Sacred Name IAUA
Sacred Name IAUA
Sacred Name IAUA
All Bible quotations are from the King James Version. Where
tradition has removed the personal name of God, I have substituted
IAUA, based on the evidence described in this book. IAUA (ee-ah-
oo-ah) is not an English word. It is a word of Hebrew origin, a
personal name, transliterated to Latin script. A personal name
should never be translated. This name is appropriate, without
change, for any language based on Latin. This includes most
European, North American, and South American languages.
Sacred Name IAUA
Seventh-day Adventist believer. No religion has the whole truth or
is the exclusive source of truth. Each individual accepts truth as
they study the Bible to understand for themselves.
I describe myself as an ultraconservative because my beliefs go
beyond adhering to only the current teachings of the Seventh-day
Adventist church. I believe errors have crept into the teachings of
the church. I seek a return to the truth revealed to the early
Adventist church, there is "New Light" in God's Law we must
seek. I seek a continued growth beyond the current complacent
(Laodicean) attitude of the church to return to the primitive
godliness of the Messiah, the disciples, and the apostles.
A few years ago, I was awakened to the renewed realization this
world is going to end soon. While renewing my study of the Bible
I was led to see "Present Truth", I was not originally taught to see.
These truths are critical to "Preparing for the End of Time".
It is my purpose to point you to truth in the Bible, which is
often overlooked. It is my intent and expectation you will study the
Bible about this for yourself. It is my prayer the Holy Spirit will
guide you.
When the Spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all
truth and He will show you things to come.
John 16:13 (paraphrased)
Letter from the Author
Dear Brothers and Sisters of IAUA our Heavenly Father,
It is with great joy, I present to you this Bible Study on the
topics of present truth for the last generation. I hope this study
draws you as deeply as I have been drawn to a renewed interest in
the Bible and Present Truth.
My spiritual journey wandered for years in circles and cycles
because I thought I knew the Bible. In reality, I only studied what
the church taught me to study. I was complacent, like the
Laodicean church, as described by the Messiah in Revelation 3:14-
22. I felt a half-hearted desire for more but was comfortable with
the daily activities of life.
God knew my condition and by the work of the Holy Spirit
impressed on my mind the nearness of the end of time. I was raised
from childhood with this realization but after years of hearing the
same old tired prodding, I became callous to the warning of the
Three Angels' Message. I believe the same is true of many in the
church today. When I began to study more and meditate on the
nearness of the end of time, I was energized with a greater concern
about being prepared for the end of time.
While talking with others about the nearness of the end of time,
I was given a pair of small books, which deeply challenged my
complacency about my knowledge of the Bible. I read things,
which I had never heard before. The Holy Spirit opened my eyes to
a vast amount of Bible truth of which I had been woefully
ignorant. I hope this book will do the same for you.
With astonishing swiftness, my life began to change
completely. As I began to dig deeper and deeper into the Bible, my
whole outlook on life began to change. The things I had once
enjoyed began to lose my interest. Bible study became my primary
interest. Within a year, I was laid off from my job and I felt God
moving in a powerful way to change my life.
While looking for work I threw myself even deeper into hours
of daily study of the Bible and research of the new truths I was
learning. It would be almost two years before God would allow me
to return to the work force in serving His purposes and not the
ways of the world.
Sacred Name IAUA
I hope this book will encourage you to a deeper study of the
Bible. I believe the topics of this book are a valuable study guide to
lead you to topics of importance, which are often overlooked. The
first book, "Preparing for the End of Time", is an introduction to a
series of books, which covers the complete subject area of my
studies on "Present Truth". This fourth book in the series, "Sacred
Name IAUA", expands on one of these subjects. As God leads and
time allows I will prepare other books expanding on these topics.
It is important to remind you, we are saved only by our belief in
our precious Saviour. When we are converted by this belief, we
will begin to grow into all truth. This belief leads us to study more
of His Word. As we learn more about Him, His Love for us draws
us closer to Him. When the love of God fills our hearts, we will
become passionate about learning everything He tells us. The
expression of our love is to follow the guidance He gives us.
If ye love me, keep my commandments.
John 14:15
We obey the guidance found in His Law of Love because we
trust Him to know what is best for us. Obedience does not save us.
Obedience sanctifies us to prepare for a place in His kingdom of
Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in
my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work
out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
Philippians 2:12
Obedience and study is our work of salvation. Please, open your
heart and pray for the work of the Holy Spirit. Let this book guide
you to study deeply into His Word and learn more about His
guidance for our lives. What I say may sometimes sound harsh but
I pray you may sense a spirit, which is learning to be gentle, under
the molding of the Holy Spirit.
With all the love God places in my heart,
Frank T. Clark
Preface ..............................................................................2
About the Ministry ...................................................................3
About the Author......................................................................3
About the Cover .......................................................................4
Introduction ......................................................................9
Ineffable Name Apostasy .......................................................10
Sacred Name Controversy......................................................12
Biblical Witnesses ..................................................................13
Sacred Name IAUA
Linguistic Evidence ........................................................31
Old Testament Hebrew Use ................................................... 31
Hebrew Pronunciation............................................................ 32
Modern English Use............................................................... 35
New Testament Greek Use..................................................... 37
The Name of the Messiah ...................................................... 38
The Titles of God ................................................................... 40
Hebrew Transliteration...................................................41
Hebrew Transliteration Chart................................................. 42
Public usage ........................................................................... 43
Summary ................................................................................ 44
The first question in your mind may be "What does the name of
God have to do with the end of time?"
1. The world is filled with the unholy use of the name "Jesus".
That name is applied to all types of false teachings and
false worship. Prophecy tells us even worse is coming.
Satan himself will take on the name of "Jesus".
2. The Fourth Angel's Message is to be a full revelation of all
of God's truths. This issue is a contributing part of the
ongoing spiritual growth of the 144,000 into all truth. There
is no such thing as an unimportant or unnecessary truth.
3. This issue is also an illustration of the two extremes Satan
uses in his deceptions.
Satan's primary method of deception is to hide, bury, and
discredit the truth. When that attack is unsuccessful, Satan will
take the opposite approach in his deceptions.
The opposite approach is to take a truth and emphasize it to a
disproportionate amount and adding peripheral non-issues. This
will also hide, bury, and discredit the truth. Satan does not care
whether you go into the ditch on the left hand or right hand side of
the road. Only a straight middle course will follow the example of
the Messiah.
In this book, the term Tetragram or Tetragrammaton is used to
refer to the four letters of the Sacred Name of God. Tetragram is
simply a Greek word, which means "a word of four letters".
Tetragrammaton specifically refers to the four letters of the Sacred
Name in Hebrew script. The term Sacred Name is used primarily
to indicate the equivalent spelling in Latin script and secondarily
the pronunciation.
The Latin script is appropriate for English and any other
language based on the Latin script, which includes most languages
in Europe, North America, and South America. I may occasionally
refer to the Sacred Name as English, but it is not English. It is
essentially a universal word, the personal name of God.
The four letters of the Tetragrammaton have a direct
correspondence to the four letters in IAUA. Remember, Hebrew
Sacred Name IAUA
letters follow a right to left order and Latin letters follow a left to
right order. Each Latin letter accurately represents the
pronunciation of each Hebrew letter of the Tetragrammaton. This
correspondence is so important, it is prominently displayed in the
logo for this ministry, which is shown on the cover of this book.
Some claim the term "Tetragrammaton" is an occult term
applied to the four letters of the Sacred Name. It is claimed this
comes from the Qabala, which is called a blasphemous Jewish
book of witchcraft and mysticism. These people claim, no
Christian or Jew of the biblical faith should be using that word.
Nowhere is there the slightest hint from any respectable
unbiased source or researcher to support such a claim. It is
acknowledged everywhere as an English adaptation of Greek
words. Where is the mysticism or witchcraft in a formal
descriptive term? The devil cannot hijack the English/Greek
language and turns words into evil. Those who claim the devil has
such power must be devil worshippers or something else
There are many similar cases where extreme viewpoints lead
many people to declare various names or titles pagan and
inappropriate. This needs to be examined carefully from the
witness and evidence of the Bible. Do not allow yourself to be
caught up and deceived by inflammatory rhetoric, which sounds
pleasing and on the surface seems logical but is ultimately
name was considered too sacred to speak. The Jews obfuscate
(obscure or hide) the name by changing the pronunciation and
using a different word when reading scripture.
The tradition probably began from an extreme interpretation of
the Third of the Ten Commandments.
Thou shalt not take the name of IAUA thy God in vain; for
IAUA will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
Exodus 20:7
The tradition is reinforced by an extreme interpretation of this
And IAUA spake unto Moses, saying,
Bring forth him that hath cursed without the camp; and let
all that heard him lay their hands upon his head, and let all the
congregation stone him.
And thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel, saying,
Whosoever curseth his God shall bear his sin.
And he that blasphemeth the name of IAUA, he shall surely
be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone
him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when
he blasphemeth the Name, shall be put to death.
Leviticus 24:13-16
There is a big difference between the profane, vain use of the
Sacred Name and its reverent use. Those who delight in rules,
extreme interpretations, and control, create traditions contrary to
the word of God.
Making the word of God of none effect through your
tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things
do ye.
Mark 7:13
This tradition was continued and led to substituting the name of
IAUA with a title, "the LORD", in the non-Hebrew Bible. I have
restored the Tetragrammaton with the Latin transliteration "IAUA"
in the verses quoted in this book. This book goes into depth
explaining how I determined this transliteration and provides the
evidence supporting its validity.
Sacred Name IAUA
Most Christians are completely ignorant of the fact God has
given His personal name for us to call on Him. The use of the
name of God predates the Jewish nation and the Flood.
And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called
his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of
Genesis 4:26
Jewish tradition has now gone to ridiculous extremes. It is no
longer acceptable to write accurately a word that refers to the L-rd
our G-d. They claim this shows reverence for the name of God. I
believe it only shows a foolish, superficial, and mock respect for
the name of God.
God. Researching this teaching quickly led to those who proposed
the use of Yahweh as required for the name of God. I was initially
caught up in the fanaticism of these ideas. After ongoing study, the
Holy Spirit led me to a more moderate position, closely following
the teachings of the Bible. I was led to research deeply into the
issue of the Sacred Name. I was surprised by what I learned,
guided by the Holy Spirit.
It is important to be zealous and clarify the fanaticism of one
extreme, without gong to the laxity of the other extreme. God has
revealed His personal name to His children. Intimacy comes with
the understanding and use of a personal name. That name has been
hidden and disguised by Satan, the Master of Evil.
After prayerful examination of scripture and examining both
sides of the issue, I was led to a middle ground. This is my
understanding of the issues. The name of God and the Messiah is
important but not a test point of doctrine. Splitting hairs over titles
and declaring them pagan is not scriptural or factual.
Biblical Witnesses
The Bible is the absolute foundation for determining the value
and purpose of the Sacred Name of God. The Bible, by itself,
cannot provide information about pronunciation or spelling in the
English language and the Latin alphabet. The Bible is clear on the
Hebrew spelling. Determining pronunciation and appropriate
English use is supported by examining the witness of historical
records and scholars who are familiar with the issues involved.
The identification and examination of Biblical practice and the
most credible witnesses is the purpose of this book. The
importance of two or three credible witnesses is an established
Biblical principle found in the Torah and repeated in the New
At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he
that is worthy of death be put to death; but at the mouth of one
witness he shall not be put to death.
Deuteronomy 17:6
This principle applies in capital offense cases and in the
establishment of guilt for any sin.
Sacred Name IAUA
One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity,
or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two
witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter
be established.
Deuteronomy 19:15
The Saviour applied this principle to any disputed matter and
made it the heart of His principles for conflict resolution.
But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two
more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word
may be established.
Matthew 18:16
The apostle Paul invoked this principle in his dealings with the
contentious Corinthians.
This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two
or three witnesses shall every word be established.
II Corinthians 13:1
God provides two witnesses in the Bible to teach us truth and
lead us to truth. His law is His first witness and the second is His
To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according
to this word, it is because there is no light in them.
Isaiah 8:20
Paul takes note of these two witnesses.
But now the righteousness of God without the law is
manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;
Romans 3:21
God provides these same two witnesses at the end of time to
testify to the truth and lead us to truth.
And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall
prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed
in sackcloth.
Revelation 11:3
Sacred Name Importance
The Old Testament Scriptures give ample proof of the common,
although reverential use of the Sacred Name in Israel before the
time of captivity and in the immediate post-exilic period. There are
over 6,519 uses of the Tetragram alone. The frequency of the use
of the Sacred Name exceeds by far the use of any other person's
In Hebrew thought, a name is more than just what you are
called. This is still true to an extent today. Your name is your
personality, your reputation, and your character. Even today the
phrase "a good name" is widespread.
All the prophetic books use the Tetragram freely, and almost all
of them prophesied about the restoration of the Name.
A deeper knowledge of God's word, including His name, is not
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou
hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt
be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy
God, I will also forget thy children. Hosea 4:6
Respect for God is shown by using His name and not just a title.
We should not dismiss or hide His name lightly. What does God
say about His name?
Thou shalt not take the name of IAUA thy God in vain; for
IAUA will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
Exodus 20:7
These questions demand an answer from those of us who claim to
be followers of God.
Who hath ascended up into heaven, and descended? Who
hath gathered the wind in his fists? Who hath bound the
waters in his garment? Who hath established all the ends of the
earth? What is his name, and what is his son's name, if thou
knowest? Proverbs 30:4
The last question is the most demanding of those who claim to
know Him intimately. What is His name and what is His Son's
name, if you know? Listen to this mighty, emphatic declaration.
Sacred Name IAUA
I am IAUA: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to
another, neither my praise to graven images. Isaiah 42:8
We are specifically commanded by Scripture to use the Name
of the Creator.
Thou shalt fear IAUA thy God, and serve him, and shalt swear by
his name.
Deuteronomy 6:13
We swear by his name, as the discerner of truth and avenger of
wrong. We must not upon any occasion appeal to any other but
him only, and not to an idol, any other creature, or any other thing.
Thou shalt fear IAUA thy God; him shalt thou serve, and to
him shalt thou cleave, and swear by his name.
Deuteronomy 10:20
We are to bless others in the name of IAUA.
The sons of Amram; Aaron and Moses: and Aaron was
separated, that he should sanctify the most holy things, he and
his sons for ever, to burn incense before IAUA, to minister
unto him, and to bless in his name for ever.
1Chronicles 23:13
We are to call upon His name.
O give thanks unto IAUA; call upon his name: make known
his deeds among the people.
Psalms 105:1
There are 7 times when the name of God is crudely translated
"Jehovah". Jehovah is an English name adapted from a German
pronunciation of a Jewish scheme to hide the true Hebrew
pronunciation of the name of God. Are you confused?
That men may know that thou, whose name alone is
JEHOVAH (IAUA), art the most high over all the earth.
Psalms 83:18
Intimacy with God is enhanced when we use His name. How
would your wife feel, if you refused to use her name? How would
your friends feel, if you refuse to use their name? How important is
this to God?
Sacred Name Importance
And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said,
Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent
me unto you.
And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say
unto the children of Israel, IAUA God of your fathers, the God
of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent
me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial
unto all generations. Exodus 3:14-15
How does this promise apply to the modern children of God, if
they do not even know His name? What does it mean if they do not
even want to know or use His name?
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble
themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their
wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive
their sin, and will heal their land. II Chronicles 7:14
Sacred Name IAUA
These two forms even appear together as superlatives in this
well-known memory verse and other places.
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on
thee: because he trusteth in thee.
Trust ye in "the LORD" (IAUA) for ever: for in "the LORD"
(IA) JEHOVAH (IAUA) is everlasting strength:
Isaiah 26:3-4
Sacred Name Importance
And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the
name of IAUA shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in
Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as IAUA hath said, and in the
remnant whom IAUA shall call.
Joel 2:31-32
In the New Testament, Peter repeated this prophecy.
And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the
name of IAUA shall be saved.
Acts 2:21
Our God must be identified by more than just a title.
For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and
we will walk in the name of IAUA our God for ever and ever.
Micah 4:5
The restoration of one language and the use of His name is
For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they
may all call upon the name of IAUA, to serve him with one
Zephaniah 3:9
We are identified by our association with His name.
And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will
refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is
tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will
say, It is my people: and they shall say, IAUA is my God.
Zechariah 13:9
In the time of trouble, in the sea of affliction, we will receive
strength in the name of IAUA.
And I will strengthen them in IAUA; and they shall walk up
and down in his name, saith IAUA.
Zechariah 10:12
In the context of end time events, in the last chapter of the last
book of the Old Testament, we find mentioned yet again the
importance of His name and in the next to the last verse His name
appears again.
Sacred Name IAUA
For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and
all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble:
and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith IAUA of
hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of
righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go
forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.
And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they shall be ashes
under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith
IAUA of hosts.
Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I
commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes
and judgments.
Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming
of the great and dreadful day of IAUA:
And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and
the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite
the earth with a curse.
Malachi 4:1-6
The heart of the patriarch fathers was to speak the name of
IAUA and I believe this is one of the things to be restored to the
heart of the modern children of Israel. The condition of the heart of
the modern children of Israel will be returned to the heart found in
the patriarch fathers!
Sacred Name IAUA
them?" Otherwise, these verses indicating Abraham called on the
name IAUA are false.
And IAUA appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed
will I give this land: and there builded he an altar unto IAUA,
who appeared unto him.
And he removed from thence unto a mountain on the east of
Bethel, and pitched his tent, having Bethel on the west, and Hai
on the east: and there he builded an altar unto IAUA, and
called upon the name of IAUA. Genesis 12:7-8
Repeatedly, Abraham's faithful practice is recorded.
Unto the place of the altar, which he had made there at the
first: and there Abram called on the name of IAUA.
Genesis 13:4
And Abraham planted a grove in Beersheba, and called there
on the name of IAUA, the everlasting God. Genesis 21:33
Isaac was recorded continuing this practice, refuting the false
interpretation of Exodus 6:3.
And he builded an altar there, and called upon the name of
IAUA, and pitched his tent there: and there Isaac's servants
digged a well. Genesis 26:25
Jacob's wife Leah certainly knew the name of God.
And she conceived again, and bare a son: and she said, Now
will I praise IAUA: therefore she called his name Judah; and
left bearing. Genesis 29:35
The name of Judah, which is more properly transliterated Iauda,
one of the twelve tribes, is actually the name of God combined
with "ida", a Hebrew word meaning "Praise". This was in place
long before the Exodus. The corruption of the name Judah is again
a result of the “Ineffable Name” tradition.
All this evidence of the use of the name of God, prior to the
Exodus, shows the traditional interpretation of Exodus 6:3 is
incorrect. God did not reveal His name for the first time to Moses.
Neither did God need to revive the knowledge of His name. God
has always revealed His personal name to His children. Those who
are faithful to Him have always known His name.
Alleluia Evidence
This is a brand new examination of the most clear and
compelling evidence yet for the understanding of the Latin spelling
and the pronunciation of IAUA as the name of God. In all my
research of the Sacred Name, I have never seen anyone bring
together all these pieces of information. A few have reached the
same conclusion based on other less direct evidences.
Overcoming the goal of the "Ineffable Name" of Jewish
tradition to obfuscate (obscure, confuse, or hide) the name of God
requires careful research and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This
tradition changed the pronunciation of the name. It changed the
way the name was written. It created a lie calling vowels,
consonants. It resulted in the change of pronunciation and spelling
of thousands of Hebrew/Jewish words and names.
Nevertheless, the truth is there for the earnest, diligent, and
sincere student.
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that
needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
II Timothy 2:15
I spent a couple of years studying linguistic comparisons of
Hebrew words and names as I reached my current understanding of
the Latin spelling and the pronunciation of the name of IAUA in
September 2006. The next chapter will describe the results of this
research. I continued developing evidences and explanations and
three years later in August 2009, I was led by the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit to investigate more deeply the word "alleluia".
The word "alleluia" is a most remarkable word. It was
transliterated directly from a Hebrew phrase into the Septuagint
translation of the Old Testament. It is important to understand the
difference between translation and transliteration. Transliteration
means these scholars selected the appropriate Greek letters to
represent the Hebrew letters and maintain proper pronunciation.
Translation means substituting a Greek word, which means the
same thing as the Hebrew word.
The tradition of the "Ineffable Name" appears to have not yet
been strong enough to stop this transliteration. Perhaps the power
Sacred Name IAUA
of the Holy Spirit deliberately preserved this transliteration to
preserve evidence of the truth of the name of God.
The transliterated word was carried forward into the Greek of
the New Testament, then into Latin and into English and many
other languages, so that it is practically a universal word. It is
among the best-known words in human speech. The word is
directly related, almost identical, to the Hebrew phrase for "Praise
God!" It is an expression of adoration, reverence, and confidence.
Septuagint Evidence
This examination of evidence to determine the Latin spelling
and the pronunciation of the Sacred Name requires a reference to
the Hebrew and Greek of the Bible. There are many resources
readily available for this reference. Those with a computer have
ready and immediate access to this information on the Internet.
The quickest and most complete reference to the Hebrew and
Greek is found at this excellent Bible study web site:
The e-Sword program is an excellent Bible study tool for
Hebrew and Greek, which you can use even when you cannot
connect to the Internet. It is available for free download at this web
As my source for this evidence, I start with the original Hebrew
of the Old Testament Masoretic Texts. These texts are dated to
between the seventh and tenth centuries AD. These texts contain
added marks called vowel points, which did not appear in the
original texts. These forced pronunciation to conform to tradition.
Then, I refer to the Septuagint translation from the Old
Testament into Greek performed by Hebrew scholars about 250
BC. This makes the source and scholarship of these translations
over a thousand years older than the Masoretic Texts. Finally, I
compare the same critical word "alleluia", as found in the New
Testament Greek Textus Receptus.
The Septuagint and most modern translations of the Bible
follow the practice of the "Ineffable Name". This practice became
Jewish tradition about 400 BC and became adopted as Christian
Alleluia Evidence
tradition. The name of God was not to be spoken or written. The
name of God is given as Kyrios in the Septuagint Old Testament.
This practice was continued in the New Testament Greek. Most
English translations substitute "the LORD" for the personal name
of God.
Nevertheless, the Hebrew scholars who created the Septuagint
translation could not avoid leaving at least one simple,
incontrovertible piece of direct evidence. There is a phrase, which
appears only in Psalms, where the short form of the name of God is
tightly linked with the imperative of praise about 12 times.
The compound word "allelu-ia" appears to be such a common
and critical expression in Hebrew it was not translated but
transliterated. Therefore, we have a compelling witness of the
proper transliteration of key letters and their pronunciation.
I believe the translation work of these Hebrew scholars who
lived at the time of the ancient Hebrew and were fluent in the
Greek of the time is the most valuable and conclusive evidence
Sacred Name IAUA
German influence on the spelling of the word in the title of the
And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as
the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty
thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for IAUA, God omnipotent
Revelation 19:6
Alleluia Evidence
The top section of the second part of the chart is the original
Greek of the New Testament "Textus Receptus" for the ending part
of Revelation 19:6, which contains the focus word "alleluia".
The next section is three columns with a word-by-word listing
of the text. The first column contains the English translation from
the KJV, which may be a single word or a phrase. The second
column contains the Strong's Greek Dictionary number, which
links the English and Greek. The third column contains the root
form of the Greek word in Greek script and a crude English
transliteration / pronunciation.
Chart Explanation
The purpose of the chart is to show the relationship between the
corresponding words and letters of the Hebrew, Greek, and
English. Tracing this relationship is the evidence, which shows a
witness to proper understanding of the best way to represent the
name of God in English or more accurately, in any Latin based
In this study, we first trace the three important words (color-
coded underlines) and then we trace the three important letters
(color-coded overmarks). We begin with the Old Testament
Hebrew, trace to the Old Testament Greek, the New Testament
Greek, and finally Latin equivalent letters and pronunciation.
Hebrew הללו יה- Greek αλληλουια - Latin alleluia
The red underline is the word "Allelu", Strong's Hebrew
Dictionary number H1984 ( ) הללוand the first part of Strong's
Greek Dictionary number G239 (αλληλου).
Beginning at the top right of the chart, you can follow the red
underlines to see the translation and transliteration of the Hebrew
word for "praise" Remember, Hebrew is read following the letters
and words from right to left. As you move down the chart, the
transliteration to Greek is shown with a solid red underline. Greek
is read following the letters from left to right the same as English.
Notice that the transliteration takes two Hebrew words and
combines it into one word represented in Greek letters. The same
word in the same verse is otherwise translated into a Greek word as
shown with a dotted red line.
Sacred Name IAUA
The conventional transliteration for the root word of the Hebrew
is "HLL". This is based on a deception, which says Hebrew does
not contain vowels. This deception results from a lie or just
ignorance. The actual tense of the word is imperative, which adds
"V" ("U") to the end of the word. The added letter is valuable and
crucial because it is a part of the Tetragrammaton.
The Greek transliterates the phrase "HLLV YH" to the
compound word "allelouia", which adds some additional vowels
for pronunciation where the Hebrew leaves them out. I believe a
more accurate representation of the Hebrew script is "ALLU IA".
Finally, at the end of the chart you can see the KJV English
transliteration "alleluia" of the Greek. The English removes one
vowel to preserve pronunciation.
Note the confusion of the Strong's transliteration / pronunciation
of the Greek, which adds "H" to the beginning of the word. I am
sure this traces back to the obfuscation of the "Ineffable Name"
The gold underline is the word "IA", Strong's Hebrew
Dictionary number H3050 ( ) יהand the last part of Strong's Greek
Dictionary number G239 (ια).
This part of the Tetragram is preserved in the transliteration of
the compound Greek word, which combines "praise" with this
short form of the name of God.
The conventional transliteration for the Hebrew word is "YH".
This is again based on a deception, which says Hebrew does not
contain vowels. The Greek transliterates "YH" to "IA" at the end
of the compound word "allelou-ia".
The blue underline is the word "IAUA", Strong's Hebrew
Dictionary number H3068 ( ) יהוהand the translation to Strong's
Greek Dictionary number G2962.
In traditional transliterations of Hebrew, this word is shown as
"YHWH" or "YHVH". This is the result of the practice of the
"Ineffable Name". Tracing this word from the Hebrew to the Greek
shows the "Ineffable Name" was in full force. The Sacred Name
Alleluia Evidence
was translated to Kyrios, which means a lord or master. Proper
names should never be translated.
The red overmark traces the letter "I" from the Hebrew, through
the Greek, to the English. This is the first letter of the
Tetragrammaton. Most traditional transliterations represent this
Hebrew letter as "Y". The Hebrew letter ( ) יis called "yod".
The gold overmark traces the letter "A" from the Hebrew,
through the Greek, to the English. This is the second and fourth
letter of the Tetragrammaton. Most traditional transliterations
represent this Hebrew letter as "H". The Hebrew letter ( ) הis
called "he".
The blue overmark traces the letter "U" from the Hebrew,
through the Greek, to the English. This is the third letter of the
Tetragrammaton. Most traditional transliterations represent this
Hebrew letter as "V" or "W". The Hebrew letter ( ) וis called
I believe the translation work of these Hebrew scholars who
lived at the time of the ancient Hebrew and were fluent in the
Greek of the time is the most valuable and conclusive evidence
available. The Greek pronunciation and an example of the
transliteration in English is shown from the Strong's Dictionary.
Of hebrew origin (imperative of [H1984] and [H3050]); praise ye
Jah!, an adoring exclamation: - alleluiah.
This information can be verified with e-Sword from which it
was copied. This information can also be crosschecked with this
Sacred Name IAUA
Trace the color-coded underlines to similar words and the color-
coded overmarks to identical letters and you will see that the name
of God is spelled IAUA and it is pronounced ee-ah-oo-ah.
A name composed of four vowels is highly unusual. The
pronunciation is slightly different from what you might initially
guess from modern English practice. Modern English has so many
different vowel sounds. There are so many different ways to spell
them. It is very confusing.
Pronunciation of the vowels following an understanding of
Spanish pronunciation is much simpler and matches the witness of
the Greek pronunciation. The "i" is pronounced "ee" with a long
"e" sound as in "Syria". The "a" is pronounced "ah" with a short
"o" sound as in "father" and "Syria". The "u" is pronounced "oo" as
in "blue" and "suit".
There are also many examples in English of the correct
pronunciation of these vowels when paired. The two-vowel
combination "ia" appears in many words such as: India, Syria,
Lydia, Cynthia. The two-vowel combination "ua" appears in many
words such as: dual, Joshua. I am sure there are many other
examples beside these.
Tradition and the opinions of men will disagree with what you
see here. It is very difficult to give up established and cherished
opinions, even when they are wrong. I prefer the witness of
Hebrew scholars who lived with the Hebrew and Greek of the
period to those who came later. The actions of the Jews to
obfuscate (obscure, confuse, or hide) the name of God have been
very successful.
The next chapter arrives at the same results through an entirely
different method of study, a second witness.
Linguistic Evidence
My original study of the Sacred Name began in the spring of
2004. I read what other people had concluded from their various
forms of research to get started in my own research. I was initially
dismayed by all the different conclusions and opinions. However, I
was regularly impressed there was something important in
understanding the Sacred Name.
I had learned how important it was to verify, to the limits of my
ability, the statements and conclusions people made. Slowly, I
learned more and more about the particulars of Hebrew script and
pronunciation. I compared various ideas with the facts found in
Strong's Hebrew Dictionary.
I discovered there was plenty of evidence available by studying
linguistic comparisons of identical letters in Hebrew words and
names. There were a great number of inconsistencies in traditional
Hebrew pronunciation compared to Hebrew script. The knowledge
of the intent to deliberately obscure, confuse, and hide the truth led
me to study deeply to unravel the lies to discover the truth.
This study led to a pattern of truth, which became a witness to
my understanding. I was greatly surprised when the evidence led
me to a conclusion, which disagreed with most people. I reached
my current understanding of the Latin spelling and pronunciation
of the name of IAUA in September 2006.
Sacred Name IAUA
reference to the Hebrew and Greek is found at this excellent Bible
study web site:
The e-Sword program is an excellent Bible study tool for
Hebrew and Greek, which you can use on a computer even when
you cannot connect to the Internet. It is available for free download
at this web site:
It was primarily through the study of Hebrew script, Bible
names, and their Hebrew pronunciation described in Strong's
Dictionary of the Hebrew Bible, I developed my current
understanding of the original pronunciation of the name of God. It
required diligent effort to unravel and reverse the pattern of Jewish
attempts to hide the true pronunciation. Study deeply the evidences
I mention and come to your own conclusion.
Hebrew Pronunciation
The first clue to the proper pronunciation is to dispel the myth
(actually an ignorant lie) that the Tetragrammaton (four letters) is
four consonants. Josephus refers to the sacred name as four
vowels. Josephus was in a position to know having been a member
of the priesthood.
"A mitre also of fine linen encompassed his head, which was
tied by a blue ribbon, about which there was another golden
crown, in which was engraven the sacred name [of God]: it
consists of four vowels."
The Wars Of The Jews Book 5, chapter 5, paragraph 7.
The Hebrew script for several key names is shown by Strong's
number. Remember that Hebrew is written right to left. Compare
the Strong's pronunciation of the vowels as they are pronounced in
multiple appearances in these words. You will discover an
inconsistency for the first and third vowel dependent on when they
appear with the second vowel.
I am not going to trace each instance of each letter to show the
patterns, which lead to the truth. I will leave that exercise to your
own study. My suggestion for a spelling, which relates to the
corrected, consistent pronunciation, is shown:
These are the spelling and pronunciation results:
• #00452 Eliau - ail·ee·ah·oo
• #03041 Ididia - ee·dee·dee·ah
• #03050 IA - ee·ah
• #03063 Iauda - ee·ah·oo·dah
• #03064 Iaudi - ee·ah·oo·dee
• #03068 IAUA - ee·ah·oo·ah
• #03067 Iaudith - ee·ah·oo·deeth
• #03091 Iaushua - ee·ah·oo·shoo·ah
• #03470 Ishaiau - ee·shah·ee·ah·oo
Sacred Name IAUA
You can easily trace the evolution of the changes in the
pronunciation. The first disguising of the sacred name is found in
the changing of the sound of the first vowel leading to the second
vowel. The sound "ee-ah" if slurred is a lot like "ee-yah" and so
becomes "yah" as found in Yahweh. This was later changed by the
influence of the German language on Jews in Germany to "Jah" as
found in Jehovah.
The second change is the sound of the third vowel leading to the
fourth vowel from "oo-ah", which if slurred is a lot like "oo-wah".
You can also see the transition from "oo" or "u" to "w" or double-u
in Yahweh. Under German influence, it became "v" as found in
The progression of the change in these pronunciations is
illustrated like this.
The name of the Messiah is usually spelled Yahushua, which
means "Yahu Saves". Notice that since Hebrew is read right to left,
the first three letters are identical to the name of God. This is
exactly the same name Joshua had in the Old Testament (note the
Greek in Acts 7:45). Notice the last three letters of Elijah are
identical to the name of God. The name of Judah is actually the
name of God with only one letter difference. Numerous names of
the Old Testament begin or end with part of the name of God. This
has often been disguised through changes in pronunciation and
The name of God is part of many Hebrew words. The term Jew
(IAU) is literally the name of God. No wonder the pronunciation
was changed because of the exclusive attitude of the Jews to keep
the name of God off the lips of the heathen.
The identical first three letters of the name of Joshua was
unacceptable to the Jews because of the ineffable name doctrine.
The name came to be shortened to Yeshua. This deletes the portion
of the name that connects with God and means only "He saves".
This change appears in the Greek Septuagint long before the
Messiah was even born.
Sacred Name IAUA
The most obscured part of the pronunciation still eluding most
believers and researchers is the leading sound "ee". It is valuable to
note this important historical fact. The Hebrew scholars who
created the Septuagint selected the Greek "I" as the character to
represent the first letter of the Tetragrammaton as found in the
name of the Messiah. The Greek pronunciation as indicated in
Strong's matches what I use. The English spelling of the name
Isaiah also uses an "I" twice matching the same Hebrew letter.
It is confusing to try to transliterate Hebrew with the
conventional letters and try to compensate with vowels. The most
accurate rendering by pronunciation is IAUA. One of the beauties
of this representation is it preserves the concept of four letters, the
Tetragrammaton. You will note that I have decided always to
capitalize the entire name. This complements the traditional way of
writing YHWH. I do not want to introduce a new word but
pronunciation and not conventional transliteration is important for
a personal proper name. This is acceptable, practical, and
necessary since the Hebrew rendering does not use the Latin
alphabet. It needs to be easy enough for even children to
About a year after I was impressed that the best way to
represent the name of God was IAUA, I discovered this is not an
original invention of mine. Many scholars for years have proposed
the same spelling.
The short form IA, which appears at the end of many Hebrew
names, is often mispronounced. The pronunciation is the same as
the ending of the English words India, Syria, Lydia, and others.
The vowels of the English language are pronounced a dozen
different ways. It is interesting to compare with Spanish where a
vowel usually has the same sound. The vowel pronunciation of
Spanish for the name IAUA is identical to my best understanding
of the correct pronunciation.
This principle can easily be extended to all Hebrew names,
which include the name of God. Many modern translations of these
names in Israel match what I propose. It is simple to look up the
Hebrew for these names in Strong's Dictionary of the Hebrew
Bible and substitute the appropriate letters as previously illustrated.
New Testament Greek Use
The best text for Modern English understanding is the The
Complete Word Study New Testament. The Greek New Testament
manuscripts we know today do not contain the Sacred Holy Name.
I do not understand how an item of such significance in the Old
Testament is totally missing in the New Testament. This is a matter
of major consideration to both sides of the disagreement over the
importance of the Sacred Name.
The first point is the only one on which all parties agree.
Jews of first century Judah were bound by their own culturally
entrenched custom of not speaking the Tetragrammaton. Jesus
at no time condemned this custom. He did not teach against it
as an error. He never addressed the custom one way or
another. The fact that Jesus ignored this Jewish practice
presents ... a rather conspicuous problem.
Did Jesus Speak the Name Yahweh?
My observation is that the Saviour did not become embroiled in
political, religious, or philosophical arguments. This is an
important example to us. In the New Testament Iaushua refers to
God as Father. Iaushua repeatedly taught others to refer to God as
Father. This is an even more intimate way to refer to God. Iaushua
probably used this as an example against the Jewish prohibition of
using IAUA.
How was the Old Testament name of God changed in the New
Testament? Here is one method to trace this change. There are
numerous quotes in the New Testament of the Old Testament. I
assume it was quoted accurately. The Messiah quoted scripture
from the Old Testament. I assume He quoted it accurately. The
words in the New Testament indicate how the name of God was
changed. You decide for yourself whether the Messiah and others
used the correct name of God and it was simply changed in the
written Greek.
Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the
LORD (IAUA) revealed?
Isaiah 53:1
Sacred Name IAUA
That the saying of Esaias the prophet might be fulfilled,
which he spake, Lord, who hath believed our report? and to
whom hath the arm of the Lord (IAUA) been revealed?
John 12:38
The LORD (IAUA) said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right
hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.
Psalm 110:1
The LORD (IAUA) said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right
hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool?
Matthew 22:44
Hear, O Israel: The LORD (IAUA) our God is one LORD
Deuteronomy 6:4
And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments
is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord (IAUA) our God is one Lord
Mark 12:29
In these verses and many others, Strong's Dictionary of the
Greek Bible #2962 kurios is used. The Greek word is less specific
than the Hebrew. When the word is used for "the LORD" it is
preceeded by a specific article (art3588 nn2962) or is an implied
article (an,nn2962).
Some suggest that later copyists may have changed the wording
in the New Testament. The general claim is that there is not exist a
single manuscript with the name of God or the Messiah in Hebrew
or Aramaic. A simple search of the Internet for "Hebrew Matthew"
reveals this is not the case.
Catholic Church history records Matthew was originally written
in Hebrew. Hebrew manuscripts do exist and have been published.
I have not had the opportunity to examine one of these.
before the Messiah was born. The Septuagint was begun about 250
BC. This Greek Iesous became in English Jesus.
The name IAUA also refers to Iaushua. The Messiah is truly
God. He is also called "the LORD" using the same Greek words
referring to God.
Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was
spoken of the Lord (IAUA) by the prophet, saying,
Matthew 1:22
And was there until the death of Herod: that it might be
fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord (IAUA) by the prophet,
saying, Out of Egypt have I called my son.
Matthew 2:15
He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place
where the Lord (IAUA) lay.
Matthew 28:6
So then after the Lord (IAUA) had spoken unto them, he was
received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God.
And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord
(IAUA) working with them, and confirming the word with
signs following. Amen.
Mark 16:19-20
And they entered in, and found not the body of the Lord
(IAUA) Jesus.
Luke 24:3
Then she runneth, and cometh to Simon Peter, and to the
other disciple, whom Jesus loved, and saith unto them, They
have taken away the LORD (IAUA) out of the sepulchre, and
we know not where they have laid him.
John 20:2
Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had
seen the LORD (IAUA), and that he had spoken these things
unto her.
John 20:18
Sacred Name IAUA
There are numerous other verses where He is called "the
LORD". I also prefer the Hebrew word Messiah to the Greek word
Hebrew Transliteration
It is important to understand Hebrew has changed over the
millennia as do all languages. Hebrew is probably the oldest
language still active so it has probably changed even more than
other languages. This book discusses the Biblical Hebrew of the
Old Testament Bible, which is very different from modern
Hebrew. The typical Hebrew text of the Old Testament Bible is the
Masoretic text. Even though this text is over a thousand years old,
the original texts are over a thousand years older than the
Masoretic texts. The earliest parts of the Old Testament Bible are
almost a thousand years older than when the last parts were
The Masoretic texts are based on the incorrect premise ancient
Hebrew did not contain any vowels. This is clearly incorrect. This
premise resulted from actions twisting the language to obscure the
Sacred Name of God. The Masoretic texts add marks called "vowel
points" to indicate the proper pronunciation. These "vowel points"
were not in the original texts. When I work with Hebrew, I do not
use the vowel points at all.
Hebrew uses an entirely different script than the Latin script
with which most are familiar. Transliteration is valuable to convert
the unfamiliar Hebrew script in a more familiar Latin script.
Transliteration also provides the opportunity to have some
reasonable understanding of the pronunciation.
The following chart shows the Hebrew alphabet with a
suggested Latin transliteration. This is a highly simplified and
abbreviated pronunciation guide, which does not cover all the
subtleties of modern pronunciation. I have significantly modified
the transliteration from what others suggest by including the vowel
letters A, E, I, O, and U.
My premise is the Biblical Hebrew language use is more regular
and consistent than most modern languages. My research suggests
modern Spanish is very similar to ancient Hebrew in this respect.
The simple consistent use of Spanish vowels and the
pronunciations seems to match Biblical Hebrew vowels.
Sacred Name IAUA
א Alef E ai
ב Bet B b
ג Gimel G g
ד Dalet D d
ה He A ah
ו Vav U oo
ז Zayin Z z
ח Het Ch ch
ט Tet T t
י Yod I ee
) ך( כ Kaf K k
ל Lamed L l
) ם( מ Mem M m
) ן( נ Nun N n
ס Samekh S s
ע Ayin O oh
) ף( פ Pe P/F p/f
) ץ( צ Tsadi Tz tz
ק Qof Q k
ר Resh R r
ש Shin Sh sh
ת Tav Th th
I have confidence God has revealed His truth and has not left us
with uncertainty. I believe a deeper knowledge of God's Sacred
Name will lead to deeper understanding and a closer walk with our
Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide
you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but
whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew
you things to come.
John 16:13
You may ask, "Why are a name and its pronunciation so
important?" Let me give you an illustration. I have worked with
many people from other countries whose names are difficult and
unusual to an English-speaking person. I have seen many times
how these people have changed their names to something easier.
I always felt it was condescending, disrespectful and
inconsiderate to be unwilling to learn a person's true name. I have
always made a point of learning the person's true name and doing
my best to pronounce it as accurately as I can. I have always
received appreciation for my efforts. How can I extend any less
consideration and respect to my heavenly Father?
How would you feel if you went to a foreign country and they
changed your name?
Public usage
It may be necessary in the uninformed public to avoid confusing
people leading to disagreement and arguments and retain the use of
"the LORD" when reading scripture. There is no problem with the
word "LORD", which is not objectionable.
I am uncomfortable with the words "Jesus" and "Christ" in
conversation. Jesus is an English adaptation of the German
influence on a Greek transliteration of a shortened form of His
actual name. Christ is an English adaptation of a Greek translation
for a Hebrew title, which has an English adaptation, Messiah.
There is nothing wrong with using the terms "Jesus" and "Christ". I
Sacred Name IAUA
usually use them when reading from Holy Scriptures. I prefer and
usually use the term Messiah or Saviour in discussion.
Among informed listeners, I will not hesitate to substitute
"IAUA" for "the LORD" and "Iaushua" for "Jesus".
Please understand, even though I am eager and zealous to
propose the use of the name of IAUA, I am not criticizing or
condemning those who do not know or use the name of IAUA. It
took years of study and meditation for me to become comfortable
with the use of the name of IAUA. I am not saying you must use
the name of IAUA. This is information I have provided for you to
consider in your own time guided by the Holy Spirit.
David suggests in the Bible the emphasis of the Word of God
above the Name of God.
I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name
for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast
magnified thy word above all thy name.
Psalms 138:2
• The name of our God needs to be known and used by His
• The word IAUA as a Latin representation is highly accurate
and makes the Sacred Name of God easier to understand
and pronounce.
• The name of the Messiah is not "Jesus".
• The Messiah may be properly referred to as IAUA.
• If His Hebrews name needs to be used it is Iaushua.
• The word "Christ" is best substituted with Messiah.
• It is acceptable to use the titles God and Lord.
• It is confusing to over emphasize and teach the general use
of Hebrew words and titles in public settings among those
who do not understand. This practice creates a wall of
exclusivity and separation between those who begin
considering themselves “educated” and those we are trying
to reach with truth.