Transit Times Volume 3, Number 11

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'For the Good of Your.


Vol. 3 No. 11 OAKLAND, MARCH 1961

Inter-city Express Bill to Divert Bay

Gives Fast Service Span Tolls Arouses
~T 0 District Riders Area-wide Opposition
A new city express system went into Civic and business leaders of the East
operation late this month, with an en- Bay joined AC Transit this month in all-
thusiastic send-off from the four cities out opposition against Senate Bill 499
now linked by fast, direct service. which would divert Bay Bridge revenues
The cities, Oakland, Berkeley, San from the improvement of transbay traf-
Leandro and Hayward, cooperated in fic facilities.
launching the 55-mile network of express The proposed legislation would allow
lines, first of its kind for the East Bay. use of Bay Bridge tolls to remodel the
A fleet of special air-conditioned "Tran- Transbay Transit Te'rminal in San Fran-
sit Liners" were put into service by AC cisco for the accommodation of commu-
Transit to handle the new express opera- ter buses from San ¥ateo and Marin
tion. counties. \
By traveling on freeways where pos- The district, in mapping strong oppo-
sible, and with a limited number of stops, sition to the measure, pointed out it
t~~\:~ express buses cut existing travel time would jam the terminal and bog down
by public transit in half. operations and future expansion plans of
The system is operating between AC Transit into San Francisco.
Berkeley, Oakland, East Oakland, San The measure would give privately-
Leandro, San Lorenzo, Hayward and owned transportation lines that do not
Fairway Park. pay any Bay Bridge tolls a "free ride" in
As far as the public was concerned, one using facilities that have been largely
of the most attractive features in con- paid for by East Bay commuters.
nection with the start of service was the Legislative representatives of the two
free rides given on the first day, March 20. East Bay counties serviced by AC Tran-
Merchants stood most of the treat, of- sit, city and county governments and civic
fering the free rides from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. groups, chambers of commerce and indi-
as part of the program of introducing the vidual commuters were urged to join in
new transportation achievement. protesting provisions of the bill before the
Several of the ·downtown Oakland State Senate. '
stores also had window displays. calliI).g In a resolution condemning the bill, the
attention Ito the new service. transjt directors pointed out it would di-
Newspaper ads, sponsored by mer- vert Bay Bridge toll revenues to construc-
(Continued on 'page 2) . (Contmued on Page 6)
What the Editors Are Saying About Transit
Oakland Tribune:

Transit Robbery
T HE Alameda-Contra Costa Transit
District is quite justified in its oppo-
We agree with the AC Transit general
manager John R. Worthington when he
sition to a bill now before the State Sen- says this bill is a "blank check" for pri-
ate which would work a distinct hard- vately-owned transportation systems to
ship on Eastbay commuters using the Bay muscle in on a bonanza they are not mor-
Bridge. ally entitled to-despite the pressure and
In terms that may escape the casual propaganda handed out by San Fran-
C;TY EXPRESS-Shown on map are routes of new rapid inter-city express, which link reader this measure seeks to appropriate cisco.
East Bay communities with direct service, halving travel time. Bay Bridge revenues for remodeling the And we further feel that since the bill
bridge terminal in San Francisco-the old was actually introduced at the behest of
Key Terminal-to accommodate bus lines the State Department of Public Works,
Cities Proclaim Fast, Direct Service other than those now using the Bay
its Marin and San Mateo County authors
-along with works department spokes-
(Continued from Page 1) The kicker in this proposal is that these men-are being less than honorable in
chants, the Oakland Shopping News and service. Permanent signs denoting the other buses would not haul Eastbay or denying this is the situation.
by the transit district, appeared in various express stops will be installed on the top San Francisco commuters back and forth It is not our intention to play dog-in-
publications before the express started. of coach stop poles. daily across the bridge. They would be the-manger and foreclose on passenger
Proclamations were issued by the may- The express service is operating during buses bound for San Mateo and Marin carrying buses using the San Francisco
ors of the four cities during the week of midday and commuter hours five days a Counties. Terminal. All we ask is that adequate
March 13 and special stories also were week, Monday through Friday. Anyone with the slightest grasp of Bay charges be levied to carry out the physi-
carried in East Bay newspapers. Because of parking problems faced by Area geography will immediately realize cal job of remodeling the terminal with-
Eleven billboards along the express most drivers, the service is expected to that these other bus lines will not pay one out the use of Bay Bridge funds.
routes will be used by the district for the compete with speed and convenienc~ of cent in Bay Bridge tolls although they Protests to the State Senate on the
next two months to tell riders about the private automobiles, plus providing a stand to benefit handsomely by renova- present provisions of this unfair bill
service and to give them average running more economical and more relaxing ride. tion of a terminal paid for chiefly by East- should be made by all Eastbay commu-
times from the billboard locations to Line 33 Berkeley-Oakland Express op- bay commuters. ters, cities, counties, chambers of com-
downtown Oakland. erates every 10 minutes during peak The AC Transit District says it intends merce and civic bodies.
Posters were carried in district buses, hours and every 15 minutes during mid- to increase its rush hour service between
urging the public to ride the new express. day. Oakland and San Francisco and vice-
Timetables were distributed at city halls, Line 34 MacArthur Blvd. Express from versa. And the AC District logically Speakers Available to
.chambers of commerce, to merchants who 76th and MacArthur to Jack London
Square, has the same headway.
points out that the San Francisco Termi- Report on Progress of
Tequested them, in transit offices and on nal is now near capacity and additional
-the buses. Line 30 Oakland-Hayward Express, Transit Improvements
schedules for private transportation lines Educational programs have been de-
Announcements also were made on the serving San Leandro, runs every 15 min- 't will bog down operations. veloped by the transit district to keep
district's John K. Chapel radio spots at utes during commuter hours and 30 min- , ' East Bay residents informed on the prog-
7:45 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. utes during midday. \ But even if the terminal would not be ress of transit improvement and future
I overloaded by San Mateo and Marin plans.
Coach stops used by the express lines Line 32 Oakland-San Lorenzo-Hay- Speakers from the district are available
have been marked by large temporary ward-Fairway Park Express follows the bound buses, why should these areas be
free of charge for luncheon meetings as
posters. The timetable for the particular same frequency schedule. given a free ride at the expense of East- well as for groups holding their meetings
line also has been printed on posters to Fares are the same as those charged bay commuters. This isn't a question of during the morning, afternoon or evening
charity-it's one of equity. hours.
help acquaint the public with the new on local lines.
2 3
WHAT'S MY LINE - Johnny Lund works on
trolling lines, getting ready for start of com·
mercial season.

VARIETY-Wives like Mrs. Thelma Hatch

(left) and Mrs. Jayne Gibney combine
housework and fishing.

SPARS IN THE SKY-Masts stand against the skyline as the salmon fishing fleet rides
at its Estuary moorage, waiting to leave. bet. Then there's a great flurry, as the
marine store, get their laundry, mail and
a shower, have a cup of coffee and a fish are hauled off, weighed on the dock
Transit Trails sandwich and still sell their fish, with- and loaded on trucks.
out moving their boat. An even larger fleet will be operating
Oakland Pier Picked For Trip of Month H you visit the dock before the fleet
sails, you'll discover that wives also go
out of the dock when the albacore season
starts on September 29. The search lasts
Editor's note: This is the first of a series of monthly "discovery trips" by AC Transit, down to the sea, standing like pioneer through November, then most of the
planned on the idea that it's fun to go admnturing by bus. For schedules, route maps women, shoulder to shoulder with their boats go into winter storage.
and a reprint of the trip-of-the-month, riders should call Transit Information at men. To find the pier, take the 83 bus, get
OLympic 3-3535. They take the wheel, keep house and off at 15th Ave., walk a short block to
By Virginia Dennison The fishermen are readying their boats put aside their crocheting (really!) when 16th and down 16th, over the overpass to
Tucked at the foot of Livingston Ave. , now for the opening of the commercial it's time to help drag in the fish. Like the 19th Ave., enjoying the view on the way.
a block past 19th Ave., is one of Oak- salmon fishing season April 15 and you'll men, they can also tell some harrowing At 19th, a short block to the south will
land's most picturesque-and little known find outriggers being checked, trolling experiences with storms and with last bring you to the dock. On week-days, you
-wharves. And this is just the time to gear inspected, boats painted. You'll also year's tidal wave-but there's no dimmer can ride the 80, 81 or 82 express, with a
discover it, while a tremendous salmon find 53 boats, big and small, sharing the on their enthusiasm. longer walk from the 12th or 19th Ave.
fleet is getting ready to pull a silvery for- picturesque Estuary moorage. Now, on any day of the week, you'll stops. On Sundays, all stop at 15th.
tune from the sea. N ow in its sixth year, the Evans Radio find boats, but if it's fish you're after and Or, if more convenient, ride the 64 bm;
It's just right for an adventure by bus Dock is a one-stop marine station for the the excitement of seeing a catch un- to East 7th and 23rd Aves., walk west to
and foot, for a spring-fever kind of a day fishing fleet from Seattle and other points loaded, you'll have to take your chances Kennedy, north on Kennedy to Denni-
when spars against the city skyline and north and south and for Oakland's own after the season starts. son and down Dennison to 19th, turn
the sight of men working on their boats is growing fleet of 15 boats. The boats usually stay out five to 12 right for a block to Livingston .
guaranteed to make you envious, a bit The fishermen can get fuel, ice, other days and come in two at a time, with Either way, it's a pleasant walk of
dissatisfied, but definitely enthralled. supplies; pick up what they need from a Thursday, Friday and Saturday a good about half a mile.
4 5
New Uniforms Approved For Bus Drivers Informal Sessions Spark Safety Record
To Match Streamlined Motor Coaches Informal weekly get-togethers, staged sions and said he thought they were
partly responsible for the "wonderful re-
by Superintendent Nick Alevizos at the
Bus drivers can now take on a "new Selection of the new uniform was West Contra Costa Division, have not duction in accidents" at Division 3. The
look" to match the sleek lines of the agreed upon after consultation with dis- only helped the bus operators to beat division had 29 accidents in February last
"Transit Liners" with the approval of trict employee representatives. The out- their Bogie for February, but have given year, 32 in January of this year and a
trim, oyster gray gabardine uniforms. fits are now being made by several cloth- other divisions an idea to follow. whopping 58 in December.
The uniforms feature a sleeve stripe of ing outlets. Purchase of the new uniforms The men also have the chance, during
The gilley room gatherings were
forest green and persimmon in keeping is on a voluntary basis as existing uni- the Tuesday get-togethers, to chew over
started by Nick in February, with the
with the color scheme of the new equip- forms wear out. a lot of the things involved in operating
idea of meeting with the drivers, on a
ment. Supervisors' uniforms will be cut in a a transit district-including the quirks of
voluntary basis, to talk over accident pre-
The fitted jackets are of modified mili- three-button, single-breasted business- vention, road calls, and any problems that new equipment.
tary style, zippered up the front, and men's style, of a lighter shade of gray Other divisions plan to follow the idea,
might be bothering the men.
carry out a streamlined look. They will gabardine. Supervisors will wear the Wadsworth said, but probably not in the
After a month of meetings, the men dunking department, because of the num-
be waist length for women operators and
a bit longer for the men, according to
same hats as operators, but with an added
metallic band decoration. J could point proudly to one of their best
safety records in some time. They went
ber of operators involved. If there hasn't
been an accident for a week, Nick stands
A gray shirt, forest green tie and tai- five days in a row without a single acci- treat for coffee and doughnuts. If there
lored trousers of the same gray gabardine dent, to sneak under the Bogie number of has been an accident, the driver or driv-
match the jacket. Women operators can
Leaders Join Fight 18. As a result, Safety Engineer Gordon ers involved do the buying. This is extra
Wadsworth recently routed himself out to the spread furnished by the safety ·
wear either a gray shirt or white blouse, Against State Bill at 3:30 a.m. to have coffee and doughnuts boys.
with tailored skirts or slacks. The district
emblem will be pinned on the jacket, or (Continued from Page 1) ready for the entire crew. Usually, the safety instructor takes part
if the jacket is not being worn, on new tion of facilities not connected with either Wadsworth was particularly impressed in the get-together, but the agenda covers
forest green hats. the improvement or operation of the with the enthusiasm kindled by the ses- all problems of operations.
"These tolls would be used to benefit GET-TOGETHER-N. P. Alevizos, superintendent of Division 3, points out typical vio-
In Memoriam people who don't spend a nickle on the lations to operators at a weekly talk session. Left to right (standing) W. W. Hankins,
bridge," it was pointed out by William C. M. Lee; (seated, facing camera) J. C. Mathis, V. B. Pangelinan; (back to camera)
Alan Betzner, 92, who entered service C. D. Young, J. T. Treadaway and S. L. Evans.
H. Coburn, Jr., a Berkeley director.
in 1906 and had 34 years as a train motor- , • ......._ _- -.......n:'IffT1'""'.....~

man when he retired in 1940, died March John R. Worthington, general mana-
5. He lived at 939 Hearst Ave., Berkeley. ger, stressed that opening the terminal to
all commuter buses entering San Fran-
John Wylie, 75, Key trainman who cisco would overcrowd the facility to the
went to work in 1918 and was pensioned point of impeding the district's transbay
Jan. 1, 1949, died Feb. 5. He lived at service.
15879 Hesperian Blvd., San Lorenzo. The district pays more than $300,000
Charles B. Duncan, operator pensioned a year in bridge tolls and terminal charges
Nov. 1, 1943, after 36 years, seven months and carries 42 per cent of all transbay
service; died Jan. 26, 1961. peak commuter traffic.
The directors also pointed out the con-
Joseph V. Clair, former trainman, pen- struction of a terminal as authorized by
sioned Feb. 1, 1956, after 38 years serv- the bill has not been stduied as to its en-
ice; died Jan. 10, 1961. gineering feasibility, location, size and re-
Sinclair A. Davis, operator, pensioned lation to freeways and streets in San Fran-
June 1, 1960, after 35 years service; died cisco and to the plans for regional rapid
Dec. 31, 1960. transit.
TOP FLIGHT - Fay Engelage, seniority
leader among women at Division 4, loves
buses, her animals and transbay run.

DOUBLE FARE - Mrs. Dorothy Torrenga,

who has top seniority among women bus
operators, has her own brood for passen-
gers-grandchildren (left to right) Donald,
1; Wayne, 4; George Jr., 9; Ronnie, 3;
Dorothy, 15, holding Douglas, l-year-old
twin of Donald.

Women Drivers Tops in Transit Field TIME OUT-Change, please, doesn't always mean the coin box to Mrs. Dorothy ~aria
of Division 3. Veteran driver, she's also the veteran grandmother o~ (left to right)
Along with new buses and new uni· Dorothy Torrenga made her start with Richard Jr., 2; Dee-Ann, 3 weeks; Donna, 3; Denice, 4; Debra, 7; Michael, 3, and
forms, AC Transit can take a bow for it~ Key System on the street cars and saw David,S, children of sons Richard and David Faria.
trim women operators, 70 of them, with the last of them in 1948 before she
a work record-and progeny-hard tc switched to buses. Most of the time she
In the grandchildren department, Dor- think she should mention her "temper,"
match in any other transit district. has been on the same run; and, on the
othy Faria is one ahead. Son Richard is but admits she's trying to follow her boss'
Topping the seniority list at Division ~ 18 line, she's more than an institution.
the father of Debra, 7; Denice, 4; Riclnrd advice to "put it in my pocket and keep
is the "grandma of the 18 line," Mrs. Dor- She's the one they depend on for all in-
Jr., 2, and DeeAnn, 3 weeks; while son my hands on it."
othy Torrenga, who started with Key formation, for help with the small fry and
David accounts for David Jr. , 5; Michael, A favorite on the R-Hayward line, she
System Transit Lines in September, 1942. for a brief exchange on developments
4, and Donna, 3. has a nighttime clientele that shares her
Seniority honors at Division 3 go to like children or grandchildren.
Mrs. Faria, who lives at 5921 Arlington humor and enthusiasm-although one pal
Mrs. Dorothy S. Faria, who came back to Mrs. Torrenga, who lives in San Fran-
Blvd., Richmond, is a native of Oakland got her in trouble by sticking a miniature
the fold in December, 1950, after pre- cisco at 701 Fell St., has one daughter,
and h as been driving since she was 13- pipe in her mouth as a supervisor cruised
vious service from 1942-46. Mrs. Dorothy Dean of Novato, and six
and still loves it. by. As result, she probably is the only
At Division 4, bumping Dorothy Tor- grandchildren, Dee-Dee, 14; George, 9;
woman driver to ever be disciplined for
renga for all-over top seniority is Fay Wayne, 4; Ronnie, 3, and year-old twins, Her favorite run is the 72-San Pablo
smoking a pipe on the bridge-especially
Engelage, who went to work in Decem- Donald and Douglas. Ave. line, and, like the other drivers, she
as she doesn't smoke.
ber, 1942. She has not only noticed an upswing in has a long list of familiar passengers who
Working the bridge is a challenge to
Right behind them, at each division, riders, but a greater interest among her have been riding with her for years .
Kay and driving a bus is in her blood-
are a number of other veterans-too many passengers, who have found they can en- She also has noted an increase in pa- she started out on trucks and has always
to share the same story, but all part of the joy window shopping from the new buses. tronage, particularly in business m en and loved "large equipment."
crew that has built a firm place in bus Even the school kids, she's also found, well-dressed women. She shares a garden cottage at 4024Jf
operations and a firm place in the hearts are helping to keep the coaches clean, in Sparkling, witty Kay Engelage doesn't Lyon Ave., Oakland.
of the riding public. pride over the equipment.
From Ships to Buses, Transit Expert
Montclair Gets Downtown Extension
Tallies History of Transportation Residents of Montclair and Broadway Members then made an inspection of
As the man who put both the ferry Terrace got their first direct bus service one of the new "Transit Liners," which
boats and the trains to bed, Fred Blatt is to downtown Oakland and Jack London are similar to equipment ordered for hill
something of a historical figure in his own Square this month through extensions to service and due for delivery about May 1.
right. the 59 and 76 lines. For many of the women, it was their first
In his 33 years with the East Bay's tran- Both lines were extended from their preview of the ultramodern buses and
sit system, Blatt has known what it was previous terminal at 41st St. and Pied- their reaction was both "amazement" and
mont Ave., down Piedmont to Broadway, "enthusiasm."
to keep the ferries running-and to stop
them forever. He had the same experi- then on to Jack London Square. They were particularly pleased with
ence with trains. And now he has buses The routing gives riders from the hill the wide seats and aisles and the view
under his wing, old ones to keep running area a fast, direct trip to main shopping provided by the large "picture windows."
and new ones to get un-quirked. areas and other downtown spots, as well The women also agreed the downtown
as connections with additional transbay service would lure many of them on their
Although he has had his feet on the and other local lines. first bus ride.
ground in the business of public trans- I
Running time from the end of either The extensions operate Monday
portation for many a year, Fred hasn't
quite lost the look of far horizons. His
first love, his first job-and his heritage-
l line to 14th St. and Broadway was set at
30 minutes, without any time lost by wait-
ing to transfer. The buses kept the same
through Fdday, holidays excepted, dur-
ing main daytime hours. In the evenings
and on Saturdays and Sundays the lines
was with the men who go down to sea. frequency and approximately the same terminate as in the past at 41st St. and
Fred's father, Capt. Julius Blatt, made schedule as previously operated. Piedmont Ave.
his first trip to sea when he was a lad of 8, Members of Montclair P.T.A. learned Until new equipment takes over basic
Fred Blatt
on one of the sailing ships owned by his about the new service at their March service, operations will be handled by
father, out of Hamburg, Germany. He kept them running.
meeting from district representatives. later model diesel coaches.
A noted figure in seafaring channels,
equipment and, in 1952, general superin-
Capt. Blatt was 79 when he died at the
tendent. Again the handwriting was on
wheel of a tanker, after it was rammed
the transport'ltion wall and Fred saw his
by an American ammunitions ship in war-
shops sold, then his trains. AC Transit Badges Pinned on 25 Drivers
confused waters.
In 1958, Fred switched to the bus di- The AC Transit badge has been pinned mond; E. R. Billie, 415 Mark Ave., Val-
Fred was born in San Francisco in 1899,
vision and, as mid-shift foreman, is one of on 25 bus operators who completed their lejo; Cass Onstott, 438 11th St., Rich-
in the "last house on Larkin St.," near the
the most well regarded men at Division 3. training this month. New drivers and as- mond; N. H. Helms, 2013 Macdonald
shore of the bay, while his father was
When his sons, Fred, 30, and Gary, 25, signments include: Ave., Richmond.
building Mile Rock Lighthouse. Fred
were young, Blatt was active in Scout-
went to sea in 1917 and by 1925, had his Division 2
ing, the Dads Club, the P.T.A. and Ma- Division 4
chief engineer's papers. Temporarily H. C. Bedwell, 1625 7th St., Berkeley;
sonic order. But now he admits his great- Richard Foss, 31139 Chicoine, Hay-
shorebound, he took a job with Key Sys- urton Williams, 1901 Vine St., Berke-
est activity is garden work with his wife ward; J. B. Tracey, 1812 Sweetwood Dr.,
tem in 1927, plannning to stay three l,ey; B. E. Plympton, 3755 Emerson St.,
at their home, 23 Ramona Ave., Oakland. Colma; J. L. McKenna, 5705 Walnut St.,
months. By that time he was foreman of Oakland; H . E. McGee, 600 Page St., Apt.
They also enjoy their grandchildren, Fred Oakland; Joseph Northrup, 7627 Garfield
the m'lintenance crew and shore leave
looked pretty good.
III, 4, Kathy, 2, and expectations of a new J 304, San Francisco; R. C. Herring, 134 E. Ave., Oakland; C. L. Stansberry, 27725
Ferry boats were his province for the
one, come Apdl. 'J 16th St., Oakland; G. C. Sumler, 2057
University Ave., Berkeley; Sam Moore,
Tyrrell Ave., Hayward; W. E. Howe,
next 13 years and, in 1940, as manager of 2436 96th Ave., Oakland; W. F. Hamann,
MORE INFORMATION 924 14th St., Oakland; J. A. Bruhn, 1023 15332 Laverne Dr., San Leandro; Fred
the marine department, he said the last 45th St., Oakland; W. M. Scott, 1410 Mag-
A note or phone call to the transit dis- j Washington, 1223 - 7lst Ave., Oakland;
farewells, staying with the boats until trict-OLympic 3-3535-will place your nolia St., Oakland.
they were sold. M. R. Keith, 16669 Ehle St., San Leandro;
name on the mailing list for Transit Times I
J Division 3 C. O. Thompson, 1626 - 39.t h Ave., Oak-
In 1942, Blatt was named assistant su- if you are not already regularly receiving I
perintendent of shop and electric railway a copy of the monthly newsletter.
J. E. Loskot, 1847 Pullman St., Rich- land; Walter Tavres, 4230 Carrington St.,
mond; H. L. Kenner, 1725 Ohio St., Rich- Oakland.
At an adjourned regular meeting Feb-
ruary 20, 1961, the Board of Directors: TRANSIT TIMES
Published monthly by the
• Approved proposed legislative amend-
ments to the Transit District Law, on mo- 1 ~O~Br'bad'l"ay
tion of Director Barber. \:,~:O".~! , I:lliJor,nia
tel!!e ~1-3535
• Approved purchase of 45-passenger
"Transit Liners" for use on several neigh-
borhood lines in place of 13 suburban WM. J. BETTENCOURT . President
models for transbay service, on motion of W~rd IV ·
ROBERT M. COPELAND . . . Vice President
Vice President Copeland. Director at Large
ROBERT K. BARBER .. Director at Large
• Approved extension of Lines 59- WILLIAM H. COBURN, JR. Ward I
Broadway Terrace and 76-Montclair to JOHN . McDONNElL Word III
downtown Oakland and Jack London
Square, effective March 6, on motion of ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS
Director Coburn. ROBERT E. NISBET . . . . Attorney
JOHN F. LARSON . Treasurer .. Coritroller
• Agreed to final settlement of pur- GEORGE M. TAYLOR. .. Secretary
chase price of Key System Transit Lines . . . . '0

except for several miscellaneous items

which the General Manager was in- • Authorized inauguration of four new
structed to negotiate toward conclusion, express lines serving Berkeley, Hayward,
on motion of Director McDonnell. Oakland, San Leandro and San Lorenzo,
effective March 20, on motion of Director
* * * Coburn (Details, Page 1).
At a regular meeting March 1, 1961, • Approved return of Line L-Rich-
the Board of Directors: mond to regular route via Central Ave.
• Referred to committee requests for upon completion of street repairs, on mo-
extended school bus service in Kensing- tion of Director Coburn.
ton, an extension of Line 77-Piedmont • Established criteria for charter bus
Pines in Oakland, and a request of the service fees and procedures for entering
Alameda City Council for special shop- into agreements, on motion of Vice Presi-
per fares and an all-day Sunday pass, by dent Copeland.
direction of President Bettencourt. • Opposed Senate Bill 499 which pro-
• Adopted design of new uniforms for vides funds for additions to Transbay
bus drivers and supervisors, on motion 01 Transit Terminal, on motion of Vi~e
Director Coburn. President Copeland. (Details, Page 1 ).

Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District
1106 Broadway
Oakland 7, California PAID
Oakland, Calif.
Permit' No. 2105
Form 3547 Reque sted

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