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Activity in home.
Agriculture property.

Agriculture, farms, fields.

All inheritances descending by a right line.

All places of retirement and rest.


Anointing the body.


Boats, Cradles.




Concerns related to the land or the Earth itself.

Condition and position of the Native at the close of Life.

Conditioned emotional bait patterns.

Curious secrets.

Digging of wells.

Divine herbs used for medication.

Dwelling Place, Domestic Life and family secrets.


Ecology, Geology, farming.

Education and degree qualifications.

Educational qualification of a person:

III House = inclination to study,

IV House = School and Collegiate Education,

IX Houses = Higher Education & Research:
Emotional attitudes instilled in child-hood.

Entry Into a house.

Executor of a Will

Family affairs.

Family and family assets.

Final resting place (Grave)

Fixed properties In general

Good yields of crops.



Hereditary house.

Hereditary properties.

Hidden Treasure.

Hidden treasures and caves.

Home - Base.

IN STATE ASTROLOGY IVth house holds sway over Mines, Gardens and

Indication of place where stolen property is consigned.

Ingrained emotional attitudes which determines our responses.

Inheritance, Property, legacies.

IV + Mars

= Lands.

IV + Moon

= Mother.IV + Venus = Vehicles.

IVth counsels the Native to remain in or lease the birth place. Kindness or
cruelty of the heart of the Native.
Land, Gardens.
Landed and immovable properties.
Last half of life (later part of life)
Lease holds.
Leaving the birth place.
Maternal relatives.
Matters related to food And diet (along with 6th house) Monument and
Mysteries of all kinds in which the subject is Interested. Other women of
category of Mother.
One's domestic concerns throughout life.
Parent and parental environment. Patrimony.
Place of birth and residence.

Placing wealth In safe-custody.

Private affairs.
Quality of the heart.
Relatloaahip with Mother.
Ruinous building and monuments. SUKAM.

Sweet smile.

That which militates against the fame and honour.

The 4th house bears significance to the termination, conclusion and end

The burial and general location of the Grave.

The final issue of every undertaking.

The home environment

The house that we live in.

The place of Birth.

Things lost

This house is called GRAVE since it is concerned with hidden things.

Those holdings which one takes on lease or rent or leased out to other

Traces of land.

Treasures hidden under the ground.




Water and digging of wells.

Welfare of Mother.

Wells and tanks.

What will be felt after burial


A Foreign Govt.fScholarship


Affairs of the dead



Announcement of unexpected inheritance/Gifts

Any goods gained by Divorce

Arrest and detention

Arrest and detention

Bank balance of previous births

Bodily exertion and mental anguish


Change of existence from one place of activity to another

Clairvoyance and other paranormal abilities

Crossing rivers

Danger from enemies

Death house (Mode of death)

Defect of diplomatic strategy


Denial of death

Disgrace and cheating


End of old conditionAn preparation of the new.

Enemies Port

Evil future

Evil news

Facial diseases

Fall from heights

Fateful losses


Fear and fear of enemies

Fear of enmities - our Enemies attacks

Feeling wounded by other

Financial status of married partner or business associates.

Financial transactions.

Fruitless attempts

Genitals and Anus

Giving of loans

Going across rivers, Severe^diffhulties

Going, out of the way

Goods of the dead

Great mental distress

Handling of waste products

Hole or cavity-

Importance comings to us unexpected

Incurring Debts.

Inheritance, Taxes

Inordinate fear of death

Instinctive desire to form a sexual bond

Insult, sorrow, scandal or ill-repute I

Insurance^money of the deceased


8th deals with Public mortality, financial relation with foreign countries, suicide, serious
accidents, flood, famine, Earth Quakes, National calamity, surrender, loss of territory to
another country, Deficit budget.

Crossing of rivers, Difficulties of Journey, Fortresses, Suffering cattsechby enemies,
Corruption Fights Vulnerable or weak points, 8th cusp sub lord should signify 5 and 11
(both) to find out if one will enjoy a particular girl or boy.
Joint finances and corporate business activity.

Joint monies

Legacies, wills, insurance, gratuity and Bonus



Lord of 8th is the Debtor or the person from whom the money 1s expected

Loss of money thro' deception

Medium Ship

Mendicancy (begging)

Mental distress

Money belonging to other people-especially of the deceased

Money Incidental or connected to deathMoney of others received inadvertently

Money received through ln$urance[


Need for spiritual reg&nerationLandinterest iaie?incawation

Obsessive sexuality

Obstacle, impediment

Obstacle &and Miseries.


Other peoples vaiues.

Pain and agonyParapsychology and occultsubj^cts

Pass through dense forests

Passion, sexuality

Path through rough mountains, region, or mid dense forests


Places of death and cause

Possession of or fromothers.

Privation and worries

Prolonged diseases

Punishment inflicted by Govt.

Punishment inflicted by Govt.,

Quarrels and fights

Recycling of oid^ discarded or worn out items and sources

Repaying the debts

Running into debts

Sanitary matters

Secret Death

Seize of a Fort - Fighting

Sewage disposal

Sex life

Sex organs, their qualities and working condition and sexual diseases

Sexual energies sex, desire and sex life of a person

Shared feelings.

Slaughterhouse and Butchers

Sorrow and grief thro' tha DeathM others

Split between friends

Spltting of partnership

Surgeons, Medical Officers


Tales of sorrows

That which is not stated (reading in-between lin$s)

The estate and dowry of wife and husband

The estate and dowry of wife and husband

The goods or possessions of partners or immediate associates

The house^ot misery

The kind of death

The life force.

The loss of beloved ones due to serious wounds from fatal accidents.

The mating instinct

Th&proereative^ act

The strength of public money

The way we cope with death Theft and robbery

Total destructloiiandWat

Transformation of personal motivation for better or worse

Treasure buried underground

Trouble-in crowds

Trouble to wife

Undertaker (One wbacarries-OuLarrMgementsJor funeral)

Unearned wealth and share of profit

Unsuccessful attempts

Untimely deatfr

Untoward happenings

Untoward happenings

War and Deaths

Wills and legacies

Wrong or unacceptable actions

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