Sugar Crops

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Sugar Crops

SR Kaffka, University of California, Davis, CA, USA

DA Grantz, University of California, Riverside, CA, USA
r 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Bagasse Fibrous material remaining after crushing and
extracting juice from sugarcane stalks.
Biomass Dry matter produced by plants.
Bolting The formation of seed stalks by sugar beet.
C3 Photosynthetic system of most plants of temperate
C4 Photosynthetic system of many important tropical
crop plants, including grasses, such as maize, sorghum, and
Evapotranspiration The loss of water from a given area by
evaporation from the soil surface and by transpiration from

Sucrose, the common sugar of commerce, is synthesized in
most plants as a temporary storage product for photosynthetically reduced carbon, and it is the principal form of
carbon transported in plants. Sucrose is typically converted
into starch for long-term storage, especially in the seeds of
plants, but accumulates to an exceptional degree in unmodied form in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) and sugarcane
(Saccharum ofcinarum L.). These two crops produce nearly all
of the worlds supply of sucrose, the sugar of commerce.
Small amounts of sucrose and alternative sweeteners are produced from sorghum, agave, stevia, and other sources of natural sweeteners; from high fructose syrup derived from maize
grain; and increasingly from noncaloric synthetic sweeteners.
Sugar production is a global, agroindustrial enterprise, with
123 countries producing sugar (43 beet, 71 cane, and 9 both,
Figure 1). In 2013, approximately 20% of the worlds sugar
supply was derived from beets and nearly 80% from sugarcane
(FAOSTAT, 2013). The most recent estimate for world sugar
(sucrose) production is 160 million metric tons. Sugar consumption has been growing at roughly the same rate as world
population or 2% per year. There are substantial differences in
per capita sugar consumption among nations worldwide. It is
highest in Europe and lowest in China and Africa. Sucrose
from cane and beets is also converted into ethanol and a wide
range of consumer products and feedstock chemicals, substituting for nonrenewable petroleum.
Sugarcane is a perennial tropical grass with highly efcient
C4 photosynthesis, high yields, and the ability to provide
harvests for several years without replanting. It is suitable for
low-technology hand planting and harvest as well as amenable
to automation. Production is heavily concentrated in the
countries of South America and Asia (Table 1). Brazil has the
largest area devoted to sugarcane production for both sugar


Mega grams per ha (Mg ha1) An equivalent to metric

tons per ha; when multiplied by 0.446 equals short tons
(2000 pounds) per acre.
Photosynthesis The process by which green plants utilize
the suns energy to produce carbohydrate from carbon
dioxide and water.
Photosynthetically active radiation The spectral range of
solar radiation from 400 to 700 nm used by plants for
Stand The number and distribution of plants after
emergence from seed or vegetative cuttings.
Sucrose (C12H22O11) The sugar of world commerce.
Ton 2000 lb, when multiplied by 1.102 equals 1 MT (mg).

and ethanol and dominates world sugarcane production. A

crop of temperate and Mediterranean regions (Figure 1), sugar
beet is a biennial crop grown as an annual. For the most part,
it is intensively farmed and is one of the most efcient crop
plants. Over time, production technology has come to include
a long list of innovations in plant breeding, mechanization,
pest management, and fertilizer practice. Sugar beet-producing
regions lie north and south of the 30th parallels. It must be
grown in rotation with other complimentary crops. Most sugar
beet and sugarcane production is rain fed, but in Mediterranean to arid regions, irrigation is necessary.

Origin and History of Sugar Crops

Sugar Beets
Sugar beet (B. vulgaris spp. vulgaris, L.), a genus of the family
Amaranthaceae (formerly Chenopodiaceae), is one of the diverse and useful group of cultivars from the same species that
includes Swiss chard, fodder beet, and red beet (McGrath,
2011). The rst modern sugar beets originated as selections
made in the middle of the eighteenth century from fodder beets
grown in then German Silesia, but food and medicinal uses of
the genus are much older. A precursor is known to have been
used as food as early as dynastic times in ancient Egypt. In 1747
a German chemist, Andreas Marggraf, demonstrated that the
crystals formed after a crude extraction from pulverized roots
were identical to sugarcane crystals (sucrose). Attempts to derive
sugar from beets, and the beet sugar industry itself, originated
from this work. His student Karl Achard developed processing
methods for sugar extraction from beet and made the rst selections of higher sugar-type beets. The blockade of shipments
of cane sugar to Europe by the British during the Napoleonic
wars stimulated the industrialization of sugar production from

Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems, Volume 5


Sugar Crops


Figure 1 Sugar production from sugarcane and sugar beet by country. Reproduced from FAOSTAT, 2013. Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations. Available at: (accessed 18.02.14).

Table 1
Top 20 countries ranked by sugarcane production during the period 200112. Yields of recoverable sugar are approximately 812% of
these fresh cane yields

United States of America
South Africa

Area harvested (ha)

Cane production (ton)

Cane yield (tons ha1 year1)

Average 200111

Average 200111

Average 200111

6 715 370
4 417 324
1 496 251
1 008 002
1 020 691
669 208
362 281
407 179
389 918
377 878
380 629
313 960
615 858
315 416
211 612
287 233
135 577
127 957
69 807
148 384

507 308 916

296 284 500
98 746 750
64 130 700
50 762 858
49 023 541
35 358 300
33 548 691
31 078 416
29 764 208
26 013 750
23 055 833
20 130 000
19 962 458
19 213 150
16 147 566
16 098 700
9 135 769
8 518 708
8 027 825


Source: Reproduced from FAOSTAT (


Sugar Crops

beets, especially in France, through a more intensive search for

sweeter beets, an innovative plant breeding program, and the
construction of many crude factories in France and elsewhere in
Europe. After the battle of Waterloo (1815) and the lifting of
the British blockade, the incipient sugar beet industry in France
declined for a time, but effectively a new crop had been created
and the efcacy of sugar extraction from the beet had been
demonstrated. The beet industry not only continued to expand
in Europe, which remains the center of the industry, but also
developed in other countries in the Middle East and North
Africa; Central Asia and Japan; and North and South America.
The rst successful commercial factory in the United States was
constructed by E. H. Dyer Alvarado, in California, in 1879. Soon
after, sugar beet culture and factories expanded in many states.

by 1888. With the abolition of slavery, and advent of wage

labor, production in many areas declined precipitously.
This situation was addressed in many production systems
by institution of indentured contract labor, fostering immigration of large numbers of workers, especially from China
and India. Some of these laborers were eventually repatriated,
but most remained as settlers after their period of indentured
servitude. These social and economic forces had substantial
impact on the demographics of sugarcane-producing countries, contributing to large present day communities of African,
Indian, and Chinese descent in many current and former
sugarcane-producing countries. More recently, labor in sugarcane enterprises has been on a more conventional wage basis,
or by small holders working their own or leased plots.


Production Environments

In contrast to sugar beet, sugarcane has been used as a

sweetener in India and China for nearly three millennia. An
early ancestor of commercial sugarcane spread from Asia into
Papua New Guinea, which became a center of diversity and a
major site of domestication. Selected sugarcanes spread
throughout the Pacic Basin from around CE 8000, with
eventual reintroduction of domesticated clonal materials to
South and Southeast Asia. Domesticated clones spread
throughout the Pacic islands with exploration and migration,
reaching Hawaii by CE 750 (Barnes, 1974). Sugarcane was
introduced to Europe from India in the fourth century CE by
Alexander the Great and again from the Middle East by returning Crusaders in the Middle Ages. It came to the Americas
with Columbus in CE 1493. Successful production was established in Haiti and the Dominican Republic (formerly
Hispaola) in 1506, in Puerto Rico in 1515, and in Mexico by
1520 (Barnes, 1974; James, 2004).
Sugar was a luxury in European economies until extensive
cultivation of sugarcane began in the Caribbean islands and
Central and South America (James, 2004; Galloway, 1989).
This allowed a more than hundred-fold increase in English
sugar consumption between the mid-1600s and mid-1900s.
Sugar use increased along with the Industrial Revolution and
the broad appeal of inexpensive and rapidly prepared calories
to support urban factory workers who no longer produced
their own food. Per capita consumption was also fostered by
the increased availability of newly introduced beverages, including coffee, cocoa, and, in England especially, tea, all
typically consumed with sugar. Sugarcane provided nearly all
sugar in world commerce until the commercialization of sugar
beet in the nineteenth century.
Impacts of sugarcane production had substantial impacts on
the global labor force. The development of a global sugar
market based on sugarcane was closely associated with development of a global market in slave and later indentured labor.
Sugarcane production throughout the Americas was dependent
on importation of African slaves beginning in the early sixteenth
century (James, 2004). By the eighteenth century a major
component of international commerce was the exchange of
slaves for sugar, molasses, and rum. Slavery was abolished over
a prolonged period, ending in the British colonies by 1838, in
United States sugarcane-producing areas in 1863, and in Brazil

Sugar Beets
Cultivated sugar beet is a crop of temperate and Mediterranean
regions predominantly and has a C3 photosynthetic system. It
is biennial and when the growing plant undergoes prolonged
exposure to cold temperatures (approximately 90 days at
57 1C, followed by warmer temperatures and longer days),
seed stalk production (bolting) takes place. Wild beet relatives (B. vulgaris, spp. maritima) do not require vernalization to
ower, only increasing day length. Sugar beet seed will germinate and emerge at low soil temperatures (45 1C), but
emergence is much greater at temperatures greater than 10 1C.
Mature plants tolerate modest freezing temperatures, but extended exposure to temperatures below approximately  4 to
 5 1C results in cell disruption and death leading to rotting,
requiring harvest and storage before severely freezing temperatures occur. These limits affect the length of the growing
season of beets in northern latitudes with cold winters. The
farthest northern production regions with sugar industries are
located in Finland and Sweden in Europe. In Mediterranean
locations, like Californias central valley and parts of Turkey,
Egypt, and Morocco, sugar beets grow year round, but overwintered crops must be harvested by late spring to prevent
vernalization-induced owering from occurring. In arid desert
regions with irrigation, like Californias Imperial Valley and
parts of the Middle East, extremely hot temperatures increase
the susceptibility of roots to pathogens like root rots and insect
pressures and reduce water-use efciency, creating other seasonal limits to efcient production. Where successful sugar
beet-based industries have developed, diverse adjustments to
these effective physiological limits to crop growth have been
made. In addition, pest and disease management issues, like
the threat of insect-vectored virus diseases, interact with the
crops agroecological requirements in locally diverse ways to
set other practical limits to crop production that are regionally
specic (Section Crop Management). These factors result in a
large number of different cropping patterns worldwide.

Sugarcane is a tropical plant with a highly efcient nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-malic enzyme type C4

Sugar Crops


Table 2
Top 10 countries ranked by yield of sugarcane per land area during the period 200112. Yields of recoverable sugar are approximately
812% of these fresh cane yields

Area harvested (ha)

Cane production (ton)

Cane yield (ton ha1 year1)

United Republic of Tanzania
Burkina Faso

69 807
135 577
7 307
21 775
22 041
20 125
23 875
4 458
362 281
3 797

8 518 708
16 098 700
837 038
2 399 600
2 370 833
2 113 750
2 498 333
445 833
35 358 300
376 916


Source: Reproduced from FAOSTAT (

photosynthetic pathway. This photosynthetic pathway is generally associated with adaptation to high temperature and high
light environments, and to efcient use of water as well as
light, while maintaining high productivity (Sage and Kubien,
2007). The optimal environment for cultivation of sugarcane
was described as one having a long warm growing season
with adequate rainfall, fairly dry and cool but frost-free
ripening and harvesting season, [and] freedom from tropical
storms (Mangelsdorf, 1950). However, with irrigation this
ideal changes to one with an absence of clouds, and diurnal
and seasonal gradients in temperature, but still free from frost
or hurricanes. These requirements are met primarily in lowland subtropical areas and in the tropical highlands, and the
highest yields per land area are achieved in such environments
(Table 2), with high irradiance, irrigation, and a cool dry
season to stimulate sugar accumulation, known as ripening.
A major limitation to the expansion of sugarcane as a sugar
or biofuel crop is its natural limitation to the latitudes where
native Palmaceae (palm trees) are found (Figure 1). This palm
zone, approximately 301 N to 301 S, accommodates the limited cold tolerance of commercial sugarcane clones and avoids
the occurrence of freezing night temperatures (Ming et al.,
2001) that absolutely limit the current production region.
Visible cold damage is not generally observed above 0 1C
(Irvine, 1983), when cold chlorosis may be observed as
bleached stripes across the leaf lamina. In Louisiana and
Florida, risk of freezing nights dictates short growing seasons
of approximately 9 months, compared with 12 months in
tropical and subtropical environments. A large number of
producing countries experience freezing temperatures during
the off-season.
Even in the mild, subtropical, marine environment of Hawaii, sugarcane exhibits a strongly bimodal growth pattern,
with substantial reduction in the cool (but not cold) winters.
Physiological acclimation to progressively cooling temperatures may extend this range. Even moderate chilling may be
deleterious (Moore, 1987). In sugarcane elds in Hawaii, excursions below average nocturnal temperatures of only a few
degrees Celsius were sufcient to depress stomatal conductance and to substantially inhibit photosynthesis for several
days (Grantz, 1989). Chilling effects on mesophyll function
dominated these responses, and conductance and photosynthesis were uncoupled. This was most pronounced in
summer when rates were greatest and least acclimated to

chilling. The effect was also observed in spring, but not in

winter, although rates were lower in winter relative to their
levels in spring or summer. Extreme heat may also limit production. Sugarcane trials in the low desert of California, where
summer temperatures exceed 45 1C, resulted in mid-summer
bleaching of leaves in some clones. At both high and low
temperatures, stomatal control of water loss may be disrupted
(Grantz, 2014).
Under production conditions, owering of sugarcane is to
be avoided as it reduces growth, consumes sugar, and reduces
yield. Most modern commercial clones are not heavily
owering in their adapted production environments. Flowering is required for traditional breeding but is often difcult to
induce. Shortening days are required, but not sufcient.
Conditions with photoperiods just exceeding 12 h, moderate
day and night temperatures, and reduced fertility and water
supply have been considered essential (James, 1980). For example, in Hawaii, a breeding station on the windward side of
the island of Oahu provided a far more favorable environment
for owering than locations at the same latitude on the
leeward side.

The Sugar beet Crop

Sugar Beet Breeding and Genetics
In countries with intensive agriculture, hybrid varieties are
used for production. Hybrid creation in sugar beets is complex
and is made difcult by both physiological and genetic characteristics particularly associated with sugar beets (Bosemark,
2006). These have to do with the crops biennial character,
self-incompatibility, multigerm seed formation in the Beta
genome, and the wide range of environments, pest, and diseases affecting the crop in diverse production regions. Creating
a new hybrid is a multiyear process. Sugar beets are self-sterile,
but mating between close genetic relatives is possible. Cytoplasmic male sterility is found commonly in the Beta genome
(Owen, 1945) and is used for hybrid production. However, to
obtain offspring from male sterile plants that are themselves
male sterile, maintainer lines (called O-types) must be produced as part of the hybrid development process, adding to
the complexity of hybrid creation and plant breeding in general. In 1950, Savitsky (1952) laboriously identied a few


Sugar Crops

plants that formed single embryos (monogerms) which have

become the basis for the seed industry worldwide outside of
Russia, where separate lines were identied. All commercial
hybrid seeds are monogerm.
In both Europe and the United States, sugar beet variety
improvement and seed production are carried out primarily by
private companies. However, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) developed most of the varieties grown in the
rst half of the twentieth century in the United States and
current variety development often uses genetic lines derived
from USDA research (Panella et al., 2013). Both diploid (n 9)
and triploid hybrids are available, but increasingly, diploid
hybrids are being developed due to greater ease and better
adaptability to rapid incorporation of new traits (Bosemark,
2006), most recently resistance to a virus disease (Beet necrotic
yellow vein virus) called rhizomania (vectored by Polymyxa
betae) that spread rapidly to all growing regions of the world in
the 1980s (Wisler and Duffus, 2000). Plant biotechnology,
such as marker-assisted selection, has been used to assist the
development of new sugar beet hybrids (Panella et al., 2013;
McGrath et al., 2007). In North America, herbicide-tolerant
sugar beets are now grown commercially, but their adoption in
other parts of the world has been delayed by regulatory
For most of the world, sugar beet seed is produced in
narrow latitudinal ranges (441461 N) in northern Mediterranean areas in Italy and Southern France that have appropriate
day length conditions and mild winter temperatures for seed
production. Similarly in the United States, sugar beet seed is
produced most efciently in the Willamette Valley of Oregon
at similar latitude. In all these locations, winter temperatures
are low, but the roots do not freeze, allowing seed producers to
manipulate the plants biennial habit, and day-length conditions support selection of types less likely to ower (bolt)
during the growing season.

Most countries have a variety of testing programs to ensure

the use of cultivars that are productive and well adapted to
local conditions. Sugar beet breeding, together with improvements in agronomic and pest management practices, has
allowed continuous yield and efciency improvements over
time (especially root yield, (Figure 2; Panella et al., 2013;
Jaggard et al., 2012; Zimmerman and Zeddies, 2000). In
countries with less intensive agriculture or where larger numbers of small-scale producers grow beets using less than optimal technology, yields have not risen as much indicating that
there is substantial room for yield increases if supporting
conditions are established.

Sugar Beet Industry Organization

Worldwide, sugar beet production, sugar processing, and
marketing are carefully integrated. In North America, all the
companies are grower-owned cooperatives. In other regions,
either privately held or state-owned companies are found. Of
necessity, there is a closer and more cooperative relationship
among growers and companies than is found with many other
agronomic commodities, which results in careful organization
of all aspects of production from area planted, scheduling of
harvest of individual elds, and through sale of the nal
product. Commonly, contracts between sugar processors and
growers contain quality incentives (see Section Sugar Beet
Growth and Management; Figure 8).
Sugar beet root yields (Figure 2) and sucrose concentrations vary widely. This variance is most strongly related to
the climate where they are produced, especially the length of
the growing season, local soil types, and the level of agricultural development in each region. A surprisingly diverse
set of production, harvest, and processing arrangements is
possible. In temperate sugar beet production regions like


Average root yields (t ha1)















Figure 2 Root yield trends in selected sugar beetproducing countries (19612011). Reproduced from FAOSTAT, 2013. Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations. Available at: (accessed 18.02.14).

Sugar Crops

Northern Europe and most of North America, beets are planted as early as possible in spring after the danger of severe frost
(usually March to April) and harvested in autumn (starting in
September) for as long as soil conditions and the onset of
continuously freezing weather allow. During a typical, concentrated autumn harvest campaign in Europe, factories process large amounts of raw beets to produce crystallized sugar
and varying amounts of thick juice (sucrose syrup) that is
stored and can be crystallized subsequently at a slower rate
during the rest of the year. In the Red River Valley Region of
Minnesota and North Dakota in North America, the early
onset of extremely frigid temperatures shortens harvest of approximately 1 month but allows roots to be frozen in massive
piles in autumn and processed until late spring, often for 200
days or more. In Mediterranean or semiarid to arid regions
with milder winters, beets can grow for more than 6 months or
even year round, and longer harvest campaigns are possible. In
warm locations, roots must be processed shortly after harvest
due to losses of sucrose from root respiration and to pathogens during storage.

grows rapidly and may reach 30 cm or more by the time the

rst true leaf is developed. During the rst 30 days, growth is
conned primarily to its leaves and brous roots. After approximately 30 days both top and storage root growth proceeds rapidly, with tops reaching near maximum fresh weight
in 6090 days and canopy closure occurring at a leaf area
index (LAI) of 3 (Milford, 2006). Subsequently, with favorable
climate, top growth remains fairly constant but storage roots
continue to grow rapidly for another 2040 weeks (for a 10month crop). As the crop develops, an increasing amount of
DM accumulates in roots. While leaf number and area may
remain relatively constant, in areas with longer growing seasons, roots consist of larger amounts of crown materials, so
there is a tendency for impurities to accumulate as well. These
impurities reduce sugar recovery from roots in factories
(Harvey and Dutton, 1993).
As the storage root increases in size, there is a constant
translocation of sucrose from the leaves to the root where it is
stored primarily in concentric rings of vascular tissues derived
from secondary cambium initiated early in the roots development and in root parenchyma cells that increase in number
and enlarge during growth. Bell et al. (1996) and Milford
(2006), summarizing a large number of studies, reported that
DM partitioning in roots is regulated by the cells within
the root and is independent of the photosynthate supply
(Figure 3, Bell et al., 1996; Milford, 2006). On a fresh weight
basis, the sucrose content of the root remains relatively constant, unless suitable external factors cause the concentration
to change. In temperate regions, these usually increase toward
harvest but are also reported to decrease in warmer locations
(Figure 4).
The largest average sugar beet yields come from California
and France (Figure 2). Californias Mediterranean to semiarid

Sugar Beet Growth and Management

A rapidly growing sugar beet crop is capable of high rates of
sucrose accumulation. Dry matter (DM) accumulation and
sugar yield are directly proportional to the amount of solar
radiation absorbed by the crop (Jaggard and Qi, 2006). Other
conditions being equal, the longer the growing season, the
larger the yield potential. Under appropriate conditions, the
plant develops quickly from seed with the seedling emerging
from the soil within 510 days after planting under
suitable soil temperature and moisture conditions. The taproot




Free space sucrose


Figure 3 Longitudinal and transverse views of the secondary structure of sugar beet root. Sugar concentration is highest in cells in the vascular
zones of the cambial rings visible in the root cross section on the right of the gure. Reproduced from Milford, G.F.J., 2006. Plant structure and
physiology. In: Draycott, P. (Ed.), Sugar Beet. Oxford: Blackwell Publication Ltd, pp. 3049 (Chapter 3), with permission from John Wiley and


Sugar Crops


Gross sugar content (%)




N.-C. Spain


South Spain


N.-C. Italy













Week of harvest
Figure 4 Root sucrose (gross sugar) concentration with time during harvest campaigns. In temperate countries or locations with cold autumn
temperatures, sucrose concentrations are maintained during the harvest period, but in warmer Mediterranean locations, they tend to decline during
the harvest period. Reproduced from Barbanti, L., Zavanella, M., Venturi, G., 2007. Losses in sugar content along the harvest campaign and means
to contrast them. In: Proceedings International Institute for Beet Research Summer Congress, Marrakech, Morocco. pp. 165175. Brussels,
Belgium: International Institute for Beet Research.


Dry matter (t ha1)






80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280
Days since start of season
Figure 5 Dry matter accumulation (tons ha  1) in a very highyielding September-planted and July-harvested crop fertilized
with 250 kg N per ha, from the Imperial Valley of California (Kaffka,

climate allows a long growing season, combined with highquality soils and irrigation. The worlds apparent commercial
record yield has come from a eld in the Imperial Valley in
2012 and equaled 28.0 Mg ha1 of sucrose from a crop grown
over a 300-day period from October to August (177 Mg ha1
of roots at 15.89% sucrose; based on processor data). Average
crops in this region reach 55% of the biomass and sugar yields
of record crops. Over the total growing season, the record crop
accumulated an estimated 147 kg total DM ha1 day1
(44.1 Mg total DM per 300 days) and 93.3 kg sucrose ha1
day1. DM and sucrose accumulation is not uniform
throughout the growing season. Initially it is relatively slow
and then accelerates (Figure 5). Peak DM and sucrose accumulation rates can be double the average reported for the
cropping season as a whole and most likely exceed rates of
200 kg sucrose ha1 day1.

Sugar beet rening produces several products in addition to

sucrose. These include molasses, dry root pulp, and monosodium glutamate, an amino acid salt used to enhance the
avor of foods. The sugar beet pulp left after sucrose extraction
is used widely in the dairy and beef cattle industries as a feed
supplement due to its highly digestible ber and energy content. The tops of beets can be fed, grazed, or returned to soil as
an organic matter and nutrient addition. Beet roots contain
approximately 1% N, 0.1% P, and 1.1% K on a DM basis,
although this varies (Cariolle and Duvall, 2006). An 80 Mg ha
crop removes approximately 200 kg N, 20 kg P, and 200
250 kg K ha1, although actual amounts vary with yield and
growing conditions. Because beets are efcient at accumulating
photosynthate in a useful form, they are also efcient convertors of agricultural inputs, such as water and nitrogen. One
of the reasons sugar beet requires relatively low use of fertilizer
nitrogen is its efciency in recovering residual soil nitrogen
from previous crops or decomposed organic matter. Beets recover more of their N requirements from soils than other
crops. The crop has been shown to require 2550% less fertilizer nitrogen than maize (Zea mays L.) (Hills et al., 1983).
Many interacting inuences affect the balance between root
growth and canopy growth. Sugar beets can redistribute N
within the plant recovered from soils or take up additional N
from soils. Redistribution buffers variations in soil N supply.
As long as crops have the amount of N needed for optimum
sugar yields, they are capable of sustaining fast rates of root
growth and sugar production throughout the growing season
without additional supply from the soil or fertilizer. A rapid
increase in root sucrose content is correlated with cool night
temperatures in the fall of the year coupled with a nitrogen
deciency. It has been repeatedly established that sugar beets
require only modest levels of N to produce the highest sugar
yields and that beets appear to recover more of their required
N from soil reserves than other crops (Hills et al., 1983). Ulrich
and Hills (1990), working in California, established a method
of plant testing to identify surplus or deciency and suggested

Sugar Crops







(Sugar yield)
















Sugar yield (t ha1)

Yield (t ha1) fresh weight


Percent sucrose


N fertilizer (kg ha1)

Figure 6 Root and sugar yields of a typical sugar beet crop. Reproduced from Hills, F.J., Sailsbery, R., Ulrich, A., 1982. Sugarbeet Fertilization,
Bulletin 1891. Oakland, CA: University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

that 1200 mg N per kg DM in mature leaf petioles was a reliable indicator for sufciency of non-N limiting sugar beet
growth. Generally, nitrogen fertilization is required for
protable sugar beet production. However, sugar yield is
sensitive to the absolute amount and the timing of N availability, requiring sufcient amounts early for maximum
vegetative growth, and also to a period of N deciency before
harvest for proper sugar accumulation in the storage roots. The
highest sugar yields, a function of root yield and sucrose
concentration, usually are achieved with a fertilizer rate lower
than that which maximizes root yields (Figure 6; Hills et al.,
1982; Cariolle and Duvall, 2006). Excess N fertilizer results in
larger total DM accumulation, but lower total gross and
extractable sucrose yields, and could lead to losses of N to the
environment. Milford et al. (1988), Armstrong and Milford
(1983), and Hills et al. (1983) all reported that beets require
lower levels of N than many other crops for maximum sugar
yields and that sugar beet can serve as a nitrogen-scavenging
crop to prevent possible nitrate pollution of groundwater. N
fertilizer use has tended to decline with increasing yields.
Milford (2006) and Milford et al. (1988) suggested that environmental or agronomic factors that affect the size and rate
of development of the shoot inuence sucrose accumulation
in the root.
When N becomes decient before harvest, leaf initiation
and expansion is slowed relative to photosynthesis, and
photosynthetically produced sucrose accumulates in roots as
storage rather than as new vegetative growth. This is illustrated
by results from California, where production occurred over a
diverse set of climate conditions, allowing comparison of
crops in different locations at the same time of year. Kaffka
et al. (2001) found that very high sucrose concentrations occurred in sugar beet roots harvested in October from a high
elevation growing region with a continental climate, where
aridity results in very high levels of photosynthetically active
radiation, but where higher elevations (1200 m) also correlated with night time temperatures at or near freezing in

autumn. Naturally high organic matter soils provided large

amounts of N mineralized from soil organic N. They suggested
that leaf initiation and expansion (favored by excess N) was
suppressed by cold temperatures at the end of the growing
season to a greater degree than photosynthesis, favoring sucrose accumulation. Root storage tissues continue to develop
in sugar beet as long as assimilate is available. Similarly, in
Californias milder central valley at the same time of year,
sucrose concentrations in sugar beet roots typically declined in
October under conditions with milder average temperatures,
as deep-rooted crops recovered residual soil N supplies under
conditions of declining water stress (Figure 4). Similar behavior with respect to beet sucrose concentration in autumn is
widely reported from other temperate (Cariolle and Duvall,
2006) and Mediterranean regions with mild temperature
conditions in late autumn that encourage additional crop
growth (Barbanti et al., 2007).
Improvements in plant breeding and seed technology have
led to increasing levels of seed emergence and establishment,
with the result that hand labor long associated with sugar beet
production, especially around stand establishment, has been
eliminated where modern agricultural technology is available.
Over time, monogerm seed, improved weed control, improved
planters, and seed treatments that reduce losses to pathogens
and insect pests during the vulnerable period of crop emergence and establishment have reduced the need for large seed
populations and hand thinning of seedlings. Planting to a
stand and 7080% emergence and establishment have become
common in growing areas with advanced agricultural practices. Ideal plant populations are 75 00080 000 plants per ha
on 5076 cm rows (Jaggard and Qi, 2006).
Most sugar beet production in temperate regions is based
on rainfall and stored soil moisture. Variable weather at times
results in water stress and yield limitations when rainfall is
inadequate or poorly timed with crop demand. In arid and
Mediterranean areas, careful and timely irrigation is essential
for economic yields. Furrow or sprinkler irrigation is possible,


Sugar Crops

and some drip irrigation systems are being used. Irrigation

water requirements in locations where irrigation supplements
growing season rainfall are small (100200 mm per year), but
in climates where irrigation is necessary, they commonly range
from 600 mm of water per ha per season in a cool climate
where the soil is lled with plentiful winter rain to as much as
1200 mm per ha in an arid location with a long growing
season like the Imperial Valley of California (Dunham, 1993;
Hills et al., 1990). DM accumulation and sugar yield are a
linear function of transpiration, although both are more easily
and commonly correlated with evapotranspiration (ET)
(Dunham, 2003). Actual irrigation amounts depend on the
depth of the rooted prole, soil water-holding capacity and
available water at the start of irrigation, planting and harvest
dates, the length of the growing season, and climate during the
growing season. Diverse estimates of water-use efciency have
been measured reecting this varying set of inuences.
Water-use efciency for both total DM yield and sugar yield
tends to decrease in warmer climates with higher temperatures
and light intensities, where season-long irrigation is required,
compared with locations with supplemental irrigation. Empirically determined water-use efciency values for total DM
production (qet) and for sugar production (set) are summarized
by Dunham (2003) and modied with additional data by
Langner (1996). For total DM these ranged from 0.0068 Mg
cm1 ha1 in Great Britain for a spring-planted crop to
0.0023 Mg cm1 ha1 in Californias arid summer for the
same. For sugar yield, at the same locations, values ranged
from 0.004 to 0.0013 Mg cm1 ha1. Intermediate values were
also reported from environments with growing conditions less
mild or extreme (Table 3). Beets are deep rooted, with many
reports of soil water depletion to 2 m and some to 3 m (Kaffka

Table 3

et al., 1999; Hills et al., 1990). When grown on soils that have
been preirrigated or that have large amounts of available water
in the soil prole, maximum yields can be achieved at levels
less than 100% irrigation (Figure 7), (Morillo-Velarde and
Ober, 2006; Langner, 1996). In irrigated regions, if beets can
be produced during the winter period, very high levels of
water-use efciency can be achieved (Table 3).
Sugar beet is a halophytic species that requires Na
(Draycott and Christiansen, 2003) and tolerates salinity. It is
considered one of the most tolerant crops (Maas, 1990) and
can be produced by using low-quality water resources, like
saline tile drainage water, in part, and on salt-affected soils
(Kaffka et al., 2005, 1999; Moreno et al., 2001). When using
drainage or other wastewater, care must be taken to account
for N present in the irrigation water, because that reduces sucrose yields, even if it does not affect total DM.
Controlling pests and diseases is important for protable
crop production. Sugar beet is slow to establish and is susceptible to weed competition in its early stages. Moderate
weed infestation is controlled by crop rotation and a combination of chemical and mechanical methods. In the United
States, herbicide-tolerant sugar beet is now being grown but is
not widely used elsewhere due to regulatory restrictions. Sugar
beet is susceptible to preemergence and postemergence seedling rots known collectively as damping-off diseases. Other
important diseases that must be controlled in areas where they
occur are as follows: curly top, a virus disease transmitted by
the sugar beet leafhopper; sugar beet yellows, a virus complex
consisting of one or more different aphid-transmitted viruses;
powdery mildew (Erysiphe polygoni DC) and Cercospora leafspot (Cercospora beticola Sacc.), diseases caused by leaf fungi;
rhizomania caused by a virus (beet necrotic yellow vein)

Diverse estimates of water-use efciency for total dry matter (DM) and sugar production for irrigated sugar beets.



Soil type

Estimated ETc
(or range applied)

Water-use efciency (Mg cm1 ha1)

DM (Qet)

Sucrose (Set)


Spring-planted trials
Suffolk, UK
Jena, Germany
Utah, USA


Sandy loam
Deep Loess
Silt loam




Nebraska, USA


800 Cloudy sunny





Washington, USA

Very ne sandy
Silt loam

California, USA
California, USA


Clay loam
Clay loam




California, USA


Silty clay




California, USA


Clay loam

430600 (May)
440870 (June)
5601000 (July)




Dunham (1989)
Roth et al. (1988)
Davidoff and Hanks
Brown and Rosenberg
Miller and Aarstad
Ghariani (1981)
Howell et al. (1987)

Fall-planted trials
Ehlig and Lemert
Langner (1996)

Abbreviation: nr, Not recorded.

Source: Reproduced from Dunham, R.J., 2003. Water use and irrigation. In: Cooke, D.A., Scott, R.K. (Eds.), The Sugar Beet Crop, Science into Practice. London: Chapman and Hall
(Chapter 8), pp. 279309.

Sugar Crops



Sucrose yield (mg/ha)





November to July
November to June
November to May










Ratio (Applied water : ET(crop))

Figure 7 Sucrose yield in successive harvests from a fall-planted, summer-harvested trial in California's San Joaquin Valley, compared with the
ratio of irrigation to measured crop evapotranspiration. There was little response to irrigation when the crop was harvested in May. In June and
July, decit irrigation resulted in the largest sucrose yields. Sugar beets were able to recover water from the soil prole in a way similar to their
capacity to use residual soil N. Reproduced from Langner, P., 1996. Consumptive water use of fall planted sugarbeets in the San Joaquin Valley of
California. MS Thesis, University of California, Davis.

transmitted by a soilborne fungus (P. betae Keskin); and sugar

beet cyst nematode (Heterodera schachtii Schmidt) and rootknot nematodes (Meloidogyne sp.). Strategies for the control of
these diseases involve development of resistant varieties, attention to time of planting, isolation of new plantings from
old sugar beet elds that can serve as sources of virus inoculum
in locations with year-round growing climates and practices,
the selective use of fungicides, soil fumigation, and careful
attention to crop rotation (Wisler and Duffus, 2000; Whitney
and Duffus, 1986). Varietal resistance, including from transgenic sources, may become increasingly important (McGrath
et al., 2007). But currently there are limits. Foliar diseases, root
rots, and insect predation are reasons why beets have not been
widely grown in regions with humid, hot temperature conditions during the growing season.
Although diverse production conditions result in differing
planting and harvesting practices, sugar extraction and processing is remarkably similar in most beet factories throughout
the world. Because sugar factories are expensive industrial
facilities, it is prudent to operate them for as many days as
possible. In northern temperate growing regions, beets are
harvested in early to late autumn as day length and particularly
temperature decline. Severe frost damages roots and causes
rotting, so freezing weather with temperatures sufcient to
freeze soil marks the end of the harvest period. Consequently,
factories are designed to maximize the amount of beets that can
be washed, sliced into cossettes, and diffused each day. Still,
many more tons of beets are needed to support a modern sugar
factory than can be processed only during sometimes short
harvest periods in autumn. The problem of extending beet
supplies to factories is solved variably, depending on interacting
local circumstances. In most of Northern Europe, some sugar

beet roots are stored along eld margins under cover and delivered in late autumn as factory capacity allows. In the northern tier of US states (Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and Michigan)
cold weather beginning in early autumn allows recently harvested roots to be stored outside in piles with ventilation to
maintain cool but not frozen conditions. In the Red River Valley
region of Minnesota and North Dakota (USA), exceptionally
cold weather beginning early in autumn allows massive piles of
recently harvested roots to be maintained throughout winter.
Frozen beets are then processed during the winter months
before temperatures warm sufciently in the spring to thaw
the piles. Processing campaigns can last 200 or more days.
In Mediterranean or warmer regions, beets cannot be stored
without signicant losses of sucrose to respiration, changes in
sucrose to other hexose sugars that cannot be used to make
commercial sugar, and losses to pathogens in storage piles.
Consequently, daily harvesting and processing is normal. In
many locations, this limits the length of time that a factory can
operate. For example, in the Imperial Valley of California
(mentioned previously), harvest begins in April following
planting the previous September and October and lasts until
late July or early August, when desert temperatures become too
hot to maintain beets in elds without signicant loss to root
rots or other pests and diseases. In less extreme semiarid or
Mediterranean locations, to allow factories to operate for
longer periods, complementary planting and harvesting districts can be combined to allow daily harvest over a multimonth period. This occurred in California in the San Joaquin
Valley, where both summer and winter temperatures allowed
crops to grow year round. In that case, harvest began in April
after winter rains using beets sown the previous May and
continued until late October or early November, harvesting


Sugar Crops

Water = 75%

Dry matter = 25%

Total soluble solids-20%



Total insoluble

Non-sugar, soluble solids-4%

Soluble N-free

Draycott and Christiansen, 2003

Figure 8 Composition of a typical sugar beet root at harvest. Total

insoluble solids fraction is used as livestock feed (beet pulp). Adapted
from Draycott, A.P., Christiansen, D.R., 2003. Nutrients for Sugar Beet
Production. Cambridge: CABI Publishing, pp. 242.

beets from different regions with planting dates matched to

expected harvest periods.
Creating a uniform, pure product (commercial sugar is
99.9% sucrose) from a variable feedstock is a challenging task
on an industrial scale. Typical sugar beet composition is depicted in Figure 8, although all of these percentages can vary
locally and seasonally. Sugar beets vary in quality as a function
of many interacting factors, including agronomic practices,
harvest conditions, location, and time of year. The goal of the
sugar beet industry, both farmers and sugar manufacturers, is
to maximize the recovery of sugar from beet roots. Sugar recovery is inhibited by the presence of large amounts of N
compounds, like amino acids and by minerals like K and Na
that are part of the ash content (Harvey and Dutton, 1993).
Conversion of sucrose into its constituent sugars (fructose and
glucosereferred to as inversion) during the diffusion process
reduces commercial sugar yields and may lead to creation of
other sugars that interfere with crystallization. The larger the
molasses fraction, the less sucrose that can be recovered from
the gross sugar stored in roots at harvest.
There is a long history in the sugar beet industry of trying to
correlate crop production practices with decreased loss to
molasses. Particular attention has been paid to the relationship between N fertility and fertilizer management with impurities in roots. There are a large number of regression-based
formulas relating sugar recovery to amino N, Na, and K constituents in roots at harvest. These have been used to test beets
at harvest and to encourage growers to produce higher quality
beets through incentive payments. Formulas have varied over
time and by region, with no particular formula proving to be
universally applicable. The general consensus is that root
quality remains elusively complex and a subject for ongoing
research and empirical experimentation (Dutton and
Hiuijbregts, 2006; Draycott and Christiansen, 2003).
On delivery to a factory, beets are rst washed to make
them free of soil and stones. Those processed immediately are
then sliced into cossets and conveyed to large diffusers that
dissolve sucrose and other soluble constituents from the plant.

Dissolved sugar and other constituents are then passed

through a series of steps that result in a puried sucrose syrup
and byproducts, primarily molasses, monosodium glutamate,
and proteins and amino acids (McGinnis, 1982). Residual
ber (called Marc or beet pulp) is a valuable livestock feed, not
only for dairy cattle, but also for other livestock species, and
even for human nutrition, and is dried for feeding purposes.
Sugar beets have very little lignin, and the ber is composed
primarily of cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin, in roughly
equal amounts. Molasses may be added back to pulp if desired
to further increase its energy and protein content.

The Sugarcane Crop

Sugarcane Breeding and Genetics
Sugarcane is a member of the Saccharum complex (Sreenivasan
et al., 1987). These tall, perennial, and tropical grasses include
the originally domesticated sugarcane, S. ofcinarum; congeneric species, such as Saccharum robustum, Saccharum sinensis,
Saccharum barberi, and Saccharum spontaneum; and various
interspecic hybrids as well as related genera, such as Erianthus, Ripidium, and Miscanthus. Saccharum ofcinarum appears
to have derived from selection and domestication of S. robustum. The early domesticated clones represented selection for
multicolored stalks, high sap sucrose concentration, relatively
low ber, large diameter stalks, and limited tillering and
owering. The resulting noble canes were those grown in
household gardens in Papua New Guinea, were carried by
Polynesians to the Hawaiian Islands, and formed the basis of
early commercial production and crop improvement efforts.
Sugarcane improvement, as with sugar beet and other
crops, is a constant requirement for the continued viability of
the industry. Modern sugarcane improvement began with selection of high yielding S. ofcinarum clones in Java in the
nineteenth century CE. These noble canes from the Javanese
breeding collection initially dominated global commercial
production. These were subsequently crossed with the wild
species, S. spontaneum, to begin production of the modern
hybrid, nobilized cultivars in the early twentieth century. The
noble canes were supplanted by the resulting interspecic
hybrids, which exhibited improved disease resistance, broader
environmental adaptation, and increased yield.
Wild Saccharum occurs across a surprisingly large range of
rainfall and altitude (Irvine, 1983), frequently along nonsaline
waterways where open vegetation allows high light penetration and where plant water decit may be avoided. The
broad adaptation is reected in wide phenotypic diversity
among Saccharum genotypes. For example, stalk diameter
ranges from a few mm in some S. spontaneum genotypes to
more than 10 cm in some S. ofcinarum chewing canes. Similar
diversity is observed in genome structure (Hogarth, 1987;
DHont et al., 1996).
Saccharum spontaneum exhibits much greater diversity than
S. ofcinarum, which does not exist outside of cultivation.
Saccharum spontaneum is found in wild populations across
Asia, North Africa, and the Middle East (Tew and Cobill,
2008). This diversity is reected in observed variation in stress
resistance (Moore, 1987) and genomic diversity (Zhang et al.,

Sugar Crops

2012). This diversity has contributed considerably to sugarcane improvement for the past century or more. Saccharum
spontaneum exhibits lower stalk sucrose than the noble canes,
higher ber, thinner stalks, and sufciently common owering
and tillering to make it a potentially invasive species. In
commercial canes, sucrose accumulation and robust growth of
thick stalks are derived mostly from S. ofcinarum, whereas
genes for vigor, broad environmental tolerance, high ber, and
abundant tillering are derived mostly from S. spontaneum.
The sugarcane genome is a subject of considerable current
investigation using modern genetic techniques. The Saccharum
species are autopolyploids, with copy numbers (ploidy level)
ranging from 5x to 16x. The genome of S. ofcinarum is relatively uniform among genotypes, being autooctaploid (x 10;
2n 8x 80 chromosomes), with only a few possible exceptions (Zhang et al., 2012). In contrast, S. spontaneum is
more variable (x 8; 2n 36128), although approximately
three-quarters of genotypes contain some multiple of 8x (Ming
et al., 2001). Saccharum ofcinarum and S. spontaneum appear to
have diverged approximately 1.52.0 million years ago (Jannoo et al., 2007).
The genome size differs between species, with ploidy level
and with monoploid chromosome number. The monoploid
genome size of S. ofcinarum is estimated to be approximately
985 Mb (million base pairs) and of S. spontaneum approximately 843 Mb, with much greater variation in S. spontaneum
(Zhang et al., 2012). The full polyploidy genome within the
Saccharum complex ranges from 212 Gb/C (billion base pairs
per diploid cell; Zhang et al., 2012). Genome size is a useful
surrogate for chromosome number (Zhang et al., 2012).
Commercial sugarcane germplasm is largely derived from
crosses of S. ofcinarum x S. spontaneum, with repeated backcrossing to S. ofcinarum. Current sugarcane clones contain
approximately 90% S. ofcinarum and 10% S. spontaneum
germplasm (Ming et al., 2001; DHont et al., 1996). In crosses
of female S. ocinarum x male S. spontaneum, an unusual
chromosomal transmission is often observed in which the
diploid, somatic complement (2n) of the female is retained
along with the haploid, gametic (1n) complement of the male.
This so-called 2n n transmission and the unpredictable
pairing of the variable number of homologous chromosomes
in such crosses (Ming et al., 2013) result in considerable
complexity in the genomes of commercial clones. Similar to
other vegetatively propagated species, sugarcane is heterozygous at most loci, with no existing inbred lines that would
be useful for crop improvement.
Autopolyploidy is observed in several important crop species, including sugarcane and sugar beet (Ming et al., 2013;
Zeven, 1979). Despite the common occurrence of this genomic
replication, it presents challenges for modern genetic analysis
and the search for useable markers for selection. Identication
of quantitative trait loci (QTL; a genomic marker) for phenotypic traits of interest is complex, as several alleles may segregate in various combinations, and individual genes may
contribute only marginally to phenotypic traits of interest.
A study of QTLs for two independent traits sugar content
and plant height found that multiple copies of favorable
alleles, in unlinked regions of the genome, had less than
additive effects (Ming et al., 2013). This suggests that one copy,
among the multiple potential locations in the polyploid


genome, may be sufcient to provide physiologically relevant

protein synthesis. Additional copies may potentially be manipulated in pursuit of other desirable traits with minimal
negative consequences. This may simplify development of
transgenic lines, as insertion of one copy of a novel allele may
be sufcient to drive improved phenotype, despite the presence of other loci with less favorable alleles. However, multiple copies of important genes may confer environmental
stability (Ming et al., 2013) as observed in other species. In
highly selected commercial clones, favorable alleles (Lam et al.,
2009) have been xed at several loci, so that identication of
QTLs is more difcult than in less selected genotypes.
The recently sequenced genome of Sorghum bicolor
(Paterson et al., 2009) has proven useful as a template to
understand the sugarcane genome (Ming et al., 1998, 2013;
Dufour et al., 1997). The sugarcane monoploid size is similar
to that of the haploid Sorghum genome (Zhang et al., 2012).
Sugarcane diverged from Sorghum less than 10 million years
ago (Jannoo et al., 2007; Lam et al., 2009). QTLs in an
S. spontaneum x S. ofcinarum segregating population, for both
high and low sugar content (Ming et al., 2013), all mapped to
one of eight distinct regions of the Sorghum genome. Loci of
interest in the larger sugarcane genome may reect a small
number of ancestral genes, simplifying manipulation during
crop improvement.

Sugarcane Industry Organization

Sugarcane production took place in nearly one hundred
countries (FAOSTAT, 2013) during 200112. Another 10
countries, mostly small producers, ceased commercial production during or before this period. Annual global sugar
production from sugarcane over this period was approximately
1.7 billion tons (Table 1). More than 90% was produced in
the top 20 producing countries (Table 2), concentrated in
tropical and subtropical areas. Central and South America
produced 53.1% of global output with an additional 36.9%
from Asia and 5.3% from Africa. The remainder was distributed with 2% or less from the Caribbean region, Oceania
(including Australia), North America, and Europe (0.0003%).
The largest single producer during this period was Brazil
(Table 2), with more than 500 million tons of cane production, reecting vigorous government investment in an integrated sugar and biofuel economy based on sugarcane. India
and China produced approximately 300 million and 100
million tons, respectively. Total production is closely related to
area harvested, although differences in yield per land area are
Average yields were largest in Central and South America
and Oceania (Table 1). Of the top 20 producers (Table 2),
only three have yields at or above 100 tons ha1 year1 Peru
(122 tons ha1 year1), Egypt (119 tons ha1 year1), and
Colombia (100 tons ha1 year1). Only 10 countries achieved
long-term average yields of 99 tons ha1 or above, mostly
characterized by prolonged dry periods and long growing
seasons (Waclawovsky et al., 2010). Many major producers,
such as Australia (82 tons ha1 year1), the United States
(78 tons ha1 year1), and Brazil (75 tons ha1 year1), exhibited lower average yields. Production areas, such as the


Sugar Crops

Cane produced (tons)

35 000 000
30 000 000
25 000 000
20 000 000


15 000 000
10 000 000
5 000 000





Area harvested (ha)

500 000
400 000
300 000


200 000
100 000






Cane yield (ton ha1 year1)









Figure 9 Fifty year trends in sugarcane production in the United States. Data obtained from the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service

northern coastal deserts of Peru and the inland desert valleys

of Southern California, arid and high irradiance environments,
may provide substantial opportunities for very high yields and
efcient use of limiting resources, such as land, water, and
Sugarcane production in the United States increased over
the past 50 years (Figure 9) by 12%, although land area devoted to sugarcane increased by 28.7% (19722012). By 2011,
the US industry had 4547% of planted area in Florida and
Louisiana, cool short season production environments, and
5.6% in southern Texas. Sugar production was 51% in Florida
and only 38% in Louisiana and 5.6% in Texas. During this
period the exceptionally productive Hawaiian industry declined by 87.3%. By 2011, Hawaii had 1.9% of US sugarcane
plantings but 4.5% of US production. Hawaiian yields peaked
at 220.0 tons ha1 year1 shortly before the collapse of the
industry on all but one of the sugar-producing islands. By
2013, only one sugar enterprise remained, on the island of
Maui. These observations suggest that agronomic factors are

not always decisive in determining the viability of a production system.

The sugarcane industry exists in a diverse matrix of countries, cultures, and economic systems. The organization of
production reects this diversity. In some areas, mills and
production elds are owned by a single entity, commonly
called a plantation system. This may represent large private
enterprises or cooperative associations. A signicant benet of
such organization is that improvements in both eld operations (yield, production costs, sugar content) and mill operations (prevention of cane deterioration, recovery percentage,
factory costs, and marketing) accrue to the benet of both
grower and rener, and there are inherent incentives for improvement and investment in both operations. However, in
much of the world, the industry is based on a large number of
independent producers providing cane to mills that are operated by an unrelated entity. The result is an unavoidable
conict of interest in which incentives to increase cane quality
and sugar recovery may not accrue to both parties, and

Sugar Crops

distortions of industry expansion and investment are common

(Todd et al., 2004).
These conicts have been addressed through a variety of
payment schemes (Todd et al., 2004), each with advantages
and disadvantages with respect to the economic viability of the
national sugarcane industry. Payments for cane delivery may
be based on the average quality of cane delivered to the mill,
which removes individual growers incentives to improve
quality. They may be based on the quality of an individual
growers cane, which incentivizes the individual. This results in
competition, either between the growers for a xed share of
revenues in xed revenue-sharing systems, or between individual growers and with the mill operator for a share of total
revenues in variable revenue-sharing systems. This latter option may spread risk and reward most equitably but is complex to administer and requires quality testing at multiple
points in the production pathway.
An example of a management decision that may depend
wholly on industry organization and payment scheme is length
of the harvest and milling season. A longer season makes most
efcient use of high cost-xed equipment at the mill but inevitably reduces cane quality and sugar recovery by extending
the harvest season to nonoptimal periods. Depending on
grower incentives and ownership of elds and mills, this improves protability for all participants, or only for the mill
owners. In some production areas, a blended system provides
individual incentives that are calculated on the basis the average
quality of cane delivered during each phase of the harvest (Todd
et al., 2004), rather than over the entire harvest season.

Sugarcane Growth and Management

Sugarcane production methods depend on soil type, rainfall,
drainage, and availability of labor and mechanized equipment. Adapted genotypes exhibit high productivity, whereas
the perennial life cycle allows economically efcient production, with one or more ratoon (stubble) crops. Replanting
from vegetative stalk segments is required only after several
generations when yields decline due to soil compaction, disease or pest pressure, reduced plant population, or cumulative
harvest damage.
Ratoon production varies with environment, cultivar, harvesting techniques, and management, ranging from no ratoon
crop to four or more. From two to ve appears to be a common range among current sugar production areas. Sugar yield
eventually declines, necessitating a fallow period and replanting with vegetative stalk pieces. The length of the ratoon
period is ultimately an economic decision, balancing replanting costs with foregone sugar yields but may be skewed
by considerations of labor supply, availability of new and
improved cultivars, and international sugar market conditions
(Ellis and Merry, 2004).
Planting costs are substantial in sugarcane, due to its vegetative mode of reproduction. Before replanting, the seed bed is
usually worked to remove the previous crop and any weeds and
to optimize soil tilth. Sugarcane is planted from vegetative stalk
segments. These may be long sections with only the tops removed, or they may be shorter sections, with one to three buds
per section. Both types of planting material may be hand cut or


delivered by mechanized harvesters from nearby elds that are

dedicated to seed production. This set aside from production is
a signicant cost of sugarcane establishment.
Stalk segments are planted in furrows that may be subsequently lled to result in at planting. This may provide
more even water availability and is suitable for many mechanized operations. However, erosion due to water runoff and
pressure from some soilborne pests may be exacerbated, and
crop waterlogging in poorly drained elds may be increased.
For these reasons, i.e., to channel runoff, to elevate cane above
moisture and moisture-attracted pests, and to raise soil temperatures, cane is often planted in ridges separated by wellmaintained furrows. Irrigation may then be provided through
the furrows if available and as required. If moisture availability
on the ridges is inadequate, the cane may be planted in the
furrows and ridges later constructed along the plant line, although this disruptive activity may slow growth.
Row spacing reects a balance between increased costs to
produced seed cane (planting stalks) and the time required for
the crop canopy to fully cover the ground for maximal interception of sunlight. Productivity is closely related to seasonal
intercepted solar radiation. In practice, row separation is usually between 1 and 2 m, with narrower spacing under poorer
growing conditions or where erosion is a threat (e.g., hillsides)
and wider spacing where rapid growth and canopy closure is
expected. In some cases, available equipment dictates row
In irrigated and highly favorable production environments,
cane is harvested at approximately 12 months of age, although
this may vary from 9 months in temperate climates with
unsuitable winter temperatures to 2436 months in cooler but
nonchilling environments or dryland situations with waterlimited growth. Sugarcane exhibits a sigmoidal growth curve,
as observed in sugar beet and other crops (Figure 10). The
sheer magnitude of the developing canopy has led to this exponential middle portion of the growth curve to be called the
period of Grand Growth.








Figure 10 Biomass production in sugarcane during regrowth

following harvest. This model from Simoes et al. (2005) describes the
4th and 5th rattoon of an early variety with vigorous regrowth in Brazil.
Vertical axis is above-ground biomass (tons ha  1); horizontal axis
is days after cutting. The curve is generated from the equation given
by Simoes et al. out to 480 days. BM120  exp(  (4.6981)) 
exp( (0.010098))  Days.


Sugar Crops

In many production areas, sugarcane is harvested by hand,

with cane knives or machetes and carried in bundles of 10
20 kg by individuals to collection points at the side of the
eld. Increasingly, harvest is mechanized, using machines that
trim the tops and then sever the stalk near the base, leaving
neatly aligned piles of intact stalks laid across the row. This
type of whole-stalk or soldier harvester imposes fewer cut
surfaces and reduces risks of quality deterioration but requires
burning in the piles and some additional logistical challenges.
It is used to prepare seed cane for whole-stalk planting in some
The alternative is a billet-cutting, or combine, harvester. This
approach does not require burning of the trash, which is blown
off during harvest by fans on the harvester. However, efciency
is improved by burning in the eld. The cane is cut at the top to
remove green portions, severed near the ground as above, and
then chopped into convenient lengths before ejection into a
receiving wagon pulled alongside. A highly mechanized system
was in use throughout Hawaii until the recent decline of that
industry. Fields were burned in place, then push-raked with
large tracked vehicles into piles, which were loaded by ineld
cranes into trucks that were driven on private cane haul roads to
the factory. Productivity and lodging in this system exceeded the
capacity of available harvest equipment.
Burning of the cane requires that irrigation be terminated
in a timely fashion and that rainfall does not occur during the
critical period. The primary benet of burning is to remove
leafy eld trash, both reducing the volume and weight of
material to be hauled to the mill and increasing the efciency
of mill operations. Ineld burning has the additional benet
of driving off or destroying pests and potentially dangerous
wildlife, before entry of harvest crews. Disadvantages are the
requirement for suitable weather and increasing concerns by
neighboring populations regarding the hazards and nuisance
of smoke inhalation.
Harvest method and the amount of soil and leafy trash
carried to the mill have a large inuence on sugar recovery.
Growth conditions and management, particularly harvest date,
may result in a wide range of juice content and soluble solids
(Brix, %). High-quality sugarcane stalks typically have a Brix of
approximately 18%, of which approximately 90% is sucrose.
Additional factors within the mill associated with crushing and
extraction, removal of impurities, and crystallization also have
a large effect on sugar recovery. In general approximately 10%
of fresh cane weight is recovered as sugar.
Sugarcane water requirements are substantial and highly
dependent on environment and crop growth stage. Sugarcane
is traditionally grown in the humid tropics, where ET is reduced by high relative humidity and where water is available
for extended periods of the growing season. As cultivation has
moved to higher radiation but drier environments, the risk of
crop water decit increased, and in many areas supplemental
or full irrigation has been applied. Although sugarcane is
considered a heavy user of water, the water requirements depend on the environment. It is most useful to consider water
requirements relative to alternative crop choices. For example,
in the hot, inland Imperial Valley of California, water requirements calculated from the crop coefcients provided by
the UN FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper No. 56 (Allen et al.,
1998) indicated that approximately 1.8 m of water was

required, about the same as the existing dominant crop in the

area, alfalfa (Medicago).
Sugarcane is sensitive to soil water depletion, with shoot
extension growth declining as available soil moisture declines
by less than 10%. Stomatal closure is slightly less sensitive,
beginning to decline approximately 15% depletion (Nable
et al., 1999). In parallel experiments in large pots, the more
drought tolerant, but closely related plant, Sorghum maintained both shoot growth and stomatal conductance until
approximately 50% depletion.
Successful cultivation of sugarcane has been achieved with
many types of irrigation systems, from furrow to sprinkler and
drip. Under some conditions, ood irrigation of at-planted cane
may be appropriate. With the large inputs of water required by
sugarcane, sufcient attention must be paid to drainage. This
must provide for an unsaturated root zone to 60 cm or more
(Ellis and Merry, 2004). Drainage must not lead to excessive
losses of irrigation water, particularly as may occur with furrow
systems in sandy elds, but must allow enough drainage through
the prole to avoid buildup of salts. Available commercial
sugarcane clones are not tolerant of saline conditions. Under
conditions of poorly drained soils with at gradients, it may be
necessary to provide drainage aids. These may be closely spaced
drainage ditches or even buried drain tile, which carry percolated
soil solution to nearby ditches and away from the eld.
In many production areas, runoff from sugarcane elds,
with its burden of nitrates, phosphates, dissolved carbon, and
pesticides, is an environmental threat to adjacent ecosystems
and is highly regulated. These relatively recent pressures, as
well as the long-standing imperative to control soil erosion
losses, make control of water inputs and drainage an important component of management.
Fertilizer requirements depend on the environment, previous crop, and residual soil fertility. In heavier, nonpeat soils,
substantial N fertilization is required for sustained yields. As in
most cropping systems, nitrogen is the nutrient that is most
likely to become limiting in sugarcane production (Irvine,
2004). In general, approximately 100 kg N ha1 is required for
the plant crop and approximately 150 kg ha1 for each successive ratoon crop. Nitrogen applications must be accompanied by sufcient irrigation or rainfall to facilitate uptake.
Because of the potential for losses due to deep drainage,
runoff, and volatilization, application of nitrogen is typically
delayed until rapid crop growth has begun and immediate
uptake and utilization are most likely to occur. In production
for sugar, nitrogen is applied early and the plant is allowed to
deplete soil reserves. This along with dry, cool weather leads to
ripening, or accumulation of sugar rather than ber in the
stalk. For bioenergy, later application of nitrogen will sustain
the maximum period of biomass accumulation.
Sugarcane is understood to be less N efcient than many
crop species, suggesting that alternative practices might be
considered. There is recent evidence that Saccharum may differ
from even closely related cereal crops, in preferentially utilizing ammonium rather than nitrate from the soil N pool
(Robinson et al., 2011). As nitrate fertilizers are labile in the
environment, increased use of other, particularly more reduced, forms of N may reduce the environmental impact of
sugarcane and energy cane cultivation and reduce the net
greenhouse gas balance of associated biofuels.

Sugar Crops

Under some conditions, deciencies of potassium, calcium,

and phosphorous will have to be addressed, based on soil test.
Other nutrients are essential but at much lower levels and are
not commonly limiting, including magnesium, sulfur, iron,
boron, manganese, zinc, copper, nickel, molybdenum, and
chloride. Calcium is typically applied as lime before planting,
usually with the intent to raise soil pH, as levels in most soils
are sufcient. Addition of lime may increase the availability of
phosphorous and reduce the availability of aluminum. Potassium is not often decient, and oversupply of this element
will carry over into the mill, passing through clarication to
accumulate in the molasses where it impedes crystallization of
sugar and reduces recovery (Irvine, 2004).
Pest management in sugarcane reects the fact that sugarcane is typically grown in a monoculture. This accentuates the
risk of epiphytotics, although sugarcane is not an extremely
vulnerable crop. On a global basis, sugarcane is susceptible to
a number of bacterial diseases, leading to stunted growth,
occluded xylem, and foliar symptoms and a variety of fungal
diseases from rusts, mildews, and smuts to rots that consume
the sugar storage tissues in the stalk. Effective production requires vigilance, as unexpected diseases may appear suddenly.
Although seed pieces (setts) may be treated with fungicide, the
principal defense against known diseases is through genetic
resistance acquired in sugarcane-breeding programs.
In some environments, insect pressure may be severe and
may require treatment. Sugarcane is subject to attack by stalkboring insects, and buried seed pieces are vulnerable to a wide
variety of pests that may destroy the viable buds. Nematodes
may be a problem in sandy soils. Leaf feeders are typically not
a major challenge to sugarcane culture except that some, such
as leafhoppers, may vector serious viral diseases. Where
available, the use of biological control has often proven
effective. As with pathogens, the most effective defense is
genetic resistance derived in the breeding programs.
Weeds are a serious challenge in sugarcane culture because
of the relatively slow canopy closure. This provides weeds a
prolonged period of full sunlight and minimal competition
from the developing crop. In particular, a wide variety of
grasses are difcult to remove once the cane crop becomes
established. If weeds can be suppressed in the early season,
eventually the dense sugarcane canopy, with LAI up to seven,
will provide effective suppression of most weeds. Tillage and
preemergent herbicides are the most successful control
Sugarcane is grown in a large number of countries under a
very wide range of conditions. Although the ancestral chewing
canes were strictly tropical, with introgression of highly diverse
wild relatives, sugarcane has now spread, often under irrigation, to environments characterized by cool winters and very
hot summers. Sugarcane remains a dominant source of natural
sweetener in global markets.

Future Prospects for Sugar Crops

Sugar Beet
With the use of sugar beets, the yield of sugar achieved in most
of the principal beet-producing countries has increased


substantially over the last several decades. Most of this yield

progress is due to increasing root yields (Figure 2), although
sugar content in beets has increased less or been largely stable
(Jaggard et al., 2012). Yield increases can be attributed to
several interacting factors, including improvements in plant
breeding techniques and information technology, improved
seed quality and agronomic practices, and planting and harvesting machinery. Where adopted, all these practices have led
to improved overall efciency in the sugar beet industry, from
crop production to factory operations (Parkin and De Bruijn,
2010). Increasing levels of atmospheric CO2 have also contributed to increasing yields over time. Weigel and Manderschied (2012), Jaggard et al. (2007), Demmers-Derks et al.
(1998), and others have correlated signicant increases in root
yield and total biomass under enriched CO2 conditions when
fertilization levels were sufcient to support increased crop
growth. Part of the effect was attributed to warmer summer
temperatures (Jaggard et al., 2007). Crop nitrogen use efciency was also improved in many industrialized production
areas (Figure 11). Increasing levels of atmospheric CO2 should
support slowly increasing yield trends if other agronomic
factors are adjusted appropriately for higher yield expectations.
Donatelli et al. (2003) in a modeling study suggested that in
regions where temperatures increase due to climate change,
irrigation may be needed to sustain yield increases. Similarly,
Jones et al. (2003) predicted signicant yield increases but also
increased yield variance due to more frequent occurrences of
drought in parts of Europe.
Comparisons of yields and yield trends among developed
and developing regions indicate that there is still substantial
technical opportunity for improvement in beet crop yields in
many areas of the world. For example, yields in California are
two or more times greater than those in Egypt and Iran, with
areas with similar climates. In recent years, there has been a
signicant investment made in molecular genetics and the use
of transgenic traits for herbicide tolerance and pest and disease
resistance has taken place. Currently, herbicide-tolerant sugar
beets are grown in the United States and Canada but have not
been accepted for use in other countries due to differing perceptions of risk and regulatory cultures. Nonetheless, the potential value of molecular breeding to improve crop
productivity, reduce pesticide use, and increase overall efciency is widely recognized within the industry and is expected
to eventually become part of hybrid development programs
(Lathouwers et al., 2005).
Part of the value of molecular breeding techniques is their
potential to improve environmental performance in sugar beet
production systems, especially where intensive agricultural
practices are carried out (McGrath et al., 2007). Mrlnder et al.
(2003) identied several additional new technologies for improving the environmental performance of beet production,
including conservation tillage, and integrated production
strategies to reduce inputs and use of pesticides and fertilizers
per unit yield and off-farm emissions. Kaffka et al. (2005,
2001, 1999) had demonstrated the use of precision agricultural techniques and the capacity of sugar beets to use lowquality water for irrigation to improve salinity management in
salt-affected areas and to recover nutrients where groundwater
and surface water are affected by eutrophication. In general,
there has been an improvement in the efciency of sugar beet


Sugar Crops


Sugar yield
N rate





N (kg ha1)

Sugar yield (t ha1)










Figure 11 Yield and N fertilizer-use trends from France. Yields have increased, whereas N fertilizer use has declined. This phenomenon is
common throughout the sugar beet industry in regions with developed, intensive agricultural systems. Reproduced from Cariolle, M., Duvall, R.,
2006. Nutrition nitrogen. In: Draycott, P. (Ed.), Sugar Beet. Oxford: Blackwell Publication Ltd, pp. 169184 (Chapter 8), with permission from John
Wiley and Sons.

production over time. The labor invested in producing a hectare of sugar beets has declined, whereas yields have increased.
Both sugarcane and sugar beet provide a readily fermentable source of carbohydrates for conversion to ethanol, other
higher alcohols, and biochemical feedstocks. The efciency
attributed to sugarcane as a biofuel source is due in part to the
use of bagasse for the production of electricity needed to
power the sugar or ethanol renery. In contrast, sugar beet
residues are commonly fed to livestock because they are a
highly digestible feed for ruminant livestock. Because the ber
portion of beet roots is digestible and low in lignin, they can
also be converted to C6 and C5 sugars using enzymes (Santek,
et al., 2010). This increases the overall sugar yield from beets
available for fermentation to alcohols and makes beets a
promising bioenergy feedstock (Panella and Kaffka, 2011),
which compares favorably to both sugarcane and strictly cellulosic feedstocks (Figure 12). In Europe, some of the sugar
produced at reneries in excess of sugar market requirements is
converted to ethanol (Klenk and Kunz, 2008). Beet roots also
digest readily when used in anaerobic digesters and are used
for this purpose on a wide scale in Germany and elsewhere in
Europe (Demirel and Scherer, 2008).

Well-adapted sugarcane clones are considerably closer than
most crop species, including those with the same photosynthetic pathway, to achieving theoretical maximal yields of
approximately 6% of the energy available in sunlight (Zhu
et al., 2008). The maximum reported efciency in the eld is
only approximately 4.3%. Maximum theoretical potential
productivity of sugarcane is approximately 280 tons ha1
year1, and with reduction for radiation striking bare ground
during incomplete canopy closure, approximately 220 tons

ha1 year1 of above-ground biomass. With a harvest index of

approximately 0.8 (leaving only roots, stubble, and some leafy
trash in the eld), potential above-ground dry biomass yield is
177 tons ha1 year1, equivalent to 360380 tons ha1 year1
of fresh millable stalk material (Waclawovsky et al., 2010).
This is substantial relative to other potential crops.
Yields of sugarcane have increased steadily in many production areas, by approximately 1% year1, reaching approximately 150 tons ha1 year1 of above-ground dry
biomass under optimal experimental conditions in irrigated,
high irradiance conditions in Brazil (Waclawovsky et al.,
2010). Record commercial yields were lower, approximately
120 tons ha1 year1, and typical grower yields yet lower
(Table 1), globally averaging approximately 35 tons ha1
year1 dry biomass or 72 tons ha1 year1 of millable cane
over the rst decade of the current millenium. In sugarcane, as
in other crops, closing the gap between record and typical
yields is an important goal for sugarcane production both for
sugar and for bioenergy.
As producers around the world seek to expand production
of sugarcane for sugar and bioethanol by expanding production into marginal areas, efforts will intensify to develop
tolerance to drought, heat, and chilling. Efforts in Brazil to
extend production to the south (higher latitudes), and in the
United States to expand production northward and into the
western inland valleys, have stimulated considerable efforts to
enhance chilling tolerance in high-yielding clones. Genetic
improvement of tolerance to heat and chilling appears feasible
by selection among current germplasm, by further crossing
with related wild species, particularly S. spontaneum, which
exhibits considerable tolerance to abiotic stresses (Moore,
1987), and with the closely related genus, Miscanthus.
Sugarcane may represent a bridge crop for biofuel production from other sources. Current commercial clones provide sugar in high yields for direct fermentation. These clones

Sugar Crops


From lignocellulose
From sugar/starch
Theoretical ethanol yield

12 000

Ethanol yield (l ha1)

10 000









nt A)
c S
is U








ea r
r b uga
g s
Su C6

Figure 12 Potential ethanol yields from selected feedstocks. Crops like beets can be produced with high yields and efciency using current or
near-term technology. Light blue, current or simple technology, mid-blue (new or pilot-scale technology) and dark blue (no current technology
available-the theoretical conversion limit). Reproduced from Kaffka, S.R., Zhang, T., Kendall, A.M., Yeo, B.-L., 2014. Advanced technology and
modeling support biofuel production from beets in California. Proceedings of the 74th IIRB congress, Dresden. Available at:
(accessed 29.04.14).

also provide lignocellulose in bagasse and eld trash (leaves)

for current exploitation as a combustion fuel at the sugar mill
and for future exploitation as a biofuel once required technologies mature. In many sugarcane systems, direct combustion of trash and bagasse provides much of the energy to
evaporate sugarcane juice. In some areas, the material is used
to cogenerate electricity, which may be produced in excess of
mill requirements and sold into the local electricity grid.
Current breeding programs are seeking to enhance stress tolerance and vigor, thereby reducing inputs and expanding
production areas. This is done through selection and by increasing the percentage of other Saccharum species and related
genera. Use of sugarcane to produce ethanol from sugar has
the advantage of exibility, as executed in Brazil. Here the
sugar can be diverted between consumption and fermentation
at short notice in response to market conditions.
Selection for high sugar has potentially created a genetic
bottleneck that has narrowed the genetic resources from which
high biomass and low- or high-lignin clones might be selected.
This may have reduced maximum potential productivity in
current commercial germplasm. This may be relieved as selection for total biomass in pursuit of efcient lignocellulosic
bioenergy feedstocks is undertaken. Higher ber clones that
still contain relatively high sugar have been termed Type I
Energy Canes (Tew and Cobill, 2008). These were advocated
some time ago by Alexander (1985). Selection within current
breeding programs will most likely identify improved Type I

cultivars, with somewhat higher ber and lower sugar

than conventional selections within these programs, but improved total biomass production Tew and Cobill, 2008).
These may be a stop-gap solution toward maximum biofuel
In the long run, dedicated clones are more likely to outperform these compromise candidates in terms of biomass
production, stress tolerance, and yields of lignocellulosic biofuel. These Type II clones are more likely to require separate
crossing and selection programs. The emphasis will be on
biomass production with stress tolerance. There appears to be
considerable potential for enhanced productivity. Lignin and
cellulose are coregulated at the level of gene expression
(Ragauskas et al., 2006) with studies in other species suggesting that repressing lignin may increase cellulose synthesis
and digestibility. Further, stress tolerance has been linked to
high ber content (Ming et al., 2001; Irvine, 1977), which will
be more readily exploited for energy cane than it has been for
sugarcane. As the lignocellulosic industry matures, selection
for high- or low-lignin content may allow ne-tuning of cultivars for specic biofuel conversion processes. Improvement
of tolerance to cold and heat will allow cultivation of the
sugarcane feedstock in regions where the fuel markets are
strongest, reducing transportation costs. In this case, market
forces may reverse the decline in sugarcane and energy cane
production observed in countries, such as the United States
(Figure 9), as multiple product streams are developed.


Sugar Crops

A large amount of sugar from sugarcane production is diverted
currently to ethanol. Brazil has demonstrated the feasibility of
an integrated sugar/ethanol economy and many other countries are now developing this capacity. Ethanol from sugarcane
sugar is at present one of the most efcient sources of biofuels
that can be produced on a large scale. With future development of lignocellulosic processes, ethanol yields could increase
by threefold, and the environmental benets of sugarcane
biofuel will be even greater (Oliverio et al., 2010). However,
once bagasse can be directly converted into other fuels, other
cellulosic sources of biomass that produce little sugar but are
inexpensive like crop residues and woody biomass will also
become available. A distinct advantage of biofuel programs
based on Type I or Type II energy cane clones is that the
breeding, selection, management, and materials handling aspects of the production system are already well established for
sugarcane. In a similar manner, this is also true for sugar beets
that are used to a lesser extent as an ethanol source. These
advantages of existing sugar crops will remain a factor in
favoring their use compared with strictly cellulosic materials.
Some countries are more dependent on sugar production for
their trade than others. Although sugar production is less important in nations that produce sugar beet, the crop has an
important biological role in crop rotations and an important
economic role in providing income to farmers and processing
and rening jobs locally. Also, established industries representing signicant capital investment have been developed to
process beets into sugar. The cost of growing and processing
sugar beet in the industrialized world is higher on an average
than equivalent costs for sugarcane. This is due in part to differences in labor and other costs, the value of assets devoted to
crop production in the industrialized and developing nations,
and environmental regulations. It is unclear how trade issues
affecting sugar beet production will be resolved in the future.

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Relevant Websites
American Society of Sugar Beet Technologists.


Sugar Crops
Institute for Sugar Beet Research.
International Institute of Sugar Beet Research.
Southern Minnesota Beet Sugar Cooperative.
United States Department of Agriculture/Economic Research Service.
USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service.

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