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From April 2007 High Frequency Electronics

Copyright 2007 Summit Technical Media, LLC

High Frequency Design


Microstrip Design in a Silicon

Technology using Closed Form
Analytical Expressions
By Ain Rehman
Signal Processing Group

his article deals

with the design of
microstrip lines on
Silicon is not a preferred
because in the usual case
of integrated circuits, it
has a low resistivity causing losses at high frequencies. Figure 1 shows
a microstrip line that lies on top of a SiO2
layer that in turn lies on a silicon substrate.
Since the resistivity of the silicon substrate
is usually quite low in standard silicon processes, the electric field gets virtually shorted
near the top of the substrate. However, for
usual operating frequencies the magnetic field
penetrates the substrate completely [1]. This
imbalance causes multiple deleterious effects
to take place in this configuration, including
increased losses, wave velocity a function of
substrate, slow velocity of signal propagation,
and others.
As silicon technology advances toward
high frequency performance with continually
shrinking line widths, it becomes important to
understand the behavior of the interconnect
(and other distributed passive components).
This understanding can only benefit the
design of high performance ICs, both analog
and digital.
In this article microstrip design on silicon
is studied from the viewpoint of practical
closed form expressions.

In this article, the author

develops design equations
for microstrip lines on a silicon substrate, using the
metal and oxide layers
as conductor, ground
and dielectric

There are two methods of using microstrip
on a silicon IC substrate. One is to treat the
entire device (including the bulk silicon) as

High Frequency Electronics

Figure 1 Microstrip line on a silicon substrate with backside metallization and a

layer of silicon dioxide.

Figure 2 Microstripsubstrate structure

under study. T1 = thickness of microstrip line
and T2 = thickness of ground return (bottom
plate). D1 is oxide spacing (height of
microstrip substrate). D2 is oxide spacing to
the silicon substrate. W1 is the width of the
microstrip line and W2 is width of ground
return or bottom plate.

the substrate (as above) and the other is to use

the interconnect layers of metal and the IMD
(intermetal dielectric) as the de-facto substrate [2]. This is the method employed in this
discussion and in all results presented. We

High Frequency Design


Figure 4 Characteristic Impedance for varying width

at 1 m, 2 m and 3 m oxide thickness. Top curve is
for h = 3 m, middle curve is for h = 2 m, bottom curve
is for h = 1 m.

Figure 3 The metallization structure for the process

used in the study.

strates such as those found in CMOS, Bipolar, BiCMOS

and SiGe-BiCMOS processes. It does not address MICs on
alumina substrates or other materials, such as ferrite,
etc. The data presented here and the procedures
described should always be checked with EM simulations
for the final implementation on the product device. A follow-on paper on these techniques and (public domain)
software is anticipated from the author.
Met1, Met2, Met3 and Met4 are the 4 levels of metal.
Met4 is thicker metal. See Table 1 for metal thickness and
sheet resistance.

Metal level

Mean thickness

Sheet resistance
(mohm/sq) (Mean)










Characteristic Impedance and Effective Permittivity




The starting point for the study is the models developed by Hammerstad and Jensen, widely accepted as very
accurate (impedance accurate to within 0.01% for w/h
ratios of less than or equal to 1.0 and 0.03% accurate for
w/h ratios of less than or equal to 1000).
In order to calculate the characteristic impedance
from the Hammerstad and Jensen equation the quantity
, or the wave impedance of SiO2 must be found. In this
article the following value is calculated and justified.
(Note that this value is not available in the literature or
the Web easily. The author has failed to find it even after
assiduous effort. Comments are welcome.)
The wave impedance for any medium is defined as
(/), i.e., the square root of the ratio of the permeability
of the medium to its permittivity.
The assumption for the calculation of the wave
impedance is that the magnetic permeability of silicon
dioxide is approximately the same as that of free space,
i.e., 4 107 H/m and that the permittivity is 34.5
1012 F/m (8.854 1012) 3.9). This yields the static
wave impedance of 190.85 ohms. The wave impedance of

Table 1 Summary of metal layer thickness and resistance values.

assume that the field is confined to the top signal line and
the bottom ground return. Ref [2] presents results where
the losses become relatively independent of strip width if
the ratio of the top line and the ground return is greater
than 5.0. Figure 2 shows the structure. The technology
that was used in these calculations and presented results,
is an industry standard, freely available 0.35 m SiGe
based process. Figure 3 shows the various dimensions of
the interconnect layers in this process that were used to
analyze the performance of the microstrip.

This article is a presentation of procedure, formulae
and simulated results that enable a design engineer to
quickly do an initial design of microstrip for silicon sub20

High Frequency Electronics

High Frequency Design


Figure 5 Characteristic impedance, with and without

thickness compensation for a substrate height of 3.0
m and strip thickness of 2.8 m (lower curve).

Figure 6 Effective permittivity (static) variation with

strip width (r = 3.9). Top curve is for h = 1 m, middle
curve is for h = 2 m and bottom curve is for h = 3 m
(h is the substrate thickness.

Figure 7 Effective permittivity as a function of

microstrip width with and without strip thickness as a
parameter. h = 3.0 m, thickness t = 2.8 m.

Figure 8 Change in effective permittivity with frequency (width = 4.0 m, substrate height = 3.0 m).

a vacuum is 376.73 ohms.

The plot in Figure 4 shows the values of characteristic
impedance on a typical silicon substrate with IMD thicknesses of 1 m, 2 m, 3 m and varying width.
Figure 6 shows the variation of effective permittivity
with line width for three different IMD thicknesses (1 m,
2 m and 3 m) which in our case correspond to Metal1
to Metal2, Metal1 to Metal3 and Metal1 to Metal4, IMDs.
These two quantities (Z0 and permittivity) are the key
to analyzing microstrip on a silicon (or silicon oxide) substrate. Once the characteristic impedance and the effective permittivity is known other characteristics of the system can be analyzed.

Microstrip Thickness Corrections


High Frequency Electronics

The results obtained for microstrip characteristic

impedance and effective permittivity above were based on
a microstrip thickness of t = 0. When microstrip thickness
is finite, the thickness can be compensated by a reduction
of width. Figure 5 shows the characteristic impedance
with and without thickness correction. In this calculation
the height of the substrate is 3.0 m, the thickness of the
strip is 2.8 m (in the thickness corrected curve). The
closed expressions that were used in this case are due to
Hammerstad and Jensen. These give better accuracy for
narrower strips and substrates with lower dielectric constants.

High Frequency Design

w = 2.5 m
H (m)

TM Mode frequency

Transverse Resonance
frequency (Hz)







w = 5 m
H (m)

TM Mode frequency

Transverse Resonance
frequency (Hz)







w = 10 m

Figure 9 Conductor loss in a 4 m wide microstrip

over a 3 m thick oxide substrate at various frequencies. The characteristic impedance was 55.9196 ohms.

H (m)

TM Mode frequency

Transverse Resonance
frequency (Hz)



Thickness Correction for Permittivity





The calculated permittivity also changes when the

thickness of the microstrip is taken into account. The
curves in Figure 7 show the calculated permittivity with
and without thickness correction for a 3 m high substrate and varying width.

Table 2 TM mode and transverse resonance frequencies for three line widths at three heights (r = 4.0).

Change of Permittivity with

The effective permittivity also
changes with frequency. So to find the
actual guide wavelength at a frequency it is necessary to know the
effective permittivity at that frequency (specially at high frequencies). The
plot in Figure 8 shows the changes of
effective permittivity with frequency.
The expressions used for the analysis of effective permittivity change
with frequency are those developed
by Kirschning and Jansen. Once the
permittivity is known the wavelength
can be calculated as g = 0/eff(f),
where g = guide wavelength, 0 =
free space wavelength.

Operating Frequency Limitations

for Microstrip on Silicon
There are two operating frequency limitations for microstrip. These
are: TM mode limitation and the
transverse microstrip resonance.
Operation at these frequencies or
above should be avoided. Table 2 presents the TM mode and transverse
microstrip resonance frequencies for
a particular height and width of
From these tables it appears that
for typical silicon-based design of
devices these limitations are well
above the frequencies of operation
encountered in todays designs and
may not be a factor.

Losses in microstrip
There are two major losses in
microstrip. These are the conductor
loss and the dielectric loss. The computed data for a particular width and
height of substrate are shown in
Figure 9. The sheet resistance was
extracted from the manufacturers
design rules.
Figure 10 presents the dielectric
loss for a SiO2 (de-facto) substrate.
Note that both losses are very small.

Q Factor
Another important parameter is
the quality factor or Q factor of the

microstrip. Figure 11 shows the Q

factor for various guide wavelengths
for a 4 m wide microstrip line on a
3 m high substrate. The sheet
resistance of the metal is 70 milliohm per square. Obviously the
important quantity here is the
attenuation per micron of line
length derived retroactively from
the quality factor values of a 1 meter

The parameters of the calculation in Figure 11 are the width of the

line, the height of the substrate, the
length of line, the characteristic
impedance of the line and its effective permittivity at the frequency of
operation. These latter parameters
are extracted using algorithms and
expressions reported above. The
55.9196 ohms.

High Frequency Design


Figure 10 Dielectric loss with varying frequencies for

a 4 m wide microstrip on a 3 m thick oxide substrate.

Joachim N. Burghartz, Optimization of Microstrip

Transmission Lines on Silicon, Laboratory of Electronic
Components, Technology and Materials (ECTM), DIMES,
Delft University of Technology.
3. Edwards and Steer, Foundations of Interconnect and
Microstrip Design, third ed., John Wiley and Sons.
4. E. Hammerstad and O. Jensen, Accurate models for
Microstrip Computer Aided Design, ELAB, Trondheim NTH, Norway.
5. Silicon dioxide (SiO2) and Silicon Nitride (Si3N4)
properties, Siliconfareast.com. http://www.siliconfareast.
6. Simon Ramo, John R. Whinnery and Theodore Van
Duzer, Fields and Waves in Communications Electronics,
second ed., John Wiley and Sons.

Appendiix 1Some Relevant Properties of Silicon

Dioxide (SiO2)

Figure 11 The Q factor for a 1 meter long, 4 um wide

microstrip line is shown. Also shown is the attenuation
per micron of the microstrip in dB.



Dielectric constant


Refractive index


DC resistivity
at 25 deg C

1014 to 1016 ohm-cm


Free space (Note 1)

Wave impedance

190.85 ohms (Note 1)

Energy gap at 300K

9.0 eV

Thermal conductivity
at 300K

0.014 W/cm-degK

Note 1These quantities were estimated from the characteristics of SiO2 and used in the calculations shown

Author Information
M. Ain Rehman has been in the industry since 1976,
when he graduated with a Masters degree. He worked for
Plessey, ITT, GTE and Intel and was one of the founders
of Signal Processing Group Inc. in Dec 1987. He has been
working as a senior design engineer since. His primary
interests are in RFIC/MMIC and analog signal processing
techniques. He may be contacted at: Signal Processing
Group Inc., Suite 171, 561 E. Elliot Road, Chandler,
Arizona 85225; tel: 480-892-1399; e-mail: [email protected].

1. Training class on signal integrity by Dr Howard
Johnson at http://sigcon.com. Reference title Slow Wave.
2. Sabrina Colpo, Behzad Rejaei, Niccolo Rinaldi and

High Frequency Electronics

Appendix 2.0Closed Form Expressions

The following models were used in the calculations presented above:
Hammerstad and Jensen models for characteristic
impedance and effective permittivity:
Characteristic Impedance, Z0, without thickness
Z0(u) = (/2)ln[ f (u)/u + (1.0 + (2/u)2)]
(continued on pg. 28)

High Frequency Design

Appendix 2.0Closed Form Expressions (continued)
Where is the wave impedance of SiO2 (190.85
ohms). The other quantities are defined below.

P2 = 0.33622[1.0 exp(0.03442r )]
P3 = 0.0363exp(4.6w/h){1.0 exp[(fh/3.87)4.97]}

The effective permittivity without thickness correction

is modeled by:

P4 = 1.0+2.751{1.0 exp[(r /15.916)8]}

e(u,r) = (r + 1.0)/2 + (r 1.0)/2 [(1.0 + 10.0/u) a(u)b(r)] Operating frequency limitations: The following expressions were used for this model:
Here u = aspect ratio w/h of the microstrip, where w
TM Mode limitation:
= width and h is the thickness of the substrate,
r = dielectric constant of substrate (In this case,
SiO2) = 3.9

fTEM, 1 = c*tan1 (r )/[2*(h)(r 1.0)]

c = speed of light.

The exponents a and b are defined below.

Transverse resonance frequency limitation:
a(u) = 1.0+(1/49)ln[{u4 + (u/52)2}/{u4 + 0.432}] +
(1/18.7)ln[1.0 + (u/18.1)3]
b(r ) = 0.564[(r 0.9)/(r + 3.0)]0.053
The microstrip thickness corrections are given by:

fCT = c / [r * (2w + 0.8h)]

Conductor and dielectric losses:
Conductor loss is modeled by

Z0(u,t, r ) = Z0(ur)/e (ur, r )

Alpha_dash = alpha_c{1.0+(2.0/)tan1[1.4(/s)2]

eeff (u, t, r ) = e (ur, r )[Z0(u1)/ Z0(ur)]2

Alpha_c = 0.072[(f)/(wZ0)]lg

u1 = u + u1 and ur = u + ur.
u1 = (t/)ln[1.0 + (4.0exp(1))/(t*coth2 (6.517u)]
Thickness t is normalized to h, the thickness of the
substrate i.e, t = thickness/h
ur = 0.5[1.0 + (1.0/cosh (r 1.0)]u1.
Frequency dependence of effective permittivity is based
on Kirschning and Jansen's identities [] shown below:

dB/microstrip wave-

s = skin depth at the operating frequency= (/( f )

= resisitivity of the microstrip material
= permeability = 410-7
f = frequency.
g = guide wavelength
Dielectric loss is modeled by

eeff (f) = r [(r eeff )/(1.0 + P(f))]

Alpha_d = 27.3[r (eeff 1.0)tan]/[eeff(r 1.0)] dB/

microstrip wavelength

f = frequency.

tan = loss tangent (typically of the order of 1 103)

P(f) = P1P2{(0.1844 + P3P4)10fh}1.5763

Q factor:

Here frequency is in GHz and thickness h is in cm.

Q = /g

P1 = 0.27488+[0.6315+0.525/(1.0+0.157fh)20 ](w/h)

g = guide wavelength
= attenuation in Nepers per meter


High Frequency Electronics

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