Install s/w
pkgmk -o
vmstat -S
What is VTS?
16 What is JASS?
24 Display the processes, which are running ps aef | grep $USER ???
under yourusername ?
25 How to save man pages to a file ?
26 How to know the date & time for when Add the following script line in shell
script is executed ?
script.eval echo "Script is executed at
`date`" >> timeinfo.infHere,
timeinfo.inf contains date & time
details ie., when script is executed and
history related to execution.
27 How do you find out drive statistics ?
iostat -E
arp -a
netstat -i
top b 1
prstat a
pagesize -a
finger m
67 How would you "break" an NFS mount
on a system that has users on it?
68 Explain how you could stop and start a
process without rebooting?
69 What command will tell you how long a
system has been running?
70 What is LVM?
71 what is an HFS?
72 what is fsck?
73 what is Jxfs or Vxfs?
74 how do you get a Sun system to single
user mode?
75 how do you get an HP system to single
user mode?
76 What files control basic hostname and
network information on a Sun?
(hint: 3)
77 What files control basic hostname and
network information on an HP?
(hint: 2)
78 What command will provide status of
your filesystems on a Sun?
79 What command will provide status of
your filesystems on a HP?
80 What command will provide status of
your filesystems on a Linux
81 What file do you edit to permit nonconsole login of root on a
Solaris system?
82 What file (with path) contains the
information that appears when you
right click on the background of a
CDE login?
83 What command, with path, launches
OpenWindows on a SunOs 4.1.3 system?
84 What command provides information on
the health and performance of NFS?