Operations Pris New
Operations Pris New
Operations Pris New
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BBA - F1308 - 0322
Operation Management
Dr. Roger
Coca Cola Global Operational Strategy
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Table of Content
Question 1:
Evaluate two aspects of operations management that Coca-Cola selected to
implement its global strategy.
Question 2:
The company engages its bottling business associates to manufacture the products across the
globe. Describe two strategic reasons for it to do so.
Operations at Coca-Cola involve the management of the organizations resources; production
system; deal with the design and management of products, processes, services and supply
chains. It considers the acquisition, development, and utilization of resources to deliver the
goods and services to the consumers. The companys management ranges at strategic,
tactical, and at operational levels. Strategic issues include determining the size two and
telecommunications networks; and the design of the technological supply chains. Tactical
issues include plant layout and structure; project management methods; and equipment
selection and replacement. However, there are reasons for Coca Cola continuous monitoring
and control of all there line of production.
This report will highlight some of the strategy behind Coca Cola mode of operation,
implementation of their global strategy and why it engages companies around the world in
bottling will be vividly discussed in the paragraphs below.
One of the various aspects of operations management that Coca-Cola
selected to implement its global strategy is the continuous refining of the
requirements to insure that the bottlers conform to the most recent and
stringent manufacturing processes.
Coca-Cola believes in producing product to the highest standards by using
processes that ensure consistent product quality and safety for the
consumers. It constantly monitor and test their products to make sure that
are of the best quality and will meet consumers expectations. Consistency
and reliability is crucial to coca-cola business because they all want to
give the same great experience with every Coca-Cola product consumed.
However, to ensure such consistency and reliability, the Coca-Cola
system, is governed by The Coca-Cola Management System (TCCMS), they
are also know the Quality Control team. TCCMS is the integrated quality
management program, which holds all of Coca-Cola's operations system
wide to the same standards for production and distribution of all CocaCola beverages. It guarantees the highest standards in the management
of product quality, the environment, and health and safety throughout the
throughout the Coca-Cola system. It guides all the product safety and
quality by integrating and aligning business and quality objectives with
consistent metrics to monitor performance; integrating preventive action
as a management tool, including more rigorous demands when planning
new product and service introductions; incorporating Hazard Analysis and
Critical Control Points (HACCP) into their system standards; and defining
problem-solving tactic and tools to drive continuous product safety and
quality improvements.
To stay current with new regulations, industry best practices and
marketplace conditions, Coca -Cola consistently reassess the relevance of
all their product safety and quality guidelines in The Coca-Cola
Management System (TCCMS). Given the increased awareness of the
importance of food safety, not only in manufacturing but also throughout
the entire supply chain, the company is refining its requirements to further
the product ambassador. However, there are some countries policies that is
against Foreign Direct Invest which may force Coca Cola to go into Joint ventures
with local investors. Furthermore, employees from each region are managed and
rewarded the codes of conduct of their jurisdiction. Despite all this, the company
always instil their product standard and quality on every of its manufacturing
plants. Coca Cola strategy of bottling in different part of the world could also be
because of the cost involved in exporting to the location.
Another vivid strategic reason behind Coca Cola engaging its business
associates to manufacture the product across the globe is to focus on the
software which includes the production system that will ensure highest
quality and consistency standards will be maintained by bottlers.
Growth through acquisition has factored heavily in the more than 100
years of Coca-Cola Bottling Company, and the company was suffering
from little or no business process standardization. The Coca-Cola Bottling
Company integrate SAP software into their operations to ease the path to
future standardization. With SAP in day-to-day operation, information now
only has to be entered once in one place and it becomes available
everywhere and business analytical report can be find in one place and
everything needed. On the manufacturing side, by improving the
production scheduling and forecasting, inventory levels drop considerably,
which in turn reduced the need for working capital. This alone has helped
offset the cost of the solution.
Coca Cola only allocate the physical facilities to the bottling associates
and offer them Product manufacturing assistance, quality control, plant
and equipment design, marketing and personnel training are some of the
areas in which the company shares its expertise to its business associates.
The company engage in providing intellectual property ideas because it is
more concerned with standardization and uniformity of the all its products
around the globe.
However, the huge investment and commitment of the bottlers to achieve
their business growths helps to meet Coca-Colas global strategic goals in
terms of worldwide production, supply chain, sales and marketing.
The Coca-Cola Company has been a dynamic company, always moving to
anticipate and meet the present and future desires of customers and
consumers. The world is changing with blinding speed in countless ways:
technologically, educationally, culturally and economically. Coca-Cola
Company has been able to meet these changes seeing them as new
opportunities. They have taken a global approach to different countries
trying to reach as wide market as it could, giving them quite standardized
products, which are produced locally. With the changes taking place in the
global market, companies must try to remain as close to the customers
and consumers as it can in order to meet their different desires in the best
way. Due to that the Coca-Cola Company has also changed its strategy
from global marketing and local manufacturing to local marketing and
local manufacturing. This will help the company to differentiate its
products in more specific way, which will result in meeting the different
needs and desires of consumers and the market situation in a particular
country as well.
Financial Times "Coca-Cola has tended to keep its bottlers at arms length" (Accessed 30th
June, 2014),
Coca-Cola Enterprises homepage "The World's Largest Bottler" (Accessed 30th June, 2014),
Coca-Cola Hellenic - geographic footprint Interactive Map. (Accessed 30th June, 2014),
David T., (2010). Professor of Marketing Strategy at the Haas School of Business at the
University of California at Berkeley