FolicAcid - British Dietetic Association PDF

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Food Fact Sheet


Folic Acid

Folic acid, together with vitamin B12, is necessary to

form red blood cells. Deficiency of folic acid can cause
a type of anaemia (reduced oxygen-carrying ability of
red blood cells) called macrocytic (large cell) anaemia.
Both vitamins together also help nerves to function
properly. Folic acid is also essential for the formation of
DNA (genetic material) within every body cell, allowing
each cell to replicate perfectly.

Sources of folic acid

Folate is found naturally in a wide variety of foods and is
also present in foods fortified with folic acid. As folic acid
is a water-soluble vitamin (dissolves easily in water)
it is lost from vegetables during cooking. This can be
reduced by avoiding over-cooking, and steaming or
microwaving vegetables instead of boiling.

How much do I need?

Men, children and women who are not likely to become
pregnant should be able to obtain sufficient amounts of
folate in their diet by eating a healthy diet containing a
wide variety of foods.

Spinach, kale, Brussels sprouts, cabbage,

Beans and legumes (e.g. peas, blackeye beans)
Yeast and beef extracts
Oranges and orange juice
Wheat bran and other wholegrain foods
Poultry, pork, shellfish and liver
Fortified foods (e.g. some brands of breakfast
cereals check the label)

The form of folic acid

occurring naturally in food is
called folate.

What happens if I dont get


Folic acid deficiency can result in some general

symptoms tiredness (caused by anaemia), weakness,
diarrhoea, loss of appetite and weight loss. Lack of folic
acid can also cause headaches, heart palpitations, a
sore tongue and behavioural disorders.
Deficiency can occur if the diet is inadequate or if
requirements increase (such as during pregnancy).
Sometimes deficiency can occur if folic acid losses are
excessive (such as Crohns disease or untreated coeliac
disease) and from the use of some medications such as
water tablets (diuretics), or in alcoholism.

Pregnancy and lactation

(breast feeding)
The foetus rapidly develops spine and nerve cells in the
first few weeks of pregnancy. Inadequate blood levels of
folate at this crucial time increase the risk of the babys
spine developing a neural tube defect, resulting in
spinal malformation called spina bifida.

During the whole of pregnancy

and lactation, it is advisable
to eat a diet rich in folate as
requirements for the vitamin
are higher.

What does folic acid do?

Good sources of folic acid

Folic acid is a B vitamin which is vital

for the formation of red blood cells. The
form of folic acid occurring naturally in
food is called folate. This Fact Sheet
will tell you all about folic acid which
foods are good sources, how much you
need, and who should take supplements.
For this reason, every woman considering pregnancy,
and up to the 12th week of pregnancy is advised to:
take a folic acid supplement, or pregnancy specific
vitamin supplement providing 400g every day

Daily recommendations for

folate (folic acid) intake
(g = micrograms)

eat a diet rich in folates and folic acid from foods

naturally containing the vitamin and from fortified

Folic acid and heart disease

Research has demonstrated that folic acid supplements
can reduce high levels of homocysteine an amino acid
in blood that irritates blood vessels which has been
associated with increased risk of heart attack or stroke.
A high level of homocysteine is found in populations
with a high incidence of heart disease, which is the
main cause of death in the UK. However, it has not
been proven that reducing homocysteine levels reduces
rates of heart disease or stroke. Homocysteine level is
thought to be a indicator rather than a risk factor for
heart disease.

Folic acid supplements and food

Despite recommendations, many women do not take
folic acid supplements in early pregnancy. Routine
fortification of flour with folic acid is a simple
way to increase folic acid intake for everyone.
Many countries have introduced
mandatory fortification of flour
with folic acid, significantly
reducing the number of
neural tube defect births.
The UK has been cautious
in recommending this for a
number of reasons.
Firstly, although folic acid
supplements can correct
the anaemia caused by
vitamin B12 deficiency, this
masks the ongoing damage to
nerves caused by B12 deficiency
until irreversible nerve damage occurs. Older people are
most at risk as uptake of vitamin B12 from diet reduces
with age. However, countries with mandatory folic acid
flour fortification have little proof that more people have
developed nerve damage as a result of vitamin B12
deficiency since the flour had been fortified.
Also some research suggests that folic acid at doses
greater than 1 mg/day may increase the risk of
developing colorectal cancer in people with a history

Adults and children over 11 years: 200g

Any woman considering pregnancy:
200g plus a supplement* containing
Pregnant women: 300g plus a 400g
supplement* during the first 12 weeks of
Lactating women: 260g
*Some women need to take 5mg/d of folic acid preconception and up to 12
weeks of pregnancy i.e. if you have had a pregnancy previously affected by
neural tube defects or if you have diabetes - ask your doctor.

of colorectal cancer or in older people. However, other

research found that folic acid does not have a significant
effect in promoting cancer.
Experts have now considered all of this evidence and
have recommended that the UK should fortify flour with
folic acid. They have also suggested that there should
be controls on voluntary fortification of foods and advice
should be given to people about supplements.

Can I take too much?

It is advisable for those aged over 50 years or those
with a history of bowel cancer, not to take folic acid
supplements containing more than 200g/day. For other
people,* long-term intakes of folic acid from fortified
foods and supplements should be below 1mg/day for
adults (lower amounts for children).

Most people (other than pregnant women/women
who could become pregnant) should be able to
obtain sufficient folate in their diet by eating plenty of
vegetables, fruit, beans and wholegrains. These foods
will be naturally high in folate and may protect against
bowel cancer and heart disease.

This Food Fact Sheet is a public service of The British Dietetic Association (BDA) intended for
information only. It is not a substitute for proper medical diagnosis or dietary advice given by a dietitian.
If you need to see a dietitian, visit your GP for a referral or for a private
dietitian. To check your dietitian is registered check
This Food Fact Sheet and others are available to download free of charge at
Written by Dr Gail Rees, Dietitian.
The information sources used to develop this Food Fact Sheet are available at BDA June 2013. Review date June 2016. Version 2.



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