services

MSD recognizes that students may wish to attend religious services. A student may
attend the church of his/her choice. Written permission from the student's
parent(s)/guardian(s) must be received and verified before he/she will be given a pass
to leave campus. Students are allowed, with parental permission, to attend religious
activities throughout the week so long as it does not interfere with required MSD


Financial Services

Students are encouraged to not carry large sums of cash. A student account can be
arranged through staff assigned in residence halls. MSD does not assume responsibility
for monitoring student financial practices. Students must handle personal finances in
accordance with parental wishes and using good judgment.

Campus/Community Service

A school is a community of people sharing common ideas and goals. Students
contributing to the betterment of the school enhance community spirit. When a student
contributes to the school community everyone benefits. Community service will occur
during non-academic hours. This service is important to the overall reputation of the
school. The quality of the work done by the students exemplifies pride in MSD.

Campus Work Service

MSD students will contribute to the school through campus work service. While duties
may vary widely depending on human resources needed at MSD and duties appropriate
for students, both residential and day students may fulfill campus work service assigned
to them. The appropriate administrators will coordinate campus work service.

Counseling Services

The school counselor assists in providing and facilitating the provision of a variety of
services for the students. The school counselor is located on the third floor of Bailey
Hall. The counselor is available to students and parents at other times by appointment
or in the event of an emergency. Office hours are 8:00 am until 3:45 pm, Monday
through Friday. Confidentiality shall be observed in all counselor-student relations.

In the event that a student exhibits destructive behaviors including, but not limited to
threats, injury to self or others, suicidal gestures, excessive alcohol or medication
overdose, etc. MSD shall have the right to require that the parent/guardian pick up the
student immediately. If the student plans to return to MSD, he/she must submit to a
formal mental health evaluation by a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist, to be
conducted at the expense of the parent. The student will not be allowed to return to
MSD campus until the evaluation is completed, and documentation of completion of
evaluation, in which the psychologist/psychiatrists states in writing that: 1) the student
is not a danger to self or others and 2) the student is complying with the
recommendations of the mental health professional. If the situation does not carry a

disciplinary sanction, the students absence will be excused as a medical absence. Prior
to returning to MSD, the student and his/her parent/guardian must meet with school
officials and arrangements made for the student to comply strictly with the
recommendations of the mental health professional and to meet regularly with his/her
counselor to assess consistent stability. If a parent does not fully disclose problems in
advance that lead to significant health risks for the student or the school, the student
may be dismissed until the issues are fully disclosed and the recommendations of a
mental health professional are being followed. Re-admittance will be at the discretion
of the administration.

Objectives of Counseling Program

The overall objectives are to assist students in (1) adjusting to the MSD environment,
and (2) making the most of the MSD opportunity for excellence. Individual counseling
sessions, small-group discussions, large-group programs, and computer software are
utilized to provide services to students, parents, and faculty. Specific objectives include:
encouraging and supporting students efforts to develop themselves holistically,
with an appropriate focus on their intellectual, social, physical, and emotional
development is the schools mission
assisting students to utilize their abilities effectively, both inside and outside the
assist students in developing their skills in time management, preparing for and
taking tests, reading effectively, and taking notes
individual follow-up discussions are held focusing on specific concerns as indicated
by student progress and input from teachers and parents
discuss strategies for good communication, interpersonal skills, goal setting,
decision-making, and planning with students
assist students to develop and continuously evaluate appropriate educational plans
address individual strengths and interests, and progressing toward long-range
educational and career goals
explore career opportunities, include College Fairs, exposure to various speakers,
computer software, and MSD classroom teachers.
assisting students in developing a mature level of self-awareness and self-
responsibility in dealing with personal, social, and academic concerns.
provide access to information needed to make appropriate decisions in the college
selection process.
provide files of information on colleges as well as other resources including books
and software.


assist students and their parents in completing the various components of the
college selection process, including testing, applications, and financial aid
provide registration forms and information on both the ACT and SAT
assist in improving test-taking skills
assist in preparing for college applications
support in student search for scholarships through the provision of information,
resources, and applications
maintain academic records
ensure cumulative records contain all grades earned at MSD and generate the
official MSD transcript
MSD operates under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1976.

The MSD Counselor will work with staff and students to ensure the implementation of
the Anti-Bullying Policy is fully implemented.

The MSD Counselor will work with staff, students, and medical staff to ensure the
Suicide Prevention Policy is fully implemented.

Health Services
The MSD/B Health Clinic has formulated policies designed to enhance the health and
well-being of all students. Included in these policies are room inspections, nutritious
meals; lights-out regulations, activity programs, physical fitness programs, and required
medical information from each student.

The Health Clinic is located in Dorm 3 and provides services 24 hours a day from Sunday
at 3:00 p.m. through Friday, 3:00 p.m. In the case of a non-home-going weekend, the
clinic remains operational throughout the weekend. A registered nurse will examine
students and coordinate appointments with a local doctor. While the nurse can
administer allergy shots, provide basic first aid services, and perform health care
counseling, the nurse is not a personal physician. When the Health Clinic is closed the
nurse will be on call and can be reached by the Director of Residence Education, if
deemed necessary. Students should alert their teachers in the event they become ill
during the school day. If a student becomes ill during the evenings or on the weekend
the Residence Education Parent should be informed.

In emergency situations an ambulance service may be called and the service of the
emergency room of a local hospital utilized.


Parents/guardians MUST sign an MSD Health Information/Medical Treatment Form

allowing a student to receive hospital care in the case of an emergency. MSD will notify
parents/guardians immediately in the event of an emergency.

A physician may direct the school nurse to restrict a students activities if deemed
necessary for a speedy and complete recovery or for the general welfare of the school
community. Students are expected to comply with the directives. Students who do not
obey such restrictions or confinements will result in unexcused absences for the days
missed from class.

Parents are responsible for all medical costs, including costs for prescription
medicines, and will assume all financial obligations incurred by their child in health
related situations including cost of medication. Visits to the doctors office will be
billed to the parents.

Medication and Illness Policies and Procedures

All narcotic medication must be packaged in a blister pack. All prescriptions for narcotic
medication must be filled by Martys Pharmacy in Flowood, MS.

A working phone number must be on file in the MSB/D Health Clinic at all times. It is
imperative that parents can be reached in the event of student illness.

If a student is admitted to the Health Clinic and Clinic staff determine that the student
should be sent home, nurses will attempt to contact the students parents. If a parent
cannot be contacted after eight (8) hours, the Superintendent will make the decision to
call DHS for assistance or send the student to a hospital emergency room. The parents
will pay hospital expenses.

No medications sent from home to the school can be put in suitcases or backpacks. It
must be registered with the chaperone on the bus and signed into the medication bag,
which will be delivered directly to the clinic upon return to campus.

Parents are encouraged to schedule routine medical and dental visits when students
are home for breaks or holidays.


Required Medical Information

School Asthma Plan (SAP) for students diagnosed with asthma: Miss. Code Ann. 37-11-
71 requires each student with asthma have a current school asthma plan on file for use
by the school nurse, teachers and staff. The parents of the child are required to
annually have the childs health care provider develop and sign the SAP. It must include:
(1) childs name, (2) date, (3) school, (4) age, (5) physicians signature, (6) instructions to
the school if coughing or wheezing and indicate dosage and delivery method details,
and (7) whether the student administers his or her own medication or school personnel
may administer medication. The plan must also indicate whether pre-medication is
required and shall indicate dosage and delivery method details.

All medical information is confidential. Parents must complete all medical forms
required for admission to MSD.

All students must have a physical and a completed Report of Medical Examination Form
before checking into the residence hall. A copy of the immunization form must also be
included with the cumulative school records or be delivered with all medical release

The following medical information must be on file prior to admittance:
Record of Immunization
MSD Health Information/Medical Treatment Form
Report of Medical Examination Form
Administering Prescription Medication to Students Form
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996

Parents must notify the principal/supervisor, clinic staff, or Residence education staff
immediately regarding changes in medications, guardianship, insurance, address, and
employment. Photocopies of prescription cards should be attached to medical forms if

Self-Administration of Medication

All medications must be registered with the nurse except students who meet the
requirements to possess and self-administer prescription asthma or anaphylaxis
medication pursuant to Miss. Code Ann. 37-11-71. A student may self-administer
prescription anaphylaxis medication if MSD is provided a written (1) parental
authorization, (2) parental release of liability, and (3) the required doctors statement
pursuant to Miss. Code Ann. 37-11-71. A student with asthma may self-administer

prescription asthma medication if MSD is provided a written (1) parental authorization,

(2) parental release of liability, (3) school asthma plan completed by the prescribing
physician authorizing self-administration and (4) the required doctors statement
pursuant to Miss. Code Ann. 37-11-71. Students will report to the nurse or designated
representative at the predetermined time for administration of medications.

When a doctor prescribes medication for a student illness, the nurse must be notified
immediately and all forms completed and turned in to MSD. The nurse will follow up or
oversee the administration of the medication. Failure to comply with the doctor or
nurses directions will result in a discipline procedure at a Level III violation.

Excused Absence from Class for Health Reasons

A student who is ill must inform the nurse at the Health Clinic as soon as possible.
Students who do not check in with the nurse will not receive an excuse for illness.

To be admitted to class, the student will receive a copy of the Health Clinic Form. The
teacher will keep this form and record the absence as excused. The nurse will retain a
copy of the form in the Health Clinic.

Going to the Health Clinic does not automatically excuse a student from class. The nurse
and/or doctor must substantiate the seriousness of the illness. A minor illness (e.g.,
cramps, headache, minor cold) does not justify an excused absence. At any time during
the school day an excused absence will be granted providing the student has gone to
Health Clinic and has a substantiated illness.

Students excused from two or more classes because of illness shall not attend school
functions that day and are expected to remain in the residence hall room except for
meals unless written permission from a physician or the school nurse is provided.
Students excused from class attendance must receive health clearance from the nurse
to leave the residence hall. Students cannot attend any school functions when confined
to bed rest unless approval is obtained from principal and/or residence education
director after a health clearance is obtained from the clinic staff or a physician.

When a student is not returning to school from a holiday and/or weekend at home
because of illness, the parents must contact the school immediately. The absence will
be recorded as excused upon return of the student to MSD with a doctors excuse or
appropriate written statement from a parent.


Violation of the above may result in an unexcused absence and disciplinary action.
MSD will comply with all Federal and State laws pertaining to the management of
communicable diseases. The school will also follow the directives of an attending
physician to determine risk factors on a case-by-case basis.

Every reasonable precaution will be taken to minimize risks to other students and
school personnel. Faculty and staff will not discriminate against students with health
conditions and will promote sensitivity, confidentiality, and reasonable

If current medical knowledge indicates a students health condition does not pose a risk
to others the student will continue at MSD as normally as possible. If the student is
having academic problems as a result of the health condition the Principal/Supervisor
will be notified immediately. Modifications, if any, may be provided in the work and
academic environment. Each situation will be considered individually. If a
communicable disease or medical condition is deemed detrimental to the immediate
health or welfare of the student or general school population, the student will be sent
home immediately upon diagnosis from a physician. Such illnesses include, but are not
limited to measles, chicken pox, mumps, and influenza. All temporary leaves from
school for illness are for the improved health of the student.

Before returning to MSD, students who have recovered from a communicable disease
must acquire a medical release form from the attending physician in the students
hometown. The form must be presented to the nurse immediately when the student
returns to the campus.

MSD policy mandates confidentiality of student health history in compliance with
medical, legal, and ethical standards of the school and State.

Residential Education Services
Philosophy of Residential Education: The opportunity to reside on campus enhances the
educational experiences students receive at MSD. The Residential Education program
reflects the goals of MSD. MSD encourages individual expression but students must
understand that they must maintain self-discipline, responsibility, and effective
decision-making skills. The enhancement of student character is a key component in
achieving a positive residential environment. Residential guidelines are based on the
premise that living on campus is a privilege that carries with it an expected level of
individual responsibility.

Dormitory Life

Living in a residence hall is an exciting opportunity that requires self-discipline,
independence, a high degree of responsibility, and compatibility with students from
diverse backgrounds. Students who demonstrate these characteristics should adapt
successfully to living in a residence hall with minimal adjustments. While students are
making transitions from living at home to those of residence life, the Residence
Education Parents (REPs) are constantly available for assistance and support. They help
students adjust to the residential setting, and provide guidance and assistance as
needed. Such a support system enhances the likelihood that all students will have
successful and meaningful educational experiences. An important part of this
adjustment is student understanding of the dorm rules and standards of conduct. An
orderly, clean, comfortable living area supports and enhances the learning atmosphere
and, therefore, benefits the entire school community.

Since learning and study styles differ among students, mutual respect must be the
cornerstone of a harmonious community. Students must channel their behaviors to
create an orderly, responsible atmosphere. Student self-monitoring builds and sustains
positive relationships with peers and with residential staff members.

Students who do not comply with the residential education rules and regulations will
become ineligible to remain a dormitory student.

Under special circumstances, local students may be permitted to live in the dormitory.
This will be based on parents request, MSD administrative approval and availability of

Dormitory Rooms

Residence hall rooms are generally arranged for double occupancy. A bed, chest of
drawers, desk, desk lamp, chair, and closet space are provided for each student.
Students are encouraged to decorate their rooms using good taste and judgment in
cooperation with their roommates. Residence hall staff will remove items that are not in
good taste. Neither nails nor tape may be used to put up decorations; wall putty and/or
cement tape may be used instead. Each dorm has rooms that are handicapped

Students may be given permission to rearrange their furniture, but all MSD furniture
must remain in the room. Students may not move furniture from other areas of the
residence hall into individual rooms.

Room furnishings include blinds; students must not place objects on the windows that
are visible from the outside.

Students should provide the following items for their own use: towels, washcloths, bath
mats, sheets, pillow cases, blankets, mattress covers, pillows, hangers, an alarm clock,
laundry products, personal care items, and school supplies.

The elementary dorms have been renovated to include theme bedding and murals;
therefore, bedding will not be necessary for elementary students.

Bedspread or comforter, laundry bag or basket, posters or pictures for the wall, and
radio/CD/tape player are optional items.

To ensure the safety of students, the Mississippi School for the Deaf reserves the right
to prohibit specific items.

The following list is not intended to be exhaustive. Students may not possess the
following in dormitories suites:
motorized scooters; All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs)
cooking appliances including, but not limited to: microwave oven, popcorn popper,
hot plate, toaster, toaster oven, coffee makers, heating coils
dangerous scientific equipment
darts and dartboards
empty alcohol containers used as decorations
exercise weights such as dumbbells
halogen lights
ice chests or coolers
incense or open flame items such as candles
martial arts equipment
pets of any kind
public signs including, but not limited to, highway, traffic, business, parking
weapons including knives with serrated or sharpened edges, razor blades, and box
cutters, X-acto knives

Common Areas

All roommates are responsible for damage unless it is clearly substantiated that only
one person is responsible. Common areas may also include the T.V./rec room, hallways,
lounges, laundry room, and the student center.

Laundry Room

For the convenience of students, washers and dryers are provided but students must
provide their own laundry products. Students who use the laundry room are responsible
for keeping it clean. Items brought to the laundry room should not remain there beyond
the time it takes to complete the wash and dry cycle. If clothes are left in the machines,
they may be taken out, placed in a plastic bag and taken to the Residence Education
Supervisors office. If the same student leaves clothes in the laundry room habitually,
disciplinary actions will occur. Students should not start laundry within 30 minutes of
lights-out time. Dormitory staff members will determine the laundry schedules.

Televisions and Video Equipment

There is a television and a DVD player in TV/rec room of each dorm and in the
Recreation Building. All televisions are connected to the local cable network and offer
expanded cable channels. Televisions are also located in the library, classroom, and
administrative buildings. Students may not bring personal televisions to school and/or
residential halls.

Students who bring personal or rented videotapes or DVDs for use in the residence hall
must obtain approval from the Director of Residence Education, Residence Parent
Supervisor, or Resident Education Parent before viewing. Staff members have the
authority to prohibit viewing specific DVDs, and television programs or channels if the
content is deemed offensive or inappropriate.

Posters, Pictures, and Advertisements

Advertisements for alcoholic beverages or tobacco products are prohibited, including
images that entice use of them. No poster, picture, advertisement, or other image shall
encourage illegal drugs use, profanity, or pornography. Images may not depict nude or
partially nude individuals. All persons in images must be clothed in nontransparent

Decorations are allowed, however, must not belittle, offend, or denigrate any individual
or group as outlined in the section on harassment. The Residence education staff shall
determine whether or not an item will remain on display. Students must hang posters
or other decorations with a product approved by MSB. Nails and/or tacks are not


Moving In

Upon arrival, the Residence life staff will accompany each student to inspect the
assigned room for the purpose of recording the Room Condition Form. Within the first
week, students may inform the Residence Education office if additional information
should be added to the form.

After the first week, any damage to the room or furniture will be charged to the room
occupant(s). Students must report others who cause damage to the residence hall.

Moving Out

At the end of the year, staff will inspect the room with the student(s) to assess damages
that might have occurred. MSD will determine charges and communicate them to
students and their parents in writing prior to release. Students must remove their
belongings and check out of the Residence halls on the last day of the school. The room
must be clean and the Room Condition Form completed by the Resident Education
Parent. (There will be a charge of $25.00 for failure to check out.) During checkout the
Resident Education Parent will assess fines for room or furniture damages.

Housekeeping in Dormitories

Students are responsible for cleaning their rooms. A daily inspection will occur. Failure
to pass room inspection will result in disciplinary action. Basic cleanliness is expected at
all times. Room inspections help ensure safety, wellness, and a climate conducive to
learning. Room inspections include, but are not limited to:
cleaning and straightening of entire room is required and must include beds,
wardrobes, desks, chairs, refrigerators, vents, windows, blinds, floors, woodwork,
and other furniture or equipment a student has brought into the room
ensuring that there are no unauthorized items in the room or bath and that trash
has been removed
checking to make certain that the bathroom areas are clean and free from dirty
laundry and trash
ensuring floors, sinks, toilets, showers, and countertops are clean and orderly

Cleaning equipment, supplies, and toilet tissue are available through the Residence
Education Parents office. If desired, students may provide their own cleaning supplies
that may be kept in individual rooms. MSD does not provide soap, shampoo, or other
personal hygiene items. All who live in the dormitories must assist with general
housekeeping by cleaning up after themselves and reporting problems.

Students who fail to comply will be subject to disciplinary action. In order to fulfill all or
part of assigned work service obligations, students may have to clean the common
areas of the residence hall.


Dormitory assignments are made by gender. Females are not allowed on halls or in
rooms assigned to males. Male students are not allowed on halls or in rooms assigned
to females. Violation of this policy is a severe offense and subject to disciplinary action.

Residence education staff will use all data available to help identify compatible
roommates. Students may request a roommate change if deemed necessary. A student
wishing to change roommates must discuss the situation with the Director of Residence
Education. School officials may move a student temporarily or permanently due to
documented medical conditions, or if it is deemed helpful to the student, roommate,
and/or others in the dorm. The Director of Residence Education will make all final
decisions regarding room assignments.

Residential Education Terminology

Study Hours: A predetermined period of time when students are accounted for and
required to be focused only on schoolwork. Study hours are Sunday through Thursday-
6:00-7:30 p.m. or other hours as defined by the residential staff, depending on other
extended day activities.

Curfew: A specific time when all students are accounted for and are required to be
inside their room. At this time, exit doors are locked to the outside and students are to
not leave the residential hall for the night.

Lights Out: A specific time when students are required to turn out the lights and go to

Off-Campus Trips: Supervised trips to nearby shopping malls, recreation centers, and
eating establishments are scheduled at times, which do not conflict with study time or
other official school functions. In some cases, MSD covers the costs associated with
these activities; at other times participating students pay costs.


Unsupervised Off-Campus Trips: Students are permitted to independently leave

campus under certain conditions. The student should be at least 16 years of age and
should have a written statement from his/her parent(s)/guardian(s), the authenticity of
which has been verified and on file in the Residence Education Directors office. The
final approval for unsupervised trips is at the discretion of the Director of Residence
Education and the superintendent.

Students should submit a request to the Residence Education Parent Supervisor each
time he or she wishes to make an unsupervised off-campus trip. If the supervisor grants
permission, the student should sign out of the residence hall indicating destination and
time of return. Upon returning to the residence hall, the student should sign in and note
the time of arrival. Leaving campus unsupervised is a privilege that must be earned and
a responsibility that must be taken seriously. Any student who fails to act responsibly
will lose the privilege.

Visiting Off-Campus: If a student wishes to visit the home of another student over the
weekend (homegoing or non-homegoing), he/she should have written prior permission
from his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) and from the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the student to
be visited. The Director of Residence Education may verify the permission statements by
telephone. The Director of Residence Education or the dormitory supervisor should
receive permission statements by noon Tuesday, via U.S. mail. Parent(s)/guardian(s) of
the student being visited are responsible for transporting the visiting child to and from
school and should sign out the student.

Checking Out of Residence Hall: A student may check out of a residence hall no later
than 7:00 p.m. in the company of an adult who is on the approved checkout list. Prior to
checking out, a signed and verified parent(s)/guardian(s) permission statement must be
on file and the Residence Education Parent on duty must be notified before the student
leaves campus. The student should be returned no later than 10:00 p.m. on weeknights
and 11:00 p.m. on weekends. MSD reserves the right to deny permission for a student
to leave campus if it interferes with study time or is otherwise considered not in the
best interest of the student.

Residence Hall Visitors: All visitors to residence halls (including parent(s)/guardian(s))
should check in and receive a Visitor's Pass issued by the Residence Education Parent on
duty. MSD reserves the right to deny permission for persons, other than the student's
parent(s)/guardian(s), to visit the student. Residence Education Parents have the right
to ask any visitor to leave the residence hall if the visitor's presence is disruptive or
otherwise undesirable.


Visitors of elementary students should exit the residence halls by 8:00 p.m. and the high
school visitors should leave by 9:00 p.m.

Telephone Use: Videophones are available for student use in the dorms.

Day Students' Participation: Day students are welcome to participate in all after-school
activities at MSD. They may go to the residence halls after school only if permission to
do so has been obtained from the Director of Residential Services or the Residential
Education Supervisor and if the request is on file in the appropriate Principal's office.
Parent(s)/guardian(s) is (are) expected to transport students to and from activities. MSD
will not be responsible for providing transportation home for any day students that
remain on campus.

Overnight Permission: Under certain circumstances, day students may be allowed to
stay overnight in residence halls. Written permission to do so should be requested in
advance by the student's parent(s)/guardian(s) from the Director of Residence Services.
Permission requests should be received at least a week before the expected stay.
Exceptions may be made in case of emergency. Under normal circumstances,
permission will be granted if space and sufficient staff to supervise extra students is
available. Day students that stay overnight in a residence hall are subject to the same
rules and regulations that govern resident students.

No food deliveries after 9:00 p.m.

Student Vehicle Policy

The welfare of all students is of utmost concern to the school. Vehicle policies reflect
our stance that bringing a vehicle to school should be taken seriously and is a privilege,
not a right. MSD considers the primary purpose for having a vehicle on campus to
facilitate visits to and from home. The school also recognizes that there may be other
occasions for a student's use of a personal vehicle. To accommodate these occasions,
MSD has developed the Vehicle Permission Form. This form must be completed for all
students in possession of a Drivers License even if you do not expect to ever bring a car
to campus. The Vehicle Permission Form provides parents with the forum to identify
their student's limits. Parents may further restrict those limits or if needed, change the
information on the form at any time during the school year by notifying the residence
hall office in writing. The school reserves final authority to restrict, or deny use of the
student's vehicle. Motorcycles are strictly prohibited.


Students shall immediately and completely register any vehicle brought to campus.
Complete registration is:
filling out a registration card for the Director of Residence Education
providing proof of insurance (copy of card) to the Director of Residence Education

Failure to immediately and completely register any vehicle brought to campus, or
update any changes in the registration may result in the vehicle being sent home for 30
school days or the termination of vehicle privileges for the remainder of the school year
if the vehicle is not registered. The student assumes responsibility for accurate,
complete, and timely communication pertaining to the vehicle.

Student cars are required to be in the designated MSD parking area. Students are
expected to comply with all Jackson Police Department rules, policies, and guidelines.
Students who fail to maintain a high level of regard for vehicle rules and safety,
including, but not limited to parking procedures and being ticketed, may be instructed
to return their vehicles home either for a designated period of time or for the
remainder of the school year. Any citations (tickets) are to be reviewed at the Jackson
Police Department. Vehicle privileges may be withdrawn by MSD if the school considers
a student's operation of a vehicle to be a danger to self or others, if the vehicle is
improperly registered or parked, or if its operation is a detriment to school order.

A school official may search any vehicle owned or operated by a student if he or she has
reasonable suspicion that there may be a violation of the school's printed regulations
and/or Mississippi law. The parent or legal guardian of the MSD student assumes full
legal and financial responsibility in matters of their vehicle. The risks involved are those
of the owner and operator, not MSD.

All students, whether drivers or passengers, need to keep in mind these vehicle policies:
no student shall drive another students vehicle
no student shall drive or ride in a vehicle without written (i.e. sign-out) permission
from a residence hall staff member or school administrator (including moving a
vehicle from one parking lot to another)
vehicles should be considered off-limits in the absence of written or verbal
permission from an MSD staff member
students may not "hang-out" at/in vehicles
students, or their guests, may not drive the vehicle of a student or guest
students may not drive a staff members vehicle
students shall demonstrate courtesy and consideration of others including, but not
limited to, vehicle stereo volume


Vehicle use will be granted based on the information given in the Student Handbook.
During the school week (Sunday 7:30 p.m. through Friday 2:00 p.m.) student vehicle use
is restricted and students should not expect to be granted vehicle use.

Student Activities in the Dorm

A calendar of activities developed by the Residential Director for the students will
include activities such as board and table games, intramural sports, dances, parties,
movie nights, concerts, and plays. Trips in and out of town will be possible for shopping,
entertainment, concerts, museum visits, or other activities.

Most of the activities offered by MSD are free of charge. An Extracurricular Activity Fee
of $35.00 a month will be used to fund any special activities or trips. Student
suggestions for activities are sought and encouraged through various committees or by
simply passing on the suggestion to one of the staff.

Room Searches

Authorized MSD staff will enter student rooms in non-emergency situations such as
maintenance, building code inspections, and/or to ensure the safety of room occupants
or students in surrounding areas. Staff may enter rooms unannounced when there is a
reasonable suspicion of violation of residence hall rules. Where there is reasonable
suspicion that violations of school policy or criminal law are occurring, a comprehensive
room search may be authorized by a school official. Room searches will be conducted as
discreetly as possible. If all occupants of the room cannot be located immediately a
search will be conducted without the students presence. Student obstruction of a
reasonable search by authorized personnel may result in disciplinary action. Students
assume responsibility for activities occurring in their rooms. To ensure building safety
during school vacations, staff will enter rooms to see that windows are closed, lights
out, and radios turned off.

Scent Detection Canine Searches

The use of law enforcement scent canines is a dramatic tactic designed to dramatically
illustrate that neither school authorities nor law enforcement agencies will tolerate
illicit drugs or other scent-detectable contraband on campus. Scent detection canine
searches may include the common areas of the dormitories, academic building(s), and
the parking lot including the external surfaces of automobiles. Alert by a scent detection
canine will be considered reasonable suspicion.


The appropriate law enforcement agency will authorize further search and seizure in
relation to that property or individual in accordance with their policies and procedures.
Local law enforcement officers, with the assistance of MSD personnel, will conduct all
scent detection canine searches.



The State Legislature has passed a number of laws in an attempt to prevent school violence and motivate
students to modify or extinguish delinquent behavior. A copy of the entire law may be found in the volumes
of Mississippi Code Annotated of 1972, as amended. The following statutes are examples of some of the state
laws that pertain to student conduct, but are not meant to be an exhaustive list of all statutes applicable to
student conduct on or off school property.

Miss. Code Ann. 37-3-51
Notification of Department of Education of conviction of certificated
person of certain felonies of sex offense
Miss. Code Ann. 37-3-81
School Safety Center established by the Mississippi Department of
Miss. Code Ann. 37-3-84
Confiscation of illegal firearms; reward
Miss. Code Ann. 37-3-89
School discipline and classroom management courses; requirement;
Miss. Code Ann. 37-3-93
School Crisis Manage Program; quick response teams; toll free
telephone service for reporting school violence
Miss. Code Ann. 37-7-323
Application and enforcement of general criminal laws of state.
Miss. Code Ann. 37-9-14
General duties and powers of superintendent of school district
Miss. Code Ann. 37-9-17
Fingerprinting and criminal background checks for applicants
Miss. Code Ann. 37-9-71
Suspension of pupils
Miss. Code Ann. 37-11-5
Instruction in fire drills and emergency management
Miss. Code Ann. 37-11-18
Expulsion of student possessing controlled substance or weapon or
committing violent act on school property.
Miss. Code Ann. 37-11-18.1
Expulsion of habitually disruptive students aged 13 years or older
upon third occurrence of disruptive behavior within school year.
Miss. Code Ann. 37-11-19
Suspension or expulsion of student damaging school property;
liability of parent or custodian
Miss. Code Ann. 37-11-20
Intimidation, threatening or coercion of students for purpose of
interfering with attendance of classes
Miss. Code Ann. 37-11-21
Abuse of superintendent, principal, teacher, or bus driver
Miss. Code Ann. 37-11-29
Reporting of unlawful activity or violent act on educational property
or during school related activity; authority of law enforcement
officers; reporting of disposition of charges against student; liability of
school personnel participating in reporting
Miss. Code Ann. 37-11-35
Penalties for failure to file reports pursuant to Mississippi Code 37-
Miss. Code Ann. 37-11-37
Public high school fraternity, sorority, or secret society; definition
Miss. Code Ann. 37-11-39
Public high school fraternity, sorority or secret society; illegality
Miss. Code Ann. 37-11-41
Public high school fraternity, sorority or secret society; membership
or participating in activities
Miss. Code Ann. 37-11-43
Public high school fraternity, sorority or secret society; duties of
boards of trustees
Miss. Code Ann. 37-11-49
Wearing of approved eye protective devices required during
participation in certain vocational, industrial arts, and chemical-
physical laboratory courses of instruction
Miss. Code Ann. 37-11-53
Distribution of school districts discipline plan; content of plan;
appearance by parents, guardians or custodians at discipline
conferences; recovery from parents for damage or destruction of

Miss. Code Ann. 37-11-55

Miss. Code Ann. 37-11-57
Miss. Code Ann. 37-13-91
Miss. Code Ann. 37-15-3

Miss. Code Ann. 37-15-6

Miss. Code Ann. 37-15-9
Miss. Code Ann. 43-21-151
Miss. Code Ann. 93-5-26
Miss. Code Ann. 97-44-1 et
Miss. Code Ann. 97-37-17


Weapons possession on educational property

Code of Student Conduct

Immunity of school personnel from liability for carrying out action in
enforcing rules regarding control, discipline, suspension and
expulsion of students
Compulsory school attendance requirements, generally; enforcement
of law
Storage of cumulative folders; access to records; disposition of
records upon transfer of student between schools; destruction of
Central reporting system for information concerning expulsions from
public schools, access to information
Requirements for enrollment of children in public schools
Requirement to Notify Youth Court of Expulsions
Rights of non-custodial parents
Mississippi Street Gang Act

All students must sign and return page 62 (AUP Policy) as well as the
certification of acknowledgment below.

All parents must sign and return page 63 (AUP Policy) as well as the
certification of acknowledgment below.


I have read the Mississippi School for the Deaf (MSD) Handbook and understand that all
students must follow all policies.

I understand that if any policy is violated disciplinary measures will be based upon the
type of violation as outlined in the handbook.

Student Signature:____________________________

Parent or Guardian Signature:____________________________ Date:____/____/____


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