Covey Effective People

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The 2004 Linkage

Excellence in Management &

Leadership Series

Unleashing Human
Participant Guide

Featuring Stephen Covey

2004 Linkage, Inc. All rights reserved.

Linkage 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership

Unleashing Human Potential

Dear Participant:
Welcome to the Linkage broadcast, Unleashing Human Potential. This is the fifth of ten
broadcasts in Linkages 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership Series and features
Stephen Covey, one of the most influential holistic thinkers in our age. Dr. Covey is one of Time
Magazines 25 most influential Americans and one of Sales and Marketing Managements top 25
power brokers.
In this presentation, Dr. Covey helps us effectively unleash the potential of our people and, in the
process, unleash our own leadership potential.
Like all Dr. Coveys lessons, this presentation will reach to the very core of our essence as a
human not just a corporate executive, an organizational manager, or a team leader. Dr. Coveys
principles help us be more effective whether were sitting at a conference table or a dinner table.
Expect to be challenged. Dr. Covey believes that leadership is a choice, not a position.
Leadership requires that we choose: we choose how and when to listen; we choose how and when
to communicate; we choose how and when to praise. Effective leaders make choices based on
core fundamental principles, principles that often go far below the veneer that comprises our
corporate skin.
As evidenced in the world around us, we are defined as leaders by our character. Covey explains,
Our character is basically a composite of our habits. Because they are consistent, often
unconscious patterns, they constantly, daily, express our character. At the same time, Dr. Covey
provides hope:
I assure you that you are not your habits. You can replace old patterns of selfdefeating behavior with new patterns, new habits of effectiveness, happiness, and
trust-based relationships.
In this broadcast, you will learn to:

Build a high trust culture to empower your people to innovate and create; leverage the six
workplace/organizational principles.

Renew your leadership role and gain better understanding of its impact on your
organization; apply the four key leadership disciplines.

Assume the four critical roles of a leader: pathfinding, aligning, empowering, and

Whether you lead a project team or a Fortune 50 company, this broadcast and follow-up training
will challenge you to take your leadership to new heights and new levels and become a better
person along the way.
These participant materials have been designed to complement your participation in this
broadcast with Stephen Covey. Use the materials before the broadcast to learn more about
Covey and his philosophies toward leadership and potential.

Linkage 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership

Unleashing Human Potential

Use the materials during the broadcast to record your notes, ideas, questions, and insights. At the
end of the program, you will be asked to submit questions directly to Dr. Covey via fax,
telephone, and/or email. Dr. Covey will speak for the first 60 minutes and then respond to
questions for the next 30 minutes. Your submission of questions is critical to the success of the
Most importantly, use the materials after the broadcast to help you implement the principles and
techniques as you lead your organization. Use the materials as your ongoing source of renewal,
energy, and direction.

Linkage 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership

Unleashing Human Potential

About Linkage
Linkage, Inc. is a global organizational development company that specializes in leadership
development. Serving the public and private sectors, the Company provides clients around the
globe with integrated solutions that include strategic consulting services, customized on-site
training experiences, tailored assessment services, and benchmark research.
With a relentless commitment to learning, Linkage also offers a full range of conferences,
institutes, summits, public workshops, and distance learning programs on leading-edge topics in
leadership, management, HR, and OD. More than 100,000 leaders and managers have attended
such a Linkage program since the Companys founding in 1988.
Linkage is headquartered in Burlington, Massachusetts, with regional offices in Minneapolis,
Atlanta, San Francisco, London, and Brussels. On two occasions, Linkage has been named to the
Inc. 500, a list of the fastest-growing private companies in the United States.

Upcoming Events
Speakers confirmed for our 2004 Fall Excellence in Management & Leadership Series are listed
Please join us for these upcoming programs. These broadcasts are offered live, by Linkage, on
the following dates. Please check with the individual responsible for the broadcasts within your
organization for any internal changes to the schedule.
September 15, 2004 Ethics in Leadership
Sherron Watkins, former vice president of Enron Corporation and Time Magazines
Person of the Year, honored for her actions in calling light to wrongdoings at Enron, and
Joseph Badaracco, Professor of Business Ethics at Harvard Business School
September 28, 2004 The Half Truths of Management
Henry Mintzberg, Award-winning Author, Professor, and Management Guru
October 18, 2004 Global Leadership
Mikhail Gorbachev, Former President of the Soviet Union and 1990 Nobel Peace Prize
November 17, 2004 The Essential Transition: Helping Managers Learn to Lead
General Tommy Franks, Four Star General, Former Commander and Chief, U.S.
Central Command
November 30, 2004 Lessons in Leadership
Richard Branson, Founder and CEO of Virgin Corporation

Linkage 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership

Unleashing Human Potential


About Linkage............................................................................................................................... 3
Upcoming Events ......................................................................................................................... 3
TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................................................................4
Introduction and Basic Premise.................................................................................................... 6
Question-and-Answer Session..................................................................................................... 8
When the Session Has Concluded............................................................................................... 8
Pre-Broadcast Reading: Principles versus Practices................................................................... 9
Pre-Broadcast Reading: Execution Quotient (xQ) Self-Assessment ......................................... 11
During The Program ................................................................................................................... 13
Notes on Unleashing Human Potential ...................................................................................... 14
Post-Broadcast Activities............................................................................................................ 21
Books Written or Co-Written by Stephen Covey ........................................................................ 27
Question Sheet........................................................................................................................... 29
Evaluation Form ......................................................................................................................... 30

Linkage 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership



Unleashing Human Potential

Linkage 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership

Unleashing Human Potential

Introduction and Basic Premise

principle: a
fundamental truth, law,
doctrine, or motivating

At a time when American organizations desperately need to energize people and produce
leaders at all levels, Covey provides an empowering philosophy for life that is also the best
guarantee of success in businessa perfect blend of wisdom, compassion, and practical

force, upon which

- Rosabeth Moss Kanter

others are based

Editor of the Harvard Business Review

Author of When Giants Learn to Dance

habit: a pattern of
action that is acquired
and has become so
automatic that it is
difficult to break
discipline: training that
develops self-control,

Dr. Coveys teachings, most people agree, are effective because they go to the very core of who
we are as people. Dr. Covey speaks to us as people first and as leaders second. The principles
that guide us in our day-to-day living guide us as we lead others.
Ineffective people try to manage their time around priorities, says Dr. Covey, whereas effective
people lead their lives and manage their relationships according to principles natural laws and
governing values that are universally valid. Leadership, he states, is the ability to apply these
principles to problems, resulting in quality, productivity, profitability, and win-win relationships.

character, or orderliness
and efficiency

The Seven Habits

Most of us learned of Stephen Covey through his best-selling book, The 7 Habits of Highly
Effective People. In his book, he discusses seven habits, which he suggests can guide us to
happy, successful lives:

Principles are
immutable truths. For
example, smoking is not

1. Be proactive. You are responsible for your life. Decide what you should do and get on
with it.
2. Begin with the end in mind. Think of how you want to be remembered at your funeral.
Use this as a basis for your everyday behavior.

A person has habits that

they've acquired. For
example, smoking is a

3. Put first things first. Devote more time to whats important but not necessarily urgent.
4. Think win-win. Have an abundance mentality. Seek solutions that benefit all parties.

Disciplines are actions
taken for a specific
reason or outcome. For

5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood. Dont dive into a conversation. Listen
until you truly understand the other person.
6. Synergize. Find ways to cooperate with everyone. Value the differences between

example, a smoking
cessation program is a
discipline to stop
smoking and become or
remain healthy.

7. Sharpen the saw. Continually exercise and renew four elements of your self: physical,
mental, emotional/social, and spiritual.

Linkage 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership

Unleashing Human Potential

Begin With the End In Mind

In a recent interview with Working Wounded, Dr. Covey was asked, Lets cut right to the chase
for the millions of people who have read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Which habit
do you think is the most important?
Dr. Covey replied:
Theoretically I would say always Habit 1 (be proactive) because you have the
power to choose your response in any situation.
But at the practical level the one that hits people the most is Habit 5 (seek first to
understand, then to be understood). Just to simply start listening will open up the
world to you. Youll start feeling reverence for people and it will bring humility
into your life.
But if you were to really push me I would say it is Habit 2 (begin with the end in
mind). Why? Well, what is your life about? That is the most important decision
youll ever make.
As leaders, what we want of our organization what we want of our people emerges naturally
and powerfully when we know what we want of ourselves.
The legacy we as leaders and as humans leave is based on the choices we make day in and
day out. Each choice is an opportunity to continue building the legacy were building, or to
change and begin creating a different legacy. To keep on the path were on, or to forge a new
path. To do what weve always done (and get the things weve always gotten), or to try
something new and form new habits.
As Dr. Covey points out:
To achieve goals youve never achieved before,
you need to start doing things youve never done before.
Six Workplace/Organizational Principles
Dr. Covey suggests that we consider six workplace/organizational principles to help us focus our
goals. As leaders, we need to encourage and model:

Clarity: understand key priorities

Commitment: emotionally connected to key priorities

Translation: line-of-sight from job, team, etc., to the organizations key priorities

Linkage 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership

Unleashing Human Potential

Enabling: remove structure/system and cultural barriers

Synergy: work together to arrive at better ways to achieve goals

Accountability: responsible for achieving key prioritized goals

By adhering to the seven habits and using the six workplace/organizational principles to guide us
in our new beginning, we can increase our effectiveness as leaders.

Question-and-Answer Session
Dr. Covey will dedicate the last 30 minutes of his live broadcast to answer your questions.
Complete the Question Sheet on the next to last page of this participant guide and:

If you are participating in the live presentation of this program, fax, e-mail, or call in your
questions using the instructions on the Question Sheet. Your seminar coordinator may
gather your questions and send them in collectively.

If you are participating in a recorded presentation of this program, share your questions
with your seminar coordinator to be answered during your post-broadcast activities.

When the Session Has Concluded

Your feedback is valuable in ensuring the integrity of future programs. We take pride in
providing relevant, thought-provoking and enlightening programs and we rely on you
to help make this happen. Please complete the program evaluation form on the last page
of this guide or online at:

To further reinforce your understanding of todays information, as well as hone other

aspects of your leadership skills, complete the recommended post-broadcast activities
that begin on page 21 of this participant guide.

Linkage 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership

Unleashing Human Potential

Pre-Broadcast Reading: Principles versus Practices

How do we as individuals and organizations survive and thrive amid tremendous change? Why
are efforts to improve falling so short in real results despite the millions of dollars in time, capital,
and human effort being spent on them? How do we unleash the creativity, talent, and energy
within ourselves and others in the midst of pressure? How do we achieve balance among
personal, family, and professional life?
Dr. Covey has an answer to these questions. In a word, the answer is principles. As he states
in his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, the main thing is to keep the main thing
the main thing. And principles not practices are the main thing. Covey distinguishes
practices from principles:

Practices what-to-dos are specific activities or actions that work in one

circumstance but not necessarily in another.

Principles why-to-dos have universal application; when principles are internalized

into habits, they empower people to create a wide variety of practices to deal with
different situations.

Principle-Centered Leaders Defined

You have to decide
what your highest
priorities are and have
the courage
pleasantly, smilingly,

Principle-centered leaders are men and women of character who work on the basis of natural
principles and build those principles into the center of their lives, into the center of their
relationships with others, into the center of their agreements and contracts, into the center of their
management processes, and into their mission statements.
If you focus on principles, you empower everyone who understands those principles to act
without constant monitoring, evaluating, correcting, or controlling.

nonapologetically to
say no to other things.

New Paradigm
Responding to classic dilemmas of modern living, principle-centered leadership presents a new
way of thinking to help you:

Achieve and maintain a wise and renewing balance between work and family, and
between personal and professional ambitions, in the middle of constant crises and

Unleash the creativity, talent, and energy of the vast majority of the work force.

Maintain a sense of direction in todays wilderness, where well-developed road maps

(strategies and plans) are rendered useless by rapid change.

Linkage 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership

Unleashing Human Potential


Look at human weaknesses with genuine compassion and understanding rather than
accusation and self-justification.

Replace prejudice (the tendency to prejudge and categorize people in order to manipulate
them) with a sense of reverence and discovery in order to promote learning, achievement,
and excellence in people.

Maintain control, yet give people the freedom and autonomy they need to be effective
and fulfilled in their work.

Create a culture characterized by change, flexibility, and continuous improvement and

still maintain a sense of stability and security.

Create team spirit and harmony among people and departments that have been attacking
and critiquing each other for years, while scrapping for scarce resources, playing political
games, and working from hidden agendas.

Turn a mission statement into a constitution the supreme guiding force of an entire
organization instead of a collection of nebulous, meaningless, and cynicism-inducing

Know where to start; knowing when and how to recharge your batteries to maintain
momentum for learning, growing, and improving.

Leading by Principles versus Leading by Practices

Leading by Practices: all the judgment and wisdom is provided in the form or rules and
regulations; employees dont have to be the experts and dont have to exercise judgment.
Leading by Principles: requires a different type of and more training, but the payoff is more
expertise, creativity, and shared responsibility at all levels of the organization.
Principles-Centered Leadership Four Levels of Practicing
Personal: your relationships with yourself
Interpersonal: your relationships and interactions with others
Managerial: your responsibility to get a job done with others
Organizational: your need to organize people to recruit them, train them, compensate
them, build teams, solve problems, and create aligned structure, strategy and systems

Linkage 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership

Unleashing Human Potential


Pre-Broadcast Activity: Execution Quotient (xQ) Self-Assessment

The FranklinCovey Execution Quotient study was conducted online by Harris Interactive in
November 2003 with a national sample of over 12,000 full-time U.S. employees. These
respondents represent a variety of industries and professions in the United States.
The enemy of the best
is often the good.

While Dr. Covey will reveal the survey results in his presentation, you will benefit from his
discussion by taking your own self-assessment below. The results of the self-assessment are for
your use only, so please be candid in your responses. (Note: Contact FranklinCovey directly if
you wish to assess your organizations xQ.)
FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF YOUR EMPLOYEES, rate the execution of each of the following on a scale
from 0 to 100 where 100 represents flawless execution.

Clarityunderstand key priorities
Organizational Direction: The organizational strategy and goals are precisely understood.
Team Focus: Work-teams focus on top goals.
Individual Goals: Individuals have measurable, deadline-driven work goals.
Calculate the average execution for Clarity -----------------------------------------------
Commitmentemotionally connected to key priorities
Team GoalsQuality: Teams have clear, measurable goals.
Individual Engagement: Individuals are motivated and valued.
Individual Commitment: People are committed to organizational direction.
Calculate the average execution for Commitment-----------------------------------------
Translationline-of-sight from job, team, etc., to key priorities
Organizational Line-of-Sight: All workers are focused on organizational goals and can see how they contribute to
the achievement of organizational goals.
Team Planning: We have clear, correlated assignments and follow-through.
Individual Time Allocation: A majority of our time is spent executing top goals.
Calculate the average execution for Translation ------------------------------------------

Continued on the next page.

Linkage 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership

Unleashing Human Potential



Enablingremove structure/system and cultural barriers

Team GoalsQuality: We have clear, measurable team goals.
Organizational Performance Involvement: We follow a consistent, systematic approach to improving performance.
Organizational Support: The organization actively provides support for work-team goals.
Calculate the average execution for Enabling---------------------------------------------
Synergywork together to arrive at better ways to achieve goals
Team Trust: There exists a safe win-win work environment.
Organizational Collaboration: Smooth cross-functional work and communication exists among teams.
Organizational Trustworthiness: Organizational values and commitments are honored.
Calculate the average execution for Synergy ---------------------------------------------
Accountabilityresponsible for achieving key prioritized goals
Team Accountability: Commitments are honored among team members.
Team MeasuresQuality: Success measures are tracked accurately and openly.
Individual Proactivity: Individual initiative and responsibility for results is the norm.
Calculate the average execution for Accountability


What areas represent the greatest opportunity for you?

We simply assume that
the way we see things is
the way they really are


or the way they should

be. And our attitudes
and behaviors grow out
of these assumptions.



Linkage 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership

Unleashing Human Potential


During The Program


Submit questions to be addressed by Stephen Covey during the question-and-answer

session. He will speak for the first 60 minutes and then respond to questions for the next
30 minutes, so again, your submission of questions is critical to the success of the
program. To submit questions, complete the Question Sheet (found on the next to last
page of this guide), submit an e-mail, or call in when prompted during the program.

Dr. Covey asks that you engage in the presentation and subsequent questions and
answers. If you wish, use the following pages to take notes on points important to you.

Linkage 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership

Unleashing Human Potential


Notes on Unleashing Human Potential

As you listen to Dr. Covey, you will want to use the following pages to take notes. Use the space
below to capture key learnings and associated commitments for you to act upon.
Every great

Key Learnings

Commitment to Do

breakthrough is a break
If you want to make
minor improvements,


work on behavior and

attitudes. If you want to
make quantum


improvements, work on
paradigms. A paradigm
is like a mental model,


an assumption, or a


Linkage 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership

Unleashing Human Potential

More notes






A position (formal authority)

A choice (moral authority)


Control things and people

Control things, release (empower) people


Hierarchical, bureaucratic

Flatter, boundary-less, flexible


External, carrot-and-sticking

Internalwhole person

of the situation and from

Performance Appraisal

External, sandwich technique

Self-evaluation using 360 feedback

other factors that would


Primarily short-term financial

Compelling Scoreboard (long-and-short term)

act on you, and


Primarily top-down

Open: Light is the greatest disinfectant

evaluate the options.


Social rules / mores of the workplace

Principle-centered values and economic rules of



Primarily top-down

Open, flexible, synergistic

Training & Development

Sideshow, skill-oriented, expendable

Maintenance, strategic, whole person, values


Expense on P & L, asset lip service

An investment with highest leverage


Generally unimportant for most

Strategic for all, complimentary, team

As a principle-centered
person you try to stand
apart from the emotion

Effective people are not


problem-minded; theyre
They feed opportunities
and starve problems.


Lack of Clarity


Lack of Commitment




No Translation to Action
No Enabling
No Synergy
Lack of Accountability



Linkage 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership

Unleashing Human Potential


More notes
Many people seem to
think that success in
one area can
compensate for failure


effectiveness requires


Social Norm

Natural Law










in other areas. But can

it really? True



Behavior is governed by values.

Consequences are governed by principles.
Therefore, value principles.


How different our lives
are when we really
know what is deeply
important to us, and


keeping that picture in

mind, we manage
ourselves each day to


be and to do what really

matters most.


Linkage 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership

Unleashing Human Potential



More notes

Mission, Values, Vision

Clarity, Commitment
Translation, Synergy
Enabling, Accountability

Basing our happiness

on our ability to control
everything is futile.




The 7 Habits of
Highly Effective

Modeling (7H)


Dependent people
need others to get what
they want. Independent
people can get what


The Sweet Spot


The 4 Disciplines of Execution (4DX)

Focus on the Wildly Important
Create a Compelling Scoreboard
Translate Lofty Goals into Specific Actions
Hold Each Other Accountableall of the time


they want through their

own efforts.
Interdependent people



combine their own

efforts with the efforts of
others to achieve their
greatest success.


Linkage 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership

Unleashing Human Potential

More notes
Keep in mind that you


are always saying no

to something. If it isnt
to the apparent, urgent


things in your life, it is

probably to the most
fundamental, highly
important things. Even
when the urgent is
good, the good can
keep you from your
best, keep you from


your unique
contribution, if you let it.


Without involvement,


there is no commitment.
Mark it down, asterisk it,
circle it, underline it:
No involvement, no





Linkage 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership

Unleashing Human Potential

More notes
Discipline 1: Focus on the Wildly Important
People are wired to do
only one thing at a time
with excellence.

Discipline 2: Create a Compelling Scoreboard

People play differently

when theyre keeping

Discipline 3: Translate Lofty Goals into Specific Actions

To achieve goals
youve never achieved
before, you need to start
doing things youve


never done before.

Discipline 4: Hold Each Other AccountableAll of the Time
Knowing others are
counting on you raises


your level of



Linkage 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership

More notes


Leadership is a choice;
not a position.






Unleashing Human Potential

Builds enduring greatness through a
paradoxical combination of
personal humility plus professional will.

Effective Leader

Jim Collins
Good to Great

Catalyzes commitment to and vigorous pursuit of

a clear and compelling vision; stimulates the
group to high performance standards.

Competent Manager

Organizes people and resources toward effective

and efficient pursuit of predetermined objectives.

Contributing Team Member

Contributes to the achievement of group objectives;
works effectively with others in a group setting.

Highly Capable Individual

Makes productive contributions through talent,
knowledge,skills, and good work habits.

Leadership is


communicating peoples
worth and potential so
clearly that they are


inspired to see it in



Linkage 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership

Unleashing Human Potential


Post-Broadcast Activities
Complete and submit the program evaluation form found on the last page of this guide or online
Activity 1: Self-Reflection and Discussion

The way we see the

What did Stephen Covey say that had the most impact the most relevance for you and
your organization?


problem is the


Our character is
basically a composite of
our habits. Because


they are consistent,

often unconscious
patterns, they
constantly, daily,

How might your employees describe you, the leader? What characteristics and habits do
you display?


express our character.


What do the characteristics and habits listed above tell you about your principles? Are
you pleased with these principles? Which would you like to change? How? When?


Linkage 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership

Unleashing Human Potential


Activity 2: Leadership A Choice

Covey states that leadership is a choice, not a position. And if were not consciously focusing on
the important, were unconsciously focusing on the unimportant.
Between stimulus and
response, there is a
space. In that space
lies our freedom and

Which of the six principles of execution hold the most potential for you and your organization?
(Review the pre-broadcast self-assessment on the Execution Quotient (xQ) that you completed
earlier in this participant guide.)

Clarityunderstand key priorities

response. In those

Commitmentemotionally connected to key priorities

choices lie our growth

Translationline-of-sight from job, team, etc., to key priorities

and our happiness.

Enablingremove structure/system and cultural barriers

Synergywork together to arrive at better ways to achieve goals

Accountabilityresponsible for achieving key prioritized goals

power to choose our

Select one of the above principles of execution and define:

Why is this principle most important for you and/or your organization now?


What is the desired level of execution for this principle? Describe the way it SHOULD
be if this principle were executed flawlessly.


What is the current level of execution for this principle?


What is the gap between the current level and the desired level? Why does the gap exist?
What can be done to close the gap? What can you do to close the gap?


Linkage 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership

Unleashing Human Potential


Activity 3: Pick a Discipline, Any Discipline

In his presentation, Dr. Covey encourages us to consider the four disciplines:

Discipline 1: Focus on the Wildly Important!

Ineffective people live

Discipline 2: Create a Compelling Scoreboard

day after day with

Discipline 3: Translate Lofty Goals into Specific Actions

unused potential. They

Discipline 4: Hold Each Other AccountableAll of the Time

experience synergy only

in small, peripheral
ways in their lives. But
creative experiences
can be produced

Select one of the disciplines one that has most impact and potential for you and complete the
associated activity.
Discipline 1: Focus on the Wildly Important!

regularly, consistently,

Principle: People are wired to do only one thing at a time with excellence.

almost daily in peoples

Old Thinking: We can effectively accomplish six, eight, or even ten important goals at

New Thinking: Organizations/Teams can only accomplish two or three goals at once
with excellence.

Outcome: Clarify your teams Wildly Important Goals and align them to the

lives. It requires
enormous personal
security and openness
and a spirit of

Discipline 2: Create a Compelling Scoreboard

Principle: People play differently when theyre keeping score.

Old Thinking: Once weve communicated the goal, people will know were serious
about it.

New Thinking: Were not really serious about the goal until we start keeping score.

Outcome: Identify key measures for your teams goals and transform them into a visible,
dynamic scoreboard.


Linkage 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership

Unleashing Human Potential


Discipline 3: Translate Lofty Goals into Specific Actions

Principle: To achieve goals youve never achieved before, you need to start doing things
youve never done before.

Old Thinking: If people know the goal, theyll know what to do about it.

New Thinking: Goals will never be achieved until everyone on the teams knows exactly
what theyre supposed to do about them.

Outcome: Identify the new and better behaviors needed to achieve your goals and then
translate those behaviors into weekly and daily tasks.

Discipline 4: Hold Each Other AccountableAll of the Time

Principle: Knowing others are counting on you raises your level of commitment.

Old Thinking: As long as the goal is clear and compelling, people will remain focused
and committed.

New Thinking: Maintaining commitment to the goal requires frequent team engagement
and accountability.

Outcome: Learn and apply an ongoing team accountability process to engage the team in
accomplishing the Wildly Important Goals.


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Unleashing Human Potential


Activity 4: The Main Thing

Stephen Covey believes that the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.

The Inside-Out

What is the main thing in your life?


approach to personal
and self; even more
fundamentally, to start
with the most inside part
of self - with your


paradigms, your
character, and your
motives. The inside-out
approach says that
private victories precede
public victories, that
making and keeping
promises to ourselves
precedes making and


How do you keep the main thing forefront in your decisions and actions?


keeping promises to
others. It says it is futile
to put personality ahead
of character, to try to
improve relationships


If the main thing isnt currently part and parcel to your thinking and behaving, how will
you once again make it the main thing?


with others before

improving ourselves.


Linkage 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership

Unleashing Human Potential


Final Activity: Action Planning

Coveys challenge can be inspiring or overwhelming! Live out of your imagination, not your
All things are created

Review your Key Learnings and Commitments to Do on page 14 of this guide.

Picture yourself six months from now. Youre reflecting with a sense of pride and
satisfaction on what youve accomplished since the broadcast. As you look back, what
one thing brings you the most pride?

twice. Theres a mental

or first creation, and a
physical or second


creation of all things.

You have to make sure
that the blueprint, the first
creation, is really what
you want, that youve
thought everything
through. Then you put it
into bricks and mortar.


Back to the present. With the above goal set for six months from now, what intermediary
steps do you need to take to reach that goal?

What do you need to do within three months?


Each day you go to the

construction shed and
pull out the blueprint to
get marching orders for
the day. You begin with
the end in mind.


What do you need to do by the end of this month?


What do you need to do by the end of this week?

Be patient with yourself.
Self-growth is tender; its
holy ground. Theres no
greater investment.

What do you need to do tomorrow?


Linkage 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership

Unleashing Human Potential


Books Written or Co-Written by Stephen Covey

The following books are written or co-written by Stephen Covey and are listed in order of
publication date:

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Stephen Covey. Simon & Schuster. 1989.

Principle-Centered Leadership. Stephen Covey. Simon & Schuster. October 1991.

Daily Reflections For Highly Effective People: Living The 7 Habits Of Highly
Successful People Every Day. Stephen Covey. Fireside. March 1994.

First Things First: To Live, to Love, to Learn, to Leave a Legacy. Stephen R. Covey, A.
Roger Merrill, Rebecca R. Merrill. Free Press. January 1996.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families. Stephen Covey. Golden Books Adult
Publishing. Oct 1998.

Living the 7 Habits: Stories of Courage and Inspiration. Stephen Covey. Simon &
Schuster. June 1999.

Living the 7 Habits: The Courage to Change. Stephen Covey. Free Press. March 2000.

Linkage 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership



Unleashing Human Potential


Linkage 2004 Excellence in Management & Leadership

Unleashing Human Potential

Question Sheet
Use this form to write your question for Dr. Covey for discussion. Please write legibly.
Name (optional):
Your question (25 words or fewer):
Fax 1.877.892.0170 (from within U.S.)
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Email: [email protected]
Tel 1.800.489.8814 (from within U.S.)
Tel 801.303.7412 (from outside U.S.)



Unleashing Human Potential Featuring Stephen Covey

NAME_____________________________________ TITLE__________________________________________
Please indicate functional area (only circle one):

Human Resources/Organizational Development





Other (specify)_______________________________________________________

How many people do you have reporting to you (include all levels)? Number:___________________
Please indicate your job level (only circle one):
President or Officer

Vice President



Individual Contributor

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) Please indicate a rating for each of the statements below by checking the appropriate box.
Strongly Disagree

Somewhat Disagree

Somewhat Agree

Strongly Agree

The participant materials were useful

The Q&A session was valuable

The length of the presentation was ideal

As a result of participating in this program, I
will be more effective in my role

2) Please give a general overall comment about the program.

3) Any suggestions on what we can do to improve?
4) May we use any of these comments for promotional purposes (including name and organization)? Y N
5) On a scale of 1-10 (10 = Outstanding), how would you rate this session?


6) Which speakers are you most interested in seeing at the next Linkage Excellence in Leadership &
Management Series? (Please rate your top five, 1 being most interested)
___ James Champy
___ Deborah Tannen
___ Steve Jobs
___ Philip Knight
___ Edgar Shein
___ Carly Fiorina

___ Michael Dell

___ Maya Angelou
___ Francis Hesselbein
___ John Scully
___ Warren Bennis
___ Robert Kaplan

___ Margaret Wheatley

___ Michael Porter
___ Bill George
___ Meg Whitman
___ Chris Argyris
Other __________________________


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