Pax Neo Tech

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Foreword By Mark Hamilton

The special release that follows is the secret formula to biological immortality. The highly-guarded secret formula
contains the only knowledge on Earth that can change mortals to immortals.
There has existed for many years an exclusive association, a secret society of renowned physicians and research
doctors, leading scientists and intellectuals, self-made entrepreneurs and artists, multi-millionaires and
billionaires happy, powerful people who sense the eternal value of their minds and soulsexceptional people who
know how to get things done.
They have enormous talents, influences and money. They certainly know how to live and absolutely do not want to
die. They sense their eternal value and cannot reconcile why they or their children must die. They plan to cure
death for themselves, for their children, for their grandchildren.
Perhaps you have seen a documentary on the Discovery Channel about one or two of those individuals.
But mostly their identities remain secret in our secret society. Why? The vast majority of people on Earth cannot
handle thoughts of living forever. The idea frightens them. The idea scares people away even friends and
sometimes family.
That secrecy begins to cast some understandings into the next statement: Deep within this secret society exists,
right now, Earths first immortals. Its true, and almost no one knows. It is the greatest kept secret of all time.
The small circle of immortals is not fantasy. They exist right now and wait for you right here in the secret parallel
society. To them, the loss of human life, loss of the supreme value, is unacceptable. Study, study, study the secret
formula to immortality that follows. Immortality is attainable. The shift from a mortal to an immortal is
psychological. When the shift comes, then the race is on. You saw that effect in your third heirloom package, in the
largefactional story about Miss Annabelle, her students, and their special Group, aka the Neo-Tech Secret
They have enormous talents, influences and money. They certainly know how to live and absolutely do not want to
die. They sense their eternal value and cannot reconcile why they or their children must die. They plan to cure
death for themselves, for their children, for their grandchildren.
Perhaps you have seen a documentary on the Discovery Channel about one or two of those individuals.
But mostly their identities remain secret in our secret society. Why? The vast majority of people on Earth cannot
handle thoughts of living forever. The idea frightens them. The idea scares people away even friends and
sometimes family.
That secrecy begins to cast some understandings into the next statement: Deep within this secret society exists,
right now, Earths first immortals. Its true, and almost no one knows. It is the greatest kept secret of all time.
The small circle of immortals is not fantasy. They exist right now and wait for you right here in the secret parallel
society. To them, the loss of human life, loss of the supreme value, is unacceptable. Study, study, study the secret
formula to immortality that follows. Immortality is attainable. The shift from a mortal to an immortal is
psychological. When the shift comes, then the race is on. You saw that effect in your third heirloom package, in the
large factional story about Miss Annabelle, her students, and their special Group, aka the Neo-Tech Secret
Earths first immortals have special Neo-Tech knowledge and enormous power and money to pursue their science
the only scientifically sound approach to curing aging and death on our planet. Their exciting breakthroughs,
mind you, are not shared beyond our group. Most others are caught in stagnation traps and need death as their
only escape, or they are deeply committed to their religion and faith. So be it; God bless them all.

But the first immortals on Earth, deep in the Neo-Tech Secret Society, refuse to release their identities or
discoveries, for most others would scoff at them or scold them. Telling others is a waste of energy and time,
which is the most precious commodity to Earths first immortals. Moreover, the establishment would make it very
difficult for this small, powerful group to pursue its science.
Earths first immortals walk around in society work, raise children, vacation like everyone else but they walk
around with a highly-guarded secret: they are part of the only group of people with the correct scientific
approach to curing their eventual deaths, especially their own childrens eventual deaths. They do not accept
growing old, dying, losing the immortal value of their minds and their childrens souls.
So, we want you to study, study, study the following literature, Pax Neo-Tech, written by leading-member Dr. Frank
R. Wallace. He has created the secret formula to shift you from a mortal to an immortal. All my Level-One-Meeting
apprentices need to study the following formula all the way through. Thoroughly absorb its message. I need you to
do that to be ready for your shocking Level-Two secret meeting next month...
Discover Your Future of Riches
[2006 Supplement]
Reaping endless riches and romance requires discovering your future with Neo-Tech as newly revealed in Pax
Neo-Tech via its two wide-sweep actions:
Action #1 sweeps readers out of dead-end psychologies anchored in a 2500-year-old matrix yielding loss
and failure. That same action then sweeps readers into sparkling-new psychologies of honesty and rationality
yielding riches and romance.
Action #2 sweeps away ancient illusions that pretend politics and/or religion play net-beneficial roles in
conscious life.
Pax Neo-Tech discredits both left-and-right utopianisms -- utopianisms of socialism and religion. Then
with striking-new knowledge flowing from Pax Neo-Tech, readers break free from 2500 years of authoritarian
frauds yielding stagnation and failure. ...Once free, readers reap power and prosperity as described below:
Pax Neo-Tech is not about illusionary power via gung-ho positive thinking and affirmations that trap
conscious life in delusionary worlds of false hopes. Instead, Pax Neo-Tech is about unbeatable power via quiet
negative thinking and nullifications that release conscious life into new worlds of open-ended riches.
Lasting prosperity flows not from collectivist wisdoms and dogmatic instructions. Instead, endless
prosperity flows from profitable predictions and unique neothinking revealed by Pax Neo-Tech.
The initial journey into Pax Neo-Tech delivers piercing facts about which some readers object and then
flee. Yet, the refrain is to read on. Read on. Continuous waves of hoax-purging honesties combined with new-color
facts wash away those objections as the reader speeds toward a flourishing new life.
Pax Neo-Tech slays the twin monsters that have manipulated and drained every person on Earth for 2500
years. Those monsters are dishonesty and irrationality disguised as politics and religion. By nullifying both
monsters at once, Pax Neo-Tech frees its readers so each can create his or her own world of joyfully-prosperous
About You

First, realize that Earth's final war is underway. It is a war of two worlds. It is a war of value producers versus
value destroyers. It is a war of rational honesties versus irrational dishonesties.
Be not afraid. Be not a loser. For, now you can profit in all situations. How? By learning to harness the hidden
power of raw honesty -- a new Illuminati power rising from Pax Neo-Tech -- an uncanny predicting power.
[Editors note: The term Illuminati used throughout the Neo-Tech literature refers not to the 18th-century
Weishaupt-conspiratorial myth discussed mainly among todays paranoid. No, instead, the word Illuminati refers
to new knowledge and power rising from non-manipulative/wide-scope honesty that competitively obsoletes a
world awash in dogmatically-narrow truths -- dishonestly-manipulated truths.]
Start uncovering that new Illuminati power with three strangely-distant questions: (1) Have genocidal Jihadists
already won the War of Two Worlds? (2) Enthusiastically backed by perhaps a half-billion Islamic fundamentalists
(out of a billion-and-a-half Muslims worldwide), will those Jihadists achieve their scripture-commanded goal to
terminate free-will/free-choice life on Earth? (3) Will a dark age descend upon Earth under an Islamic flag via an
apocalyptic kill-em-all Iranian leader preparing for the coming of the Ninth Imam by using nuclear weapons to rid
the world of infidels?
End with three even-stranger questions: (1) Will you submit to Allah to be impoverished? (2) Will you resist to be
beheaded? ...Or, (3) will you unleash the Illuminati power revealed in Pax Neo-Tech to gain clean-sweep riches in
bust or boom, in war or peace?
Answers to those unusual questions provide the first Illuminati key. That key unlocks a new psychology
and thinking protocol that profitably overrides weak-minded crowd psychology and group thinking. ...Here is that
first Illuminati key: If America loses Earths final war, it will not lose because of Islamic irrationalities exploited by
God-is-Great Osama bin Laden. Instead, America will lose because of Evangelical irrationalities exploited by
God-Bless-Everyone George W. Bush.
By pandering to Christian fundamentalists, President Bush won elections. However, by promoting
repellently-irrational evangelical certainties, he unleashed secular backlashes aimed at sinking his presidency
by keeping him from defeating genocidal terrorism. Yet, as Commander in Chief of the worlds single superpower
capable of defeating the Islamic Jihadists, only President Bush can constitutionally and militarily prevent
Americas defeat in Earths final war. ...If America and the civilized world lose the war to genocidal terrorists, then
neither Pax Neo-Tech nor any other value of civilization will matter since the future for happy-and-successful
conscious life will disappear.
Yet, in the frame of todays reality, religious-right conservatives are the backbone of Americas self-defense
military and anti-terrorist effectiveness. Without their nation-defending/war-supporting attitudes, America would
be unable to fight successfully much less win the war against genocidal Jihadists. ...Pax Neo-Tech maps the way
out of that conundrum by profitably undermining the hatreds of both the left and right.
Hate much; Lose all
Hate not; Profit much
Not only did the Iraqi-bribed/tyrant-infested United Nations along with socialist/fascist European elitists
launch defeat-America attacks but so did phalanxes of Bush-hating American politicians along with their mediaand-celebrity soul mates.

Certain secular groups of Americans so blindly hate Bush that they purposely bolster an enemy dedicated
to destroying Americas economy and murdering its citizens. Those Americans want Bush destroyed by defeating
him in every possible way. For them, the worse the economy, the more suffering, the more dead Americans the
better. Why? To destroy the God-promoting Bush presidency and end Republican control of Congress.
Through their deeply-dishonest mainstream media epitomized by the New York Times, will those virulent
Americans hammer President Bush into a fallen Oedipus Rex unable to win Earths final war? Will they deliver
victory to suicide Jihadists focused on destroying America and Western Europe?
As misguided and faulty as President George W. Bush or former President William J. Clinton may be, they
are not haters. They roam not among the coalition of kill-em-all sociopaths. By contrast, as rhapsodic and brilliant
as Bible/Qur'an/Torah thumpers or Socialist/Fascist/Green screamers may be, they are haters. They roam
among the coalition of kill-em-all sociopaths aiming to defeat America and eliminate happy conscious life.
Still, extremely defeating was President Clintons failure to implement rational self-defense actions and
war-winning strategies throughout the 1990s during his two terms in office. That failure culminated with President
Bushs gaping error in not seeking a full, FDR-type Congressional Declaration of War on September 12, 2001. ...To
survive, America must nullify all genocidal terrorism aimed at destroying America. For example, without nullifying
a terrorist-enabling/nuclear-weaponizing Iran and the terrorist-portal Syria, not only America but also Western
Europe will succumb to Islamic Jihadists.
Most defeating, however, are hate-filled Americans instigating war-losing politics by judicializing politics while
politicizing not only valid public-protection laws but also needed national-defense actions as they falsely claim that
President Bush lied to cause the Iraqi war. Yet, unlike his accusers, Bush did not lie. Instead, he focused on
meeting his supreme constitutional responsibility to protect American citizens and the nations economy from
Iraqi-enabled Jihadists from ultimately destroying America and the worlds free-market economies.
Yet, despite todays clear-and-present danger, domestic Bush haters increasingly heap politically-correct
appeasements, lethal military weaknesses, and economic damages -- debilitating wounds -- upon a rapidlyweakening America engaged in a life-and-death struggle to win Earths final war.
Blunt Specifics
Consider the war-losing destructions piled on a gullible public by Dean/Pelosi/Reid-type political rogues as well
as by Bush-loathing journalists, Marxist-tenured academics, and neurotically-shrieking celebrities. Equally
destructive, however, are the murderously-bizarre harms piled on a gullible public by Pat-Robertson-type Godsmiting psychopaths as well as by abortion-clinic-bombing born agains, secularist/atheist-reviling radio-talkshow hosts, and kill-the-infidels apocalyptic religious leaders.
Now, consider blindly-following duped losers from the political left and right: Far-left political followers seek false
moral superiority by, for example, applauding the immature harangues and profane diatribes by anointed
Hollywood icons. Similarly, far-right religious followers seek false moral superiority by, for example, flaunting
self-righteousness by embracing the vicious insanities of holy men ranging from Osama-bin-Laden-type mass
murderers (let Jihadists kill em all) to Falwell/LaHaye/Jenkins-type apocalyptic charlatans (let God kill em all).
Such left-and-right non-thinking allegiances march blind followers into sabotaging Americas self-defense war
against bio/nuclear terrorisms -- a war that the United States can now lose easily and disastrously as Iran and
Syria increasingly train, finance, and soon nuclear arm a world of apocalyptic terrorists.
Finally, consider that in November 2005, Islamic micro-terrorists (see Coda #2, Pax Law) wantonly burned and
ravaged cities across Jihadist-appeasing France to highlight Western Europes and perhaps Americas current

inability to win the War of Two Worlds. What will happen, for example, if France falls into Islamic-dominated chaos
and anarchy? What will happen to Frances extensive arsenal of sophisticated nuclear weaponry replete with
reliably-accurate delivery systems, including intercontinental ballistic missiles?
Consider this scenario: Holy-warrior Jihadists are globally-dispersed and deeply-hidden. They exist
everywhere and nowhere at the same time. In 1957, the then Senator John F. Kennedy presciently noted in Senate
Resolution #153 the hopelessness of a war in which the enemy was both everywhere and nowhere at the same
Adding to that hopelessness is the fact that tens-of-millions vengeful Muslim fundamentalists populating
every area on Earth consider the Islamic terrorist as an awesome hero and avidly support each in his or her
mission to destroy not only America but also to terminate the individual rights and happy freedoms radiating from
Western cultures. ...Thus, with infidel-murdering Muslims crushing the United States from without and Bush-hating
Americans collapsing the United States from within, will genocidal Jihadists ultimately rule over a demolished
Western world?
Waiting for the Coup de Grce
Realize that Jihadists dispersed throughout America will wait patiently for years as your polite-and-good
neighbors. Then one day, they shall coldly murder you and your loved ones. Remember, such Jihadists silently
prepared and waited for eight years from their first attempt to bring down the World-Trade Twin Towers in 1993
to successfully bringing them down in 2001, suddenly murdering two-thousand innocent value creators and
Today, America-embedded Jihadists quietly avoid lesser acts of terrorism to (1) prevent detection, (2)
diminish Americas readiness, and (3) magnify their impact when they finally do strike. Thus, they will wreak
maximum psychological, economic, and genocidal havoc on America.
Finally, consider a scenario possibly underway right now: The Jihadists quietly plan, prepare, and train
with endless patience. They wait for the Islamic signal to detonate perhaps old-Soviet or Pakistani black market
obtained (or, perhaps soon, new Iranian obtained) nuclear, radiological, and/or bio-chemical devices smuggled
across Americas porous borders and into its major cities.
When fully ready and success is maximally assured, those terrorists will detonate their devices -perhaps this year, perhaps in five years. In the meantime, dishonest politicians, lawyers, judges, and journalists
who are insanely weakening Americas intelligence-gathering and self-defense capabilities are enabling the
Jihadists goal of destroying civilized life not only in America but also around the globe.
For example, as the first part of the terrorists plan: They may detonate just one but probably two or
three such devices simultaneously in separate cities, killing perhaps a million or more people while collapsing
Americas economy and confidence. ...How can America defend itself from such attacks? Who, what, and where
does America attack when no military or industrial targets exist to attack? What enemy exists to defeat, conquer,
and over whom to claim victory?
Realize that in World-War II, the ferociously-resisting leaders of Japan suddenly surrendered and quickly
submitted to the unconditional demands of America after the nuclear destructions of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Todays leaders of a seditiously-weakened America and Europe will likewise surrender and submit to Jihadists
demands. When? Certainly after the obliteration of several American cities and perhaps a European city or two
coupled with credible threats to kill civilians by the tens of millions with continual apocalyptic detonations across
America and Europe.

Both America and Europe will then capitulate. With that surrender, the Jihadists will order Western infidels along
with their armed forces, civilian personnel, and financial support out of the Greater Middle East -- including the
state of Israel marked for extermination by nuclear-weaponizing Iran. The Jihadists can then overthrow and take
over Middle-Eastern governments -- especially Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States.
From their seizing control of the worlds economy-controlling oil production and reserves, religious-crazed
Wahhabism sociopaths can sink any strategically-selected economy of the infidel Western World. Thus, they will
begin their global-coercion plan by demanding open borders for Muslims. They will then aggressively populate
Western cultures with Jihadists and their supporters. ...Thus, they will achieve their centuries-old goal of
converting Western-World infidels into Muslims by killing those who resist.
At the same time, those Jihadists will gain the financial means and political might to build and/or acquire
undeterred arsenals of nuclear weapons and intercontinental delivery systems, perhaps even doomsday hydrogen
bombs by overtaking, for example, Frances nuclear arsenal. The Jihadists can then turn their terrorist focus on
finally clubbing and dragging Russia and Asian-Pacific countries, including China, into dark-age Islam to
accomplish the their holy goal of ending free-will/free-choice life on Earth.

Pure Beauty Rising

Hopeless? Not at all. For, today, Pax Neo-Tech rises not only to break the lethal grip of politics and religion, but
also to detoxify the Jihadist kill-em-all meme. ...A universal civilization will then unfold under new-color banners
of honest business, science, and art as described throughout Pax Neo-Tech.
Nietzsche observed, Mans most enduring stupidity is forgetting what he is trying to do. Pax Neo-Tech
serves as the indelible reminder of mans primary task and responsibility for achieving ever-expanding
prosperity, health, and happiness here on planet Earth.
With disturbing storms of sharply-cutting facts followed by unchecked sweeps of reality, Pax Neo-Tech shreds and
nullifies the quadrangle of paired free-will/free-choice-destroying toxins. Those four venomous pairs comprise:
(1) biases and prejudices, (2) faiths and ideologies, (3) religions and irrationalities, (4) politics and dishonesties.
Together, they yield declining lives, lawless societies, and genocidal leaders. ...Can Neo-Tech nullify in time and on
planetary scales those deadly toxins? Can man survive? Can he prevail?
Man will not only survive; but he will prevail
[quote from novelist William Faulkners 1950 Nobel-Laureate address]
Pax Neo-Tech shows readers not only how to competitively survive, but also how to prosperously prevail.
Indeed, this opus deploys a new Illuminati code that undermines and then obsoletes the 2500-year-old psychology
lethally gripping Earth today. ...Harnessing that code unleashes raw honesty that dissolves the traps and snares
woven from millennia of deceptions and mysticisms propagated by politics and religion.
In 1933, the great depression brought acceptance of a single central idea by the American populace:
Harness President Roosevelts (FDRs) dubious progressive politics to prevent a communist or fascist takeover of
America. Today, the threat of conscious-life extinction can bring acceptance of a single central idea by world
populations: Replace dishonest politics and irrational religion with honest business and rational science to prevent
an apocalyptic Islamic, Christian, Socialist, or Fascist takeover of todays nuclear/bio-weaponized world.
The replacement of politics and religion requires cracking the Illuminati Code. The final version of Pax
Neo-Tech meets that requirement. How successful cracking that Code will be with individual readers and
eventually with world populations are questions that Pax Neo-Tech cannot answer. Yet, as already experienced by
many thousands of readers, Neo-Tech can boom the prosperity, health, and happiness of any individual reader via
the 10-second miracles, digital bullets, and future-predicting dynamics flowing from Pax Neo-Tech.
Quo Vadis Neo-Tech?
Where are you going, Neo-Tech? Read Pax Neo-Tech once. Read it twice. Read it until you experience a quantum
jump into a previously unknown existence that guarantees not only survival in the War of Two Worlds but also an
ever-prosperous, happy future for you and your loved ones. ...To understand your coming new life, first consider
the Keller/Sullivan WATER/reality breakthrough:
The WATER/Reality Breakthrough
From scarlet fever in infancy, Helen Keller plunged into a dark-and-silent dungeon. Thenceforth, she had
no way to know or experience the world of sight and sound. Thus, in her early childhood, Helen lived as a trapped
wild animal, never knowing a world beyond dark silence until Miracle Worker Anne Sullivan came into her

existence. ...After capturing and isolating that little wild beast, Anne worked daily, tirelessly for many long months
seeking the key to Helens passageway out of a seemingly-inescapable world of dead-end silence and darkness.
Then, one day as Anne repeatedly traced the letters W-A-T-E-R into Helens tactilely-sensitive hand while
pumping cool water over her other hand, the little girl suddenly shrieked joyfully as she burst the confines of her
silent darkness. Discovering for the first time a link between her mind and the outside world, she eagerly rushed
into a completely new existence of intense learning, understanding, and knowing.
Helen Keller had experienced a psychological shift of cosmic dimensions: Her conscious mind for the first
time connected to the outside universe. Her psychology abruptly and profoundly changed. She had quantum
jumped from being a wild animal engulfed in black ignorance to a hard-driving seeker of universal light as
knowledge and understandings flooded in from her newly discovered world.
With Anne Sullivans devoted tutelage, Helen relentlessly strove to read, write, and then speak as she
unquenchably conquered her boundless new world. By 23 years of age, Helen Keller had written an international
bestselling autobiography still in print today. The next year, in 1904, Helen graduated cum laude from Radcliffe
College. She proceeded to become a world-renowned writer, speaker, celebrity, and the leading fund-raising
advocate for the American Foundation for the Blind of which she was a permanent board member. In 1964,
President Johnson awarded her the Medal of Freedom. ...Without sight or sound, Helen Keller had constructed a
powerful connection to reality that often led to knowing beyond what others see and hear.
For the past 2500 years, Earths populace has remained trapped in lethal cultures built upon the dark
deceptions of politics and religion. Earthlings had no way to know or experience a natural life -- a continuous life
of ever-expanding prosperity, health, and romance in a universe of honesty and rationality.
Now comes Pax Neo-Tech to spark quantum jumps out of the psychological traps embedded everywhere
in politics and religion followed by a Helen-Keller-type quantum jump into a luminously-free civilization comprising
business, science, and art.
The HONESTY/Reality Breakthrough
When and how will you experience that quantum jump? Perhaps during a first, second, or third reading of
Pax Neo-Tech, you will make the connection between open-ended power and raw honesty. Then, as did Helen Keller,
you will experience a sudden clean break from a life-long entrapping matrix to experience a psychological shift of
cosmic dimensions. For, at that moment, Pax Neo-Tech will have stamped the HONESTY/reality connection into
your consciousness. You then can sweep away millennia of political/religious-driven deceptions imprisoning your
mind to let rationality, wide-scope thinking, and future-predicting honesty endlessly enrich your life.

What will Happen to Governments and Nations?

Nullifying politics and religion via business and science provides continuous wealth and health for oneself, for
loved ones, and for society. Still, what will happen to governments and nations? Will they fail without politics and
religion? Will anarchy and immorality reign? No. Instead, ever-better governments and ever-freer nations will
evolve as constitutional republics with just-and-equitable laws. For, as explained in Scene 1, Neo-Tech dynamics
competitively drive forward the global nullification of parasitical elites, criminals, and neocheaters who for twoand-a-half millennia created deceptive illusions for preying upon the ignorances of duped populations.
Ironically, the most productive venue for the profitable flow of Neo-Tech dynamics will ultimately be across the
Muslim world as well as in China, Japan (distribution of Japanese editions are already highly profitable and
robustly expanding), India, Korea, and Russia.
The decisive road map leading the populace and nations out of politics and religion and into business and science
unfolds from Mark Hamiltons stunning three-volume trilogy titled, Earths First Immortals due for publication in
2006. That fact-based novel also teaches in dramatic detail how each reader generates profits for self, loved
ones, and society by competitively obsoleting politics and religion. ...From that publication will evolve worldwide
educational dynamics for both adults and children.
To personally reap immediate clean-sweep riches in Earths final war, the reader must now rendezvous
with Pax Neo-Tech starting on the next page.
Your Rendezvous with Pax Neo-Tech
C'est Si Bon
Clean-Sweep Riches
Readers today reap power, profits, and romance from Illuminati knowledge rising from Pax Neo-Tech -- knowledge
about which many initially dislike or disagree. As they continue reading, however, negative impressions fade as
new facts continually combine into new integrations that generate ever-expanding wealth, health, and happiness.
Realize that Pax Neo-Tech never tries to persuade readers of political, religious, or ideological positions. Such
fixed positions are limited, thus ultimately lethal. By contrast, honesty and rationality are unlimited, thus eternally
enriching. Never, therefore, is Pax Neo-Tech saying to read on and it shall persuade you of this or that fixed
position. No, instead, this opus is saying to read on and you shall awaken to exclaim, Oh, now I see why each view
is stated in this or that unique way and then switches to an entirely-different view. ...Amazingly honest, deeply
rational -- and incredibly profitable!
Keep reading and you shall discover Illuminati gems. ...Once supercharged with those gems, you will find
yourself speeding along a brightly-lit superhighway toward clean-sweep riches.
Pax Romana ruled 2000 years ago. Pax America rules today. Pax Neo-Tech will rule the future.
Pax Neo-Tech brings readers of the political left, right, and middle into a bias-free, non-political reality that few
imagined existed. Today, that reality provides a new psychology for replacing: (1) impoverishment with prosperity,
(2) stagnation with romance, (3) hatred with camaraderie, (4) war with peace, (5) death with life.
Sadly, some readers flee Pax Neo-Tech. They flee its honesty with glazed eyes and non-integrating minds. They
escape its rationality with sad expressions. They struggle to maintain their status quo in a morbid old world.

Those duped losers wait for God or Godot to show them the way. They wait for someone or luck to enrich them.
They count on a nonexistent afterlife to reward them far from planet Earth.
Happily, other readers absorb Pax Neo-Tech. They absorb its honesty with clear eyes and integrating minds. They
harness its rationality with happy expressions. They create exciting futures in a new world. Those informed
winners wait for no God or Godot to show them the way. They wait for no one or luck to enrich them. They count on
themselves to reap endless rewards right here on planet Earth.
Each who peruses Pax Neo-Tech page-by-page makes the wide-scope discoveries for harnessing profitable
predicting powers. With that power, readers direct streams of prosperity and romance into their lives.
What is Pax?
Pax is the melody of peace and prosperity, kindness and love, civility and romance.
What is Neo-Tech?
Neo-Tech simply means new techniques and new technologies. Neo-Tech, therefore, is neither liberal nor
conservative -- nor anywhere in-between. Neo-Tech is neither leftwing nor rightwing -- nor anywhere in-between.
It is, instead, a wide-scope integrating dynamic that harnesses raw honesty and rationality to profitably
undermine and then nullify todays 2500-year-old anticivilization spun from the dishonesties and irrationalities of
politics and religion.
Neo-Tech works not by promoting positives that chain one to the past, but by nullifying negatives that release one
into the future. Neo-Tech works not by solving old problems, but by creating new opportunities. ...Neo-Tech works
by recognizing that eternally-prosperous conscious life can never retreat into the past; it can only advance into
the future.
Neo-Tech is neither a philosophy nor an ideology. It fits no political, religious, or social category. Neo-Tech instead
provides future-predicting abilities via the hidden Illuminati power called neothinking first revealed in Scene 1
coming next. ...As, however, the laws of Quantum Mechanics with its Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle prove,
nothing can predict the future with absolute certainty. No absolutes exist in reality, much less in metaphysical
philosophy. Still, the open-ended power of neothinking can shape and then control the present to reliably predict
and then profitably control the future.
What is Pax Neo-Tech?
Pax Neo-Tech is the protocol for weaving matrices of honesty, rationality, and wide-scope accounting. Those
matrices activate the future-predicting elements of consciousness -- wealth-creating elements that lie dormant in
nearly every individual today.
Pax Neo-Tech is pure beauty rising.

A manipulative matrix of politics, religions, and utopian philosophies has harmed Earthlings for 2500 years. Today,
that dark-and-ancient matrix woven from deceptions shrouds billions of victims within clouds of ignorance,
bleakness, and decline.
Now comes Pax Neo-Tech weaving bright, new 21st-century matrices. Those slice-and-dice matrices of honesty
and rationality free individuals from their entrapments. Yes, those razor-sharp matrices can shred every
entrapping deception perpetrated upon conscious life. Thus, whosoever uses those matrices to shred and then
clean sweep those deceptions into the trash bin of history gains Illuminati power yielding manifold enrichments in
any positive-or-negative situation.
Pax Neo-Tech also shreds ones own personal biases, faiths, and certainties. Thus, unfortunately, many
readers prematurely flee without ever experiencing the endless benefits flowing from shredding such selfdeceptions. Others seeking an authoritarian voice find none in Neo-Tech. They too flee back into their familiar
millennia-old, authority-manipulated matrix. As a result, they remain stuck in stagnant biases, faiths, and
certainties that continually shrink their lives toward null points.
Realize that biases, faiths, and certainties are neither facts nor knowledge. Instead, they comprise a trio
of burdens that only mislead and weaken the bearer.
Consider Socrates implicit dictum: Clinging to biases and faiths -- past certainties -- means never
progressing beyond the past. For example, to advance toward a modern future, physicists had to abandon their
burden of certainty. They had to abandon their unshakable biases and faiths in Isaac Newtons brilliant but
obsolete laws of motion that imprisoned them in a deterministic world of fixed time and space. Thus, each had to
break from strong opinions and beliefs of the past to enter the radically-new world of Albert Einstein's counterintuitive space-time relativity freed by an indeterminate world of quantum mechanics.
If scientists and engineers had clung to their comfortable but false certainties of Newtonian physics, they
never could have developed todays super-advanced electronic/high-tech industries along with their everadvancing quantum/cosmic explorations. Dogmatic certainties, ideologies, and biases block vision, creativity,
and progress. People must continually abandon past beliefs to progress into spectacular new futures illuminated
by Pax Neo-Tech.
Are you ready to abandon a 2500-year-old, man-made matrix of deceptions woven from dishonesties and
irrationalities? Are you ready to escape the parasitical-elite/neocheating world (explained next, in Scene 1) of
politics, religions, and utopianisms? Are you ready to escape a black-hole world of genocidal terrorisms? If so,
you are ready to (1) confront Pax Neo-Tech, (2) discover its glittering fields of diamonds that illuminate and then
nullify that world of dark biases/prejudices/faiths, and then (3) create a world of riches/health/romance -- right
here, right now, starting on the next page.

Scene 1
Are You Ready?
Start by Looking Back
Defending free speech in the nineteenth century, the English historian and champion of liberty, Lord Acton,
identified how individualistic ideas most vehemently opposed by the Establishment became the enduring ideas of
the future. He points to the Greek-philosopher Socrates and then to the historical-humanist Jesus. They were not
political or religious leaders. They were sublime teachers. Both advanced ideas of the individual over the
Establishment. Thus, a threatened Establishment executed both men for impiety, though neither had harmed
anyone nor infringed anyones natural rights.
Indeed, a mob-unleashing Establishment executed Socrates and Jesus for their pro-individual/anti-establishment
ideas. Today, however, Pax Neo-Tech flips their intangible illusions in imagined-or-ethereal realms into tangible
benefits in a real world here on planet Earth. ...Pax Neo-Tech works through Neo-Tech. But, how does Neo-Tech
Neo-Tech is a wealth-creating dynamic as implied in the preceding Prelude and Overtureand demonstrated
throughout this Opus. To understand how Neo-Tech works -- how it flips the unreal into the real, how it flips losses
into profits -- start by going back four centuries:
During the early 1580s, in the back of a classroom at the University of Pisa, sat a young student, hands folded
behind his head. He had discovered a new-dimension thinking process. As usual, he sat quietly smiling at the
professors. Trapped in their special-interest closed boundaries, those professors feared that student. He knew
less than those learned authorities. Yet, with ever-wider integrations combined with fully-integrated honesty, he
outflanked them. ...His name was Galileo Galilei.
To grasp the power and danger of non-biased, wide-scope integrations combined with fully-integrated honesty, go
back 150 years before Galileo to one of the most heroic figures in history -- an illiterate, 17-year-old peasant girl:
Joan of Arc. With a pure-and-unobstructed vision of freeing France from the conquering English, she outflanked
and then overcame every seemingly-insurmountable obstacle. She outflanked each who blocked her way toward
commanding an army. Starting with the lowest-level local officials, she persuaded everyone up through the ranks,
through the nobility and military, to the Dauphin himself -- the would-be King of France. Persuaded by her
unflinching vision and charismatic power, the Dauphin granted Joan command of an outnumbered-anddemoralized French army to break the critical siege of Orlans. Inspiring her troops into fervent frenzies, she
broke that siege in 1429, driving back the overwhelmingly-superior English army in one of the most-unlikely
military victories in history.
Her stunning victory at Orlans was followed by decisive victories in three subsequent battles. In each battle, her
military strategy was impeccably-flawless and her use of artillery was uncannily-precise.
How were such military achievements possible by an illiterate peasant girl with zero experience or knowledge of
military tactics and artillery physics? Her near-flawless strategy came from wide-scope integrations that
outflanked all others who were thinking in narrow-scope traditional ways.
Joan was captured in 1430, imprisoned, and then put through a showcase, five-month trial by a fearfully-envious
Catholic Church. The judges convicted her of heresy and sorcery. They then had her publicly burned alive in the
marketplace at Rouen. Joan defeated England, saved France, and had the Dauphin Charles VII crowned King when
she was 18 years old. The authorities feared her power. Thus, the Church in collusion with both English and French
politicians killed her when she was 19 years old.
Now, back to Galileo. His wide-scope thinking rendered his professors knowledge, words, and writings

obsolete. Those academic authorities knew that; he knew that. Thus, sinking into denial about Galileos newlyuncovered knowledge, they pointedly avoided him and his facts. Fifty years later, learned authority Pope Urban
VIII would prosecute Galileo in the Inquisitions for obsoleting Catholic-church dogma already undermined by
Thomas Aquinas. What happened later? Those obsoleted authorities faded from history. Joan of Arc and Galileo
prevailed in history.
Today, four centuries later, new-dimension thinking dynamics rise from Neo-Tech. Those Joan-ofArc/Galilean dynamics yield ever-wider integrations combined with fully-integrated honesty that renders
learned authorities obsolete.
Politics, religion, and philosophy rise from truths manipulated into illusions. Neo-Tech sweeps away those
illusions. For example, consider the greatest delusion foisted by politicians -- Im compassionate. I have a heart.
Im going to use government to help the little guy. Neo-Tech exposes them as neocheaters. As explained later in
this first scene, neocheaters are camouflaged criminals who usurp unearned livelihoods by stealing and then
redistributing wealth earned by others. From such hidden thefts, neocheaters glean unearned money, power, and
Existing on parasitism, those neocheaters have the coldest hearts and ultimately impoverish the little
guy. They are frauds who make illicit gains by feigning compassion. Such neocheaters include crusading to-savejust-one-life-is-worth-it politicians, lawyers, clergymen, academics, journalists. They are not only hypocritical
mountebanks, but they are hidden killers of innocent people. For every life they claim to help or save, they are
responsible for the degradations and killings of countless innocent lives via corrupt political laws, destructive
bureaucratic regulations, and propagating lethal dishonesties.
Neocheating elites cause untold human sufferings and hidden deaths. Such parasites bring costs-of-living
increases and decreasing standards-of-living to everyone. Their cold-hearted parasitisms bring
impoverishments, starvations, and deaths -- especially to the worlds poorest populations.
Smug, comfortably-ensconced, sound-good parasitical elites relentlessly sow sufferings and deprivations
worldwide. Over their 2500-year history, those self-righteous neocheaters usurped their illicit livelihoods by
harming and killing billions of innocent people -- many billions upon billions more than the open killings by wars,
tyrants, and terrorists.
Who will win Earths final war? Each side now has the means to vanquish the other: Evil has the means to
vanquish good via political/religious/arbitrary laws combined with life-annihilating, bio/chemical/nuclear
detonations. Good has the means to vanquish evil via business/scientific/universal laws combined with lifeenhancing neothinking explained later in this first scene.
While no one knows who will win this war of two worlds, one question is answerable: What can win that war? Pax
Neo-Tech can. What is Pax Neo-Tech about? It is not about good over evil. Instead, it is about sublimating
dishonesty in honest people, irrationality in rational people, injustice in just people. As one reader identified, "Pax
Neo-Tech is about trusting oneself to abandon dishonesties, irrationalities, and injustices." Pax Neo-Tech works
by undermining beliefs and faiths in bogus authorities such as politicians, celebrities, God, Allah, popes, bishops,
priests, ayatollahs, imams, mullahsand their Scriptures, Bibles, Hadiths, and Qur'ans.
As did Socrates, Jesus, Joan of Arc, and Galileo, Neo-Tech threatens bogus authorities. It leaves them with no
future regardless how great their seeming authority or power. Neo-Tech leaves them with no Homeric tim, Greek
kleos, or Roman dignatas -- no honor, glory, or dignity. Neo-Tech shrinks them toward null points -- toward
vanishing points.

Yes, indeed, Neo-Tech shrinks (1) ignorance and superstition, (2) orthodoxy and fundamentalism, (3) hatred and
intolerance. Neo-Tech withers away the diseases of mysticism, irrationality, and dishonesty. Neo-Tech subverts
the sociopathic duet of religion and politics. For, that duet sickens and then kills conscious life. The lethal
sufferings spawned by that duet have no place or meaning in any future civilization of freedom, health, and
Discovering Earths Anticivilization
During a publishing meeting in May 1992, a Neo-Tech author stipulated that the survival and flourishing of mankind
requires propagating a single understanding among the populace. That understanding is this: Politics and religion
never yield rationally-vital civilizations. Instead, they yield irrationally-lethal anticivilizations. For 2500 years,
camouflaged criminals called neocheaters have conjured up and perpetuated anticivilizations that deliver decline
and ultimate death to everyone. Anticivilizations are unnatural and bizarre. They spiritually impoverish and then
physically kill everyone.
Such an understanding brings the corollary understanding that free business, science, and art yield open-ended
prosperity, non-aging health, and romantic happiness. With Pax Neo-Tech, business and science increasingly
nullifies politics and religion -- today's anticivilization -- point by competitive point.

Life in Earths Anticivilization

At that same meeting, the Neo-Tech author outlined three major values in recognizing and then integrating the fact
that essentially every conscious Earthling today lives in a 2500-year-old anticivilization built on a
political/religious matrix of dishonesties and irrationalities. Those three values are:
1. A person gains a calm-and-benevolent acceptance of the fact that since about
500 BC, humans had no choice but to live, suffer, and die in a bizarrelyunnatural world -- in a politically-and-religiously ravaged anticivilization.
2. A person dramatically increases his or her toleration, understanding, and
ability to function beneficently, prosperously, and happily in an anticivilization.
3. That person can then profit from essentially any positive or negative situation
arising from an anticivilization. How? By harnessing Neo-Techs fullyintegrated honesty with wide-scope rationalities that undermine and then
profitably exploit anticivilization deceptions. Such exploitations are processes
of creative destruction within todays dishonest-and-irrational
political/religious anticivilization needed to build an honest-and-rational
business/science/art civilization on Earth as described throughout Pax NeoTech.
Vanishing Earths Anticivilization
That author further explained how profitably replacing Earths political/religious anticivilization with a universal
business/science civilization requires the following three changes:
1. Changed Views
Earthlings live not in a civilization. They live in an anticivilization in which decline and death await every citizen. No
one can dispute that fact. Neo-Tech, however, profitably flips dead-end political/religious views into open-end
business/science views.
2. Changed Psychologies
Americas founding fathers gained their wisdom not from arguing philosophy, preaching religion, or
manipulating politics but from understanding secular natural law and factual historical knowledge back to
classical Rome and Greece. Americas founders implicitly sought to sweep away the harmful psychologies flowing
from religion, politics, and philosophy -- sweep away with natural law, the lessons of history, and common sense.
Today, the first change required is neither political nor philosophical, but is psychological in evolving a
universal civilization. With that psychological change, one feels neither hostile toward the anticivilization evils of
politics, religion, or philosophynor resentful about todays necessity of living in an anticivilization. Instead, one
first learns to understand an anticivilization, then to profit from it, and finally to nullify it. Realize that a
political/religious anticivilization and a business/science civilization are two separate entities with
characteristics and laws as different as street fighting and composing symphonies.

3. Changed Thinking
The power of consciousness comes not from todays circular-analog thinking, but from tomorrows
linear-digital neothinking. In 1981, Neo-Tech identified neothinking as a mystic-free/forward-moving digital
process. The most-profitable form of neothinking today is bubble-control thinking. It involves viewing every
segment of human knowledge and action on planet Earth as encapsulated in a 2500-year-old bubble of
irrationality, mysticism, and criminality. Scene 3 shows how outside-the-bubble views yield perspectives that
profitably outcompete those living within that bubble.
How did that bubble of irrationality start? In fifth-century BC Greece, the populist-demagogue Pericles developed
the art of hiding criminalities. He manipulated voters into supporting his security-ruining Peloponnesian wars and
economy-ruining Parthenon projects. He fraudulently garnered unearned power and glory in the name of Athens.
In the seventh-century AD, religious-demagogue Muhammad manipulated that bubble. He jelled the art of
transferring criminalities into a long-range format. Emulating the cross-carrying Christian conqueror,
Constantine the Great, Muhammad murderously conquered and then brutally plundered populations into
submission. He fraudulently garnered unearned power and riches in the name of his conjured-up Allah.
In the late twentieth century, political-demagogue Clinton climaxed the art of manipulating that bubble. He
entrapped the populace into accepting dishonesty across every facet of life. Unlike Pericles and Muhammad,
however, Clinton pursued no grand, mass-murdering vision. Instead, he would sink long-range America for nothing
more than garnering power and titillation in the name of himself.
Upon grasping Pax Neo-Tech through the eight explanations below, a person can induce many hundreds, if not
thousands, of profit-generating bullets from the Neo-Tech literature. That person can then choose and pick -cherry pick -- just the right bullets to create and then rule almost any situation to his or her profitable advantage
as illustrated in Coda #3.
1. Neo-Tech is the universal dynamic of conscious life. It is fully integrated honesty, uncompromised rationality,
and wide-scope accounting.
2. Mysticism is the dishonesty disease that creates problems where none exists. Mysticism is the stupidity disease
that has no redeeming values. Mysticism lethally blights human consciousness.
Mystical beliefs and activities are attempts to escape objective reality -- attempts to escape from the terror of an
anti-law/anti-justice civilization -- an anticivilization. Going back in time, mysticism is the remnant of the ancient
bicameral mind -- the hallucinating non-conscious mind. In the 1980s, Neo-Tech literature expanded, generalized,
and then harnessed the bicameral-mind theories of the late Princeton University scholar, Julian Jaynes,
concerning the origins of both consciousness and mysticism.
Neo-Tech identifies mysticism as the number-one enemy of human life -- the number-one disease of the conscious
mind -- the number-one global plague to cure. Mysticism is (1) the self-delusion that non-reality is real, (2) the
immaturity of acting upon nothing as if it were something, (3) the seminal source of irrational behavior and
criminal destructiveness.
Mysticism yields criminal envy. It yields the mass murder of value creators by value destroyers as happened on
September 11, 2001. Mysticism destroys life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The disease of mysticism will
end conscious life on Earth if not cured.
3. Neocheaters are camouflaged outlaws who manipulate mysticisms -- mysticisms they have embedded and reembedded throughout the populace for 2500 years. With cynically-hidden force and fraud, neocheaters use

mysticism to glean power by keeping world populations entrapped in endless cycles of ignorance, destruction, and
death. Neocheaters are found in nearly every quarter of life. The most-common and widely-harmful neocheaters,
however, are political-and-religious leaders acting through insidiously-clever criminal minds. Neocheaters are
not new. Rather, they are hidden criminals newly discovered by Neo-Tech.
4. Neocheating arose from hidden criminal techniques discovered and harnessed twenty-five centuries ago by
smoothly-lying, vote-capturing Pericles. Most self-serving politicos today promote him as a heroically-great
statesman. With a silver tongue, he used sophistic rhetoric to maximize citizen involvement with government and
politics. Then, through an unbridled democracy, lovable-cad Pericles usurped power and exercised corruptions
via popular support on scales unknown to past kings and tyrants. Pericles escaped pending criminal indictments
by dying in 429BC from the plague. He, followed by his protg nephew -- glamorous-traitor Alcibiades -- ended
the Golden Age of Greece. Alcibiades was, however, indicted and paid for his crimes against Athenian citizens.
Neocheating peaked 2500 years later with the smoothly-lying, vote-buying Clinton who ended the Golden Age of
America. Most self-serving politicos today promote him as a wonderfully-compassionate benefactor. With a silver
tongue, he used sophistic rhetoric to maximize votes from the parasitical classes. Then, through a feculent
democracy, lovable-cad Clinton usurped power and exercised corruptions via tax-purchased votes on scales
unknown to past presidents. Clinton was impeached but escaped conviction via his supreme political guile used
to sink a badly-misguided, religious-right prosecution.
Among todays most destructive neocheaters are politician-buying, class-action/tort lawyers. They drain billions
from the economy and society while ravaging entire industries, businesses, and professions. Consider their
egregious $200-billion asbestos tort swindle rife with perjury and fraud. Those tort-lawyer crimes unjustly
destroy great companies while devastating their employees, retirees, and investors. Such lawyers plunder
Americas productive capital, investment funds, and retirement funds. As modern-day pirates, they pillage and
destroy. They drain Americas vitality by turning daring entrepreneurs into fearful conformists.
On the other side of class-action/tort lawyers are criminal defense lawyers. Among the important protectors of
individual rights against government injustice are the Oscar-Goodman-type mob lawyers. By aggressively
defending societys most heinous criminals, those wrongly-criticized lawyers protect everyones individual-andconstitutional rights against prosecutorial abuses. Bypassing misguided popular opinion, those lawyers make
governments and prosecutors honestly prove their charges within both the law and the constitution while building
an important body of common-law protections.
Next, consider the now-flagging industrial union leaders who gain wealth and power by corruption and force. They
demagogically lead workers into despising and then attacking their employers as enemies. Harnessing dishonest
government laws -- force-backed political laws -- those union leaders usurp power at everyone elses expense.
Backed by those politically-coerced laws that allow illicit force, such union leaders undermine the very businesses
that most-effectively develop, maintain, and advance the livelihoods of their employees.
Thus, such union leaders dupe their members into becoming less competitive, less desirable, and less secure.
Then, through non-racist, pan-national business justice, those duped union workers increasingly lose their
security and jobs to more-competitive, more-deserving workers globally -- to the net benefit of all economies and
human well-being.
Gone today are the original trade unions and their leaders such as Samuel Gompers who genuinely
advanced the well-being of laborers and craftsmen without damaging and often benefiting their employers. Thus,
anti-business unions today are losing their power as they shrink toward irrelevance. ...Yet, rapidly rising today in

virulent power are socialistic public-service unions that drive governments into increasingly costly, inefficient,
and ineffective services from their non-privatized subway-and-bus systems to non-privatized trash collections.
Most heinous, however, are the major teacher unions that gain power through their politicallymanipulated government laws and regulations that degrade education and damage children. Those union teachers
generally leave children poorly educated while stifling their futures, especially among the least-privileged, mostneedy children. Equally heinous are todays tenured marxist/fascist professors who inculcate formative youth
with anti-free-thought/politically-correct dishonesties. Such malicious educators corrupt the minds and warp
the souls of Americas most-gifted, most-privileged youth.
By contrast, the most effective sources of education today come not from teacher unions, public schools,
universities, or governments but from free markets -- from profitable business dynamics. Two examples are the
Internet brain extenders, and Another example is the Teaching Company,
which markets a wide variety of lectures by outstanding, honest-minded university professors in widely diverse
areas of knowledge. Neo-Tech readers are encouraged to visit and order educational products from its website
Often the most valuable lectures are from those professors and subjects about whom or which the listener has
the most bias against, the least interest in, and/or the least knowledge about. Continuous creativity,
achievements, and prosperity depend on ever-expanding education -- both self-taught and formal. ...Neo-Tech
harnesses the supreme value of honest-and-rational education.
Finally, consider the 1990s-spawned business neocheaters who destroyed major companies through accounting
machinations. They criminally gleaned obscene pay along with unearned bonuses and stock options. They gleaned
those riches for what? For bankrupting their companies while wiping out shareholder equity via new-era,
business pathologies. Such ersatz businesspeople abetted by their complicit lawyers and accountants operated
not as hard-working business executives but rather as easy-route political manipulators. With political bribes
throughout the 1990s, they scammed billions from investors while damaging or ruining the lives of innocent
employees, retirees, and investors by the millions.
The greatest damage inflicted by the 1990s-spawned CEO outlaws is the witch-hunt they ignited toward honest but
aggressive businesses, creative managements, and daring entrepreneurs. Consider, for example, mega-valuecreator Martha Stewart. She was shattered via bogus insider-trading accusations driven by sanctimoniouslydishonest politicians and politically-ambitious prosecutors. Also, consider one of the greatest value creators of
the 20th century, General Electric CEO Jack Welch. The media enviously savaged him for what he honestly, justly
earned. He earned every penny of his compensation. In fact, he deservedly earned much more than he was ever
Recognize the difference: Stewart-and-Welch-type business CEOs create and build great values for investors,
employees, and society. By contrast, Enron-and-WorldCom-type political CEOs loot and destroy great values
belonging to investors, employees, and society.
5. Neothinking: Pax Neo-Tech changes how one thinks and acts. That changed thinking -- that new genre of thinking
-- is called neothinking, which means digital freethinking used to profitably predict the future through the laws of
nature. Neothinking harnesses honest, wide-scope universal thinking to profitably outflank dishonest, narrowscope anticivilization thinking.
Wide-scope Galilean/Joan-of-Arc type neothinking captures and assembles widely-scattered puzzle pieces to
reveal the predictive power woven throughout natural events. Consider another type of new-color neothinking:
Vincent van Gogh's swirling dot-and-dash yellow flurries that outreach and outflank other artists in emotionally

revealing the warm loveliness of nature. Also, consider Jackson Pollocks far-reaching, spontaneous drippaintings creating gorgeous soul-revealing fractal patterns that outflank other artists by activating the beauty
and order hidden in natures seeming chaos. Thus, today, each painting of van Gogh and Pollock commands many
millions of dollars.
Neothinking comes not from mans automaton animal brain. Instead, it comes from the natural use of mans
volitional conscious mind. Wide-scope neothinking embraces germane facts available only from beyond biases and
agendas -- new facts that allow clairvoyant visions of the future. As Socrates implied, Go wherever the facts
By contrast, narrow-scope anticivilization thinking is unnatural -- not a natural part of conscious thinking as
explained in Aria #3, Liberating our Quantum Consciousness. Such anticivilization thinking leaves people trapped
in closed bubbles of manipulated truths and dishonesties. Thus entrapped, they never know what is actually
happening outside their non-reality bubbles. As Plato implied: They are trapped in their shadowy caves.
In other words, with the wide-scope neothinking of a Galileo or Joan of Arc, one can escape his or her
anticivilization trap to out-predict, outflank, and thus outcompete those entrapped within their own narrow, biased
slices of life. For, in crucial aspects of life, such entrapped thinking becomes dishonest, impotent, or
erroneousor all three, sometimes grossly so.
One example of such grossly-erroneous thinking glares from the common acceptance of progressive taxes -force-backed redistributions of earned income and capital (versus non-force consumption taxes). Without
destructive income taxes, capital-gains taxes, and irrational government regulations, prosperity would expand
without limits. In such a free-enterprise boom, sales-tax revenues would also expand without limits, allowing the
consumption-tax percentage against the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to continually shrink as the percentage of
improper-and-unnecessary government spending declines toward zero.
Consider also how replacing the onerous filing of income taxes with a simple sales tax would bring debt-liquidating
prosperity to prevent an otherwise inevitable real-estate-bubble collapse and a forced debt-liquidation recession
or depression. Percentage-wise, the working classes would benefit the most by eliminating all income taxation
on individuals and businesses. For, income taxation destroys the future -- destroys job-and-wealth-creating
earnings, savings, investments, capital, entrepreneurial opportunities, and the most-precious commodity -- time.
Ultimately, only competitively earned income continually improves both short-range and long-range human life.
Only competitively earned income provides net-productive investment capital. Only competitively earned income
generates net advances in prosperity, business, jobs, education, well-being, health, science, art, and romantic
Escaping the anticivilization requires discovering the whole spectrum of conscious life. In an anticivilization,
people seldom consider facts beyond their personal closed-agenda realities and closed-thinking biases. Trapped
inside their own bubbles, they are blown here and there by the winds of political, religious, and philosophical
manipulations. Without wide-scope thinking, they become servants to neocheaters while drifting about not knowing
where they are or where they are going.
6. Total Victory = Infinite Justice = Infinite Riches: The word infinite is not real or graspable in physical reality.
Yet, infinite becomes real and graspable from mathematical perspectives in terms such as infinite series and
infinite sum. Similarly, infinite becomes real and graspable from Neo-Tech perspectives in terms such as infinite
justice and infinite riches. For, by applying Neo-Tech to a universal civilization, both infinite justice and infinite
riches become the necessary metaphors for first understanding and then achieving forever-young, foreverprosperous, forever-happy lives.

7. Create -- Outcompete -- Flourish: During the course of a conscious mind engaging Pax Neo-Tech, the brains
circuitry reconfigures into a mind that can create an ever-more prosperous, healthy, and romantic life. After
perusing each page in numerical order, the reader experiences a final integration -- a gestalt-like epiphany that
illuminates the entire Neo-Tech spectrum to reveal the endless riches, youthful health, and exciting romance
available to conscious life right now, right here on planet Earth.
8. Natures Quintessential Secret -- Cassandras Secret: Conscious life yields eternal wealth, health, and romance.
Pax Neo-Tech unlocks that secret by sweeping away 2500 years of politics, religion, and philosophy.
Are you ready to start sweeping?
Scene 2
Start Sweeping!
The Clean Sweep begins with One Persons Story
Since childhood, the aesthetic love of my life was New York City -- lower Manhattan -- the Battery and Financial
District. As a child on the stern of the Staten Island Ferry, I saw a mighty fist of power and wealth rise -- a fist of
stark beauty with the Empire State Building as a towering backdrop. Framed by the Statue of Liberty on the
starboard side and the Brooklyn Bridge jutting eastward rose a forest of indelible skyscrapers. I saw majestic
people among the cityscape of Battery-Park Manhattan as much a part of nature as majestic elks among the
landscape of north-woods America. Being one with nature, I joyfully loved both.
That love kindled anew years later while again standing on the stern of the Staten Island Ferry now flanked off its
portside bow by the new Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. Lower Manhattan had birthed the two most-magnificent
jewels of universal business, capitalism, and prosperity to grace planet Earth -- the soaring, glittering Twin
Towers of the World Trade Center. My soul had been baptized in the miracle of business, science, and art. And,
now, my soul was confirmed in the steel, concrete, and glass of that soaring Icarus. Thenceforth, whenever
contemplating that marvelous art, I felt at one with everything that was good and exciting about life.
Today, stretching ten feet wide and four-feet high across the wall above my bed, glitters a sculpted glass-andmirror model of lower Manhattan reflecting the glory of those Twin Towers. That image reflects back and forth
with brilliantly colored flashes from the opposite fully-mirrored wall of my bedroom. Each night, my aesthetic
soul-mate twin towers along with my romantic soul-mate wife smile at me before I sleep. And, each morning my
two loves happily greet me when I awake.
Later, to my business office I go. Upon entering, photographic art by David M. Brown greets me. Professional
artist Brown, laying his back against the base of the North Tower in 1984, captured a spectacular, full-height shot
of both towers at sunrise. That art is titled Soaring Intelligence. The other view titled Nature Conquered is from
atop the World Trade Center. That breathtaking sky shot captures a never-again-to-be-seen perspective of
Manhattan highlighted by the mighty Brooklyn Bridge.
On September 10, 2001, I celebrated my birthday surrounded by the happiness and love of my family, my work, my
business. Early the next morning, I arose with energy and passion renewed by the fresh sight of my sparkling twin
towers and the loveliness of my sleeping wife. After my daily four-mile run, I drafted an article about lasting
justice and prosperity for both Palestinians and Jews via business and science superseding religion and politics.
Then I turned on TV for CNBC business news. An image appeared. I froze. The aesthetic love of my life -- my
aesthetic soul mate -- what happened! Midst billows of white smoke, the South Tower was missing -- gone! And, the
North Tower was burning! Was I dreaming a ghastly nightmare?
I rushed to the bedroom and fetched my wife. Would she see the same image? We both stood agape. Her stunned
silence confirmed the reality of my senses. Minutes later, the burning North Tower abruptly pancaked to the

ground, leaving a 110-story shaft of black smoke. Huge waves of thick gray dust rolled from a terrible void carved
in the heart of Manhattan. What took a decade of artistic business brilliance to create and Herculean engineering
efforts to build was gone -- reduced in seconds to a million-ton mountain of gnarled rubble by haters of freedom
and prosperity -- destroyed by envious losers incapable of competitively creating or producing values for others
and society.
Tears blurred my vision. My beloved skyline of New York City was unbelievably mutilated. My sustaining image of
the best in human life was gone. The best in human life? Seconds later, a much-greater, unimaginable horror filled
me. I sank to the sofa crying in pain as my loving wife held me tight. A world of precious value producers perished
before my eyes! I had just witnessed thousands of the worlds great value creators murdered by homicidal envy
and religious insanity.
Those murdered crme-de-la-crme value creators -- my dearest friends -- were the unrecognized, the
denigrated, the abused heroes of life trapped in an envy-ridden anticivilization. Through their highly-integrated,
Cantor-Fitzgerald-type thinking skills, however, they generated each month more life-enhancing values for others
and humanity than they themselves consumed in their lifetimes. They generated more competitive values and
productive jobs for others and society than all the force-and-fraud-promoting religionists, politicians, and
bureaucrats combined -- more than all the envy-snarling, business-hating professors, politicians, celebrities, and
demonstrators combined.
From deep within my mind, a plan arose -- a plan to nullify neocheaters who add only debits to society -neocheaters who spawn professional value destroyers and genocidal terrorists. That plan nullifies those who exist
via religious-and-political iniquities as well as those who bleed, pillage, and kill the value producers to garner
unearned fame, glory, and livelihoods. I had a job to do. I wiped the tears from my face, went to my office, and
started writing. I began writing Pax Neo-Tech. Filled with pain, this is what I wrote first: Today, September 11,
2001, religious jihadists ripped open the beating heart of freedom and prosperity. Economic destructions will now
come. Next comes bio/chemical, radiological, and finally nuclear devastations. Without a solution, Americans and
ultimately everyone will suffer terribly and then die unnecessarily. Four months later, I wrote:
The Clean-Sweep Solution
Blame not success -- failure is the cause: Blaming Americas support of Israel for the acts of genocidal
terrorists is a deadly error. Israelis today generally act from the highest obligation and moral right -- selfdefense and physical survival. Israel, in 2002, is the only relatively-free, socially-happy, economically-successful
country midst a sea of generally non-free, socially-miserable, economically-failed Arab/Muslim countries. Also,
realize that Israel comprises a tiny population of happy competitive winners surrounded by huge populations of
miserable uncompetitive losers.
By enviously blaming success, the losers will bury the winners -- then both shall perish. Blaming Israel
for Islamic jihads is one of the most destructively-false, humanity-threatening canards in history. Islamic jihads
are designed to destroy not Israel but to destroy the infidel Western Civilization. Israel is simply a convenient
rallying cry for certain Jihadists as were the Jews for Hitler.
Islamic terrorists have killed many times more innocent citizens in their own Muslim/Arab countries than
in all other countries combined. Consider the countless thousands of innocent citizens murdered by Muslim
terrorists in Algeria, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Philippines, and Turkey. In Algeria alone, Muslim

terrorists slit the throats of 100,000 fellow citizens. Then, the world stood silent as Sudanese Muslims murdered a
million of their fellow countrymen.
Still, more serious: Saddam Hussein, a Muslim/Stalinist tyrant, murdered countless thousands of his own
countrymen to retain and expand his personal power. Now, in 2002, he aims to become the major financier and
weapons supplier for worldwide terrorists as he currently finances suicide terrorists in Israel. He is determined
to destroy America in the years ahead. Make no mistake, Islamic terrorists financed and supplied by Iraq along
with Iran, Syria, and North Korea will ultimately kill Americans by the millions and destroy the Western World
economies. Make no mistake; if not nullified, Islamic fundamentalists enabled by a host of hostile nations led by
Iraq will destroy Americas freedom, prosperity, and happiness, be it in five years or in ten years.
Islam is not a religion of beauty, peace, and love as politically-correct politicians, journalists, academics,
PBS/NPR, and President Bush suicidally assert. It is a religion of death, as ultimately is every religion. Islams
most basic and uncompromising tenets from its scriptures promote intolerance, hate, and war (or jihads) in
demanding mass conversion or mass death of infidels -- just as early Judeo/Christian scriptures demand.
In the seventh century, warrior Muhammad conjured up the violently-criminal Muslim religion from
Judaism and Christianity. Then came the shining 900-1300 AD period of prosperous Muslim toleration and
enlightenment, especially in Spain and Iraq. In fact, that great business/science/art Muslim culture saved,
preserved, and then resurrected the works of classical Greece to spark Western Civilization into the
Enlightenment. Since then, however, Islam declined into its origins of a death-dealing weapon of criminality and
terror. Today, the cult sect of Saudi Wahhabism explicitly expresses Islams genocidal ferocity that lurks
beneath every religion.
Pro-joy, pro-wealth, stoic philosopher Seneca (4BC-65AD) identified that murderous ferocity is born out of envy
and weakness -- birthed from the failure of losers to live rational, happy, value-producing lives. Today, the
murderously-ferocious, envy-driven Wahhabism of cave-dwelling Osama bin Laden obliterates all vestiges of the
cultural, scientific, mathematical, and artistic achievements of secular/tolerant Muslims during the Middle Ages.
That zenith of Muslim culture occurred at the nadir of Christian culture that genocidally plundered, slaughtered,
and beheaded Muslims until Saladin, the gallantly-tolerant Muslim general from Iraq, defeated the
psychopathically-intolerant Christian knights in the Levant. Today, the situation reverses with Bush, the
gallantly-tolerant Commander-in-Chief from America, striving to defeat psychopathically-intolerant Muslim
terrorists worldwide.
Islam cannot fundamentally be reformed. Neither can Christianity or Judaism, despite previous so-called
reformations. Instead, Neo-Tech must nullify religion, politics, and much of philosophy that ultimately yield
destruction, criminality, and death.
Nullifying Religion
The destructive manipulations of a mind-created Allah, God, and Yahweh along with a man-created Qur'an, Bible,
and Torah generate seas of mysticisms and hoaxes yielding (1) dishonesties and irrationalities, (2) frauds and
manipulations, (3) wars and genocides.

Allah is Great! Muslims cry while killing the innocent. They are the fundamentalists. They are the followers of
intolerance and irrationality. They detonate their own children in obeying Gods command. With piousness, they
become mass killers. With righteousness, they murder the worlds value creators and competitive producers.
They bury liberty and freethinking. They commit their crimes in the name of God. They kill happy, healthy life.
Praise the Lord! Christians cry while killing the innocent. They are the fundamentalists. They are followers of
intolerance and irrationality. They drown their own children in obeying Gods command. With piousness, they
become pedophiles. With righteousness, they murder abortion doctors and bomb family-planning centers. They
block stem-cell/cloning businesses and sciences. They commit their crimes in the name of God. They kill happy,
healthy life.
What about Jews? Yes, today, exist Jewish fundamentalists who murder in the name of God. But, today, Jews
comprise perhaps the worlds highest percentage of secular humanists and the lowest percentage of criminal
fundamentalists. Thus, Jews as a whole outcompete and achieve greater successes than beclouded Christians and
duped Muslims.
Three millennia ago, however, many Jews were as intolerant and murderous as many Muslims are today.
In fact, the Jewish Old-Testament Bible teaches the same commands from God to plunder and kill infidels, as does
its descendant -- the Qur'an. Gods Biblical command to collapse the great walls of Jericho so Joshua and his
roving gang of Jewish terrorists could kill the infidels, loot their possessions, and reduce their peaceful,
business/farming city to rubble is a vivid example of the murderous criminalities promoted by the ancient Jewish
What was the city of Jericho? It represented the most enduring city ever -- surviving seven millennia until
destroyed by the Jews in the second millennium BC. It was the first great, prosperous-and-peaceful
farming/business community in the prehistoric world. Jericho helped birth and evolve the epochal agriculture
revolution during the Neolithic Age, allowing wandering tribes to settle into stable civilizations.
The legendary walls of Jericho? They were the anti-ballistic-missile defense shields of the Neolithic Age. And, like
most Americans today, the productive-and-prosperous citizens of Jericho had no interest in wars, conquests, or
looting. Their interests dwelled in peaceful production of surplus foods and goods to voluntarily trade with their
surrounding world. They, however, grew tired of marauding tribes constantly invading and looting their
prosperous city. Thus, they became the great wall builders of the Neolithic Age so they could live in peace and
deliver values to others via free-choice business.
Few Jews today revere Joshua. Yet, modern-day Christian fundamentalists and evangelicals seized the cudgel in
revering Joshua. A favorite campfire song of children in Christian summer camps and Sunday schools praises
Gods blessed event of tumbling down the great walls of Jericho so Joshua and his terrorist thugs could slaughter
and loot Jerichos infidels -- peaceful farmers and innocent businesspeople.
Christian children by the millions today happily sing praises to God for reducing the world trade center of Jericho
to rubble while murdering the infidels trapped inside. Muslim children by the millions today happily sing praises to
Allah for reducing the world trade center of New York to rubble while murdering the infidels trapped inside.
What is the difference?
Pope Urban II promised remission of sins and an immediate ride into an eternal, sex-filled paradise for those who
died by killing infidels. Thus, Christian crusaders ten centuries ago joyfully died while mass-murdering infidels.
Muhammad promised an immediate ride into a licentious eternity for those who died by killing infidels. Thus,
Muslim crusaders today joyfully die while mass-murdering infidels. What is the difference?

Throughout history, beliefs in the religious Gods of Jews, Christians, and Muslims yielded mass criminalities,
hatreds, and murders. Likewise, beliefs in the secular Gods of populism, socialism, and and fascism yielded the
same mass criminalities, hatreds, and murders. Beliefs or faiths in any God or higher authority -- ethereal or
secular -- ultimately destroy self-reliant human life and romantic happiness.
For a history of religious criminality along with religious slaughter of the innocent in the name of God, see:
Nullifying Politics
Pericles and Clinton are the bookends to Earths 2500-year-old anticivilization politics. How?
Duped voters cheered might-makes-right Pericles war-making rhetoric against peace-seeking Sparta. For
short-term gains, those voters cheered Pericles short-term politics. But, they were cheering for the long-range
destruction of Greeces economic well-being and physical security. ...By undermining Solons matchless law-overman achievement, political-genius Pericles ended Greeces golden age.
Duped voters cheered I-feel-your-pain Clintons Potemkin rhetoric about his stock-market bubble economy and
budget surpluses. For short-term gains, those voters cheered Clintons short-term politics. But, they were
cheering for the long-range destruction of Americas economic well-being and physical security. ...By undermining
America's founding fathers matchless United-States-Constitution achievement, political-genius Clinton ended
Americas golden age. How?
He amiably finessed the public into accepting sub-rosa dishonesty in nearly every facet of life, especially in the
hidden violations of the US Constitution. His cynical political-correctness dramatically undercut Americas
military, intelligence, and police effectiveness. As described in Coda #1 (Outtake Nugget #5), Clinton not only
subverted Americas physical security, but time-bombed Americas economic health that brought a major stockmarket crash, a recession, and possibly a debt-liquidation depression later in this decade -- sometime after the
2004 elections -- followed perhaps by a printing-press inflation.
Still, the Clinton era yielded significant positives: It yielded greater secular-humanist tolerations and
freedoms than recent Republican eras. Consider that the theistic Republican administration of Ronald Reagan
violated the First-Amendment rights of free press by violently attacking and physically destroying in 1986 the procloning, pro-choice, secular-humanist activities of the profoundly-valuable I&O Publishing Company. By contrast,
the Democrat administrations of Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton never interfered with the First Amendment rights
to free press and the publishing of impious Neo-Tech ideas.
As described above, egregious attacks on secular humanism occurred under the theistic wing of
President Reagans administration. Reagan himself, however, generally performed admirably. Most important and
beneficial, he significantly lowered and leveled progressive income taxes to create a genuine economic boom in
America. Also, his brilliant attack on Libya and Muammar Gadhafi provided the model for the most-effective way to
deal with state-sponsored terrorism against America -- a leader-decapitation model -- to achieve maximum longrange results with minimum costs and casualties. And, hail Reagan, along with the heroic anti-Stalinist stance of
Pope John Paul II, for collapsing the evil Soviet Empire.

With that collapse of tyranny, Reagan perhaps contributed more to world freedom and prosperity than
did any person since the founding fathers established a free-and-independent America two centuries earlier.
Ronald Reagans achievements were via peaceful, free-enterprise dynamics -- without a shot fired, without an
innocent life lost. For that, he deserves a Mount Rushmore dedicated just to him.
A much-less attractive Republican era was that of tax-raising, mystical skull-and-bones G.H.W. Bush with his
pontificating morality-czar William J. Bennett desiring to strip American atheists of their citizenships. Yet, still,
hail G.H.W. Bush for (1) his genuine bravery in World-War II and (2) his masterful 1991 Gulf-War orchestration that
swiftly concluded with minimum civilian-and-allied casualties in temporarily saving free-world economies from an
Iraqi-led/Muslim-oil death grip on Western Civilization.
By contrast, his son, President George W. Bush, rather than being an intolerant true-believer or infidel-hater,
expresses equality with, respect toward, and equal rights for believers and nonbelievers alike. Thus, unlike with
his father or Ronald Reagan, Neo-Tech authors are currently comfortable with non-lawyer, non-bigoted
businessman G. W. Bush as President.
Now, back to the other side: President Clinton courageously overcame fierce resistance from labor unions,
Naderites, the Greens, Perot/Buchanan-type Populists, demagogic Senator Fritz-Hollings, and ex-Ku-Klux-Klan
Senator Robert C. Byrd to fashion the outstanding achievement of his administration -- the enactment of NAFTA
and the substantial expansion of global free trade driven by the opposition party -- the Republicans. Plus, credit
him for his role in major welfare reform spearheaded by Republicans. Also, salute Clinton for his unyielding stand
on partial-birth abortions of no-value, non-conscious-life fetuses that endanger the survivals and well-beings of
invaluable, conscious-life women.
Plus, give Clinton a pass for avoiding forced servitude in a politicized, no-intention-to-win Vietnam War. One can
even salute Clintons pardon of businessman Marc Rich who broke no objective laws but was subjected to
prosecutorial abuse by a U.S. Attorney trying to emulate politically-motivated Rudolph Giulianis 1980s dishonestand-unjust prosecution of invaluable financier, Michael Milken. On the other hand, if Clinton took bribes for Richs
or anyone elses pardon, he must be indicted for felony crimes.
Still, regardless of positives or negatives reflected by any individual at any particular time, everyone is entrapped
in a self-destructive anticivilization based on criminal politics, irrational religions, and dishonest philosophies. So,
what should one do about an anticivilization facing its lethal dnouement?
What to Do
Earths first conceptual historian, Herodotus (484-430BC), identified at the close of Greeces Golden Age that
success comes not with what is presented, but rather with what is done with what is presented. Thus, today,
change 3000 years of presented history by de-politicizing government and breaking religious authority. Nullify
political/religious-wrought laws that neocheaters and parasitical elites manipulate to gain unearned riches and
destructive powers. Bring forth honest laws that protect individual life, property, and contract. Bring forth just
laws -- commonsense laws -- natural secular laws that bring peace, prosperity, and happiness.

Martin Luther King identified in his 1963 Letter from the Birmingham Jail that just laws rise from natural laws -universal laws. In parallel, Neo-Tech identifies that just laws rise from objective reasoning of honest people
discovering and obeying nature-created reality. By contrast, unjust political-and-religious laws are arbitrary laws
that rise from the subjective whims of dishonest lawmakers and religious leaders conjuring up and then enforcing
their self-serving dictates.
Two-and-a-half millennia ago, Sophocles in his Antigone was the first to recognize the supremacy of universal
natural law. Concepts of natural law, rights, and justice subsequently evolved through Socrates, Aristotle, Cicero,
Cato, Seneca, the Magna Carta, Aquinas, Sidney, Locke, Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill -- even Baruch Spinoza with
his universal man and Immanuel Kant with his universal laws. And, finally, Thomas Jefferson climaxed natural law
in his Declaration of Independence by recognizing the unalienable rights of each individual to life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness. Natural law and individual rights culminate with the Constitution of the Universe as printed in
Aria #1 following Scene #3. Also, printed in Aria #1 is Ciceros definition of natural law from his book, On the
Republic, published in 51 BC.
By understanding Pax Neo-Tech along with Pax Law detailed in Coda #2, one can understand the role of George W.
Bush to Americas survival and prosperity. His stealth power lies in nearly everyone underestimating his hidden
abilities. Look beneath his occasional bumbling of words. Aided by his uncanny political advisor, direct-marketing
genius Karl Rove, President Bush quietly removes obstacles to fulfill his responsibility of protecting the lives,
properties, and prosperity of American citizens.
However, to prevent terrorists from destroying America, President Bush must especially overcome Americancitizen saboteurs. He must overcome socialist/fascist politicians along with their government-loving/businesshating parasitical elites, celebrities, journalists, and academics. If Bush fails, they will destroy his presidency and
ultimately destroy America. Yes, indeed, Bush-hating journalists and anti-business elites relentlessly work to
destroy Bushs effectiveness as a low-tax, pro-business president and a terrorist-defeating, pro-freedom
Commander-in-Chief. Thus, they work to destroy Americas economic future, precious freedoms, and physical
Are President Bush and Karl Rove shrewd enough to exploit those saboteurs hatreds and dishonesties to drive,
for example, the obstructionist leadership out of power -- namely Senate leader Tom Daschle and House-ofRepresentatives leader Dick Gephardt -- while winning the 2004 presidential election? Or, will the relentless
hatred-driven attacks ultimately destroy Bush, Rove, and America?
For America to peacefully survive and prosper over the long-term requires achieving four Neo-Tech goals: (1)
outcompeting and then nullifying the hatreds, dishonesties, and irrationalities throughout religion, politics,
education, and business, (2) protecting individual life-and-property rights at all levels of government and society,
(3) abiding by commonsense secular natural law, and (4) establishing the sanctity of legal contracts.
Neo-Tech begins by stating principle firmly then applying it widely and strategically, not narrowly and impulsively.
If principle cannot be implemented immediately, Neo-Tech states the principle and then works toward the best
opportunity to implement it -- be it in a year, in ten years, or even much longer. Consider two germane

property-right principles unlikely to be implemented at this time in mid 2002 -- principles that ultimately must be
implemented not just for ever-expanding prosperity but for conscious-life survival:
Example #1: Under universal natural law, return illegally confiscated oil fields, refineries, and other stolen private
properties to their legitimate owners, regardless of nationality. Those rightful owners are, for example, the
discoverers, financiers, developers, and stockholders of oil properties from whom their properties were
unilaterally nationalized, illegally seized, coerced into inequitable contractsor had legal contracts abrogated.
Send in the sheriffs posse to repossess those illegally-held properties. Note, however, oil properties that
were non-coercively purchased or contracted cannot be legally repossessed.
Lawful business owners controlling Arabian/Persian oil production would not only diminish Arab/Muslim
economic-and-physical threats to America and the world, but would keep the oil flowing to protect and enhance
economies worldwide. Moreover, the oppressed Arab/Muslim economies would benefit the most as cash-deprived
political-and-religious despots lost their illicit power. Oil revenues could then flow into economic benefits for
creative-and-productive citizens and businesses in those newly-freed countries rather than into palaces and
weapons for criminal tyrants who finance and supply international terrorists.
Ultimately, bypass dependence on hydrocarbon fuels by steadily, massively increasing the cleanest, cheapest,
safest source of energy -- nuclear energy -- first by fission energy, then maybe someday by fusion energy.
Additionally, pollution-free nuclear energy would be required to produce electrolytic hydrogen cheaply enough to
make economically-feasible fuel cells for vehicle propulsion and other heavy-duty energy uses.
Such property-rights justice combined with terminating the Republican/Religious-right war on drugs with its
irrational anti-drug laws (as were their disastrously-irrational, religious-right Prohibition Laws eighty years
before) would eliminate major money flows to tyrants and terrorists, worldwide. Additionally, decriminalizing
drugs would not only put drug cartels and dealers at all levels out of business but would also end the violentdestabilizations of illicit-drug-producing nations, especially in Latin America and certain Asian countries. That, in
turn, would markedly increase Americas security against global terrorism while (1) significantly reducing
foreign-and-domestic US government expenditures, (2) dramatically reducing prison populations, street crimes,
gang murders, police corruptions, and most important (3) end gang-driven, drug pushings onto Americas youth.
Example #2: Under the rule of law, justly resolve ownership of private properties not lawfully purchased -forcibly seized -- from individual Palestinians and their businesses. Such illegal confiscations germinated from the
anti-Semitic Dreyfus injustice in France during the 1890s. That, in turn, inspired the 1917 Balfour Declaration for a
Jewish homeland, followed by British mandates, and carried out by subsequent Israeli governments. For decades,
under sway of religious fundamentalists, violent orthodox Jews along with Jewish terrorists such as the Stern
gang and Menachem Begin massacred innocent civilians, including their 1946 bombing of the King David Hotel, in
their quest to illegally seize lands. Israel continued to criminally usurp their Holy Land from Palestiniansmost
recently via illegal Jewish-religious settlements in Gaza and the West Bank.
Concurrent with settling valid Palestinian property claims, just law also demands returning or equitably
purchasing the homes, businesses, and other properties illegally confiscated from nearly a million Jewish families
in various Arab and Muslim countries during the same period of the illegal Palestinian-land seizures. Also, retrieve
worldwide the wealth and properties stolen from the Jews murdered or exiled during the Holocaust and other
As a sidebar: A legitimate Jewish homeland might have risen in the late 19 th century on freely offered Grand Island
-- the worlds second largest freshwater island -- near Buffalo, New York. Such a trouble-free, legal Jewish citystate probably could have flourished wildly in finance, business, medicine, science, and the arts -- perhaps

outcompeting and booming beyond New York City. Instead, however, Jewish fundamentalists, the same as the
Christian crusaders a millennium before, irrationally insisted on criminally seizing from Muslim infidels the Jews
God-given Holy Lands -- given to Gods chosen ones.
Note, however, that a worldwide minority of peace-seeking, orthodox Jews called the Naturei Karta have always
vehemently opposed Zionists illegally seizing Palestinian private properties and establishing religious Jewish
settlements on Palestinian lands.
The Neo-Tech view of Zionism aligns with the early 20th-century Jewish historian Jacob Klatzkin. That view is one
of a free-and-secular Israel with no religious, political, or philosophical agendas. Klatzkin promoted freedom for
everyone to pursue business, science, and art under secular natural law. Why? To assure a successful-andenduring Israel for Jews and Arabs alike. Neo-Tech also aligns with early 20th-century, Neo-Kantian philosopher
Hermann Cohen as expressed in his book, The Religion of Reason. Neo-Tech, as does Cohen, links morality to
nature in realizing that ethics are rational and universal. Finally, Neo-Tech agrees with mid-twentieth-century
theologian Leo Baecks view that the Jewish religion based on law and ethics yields people who are more
successful and less harmful than the Christianity of Apostle Paul based on faith and faith alone. Such faith
(mysticism) and faith alone leads to Christian crusaders, Nazi Germany, Scientology, Jonestown, and Muslim
Christians and Muslims operate via positives of doing unto others -- of inflicting values onto others -- of
making each rise to an authoritarian-proclaimed rightness. By contrast, Neo-Tech operates via negatives of not
doing unto others -- of leaving others alone -- of letting others competitively rise on their own values and
Neo-Tech lets people be free; lets people find their own happiness; lets people compete on their own rightness -so long as they do not initiate force, threat of force, or fraud against others as stated by the Universal
Constitution printed in Aria #1 following Scene 3.
Neo-Tech sweeps away the chains of todays anticivilization to bring what conscious life naturally seeks -(1) ever-better jobs and careers, (2) ever-greater wealth and security, (3) ever-more enjoyable health and
romance. Neo-Tech clean sweeps mysticisms and intolerances -- sweeps away dishonesties, irrationalities, and
Now, start collecting!
Scene 3
Now, Collect Your Riches
For twenty-five centuries, the worlds value creators remained unable or unwilling to win the War of Two Worlds - the war of value creation versus value destruction. On September 11, 2001, a handful few realized that, without
victory, Earthlings would perish in a 21st-century swirl of biological, chemical, radiological, and nuclear
detonations. Furthermore, they realized that Americans are committing intellectual and spiritual suicide via (1)
escalating beliefs in pseudo-sciences, occultisms, and paranormalisms along with (2) escalating faiths in politics,
scriptures, and religions. They also realized that Americans are committing financial and physical suicide via (1)

populist/socialist gimme parasitisms yielding economic-and-social destructions along with (2) self-indulgent
ravagings yielding sickness-and-obesity destructions.
After September 11, 2001, that handful few discovered what is implicitly feared by nearly everyone, familiar or not
with Neo-Tech: That fear is of a vividly expressed responsibility to achieve limitless freedom, prosperity, and
happiness here on Earth. Anticivilization citizens cannot psychologically abide the idea of limitlessness. For, who in
the anticivilization will accept the responsibility of living without limits -- living without rulers, gurus, or Gods -living without sickness, aging, or death?
Thomas Aquinas identified in the 13th century that Earthlings cannot abide the idea of limitless life -- of limitless
freedom, prosperity, and happiness. And, then, Aquinas fired the first torpedo into Catholicism and the Christian
religion by separating the mystical realm from the Earthly realm. As explained in Scene #1 of Pax Neo-Tech, the
problem of replacing the anticivilization with a universal civilization is not physical or philosophical -- it is
Today, not just self-aggrandizing politicians, sophistic academics, and unctuous preachers dislike Neo-Tech, but so
do good-intentioned Libertarians, brilliant Objectivists, and decent religious believers. In their contorted struggles
to save the appearances of obsolete ideas or bogus beliefs, many say and do almost anything to avoid
confronting deep-rooted change. Thus, they have for years publicly flamed anticivilization-nullifying Neo-Tech with
ad-hominem zeal. And, why not? Nullifying todays anticivilization for a free-market business/science/art
civilization means chucking their stale, long-held biases, beliefs, and faiths in politics, religions, and philosophies -chucking them as harmful to the present and irrelevant to the future.
Einstein swept away the obviously-necessary aether via a universe of relativity. Neo-Tech sweeps away
obviously- necessary politics, religion, and philosophy via a universe of business, science, and art. Conscious
life never advances through force-backed politics, static epistemologies, mystical metaphysics, irrational faiths,
and mystical spiritualities. Instead, it advances through free-market business, education, science, and art.
Recall again mankinds grandest achievement in Earths 2500-year-old anticivilization by Americas
founding fathers: They created free America not by intellectualizing theories of politics, religion, and philosophy.
Instead, they envisioned the future by integrating facts of history with natural law, physical reality, and
commonsense actions.
Where to start winning Earths final war between good and evil? Where to start collecting cleansweep riches?
Start by Undermining Dishonesties and Irrationalities
Neo-Tech profitably undermines religion, politics, and philosophy. To sense the contours of such
underminings, start with religion -- Islams Muslim religion: It is the worlds fastest growing major religion. It
encompasses a vast swath of history and diversity. It crosses every social, economic, national, and ethnic
boundary in gripping today a billion-and-a-half people. Islamic power rises ingeniously from four simple tenets of
Islam that the literate and illiterate alike can quickly understand and easily embrace. But, the crowning intellectual
achievement -- the Muslims tour de force -- is the sweeping power of scholarly Islamic laws constructed over the
centuries from the Qur'an. ...As one secular humanist identified, the Qur'an itself is an impressive piece of Arabic
poetry that compels murderously irrational behaviors toward all non-Muslims as well as Muslims arbitrarily
deemed heretical.
Modeled after the 613 laws of the Jewish Torah, Islams widely-applicable laws formulate into explicit dos and
donts that proclaim infallible answers for every question of what is right and wrong. Many of the Qur'ans laws
are sensible, healthy, and rational -- that is the evil genius of the Qur'an. Thus, the Qur'an becomes Allahs will
to whom all must submitor die by the sword.

Islamic laws shape every detail of a devout Muslims life. By rigidly following those laws, Muslims avoid the
responsibility of independent judgments and freethinking decisions needed to advance conscious life. Those laws
let Muslims sidestep the responsibility of creating-and-producing competitive values for themselves, others, and
society. Increasingly today, duped Muslims move backward, toward the Middle Ages, even back into caves. They
become decreasingly competitive, unable to earn joyfully-prosperous lives. Their personal-and-collective failures
make them bitterly-envious losers wanting to crush or kill every successful infidel. They destroy their futures by
surrendering to Islamic laws formulated a thousand years ago.
One can profitably undermine religion by understanding the Qur'an: Consider that the Bible and most
Western literature are organized around a chronological or hierarchical order. By contrast, the Qur'an on initial
examination seems to have no organizing principle. Its text appears as a disorganized, ad-hoc collection of brief
but hard-impact, bullet-like warnings, identifications, and instructions for a paradise afterlife.
The word Islam in Arabic means to submit. The most ardent-and-absolute Qur'anic command of Islam is to
convert every Earthling to Islam...and kill every infidel who does not submit. Yet, the Christian Bible, in its Book of
Revelation, surpasses the Qur'an in shear malevolence and hatred of humanity through advocating the brutal
premeditated murder of every person on Earth. Remember, too, how for centuries devout Christians genocidally
impoverished, tortured, and killed infidels, heretics, and free thinkers by the millions.
Today, hordes of Christian fundamentalists enthusiastically purchased 40-million copies of books by
Christian authors Jenkins and LaHaye. Those devout authors describe how Jesus during his Second Coming will
gruesomely execute nonbelievers as their innards and entrails gushed to the desert floortheir blood pooling
and rising in the unforgiving brightness of God.
Moreover, what about the great flood? What about Gods own holy words in which he biblically confesses
to premeditated mass murder. He sanctimoniously admits to sadistically-cruel genocide of conscious life. Yes, God
admits to drowning every man, woman and innocent child on Earth, save two blind-faith automatons.
At their core, religions of Gods and Politics are irrational, dishonest, and ultimately genocidal. Thus, to survive this
age of nuclear, radiological, and bio/chemical weapons, Islam along with Christianity, Judaism, socialism, fascism,
and every other form of crippling mysticism and criminal irrationality must be shredded and clean swept from
Earthlings can no longer indulge in the bizarre of practices of irrational religions and dishonest politics. For the
first time in human history, kill-em-all weapons are becoming available to all comers at ever-cheaper prices.
Kill-em-all Islam is on the ascent today. Still, as in the past, the ascent of kill-em-all Christianity, Judaism,
Socialism, Fascism, or Utopianism is possible at any future time. ...Thus, looms Earths final war to rid the world of
those irrationalities and dishonesties.
As shown in this Scene 3 and in Coda #2, Pax Neo-Tech and Pax Law must (1) profitably shrink irrationalities and
mysticisms to null points, and (2) permanently eliminate terrorism at every level. ...If not, Earthlings will vanish in
mushroom cloudsor die from radiological, biological, or chemical sicknesses.
Outflanking the Qur'an
Similar to Pax Neo-Tech, the Quran generally flows in a reverse chronological order and seems to lack an
organizing principle. Still, the Qur'an forms a narrow-scope matrix of random warnings, identifications, and
guides. Likewise, seemingly-random Neo-Tech nuggets self-organize into a wide-scope matrix comprising bullets
that mow down right-brain religious, political, and philosophical delusions. In that way, Neo-Tech profitably
outflanks the Qur'an.

Now, travel back fourteen centuries: According to legend, Prophet Muhammad was the mystical messenger to
whom the Qur'an was recited -- hallucinated -- over a period of twenty-two years by imagined angels sent by an
imagined God. According to reality, however, Commander Muhammad was not only a charismatic military
genius, but was a treacherous deceiver, a serial wife-beater, and as a 54-year-old man was a self-admitted child
rapist of a 9-year-old girl named Aisha.
Muhammad deployed religion as a weapon for zombifying his troops into (1) berserkly murdering his proclaimed
enemies and then (2) brutally plundering his conquests. Recall that in Dantes Divine Comedy, one finds
Muhammad confined near the deepest levels in the Inferno. Why? Because his Earthly life was filled with
murderously-destructive deceptions.
Muhammad used his newly-formulated Islamic manipulations and a conjured-up Qur'an as weapons to mass
murder, plunder, and conquer neighboring lands. He then expanded his brutal rule under the aegis of establishing
a holy Islamic empire. He learned his masterful deceptions from serial-killer Constantine the Great of four
centuries earlier. After murdering his own wife and son, Constantine used his newly-formulated Christian
deceptions and a conjured-up Bible as weapons to mass murder, usurp power, and conquer Europe. He then
expanded his brutal rule under the aegis of establishing a Holy Roman Empire culminated by Charlemagne in 813.
One would expect to find Constantine dwelling alongside Muhammad in Dantes Inferno.
Now, return to the Qur'an: Contrast the benevolent, crime-abolishing Constitution of the Universe in Aria #1 to the
malevolent, crime-promoting Qur'an cited next:
* not to make friendships with Jews and Christians [5:51]
* kill the disbelievers wherever we find them [2:191]
* fight and slay the Pagans, seize them, beleaguer them, and lie and wait for them in every stratagem [9:5]
[ref: Free Inquiry, Spring 2002, page 35. That Pulitzer-worthy issue offers eight historical articles about Islam
and the Qur'an (see
Muslims and the West After September 11). Highly recommended: Subscribe to the anti-mystical literature
published by the Secular Humanists, especially its outstanding magazine Free Inquiry at Also, financially support that international organization led
by its benevolent-and-venerable founder, Dr. Paul Kurtz. Support the Council for Secular Humanists? Yes. Look
past its irrelevant noises -- its socialist-left editorial positions. For, the outstanding value of the Councils writers
and researchers flows from their potent anti-mystical, pro-science publications to advance Neo-Techs goal of
curing the disease of mysticism. Remember that they too are, as is almost everyone, trapped in the
anticivilization. Those Secular Humanists are fenced in their left-wing biases just as their arch-villain President
Bush is fenced in his right-wing biases. But, the fully-integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting of Neo-Tech
sweeps away those fences to free good people trapped in todays anticivilization. Neo-Tech releases them into a
mystic-free/free-thinking brotherhood -- into an honest business/science/art civilization here on Earth.]
The most-solid nexus between Neo-Tech and the Secular Humanists is found in that position best stated by Secular
Humanist author, William Harwood -- Insanity is a neurological dysfunction that prevents the brain from rejecting
conclusions that are incompatible with the evidence.
Ironically, mystically-crushed Muslims will ultimately benefit the most from Neo-Tech. For, realize that they have
the same potential as any conscious person to escape their impoverished hell by creating and producing
competitive values that yield endless prosperity here on Earth.
Now move past Judaism, Christianity, and Islam to the Latter-Day Saints: Twelve centuries after Muhammad, the
Mormon founder, Joseph Smith, harnessed his Book of Mormon. Emulating the prophet Muhammad, the prophet

Smith proclaimed recitation of his sacred text by an imagined angel sent by an imagined God. As did Muhammad,
he used spellbinding cult dynamics. Smith used Qur'anic-like, multi-wife dynamics to accumulate and hold his
followers, albeit today in a healthier, more life-affirming manner than not only Islam but also most other religions.
Thus, in competitively earning prosperous livelihoods, the Mormons generally outcompete other strongly religious
people. And, as detailed later in this scene concerning the unproven Zon conjecture, Mormonism and Neo-Tech
share a common idea: Man is what God was -- God is what man shall become. At the other end of the spectrum,
religion tragically diminishes the competitiveness -- the creativity and productivity -- of a billion Muslims living
Finally, go back 3500 years to sacred Egyptian hieroglyphic texts. Then proceed to the Hindu Vedas and
Upanishads, even to the Buddhas Dharma with its gift of fearlessness. Next, go to the Torah, the Old Testament,
and the New Testament. Power-usurping political/religious authorities have throughout the ages manipulated
those brilliantly-edited texts to continually embed irrationalities and mysticisms into conscious minds. Why? To
control populations into becoming wealth-and-power providing worshipers and followers. By contrast, with the
publication of Neo-Tech comes non-religious, non-political, non-philosophical texts for creating ever-expanding
prosperity, health, and happiness -- not up there in some future-promised ethereal realm or heaven, but right
now, down here on this solid Earth.
Available right now to unbiased snipers is an arsenal of prosperity-creating bullets embedded throughout the NeoTech literature. Instead of impoverishing their human targets as do life-killing Qur'anic bullets, those Neo-Tech
bullets enrich the world as some mow down the dishonesties and irrationalities that support mysticisms and
biases while others explode on impact to create new profit opportunities.
What follows is the Keynote Address delivered at the Neo-Tech 2001 World Summit, which revealed the BubbleControl Tool. That tool lets one profit by undercutting and nullifying today's moribund political/religious
anticivilization, thus clearing the way for building a booming business/science civilization around the globe:

The Neo-Tech 2001 World Summit

November 18, 2001
[edited for book publication]
Bubble Controlling the Future
Two months after September 11, 2001, on the final day of the annual Neo-Tech World Summit at the Tropicana
Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada, a thirteen-star Jeffersonian flag of American independence rose to Max Steiners
Gone-with-the-Wind Taras Theme to reveal a large gold-glittering photograph of the World-Trade Center at
sunrise. With that glorious business-civilization sight, the background music played Leighs and Darions, To
Dream the Impossible Dream, to Reach the Unreachable Star. When the music stopped, the keynote speaker
gestured toward the twin towers.
Gone with the wind, he lamented. Gone in the wind of an anticivilization. Today, that wind blows from nuclearand-biochemical pinnacles poised to annihilate mankind. But, September 11 th birthed a different wind -- a peaceful
zephyr that brings prosperity and health.
The speaker then clutched a handful of dirt scooped from a crystal bowl flanked on one side by a porcelain bowl
filled with grain and fruit and on the other side by a heart-shaped ingot of gold inscribed with words of romantic
love. He then began his speech. This is what he said:
In the movie Gone with the Wind, Scarlet OHara stood in the fields of her war-destroyed plantation, Tara, and
vowed, As God is my Witness, Ill never be hungry again. Do you remember Scarlet clutching that handful of dirt
-- dirt falling from between her gripping fingers? Remember her soliloquy about earth -- about the good earth?
She passionately proclaimed that only land is permanently valuable and real. Nothing valuable comes from
anything mystical or unreal. Real values come from what is real. And, earth is the most basic representation of
what is real. But, earth is only half the equation for a prosperous, happy civilization. The other half of that
equation is human consciousness -- honest, mystic-free consciousness.
In the Neolithic Age, from natures earth evolved this worlds first businesspeople -- farmers. They produced,
stored, and traded surplus grains and other agricultural staples. That ability to produce and store surplus food
opened the era of trade. Surplus food production allowed the formation of villages, then stable cities such as
Jericho, and finally civilizations with written languages and formal educations. Thus, rose science and commerce
that continually increased human prosperity. Profit-driven artisans took silicon from sand to make these crystaland-porcelain bowlsand, today, the silicon semiconductors in this microphone. Similarly, profit-driven miners
extracted gold from the earth not only to yield this romantic golden heart, but also to create money, businesses,
capitalism, and competitive world trade.
Profit-driven enterprises let populations multiply their creations into economic-and-social forces that can
advance mankind indefinitely -- without limits. Natures earth plus rational consciousness yield human progress
reaching the stars and beyond.
Reaching the stars and forever beyond? Yes, by combining human consciousness with honest free-enterprise
business, science, and art as I shall explain later in my talk today. For now, however, remember that Neo-Tech
comprises new techniques and new technologies harnessed by neothinking, fully-integrated honesty, and widescope accounting. Yet, in an anticivilization, even with Neo-Tech, every conscious value ends destroyed and every
human life ends dead. For what? And why? No rational answer exists for those two questions. But, by sundering
life from death, conscious life can flourish without limits.
Sundering Life from Death

A protocol that sunders life from death took three decades to evolve. That protocol quantum jumps consciousness
out of pathologies yielding destruction and death -- and into psychologies yielding prosperity and life. Yet, few
would effectively use that sundering protocol.
The problem was not that the protocol is so confoundedly difficult that few could use it. Instead, the problem is
that it was so elegantly simple that few would use it. For, using that protocol deprives people of their dogmatic
beliefs and mystical irrationalities. The September-11th terrorist attack, however, jolted a radical restructuring of
that protocol into a new tool that lets people gain competitive advantages and compounding profits by undermining
and then nullifying their own biases, mysticisms, and faiths.
What is that new tool? It is a future-controlling device, not a fortune-telling gimmick. A mystic gazes into a crystal
ball to fraudulently forecast the future. A realist gazes into Earths mystical bubble to accurately predict the
future and then profitably control it.
How to start? Start by understanding the Zon speculation: What is the Zon speculation? It comprises three
1. The Civilization of the Universe is a business/science/art civilization into which conscious life throughout the
universe naturally evolves based on the nature of physical-and-conscious existence.
2. Zonpower controls the Universe. Does the word zonpower seem new-age or mystical? It is not. Zonpower is
simply a metaphorical word encapsulating Francis Bacons seventeenth-century logic: First understand nature,
obey it, and then control it to create ever-more human values.
3. Zons are metaphorically-postulated people who deliver never-ending values, prosperity, and health to
conscious life. Zons can also be expressed metaphorically as God Men and God Women. In addition, Neo-Tech
coincides with Socrates idea that every conscious person conceals a potential god (a daemon) or a divine spark
(nous) within his or her nature. Thus, today, while there is no direct scientific evidence of Zons, one must ask,
Can we become Zons? The answer: Even if Zons do not now exist, they certainly can evolve from the limitless
nature of conscious life here on Earth.
The First Zon Messenger
Was mythical Prometheus the first Zon messenger? Prometheus, whose Greek name means foresight, bestowed
gifts of knowledge upon Earthlings Luciferian knowledge needed to start their journey toward obsoleting God or
Gods by becoming far-superior, ever-growing Gods themselves. Those gifts included not only fire but also the
profit-generating secrets for agriculture, business, engineering, manufacturing, technology, and the arts. ...Thus,
Prometheus nullified Gods (Zeuss) decreed apocalyptic destruction of mankind.
Prometheuss gifts of knowledge saved mankind from Gods murderous wrath. Thus, a fearfully-envious Zeus
chained the giver of light and life to a mountaintop. Each day, he had an eagle peck out Prometheuss liver, which
grew back each night for continued torture until he yielded to Zeuss command to destroy mankind. By never
yielding, however, Prometheus symbolized the supreme virtue of persistence in nullifying the destructions
inflicted by a conjured God corruptly manipulated through irrational religions and dishonest politics.
Today, the relentless persistence of Neo-Tech first undermines and then nullifies conjured-up Gods, irrational
religions, and dishonest politics to prepare conscious life for its journey toward endless prosperity, non-aging
health, and enduring romance. ...Consider these three points about Neo-Tech:
1. Neo-Tech stands diametrically apart from the false beauty and spurious spirituality of political
dishonesties and religious irrationalities. Neo-Tech is pure beauty rising from the rationality and honesty of
free-thinking creativity and romantic spirituality.

2. As demonstrated throughout the Neo-Tech literature, honesty not truth is the hallmark of
beauty, spirituality, and virtue. Realize that honesty is an open-ended, flowing process that by definition is
always honest. By contrast, truth is a closed-circle, fixed static that insidious leaders, false authorities, and
malevolent dogmatists dishonestly use for destructive, self-serving manipulations. ...Truth shall not set you free;
honesty shall.
3. Rising from irrational mysticisms and absolutisms, religious-and-political tyrannies hold no
real spirituality or beauty. By contrast, Neo-Tech comprises honest business, science, and art that transfigures
into free-thinking spirituality and romantic beauty.
Three Useful Questions
As the late Cornell astronomer Carl Sagan stated, extraordinary claims require extraordinary proofs. Thus, the
Zon conjecture lays no claims because there are no proofs or even evidences. Neo-Tech does not even frame the
Zon conjecture as a hypothesis. It is instead a speculation that may serve as a useful awareness point for NTPs
future Overlay-Chart research program.
One, however, can still honestly ask three unscientific yet useful questions: (1) Are we the descendents of
Universe-creating Zons? (2) Shall we become the creators of future worlds or universes from which new
conscious life and eventually Zons will evolve according to the natural laws of physics? (3) If universe-creating
Zons exist, would they send a messenger to this planet?
Neo-Tech literature based on the logic of competitive business, universal science, and wide-scope
accounting suggests that such messengers could or would never appear on planet Earth. Yet, today, Pax Neo-Tech
indicates that home-born Zon messengers are independently evolving here on Earth as part of a natural evolution
Most ironic: Could Earth-evolved Zon messengers free Muslims from their centuries-old sufferings in a
matrix of psychotically-destructive delusions? Consider these facts: Claiming revelations from a mythical
Archangel named Gabriel, warrior-politician Muhammad conjured up a brilliantly-powerful religious weapon to
which all must submit or die. He called that weapon Islam and used it to whip his worshiping armies into
religious frenzies. After murderously robbing the innocent businesses of his day (desert trade caravans) to
finance his wars, Muhammad used his religiously-berserk armies to conquer and plunder vast lands and
populations -- North, South, East, and West.
Muhammad used Islam to usurp great power and wealth. Yet, how did he fashion such a gripping-andenduring religion that subjected and controlled more people globally than any other religious force in human
history? First, he recognized that the three major religions of his time -- Judaism, Christianity, and
Zoroastrianism -- were far too complex and esoteric for the vast majorities of Earthlings to personally grasp and
deeply understand. Thus, Muhammad shrewdly stripped away the complexities of those religions and then
ingeniously wove them into a starkly-simple maze -- a wide-ranging entrapment matrix called the Qur'an. Then,
the literate and illiterate alike of all races and nationalities could easily embrace Muhammads authoritative
Qur'anic rhetoric that today entraps over a billion followers.
Seven centuries later, Niccolo Machiavelli in his book, The Prince, published in 1513, highlighted
Muhammads technique for usurping, holding, then expanding power and control over vast domains. That
technique? Present simple, easily-embraced, all-inclusive religious messages. Then forcefully spread those
messages through violent politics, relentless propaganda, and faith-frenzied Jihads.
Now, today, could Pax Neo-Tech suddenly jump Muslims from black to white -- from blindly accepting
violently-irrational messages from demagogically-created myths into critically adopting peacefully-rational

messages from reality-created facts? For, most ironically, as previously noted, that despite their profound
differences, deep marketing connections exist between the Qur'anic enslavement matrix and the Pax Neo-Tech
freedom matrix.
Above all, however, Pax Neo-Tech generates the universal spirituality that breaks the lethal grip of religion and
politics on planet Earth.
The Zon Mandate
From China to America to Mecca, forget mandates from Heaven, Jesus, or God. They do not exist. An a-priori
mandate, however, does exist from metaphorical Zons here on Earth and across the cosmos. That mandate
demands the evolvement of conscious life toward limitless life and happiness via business, science, and art. Fail
that mandate and conscious life perishes.
What would Zons be like? By nature, young children are Zons. They are innocently open and know only honesty.
That is why they have limitless potential and are lovably precious. Adult Zons by nature would likewise be
innocently open and know only honesty. Thus, they too would have limitless potential and be lovably precious. To
quote Nobel Laureate in literature, Y. B. Yeats, The innocent and the beautiful have no enemy but time.
Innocent-and-beautiful children have no enemy but anticivilization adults.
Similar to children, animals are also innocent and lovable. Animals, however, never become mystical, dishonest, or
irrational. Thus, they remain the same innocents either in Heaven or on Earth -- either in the Civilization of the
Universe or in an anticivilization.
How does the Zon speculation become a catalyst for life-giving health and prosperity? Go back to the initial
conditions formed during the "big-bang" birth of our Universe fourteen-billion years ago. From those initial
conditions radiated the physical reality in which we live today. What set those initial conditions? Today, no one on
Earth knows that answer.
Yet, without direct evidence to posit a scientifically-acceptable theory, Neo-Tech deduces a useful speculation:
Perhaps eon-advanced conscious beings (Zons) birthed this universe with initial conditions designed to deliver
ever-expanding health and prosperity for conscious life by following the immutable laws of nature. Such a
speculation provides a tool for generating predictions -- regardless if universe-creating Zons exist or not.
Before the 20th century, without direct evidence, leading physicists and chemists deduced a useful speculation:
Perhaps everything was made of invisible, irreducible atoms. Such a speculation became a valuable tool for
generating accurate predictions that yielded advantages and profits while continually advancing physics,
chemistry, and biology -- regardless if atoms factually existed or not.
Experimental physicists and chemists then increasingly uncovered mathematical-and-empirical evidences of the
atom. Finally, in 1905, Albert Einsteins famous paper on Brownian Motion asserted proof of the atom backed by
J.J. Thompsons 1897 discovery of an elementary particle -- the electron. Most scientists then quickly accepted
Einsteins and Thompsons evidences as proof of the atom. Even then, direct observation of atoms did not occur
until the mid-20th century with the development of the electron microscope.
Similarly, scientists will construct Overlay Charts seeking mathematical-and-empirical evidences of conscious life
controlling nature on quantum, macro, and cosmic levels. [The forthcoming Act Three of Pax Neo-Tech explains
the Overlay Charts.] Scientists will construct those Charts from the mountains of uninterpreted
cosmological/quantum, matter/energy data already collected by NASA, astronomers, astrophysicists, and
particle-physicists. Overlay-Chart construction will be somewhat analogous to Johannes Keplers constructing

his elegant Laws of Planetary Motion from the abundant data previously collected by the great observationalastronomer Tycho Brahe.
Later in this decade, inorganic research chemist, Dr. Frank R. Wallace will construct his first Overlay Chart. He
will organize and then integrate the vast amounts of raw physical, statistical, and mathematical information
currently available for the chemical elements. That information concerns space-and-time distributions, quantities,
properties, and uses of those elements on quantum, macro, and cosmic levels. From those integrations, he will
reconfigure Mendeleyevs Periodic Table of Elements into four-dimensional arrays aimed at discerning businessdetermined, space-time distributions of the elements and their isotopes.
Next, working with physicists and mathematicians, Wallace will subject quantum-mechanical and cosmological data
to (1) statistical thermodynamic/mathematical analyses and (2) wide-scope quantitative/qualitative integrations
aimed at discerning possible conscious interdictions in cosmic space-time. Computer analyses will then correlate
the results with business/science principles postulated for eternally expanding the health and prosperity of
conscious life.
Such Overlay Charts might yield evidences, possibly even predictive proofs, of conscious business/science
controls reaching beyond planets -- reaching beyond solar systems -- reaching throughout the cosmos. Why
that cosmic control? To (1) protect the eternal propagation of conscious life and (2) allow its perpetual
If successful, Dr. Wallace plans to convert that initial periodic-table Overlay Chart into a building-size, public walkthrough glass model that illustrates -- via interactive audio and video -- the scientific, intellectual, practical, and
emotional meanings of that discovery in aesthetically-exciting ways. That artistic, multi-colored glass model will
dramatize what that Overlay-Chart discovery means to Earthlings. Could such charts be the Conscious
Messenger for our cosmos as Galileos telescope was the Starry Messenger for our solar system four centuries
Now, in 2001, consider the prime speculation about establishing the initial physical conditions to form our
universe: That speculation postulates that the forces of nature quantum-fluxed our universe into existence from
vacuum energy. Such a flux started the creation and then the superluminal big-bang expansion of space and time
(not a big-bang explosion in space and time) birthed our Universe. In other words, the five universal constants
comprising the initial conditions for our universe fluxed from nothing -- ex nihilo -- based on the Heisenbergs
uncertainty principle underlying both quantum mechanics and general relativity. That cosmological/quantummechanical speculation provides a scientifically-sound/predictive-tool model that is widely used by scientists
Physicists effectively and validly use that quantum-flux scenario despite three problems: First, no
verifiable explanation for such a scenario exists. Second, if during the so-called big-bang any of the five
universal constants varied in the slightest, many-decimal-point degree, the Universe in which we live could not
exist. [Our Universe springing by chance from a quantum-flux of vacuum energy is inherently not a problem. Such
an occurrence is just a statistical long shot of overwhelming proportions. Still, the Universe that evolved the
original Zons, if they exist, would have had to develop via such a googol-eons, long-shot physical phenomenon. That
too is inherently not a problem. For, after all, in the never-beginning past of the universe of universes, countless
googol eons of time have already passed.] Third, religious leaders mystically framed and then dishonestly
hijacked the big-bang hypothesis to formulate bogus God proofs.
Intelligent-Design is not science; it is theology where the Scientific Method is not applicable. The Zon conjecture is
not yet science (and may never be); it is to date speculation without empirical evidences. The Zon conjecture

cannot become science until or unless empirical evidences emerge that suggest a cosmic imperative for the
origins of the Universe and/or life itself.
Both the scientific (evidenced-based) Big-Bang Theory and the currently non-scientific Zon Speculation posit
space, time, and life itself as evolving from the laws of natural physics and Darwinian-type evolutions -- not from
the dictates of a mythical God or even Zons. If Zons exist, however, nothing technologically limits them from
learning to profitably control nature by obeying it in creating or controlling life-evolving worlds and/or universes
for value-creating purposes.
Remember, also, unlike a mythical God who exists only as figments of harmful beliefs, postulated Zons are
neither omniscient nor omnipotent. They, as us, must (1) obey the laws of nature and (2) exert conscious thinking
and focused efforts to gain useful knowledge, create competitive values, and earn ever-increasing power.
Nature intrinsically needs neither purpose nor a conscious creator. Yet, the Zon conjecture adds purpose with
greatly-improved occurrence odds to the scientifically-sound, quantum-flux idea of our universe created exnihilo. Again, however, purpose is neither a necessity nor a requirement for existence itself or for the creation
of our Universe. In addition, no why answers exist for nature. Thus, today, no valid hypotheses can arise for
nature. ...Nature simply exists as existence.
A humanistically-understandable Zon evolving within the laws of nature contrasts to a pathologically-inscrutable
God operating outside the laws of nature. Thus, the Zon conjecture provides a potentially-predictive hypothesis in
the future based on real people in real locations letting conscious life freely-and-limitlessly advance via value
creations across time and space.
Interestingly, of the two non-God creation ideas, only the Zon conjecture seems prima-facie provable -- possibly
via Overlay Charts derived from already existing data. But, that speculation currently cannot be falsified.
Whereas, the currently-accepted nonconscious quantum-flux speculation seems unprovable, but can be falsified
by, for example, proving the Zon conjecture. As an aside, Neo-Tech rejects Karl Poppers falsification theory as
false in itself for it ultimately rules out proof by induction, empirical evidences, and the Scientific Method.
In any case, achieving Neo-Tech's goal of replacing Earths dead-end anticivilization with an open-end
business/science/art civilization depends on proving neither the Zon conjecture nor the existence of Zons. Yet,
consider the impact of finding evidences or, more-spectacularly, finding proofs that businesspeople, scientists,
and artists rationally created and now profitably orchestrate the cosmos via the universal laws of nature. Why?
To forever protect and profitably advance the most-precious entity in existence -- individual conscious life.
The Bubble-Control Tool
The 1992 Zon speculation provided unexpected, life-enhancing prizes. Now comes its most-valuable prize -- the
bubble-control tool for profitably predicting and controlling the future. That tool evolved over roughly three tenyear periods:
1. The Poker Period (1968-1979) during which the founder of Neo-Tech as the author of the worlds best-selling
poker book ( uncovered the power of observing and acting from perspectives outside
the fish-in-a-barrel microcosms comprising poker games. ...From that catbird position, one can gain unbeatable
advantages by exploiting his or her opponents irrationalities, mysticisms, and ignorances.
2. The Neo-Tech Period (1980-1991) started with generalizing those poker concepts and then applying them to a
wide-range of human interactions. Such generalizations yielded tools for profitably outcompeting the dishonesties
and irrationalities underpinning Earths anticivilization. Those tools were delivered in publications such as
Psychuous Sex, The Neo-Tech Encyclopedia, The Neo-Tech Discovery, and The Neo-Tech Protection Kit.

Later came the potent business tools discovered, developed, and delivered by Mark Hamilton and Eric Savage in an
array of classic Neo-Tech publications. Those publications ranged from Cosmic Business Control to Global Wealth
Power, capped by Hamiltons current masterwork, The Neo-Tech World, which nails the reason why conscious life
cannot achieve non-aging biological immortality in an anticivilization. Then, in 2004, will come Hamiltons hoaxbreaking, wealth-generating business manual -- The Neo-Tech System.
3. The Neo-Tech/Zon Period (1992-2001) began the controversial dynamics to replace todays life-destroying
political/religious anticivilization with a life-flourishing business/science civilization described in publications
such as Cassandras Secret -- Natures Quintessential Secret, Neo-Tech Physics, Zon Protocols, and Profound
Honesty. This period evolved over the years, up to my talk today.
Next will come Mark Hamiltons emotionally-gripping trilogy, The First Immortals. That trilogy dramatizes how
human beings can quickly achieve reverse-aging/non-aging health via various competitive stem-cell and cloning
methods -- commercial biological immortality -- in a free-enterprise/science/art civilization. Also, in 2004, will
come Eric Savages and Tracy Alexanders book, No More Lies. That book nullifies personal mysticisms. In 2006,
will come Rosa Mara Wallaces book, Romantic Love Eternal. That book roadmaps the route to forever-young
romantic pleasures and happiness.
The first two of those three ten-year periods deployed precise 1-2-3 steps to gain prosperity, health, and romance
by nullifying dishonesties, irrationalities, and mysticisms. Starting in 1992, Neo-Tech began deploying its bubblecontrol tool. That tool not only profitably discards fixed-boundary faiths in religions and mysticisms, but it also
profitably discards fixed-boundary beliefs in politics and philosophies.
Sweeping Away the Badand the Good
Exchanging todays anticivilization for a business/science/art civilization requires sweeping away the boundaries
of not only irredeemably-harmful politics and philosophies but also of relatively-beneficial politics and
philosophies such as Libertarianism and Objectivism.
Neo-Tech does not work by futilely-preaching positives. It works by profitably-nullifying negatives woven
throughout government, business, academia, and the media. Libertarians and Objectivists, by contrast, struggle
to reform negatives -- their targets of evil -- targets that cannot be reformed.
Still, why can good-intentioned Libertarians and Objectivists never build a prosperous business/science/art
civilization free of criminalities, wars, and mysticisms? Why can they never end pernicious big government,
destructive irrationality, or lethal religion? I shall now answer those questions:
Contemplate the 15th-18th century alchemists. Many were outstanding scientists, including Isaac Newton, who
rationally and logically sought to chemically transmute, for example, heavy base metals into their heavy metal
cousin -- gold. For, while scientifically informed in their day, they did not have Mendeleyevs Periodic Chart of
Elements. They had no concept of the unchangeable nature of elements versus their everyday experiences of
changing elements into compounds, reducing compounds into elements, and converting compounds into other
Later, within the scope of 19th-and-20th-century scientific knowledge, such attempts to transmute elements
became obviously impossible, irrational, illogical -- crackpot science by cranks.
As an aside: Today, ironically, with growing knowledge and application of high-energy nuclear physics, such leadto-gold, non-chemical transmutations are now a physical reality, albeit an economically unfeasible means of gold
Libertarians and Objectivists were the honorable political-and-philosophical alchemists of the 20th century who
built a valuable body of anticivilization knowledge while trying to transmute lower-realm evil into higher-realm

good. They never understood the non-analog, quantum-jump difference between evil and good. They never
understood the unbridgeable difference between todays corrupt political/religious/philosophical anticivilization
and tomorrows honest business/science/art civilization.
Thus, arose the impossibility of achieving their goal -- just as arose the impossibility of achieving the alchemists
goal. Thereby, today, they are unnecessarily becoming the cranks of politics and crackpots of philosophy. Time for
them to escape their entrapments. Time for them to break free from their stunted growth. Time for them to use
Neo-Tech for freeing their bright minds and moral characters to create prosperous, healthy futures for
themselves, their loved ones, and humanity via Neo-Techs bubble-control tool.
As explained earlier in my talk today, that tool is the encapsulated anticivilization bubble viewed from the outside - from no-boundary business/science/art perspectives. To further grasp that tool, review once again how and
where it was first discovered and successfully used -- in high-stake poker -- in microcosms of an irrational
anticivilization: Note how out-of-their-world player John Finn viewed his opponents from beyond their closed, selfdestructive boundaries. Thus, he could profitably predict and control their actions, reactions, and futures.
From that god-like/higher-realm position, Finn gained unbeatable advantages by recognizing and then profitably
exploiting the irrationalities, dishonesties, and mysticisms of his hapless opponents. The rationalized bubbles that
entrapped those opponents prevented them from looking beyond to see Finns control over them. Thus, catbird
Finn exploited them at will while digitally -- dollar by dollar -- shrinking his targets of irrationality and mysticism
toward bankruptcy and oblivion -- toward null points.
Those catbird strategies flip anticivilization irrationalities into open-ended profits. Implicit uses of such out-oftheir-world advantages are now spreading across business, political, and social spectra from shrewd Rupert
Murdoch and Roger Ailes with their increasingly-profitable Fox News Cable -- to Robert L. Bartley with his Wall
Street Journal worldwide-gold-standard editorial page. Even religious-addled radio-and-television
commentators (including alas egomaniacal-blowhard Bill OReilly) are cashing-in on those Neo-Tech dynamics.
Profitable Neo-Tech advantages are executed explicitly in the red-pill-of-honesty movie The Matrix and implicitly
in certain super-hero movies, even in ironic TV cartoons such as The Simpsons and South Park. Moreover, today,
Neo-Tech advantages continue moving not only into talk radio but also into video games, entertainment, rock, rap,
and comic books such as the Neo-Tech Anarky Batman series. In spreading among freethinking non-elitists, NeoTech is arriving step-by-step in hundreds of quiet, hidden ways.
Time to replace losing hands of politics, religion, and utopianism with winning hands of free-enterprise, science,
and art. Time to waltz gracefully into everlasting riches, health, and romance.
The Gold-and-Silver Waltz
[To the background music of Franz Lehrs Gold-and-Silver Waltz]
Perhaps one can best sense the subtlety of Neo-Techs anticivilization-vanquishing dynamics via its gold-andsilver waltz. That waltz harmonizes the notes of business, science, and art into new melodies. Such melodies play
across the spectrum of Neo-Tech literature to coalesce into symphonies of benevolence, honesty, and profit.
Take, for example, two such melodies of which a few notes have already played. Sense the unexpected
perspectives. If you can envision such wide-scope/unbiased perspectives, you have already started outflanking
and outcompeting the multitudes of narrow-scope/biased individuals trapped inside the anticivilization bubble.
Gold-and-Silver Melody #1 starts with an unusual question and concludes with outside-the-bubble answers. Here is
the question: When does one know if he or she understands James Joyces hard-to-read, stream-ofconsciousness novel Ulysses? Here are some answers:

*One knows upon grasping both the opposites and parallels of honestly-presented facts versus dishonestlypresented truths. One knows upon grasping both the opposites and parallels between humble Jewish-businessman
Leopold Blooms honestly-compassionate one-day journey around Dublin versus vainglorious Greek-hero Ulysses
dishonestly-ruthless ten-year journey around the Mediterranean.
*One knows upon separating realities from delusions. For example:
1. Ayn-Rands egoism expanding into value-creations -- not Mother-Teresas altruism shrinking into self-sacrifices
-- increases standards of living for all societies and well-being for all peoples, especially the downtrodden and
2. Christian Francis of Assisi and atheist Ayn Rand were philosophical soul mates who pursued quixotic alchemies
based upon the metaphysics, epistemologies, and ethics perceived by each in their respective 800-yearseparated periods of history and philosophy. Both Francis and Rand expanded on Socrates, Aristotles, and Jesus
movement away from group following and political collectivism. However different their separate perceptions of
reality, they each moved toward independent action via self-responsibility and individual freedom.
3. Ayn Rand offered a way to escape irrationality in the twentieth century as projected in her fiction-andnonfiction works. St. Francis offered a way to escape unhappiness in the thirteenth century as projected next in
Gold-and-Silver Melody #2:
Gold-and-Silver Melody #2 unexpectedly reveals St. Francis as a self-fulfilling egoist who defeats boring
conformity along with its gnawing unhappiness. In the anticivilization context of his thirteenth-century knowledge
and milieu, Francis certainly led a more independent and interesting life while probably achieving much greater
happiness than do today's cult-entrapped Objectivists and lost Libertarians. For example:
*Fiercely individualistic Francis uncompromisingly strove to achieve autonomy and freedom for his own personal
life, on his own terms, regardless of what others thought or did. Within the anticivilization possibilities available to
him eight-hundred years ago, he was spectacularly successful in fulfilling his lifes goal of achieving maximum
personal happiness -- deep Aristotelian happiness -- eudaemonist happiness of virtuously fulfilling his nature and
*In knowing his nature, Francis discovered what gave him the most fulfillment and pleasure. He then delivered
values to others via his life-simplifying Thoreauvian deprivations. Thus, he easily and efficiently delivered
practical values to himself and others with happy, low-cost, uncompromised vigor.
*Rejecting a wasted life of well-to-do comfort via hand-me-down wealth from his father in a corrupt
political/religious system, Francis refused to sacrifice his happiness to the demands of his politically-privileged
family, the local bishop, or anyone else. Instead, he rationally pursued his own happiness and energetically
achieved his personal goals.
*Francis was totally sincere and benevolent toward others. His unassuming presence reflected such sweet
kindness and genuine good-will that even potentially-murderous enemies were overcome with an adoring fondness
for him. No one seemed willing or able to harm him. An initially-hostile Pope Innocence III succumbed to Franciss
loving aura in granting his request to establish the gentle-Jesus-following Franciscan Order despite its potential
for undermining the Vaticans rough-Papal-following authority.
*Francis accompanied a Crusade hoping to save the lives of Muslims from the terrible swift swords of genocidal
Christian crusaders joyfully wading knee deep in the blood and gore of infidels. Expecting to be killed, Francis
crossed enemy lines alone, unarmed. Barefoot and cheerfully singing, he traversed enemy territory. Francis
thusly walked straight to the mighty Muslim leader -- El Kamil, the Sultan of Egypt and nephew of the legendary
Muslim general Saladin who had defeated and driven the Christian crusaders from Jerusalem and the Levant.

*El Kamil was so charmed by Franciss utterly-caring kindness that instead of promptly killing him, he treated
Francis with warm hospitality and politely listened to his charmingly-innocent pleas for peace and words of
compassion for Muslims. El Kamil gave Francis ivory gifts and provided him with safe passage for a pilgrimage into
Muslim-held Jerusalem and then a safe journey home. Francis never felt fear, even before deadly enemies.
*Francis never condemned or criticized others, not even his potential killers. He implicitly recognized that
everyone lived unnaturally and imperfectly because each is trapped in Earths anticivilization. Thus, Francis never
imposed his way of life or beliefs upon others. Instead, he followed his maxim of fix yourself first. He led not by
persuasion, but persuaded by example. With unparalleled success, he harnessed his captivating power of
humility and compassion to bring happy equanimity and spiritual comfort first to himself and then to others.
*Francis read in the Gospel of St. Mark about preaching to the creatures. So he went forth and preached to
creatures from birds to wolves. In that way, he related to the universal realm of conscious life. In his Canticles of
the Creatures, Francis recognized the increasing relationship of spiritually-advancing Earthlings with nature.
Thus, in a Platonic way, human consciousness becomes one with universal nature -- becomes one with innocent
animals, brother sun, sister moon, and the stars. Somewhat analogously, Neo-Tech recognizes technologicallyadvancing Earthlings extending their control of nature beyond this planet -- into our solar system and ultimately
throughout the cosmos. Thus, in an Aristotelian way, human consciousness becomes one with nature -- becomes
one with and perhaps even the creator of brother sun, sister moon, the starsand beyond.
*One can accurately understand people and events in history only when evaluated in the context of their past
times in history. Evaluating past peoples and events in the context of present times is neither accurate nor fair.
Do you sense the power and romance of an unbiased life based on fully-integrated honesty and widescope rationality? If so, you are moving toward a civilization based on honest business, rational science, and
romantic art. If not, do not worry. For, upon discovering and utilizing the near-limitless availability of Neo-Tech
Bullets, you and ultimately every honest person can bring victory to conscious life on Earth -- victory yielding
youth, justice, and riches for you, your loved ones, and your fellow Earthlings now and ever into the future.
[The summit concluded with Wagners Ride of the Valkyries symbolizing Neo-Tech vanquishing todays
That evening, the summit attendees crossed the Las Vegas Strip to the Monte Carlo Resort for a joyful evening of
camaraderie and dancing.
Pax Neo-Tech removes the blinders -- horse blinkers -- put on humans by false authorities. With blinders
off, people gain the wide-scope vision needed to escape their no-survival racetrack -- their closed-circle life. With
blinders off, they leap that racetrack fence. On the other side, they discover Neo-Tech -- they discover the
honesty, rationality, knowledge, and freedom that nourish business, science, technology, and art. On that other
side, Earthlings harness their zestful lives, super intellects, kind benevolence, and noble characters to achieve
endless prosperity, non-aging health, and exciting romance on their road to infinite justice and riches.
Aria #1
Song of our Universe
The Constitution of the Universe combined with secular natural law dating back to Cicero in 51 BC provides the
legal basis and protection protocol for evolving a just-and-prosperous business/science/art civilization here on
Earth. Pax Law in Coda #2 of Pax Neo-Tech details that legal protocol.

The Constitution of the Universe

*The purpose of conscious life is to live creatively, happily, eternally.
*The function of government is to provide the conditions that let individuals fulfill that purpose.
*The Constitution of the Universe guarantees those conditions by forbidding the use of initiatory force, fraud, or
coercion by any person or group against any individual, property, or contract.
Article 1
No person, group of persons, or government shall initiate force, threat of force, or fraud against any individual's
self, property, or contract.
Article 2
Force is morally-and-legally justified only for protection from those who violate Article 1.
Article 3
No exceptions shall exist for Articles 1 and 2.
1. Values exist only relative to life.
2. Whatever benefits a living organism is a value to that organism.
3. Whatever harms a living organism is a disvalue to that organism.
4. The value against which all values are measured is conscious life.
5. Morals apply only to conscious individuals.
* Immoral actions arise (1) from individuals who harm others through force, fraud, or coercion and (2) from
individuals who usurp, degrade, or destroy values belonging to others.
* Moral actions arise from individuals who honestly create and competitively produce values that benefit self,
others, and humanity.
Cicero's Natural Law
Below is Ciceros definition of natural law from his book, On the Republic, published in 51 BC. While reading,
substitute the secular word Nature for the mystical word God:
"True law is right reason in agreement with nature, universal, consistent, everlasting, whose nature is to advocate
duty by prescription and to deter wrongdoing by prohibition. Good men obey its prescriptions and prohibitions, but
evil men disobey them. It is forbidden by God to alter this law, nor is it permissible to repeal any part of it, and it is
impossible to abolish the whole of it. Neither the Senate nor the People can absolve us from obeying this law and
we do not need to look outside ourselves for an expounder or interpreter of this law. There will not be one law at
Rome and another law at Athens. There is now and will be forever one law, valid for all peoples and all times. And
there will be one master and ruler for all of us in common, God, who is the author of this law, its promulgator, and
enforcing judge. Whoever does not obey this law is trying to escape himself and to deny his nature as a human
being. By this very fact, he will suffer the greatest penalties, even if he should somehow escape conventional
Aria #2

The Neo-Tech 2003 World Summit

Tropicana Hotel and Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada
November 21-23, 2003
November 23, 2003
[edited for book publication]
Chariots of Fire are Coming!
[Vangeliss Chariots of Fire playing forte -- fades to silence during the opening two sentences]
The Neo-Tech Chariots of Fire are coming. What does that mean? What will that mean for your future?
Most of you here today know Neo-Techs original connection to creating unbeatable casino-like odds. I am now
going to disclose a dark secret about being unbeatable that few if any Neo-Tech readers realize. A secret that
would have made Aristotle snap his fingers in recognition.
First, to review: Travel back 45 years when a young, Senior Research Chemist at E. I. du Pont de
Nemours, Dr. Frank R. Wallace, discovered a near-perfect microcosm of todays lethal anticivilization. He strove to
understand that microcosm. Once understood, he learned to control it, profit from it, and then escape its trap by
obsoleting it.
That microcosm was high-stake poker. Wallace uncovered its dark secret. He then wrote the worlds
best-selling poker book ( With crystal clarity, his book identified the dead-end trap
underlying poker -- an irrationality trap that diminishes everyones future. Yet, how many poker players heeded
that hard fact? Did Wallaces book eliminate or even diminish poker?
No, not at all. Instead, his book, first published in 1968, started Americas poker boom. For, that book
revealed how to hustle ever-more games and how to evolve oneself into becoming an unbeatable casino that
profitably exploits a world of poker losers. While only a few players strove with the extreme discipline and effort
required to create those unbeatable casino-like odds for themselves, only a tiny few of those players heeded
Wallaces most-important message: The unbeatable player must abandon poker to harness his earned abilities to
achieve a much-more profitable, romantic, and enjoyable life.
Thus, most of those unbeatable players just kept promoting and hustling ever more networks of games to
expand their easy winnings extracted from a world of sad-sack losers. Some unbeatable players became lowprofile, full-time professional players -- a few became multi-millionaires. Others became high-profile public
players -- a few became famous by winning the annual World Series of Poker in Las Vegas, Nevada. [Editors note:
Today, many are champion winners on reality TV.]
Those elite few players put forth the required Discipline, Thought, and then Control -- the DTC technique - to become unbeatable over any long term by creating and maintaining favorable odds, just as casinos do. Such
players are not gamblers because they cannot lose over any long term. By contrast, gamblers are gamblers
because they cannot win over any long term.
Those elite few unbeatable players continually profit from losers -- gamblers -- who irrationally
surrender their money while wasting irreplaceable chunks of their lives. ...And, for those unbeatable few? Most, of
course, never heed Wallaces most startling and paradoxical discovery: The unbeatable player -- the biggest
winner -- is ultimately the biggest loser.
After publishing his deadly-effective poker book, Wallace heeded his own discovery and abandoned the world of
poker. He then applied his discoveries far beyond the boundaries of poker to gain much-greater rewards. That is

why Neo-Tech exists today rather than just another wealthy poker professional who created no new values for
himself, his loved ones, or humanity.
Meaning of that Paradoxical Discovery
Wallace generalized and then applied his poker discoveries to todays irrational anticivilization. Eventually, as
happened in poker, despite delivering ever-increasing profits, Neo-Tech itself began revealing its ultimate deadend result if one remains in an anticivilization (e.g.: remaining in the world of poker). For, remaining in such
irrational environments eventually drags one down and destroys every conscious value, including life itself.
Jumping conscious life over anticivilization boundaries requires obsoleting the old by creating the new. Classical
Neo-Tech dynamics let one flourish within todays closed-boundary anticivilization. Individuals must now jump
beyond those boundaries into limitless realms. For, human consciousness by nature is designed to function
without boundaries -- freely, limitlessly, agelessly. Thus, once boundless and free, human consciousness fulfills its
natural state of forever flourishing through non-aging health and limitless creativity as dramatized in Mark
Hamiltons forthcoming trilogy, The First Immortals -- first as children, then as adults, and finally as naturecontrolling Zons.
Fixed Boundaries bring Increasing Losses
A handful of brilliant Objectivists and Libertarians developed and propagated important ideas and outstanding
values during the mid-20th century. Realize that perhaps a third of the original Neo-Tech concepts were inspired
by -- but were not derivative of -- Ayn Rands Objectivism. Especially powerful were Rands profound
identifications of altruistic-and-egalitarian utopianisms as being malevolent frauds manipulated throughout
history by the parasitical-elite and criminal-ruling classes.
In addition, as described in earlier literature, Neo-Tech ideas expressed in Frank R. Wallaces 1970 Barrons
Magazine advertisement for The Capitalist Party of the United States were precursors to the Libertarian Party.
Yet, to gain the riches streaming from Pax Neo-Tech, one must jump beyond previous boundaries to obsolete
every closed system -- including Objectivism, Libertarianism, and even classical Neo-Tech.
Intransigent adherents to obsolete systems become losers in life, subject to exploitation, often by a
dogmatic authority or revered guru. For example, one observes how some of the brightest, most-articulate, mostvoluminous posters on both Objectivist and Libertarian newsgroups become trapped within closed boundaries as
they shrink into seemingly-safe circles of certainty -- certainty proclaimed certain by someone else -certainty proclaimed certain by some external authority such as Ayn Rand.
Similar to dead-end poker professionals who live for meaningless money wins, dead-end Objectivist-andLibertarian posters live for meaningless ego wins. Functioning from intellectual straightjackets, they never seem
to actualize their creative potentials that lie beyond the barbed-wire fences of authority-proclaimed orthodoxy.
Thus, they squelch their independence and creativity while dissipating their time, talents, and lives.
For bright Objectivists and Libertarians to waste their precious lives spinning within someone elses closed circles
is a sin. Yes, too many Libertarians and Objectivists politicize and philosophize their lives away to reap barren
ends. ...Consider what a fellow Usenet poster recently said of them -- You are people who haven't done much,
slamming people who have done a lot.
Moreover, as with religious fundamentalists, the blind defensiveness of trapped ideologues too often turns into adhominem attacks, nasty incivility, even physical threats. Thus, in foolish spectacles, many intelligent-and-talented
people fade toward null points. To them, say this: Wake up! Cut loose from your spout-much, accomplish-little
lives. You need not shrivel into unpleasant personalities. You need not waste your lives as losers. As perhaps your

past idols sadly did, you need not deprive yourself of living richly-prosperous lives, enjoying enduringly-romantic
love, and building eternally-valuable families.
Nullifying Dishonesties and Irrationalities
The 1990s Clintonian era metastasized dishonesties into every aspect of life and society. A decade later,
both hidden-and-overt dishonesties have become so widespread and accepted among the media, academe, politics,
religion, and the courts that most people no longer distinguish honesty from dishonesty. Moreover, the derivatives
of honesty -- honor, trust, kindness, and civility -- are now fading from public awareness.
Entrenched dishonesty is the nut to crack for conscious life to (1) survive on Earth and then (2) flourish
forever into the future. Will we crack that nut? Todays surface indicators suggest not. For, through big-lie
dynamics, ever-more destructive dishonesties and their resulting irrationalities are morphing into blindlyembraced Hollywood realities. Indeed, many celebrities, journalists, academics, lawyers, and politicians today
rationalize their conjured realities as truth. Thus, politically-correct Orwellian hoaxes befall human life as the
public today increasingly feels blatant dishonesties and blind irrationalities as newspeak truth. When such
arbitrary feelings replace honesty and rationality, the conscious mind has no defense mechanism. Conscious life
then crashes, burns, and disappears -- perhaps into mushroom clouds or plague-contorted corpses.
Yet, each dishonesty and irrationality is vulnerable to the nullification dynamics of Neo-Tech. As
illustrated throughout Pax Neo-Tech, such nullifications profitably flip the impoverishments of our dishonest
political/religious anticivilization into the enrichments of an honest business/science civilization.
The Neo-Tech Mandate
[memento mori]
Few Earthlings, including Neo-Tech readers, grasp the need to obsolete the best of todays politics and
philosophies. Yet, such obsolescence is Neo-Techs mandate, which becomes starkly-clear upon realizing that
Earthlings must abandon mortally-flawed anticivilization artifacts or end dead.
Still, essentially no one integrates that mandate into his or her intellect or emotions. Why? Because it means
demolishing ones own closed-circle, mortal agendas designed to get by in this lethal anticivilization, perhaps
even gaining some fleeting wealth and fame before death. Thus, during ones brief life, each person is compelled to
grab before dying whatever furthers his or her anticivilization agenda by any open-or-hidden means -- such as
by value-creating/public-protecting means as with Ayn Rand and George W. Bush -- or by valuedestroying/criminal-apocalyptic means as with Adolf Hitler and Osama bin Laden.
Beneath arrays of good-and-bad actions, all agendas operate through mortal dynamics in which everyone ends
dead. Moreover, essentially everyone today shuns the awesome responsibility inherent in achieving eternal life on
Earth. Starting in 2006, however, that transcending responsibility will radiate from volume two of Mark Hamiltons
trilogy, The First Immortals as Adults.
Now comes Neo-Techs mandate to obsolete Earths anticivilization by replacing old certainties and close-ended
thinking with new insights and open-ended thinking: Consider the totally-new thinking and insights that unfolded
when Einstein obsoleted Aristotles 2500-year-old absolute certainty of fixed time and space with the new fact
of relative time and space. Finally, consider the fallacy of absolute-certainty -- the fallacy lodged in Aristotles
All men are mortal;
Socrates is a man; therefore,
Socrates is mortal"

Yes, as with all other animals on Earth, mortality is the nature of human life without consciousness. But,
immortality is the nature of conscious life throughout the Universe. Thus, replace Aristotles syllogism with the
new fact of the yet unrealized immortal nature of human consciousness on planet Earth.
Most humans are conscious
Consciousness by nature is immortal; therefore,
Most humans by nature are immortal.
Aristotles ancient syllogism is replaced only now because, prior to Neo-Tech, essentially no
anticivilization citizen understood, strove for, or lived by ones universal conscious nature.
Now, consider the 2500-year-old oedipal dynamic of youth advancing by killing their elders. In an
anticivilization, such a dynamic seems necessary. However, that ancient, deeply-embedded/kill-the-elders
dynamic will dissipate as limitless prosperity and reverse aging nullify the dishonesties of politics and
irrationalities of religion.
In that new eternal-life dynamic, elders gain ever-more vitality and experiential power in creating everlengthening chains of competitive values and new knowledge. Youngers tap into and then branch those chains by
creating ever-new values in building their own chains of unique knowledge for their youngers to tap into and
branch from. Such matrix-building dynamics between elders and youngers then advance conscious life at everquickening paces. ...The worlds largest and most successful chemical company, E. I. DuPont de Nemours, Inc.
provides an excellent pre-immortal example of a powerfully-advancing, multigenerational family dynamic:
The DuPont Family Dynamic
The DuPont family from the early 1800s to the mid 1950s founded, built, and controlled the largest, mostbenevolent, highest-return-on-investment company in history. Yet, during the 1950s, the United States
Government Anti-Trust Division unjustly and destructively broke that company into pieces, including the forced
sale of DuPonts subsidiary -- giant General Motors. If the government had let DuPont expand naturally,
competitively, and without limits that scientific-research wonder would have advanced Earths lethal
anticivilization toward the Civilization of the Universe -- but probably not into that universal civilization without the
immortality understandings rising from Neo-Tech.
Today, however, Pax Neo-Tech quantum jumps beyond that DuPont model by aiming for individual biological
immortality here on Earth. Thus, no more King-Lear scenarios. No more Oedipus-Rex fates. No more
overthrowing and killing the father.
Recall that in Greek mythology, before their pagan gods became immortal, the gods would kill their fathers to
seize power. Thus, Zeus killed his father, the titan Kronus. Likewise, Kronus had killed his father, the first
supreme-ruler of the universe, Uranus. And, Zeus feared being killed by his son, Heracles. That cycle of patricide
ended when the gods became immortal. Likewise, todays cycles of direct-and-indirect homicides of conscious
life on Earth will end when conscious life meets its ultimate responsibility of curing aging and death.
Mortality into Immortality
What would make biological immortality feasible and achievable on planet Earth? The operative word is
commercial. For, commercial Biological Immortality is the sorting mechanism that reveals who understands,
desires, and accepts the tremendous responsibility of terminating the anticivilization by curing the diseases of
dishonesty, crime, aging, and death. Free-market dynamics will discover those who supremely want and strive
for the ever-greater responsibility of immortal life. Others by their own choosing will continue along their selfterminating mortal trajectory until no more mortal humans remain.

Terminating the Anticivilization

In certain ways, Pax Neo-Tech operates as a spy working to terminate the anticivilization. Consider that a spy
embedded in the Nazi regime would heil Hitler while working to terminate him. However, to terminate an
anticivilization, a Neo-Tech spy must operate on much deeper-and-subtler Illuminati levels than anyone could
suspect. Showing only iceberg tips, Pax Neo-Tech operates mainly beneath its visible waves.
Consider the multi-layered Illuminati spy dynamic in the following Neo-Tech letter of November 2003 to
President Bush:
2003 Letter to President Bush
Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! President Reagan demanded in 1987 after he had proclaimed to the world in
1982 that the Soviet Union was an evil empire. Reagan defied the outraged howls of socialist/fascist politicians
chorused with their parasitical-elite cohorts, bias-manipulating media, and Marxist-haranguing academics. He
made those demands against an enemy threatening the lives and properties of every American. With those actions
plus Reagans economy-booming tax cuts and military buildup, especially his antiballistic-missile program, the
uncompetitive Soviet Empire financially-and-politically collapsed. President Reagan decisively won the nuclearthreatening, 35-year cold war without a shot fired.
Now, President Bush, comes your turn to be equally clear and decisive to win Earths final war -- the war of two
worlds -- the war against international terrorists and genocidal Jihadists threatening annihilation of America and
the Western World. You must now expose and condemn the root cause of those who impoverish and mass murder
the innocent. That root cause is religion -- not just Islam, but also Christianity, Judaism, Socialism, Fascism, and
Populism. Those theistic-and-secular religions function via fictional scriptures, whimsical laws, populist
parasitisms, demagogic nationalisms, and utopian ideologies. Indeed, their irrationalities, dishonesties, and
criminalities have caused three catastrophic millennia of crimes, miseries, and genocides.
President Bush, you must now publicly identify the seminal axis of evil beyond Iraq, Iran, and North Korea. That
axis of evil is religion, scriptures, and fascist socialism -- irrationality, dishonesty, and criminal parasitism.
...First, win the 2004 elections. Then having to win no more elections, cut loose from the past: Stop your God
Blessings. Stop pandering to socialist/fascist populism. Stop being a man of faith. ...Become a man of rationality
and honesty.
Start by publicly denouncing every religious-and-political irrationality, dishonesty, and criminality. Each
is a manipulation that brings harm and ultimately death to everyone on Earth. You must expose and then denounce
those manipulations for America and the world to survive and prosper into the future.
Reach into the depths of your rational mind and honest character. Bring forth the most loving-andcompassionate gift that you or anyone could deliver to America and humankind. Denounce every facet of
theocracy, tyranny, and criminality. Denounce every mythical God and political demagogue. For, they are the
forces that covertly and overtly destroy human prosperity, diminish human intelligence, degrade human dignity,
and kill human life.
The stark lesson of September 11, 2001 is fading. Support for the world war on terrorism is not only
slipping away but is changing to resistance, obstruction, and sedition from many quarters -- not just from political
opponents and freedom haters but from many of your previous supporters. Yet, you must not let mounting
oppositions and hate-driven seditions undermine our governments prime responsibility to protect the lives and
properties of its citizens. You must strengthen, not weaken. ...You are the Commander-in-Chief of Americas
military forces. You alone in this world have not only the legal-and-moral authority but also the military means to
defeat a world of genocidal terrorists.

Only governments legally and overwhelmingly control the use of force. Irrational supernaturalism and
religion along with criminal socialism and fascism must thus be stripped from every facet of every government,
starting with the worlds most powerful-and-influential nation -- the United States of America -- led by you, Mr.
President. Under your leadership, America must eradicate the genocidal capacities of religious terrorists and
political tyrants. ...You must denounce and nullify the lethality of religion and politics.
Factual rationality and honesty -- not baseless belief and faith -- will show why and how to nullify that twin
hoax of religion and politics. You and America shall then be victorious. Stunning will be the effect rising from the
most moral act by any leader in history. After the initial shock of such clean-sweep honesty shall come waves of
world relief on realizing that the President of the United States has explicitly identified and discredited that
unspeakably-cruel, 2500-year-old twin hoax of religion and politics. Such rational and honest words shall fall upon
the ears of humanity as historys greatest blessing.
Courage, Mr. President. Break free from historys past delusions. You can and must end the genocidal
destructions flowing from religion and politics. Become historys greatest benefactor.
Face it! President Bush is the only person on Earth today, in November 2003, with the legal power and
military means to prevent biological, chemical, radiological, and nuclear obliterations of America. Realize this: The
only valid justification and function of any government is to protect the rights to life, property, and contract of
each individual citizen by objective law and protective force -- nothing more, nothing less.
Chariots of Fire
Beyond the walls of our anticivilization lies Pax Neo-Tech ready to rumble round the world, powered by
four flaming Chariots arriving in 2005 and 2006: (1) Mark Hamiltons profoundly-moving trilogy, The First
Immortals as Children, then as Adults, and finally as Zons, (2) the mystic-breaking book by Eric Savage and Tracy
Alexander titled No More Lies -- Breakthrough to Enlightenment, (3) Mark Hamiltons prosperity miracles found in
his books The Neo-Tech System along with his master work The Neo-Tech World, and (4) Rosa Maria Wallaces
excitingly-moving revelations in her book Romantic Love Eternal.
Five clean-sweep actions designed to obsolete todays anticivilization flow from Pax Neo-Tech riding
those flaming chariots:
Action #1: Switch from terminal Anticivilization nonthinking to eternal Civilization-of-the-Universe
neothinking. ...Switch from insanity to sanity.
Action #2: Recast Neo-Tech literature into anonymous digital bullets that on impact splinter the
anticivilization. With most of the world populations unaware of Neo-Tech, the firing of those wealth-generating
bullets will degrade the anticivilization bit by profitable bit. ...As the anticivilization splinters and fades, the need
for those bullets will also fade as the honest-and-rational Civilization of the Universe unfolds here on Earth.
Action #3: Demonstrate the quantum nature of human consciousness [editors note: See Aria #3,
Liberating our Quantum Consciousness]. The prize is to empirically identify quantum units of thought called
thinkons. Perhaps we will detect the first evidences of thinkons in our quantum-computer right brain as Eric
Savage suggested in his talk this morning. While wholly speculative at this time, such fundamental units of thought
could be controlled, directed, and programmed to generate ever-more productive and creative activities of everwider scopes and values.

Action #4: Seek among Neo-Techs forthcoming Overlay Charts evidences, perhaps even proofs, for
conscious control of the universe in the past, now, and/or in the future. ...Note that, even today, Earthlings are
reaching beyond our planet to increasingly control nearby segments of the cosmos -- our solar system.
Action #5: Obsolete todays classical Neo-Tech.
Obsoleting Classical Neo-Tech
First, realize that Neo-Techs drive to obsolete its own classical anticivilization advantages does not apply
at this time to any of us here or to anyone else. For each of us today, utilizing the full array of Neo-Tech
Advantages in this dangerous anticivilization is essential for achieving open-ended prosperity, even physical
survival. Yet, also realize that the ultimate aim of Pax Neo-Tech is to obsolete all anticivilization dynamics.
The logic of non-aging immortality is premised on conscious life obsoleting todays anticivilization. On that
premise, imagine emerging into a free-enterprise civilization that is always safe, secure, and booming -- always
free of sickness, crime, and war -- always happy, exciting, and romantic. Then, imagine freed conscious life
exponentially advancing business, science, technology, health, and art over the next thousand years...even over
the next hundred years or in just the next few years. From that perspective, achieving commercial non-aging
mind/body immortality becomes not only logical and obvious, but becomes fully natural and essentially certain.
Yet, today, only a minuscule few Earthlings intellectually grasp, psychologically accept, and emotionally embrace
the goal of achieving immortal prosperity and happiness here on planet Earth. Fewer still realize the inextricable
link between free-enterprise prosperity and achieving mind/body immortality.
What about the Immortalists? Starting with historys first recorded immortalist -- Gilgamesh -- five millennia ago
up to todays Cryonicists and Life Extensionists, they all miss the essential laissez-faire/businessscience/freedom link to achieving biological immortality here on Earth. Thus, they remain, trapped in everencircling anticivilization boundaries -- never breaking free to understand, much-less clarify, their fuzzy, nonviable goals.
Everyone today lives among dead populations walking. Each is walking into a terminally-declining
existence. However, Pax Neo-Tech driven by Chariots-of-Fire literature can reverse that lethal walk, turning it
into a sprint toward non-aging health with eternal prosperity here on Earth. Consider the following three points:
1. Three millennia ago, pre-conscious bicameral man had no way to understand consciousness. Thus, he
could not evolve into consciousness. As Professor Julian Jaynes of Princeton University identified in the 1970s,
the use of consciousness became widespread only after its discovery as a powerfully-advantageous survival tool
during the catastrophic collapse of bicameral civilizations three-thousand years ago.
2. As Eric Savage pointed out in his talk this morning, a European from the Middle Ages injected into
todays society could perhaps adjust to the technological advances. Still, that person would probably be unable to
understand and adjust to todays profoundly different way of thinking. Instead, that person would be hopelessly
lost, wanting only to flee back to his or her familiar thinking mode of the Middle Ages. That person would especially
be fleeing from todays individualist age of competitive value producers and creators -- fleeing back into the
collectivist age of the fixed social classes in the Great Chain of Being. ...Those fixed classes mandated by God
began breaking apart amid the turmoil of 17th-century England and Europe, especially during Englands reign of
William and Mary. ...That Great Chain of Being was finally shattered in individualistic, frontier America.
3. What happens when age-old nonthinking of an anticivilization encounters profoundly-different neothinking of a
universal civilization? The nonthinker flees. He or she flees the awesome responsibility of achieving eternal
prosperity. By fleeing the awesome responsibility of achieving eternal prosperity, that person declines and then

dies in the millennia-old mode of lethal politics, religions, and utopianisms with their cynically-promised life-afterdeath frauds.
Thus, today, two routes seem possible for the populace to evolve into the Civilization of the Universe: One
route is via the widespread distribution and use of the coming Neo-Tech Chariots of Fire literature and the coming
Neo-Tech bullets. Backed by that new literature, those inescapable bullets will methodically splinter and then
profitably nullify the dishonesties and irrationalities of an anticivilization as explained in Pax Neo-Tech. The other
route is the powerfully-advantageous survival tool that such thinking -- neothinking -- would provide during a
catastrophic economic/terrorist collapse of todays anticivilization. Will Earthlings escape their anticivilization
matrix of life-terminating deceptions? If so, by which route?
Finally, let me explain why this De la Rosa World Summit is the last Neo-Tech summit -- and why that may
be the best news. But, first, I want to hail whom I believe to be the most genuinely-happy spirit in todays
anticivilization -- a beautiful person who brings to us her happiness made from the love of life as we travel toward
the Civilization of the Universe. Let us emblazon our own spirits by remembering this lovely beam of light -- this
enduring beacon of joy, this amazingly-wonderful person -- our free-spirit Summit impresario, Rosa Mara
Wallace. What a woman!

[presentation of roses to Rosa Mara Wallace by two children]

So, why is this the last summit? Time is the answer. Each principal at Neo-Tech Publishing Company must,
before it is too late, muster all possible time and energy to obsolete and then sweep away this anticivilization.
How? With Pax Neo-Tech powered by the coming Chariots-of-Fire literature combined with shattering Neo-Tech
Bullets and unifying Overlay Charts.
Now for that best news: When you read Volume Two of Mark Hamiltons trilogy, The First Immortals as
Adults, you will discover the exhilarating gatherings of those who are evolving into the Civilization of the Universe.
They gather for the sheer enjoyment of honest value creators synergistically benefiting one another. Such
gatherings yield increasing pleasures, romance, and values as most of you have begun tasting during the
precursor to those vacations -- Rosa Marias World Summits.
So, farewell until we meet again for those magnificent vacations on the beaches, in the mountains, and
across the great cities of our world. May we gain the time needed to succeed. May we meet again before long.
Then, across the endless span of time, we shall celebrate our lives together in a new society woven throughout the
joyfully-free Civilization of the Universe.
To paraphrase the opening line of Giusseppe Verdis Nabucco, Fly, Thought, on Golden Wings: Fly, NeoTech, over the fences of todays mortal Anticivilization into tomorrows immortal Civilization of the Universe.
[The summit concluded with Verdis prelude to Nabucco symbolizing the unification in brotherhood of tomorrows
Universal Civilization]
Aria #3

Liberating our Quantum Consciousness

Seven Notes for the Future
(December 2003)
1. Current computers at terahertz speed (a trillion computations per second) would take 154,000 years to factor a
300-digit number. A quantum computer would take less than a second.
2. A quantum bit (qubit) upon entanglement with other quantum-bits delivers limitless information over a
universal range.
3. Consciousness comprises the mind and body as an inseparable unit. A unified inward-computing brain and
outward-perceiving body is required not only for consciousness but also for a persons unique self -- his or her Iness: The human brain is almost certainly a deductive quantum computer. From the brain alone, as with any
computer, no uniquely-new knowledge or actions can arise. However, when combined with the magnificent humanbody sense organ, romantically-reproductive man and woman become powerful inductive creators of ever-new
knowledge, actions, and values reaching ever-deeper into nature, across ever-expanding existence.
4. Upon fully understanding quantum actions throughout the human brain, Earthlings could perhaps construct
algorithms to unleash their brains as quantum computers that could factor 300-digit numbers nearly instantly.
But, with that quantum-computer brain combined with the human-body sense organ, conscious people could also
understand, then control, and even create nature throughout the cosmos as first proposed in Dr. Frank R.
Wallaces 1983 article The Long Wave and reprinted today in The Neo-Tech Discovery. Also, scientists can
perhaps ultimately understand conscious free-will via quantum mechanics.
5. Many physicists today effectively and profitably harness the mathematics and theories of Quantum Mechanics.
Yet, no one today fully grasps its underlying dynamics, especially relative to, for example, quantum gravity.
Earthlings, therefore, have barely tapped the potential of Quantum Mechanics, especially relative to human
consciousness and its control over space-time nature.
6. Likewise, many people effectively and profitably harness the ideas and tools of Neo-Tech. Yet, no one today fully
grasps its underlying dynamics -- its information entanglements with the past, present, and future of universal
existence. Pax Neo-Tech, for example, comprises many specifics that any reader can easily understand and
profitably utilize. Still, who today fully grasps Pax Neo-Techs entanglements across time and space to experience
open-ended prosperity and to profitably control existence?
7. A liberated human consciousness focuses on neither governments nor gods -- on neither leaders nor rulers.
Instead, it focuses on obeying the laws of nature in creating the three widest-scope conscious values. Those
eternal values are never-ending health, prosperity, and happiness.
Other Notes on Liberating Human Consciousness
By evolving self-leading conscious minds, Neo-Tech obsoletes our authority-obeying animal brains. In that way,
Neo-Tech exchanges todays group-think politics, religion, and philosophy for tomorrows individual-think
business, science, and art. ...Neo-Tech replaces dependent, bias-driven populations with independent, free-thinking
Spirituality sans Mysticism
Without blind beliefs and faiths -- without mysticisms -- can spirituality exist? Mysticism equals spirituality is an
age-old canard -- a malevolent canard. For, in fact, only in the absence of mysticisms and its dishonesties can
meaningful spirituality and effective compassion exist. Neo-Tech vanishes mysticism step by step as so clearly
and gently revealed in Tracy Alexanders and Eric Savages forthcoming 2004 book, No More Lies -- Breakthrough
to Enlightenment.

Moreover, only in the absence of bias, dishonesty, and intolerance -- only in the absence of arbitrary belief and
faith -- can a unifying spirituality and compassion emerge among conscious life. Such mystic-free spirituality and
honest compassion also yield love and romance that transcends pain and suffering as illustrated throughout Rosa
Maria Wallaces forthcoming 2006 book, Romantic Love Eternal. ...Her book reveals a spiritually-romantic
happiness beyond any real-life Heloise and Abelard or fictional-life Romeo and Juliet.
Mark Hamiltons forthcoming 2006 trilogy, The First Immortals, is the pinnacle of spirituality, compassion, and
love. That mystic-free, emotionally-compelling opus reveals how prosperous, non-aging life can emerge here on
Earth via free-enterprise business, science, and art as mapped by Pax Neo-Tech.
Homers Iliad and The Odyssey bestrode the bicameral and conscious worlds of three millennia ago. Dantes Divine
Comedy bestrode the medieval and renaissance worlds of seven centuries ago. Neo-Techs 1996 publication,
Profound Honesty, bestrides todays anticivilization and tomorrows universal civilization. ...Homer turned the
page with the Iliad and wrote about a new conscious life in The Odyssey. Dante turned the page with the Divine
Comedy and wrote about a new enlightened life in La Vita Nuova. Neo-Tech turned the page with Profound Honesty
to reveal a limitless life in the forthcoming 2006 publications, The First Immortals and Pax Neo-Tech.
Overcoming our Hard-Wired Animal Brain
As throughout the past three millennia, obeying the commands of an automaton hard-wired brain will
leave one mortally infirm. Overriding that obsolete animal brain with a self-invented, knowledge-creating
conscious mind will free, enrich, and leave one vitally healthy.
Start by Resolving the Moon Dilemma
Look at the harvest moon low on the horizon. It appears extraordinarily huge and beautiful. Most people today
assume that phenomenon to be an optical-magnification effect or an external illusion -- like the distortedappearing rising and setting sun or a desert mirage.
Scientists now realize that the harvest moon looks huge entirely because our hard-wired, non-conscious animal
brain makes us to see it that way when low on the horizon, juxtaposed along Earths skyline. With new knowledge
today, our conscious mind lets us understand that such seeming moon enlargements are not external optical
phenomena, but are delusions arising from our automatic animal-survival mechanism detailed in previous NeoTech literature. Briefly stated, that pre-conscious survival mechanism is related to primitive mans need to
judge the size, for example, of wild animals at a distance by the relative sizes of juxtaposed landscape objects such
as hills, trees, and other objects.
With our self-created conscious mind, one can easily demonstrate that the harvest-moon phenomenon is a
delusion coming from within our nature-given, automaton brain: Take a coin, hold it out to just far enough to cover
your view of that huge-appearing moon. A few hours later, with the moon high in the sky, now appearing much
smaller -- normal -- one will see that the same coin held at the same distance provides the same coverage as for
the huge-appearing moon a few hours before.
Our natural brain is hard wired, as is every animal brain, to increase survival chances for the individual self. But,
then, nature trumps survival for the individual with survival for the species. Thus, every animal is hard-wired
programmed first for immediate survival, next for reproduction, then finally and irrevocably for death to remove
that spent animal from its species habitat and food supply to make way for the evolutionary-improved next
However, by inventing consciousness three millennia ago, Earthlings jumped profoundly beyond natures
evolutionary processes. Earthlings jumped toward obsoleting aging and death as described throughout the Neo-

Tech literature. By advancing beyond the dynamics of nature, humans also gained, for the first time in human
history, a conscious-caused depravity that today combines both the desire and ability to destroy their own
species. And, today, Earthlings are on track to do just that.
Now, to expand on the above paragraph: As extensively described in previous Neo-Tech literature, mans invention
of consciousness resulted from the breakdown of his pre-conscious, hallucinating bicameral mind as discovered
in the early 1970s by the late Princeton University psychology professor, Dr. Julian Jaynes. ...Dr. Frank R. Wallace
in his 1980 national award-winning article ( further developed
and then dramatically advanced Jayness theories.
Throughout the Neo-Tech literature, Wallace demonstrates that consciousness is a part of neither nature nor its
evolutionary processes. In fact, he demonstrates that conscious individuals can surpass and obsolete the
processes of nature by creating their own superior natures and self-evolution processes.
A person might not be able to break the hard-wired delusions such as that of a harvest moon. But, anyone can
overcome that or any other such hard-wired delusion with ones own conscious mind. How? By simply gaining the
knowledge needed to understand the reality behind any illusion or delusion.
Non-human animals have non-conscious brains. Without consciousness, they are innocent. Without consciousness,
they cannot be dishonest, irrational, or self-destructive. Thus, without consciousness, they cannot be criminal or
evil. But, human beings, with their discovery of consciousness, lost their innocence. Only they can contradict
nature. Only they can be dishonest, irrational, and self-destructive. Thus, only they can be criminal and evil.
Or human beings can nobly seize their gift of consciousness by surpassing and then controlling nature to yield
eternal prosperity, non-aging health, and romantic happiness. How? By evolving a universal business/science/art
civilization for themselves, their loved ones, and all humanity -- here on Earth -- now and forever into the future.
The Responsibility of Conscious Life
is to
Achieve Eternal Happiness
Natures hard-wired destiny for non-conscious man, as for any animal, is brief survival, reproduction, and then
eternal death. By contrast, the responsibility of self-determined conscious life is the creation of ever-new
knowledge to understand, control, and then surpass nature with never-ending prosperity and non-aging health.
Value-generating business and ever-creative science combined with universally-beautiful art can forever enrich
and flourish each individual conscious life.
Coda #1
Golden-Nugget Outtakes
(Date of Outtake)
#1 -- September 2001
All human beings have the natural desire to know.
Animals and human beings exist within the control of nature
Only conscious minds can exist beyond the control of nature
Thus only conscious minds can understand and then control nature.

The Evolution of Thinking
Pre 10,000BC
From the pre-Neolithic age, non-conscious humans lived as highly-intelligent animals roving in packs or herds.
8000BC to 500BC
In advancing from the Neolithic age into post-Neolithic ages, bicameral minds broke into consciousness about
1000BC as hallucinating civilizations became non-hallucinating civilizations.
500BC to Estimated 2010AD
During this Pathological age, conscious minds operating through irrationalities and mysticisms devolved
bizarrely-destructive, political/religious anticivilizations.
Estimated 2010AD Onward
The coming free-market business/science/art civilization will naturally evolve toward a Universal Civilization that
flips (1) self-doubt/faith-following mortal minds into (2) self-confident/self-commanding immortal minds.
For 2500 years, people have lived and died in schizophrenic societies. For 2500 years, political-and-religious
miscreants -- neocheaters -- have usurped livelihoods and power by manipulating delusions throughout the
populace. Their lethal tools include:

socialist/fascist/populist/nationalistic politics,
egalitarian/collectivist/utopian philosophies,
a non-existent God or Gods,
Scriptures, Bibles, Qur'ans,
arrays of mysticisms, scientisms, and occultisms,
a willingness to live via profuse dishonesties, irrationalities, and criminalities,
frauds hidden in politically-correct/force-backed extortion laws and envy-based income taxes.
envy -- it is humanitys most destructive manipulation tool. To understand the destructive power of envy
-- a power that can destroy humanity -- first know the difference between envy and jealousy: Envy wants
to destroy the good because it is good; jealousy wants to possess the good because it is good. Envy is the
most ignoble of vices. As Plutarch said, envy is the ulcer of the soul. Indeed, envy has no boundaries
and usually grows with time. By contrast, hate and anger have boundaries and usually diminish with time.
...Envy seeks to destroy the values of conscious life. Envy is the driving force behind the Islamic Jihad
against the West.
The following quote from Usenet reflects the upside-down pathology dominating todays anticivilization: Most
anticivilization citizens enviously despise those who keep them healthy and alive while ignorantly revering those
who sicken and kill them. In an anticivilization, business and science are lashed as Prometheus to a rock of
envious malevolence. Politicians, journalists, academics, clerics, celebrities, and parasitical elites steeped in
hatreds of competitive value creators and producers return every day to peck out Prometheuss innards. Every

day they suck life-giving blood from competitive business and science. After 2500 years lashed to that rock, who
or what can unbind Prometheus? Heracles could not. Shelley could not.
Can Pax Neo-Tech advancing in a hail of Neo-Tech Bullets free Prometheus? Can the life force of Neo-Tech unleash
competitive business, honest science, and creative art to bring never-ending prosperity, non-aging health, and
ever-happy romance to conscious life on Earth?
In realty the most-noble-and-heroic individuals are neither kings nor saints, neither politicians nor celebrities, but
are those light-and-life givers who honestly-and-productively create competitive jobs, values, and beauty for
others and society. Only they are worthy of kneeling reverence.
#2 -- October 2001
Since Pericles in fifth-century BC Greece, every democracy self-destructs in seas of dishonesties and
irrationalities. Why? Because the electorate and elected become symbiotically infested with gimme populism
and criminal socialism/fascism. In that process, earned capital is increasingly forced into parasitical hands -- a
process that continually diminishes conscious life toward decline and death.
If not the politics of democracy, then what? Realize that the responsibility of consciousness is to render
human life eternally creative, prosperous, and joyful. That responsibility falls upon neither politics nor religion, but
on conscious individuals fulfilling their value-creating/value-producing nature. The way to meet that responsibility
is not via a rule-by-men populist democracy but via a rule-by-law constitutional republic that protects the life,
liberty, property, and sanctity of contract for each-and-every individual.
On July 4, 1976, Americas 200th birthday, Neo-Techs first publication, Psychuous Sex, forecast the
crossing of a nuclear-decision threshold within two generations -- a crossing that could end the human race.
Earthlings crossed that threshold on September 11, 2001 when the political-and-religious terrorists became willing
and able to annihilate human life in America via financial-and-weapon enablers in Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Saudi
Arabia, and Syria. ...They all must be defanged or America loses.
Perhaps those religious Jihadists will start by detonating on Wall Street an easily-made radiological
bomb packed with intensely-radiating cesium-137 with a half life of 30 years or even more-deadly strontium-90,
causing the evacuation of several million residents and rendering Manhattan and perhaps the surrounding
boroughs uninhabitable. Or, will they harness bio/chemical weapons and sooner-or-later nuclear weapons to
annihilate human life by the millions?
Among the most-harmful aspects of todays long-term war of survival against genocidal terrorists is its assetand-attention-draining effect that prevents the economic, technological, and biomedical focus needed to achieve
reverse-aging/non-aging health.
#3 -- November 2001
Islam? Look what Islam today does to millions of young Muslim men. Islamic mysticism devolves them into
unhappy, socially-inept incompetents. Muslim clerics then whip them into envious, kill-'em-all rages against
arrogant, decadent infidels -- against happy, free-spirit Americans.

Christianity? Look what Christianity did to the brilliant mathematician/engineer Blaise Pascal. As Nietzsche
bitterly-and-unforgivingly observed, Christianity turned Pascal into a babbling delusionary hallucinator. And, the
resolutely honest-and-principled mathematician/astronomer Giordano Bruno? Christian prelates burned him
alive at the stake for his unyielding integrity. [Late note: A comprehensive article about the Catholic hierarchys
key role in Hitlers rise to genocidal power is found in: The Great Scandal: Christianity's Role in the Rise of the
Judaism? Where and when did murder in the name of God begin? In the Western world, it began with the ancient
Jews. Consider the following excerpt from Joshua and the Promised Land, pp. 23-24 by Roy H. May, Jr. :
The most disturbing aspect of the Book of Joshua [Chapter Six] is the divine command to commit mass slaughter.
In Hebrew, this is herem or ban. God required that certain things be devoted only to death and destruction.
Some things were reserved for religious functions. According to the ban, enemies were to be completely
exterminated. In this theological tradition, such destruction was to be dealt out because foreigners or nonIsraelites were viewed as impure idolaters. They deserved to die because their ways were opposed to Yahweh.
The ban was required to remove obstacles to Yahweh.
Even more malevolent is the conception of a Christian/Muslim afterlife that yields a no-escape end timeduring
which everyone on Earth is violently murdered with hateful premeditation and malice. By contrast, the benevolent
conception of a free-market business/science/art civilization that yields a never-occurring end time in which
each conscious life on Earth happily flourishes forever.
Qur'anic commandments expand, overlap, and then consolidate into psychotic incentives to exit a Muslims
miserable life via a martyrs glorious death. For example, death by killing infidels means swapping a hard, loveless,
wretchedly-boring earthly life for a no-effort, luxuriously-debauched afterlife of romping forever with seventytwo, sloe-eyed virgins. Enjoyment of life on Earth is bad; enjoyment of death in heaven is good. Life is bad; death
is good. Look, it says so right here in the sacred Hadith, proclaim nefarious and hypocritical mullahs to their
youthful dupes.
Equally nefarious and hypocritical are the money/power-extorting Christian leaders such as businessshakedown-racist Jesse Jackson and race-war-bigot Al Sharpton. Gleaning parasitically-sumptuous livelihoods,
they both lie and defraud with impunity to lead their duped followers into becoming enviously-enraged losers.
Bin-Laden/Mullah-Omar demagogues inspire losers to kill infidels who love life, freedom, and prosperity. JesseJackson/Al-Sharpton demagogues inspire losers to loot businesses run by gooks, hymies, and honkies.
And, what about sanctimoniously-dishonest evangelists Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson who maliciously blamed
the unreligious(!) and gays in America for the September-11th mass-murder attacks upon the United States?
#4 -- December 2001
Consider Aristotles Nicomachean Ethics designed to cultivate the goal of conscious life -- enduring happiness.
Aristotle identified happiness in three types of friendship -- the friendship of pleasure, the friendship of utility, and
the greatest-and-rarest friendship -- the friendship of virtuous character.
Friendship of character, however, first requires earning self-virtues. Cicero (106-43BC) later identified
friendship and envy as opposites: Friendship yields benevolent advantages. Envy yields malevolent destructions.

The golden prize comes when, in a rising business/science/art civilization, Aristotles three friendships meld
into happily-profitable camaraderie among conscious life.
Cicero also identified that romantic love involves looking into each others eyes; friendship involves looking in the
same direction. And, the melding of Aristotles three friendships forms the foundation of ever-enriching romantic
love. From such friendship and love arise a universal civilization in which conscious life is never defrauded,
never assaulted, never destroyed.
Finally, Cicero, the most revered and quoted moral philosopher for 1800 years (De Officiis "On Moral Duties),
postulated the exact opposite of Machiavelli (The Prince). For example, Cicero: No immoral act is expedient over
the long term; all moral acts are expedient over the long term. By contrast, Machiavelli: Any act that gets and
holds power is expedient. Both men were accurate: Machiavelli spoke from the context of a mortal
Anticivilization. Cicero spoke from the context of the immortal Civilization of the Universe.
Neo-Tech Roots
Politics, religions, and most philosophies are generally rooted in historys most original-and-comprehensive
thinker -- Plato. He represents the unreal, higher-realm seeker of illusions via mind-created realities. By
contrast, business, science, and Neo-Tech are generally rooted in historys most realistic-and-important thinker - Aristotle. He represents the commonsense, earth-bound seeker of knowledge via nature-created reality.
Neothinking Roots
Neothinking is rooted in Socratic wide-scope questioning and Aristotelian wide-scope logic. Neothinking yields
optimum competitive advantages -- often at Aristotles golden mean. Also, consider Aristotles cardinal virtues:
They are the three non-manipulative character virtues of courage, temperance, and justice plus the intellectual
virtue of prudence offering practical wisdom yielding reliable judgments. By contrast, Christianitys cardinal
virtues are the four manipulative virtues of faith, hope, charity, and humility. Which set of virtues stimulates
competitive creativity to yield prosperity and health throughout humanity? Which set of virtues stifles competitive
creativity to yield stagnation and death?
Creative Destruction
In 1952, Austrian-economist Joseph A. Schumpeter was quite correct in his identifying the economic-and-social
benefits of competitive creative destruction. Neo-Tech, for example, often involves the creative destruction of
the corrupt, the stagnant, and the regressive. Indeed, an essence of Neo-Tech involves the nullification of those
scourges by competitively leaving them behind to dry up, shrivel toward null points, and then forever blow away.
#5 -- January-July 2002
Seventy-billion dollars were lost in the great crash of 1929. But, who are responsible for the seventrillion dollars lost in the year-2000 stockmarket crash? Moreover, who are responsible for the even-greater,
mortgage-debt liquidation losses to come? Bush, Enron, and September 11th are not. They are not the root cause of
the debt-ridden housing bubble to burst probably after the 2004 elections, perhaps as late as 2009. Al, Bill, and
Bob are the root cause. In the 1990s era of endemic dishonesty, the economic troika of look-good/sound-good Bill
Clinton, Alan Greenspan, and Robert Rubin set up a decade-long time bomb -- perhaps a Freddie-Mac/Fannie-Mae
housing-loan meltdown and then a debt-liquidation debacle occurring years after they are safely out of office.

Political-genius President Clinton started the looming debt crisis in February 1993 when he began
corrupting the supposedly nonpolitical Federal Reserve. He lured fame-and-romance seeking Federal-Reserve
Chairman Alan Greenspan into breaking both precedent and principle by having him embarrassingly sit politically
in the presidents box next to Hillary Clinton during her husbands first State-of-the-Union address. From that
moment onward, former Gold-Standard/Ayn-Rand-acolyte Greenspan freely bought into the media/celebrity
approval of Clintons self-serving, political-and-economic machinations. Greenspan then swooned and sold out to
Keynesian machinations in accommodating Clintons agenda.
Als Story
Fed Chairman Greenspan joined by a suave Robert Rubin readily conspired to plant an after-Im-gone time bomb
of unsustainable debt: Arriving in the mid 1990s, the manipulation genius of the new Secretary-of-Treasury
silent Bob adroitly facilitated the tax-raising Clinton/Greenspan pyramid schemes. Rubin designed an artificially
high dollar to mask inflation and foster lower interest rates. Rubin the Regulator then corrupted the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) to bail out his Wall-Street banking cronies facing debt defaults from Mexico and
elsewhere. Rubin thus corrupted the global system of international debt to the lasting harm of especially the
working classes in developing countries.
Most harmful to America, Rubin created delusions of budget surpluses and falling government debt by
covertly borrowing from (plundering) social-security funds from which most baby boomers will never collect.
Thus, that Clinton-Greenspan-Rubin troika kept inflating their debt bubble. To facilitate that bubble, they created
an era of accounting frauds to hide deteriorating government-and-corporate balance sheets along with
unsustainable debt growth that continues to this day -- and possibly continuing until even after the 2008 elections
before the debt collapse is complete.
Especially dangerous are the unchecked interest-free/low-interest/variable-rate mortgages combined with
frivolous debt-driven consumption -- a well-proven formula for personal, family, and social disasters. That
bubble will continue to inflate for perhaps three to six more years before deflating -- probably during President
Bush's second term if he wins in 2004.
Bush or any future American President, however, has a way to escape that debt collapse by creating an economic
boom to generate earned capital and liquefy balance sheets faster than any possible forced debt liquidation. How?
By (1) nullifying the IRS through the economic miracle of replacing income taxes with consumption-and-use
taxes, (2) similar to repealing in the early 1930s the disastrous 18 th Amendment that prohibited the sale of alcohol,
the even-more disastrous 16th Income-Tax Amendment must also be repealed to prevent income taxes from ever
again emerging in America, (3) privatizing economy-draining Social Security and Medicare Ponzi schemes, and (4)
tort reform that eliminates fraudulent business-looting lawsuits.
#6 -- February 2002
Unbelievable what people believe in, act upon, and embrace. They believe in rank stupidities often blended
with the ignorances of mindless crowds. They embrace breathtaking irrationalities and mind-numbing mysticisms

ranging from astrology to angels. They act upon life-damaging scientisms and life-destroying superstitions. As a
result, they embrace camouflaged cults that propagate lethal faiths and utopian ideologies ranging from
Christianity, Islam, and Judaismto Populism, Fascism, and Socialism.
Neo-Techs precursor, nonbeliever Mark Twain, demolished anticivilization icons, especially with his
fictional character, Huckleberry Finn. Huck is perhaps the only moral spirit in artistic/romantic literature who
never surrendered to the anticivilization. In the end, he lites out from the anticivilization and alone heads toward
new frontiers -- toward the Civilization of the Universe.
Through Pax Neo-Tech, one discovers new frontiers that allow spirituality to grow not through religion or
mysticism, but through art and romance -- a spirituality that flows forever into the future. Neo-Tech aligns with
Schopenhauers and Nietzsches conception of art transcending Earths anticivilization. ...Art reflects the
redeeming values of conscious life.
Studying and understanding philosophy offer values and advantages in an anticivilization. For example: In 1967, the
works of Objectivist-founder Ayn Rand inspired the birth of Neo-Tech. Yet, realize that Neo-Tech is not a
philosophy. Instead, it offers a hitherto unknown form of thinking -- neothinking -- honest, wide-scope statistical
thinking. Such thinking yields profitably-predictive knowledge coming from the past, moving across the present,
and then integrating that knowledge into a never-ending future.
In addition, through its 1970 ad in Barrons magazine outlining a future Capitalist Party of United States, I & O
Publishing Company (the forerunner to Neo-Tech Publishing) served as a precursor to the Libertarian movement
and party.
What became increasingly negative about Objectivism and Libertarianism was their fixed ideologies becoming
petrified within unchanging boundaries. Such petrifaction dooms every closed-system ideology -- good or bad.
Thus, today, the unchanging old guards of Objectivism (dogmatically-fixed certainties) and Libertarianism
(arbitrarily-selected certainties) are increasingly lost, confused, and impotent -- stuck in their obsolete
alchemist past. Because of certain narrow-scope or tunnel-vision views, the founders, leaders, and followers of
the Objectivist and Libertarian movements exhibit at times gross navet and ignorance about crucial realities
ranging from indeterminate quantum mechanics to self-defense war against genocidal Jihadists.
Consider the twin foundations of philosophy -- Plato and Aristotle: Plato the father of philosophy -- stunningly
original, brilliant, and comprehensive -- was dynamically evolving during his lifetime. For the next two-and-a-half
millennia after his death, however, politics and religion ossified and then destructively dogmatized his volumes of
poetic philosophy. As the most recent examples, tyrants Hitler, Stalin, and Mao dishonestly ripped Plato philosophy
out of context to justify their bloody totalitarian rule. Likewise, Aristotle the father of earthbound commonsense
philosophy and science was also dynamically evolving during his lifetime. After his death, as with Plato, his
philosophical works became ossified and then destructively dogmatized ironically, for example, as an out-ofcontext philosophical justification for both Christianity and Islam.

Neo-Tech by contrast is not a philosophy. By its very nature and definition, Neo-Tech always evolves throughout
the changing Universe of space and time. No one can ossify or dogmatize Neo-Tech. For, it always changes to
adapt to an ever-changing eternity.
Neo-Tech forever unfolds open-ended knowledge that determines the future by dissolving the dishonest biases
and ideological boundaries of politics and philosophies. ...Neo-Tech liberates those trapped inside narrowscope/tunnel-vision prisons.
Finally, consider the following letter sent to an Abuse Manager for Usenet newsgroups:
Dear Abuse Manager,
Thank you for forwarding a net-abuse/spam complaint about a Pax Neo-Tech
posting to a libertarian newsgroup. Ever since establishing the
website in 1996, fervent Libertarians and Objectivists have reacted with energetic
flames and ad-hominem attacks across the Internet. In fact, the orthodox Objectivists
rushed to establish a fully-moderated newsgroup -- humanities.philosophy.objectivism
-- explicitly and solely to forbid even mentioning the word Neo-Tech!
Even a cursory examination of the occasional Pax Neo-Tech postings, including the
attached sample you sent, reveals such posts lack any attribute of spam or net abuse.
In fact, the content of each post is stingingly relevant to that newsgroup.
Neo-Tech, moreover, does not advertise, promote, or sell on the Internet -- not even
on its own web site, much less on Usenet. Instead, each post reveals new developments
beyond previously-posted Neo-Tech information. Indeed, the unfolding new revelations
posted once every several months present a disturbing problem for those flamers and
complainers. For, each updated post further reveals why orthodox Libertarianism and
Objectivism are declining toward irrelevance.
Those with vested interests in stagnant Libertarianism and dogmatic Objectivism
understandably flame essentially every Neo-Tech post. For, each such post further
erodes their waning positions. Yet, their complaints as the one you forwarded to me
constitute in themselves an abuse of spam-protection services since those flamers
have no legitimate complaint. Instead, they are trying to manipulate your service into
saving their appearances by banning relevant facts that demonstrate their
obsolescence. They are desperate to stop valuable-and-revealing posts that they do
not want their followers and admirers to peruse.
Now consider the following Neo-Tech post made to an Objectivist newsgroup:

Why Neo-Tech Occasionally Posts on Usenet

Pax Neo-Tech is evolving through a unique accretion process involving 150 to 300 or more separate printout
editing cycles for each chapter. Every few months, Neo-Tech Publishing posts newly-revised chapter drafts of Pax
Neo-Tech on a selected Libertarian or Objectivist newsgroup. The postings are for both educational-and-editing
purposes. To construct a book that can be published continuously for decades while producing many millions of
dollars in revenue streams involves relentless editing of (1) Usenet-text versions, (2) web-html versions, (3) msword versions, and (4) book-formatted versions. Each newly-edited version guided by URL web statistics gives
uniquely-different psychological views yielding ever-deeper, ever-wider, ever-more-valuable editing integrations.
Most important, NTP believes that Pax Neo-Tech is the first book edited and formatted from not only (1) daily
statistics for hits on each of its URL pages, but from (2) real-time hits streaming live as the author actually makes
his edits and format changes. ...Because of the several-thousand daily hits to those pages, NTP considers such
editing decisions as statistically sound, including its A/B split-run editing tests.
Before elaborating on the financial-and-longevity value of such edits, consider the following: Most Usenet users
post quick, first-or-second draft material. Yet, some posts reflect seemingly effortless writing of exceptional
quality. Especially on Objectivist newsgroups, some posts seem so well-written and knowledgeable that one
admires the poster's fluid ability and nimble expressiveness. Yet, the value of even the best, most-impressive
posts is shallow and ephemeral -- lasting but a few hours, or at most a day or two. Those posts then fade from
existence, leaving essentially no values behind. So, what is the point of such prolific, no-value postings?
A much-smaller group of thoughtful Libertarian-and-Objectivist intellectuals exert considerable care and time
composing articles or op-eds of exceptional quality that are occasionally published in major magazines and
newspapers. Those articles exhibit longer, more-widespread impact and value. Still, the value of even those
articles generally fades over a period of days, weeks, or at most a month or so before passing into oblivion,
yielding few if any lasting values. And, finally, the pinnacles of Libertarian-and-Objectivist intellectual talent might
spend years to write books of varying value and longevity, led by value/longevity champion, Ayn Rand. Today,
however, a new champion emerges:
Pax Neo-Tech quietly rises from wide-scope facts and fully-integrated honesty woven into a matrix of the past,
present, and future. Its first volume reveals a slice-and-dice dynamic that profitably undercuts todays opinions,
beliefs, faiths, and philosophies that harm everyone, everywhere on Earth. Of course, Pax Neo-Tech has passages
that offend nearly everyone. Nevertheless, Pax Neo-Tech gradually overtakes the reader as he or she realizes it
holds the long-hidden key that opens conscious life to limitless-and-unending success through clean-sweep
honesty combined with personal discipline, thought, and then control. Such edited literature yields unique values
that over the years and decades increase in effectiveness and marketability.
Here is the other secret to the expanding commercial success of Neo-Tech Publishing (NTP): It and its authors
remain sharply independent from the thinking and expectations trumpeted by both todays Establishment and its
mirror-image Anti-Establishment, which are really the same currency in each being lethally-plagued in close

Bottom line? Neo-Tech books yield continuing revenue streams ranging from several million dollars per title to
over 120-million dollars for its lead title, now in its 64th English-language printing, plus many millions more for
books published in 13 languages and sold in 170 countries. NTP directs its entire income stream into quiet probono, break-even marketing programs for maximum time-bomb infiltrations worldwide.
Neo-Tech Publishing Company invites talented posters to study the evolvement of Pax Neo-Tech on its web site.
From that understanding, perhaps they can learn to convert their own skills into revenue streams that
increasingly benefit a world of honest-and-rational individuals at all levels of society and in all cultures.
#7 -- 5/30/02
More on Objectivist Philosophy
Breaking free from anticivilization boundaries of philosophy requires obsoleting todays most beneficial
philosophy -- Ayn Rands Objectivism. Still, today, despite being its intolerant cult leader, Dr. Leonard Peikoff
produces genuine values and competitive products for others and society -- values that probably exceed the net
values delivered by all his ad-hominem detractors combined. ...Those bogus detractors do not, however, include
intellectually-valid critics of the absolute-certainty/perpetual-truth cult that unfortunately arose from Ayn Rands
largely valid work.
Objectivist cultists measure their worth on how well they know and can expound on someone elses philosophy -Ayn-Rands philosophy. Thus, as Roman stoic Epictetus identified two millennia ago, scholars immersed in and
living through the fixed ideas of another lose their capacities to generate original thoughts and ideas. Moreover,
such scholars tarnish Rands legacy while misguiding the minds, lives, and happiness of many bright, young
idealists. At the expense of independently-honest thinking, cult followers demand an Ayn-Rand world of unchanging
certainties and perpetual truths, neither of which exist in reality. Only unchanging honesty exists.
Cult-following Objectivists do not let themselves realize that their great fictional heroes -- Howard Roark in The
Fountainhead and Hank Rearden in Atlas Shrugged -- knew little or nothing about philosophy, much less
Objectivism. Instead, they achieved their admirable characters and remarkable value creations not through
metaphysics, epistemology, and politics but through honesty, rationality, and effort.
Both Roark and Rearden functioned in the trenches with principled integrity while creating action-engaged art and
highly-competitive business. Thus, they were both emotionally empathetic and excitingly real. By contrast, Ayn
Rands mega-hero John Galt functioned aloof through static philosophy. Thus, while his intransigent words were
important and valuable, he seemed stilted -- not empathetic or real. Indeed, the exceptionally-heroic Galt seemed
at times more like a detached cult guru.
In any case, orthodox Objectivists must break free from their cultish entrapments to thrive into the future.
Consider examples of non-cultist Objectivists: Dr. David Kelley and Dr. Nathaniel Branden. They broke free from
orthodox Objectivism to deliver wider values to others and society. Today, Kelleys Objectivist Center at publishes valuable literature. Also, one still finds exceptional scholarship coming from
Peikoffs Ayn-Rand Institute at Both organizations merit financial support. Neo-Tech

Worldwide especially recommends a subscription to the daily email news commentary from pro-reason, proindividual-rights perspectives (without the cultish certainties of orthodox Objectivism) published by The
Intellectual Activist at -- an outstanding time-saving value.
More on Libertarian Politics
Breaking free from anticivilization boundaries of politics also requires obsoleting todays most beneficial form of
politics -- Libertarianism. Most Libertarians, including its two-time presidential candidate Harry Browne, are
good-intentioned, morally-decent value producers. Nevertheless, as Neo-Tech predicted from the insufferably
boring, inaccurate post-office vilifications of his past two presidential campaigns, Harry Browne would sink the
Libertarian political party. ...That sinking came with his narrow-scope, principled thinking -- his recklesslyignorant Blame-America declarations immediately following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
To flourish, Libertarians must jettison closed-boundary ideologies that embarrassingly morph into blind stupidities
often contradicting and undermining the only legitimate libertarian function of government -- protect the
individual rights and properties of its citizens against government, crime, and terrorism.
Libertarians would do best by dropping politics and focusing on their mostly valid-and-important ideas on freemarket economics. A good step in that direction is reflected in valuable albeit uneven work by the libertarianoriented Cato Institute ( and the Reason Foundation ( along with its somewhatconfused but still-valuable Reason Magazine. They too merit financial support.
Also, despite its several misguided, narrow-scope applications of Libertarianism, the International Society for
Individual Liberty ( is recommended for (1) utilizing its flow of pro-freedom information and (2)
supporting financially its valuable international efforts exposing crimes and oppressions of foreign governments.
ISILs efforts help advance Neo-Techs goal of nullifying todays anticivilization worldwide.
The most-complete source of Libertarian/Objectivist literature is found at -recommended.
A note of justice: Since his disastrous September-11th statements, Harry Browne has suffered withering personal
attacks. But, most of those ad-hominem attacks emanate from much-lesser people than Harry Browne. Such
attackers ignore the life-enhancing values delivered to millions of individuals in his 1972 best-selling book, How I
Found Freedom in an Unfree World.
More on Literature and Historical Giants
What about Neo-Techs seemingly championing James Joyces novel Ulysses over Ayn Rands Atlas Shrugged?
What about Neo-Techs seemingly championing St. Francis of Assisis Canticle of the Creatures? What about NeoTechs seemingly championing real Brother Sun, Sister Moon, and the Stars over fictional John Galt, Dagny
Taggart, and Francisco d'Anconia? How can one explain such seeming contradictions?
Did anyone detect the faintest Mona-Lisa smile flicker across Neo-Techs poker face? Remember that Neo-Tech
has no spin, is never cynical, never cheats, and acts shrewdly, not impulsively. It benevolently works outside of
todays fixed boundaries. Its Socratic-Galilean approach quietly, continually, profitably subverts todays

anticivilization in multiple ways, on countless fronts. That approach eschews loudly-intransigent, LibertarianObjectivist approaches that are constantly shot down in this dishonest, gun-backed anticivilization.
To stress once again, Neo-Tech is not a philosophy. It casts no spells and embraces no followers. It has neither
allegiances to honor nor axes to grind. It has neither commandments to obey nor commitments to fulfil except to
honesty and the supreme value of conscious life.
Ayn Rands Objectivism is a semi-formal philosophy that is mainly derivative of Aristotle, Locke, and Nietzsche.
Objectivism, nevertheless, is an originally-integrated -- brilliantly-integrated -- philosophy with no major internal
contradictions as presented in Leonard Peikoffs outstanding 1991-treatise Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn
Rand. Objectivism offers a theoretical, deductive-based system for rational thinking in an irrational world.
Yet, too often, Ayn Rand falsely applied her own philosophy via self-promoting generalizations deduced from a
single cherry-picked fact or from a few narrowly-selected, out-of-context facts. She applied such fragmented
facts to attack her targets of evil, about which she often had sparse knowledge. Egregious examples include adhominem attacks on competition such as Immanuel Kant and his philosophical works. Offering mainly bluster, not
evidence, she publicly and persistently denounced Kant as the evilest man who ever lived. With gross unfairness,
she mocked Immanuel Kants frail, physically-diminutive stature. Her unfair denouncements also encompassed an
evil Plato, an evil Descartes, an evil Hegel, and a host of other evil competitors.
Incidentally, evil Georg Hegel followed by warped-logic but brilliant-intellect Karl Marx used history -- as does
Neo-Tech -- to identify and understand an anticivilization. They identified dialectical development -- the struggle
between thesis and antithesis followed by synthesis. ...That struggle is what they believed advanced an
Rand had no concept or understanding of effectively dealing with an omnipresent anticivilization and little
understanding of her bitterly denounced competition. Also, realize that her declared super-evil postmodern
philosopher Jacques Derrida validly identified that facts and truths are manipulated constructs used to support
anticivilization power structures. ...Hegel, Marx, and Derrida provide potent ammunition for profitably undermining
and nullifying their lethal anticivilization.
By misapplying her Objectivism, Ayn Rand also unjustly denigrated outstanding artists such as Thomas Wolfe,
James Joyce, Rembrandt -- even Shakespeare and Beethoven! To this day, Randian cultists continue chanting the
same ad-hominem mantras. The tragic consequence is that scholars encountering Rands smeared subjects stop
cold at such careless applications of Objectivism. Thus, they dismiss Rand without ever knowing much less
benefiting from her brilliantly integrated work.
Early Neo-Tech literature occasionally fell into that same intellectual sin by too rigidly applying narrow-scope
ideological ideas to events and people. Neo-Tech literature today, however, accesses the widest-and-fullest
context of anticivilization history. Thus, Neo-Techs early classical viewpoints shifted or reversed concerning, for
example, certain historical notables such as Alexander the Great, Plato, Augustus Caesar, Abraham Lincoln, and
Winston Churchill. After all, they each had to live and function in an anticivilization -- that is all they knew. In that
context, most historical greats performed admirably, even heroically, to benefit their times in history.

Lincoln especially incorporated Neo-Tech understandings to his time in developing pro-business/free-trade, antislavery/anti-theistic, malice-toward-none courses of action. Honest Abe also understood the primacy of honesty
over the manipulations of truths. At the same time, the expanding knowledge and integrations of Neo-Tech
brought forth a few scattered errors and tarnishing problems for shining historical greats such as Aristotle,
Thomas Jefferson, and Ayn Rand.
In bypassing and obsoleting Objectivism, Neo-Tech authors today do not return to their early works and correct
occasional narrow, premature, or erroneous views. For, reading those earlier views helps one understand the
evolution of Neo-Tech as an open-ended process of applying fully-integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting
that continually evolve new understandings, knowledge, and perspectives.
Over the past three decades, the dynamics of Neo-Tech generated thousands of factual points, historical citations,
and empirical observations from the widest perspectives to induce a single-point conclusion: Earthlings
unnecessarily live in a bizarrely-unnatural anticivilization. From that single-point conclusion, Neo-Tech harnesses
profitable business actions that undermine and will ultimately nullify todays anticivilization.
To grasp the easy-to-read minimalist Joycean allegory -- Als Allegory in Coda #3 -- ignore the woefully ignorant
religious-right and cultist-Objectivist scornings of James Joyces novel Ulysses. That hard-to-read novel is
perhaps the supreme work of literature art in the twentieth century. Ulysses is the art of opposites via
similarities. It weaves stunningly-unique vertical timelines into internal consciousness. It is the first major
stream-of-consciousness structure in literature. Once understood within its maddingly-complex style, Ulysses
rises to an unparalleled artistic achievement yielding countless literary innovations and contemplative values.
...Joyce subsequently went overboard with his 14-year absurdly-overwrought masterpiece mess, Finnegans
By contrast, Ayn Rands easy-to-read novel, Atlas Shrugged, is perhaps the supreme work of philosophical art in
anticivilization history. Once understood within their limitations, Rands works yield many effective and practical
Also, recognize Rands stellar nonfiction intellectual work, Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology. Finally,
recognize that although too many of her avid cult followers ended with romantically-miserable/unhappily-barren
lives, Rands moral-and-principled philosophy delivered over fifty years of life-enhancing values for living more
rationally in an irrational anticivilization.
Incidentally, Ayn Rand was not the first major writer to express a philosophy through fiction. Jean Paul Sartre
was the first with his novel, Nausea. His novel expressed the Existentialist idea of the ill-ease one experiences
when focusing upon his or her anticivilization existence and then realizing the meaninglessness of life that ends in
nothing -- life that ends in eternal death. Mark Hamiltons trilogy, The First Immortals due in 2004, flips that sadfilled meaninglessness into joy-filled meaning by shifting perspectives from todays anticivilization yielding death
for each conscious person -- into tomorrows Civilization of the Universe yielding eternal growth for each
conscious person.

Neo-Tech does, however, coincide with the Existentialist idea that the individual is what a person makes of him or
her self. Each individual alone is responsible for creating his or her essence and character, which is determined
by that persons self-chosen actions and non-actions. ...The five hallmarks of Neo-Tech are (1) fully-integrated
honesty, (2) nonbiased, wide-scope/statistical thinking, (3) ever-growing knowledge, (4) self-responsible human
health, (5) value-oriented romantic love.
#8 -- 6/1/02
Neo-Tech and Nature
Understanding nature comes from its predictive order rising from seemingly-arbitrary disorder. For example, (1)
understanding chemistry from Mendeleyev's demonstration of nature's powerfully-predictive periodic order
within the chemical elements, (2) understanding particle physics from various Noble Laureates uncovering
natures highly-predictive order via their Standard Model of quarks and leptons, (3) understanding order-inchaos dynamics from Feigenbaums and Mandelbrots discovering natures predictive order via self-organizing
fractal patterns, and (4) finding an ever-wider predictive nature from Wolframs computer algorithms.
Analogous predictive models of human consciousness could emerge upon discovering natures hidden matrices
of knowledge rising from prime units of conscious thought -- hypothetical quantum units called thinkons (see Aria
#3 titled Liberating our Quantum Consciousness).
Neo-Tech and Art
Beethovens first-and-second movements of his Ninth Symphony express the unresolvable contradictions and
inescapable strife in an anticivilization. The third movement provides exquisite relief through a divine journey
toward the Civilization of the Universe gloriously expressed in the fourth movement as Schillers joy of universal
Gustav Mahlers sweeping symphonies of defeat and doom rising into redemption and victory inspired parts of Pax
Neo-Tech. Mahlers spiraling music emotionally answers where conscious life has been, why it is here, and where
it is going. Pax Neo-Tech factually answers those same questions. Neo-Tech is a litany of integrations reflecting
the eternal beauty and power of human-created values streaming from business, science and art.
Universal art strives for fully-integrated honesty. Thus, such art holds its same eternal beauty in Heaven and
Earth alike -- in the Civilization of the Universe and the Anticivilization alike. To paraphrase a line in Alexander
Popes popular love poem, Hloise and Abelard: Start your journey into the eternal sunshine of the honest mind. In
other words, start your journey into the eternal beauty of fully-integrated honesty embodied by Pax Neo-Tech.
#9 -- 6/3/02
Politicians and government officials today make rhetorical gestures toward fulfilling their prime responsibility -toward protecting the life-and-property rights of their constituents. Too often those gestures lack sincere focus,
sustained efforts, and meaningful results. Politicians and officials failing that single responsibility are unworthy of
public office (as starkly illustrated in Coda #2 titled Pax Law).
#10 -- 6/10/02-9/10/02
Today, the world remains a political/religious anticivilization ber alles. Thus, even if commander-in-chief
Bush wins the war against terrorism and ends government frauds, Earths survival with lasting peace and

prosperity depends on replacing his Augustus-Caesar/Jesus-Christ/Ozzy-Osborne anticivilization with a

business/science/art civilization.
#11 -- 6/18/02
Today, a hidden example of a potentially-genocidal fraud is global warming: The poverty-creating Kyoto-Treatytype laws are fashioned from the 1990s-chic dishonesties. Led by invidious demagogues, socialist/fascist green
armies riot for spurious global-warming regulations that would cripple American businesses, plunge worldwide
standards of living, and decay world economies. Those irrational regulations would ultimately shrivel human
existence, especially for the poverty-stricken, third-world underclasses who would starve by the millions.
Applaud President Bush for withdrawing America from that irrationally-destructive and cruelly-dishonest
Is global warming occurring? Yes, data today show global warming is a fact. Dishonesties, however, reign
supreme as political environmentalists use demagoguery, scientisms, and outright lies to prove that humans
cause any significant global warming (see Just as celebrity-verified science
proved a generation ago that humans caused global chilling, today that same celebrity-verified science
underlying the Nader/Gorean Greens is mostly based on continuous political/business-hating dishonesties: Want
proof of humans causing global warming? The Snows of Kilimanjaro is melting! screeches semi-literate ecoscientist Barbra Streisand.
Scientifically valid, statistical examinations of long-term weather trends show that the combined activities of
humans today have little or no measurable effect on natures overwhelmingly-massive weather patterns that
alternatively produce life-diminishing ice ages and then life-enhancing warm ages. That fact becomes evident upon
analyzing the world climate changes during the past 12,000 years, from the Neolithic Age to the present age.
Most important, global warming brings the greatest natural benefits to human life. For, increased solar warming
brings mega increases of free, clean sun energy to this world. Through the millennia, global warming has been the
single greatest variable in nature for increasing human standards of living. Global warming means huge
expansions of arable land yielding more-and-better food with improving living conditions not only for human life,
but for plant and animal life as well. Ask Russian President Putin why he is eager for global warming. Ask his
constituents in Siberia why they want to experience global warming. Global warming would also reduce the worlds
need to burn air-polluting fossil/hydrocarbon fuels -- oil, coal, wood, and peat fuels. So, when man can
noticeably increase free-and-clean solar energy via global warming, bring him on to do the job!
#12 -- 6/21/02
A final example of life-destroying dishonesty is today's obesity epidemic, especially in America. That epidemic
arose from the decades-long, government-driven, politically-correct low-fat-diet fraud. Realize that ingesting and
metabolizing fat does not cause fat. Note, however, that a high-fat diet may increase heart risks, especially for
people who are not aerobically fit. See Dr. Kenneth M. Cooper's classic book, Aerobics, for an understanding of and
criterion for aerobic fitness -- 30-minutes or more of sustained fast-heartbeat running, swimming, biking, fast
walking, or other fast exercise -- at least three times a week. Or even better on alternate days (to allow for the
needed 48-hour recovery of each muscle/joint group worked) do brisk 15-30 minute muscle-toning workouts and
on alternating days do the health-critical 30-40 minute aerobic workouts.
Drawing from the research behind the 1960s Canadian Air Force diet (from which Dr. Atkins developed his famous
low-carbohydrate diet), Neo-Tech literature has stressed since 1976 that sugar and carbohydrates, not fat and
protein, metabolize into diabetic/heart-attack blubber fat. Consider todays rapidly escalating consumption of
sugars and carbohydrates: Ingesting heaps of low-fat carbohydrate-loaded fruits, pasta, waffle ice-cream

cones, mega-gulp colas, and especially drug-like, Starbucks Venti Chocolate-Malt-Frappichino/diabetes-inducingtype drinks are ballooning Americans into freakish parades of lethally-obese, wrenchingly-unhappy, sicknessinduced humans. ...Realize that aerobic exercise is the premire health dynamic, but exercise alone is not very
effective for weight loss. Instead, eliminating the sugar narcotic and cutting carbohydrates is the premire
weight-loss dynamic.
The evilest offenses and saddest tragedies arise from parents who ruin the health and happiness of their own
children by inducing them to become obese. Consequently, many of those children suffer chronically
unhappy/unhealthy lives. Some become diabetic to eventually experience amputated legs, blindness, and early
death. Many such parents, often obese themselves, use the low-fat-diet hoax to rationalize for them and their
children to pig out on drug-like diets of sugar-saturated cokes along with candies, ice cream, pastas, pastries, and
other confections loaded with no-fat sugars and healthy carbohydrates. Inflicting such psychological-andphysical damage on helpless innocents is child abuse and physical mutilation in its most-cruelly destructive form.
Each individual must take control of his or her body to create a happy, healthy life for self and loved ones. Eat to
live, not live to eat.
#13 -- 6/26/02
Most anticivilization thinking is analog and circular. Such entrapped thinking recycles dogmas, irrationalities, and
mysticisms that let neocheaters plunder human creativity and productivity over the millennia. By contrast,
outside-the-bubble neothinking is digital and linear. Such freethinking yields the calculus for outflanking closeended dogmas, irrationalities, and mysticisms to deliver open-ended freedom, creativity, and prosperity.
#14 -- 6/26/02
Pro-life Neo-Tech? Yes, Neo-Tech is genuinely-and-fully pro life -- pro conscious life. Neo-Tech rejects as
blatantly dishonest the religionists usurpation of the pro-life label when they criminally force anti-life controls
over the most basic-and-profound moral right -- the right to control and protect ones own body. Anti-life
religionists, be they fundamentalist John Ashcrofts or fundamentalist Mullah Omars, militate against the happy
well-being of conscious life on Earth. ...A fetus is not a person -- a fetus is not conscious life -- a fetus is
protoplasm belonging to a womans body, which is the most basic, inalienable property right possible.
#15 -- 6/26/02
Applaud Judge Alfred Goodwin of the U.S. 9th-Circuit Appellate Court for his legally correct decision in ruling as
unconstitutional the under God phrase politically injected in 1954 by religious-right Republicans into Americas
pristinely-secular liberty and justice for all Pledge of Allegiance. That 1954-besmirched pledge became
decidedly unconstitutional when forced upon children in tax-paid, government-run public schools. Im under
God? Who says Im under your mystically-destructive deception called God?
Consider children in no-choice public schools (versus free-choice private schools) seeking honest understandings
of reality. Forcing them into pledging to a lethally-irrational religious concept is not only unconstitutional, but is
perniciously offensive.
Many religious critics of Judge Goodwins decision, including President Bush, wrongly opine Thomas Jeffersons
agreement with the under God phrase. They cite his Declaration of Independence as proof. Jefferson, however,

never referred to a mythical God. Instead, he referred to their Creator and once to its deistic equivalent -Natures God. As many of Americas founding fathers, Jefferson rejected the theistic God concept. Jefferson
was a secular-humanist deist, not a mystical theist.
To Jefferson and other Voltairean-enlightened personalities of that time, their Creator could be either (1) the
nonconscious-forces of nature following natural laws or (2) a hypothetical conscious force controlling nature by
obeying the inexorable laws of nature. Then the universe, once created, evolves according to its design -- either a
nonconscious design or a hypothetical conscious design. In any case, the universe develops according to the laws
of nature. That Voltairean/Jeffersonian view parallels the Neo-Tech/Zon concept.
Perhaps the most-valuable document in world history -- The United States Constitution -- is also a pristinelysecular godless document, as are the invaluable eighty-five Publius-signed letters of the Federalist Papers
composed mainly by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay. Their lasting value and validity, as does
the value and validity of Neo-Tech, arise from mystic-free common sense combined with the laws of nature.
#16 -- 7/25/02
A runaway political class that includes even Alan Greenspan is a lot more dangerous to the markets and Americas
prosperity than are a few crooked CEOs.
The Wall Street Journal, July 18, 2002
Congress routinely commits financial flimflam that would land CEOs in jail.
The Wall Street Journal, July 22, 2002
Today, in mid 2002, Daschle/Gephardt-led politicians strive to prolong and deepen the Clinton/Greenspan/Rubincaused stockmarket crash and economic recession until the 2002 elections and hopefully to the 2004 elections.
How? By demagogically blocking Bushs economic reforms and limiting his tax cuts. Or, even better, those
politicians and their socialist/fascist/elitist-backed media hope to create a major failure in Americas war against
terrorism. Many also hope for a bloodbath in Afghanistan with heavy American causalities. Why? To seize
congressional power in 2003 -- and especially to defeat President Bush in 2004.
Modern-day Daschle/Gephardt-type demagogues ultimately fail on all counts: Recall again Dostoevskys Crime and
Punishment: Future-great-man Raskolnikov fails totally by seeking fame and power as ends in themselves. Thus,
he would justify any means to achieve those ends -- including wonton acts of social destruction, criminal
usurpations, even murder.
#17 -- 8/6/02
Consider one unlikely source for the Neo-Tech Discovery -- the Mormons: As a group, though somewhat
zombified, they are among the most business-savvy, financially-successful, and sexually-happy people on Earth
today. In todays anticivilization, Mormons are on a level with secular-humanist Jews as among the mostcompetitive, least-envious value creators. Still, the 20th-century Neo-Tech discoveries, not the 19th-century
Mount-Cumorah tomfooleries, yield the decoded Golden Plates first inscribed twenty-five centuries ago by a real
person named Aristotle, not thirty centuries ago by an imagined person named Mormon.

In 1830, upon usurping Islamic legends, Mormon-founder Joseph Smith concealed himself under a cloth
hood. He then held two stones while pretending to decode mythical Golden Plates. From that act, he glibly spun a
story plagiarized from a science-fiction novel, The Manuscript Story, by Solomon Spalding. Smith modeled his
afterlife paradise with ones entire family, including polygamous wives, in a modernized, less-destructive, moremature manner than Muhammads puerile no-effort, luxuriously-plush, sex-promiscuous afterlife free from
responsibilities -- free from ones family, including ones wife or wives. Smith and Muhammad were both
charismatic masters who shrewdly foisted enduring delusions upon their followers.
#18 -- 8/10/02
In 1983, the then Attorney General of Missouri, evangelical-fundamentalist John Ashcroft (the current U.S.
Attorney General), attacked a secular-humanist, pro-choice publishing company with his destruction-minded
bureaucrats. In 1986, the anti-abortion, theistic authorities of Reagans administration physically attacked that
same publisher, I&O Publishing Company, hospitalizing its children-and-games editor. They then destroyed its
Research Institute for Biological Immortality (RIBI). They seized its funds marked for clandestine, yet fully-legal,
offshore stem-cell/cloning research that ironically might have prevented or cured Ronald Reagans Alzheimer's
disease. They stole those funds without due process or filing charges. And, later, according to newspaper
accounts, the government squandered those precious hard-earned research funds in a sting horse-betting
scandal! What irony upon irony.
Then, in 1990, anti-atheist-crusader G.H.W. Bush violated the First-Amendment protection of free press and
speech by using specious IRS charges to physically attack and falsly prosecute Neo-Techs founder and irreverent
author -- Dr. Frank R. Wallace. Why? Because that infidel exercised his First-Amendment rights in publicly
revealing political corruptions and government crimes via his (1) Government Guns and Fists newsletters and (2)
high-visibility billboards erected across from the Federal Court Building in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Continuing to write and express his views from prison, the blaspheming author was silenced by suddenly
transferring him in chains to an isolated desert-hilltop facility. Next, a Reagan-appointed Federal-District judge
(who was also a Mormon bishop) ordered the unrepentant blasphemer to undergo inquisition-like psychological
examinations. In 1992, the United-States Court of Appeals reversed that judges original trial and sentence. In
1993, the same United-States Court of Appeals reversed that judges order for psychological examinations of NeoTechs founder.
Because of his blindly-biased errors, that Federal District-Court judge, despite his basic decency, failed to get his
most-coveted, fully-expected, and probably-deserved appointment to the Ninth-Circuit Court of Appeals. Those
who try to sink Neo-Tech should first consider who ultimately gets sunk.
Rabid religious-right attackers of Neo-Tech (see, contrary to their
intentions, increasingly strengthened and expanded Neo-Techs publications into 146 nations in thirteen languages
while gaining two-million new readers. Also, from that 1991 Socratic trial of Neo-Techs founder came his Honesty
Oath (989, F.2d, 1015 -- 9th Cir. 1992). That new-and-potent legal tool can ultimately bring honest, consistent,
objective justice to American courts and eventually to world courts.
What about Neo-Techs current quietude concerning its early 1990s dynamics that continually undercut
the legitimacy of the DEA, EPA, FDA, INS, IRS, OSHA and other force-backed, net-destructive bureaucracies? NeoTechs relentless, low-profile underminings of todays anticivilization helped bring (1) the upset Contract-withAmerica anti-regulation election victories in 1994 (a contract later violated and discarded by Republicans) and

(2) the IRS-abuse hearings to Congress in 1997-1998 inspired by Neo-Techs website But, today, in mid 2002, Neo-Tech, holding its poker face, silently says, Dont bet into temporary war
hands of strength. Lay back, wait. Then, strike in the darkness of economic decline. Strike with unbeatable hands
of business-and-science realities that uproot not only prosperity-destroying neocheaters but also their
impoverishing laws, regulations, and taxes rising from political dishonesties, bureaucratic destructions, bogus
scientisms, and criminal parasitisms.
#19 -- 8/25/02
Most historical facts woven throughout the Neo-Tech literature focus on Western Civilization. The reader,
however, should be aware of the brilliant history throughout an independently evolved Eastern Civilization
(Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) over the past 5000 years. Until about a millennium ago, with miniscule contact
and essentially zero influence from the West, those great Eastern cultures were at times a thousand years more
advanced culturally, economically, and technologically than Western Civilization.
The explanation for that millennium-advanced culture of particularly China over the West probably stems
lies in the much-greater emphasis placed on education in the Eastern cultures during those times. China, for
example, over the millennia put great emphasis on education with its stringent, highly-competitive examination
systems required to attain positions of importance and power by merit rather than by privilege.
Did that Eastern Civilization evolve through its own separate biological species, perhaps as first
evidenced in the 1929-1933 discoveries of the Peking-Man hominid fossils from 500,000 years ago? Eastern
Civilization evolved with essentially no contact with or influence from Western Civilization. Yet, that Eastern
Civilization evolved in a remarkably-parallel fashion to the West: Starting about 10,000 BC, each evolved with its
own unconnected yet amazingly-close parallels proceeding through their separate Neolithic, Bronze, and Iron
Ages. Even more impressive are their totally-independent but closely-parallel evolvements of family life,
stationary farming communities, religion, politics, and law along with each civilizations equally impressive golden
ages of philosophy, literature, technology, medicine, commerce, and art.
Only until the Western-World Renaissance, its Enlightenment (Age of Reason), and finally its Capitalistic
Industrial Revolution did Western cultures pull significantly ahead of Eastern cultures. ...Today, that trend is
reversing with Eastern cultures constructively inching toward capitalism and Western cultures destructively
inching toward socialism.
Consider perhaps historys three greatest teachers -- Confucius, Socrates, and Jesus. They were
humanists who sought only knowledge and wisdom. By never locking their teachings in authoritative writings or
documents, they each avoided solidifying and thus stagnating their evolving knowledge. Thus, their everseeking/ever-evolving quest for knowledge and wisdom continued to flow unimpeded by fixed biases, opinions, or
As identified in Eric Savages and Tracy Alexanders No More Lies -- Breakthrough to Enlightenment,
brilliant writers and cunning editors from about 100-400AD inverted the independent-thinking, pro-individualistic,
anti-authority teachings of a gentle rebel -- Jesus of Nazareth. They then fictionalized him into a theistic mystic by

weaving an agenda-driven storyline into a poetically-seductive Bible that evolved into the King James Version
written with extraordinary grace and beauty.
Most interesting are the historically-factual, near-parallel lives of Confucius and Socrates (500-400BC):
From entirely unconnected, independent cultures unknown-to-one-another, each great teacher developed
amazingly-similar thinking and wisdom. Additionally, Confucius founded the Neo-Tech concept of roots: A
growing tree without roots will topple over and die. Thus, growing knowledge without roots will likewise topple
over and die. The ever-deepening roots for building a universal civilization to create eternally-prosperous
conscious life comprise the thorny matrices woven throughout Pax Neo-Tech.
Now, back to those two separately-evolved Eastern-and-Western cultures: They each independently
required about 3000 years for humans to evolve from nonconscious-bicameral minds to conscious-neothinking
minds as explained in the first three scenes of Pax Neo-Tech, Act One. A scholar, therefore, might expect similar
periods for the evolvement of bicameral minds into conscious minds and finally into neothinking minds for life
evolved on any other Earth-like planet. Thus, the significance of those two unconnected, totally-independent
cultures developing in parallel is that a similar parallel evolvement of conscious life would most probably occur on
countless other Earth-like planets throughout our Galaxy and the Cosmos. Moreover, just as on planet Earth, each
such planet would be capable of evolving ever-advancing/nature-controlling neothinking populations about 3000
years after their discovery of consciousness.
Five Notes
1. Neo-Tech subscribes to Samuel Johnsons (1709-1784) words: Kindness is in our power, even when fondness is
2. Would moral-philosopher Marcus Aurelius, perhaps in his Book of Meditations, have recognized Pax Neo-Tech as
natures serene path of universal evolution? Going further back, would pagan Homer have recognized Pax NeoTech as a tamed Zeus who had evolved into a single universe-advancing force? Finally, would biblical Moses in the
Book of Exodus have recognized Pax Neo-Tech as the real burning bush?
3. As no other world literature, Pax Neo-Tech generates future-predicting knowledge through fully-integrated
honesty, uncompromised rationality, and wide-scope accounting. That unique combination weaves together facts
of the past and present into matrices that deconstruct todays anticivilization. Combined with the coming
Chariots-of-Fire literature, Pax Neo-Tech will affect how a crucial few think -- a new, universal way to think called
4. Neothinking causes a paradigm shift in psychology that empowers the conscious mind to nullify religious-andpolitical dishonesties, irrationalities, and criminalities of the past, present, and future while unfolding a
business/science/art civilization here on Earth.
5. Pax Neo-Tech is Opus 137 -- Neo-Techs creative work #137. Any significance of this work falling on the strange
nonentity prime number 137? No mystical numerology here. The number is simply a nice coincidence. For, 137 is a

fascinating metaphor representing the still unexplained laws of nature about which new knowledge flowing from
Pax Neo-Tech will ultimately resolve. See
#20 -- 8/31/02
This Act One was written between September 2001 and September 2002.. It represents 40% of Pax Neo-Tech. The
remaining 60% to be published in 2006 was drafted before September 11, 2001 and comprises Acts Two and Three.
The entire Pax Neo-Tech opus reaches backward and forward in space-time to meld the matrices of nature into
accurate knowledge and predictions. Such matrices provide practical information needed to formulate
unanswerable rap-like Neo-Tech bullets that can let entire populations benefit from Neo-Tech. For, without any
explicit knowledge of Neo-Tech, powerless people can gain its advantages and profits by firing its steady flows of
anonymous anticivilization-vanishing bullets at parasitical elites -- at neocheaters -- at targets of political,
religious, and philosophical demagoguery.
Neo-Tech is a knowledge-creating dynamic that becomes a fountainhead of competitive values traversing all ages,
times, and places. Without boundaries or biases, Neo-Tech becomes a space-time protocol that lets conscious
minds profitably understand the past, capture the present, and control the future. Consider that Neo-Tech acts
as a tree trunk growing to limitless heights supported by ever-spreading/ever-deepening roots. From that tree
grows branches of new knowledge. And, now, grow the branches of Pax Neo-Tech, such as Pax Law (see Coda #2),
that yield their fruits of infinite riches/infinite justice.
The human race today is under threat of (1) a global debt liquidation, (2) losing the world war against terrorism,
and (3) possible physical extinction. Will todays Earthlings discover in time their conscious-mind nature to
liberate themselves from todays self-destruct, political/religious anticivilization? Will they discover their
conscious nature as that of competitive value creators who benefit every conscious life, everywhere? Will they
liberate themselves by unleashing the business/science/art dynamics needed to achieve ever-increasing
prosperity, non-aging health, and never-ending beauty?
Yet, would such ever-increasing prosperity and non-aging health bring a Malthusian overpopulation disaster? No.
Overpopulation problems occur only in unfree, decaying societies in which human life drains life-giving resources.
Earlier Neo-Tech literature pointedly explains how overpopulation is impossible in business/science/art
civilizations. Why? Because in the resulting free-market capitalist society, value-creating individuals continually
create by orders of magnitude more life-giving resources for society than they consume. With biological
immortality, therefore, people become limitless values to the populace and all of society -- never liabilities. ...Free
societies cannot have too-much, value-creating life.
By not fulfilling their eternal nature, todays mystically-inculcated Earthlings live for death. Deluded and fatalistic,
some live to glean by any means maximum riches and gratifications for themselves before they die -- glean by any
dishonest, irrational, or criminal means. Others strive with fatal Greek hubris to capture maximum fame, power,
and glory before death -- regardless of harms to others, society, and the future. On the other extreme, too many
brain-washed dupes avoid the pleasures and happiness available from life on Earth. Why? To assure their
entrance into a non-existent afterlife paradise. Most people, however, simply live mundanely, trivially, and then die

pointlessly. Much worse, for a life-hating few, killing themselves along with everyone else on Earth is their
ultimate purpose...and, today, their achievable goal!
Because of inevitable death, various malevolent so-what attitudes pervade an anticivilization -- as
Bloomsbury/Fabian-socialist Lord Keynes once cynically sneered, In the long run, were all dead anyway. Thus,
religion, politics, and indifference will end every human life on Earth. The task of Pax Neo-Tech is to demonstrate
how flipping todays political/religious, dead-end anticivilization into a business/science, open-ended universal
civilization will yield cures for strife, crime, poverty, aging, and death.
Can conscious humans (1) discover their immortal nature and then (2) accept the eternal responsibility for living
creatively, romantically, happily -- living without limits? ...Those two questions are dramatically answered in Mark
Hamiltons epic trilogy, The First Immortals, scheduled for publication in 2004.
Neo-Tech sees what anticivilization populations cannot see. From its unique perspective, Neo-Tech has directly
created over two-million beneficiaries. The task now shifts to completing and distributing Neo-Techs third
generation literature -- its Chariots-of-Fire literature followed by Illuminati-Societies ten years in the making -plus the simultaneous production of Neo-Tech bullets. The production and distribution of those newly-forming
societies and anonymous bullets will eventually free every competitive value creator and producer from todays
unjust, dishonest, and irrational anticivilization.
August 31, 2002
Coda #2
Pax Law
Road to Everyones Peace and Prosperity
First, a question: What are the parallels and remedies between (1) international macro-terrorists beheading
innocent people and blowing up schoolchildren and (2) local micro-terrorists diminishing the lives of innocent
people and ruining the lives of schoolchildren?
Pax Law answers the above question by identifying that core causes are the same for all crimes and terrorisms
against the innocent. Pax Law identifies core causes of crime with specific examples and verifiable facts. Pax Law
then presents the Neo-Tech nullification of crime and terrorism that opens the road to everyones peace and
What is Pax Law?
Pax Law is based on universal law for protecting individual life-and-property rights. Pax Law means honestlycodified and justly-enforced law.
The twin premises of Pax Law are (1) unenforced just laws cause contempt for law and a continual decline in
individual security and social prosperity; (2) enforced just laws cause respect for law and a continual rise in
individual security and social prosperity.
Pax Law verifies its two premises through the real-life events of (1) micro-terrorists ravaging a small street, a
small town, a small country and (2) macro-terrorists ravaging human life worldwide. ...Pax Law provides the

protocol for quelling and nullifying criminals and terrorists -- locally and globally.
Part One
The 1977-1987 Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Tip ONeill, identified all politics as local:
Prosperity expands or shrinks when politicians succeed or fail their prime responsibility to protect the life and
property of their constituents on the individual/local level.
Law Enforcement/The Nullification Tool
Law enforcement? The nullification tool? Sounds oppressive. Sounds anti-freedom. Yet, the opposite is
the fact: Honest enforcements of just statutory laws, common laws, constitutional law, and natural law on local
levels nullify crime in the cradle to deliver peace, freedom, and prosperity. ...Consider two points:
1. Effective law enforcement occurs when the populace demands that public officials focus on their single,
mandatory responsibility. That responsibility is to assure the life-and-property rights for each-and-every
individual. When that single government responsibility becomes the primary focus of public officials, genuine
prosperity rises as free-and-secure constituents are increasingly able to create and produce competitive values
for themselves, others, and society.
2. Effective law enforcements start small -- on the local level at which everyone experiences, everyone
understands, everyone relates. Legitimate law enforcements focus on those who illegally harm the lives and
property of individual citizens. Consider the wisdom of Vclav Havel, the Czech leader of the stunningly-successful
Velvet Revolution that peacefully overthrew the criminal Communist regime in his country. He identified, Evil
must be confronted in the womb. As light-handed but consistent law enforcements on small, individualistic
scales eliminate those womb-like units of crime, the need for heavy-handed (often-bogus) law enforcements on
larger, collectivist scales -- including wars -- fade.
Politicians/Lawmakers/Public Officials
Put aside Nietzsches Thus Spoke Zarathustra. It is a distraction from filling your mandatory responsibility -- the
protection of your constituents life-and-property rights. Focus instead on Thus Spoke Reality. For, you need raw
honesty and hard facts to secure a safe-and-prosperous future for your constituents:
Thus Spoke Reality
Almost daily, for thirty years, my favorite writing-and-editing hideout has been a peaceful perch
overlooking my towns small cemetery. In the past decade, I have witnessed a wrenching increase in the burying of
young people killed because arrogantly-ensconced public officials supported by a politically-and-journalistically
corrupt local newspaper negligently failed to enforce just laws that protect the individual rights and safety of
their constituents.
Yes, at first, fervent mourners gather by day and by night. Then fewer and fewer gather. Eventually no
mourners gather. Another young life is gone forever and forgotten. Most unjustly, no one is held accountable for
such unnecessary, preventable killings of' youth in this small-town America.

Because of my carefully-noted observations over those three decades, perhaps I am the only person fully aware
of those tragic facts. Perhaps only I can ask why and seek causal connections among those deaths. Perhaps only I
notice the shallow, blameless reports spun in the politician-protecting local newspaper -- glossed-over reports
that quickly disappear with little or no further reporting. Thereby, each tragedy is forgotten by the time the next
deadly tragedy strikes. Thus, all seems okay among the populace and their public officials when nothing at all is
Who will connect those cemetery burials to crime concealments used to politically preserve false images -images squandered years ago of a lovely, clean, safe town with secure schools? Who will reveal the spinning ring
of self-aggrandizing politicians, a scofflaw City Attorney, and a toady local newspaper? They all share
responsibility for the preventable crimes, damages, and deaths inflicted upon defenseless citizens, especially the
elderly and children. Who or what can break that lethal ring of political concealment and government
Now comes the real-life example of nightmarish events unfolding in that small American town blighted with microterrorists. Those events spiral from a lethal ring of self-serving politicians, their crony-appointed officials, and
their obsequiously-compliant local newspaper:
Information Bulletin #1
[first published May 6, 2003 -- edited and formatted for book publication]
Micro-Terrorists Blight a Small Town
Arthur Millers play Death of a Salesman dramatizes how lethal endings start with a single unchecked blight. No
matter how small, that blight inexorably moves the entire entity toward its destruction -- be it a Willy Loman or a
cancer victim -- be it a street, a town, a city, a country, or the world.
Johannes Brahms' Requiem -- Blessed are those who Mourn -- is playing in my head. I am mourning Boulder City,
Nevadaand so should its every citizen. For three decades, I lived happily in that peaceful suburban community
near Las Vegas. It seemingly was a lovely town with clean-and-sober streets. In the early 1970s, it was rated
among the ten safest places to live in America. Now, I must consider leaving the place I love because it is no longer
lovely, peaceful, cleanor safe. Why? What happened?
One morning in early 2002, a clan of bug-eyed/gaunt-faced hooligans -- micro-terrorists -- occupied and then
overran our street -- a street I once called Lovely Lane. Violating an array of city laws and ordinances, they began
infesting their front yard and driveway with chop-shop-appearing auto parts along with vehicle-repair equipment
that spilled all around the street. Auction-bought junk vehicles, some unregistered, some with bogus plates,
some unmoved for weeks, began accumulating up and down the street, usurping their neighbors parking spaces,
sometimes wrong-side parking, double parking, dangerously crowding traffic, overhanging driveways, blocking
street visibility. Trucks even parked to completely block neighbors driveways, preventing access to their own

The micro-terrorism on Lovely Lane started that way and then escalated: A truculent, Aryan-like clan from the
North occupied Lovely Lane and turned it into an ugly, hostile, illegal street enterprise -- a dangerous, noisy,
street-repair/used-car lot -- punctuated with something worse, possibly something much worse.
When I politely asked the clan leader to stop violating his neighbors rights with hazardous vehicles and lifethreatening activities, another clan member screamed that I did not own the street. Quietly responding, I
reminded them both that they did not own the street either. I explained that the issue was their violating city laws
and ordinances designed to protect the life-and-property rights of them and their neighbors. ...They responded by
giving me the finger and then trashing our street by expanding their property-damaging violations and lifethreatening illegalities.
The government response: A courteous peace-making officer asked me to meet with the leader of that clan in
front of my house. Astonishingly, with the police officer standing between us, that cadaverous-looking clan leader
with violent hyper-bulging eyeballs lunged menacingly at me twice. With a redneck demeanor, he then sneered
sexist/racist calumnies at an innocent hispanic woman and then a virtuous black man. Thus, our meeting
abruptly ended.
Later, another police officer revealed that those same terrorists had trashed with impunity another street in our
town. Still another officer acknowledged that those interlopers were experts at pushing their harmful activities
beyond legal boundaries without legal consequences.
They are micro-terrorists. They are experts at property-damaging and life-threatening intimidations to prevent
victim complaints and avoid law-enforcement actions. Go several doors down and ask a frail, 80-year-old lady why
she is too afraid to complain. Go down three streets to where those micro-terrorists also ply their illicit trade and
ask a diminutive, 65-year-old man known as Big John to show you the scar across his scalp that a microterrorist creased with a bullet. Covered with blood, the wounded man went to the police. According to the victim,
law-enforcement actions never occurred and newspaper accounts never appeared. ...Such are the concealments
of life-threatening crimes in Boulder City.
Despite that clans increasingly flouting laws and ordinances, the local politicians remained ensconced in their
three accustomed modes -- (1) avoid negative publicity, (2) ignore or hide politically-bothersome small-time
crimes, and (3) promote their patently-false image of their jurisdiction being safe and secure.
Such terrorists live with contempt for the lives of all within their domain. They respect the rights of no one. They
respond only to enforced laws. When local governments up to the United Nations fail to enforce laws that protect
individual life-and-property rights, emboldened terrorists expand their damages until they trash a small street, a
suburban community, an urban center, a small country, mighty America, or the entire world.
The Ravaging of Lovely Lane
Nearly every morning, as early as 6:15, the micro-terrorists quartered on Lovely Lane awaken residents by
gunning truck-and-car engines with faulty mufflers. Then with squealing tires, they race their fleet of souped-up,
mule-type trucks and cars toward destinations unknown only to return every night, often with additional junkcondition vehicles for souping up. Midst belching engine noises, screaming voices, even loud fights, they continue
their trash-strewing destructions and open dealings, sometimes until midnight or later. Other times, at night, they
mix unknown, vapor-rising brew in trucks under klieg lights.
Night and day, they disturb the peace while intimidating and endangering their neighbors. Especially on weekend
nights from lines of vehicles, vacant-eyed youth run in and out of that house. On schooldays, during lunchtime and

after school, hyper students, some wearing long black Columbine coats, shuffle freely into that house and then a
minute later they exit. Street activities eerily resemble those around crack houses in urban ghettos -- or, today,
perhaps small-town meth labs. ...What kind of nightmarish consequences await Boulder City, Nevada?
Fearing for our physical safety, my wife and I installed a $1200 video surveillance system around our house.
During that installation, one of the terrorists menacingly picked up a steel rod and loudly threatened to smash our
video cameras. Then, when my wife and I were returning home later that night, several emaciated critters exited
their squalid den. One ominously yelled, What time ya gonna sleep tonight? Sensing violence, we fled Boulder
City and spent that night in Las Vegas.
To Review
Day and night, gaunt Aryan terrorists assault Lovely Lane with roaring vehicles illegally driven at dangerous
speeds -- recklessly skidding around corners, then burning rubber. Thus, with no law enforcement present, they
endanger pedestrians, bicyclists, and schoolchildren traversing that ghettoized gauntlet of illicit activities. Who
will be responsible when a skateboarding child is run over by a rooster-eyed terrorist screeching around the
corner and racing down that obstacle-strewn/terrorist-occupied lane?
Lovely Lane has transmogrified into a dangerous, disfigured, decaying alley symbolizing the conversion of
Boulder-Citys sweetest street into Erskine-Caldwells dirt-defiled Tobacco Road.
Those terrorists tentacles now reach into the next street and beyond. Incentives to maintain and improve
properties dim. Intimidated residents suffer in silence. Defenseless elderly wilt. Worried parents fear for their
children. Time to leave Boulder City for a safer, happier life? For-Sale signs are going up. Greshams Law
applies: The bad drives out the good, leaving a blighted neighborhood, a benighted community, a diminished
Terrorists at all levels fail to understand Coleridges Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner. Upon harming or destroying
the innocent, terrorists lose their souls and become the ultimate losers as they nullify their existence in the
realm of human life. In his book, The Lessons of Terror, Caleb Carr shows how every terrorist is a loser -- a
loser who ultimately fails miserably.
Today, however, before international terrorists ultimately fail, they can unleash weapons of mass murder to
irreversibly damage or destroy life in America or anywhere in the world. Analogously, before the micro-terrorists
of Lovely Lane ultimately fail, they can irreversibly damage or destroy the lives of innocent residents, kill or maim
its youth, and ruin a community thusly blighted.
The Meaning of Lovely Lane
On September 11, 2001, America woke up. Suddenly, its citizens realized the raison dtre for government. On that
day, Americas highest-elected official, President George W. Bush, focused on his prime responsibility. That
responsibility was to invert the goal of terrorists by eliminating them before they eliminate us -- his constituents.
That same focus must also occur on local levels to prosper into the future.
First, realize that micro-terrorists in all their destructive permutations and varieties are multiplied countless
times across communities and cities throughout America and around the world. Thus, cumulatively, they become
the prime undermining force against life and property -- more so than the Osama bin-Ladens of this world.
Now, realize once again: The single, most-important responsibility of government and its public officials is to
protect the life-and-property rights of each individual citizen. Praise-garnering, politically-enhancing collectivist
endeavors -- from building new public golf courses and city fishing ponds to street-and-building beautifications --

are done with taxpayers money. Still, if local governments fail in their prime responsibility -- fail in the
unglamorous, politically-bothersome tasks of protecting the life and property of each individual citizen -- their
jurisdictions will stagnate and then decline regardless of their self-glorifying projects.
Why did Boulder-City elected officials not only fail their prime responsibility, but actually embolden microterrorists to increasingly threaten and harm the innocent?
That question is answered with one word -- focus. For the past 140 years -- since Lincoln -- governments across
America have steadily shifted away from the Jeffersonian above-all focus on protecting individual life-andproperty rights by part-time lawmakers in the name of public service. Since Lincoln, that focus has shifted toward
collectivist-force projects by full-time professional politicians seeking tax-paid power and public adulation in the
name of themselves.
Each elected Boulder-City official was fully informed both in writing and by email of the escalating life
endangerments and property damages being inflicted upon his or her constituents. Each elected official chose to
default on his or her public-protection responsibilities. Each defaulted by choosing to focus instead on his or her
falsely-crafted political images and Pollyanna self-praises. Those seemingly-good people defaulted on protecting
the lives and properties of their constituents suffering increasing harms, assaults, and damages -- evils -inflicted by micro-terrorists. To quote Edmund Burke, For evil to triumph, good men have to do nothing.
Thus, no matter how worthy seemed their tax-funded projects, those officials made themselves unworthy to hold
public office. Voters must now replace them to reverse a deteriorating old-town, a dilapidating downtown, and an
insidious decay now creeping throughout neighborhoods.
Three decades ago, Boulder City had a unique opportunity to break free from a government-construction town
whose citizens heroically built Hoover Dam from 1931 to 1935, ahead of schedule and under budget. Instead, the
town failed. Self-perpetuating government jobs and progress-blocking political elites stagnated Boulder City.
Entrenched public officials dissipated a decades-long opportunity to transform Boulder City into one of the
premier communities in Western United States -- a vibrant community with the prosperity of a Palm Springs and
the cachet of an Aspen. Thus, the wealth of Las Vegas stopped seeking Boulder City. That prosperity, prestige,
and culture now flows into safer, better-managed, better-protected suburban communities surrounding Las
What Comes Next?
What liabilities do elected officials accrue after being fully informed and then doing nothing about micro-terrorists
illegally damaging the lives and properties of their constituents?
For years now, local officials have striven to maintain a Potemkin image of Boulder City still being the clean, green,
safe town of three decades ago. In conjunction with their obsequious local newspaper and scofflaw City Attorney,
those officials have long suppressed negative publicity by avoiding or minimizing the reporting of criminal
activities. When enforcement actions were required, officials often looked the other way or issued only warnings - sometimes over-and-over again -- at the victims expense. Thus, public officials avoided reports and actions
yielding crime records and negative publicity. One police officer complained that a man with over twenty DUIs still
drives the streets of our town. Last month, a man with seven DUIs crashed his SUV in Boulder City, killing two
innocent people. How many more tombstones will rise in Boulder City from neglected public-protection
Public officials kept pursuing expensive honor-and-glory projects while (1) hiding escalating crime, (2)
emasculating their underfunded, overworked police force, and (3) retaining cozy relationships with a
disreputable-slacker City Attorney and his inept justice system. Will the future reveal how that community slid

into ever-widening ghettoization -- perhaps with its children drawn into Mesquite/methamphetamine-like spirals
of lethal tragedies? Or, will the future reveal how Boulder-City residents reversed course by electing officials who
put their first priority on protecting the life-and-property rights of each-and-every resident to fulfill BoulderCity's potential of becoming Nevadas most-desirable community?
[End of Information Bulletin #1]
Information Bulletin #2
[first published May 29, 2003 -- edited and formatted for book publication]
Anarchy-Promoting Incumbents
Anarchy promoting? During their May 8, 2003 press conference in Boulder City, Nevada, did not the incumbents
hear Hector Berliozs March to the Scaffold playing in their heads about to be lopped off? What were they thinking
during their flurry of denial that left the blight of micro-terrorism -- anarchy -- unanswered, unchecked, and
festering in their jurisdiction?
On May 6, 2003, their constituents received Information Bulletin #1. It detailed the rising blight of microterrorism in Boulder City -- a blight that increasingly degrades the lives not only of Lovely-Lane residents, but
also of every Boulder-City resident. One source characterized that Information Bulletin with the clich, building a
mountain out of a molehill. Molehill? Is that what the well-protected political elites call it? A molehill -- is that
what they call endangering the lives of unprotected schoolchildren and the futures of their youth? A molehill -- is
that what they call micro-terrorist attacks on lives and homes of their constituents. A molehill -- is that what they
call micro-terrorists ruining the lives of vulnerable youth and defenseless elderly?
That right to life-and-property protection for each-and-every individual is the mountain -- the mountain of
civilization -- the mountain of liberty, prosperity, and happiness for everyone. Guaranteeing that right is the firstand-foremost responsibility of any legitimate government. Upholding that right is what brings peace and
prosperity to society. The molehills are the grandiose, self-promoting, tax-spending ventures of politicians who
ignore their primary responsibility. Thus, that continuing blight of Lovely Lane -- that hatched seed of anarchy -now creeps throughout the community, undermining the life and well-being of every citizen, young and old.
Each Incumbent Failed
Consider more deeply the current incumbents focus on pursuing self-serving, budget-breaking agendas
while ignoring the increasing harms inflicted daily on their constituents by micro-terrorists. In busily promoting
their higher political agendas, they arrogantly brush off crimes, even killings, inflicted on powerless peons -their taxpaying constituents -- as molehills to be ignored.
Well, no such higher agendas exist. Go ask President Bush, New Yorks ex-mayor Rudolph Giuliani,
Chicagos mayor Richard J. Daley, perhaps even Las Vegas mayor Oscar Goodman. Ask them if grand or higher
agendas trump protecting the life-and-property rights of their taxpaying constituents. Despite all their other
problems and faults, each of those elected officials discovered their mountainous responsibility to genuine public
service -- protection of each individual constituent from criminal harms and micro-terrorist destructions.

On May 8, 2003, the Boulder-City incumbents called a press conference ostensibly to address that May-6th
Information Bulletin, which identified the growing blight of micro-terrorism threatening their community. The
incumbents own words and actions provided the most-compelling reasons for replacing them -- each of them.
For, amazingly, not a single incumbent -- not one -- addressed a single point about the expanding micro-terrorist
harms increasingly inflicted on their constituents. Instead, directed by their ethically-challenged City Attorney,
they ignobly shot the messenger and made the innocent victims appear guilty. They launched ad-hominem attacks
while blatantly lying and dishonestly blaming others to further endanger their constituents. Those public officials
could never make it into Plutarchs Lives as virtuous people. Consider the following:
The May-9th Las Vegas Review-Journal (RJ) Article
The Review-Journal reporting of that press conference was honest and professional. Its article provided relevant
facts while omitting the dishonest non sequiturs designed solely to discredit the author of that May-6th
Information Bulletin and the victims of Lovely Lane. Moreover, in practicing fair journalism, the reporter tried to
contact that author (who was out of town) for comments about the press conference. Here are those public
officials' startling statements as reported by the RJ, followed by the facts surrounding each statement:
1. Obviously he wants to cause havoc, said Boulder City Manager John Sullard.
*Obviously he wants to cause havoc? Please, everyone, sit down and read that May-6th Information Bulletin again.
Where in the world is there any indication of wanting to cause havoc? Its entire point is to eliminate the havoc now
being dangerously inflicted upon the constituents of those elected officials. Perhaps the incumbent-appointed City
Manager considers the holding elected officials responsible for public safety as causing havoc. Indeed, it is that
the City Manager and his press-conference cohorts who, by failing their responsibilities, have caused havoc for
the residents of Lovely Lane -- and ultimately havoc for every resident of Boulder City. Moreover, those
incumbents chose to vilify the victims while letting the micro-terrorists rove free. Thus, today, micro-terrorists
contemptuously and repeatedly violate those unenforced laws and ordinances designed to protect the lives and
properties of Boulder-City residents.
2. City Attorney Dave Olsen said the essay stems from a code enforcement problemthat was solved a year ago.
*With his stunningly bogus claim that the problem was solved a year ago, the incumbent-appointed City Attorney
underscored his own ineptness. Since that Hans-Blix attempt a year ago to enforce a list of violations, those
micro-terrorists have scornfully mocked the continuous non-enforcement of Boulder-City laws and ordinances.
Increasingly, they spread their havoc as evidenced in that May-6th Information Bulletin and verified by numerous
police reports, photographs, video tapesplus personally witnessed and experienced by every resident of Lovely
3. Olsen said he believes the matter will be forwarded to the Secretary of States Office to determine whether
campaign practices were violated. And later the RJ article states -- Bill Smith, in a tight race for mayor against
incumbent Robert Ferraro, took offense to Olsens comments that the flier is politically motivated and someone
else is involved. He believes city officials were insinuating Smith is somehow tied to the flier.
*. forwarded to the Secretary of States Office? Yes, indeed, this matter should be forwarded to the Secretary
of States Office to determine whether campaign practices were violated. The incumbent candidates disgracefully
used that May-6th Information Bulletin just before the election to conspiratorially impugn and perhaps illegally
accuse their innocent opponents of possible crimes. City-Attorney Olsen then dishonestly implied that the
incumbent challengers might have illegally financed and mailed that May-6th Information Bulletin. Moreover, in
ignoring Americas First-Amendment right to free press, Olsen improperly spent tax money in having Boulder-City
police travel to Las Vegas, enter, and harass those at the authors printing facilities. The printer rightfully

dismissed them for lacking a warrant. Olsen also improperly used the police to glean post-office information about
the author.
Every incumbent fully knew of this micro-terrorism problem months before the challengers announced their
candidacies. Every incumbent also received, both by email and US mail, a pre-publication copy of that May-6th
Bulletin at least two weeks before its mailing. Each received a cordial invitation to respond. Yet, none responded.
None signaled interest in simply and justly applying the already existing laws and ordinances to block the microterrorists from increasingly damaging the lives and properties of his or her constituents. Thus, no one provided a
reason to abort that mailing. That act of collective dishonesty by the incumbents in knowingly-and-unjustly
besmirching their innocent political challengers is reason enough for each incumbent to resign or be voted out of
The May-15th Boulder City News Article
Unlike Adrienne Packers Review-Journals objective news article about that press conference, Ray Brewers
provincial Boulder City News page-one account was not a news article -- it was a conduit for advancing his
political cohorts ignoble agenda. Twisting political agendas into so-called objective news stories and foisting
dishonest assertions upon the public are journalistic-and-intellectual sins that vanish Mr. Brewers credibility and
his newspapers worthiness, while doing a tremendous disservice to the residents of Boulder City.
Mr. Brewer perhaps can learn from his dishonorable article to become a better reporter -- an honest news
reporter rather than a servant to political hacks. He can start by learning from his page-one headline of his socalled news article:
City officials respond to misinformation in mass mailer
*. misinformation? Where exactly? Where exactly in that carefully-documented Bulletin does misinformation
exist? Did the reporter even read that Bulletin or is he just promoting the politicians false assertions as facts. He
provides not a single example of misinformation. Yet, by positing that one word in his page-one news headline,
Mr. Brewer proclaims with zero evidence that the Bulletin is false. Thus, he intends readers to dismiss its crucial
message as bogus. He, thereby, fulfills the dishonest agenda of incumbents trying to conceal their dereliction of
duty to public safety by burying the facts with harmful, perhaps even lethal, results.
Unlike the Review-Journal, the reporter for Boulder City News made no attempt to get the other side by
contacting the author of that Information Bulletin. Moreover, unlike the reporter for the Review-Journal, Mr.
Brewer betrayed his readers by obsequiously promoting those incumbents unwholesome agenda to hold political
power power by any unsavory means.
This is no longer the Wild West. Citizens can accept neither unchecked lawlessness nor pistol-packing vigilantism.
Only government officials are legally empowered to enforce laws and ordinances designed to protect the
populace. Only they have the legal tools and responsibility to assure public safety. Thus, by failing their lawenforcement responsibilities, they harm both the lives of their constituents and the future of their jurisdictions.
The purpose of this current Information Bulletin #2 is to ask those incumbents who failed that prime responsibility
to resign -- or to be voted out of office. To move toward a safe-and-prosperous 21st century, Boulder-City
residents must vote only for those candidates who explicitly pledge above all else to fulfill their protective
responsibility to each individual constituent. Only then can Boulder City move toward its magnificant potential of
becoming one of Americas loveliest communities.
[End of Information Bulletin #2]

Election Results
Before mailing Information Bulletin #1, the single incumbent councilman facing reelection on June 3, 2003, was
favored to win. Yet, because of mailing to the voters Micro-Terrorism Information Bulletins #1 and #2, he lost
decisively, ending in third place. The incumbent mayor was also initially favored to win handily. But, to keep his
political power by any means, just days before the election, he (1) with the approval of his tap-dancing City
Attorney, mailed to every Boulder-City household a possibly-illegal, tax-paid "newsletter" comprising false
information and bogus financial figures, (2) blamed his re-election problems on the City Manager and publicly
tried to fire him without due process, then (3) spent heavily on a slick, misleading flier delivered to every voters
front door the day before the election. Of 5000 votes cast, the mayor won by 18 votes against his long-shot
challenger. The mayor was then promptly subjected to a recall election that his challenger was favored to win.
Half-full or half-empty results? Neither. The results meant a failed mayor remains in political power along with his
crime-camouflaging City Attorney, Dave Olsen. Thus, voters permitted further decline toward (1) ghettoizing
Boulder City, (2) financial crises, (3) possible lawsuits, and (4) increasing criminally-wrought tragedies. ...The
Nightmarish Consequences Unfurl
In the month following the above cited warnings and predictions, that small desert town witnessed four
micro-terrorists assaulting, injuring, and then robbing an 81-year-old Boulder-City woman of $1.50 at the local
grocery store. Shortly after, another Boulder-City woman was chopped to pieces and her body parts dumped into
the politicians new, tax-built fishing pond. A few weeks later, a young Boulder-City woman was murdered. Her
decaying body was found near the towns gravel pit. Later, a mans body was found decaying on Boulder-Citys dry
Three weeks later, a Boulder-City high-school football star died of a drug overdose just around the
corner from the street-dealing Lovely Lane. Then, alarmingly, even before the toxicology report was issued, CityAttorney Olsens crony, Boulder-Citys Police Chief, hastily proclaimed no charges would be filed. Shortly after, a
Lovely-Lane terrorist was arrested and convicted on drug paraphernalia charges. Sometime after that, a 25year-old Boulder-City father of four was stabbed to death in front of his pregnant wife in the same Lovely-Lane
neighborhood that the young Boulder-City athlete died of a drug overdose. And, what about the Boulder-City
woman recently raped a gunpoint near Lovely Lane?
All cases such as above are under-investigated or non-investigated as well as under-reported or nonreported. Local micro-terrorism a molehill? How many more tombstones will quietly rise in Boulder City for
victims quickly forgotten?
Two weeks after that high-school students drug-overdose death, City-Attorney David Olsen drank at a Blue Oyster
Cult concert in Las Vegas and continued drinking at a local honky-tonk tavern. He was then arrested at 1:30am in
Boulder City for drunken-driving someone else's motorcycle, weaving from lane to lane, then recklessly skidding
around a corner in a hail of sparks! He was also arrested for driving without a motorcycle license and for failing
to maintain a travel lane. Dude! Talk about contempt for laws that protect the lives and property of Boulder-City
citizens. Scofflaw City-Attorney Olsen endangers the lives of Boulder-City residents just as scofflaw microterrorists endanger the lives of Boulder-City residents.

Tombstones of micro-terrorist victims keep rising in Boulder-Citys cemetery. Street crimes remain
unprosecuted under Mr. Olsens scofflaw justice system. Will Boulder-Citys elected officials meet their prime
responsibility? Will they replace their drunken-driving City Attorney who flouts the law with a law-abiding City
Attorney who respects the law? Will they hire a hard-working City Attorney who will justly, consistently, and
conscientiously enforce laws that protect the public from those who illegally damage and destroy innocent lives?
Or, have the local politicians and their lapdog newspaper already spun the story for crony Olsen to save his job
of concealing crimes in Boulder City?
A Notice to the Elected Officials of Boulder City, Nevada
September 2, 2003
This notice is addressed to the elected officials of Boulder City, Nevada: Mayor Bob Ferraro and the four CityCouncil Members: Andrea Anderson, Karla Burton, Mike Pacini, Roger Tobler. This letter also applies to their
appointed officials: City-Attorney David Olsen and City-Manager John Sullard.
On August 6, 2003, each elected official named above received an updated Micro-Terrorism Information Bulletin
that diagnosed the malignancies of micro-terrorism metastasizing throughout Boulder City. At the same time,
each elected official again received a cordial invitation to witness and understand firsthand the destructive
effects of their unenforced laws and ordinances being broken daily by micro-terrorists. Each elected official had a
unique chance to ally with impacted constituents in stopping the illegal dangers and damages inflicted daily on
Boulder-City residents. Additionally, each elected official had an opportunity to gain new perspectives for avoiding
a bleak future for Boulder City.
Only Mayor Ferraro had the gumption to accept that invitation. Not a single City Council Member chose to see and
understand firsthand the spreading damages for which each is responsible. Thus, once again, each underscored
his or her failure to meet the prime responsibility of every public official to protect the life-and-property rights
for each-and-every constituent. Once again, Boulder Citys elected officials demonstrated their unworthiness to
hold public office.
On August 7, 2003, Mayor Ferraro was welcomed into the home of his constituents on Lovely Lane. From the
moment of his arrival to the time of his departure, in front of his own eyes, he could witness at least three
immediately-actionable street offenses simultaneously occurring within a radius of fifty feet from his parked car.
The mayor could also clearly see numerous trash-strewn law-and-ordinance violations in the micro-terrorists
front yard coupled with unhealthy-smelling stacks towering six feet or more of insect-infested/fire-hazard trash
in their back yard and filling their entire garage. He could observe all around him a Tobacco-Road street
bespattered with dirt, feces, and strange trash. Even more serious, he could see a death-trap street branded with
burnt-rubber insignias from recklessly-driven vehicles, sliding-skid marks from illegally-speeding vehicles, and
bizarre waste paraphernalia along the curb.
After a congenial one-hour visit, Mayor Ferraro earnestly promised to call back in three days about a plan to
enforce laws and ordinances to protect the residents of Lovely Lane. He never called back. Three weeks later, not
a word or act of remedy came from Mayor Ferraro. Not a single word or act of remedy from him or any public
official as constituent-harming violations of unenforced laws and ordinances continue unabated along Lovely Lane
-- along chemical lane.
But, much worse, the elected officials of Boulder City have not only failed to enforce laws on Lovely Lane, but now
their police department does not return phone calls, take reports, record complaints, or originate actions

concerning illegal acts of micro-terrorism on Lovely Lane. That street now lies helpless with no apparent police
protection. Micro-terrorists reign free.
What is happening here? Why do elected officials and their police department no longer respond to or record
complaints? Why do they not simply enforce the public-safety laws and city ordinances already on the books?
That is all that the victims of Lovely Lane have ever asked of their elected officials.
Are Boulder-City elected officials and their police department acting on advice from a scofflaw City
Attorney? Are they acting on advice from a law-breaking lawyer already sullied by dishonesties, ineptness, and
illegal behaviors? Are they acting on advice that increasingly threatens the lives of their constituents and
innocent children? Have ill-advised elected officials signaled the police to ignore law-and-ordinance violations on
Lovely Lane? For, any such law enforcements or additional complaint reports would (1) verify earlier MicroTerrorism Information Bulletins that succeeded in ousting two Boulder-City officials for failing their public-safety
responsibilities, (2) yield negative political fallout for the remaining elected officials in their next elections by
highlighting their irresponsible defaults, and (3) stir possible lawsuits rising from damages, injuries, even deaths
resulting from their negligent behaviors.
[End of Notice]
Is that crime-concealing dynamic why the local newspaper failed its reporting obligations about BoulderCitys latest murder? Why did they remain so strangely silent about the gruesome beating-and-shooting death of a
teenage youth at Boulder-Citys Dry Lake? Was that murder caused by a drug deal gone sour? That boys battered
body was found stuffed in a hefty bag with his hands cut off. And, today, right now, a teenage girl lies comatose in
intensive care, perhaps brain dead from drugs. (Soon after she died.) The police and newspaper reported no
details or follow-up articles about those youths -- killed youths who would merit major headlines and heavy followup reporting in any comparable small-size community in America.
So what! says the phantom soul of a Boulder-City elected official. We want the public to pay no attention
to those unpleasant things. They only upset my constituents. Instead, they want me to do important things that
they can praise me for -- like spending taxpayers money to build a magnificent amphitheater in the desert. So
what if it is seldom or never used. Such glory-reaping projects are much-more pleasant and enjoyable than
dealing with nasty crimes -- messy crimes that are best not reported, crimes we want hidden and forgotten. After
all, we must save the appearances of a clean, green, safe Boulder City. ...Just ask our legal advisor -- our
drunken-driving City Attorney. But, don't talk to our police. Theyll just give you dark, disturbing facts.
Thus thinks a smugly-ensconced Boulder-City Councilwoman when micro-terrorists invaded and
destroyed -- trashed -- a home on Lovely Lane. So what, she and the other elected officials exhaled wearily. Their
great souls could not be bothered with such trivia. The local newspaper reporting of that victim-devastating
crime? Zero, none -- complete silence.
Finally, as a thuggishly-cruel hypocrite, that same drunken-driving/life-endangering City Attorney now
puts on a swaggering tough-on-drugs charade (what irony!) by moving to confiscate the home of a hapless,
handicapped older lady -- confiscate that ladys entire house, her only survival asset. Why? Because she pled
guilty to a misdemeanor of owning six marijuana plants for her own pain-alleviating use. ...Meanwhile, gaunt-faced
terrorists run loose as Boulder-City youth die of drug abuse, unhindered by that alcohol-abusing City Attorney.

Yes, the beat goes on: Criminal destructions and terrorisms inflicted upon the innocent, especially upon the youth
and elderly, continue hidden and unabated. Do Boulder-City elected officials and their crony City Attorney hope
that those molehills of crimes and terrorisms will somehow just go away by themselves? Well, such
malignancies never just go away. No, they fester and spread until they are exorcisedor until they destroy their
Follow-up Report #1
Lovely Lane
November 4, 2003
[edited for book publication]
Upon receiving the above September-2nd letter, Mayor Ferraro phoned the Lovely-Lane victims several
times to report that he plans to initiate court actions against the micro-terrorists. Also, newly-elected Councilman
Roger Tobler, a businessman, phoned wanting to discuss the problem. The others continued to hide.
Mayor Ferraro then returned to the victims home with his enforcement officer to review a list of actions.
Still, no apparent law enforcement actions occurred. As always before, only shows of spurious law enforcement
occurred for public consumption. That was the micro-terrorists green light: They mocked and violated the
unenforced laws and ordinances with contemptuous impunity. With an unresponsive police department and a silent
newspaper, nose-thumbing street dealings began with strange police handshakes and garbage-bag drops.
Suddenly, the dangerous street disturbances escalated dramatically and began occurring night and day.
Now, genuinely alarmed, Mayor Ferraro phoned the victims again. This time to report that he is enforcing
the law by taking the micro-terrorists to court in early November 2003. Just as suddenly, Lovely Lane began
quieting down and cleaning up. Life-threatening dangers subsided. Dangerous-and-illegal street activities were no
longer chronic for the first time in nearly two years.
Yes, a politician can choose to break from that deadly ring of self-glorification to become a genuine public
protector: Of all ironies, could Mr. Ferraro become the only elected official in Boulder City worthy of public office?
...Anyone can learn and change for the better, even become heroic.
Or, is this a ploy to win a possible recall election brought on by the deterioration of Boulder City? Once re-elected,
will Mayor Ferraro rejoin the ranks of local self-serving political hacks? Will our community increasingly become
the dumping grounds for murder victims as the Las Vegas Sun tagged Boulder City in its November 3, 2003
front-page article? Or, will Mayor Ferraro rise above his cohorts to restore public safety?

Follow-up Report #2
Lovely Lane
December 3, 2003
[edited for book publication]
Fixing Negative Developments
Returning home at 12:30am on November 28, 2003, two victims of Lovely Lane encountered and photographed an
inordinate amount of the micro-terrorists strangely-bagged, foul-smelling trash stacked in front of the victims
house. With photograph proof in hand, the victims returned that unhealthy trash and waste materials to their
rightful owners -- the micro-terrorists.
The next morning, two thuggish-appearing cohorts, never before seen in the neighborhood, stood in the microterrorists driveway for two hours, staring menacingly at the victims house. Why? For what reason? ...After they
saw the husband leave his house, one of those rough-looking cohorts cowardly marched to the front door. He
pounded loudly and repeatedly on the victims house, terrifying the wife who, of course, never opened the door.
Instead, she promptly phoned her husband.
Unable to rely on the police, the husband immediately phoned and then picked up his gentle-giant friend,
Kirk -- an ex-NFL football player, an ex-professional prizefighter, a professional bodybuilder, and a railroadhandcar world champion -- a mountain man. He is a well-recognized, 30-year resident of Boulder City who
previously has heroically protected vulnerable residents from interloping Aryan skinheads. Thus, with Kirk in his
car, the husband drove home and displayed his imposing protector. The victims have now arranged for Kirk to
protect their lives and property whenever called upon. With private-protector Kirk, the illicit waste products
disappeared along with those threatening thugs.
Follow-up Report #3
Lovely Lane
February 20, 2004
[edited for book publication]
On February 3, 2004, Mayor Ferraro and Police-Chief Turk visited the home of the Lovely-Lane victim recently
injured as a result of micro-terrorists trespassing on her property. Both officials came to discuss the reemergence of illicit micro-terrorist activities on Lovely Lane. The Mayor was visibly shaken and seemed genuinely
concerned, especially about the recently injured victim and the time-dated photos documenting her grislyappearing injuries. He expressed a panicky determination to act quickly and effectively.
By contrast, Police-Chief Turk, while polite and sympathetic, seemed oblivious to the virulently-violent effects
micro-terrorists have on Boulder City citizens. He reflected little understanding of the insidious long-range
effects of not enforcing explicit laws and ordinances designed to protect the lives and properties of Boulder-City

Perhaps still under sway of scofflaw slacker City-Attorney Olsen, the Police Chief spoke only of issuing more
warnings to the micro-terrorists as has been inanely done for the past two years with mounting losses of
community well-being, including life itself. Even the police reports provided to the local newspaper concerning
youths involved in serious illegal activities now seem agenda manipulated and are too often expressed as flippant
In addition, since the publicly circulated micro-terrorism reports started identifying the causes and
meanings of such crimes, the public-police/local-newspaper reports now omit the names, locations, and
significant facts surrounding those crimes so they cannot be analyzed or correlated. Thus, responsibility cannot
be fixed and the public remains uninformed. Many such law violations apparently vanish with no effective
enforcement actions. Such are the scofflaw messages being signaled to incoming micro-terrorists and Boulder
Citys youth by our corruptly-negligent City Attorney, an obsequiously-complicit local newspaper, and now our
politically-manipulated police department. Frightening!
Fruits of Appeasement
Such redneck trash, if that is what others call them, have neither souls nor brightness: When the uniformed
Police Chief left the victims house, the street terrorists spotted him. As he drove away, they openly laughed while
loudly gunning their no-muffler truck and motorcycle engines. Then, in mockingly defying Chief Turk and the law,
bug-eyed youth returned for the first time in three months to gleefully race their roaring vehicles up and down
the street, burning rubber, screeching brakes, and skidding around corners as children came home from school.
Thus reap the fruits of appeasing terrorists be it a feckless global-wide UN or a feckless small-town
The very next day, schoolchildren once again began visiting the micro-terrorists apparently re-opened, frontdoor daytime operation -- starting with a skateboarding, grade-school kid puffing on a cigarette, making a quick
come-and-go, front-door stop. ...How many more Boulder-City youths will end in rehab, hospitals, wheelchairs,
jails, and cemeteries?
Mayor Steps In -- Police Chief Acts -- Micro-Terrorism Stops
(at least until the elections)
Now, with the Mayors sudden deep concern about the micro-terrorists coupled with the microterrorists open displays of mocking contempt toward Chief Turk, the police finally struck. They shut down the
micro-terrorist activities. Lovely Lane quickly morphed into an eerily quiet, seemingly safe condition -- at least for
now -- at least until Ferraros recall election.
Thus came the pay-off mailing piece sent to Boulder City voters on March 31, 2004 -- a week before
Mayor Ferraros recall election:
[edited for book publication]
Do Not Recall Mayor Ferraro
The much-needed housecleaning of Boulder-Citys government began when the favored
incumbent, Councilman Bryan Nix, was soundly defeated in June 2003. Next, in early
January 2004, City-Manager John Sullard was fired. Then, on January 6, 2004, legal
papers were filed to recall Mayor Ferraro and Councilman Pacini.

Yes, to protect the future of Boulder City and its citizens, Councilman Mike Pacini
should be recalled in the special election of April 6, 2004. Also, equally-negligent
Councilwoman Andrea Anderson should be replaced in the next election. Both council
members arrogantly ignore their prime responsibility to protect the lives and
properties of their constituents while spending public money -- our money -- on selfaggrandizing projects.
By far the most important housecleaning item is, however, Boulder-Citys fountainhead
of government corrosion -- City-Attorney David Olsen. He must be promptly dismissed
following his due-process March 30, 2004 trial for drunken driving another persons
motorcycle through the streets of Boulder City at 1:30am without a license, plus other
reckless public-endangering offenses for which he was indicted.
Perhaps, with our citys highest legal authority serving as an awful exemplar for our
neighboring community, a 16-year-old boy -- a model honor student -- drove drunk,
crashed, and killed his three best friends. That boy faces many years in prison. Yet,
drunken-driving Olsen retains the highest law-and-order job in our community! He
must not escape appropriate action through look-good deals or special pleadings
designed to keep his job. The travesty of not firing a convicted City-Attorney Olsen will
fall heavily on an irresponsible City Council heralding a bleak future for Boulder City.
Scapegoat to Hero?
What about the primary recall target -- Mayor Ferraro? His recent law-and-ordinance
enforcement efforts seemed to nullify the direct dangers and mounting threats from
illicit dealings by interloping micro-terrorists in Boulder City. The infested inner-city
areas seem quiet and safe -- at least for now, at least until the elections. In any case,
Mr. Ferraro is the only elected official to recognize and pursue his prime public
responsibility of protecting the lives and properties of his constituents. Thus, Mayor
Ferraro is the single public official crucial to the future well-being and security of
Boulder City residents -- especially its seniors who built our past and its children who
must build our future.
To paraphrase ironically an early 20th-century United States Senator Marcus Hanna:
There are two important things for elected officials. The first is to protect the life-andproperty rights of every constituent. ...And, I cant remember what the second is.
Boulder-City residents can not afford to replace constituent-protecting Mayor

Ferraro, regardless of his past performance and effectiveness.

After the April 6, 2004 elections, the following letter was sent to each Boulder-City elected official:
[edited for book publication]
April 16, 2004
Dear Elected Officials,
Below are results from the recall election bulletin mailed to Boulder City voters on March 31, 2004:
Short-Term Results
A close race was predicted with Ferraro a slight underdog. But, Mayor Ferraro won by a 60% to 40%
landslide. So, was the bulletin successful? Only partly. For, it failed with both the voters and the City Council on
two counts:
1. Councilman Mike Pacini was also returned to office. By returning him to office, the voters chose to
continue electing officials who ignore governments mandatory responsibility to protect the life-and-property
rights of their constituents. Instead, such politicians buy elections with taxpayers money spent on look-good
self-aggrandizing agendas -- all done with smiling, nice-person images. ...And, Mr. Pacini is certainly a smiling nice
person, perhaps still young enough to learn how to be a responsible elected official.
2. The corrosive core of Boulder Citys darkening future remains as law-breaking David Olsen
retains his job as the citys top law officer responsible for public safety and enforcing laws that protect peoples
lives and properties. ...What a travesty!
Thus, for the next Boulder-City election, the following notice will alert its voters:
Vote Out of Office
Micro-Terrorist Enablers
Vote only for candidates who pledge above all else to protect the life and property of each constituent -especially the defenseless elderly and vulnerable youth. Every elected officials first priority and responsibility is
to protect his or her constituents from personal harm and property destruction by those violating public-safety
laws and ordinances.
Recall in 1993 how newly-elected New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani discovered and then pursued that first
priority and responsibility of elected officials. By harnessing his discovery that he called the Broken-Window
Effect, Giuliani dramatically reversed the rapid financial, security, and social decay of his city caused by
unchecked micro-terrorists in his city. He focused on stopping the smallest neighborhood damages, crimes, and
ordinance violations. Thus, he stopped the accelerating micro-terrorist crime waves that were tearing apart the

social-and-economic fabric of New York City. Additionally, Giulianis re-ordering of priorities to fulfill his single
moral responsibility to his constituents prepared him to handle magnificently the macro-terrorist attack of
September 11, 2001.
Today, except for Mayor Ferraro, that primary responsibility remains scorned and thus unfulfilled by Boulder-City
elected officials. Instead, ensconced incumbents remain too absorbed in their grand agendas and praise-seeking
projects to bother with the relentlessly-increasing neighborhood crimes and ordinance violations by microterrorists who are consuming the heart and soul of Boulder City. ...To protect yourselves, loved ones, and your
homes, electors must remove such self-serving incumbents from office.
On Election Day, voters can reverse Boulder Citys financial-and-security decline in moving our community toward
its potential of becoming the jewel of Nevada. How? By rejecting those candidates and incumbents who fail to
publicly pledge and explicitly keep their single obligatory moral responsibility to protect the lives and properties
of their constituents.
Long-Term Results
The rule of law, not the rule of politicians, is the essence of future survival and prosperity of not only
Boulder City but of America, and ultimately of World Civilization.
Part Two
Micro-Terrorists Blight a Small Country
Why is a naturally-beautiful country once considered the peaceful-and-prosperous Switzerland of Central
America -- Costa Rica -- now becoming a dangerous, ugly domain? What is rapidly diminishing the life and wellbeing of its citizens? Why are escalating corruption and lawlessness becoming accepted across every economicand-social level of that country?
Remember when the world considered the once lovely small country of Lebanon the peaceful-andprosperous Switzerland of the Arab World? Remember when the world considered its capital Beirut as the Paris
of the Middle East? Then, remember how quickly Lebanon was trashed into a dangerous hellhole by hordes of local
micro-terrorists spawned by unenforced public-protection laws. Before long, those escalating micro-terrorists
were replaced by Syrian-backed Hezbollah macro-terrorists who in 1983 killed 241 U.S. marines in Beirut and then
quickly squashed that country under tyrannical Syrian rule.
Likewise, today, Costa Rica is succumbing to hordes of micro-terrorists. They comprise knife-wielding
thieves, muggers, kidnappers, rapists, including child rapists. They also comprise white-collar embezzlers,
murdering squatters, marauding gangs of tire-punching/life-threatening highway bandits, airport-luggage
thieves, criminal takeovers of property complexes, mob-infested Internet gambling, and drug-money-laundering

rings. And, now, Ponzi-scheme con artists and businessmen openly operate under colorful names such as The
Brothers, The Cubans, The Vault as well as staid names such as Banco Anglo Costarricense.
An internecine klepto-cabal of dishonest lawyers, corrupt politicians and bureaucrats, bribe-taking Costa Rican
Presidents, virulent union leaders, hired killers, a murdered prosecutor, an assassinated journalist -- all such
lawlessness serves to nourish criminalities everywhere in Costa Rica. In addition, what about embezzling lawyers
such as politically-connected Roco Cerdas Quesada? The hallmark of such camouflaged criminals is maskedlies/automatic-lies/pathological-lies that weave their deeply-buried criminalities throughout Costa Rica. ...Each
such unprosecuted crime undermines the concept of law in creating a national culture of dishonesty, criminality,
and mayhem.
Today, parasitical elites are ruining Costa Rica by blatantly ignoring escalating crime and micro-terrorism. They
work under cover of flowery rhetoric and hypocritical gestures falsely gleaned from bogus rain-forest
environmentalism images to bogus Nobel-Peace-Prize cachets. All the while, they are disassembling the lifeand-property rights of every resident. Without qualms about pillaging the working-and-business classes, its
socialist-elite class lives parasitically -- largely free from accountability and criminal-law enforcement. Thusly
corrupted, government-and-social structures of Costa Rica crumble. ...Similar to Lebanon a generation ago, is
Costa Rica awaiting replacement of its escalating micro-terrorists by macro-terrorists -- perhaps ultimately by
Castro/Chavez-led macro-terrorists?
The Ravaging of Costa Rica
As reflected on the editorial pages of the Costa-Rican Tico Times, micro-terrorists combined with thuggishlymilitant, anti-free-trade unions controlling corrupt politicians and socialist bureaucrats are destroying business,
agriculture, and the middle class to yield a fast crumbling country. Such parasitical-elite leaders have little or no
interest in protecting individual life-and-property rights of their middle-and-underclass citizens. And, now,
squatters who, as in Zimbabwe, are stealing private properties, seizing farms, and murdering their owners.
Politicians, parasitical elites, and the upper classes live in barbed-wired jails -- high-fenced houses with barred
windows -- while criminals freely roam the streets and scam-broken retirees commit suicide as investment
capital disappears to hurt everyone. Thus, today, the safety and well-being of the working classes -- business
owners, honest laborers, farm workers, and particularly their children -- suffer the most from the lawlessness
now spreading throughout Costa Rica, ravaging its economy.
Everyone out for their criminal selves is the noisome atmosphere now wafting throughout that dangerouslydecaying, pot-hole-pocked country.

The 2003 Gallup Global Corruption Survey of 47 countries found Costa Rica ranked fourth from the bottom,
slightly ahead of Bosnia, Bulgaria, and Turkey, in its citizens believing that political corruption strongly affects
their personal-and-family lives. Today, three ex-presidents of Costa Rica await justice and a fourth ex-president
is being investigated. Two of those ex-presidents are now in jail for corruption, fraud, and payola. The third is
avoiding arrest by hiding in Switzerland.
Those prosecutions are the first encouraging developments for Costa Rica in signaling, at last, aggressive citizenprotecting law enforcement, perhaps influenced by the facts and realities of Pax Law. Will the future reveal how
Pax Law nullified the entire array of micro-terrorists and their enablers? Thusly accomplished, honest free
enterprise would blossom to boom Costa Rica into the most-prosperous, happiest paradise of the Americas.
Part Three
A Question of Life or Death
The message of Pax Law is that elected officials are responsible for pro-actively nullifying microterrorists at their earliest acts of illicit activities against innocent citizens. With just-and-constitutional law
enforcements, such terrorists must be nullified before, not after, they inflict their heaviest damages -- damages
that if left unchecked will evolve into macro-terrorisms. All such terrorists must be nullified before they ghettoize
a lovely town, before they impoverish a beautiful small country, before they nuke America, before they mass
murder a world of value-creating innocents.
Will Pax Law succeed? Will the rule of law triumph over the rule of self-serving politicians, murderous
tyrants, and genocidal terrorists? Will clean-sweep riches, health, and happiness finally come to each-and-every
A New Illuminati CodeI am Alan G. Aeneas. I am a refuge from a past destroyed. I am a discover of a future world
power. You know me. Until last year, I was geekishly cocky and wore a baseball cap backward. You saw me
interviewed on TV a dozen times in 1999 and early 2000 during the climax of captain Bills great tech bubble. As a
glamorous whiz kid, I became rich and famous faster then almost anyone as Captain Bill masterfully
eliminated the concept of honesty from public thinking. His crew, me included, sucker punched a duped America
without anyone realizing who was responsible for undermining its long-range economy, security, and future.
In the late 1990s, with the boundaries of honesty removed, fraudsters like me easily manipulated Captain Bills
delusions and accountant Bobs hoaxes. I became a celebrity, sucked millions from duped investors, and bought a
trophy wife -- a famous TV journalist. In early March 2000, I blurted out with irrational exuberance my now
infamous line on TV, You dont need no stinkinhonesty in Bills hi-tech boom! Then, within a month, without
warning, my company became one of the first big dot.coms to crash into oblivion. By August 2000, Id lost not only
all my investors money, but lost everything I owned, including my trophy wife. I was flat broke with millions in
How did all that happen so quickly? Let me start at the beginning: I quit college in the winter of 1998 and headed
for Las Vegas to make a living servicing casino computers and playing Blackjack. You see, without any basis, I
fancied myself as both a computer genius and card-counting Blackjack pro. But, with my drug-addled brain, I was
unable to integrate more than two concepts at once. And, as a jazz saxophonist, I was too laid-back to build any
kind of a career.

I landed a few lounge-show gigs in local casinos. Of course, I steadily lost at the Blackjack tables. In the spring of
1998, I contemplated my future while high on pot and wine. The more I contemplated, the more excited I became.
Suddenly, I became wildly excited for the first time since reading Atlas Shrugged as a young teenager. Man, was I
hatching a plan, or what? A foolproof plan to make millions -- a plan that would make Ayn Rand proud!
Well, I really didnt have a viable business plan. For, you see, I knew nothing about business. In fact, I learned to
violently hate business from my college professors. Id even been arrested several times for destruction of
business properties while demonstrating for the environment, for animal rights, against genetically altered crops,
against multinationals. I was against anything and everything concerning business and science. My professors
smiled and gave me As. Whenever possible, I hurt businesses, destroyed their properties, and shoplifted as much
as possible hoping to get laudatory interviews on NPR and BBC.
Of course, I never created any real values useful to others. I only destroyed values created by others for others.
In emulating my heroes, I worked to bring our planet back to its pristine, pre-human state. Thus, the irony: From a
cheshire grin, I began chuckling, then snorting loudly. Finally, I broke into hysterical screeching with both hands
spasmodically grasping handfuls of air. The wine Id been gulping squirted from my nostrils. Hey, world, Im gonna
be a businessman! I barked, laughed, and then choked. How bout that, I rasped looking in the mirror and seeing
tears streaming down my beet-red cheeks.
Screw my Marxist professors! Screw earth-goddess Gia! Then I suddenly roared, Bring back Ayn Rand! Bring
back her Virtue of Selfishness! Im gonna be a greedy rich bastard -- a famous celebrity too. Im gonna get all the
high times and movie-star chicks I want. Knighthood too. Yeah, then Ill become a public servant -- a politician
like JFK. Ill start by buying a senate seat. Then the Presidency? Why not? Bigger messes than I have made it...and
I never killed or raped anyone.
The next morning, for the first time in my life, I threw myself into sustained, high-intensity efforts formulating and
then developing a business plan. Not a rational plan, mind you, for my ideas were irrational. Yet, my plan was
irresistibly compelling to greedy earsand thats all that counted. I had concocted a scam for superfast riches and sex-scoring notoriety.
The Rise
What great timing. I was debuting at the height of Captain Bills hi-tech/IPO-stockmarket scam. My plans
comprised an offshore, high-fee porn site that linked drug users and sex seekers to cheap, safe, drugand-sex suppliers worldwide. Within two weeks, I had three venture capitalists interested -- so interested that
they could not sit still in their chairs as I glamorized my scheme. One investor became so excited that he stood up,
clutched his crotch, and began rocking from foot to foot as if he were about to urinate in his pants. When I finished
my presentation, he turned his face skyward and let out a long howl.
Aiming to garner $250,000 in my first year, I corralled $350,000 during that one meeting alone. And, after only
four months, I sucked two-million dollars into my bank accounts. My cool accountant, Bob, did creative
bookkeeping. His slick work concealed my public frauds while letting me live high as the moon.
I spent most of the money on luxurious business suites along with expensive clothes and cars. With my scheme, I
had to increasingly impress investors with displays of prosperity and confidence. I did that with surprising ease.
Amazingly, the venture capitalists seemed even greedier than me. Six months later, I had twenty-million dollars
at my disposal!
My hyperbolic pitches and Potemkin appearances kept mushrooming. Everyone believed me because each
desperately wanted to. Investors and their money kept flooding in. I was their herotheir savior. Thus, I switched
my full focus to taking care of myself big time. Moving into a four-bedroom penthouse overlooking the Las Vegas

Strip, I bought a trophy wife, his-and-her Lamborghinis, a Cigarette speedboat, two thoroughbred racehorses, and
an Aspen ski chalet.
My sole goal became cashing out at a billion dollars, letting the investors hold the bag. Yes, I was soon going to be
a billionaire, just like my Aspen neighbor. Like me, hes not a real businessman. Instead, hes the worlds greatest
political entrepreneur! Hes the prayer-cloaked, Kyoto-environmentalist -- Kenny Boy, the king of Enron -- my idol,
my hero! Emulating him, I began schmoozing with and enriching politicians of both parties.
I wheeled and dealed the investors money into the most highly-leveraged stock options, margin-loan accounts,
and financial derivatives. I reaped millions of dollars, week after week, as the markets soared -- free money by the
tens of millions! One night, I even hit Caesars Palace to play Baccarat at fifty grand a bet. In five hours, I won
eight-hundred-thousand dollars. I toked the peon dealers and cocktail waitresses ninety-thousand dollars. I was
the biggest of the comped big shots. They called me a whale. I was treated like royalty. I couldnt lose. Money and
excitement poured in with my every move. Man, did I feel important.
High on cocaine, I suddenly threw my arms in the air and yelled for all to hear, Why didnt I become a
businessman years ago! Carnegie, Rockefeller, Gates step aside. Im now the number-one business genius! My
two buxom companions -- twin babes, just like Hugh Hefner has -- snuggled even closer to me. Taking a deep drag
on my Cuban cigar, I puffed smoke rings into their laughing faces. That night, I had them along with two showgirls,
one of them a transvestite, at my disposal.
What an orgy! God is Great! Thought I was going to die like my favorite Renaissance painter Raphael -- my favorite
because he died young after a mega sex orgy. I ached and walked funny for three days afterwards.
The next morning, I lost two million dollars. ...So what! But, when my buxom twins left me for another high roller, I
tried to tip over the Baccarat table -- like Frank Sinatra once did. Still, I was only joking -- laughing and having fun.
You see, I was high on meth mixed with something else. I then began rapping loudly as two security guards
escorted me from Caesars Palace to my waiting limousine.
By the turn of the millennium, I controlled over a hundred-and-forty-million dollars with an IPO scheduled for
August 2000. Hello billionaire! I was gonna be richer than any Colombian drug lord. I threw a $130,000 Christmas
party for my twenty-two employees. I spent $350,000 for a Y2K New-Years party for my investors and ended up
sleeping with two of their wives. I was atop the world. Nothing could stop me!
The Fall
Then came March 2000. The bubble suddenly, viciously burst. My IPO was never launched. All my
leveraged option-and-derivative investments crashed and burned, leaving me with millions in unpaid margin loans,
company loans, and derivative-speculation losses. My wife promptly left with my accountant after draining my
personal assets and taking my jewelry, including my diamond-studded Rolex, even my saxophone, along with
everything else of pawnable value. I was flat broke, stripped of assets, buried under millions in debt. I even
bankrupted my parents who then disowned me.
Friendless and destitute, I joined the Libertarian Party seeking hope. When they rejected me, I campaigned as an
independent for the Las Vegas City Council, banking on my infamous name recognition. I got twenty-nine votes.
...My closest rival -- an ex brothel madam got 280 votes.
Crushed, I went to a library computer to reconnect to my youthful idealist roots. I joined an Ayn-Rand-cult Internet
discussion group to recall my strutting John-Galt days and boost my self-esteem. They ousted me for mentioning
Immanuel Kant and Libertarianism in the same sentence without declaring them both as evil.
I then tried to hire myself out as an internet/computer expert. Yet, I often caused more damage than good for my
customers. I never cared, had no pride in my work, and accepted no responsibility for my actions. Wanting only to

extract maximum money for the least work, I purposely overbilled customers for my careless, often faulty work.
Besides, I knew nothing about legitimate business. I could list only three items of experience on my rsum: (1) a
26-year-old college dropout who majored in sociology at Berkeley, (2) a professional antibusiness demonstrator,
and (3) an ex-CEO of a major company, now bankrupt. Soon, no one would hire me for anything. My
financial frauds kept me from getting a work card to be a casino dealer. I became a standup comic and failed
horribly. I got fired from Starbucks because of my seedy appearance. After that, even Burger King wouldnt hire
Having over a hundred-million dollars only a few months before, I was now not only bankrupt but I also
became a homeless wino. ...After considering becoming a Muslim suicide bomber for glory and then overdosing on
Prozac and alcohol, I became a born-again Christian for food.
Trash into Diamonds
Two months later, I was reborn for the third time. This time not as a con artist, not as a groveling born-again, but
as an unstoppable wealth creator. How did that miracle happen? It happened on a record-cold, desert morning in
January 2001. Rummaging for discarded valuables and salable information in the trashcans of an upscale Las
Vegas suburb, red flashes caught my eye. Twenty yards further down the alley rising from a garbage can,
beckoning like a Kubrick monolith, was a rectangular package bedecked with fluorescent-red ribbons fluttering in
the breeze.
Hypnotically, I was drawn to those flickering signals. When I grabbed the package, another flash caught my eye. A
glaring white flash compelled me to look skyward. Atop a flagpole in a walled yard sixty feet from the trashcans
was the lens of a video camera glittering in the brilliant sun. I froze, grinned at the camera staring at me, and
started returning the beribboned package to the garbage can. Wait a minute, I thought still grinning at the camera.
This is discarded trash. Its mine! Abruptly, I turned away. Clutching the package, I ran from the alley. For some
strange reason, Eddie-Murphys movie, Trading Places, popped briefly into my head.
Going to my cardboard shack beneath a freeway bridge, I ripped off the ribbons and tore open the block-like
package. Maybe its stuffed with hundred-dollar bills, I rasped as my body shivered in the chilly wind. I then
cussed bitterly on seeing nothing but a photocopy of a thick, black-covered manuscript from a strangely-named
Illuminati Society. As I started to chuck it into the oil-drum fire of my homeless buddies, the title caught my eye:
Escape Crash Hell -- Enter Prosperity Heaven. My hand grasping the tome suddenly pulled it snug to my chest.
Retreating several paces and sitting on a tipped-over shopping cart, I began reading. It was written in plain
English, easy to read. Yet, I soon sensed that beneath those words was another language -- perhaps a coded
language embedded throughout -- a language unknown on Earth. And, what about that other-worldly packaging
with its hypnotically-fluttering ribbons? What about that video camera glittering in the sun? And, now, this exotic
After a few minutes, my eyes were reading the words in an entirely different way. I was no longer reading in a
normal, smooth-flowing analog manner. With words and phrases whizzing past me, I was reading in a digital
manner. Then, as if composing on a harp my own concerto of riches, I began plucking golden nuggets from here
and there on each page.
As the energy of my mind rushed across and reorganized countless bits of information into entirely new patterns
-- a new life form began emerging -- a future-predicting life form was emerging that wove my mind throughout
this world and then across space and time. I felt as if I were entering a secret society that ruled the cosmos.

Soon hip-hop, rap-like bullets began blitzing my mind. They seemed like ten-second miracles. Unanswerable, those
miracles were changing the very organization of my mind to yield entirely different views of the past, present, and
future. They were shattering the life-long corruptions embedded throughout my mind, body, and soul. On mentally
assembling that matrix, my head filled with new knowledge -- never-before-glimpsed knowledge of the future.
...Why was I thinking about Einstein and Eminem? What was that video camera about?
A stunning thought electrified my mind: Is all written, spoken, and visual information throughout history up to this
moment twisted into some bizarre non-reality? Does no one really know what he or she thinks, writes, or talks
about? Is all human information twisted into losing illusions until read, heard, or seen through this different mind
organization? Was Socrates right after all? Was he really the wisest person in Ancient Greece by realizing that he
and everyone else on Earth actually knew nothing?
Why am I suddenly thinking like this? Why am I suddenly thinking that most Earthlings today are simply blowhards,
never really knowing what they are talking about? Hey, I just realized that!
Whoa, had I stepped through a diaphanous membrane into that secret society hidden in an all-knowing parallel
universe? Had I now surpassed Socrates and everyone else? For once in my life, I was taking my mind seriously -very seriously. For the first time, I felt genuine power -- incredible, omnipotent power. Goose bumps rippled up
and down my spine as that new force took control of my eyes in connecting seemingly random words and phrases
with the future. Bits and pieces of future reality rushed into my brain, ripping apart the cobwebs that had
atrophied my mind since childhood. Vivid pictures of the future began replacing hazy clouds of the past. Within
hours, I began seeing new-color snapshots that uncannily predicted the future.
What was happening here? My closed circles of mystical thinking that yielded only the awful defeats of dishonesty
and irrationality began disintegrating. Each bullet, each miracle yielded strange new information that connected
into an open-ended matrix -- an ever-expanding matrix yielding and an ever-more-predictable future.
Ten-Second Miracles
Today, eighteen months later, I can hardly believe what has happened to me. Honesty, power, and profits flooded
into my new life. First, I retrieved my wife. Under my new-mind aura, she transformed into an even-more-beautiful
woman. As she read that manuscript, the same wealth, power, and love flowed to her. We became interlocked in an
indescribably-rapturous romance. With our spreading sexual powers, we knew each could have as many romantic
partners as we wanted, whenever we wanted. But, we chose each other. And, together, we grew increasingly rich
and in love. The power, wealth, and happiness we gained -- awesome!
I was thinking in ways that I could never before imagine. Did the Wachowski brothers evolve their movie, The
Matrix, from the same manuscript I had read? Had I taken the Red Pill for honesty? To whom do I owe this
tremendous gift?
Tapping our arsenal of ten-second miracles, my wife and I soon became millionaires again -- this time permanent,
earned millionaires. All this only months after I sat on that tipped-over shopping cart reading that manuscript. All
this even as the stockmarket and the economy continued falling. How did this good fortune happen so quickly? It
happened through rapid-fire, ten-second miracles streaming from that manuscript as silver bullets. Now, today, I
can beckon those miracles and fire those bullets whenever needed, for whatever desired.
Sixteen months earlier, even with my hundred-plus-million dollars of unearned wealth, I was a doomed loser. Now,
today, Im a guaranteed winner. At first, I was stunned, not realizing what really happened to me. Now, I
understand the rapid escalation of profitable predictions flowing from that trashcan. Still, why was a fraudulent
loser like me chosen to receive this secret Illuminati-like power? I kept thinking about that video camera.

Was it amazing grace? Or was it like when mythical God chose murderer-and-rapist King David for some great
Earthly task? If a loser like me can soar into a life of riches and romance, then any conscious person can do the
same upon accessing and firing those ten-second-miracle bullets -- silver bullets of profits, power, and love -- all
delivered through that other-world manuscript.
Discovering a Field of Diamonds
Who will discover that manuscript next? Who will seize his or her field of diamonds? I do not know those answers.
Yet, I do know that whoever discovers that manuscript must, as I did, seize that opportunity with all his or her
alacrity and might to reap clean-sweep riches -- to experience the ecstasy of transfiguring from a miserable
loser into an unbeatable winner experiencing forever-young romance.
Thus, as Als story ends, a new story begins for Earthlings. Confucius bowed deeply, Socrates laughed
knowingly, Jesus wept joyously, and Muhammad raged violently.
A New Illuminati Code
Author's Summary
The New Illuminati Code rises from Neo-Tech Gnosticism: First, realize that gnosticism has no connection to
agnosticism. They are different words with entirely different meanings. ...Gnosticism identifies the war of good
and evil -- the War of Two Worlds -- Earths final war.
Neo-Tech Gnosticism methodically undermines Earths lethal anticivilization built upon dishonest politics, irrational
religion, and destructive utopianism while creating a universal civilization built upon honest business, rational
science, and creative art. Within that same process, Neo-Tech separates todays blurred boundaries to distinguish
the unreal from the real, the metaphysical from the physical, the mystical from the empirical.
On September 11, 2001, Neo-Tech Gnosticism rose to settle the War of Two Worlds by dissembling Earths 2500year-old Anticivilization that continually diminishes and then terminates every conscious life.
Pax Neo-Tech comprises Earths newly-rising Universal Civilization --a business/science/art civilization that
delivers open-ended growth and prosperity to each who escapes the Anticivilization by choosing to prosper rather
than perish:
Prosper or Perish Choice
To win the War of Two Worlds, first consider the perish choice and then theprosper choice:
Why not wipe out America? Why not kill every man, woman, and child. From a historical perspective, no reason not
to. Consider the following facts:

At the height of the cultured-and-civilized Golden Age of Greece 2500 years ago -- during its famous
pure democracy under Solons law -- thousands of Athenian citizens directly voted for sending an army to
smash an independent City-State rebelling for its freedom from oppressive Athenian/Delian-League taxes and
controls. Athenian-worshiping citizens thereby provided an enthusiastic mandate for their army to level that city,
kill every man, and enslave or murder every woman and child. Thus, genocide, lawlessness, and enslavements
could proceed without qualms.
At the height of the cultured-and-civilized Roman Empire over two millennia ago during the Second Punic
War, the Carthaginian general Hannibal victoriously marched across Italy on his way to conquer Rome. However,
the shrewd tactics of temporary Roman-tyrant Fabius Maximus delayed Hannibal and eventually caused him to
withdraw from Italy before reaching Rome. Fortunate, indeed, because Hannibal and his army had the explicit
intention of burning Rome to the ground and killing every man while enslaving or killing every woman and child.
After that near genocidal annihilation of Rome, the great Roman orator Cato ended every speech with
Delenda Cartago est! -- Carthage must be destroyed! Thus, a half-century later, in the Third Punic War, Roman
legions marched into Carthage, burned it to the ground, and killed every man while enslaving or murdering every
woman and child. The Romans then supposedly salted the land upon which the metropolis of Carthage once
flourished. Carthage and its peoples were gone forever.
In the ninth century, at the enlightened height of the cultured-and-civilized Muslim world, the Catholic
Patron Saint of Spain, St. James the Moor Slayer, sat on his horse surrounded by a sea of beheaded Muslims. He
strove to massacre all Muslims without mercy or question. If only he had nuclear weapons, hed have killed em
all in the name of God.
Only a few decades past the enlightened height of Goethes-and-Schillers cultured and civilized 19thcentury Germany, the democratically-elected Adolf Hitler launched his Final Solution: First plunder and then kill
every Jewish man, woman, and child in Europe in the name of the Fatherland and racial purity. Wildly cheered by
his faith-swayed/hate-inculcated congregation, Hitler nearly completed his holy mission by murdering six-million
Jewish men, women, and children before committing suicide in his bunker on April 29, 1945.
Now, expand the perish" choice: Why not wipe out conscious life on Earth? Many religious
fundamentalists want to do just that. Why not kill every man, woman, and childand then lay barren this planet?
From a religious perspective, no reason not to:
The Final Solution of both Christian-and-Muslim scriptures demands an apocalyptic, sadistically-brutal
death for every conscious life on Earth. Why that gruesome slaughter of all Earthlings? For using their own minds
to think independently as did the life-prospering Prometheus, the light-bearing Lucifer, the knowledge-seeking
Eve, and every other free-thinking individual -- metaphorical or real. Remember, also, according to the Holy
Bible, God spared only the mindlessly-believing/blindly-obeying Noah and his wife from his unspeakably-cruel
drowning of every man, woman, and child on Earth as well as every innocent animal, except for two of each

Kill-em-all preachings and desires have existed among religious believers since Biblical Judaismand
explicitly since St. John the Divine scribed the Christian Bibles Book of Revelation in which God will sadistically
murder every Earthling in a final-solution apocalypse. Why? For failing Him, the Father.
On the day Hitler committed suicide, he expressed the desire to kill every German along with everyone on
Earth. Why? For failing Him, the Fhrer. Indeed, if Hitler had the means at that moment -- doomsday cobalt-60
hydrogen bombs, for example -- he surely would have acted God-like and killed everyone on Earth.
Life-hating losers have waited millennia for low-cost, kill-em-all means of envious retribution.
Now, in the 21 century, those means are arriving. Countless such losers living today share those same psychotic
Columbine/Hitlerian/God desires to kill everyone -- to kill every schoolchild, every American, everyone on Earth
for causing their problems. In a world filled with genocidal political/religious/utopian sociopaths, it is only a
matter of a not-too-distant future before they have the means -- nuclear, biological, and/or chemical means -- to
kill everyone.

Perhaps within this decade, genocidal terrorists will gain access to plentiful weapons capable of
annihilating entire populations. Jihadist terrorists will then focus on fulfilling the two ultimate Qur'anic commands
from God: Convert everyone on Earth to Islam by killing those who resist. Then, according to both Muslim-andChristian Scriptures, all remaining Earthlings must apocalyptically suffer hideous deaths.
Muslims, yes, but Christians leaving our planet barren of conscious life? Think for a moment what would
have happened if President Jimmy Carters Christian-evangelical friend, Jim Jones, had access to a weapon
capable of liquidating every conscious life on Earth. Would Reverend Jones have pulled the trigger? ...In a NewYork minute, he would have left our planet barren of conscious life.
First step: Realize this final war is not just against duped, envy-crazed/kill-em-all Jihadists. It is a war
of creative value producers versus parasitical value destroyers. It is war of honesty, rationality, and reality
versus dishonesty, irrationality, and mysticism. It is a war of business, science, and art versus politics, religion,
and utopianism as described throughout Pax Neo-Tech.
Second step: Replace kill-em-all goals promoted not only explicitly by the scriptures of Christianity and
Islam, but also implicitly by lethal doctrines of socialism and fascism. Replace with what? Replace those death-forall propositions with an explicit life-for-allproposition that posits commercial, reverse-aging/non-aging biological
immortality as the naturally-achievable, highest goal and responsibility for conscious life throughout the Cosmos,
including on planet Earth:
CommercialBiological Immortality
Conscious Life on Earth
A Godless Idea whose Time has Come

Appalled by the godless idea of biological immortality here on Earth? Appalled by the tawdry thought of
biological immortality achieved via competitive, for-profit businesses? Appalled by the thought of commercial
reverse-aging/non-aging stem-cell/cloning services that let clients live youthfully, agelessly? Of course you are.
Nearly everyone, consciously or subconsciously, is repelled by the most-selfish idea imaginable -- the idea of
never aging, never dying -- the idea of living happily forever in a conscious-created heaven here on Earth.
Also, what about the technical problems? What about the continual increase in universal entropy and the
continual shortening of DNA telomeres? What about the moral problems? What about making room for the young?
Consider the scourge of overpopulation, the pollution of our planet, the exhaustion of its resources. Consider the
unending boredom of eternity and the unbearable responsibility of eternal life. Of course, the idea of non-aging
conscious life on Earth is a crackpot idea, if not immoral. It always has been and always will be. Why? Because
religion says so, politics says so, philosophy says so.
But, wait! Not so fast. Business, science, and art do not say so. Today, quietly rising Pax Neo-Tech is
reversing each of those problems and objections. How? By demonstrating that those technical problems and
moral objections are not inherent in nature. They arise not from any valid wide-scope perspective of reality, but
from biased narrow-scope perspectives that have gripped planet Earth for 2500 years. Realize that during these
past twenty-five centuries, Earthlings have existed not in an open, life-giving civilization. Instead, they have existed
in a closed, death-dealing anticivilization of politics and religions. Now, today, Pax Neo-Tech replaces those
morbid-and-impoverished Anticivilization perspectives with healthy-and-prosperous Civilization-of-the-Universe
perspectives. ...Mark Hamiltons trilogy, The First Immortals, vividly details those new-color perspectives.
Pax Neo-Tech is the dawn of everlasting prosperity. From that dawn flickers the primordial light of
eternal life -- a brightening light that fades dark biases, dogma, and faiths. Conscious life reaching ever-brighter
vistas generates the science, medicine, education, and business leading to commercialreverse-aging/non-aging
health. Each such conscious life then becomes an exciting, ever-advancing/problem-solving value to every other
conscious life, to society itself, and to the entire Civilization of the Universe.
A Paradigm Shift into an Immortal Psychology
The first major objective of Pax Neo-Tech is to effect a psychological shift for conscious Earthlings from
an ancient mortal psychology into a modern immortal psychology.
Torment, however, comes upon realizing the blitheful, near-unanimous acceptance of todays
UNNECESSARY condemnation of every conscious life on Earth to decline and death. Except possibly for a tiny few,
no one fully grasps that the adjective unnecessary, the adverb unnecessarily, and the noun unnecessity are
real-life facts about our seemingly doomed future -- our UNNECESSARILY doomed future.
An entirely-new psychology based on the evolution of immortal conscious life on Earth must now arise. Creating
and deploying such a psychology requires the unfolding of Pax Neo-Tech among the populace. That unfolding
begins with political-and-religious deconstructions that may initially bring dismay, even fear, among Earths
populations. For, most people today fatally seek ever-more controls by religious, evangelical, or cultist well as by socialist, fascist, or populist politicians.

Yet, to whom do Earthlings really owe respect and gratitude for their survival and prosperity? They owe
nothing to religious, political, or celebrity elites. Instead, they owe everything to Earths unsung competitive value
creators and producers who generate all the net values for conscious life. On that matter, Neo-Tech shares
Einsteins perspective:
A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend upon the labors of other men,
living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the measure as I have received and am still
Albert Einstein
To survive, camouflaged parasitical elites must by any-and-all means hide from the populace the hardfact answers to two questions: (1) Who are societys net value creators? (2) Who are societys net value
I keep asking myself, Who understands the implications of those two questions? Still, I know that near
total non-understandings must shroud the first leg of this journey -- a psychological journey out of a
dishonest/irrational world of politics, religion, and utopian philosophiesinto an honest/rational world of
business, science, and creative art. For, that psychology-changing journey travels an untrod path that no previous
Earthling has broached or perhaps even perceived. ...Thereby, no choir exists for whom to preach Neo-Tech. Thus,
ironically, rises Pax Neo-Techs strength and power for completing the Six Telescopic Acts listed below.
A Journey Back to the Future
Somewhat analogous to the cosmic Big Bang:
Look back in time through a syntactical telescope
predict and then control the future.
Act One
Clean-Sweep Riches
available now
(look back to 2003-2001)
Act Two
Prosperity, Health, Romance
coming soon
(look back to 2001-1999)
Act Three
Forever Young
coming soon

(look back to 1999-1997)

Act Four
Neo-Tech Bullets
coming later
(look back in history to control the short-range future)
Act Five
Cosmic Overlay Charts
coming eventually
(look back to the beginning of time to control the long-range future)
Act Six
The Grand Beginning
ultimate victory
(endless prosperity, non-aging health, romantic happiness for all)
Upon completing each Act, my responsibility shifts to making that Act fulfill its purpose of deconstructing
rip-by-rip specific targets supporting todays ersatz civilization. Those targets are politics/religion/utopianism.
Simultaneously, I must bit-by-bit construct the ingredients of tomorrows universal civilization. Those ingredients
are business/science/art. A difficult but doable job that I can and will do.
(Clean-Sweep Riches -- Act One of Six Acts)
Pax Neo-Tech weaves far-flung facts into coherent timelines that generate widely-waving/sharplycutting matrices plus narrowly-focused/bluntly-hitting bullets. That dual wave/particle action generates
increasingly accurate insights and profitable understandings of the past, present, and future.
As attuned readers proceed through Pax Neo-Tech, their expanding insights and understandings yield
ever-increasing advantages -- Illuminati advantages of limitless power and profits. Such readers learn to focus on
essentials while simultaneously thinking honestly, widely, and independently. They learn to think beyond biases,
opinions, and faiths. They learn to neothink as revealed in Scenes One to Three. From neothinking evolves the
changed psychology needed to gain clean-sweep riches that bring commercialreverse-aging/non-aging conscious
Scene One
Are You Ready?
Pax Neo-Techs journey into the future begins by integrating past history with present facts to (1)
discover the escape route from todays terminal anticivilization and then (2) travel toward tomorrows eternal
Civilization of the Universe. Scene One provides the explanations needed to embark on that journey.
Scene Two
Start Sweeping!

Scene Two answers the question Greek-historian Herodotus asked 2500 years ago: What to do about
history? Integrating real-life experiences with current-and-historical facts reveals how to obsolete the present
by controlling the future. Scene Two discloses the Clean-Sweep Solution not only for being a winner rather than a
loser in life, but for living rather than dying on planet Earth.
Scene Three
Now, Collect Your Riches
Blending history with current events and future projections, Pax Neo-Tech deconstructs piece-by-piece
todays politics, religions, and philosophies. That deconstruction dramatically fast-forwards the tortuous trend of
the past 3000 years toward the Civilization of the Universe. Fast-forward how? Via the newly-unveiled BubbleControl Tool -- a tool that profitably shreds three millennia of life-destroying deceptions and mysticisms foisted
upon conscious life through political, religious, and philosophical frauds.
Upon activating that Bubble-Control Tool, a person outflanks false authorities, parasitical elites, and
harmful demagogues to gain open-ended wealth, health, and romance.
The three Arias outlined below highlight additional tools required for success of the "Pax NeoTech/Illuminati" endeavor:
Aria #1
Song of Our Universe
TheConstitution of the Universe combined with secular natural law dating back to Cicero in 51 BC
provides the legal basis and protection protocol for evolving a just-and-prosperous business/science/art
civilization here on Earth. Pax Law in Coda #2 details that protocol.
Aria #2
2003 Neo-Tech World Summit
[November 21-23, 2003]
Pax Neo-Tech riding the new Chariots-of-Fire literature is coming to win Earths final war -- the war
against political impoverishments and religious terrorisms. Victory includes ending President Bushs pokerplaying God Blessings along with ending his election-calculated preachings against stem-cell and cloning
research -- the biomedical route to reverse-aging/non-aging health.
To win the war against genocidal terrorists bent on destroying America, however, commander-in-chief
Bush must defeat religious psychopaths from Islamic Saudi Arabia to evangelical America. He must also defeat
America-threatening, socialist/fascist regimes in Iran, North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela as well as legions of
hate-freedom, socialist/fascist saboteurs ensconced in the United States.
If Bush handily wins the 2004 elections, he must start retreating from his religious-and-political ploys.
He must, for example, rid himself of Attorney-General Ashcrofts theocratic agenda. First, however, Bush must
honor him for his competent post-9/11 actions that protected the American populace from further planned alQaeda terrorist attacksand then fire him. Bush must also fire his ineffective Secretary of State Colin Powell and

replace him -- perhaps with free-enterprise/honest-talking Condoleezza Rice.That Bush/Rice team would put
Honest-Abe Rice on a fast track to a much-needed non-lawyer/non-politician Presidency in 2008.
Aria #3
Liberating our Quantum Consciousness
Flying forever beyond todays anticivilization requires overcoming our hard-wired animal brain -- our
mortal human brain. How? By liberating our quantum consciousness to evolve into neothinking -- to evolve into
our natural lives of non-mystical, value-creating men and women. To paraphrase Aristotles words, choosing not
to reason means choosing slavery in an animal past: To paraphrase Neo-Tech words, choosing not to neothink
means choosing enchainment in an anticivilization past.
The three Codas outlined below gather various Neo-Tech concepts into a unifying juggernaut. Then, after
firing illusion-shattering Neo-Tech bullets in every direction, that juggernaut ploughs through and nullifies the
dishonesties and irrationalities ravaging conscious life today. Such a unified Neo-Tech brings order out of chaos,
honesty out of dishonesty, rationality out of irrationality.
Coda #1
Golden-Nugget Outtakes
Shifting from automaton nonthinking to independentneothinking tears down ideological fences. Removing
those 3000-year-old fences dissipates religions, politics, and philosophies. For example, a Pax Neo-Tech
unification of the Secular-Humanist socialist left with the George-Bush religious rightwould dissipate the
biases and dogmas of both the left and right. As a result, force-backed socialisms and fascisms juxtaposed against
fraud-manipulated mysticisms and religions would begin profitably canceling one another, breaking their
millennia-old, lethally-noxious manipulations of the populace.
Coda #2
Pax Law
Starting 2600 years ago with the Greek-lawgiver Solons dictum of equality when standing before the
law, Pax Law maps the constitutional/legal route for preventing the political/terrorist obliteration of conscious
life on Earth. In that Coda #2, live-action factual examples at every level of government, local to worldwide,
illustrate the clear choices for victory or defeat -- prosperity or impoverishment -- life or death.
Coda #3
Als Story
The reader discovers woven throughout Als gonzo adventure a new language that harnesses the
universal laws of consciousness. That elegantly-simple language of space-time consciousness weaves the span of
human history and current events into accurate causes and effects that predict the future to profitably control
the course of human events, both naturally-created and consciously-created.
Three Purposes of Act One

The primary purpose of Pax Neo-Tech, Act One, is to provide the psychological protocol that lets
conscious life unleash its creative, productive, and neothinking powers toward developing the technologies and
businesses yielding unending life and prosperity.
The secondary purpose of Act One is to remove the hostile barriers, for example, among Libertarians,
Objectivists, and Secular Humanists. They need not consume their irreplaceable time and lives on pointless
ideological arguments based on narrow-scope principles that yield only dogma and stagnation. Instead, they could
most profitably direct their considerable intellectual-and-moral strengths toward nullifying historys three mostvirulent plagues: (1) Gods and scriptures, (2) mysticisms and utopianisms, (3) socialisms and fascisms.
Thefinal purpose of this Act One is to clean sweep the scourges spreading from those curable plagues -the unnecessary scourges of war, crime, disease, aging, and death ravaging conscious life on planet Earth for
[email protected]
Endnotes for Act One
Scammers and Flamers
(September 2004)
Below describes how Neo-Tech Publishing Company (NTP) deals with illicit scammers and dishonest flamers:
Those within NTP have over three decades built a matrix of unmatched values for enriching conscious life on
Earth. Professional parasites, however, continue to illicitly usurp values flowing from that matrix. Unable to create
competitive values on their own, they trick their victims by skimming intellectual property, trade names, and
copyrighted works from NTP.
False representations of Neo-Tech by those professional parasites contradict the enriching purpose and ennobling
goal of Neo-Tech. Most important, however, such malevolent parasites often deeply wound and sometime
permanently damage their victims by misleading and trapping them into becoming scam-duped losers. Below are
two current warnings:
Neo-Tech Specifics (aka: Neo-Tech Applied) -- a Fraud Trap
Wealth-Warriors (aka: Neo-Tech Warriors and Neo Warriors) -- a Cult Trap
An Internet click-ad fraud calling itself Neo-Tech Specifics operates from untraceable offshore locations by a
person using the name Alexander Moss...and other false names. As our customers report, that company
fraudulently exploits Neo-Tech by illicitly expropriating Neo-Tech's trademark, trade names, and copyrighted
literature. Many lured by that false association with Neo-Tech provided written reports detailing their
victimization by that fraud. Those reports described how Neo-Tech Specifics markets dangerous, high-priced
schemes that contradict Neo-Tech ideas and principles.
Those customers also provided written details how that company scams from victims thousands of dollars per hit
-- up to $7000 per bogus product. Neo-Tech Specifics insidiously dupes its victims into buying guaranteed

commodity-trading schemes, gambling schemes, and health schemes. That company intimidates, threatens, and
then ignores those victims seeking refunds on their bogus, high-priced guaranteed products.
Various victims detailed in writing not only how that swindle bilked them each out of thousands of dollars, but also
how that companys dangerous health-and-diet frauds damaged or broke their health.
A self-styled swami operating under the name of Michael Skye (1) usurped Neo-Tech trade names, (2) illicitly used
the names of Neo-Tech authors, (3) dishonestly exploited Neo-Techs World Summits, (4) twisted Neo-Tech
literature, and (5) dishonorably violated oral-and-written pledges to stop his parasitical skimming of NTPs probono mailings as well as his illicit accosting of NTPs customers. His cult, now called Wealth Warriors conducts
high-priced ($2000+), pump-up boot-camp operations admittedly structured on Scientology, Landmark, and
Forum cult schemes. Recently, an equally-shameful scheme has sprung up. A character named Carl Noland, a
disciple of Skye, also parasitically skims NTPs intellectual properties and pro-bono mailings by promoting a NeoTech usurping contrivance called Neo-Warriors.
Such cults ultimately yield financially-and-psychologically damaged prey -- sad-sack losers. Cult followers who
never break free to think and act on their own ultimately sink ever-deeper into mystical infirmities, unhappy
dependencies, and losing lifestyles. Cults are inherently dishonest and destructive.
No one associated with Neo-Tech Publishing Company (NTP) will or can act as an authority or leader for anyone.
Indeed, no product or authority can lead people out of mysticisms and into personal success. As an antiauthority/anti-cult/anti-mystical enterprise, NTP has no leaders. It seeks no followers. Instead, NTP provides new
knowledge and effective tools to gain self-earned prosperity, health, and romance. How? Through ones own
integrated thinking, independent initiative, and self-leading effort.
The Only Valid Neo-Tech Business Addresses
Since its business consolidation over a decade ago, Neo-Tech Publishing Company (NTP), Neo-Tech Worldwide, De
la Rosa Neo-Tech, and Integrated Management have been located only in Green Valley and Henderson, Nevada with
the following exceptions: In 2004, NTP established a De la Rosa Neo-Tech branch in UK Scotland. In 2005, NTP will
expand into two new business and distribution facilities -- one in Clifton, New Jersey, the other in Grove City, Ohio.
No other location is a valid NTP address.
Moreover, NTP has never given permission for anyone to use its trademark, trade names, or copyrighted material
to sell or promote anything -- anywhere in the world. Nor has NTP ever given anyone permission to associate in
any way with Neo-Techs name, authors, or literature in selling or promoting any product or service.
Who Deprived Web Readers of Neo-Tech?
Since 1996, millions of readers have gained unmatched benefits from NTPs pioneering free-library website.
Millions have prospered financially, healthwise, and romantically from having free access to Neo-Tech literature.
Indeed, the pro-bono Neo-Tech website has literally saved thousands of lives from (1) lethal mysticisms, (2) cult
degradations, (3) religious hoaxes, (4) government abuses, (5) politically-correct business destructions, (6)
food-alcohol-drug addictions, and (7) even suicide itself as evident from the many comments found on Neo-Techs
positive-comments link. Also, see the negative-comments link.

On July 24, 2003, Neo-Tech Publishing (NTP) regrettably removed its vast array of growing publications
-- thousands of pages -- from free access on its website. The only link remaining on its homepage is the current
work in progress, Pax Neo-Tech, which will also be removed sometime before its book publication. Why? Because
a few individuals, such as those cited above, exploited Neo-Techs name, violated its trademark, trade names, and
copyrights while lifting its intellectual property to spawn illicit products and destructive swindles.
Like young children, honest businesses are vulnerable and precious. Both children and businesses offer
endless values to society. Yet, to survive and flourish, rational parents/owners along with just societies/laws
must protect their children and businesses from harmful malefactors in government, business, and society.
Neo-Tech Publishing Company has retained an international copyright-and-trademark attorney in
Virginia, John W. Dozier, Jr., Esq., to initiate legal actions against those individuals and companies that
fraudulently use the Neo-Tech trademark or trade names...and violate its copyrights, steal its intellectual
property, as well as claim false affiliations with Neo-Tech Publishing Company.
Victims can help nullify such predators, including those described above, by emailing details of
grievances to [email protected].
Posted Response to Internet Flamers of Neo-Tech
Two Questions
For twenty-eight years, both the religious/evangelical-right and the socialist/fascistleft have tried to vanish Neo-Tech from this planet. Two questions: (1) Why do they want
Neo-Tech to vanish? (2) What have been the results of their assaulting Neo-Tech for
the past three decades?
Now to answer the above two questions:
Most Neo-Tech flamers exist through delusions. Neo-Tech strips away those life-draining delusions. Thus, such
embarrassingly-naked flamers seem able to deliver only ad-hominem rants and vilifying emotionalisms against
unanswerable Neo-Tech and its creators. Few if any flamers have valid criticisms or complaints. In fact, most
have never seen or read, much less studied, Neo-Techs delusion-breaking literature or attended Neo-Tech World
NTP offers life-saving/life-flourishing values to everyone. Its Illuminati matrix delivers riches, health, and
romance. Review the many hundreds upon hundreds of life-flourishing testimonials at And, most important, review the hatefully-violent comments that often come from
political-and-religious zealots profanely damning and physically threatening Neo-Tech authors with Biblical

torture, bloody maiming, gruesome assassination, and hellish death as revealed on
Neo-Techs Mission
Upon establishing an Illuminati mission after its first major publication in 1968, NTP never focused on profit alone.
Its authors wrote to fulfil that mission. NTP crafted every publication since 1976 to explicitly free people from the
lethal deceptions foisted upon them by todays political-and-religious civilization, which is not a civilization at all
but is actually a destructively-irrational anticivilization. Throughout the 20th century, that anticivilization
murdered 160-million innocent civilians while extracting the riches and happiness from billions of duped innocents
in the name of politics and religion.
Since 1996, in striving to advance its mission through pro-bono strategies, NTP was the first and perhaps the only
publishing house ever -- large or small -- to put all its major works in their unabridged entirety on the Web for
free public reading. Thus, before purchasing any book, everyone had the opportunity to read each-and-every NeoTech publication online without paying a penny!
The Red Pill of Honesty
Can Neo-Tech free entire populations from the deceptions of politics, religion, and philosophy? Can enough people
ultimately take the red pill of honesty to free our world? As revealed in the Neo-Tech based movie, The Matrix,
freedom comes not from manipulative truth but from unbending honesty. Truth will not set you free; honesty will.
Artists/writers Alan Grant and Norm Breyfogle of DC Comics likewise produced a popular series of Batman comic
books titled Anarky that were based explicitly on Neo-Tech and its matrix-shredding power. French artist Marc
Gratas also rendered oil paintings that explicitly reflect the life-changing powers of Neo-Tech.
The Matrix, Anarky, and Gratas illustrate Neo-Techs 30-year theme: Upon harnessing fully-integrated
honesty, free-and-peaceful individuals profitably outcompete those who remain trapped in todays authoritarian
matrix. Neo-Tech, therefore, is not about saving the world per se, but is about freeing individuals so each can
flourish without chains or limits.
Neo-Tech Publishing (NTP) distributes its unfolding values to 170 countries in 13 languages. Especially
over the past dozen years, NTP has increasingly influenced contemporary politics, cable news, talk radio, and the
movie industry. ...NTP works to competitively advance the well-being, health, and happiness of society as
documented in the evolving Pax Neo-Tech opus available for free public perusal at
NTPs Take
As documented on its website, NTP benevolently reveals valuable anti-theistic/anti-authoritarian benefits. Still,
not surprisingly, Neo-Tech infuriates intolerant Christian conservatives, born-again fundamentalists, crusading
evangelists, and Muslim well as Marxist academics, socialist-fascist politicians, politically-correct
journalists, and Gorean-green demonstrators. NTP explicitly and emphatically does not want such people acquiring
its literature. For, all too many zealots not only become virulently enraged but also violently threatening upon
encountering Neo-Techs Voltairean anti-theist/anti-socialist/anti-fascist literature. Some zealots literally burn
our satanic books and then dishonestly receive refunds without returning their products. Why? Not just to

larcenously steal from NTP, but also to strike a financial blow against Satan as one born-again/criminal-minded
fundamentalist gleefully trumpeted.
So, what is the point of dealing with such people? There is no point. No, we do not want such people acquiring our
literature. No, we do not want them associating with our writers or our readers. In fact, we intentionally lace our
mailing pieces with metaphors designed to repel those profanely and sometimes violently hostile people. Can you
blame us?
Finally, concerning our constitutional First-Amendment rights -- our free-press/free-speech rights: They are the
supreme legal rights of every American. It is our responsibility as authors and as a publishing company to uphold
those rights by never relenting, never compromising on achieving NTPs goal via free press and free speech.
Moreover, we shall always (1) aggressively extinguish theistic-and-political intrusions upon our legal-andconstitutional rights and (2) promptly report to the appropriate law-enforcement agency every theistic-andpolitical threat, hate crime, copyright/tradename theft, and act of violence directed at us. Can you understand
why we hire the tightest security and legal protections for our writers?
Everyone should first carefully peruse NTPs website at Those who recognize Neo-Tech as
crucial to the survival and well-being of them, their loved ones, and humanity itself -- now and for generations to
come -- are welcome to send their comments and request for literature to [email protected].
In Conclusion
Always aware of Omar Khayyams admonition, Neo-Tech authors stand behind every word that they write and
readily admit any error that they commit:
The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it
Omar Khayyam
What about those who physically threaten, hatefully profane, and libelously flame Neo-Tech on the Internet? Their
unwise words are non-erasable and forever available to anyone and everyone for future reference. Foolishly
recording such non-erasable words is a prescription for being eternally branded a loser. To each such sad
person, helpfully say this: Step on the other side of stifling dogmas dictated by others. Discover an exciting world
of freedom and success -- discover a happy life filled with prosperity, health, and romance. Discover Neo-Tech.
and the
The easiest, quickest way to gain Neo-Tech/Psychuous advantages for prosperity, power, and romantic love is
simply to forge ahead: Read all the Neo-Tech Advantages in order. Do not make prejudgments. Wait until you have

completed all 114 Neo-Tech Advantages. Forget judgments made by others. Do your own thinking; make your own
Grab the values from those concepts to which you can relate. Put aside temporarily those concepts you are
uncertain about or disagree with. By the end of this volume, all the concepts will come together into a clear,
harmonious understanding -- into a powerful, practical matrix. You will then have integrated control over all
competitive situations through the Neo-Tech concepts. You will also know exactly what is happening and exactly
what to do. You will forever know how to conquer mysticism in self and others. You will forever know how to quell
all neocheaters. You will forever hold the power of prosperity and romantic love.
All advantages in this manual are backed by the original Neo-Tech source -- the "Neo-Tech Reference
Neo-Tech Advantage #1
Anyone can experience financial prosperity, psychuous pleasures, and long-range happiness by satisfying his or
her biological needs (i.e., physical, psychological, emotional, intellectual needs). Psychuous pleasures require the
freedom to satisfy one's own healthy needs and to set one's own live without being obligated to fill
someone else's needs or to follow someone else's standards (e.g., standards of parents, spouse, government,
church). But in freedom, a person's actions must be rational and responsible to be beneficial. Irrational or
mystical actions will always diminish a person's well-being and happiness.
In asking, "What is the nature of man and woman?", a person might also ask, "What is reality?" and "What is
required for prosperity, love, and happiness?" Losers will answer from a mystical, Platonistic basis. Winners will
answer from a rational, Aristotelian basis:
Loser/Mystical Answer (Platonistic)
Human beings are by nature evil, irrational, and destructive. They are subordinate to "higher" causes. Human
beings must be controlled by some higher authority or government and forced to serve others or society.
Winner/Factual Answer (Aristotelian)
Human beings are by nature good, rational, and productive (or mankind could not exist). Human beings are
competent to fill their needs and to achieve happiness. By being free to act according to their own nature, they will
best serve themselves and society without force or coercion from any authority or government.
Loser/Mystical Answer (Platonistic)
Reality is what the mind thinks or imagines. Wishes, will, or faith can create or alter reality. "True" reality is
Winner/Factual Answer (Aristotelian)
Reality is what exists. Reality exists independently of anyone's thoughts, desires, will, or wishes. All reality is

Loser/Mystical Answer (Platonistic)

Sacrifice, humility, and service to duty are needed for prosperity, love, and happiness in the hereafter.
Winner/Factual Answer (Aristotelian)
Rational action, self-esteem, and production of competitive values for others are needed for prosperity, love, and
happiness here on earth.
Complete answers to the above three questions are developed throughout the 114 Neo-Tech Advantages.
Human beings survive by using their minds rationally to deal with reality. They must know reality to competitively
produce the values needed to prosper. Only by being left free to satisfy their nature can human beings serve
themselves and others best. ...People who live free and according to their natures can easily build a future of
prosperity and happiness. Moreover, with Neo-Tech, such people can easily rid themselves of mystics and
Neo-Tech Advantage #2
The child of the past exists in every adult. Lost within faded memories, that child keeps searching for a life of
adventure, discovery, value, happiness.
The Neo-Tech/Psychuous concepts let the reader turn inward to discover that child. And then the reader can
break free from those who are hurting him or her...from those who are wasting his or her time and resources.
That child of the past will kindle a new life of adventure, discovery, value, happiness.
Neo-Tech Advantage #3
While the past is gone forever, it offers valuable experience and reference points that can enhance one's present
and future. But many people consume too much time living in the past. Those people often cripple their potential by
living and thinking in terms of concrete, past experiences. Thus, they fail to grasp the broader concepts and
principles necessary for productive growth into the future. People who live in the concrete past lose the ability to
control their futures. Those who achieve long-range prosperity, happiness, and psychuous pleasures are well
aware of the experiences and knowledge gained from their past. But, they live in the present while continuously
building the integrations for growing into the future.
Rational value producers can view their personal futures with confidence in the knowledge that they have the
power (through their own rational minds and efforts) to control their own destinies no matter what external
variables impinge on them. With the exception of being trapped in an inescapable totalitarian slavery situation,[ 1 ]
rational individuals can carve their own destinies while achieving great prosperity, romantic love, and happiness
no matter what external forces surround them. Indeed, by removing mysticism, the rational mind can be more
powerful than all those irrational minds that constantly work to diminish everyone's life [Re: Table 7, Neo-Tech
Reference Encyclopedia].
The rational mind can also vanquish the destructive effects of religion and the God concept. Likewise, with the
rational mind one can spring free from the guilt pushers and freeloaders as well as from "friends" and relatives
(including parents and nondependent children) who do not offer overall values to one's personal life.
The variables of nature (e.g., weather, tides, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods) can have chance impacts and shortrange effects on a person's life. For most productive people, however, natural variables have little or no effect in
their long-range lives. Other natural forces such as the faint celestial forces (minute gravitational and
electromagnetic forces from planets and from stars beyond our sun) have no effect on anyone's life, except for

the illusionary, psychologically damaging effects on those who allow their thinking or actions to be stunted or
undermined by immature beliefs such as astrology. [Re: Concept 41 in the Neo-Tech Encyclopedia exposes mystical
frauds such as astrology and UFOs. The Encyclopedia also reveals the harmful effects those frauds have on
prosperity, romantic love, and long-range happiness.]
[ 1 ] A no-hope, no-escape situation would occur only with total cont rol by master neocheaters. That situation
would mean a Stalin/Pol Pot style, never-ending terror totalitarianism with no hope for change within one's
lifetime or no place to escape to freedom. Under such conditions, life for the moral, productive individual would be
intolerable, unbearable, and not worth living. The only viable option would be to maintain one's personal integrity
and freedom by surviving without slavery through underground or guerrilla existences. [Re: Concept 22, Neo-Tech
Reference Encyclopedia].
Neo-Tech Advantage #4
All Neo-Tech/Psychuous Concepts develop from the three basic elements of human nature -- the physical,
intellectual, and psychological nature of man and woman [Re: Concept 7, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. All
individuals are uniquely different with widely variable tastes, desires, personalities, characteristics, and needs.
Neo-Tech offers no fixed rules or dogma for any individual to follow.
Neo-Tech deals with principles and concepts. Anyone can choose to use any number of the 114 NeoTech/Psychuous Concepts. Since each of the 114 Concepts developed by Neo-Tech are linked to the basic nature of
man and woman, the application of any single concept will deliver certain specific values. The application of each
additional concept will deliver additional values. The more Neo-Tech/Psychuous concepts the reader uses, the
greater will be his or her prosperity and happiness. To fully utilize any concept, however, an individual must first
integrate that concept through one's own mind according to his or her own unique character and values. ...But the
unbeatable power of Neo-Tech comes from grasping, integrating, and then using all 114 Advantages as one mighty,
unbreakable unit or matrix.
Neo-Tech Advantage #5
Rational or good actions increase prosperity, happiness, and psychuous pleasures. Irrational or bad actions
undermine those values. While each individual's life and values are unique, certain basic actions never change in
terms of good or bad actions. The rightness or wrongness of those basic actions do not vary according to opinion,
or from person to person, or from generation to generation, or from culture to culture, or from solar system to
solar system. Universally good or bad actions are objectively based on the biological nature of human beings and
are definable in absolute terms. But other actions are amoral and cannot be judged in terms of good or bad
because they are a matter of personal preference determined by individual differences.
Universal morals are objective. They are not based on opinions of the author or anyone else. Universal morals are
not created or determined by anyone. No one can deem what is moral and what is not moral. The same moral
standards exist for each and every human being throughout all locations, cultures, and ages. Those standards are
independent of anyone's opinions or proclamations. Moreover, two and only two black-and-white moral standards
exist. Those two moral standards are:

Any chosen action that purposely benefits the human organism or society is morally good and right.
Any chosen action that purposely harms the human organism or society is morally bad and wrong.
Feelings and emotions, on the other hand, cannot be considered as standards, absolutes, or morals. A person's
life-style, desires, needs, and preferences can vary greatly without altering that person's character or without
making that person morally right or wrong. Still, moral absolutes do exist. And following or violating moral
absolutes determines a person's character and self-esteem. The two moral absolutes essential for prosperity and
happiness are:
1. Integrated honesty for knowing reality
2. Integrated efforts for increasing productivity
Habitually violating either of those two moral absolutes precludes genuine prosperity and happiness. Related to
those absolutes are the following moral issues:
Individual rights
Use of force
Ends justifying the means
The list below shows how each moral issue separates into either a moral, pro-life, pro-individual category or an
immoral, anti-life, anti-individual category.
Objective morals are based on reality, reason, logic. Subjective "morals", on the other hand, are based on unreal,
arbitrary feelings or wishes. All such unreal "morals" require force, deception, or coercion to impose them on
others. Subjectivism, mysticism, existentialism, and "do your own thing" are all attempts to deny objective morals
by implying that no standards exist and everything is of equal value (thus denying objective morals and values).
Moral Issue: Honesty.
Prosperity and Happiness Approach
Conscious striving for self-honesty. Unyielding loyalty to honesty. Productive effort. (Moral)
Failure and Unhappiness Approach
Pragmatic compromise and evasion of honesty. Habitual dishonesty. Parasitical laziness. (Immoral)
Moral Issue: Productivity.
Prosperity and Happiness Approach
Productive actions that increase values to others and society while increasing effectiveness in dealing with
reality. (Moral)
Failure and Unhappiness Approach

Destructive actions that decrease values to others and society while decreasing effectiveness in dealing with
reality. (Immoral)
Moral Issue: Individual Rights.
Prosperity and Happiness Approach
Recognition of the inalienable right everyone has to his or her own life and property. (Moral)
Failure and Unhappiness Approach
Denial of individual or property rights in order to plunder the life and property of others. (Immoral)
Moral Issue: Sacrifice[ 2 ].
Prosperity and Happiness Approach
Refusal to sacrifice is by nature life enhancing and thus is morally right. (Moral)
Failure and Unhappiness Approach
Sacrifice is "noble", especially when done for a "higher" cause or, better yet, no cause. (Immoral)
Moral Issue: Use of Force.
Prosperity and Happiness Approach
Rejecting the initiation of force, threat of force, coercion, or fraud against any individual for any reason is the
foundation of morality. (Moral)
Failure and Unhappiness Approach
Use of force (especially government force) is acceptable against individuals, especially if the result serves the
social "good" or a "higher" cause. (Immoral)
Moral Issue: Ends Justifying the Means.
Prosperity and Happiness Approach
In regards to force, the ends never justify the means. All moral actions are based on principles that prohibit
initiatory force, threat of force, coercion, and fraud as a means to accomplish ends, no matter how "noble".
Failure and Unhappiness Approach
Ends can justify the means. Force and coercion can be pragmatically used for the "good" of society. Individual
rights can be violated or sacrificed for "noble" ends. (Immoral)
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[ 2 ] Sacrifice occurs when a value is diminished or destroyed for a lesser value or a nonvalue.
Neo-Tech Advantage #6
All destructive authorities and other neocheaters would become powerless if the value producers withdrew their
support and said "no". If all victims simply said "no" to their victimizers, all professional mystics and neocheaters
would lose their power to plunder others and destroy values.
Consider this quote from A Discourse of Voluntary Servitude by Etienne de la Botie, written in the 16th Century:
"The oppressor has nothing more than the power you confer upon him to destroy you. Where has he acquired
enough eyes to spy upon you if you do not provide them yourselves? How can he have so many arms to beat you
with if he does not borrow them from you? The feet that trample down your cities, where does he get them if they
are not your own? How does he have any power over you except through you? How would he dare assail you if he
had not cooperation from you?"
Stanley Milgrams in his book, Obedience to Authority, demonstrates through the famous electric-shock
experiments done at Yale that the majority of average, honest citizens will follow authority to do destructive,
immoral acts up to the point of injuring, even killing other people. As quoted from Milgrams's book:
"...ordinary people simply doing their jobs, and without any particular hostility on their part, can become agents in
a terrible destructive process. Moreover, even when the destructive effects of their work become patently clear,
and they are asked to carry out actions incompatible with fundamental standards of morality, relatively few
people have the resources needed to resist authority."
But what is that external authority? It is a myth that has no basis in reality. Such external authority always
develops into a destructive machine when the majority unthinkingly or out of fear accept, obey, and follow the
commands and wishes of that authority. In reality, no one has genuine authority over anyone else. Once that fact is
realized, a person can say "no" and break the destructive habit of obedience to the myth of authority. Then the
neocheaters would be abandoned by the value producers. And all value destroyers would founder with no power to
Neo-Tech Advantage #7
Life is the universal standard to which all people are subject. And life -- conscious human life -- is the standard on
which every Neo-Tech Concept is based.
How does the standard of life relate to prosperity and happiness? Human beings must meet specific needs to
function at their best (i.e., to function as the living organism is designed to function). Filling those needs produces
prosperity, pleasure, and happiness.[ 3 ] The Neo-Tech Concepts provide the knowledge for filling those biological
needs -- physical, psychological, and intellectual needs. And in filling those biological needs, personal prosperity
and happiness become the natural, rational goals of human life.
An important purpose of Neo-Tech is to demonstrate that three requirements for prosperity and happiness
always exist: (1) a healthy physical state, (2) a healthy self-esteem, and (3) an honest, efficacious handling of
objective reality in competitively producing maximum values for others. A person can meet all three requirements
by using the Neo-Tech concepts. But to earn prosperity through productivity requires rational thought and
constant effort. ...By nature, a prosperous, happy life is an active, challenging life. [Neo-Tech Advantage #11

provides a self-evaluation test to determine if one has oriented his or her life as a value producer or as a value
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[ 3 ] Throughout Neo-Tech, the words prosperity, pleasure, and happin ess are always used in a rational context.
For, irrational prosperity or pleasures are based on destructive actions (e.g., profit by fraud, victory by force,
success by deceit, pleasure by drugs). Such actions may provide a transitory sense of euphoria, pleasure, or
well-being, but can never deliver abiding prosperity or happiness.
Neo-Tech Advantage #8
A person sets up prosperity and earns happiness from within. Happiness cannot be taken from the material world
or from another person. Happiness depends on genuine self-esteem, which is a product of a person's own life and
choices. Happiness is a deeply personal, inner matter. Thus, no one can judge another person's happiness by
outward appearances alone. A person may be miserable (such as a nonproductive mystic), but project a happy,
cheerful appearance. Another person may appear unsmiling, even stern or cross (such as an intensely busy
business executive), but if he or she is a productive person with self-esteem, that person will be profoundly happy.
To achieve long-range happiness, an individual must be mentally healthy. Many people, including most psychiatrists
and psychologists, erroneously believe that mental health depends on how well a person adapts to the views and
opinions of others, the majority, or society. That belief places conformity as the standard for mental health. But,
instead, mental health depends on a loyalty to honesty, regardless of the views and opinions of others or one's
own feelings. Indeed, the individual must deal honestly with reality to gain the productivity and self-esteem
required for quality survival of the mind and body -- for prosperity and happiness.
Productivity and self-esteem build on each other. They are not, however, in a cause-and-effect relationship. The
cause is character evolvement, development, and maturity; the effect is both productivity and self-esteem. And
that effect delivers prosperity and happiness.
The human mind and body, by nature, function harmoniously. But when an individual accepts mystical ideas or
takes irrational actions, the mind and body clash and contradict each other (e.g., the acceptance of religioninspired guilt clashes with the sexual natures of men and women).
With Neo-Tech, one can easily determine the direction that an individual is moving: (a) toward prosperity,
happiness, and life, or (b) toward conflict, unhappiness, and death. [Re: Table 3, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]
Neo-Tech Advantage #9
Nearly everyone desires the rewards available from conscious life. But, few people achieve those rewards. And,
by nature, people who buy into mysticism or promote altruistic, self-sacrifice can never experience those

The main reasons for prosperity limitations and failures are (1) the lack of knowledge and (2) the acceptance of
mysticism. But the Neo-Tech concepts provide that knowledge for eliminating mysticism to achieve full-range
prosperity and happiness.
Many myths about prosperity and happiness promoted by professional mystics and neocheaters sound right and
click into people's minds as packages of truth. But those myths are misleading and destructive. For example, the
works of Sigmund Freud, Herbert Marcuse, and Wilhelm Reich promote the myth that sex dominates human
behavior. Their views help promote the false notion that all human life is oriented around sex. While sex is
important to life, joy, and pleasure, such an all-inclusive life orientation around sex is false. Instead, the drive for
life is oriented around advancing the survival and well-being of the living organism -- not around sex.
Survival is man's fundamental physical need. And self-esteem is man's fundamental psychological need. A person's
life is oriented around those physical and psychological needs -- not around sex. ...Still, sex plays a major,
pervasive role in human life, joy, and pleasure.
Neo-Tech Advantage #10
The highest cause in the universe is the well-being and happiness of the conscious individual. The individual -- a
minority of one -- is the smallest, the most important, most unprotected of all minorities. If rights of the individual
are protected, then rights are protected for everyone -- for Blacks, Chicanos, women, factory owners, factory
workers, farmers, homosexuals. The concept of minority rights is meaningless, prejudicial, and destructive. In
fact, that concept is a tool used by professional mystics and neocheaters to usurp power and unearned values not
by protecting but by violating the rights of individuals.
Only the concept of individual rights is meaningful and valid. The following table contrasts the anti-individual,
neocheating view to the pro-individual, Neo-Tech view.
Anti-Individual, Neocheating View
(Platonistic Oriented)
The uncontrolled, free individual is by nature bad and harmful to conscious life. Morally, the individual
must be controlled by external "authorities".
Group or government force is necessary to control the individual to make him do good.
The conscious individual is subordinate to society or to "higher" or "nobler" causes.
The use of force to compel individuals to comply with the "will" of society is moral.
The moral purpose of life is self-sacrifice in serving "higher" goals.
Pride is a character flaw.
Service to a government by conscription is necessary and proper.
Property belongs to society, the "people", or the government.
Social science is a valid, valuable science.
Populations consist of various groups of people, societies, and cultures.
Pro-Individual, Neo-Tech View
(Aristotelian Oriented)

The uncontrolled, free individual is by nature good and beneficial to conscious life. Morally, the individual
must be free and remain free from external "authorities".
Both the individual and society function best when the individual is free from any group control,
government force, or external "authority".
The conscious individual is the highest, noblest possible good or cause in the universe.
The use of initiatory force against any individual for any reason is immoral.
The moral purpose of life is to achieve rational happiness.
Pride is the result of moral virtue.
Service to a government or to any cause is proper only on a voluntary basis. Any form of conscription is
forced sacrifice and evil.
Property is an earned entity. Thus, it can morally belong only to those individuals (or their businesses)
who produced the values needed to earn that property.
Social science generally has little validity as a science, especially because it usually denies the individual
as the prime entity of human life.
Populations, societies, and cultures consist of specific individuals.
Neo-Tech Advantage #11
Happiness of man and woman is not based on sex or pleasure, but on self-esteem. Self-esteem acquired through
honesty and productivity is the requisite for romantic love and psychuous pleasures. Within a romantic-love
relationship, psychuous sex adds an intensity to human pleasure unattainable elsewhere in life. Psychuous
pleasures are the rewards for day-by-day, rational, productive actions. Psychuous pleasures, financial
prosperity, romantic love, and long-range happiness are the rewards of a productive, honest life.
Self-esteem is a person's estimation of his or her self-worth. Self-esteem is based on the ability to live
independently, happily, competently. Self-esteem is dependent on one's effectiveness in dealing with reality. A high
level of self-esteem requires a commitment to objectivity and honesty. But objectivity and honesty do not occur
automatically. One must constantly work hard to be objective and honest. And one must always work to maintain
those qualities or they will slip away.
Self-esteem is that emotion of feeling worthy and competent to live in this world -- of feeling in control of life. That
feeling depends on having a value-producer orientation or value-destroyer orientation as listed in the following
self-evaluation test:
Value-Producer Orientation
I earn my livelihood by producing competitive values tradeable in the free market.
I am a student gaining knowledge necessary to become a producer of values tradeable in the free market.
Value-Destroyer Orientation

I do not earn my livelihood by producing values for others. Instead, I live off of values produced by others.
I am a student learning how to manipulate people by using government, religion, or other forms of
neocheating and mysticism to usurp a livelihood from the value producers.
Orientation for Positive Changes

I will stop living as a usurper and learn to become a producer of competitive values in order to earn my
prosperity and achieve happiness.
I will withdraw my support from those neocheaters who through direct or indirect force or coercion live
off the efforts of others.
Neo-Tech Advantage #12

Personal emotions possess an untouchable ownership and privacy. Emotions are subject neither to criticism nor
judgment. Only actions can be criticized or judged as right or wrong. Feelings and emotions can have a rational or
irrational basis, but they are never "right" or "wrong". Emotions are spontaneous, automatic reactions that are
not in the immediate or direct control of a person. No one ever needs to feel guilty about any emotion.
A person is responsible only for the actions he or she takes. Those actions include the words that egress from
one's mouth (mouth responsibility: what one chooses to go in and out of the mouth determines a person's
competence, self-esteem, weight, health, appearance, happiness).
Also, since feelings and emotions are often subjective, making moral judgments of others on the basis of one's own
personal feelings or emotions is unsound and unfair. For example, most of the negative-judgment vilifications that
neocheaters publicly make (especially dishonest journalists and cartoonists) against such great value producers
as Jay Gould, John D. Rockefeller, Howard Hughes, and Aristotle Onassis are based primarily on emotions of
resentment and envy. In time, the misinformed public begins to accept the neocheaters' mystical-based cancer
seeds, their emotional-based judgments, their big-lie assertions -- usually planted throughout the media. The
public generally accepts the neocheater's assertions, no matter how groundless, dishonest, unjust.
The facts are, however, that individuals like Jay Gould, John D. Rockefeller, Howard Hughes, and Aristotle Onassis
were moral men of great integrity. And, they were major producers of values. Indeed, they were major
benefactors to mankind whose values will live forever as opposed to those quickly-forgotten malefactors who
enviously attacked them.
Almost all successful businessmen not involved with governments are, by nature, honest in their private and
business dealings. Moreover, when those businessmen avoid, evade, even pay off government bureaucrats,
politicians, and other neocheaters merely to be left alone in order to keep producing, they are neither dishonest
nor immoral. Instead, they are morally trying to protect their capacity to produce values for others. They are
meeting their highest responsibility in protecting themselves and others from the immoral force of neocheating
"authorities" who live through value destruction.
Value producers neither like nor sanction neocheaters, usurpers, plunderers, and other such parasites. But can
those value producers say "no" to the neocheating powercrats who threaten them? In the long run, value
producers can and must say "no". They must refuse every usurping neocheater if they are to survive. Indeed,
most businessmen are innocent heroes struggling to produce competitive values for others despite increasing
government coercion, attacks, and usurpations.
Contrary to the efforts of the academia and media to make such businessmen appear guilty, the facts are the
opposite: government powercrats, politicians, bureaucrats, most lawyers, and many of the media journalists and
university professors are the guilty ones. For, they are the neocheaters; they are the ones who are destructive,
corrupt, dishonest; they are the ones who exist by deception, force, coercion, dishonesty, fraud.
Without the professional mystics and neocheaters, all the corrupt systems of forced regulations, forced
mediocrity, fake litigation, destructive taxes, corruption, and wars would not exist. But without the value

producers, civilization itself would not exist. Without those producers, all civilization would perish. Or, by contrast,
without mysticism all neocheaters would perish. Everyone else would flourish.
Neo-Tech Advantage #13
A sense of life is an integral part of everyone's subconscious philosophy and psychology. Every person has a
fundamental view or sense of life. While usually existing on a subconscious level, a person's sense of life largely
determines his or her major actions. Sense of life falls into two opposite categories:
1. An objectively rational, self-interest, benevolent, individualistic sense of life that is characterized by:
a. the knowledge that conscious achievement is the highest value.
b. the knowledge that the conscious mind is competent to know reality.
2. A mystically irrational, altruistic, malevolent, anti-individual sense of life characterized by:
a. the belief that non-man-made values (e.g., nature, the universe, the cosmos) and mystical "values"
(e.g., God, the State, society) are superior to man-made values.
b. the belief that the conscious mind is incapable of knowing reality.
The altruistic, malevolent sense of life finds virtue in sacrificing real, individual values to unreal, mystical "higher"
causes such as God, the fatherland, nature, society. That altruistic, malevolent sense of life keeps one from acting
in his or her long-range best interest to achieve power, prosperity, and happiness in order to produce competitive
values for others. Those competitive values, by nature, require a rational self-interest, pro-individual sense of life
combined with effort and honesty. Neo-Tech Advantage #14
Most productive people subconsciously hold a self-love, pro-individual sense of life. But outwardly they express
various selfless views deemed virtuous by theologians, politicians, much of the media and academia, and other
altruistic-promoting neocheaters. A major step toward personal prosperity and happiness is to reject all guilt
foisted on self and others by mystics and neocheaters. One can easily reject that foisted guilt by discovering the
moral virtue of one's own rational, self-growth, pro-individual sense of life that always benefits others and society
to the maximum.
Also, destructive altruism is easily rejected on understanding that the rational self-growth view is the only
benevolent, honest, and beneficial view for conscious beings. By contrast, the irrational, selfless, altruistic views
promoted by neocheaters are harmful, malevolent, dishonest views for all conscious beings in any society. ...Both
selfless and selfish behaviors are irrational, destructive.[ 4 ]
Altruistic selflessness is a prime moral wrong that works to destroy everyone's values, well-being, and happiness.
Rational selfishness, on the other hand, is a prime human virtue that works to benefit everyone and society.
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[ 4 ] Although the contents of her book, The Virtue of Selfishne ss, are precisely accurate and widely integrated,
Ayn Rand committed an error by distorting the word "selfishness" in fashioning a dramatic statement. The word
"selfishness" does have valuable, precise denotations of "an irrational, harmful disregard for others". Rand could
have strengthened her work by selecting accurate wording such as rational self-growth. Instead, she
unnecessarily bent and undermined the precise, valuable meaning of selfishness. ...As with selflessness,
selfishness is a form of immature, destructive, irrational behavior -- a form of stupid behavior.
Neo-Tech Advantage #15
An honest value producer can practice altruistic sacrifice, but he does so always at the expense of his own
productivity and happiness, while reducing his value to others and society. An altruistic value producer is a
psychological contradiction. Such a person represents a personal tragedy who is unnecessarily sacrificing his or
her own efficacy, well-being, and happiness to clever neocheaters.
On the other hand, professional mystics and neocheaters function by forcing or coercing the producer to
sacrifice increasingly larger portions of time, property, and earnings to themselves and other nonproducers. As a
result of making "careers" from other people's sacrifices, those value destroyers never learn to exert the honest
thought and effort needed to be competitive -- to produce tradeable values required to become happy,
independent individuals with genuine prosperity and self-esteem. By their defaults, mystics and neocheaters lose
the possibility of earning abiding prosperity and happiness, despite their desperate efforts to feign importance,
self-worth, well-being, and happiness. ...With Neo-Tech, one cannot only avoid sacrifice, but can smash the facade
of all professional mystics and neocheaters.
Neo-Tech Advantage #16
For two-thousand years, altruistic ethics (oriented around the state, society, or God) have been the prime tool of
neocheating powercrats (rulers, dictators, politicians, social "intellectuals", theologians). That tool is used to
sacrifice the well-being and happiness of value producers to various "higher" causes, such as God, the State,
society. Those powercrats apply force and coercion to extract their livelihoods from productive individuals.
Neocheating powercrats always operate from behind masks of altruistic higher causes such as fighting wars,
fighting drugs, fighting depression, fighting inflation, fighting poverty, fighting pollution, fighting nonbelievers,
fighting technology, fighting for the common good, fighting for all sorts of "noble" causes. They do this "fighting"
with an air of self-righteousness as they extract their livings from the value producers.
Altruistic ethics are always promoted by professional mystics and neocheaters. Those ethics throw into
unresolvable contradictions every innocent, productive person who accepts the ethics of sacrifice (altruism). For
one cannot achieve happiness through value production by accepting destructive contradictions such as selfsacrifice. Such contradictions diminish and eventually destroy a productive person's capacity for happiness. Yet,
any productive person can avoid losing his or her growth and happiness to sacrifice-demanding neocheaters.
How? By consciously rejecting their evil ethics of altruism and "higher causes".
Neo-Tech Advantage #17
Neo-Tech defines evil as any action designed to physically, intellectually, or emotionally harm human beings. Such
is the evil rooted in altruism and related philosophies of sacrifice. Altruistic-rooted evil is sometimes subtle, but is
always pervasive and affects all areas of an individual's well-being and happiness.

For example, all nonvalue, "liberated" approaches to sex arise from an altruistic sacrifice of the personal
importance and value of sex. After perhaps initial increases in pleasure and "freedom", the longer-range trend for
people "liberated" around such altruistic sacrifices is toward impotence and frigidity. Only after repudiating
altruistic sacrifice can people discover their full potential for pleasure, passion, and love.
The most harmful neocheaters operate through government, religion, public education, and dishonest journalism.
Such people must always fake self-esteem to justify their destructive existences. They do that by slyly attacking
businesses, their products, and those who through heroic efforts create productive jobs for others (a supreme
moral virtue). For, by attacking through the bizarre, inverted ethics of altruism, even the most destructive
neocheaters can fake a moral superiority over great producers and their works. Indeed, attacking values is the
only way those neocheaters can gain a drug-like relief from their anxieties caused by living destructively. They get
relief by destroying values. That destruction gives them a sense of power -- a faked self-esteem needed to survive
-- needed to ward off suicide. ...But with Neo-Tech, the value producers finally have a fumigant to rid their lives of
mystics and neocheaters.
Neo-Tech Advantage #18
Every relationship can be evaluated in either "good for me" or "bad for me" terms. Love partners, for example,
can evaluate their relationship by how much it increases or decreases their well-being and happiness.
A sacrifice-free, romantic-love relationship allows both partners to fill their physical, emotional, and intellectual
needs without any losses or compromises. Such a relationship provides major personal benefits and increased
pleasures from life. And, over the long term, a person can honestly love only those who integrate into a
relationship from which benefits and pleasures evolve and grow.
Neo-Tech Advantage #19
Three basic views of sex and love exist:
1. The religious-procreative view.
2. The recreational-fun-noncommitted view (e.g., the "Playboy" view as partly developed by Hugh Hefner in
his Playboy magazine).
3. The psychuous-sex view as developed by the Neo-Tech/Psychuous concepts.
The contradictions and guilt generated by the religious view of sex make psychuous pleasures and romantic love
impossible. Today, the guilt caused by the religious view is more cleverly hidden. Still, that subconscious guilt
eventually leads to the same loss of pleasure and happiness. An even more devastating loss evolves from
performance anxieties caused by the "Playboy" view coupled with the demands to be a sexy person by someone
else's standards.
The diminished self-esteem caused by the fun-only "Playboy" view creates anxiety and boredom to steadily
diminish sexual pleasures and capacities. That process, if allowed to continue, ends in impotence or frigidity. Much
of the impotence in men today is linked to self-esteem problems. Many insecure men who depend on a macho act
for pseudo self-esteem collapse into impotence when confronted with healthy, confident, sexually liberated women
who see through their act as laughable, immature, childish. ...Even more devastating: macho-type value destroyers

lack self-esteem. Thus, their sex lives decline toward impotence. And once entangled in the Neo-Tech matrix, they
lose their sexual potency quickly and permanently.
Only the third view, the psychuous-sex view, equates with human nature. Psychuous sex permits growth of mutual
values, open-ended happiness, and genuine sexual pleasures for both men and women. But most innocent people
subconsciously perceive sex through a combination of those three views. The result is various degrees of
satisfaction as the negative effects of the religious and "Playboy" views undermine one's natural, healthy, valueoriented view of sex.
Despite the psychological harm the "Playboy" view causes, Hugh Hefner and his Playboy magazine contributed
greatly to the well-being of men and women by countering the oppressive guilt of religion and control by
government. Moreover, the Playboy Corporation morally defended individual rights related to sexual matters
through the Playboy Forum and the Playboy Foundation [Re: Concept 122, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia].
Overall, Playboy magazine has helped lift sexual guilt and repression from millions of human beings. For Playboy
magazine editorially reflected the prime moral ethic that everyone has the right to live for his or her own
happiness. That benevolent, guiltless view of life has always left Playboy magazine and its founder, Hugh Hefner,
open to unjust attack. Such attacks emanate from envious, anti-life losers and neocheating organizations seeking
unearned power, including most women's lib organizations such as NOW.
Playboy magazine has made major contributions toward lifting sexual guilt and repression by projecting sex as a
healthy, pleasurable activity. But, Playboy's values are diminished by its erroneous, "casual-fun" viewpoints on
sex, love, and women.
Ironically, even the religious view does not diminish one's self-esteem as much as the "Playboy" view over the
long term. For most religions do hold sex as serious and important for procreation [Re: Concept 39, Neo-Tech
Reference Encyclopedia]. But the overall effect of religion has been to deprive most human beings of happiness
and pleasure they earn. Religion does that through projection of unearned guilt and by wiping out the objective
links between morality, pleasure, happiness, value, and sex. Indeed, religion has always striven to deprive the
human race of not only its material well-being but of its psychological well-being and happiness [Re: Concept 43,
Neo-Tech Encyclopedia].
Many potentially rewarding romantic-love situations are needlessly destroyed either by the religious trap of guilt
or by the "Playboy" trap of treating sex as an unimportant, casual-fun activity. Only the Neo-Tech/Psychuous view
guiltlessly combines the mind and body to allow men and women to fully experience their earned pleasures, love,
and happiness.
Neo-Tech Advantage #20
The requirements for psychuous pleasures depend on human biological needs -- on human material, physical,
psychological, emotional, and intellectual needs. Since biological needs change only with extremely long-term
evolutionary change, the requirements for psychuous pleasures will not basically change for as long as the
current human civilization exists. ...Those requirements for psychuous pleasures are:
The development of physical awareness is needed to integrate the body, emotions, and intellect into a harmonious
conscious being. Contrary to the erroneous religious and "Playboy" views, no separation or dichotomy exists
between the mind and body. For, by nature, the mind and body always function as an integrated whole.
Psychological and Emotional

The development of self-esteem is needed to feel worthy of pleasure, love, happiness.

The development of an efficient, rational mind is needed to competitively produce the desirable, tradeable values
required for quality survival.
The Neo-Tech/Psychuous Concepts throughout this manuscript show how one can meet the above requirements.
Neo-Tech Advantage #21
Sensuous behavior can increase psychuous pleasures. But since psychuous pleasures involve the whole person in
both sexual and nonsexual experiences, those pleasures are not dependent on sensuous behavior.
Most individuals can and should increase their sexual attractiveness. But some people reduce their natural sex
appeal by faking sensuousness. And disaster results when a psychuously unattractive person (e.g., a professional
neocheater, mystic, or any other destructive person) habitually tries to conceal his or her worthlessness or
defaults by faking sensuousness. As that person's defaults become harder to hide, the demand for a put-on image
(e.g., playboy, evangelist, political or bureaucratic powercrat, jet-setter, machismo) mounts until the image
breaks. At that point, the value destroyer's chance for psychuous pleasures and happiness plunge to near zero.
Neo-Tech Advantage #22
The Neo-Tech/Psychuous concepts deliver a rainbow of new, valid ideas that allow a person to dump the mystical
ideas of sacrifice and altruism. That dumping of mysticism allows a person to guiltlessly experience psychuous
pleasures and prosperity.
Moreover, psychuous sex is an intense mind-body experience. Yet, psychuous sex does not always produce
intense physical reactions. That would be too exhausting, too demanding, and eventually boring. Psychuous-sex
intensity is measured by emotional depth and expression...not by overt physical reactions.
Value destroyers often fake pleasures they cannot experience. But the habitual faking of sexual pleasures will
cause a malcontentment with sex that leads to impotence or frigidity.
On the other hand, value producers can experience continuously growing psychuous pleasures, not only from sex
but from all rewarding activities, especially productive work. [Re: Table 4 in Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia
traces the development of psychuous pleasures from birth.]
Neo-Tech Advantage #23
Capacity for psychuous sex, the most intense human pleasure, always arises from the same base -- from dealing
honestly with reality. And that is the same base from which all long-range prosperity and happiness arise. Thus,
any action that enhances psychuous sex, prosperity, and long-range happiness is good and healthy. Likewise, any
action that diminishes psychuous sex, prosperity, and long-range happiness is bad and unhealthy. That "good for
me" or "bad for me" standard can be used to classify any action as good or bad, beneficial or harmful, healthy or
unhealthy, moral or immoral. [Re: Concept 10, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia; Table 5, The Sexual Quality Test;
Table 6, The Sexual Capacity Test.]

Neo-Tech Advantage #24

Most people can recall reading inspiring, mind-over-matter, positive-thinking books and articles that offer rules
for self-improvement. Generally the inspiration and determination to follow someone else's non-sequitur rules
remain for various periods of time...until that person returns to his or her own self and situation.
Likewise, reading about rules for improving financial, business, or personal situations versus actual improvement
of such situations are two different activities. Nevertheless, gaining knowledge through reading is a prerequisite
for most productive achievements. Yet, most "self-improvement" books promote altruistic premises and "mindover-matter" mysticism (e.g., "positive-thinking" approaches). Such approaches are self-defeating. By contrast,
Neo-Tech operates on provable premises and self-interest ideas that let anyone achieve permanent advantages,
prosperity, and happiness.
Specifically, Neo-Tech operates on the premises that the conscious individual is by nature (1) good, (2) the highest
value in the universe, and (3) competent to understand and deal with reality. By adopting those premises, one can
enjoy guiltless freedom and an immediate advantage over the professional mystics and neocheaters who operate
through government and religion. ...By adopting Neo-Tech premises, a person can achieve great prosperity and
psychuous pleasures.
Neo-Tech Advantage #25
Many books about achieving happiness, pleasure, and love contain valid, valuable information. But most such books
are slanted toward gaining approval of the establishment media and culturally influential pseudo-intellectuals.
Many authors struggle to gain approval of the neocheaters by maligning material achievements and disparaging
the potency of the human mind. One must know how to dismiss that "striving for approval" approach in order to
glean any useful knowledge and values from those books.
But many books can be more damaging than helpful to readers because their authors project major psychological,
philosophical, and even physiological errors. Those errors are often subtle and remain undetected by most
readers. [Eight of the best selling "sensuous" sex manuals are summarized in Table 11 of Neo-Tech Reference
Encyclopedia. Those books are analyzed in greater detail in Appendix C of the Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia.
The first two books on that list, for example, have excellent value and are recommended reading as a supplement
to the Psychuous concepts. The next three books are of value, but contain various errors that demand dogmatic
adherence to the authors' tastes and standards -- or else, the authors imply, the reader will be guilty of
"unsensuous" behavior. The last two books could be harmful to many readers, even fatal.]
Some books reflect the authors personal or sexual problems and actually point the way to eventual impotence and
frigidity. Major exceptions to such books exist -- such as the books by the farsighted pioneer of modern sexuality,
Havelock Ellis (1859 - 1939). Also reflecting sexual health rather than sexual problems or hang-ups are the books
of Albert Ellis (although his books fail to recognize the crucial importance of value selectivity). Alex Comfort's
books, The Joy of Sex and More Joy, and the O'Neills' book, Open Marriage, also project healthy views
recommended for reading as supplements to Psychuous Pleasures.
Because of its title, most people erroneously think "Open Marriage" advocates promiscuity or multi-affairs in
marriage. But, the opposite is true. In refusing to understand "Open Marriage", the religious mystics remain
unknowledgeable. Thus, those mystics are particularly scathing, gossipy, and dishonest in their attacks on the
O'Neills and their book. Those dishonest attacks even overwhelmed the O'Neills, causing them to succumb to those
value-destroying attacks.

Some books not only harm their readers, but undermine the lives and happiness of those authors who believe and
follow their own mystical notions [Re: Table 12, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. But authors who do not believe
their own published advice are so deeply dishonest that they quickly wipe out their own self-esteems.
On the other hand, honest, valid books can greatly benefit the authors as well as their readers. For example,
Havelock Ellis (1859 - 1939) delivered liberating and important values to his readers. But also, his honest work
gradually freed Havelock himself from the crippling effects of Christian, anti-sexual ethics. Those ethics
dominated his youth and left him sexually inept in adulthood. Paralyzed by masturbation terrors, he remained a
virgin until the age of thirty-two when he married. During his twenty-five-year marriage to an overt lesbian, Edith
Lees, they seldom engaged in sexual intercourse, although each loved the other dearly. With the help of several
mistresses, all of whom apparently loved this handsome and compassionate man, Havelock Ellis finally became a
competent lover. Well after his fiftieth birthday, Ellis began to greatly enjoy sexual intercourse. In his late sixties,
Ellis reached his sexual zenith in becoming a passionate lover of his beloved mistress, Franoise Laffit-Cyon, with
whom he achieved great happiness and sexual fulfillment until his death at eighty years of age.
Neo-Tech Advantage #26
Erich Fromm's best selling book, The Art of Loving, is among the most subtly damaging pieces of literature since
the Bible in undermining human well-being and happiness. For the independent-thinking reader seeking knowledge,
however, nearly every well-written book, even dishonest and harmful books, can be valuable for extracting new
understandings of either positive or negative views. For example, the reader gains valuable knowledge in
discovering that Erich Fromm's central (but initially disguised) theme is that "real love" means loving everyone
causelessly and equally. Any discrimination in love is condemned by Fromm as unloving selfishness. That
dishonest, egalitarian theme wipes out the objective standards of human values, love, worth, and especially
Fromm's false theme implies that no one has to earn love, value, or worth. If the person is your lover, husband,
wife or child, that person should have no more of your love and valuation than a beggar in Calcutta, or a Hitler, or
a Charles Manson...they all should be valued and loved equally. In other words, according to Fromm's theme, all
human beings, regardless of their earned values or characters, should be diminished until they are equal in value
to the lowest, meanest, unhappiest human being on this earth. That same destructive, unjust theme is promoted
repeatedly by the Bible in both explicit and implicit terms.
Albert Schweitzer goes a step further in suggesting that one should love all living entities equally. That means a
person's love for one's husband, wife, or child should never exceed the love that person could give to a stranger,
or to a tree, a blade of grass, a weed. Indeed, certain Asiatic philosophies take still another step in declaring that
all nonliving entities must also have equal love. In other words, the love for one's spouse or child should not
exceed the love one could feel for a pebble on the beach. ...Such is the meaning of love to the Fromms, the
Schweitzers, the Bible, and other neocheating promoters of egalitarianism and altruism.
But an even more malevolent theme has recently developed in the rhetoric and actions of today's neocheating
"ecologists" and "environmentalists". They, by using the force of government, place the "well-being" of birds,
insects (including mosquitoes), trees, plants, and inanimate "landscapes" above the lives, well-being, and
happiness of human beings [Re: Concept 101, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. Those anti-human themes are
extensions of the altruistic philosophy advanced through books such as the Bible and Fromm's The Art of Loving.
And beyond? What does a future of growing egalitarianism and altruism hold? Constant exposure to the increasing
atrocities of altruism and egalitarianism gradually numbs people into silently accepting higher and higher levels of
injustice, human suffering, crippling of minds, killing, violence, terrorism. Fewer and fewer people object or even

care about those mounting atrocities. Before Neo-Tech, those who consistently upheld individual rights to life and
property were fading in both intensity and numbers. In that way, conditions were developing for the ultimate
egalitarian end result -- an eventual worldwide, Leninist-style or religious-style slaughterhouse. But Neo-Tech is
reversing that trend -- slowly today, rapidly tomorrow.
The final egalitarian "purification" is always the mass liquidation of human life. That "purification" starts with the
exploitation and then sacrifice of the productive middle class and ends with their physical slaughter. Those who
live by honest principles, those who uphold freedom and justice, those who love life, those who will not surrender
their minds and lives to others, those who produce the most values for others -- they, as the best, are eliminated
first. The mass destruction of the best, the innocent, the virtuous producer of values has been occurring with
increasing intensity in various African and Asian countries. And the same would happen throughout the Western
world, including the United States, if altruism and egalitarianism grew to their natural conclusions. ...Neo-Tech will
prevent that from happening.
But, only those holding genuine power -- the value producers -- can cure the disease of altruism. The value
producer can stop altruism cold by saying "no" to the sacrificial demands of mystics and neocheaters. Indeed,
through Neo-Tech, all value producers can guiltlessly, decisively reject all mysticism, altruism, egalitarianism.
When the value producer says "no" to the neocheaters, their mystical hoaxes will become powerless and then
crumble. Never again can those neocheaters trick or coerce the value producer into supporting them.
The Neo-Tech concepts provide the tools to expunge all professional mystics and neocheaters from our planet
Neo-Tech Advantage #27
Religions and political systems contradict man's nature because they are based on mysticism and altruism. Those
systems require the individual to contradict his or her nature through sacrifice. Under the spell of mysticism, one
loses increasing portions of prosperity, life, love, and happiness to various imaginary "higher causes". And such
losses are for no real reason except to support those neocheaters who survive by manipulating dishonest,
destructive, mystical notions. ...Mysticism contradicts the nature and needs of conscious beings. For, mysticism
undermines the capacity for integrated thinking. Thus, mysticism reduces competitiveness, self-esteem, and
psychuous pleasures. ...Mysticism leads to incompetence and unhappiness.
The more an individual surrenders to mysticism, the more that person becomes incompetent and tries to escape
reality. For such a person, life increasingly becomes a source of conflict and pain. To the extent that one accepts
mysticism is the extent that a person withdraws from life and loses contact with the pleasures and happiness that
life inherently holds. ...All forms of mysticism (from fascism, Marxism, and wars to astrology, occultism, and
religion) arise from ignorance, fraud, deceit, and the need to destroy values.
Mysticism is perpetuated by neocheaters who must undermine honesty in order to usurp their livings and pseudo
self-esteems through value destruction. Such people must disregard or undermine the "burden of proof" concept.
For that concept is the protector of honesty. The "burden of proof" concept requires that whoever makes an
assertion has the burden to supply objective proof before credibility is granted to that assertion. People who
promote mysticism either ignore the "burden of proof" concept or subvert the concept by passing off non
sequiturs or specious rationalizations as "proof". In any case, mysticism by nature is the opposite of honesty,
rationality, objectivity, reality, and Neo-Tech.

Neo-Tech Advantage #28

The questions "Who Created Existence" and "Why of the Universe" are ancient, mind-subverting gimmicks of
positing invalid, intellectually untenable questions that have no basis in reality. That false-question maneuver has
been used by theologians and other mystics for centuries. The gimmick works by taking an invalid or meaningless
idea and then cloaking the idea with specious but profound-sounding phraseology. That phraseology is then used
as an "intellectual" prop to advance false, irrational concepts or doctrines. Consider, for example, the "Who
Created Existence" and the "Why of the Universe" questions so often used by poets and theologians to advance the
God or higher-power concept. On closer examination, one realizes that invalid questions such as "who made the
universe" are meaningless and unprofound. For that type of infinite-regression question (of who created the
creator and so on back) answers nothing and is anti-intellectual. Such a question cannot or need not be answered
once one realizes that existence exists.
On realizing that by nature existence simply exists, one then realizes that the "Who Created Existence" and "Why
of the Universe" questions cannot or need never be answered because no causal explanations are needed for
existence or the universe. Existence is axiomatic. It just exists; it always has and always will exist. Nothing created
it and no causal explanation is needed or valid. For, what is the alternative? No alternative is possible or needed,
unless one accepts the contradiction that existence does not exist!
Neo-Tech Advantage #29
Books such as Fromm's "The Art of Loving" established the following technique that most of today's popular,
mystical-based books use to gain credibility, public acceptance, and salability: Obviously valid facts and concepts
are first presented to capture the interest and confidence of the reader [Re: Concept 36, Neo-Tech Reference
Encyclopedia]. Those valid concepts are then woven throughout the false, mystical notions to lend an air of validity
to the whole work. Essentially all religious and altruistic doctrines depend on similar techniques of using out-ofcontext facts, non sequiturs, slogans, "truisms", and parables to "validate" their specious doctrines.
Cleverly manipulative writers such as Fromm and deceptively manipulative organizations or "modern" churches
such as Ron Hubbard's Church of Scientology can be even more dangerous and harmful than the overt, old-time
religion or the neurotic, televangelists' born-again approaches. Today, most individuals reject the more obviously
vicious, hellfire-and-brimstone aspects of the Bible and "old-time" religion. Still, even the most commonly
rejected, blatantly malevolent aspects of the Bible and religions continue to do their damage by infusing
subconscious guilt into those trying to live by Judeo-Christian ethics.
Similarly, the news media constantly mislead their audiences by using out-of-context facts and non sequiturs to
create stories that seem valid, but are not. In that way, the media mystically manufacture "news" that subtly or
overtly attacks objective values and their producers.[ 5 ] Constant exposure to propaganda against objective
values and heroic producers leaves people increasingly indifferent toward upholding honesty and justice. That
mystical-based indifference produces lethargy and ennui not only toward objective values and heroic producers
but toward life itself.
By manipulating subjective mysticism with dishonest reporting, much of today's neocheating media successfully
obscure the value of productive individuals and their benevolent power. That constant obscuring of facts
undermines everyone's view of great human achievements such as the automobile, supermarkets, and major
technological advances. The persistent attacks against objective human values by politicians, theologians, social
"intellectuals", and the media gradually diminish the strength, confidence, and happiness of the productive middle
class, leaving them increasingly vulnerable for exploitation by the professional mystics and neocheaters.

Using the techniques of Fromm and the media, many current authors of social literature use rationalizations,
specious cliches, non sequiturs, concrete-bound specifics taken out of context, and guilt-inducing half-truths to
manipulate the middle-class producers into sacrificing their self-interests to an array of "higher" causes. [Table
13 in the Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia shows how such mystical-based books harm an individual's well-being
and happiness. Table 14 compares techniques used by authors of destructive books to techniques used by authors
of books that deliver objective values.]
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[ 5 ] Despite the dishonesty and hypocrisy widely practiced by much of the news media, no government controls
or regulations should ever be placed against the press or the communication media. Moreover, any possible form
of control or regulation against any communication (written, visual, or oral) should be permanently abolished.
Neo-Tech Advantage #30
The God concept and all religions are products of mysticism. Mysticism is the opposite of honesty and reason.
Mysticism underlies all volitionally destructive actions. Mysticism undermines the capacity for independent,
integrated thinking and reasoning, which is the survival tool for all human beings. ...The mystical-oriented mind is
the basis of the criminal-like mind, which is the exact opposite of the business-like mind.
For two-thousand years, the God concept has been the most effective tool of the professional mystics and
neocheaters for usurping a material and psychological living from the value producers. The God concept is such
an effective tool because it manipulates major thinking defaults into convenient well-organized packages of
specious "truths". Professional value destroyers can with relative ease use various God-concept frauds to
deceive or cajole innocent producers into sacrificing their earned values to them, the nonproducers. Most Godconcept frauds promote the "virtues" of humility, altruism, egalitarianism, selflessness, "higher" causes, and
sacrifice. Such specious "virtues" are designed to generate guilt for lowering the self-esteem of producers to the
level of the nonproducer. Once burdened with false guilt, the producers will more readily hand over or sacrifice
their earned values to the nonproducers.
Throughout history, the many God-concept variations have provided professional mystics and neocheaters with
effective tools for extracting a living from the value producer.[ 6 ] For survival, value destroyers depend on the
producer to sacrifice his or her created or earned values to them. They also extract values through government
force and coercion. ...All professional mystics and neocheaters rely on the unearned guilt foisted on producers
through various altruistic or God-concept hoaxes to extract material and psychological "livings" from value
The God concept, religion, and mysticism are also the tools needed to establish totalitarian dictatorships, including
both theistic and "atheistic" dictatorships.[ 7 ] Russia, for example, was the most religious, mystical country in
Europe during the early 1900s. That heavy mysticism provided an ideal psychological setup for the acceptance of
perhaps the most destructive and irrational, mystical-based political system in history -- Marxism/Leninism.
Acceptance of an irrational, Kantian-based philosophy such as Marxism was needed to negate objective values and
individual rights, to rationalize the enslavement of entire nations, to slaughter millions of productive human beings

for a meaningless, mystical higher "authority" -- the state. ...Thus, the God-concept tools of altruism and
mysticism are needed not only to establish the murderous religious regimes of an Ayatollah-led Iran but the
murderous "atheistic" regimes of a dictator-led Soviet Union and Red China.
Stalin, Mao, and their neocheating colleagues used various altruistic, God-concept tools to justify slaughtering
millions of innocent, middle-class producers in the name of a higher "good". And what is always the reason for
such mass destruction and slaughter? Always for no other reason than to build personal false power and bogus
jobs. No other reason ever exists.
In order to live, the value destroyer must usurp values created by the value producer. That dependence deprives
the usurper of self-esteem, leaving him resentful and envious toward value producers. Such feelings of
worthlessness, resentment, and envy can build until the usurper would subconsciously just as soon be dead. Out of
such resentment and envy, that person would like to drag everyone else to the grave with him, especially the value
producers. Indeed, that is what happens when totalitarian leaders assume power. Out of envy and hatred, they
eventually destroy themselves and anyone else they can destroy.
Stalin, Hitler, and Mao, for example, were personally responsible for staggering property destruction while
systematically slaughtering many millions of innocent, productive human beings. Castro, as another example,
publicly stated that he, an ex-lawyer who had never produced or earned competitive values, would like to drop a
nuclear bomb on New York City, destroying the greatest concentration of earned, man-made values on this planet.
Such mass destruction would help prop his pseudo self-esteem by making him feel big and important. But, in fact,
he has never been more than a destructive pip-squeak and mass murderer. ...All mass murderers throughout
history required the tools of altruism and mysticism to rationalize their purposeful destruction of values and life.
In literature and in other forms of communication, dealing with the God concept falls into four categories [Re:
Table 15, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. The first three categories involve the harmful promotion of the God
concept and other mystical frauds. The fourth category involves the beneficial undermining of the God-concept
and other mystical frauds. Neo-Tech falls into the fourth category in identifying the route to guiltless prosperity
and happiness.
Neo-Tech Advantage #31
As with all forms of mysticism, acceptance of myths varying from astrology and UFOs to religion and the God
concept cripples a person's thinking and integration processes. Indeed, crippled thinking and integration
processes undermine a person's personal power, productive competence, financial well-being, psychuous
pleasures, and long-range happiness.
Many popular myths depend on proclaimed "scientific" evidence to create illusions of credibility. Astrology
devotees promote the "scientific" notion that the infinitesimally faint celestial forces that impinge on human
beings affect and influence their minds, actions, behavior, and destiny. As "proof", for example, they state how the
gravitational forces of the moon cause the oceanic tides. But facts and logic show that man alone controls his own
destiny. And his mind can easily override all the forces of nature combined [Re: Table 7, Concept 22, Neo-Tech
Reference Encyclopedia]. Indeed, in a free society, the conscious mind is a much stronger controller of an
individual's future than all the overt, direct forces of nature, government, and religion combined.
A person's own choices, not his environment, control his or her destiny. Except for natural catastrophe or bruteforce totalitarianism, the forces of nature and social environment when pitted against the rational conscious mind
have little or no influence over that individual's long-range future.

For a person to allow his future to be influenced by even the most direct and powerful forces of nature (such as
the weather, the wind, the rain) would be to relegate the potency of his or her mind and actions to a low position
indeed. But to assert, as astrologers do, that the faintest forces in nature (the celestial forces from outer space)
can influence human beings and their minds is to relegate the human mind to a most inept position. To view the
human mind as being that feeble or impotent, even though the view may be only subconscious or implicit,
undermines a person's confidence and self-esteem. And, more serious is what happens to the confidence and selfesteem of those who let themselves be controlled or influenced by nonexistent forces, such as the God myth.
Many people erroneously believe that the governmental and religious forces surrounding them are more powerful
than they. With the destruction that those forces have always inflicted on mankind, such an attitude is
understandable, but invalid. Government and religious forces, while always exerting destructive influences, need
not be the controlling forces on any individual's present or future. By using the mind and acting on reason, a
person can usually avoid or minimize the effect of government and religion on his or her personal self in order to
live independently, productively, and happily.
Direct forces of government, religion, or even nature (e.g., earthquakes, floods, tornadoes) can at times have
devastating effects on any individual. The government can confiscate or plunder a person's property. The
government can jail or kill innocent people. Religion can destroy a person's mind or happiness. The church will
also torture and kill masses of innocent people whenever it holds direct political power (e.g., Dark Ages,
Inquisitions, Jonestown, Ayatollah Iran, Witch Trials, crusades). But none of those potential or real forces
basically control human lives or destiny. The human mind, along with the choices made through an individual's life,
controls the life and future of a productive person (unless government or religious forces directly cripple or
destroy that person).
Accepting "scientific" myths such as UFOs (unidentified flying objects from intelligent outer space) will diminish a
person's self-esteem and reduce that person's capacity for psychuous pleasures and happiness. As with astrology
(and with ESP, PK, and other forms of "scientific" mysticism[ 8 ]), the outer-space UFO advocate must first
establish a scientific-sounding base to create an illusion of credibility. Such a basis for UFOs is accomplished by
taking out of context the valid hypothesis that millions of Earth-like planets exist in outer space in which advanced
civilizations of living beings have developed technology far beyond our own civilization [Re: F. R. Wallace, "We the
Creators of All Heavens and Earths", I & O Publishing]. And many of those civilizations most certainly would be
capable of communicating or even journeying across many light years to reach Earth. For conscious beings in
such advanced civilizations would have achieved biological immortality long ago.
The above hypotheses are statistically valid and almost certainly factual. From statistical considerations, many
millions or billions of Earth-like planets with intelligent civilizations do exist throughout the universe. Many of
those civilizations existing far in advance of our own are certainly capable of contacting Earth. Yet, logic and
statistics dictate that such civilizations would not contact Earth.
The main reason for believing that no outside civilization has ever contacted earth is that no one has found any
hard evidence that even suggests intelligent beings from outer space have ever contacted Earth. All claims of
evidence to date have been spurious, false, or scientifically unsound. If intelligent beings from outer space ever
had contacted Earth, the evidence would have been immediately and spectacularly conclusive. For example,
consider the highly advanced artifacts that would be left behind by any mystic-free civilization capable of
developing the energy and technology required to contact Earth.
Indeed, many highly advanced civilizations throughout outer space certainly have the technological capacity to
contact and travel to Earth. But the following logic indicates none would contact Earth: The technological advance

of any civilization can be measured by the amount of energy harnessable by that civilization. Energy capacity is a
direct measure of scientific knowledge and technological development. The energy requirements for outer space
communication and travel are far beyond the total energy capacity available on earth at our present level of
technology. Thus, a civilization capable of contacting earth would have to be advanced far beyond our civilization.
That would mean that any such civilization would be well past the Nuclear-Decision Threshold [Re: Table 51,
concept 116 of the Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. That threshold is the point that every advanced civilization
must successfully pass through to survive. Our civilization is at that point today. The Nuclear-Decision Threshold
is the point at which energy, knowledge, and technology have advanced to where sufficient, man-made energy
(e.g., nuclear energy) can be generated to physically destroy all life on the planet. From that point, all civilizations
must follow one of two courses:
(1) Proceed in an irrational, altruistic, Platonistic philosophical system in which initiatory force compels others to
support mystical "higher" causes that feed the bogus livelihoods of neocheaters. Such systems will eventually
lead either to all-out nuclear warfare[ 9 ] or to a retreat into an anti-technological Dark Ages in which most
knowledge and technology are lost. In either case, most of the world's population will die and civilization will perish
because of meaningless mysticism being manipulated to give false power and bogus livelihoods to the value
(2) Proceed in (or change to) a rational, business-like, Aristotelian philosophical system in which initiatory force
plays no role. Such a system allows civilization to safely advance beyond the Nuclear-Decision Threshold.
Thus, any civilization advancing significantly beyond that threshold would by nature exist within a rational
Aristotelian/Neo-Tech society. That in turn would mean a free-market business society from which initiatory
force is eradicated as uncompetitive, impotent, and immoral. In any such advanced society, all forms of mysticism
would by nature have been discredited and discarded as stupid and destructive. Such a business-minded society
would be free of politicians, theologians, neocheaters, coercive governments, and other usurpers and parasites.
Actions would be based on reality-oriented logic exercised by free individuals harmoniously, competitively living in
accord with their rational best interests.
In such an advanced society, no logical reason would exist and no apparent benefits could accrue by expending the
excessive time and energy required to contact Earth or similar, outer-space civilizations. Such an undertaking
would not be scientifically interesting or profitable for a civilization so far advanced in knowledge and technology.
In other words, as a civilization approaches a technological stage so advanced that other civilizations could be
contacted, then the need, interest, and benefits to do so would cease. All such societies would by nature exist
within Neo-Tech, rational, self-interest cultures. All individuals in such societies could fill all of their physical
needs, psychological needs, and growth needs within a practical sphere of space (although capable of reaching
any point farther into outer space). Moreover, such advanced civilizations would have access to the interstellar
computer system most certainly present throughout the universe. Throughout that computer system, all
important knowledge would be organized and available for exchange among all advanced, Neo-Tech civilizations -perhaps through an oscillating, gravity-coded system.
In summary, probably thousands or millions of highly advanced civilizations exist in outer space that have the
technological capacity to contact Earth. But being nonaltruistic, business-minded societies, they would have no
logical motive or incentive to expend the time and energy to do so.[ 10 ]
For our own civilization to advance significantly beyond our current Nuclear-Decision Threshold would require a
shift from the current Platonistic/altruistic philosophical base to a Aristotelian/Neo-Tech philosophical base [Re:
Table 51 in Concept 116, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia].

Paradoxically, at our current level of civilization, we can gain considerable economic, technological, and scientific
benefits from investigating outer space and exploring our solar system and beyond. And, on switching to a rational
Neo-Tech society, our civilization will advance significantly beyond the Nuclear-Decision Threshold. Then our
knowledge, technology, and well-being will advance so rapidly and far that when our energy capacity reaches the
potential for contacting civilizations in far outer space, the logical reasons or incentives for such contact
(economic, social, scientific) will fade. For, within a Neo-Tech society of self-ruling individuals, the potential of
each individual can be fully realized. And that unrealized potential of conscious beings represents the total
creative power available throughout the universe. On meeting that potential, nothing further out in space is
required, especially after business-driven scientists learn to access the interstellar computer available
throughout the universe.
The answer, therefore, to the outer-space UFO question reduces to:
1. Probably many highly advanced civilizations exist throughout space that currently have the capacity to
contact and even travel to Earth.
2. No valid, scientific evidence has ever been found that suggests intelligent, outer-space communication or
visitation has ever occurred on Earth.
3. Logic indicates that advanced civilizations with the energy technology to contact Earth would not do so
because there would be no economic, social, or scientific incentive to do so. For, once an advanced
civilization has dug well-defined holes into space by exploring, understanding, and exploiting those areas,
the need and incentive to dig more and more holes, deeper and deeper into space at greater and greater
costs steadily diminish to zero.
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[ 8 ] Most forms of "scientific" mysticism reflect wishful desires to discover outside forces or "authorities" to
take over the thinking tasks of the human mind. The mystic's wish is to be automatically and effortlessly guided to
knowledge and through life by external forces. But no effortless guide exists. No outside force can take over and
do what the mind and the individual must do for him or her self. Consider the president of the United States
following the stupidity of astrology. Or consider the government of the U.S.S.R. directing funds for "research"
efforts in ESP, psychokinesis, PK, and other pseudosciences: Indeed, through such mystical stupidities, the
intellectual impotence of those governments and their leaders is revealed. In reality, such governments are goofy
and their leaders are clowns. ...They are already being laughed out of existence through Neo-Tech competition.
[ 9 ] Ironically, the unilateral peace and disarmament movements are not only dishonest, mystical, and usually
promoted by professional mystics and neocheaters, but they are the very forces that move the world toward
nuclear annihilation. By contrast, a well-prepared, rational society can effectively protect itself against nuclear
war as well as prosper into the future. For, a prime moral obligation is self-protection. Thus, the development of
an effective SDI or "Star-Wars" defense system is the most rational, moral act any country could perform in
protecting its citizens and their property. (Also, see Neo-Tech Advantage #110 for the profound right to selfdefense.)

[ 10 ] Perhaps the only rational motive for an advanced civilization to communicate much beyond their immediate
star system would be the pending death of their primary energy source -- their sun -- via an explosion-type
burnout. Those beings would probably explore and colonize planets in nearby solar systems. The positions of stars
in our own Milky-Way galaxy are constantly shifting relative to each other. Thus, our planet could at times become
a "nearby" star system (e.g., less than a hundred light years) to a highly advanced civilization that must abandon
its own solar system because of an impending solar explosion or other catastrophe. In such a case, our planet
could become the object of exploration and even colonization from outer space. Statistically, however, such a
combination of events would be extremely unlikely.
Neo-Tech Advantage #32
A dominant form of mysticism and Platonistic philosophy in Western civilization is existentialism and its many
disguised variations such as Gestaltism, transcendental meditation, Zen Buddhism. Existentialism is really nothing
more than clever irrationalism and contradictions that heralds Kierkegaard's "individual responsibility" while
negating genuine self-responsibility. Moreover, cloaked in pragmatic non sequiturs or good-sounding
rationalizations, existentialism claims that reality does not exist. Thus, the meaning of existentialism is impossible
to objectively define or understand. For existentialism is nothing. And nothing can be attached to nothing.
Expressed in countless ways, existentialism is the philosophical form projected by (1) most media commentators,
(2) almost all politicians and theologians, (3) neocheating social "intellectuals", including many teachers,
university professors, and (4) know-nothing personalities and entertainers acting as "authorities" on the basis of
feeling rather than knowledge.
In the past several decades, those four groups of people have effectively spread existentialism among the
nonproductive elements of society. More recently, those same groups are successfully pushing existentialism
onto the working middle class. As a result, the productivity, self-esteem, and happiness among the productive
middle class is diminishing as value producers increasingly swap their earned happiness and freedom for the
existentialistic ideas of mysticism, egalitarianism, and altruism. Their ultimate negation of self-responsibility and
self-control opens the way for increasing government control of their lives.[ 11 ]
Many people are drawn into the chameleon-like forms of existentialism through an assortment of highly publicized,
illusionary benefits designed to indulge almost anyone's emotions to escape reality. Touted benefits include
discovering "real truth", "peace of mind", "happiness", new "freedoms", "self-awareness", increased
"sensitivity", "discovery" of one's true self, and a wide variety of health and nutritional "benefits". Other benefits
touted by groups such as Scientologists include various mystical routes to "freedom" and "happiness" through
self-awareness via clearing hang-ups or engrams [Re: Concept 39, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. But
beneath all such jargon and claimed benefits, existentialism is nothing more than a wimpish irrationality that
promotes stupidity. ...Indeed, existentialism promotes the negation of reality. [Re: Table 16, Neo-Tech Reference
Encyclopedia defines existentialism and identifies some of its manifestations being thrust onto the productive
middle class by mystics, politicians, and other neocheaters.]
Existentialism and religion both grow from mysticism. And both lead to the oppression of the individual.
Existentialism and religion both reflect fear of the independent individual and even greater fear of individual pride.
Most mystics denounce pride as negative, bad, or sinful. But, individual pride is the result of moral virtue, which
requires the rejection of the dishonesty inherent in mysticism.

Pride is the reflection of self-worth, which requires the rejection of mysticism. And that rejection of mysticism
through the reflection of self-worth is what all mystics, existentialists, and neocheaters fear and attack. For, if all
value producers recognized their genuine self-worth and felt their earned pride, they would reject mysticism to
end the hoax of all neocheaters.
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[ 11 ] Government control always means the control of individuals by force. Communism, fascism, socialism, and
democracy are political systems that survive by force. Democracy, however, is generally less destructive or less
malevolent than the other three systems of oppression. All four political systems operate on the same
neocheating concepts of external "authority" and unearned power backed by "legalized" force. Moreover, all four
systems require Platonistic, existentialist philosophies for the value destroyers to usurp bogus livings from the
value producers.
Contrary to popular myth, democracy is rooted neither in justice nor in the protection of individual rights, but is
rooted in the uncompetitive principle of "authorities" with power to force the deemed "will" of the majority onto
specific individuals. (The United States was not founded as a democracy, but as a republic based on constitutional
law forged between democratic myths and free-choice, competitive-market principles. Today, most of the
remaining nonforce, free-choice, competitive elements of freedom in the United States are being replaced with
uncompetitive fascist or socialistic elements of force.) A business-like, free-choice, competitive system is the only
political system based on logic, justice, growth, and earned values rather than on feelings, force, stagnation, and
usurpation of values. Of all political systems, only the nonforce, free-choice competitive system rejects the
concept of uncompetitive "authority" system of force, threat of force, and fraud. And only competitive, free
markets fully recognize the sovereignty of the individual and the right to his or her own body, life, and earned
property. ...All professional mystics and value-destroying neocheaters hate and fear free-choice competition.
Why? Because free-choice competition would drive them from their dishonest careers and bogus livelihoods.
Neo-Tech Advantage #33
About 300 A.D., Christian theologians discovered the ultimate neocheating technique to control human beings.
That technique was to link guilt with sex [Re: Section Four Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. With that technique,
the Christian church rose to its height in power, causing Western civilization to crumble into the mystical Dark
Ages as human well-being and happiness sank to the lowest level in recorded history.
The history of Christian oppression of individual life, rights, values, happiness, pleasure, and sexuality is outlined
on the following pages:
(from research by Morton M. Hunt and others)
100 A.D. - 385 A.D.
Roman Empire still appeared vibrant, but was surrendering to a new religion...Christianity. Rome plunged
into altruism and asceticism.

Roman pagans began persecuting those Christians who became altruistic fanatics and used any means to
meet their goals of destroying the life-enhancing and productive aspects of Roman civilization. Those
neocheating Christian leaders had the dual objective of wiping out the pleasures of human life as well as
destroying the high standard of living enjoyed by the Romans. The early Christians heroically formed
tightly-knit anarchist groups for effective protection from the oppression of the bureaucratic Roman
government while laying the foundations for their own much greater oppressions.
385 A.D. - 1000 A.D.
The rise of the unkempt ascetics (hippies) in Egypt. Based on Christian self-torture and denial (e.g., St.
Christianity discovered a fast, neocheating route to power -- the foisting of guilt onto innocent value
producers. As an effective rallying symbol, they found and elevated to martyr-level status an obscure
historical individual who died three centuries earlier. That individual ironically was a gentle, appealing
rebel who heroically stood up to the injustices of the parasitical-elite authorities -- the same type
authorities who three centuries later usurped and mystified him for their own dishonest exploitation.
That individual, their new symbol, was named Jesus Christ. ...Jesus has been done a rank injustice by the
Catholic church.
Christians became increasingly preoccupied with sex as they struggled against lust (e.g., by burning off
fingers to resist temptation). Thinly veiled, neurotic eroticism steadily increased within the church.
St. Augustine (born 354 A.D.) promoted guilt through his books: (1) Confessions -- self-accusations of his
pagan, lustful youth. He converted to a Christian in 386 A.D., then gained power through neocheating by
hatefully using guilt to turn the goodness and pleasures of man against himself. Promulgated how all are
born between feces and urine. (2)The City of God -- his major work -- speculates how babies might be
born from women "uncankered by lust and sex". Demonstrates passionate hatred for human life. St.
Augustine became a master neocheater in achieving respect and power by making problems where none
existed. He destroyed values rather than create them.
By the 5th Century, marriage came under church domination.
The decline into dark ages coincided with the rise of Christianity. Collapsing under the Christian
stranglehold, 6th Century Rome was repeatedly ravaged and looted. One million population was reduced
to fifty thousand. The city lay in rubble and ruins. The Senate ceased for lack of qualified men. The
hygiene, science, and culture of Rome was abandoned as Christianity took hold.
By 585 A.D., Catholics argued that women did not have mortal souls and debated if women were even
human beings.
Sex was reduced by Christianity to an unromantic, harsh, ugly act with penance easily and hypocritically
granted to men whenever required. Women became pieces of disposable property.
Clergy and popes turned to prostitutes and neurotic sex. (e.g., The Pope of 904 A.D. practiced incest and
was a lecher with children).
By the 9th Century, Christianity dominated. Women were considered property of men. The church
sanctioned wife-beating. Men were merely fined by the church for killing women.
For the Catholic clergy, sex without values (e.g., prostitute sex, orgy sex, even forced rape or sadistic
sex) was not a serious offense, but sex with values (e.g., loving or valuing a woman) was a high sin with
severe penalties. For, love and valuing resist control by "authorities", therefore, had to be squelched.
St. Jerome stated that he who too ardently loved his wife was an adulterer.

Christian marital sex was performed only in one position and then only to conceive a child. Sex was never
to be performed during penance nor on Sundays, Wednesdays, Fridays, holiday seasons.
The major Christian sin was not sex, but pleasure.
1000 A.D. - 1500 A.D.
Courtly love reflected happiness and contradicted the malevolence of religion. Churchmen feared and
fought courtly love (e.g., St. Thomas stated that to kiss and touch a woman with delight, even without
thought of fornication, was a mortal sin).
The struggle was between oppressive religion and renaissance free thinking. Also, the struggle was
between papal power and the new Aristotelian ideas.
In the 1300s, an ominous new interest in witchcraft and exorcism began appearing in the church. Priests
fulminated about the evil powers of women who formed sex pacts with the Devil.
By 1450, the dichotomy was complete and the dogma was established by the Catholic church that all
physically desirable women were evil witches. The church was losing its power, and demonizing women
was their means to fight the rediscovering of human joyfulness brought on by the emerging Renaissance.
Renaissance noblemen in the 15th Century equated beauty to good. To counter this trend toward good and
beauty, the church attacked through the Pope. The Catholic church developed a new breed of neocheating
malefactors not known before...the inquisitors who were backed by a series of papal pronouncements and
bulls. The Pope set up two theologians (Jacob Sprenger and Henry Kramer) to act as inquisitors.
Sprenger and Kramer wrote a widely influential book dealing with the "evils" of women and witchcraft.
That led to the burning to death of tens of thousands of innocent women during the Renaissance.
Crosscurrents and contradictions -- the "lady ideal" projected by the happy, benevolent spirit of the
Renaissance versus the "evil witch" projected by the unhappy, malevolent spirit of the church.
King Henry VIII was the first major figure to combine love and marriage. He waged a long battle with
Bishop Wolsey and Pope Clement VII about his divorce and subsequent marriage to Anne Boleyn.
Renaissance enlightenment made sex seem not so sinful and disgusting as the church insisted. The middle
class began to associate sex with love.
1500 - 1700
The Reformation combined with the enlightened Renaissance by considering sex in marriage as
wholesome and free of guilt. But the malevolent Christian position continued to burn women as witches.
Martin Luther battled Catholic asceticism by advocating the enjoyment of every pleasure that was not
"sinful". Luther lived in a lusty "eat, drink, and be merry" style. He fought Rome and claimed that celibacy
was invented by the Devil. He insisted that priests could marry and asserted that marriage was not a
sacrament at all, but a civil matter. Luther asserted that sexual impulses were both natural and
irrepressible. He broke from Rome and married. He cheerfully loved his wife and held pleasurable sex in
marriage as good. Luther's reformation rapidly spread across Northern Europe.
John Calvin (the father of the Bluenoses) was the opposite of Martin Luther. Calvin was sour, malevolent,
and had a ferocious theology based on human depravity and the wrath of God. He was an unhappy ascetic
who had ulcers, tuberculosis, and kidney stones; he considered life of little value. Calvin set up a brutally
strict theocracy in Geneva that allowed no dancing, fancy clothes, or jewelry. The death penalty was
imposed for adultery. Even legitimate love was stringently regulated. Engagements were limited to six

weeks. No lingering at romance was allowed. Weddings were grave with no revelry. The Calvinist
marriage had two functions: (1) to produce children, and (2) to reduce sexual desires.
Most Puritans, however, were quite unlike the inhuman joylessness of Calvin. But a few vocal fanatics
such as John Knox in the United States continued to pile misery onto others. His Blue laws of the 1650s
were against amusements, smoking, drinking, gambling, fancy clothing. He also promoted public
whippings, scarlet letters, executions for adulterers, and the Salem "witch" executions (executed 26
women and two dogs in 1692).
Early Puritan traits were mainly stern expressions masking mischief and romance. Church trial records
show much "sinning" existed. But only sex outside marriage was attacked. Puritans were very much for
sex inside marriage and condemned the virtue-of-virginity concept. Most Puritans were tenderly
romantic and good lovers.
The image of the sexless Puritan with a stony heart is false. For example, the 17th Century Puritan John
Milton (Paradise Lost) projected a healthy view of married sex. He displayed idealistic, romantic views
about marriage. Moreover, Milton sent tracts to Parliament urging modern-day, easy divorce. Milton's
Paradise Lost projects a benevolent view of Adam and Eve in a romantic-love context. Milton rejected St.
Augustine's malevolent views of life, sex, and pleasure.
16th Century Puritans combined the ideals of romantic love with the normality of sex in marriage.
Woman's status improved under Puritanism (e.g., if beaten, women could separate and even divorce.).
Property rights and inheritance laws improved. Marriage became a civil contract.
1700 - 1800
The rationalists in this new Age of Reason rejected the gloom of Christianity. They scrapped the church's
portrait of woman as evil.
18th Century love rejected Christian anti-sexual values and idealized the mythical Don Juan, who was
impeccably mannered, lustful, haughty. Love was reduced to mere sensuality and pleasurable sport with
the motive to seduce and then desert.
1800 - 1900
Religious Victorian men, on the other hand, were patriarchal and stern. But they played that role at their
own sexual expense.
Out of religious Victorianism arose a great hunger for a fantasy sex life. Flagellation, pornography, and
prostitution rapidly increased.
Capitalistic economics were greatly accelerating the dissolution of medieval religious ties along with
their unjust social customs and racism.
The religious Victorian home was threatened by talk of female suffrage, divorce reforms, and free love.
Victorianism was a reactionary, desperate delaying action (in collusion with the church) against the
inevitable changes made by an emerging industrial civilization. Religion-oriented Victorians tried to fight
change via religious coercion, government force, and police activities.
1900 - 1950
Margaret Sanger staged a historic fight for birth control claiming that a woman's body belonged to her
alone. She published birth-control information in 1914 and opened birth-control clinics in 1916. Outraged
Roman Catholic elements had her arrested and jailed.
1950 - 1980

Modern sexual revolution toward openness and honesty has caused the church's malevolent influence
over sexuality to wane. In a last desperate effort, "modern" and new-wave churches evolved that adopted
existentialist and fun views of sex in order to diminish the value and importance of sex. Thus, those
churches kept control by undercutting people's self-esteem. Without self-esteem, one cannot experience
abiding happiness or psychuous pleasures. Without self-esteem, a person will continue to be controlled
by neocheaters using the tools of mysticism.
1980 - PRESENT
An ominous rise of overt mysticism, born-again Christianity, and fundamentalist religions signal a turn
back toward malevolent views of life, love, and sex. A revival of fundamentalism and theocratic concepts
are conditions ultimately sought by all mystical leaders. No matter what deceptive facades they present,
all mystical leaders are destructive neocheaters who ultimately want to reign with murderous power. But
today, for the first time in history, mysticism and neocheating are being irreversibly undermined by the
spreading Neo-Tech matrix.
Neo-Tech Advantage #34
The aesthetics (art, music, drama, and literature) are rational pursuits that add important increments of
emotional fuel and psychuous pleasures to a person's life. Moreover, aesthetic pleasures are important to the
growth of one's psychological and spiritual[ 12 ] well-being. Aesthetics reflect a person's most important values in
a concrete way, providing powerful emotional fuel to seek ever greater personal growth and achievements.
A false but common belief is that a person's response to art (music, literature, fine arts, performing arts) is a
mystical experience that has no basis in reality and serves no practical purpose. But the opposite is true. A
positive response to art is a phenomenon of reality that reflects a person's deepest, most important values. Those
values can be either objective or neurotic values. For example, destructive people can respond positively to art
that reflects neurotic values, nonvalues, or even value destruction.
Another false belief is that art is entirely subjective and cannot be evaluated on an objective basis. With sufficient
knowledge, all art can be judged by precise, objective standards. Objective evaluation can include sense of life, the
theme expressed by the artist, execution skill, overt style, presentation integrity.
Psychological pleasure derived from an art work comes from the similarity of the artist's values and sense of life
to one's own values. Admiration of an art work, on the other hand, comes from the viewer's evaluation of the
artist's skill, style, and integrity. An individual can dislike the values, the sense of life, or the theme of an art work,
but can admire the artist's skill or style.
One dominant myth propagates that most great, universal artists (i.e., composers, painters, sculptors, novelists)
lived in poverty and were not recognized during their lifetimes. Indeed, that myth serves as a handy excuse for
pseudo, dilettante, or government-sponsored "artists" who never put forth the great learning, training, and
execution efforts needed to develop the ability to produce works of art saleable in free markets.
With few exceptions, most universally enduring artists throughout history were fully recognized during their
lifetimes, often early in their careers. Most great, objectively creative artists collected and enjoyed their earned
financial and emotional rewards throughout much of their professional lives. Their work was objectively valuable
and recognized as such, making their products highly marketable not only in their lifetimes but throughout the
ages. Furthermore, the objective value of an artist's work is almost always in direct proportion to the rational
thought and effort that artist put into developing and executing his skill. ...Success as the result of being naturally
gifted or of being lucky is a myth promoted by envious mystics, neocheaters, and other losers.

Still another myth about art is that if a person dislikes a work of art, then the person does not understand the
work. In most cases, if a person does not like or enjoy a work of art, the work is either (1) poorly executed or (2)
contradicts that person's inner values.
And a final misconception is that poetry is an art form that enhances love and the quality of one's life. Poetry is
generally an invalid art form that can be destructive to romantic love, prosperity, and long-range happiness [Re:
Concept 136, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia; also see Neo-Tech Advantage 104 in this volume].
As a concluding note: Since art can reflect powerfully emotional values to the beholder, art can be loved,
appreciated, and enjoyed for those values. The art work itself, however, is an extension of the artist and thus can
never be spiritually possessed or owned by anyone else, even though the physical ownership and copyrights can
be transferred or sold.
Neo-Tech Advantage #35
Emotions and feelings are among a person's most valuable assets. All pleasure and happiness are experienced
through emotions. And the final moral purpose of all human life is rational happiness. Moreover, negative emotions
are reliable warning signals that a person is acting mystically or contrary to one's nature, well-being, and
Emotions deliver the ultimate human rewards and penalties. Such emotions depend on the life a person chooses to
create and live. A person's emotional content will be either happy or unhappy, depending on the extent which that
person has rejected or accepted mysticism. Rejecting mysticism means accepting sole responsibility for
understanding and dealing honestly with reality. A person must reject mysticism to effectively perceive and
integrate reality -- to effectively solve problems of growth and develop the competence needed to earn
prosperity, power, and love. That, in turn, delivers the self-esteem and emotional content needed to experience
abiding well-being, psychuous pleasures, and romantic love. ...Everyone controls his or her wide-range emotions
(i.e., being fundamentally happy or unhappy) through one's constant, volitional choice to be honest or dishonest -to act through business-like thinking or through mystical thinking.
Human pleasures and happiness are experienced by sensory and emotional means. To fully experience pleasure
and happiness, a person must develop an integrated awareness of emotions along with a mystic-free, guiltless
acceptance of those emotions. But first, a person must solidly establish the psychological, philosophical, and
productivity positions to provide the self-esteem necessary for romantic love and psychuous pleasures. Then that
person must reject mystical guilt to fully experience his or her earned emotions of happiness, pleasure, love.
Happiness, pleasure, and love can be experienced only through emotions. To the extent that a person represses
emotions[ 13 ] is the extent that the person denies that part of reality needed to experience earned pleasures and
happiness -- which is the moral purpose of human life.
The human organism must experience emotions in order to psychologically live. If a person continually diminishes
self-awareness or represses emotions, that person will steadily lessen his or her capacity to feel emotions. To
compensate for that deadening of feelings (thus a deadening of life), that person must take increasingly stronger
measures to feel something until the only feeling left to feel is pain. But that person must feel something, so he or
she strives to feel pain. And the easiest, quickest route to feel pain is through destructive actions rationalized
through mysticism.
Also, as a person diminishes his or her awareness and integration capacities, the initiation of longer range,
positive actions becomes increasingly difficult. At the same time, that person increasingly succumbs to mysticism
in selecting more and more destructive actions in order to feel something. Destructive actions taken to feel

something include manipulating others, initiating force (political or criminal) to control or plunder others, using
drugs or alcohol, promiscuity, injurious masochism or sadism, vandalism, thrill killings, mass murder, waging war,
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[ 13 ] Repression of emotions is the attempt to deny emotions. S uch repression is harmful and entirely different
from the suppression of emotions, which can be a valuable, necessary process. Suppression of emotions is an act
of discipline in consciously putting aside emotions to experience them later at a more appropriate time or in a
more controlled manner. In suppressing an emotion, one is not denying the emotion and remains fully aware of it.
Suppression is an important tool for preventing destructive, mystical reactions in oneself.
Neo-Tech Advantage #36
Emotions are a real part of every person and, therefore, are a part of reality. To know and deal with undistorted
reality, a person must first know one's self, which includes knowing one's own emotions. A person must learn to be
aware of feelings in order to prevent destructive emotional reactions. A person must also know one's own
emotions in order to effectively share them in a love relationship. For, the pleasure and happiness of a romanticlove relationship is measured by emotional closeness.
Neo-Tech Advantage #37
Emotions are not subject to condemnation, guilt, or right or wrong judgments...only actions are right or wrong.[ 14
] Next to the mystical concept of original sin, perhaps the most pervasively damaging, unjust concept projected by
the Christian ethic is the moral judgment of emotions. Especially malevolent and harmful are the condemnations of
emotions such as found in the Sermon on the Mount: "But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to
lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." By condemning human emotions, Christian
neocheaters discovered an effective tool to condemn make everyone guilty, keeping them more
controllable for usurping power and values. Since everyone by nature possesses a full range of automatic feelings
or emotions that cannot be directly controlled, shut off or stopped, nearly everyone is victimized by Christianstyle "sin" and "guilt".
While everyone innocently experiences negative, irrational emotions, no one ever has to act on such emotions.
And since only human actions are subject to choice, only human actions (not emotions) are subject to moral
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[ 14 ] An individual, however, is always responsible for his or h er actions. Even if the action is an accident or
honest error, one remains responsible for every action. Thus, by nature, one must eventually pay for errors, even
accidental or innocent ones. Most innocent errors, however, do not carry the destructive, long-range
consequences of uncorrected volitional or dishonest errors.
Neo-Tech Advantage #38
Many innocent people repress emotions because of false guilt. In doing so, they never can know themselves. Once
the following two facts are realized, one can eliminate fear or guilt about one's own emotions:
1. Immediate emotions are beyond a person's direct control. Thus, emotions are not subject to moral
judgment or condemnation and should never be associated with guilt. Only volitional actions can be
wrong, condemned, or associated with guilt.
2. Emotions never have to be acted upon. Thus a person never needs to fear irrational emotions. A person
can feel hatred toward anyone, even the desire for mayhem and murder -- a person can feel any emotion,
rational or irrational, without being guilty of anything. A person becomes guilty only if he or she chooses
to act on irrational emotions to harm others.
Neo-Tech Advantage #39
Objective fear is a valuable protection mechanism. By contrast, irrational fear is destructive whenever it stops a
person from taking needed actions. Fortunately, the paralyzing effects of irrational fear can be overcome with
direct, conscious effort. For example, if a person takes a rational action that he or she fears (if no actual danger
exists), that fear will dissipate. Irrational fears can cause inaction that prevents deserving, productive people
from developing prosperity and happiness. A fearlessness to live is perhaps the most financially and emotionally
rewarding character trait that an honest, productive person can develop.
"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to rank
with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows
not victory nor defeat."
-- Theodore Roosevelt[ 15 ]
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[ 15 ] The anomaly of a worthwhile quote from a politician is exp lainable by realizing that "mighty things" and
"glorious triumphs" in the minds of value-destroying politicians can mean something entirely different from
"mighty things" and "glorious triumphs" in the minds of value-creating business people. For example, being a
"great" and powerful politician or dictator via force and manipulation is quite different than being a great and
creative artist or industrialist via honest, productive effort and earned ability.

Neo-Tech Advantage #40

Fear of being hurt or rejected prevents the development of many romantic-love relationships. That fear keeps a
person defensive which, in turn, prevents emotional openness with his or her partner. And that openness is
necessary for developing romantic love and psychuous pleasures.
The achievement of romantic love involves a willingness to take risks. Moreover, the fear of being hurt by being
open is unfounded. To the contrary, a person is always hurt by faking or concealing emotions from one's self or a
loved one. Denial of feelings traps a person into emotionally repressive situations that diminish the potential for
love and happiness. Being emotionally honest and open is the safest, happiest way to live. ...Being emotionally open,
however, does not mean gratuitously projecting emotions onto others or blaming one's emotional or personal
problems on others. ...Blaming others for one's personal or emotional problems is an irrational, unfair, and
mystical act that keeps a person from solving his or her own problems.
Consistently acting on rational premises and being loyal to honesty builds confidence in a person's own rectitude
and worth. Rationality and honesty, in turn, help remove the fear that prevents people from venturing into new
growth areas, including romantic love. Rationality, fairness, and honesty act as powerful protectors when
venturing into unexplored areas, ranging from business to love relationships.
Neo-Tech Advantage #41
Acting on what others think rather than on one's own thinking not only undermines integrity and judgment, but
diminishes self-esteem. That, in turn, gradually represses the best qualities within a person. In a free or semi-free
society, everyone has the basic choice of acting on his or her independent judgment versus acting on the basis of
what other people think, do, or say. In a totalitarian society, however, no such choice exists. The authorities
terrorize everyone by coercion, force, and threats into acting on the basis of what some "authority" thinks or
wishes (e.g., the dictator). By preventing people from acting on their own judgments, totalitarian governments
deprive individuals of their natural survival mechanisms by undermining the independent use of their minds. Being
unwilling or unable to act on one's own judgment, the individual is controllable by others -- by the whims, wishes,
and demands of neocheating "authorities".
Neo-Tech Advantage #42
Psychuous sex is always linked to an exchange of rational values between partners. A continuous
exchange of values that enhances personal worth and psychological visibility is the basis of psychuous pleasures
and romantic-love. But, sex without serious values (i.e., casual sex) cannot deliver psychuous pleasures and is
eventually self-destructive.
The difference between serious and casual sex is not always obvious on the surface. But the difference always
appears at the base of every relationship. While the actual sexual activity of serious sex can and often does have
interludes of lightness and fun, the meaning behind every act is serious and important. But sex on a nonserious,
unimportant, or casual basis done only for "fun" is a diminishing experience that erodes self-esteem and sexual
competence. On the other hand, a serious sexual affair will always produce growth and values so long as the
relationship is based on mutual values, honesty, and respect. In a value-based sexual relationship, psychuous
pleasures are linked to a mutual reflection of each partner's personal values and worth.

Unlike casual sexual relationships, serious relationships have no bounds or limits to personal values that can be
exchanged. The value of a serious romantic relationship can grow so great that a person would give, if necessary,
all of one's possessions, even one's own life, to protect his or her romantic-love partner.
Neo-Tech Advantage #43
Few people if any can benefit from a multi-partner relationship not only because of the painful, emotional conflicts
but because of the time and effort inherently required to develop a valuable, romantic-love relationship with just
one partner. Furthermore, the amount of time required to develop valuable multi-partner relationships could
deprive an individual of the time needed to fully develop crucial areas of life such as a rewarding career,
productive work, business. [Re: Concept 41 and 42, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]
The biggest negative of multi-partner relationships evolves from the nature of psychuous sex: Romantic love
works best when structured around long-term, monogamous relationships. Why? Because continuous efforts and
experiences with an exclusive partner deliver the most intimacy, growth, and values. Thus, the most erotically
exciting and sexually satisfying experiences by nature evolve from long-term, monogamous/psychuous relations.
...And today, the rise of incurable herpes and deadly AIDS adds a new dimension to the advantages of
monogamous, romantic-love relationships.
All individual values, including sexual values, fall into two categories -- (1) nonjudgeable or amoral values that
arise from each person's unique personality development, and (2) objectively right or wrong values that arise
from a person's volitional character development. Many Neo-Tech/Psychuous concepts deal either directly or
indirectly with the second category. Those values are self-determined and reflect a person's view of:
Self and others.
Rights of individuals.
Value of conscious life.
Work, productivity, creativity, achievement.
Acquiring knowledge and loyalty to honesty.
Acquiring personal pleasures and happiness.
Other Neo-Tech/Psychuous concepts deal with the nonjudgmental or amoral values that reflect unique individual
preferences such as the:
Physical and psychological features that a person finds most attractive and stimulating in a love partner.
Combination of values that deliver the greatest curiosity, excitement, satisfaction.
Most satisfying or pleasurable styles, methods, techniques.
Each individual has his or her own sexual value system. Such values evolve from subconscious ratings of past
experiences, personal preferences, personal desires. Those values can vary widely from person to person. Many
sexual values depend on the individual's unique personality and tastes. And those values are not subject to
judgments of right and wrong, better and worse, moral and immoral...they merely reflect personal differences.
Contrary to advice in most books on sex and marriage, an important task of every couple working toward
romantic love and psychuous pleasure is not to seek compromises between their unique sexual values, but to
openly become aware of each other's sexual values. Once aware of one's own as well as one's partner's sexual
values, the differences can be used to intensify intimacies and pleasures. Those deep intimacies are achieved by
satisfying the sexual values of one's partner without compromising one's own sexual values. In that process, each

partner becomes increasingly valuable and uniquely irreplaceable to the other. Such relationships become
evermore secure as romantic love grows without restrictions or bounds. Divorces in those rational, non-mystical
relationships diminish toward zero as values and happiness grow with time and effort. ...All such growing values
become like money in the bank -- a permanent, growing, emotional bank account that becomes irreplaceable by
anyone else.
To gain honest Neo-Tech advantages, one must always be aware of the great physical, intellectual, and
psychological differences among individuals. People exhibit strikingly different characteristics in: physical
structures, ways of thinking, areas of knowledge, mental capacities, views of life. As a person develops one's
character, an unevenness develops in being honest versus being mystical. For example, a person may find that the
honest integration of facts is easier in certain areas of life. In other areas, that person surrenders to the "easyway-out" mystical trap. Such unevenness in honesty is caused by a person's past and present choices and actions.
That volitional behavior, in turn, determines the rate of personal evolvement and the quality of character
A major mistake that many people make is to expect other people to be like them. People are not alike.
Furthermore, most individual differences are not subject to right or wrong judgments. Amoral differences are
merely differences -- not right or wrong entities. Another error is the belief that a person can change the basic
nature of another person. Basic changes occur only from within the individual's own self. No one else can force or
pressure such changes.
Neo-Tech Advantage #44
Casual, nonintimate, or fun-only sex does not always start from a neurotic base. Casual sex may begin as an
immature sexual view during adolescence. Or casual sex may begin as a notion to experiment with "new" sex in
order to broaden one's sexual experiences or to diminish sexual inhibitions and taboos. Indeed, casual sex,
swinging sex, orgy sex may accomplish those ends. But, the eventual cost of casual sex, fun-only, or exploitive sex
to one's self-esteem is high. One experiences such sex only with grave consequences to his or her self-esteem,
sexuality, and happiness. By contrast, one experiences a limitless broadening of erotic sexual experiences with
enhanced self-esteem through the Neo-Tech/Psychuous concepts.
Human beings are always capable of correcting errors. The harm caused by past, casual-sexual experiences can
be reversed by restructuring sexual standards around the consistent, value-oriented foundation of Psychuous
Neo-Tech Advantage #45
By defaulting on the basic human responsibility of achieving personal happiness and psychuous pleasures, a
person lets his or her future turn downward toward death. Through that default, life and time slip away,
increasingly unrewarded and unfulfilled. By that default, the exciting potential for life (which everyone senses at
least some time during his or her life...usually in early childhood) will fade, never to be experienced again -- unless
revived by Neo-Tech.
Such defaults are unnecessary, contrary to human nature, and rooted in the mysticism continually promoted by
neocheaters. By contrast, the experiencing of an exciting, value-generating life and the achievement of prosperity,
power, and psychuous pleasures are accomplished through self-responsibility -- through a loyalty to rational
efforts and honesty [Re: Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia].

A value-oriented, romantic relationship offers limitless pleasures ranging from joy and spontaneous fun[ 16 ] to
erotic thrills, adventure, psychuous pleasures, and profound happiness. Equally important, such romantic
relationships can greatly enhance each partner's productivity, values, and prosperity.
Psychuous pleasures can always grow, even during crisis or turmoil. Psychuous sex lets a person physically
confirm the value of his or her life, especially during difficult or crisis periods. Psychuous sex allows a person to
be acutely aware of his or her worth, pleasures, and happiness. But psychuous pleasures go far beyond sexual
intercourse. In fact, sexual intercourse itself plays only a small (but crucial) role in psychuous pleasure, which is
integrated with all aspects of conscious life.
Romantic love and psychuous pleasures add so much to human happiness that to settle for something as
unchallenging and limited as casual, fun-only sex is to treat one's self poorly indeed. Limiting the potential for
pleasure to such a narrow, shallow range of experiences undermines a person's entire life.
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[ 16 ] Joyful, childlike spontaneous fun is entirely different th an the contrived, boring, mechanical "fun" of funonly sexual relationships.
Neo-Tech Advantage #46
A serious romantic relationship can last and grow forever. But if growth stops and cannot be revived, the
relationship should end before the growth potential of either partner diminishes. If a good relationship does end,
however, each partner can and should retain the values and benefits of all past growth.
Voluntary termination of a psychuous relationship requires a carefully considered, mutually reasoned decision to
avoid the tragic mistake of terminating a good relationship unnecessarily. A decision to terminate should include a
thoughtful plan to avoid harm to either partner while preserving the growth and values already achieved.
Involuntary termination of a good relationship through death is final. Still, the living partner must continue
growing. Involuntary termination of a good relationship can also be initiated through errors of one or both
partners. Each partner must fight to save a good relationship from being destroyed by errors. Each must identify
those errors and reject destructive mysticism that always seeks to destroy values by creating problems where
none exist.
When ending a previously good relationship, no matter how much pain or hurt is involved, great efforts should be
made to leave one's partner in a positive, uplifted condition. Such efforts deliver long-term benefits to both
partners. Such efforts preserve past growth and values. Such efforts leave both in freer, guiltless positions from
which to seek a new relationship and happiness.
But terminating a hopelessly destructive relationship is quite different. Just frankly stating the necessity to end
the relationship and then walking away from it completely and forever is often the healthiest, most honest, and
least painful method for everyone. A complete and decisive physical and emotional break leaves both partners
freer to reestablish separate lives more quickly for new growth and renewed happiness.

Whenever love dies, reasons always exist. But the reasons are not always obvious. A person can better prepare
for a future relationship by identifying the reasons for failure through high-effort, honest introspection.
Neo-Tech Advantage #47
Honesty is not automatic. It always requires explicit, conscious effort. Being honest is hard work...very hard work.
If, in difficult emotional situations, one is not aware of the concentrated effort required to be honest, that person
is probably not being fully honest. At that point, he or she can easily plug into effortless mysticism. For with
mysticism, a person can automatically rationalize out-of-context scenarios to avoid the effort required to
understand reality and solve one's own problems.
Developing the skills for being honest is neither automatic nor easy. Honesty requires high-effort concentration,
discipline, and awareness. Because of the constant effort required to be honest, many people default to mysticism
and thus lose the essential tool for solving problems -- the tool for achieving prosperity, power, and happiness.
That tool is honesty. ...Many people never grasp or experience integrated honesty.
Fully integrated honesty evolves from the efforts required to be consistently honest. By contrast, mystical
dishonesty evolves from self-deceptions and defaults -- from a self-chosen laziness that relegates honesty to a
low priority, especially when feelings are involved. ...With mysticism, honesty becomes arbitrary.
A commitment to honesty with one's romantic-love partner is essential for achieving psychuous pleasures. In an
open relationship, each partner is free to follow those actions self-judged best for his or her own rational wellbeing. Each must also be equally free to make and correct his or her own errors. Both must strive to meet their
individual needs for growth. Both must accept the fact that neither has any physical or psychological ownership
over the other. With the freedom and self-responsibility to guide one's own life, each partner develops an evergrowing accumulation of strengths. Those new strengths allow each to continually feed fresh love and enriching
values to the other.
With each partner feeding new strength and values into the relationship, each benefits from the other's unique
experiences. With such constant values coming from free and independent sources, the excitement between
partners can grow continuously, often by large leaps, toward increased psychuous pleasures and abiding
happiness. With this never-ending, spiraling growth, each partner becomes increasingly valuable to the other.
Thus, fewer and fewer circumstances could threaten or replace such a romantic-love relationship.
Like money in the bank, newly added values accumulate with interest. And with time, the strength of such valuebuilt relationships becomes so great that no outside force, no matter how valuable or appealing, could compete.
...Such self-built continually added strengths and competitive values offer the only genuine security for any
romantic-love relationship.
By contrast, sexual affairs hidden from one's love partner are deceptive and, therefore, dishonest and
destructive. Moreover, such affairs are usually too restricted by their secrecy to deliver continuously growing
values. ...Honesty and rationality are the foundations of psychuous pleasures and romantic love.
Honest disputes without physical aggression or psychological injury can be valuable. Verbal disputes can cut
through emotional blocks to release repressed feelings and foster communication. But undisciplined let-it-allhang-out anger and negativity are immature, unhelpful, destructive forms of mysticism. Also, disputes become
destructively dishonest when one or both partners silently save up the "worst" faults or problems of the other in
order to use them later as manipulative weapons. ...Saving up faults is a dishonest, immature tactic used to
manipulate, damage, or end relationships.

Within a romantic-love relationship, the problems that do arise provide opportunities to discover new strengths
and values for richer love and pleasures. Even if certain problems seem unresolvable, they can be mutually
understood if discussed honestly. And the more explicitly problems are understood, the more satisfying will be
their resolutions. Moreover, with sufficient information and honest efforts, all disagreements can eventually be
resolved without compromises by either partner.
An efficient approach for resolving conflicts is to reduce the disputed differences to writing and then find the
common premises always revealed by self-honesty [Re: Communication Map in Tables 26a and 26b, Neo-Tech
Reference Encyclopedia]. Explicitly breaking down problems into communication maps usually generates happy
agreements. Even if a problem cannot be completely resolved, the honest communication will (a) draw each
partner closer, and (b) develop greater competence in solving future problems. [Re: Table 26b, Neo-Tech
Reference Encyclopedia]
Neo-Tech Advantage #48
For a healthy romantic relationship, each partner must grant the other guiltless, free choice to enter any growth
relationship (in principle, including sexual) with any person of value. In growing romantic-love relationships,
however, the circumstances for an outside, rational sexual relationship occurring are essentially nil.
Acceptance or approval by people other than one's romantic-love partner is not a requirement for success,
happiness, or psychuous pleasures: To achieve psychuous pleasures, a person must be free to be one's own self
and choose one's own actions. Trying to be different from one's rational self is a distortion of human nature and
contrary to romantic love.
Likewise, a person cannot change another person's nature. For, one's nature can be changed only from within that
person, not from without. Of course, a person can develop his or her own character and correct errors as new
knowledge is acquired. Such changes are the process of personal growth. And such growth comes through
volitional choices to honestly integrate new knowledge.
A person is what he or she is. To pretend to be anything else is to present a false illusion requiring dishonest role
playing. A person diminishes any personal relationship to the extent that a false illusion is presented. A person
must present himself or herself as "This is me. Take me or leave me as I am." Only from that position can a person
proceed with the genuine growth required for romantic love, psychuous pleasures, and abiding happiness.
Accepting a "take me or leave me" position does not mean specific errors should be accepted or uncriticized. A
person can and should change erroneous views and destructive traits (such as mysticism and dishonesty)
through character development. Furthermore, each partner must be free to constructively point out harmful
errors in the other as well as to be open to criticism about one's own self. Moreover, each partner should expect
continuous growth in the other. ...But if a person does not accept the nature of his or her partner, the romanticlove relationship will deteriorate.
Two dangers exist in criticizing one's romantic-love partner:
The first danger is that criticism may unintentionally turn into an invalid attack on the partner's basic self. And
attacking a partner's basic self can end the relationship. Still, if certain aspects of a partner's basic self are
unacceptable, ending the relationship may be the best, most rational action.
The second danger concerning criticism involves avoiding valid, specific criticism for fear of causing problems or
rejection. Avoiding criticism cuts off important areas of communication necessary for personal growth. Both
partners must be free to express themselves to the other: their compliments and criticism, their likes and

dislikes. Valid praise and criticism should not be held back, but should be expressed in specifics to avoid insincere
flattery or manipulative criticism (i.e., using criticism as a tool to pressure a person).
Allowances must be made for errors. Through misunderstandings or wrong premises, one partner may
erroneously criticize the other. And to the degree erroneous criticism occurs, the relationship will be diminished
until the error is corrected.
Most people have large capacities for self-improvement and correcting errors, especially in an atmosphere of
benevolent freedom. Having the guiltless freedom to make errors and subsequently being able to correct those
errors lets each partner develop into his or her best possible self with the most values to offer the other partner.
Mistakes and errors need not do permanent damage. When faced and dealt with, most errors become selfrevealing solutions that create new areas of strength, knowledge, and growth. ...Guiltless freedom is essential for
converting one's errors and problems into assets.
Neo-Tech Advantage #49
Neo-Tech identifies two types of sexual jealousy: good-thought (GT) and bad-thought (BT).[ 17 ] Both types are
based on the erroneous assumption that one has a claim on his or her love-partner's life, especially that person's
sex life.[ 18 ] The feelings of jealousy arise when the unreal presumption of possessing one's partner seems
challenged. GT jealousy is characterized by the retention of basically good thoughts about one's partner, even
when pain or anger is generated. Most people can experience various degrees of GT jealousy about their love
partners. GT jealousy does not always mean the jealous-reacting partner is insecure or possessive, especially if
the jealousy is experienced only as a passing feeling. GT jealousy, even if severely painful, rarely inflicts deep or
permanent damage on either partner or the relationship.
Likewise, GT jealousy seldom cuts deeply into the emotions because positive feelings about one's partner dominate
the underlying emotions.
BT jealousy, on the other hand, is a destructive, mystical reaction that conjures up, often out of nothing, unjust bad
thoughts about one's partner. Those bad thoughts are often well concealed, but insidiously destructive to the
emotions of both partners. In contrast to GT jealousy in which good thoughts are retained about one's partner, BT
or bad-thought jealousy prevents the jealous partner from knowing, accepting, remembering, or believing the
values in the victim partner. Instead, unreal bitterness, cynicism, or malevolence against the victim partner is
conjured up by BT jealousy.
Such negative illusions are usually rooted in past experiences not even related to the victim partner. The victim
partner usually senses a "bad-person" feedback from the BT jealous person. That causes the victim to respond
with increasing puzzlement or astonishment followed by anger, dislike, and a sense of injustice. Those negative
emotions usually keep building until they eventually outweigh all the good feelings and values between the
partners. At that point, love and the relationship die.
The Neo-Tech/Psychuous Concepts identify and can overcome both types of jealousy, especially the GT type. BT
jealousy is more difficult to overcome because the cause is a cancerous mysticism that becomes deeply rooted in
one's emotions. Cognitive-based psychotherapy[ 19 ] may help overcome BT jealousy and its destructive effects.
But the only certain cure is to use mystic-breaking, integrated honesty to self-command all actions. Without that
integrated honesty, one will continue reacting destructively to the emotions of jealousy.
The bad thoughts of BT jealousy along with its hostile, immature possessiveness and obligatory demands become
increasingly unreal, unfair, and burdensome to the victim partner. Such jealousy will eventually destroy any love

relationship no matter how strong were the original love and values. BT jealousy is an unfair, hostile foisting of
one's own personal problems or inadequacies onto the victim partner. The mounting obligatory demands and
hostile possessiveness of BT jealousy destroys a love relationship by penalizing the victim partner for the very
values he or she offers. In fact, the more values offered, the greater are the penalties -- the greater are the
possessive attacks and obligatory demands. Indeed, BT jealousy, immature possessiveness, and obligatory
demands not only rest on mystically unreal premises, but are always unjust since the victim is penalized to the
extent he or she offers values to the jealous partner.
The jealous partner ignores the free-choice position necessary to build a healthy, permanent romantic-love
relationship. The jealous partner accepts the false idea that outside relationships or associations are by nature
threatening [Re: Concept 63, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. Furthermore, the jealous partner erroneously
judges his or her partner in terms of unrelated, outside experiences and relationships rather than in terms of
their own relationship [Re: Concept 63, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia].
Through mysticism, jealousy destroys values by focusing on what is not given or what is not available...while
ignoring, abusing, tearing down, or destroying what is given or is available. Through Neo-Tech, the non-mystic
appreciates and focuses on what values are given or are available and then builds from that position -- and only
from that position.
"Testing" is simply another form of jealousy in which one partner translates his or her insecurity into testing the
victim partner for proof of love or fidelity. Such "testing" is unfair, immature, and continually escalates until the
values of a relationship are destroyed.
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[ 17 ] Although sexual jealousy is common and perhaps exists to s ome degree in most people, such jealousy is
neither natural nor psychologically healthy. Sexual jealousy often stems from insecurity or self-esteem problems.
Sexual jealousy is not synonymous with the valid desire for sexual privacy and romantic exclusivity experienced in
most value-oriented, love relationships. ...By contrast, nonsexual jealousy (NS) differs from sexual jealousy (GT or
BT types). NS jealousy involves relatively harmless, natural desires for values possessed by others. Often NS
jealousy is erroneously called "envy". Envy is not a desire to possess values of others, but is a malevolent desire
to destroy values earned by others. Envy is rooted in the fear of exposing one's own inadequacy, incompetence,
impotence. Productive people can experience harmless NS jealousy, while nonproductive people often experience
destructive envy [Re: Concepts 133 and 134, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia].
Note: No value judgment is or can be made on emotions alone. Only the choice to react rationally or irrationally to
an emotion can be judged good or bad. The above judgments are based on jealous reactions, not jealous emotions.
The choice to act rationally in avoiding a jealous reaction will help dissipate that harmful emotion. But the harmful,
irrational choice to react jealously always feeds and amplifies that emotion.
[ 18 ] No one can ever really own another person's life, including that person's sex life. Every individual exclusively
owns each and every segment of his or her own life. In relationships, people volitionally share, not own, various
aspects or segments of each other's lives. In a romantic-love relationship, by nature, many more life experiences

are intimately shared and integrated than in other types of human relationships. Also, while certain segments of a
person's life can be temporarily rented or hired as in a voluntary employer-employee relationship, no part of a
person's life can be actually owned by anyone else.
[ 19 ] Effective cognitive psychotherapy is objectively oriented around the cognitive nature of human beings
(rather than mystically oriented around behavioral and social natures). To be effective, a therapist must
understand the relationships between reason and emotions, between self-esteem and mental health, between
mysticism and mental illness. Unfortunately, few psychologists or psychiatrists are oriented around objective
standards, even fewer work with or even understand the relationship between self-esteem and mental health. And
only a minute fraction, if any, in the profession understand mysticism as the prime disease of the human mind and
the only disease of human consciousness.
That situation is why most psychiatrists and psychologists have essentially zero "cure" records. Most such
therapists are ineffective or harmful in helping their patients find real, long-range solutions to their problems.
Ineffective therapy not only costs the patient much time and money, but increases the long-range damage by
camouflaging the problem under illusions or feelings of relief, well-being, improvement, or cure. Those illusions
are like drugs: they give temporary feelings of euphoria on which the patient becomes increasingly dependent. But
the problems always reemerge in other forms, often in forms more destructive than previously experienced.
To benefit from therapy, the patient must first determine the therapist's honesty, integrity, and criterion for
mental health. If, on questioning, the therapist's treatment is not clearly based on the biological nature of man and
a criterion of self-esteem, the patient should seek another therapist. A wrong or an incompetent therapist can
cost a patient's long-range happiness, even his or her life. Also, the need for ever using psychotherapy, especially
in overcoming internal mysticism, is questioned in Neo-Tech Advantage #73 entitled, "The Nature of Emotions".
In fact, most neuroses are self-chosen indulgences in mysticism for which therapy is of little value. Usually, only a
self-chosen maturity and honesty to break that mystical indulgence (cause) will end the symptomatic neurosis
Neo-Tech Advantage #50
BT jealousy will eventually destroy even the deepest love relationships. Jealousy gradually poisons the friendship
aspects of love. Once that friendship is gone, no link remains to hold together the nonsexual aspects of the
Within the person projecting bad-thought jealousy, a bitter core of poisonous emotions develops (although often
initially hidden). That core increasingly releases bad feelings toward the victim partner which, in turn, unfairly
diminishes the victim's freedom and happiness. Recognizing the presence of that poison core is the first step in
keeping BT jealousy from destroying a relationship. But once that core is formed, freeing oneself from its
destructive effects is difficult.
The problem of BT jealousy cannot be wished away. For the poison core usually develops from mystical defaults
deep within the jealous partner's subconscious [Re: Table 27, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. Unless identified
and removed, that poison core will dissolve the pleasure, happiness, and love in any romantic relationship.
Such a poison core generates hostile actions that are often subtle and unrecognized at first. But that jealous
partner increasingly takes unjust advantage of the victim partner's innocence, values, love, and goodwill. Such
injustice constantly wounds the victim partner and will eventually destroy all love and friendship. Unlike the
nonjealous lover who usually experiences pain whenever his loved one is in pain, the BT jealous lover will often

gain a satisfying sense of security on being able to inflict pain on the victim partner. That malevolence of BT
jealousy eventually negates any value of the relationship.
A person should avoid listening to false accusations or unjust innuendos leveled against oneself or others by a
jealous, envious, or gossipy person. Even though the conscious mind can reject known false charges, such
accusations still enter nonanalytical pockets of the subconscious mind. That, in turn, causes subsequent emotions
to automatically reflect negative feelings toward oneself or the person being falsely accused. A person is helpless
in avoiding those unjust, harmful, subconscious reactions. Likewise, a person is essentially powerless to avoid the
guilt or bad feelings resulting from false implications coming from a BT jealous partner. As long as that
relationship continues, the jealous partner can increasingly inflict psychic damage within the victim's
subconscious. The victim partner suffers damage proportional to his or her exposure to the poison core of a BT
jealous partner. Usually the only release from that damage is for the victim partner to terminate that harmful
By contrast, a mystic-free Neo-Tech partner will ask: "Do not judge me on your feelings, wishes, imagination, or
what others say. Judge me by what you know about my character, deeds, and actions. And I will always grant you
the same."
Neo-Tech Advantage #51
As people grow older, their views of life often grow increasingly negative. Their hopes and dreams often turn into
disillusions. On aging, such people gradually lose the capacity to experience the joy inherent in life. Their
anticipation of life continually diminishes as their used-up, shrinking futures become evident and the inevitability
of death draws closer. ...But Neo-Tech reverses that dying process by allowing life and happiness to grow with age
and experience.[ 20 ]
Age is no factor in achieving psychuous pleasures, except for the possible lack-of-knowledge limitations of
adolescent sex [Re: Concept 80, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. Moreover, psychuous pleasures can
continually increase with age as one widens his or her values, knowledge, and experience. In building psychuous
pleasures, a person's psychological growth can far outweigh so-called physical aging effects. Emotional and
physical pleasures as well as prosperity and happiness can increase indefinitely for any honest, productive
individual applying Neo-Tech knowledge.
For most people, both sexual and nonsexual pleasures unnecessarily diminish with age. Negative philosophical and
psychological changes occur as their futures fade and their spans of remaining years shrink. They despair and
become sour with age while increasingly surrendering to the mystics' come-to-God or waiting-for-death attitudes.
They surrender to the altruistic myth that older people should sacrifice themselves, their careers, their lives to
"make room" for youth. With that surrender, a person's happiness fades.
Despite what many physicians erroneously advise,[ 21 ] no mystic-free, productive person has to decline in
physical, mental, or sexual activity with age. All mystic-free, productive people can experience increasing
happiness and quality of life with age caused by increasing knowledge, growth, and experience: By applying the
Neo-Tech/Psychuous concepts, one can not only avoid the unnecessary, mystical decline toward death, but can
continually elevate his or her quality of life and psychuous growth through increasing knowledge and experience.
Sex never renews itself spontaneously. Left unattended, sex gradually diminishes in both quality and value. But
with Neo-Tech, the quality and value of sex is continuously renewed and expanded by constantly investing
conscious thought and effort into further developing personal values and earned power. The Neo-Tech/Psychuous
concepts allow never-aging growth on all levels of conscious human life (i.e., on physiological, psychological, and
philosophical levels). ...In a Neo-Tech civilization, one need not age, lose values...or die.

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[ 20 ] In the upsidedown, mystical death-oriented world, increasi ng age becomes an increasing liability on each
individual. In that mystical world, "It is better to be young than old". But in the Neo-Tech life-oriented world,
increasing age becomes an increasing asset of growth, knowledge, experience, especially as mystic-free
businesses develop commercial, non-aging biological immortality.
[ 21 ] Many physicians are incompetent, especially in the area of sex and aging. But most make themselves appear
as all-knowing and infallible to their patients. Following the advice of an incompetent physician can not only
damage a patient's physical well-being, but can cost the patient's happiness and life. Health, well-being, and
happiness are not the responsibilities of physicians, but are the prime self-responsibilities of each individual.
Neo-Tech Advantage #52
Most people dutifully profess love toward their children and parents. But often the past and present psychological
differences, irrationalities, conflicts, demands, and "duties" make genuine love and enjoyment between parents
and their children impossible. An important step toward emotional growth is to realize that no one has a duty to
love anyone, not even parents, children, husband, wife.
Genuine love occurs only voluntarily, through a mutual exchange of objective and emotional values. Genuine love
between parents and children can and does occur in those relationships in which objective values grow and are
exchanged. Occasionally, parents may be partially responsible for some problems experienced by certain
adolescents and young adults. Too often, however, parents are blamed for their grown children's faults, defaults,
sexual shortcomings, and other problems for which those grown children themselves are responsible. Blaming
parents only hides or avoids the self-responsibilities and efforts needed to correct one's own personal problems.
Major problems between parents and children often develop from the parents' failure to respect their own
children: their failure to treat children as human beings with individual rights. Parents, for example, commonly
initiate force and physically assault their children under the euphemisms of spankings, protection, discipline. [Re:
Concept 114, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia.] If children are not granted respect, they may never develop
respect for themselves, for their parents, or for values. Such children often develop into tomorrow's mystics and
neocheaters. They then survive by usurping their living as politicians, trouble-making lawyers, destructive
bureaucrats, criminals, theologians, media journalists, or educators who hold little or no respect for honesty.
By contrast, the two most valuable gifts parents can give their children are (1) respect as conscious beings with
individual rights, and (2) environments that promote honesty, assertive effort, integrity, independence, and the
skill to perceive reality accurately.
Neo-Tech Advantage #53
Sexual feelings begin long before puberty. As noted by Havelock Ellis, Freud, and Kinsey, very young children and
even babies two and three months old have sexual experiences (both through self-stimulation and through

handling, caring, and fondling by parents). Valid sensuous/sexual pleasures can be experienced between child and
parent, especially between mother and child during nursing or nude cuddling. While such pleasures are loving,
healthy, and beneficial, those pleasurable values for both the child and parent are often inhibited by incest fears
and taboos.
Adolescent sex never need be approached with inhibition or forbiddance. But few adolescents have sufficient
emotional development, knowledge, or desire for deep emotional involvements and serious mutual commitments
with sexual partners. For adolescents and adults alike, sexual involvement should always be judged from a goodfor-me/bad-for-me standard. Serious sexual experiences that deliver growth and happiness through exchanges
of objective values are usually good for everyone involved, regardless of age. But sexual relations that are casual,
not grounded in objective values, or neurotically based are bad for everyone, regardless of age. For casual sexual
relationships undermine self-esteem and psychuous pleasures.
Adolescents having sexual relationships before they are able or desire to involve themselves in serious, valueexchanging relationships will undermine their future capacity for romantic love. The loss of self-esteem resulting
from casually giving away one's personal self militates against psychuous pleasures, romantic love, and longrange happiness. For, casual or manipulative sex undercuts self-esteem. But, by understanding the concepts of
psychuous sex, one can identify and correct past sexual errors while creating conditions for psychuous
Marriage itself is no criterion to commence sexual relations. In fact, avoiding sex until marriage would usually be
irrational and potentially harmful to future happiness. In any romantic-love relationship, satisfactory sex is
required for full emotional intimacy and growth. In addition to achieving emotional growth, value-oriented
premarital sex helps eliminate harmful anxieties for sex performance often experienced in virginal marriages.
That release from sexual anxieties lets each partner concentrate on those nonsexual aspects required for longlasting, value-producing, romantic relationships.
Nonmarital sexual relations can provide a full range of sexual values and psychuous pleasures. [Re: Concept 68,
Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia.] Serious nonmarital sexual affairs offer important life-lifting values while
avoiding the sacrifice of happiness that dominates closed marriages based on duty and sacrifice rather than
honesty and values. Moreover, nonmarital sexual relationships generally allow more time and freedom for selfdevelopment and career advancement, which in turn, provides increasing values, happiness, and strength to the
Most valid, growing romantic-love relationships can and do lead to marriage[ 22 ], usually a flourishing, lasting
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[ 22 ] Marriage in that context does not necessarily mean "legal" marriage, but means any serious long-term,
romantic-love relationship mutually agreed on by each partner. "Legal" marriage has no bearing on the success
or failure of a relationship. The mutual decision for sharing life in a serious, sexual-love relationship is the
fundamental entity for building a romantic-love relationship that delivers psychuous pleasures and long-range

Neo-Tech Advantage #54

The first known sex manual was written about 2 B.C. by a Roman named Ovid. His manual stressed seduction
techniques for casual sex. In addition, the manual aggressively promoted the Don Juan and "Playboy" fun views of
sex while teaching various role-playing games and manipulative techniques for the seduction of women.
The Don Juan and "Playboy" approaches to sex use hypnosis,[ 23 ] manipulations of sex partners, and pragmatic
dishonesty of professing "sincerity", "seriousness", and "love" when strategically advantageous for conquest. But
most modern-day Don Juans can only feign lust while actually being terrified of their own sexual inadequacies. In
fact, most macho Don Juans have never experienced psychological orgasms and remain psychosexual virgins all
their lives -- they never develop a capacity for delivering or receiving psychuous pleasures. More simply, macho
men are males who have never sexually matured or grown up. [Re: concept 45, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]
Behind every sexual relationship is either a healthy or an unhealthy motive, although often hidden or
subconscious. A person should become aware of one's own as well as his or her partner's motive for a sexual
relationship. Hiding unhealthy or neurotic motives for a sexual relationship is eventually harmful to both partners.
Negative, after-reaction emotions are natural warning signals from the human nervous system. If a person does
something that is "not good for me" physically or psychologically, the nervous system will let that person know
with hangover reactions of pain, anxiety, or discomfort. After-the-fact feelings transmitted from the nervous
system always signal if past actions were objectively "good for me" or "bad for me".
No matter how irrational or immoral if enacted in reality, fantasies are never immoral, wrong, or harmful when
experienced or expressed without external action. For, fantasies are never harmful as long as they remain in the
non-action, fantasy stage.
Seductiveness (in the traditional, casual-sex sense) and sensuousness are two different qualities. Traditional
seductiveness involves sly trickery to accomplish an end (e.g., sexual seduction) -- often for neurotic macho-like
purposes (e.g., to bolster a weak self-esteem).
Sensuousness, on the other hand, involves openness and self-expression free of guilt.[ 24 ] Sensuousness is a
healthy trait, while seductiveness is generally an unhealthy trait. Sensuousness for enhancing personal appeal
arises from rational efforts that enhances self-esteem and long-range happiness. Seductiveness for manipulating
sex partners arises from irrational laziness that undercuts self-esteem and long-range happiness.
But, seduction techniques for serious sex can be honest and beneficial. Those techniques are more accurately
described as "sensuous projections" and differ from casual seduction techniques that depend on deceit. Sensuous
projections are done through both verbal and body communication. The presentation of a person's body and words
can be sexually attractive if projected with calculated thought. Those techniques are nonmanipulative and can be
mastered through understanding the nature of psychuous sex. Men and women using the Neo-Tech/Psychuous
concepts can quickly achieve effective sensuous-projection techniques. The techniques involve integrating
clothes, cosmetics, hair with one's body, face, voice, expressions -- all combined to project sexual attractiveness.
Once acquired, those advantage-gaining techniques are available for life.
A basic right, indeed a self-duty, of every human being is to be sexually attractive. Natural attractiveness is a
given that has no moral virtue. But self-made, sexual attractiveness is an admirable, moral virtue that requires
continuous thought and effort. Keeping one's self sexually attractive throughout life is a highly rational act of selfresponsibility that delivers increased power, prosperity, and romantic love. ...Contrary to the cancer seeds

planted by mystics and neocheaters, self-made sexiness does not reflect any lack of values or promiscuity. But, to
the contrary, self-made sexiness reflects a respect for values and self.
The primary attraction between two people moving toward rational, romantic-love relationships is their character
traits, not their personality traits. Likewise, character development is the chief element in successful romanticlove relationships. And a romantic relationship based on psychuous sex usually develops into a mutual seduction
process. During that process both partners project mounting sensuous, sexual attractiveness between them. Nonmanipulative seductions are innocent projections of sexual attractiveness combined with trust, honesty, and care.
That kind of seduction helps both partners plumb rich, personal depths with each other -- physically and
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[ 23 ] Rapid hypnosis and self-hypnosis techniques can be easily mastered (e.g., see Bibliography Summary Table
B-2 in Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia for D. Elman's book, "Exploration in Hypnosis", Nash Publishing. Note:
Amateur hypnosis can do psychological damage and is not recommended in any form). Indirect, subtle forms of
hypnosis are the most important tools in a Don Juan's seduction repertoire. Ironically, a subconscious form of
negative-feedback self-hypnosis is the primary mechanism that leads to impotence and frigidity not only for Don
Juans, but for almost everyone who dishonestly manipulates sex partners.
[ 24 ] Self-expression is reflected in a person's body movements. The combined effects of guiltless relaxation and
awareness of bodily pleasures allow the muscular motions to function in a free-movement, animal-like
the graceful, pleasurable way the human body is meant to move (such as in the gracefully sensuous movements of
cats through their free, guiltless nature). A human being is a beautifully graceful animal when the total muscle
system is functioning in a guiltlessly relaxed, free-flowing state. That state is reached by using Neo-Tech to
expunge the unnecessary guilt, tensions, and problems laid on everyone for 2000 years by the professional
mystics and neocheaters.
Neo-Tech Advantage #55
Because of their greater ease in initially attracting sexual partners, individuals with great natural, physical beauty
must be cautious of the tempting traps inherent in easily obtainable sexual love:
A few people, because of their stunning natural beauty, are not directly subjected to nature's vigorous sexual
competition. To achieve love, sexual pleasures, and happiness, most people recognize early in life that they must
become competitively attractive through high-effort development of character and competence. In adulthood,
those who grew up accepting the challenge to self-develop can easily outcompete those naturally beautiful people
who earlier in life never experienced those pressures to develop. As a result, many people with great natural
beauty sadly grow old remaining undeveloped, immature, incompetent, unable to love or be loved.
Achieving psychuous pleasures and romantic love requires the same discipline, thought, and effort for every
individual, regardless of innate physical appearances. Likewise, a person must be cautious of involvement with
people of exceptional, natural beauty whose personal lives reflect low-effort, low-productivity. Such individuals

often let their natural beauty substitute for the long-term effort required to develop characters of competence,
self-esteem, and sensuosity required for romantic-love.[ 25 ] Thus, underdeveloped, beautiful people are often
airheads -- often boring, value-draining people who are poor lovers with low self-esteems.
Naturally beautiful people can easily develop "lady-killer" or "man-killer" syndromes in their relationships. Being a
seductive "killer" can temporarily boost a weak ego by feeling a power to destroy values and hurt others. But that
syndrome leads the perpetrator into life-wasting, destructive relationships. Indeed, a person who mistreats or
manipulates his or her love partner usually suffers much more in the long run than the abused partner. For that
abused partner will have new chances for love and happiness. But the chronic manipulator loses his or her
capacity for love and is left with a future of increasing unhappiness, sexual incompetence, romantic failures, and
ultimate loneliness.
Conscious Loss of Potency
Anxieties caused by pressures from "expected" sexual performances cause impotence and frigidity. Impotence
also occurs through put-down statements or actions from a partner. Such statements or actions occur either
willfully and maliciously or through error and ignorance. But the effects of such damage are often limited to that
particular relationship. Thus, once the problem is identified, the victim can promptly abandon that destructive
relationship. Decisively rejecting a "castrating" or "frigidizing" partner usually restores full sexual capacity.
Subconscious Loss of Potency
A less obvious, more dangerous pressure subconsciously corrupts the mind. That pressure comes from listening
to false or undercutting statements about the sexual performance of one's own self or others. Such statements,
no matter how false, involuntarily lodge in the subconscious mind. That happens even when the conscious mind
rejects such statements as false [Re: Concept 77, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. By that mechanism, a
subconscious undermining of a person's sexual potency or character can occur in one of two ways: (1) by
innuendo and other indirect forms of communication, or (2) by sexual or character put-down humor. Even if the
conscious mind rejects such put downs, the choice to grant credibility by voluntarily listening lets the
subconscious mind accept such specious, harmful information as valid.
The nonanalytical, subconscious mind does not evaluate assertions. The subconscious mind does not distinguish
honest from dishonest information or serious from humorous situations. Thus, on entering the subconscious, the
false information gradually works its undermining damage on the mind and nervous system. For that reason, a
person should never propagate or even listen to unjust put downs, attacks, jokes, or gossip concerning the
character or sexuality about oneself or anyone else. ...Such is the ear and mouth responsibility of everyone.
A person, however, should always be open and receptive to constructive, factually valid criticism about oneself or
Impotence and frigidity also develop when a man tries to oppress a woman, or vice versa. A person's willingness
to accept such oppression blocks the possibility for psychuous pleasures. Such mutual acquiescence to
oppression leads to impotence and frigidity in both partners.[ 26 ] By contrast, a man's psychosexual dominance
and a woman's act of sexual surrender harmonize with the physical and psychological nature of human beings [Re:
Concept 47, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. That psychological dominant/surrender interaction permits both
partners to achieve the guiltless freedom and emotional closeness necessary for psychuous pleasures.
On the physical level or even on the fantasy level, the dominant/surrender sexual roles can and should be
reversed between the man and woman whenever desired. But on a psychological level, those sexual roles cannot
be reversed.

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[ 25 ] Often displaying similar development problems are homosexu als. For, they can easily acquire promiscuous,
low-effort sexual affairs without subjecting themselves to the pressures of heterosexual competition. Indeed,
heterosexual competitive environments exert healthy pressures needed for developing strong, mature,
responsible adults.
[ 26 ] Chronic mistreatment of a partner almost always involves the tacit willingness of the abused partner. The
willingness to mistreat or be mistreated is so profoundly unnatural that psychuous pleasures are impossible in
any relationship allowing such mistreatment.
Neo-Tech Advantage #56
[see pages iv-v for definition of Psychuous Pleasures]
Psychuous pleasures and all other beneficial pleasures naturally and forever integrate with a person's physical or
psychological life -- or both. By contrast, mystical pleasures and all other destructive pleasures unnaturally and
always disintegrate a person's physical or psychological life -- or both.
Essentially all growth in government power diminishes psychuous pleasures in everyone by continually
undermining and violating individual rights. For, only through exercising individual rights can people achieve
psychuous pleasures. And they exercise those rights through their own efforts, free from mystics, external
"authorities", and neocheaters. Indeed, individual or property rights[ 27 ] are necessary for a person to live as
human beings are designed to live -- to live according to one's biological nature. Still, those rights have been
systematically violated to varying degrees by all governments and religions throughout history.
Today, for the first time in history, Neo-Tech/Psychuous concepts are available to the public. Neo-Tech forever
breaks the stranglehold of guilt and sacrifice foisted on the value producers by political and religious value
destroyers. Today, Neo-Tech breaks that stranglehold to free all productive individuals. Neo-Tech allows those
value producers to discover prosperity, psychuous pleasures, and abiding happiness that belong to them. NeoTech releases them from the neocheaters who have always lived off the efforts and earnings of others. If value
producers use Neo-Tech to reject the guilt foisted on them by the professional mystic and neocheater, they will
free themselves not only for psychuous pleasures but for financial prosperity, abiding happiness, and biological
immortality [Re: Concepts 145, 146, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia].
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[ 27 ] Individual rights and property rights are the same and ins eparable. Private property is a natural extension
of every human being. And that extension is essential for a person to effectively produce values for others in

order to achieve prosperity and happiness. Without property rights, individual rights have no meaning. With
property rights fully protected, individual rights are fully protected. ..."Human rights", by contrast, is a fake term
conjured up by neocheaters to violate individual rights. "Human rights" is a meaningless concept. Only individual
rights can exist or be violated.
Neo-Tech Advantage #57
Most people call natural phenomena such as various survival and mating behaviors "instinct". But "instinct" is a
mystical term that does not exist in humans or in animals. The term "instinct" implies inborn or innate knowledge,
which is a false notion. The use of "instinct" to explain behavior is to explain nothing. Moreover, the "instinct"
explanation closes further investigation into that which is not yet understood or known. "Instinct" is a mystical,
anti-intellectual, anti-scientific term. For, accepting that catchall term as an explanation precludes further
intellectual and scientific efforts to discover the reasons for various behaviors. Accepting "instinct" as an
explanation for any human behavior constitutes accepting the mystical concept that knowledge can be inborn or
innately acquired without the self-efforts required for acquiring all knowledge. Likewise, all living species function
through definable, understandable biological actions and reactions, not through undefinable, mystical "instincts".
To explain anything as "instinct" is a default to the mystic's desire for automatic, inborn, effortless knowledge.
Neo-Tech Advantage #58
Achieving and maintaining good physical fitness and appearance are necessary for developing psychuous
pleasures and long-range happiness. On the other hand, physical appearances not within one's control are
unimportant for achieving psychuous pleasures and happiness. The difference, for example, is between being
sloppy and ugly. The natural, physically ugly person can choose to develop beauty through character development
and sensuous efforts. He or she can then experience the full range of psychuous pleasures and happiness. But
careless or sloppy people can never fully experience psychuous pleasures and happiness as long as they choose
to remain careless and lazy about self and life. For by not caring about self and life, they obliterate their selfesteem and desirability, while cutting themselves off from love and happiness. ...How can anyone ultimately care
about those who do not care about themselves?
Consider people who let themselves grow fat.[ 28 ] Such people have chosen to travel on a death curve [Re: Table
32, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. Traveling that route, a person's unhappiness and probability of death
increases with increasing fatness. In turn, that route devastates a person's self-esteem and happiness.
Certain natural body functions are inconvenient, painful, unpleasant. For example, menstruation and child birth
labor are not convenient or pleasant body functions, even though they are completely natural. Such inconvenient
or painful body functions should be diminished by any practical, safe means. For example, safe and painless child
birth methods are now available. And new menses techniques can conveniently eliminate most of the unpleasant
effects of monthly menstruation. [Re: Our Bodies, Ourselves, the Boston Women's Health Book Collective, Simon &
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[ 28 ] Many fat people have self-inflicted metabolic problems tha t make permanent weight reduction difficult
(even with near-starvation, carbohydrate diets). To effectively lose weight, such people must permanently
restrict carbohydrates from their diets via high protein diets (as outlined in Dr. Atkins' book, Dr. Atkins' Diet
Revolution, McKay). But those high-protein diets are safe only for aerobically fit people as identified in the two
footnotes on page 132. [Re: Concept 91, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]
Neo-Tech Advantage #59
People who let themselves physically deteriorate or grow obese lose the capacity for psychuous pleasures from
both physical and psychological capacities.
Nearly anyone at any age in any physical condition can achieve optimum physical fitness by gradually increasing
physical stress with an aerobic-type program totaling less than two hours per week of running, swimming,
bicycling, or brisk walking as described in Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper's book, Aerobics.[ 29 ] Permanent, optimum body
weight can be achieved through low-carbohydrate diet as described in Dr. Robert C. Atkins' book, Dr. Atkins' Diet
Revolution[ 30 ]. Both books taken together are major contributions to human health and well-being that deliver
attractiveness, vigor, and happiness.
A physically fit body is needed to enjoy the full range of psychuous pleasures. The easiest, most efficient way to
get and stay in optimum physical condition is to accumulate 30 aerobic points per week according to Dr. Cooper's
conditioning system and to eat less than 40 grams of carbohydrate per day according to Dr. Atkins' diet system.
(Both books should be read and understood before embarking on the combined aerobic-fitness/low-carbohydrate
diet.) A trim, fit body adds a major increment of pleasure to nearly every facet of living, especially to work,
romance, and sex.
Addictions to sugar, drugs, alcohol, caffeine, nicotine not only undercut physical fitness, personal appearance,
personality, and health, but will steadily diminish a person's self-control, self-esteem, and happiness. Such
addictions are rampantly common, yet widely unadmitted. Addictions and compulsions also undermine honesty
because they constantly require dishonest rationalizations. That dishonesty, in turn, reduces self-esteem,
competence, productivity, and psychuous pleasures. ...The Neo-Tech/Psychuous concepts provide a powerful
philosophical/psychological base for eliminating all mysticisms that promote addictions and compulsions.
Contrary to popular opinion, no natural conflict exists between the mind and body (or between the intellect and
emotions). By nature, the mind and body are designed to work in beneficial harmony with each other -- and they
do when each is used according to its biological nature.[ 31 ] When the mind and body are not used according to
their biological natures, then conflict, pain, and damage result.
An individual has much more voluntary control over his or her physical and mental health than most people
realize. Over the long range, a person has almost total control over his or her emotional and physical well-being.
By choosing to consistently use the mind rationally in becoming an honest, productive, independent human being,[
32 ] a person can control his or her own psychological and physical well-being. Every individual always has the
choice to rationally solve problems or to default on that responsibility. Those who chronically default on that selfresponsibility have no way to earn prosperity, self-esteem, psychuous pleasures, romantic love, or abiding
Some knowledge has been developed toward understanding the psychosomatic links between the mind, body, and
various ailments. The mind-body links are probably much more significant than currently realized. With advancing
medical knowledge about controlling body functions and combining the nervous system with Neo-Tech, people may
someday vanquish even cancer and heart disease through the long-range, controlled use of their minds and
bodies.[ 33 ] But, little valid information has been published concerning the mind and a person's potential to

control one's well-being. Specific Neothink books on this subject yet to be published include the definitive diet book
titled, "The CAS Happiness Diet". That diet eliminates the three most widely used drugs that undermine human life,
health, and happiness -- Caffeine, Alcohol, Sugar.
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[ 29 ] The best reference for physical fitness through an aerobic s program is Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper's original
book, Aerobics, Bantam Books. Dr. Cooper is the originator and developer of the aerobic, physical-fitness system
[Re: Book Analysis 2, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia].
[ 30 ] The best reference for weight control through a low carbohydrate diet is Dr. Robert C. Atkins' book, Dr.
Atkins' Diet Revolution, David McKay Company. [Re: Book Analysis 27, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. Despite
the distorted attacks on Dr. Atkins' diet by many "nutritionists" and some in the medical profession and the A.M.A.,
Dr. Atkins has developed the most scientifically sound dietary information offered to date. Dr. Atkins' contribution
to human well being can significantly extend and improve the lives of those who choose to be both physically and
aerobically fit. His dietary approach is tailored to the natural carnivorous physiology of human beings. In addition
to reaching and maintaining optimum body weight, the low carbohydrate diet can reduce or eliminate the most
common forms of chronic fatigue (hypoglycemia or low blood sugar). Dr. Atkins' diet, therefore, can increase a
person's capacity for psychuous pleasures and life itself. But because of the high-cholesterol content, Dr. Atkins'
diet is recommended only for those becoming and remaining aerobically fit. ...Any high-protein, low-carbohydrate
diet cannot be safely separated from aerobic fitness.
[ 31 ] Objective human standards must be based on the biological natures of men and women functioning as the
human organism is designed to function. By integrating logic with the nature of existence, then the biological
function of the mind becomes obvious: to identify and integrate reality so human beings can become self-sufficient
and independent (materially, intellectually, psychologically, emotionally). Fulfilling integrated biological needs is
necessary to experience the self-worth and competence needed to achieve increasing prosperity, psychuous
pleasures, and abiding happiness.
[ 32 ] Human beings genuinely prosper only through the rational use of their minds. By dealing logically with
reality through integrated thinking, they achieve self-sufficiency and independence by producing values for
[ 33 ] The consistent rational use of the mind through mystic-free integrated thinking to control the long-range
development of one's life is the opposite of the mystics' specious shortcut notions of "mind over matter" or their
unintegrated wishful thinking of (1) the mind willing "reality" or (2) others showing them the "truth".

Neo-Tech Advantage #60

Mysticism, alcohol, marijuana, and other reality-distorting agents have both short-range and long-range harmful
effects on health and happiness. Even in moderate amounts, mysticism, alcohol, and drugs distort reality. And all
distortions of reality are harmful because the human organism depends on accurate perception of reality to be
competent, competitive, and to make the non-mystical judgments necessary for prosperous, happy survival. The
illusionary values of mysticism, alcohol, and drugs arise from their reality-distorting effects. Indeed drugs,
alcohol, and mysticism can feel like old, comfortable, warm friends. But, in the long term, they deliver only harm,
incompetence, and unhappiness. And their distortions can initially be so well rationalized that the mystic, the
alcohol user, or the drug user can easily choose to remain unaware of the mounting damage until permanent loss
of happiness and energy become inescapable.
Damage from mysticism, alcohol, and drugs can range from a quick overdose death or suicide, to an unhappy
truncated life, to the more subtle psychological and physiological damages that occur even with moderate use of
mysticism, alcohol, and drugs. For example, minor indulgences in mysticism can lead to disastrous losses of
values. Or even a few alcoholic drinks cause irreversible damage to certain brain cells by a dehydration that
causes a sludging together of red blood cells. Such sludging clogs the blood capillaries; thus, the amount of oxygen
reaching those brain cells via the minutest capillaries diminishes. Some of those oxygen-starved brain cells die
each time that dehydration or sludging occurs. Damaged or destroyed brain cells do not regenerate. Any single
occurrence of alcohol brain-cell damage is not measurable. But the effect is cumulative, gradually yielding
measurable, permanently damaging effects.
Likewise, marijuana disorients the electrical brain patterns to diminish one's quality of thinking and order of
priorities. For example, marijuana tends to convert demanding action and ambition into passive dreams and
laziness. More serious, that movement from effort and ambition to passivity and dreams may be cumulative.
Furthermore, the mystical-dream effects of marijuana destroy competence. Also, investigations by Masters and
Johnson show that male marijuana users experience drops in testosterone of 40% and more. Reduced
testosterone causes reduced sex drive, an atrophy of male sex organs, a softening of muscle tissue, and a
wimpish decrease in aggressiveness. In addition, marijuana can enter the fetuses of pregnant women to possibly
influence the sexual development of unborn males; for testosterone is essential to the sexual development of
males. ...Drugs such as cocaine and heroin are simply more aggressive forms of suicide.
Despite the damaging effects of alcohol and drugs, no rational or moral reason exists for government to restrict,
control, or forbid by force the sale or use of alcohol or drugs in any way whatsoever. No one or no government
has the right to initiate or threaten force against any individual who is not violating the individual or property
rights of others. Individuals have the basic right to do anything with their lives they choose, including damaging
themselves by using alcohol and drugs, just as they have the right to damage themselves with sugar, tobacco,
religion, promiscuous sex, mysticism, and long as they do not initiate threats, force, or fraud against
any other individual.
Any use of force to accomplish a "good" always, by nature, does much more long-range harm to people and
society than any intended good. Moreover, those who use or advocate such force seldom have honest or innocent
intentions, no matter what their external appearances. And in using force to prohibit drugs, the enforcers are not
only morally wrong, but their policies of force drive drug prices far above their free-market values. Those
artificially high prices, in turn, allow organized crime to flourish through the extremely high-profit margins
guaranteed by the government enforcers.

Indeed, those government-created, sky-high prices cause the addict to push drugs onto others, especially onto
vulnerable children and adolescents. The addicts must push drugs in order to obtain the cash needed to pay for
the grossly inflated drugs. Thus, government oppression of individual rights through force creates hundreds of
thousands of young, new addicts each year because of anti-drug laws. In addition, the desperate, dying addict will
rob, mug, commit mayhem, murder -- he will do anything to raise the money required to buy the governmentinflated drugs.
And finally, as during government-enforcd alcohol prohibition three generations ago, the anti-drug laws are by far
the greatest boon and source of wealth to organized crime. The government through its power-usurping
oppression creates huge, lucrative markets from which organized crime prospers and grows.
Drugs cause many psychological and physical problems that diminish prosperity, romantic love, and psychuous
pleasures [Re: Table 33, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. Other diminishers of prosperity and happiness
include mystical, religious, and political activities as well as lying, self-lying, praying, promiscuous sex, and the use
of tobacco, sugar, and caffeine.
Breaking sugar, tobacco, and caffeine habits quickly improves a person's quality of life. A person's self-esteem
also significantly increases by eliminating habits that are destructive to the conscious mind and physical body.
...The surest way to stop smoking is to make a nonnegotiable decision to stop smoking completely and
forever...and then stop completely and forever without using any crutches such as increased eating, snacking,
sweets, sucking Lifesavers, or excessive bragging. A person who uses such crutches will almost always return to
smoking sooner or later. The decision to stop must be decisive, irrevocable, uncompromisable, and forever.
Likewise, caffeine in coffee, cola, and chocolate is a stimulant drug. Aside from the depressing psychological
effects of being controlled by a habit, prolonged and excessive use of caffeine can physically damage parts of the
body such as the kidneys and pancreas and can adversely affect carbohydrate metabolism. That, in turn, can add
to the damage and unhappiness caused by sugar consumption. Except for mysticism, the most common and
destructive drug is the sedative sugar. Indeed, sugar causes more unhappiness, illness, and deaths through body
mutilation (obesity), metabolic damage, physical and psychological harm than all other drugs combined.
But, the most pervasive and destructive of all diseases is mysticism. In fact, for 3000 years, mysticism has been
far more destructive on human life than all the other diseases on this planet combined.
Neo-Tech Advantage #61
Casual sex, mysticism, neocheating, dishonesty, deceptive manipulation, compulsive gambling, hard and soft
drugs, tobacco, caffeine, excessive alcohol, sugar, and prayer are long-term, negative aphrodisiacs that
undermine self-esteem, romantic love, and psychuous pleasures. Also, folk-lore aphrodisiacs such as Spanish fly,
yohimbine, ginseng root, and others have no long-term or physiological aphrodisiac value. The only effective
aphrodisiacs are a desirable sexual partner, physical fitness, and the psychological/philosophical conditions of
Neo-Tech that allow psychuous pleasures to flourish through the production and exchange of values.
Neo-Tech Advantage #62
Some people try to get involved too quickly in deep romantic relationships. The possible penalties of pressing for
deep involvement too quickly include losing a potential romantic-love partner or unnecessarily wasting an
irreplaceable portion of one's life by locking into a time-wasting destructive relationship.

Many initial approaches to romantic love are possible: Some start hot and flaming, others start cool and
conservatively. But the way a romantic relationship starts is usually unimportant because romantic love evolves
through the exchange of mutually beneficial values. Therefore, any initial, honest approach is good and normally
does not determine the outcome. ...What determines the success of a relationship is the creation and growth of
mutually beneficial values.
By applying Neo-Tech/Psychuous Concepts, a person increases his or her Life-Lifting Capacity.[ 34 ] With that
capacity, a person can lift a potential, romantic-love partner to new experiences and levels at which
romantic love can move forward through mutual growth. By increasing one's own Life-Lifting Capacity, that
person increases his or her skills for developing romantic relationships capable of generating psychuous
pleasures and abiding happiness.
Paradoxically, only those partners who are free and independent can make honest, long-range commitments to
build abiding romantic relationships. Partners involved in romantic relationships can and should avoid authoritybacked commitments to the future. The only commitment between romantic-love partners necessary for success
is a commitment to honesty and growth.
If a relationship grows out of honest free-choice, the values accumulate naturally. The relationship then
increasingly forms a self-chosen permanence. If growth continues, the relationship can gain unbreakable strength
and permanence. If growth stops, the relationship can benevolently end with most of the accumulated values
retained by each partner. As a result, each partner will have expanded his and her capacity for future
relationships. In addition, the benevolent termination of a value-oriented relationship can (if the partners so
choose) remain open to possible changes that would allow resumption of growth and the relationship.
Since no one does or can know everything, everyone will at times make errors in his or her personal life. A person
is particularly susceptible to errors in the initial stages of a relationship because of limited knowledge and
experience about the new situation. Certain errors, if unrecognized or left uncorrected, can unnecessarily end a
potentially good romantic-love relationship. With explicit knowledge of the Neo-Tech/Psychuous concepts, the
possibilities of such errors are sharply reduced. And when errors do occur, they are usually quickly corrected by
applying the Neo-Tech/Psychuous concepts.
The need for compromise in a love relationship is a value-diminishing, guilt-generating myth promoted by
altruists, egalitarians, theologians, and other neocheaters. With the Neo-Tech/Psychuous concepts as a guide,
conflicts between partners can be resolved without either partner's best interests being compromised,
diminished, or sacrificed.
Romantic love never occurs automatically or by chance. Life values are earned through hard, honest efforts. That
means constant, conscious efforts orchestrated in full accord with reality. As with all important values, romantic
love and psychuous pleasures demand thought, effort, and time to develop. The positive values generated are
proportional to the rational thought and honest effort invested. ...Romantic love, as any important personal value,
is attained through the DTC technique: Discipline, Thought, and then Control. [Re: Concept 94, Neo-Tech Reference
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[ 34 ] Life-Lifting Capacity does not mean changing or rem olding another individual to suit one's own desires. LifeLifting Capacity means providing an environment that helps other people discover and fulfill their own unrealized
capacities and potential.
Neo-Tech Advantage #63
Actions based on standards of other people or "authorities" stifle self-discovery and block the personal and
intellectual growth necessary for romantic love and psychuous pleasures. Within romantic love, no action or
behavior needs the approval or sanction of anyone beyond the partners themselves. Couples can and should
experience any and all nondestructive sexual and nonsexual experiences they mutually desire.
As one develops intellectual and emotional character, that person's standards for romantic love rise. But rising
standards cause a decline in the percentage of potential partners that could satisfy a romantic relationship.
Partly offsetting that percentage decline, however, is personal growth, which increases the opportunities to
contact higher-quality, potential partners.
Romantic love cannot survive a continually widening disparity of personal growth and character development
between partners. For that widening disparity will eventually undermine any romantic-love relationship. A
widening disparity between partners eventually generates reactions of inadequacy, jealousy, possessiveness,
even envy in the less developed partner -- and resentment, dissatisfaction, or disinterest in the more developed
partner. Romantic-love relationships, however, can grow and flourish even if wide differences exist in creative or
other abilities between partners. The key is growth: Disparity itself is not important if it does not widen -- if both
partners are creating and sharing growth. [Re: Concept 95, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia] Also, romanticlove relationships can flourish even with great differences in personalities. ...Growing values and attraction in
romantic love arise from character growth and development, not from personality traits. These as all values
evolve from DTC -- Discipline, Thought, and then Control.
Neo-Tech Advantage #64
A romantic-love relationship has three segments:
1. Fundamental Basis
2. Man-Woman Relationship
3. Future Potential
Those three segments are identified below:
Fundamental Basis
The Fundamental Basis is the starting point of all relationships. That starting point is the similarity of both
partners' views of life and their underlying philosophical premises. Without that base of philosophical harmony, no
solid ground for mutual development of a value-oriented, romantic-love relationship would exist.
Forming and building a fundamental base is not a process of creating, but one of discovering mutual values, ideas,
and thoughts already held. This segment of romantic love is usually the fastest, easiest aspect of the relationship
to identify and establish. But discovering the infinite depth and full nature of one's partner is an exciting, life-long,
unfolding process. Most of the fundamental, philosophical links between two people can usually be recognized
early in the relationship. Unfortunately, one's fundamental basis is relatively easy to fake. Faking one's
fundamental self to attract a love partner, however, is a disastrous error that will eventually be paid for in lost

love, lost time, reduced self-esteem, diminished happiness, and a dimmed future, especially for the one doing the
Man-Woman Relationship
In order to establish a growing, long-range relationship, each partner must understand the ideas that the other
holds about man-woman relationships. In order for both partners to work effectively toward creating a
relationship, they must first identify the basis and nature of their own relationship. The Neo-Tech/Psychuous
concepts identify the basis for man-woman relationships designed to yield growth, psychuous pleasures, and
Future Potential
A romantic-love relationship moves forward with motivation and anticipation through a vision of future values,
benefits, and happiness. The potential of a love relationship is a function of:
a. The nature of the relationship.
b. Each partner's rate and direction of evolvement or development.
c. The amount of rational thought and effort each partner keeps putting into the relationship.
Neo-Tech Advantage #65
Two types of romantic-love relationships exist:
Type A
Working Jointly Toward Major Experiences and Goals
One partner works through the other more creative or active partner in climbing to increasing levels of
accomplishment. Both partners share the rewards according to the values that each contribute. The more
productive, creative, efficient, one partner becomes, the greater are the benefits and growth opportunities for the
other partner. In turn, that partner then grows to become increasingly valuable to the other partner. Each
partner benefits greatly from such a combined working/growing relationship. And such a relationship is mutually
advantageous even when major differences in productivity, creativity, or energy exist between partners. (A
difference in productivity does not imply a difference in personal character.) In such a joint-working relationship,
even wide differences in productivity and creativity do not threaten the relationship, so long as growing values
are being exchanged between the partners.
A joint-working relationship has the outstanding advantage not only of the partners sharing much larger portions
of their lives, but of the partners living their lives more intensely together. ...They are living integrally together
before, during, and after work, everyday. They move on their goals, careers, essences, integrated thinking, and
happiness together. They can each be more effective, efficient, and happier working together than working
separately. They can become major, irreplaceable, growing values to each other.
Type B
Working Separately Toward Major Experiences and Goals
Each partner can pursue independent routes toward separate careers or goals. And each can benefit from such a
relationship by the cross-sharing of experiences, emotions, and rewards of their separate experiences and

accomplishments. The separate-working relationship need be neither threatening nor competitive for either
partner, but rather can be a continuous source of pleasures and enrichment not available to either partner alone.
Both A and B type relationships offer unlimited opportunities for personal growth and happiness. In such valueproducing relationships, each partner knows either implicitly or explicitly that intimacy, pleasures, and happiness
in a relationship arise from sharing personal growth, not from possessing or owning one another.
Neo-Tech Advantage #66
People are not equal in value or worth. Only in the rights to their own lives and property are people equal. Those
and only those rights are inalienable for all human beings. By nature, no one has an automatic or natural right to
anything else in life. Moreover, beyond the equality of individual or property rights, nothing is, can, or should be
equal between human beings. Profound differences exist among people in their self-made qualities such as
character development, earned skills, self-worth, extrinsic worth, aspects of intelligence, self-esteem, life-lifting
capacity, psychuous-pleasures capacity.
The "average individual" does not exist. Each individual is unique. Average characteristics are a statistical tool
that cannot be applied to any individual. So many variables are involved in an individual's character, physical
structure, and psychological makeup that no individual can possibly be an average person. Moreover, no average
psychology or lifestyle exists. In fact, all rational psychologies have a "random-walk" capacity for delivering
happiness. That means that every rational, productive individual has the same capacity for earning abiding
happiness regardless of intelligence, psychology, or job status. Abiding happiness is possible to the extent that a
person rejects mysticism in utilizing the mind to think rationally and in exerting the effort to live fully.
Each adult stands uniquely separate and alone on his or her honesty, character, and earned worth. In dealing with
anyone in a relationship (especially a romantic relationship), a person's honesty, character, and self-earned
values count above all else. And earned values always determine one's self-esteem and happiness despite the
constant efforts by politicians, media journalists, cartoonists, social "intellectuals" and other neocheaters to use
nonearned characteristics such as face, skin, sex, age, race, nationality, or family background to praise, pay off,
judge, or condemn people. Constant exposure to the anti-individualistic myths pushed by professional mystics and
neocheaters diminish one's ability to honestly judge character and earned worth. Recognition of an individual's
earned worth is the cornerstone of justice and essential for romantic love and psychuous pleasures.
People who choose mystical lives and destructive "careers" (such as politicians, theologians, and criminals)
experience continuously decreasing self-esteems along with diminishing capacities for happiness and pleasures.
Every person does, however, have the capacity to change personally by rejecting all forms of mysticism to
become an honest, strong, productive individual able to achieve growing prosperity, abiding happiness, and
psychuous pleasures.
Neo-Tech Advantage #67
People are capable of change...of changing their lives, character, attitudes, views, and actions. To be real,
however, such changes must occur through one's own choices motivated by one's own desires and self-interest.
Basic changes can never be successfully imposed on anyone, not even by a person's love partner. Changes
accomplished by force, threat, coercion, or pressure are not genuine changes, but are pretenses or changes in
external appearance designed to deceive, relieve pressures, or to avoid threatened consequences. Such feigned
changes are never positive and always lead to harmful consequences.

Positive changes always require honest, self-directed efforts. Through ongoing character development, a person
can become triggered to integrate new information quickly. That integration can cause significant, rapid changes
in attitudes. If a person is unable or unwilling to act on valid new information, then efforts directed toward
changing that person will fail. That does not mean untriggered persons cannot eventually change. But, if they do,
the change will be by their own choice and pace.
Avoiding Disguised Mystics
Integrated awareness is needed to identify and avoid partners whose lives are dominated by mysticism, especially
disguised mysticism. Two types of mystics exist: (1) Mystics who project their problems and disorders onto
others. Such mystics are often characterized by their paranoid use of non sequiturs to blame others for their own
problems. (2) Closet mystics who inwardly hurt themselves by undermining values that enter their lives.
Ironically, such mystics are often characterized by cluttered closets that reflect the hidden disorder they create
in their personal lives. A disorderly closet may indicate a mystically dominated personal life that drains the lives
of others.
Both types of mystics create problems where none exist. Both are incompatible with romantic love. And either will
eventually destroy any value-based relationship. Yet, Neo-Tech can cure any type of mysticism (the stupidness
disease) to yield competent lives filled with growing prosperity, happiness, and romantic-love.
Neo-Tech Advantage #68
Finding the right partner with whom to experience psychuous pleasures and romantic love is one of life's most
important responsibilities. Opportunities to discover a potential, life-long romantic partner exist everywhere. But
unplanned approaches diminish one's chances of securing the best possible romantic-love partner. [Re: Table 35,
Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]
Every lonely person should remember that meeting a suitable partner to build abiding love and happiness needs
only one connection, one meeting, one social function, one planned effort...and any time could be that one time.
Until a person finds that right romantic partner, he or she should never stop searching for that person with whom
to share and build values, love, and happiness. To give up searching would be to give up on life itself. And finding
that one person makes all efforts worthwhile.
When one bemoans the unhappiness or falseness of guests at a social gathering, that person is often projecting
his or her own feelings of unhappiness or falseness onto people who may not be that way at all. But, by looking
past one's own mystical complaints, a person can usually generate self-benefiting values from most social
circumstances, even if the people encountered hold values and life styles different from one's own.
Still, a person must be selective to protect one's time. One must not let valuable, irreplaceable segments of life be
consumed by those who waste time, retard personal growth, or work against one's best interests. But when
unavoidably cast into a situation with undesirable people, a person alert with Neo-Tech knowledge can usually
salvage valuable new insights. Whenever possible, however, a person should promptly exit from situations that
waste time.
Bypassing Shyness
Feelings of social incompetence are generally unfounded. Such feelings are often caused by falsely negative views
about one's self or mystical views about others. When a person becomes aware of and scraps those false views,
the feelings of social incompetence diminish and often vanish.

An effective way to bypass shyness, nervousness, and feelings of social incompetence is by intense listening with
full-focus awareness on the speaker. Not only does such attention elicit friendly reactions from the speaker to the
listener, but intense listening increases the listener's ability to communicate and articulate. Intense listening is
also a valuable tool to evaluate potential partners for romantic love.
Possibilities for contacting potential, romantic-love partners increase proportionately with the number of
approaches made toward potential partners. Many opportunities for discovering romantic-love partners are lost
by people who fear what others may think of them for trying to "pick up" people to whom they are attracted. Even
more opportunities are lost through inaction caused by fear of rejection.
In finding the best romantic-love partner, a person must be free and forward in approaching potential partners.
That includes all approaches from a self-introduction to a media ad or a bold pickup by either the man or the
woman. Through fear of rejection, many people lose valuable opportunities to discover romantic partners within
whom the supreme values of psychuous pleasures and romantic love reside. That fear of contacting others
dissipates on realizing the nature of rejections: Most rejections stem simply from unavailability. And many other
rejections arise from inadequacies within the person doing the rejecting. Such rejections are not personal
rebuffs, but actually serve as valuable sorting processes that allow the quick elimination of unpromising
prospects with a minimum loss of time.
Relying on Natural Beauty
Those who rely on natural beauty or physical attractiveness to control love situations are generally unsuitable for
romantic love. For usually they ignore the efforts and disciplines needed to develop capacities to receive or
deliver romantic love and psychuous pleasures [Re: Concept 90, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. Those who
respond to one's initial, natural approach often make the best prospects for romantic partners. For that reason, a
person must freely express his or her unique, natural self from the start in order for the selection process to
work effectively in uncovering the best potential romantic-love partners.
Many people erroneously think that seeking potential romantic partners at social functions designed for that
purpose (e.g., singles dances, clubs, introduction services, Parents Without Partners) is somehow degrading. But
the opposite is the fact. People who value themselves and their happiness will resist mystically acting on such
false feelings. Instead, they will place a high priority on those activities that will improve their chances of
discovering the best-possible, life-long, romantic-love partner.
The value of romantic love is far too important for leaving to random chance. Instead, a person must put the
discovering of a life-long partner under one's own direct control. One must exert organized, rational efforts to
find the love partner with whom the greatest values can be exchanged. That direct-action approach contrasts with
the mystical approach of those who count on random chance, a white knight, or someone else to deliver the values
of love and happiness to them. ...To gain and keep a value as great as romantic love requires constant discipline,
hard integrated thinking, and consistent high-energy effort.
Why Everyone Is Not Handsome
Most animals evolve to near their perfect physical appearance. But conscious beings do not because those without
natural beauty can choose to work harder to develop their character and competence to higher levels. Thus, some
people with less natural beauty work harder to develop superior characters. They do that to compete better in
attracting mates for psychuous pleasures and reproduction. By contrast, many of those endowed with natural
beauty lack the same competitive pressures to work harder to develop character and competence.
Thus, because certain people without natural beauty make themselves more competitive, they remain well
represented throughout the evolutionary stream. In fact, they tend to rise above the naturally beautiful people in

power, intellectual attractiveness, and sexual desirability. Those dynamics are why (1) naturally beautiful people
can be found among the less evolved and (2) unhandsome people can be found among the highest levels of
evolvement. Thus, unlike other animals, nature's drive for physical perfection is not a controlling evolutionary
force in man. Indeed, man-controlled intelligent actions can outcompete nature-controlled, physical appearances
not only for reproduction and survival, but for prosperity, happiness, and romantic lov
Neo-Tech Advantage #69
Shyness reduces contact and chances with potential romantic-love partners. But shyness is easily overcome once
the problem is identified. [Re: Table 36, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia identifies five types of shyness and lists
ways to reduce or eliminate each type.] In addition, the constant misunderstanding of a uniquely different
individual may cause that person to withdraw and become a loner. That aloneness may create an erroneous image
that such a person is shy or a bore when neither is true.
A major step toward eliminating shyness is the acceptance of one's own self. To do that, one must realize that no
"model" person exists with whom anyone needs to emulate or identify with in order to be healthy, happy, or
successful [Re: Concept 96, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. ...A person bypasses shyness by being one's own
self in guiltlessly, proudly producing rational, competitive val ues in any way he or she chooses, regardless of
what others may say or think.
A shy person is seldom a bore. A bore is a person who is silly, uninteresting, or uncomfortable to another person.
Often being a bore to a particular person is merely the result of that particular person's reactions. Such
reactions depend on individual values and standards. Some people can be boring to certain people, but exciting to
others. For example, Aristotle, Leonardo da Vinci, E instein, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, and Thomas Edison
while being very exciting to each other and other genuine value producers, probably would have bored or, more
accurately, threatened the profoundly dishonest, pseudo self-esteems of Stalin, Hitler, FDR, Mao, Ralph Nader,
Charles Manson, Pol Pot. Conversely, quasi-dead, destructive people who habitually live through distorted
(mystical) "realities" will by nature bore productive individuals who live throug h objective reality.
Neo-Tech Advantage #70
The human mind is neuter. Men and women have equal capacity for intellectual development, character
development, integral honesty, self-esteem, physical fitness, psychuous pleasures, romantic love, and abiding
happiness. But physiological differences as well as psychological differences exist between men and women. Those
differences must be recognized in order to function effectively -- to function as a human male or female is
intended to function -- to function as an honest, rational, conscious being. [Re: Table 37, Neo-Tech Reference
Encyclopedia, illustrates the important physical and psychological differences between men and women.] Those
differences cannot be considered good or bad, better or worse, or by any other label. They are just differences in
their natures. But the differences are real. Thus, they must be recognized and dealt with as reality.
The feminist movement ignores or rejects the psychological differences and often even ignores the physiological
differences between man and woman. That evasion of reality is reflected by the feminists' irrational, destructive
demands for government-enforced "equality".
The often misunderstood division-of-labor concept is central to all beneficial relationships, ranging from individual
man-woman romantic relationships to mutually beneficial employer-employee relationships involving thousands of
people. Next to their attacks on individual rights through the use of government force, the most harmful

neocheating manipulations by feminist leaders are their attacks on the voluntary division-of-labor concept. Some
feminists advocate eliminating the division-of-labor dynamic from man-woman relationships. They demand, for
example, that all jobs, chores, and activities be shared equally. Those feminists and other neocheating egalitarians
want to use government force to reduce value producers to the level of value destroying mystics and
Most other people desire and happily use the division of labor to their mutual advantages. Indeed, the most fair,
efficient way to exchange values for desired values is through division of labor. Even the traditional trade in which
the man earns money while the woman makes an efficient home and living atmosphere is a valid, proper trade that
can greatly benefit each, if each mutually agrees to and desires such a trade.
For what reason would a feminist or anyone else attack two people who agree to what they want to do with their
own personal selves and lives? One reason is that such feminists are neocheaters using the tool of guilt to
undermine values in order to usurp power and values earned by others. But, romantic-love partners responding
to feminist demands for equality of actions (rather than for each partner offering the other his or her separately
developed values), eventually eliminate happiness from their relationships. For equality of actions pushes love
partners toward inefficient, restricted petty relationships in which mutual growth fades and love dies.
Women functioning in any of the following three categories can achieve psychuous pleasures, romantic love, and
abiding happiness:
1. Self-sufficient, commercially productive[ 35 ] career women can easily experience the full-range of
psychuous pleasures and romantic love.
2. Genuinely productive housewives or mothers who contribute significantly to increasing the commercial
productivity of their husbands and the value potentials of their children can also experience growing
psychuous pleasures and romantic love. But they, as with men, must always keep developing their
intellectual and productive capacities. Women most naturally succeed in this category.
3. Women actively seeking growth by becoming knowledgeable or proficient in artistic, cultural, or
recreational areas (such as art, music, literature, dance, sports) can experience growing romantic
relationships. But such relationships will not continue to grow unless the woman passes the amateur
stage to eventually become commercially productive and self-sufficient in that or another area. Only a
tiny percentage of women succeed in this category.
In most societies, more men than women are commercially productive. More men than women, therefore, have the
potential for experiencing psychuous pleasures and growing romantic-love relationships. That disparity works
against the happiness of both men and women. Thus, both men and women benefit as more and more females
enter the romantic-love marketplace by becoming competitive net value producers inside the home, outside the
home, or both.
The worst aspect of the feminist movement and other so-called "rights" movements is their advocating legislated
government force or coercion to violate individual and property rights of others. All professional mystics and
neocheating leaders require force or deception to survive by parasitically filling their needs. And those needs are
usually disguised as "noble" ends. But no matter how noble sounding the end, it can never justify the means of
force against any individual. Institutionalized initiation of force against individuals for any reason is categorically
wrong, immoral, and diminishes the well-being and happiness of everyone.
Government policies and laws backed by force have always been the major instrument for denying women their
individual rights. So what about those legions of feminists advocating that same legislated government force to
achieve women "rights" by violating rights of others? They diminish everyone's rights and well-being. Such use of

government force was vigorously promoted even by early feminists such as Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell (1821-1910)
who was responsible for tough, anti-prostitution laws that only increased government use of force to oppress
both men and women. Moreover, Blackwell's guilt-laden, anti-sex, anti-masturbation writings were subsequently
promoted by the Catholic church. Her writings led to the heavy masturbation guilt that still hangs over most
women...a guilt that has deprived countless millions of women of healthy sexual development.
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[ 35 ] Commercially productive means being economically self-suff icient by producing more tradeable values in
the competitive, free market than one consumes.
Neo-Tech Advantage #71
Most "career" housewives experience diminishing sexual pleasures and happiness. Why do such declines of
happiness occur? Because such women limit their personal growth by letting their intellectual and productivity
potentials remain under challenged in being full-time housewives. To experience psychuous pleasures and abiding
happiness, a person must fulfill his or her potential. That means becoming independent -- materially, intellectually,
and emotionally. Today, such independence usually evolves from productive jobs or careers.
And today, with the many domestic labor-saving conveniences, a housewife "career" is generally too
unchallenging to provide the self-esteem, independence, and growth needed to experience the full range of
happiness available from life. But, exceptions exist in which being a housewife is a challenging life-time
management profession delivering full self-esteem, happiness, and romantic love. Historical examples are the
wives of the American pioneers and frontiersmen. Examples today include the partner-wives of super-productive
entrepreneurs, businessmen, farmers, scientists, and other hard-driving producers.
Another potential area for undermining happiness is having children, especially before achieving financial
independence. Children can shrink the potential for career success, romantic happiness, and psychuous pleasures
of both partners for two decades or more. Often the birth of children means the end of growth and happiness for
the couple. And the parents' loss of growth and happiness can damage the well-being of their innocent child or
children. Often when personal growth is ended by the burden of children, the parents' view of the future shifts to a
downhill direction. Their lives then begin shrinking toward aging and death. But if parents fail their responsibility
to properly raise their children into productive independent adults, those children become the victims of their
parents' moral default. As with any uncorrected moral default, those parents responsible will suffer damaging
consequences to their self-esteems and happiness.
Neo-Tech oriented couples would not have children until they were in a financial and maturity position to conceive
a child as a net-happiness asset, rather than a draining task. Such couples almost always have greater capacities
to love both life and their children than those who thoughtlessly or prematurely have children to "secure" the
marriage, to meet the expectations of others, or other unhealthy reasons.

Romantic love and psychuous pleasures can still be achieved for couples who have children if they fully meet their
responsibilities to both their children and to themselves. With children, the goal of building happiness and
romantic love becomes more difficult and challenging. But if successful, a romantic relationship with the uniquely
valuable experience of children can be even more rewarding than a romantic-love relationship without children.
With children, increasing romantic happiness can be accomplished only after accepting a nonmartyr, fullresponsibility role in preparing one's children for productive, independent lives. At the same time, one must
always hold the romantic-love relationship, not the children, as the primary value.
In any case, having and raising children is a unique, profound life experience. And children can develop characters
that yield major, long-range values to their parents, especially as the years go by. ...Well-evolved children can
yield magnificent values. Rationally bearing and raising Neo-Tech oriented children can yield a bonanza of values
available from no other life experience.
Financially secure, emotionally mature couples can genuinely desire the unique, value-generating experience of
having children. Thus, they can rationally choose to bear and raise children without sacrificing or diminishing
their careers, romantic love, or long-range happiness.
Raising competent children oriented around Neo-Tech can be rewarding beyond any other life experience, except
romantic love.
If the market for technology and research were free from government interference, genetically controlled, flawfree babies would probably be routine in a decade or less. Moreover, externally produced babies could forever
free women from the incapacitation, pain, physical damage, and life-threatening dangers of childbirth. That
technology could also reduce childhood diseases and eliminate birth defects. Externally produced, genetically
controlled babies would also allow selection of sex and certain characteristics that would provide the maximum
advantages to their children.
Still, the key traits can develop only through the volitional choices of each living, conscious child. For example,
personality, character, and integrity are traits that evolve from the personal choice of each individual to be
honest or dishonest, nonmystical or mystical, responsible or irresponsible, a value producer or a value destroyer.
Except to one's own self and dependent children, no one owes duties to anyone (including one's spouse, siblings, or
parents) or to anything (including society, the government, the church, or to any other "higher" cause). The prime
moral duty is to develop one's own potential to achieve abiding happiness through competitive value production.
Beyond that prime responsibility to be a net value producer in order to earn happiness, a person's only other
moral duty is to support and develop one's own children into honest, nonmystical, self-sufficient adults. That duty
includes teaching children to objectively identify facts in full context and to live competently by rejecting all forms
of mysticism, dishonesty, and neocheating.
Parents must, above all, teach their children to identify and avoid the disease of mysticism and its gaggle of
neocheaters. Those children are then free to develop into independent, self-sufficient adults capable of achieving
unlimited prosperity, psychuous pleasures, and abiding happiness.
Properly caring for and rearing children to become honest, self-sufficient adults is a moral responsibility and duty
of the parents. That duty is assumed from the parent's chosen act of procreation, for which the children are not
responsible. Thus, parents have no right to place future claims or obligations on their children. Likewise, after
children develop into self-sustaining, independent beings, the moral responsibilities and obligatory duties end for
the parents.

Compared to men, few women have directly achieved greatness in the major areas of human accomplishment
(e.g., arts, sciences, philosophy, music, business, industry, medicine, law). Those differences in achievement are
not due to inherent or biological differences between men and women, but rather such differences are due to (1)
women being more involved in the restricting tasks of raising children, and (2) the cultural, legal, mystical, and
neocheating oppression of women that has occurred throughout most of recorded history [Re: Tables 38-39, NeoTech Reference Encyclopedia].
Few men attained greatness in any area of human achievement during the 1000-year Dark Ages. For, during that
time, the church oppressed everyone's intellectual and productive capacities. Likewise, few women have achieved
greatness during their cultural dark ages that existed throughout most of recorded history. In recent years,
however, radical changes have occurred to eliminate most differences in oppression between men and women.
Those changes have occurred through the relentless, rational pressures of business and free enterprise, not
through coercions of government, the feminists, or the non sequiturs of neocheating theologians, journalists,
professors, and politicians.
Today, women in the Western World have essentially the same freedom and opportunity as men to develop their
commercial values in most areas of human activity. But many women are by choice not exercising their new
freedoms and opportunities. Thus, many women are failing to exploit their potentials for financial prosperity,
psychuous pleasures, growing romantic love, and abiding happiness.
Divorced men and widowers are generally more desired or sought after by the opposite sex than are divorced
women and widows. Aside from population statistics that somewhat favor men, no intrinsic or natural reason for
that difference in desirability exists. The main difference is that, compared to women, men generally are and
remain more productive in their jobs and careers and thus have more values and life to offer. By contrast, mandominated housewives living as toys, pets, or servants generally have indulged themselves with mysticism instead
of developing their characters, abilities, and talents. Thus, they have fewer values and less life to offer. On the
other hand, men and women of equivalent character and value development would have equal worth and
desirability as value-oriented, romantic-love partners.
Neo-Tech Advantage #72
Women hold great potential for gaining economic and cultural power throughout the world. But their potential is
undermined by politicians, feminists, and other value destroyers who use the government to force their
egalitarian equalities on others. Indeed, to survive without producing competitive values for others, professional
neocheaters and mystics must use force, deception, and mysticism to usurp their destructive livelihoods from
others. And physically weaker women are the easiest targets for their destructions. Thus, professional mystics
and neocheaters more easily subject women to injustices and abuses to usurp power and values.[ 36 ] For that
reason, throughout recorded history, women have suffered greater oppression than have men as illustrated on
the following pages:
Ancient Greece
1300 B.C. - 450 B.C.
Homeric women (1300 B.C.-1100 B.C.) were relatively free and exercised considerable influence over men. But all
women were subjected to double standards -- legal and sexual.
Enlightened Greece
450 B.C. - 27 B.C.

Courtesans held the highest positions of individual rights and personal respect available to women. Wives held the
lowest position and were considered as housekeepers with few if any rights.
High-class prostitutes or courtesans were held superior to virtuous women and wives.
Roman Empire
27 B.C. - 385 A.D.
With increased economic freedom, the drive for individual freedom brought new rights and respect for women.
Oppression by mystics and conservatives decreased. Double standards diminished.
Drive for women's liberation and equality. As today, Roman feminists who advocated use of government controls
and force to accomplish their ends failed in the long run by establishing the conditions for the increased
oppression of women.
Decline of the Roman Empire
100 A.D. - 385 A.D.
The spreading altruistic influence of Christianity began stripping women of their individual rights and subjecting
them to new, heavy oppressions while leading the civilized Western World toward asceticism and anti-sexual
Christianity plunged Rome into asceticism, causing massive destruction and suffering. Women lost almost all
rights with rising Christian power. ...Today, ominous parallels are developing with rising fundamentalist, bornagain, anti-porn/anti-abortion movements.
Rise of Christianity
385 A.D. - 1000 A.D.
The Western World sank into the Dark Ages as women were pushed to their lowest position in recorded history.
They had no individual or legal rights. The Church considered women as subhuman. In fact, the Roman Catholic
Church considered women as wasteful property who could be killed, beaten, tortured, ravished or forced into
slavery with impunity by theologians and "devout" noblemen.
Catholic bishops argued that women did not have mortal souls and that women were pieces of wasteful property.
The Roman Catholic church sanctioned wife-beating. Killing a woman was not a very serious offense. Noblemen had
the natural "right" to ravish any peasant woman.
1000 - 1300
The rise of courtly love and the de-emphasis of the Catholic Church began elevating women to emotional partners
more equal to men. Respect and admiration for women increased with increased economic activity. But women
still had few individual or legal rights. Extreme double standards were still practiced.
A new man-woman relationship developed that was previously unknown to Western civilization. Women gained
respect and admiration. Courtly love elevated women from child bearers and lust satisfiers to more equal
partners with men.
The Church vs. the Renaissance
1300 - 1500
The Church fought viciously to stop the rising new concepts of romantic love, happy man-woman relationships,
and pleasurable sex. Pope Innocent VIII started the inquisitions and witch trials. Millions of innocent women were
killed, tortured, and burned to death by the Roman Catholic Church. But the growing enlightenment of the

Renaissance with spreading economic freedoms began liberating the human mind and reason from the dark,
brutal mysticism of Christian theology.
Renaissance noblemen equated women to beauty and good. The church fought back by promoting the "evils" of
women and witchcraft. They advocated hanging "evil" women by their thumbs, twisting ropes around their heads,
pushing needles under their nails, and pouring boiling oil on their feet in the "devout hope" of forcing confessions
of their "wickedness". The Roman Catholic church then proceeded to burn to death tens of thousands of innocent
The Puritans
1500 - 1700
With increasing economic activity, the Puritans rejected the Church's hatred of women, sex, and happiness. They
accepted the normality of sex, pleasure, and happiness. Women's rights greatly improved under Puritanism.
Women could divorce. They gained property and inheritance rights. Marriage became a civil contract.
The Age of Reason
1700 - 1800
Men respected women for their minds and intellectual development. People involved in business began scrapping
the gloom and hatred of Christianity and its idea that women were evil. Yet, women were still held as subservient
to men.
The rationalists rejected the malevolence of Christianity. But women were often considered as ornaments, toys,
or nitwits.
Pre- and Early Victorianism
1800 - 1850
Slobbering sensitivity became the ideal. Men sought shy, virginal women. The togetherness concept developed.
Glorification of "pure" women was a pretext for a desperate last attempt by neocheating conservatives and the
Church to subjugate women as servants of men. A great increase in double standards occurred under the guise of
"moral" standards. Women lost considerable individual freedom.
Men grew shy and sought "pure" women. Virginal-type women were "glorified" and idealized. But that "morality"
was only a new pretext for the continued subjugation of women by men. The U. S. Surgeon General, Dr. William
Hammond, issued the warning that decent women should not feel the slightest pleasure during sexual intercourse.
Many doctors considered sexual desire in women to be pathological. But women began revolting against their
"purified" and "glorified" status.
The Decline of Religion and Victorianism
via the Rise of Capitalism and the Emancipation of Women
1850 - 1900
Capitalistic economics undermined the oppressive customs of the past and broke the unjust, feudal hierarchy of
the social classes. Capitalism crippled the influence of the Church. Capitalism created the atmosphere and
pressure for female suffrage, individual rights, divorce reform, and equal legal and economic rights. Victorianism
was a desperate delaying action against increasing honesty, individuality, justice, earned equality, and rising
economic freedoms.
With the rise of capitalism, women gained significant economic rights for the first time since the anti-Christian,
pagan Roman Empire. Capitalism broke the stifling, unjust religious/feudal-class patterns. A new optimism and
cheerful happiness rose among the middle class. Capitalistic economics greatly accelerated the collapse of

hypocritical snobbishness, racism, artificial social ties, and oppressive religious and social customs. The rigid
Victorian home was threatened by increasing economic freedom for females, divorce reforms, and free-choice
love. Victorianism was a last-stand action by the conservatives and the church against the inevitable, liberating
changes caused by capitalism and a prosperous, industrial civilization.
The Emergence of 20th-Century Romantic Love
1900 - 1960
Flourishing commerce among individuals, especially in America, discarded the anti-sexual, Victorian-Christian
ethics. Double standards diminished with more equal educational, economic, legal, and sexual rights for women.
Birth control and abortion rights were promoted. Capitalism liberated women and minorities by valuing all
individuals according to their objective worth rather than to their sex, beliefs, social status, or race.
Women increasingly became equal to men in romantic relationships. Love patterns of all societies were drawn to
the free and honest capitalistic style of Western love, which combined sexuality, affectionate friendship,
productive work, and family functions...all into a single, equal-partner relationship. The modern, capitalistgenerated, sexual revolution demolished most of the Christian-Victorian patterns of anti-sexual, patriarchal
Modern Romantic Love
1960 - Present
The sexual revolution broke the last vestiges of inequalities between men and women. But today, renewed
oppression of individual rights has begun to rise ominously with the feminist and religious movements against
pornography and abortion. Those movements are inspired by neocheating authorities seeking unearned power.
Still, the majority of women have not fully exercised their new freedoms and rights. Many neocheating feminist
leaders seek unearned gains through government coercion and force. And that force will boomerang to
increasingly subjugate the rights of all women...and men.[ 37 ]
Individual freedom that naturally evolves from capitalism made possible modern romantic love and the liberation
of women. For, the capitalistic free market put values on individuals according to their objective worth rather than
their sex, social status, or race. Women can now be fully independent. But having gained the freedom for equality,
many women fear that equality might be too risky or challenging, or require too much independence or effort, or
cost them the chance for love. Such women often buy "security" and "love" at the price of remaining unequal,
unfulfilled, unhappy all their adult lives.
Today, men and women have essentially the same educational and economic opportunities. But many women in
developed societies have no careers beyond the home. Thus, they deny their basic human need to develop
competence and self-sufficiency. That need for competence and independence is fulfilled by pursuing productive
work in challenging careers.
Future Romantic Love
Two approaches to life are open: (1) The neocheater's approach of using force-backed government or deceitbased religion to drain values from others, or (2) the producer's approach of using integrated honesty and free
markets to deliver competitive values wanted by others and society. That second approach obviates force,
coercion, fraud in allowing all men and women equally to pursue prosperity, romantic love, and abiding happiness.
Despite feminist claims, nothing today prevents women from realizing their potentials. The battle is not for
women's rights, minority rights, black rights -- the battle is and always has been for individual rights. When
individual rights are fully protected, then everyone's rights are protected.

Most feminists diminish the potential for all women by trying to usurp unearned economic or money gains through
government force or coercion in violating the rights of others. Such tactics are morally wrong and destructive to
all individuals. And in the long run, those tactics succeed only in giving government more power to oppress
everyone -- especially women.
While stridently expressing goals of liberation and freedom, most feminist policies deny freedom of choice,
voluntary division of labor, and open competition. Those policies reveal a fear of freedom, competition, integrated
thinking, and self-responsibility. Such dishonest, double-speak contradictions of demanding freedom while actually
attacking freedom via government force are also common in "liberation" or "rights" movements of various Black,
consumer, and environmental groups. Such groups demand benefits and "freedoms" via government force while
reducing their own and everyone else's freedom.
Government laws backed by force have always been the mechanism that eventually oppressed women [Re: Section
Four, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. The genuine liberation of women occurred during those rare, historic
periods during which the reason and logic of individual freedom gained influence over the dishonesty and
mysticism of government and religious oppression. Those liberating periods were the Golden Age of Greece, the
Renaissance, and the greatest, most profoundly moral period of all: the free-enterprise phase of the Industrial
Revolution. In free-enterprise capitalism, the influences of reason, honesty, effort, productivity, and voluntary
individual choice count for everything, while the influences of mysticism, dishonesty, racism, social status, and the
use of force are dismissed as nothing. ...The causal relationship of reason and capitalism to freedom and
prosperity for women is clear.
In attempting to establish credibility, feminists promote and publicize certain "famous" women of history as
heroines. Some of those women were honest, value producers who contributed to human well-being. But most of
those feminist "heroines" were demagogues and neocheaters who agitated for more government force to make
individuals conform to their wishes or demands. In their promotion of "great women", most feminists
hypocritically ignore one of the greatest benefactors to human life and champions of individual rights. That person
was a woman. She was one of the most profound thinkers and writers, male or female, of all time. She was a
world-famous novelist and the most important philosopher since Aristotle. Her name: Ayn Rand.
Why do most feminists ignore Ayn Rand? Because she intellectually refuted their concepts of mysticism, initiatory
force, and government coercion to achieve ends. More important, she clearly identified the immorality of such
approaches, thus repudiating the core of most feminist movements and methods. Also, Ayn Rand identified that the
only proper moral issue is individual rights...not women's rights, black rights, or any other such "rights" or
causes. For such causes are largely designed to support neocheaters.
The feminists' rejection of Ayn Rand not only underscores their intellectual dishonesty, but demonstrates that
their movement is not interested in individual rights. Instead, they are interested in usurping power, values,
advantages, and bogus livelihoods through the spurious neocheating gimmick of women's rights. Because of their
disregard for individual rights in their demands for government coercion or force, feminist movements bring, in
the long run, only further government oppression of women. Indeed, that oppression is already recurring with, for
example, the anti-abortion and anti-pornography movements.
And finally, most feminists stridently attack women's greatest benefactor and liberator -- free-enterprise
capitalism. Furthermore, many feminists actually support the prime causes for oppression of women -government and religion. In fact, some feminists remain active members of the most virulently anti-women,
patriarchal organization ever contrived by man -- the Roman Catholic Church. Such feminists work against the
well-being of all women and all individuals.

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[ 36 ] By oppressing women, men become easier to oppress.
[ 37 ] Women who usurp feminist-inspired, unearned values are heading back toward dependence...toward being
taken care of and eventually subjugated by men. In essence, the feminist movement is designed to coerce
productive people into taking care of protesting women. The inevitable results are opposite the goals of freedom
declared by feminist neocheaters. And those same ploys are destructively used by politicians to usurp "freedom"
for blacks and other minorities. Indeed, the more unearned values usurped by the neocheating feminists and
politicians, the more their recipient clients move toward dependence and subjugation. ...Neocheaters transfer
values from the earned to the unearned while harming everyone, especially those they claim to help.
Neo-Tech Advantage #73
The Nature of Emotions

Emotions are neither good nor bad and are not subject to moral judgments, no matter how irrational or
"bad sounding" they may seem. ...Only actions can be judged as good or bad, moral or immoral.
2. All emotions, no matter how irrational or how deeply repressed, are a real part of a person and need to
be recognized, acknowledged, and guiltlessly accepted.
3. Each repressed, negative emotion becomes an integral part of a person's mind. Each repressed emotion
subconsciously exerts a continuous negative effect on that person's thinking and emotional processes.
That negative effect remains forever, unless the emotion (often an emotion from childhood) is identified
and rationally re-examined through the mature adult mind.
4. The identifying and releasing of any repressed emotion through a non-mystical mind is a healthy,
rewarding experience. [Re: Concept 104, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]
Self-Responsibility/Mouth Responsibility
Each individual is solely responsible for his or her own actions. That includes being responsible for what goes in
and out of one's mouth. Mouth Responsibility: the self-responsibility for the food, drink, drugs, smoke, genitalia
that go into one's mouth and the words that come out.
Internal mysticism ruins people's lives through (1) allowing irrational, destructive ingestion of sugar, alcohol, or
drugs into their mouths and (2) allowing irrational, destructive words to egress from their mouths. Everyone
alone must personally battle to overcome internal mysticism in order to live prosperously and happily. Selfresponsibility cannot be transferred to anyone. For that reason, most therapies by psychologists and
psychiatrists are invalid. Moreover, such therapies are often practiced by neocheaters usurping a livelihood by
manipulating mysticism in others.
Almost all psychological problems arise from internal mysticism. And each individual can overcome such
problems by continual, conscious choice to be honest rather than mystical. Each person must decide to selfdetermine the future or to surrender that responsibility to external "authorities" (including psychologists). That
surrender of life occurs on asking others to solve one's own problems and deliver happiness.

Fighting and rejecting mysticism within one's own self is the greatest, most important of all battles. And the most
ironic, tragic loser of that battle was the philosopher, Ayn Rand. For she developed and harnessed the greatest
mind to battle mysticism since Aristotle. Yet, she could never collect her full rewards, because she lost the battle
to personal mysticism on several fronts. The most irrational, emotion-driven mysticisms were her
rationalizations, vindictiveness, cultism, and smoking. The consequences of those mystical indulgences?
Unnecessary unhappiness, sycophants limiting her work, and nicotine killing her. ...While Ayn Rand was totally nonmystical in her work and ideas, she became increasingly mystical and unhappy in her personal life. By contrast,
her long-time collaborator Nathaniel Branden later absorbed areas of mysticism in his work and ideas while
apparently growing less mystical and more happy in his personal life.
Having an external "authority" such as a God, a drug, a cigarette, a cult, a psychologist delivers: 1. quick, easyway, no-struggle "answers" that avoid self-responsibility, and 2. fuel for more personal mysticisms. That avoiding
of self-responsibility always fuels personal mysticism while diminishing the individual's competence and
motivation to solve one's own personal problems. And that default is why most therapies are long-range failures.
Only individuals themselves can have sufficient motivation and self-knowledge to successfully overcome internal
mysticism and solve life's problems. Only individuals themselves can put sufficient energy and knowledge into the
efforts needed to become competent, prosperous, and happy. No mystical or outside source can provide those
Neo-Tech Advantage #74
Natural highs always beneficially integrate with a person's physical or psychological life -- or both. Unnatural
highs always destructively disintegrate a person's physical or psychological life -- or both.
Strongly positive experiences such as major achievements, aerobic exercises, great music, art, literature, drama,
and romantic love stimulate natural highs. The ultimate high, however, comes from feeling one's own self in
control -- being in control of life, living free of mysticism, living honestly, rationally, productively. In that nonmystical state, a person acutely feels the integrated physical and psychological process of living. He or she
experiences the impact of living fully, in competent control of one's own self, destiny, and reality.
That clarity and control of self, life, and reality produces a physical and emotional high. That high evolves from an
acute awareness of living in reality...of being in control. Such highs are far more exhilarating than those achieved
through reality avoiding, artificial stimuli such as drugs, alcohol, religious or mystical experiences, manipulating
others, ruling others, killing others. Those fake control-seeking highs are achieved through force and destruction.
By contrast, all genuine, lasting highs are achieved through competitive production of values.
The most intense reality high is psychuous pleasures. Reality highs, however, can be consistently experienced in
almost any phase of one's life to produce continuous waves of pleasure and happiness. Most people have at times
experienced brief or partial glimpses of those natural highs. Such experiences live vividly in nearly everyone's
memory. On analysis, one will discover that those experiences occurred when a person was most free of
mysticism -- most free to be his or her own self -- most free to function according to his or her biological nature.
Moreover, everyone who has developed a rational, productive lifestyle has the capacity for experiencing natural
highs with increasing frequency. Those highs can eventually blend into a near continuous state of happiness
marked by extra-intense moments of psychuous pleasures.
The Neo-Tech/Psychuous concepts deal with relationships between people. But those concepts also deal with the
relationship of one's own self relative to reality, self-esteem, and self-awareness. Only through developing a
nonmystical, integrated relationship with one's own body, mind, and objective reality can a person fully experience
the prosperity, pleasures, and happiness available from life.

Natural highs involve the release of physical and emotional tensions while being fully aware of the mind and body.
The sensation is that of "letting go" as the body tensions release and the emotional pleasures are guiltlessly felt.
Those natural, euphoric experiences are contrasted to the destructive, tension-breaking actions of taking drugs,
getting drunk, food gorging. Such artificial or mystical highs always leave hangovers and unhappiness along with
damaged minds and bodies. [Re: Table 41, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia].
Natural highs can also release chronic muscular tensions manifested in taut necks, shallow breathing, stiffly
pulled up shoulders, tense buttocks, and uptightness in general. In fact, neck stiffness is an indicator of locked-in
conflicts caused by mysticism.
Releasing such tensions also improves one's physical grace and coordination. The release of those tensions
restores the natural, cat-like gracefulness of body motions as muscles begin working together in their intended,
fluid, integrated manner. Also, the release of those chronic tensions and the deepening of breathing permits
clearer, more effective thinking.
Certain exercises are also effective in both releasing chronic muscle tensions and improving one's breathing. [Re:
Book Analysis 71, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia] Also, self-hypnosis can relax certain physical tensions.
Hypnosis bypasses the conscious mind by putting orders directly into a nonresisting, noncritical subconscious
mind. [Re: Appendix C, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. Effective hypnosis techniques are easy to master, but
can be damaging to the subconscious mind when hypnosis is used carelessly or with improper dehypnosis.
Moreover, hypnosis is usually used mystically, is generally unnecessary, and is not recommended.
Tension-releasing not only lets one relax and feel pleasures, but projects a freedom to others that helps them
relax and share the pleasures.
Neo-Tech Advantage #75
The emotions of pleasure, joy, well-being, and happiness have interrelating features. But each is a separate
experience with unique characteristics and requirements. For example, one can be happy without experiencing
pleasure, and one can experience temporary pleasure without being happy. Joy is a self-induced, here-and-now
emotion that arises from pleasure, well-being, and happiness.
Enjoyment is also induced by consciously reflecting on the emotional rewards of pleasure, well-being, and
happiness. To fully experience enjoyment, one must reject unearned guilt foisted on him or her by mystics and
neocheaters. [Re: Table 42, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. When a Neo-Tech oriented person earns
happiness, he or she can then make a conscious choice to guiltlessly enjoy that happiness.
Neo-Tech Advantage #76
Glib, shallow philosophies about love and sex based on selflessness, altruism, or slogans are easily conjured up by
mystics and neocheaters. To some people, Leo Buscaglia's love-all philosophies may sound poetic, beautiful,
comfortable, and easy to accept. But those pseudo philosophies are generally rigged from non sequiturs and then
promulgated as the truth by glib psychologists, social "experts", religious "authorities", egalitarian writers,
mountebanks, and other neocheaters who have never experienced integrated, value-oriented romantic love. Thus,
their books and words work to diminish everyone's love and happiness.
Many books about love and sex are also based on spurious, altruistic philosophies that sound "good" on the
surface and promise happiness through a system of destructively selfless, sacrificial acts. But altruism is a
power-usurping tool contrived by neocheaters for contradicting reality, subverting the nature of human beings,
and laying false guilt on everyone. Such glibly spurious, altruistic philosophies contradict the positive, valuable

goals ostensibly presented in those books. Most authors never realize that an explicit, rational philosophy is
necessary to form a consistent basis for their writings, especially when dealing with human relationships and
If philosophy is ignored or used inconsistently by the authors, the value of their work is diminished. Without a
conscious philosophical position, no consistent principles are available to guide a person's work, life, or love
relationship. By contrast, every Neo-Tech/Psychuous concept is rooted in a consistent philosophy that integrates
reality with the physical, psychological, and intellectual nature of human beings.
Consciously or subconsciously, all people make philosophical choices that determine the course of their lives. Two
fundamental philosophical choices exist for all human beings: (1) a reality oriented, pro-life choice (Aristotelian),
or (2) a mystically oriented, anti-life choice (Platonistic). The future of all humans and all societies are determined
by those two philosophical choices. Aristotelian choices allow a person to experience success, prosperity,
romantic love, psychuous pleasures, long-range happiness. Platonistic choices lead to a rationalized life that
eventually produces failure, anxiety, destructiveness, boredom, unhappiness [Re: Neo-Tech Reference
Encyclopedia, Table 43 illustrates the results of those two choices throughout history while listing the social and
personal consequences of choosing an Aristotelian versus a Platonistic approach to life].
Thus, all philosophical concepts fall into one of two camps:
1. Aristotelian-based, free-enterprise individualism based on life-oriented honesty and effort.
2. Platonistic-based, altruistic collectivism based on death-oriented dishonesty and laziness.
All religions and most political concepts fall into the Platonistic camp. All Neo-Tech/Psychuous concepts fall into
the Aristotelian camp [Re: Table 44, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. Neo-Tech Advantage #77
Philosophy determines the course of each individual's life. [Re: Concept 107, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]
The diametrically opposite choices between Aristotelian philosophy and Platonistic philosophy profoundly affect
every individual and society. [Re: Tables 43 and 44, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia] Aristotelian philosophy is
the intellectual basis of Neo-Tech. Platonistic philosophy is the intellectual basis of every irrational, destructive
religious and political system promoted in the past 2300 years. Indeed, Platonism is the philosophical foundation
of mysticism, altruism, sacrifice, egalitarianism, existentialism, religion, dictatorships, theism, socialism,
democracy, communism, fascism, evangelism and every other rule of force, coercion, and fraud. Except for freeenterprise capitalism, all political systems including democracy (a tyranny by the majority) require deception and
force to exist. Thus, all those political and religious systems are immoral and harmful to human beings. Only freeenterprise capitalism is:
1. based entirely on voluntary free choice,
2. consistent with the nature of conscious beings and, thus is beneficial to all conscious beings,
3. moral and just: Offers freedom to everyone. Rejects all mysticism, racism, initiatory force, and fraud.
Platonism is also the basis of all public educational systems. Government-run schools today are inept at educating
children because they embrace the ideas of John Dewey, a Platonist existentialist who dishonestly replaced the
objective principles of education with power-usurping, subjective methods. (Dewey's contemporaries, William
James and Sidney Hook, promoted similar but more cautiously disguised, existentialistic ideas.) Using dishonest

non sequiturs, Dewey's philosophy dismisses as socially irrelevant the pedagogical teaching of fundamental
knowledge such as reading, writing, mathematics, and science.
Dewey's philosophy promotes the mystical concept that children can be "educated" by allowing them to randomly
pursue their own whims. The students' whims are considered socially relevant to the here-and-now and thus are
deemed as the basis of education. The "teacher", therefore, merely follows wherever the child's feelings may lead
(rather than the teacher providing the child with objective knowledge through systematic input of integrated facts
and information). With an existential action approach, Dewey deems the mind as the creator of "reality". Thus, in
one mystical stroke, he negates both the integrating conscious mind and objective reality.
Although deceptively stating the opposite, Karl Marx's dialectical materialism is the same "reality creating"
approach to action as Dewey's approach. Hitler's approach is also the same as Dewey's "willed realities" and
"created logics". That "reality-creating" approach is the essence of mysticism. For it relieves the mind of the
basic human responsibility to identify, integrate, and then logically deal with objective reality. As a pragmatic
existential neocheater, Dewey scraps logic, knowledge, and reason in favor of whims and feelings. He deems such
whims and feelings as the primary guide to human knowledge, education, and action. ...Designed from dishonesty
and laziness, Dewey's destructive "educational" approach is the basis of public education today.
Plato provided the tools for rationalizing an "intellectual" basis for any false or specious approach, including
Dewey's approach. Platonistic philosophy can "justify" any irrational or unjust means to "noble" ends or "higher"
causes. That same philosophy provides the tools for rationalizing the two primary character faults of conscious
beings -- dishonesty and laziness.
Aristotle, on the other hand, provides the tools that every person needs to develop the knowledge necessary for
guiding his or her life to unlimited prosperity, psychuous pleasures, and abiding happiness. Aristotelian philosophy
provides the tools for meeting the needs of the human organism for optimum survival and maximum happiness.
Successful use of those tools requires integrated honesty and rational efforts.
The following chart illustrates how a civilization might have advanced if an Aristotelian rather than a Platonistic
philosophy had dominated for the past 2300 years. This chart shows how free-enterprise capitalism would have
eliminated mysticism, parasitism, religion, collectivism, altruism, and force-backed governments with the
subsequent elimination of neocheating, wars, crime, disease, poverty, and death itself.
Some of the estimates made in the chart include steam engines and trains in operation at the birth of Christ (who
in a free-enterprise society might have matured into an energetic, happy, value-producing carpenter or
contractor), mass produced cars available in 50 A.D., commercial airlines in operation by 60 A.D., crime and fraud
eliminated (not by government police but by individual self-defense and private protection services, private
courts, and computerized ostracism) by 65 A.D., nuclear power by 70 A.D., man on the moon by 80 A.D., cancer
cured by 90 A.D., youth-perpetuating biological immortality by 120 A.D., immortal conscious individuals master of
all known nature by 2000 A.D.
Assume that an objective, Aristotelian-based philosophy rather than a mystical, Platonistic-based philosophy had
dominated the Western World since the Golden Age of Greece:
Progress through Mystic-Free Cosmic Minds
rather than
Mystic-Plagued Plato Minds


Heracleitus (540 B.C.-480 B.C.)


Socrates (470 B.C.-399 B.C.)


Plato (427 B.C.-348 B.C.)


Aristotle (384 B.C.-322 B.C.). Plato's philosophy identified as mystical and forever dismissed as
dishonest, destructive.


America discovered.


Free-enterprise capitalism established around the world. Free markets flourishing. All forms of
mysticism and neocheating identified, discredited, and rejected. All government taxation and nonprofit
spending programs abolished. All forms of initiatory force are morally condemned. Wars become
obsolete and vanish. Arts, sciences, technology boom in totally free markets. Dynamic competition and
value production rule. Romantic love flourishes.

0 B.C.

All traces of mysticism, altruism, and collectivism are gone. Poverty essentially eliminated. The
individual is the supreme value. Jesus builds the highest skyscraper in Asia Minor. Trains and
steamships are major forms of transportation.


Electrical power developed, camera developed.


Internal-combustion engine developed.


Cars in mass production. Airplane developed.


Commercial airlines flourishing. Computer developed.


Crime and fraud become unprofitable, obsolete, and essentially eliminated by computerized ostracism.


Nuclear power developed. Nuclear weapons never conceived.


Man on the moon. Internet developed.


Cancer and most other diseases eliminated.


Man on Mars and heading for other planets.


Need for sleep eliminated.


Youth-perpetuating biological immortality developed.


Prosperity and happiness of conscious beings are universal.


Worldwide, commercial, biological immortality achieved. All diseases and aging eliminated. Man
colonizing, mining, and commercializing the moon, asteroids, and Mars. Commercial shuttle flights
(passenger and freight) to space-station colonies. ...Achieve access to the gravity-coded, interstellar
universal computer.


Energy and technology advanced to where sufficient energy can be generated for traveling to other
earth-like planets in outer space. Science, knowledge, and fulfillment advanced to the point at which no

economic or scientific incentive exists for directly communicating with or travelling to the billions of
other, outer-space civilizations.

Immortal conscious beings in a Neo-Tech, free-enterprise society are master of all known nature.
People and goods are transported at the speed of light via electronic transfer. Most goods
manufactured via nanotechnology with the electronic control of atoms and molecules. New knowledge is
expanding at near the speed of light.

Neo-Tech Advantage #78

Spontaneous humor is a highly individualized characteristic that reflects a person's sense of life. Humor can also
identify a person's psychology and philosophy [Re: Table 46, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia].
Humor is a product of lateral or horizontal thinking [Re: Concept 143, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. Through
horizontal thinking, a new and unexpected way to look at something is developed. That surprise contrast between
the conventional, expected view and the new, unexpected view is the essence of humor. The nature of that newly
created view reflects the sense of life in both those who create and those who respond to that particular humor.
The spontaneous response to humor is a quick, automatic indicator of that person's sense of life (e.g., benevolent
or malevolent). Even when they try, few people can conceal or successfully fake their response to humor. Thus,
identification of a person's sense of life through humor is often quite reliable. Understanding the nature of humor
helps identify one's own sense of life as well as that of other people [Re: Table 46, Neo-Tech Reference
Encyclopedia]. Also, a compatibility of humor is one of the most enjoyable aspects of friendships and romanticlove relationships.
Neo-Tech Advantage #79
Deep-rooted taboos subconsciously affect nonsexual as well as sexual relationships between people. For example,
fear of incest taboos can inhibit or even prevent an affectionate, rewarding father-daughter relationship.
Subconscious incest taboos and fears can also block or limit communication between parents and their children
concerning sex education and open discussion of sexual matters. Taboos can likewise inhibit nonsexual friendships
and prevent loving, familial affections from reaching their full potential.
Objective examination reveals that most negative views of taboos are themselves irrational or mystical. Even
negative views of the strongest taboos such as bestiality and incest are sometimes unfounded. But violating or
performing any taboo can also stem from an unhealthy, neurotic, psychotic, or criminal base.
Forcible rape and child-adult sexual relations are not just taboos, but are criminal acts. For, they involve the
violation of individual rights by force or coercion. A child lacks the experience, knowledge, as well as the emotional
and physical independence to make valid free-choice, sexual-relation decisions. Such a child can easily be forced
or coerced into sexual acts by his or her natural dependency on the adult for survival. Indeed, adult incest with a
child is equivalent to rape in violating that child's individual rights and well-being. Thus, when a child is involved,
incest is a crime exceeded in seriousness only by injurious assault, rape, and murder. ...Carrying out any taboo,
sex act, or any action for that matter becomes criminal when (and only when) the action harms, diminishes, or
endangers an individual's rights or life by force, fraud, or coercion.[ 38 ]

But mutually agreed-on violation of other taboos can be from a healthy or "good-for-me" base. For example, most
of today's vanishing taboos such as premarital sex, oral sex, enactment of fantasies, and the satisfying of fetishes
are often (but not always) performed from a healthy base [Re: Concepts 111 and 112, Neo-Tech Reference
Encyclopedia]. Violating other taboos such as adultery can be injurious when involving deception or dishonesty.
Also plural marriages are generally (but not always) too difficult or demanding to be healthy, even if honest.
Taboos such as homosexuality and bestiality are often thought to be violated from psychologically harmful,
neurotic bases. But such is not the case when performed by genetically determined homosexuals or adolescents
motivated by curiosity. ...One possible lure to non genetic forms of homosexuality is easy, low-effort, multiple
sexual experiences. But, the percentage of homosexuals affected or motivated by that lure is not known. Indeed,
much is still unknown about homosexuality.[ 39 ]
Committing incest usually evolves from a neurotic or a psychotic base, but again not always. Incest between
consenting adults, for example, is theoretically possible from a healthy base. Despite government laws,[ 40 ]
nothing in the nature of voluntary, adult-adult incest is inherently wrong or harmful in the act itself. But
conception among close blood relatives can activate undesirable, genetically recessive traits. Thus, the special
problem of bearing defective children must be considered by closely related couples. The decision to bear
children, however, always remains the right of the couple. But if they choose to bear children, they must be willing
and able to assume full responsibility to provide for and raise to independent adulthood any children they bear.
The inherent non-wrongness of adult-adult incest is most obvious in the case of adult orphans who unknown to
each other are brother and sister and who by chance meet. They could quite naturally fall in love, have sex, marry,
and have children without knowledge of their blood relationship. Incest in that case obviously can be from a
healthy basis. Furthermore, even known incestuous relationships between consenting adults are not necessarily
unhealthy or neurotic (although today they often are). Throughout recorded history, incestuous marriages,
especially among the ruling classes, were accepted as normal and widely practiced in many cultures.
No sexual act between consenting adults can objectively be illegal, even if the acts are physically or
psychologically harmful to the consenting individuals (such as injurious homosexuality, masochism, sadism). Only
acts of force, fraud, or coercion that violate the individual rights of nonconsenting people[ 41 ] can be objectively
illegal. Such criminal acts include forcible rape, adult/child sexual relationships, nonconsenting sadism, and any
other acts that are physically or fraudulently forced on unwilling or unknowing victims.
Some of the more irrational government laws that violate individual rights are those dealing with sex. They range
from the government sanctioning murder (e.g., some jurisdictions allow the husband to kill with near impunity the
lover of his wife) to restricting the way one makes love to a consenting partner (e.g., in some states, couples can
go to jail for oral sex).
Neo-Tech Advantage #80
Force, coercion, threat of force, or fraud[ 42 ] initiated against any individual for any reason by any individual,
groups of individuals, societies, or governments is morally wrong. That is the only categorical moral statement
possible. That statement must, by its nature, be the categorical, irreducible, and fundamental standard for all
conscious beings, always, everywhere. That statement is the moral axiom upon which every Neo-Tech/Psychuous
Concept rests. The initiation of force and fraud among conscious beings is not only the basic moral wrong and evil,
but is the primary tool used by all professional mystics and neocheaters to survive through value destruction.
No exceptions to the immorality of initiatory force exist. No matter how "noble" the ends, they never justify the
means of initiating force, fraud, or coercion against any individual. Any government or activity that depends on or

uses initiatory force, threat of force, or coercion is immoral and destructive. Therefore, all taxation backed by
force, all conscription backed by force, and all laws that regulate or control by force or coercion are immoral.
The only laws that are objectively just and moral are those that protect the life and property rights of individuals
from initiatory force and fraud. All other laws that regulate people's lives or property are morally wrong,
contrary to human nature, and harmful to everyone. Such immoral laws include those that restrict or prohibit
drugs, alcohol, prostitution, abortion (of the fetus at any age), or any form of censorship or restriction of
voluntary sexual activity. All such laws are morally wrong because they use threats or force against individuals.
While all governments have the power, none ever have the moral right to initiate force or coercion against any
individual. The only beneficial and moral laws are those designed to protect the life and property rights of
individuals from initiatory force, the threat of force, and fraud. In turn, the only moral use of force is for selfdefense: That is for protection of oneself, property, or country from force initiated by other individuals or
governments. ...Self-defense by any means, including force, is not only a basic moral right, but a moral duty.
No government has ever helped an individual produce more values or greater happiness than that individual could
have produced without government. Governments differ only in the degree they harm people. In fact, except for
protecting individual rights, no valid reason for government exists. Indeed, the entire concept of government is
invalid and mystical. Government is nothing more than a mystical, big-lie hoax perpetuated through the centuries
by neocheaters through force, non sequiturs, and the manipulation of mysticism.
Government is not the equivalent of one's country. Governments are based on invalid mystical notions that have
no basis in reality; countries are objectively real entities of defined territories. A person can love his or her
country, but properly despise the government that with usurped power constantly harms and drains everyone
within its realm.
Neo-Tech Advantage #81
The following chart demonstrates the trend of human oppression over the past 3300 years. That oppression is
directly proportional to the force and fraud governments and religion exert against individuals. The most
oppressive, unhappy period of history was the Dark Ages during which religious power controlled the political
system with unlimited force against individuals. By contrast, human happiness and well-being increased markedly
during those periods when honesty and business reduced government and religious power. Also, as shown in the
following chart, the government and church always oppressed women more than men. Indeed, governments and
churches have always been controlled by neocheaters who manipulate the mystical concept of altruistic sacrifice
to gain power. And, historically, those male neocheaters have always found physically weaker, more mystically
dependent women their first and easiest target to bully into submission.
In exercising their unearned power, professional mystics and neocheaters gained added leverage by encouraging
men to bully physically weaker women into submission. And they especially lured women into silliness -- into
following mystical stupidities such as astrology and religion. But with the rise of nonmystical, free-market
economies, women have become increasingly productive, more independent, less mystical, thus less oppressed.
And recently, for the first time in history, freedom for men and women has become nearly equal. But with today's
reviving interest in the stupidities of mysticism and religion, more women are choosing to slip back into mystical
lives controlled by others.
+6=Maximum Freedom to
-6=Maximum Oppression




Ancient Greece
1300 B.C. - 450 B.C.


Enlightened Greece
450 B.C. - 27 B.C.


Roman Empire
27 B.C. - 385 A.D.



Christianity Established
200 A.D. - 385 A.D.



Rise of Christian Power

(the unhappiest period in history)
385 A.D. - 1000 A.D.



Romantic Love Challenges Christianity

1000 - 1300



Renaissance Weakens Christianity

1300 - 1500


Church Fights Back with Witch Trials and

1300 - 1500



The Puritans
1500 - 1700


Age of Reason
1700 - 1800



Early Victorianism
1800 - 1850



Rise of Capitalism
1850 - 1900


Rise of Romantic Love

1900 - 1960



Sexual Liberation
1960 - 1980



Rise of Mystical Stupidities: Evangelism via

1980 - 1990



Rise of Neo-Tech: The End of Mysticism and

1990 - infinity

steadily increasing to


Note: The long-term, general trend throughout history has been away from mysticism, poverty, stupidity,
oppression, misery...and toward honesty, prosperity, intelligence, freedom, happiness: Away from the mysticplagued Plato mind...and toward the mystic-free cosmic mind.
Today, the various political-religious hucksters, neocheating academia, mystical feminists, and many dishonest
journalists and political cartoonists are climbing over each other to attack and undermine individual rights,
business, and value producers around the world [Re: Table 51, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. Since business
and its value producers strengthen individual rights, the attacks on business and producers are actually attacks
on individual rights. Such attacks are designed to control the value producers for exploitation by neocheaters.
The worldwide trend of increasingly accepting mysticism and violence can culminate in either a governmentsponsored nuclear holocaust or a world-wide, terror-controlled government. Either course would end our current
civilization. With a continued rise of worldwide mysticism, either (1) a nuclear holocaust would occur through
destructive political insanities (e.g., nuclear-armed Marxists/Leninists/Maoists) or destructive religious
insanities (e.g., nuclear-armed Shiite muslims), or (2) a Lenin/Mao-style or Khomeini/Giuliani-style government
would enslave or slaughter the best -- the most valiant, independent, value producers. That enslavement and
slaughter of the good, the happy, the best among us would drag humanity back into the Dark Ages...perhaps for

In a world of escalating mysticism and neocheating, what will stop that destructive trend? Neo-Tech followed by
Neothink will not only stop that trend, but will reverse it effectively, decisively, forever. Indeed, Neo-Tech has
already begun to check the trend. Nothing can stop the current, worldwide Neo-Tech wave from breaking across
all continents to eliminate mysticism and its symbiotic neocheaters.
The alternative to all gloomy scenarios caused by mystics and neocheaters is Neo-Tech driven competition -- a
competitive revolution led by honest, productive working people. That competition will render all professional
mystics and neocheaters impotent, uncompetitive, unable to manipulate the producers, unable to survive. NeoTech led competition will bring a forever prospering, happy business world [Re: Table 51, Neo-Tech Reference
In a Neo-Tech political, social, and business environment, an unstoppable surge of human happiness, well-being,
productivity, and romantic love will occur. Against Neo-Tech, professional mystics and neocheaters will appear as
impotent clowns. They will be unable to deceive, cheat, oppress, injure, destroy, kill... unable to manipulate their
plunderings and aggressions...unable to wage wars or commit mass murder. Indeed, Neo-Tech with its honest
nature and competitive business climate will create an exhilarating, unstoppable atmosphere for creativity and
achievement. The worldwide standard of living and happiness will soar. Poverty and famine will vanish. Most
diseases including cancer and AIDS will quickly be eliminated. ...Human biological immortality without aging will
soon become commercially available -- probably within a decade [Re: Concept 145, Neo-Tech Reference
Neo-Tech Advantage #82
At no time in history have the ideas, influences, doctrines, platforms, or actions of any political or religious
system ever yielded a net benefit to productive human beings. No such system has ever increased the long-range
prosperity, well-being, and happiness of anyone.[ 43 ] Indeed, individuals and civilizations thrive to the extent that
religious and government power is diminished. The anti-force platform of the American Business Party first
appeared nearly two decades ago in BARRONS financial weekly. [Re: Table 52, of Neo-Tech Reference
Encyclopedia] That platform represents the only political structure that functions without force, fraud, or
coercion. That platform, therefore, is compatible with the biological needs and well-being of all human beings. All
other political systems depend on force, fraud, or coercion to function. Thus, all such systems have always
harmed everyone throughout the ages.
Only the unique, anti-force nature of business allows people to fully use their minds and exercise their individual
rights to live prosperously and happily. The question of having no government in a Neo-Tech business society
versus having a limited government in areas of national defense, the courts, and police protection is meaningless
so long as the moral principle of no initiatory force or fraud is observed. Within a Neo-Tech business society, a
company called "government" or competing companies would deliver a needed, integrated package of services to
those who voluntarily paid for such services. Without power to initiate force or the threat of force required to
collect taxes, governments would function only to the extent their citizens or clients found their services valuable
enough to voluntarily purchase.[ 44 ]
If citizens refused to purchase certain government services, those services would simply go out of business. Or
they would be replaced by more efficient services that enough people thought valuable enough to buy. An honest,
legitimate government would by necessity be both a competitive, profit-oriented service and an individual-rights
protection business. In some areas, possibly several competing businesses, organizations, or companies might
offer the same services in competing for citizens as customers.

Voluntarily supported governments and voluntarily supported businesses would really be equivalent entities
subject to the same free-market dynamics and the unbreakable order dictated by free competition, market
demands, investment protection, and value exchange. A nonforce government could be called Government,
Government Company, or any other name. Likewise, that entity would be subject to the same economic disciplines
of profits, losses, growth, competition, and bankruptcy as any competing business. In other words, in a Neo-Tech
society, governments would have the same nature, disciplines, and anti-anarchy order as any free-enterprise
business. And they would be subject to the same competitive influences and disciplines to improve quality and
value. ...The ordered purpose of business would reign; the arbitrary disorder of mystical/neocheating, forcebacked governments would vanish.
The transition from a force-dependent government to a nonforce government could cause some temporary
dislocations, such as cutting welfare, stopping transfer-payment "services", and selling government property to
pay off and close out Social Security claims. But those problems would be minor and transitory compared to the
flood of permanent, major benefits that would immediately assert themselves. For example, national defense and
police protection would immediately strengthen toward total effectiveness as purpose and efficiency soared.
Moreover, a nonforce government would mean no taxes, no irrational controls or destructive regulations, no
government corruption, no neocheaters, no wars, and a spectacularly prosperous, healthy, happy society.
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[ 43 ] But different political systems can vary greatly in their relative destructiveness. Western-world
democracies, for example, are much less oppressive and destructive than are the terror-totalitarian systems of
Russia, Red China, Nazi Germany, Cuba. Left-wing or right-wing, all totalitarian governments use the same
institutions of power, force, and terror. That is why when a right-wing dictatorship falls, a left-wing dictatorship
can so quickly seize and use the instruments of force already in place. Without much effort, the new government
can continue usurping power and values as did the previous government, but with ever greater force and terror.
[ 44 ] Does Neo-Tech lead to anarchy? No, just the opposite. Neo-Tech leads to business-like order and prosperity.
Only destructive, bogus-job authorities backed by force cause disorder and eventual anarchy.
Neo-Tech Advantage #83
for a life of
The purpose of each individual human life is to prosper and live happily. Anyone can achieve that prosperity and
happiness when free of force, fraud, or coercion by others.
The Neo-Tech Constitution forbids initiatory force, threat of force, or fraud by any individual, group of individuals,
or government. No other law or rule is needed for a moral, rational society.

Forbidding initiatory force and coercion is the only political law compatible with the prosperity and happiness of
human beings. Thus, the Neo-Tech Constitution leaves everyone with the conditions for prosperity and happiness.
No other constitution or laws are needed or valid.
The Neo-Tech Constitution stated below obsoletes the constitutions of all nations:
The purpose of human life is to prosper and live happily. The function of society is to protect those conditions that
let all individuals achieve prosperity and happiness. Those conditions can be delivered by a constitution that
prohibits the use of initiatory force or coercion by any person, group, or government against any individual:
The Constitution
Article 1: No person, group of persons, or government may initiate force, threat of force, or fraud against the
person or property of any individual.
Article 2: Force may be morally and legally used only in defense against those who violate Article 1.
Article 3: No exception shall ever exist to Articles 1 & 2.
The Neo-Tech Constitution rests on six axioms:
1. Values exist only relative to life.
2. Whatever benefits a living organism is a value to that organism. Whatever harms a living organism is a
disvalue to that organism.
3. The basic value against which all values are measured is the conscious individual.
4. Morals relate only to conscious individuals.
5. Immoral actions arise from individuals choosing to harm others through force, fraud, deception, coercion
-- or from individuals choosing to usurp, attack, or destroy values earned by others.
6. Moral actions arise from individuals choosing to benefit others by competitively producing values for
How would the Neo-Tech Constitution be enforced? Through (1) self-defense/deterrent forces and (2) organized
ostracizing systems ...Effective ostracisation is a much more powerful mechanism for justice, restitution, and
deterrent than any form of force. And the severest, fully integrated ostracisation can eventually deliver capital
punishment through suicide.
Background for The Neo-Tech Constitution
The purpose of human life is to prosper happily. By integrating the human mind with reality, anyone can prosper
happily by making one's self increasingly valuable to others. But what keeps most people from doing that -- from
fulfilling their own nature? What has kept most people throughout history from experiencing the prosperity and
happiness that they are fully qualified to earn?...The answer lies in three words: Force, Mysticism, Neocheating:[
45 ]
Force is the instrument used to usurp or expropriate values earned by others: Directly or indirectly, all initiated
force supports stagnated status quo, laziness, and incompetence at the expense of competitive growth,
productivity, and ability. Criminals, mystics, neocheaters, governments, and religions use force, threat of force,
or fraud to drain life, values, and happiness from the producers and society. But those who live by force or fraud

live in discord with reality. They offer nothing to others except dwarfed lives, diminished happiness, and lost
Professional mystics and neocheaters depend on force or deception to survive. But, the value producer never
needs to use force or deception to prosper.
Once value producers identify the nature of initiatory force, they will reject its use as criminal and harmful under
any conditions. From that point on, the value producers can guiltlessly collect their earned prosperity and
happiness. And all who have lived by force and coercion will find they can no longer live by usurping values.
Instead, they too will have to produce competitive values for others or perish.
Mysticism is defined as: 1. Any attempt to use the mind as a "reality" creating device rather than a reality
integrating organism. 2. Any attempt to recreate or alter reality through dishonesty, feelings, non sequiturs, or
rationalizations. 3. Any attempt to ignore, evade, contradict, or fake reality. 4. Any creation of problems where
none exist.
Mysticism is the tool used by neocheaters to manipulate or hide the force, fraud, or coercion used to usurp power
and values from others. Mysticism is used to create specious standards for projecting undeserved guilt onto
others. Why? To beguile value producers into surrendering their earned power and values to the value
Neocheating is defined as: Any intentional use of mysticism to create false realities and illusions in order to
extract values or power from others.
Neocheating is the technique for usurping values, money, power by using mysticism to manipulate others.
Neocheating is the essential technique politicians, clergymen, bogus-job bureaucrats, and white-collar-hoax
business quislings use to usurp jobs, power, money, and pseudo self-esteem from others.
The Nature of Mysticism Used by Neocheaters
Mysticism is an evasion of reality that is never supported by honesty or objective reality. Mysticism, the
stupidness disease, harms human beings in five ways:
1. Mysticism cripples the integration capacities required to accurately understand reality. That accurate
understanding is necessary to make decisions competently, to solve problems effectively, and to live
2. Mysticism short-circuits or blocks the mind to prevent unlimited, wide integrations that let one know and
understand everything in the universe without limits.
3. Mysticism drains one's intelligence, efficacy, and ability to live competitively.
4. Mysticism blocks the long-range thinking integrations needed to prosper continuously, love romantically,
and live happily.
5. Mysticism subjects individuals increasingly to the control of professional mystics and neocheaters.
Mysticism is arbitrary, has no link to reality, and is based on nothing. Thus, mysticism is nothing. Yet, by
manipulating rationalizations, non sequiturs, aphorisms, parables, superstitions, modern art, poetry, songs, rock
music, chants, slogans, newspeak, quotes, or facts out of context, a professional mystic or neocheater can create
illusions to seemingly justify almost any harmful action, including thefts and murder. Such "justifications" are
essential for their unjustifiable pillagings of value producers.

Mysticism and neocheating have been used for 2000 years to create illusions that "external authorities" protect
the lives of individuals, can solve problems for others, and can provide livings for non-producers. But, in reality,
all such "authorities" are merely neocheaters using deception, force, or coercion to extract their bogus
livelihoods from the value producers. And those neocheaters are the fountainhead of crimes and human-imposed
Mysticism and neocheating are the main causes of pain and failure among human beings. Mysticism and
neocheating are anti-life -- death-oriented. The core of mystics and neocheaters is dishonesty and laziness. Their
task is to beguile value producers into supporting the value destroyers.
The Morality of Mystics and Neocheaters
Morality is defined as: Conscious actions that purposely benefit people and society are moral. Conscious actions
that purposely harm people and society are immoral. Thus, value destroyers such as mystics, neocheaters, and
their agents of force, coercion, and deception are immoral. For, they purposely harm others and society by
choosing to usurp values from others rather than produce values for others. By contrast, value producers are
moral. For, they purposely benefit others and society by choosing to competitively produce more values for
others than they consume.
Mystics violate morality: They harm both their own and every other person's life. They are destructive, silly,
immature, childish. By choosing to evade reality, they undermine their ability to identify reality, to think clearly, to
produce values, to live happily, to compete honestly -- to survive. As a result, they increasingly transfer
responsibilities for their failures onto others. They routinely lay blame and guilt on others for their own
problems.[ 46 ]
Neocheaters violate morality: They purposely expand their harm by orchestrating mystical illusions to plunder
others and society. Moreover, they design their illusions to make themselves appear as innocent benefactors and
their victims appear as the guilty malefactors. But the opposite is true: The neocheaters are the guilty
malefactors; their victims are usually the innocent value producers. Yet, as long as most people allow themselves
to accept those mystical inversions of honesty, the neocheaters will keep pillaging them and society. As a result,
such neocheaters always harm society by draining prosperity and happiness from everyone.
Agents of Force violate morality: They purposely harm others by expropriating values through force or threat of
force. Moreover, by choosing to expropriate rather than earn values, agents of force destroy their own lives by
demolishing their competence, self-esteem, and happiness.
By Contrast
Nonmystics are moral: They accept the responsibility to think and act for themselves in order to produce
objective values for others. With a loyalty to honesty, they act in accord with objective reality. They are mature,
evolved people who strive to integrate their words and actions with honesty and reality, regardless of anyone's
opinions, dictates, wishes, or emotions. As a result, nonmystics always benefit others and society.
Rejecting Losers
Mystics, neocheaters, and agents of force are losers. They are immature, unevolved people with self-arrested
character development. They function through dishonesty and deception. For those reasons, they must depend on
the producer for survival. But, they resent and envy the producer in knowing that they cannot experience his or
her competence and happiness, no matter how much they extract from others. Mystics and neocheaters live
unhappy, shrinking lives. Living through huckstered faith enforced by deception or force, they steadily lose
respect for honesty, happiness, and the purpose to live. They increasingly move toward failure and death. And

often, steeped in envy, they want everyone else to fail and die with them. ...Thus, anyone can benefit by
immediately rejecting losers such as mystics, neocheaters, and agents of force.
Free Choice
All people must continually choose between dishonesty or honesty, between laziness or effort, between accepting
or rejecting mysticism from both within and without. Accepting mysticism means evading honesty and denying
reality in favor of feelings, wishes, or external "authorities". And those consistently choosing mysticism become
dependent on others or "authorities" to think for them, to lead them, to neocheat for them. But rejecting
mysticism upholds honesty, rejects neocheaters and dependence on them, builds competence and independence,
and finally enhances life for everyone.
Four Facts

No one can give another person self-worth or happiness. Yet anyone can achieve those two prime values
by (a) producing more competitive values for others than consumed by oneself; and (b) rejecting
mystics, neocheaters, and their schemes to usurp power and values from others.
2. Loyalty to honesty and rationality must replace mysticism in order to harness one's natural power. By
remaining loyal to honesty and rationality, a person can (a) disarm mysticism, (b) render neocheaters
impotent, and (c) create the conditions that allow personal prosperity and happiness to flourish.
3. People who resist mysticism from within and reject neocheating from without will gain prosperity and
happiness. But others who remain foundering in the seas of mysticism and neocheating will become
uncompetitive and lose the values of life.
4. If everyone were a mystic, human life would end. If everyone were a value destroyer, an agent of force, a
neocheater, human life would end. But if everyone were an honest value producer, human life and
happiness would flourish beyond imagination.
The Intertwining Dependency of Force and Fraud on Mysticism
Mysticism destroys from within; force destroys from without. Yet, both mysticism and force are unnatural and
disposable. Neither are rooted in reality or have any inherent power. Still, all unearned power and expropriated
values depend on mystical illusions backed by coercion, force, fraud, or deception. Mystics, neocheaters, and
other value destroyers need those illusions to beguile, flimflam, or force values from others. But once that
intertwining dependency of mysticism and force is unraveled, the rationalizations crumble and illusions vanish.
...Without their illusions, mystics and neocheaters are powerless.
When value producers understand that intertwining dependency of force and fraud on mysticism, they will stop
supporting mystics and neocheaters who live off the efforts of others. Those mystics and neocheaters will then be
powerless. Their only means of survival will be to produce rather than usurp values. Once they become value
producers, their self-esteems and competencies will soar. And then, they too can evolve into self-responsible
human beings who earn their prosperity and happiness.
Abolishing Initiatory Force by Ending Mysticism
The Neo-Tech Constitution forbids initiatory force or fraud. Without force or fraud, mysticism and thus
neocheaters become impotent. Without mysticism, force becomes ineffective for extracting values from others.
The axioms of the Neo-Tech Constitution are real and cannot be contradicted. They are based on human nature. By
contrast, all mystical illusions are capricious and contradictory. They are based on nothing. And that nothingness
is why force, fraud, or coercion are required to make others accept the dishonest illusions of mystics and

neocheaters. Thus, by forbidding force, fraud, and coercion, the Neo-Tech Constitution vanquishes mystics and
Policies for Ending Mysticism and Neocheating
Most people unknowingly let mysticism have disastrous effects on their lives and society. As throughout history,
people unnecessarily accept the dishonesties of mysticism in allowing neocheaters to pillage them materially and
spiritually. But, once the mystical illusions are identified and the neocheating hoaxes are rejected, destructive
mystics and neocheaters will be powerless because they have no reality-based, earned power. Rejecting
mysticism and its dishonesty means rejecting neocheaters and their agents of force. That rejection requires a
policy of never knowingly giving values to or doing business with those who live by force, fraud, coercion, or
deception. Such people include:
1. Politicians.
2. Clergymen.
3. Agents of force who extort values from individuals, businesses, and society.
4. Bureaucrats and "authorities" who impede the value producer.
5. Academe, journalists, cartoonists, and media people who purposely distort facts and consciously
undermine objective values to sustain pseudo self-esteems and destructive careers.
6. Quisling business executives and professionals who neocheat and destroy within their own businesses
and professions for fake power and unearned livelihoods.
7. Other mystics and neocheaters who expropriate values while diminishing the prosperity and happiness of
With wide-spread rejection of mysticism and neocheaters, violations of individual rights become unacceptable,
pillaging becomes impractical, and waging war becomes impossible. ...People will then be free to live prosperously
and happily forever.
Implementing the Neo-Tech Constitution
People could implement the Neo-Tech Constitution if they voted not for politicians, but, voted only for "The NeoTech Constitution". The Neo-Tech Constitution fully meets the responsibility of any government to its citizens. The
sole purpose of The Neo-Tech Constitution is to protect individual rights through the abolition of all initiatory
The Neo-Tech Constitution not only provides impenetrable armor for individual rights, but embodies the principles
of prosperous living. People one by one will recognize the consummate advantages of The Neo-Tech Constitution.
Then, with increasing momentum, those people will reject mysticism and neocheating. Those who do not reject
mysticism will be left behind, unable to compete for power, prosperity, and romantic love among the rising army
of Neo-Tech value producers.
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[ 45 ] Without initiatory force, mysticism, and neocheating, ever yone would be compelled by the dynamics of
competition to live by producing honest, competitive values for others and society.

[ 46 ] Everyone must fight mysticism both from within and from without. Each who quits fighting lets mysticism
take over his or her life. Each who surrenders or stops struggling against mysticism becomes a part of the
dishonest, quasi-dead world of mystics and neocheaters. And that unhappy world parasitically feeds on the
destruction of values.
Neo-Tech Advantage #84
What if people existed who purchased healthy, well-formed children and then mutilated their young bodies to
create monsters splendid for laughing at? What if their formula were:
"Take a child two or three years old, put him in a porcelain vase, more or less grotesque, which is made without
top or bottom, to allow egress for the head and feet. During the day the vase is set upright, and at night is laid
down to allow the child to sleep. The child thickens without growing taller, filling up with his compressed flesh and
distorted bones the reliefs in the vase. This development in a bottle continues many years. After a certain time it
becomes irreparable. When they consider that this is accomplished, and the monster made, they break the vase.
The child comes out -- and, behold, there is a man in the shape of a mug!
"This is convenient; by ordering your dwarf betimes you are able to have it of any shape you wish."
Victor Hugo
The Man Who Laughs
Impossible? No one could be that evil? ...During the 17th century, organized bands of Gypsies called comprachicos
(from comprapequeos, the Spanish word for child buyers) developed the profession of creating human monsters
from children. Why? For the jaded amusement of master neocheaters and professional mystics of Europe -- the
royalty of government and church.
Did that period represent the height of evil toward children? Not at all. Today, comprachicos exist en masse
around the world. And they are committing even greater crimes in creating less startling but more seriously
mutilated children than their 17th century counterparts. Yet, their mutilations are more easily ignored. And, yes,
even accepted by the mystical-blinded public:
Who are the modern-day comprachicos? And what forms are their mutilations? One group specializes in
deforming the outer body while permanently damaging the internal organs. They produce adults incapable of
experiencing happy, healthy, romantic lives. Those modern-day comprachicos habituate, for example, ice-cream
parlors. In great numbers, those comprachicos gorge children with macro doses of the most widely destructive of
addictive drugs -- sugar. An addictive sedative, sugar exhibits profound, long-range toxicity toward the human
body and its organs. Sugar gradually and irreversibly damages the metabolic system and internal organs while
bloating the body into unwholesome, grotesque shapes.
Those who are producing unhappy, sugar-addicted children by mutilating their bodies while damaging their organs
are committing crimes more destructive than most child-molestation and child-abuse crimes. Moreover, those
modern-day comprachicos are more culpable than their 17th century counterparts. The original comprachicos
kept their children relatively healthy to achieve better market prices. They did not damage the children's
metabolism or internal organs. Also, those 17th century comprachicos mutilated other people's children for

money. But, the modern-day comprachicos mutilate their own children for nothing more than rationalizing their
own overweight or self-esteem problems in defaulting to destructive mysticism.[ 47 ]
Can anything worse be done to children? Yes, something worse is being done everyday to millions of children: By
nature, a child's mind is honest, innocent, and struggling to understand and integrate reality. What happens during
the most vulnerable, formative period in developing a child's thinking and integrating ability as well as that child's
competence, knowledge, honesty, integrity? Most parents and other adults traumatize and cripple that child's
tender mind with heavy doses of mystical dishonesties. They do that by force-feeding the innocent child constant
doses of blatantly dishonest religious or altruistic myths about spirits, God, Santa Claus. Such dishonesties are
the antithesis of knowledge, contextual facts, and justice. And such repetitive blows to the child's newly developing
mind and character can inflict deep, permanent damage. Those dishonesties often induce the first unnatural steps
toward becoming an unhappy mystic or a destructive neocheater. ...Nothing healthy is reflected in the innocent,
reality-seeking child being intellectually devastated by such irrational dishonesties as religious myths and SantaClaus lies.
But even more severe crimes against children occur on a grand scale in most public schools and universities
today. The perpetrators of those crimes are the majority of educators and philosophers of this world. They
implement those anti-educational ideas advanced at the turn of the century by master comprachico, John Dewey.
Such educators methodically destroy the efficacy of the child's mind. By the millions, eager, knowledge-seeking
children turn into lethargic airheads or dishonest manipulators unable to achieve honest prosperity and genuine
Moreover, those comprachicos supported by government-backed schools are busily training millions of children
to live dishonestly -- to live not by producing values for others but by cleverly usurping values from others.
Indeed, they are training children to become mystics and neocheaters. For, those modern-day comprachicos must
keep generating more mystics and neocheaters in order to perpetuate their big-lie survival hoaxes based on
Who will protect innocent children from those crimes? Neo-Tech can and will eventually protect children from
such crimes. And every Neo-Tech reader can help protect children by publicly identifying those modern-day
comprachicos who carry out their mind/body mutilations in full view of a silently accepting public. The Neo-Tech
reader can openly identify the damage being done to innocent children, particularly those children trapped within
the public education system.
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[ 47 ] Go to the beach. Look at the couples over 30. How many s till look healthy, trim, attractive? Maybe 5%,
probably less. ...Most adults surrender life by surrendering to mysticism. Indeed, they often mutilate and destroy
each other's bodies and happiness. They directly or indirectly encourage or cajole their spouses into destroying
their trim, beautiful bodies. Such insecure people actually want their spouses to grow fat and unattractive. Why?
With an unattractive spouse, a person no longer needs to exert the care, thought, and effort required to prevent
losing an attractive spouse in the competitive arena of romantic love.

Neo-Tech Advantage #85

A Neo-Tech Protection Kit is available from the Kenneth A. Clark Memorial Office. The kit provides many specific,
real-life examples and letters that show how Neo-Tech jettisons mystics and neocheaters. For example, the
following letter illustrates an attack by neocheaters and how Neo-Tech effectively dismisses such neocheaters:
Mr. Paul L. Douglas, Attorney General
Department of Justice, State Capitol
Lincoln, Nebraska 68509
Dear Mr. Douglas:
Important to your future is understanding the enclosed letter from Mr. Thomas P. Vlahoulis of your Consumer
Protection Division. As Nebraska's Attorney General, you are responsible for the actions of that Division and its
use of taxpayers' money.
Please carefully read that letter, for it is under your name: Does Mr. Vlahoulis, you, or anyone in your Department
of Justice have a single, concrete complaint about the Neo-Tech Research and Writing Center or any of our
publications? If so, we request that you immediately inform us. For, we want to know exactly what the complaint is
and who is making it. We insist on our basic right of knowing and facing our accuser so we may respond fully.
And very important, Mr. Douglas, why exactly is your Department of Justice gratuitously intruding into a
publishing company with an inquisition directed at its writers and sources? What exactly is Mr. Vlahoulis implying
or presuming, and on what basis? And what is the idea of his threatening us while remaining secretive in vaguely
implying that the inquisition arises from "information forwarded by a concerned citizen"?
If someone has a complaint, then out with it so we can respond. Indeed, has Mr. Vlahoulis or anyone in that Division
ever received even a single complaint? And what about the thousands of happy Nebraskans who have benefited
from Neo-Tech? ...Just who is complaining and why? Or is Mr. Vlahoulis merely acting on someone's specious
attack on values?
If no complaint based on fact exists, then I submit that Mr. Vlahoulis is consuming taxpayers' money in creating
bogus jobs by conjuring up problems where none exist while sapping valuable time from innocent value producers.
If that be the case, is not your Department committing a double-edged fraud under the aegis of "consumer
What would the citizens of Nebraska think about spending their tax money on harassing value-producing writers in
the name of "consumer protection"? What would Woodson Howe, editor of the Omaha World-Herald, or Tom White,
editor of the Lincoln Star, say about your arbitrary threats aimed at a publisher of ideas? ...Ideas that will collapse
mysticism to benefit everyone except the neocheaters.
Through the philosophically oriented books and articles developed by the Neo-Tech Research and Writing Center,
we have delivered objective, long-range values to over a million appreciative individuals in all 50 states and over
140 countries. Still professional mystics and neocheaters who are threatened by Neo-Tech always attack it, often
vehemently, often imploring government authorities to stop our publishing activities. But, as they sooner or later
discover, such attacks always backfire. For, we utilize all their attacks to our benefit. Indeed, their attacks directly
enhance our business objectives of collapsing mysticism to eliminate neocheating. Moreover, their attacks are
published and marketed in our Neo-Tech Protection Kit. That kit lets honest, productive people specifically identify
and then forever dismiss those mystics and neocheaters who foment dishonest attacks on value producers.

We are resolutely principled and never knowingly yield to actions that are wrong or unfair, no matter what the
cost. Indeed, over the long-range we build strength through a loyalty to honesty. And that means standing up to
and publicly exposing neocheaters wherever we encounter them.
In addition to the definition of neocheaters on the second page of our enclosed statement of principles, I ask you to
read the third page concerning our policies toward neocheaters. That policy includes never knowingly doing
business, regardless of dollar losses, with those who live by force, threats, or fraud.
Enclosed are samples of letters from Neo-Tech owners. As you can see in the inset on the second page, various
mystics and neocheaters fear Neo-Tech so much that they stridently threaten us, even with physical harm. Some
have physically threatened our writers and some have tried to carry out their threats. That is one reason we
shield and protect our writers. Additionally, all our sales literature openly displays a printed warning requesting
professional mystics and neocheaters (e.g., clergymen and politicians) not to buy anything from us. For, we will
not knowingly do business with any value destroyer. We reject their orders and never want their business.
But above all, we as everyone in America are protected by the First Amendment. And we as everyone in America
can freely publish our ideas without anyone's permission or license no matter how many authorities, mystics, or
neocheaters object, including those in government, including you, your Department of Justice, and Mr. Vlahoulis.
That raises the question of why I spent the time identifying the nature of Mr. Vlahoulis' actions. Am I letting your
value-destroying minions consume my time needed to produce values for others? No, not at all. For I am a writer,
researcher, and editor whose single, long-range responsibility is to develop and publish those identifications that
will reveal and eventually eliminate dishonest mystics and destructive neocheaters -- in and out of religion and
Indeed, every destructive action integrated with Neo-Tech generates material for future publications. Those
publications are dedicated to eliminating mystics, neocheaters, and their 2000-year hoax used to pillage value
producers. For once free of mystics and neocheaters, society will be free of parasites and bureaucratic value
destroyers. Then all people will be free to earn full prosperity, personal happiness, and romantic love.
And now a most important note. A personal note offered in goodwill to you, Mr. Douglas: I ask you to take the
following step that will bring you and the public great benefits, now and in the future: Although we do not sell NeoTech to mystics, neocheaters, politicians, the clergy, most lawyers, certain academe, and others listed in our
policy statement, we invite you to leave politics, acquire Neo-Tech knowledge, and join in the ascent of man and
woman to guiltless prosperity, happiness, and romantic love.
If you arrange to leave politics to produce marketable values for others, I could arrange for you to purchase NeoTech as we have occasionally arranged for other nonqualifiers. But first you must desire to abandon neocheating
in order to pursue a happy, productive life. So please let me know if you are interested in this new direction. For,
we can help you. With Neo-Tech, you can be infinitely happier than working toward the next election.
John Flint
Director of RIBI
Note: Several months after receiving this letter and failing to accept its benevolent offer, Attorney-General Paul L.
Douglas was impeached and later indicted for perjury and obstruction of justice.

Neo-Tech Advantage #86

For 2500 years, citizens from ancient Greece to modern America have sought to understand and judge those
holding or seeking public power. The higher, more powerful the "authority", the more attention focuses on trying
to judge that "authority". In fact, attention expands geometrically on ascending the power scale to the president of
the United States (or to the Pope). Yet, a consistent, reliable standard for judging power and authority has until
now remained a riddle.
That riddle is solved by applying two metaphors: (1) Knowing the material world around us requires understanding
the smallest atomic units. And (2) knowing the cosmos above us requires understanding its primordial origins.
Now apply those two points to authority and power: (1) Knowing authority around us requires understanding the
smallest authoritarian units. And (2) knowing the power above us requires understanding its philosophical origins.
Understanding the Smallest Unit of Authority
Understanding authority begins by traveling far from the great concentrations of government authority -traveling away from the eastern megalopolis, west to the small desert city in Western United States. By putting a
microscope on that oasis of population, one can focus beneath its few, simple layers of authority. One can focus
beneath the mayor, past the city council and paid government employees down to an unpaid, appointed planning
commission. And finally, one can reduce that commission's microcosm of authority down to its most mundane
exercise of authority -- the granting or denying of a minor zoning variance to a lone, uninfluential individual with a
modest home needing a second bedroom for his family.
That property owner duly completed the proper forms, submitted blueprints, paid the filing fees, and presented
the facts to the planning commission. He explained why variance was necessary not only to better the property,
but to preserve one of the largest elm trees in the city. The owner detailed how alternative plans without the
variance would neither be practical nor best serve the neighborhood. In addition, a professional urban planner
(hired by the commission) found no problems or objections to the variance. He also concurred that well over half
the homes in the neighborhood already had structures built in greater variance to the zoning ordinance than the
minor variance requested.
Moreover, unlike the surrounding structures, the proposed structure was designed to beautify both the owner's
home and the neighborhood. In addition, that would be done entirely at the owner's expense while providing local
employment. And most important, a two-week notice posted on the property, an advertised notice in the local
newspaper, and written notices mailed to all homes surrounding the proposed property improvement brought not
a single objection. In short, everyone logically concerned supported the variance.
On concluding the hearing, the members seemed ready to approve this minor, routine variance. But then spoke a
younger commissioner, a stocky, flush-faced government environmentalist living in a wealthy neighborhood atop a
hill, far from the property owner. He turned enough to observe the property owner from the corners of his eyes.
Then with twitching jowls, he stated that the property owner's needs and desires meant nothing in his considering
the variance. He then cited three ambiguous, ordinance clauses with arbitrary interpretations -- impossible
interpretations that no home owner could ever satisfy. ...He chose the exercise of power for the sake of gaining
unearned power by destroying the creation of values.
In prompt rebuttal, spoke an older commissioner. A trim, leather-faced workingman living in the same modest
neighborhood as the property owner, he pointed out that no objective reason to deny the variance existed,

especially after everyone in the neighborhood and all others who could possibly be concerned approved. ...He
chose the creation of values over the exercise of power.
To fully understand the profound difference between those two commissioners, one must know that they are
appointed by politically elected officials and meet four hours each month without pay. If they receive no pay, what
do they receive? They receive political power and civic recognition with little expenditure of time and effort. Thus,
the motivation for such people entering the world of government authority varies between political enhancement
and civic achievement. From those beginnings, from that political atom, emerge two types of people: One desiring
to gain power and a political future by destroying values. The other desiring to enhance the civic needs of the
community and its citizens by protecting values. ...The first type gains authoritarian power by destroying values of
others; the second type resists authoritarian power by protecting values of others. The first type consists of badintentioned value destroyers. The second type consists of well-intentioned, but misguided value producers.
Understanding the
Philosophical Origins of Power
The first type subconsciously orients around Plato's philosophy -- a subjective, mystical-based philosophy. The
extent a person adopts Plato's views is the extent that he or she holds that:
1. Standards for morals and ethics are products of changeable opinions rather than products of objective
2. Power is to be used as an end in itself to determine who through their "wisdom" (through their feelings,
whims, wishes, "intuition") should rule or control others.
3. Facts, honesty, and logic are relative, arbitrary, disposable.
4. Principle does not matter: ends justify the means.
By nature, Plato nourishes not only all despots and dictators, but politicians and bureaucrats at all levels of
government. Plato justifies the striving for power at the expense of the rights, property, and life of others. Plato
provides the rationalization for all laziness, dishonesty, and value destruction -- for all subjective, unjust non
sequiturs and actions used to usurp power and values from others. According to Plato, the rights and needs of
individuals are secondary to any external "authority's" desire to usurp values and power. Indeed, Plato assigns
virtue to sacrificing individual rights and needs to any arbitrary "higher cause", "higher power", or external
"authority". ...Thus, Plato is the philosophical father of mysticism and neocheating.
The second type subconsciously orients around Aristotle's philosophy -- an objective, reality-based philosophy.
The extent that a person adopts Aristotle's view is the extent he or she holds that:
1. Standards for morals and ethics are products of objective reality rather than products of changeable
2. The well-being of society is enhanced to the extent that individuals are free to produce objective values
for themselves and others.
3. Facts, honesty, and logic are absolute, unchangeable, eternal.
4. Principle matters: ends do not justify the means.
By nature, Aristotle nourishes all value producers. The Aristotelian-oriented person has a loyalty to honesty. That
person strives to avoid acting on whims, feelings, or wishes. Instead, that person strives to identify and integrate
contextual facts in order to act in a rationally consistent manner that generates maximum values for others. Thus,
Aristotle is the philosophical father of business and Neo-Tech.

Making Judgments
While most people outwardly exhibit mixtures of Platonistic and Aristotelian views, everyone holds a dominant
view of life that is either Platonistic or Aristotelian. Once the Platonistic and Aristotelian views are understood,
the dominant view of most individuals becomes evident. With that understanding, one can detect the philosophical
core of anyone seeking or holding government power -- from the president of the United States to a planning
commissioner of a small desert town.
Now, after 2500 years, an objective standard exists to judge power and authority: Who should hold government
power over the life, property, and freedom of individuals? A person with Plato's view or a person with Aristotle's
view? The answer is...neither.
The Neo-Tech View
All forms of external power or authority undermine the productive, self-responsible nature of human beings. Thus,
all such authority is bogus and eventually harmful to everyone. No person, group, or government has the right to
deny or grant permission for individuals to use their own earned property in ways not infringing on the life or
property rights of other individuals.
Note: After sending this report to members of the city council, the property owner proceeded to build the room
without permission or interference from the "authorities".
Neo-Tech Advantage #87
Mystic-free individuals who think and act with full-context integrations can easily retake power usurped by the
mystics and neocheaters. And a mystic-free, Neo-Tech person can always outcompete those hampered with
mysticism in personal and business endeavors. To consistently act in the rational interest of self, others, and
society requires mystic-free thinking and actions in concert with fully integrated honesty...which is Neo-Tech.
With Neo-Tech, people can free themselves of the life-stunting oppression imposed by external "authorities". Once
free, Neo-Tech people become totally responsible and accountable for their own actions and, thus, gain full control
of their own lives and well-beings. Only with that responsibility and control can individuals be of maximum value to
others in producing values. But those ideas of freedom and responsibility contradict the premises of both
conservatives and "liberals". All such advocates of government control claim that individuals must in various
ways be controlled by force or coercion to keep them from hurting themselves and others. And that is the
greatest of all myths.
That great myth begins by omitting the adjective rational from the words self-interest. Such an omission allows
one to falsely imply that free individuals will normally pursue irrational "self-interests" such as fraud, theft,
assault, rape, murder if not controlled by government force or regulations. Irrational actions are always
destructive to a person's self-interest, thus, are contrary to human nature. Irrationality, by nature, never works
to the well-being of anyone. The human organism, as any living organism, if unfettered and free, works by nature
toward the long-range best interest of everyone.
Similarly, every cell and organ in one's body freely functions toward its own well-being in order to deliver
maximum benefits to the entire body. Cells and organs do not sacrifice themselves to other cells and organs. If
they did, the entire body would die. Likewise, individuals free to function toward their own rational, nonsacrificial
self-interests will achieve maximum prosperity for themselves, others, and society. If they allow themselves to be
sacrificed, everyone loses except the neocheaters promoting sacrifice of others to their destructive, self-serving

Free, unsacrificed individuals provide the maximum benefits to others and society. But that is not the reason why
government force and coercion against individuals by nonproductive mystics and neocheaters are morally wrong.
Independent of the practical benefits, the principle stands: Each individual has the inalienable right to his or her
own mind, body, and earned property regardless of those benefits that naturally accrue to others and society. No
one can ever rightfully own or morally take any portion of another individual's life or earned property.
Freedom and property can be taken from an individual in only one of two ways: (1) by his or her consent (moral),
(2) by initiatory force, threat of force, coercion, or fraud (immoral). All governments throughout history have
immorally usurped individual freedom and property from their citizens by initiatory force or the threat of force.
And that theft is always done under the Platonistic rationalization of serving some common "good" or "higher"
cause.[ 48 ] All governments today initiate force or threats of force to deprive their citizens of their property,
prosperity, freedom, happiness. ...While everyone has the right to use self-defense force, no one or no
government has the right to initiate force or threats of force against anyone, for any reason, under any
Why do certain people such as politicians, thieves, theologians, social intellectuals, many media people, most
lawyers, most professors, and all other professional value destroyers seek to live by force, fraud, deception, or
coercion? Why do they seek to live by usurping values from others rather than to live by producing values for
others? One discovers the answer by stripping the layers of rationalization from such people. Beneath those
layers is a lack of maturity and self-esteem, a lack of self-responsibility and independence, a lack of honesty and
effort. For they made a secret choice to be dishonest, lazy, and dependent on others for survival -- a secret
choice to avoid the constant integrated efforts needed to contextually understand reality. And such honest,
contextual understandings are needed to produce competitive values desired by others.
Also, professional mystics, neocheaters, and other value destroyers hold various degrees of secret fear and
envious hatred toward the value producer. After stripping away the various rationalizations from those value
destroyers, the same core -- no matter how skillfully hidden -- always manifests itself. That core is dishonest
laziness: a default against the constant hard effort needed to competitively produce values that benefit others.
Self-responsibility, rationality, honesty, and effort are necessary for human well-being and happiness. To live as
designed by nature, people must produce competitive, tradeable values (goods or services) that others desire and
will voluntarily buy.[ 49 ] By contrast, the character core of mystics, neocheaters, politicians, and other value
destroyers is dishonest laziness. Consider, for example, essentially all politicians are lazy, despite their often
cleverly staged, look-like-work flurries. Those flurries of "work" are really nothing more than flurries of antiproductive machinations or ego-boosting power ploys. Such destructive machinations are the daily routines of
dictators, prime ministers, and presidents as so starkly revealed in the putrefied personal lives of neocheating
politicians as Lincoln, Wilson, Stalin, Hitler, Churchill, FDR, LBJ. They are all soul mates concealing their mutual
secret of laziness and living off the productive efforts of others.
Most professional mystics and neocheaters are "liberal" oriented.[ 50 ] To live off the producers, those modern
"liberals" must promote the false notion that human needs are human rights. They must promote their nonsequitur emotional hoax that being "compassionate" means forcing the value producer to fill their parasitical
Gaining unearned values is the foremost concern of "liberals". Yet, they constantly project that they are
concerned about "higher values" and "compassion" for others. But their compassionate images are hypocritical
shams. For, professional mystics and neocheaters are interested only in unearned power and bogus jobs so they
can go through life living off the values produced by others.

Since professional mystics, neocheaters, and other value destroyers are not self-sufficient, they must spend their
lives in a deceptive, resentful struggle designed to extract their material and emotional needs from the producer.
Even those nonproducers who have inherited wealth are psychologically dependent on the producer. Those
wealthy nonproducers must attack or undermine the producer to elevate their own weak egos and to camouflage
their worthlessness.
Because of their parasitical nature, "liberals" are generally more destructive than conservatives. For,
conservatives are often misguided value producers who live pragmatically -- without consistent principles. ...But
also, some of the most clever neocheaters adopt conservative, free-enterprise images to dupe the producer into
surrendering his or her earned power and self-esteem.
Conservatives generally promote material and economic freedom. But, to gain their unearned power, they want
government to control morality and ideas. Most "liberals", on the other hand, appear to promote freedom of ideas
such as free press, academic freedom, no censorship, freedom in the arts. Ultimately, however, that freedom is
granted only to those who support their usurpations. For, to survive, "liberals" need governments to usurp money
and values earned by others. ...What about "middle of the roaders"? They favor various mixtures of government
control over individual minds, morals, bodies, and property. ...They are little more than pragmatists with no
Only Neo-Tech people reject all usurpations of value, uses of force, and gun-backed controls over individuals. For
Neo-Tech people orient exclusively around individual rights, not fake human rights. Both conservatives and
"liberals", on the other hand, orient around two areas of false government power. Those separate areas they
arrogate for themselves are: (1) controlling the mind and moral realms for the conservatives, (2) controlling the
body and material realms for the "liberals". ...Only Neo-Tech people want to control no one in any way. They have
no need or desire to control the spiritual or material realm of anyone. They recognize everyone's sovereign right
to both realms.
The link between big business and laissez-faire capitalism is largely a myth originating from Karl Marx's antiintellectual canards in his book Das Kapital. Consider that laissez faire is a French phrase meaning, "to let do", or
"to let people do as they choose". Thus, laissez-faire capitalism means neither pro big business nor anti big
business, but means simply individual freedom. Yet, today, most chief executives of large stagnated businesses
are anti laissez-faire. Indeed, many entrenched CEOs support fascist concepts of big government. For such
concepts utilize force-backed government regulations needed to protect their jobs and businesses from more
competent, harder-working entrepreneurs and foreign competitors.
Laissez-faire capitalism simply means no government control over individuals and their property -- a Neo-Tech
atmosphere. Within such an atmosphere, individuals are free to create and build businesses, including big
businesses, even monopolistic big businesses. Within that laissez-faire atmosphere, government would have no
power to support big businesses or protect monopolies (e.g., many banking, utility, and communication companies
are monopolies protected by government force). Without government protection or assistance, big businesses
and monopolies could exist and grow only by continually delivering better values than anyone else. Whenever any
monopoly failed to deliver maximum values, the free-market dynamics in the absence of government controls
would cause that monopoly either to deliver better values or yield to others delivering greater values. ...Market
dynamics free of government controls will sooner or later collapse uncompetitive or harmful businesses,
monopolies, or cartels.
Companies, businesses, industries, and monopolies are not detached entities, but are composed of individuals who
function through individual thoughts and actions. Business entities are the property and extension of individual

human beings. Thus, businesses possess the same inalienable rights of free action and ownership of earned values
as individuals. Also, individuals and their honest businesses exert power through peaceful voluntary free choices,
not through force, coercion, or deception as do professional value destroyers in or out of government.
Most government agencies ultimately exist through force, coercion, or deception. Thus, such agencies that depend
on threats and force have no moral right to exist. Those agencies are in reality coercive engines of antisocial
Governments are colossal mystical frauds that usurp power and values by force-backed laws and regulations. And
those usurpations are used to further violate individual and property rights. Such destructive processes keep
building and feeding on themselves. ...All value producers would benefit greatly without such governments.
Today, upper management of big-business is increasingly controlled by altruistic, neocheating "businessmen" who
apologize for the business they now control, but never built[ 51 ] [Re: Neo-Tech IV]. Those altruistic "businessmen"
are usually fascist oriented. For they use government force to shield their businesses from competition. Indeed,
they promote anti-capitalistic legislation, regulations, and controls. The unspoken policies of those executives are
to gain government favors and to encourage government-forced regulations that block more competent
competitors and diminish or halt superior-value imports. Such executives realize that, without government
interference, the free-market competition would eventually eliminate their jobs and their poorly managed
businesses that they have drained through harmful government-approved, socially oriented "business" policies.
Government-corporate collusions inflate prices, lower quality, block competition, and are the antithesis of free
enterprise. Indeed, the greatest enemies of free enterprise are not the socialists or "liberals", but are those
business leaders who collude with government to consolidate their power without having to earn that power in a
competitive, value-producing atmosphere.[ 52 ]
Perhaps the most evil collusions occur between neocheating executives of large companies and government
bureaucrats in promoting envy-motivated antitrust laws. Those immoral laws are designed to penalize the most
competitive companies and productive businessmen. But increasingly, the growing number of Neo-Tech executives
will rid the corporate world of those government-colluding executives who neocheated their way to unearned
power through force-backed laws, regulations, and controls. [Re: Mark Hamilton's "Ending the White-Collar Hoax"
(Pincer #2) published by I & O.]
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[ 48 ] By contrast, no higher good or cause can logically exist i n this universe than the individual conscious being.
For each individual, what could possibly be more important than his or her own one-and-only life? Nothing can,
could, or should be more important. Indeed, without the conscious life of individual beings, existence itself would
have no value or meaning.
[ 49 ] How many free, honest, productive people would voluntarily buy the "services" of a politician, a bureaucrat,
a dictator, or a social "intellectual"?

[ 50 ] "Liberal" is placed in quotes because those who are called liberals today are the opposite of the past,
classical liberals who represented anti-force, pro-individual ideas. Modern "liberals" do not have good intentions.
They are anti-individual, anti-intellectual, pro-government-force reactionaries who have dishonestly usurped the
label of "liberal" to create illusions of respectability and validity. Yet, they are nothing more than dishonest,
immature people with criminal minds who survive by stealing power and values from the value producer.
[ 51 ] Essentially every big business was originally created and built by an honest, heroically productive individual
such as E. I. du Pont, Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, John D. Rockefeller, Harvey Firestone, and
other industrial supermen. Such men are the true benefactors of working-class people, of value producers, of
society and civilization. For those industrial supermen intensely pursued the moral objectives of benefiting their
customers, workers, managers, and investors by delivering spectacular values to society at ever lower costs.
Those creative, productive individuals contrast sharply with destructive, media-made "heroes" such as the
Lincolns, FDRs, Naders, Kennedys, and other such bad-intentioned nonproducers who survive by attacking and
harming value producers, their products, their businesses.
While never honestly acknowledging those who produce great wealth and values, the "liberal" or neocheating
journalists and writers often praise the wealthy, nonproductive scions of past industrial heroes. Neocheaters
especially praise those immature, nonbusiness-like "philanthropists" who dissipate inherited wealth such as
Henry Ford III and Nelson Rockefeller. And those same journalists and writers attack nearly every major value
created by outstanding businessmen, scientists, and industrialists. For example, under such guises as ecology,
consumerism, or "compassion", the "liberal" media attack, often with rabid envy, the greatest, most heroic values
created by conscious beings. Such outstanding values attacked include the automobile, the computer, the drug
industry, the petroleum and mining industries, and America's magnificent food processing and distribution
systems. At the same time, the "liberal" media are quick to praise progressively meaner values such as the car
pool, the abacus, folk medicine, hand-made goods, growing one's own food. They promote those kinds of unheroic,
mean values under good-sounding non sequiturs as returning to basic "values", returning to hand-made quality,
returning to nature.
[ 52 ] An example of a big-business, conservative publication that effectively works against free-enterprise and
Neo-Tech principles is The Wall Street Journal. Its editorial policy is pragmatic (not based on principles) and often
advocates the use of government industrial policies, controls, regulations to "help" those big businesses
controlled by lazy or incompetent management. Such an editorial policy is basically dishonest and fascist oriented,
which is ultimately backed by guns. ...By contrast, the Journal's sister publication, Barrons, is basically honest and
free-enterprise oriented, which is ultimately backed by free competition.
Neo-Tech Advantage #88
Neo-Tech IV reveals the malevolent destruction of altruism as opposed to the benevolent productivity of business.
Neo-Tech IV also demonstrates how neocheating executives are today undermining many great corporations. They
can often hide their destructive drain of assets for many years by continually shifting long-range efforts into
increasingly shorter-range pay-offs that keep profits growing while concealing the eventual, dead-end quality of
such profits.
If altruistic chief executives are taking over major corporations and causing their long-range demise, who then is
left to stop the neocheaters' continued consumption of business? Who will lead the way to a society in which

mysticism and the resulting neocheating are eliminated? Who will uphold the productive individual as the highest
value? Who will lead the way to a society in which prosperity, happiness, and biological immortality will reign
supreme among human beings?
The answer is today's growing army of value producers who are becoming knowledgeable about Neo-Tech. For
such people hold genuine power as identified in the Epilogue in Neo-Tech IV. That Epilogue is from a report titled,
"The Fundamental Principle that Determines the Long-Range Common Stock Value of a Corporation". And that
report points the way for creating great, long-range wealth within any productive corporation. One key necessity
is to establish an Industrial-Philosophy Department responsible for making major actions consistent with the
principles of fully integrated honesty (Neo-Tech). ...Neo-Teching business policies and actions inject vitality and
profitability into companies, large or small.
Neo-Teching the World of Mystics and Neocheaters
Neo-Tech traps professional mystics and neocheaters in their world of big lies. Neo-Tech reveals the exact
opposite to what most people have been led to believe by mystics and neocheaters. For example, how many people
realize that:
1. The media-labeled, 19th century "robber barons", such as the transcontinental railroad builder Jay Gould, were
heroic value producers who enormously benefited the working class and society -- more so on net than all the
politicians, clergymen, and Nobel peace laureates who ever lived, combined.
2. Despite Charles Dickens' burning intentions to depict the contrary in his Christmas Story, the most honest,
moral, productive, and happy character is Ebenezer Scrooge. That is until the mystics and neocheaters guilttripped him into becoming a maudlin altruist who as a result would eventually ruin his business and destroy the
livelihoods of many who had attacked him.
3. The political/religious/media axis have built the highest reverence and respect for some of the bloodiest, most
morally perverted, but most brilliant succession of neocheaters in the history -- the popes and cardinals. And with
bizarre irony, those men, by competitive necessity, were and are closet atheists. In fact, the entire upper
hierarchy of the most powerful religion (or of any powerful religion or other neocheating organization) would
have to be closet atheists in order to be aware, competent, and competitive enough to achieve their power.
On knowing the nature of neocheating, one fact becomes compellingly obvious: To successfully impose such an
ingenious, big-lie, 2000-year hoax continuously on millions of confused, mystical-accepting victims, all popes and
cardinals could not be intellectually crippled with the disintegrated thinking of theism. For any high-ranking
Catholic official believing his own mystical, God-concept propaganda would be (1) too benighted to outmaneuver
the fierce competition vying for power, and (2) too unaware and incompetent to orchestrate such a mighty hoax.
Thus, all popes, cardinals, and probably most bishops would have to be atheists to be aware enough for attaining
their positions of power. Also, theists would be too naive, unaware, and uncompetitive to perpetuate for centuries
such a cleverly integrated hoax. ...Only those who saw through their own promulgated mysticism would be aware
and competent enough to win the fierce competition for the positions of power occupied by popes and cardinals.
4. Only a small percentage of university professors today are intellectuals. Genuine intellectuals use their minds
rationally, honestly, productively. Most university professors today are fake intellectuals who use their minds
cleverly, dishonestly, and destructively to hold their bogus jobs. They are professional neocheaters. Thus, even
the most "famous" of such professors, even Nobel laureates, do not produce net values. Instead they wreak great
damage on the minds of their students. ...Neo-Tech will bring a worldwide purge of such university professors.
Great intellectuals exist in every major area of productive human activity. Genuine intellectuals are those
businessmen, industrialists, scientists, engineers, artists, musicians, and educators who advance their profession
by using their minds honestly in working hard through rational actions. A rational, hard-driving, successful mining

engineer, for example, is highly intellectual in mining, but may not be highly intellectual in English literature. At the
same time, a university professor of English literature is probably not highly intellectual in mining. Indeed, he may
be incompetent to function intellectually in any area of business. Perhaps he is even incompetent in English,
especially if he or she is a low-effort, laid-back, tenured professor living off taxpayers. Such professors damage
students' minds by using non sequiturs to attack the potency of the logical mind, reason, heroic value producers,
and their life-giving products.
The only difference between intellectualism in the business world versus intellectualism in the academic world is
that performance in business is much easier to measure and thus more difficult to fake. That is why the academic
world accumulates such a high percentage of lazy charlatans and clever pseudo-intellectuals compared to the
business world. Those charlatans and pseudo intellectuals cannot survive in the business world. For, through their
fake jobs cleverly designed to camouflage their laziness and dishonesty, they have become uncompetitive and
incompetent. Still, they can fake lifelong careers in the academic world. And as long as mysticism and altruism
dominate philosophical thought, such pseudo-intellectual neocheaters will proliferate throughout the academic
5. The many pseudo ecologists and self-appointed "consumer advocates" today are not interested in protecting
the environment or human beings. Deceptively hidden behind their neocheating non sequiturs and destructive
work is a contempt for human life and happiness. They use ecology and consumerism as tools of demagoguery,
often with the goal to cripple and eventually eliminate the benefits of technology, industry, and free enterprise. As
a result, many valid ecological problems are obscured, confused, and remain unsolved. Moreover, the long-range
destructiveness of such neocheaters is surfacing in many areas. For example, consider Rachel Carson's decadesold book, "Silent Spring": Its specious charges and unscientific conclusions caused the banning of DDT, which in
turn caused a resurgence of malaria in Asia and Sri Lanka at the eventual cost of perhaps a million lives -- lives of
human beings, not birds or fish. Yet, people will never find those facts among the neocheating academe and media.
With government banning of DDT and other pesticides, the mosquito and insect populations burgeoned along with a
proportional rise in "ecologist" caused famine and disease such as malaria and encephalitis. In addition, those
irrational bannings have decimated trees and crops in the United States and around the world. The banning of DDT
has also lowered the world standard of living by billions of dollars per year in crop losses and expenses. That, in
turn, significantly increased third-world inflation, hunger, suffering, famine, and death. All that human death,
destruction, and suffering starting from the handiwork of just one "ecologist" needing to feel good by boosting her
pseudo self-esteem with dishonest non sequiturs. [For more details, see Neo-Tech Advantage #90.]
An even more destructive breed of neocheaters exists who methodically decrease the living standards for
everyone. That breed includes self-appointed, "consumer-advocate" demagogues epitomized by Ralph Nader and
his raiders [Re: R. De Toledano's book, "Hit & Run", Arlington House]. In the long run, their destruction surpasses
that of even the murderous bannings of DDT and cyclamates (see Neo-Tech Advantage #90). For the real targets
of those "consumer advocates" are the value producers from which come all life-enhancing values. Moreover, the
pervasively destructive work of Nader sets up the psychological conditions for unjust attacks on great valueproducing companies such as Union Carbide:
Years ago, a great benevolent company, Union Carbide, was excoriated and threatened with extermination by the
neocheating media and politicians for a tragic accident in India for which the Indian Government itself was
responsible. The Indian politicians arbitrarily and irrationally forced Union Carbide to hire incompetent, distrustful
nationals who were unable to perform even basic security-control operations. Such forced interference by
government neocheaters left Union Carbide unable to properly protect its business from sabotage by envious,
anti-business value destroyers. That sabotage at Union Carbide for which the Indian government was responsible
left 2500 dead -- the worst industrial "accident" in history.

But that tragic loss of life was minuscule when compared to the routine, purposeful slaughter by political
neocheaters. To the "liberal" media, the murder of 2500 people by their Marxist soul mates would hardly be
newsworthy -- too common, too minor, too routine, not really that bad.
Such examples starkly contrast the good of business people to the evil of political or government neocheaters.
The loss of life from the worst industrial accident in history is little more than a casual day of slaughter for
totalitarian neocheaters. For example, at the same time that Union Carbide was being excoriated by the dishonest
media for sabotage that was not even the company's fault, no media outrage arose toward Marxist murderers in
Ethiopia who were purposely starving to death millions of innocent men, women, and children they considered
politically troublesome. Instead, the media were going through news-twisting contortions and telethon
spectaculars in trying to falsely show the cause of that coldly calculated mass starvation was a drought rather
than their soul-mate Marxist-Leninist politicians. They were mass murdering so they could feel big, feel important,
feel unearned power. They were mass murdering by purposeful starvation, just as Stalin did two generations
before in the Ukraine.
Neo-Tech Advantage #89
People build. Governments destroy. Who really needs governments? Productive individuals always suffer a net
loss from mystically conceived, force-backed governments. Such governments diminish everyone's values,
earnings, life. They survive by always expanding their unearned power. And they expand that power by
increasingly transferring the earnings and property of the producer to the nonproducer by force, threats,
coercion, fraud. Thus, governments and politicians, by nature, can offer only life diminishment as they continually
increase their force-backed demands on the value producer. At the same time, they aggressively finagle respect
and adulation for their destructions through non sequiturs and fake altruistic catchwords such as "compassion",
"the heart", "humanitarian", "human rights". But never do they mention the only valid points -- individual rights
and competitive value production.
To psychologically survive, politicians must garner praise for their usurping values from others without producing
values for others. They use the handy, God-like, "goodness" gimmicks of altruism to make their destructive
actions seem "good", "compassionate" and "humane" while hiding the criminality of their destructions. Such is the
nature of political neocheaters and their media, academic, and religious collaborators. For that reason, effective
business people who exist by producing values for others have no desire, time, or reason to diminish their lives by
becoming politicians or other neocheaters who exist by usurping values from others.
All political, religious, academe, and media neocheaters destroy the personal property and individual rights of
others through escalating usurpations from value producers. Without Neo-Tech to stop the neocheaters, they
would eventually dissipate all productive wealth and individual freedom, causing a worldwide economic collapse
with an enormous loss of human life, well-being, and happiness. [Re: Table 53, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia
shows how to protect property and happiness from government destruction.]
The need to protect oneself from neocheaters reveals another destructive effect of mysticism: Government
neocheaters usurp values for themselves and their parasitical soul mates. As the neocheaters attack and usurp
those values, the most productive citizens are drained of investment capital, creative energy, individual freedom,
and irreplaceable time. Those producers must increasingly struggle to protect themselves, their loved ones, their
property, their means of production, and especially their time from the ravages of government value destroyers.
More and more valuable time, capital, and effort are wasted in:
1. following destructive bureaucratisms and irrational government regulations, and

2. studying, paying attention to, and speculating in nonproductive asset protectors, tax shelters, and
inflation hedges such as gold and silver.
Many people go broke through such speculations, especially those who act mystically. For example, the libertarian
movement was broken by acts of self-mysticism -- by those acting on emotions of economic revenge and wishful
thinking in hopes of acquiring effortless wealth through leveraged gold and silver speculations.
With such speculations come the unhappy emotions that accompany disaster-oriented speculations. Those
emotions include hoping for economic collapse, crop devastation, mass destruction, war, or other major disasters
in order to have those speculations "pay-off". ...Buying gold on margin and hoping for war and other catastrophes
is an unhappy way to live.
Also, people increasingly lose concentration on their productive work as they follow their speculations. Producers
become unproductive speculators[ 53 ] as they increasingly look for easy wealth through speculation rather than
through producing values with integrated thought and hard work. But in a Neo-Tech society free of neocheaters
and destructive governments, all that time, energy, and capital would be channeled into uses that benefit the
individual and society: Producers would spend more of their time and energy on producing values for others
rather than on having to protect themselves from government value destroyers.
Governments are nothing more than groups of people. Many of those people are value destroyers who exist by
usurping power and values from others to the harm of everyone and society. Some, however, do honest work in
the government, especially in service areas such as postal, police, park, library, scientific, technical, military,
intelligence. But all governments are controlled by neocheating politicians, bureaucrats, and lawyers living off the
producer. Behind all their rhetoric about "service to society" and "working for higher causes" is their need to
survive by usurping values earned by others.
Power usurped through government force gives neocheating politicians illusions of control over reality. They use
those rationalized illusions to build pseudo self-esteems needed for psychological survival. Their need for
unearned power grows from a base of laziness, immaturity, a lack of self-responsibility, and a desire for an easy
route to "accomplishment" and "control".
By contrast, self-sufficient producers such as successful business people earn genuine self-esteem through their
own integrated thinking and hard efforts. They have no need for unearned power or usurped values. They have no
desire to forcibly control the lives of others. That is why genuine value producers are seldom, if ever, interested
in politics. ...Productive business people are too busy being happy, creative, and productive to waste their
precious time on unhappy, destructive politics.
Earning major values along with long-range happiness requires an independent aloneness. Neocheaters,
nonproducers, value destroyers, and politicians dread that aloneness. The glib politician, being psychologically and
materially dependent on others for survival, has a desperate need to be among people, to buy their favor with tax
money, and to become increasingly involved in their lives by increasing government control over them. ...The
worst situation for the neocheater or politician is to be left alone, especially to be left alone to survive by his or
her own efforts. By contrast, the value producer usually has no desire to get involved with the "public" lest his or
her irreplaceable time for value production be wasted.
Perhaps the cruelest of government neocheaters are those "liberals" whose actions pass under the specious
banner of protecting the elderly. For, their neocheating actions always end up draining the well-being, happiness,
and earned savings of elderly people.
Most elderly people no longer have growing assets or competitive earning power. A large percentage of them
have worked hard and honestly throughout their lives only to have government policies drive them into the
inescapable trap of government dependency. They are further lured into that government trap by, for example,

social-security policies that offer temporary relief from inflation only to be devastated by the next wave of
inflation and a failing social-security system.
Government manipulations through taxation and inflation diminish the well-being and happiness of everyone. But
those destructive manipulations especially debilitate elderly people dependent on the government for survival.
For, governments subtly push their dependent elderly citizens toward unhappiness, suffering, early death.
Most elderly people deliver themselves into that dependency trap by believing that government is a benevolent,
positive force that will somehow benefit them in the present and help them in the future. The opposite is true. By
nature, no one can ever look to any government for net benefits. Indeed, the essence of government is value
destruction from which long-range benefits and values can never flow. Thus, one must always avoid government
dependency to protect his or her well-being and happiness.
The unhappiness trap shuts when a person becomes dependent on government for needs. Once the trap is shut,
that person's life turns downward with declining self-esteem, well-being, and happiness.[ 54 ] To avoid that trap, a
person must recognize that government is by nature a destructive, life-negating force that should be avoided in
every possible way. A person should never believe in, count on, or become dependent on any aspect of
government for his or her present or future well-being. The only way to retain growing prosperity and happiness
is to remain independent, self-sufficient, and commercially productive, especially as one grows older.[ 55 ]
The best asset for future prosperity and the best protection against government, mystics, and neocheaters is
fully integrated honesty -- or Neo-Tech. Indeed, Neo-Tech is the development of personal honesty, integrity, and
the ability to perceive reality accurately in order to competitively produce values for others. Thus, the most
valuable gift given to children and adults is Neo-Tech knowledge. For that is the knowledge needed to accurately
perceive reality, to reject mysticism and neocheating, to develop personal integrity, and to competitively produce
tradeable values desired by others.
Conservative, libertarian, and most anarchist political movements offer no long-term protection from valuedestroying mysticism and neocheating. In fact, such political movements eventually add to disorder and the
destruction of values. For all of those movements are pragmatic and not based on fully integrated honesty. Thus,
they only serve to tear down one destructive, mystical system while providing a starting point for an even more
destructive, mystical system as happened in Russia, Nazi Germany, Red China, Cuba, Iran, Nicaragua.
Similar shifting forms of mysticism are happening in the United States. Such examples include those "liberal"demagogue movements orchestrated to undermine rational efforts for national defense and self-protection.
In any case, the only certain, long-term self-defense protection from government -- domestic and foreign -- is to
collapse the hoax of mysticism in order to eliminate its symbiotic, value-destroying neocheaters.
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[ 53 ] Professional speculators, however, do deliver competitive values by making needed markets and stabilizing

[ 54 ] Innocence is what traps most honest, productive people. Believing that most people are basically good and
honest (which is fact), productive people cannot grasp or imagine the inherently dishonest nature of
governments. They can not grasp the immature, evil nature of neocheating politicians, bogus-job bureaucrats, and
their agents of force who exist through camouflaged value destructions.
[ 55 ] Useless old age is neither natural nor inevitable for anyone, despite constant government inducement to
become aged, retired, useless, and dependent on neocheating politicians for survival. [Re: Concept 114, Neo-Tech
Reference Encyclopedia]
Neo-Tech Advantage #90
All current governments depend on coercion and force. Thus, they are destructive to human life, productivity,
prosperity, and happiness. The destructiveness of the United States government is implemented mainly through
force-backed bureaucracies such as the BATF, EPA, FDA, FTC, INS, IRS, OSHA, and the SEC.
Consider, for example, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA): That bureaucracy has been responsible for the
premature death of many thousands of people through its arbitrary, forced banning of such life-saving, freechoice discoveries as the cyclamate artificial sweetener. The palatable cyclamates effectively replaced the deadly
poison of sugar to reduce caloric/carbohydrate intake, obesity ailments, diabetes, heart-attack deaths for
millions of people.
Such FDA value destructions serve only to satisfy some value-destroying bureaucrat's need to feel important, to
feel unearned power through destruction of human lives and values.
Also, the arbitrary banning or controlling of life-saving products such as non-toxic pesticides, herbicides, food
preservatives and additives, new drugs and medicines has caused death and suffering on massive scales.[ 56 ] In
addition, FDA regulations on drug research and marketing retard or prevent the development of many lifebenefiting, life-saving drugs, medicines, and devices while increasing research and development costs to
prohibitive levels. Effective cancer cures, for example, would certainly have been developed years ago if research
and business were free from regulations and controls. For, such freedom allows aggressive individuals and
companies to openly pursue the full profit and achievement potential in discovering and marketing effective cures
for cancer, AIDS, and other diseases.
Even more important, FDA regulations block the required risk taking, incentive, and business freedom required for
rapid development of human biological immortality. [Re: See Neo-Tech V]
The blocking of human progress along with mass suffering and death are the natural results of government force.
And government agencies are the instruments of such force. The essences of agencies such as the BATF, EPA,
FDA, FTC, INS, IRS, OSHA, and the SEC are always destructive and their intentions are never good. Such agencies
costing billions of dollars each year serve only to harm productive individuals and society. Indeed, those lifedepriving agencies are subtle death machines that are directly and indirectly responsible for more suffering and
deaths than all wars of history. (Wars are also government sponsored.) Throughout history most governments
with their use of force, fraud, and coercion begin as "legalized" protection rackets and always end as destructive
engines of crime and death. Such governments operate under the rationalizations of protection, altruism, the
social "good", and "higher" causes.[ 57 ]
Agencies such as the EPA and FDA often carry out their destruction through dishonest assertions. They assert,
for example, that DDT or cyclamates might be "bad" for the ecology or cause cancer in animals. Then they expand
their power with a job-creating bureaucracy to control or ban such substances. Usually those agencies hide their

dishonesties with non sequitur "facts". They often manufacture unscientific data developed from spurious
research to "prove", for example, that use of cyclamates might cause cancer in humans: Research on feeding
megadoses of cyclamate diet sweetener to rats indicated that humans could experience bladder irritation or even
tumors if they drank the equivalent of 700 bottles of diet soft drinks per day over an extended period of time.
When, in fact, that amount of water alone (to say nothing of the immediately fatal amounts of sugar in less than
100 bottles of non-diet soda) would fatally break down the kidneys in human beings.
Still, the FDA used those non-sequitur, rat-feeding data to assert that cyclamates can be cancer-producing in
human beings. The FDA then demanded that the producers prove that cyclamates do not cause cancer. Since a
negative cannot be proven, the government neocheaters subsequently used their dishonest, non-sequitur data to
ban the sale of cyclamates without any scientific evidence of harm to a single human being. At the same time,
those neocheaters purposely ignored the wide-ranging, beneficial, life-saving effects of that artificial sweetener.
The FDA, EPA, or any other government agency never honestly attempts to prove their assertions. Rather, those
agencies demand that the producers disprove their assertions. Their demands to disprove assertions or
accusations contradict the concepts of honesty, objective law, and justice. Indeed, to demand proof of a negative
undermines honesty by shifting the burden of proof away from the source making accusations (the neocheaters)
to their victims (the value producers).
Without the burden-of-proof standard, government and religious neocheaters avoid the responsibility to prove
their assertions and accusations. Without the burden-of-proof standard, neocheaters are not accountable to
honesty. Without that accountability to honesty, professional mystics and neocheaters can continue to usurp
power and bogus livelihoods through fraud, deception, and force.
Theists use that same arbitrary, anti-intellectual standard in asserting the existence of God. Unable to back their
assertions with proof, they expect nonbelievers to prove that God does not exist. But that proving-a-negative ploy
is intellectually untenable and undermines the protector of honesty, which is: the burden of proof always rests on
the one making an assertion or accusation.
By nature, most government bureaucracies cannot produce values. Thus, to grow, such bureaucracies must
usurp power by destroying values. In turn, value destruction requires little competence or effort. Thus, by
necessity, value destruction is the modus operandi of most government bureaucracies and agencies -- the most
virulent being the BATF, EPA, FDA, FTC, INS, IRS, OSHA, and the SEC. To conceal their destructions, they masterfully
use non-sequitur facts and mystical ploys to justify their destructive usurpations from the value producers. But
now, after 2000 years, the evolvement of Neo-Tech will collapse and eliminate those fake empires of destruction.
Often, only a scientist trained with the scientific method can identify the neocheater's dishonest use of facts and
information. Without Neo-Tech, most people have no way to discern the dishonesty of neocheaters. And without
Neo-Tech, most people will confusingly accept the neocheater's usurpation of values. But with Neo-Tech,
destructive mysticism and neocheating ceases through the competitive dynamics of business. [Re: The November3rd Trap]
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[ 56 ] As shown in Advantage #88, the government-forced end to DD T alone is responsible for perhaps a million
or more malaria deaths. Moreover, forced banning of pesticides, herbicides, and chemical preservatives is
decreasing food productivity while increasing production costs, poverty, suffering, and starvation. [Re: J. Maddox,
"The Doomsday Syndrome", McGraw-Hill] That irrational banning of valuable agriculture chemicals and food
preservatives also causes greater food scarcity in famine areas to greatly increase worldwide malnutrition and
starvation. The massive suffering and death in the name of protecting the environment or "doing-good" by
government bureaucracies is documented in Grayson and Shepard's book, The Disaster Lobby, Follett Publishing
Company. That book also demonstrates how advancing industrial and business technology free of government
interference steadily (1) protects human life, (2) improves the environment -- water, air, land -- for human
habitation, and (3) solves genuine ecological problems.
[ 57 ] As the frauds of altruism and "higher causes" are identified and rejected by the value producers, the
neocheaters will lose their unearned power. Once the value producers identify and reject mysticism, all fraudbased religions and force-backed governments will vanish.
Neo-Tech Advantage #91
In addition to the false guilt laid on value producers by the mystics and neocheaters, a subtle psychological block
inhibits many value producers from experiencing their earned happiness. That block is the subconscious fear that
sometime in life one must lose his or her happiness...that someday one must endure terminal suffering and pain.
Even without biological immortality, a terminal loss of happiness never has to be endured. So long as a productive
person has some degree of freedom and choice, that person can always maintain and expand happiness. If
circumstances totally beyond one's control forever eliminate all possibilities of maintaining and expanding
happiness (i.e., a no-escape situation from a terror-totalitarian torture death or the final stages of a painful,
terminal illness), the individual has the right and option to avoid a terminal existence of unhappiness and pain. That
right and option is suicide.
Suicide is every individual's personal right and final option. By fully and guiltlessly realizing that suicide is always
available, a person is freer to live more fully in traveling an open-ended journey toward ever-expanding
happiness. By accepting the concept of the suicide option, one never needs to fear the permanent loss of
The suicide option should never be misconstrued as an escape or option when life is difficult, or seems hopeless,
or even when one seems to lose everything, including one's invaluable, irreplaceable romantic-love partner. With
consistent rational choices, a person can always experience increasing happiness again, no matter how difficult
or painful the immediate situation seems. The only two situations in which suicide is a rational option for the
productive individual are (1) a no-hope, high-suffering, terminal-illness situation, and (2) an absolutely no-escape,
no-hope slavery/torture/death situation.[ 58 ]
Ironically, suicide is also the only viable option for those irredeemably evil neocheaters who have murdered
others for their bogus livelihoods and usurped power (i.e., all murderous dictators and terrorists as Castro, Idi
Amin, Qaddafi, Pol Pot, Yasir Arafat, Ariel Sharon, Abu Nidal, Sinn Fein leaders, Khomeini, Li Ping).
Neo-Tech Advantage #92
Despite the sexual errors projected by the "Playboy" philosophy that can lead to impotence and frigidity (see NeoTech Advantage #19), the Playboy Corporation made important contributions to both individual and sexual freedom

[Re: Concept 37, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. Those contributions come not only through the open, guiltless
views of pleasure and sex expressed in its magazine, but also through the Playboy Foundation and its monthly
magazine feature, The Playboy Forum. That feature provides constant public exposure to the ongoing governmentneocheating ploy of usurping power through oppression of private sexual activities and other victimless "crimes".
Perusing any issue of the Forum starkly reveals that even in this sexually-liberated era, individuals all over the
United States are being arrested, harassed, humiliated, injured, tried, fined, and sent to jail for private, consenting
sexual acts. The following list provides several examples of sexual oppression as taken from a randomly selected,
six-page Forum feature in Playboy magazine:
Couple out camping privately engage in oral sex in a secluded area of the woods. Both arrested by Texas
Sheriff for sodomy. Both faced jail sentences of 2-15 years for their private, harmless love act.
Four young people arrested for private nude bathing. Sheriff refused to let them dress and forced them
to travel nude to the courthouse for arrest.
In Sheboygan, Wisconsin, a couple was fined $100 each for engaging in sexual intercourse while not being
Man released by a California Supreme Court order after serving five years of a life sentence for indecent
A 1600 member organization of the Catholic Priest Association asked a Catholic bishop who defended
birth-control pills to resign because of his "monstrous views". The Catholic organization declared that
the bishop failed to "show the purity of Catholic doctrine", and failed to "rise above the murk and filth of
modern man's sex life".
A Canadian man charged with rape and gross indecency admitted at his trial that he had performed
cunnilingus and intercourse with a consenting woman. Before the jury retired, 68-year-old Judge
Campbell Grant said of cunnilingus, "Well, can you think of a more grossly indecent act? ...Frankly,
gentlemen, I had to get the dictionary to know what it was about. I venture to say that most of you are the
same." He went on to declare that "a dirty, filthy practice such as this is resorted to by no one but sexual
perverts and is surely an infringement of the criminal code." The jury found the accused not guilty of
rape, but guilty of gross indecency. He was sentenced to three years in the penitentiary.
A book published by the Playboy Press, Sex American Style, cites many government laws that can and do jail
innocent people for harmless, mutually consenting sex acts. That book includes articles by Hugh M. Hefner; "The
Legal Enforcement of Morality" and "Tyranny Under the Law".
Three decades ago, comic Lenny Bruce, despite his existentialistic errors that eventually killed him, made a major
contribution toward breaking the oppressive religious/government grip of sexual-oppression laws and
censorship. To stop his defiance of "moral" authority, the government directly abetted the death of Lenny Bruce.
Hustler magazine, however disgusting its scatology, also played an important, front-trench role in buffeting the
forces of sexual oppression and censorship. The government/religious axis in their failing trial designed to jail the
publisher of Hustler, Larry Flynt, inspired an assassination attempt: As Mr. Flynt walked before the courthouse in
Atlanta, Georgia, a bullet severed his spinal cord, paralyzing him for life.
A generation ago, a nude-streaking fad broke across the United States. That fad was a timely, counter-response to
the oppressive Supreme-Court anti-obscenity decision a year earlier. The motives for streaking and the effects
on the streakers' self-esteem were probably unhealthy in most cases. But such overt, widespread flouting of
sexual authoritarianism helped undermine the enforcement of oppressive censorship and anti-obscenity laws.
Nude streaking broke the anti-obscenity momentum that was ominously building in the United States from that

Supreme-Court decision. But the anti-obscenity forces of religious and political neocheaters are now trying to
reassert their oppressive powers granted to them by the conservative justices of the United States Supreme
The United States Supreme Court was meant to function as a principled, philosophical body designed to protect
individual rights.[ 59 ] But recent decisions on obscenity and pornography have been void of principle in ignoring
the concept of individual rights. An earlier Supreme Court (Memoires vs. Massachusetts) stated the following
criterion for pornography: "A book cannot be proscribed unless it is found to be utterly without redeeming social
value." That criterion ignored the principles of individual rights and property rights while opening the way for
people to be jailed on the basis of some other person's judgment of the "social" merit of their work.
Seven years later, the Supreme-Court Miller vs. California case negated individual rights in determining the
following criteria to criminally convict for victimless pornography: "(a) whether the average person applying
contemporary community standards would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient
interest...(b) whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically
defined by the applicable state law, and (c) whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic,
political, or scientific value."
That Supreme Court ruling left the individual unprotected and at the mercy of any judge, prosecutor, police force,
or community. Any of those forces can now attack, prosecute, and jail an individual under arbitrary standards
such as (1) contemporary community standards, or (2) "offensive" as defined by a state law, or (3) if the work
lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. In other words, anyone who disagrees with the
arbitrary standards of the empowered authorities (judge, police, community leaders) can potentially be jailed
through current anti-obscenity laws. Such nonobjective law is a major step toward censorship, which is the
precursor to totalitarianism.
The above Supreme Court majority opinion, which abridges individual rights, was written by the conservative Chief
Justice and supported by the other four conservative justices in a 5 to 4 decision. Only Justice Douglas identified
the issue of individual rights in his dissenting opinion:
"The idea that the First Amendment permits punishment for ideas that are 'offensive' to the particular judge or
jury sitting in judgment is astounding. No greater leveler of speech or literature has ever been designed. To give
the power to the censor, as we do today, is to make a sharp and radical break with the traditions of a free society.
The First Amendment was not fashioned as a vehicle for dispensing tranquilizers to the people. Its prime function
was to keep debate open to 'offensive' as well as to 'staid' people. The tendency throughout history has been to
subdue the individual and to exalt the power of government. The use of the standard 'offensive' gives authority to
government that cuts the very vitals out of the First Amendment. As is intimated by the Court's opinion, the
materials before us may be garbage, but so is much of what is said in political campaigns, in the daily press, on TV
or over the radio. By reason of the First Amendment -- and solely because of it -- speakers and publishers have
not been threatened or subdued because their thoughts and ideas may be 'offensive' to some."
The conservative Chief Justice and his conservative associates on the Supreme Court shifted from the principle
of protecting individual rights to an arbitrary, undefinable standard of "social good". Hitler, Stalin, and Mao also
subjugated individual rights to their standards of "social good". Those arbitrary standards eventually included
killing tens of millions of their own citizens for the "social good".
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[ 59 ] Throughout the checkered history of the United States Supr eme Court, one finds many disgraceful
exceptions to its role as a principled body for protecting individual rights. Early in this century, for example, the
United States Supreme Court favored explicit censorship by removing films from the protection of the First
Amendment (free speech). The court then decreed that since films were made for profit, they did not deserve
constitutional protection. In their decision, the justices conveniently ignored the fact that books and newspapers
were also made for profit.
Neo-Tech Advantage #93
A central theme of today's existentialist culture is "do not judge others". The neocheating media, social
"intellectuals", and theologians continually tout, both implicitly and explicitly, the themes "do not judge others",
"there are no absolute morals, no rights or wrongs", "everything is relative". Neocheaters have strong
motivations for sowing themes of nonknowing and nonjudgment. Their livelihoods depend on keeping others from
knowing and judging the parasitism and destruction inflicted by professional mystics and neocheaters onto
The continuous campaign to repress moral judgment depends largely on the specious technique of pointing to
various erroneous judgments and then implying that such errors are inherent in all judgments. From that false
reasoning, neocheaters dishonestly assert that all moral judgments are wrong, unfair, or harmful. From that
conclusion, they compound their dishonesty by further asserting that moral judgments should never be made.
Moreover, armed with specious egalitarian slogans or Biblical parables, those neocheaters, especially media
journalists, malign or castigate those who have the courage and confidence to make honest moral judgments
about value destroyers. While, at the same time, those same neocheaters constantly, dishonestly, hypocritically
attack their victims (i.e., the value producers) with negative moral judgements that are false.
How are valid moral judgments made? Such judgments are made by using the biological nature and well-being of
the conscious organism as the moral standard. With that objective standard, human actions can be consistently
and validly judged by acquiring adequate facts and knowledge:
1. Only volitional actions involving conscious choices can be morally judged. All other actions are amoral.
2. A volitional action is moral, for example, if the action is beneficial to the conscious organism. Likewise, a
volitional action is immoral if the action is harmful to the conscious organism. Or more simply, if a volitional action
is rational and "good for me", it is moral; or if a volitional action is irrational and "bad for me", it is immoral.
3. The ability and willingness to make moral judgments are necessary to make sound decisions and function
effectively. The more important the personal or business decision, the more important is the need to make
accurate moral judgments. In turn, such judgments are crucial for making the correct decisions needed for
abiding prosperity, happiness, and romantic love.
Since making moral judgments is necessary for quality survival, a person must be aware of the possible traps and
errors in making such judgments. Some of the traps and errors are those that the nonjudgment advocates take
out of context to support their harangues that moral judgments should be avoided. ...Three common judgment
traps or errors are listed below:

1. Erroneous or inadequate information to make a valid or accurate judgment is the most obvious and common
cause of judgment errors. Everyone is subject to this error. But that does not preclude certainty over moral
issues and judgments. The central argument of the nonjudgment neocheaters is that since no one can know
everything or be error free, no one can be certain about anything, especially moral issues.[ 60 ] That argument is
false. A person can be absolutely certain if given sufficient facts and context to validly measure against the
axioms of objective reality. For example, questions of omniscience (knowing everything) and infallibility (being
totally free of errors) do not enter into one's certainty of the axiomatic fact that two plus two equals four. The
certainty of that fact is independent of anyone's thoughts or opinions of any culture, society, or time in history.
And that fact also holds with certainty in other worlds and other universes. Indeed, that fact would hold true if no
conscious life ever existed anywhere.[ 61 ]
In the normal context, therefore, anyone can be absolutely certain about the judgment and knowledge that two
plus two equals four without fear of error or contradiction. Likewise, without being omniscient or infallible, a
person can be absolutely certain that one will not be struck by a car while riding in an airplane at 30,000 feet. A
neocheating philosophy professor might try to invalidate that certainty by positing the non sequitur that someone
could smuggle a mini car aboard, unveil it, drive down the aisle, and strike someone.
With neocheaters and their non sequiturs dismissed, one can know with certainty the facts of objective reality on
which abiding prosperity, happiness, and romantic love are based as identified by Neo-Tech. For, those facts of
objective reality have always existed throughout the universe and will forever exist with certainty. And that
certainty exists independent of consciousness and without requiring omniscience or infallibility by anyone. The
function of human consciousness is not to "create" various realities (Plato), which is mysticism, but to identify
and integrate the one and only reality as it resides anchored in existence (Aristotle). Identifying objective reality
is the survival mechanism of conscious beings. For those identifications are the basis of rational judgments,
beneficial actions, and rational successes.
Since no one is omniscient or infallible, everyone is subject to specific errors. But that vulnerability to errors has
no bearing on knowing objective reality or being able to make moral judgments with certainty. For example, with
inadequate information and judgment errors, a person can temporarily choose the wrong romantic-love partner.
But, at the same time, he or she can still know with certainty the objective standards needed for a valid romanticlove relationship. With that certainty, a person can more quickly recognize and correct such judgment errors. In
other words, with adequate objective knowledge, a person can make moral judgments with certainty without being
omniscient or infallible.
A person can confidently proceed through life knowing that moral and character judgment can be performed with
certainty. But again, that person must be aware of those areas subject to error because of inaccurate or
incomplete knowledge or information. By always keeping the mind open to new information and being prepared to
correct errors, the damage of judgment errors is minimized. All errors cause some damage, if only to waste a
person's time. By nature, one is always responsible for and must bear the consequences of his or her actions and
errors, innocent or not. But purposeful errors, of course, carry more severe consequences than innocent errors.
2. Infatuation is a subtler and often a more dangerous judgment error, especially when it occurs without realizing
the error. Infatuation is the focusing on a single attractive or desirable characteristic of another person and then
considering the total person as that one positive attribute. Infatuation is not only an unfair burden placed on the
person being judged, but can lead to long-range disillusionment and pain for the person making the erroneous
judgment. The infatuation-judgment error is a common "true-love-turns-sour" theme so often used in movies,
novels, and magazine fiction. Infatuation is also the judgment error that delivers undeserved adulation to
charismatic politicians, evangelists, and other neocheaters.

3. Reverse Infatuation is perhaps the most subtle form of judgment error. Still, reverse infatuation is a common
error that can cause losses of potential values and happiness. Reverse infatuation involves the focusing on a
negative characteristic of an individual and then considering that total person as that one negative attribute. That
judgment error can be blinding, depriving, and unjust in obscuring areas of earned values and worth in other
individuals. Even minor reverse infatuation puts unjust penalties on the person being judged. While valid criticisms
about an individual should be identified and expressed when appropriate, the criticism should explicitly focus on
those specific issues, not on the whole person. Reverse infatuation is constantly used as a grossly unfair,
dishonest technique by media people as well as by politicians, clergymen, and academics to discredit value
producers and their products, businesses, and ideas.
Segmented judging is a method to decrease judgment errors. This method provides a more fair, accurate, and
valuable way to judge individuals, especially those important to one's life. This method is particularly important for
judging potential romantic-love partners.
Segmented judging consists of two essential parts: First, the recognition that people are many-faceted
combinations of complex character traits -- usually combinations consisting mainly of objectively positive traits
with some (often hidden) negative traits.[ 62 ] And second, objective judgments require a breaking down of those
various character traits into as many separate components as possible.
Once that breakdown is done, one can make more fair and accurate judgments by weighing specific positive traits
against specific negative traits ("positive to me" values versus "negative to me" values[ 63 ]). The extent that the
positive values outweigh the negative values is the extent one makes a positive moral judgment. Similarly, the
extent that "positive to me" values outweigh the "negative to me" disvalues is the extent one makes a positive
personal-value judgment.
During a person's life, many of the personal "to me" values can change. But objective moral values are constant
and never change.
The most useful and accurate method to judge a potential romantic-love partner (or any person) is on a
segmented "value-scale" basis. One cannot judge the whole of an individual on any specific aspect of his or her
character, personality, actions, words, or behavior. Exclusively focusing on specific aspects of a person yields
distorted, infatuation-type judgments. Instead, one should judge an individual by placing all the known
characteristics and qualities of that person on either the "value to me" side or the "disvalue to me" side of the
balance scale [Re: Table 58, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. The person is then judged by the extent that the
scale tips to the value side or to the disvalue side.
The evaluation of each person should always be kept open. In accumulating more experience or information about
any person, the balance tilt can change. Growth, change, or deterioration of either the person doing the judging or
the person being judged can cause the "value scale" to tilt more or less in one direction or even to switch to the
other direction.
The "value to me" standard is the most reliable, valuable way for an individual to judge the personal value of
another individual. The direction and extent the "value scale" tilts is influenced by the personal-value system of
the individual making the judgment. For the value weights often depend on personal wants, goals, needs and thus
will vary from individual to individual.
The same value scale can be used to measure the moral value of any individual. Unlike the subjective nature of
many personal values, moral values are objective, definable, unchanging absolutes. [Re: Table 58, Neo-Tech

Reference Encyclopedia] ...Personal values are both objective and subjective, thus vary according to personal
tastes and emotions. But moral values are objective and absolute, thus never vary.
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[ 60 ] The certainty issue is a popular non-sequitur gimmick amon g anti-judgment mystics and neocheaters. They
assert (often with ironic certainty) that since man cannot be certain about anything, he cannot know anything. If
that assertion were so, which it is not, then all judgments and reason itself would be invalid. But professional
mystics and neocheaters must constantly promote the false notions that reason is impotent and moral judgments
are invalid. ...They must obfuscate reason and judgment to keep their own destructions from being recognized and
judged by themselves and others. In a society of reason and judgment, the value producers would promptly put
professional value destroyers out of business.
[ 61 ] Certain out-of-context, non-sequitur anomalies are used by neocheaters and mystics to falsely invalidate
axiomatic facts such as two plus two equals four. They point to the mixing of two quarts of water with two quarts
of alcohol. That mixture yields less than four quarts. But that anomaly occurs because of certain known
intermolecular-bonding forces between water and alcohol. Such physical-bonding facts have nothing more to do
with mathematical facts than if one tosses two parts of sodium metal into two parts of water to produce a fiery
explosion and a caustic mess that does not equal four. But, ironically, both of those reactions can be precisely
predicted and understood because of the exact, absolute nature of mathematics. ...Or the neocheaters and
mystics point to various examples of relativistic, noneuclidean mathematics or quantum mechanics that seem to
contradict standard mathematics or physics. Such illusionary contradictions arise only because those facts have
nothing to do with standard mathematics or physics. Yet, those facts are dishonestly used out of context to create
false illusions of contradiction.
[ 62 ] Value destroyers such as politicians and religious leaders are less complex than a value producer. For, they
have more narrow or limited, anti-life characteristics. Moreover, all neocheaters have essentially the same
destructive character. They differ mainly in their dishonest styles and the deceptions they project in concealing
their harmful actions. ...All professional value destroyers, if given the guns and authority, have the criminal minds
and characters for mass murdering to protect and expand their bogus livelihoods.
[ 63 ] To the extent that personal "to-me" values contradict objective values is the extent that one is judging on
erroneous philosophical or moral premises. Segmented judgment is thus not only helpful for judging others, but is
helpful for judging one's own values.
Not all "to-me" values, however, can be measured against objective moral standards. Many "to-me" values are
personal-preference values that have no bearing on moral issues. For example, differences in attraction to
various physical or personality aspects of another person or preferences towards different careers, recreational
activities, tastes, intellectual interests, and appreciation of art and music usually (but not always) have no direct
moral implications. Many personal values are merely preferences and tastes that develop from past experiences,

interests, and motivations that are not grounded in right or wrong issues, but arise from the uniqueness of the
individual and his or her past experiences and development.
Neo-Tech Advantage #94
Positive emotions deliver pleasure and happiness. Negative emotions provide warnings that something is wrong.
Thus, negative emotions and negative experiences should not be repressed[ 64 ] [Re: Concept 54, Neo-Tech
Reference Encyclopedia]. Avoiding emotional repression involves consciously and guiltlessly feeling one's own
emotions in order to know and defuse them. That honest, open dealing with emotions is necessary for (1) resisting
harmful mystical actions, (2) building mental health, and most important, (3) experiencing psychuous pleasures,
romantic love, and abiding happiness.
Also, openly knowing and experiencing one's own emotions are necessary to distinguish those emotions from the
independent world of objective reality. That understanding of emotions, in turn, is necessary to avoid unhealthy
mystical actions. For basing judgments and conclusions on emotions rather than on reality causes harmful
mystical actions. Such mystical actions, in turn, diminish the prosperity, well-being, and happiness of human
beings. If important judgments or actions are mystically based on emotions, then grave errors with harmful
consequences will result.
A person can react to emotions in two ways: (1) The mystical, erroneous, harmful reaction that ranges from
repressing emotions to overtly injecting emotions into the decision-making process. And (2), the nonmystical,
beneficial reaction that recognizes and freely feels emotions, but then separates them from reality in order to
make reasoned, logical judgments undistorted by emotions, whims, or feelings [Re: Table 59, Neo-Tech Reference
Because no one is infallible or omniscient, errors are always possible. But errors from honest, objectively based
thinking are less frequent, less severe, and easier to correct than are errors from mystical, emotionally based
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[ 64 ] Emotions never should be repressed, but at times emotions can and should be suppressed:
Suppression involves being fully conscious of the emotion, but because of the circumstances, the emotion is
temporarily set aside for experiencing at a more appropriate time. Suppression is a useful, healthy method for
avoiding harmful mystical reactions based on emotions.
Repression involves trying to deny an emotion by permanently forcing it out of the conscious mind. That act is a
mystical distortion of reality, for emotions are a real, undeniable part of a person. By repressing an emotion out
of the conscious mind, the emotion is pushed into the subconscious to remain buried. And accumulating buried,
negative emotions can harm both one's psychological and intellectual well-being. For those festering, buried
emotions can interfere with a person's accurate perception of reality needed to make correct integrations,

judgments, and decisions. ...One never has to act on negative emotions, but one should always guiltlessly selfacknowledge negative emotions.
Neo-Tech Advantage #95
Four levels of communication exist. The appropriateness of each level depends on the circumstances as
illustrated below:
Level of Communication


Exchange of familiar or automatic phrases
(e.g., how are you, good morning).

Smooth, pleasant, cheerful, efficient,

noninvolvement method of dealing with

Reporting facts.

Efficient, noninvolvement method of

transmitting information to people.

Reporting or communicating one's own
ideas, thoughts, and judgments.

Can range from completely impersonal to

deeply personal.

Communicating personal feelings and

Personal to deeply personal.

Communication requirement for friendship
and romantic love.

Many books on sex, love, marriage, and personality development imply that impersonal communication is inferior
or undesirable. They further imply that highly personal communication is a superior, more honest form of
communication toward which everyone should strive. Such implications are false and out of context:
Openly revealing one's deep personal self to everyone diminishes self-esteem. That, in turn, militates against one's
best interests and happiness. Nevertheless, many authors, gurus, and "therapists" advocate revealing one's
personal and private self to all comers. Those "total-openness, let it all hang out" advocates are promoting an
egalitarian recipe. That recipe calls for breaking everyone's ego by sharing all personal values and emotions with
all comers. Such ego-breaking recipes are often well-disguised, downhill roads to impotence and unhappiness.
Those advocating ego-breaking, emotional egalitarianism usually do so under false labels of openness and honesty.
But the opposite is true. Failure to discriminate with whom one shares his or her private personal feelings
destroys the potential for experiencing a close, genuinely open, romantic-love relationship with another human
being. Instead, an egalitarian "total openness" to everyone is a cheap giveaway of an individual's most precious

possession -- one's own personal, private self. Nothing squelches romantic love more completely than a Leo
Buscaglia's love-all, share-all egalitarian approach.
A person can and should be sincere and honest to everyone without sharing his or her private self or emotions
with everyone. In fact, when a person does share his or her private self with everyone else, that person's
sincerity and motives become questionable.
An objectively beneficial level of communication exists for every type of human relationship. [Re: Table 61, NeoTech Reference Encyclopedia] Only within a romantic relationship in which the partners love and value each other
in their private universe can the full range of physical and psychological sharing be experienced without
diminishing self-esteem. Within the romantic relationship resides the full scope of psychuous pleasures: the
combination of full-range sexuality with the freedom to fearlessly share any aspect of one's self...any thought,
feeling, fantasy, emotion -- good or bad, rational or irrational. Thus, a person can let go completely to share and
guiltlessly experience any aspect of one's body, mind, emotion, imagination with his or her romantic-love partner.
Within a romantic-love relationship, one can freely share any aspect of one's self and life. But one need not share
every aspect. A person always has the guiltless right to privacy to any area of his or her life, even within the
closest, most open and honest friendship or romantic-love relationship. Total honesty does not require total
revealing all of one's private self. Indeed, absolute and total sharing of one's self and psyche involves losing the
most profound essence of privacy. That loss, in turn, diminishes the sense of "I" and one's self-esteem. Retaining
the essence of personal privacy is not an act of repression, inhibition, dishonesty, or lack of openness, but is a
self-respect preservation of an individual's inherent right to privacy.
To experience psychuous pleasures through romantic love requires genuine self-esteem (valuing of one's own
self). Beyond the romantic-love relationship, self-esteem is diminished or even destroyed by indiscriminately
sharing or by giving away one's personal, private self too cheaply. That loss of self-esteem can be especially
severe (even leading to suicide) if one promiscuously gives away his or her private self just because socially chic
books, gurus, and media commentators falsely promulgate the need to be totally open with everyone. The most
harmful of egalitarian neocheaters are the high visibility Leo Buscaglias who mystically promulgate the selfdestructive, love-everyone concept. They imply that love, openness, and honesty are demonstrated by the giving
of one's private self to all comers.
Valuing of one's private self does not mean holding back or manipulating communication in order to bargain for
advantages. The sharing of oneself is a personal choice and judgment. Such sharing with another person may
occur quickly, even on initial contact if judgment responses trigger desires to move toward deeper personal or
romantic possibilities. Chances should and must be taken on exploring potentially valuable relationships. Errors in
judgment are often made. But minimum harm from such errors results so long as the individual is making his or
her own conscious choices, using reason and reality rather than following the words of mystics, social
"authorities", or gurus.
Surrendering one's independent judgment to mystics, social "authorities", or gurus and offering one's private self
to all comers results in:
1. Diminished self-confidence and self-esteem.
2. Unproductive, unrewarding consumption of time: Such wasting of irreplaceable segments of one's life
span continually diminishes the time needed to build a competent, productive life necessary for growing
prosperity, romantic love, and abiding happiness.
3. Diminished personal desirability: Indiscriminate "openness and honesty" is often a boring imposition on
those being gratuitously subjected to such personal openness.

4. And most important: After selflessly giving one's self to all comers, little if anything that is private,
exciting, or precious is left to share exclusively with one's closest friend or romantic-love partner...little
if anything is left to build that unique, priceless, private universe crucial to a romantic-love relationship.
Happiness exists as a private world within one's own self. That world expands into a mutually exclusive universe
shared by two people involved in a psychuous-pleasure, romantic-love relationship. And that exclusive, private
universe is a uniquely precious, emotional treasure. But that treasure can be forever lost by indiscriminately or
promiscuously sharing oneself physically, psychologically, or spiritually with others.
That selfless giveaway and subsequent destruction of one's private inner world is exactly what the egalitarian
advocates of "total openness" wish to accomplish. Only by negating everyone else's private values and selfesteem, can they justify their own prostituted inner world. Moreover, most of the "total-openness" egalitarians
are professional mystics or neocheaters who depend on extracting their material and spiritual livelihoods from
others. To do that, they first must dupe productive people with altruistic guilt. Then those neocheaters can
psychologically pull the producers down to the level of mystics and parasitical neocheaters through selfless
egalitarianism. ...The lower the level that value producers can be reduced, the more easily can their values be
usurped by neocheaters.
By contrast, avoiding that self-giveaway trap leaves romantic love and abiding happiness open for any value
Neo-Tech Advantage #96
Crucial in a romantic-love relationship is open communication, especially during negative emotional experiences.
During stressful or negative experiences, deliberate reason-based (rather than automatic emotion-based)
conclusions are needed to make fair, honest judgments [Re: Concept 127, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. The
ability to communicate honestly (without mysticism) during emotional stress is the hallmark of successful love
The first step to reason-based communication between partners is to identify and separate the emotional aspects
of the problem [Re: Concept 74 and Table 26, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. For, knowing the difference
between reason-based conclusions (business-like thinking) and emotion-based conclusions (mystical thinking) is
the most important step in developing communication skills during negative situations.
The ability to generate reason-based conclusions out of negative situations has powerfully beneficial effects on a
person's well-being, self-esteem, and happiness. Reasoned conclusions in emotional situations, for example, can
prevent irrational actions that damage or destroy business, family, and romantic-love situations. The habitual use
of reason-based conclusions in emotional situations leads to powerfully effective communication in all situations,
especially business and romantic-love situations.
The Judeo-Christian ethics instill fear in women about expressing sexual assertiveness. Those same ethics instill
fear in men about expressing tender feelings and emotions. Such fears cause various degrees of emotional
repression and diminished happiness in both men and women. The Neo-Tech/Psychuous concepts eliminate those
pleasure-depriving fears by allowing guiltless communication about emotions, love, and sex between romanticlove partners.
A person can enter the future with either a reality/life-oriented philosophy that continually expands into personal
wealth and happiness...or with a mystical/death-oriented philosophy that continually shrinks into personal
impoverishment and unhappiness. Mystical or Platonistic-based philosophies and the resulting dishonest, altruistic
ethics offer only negative, unhappy life styles. Neo-Tech/Psychuous or Aristotelian-based philosophies and the

resulting honest, reality ethics offer positive, happy life styles. ...Anyone can choose at anytime between either
philosophy, ethic, and life-style.
Neo-Tech Advantage #97
Inseparable links exist between productive work, earned values, prosperity, psychuous pleasures, and happiness.
Too many productive people live without experiencing their earned happiness or psychuous pleasures. That
deprivation of happiness and psychuous pleasures is an unnecessary tragedy due to altruistic, mystical guilt
inculcated into the value producer by the professional value destroyers.
Psychuous pleasures and abiding happiness depend on psychological health which, in turn, depends on productive
work. Without productive work or preparations for such, psychological health is impossible. Moreover, psychuous
pleasures and happiness act as the emotional incentives to constantly increase one's value and productivity.
Generally, the producer of values thrives on a fast-paced life in high-density environments (major exceptions are,
for example, productive farmers, ranchers, miners). Nonproductive and destructive people, on the other hand,
generally fear or enviously hate high-density, fast-paced, highly productive environments (such as New York City[
65 ]).
Professional mystics and Marxist neocheaters destroyed countries such as Cuba, Cambodia, Iran, and Nicaragua.
Such black-hat neocheaters work explicitly for the demise of modern, highly productive, highly technological
societies.[ 66 ] They gain their power by pandering to their downtrodden proletariat with false promises of a
nonthinking "peaceful" existence -- a prehistoric, unthinking "animal-nature" existence. They promise the ultimate
mystical dream of a nonthinking, egalitarian, "problem-free" nirvana. But that dream contradicts life, nature, and
reality as does all mysticism. Indeed, that no-effort, "problem-free" mysticism is the essence of value destruction
and death. By contrast, high-effort problem-solving is the essence of value production and life.
Integrated links exist between productivity, self-interest, self-esteem, psychuous pleasures, and happiness [Re:
Table 65, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. Production of competitive values is the integrating growth dynamics
for conscious beings. Production of competitive values provides freedom, prosperity, psychuous pleasures, and
abiding happiness.
Productivity and rational self-interest are not only essential to happiness, but are essential to life itself. For
without productive self-interest, only consumptive altruism remains. What would a world of consumptive altruism
mean? What if everyone began living as selfless, unproductive consumers, temporarily surviving by sacrificing
one another in consuming the values created by the past producers. One can imagine what an unhappy,
destructive world that would be. One can imagine the malevolence and meanness that would exist among those
human beings as they cannibalized the final values and then one another. Soon after that, nearly everyone would
be dead, even those with guns.
But what if everyone began living competitively as rational, productive individuals with everyone intent on
producing maximum values for others and society in order to achieve maximum prosperity, psychuous pleasures,
romantic love, and happiness for themselves and their loved ones. One can imagine what a benevolent, happy,
exciting, thriving world that would be...a world free of mysticism and neocheaters...a world without guns...a world
in which everyone forever increases his or her productivity, prosperity, and happiness.
Most productive individuals are of much greater value than their mystically diminished self-image lets them
realize. For, the image of highly productive individuals has been constantly denigrated by dishonest media

journalists, authors, university professors, educators, theologians, politicians, and social "intellectuals". The
productive middle class is projected in the ugly, inverted, false images of the Babbitts and Willie Lomans. The
ultimate unjust irony lies with the destructive government bureaucrats and "professionals": They who never
produce values, only consume or destroy them, coined and contemptuously use the pejorative "working stiffs" in
describing the self-sufficient, working middle class. Those "working stiffs" are the honest people who daily
produce a flood of values for others, including those government value destroyers. Indeed, those value destroyers
could not survive without those "working stiffs". But those "working stiffs" would thrive without those
bureaucrats and professional value destroyers.
Value producers can feel their full worth only after discarding the years of unearned guilt foisted on them by the
mystics, politicians, social "intellectuals", media commentators, and other neocheating altruists and egalitarians.
Indeed, such productive people can and should experience the pleasure of feeling their full worth all the time. And
now with Neo-Tech, they can forever free themselves of egalitarian altruism and its envious neocheaters to
always feel their deserved worth and happiness.
The underlying cause of egalitarianism and envy is dishonesty and laziness.[ 67 ] Laziness means the abdication of
self-responsibility. That abdication is the root cause of mysticism, envy, altruism, neocheating, and chronic
unhappiness [Re: Concept 133, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. Also, incompetence and lost potential arise
from laziness and defaults on self-responsibility [Re: Concepts 133 and 134, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia].
Professional mystics and neocheaters have vested interests in attacking competitiveness -- in attacking NeoTech, individualism, prosperity, and free-enterprise. The master neocheaters among the politicians, theologians,
and social "intellectuals" live by attacking the competitive value producers and usurping their values. Through
such destructive attacks, those neocheaters hide their own defaults while creating their needed illusions of
personal power and pseudo self-worth. And, to maintain those illusions, they must continue attacking the
competitive producer, his integrated thinking, the values he produces, and his individual rights and property. For
those fake illusions let them physically and psychologically live off of the value producer.
But being dependent on others for survival, nonproductive mystics and neocheaters are unable to earn the selfesteem and competence needed to achieve psychuous pleasures, romantic love, and abiding prosperity. Also, not
having earned values, they hold no genuine power.
Productivity is the building block for prosperity, love, and happiness. The most common character and behavior
traits associated with productive men and women are identified below:
Character Traits
Behavior Traits

Acts with energy, honesty, and fairness regardless of near-term consequences. Loyalty to honesty.
Recognizes and pursues the values of honesty and integrity.
Thinks rationally, logically, objectively.
Focuses on reality.
Seeks facts in full context.
Organizes self, life, and work toward profitable actions.
Asks clear questions and listens carefully.
Values time. Uses it efficiently and profitably.
Anticipates and then strives for achievement.
Sets value-producing goals and strives to accomplish them.
Seeks to understand fully and contextually before judging.
Shows passion, benevolence, and innocence toward life.
Avoids mystical reactions.
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[ 65 ] Master black-hat neocheater, Fidel Castro, expressed the u ltimate desire of all envious mystics,
neocheaters, and other value destroyers in his publicly stated, personal desire to drop a nuclear bomb on New
York City to destroy the greatest, most intense fountainhead of objective values known to mankind.
[ 66 ] The black-hat neocheaters' ultimate, envious dream is to destroy fast-paced, high-tech, high-intensity life,
especially as experienced in productive, free-market metropolitan areas. That dream was actually achieved by the
terror-totalitarian government of Cambodia. To gain unrestricted power, the neocheating leader, Pol Pot,
implemented his destruction of urban life by a forced, death-march evacuation of the entire capital city of Phnom
Penh. His totally destructive, murderous actions represented the highest attainment of egalitarian ideals and the
natural end-result of altruistic-based philosophies. For that reason, few objections or cries of outrage about such
blatant mass murder were heard from the "liberal" media, soul mate mystics, social "intellectuals", and other
professional mystics and neocheaters. ...Given the power and means, all professional value destroyers have the
capacity to mass murder. For in essence, they will do anything, including mass murder, to protect and expand
their bogus livelihoods and to feel increasingly important, when in essence they are less than nothing.
[ 67 ] The mechanism of laziness in both the mind and body is the yielding to actions of least effort. But conscious
beings cannot prosper or be happy through actions of least effort. And unlike all other animals, conscious beings
cannot survive by letting nature rule them. Conscious beings depend on volitional efforts and logically reasoned
choices to survive. They must constantly choose to exert effort, think logically, and act beyond their feelings to
prosper. They must exercise discipline, thought, and then control (the DTC technique) to succeed. ...To achieve
lasting prosperity and happiness, one must constantly do things he or she does not feel like doing.

Neo-Tech Advantage #98

Growth Death or Psyche Death are terms used to describe the tragedy of dying as a competently functioning
conscious being while continuing to exist physically. That phenomenon unnecessarily occurs in a high percentage
of people. Caused by the disease of mysticism, Growth Death affects perhaps 90% of the world's living adult
population [Re: Concept 89, Table 31, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. Growth Death is a uniquely human
phenomenon that involves the stagnation and death of the human psyche, often at an early age -- even before the
human body reaches physical maturity.
The human psyche embraces both the emotional and intellectual spheres of the mind. Contrary to popular myth,
both spheres are inseparably linked and symbiotically function together. If one sphere grows, so does the other. If
one sphere deteriorates so does the other. Most important, the human psyche has no age or capacity limitations
on its growth.
Unlike the physical body, the human psyche has no growth limits. It never needs to stop growing. In fact, the
continuous growth of the psyche is the process of conscious living. When that process stops, the individual ceases
to function as a conscious being is designed to function. If a person's psyche is not growing, that person is living
contrary to his or her nature. Thus, that person's psyche begins dying. And if one's psyche is dying, that person
cannot experience growing prosperity, love, or happiness.
What happens with a living, growing business-like mind? Value-producing actions beget happy feelings while
honestly integrating reality. What happens with a dying, shrinking mystical mind? Indulged feelings beget
destructive actions while dishonestly evading reality. The checklist below compares the psyche of those two minds
-- the criminal, destructive, mystic mind versus the heroic, productive, business mind.
People generally display various mixtures of living and dead psyche characteristics. But the mixture is always
tilted to one side or the other with the general direction usually moving unnecessarily toward death. With the
following checklist, most people can determine whether their psyches are living or dying. A person with a dying
psyche can reverse the trend and live again by using Neo-Tech to cure the disease of mysticism within one's own
Characteristics of a
Dying or Dead Psyche
(Ralph Nader Type Mystical Mind)

Characteristics of a
Living or Growing Psyche
(Ray Kroc Type Business Mind)

Envious of others for their achievements,

success, happiness, or material well-being.
Resents heroes, value producers, and
especially great business people and their
productive accomplishments.

Envy-free. Admires and encourages

individual achievement in self and

Operates on subjective feelings or wishes.

Oriented toward short-range, valuedestroying approaches to problems and

Operates on objective principles.

Oriented toward long-range, valueproducing approaches to problems and

Desires the destruction, distribution, or

leveling of the wealth, happiness, and wellbeing earned by others.

Produces tradeable values. Desires a

life of achievements and happiness for
self and others.

Holds anti-individualistic views. Has

egalitarian and collectivist desires to seize,
destroy, and level values produced by others.

Orients around rational self-interests.

Independently fills own needs through
production of tradeable values for

Fears freedom, independence, and

competition. Follows external "authorities" in
religion and government.

Seeks freedom, independence, and

competition. Rejects external

Praises humble, selfless altruists. Attacks or

maligns proud, productive achievers.

Admires and seeks productive


Unhappy with life. Only interludes of shortterm happiness. Represses the tragedy of
death. Recoils at the possibility of biological

Happy with life. Only interludes of shortterm sadness. Recognizes the tragedy
of death. Hails the possibility of human
biological immortality as the highest
moral goal.

Seeks government controls and laws that

forcibly restrict and repress individual

Seeks freedom. Opposes all forms of

initiatory force and oppression,
especially government force and
oppression of the individual.

Plagued with anxieties and self-doubts.

At ease and comfortable with self.

Increasingly feels joyful life building

within his or her physical and emotional

Holds a cynical or malevolent view of life and

Holds a benevolent view of life and


Life is viewed as unhappy and people as

inherently destructive, wicked, or sinful.

Life is viewed as naturally happy,

beautiful, exciting. People are viewed as
inherently good, valuable, productive.

Emotionally and physically experiences life

with increasing unhappiness and lethargy.

Experiences life with increasing joy and


Accepts harmful, mystical concepts such as

original sin and predestination.

Rejects mystical concepts such as

original sin and predestination.

Orients around mystical premises and beliefs

in God, statism, astrology, the occult.

Orients around honesty and objective


Orients around an altruistic, Platonistic

philosophy that holds the sacrifice of the
individual to "higher" causes as a virtue.

Orients around an Aristotelian/NeoTech philosophy that holds the individual

as the supreme value in the universe.

To let one's psyche live or die is always a volitional choice made by each individual alone -- a choice usually made
early in life, often in childhood. The tragically unnecessary surrender of the psyche to mysticism and Growth
Death takes the subconscious form of:
What's the use. Why struggle any more to understand reality or bear the pain and pressure of being honest? I am
not going to live by my own mind because the effort and responsibilities are too great. I'll let others think for me.
I'll let the authorities tell me what to believe and do. Yes, I'll support their power no matter how dishonest or
destructive. I want the easiest, safest way through life. No, I don't want to advance in life by independent,
integrated thinking and actions. Instead, I want to be a believer and to follow some `wiser' authority or `higher'
good. I'll live by the thoughts and feelings of others.
From that point of surrender, the individual may become more knowledgeable, skillful, and proficient in specific
areas, but his or her psyche will diminish as overall growth of the mind stops and turns downward toward death.
At some future time, that individual could decide to countermand that subconscious surrender order and restart
psyche growth. If not, the quality of his or her life will continuously decline, always controlled, always pushed or
pulled one way or another by outside forces, by the influences of "others".

The "others" represent any higher "authority" that an individual lets control his or her thoughts, judgments,
actions, life (rather than using one's own mind). Those "higher authorities" may be friends, relatives, politicians,
bureaucrats, lawyers, social "intellectuals", neocheating university professors, the media, the church, the ruler,
the Messiah, Allah, cocaine, the Bible, the stars, the state, "society" -- anyone or anything outside the individual's
own mind.
People default on the primary responsibility of their minds by letting outside others ("authorities", neocheaters)
do their thinking and make their decisions. When people default on using their own minds, they lose control of
their lives and begin dying as they become controlled by others.
By nature, control through others always contradicts an individual's long-range well-being. Thus, accepting such
outside control always begins the process of growth death. For no one can experience growth, prosperity, and
happiness while under control of others.
The human mind is an adaptable, resilient organ having great self-healing powers. Helping or curing the mind
seldom needs outside help. The powerful self-help nature of the mind is purposely ignored by the neocheaters
dominating the psychology profession. The mind can suffer psychic or psychological damage. But if and when the
individual chooses, that damage can almost always be reversed by attacking and eliminating the self-indulged
disease of mysticism that is causing the problem by cutting off honesty and integrated thinking. That effective,
self-help approach sharply contradicts the messy, wasteful, and usually harmful external "authority" approaches
involving psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists. Such external "authority" approaches ignore the essence of
both mental health (Neo-Tech: honesty and effort) and mental illness (mysticism: dishonesty and laziness). Thus, in
the light of Neo-Tech, most approaches by the psychiatric and psychological professions are invalid, harmful,
fraudulent, and often practiced by destructive neocheaters.[ 68 ]
Through honest thinking and sustained efforts, a person can self-heal and strengthen his or her mind. Through
such self-healing, that person retakes control of life and reverses that mind atrophy caused by mysticism. On
healing the mind, the future can once again promise boundless prosperity, growth, love, and happiness. One's
psyche can then experience anew an exhilarating freedom and control over reality, perhaps for the first time
since early childhood.
Most people have defaulted, at least partially, on the independent use of their minds. By abandoning any part of
their minds to "others", including psychologists, they diminish their means to prosperity and happiness. Yet,
through Neo-Tech, the potential is always available to rescue one's self from mysticism and its external
"authorities". By nature, the self-rescue of one's own mind from mysticism must be an act of self-responsibility
free from external "authority".
Few people choose to resurrect themselves from Psyche Death and Growth Death.[ 69 ] Those who have
surrendered usually rationalize their deteriorating self and shrinking potential as a natural, biological aging
process. Growth Death may be common, but is neither natural nor necessary. Furthermore, rebirth of a dying
mind or psyche is not only possible but quite easy for anyone possessing Neo-Tech knowledge.
Neo-Tech leads the way to mental health by self-curing the disease of mysticism. ...And without mysticism to
manipulate others, the neocheaters are powerless.
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[ 68 ] Certain cognitive psychological approaches can be v alid and at times valuable when used to gain specific
knowledge that helps one identify elusive areas of mysticism. Beyond those exceptional situations, however, most
psychological treatments are bogus and harmful, for such treatments are the antithesis of mental health: the
handing over of self-responsibility for mystic-free mental health to a mystical-indulging, feel-good external
Many statistical tests over the past fifty years have demonstrated the long-term worthlessness and drug-like
harm of feel-good psyche chats, therapies, treatments (Reference: Garth Wood, MD, Myths and Neurosis -Overcoming the Illness Excuse, Harper and Row).
[ 69 ] Recovery of independent thought is possible at almost any age through the nearly infinite self-healing
powers of the human mind, especially when made mystic-free through Neo-Tech. Indeed, Neo-Tech cures
mysticism. Thus, Neo-Tech will put most psychologists and psychiatrists out of business.
Neo-Tech Advantage #99
(See Advantage #114, Appendix F, and Neo-Tech V for details)
The elimination of mysticism is required for non-aging or youth-rejuvenating biological immortality. That goal will
be accomplished in three steps:
The first step in achieving biological immortality is defining its meaning: biological immortality means to live as
flesh-and-blood, non-aging human beings forever -- not just an extended life, but to live mind, body, and spirit as
one's own self for centuries, millennia, forever. The purpose of biological immortality is not to serve others,
society, or mankind, but to preserve forever the most precious, important value in the universe -- one's own
integrated conscious self and sense of I-ness to experience expanding prosperity, love, and happiness -- forever.
The second step in achieving non-aging biological immortality is dispelling the following seven myths (Appendix F
refutes each myth in detail):
1. Death is not final. False.
2. Life after death exists. False. [See Memento Mori in Neo-Tech V]
3. Everyone wants to live forever. False.
4. Living forever would deprive younger generations of opportunities. False.
5. People living forever would cause overpopulation. False.
6. Living forever would be boring. False.
7. Achieving non-aging biological immortality presents technical, biological, medical, and scientific problems
that are so complex and difficult that they could be unknowable or, at best, remain unsolvable for
centuries. False.

The third step in achieving youth-rejuvenating immortality is understanding the requirements for achieving [A]
personal prosperity, and [B] social prosperity with political freedom allows [C] commercial biological immortality.
Achieving [A] and [B] is necessary to achieve [C]. The formula is [A] + [B] = [C]:
[A]=Achieving Personal Power, Prosperity, Happiness: Neo-Tech delivers honesty, power, love -- the motive for Iness immortality.
[B]=Achieving a Free, Prosperous World: Neo-Tech delivers freedom, business, prosperity -- the means to
biological immortality.
[C]=Achieving Biological Immortality in our Lifetime: Neo-Tech delivers science, technology, immortality -- the
achievement of biological immortality.
Commercial, non-aging I-ness immortality is achievable within our lifetime. But that achievement depends on
collapsing the 2000-year hoax of mysticism and eliminating all its symbiotic neocheaters. The Neo-Tech Research
and Writing Center is already undermining the hoax of mysticism worldwide and will forever cure that disease of
death without anyone's support, without asking anyone to donate time or money, and without permission from or
control by anyone.
People must fully experience prosperity and happiness to value their one-and-only life with enough passion to
motivate rapid, full-scale development of youth-rejuvenating immortality. Neo-Tech will trigger that full-scale
development by freeing millions of productive individuals around the world from mysticism and neocheating. Once
free, they will flourish naturally toward open-ended prosperity and happiness. They will flourish by (1) collapsing
mysticism, (2) rejecting false guilt for living honestly, productively, fully, thus (3) rendering the neocheaters
impotent. Those three actions, in turn, will unlock the needed motivation and means to develop commercial
biological immortality rapidly -- in a few years.
The entire purpose of youth-rejuvenating immortality is to experience ever increasing happiness -- to experience
future realms of ever expanding enterprise, prosperity, love, and happiness. Such unimaginable happiness is
available to every conscious being living in a mystical-free world of forever evolving knowledge and adventure.
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[ 70 ] All Neo-Tech references to biological immortality by natu re encompass I-ness immortality. For, preserving
or perpetuating all other aspects of conscious and biological life, including cloned bodies, memory banks, and
personalities are meaningless if one's original sense of I-ness is lost.
Neo-Tech Advantage #100
Malefactor is a label that can be applied to envious people. An envious person wants values destroyed. An envious
person works to undermine individual and property rights, both of which are needed to achieve well-being and
happiness. [Re: Table 68 in the Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia.]

Envy distorts and then consumes a person's view of life. Envy is a prime evil that people let develop within
themselves to their great personal harm, unhappiness, and eventual death. Laziness and dishonesty are basic
causes. Envy and impotence are basic effects. Envy is the desire to destroy values created or earned by destroy the good because of its goodness. Why? Because the objective good (rational human values)
exposes by contrast the envier's defaults and impotence. That exposure, in turn, diminishes the envier's pseudo
self-esteem. And that pseudo self-esteem is needed for both psychological and physical survival -- needed to
prevent a mental breakdown or suicide.
Values earned by others make the envier experience his impotence. The good inherent in objective values reveals
what the envier lacks. Such values reveal the human goodness that the envier has defaulted on. Such values leave
the envier aware of his or her incompetence to live as a self-sufficient, independent, happy human being. Thus, the
envier fears and hates such values.
Envy growing out of dishonesty and laziness is a major destructive force in human relationships. In contrast to
jealousy that is directed toward the possession of values, envy is directed toward the destruction of values. The
desire to destroy the values, happiness, and pleasures earned by others is the essence of envy. Envious attacks
against the producers and their values are woven throughout all the "good sounding" non sequiturs of media
journalists, religious leaders, politicians, social "intellectuals", "consumerists", "ecologists", and other envious
Contrary to the misconception promoted by envy-oriented writers and journalists, envy is not analogous to
jealousy. While both reduce happiness, their causes are opposites [Re: Concept 77, Neo-Tech Reference
Encyclopedia]. Jealousy is rooted in valuing and coveting a value...because the value is good to the beholder. Envy
is rooted in resenting and hating a value...because the value threatens to expose the dishonesty and failures of the
envier. The jealous person is threatened by the loss of a value. The envious person is threatened by the presence
of a value.
Enviers have always hidden, camouflaged, and distorted the meaning of envy. Enviers must not let their inferiority
and dependence on the producers become known to themselves or others. For, if everyone understood the nature
of envy, the professional mystics and neocheaters would lose their survival tools and rationalized self-esteems.
And that would bring loss of unearned gains, public disgrace, even suicide -- unless the envier chose to change -to prosper by becoming a competitive producer of values.
Out of fear and resentment, enviers must attack values earned by others. At the same time, they must constantly
usurp those values in order to survive. That contradictory life of enviers brings increasing resentment, anxiety,
incompetence, unhappiness.
Those free of envy have no way of knowing the malevolent nature of the envier. Thus, most value producers,
because of their naive innocence, are relatively helpless in protecting themselves from envious value destroyers.
...Who are the envious value destroyers? They are identified in the next chart. The issue is black and white: All
people can be clearly classified as either envious or nonenvious [Re: Table 69, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia].
From value-destroying bureaucrats right up to genocidal dictators, the survival of envious people depends on
their victims never discovering the nature of envy. To accomplish that concealment[ 71 ], destructive enviers
must use one or more of the tactics shown in the chart below:
Tactics to Conceal Envy

Commonly Used By

Avoiding the word "envy"

Politicians, theologians, lawyers,

"liberal" journalists, social
"intellectuals", dictators

Distort and confuse the meaning of envy by falsely

blending its meaning with jealousy

Politicians, theologians, "liberal"

journalists, social "intellectuals",

Deny the existence of envy

Politicians, theologians, "liberal"


Invert the destructiveness of envy into a socially

"good" action (e.g., the "good" of mass
destructions that force everyone to the same level)

Egalitarians, "ecologists", social

"intellectuals", psychologists,
lawyers, politicians, dictators

Claim that envy is inborn or is "forced" into people

by the environment. Therefore, envious people are
blameless. Instead, society and inequality are to

Social "intellectuals",
psychologists, theologians,

Envy is a destructive character development resulting from:

1. volitional laziness and dishonesty, and
2. the choice to default on the self-responsibility to live by one's own mind and efforts through competitive
value production.
The envier must depend on the minds and efforts of others to survive. Envy comes from within the self-made
character of a person, not from society or the environment. Envious people, therefore, are responsible for their
own envy, destructions, and harm to others. Enviers are the malefactors of civilization:
Who are the envious malefactors? Who are the value destroyers of civilization? They are identified below:
General Classes of Envious Malefactors
Value Destroyers


Specific Classes of Envious Malefactors

Social "Intellectuals"
Destructive Bureaucrats
Criminal-Minded Professionals
High Percentage of Envious Malefactors Found
in Specific "Occupations"
Law[ 72 ] (a few exceptions)
Media journalism[ 72 ] (some exceptions)
University professors[ 72 ] (a few notable exceptions)
Mafia members (destructive but usually not envious)
Theologians and politicians (incorrigible enviers)
Skid-row inhabitants (envious but usually not very destructive)
Unproductive scions of inherited wealth (dissipators of wealth
earned by others: "public servants" such as Nelson A.
Rockefeller, Teddy Kennedy)
Social "intellectuals" (e.g., social "scientists" -- their field is
largly spurious and the antithesis of science)
Self-appointed professional feminists[ 73 ]
Self-appointed professional environmentalists[ 73 ]
Self-appointed professional consumerists[ 73 ]
Self-appointed professional peace activists[ 73 ]
The value destroyers listed above are basically immature, anti-intellectual people who seek to evade reality and
honesty. By contrast, most value producers are mature, genuienly intellectual people who seek to identify
contextual facts through fully integrated honesty.
Most politicians and social "intellectuals" are immature value destroyers who survive by neocheating the value
producer. Such people promote altruistic social "ideals" designed to harm and drain the value producers of this
planet. Those immature value destroyers include not only politicians but a high percentage of university
professors, especially in the fields of social and political sciences, philosophy, psychology, education, law,
religion...and a smaller percentage in other fields. Their crusades for fake social "justice" and specious human

rights are motivated by envy and executed through criminal minds. Their attacks on values are neocheating ploys
not only for plundering the value producers but for hiding their own incompetence, laziness, and dishonesty. But
the greatest evil of those academe is their irreparable mutilation of millions upon millions of young, developing
Why are theologians also classified as neocheaters, malefactors, value destroyers, and parasites? What about the
"good" that theologians do, such as help the poor? Indeed, their "good" is exactly that: good in quotes. Their
"good" is usually specious and contrary to human well-being and happiness. For, their "good" is based on the
altruistic sacrifice of the value producer with the theologians collecting both the praise and a middle-man's cut
without producing values.
Most theologian-type "good" depends on dishonest, guilt manipulations of the producer. That "good" arises from
their subtle, unjust denigrations of personal success, prosperity, and happiness. Furthermore, their "good"
generally involves hypocritical, neocheating ploys designed for living with praise and "ease" without working to
produce competitive values. In other words, theologians support themselves by promoting God-like altruistic
schemes designed to usurp values earned by others while collecting unearned respect and power. ...That is the
purpose and livelihood of most theologians.
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[ 71 ] Over the centuries, concealing the nature of envy has bee n easy. For without Neo-Tech, most nonenvious
individuals have no way to comprehend envy. In their innocence, envy-free productive people cannot emotionally
or intellectually grasp the idea that people actually exist who want to destroy values because of the goodness
represented by those values.
[ 72 ] Envious malefactors or value destroyers are not inherent to these specific occupations. But a particularly
high percentage of such malefactors populate these easy-to-fake professions. By contrast, envious malefactors
rarely exist in productive hard-to-fake activities such as competitive, profit-making businesses.
[ 73 ] These professional, self-appointed value destroyers (e.g., the Nader type) are destructive enviers who use
neocheating demagoguery to gain unearned power. Such neocheaters use non sequiturs to create falsely inverted
"realities" such as the "hero" consumer pitted against the "villain" producer. But those neocheaters hurt both the
consumer and the producer by promoting government controls and force. By contrast, those "villain" producers
of values are and always have been the only real benefactors and heroes of mankind. Without those producers, no
productive jobs or consumers would exist since no products or values to consume would exist. Indeed, without
those producers, little, if any, human life would exist.
No disparagement is meant toward the valuable efforts of consumer-aid organizations (e.g., Better Business
Bureaus) that do not sanction, use, or depend on government force or the violation of individual rights. Also no
disparagement is intended toward the few honest, professionally trained ecologists who actually deliver values by
objectively studying the environment relative to improving the long-range prosperity and happiness for value
producers and society.

Neo-Tech Advantage #101

Value destroyers such as demagogic "ecologists" and "consumerists", neocheating politicians and bureaucrats,
evil dictators and ayatollahs usurp enough power to directly execute their envious destructions. They camouflage
their envy by operating under non-sequitur banners of common "good", human rights, social "justice", "peace",
equality, the fatherland, and the most primitive, barbaric of all non-sequitur stratagems -- God. Such envious,
value-destroying professionals live by usurping power and values, by attacking, undermining, crippling, destroying
value producers.
Most other enviers, however, lack the power, cunning, and resources to directly damage and destroy value
producers. To vicariously satisfy their envy, they eagerly support the destructive causes promoted by those
demagogic "consumerists", "environmentalists", theologians, politicians, social "intellectuals", and other
A person can cure his or her envy only by becoming a self-sufficient producer of competitive values to achieve
genuine independence, competence, and self-esteem. If not cured, the malignancy of envy will keep growing,
consuming that person in malevolent hatred toward self, productive people, objective values, and life itself.
Expressed another way, growing envy destroys a person's potential to earn genuine prosperity, psychuous
pleasures, and happiness. To break free from envy's grip, a person must first identify the envy. Next, that person
must reduce the need for envy by becoming increasingly productive until competent enough to live by
competitively producing values desired by others. Then a metamorphosis occurs that changes envious fear of
objective values to a passionate desire to uphold those values. On evolving into an independent, self-sufficient
producer of values, envy fades as a new, exciting life emerges -- a life of growing prosperity, expanding power,
and abiding happiness.
Producers of objective values have prosperity and happiness always open to them. But first they must break free
from the unearned guilt foisted on them by the enviers who surrounded them. The producers must realize that
they are the ones who hold the real power. And only they can guiltlessly collect genuine prosperity and happiness.
Neo-Tech sharply contrasts the world of mysticism and envy to the world of value production and self-esteem.
[Re: Table 71, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia] One does not cross into the happy, envy-free world until that
person becomes competent enough through consistent logical thinking, integrated honesty, and hard efforts to be
self-sufficient by producing competitive values for others and society.
As previously identified, laziness and dishonesty are volitionally chosen prime evils. People allow laziness and
dishonesty to develop within themselves to their great personal harm. Laziness and dishonesty are the basic
causes of mysticism, neocheating, and envy. Moreover, that default to laziness leads to Growth Death or Psyche
Death (see Neo-Tech Advantage #98).
Laziness always involves mysticism undercutting the conscious mind. One must exert a constant, honest, life-long
effort to maintain a prosperous, happy, healthy life. By contrast, mental and physical laziness means defaulting on
those key attributes of honesty and effort required for independent self-survival and happiness.
Rationalizing laziness and envy requires dishonest inversions of facts and values. For example, certain social
commentators disparage modern, labor-saving appliances as causing laziness. They lament that modern
appliances bypass old-fashioned virtues of hard work. Their laments are misleading non sequiturs useful for selfdeception or neocheating. The facts are that labor-saving devices are created and put to best use by those who
are the least lazy -- the most ambitious. For, such modern devices free people from low-productivity, mind-stifling

routines to provide the time and opportunity to spend their lives in ever more challenging, productive, creative
Criticisms of labor-saving devices usually originate from either neocheaters attacking values or from those
yearning to return to bygone days. But those bygone days were when so much brute labor, time, and energy were
needed just to survive that few if any demands were made to expand into more complex, difficult efforts
demanding hard integrated thinking. Those criticizing modern labor-saving devices are generally seeking
rationalizations to avoid the responsibility of living by sustained, conscious efforts requiring integrated thinking.
They prefer to exist without conscious effort -- by rote, without integrated thinking -- as people did during the
Dark Ages. Those who criticize labor-saving devices are usually projecting their own mental laziness, their
rebellion against integrated thinking, their lack of effort to live fully.
The logical use of the mind combined with consistent rational efforts is required for human survival and
prosperity. But, mental default for many is seductively tempting. A person simply adopts someone else's thinking,
thus avoiding the responsibility of exerting one's own integrated thinking and honesty for independent survival and
prosperity. Such "pleasantly easy" defaults against using one's own mind are traps that corrode self-sufficiency
and lead to intellectual, psychological, and eventual physical dependence on others, especially "authorities".
Usually those "authorities" are neocheaters who dupe the defaulter into accepting their dishonest, destructive
ploys designed for usurping power. ...Such neocheating "authorities" survive by promoting their mystical hoaxes
and specious doctrines of altruistic self-sacrifice in order to control the defaulters and neocheat the producers.
Integrated, logical thinking[ 74 ] does not preclude errors or wrong judgments. But only through habitual,
integrated, logical thinking does one become efficient in identifying and correcting errors. If a person defaults on
that thinking effort, he or she must live increasingly through other people's thinking. That person then gradually
loses the ability to recognize the errors in other people's thinking as well as to correct his or her own errors.
Such a person eventually becomes incompetent to live independently. That person then becomes dependent on
destructive, neocheating "authorities" to survive.
Essentially all willful destruction, all purposeful violence, all initiation of force against individuals and their
property can be reduced to a single, originating cause -- mysticism originating from laziness and dishonesty. That
laziness and dishonesty evolve from choosing not to exert the constant, rational efforts required to understand
reality in order to make one's own independent decisions. ...Laziness and dishonesty are the cause of evil; envy is
the effect.
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[ 74 ] Independent, integrated, logical thinking is not a function of intelligence, but is a function of selfresponsibility, self-effort, and self-honesty.
Neo-Tech Advantage #102
Attacks on free enterprise, producers, and objective values by envious altruists, powercrats, social
"intellectuals", theologians, lawyers, judges, academics, and other neocheaters are on the rise around the world.
Before Neo-Tech, envious altruism was increasingly undermining the value producers. But today, Neo-Tech not

only identifies the nature of envy, but also reveals how neocheaters use mystical altruism to attack and
undermine the producers in order to usurp unearned power and values. Thus, just in time, at the crucial NuclearDecision Threshold (See Neo-Tech Advantage #31), Neo-Tech has become available to identify, counteract, and
reverse the destructive trend of mysticism. Moreover, timely Neo-Tech also demonstrates how guiltless
psychuous pleasures and happiness arise from rejecting all mystical dishonesties. And, finally, Neo-Tech renders
powerless the intentional value destroyers -- the professional mystics, altruists, powercrats, parasites, enviers,
and other neocheaters.
Neo-Tech means the eventual demise of the politician, social "intellectual", theologian, and every other
neocheating altruist and egalitarian who usurp values and power from the value producers. At the same time,
almost anyone can achieve a prosperous, happy life with Neo-Tech, even those hapless mystics and neocheaters
who have been exposed and rejected by the producers armed with Neo-Tech.
Without Neo-Tech, the legions of altruists, mystics, and powercrats would have eventually buried the producers
and their values, causing a new dark age. But today, Neo-Tech knowledge is spreading around the world. That
expanding Neo-Tech matrix is rendering impotent professional mystics and neocheaters caught in its web. Yet,
ironically, those foundering mystics and neocheaters can with Neo-Tech join the producers in experiencing
genuine prosperity and happiness by rejecting their own mysticism and producing competitive values for others.
Neo-Tech Advantage #103
Those with Neo-Tech knowledge will gain powerful advantages in every competitive situation. For they fully
understand the crippling, 2000-year hoax of Platonistic-based philosophies that today dominate most people's
thoughts and actions. Thus, by removing that hoax, Neo-Tech leaves a person with profound competitive
advantages over those foundering in the Plato-based world of professional mystics and neocheaters.
Plato's philosophy provided the foundation for subsequent philosophies involving mysticism, sacrifice, and the use
of force to achieve "higher" goals. Plato's philosophy also provided the basic tools for rationalizing laziness [Re:
Concept 108, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. And because Plato's work is so subtly anti-intellectual, his
philosophy inflicted sweeping, anti-intellectual destructions on all subsequent societies and cultures to this day.
Still, Plato, the father of the criminal mind, was one of the most original, creative thinkers in history. His work was
the first widely integrated philosophical system[ 75 ] recorded in writing. The depth and breadth of his
integrations were quickly matched and then surpassed by the philosophical writings of his student -- Aristotle, the
father of the business mind.
But much of Plato's credit, particularly the sounder aspects of his philosophical system, perhaps belongs to his
teacher, Socrates. Unfortunately, Socrates never recorded in writing his ideas or philosophical system. No
writings of Socrates are known to exist. And knowledge of his work was left to the mercy and plagiarism of Plato,
who perhaps deleted crucial Aristotelian-like views that would have contradicted Plato's own manipulated views.
Nevertheless, Socrates was probably the first man to develop a broadly integrated philosophical system.
Plato held enormous leverage with his great intellectual and creative abilities. Thus, profound philosophical errors
would occur if he were tilted even slightly toward immaturity, dishonesty, mysticism, and neocheating. And that is
what happened. Some of the most integrated aspects of Plato's philosophical system are in profound error. His
errors involve the integration of dishonesties, mysticism, "higher purposes", the use of force, and the exercise of
authoritarian power into a full-blown, ethical philosophical system of enormous deception and dishonesties.
Furthermore, the foundation of Plato's philosophy is not based on reality, but on mysticism. His philosophy does
not recognize the life of the individual human being as the prime value or even an important value. Indeed, Plato is

not a man to be respected. For he was an immature, dishonest conniver who wreaked death and destruction on
this world for over 2000 years. He subordinated human beings to arbitrary "higher" powers and mystical
"values". Yet, the tight inner logic and integrated completeness of his specious philosophy provided great staying
power for his false ideas. Thus, his spurious philosophy became the intellectual foundation of all subsequent
specious philosophies, religions, and political systems.
Plato's philosophical system has been the greatest tragedy of our civilization. But at last, today, Neo-Tech is in the
process of eliminating that tragedy.
By contrast, Aristotle was perhaps the greatest intellectual power in history. He built his philosophical system on
objective, noncontradictory premises by placing objective reality as the only basis of honesty. Aristotle placed the
individual conscious being as the supreme value on Earth. ...The philosophical roots of Aristotle lead to Neo-Tech.
Major competitive advantages accrue to those who use Neo-Tech knowledge to reject mystical, Platonistic-based
Neo-Tech Advantage #104
Can poetry be destructive? Can poetry undermine romantic love? Yes, most certainly. Some poetry (including
song lyrics, especially certain rock lyrics), if taken seriously, can have powerful, mind-crippling effects that
undermine a person's integration capacities crucial for developing romantic-love relationships. In addition,
certain poetry can block personal growth and prevent prosperity and long-range happiness from developing.
Plato, whose philosophy has been utilized by the anti-intellectuals, mystics, and neocheaters for the past 2300
years, was ironically the first to identify the harmful, anti-intellectual nature of poetry. Plato recognized that the
sing-song, rhythmic nature of poetry set up automatic, hypnotic, nonthinking patterns that unconscious people
used to pass on information which often sounded good or pleasant, but had little or no validity, accuracy, or
objective meaning. In other words, through poetry, so-called knowledge or packages of "truth" could be handily
acquired and passed on with little conscious effort, independent thinking, or regard to honesty. Poems and chants
established dogmatic patterns that blocked new or more accurate ideas from developing.
Plato properly identified part of the problem with poetry, but his philosophical errors prevented him from
identifying the total problem. Poetry can be cast in what appears to be beautiful gems or nuggets of packaged
"truth" and knowledge from "authorities". Those packaged "truths" are designed for consumption in quick,
convenient gulps. That gulping of "truths" bypasses the analytical mental effort required to integrate information
and assess its validity through one's own mind.
Determining the validity of any information requires analytical integration of facts and information within a full,
accurate context. But poetry and song lyrics effortlessly bypass the demanding thinking and integration
processes needed to accurately identify objective reality. In that way, poetry and lyrics subvert the effectiveness
of the mind. Most poetry and lyrics, no matter how beautiful, right, and "true" they sound (that being their
seductive nature) cannot be substituted for honesty or facts any more than good-sounding slogans or parables[
76 ] can be substituted for honesty or facts. Furthermore, cleverly used poetry and lyrics can be powerfully
effective tools for rationalizing laziness, dishonesty, injustice, mysticism, and neocheating.[ 77 ]
Most poetry, if taken seriously (especially emotional or "beautiful" poetry that lacks an objective base), not only
undermines a person's ability to make independent judgments, but diminishes one's capacity to think objectively
about crucial matters. That, in turn, decreases one's ability to achieve prosperity, psychuous pleasures, and long-

range happiness. In other words, certain poetry or song lyrics taken as packaged "truth" will bypass the
independent, in-context thinking processes required to make the integrations and decisions necessary to develop
long-range prosperity, pleasures, and happiness.
Most poetry rests on specious or mystical foundations. But even poetry resting on objective, Aristotelian
foundations is valid only for a specific context and is not valid for other contexts. If, for example, one or both
partners in a love relationship rely on poetry by "authorities" to express "truth", the relationship in that
particular area will be detached from reality -- stunted by mysticism, unable to grow on sound premises in that
Poetry based on mysticism or even poetry based on a particular context of objective reality is almost always, by
nature, nonexact or abstract. That nonexactness or abstraction can symbolize certain categories of reality, but
poetic abstractions are not facts in themselves nor can they be substituted for independent, integrated thinking.
But valid art forms (e.g., music, fine art, literature, and even certain intellectually honest poetry) can be abstract
expressions of objective values executed with skill and projected with a powerful sense of life. If the artist's
abstract symbols reflect the observer's own values, then the particular art form delivers pleasure to the
If the art work (music, fine art, literature) symbolizes disvalues or threats to the beholder, then the art delivers
dislike to the viewer.[ 78 ] Nonskilled or amateurish art may attempt to symbolize values to the beholder. But such
art work is not emotionally felt if the style, craftsmanship, or abstraction is too unskilled, obscure, inaccurate,
contradictory, or badly executed. In such cases, the viewer's reaction is nonrecognition, confusion, indifference,
boredom, dislike, especially if combined with a negative sense of life. Those cases include most of the subjective
"modern art" that has been foisted on the public by neocheaters as a ploy to further undermine life, attack values,
and drain the value producer through the arts.
Still, much more harmful is the mystics' and neocheaters' use of objective art forms to bilk the producer on a
grand scale: The prime example in history is the brilliant coup by the Roman Catholic church to save itself during
the rise of honesty and logic that occurred during the Renaissance. The master neocheaters of the Roman
Catholic hierarchy recognized the starkly obvious values of the burgeoning, new art forms. They then captured
those art values for exploitation by aggressively commissioning the most skilled artists to produce highly obvious
values. The master neocheaters captured those values at first through architecture, the fine arts, and sculpture.
Later they added music to their arsenal through the great classical composers. Governments and tyrants right up
to Lenin, Hitler, and current neocheating rulers also seized that neocheating ploy. To gain easy credibility and to
capture support through the emotions, they used the fine arts, literature, music, and even the most integrated art
form -- opera[ 79 ].
Since the value of art can be sensed through emotions and requires no intellectual analysis, the public needs only
to notice the obvious art and architectural values to erroneously link those values of the master artists to the
master neocheaters presenting that art. Thus, the masses are deluded into seeing those obvious values of great
art as also representing the values of the neocheating church or government. Subconsciously they conclude: "I
can see, hear, and feel those architectural, art, and musical values. I know those values are real and valid. Thus,
those values must also represent those who own and present this art -- the church or government. Therefore, all
that I do not comprehend about the church or government must be as good and valuable as the art that
represents them."
Through that brilliant, but dishonest use of art as non sequiturs, the church and governments were able to survive
the rise of honesty and logic during the Renaissance, the resulting industrial revolution, and then the rise of
capitalism and free enterprise.

Regardless of their understandings or economic conditions at that time, those great artists betrayed honesty by
selling themselves to the dishonest intentions of the neocheaters in church and government. Those artists are
culpable and responsible for giving a major boost in power and endurance to the evil machinations of especially
the Roman Catholic church and its neocheating leaders. Even Michelangelo must be held accountable.
A major difference exists between the beholder's view of valid art versus one's use of poetry. Art represents an
abstraction that symbolizes a value. The beholder merely contemplates a piece of art for the emotional pleasure it
delivers in reflecting back or symbolizing that person's own values. Unlike poetry, the beholder normally does not
use art abstraction to replace his or her own independent thinking for understanding reality or establishing facts.
Art is a crucial value for human beings. Art is a source of pleasure and psychological fuel that reflects and
confirms one's deepest values through aesthetic symbols. Poetry, on the other hand, can harm a person's thinking
process if that person accepts as concrete fact the inexact, out-of-context nature of poetic abstractions. When
accepted as self-contained packages of "truth", song lyrics, parables, slogans, epigrams, political cartoons, and
"famous" quotes by "authorities" fall into the same harmful category as poetry [Re: Table 72, Neo-Tech Reference
Aristotelian-based poetry that is intellectually valid and certain song lyrics that are non-mystical can be
objectively valuable when viewed as symbols of one's own values and not as packages of "truth" to be swallowed
whole, without integration. Still, the effect of poetry on most people is harmful because they allow the abstract
symbols of poetry to enter their minds as unintegrated, unchallenged "truths" or as pre-packaged value systems
ready for direct use. The problem is amplified because many poets, song lyricists, and political cartoonists
proceed with dishonest, destructive intentions to mislead the reader. They want their work swallowed blindly as
"truth" by their audiences, regardless of the validity or context of their work. Such work is neither art nor honest;
it is neocheating.
If an individual is aware of the misleading nature of poetry, he or she can avoid its harmful effects and perhaps
gain some reflective values from certain Aristotelian-based poetry. For example, the following poem, while not
deeply intellectual, does aesthetically reflect the soul and character of heroic, innocent value producers:
They are the rare, the radiant men
The children of truth, the parents of ken.
Pain but strengthens them, pity intrudes.
Rebuking surprises them. Guilt eludes.
Deception disgusts and envy astounds.
Misfortune challenges. Malice confounds.
They are the open, the honorable,
The honest, the just, the vulnerable.
With no respect for the twisting of truth,
Faithfully wed to the promise of youth,
They are the pure, the benevolent,
The incorruptible few -- the Innocent.

(Reprinted with permission from Darlene Bridge and Bridgeberg Books)

Poetical sing-song or hypnotically rhythmic meter are often found in the rhetoric of dictators, evangelists, sibyls,
politicians, theologians, mountebanks, social "intellectuals", media men, medicine men, hallucinating psychotics,
chanting shiites, and screaming terrorists. Consider how millions of normally rational Germans thrilled and
responded to the poetical cadence and charisma of the consummate altruist neocheater, Adolph Hitler. The
results: a reign of destruction with tens of millions of human beings slaughtered so one impotent man could
indulge his mysticism to feel unearned power. All that slaughter was for nothing more than to let one neocheater
feel a pseudo self-esteem. ...Twenty million dead so one pip-squeak could feel big and important.
"So what!" cry the mystics as the lifetime efforts of a thousand productive, innocent individuals are blown to bits
every day without a backward glance. So what if the troops roll across the country with military cadence and guns
ablaze. So what if they level town after town, reducing to rubble and corpses all the values, beauty, and life that
took generations of productive effort to build.
And that is all the chanting religious automatons or splendid Panzer divisions know how to do -- to destroy in a
moment, without a thought, all the values that producers labored for lifetimes to build. Chanting mobs or marching
troops never glance back, never think for a moment of the death and destruction they leave behind. So what! the
mystics and neocheaters cry. So what if genocide happens in Russia, Nazi Germany, Cuba, Cambodia, Red China, or
in our land. "I don't want to hear it! To hell with the lifetime efforts of productive individuals! ...Save the snail
By using specious nuggets of poetical "truth" and spell-binding slogans, malefactors, demagogues, and
neocheaters such as Hitler, FDR, Nader, Khomeini, Lincoln, Mao, Billy Graham, Pope Paul, Jimmy Swaggart, Castro,
Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Jim Jones could smoothly, quickly subvert the objective concepts of justice, good,
and love. And they often did that by manipulating words to sound good, just, or loving. Why? To promote their own
rationalized schemes of "higher" causes. Such people use those poetic techniques to keep their rationalizations
sounding valid. And their unthinking followers grab the beautiful nuggets of "truth" and eagerly swallow them
without thought or challenge.
Modern Art
Below is a quote from the archangel of modern art admitting that he is nothing but a clown:
"Most people can today no longer expect to receive consolation from art. The refined, the rich, the distillers of
quintessence (art critics) desire only the peculiar, the eccentric, the scandalous in today's art. And I myself, since
the advent of cubism, have fed these fellows what they wanted, and satisfied these critics with all the ridiculous
ideas that have passed through my head.
"The less they understood them, the more they admired me. Through amusing myself with all these absurd farces,
I became celebrated. But when I am alone, I do not have the effrontery to consider myself an artist at all, not in the
grand old meaning of the word. Giotto, Titian, Rembrandt and Goya, they were great painters. I am only a public
"I have understood my time and have exploited the imbecility, the vanity, the greed of my contemporaries. It is a
bitter confession of mine -- more painful than it may seem. But at least and at last it does have the merit of being
Pablo Picasso, November, 1951*
A master neocheater making an honest confession.
*Also reported to be from a fictitious interview: The Black Book by Giovanni Papini, 1951.

To "appreciate" modern art, a person must figure out, interpret, or understand the "artist" and his meanings that
"transcend reality". By contrast, lasting classical art is recognized as a great value throughout the ages. Such art
needs no interpretation or understanding of the artist. Such art represents beauty, values, and skill that are
immediately recognized by the expert and the untrained layman alike. That is why the Roman Catholic church
acquired only classic art -- art that needs no interpretation to understand and value. The Catholic church was too
shrewd to buy abstract art needing interpretation.
Indeed, modern art seldom represents beauty, values, or skill. Moreover, the layman does not know what most
modern "art" means, while the chic "expert" plays games of interpreting the artist's meanings.
Today, the high prices of famous modern art works are supported by the tax-deduction system: Wealthy holders
of such modern art profit handsomely by donating purchased works to the major modern-art museums (e.g., The
Museum of Modern Art in New York). In turn, such museums provide grossly inflated appraisal prices for tax
deductions. Thus, those museums gain ersatz art works along with cash donations for those fake, tax-purpose
appraisals. At the same time, the wealthy "collectors" profit and modern-art museums perpetuate themselves
through the tax system. When that neocheating scheme collapses, most modern art works will fall to an objective
free-market value and become essentially worthless.
The Law of the Arts
Consider the following quote concerning modern art:
"For this seems, finally, to be the law of all the arts -- the one essential prerequisite to the production of a great
work of art is a great man. You cannot have the art without the man, and when you have the man you have the art.
His time and his surroundings will color him; his art will not be at one time or place precisely what it might be at
another; but in the end, the art is the man and at all times and in all countries is just as great as the man.
"Let us clear our minds, then, of the illusion that there is in any important sense such a thing as progress in the
fine arts. We may with a clear conscience judge every new work for what it appears in itself to be, asking of it that
it be noble and beautiful and reasonable, not that it be novel or progressive. If it be great art it will always be novel
enough, for there will be a great mind behind it, and no two great minds are alike. And if it be novel without being
great, how shall we be the better off? There are enough forms of mediocre or evil art in the world already. Being
no longer intimidated by the fetish of progress, when a thing calling itself a work of art seems to us hideous and
degraded, indecent and insane, we shall have the courage to say so and shall not care to investigate it further."
Kenyon Cox
The American Academy of Arts and Letters
December 13, 1912
Abstract Symbols -- Real vs. Unreal
Real abstract symbols are accurate metaphors. They serve as powerful, shorthand communication that can
deliver intense personalized values, especially in love relationships. On the other hand, unreal symbols are
inaccurate metaphors or non sequiturs. They misrepresent reality and undermine values in life and love. A person
must differentiate between real and unreal symbols to flourish [Re: Table 73, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia].
By making use of real symbols or metaphors, a person can experience new dimensions of life and romantic love.
By recognizing and rejecting unreal symbols, a person preserves confident control over reality and, thus, over his
or her own life, love relationships, and future.
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[ 76 ] A parable is a short, fictitious story usually used to illustrate a moral or religious principle. Many parables
are specious rationalizations, non sequiturs, or false wisdom used out of intellectual weakness to conceal or
evade facts and logic. Jesus's teachings were cast almost entirely into parables by those who later exploited him.
Not until three centuries later did the professional mystics and neocheaters resurrect Jesus as a manipulative
symbol around which to rally their victims.
[ 77 ] Unintegrated music, especially rock music, breaks down the thought patterns of the brain. That breakdown
provides a drug-like effect in blocking or avoiding the struggle, effort, and at times the pain required to think
consciously. Such brain-blockage leaves one in a "pleasant", nonthinking stupor. With music constantly pounding
on their eardrums, rock addicts effectively block integrated thinking. That rhythmic pounding, in turn, keeps the
anxieties of their problems and incompetence buried within their unconscious minds -- buried within their
nonintegrating minds.
[ 78 ] Artwork (including certain poetry) that reflects negative values to the viewer can still be admired for style
or craftsmanship if skillfully executed.
[ 79 ] Opera integrates the major art forms: music, romantic fiction, plot, performing arts, fine arts. Verdi's opera
Aida is the first and only major art work that celebrates the heroic production of a major commercial and
technological value -- the opening of the Suez Canal.
Neo-Tech Advantage #105
Developing accurate awareness of self and reality through honest, integrated thinking is the prime responsibility
for all human beings. In fact, such awareness is a necessity to live prosperously and happily. That awareness is
available to those who exert constant, rational thinking efforts toward understanding self and reality -- and the
relationship between the two. No one can deliver that understanding to another. Indeed, developing an accurate
understanding of self and reality is a crucial self-responsibility for personal power.
Mystics struggle to avoid that constant, rational thinking effort needed to honestly and accurately integrate one's
life with objective reality. That honest understanding and integration of reality is the key to competence and
prosperity in a competitive world. But losers and mystics seek anyone or anything promising to deliver
prepackaged knowledge that lets them avoid the hard work required to develop their own integrated knowledge
and awareness. That is why mystics embrace such quackeries as astrology, fortune telling, graphoanalysis,
biorhythms, most psychoanalysis, fad diets, or any other flimflam that deludes them with a sense of gaining
effortless knowledge, awareness, control. By accepting such specious awarenesses conjured up by others, a
person keeps drifting further from reality, becoming increasingly unaware, unhappy, and incompetent while
rationalizing the opposite.
Acquiring integrated awareness, competence, and happiness is a self-responsibility that no one else can deliver.
No one can deliver awareness and happiness to another person because no other person is in a position to:

1. know one's own integrated self.

2. think integrally and contextually about one's own life.
3. control one's own actions.
4. integrate one's own work and life with reality.
For any "authority" to have an integrated awareness of another person is impossible. No matter how complete or
scientific looking (e.g., computer printouts of horoscopes or biorhythms), any such outside self-awareness
analysis is invalid and mystical. And any seeming validity of such "self-awareness" packages is a specious illusion.
Such illusions lead a person further away from an awareness of reality and deeper into the stupidity of mysticism
-- the disease that undermines all human life and love.
Entirely different from such fake "awarenesses" through mysticism is the awareness arising from the mutual
mirroring of character and personal qualities between self and a friend or romantic-love partner. Such mirroring
genuinely enhances self-awareness, communication, and pleasure especially between romantic-love partners.
That reflecting of a person's character and qualities is based on direct, intimate knowledge of that person. Such
honest, valuable reflections differ profoundly from fake awareness packages mystically reflecting personal
character and qualities based on nothing.
As with happiness, self-awareness cannot be given from one person to another. But by reflecting personal values,
one can enhance another person's self-awareness in a similar way that one can enhance another person's
Neo-Tech Advantage #106
Throughout the universe, much remains unknown. Yet, nothing tangible or conceptual is unknowable to the
conscious mind. But with human emotions, certain specific feelings in a person can never be known or
experienced by others. For all human emotions are products of individual characters based on unique fingerprint
combinations of physical and psychological natures. That means personal, unique experiences cannot be
duplicated by others. Thus, any emotion in any individual person can never be exactly understood or fully known
by any other person.
Recognizing one's inability to know certain emotional experiences in others is particularly useful in romantic-love
relationships. Two important emotional experiences that cannot be cross-experienced or fully known between
men and women are identified below:
1. The Penetrated versus The Penetrator
Experiences and Feelings
A man can never fully know the feelings, sensations, and emotions of a woman being penetrated during
intercourse. Likewise, a woman can never fully know the feelings, sensations, and emotions of a man penetrating a
woman. That eternal mystery of feelings further deepens between a man and a woman when they try to
comprehend the feelings of orgasm in the other.
That eternal, unsolvable mystery between the sexes enhances the pleasure and excitement of a love relationship
as each partner struggles to get closer to the other's feelings and experiences. But they can never close the gap.
Never can the feelings of orgasm in one partner be known or felt by the other partner. And for romantic-love
partners, that elusive mystery is delightfully maddening and eternally challenging. That unknown quality can
forever keep the heterosexual[ 80 ] experience fresh, haunting, and mysterious. Men and women can only imagine

the feelings and emotions in the other, always wondering yet never knowing how distant their imaginations are
from reality.
2. Female-Nature Versus Male-Nature
Experiences and Feelings
A number of exclusive male or female emotions and experiences can never be fully experienced across sexual
boundaries. Two examples are illustrated below:
An Exclusive Female Experience:
An implicit, constant physical threat toward women exists from essentially every man. That threat exists because
the different physical and psychological natures of man and woman leave most men with the power literally to kill
any woman at any time. Even smaller, weaker men could kill most bigger, stronger women in a bare-hand fight to
the death. Thus, most women are perpetually at the physical mercy of men.
Under that threat, women often must silently take the degradation of being bullied or treated as sex objects as
their earned qualities are ignored. No man can fully know that particular degradation because he has no way of
duplicating the conditions which create that uniquely female situation. Even if the man were unjustly treated as a
sex object, he would still have no way of knowing the woman's feelings. For unlike women, his different
physiological, psychological, and social orientations do not leave him under a constant, implicit death threat.
An Exclusive Male Experience:
A strong emotion felt by highly productive men is the desire for a peaceful core to counterbalance their
aggressively assertive lives. That desire usually relates to a woman with whom such a man is free to retreat from
his battlefield actions to experience peaceful love, tenderness, serenity. For only during that precious time is he
free to fully expose and share his soul exclusively with another human being -- his woman. During those moments,
that woman becomes to him a supreme value.
Ironically, the strongest, most productive, independent men have the greatest need and capacity to receive a
woman's love, support, and tenderness. Tragically, however, many such men never recognize or admit, even to
themselves, that supremely important emotional need and pleasure. Similarly, strong men often never admit to
other emotional needs such as being free to cry when suffering great sadness or pain. ...A man crying has been
erroneously viewed as a weakness or unmanly.
Many women are unaware of the need in productive men for a peaceful, private world containing a one-woman
love. But women who understand that need hold a key for delivering powerful values and happiness to their men
and to themselves. Understanding and filling the need for a peaceful, reflective core in aggressively productive
men is among the most powerful of all binding ingredients in romantic-love relationships.
Aggressively productive women also have a need to periodically retreat into peaceful reflection. Yet, that need
does not comprise the same psychosexual emotions as within men because of the inherent psychological and
physiological differences between men and women.
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[ 80 ] The homosexual experience of male-male or female-female intercourse cannot really simulate the exclusive
male-female experience. Homosexuals fail to simulate heterosexual experiences not only because of the obvious
physiological differences, but because of the profound psychological differences involved between the homosexual
act and the heterosexual act. Even when the physical actions are the same (such as oral sex), the wide
psychological differences between men and women preclude similarities in emotional experiences.
Neo-Tech Advantage #107
Through the 2000-year history of altruistic-based cultures, most material achievements have been maligned and
attacked by theologians, politicians, and other professional mystics and altruists.[ 81 ] The motive for scorning
human-produced values has always been to saddle the value producers with unearned guilt. Once saddled with
guilt, value producers are more easily manipulated, duped, and usurped out of their earned power and values.
Indeed, to survive, professional neocheaters and mystics must constantly usurp material and psychological values
from those producers.
The production of values for others is the single most important function of any person's life. Every person's
survival and happiness as well as every facet of his or her physical, mental, and psychological well-being depends
on the production of competitive values for others. If a person chooses not to produce sufficient values to survive,
then that person must become dependent on the producers to survive by begging, cajoling, neocheating,
deception, force, or theft.
Thus the producer, not the consumer[ 82 ], is essential to human life and happiness. By contrast, nonproductive
people are dependent on the producers to survive. And those nonproducers who neocheat to survive exist with
deteriorating competence, mounting envy, and growing unhappiness. That nonproducer's life soon terminates in
Growth Death, then in emotional death, and finally in physical death.
A society that functions exclusively for the rational benefit of the individual has never existed.[ 83 ] A totally free,
just, and rational society would by definition be a Neo-Tech society -- a society based on fully integrated honesty.
Such a society would be a free-enterprise, nonforce government...a government and society that has yet to exist
on planet Earth. The ethical essence of a Neo-Tech society is the holding of individual rights as supreme.
Therefore, any form of initiatory force, coercion, or fraud against any individual by any individual, group, society,
or government is immoral and thus is ostracizable.
Any suggestion of force-free societies strikes fear into neocheating politicians, demagogues, and mystics.
Knowing professional value destroyers cannot survive in a nonforce, noncoerced, free-enterprise, fully
competitive society, they desperately vilify and subvert any movement toward such a society and its values. They
sabotage and undercut those values with non-sequitur, out-of-context attacks. Indeed, to survive, professional
mystics and neocheaters must prevent a value-oriented, Neo-Tech society. For such a society would quickly
identify and forever banish them as destructive criminals. ...On rejecting mystics and neocheaters, the value
producers become free to prosper guiltlessly and happily by benefiting without limits others and society.
Prohibiting initiatory force, threats of force, and fraud is the only law in a Neo-Tech society. Highly effective
enforcement of the individual-rights law by an integrated ostracizing system is much more punishing and effective
than any police force or government jailing system. Thus, with that single, highly enforceable law, each individual
would be solely responsible for his or her own actions, life, and well-being. The resulting competitive, free-choice
interaction among people would deliver maximum benefits to each individual and society. That, in turn, would
greatly enhance every productive person's well-being and happiness. ...Thus, to survive, the nonproductive
mystics and neocheaters would have to begin producing competitive values for others instead of destructively
usurping values from others.

All social interactions involve individual interactions. Value exchanges occur in valid business, friendship, and
romantic-love relationships. In fact, the basic requirement for any valuable human relationship is the exchange of
tangible values. But, nonproductive people often contemptuously attack competitive, tangible, and material values.
For, only by attacking those values, can they conceal their parasitism and failure to fulfill their responsibilities
toward producing desirable, competitive values for others and society.
From the production of competitive values, all other values grow, including prosperity, self-esteem, psychological
well-being, romantic love, and abiding happiness. Furthermore, competitive, tangible, and material values are
important building blocks and binding ingredients of conscious relationships, especially business, friendship, and
romantic-love relationships. Professional mystics and neocheaters desperately try to deny the cardinal role of
producing competitive values in living happily and in gaining romantic love. But only through the exchange of such
values can personal relationships become fully integrated: From an exchange of tangible and material values, a far
greater stability, intensity of love, and abiding happiness can develop than is possible from a relationship
consisting only of abstract values.
Tangible values in a romantic-love relationship directly affect sexuality. For, exchanges of tangible values
markedly increase sexual intensity and psychuous pleasure.
Still, abstract values are the crucial ingredient for initiating, establishing, and maintaining a friendship or a
romantic-love relationship. However, tangible and material values combined with abstract values are the variables
that cause psychuous pleasures and happiness to ignite and then grow constantly [Re: Table 74, Neo-Tech
Reference Encyclopedia]. Both love and deep friendship relationships require a base of abstract values to start.
But the production of tangible and material values is necessary for moving a relationship into unlimited growth
and high-gear happiness. A comparison of abstract values versus tangible values in friendship and love
relationships is illustrated by the following chart:
(Delivered from one person to another person
in friendship or love relationships)
Abstract Values
Psychologically valuable reflections
Philosophically valuable reflections
Reflections of each other's values
Analytical feedback of thoughts and ideas
Mirroring of personal worth, values, and ideas
Tangible and Material Values
Practical contributions to increasing the efficacy and productivity of the other
Practical contributions to reducing or eliminating value-destroying and time-wasting problems and errors inside
and outside the relationship
Practical contributions to producing tangible and material values to one's self and the other
Practical contributions to providing tangible and material values to the other

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[ 81 ] Adolph Hitler was a consummate altruist. He scorned material values in his personal life. He was the
personification of asceticism and sacrifice. He demanded the eventual sacrifice of all human beings and their
values to his deemed "higher" cause of duty and obedience to society. He fed his weak ego and pseudo self-esteem
with an ever increasing need for power and control over others by force. Similarly, people like Mao, Pol Pot, Nader
and other altruists ignore honesty, scorn material values, and survive on unearned power gained by brute force
or neocheating deceptions. They need increasing control over others to feed their weak egos. ...Such altruists gain
their power by attacking and usurping values produced or earned by others. Thus, such altruists live by harming
or killing innocent value producers.
[ 82 ] "Consumerism" is an invalid concept conjured up by self-appointed consumer advocates. They are backed
by criminal-minded politicians, neocheating journalists, dishonest academics, self-appointed environmentalists,
socially chic "intellectuals", most lawyers, and dishonest white-collar-hoax business people. ...Indeed, the value
producer, not the consumer, is the hero of conscious life and of civilizations throughout the universe.
[ 83 ] A society has no moral or logical reason to exist except to benefit the individual and protect his and her
property rights. But a fully moral, logical society has never existed. For the producers have always been tricked
into accepting and supporting free-loading, professional mystics and neocheaters acting as "authorities". Such
"authorities" use altruism to control value producers through false guilt. Thus, those value producers work to
support those very neocheaters who harm, pillage, and eventually destroy them, their loved ones, and everyone's
Neo-Tech Advantage #108
Without value-generating interactions, two people are of little direct value to each other -- at least no more value
that any two random people might be to each other. Valuable human relationships evolve when two people deliver
objective values to one another. That exchange of values measures the value of a relationship.
Aside from the intrinsic value of human life that exists among all people, a person is not a value to others by
merely existing. Instead, a person must deliver competitive values to be a value to others and society. Otherwise,
that person will be a drain on others and a disvalue to society. And a person must continue delivering values to be
a continuing value. Moreover, one must continue adding new values to existing values to experience value growth
within one's self and within a relationship. Value growth is a self-created, pyramiding process that requires
rational thought and constant effort to sustain. Such a growth process is the essence of human living. For value
growth fills life's needs and delivers life's major rewards -- abiding prosperity, romantic love, and happiness.
To fully experience life and sustain value growth requires continuous thought and effort. The need for value
growth is not someone's philosophical theory or ethic. That need is an integral part of reality: Constant value
growth is required for the conscious organism to function properly. A person makes a disastrous error by failing
to put forth the honest, integrated thought and rational effort needed to produce growing, competitive values for

Tragically, most people choose to stop their growth early in life. Many stop in childhood -- soon after exerting that
mighty learning effort required to read and write. When they stop exerting that effort, they stop growing. The
quality of their lives then declines until physical death. ...Without growth, a person cannot experience abiding
prosperity, happiness, and psychuous pleasures. Without growth, a person misses the point of conscious life.
Without growth, a person dies.
Growth Death is a great, unnecessary tragedy. It never has to happen to anyone; it is imposed on no one. Growth
Death occurs only when the victim chooses to avoid the integrated thought and rational effort required to produce
and deliver net, competitive values to others. When Growth Death occurs, then all value-based friendships and
love relationships stop growing and begin to die.
Both romantic-love relationships and friendships can involve deep psychological, philosophical, and
communication interactions. But the distinguishing characteristic of a romantic-love relationship is its physicalsexual sharing. That sexual sharing, in turn, offers physical and psychological intimacy unobtainable from any
other human relationship. ...Those unique physical/psychological intimacies can lead to growing psychuous
Friendship is a necessary ingredient of romantic love. Without friendship, no basis for romantic love exists.[ 84 ]
A romantic-love relationship has all the ingredients of a value-oriented friendship plus the powerful ingredient of
physical intimacy and sex. ...Friendship can be more personally intimate and involved than any other human
relationship except a romantic-love relationship.[ 85 ]
The value of friendships should neither be underestimated nor overestimated. A person can achieve unlimited
psychuous pleasures and happiness through romantic love alone, without any close friend beyond one's love
partner. Friendships alone, no matter how valuable or extensive, can never deliver the full spectrum of values and
happiness available from a single, friendship-based romantic love.
The following two ingredients will deliver a prosperous, happy life:
1. achieving self-sufficient independence through honest production of competitive values for others
2. achieving psychuous pleasures through romantic love.
In other words, a person needs only his or her productive work and a romantic-love partner for a full-range,
prosperous, happy life. But productive work is a basic requirement for achieving romantic love. In that sense,
productive work is a cause and romantic love is an effect.
Productive work is the basic requirement for human values. And romantic love and psychuous pleasures are the
rewards for achieving those values. ...One cannot experience self-esteem, happiness, and romantic love without
productive work. But one can experience self-esteem, happiness, and productive work without romantic love.
Friendship can offer great values and pleasurable experiences. Yet, friendships, especially close friendships, can
in certain cases drain valuable time needed for high levels of business, creativity, and achievement. In a
demanding business or intensely creative work, a person with a valuable romantic-love partner can often reach
higher levels of achievement and happiness with few or no other friends. Friendships, moreover, are subject to
errors that can turn into liabilities which drain a person's time, productiveness, efficacy and, thus, happiness. But
value-generating, business friendships are generally the happiest, most exciting, most valuable of all
relationships, except the romantic-love relationship.
In the end, reality prevails over life. The total experience of every person's life always moves toward justice as
reality asserts itself: Productive, rational individuals increasingly gain prosperity, love, and happiness from life.

Conversely, unproductive, irrational individuals increasingly lose prosperity, love, and happiness -- no matter
what the surface appearances.
Abstract values of a friendship are normally not negotiable for tangible and material values. Likewise, tangible and
material values normally cannot be converted into abstract values. Occasional exceptions do exist. Exceptions
occur mainly in romantic-love relationships because the intense physical/psychological interactions tend to pull
abstract values and material values closer together. At times, within a romantic-love relationship, those values
can become interrelated. For example, emotional and sexual love provided by one partner can tangibly increase
the creative, productive output of the other partner. Likewise, certain tangible values can amplify abstract values.
For example, creative and productive accomplishments of one partner can increase the emotional love, sexual
exhilaration, and psychuous pleasures of the other partner.
Generally, in a friendship or romantic-love relationship, an exchange of abstract values (be they healthy, neurotic,
or a mixture) is taken for granted and occurs naturally. In friendship relationships, much of the abstract value
interchange consists of open, casual exchanges of ideas and suggestions -- a type of easy two-way communication
that often is mutually valuable. Indeed, such exchanges of ideas and suggestions occur in most good conversations
between friends or lovers.
Other abstract values exchanged between two people in a valid love or friendship relationship include
psychologically pleasing or enhancing reflections, consistent encouragement (especially during difficult times),
mirroring various psychological values, understanding feedback of the other's thoughts or activities, and the
exchange of practical ideas obtained from each person's unique life experiences.
Sometimes abstract values from a friend or love partner can be beneficially integrated into one's personal life to
increase awareness, productivity, and happiness. Generally, abstract values are offered freely, without the
thought or expectation of material or tangible payment. In a love or a friendship relationship, no one needs to
measure or weigh that natural interchange of abstract values. For that exchange is freely taken and given as a
natural, pleasurable, expected part of any good relationship.
Thus, abstract values cannot be used to pay for material values. For material values must always be fairly
traded.[ 86 ] Material values represent irreplaceable segments of a person's life, effort, and time required to
earn those values. Every productive human being needs to trade (not give away) his or her produced values in
order to survive, grow, and be happy. If material and tangible values are not traded mutually and fairly, then a
portion of a person's life is sacrificed to another person at the expense of both people. As a result of that
unfairness, both happiness and friendship decline.[ 87 ] [Re: "Two Letters about Friendship and Love", pages 379389; Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia.]
Those who misunderstand the nature of friendship or romantic love may try to use abstract values as payment
for material values. In doing so, they are exploiting their friendship or love relationships. Such people unjustly
extract material values from others for the "privilege" of those others being in their presence. They unilaterally
deem their abstract values as payment for tangible and material values. That kind of exploitation, aside from being
unjust and parasitical, poisons the relationship.
More important, habitual trading of abstract values for tangible values diminishes that person's ability to produce
and deliver tangible values. Such unfair trading leaves that person increasingly incompetent and dependent on
others for material or tangible values. ...The potential for friendship, romantic love, and happiness is always the
greatest among value-producing men and women who fairly trade tangible and material values in their
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[ 84 ] Valuable, family-love relationships also develop from a base of friendship.
[ 85 ] A friendship or any human relationship changes irrevocably upon having sexual relations. But a sexual
relationship is not synonymous with a romantic-love relationship. Still, a romantic-love relationship must by
nature involve sex.
[ 86 ] Fairly traded, tangible values do not necessarily mean evenly traded, tangible values. Moreover, a highly
competent, nonmystical housewife can through integrated thinking and consistent efforts contribute great
tangible and material values to her husband's ability to work more efficiently and effectively, thus, generate more
values and income. For that, he fairly trades by providing his wife with tangible and material goods.
[ 87 ] If either partner is net destructive to the other, the relationship should end. [Re: Concept 95, Neo-Tech
Reference Encyclopedia]
Neo-Tech Advantage #109
Contrary to the pronouncements of most modern linguists and social "scientists", words and language are
primarily tools of thinking, not of communication. But clear thinking would lead to identification of the value
destroyers. Thus, professional mystics and neocheaters must constantly attack and debase words and language
to prevent clear thinking. For the existences of professional value destroyers depend on obscuring, distorting, and
concealing reality in order to perpetuate fuzzy thinking among their victims. To accomplish that obfuscation, the
mystics and neocheaters must (1) use words out of context, (2) twist and invert meanings of key words and
concepts, and (3) dishonestly build on rationalizations and non sequiturs. ...They develop their own newspeak
without regard to honesty.
Honest intellectuals concerned about the decay of language know that twisting and misusing words corrode the
tools of thinking. But that is only half the problem. Protecting honesty and language also involves context. Powerful
thinking requires not only using consistent, exact definitions but also precise, accurate contexts for all words and
concepts. To accurately define meanings and contexts of important words and concepts is not only central to
precise communication, oral or written, but is the key to effective thinking and understanding reality.
By contrast, twisting meanings of key words and using concepts out of context are the primary techniques of
professional mystics and neocheaters, especially those in the media. For they exist by distorting or inverting
language to deceive others. They invert the meanings of important words in order to rationalize their deceptions,
destructions, thefts, use of force, and other irrational, immoral actions. And they do that often under inverted
newspeak pretexts of justice, social good, human rights, and "higher" causes.
In seeking honesty and understanding of reality, one must be aware of both definition and context of key words.
But neocheating "intellectuals", in their need to conceal meanings, exert mighty efforts to distort the meaning and
invert the context of crucial words such as the following words:





Words can also represent concepts. The more basic the concept, the greater abstraction and integration is
required to fully grasp that concept. The most difficult concepts to grasp in their full, accurate context are the
most basic human concepts such as:
Throughout history, those three basic concepts have been used out of context or inverted in meaning by all
professional mystics and neocheaters in their constant need to camouflage their destructive, parasitical
existences. When neocheaters speak of justice, they are usually promoting unjust, destructive actions against the
value producer, objective values, individual rights, private property, and the means to produce values and achieve
happiness. When neocheaters speak of good -- the common good or the "higher" good -- they are usually
promoting destructive altruism designed to usurp or destroy values earned by others. When neocheaters speak
of love and brotherhood, they are usually promoting envious, promiscuous, egalitarian schemes designed to
cripple competitive value producers and undermine romantic love.
To fully understand the basic concepts of justice, good, and love requires an accurate understanding of human
nature relative to reality. That understanding requires integrations of the many specific concepts identified by
Neo-Tech. To understand the concept of romantic love, for example, requires understanding the various NeoTech/Psychuous concepts needed to understand romantic love in full, accurate context. Because the concepts of
justice, good, and love are inextricably linked, all three concepts are fully integrated throughout the Neo-Tech
Neo-Tech Advantage #110
In American cities, white neighborhoods are generally safer than black neighborhoods. Throughout history, men
have reached greater heights in intellectual, aesthetic, and commercial achievements than have women. In
general, Jews are more intelligent, productive, creative and, therefore, more potent in life and sex than people of
other religions, nationalities, or races.[ 88 ] Are those the words of a racist, a chauvinist, a Zionist zealot?
Perhaps so if such statements were directed toward or used in judgment of particular individuals. But the
statements are made in reference to objective, statistical facts that are real. When those statements are placed
in the proper context of being generalized statistics that do not characterize any particular individual, they are
then validly applicable to generalized situations.
If the data are accurate, then in-context inferences from those data are factual and must be considered in order
to make honest evaluations and correct decisions. Consider, for example, the provable statistic that in all major

U.S. cities a significantly higher percentage of Blacks than Whites injure and murder people.[ 89 ] That is a
statistical fact regardless of the reasons or so-called social causes. But to apply that statistical fact to any
individual would be out-of-context and unjust because such statistics can not be validly or honestly applied to any
particular individual.
On the other hand, to ignore or distort in-context facts is a dishonest evasion of reality. Such dishonest evasions
of reality mystically conceal the knowledge required to deal accurately with reality in making effective decisions
and judgments. For example, consider if a white or black person is concerned with physical safety for his or her
loved ones and property: What if that person had the choice of living in equivalent housing in a predominantly
black, depressed community or in a predominantly white, equally depressed community? Basing that choice on
facts, that person would choose to live in the white community. Indeed, that person would have made the correct
decision without necessarily harboring any bigotry or without acting unjustly or harmfully toward any individual.
Likewise, from factual statistics, a much higher percentage of men than women accomplish major intellectual,
artistic, and commercial achievements. Regardless of the causes or reasons, that statistical fact has been true
throughout recorded history and is still true today. However, with the increased educational, social, economic, and
financial freedoms now available to Western women, the percentage of women attaining high achievement has
increased. But the increase is nowhere near the proportion of increased opportunities for women. Women, in
general, have not fully utilized their increased freedoms and opportunities. Still, to blindly apply that statistical
fact to any individual woman would be unjust, inaccurate, and out of context. But to ignore that statistical fact in
its proper, generalized context would be a mystical evasion of reality that could result in serious errors in
judgment and thinking needed for honest, accurate business and personal decisions.
Proper in-context generalizations based on accurate facts are necessary to accurately perceive reality, to know
what is going on, and to make correct decisions. On the other hand, a person must never apply statistical data or
generalizations to any specific individual. To do so would not only be unjust and dishonest, but would also be
inaccurate, misleading, and a mystical distortion of reality.
Conversely, applying individual characterizations to general groups of people would likewise be invalid, unjust,
dishonest, misleading, and mystical. To most effectively use the Neo-Tech Advantages, one must not only integrate
thought with action, but must integrate both in-context generalized facts with in-context specific facts [Re: Table
77, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia].
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[ 88 ] Jews are generally more evolved, moral, productive, inte lligent, creative, and potent than other groups of
people. Why? Mainly because the Jewish religion is less harmful than religions or mysticisms engulfing other
people. The Jewish religion itself is harmful and irrational as are all mystical religions and governments. But the
Judeo ethics project less guilt toward value producers and less malevolence toward human values such as
productive effort, sexual pleasures, creativity, self-sufficiency than do the much more virulent, envious ethics of
Christianity (especially Roman Catholicism), Islam, and other evilly destructive religions. Also, the Jewish religion
is more oriented around respect for self and less around respect for external "authority" such as government. In
addition, the post-Renaissance Jewish god has been basically a god of justice as opposed to the Christian god of
mercy. (Mercy is arbitrary, subjective, and unjust -- the opposite of justice.*) Jewish people, therefore, have been

freer to reject other mysticisms and live for their rational best interests. That allows them to more fully and
guiltlessly develop their own creative and intellectual capacities to the maximum benefit of themselves, society,
and civilization.
The state of Israel, despite its illegal origins, is comprised of individuals -- mainly innocent individuals. And Israel
today has perhaps the only moral foreign policy among all nations. That policy is based on the profound moral
right to self-defense. In fact, a single-purpose foreign policy based entirely on self-defense is the only rational,
moral foreign policy possible. For that alone, Israel must be recognized and morally supported.
Twentieth-century Zionism did criminally violate the individual and property rights of some Palestinians. But, most
violations of individual and prosperity rights of the Palestinians were done by the Palestinians themselves or their
Arab neighbors. The injustices and moral wrongs experienced by those Palestinians forcefully separated from
their homes and properties were very real and condemnable, even though the Palestinians who suffered property
losses were financially compensated by Israel.
Today, most Jews are innocent. They are not responsible for past crimes by others. Thus, they cannot be held
guilty by association or penalized for the actions of others. But, Jews and Arabs alike who are guilty of objective
crimes should be fully prosecuted.
Based on objective principles, justice is an end in itself. The idea behind government "justice" systems is not
justice at all, but is the subjective, arbitrary idea of mercy. For mercy serves the neocheater's need to control
others. How mercy only serves the neocheaters is most evident in the ideas behind jailing people: Imprisonment
for rehabilitation, correction, or deterrent reasons are mystical notions designed by neocheaters to arbitrarily
exercise force over individuals. The only punishments that are moral (including execution for premeditated
murder) are those based solely on justice to the victim. Mystics and neocheaters will always hide the concept of
justice for it would leave them powerless, stripping them of their major aggression tool for controlling and
usurping values from others. For example, with the concept of objective justice, all such victimless-crime and
confiscatory-tax laws would be unenforceable because no individual had been previously injured by force, fraud,
or coercion to which justice could be addressed. In fact, enforcing such subjective laws is the antithesis of justice
in that such laws make problems where none exist in order to unjustly and destructively control others by force
or threat of force.
[ 89 ] References: "Crime in the United States: Uniform Crime Report", issued annually by the FBI; "Crime and
Race" M.E. Wolfgang and B. Cohen.
Neo-Tech Advantage #111
As with any feeling or emotion, an unacted-upon racist feeling is not subject to guilt or moral judgment. Mind
crimes do not exist, except through the false-guilt ploys of political, religious, and "intellectual" neocheaters. Only
when racist feelings are translated into harmful actions does racism become unjust, immoral, guilty. Destructive,
government-implemented racism occurs in Zionist Israel and in apartheid South Africa. But much more
destructive racism occurs in all Arab, Moslem, and black-African dictatorships as well as in many Asian countries
such as the USSR, India, and Red China. But, ironically, the freest countries practicing racism potentially present
the most tragic dilemmas:
What is the remedy to Zionist racism that forcibly violates the individual rights of millions of Palestinians? The
only moral position is to restore full individual rights to everyone, including the Palestinians. But that would seem

to allow even greater violations of individual rights by permitting a much worse, Syrian-like dictatorship or a
murderous, Iranian-like theocracy take over.
In principle, Israel's problem is similar to South Africa's problem. Both forcibly implement racist policies. But in
South Africa, the problem today arises not as much from racism as from the fear that a much worse, murderous
racist Leninism would take over. Most rational South Africans, both blacks and whites, fear that ending the current
system would allow the worst form of neocheating and mysticism (murderous Marxist-Leninism) to take over and
destroy whatever is good and worsen whatever is bad.
An unsolvable dilemma? Not at all. Instead, spectacularly beneficial solutions exist through Neo-Tech: By using
Neo-Tech principles, people can explicitly and permanently eliminate initiatory force and fraud by any person,
group, or government. In other words, Neo-Tech effectively dismantles the mechanism for government to initiate
force or fraud. A Neo-Tech based society has but a single law and responsibility -- to protect the individual rights
of everyone. [Re: Neo-Tech Advantage #82]
Neo-Tech is the solution to racism in South Africa, in Israel, as well as in all fascist, Marxist, and theocratic
regimes. For, Neo-Tech collapses force-backed power and laws, leaving that society with the sole power and
function to protect the individual rights of everyone -- black, white, man, woman, rich, poor, Jew, Palestinian,
business person, laborer. Neo-Tech frees individuals from initiatory force, fraud, and destructive oppression.
Neo-Tech protects each person's individual and property rights from Marxist-Leninism destruction and other
forms of force and coercion.
In South Africa, Israel, and totalitarian nations, Neo-Tech would free victims of force-backed racism and vanquish
laws backed by force. In turn, eliminating that mechanism for initiating force would dramatically strengthen selfdefense for protecting the individual rights and property of everyone.
Thus, Neo-Tech would eliminate the threat of destruction that now awaits those in South Africa and Israel,
especially the value producers and their property. For, Neo-Tech delivers a safe, orderly society of
unprecedented prosperity and happiness reaching forever into the future. Neo-Tech is the freedom and
inspiration for those still living under force-backed, totalitarian governments. In one stroke, Neo-Tech will end
those fears and threats by denuding the professional value destroyers of their power. For Neo-Tech dismantles
their mechanisms of initiatory force and coercion. At the same time, Neo-Tech provides iron-clad protection to
individual rights.
The choice is (1) a holocaust or (2) the dark ages, or (3) the sunlit world of Neo-Tech. With the worldwide
distribution of the Neo-Tech Discovery occurring today in most major languages, the choice will be Neo-Tech.
...For nothing can stop Neo-Tech. Nothing can stop the demise of mysticism and all its symbiotic neocheaters.
Neo-Tech Advantage #112
Vertical thinking is thinking within the known boundaries of knowledge. Vertical thinking is developmental thinking
that leads to fuller development of knowledge. Integrated vertical thinking develops the depths and richness of life.
Many areas of life from business to romantic-love relationships have vast potentials for rewarding development
through vertical thinking.
Horizontal thinking is thinking beyond the boundaries of known knowledge. Horizontal thinking is creative thinking
that leads to new ideas, values, businesses, thoughts, experiences, humor[ 90 ]. Integrated horizontal thinking
yields new areas for vertical development. The combination of horizontal and vertical thinking leads to a neverending progression of knowledge, values, prosperity, and happiness. Vertical and horizontal thinking are uniquely

human attributes that have no limits or bounds. Such consistent, honest thinking propels a person to never-ending
knowledge, prosperity , romantic love, and happiness.
In a Neo-Tech society, all individuals are free to think and function to their fullest. Being free from mystics and
neocheaters, individuals guiltlessly become responsible for their own lives, thinking, actions, well-being, and
happiness.[ 91 ] ...What happens when vertical and horizontal thinking combine with rational action? Happiness and
romantic love evolve from an ever-upward spiral of earned power and prosperity.
[Re: The concept of vertical versus horizontal thinking originated from Edward DeBono, New Think, Basic Books,
Dreaming -- Thinking in Reverse
Dreaming is the thinking process in reverse: Dreaming is the mind's garbage-disposing process. Dreams help
purge the mind of unintegrated clutter, mysticism, and meaningless non sequiturs absorbed while awake. Thus,
contrary to the mystical notions of Freud, dreams have no meanings or connections to reality. And dream
"analysis" is nothing more than feeding regurgitated clutter back into the mind. Plus, the more mysticism and non
sequiturs that crowd the mind, the more frequent and nightmarish dreams become. Then subsequent dreams
increasingly lose their therapeutic, garbage-disposal effects. If the mind becomes increasingly loaded with
mystical notions, one's dreams grow less effective in purging and protecting the mind from clutter. The mind then
becomes unable to store, integrate, or function efficiently enough to let that person live as a happy, intelligent,
productive, conscious being.
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[ 90 ] Effective humor is created through horizontal thinking o n formulating surprising, unexpected ways to look
at something. The swinging back and forth from the expected and conventional to the new and unexpected is the
essence of humor [Re: Concept 109 in Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia].
[ 91 ] Except for the moral responsibility to one's dependent children, no one is morally responsible for anyone
else's life, well-being, or happiness [Re: Concept 102, Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia]. Yet, throughout history,
professional mystics and neocheaters have duped the value producer into believing that he or she is responsible
for supporting them -- the non-producers, the parasites, the value destroyers, the mystics, the neocheaters.
Neo-Tech Advantage #113
Left-wing, right-wing, conservative, and "liberal" views all stem from the same reactionary, Platonistic root. All
are dependent on dishonest mysticism and all are philosophically entrenched in the neocheating ploys of sacrifice
and altruism. Such altruistic philosophies are contrary to human nature and well-being. Social utopias
extrapolated from any altruistic premise are by nature Platonistic, destructive, and totalitarian. Such utopias
depend on sacrifice, force, coercion, controls, and doomsday predictions.[ 92 ] With those conditions, the
individual's best interests are always subjugated to the utopian "higher" causes. Thus, being continuously

neocheated and drained by utopian rulers, the individual becomes less and less able to produce competitive values
for others and society.
By contrast, in a Neo-Tech society, the individual is free to function according to his or her biological nature in
becoming more and more productive for others and society. The natural happiness and freedom in a Neo-Tech
society starkly contrasts to socialistic utopias. In such utopias, individuals are compelled to sacrifice their valueproducing competence and efficacy to the altruistic, "higher" causes of utopian rulers. [Re: Table 79, Neo-Tech
Reference Encyclopedia] Only in a noncoercive Neo-Tech society are productive individuals free to function
according to their nature in order to achieve maximum prosperity, psychuous pleasures, and happiness by
delivering maximum values to society.
Although altruistic, anti-individualism is still growing throughout the world, today stands as the most exciting,
enlightened period of all history. For the first time in history, an inescapable matrix of Neo-Tech knowledge is
available to collapse mysticism and replace every neocheating system with a free, prosperous Neo-Tech society.[
93 ] Productive individuals will then reign free and supreme to experience endlessly growing prosperity, romantic
love, and abiding happiness. ...The best time of all history is now!
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[ 92 ] Most of the past and present doomsayers (such as "God", Plato, Thomas Malthus, Adolph Hitler, Paul Ehrlich,
Julian Huxley, Paul Kurtz, Margaret Mead, Ralph Nader, Luther Evans, B.F. Skinner) use dishonest projections of
free man destroying himself. But those projections are false non sequiturs used to promote the neocheaters' own
value-usurping utopias. Such utopias are not only totalitarian by nature, but would be boring, static societies
frozen by force around some predescribed "ideal". Such utopias would block the exciting, never-ending
discoveries that naturally occur through advances in knowledge, technology, and art by productive individuals in a
non-utopian, free society.
[ 93 ] In a Neo-Tech society, the only actions that are prohibited are the use of initiatory force, coercion, or fraud
against any individual. That prohibition is upheld by ostracism as well as the right to use retaliatory, self-defense
force or legal action against any initiator of force, coercion, or fraud.
Neo-Tech Advantage #114
(Also see Appendix F and Neo-Tech V)
Animals live, age, and die without choice, according to their environment and biological nature. That no-choice
situation does not exist for human beings. Only human beings have the choice and power to control nature. People
can learn to continuously expand the value of their lives. They do that by increasingly developing knowledge and
productivity to experience increasing earned power, prosperity, and happiness. Likewise, people can learn how to
continuously extend their biological/psychological lives through Neo-Tech knowledge, technology, and business.
Youth-rejuvenating immortality is the supreme moral achievement for conscious beings as their individual lives
become increasingly valuable with increasing age, knowledge, and experience.

Life can be immortal. Today, for the first time, no one has to age and then die -- intellectually, psychologically, or
physically. With current technology, free of mysticism and neocheating, commercial biological immortality for
conscious beings is possible in a decade or less by not one but by several different scientifically feasible routes.
Indeed, youth-perpetuating biological immortality will be quickly accomplished when the current anti-life,
mystical/neocheating cultures are collapsed by Neo-Tech. With that collapse, the professional mystics and
neocheaters will lose their power. In their place will rise a Neo-Tech/Neothink society in which the life of the
individual is revered as the supreme value in the universe. [Re: Concept 116, Table 51, Neo-Tech Reference
In a Neo-Tech/Neothink society, self-rejuvenation of and/or exact-replica replacement of body parts, including
the entire body could be possible in less than ten years through already known biological techniques and future
nanotechnologies. Today, however, the primary problem of achieving youth-rejuvenating immortality is not
medical or technical, but is philosophical. ...With Neo-Tech curing the always terminal disease of mysticism,
conscious life will change from always terminal to forever eternal.
Biological immortality could be achieved quickly in an unregulated, free-enterprise, Neo-Tech atmosphere. That
business atmosphere of fully integrated thinking and honesty would boom commercial research seeking maximum
profits from rejuvenation developments and immortality services. Non-aging biological immortality would have the
widest market and maximum value of any commercial product or service possible to conscious beings.
Yet, the enormous commercial and moral incentives to achieve human immortality remain unrecognized because
of the prevailing, mystical, anti-life philosophies and the neocheating "authorities" whose control over value
production prevent the motivation and freedom for producers to develop biological immortality.
Absolute I-ness immortality accomplished by creating a perfectly restorable conscious mind and sense of self (Iness) would have a profound psychological impact on every productive human being: Imagine the impact of
planning one's own life for the next 300 years. Imagine the time that would be available to build accomplishments,
careers, and interests. Imagine if one's life span were suddenly expanded to 300 years, 1000 years, 10,000 years.
Imagine the value and respect placed on human lives that forever increased in value. ...Current technology
indicates that such definitive, biological immortality would be both scientifically and technically possible in less
than a decade in a free society that recognizes individual consciousness as the supreme value in the universe.
Pending further technological development, biological immortality would include the transfer of one's
consciousness and sense of one's self (I-ness) into genetically identical entities (e.g., to blank or tabula-rasa
brains in cloned bodies). Neo-Tech V lists other routes to non-aging biological immortality feasible within the
scope of current technology. Neo-Tech Pincer Movement #1, volume #2, Guns-and-Fists Newsletter #3-2 also
demonstrates why the concept of cryonics is axiomatically flawed, guarantees death, and plays a negative role
toward achieving I-ness immortality.
The Value of Life:
Einstein and the Factory Worker
If Einstein -- or just his brain -- could have been kept functioning after his death, imagine the additional benefits
that mind would have bestowed on society: Is not that the main motivation for and value of immortality? Is not that
the moral purpose of biological immortality?
No, absolutely not. That is an altruistic view that stymies the effort, motivation, and moral mandate needed to
develop commercial I-ness immortality within our generation.
The entire purpose, motivation, and goal of biological immortality is not so a brain can continue to serve some
"higher" cause, but so the flesh-and-blood individual, from an Einstein to a productive factory worker, can

continue to physically enjoy life and create happiness for his or her own self and loved ones by continually
producing values for others. As a result (not a purpose), the immortal individual will increasingly benefit others
and society as that person becomes increasingly knowledgeable, experienced, and efficient at producing
competitive values desired by others.
The value of Einstein's or anyone else's life is meaningful only to one's own flesh-and-blood life and living
happiness, not to some society or "higher" cause.
Why Do So Many People
Not Want to Live Forever?
Because They Fail to Earn Guiltless
Prosperity, Love, and Happiness
Needed to Experience the
Passion to Live and Love Forever
The more people let mysticism influence their lives, the more they become unknowledgeable, undermine values,
grow lazy, lose happiness, dislike life. With increasing mysticism, they become increasingly incompetent to earn
honest values, power, love, and happiness. In addition, the more people accept mysticism, the more neocheaters
can manipulate them. And the more manipulated and less successful one becomes, the more painful and difficult
life becomes until the idea of living forever becomes abhorrent, even terrifying. ...Only people who purge
themselves of hateful, destructive mysticism can earn the values, power, and happiness needed to experience the
passion to live and love forever.
Unstoppable Neo-Tech
Professional mystics and neocheaters have perfected and perpetuated their hoax of inverted values for the past
2000 years. But today, Neo-Tech is in forward motion around the world. The Neo-Tech matrix is spreading. It is
unstoppable, irreversible, and will collapse the entire destructive hoax of mysticism. No mystic or neocheater can
stop Neo-Tech from eliminating mysticism and its symbiotic neocheaters.
Happiness Forever
With life ageless and immortal, mystic-free conscious beings can forever experience growing prosperity, love,
happiness, and life itself through productive work, romantic love, psychuous pleasures, and I-ness immortality.
...The moral purpose of all conscious life would then be met -- increasing happiness forever.

Capture a Global Empire of Wealth!

International, global business. Everybody is talking about it. But did you realize that you, the average working
person, can and should start a worldwide business? Even from your own home!
Consider Eric Savage. He does business in 120 countries, has travelled all over the globe, has resided on five
continents, and is involved in lucrative business dealings the world over. Yet, just ten years ago, Eric started
working in a small, family-owned business. Within a year, he had expanded sales into 53 countries. How? Eric
uncovered The Money-Essence Concepts of Global Business. Those money-essence concepts catapulted little NeoTech Publishing into a lucrative global empire.
Today, the President of the United States, CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, top economists, even management
gurus give speeches about how international business is the key to competitiveness and future prosperity. That is
all true. But, what Eric discovered is that the enormous opportunity of international business can also be captured
by the person in the street, even hourly wage-earners.
Ricochet into Money-Making Dynamics
on a Global Scale
Ironically, the power of global business can ricochet the average person into money-making dynamics on a major
scale. The Money-Essence Concepts of Global Business reveal how ordinary wage-earners, instead of being shut
out of the enormous opportunities of global business, can reverse the tables to actually catapult off the wealthopportunity residing in global business.
Wealthy Dynamics
As Eric Savage mushroomed little Neo-Tech Publishing into a global empire, he discovered that all really great
opportunities lie within dynamics that appear complicated. For example, the easiest way for a person to start his
own wealth-generating business is not by struggling to open a small, local business. Ironically, that is too
competitive. Scores of people are always doing just that. Instead, the easiest and most profitable way for a person
to start his or her own business is to leap right into the vast, extremely exciting arena of global business.
The individual who seeks out wealth-generating dynamics that no one else is tapping, like starting an international
business from one's home, can make millions of dollars.
The World's Vast Infrastructure Becomes a
Personal Catalyst to Wealth
The Money-Essence Concepts of Global Business are a new dimension of wealth-generating techniques. These
techniques hone in on the money-making essence of business and then catapult that essence out over the entire
world. With these techniques, a person discovers that global wealth is available to essentially every individual. Yet,
for all but a few, that potential remains untapped.
Imagine doing business all over the world. What a change in your wealth power that would be! Yet, there is no
reason why you cannot do just that. Armed with The Money-Essence Concepts of Global Business, the world's vast
infrastructure becomes a personal catalyst to wealth.
A person does not have to remain within a set-routine job that is not integrated with any money-making essence.
Instead, he or she can integrate with the essence of wealth creation and then mushroom those dynamics
worldwide. With The Money-Essence Concepts of Global Business, creating a successful international business is
actually easier, less competitive, and much more profitable than starting and running a local hometown business.

Become a "Star"
Soon after starting your own international business, you can travel the world and make money doing it! You can
capture supra-success, wealth, excitement. You can become the envy of your peers.
Eric, for example, travels to more glamorous, exciting cities and countries in one month than most others do in a
lifetime. With The Money-Essence Concepts of Global Business, you, too, can push into a totally new dimension of
life. You, too, can become a world tycoon.
Even Romantic Opportunity Abounds
As you begin learning and mastering the wealth-creating essence of global business, your success will begin
radiating outward. Suddenly, you will become viewed by individuals the world over as a strong, successful,
romantic international man or woman. Potential spouses in countries and cultures the world over begin competing
for you.
...That happened to Eric! He could hardly believe it.
Now Is the Time to Act
Now is the time to get into international, global business. The opportunities will never be greater. And these
opportunities exist for everyone, not just CEOs of Fortune 500 companies. Armed with The Money-Essence
Concepts of Global Business, small businessmen and even hourly wage-earners can explode into international,
global business as Eric did. The incredible wealth-dynamics of international, global business are wide open. Those
who get in early will get rich. Break Out into a Worldwide,
Heliocentric-Like Mode
Most people are saddled with a restricted, single-nation outlook. Historically, people stayed within the boundaries
of their own community. Prior to the development of reason-like consciousness 3000 years ago, the world outside
a man's tribe was more than his limited mind could comprehend. Today, vestiges of that tribal mentality still exist.
Most people think in terms of living and doing business only within the borders of their country of birth.
In addition, the ruling class has always promoted a restricted, single-nation outlook as well. Those with political
power work to create the deception that people belong to their country of birth, that they are owned by their
government, and that their options in life are restricted to whatever rules are imposed upon them.
In contrast, when a person expands his mind and his resources out over the entire globe, he can utilize all of
mankind's resources. He can prosper beyond any previous limits. Such an internationalist takes control of his
destiny. He does not remain trapped by local prejudices, restricting cultures, or self-proclaimed authorities.
Any group that depends upon special privileges granted by the government -- be it politicians, bureaucrats, big
business, unions, trade organizations, or other special interests -- will support restricting individuals into a
single-nation mode. For, when individuals come into co ntact with people who enjoy more freedom, who hold
different beliefs, who have developed more knowledge and different technologies, or who produce superior
products, their minds are opened. Home-spun myths, prejudices, and deceptions woven by the ruling class to
protect their own livelihoods and positions of power become questioned. Outside ideas, outside knowledge, outside
freedoms, even outside products have always been opposed by entrenched special interests. Those with favored
positions become ques tioned when people are exposed to new ideas, new knowledge, new freedoms, new
As a consequence, traditional forces always push to restrict people within narrow, single-nation boundaries.
Throughout history, people have been forced into restricted spheres of thinking and acting.

The Restricted Geocentric Mode

the Wide-Open Heliocentric Mode
The article "Neo-Tech, The Philosophical Zero," by Ray Kotobuki explains the ge ocentric concept versus the
heliocentric concept. Historically, people would look up at the sky and see the sun circling the earth in the day and
the stars circling the earth at night. Thus, they believed in a geocentric universe -- i.e., that the earth was the
center of the universe and that the sun and stars circled the earth. But, those people were just looking at what
was right in front of them. They were using only their percepts. That contrasts with a heliocentric mode of
thinking. A heliocentr ic mode involves thinking in wide-scope concepts and integrating several variables at once.
The heliocentric thinker, through scientific observation and testing, grasps the wider picture that the earth is
circling the sun, which in turn is circling the galaxy. But, to grasp that wider heliocentric concept requires going
beyond one's percepts; it requires integrated thinking. Integrated thinking pushes the mind beyond a limited,
perceptual thinking mode and into an unlimited, conceptual thinking mode.
The discovery of the heliocentric concept removed limitations that for centuries stifled progress in astronomy
and navigation. Science could finally progress forward in those areas of knowledge. Such progress, however,
could never begin until the false, geocentric concept of the universe was overcome. That was not easy. Galileo was
imprisoned for promoting the heliocentric concept.
By employing heliocentric-like integrated thinking, a person can break out of stagnation traps. Heliocentric-lik e
integrated thinking pushes the mind into totally new dimensions. (See Integrated Thinking: The Essence of Power
and Wealth, Chapter V.)
The Little-Religious-Town Analogy
To further illustrate the open-ended nature of heliocentric-like integrated thinking versus the restricted nature of
geocentric-like perceptual thinking, imagine the following scenario. It is the early 1800s. You are born into a small,
religious town i n the Pennsylvania countryside. Your town's culture and knowledge is dominated by a fiery
preacher who induces original-sin-type guilt in everyone. He attacks all advancements in science, philosophy, and
culture as Satan's work. Your town is full of stifling prejudices and preconceived notions.
You are not happy in such an atmosphere. You feel your potential is limited. Then, one day you journey far outside
your little town for the first time. You travel to the big city of Philadelphia. When you arrive in Philadelphia, your
mind is boggled. The city is so vast, so different. New ideas, culture, philosophy, scientific advancements flow
freely everywhere. Suddenly, that all-powerful, closed-minded preacher who dominated your life, who held lifeand-death control over your destiny back in your little town, becomes powerless. You realize for the first time
that there is a whole world outside of your little town and its stifling prejudices. You now realize that you can
simply laugh that silly, op portunity-restricting preacher out of your life. In the big city, your mind is free to
expand to its fullest potential. You experience an exciting release.
A similar situation exists for many people today, only on a much wider scale. They are restricted into single-nation
livelihoods. They do not realize that they can break out into a vast, new dimension of world opportunity,
excitement, wealth.
Strive to Produce the Most Values Possible
Worldwide business is a competitive catalyst. It is the key to unlimited opportunity. In the future, to survive and
prosper, a business must become a worldwide operation.

But, small businessmen and entrepreneurs often hold a false, geocentric-like notion that they can only operate
within their home country. In reality, any individual can and should keep pushing until his values are available all
over the world.
Traditionally, a small businessman thinks something like "I can see a big Fortune 500 company pushing into
overseas markets, but why should I push to get my little business into overseas markets? Does that really make
sense?" The answer lies in obtaining a wide-open, heliocentric-like perspective.
If an entrepreneur can go from red to black with a local business, then he or she can go from red to black
everywhere. The United States represents only one-fourth of the world's market. Three-fourths of the world's
market is outside America. Thus, the U.S. i s actually a small market, relatively speaking. The only way to capitalize
on the full force of the world economy is to have a relentless campaign to disseminate one's value-producing
dynamics everywhere. The competitive advantages a person and a business will gain by pushing out worldwide are
If a person is pushing his business into Europe, into Asia, into South America, he is going to acquire a superworldly, competitive view that cannot be acquired by any other means. His business will receive direct,
competitive feedback from all over the world. And that will catapult his competitiveness back home. Such a worldly
business will capture a mighty advantage over any competitor who fails to push into international markets.
Similar competitive dynamics apply to the individual. National boundaries are leftover vestiges of tribal man. The
concept that one belongs to a specific country, that one must live and operate within politician-created
boundaries, is a limited, geocentric-like pe rspective. Unfortunately, most people are still restricted by such
geocentric-like thinking. The average man seldom integrates beyond his country's borders. Doing so is the key to
supra-wealth and success.
Dump the Neocheaters
In every country of the world, politicians determine laws according to what they think will make them popular -not by what is honest and objective. But, the individual or the company that pushes out i nternationally can escape
that arbitrary dishonesty and usurpation. An international entrepreneur and his company can outcompete
dishonest, closed systems. An international entrepreneur has a world of heliocentric-like options before him.
If a business pushes out over the entire world, it breaks dependency upon any single country. For example, NeoTech Publishing Company was viciously attacked by a parliament member in Australia. That Australian parliament
member had read Neo-Tech literature and wa nted to stop that literature because it exposed the value-usurping
nature of political government. So, that Australian politician attempted to have the Australian parliament ban NeoTech literature. If Neo-Tech Publishing were a traditional, one-country publisher based only in Australia, Neo-Tech
would have been fighting for its life. Neo-Tech's survival would have been at the mercy of force-backed politicians.
But, because Neo-Tech is an international company, the whole incident was almost comical.
Although Australia is a profitable market for Neo-Tech Publishing, it represents only a small portion of Neo-Tech's
total worldwide business -- not 100% of Neo-Tech's business as it would for a traditional, one-nation publishing
company. Thus, Neo-Tech Publishing was able to confidently and aggressively confront that neocheating action.[ 1 ]
Neo-Tech Publishing was not afraid to expose the dishonest, value-usurping nature of that government neocheater
. As a result, that parliament member quickly retreated.
After that Australian incident, Neo-Tech Publishing realized how similar dynamics apply everywhere. If powerseeking bureaucrats or special-interest groups in the United States, for example, decide that they can gain an
advantage or popularity by singling out and attacking a traditional American business, such as happened with
Tucker Motor Company and Drexel Burnham Lampert, that American company is easily put out of business. But, if

the U.S. represents only a portion of that company's total business, life-and-death power is not within the hands of
a few political power-seekers.
By expanding globally, an individual and a company can break the 3000-year hoax of force-backed external
authority. This is a very profound concept. For, this is the goal of classical liberals, Libertarians, Objectivists,
Voluntarists, and other freedom-seekers. Yet, simply through the nitty-gritty effort of business, learning to make
a business go from red to b lack, then pushing that business out worldwide, such an ideal can be achieved.
ITT and the Cuban Example
Consider ITT. ITT used to be the Cuban telephone company. That was ITT's business. ITT could feel pretty good
about itself. It was one of the largest businesses in Cuba. If the communists had not taken over Cuba and
expropriated ITT, ITT would still be the phone company of Cuba today, probably have diversified into some other
Cuban businesses, and have achieved a reasonable rate of growth. ITT's management would have been feeling
pretty good about themselves.
Instead, the communists took over Cuba and expropriated ITT. So, ITT's management fled to America and went into
business here. That experience taught ITT a valuable lesson -- never become dependent upon a single country.
Once in America, ITT began an ambitious international push. As a result, twenty years after Cuba had expropriated
ITT's orig inal business, ITT had become the single largest corporate conglomerate in the world. ITT consisted of
major companies all over the world in businesses ranging from telephone equipment manufacturing to lawn-care
products to bakeries.
Because the original ITT was knocked off its feet by a criminal government, ITT was forced to break out into a
worldwide, heliocentric-like mode. Thus, 20 years later, ITT had outcompeted every other company in the world to
become the largest business conglomerate ever.< p>
No Longer at the Mercy
of Any Bogus-Job Bureaucracy
With a worldwide, heliocentric-like push, one's livelihood and one's business is no longer at the mercy of any selfserving, job-justifying government bureaucracy. Not only that, an international business presence is crucial in
times of economic downturn, recession, depression. Companies that are not dependent upon a single economy are
left in the strongest positions. Recessi ons and depressions vary widely from country to country. Even during the
Great Depression of the 1930s, the economies of China and India flourished. Many other economies also did well or
were barely affected during the Great Depression.
The Independent, International Tycoon
When an individual blossoms out into an international mode, he bursts out from under a 3000-year-old myth. He
suddenly finds that he does not have to be restri cted within his home country, suffocated within a stagnating job,
saddled with a specific set of friends, or even remain stuck in an unfulfilling relationship. Even an hourly wageearner can quit his job, travel overseas, and never come back to his original country if he so desires. By doing
that, a person breaks out of grooved-in, life-long routines. Yet, few individuals ever escape that stagnation cage.
Few are ever even aware that such a cage exists around them.
When a person travels abroad, he or she will find profit niches everywhere just by nosing around -- profit
opportunities as varied as lucrative Malaysian trade deals, undervalued penthouses in Buenos Aires, highperforming Asian stocks, underpriced European farmland, and so on. In fact, a person can go into business for

himself abroad much more easily than by staying at home. There are several reasons for this. First, many
economies overseas are on a just-born, high-growth side. The American economy, in contrast, is on a mature,
low-g rowth side. The U.S. economy has also become one of the most highly-regulated economies in the world. But,
more significantly, when a person takes the initiative to pack up and break out of his mentally and physically
limited world to instead travel abroad, his entire essence breaks out into a worldwide, heliocentric-like mode. The
very nature of breaking out into a worldwide mode pushes an individual into new dimensions of thought and
awareness that will open up new opportunities.
The Permanent Traveler
The break-out-of-your-limiting, one-country mode is quite a profound concept. Aspects of this concept are welldetailed in a book called Permanent Traveler by W. G. Hill of Scope Books, England. Hill explains in Permanent
Traveler how even an hourly worker who does not have his own business can break out into an international mode
simply by packing up and leaving his native country to live and work abroad. Opport unity naturally begins
unfolding before such a person. In several years time, that individual will have undoubtedly advanced far beyond
where he would have if he had remained at home in a stagnated, grooved-in routine.
Hill points out how people have been raised with a mind set that never realizes that they can simply switch
countries. When people do break out of a restricted, one-country mode, they take their lives into their own hands.
They progress much further and are much happier. But, by st aying within just one country their entire lives,
closed-minded cultures with preconceived notions restrict them. Most do not succeed very far and are seldom
really happy in such a restricted environment.
Most people will change cities a few times during their lives. But, few people realize that they can and should
actually change countries at least once in their lifetimes. When a person does this, a whole new array of lifeenriching experiences and opportunities unfolds.
When chan ging countries, all of a sudden a person meets more interesting and meaningful friends in a single year
than he or she would meet in a decade back home. He or she will attend more parties and make more friends in a
year abroad than ten years at home. He or she will open up more entrepreneurial and investment opportunities in
a few years abroad than in a lifetime back home.
Unfortunately, most people will never leave their nine-to-five, stuck-in-a-rut jobs. They will die that way. But, those
few who do break out and move into a wide-open international mode usually become their own entrepreneurs
within a year and become very well-off financially within five years. In contrast, if they stay at home, few will ever
break out of a grooved-in, salaried rut.
W. G. Hill explains in his book Permanent Traveler how he too was brought up with the preconceived, limiting
notion that his life was confined within the boundaries of his country of birth. He simply never thought that one's
country of re sidence is a personal option open to change at any time.
After many years in an unhappy marriage, Hill finally managed to wake up and seek a divorce. Then he ran into
trouble with tax authorities. So, Hill decided to leave the country. When he did, a whole new realm of romantic,
business, and personal opportunity opened up before him. He took control of his life and went into an opportunityabounding international mode.
Consider people who have been trapped in an unhappy marriage for many years. Traditional beliefs and mental
inertia often keep such people in a stifling, unhappy marriage. They simply cannot imagine life beyond their
marriage. Then, after many years, something finally happens that forces their marriage to break apart. At first,
they are apprehensive, lost, sometimes even devastated. But, eventually, they find that their lives go on, new and

more fulfilling romantic opportunities open up, and they end up in a much happier, more fulfilling relationship.
Then, they look back and think, "Why didn't I break out of that unhappy marriage sooner?"
Likewise, when a person breaks out of his or her opportunity-restricting country of birth, when he or she breaks
out of a grooved-in, limited career, a similar phenomenon happens. "Why didn't I break out sooner," a person often
contemplates after pushing out into an international mode.
In America, abusive big-brother government is increasing at a frightening rate. Today, America jails a higher
percentage of people than any other nation on earth -- even higher than South Africa and the former Soviet Union.
In addition, there are now more criminal business regulations in America than in any other country. Americans
are regularly jailed for politician-invented crimes and regulations that were not even in existence a few years ago
and that are not illegal in any other country. In fact, lawyers openly admit that a person in business today is at any
one time breaking several regulations, all of which carry criminal penalt ies. Thus, businessmen as well as middleclass Americans are increasingly ruined and jailed every year by job-justifying bureaucrats in agencies such as
the IRS, SEC, EPA, INS, DEA, FDA, and so on.
The Government Does Not Own You
Most people falsely believe that they are owned by their government. They think that their lives must remain under
the control of career-advancing government value-usurpers. They think that they must re main within the selfproclaimed borders of their country of birth. If a person gets into trouble with value-usurpers in or out of
government, that person usually thinks that he or she simply must accept whatever happens no matter how unfair
or unjust. Most believe they have no other options.
Tragically, a trail of devastation weaves across America every year as thousands of businessmen and working
people are destroyed by value-usurpers lurking in countless government agencies, the law profession, and the
public at large. Most people do not realize that they can and should simply pack up and leave. W. G. Hill gives many
examples in his book of people who did not break out of a restricted, single-nation mode. Thus, when they unfairly
got entangled with dishonest, deep-pocket lawyers or police-state bureaucracies, they were financially ruined and
their businesses destroyed. On the other hand, those few individuals who broke out into a worldwide, heliocentriclike mode, who refused to accept that sel f-proclaimed authorities own them, who decided that they would not
remain at the whim of some power-hungry bureaucrat or deep-pocket opportunist, emphatically stated several
years later that that was the best thing to ever happen to them. By packing up and changing countries, they
discovered more business, social, and romantic opportunities than they would have in a lifetime back home.
Do Not Remain in a Rut -- Break Out
If a person feels stuck in an unsatisfactory position, if he or she lacks fulfilling opportunity, whether in one's
career, social life, or romantic life, that person can and should break out. This is easier than one might think.
The key is to make preparations. Establish contacts and assets abroad. This is important to do even if one never
gets into trouble with any professional value-destroyer or deep-pocket opportunist. Many successful Europeans
already do this. They are prepared to leave their country if conditions become dangerous. Europeans are used to
their countries being taken over by totalitarian governments or invaded. Thus, they are much more prepared to
pack up and leave than Americans. But, Americans should understand this concept too. A little preparation can
save one's life and one's family if a madman were to get elected, or some lunatic let loose nuclear bombs, or a
devastating depression take hold. Those who have contacts, assets, and business dealings abroad can simpl y pack
up and leave. For those who do not, it is often too late at that point. In an emergency, avenues of escape become
clogged and then get cut off.

Eric Savage, during his travels abroad, met many Americans who had moved overseas. All of them had uncovered
golden opportunities -- from marble-buyers in Brazil, real-estate buyers in Europe, exotic-flower traders in Costa
Rica, office-space speculators in Manila, investors in Asian stock exchanges, partners in Malaysian candy
factories, mail-order c ompanies in Hong Kong. On and on stretches the list of opportunities that constantly
present themselves to those in a wide-open, international mode.
As emphasized in W. G. Hill's book Permanent Traveler, when a person travels abroad and investigates business
and investment opportunities, he or she discovers how easy it is to live abroad. Taking vacations in a different
country each year is a good starting point. Make it a working vacation. Check out business and investment
opportunities as w ell as living conditions. Establish bank accounts and make some small investments in real
estate or business to get a feel for things. Make contacts. This is easy and exciting. And it can be very profitable.
Most important, it can save your business, your family, and even your life some day.
Benjamin Franklin stated that the level of a person's happiness is directly related to the level that he expands his
mind. A person's mind and happiness soar as he or she breaks out of a grooved-in, restricted routine and into a
worldwide mode. Such an individual discovers opportunity exists everywhere.
The South American Experience
When Neo-Tech Publishing first expanded into the Spanish-language market, Eric Savage traveled to South
America. He made many profitable contacts in Argentina and Chile. After spending several successful days in
Buenos Aires, Argentina, Eric flew to Santiago, Chile to continue his trip. As Eric was flying over the magnificent
Andes mountains on his way into Chile, he realized how there was a vast infrastructure of business and profit
opportunity built by effort-exerting heroes in those far-away countries. Yet, Eric will never know the names of
those essence movers. But, by getting out there and tapping those markets, all of that vast infrastructure was
being utilized by Eric's own money-making dynamics. That is the magnificence of international business.
Unfortunately, most Americans limit themselves by operating only within the U.S.
Eric Savage was uncovering great profit opportunities by pushing out into a worldwide, heliocentric-like mode. In
stark contrast, Eric then pulled out a local Las Vegas newspaper he had put in his briefcase. The headline article
pictured the governor of Nevada basking in self-glory as he dictated to a group of wimpish-looking hospital
executives about the tough new regulations he was going to enact upon them. From abroad, Eric looked at that
"all-powerful" Nevada go vernor and realized that once outside that governor's self-proclaimed boundaries, that
politician became nothing but a powerless stooge.
Create Prosperity, Happiness, Life
Forward-essence movers in business should always be pushing their value producing dynamics into every nook
and cranny worldwide. The pushing of value-producing business into all places -- places like Paraguay, Costa Rica,
Papau New Guinea, Malaysia, and so on -- creates prosperity and happiness and allows human life to flourish.
A forward-essence-moving businessman has a responsibility to reach for his company's fullest potential. The only
way to do that is by pushing out into the global market. That, in turn, is the best way to ensure a business' longrange survival and growth. Businesses that market in more than one country are forced into wide-scope,
heliocentric-like thinking. They have to break out of closed-in, single-nation modes. Such wide-scope thinking gives
management new, worldly perspectives that are invaluable. What is learned in a tough foreign market comes right
back to benefit a business' home operation. Such a business is lifted to increasing levels of competitiveness.
Similarly, when an individual pushes out into an international mode, his personal competitiveness increases
dramatically. All of a sudden that individual realizes how his previous situation was similar to the little-religious-

town analogy. In a single- nation mode, an individual remains restricted by many stifling, preconceived notions in
his culture. When that person breaks out into an international mode, those stifling, preconceived notions
previously imposed upon him simply wither away. Such a person will experience a tremendous sense of freedom
and excitement as he learns how to generate opportunity and wealth in countries and cultures the world over.
Part One
The first fifteen chapters of this book (Part One) reveal the nitty-gritty, money/power secrets that can empower
anyone with the ability to break out into an independent, money-making mode.
Part Two
Chapters XVI through XIX of this book (Part Two) reveal the specific techniques to then push those independent,
money-making dynamics out into a worldwide empire -- capturing unlimited opportunity.
Finally, this book wraps up with seven appendixes that discuss specific issues important to your long-range
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[ 1 ] Neocheating means the undetected usurpation of values through clever, dishonest actions that make the
neocheater appear as the benefactor or protector of society. ...Most politicians are neocheaters.

Chapter I
Forty-Four Wealth-Power Secrets
To really succeed, a person must employ Insta-Act -- i.e., he or she must act on whatever needs doing instantly.
Everyone has good ideas and important things to do. Unfortunately, people usually put off acting on their ideas or
diving into important projects because it requires a lot of mental and physical exertion to get started. "I'll get to it

later, maybe tomorrow, after I take care of a few details on my desk right now," is a typical approach. But that's a
killer. Instead, that situation must be reversed. Good ideas and important projects must be acted on right now.
...Instantly! This turns a person into a doer.
Insta-Act is what separates those who succeed from those who stagnate and remain unfulfilled.
You can immediately elevate your power in business by exerting hard concentration. Envision a business goal,
then concentrate hard on all the actions you must take to accomplish that goal.
The Buzz-Out Syndrome
When a person decides to act on a project and begins to concentrate on the problem at hand, after a few minutes
his or her mind will begin to go unfocused. The mind will simply buzz out. Such buzzing out, in most cases, will
forever stop the completion of that project. The reason the mind buzzes out is because independent, hard thinking
is alien to most.
The majority of people, for most of their working lives, do not exert independent, hard thinking. They merely show
up at work to perform tasks that someone else has devised and set up. Harvey Firestone, founder of the Firestone
Tire and Rubber Company, stated, "There is no limit to the extent a person will go to avoid hard thinking."
A person must identify his or her tendency to avoid hard thinking and then turn that situation around. Instead of
avoiding hard thinking, one must aggressively dive into hard thinking whenever and wherever he or she sees the
opportunity. At first, one's efforts can easily be sabotaged. After just a few minutes of hard thinking, one's mind
will have a tendency to become unfocused and then to start buzzing out. But, by being aware of the Buzz-Out
Syndrome, a person can turn that situation around. As soon as one feels his mind starting to buzz-out, he can
stop, re-focus his concentration, and then push forward with gusto! That will knock buzz-out from one's brain!
Identifying the Buzz-Out Syndrome and then knocking it out of your brain actually becomes exciting once you
realize what is happening. As soon as you begin to feel a buzz-out sensation, you must recognize how that mental
buzzing out is what holds almost everyone down and stagnates them. Buzz-out is a monster that keeps people
from achieving great wealth and happiness in life. Ironically, once a person identifies this, it becomes easy to
defeat that buzz-out monster.
A person can actually feel himself burning away buzz-out -- similar to the way a person exercising can "feel"
himself burning away fat cells. The more it "hurts" when exercising, the more motivated a person can feel as he
knows he is burning away ugly fat cells. Likewise, when a person's mind starts to buzz out, he can re-group and
then push forward ever more intensely as he "feels" himself burning away buzz-out from his brain. With practice,
a person's concentration and thinking capacity will increase several-fold. Such a person becomes a powerhouse.
Elevate Your Ideas into Commercial Products
Good ideas are cheap and easy to come by. By themselves, ideas are not worth that much. The key to becoming a
money/power giant is to exert the intense effort needed to elevate an idea into a commercial product. Always
struggle to do that. Elevating ideas into commercial products results in the rewards of business and life. In fact,
the elevation of ideas into commercial products brings far greater monetary rewards than almost any other
activity in life. It is the key to vast wealth.

Act on Reason, Not Emotion

A person succeeds in business to the extent he or she overcomes emotion to instead act on reason. Whenever you
feel strong emotions, particularly if those emotions are negative feelings towards another person, you should not
act on those emotions. Instead, you must exert discipline to overcome such emotions. In business, a person must
always think and act via reason. That is the only way to make profitable long-range decisions.
Nitty-Gritty Details -- The Source of Business Power
The nitty-gritty details of business are the focal point from which all real, earned power is built. Mastering the
nitty-gritty details of business requires personal effort and honesty.
Managers can have a false belief that they do not need to really dig in to learn and perform the most basic, nittygritty detail work within their companies. An arrogant attitude can develop that one does not have to stoop that
low. But, such an attitude underlies the white-collar hoax. (See Mark Hamilton's book Neo-Tech Business Control
for a complete discussion of the white-collar hoax.) Moreover, such an attitude stagnates a manager. Getting
down and dirty by learning and doing the most basic, nitty-gritty work within a company is crucial for building
real, earned power.
Break Out of a Following Mode
Major success in business can only be achieved by breaking out of a following mode and moving into unmapped
areas. This requires independent thought and action.
The majority of people report to work and perform preset, already-mapped-out tasks. These tasks were devised
and implemented by someone else. Few individuals ever really exert their own independent thought and effort to
figure out how to move forward the money-making essence of their company.
Yet, the only way to really achieve success is to break out of a following mode at work and into independent
thinking and action -- i.e., move into new territory that no one else has mapped out or formatted. By breaking out
of a following mode at work, a person must decide on his own what actions he needs to take. He must figure out
how to move forward the money-making essence of his company.
A person normally starts off in a following mode at work, but as he builds knowledge and experience he can and
should start to formulate his own independent thoughts and actions that increase a company's efficiency or build
onto its money-making, value-producing essence.
A person will know when he is pushing into an independent, integrated-thinking mode because there will not be
anyone else around who can tell him what to do.[ 2 ] Only his own thinking and effort can guide him. It is at this
stage that a person can really begin to move forward. Ironically, moving into such an independent, forwardessence mode makes a person feel uncomfortable at first.[ 3 ] But, this is a key sign that one is finally breaking
out of a following mode. For, after a lifetime of always knowing exactly what to do in a following mode at work, not
knowing what to do or who to turn to in an independent, forward-essence mode makes a person feel awkward -even like he or she is goofing off or taking liberties on company time.
Such feelings occur precisely because a person is breaking out of a following mode and into an independent,
forward-essence mode. Such a person will feel apprehensive because there is no one around who can show him
what to do or how to act. No previous format has been designed for him to follow. Instead, he must formulate,
through his own independent thinking, the actions he must take to move forward.
When Eric Savage first broke into an independent, forward-essence mode at work, this led to his taking a trip to
Europe to pursue overseas business. (See Eric Savage's book, How to Build a Global Business Empire.) At first Eric

felt a little guilty. "Gee, here I am flying off to Europe on company time and expense." Eric felt like he was getting
away with something. In fact, Eric would have felt more comfortable if he were back in his office and ordered to
sweep out a storage closet. But, by going off to Europe, Eric was completely on his own. No one and no pre-set
format could instruct him what to do. He had to think and act independently. Eric had to figure out himself, through
his own integrated thinking, how to pursue forward-essence movement for his company.
A similar phenomenon happened when Eric first began exerting independent thinking to move forward into product
development. Eric replicated responsibilities in his inter-national marketing area to another capable manager.
This freed up time for Eric to work on product development. Once again, Eric felt awkward. He felt like he was
getting away with something, maybe even goofing off a little. For, after a lifetime of working within a tightly
regimented schedule, Eric was now driving off to the library in the middle of the day to do research. Eric felt like
he should be in his office diligently performing pre-set tasks.
Ironically, while Eric at first felt a little guilty about his trips to Europe and about his delegating work
responsibilities so that he could go off to research new products, those very actions forced Eric into an
independent, forward-essence mode. Once on his own, Eric had to devise new, money-making actions for his
company. And, sure enough, Eric's trips to Europe and his working on product development became the very
things that pushed both Eric and his company into new, lucrative profits.
When a person first breaks out of a following mode at work, he or she will feel apprehensive. But, these are the
very dynamics that force a person to think and act on his or her own. And that is the only way to break into new,
forward-essence movement. An analogy can be made to a person who has been confined in a prison for many
years. As a prisoner, that person had no real independent decisions to make about what he was going to do each
day. Thus, when that prisoner is finally released, he feels awkward, even guilty about his new found freedom. He
thinks something like, "Gee, am I really allowed to do anything I want?" All of a sudden there is no rigid, pre-set
schedule telling him what he can and cannot do.
A similar phenomenon happens to workers. Most have been in a rigidly structured following mode all of their
working lives. If and when they break out into an indepen-dent, forward-essence mode, they may feel
apprehensive, even guilty, about their new found freedom. Yet, those independent actions are the very things that
will push a person and his company forward into new realms of growth.
This phenomenon can be observed in other areas, too. For example, a television show documented one of the
highest paid fiction writers today. She goes off into the countryside each morning to write novels on her lap-top
computer. To an outsider, it appears that this lady has a really kick-back, lackadaisical job. But, she is earning
more money than almost any other person alive. Indeed, this writer is not "kicking back." What she is actually
doing is breaking out of a following mode in her career and into an independent, forward-essence mode. There is
no one around in the countryside to tell her what to do or what to work on next. No rules or pre-set formats
devised by somebody else exist for that writer to follow. Out there in the country, with her lap-top computer at
her side, she must exert her own independent thinking to figure out what to do, what to write, what to produce.
That is the reason why she is so successful.
When a person breaks out of a following mode, he or she can succeed in a big way. But, this is hard to do. Most
people are afraid to exert independent thought and action.
A final clarification needs to be made at this point. Before a person can push out into an independent mode at
work, he or she must first put in the hard, nitty-gritty effort to learn the details of his or her business. A person
cannot just waltz into a company and expect to fly off to Europe, or to go to a library to work on product
development, or to drive out into the countryside to write novels without first putting in the tough, nitty-gritty

sweat work to learn and master the details and essence of that company. Only then can a person successfully
break out of a following mode and into an independent, forward-essence mode.
Jump on Costs
"I just saved several thousand dollars by writing a two-paragraph letter," exclaimed Mark Hamilton. Mark was
referring to a specific charge on a supplier's invoice that seemed too high. After receiving that invoice, Mark
wrote a two-paragraph letter asking the supplier to justify that high charge. As a result of Mark's letter, the
supplier agreed to reduce that specific charge on all future invoices. This saved Mark's company thousands of
dollars over the years.
The importance of scrutinizing costs to make sure that they are not too high, to make sure that they are justified,
cannot be overstated. Exerting constant cost vigilance can ensure the success of a company. In contrast, a lack of
cost vigilance can eventually doom a company. A manager must always scrutinize costs and question any
increased or new expense to make sure it is justifiable. Such cost discipline will keep expenses contained. The lack
of cost discipline, on the other hand, will allow expenses to eventually spiral out of control. Exerting constant cost
discipline will keep a company in red-to-black dynamics and insure its future success. (Chapter XI discusses the
red-to-black concept.)
The Power of the Business Phone Call:
How to Save $13,000 in 20 Minutes
A book printer used by Neo-Tech Publishing Company stated that they had to raise prices on their next printing of
Neo-Tech booksets. This was during a time of little inflation and a weak economy. So, Neo-Tech's manager asked
that printer to justify his price increase. Before doing so, Neo-Tech's manager spent about 10 minutes organizing
his thoughts and making notes. He then telephoned that book printer and asked that printer to explain how they
could justify a price increase during a time of low inflation and a weak economy. The printer flippantly replied that
the price increase was due to an increase in the cost of delivering printed books from the factory to Neo-Tech
Publishing Company.
But, Neo-Tech's manager stuck to his guns and insisted on delving into the proposed price increase and reviewing
each specific cost -- emphasizing again that these were times of low inflation and a recessionary economy. During
the process of reviewing specific costs, Neo-Tech's manager brought up how the price of paper had fallen slightly
during the recession and how freight prices had not increased during the recession. Thus, the printer was unable
to justify his price increase. In addition, by digging into cost details with that printer, Neo-Tech's manager learned
that if he used a slightly lighter weight paper to print on, and if Neo-Tech Publishing increased its print order by a
few thousand books, $13,000 could be saved on the overall per-book cost. Thus, by exerting cost discipline to not
let an arbitrary price increase go unchallenged, Neo-Tech's manager spent a total of 20 minutes (10 minutes
clarifying his thoughts and making notes, and 10 minutes on the telephone with the printer reviewing costs),
thereby saving Neo-Tech Publishing $13,000.
That example demonstrates how cost discipline is one of the most highly leveraged activities in business. Few
other activities can make or save as much money in such a short amount of time.
The Beauty of Answering to Others
Andrew Carnegie, founder of U.S. Steel, stated that the key to his success was that he surrounded himself with
hard-working, talented people. Any entrepreneur who desires to build his business into an empire must do the
same. For, a single individual cannot build a business empire all by himself. Great empires are built by a founding

entrepreneur who knows how to surround himself with hard-working, integrated thinkers. (See Integrated
Thinking: The Essence of Power and Wealth, Chapter V.)
That is why it is important to promote integrated thinking in employees. Simply by being aware of integrated
thinking and then working to promote integrated thinking in employees, an entrepreneur will sooner or later find
himself surrounded by forward-essence movers. And that is the way to build major momentum within a company.
Forward-essence-moving personnel are the most highly leveraged assets a business can have. They multiply a
business' power many times over.
The beauty of bringing into a company integrated-thinking, forward-essence movers is that a freight-train-like
momentum begins building. And all workers, including the founding entrepreneur, must begin answering to that
momen-tum. Thus, everyone's intensity level and responsibility level is pushed up. For example, if a person is in
charge of getting a job completed within a certain time, he or she can no longer come back and say, "I didn't
complete this job because such and such happened which prevented me from finishing on time." If not getting a
specific job completed on time is going to hold up another worker's job, which in turn will hold up the job of still
another worker, which in turn holds up the entire company, excuses become unacceptable.
Consequently, great pressure builds on everyone within a company to become dynamic and to get things done, no
excuses. The alternative is to risk derailing everyone else. Under such circumstances, individuals become
enormously dynamic.
The Shoe Concept
One of the first places a person glances at upon meeting another individual is downward at the feet. Thus, a
person with well-kept, shined shoes can make a good first impression. Well-kept, freshly shined shoes reflect
awareness and care. These are two important traits in business. Simply by being aware of one's shoes, keeping
them well-kept and shined, a person can leverage his business power. That is why business districts usually
contain many shoe-shine stands.
Being aware of how one dresses in business is even more important. Business evolves toward rationality. That is
why the business suit has evolved. For, the business suit reflects awareness, care, and efficiency. A person
wearing a business suit will find that others take him much more seriously. A business suit can increases a
person's power and effectiveness considerably.
Integrate Your Life with Your Work
All successful people integrate their lives with their work. A person will never succeed far in business by working
only a 40-hour week. To move forward, a person must put in a minimum of 60 hours per week. (Forty hours of
detail, responsibility-handling work, 20 hours of creative, forward-moving work.) This is not difficult to do once a
person integrates his life with his work. Work actually becomes exciting and joyous. For, the person who
integrates his life with productive work has purpose, energy, and is seldom bored. That person has a profound
sense of moving forward and growing. Life for that person becomes exciting and fun. The person who integrates
his life with his work is bound to succeed. That is the nature of life, growth, and success.
Smash the Myth of Business Greed
Traditional culture attempts to link business with greed. But that simply is not so. Real, forward-moving business
is just the opposite. It is the constant struggle to bring down costs and decrease prices. That leads to greater
market share, increased sales, and the largest possible long-term profits.

Likewise, any properly run business does not try to get away with paying employees as little as possible. The
opposite is true. The goal of any forward-moving business is to have its employees make as much money as
possible. Every dollar an employee earns means that that employee has profited his company several more
dollars in return. Thus, if an employee makes a lot of money, it means his or her company is making even more
money. That is the beauty of business!
The Danger of To-Do Files
"Never allow an item to cross your desk more than once," states Frank R. Wallace. In other words, never file an
item away to be acted upon at a later date. Do not use to-do files. Instead, act on each item that crosses your desk
right then and there. Not doing so results in increasing inefficiency. For, a person is going to have to act on each
item that crosses his or her desk anyway. By putting an item aside to do later, that item sits without getting acted
upon. Then, when that item is pulled out at a later date, a person has to reintegrate with that item for a second
time. Time is unnecessarily consumed and efficiency is lost. In addition, whenever something is put aside instead
of being acted upon immediately, the risk of that item getting misplaced or lost greatly increases. The habit of
putting items aside to be acted upon later can stagnate a person.
The only exception to acting upon items immediately is when a person has an efficient system where similar items
are filed into groups to be acted upon all at once during a specific, pre-set time period. For example, a phone call
that needs to be made can be placed in a specific phone-call period. Similarly, a letter that needs to be written can
be placed in a specific letter-writing period. A meeting that needs to be held can be placed in a specific meeting
period, and so on.
The bottom line is that all items that cross a person's desk should be handled right then and there. Items should
not cross one's desk twice. Items should never be put away into some to-do file to be acted upon at a nebulous
future time.
Business-Like Thinking vs. Mysticism
Business-like thinking means thinking and acting objectively. It is the opposite of mysticism. Mysticism occurs
whenever a person acts on feelings and wishes. Mysticism is prevalent in many people, and it always creates
problems in business. In fact, mysticism is synonymous with creating problems where none exist. When a person
acts on feelings and wishes rather than on logic and objectivity, sooner or later that person's mysticism will
collide with reality and create problems.
In business, a person acting on mysticism stands out because problems keep arising around that person. For
example, a certain employee will be working in an area and everything will run just fine. That employee will get his
or her job done with out any problems. Then, when that employee leaves or is transferred, a new person is
brought into that exact same job. Suddenly, that new person kicks up all kinds of problems. He or she complains
and protests about various procedures and responsibilities. In addition, all kinds of problems begin arising
between that person and other workers, managers, even customers.
That is a red flag of mysticism. Such a worker is creating problems where none exist. He or she is a mystical
interloper and should be removed. Mysticism (creating problems where none exist) does not mix with business
(solving problems where they do exist). Mysticism will poison a business and its personnel. Mysticism must be
relentlessly removed like a cancer.

Huffiness Results in Camouflaged Failure

Huffiness. One sees it all around in business. So just what is huffiness? Why do people become huffy in the work
Consider the following example: Eric Savage had gone overseas for three months on business. When he returned
to his office, he found management and employees had let their intensity slip. Projects were taking too long to
complete. Split responsibilities had developed -- i.e., two or more people were handling the same responsibilities.
No real effort was being exerted to move forward and generate new business. Everyone was just performing
routine, already-established business.
So, Eric began making changes in personnel and the company structure to assure long-term survival and growth.
He reorganized management so that managers were forced to go out and build new business, not just sit back and
lackadaisically take care of business already established. Eric increased worker efficiency.
As a result, Eric ran into a barrage of huffiness, from hourly workers to top managers alike. It was the same kind
of huffiness one sees every day in business. But, it was so concentrated and so much all at once that Eric was
forced to confront that company-wide huffiness and eliminate it. Otherwise, Neo-Tech Publishing would stagnate
and decline.
The concentrated dose of huffiness Eric encountered forced him to break huffiness down to its root cause. What
became obvious to Eric as he attempted to shape up his business and get it back on track, i.e., moving forward,
was that huffiness in business always traces back to mental laziness against change, efficiency, and growth.
Huffiness is a person's resistance against exerting integrated effort to move forward and create new and
increasing values. Such huffiness is a natural tendency in anyone not integrated with a company's forward-moving
essence. So, Eric had to reintegrate workers with Neo-Tech Publishing's value-producing essence. What Eric
found was that workers who were not exerting forward-essence movement got huffy whenever their jobs were
reorganized in order to make them exert forward-essence movement. (See Chapter V for a more complete
discussion of forward-essence movement.) Of course, doing forward-essence movement is the lifeblood of a
company and is crucial to its long-term survival.
Eric also discovered that workers who naturally exert a lot of physical energy, workers who naturally hustle, very
rarely become huffy. They accept change without complaints. Those high-energy individuals focus on pursuing
their new responsibilities. In contrast, workers who do not hustle, who work at low intensity, almost always get
huffy when forced to become more efficient and pursue forward-essence movement. Those low-intensity workers
throw up a wall of huffiness against change, against efficiency, against forward movement. A manager must
confront and overcome such huffiness.
Forward-Essence Movement -The Key to Fulfilling Man's Destiny
Business provides the opportunity to fulfill man's destiny as a conscious being -- i.e., to continually build upon a
value-producing essence, thereby moving a person forward mentally and physically. The purpose of business is
not to merely maintain value-producing dynamics already established by others. The purpose of business is to
constantly move forward and produce new values. Building upon the value-producing essence of a business is
what allows a person to fulfill his or her destiny as a conscious being. For, to move forward and build upon a
value-producing essence requires the fullest ability of a human being -- both mentally and physically. Moving
forward a business' value-producing essence requires hard thinking, action, integrated effort, honesty -- every

essential virtue of a conscious being. Thus, forward-moving business represents the essence of life. It leads to the
fulfillment of man's destiny.
If a person is not moving forward on his value-producing essence, then that person is moving towards death. In
contrast, a person who is moving forward on his productive essence experiences life at its fullest. Such a person
is rewarded with growing competence, achievement, self-esteem, and happiness.
Be Fair to Business
No matter how small or large a company is, that company can always be reduced down to a single individual. A
business is not an entity unto itself. A business always reduces down to individuals attempting to produce values
and voluntarily trade those values with others. When a person recognizes this, he or she will realize how unfair
most attacks upon businesses by workers, consumers, the media, regulators, and so on, are. For, when a business
is reduced down to a single individual merely attempting to produce values and voluntarily trade them, it becomes
clear how often that value-producing individual is being unfairly criticized, attacked, and taken advantage of by
A person who recognizes this fact and treats a business, no matter how large, with the same fairness he would
another individual is acting in accord with reality. By struggling to be fair to business an individual will be well
rewarded in the long run. For, opportunities in business naturally flow towards those who treat business fairly. In
contrast, those who seek unearned power, self-esteem boasts, or monetary gains by unfairly attacking a business
cut off their future. Opportunity naturally closes off to those who seek to take advantage of others.
A person must guard against accepting criticisms so often promoted by people against business out of envy or
greed. Business is the act of value creation. Business is the source from which all life-supporting values and
opportunity spring. Those who seek short-term psychological or monetary advantages by unfairly criticizing or
attacking a business eventually cut themselves off from real, future opportunity in the most important area of life.
In contrast, the person who always strives to be fair to business, to always be a value to business, will
increasingly have life's most important opportunities turned his or her way. Business dynamics naturally seek out
those who are fair and strive to make themselves a value.
Become a Business Giant
Opportunity is inherent in business. But, each person must exert his or her own independent effort to capitalize on
that opportunity. In fact, to effectively capitalize on the enormous opportunity inherent in all business, a person
must integrate his life with his work. That is the only way to really initiate integrated thinking and forwardessence movement. The individual who does this will find himself becoming more and more dynamic.
Most people do not explicitly understand the nature of business -- including many top business executives.
Business is the mechanism for the individual to develop unlimited potential. Business is what allows a person to
integrate his life with productive work and consequently evolve into a tremendously powerful, forward-moving
individual capable of delivering major values to society.
A Class-Act Company
By staying on top of just a few key details, almost any business can be converted into a class-act company. Most
managers, if they really think about it, can list within a single sheet of paper items that, if carried out, would turn
their company into a real class-act operation. Thus, the key to achieving a class-act company is to write down that
list of class-act items. Next, employees should be called in for a meeting, read that list, and then told, "Just do it!"

To accomplish that list of class-act items, employees must realize how even the most minor requests from
management need rapid action. That is the only way to complete all of the items on a company's class-act list.
Follow-through is a key. A company's momentum can be broken by a single person not following through
immediately on even a minor verbal request from management. The need for quick responses to requests from
management must be explained to employees in no uncertain terms.
In order to get such cooperation from employees, it must be explained to all workers how the managers above
them, by the nature of their positions, are working off wider integrations than they are. That is why immediate
follow-through on even the most minor request is important. For, having every request completed is crucial to the
wider, forward-moving integrations of management. If managers and workers can do that, then in two months or
less, almost any business can be transformed into a first-rate, class-act operation. That rise into a class-act
operation will propel forward everyone within that company. New vistas of opportunity will open up for that
company and its employees.
Integrate with the Numbers
To really succeed in business, a person must integrate with the marketing numbers and the accounting numbers
of his or her company. The marketing and accounting numbers reveal where inefficiencies lie, where new
opportunities lie, how to structure things. Such numbers reveal what needs to be done to succeed. Nothing allows
a person to master control of a business more effectively than integrating with that business' marketing and
accounting numbers.
The problem is that a lot of people in business attempt to remember marketing and accounting numbers. Instead,
they should integrate with the story that those numbers are revealing. A person who attempts to memorize
numbers won't be able to continue moving forward to increasingly higher levels of integration. An analogy can be
made to upper math -- a person can't get away with merely memorizing numbers in upper math; he or she must
integrate with the mathematical processes in order to understand what is going on.
Integration means understanding and digesting a process, not memorizing specific facts and figures. By
integrating business numbers, in contrast to memorizing those numbers, a person will not reach a mental limit.
Each new level of knowledge can be integrated with previous levels of knowledge. Forward movement can continue
Never Throw Away Your Power
Roger Dawson, author of Power Negotiating, identified how many people in business throw away their power. In
contrast, Dawson urges individuals to focus on upgrading their business power. Power in business is a very
effective tool.
By being aware of power and working to upgrade it, others will perceive a person and his or her company as a
class act. Thus, a manager should hold meetings with all employees and constantly remind them not to throw away
their power. Just by being aware of power -- exhibiting a serious, concerned manner -- a person can immediately
enhance his own power and his company's power. This is especially true over the telephone where clients may
never see the person or the company with whom they are dealing. An individual should always act with class while
on the phone. Be formal. This gives a person and his company instant respect. No more effort is required than just
being conscientious about upgrading one's power.
An additional point concerning power is the need to get rid of personnel with bad attitudes. Such workers destroy
a company's power with their bad attitudes. They infect, sour, and prevent other employees from acting with

class. Instead of enhancing their own power and their company's power, such bad apples decrease everyone's
The Secretary Test
A secretary handles the most basic organizational work within an office. A secretary's work is very earthy work.
As a result, secretaries are usually quite productive and seldom have haughty attitudes. Secretaries perform the
tasks that make their companies run. They are integrated with the very essence of their companies.
Eric Savage discovered that he could replace many managers in his company with secretaries and that the
secretaries would get more work done. Thus, Eric devised an important tool for maintaining efficiency while
keeping out the white-collar hoax in management. (See Mark Hamilton's Neo-Tech Business Control for a complete
discussion of the white-collar hoax.) That tool is The Secretary Test -- i.e., to be hired as a manager, an executive
must be more productive than a secretary would be in that same position. Similarly, The Secretary Test can be
used to evaluate current managers to see if they are exerting integrated thinking and forward-essence
movement. Ask oneself if a secretary would get more work done in a specific position than a current high-paid,
haughty manager. If the answer is yes, replace that manager with either a hustling secretary or a forwardessence-moving manager.
Only by exerting integrated thinking and forward-essence movement can a manager outcompete an efficient, highpaced secretary. For, an efficient secretary, who by the nature of her work lacks a haughty attitude or a "that
work is not my responsibility" attitude, can often complete actions and paperwork within a single hour that will
take a white-collar-hoax manager all day to complete. Many companies would become much more productive
simply by replacing a good chunk of their managers with efficient, high-paced secretaries.
Increase Intensity
A person can dramatically increase his productivity by increasing his intensity. A good starting point is to begin
walking faster at work. People with high intensity usually walk fast.
A manager should continuously remind employees about the importance of working with intensity. From janitors to
the highest executives, the productive effect of increasing one's intensity cannot be overstated. An individual who
works at high intensity can increase his or her productivity not just incrementally, but can increase his or her
productivity by two-fold, five-fold, even ten-fold.
Increasing intensity is simply a matter of being aware of intensity and then working to increase it -- both
physically and mentally. A short story written over 50 years ago titled Calumet K portrayed the power of
intensity. In that story, a grain elevator had to be built in record time or else the wheat market would be cornered
by speculators. Many commodity-dependent businesses would go bankrupt as a result. Yet, the workers at this
grain elevator site were behind schedule. They were slogging around without intensity. Then, an ace manager was
brought to that construction site. His name was Charlie Bannon. Bannon worked with enormous personal intensity.
And he integrated his workers with the need for intensity as well. Within one week, everyone at that construction
site no longer walked. They simply ran to wherever they needed to go. As a result of the great intensity exerted by
Charlie Bannon and his workers, the Calumet K grain elevator was built in record time. Speculators failed to
corner the wheat market.
The Calumet K story exemplified the power of intensity in the workplace. Without any other variable other than
being aware of intensity and determining to exert high intensity, an individual, as well as an entire company, can
turn into an unstoppable dynamo.

Mistakes -- A Key Growth

The first time a person tries out a new idea, a new marketing approach, a new product, or even a new business, he
or she will almost invariably fail. This is because whenever a person attempts to create a new value, unforeseen,
disruptive variables occur as soon as that new value is injected into the competitive marketplace.
When studying the history of America's greatest entrepreneurs, in most cases each great entrepreneur got
extremely excited about an idea or an invention, only to have it fail the first time out into the marketplace. But, in
each such case, the entrepreneur studied that situation to learn what caused the failure, corrected mistakes, and
then pushed forward. In fact, an underlying trait of all successful entrepreneurs is that they achieved success via
learning from their mistakes. They did not achieve success via an initial "great idea."
Most individuals, at some point in time, come up with "great ideas." They get all excited about their ideas and
envision success. But, when they first inject their ideas into the real world, they usually fail. The key is to
understand that a person must work through the practical problems that the competitive marketplace throws up
against new ideas. It is almost impossible for a new idea to work completely right the first time it is injected into
the real-world marketplace.
People naturally become disappointed and demoralized when their new ideas don't work. But, it is at this point that
a person must say, "I now have the rare opportunity to uncover my mistakes and correct them." That is the
beauty of the marketplace. It allows people to uncover their mistakes and correct them. In other areas of life,
such a mechanism seldom exists to reveal a person's mistakes. Outside of business, people can go through their
entire lives making the same mistakes over and over again. Those mistakes can cost them dearly -- financially and
emotionally. And they may never uncover those mistakes or uncover them only after many years.
Mistakes in business, on the other hand, can be positive events. Business mistakes make themselves obvious via
their bottom-line results. A person then has the opportunity to roll up his sleeves and correct those mistakes. He
can then go on to succeed. Outside of business, people do not have the opportunity to so clearly identify their
mistakes and get rid of them. That is why those who exert consistent effort and persistency in business succeed
so handsomely over time.
The Danger of Television -- A
Momentum Snapper
When working at home in the evening or on the weekend, beware of television. TV programs are designed to grab a
person's attention. That, in turn, can snap one's momentum for the rest of the evening or weekend. Mark Hamilton
commented, "I have found that if I turn on the TV after dinner to catch the news, but then take a quick flick around
the stations, quite often I find myself getting sucked into a one-hour program or more. That really snaps my
momentum for the rest of the evening."
The essence of television, from programs to commercials, is to capture peoples' attention. The individual viewer is
up against some of the best minds in the country. Remember, the businessmen devising those shows put all of
their dynamic ability into figuring out how to suck in viewers. In other words, dynamic tycoons like Ted Turner are
working feverishly to suck you into their television programs. That's pretty tough competition to go up against.
And if the viewer loses, getting sucked into a program, his work momentum will be snapped!
"I'll wager that the dynamic minds behind those television shows don't spend their evenings watching TV!"
exclaimed Mark Hamilton.

Remember to Think
Remember to stop and think. Think about what you are doing. Think about your work. Think about your career. Do
this on a consistent basis.
Collect the Joy of Life
It is important to collect the joy of life. Productive people often feel pressured to get things done and deadlines
met. But, it is also important to reflect upon the value of your life and the productive effort you are exerting. When
you are exerting integrated thinking and forward-essence movement, you are truly experiencing life. You are
building great power. Your actions are putting into motion many productive events and are turning out great
values for society. Feel this. Taste the excitement. Experience life.
Become Increasingly Dynamic
If a person desires success, that person must continually expand his or her responsibilities whenever and
wherever the opportunity presents itself. That, in turn, will force one to become increasingly dynamic. If a person
can make himself just 30% more dynamic, he will catapult himself forward. The struggle to become increasingly
dynamic in order to take on increasing responsibility at work is the essence of success. The alternative is to
reach one's limit and then stagnate.
Offensive Thinking
Go on the offense with your thinking. Identify what you need in business, then employ offensive thinking to get it.
Offensive thinking will push you out of a following mode and into a forward-essence mode. The following anecdote
exemplifies the use of offensive thinking:
Eric Savage needed Neo-Tech's typesetting manager, Mike, to get a hold of foreign-language typesetting programs
so that foreign-language material could be typeset. Eric was abroad at the time, so he asked Mike during a phone
conversation to track down foreign-language typesetting programs that could be run on Neo-Tech's Macintosh
computers. Well, several weeks went by. Each time Eric inquired about the foreign-language programs, Mike
stated how he was still waiting for some computer store manager to get back to him.
After three months had passed, Eric finally told Mike that he had to get those programs within one week. Several
foreign-language projects were waiting to be typeset and could not be held up any longer. Mike then complained to
Eric that he had called all the Apple computer stores in town. The only response Mike got was that the store
manager would ask someone at the Apple distribution center about foreign-language programs and then that
store manager would get back in touch with Mike. But no one was following up. "How do I get someone fired up to
follow through on this for me?" Mike asked Eric.
Eric told Mike that he understood his frustration. Eric then explained to Mike that to succeed in business, a person
cannot wait around for others to do things for oneself. "So few people employ integrated thinking; so few people
are forward-essence movers. You cannot depend upon other people to get things done for you in business. You
must instead aggressively think out alternative actions that you can take on your own to get what you need," Eric
"In other words," Eric told Mike, "you must go on the offense. You must aggressively put control of a business
situation into your own hands. You must get what you need yourself." In Mike's particular case, he must determine
in his own mind that he is going to get what he needs right now. How is he going to do that? "Go on the offense,"
Eric explained. "Start by calling Apple Computer's headquarters in California. If you don't get the information you

need during that phone call, then demand the phone number to their European headquarters. Apple's European
headquarters would have to know of foreign-language programs designed for their Macintosh computers. You
should be able to at least get the name of a software company in a foreign country that makes programs for the
Mac in their own language. You can then call that overseas software company and arrange to order their foreignlanguage programs by express mail."
The next day Mike faxed Eric a note stating that within one-half hour of going on the offense, he tracked down
every single foreign-language program he needed.
The power of employing offensive thinking to get what you need right now, instead of relying on someone else to
get what you need, cannot be overstated. Eric explained at a subsequent company meeting how excited he was to
see Mike move into offensive thinking. Mike accomplished in one-half hour of offensive thinking what would have
otherwise taken weeks to accomplish.
Offensive thinking is what pushes a person into the league of forward-essence movers and dynamic
entrepreneurs -- people who make things happen. The alternative is to wait around for others to make things
happen for oneself. Such an approach will never lead to success.
Present the Widest, Most In-Context
Picture to Others
Always strive to keep personal feelings out of business. Use discipline not to hedge on what the facts are. Whether
making decisions about buying new equipment or dealing with problem personnel, it is important to present the
widest, most in-context picture to others. That is the only way for correct long-range decisions to be made.
In contrast, if a person hedges on a situation in order to present things according to his or her desires, that
person begins cutting off future growth. For example, suppose a decision needs to be made about purchasing
computer equipment. There may be certain equipment that a person who works with computers may personally
desire. But, that person must struggle to present the full picture to others involved in making decisions about
what equipment to buy. He or she must make sure all of the facts are clear to management. A person should never
keep information from those involved in making decisions because he or she personally wants a particular piece
of equipment. This can manifest itself in subtle forms, such as not giving proper emphasis on alternative solutions
or substitute pieces of equipment.
This is especially important for those who work in technical areas, such as computers. For, a worker may know
more about that area than the managers above him who must make final decisions. Those managers are relying on
that worker for accurate, in-context information.
Presenting an accurate, in-context picture to others is also very important if a problem with another worker
arises, if one is reporting back to management on a trip he or she took, or if one is describing a meeting he or she
took part in. A person must always strive to give the most accurate assessment of a situation he or she can. A
person must guard against reporting situations in a slanted way in order to satisfy personal feelings or desires.
The "Do-Everything" Approach
A key to success is to overload oneself with work. This forces a person to become increasingly dynamic.
Most people can think of, at any one time, several important projects that should be moved on. Traditional thinking
leads individuals to think that they cannot possibly work on all of those projects at once. Most peoples' schedules
already seem stretched to their limits. Thus, a person usually chooses one or two new projects to work on and
puts the rest on hold. In reality, a person needs to do the opposite. One's attitude should be, "What the heck, I'll

take them all on!" This forces a person to become dynamic. And it is this kind of pressure that pushes a person out
of stagnation.
Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, and other business giants did not say "Oh, I'm too busy to work
on that area of business; I can only work on this area for now." No, those business giants moved forward on
everything that needed doing in their businesses -- everything. That's how they built empires.
You, too, can employ a "Do-Everything" approach. Anything and everything that needs to be done in your business
-- just do it. Do it regardless of current schedules or responsibilities.
Integrate with Management Directives
Whenever a worker receives a directive from a manager above him, he should exert effort to integrate the full
meaning behind that directive. One should try to understand where that directive is coming from and how that
directive integrates with the company and its essence. A person should use such opportunities to gain new
insights about the business for which he works. One should realize that the managers above him naturally have a
wider perspective of the company and its essence than he does.
Management is responsible for keeping a company's essence moving forward. By struggling to understand where
a manager's directive is coming from, a person will gain a wider perspective. Such a person will begin to integrate
with his or her company's money-making essence.
Integrating with the directives and suggestions from managers above oneself is an important business tool. For, a
manager knows when someone he or she is talking to is integrating with what is being said. Subordinates who do
not integrate with what is being told them are like brick walls. A manager knows what he is saying is not being
integrated and, therefore, his directives or suggestions are not really going to get carried out. That manager
knows that he must keep following up and applying pressure to get his directives implemented. That contrasts to a
person who takes the time and effort to integrate with what a manager is saying to him and why that manager is
saying it. A manager knows when a subordinate is understanding and integrating what is being said. That manager
also knows that his directives or suggestions are going to get implemented by that worker. Such an integrating
worker comes to be known by management as someone who gets things done. Such a worker will be rewarded
with increasing opportunity.
Increase Your Business Power
by Establishing Controls
Business power starts with controls -- controls over the numbers and procedures of a business. Such controls
allow a manager to effectively monitor all of the crucial movements within his company. To devise and implement
such controls, a person must focus his or her brain and exert hard concentration.
Mark Hamilton, for example, set up strict controls with a fulfillment company that Neo-Tech Publishing had
contracted to process and fulfill book orders. The controls Mark devised were not complex, but they arose out of
nothing. Mark had to exert deep concentration to devise and implement those controls so that he could follow the
status of order processing and banking procedures each day. Only in this way could he immediately know if
anything was missing, behind schedule, or processed incorrectly -- all of which are frequent problems in a mailorder business.
A forward-essence-moving manager must establish controls over procedures, marketing numbers, and
accounting in order to successfully control his business and to move forward. A manager must concentrate really
hard to develop controls over procedures and numbers so that nothing can go wrong without his immediately
knowing about it. He must be able to track every procedure and quickly tell if something is wrong. He can then

swoop down and fix a problem before it causes everything else in his company to fall behind, out of control, and
then become hopelessly screwed up. For, that is what happens without controls. If a problem is not quickly spotted
and resolved, it will spread to other areas. As a problem spreads, it becomes increasingly difficult to figure out
where the originating cause lies. Correcting that problem can then become a nightmare.
A manager in control of his company can grow and succeed. A manager not in control of his company will spend all
of his time putting out fires as they arise.
Act with Airline-Mechanic-Like Precision
It is important to really think about what you are doing at work. Keep in mind the difference between an auto
mechanic and an airline mechanic. An auto mechanic can lackadaisically lean against things, accidentally drop a
wrench while stopping to have a smoke, and so on. In contrast, an airline mechanic must maintain total alertness
while working. He cannot carelessly drop a bolt into an engine, while lackadaisically eating a snack. He cannot
clumsily bump into things or knock things over. An airline mechanic must act with perfection. He cannot afford any
screw-ups. The smallest act of carelessness can have devastating consequences.
The analogy of an airline mechanic is a good perspective to have at work. A person should attempt to practice a
similar degree of awareness at work -- all the way down to the smallest items concerning safety, computers,
records, accounting, customer orders, and so on. For, these are areas where a minor act of carelessness can
cause great havoc and chew up a lot of peoples' time. A careless error can crash a computer system, or cause a
customer's record to be lost, or mess up a filing system, and so on.
Be aware of what you are doing at work. This becomes a habit with practice. Some workers are highly aware of
what they are doing, while others are not. One should always think about what is going on. He or she should think
ahead and think about how to avoid careless mistakes.
Consider the following example: an order processor at Neo-Tech Publishing was typing customer orders into a
computer. To more easily reach each order, this processor pulled over to her side a wastebasket and then
balanced those orders on the corner of that wastebasket. If she had been called away from her computer and
someone else happened to brush against that wastebasket, all of those orders would have fallen inside that
wastebasket and could have been thrown out. No one would have ever known what happened to those orders. That
situation was a clear example of not thinking, of not acting with airline-mechanic-like carefulness.
A endless array of similar examples occur every day in all sorts of different work activities. But, by struggling to
exert the awareness of an airline mechanic, a person can prevent a lot of careless mistakes. Every worker should
strive to develop an airline-mechanic-like attitude. A worker should strive to eliminate sloppy or careless actions.
That is necessary to succeed in an increasingly competitive world.
The Link Between Sweeping the Basement
and Becoming CEO
The nitty-gritty sweat work of a company is a direct link to that company's essence. That is why a person must
understand and integrate with the most nitty-gritty, grind-out work within his or her company. Only by firmly
understanding the basic foundation work within a company can a person truly integrate with and then move
forward a company's essence.
Consider, for example, the incredibly successful entre-preneur Walter Chrysler. Chrysler emotionally integrated
with the most basic detail work within his company. He understood that such work is at the driving core of all
business. Chrysler had an utter joy for getting down and dirty in the nitty-gritty work of his company. He started

his career sweeping the floor at a Union Pacific railroad machine shop. He then became a mechanic at Union
Pacific and eventually founded Chrysler Corporation.
Later, when Walter Chrysler built the Chrysler Building in New York City (the world's tallest building at the time),
he learned all of the nitty-gritty details about running that skyscraper. He started by sweeping out the basement
of that Chrysler building and learning every detail in that basement -- the building's structural foundation, its
plumbing, its heating, and so on. Chrysler then meticulously labored his way up that building until he was on the
roof learning all the details about that building's top.
Later, when Chrysler's son came into the business, he started work as a janitor in the basement of that same
Chrysler building. Chrysler's son had to learn all of the nitty-gritty details of that building and its management. He
literally worked his way up the building, just as his father had done. As a result, Chrysler's son became a very
successful and able manager. Mastering the nitty-gritty, grind-out details of a business is the only way to build
genuine power and is the only way to move a business forward.
In contrast, the children of other successful entrepreneurs often fail to exert the discipline to get down and dirty
in the most nitty-gritty, grind-out details of their fathers' businesses. As a result, they never acquire real, earned
power. They usually end up riding the essences that their fathers built and become a net drain on their companies.
Both Walter Chrysler and his son started their careers by performing the nitty-gritty details of business. Another
person may start his career higher up in a company, but such a person will almost always have less long-range
potential. Only by starting at the very bottom of a business and mastering its every working detail can a person
completely understand and integrate with the essence of that business. By doing that, a person can then master
each successive level and successfully delegate those details to others as he or she moves up. Such a person can
competently manage all those under him. He has already performed that work himself. Eventually, that person is
able to literally run every operation within his company.
That is what occurred with the DuPont family. The DuPont family was large, and management positions were
competitive. Only those who started in the gun powder mills moved up to eventually take over the company. Such
nitty-gritty individuals built tremendous strength by mastering the details of their business. DuPont family
members did not just waltz into their company in top management jobs. That would have initiated the white-collar
hoax. They would have drained their company's essence rather than build onto that essence. Instead, DuPont
family members had to integrate their way to the top. That is why DuPont became the world's largest, most
successful corporation, until the government broke it up via antitrust regulations.
By starting at the bottom of a company, learning about and integrating its most basic, nitty-gritty details, a person
can map out a direct route to the top. By integrating with the most basic details of a business and then exerting
integrated thinking and forward-essence movement, a person gains genuine, earned power. He or she becomes
the person best equipped to carry forward and build upon that company's essence. A dramatic competitive edge
accrues to that individual.
Digging into the nitty-gritty details and doing the sweat work of a company contrasts with a more traditional, less
successful approach of waiting around to get a break -- waiting around to finally be designated a manager of some
area. That leads to dependence upon others and stagnation in the competitive business world. The success
approach is to say, "When do I get the opportunity to get down and dirty in the nitty-gritty detail work of this
company? I want to learn about and integrate with the very essence of this company." That is the ticket to the
CEO's chair.

Defensiveness Destroys Business

Defensiveness is mysticism -- i.e., irrationality. It is also a form of emotional self-indulgence. Since a person in a
defensive mode is not acting rationally, the only way to deal with such a person is to simply walk away.
But, in business, a person cannot just walk away from a worker who is being defensive. Other workers and the
business itself are depending upon that worker handling his or her responsibilities properly. That is why
defensiveness is so destructive in business.
Ironically, the way to handle defensiveness in business is to forget about all of the facts concerning the situation
and instead focus on the point. A manager should say to a defensive employee something like, "O.K., what is your
problem here? It's not the specific facts, those are obviously superfluous issues. Something else is bothering you.
So let's hear what's causing your problem." The problem is whatever is causing that person's defensive attitude -not the specific facts of a situation.
Defensiveness must be focused on and eliminated when-ever and wherever it occurs in business. Otherwise, it
acts as an extremely destructive cancer seed. One individual's defensiveness can affect the work of many others
in a company. Defensive attitudes can derail a company's forward momentum.
Do What You Don't Feel Like Doing
All of the success and prosperity that a person has achieved in life usually came from doing what that person
initially didn't feel like doing. In business, you have to do what you don't feel like doing. That usually means digging
into nitty-gritty details, doing integrated thinking, and exerting forward-essence movement.
Whenever you don't feel like doing a particular task in business, whenever you find yourself putting something off
to do later, reverse that situation. Instead, aggressively dive into such tasks. Those who dive into tasks they don't
feel like doing will push forward and succeed. They simply outcompete everyone else.
The Value of Ideas from Integrated Businessmen
Ideas from Unintegrated Individuals
Ideas have little value in themselves. To be of any value, an idea must be brought through a series of valueelevation steps. (See the "Values" article by Frank R. Wallace in The Neo-Tech Discovery). First, an idea must be
developed into a workable, comprehensive concept. Then, a prototype must be developed; then the actual product
must be developed and its manufacturing mechanism set up. All of the powerful integrations required for that
product to be competitive must then be developed and implemented. All the right low-cost figures must be
achieved and quality factors implemented in order to get that product into the marketplace and successfully
marketed. The highest value of all is to be able to mass market an original "good idea."
An important distinction concerning the value of ideas must be recognized: There are two extremes of ideas and a
whole range that fall in between. The most common type of idea is a more-or-less unintegrated, unearned idea
that just pops into somebody's head. Such "good ideas" have never been through the many levels of integration
required to bring them into the competitive marketplace.
The other extreme is an idea that comes from an integrated base of experience and red-to-black effort.[ 4 ] That
is an earned idea, so to speak. For example, take a businessman like Henry Ford and his successful development of
the mass production line. Ford was fully integrated with his ideas about mass production because he built them
into a functioning, successful reality. Ford, therefore, could take his fully developed ideas about mass production
and the car industry to some other company and his ideas would be worth millions of dollars. Such proven ideas

are like fully developed packages. They are coming off of the tremendous base Ford already developed -- all the
way up to the production and mass-marketing stages. Thus, a single idea of Ford's could be worth enormous sums.
The value of an idea must be put into context --i.e., the setting in which that idea was developed. The key to an
idea's value is whether or not that idea is coming out of direct business experience. For example, Neo-Tech
Publishing's forte is in direct mail and media advertising. If Neo-Tech's management developed some new ideas
based on their integrated experience in marketing, such ideas would be evolving from years of real-world,
commercial experience. Therefore, those ideas could be worth a lot of money. In contrast, if Neo-Tech's
management began speculating in some new area in which the company did not have any direct experience, then
such ideas would not be worth that much -- not until they were developed and injected into the real-world,
competitive marketplace.
Consider how Neo-Tech Publishing Company spent many years developing and testing the direct-mail and mediaadvertising business. Neo-Tech's director then replicated his fully developed ideas to another start-up publisher
out of good will. That publisher was up and running profitably in a matter of weeks because that publisher had
been delivered fully integrated ideas from Neo-Tech's director. Thus, that new publisher was able to move right
into red-to-black business dynamics without having to spend years learning and developing commercial business
ideas from scratch.
As a final example, consider the real estate business in New York City. If some guy sitting at a bar has a "great
idea" and says, "Let's build a commercial center on the East River Waterfront," that idea is essentially worthless
as is. Anybody can easily think up a similar "great idea." But, suppose Donald Trump says that he has an idea to
build a commercial center on the East River Waterfront. When Trump makes a statement like that, it is integrated
with all his years of business experience and tens of millions of dollars in real-estate investment in New York City.
Thus, Trump's idea is coming in as a much more developed package and can be considered an extremely valuable
Dump Crankiness:
A Ceiling on Personal and Business Growth
Most personality traits are nothing more than habit. Some of those habits can be very negative. Mark Hamilton
identified that crankiness at work was simply a habit he had developed under pressure. Once he recognized that,
he broke his crankiness habit.
Mark explained how dumping crankiness represented a personal growing point: "If you run into a situation where
the pressure you're under makes you cranky, then you're announcing to yourself and to the world that this is as
far as you'll ever grow because you can't handle it from here on out. When you become cranky in business, you
are signalling that you have reached your limit. Crankiness puts a lid on further growth."
Mark brought up an example of a small print shop owner named Dennis. Dennis was always cranky. He was
constantly snapping at his employees as he frantically tried to push through printing jobs. Ten years later Dennis
was still at that same little print shop, all cranky and stressed out -- he's at his limit and cannot grow beyond that
Similarly, when Neo-Tech Publishing Company was growing rapidly -- sales had doubled within a single year -Mark Hamilton had not yet developed the management tools or the internal controls to keep up with the growth.
Mark's desk was piled high with work, and the pile on his desk was growing faster than he was moving through it.
Thus, Mark began getting cranky. "It gave me a certain sense of control because I could snap out orders and get
`real tough' towards others," Mark explained. "Then, one day at dinner, the image of a cool and in-control master
entrepreneur portrayed on a popular television series popped into my head. In contrast to that cool and in-control

master entrepreneur, I had been cranky and stressed out all day long. All of a sudden I realized I was announcing
to the world and myself `That's it, I'll never grow beyond this point.' I realized that if I didn't snap out of my little
crankiness habit, I would never achieve the goals I had envisioned for myself. I then quit my crankiness habit cold
The point to remember is that the moment a person reaches a level in business where the pressure and work
makes him cranky, he will never grow beyond that point. For, the moment one becomes cranky, he or she is out of
control. That person is telling the world and himself that he cannot take on any more responsibilities because he
can't handle the responsibilities he's already got. Crankiness is a crutch that prevents a person from learning how
to become more efficient and obtain control over his work. A cranky person cannot move forward.
Drive to Completion
The mark of a true entrepreneur is that he or she will exhibit an incurable sense of driving to completion. Such a
person cannot relax or feel good about something until it is complete and working. In fact, a person in a drive-tocompletion mode often won't even be able to eat dinner until the task he or she is working on is finished.
A drive-to-completion mentality encompasses a lot. Its primary attributes are energy and integrated thinking.
That is why driving to completion is a rare trait. But, the person who is really valuable in business is the person
who does not hesitate to dive into any area of work that is required to drive a task to completion.
The reason why a drive-to-completion mentality is so important is because almost all forward movement in
business requires diverting into other areas. Yet, most people will hedge against digging into a task that can open
up into new areas of work. For example, to take on a new project and complete it, say some sort of marketing
project, that project will often require diverting into the computer area, the customer service area, the
accounting area and other seemingly unrelated areas in order to get that specific marketing project up and
running. But, a person usually resists getting involved in areas other than his own specialty at work. A marketing
person, as an example, probably won't want to go and meet with a computer programmer to figure out a new
computer system necessary to handle a new marketing project. Most individuals will experience an Energy Stop at
that point. Energy Stops are mental and physical barriers that a person feels against moving into and conquering
a new, necessary area of work. An Energy Stop occurs when a person stops exerting the effort required to push
forward and complete the task on which he or she is working.
On the other hand, a drive-to-completion person will jump without hesitation into whatever area of work he must
in order to solve all of the various intricacies necessary to complete his project -- no matter how many tangents
this may take him on. Such tangent-like tasks, whether they be designing a new computer program, setting up new
customer service procedures, coordinating suppliers to meet crucial deadlines, and so on, require digging in and
exerting tough, integrated thinking to figure out what needs to be done. A drive-to-completion person won't
hesitate to do that. He's ready to jump in with integrated thinking whenever and wherever necessary. Nothing will
stop such a person from completing his or her project, right now!
"I'm too tired," or "It's not my area," or "I'm not interested in that work so I'll let someone else take care of those
details for me," or "I'll stay in a following mode and let others handle the problems," are the excuses of a person
who does not drive to completion. In contrast, a drive-to-completion person exhibits a fearlessness towards
getting involved in new areas and exerting integrated thinking.
It is important to realize that almost everyone has a weakness against driving-to-completion. Almost every
individual, if studied, will reveal major examples where he or she defaulted on exerting drive to completion. Thus,
everyone needs to be aware of this concept and always work to increase their drive-to-completion intensity.

The importance of driving to completion cannot be over-emphasized. The person who works to develop a real
drive-to-completion attitude in himself will get major, forward-moving projects offered his way. A drive-tocompletion individual can keep growing, no matter what circumstances he or she is under, or for what company
he or she works. All really successful business people exert an incredible drive-to-completion intensity. It is
impossible to succeed in a big way without exerting a high, drive-to-completion intensity. Yet, so few people
understand the concept of driving to completion and fail miserably at it.
Recognize the Value of Business Integrations
When a business integration is made to a person, such as pointing out an error one is making or a more efficient
way to do a task, it is all too often met with a defensive reaction from that person. Yet, business integrations are
made in order to benefit a person. Such integrations do not have hidden motives -- they are just good business
advice being offered to a worker.
A person should never react defensively when someone else makes a business integration. Instead, that person
should recognize the value of such integrations and welcome them. A person should feel glad when somebody else
spends the time to offer him or her a business integration.
Receiving a business integration from a co-worker or a manager is not analogous to receiving a scolding. In
contrast, it can be the most valuable gift a person can receive. For, whenever a person receives a valid business
integration, it removes limitations within that individual. That person is then free to move forward. Otherwise, that
individual can remain stuck at a certain level until he figures out on his own errors he is making or develops more
efficient techniques. That can take years of trial-and-error experience.
Recognizing the value of business integrations is an important trait when evaluating employees or prospective
employees. If a person becomes defensive when business integrations are made to him, then it may not be
worthwhile to work with that person. Such a person will never really succeed because he will not be open to
effective learning and growth. Such a person builds a wall around himself and his area at work. Personal growth
In contrast, the individual who recognizes the value of business integrations can ascend to the top as he absorbs
all new knowledge revealed to him. Such a person will appreciate and make use of the knowledge and experience
of those around him.
Stay on Top of Financial Details
Financial details are crucial to a business. That is why a manager must carefully review any monies to be paid out.
For example, a major international express company double-billed Neo-Tech Publishing Company for a shipment.
That is, they sent two separate invoices, several weeks apart, each billing Neo-Tech Publishing for the same
shipment. If Eric Savage had not been examining each invoice that came in concerning his foreign area of
management, that double invoice would not have been caught. That express company sent very accurate-looking
computerized invoices. Each invoice had a signed receipt attached to it confirming pick-up of a shipment. So, when
the second invoice arrived several weeks after the first invoice had already been paid, it appeared legitimate. Only
by being integrated with the financial details of his area could Eric recognize that an invoice for that same
shipment had already been paid. The signed receipt enclosed with the second invoice was a carbon copy of the
original signed receipt.
Later that same month, a major credit rating company sent Neo-Tech Publishing Company a double invoice. Of all
the businesses out there, a person would think that a credit rating company could be trusted. Eric could hardly

believe it when that credit rating company attempted to double-bill Neo-Tech Publishing. Once again, without Eric
being closely integrated with the financial details of his area, that bill would have been paid twice. But, Eric
recognized that this particular bill had already been paid three months earlier. When Eric called that credit rating
company about their double invoice, their response was, "We're sorry. There must have been something wrong
with our computer."
This exemplifies why a manager must maintain a full integration with finances -- particularly monies paid out.
Otherwise, a company can sink into black-to-red, money-losing dynamics. A single bill paid twice, or an invoice
charging too high an amount for services rendered, can wipe out a week's profits or even a month's profits.
A problem concerning financial details is that people tend to feel safe when bills are computerized. In reality, the
opposite may be true. Computers constantly err because the clerks inputting information into computers make
mistakes. Anyone who has experience with computers knows how easy it is, and how common it is, to mess up a
computer by inputting wrong information or by pressing a wrong command. Today, in an age of computers, there
are lots of unintegrated and inexperienced workers entering information into computers. Thus, it is more
important than ever for a manager to stay closely integrated with all of the financial details regarding his area of
business. That is the only way to prevent costly mistakes.
Become a Dynamic Tycoon within
Your Own Little Area at Work
Whatever your job is, realize how you are contributing to the production of values. Even if you hold an entry-level
position, you should integrate with the importance of your work to the overall finished products and services
produced by your company. In other words, recognize the value of your job and get psyched up about it.
When you do this, you will realize the importance of striving to become, within your own little area at work, as
productive as possible. You can be on the first rung at work, yet within your own area you can strive to be a
dynamic, tycoon-like individual. This, in turn, makes work increasingly exciting, and it is the stepping stone for
moving forward and rising up.
Once you identify the crucial role you play in the produc-tion of values at your company, you will want to push
your-self to your limit. Realize that you can become like a CEO within your own area at work. Strive to be as
productive and creative as you can. That is the route to everything.
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[ 2 ] See Integrated Thinking: The Essence of Power and Wealth, Chapter V.
[ 3 ] Chapter V also discusses the forward-essence mode.
[ 4 ] See The Value-Draining, Black-to-Red Mode Versus the Value-Building, Red-to-Black Mode, Chapter XI.
Chapter II
The "Pick-Their-Brains" Technique

Most business people, when approached for advice, are quite willing to give it. They may not give out proprietary
information, but they are usually willing to give out general information concerning a particular area of business.
Business people can also be an invaluable source of leads for other contacts. If a person is investigating a new
area of business, he or she can phone individuals in related industries and, within a few minutes of talking, can
glean expertise and contacts that may have taken many years and thousands of dollars in experience to
accumulate. Fifteen minutes on the telephone "picking the brain" of an experienced business person can result in
a gold mine of information. This process can then be continued by contacting all of the leads that may have been
recommended while "picking the brain" of that business person. Thus, a week or two spent making a few dozen
phone calls can allow a novice to acquire information and contacts that may have taken several business lifetimes
and millions of dollars in experience to uncover. No single activity in business is more leveraged than the "picktheir-brains" technique. In fact, a complete novice can, at times, become somewhat of an expert in a particular
area after just a few weeks of aggressive "brain-picking."
Time and again, Eric Savage successfully utilized the "pick-their-brains" technique. Whenever Eric ventured into a
new area of business, whether it concerned foreign marketing, color printing, currency exchange, brochure
writing, media advertising, or some other activity, he would first spend time calling any person he could think of
related to that area of business. Eric would then explain to that person that he (Eric) was going to be doing some
work in that particular area of business and that he thought this person could provide him with some useful
information on that subject. Most business people were more than willing to offer Eric advice and leads. And,
whenever possible, Eric would reciprocate by offering information he thought would be useful to that business
person. Such reciprocation, in turn, made that business person even more willing to offer information and advice
to Eric.
Using the "pick-their-brains" technique, Eric discovered that he could become quite knowledgeable about almost
any subject in a short time. In fact, aggressive "brain-picking" was one of the single most important techniques
Eric ever learned. For, Eric could aggressively seek out information and contacts concerning almost any area of
business and wealth generation. After a few weeks of "brain-picking," Eric would acquire enough knowledge to be
able to enter almost any new area of business. The "pick-their-brains" technique is a powerful tool.
Start Your Own Business
The "pick-their-brains" technique can be extremely valuable to a person who wants to break out on his own and
start a business. For example, Eric knew a man in his forties who worked as a printer. For years this man
dreamed about opening his own print shop. Although this man did not know that much about business in general,
he really knew the printing trade. For years this printer only dreamed about going into business for himself. But
he had no idea how to initiate any concrete movements towards setting up his own print shop.
Eric then explained the concept of "picking brains" to this man. By employing the "pick-their-brains" technique,
that printer now had something concrete he could do. Eric explained to that printer that he should telephone
anyone he could think of related to any aspect of starting a print shop. For example, he should call other printers
and explain to them that he is thinking about starting his own print shop. He should ask those printers if there is
any advice they can give him or any contacts they can recommend. Maybe one of those printers will know of a
used press that can be bought for cheap. Maybe another printer would be willing to invest in a print shop with him.
Call real estate agents; maybe there is cheap shop space available somewhere. Call banks, accountants, and small
business organizations; maybe there is a way to obtain financing. Call the trade organization for printers; maybe
they can put one in contact with sellers of used, low-cost equipment; maybe a trade organization can put one in
contact with someone willing to invest in a new print shop. Call the Chamber of Commerce, call relatives, and so

on. Eric explained to this man that he needs to relentlessly gather information and "pick brains." That printer may
not be able to go into business tomorrow, but knowledge will be gained, contacts will be made, and wheels will
start turning. In a few months' time, that printer may have found a good shop location, inexpensive equipment, and
even finance or investment contacts. In fact, if that printer were to locate some cheap printing equipment and
manage a small loan from relatives, he may find himself in the printing business much sooner than he ever
Just Do It
Although the "pick-their-brains" technique is a powerful business tool, most people have a resistance toward
making new contacts. They simply are not used to picking up the telephone and asking someone for advice,
especially a stranger. This is difficult to do at first. It can be awkward. A person may feel a little embarrassed. He
or she may not ask the right questions at first or may not phrase words quite right. But, that person should just
keep pushing ahead. With practice, he or she will become quite good at asking for advice. It will become easier,
until it will actually become natural. Initiating new contacts and "picking their brains" is an underlying
characteristic of all successful entrepreneurs. They do it constantly and with ease. This process becomes second
nature to successful people.
Chapter III
Seek the Complicated
Billionaire entrepreneur Donald Trump explained that the secret to mega-success is to seek out business deals so
complicated no one else will touch them. Deals that scare everyone else away offer the greatest opportunity. By
jumping into a "complicated mess," a person can pull off a master stroke to capture enormous profits. In fact,
Trump stated that he will not even deal with a business situation unless it is complicated. That way, he knows there
is the chance to come away with major profits.
On the other hand, an "avoid complications" attitude is dominant in today's culture. But, if a business opportunity
is not complicated, that usually signals great competition; vast numbers of people will be vying for that same
"easy opportunity." Donald Trump rocketed to billionaire status because of his multi-million-dollar real-estate
deals. On the other hand, a person who goes into the familiar, established restaurant business must work each
day until physically exhausted just to survive. Competition in the familiar restaurant business is fierce. Many go
Big opportunity is inherent in complicated situations, but to capture that opportunity one must jump into the
complications of a situation and break that situation down into efficient, manageable steps. Even the most complex
situations can be mastered by breaking them down into single steps and then acting on those simplified steps.
An analogy can be made to the assembly line. Henry Ford took a process unimaginably complicated -- the
assembling of automobiles -- and broke that process down into its most simplified movements. Each movement in
itself became simple to perform. As a result, Ford began producing automobiles by the millions.
A process as complicated as producing a car became simplified when that process was broken down into its basic
movements. A similar technique can be applied to almost all business and career situations. A person should seek
out the complicated in his or her job and then break that complexity down into simplified steps. Suddenly, that
person will find that the complex becomes simple. That is the route to larger-than-life opportunity. The greatest
opportunities in life will spring from such situations.

Traditional myths about avoiding the complicated, keeping things simple, preventing headaches, and so on, must be
dumped. That is just a rationalization for seeking the path of least resistance. To really succeed, one must do the
opposite: One must dive into situations that are complicated.
Whether a person is looking for a business to get into, is starting a new business, or is searching for opportunity
within the company for which he or she already works, that person should aggressively seek out tasks that are so
complicated other people avoid them. Then, he or she should jump into those tasks full-steam and exert integrated
thinking to break down the complexities. With time and experience, this will become increasingly easier.
Big opportunity does not lie with increasing specialization to see who can outcompete whom by waiting on a
customer the fastest, smiling the most, or out-excellencing each other. Such situations are like professional
sports. Competition becomes so great in specialized areas that average men and women are shut out of all
Most people, instead of seeking out and then mastering the complicated, desperately avoid situations that are
complicated. "It's a headache" or "Don't get tangled in that mess" traditional-type thinking leads to stagnation. To
really prosper, one must reverse such thinking. One must instead go on a complicated hunt. Once a person digs
into a complex situation and starts integrating, most complexities turn into a facade. The most complicated
situations can be made surprisingly uncomplicated with integrated thinking.
By realizing that complexity is where real opportunity lies, a person can become psyched up about confronting
complexity. Psychologically, it becomes exciting and pleasurable to pursue complex tasks.
Seeking the complicated applies to all areas of work. It is not only for the entrepreneur. This technique can be
applied in any job to gain dramatic leverage -- in customer service, in accounting, in marketing, even in
housekeeping. Things that are a "mess" tend to be put off. No matter who a person is, no matter how low on the
totem pole that person may be at work, he or she should dive into tasks everyone else avoids, whether it is
devising a new accounting system, developing more efficient customer-service methods, setting up a filing
system, or cleaning out and organizing a storage room. Those are the things that provide the chance to carry
oneself forward. Problems that everyone else avoids are the very situations that, when really jumped into, make
the difference between stagnating versus opening up new vistas of opportunity. By diving into complicated
situations, a person becomes like a mini-tycoon. He or she takes control. And he or she gets noticed.
Chapter IV
Cost Discipline:
The Difference Between Success and Failure
A survey of airline ticket costs was conducted by a major newspaper. Ticket costs for a commercial flight
traveling between Dallas, Texas and Washington, D.C. were analyzed. Some passengers had made coach
reservations 30 days in advance and paid $178 for round-trip tickets. Other passengers on that exact same flight
paid up to $1,000 for round-trip tickets. Those passengers had shown up at the ticket counter just prior to
departure and purchased first-class tickets. Thus, ticket costs for that flight ranged between $175 and $1,000.
That airline example makes a good analogy, for similar dynamics apply to almost every major expense in business.
Business expenses can vary in price as much as those airline tickets. In business, where profit margins often
range between 5% and 10%, cost discipline can be the difference between succeeding and failing. In fact, the
degree of cost discipline exercised often determines the level of a business' success -- whether that means going
broke, struggling to survive, or prospering and growing into an empire.

What is cost discipline? Cost discipline is developing an integrated approach to searching out low prices,
scrutinizing those prices, negotiating for even lower prices, and eliminating unnecessary costs. That contrasts
with taking a path-of-least-resistance approach and just accepting prices initially quoted by a supplier.
Three Examples

When Neo-Tech Publishing Company required a new typesetting service, Neo-Tech's manager requested
quotes from several different typesetting shops. Most shops were used to working with businesses who
came in a few times a year with a couple of advertisements to be typeset. Those typesetters' charges
ranged from $20 to $40 an hour. But, Neo-Tech's manager searched around to find the lowest-priced
typesetter in town. He then met with its owner to explain that Neo-Tech Publishing needed a special
publisher's rate in order to allow Neo-Tech Publishing to do consistent, repeat business with them. That
typesetting shop agreed to charge Neo-Tech Publishing $10 an hour for typesetting.
2. One day the lettershop that handled Neo-Tech Publishing's mailings suddenly announced that they were
going to raise their price for printing memos inserted into Neo-Tech's direct-mail pieces from $18 per
thousand to $50 per thousand. So, Neo-Tech's manager quickly visited nearby print shops. He soon
arranged for a small print shop to print and deliver memos to that lettershop for $10 per thousand. NeoTech's manager accomplished this by, upon finding an already competitively priced printer, meeting with
the owner and explaining to her that Neo-Tech Publishing needed a special, commercial rate to be able to
work with that printer on a regular, volume basis.
3. When seeking foreign-language translators for The Neo-Tech Discovery, commercial translation agencies
quoted Neo-Tech Publishing approximately $20,000 per translation. So, Eric Savage advertised in foreign
newspapers. He found numerous free-lance translators willing to translate in their homes during their
spare time. They agreed to translate The Neo-Tech Discovery for $5,000.
In the above three examples, a little extra effort was exerted to formulate an integrated approach to obtain the
most competitive rates from suppliers. Any business person can do likewise -- i.e., search out an already low cost
supplier and then approach that supplier with integrated reasons as to why one's business must establish the
most competitive, low-cost rate with that supplier. Such an approach will significantly reduce almost all business
Cost discipline can be applied to almost any expense. For example, a person can go out and spend $1,000 on office
furniture. Or, he or she can search out a furniture discount store and spend $500 on the same furniture. A
person can go out and spend $15,000 on a computer system. Or, he or she can search around and find a sufficient
used computer system for $3,500. A person can pay $5,000 to have an office moved to a new city. Or, he or she
can hire a couple of handymen to move that office for $2,000. A person can spend $75 at a high-priced office
supply store. Or, he or she can spend $40 at a discount store. A person can simply accept standard quotes from
suppliers, or he or she can spend a few minutes discussing the need to receive that supplier's most competitive
quotes in order to assure steady, repeat business.
Cost discipline, however, must be integrated to be effective. A person should not push suppliers to the point where
it is not worthwhile for those suppliers to deal with one's business. But, a serious, rational approach to cost
discipline will always pay off. For example, a person should always explain to a supplier how his company needs
that supplier's most competitive, commercial rate in order to continue business with that supplier and to expand
business with that supplier. Then, one should request that supplier to break down quotations into individual cost
components for review. Most suppliers will then work with a business, instead of against that business, trying to
figure out how to reduce costs.

The technique of breaking down and analyzing each cost component making up a quotation can be particularly
effective. For example, Neo-Tech Publishing must purchase millions of envelopes each year. Thus, Neo-Tech had
its envelope manufacturer break down its pricing quote into specific charges -- e.g., paper costs, press costs,
set-up costs. Then, Neo-Tech's manager analyzed and negotiated each individual cost component to arrive at the
best rate. Maybe the cost of paper has recently gone down so that cost can be lowered. Or, maybe a less
expensive type of paper can be used. Maybe a different printing process will require less press time, and thus the
press cost can be reduced. Maybe orders from other customers who are using the same type envelope can be
combined to reduce set-up costs, and so on.
Cost discipline requires scrutinizing and negotiating. A manager can just accept a standard rate from a supplier,
or he can explain to a supplier the importance of receiving that supplier's most competitive rates. That manager
can explain how such rates will then enable his business to scale up orders with that supplier. A manager should
also request that a supplier break down all of the individual component costs that make up a price quotation in
order to see where specific costs can be reduced. This may lead to using a different type of raw material, a
different manufacturing process, combining orders from other customers to receive quantity discounts, and so
on. Once a supplier is aware of how cost-conscious a customer is, that supplier will often come up with effective
suggestions of his own that can save enormous amounts of money over time. By lowering an ongoing operating
cost even fractionally, whole new realms of business opportunity can be opened up -- sometimes making the
difference between a business earning a profit and prospering, or that business losing money and failing.
Exerting constant cost discipline is simply good economic theory. Since there are limited resources in the
economy at any given time, those who exert the discipline to make the maximum use of resources will end up
controlling those resources. They will be the controllers of money and business.
A Concluding Note
Over time, as old employees leave, as new employees are hired, as a company expands, cost discipline must
continuously be drilled into workers. Most new employees will not recognize the significance of cost discipline to
the long-range success or failure of a company, especially in an already prosperous company. But, the idea of
cost discipline must never fade from the front lines. Once a business becomes successful in an area, the tendency
is to feel satisfied with that smooth-running area and to turn attention to new challenges. However, when
everything is going smoothly, that is the time to reshuffle the deck and come back in with tough cost discipline.
Otherwise, a long-term erosion of a company's bottom line will begin. Without exerting ever-vigilant cost
discipline, expenses will gradually creep upward. The opportunity to move into new realms of business will be lost
if costs edge up too high. Profit margins for vulnerable, test projects will be wiped out. Complacency with a
smooth-running operation versus exerting constant cost discipline can make the difference several years hence
between a business beginning a slow decline, or that business pushing into new directions and eventually growing
into an empire.
Chapter IV
Cost Discipline:
The Difference Between Success and Failure
A survey of airline ticket costs was conducted by a major newspaper. Ticket costs for a commercial flight
traveling between Dallas, Texas and Washington, D.C. were analyzed. Some passengers had made coach
reservations 30 days in advance and paid $178 for round-trip tickets. Other passengers on that exact same flight
paid up to $1,000 for round-trip tickets. Those passengers had shown up at the ticket counter just prior to
departure and purchased first-class tickets. Thus, ticket costs for that flight ranged between $175 and $1,000.

That airline example makes a good analogy, for similar dynamics apply to almost every major expense in business.
Business expenses can vary in price as much as those airline tickets. In business, where profit margins often
range between 5% and 10%, cost discipline can be the difference between succeeding and failing. In fact, the
degree of cost discipline exercised often determines the level of a business' success -- whether that means going
broke, struggling to survive, or prospering and growing into an empire.
What is cost discipline? Cost discipline is developing an integrated approach to searching out low prices,
scrutinizing those prices, negotiating for even lower prices, and eliminating unnecessary costs. That contrasts
with taking a path-of-least-resistance approach and just accepting prices initially quoted by a supplier.
Three Examples

When Neo-Tech Publishing Company required a new typesetting service, Neo-Tech's manager requested
quotes from several different typesetting shops. Most shops were used to working with businesses who
came in a few times a year with a couple of advertisements to be typeset. Those typesetters' charges
ranged from $20 to $40 an hour. But, Neo-Tech's manager searched around to find the lowest-priced
typesetter in town. He then met with its owner to explain that Neo-Tech Publishing needed a special
publisher's rate in order to allow Neo-Tech Publishing to do consistent, repeat business with them. That
typesetting shop agreed to charge Neo-Tech Publishing $10 an hour for typesetting.
2. One day the lettershop that handled Neo-Tech Publishing's mailings suddenly announced that they were
going to raise their price for printing memos inserted into Neo-Tech's direct-mail pieces from $18 per
thousand to $50 per thousand. So, Neo-Tech's manager quickly visited nearby print shops. He soon
arranged for a small print shop to print and deliver memos to that lettershop for $10 per thousand. NeoTech's manager accomplished this by, upon finding an already competitively priced printer, meeting with
the owner and explaining to her that Neo-Tech Publishing needed a special, commercial rate to be able to
work with that printer on a regular, volume basis.
3. When seeking foreign-language translators for The Neo-Tech Discovery, commercial translation agencies
quoted Neo-Tech Publishing approximately $20,000 per translation. So, Eric Savage advertised in foreign
newspapers. He found numerous free-lance translators willing to translate in their homes during their
spare time. They agreed to translate The Neo-Tech Discovery for $5,000.
In the above three examples, a little extra effort was exerted to formulate an integrated approach to obtain the
most competitive rates from suppliers. Any business person can do likewise -- i.e., search out an already low cost
supplier and then approach that supplier with integrated reasons as to why one's business must establish the
most competitive, low-cost rate with that supplier. Such an approach will significantly reduce almost all business
Cost discipline can be applied to almost any expense. For example, a person can go out and spend $1,000 on office
furniture. Or, he or she can search out a furniture discount store and spend $500 on the same furniture. A
person can go out and spend $15,000 on a computer system. Or, he or she can search around and find a sufficient
used computer system for $3,500. A person can pay $5,000 to have an office moved to a new city. Or, he or she
can hire a couple of handymen to move that office for $2,000. A person can spend $75 at a high-priced office
supply store. Or, he or she can spend $40 at a discount store. A person can simply accept standard quotes from
suppliers, or he or she can spend a few minutes discussing the need to receive that supplier's most competitive
quotes in order to assure steady, repeat business.
Cost discipline, however, must be integrated to be effective. A person should not push suppliers to the point where
it is not worthwhile for those suppliers to deal with one's business. But, a serious, rational approach to cost

discipline will always pay off. For example, a person should always explain to a supplier how his company needs
that supplier's most competitive, commercial rate in order to continue business with that supplier and to expand
business with that supplier. Then, one should request that supplier to break down quotations into individual cost
components for review. Most suppliers will then work with a business, instead of against that business, trying to
figure out how to reduce costs.
The technique of breaking down and analyzing each cost component making up a quotation can be particularly
effective. For example, Neo-Tech Publishing must purchase millions of envelopes each year. Thus, Neo-Tech had
its envelope manufacturer break down its pricing quote into specific charges -- e.g., paper costs, press costs,
set-up costs. Then, Neo-Tech's manager analyzed and negotiated each individual cost component to arrive at the
best rate. Maybe the cost of paper has recently gone down so that cost can be lowered. Or, maybe a less
expensive type of paper can be used. Maybe a different printing process will require less press time, and thus the
press cost can be reduced. Maybe orders from other customers who are using the same type envelope can be
combined to reduce set-up costs, and so on.
Cost discipline requires scrutinizing and negotiating. A manager can just accept a standard rate from a supplier,
or he can explain to a supplier the importance of receiving that supplier's most competitive rates. That manager
can explain how such rates will then enable his business to scale up orders with that supplier. A manager should
also request that a supplier break down all of the individual component costs that make up a price quotation in
order to see where specific costs can be reduced. This may lead to using a different type of raw material, a
different manufacturing process, combining orders from other customers to receive quantity discounts, and so
on. Once a supplier is aware of how cost-conscious a customer is, that supplier will often come up with effective
suggestions of his own that can save enormous amounts of money over time. By lowering an ongoing operating
cost even fractionally, whole new realms of business opportunity can be opened up -- sometimes making the
difference between a business earning a profit and prospering, or that business losing money and failing.
Exerting constant cost discipline is simply good economic theory. Since there are limited resources in the
economy at any given time, those who exert the discipline to make the maximum use of resources will end up
controlling those resources. They will be the controllers of money and business.
A Concluding Note
Over time, as old employees leave, as new employees are hired, as a company expands, cost discipline must
continuously be drilled into workers. Most new employees will not recognize the significance of cost discipline to
the long-range success or failure of a company, especially in an already prosperous company. But, the idea of
cost discipline must never fade from the front lines. Once a business becomes successful in an area, the tendency
is to feel satisfied with that smooth-running area and to turn attention to new challenges. However, when
everything is going smoothly, that is the time to reshuffle the deck and come back in with tough cost discipline.
Otherwise, a long-term erosion of a company's bottom line will begin. Without exerting ever-vigilant cost
discipline, expenses will gradually creep upward. The opportunity to move into new realms of business will be lost
if costs edge up too high. Profit margins for vulnerable, test projects will be wiped out. Complacency with a
smooth-running operation versus exerting constant cost discipline can make the difference several years hence
between a business beginning a slow decline, or that business pushing into new directions and eventually growing
into an empire.
Chapter V
Integrated Thinking:
The Essence of Power and Wealth

If you hold a management position, take a moment and concentrate on your job. Think about what actions you
perform throughout the work day that directly make money. You will discover that only a handful of actions
directly increase income. The rest of your time is spent on side issues that do not make money for your company.
Many managers will find, after a quick analysis, that throughout their normal work day they usually perform only
one or two actions that directly make money. In fact, many days may pass when a manager does not perform a
single money-making action. Yet, those money-making actions are the foundation of all wealth creation. Those
actions are what your business was founded on, they are responsible for all its income, and they are the key to
future wealth generation.
Now, concentrate on those handful of actions that directly make money--they are essence actions. A business is
full of details on which a manager can spend all of his or her time. In contrast, only a handful of essence actions
make money in business. Hone in on those essence actions. By consciously focusing on money-making essence
actions, a person can suddenly expand two-fold, five-fold, even ten-fold the number of money-making essence
actions he or she performs in a day. That manager will then realize that he can pack all his days with direct,
money-making essence actions. Suddenly, his money-making capacity will skyrocket as he pushes through
stagnation barriers and into a world of wealth-generation.
High-Intensity Essence Action
Focusing on essence action creates a high money-making intensity within a person. With that high intensity, a
person will find himself or herself rifling through business details that previously filled an entire day in a couple of
early morning or evening hours. Most of those details can be condensed into tight mini-days and efficiently
handled within specific time slots. (See Mark Hamilton's Rapid Power and Wealth, Neo-Tech Publishing Company.)
If a manager does not pack the non-money-making details of business into short, specific time slots, those details
will expand to fill a full nine-hour day. But, when a person instead packs his day with money-making essence
actions, his intensity multiplies many-fold. Suddenly, he or she can push through in a few hours or less business
details that take most managers a full day to handle. The man or woman consciously focusing on money-making
essence actions becomes a superman in intensity and accomplishment next to his or her peers.
Accomplishment Soars Ten-Fold, a Hundred-Fold
By understanding and then focusing on money-making essence actions, a person is transformed from a mediocre
career person with limited potential into a money-making titan. As that person performs direct, money-making
essence actions at high intensity, he or she begins accomplishing daily in bottom-line terms what others
accomplish in a month. In a month, he or she begins accomplishing what others accomplish in a year. In a year,
such a person can accomplish what takes others a lifetime. In several years, such a person can truly build a
wealth empire.
Create a Cadre of Money-Generators
By focusing employees on money-making essence actions, an entrepreneur can create a whole cadre of moneygenerators. But, implementing money-making essence action among employees is difficult. Yet, it is the key to vast
The original founder of a business implicitly understands and aggressively pursues money-making essence
actions. To initially create a competitive, value-producing business requires considerable essence-action
movement. However, the original founder can begin easing up on high-intensity essence action after his company
has become established. Through the path of least resistance, he can begin substituting money-making essence
actions with less mentally demanding business details. But, by focusing with high intensity on money-making

essence actions, that original founder can permanently snap into an essence action focus. By doing that, he can
build his business into an empire.
Employees, however, are usually in a different mode. Sustained money-making essence action is more difficult for
employees to achieve because it is more alien to them. Traditionally, employees are hired to handle mostly
business details. As a founding entrepreneur's business grows, he brings in help to handle responsibilities that he
has already established so that he can move forward. To be certain that crucial responsibilities are done
correctly, that founding entrepreneur usually hands over to a new employee only a few money-making
responsibilities. The rest of that employee's day is then spent handling non-essence details. But, that employee,
too, is capable of packing his day with money-making essence actions.
The reason few employees aggressively pursue money-making essence action is that such essence action
requires integrated thinking. Unfortunately, most individuals stubbornly resist integrated thinking. For, the
process of integrated thinking requires a constant mental exertion. To carry out integrated thinking, a person
must constantly seek to acquire new pieces of knowledge. This can only be done through a continuous process of
expanding one's business experience, formulating new ideas from that experience, and then testing those new
ideas in the real-world market place. Then, that person must actively review those new pieces of tested
knowledge. When enough new knowledge has been accumulated, that person can then make integrations of related
facts into completely new, money-making ideas.
Break Out with Wide-Scope, Money-Making Integrations
Harvey Firestone, founder of Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, stated, "There is no limit to the extent a person
will go to avoid hard thinking. In business, a person will attempt to fill his schedule with details in order to avoid
hard thinking." What Firestone implied by "hard thinking" is integrated thinking. Integrated thinking is required for
all money-making actions.
Integrated thinking requires DTC (Discipline, Thought, and Control). The DTC method was first developed by Frank
R. Wallace in his book The Advanced Concepts of Poker. To perform actions that increase the bottom line, an
intense focusing of one's brain is required. Money-making essence actions by their nature are self-initiated
actions. Thus, such actions can only be orchestrated by an individual's own thinking. No one else can tell that
individual what to do. One must break out of a following mode and think on his own. Yet, most employees have been
in a following mode all their working lives. They report to work and do what they are told. They perform pre-set
responsibilities. They do not create new, money-making work for themselves.
For most people, the inherently independent and creative nature of integrated thinking is a difficult, new way of
thinking. The integrated thinking necessary to enact money-making actions requires constantly reviewing and
integrating situations throughout the day and into the night as new pieces of information become available, as
feedback is obtained through a constant testing of ideas. Unlike most business activities, there is no pre-set
format or routine to follow with integrated thinking. Correct, brain-sweating thought must constantly be exerted
by that individual alone.
For example, to carry out money-making essence actions at Neo-Tech Publishing Company, a manager must wake
up in the morning with his first thoughts reviewing and integrating the business outlook for that day and beyond:
What new mailing lists are coming onto the market today? Who should I be talking to about new names? Who
should I be meeting with to arrange special list deals? Where can I search for new lists? What new variables
should I be testing to try to increase response? What are previous test numbers revealing? What new
opportunities are emerging in product development?
To generate money, a Neo-Tech manager must carry around all such variables in his head and constantly
integrate any new variables that arise. By their very nature, money-making essence actions are fluid, changing

day to day, even hour to hour. Each new piece of information must immediately be reintegrated with the whole
picture. A change in one variable can affect everything else.
Such an integrated-thinking mode contrasts with a non-integrated-thinking mode in which a person comes to work
and performs routine details, one step at a time, that someone else has designed and implemented. That person
then goes home and puts work out of his or her mind until the next morning.
Avoid Stagnation
Money-making essence actions are never pre-set business details devised by someone else that require no widescope integrations to carry out. Yet, such routine details fill 90% or more of most managers' days.
Neo-Tech's general manager originally identified the concept of filling one's day with dynamic, money-making
essence actions instead of pre-set, stagnating business details. When a manager fills his day with money-making
essence actions, his money-making power multiplies many-fold.
As Neo-Tech Publishing grew, other managers joined the company in the traditional way--to handle business
details. Thus, they were filling their days with business details while making little progress on integrated, moneymaking essence movement. Thus, Neo-Tech's general manager restructured those managers into independent
bantam companies. Each bantam company head essentially became his own independent company. His pay was
based on the profits he alone generated out of his own money-making essence actions. Thus, each bantam
company head suddenly had the incentive to focus his entire day on money-making essence actions, rather than
stagnating, go-nowhere details.
After studying each bantam company, one fact became apparent: By spending just two or three hours a day on an
intense money-making focus, each bantam company head could increase his or her pay several-fold. Thus, all of
Neo-Tech's managers were set up as independent bantam company heads and turned loose. But, to the general
manager's amazement, this plan did not work. The new bantam company heads simply could not break out of a fillyour-day-with-preset-business-details routine. In fact, a few bantam company heads actually sabotaged the
success of their own bantam companies in order to avoid integrated thinking and forward-essence action. Thus,
Neo-Tech's general manager was forced to put them back into their old handle-the-details-only, salaried positions.
After a lifetime of being molded into non-integrated-thinking jobs consisting mainly of pre-set tasks, those bantam
company heads were afraid of integrated thinking. They were unable or unwilling to constantly carry in their
minds -- from waking up in the morning, throughout the day, and into the night -- the focused, integrated thoughts
necessary to plan and execute money-making essence actions.
Success Through Daily Essence Reports
Day after day, week after week, the new bantam company heads offered excuses as to why they did not perform
money-making essence actions that day. "This came up and prevented me from performing these essence actions
today," they pined. The one underlying characteristic of such "This came up and prevented me..." excuses was that
the "this" was always a series of business details that required no integrated thinking to perform.
Frustrated, Neo-Tech's general manager developed Daily Essence Reports. Every day, a list of money-making
essence actions to be performed had to be submitted to Neo-Tech's general manager. The following morning, NeoTech's general manager inquired as to whether each bantam company head had performed the money-making
essence actions listed on their Daily Essence Reports. If a bantam company head had not performed a particular
essence action, that essence action was to be acted upon first thing that day, no excuses. Nothing else was to be
done by that bantam company head until all of the essence actions listed on his Daily Essence Report had been
acted upon. This was necessary to prevent a bantam company head from turning to business details in order to
avoid performing money-making essence actions.

The Daily Essence Reports finally began to push bantam company heads into a high intensity essence-action mode.
One bantam company head tripled his monthly income after just two months of Daily Essence Reports, but others
were unable to handle the integrated thinking required. Such thinking was simply too alien for them after a lifetime
of unintegrated thinking -- after a lifetime of reporting to work to perform pre-set, routine business details. Those
managers had to be let go or transferred to limited, detail-only jobs with much less potential.
The next maneuver in the integrated-thinking battle was to alter the hiring process. Managers (bantam company
heads) were brought into promising new areas without pay. They had to have a second job to support themselves
before Neo-Tech Publishing would bring them in as a bantam company head. A new bantam company head had to
depend on his or her own money-making essence actions to survive. Previous managers brought into Neo-Tech
Publishing and placed on a salary would go to great lengths to put off or avoid performing even a single, moneymaking essence action. Such managers instead filled their days with business details. But, for a new bantam
company head, his or her only hope for success was to focus intensely on money-making essence actions.
Thus, when those new bantam company heads came to work for Neo-Tech Publishing, they focused on moneymaking essence actions. Suddenly, details which filled previous managers' entire days were efficiently rifled
through on the side. Details just got done as a natural offshoot of money-making essence action. Business details
did not become the job in themselves, as they do in most traditional, stagnated jobs.
Flourish Beyond All Expectations
Neo-Tech is based on removing mysticism, i.e., laziness and dishonesty. If mysticism is removed from within an
individual, his or her mind will flourish. If mysticism is removed from within business, great wealth will be
generated. The avoidance of integrated thinking required to make money is the single biggest mysticism in
business. Remove that mysticism and a business will flourish beyond all expectations.
Chapter VI
Always Seek Competitive Knowledge
and Commercial Experience
Given the right knowledge, any person can understand any fact of reality, no matter how advanced. Both a high
school student and a physicist can understand Einstein's theories. A high school student may take longer to grasp
Einstein's theories, since that student has a smaller store of accumulated knowledge and experience upon which
to build an understanding. But, given time and the correct knowledge, that high school student, just like the
physicist, can grasp and understand anything that falls within the immutable laws of nature.
By understanding this concept, a person realizes how crucial it is to exert a constant, calculated effort to expand
his or her competitive knowledge and commercial experience. For, an enormous momentum begins building. That
momentum is barely noticeable at first. But, in one or two years' time, an individual will be moving five, ten, even a
hundred times faster in wealth-building activities than when he or she began.
Positive-thinking-type advice promotes similar ideas. But positive-thinking advice leaves out a crucial point. The
accumulation of knowledge and experience must be directed in a specific, commercial direction, otherwise a
person following such advice will flounder in endless, hydra-headed directions. Instead, a person must take an
idea and then focus intensely on developing that idea into a commercial product. Only by doing that will a person
stay focused in a competitive, value-based direction. He or she will then begin building an increasingly powerful
Developing an idea into a competitive, commercial product requires hard effort. That process is the opposite of
waiting around for opportunity to present itself. Once a person realizes that his own conscious mind can develop

to master anything that falls within the immutable laws of nature, traditional wait-for-the-right-opportunity-type
thinking becomes increasingly destructive to one's life and future. No one is more capable of creating personal
opportunity than the individual.
The process of developing a competitive, commercial product is initially frustrating and slow. Problems surface
first. In fact, to develop a good idea into a commercial product, a person must first invest great amounts of time
and resources with little initial progress. As a person struggles to develop an idea into a competitive, commercial
product, he or she may even appear foolish to others for "wasting" so much time and resource with little or
nothing to show in return. But, the individual who aggressively focuses on accumulating competitive knowledge
and commercial experience will eventually succeed in a big way.
The process of gaining competitive knowledge and commercial experience is what enables a person to develop an
idea into a marketable value. The determination to produce a marketable value, not just think up good ideas,
culminates in success. Increasing competitive knowledge and commercial experience always leads to new
opportunities. In fact, competitive knowledge and commercial experience often lead to new ideas that are the
opposite of one's original "good idea." And it is those new, more commercial ideas that push a person forward.
The honest, productive man or woman can master great wealth creation. But, great wealth creation does not lie in
easily formed ideas. Great wealth creation lies in the constant exertion of competitive, commercial effort. Do not
let camouflaged myths fool you -- myths that imply a person is at the mercy of others to provide him or her with
opportunity. Now is the time for you, the conscious individual, to build an empire! Dump this-is-the-way-it'ssupposed-to-be-done approaches. Ignore those with negative, put-down attitudes. With time and effort, your
competitive knowledge and commercial experience will begin building with increasing momentum. Yes, you can
build a mighty, value-producing empire. No, you do not need the consent of authorities, academia, or high offices
to create a value-producing empire. You have the most potent tool in existence -- human consciousness.
Chapter VII
The Neo-Tech Approach to
Job Success
Job Success Checklist[ 5 ]
The following are specific Neo-Tech approaches to work, careers, and business that deliver power, prosperity,
and happiness.
1. Integrate everything important -- fully and honestly.
2. Act constantly, consistently, and vigorously with integrated honesty and objectivity for maximum
competence and success.
3. Act with integrated rationality and benevolence for maximum progress and effectiveness.
4. Combine company goals with personal goals, and then focus efforts on those goals. Plan work, and aim
toward the future.
5. Spotlight values and contributions of others.
6. Effect personal and company goals with increasing cost-cutting and profitability.
7. Guard and strengthen the company. Save time and money through protective initiatives. Never undermine
self, others, or the business.
8. Work accurately and dependably.
9. Turn weak points into strong points.


Complete projects started. Integrate past work into current work and future projects.
Seek responsibilities. Develop competence in handling assigned responsibilities.
Replace complaints with efforts to eliminate problems.
Provide cheerful, competent assistance to others -- especially to other employees, as well as to
management, suppliers, and customers.
14. Project business attitudes for such attitudes are real, disciplined, relevant, and valuable. Avoid mystical
attitudes for such attitudes are unreal, undisciplined, irrelevant, and harmful.
15. Recognize that the business is the source of work, values, and the future for all employees. By contrast,
mysticism is nothing more than a rationalized escape from life -- from effort, development, and
responsibility.[ 6 ]
16. Remember business is always the literal antithesis of mysticism.
17. Exploit the nearly infinite opportunities inherent within any company or business activity.
18. Implement at all times the DTC technique (Discipline, Thought, and then Control).
The Essence of Wealth Creation
Business (wealth creation) is the act of solving problems. By consistently applying the 18-point Job Success
Checklist to business and career situations, a person will develop the knowledge and experience to identify real
problems and to successfully solve them.
Success is not achieved by formulating good ideas. Success is achieved by taking an idea and solving all of the
formidable problems that stand between that initial idea and developing that idea into a commercial moneygenerator. Stomp out the myth that you should avoid problems. That is the path of least resistance. Instead,
aggressively seek out real problems, and then work to solve them.
No one lacks problems to solve. That is what point 17 in the Job Success Checklist implies by stating that there are
nearly infinite opportunities inherent within any company or business activity. Every problem represents
opportunity for the effort-exerting individual. Even an employee on the lowest company rung can open up
immediate opportunity by identifying and then successfully solving problems inherent in all business. This may
involve cleaning out and organizing a supply room, devising a new way to market your company's services, or
developing a new product. Nothing makes management happier and more excited than seeing real problems
Blame mediocrity on the lack of opportunity? That is a myth. The solving of problems is the essence of
opportunity. Every business has problems. Solving those problems represents opportunity.
By consistently applying the 18-point Job Success Checklist, a person's ability to identify and solve real problems
will surge ahead.
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[ 5 ] This Job Success Checklist is reprinted from Frank R. Wallace's Neo-Tech Discovery

[ 6 ] Mysticism, as defined by Frank R. Wallace in The Neo-Tech Discovery, is the escape from one's responsibility
to identify and act on objective reality. Mysticism offers that escape by ignoring or "recreating" reality through
feelings and rationalizations. Any attempt to ignore or "recreate" reality is mysticism, which being arbitrary,
irrational, and counterproductive eventually harms everyone. ...Mysticism creates problems where none exist.
Business creates profits by solving problems that do exist. Mysticism underlines nearly every harmful action.
Protect the company from assaults by mystics, neocheaters, and envious nonproducers who spread mystical
cancer seeds that can destroy a business.
Chapter VIII
The Neo-Tech Approach to Management
Job Power Checklist[ 7 ]





Assume responsibility for taking actions that benefit the company and self. Take actions required to
capture every possible growth and responsibility advantage.
Understand how and why a person becomes increasingly valuable to the company and self.
Practice the three key management responsibilities:
a. protect and build company assets,
b. organize and deliver full-context information required for accurate assessments by the president and
c. fulfill promptly all responsibilities on which others depend to do their jobs. Consistent dependability is a
key attribute.
Integrate (in writing) job goals with personal goals, then steadily drive toward those goals. (Management
of any highly-successful company always drives hard toward explicitly defined, integrated goals.) Only
through dedicated, driving efforts toward explicit goals can asset creation be sustained and major values
be produced.
Recognize that only two alternatives exist to constant driving effort toward objective goals:
a. fake success by draining previously created assets,
b. stagnation and deterioration.
Struggle relentlessly toward more productive use of life's prime asset--time. Must constantly struggle
for time to achieve more. Organize self and others daily to multiply range of effectiveness and
achievements. Successful management requires 60+ efficient hours per week: 40+ hours are needed to
properly manage day-by-day business; 20+ hours are needed for goal-directed, forward-motion
Lead by example: Obtain more efficient, productive efforts from others by displaying increasingly
effective work habits.
Eliminate the crippling negatives of moodiness and mysticism in self first and then in others: Actions
dictated by feelings rather than reality not only produce problems where none exist, but produce
inconsistencies that diminish effectiveness, achievement, and responsibility. Constant effort is needed to
avoid acting on feelings, mystical thoughts, emotions, rationalizations, distortions, wishes, bias, prejudice,
favoritism, nepotism.

9. Prevent narrow-view, complaining, and negative attitudes in self and others. Negativity reduces
effectiveness and diminishes happiness. Convert negatives into positives: Change negative "can't-do"
views into positive "how-to-benefit" situations.
10. Maintain a "no-enemy" policy and keep maximum options open: Always act from a benevolent, guiltless,
advantage-gaining position. Resist all mystical attitudes, for mysticism not only creates problems where
none exist, but by nature distorts reality, diminishes effectiveness, leads to errors, destroys values, and
undermines happiness.
11. Display unyielding confidence and uncompromising integrity in dealing with "authorities" and other
neocheaters. Always respond in rational, thought-out ways that yield maximum, long-range advantages in
exposing and eventually putting all such neocheaters out of business.
12. Resist Caffeine, Alcohol, Sugar to fully enjoy the rewards of intense, effective management and high-level
achievements ("The CAS Happiness Diet"--a forthcoming publication).
13. Read and master Mark Hamilton's mystic-shattering, iron-grip business publication Neo-Tech Business
14. Implement at all times the DTC technique --Discipline, Thought, and then Control.
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[ 7 ] This Job Power Checklist is reprinted from Frank R. Wallace's Neo-Tech Discovery
Chapter IX
How to Recognize Values and Make
Increasingly Wide-Scope Integrations
Those in the parasitical-elite class (politicians, bureaucrats, clergymen, most lawyers and media people, many
college professors, environmentalists and other self-proclaimed activists, union leaders, and others) live by
draining values from society rather than by producing values for society. To get away with that, they must foist
deceptions upon the people. They must make their value usurpation appear beneficial. Thus, they invert the
concepts of value production with value destruction. An example of this is how war-starting politicians are hailed
as heroes, while the most productive, competitive businessmen are attacked as greedy villains. Because of such
value inversions, ground-floor value creation is becoming increasingly rare.
This trend can be seen in business today. Most of today's top business leaders exert a lot of effort and produce
major values. But, there is a marked difference between today's modern business leaders and the great
industrialists who built America's industrial foundations -- history-changing men like Andrew Carnegie, John D.
Rockefeller, Henry Ford and many others. Today's modern business leaders skillfully perform business by
following forms and structures created by past industrialists. But, few modern business leaders are creating
entire new industries from scratch like the business leaders of the past consistently did.
Just how can an individual move from merely performing already-established forms of business to creating entire
new industries? A person can start by integrating the 114 concepts in The Neo-Tech Discovery. The 114 Neo-Tech

concepts focus a powerful microscope on the concept of value production -- what values are, what is required to
create values, and what is required to market values. The Neo-Tech concepts also arm an individual with the tools
to identify value destruction. With Neo-Tech, an individual can clearly identify who are the value producers of
society versus who are the value destroyers of society. Neo-Tech focuses on the philosophical essence of values
and value creation.
With a Neo-Tech approach to value production, a person does not just mimic already-created business structures.
Instead, that person focuses on the essence of value creation. Such a person can then burst forth to create entire
new dimensions of business.
Chapter X
What Is Neothink?
Henry Ford pioneered the automobile; David Sarnoff pioneered radio and television; Juan Trippe pioneered world
air travel. Those men were labeled as visionaries because they seemed to predict the future. In fact, they actually
created the future. All of them started off with very small businesses. But, each of those men formulated widescope goals and then relentlessly drove toward achieving those goals. Those business greats built empires of
value production and wealth that changed the world.
Those empire builders were viewed in awe because they had the ability to direct the future of business,
technology, and markets. Those empire builders seemed to make all the right moves, becoming powerful and
successful on a mighty scale. That contrasted with their business peers who dealt with one aspect of business at a
time, never really succeeding beyond a mediocre level.
The same dynamics that those business greats employed to build world-changing empires can be mastered by
essentially any man or woman. The key to unlocking those dynamics is Neothink.[ 8 ] With Neothink, a person
integrates entire clusters of concepts at once to form an all-encompassing, breakthrough concept. With that
master Neothink concept a person can visualize the future and obtain a clear vision of purpose. That person can
then accomplish in greatly compressed time frames what takes others a lifetime.
Super Wide-Scope Integrations
To understand Neothink, one must first understand how conscious thinking functions. A person grasps a fact. He
or she then integrates other information with that fact. That integration leads to an expanded or new concept.
Conscious thinking occurs in successful people every day as they exert effort to gain new knowledge and
experience. For example, a person holds certain facts in his head. He then acquires, through research, testing,
market experience, additional facts. He then integrates those new facts with what he already knows to generate
expanded knowledge. Consciousness, by its nature, involves a one-at-a-time integration of thoughts. Singular bits
of knowledge are integrated into a wider, more-encompassing concept. Neothink, in contrast, involves the
integration of many concepts at once. To initiate Neothink, a person must first push forward with high-effort
conscious thinking to continuously gain new knowledge and then integrate that knowledge into concepts. After
many such concepts have been developed to their maximum limit (i.e., integrated out to their widest context), a
person can experience Neothink by integrating an entire cluster of those concepts into a super-wide-scope
Neothink concept.
Conscious thinking is the integration of several facts into a concept. Neothink is the integration of several
concepts into an all-encompassing, super-wide-scope concept. The result is spectacular leaps of new knowledge.
To be able to implement Neothink, all mysticism must be eliminated from one's thinking, i.e., all deceptions must be

eliminated from one's thinking. Only then is the mind free to make super-wide-scope integrations of diverse,
seemingly unrelated concepts into a singular Neothink concept.
In Frank R. Wallace's paper, "We, the Creators of Heavens and Earths" (see The Neo-Tech Discovery), Neothink is
used to identify the unifying force of the universe -- a missing link for which Einstein spent his life searching.
Wallace builds 25 individual concepts to their maximum limits. Then, by eliminating integration-blocking mysticism
from his mind, Wallace is free to integrate those 25 concepts into a mighty Neothink concept that uncovers the
unifying force of the universe.[ 9 ]
The mind, by its nature, is a reality integrating device. The mind does not create reality, it can only perceive
reality. The mind then integrates those perceptions to generate new knowledge. But mysticism (i.e., deception of
any kind) blocks the mind's ability to integrate. Thus, the mind must be cleared of mysticism in order to make
wide-scope Neothink integrations.
To Neothink, a person must first employ Neo-Tech. To employ Neo-Tech, a person must exert a constant effort to
make decisions based on objective thinking and facts rather than on feelings and wishes. Only in this way can a
person's thinking remain void of distortion or dishonesty. Neo-Tech is not a matter of intelligence. Rather, NeoTech requires discipline, thought, and control.
Consider how astronomy for over a thousand years was stifled, unable to move forward because astronomers
mystically clung to the false, geocentric notion that the earth was the center of the universe and that the sun and
the stars rotated around the earth. Astronomers did this in order not to contradict religious dogma. When
standing on the earth and casually observing the sun and stars above, the geocentric notion appears correct.
"The sun and stars obviously rotate around the earth each day and night." But, upon further investigation, the
integrated evidence leads to the opposite conclusion. The earth is not at the center of the universe, but instead
circles around the sun, which circles around the galaxy. This is the heliocentric concept. The Greeks centuries
before had accurately identified the heliocentric concept. Certain ocean navigators of the day had also discovered
that the universe was heliocentric, not geocentric. But, religious mysticism prevented the church-appointed
astronomers of medieval Europe from integrating the facts. For, if the earth was not the center of the universe,
Christian dogma was contradicted. Thus, medieval astronomers would not allow their minds to integrate reality.
Mysticism, i.e., purposeful deception, snuffed out science's integration ability. For over a thousand years,
progress in astronomy and related areas was halted. Only when astronomers freed their minds from that
integration-blocking mysticism could progress resume.
Similarly, if an individual holds invalid knowledge about a subject, he or she will be prevented from progressing in
that particular area. Normally, this does not present any fundamental problem. As soon as a person gains more
accurate knowledge through experience, false knowledge can be discarded. But, this growth process cannot take
place if the original, false knowledge is being protected in order to support other agendas. When that occurs, it is
called mysticism. Such mysticism forever limits a person's capacity to make wider integrations and to move
forward in that particular area of life -- just as mysticism prevented astronomers from identifying the
heliocentric concept and moving forward for over a thousand years. Once mysticism is exposed and eliminated,
unlimited progress can be made.
What occurred in astronomy with the geocentric concept versus the heliocentric concept occurs on a microcosm
level within every individual. The individual with a false "geocentric notion" in any area of life is forever limited
from making new integrations and advancing in that particular area. Remove that limitation and further
integrations become possible. Only then is that person free to expand forward into the future.
In order to break false "geocentric notions" in any area of life, to instead obtain an integrated, "heliocentric
notion," the 114 Neo-Tech concepts in The Neo-Tech Discovery must be applied to wash away subtle mysticism that

limits an individual's integrating capacity. By identifying and then washing away mysticism, the full integrating
power of the mind is unleashed.
The cliche "knowledge is power" is out of context. New knowledge is what creates power and success. If a person
takes two or more concepts and integrates those concepts into a single, wider-scope concept, he or she
generates new knowledge. It is that new knowledge that leads to competitive power. That is how empire builders
like Henry Ford, David Sarnoff, and Juan Trippe built their value-producing empires. They integrated entire
clusters of concepts at once to create whole new industries, technologies, and life-styles. They literally shaped the
future. Henry Ford, for example, did not just build a car company; he integrated the concept of mass production
and mass marketing. David Sarnoff did not just run a radio and television company; he integrated the concept of
free, mass communication through the air waves. Juan Trippe did not just run an airline; he integrated the concept
of global air travel.
To develop and implement history-changing break-throughs, men such as Henry Ford, David Sarnoff, and Juan
Trippe had to make massive Neothink integrations of many wide-scope concepts at once. Neothink integrations
drove those business greats to build enormous, productive empires that their peers were unable to comprehend
at the time. The power those business greats acquired did not come from magical revelations. Those hard-working
business heroes built their visionary empires by eliminating integration-blocking mysticism in order to make
super-wide-scope Neothink integrations.
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[ 8 ] Neothink was first identified and developed by Dr. Frank R. Wallace in The Neo-Tech Discovery.
[ 9 ] Without explicitly applying Neo-Tech to expose and eliminate personal mysticism, a person's ability remains
restricted. Einstein, for example, had tremendous integration ability. But, Einstein remained trapped by subtle
mysticism. Thus, Einstein was unable to make the Neothink integration that uncovers the unifying force of the
universe. Einstein's integration-blocking mysticism was not recognizing individual consciousness as the supreme
value in the universe. For, human-like consciousness can and does interdict the Grand Cycle of the universe in
order to forever preserve itself.
Chapter XI
The Value-Draining, Black-to-Red Mode
the Value-Building, Red-to-Black Mode
Until the twentieth century, the standard of living for most people was very low. Historically, every person, with
rare exceptions, had to be a net producer of values to survive. Accumulated wealth simply did not exist for large
numbers of people to ride off.
But that situation of the past contrasts sharply with the situation of today. In present-day America, the Industrial
Revolution has brought to fruition a wealthy infrastructure. Great essence builders of the nineteenth century and
twentieth century have built a solid business and technological foundation. Society in general has become very

well-off. People today simply do not face the survival pressures that past generations faced. In fact, large
segments of society today exert little productive effort. Yet, those people live in great comfort relative to past
The wealth that the Industrial Revolution has brought society has led to a unique period. Today, large numbers of
people can be in an overall money-losing, black-to-red mode. What is meant by a money-losing, black-to-red
mode? What is meant by a money-making, red-to-black mode? A person either produces more values than he or
she consumes and, thus, is in a red-to-black mode; or that person consumes more values than he or she produces
and, thus, is in a black-to-red mode.
Although the majority of people today are net value producers, an increasing number of people are slipping into an
overall value-draining, black-to-red mode. This black-to-red mode can be deceiving, for an individual can ride off
the efforts of others at his or her place of work. A value-draining, black-to-red individual can even be in charge of
a powerful company, but a company that was built by the efforts of past essence builders.
Today, an increasing number of both white-collar and blue-collar workers are in an overall money-losing, blackto-red mode when wide-scope accounting is used to measure their net production of values. Wide-scope
accounting takes into account not just how much an individual produces and consumes, but also to what degree
that individual aids or hinders the creation of new values. Many workers today are actually draining the
successful, value-producing momentum of their companies. Although those value-draining, black-to-red
individuals claim credit for their company's existence, their company's success was built by previous generations
of hard-working, forward-essence movers as well as other essence-moving workers still within their company.
(See Frank R. Wallace's Neo-Tech IV manuscript titled The Fundamental Principle that Determines The Long-Range
Common-Stock Value of a Corporation for a specific example of this phenomenon within the DuPont Corporation.)
As all entrepreneurs quickly learn, creating a new area of business from scratch and making it go from red to
black, creating something that never existed before and turning it into a profit generator, is incredibly difficult. It
requires all the human effort and mental focus within an entrepreneur to even stand a chance of going from red to
black. No one can really grasp the difficulty of creating a new area of business and making it go from red to black
until they have done so themselves.
An entrepreneur starting a new business takes on enormous expenses, yet receives little income. He must fight
for every bit of new income he generates. That entrepreneur is competing not only with other businesses in his
field, but he is competing to get dollars that are already being spent elsewhere. Once an entrepreneur manages to
cross over that crucial line where his income relative to expenses goes from red to black, a powerful momentum
begins building. A short time after that point, the business that the founding entrepreneur struggled so mightily to
make go from red to black can build a momentum that will allow it to go on for years. Other managers can then
come into that business and, with relatively little effort, keep that business going, even growing for a time. Yet, no
one but the founding entrepreneur will know the intense, competitive effort that was required to initially make that
business go from red to black. Keeping a business going, even growing, seldom compares to the original feat
required to make an initial business venture go from red to black. That is why so many established businesses can
go on for years with low-effort, white-collar-hoax managements.
After a business has been successfully established, a low-effort executive can keep it running with fancy
maneuvers. But, when those maneuvers are examined under wide-scope accounting, they will be revealed as
draining that business' already-established roots. A white-collar-hoax executive will perform business maneuvers
that avoid the enormous effort required to build long-range, forward movement. Instead, he will employ shortrange maneuvers that cash in on his company's foundations. Such maneuvers are analogous to the farmer who

sells his seed grain. That farmer will capture extra profits in the short range, but he will have no seed left to plant
future crops.
Today, entire industries exist where the integrated effort necessary to build upon and expand business
foundations is not being exerted. Such businesses eventually succumb to competition, particularly foreign
The value-draining, black-to-red disease has reached the extent where many workers today, from hourly bluecollar workers to the highest-paid CEOs, project what Mark Hamilton calls "Marxism in business." Their premise is
to avoid doing whatever is a hassle upon themselves rather than aggressively seeking to do whatever benefits
their company. Individuals with an "avoid hassles" attitude are in an essence-draining, black-to-red mode. Their
good-paying jobs exist because they are riding off foundations built by previous generations of hard-working
essence builders. But, such black-to-red workers will eventually drain their businesses dry. Value-draining, blackto-red workers are particularly evident in labor unions. Their "What can business give me" attitude versus a "How
can I build this business" attitude destroyed many American industries. Foreign competition simply outcompeted
those unionized industries.
The Greatest Advantage
By understanding the value-draining, black-to-red mode versus the value-building, red-to-black mode, a person
can dramatically elevate his own potential by evaluating his actions to see which are in a value-building mode and
which are in a value-draining mode.
Is a specific action a Marxism in business? Is one's action an attempt to avoid hassling oneself? Or, is one's action
an attempt to do what is right for the business? Just being aware of this concept can immediately increase a
person's personal and business power several-fold.
If, after honest introspection, a person finds that he is in an overall value-draining, black-to-red mode -- which
many people today are unknowingly in -- he or she can capture the greatest advantage available in life by pushing
into a high-effort, essence-building, red-to-black mode. That will be difficult at first. But, with continuous effort,
pushing into an essence-building, red-to-black mode will become more and more natural until it is simply a part of
a person's makeup. When a person pushes into such a value-building mode, the future becomes his. Life becomes
exciting and prosperous. His competence and self-esteem will continue on a path of upward growth for the rest of
his life. A person in a value-building, red-to-black mode is happy and successful. But, a person in a value-draining,
black-to-red mode becomes increasingly unhappy, complaint-oriented, and bored. Life for that person holds less
and less opportunity.
By understanding the value-draining mode versus the value-building mode, a person learns to quickly spot those
in a value-draining, black-to-red mode and then disassociated with them. That will prevent much loss and
suffering. Likewise, by identifying individuals who are in a value-building, red-to-black mode, valuable associations
can be made. A person's investment of time, effort, and money with such value-building individuals will always pay
The value-draining, black-to-red mode versus the value-building, red-to-black mode is a powerful thinking tool. It
provides a bird's-eye view at the most fundamental level. The black-to-red mode versus the red-to-black mode
can be the fundamental judging mechanism for most actions and people.
Chapter XII
Dictate Your Own Terms
Set Your Own Conditions

Eric Savage was amazed at the many seasoned businessmen who would reveal, upon talking with Eric, that they
would go to a supplier and ask for price quotes on a specific job without any significant negotiating. They simply
accepted standard prices from a supplier. Neo-Tech Publishing's managers, on the other hand, always exert cost
discipline when seeking price quotes from suppliers. A Neo-Tech manager lets a supplier know that he is
competing for a job. The manager explains to a supplier how Neo-Tech Publishing requires that supplier's most
competitive prices in order to keep Neo-Tech's business in red-to-black dynamics. By giving Neo-Tech Publishing
the lowest, most competitive rates, Neo-Tech Publishing will be able to do business with that supplier on a
continuing basis -- bringing steady and increasing business to that supplier.
Dig into Nitty-Gritty Details to Reduce Costs
As explained in the Cost Discipline Concept, Chapter IV, a Neo-Tech manager digs into nitty-gritty details with a
supplier. Each cost component of a job is broken out and examined. For example, Neo-Tech Publishing would have
an envelope maker quote not just the final envelope cost, but each cost component, such as the paper cost,
printing cost, manufacturing cost, delivery cost. This breakdown of costs opens up new avenues for price-cutting
techniques, such as using less-expensive paper, using a less-expensive printing process, combining similar
orders from other companies into a single run, and so on. By digging into nitty-gritty details, Neo-Tech usually
finds ways to significantly reduce costs. And that is what pushes new test programs from red to black. That, in
turn, means steady and increasing business for a supplier. Everyone benefits from nitty-gritty cost discipline.
Continual cost discipline allowed Neo-Tech Publishing to survive and prosper in the very competitive and
expensive direct-marketing business. Through sheer cost discipline, little Neo-Tech Publishing Company
negotiated some of the best prices from suppliers in the industry. Neo-Tech's prices were lower than major
corporations that ordered much larger volumes of supplies.
Push into the Black and Prosper
The cost discipline exercised at Neo-Tech Publishing was crucial to its founding and growth. Likewise, exercising
cost discipline is crucial to the success of any new business. Diligent cost discipline can make the difference
between a new business being stuck in the red and folding or that business pushing into the black and prospering.
If a new business has a product that is of value, a product that people are willing to buy -- which most new
businesses have -- survival comes down to whether or not that new business is in red-to-black dynamics. If it is
not, that new business will fail. But, if that new business is in red-to-black dynamics, it will survive and prosper.
Most entrepreneurs, when starting a business, focus on their product's potential and hope that they will be one of
the few new businesses that succeed. Yet, essentially every new business has a product that can sell. The reason
over 50 percent of all new businesses fail is because expenses exceed income. Nitty-gritty cost discipline can
reverse that. Yet, few businessmen really understand and effectively employ cost discipline. If the founders of all
new businesses that are started each year explicitly understood the Cost Discipline Concept, if they really dug into
nitty-gritty detail and exerted creative cost discipline, almost all of those entrepreneurs would push their new
businesses into red-to-black dynamics.
Employing cost discipline, even in mature, established companies is crucial for forward-essence movement
because it allows new products to be tested and moved into successful, red-to-black dynamics. If cost discipline is
not continuously exerted, new avenues of business will sink into black-to-red dynamics. Forward growth will be
cut off. Without continual, nitty-gritty cost discipline, even an established business will eventually slip into blackto-red dynamics and fail.

Yet, as mentioned, Eric constantly met experienced business people who would reveal a complete lack of cost
discipline. They would simply approach a supplier and get that supplier's standard price quotes without really
negotiating, without digging into nitty-gritty details to learn where and how to reduce costs. This spooked Eric
because he realized how limited the opportunities were for those businessmen. This also explains why so many
businessmen fail when they venture out to start their own companies.
On the other hand, the constant drilling about cost discipline Eric received at Neo-Tech Publishing proved
invaluable, especially as Eric branched out with his own integrated thinking and forward-essence movement. The
cost discipline that Eric learned at Neo-Tech Publishing Company evolved into a tremendously powerful Neothink
concept: The Dictate Your Own Terms and Set Your Own Conditions Concept.
Because Eric had integrated the Cost Discipline Concept, he dug into nitty-gritty details with printers, lettershops,
envelope makers, computer bureaus, and other suppliers with which Neo-Tech Publishing dealt. Eric developed a
firm grasp of costs and competitive pricing in those industries.
Now, consider the following example. Early in Eric's career he had met the Postmaster of Ireland at a marketing
conference in Europe. Ireland was hungry to attract foreign business. Eric, along with his associate Mark
Hamilton, explained Neo-Tech Publishing's international direct-mail program to that Irish Postmaster. Eric
explained how Neo-Tech Publishing was mailing by cheap international bulk mail from England and Holland. The
Irish Postmaster then said that he would beat England's and Holland's postal rates if Neo-Tech Publishing brought
its international mailing business to Ireland. Eric, of course, immediately pursued that opportunity.
The Irish post office was willing to arrange a super-low-cost surface mail rate. So, Eric and Mark dug into the
numbers and found that such a low-cost surface mail program would only be worthwhile if Neo-Tech Publishing's
entire direct-mail package could be printed and assembled for very low cost as well. Such a complete low-cost
marketing program would then allow Neo-Tech to expand its marketing to very large-numbered mailing lists.
Eric Savage and Mark Hamilton travelled to Ireland to meet with printers and lettershops. A low-cost brochure
printed on newspaper stock was designed. This low-cost mail piece combined with low-cost postage opened up
whole new avenues of business for Neo-Tech Publishing.
About a year after initiating those Irish mailings, Eric learned that the Singapore post office was initiating a
similar low-cost, bulk-mail program to attract foreign direct-mail business. But, once again, in order for such a
program to work, rock-bottom prices for printing and preparing Neo-Tech Publishing's entire direct-mail piece
had to be obtained. So, Eric contacted one of the few lettershop in Singapore at that time. Eric explained to that
lettershop what Neo-Tech Publishing had done in Ireland. Eric then explained that to bring Neo-Tech Publishing's
business to Singapore that lettershop had to match the rock-bottom prices that Neo-Tech Publishing received in
Ireland. If that Singapore lettershop could match the Irish prices for printing, assembling, and mailing brochures,
then they would get consistent, large-volume business. Thus, that Singapore lettershop owner contacted printers
and envelope makers in Singapore and presented Eric's proposal to them. The lettershop owner then came back to
Eric and announced, "It's really tough, but we'll do it."
Because Eric had dug into the numbers, he knew what prices Neo-Tech Publishing needed to make a low-cost,
large-volume, worldwide mailing program work. Eric had a pretty good idea as to the lowest costs printers and
lettershops would be able to bring their prices down to by using inexpensive newsprint paper. So, Eric dictated his
terms to the Singapore suppliers. In turn, he received the incredibly low prices he needed -- prices much lower
than any other company in the industry was getting. In contrast, if Eric had approached suppliers without really
digging into nitty-gritty details, with no accounting scenarios on paper, and instead just asked them to give NeoTech Publishing their best quotes, Neo-Tech Publishing would have never achieved the low-cost mailing dynamics
it did. Profitable, growing business would have been lost by both Neo-Tech Publishing and its suppliers.

Open Up Whole New Avenues of Business

No One Else Is Tapping
By digging into the nitty-gritty details of his business, Eric was able to dictate terms to suppliers. He had the
accounting figures to back up his terms. He also had knowledge of cost-cutting alternatives, such as printing on
low-cost newsprint in large volumes. As a result, Eric was able to get the low prices Neo-Tech Publishing needed
to open up huge, new avenues of red-to-black business that no one else was tapping.
The experience of dictating terms really opened Eric's eyes. For example, when Eric first visited Argentina and
Chile, he found that South America had essentially no direct-mail industry. But, a well-developed magazine market
did exist in those countries. So, Eric met with the advertising managers of several Argentina and Chile magazines
in an attempt to rent their mailing lists. But, few of those magazines had mailing lists because their sales were
usually via newsstands, not subscriptions.
Eric then explained the concept of inserting Neo-Tech brochures as loose inserts into their magazines. None of
those South American magazines had done that before. But they agreed to try it. Eric proposed paying them the
same price he would for list rentals--$100 per thousand inserts. Initially, Eric arranged a small test of 2000
inserts in a Chile computer magazine. That test did not work. After several months, only three orders were
received out of the 2000 brochures inserted in that magazine. The numbers were in the red.
However, when the third and final order from that test had trickled in, Eric pulled out his calculator to more
closely examine the numbers. He began doing some "what if" calculations. "What if the inserts were printed on
low-cost newsprint like in Singapore? What if those inserts were printed in large numbers to bring the printing
cost from $70 a thousand to $20 a thousand?" Eric knew he could find a printer who would agree to that price as
long as Eric dictated his terms to that printer. Eric would have to explain that this would be the only way Neo-Tech
Publishing's insert program could work. If it did work, this would mean consistent, large-volume business for that
printer. Thus, a printer would either agree to Neo-Tech Publishing's low-cost terms and get consistent, largevolume printing business, or that printer would get no business at all from Neo-Tech Publishing.
Eric then approached magazines throughout South America with a similar proposal. He would explain that if they
let Neo-Tech Publishing do loose inserts for $30 a thousand, rather than $100 a thousand, then Neo-Tech
Publishing could place inserts in their entire circulations. That would mean thousands of extra dollars in revenue a
magazine would earn from Neo-Tech Publishing, versus earning no revenue at all from Neo-Tech Publishing.
Suddenly, by dictating such terms, the three orders received from that Chile magazine insert would be in the
black. And that meant that the huge media market that existed throughout South America was suddenly open to
Neo-Tech Publishing. This was a huge market that simply did not exist for Neo-Tech Publishing until Eric dug into
the nitty-gritty numbers to figure out the terms needed to push into red-to-black dynamics. This is a profound
concept. For, by testing, closely examining results, and then dictating terms, huge new markets can suddenly open
up for a business.
The Dictate Your Own Terms Concept is like a business genie. If only everyone understood this concept. So many
entrepreneurs fail when they attempt to start a new business. They have a valid product or service, they are
willing to work very hard, but they simply concentrate on the wrong factors. They do not know what they should be
concentrating on in order to make their businesses go from red to black. The key to success is to dig into
numbers. Do various "what if" calculations. A person will then discover the terms that his business needs to go
from red to black. That entrepreneur can then aggressively seek out suppliers who will meet those terms.

A Turnkey for Expanding a Business

into a Worldwide Empire
The Dictate Your Own Terms Concept is not only a turnkey for starting a new business, it is a turnkey for
expanding an established business into a worldwide empire. For, that very concept is what the great foundation
builders of American business employed to construct their empires. In fact, they went a step further -- they
actually Set Their Own Conditions.
The foundation-building greats of American business would envision mighty goals. They would then establish the
conditions necessary to achieve those goals. Andrew Carnegie, for example, envisioned producing enormous
quantities of quality steel at a cost low enough to cause a steel revolution in American industry. Thus, Carnegie
had to figure out and then establish the conditions necessary to accomplish that goal. He had to not only build and
run his own steel mills, Carnegie had to buy and run his own iron ore mines, build and run the railroads that
delivered ore to his steel mills, and even buy and run the coal mines that supplied coal to his steel plants. That was
the only way Carnegie could bring down costs low enough to accomplish his visionary goals. Carnegie had to go
beyond dictating terms to suppliers; he had to establish the conditions necessary to achieve his goals.
Consider Henry Ford. Ford dreamed of making the automobile affordable to every working American. To
accomplish that, Ford had to go beyond building his own auto plant. Ford had to keep working backwards until all
the conditions necessary to achieve his goal were met. Ford conceived and implemented the mass-production
assembly line. In addition, Ford had to go all the way down the supply line to the point where he was establishing
rubber plantations in Brazil in order to provide rubber for his tires at the cheapest price possible.
Consider Jay Gould. Gould kept his railroad empire alive and expanding while the rest of the railroad industry was
going bankrupt from over-capacity and recession during the late 1800s. Gould accomplished this by transporting
passengers and cargo on his railroads at prices unmatched by other railroads. Gould set the conditions
necessary to drastically reduce costs -- including bringing in low-cost foreign laborers to mine the coal that
powered his trains.
Consider John D. Rockefeller. In order to get costs low enough to make American industry switch from coal to oil,
Rockefeller built a huge, integrated oil industry. To accomplish that, Rockefeller had to set the necessary
conditions. Rockefeller even bought the company that manufactured the railroad cars that transported his oil to
markets in order to bring down costs.
Ironically, all of those great industrial foundation builders preached very strongly against speculation in
business.[ 10 ] They were against entering areas of business that did not relate to one's core business. Especially
Andrew Carnegie. Yet, Carnegie once made the remark that he was into more areas of business than anyone could
imagine. This was true of all of the great foundation builders. Each one owned all kinds of businesses -- railroads,
steamships, rubber plantations, iron and coal mines. But, those business greats warned against speculation in
outside businesses. Was this a contradiction? No, because the many businesses that those greats became
involved with supplied their main businesses. They were merely establishing the conditions necessary to build
their enormous industrial empires.
What those foundation-building businessmen had in common was tremendous, history-changing vision. They
dramatically altered society. To achieve their goals they had to use Neothink. They had to project into the future.
They had to figure out and then establish the conditions necessary to achieve their goals. Often, those business
greats had to create entire industries from scratch. They could not just go to a traditional supplier and say, "I
need a price so low that every working person in America will be able to afford my car." No. It would have been
impossible for a supplier to meet such terms. Instead, those business greats had to establish such conditions
themselves. Thus, in addition to running their core businesses, they had to set up and run their own supply

businesses -- such as steel mills, railroads, coal mines, iron-ore mines, rubber plantations, and so on. That was
the only way they could bring down prices low enough to accomplish their goals.
Setting your own conditions is the key to building a world-changing empire. That is why Andrew Carnegie would
stay up very late, night after night, working with accounting numbers. At first one might think, "How can a man be
so motivated to do accounting all night long?" Well, the accounting numbers that Andrew Carnegie was working
with were revealing the conditions necessary to make his visions a reality. That is why all of the business greats,
regardless of how they got their start or what business they were in, invariably ended up digging into accounting.
The reason they were so captivated by accounting was because the accounting numbers were revealing to them
the conditions necessary to build their empires.
The beauty of the Dictate Your Own Terms/Set Your Own Conditions Concept is that it is a simple process. A
person does not have to be a genius to employ it. By dictating one's terms and setting one's conditions, a person
can successfully start a red-to-black business and then build that business into an empire.
Dictating your own terms and setting your own conditions is Neothink in business. Business greats such as
Andrew Carnegie, Jay Gould, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, and others would use Neothink to project out worldchanging goals and then dictate the terms and establish the conditions necessary to achieve those goals. The
achievement of their world-changing goals would be revealed by down-to-earth accounting numbers. Those
business greats were dealing with hard-nosed reality, not wishful thinking. They could and did achieve the terms
and conditions necessary to build their empires.
Once the Dictate Your Own Terms Concept had been explicitly identified by Eric Savage, his thinking began
expanding out vigorously in all directions. He began developing plans for new areas of business all over the world
-- like he had done with the low-cost, mass mailings from Ireland and Singapore and the low-cost media inserts in
South America. The Dictate Your Own Terms Concept was a key to making new ventures go from red to black and
then expanding those ventures worldwide. Eric Savage and Mark Hamilton then began to set their own conditions.
For example, Neo-Tech Publishing defined a major Neothink goal. That goal is to cure the disease of mysticism and
collapse institutionalized irrationality. Accomplishing that goal will establish the conditions for pursuing and
eventually achieving biological immortality. By using Neothink to project out Neo-Tech's ultimate goal, curing the
disease of mysticism and achieving biological immortality, the conditions necessary to achieve such an ambitious
goal begin revealing themselves. For starters, how can Neo-Tech Publishing get maximum dissemination of the
anti-mystical Neo-Tech concepts? One condition could be to deliver a Neo-Tech brochure to every household in
America. But, that is not feasible within current direct-marketing dynamics. However, by projecting out Neo-Tech
Publishing's ultimate goal, one can then employ Neothink to identify the conditions necessary to achieve that goal.
One begins examining ways to achieve the necessary conditions. For example, how can brochures be printed and
delivered cheaply enough to make distributing a Neo-Tech brochure to every American household feasible?
Accounting figures can lead to Neo-Tech Publishing buying its own printing presses in order to print millions of
low-cost brochures, to Neo-Tech Publishing establishing low-cost imitation paper farms in Brazil to bring down
the price of paper, to Neo-Tech Publishing hiring migrant laborers to deliver brochures door to door, and so on.
Those are conditions that can allow a Neo-Tech brochure to feasibly be delivered to every household in America.
That is just one simplified example of projecting a wide-scope goal and then working to establish the conditions
necessary to achieve that goal.
Become a World-Moving Foundation Builder
The power of the Dictate Your Own Terms/Set Your Own Conditions Concept is tremendous. Any man or woman
can employ those two techniques. A person does not have to be a highly educated hot shot to build a worldchanging empire. Andrew Carnegie was not. Jay Gould was not. John D. Rockefeller was not. Henry Ford was not.

All of those business giants came from blue-collar, under-educated backgrounds. None attended college. By
dictating your own terms and setting your own conditions you can build a business empire.
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[ 10 ] Jay Gould was an exception. This was because Jay Gould's business essence was financial investment.
Chapter XIII
Question Traditional, Sound-Good Advice
As Eric Savage pushed into integrated thinking and forward-essence movement, his career blossomed. He made
startling discoveries about the nature of business, wealth creation, and success in general. As a result, Eric never
developed a resigned or negative attitude. In contrast, many of Eric's peers, after graduating from high school or
college and going into the traditional job market, developed a resigned, sometimes even negative, attitude. Eric did
the opposite. He grew more excited over time.
Camouflaged Failure
As Eric gained increasing experience at Neo-Tech Publishing, he realized how so many things in the traditional
world lead to failure. Consider a person wanting to go into business for himself. He wants to break out of a
stagnating, set-routine job. He wants to utilize his fullest potential. He wants to be successful, happy, and proud.
So that individual sets out on his own. There is no business already existing for him to ride off. He knows this. It
excites him. He wants to do it alone. He wants to reach his highest potential.
At Neo-Tech Publishing, a small, first-generation company, Eric learned what it really takes to be successful in
business. Eric then realized why so few individuals ever make it on their own. If a person tries to follow traditional
modes of thinking and acting once he is completely on his own, he will fail. Eric learned that to start a new
business from scratch, to make value-producing dynamics go from red to black, a person must break with almost
every traditional aspect of business. As an example, consider Neo-Tech Publishing. If Neo-Tech Publishing had just
accepted standard supplier costs, the business would have failed. If Neo-Tech Publishing had gone to established
advertising agencies and utilized their traditional methods of advertising, the business would have failed. If Frank
R. Wallace had submitted his philosophical books to a New York publisher, as authors traditionally do, he would
have failed. If Neo-Tech Publishing's managers had taken the traditional approach to work, i.e., working nine to
five, instead of integrating their lives with their work, the business would have failed. On and on stretches the list
of tradition-smashing dynamics Neo-Tech Publishing had to employ to survive and eventually prosper.
Eric learned that to create new business from scratch, to do forward-essence movement, traditional wisdom
must be scrapped. Otherwise, an entrepreneur's new business will never go from red to black. For, almost every
bit of traditional advice concerning business and success, when integrated out to its extreme, leads to failure.
But this situation can be turned around by focusing not on traditional, sound-good advice, but by focusing on
independent, integrated thinking. As identified in Mark Hamilton's Neo-Tech Business Control, to break out of
restrictions that the traditional world has placed upon one, to become fully integrated with the essence of moneymaking, a person has to break with traditional ways of doing things.

Question Everything in the Traditional World

During one of Eric Savage's trips to Singapore, he had a two-day stopover in Japan. So, Eric met with Neo-Tech
Publishing's representative in Japan. At a subsequent company meeting Eric described what occurred.
"I stopped in Japan for a couple of days and met with Mr. Hoshiba. Mr. Hoshiba is an experienced businessman. He
has a great attitude. He is willing to work hard to help disseminate Neo-Tech in Japan. But, something really
interesting happened.
"Through Mr. Hoshiba's own initiative, he went around and talked to a number of advertising agencies and
marketing consultants in Japan. Now, that would normally be considered a very positive thing to do. But, the result
was the opposite. It was like coming back into the unintegrated traditional world. I had to stop everything and
focus on how things are done traditionally. I became so frustrated with Mr. Hoshiba that halfway through our
meeting I just gave up. I essentially decided that I could only work with Mr. Hoshiba on specific errands that
needed to be done in Japan. For, anything else I brought up received too much resistance. Mr. Hoshiba would say,
`Oh, I talked with the top advertising agency in Tokyo, and they said you can't do things that way. Instead, you must
do things this way...this is the way things are done in Japan.'
"All Mr. Hoshiba was stating was merely the traditional advertising agency line -- sound-good inner-logic stuff. If
Mr. Hoshiba had not taken the time to go around to all those so-called professionals in the industry, if his thinking
in those areas was just blank, I could have worked with him. I could have explained to him business knowledge that
Neo-Tech Publishing has developed through years of direct testing and bottom-line results...invaluable marketing
concepts that we have developed by using our own integrating minds instead of following sound-good, surfacelogic tradition.
"But, by going out and talking to traditional advertising agencies and marketing consultants, it was like Mr.
Hoshiba's mind became polluted. I know that you, Ruth, got a taste of that when you visited those Madison-Avenue
advertising agencies in New York. Fortunately, you had enough experience at that point to see through their
sound-good surface logic. Unfortunately, Mr. Hoshiba did not. I had to fight with him every time I spoke. Mr.
Hoshiba had all these traditional ideas in his head, like how we must go out and study Japanese consumers and
study the habits of different age groups, etc. He was spouting out all that traditional crap that sounds good on the
surface, just like In-Search-Of-Excellence-type advice, but in reality it is nothing more than free-flowing
consciousness. When you actually get into the market and start integrating what must be done to make money,
you realize such sound-good, free-flowing consciousness is full of non sequiturs and shallow bromides that just
don't apply to nitty-gritty, sink-or-swim, real-world situations.
"By the way, let me emphasize that it was not Mr. Hoshiba who was proclaiming all that stuff. It was coming from
self-proclaimed authorities in white-collar-hoax businesses. As identified by Mark Hamilton, the average person is
not an integrated thinker. Therefore, he searches for a leader. Thus, intelligent people will come in and proclaim
themselves to be leaders, be it in politics, philosophy, business, and they'll sit there and spout off sound-good
inner logic to workers like Mr. Hoshiba or anyone else. They'll claim, through all kinds of deceptions, that they're
the authority in that given field. But it's just a self-proclaimed thing. They did not dig in and really develop that
area into a red-to-black money-maker. So, they don't know what the hell they're talking about."
John Flint interjected, "It's also a tremendous protection mechanism for the white-collar hoax because they
squelch people that could move up on their own and compete the hell out of them. But, by proclaiming themselves
the authority and that things must be done a certain way, they cut off that competition."
Eric continued. "Sometimes a person can sound really negative, always questioning people and tradition. But you
must realize that this is very important. This is really the way things are. After 3000 years of institutionalized
mysticism, i.e., purposeful deceptions promoted by government, religion, political entrepreneurs,[ 11 ] and others

whose livelihoods are dependent upon deceiving the public, integration after integration has been built upon
foundations that were invalid from the very start. So, to become successful in life, especially in business, you
really do have to fight traditional thinking every step of the way. You cannot afford to just accept standard ways of
doing things. Otherwise, your mind can become polluted. So much out there is built upon false, purposely
deceptive foundations.
"The situation is analogous to the days before the scientific method was developed. The scientific method was a
major breakthrough that allowed science to really take off. Until then, people with clever minds would simply
proclaim themselves authorities in the field of science. They would then start spouting off whatever sounded good
and logical on the surface. But they did not actually go through the disciplines of the scientific method to
rigorously test their ideas to see if they actually worked in reality.
"Today, those same type dynamics are at work in many long-established, entrenched businesses. Just as in the
Dark Ages, when science stood still for a thousand years, you have today, in business and in the professions,
people with clever minds who are proclaiming themselves experts in particular areas. But all their proclaimed
expertise is never directly tested. Bottom-line, red-to-black money figures are not obtained to measure the
validity of their proclamations. Thus, they let loose free-flowing streams of inner logic. Most of that inner logic,
just as in the field of science prior to the enactment of the scientific method, will not hold up in the real world.
Unfortunately, those who do not know better think such self-proclaimed authorities are right because their inner
logic is clever and good-sounding."
Guard Against Good-Sounding Inner Logic
Claude Hopkins, a founder of modern advertising, was a genuine integrated thinker and essence mover in the field
of advertising. Claude Hopkins was not a pseudo, white-collar-hoax "expert." Hopkins pioneered many valid,
money-making advertising concepts still used today. He accomplished this by measuring the bottom-line, money
results of his advertisements through direct-mail and direct-response marketing.
Hopkins stated that most schools and textbooks on advertising are based on totally invalid concepts. He then
stated that by going to college and taking courses by self-proclaimed advertising experts and reading their
textbooks, a student would be set way back. Thus, Hopkins preferred to hire young people who had no college
education. That way, he stated, those young persons could learn from him and his real-world, tested results much
faster. Those young persons started with a blank mind. In contrast, a college graduate came with a mind full of
sound-good but invalid concepts that first had to be overcome before he or she could move forward.
Similarly, a successful entrepreneur and advertising writer today, Gary Halbert, has stated that most advertising
agencies do not directly measure their advertising results through direct response. Thus, their advice and
approaches to advertising are often full of hot air. In fact, Halbert stated that anyone who has gone to college and
taken courses on advertising, or anyone who has read any of the literally thousands of textbooks on advertising
written by professors or white-collar-hoax advertising executives, would have to spend six years with him simply
to undo the damage and get their minds back to ground zero.
Eric experienced a similar phenomenon when he visited Mr. Hoshiba in Japan after Mr. Hoshiba had met with
established advertising agencies and marketing consultants.
Now, stop and think how this situation applies beyond advertising and marketing to all aspects of life. It is a very
disturbing thought. Does a person have to spend six years to unpollute his mind for every college course he has
taken or every textbook he has read on a particular subject? One thing can be stated with certainty: A person has
to question everything in the traditional world if he or she wants to become successful.

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[ 11 ] As identified by Burton W. Folsom, Jr., in his book The Myth of the Robber Barons, two types of entrepreneurs
exist -- political entrepreneurs and market entrepreneurs. Political entrepreneurs seek success through
government grants, subsidies, special privileges, anti-competitive legislation. Market entrepreneurs seek success
by producing increasing values at decreasing cost.
Chapter XIV
The Persistency Concept
Persistency is crucial for achieving success. In business a person must exert persistency to pursue what he
needs until he gets it.
Frank R. Wallace founded Neo-Tech Publishing Company in 1968 by writing, publishing, and marketing the book
Poker, A Guaranteed Income For Life By Using The Advanced Concepts Of Poker. That book revealed an integrated,
disciplined approach to poker strategy. It became the best-selling poker book of all time. That book laid the
objective, non-mystical foundations crucial to the development of many concepts in The Neo-Tech Discovery.
When Frank R. Wallace first submitted his radical work on poker to traditional New York publishers, none showed
interest in the book. So, Wallace decided to publish and market the book himself. He would sell his poker book
through advertisements in newspapers and magazines. Well, in 1968, trying to run an advertisement for a book on
poker was like trying to publish nude pictures in a religious maga-zine. Media after media rejected Wallace's
poker-book ad.
At that point, what else could a self-publisher do? How could one publish and market a book through media
advertisements if no magazine or newspaper would accept the book's advertisement? But, Frank R. Wallace would
not give up. He knew his poker book was a unique and important value. He approached countless magazines,
newspapers, and even advertising agencies. Finally, a newspaper in Texas agreed to run his poker-book ad. The
response to that advertisement was positive. The poker-book ad was in the black.
Once that Texas paper ran the poker-book advertisement, Dr. Wallace went back to the other magazines and
newspapers that had previously rejected his poker ad. Wallace showed those publications his advertisement in the
Texas newspaper. He then explained how that Texas paper had run his advertisement on poker and that there
were no problems. In fact, the advertisement received a very positive response from readers.
Once an advertising manager saw that another publication had accepted the poker-book ad, that advertising
manager would state something like, "Well, if XYZ ran that poker ad and everything was O.K., I guess it'll be O.K. if
we run the ad, too." Thus, several more magazines and newspapers agreed to run Wallace's poker-book
advertisement right after that Texas paper had run it.
Frank R. Wallace then approached other media with his growing list of magazines and newspapers that had
already run his poker-book advertisement. More and more media became willing to run the poker-book ad.
However, the top echelon of media were still not willing to run an advertisement connected with the subject of
gambling. Yet, Wallace especially wanted to advertise his unique, philosophically-oriented poker book in business
publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Barons, Forbes, and others. The concepts in Wallace's poker book
could be applied to business and would appeal to businessmen. So, Frank R. Wallace dug in and became persistent.

He would approach top media and get rejected. Still, he consistently came back a few months later and re-applied,
always exhibiting his growing repertoire of publications that had run his poker-book advertisement.
Over time, every publication Frank R. Wallace wanted to advertise in accepted his poker-book advertisement. In
fact, the dynamics actually reversed. The most established media eventually came chasing after Frank R. Wallace
to run his "poker" advertisement in their publications -- including The Wall Street Journal, Barons, Forbes, and
other top publications. Why did that situation reverse itself? Because Wallace understood and applied The
Persistency Concept.
Almost All New Ideas Are Rejected at First
When a person has a valid, but novel idea, that new idea is usually not only flatly rejected by the establishment, it
is often vehemently opposed. That happened with Frank R. Wallace's poker book in the 1960s. A person's initial
reaction is to think, "Well, that's the end of my idea. I know my idea is valid, but I need the cooperation of others to
make it succeed." But, a situation never has to remain that way. Enormous transformations can happen with
persistency and time.
Juan Trippe and Pan American Airways
Juan Trippe, founder of Pan American Airways, understood the power of persistency. Persistency propelled
Trippe to incredible success and allowed him to reach extraordinary goals. Juan Trippe pioneered international
air travel. His airline, Pan Am, led the industry for decades. Trippe accomplished feats in the airline industry that
were way ahead of their time. He thrust his initial one-plane business into the world leader of international air
travel for over half a century.
Trippe had tremendous foresight. Yet, many people have good foresight. What distinguished Juan Trippe was his
ability to push his foresight to reality. For, just as happens to most people, Trippe's foresighted ideas met
complete rejection at first. To others, Trippe's foresighted ideas appeared outrageous. But, instead of giving in to
resignation, Trippe would keep coming back, tirelessly pursuing his ideas and proposals -- whether this meant
pursuing the management of some company, a group of investors, or government officials. Month after month,
year after year, the objects of Trippe's pursuit began hearing his proposals so often that eventually they wore
down. What at first appeared outrageous, would, after hearing it so many times, begin appearing not outrageous,
but rather familiar.
Trippe pioneered air routes all over the world in the early 1930s. His initial proposals for trans-Pacific, transAtlantic, and trans-South American air routes appeared outrageous at the time. Trippe had to convince investors
to sink money into risky, trial-blazing ventures, had to coerce airplane manufacturers to design and produce
gigantic new airplanes capable of making such long-haul trips, and had to get landing rights from dozens of
extortionist foreign governments. Eventually, Trippe pulled off the most outlandish "schemes" through sheer
Persistency Hammers Down Brick Walls
Why is persistency so powerful? Because persistency in itself tends to validate one's ideas. When a person first
proposes something new, something radical, it will undoubtedly be rejected by traditional minds. Yet, the very
nature of an integrated-thinking, forward-essence mover will constantly lead him or her to new ideas. By
persistently pursuing those ideas, other people grow more and more used to one's ideas. Persistency tones down
and eventually wears out negative reactions to new ideas. And the very act of continuously pursuing an idea over
time tends to self-validate the legitimacy of that idea.
Eric Savage discovered the power of persistency in foreign marketing. Direct mail was a new concept in most
countries. The concept of renting a company's mailing list to another company was alien to most overseas

managers. Thus, the lifeblood of Neo-Tech Publishing's business -- mailing lists -- seemed off-limits overseas. But,
persistency pried open opportunity.
Eric would first approach an overseas company with a proposal to rent their mailing list. Most companies would
reject Eric's offer. They would state something to the effect that there was no way they were going to rent their
precious list of customers to another company. Most managers in overseas companies would sound so emphatic
about their refusal to rent Neo-Tech Publishing their mailing list that an outsider who witnessed the situation
would think it hopeless for Eric to pursue the matter further. However, with persistency over time, a complete
transformation often occurred. Eric simply would not give up.
Eric would not give up pursuing a manager about renting his mailing list because Eric knew he had a valid,
profitable business proposal. No matter how emphatic a manager initially appeared when rejecting Neo-Tech's
offer to rent his company's mailing list, Eric knew that the offer benefited everyone. The list-owner benefited, NeoTech Publishing benefited, the consumers on the mailing list benefited. So, Eric would not give up. Three months
later, six months later, a year later, Eric would always come back to that same manager proposing to rent his
company's mailing list. Eric would do this via letters, phone calls, even direct visits. As a result of Eric's
persistency, what at first appeared new and even weird to an overseas manager began appearing familiar and
comfortable as he heard Eric's proposal again and again. What at first may have appeared to be a fly-by-night
scheme could no longer be viewed as such when Neo-Tech Publishing and its international direct-mail operation
were still around six months later, a year later, two years later.
In addition, Eric would keep presenting a growing list of businesses in that manager's home country that had
already rented their mailing lists to Neo-Tech Publishing. Nothing bad happened to those companies. In fact, those
companies seemed to have profited from the deal. Thus, over time, Eric's image would go from that of a suspected
fly-by-night adventurist to an established, long-time associate.
Persistency Acts as a Natural Selection Mechanism
When a person has a new idea or proposal in business, which a forward-moving integrated thinker will
continuously be developing, he or she is going to meet resistance. A trail blazer is not going to receive success on
a silver platter; he or she is going to have to compete for it. Managers are constantly bombarded with new ideas
and new proposals. Some are trivial; some are wide-scope. A manager does not have the time to test all new ideas
and proposals. A selection mechanism must occur. That selection mechanism usually boils down to whoever or
whatever is most persistent over time.
Failure to understand the power of persistency probably results in more lost opportunities than any other single
factor. When an individual develops a valid idea, the key to successfully implementing that idea is to relentlessly
stick with it. A person may have to back down temporarily, but over time, he or she must keep coming back and
re-presenting that idea. If one's idea or proposal is valid, if it is in red-to-black dynamics, then by exerting
persistency that person will push his idea into acceptance and success. People who fail to get acceptance of their
ideas or proposals often complain the rest of their lives about how they had a great idea, but how no one would
cooperate with them. Such people fail because they do not exert persistency.
The person who carries his or her ideas to success is the one who understands and implements persistency.
Persistency cannot make an invalid idea work. But, persistency will bring a valid idea, a red-to-black proposal, to
fruition. To be a forward-essence mover, to be a successful entrepreneur, one must understand and implement
The Persistency Concept.
A sad, ironic example of The Persistency Concept concerns Pan American Airways. Juan Trippe had fantastic
vision. He accomplished major leaps into the future when he led Pan Am. Pan Am was the first airline to fly across
the Pacific Ocean. This was accomplished in the 1930s, a time when other airlines could not even fly across

America. Pan Am pioneered countless air routes to remote, far-away countries to which no other airline dreamed
of flying.
Juan Trippe was also a catalyst in the design and implementation of the first successful commercial jet airliner,
the Boeing 707. Trippe was responsible for ushering in the jet age in air travel. Trippe's final great feat was to
conceive and supervise the design and production of the giant 747 jet. The 747 was responsible for ushering in
the age of jumbo jets and the resulting boom in international travel. Jumbo jets made international travel
affordable to the masses. Enormous long-range benefits have accrued to the human race as a result of Trippe's
visionary foresight and his persistent effort to bring his visions to reality.
After Juan Trippe's death, Pan Am fell into the hands of second and third generation, black-to-red management.
The airline began losing money. In the mid 1980s, United Airlines, which had now become a more aggressive,
essence-moving airline than Pan Am, approached Pan Am to buy its famed Pacific routes -- the very routes Juan
Trippe pioneered in the 1930s. For decades Pan Am was the premier carrier in the Pacific. The president of United
Airlines described how at first his offer to buy Pan Am's Pacific routes was laughingly rebuked. No one in the
industry could imagine Pan Am giving up its Pacific routes. But, United's president was not going to give up. He
employed The Persistency Concept. Within two years, Pan Am was involved in serious negotiations with United.
Soon afterward, United bought all of Pan Am's Pacific routes.
Ironically, United Airlines acquired Pan Am's Pacific routes by using the same persistency that Juan Trippe had
employed 50 years earlier to pioneer those routes. United Airlines used persistency to relieve the second and
third generation, non-essence-building Pan Am management of their famous Pacific routes.
Chapter XV
"Way-Out, Fringe Ideas"
In Part II of this book, Eric Savage explains how Neo-Tech Publishing Company's expansion into the global market
depended upon managing its newly developing international operations separately from its established, smoothrunning domestic operations. Setting up a separate, low-cost manager (i.e., Eric Savage) who could focus all his
attention upon the fledgling international operations was a key to Neo-Tech's success overseas. Eric calls this the
Separate Operations Concept.
An example given is how a marketing manager can spend an entire day, sometimes even a week, attempting to
acquire one small overseas mailing list. But, Neo-Tech's domestic marketing manager has his hands full in the
fiercely competitive U.S. market. He has to devote his full attention to getting out mailings of 100,000 to 200,000
pieces every week. Neo-Tech's domestic marketing manager simply can not justify spending an entire day or even
an entire week of his time trying to acquire a single 5000-name overseas mailing list.
Eric Savage, on the other hand, started work at Neo-Tech Publishing as a part-time, entry-level employee. Thus,
Eric could afford to spend a day, a week, even a month locating and renting a single, small, overseas mailing list.
Eric was young and enthusiastic. And he was willing to push into integrated thinking and forward-essence
movement wherever he could so Eric devoted himself to testing and nurturing an international marketing
Because Neo-Tech Publishing enacted the Separate Operations Concept, over time Neo-Tech's foreign operations
became enormously successful.
There is a profound concept behind the separate-operations dynamics. Consider how foreign marketing is viewed
by many small businesses as sort of a way-out, fringe idea. If a small company does decide to test foreign
marketing, it usually turns out to be a big drain on management's time and offers only minuscule returns. NeoTech Publishing faced those same obstacles when it first ventured into foreign marketing. But, by employing the

Separate Operations Concept, Neo-Tech's foreign operation not only became very successful, it became a major
profit center. The initially way-out, fringe idea of global marketing developed into Neo-Tech's greatest future
When management understands and openly encourages employees to exert integrated thinking and forwardessence movement, that business will continually be pushing into new frontiers as its workers strive to expand
upon the company's money-making essence. That constant push into new frontiers can build a small business into
a major business.
A business, however, must climb over an initial hump where pursuing a new, way-out area of business, such as
international marketing, is not worthwhile. The solution is to enact the Separate Operations Concept. That is,
separate out that new area of business and put a low-cost, integrated thinker in charge of it. That person must be
enthusiastic about integrating the development of his career with the development of that new, fledgling operation.
Such dynamics apply to almost any new area of business, particularly way-out, fringe areas of business. Way-out
ideas can grow into enormous opportunities if they can be made to work, but few entrepreneurs ever get around
to really focusing on "blue-sky" avenues of new, untapped business. They sense, consciously or subconsciously,
that the investment required is not worthwhile. They cannot justify spending their precious time on way-out,
fringe-idea experiments. Their day-to-day money-making demands are too pressing.
Without understanding the Separate Operations Concept, a seemingly impenetrable wall can block a business from
successfully expanding beyond its initial essence. That business can grow vertically, but it may never be able to
expand horizontally. Yet, it is horizontal expansion from which empire-building growth sprouts.
In contrast, little Neo-Tech Publishing applied the Separate Operations Concept to successfully build its foreign
operations. In a short time, new opportunities began arising from within the foreign area itself. Once again, NeoTech Publishing could not afford to pursue those new, fringe areas of business without employing the Separate
Operations Concept all over again. For, the new opportunities would have sapped precious time and energy from
Neo-Tech's foreign marketing manager, Eric Savage. But, once again, those new opportunities held enormous
long-range potential.
The African Opportunity
Soon after Eric Savage got Neo-Tech Publishing's international marketing program rolling along, he discovered
what he called the African Opportunity. Other than in South Africa, Neo-Tech Publishing was not able to market The
Neo-Tech Discovery to African countries. First, African countries were desperately poor. Second, those countries
had severe exchange control regulations. In many African countries simply sending money out of the country is
punishable by harsh prison terms. Still, Neo-Tech Publishing received a handful of orders from elite professionals
and businessmen in various African countries. Such persons had the ability to send U.S.-dollar payments to NeoTech Publishing. The reaction to The Neo-Tech Discovery from that handful of African customers was very
Neo-Tech Publishing realized that the nature of people in African countries, people who are oppressed by
totalitarian governments, causes them to respond very positively to the anti-mystical, anti-external-authority
concepts of Neo-Tech. Thus, Eric arranged to run a small ad in a Nigerian newspaper offering to send information
about The Neo-Tech Discovery to those who wrote Neo-Tech Publishing. Never in Neo-Tech Publishing's history
was such a tremendous response to an advertisement received. Thousands of replies were received from that
single small ad. The problem was that none of those Nigerians had the means to pay for Neo-Tech books. And, if a
Nigerian did have money to buy a Neo-Tech book, he could be jailed simply for sending payment to Neo-Tech
Publishing because of Nigerian exchange control regulations.

However, Neo-Tech Publishing decided that it could not give up pursuing African markets. The response was too
high from that Nigerian advertisement and the continent of Africa too large. So, Eric formulated an idea. He wrote
a form letter and sent it to all the Nigerians who had responded to Neo-Tech's ad. The letter stated that Neo-Tech
Publishing understood their problem of not being able to pay for The Neo-Tech Discovery. The letter went on to
explain that Neo-Tech Publishing would be willing to make a trade with them in order for them to have the
opportunity to acquire books from Neo-Tech Publishing. The letter proposed that they send Neo-Tech a piece of
African art, such as a wood carving. Neo-Tech Publishing would then send them a book in return. The letter was
mailed out. Two months later, hundreds of wood carvings from Nigeria began arriving at Neo-Tech Publishing.
Neo-Tech Publishing, however, was not making any money from those trades. The only way for Neo-Tech to earn
money would be to take those wood carvings to a swap meet, set up a stand, and sell them. But, Eric, who was now
running a large, demanding international operation, could not afford the time to set up and man a table at a swap
meet to sell those wood carvings. Yet, the African market, if integrated out to its fullest potential, represented a
gigantic virgin market for Neo-Tech Publishing.
Once again, without the Separate Operations Concept, the African market was only a way-out, fringe idea that the
management of Neo-Tech Publishing could not afford to pursue.
On the other hand, by applying the Separate Operations Concept, Eric was able to appoint an enthusiastic, entrylevel employee to take charge of and pursue the African market. This new, enthusiastic worker could afford to
spend his time selling art pieces at swap meets in the hope of nurturing the African market into a red-to-black
Behind the Iron Curtain
Another potentially lucrative business opportunity that surfaced once Eric Savage got Neo-Tech Publishing's
international operations rolling along was the idea of penetrating Neo-Tech behind Iron-Curtain communist
countries. At that time, communism had not yet begun crumbling. It was already known that citizens in communist
countries went wild over American products smuggled in on the black market. Similarly, the Bible, which had been
banned in most communist countries, had a huge black-market network that smuggled in copies by the millions.
The repressed people in communist countries would likely respond quite positively to the enlightening Neo-Tech
concepts. Such people were exposed firsthand to blatant value destruction caused by neocheaters. Their
exposure to Neo-Tech could act as a catalyst. And communist countries represented over one-third of the world's
Eric Savage, however, could not spend his time pursuing such way-out, far-flung ideas. He was running a rapidly
expanding international program. He could not fly off to Eastern Europe to spend time trying to set up smuggling
networks into communist countries like some kind of James Bond. On the other hand, by applying the Separate
Operations Concept, those communist markets could be pursued.
One Neo-Tech Publishing worker was a Vietnamese refugee. He very much wanted to work at disseminating NeoTech books into Vietnam. Likewise, Neo-Tech Publishing had a number of customers who had escaped from
communist countries and who now wanted to work at disseminating Neo-Tech books into their former homelands.
Although the idea of smuggling Neo-Tech books into communist countries seemed really way-out in the traditional
business world, something no other established company would consider doing, it was still an idea that was
realistic. And it could pay off enormously if successful. So, Neo-Tech Publishing began investigating ways to
market Neo-Tech books into communist countries by whatever means possible.
Low-cost translations for communist country editions of The Neo-Tech Discovery were begun. Thus, when
communism did begin falling in Europe a short time later, Neo-Tech Publishing was there on the ground floor. Good
inroads into Yugoslavia and Hungary had already been made. While other multinational corporations were still

trying to make contact with bureaucrats and lawyers in former communist countries to inquire about doing
business there, Neo-Tech Publishing was already up and profiting. Neo-Tech was poised to make similar inroads
into Red China and Russia as well. Some day, former communist countries could become Neo-Tech's largest
The Encyclopedia Britannica Technique
Another example of the "way-out, fringe idea" concept is what Neo-Tech Publishing called the Encyclopedia
Britannica Technique. John Flint and Eric Savage had made a trip to South America. John happened to meet an
Encyclopedia Britannica representative in Venezuela. He learned that throughout South America consumers are
used to door-to-door salesmen selling all kinds of items ranging from clothes to books. The customer will make a
purchase on a payment plan. For many weeks a door-to-door salesman will come to that customer's house and
collect a small installment payment. That way relatively poor consumers can purchase many things.
Throughout South America Encyclopedia Britannica has salesmen that go door to door doing exactly that. If the
large, expensive Encyclopedia Britannica can be successfully sold door to door in South America, The Neo-Tech
Discovery can certainly be sold door to door in South America. Thus, door to door sales in South America
represent real potential. But, once again, Eric Savage could not afford to fly off to South America and spend
months going door to door learning how to make direct sales work. Eric would then have to set up, train, and
manage a network of salesmen. But, employing the Separate Operations Concept, Neo-Tech Publishing recruited
an enthusiastic Costa Rican lady to pursue that area on her own. She did so with minimum resources, always
trying to make those dynamics go from red to black. Someday, door-to-door sales in South America could build
into a lucrative market for Neo-Tech Publishing.
Continually Develop and Pursue Way-Out, Fringe Ideas
to Build Larger-Than-Life Opportunity
The African example, the Iron Curtain example, and the Encyclopedia Britannica example are three way-out, fringe
ideas that revealed themselves once Eric Savage got involved in international marketing. Similar way-out, fringe
ideas continually develop in other areas of Neo-Tech Publishing. Armed with the Separate Operations Concept,
Neo-Tech Publishing will be able to pursue such way-out, yet lucrative, opportunities. That, in turn, will ensure
future horizontal growth for Neo-Tech.
Managements that do not pursue new avenues of growth will eventually stagnate. Their companies, at some point
in time, will become outmoded. Yet, formulating new ideas for business growth is not difficult. Such ideas will
naturally develop in the minds of integrated-thinking, forward-essence movers. But, a manager must know how to
successfully pursue those new ideas.
If a businessperson does not understand how to pursue way-out, fringe ideas, he or she will not become an empire
builder. Unfortunately, most businessmen do not know how to successfully pursue way-out, fringe ideas. They do
not understand how to promote integrated thinking and forward-essence movement in others, and they have not
identified the Separate Operations Concept. Even very successful entrepreneurs are often blind to those concepts
as Eric Savage discovered when he first began pursuing foreign marketing. Eric had met many successful
entrepreneurs who had attempted foreign marketing and then gave up in defeat.
By understanding integrated thinking, forward-essence movement, and the Separate Operations Concept, a
person will acquire the tools to successfully pursue way-out, fringe ideas. That will assure open-ended, horizontal
growth. He or she will then be able to build a value-producing empire.



Chapter XVI
The Money-Essence Concepts of
Global Business
Part A
The next three chapters give a condensed account of Eric Savage's international business experience at Neo-Tech
Publishing Company. As Eric pushed out into a worldwide business mode, he uncovered many important concepts
and powerful techniques. Those same concepts and techniques can be applied by almost anyone to push almost
any kind of business worldwide. Eric's experience demonstrates how to use integrated thinking and forwardessence movement to capture global power and wealth.
The Idea Stage
Eric Savage was a young college student when he first started working at Neo-Tech Publishing Company. Neo-Tech
Publishing was a small business that sold books on philosophy, psychology, and business through direct mail. Eric
started part-time in an entry-level position. Essentially all of Neo-Tech's marketing was done in the United States.
One of Eric's tasks was to record book orders onto daily tally sheets. After several months, Eric noticed that
orders from overseas trickled in on a consistent basis. So, he decided to calculate the percentage of foreign
orders Neo-Tech received. Neo-Tech's domestic mail-order business averaged a 1% response rate. That is, for
every 1000 brochures mailed, 10 orders were received. Eric discovered that many mailing lists Neo-Tech
Publishing mailed to had about 50 to 100 foreign addresses in them. By keeping track of foreign addresses mailed
and foreign orders received, Eric found that the percentage of foreign orders received was almost twice the
percentage of domestic orders. That is, for every 1000 brochures mailed to foreign addresses, approximately 20
orders were received. Thus, foreign marketing showed real red-to-black potential. Management encouraged Eric
to investigate overseas mailings further.
Later, Eric discovered the reason why the percentage of orders from foreign customers was so high. The reason
is because the United States is the single largest consumer market in the world. It is also the most competitive
consumer market in the world. Thus, almost any product or service that succeeds in America can succeed
overseas. In fact, American products are often more competitive in markets overseas than they are at home. That
is why foreign marketing represents such a golden opportunity.
Getting Valuable Leads
Although Eric was young and inexperienced, he began to break out of a following mode at work. Eric began to think
and act on his own. "How can I make foreign marketing become a viable, money-making activity?" Eric wondered.
For the first time, Eric began to push beyond merely performing tasks at work that someone else had already
devised and set up. Eric actually began formulating, through his own thinking, new actions to take in pursuit of
foreign marketing. First, Eric set out to acquire as much information about foreign marketing as he could. He

started by phoning Neo-Tech Publishing's already established contacts in the direct-mail industry. Eric talked with
mailing-list brokers, direct-mail consultants, mailing-list owners, direct-mail companies, publishers. Eric would
get any information they might have about overseas direct mail and overseas mailing lists.
That initial forward-essence push led to many interesting contacts. For example, Eric learned that several leading
business magazines had sizable numbers of foreign subscribers on their mailing lists. So, Eric arranged with
several magazines to rent their foreign addresses and to mail Neo-Tech's direct-mail brochure to those
addresses. The results of those mailings were in the black. Eric now knew that it was possible to market NeoTech's books abroad. Those initial direct-mail tests proved that red-to-black dynamics were possible.
The "Pick-Their-Brains" Technique
Eric discovered the enormous value of calling other people to get information and leads when first pursuing a new
area of business (see Chapter II.) Young Eric knew nothing about international direct mail when he started
investigating that subject. In fact, Eric did not even know that much about Neo-Tech's core business of direct-mail
publishing. Fortunately, it was suggested to Eric that he phone Neo-Tech's contacts in the industry to try and get
any information they might have about international direct mail.
Well, in just a few days of phoning around and "picking the brains" of Neo-Tech's direct-mail contacts -- asking for
any information they might have about foreign marketing and international direct mail -- Eric began developing an
understanding about international direct mail and what services were available. In addition, Eric received
numerous leads for other persons to contact for additional information. After following up on those leads, Eric had
actually acquired pieces of expertise on the subject of international direct mail.
As mentioned in "The Pick-Their-Brains Technique", Chapter II, whenever Eric ventured into a new area of
business, whether it concerned foreign marketing, color printing, currency exchange, brochure writing, media
advertising, or some other activity, he would first spend time calling and picking-the-brains of any person he
could think of related to that area of business. Time and again, Eric found the pick-their-brains technique a highly
leverage tool.
The Value of Face-to-Face Meetings
A valuable complement to the technique of making contacts and "picking their brains" is that of personal, face-toface meetings. The level of information gleaned from the "pick-their-brains" technique can be multiplied severalfold when a meeting takes place in person rather than over the telephone. However, it is seldom practical to meet
in person with every contact. It takes too much time and contacts can be spread out across the country and
across the world. But, a person should keep in mind that it can be very valuable to meet in person with one's most
important contacts. Contacts who have been exceptionally helpful over the telephone may be worth meeting in
person, even if they reside out-of-state or out of the country.
Eric discovered, during his travels abroad, that a certain personal rapport develops when meeting a person faceto-face. A person will open up much more during a personal, face-to-face meeting. Deeper levels of information,
contacts, and cooperation are almost always obtained during face-to-face meetings.
Exploring International Opportunities
When Eric Savage began exploring international opportunities, he learned that international direct mail was very
rare. Only a few major publishers practiced international direct marketing. There appeared to be little opportunity
for overseas direct marketing because few foreign mailing lists were available.

Direct mail had not yet really begun as an industry in foreign countries. There were almost no mailing-list brokers
outside of America. Nevertheless, Eric discovered that there were a few suitable mailing lists to be had abroad.
These lists were not available through traditional channels of going to a mailing-list broker. Instead, Eric had to
track down individual companies overseas that had built their own mailing lists through their own media
advertising. Those lists could then be used for marketing Neo-Tech's books overseas.
Eric began a program to locate foreign mailing lists by looking through foreign magazines and newspapers. Eric
would clip out any direct-response advertisements. Those advertisers had to have mailing lists of customers
since they were selling goods via the mail.
Eric then sent a letter to each advertiser. He would ask if Neo-Tech Publishing could rent their mailing list. Eric
would follow up each letter with a phone call several weeks later.
Since many foreign managers Eric spoke to had never heard of mailing-list rentals, Eric would explain in his
follow-up phone call how American direct-marketing companies make up to 25% of their profits from mailing-list
rentals. Eric would then state how direct-marketing is a major growth industry worldwide and that mailing-list
rentals would become more and more important to businesses in their country as well. This often led to the
manager agreeing to rent his company's mailing-list to Neo-Tech Publishing. And this would establish a permanent
business relationship between Neo-Tech Publishing and that overseas company. Neo-Tech would continue to rent
that company's mailing list in the future as they generated new customers.
Glean Information from Those
Who Are Already Successful
When talking to the manager of an overseas mail-order company, Eric would always ask that manager if he knew
of any other direct-mail advertisers within his country. This led to innumerable and extremely valuable
recommendations. Even if a manager would not rent his own company's mailing list to Neo-Tech, that manager
often would be an invaluable source of leads for other direct-response companies. For, a manager is usually
aware of most other companies within his country that are in his line of business. Eric would then con-tact those
other mail-order companies recommended to him.
The Name-Dropping Technique -A Powerful Credibility Booster
Eric found that whenever he approached a new contact, if he mentioned the name of the person who had
recommended that contact to him, Eric was immediately treated much more seriously. Eric was then associated
with someone who was known and usually trusted. Thus, the reserved manner that initially exists between
strangers upon initial contact was more quickly overcome. When a person associates a stranger with someone he
or she already knows and trusts, that person is much more cooperative and willing to help out that stranger.
Name-dropping is simple to do. Yet, too often individuals overlook the opportunity to effectively use this tool. A
business person should always remember to use this technique whenever appropriate.
The Separate Operations Concept
Eric found that he would have to spend many hours tracking down and then negotiating to rent a single foreign
mailing list. But, because such a mailing list was seldom rented out to other companies, the response Neo-Tech
Publishing pulled was usually very high. Thus, Neo-Tech's profit margin on overseas mailings was excellent. NeoTech's little foreign mailings were definitely in the black. That was the key point.

At the same time, Neo-Tech's domestic marketing manager was running a big and demanding U.S. operation. The
U.S. business operated under completely different dynamics than the foreign business. The direct-mail industry
and mailing-list rental business in America is large and established. Scores of mailing lists are readily available
for rental in America by going to any one of many professional list brokers. Thus, a direct marketer's key to
success in America is a competitive focus on renting other direct-mail companies' most recent names before
competitors, on new and improved marketing techniques, on demographics, on computer selectivity, and on
numerous other competitive and technical factors. Neo-Tech Publishing's domestic marketing manager simply
could not afford to spend an entire day or an entire week arranging to rent a small, 5000-name foreign mailing
list when he was working feverishly to get a 200,000 name mailing in the mail each week in a race against
In contrast, Eric had no such pressures. He could afford to spend all his time, including evenings and weekends,
experimenting with foreign marketing -- trying to locate and then negotiating to rent small, but highly-responsive,
foreign mailing lists. To Eric, such time-consuming investigations to land small, but highly-responsive foreign
mailing lists was a great experience that could lead to something big.
Once Neo-Tech Publishing began renting and mailing foreign lists, Eric had to investigate and test the most costeffective methods to mail overseas. Eric tested re-mailers, surface mail, printing and mailing within overseas
countries. At the same time, a whole new payment-acceptance system had to be set up at Neo-Tech Publishing.
Neo-Tech had to set up foreign bank accounts to accept foreign currency checks. Eric had to devise and
implement a separate product-fulfillment system because the high-volume, streamlined domestic orderprocessing system could not be bogged down by the time-consuming procedures required for processing a
foreign order. Eric had to hire and train a part-time worker to handle the customized order-processing necessary
for foreign orders. All of this had to be done so that a little 5000-name overseas mailing list could be mailed. But,
as mentioned, the key point was that foreign marketing was in red-to-black dynamics.
Eric soon identified a concept crucial to launching an international program: The Separate Operations Concept.
Eric realized that the only way to enable the successful development of international marketing was to clearly
separate the foreign operations from the domestic operations. Neo-Tech's foreign business required a separate
marketing manager and a separate order-processing and order-fulfillment system.
The following example demonstrates the importance of the Separate Operations Concept. A very successful,
aggressive direct-mail entrepreneur whom Neo-Tech had dealt with for years decided to expand his direct-mail
business into England. After a few months that entrepreneur gave up his overseas marketing in disgust. He said
that he could make ten times the return on his time by focusing his efforts in the U.S. rather than in England. From
his traditional approach, he was correct. For, as discussed above, a marketing executive would have to spend just
as much time to get a 5000-name U.K. mailing list as he would to get a 500,000-name U.S. mailing list.
In addition, once that entrepreneur's overseas marketing began, it clogged up his company's entire domestic
operations. He had an extremely efficient, streamlined U.S. operation that processed thousands of orders daily
without a hitch. Suddenly, his order-processing and fulfillment system was thrown into disarray because a few
foreign orders came in that required different computer formats, different banking facilities, different fulfillment
Thus, from that entrepreneur's traditional approach, his decision to abandon foreign marketing was correct. But,
Neo-Tech Publishing identified the Separate Operations Concept. By separating out Neo-Tech's fledgling foreign
operation, Neo-Tech's highly demanding and efficient domestic operation was not bogged down. And, Eric, a young
worker making an entry-level salary, was put in charge of pursing foreign marketing. The complicated, small-time
foreign business was kept out of the way of Neo-Tech's large, streamlined domestic business.

If, however, Neo-Tech's domestic marketing manager had to run the foreign marketing program, he probably
would have done some initial testing and concluded, like the entrepreneur just mentioned, that foreign marketing
simply was not worthwhile pursuing when the same amount of time and resources invested in domestic marketing
would yield much higher returns.
Thus, Eric persevered as Neo-Tech's unofficial International Marketing Director. He diligently worked to build
increasing red-to-black dynamics within the foreign marketing program.
Failure to identify the Separate Operations Concept led another mail-order company with whom Neo-Tech
Publishing dealt with to failure overseas. That company was large and mailed several million direct-mail pieces
every month. They decided the time was right to expand into the European market. So, its marketing director
travelled to Europe, investigated the direct-marketing industry, did several test mailings, and promptly gave up.
Why? His test mailings were profitable. But, he stated that he would have to spend twice the man hours to achieve
half the volume as he would working on marketing projects in America. So, his time was better spent developing
new marketing projects in the U.S.
On the other hand, if that marketing director had recruited an enthusiastic worker willing to exert integrated
thinking and forward-essence movement, and then given that worker the go-ahead to test foreign marketing,
trying to slowly but consistently build red-to-black business, that company could have been in an entirely different
situation today. Unfortunately, that company's marketing director did not make the identification of keeping
foreign operations separate from domestic operations. So, that marketing director, like the entrepreneur in the
previous example, expressed frustration with overseas marketing and promptly abandoned it. "I don't want to
waste any more time in those limited overseas markets!" he exclaimed. But that was an enormous long-range
Neo-Tech Publishing, on the other hand, gave Eric the green light to pursue foreign marketing. Thus, large
amounts of Neo-Tech's valuable management time was not consumed experimenting with foreign marketing. And,
the small overseas tests Eric carried out for Neo-Tech Publishing did not cost a lot of money. In addition, Eric's
pay was not much above minimum wage.
Eric Savage, a young and dedicated worker, was capable and willing to exert the integrated effort required to do
forward-essence movement. (See Integrated Thinking: The Essence of Power And Wealth, Chapter V). Eric was
open to maximum creativity and improvising -- two traits crucial when pioneering a new area of business.
Managers in large, established companies, on the other hand, tend to have a "You can't do that because it's never
been done that way before," attitude. This limits innovative, integrated-thinking.
As Eric pursued international marketing, he was faced with a pioneering situation. There were not established
mailing list brokers overseas who could organize a direct-mail campaign. So, Eric got creative. As mentioned, Eric
acquired foreign magazines and clipped out direct response advertisements. Then he wrote those advertisers a
letter introducing Neo-Tech Publishing Company and asking to rent their mailing lists. Next, Eric would phone the
marketing manager of each company. "If your mailing list works for us, I will recommend your mailing list to other
direct-mail companies," Eric would state. "Direct-mail and mailing-list rentals are a growing business worldwide.
"Get into the action now and you will reap a very profitable business advantage before your competition."
Eric began to develop real negotiating power. His introductory letters and follow-up phone calls would initiate a
rapport with managers of overseas companies. In addition, Eric had a powerful advantage on his side: most
foreigners like the idea of doing business with an overseas company, especially an American company. It is
something different, exciting, worldly, and genuinely informative. Eric would play on that advantage. For example,
in his follow-up phone call to an overseas company, Eric would announce that he was calling from America. Then,
in addition to reviewing the points in his introductory letter about renting mailing lists, Eric would talk about what

the direct-mail business is like in America, industry norms, even cultural factors. Eric would then ask that
manager questions about the direct-mail business in his country. Managers Eric spoke with were usually flattered
by Eric's attention and would open up. They liked dealing with an overseas businessman. And, Eric usually acquired
valuable information from those overseas managers -- information that Neo-Tech Publishing could use in its
American operations.
Imagine a manager in a small American company. He never does business with an overseas company. "That's only
for the big guys," he thinks. Then, one day, an interesting letter arrives from a foreign company wanting to do
some business with his company. Next, that manager receives a phone call from that overseas company. Then he
does some profitable business with that overseas company. It's exciting, different, and a genuine learning
experience for that manager.
After Eric had been pursuing international marketing for about a year, Neo-Tech's foreign business began to really
pick up. Eric started working full-time in the foreign area and was building a solid international structure for NeoTech Publishing. Next, Eric decided to invest the profits Neo-Tech had made from foreign marketing back into the
business via taking overseas trips. Eric's first trip was to attend a marketing convention in Switzerland. Although
the trip was expensive, costing several thousand dollars, it paid for itself right away. By having person-to-person
meetings, Eric was able to line up several good mailing lists. Those mailing lists paid for the trip by the profits they
Eric discovered several important factors during his first overseas trip. The effect of a visiting American
businessman on foreigners is excellent. Most managers were excited to have an American businessman visit
them. First, Eric met with companies that were already renting their mailing lists to Neo-Tech Publishing. Eric
informed each manager beforehand that he would be visiting that manager's country and would like to meet with
him. When Eric met with individuals in person, communication really opened up. Eric would talk in-depth about
Neo-Tech's operation. Often, by the end of a meeting, Eric would end up with a special deal that he would never
have gotten without personal contact. For example, marketing managers sometimes agreed to rent Neo-Tech
Publishing their brand-new customer names each month as they were generated. That would mean a tremendous
increase in response rates for Neo-Tech Publishing and would do wonders for Neo-Tech's profit margin. Through
overseas trips, Eric began building lasting international business foundations.
During such in-person meetings, Eric would probe each contact even further for recommendations of all other
companies in his own country that might have mailing lists. Many more leads were generated this way. Eric would
then rush back to his hotel and call each recommended company. This had a good effect. Eric would explain "I'm an
American visiting your country, and Mr. Valentin of XYZ company recommended I call you." Eric would then state
that he would like to visit them. Most managers Eric phoned were happy to meet with Eric. And, with such a
personal visit, Eric's success rate increased dramatically when he requested to rent a company's mailing list.
During his trips abroad, Eric would also call on those companies that had turned down his proposals to rent their
mailing lists. When Eric met with a manager in person he was usually able to exchange good general information.
And, by the end of his face-to-face meeting, some of those managers would end up agreeing to rent their mailing
lists to Neo-Tech Publishing after all. A face-to-face meeting builds a special trust that letters and phone calls
cannot do.
While visiting a foreign country, Eric would also visit trade associations such as the Chamber of Commerce, the
Direct Marketing Association, the Advertising Association, and so on. Trade associations can recommend
companies to contact related to almost any industry. Eric would get many recommendations of companies related

to direct mail. Eric would then call up and talk with the managers of those companies. That way, Eric would get a
feel for the entire direct-mail industry within a particular country.
Eric discovered that his first, expensive overseas trip was a great investment with both immediate and long-range
payoffs. Eric had made contact with a number of European mailing list owners. In addition, Eric received many
recommendations of other European companies to contact who also had good mailing lists. Neo-Tech Publishing's
foreign business picked up dramatically after Eric's trip.
Because Eric exerted integrated thinking and forward-essence movement, he was able to locate foreign mailing
lists and negotiate to rent them when, to other direct marketing executives, it appeared that almost no overseas
mailing lists existed for rental. Some very seasoned American businessmen had given up their pursuit of overseas
direct mail. In contrast, Eric persistently exerted integrated thinking and forward essence movement. Thus, he
began locating overseas mailing lists by the creative methods mentioned. As a result, Neo-Tech's shoe-string
foreign business began generating substantial profits.
If Someone Else Can't Do It for You,
Then Do It Yourself
Neo-Tech Publishing's blossoming success in foreign marketing led to another powerful identification. Eric
realized that it did not matter if no established direct-mail industry existed overseas. It did not matter that almost
no mailing list brokers existed outside America. Other American companies that had investigated direct marketing
overseas, upon learning that no established mailing-list industry existed, concluded "If I can't rent mailing lists,
then I can't do direct marketing overseas." In contrast, Eric discovered a crucial, forward-essence concept: If
someone else can't do it for you, then exert integrated thinking to do it yourself. Eric became his own international
list broker by building up his own network of mailing-list owners. Since foreign list brokers did not exist to supply
Neo-Tech Publishing's needs, Eric fulfilled those needs himself. The rewards were great.
True, Eric experienced much initial frustration by not having list brokers available overseas from whom to rent
mailing lists. Eric had to spend a lot more time and effort to locate and obtain foreign mailing lists himself. But,
Eric discovered that he could indeed locate and rent foreign mailing lists himself. And, such mailing lists were
usually virgin lists. No outside company had ever rented those lists before. As a result, such mailing lists drew
exceptionally high rates of response. Over time, Eric's repertoire of foreign mailing lists became significant. NeoTech's foreign operation began to reap profits that rivalled its domestic operation. Eric found that he had a mighty
business blossoming under him.
Summary of Crucial Points
Regardless of the line of business a company is in, when it first investigates foreign marketing, it will often find
that traditional avenues of business overseas just do not exist like they do in America. But, like Neo-Tech
Publishing, that company should not give up on overseas marketing. Instead, that company should appoint an
enthusiastic worker willing to exert integrated thinking and forward-essence movement as its international
marketing manager. That international manager's whole focus should be on developing foreign markets. That
manager can even be a young, low-cost employee. His or her pay can be tied to the success of the international
marketing program. That way expenses will not kill a company's fledgling foreign program.
Over time, as that foreign manager continues to focus on international marketing, he or she will accumulate
increasing knowledge, make valuable contacts, and increasingly pry open opportunities. A momentum will build.
One day, a company will find itself rolling along and profiting enormously from foreign business.

Consider how other seasoned American businessmen had stated to Eric Savage that overseas business was not
worthwhile. So, why was Neo-Tech successful? Because Neo-Tech Publishing applied the Separate Operations
Concept. Neo-Tech's domestic marketing manager was left free to pursue the highly-competitive U.S. market,
while Eric was left free to integrate all his time and energy with developing foreign markets.
Those other American businessmen were not wrong in their initial assessment of overseas markets, for they
were managing a very large and demanding American operation. They simply could not justify flying off to Europe
to negotiate in person to generate a small business deal. But, those businessmen failed in not identifying the
Separate Operations Concept. If they had identified the Separate Operations Concept, they would have set up an
enthusiastic and dedicated worker to pursue foreign marketing. That would have avoided bogging down the
management of their domestic businesses. And, with a dedicated worker persistently pursuing foreign markets, a
momentum would have steadily begun building.
As a company's foreign business continues to pick up momentum that company will suddenly find that the foreign
market is where its greatest future potential lies. What at first may have appeared to be a limited market or even
a non-existent market, will eventually blossom to its full, dynamic potential. For, the American market represents
only one-quarter of the world's market. Three-quarters of the world's market is overseas. Thus, the company that
gets its foot in the door overseas will one day find that most of its future growth potential lies in the enormous
global market. That is exactly what happened to Neo-Tech Publishing. Those exciting dynamics will inevitably
happen to any company that establishes a separate, low-cost foreign manager to relentlessly pursue foreign
Meanwhile, at Neo-Tech Publishing Company, young Eric continued to push his integrated thinking and forwardessence movement out in all directions. His negotiating skills grew, his money-making skills grew, and Neo-Tech's
foreign business grew.
Chapter XVII
The Money-Essence Concepts of
Global Business
Part B
Eric was still attending college part-time when he took his first overseas trip. Thus, Eric asked a classmate to take
notes for him. When Eric's classmate learned that Eric was going to Europe on business, that student's mouth
dropped open. "Who are you, some kind of Donald-Trump tycoon!" he replied.
No, Eric was not a tycoon. He was not even a bright student. But, Eric dug in and focused on doing integrated
thinking and forward-essence movement in his job. Eric focussed on making his little area at work go from red to
black. Once a business activity is in the black, then the whole world can become its market.
Shortly after Eric's first European trip, he learned that a direct marketing convention was going to be held in
Sydney, Australia. Eric decided to attend. In fact, he arranged a circle Pacific trip which took him throughout the
Pacific -- to Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Japan. Eric embarked on the learning experience of a
lifetime. That trip cost over $7000. Eric could have never afforded that trip personally. But, Eric knew that he
could garner profits right away from such an investment simply by uncovering new business opportunities as a
result of visiting those countries.
Eric's first stop was Australia. Australia was a profitable little market for Neo-Tech Publishing. Although the
number and size of mailing lists in Australia was small, the mailing lists that did exist were exceptionally

Eric's stay in Australia proved successful. His blitz for mailing lists produced excellent results. But, when Eric
visited the Oriental countries, he uncovered few mailing lists. So, Eric hunted out information and contacts even
remotely related to direct mail. He visited lettershops, printers, publishers. This had important long-range
benefits. Seeking general business knowledge overseas opens the mind to new avenues of thinking. Even if such
information is not immediately applicable to one's business, it can lead to new integrations in the future. A
stunning example of this occurred when Eric visited Singapore. Eric met with the advertising director of Accent
magazine. Accent is a magazine sent to Visa cardholders in Singapore. Eric explained Neo-Tech's direct-mail
business to that advertising director. Eric then proposed to rent the Visa cardholder mailing list. But, the
advertising director was adamant that Visa would not release their mailing list. However, that advertising director
showed Eric a copy of Accent magazine and a loose-insert advertisement the magazine contained. The advertising
director then explained that Neo-Tech Publishing could insert its entire direct-mail brochure in Accent magazine
as a loose insert.
Loose-insert advertising is not done in American magazines because most magazines are sold via subscription.
The U.S. Post Office allows a magazine to be mailed with just an address label on its cover -- the magazine does
not have to be placed inside an envelope. Therefore, loose inserts would fall out in the mail. But, most foreign post
offices require magazines to be mailed inside an envelope or wrap. Therefore, loose inserts can be placed in those
magazines since they will not fall out in the mail.
Eric was skeptical about this form of advertising. The advertiser had to pay for the printing of the inserts, in
addition to an advertising fee. But, Eric decided to test a loose insert in Singapore's Accent magazine.
That loose-insert test proved profitable. Thus, loose inserts in magazines opened up a whole new way to generate
overseas customers. By negotiating low prices, Eric was also able to get magazine insert advertising to go from
red to black in Australia, England, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and South Africa.
Break Out of Your Comfort Zone
Eric realized that when a person gets out of his office and travels abroad, he breaks out of his daily routine.
Traveling abroad pushes a person out of his or her comfort zone. That individual greatly expands his or her
heliocentric-like perspectives as a result. For example, during Eric's Asian trip he met with marketers and
advertisers in countries on the other side of the world. These were people who had different cultures and
different ways of doing business. An immediate payoff was discovering and developing magazine insert
advertising. That was just one example of how obtaining an expanded, heliocentric-like perspective can open up
completely new avenues of opportunity.
After Eric's Asian trip, Neo-Tech's international business began to increase significantly. But, it was still limited to
English-speaking countries and English-speaking businessmen in foreign-language countries. This amounted to a
fairly sizable volume of global business. But, that amount of business was tiny compared to the potential of
foreign-language business -- especially in major, non-English- speaking countries such as Germany and Japan.
Such overseas markets made England and Australia seem small by comparison.
Beware of Experts
Over time, Eric had met with several international marketing consultants in America and Europe. Eric also
attended several marketing conventions and listened to top marketing executives give presentations about
overseas marketing. Essentially all marketing experts claimed that if a company markets English-language
publications internationally, there is no need to have its publications translated into foreign languages. English is
the international business language. The marketing experts reasoned that most businessmen and educated

foreigners can read English. Thus, they advised publishers against translating and printing foreign-language
But, at about that same time, an enthusiastic customer contacted Neo-Tech Publishing about the possibility of
translating the Neo-Tech bookset into French. This customer lived in the French-speaking Canadian province of
Quebec. Unfortunately, having listened to the so-called experts, Eric was fooled by their sound-good advice. Thus,
Eric was not very enthusiastic about paying for a French-language Neo-Tech translation and printing. Also, France
at that time pulled the lowest response rate of all European countries. In fact, the response rate from France was
so below that of other European countries that whenever Neo-Tech Publishing mailed to a European mailing list,
Eric pulled off all French addresses. Neo-Tech Publishing had stopped mailing to France altogether.
But, John Flint, Neo-Tech's chairman, decided to go ahead and invest in the French-language translation. In order
to disseminate the Neo-Tech philosophy to as many individuals as possible. However, Eric doubted that translating
the Neo-Tech bookset into French would be profitable.
The Experts Were Dead Wrong
The French translation turned out to be one of the best investments Neo-Tech Publishing ever made. What a
surprise! French-language brochures were mailed to addresses in France that had been pulled off of previous
mailing lists because their response rate had been so low. When mailed a French-language offer, the response
rate from France shot up to the highest level of all the European countries -- even higher than England. The
experts were dead wrong.
Next, Eric traveled to Paris for a mailing list blitz. He achieved immediate results. Through face-to-face, personal
meetings, Eric located and then arranged to rent some very large-numbered mailing lists of French magazine
subscribers and bookbuyers. With the translated marketing brochure and the French-language Neo-Tech
booksets, the results from French mailing lists were excellent. Within one year France had become Neo-Tech's
single largest market outside of the U.S. -- surpassing even England.
Through hindsight, why did the French-language translation work? A sales brochure must contain powerful writing
that stirs a reader's emotions. Thus, a sales brochure must be in a reader's native language for the reader to fully
feel the power of its writing. But, more significant, the vast majority of individuals living in a foreign-language
country do not read English. The only way a business can tap that large domestic market is via a local-language
marketing program.
Do the Opposite of the Experts
The French-language experience led to the Do-The-Opposite-Of-The-Experts Concept. Most so-called marketing
experts are academia-like consultants who do not run their own businesses. They do not have to exert red-toblack, integrated thinking. Such consultants often spout out good-sounding inner logic. But, what they are saying is
surface logic that only sounds good. Most of this sound-good surface logic is coming from an unintegrated,
perceptual level. When a person actually injects such surface logic into the competitive dynamics of red-to-black
business, he or she discovers whole new arrays of much deeper integrations. Those deeper, more competitive
integrations often lead to opposite conclusions. A case in point was the translation of the Neo-Tech books into
With the French-language results, Eric realized he was onto something big. Eric became excited about translating
Neo-Tech books into other major languages. A push to translate into German, Spanish and Japanese began.

Creative Cost Discipline -a Key to Aggressive Expansion

Controlling costs was the key to translating and marketing in several languages at once. If Neo-Tech Publishing
had followed traditional practices when translating its books into various languages, Neo-Tech could have afforded
only one translation and marketing program at a time. In addition, a lot of time would have been required to
recover the high cost involved for just a single foreign-language edition. Thus, the foreign-language program
would have grown slowly, possibly even stalling and then dying in a wall of stagnation.
Instead, Eric exerted creative cost discipline (see Chapter IV). This had a profound effect. Translation bureaus are
geared for large, free-spending corporations. They are not geared for first-generation, red-to-black
entrepreneurs. The going rate to translate a book was $50 a page. Thus, it would have cost about $20,000 for the
translation of a single Neo-Tech bookset. And that did not include typesetting or printing costs. Thus, it would have
been prohibitively expensive for a first-generation, entrepreneurial company like Neo-Tech Publishing to expand
into foreign-language marketing. So, instead, Eric ran classified ads in foreign newspapers. The ads asked for an
experienced free-lance translator to translate the Neo-Tech books at $15 at page. Many highly-qualified individuals
responded. This made rapid expansion into numerous languages possible.
Next, Eric successfully applied a similar creative cost-discipline process to his marketing blitzes. When Eric began
taking trips overseas, he had to finance his trips via the shoestring profits from Neo-Tech Publishing's foreign
operations. Eric had to travel with maximum economy. But, to blitz a foreign-language country, Eric needed to hire
an interpreter to accompany him.
Other international business experts stated not to worry about hiring an interpreter when travelling abroad
because businessmen speak English overseas. Well, in major corporations that is true. But, to really penetrate a
local market, to pursue the untapped, virgin opportunities, one must get right in with the small businessmen and
entrepreneurs. Many do not speak English well enough for conducting business.
At first Eric thought an interpreter might hinder his effectiveness when negotiating. Instead, Eric found that
having an interpreter accompany him impressed the people with whom he met. It was exciting and interesting to
them. Those businessmen knew they were dealing with a genuine overseas businessman when they had to
communicate through an interpreter. Eric found that he often achieved better results when negotiating through an
interpreter than in English-speaking countries where he did not need an interpreter.
But, when hiring interpreters, a first-generation, red-to-black entrepreneur must create his own pricing
structure. At first Eric went to established interpreter bureaus. They quoted Eric from $300 to $500 a day for an
interpreter's services. That pricing structure might be fine for a multinational corporation whose CEO flies in for
a day to sign multimillion-dollar contracts. But, for Eric, a three or four day visit to just one country would cost
more in interpreter fees than the whole overseas trip itself.
Eric could only afford to pay an interpreter $75 a day. When Eric explained this to the interpreter bureaus they
laughed at him. They said no interpreter anywhere would work for that price. But, once again, Eric knew he could
get what he needed. For example, Eric phoned an English-language newspaper in Paris and asked for
recommendations. The paper referred Eric to a young reporter on its staff who was more than happy to interpret
for Eric at $75 a day. In other cities, Eric would run a classified ad in the local newspaper. Eric would then be
flooded with qualified responses, ranging from retired professionals to college-degreed housewives who were
more than willing to work as Eric's interpreter for $75 a day. What all this amounted to was that Eric would simply
create his own supply network whenever traditional set-ups were not within Neo-Tech Publishing's red-to-black

The importance of creative cost discipline cannot be overstated. For Neo-Tech Publishing, it made the difference
between Eric being able to take overseas trips and, consequently, opening up a world of business versus Eric not
being able to afford such trips and never really getting Neo-Tech's international business off the ground.
The hiring of local, part-time translators to translate Eric's business correspondence and customer-service
correspondence also required exerting creative cost discipline. At first, Eric went to translation bureaus in his
hometown who normally provide businesses with translation services. They charged $20 an hour. Eric explained
that he needed a part-time translator who did not have to be an expert translator, just fluent in English and the
targeted language, for $10 an hour on a permanent basis. Every single agency balked at Eric's proposal. They all
stated that Eric would never find a translator for that price. Eric knew better. He simply ran classified ads in the
local newspaper. The ads asked for part-time translators to translate miscellaneous correspondence, fluent in
English and the targeted language, for $8.00 per hour. Eric was amazed at the many qualified responses he
received, even when the ad was for translators of relatively obscure languages like Serbo-Croatian or Urdu.
Eric realized that international business, like any pioneering situation, depends upon an entrepreneur exerting
creative cost discipline to set his own terms and conditions. The entrepreneur must create new methods to supply
his fledging business with what it needs within its tight, red-to-black start-up dynamics.
The Complicated Concept was also a crucial factor in Neo-Tech's push into foreign languages (see Chapter VIII.)
Neo-Tech's rapid expansion into the major English-speaking markets, and then into the French-speaking, Germanspeaking, Spanish-speaking, and Japanese-speaking markets was very complicated. In addition to managing the
English-language program, Eric now had to hire translators for each new language to translate business letters,
phone calls, and customer-service correspondence. Banking arrangements had to be made in each new foreignlanguage country to accept local currency. The many different language brochures and books had to be printed
and kept in well-organized inventories. Eric now had to take marketing-blitz trips to all of those new foreignlanguage countries. In addition, he had to line up interpreters to accompany him in each country.
Many small companies are scared off by such a daunting task. Small businessmen often think that only a large
corporation with vast budgets and manpower can handle such foreign-marketing programs. But, Eric understood
the Complicated Concept. He dug in and exerted integrated thinking to systemize work with translators, marketing,
order processing, and so on. Everything had to flow like an assembly line. Eric mini-dayed all of the basic
movements in the international area. (See Rapid Power and Wealth by Mark Hamilton for a complete analysis of
how to break down work into basic movements called mini-days.) With all of Eric's work broken down and
segmented by basic movements, Eric would then rifle through his work with extreme efficiency. Still, Eric could
have failed if l) international marketing had not been organized as a separate operation so that he could devote his
full, undivided attention to working out the complications of foreign marketing, and 2) creative and disciplined cost
control had not been exercised from the start.
Blaze Your Own Path to Success
The translation of the Neo-Tech booksets into other languages proved as successful as the French translation.
Responses increased dramatically when The Neo-Tech Discovery was offered in a country's native language. As a
result, Neo-Tech Publishing's overseas marketing began to mushroom. Translated Neo-Tech editions opened up
whole new avenues of local-language business.
But, once again, Eric had to dump what the experts claimed were the business norms concerning foreign
marketing and translations. Instead, he had to blaze his own path according to competitive, red-to-black business

Traditionally, a little mail-order publisher like Neo-Tech could not afford to translate and market its publications
globally. According to industry norms, a company first researches a targeted country for months, even years.
That company spends hundreds of thousands of dollars hiring expensive, salaried "experts" to conduct research.
Then, that company must sink enormous capital investments in building offices and plants in the targeted country.
The company must then hire and train a staff of local employees.
Of course, little Neo-Tech Publishing Company with a part-time college student managing its foreign business on a
shoestring budget could never afford that. But, through creative cost discipline, Neo-Tech could afford to go
international. Neo-Tech Publishing would test a market via small, inexpensive direct mailings and build up its
business from there, often into a major program, without making any capital investments overseas. Yet, Eric had
talked with business consultants, advertising agencies, and other so-called international marketing experts. All of
those experts went on and on about the need for a company to establish a local presence within each targeted
Without exception, all of those so-called experts insisted that Neo-Tech Publishing needed a local office to which
foreign customers could send their orders. "A customer will not send money overseas to a company with no office
in his own country. Trust must be established between local customers and that business. There is no way for a
customer to follow up if his product is not received, or if it is not satisfactory." But this is just good-sounding
surface logic.
Eric tested this concept by using private mail service addresses overseas. Contrary to what the experts claimed,
the bottom line results revealed that when Neo-Tech Publishing listed only the address of its American office,
more orders were received from customers overseas than when Neo-Tech listed the address of a local office
within a customer's home country. Why? Because Neo-Tech Publishing Company is selling an American product.
By overseas customers having to send their orders direct to America, Neo-Tech's product appears more genuine
and exciting. It is analogous ordering French wine from Cleveland versus Paris. The French wine appears much
more authentic and is more exciting to buy if ordered directly from Paris.
If Neo-Tech Publishing had followed the advise of experts, Neo-Tech would have never had the time nor the capital
to afford even the first French-language translation of its Neo-Tech bookset. Fortunately, Neo-Tech Publishing
pioneered its own course of red-to-black action.
An entrepreneur should not hesitate to dump the experts and buck industry norms. The independent, red-to-black
entrepreneur must pioneer his own path to success.
Anybody Can Go into International Business
if They Watch Their Costs;
Why International Business
Can Cost Less Than Domestic Business
Eric's creative cost discipline led to a startling insight. Eric discovered, when talking to managers of other small
and medium size businesses, that most business people do not go into international business because they think it
costs too much. If they listen to marketing consultants and investigate traditional international business services,
it does. But, the key is understanding that international business does not have to cost a lot. In fact, international
business can cost less than domestic business. For, small companies like Neo-Tech Publishing can do shoestring
tests overseas without having to make expensive capital investments. Instead, the entrepreneur has his already
profitable U.S. business on which he can depend while doing small-scale international tests. He can continuously
experiment until he gets his overseas sales to go from red to black.

Anybody can go into international business if they watch their costs. The key is to avoid traditional, high-cost
routes of doing international business. Foreign operations should be customized so that they can run on
shoestring budgets.
How the Little Guy Can
Reverse the Tables on Big Corporations
A powerful advantage a small company can garner over a large company is that a small company can jump in and
out of different countries, testing each market, without committing any major investment. On the other hand, large
companies often sink major investments and management commitments within each country they wish to do
business. Thus, a large company's global expansion can proceed at a snail's pace while, ironically, a small company
can quickly fan its business out over the entire globe simply by exerting creative cost discipline and integrated
This is the little entrepreneur's leverage against big companies. Big companies taking the traditional route have to
proceed cautiously. They must sink huge capital investments in businesses that will take years to build. In
contrast, the small business entrepreneur can dance in and out of many countries at once, without sinking any
capital investments into a country.
Many businessmen think of themselves as marketers. But, to be a real marketer, one must do whatever is
necessary to reach red-to-black dynamics. That often means creating one's own supply structure to fit within
one's own red-to-black requirements. Sounds complicated? Employ the Complicated Concept. That is the tool that
allows a person to succeed in new frontiers of business in which others strike out. And that is what can propel a
person into the major leagues of global business.
The Customization Myth
During his travels, Eric visited many so-called marketing experts in famous advertising agencies in America and
abroad. Those marketing experts invariably emphasized the importance of not treating overseas consumers like
U.S. consumers. "You must customize your marketing and product according to the local market," the experts
claimed. On and on they went about the necessity of making all kinds of elaborate marketing studies within each
culture. Well, this sure sounds great. It makes sense that a Frenchman is different from an American, that a
Japanese is different from any European, that a Pakistani is different from a Chinese. But, for the little
entrepreneur operating on a shoestring budget who must go from red-to-black right now, what such so-called
international business maxims amount to is that the entrepreneur will not stand a chance of getting his
international business off the ground.
As revealed in Mark Hamilton's Neo-Tech Business Control, so-called expert business advice often sounds good,
but it is often just surface logic. Such sound-good business advice often has no direct dollar results to back it up.
A consultant may spout out good-sounding surface logic like it is some kind of historic revelation that he has
personally discovered. But, in reality, he is often merely spouting what sounds good according to glib perceptions.
As is almost always the case in any competitive business, what one first thinks about a situation is based upon
initial perceptual logic. Those initial perceptions usually prove drastically wrong when real-world competitive
results are obtained.
Neo-Tech Publishing methodically tested different variables in its marketing. What Neo-Tech Publishing discovered
about international marketing is that basic needs and desires are universal -- even in vastly different cultures.

Cultural elements differ from region to region, but the bottom line is that cultural differences are superficial. The
basic values and desires of conscious beings are the same everywhere.
Eric tested customized marketing approaches in many different cultures at the insistence of marketing experts.
But, the unaltered U.S. marketing piece always pulled a significantly better response. Advertising made with local
customizations did worse. Why? Because the changes made in account a of local culture strayed from the essence
of a product. Superficial cultural customizations made in advertising and marketing do not matter to the
customer. What matters to the customer is the basic value of a product. In Neo-Tech's case, an American product
was being sold and that is what the customers expected to buy. Customizing advertising literature to make the
product appear British or French or Latin American comes across as false. In addition, the foreign appeal of an
overseas product is almost always a positive factor.
A company can hire a $100,000-a-year consultant to customize its marketing program and persuade it to set up
foreign offices -- all good-sounding surface logic that almost anyone would think up himself if he just took a few
minutes and superficially thought about the situation. But, such sound-good maneuvers will end up costing a
business thousands of dollars. And that business will never even know it unless each variable is scientifically a/b
Weed Out the
There is a cancerous myth in business today. Entrepreneurs especially need to beware of this myth in all its subtle
variations. That myth is thinking that someone else is going to make money for you.
International marketing is particularly prone to camouflaged variations of the someone-else-is-going-to-makemoney-for-me myth. For, international marketing covers a vast area, and most business people know little about
it. A person can easily fall into the trap of going to someone else in an attempt to let them resolve one's own
problems, to let them show oneself where opportunity lies, to let them make money for oneself. But that will never
work. The exact opposite will occur. That someone else will end up costing a person and his company a lot of time
and money.
As identified in Chapter V, integrated thinking and forward-essence movement is hard work. If a person is not
consciously aware of exerting effort to do integrated thinking and forward-essence movement, then he or she is
not doing it. Likewise, making money in business is hard work. If a person is not consciously aware of exerting his
or her own hard effort and integrated thinking in business, then he or she is probably falling for a camouflaged
form of the someone-else-is-going-to-make-money-for-me myth. Sound-good consultants are just waiting for that
person's money.
A person should always beware of sound-good surface logic. In contrast, a person should seek out knowledge that
has been acquired through red-to-black, bottom-line testing in the marketplace. Failure to recognize this is why so
many pipe-smoking academe and white-collar-hoax consultants (particularly in advertising agencies) are
proclaimed experts when they are really hoaxes. Many are merely expressing good-sounding surface logic that
falls apart under the rigorous test of competitive, red-to-black business dynamics.
Consider an analogy of the geocentric concept versus the heliocentric concept. During the Dark Ages, churchappointed astronomy "experts" observed the sun, stars, and planets circling the earth's sky each day and night.
So, in fancy, ego-enhancing language they wrote books and made speeches about how the earth is the center of
the universe. They then extolled their genius for figuring that out. But, any man or woman can look up at the sky
and quickly draw the same conclusion. Not until the scientific method was applied to astronomy, testing ideas and

integrating the results, did a much wider, more conceptual picture reveal itself. In reality, the situation is the
complete opposite of what the church-appointed experts claimed. The earth is circling the sun which is circling
within the galaxy.
Eric's Theory of Knowledge
A deeper principle is at work here. This principle applies to business, particularly to marketing, and
extraordinarily so to international marketing. Eric calls this principle the "Theory of Knowledge."
New knowledge can only be obtained through a rigorous, scientific-method-like application of formulating ideas,
vigorously testing those ideas, studying the results, and then integrating the results into new, more accurate
ideas. Those new, more accurate ideas must then be re-tested. Only through a continuing cycle of direct testing
and integrating the results does new knowledge begin revealing itself, most often by the negation of one's initial,
perceptually based ideas.
Both in science and in business, no matter how experienced or expert the scientist or the businessman, nine times
out of ten his original ideas prove wrong once tested. But, by applying a scientific-method-like approach,
vigorously testing all ideas and then integrating the results, one begins seeing, through hindsight, why his original
ideas were wrong or incomplete. This direct-testing process slowly begins to reveal new, proven ideas -- new
knowledge. Thus, there lies the secret to new knowledge. No matter how experienced, intelligent, of scholarly a
person, he or she really is no better at ascertaining new knowledge than any man in the street. Both are duly
subjected to the scientific method. But, the successful scientist and the successful businessman, the real experts,
consistently test their ideas in the real world. That way they begin to glean new knowledge from the results of
their continuous testing. That is the process of a real expert. That is how one becomes successful.
Surface logic is a dangerous thing. The scholarly "expert" can cloak his surface logic in beautiful, good-sounding
rhetoric. Thus, he can appear correct, even appear to be a genius, but he is usually just as incorrect as the man in
the street positing his personal opinions. No one implicitly understands this better than first-generation, red-toblack entrepreneurs. That is the reason why they are successful. They rigorously test their ideas in the
marketplace. Thus, they continuously ascertain new, competitive knowledge by learning from the results of their
testing. They discover more competitive secrets than others. Scholarly academe and white-collar-hoax business
people, on the other hand, seldom exert the competitive effort to do that. That is why they are not successful
entrepreneurs themselves. Instead, they cloak their failure in good-sounding surface logic and smooth rhetoric.
But, their surface-logic advice is seldom any better than one would receive from his next-door neighbor. No
individual is able to intellectually ascertain new knowledge better than any other individual -- no matter how many
degrees, titles, or awards that person may have.
Consider an indirect example of this concept: Eric was on a grueling schedule during a trip to Japan. He suddenly
experienced a paralyzing muscle attack. He almost lost his ability to breathe. He was rushed to a hospital. After
that attack, Eric visited medical experts in Japan and then in America. The doctors took many tests. Most were
top-notch, specialized physicians who truly earned their high positions. But, without being present during Eric's
attack, they were all merely positing inner logic as to what went wrong. Eric received a host of different
explanations ranging from a low potassium level, to a low blood sugar level, to a stress reaction, to a caffeine
overdose caused by Japanese tea.
Eric experienced a second attack several months later while on a trip to California. This time a young ambulance
driver arrived during Eric's attack and he immediately recognized that Eric had simply hyperventilated. Because
Eric felt nauseated before each attack, he had been taking deep breaths that caused him to hyperventilate. The
young ambulance driver said he saw this condition all the time during his emergency calls. He was not a doctor,
nor was he studying to be a doctor. He was just a young man who had been taught basic training for ambulance

service. Yet, his first-hand, real-world observation of Eric's attack allowed him to immediately diagnose Eric's
affliction. On the other hand, the expert physicians that Eric had visited after his first attack were not even close
to diagnosing Eric's problem. In fact, they were no better at diagnosing Eric's problem than a layman making a
good-sounding guess.
That example demonstrates the new-knowledge concept: only by obtaining direct, real-world results, which in
business can only be done through the marketplace, does new knowledge reveal itself. Experience and expertise
are not enough. One must be experienced and expert in knowing how to employ methods that effectively test initial
ideas in the real-world marketplace. The results obtained from those tests must then be integrated into wider,
more accurate ideas and re-tested.
Without exception, an entrepreneur will be confronted by so-called experts in all areas of business. Particularly
so in international marketing where there is not much direct experience among businessmen. Such "marketing
experts" will espouse a lot of sound-good, "must-do" advice. They will insist that a company customize its
marketing in each country according to fluid, ever-changing cultures. Most of that advice will be worthless.
Whatever customizing one does decide to do, it is crucial that split-testing be conducted.
America has the largest, most advanced and competitive consumer market in the world. Therefore, if a marketing
piece was developed and made successful in America, it will almost always work overseas. In fact, a U.S.
marketing piece will usually prove stronger than overseas competitors. Whenever a business attempts to
customize its core marketing message away from its American version, its competitive edge is almost always
Chapter XVIII
The Money-Essence Concepts of
Global Business
Part C
Profit-Generating, Red-to-Black Business
Is Seldom Pretty and Does Not Win Awards
Madison Avenue advertising agencies and other professional marketing agencies around the world produce many
expensive advertisements full of colorful artwork and fancy designs. At the same time, the advertising industry
constantly holds award-giving ceremonies -- giving out awards for the fanciest advertisements, the prettiest
advertisements, the most clever advertisements, and so on. All of that award-giving is designed to lend credibility
to advertising professionals and their agencies. In reality, a fancy, beautiful, or clever presentation usually masks
an uncompetitive, ineffective advertising piece. Look-good esthetics, rather than bottom-line dollar results, are
constantly employed to make ineffective advertising appear good.
In contrast, profit-generating red-to-black business gets right into the nitty-gritty details. This is seldom pretty
and does not win awards. Ray Kroc got out and swept the parking lots of McDonald's restaurants himself. Walter
Chrysler worked in the basement of the Chrysler building with his overalls on and covered with grease. Fancy
artwork in the workplace often signals a lack of nitty-gritty, red-to-black effort. Such artwork is designed to build
self-image, not profits.
With many managements today riding off previously-built foundations, one constantly sees expensive artwork and
fancy esthetics used to cover up a lack of nitty-gritty, red-to-black effort. Beware of highly-paid executives in big,
beautiful offices, especially those with all kinds of award plaques on their walls. Such self-image building usually

masks a lack of real, red-to-black effort. White-collar hoax executives attempt to capture prestige and inflate
their importance by surrounding themselves with fancy artwork and awards. But that is just a show.
Esthetically speaking business is seldom beautiful. Business is the struggle for maximum efficiency. It is an
ongoing struggle to produce the most value at the lowest cost. To get real, red-to-black work done, one must go
out into the fields, or down into the garages, or onto the factory floors, to work and sweat. A working man does
not put on his dress clothes and cologne to go to work. If he does, he's probably not really working. Work is for
grinding out values.
Consider the example of Jay Gould. In the late 1800s, large railroad companies in America were already wellmatured. Many began falling into second-generation managements that sought to avoid the tough, integrated
thinking required to continually push forward competitive business dynamics. An over-expansion of railroad
capacity occurred at that time, along with several sharp economic downturns. Yet, many railroads began erecting
elaborate, show-off offices. Those excessive buildings were self-image enhancers for well-paid executives, most
of whom did not build the empires they were now controlling. Instead, those executives merely stepped into their
already-established, high-pay/high-prestige positions.
When the over capacity and economic downturn hit, many railroad companies struggled helplessly and went
bankrupt. But, Jay Gould, a first-generation empire-builder, did not care about image. Instead, Gould focussed on
the essence of his railroad business -- moving transportation as cheaply and timely as possible. During this period
Jay Gould sat at his desk for 16 hours a day examining accounting figures to uncover how to cut costs. Gould ran
his railroad machinery into the ground. His railroads did not look pretty, but they achieved maximum efficiency.
They delivered what the people wanted -- cheap, timely transportation.
Jay Gould's railroads did not focus on building up the image of management. Gould did not promote imageconscious executives who focussed on enhancing their prestigious positions and high pay rather than foundationbuilding business. Thus, Jay Gould rode out the railroad industry shake-out and flourished. Many other railroads
went bankrupt -- all the while clamoring for government regulations against "unfair competitors" like Jay Gould.
Similar dynamics hold true in business today, particularly in international business. For, international business is
especially prone to cost hemorrhaging. An entrepreneur's success is directly corollary to his cost discipline. Yet,
advertising agencies and so-called marketing experts are always emphasizing expensive, designer image in
advertising. Most of that is non-essence, self-image hocus-pocus designed to boost egos. That is not what
consumers are interested in. The consumer is interested in the value that a product can deliver to him.
Claude Hopkins, a pioneer of modern advertising, stated that advertising professionals constantly attempt to
dress up ads with fancy artwork, colorful pictures, and so on. Hopkins then stated that such dressing up of
advertising is almost always an attempt to increase the advertisers self-image and to win awards. Hopkins
identified that a successful advertisement is nothing more than a salesman in print. As such, an advertisement
should get right to the point in plain language -- no fancy artwork is required. Hopkins learned this through directmail tests in the competitive, real-world marketplace.
No-Ego Cost Control
Foreign marketing is particularly susceptible to fancy, dress-up approaches. Fortunately, Eric Savage understood
the concept of focussing on a product's essence, not on management's self-image. Eric then applied this concept
very profitably. Instead of focussing on expensive, art-filled advertising, Eric went to Singapore to find the
absolutely cheapest, black-and-white newsprint brochure on which to print. An entire direct-mail piece that cost
less than five cents to produce was developed. This approach was the opposite of a multi-million-dollar Madison
Avenue advertising production employing expensive art and design work. In turn, Neo-Tech's international

operation thrived on a shoestring budget because of its no-ego cost control. Neo-Tech's unpretentious five-cent
Singapore marketing piece was a real breakthrough. It allowed Neo-Tech Publishing to quickly expand its
international marketing campaign into the major languages of the world.
Eric then showed Neo-Tech's cheap newsprint mail piece to several other executives in the direct-mail industry.
Eric even exhibited Neo-Tech's low-cost mail piece at a conference on international direct mail. Every executive to
whom Eric showed this newsprint piece balked at it. They would comment something to the effect, "It's too cheap
looking for my company's image." Such remarks demonstrated the antithesis of Jay Gould-like efficiency. But,
such remarks did not bother Eric. Eric "laughed all the way to the bank." For, the bottom line profit margin is
always the ultimate guide for delivering what customers want. The success of Neo-Tech's cheap newsprint
brochure demonstrated that a fancy, ego-enhancing advertising piece is not what customers care about.
Define the Essence of Your Business
Jay Gould defined the essence of his railroad business: Move transportation as cheaply and timely as possible.
Eric Savage defined the essence of Neo-Tech's international marketing business: Mail as many brochures as
cheaply as possible. Eric's function, similar to Jay Gould's function, was to cut costs. By achieving minimum costs,
Neo-Tech Publishing Company could mail the maximum number of brochures. In that way Neo-Tech Publishing
could operate the maximum number of customers, while achieving its wider goal of disseminating Neo-Tech
philosophy worldwide.
A Juxtaposition
Neo-Tech's low-cost marketing program allowed it to aggressively expand into many languages. Now, consider a
juxtaposition to Neo-Tech's international expansion. Eric was visiting Canada. While in Canada, Eric phoned a major
American catalog company to place an order. That American company refused Eric's order. The operator stated
that they could not accept orders from outside the U.S.
That catalog company was not even capable of accepting and fulfilling an already existing foreign order. That large
and long-established American company was unable to break out of a restricted, one-country mentality. In the
long run, that company was missing out on the international market and, consequently, the future.
That major American catalog company was avoiding forward-essence movement into the international market -just like many other established American companies. And that signals a non-forward-essence-moving, whitecollar-hoax management. The management of any large American company today, to be exerting forward-essence
movement, must be pushing out into the largest market there is -- the world market. Management that is not
pushing out internationally is defaulting on their essence.
Marxism in Business
The above scenario also demonstrates Marxism in business. (See Neo-Tech Business Control by Mark Hamilton for
a complete definition of Marxism in business.) Marxism in business occurs whenever decisions are based on what
will avoid hassling management or workers, rather than on what will benefit a business. Marxism in business is a
pervasive cancer, and it is rampant today. Everywhere, from executives to hourly workers alike, decisions are
made in business based not on what is good for one's business, but rather on what will avoid hassling management
or workers.
Not surprisingly, less than two weeks after that catalog incident, Eric read in a trade publication how that same
long-established American catalog company was having financial difficulties and was losing market share.

In contrast to that sad situation, consider the dynamics of a forward-essence-moving business like Honda Motor
Company. Honda is the most up-and-coming car company in an extremely competitive industry. While many large
and established car companies are shrinking and dying, Honda is recognized as the most dynamic car company in
the world. Why? Because Honda has a worldwide, forward-essence push. Honda has been pushing into almost
every market of the world. The essence-pushing management of Honda continues to grow and become more
dynamic as a result. Honda acquires increasingly competitive knowledge by pushing out into all markets. Other
large, white-collar-hoax car companies financially dwarf Honda, but Honda Motor Company will undoubtedly
continue to grow while other, much larger car companies will continue to shrink. And Honda will be around long
after many of those other car companies have dried up and withered away.
Similarly, the American catalog company just discussed is a giant in the direct-mail industry. It dwarfs Neo-Tech
Publishing Company. Yet, that company's market is closed and its market share will continue to shrink. In
contrast, little Neo-Tech Publishing is pushing out all over the world. Neo-Tech is planting seeds for generations of
business to come. Neo-Tech's competitive learning curve is on a dramatic upswing. As a result of its worldwide
push, Neo-Tech Publishing is much more dynamic than that huge American catalog company. That catalog
company cannot even fulfill an order from Canada. In contrast, Neo-Tech Publishing is marketing its publications
in over a dozen languages. Thus, Neo-Tech Publishing will be around long after that large, established catalog
company has vanished. In fact, forward-essence-pushing Neo-Tech will probably be around after many of today's
Fortune 500 companies have long since perished.
Uncovering Opportunity in an "Opportunityless" Market
As Neo-Tech Publishing's international marketing program continued to expand, Eric traveled to South America to
blitz Argentina and Chile. He wanted to build momentum for the Spanish-language edition of The Neo-Tech
Discovery in the large South American market. But, trade publications and marketing experts at that time stated
that South America was in a steep economic downturn. It was a poor region to begin with. In addition, most South
American countries were experiencing a severe currency crisis. Thus, marketing experts stated that South
America was not a good market for American companies to pursue. In addition, South America had very poor
postal systems and essentially no direct-mail industry. Still, a large population lived in South America. Neo-Tech
Publishing reasoned that it was important to disseminate the Neo-Tech philosophy there. So, Eric travelled to
Argentina and Chile.
When Eric arrived in South America, he combed the many magazines published there. He uncovered a fair number
of advertisers selling articles by coupon ads in these magazines. Eric then had his interpreter call those
advertisers. Most were happy to meet with Eric. Eric vividly recalled one of his first meetings in Argentina. It was
a small company that was advertising miscellaneous gadgets and books in Argentina magazines. Eric met with that
company's owner and explained that he wanted to rent her mailing list. Eric went on to explain the concept of
renting mailing lists. The owner, a middle-aged lady, seemed puzzled at first. She asked a number of questions,
then finally responded by walking over to a closet, opening the door and saying, "Is this what you want?" The
closet was stuffed with thousands of original order coupons. Her customers had never had any other offers
mailed to them. Eric almost fell out of his chair! Any direct-mail person knows that such virgin direct-response
names will pull an enormously high response. In a market that at first seemed barren of opportunity, Eric once
again opened doors to great opportunity.
Eric realized that the marketing experts were correct in that South American countries were poor and were
suffering from severe recessions and inflation at the time. Yet, standing in major South American cities like
Buenos Aires, Argentina and Santiago, Chile, Eric observed that those cities contained thousands of cars. Anyone

who could afford a car could certainly afford a Neo-Tech bookset. Eric then realized that even the poorest
countries on earth contain thousands of well-to-do people. And those people can be successfully marketed to.
After Eric's trip to Argentina and Chile, South America became an important and profitable market for Neo-Tech
Publishing. Once again, creative, integrated thinking proved the marketing experts wrong.
Eric made another important discovery during his first trip to South America. As discussed in Chapter XVII, Eric
found that a good selection of newspapers and magazines were sold via newsstands throughout South American.
Eric realized that Neo-Tech Publishing should capitalize on those well-developed business values. So, Eric studied
the numbers and then dictated the terms Neo-Tech needed to make brochure inserts in these magazines go into
the black. Suddenly, media inserts in South America opened up a huge market potential. But it all depended on the
Dictate-Your-Own-Terms Concept. (See Chapter XVIII.) South America turned into a vast potential market for NeoTech Publishing at the very time marketing experts were recommending American companies stay away from
South America. "Economic conditions are too adverse," they advised.
During Eric's South American trip, he became very excited about the opportunities that were opening up there. As
Eric was flying from Buenos Aires, Argentina to Santiago, Chile, his plane flew over the Andes mountains. It was a
magnificent sight. Majestic snow-capped mountain peaks stretched north to south as far as the eye could see.
"How wonderful," Eric reflected. "By doing integrated thinking and dictating terms, I'm opening up a huge market
for Neo-Tech Publishing in South America at the very time others are saying good opportunity does not exist
Young Eric had the whole world at his feet. And it was all because he exerted integrated thinking and forwardessence movement. In the traditional business world, little opportunity existed for Eric. He had not been an
exceptional student. In the traditional world of highly-specialized jobs, the average person is simply shut out of
real opportunity. Yet, suddenly, an average person like Eric was opening up the opportunity of a world tycoon for
himself. This happened because Eric integrated his life with the money-making essence of the company for which
he worked. He constantly exerted integrated thinking and forward-essence movement to push whatever he was
working on into red-to-black dynamics.
Integrate With Your Company's
Money-Making Essence
Eric was now in charge of Neo-Tech's rapidly expanding international program. He was doing business all over the
world. And, he was getting incredible experience at his young age. Sadly, most of Eric's peers were restricted in
jobs that were not integrated with any money-making essence.
By identifying the money-making essence of your company, and then striving to integrate with that money-making
essence, the traditional world is reversed. In the traditional world, only the most specialized professionals rise up
quickly. But that high specialization is simply too competitive for the average person. On the other hand, by
exerting red-to-black integrated thinking, a person can break out of the over-specialized traditional world to
instead integrate with the money-making essence of business. Opportunity will then become wide open. When an
individual switches into an integrated-thinking, red-to-black mode, he or she enters another world.
By breaking out of a following mode and into an integrated-thinking mode, Eric began opening up a whole world of
opportunity. Yet, Eric did not have the resources of a large, multi-national corporation. Eric was working for a
little company on a shoestring budget. But, Eric exerted nitty-gritty, red-to-black integrated thinking.
Thus, as Eric flew over the magnificent Andes mountains, in the midst of opening up a huge new market for NeoTech Publishing exactly where the experts declared no opportunity existed, it dawned on Eric that his world of
red-to-black integrated thinking was suffering from too much opportunity. An analogy can be made to the first

pioneers coming to America. Discovering an entire continent, their greatest difficulty was that too much
opportunity existed. No one had developed its potential. The problem with a newly-discovered continent is not
struggling against competitors; it is a lack of competitors. The greatest problem pioneers faced in early America
was to simply get as many people here as possible in order to begin building an infrastructure. They needed help
to tap the enormous potential that lay before them. Those pioneers did not worry about keeping competitors out.
They actually needed more competitors to help them develop markets.
While admiring the breathtaking Andes mountains, Eric thought about the pioneering dynamics that lay before him
and Neo-Tech Publishing Company. There really were no threatening competitors. What was needed was more
global entrepreneurs, more global companies, more global competitors to help open up the vast opportunities of
worldwide marketing. Great opportunity exists for everyone. But that opportunity can be topped only by exerting
integrated thinking and forward-essence movement.
Eric then contrasted his situation at Neo-Tech Publishing to the traditional world he had just come out of in school.
That was a world of stagnation, offering limited opportunity. But, by switching into a worldwide heliocentric mode,
Eric found dynamic opportunity abounded everywhere. Not just in the direct-mail business, but in all areas of
business. Eric was repeatedly exposed to all kinds of business opportunities during his travels abroad. When
traveling and doing business abroad, a person meets dynamic internationalists from the world over. These are
people who are capitalizing on worldwide opportunity in countless ways. World business opportunity is essentially
unlimited. It is open to anyone who snaps out of a traditional following mode and into a red-to-black, integratedthinking mode.
Chapter XIX
How to Start Your Own International Business
The previous three chapters detailed Eric Savage's experience in a global business mode. The same basic
techniques that Eric employed to expand Neo-Tech's business globally can also be employed by almost anyone to
almost any kind of business.
For example, how can a salaried working man who does not own a company capitalize on the immense opportunity
of global business? Consider what Eric did soon after becoming involved in international marketing. Eric realized
that there are many small and medium sized American businesses that produce very good products. And those
products can be sold successfully abroad. But, most small and medium sized companies are uninterested in
international marketing. This is even true of many large companies.
Since international marketing proved profitable for Neo-Tech Publishing right from the start, Eric decided to try
marketing other publishers' books abroad along with Neo-Tech's books. Thus, Eric selected out two small
publishers that published unique books he felt could be successfully marketed abroad. Eric then wrote those two
publishers an integrated letter. Eric explained in his letter how his focus was on international marketing and that
he had the expertise and contacts abroad to successfully market their products overseas. Eric went on to explain
to those two publishers that he could act as an international distributor for them and sell a good number of their
books abroad each year. Such international sales would represent cream profits as those publishers would not
have to invest any time, money, or manpower to get those sales. Eric would simply buy their books at a
distributor's discount and then market them abroad. Eric sent his letter to those two American publishers. Both
quickly agreed to let Eric distribute their products internationally.
Any individual can form his own company and take a similar approach toward any kind of product or business. All
one needs to do is print up some letterhead with a company name on it, e.g., Smith's Global Marketing, and begin
approaching companies as an international distributor.

The point is that there are a lot of successful American products that can be sold abroad. Some of these products
can sell in mass markets; others can sell in niche markets. And this is where the little guy can ricochet off the
tremendous opportunity of the global market. So many American businesses, particularly small to medium sized
businesses, are restricted with a single-nation outlook. They do not consider taking their businesses international.
But, if a product or service succeeds in America, chances are very high that that same product or service will
succeed abroad. For, America has the most competitive consumer market in the world. Products that make it in
the American market are almost guaranteed to make it in foreign markets. That is why golden opportunity awaits
the international man.
The concept of international distribution also works in reverse. A person can go overseas, spot unique, goodselling products or services, and then come back and market them in America. The beauty of such dynamics is
that all the capital and overhead required for developing and learning to market a successful product has already
been paid for. As an international distributor, a person can simply search out products or services that are
already successful and then bring them to virgin markets.
Capitalize on the Leverage of Global Marketing
Doing business overseas can be cheaper than doing business domestically. This is because a foreign marketer
merely jumps into sales without any research and development costs. This is true for a person starting his own
international business to market other companies' products overseas as well as for an already-established
business wanting to expand its own sales overseas. A person or a company can go into business overseas more
quickly, more easily, and more cheaply than it can domestically.
Whether a person represents an established business setting up a separate operations to pursue overseas
opportunities or an independent distributor seeking successful products from other companies to market
overseas, that person can immediately leverage off all of the resources that a domestic business has put into
developing, producing and marketing a successful product.
The Small-Country Concept
When first testing overseas markets, there is a tendency to rush into the major markets such as Japan, Germany,
England, and so on. But, such highly-developed economies are very competitive. Chances are that whatever one's
product is, local competitors already exist in that country. In addition, consumers in major markets have a wide
variety of products and services competing for their attention and money.
On the other hand, the smaller and more isolated a country's economy is the fewer local competitors, if any, will
exist. In addition, consumers in small or remote countries often do not have a wide variety of products on which to
spend their money. If they have the opportunity to buy a first-rate product from a major country, they will often
jump at it.
Eric learned this at Neo-Tech Publishing. Some of the best-responding markets for Neo-Tech were in little, remote
economies like Costa Rica, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia. Thus, when marketing overseas, an
entrepreneur should be sure to test little and remote countries like Singapore, Malaysia, New Zealand, South
Africa, even Papua New Guinea and Paraguay.
An American product, for example, will usually receive a stronger response in Switzerland than in Germany. The
large German market is full of competing local goods. But, Switzerland, being a small country, has fewer locallymade goods. Thus, Swiss consumers are more responsive to foreign products. Likewise, Australia, being a
relatively small and isolated market, is usually a much higher-responding market for American products than

Canada or England. The same holds true for affluent, yet small and relatively remote countries like Singapore and
Even poor, third-world countries like Costa Rica, Paraguay, or Papua New Guinea can be very responsive niche
markets for products. Every country, no matter how poor or remote, still contains many affluent consumers.
Businessmen in Costa Rica, Paraguay and Papua New Guinea are, percentage-wise, Neo-Tech's strongest
responding customers. The response rates are very profitable in such small, remote countries.
Of course, a business should always push into the major markets as well, even if this amounts to just token
business at first. With time, competitive benefits will begin accruing. Experience and contacts will gradually be
acquired. Eventually, business in those markets will begin to blossom as one learns how to pry open opportunities
and work around obstacles.
An Additional Point
When you begin marketing your company's products overseas, you will be approached by many individuals
wanting to act as your company's local distributor within their home country. That happened to Neo-Tech
Publishing. As soon as Neo-Tech began international marketing, individuals in foreign countries contacted Eric
wanting to act as a local distributor. They would state that they could obtain more sales for Neo-Tech in their
particular country than Neo-Tech Publishing could obtain itself.
This sounded good, so Eric tried it. He agreed to work with a U.K. distributor instead of trying to market NeoTech's books in England himself. Eric tried a similar set-up in France, Australia, and Venezuela. But those set-ups
never worked out. Neo-Tech Publishing always had to stop working with local distributors to instead continue
marketing its products overseas itself. There are several reasons for this.
First, no one understands a product better than its originating company. Therefore, a third-party distributor in a
foreign country will almost always be less effective at selling a product than the originating company. A foreign
distributor can obtain advantages by being based right in his particular country, but those advantages are often
outweighed by the superior expertise and experience a company has in marketing its own products. In addition,
extra enthusiasm is usually put into marketing a product when it is a company's own product, in contrast to that
product being marketed by a third party.
Secondly, if a business is a small to medium sized company, its product is probably being sold to a niche market
rather than a mass market. Therefore, any single foreign market that is segmented out will be too small to
support an independent operation. For example, Neo-Tech Publishing markets books on philosophy, psychology,
and self-improvement. Neo-Tech's market is a niche market. Neo-Tech Publishing does a very good and profitable
business in the United States. However, if Neo-Tech tried to break down its U.S. market by individual states, each
state would not be a large enough market in itself to support an independent operation.
For example, if Neo-Tech Publishing Company decided to set up a distributor in the state of Alabama, the amount of
business done in Alabama would not support that independent operation. The expense of having an office and
paying a distributor in the state of Alabama would be greater than the profits generated from that state. Instead,
Neo-Tech Publishing Company has one central office that handles business in all 50 states. Each state generates a
little business and a little profit. When the business and profits from all 50 states are combined, it adds up to a
significant amount of business and profits each year.
A similar situation holds true for most small to medium sized companies that do overseas business. They can do a
little business in England, a little business in France, a little business in Australia, and so on. If a company attempts
to set up an independent distributor in England just to handle English sales, the amount of business and profits
generated would not be enough to support that distributor. On the other hand, if a company handles all of its

foreign sales from its American office, the cumulative effect of foreign sales in England, France, Australia, and so
on each year will be significant and profitable.
It is true that a person living and operating within a particular foreign country has advantages over someone who
is not living and operating in that country but who is attempting to do business in that country. But, in Neo-Tech's
case, Eric found that such a foreign distributer simply did not have the years of experience and expertise built up
in marketing Neo-Tech's products that Neo-Tech Publishing did. Thus, it turned out that Neo-Tech Publishing was
more effective marketing its own products in a foreign country from America than a local distributor based right
within that particular foreign country.
Still, Eric fell for such foreign-distributor set-ups many times. Each time a foreigner contacted Neo-Tech stating
how much business he could generate within his country if Neo-Tech Publishing Company made him a distributor it
sounded so tempting Eric would say "We at least have to try it." But, each time, Eric ended up spending a lot of
time and money helping to set up that foreign distributor, only to find that that distributor generated fewer sales
than when Eric marketed to that country himself.
It finally dawned on Eric that he was falling for a camouflaged form of the someone-else-is-going-to-make-moneyfor-me myth. Business is rampant with various forms of that myth, especially international business. What such
situations imply is that a person will have to do no work, but he will reap a lot of money from the efforts of others.
Eric learned to always beware of such situations. To make money in business requires exerting tough, nitty-gritty
effort. If a person is not aware of exerting his own effort in a situation, then he is probably not going to make any
money from that situation. If he thinks he will, he is falling for the someone-else-is-going-to-make-money-for-me

Appendix I
The Coming Mass Destruction
Everything that the environmental movement has proclaimed since its coming of age in the 1960s and 1970s has
turned out to be wrong. The air and water are getting cleaner, not dirtier. Nature kills more species than mankind.
A mere three volcanos during the past one hundred years have spewed more pollutants into the air than all of
mankind throughout history. Ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth's surface has decreased during the past 50
years. There are now nearly twice as many trees in the United States as there were in 1900. Pollution has not
poisoned America, nor has it caused an ice age to occur as environmentalists predicted in the 1970s. Nor have the
oceans been poisoned with mercury, lead, or any other substance; nor has a deadly overpopulation occurred. In
contrast to all of the doomsday predictions asserted by environmentalists, overall pollution levels continue to
decrease while the health and life span of humans continues to increase.
Environmentalism is merely the latest manipulation tool of that age-old mentality that attacks success and
progress. In the late 1980s, as communism finally collapsed (communism had been the darling of anti-success,

anti-achievement movements for the past one-hundred years), former socialists and communists flocked into the
budding green movement. Environmentalism became the new vehicle to attack success and progress.
The anti-success, anti-progress philosophy underlying the environmental movement needs little elaboration. The
constant quotes and statements made by its leaders make it abundantly clear that the environmental movement
considers mankind a scar on nature, that man's progress must be stopped, even reversed, and that man's
success and achievements act as a cancer upon the environment. In other words, stop progress, stop success,
subordinate humans to owls, fish, plants. But this anti-success, anti-progress philosophy, just like all the previous
anti-success, anti-progress philosophies throughout history, will lead straight to suffering and death.
Man is the only animal born without any natural survival tools. To survive, man must learn how to transform
nature. Everything required for human survival must be acquired by using the mind to think and to devise tools for
satisfying needs. To survive and prosper, man must follow a philosophy that holds his life and his welfare as the
supreme value and guiding standard. Any standard that holds the welfare of plants or animals or the party
ideology or any other cause above man can only lead to ruined potential, lost happiness, destruction, and
eventually mass death. All the countless anti-success, anti-progress movements throughout history have
demonstrated this.
No rational person today can argue about the benefits of technology. Before the industrial revolution, man's life
was short, nasty, and brutish. The average life span was under 30 years. Humans spent their days performing
back-breaking physical toil. They were constantly menaced by disease and painful ailments. Experiencing a happy,
successful, and fulfilling life was out of the question for all but a handful of aristocrats. The average person was
nothing more than a poor, ignorant, suffering serf.
But it was the industrial revolution, with its flowering of business and technology, that lifted the average man out
of a miserable, suffering state and into today's world of abundant opportunity, health, and a decent standard of
living. Yet, it is exactly that technological progress and development that the environmental movement attacks. In
fact, leaders of the environmental movement openly advocate that mankind be forced to return to the anti-life
state of the miserable pre-industrial days. Of course, to do this would mean mass death and destruction for
everyone. That has always been the end result of movements that attack success and progress. Reason,
compassion, common sense will not stop anti-success, anti-progress ideologues. If the result is mass
unemployment, destroyed living standards, even death, "So be it!" is their response.
After all of the doomsday predictions proclaimed in the 1960s and 1970s by the environmental movement turned
out to be false, the movement fell relatively dormant. Then, it was revived in the late 1980s primarily because
environmentalists came up with two new doomsday scenarios: Global Warming and Ozone Depletion. But, as
before, these doomsday scenarios prove false when looked at in an objective, in-context manner. This is because
the environmental movement is concerned not with fact and science, but with stopping progress and development.
Let's take a closer look at both the global warming assertion and the ozone depletion assertion.
Global Warming: In the late 1980s several heat waves and droughts hit America. Environmentalists jumped on this
occurrence to scare the public with doomsday scenarios about global warming. Environmentalists asserted that
the gasses emitted by our autos, power plants, and other activities were thickening the atmosphere, causing more
solar heat to be absorbed by the atmosphere. But this is merely inner-logic speculation. No clear trend exists
showing that temperature increases have occurred over the past 100 years. A few analyses of temperature data
over the past century taken in major cities has shown, debatably, a fraction of a degree increase in average
temperatures. But these measurements are from urban areas. Other studies done with temperatures measured
on the ocean by sailing vessels show no increase in average temperatures over the past 100 years. Cities and

large urban areas are naturally going to be hotter because they have less vegetation, which absorbs heat, and
have more concrete, steel, and other finished surfaces which reflect heat. Everyone has experienced the
difference in temperature on a hot summer day when walking onto a paved street versus a cool grassy lawn.
To demonstrate the ridiculousness of the global warming assertion, consider how in the late 1970s, when America
experienced several years of record cold, environmentalists claimed that pollution in the air was reflecting
sunlight back into space, causing temperatures to fall. They predicted a global ice age was about to result.
Newspapers and magazines all over the world ran headlines proclaiming that earth was heading into a man-made
ice age.
Now, let's look at the facts -- plant decay, volcanic seepage, and other natural processes release about 200 billion
tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year. Human activity, on the other hand, releases only an
estimated 7 billion tons of carbon dioxide each year. Obviously, this is not a threat to the ecosystem. If it were, we
would see undeniable proof that temperatures were rising, not inconclusive and contradictory data depending on
where measurements were taken over a 100-year period.
The ultimate factor in exposing the irrationality behind the global warming doomsday scenario is the fact that the
eruptions of a mere three volcanos during the past 100 years (Krakatoa in Java, Katmai in Alaska, and Hekla in
Iceland) emitted more gasses into the air than the entire history of mankind combined. That's not even including
the more recent eruptions of Mount St. Helens in Washington and Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines. These facts
alone destroy the credibility of any global warming doomsday prediction. No permanent catastrophic changes
occurred in the global atmosphere as a result of those volcanos. Yet, those volcanos released more pollution into
the air than the entire history of mankind combined.
Ozone Depletion: Two university academes theorized that because CFCs, the main cooling ingredient in
refrigerators, can mix with certain gasses in the atmosphere to produce chlorine gas, which does destroy ozone
molecules, such chlorine gas may rise several miles into the atmosphere and destroy ozone in the ozone layer
high above earth's surface. Yet, no direct evidence has ever been produced that shows the relatively minuscule
amount of CFCs released at the earth's surface by human activities results in the ozone layer being destroyed.
The significance of the ozone layer is that it screens out harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun and prevents it
from reaching the earth's surface. For natural, yet currently unknown reasons, an ozone hole forms over the
poles each year. This has been known by scientists for decades. When this naturally occurring ozone hole over the
South Pole increased in the 1980s, environmentalists used this as a rallying cry to arbitrarily assert that the
ozone layer was being eaten away by man-made CFCs. They then issued doomsday warnings that dramatic
increases in skin cancer and birth defects would result. But, to link the naturally occurring ozone holes at the
poles with man-made CFCs is a non sequitur.
First of all, if man-made CFCs were destroying the ozone layer, ozone holes would appear over populated areas,
not at the poles where no humans live. More significant is the fact that chlorine, the by-product of CFCs that
destroys ozone, is released in nature each year, especially from volcanic seepage, in quantities that far exceed
human release. And finally, the ultimate factor exposing the irrationality behind the ozone doomsday scenario is
the fact that the amount of ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth's surface each year has been measurably
decreasing since the 1940s. That's right, ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth's surface has been decreasing
since the 1940s, not increasing. Yet, it is cancer-causing ultraviolet radiation that is at the crux of the ozone
doomsday scenario.
Despite these in-context facts, governments went ahead and banned CFC production after 1995. What are the
implications of this? Well, CFC's main use is to cool refrigerators. Now, consider that a major cause of
malnutrition in the underfed third world is food spoilage due to a lack of refrigeration. The reason why mass

starvations are no longer common in the third world is because even the poorest countries now have an
extensive, though far from sufficient, refrigeration chain. This refrigeration chain allows food to move from farms
to urban areas and to be stored for future consumption. By banning CFCs, the price of refrigeration is going to
increase dramatically, the efficiency of refrigeration is going to decrease, and refrigerators now in use will
become obsolete. Industrialized nations can afford this. Poor, hand-to-mouth third-world nations cannot.
The end result of the unnecessary and irrational act of banning CFCs is going to translate into thousands of deaths
in the third world as the already delicate refrigeration chain breaks down and becomes less efficient and more
costly. Food spoilage is going to increase in the third world, deaths related to malnutrition and starvation are also
going to increase.
Scientists and CFC manufacturers know this. They have issued warnings to environmental groups and the
government. But, that didn't stop the environmentalists nor the politicians. The production of CFCs was banned
anyway. Death and destruction have never stopped anti-success, anti-progress movements.
Out-of-context, false assertions of the environmental movement can and will kill. Consider the case of DDT: In
1874, German chemists developed a chemical compound called dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane, subsequently
named DDT. DDT was found to be extremely effective at killing disease-carrying and crop-eating insects, while it
was essentially harmless, even in concentrated doses, to humans and animals. Thus, it was considered as almost a
"miracle" pesticide. DDT wiped out many deadly diseases in the third world, such as malaria, typhoid, sleeping
sickness, and others. It also made famine due to plagues of crop-eating insects a thing of the past.
Unfortunately, in the late 1950s, Rachel Carson, a nature writer employed by the United States Fish and Wildlife
Service, jumped on environmental rumors that pesticides were supposed to be building up in livestock and humans
and were leading to a mass poisoning of America. Of course, none of these unsubstantiated doomsday rumors
ever proved to be true. But that didn't stop Ms. Carson. Instead of conducting objective, scientific studies to see if
pesticides were indeed harming humans and animals, she promptly wrote a doomsday book called Silent Spring. In
her book, she simply made up a story about a town in the heart of America. Ms. Carson described the residents of
this fictional town as suffering from all kinds of maladies as a result of DDT being sprayed on the town's crops.
Upon publication of Silent Spring in 1962, it was immediately acclaimed by reviewers as a great work. Several
reviewers stated that Silent Spring would be the salvation of mankind. The book was hailed in the media. It sold
several million copies. Ms. Carson received numerous awards.
As a result of Silent Spring's unscientific, inner-logic attacks against pesticides, an enormous public clamor arose
to ban DDT. DDT was subsequently banned in the United States and other western countries. Next, international
pressure was put on third-world countries to discontinue the use of DDT as well. What were the results of this
anti-pesticide movement founded on untrue assertions and an anti-technology, anti-progress ideology? Consider,
as just one example, the third-world country of Ceylon (subsequently named Sri Lanka). In 1961, before the
publication of Silent Spring, there were just 100 cases of malaria in Ceylon, and for the first time on record, no
recorded deaths occurred from malaria in Ceylon. This was the result of mass insect eradication programs using
DDT. But, after the publication of Silent Spring and the subsequent international outcry against DDT, Ceylon
discontinued using DDT. By 1968, just seven years later, there were two and a half million cases of malaria in
Ceylon and over 10,000 deaths. Ceylon officials attributed this directly to discontinuing the use of DDT. Ten
thousand deaths in a single year occurred in just one third-world country because of the irrational, antitechnology assertions of the environmental movement.

Ms. Carson, who was proclaimed a hero and given the Albert Schweitzer award for her book, had issued a death
warrant for tens of thousands of people. Ideas based on anti-technology, anti-progress platforms are deadly. Even
when those ideas emanate from a small, soft-spoken woman.
Any movement that results in the deaths of thousands of people cannot be excused. That, in itself, warrants its
immediate discrediting and the public's complete withdrawal of support. Whenever a movement is based on antisuccess, anti-progress ideas, whenever a movement depends upon obscuring reality and deceiving people,
whether that movement is called communism, fascism, fundamentalism, or environmentalism, the end result has
to culminate in mass destruction and death. And don't count on the leaders of such movements to be
compassionate or to act with common sense. They won't. They will simply ignore facts that contradict their
ideology and will instead increasingly blame productive working people for the problems that their policies cause.
Let's now examine business and technology at a more basic, philosophic level. You see, business is the creation of
values. To survive, business must produce tangible values for which others willingly pay for. Thus, by its nature,
business must be a net producer of values to society. Otherwise, a business can not survive.
The production of values can sometimes have negative side effects. But those side effects, in turn, get solved by
business itself if they are significant enough to pose a real problem. For, it then becomes a commercial value to
society to solve such problems. Business will then rush in to provide that value.
For example, today there are almost twice as many trees growing in America as there were in 1900. This is
because of the logging industry. The side effect of large-scale development in this country resulted in cutting
down more and more trees. Thus, it became a significant value to the logging industry to counteract this side
effect of development by planting enormous numbers of trees.
Consider how a century ago, when coal was the prime heating element, major cities became so polluted that the
sun sometimes could not be seen for days. Thus, it became a major value to eliminate such pollution. As a result,
smokeless coal was developed and eventually coal fireplaces were replaced with much cleaner gas furnaces and
electric heaters. Today, major American cities are far less polluted than they were a century ago.
Consider the threatened extinction of elephants and other exotic animals in Africa. In every African country where
wild elephants and other exotic animals live, their numbers continue to dwindle each year. The exception is in
South Africa. There, the number of wild elephants and other exotic animals increases each year. This is because
game reserves are run by private, for-profit companies. It has become a value for business to preserve and
breed rare animals on those game reserves. And that is exactly what is being done.
The bottom line is that business is a gigantic net producer of values. Whenever and wherever pollution or other
side effects truly become a problem, business will move in and solve it. This has been proven time and again
throughout history.
This brings us to the following point: There is no need for environmental policy, environmental protection
agencies, or environmental legislation. Whatever real pollution problems do exist, they can factually, objectively
be resolved in a court of law. If somebody is emitting pollution that is harming another person, then the victim can
go to court and, using objective law, have that polluter halt his activities and compensate victims for any provable
damages inflicted upon them. Any other means of forcibly stopping pollution is immoral by its very nature. An
objective court system is the only moral system for determining if one person is harming another and then
enforcing an end to that harm plus reimbursement for damages.
In an objective court, only hard, provable evidence will do. Circumstantial evidence, arbitrary assertions, future
predictability models will not do. For, in science, if a phenomenon really exists, an abundance of undeniable, hard
evidence will also exist. If such evidence does not exist, an assertion is just so much home-spun inner logic.

This takes us to a major deception employed by environmentalists: asserting the arbitrary. The reason why
environmentalism gets away with so many irrational actions is because it employs an age-old trick of asserting
the arbitrary. For example, the environmental movement makes statements such as "continuing to emit gasses
into the atmosphere could have drastic consequences 50 or 100 years from now." Or, "releasing CFCs into the
atmosphere may have a drastic effect on the ozone layer in the next generation." Or, "allowing a plant or an owl to
become extinct could drastically effect the ecosystem and even the food chain somewhere down the line." But all
of that is merely asserting the arbitrary. Asserting the arbitrary cannot be accepted by any rational being, for
then any fantasy goes. A person could just as legitimately assert that a hundred years from now we may discover
that we should have stepped up the emission of gasses into the atmosphere several-fold because it would have
prevented the next ice age or would have improved plant life by thickening the atmosphere. Likewise, one could
assert that mankind should step up the extermination of a certain owl, or a certain plant, because we may
discover that a heretofore undetected enzyme emitted by that owl or that plant into the food chain was
responsible for triggering cancer in humans.
Asserting the arbitrary has no basis in reality. And, like any action that does not concur with reality, whether it is
implementing communism to "help the poor" or draining blood to "help the sick", great net losses will inevitably
result. Asserting the arbitrary must never be sanctioned by a rational person.
The environmental movement gets much of its support by proclaiming how delicately balanced the environment is
and that mankind had better not upset nature's balance. Yet, Nature herself provides the ultimate refutation of the
environmental movement. A quick examination of earth's history reveals that there is no such thing as a natural
state of the environment. The natural environment is constantly changing and evolving. Originally earth had an
atmosphere full of hot, toxic gasses and was completely uninhabitable by life forms. Since that time, dramatic
changes in all parts of the environment have occurred. As a result, 90 percent of all life forms ever to evolve on
earth have become extinct by nature's own doing. So much for the frantic cries that every plant and animal
species must be preserved at all costs. Nature herself is the ultimate exterminator of plant and animal species.
In fact, what becomes clear over time is that eventually every species becomes extinct. At some point, a species
simply becomes unable to cope with new changes in the environment -- that species then becomes an unadaptable
"dinosaur." Only a species that can master and control nature herself can survive indefinitely -- i.e., only mankind.
Nature herself will eventually wipe out all other species.
Environmentalists assert that it is heresy for mankind to attempt to alter or control nature. Catastrophe will
result, they exclaim. But that is simply not rational, for that is exactly what man must do on a massive scale if he
expects to survive. Instead of coiling away from any activity that may affect the climate, mankind must charge
ahead full steam and learn how to master and control the global climate now, while he still has the chance. Why?
Because over the past several hundred thousand years earth has been going through a cycle of vast ice ages
interspersed with warmer periods. Scientists believe that earth is merely in between ice ages right now and that
in another ten thousand years or so earth will probably be heading back into a major ice age.
Talk about climatic catastrophe! Countless species will become extinct then. And ten thousand years on the time
line is not much time at all. Our direct ancestors were alive during the last ice age, and our future descendants
will be alive during the next. They are not going to like the idea of an ice age setting in. It is doubtful they are going
to stand idly by and watch nature do its thing.
Environmentalists virulently preach against man-made changes in the forests, in the oceans, in the arctic, and so
on, as if the conditions on earth today are some kind of intrinsic Garden of Eden that have always existed and
always will exist in their present form. In reality, almost every imaginable form of environment has existed during

earth's five-billion-year history. And, at some point during earth's next five billion years of existence, the sun will
begin to burn out. Earth's atmosphere will then burn as the sun swells, and then literally freeze and fall to the
ground once the sun has extinguished itself. So much for the sanctity of nature and its atmosphere.
Earth has already existed for five billion years. Life has existed in primitive forms for three-fourth's of that time.
Thus, there will most likely be life existing on earth when the sun does begin to burn out during the next five billion
years. Any intelligent beings alive then are not going to like what nature has in store for them. If they are to
survive, they will have to declare war on nature. In the meantime, mankind has got a lot of technology to devise
and a lot of development to do if we hope to survive indefinitely.
Looking towards the more immediate future, consider the rest of the planets in our solar system. They all have
barren, inhospitable, lifeless environments. Instead of fearing change, mankind has to exert integrated effort and
forward movement to venture out beyond earth's comfortable boundaries. In complete contradiction to the
whining, huffy, anti-technology, anti-progress environmentalists, mankind needs to learn how to control nature in
order to bring the gift of life, with its abundance of warmth and fullness, to the now barren, inhospitable planets.
If we reject the environmentalists' age-old anti-progress, anti-success mentality and instead push forward full
steam -- learning to master and control nature -- then mankind can bring the beautiful gift of life beyond earth to
the surrounding planets. That is the pro-development, pro-technology, pro-human direction mankind needs to
strive for -- not the direction of going backwards and living in small tribes in little huts as many leaders of the
environmental movement openly state mankind should do. It is now time for the children of earth to grow into
adults. We must embrace the challenges of the future if we are to survive. If we do, then a glorious universe of
exciting achievement and growth awaits us.
Today's environmentalists are like the fundamentalists of past centuries who spurned man-made machines
declaring that they were the work of Satan and would corrupt mankind. Today's environmentalists are like the
religious fanatics who protested when doctors first started doing internal surgery, saying it was toying in God's
domain and would bring the wrath of God upon us. Today's environmentalists are like the anti-change, antiprogress lobby that protested the opening up of railroads in America proclaiming that such freedom of travel
would lead to a life of decadence. Today's environmental movement is the same anti-progress, anti-technology
cynicism that has always declared man's success will result in some unforeseen calamity.
In reality, the opposite is true. A constant charging forward of technology and progress is what brings
opportunity, health, increased living standards, and happiness to mankind. It is also what solves real problems that
do exist. As demonstrated repeatedly throughout history, industry itself evolves towards ever-cleaner, lesspolluting processes. Pollution represents waste and therefore inefficiency and lost money. Industry evolved from
burning dirty wood and coal to burning much cleaner gas and electricity and then to nuclear power which emits no
pollution at all. Only the interference of anti-technology, anti-progress environmentalists prevents this natural
advancement to ever-cleaner, less-polluting industrial processes. Witness the environmentalists' complete
hostility toward nuclear energy. This is because a clean environment is not what its leaders really want. That is
only a mask. Environmentalists are anti-technology, anti-progress.
Observe how the industrialized, first-world countries are much less polluted and cleaner than the unindustrialized,
third-world countries. Development, prosperity, technology inarguably lead to an increasingly cleaner, safer
environment as well as a stable, even declining population.

Whenever a movement is driven by envy against success, against technology, against progress, its leaders will
keep going until they destroy everything -- just like communism destroyed the lives of everyone under its domain,
just like fundamentalists are willing to throttle the lives of everyone under their domain. That is why an antiprogress, anti-success movement such as environmentalism must be opposed with all one's might. But, just how
does the man in the street, who is not a scientist and does not have all kinds of facts and figures at his disposal,
handle the constant onslaught levied against technology and progress through out-of-context facts and figures?
How is one suppose to know what is true or not. And what about the next anti-success, anti-progress movement
that will evolve as soon as environmentalism begins to wane of its own bankruptcy in the distant future? That antiprogress, anti-success movement, too, whatever form it takes, whatever new cause it uses as its mask, will
undoubtedly have all kinds of facts and figures to justify its case. How can the layman defend against that as well?
How can one know when not to sanction movements that will, by their very nature, result in death and destruction
to the human race and to each individual's personal opportunity and happiness? How does one know when
sanctioning a movement will result in destroyed standards of living by blocking progress and technology?
The bottom line is to forget all the so-called facts, figures, arguments, and case examples. Those, as any lawyer or
journalist can testify, can be used out of context to support any untrue assertion or claim. Instead, look at who is
producing values -- businesses, developers, farmers, industry, and so on. Then, look at who is attacking the value
producers -- whether those attackers are socialists, environmentalists, animal rights groups, egalitarians, or
whatever movement they represent. The deciding factor is to identify who is producing values for society that
others willing pay for versus who is attacking those values and their producers.
Whatever facts, figures or stories some value-attacking activist gives you, you can simply state that you do not
accept the validity of those facts or figures or stories. You can rightfully assert that those facts and figures were
compiled with political ends in mind and therefore you do not accept their validity and that you believe they are
being used out of context. Then, simply identify who is producing objective values that others willingly pay for
versus who is attacking those values. Then, announce that you are going to side with the value producers, not the
value attackers.
Suggested Reading:
The Neo-Tech Discovery, Frank R. Wallace, Neo-Tech Publishing Company, 1992. The Disaster Lobby, Grayson &
Shepards, Fallett Publishing, 1973. Rational Readings on Environmental Concerns, Jay H. Lehr, Van Nostrand
Reinhold Publishing, 1992. Eco-Scam: The False Prophets of Ecological Apocalypse, Ronald Baily, St. Martins Press,
1993. Everything You Know About the Environment Is Wrong, Gregg Easterbrock, The New Republic, April 30, 1990,
P.14. Trashing the Planet, Roy & Guzzo, Regnery Gateway Publishing, 1990. The Heated Debate, Robert C. Malling,
Jr., Pacific Research Institute, 1992. Environmentalism: Sacrificing Mankind to Nature, Peter Schwartz, Second
Renaissance Books, 1991 (Audio). Protecting Mother Earth From the Environmentalists, Brett Peters, The Neo-Tech
Report, July, 1991, P. 26. The Great Ozone-Hole Hoax, Brett Peters, The Neo-Tech Report, Volume 1, Number 4,
1990, P.l. Climate Convention Follies, James M. Sheehan, Competitive Enterprise Institute, May 1992, P. 1.
Appendix II
Why the Economy, Along With Everyone's
Standard of Living, Will be Destroyed by
Our Big-Government Welfare State
Communism, socialism, and our big-government welfare state are all based on a criminal-mind assumption. What
is meant by a "criminal-mind assumption"? Consider Dostoyevski's analysis of the criminal mind in his
masterwork Crime and Punishment. The criminal mind assumes that one has the right and the authority to take or

confiscate values earned by others so long as someone else has a need for those values. Communism, socialism,
and our big-government welfare state are all based on that criminal-mind assumption.
When a government institutes policies based on criminal-mind assumptions, those policies will grow like a cancer.
Eventually they will devour all wealth, along with everyone's future. This was most obvious in former communist
countries. Their criminal-mind policies destroyed entire nations. Yet, the same criminal-mind philosophy that
underlined communism underlined the creation of the big-government welfare state that has formed in America
this century. Today, working Americans ultimately pay close to 50 percent of their income to some form of
taxation. Yet, consider that in 1910, before today's big-government welfare state took hold, the average working
American paid about 5 percent of his income toward taxes. Yet, all of the proper and necessary duties of
government functioned just fine.
In a communist country, everything belongs to the state. In America, today, close to 50 percent of what a worker
earns is ultimately confiscated in some form of government taxation. One could argue that America is now 50
percent communist. The results of this can be seen everywhere. Our economy is sinking into permanent
stagnation. Jobs are lost by the thousands as entire industries close down because they can no longer handle the
enormous tax and regulating burdens placed upon them. Meanwhile, our government has racked up the largest
deficit in history. Yet, our politicians have the audacity to proclaim that the problem with our economy is that
people aren't paying their fair share of taxes!
Left unchecked, career politicians, bureaucrats, and special-interest groups will not stop. Their criminal-mind
policies of forcibly taking values earned by some to support the special interests of others will inevitably destroy
the economy along with everyone's standard of living. Ironically, this was predicted by our founding fathers.
When the original 12 states convened in Philadelphia in 1787 (Rhode Island did not send a delegation to the
Constitutional Convention) to draft a new constitution, there existed a group of powerful special interests that
wanted and lobbied hard for a strong central government. Predictably, this big-government special-interest group
was headed by a lawyer -- Alexander Hamilton. Fortunately, most of our founding fathers were in no mood to
establish a strong, overbearing government like the tyrannical English government they had just fought a costly
war to throw off. Thus, they rejected the majority of what that big-government lobby wanted. However, not
wanting to appear undemocratic, the founding fathers gave in to a few of the big-government lobby's proposals.
The big-government lobby's main victory was the drafting of Article 1, Section 8 in the Constitution. This section
gave the federal government the power to tax without specifying any limits. Certain founding fathers recognized
the mistake of granting a government the power to tax without specifying limits. They vigorously opposed this
section of the Constitution. Unfortunately, many delegates at the constitutional convention made the mistake of
believing that it would be okay to compromise with the big-government lobby. After all, the new taxes being
proposed at the time seemed harmless enough. Those taxes amounted to one or two percent of the average
person's income. They agreed to leave Article 1, Section 8 unamended.
Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution reads "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties,
imposts and excises to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United
States." Since this section does not specify a limit on the amount Congress can tax, in actuality this section grants
to Congress unlimited taxing power. Congress can tax without restraint. Luther Martin, a Maryland delegate to the
Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, warned of the consequences:
"By the power to lay and collect imposts Congress may impose duties on any or every article of commerce
imported into these states to what amount they please. By the power to lay excises, a power very odious in its
nature, since it authorizes officers to examine into your private concerns, the Congress may impose duties on
every article of use or consumption: On the food that we eat, on the liquors we drink, on the clothes that we wear,

the glass which enlighten our houses, or the hearths necessary for our warmth and comfort. By the power to lay
and collect taxes, they may proceed to direct taxation on every individual either by a capitation tax on their heads
or an assessment on their property. By this part of the section, therefore, the government has a power to tax to
what amount they choose and thus to sluice the people at every vein as long as they have a drop of blood left."
Malaton Smith, a leading opponent of Alexander Hamilton during New York's ratifying convention, articulated the
principle that governmental powers should be clearly defined. "It is necessary that the powers vested in
government should be precisely defined, that the people may be able to know whether it moves in the circle of the
Constitution. Article I, Section 8 is intolerably vague. The Federal government will push its taxing power to the
limit. It is a general maxim that all governments find a use for as much money as they can raise. Indeed, they have
commonly demands for more. Hence it is that all as far as we are acquainted are in debt. I take this to be a settled
truth that they will all spend as much as their revenue. That is, will live at least up to their income. Congress will
ever exercise their powers to levy as much money as the people can pay."
In 1787, most of the press, being centered in the cities and subjected to entrenched special-interests, supported
the big-government lobby. The press claimed that men such as Martin and Smith were overreacting. Thus, the 13
states proceeded to pass the U. S. Constitution without amending Article I, Section 8.
Overreacting? Time has proven that nothing could have been more wrong. Just look at what has occurred! Today,
50 percent of working America's income is ultimately gobbled up in some form of taxation. That is not taxation. It
is confiscation! If the founded fathers were alive today, they would start another revolution. Yet, instead of
swimming in surplus cash with all its mighty taxation power, our government is faced with a several-trillion-dollar
debt that will eventually bankrupt our nation and everybody's future. How true those ominous warnings were.
Indeed, a government, if given the power, will keep expanding its taxation -- taking every last dime it can get away
with. And, as certain foresighted founding fathers warned in 1787, the more a government taxes, the more it will
spend, thus the ever more that government will demand from its citizens.
Since Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution granted Congress the power to tax without setting any specified
limits, Congress gradually increased taxes and spending throughout the 1800s. By 1910, taxes amounted to about
5% of the average working person's income. But, in the early 1900s, as the philosophy of socialism and big
government spread rapidly throughout the world, Congress insisted on instituting a new federal income tax. Once
again, the public was fooled by the big-government, special-interest lobby promoting the income tax. The top
income tax rate proposed at that time was three percent. Congress assured the public that the income tax rate
would never go above three percent. Again, foresighted individuals saw the principle behind an income tax and
warned against the catastrophe that would eventually result. On March 3, 1910, Richard E. Byrd, Speaker of the
Virginia House of Delegates, ominously warned against establishing a federal income tax.
"A hand from Washington will be stretched out and placed upon every man's business; the eye of the Federal
inspector will be in every man's counting house. The law will of necessity have inquisitorial features, it will provide
penalties. It will create a complicated machinery. Under it businessmen will be hauled into courts distant from
their homes. Heavy fines imposed by distant and unfamiliar tribunals will constantly menace the taxpayer. An
army of Federal inspectors, spies and detectives will descend upon the state. They will compel men of business to
show their books and disclose the secrets of their affairs. They will dictate forms of bookkeeping. They will
require statements and affidavits..."
Again, warnings from Senator Byrd and others like him were dismissed as reactionary. After all, the federal
government was proposing only a modest income tax rate of three percent on America's top income earners.

History has proven that Mr. Byrd and others like him were not overreacting. Imagine the horror those men would
experience if they witnessed the IRS of today. Americans are endlessly harassed and burdened by a mountain of
tax regulations and an army of IRS auditors. Huge, punitive assessments daily bankrupt businesses and individuals
in every state of the nation. No financial transaction of any American is private. In fact, bankers can be jailed for
not reporting other peoples' financial transactions to the federal government. Widows stand before Congress and
tell of their husbands committing suicide because of ruinous tax assessments attached to them in their old-age.
Young children have their bank accounts seized. Newspapers carry pictures of IRS agents smashing open the
windows of a Volkswagon and dragging out a young, bewildered couple as they desperately try to prevent the
confiscation of their meager means of transportation. Federal judges are debarred and jailed after presiding over
decisions unfavorable to the IRS. A past President admits to using the IRS to ruin political opponents. Top value
and job-producers in society are fined millions of dollars and sent to jail. The richest entertainers in America are
suddenly left homeless and financially destroyed. Middle-class men and women have their homes, cars, furniture,
even family heirlooms confiscated and auctioned off. ...Every year a trail of devastation weaves across the nation
as thousands of Americans are bankrupted and left in financial ruin by the IRS.
The writing is on the wall. As predicted over 200 years ago, our taxation system has turned into confiscation,
forcing our justice system to become increasingly police-state-like and to trample upon our freedoms guaranteed
in the Bill of Rights. Our economic foundations are deteriorating, and our government has accumulated a national
debt that will eventually bankrupt this county. Just as happened in communist countries, our economy, too, will
collapse. Philosophically, this disastrous end is inescapable. Our government, by its nature, will keep pushing
criminal-mind parasitism until it sucks dry everyone's future. Why is this inevitable? Because our government is
now based on the prime evil -- initiatory force.
Initiatory Force -- The Prime Evil.
"Force, coercion, threat of force, or fraud initiated against any individual for any reason by any individual, groups
of individuals, societies, or governments is morally wrong. That is the only categorical moral statement possible.
That statement must, by its nature, be the categorical, irreducible, and fundamental standard for all conscious
beings, always, everywhere. That statement is the axiom upon which every moral concept rests. The initiation of
force and fraud among conscious beings is not only the basic moral wrong and evil, but is the primary tool used by
all professional neocheaters to survive through value destruction."[ 12 ] -- Frank R. Wallace, "The Neo-Tech
Discovery," Neo-Tech Publishing Company, 1992
If a worker does not pay his or her income tax, that worker will go to jail. The federal income tax depends upon the
use of initiatory force -- the prime evil. Today, as our economic foundations deteriorate, it is becoming ever-more
obvious that enacting criminal-mind policies through the threat of initiatory force leads to disaster. History
demonstrates this, philosophy dictates this, and morality demands this. We are now in the mist of such dynamics.
Tomorrow, people will accept and even support Americans being dragged from their homes in the middle of the
night. The public will turn its head as homes and businesses are torn to shreds in search of "evidence of financial
crimes". Individuals from all walks of life will be sentenced to punitive, life-ruining prison terms. The public will no
longer have the ability to recognize that they are living in a police state. They will be numb to the fear that
permeates them. All they will know is that they are living with increasing misery as opportunity wanes, our
economy sours, and wars increase. That is the inescapable result of a big-government welfare state.
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[ 12 ] Neocheating means the undetected usurpation of values through clever, dishonest actions that make the
neocheater appear as the benefactor or protector of society. ...Most politicians are neocheaters.
Appendix III
Spotting and Dumping the Criminal Mind
"...Consider Dostoevsky's analysis of the criminal mind in his masterwork `Crime and Punishment': The criminal
assumption is that one has the right and authority to take or confiscate values earned by others so long as
someone else has a need for those values."
The Criminal Mind is a mode of thinking that lays the responsibility for taking care of oneself onto others. A person
with a criminal mind constantly projects that others owe him something -- be it money, a job, happiness, love, or
anything else of value.
Instead of focussing on earning values, the criminal mind conjures up rationalizations as to why one deserves
values belonging to others. Earn is replaced with deserve. The responsibility to provide that deserved value is
then automatically placed on someone else.
The criminal mind functions through destructive rationalizations that subvert the ability to produce competitive
values. A person in a criminal-mind mode stops exerting the honesty, effort, and integrations required to
effectively deal with problems and build competitive values.
While criminal-mind thinking festers at the core of all criminals, such thinking is also used by others for
camouflaged manipulation. A person can employ criminal-mind thinking without actually being a criminal.
Uncovering the Camouflaged Nature
of a Criminal Mind
Eddie is a young college student and a shoplifter. He confines his criminal activity to shoplifting food items from
grocery stores. Instead of keeping secret his dishonest behavior, Eddie brags about his shoplifting skills. In fact,
Eddie prides himself on his ability to outsmart those big wheels who own the supermarkets. Eddie speaks about his
shoplifting in the context that he is finally getting back, in a small way, at those "rip-off store owners who victimize
everyone." While bragging about the $15.00 steak he had lifted, Eddie exuded a self-righteous tone that implied:
"You should feel sorry for me, I'm the little guy who has been victimized all my life by the greedy big wheels out
there." To Eddie, the supermarket owners owe him the merchandise he takes.
Aside from his shoplifting problem, Eddie appears to be a normal, friendly young man. However, his self-justifying
criminal behavior is a key sign of the criminal mind. In fact, Eddie's self-justifying behavior exemplifies how all
levels of criminals must rationalize away their dishonesties. They reverse their situation so that in their own
minds they are the ones being victimized.
People often run into petty shoplifters throughout their lifetimes--from schoolmates to co-workers. The one
characteristic common among essentially all those petty thieves is that they turn their situation around, using an
"I'm-the-victim" rationalization. Although such shoplifters often are not hard-core crooks, they all use the same
mode of criminal-mind thinking to justify their behavior.

Indulging in the Criminal Mind

The rationalizations of those petty shoplifters, in reality, amount to emotional self-indulgence. Instead of exerting
honesty and discipline, the basic ingredients required for a successful, competitive human life, they indulge in
Dostoevsky's analysis of the criminal mind demonstrates that the criminal-mind thinking mode always inverts the
concepts of self-responsibility, discipline, and effort. Examples of that mode of thinking are everywhere. For
example, a recent television movie evolves around a ten-year-old boy growing up in a poor neighborhood as a
gang member. The boy lures unsuspecting victims into an isolated spot and then older gang members mug the
victim. One night, that gang attempts to mug a professional hockey player who overcomes them and captures the
youngster who lured him into that mugging.
The athlete then tries to help the young boy. The boy's mother is a poor, unwed mother who is threatened by gangs
in the neighborhood. The young boy is cute and in a tough situation. The viewer cannot help liking him. But, then,
after the athlete puts out time and effort to help the boy, the boy flies into a rage. Because he has been caught, the
boy must face reality and exert the independent honesty and effort required to quit the gang and reform. But, the
young boy turns his situation around. He self-righteously proclaims that the athlete is the cause of his current
adjustment problems. The boy claims that the athlete is being terribly unjust to him, and, therefore, that athlete
now owes him things. Suddenly, it becomes strikingly clear that this little boy is using the criminal-mind thinking
Yes, he is cute. Yes, he is just a kid in a tough, disadvantaged situation. But, indeed, the boy has a criminal mind.
Suddenly, all the other aspects in his situation become irrelevant. The point is now obvious. The boy's problem is
his indulging in the criminal mind. All his other problems become meaningless unless and until his indulging in the
criminal-mind is focussed on and overcome.
That television show demonstrates that the criminal mind is a distinct, identifiable "mode of thinking." A person
need not be physically committing a crime to be using the criminal mind. In fact, a person can use the criminal
mind selectively as a powerful manipulation tool. Even a person who has never physically stolen anything can use
the criminal mind to turn responsibility upside down and lay self-responsibility on someone else.
They All Have Criminal Minds!
Soon after that television movie aired, the presidential election campaigns began. Listening to the statements that
the candidates were making, one trait became strikingly clear: All the candidates had criminal minds! Essentially
every statement they uttered fit the definition: "The criminal mind is a mode of thinking that lays the responsibility
for taking care of oneself onto others."
Whenever a person projects that someone else is responsible for the well-being of others, he, too, is using a
criminal-mind thinking mode. Once the essence of criminal-mind thinking is identified, a startling realization leaps
forth: criminal-mind thinking is at the core of all politicians, many media people, most lawyers, many professors,
and certain white-collar-hoax businessmen. Such people constantly shift self-responsibility from the individual
onto others. Such criminal-mind intellectuals serve to institutionalize criminal-mind thinking.
Do You Need Values?
Take Them from Others
Almost all politicians, their intellectual cohorts, and all who accept forced distributions of other people's money fit
Dostoevsky's analysis of the criminal mind in his masterwork Crime and Punishment: The criminal assumption is
that one has the right and authority to take or confiscate values earned by others so long as someone else has a
"need" for those values. Today's government has no qualms about using force to take, to loot, or to otherwise

confiscate property and values belonging to others. Political government, by its nature, displays contempt for
private property and individual rights.
The results of such irrationality are escalating injustice and value destruction. But, even worse, criminal-mind
thinking becomes institutionalized. While common criminals live by direct criminal actions, institutionalized
criminal-mind practitioners live by promoting and applying criminal actions as a third party. That is, government
bureaucrats forcibly take values from some and give them to special-interests they deem in need, all the while
skimming enough for their own prestigious livelihoods. Thus, they make their criminal actions appear noble. In
reality, they are neocheating. They make themselves appear as benefactors to society while they are in fact
gleaning a living and prestige by draining others.
The Biggest Scam
Political government usurps massive doses of power by its third-party, criminal-mind actions. By employing
criminal-mind actions as a third party, a politician or bureaucrat can manipulate people, businesses, and values in
ways he or she could otherwise never dream of doing. A government's third-party, criminal-mind methods can
create endless "problems" in order to create endless targets from which to usurp money and power. On closer
examination, the forced "solutions" to those conjured up problems always lies in more money and more power
being arrogated to the politicians and bureaucrats.
Criminal Minds Never Produce Net Values
Value destroyers exist by usurping values through force or the threat of force. Value producers exist by
producing values through competitive, voluntary exchanges. Honest-minded workers are responsibility-accepting
value producers. Criminal-minded politicians and bureaucrats are responsibility-evading value destroyers.
No government is a higher entity unto itself -- all government consists of individual men and women who do not
produce competitive values that are freely exchanged in the open marketplace. Such men and women must garner
livelihoods and self-glory through criminal-mind actions. Listen to the statements of any politician, from a local
city councilman to the President of the United States. Essentially every statement they utter fits the criminal-mind
definition. Any person or any institution employing the criminal mind can be exposed by asking, "Is this person or
institution projecting that someone else is responsible for the well-being of others?"
Once a person is identified as using criminal-mind manipulations, he or she should be dumped with scorn and
derision, whether it be the President of the United States, a reporter, or a college professor -- all those people
and their institutions have at their essence the criminal-mind thinking mode. Their livelihoods depend upon making
some people responsible for the "problems" of others. Creating grandiose programs to solve those "problems"
gives criminal-mind manipulators massive doses of unearned power to enforce justice-turned-upside-down laws
and regulations. Those laws and regulations are supported by money and property forcibly taken from others.
Common Criminals
Neocheating Criminals
While common criminals are destructive on a random basis, their level of destruction to society is statistically
insignificant. They pose little long-term threat to value producers. On the other hand, institutionalized
professionals espousing and implementing criminal-mind policies are massively destructive. Their level of
destruction to society keeps climbing on a grand scale as all of society is forced to conform to their criminal-mind
policies. This was most obvious in former communist countries, where criminal-mind policies destroyed entire
economies and everyone's standard of living. Yet, the same responsibility-reversing, criminal-mind philosophy

that underlined Marxism and socialism underlined the creation of the gigantic welfare-state, regulation-mad
bureaucracy that exists in America today.
Today's working American ultimately pays close to 50 percent of his or her income to some form of taxation. In
spite of that massive usurpation, our federal government is faced with the largest deficit in the history of nations.
Before the criminal-mind doctrines spawned from Marxism and socialism began seeping into American policy in
the early 20th Century, the average American paid less than 5 percent of his income toward taxes. Yet, all of the
proper and necessary duties of government functioned just fine. Left unchecked, criminal-mind institutions and
their criminal-mind policies will eventually devour all wealth, along with everyone's future opportunity.
The Criminal Mind
(Part 2)
The Criminal Mind Permeates Everywhere -- Undermining Love, Family, and Friendship
Day after day, a person is bombarded with criminal-mind propaganda espoused by government, media, whitecollar-hoax business leaders and the intellectual community.[ 13 ] When a person sees highly-placed intellectuals
using criminal-mind manipulations, those same reverse-responsibility manipulations become increasingly easier
for himself or herself to rationalize. In addition, most people are subjected to subtle criminal-mind manipulations
from friends, family, even spouses.
In fact, the criminal-mind is frequently used on a personal level through subtle implications such as: "If you love
me, you'll do this for me," or, "Because I'm your friend, it's your responsibility to help me out." Although such
manipulations may be used only to coerce family or friends into doing simple favors, those subtle manipulations
are, nevertheless, rooted in the criminal mind.
The "You Owe Me" Manipulation
Almost all criminal-mind manipulations used on a personal level are some variation of an "I love you, therefore,
you owe me" manipulation. If not explicitly identified and stopped, such "you owe me" manipulations diminish love
and cause resentment to grow. No matter how close a relationship, even parent and child, the victim of such
criminal-mind "you owe me" manipulations always senses, at least subconsciously, that he or she is being
manipulated. A suppressed resentment will inevitably grow.
Such criminal-mind manipulations should promptly be cut off, no matter how loved the perpetrator. One must
never sanction the criminal-mind mode of reversing responsibility. That default on self-responsibility is a mental
cancer. If allowed to grow, it will spread to other, much more damaging areas.
The Path of Least Resistance
If a person gets away with a simple "you owe me" manipulation on family members, he or she has successfully
used a path-of-least-resistance manipulation. That manipulation will become easier for that person to use the next
time. Thus, it will be used more and more frequently. That person's skill at using responsibility-reversing
manipulations will sharpen. And, as that person becomes more adept at criminal-mind manipulations, he or she
will branch out. Next, when the chance arises to avoid exerting self-responsibility at school, at work, or in an area
of personal development, that person may use a similar criminal-mind manipulation to justify, once again, taking
the path of least resistance. Such a person begins using criminal-mind rationalizations to avoid the constant effort
required to grow and be successful in life.
Rationalizations rooted in the criminal mind can lead to a child doing poorly in school, thereby cutting off his
future, to a man or a woman avoiding integrated thinking and forward-essence movement at work, thereby
stagnating his or her career, or to a person destroying a love relationship by constantly manipulating his or her

spouse. All of that value destruction can result from responsibility-reversing manipulations first learned in the
Self-Responsibility, Personal Effort, and
Integrated Honesty Cannot be Contradicted
Even a clergyman who masks the criminal-mind mode in a kind-hearted sermon about society owing a
responsibility to homeless people must not be sanctioned. For, that clergyman is spreading a responsibilityreversing cancer seed that in the long-run hurts everyone. There is nothing wrong with helping homeless people,
but a person does not morally owe a duty to a homeless person. Shifting self-responsibility to take care of oneself
onto others never solves anybody's problems. And any intellectual, such as a clergyman, politician, or media
editor, is intelligent enough to understand that principle.
Indeed, the objects of criminal-mind value transfers are not helped by such actions. Coerced value transfers
quickly trap an individual into becoming dependent upon criminal-mind thinking. Such a person learns not to be
responsible for his own needs and livelihood. Someone else becomes responsible for providing the things he or
she does not have. Such individuals eventually become the most unhappy people alive. Second and third generation
welfare recipients, for example, never live to experience lasting or deep happiness. Their pathetic, criminal-mind
thinking spreads to their children, and then to their children, and so on. Everyone involved begins accepting
reverse-responsibility thinking within themselves and others.
Today, everyone is exposed to and is silently encouraged by the intelligentsia to indulge in various criminal-mind
thinking modes. The linking characteristic of all those modes of thinking is that they seek out the path of least
resistance. But, with Neo-Tech (fully integrated honesty), one can uncompromisingly stamp out criminal-mind
manipulations wherever they occur -- even in personal situations. A single act of identifying and refusing a
responsibility-reversing manipulation can forever stop another person from indulging in the criminal mind again.
Just the knowledge that someone else understands a person's manipulation can forever break that person's
criminal-mind rationalizations. Without those rationalizations, he or she will be unable to foist responsibilityreversing manipulations onto others.
Wiping Out the Criminal-Mind Cancer Seed
A single voice of honesty in a lifetime of silent acceptance by others can forever remove a criminal-mind cancer
seed in a loved one. That single voice of honesty can keep a person from sinking into a sea of destruction after a
lifetime of seeing others employ criminal-mind thinking, from friends and family members right up to TV
anchormen, the President, the Pope, and popular "heroes."
Respected politicians, clergymen, news anchors, college professors, and other professionals who espouse
criminal-mind thinking are dishonest and destructive. As with that television movie about the young boy and the
athlete, guilt-implying, responsibility-reversing themes are bandied about everywhere. Their implicit message is
that society and the individual have a moral responsibility to meet the needs of other people--to meet the needs of
gang members, welfare recipients, government bureaucracies, or outcompeted American companies. Gloryseeking politicians and job-seeking bureaucrats then step in to provide for those "needs" by usurping values from
The criminal-mind thinking mode is a hoax that diminishes life, love, and happiness. Indulging in the criminal mind
will push a person into stagnation and failure. Criminal-mind rationalizations cripple all those who accept them. In
turn, those mentally-crippled individuals become psychologically dependent upon criminal-mind institutions for
guidance and support. To be successful, a person must use fully integrated honesty (Neo-Tech) to uproot and
stamp out the vicious criminal-mind hoax.

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[ 13 ] White-collar-hoax business leaders are those who drain the productive businesses they now control but did
not build. See Mark Hamilton's book Neo-Tech Business Control for a complete exposure of the White-Collar Hoax
in American business.
Appendix IV
The Destruction of a Wealth and Jobs
Creator by Parasitical-Elites
James J. Hill was a 19th-century railroad entrepreneur. Hill was an integrated thinker who broke out of a
restricted, one-country mode and began pushing into a worldwide mode. Unfortunately, just as Hill achieved great
success in the American railroad industry and began spearheading an international expansion, his worldwide
growth was snuffed out by glory-seeking politicians. The story of James J. Hill is documented in the book The Myth
of the Robber Barons by Burton W. Folsom, Jr.
Political Entrepreneurs Versus Market Entrepreneurs
In that book, Folsom identifies how throughout history there have been two distinct types of entrepreneurs:
political entrepreneurs and market entrepreneurs. Political entrepreneurs seek profits by working with the
government to get subsidies, grants, and special privileges. In other words, political entrepreneurs seek success
through political pull. In contrast, market entrepreneurs seek success by producing increasingly improved
products and services at increasingly lower costs.
The Transcontinental Railroads
The building of America's transcontinental railroads provides a dramatic example of political entrepreneurs
versus market entrepreneurs. In the 1860s railroads began expanding rapidly throughout America. Thus, political
entrepreneurs seeking easy dollars teamed up with Congressmen seeking self-glory. Those political
entrepreneurs and Congressmen lobbied the federal government to subsidize the building of America's first
transcontinental railroad.
That situation presented a perfect combination for the parasitical-elite class. (See The Neo-Tech Discovery for a
definitive analysis of the parasitical-elite class.) White-collar-hoax political entrepreneurs could line their pockets
with lavish government subsidies while the Congressmen handing out those subsidies could garner self-glory and
justify their jobs. "Look how beneficial we are to the American people," those Congressmen proclaimed. "We are
financing America's first transcontinental railroad." Thus, a criminal-mind deception was woven by that
parasitical-elite class. The deception was that only the government could finance an undertaking as large and
expensive as the building of a transcontinental railroad. That deception is still promoted in history books to this
With great fanfare, enormous subsidies were granted to the Union Pacific and the California Pacific to build the
first transcontinental railroad across America. Thus, hordes of political entrepreneurs seeking easy dollars
rushed to the scene. The California Pacific started building track from the west coast, the Union Pacific from the
east coast. Those companies were paid by the government according to how many miles of track each laid. So,

instead of carefully studying routes and then building track along the shortest, most efficient routes, both
companies built along the longest, most out-of-the-way routes they could justify. That way, each could collect the
maximum amount of government money.
Congressmen, who were spending money they controlled but did not earn, were quick to claim credit for the
financing of America's first transcontinental railroad. But, unlike essence-building businessmen spending their
own money, those Congressmen were not about to exert the nitty-gritty effort required to make sure that good
value was received for each dollar spent. Thus, the building of that government-financed transcontinental railroad
turned into an orgy of parasitical-elite fraud.
Instead of carefully laying railroad track to achieve high quality and good efficiency, such as searching out routes
to build over that contained the lowest grades of hills, buying top-quality material, closely supervising
workmanship, and so on, the California Pacific and the Union Pacific merely laid railroad track as fast as they
could. Each builder ignored quality and economy in order to get the most track laid before the other in a race to
collect the most government subsidies.
As a result, after that first transcontinental railroad was built, subsequently called the Union Pacific, it had
enormously high operating costs. Because extra long routes had been built on purpose, because time had not been
taken to locate and build over routes containing the lowest grades of hills, it took an extra long time for each train
to complete its journey. Thus, more fuel had to be burned, more wages had to be paid, and more equipment was
tied up. In addition, because the railroad track had been laid so hastily, thousands of miles of shoddy track had to
be pulled up and re-laid before the first train could even be run over it. Right from the start the Union Pacific
could not make a profit. The federal government had to continue doling out subsidies to the Union Pacific just to
enable it to operate after the line had been completed.
Soon after the Union Pacific had been financed by the federal government, other political entrepreneurs ganged
up with local politicians to demand that the federal government finance transcontinental railroads in their area of
the country. Thus, the federal government next financed a transcontinental railroad in the North, the Northern
Pacific, and a transcontinental railroad in the South, the Santa Fe. The building of those two government-financed
railroads followed the same course as the building of the Union Pacific. The lines were poorly constructed.
Builders had focussed on obtaining maximum government subsidies, not on achieving quality and economy. After
the Northern Pacific and Santa Fe transcontinental railroads had been completed, they too had unnecessarily high
operating costs. Both lost money right from the start. Both had to continue receiving government subsidies just to
A Deception Is Woven
A parasitical-elite class consisting of white-collar-hoax political entrepreneurs, job-justifying politicians, and
government-salaried university professors has propagandized to this very day that only the federal government
could have financed the building of America's first transcontinental railroads. The story of James J. Hill is
James J. Hill was a market entrepreneur. He was an integrated-thinking, forward-essence mover. (See Eric
Savage's book Global Wealth Power! to learn how to apply integrated thinking and forward-essence movement to
get rich.) Hill was born in a log cabin to a working class family in Ontario, Canada. Hill got a job with a railroad
when he was a teenager. He loved railroads and integrated his life with them. Hill moved up quickly. He soon
became involved in the building of local railroads. In 1880, Hill decided to build a transcontinental railroad
privately, without any government subsidies. He would call his line the Great Northern.
Hill's plan to build a transcontinental railroad across the northern border of America was labelled "Hill's folly."
Why? First of all, Hill was building a railroad way up north in unsettled wilderness. Where would his business come

from? Secondly, Hill would have to compete with three transcontinental railroads to the south: the Northern
Pacific, the Union Pacific, and the Santa Fe. All three of those railroads had been financed by the federal
government. How could a private railroad compete with three other railroads that had their expenses paid for by
the government?
But, James J. Hill was forced to meet the disciplines of a bottom line. He had to stay within red-to-black business
dynamics. Instead of "rushing into the wilderness to collect government subsidies," as had happened with the
construction of the three government-subsidized transcontinentals, Hill built his railroad westward into the
northern wilderness one extension at a time. Hill would build an extension westward a few hundred miles, then
move in farmers from the East free of charge in order to settle the land along his railroad. Those farmers would
then start using Hill's railroad to ship their produce back East to market. Because Hill received no government
money, each extension constructed westward would have to build up red-to-black business before another
westward extension could be built. Within ten years Hill completed his transcontinental railroad, the Great
Northern, without receiving one cent of government money.
Hill exerted detailed planning before building each westward extension. He personally mapped out and built along
the shortest, most direct routes. Hill also carefully surveyed land to find routes that would contain the lowest
grades of hills over which to build. Thus, Hill's Great Northern was able to run with minimum operating costs once
it was completed. And, with Hill spending hard-earned private money, the highest standards of workmanship and
materials were insisted upon.
It is easy to see why people initially labelled Hill's undertaking as folly. The three government-financed
transcontinental railroads south of Hill's Great Northern were in the heart of the country, and none of them could
earn a profit. All three government-financed transcontinentals had been forced into bankruptcy and required
government bail-out money to continue running. Yet, what actually happened once Hill's privately-financed
railroad reached the Pacific? That railroad flourished from its very start. The Great Northern produced a profit,
even during recession years. In complete contrast, the three government-financed trans-continental railroads
had such high operating costs and poor quality workmanship that they could not compete with Hill's Great
Northern line.
A Spiral of Inefficiencies
Because the federal government had to continue subsidizing the money-losing, government-financed
transcontinentals, each of those railroads had to obtain government approval to build any new extensions. On the
other hand, once James J. Hill's transcontinental railroad was running, he built up business with extensions called
feeder lines. For example, if coal was discovered a hundred miles to the north of Hill's line, he built a feeder line to
service that mine. If good trees were available for lumber on a nearby mountain, Hill would build a feeder line to
that mountain so that a lumber company could move in and use Hill's railroad to ship its lumber to market. If a
suitable valley for cattle-ranching existed a few miles to the south, Hill would build a feeder line to service that
valley. Railroads discovered that feeder lines were crucial to their profitability. But, whenever one of the
government-subsidized transcontinental railroads wanted to build a feeder line, it had to get Congress' approval
since Congress was providing the financing.
Well, everyone knows what happens when politicians run things. A simple business decision can get hung up for
months, even years, before receiving approval. Thus, the government-subsidized railroads could not operate
effectively. They could not compete with Hill's Great Northern railroad. What had initially been labelled "Hill's folly"
by the establishment ran circles around the government-subsidized, white-collar-hoax managed railroads. (See
Mark Hamilton's book Neo-Tech Business Control for examples of how the white-collar hoax has penetrated large
segments of American industry today.)

Fraud Is Inherent in the

Low-Effort, Parasitical-Elite Class
Over time, the corruption that was inherent in the government-financed transcontinental railroads began
unraveling. Unlike James J. Hill's privately-financed transcontinental railroad, the government-financed transcontinental railroads were not operating by the disciplines of a bottom line. Thus, white-collar-hoax political
entrepreneurs did not exert the discipline required to closely supervise the construction of their railroads for
quality and efficiency. The survival of those political entrepreneurs did not depend upon that. Their survival,
instead, depended upon exerting political pull. Consequently, the government-financed railroads were left wide
open to fraud. Managers often formed their own supply companies in order to sell substandard materials at
inflated costs to the very railroads they worked for. Payoffs and sellouts were rampant.
As those fraudulent practices began surfacing the public got fed up with that situation. Thus, glory-seeking
politicians in Washington once again rushed in to grab attention. A new deception was woven. Congressmen now
claimed that they were going to be the defenders of the American people by exposing the corruption in the
government-subsidized transcontinental railroads. Glory-seeking Congressmen began conducting investigations
into the nation's railroad business. In reality, those glory-seeking politicians were the root cause of that
Meanwhile, consider what James J. Hill, the market entrepreneur, was accomplishing. After completing his
profitable transcontinental railroad, Hill continued his integrated thinking and forward-essence movement. Hill
promoted entire new industries in the Northwest, such as lumber companies in Oregon, apple farms in
Washington, mining industries in Montana, cattle ranches in the plains. Hill would help a business move to the
Northwest and then give that business special rates to ship its products back East until it became established.
That policy quickly built up business along Hill's railroad.
Next, Hill began thinking about business beyond America. Hill started exploring opportunities in the Orient. Hill
calculated that if the Chinese of a single major province substituted one ounce of rice a day in their diets for
American wheat this could result in 50,000,000 bushels or more of wheat a year being sold and transported to
China. Hill began doing wide-scope integrated thinking. He began moving beyond the boundaries of a restricted,
single-nation mode and into a worldwide, heliocentric-like mode. (See Global Wealth Power! for techniques on how
to break out into a worldwide business mode.)
James J. Hill decided that he was going to promote American trade in Asia, just as he had promoted trade in the
Northwest. So, Hill bought cargo ships and formed his own steamship company to ship American goods to China
and Japan. He then sent agents abroad to promote American goods to Asians.
While the white-collar-hoax political entrepreneurs were trying to figure out how to get more subsidies from the
federal government, James J. Hill was turning his attention toward world business. Hill was figuring out how to
deliver increasing values to the world. He realized that the key to tapping the vast markets of Asia was to build up
trade by offering to ship American products for free on his railroad and steamships until trade could become
established. Hill began racing his steamships back and forth between Japan, China, and America.
James J. Hill was a real forward-essence mover. Hill offered a group of Japanese industrialists low-cost
American cotton in place of the cotton that the Japanese traditionally imported from India. If the Japanese did not
like the American cotton, Hill offered to let them keep it free of charge. This worked. Soon Hill's boxcars were
filled with cotton bales heading to Japan. Utilizing this same technique, Hill got both the Japanese and the Chinese
to start buying American textiles from New England.

James J. Hill Was Spearheading an

American Dominance of Asian Trade
In 1896 American exports to Japan totalled 7.7 million dollars a year. Nine years later James J. Hill had pushed
that figure to 51.7 million dollars a year. Hill was spearheading an American dominance of Asian trade -- nearly
one-hundred years ago!
James J. Hill diligently promoted American goods in Asia. For example, starting around 1900, Japan began a
railroad building boom. England and Belgium were the traditional suppliers of rail. American rail-makers were still
fledgling in the Pittsburgh area. Hill recognized the importance of the Asian market for steel and rails. So, Hill
personally underbid the Europeans to capture Japanese orders for American rail-makers.
Hill also promoted in Asia lumber from the Northwest, wheat from the Midwest, copper from Montana, apples from
Washington, and so on. While the white-collar-hoax political entrepreneurs of the government-subsidized
railroads were being closed in upon, Hill was blossoming into an international dynamo.
So what happened next? Attention-seeking politicians began parading the corrupt political entrepreneurs infesting
government-subsidized railroads before the public through Senate investigation hearings. Yet, it was Congress
that created that corruption in the first place by self-righteously giving away money it controlled but did not earn.
Instead of identifying and eliminating that root cause, Congress began clamoring for strict regulation of the
railroad industry. Thus, Congress could now come in with a strong-arm approach and proclaim to the public how
they were earning their jobs by protecting the American public from greedy and corrupt railroad executives.
Congress proposed creating the Interstate Commerce Commission to regulate and control the railroads and the
Sherman Antitrust Act designed to threaten and punish the railroad industry. Well, James J. Hill realized what was
occurring. He travelled to Washington to testify before Congress. Hill meticulously explained what had happened
with the government-subsidized railroads versus his privately-financed railroad and how the solution was for the
government to get out of the railroad business altogether.
But Hill was ignored. Politicians and bureaucrats could not increase their power nor garner self-glory if they
admitted that the root of the railroad problem was caused by the government getting into the railroad business in
the first place -- a place the government never belonged.
Conscious Destruction
Congress ignored James J. Hill and went ahead to create the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) and pass the
Sherman Antitrust Act that heavily regulated and punished the railroad industry. Thus, the techniques Hill had
used to build up trade in the Northwest and was now using to build up American trade to Asia became illegal. The
ICC and antitrust laws forbid giving any special deals to customers. As a direct result of that legislation, James J.
Hill had to give up pursuing the Asian market altogether. One year after Congress created the Interstate
Commerce Commission and passed the Sherman Antitrust Act, Hill sold his steamship line. Hill's foresighted,
integrated methods could no longer work. America's trade to Japan and China dropped forty percent within two
What happened in Congress was not a case of ignorance. James J. Hill actually set up residence in Washington and
lobbied Congress and its investigative committees intensively. Hill made sure those Congressmen knew what had
really happened in the railroad industry and why. Hill even wrote a book about the situation and published that
book himself. Still, Hill's arguments were ignored. Congress could garner more support and more money by
attacking and regulating the railroad industry than by admitting that they were the root cause of that railroad

What Are the Implications?

What are the implications of that event that occurred nearly one-hundred years ago? Today, America's great
economic weakness is foreign trade -- particularly trade with Asia. The President makes speeches about and
creates commissions to study this problem. The heads of America's Corporate 500 companies, top economists,
professors, even management gurus issue grave warnings about America's waning international competitiveness
and its trade imbalance with Asia. Everyone then points to certain mistakes made along the way since World War II
-- management laziness, excessive union demands, burdensome government regulations, and so on.
But, how many people today have the slightest idea about what was happening one hundred years ago with James
J. Hill? How many people today know what was started by a single integrated thinking, forward-essence mover?
How many people today know that James J. Hill was spearheading an American dominance of trade in Asia nearly
one hundred years ago!
All of that incredible forward-essence movement was cut off in the bud because a handful of politicians, seeking to
advance their own careers, stopped James J. Hill and his push into Asia through malicious regulation of the
railroads and interstate commerce. Hill's master plan was destroyed by a handful of pip-squeaks and clowns in
Congress. And those Congressmen knew what they were doing. Hill diligently informed them of the real situation,
what he had done with his privately-financed railroad, whose fault it was for the corruption that occurred within
the government-financed railroads, and what his railroad was doing for America's international trade by its
freedom to act independently and nurture new business. Yet, those smart, college-educated Congressmen
proceeded to pass their self-serving laws in order to protect and enhance their own bogus-job empires.
What Really Happened a Hundred Years Ago?
Let's examine this situation even closer. Just what was smashed in the bud by the parasitical-elite class in
James J. Hill was not only spearheading an American dominance of trade in Asia a hundred years ago; Hill was
spearheading the industrialization of Asia. Hill was pushing American business into Asia, causing railroads to be
built, causing factories to be built, causing new businesses to be created. Hill nurtured American business in Asia,
and that business was beginning to follow its natural course of flooding in and dominating trade. That, in turn,
would have led to a rapid industrialization of Asia.
What are the implications of that? Consider the spread of communism in Asia. Communism cannot take over an
affluent, industrialized nation. Communism only takes over poor, nonindustrialized nations.
James J. Hill's spearheading of American trade with Asia was sparking industrialization in Asia one hundred years
ago. But, because Hill was cut off by Congress, that expansion was halted. Thus, forty-five years later, China, the
largest Asian country, was still a poor, nonindustrialized, peasant country.
So what happened? Communism swept through China and killed 30 million people! Communism spread into Korea
and Vietnam. One hundred and ten thousand Americans died attempting to stop that spread. Why? Because a
hundred years ago a few pip-squeaks and clowns in Congress, trying to fake their own importance, cut off
something magnificent in the bud. They smashed down an integrated thinker who was sparking the
industrialization of China. Through the efforts of one integrated-thinking, forward-essence mover, the deaths of
30 million Chinese and one hundred and ten thousand Americans could have been prevented.
The full tragedy will never be known. For instance, imagine the business dynamics that were cut off. Today, nearly
a hundred years later, China is a nation of one billion people -- a quarter of the world's population. Yet, until
recently, China contributed almost nothing to the advancement of the world economy, technology, industry,
science. The Chinese have been completely stagnated and smashed down by communism.

If James J. Hill had been left free to continue spearheading an industrialization of China a hundred years ago, the
world would be far different today. What kind of creative energies would have been released if China had
industrialized a hundred years ago?
A sense of what could have been can be obtained by examining the "little dragon" countries of Asia today. They are
the small countries around China that did not get swept away by communism -- South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore,
Hong Kong. Those little, fragmented countries have races and cultures similar to China. But, those countries
managed to escape communism. They industrialized after World War II, and they have made major contributions to
the world economy, to industry, to technology, to science. Yet, those tiny countries contain just a few million
people. China contains one billion people! China dwarfs those "little dragon" countries in every aspect.
Consider Japan. Japan also has a culture and history similar to the Chinese. Japan escaped communism,
industrialized, and then boomed after World War II. Japan is a world leader today. Japan makes mighty
contributions to the world economy, to industry, to technology, to science, to art, to culture. Yet, Japan is dwarfed
by China. China is seven times larger than Japan. Just imagine the potential of China if it had industrialized one
hundred years ago.
What if James J. Hill had not been smashed down? What if James J. Hill had sparked an industrialization of China - a country of one billion people? Where would civilization be today? Would we have cures for cancer, heart
disease, AIDS? Would we be building cities in the oceans and on the moon? The contributions that the Chinese
could have made to science, to technology, to the world economy are mind-boggling. But no. All of that potential
was smashed down. All because a handful of pip-squeaks and clowns in Congress one hundred years ago wanted to
exercise power!
We're Being Used and Used Up
A hundred years ago one man learned how to integrate. He started moving up. He learned how business worked;
he learned how the American economy worked. Then, he learned how the world economy worked. He began
learning how the whole up-rising of civilization worked. One man, a hundred years ago, learned how to integrate.
He began pushing the lid up on society. If that man had been left alone, if he had not been cut off, he would have
swung open that lid, China would have industrialized, all of Asia would have industrialized, the whole world would
have risen up, and America would have been sitting on the top of it all.
A jack-in-the-box like springing up of value creation would have occurred, and that would have taken everyone up
with it! It would have cured all the major problems of today. Good-bye to thousands of Americans losing their jobs,
good-bye to poverty, good-bye to communism in Asia, good-bye to the Korean war, good-bye to the Vietnam war,
good-bye to starving people in the third world! Everyone would have been pushed up. And it all would have started
because one man learned how to integrate a hundred years ago.
But what happened instead? James J. Hill was smashed down. The parasitical-elite class consisting of politicians,
bureaucrats, and political entrepreneurs will eventually smash down whatever threatens their nonproductive
livelihoods. As Mark Hamilton, author of Neo-Tech Business Control, stated, "We, the productive working class, are
being used and used up!"
Appendix V
The Avoidance of Integrated Thinking and
Forward-Essence Movement Is at the Root
of All External Authority
The avoidance of integrated thinking and forward-essence movement undermines all business. Examples are
every-where, especially in several-generations-old, stagnating companies.

In a first-generation company, top management (the founders) always consists of integrated-thinking, forwardessence movers. Exerting integrated thinking is the only way to successfully start a competitive, profit-generating
company. But, most managers brought in after the essence-moving founders have established a company slip into
specialized, handle-the-details-only jobs that are not integrated with moving forward and building upon the
foundations of that company. At this point, a company begins slipping into an avoid-integrated-thinking mode.
When a company's original founders retire, their void is usually filled by specialized, detail-handling managers.
After several generations, that business, from upper management to lower management, becomes filled almost
entirely with nonintegrating, specialized managers. That phenomenon initiates the white-collar hoax. (See Mark
Hamilton's Neo-Tech Business Control for a definitive analysis of the white-collar hoax.) As those specialized
managers take over, more and more business decisions are based upon a path-of-least-resistance, nonintegrated-thinking mode. The powerful, prestigious, and well-paid positions of top management become filled with
managers who are not exerting the intense effort required to build upon the foundations of their business and to
move their business forward. Those managers are not turning out increasingly competitive values that will enable
their company to grow and prosper for generations into the future. Instead, such managers ride off foundations
built by previous generations of integrated-thinking, forward-essence movers.
Yet, exerting intense integrated thinking and forward-essence movement is precisely the kind of foundationbuilding effort required for such high-powered positions. A non-integrating, non-essence-building management
becomes vulnerable to, and can be outflanked by, integrated-thinking essence-building competition.
Protecting a Vulnerable Livelihood
Because of that vulnerability, white-collar-hoax managements of long-established, stagnating companies
increasingly turn toward the government to protect their high-power, high-prestige positions. Such managements
turn to the government to protect them from competitive Japanese companies, or dynamic upstarts like Preston
Tucker, or T. Boone Pickens-type takeover men.
In the name of their corporations, white-collar-hoax managements provide the support pillars for government
regulations that stifle integrated-thinking, essence-building competition. White-collar-hoax managements do not
seek to build the essences of their companies; they seek regulations to protect their livelihoods.
Although early American government was not as powerful as it is today, ever since the earliest days of America
non-essence-driving businessmen constantly pushed for regulations against essence-building competition. Why?
Because non-essence-building businessmen seek the path of least resistance. They seek to avoid the integrated
thinking necessary to carry out competitive forward-essence movement. For example, during the railroad empire
years of the late 19th Century, second and third generation white-collar-hoax railroad managements flocked to the
government to legislate protection against first-generation railroad entrepreneur Jay Gould and his highlycompetitive integrated thinking.
Consider a current example: Ontario, Canada recently held a proposal to finally allow businesses to remain open
on Sunday. But, a vicious campaign was launched against that proposal. That campaign was headed not by
religious zealots or anti-business Marxists, that campaign was headed by established, big business. Fortune 5OO
companies ran full-page newspaper ads and formed committees against the Sunday-shopping proposal. Their
entrenched managements did not want to deal with the added competition Sunday business would bring. So, they
turned to the government to forcibly stop those competitive variables from arising. For, those new variables
opened opportunities that would be seized by harder-working, more competitive entrepreneurs.
Such examples are a microcosm of how all force-backed external authority gets its support. At the root of all
external authority are individuals seeking to avoid competitive integrated thinking in their livelihoods.

The Need for "External Authority"

In entrenched, white-collar-hoax companies, integrated thinking has been removed from most employees'
responsibilities. Specialized employees are managed by specialized managers. If a worker or manager never
learns how to integrate with the money-making essence of his company, he cannot perform the integrated
thinking necessary to break out on his own and move his company's money-making essence forward. (See Mark
Hamilton's Neo-Tech Business Control.) No matter how physically hard he works, no matter how conscientiously
he works, that employee's job will always remain dependent upon someone else's thinking, decisions, and orders.
Thus, that employee's livelihood remains dependent upon someone else--on an external authority.
Consequently, the first layer of the external-authority affliction is born. Vast numbers of workers' livelihoods
remain dependent upon specialized managers. But, those specialized, nonintegrating managers, too, remain
dependent upon an "external authority." They form the second layer of the external-authority affliction; those
specialized managers remain dependent upon top management to make sure that their work, too, is integrated
with the company's money-making essence and moves it forward.
But, if top management is no longer exerting integrated thinking and forward-essence movement, if that
management instead is riding off foundations built by previous managements, then the third and most devastating
layer of the external authority affliction is formed. Non-integrated-thinking, non-essence-building top management
inevitably turns to government regulation to protect their livelihoods.
If a person is not an integrated thinker, his livelihood is always vulnerable. His job or his company can be taken
over by more integrated, essence-building competitors. Integrated thinking is the only way to create and continue
business amidst wide-open competition.
The Nothingness Drain
The avoidance of integrated thinking makes workers dependent upon management. If a worker is not exerting
integrated thinking to identify the money-making essence of his company, then he has no way of knowing which of
his actions are profitable and which are unprofitable. Thus, his livelihood remains dependent upon management to
make sure that his work is integrated with the company's money-making essence and is generating an overall
profit. But, if that company's managers are also not exerting integrated thinking to aggressively push forward
their company's essence, then their livelihoods become dependent upon government to protect them from
integrating-thinking, forward-moving competitors. That interconnected chain of livelihoods dependent upon forcebacked government authority leads to the Nothingness Drain. As identified by Mark Hamilton in his book Neo-Tech
Business Control, the Nothingness Drain occurs whenever large amounts of resources are spent on activities
made to appear important, but in reality activities that produce no net value. The ultimate purpose of such
deceptive activity is to protect uncompetitive jobs and to provide livelihoods and prestige to value usurpers.
The epitome of the Nothingness Drain is exemplified by politicians and the media. The media, armed with millions of
dollars worth of the latest high-tech equipment, descend upon politicians in a great flurry of activity. The
politicians, in order to appear important, are scurrying about devising a maze of laws and regulations in the name
of some trendy cause. Those laws and regulations are then forced upon productive individuals. For what net gain?
The bottom line is that absolutely no new values are being produced for society. In fact, all of that unproductive
political activity serves only to consume vast amounts of time, energy, and capital from society's real value
Although the Nothingness Drain is pervasive today, no master conspiracy exists to orchestrate the vast
Nothingness-Drain empires existing throughout government and the media. The Nothingness Drain exists simply
because great numbers of people fail to break into competitive, integrated thinking. Thus, they remain dependent

upon external authority to protect their livelihoods. In turn, everyone is forced to pay ever increasing amounts for
the vast Nothingness-Drain empires that result.
Ever since the Greek philosopher Aristotle, fundamental identifications have been made about the immorality and
destructiveness of force-backed external authority, i.e., of government creating and enforcing political policies
and collecting taxes through threat of force, in contrast to preventing all forms of force and extortion against
individuals. But to no avail. Force-initiating government has always prevailed. Why? Because its support structure
has prevailed. That support structure is the avoidance of integrated thinking.
Even the philosophical and political systems of Objectivism, Libertarianism, and Voluntaryism that identify the
irrationality and evil of government initiating force, rather than preventing force, fail to make meaningful
headway. The reason is because the real nemesis of mankind is the avoidance of integrated thinking. The
avoidance of integrated thinking keeps individuals dependent upon force-initiating external authority.
Objectivists, Libertarians, Voluntaryists have all identified the hoax of force-backed external authority. But they
have never succeeded in ending that force-backed external authority. Why? Because they, themselves, with rare
exceptions, do not exert competitive, money-making integrated thinking in their own careers. Thus, in the end,
their livelihoods too are dependent upon others. They, too, are ultimately dependent upon external-authority.
Objectivists, Libertarians, Voluntaryists will never be able to eliminate the forced-backed external-authority
institutions they denounce, for without competitive, business-like integrated thinking, no person or group can ever
collapse the foundation of force-backed external authority.
When a person starts integrated thinking in his career, he never again depends upon others to maintain a
livelihood. That independent, money-making thinker, by his very nature, is laissez-faire, leave-me-alone oriented.
Such integrated thinkers naturally dislike and subvert Nothingness Drains, force-backed external authority, and
white-collar hoaxes.
Regardless of how clearly intellectuals identify and expose the immoral, destructive nature of force-backed
external authority, they will never be able to stop such neocheaters.[ 14 ] Competitive business pressures that
push more and more people into integrated thinking and forward-essence movement are the only mechanisms
that will eventually collapse the hoax of force-backed external authority.
Integrated Thinking Stops the Nothingness Drain
An integrated thinking, forward-essence mover never feels a sense of livelihood vulnerability. He inherently knows
that he will succeed anywhere, for he is integrated with the essence of money-making and value-production. Other
competitive essence-builders do not represent a long-range threat to an integrated thinker. For, the integrated
thinker ultimately utilizes and builds upon the values created by other forward-essence movers in society.
If the world were populated with forward-essence moving integrated thinkers, even if they did not explicitly
identify the hoax of external authority, all force-backed empires, all institutionalized mysticism would collapse.
Their support pillars would no longer exist. The integrated thinker is a profit-generating essence-mover. He is not
dependent upon anyone else, especially not government value-usurpers, to protect his livelihood.
In contrast, a constant and pervasive resistance toward integrated thinking exists in society today. Even if a
person is enthusiastic about eliminating force-backed external authority, that person will still seek to avoid
integrated thinking in his job if he has not been previously exposed to hard, money-making integrated thinking.
Money-making integrated thinking is completely alien to most people. (See Eric Savage's book Global Wealth

Resistance to Integrated Thinking

Resistance to integrated thinking results in that unpleasant huffiness one sees all around in business today. When
people become huffy in the workplace, their huffiness almost always signals a resistance against doing something
that requires integrated thinking. To win the integrated-thinking battle a person must cut through that huffiness
and focus on a business' essence. A huffy employee is almost always attempting to avoid actions that are a hassle
upon himself rather than diving into and taking care of any business matter that crosses his path. An employee is
paid to build his company's essence, not to avoid things that are a hassle upon himself.
Whenever a manager encounters huffy resistance against integrated thinking and forward-essence movement in
an employee, he is encountering their personal mysticism -- a deep-rooted, camouflaged laziness and dishonesty.
That manager must aggressively put a stop to such huffiness. He or she must get the focus back on forwarddriving essence movement -- not easy-to-follow detail tasks. That manager must stomp out any prima-donna
attitudes, integration-avoiding tactics, and "that work is not my responsibility" excuses.
Competitive Survival Pressures
Drive Home Integrated Thinking
Most workers do not exert integrated thinking and forward-essence movement. Instead, they continually perform
routine business details. Nearly everyone's potential stagnates as the average person sinks into a mediocre life.
Most people fail to capitalize on their greatest power--integrated thinking. They have not discovered their
forward-moving, essence-building capacity. Just how will people discover their enormous power to move the
world and acquire great wealth? For a revealing analogy, consider bicameral man. As identified by Julian Jaynes
in The Origin of Consciousness, until about 3000 B.C., man was not conscious in the way that he is today. Man was
bicameral. Bicameral man was like an animal man. He automatically reacted to his environment; he was essentially
controlled by nature. That contrasts to today's conscious man. Conscious man can introspect and conceptualize.
Conscious man can think out and plan his actions. Conscious man controls his environment and his life. Bicameral
man was guided by external stimuli.[ 15 ] Conscious man is guided by conceptual, introspective thinking.
Yet, bicameral man had the capacity to do conceptual, introspective thinking. But, bicameral man would not break
into the conceptual, introspective thinking mode. Automatic, bicameral thinking was too ingrained in everyone. For
them, bicameral thinking was the path of least resistance. Eventually, societies became too complex for bicameral
thought. At that point, societies began collapsing. People were forced to do conceptual, introspective thinking or
perish. Thus, man began exerting conceptual, introspective thinking to survive. But, people did not switch into
conceptual, introspective thinking voluntarily.
The Path of Least Resistance
Today, one-step-at-a-time, nonintegrated thinking represents the path of least resistance. To do integrated
thinking requires breaking out of a details-only, one-thought-at-a-time, nonintegrated thinking mode. Wide-scope
integrated thinking represents the natural evolvement of the human mind. Integrated thinking is what the human
mind was designed to do. (See Mark Hamilton's Neo-Tech Business Control.)
A Fully Integrated Business,
the Most Powerful Force on Earth
Imagine a Fortune 500 company with 200,000 employees. If each employee exerted integrated thinking to pack
their days with high-intensity, money-making essence actions, that company would become the most productive,
powerful force on Earth.[ 16 ] Such an organization would be like capturing 200,000 Henry Fords together within a
single company. That company would take over world business simply through its superior competitive dynamics.

Regardless of such potential competitive power, unless workers are compelled into integrated thinking, the
majority will remain dependent upon someone else's integrated thinking. Someone, somewhere has to make sure
employees' actions are integrated with the bottom line and are contributing to their company's money-making
As explained in Mark Hamilton's Neo-Tech Business Control, businesses can be structured so that every manager
and every employee is forced to do integrated thinking and forward-essence movement. But, most individuals
become downright huffy when pushed to do integrated thinking and forward-essence movement. For that requires
vigorous, competitive thinking and action. A person must move ideas into actions, then into profits.
Corner Personal Mysticism
(i.e., Laziness and Dishonesty)
to Soar With Integrated Thinking
and Forward-Essence Movement
Integrated thinking is exciting. When a person exerts integrated thinking and forward-essence movement, he or
she soars. He or she prospers.[ 17 ] So why is integrated thinking and forward-essence movement tenaciously
avoided by most? The reason is personal mysticism. As with all personal mysticism, if a person can rationalize
around effort, he or she will do that. Personal mysticism makes people seek the path of least resistance. But, if a
person's mysticism is cornered with survival pressures, he or she will finally give up that mysticism.
Neo-Tech Business Control reveals how a manager must corner a traditional employee with survival pressures to
force that employee to do integrated thinking and forward-essence movement. Until that employee is cornered
with survival pressures, he or she will not give in. That employee will make excuses as to why specific moneymaking essence actions cannot be done or will rationalize that certain detail tasks he or she is performing are
money-making essence actions. In the integrated-thinking and forward-essence battle, a manager must go on a
hunt against the avoidance of integrated thinking and forward-essence movement. For, the average person
becomes a genius at avoiding integrated thinking and forward-essence movement. Like an alcoholic who becomes
a genius at making up rationalizations to deceive himself, his employer, and his family, the average worker
becomes a genius at figuring out how to avoid competitive, money-making integrated thinking and forwardessence movement in his or her job.
The Apocalypse of External Authority
When people corner and then eliminate their personal mysticism, i.e., laziness and dishonesty, to exert integrated
thinking and forward-essence movement, they evolve into powerful wealth-producers. Dependence upon external
authority vanishes. Thus, integrated thinking and forward-essence movement represents an apocalypse for
external authority. All external authority, whether force-backed government, white-collar hoax managements, or
organized religion is really nothing -- mere hoaxes supported by individuals who do not exert integrated thinking
and forward-essence movement.
If a business were to establish all jobs so that employees must do integrated thinking and forward-essence
movement, that business would grow so rapidly that competitors would be forced into a similar integratedthinking, forward-essence format or perish.
Stop the Integrated Thinkers -- Too Disruptive
Great foundation-builders of the past, men like Andrew Carnegie, Jay Gould, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, J.
Paul Getty, Howard Hughes, and so on had lawsuits filed against them and government regulations passed against
their companies because of their competitive, integrated-thinking. Likewise, lawsuits today are filed against and
government regulations are passed against competitive, integrated-thinking business movers like Michael Milken,

T. Boone Pickens-type corporate takeover men, as well as Japanese companies. White-collar-hoax managements,
the government, and entrenched special interests are scared, whining, and huffy.
The Good-Old Boys' Desperate Code:
"Let There be No Integrated Thinking in Business!"
Non-integrated-thinking, non-essence-moving business leaders furiously try to get integrated thinking, forwardessence-moving competitors blacklisted or even thrown in jail. For, those integrated-thinking, forward-essence
movers are breaking the silent code "Let there be no integrated thinking in business so that everyone can
compete on the same low-effort level." What is really happening is that integrated-thinking, essence-moving
competitors are removing personal mysticism in their own careers and businesses to soar past others stuck in a
low-effort, avoid-integrated-thinking mode.
Blast Out the Avoidance of
Integrated Thinking and Forward-Essence Movement
for Supra-Success
To radically increase income, the average person must blast out any avoidance of integrated thinking and
forward-essence movement. Next, that person must blast out the avoidance of integrated thinking and forwardessence movement in all who come to work for him. (Specific tools for implementing integrated thinking and
forward-essence movement, first in oneself, then company-wide, are detailed in Mark Hamilton's Neo-Tech
Business Control.) A person will then evolve into a money/power giant. Nothing can stop the competitive
advantages of forward-essence-moving integrated thinking. Forward-essence-moving integrated thinkers simply
outcompete everyone else.
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[ 14 ] See "Why Neo-Tech Succeeds When All Other Philosophical Idea System s Fail" by Frank R. Wallace in The
Neo-Tech Discovery. Fully integrated honesty combined with effort leads to the widest-scope integrated thinking.
All other philosophical systems contain some element of laziness and dishonesty that truncates increasingly
widescope integrated thinking. Whenever increasingly widescope integrated thinking is cut off, people eventually
become defenseless against, even dependent upon, force-backed external authority.
[ 15 ] Frank R. Wallace's Neo-Tech III expands on the bicameral man phenomenon. Wallace identifies how vestiges
of bicameral man's need for external guidance act as a cancer seed for mysticism in
[ 16 ] Money-making in business means self-supporting value production and growth.
[ 17 ] A manager who carefully studies his business will find that a few basic actions generate almost all income.
Those actions are what really matter. Yet, most managers fill their days going through details, supervising others,
handling employees' problems, holding meetings, and doing errands that have nothing to do with making money.

The one or two actions a traditional manager performs in a day that do make money keep that business going. But,
if a manager intensely focuses on money-making essence actions all day long, he can increase his money-making
actions from one or two a day to ten, twenty, or more in a single day. That manager will then increase his wealth
power from a corner-store capacity to a wealth-tycoon capacity.
Appendix VI
The Philosophy of Ayn Rand
Leonard Peikoff's recently published book Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand is a philosophical masterpiece.
Dr. Peikoff acknowledges that all of the principle ideas in his book originated from Ayn Rand. Peikoff, however, is
the first person to pull together into a complete, integrated work the full system of Objectivism. That required
enormous nitty-gritty effort and wide-scope integration.
Dr. Peikoff is uniquely qualified for such a task. As a professional philosopher, Peikoff has spent his life learning
about and teaching philosophy at universities. He commands a full scope of the discipline. In addition, Peikoff spent
30 years as Ayn Rand's closest associate. He spent hours upon hours discussing philosophy and Objectivism with
Ayn Rand. Peikoff's probing caused Rand to bring out for further clarification crucial philosophical issues. Without
Peikoff's in-depth questioning, Rand's ideas about Objectivism probably would not have been so well developed.
Although Ayn Rand was a prolific writer, she never wrote a definitive treatise on Objectivism. Thus, Objectivism
could never really take hold as a philosophical system and make a major impact upon civilization...not until
someone exerted the enormous effort required to organize and write down a complete, hierarchically structured
treatise of objectivist philosophy. That is what Leonard Peikoff has done. Objectivism now stands as a fully
matured, complete philosophy with the power to change the world.
Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand brings to fruition, for the first time, a completely reality-based, noncontradictory system of ideas. Objectivism is the only philosophical system axiomatically grounded to reality,
without any contradictions. Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand shows why reality exists and why no
alternative to reality is possible (i.e., why no form of mysticism or mind-created realities are possible). Peikoff
proceeds to systematically demonstrate why there are no alternatives to the use of our senses to perceive reality
and the use of consciousness to integrate our senses and act accordingly. Building upon fundamental axioms,
Peikoff demonstrates why existence exists, why man's senses are necessarily valid, and why only our senses can
ultimately validate reality. Peikoff then builds a spiraling proof to demonstrate how this leads to the validation or
non validation of every other aspect of reality and life. Peikoff demonstrates how to use the mind to determine
what is rational (i.e., consistent with reality) and what is irrational (i.e., not consistent with reality). Objectivism:
The Philosophy of Ayn Rand builds a non-contradictory road map to the fundamental topics of philosophy -Reality, Sense Perception and Volition, Concept-Formation, Objectivity, Reason, Man, The Good, Virtue, Happiness,
Government, Capitalism, Art.
After reading Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand, a person understands explicitly how to identify reality and
how to act rationally. Mankind has finally been given the axiomatic grounding and necessary proofs. In the process
of building a complete foundation of the objectivist philosophy, Peikoff is forced to show the contradictions and
invalid premises of every other major philosophical idea system. Thus, all of the countless contradictions and
deceptions promoted by mystical and neocheating intellectuals throughout the ages are swept away.
A philosophical system that is completely consistent with reality has never taken hold in any society. Every
civilization on Earth has been shaped and guided by idea systems full of mysticism and contradictions. Objectivism
is the first philosophy based completely upon reality without any compromises, without any contradictions. Thus,
the contrast between reality-based Objectivism and all of the other non-reality, mystical-based idea systems that

have guided the thoughts and actions of essentially every human being since the dawn of mankind becomes
strikingly clear.
Objectivism, as a complete philosophy, is the most powerful tool for identifying reality and acting rationally a
person can have. Once an individual grasps Objectivism, it becomes clear how most people have little idea how to
identify reality and act rationally. Worse are the high-placed mystics and neocheaters that rule over us (i.e.,
politicians, media people, academe, clergymen, union leaders, environmentalists, and other activists). As
documented in The Neo-Tech Discovery, their livelihoods are dependent upon obscuring reality and creating
deceptions. Thus, they actually become epistemologically incapable of identifying reality. That is why we live in an
upside-down anti-civilization. We are ruled by blind, anti-reality pip squeaks and clowns.
Few people today, if any, can cognitively function in a completely non-contradictory, reality-based manner. Many
individuals cannot accurately identify reality beyond a perceptual level. Thus, most people yearn for a leader.
Consciously or subconsciously, most sense that they are not capable of identifying reality and acting rationally
upon that knowledge. They seek an authority to tell them what to do. Mystics and neocheaters rush in to fill that
authority position.
Now that Objectivism has been presented in its entirety, all of the countless irrational and destructive idea
systems guiding mankind are destined for the dust bin of history. People can now acquire the tools to clearly
identify reality and act rationally upon that knowledge. All other reality-evading idea systems of the past and
present will eventually be laughed out of existence. The implications of Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand
are profound. Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand marks the beginning of the end for institutionalized
mysticism, irrationality, and rule-by-force on this planet.
As the reality-based, rational philosophy of Objectivism slowly spreads throughout society, dramatic social,
political and business changes will occur. Forward-moving individuals will learn how to apply Objectivist principles
to other professions. For example, forward-essence movers in business will learn how to apply Objectivism to
accurately perceive reality, to think rationally, and to integrate concepts into a non-contradictory hierarchy. This
will lead to specific, philosophically grounded approaches for developing new values and moving forward the
essence of a business. The results will be spectacular. The draining, white-collar hoax now rampant in many longestablished companies will be uprooted while the groundwork for a permanent, systematic development of values
and markets will be set in place. The world will prosper like never before once it learns how to think and act upon
reality rather than upon mysticism, deception, and wishful thinking.
To fully realize this goal, the reality-based concepts of Objectivism must be combined with the fully integrated
honesty, high-effort business mode of Neo-Tech. Neo-Tech will take the concepts of Objectivism to their furthest
limit in order to create a new civilization based upon the primacy of existence (i.e., based upon reality). Because
all civilizations on earth, past and present, have been based upon the primacy of consciousness (i.e., based upon
mysticism), all current societies have been structured upon false, anti-reality foundations. Thus, all civilizations
on earth today are corrupt at their core. A corrupt system cannot be fixed. It can only be replaced with a new,
uncorrupted system. That is what Neo-Tech will do. Combining the philosophical principles of Objectivism with the
business/action mode of Neo-Tech will push mankind into a new, reality-based civilization of the universe.
The Academic Disease:
Objectivists Versus Neo-Tech Business People
Upon examining the life of essentially every significant intellectual, one glaring fault jumps out -- intellectuals are
incessantly jealous of others who compete with their ideas. Well-known examples afflicted with this "academic

disease" included intellectuals such as Sigmond Freud and Isaac Newton. Freud viciously turned upon his closest
associates once they advanced from the role of student to that of developing new ideas in their own right.
Similarly, Isaac Newton was an incredible genius who made enormous contributions to science. He certainly did
not need to feel jealous of or threatened by anyone. Yet, Newton became neurotically jealous of the German
mathematician Leibnitz. Leibnitz made important breakthroughs in calculus at the same time Newton did. As a
result, Newton devoted great energy and time in an attempt to destroy Leibnitz' reputation. When Leibnitz died of a
heart attack a short time later, Newton commented that he hoped he was the cause of Leibnitz' death.
The list of accomplished intellectuals who felt threatened by and as a result attacked other intellectuals working in
fields related to their own stretches on and on. In almost every instance, an intellectual who achieved significant
"forward movement" within his field became extremely jealous of others in similar fields whom he felt competed
with his own accomplishments. This included destructive intellectuals such as Karl Marx. Marx, whose only goal
supposedly was to overthrow the bourgeois and install socialism, viciously denounced various socialist groups of
his day that had branched out and were not directly under his control. Leading socialists of Marx's day were often
assassinated by other leading socialists out of professional jealousy.
Unfortunately, yet quite predictably, Ayn Rand, Leonard Peikoff, and other leading objectivists were and are
afflicted with this academic disease. Objectivists viciously attack other free-market, pro-reason intellectuals.
Especially vicious and unjust are objectivists' attacks upon modern libertarians. Objectivists have officially stated
that libertarians are worse than the communist dictators of the Soviet Union and Red China. They back up such
out-of-context accusations by linking modern libertarians with the anarchists of the Nineteenth Century. True,
19th-century anarchists were Marxists at heart. Their goal was to eliminate government in order to let mob rule
destroy civilization. But, to apply that definition to today's libertarians is completely out of context. The modern
libertarian movement was founded by sympathizers of Ayn Rand and Objectivism. Libertarians do not seek to
abolish government in order to destroy values, they seek to limit and, if possible, eliminate the evils of government
rule-by-force in order to uphold and build values. These are the same principles and goals espoused by
The modern libertarian movement has made great contributions toward advancing the cause of freedom and
reason. Yet, it is precisely because libertarians are contributing to fields that objectivists are concerned with that
causes objectivists to jealously attack libertarians. And, vice versa, many libertarian intellectuals unfairly attack
Ayn Rand, Leonard Peikoff, and Objectivism out of professional jealousy. Quite predictably, both objectivist and
libertarian intellectuals feel threatened by and attack Neo-Tech by the very virtue that Neo-Tech is making
enormous contributions within their areas of endeavor.
Why do academic intellectuals succumb to such irrational mysticism? As identified in The Neo-Tech Discovery,
academic intellectuals base their self-esteems on ideas held, not on values produced. Yet, it is the production of
competitive, marketable values from which comes a genuine sense of self-worth or self-esteem. Holding proreason ideas, on the other hand, takes relatively little effort. Merely holding an idea does not require the nittygritty, continuous effort that producing values in a competitive business mode does. Thus, academic intellectuals
who base their self-esteems on ideas held feel psychologically vulnerable.[ 18 ] They will attack others who are
making advancements in areas similar to theirs as this threatens their own feelings of importance. On the other
hand, a person in a high-action business mode does not feel threatened by others who can advance his goals. His
self-esteem is secure. Such a person will cooperate with and, when possible, will team up with any person or
organization that can advance his goals and expand his business. He won't viciously put down their
Because our current civilization has been built upon a corrupt, primacy-of-consciousness (mystical) foundation,
an unnatural dichotomy exists between intellectuals and competitive, marketplace businessmen. That is why even

reality-based, effort-exerting intellectuals like Rand and Peikoff succumb to the academe disease of professional
jealousy. In a reality-based, primacy-of-existence civilization such a dichotomy between intellectual achievement
and competitive, business-like value production would not exist. The two functions would be integrated together.
Intellectuals would be forced into a competitive, business-like mode of value production and marketing.
Intellectuals would then be in control of their success. They would not have to depend upon their "reputation" for
success. Thus, the spectacle of intellectuals immaturely attacking peers out of professional jealousy would cease.
Likewise, businessmen would be forced to think and act on principle in contrast to the self-destructive
pragmatism practiced by many businessmen today.
Fortunately, Neo-Tech integrates the intellectual mode of thinking and acting on principle with the business mode
of producing and marketing values in the competitive marketplace. Thus, unlike objectivists, libertarians, and
other intellectuals, those developing and applying Neo-Tech do not become jealous of or feel threatened by other
intellectuals who genuinely help advance the goal of collapsing mysticism and building a reality-based civilization
of the universe. Instead of immaturely attacking such individuals and dismissing their legitimate values, Neo-Tech
recognizes and benefits from their achievements. That is why Neo-Tech will succeed when other intellectuals
stagnate as they cut themselves off from everything that falls outside their "bubble of reality."
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[ 18 ] Another contributing factor to the professional jealousy so often exhibited by academes is that, by not being
in a business mode, academes are not in direct control of their success. Their success instead depends upon their
academic standing and reputation. Hence, a jealousy of intellectual rivals develops.
Appendix VII
Reject Integration-Blocking Mysticism[ 19 ]
to Capture Supra-Happiness
Every person is capable of building a wealth-generating empire, of experiencing fulfilling romantic love, of living a
really exciting, happy life. Unfortunately, mysticism truncates almost everyone's success and happiness by
blocking their ability to identify values and then integrate with those values. As a result, too many people remain
stagnated and unfulfilled, never experiencing the power and happiness available to them.
While mysticism disintegrates a person with values, Neo-Tech integrates a person with values.[ 20 ] A mighty
capacity for achievement and happiness is released when an individual rejects mysticism and instead integrates
with values.
Values: The Source of Life
Values are the source of life. Integrating with values is simply a matter of disintegrating with mysticism. Any
honest, productive man or woman can, at any time, integrate with a powerful network of values. When a person
does this, he or she will discover a bigger picture; he or she will discover a world brimming with opportunity.
The Value of Life
Stop and think for a moment. There is so much at your command. The most important values have been captured
for free. Consider yourself. Your body has taken three-and-a-half billion years to evolve from the first primitive,

single-cell organisms. Three-and-a-half billion years later, no other life form has evolved into the mechanism now
at your command. Only a handful of life forms out of millions of species have come anywhere near the evolvement
of the human mind and body. Yet, you possess absolute control of this living, feeling, thinking, flesh-and-blood
Introspect for a moment. Behold the detailed, colorful images flowing into your eyes. That eyesight is yours free,
constantly. Behold the graceful movement you command over your body. Your upright, coordinated posture took
millions of years to evolve, yet you walk with on-demand ease. You turn your head and view your colorful, rich
environment effortlessly. You touch, taste, grasp, smell, move with instant ease. All of this great value at your
command evolved over many millenniums through torturous trial-and-error, won-and-lost life battles. Modern
conscious man stands at the apex of a three-and-a-half-billion-year struggle.
To more fully grasp this value, picture yourself in a crippled or maimed body. Imagine the sad, torturous
confinement of your life. Then, imagine if suddenly your soul were transplanted into your current, healthy body.
Imagine the freedom, the power, the joy you would experience. Or, picture your life being shrunk into some
evolving life form millions of years ago resembling not much more than a worm or a tadpole. Now, think about the
highly evolved, powerful organism with which you have been endowed.
Celebrate Life
When a person blasts out integration-blocking mysticism, he or she can emotionally integrate with the joy of life.
That emotional integration makes one want to go out and celebrate life. You have been given indescribably
profound values for free at birth. By integrating with those values, a reservoir of excitement pours forth.
The Most Powerful Tool Ever Developed
Is at Your Command
Consider, for example, the uniquely human values available to you. At any time, you can effortlessly summon to
your command the most powerful language ever developed. Immense conscious effort stretching over thousands
of years has gone into evolving the modern language you now snap around your mind to think, communicate, feel,
plan, enjoy, achieve. Few people fully appreciate this single greatest achievement of mankind. No other invention,
including the most advanced computers, comes close to the tool mankind has evolved over thousands of years
called language. Yet, you have mastered this highly-sophisticated, artistic language. A fantastically powerful tool
rests effortlessly on the tip of your tongue.
Developed language allows thinking, civilized human life versus unthinking, brutish animal life. Without language
man could do no conceptual thinking. All actions would be limited to nature's animal system of reacting to
perceptions. Without language one could not think except on the most rudimentary level. A person could not
effectively learn, plan, build, teach, achieve.
Physically, very little separates man today from brutish, prehistoric man. But, the development and mastery of
language is what allowed humans to become thinking men that controlled their own minds and environment rather
than animalistic men controlled by brutish instincts and a harsh environment. Such animal men were confined to
short, subsistent lives.
Generate Motivation
The more an individual weeds out value-disintegrating mysticism, the more that individual frees his mind to
recognize and integrate with the tremendous values available to him. Such a person can then focus upon building
onto those values. That value-building focus will greatly increase his or her productive growth, all of which leads
to increased character development, self-esteem, and happiness. That growing, confident happiness will, in turn,
fuel an individual to ever greater levels of productive achievement. When an individual steps into a value-

integrating/value-building mode, a powerful synergy kicks in. That person becomes increasingly productive,
motivated, and happy.
Think for a moment about the mighty struggles that have taken place to create values now available to everyone.
These values were created by heroic producers throughout history. Learning about the lives and achievements of
the world's great value producers is a marvelous experience. Unfortunately, most individuals have little
knowledge of great value producers. The study and understanding of great value producers in schools and in the
media has been avoided and suppressed. For, when individuals recognize who the real value producers of society
are, undeserved reverence for those in the value-usurping, parasitical-elite class evaporates along with their fake
The Rise Out of Short, Brutish, Unhappy Lives
into Productive, Growing, Happy Lives
Heroic struggles occur constantly by value producers and their businesses to efficiently produce and distribute
values that enhance the lives of everyone. These values raise men and women up from short, brutish, toil-filled
lives into today's world brimming with immense opportunity. Today, average men and women can live dignified,
intelligent, growth-oriented lives with happiness levels unimaginable just a few generations ago.
Consider life before the Industrial Revolution--less than three hundred years ago. Three hundred years
represents a mere speck of time on the human time line. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, life for most was
brutish and short. Happiness was rarely obtained. A life of value building, character development, and happiness
was almost inconceivable. Most people barely managed a subsistent living. If a crop failure occurred, which
usually happened several times per decade, many starved. Living conditions were filthy and disease was rampant.
No indoor sanitation existed. Humans rarely bathed. Any education of the mind was out of the question for all but
the elite. For most, their mental capacity was chained to ignorance.
But the Industrial Revolution, and particularly the rise of free American industrialists, dramatically changed that
dark situation. Consider, as just one example, the heroic struggles l9th-century industrialist Andrew Carnegie
exerted to build a steel industry that produced huge quantities of cheap steel. That massive and efficient industry
was a crucial foundation block for the affluent life we enjoy today. Carnegie's efforts contributed significantly to
freeing mankind from stagnating poverty.
Vast Neothink Integrations
Men like Andrew Carnegie exerted hard mental and physical energy to pioneer the mass production of quality
steel and other goods. Their achievements required vast Neothink integrations. They had to invent entire new
realms of business and organization. Often, they had to create several new industries at once. Andrew Carnegie,
for example, had to develop an entirely new system of modern accounting to enable high-volume, low-cost steel
manufacturing. Carnegie had to bring together, sometimes establish from scratch, entire industries like
steamship lines, railroads, and coal mining in order to make his visionary goals a reality. Carnegie pioneered
organized scientific research in industry. Carnegie's struggles were vast and set off a chain reaction of
productive, life-lifting events that have contributed enormously to freeing mankind from the feudalism-like
bondage of a non-industrial society.
Consider the struggle of a small l9th-century company to produce and mass market low-cost soap called Ivory.
Imagine the world without readily available and affordable soap! Yet, until just a few generations ago, out of all the
thousands of generations of human existence, bathing was a luxury practiced by only a few. The disease borne
from lack of affordable hygiene products spoiled vast potential happiness.

The mass distribution of personal hygiene products required great effort. The founding of personal hygiene
companies such as Proctor & Gamble, Colgate, Gillette, and others required more total effort than that of NASA to
put men on the moon -- all so that affordable hygiene products could be made readily available to everyone. This
allows people to focus much more effectively on expanding their own opportunities and happiness.
Reflect on the l9th-century financial tycoon Jay Gould and his heroic push to open up the whole of America with
railroads and telegraphic communication. Jay Gould pumped an enormous amount of tangible value into the life of
every American. Those values have contributed to freeing each person alive today from endless physical toil and
opportunity-snuffing poverty.
Reflect on John D. Rockefeller and his ambitious development of the oil industry. Reflect on the momentous efforts
of Henry Ford. Ford made one of the most advanced pieces of machinery, the automobile, available to every
working individual. The efforts of that one man, Henry Ford, have contributed more than any other single factor to
freeing individuals worldwide from an exhausting life of backbreaking physical toil. As a result, people now enjoy
growing lives sparkling with conscious thought and discovery -- lives filled with dignity and happiness.
Consider Harvey Firestone and his struggle to manufacture affordable, safe tires and distribute those tires
across the entire nation into every community. Firestone was determined to make dependable tires available to
everyone, at a price the working man could afford. Consider Juan Trippe, founder of Pan American Airways.
Through enormous integrated vision, Trippe built a single-plane airline into the premier global air carrier. Trippe
was responsible for ushering in worldwide commercial aviation and the jet age. That has contributed incalculable
values to world business and commerce. In addition, cheap international travel created by jumbo jets has allowed
millions of ordinary people to visit foreign countries. Such international travel has greatly reduced the public's
gullibility to be drawn into war. Today, affordable world travel combined with global communication is yanking out
the support pillars of iron-fisted, totalitarian dictatorships at a breathtaking rate.
Reflect on masters of business organization like Alfred Sloan of General Motors. He set the pattern for developing
and managing huge multinational corporations. The result of that has directly increased the quality of life for
billions of people worldwide. Reflect on Wallace E. Johnson, founder of Holiday Inn. Johnson's unending enthusiasm
and energy for his work ushered in an explosion in business and family travel because of the standard he set for
safe, clean, dependable lodging. Reflect on Ray Kroc of McDonalds. Kroc made quality fast food affordable to even
the poorest. Reflect on the contributions that Gillette, inventor of the razor blade, made towards easy grooming
for the working man. ...On and on stretches the list of achievements by great value producers.
Exploit a Cornucopia of Achievement
Tremendous effort has gone into the many life-lifting achievements surrounding oneself. This cornucopia of values
can be capitalized on everywhere, every day. When you pick up the telephone at work you are exploiting a vast
network of achievement. You are putting to work for your direct benefit a massive amount of technology, including
complex satellites put into orbit by rockets. All so that you can expand your business across cities, across
continents, across oceans -- all of which opens up exciting opportunities for personal growth.
A person's happiness has a direct correlation to the level that person has expanded his mind and developed his
character. Ignorance imprisons a person within restricted mental boundaries and stifles one's ability to grow and
experience happiness. When the mind is fed new knowledge and new experience, when the mind obtains the
political and economic freedom to live by its own reasoned choices, a person's entire psychological being soars.
The great value producers of history provided the means to break poverty's life-snuffing chains. The creation of
new values through business and the advancement of knowledge through science have increasingly freed
individuals from the control of value-usurping neocheaters who for centuries have stagnated, often completely
destroyed, the lives of ordinary people. This accumulation of achievement has provided the resources that allow

individuals today to focus on developing their own minds and characters in countless ways -- through education,
communication, business, travel. The value producers have provided the means for everyone to live
independently, to afford privacy, to live in decency. The value producers have provided the means for everyone to
generate not merely subsistence-level income, but to generate discretionary income that acts as seed money for
personal growth and opportunity. Today, average men and women can obtain the tangible values that can lift them
to unlimited heights of achievement and happiness.
Ride Atop a Great Momentum of Values
A person must use Neo-Tech (effort and honesty) to integrate with the tremendous life-lifting values that so many
have struggled to create. The alternative is to fall back on mysticism (laziness and dishonesty), which
disintegrates a person with values. A person exerting integrated thinking and forward-essence movement utilizes
and grows from the great values that surround him. A person must learn to recognize and appreciate this great
momentum of values. Those values contribute so much to everyone's well-being and personal power. Indeed, when
a person really thinks about and integrates with the incredible, life-lifting values surrounding him, an inspiration
builds that makes one want to go out and celebrate existence.
Precision Power
Imagine a young person growing up in a small town. After graduating from high school, that young person decides
to go off to college.[ 21 ] College greatly widens that student's experiences. As that young student begins learning
about physics, performing calculus, contemplating the achievements of the Roman Empire, studying Renaissance
art, experimenting with electronic technology, and so on, he or she begins feeling a new power arising within his
or her mind. That student discovers entire new realms of professions that he or she never knew existed. Imagine
the excitement that young student feels at this new world brimming with possibilities for pursuing a productive
career. Yet, think about how that exciting world of discovery and growth would have never been possible for most
people just three or four generations ago. All such life-fueling value is now possible because great valueproducers worked devotedly and hard at their businesses.
The Mystic-Free Neo-Tech Mind
Lives in an Exciting, Growing Universe
Imagine that young college student driving from school to work feeling really alive as he or she delves into the
physics of space travel, or the mathematics of heart surgery, or the geology of hundred-million-year-old rocks,
or the history of Phoenician merchants. Imagine the excitement that young student feels at being lifted out of a
sheltered, limited world and into an exciting world of men and women of achievement and character. All of that
student's experience is made possible because of the efforts of men such as Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone,
Andrew Carnegie, Jay Gould, and countless other great producers. The faces of such men can at times actually
flash before the mind of a person who is integrated with the root of values as he or she reflects with great
appreciation upon life's opportunities.
Imagine that college student as a young man, and then imagine him going on a date with a pretty, life-filled girl he
has met. They experience so much excitement together. He values so much her overflowing health and energy. He
loves her happy laughter and innocent mind. Yet, none of that happy life experience would have been possible until
just a few generations ago. Instead, that young and growing couple would have been two ignorant, unhygienic,
stagnated serfs. But, today, those two young adults feel as if there could be nothing greater in this world than just
the experience of their two persons being together overflowing with health, happiness, and future potential. They
are experiencing a state of life made possible by the value accumulations of countless producers throughout the
ages--from every-day workers and merchants to great scientists, philosophers, inventors, industrialists.

The Dynamics of Value Production and Happiness

Stop and think about the values surrounding oneself. Think about even simple devices such as a stainless steel
razor or electric shaver that allow one to feel clean and refreshed each morning. Think about having toothpaste
and a toothbrush. Those "luxury items" were unavailable before the turn of the century. Yet, think about how much
those simple devices have increased your own health, your good feeling, and even your ability to romantically
enjoy your spouse. Those important hygiene products are now available because heroic businessmen invented,
integrated, and worked intensely to reduce costs, mass-produce, and mass-market such items.
Think about indoor plumbing and the ability to shower daily. Think about the effort required to bring about
affordable, mass-marketed soap and shampoo. From the simple to the complex, all such values required great
effort by integrated-thinking, forward-essence-moving individuals to make them available to working people.
Today, a person does not have to spend all day preparing meals from scratch, washing clothes, farming a small
plot of land by backbreaking physical labor, or fighting rudimentary health ailments. Instead, a person can focus
on expanding his or her mind, career, and happiness. Today, people have broken the stifling chains of a short,
ignorant, brutish life experienced by all but a privileged few throughout most of history.
Reflect for a moment on how the countless struggles exerted by past value producers contribute to the lives of
your loved ones, your friends, and the lives of all people by lifting everyone out of general misery and into a life of
conscious learning, exciting growth, and happiness.
Life-Soaring Values Are All Around You
The booklet Businessmen versus Neocheaters by Carl Watner, Neo-Tech Publishing Company, reviews the origins
of and the heroic efforts behind many crucial values we now take for granted. These values have contributed
greatly to human progress: Values such as the development of agriculture and farming, the development of
writing, the invention of the printing press and the development of mass communication, the evolvement of
rational, written law, the smelting of bronze, iron, and steel, the development of coinage and money, map-making,
glass-making, the crane, pulley, and gear systems, the clock, the compass, spectacles, the microscope, the
telescope, the barometer and thermometer, blasting powder, machine tools, the steam engine, the locomotive,
textile machinery, steel and the skyscraper, the telegraph, electricity generators and electrical lighting, road
construction and mail delivery, the internal combustion engine and the automobile, industrial standardization, the
airplane, radio, television, and radar, the instant picture, the photocopier, calculating devices and the computer,
aviation, electronics, nuclear power, and so on. The list of mankind's life-lifting achievements is truly enormous.
The Gratification of Conscious, Value-Filled Life
When reading Watner's synopsis of great value achievements, an enormous gratification grows at the realization
of the personal struggles that went into every one of those developments. Even if a person does not directly use a
particular value, indirectly every value in society benefits him or her. For, every value in society contributes to
each individual's ability to break the stifling chains of ignorance, physical toil, and ill health that have plagued most
of mankind's previous generations. All values contribute to the ability of men and women to capitalize on their
inherent and powerful potential to achieve while synergistically receiving self-esteem, profit, and happiness in
return for their productive livelihoods. That is the exciting, dynamic nature of conscious life.
For example, a person's livelihood may not directly depend on using the mail. But, much productive business is
dependent upon mail service. Productive business that every day creates values that everyone's quality of life and
future potential depend upon. Similarly, if a person has no need for a computer, important business he or she
benefits from does depend on computers. Few people ever have a direct need for a supertanker; most will never

even see one. Yet, their standard of living, their happiness, their life itself depends on the enormous efforts that
go into building and operating supertankers.
Recognizing Crucial, Intangible Values
Great effort has gone into achieving many abstract values as well. Other than specialized historians, few people
are even aware these abstract values exist. For example, another booklet written by Carl Watner and published by
Neo-Tech Publishing Company is titled Silence, the Ultimate Protector of Individual Rights. This missive outlines
the historical evolvement of the Fifth Amendment. The Fifth Amendment establishes an individual's right not to
testify against himself.
Forcing the accused to bear witness against himself is an ancient manipulative tool of neocheaters. It was most
infamously used in star chambers and during the inquisitions. Individuals were tortured until they confessed that
they were guilty of sins. Their confessions were then used to inflict harsh sentences upon them -- usually death.
In modern times, governments have used that manipulative tool to imprison victims until they "testified" their
"guilt." Forcing an individual to testify against himself or herself has been responsible for vast enslavement and
incalculable oppression by the state. But, in 16th-century England, the concept of individual rights began to spring
from the enlightenment of the Renaissance. A few independent thinkers identified the evil of forced selfincrimination and how individual rights would remain unobtainable as long as government was permitted to get
away with that manipulation. Mankind would always remain oppressed unless the right against self-incrimination
was written into law. Consequently, a brave handful of individuals, through heroic personal struggles, fought
against the evil doctrine of forced self-incrimination. Those men were imprisoned, tortured, and many were
executed. Even printers who printed the pamphlets of such men were imprisoned. But, eventually, after decades of
hard struggle, reason and justice prevailed. As a direct result of those 16th-century heroes, Americans today are
protected and benefit every day of their lives in a totally unnoticeable, intangible way by the Fifth Amendment.
The entire history of freedom and individual rights has gone through a similar struggle. Incalculable effort over
countless generations was required to break away from totalitarian government. This freedom is now enjoyed
every day by millions of people. When a person integrates the vast, intangible values he or she constantly
capitalizes on, it is as though every day should be a Fourth-of-July celebration.
Increasing Value Production for Lifelong Happiness
As identified in The Neo-Tech Discovery, increasing value production in one's career is the path to lifelong growth
and happiness. To fully appreciate and integrate this dynamic process of human life, one needs to fully appreciate
and integrate with the efforts that have gone into making all of today's value-building/happiness-increasing
synergy possible. When a person integrates with the wonderful value momentum all around him, built by hard
effort exerted throughout the ages, a powerful motivation begins building within that person.
An Incredible Network of Opportunity
Think about when you are at work sending a fax across the country or across the globe: You are utilizing a vast
network of business, technological, and human effort spanning many generations. Think about when you are
arranging to have your company's products trucked to another city: You are utilizing a vast infrastructure of
roads, bridges, maintenance, as well as the massive, complicated truck-building industry. So much business and
technological evolvement over the millenniums, both tangible and intangible, have culminated in making
opportunity-generating, livelihood-supporting actions possible.
Imagine, at the end of a productive work day, walking out of your office with your healthy, life-filled spouse at your
side. As you walk towards your car a mammoth, smelly garbage truck pulls into the parking lot to noisily empty a
big trash dumpster. That is a sight not many people would relish. Yet, being integrated with the root of values, you

suddenly experience a flash of inspiration as you reflect on the effort, technology, and organization that makes it
possible for that truck to efficiently collect garbage and safely dispose of it. For, throughout the ages, garbage
was just dumped in the street or in nearby piles, stinking up everything, causing disease, and adding to misery.
But, because of the vast, accumulated effort that goes into making that garbage truck and that garbage-collection
business possible, you can walk out of your office and enjoy your overflowing health, your clean neighborhood, and
the beauty of your happy, healthy spouse, instead of a diseased, prematurely-aged spouse quickly sinking towards
death as may have been the situation without the development of that productive garbage-disposal business.
The Beauty of Conscious Life
As you continue walking towards your car, you contemplate the grace and control you exert over your body that
took three million years to evolve. Your eyes take in the brilliant, sparkling colors around you. Your intelligent,
educated mind can, with clear, focused thoughts, race out to grasp the existence of another galaxy millions of light
years away, integrate with events in distant cities, or borrow wisdom from great minds of the past.
Thoughts of such magnificent values rush through your head as you get into your car: A marvelous device that
required materials from five continents to become the efficient, affordable machine that it is. With a simple turn of
your wrist you start your engine and race across town to eat a healthy dinner of fresh fish flown in from
hundreds of miles away. "This is the beauty of conscious, human life," you tell yourself. "This is the beauty of value
producers and their businesses."
By exerting discipline, thought, and control (DTC), you can reject all integration-blocking mysticism. Instead, you
can exert Neo-Tech (fully integrated honesty). You will then be able to fully identify and integrate with the root of
values. You will then realize that no matter who you are or what your current position is, you can exert integrated
thinking and forward-essence movement to fully engage the value dynamics of life. You should recognize the
values around you, feel your own power, then let that integration sink in. When you do, celebrate your existence!
Aspire to achieve, to build onto the great values surrounding you. Jump into the exciting dynamics of integrated
thinking and forward-essence movement. Success will become yours. You will capture permanent, everincreasing happiness.
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[ 19 ] Mysticism occurs whenever a person acts on feelings and wishes rather than on objective thinking. Mystical
rationalizations usually sound good at first. But, upon closer examination, such rationalizations are based on effort
avoidance. Mysticism is a disease of the thinking mind. The root cause of mysticism is laziness and dishonesty.
Every person experiences personal mysticism to varying degrees. The more successful a person is at overcoming
and rejecting personal mysticism, the more successful that person will become. See The Neo-Tech Discovery.
[ 20 ] Neo-Tech means fully integrated honesty. See The Neo-Tech Discovery.
[ 21 ] Many universities today are government-funded organizations staffed with high percentages of
uncompetitive, tenured professors who produce little or no values on net. In fact, many of those professors are

actually professional value destroyers. Only the dynamics of Neo-Tech, fully integrated honesty, can drive out
such institutionalized value destroyers from all aspects of society. Every university and professor will then be
driven into competitive, business-like value production to maintain a livelihood.
Neo-Tech I
The Prediscovery
(Not essential to read Neo-Tech I. Okay to skip ahead to Neo-Tech III.)
The Discovery of
in the Wasted World of Cards
(background to Neocheating in the real world)
Do not be concerned or upset by the focus on cards and cheating in Neo-Tech I. Both cards and cheating are used
as metaphors to better understand the nature of Neocheaters and Neo-Tech in the real world.
You are not expected to be knowledgeable or even interested in cards, much less cheating, to make full use of the
Neo-Tech Discovery. In fact, most of Neo-Tech I is removed from the current editions of Neo-Tech. Why? Because
using the techniques in cards are time-wasting (although quickly profitable) diversions that block the Neo-Tech
integrations needed for abiding prosperity and happiness.
The Neo-Tech Discovery allows people to live prosperous, happy lives with unlimited growth. Anyone can
immediately benefit from Neo-Tech. Moreover, the Neo-Tech Discovery debunks "positive thinking", mystical, and
other such unreal approaches to life that lead to nothing.
The uses of the Neo-Tech Discovery range from making anyone unbeatable and wealthy at cards as shown in the
original Neo-Tech I much more important uses such as business, financial transactions, social
relationships as shown in Neo-Tech II breaking free of external authorities in order to gain the
greatest possible rewards as shown in Neo-Tech III, IV and V.
Equally important, Neo-Tech protects one from those who cheat others out of the happy, prosperous lives they
earn. And most important, Neo-Tech transfers the power from external "authorities" and value destroyers
(government, religion, neocheaters, mystics) to you, the value producer -- where the power belongs.
1. Neocheating -- The Unbeatable Weapon
2. The Neo-Tech Discovery Beyond Cards

Frank R. Wallace
Mark Hamilton
The following background information is quoted directly from the original book titled Neocheating -- The
Unbeatable Weapon. All the remaining chapters of Neo-Tech I have been deleted. For Neo-Tech in cards is not
needed to understand and apply Neo-Tech in the real world. In fact, as discovered from previous editions,
inclusion of the complete Neo-Tech I was an undesirable distraction for most readers.
The following fifteen questions and answers are taken from the original book on Neocheating. The answers provide
the background for Neocheating:
1. What is Neocheating?
Neocheating is the ultimate evolution of cheating. Neocheating is not based on sleight-of-hand or magician's skills
as are many classical and traditional cheating techniques. Neocheating is a new, scientific kind of cheating -- an
invisible, incredibly easy kind of cheating based on simplicity and low skill. Once a person understands
Neocheating, he can use its techniques to quietly beat opponents, anytime -- anywhere on earth. But also, he can
use that knowledge to defend against and defeat all cheating, including Neocheating.
2. How did Neocheating evolve?
Neocheating evolved from constant financial pressures and incentives to develop the easiest, safest, and most
profitable methods of winning. Over the decades, the smartest profiteers have searched for shortcuts that
require little skill, but contain the invisible effectiveness of the most advanced cardsharping techniques. Those
shortcuts are identified in this book and then honed into practical-attack formats called Neocheating.
3. How is Neocheating so easy?
Neocheating is insidiously easy because it has been distilled by shortcut seekers over the years to the simplest
essentials upon which all effective cheating depends. If a person understands those essentials, he will understand
all cheating, allowing him to defend against any cheating, including Neocheating. But, at the same time, any player
with larceny in his heart can now easily and safely beat any card game played for money.
4. How is Neocheating so safe?
Neocheating is so subtle that no one can ever prove a person is Neocheating. Even if others were certain someone
was Neocheating, no evidence would exist to accuse the Neocheater because his maneuvers are invisible.
5. How can Neocheating be so easy and safe, yet still be the most potent form of cheating?
The simpler and subtler the cheating technique, the easier and safer and, therefore, the more effective it will be
(as will become evident throughout the book). Indeed, the Neocheater's confident characteristics result from his
exclusive use of simple, effective, and invisible techniques.
6. What are the characteristics of a Neocheater?
Neocheaters generally display characteristics opposite to those of traditional cheaters. In fact, the closer people
observe a Neocheater, the more assured they become that no cheating is occurring. And ironically, as shown in
the final chapter of this book, the Neocheater is often the most trusted person in the game.

Why the difference in characteristics? Alert or knowledgeable opponents can usually detect traditional cheating -unless the cheater has acquired great classical skill through years of laborious practice and experience. Even
then, the cardsharp must execute each cheating maneuver perfectly, every time, putting him under great
pressure. Moreover, the traditional cheater becomes obviously guilty once caught, leaving him to face the
consequences. That fear of being caught haunts most traditional cheaters and overwhelms countless potential
By contrast, Neocheating is invisible, routine, and requires little skill. The Neocheater's tactics are so subtle that,
even if accused, his cheating cannot be proven. Indeed, he can always avoid the consequences because he can
never be caught flagrante delicto or "in the act".
The traditional cheater fears his telltale characteristics. But the Neocheater works in harmony with his deceptive
characteristics, preventing people unknowledgeable about Neocheating from ever suspecting him. As a result, the
Neocheater flourishes.
7. Where is Neocheating going?
Simple and effective Neocheating is today spreading throughout poker games in Nevada casinos and California
card clubs. Indeed, Neocheating is already infiltrating private games of poker, blackjack, bridge, and gin. And
Neocheating will keep on spreading, leaving no game or player immune from attack.
8. What can stop Neocheating from spreading?
Publicly revealing the techniques of Neocheating may initially cause a cheating spree that could create chaos at
the card table. But ironically, that knowledge, as it becomes widely known, will begin to expose and nullify
Neocheating. Players no longer need to be helpless or doomed when confronted with Neocheating. Instead, they
will be able to defeat and eliminate Neocheating.
9. If Neocheating is invisible, how can it be detected and stopped?
Neocheating cannot be detected directly, and the Neocheater can never be accused or caught outright. But with
the knowledge of Neocheating, a player can sense Neocheating -- know when it is occurring. And then with special
countermeasures (taught in this book), he can win in the presence of a Neocheater...or, if he chooses, easily cause
the Neocheater to leave the game.
10. Who is the Neocheater?
He is a player who cannot lose. He can drain everyone's money at will. He may be in your game now... or next week.
Or he may be you. The Neocheater will inevitably threaten every card game played for money. Moreover, he
considers Neocheating no more wrong than bluffing or normal card deception.
11. How does the Neocheater differ from the cardsharp?
The Neocheater is not a cardsharp. He is a new breed of player who may soon rule the card table.
The cardsharp has existed since the invention of cards. He cheats without the knowledge of Neocheating. Still, he
may unknowingly use various Neocheating techniques. But generally his cheating relies on skill and gall.
The Neocheater, on the other hand, relies on neither skill nor gall. He relies on simple, invisible maneuvers. For
him to use any other means of cheating (such as palming cards or using marked cards) would be unnecessary and
foolish since Neocheating is not only safe, but is much easier and more effective.
12. What makes the Neocheater unbeatable?
The maneuvers of Neocheating are so subtle and the mechanics so easy that they can be executed with relaxed
confidence. Guaranteed winning hands can be routinely obtained. And more than one powerful hand can be
arranged at a time to ensure a big score. Yet, unlike the cardsharp, the Neocheater seldom uses powerful hands

or goes for big scores (although he easily can). Instead, he casually uses just enough of his power to give him
constant, unbeatable advantages. In fact, he may never even Neocheat for himself, but instead simply use
Neocheating to shift money from the strongest players to the weakest players and then win legitimately from
those weak players. His steady, hidden attack lets him win consistently and comfortably in poker, blackjack,
bridge, and gin -- week after week, year after year.
This book shows not only how the Neocheater can easily create spectacular advantages for himself, but how he
can create smarter, unsuspicious, casino-like advantages to safely extract maximum money from all games. With
those invisible advantages, he keeps his opponents happy while comfortably controlling the game, even a network
of games. ...Neocheating is that easy.
13. How does Neocheating apply to games such as blackjack, bridge, and gin?
The Neocheating techniques in this book apply to all card games. Most techniques, however, are presented with a
poker slant because most card cheating has traditionally been centered around poker -- the money game. Also,
Neocheating techniques are more easily illustrated through poker examples. But Neocheating will become
increasingly common in all card games played for money or prestige.
14. Is revealing Neocheating immoral?
Can honestly revealing facts ever be immoral? Only by fully revealing Neocheating can honest players fully defend
and protect themselves from the Neocheaters.
The Neo-Tech discovery evolved from that earlier discovery of Neocheating. In a sense, Neocheating was not a
discovery but an identification of elegantly sophisticated techniques of card cheating that met two criteria: (1)
required little effort or skill, and (2) were undetectable or unassailable as dishonest.
Wallace's identification of Neocheating will have similar effects on the business world that his earlier
identifications of the Advanced Concepts of Poker had on the poker world a decade earlier: Like Neocheating,
various Advanced Concepts of Poker had been unknowingly used not only by winning card players but by
unbeatable strategists beyond the card tables. And the extent that they randomly used the various Advanced
Concepts was the extent that they won. With the publication of Wallace's book, The Advanced Concepts of Poker, a
total of 120 Advantage Levers were identified for the first time and systematically integrated into one
consolidated, unbeatable weapon. That gathering, integrating, and publishing of the Advanced Concepts into one
book produced big-profit increases for those players who acquired Wallace's book. As a result, the number of
professional players, competitive players, successful women players, as well as high-stake games and tournament
games escalated dramatically since The Advanced Concepts of Poker was first published.
And now, the publication of Neocheating followed by Neo-Tech will have an even more profound effect on the
business world: After identifying the Neocheating concepts, Frank R. Wallace made much more important
discoveries by extending those concepts beyond cards -- into business, politics, social relationships, and other
areas of life. Once the concepts of Neocheating are fully understood, their application beyond cards becomes
limitless. But Neocheaters in all areas of life become fully visible to those who understand Neocheating. Moreover,
by understanding the concepts of Neo-Tech, one can render Neocheaters impotent.
Neocheating concepts used in business and other areas of life are so exquisitely subtle that the initial reaction is
shock on realizing the enormous advantages one gains by using those concepts beyond cards.
Neocheating Beyond Cards
Neocheating beyond cards involves gaining easy advantages and power over others through combinations of
techniques that meet two criteria: (1) easy to execute, and (2) not vulnerable to detection or assailable as

dishonest. Once those two criteria are established, Neocheating formats can then be established in any area of
life. With such formats, a person not only gleans unbeatable advantages over others, but commands easy
shortcuts to profits and power.
Master Neocheaters are those who use invisible Neocheating concepts to maximum effectiveness in gaining
enormous power and wealth. Such neocheaters range from the heads of states to church leaders. But anyone can
use the Neocheating concepts to gain profits to any chosen degree, ranging from dishonest business people
neocheating customers (e.g., selling unneeded or fraudulant insurance policies), professional people neocheating
clients (e.g., lawyers making problems where none exist, doctors promoting unneeded surgery), husbands
neocheating wives (e.g., psychologically or physically abusing spouses into dependence, then into submission and
subservience), women neocheating men (e.g., deceiving for entrapment and wealth extraction), teachers
neocheating students (e.g., dishonestly attacking value producers to usurp unearned power), parents neocheating
children (e.g., destructive manipulation for social images).
One major benefit of understanding Neocheating beyond cards is the ability to identify its practitioners who
surround everyone in almost every area of life. Once identified, Neocheaters can be prevented from diminishing
one's own well-being.
Perhaps the most startling benefit of understanding Neocheating occurs when viewing network television news:
With knowledge of Neo-Tech, a person becomes acutely aware of the steady stream of Neocheaters (television
commentators, news journalists, politicians, lawyers, professors, educators, mystical gurus, and religious
leaders) who constantly destroy values and usurp power to gain unearned livelihoods. With the concepts of NeoTech, however, people not only can nullify every Neocheater, but they can transfer all usurped power back to
The Neo-Tech concepts are not only easy, practical tools for profits, but are crucial tools for thinking. Those
concepts allow a person to identify and nullify Neocheaters who have beguiled human life for two-thousand years.
Without understanding Neocheating, a person has no way of thinking about Neocheaters or of realizing how they
constantly extract values from unknowledgeable people. Without those thinking tools to identify Neocheating,
everyone suffers in silent frustration as Neocheaters constantly and forever drain each person's one-and-only
One supreme value of the Neo-Tech concepts is that they are the tools for rejecting and eventually eliminating the
unearned power of all Neocheaters -- of all destructive political leaders, government bureaucrats, religious
leaders, dishonest media people and educators, external "authorities" of all kinds.
Neocheating in Business, Politics, Religion,
and Social Relationships
The specific Neocheating techniques for cards provide the concrete base needed to understand the concepts
behind Neocheating. By understanding those concepts, the wider applications of Neocheating become increasingly
obvious. Indeed, Neocheating can be used in any area of life to usurp money, power, respect, or love. But, in the
long run, people who extract values by Neocheating become dependent on cheating as they undermine their
competence and self-esteem by embezzling rather than earning values. The careful observer will recognize that
by far the highest percentage of people involved in building false self-esteems to justify their existences are those
pursuing careers in politics and religion. Such careers are by nature anti-productive and depend on Neocheating
the public to extract money, respect, and power.
Cheating as a Metaphor

What positive value can be found in card cheating? One magnificent value: Card cheating is a superb metaphor for
identifying and classifying dishonest people:
The traditional cheater is, for example, the crude sneak thief. He is also the small-time bureaucrat or politician on
the take. He needs little skill and much gall to extract his living. But he lives in constant danger of being caught in
the act and subjected to the consequences.
The classical cheater is, for example, the elegant con-artist thief. He is also the respected technocrat who, for
example, develops computer systems to help a value-destroying government bureaucracy cripple innocent value
producers. Application of his skills (that took years to polish or develop) lets him extract a "good" living. His
dishonesty usually remains unseen and uncalled by those who surround him as he helps to cheat countless people
out of their earned happiness and values.
The Neocheater is, for example, the subtle executive thief who climbs to a high-paid corporate position by
deceptive machinations rather than by productive efforts. He is also the religious leader who gleans respect and
adulation by cleverly promoting self-sacrifice and altruism. And the ultimate Neocheaters are the politicians
gracing the highest offices. They usurp sumptuous livings, enormous power, and huge ego trips by converting
productive assets into nonproductive waste for the "public good" through the invisible manipulations of
government force (e.g., forced redistribution of earned wealth away from value production and into the wealthdestroying graveyards of criminal-minded Neocheaters with their corrals of supporting parasites and
dependents). Their techniques require neither skill nor effort. They are simply shrewd and subtle enough to keep
most people from realizing that they are constantly, criminally neocheating the value producer -- constantly,
malevolently draining the value producer's life, assets, and happiness. And, most dangerously, they rationalize
their neocheating as necessary for the "good of society" when, in fact, their neocheating harms everyone.
As shown in the following table, Neocheaters are by far the deadliest menace to honest and productive people and
societies, everywhere.
White-Hat Neocheaters versus Black-Hat Neocheaters
The idea of honest white-hat Neocheating versus dishonest black-hat Neocheating was a valuable concept deleted
from Neo-Tech I for this Cosmic Power edition. Briefly, a black-hat Neocheater is dishonest and his neocheating is
destructive to others and society. But a white-hat Neocheater is honest and his neocheating is beneficial to others
and society. Basically, the white-hat Neocheater understands and then uses neocheating only against black-hat
Neocheaters to drive them out of their destructive positions, be they two-bit Neocheaters in card games or massmurder Neocheaters in Beijing. ...Honesty is never owed to thieves and murderers.
Area Of


Examples Of
Master Neocheating



International bankers who gain

advantages and profits through
criminal-minded governments.

Glean unearned money by

manipulating government
money, funds, and favors.

Nothing is illegal about

their manipulations.


Prosperous but dishonest

stockbrokers and real-estate
brokers. White-collar-hoax

Mislead customers or clients

by making dishonest or
fraudulent claims. Generate
illusions of prosperity and
competence by converting
long-range assets into
steadily shorter term assets.

Appear to work for

customer's best interest.
Appear successful. Without
any illegal moves, they
secretly drain companies
built by forgotten business


Certain professors, teachers,

nutritionists, who build careers
through ideas based on "big
lies", empiricisms, myths, and

Exploit students and followers

through power of "teaching

The public cannot identify

their unearned power and
job-usurping dishonesties.


Attorneys who manipulate law

and litigation to gain wealth by
stirring trouble where none
exists. They prosper without
producing net values for

Manipulate specious points to

operate easily within the
bounds of government law.

Appear respectable by
practicing in a prestige
profession among the
upper social and political


Many of the best-known TV

commentators, journalists,
editorial writers, performers,

Foist inaccurate, dishonest,

unintegrated, or out-ofcontext "facts" on trusting

Others cannot grasp the

dishonesty and deception of
such authors, actors,
newscasters, journalists.


Major politicians.

Live by machinations that

never involve the honesty,
integrated thinking, and hard
efforts of productive

Traditionally accepted as
good or at least necessary.


Therapists who manipulate

emotions to leave their clients
increasingly dependent on

Clients feel "helped" or high

after each fix, leaving them
increasingly incompetent for

Respected for helping to

"solve" problems of others
-- over and over again.

"therapy" for temporary or

illusionary relief from unfaced,
mystical-caused problems.

solving their own problems

arising from their own


Most religious leaders.

No honest integrated thinking

or hard productive efforts
needed to extract a
respectable living from value

As with politicians,
traditionally accepted as
good and needed.


Most so-called
environmentalists and all
politically or socially oriented
"scientists" who build pseudo
careers by using facts out of

Gain prestige with

comfortable income and

Appear to be acting in
society's best interest
when actually generating
unearned prestige by
undermining productive


Dishonest Don Juans.

Manipulate love partners

through vulnerable emotions.

Few can identify their

destructive intentions.

Information Package
John Flint and Eric Savage
What is the Bicameral Mind?
The bicameral mind is a human mind functioning in a particular, unconscious mode or the manner
intended by nature. While the bicameral mind[ 1 ] exists in all people, it can be controlled or dominated by a special
mode of consciousness developed not through mother nature but volitionally by each individual being. That mind
control or domination can be exercised by an individual over himself and others. Or an individual can allow that
mode of consciousness in others to control or dominate his or her bicameral mind.
The bicameral mind (two-chamber mind) is one that functions as an unconscious, two-step process. Automatic
reactions and thoughts originate in the right hemisphere of the brain and are transmitted to the left hemisphere
as instructions to be acted upon. The bicameral functioning is nature's automatic, learned mode of response

without regard to conscious thinking. By contrast, man-made consciousness functions through a deliberate,
volitional thought process that is independent of nature's bicameral thought process.
Until approximately 3000 years ago, man's brain functioned entirely in nature's automatic bicameral mode. But
the automatic bicameral mind became inadequate to handle the mounting problems as societies became more
complex. To survive, man was forced to invent a new way of thinking -- a new mode called consciousness that
could solve infinitely more complex problems. That consciousness mode involved his newly discovered powers of
introspection. His thinking process was further enhanced by new thoughts and insights created by comparisons
done through metaphors and analogs.
Consciousness allows a person to make his or her own decisions rather than relying on nature's bicameral
process that automatically follows learned customs, traditional rules, and external "authorities". Metaphors and
analogs increase a person's range and power of thinking infinitely beyond nature's range. Yet, despite the great
advantages in using the man-invented mode of thinking, most people today depend to various degrees on their
automatic bicameral mentality and external "authorities" to make their decisions for them.
That bicameral mentality lures people into searching for "sure-thing" guidance from "higher authorities", rather
than using their own consciousness for making decisions and determining their actions. Thus, in their search for
prepackaged truth and automatic guidance, people seek "higher authorities": religion, politics, true-believer
movements, leaders, gurus, cults, astrology, fads, drugs, feelings, and even forms of poetry, music, medicine,
nutrition, and psychology. The bicameral mind seeks outside sources that will tell it how to think and act. ...Anyone
can exploit the automatic bicameral mind in others by setting up "authorities" for influencing or controlling that
bicameral mentality seeking external guidance.
Bicameral mentalities avoid human self-responsibility by seeking and obeying external decision makers. In poker,
for example, bicameral tendencies leave players open to being controlled by any conscious individual acting as an
external decision maker and authority. In addition, the single, biggest money-losing, mystical concept -- the belief
in luck -- is rooted in the bicameral mentality. In fact, most gamblers rely on the phantom "authority" of luck to
escape the only valid authority: their own rational consciousness.
Understanding bicameral tendencies in others can provide unbeatable advantages by knowing the external forces
that control most people. That understanding enables one not only to predict the actions of others but to control
their actions. A poker player, for example, can create unbeatable advantages by projecting any number of
phantom "authorities" to which his opponents will obey, act, or react.
The principle of advantageously controlling the bicameral minds of others applies not only to poker but to all
competitive situations involving two or more people. Poker, however, provides crisp, clear examples of using the
bicameral mind to control people. More important, poker provides countless metaphors to which everyone can
relate. Also, most poker players are gamblers. And gambling is a bicameral activity in which people abandon their
own rational consciousness to phantom "authorities" such as feelings, luck, priests, and politicians.
The Bicameral Mind in Poker
Poker games exist because of the bicameral urge in most players to gamble. That urge resides in the desire to
escape the responsibility for consistently making rational decisions needed to prosper by producing values for
others. Gamblers try to escape (at least temporarily) that self-responsibility through an activity such as poker.
And through their bicameral urges, gamblers can be controlled by others.
Even the best professional player can succumb to bicameral urges: By playing poker for a living, for example, he
avoids involvement in a productive career that demands much more independent, rational thinking than poker.
But, the good player can also use poker as a discipline to strengthen both his conscious integrating processes and
his abilities to control others.

Exploiting Bicameral Tendencies in Opponents

Through understanding those bicameral urges in others, a good player can generate unbeatable advantages. He
creates those advantages by conjuring up external "authorities" for guiding his opponents into actions that benefit
him. For example, an opponent is told to "open up" (bet more loosely) because good player X always bets
aggressively in the same situation -- and good player X always ends up winning heavily. In that way, player X is set
up as an external "authority" for misleading the opponent into making wrong moves based on facts bicamerally
accepted out of context. Even greater advantages are gained by realizing that an opponent is bicamerally using
rules, information, and odds gleaned from "authorities" such as authors of noncognitive poker books. (Of the 170
poker books published in the past century, only Wallace's book, The Advanced Concepts of Poker, is fully
Bicameral tendencies can also be exploited through subtle maneuvers. For example, mumbling very quietly
(almost subaudibly) words that will influence or trigger reactions in opponents who subconsciously hear those
"voices". To those opponents, the subconscious voice automatically acts as an external "authority" to be followed.
As another example, a player who is hesitant about attending a game after several losing sessions is fed whatever
out-of-context facts or spurious "truth" he wants to hear such as, "The worst thing a player can do is quit just as
his losing streak is about to end. That's when the odds are the greatest for shifting from a bad-luck streak to a
good-luck streak. Managing luck streaks is the whole idea of winning. All winners know that." With such specious
"truths" and non sequiturs, the good player establishes himself as an external "authority" in controlling his
But most important, as demonstrated in the original Neo-Tech Prediscovery, poker generates accurate metaphors
needed to identify and then exploit the bicameral tendencies existing in most people. Indeed, those tendencies are
readily exploitable beyond the card tables with the same kind of phantom or external "authorities" set up either
overtly or subliminally. Such external "authorities" can be established, for example, in religion, politics,
psychology, medicine, business, and personal relationships as shown in Neo-Tech II. ...Understanding the
bicameral mind is invaluable not only for controlling others but for avoiding being controlled by others.
The discovery of controlling people through their bicameral minds evolved from a more basic discovery made by
Dr. Julian Jaynes of Princeton University. His discovery was first identified and then integrated in the following
article written for the Neo-Tech Research and Writing Institute.
Frank R. Wallace
A person could make an excellent bet by wagering a hundred ounces of gold that Julian Jaynes's book, The Origin
of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind will someday rank among the ten most important books
ever written. ...Jaynes's book signals the end of a 10,000-year reign of authoritarian institutions. His book also
marks the beginning of a new era of individual consciousness during which people will increasingly act on the
authority of their own brains. That movement toward self-responsibility will increasingly weaken the influences of
external or mystical "authorities" such as government and religion.
The discovery of the bicameral mind solves the missing-link problem that has defied all previous theories of
human evolution. But more important, that discovery is generating a new field of knowledge called Neothink with
which all human life can evolve into abiding prosperity and happiness through powerfully competitive Neo-Tech

Dr. Jaynes discovered that until 3000 years ago essentially all human beings were void of consciousness.[ 2 ]
Man along with all other primates functioned by mimicked or learned reactions. But, because of his much larger,
more complex brain, man was able to develop a coherent language beginning about 8000 B.C. He was then guided
by audio hallucinations. Those hallucinations evolved in the right hemisphere of the brain and were "heard" as
communications or instructions in the left hemisphere of the brain (the bicameral or two-chamber mind). ...In
effect, human beings were super-intelligent but automatically reacting animals who could communicate by talking.
That communication enabled human beings to cooperate closely to build societies, even thriving civilizations.
Still, like all other animals, man functioned almost entirely by an automatic guidance system that was void of
consciousness -- until about 1000 B.C. when he was forced to invent consciousness to survive in the collapsing
bicameral civilizations. ...Today, man's survival still depends on his choice of beneficially following his own
consciousness or destructively following the voices of external "authorities".
The major components of Jaynes's discovery are:
All civilizations before 1000 B.C. -- such as Assyria, Babylonia, Mesopotamia, pharaonic Egypt -- were
built, inhabited, and ruled by nonconscious people.
Ancient writings such as the Iliad and the early books of the Old Testament were composed by
nonconscious minds that automatically recorded and objectively reported both real and imagined events.
The transition to subjective and introspective writings of the conscious mind occurred in later works
such as the Odyssey and the newer books of the Old Testament.
Ancient people learned to speak, read, write, as well as carry out daily life, work, and the professions all
while remaining nonconscious throughout their lives. Being nonconscious, they never experienced guilt,
never practiced deceit, and were not responsible for their actions. They, like any other animal, had no
concept of guilt, deception, evil, justice, philosophy, history, or the future. They could not introspect and
had no internal idea of themselves. They had no subjective sense of time or space and had no memories
as we know them. They were nonconscious and innocent. They were guided by "voices" or strong
impressions in their bicameral minds -- nonconscious minds structured for nature's automatic survival.
The development of human consciousness began about 3000 years ago when the automatic bicameral
mind began breaking down under the mounting stresses of its inadequacy to find workable solutions in
increasingly complex societies. The hallucinated voices became more and more confused, contradictory,
and destructive.
Man was forced to invent and develop consciousness in order to survive as his hallucinating voices no
longer provided adequate guidance for survival.
Today, after 3000 years, most people retain remnants of the bicameral guidance system in the form of
mysticism and the desire for external authority.
Except for schizophrenics, people today no longer hallucinate the voices that guided bicameral man. Yet,
most people are at least partly influenced and are sometimes driven by the remnants of the bicameral
mind as they seek, to varying degrees, automatic guidance from the mystical "voices" of others -- from
the commanding voices of false external "authorities".
Religions and governments are rooted in the nonconscious bicameral mind that is obedient to the
"voices" of external "authorities" -- obedient to the voice of "God", gods, rulers, and leaders.
The discovery that consciousness was never a part of nature's evolutionary scheme (but was invented by
man) eliminates the missing-link in human evolution.

Essentially all religious and most political ideas today survive through those vestiges of the obsolete
bicameral mind. The bicameral mind seeks omniscient truth and automatic guidance from external
"authorities" such as political or spiritual leaders -- or other "authoritarian" sources such as manifested
in idols, astrologers, gurus. Likewise, politicians, lawyers, psychiatrists, psychologists, professors,
doctors, journalists and TV anchormen become "authoritarian voices".
The idea of civilizations consisting entirely of nonconscious, yet highly intelligent, automatic-reacting people and
the idea of man bypassing nature to invent his own consciousness initially seems incredible. But as Jaynes
documents his evidence in a reasoned and detached manner, the existence of two minds in all human beings
becomes increasingly evident: (1) the obsolete, nonconscious (bicameral) mind that seeks guidance from external
"authorities" for important thoughts and decisions, especially under stressed or difficult conditions; and (2) the
newly invented conscious mind that bypasses external "authorities" and provides thoughts and guidance
generated from one's own mind. ...Understanding Jaynes's discoveries unlocks the 10,000 year-old secret of
controlling the actions of people through their mystical or bicameral minds.
What evidence does Jaynes present to support his discoveries? After defining consciousness, he systematically
presents his evidence to prove that man was not conscious until 3000 years ago when the bicameral civilizations
collapsed and individuals began inventing consciousness in order to survive. Jaynes's proof begins with the
definition of consciousness:
Defining and Understanding Consciousness
Julian Jaynes defines both what consciousness is and what it is not. After speculating on its location, he
demonstrates that consciousness itself has no physical location, but rather is a particular organization of the
mind and a specific way of using the brain. Jaynes then demonstrates that consciousness is only a small part of
mental activity and is not necessary for concept formation, learning, thinking, or even reasoning. He illustrates
how all those mental functions can be performed automatically, intelligently, but unconsciously. Furthermore,
consciousness does not contribute to and often hinders the execution of learned skills such as speaking, listening,
writing, reading --as well as skills involving music, art, and athletics. Thus, if major human actions and skills can
function automatically and without consciousness, those same actions and skills can be controlled or driven by
external influences, "authorities", or "voices" emanating under conditions described later. ...But first an
understanding of consciousness is important:
Consciousness requires metaphors (i.e., referring to one thing in order to better understand or describe another
thing -- such as the head of an army, the head of a household, the head of a nail). Consciousness also requires
analog models, (i.e., thinking of a map of California, for example, in order to visualize the entire, physical state of
California). Thinking in metaphors and analog models creates the mind space and mental flexibility needed to
bypass the automatic, bicameral processes.[ 3 ]
The bicameral thinking process functions only in concrete terms and narrow, here-and-now specifics. But the
conscious thinking process generates an infinite array of subjective perceptions that permit ever broader
understandings and better decisions.
Metaphors of "me" and analog models of "I" allow consciousness to function through introspection and selfvisualization. In turn, consciousness expands by creating more and more metaphors and analog models. That
expanding consciousness allows a person to "see" and understand the relationship between himself and the world
with increasing accuracy and clarity.

Consciousness is a conceptual, metaphor-generated analog world that parallels the actual world. Man, therefore,
could not invent consciousness until he developed a language sophisticated enough to produce metaphors and
analog models.
The genus Homo began about two million years ago. Rudimentary oral languages developed from 70,000 B.C. to
about 8000 B.C. Written languages began about 3000 B.C. and gradually developed into syntactical structures
capable of generating metaphors and analog models. Only at that point could man invent and experience
Jaynes shows that man's early writings (hieroglyphics, hiertatic, and cuneiform) reflect a mentality totally
different from our own. They reflect a nonmetaphoric, nonconscious mentality. Jaynes also shows that the Iliad,
which evolved as a sung poem about 1000 B.C., contains little if any conscious thought. The characters in the Iliad
(e.g., Achilles, Agamemnon, Hector, Helen) act unconsciously in initiating all their major actions and decisions
through "voices", and all speak in hexameter rhythms (as often do modern-day schizophrenics when
hallucinating). Hexameter rhythms are characteristic of the rhythmically automatic functionings of the righthemisphere brain. Moreover, the Iliad is entirely about action...about the acts and consequences of Achilles. The
Iliad never mentions subjective thoughts or the contents of anyone's mind. The language is nonconscious -- an
objective reporting of facts that are concrete bound and void of introspection and abstract thought.
With a conscious mind, man can introspect; he can debate with himself; he can become his own god, voice, and
decision maker. But before the invention of consciousness, the mind functioned bicamerally: the right hemisphere
(the poetic, god-brain) hallucinated audio instructions to the left hemisphere (the analytical, man-brain),
especially in unusual or stressful situations. Essentially, man's brain today is physically identical to the ancient
bicameral brain; but with his discovery or more precisely his invention of consciousness, he can now choose to
focus on integrating the functions of the left and right hemispheres.
Beginning about 9000 B.C. -- as oral languages developed -- routine or habitual tasks became increasingly
standardized. The hallucinating voices for performing those basic tasks, therefore, became increasingly similar
among groups of people. The collectivization of "voices" allowed more and more people to cooperate and function
together through their bicameral minds. The leaders spoke to the "gods" and used the "voices" to lead the masses
in cooperative unison. That cooperation allowed nomadic hunting tribes to gradually organize into stationary, foodproducing societies. The continuing development of oral language and the increasing collectivization of bicameral
minds allowed towns and eventually cities to form and flourish.
The bicameral mind, however, became increasingly inadequate for guiding human actions as societies continued to
grow in size and complexity. By about 1000 B.C., the bicameral mind had become so inadequate that man's social
structures began collapsing. Under threat of extinction, man invented a new way to use his brain that allowed him
to solve the much more complex problems needed to survive -- he invented a new organization of the mind called
Jaynes eliminated the missing link in the evolution of man by discovering that consciousness never existed in the
evolutionary processes -- consciousness was invented by man.
The Development of Consciousness
Dr. Jaynes shows through abundant archaeological, historical, and biological evidence that the towns, cities, and
societies from 9000 B.C. to 1000 B.C. were established and developed by nonconscious people. Those societies
formed and grew through common hallucinating voices attributed to gods, rulers, and the dead -- to external
"authorities". Various external symbols that "spoke" (such as graves, idols, and statues) helped to reinforce and

expand the authority of those common "voices". Such "voices" continued to expand their reach through
increasingly visible and awe-inspiring symbols such as tombs, temples, colossuses, and pyramids.
But as those unconscious societies became more complex and increasingly intermingled through trade and wars,
the "voices" became mixed and contradictory. With the "voices" becoming muddled, their effectiveness in guiding
people diminished. Rituals and importunings became ever more intense and elaborate in attempts to evoke clearer
"voices" and better guidance. The development of writing and the permanent recording of instructions and laws
during the second millennium B.C. further weakened the authority and effectiveness of hallucinated voices. As the
"voices" lost their effectiveness, they began falling silent. And without authoritarian "voices" to guide and control
its people, those societies suddenly began collapsing with no external cause.
As the bicameral mind broke down and societies collapsed, individuals one by one began inventing consciousness
to make decisions needed to survive in the mounting anarchy and chaos. On making conscious and volitional
decisions, man for the first time became responsible for his actions. Also, for short-range advantages and easy
power, conscious man began discovering and using deceit and treachery -- behaviors not possible from
nonconscious, bicameral minds. ...Before inventing consciousness, man was as guiltless and amoral as any other
animal since he had no volitional choice in following his automatic guidance system of hallucinated voices.
As the "voices" fell silent, man began contriving religions and prayers in his attempts to communicate with the
departed gods. Jaynes shows how man developed the concept of worship, heaven, angels, demons, exorcism,
sacrifice, divination, omens, sortilege, augury in his attempts to evoke guidance from the gods -- from external
All such quests for external "authority" hark back to the breakdown of the hallucinating bicameral mind -- to the
silencing and celestialization of the once "vocal" and earthly gods.
Much direct evidence for the breakdown of the bicameral mind and the development of consciousness comes from
writings scribed between 1300 B.C. and 300 B.C. Those writings gradually shift from nonconscious, objective
reports to conscious, subjective expressions that reflect introspection. The jump from the nonconscious writing
of the Iliad to the conscious writing of the Odyssey (composed perhaps a century later) is dramatically obvious. In
the Odyssey, unlike the Iliad, characters possess conscious self-awareness, introspection powers, and can sense
right, wrong, and guilt. ...That radical difference between the Iliad and the Odyssey is, incidentally, further
evidence that more than one poet composed the Homeric epics.
The transition from the nonconscious Iliad to the conscious Odyssey marks man's break with his 8000-year-old
hallucinatory guidance system. By the sixth century B.C., written languages began reflecting conscious ideas of
morality and justice similar to those reflected today.
The Old Testament of the Bible also illustrates the transition from the nonconscious writing of its earlier books
(such as Amos, circa 750 B.C.) to the fully conscious writing of its later books (such as Ecclesiastes, circa 350
B.C.). Amid that transition, the book of Samuel records the first known suicide -- an act that requires
consciousness. And the book of Deuteronomy illustrates the conflict between the bicameral mind and the
conscious mind.
Likewise, the transition to consciousness is observed in other parts of the world: Chinese literature moved from
bicameral nonconsciousness to subjective consciousness about 500 B.C. with the writings of Confucius. And in
India, literature shifted to subjective consciousness around 400 B.C. with the Upanishadic writings.
American Indians, however, never developed the sophisticated, metaphorical languages needed to develop full
consciousness. As a result, their mentalities were probably bicameral when they first encountered the European

explorers. For example, with little or no conscious resistance, the Incas allowed the Spanish "white gods" to
dominate, plunder, and slaughter them.
The Bicameral Mind in Today's World
Dr. Jaynes identifies many vestiges of the bicameral mentality that exist today. The most obvious vestige is
religion and its symbols. Ironically, early Christianity with its teachings of Jesus was an attempt to shift religion
from the outmoded bicameral and celestial mind of Moses to the newly conscious and earthly mind of man.
Christianity then discovered a devastatingly effective tool for authoritarian control -- guilt. Indeed, guilt not only
worked on conscious minds, but required conscious minds to be effective.
Despite religion, conscious minds caused the gradual shifts from governments of gods to governments of men and
from divine laws to secular laws. Still, the vestiges of the bicameral mind combined with man's longing for
guidance produced churches, prophets, oracles, sibyls, diviners, cults, mediums, astrologers, saints, idols,
demons, tarot cards, seances, Ouija boards, glossolalia, fuhrers, ayatollahs, popes, peyote, Jonestown, bornagains.
Jaynes shows how such external "authorities" exist only through the remnants of the bicameral mind. Moreover,
he reveals a four-step paradigm that can reshuffle susceptible minds back into hallucinating, bicameral
mentalities. The ancient Greeks used a similar paradigm to reorganize or reprogram the minds of uneducated
peasant girls into totally bicameral mentalities so they could become oracles and give advice through hallucinated
voices -- voices that would rule the world (e.g., the oracle at Delphi). ...Today, people who deteriorate into
schizophrenic psychoses follow similar paradigms.
A common thread united most oracles, sibyls, prophets, and demon-possessed people: Almost all were illiterate,
all believed in spirits, and all could readily retrieve the bicameral mind. Today, however, retrieval of the bicameral
mind is schizophrenic insanity. Also, today, as throughout history, a symptomatic cure for "demon-possessed"
people involves exorcising rituals that let a more powerful "authority" or god replace the "authority" of the
demon. The New Testament, for example, shows that Jesus and his disciples became effective exorcists by
substituting one "authority" (their god) for another "authority" (another god or demon).
As the voices of the oracles became confused and nonsensical, their popularity waned. In their places, idolatry
revived and then flourished. But as Christianity became a popular source of external "authority", Christian zealots
began physically destroying all competing idols. They then built their own idols and symbols to reinforce the
external "authority" of Christianity.
Among today's vestiges of the bicameral mentality is the born-again movement that seeks external guidance. In
that movement, people surrender their self-choice and self-decision making in exchange for false promises of
protection and guidance. Such vestiges dramatize man's resistance to use his own invention of consciousness to
guide his life.
The chanting cadence of poetry and the rhythmic beat of music are also rooted in the bicameral mentality. In
ancient writings, the hallucinated voices of the gods were always in poetic verse, usually in dactylic hexameter
and sometimes in rhyme or alliteration -- all characteristic of right-brain functionings. The oracles and prophets
also spoke in verse. And today schizophrenics often speak in verse when they hallucinate.
Poetry and chants can have authoritarian or commanding beats and rhythms that can effectively block
consciousness. Poetry is the language of the gods -- it is the language of the artistic, right-hemispheric brain.
Plato recognized poetry as a divine madness.
Most poetry and songs have an abruptly changing or a discontinuous pitch. Normal speech, on the other hand, has
a smoothly changing pitch. Jaynes demonstrates that reciting poetry, singing, and playing music are right-brain

functions, while speaking is a left-brain function. That is why people with speech impediments can often sing,
chant, or recite poetry with flawless clarity. Conversely, almost anyone trying to sing a conversation will find his
words quickly deteriorating into a mass of inarticulate cliches.
Likewise, listening to music and poetry is a right-brain function. And music, poetry, or chants that project
authority with loud or rhythmic beats can suppress left-brain functions to temporarily relieve anxiety or a
painfully troubled consciousness.
Jaynes goes on to show phenomena such as hypnosis, acupuncture, and dj vu also function through vestiges of
the bicameral mind. And he demonstrates how hypnosis steadily narrows the sense of self, time, space, and
introspection as consciousness shrinks and the mind reverts to a bicameral type organization. Analogously,
bicameral and schizophrenic minds have little or no sense of self, time, space or introspection. The hypnotized
mind is urged to obey the voice of the hypnotist; the bicameral mind is compelled to obey the "voices" of
"authority" or gods. By sensing oneself functioning in the narrow-scope, unaware state of hypnosis, gives one an
idea of functioning in the narrow-scope, unaware state of bicameral man.
Jaynes also identifies how modern quests for external "authority" are linked to the bicameral mind. Many such
quests use science to seek authority in the laws of nature. In fact, today, science is surpassing the waning
institutional religions as a major source of external "authority". And rising from the vestiges of the bicameral
mind are an array of scientisms (pseudoscientific doctrines, faiths, and cults) that select various natural or
scientific facts to subvert into apocryphal, authoritarian doctrines. That subversion is accomplished by using
facts out of context to fit promulgated beliefs. Such mystical scientisms include astrology, ESP, Scientology,
Christian Science and other "science" churches, I Ching, behaviorism, sensitivity training, mind control,
meditation, hypnotism, as well as specious nutritional, health, and medical fads.
Today the major worldwide sources of external "authority" are the philosophical doctrines of religion (along with
the other forms of mysticism and "metaphysics") combined with political doctrines such as Socialism, Fascism,
and Marxism. All such doctrines demand the surrender of the individual's ego (sense of self or "I") to a collective,
obedient faith toward the "authority" of those doctrines. In return, those doctrines offer automatic answers and
lifetime guidance from which faithful followers can survive without the responsibility or effort of using their own
conscious minds. Thus, all current political systems represent a regression into mysticism -- from conscious man
back to bicameral man.
Despite their constant harm to everyone, most modern-day external "authorities" and master neocheaters thrive
by using the following two-step neocheating technique to repress consciousness and activate the bicameral mind
in their victims.
1. First man is made to feel guilty. He is condemned for having lost his "innocence" by inventing
consciousness. He is condemned for assuming the responsibility to use his own mind to guide his life. He
is condemned for exchanging his automatic, bicameral life for a volitional, conscious life...condemned for
exchanging his nature-given bicameral mind for a superior, man-invented conscious mind.
2. Then man is offered automatic solutions to problems and guidance through life -- is offered an
"effortless" Garden of Eden or a utopian hereafter if he exchanges his own invented consciousness for
faith in external "authority": bicameral faith in some leader, doctrine, or god. He is offered the "reward"
of protection and the escape from the self-responsibility of making one's own decisions to guide one's
own life. But for that "reward", he must renounce his own mind to follow someone else's mind or wishes
disguised as "truths" promulgated by some external "authority" or higher power.
But, in reality, no valid external "authority" or higher power can exist or ever has existed. Valid authority evolves
only from one's own independent, conscious mode of thinking. When that fact is fully realized, man will emerge

completely from his bicameral past and move into a future that accepts individual consciousness as the only
authority. ...Man will then fully evolve into a prosperous, happy individual who has assumed full responsibility for
his own thinking and life.
Still, the resistance to self-responsibility is formidable. The bicameral mentality grips those seeking mysticism or
other "authorities" for guidance. Those who accept external "authority" allow government officials, religious
leaders, environmental and anti-abortion movements, faith, homilies, cliches, one-liners, slogans, the familiar,
habits, and feelings to automatically guide their actions. The Neo-Tech Discovery demonstrates how throughout
history billions of people because of their bicameral tendencies unnecessarily submit to the illusionary external
"authorities" of parasitical Establishments, governments, and religions. Such submission is always done at a net
loss to everyone's well being and happiness.
The Implications of Neo-Tech
To some, the implications of Neo-Tech (fully integrated honesty) are frightening, even terrifying. To others, the
implications are electrifying and liberating. ...The implications of Neo-Tech are that each individual is solely
responsible for his or her own life -- responsible for making the efforts required for learning how to honestly
guide one's own life toward growing prosperity and happiness. No automatic, effortless route to knowledge or
guidance exists.
No valid external "authority" exists that one can automatically live by. To live effectively, an individual must let
only the authority of his own consciousness guide his activities. All consistently competent people have learned to
act on reality -- not on their feelings or someone else's feelings or doctrines. An individual must accept the
responsibility to guide his or her own life in order to live competently, successfully, happily.
People knowledgeable about Neo-Tech have the tools to control all others who act on their bicameral tendencies.
...Equally important, people knowledgeable about Neo-Tech have the tools to control their own lives and destinies,
free from crippling mysticism and harmful neocheating.
Neo-Tech I-V provides the knowledge needed for identifying the bicameral elements of any statement or action by
anyone or any group (e.g., church, government, media, politician, priest, businessman, doctor, friend, parent,
spouse, self). Armed with Neo-Tech, people can free themselves from the control or influence of mysticism and
external "authority". And hopefully, by the year 2000, the discoveries of Neo-Tech and Neothink will have
eliminated all vestiges of the bicameral mentality -- all vestiges of mysticism and external "authority".
Without the bicameral mentality, all mysticism and external "authority" will wither and vanish, for they have no
validity except that which is granted to them by the bicameral mentalities. With political and religious influences
disappearing, the mechanisms for "authorities" to harm individuals and wage wars will also disappear. Thus, if
civilization is prospering by the year 2000, Jaynes's discovery along with the discoveries of Neo-Tech and
Neothink will have contributed to that prosperity by ending the symbiotic, mystical relationships of bicameral
mentalities with authoritarian societies (which now hold nuclear weapons). Such mystical relationships would
sooner or later cause the annihilation of any civilization.
If our civilization is flourishing by the year 2000, rational human consciousness will have eliminated mysticism
and external "authority" through fully integrated honesty (Neo-Tech). And without external "authority",
governments and their wars will be impossible. Best of all, without external "authority" or mysticism, no one will
be forcibly controlled, impeded, or drained by others. Without the chains of mysticism, non-aging biological

immortality will become commercially available to every productive person wanting to enjoy life and happiness
Value Producers vs. Value Destroyers
The Final War
For 2000 years, professional mystics have prophesied that the world will end during the 20th century. Now,
today, late in the 20th century, their world is indeed ending. Their world is ending through the emerging war with
the other world -- the world of fully integrated honesty, the world of Neo-Tech. Their world, being an
uncompetitive remnant of nature's bicameral past, is fatally diseased with mysticism. Thus, in their final war with
Neo-Tech, their dying world will crumble to nothing.
Who Will Win at Armageddon?
Professional mystics and value-destroying neocheaters have encountered their Antichrist in Neo-Tech. Their
Armageddon has come; the ultimate battle has begun. The battle is between good and evil, between honesty and
dishonesty, between value producers and value destroyers, between Neo-Tech and mysticism. ...Yes, good will
triumph over evil. And, as everyone will soon discover, they, the professional mystics and neocheaters, are and
always have been the arch evil disguised as the good. But, now, through the war of two worlds, their world will end
forever. ...With their world gone forever, war and value destruction will vanish forever.
Why Neo-Tech Vanquishes
Mysticism and Neocheating
In the world of mysticism, cause and effect are irrationally reversed: feelings beget actions instead of actions
begetting feelings. For example, in the world of mysticism, arbitrary and cynical feelings beget unhappy,
destructive livings. While, in the world of Neo-Tech, consistent and productive livings beget happy, constructive
feelings. The mystical world is sick and out of control. The Neo-Tech world is healthy and in control. ...Thus, NeoTech will always vanquish mysticism in any confrontation, battle, or war.
Next Page | Contents | Feedback for Valuable/New Information | Previous Page
[ 1 ] The bicameral mind was first identified by Dr. Julian Jaynes of Princeton University in his book, The Origin of
Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, Houghton Mifflin Company.
[ 2 ] An interesting note that underscores the recency of consciousness: A person living to 70 years today will
have spanned over 2% of the time since human beings have been conscious.
[ 3 ] Metaphors and analog models bring the right hemisphere brain functions to the left hemisphere with a much
broader, wide-scope view which enables ever more powerful conceptual thinking.

Information Package
Frank R. Wallace
In a free economy, the long-term value of any business or company is always determined by its long-term
competitive value to society. In a free economy, that value to society is expressed in the common-stock value of
the company.
The net value of any activity to society can be determined by using Neo-Tech principles identified in Information
Packages I - III. Neo-Tech IV applies those principles to determine the objective value of any individual,
management, business operation, or nation. A person can use those same principles for being successful in
business and for accurately predicting the long-range, common-stock value of any corporation.
Most stock and commodity forecasters are mystical. Indeed, such forecasters merely use their "sense" or
feelings of the market to rationalize illusionary scenarios or "realities" of the future. To various degrees, those
forecasters use objective facts and figures or various technical indicators as non-sequitur props to give their
projection a sense of validity. But any appearance of validity is specious. By the time most valid facts or figures
become available for forecasting, they already have been discounted in the price.
Indeed, with near-perfect market efficiency, all near-term prices move in unpredictable, random patterns. If a
forecast turns out to be right, that rightness and duration of rightness are as much a coincidence as forecasting
the flips of a coin. Thus, stock and commodity forecasting is generally invalid and mystical, even when
promulgated by Wall-Street gurus and cloaked in the jargon of technical, cyclical, and fundamental analyses. Only
by fully integrating the root causes of values, as done in Neo-Tech IV, can long-term values of companies to their
stockholders and society be reliably predicted.
The Fundamental Principle that Determines
the Long-Range Value
of a Corporation to its Stockholders and Society
Neo-Tech IV is based on the following principle:
All Honest, Long-Range Profits and Societal Values
Generated by Business
Arise from the Mystic-Free Standards of Capitalism[ 4 ]
By reducing that above principle to concrete examples, this document will demonstrate that in a free economy the
long-term values or common-stock prices are ultimately determined by the extent that management implements
the mystic-free standards of capitalism to produce evermore competitive values for society. For investors and
speculators, this information will provide a valid standard to predict the long-range profit growth of all businesses

and their common-stock values. For businessmen and executives, Neo-Tech IV will provide specific
recommendations for implementing mystic-free capitalistic standards in order to increase the value of their
company. Those recommendations will be supplemented with:
(a) A standard by which to identify those executives and employees who are genuine, long-range assets to their
(b) A standard by which to identify those executives and employees who are undermining the long-range value of
their company.
(c) Standards for adopting a business philosophy around specific profit-oriented principles.
(d) Action required to expand both short-range and long-range profitability of a company.
The purpose of Neo-Tech IV is to (1) provide a standard to judge the future financial value of business enterprises,
(2) provide specific standards to increase the financial value of business enterprises, and (3) contrast the
wealth-producing mystic-free nature of business to the wealth-destroying mystical nature of altruism and
Long-term appreciation of common-stock values will occur to the extent that management implements the mysticfree standards of capitalism. Conversely, long-term attrition of common-stock values will occur to the extent that
management compromises capitalistic standards in implementing mystical-based decisions. ...Attrition of value is
inherent to any business situation subjected to altruism, mysticism, or neocheating.
Before Neo-Tech, the standards of capitalism had never been related to the value of a company in concise terms.
The relationship of capitalistic standards to the common-stock value of a corporation can best be illustrated
through an actual example of a large American corporation. This illustration will be accomplished by paraphrasing
the following document submitted years ago to the administrative management of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.,
A Proposal to Increase the Value of Du Pont Common Stock:
An Open Letter to Those Responsible
for the Future
of the
Du Pont Company
A Proposal to Increase the Value
of Du Pont Common Stock
To effectively present this proposal, the following four aspects around which the proposal evolves must be
The need
The purpose
The principle
The proof
After identifying those aspects, the proposal can be presented in its proper context. The proposal will entail the
following recommendations:
1. Removal of specified executives who are undermining the value of Du Pont by building careers on
deceptive mysticism and destructive neocheating rather than on honest thinking and productive efforts.
2. Realignment of Du Pont's philosophy around specific, profit-oriented principles.

3. Implementation of specified action designed to restore both the short-range and long-range profitability
growth of the Du Pont Company.
The Need
Du Pont stock sold for $278 per share. Eleven years later, Du Pont stock had fallen to $92.50 per share. Over
60% of the total corporate market value accumulated in 150 years vanished in a decade.
The Purpose
For 150 years, the management of the Du Pont Company increased the corporation's value at a remarkable rate.
The common stock price increased many fold. Owners became wealthy. Du Pont expanded into the largest, most
profitable chemical company in the world. What was the cause? The cause can be reduced to a single principle
from which all economic values grow. This document will identify that principle.
Over the past decade, the owners of Du Pont (the stockholders) have observed with mounting disappointment the
declining ability of management to expand the profitability of their corporation. What is the reason for that
growing impotence? Many reasons have been advanced in business and financial publications[ 5 ]. But
management's explanations failed to deal with the crucial issues. And their mystical remedies by nature have
accelerated the deterioration. The honest reason for the shrinking profit growth has never been publicly
identified. This proposal will identify that reason.
This proposal will also demonstrate that (1) restoration of Du Pont's vitality is still possible, (2) long-range growth
in profitability will require action recommended by this proposal, and (3) implementation of this proposal would
unleash a productivity/creativity cycle within the Du Pont Company that could generate values and profits
outstripping any business enterprise on earth.
Based on mystic-free principles, this proposal is designed to meet the fundamental requirements of expanding
The purpose of this proposal is to increase the long-range, common-stock value of Du Pont for the financial
benefit of its stockholders.
The Principle
This proposal is based on the following principle:
All Honest, Long-Range Profits and Societal Values
Generated by Business
Arise from the Mystic-Free Standards of Capitalism
To understand that principle, the difference between altruism and capitalism must be identified. The contradiction
between those two terms is evident from the following definitions:
Capitalism is a moral/social system as well as an economic system based on the philosophical premise that every
man and woman has the exclusive right to his or her own life and property. Implementing capitalism always yields
by nature a benevolent society in which individuals deal with one another on the basis of values -- the voluntary
exchange of values. Force and coercion are obviated. Capitalism is consistent with man's rational needs and
requirements for prosperity and happiness.
Altruism is a morality based on the philosophical premise that man lives for the sake of others...that man's life and
property are available for sacrifice to "higher" causes, e.g., the common good, society, the needy, the world, the
dictator, God, country, politicians, bureaucrats, lawyers. Implementing altruism always yields by nature a

malevolent society in which individuals deal with one another on terms of who will be sacrificed to whom, who will
support whom. Force becomes the deciding factor. Fake jobs and bogus livelihoods grow like cancer. ...Altruism is
contrary to man's nature, rational needs, and requirements for happiness.
Before applying the concepts of capitalism and altruism to Du Pont and its common-stock price, those concepts
must first be viewed from the broader perspective of contemporary Western culture:
Capitalism has lifted man's standard of living to undreamt heights. As will be demonstrated in this document, all
long-term benefits to man's life, well being, and happiness have grown from competitive capitalistic principles.
Yet today, a growing number of altruistic businessmen are undermining capitalism. How?
1. By protecting, supporting, joining, and promoting the destructiveness of bogus-job bureaucrats,
politicians, lawyers, the clergy, dishonest journalists, dishonest educators, and social "intellectuals".
2. By usurping from business short-range values and advantages for themselves rather than competitively
producing long-range values for business, others, and society.
In undermining capitalism, they are depriving man of his motive to produce and his means to be happy.
Man is capable of achieving genuine prosperity and happiness only to the extent that he can produce competitive
values for others and society through the rational, wide-integration use of his mind and constant, hard-work
effort. That fact is based on the nature of man. Man must competitively produce for others to honestly meet both
his physical and emotional needs.
Hidden beneath the words of all altruists are calls for sacrifice, "temporary" hardship, and periods of
readjustment. Those calls for sacrifice are incongruously combined with promises that man can attain values
without earning them. All altruists seek an unreal world based on feelings and wishful thinking...a mystical world
free of demands for rational integrated thinking and competitive hard efforts. A mystical world that always moves
away from the problem-solving nature of life. Indeed all mystics seek the goal of effortless, "peaceful" nirvana -- a
problem-free utopia. In their utopia, man can defy can usurp values without earning can
consume without can live effortlessly without solving problems. Reality, however, cannot be
defied. Someone has to produce values and solve problems in order for human beings and society to survive and
prosper. Thus, to survive and prosper, altruists and other value destroyers must deceive and coerce the value
producers into sacrificing their time, efforts, property, and earnings to the value destroyers.
The altruists' final goal is to coerce or force all value producers to support and respect them, the value
destroyers. The motive and ability to produce competitively and in abundance for others vanish when the
producer becomes controlled by the nonproducers. Who would be responsible for such an evil, for such an unjust
scourge to fall upon our civilization? Ironically, the political leaders, religious leaders, freeloaders, collectivists,
and other value destroyers would not be primarily responsible. Those responsible will be the altruistic
neocheaters posing as business "leaders". Such uncompetitive business quislings are today implanted throughout
business and industry worldwide.
Those executives will bear the responsibility for the demise of their companies and free-market capitalism. Their
altruistic principles are inimical contradictions to the principles of competitive capitalism. Through such business
quislings, the sacrifice of the value producers and businesses is possible. Indeed, those quislings are the
transmission belt between the value producers and the value destroyers.
But, the implementation of the capitalistic principles presented in this proposal would render impotent those
altruists who are currently in positions of corporate power. For, without those altruistic business quislings, the
value destroyers would be powerless to sacrifice the value producer. Their demands for sacrifice would go
unanswered. The decline of capitalism would end. A new renaissance would begin. Civilization would rise to a new

standard of rationality. Benevolence and goodwill among men would flourish. Man's productivity and happiness
would soar.
How do those concepts of business, capitalism, and altruism relate to the common-stock value of Du Pont? This is
Man requires self-interest motives to be productive and creative. Man achieves happiness through his productive
and creative efficacy. That is the nature of man. When altruistic businessmen assume managerial positions within
a corporation, their standards of selflessness and sacrifice are asserted to allow them to neocheat rather than to
earn their way to competitive power and wealth. Since selflessness and sacrifice are contrary to value production
and competitiveness, the producer's efficacy will diminish. His job effectiveness will decrease, and the future of
his company will fade. Thus, as altruistic executives translate their standards into practice, the value of their
company to stockholders and society shrinks.
Do such men exist within the Du Pont management? How can they be identified? They are characterized by their
lack of singular purpose to create long-range assets, values, and profits. They are also characterized by their
willingness to subjugate the best interests of the corporation and its stockholders to some fake "higher cause" or
spurious "public good". Altruists can achieve their unearned ends only by sacrificing the values earned by
others...such as the assets, profits, and earning potential of a corporation. They are eager to sacrifice that which
has been earned and built by others. They are willing to sacrifice the stockholders' equity, potential, and property
to "higher causes".
Within Du Pont there has been a gradual shift in the nature of the management from the objective, pro-capitalistic
asset builder to the altruistic, socially-oriented "business leader". That shift continues under such sophistic
rhetoric as "being practical", "the wave of the future", "young blood", "changing reality", "progressive needs",
"social awareness", "public good", "higher causes". At the same time, the concepts of objectivity, efficacy,
happiness, competence, effort, productivity, and profits are being increasingly subverted. ...These assertions
about Du Pont management will be demonstrated with concrete facts later in this proposal.
Whenever long-range values are created by business, society benefits. By far, the greatest beneficiary of a
profitable business is society. But the basic reason for operating any business can never be to "serve" society
short range at the expense of long-range assets and earning, lest the business be eventually drained and
stagnated. The only just and moral reason to operate a business is to benefit its owners through the production of
competitive values for others and society. Only to the extent that owners profit can employees, society, or anyone
else gain long-term values and benefits. Consequently, a business run for the best long-range financial profit of its
owners will always yield the maximum, long-range benefits to society. Conversely, only by producing maximum
values for society can a business produce maximum, long-range profits for its stockholders. ...That is the
benevolent nature of capitalism.
Capitalism means producing competitive values (products or services) for the voluntary exchange of other values
(money for further production of values). Success in a capitalistic society requires honesty, rationality, effort,
wide integrations, and long-range planning. The standards of capitalism permit man to profit only by competitively
producing for the benefit of others and society. The standards of capitalism allow man to fulfill his potential and to
achieve happiness to the benefit of all society.
How does the above principle apply to the common-stock value of Du Pont? The common-stock price is the
accurate value of a company because that price represents the exact value that buyers are willing to pay for the
company in a free market. Over time, a company is worth no more or no less than its free market price (its
common-stock price). Executives are hired by the stockholders for one reason enhance the long-range

financial value of their business enterprise in order to increase profits and common-stock values. For long-term
appreciation of stock values, an enterprise must increasingly deliver competitive values to society.
The value of an executive is judged by the extent that he generates values for the shareholders in exchange for his
compensation. In order to enhance the long-range value of a business enterprise to its owners and society, an
executive must implement the principles of competitive capitalism. The altruistic executive militates against the
value of his company to the extent that he directs his company. That executive does not earn his pay. For, he
diminishes rather than builds the long-term value of his company.
To survive, the altruistic executive must constantly draw on the future potential of his company in a turmoil of
short-range pragmatic activities that conceal the long-range damage being done to the business. At first, such an
executive may blame declining stock prices on "temporary" market conditions. As the corporate assets are
consumed and return on investment diminishes, the executive will blame competition, inflation, deflation,
"maturing business", the "inevitable", "hard luck", or a "changing reality" for the decline in stock prices.
As solutions, he may offer platitudes and schemes of short-range economies, "belt tightenings", "creative"
accounting procedures, acquisitions, and other one-shot expediencies. Within the downward trend, the stock price
may periodically fluctuate upward for durations of a few months or even years. But the downward trend always
returns with ever-deepening losses.
When the company is finally destroyed, he will claim that events were beyond his control and the ruins were not
his fault. He will plead that he had to be practical and cooperate with the altruistic "authorities". He will not
identify that operating on competitive capitalistic principles is the only honest, sound way to build values and
assets. He will not identify that altruism dishonestly destroyed the value of his company. He will not identify that
altruism can never be used to benefit society. But he will secretly know that altruism has always been no more
than a clever tool to covertly promote bogus livelihoods.
To repeat again the principle upon which this proposal rests:
All Honest, Long-Range Profits and Societal Values
Generated by Business
Arise from the Mystic-Free Standards of Capitalism
The Proof
To validate this proposal, the following two assertions will be proven with specific facts:
1. Du Pont is not being managed in the best financial interest of its stockholders.
2. Management is abandoning capitalistic standards in favor of altruistic standards, thus continually
shrinking the long-range profitability and value of Du Pont.
The following graph provides proof of the first assertion. The steady, long-term deterioration of Du Pont commonstock values is proof that the Company is not being managed in the best financial interest of its stockholders. That
fact becomes especially obvious when the deteriorating stock price is superimposed against a composite of all
other 1360 stocks on the New York Stock Exchange.

Proof of the second assertion is based on an abundance of factual evidence. A portion of this evidence will be
documented with quotes from the following, publicly available communications:
Management Newsletter, a Du Pont publication
Better Living Magazine, a Du Pont publication
"1 + 1 + 1", a Du Pont movie
Statements and speeches by major Du Pont executives.
This documentation will demonstrate the extent that altruism has gripped the Du Pont Company and the
consequences of abandoning competitive capitalistic principles.
Management Newsletter
The management is responsible for the thematic content and philosophical timbre of all internal and external
communications released by a company. Perhaps nowhere is the philosophical position of Du Pont management
reflected more precisely than in its Management Newsletter. A chronological review of the Newsletter over twenty
years starkly reveals the progressive abandonment of objective capitalistic principles for subjective social
pragmatisms. During that abandonment of principles, decisions are increasingly made by what some shadowy
external "authority" might say or think rather than by independent judgment of reality by strong, honest
Past Newsletter articles reveal a strong, exuberant company guided mainly by capitalistic principles. But current
Newsletter articles reveal a company guided by altruism and by what "other people" think, feel, and wish. That
shift is demonstrated below by contrasting earlier articles in the Management Newsletter to articles twenty years
later in Management Newsletter.
Reading those early Newsletters is like traveling into another world...a brilliantly clear world that almost was and
should have been...a happy, just world in which rationality and productivity are recognized as man's primary
virtues...a cheerful, exciting business world in which action is guided by the independent judgment of individuals
dedicated to generating values and profits. The philosophical contrast (capitalism vs. altruism) between those
early Newsletters and those twenty years later is clearly apparent. Yet, the seeds for that deterioration of
capitalistic principles began to appear even in the earliest Newsletters. With increasing manipulation of unearned
guilt in an increasingly altruistic culture, obsequious apologies for capitalism and Du Pont were appearing in
articles such as:

Big vs. Little Business

Is Big Business Useful? A study of the Newsletters reveals that the philosophical shift from capitalism to altruism
occurred in two major steps. The first step occurred when the presidency of Du Pont passed from Mr. Crawford
H. Greenewalt to Mr. Lammont Copeland. The struggle to explicitly uphold capitalism abruptly ended. Articles such
as listed below ceased: Business Pleads its Case in Whispers Mr. Greenewalt stated, "It is the corporation's
proper duty to oppose any action which threatens the property or the interests of its stockholders, to fight hard if
the well-being of its employees is threatened, or if the successful continuity of its life comes under fire." U.S.
Superiority and Productivity vs. USSR
Industrial Progress Undermines Socialism
A basic shift in philosophy was apparent. The primary focus of Du Pont changed from generating profits for the
stockholders to "serving society". The following articles began appearing for the first time:
Du Pont Research -- President Copeland equated the value of research to serving "society" rather than to
expanding corporate earnings, profits, and assets. Could nylon have been developed and transformed into a
venture that generated hundreds of millions of dollars in profits for the company, employees, stockholders, and
society with an altruistic standard determining the research and development efforts at Du Pont? Commercial
ventures that generate large, expanding profits for their stockholders can evolve only from capitalistic standards.
As Others See Us This article signalled the acceptance of a standard whereby management replaces independent
judgment with "what others think" as a valid basis for action. Research for Government Nonprofit research done
at the expense of the stockholders. Why? For what purpose and at whose sacrifice? Only destructive altruism
could justify such research. Despite the basic philosophical shift to altruism, some articles such as the one listed
below continued to uphold the values of Du Pont:
Industrial Research in Internal Competition This article dealt with the competitively effective utilization of human
skills within the Du Pont Company. The second and most devastating step in the philosophical shift occurred when
the presidency of Du Pont passed from Mr. Lammont Copeland to Mr. Charles B. McCoy. The personal experience
of research scientist Dr. Frank R. Wallace must be related to demonstrate that philosophical shift. After joining the
Company, Dr. Wallace studied each issue of the Management Newsletter. The articles captured the exciting action
and values evolving from the most creative, capitalistic enterprise in history. The Newsletter symbolized supreme
human action, creativity, and rationality. The Newsletter was a major source of pleasure and fuel in concretizing
man's worth and potency. When the first shift occurred under Mr. Copeland, Dr. Wallace failed to identify what had
occurred. In reading the Newsletters, he subconsciously ignored or dismissed the altruistic-based articles while
savouring the articles expressing the action and values of Du Pont. After seven years, Dr. Wallace left Du Pont for
three years. On returning, he read with amazement the current Management Newsletter. The feature article was
The Plant Open House,
A Way to Win Friends and Influence People.
Did a multi-billion-dollar corporation have nothing more significant to report to its management than a plant tour[
6 ] for town folk? At that time, Dr. Wallace did not understand why such an article should appear in the
Management Newsletter. As the months passed, he read articles such as outlined in Table 1. ...Gradually he began
to understand what was happening.
The second and final step in the abandonment of capitalistic principles was occurring. In essence, all the
greatness of Du Pont was being reduced and equated to a plant tour for town age-old, altruistic
technique of mystically reducing man's greatest achievements to the pedestrian level.

In this seemingly innocent manner, the door had been opened to sacrifice the values of Du Pont. ...How can a
philosophy expressed in the Management Newsletter lead to the sacrifice of Du Pont?[ 7 ] Consider the nature of
other communications that emanated from Du Pont with Management sanction. Those communications ranged
from a popular, heavily-attended seminar titled Application of Social Science Technology to Du Pont[ 8 ] to
publications like Better Living (analyzed next) and speeches by key executives (analyzed later and in Table 4). The
direct impact of management's current philosophy on Du Pont's business was reflected in a Du Pont seminar
entitled, The Future of the Fiber Business. That seminar projected a steady decay of Du Pont's return on its fiber
investment despite an optimistic market and growth picture for synthetic fibers.
That seminar was presented by the Du Pont textile-fiber management to the Executive Committee. No plan or
consideration to reverse the deteriorating financial situation was offered or even considered. The gloomy
nonaction stance by management to correct a suicidal business trend coupled with the anticapitalistic
(government controlled) economic philosophy of Keynes accepted by Du Pont economists and management[ 9 ]
are the essences for the systematic, long-range deterioration of Du Pont. With bizarre irony, the "modernistic"
cover of Du Pont's Annual Report that year symbolized the purposeful destruction of values: The marvelous,
industrial works of man were photographed part in-focus, part blurred, and part double exposed. Why, for what
reason, for what purpose was a clear, sharp value purposely distorted and blurred into a non-value?
Neo-Tech IV
Creating Business Success
Table 1
Original Newsletters

Newsletters Twenty Years Later

Article Headings :
-- Annual Report
-- Earnings
-- Dividends
-- Sales
-- Payrolls
-- Sales Price Index
-- Income
-- Peacetime Standards
-- Increased Volume of Business
-- Increased Capital
-- Return on Operative Investment
-- Research Activities
-- Expansion and Improvement
of Plant Facilities
-- Employee Relations

Article Headings, Quotes, and Comments:

-- Plant Assists Disadvantaged Youth
"Plans for Progress has top corporate backing and is being
implemented throughout the Company".
Why? For what business purpose? Progress is achieved by
efficacious producers, not by incompetents or the
-- New Priorities in Aid to Education "...aimed at improving
educational opportunities for the disadvantaged."
Why? For what business purpose? What does "disadvantaged"
mean? A "disadvantaged" individual is simply one who has chosen
not to put forth the effort and discipline required to become
"advantaged" or productive.
-- Pollution Control Activities
"We must be concerned not only with what our neighbors think of
us at the plant level, but also how we project ourselves as a total

-- Decision of U. S. Supreme
-- Strikes
-- Nylon Price Reduction
-- Plant Election
Every article is germane to the profitable
operation of
Du Pont. Void of articles of a social or
altruistic nature.
Total number of articles written
under the following headings:
-- Profits - 22
-- Free Enterprise - 13
-- Big Business - 24
By contrast, not a single article twenty
years later was written in support of
profits, free enterprise, or big business.
Typical Articles of original
-- Public misconception vs. facts.
-- U. S. standard of living
vs. Russian.
-- Productive output of America
vs. Non-America.
-- Left-wing criticism
vs. advantages to U.S.
-- Reply to cellophane monopoly
-- Atomic energy a product of
American enterprise.
-- Du Pont President says free enterprise
is greatest national resource.
-- Post-war production of nylon
exemplifies spirit of free enterprise.
-- Benefits of American
economic system.

Such a statement is void of principle and lacking in independent
judgment: Vast corporate actions and expenditures are being
based on a standard of what "other people'' think and feel rather
than objective facts.
-- Du Pont Steps up Efforts to Hire the "Disadvantaged".[ 10 ]
Why? For what business purpose? Then, Du Pont stock was above
$160. Today, Du Pont stock is below $100.
-- Banner Year for Recruiting
"Du Pont people found greater social consciousness among
students they interviewed."
What does "social consciousness" mean? What possible value could
students with greater "social consciousness" have toward
increasing the assets and profits of Du Pont?
-- Interview with "Chemical and Engineering News"
"Mr. McCoy stressed Du Pont's faith in the chemical industry and
said long term the industry can greatly improve its current rate of
return with a little `luck' in reestablishing a healthy capacitydemand balance in such major items as plastics, fibers and
The President of Du Pont publicly declares that improved rate of
return for Du Pont is based on faith and luck! Mysticism and chance
have become the stated basis for improving the performance of
the Du Pont Company.

-- Rise in standard of U. S. living through

greater productivity.
-- Socialistic developments in U.S.: Du
Pont offered its employees a free 169page book that identified the failures of
British socialism and nationalization.
-- U.S. high standards of living
improved by industry.
-- Protection of patents
encourages invention.
Better Living Magazine
The first issue of Better Living Magazine[ 11 ] Dr. Wallace received on returning to Du Pont contained an article
entitled "Dedicated Amateurs" -- a five-page spread on the card playing, auto driving, chess, and other free-time
activities of certain employees. No, nothing was wrong with those activities. But, Dr. Wallace wondered why such a
mundane, slice-of-life article was published in Better Living. The article was injected between a feature article on
the new fiber Qiana and a dramatic article on building huge underground caverns for ammonia storage.
In that same issue, Dr. Wallace read a three-page spread about a Du Pont employee dedicating his free time to
unpaid social work. Fine, that was his personal, free choice. The article even contained a photograph showing this
employee teaching a group of migrant laborers to recognize a sign to the bathroom. That article was inserted
between an article reviewing the outstanding technological achievements of the Film Department and an article
describing the industrial use of television. Why the mixing of outstanding human achievement with the
commonplace? In search for an answer, one might ask if a magazine needs to include the ordinary or prosaic
aspects of life to be realistic and credible.
That question was eloquently answered by the Du Pont Magazine (issued bimonthly by Du Pont's Advertising
Department). Like a searchlight slicing through the darkness, that magazine provided a dazzling flow of Du Pont's
greatest products and achievements. That happy magazine was totally void of the commonplace and confirmed the
vast potential that existed within Du Pont. That magazine also demonstrated that men existed within Du Pont who
held greatness above the ordinary and insignificant. That magazine concretized the reason to fight for the great
values of Du Pont.
The difference between Better Living and the Du Pont Magazine reflected much more than the editorial differences
expected between a magazine issued by the Public Relations Department and a magazine issued by the Advertising
Department. A comparison of article headings in the following table illustrates the profound philosophical and
view-of-life gulf that existed between those two magazines.
Table 2
Du Pont Magazine

Better Living Magazine

Cover Photo: A chic, intelligent-looking

woman projecting self-esteem and
confidence of self-earned values.

Cover Photo: A grinning, ungroomed girl celebrating the forceful

occupation of private property (Columbia University) by a mob
whose members chose to usurp and destroy values produced by

A Slick Assist for Snow Shovelers


Youth: A New Society

Goodyear's Gas-Filled Fleet ("Hypalon")

What's it all About

A Cover that Keeps Rolling Along


The Quarrel with the Establishment

A Fabric of Freedom ("Dacron")

Does Business Really Care

Beautifully Blended for Fashion ("Orlon")

The New Left

Enhancing the Character of Quality

("Minute Bleach")

The Church -- Will it Survive

Helping Industry to Keep its Cool


Youth Reject Racism

Speeding up Chemical Separations (APC


Youth at the University of Michigan

What's New ("Birox", "MonSoon",

Polysilicates, "Cronor" gravure Film,
The two magazines were philosophical opposites. The Du Pont Magazine reflected a cheerful, guilt-free admiration
of the values and products that had arisen from Du Pont. Better Living reported on Du Pont's values in an
apologetic, resentful manner while saluting the standards of altruism and egalitarianism, which demand the looting
and destruction of Du Pont and competitive capitalism. All doubts about the philosophical nature of Better Living
were eliminated with subsequent issues that began with the destructive mixing of great achievements with the

mundane. Those subsequent articles represented the inevitable disintegration of rational values by the altruistic
After an editorial that explicitly suspended moral judgment,[ 12 ] the entire 32-page issue of Better Living
proceeded to idealize those who sought to destroy competitive capitalism and the profit-making ability of industry.
That 32-page spread saluted those collectivist conformists who hate and fear capitalism because they are
incompetent to compete in free markets -- incompetent to meet competitive standards that demand discipline,
thought, effort, and the production of values. Those standards require man to think rationally and produce values
for others and society to survive.
Under the title, Youth: A New Society, that issue of Better Living projected a potpourri of impotent, anticapitalistic
conformists as "honest", "idealistic" youth. That "honesty" and "idealism" epitomized the dishonesty and fraud of
that article: Youth who substituted emotion for reason and feelings for facts as their guide to action were
blatantly dishonest and destructive. Moreover, youth who chose to evade their responsibility to produce rational
values for others were neither honest nor idealistic.
The supreme injustice of Better Living was committed against those youth who had not surrendered to
dishonesty...against those youth who were struggling to achieve rational goals and values. But the most
destructive injustice of Better Living was committed against Du Pont and capitalism. By implication, that issue
besmirched Du Pont and competitive capitalism with all the real and imaginary ills of this world. Not one word in
Better Living was dedicated to the only rational purpose of Du generate expanding profits for its
stockholders by increasingly producing competitive values for others and society. Not a single word was
dedicated to the supreme moral value of Du efficient organization in which individuals could utilize their
rational minds and productive efforts for their own and loved ones' well-being and happiness by providing benefits
to others and society. ...Those who produced Better Living gained their dishonest, destructive livelihoods from Du
Pont. And Du Pont management willingly paid their salaries!
Every Du Pont executive should carefully read that issue of Better Living. Observe the massive, envious, unearned
guilt foisted upon the businessman, Du Pont, and free enterprise. Observe the implicit threats and sullen
malevolence that exudes from beneath the "properly tempered" words and the measured praise for Du Pont's
incongruous efforts to meet the demands of the value-destroying altruists. Look at the pictures ...look carefully
into the faces of those demanding that business sacrifice itself to the "good of society". Their expressions range
from the robot, joyless faces of desperately dependent conformists to the loathing, power-seeking expression in
the face of Ralph Nader to the raging faces of the militants screaming for blood and destruction.
All those faces can be reduced to one common expression ...fear...fear of competitive capitalism...fear of the hard
work and honesty required to produce competitive values for others...fear of competing with value producers. To
survive, those nonproducers must depend on the producer being tricked or forced into sacrificing earned values
to the "good of society" -- to them, the nonproducers. Remember those faces in Better will see them
again. And you will not have to wonder who provided those "idealistic" youth with the sanction to cripple and then
destroy Du Pont.
"1 + 1 + 1" Movie
The long-term increase or decrease of common stock prices for any company can be forecast from its
management's philosophical projection of capitalistic principles. The movie, "1+1+1", released by Du Pont's Public
Relations Department with sanction of the Executive Committee, afforded an unusual opportunity for an in-depth
analysis of management's philosophical projection of capitalistic principles:

Du Pont is an awe-inspiring subject that symbolizes the pinnacle of accomplishment. Du Pont is a proud example of
man's potency toward which all humans can lift their eyes for inspiration. Consider how Du Pont was treated in "1
+ 1 + 1", a movie shown to most Du Pont employees and to millions of Americans:
A breathtaking skyline of New York City appeared. Exultant music played. The bold Du Pont oval filled the screen.
Firm and steady words spoke of the marvels that man has created with steel and concrete. Yes, yes, one could
eagerly agree. That was Du Pont. That was the story that should be told...exultant, bold, breathtaking. But that
spine-tingling emotion lasted only a moment. The camera promptly zoomed into close-up shots of the "man in the
street". With the focus on the group and the common man, the magnificent spell was broken.
Why did the moviemaker do that? Was he implying that the "man in the street" or the group was responsible for
the great achievements symbolized by the skyline of New York? Was not that movie supposed to stress the
individual? What about the few, uncommon individuals...the innovators, industrialists, scientists, and artists? It
was those uncommon individuals who gave us the great values of "music, steel, and concrete". How could the
moviemaker commit such an oversight? Or was it an oversight?
The scene shifted. A voice told us of Du Pont's 86 factories and 100 laboratories spanning the globe. From barren
earth, factories of production rose majestically. For an instant, that thrilling emotion returned. Then came the jolt.
The scene shifted. The voice changed. The value of Du Pont's factories was obliterated by a female voice sighing
that the new plant will bring "A lot of young men, I hope."
Why was the moviemaker building heroic images of Du Pont only to shatter them? Why was the moviemaker
purposely spoiling values? Why was he mixing poison with food? Did he not know the only results can be poison?
The movie continued. A statement was made, "Some men's urge to make life better takes them down wondrous
roads." What were those wondrous roads? No explanation. Instead, the moviemaker raked the audience with a
ludicrous pandemonium of old-fashioned cars speeding around corners, and water skiers engaged in spectacular
falls. Another statement was made, "Man must be unique." The next scene showed a pie-eating contest and then a
dozen or more youths in coon-skin coats riding in a single automobile. Mixing purity with poison...the mind with the
mindless...values with non-values -- an ancient neocheating trick to destroy values. What was the moviemaker's
What was the meaning of that film? The movie pressed onward. The narrator revealed that over 2500 Ph.D.s
worked for Du Pont. The narrator then announced that today's science was a "meshing of groups". What did
"meshing of groups" mean? No explanation. Was not this movie supposed to stress the individual? Again, what
about those few individuals who were responsible for all the material values we have today? No mention was made
of them.
The scene shifted to technical management in action. Hope surged for a glimpse of greatness. Now will the value of
the individual appear? No. Instead of crisp, intelligent men making meaningful business decisions, the scene wilted
into altruistic torpidity. A woman inarticulately spoke about helping mankind by nitrogen fixation. She spoke as if
the excuse for Du Pont's existence was to help the global indigents. Her words, sounding more like a bovine moan,
were not those of a confident, productive human being. Was that the moviemaker's portrayal of management in
one of America's greatest corporations?
Next came a scene about Du Pont explosives. Instead of depicting how explosives have so benevolently lifted a
torturous burden from man's shoulders, the scene disparaged human intelligence. A scientist was presented. He
proceeded to express himself with garrulities such as "those cats think explosives are for war". Did that reflect
the seriousness and intelligence of the Du Pont scientist? At that point, the moviemaker introduced his
metaphysical view of the science: "Let the scientist miss and miss and begin again" was presented as the modus
operandi of the scientist. The focus was on failure.

No acknowledgement or recognition was given to those competitive, value-producing scientists who think longrange and achieve great goals through carefully planned, exceedingly difficult, hard work. Instead, the audience
was garroted with the fallacious image of a "crackpot" scientist mindlessly mixing together everything in sight
and meeting failure after failure until by chance he stumbled onto a great discovery. Was this the moviemaker's
metaphysical view of science? Was man's mind impotent and technical achievement a matter of chance or
How did the moviemaker project those precious few individuals who choose to use their minds and exert supreme
rational effort in order to discover, innovate, produce, and market products that have generated hundreds of
millions of dollars in profit for Du Pont? Their work was summed up in one sentence. "Things blew apart and
everything". What was the meaning behind that seemingly frivolous remark? Was the moviemaker informing us
that those great achievements required no special effort or intelligence? Did nylon evolve by a process of things
blowing apart? Was that the moviemaker's view of man's accomplishments? Could anyone present such a
dishonest, resentful, envious view of competence and achievement?
How were the end results of major technical achievements portrayed? Mylar was selected as an example. Its
value was promptly reduced to a toy butterfly. What about the value of knowledge? A Du Pont scientist spoke of his
past. He referred to himself as a defrocked organic chemist and wondered why he ever obtained a Ph.D. degree.
No explanation was given. The man was left appearing as a diffident fool for his past efforts. The man then
explained that his genetic makeup made him what he was. Did not that mystical, predeterministic view negate the
value of man's mind and his volitional discipline, effort, and free choice?
What about the value of man achieving his long-range goals? A sequence began with an obviously intelligent man
making the rationally correct statement that "man has to satisfy the need to build". Indeed he does. Man's most
fundamental need is to build (to produce). How did the moviemaker project that? The next scene showed a
descending foot crushing a child's sand castle. Why? Is what man builds so tenuous and meaningless that his work
can be crushed to nothing at someone's random whim?
What about the moviemaker's view of absolutes? His view was projected by a factory scene: A worker asserted
that there was too much supervision. The next worker asserted that there was too little supervision. What
purpose did that seemingly innocuous scene serve? Was it to show that one side is as valid as the other...that
everything was a matter of opinion...that there was no right or wrong way...that whatever one felt was right...that
there was no objective reality?
The scenes went on and on. Build up and tear down. A skyline was silhouetted with beautiful new factories. What
significance was attached to those factories? Only one specific message was projected -- new factories caused
problems of uprooting, relocation, and retraining. What about the products, jobs, profits, and competitive values
generated by those factories? ...Silence.
What about the most important facet of man's life -- his productive work? Man and his work were sloughed off in
ten seconds with the statement, "man must do his own thing while inside the Company". The scene shifted to man's
activities outside the Company. In a lengthy persiflage of bizarre nonsense, we were bombarded with an
incoherent collection of silent flickers blended with all the modern, mind-blowing psychedelic effects. Why? For
what purpose? Was the moviemaker telling us that man's work was no more significant than a perfunctory
statement that "he must do his own thing" and his other activities were no more worthy than meaningless
pantomime and boring psychedelic effects? Could anyone possibly hold such a malevolent view of man and his life?
Let us continue with the movie:
The desecration of values, man, and Du Pont continued at an accelerating pace. Du Pont employees at work were
associated with pin-up girls, slogan-painted lab coats, and hippy buttons. The basic technique a

value and then tear it a man producing at his work and then knock him down with a slogan-painted lab
coat or leave him leering at a girlie picture.
The moviemaker's technique reached the climax with the scene of the Executive Committee. Waiting in desperate
hope for a glimpse of greatness, one found himself begging the movie to preserve values here...with the men who
run that great, productive company. In the Executive Committee, one must find firm-faced men with clear, honest whose voices were strong and who talked of important matters, such as production,
profit, and who talked of awesome business transactions, heroic discoveries, and fearless plans. But,
alas, one was told apologetically that "someone had to run the store". Everyone was then gratuitously rammed
with personalized close-ups of the men one wanted to keep at an impersonal distance in order to uphold them as
ideals and sources of inspiration. Yes, everyone was assaulted with poster-size faces of the "warm personal man
next door"[ 13 ].
Was the moviemaker telling everyone that the leaders of Du Pont were nothing more than a group of regular
guys? Did it take no one special to run E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company...just the man next door? The fist hit
hard. The Executive Committee was the last place one wanted to see the regular guy. One's soul pleaded for
something better, a glimpse of a hero, a glimpse of inspiration. The rest was anticlimactic. No words were uttered
of awesome business transactions, thrilling discoveries, or fearless plans. Instead, one heard only of personnel
problems, pollution problems, and safety problems.
Nothing seemed to matter after that scene of the Executive Committee. One could watch with indifference as a
plant manager obsequiously apologized to the mayor of a city for a new Du Pont factory by explaining that "Du
Pont did not want to lean on people or be a problem, but wanted to help solve problems". Nor did it matter any
more when the narrator implied that Du Pont had to cajole college graduates into marketing careers. It no longer
mattered that the wonderful values available through marketing careers were ignored.
But one final shock remained. It bludgeoned the senses in a thundering broadside. In the final denouement of the
moviemaker's soul, the most indisputable values of Du Pont -- its magnificent array of commercial products -were reduced to the level of the "inscrutable jellybean". One by one the wonderful products of Du Pont were
paraded before everyone to be wantonly besmirched with alternating, out-of-focus scenes of strident, blank-faced
youths, writhing with loose, flopping mouths and glazed eyes. One by one the products of Du Pont were flung onto a
carrion heap of tortured motions, primitive drum pounding, and flashing lights that accurately reflected a
schizophrenic's view of life.
The great products with all the heroic efforts of individuals who chose to use their minds...all the benevolence,
achievement, and inspiration that Du Pont represented...all those great values and achievements were trampled
into the joyless, Marcusian-Kafka jungle of the parasitical collectivists and professional mystics whose darkling
minds viewed with hatred every value that Du Pont delivered to society. ...Could anyone hate life and its values that
With howling screams ringing in one's ears and the neocheaters dancing on Du Pont's murdered spirit, the movie
ended with brashly incongruous proclamations about the value of the individual. The movie inextricably wove Du
Pont into the anticapitalistic dishonesties that are moving throughout the world. The movie maker was
successful...brilliantly successful. The movie "1+1+1" will accomplish precisely what its creator intended the movie
to do -- drive nails into the coffin of capitalism. And when the last nail is driven, all the benevolence and happiness
possible to man will be sealed in that coffin.
How could a mere movie have such devastating effects? This is how: Think back...think far back into your
childhood. Recall that precious time when one could romantically look to the future as a life of boundless
happiness and goals to achieve? Remember eagerly seeking values, knowledge, and facts? That spark of life,

however brief, exists in every child. But most choose to let that spark flicker out -- to give up so early in life. Most
forever extinguish that spark, never to know life again. A few hang on longer. Fewer, still, never give up. In them, a
hidden spark forever burns. And it is they who count. It is they who become the heroes of life.
The movie "1+1+1" is the instrument that will break those still struggling to hold on. Implicitly to them, United
States business is the last bastion of reason...the last source of inspirational values. Capitalism is the lifeline they
unknowingly cling to. As the movie "1+1+1" was shown throughout the land, thousands of those young, precious
sparks quietly flickered out. So subtle was the movie that few will ever know why. But those who read this
document will forever know why. To those who saw "1+1+1", recall the emotions at the conclusion of that movie:
Aside from a vague feeling of malaise one might have felt, aside from an undefined nagging that something was
wrong, what other emotions could possibly be experienced? One could experience only boredom, indifference,
puzzlement, sadness, or resignation. With the strength and vitality drained from a once proud image, Du Pont was
left hat-in-hand apologizing for its existence. Du Pont was left as an empty, hulking skeleton of effaced values...not
even worthy of having its name in the title of the movie.[ 14 ]
What was the reaction to this movie by those young minds after being inculcated with forty minutes of subtly
specious but powerfully effective anti-heroic, anti-mind scenes? To those who had already given up, only a
lethargic "so what" was possible: They were saying "so what" not only to the movie, but to Du Pont, business,
capitalism, and their own lives. ...As they gave up and their sparks flickered out, so went the future of Du Pont and
No, the producer of "1+1+1" was not responsible for such crimes. The responsibility belonged to the corporate
management for failing to protect the ideals of Du Pont and competitive capitalism. Men such as the producer of
that movie would be powerless without the sanction and support of such quisling managements.
Nearly twenty years before, a movie was produced under a different management -- a management that took Du
Pont to the heights of profitability and common-stock values -- the movie was entitled The Du Pont Story. Those
who recalled that proud and glamorous movie vividly grasped the opposite philosophical view of that management.
That earlier management took Du Pont to the height of profitability and value. The subsequent management
replaced that management with "liberal views" as a route to "higher" values. Du Pont stock sold for $278 per
share. Eleven years later, Du Pont stock had fallen to $92.50 per share. Does that represent higher values? Or do
such "higher values" represent value destruction?
Speeches and Statements
by Major Du Pont Executives
In one last desperate hope, one might rationalize that the Management Newsletter, Better Living, and the movie
"1+1+1" reflected only the views of its writers and editors and not the philosophy of Du Pont management. That
hope promptly dissipates on examination of speeches and statements of certain key executives who controlled Du
Pont management. Their words were philosophically consistent with the Management Newsletter, Better Living and
the movie "1+1+1". Their own statements demonstrated that Du Pont management was abandoning capitalistic
standards for mystical, altruistic standards:
McCoy Tells of Need to Cure Social Ills.
Article Headline
Wilmington News-Journal
Casting an undefined pall of guilt on industry for the "social ills" of man, the President of Du Pont, Mr. McCoy,
implied that private enterprise had the duty to cure those "social ills". He then declared his intentions to "serve
society" through the Du Pont Company. With no reference to serving the stockholders and a perfunctory

reference to profits, Mr. McCoy stated the lip-service non sequitur that "nothing is mutually exclusive about
making a profit and serving the needs of society."
As Mr. McCoy led Du Pont into the "service of society", the press eagerly reported his views and actions:
Du Pont President sees unique role for industry in solving society's problems.
-- Chemical and Engineering News
Ironically, that same magazine revealed the inevitable results of abandoning capitalistic principles to altruism:
Earnings are still far below their peak, and this year will bring, at best, only a small improvement over last year's
performance. Du Pont's stock price is less than half what it was four years ago and it has been falling all year.
-- Chemical and Engineering News
On the same day that Chemical and Engineering News published its article about Mr. McCoy, the Wall Street
Journal published comments on the performance of Du Pont. Those two articles provided a grimly realistic causeand-effect dialogue between altruism and profits as shown in the following Table 3.
Table 3
CAUSE -- "Although Mr. McCoy is now faced with the responsibility of getting his vast company really moving
again, he also gives very deep thought to the increasingly critical role industry must play in society in the years
-- McCoy, Chemical & Engineering News.
EFFECT -- "The stock may be cheap like some people say -- but where's the incentive to buy when the outlook is so
-- Wall Street Journal.
CAUSE -- "The challenge is for industry to devise more imaginative ways to place its technological resources in
the service of man; to couple its business goals with the clear and pressing needs of society."
-- McCoy, Chemical & Engineering News.
EFFECT -- "How the mighty have fallen," remarked one fund manager. The reference was to the stock of Du Pont.
-- Wall Street Journal.
CAUSE -- "Society will reward those that help unclog our highways, rebuild and revitalize our cities, cleanse our
streams, and conquer poverty and disease, not those whose pursuit of the dollar blinds them to such needs."
-- McCoy, Chemical & Engineering News.
EFFECT -- "Investors' increasing disenchantment with Du Pont stock is largely based on what Richard Berkley of H.
Hentz characterizes as an uninspiring earnings record over the past 10 years."
-- Wall Street Journal.

CAUSE -- "In Mr. McCoy's view, industry has already moved away from the narrow idea that business corporations
are merely organizations to make and sell goods to provide a fair return to their owners. Instead, he says, we
have to come to look upon our enterprises as mechanisms invented by society to translate scientific knowledge
into the goods and services that society needs."
-- McCoy, Chemical & Engineering News.
EFFECT -- "But if you're a level-headed investor, you buy performance. And Du Pont -- based on its record over
the last 10 years -- hasn't shown it."
-- Wall Street Journal.
President McCoy must be held responsible for the deteriorating performance of Du Pont. Mr. McCoy was hired as
the chief executive to serve the stockholders. He was paid by the stockholders to protect and enhance the
financial value of Du Pont. A president of an industrial corporation is not paid to solve society's problems or to
cure "social ills" with the earnings and property that belong to the stockholders.
Were not other executives also responsible for abandoning capitalistic principles and the resulting poor
performance of Du Pont? Yes. And they must also be held responsible to the extent they neglected, misused, and
damaged the stockholders' property. In examining the speeches and statements of other major Du Pont
executives, however, one discovers a profound difference between some executives and Mr. McCoy. While the
speeches and statements of those Du Pont executives contained philosophical errors and varying degrees of
compromise to altruism that were contrary to the best interests of Du Pont, their projected views still remained
basically pro-capitalistic. To varying degrees, they recognized and upheld the values of Du Pont. In other words, a
few executives still displayed view points that, although often blighted with sprinklings of altruism, were
nevertheless based on capitalistic premises. Mr. McCoy's views, on the other hand, were based solidly on
altruistic premises that were "justified" with bits and pieces of pragmatic "capitalism". That fundamental
difference in viewpoints becomes vividly apparent in Table 4 below in which the mystical statements by altruist
president Charles B. McCoy are compared to the honest statements by dedicated executive Pierre S. du Pont who
recognized and upheld the values of capitalism.
Neo-Tech IV
Creating Business Values
Cheerful, Productive, Hard-Driving Capitalist
Pierre S. du Pont Speech
(Integrated/Business Mind)

Gloomy, Destructive, Guilt-Projecting Altruist

Charles B. McCoy Speech
(Altruist/Criminal Mind)

"The United States became the strongest and most

prosperous nation in the long history of mankind. Its
reputation for wealth and generosity grew to such
proportions that a successful motion picture was based

"We always come out with pretty much the same

laundry list: food supply; population control; housing
and urban renewal; pollution control; improvements
in medical care and in the cure and prevention of

on the idea that the way for a nation to live happily ever
afterward was to lose a war with the United States and
get on the list of foreign aid.
"United States, one of the rarest things the world has
ever known -- a country with a surplus of food. Most of
the world, even today, lives almost literally from hand to
mouth, on the verge of famine and starvation. Indeed,
famine and starvation are an annual way of life in far too
many areas of the world. The United States is a most
happy exception.
"If the average American -- the common man, which I
suppose includes pretty much all of us -- could be made
to understand the importance of this question to him,
and the fact that he has a major responsibility to make
sure that his selfish and personal interests are
protected, then I believe our economic structure would
be invulnerable.
"We have here what ought to be the most salable
product on earth, and yet all available evidence is that
the great bulk of those advantaged by it do not
appreciate it, do not know or care whether any of it is in
any danger, and do not consider, if it is, that they have
any responsibility to do anything about it. This adds up to
perhaps the worst selling job in the long history of
"This becomes especially evident when you consider that
those who have failed in this task have always been
considered as pretty impressive in the field of selling. I
mean the representatives of American business and
industry. Who else can be held responsible? When you
come right down to it, who else is interested in tackling
this selling job? I'm afraid the answer is nobody. It's up
to us.
"Because of this, some have become discouraged and
feel it is an impossible task to win the active and
dynamic support of American men and women for the
system that has provided a way of life that not even
kings and emperors enjoyed a century ago."

killer diseases; development of alternative raw

materials to supplement scarce natural resources;
improvements in transportation, especially in
densely populated areas.
"There is deep concern that technology is not
working as it should in the service of man, and that
organizations closely identified with technology -including our industry very pointedly -- are steered
by the profit motive into projects that are low in
priority or even destructive.
"It is said that too much technical skill is wasted on
projects that are glamorous but essentially
frivolous, while too little is focused on problems such
as hunger, pollution, the decay of our cities, and the
psychic destruction of the people who live in them.
"There is concern about the side effects of
technology, the `accidents' that seem to occur all
too often. There is concern about the long-term
effects of the use of chemical materials, as in the
case of agricultural chemicals. There is a growing
fear that we have unleashed a force we can no
longer control, a force doing irreparable damage to
the biological balance of the planet.
"More and more, we are hearing serious questions
about the meaning of the word `progress'. It is no
longer taken for granted, as it was for many years,
that more technology and more economic growth
automatically add up to improvements in the human
"They are as likely as anyone else to raise the
question we hear so often today: `If we can put men
on the moon, how come we can't clean up the mess
down here?'
"Perhaps to an extent we have brought this on
ourselves by claiming so many wondrous products
and monumental discoveries."

The profound difference between the viewpoints of those two men is self-evident. Mr. McCoy's sad, guilt-ridden
view of man's nature and achievements contrasted sharply to Mr. Pierre du Pont's benevolent, guiltless view of
capitalism and the benefits it bestows upon all mankind. On reviewing other speeches and public comments by Mr.

McCoy, one fails to find a single word of admiration or recognition of capitalism or the marvelous plethora of
material and financial values that emanate from the Du Pont Company.
Mr. McCoy's view of capitalism, technology, achievement, and Du Pont was one of disparagement and effacement
as evidenced by the following public statement made in his speech before the Society of Chemical Industry:
"There are people so enthusiastic about technology that they assume it is going to solve all our problems. It's nice
to have such trusting friends, but they are operating under an assumption that can only hurt us more than anyone
else. We cannot meet this blanket contract. When they discover this, as sooner or later they must, they are likely
to be angry as well as disappointed. They will think we let them down. Perhaps to an extent we have brought this
on ourselves by claiming so many wondrous products and monumental discoveries. Be that as it may, would we
not be well-advised in the future to make doubly sure that our propaganda stays in line with practicality? Could we
not profit from a more open and candid acknowledgment that we have limited expertise?"
What standard was held by a man who projected technology and human achievement in this manner? What longrange inspiration, daring progress, or heroic achievement could ever evolve from such a standard?
Here a logical question arises: Why did the Board of Directors, the majority of whom are presumably productive
men on capitalistic premises, elect Mr. McCoy as the president of Du Pont? What is the underlying reason for their
selecting a value-destroying altruist as president? Today, most businessmen are confused and bewildered by the
irrational, anticapitalistic culture raging about them. Instead of being hailed as the heroes of mankind that they
genuinely are, productive businessmen are maligned and assaulted with blame for the world's "social ills".
The rational businessman, in his innocence, does not understand the reason or the nature of the mounting
assaults against him and his business by the news media and by the growing hordes of value-destroying altruists,
politicians, and pseudo intellectuals. He has not gained the philosophical knowledge to explicitly identify that he is
right and good and they are wrong and evil. He represents the creation of values through rational thought and
action, and they represent the destruction of values through force and coercion. He represents the honest and
intellectual; they represent the dishonest and anti-intellectual.
Having neither the knowledge nor the stomach to deal with the inscrutable irrationalities besieging him, the
businessman usually commits a major error...he avoids thinking about the dishonest hypocrisies surrounding him.
Instead, he seeks ways to mollify those menacing anticapitalistic forces by making financial amends for his lack of
"social" consciousness, by making "practical" compromises, by supporting their "humanitarian" causes, or by
cooperating to alleviate their "just grievances". He does not realize that his cooperation and support are
providing those anticapitalistic neocheaters with the power and means to destroy him and his business. Thus, that
businessman becomes increasingly bewildered as the irrational demands escalate. He often assumes unearned
guilt and self-blame for not understanding or knowing how to answer the "socially concerned" news media, the
"significant intellectuals", the "idealistic" youth, the "reforming" politicians, the "concerned" clergy, the
"humanitarian" altruists, and all other professional mystics and neocheaters swirling about him.
As the threats and harassment mount, the businessman may seek someone who better understands the emerging
"new culture" -- someone...anyone who will be more favorably received by the news media, youth, politicians, and
the "socially concerned". With such a misguided view, the directors of a company become prone to select the
worst possible candidate to lead their company. Instead of selecting a businessman who would protect and
enhance the value of their company through implementing capitalistic principles, they seek a man who could
"attune" their company to the "demands of society", a man who could communicate with "social" intellectuals and
"social" leaders, a man with a "social" conscience -- a professional altruist.
Such self-defeating acts by businessmen occur through the disease of acting on the basis of what others think,
feel, or wish rather than on one's own independent judgment of factual reality. Business decisions based upon

what others think undermines the earning potential of companies such as Du Pont. Indeed, most research and
marketing failures at Du Pont occur through those who validate decisions not on facts and independent judgment
but on what others think, feel, or wish. That intellectually crippling affliction is the consequence of adopting
altruistic standards.
With capitalistic standards, each person must think for one's own self to compete and succeed. Indeed, altruism
would vanish in a world of value producers who think for themselves and accept the facts of reality as the only
valid basis for action. ...The professional altruist negates the integrated, rational use of one's own mind.
Furthermore, to sustain his bogus livelihood, the professional altruist must keep the producers from thinking for
themselves so they will obey the demands of professional mystics and neocheaters.
"That question cannot be answered in technical terms alone. It depends on social and political factors as much as
economics. It depends on the attitudes of people within the technical work force, and what society expects and
demands of them."
-- McCoy, Speech
Mr. McCoy's statement speaks for itself. How could any technical achievement capable of generating major profits
evolve from Du Pont or from any company when its chief executive subjugates technology and facts to the
expectations and demands of an undefinable, nonexistent form of "superior intelligence" that Mr. McCoy calls
society. The "superior intelligence" or the "higher good" is the mystical rationalization by which all professional
altruists justify their destruction of values. That "superior intelligence" or "higher good" can assume any unreal,
mystical form such as "a society that expects and demands". Plato, the philosophical father of altruism and
mysticism,[ 15 ] first introduced this concept with his various forms of "higher realities"[ 16 ].
With Immanuel Kant transmitting the philosophy of sacrifice from the Dark Ages, Georg Hegel prepared altruism
for the twentieth century. Indeed, the horrors and destruction of Nazi Germany reveal the final results of
altruism. Adolph Hitler was the ultimate practitioner of altruism. His explicitly stated enemies were rationality,
capitalism, and individualism. Using the philosophical ammunition of Hegel and the morality of altruism, he
perfected a new "higher good" to which anything and everything could be sacrificed without question. Hitler called
his mystical "higher good" or "higher cause" the National Will.
"The states and municipalities, and certainly private industry, must look to the Federal level not just for
coordination and specific legislation, but first of all for a clear, consistent statement of the National Will."
-- McCoy, Speech
The future value of a corporation by nature is determined by the philosophical position of its management. Indeed,
this document identifies the business values being destroyed by management's mystical philosophy of "higher
causes". While the harmful effects of management's altruistic philosophy are creeping into every phase of Du
Pont's business (research, sales, manufacturing, administration), those effects are most vividly observed in art.
Indeed, one's philosophical views are openly revealed in one's artistic choices and preferences. Art expresses
man's deepest view of life and himself. How does that view apply to the management and business operations of Du
Consider that architecture is perhaps man's most eloquent, revealing form of art: A mighty, artistic structure
rose in the center of Wilmington, Delaware -- the Brandywine Building -- the building to house the offices of E. I. du
Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. Watching the silhouetted skeleton of that colossus rise toward the sky, one could
experience a thrilling pride in witnessing the bold shape being assumed by that great structure. Viewing the
structure of this building, one could grasp everything that Du Pont has meant to man. The structure embodied all
the creativeness and innovativeness of man. That structure represented the frozen intelligence of man's most

magnificent achievements. What an appropriate symbol for Du Pont -- perhaps the most innovative, creative
company in history. One anxiously awaited for that girdered skeleton to become alive with a sleek skin of glass and
steel. A building saluting the achievements of Du Pont. A building with striking, objective beauty.
With disbelief and initial horror that gradually turned to sadness, one watched the desecration of that building
take place as workers installed each gloomy slab of massive stone. Increasingly those slabs disfigured that
beautiful structure. A building to house a company that symbolized everything productive and creative about man
was transformed into the antithesis of modern architecture. The Brandywine Building was wantonly mutilated into
an ugly, expensive, medieval structure. That structure reflected the torturous, physical burdens of the Dark Ages
during which the lives of men were consumed in back-breaking toil to erect massive, stone structures with sunken
slits for windows. Such was the desecration of the Brandywine Building.
Architecture, as any form of art, reflects the deepest views of its creator as well as the views of those who
approve and finance the architecture. A building that should reflect modern man's mastery of nature was dragged
back through the centuries to emulate a medieval structure. That structure conjured visions of penitentiaries and
monasteries with the accompanying emotions of oppressive guilt and tortured screams. The Brandywine Building
was transformed into a structure void of joy and happiness.
The future of any company depends on the philosophical premises of the controlling management. If a management
on capitalistic premises ever again assumes control of Du Pont, those oppressive walls of stone will come down.
Rising proudly in their place will be glittering sheets of light, airy glass and sleek strips of steel and concrete.
When the Brandywine Building is delivered into a joyful, glistening structure by modern man and for modern man,
one will know that Du Pont management is once again operating on the mystic-free standards of capitalism.
Frank R. Wallace
April 14, l972
The DuPont Hotel
Wilmington, Delaware
Today, within the Du Pont company exists the personnel, facilities, and capital to embark on a long-range venture
designed to lift our company to new highs in earnings, return on investment, and stock prices. To accomplish that
goal, its management must adopt a new standard -- a standard called capitalism. Why? Because honest, growing,
long-range profits can evolve only from the standards of competitive capitalism.
Capitalism, the philosophical child of Aristotle, found birth in the United States and ultimate expression in the Du
Pont Company. Here within this building, our company, Du Pont, represents the apex of intelligence and civilization.
...Du Pont is a triumphant testimonial to man's mind, potency, and value.
One individual stands at the base of this magnificent, commercial achievement. In 1802, Mr. Eleuthre
Irne du Pont began a capitalistic venture. With earned profit as his motive...with unflagging effort and his own
mind as his tools, that man chose to function as man should -- as a producer of values. The results? Look. Look
around this room. Step outside and look. Look across this city...this state...across our nation. Look around the
globe. One cannot imagine a more eloquent testimonial to the potency of man than E. I. du Pont de Nemours &

Company. Man and capitalism together are the essence of values and wealth...of civilization and mastery over
nature...of man's well-being and happiness. Capitalism is the standard for man on earth.
Yet today, Du Pont, along with many other major companies, is increasingly operating on a different standard ...a
standard directed toward a mystical "higher cause". That standard is altruism...a destructive morality
diametrically opposed to productive capitalism. As capitalism creates ever-expanding values for man, altruism
consumes or destroys values in the name of an imaginary "higher cause", such as society or the national will.
Within capitalism there is no higher cause than man, the individual. Within Du Pont, no higher cause exists than
serving the stockholders by increasing their long-range common-stock values. How is that accomplished? By
increasingly delivering competitive values to others and society.
This idea...this message, must not be a call into silence. For, the owners, the stockholders, must have productive
individuals on capitalistic premises once again lead their company. Today, a few such value producers still exist
within Du Pont. Those precious few are quietly carrying thousands, tens of thousands, of employees on their
shoulders. The owners, the stockholders, must see to it that those precious individuals be the ones who manage
their company. Du Pont will then rise as a mighty the harbinger of capitalism, prosperity, and
All Honest, Long-Range Societal Values
Generated by Business
arise from the
Mystic-Free Standards of Capitalism
This document reveals how the long-term value of a company is determined by the extent management
implements the standards of capitalism. For investors, analysts, and speculators, this document provides an
immutable standard to predict long-range, common-stock values. For businessmen and executives, this document
provides the basis for expanding both short-term and long-term profitability of their companies. For implementing
the standards of capitalism within a company, the following actions are recommended:
1. Dismiss all executives whose corporate actions remain on altruistic standards. Fire all nonproducers and
value destroyers.
2. Increase the salaries and responsibilities of those executives who have demonstrated competence in
delivering long-range financial benefits to the stockholders.
3. Establish an Industrial Philosophy Department in order to define business standards based on the
principles of competitive capitalism. With capitalistic business standards defined, the Industrial
Philosophy Department would then be responsible for protecting the company and its growth. How? By
assuring that all short-range and long-range corporate actions were mystic-free.
If the controlling management rejects (1) dismissing value destroyers, (2) rewarding value producers, and (3)
acting according to capitalistic principles, then what does that management stand for? What is the purpose of that
management? Where will that management lead its company?
Injection of capitalistic principles into every phase of management will lift a company into a commanding
advantage over competition while unleashing a productivity/creativity cycle that will generate continually
expanding profits and rising stock values.

This document seeks those individuals who act on their own judgment and live by their own productivity. For those
value producers are responsible for all the long-term profits and competitive values that business generates.
Without the value producer, no profitable enterprise could exist. In business, as in reality, the value producers and
only the value producers earn their livelihoods. All others, no matter what their positions or apparent power
within a business concern, remain on the payroll by the erroneous grace and innocent sanction of those value
This document calls upon all value-producing executives to (1) inject the principles of competitive capitalism into
every facet of their operation and (2) rid their company of all value destroyers in order to increase the longrange financial value of their corporation. Can this be accomplished by the few? Yes, of course. Although
outnumbered and perhaps outranked, those value-producing executives can always exercise de facto control over
their company because the existence of every job and the company itself depends upon them.
This document asks all value producers to exercise their potency in establishing business and industry on the
objective principles of capitalism...for their own sake...for the lives and happiness of themselves, their loved ones,
and all civilization. For they, the value producers, and only they, hold genuine power.
Next Page | Contents | Feedback for Valuable/New Information | Previous Page
[ 4 ] The dictionary definition of capitalism is: An economic system characterized by private ownership of capital
goods and by investments that are determined by private decision rather than by state control. Prices, production
and distribution of goods are determined by a free market.
Laissez-faire capitalism is the only political system that does not use force. Working entirely through mutually
agreed upon exchanges of values, capitalism is the only system consistent with man's nature and well-being.
Capitalism offers freedom and individual rights to all. Capitalism permits maximum individual growth while
providing maximum benefits to all. While western political systems have pragmatically and incompletely used
various aspects of capitalism, no nation has ever experienced laissez-faire capitalism.
But most writers and commentators put dishonest altruistic-platonistic connotations on the meaning of
capitalism: A system of exploitation of the weak by the strong -- devoid of love and good will. A system in which
unwanted goods and services are pushed onto consumers through clever, deceptive advertising for the sole
purpose of profits and greed. Capitalism dominates most Western governments. Capitalism, big business, and
fascism are synonymous.
The reason professional mystics and neocheaters display aggressive hostility towards capitalism is because of its
anti-mystical, competitive nature -- its nature of requiring integrated honesty and competitive efforts for
success. Mystics and neocheaters could not survive in an honest, fully competitive, capitalistic society. They could
no longer use their deceptive, altruistic manipulations to plunder the producer. Fearing survival through honesty
and competitiveness, they are compelled to hate and attack capitalism.


Wall Street Journal

Chemical Week
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Annual Report

[ 6 ] Plant tours per se can be a proper, rational activity for any factory. In fact, an article on plant tours might
properly appear in the "Management Newsletter" if presented from a profit-oriented, value-producing viewpoint.
[ 7 ] Du Pont sacrificed to whom? To the bogus careers of altruistic management.
[ 8 ] This Du Pont-sponsored seminar lent credibility to a pseudo-science in order to dismiss the capitalistic
concept of value production by competitive individuals. Social science replaces that valid concept with the
spurious collectivist concept of outputs by "human organizations" -- an unintelligible concept that cannot be
defined or identified within reality.
[ 9 ] Seminar by Du Pont's chief economist, Mr. I. T. Ellis, "Economic Analysis and Forecasting". Credence and
acceptance was granted to the spurious economic theories of master black-hat neocheater, John Maynard
[ 10 ] That article defines the meaning of the "disadvantaged" as: "Members of poor families and unemployed or
underemployed, or those who are not seeking work but should be, and who possess one of the following
characteristics -- high school dropout; minority group member under 22 years of age; over 44 years of age;
physically, mentally or socially handicapped." Why a minority group? And what group? Only one legitimate
minority exists and that is the individual. If his or her rights are protected, the rights of all are protected. What
does socially handicapped mean? At competitive wages, what possible business value could such uncompetitive
people offer Du Pont? Even the pretense of so-called moral value or duty fails when one identifies the injustice
that placing a dishonest business value on the so-called "disadvantaged" perpetrates against those who through
their own efforts become people of value...value producers.
[ 11 ] Better Living is a bimonthly magazine published by Du Pont's Public Relations Department.
[ 12 ] Quote the editorial, "We are describing -- neither condoning or condemning it -- this phenomenon because it
is rapidly moving front and center."
[ 13 ] The moviemaker was not completely successful here. A few faces did not yield. They reflected a dignity and
self-esteem that even the moviemaker with all his modern techniques could not pull down.

[ 14 ] Management Newsletter: "`The film', Strauss says, `takes advantage of many visual, shorthand techniques
to tell a story that informs and motivates without preachment, puffery, or the heavy hand of corporate selfcongratulation.'" Better Living stated: "The moviemakers (Henry Strauss & Co., Inc. of New York City) provided no
traditional story line. Instead of a continuous band of narrative, the impressions were assembled, then tumbled
against each other like brilliant shards of glass." For what purpose? For what value?
[ 15 ] Altruism is tied to Plato's mysticism. For, no rationality, facts, or logic can support altruism. Thus, faith is
the cornerstone of the altruist's eternal promises for a better future: "...Mr. McCoy has a sublime faith in the
chemical industry in this future of growing technological application to the good of society." Chemical and
Engineering News
[ 16 ] There are no "higher realities", only objective reality. Thus no "higher good" exists to which man can be
sacrificed because the highest good is man himself. No "higher cause" (or "society") exists to which individuals
can be sacrificed, because the highest cause is the individual.
Information Package
Frank R. Wallace
Recognizing the Value of Life
Memento Mori
(Remember Death)
For thousands of years, essentially every human being has desperately repressed a crucial fact that every person
must personally face alone. That fact is the fleeting briefness of human life and the finality of death. Every person
who has ever lived exists but a few decades and then is gone forever. And without Neo-Tech, every person alive
today will be completely and forever gone in a few brief decades. To repress or distort the reality of life's
briefness and death's finality is a harmful act of mysticism with serious, long-term consequences on one's life and
Contrary to popular beliefs, children early in life understand death and its finality. Because of the mystical
evasions and dishonesties of adults, most children gradually learn to evade reality with various mystical, lifeafter-death myths in order to repress the essential facts about life and death. Indeed, such religious notions are
usually among children's first defaults to mysticism which, in turn, start undermining the efficacy of their minds
through evasions of reality and repressions of emotions. On the other hand, dealing honestly with reality means
consciously integrating into one's thoughts and actions the fact that permanent death will happen to oneself and
everyone else within a brief time span. With that awareness, people, including children, place much more value on
their lives, time, and actions in order to evolve to their full potential and achieve maximum happiness.

That honesty about death causes individuals to hold life in much higher esteem. Thus, they more fully meet the
long-range, self-responsibilities required to gain maximum happiness and fulfillment from their brief lives. Such
adults do not squander their lives on the nothingness of mysticism, but, instead, put greater effort into selfdevelopment in order to become more productive, accomplished, and happy. And they take better psychological
and physical care of themselves.
By contrast, repressing the fact of life's briefness and death's finality lets people evade the precious value of their
lives and time. That evasion allows default on their prime responsibility to live intensely -- to achieve maximum
self-development and growth.
Being fully conscious of life and death, people will value their lives beyond all else in the universe. And that
valuation of human life as the supreme value rejects self-destructive acts of mysticism while establishing the
psychological and motivational conditions needed to achieve commercial biological immortality.
On the other hand, repressing the fact of life's shortness and death's finality lets one rationalize laziness,
mysticism, life-after-death myths, and all else that lead to unfulfilled or wasted lives. That repression also leaves
one vulnerable to destructive exploitation by mystics, neocheaters, religions, and governments. But full
awareness of one's fleeting, one-shot life span will counteract mysticism and laziness with a powerful appreciation
of life. That, in turn, will stimulate the honest thinking and consistent efforts required to achieve prosperity and
happiness. And achievement of happiness is the sole, moral purpose of human life.
Achieving happiness requires living according to man's nature. That means taking those long-range actions
required for rational prosperity in order to enjoy life -- to live happily. That also means cherishing and building the
emotions of happiness, joy, and love during one's fleeting existence.
Non-Aging Biological Immortality
Non-aging biological immortality is the technology that will allow human beings to live physically and consciously
forever with growing prosperity and happiness. That is man's highest moral goal. And, as identified in Neo-Tech III,
such biological immortality is not only possible but becomes a mandatory moral obligation through man's selfinvented consciousness. Neo-Tech V identifies those conditions required to create commercial I-ness immortality
here on earth before the year 2000.
Neo-Tech IV and V contrast the shrinking perspective of a great but dying, stagnation-oriented company (as E. I.
du Pont de Nemours) to the expanding perspective of a living, growth-oriented company (as I & O Publishing
Company). But, I & O needs to unleash the scientific brain-power and untapped resources available at great
research companies such as Du Pont to accomplish more quickly the goal of commercial biological immortality.
Likewise, a moribund stagnated company such as Du Pont needs the business and philosophical perspective of a
lusty growing company such as I & O to revitalize and flourish.
The different business perspectives between the management of the two companies are profound: The
management of Du Pont, as with many large, entrenched companies, views business as a mechanism to live off the
accomplishments of past, value-producing managements. With that view, management can garner immediate
unearned personal benefits and power without putting forth the planning and effort required to build sound, longrange values. Moreover, by sacrificing the long-range values of business to the short-range "needs" of society,
management gradually consumes those assets created by past, long-range, value-oriented managements.
Managements surviving through such hidden dishonesties are easily identified by Neo-Tech as the White-Collar
That neocheating technique allows destructive, white-collar-hoax managements to gain quick wealth and false
power by consuming rather than creating assets and values. Thus, companies with socially-oriented, white-collarhoax managements such as Du Pont slowly die. For their management secretly, cleverly consumes the

accumulated assets created by the long-range, value-oriented efforts of past managements. And through pseudo
growth, sometimes lasting for decades, even generations, those assets are surreptitiously consumed without the
realization of the public, owners, or stockholders.
By contrast, the management of I & O views business oppositely: Business is viewed as a conscious, man-made
mechanism for efficiently, competitively producing long-range values that will benefit others and society, now and
forever into the future.
I & O Publishing Company
I & O strives to answer "yes" to the following three questions:
1. Is it important?
Offer objective values only.
2. Is it honest?
Offer only honesty.
Support every assertion.
Present every fact in accurate context.
Eliminate deceptions and distortions.
3. Is it well written?
Eliminate emotionalisms. Be controlled.
Eliminate redundancy. Be precise.
Eliminate jargon, cliches, and platitudes. Be original.
Eliminate nonessential adjectives and adverbs; favor nouns to pronouns.
Change passive verbs to active verbs...weak verbs to strong verbs
Replace obscure words with common words... abstract words with concrete words.
Arrange random structures into parallel structures -- confusion into order.
Convert vagueness into preciseness -- generalities into specifics.
Edit wordiness into conciseness -- ambiguity into clarity.
I & O's beliefs arise not from faith or belief in any "higher power" or "authority", but from honestly seeking to
understand reality...from knowing that the highest power in existence is the rational mind of conscious beings.
Indeed the full power of rational consciousness is measurable only against the cosmos:
Consider the hundred-thousand light years across a single galaxy and the hundred-billion galaxies in our universe,
among perhaps a billion universes tucked into one corner of the cosmos. And, consider the total energy of a billion
exploding stars multiplied a trillion times represents but a fraction of the energy released every moment into the
cosmos. Yet, that unimaginable space and energy shrink into a yielding subservience when matched against human

consciousness. A single human consciousness surpasses in power all else in existence -- all else in the cosmos
combined. For human consciousness is the only force that can alter the course of nature. Without consciousness,
the course of nature is immutable. Without consciousness, the nature of matter and the laws of physics
mechanically destine every action, everywhere, throughout eternity. Without consciousness, nothing matters,
nothing makes any difference. But with human consciousness, that mechanical destiny can be altered constantly
and changed with impunity. Indeed, human consciousness has the entire cosmos to reach into, to grow into, to use,
to control for man's benefit.
The cosmos cannot command conscious man. But conscious man can command the cosmos in concord with
honesty and reality. The cosmos does not own conscious man. Conscious man owns the cosmos.
I & O Publishing Company is dedicated to the highest value -- the conscious, value-producing individual. The valueproducing individual is defined as anyone who through his or her own mind, rational actions, and competitive
efforts continually adds to the material, intellectual, physical, psychological, or aesthetic well-being of others.
Such a person adds genuine values to the lives of others. That person adds much more than he or she takes.
Without such value producers, no objective values could grow or be sustained -- no society or civilization could
survive or exist.
Throughout history, professional mystics and neocheaters have usurped, diminished, or drained the rewards and
happiness earned by the value producer. He has always been drained and hampered by spurious external
"authorities" who live off his efforts, repaying him with false guilt and demands for sacrifice. In his innocence, the
value producer has remained vulnerable while continuously accepting the destructions, usurpations, and abuses
of mystics and neocheaters. The value producer has never realized that he, not they, holds the power to control
life and events. ...But with Neo-Tech, he can now break free to take what every value producer earns, but seldom
takes -- a guiltless life of prosperity, pleasure, love, and happiness.
All I & O publications are dedicated to delivering the knowledge that lets value producers guiltlessly take the
rewards and happiness that belong to them. Moreover, all I & O publications are dedicated to achieving the highest
value possible for conscious beings -- non-aging biological immortality. And, by nature, biological immortality
requires a rational, mystic-free Neo-Tech environment.
I & O Publishing Company recognizes only one authority -- the authority of one's own rational mind. Indeed,
rational consciousness is man's means to abiding individual competence and for producing
competitive societal values.
A person's own authority is derived through his or her consciousness. The volitional, rational use of one's own
mind is the only means to identify, integrate, and then use objective reality to live competitively and successfully - to benefit others and society. By contrast, no external "authority" can determine for anyone how to live. For,
only the authority of one's own consciousness can integrate reality with one's own situation. Thus, only one's own
consciousness can determine how to live successfully and produce maximum values for others and society.
Business, being extensions of individuals, functions through individual consciousness. No professional mystic,
neocheater, or external "authority" can offer long-range objective values to anyone or any business. I & O
Publishing Company, therefore, never grants recognition to any professional mystic, neocheater, external
"authority", or any other value destroyer.

I & O Publishing Company seeks those who act through their own honest, integrated thinking -- those who earn
values through their own hard thinking, integrations, and efforts. I & O seeks such people, for they are responsible
for producing every major value in existence. Without those producers, objective values could not be created or
sustained; value-producing enterprises could not exist; civilization could not prosper.
The value producer is anyone who honestly earns his or her own way through life by producing more values for
others and society than consumed by self. Thus, the producer and only the producer adds values to society.
I & O provides the structure for individuals to produce through the authorities of their own minds rather than
through external "authorities". With such a structure, everyone associated with I & O can deliver maximum values
-- never-ending, ever-growing, competitive values.
Only after recognizing one's own consciousness as the supreme authority can a person freely pursue prosperity,
happiness, and romantic love. Indeed, that person can achieve abiding prosperity and happiness only after
rejecting external "authorities" by dismissing mysticism in self and others. ...Freedom from mysticism and
external "authorities" will lead value producers to their greatest value -- biological immortality with forever
growing prosperity and happiness.
I & O Publishing Company has three goals:
1. Define the ultimate goal for human beings on planet Earth.
2. Define the conditions for achieving that goal.
3. Create those conditions for achieving that goal.
I & O has accomplished the first two goals. The third goal is the reason for I & O's continued existence.
The First Goal
I & O's recent publications demonstrate that the ultimate goal for conscious beings on planet Earth is non-aging
biological immortality. The supreme importance of that goal lies not in just preserving human consciousness but in
preserving an individual's own sense of self...the continuous sense of "I-ness". Indeed, the most important value of
human biological immortality lies not in preserving a creative, productive individual for the benefit of society, but
in preserving that individual's sense of self for the benefit of himself and his loved ones -- for his own continued
happiness and growing enjoyment of life. Thus, the technological challenge lies not just in preserving
consciousness, but in isolating and then preserving one's own sense of's sense of "I-ness".
Preservation of that sense of "I-ness" for continued growth and enjoyment of individual life is man's highest value
and moral goal.
The Second Goal
Technology exists today to achieve commercial I-ness immortality within this century by at least five different
1. Retaining I-consciousness through cell regeneration or replacement of the entire body via
nanotechnology or other technologies.
2. Brain or I-consciousness transfer to a donor body.
3. Brain or I-consciousness transfer to a body culture-grown from a fertilized egg.
4. Brain or I-consciousness transfer to a cloned body culture-grown from one's own cell.
5. Electronic transfer of I-consciousness to a cloned or tabula rasa (blank) brain.

Conscious man today has nearly infinitely greater power to protect and improve life than nature itself. Thus, in
nature, the function of death to protect and improve the species is obsolete for conscious beings. Indeed, death in
nature still protects and preserves nonconscious life. But a tragic and unnecessary loss occurs on the death of
each rational, conscious being. For conscious beings now have both the power and responsibility to prevent death
-- to preserve conscious life forever.
Today, human consciousness is a value that never needs to be lost to death. To muster, however, the resources
and mind power in industry and science needed to achieve commercial biological immortality, Neo-Tech must first
collapse the hoax of mysticism along with the specious, altruistic philosophies and neocheating psychologies that
dominate all cultures today. Only through Neo-Tech will the commercial elimination of death become recognized as
man's most urgent, important goal.
The Third Goal
When Neo-Tech philosophical and psychological conditions are established among the value producers, they will
quickly recognize that biological immortality is the highest commercial and moral priority of business, science,
and ethics. As the supreme value of human consciousness becomes understood and accepted, business will
deliver the motivation, brain power, and resources to achieve biological immortality.
By focusing all assets, planning, products, management, and marketing toward demonstrating the destructive
invalidity of all mysticism and external "authority", I & O can establish those philosophical and psychological
conditions needed to achieve biological immortality. Accomplishing that final goal will occur during the increased
marketing of Neo-Tech/Neothink knowledge to collapse the 2000-year hoax of professional mystics, neocheaters,
and destructive "authorities". That collapse will unleash all the productive efforts needed to achieve commercial
biological immortality quickly, practically, and economically for everyone.
Future Goal
As expressed early in Neo-Tech V, conscious man owns the cosmos. The cosmos is available to each conscious
being to control for his or her value-production, well-being, happiness, and permanent survival. That, therefore,
becomes I & O's future goal -- to control nature -- to control the cosmos -- to drive the cosmos to rational man's
bidding, benefit, and eternal survival.
I & O's Management Concept
Management obligations are to (a) produce maximum values for others and society by undermining and then
eliminating professional mystics and neocheaters through Neo-Tech, (b) direct those values toward accomplishing
I & O's goal of non-aging commercial (low-cost) biological immortality, and (c) protect I & O from professional
mystics and neocheating "authorities" by never yielding a scintilla to their destructive demands. ...Each associate
of I & O can meet those management obligations by applying the following seven commandments:
1. Gain powerful, new knowledge by identifying wide-scope objective reality through sustained
concentration with fully integrated honesty and hard-work actions. At the same time, reject the glib
dishonesty and lazy nonthinking of narrow-scope, pre-packaged "truth" and automatic "knowledge"
pushed by professional mystics, neocheaters, and destructive "authorities".
2. Achieve I & O's long-range goals through honesty and effort rather than credentials and connections.
3. Exert consistent fairness toward all individuals to block trouble-making mysticism and narrow-vision

4. Emphasize individual strengths and sublimate individual weaknesses to speed progress toward I & O's
5. Reward individuals in proportion to their contributions to I & O's goals. Dismiss disruptive prima donnas
along with destructive mystics who undermine I & O's work or plant cancer seeds.
6. Recognize and use the unique, powerful combination of assets at I & O:
o integrated publishing and marketing expertise
o autonomous and independent international operating locations
o entrapment in the Neo-Tech matrix of professional value destroyers in and out of government, at
all levels and in all countries
o in-house writing, editing, and typesetting capabilities
o advanced scientific experience
o objective philosophical and psychological grounding.
All those assets are directed toward ending the specious influences of professional mystics, external
"authorities", and neocheaters. Ending those destructive influences will deliver prosperity, happiness,
and biological immortality to all value producers worldwide.
7. Use I & O's fully integrated literary/marketing techniques to exploit the impotence of external "authority"
and the dishonesty of mysticism.
Applying those seven commandments assures the collapse of mysticism and achievement of the final goal -- lowcost, commercial biological immortality. I & O's technique for aggressive, trench-warfare marketing of Neo-Tech
and collapsing mysticism is revealed in the confidential report titled, "Reaching the X Factor Through the Web
The uniqueness of I & O's policies, management, products, and goals is further illustrated below:
Management Organization
Unlike most companies or organizations, I & O has no employees, no hierarchical structure, only free-lance
associates or entrepreneurs. While the policy manager is responsible for overall policies, no management or
associate unit is superior to another. No associate has authority over any other associate. Moreover, any
important business, research, or editorial disagreement among I & O associates can always be resolved by
persistent integration of the facts to eliminate mysticisms, resolve contradictions, or solve problems. Such open,
honest integrations allow everyone to eventually reach the same rationally grounded understandings on any
matter important to the business and goals of I & O Publishing Company.
The chart on the next page compares I & O's organization of limitless free-lance associates to establishment
organizations of bureaucracies and employees.
Neo-Tech V
Biological Immortality through Business
Their Personnel
Government Bureaucracies

Large Companies

I & O Publishing Company

(rigid, bloated, destructive)

(structured, large,

(free, limitless, creative)


Usurp maximum power

Earn maximum profits

Create maximum values


Use force or deception

Produce values and develop


Follow maximum-value


Hide value destructions

Strive for maximum profits

Strive for maximum values






Power determined

Profit determined

Value determined



Highest possible profits

Highest possible values


Power directed, dogmatic

supervision, rigid
structure, destructive

Profit directed, purposeful

supervision, flexible
structure, productive bosses

Value directed, little or no

supervision, no structure,
no bosses


Arrogant, lack self-worth,

lack respect for time and
costs, play destructive
games to expand bogus

Defensive, protect territory,

follow instructions, seek
productive routines

Know responsibility of job

and importance of goals,
expand productivity and


Sour, petty, small-minded,

malevolent, dishonest

Honest, hard working, but


Happy, innocent, integrated,

hard-driving, enthusiastic,


Dislikes working, time is of

Job is secondary, time is

Job is primary, time is the

little or no value


most precious value


Indifferent and lazy, little

integrated thinking or
effort, creates more
problems, avoids

Cheerful and willing, honest

thinking and efforts, solves
problems, accepts

Excited and energetic,

sustained integrated
thinking and efforts, turns
problems into advantages,
seeks responsibility and


Integrated thinking blocked

by dishonesty and laziness

Specific business areas open

to wide-scope integrated
thinking. But other important
areas blocked by mystical
white-collar hoaxes

No integration blockers
(mystic-free) allow
maximum-wide integrations
in all areas

To accomplish I & O's goals of establishing the conditions for biological immortality, management is divided into
independent, fully integrated associate units:
Each Associate Unit Consists Of
(alphabetical listing)
Accounting and Analysis
(Financial, Operations, Test Data)
Administrative and Organization
Customer Service
Editorial, Direction, Philosophy
Research and Development
Special Projects
The business structures in Neo-Tech V appear
Mark Hamilton's Cosmic Business-System structures.
Each associate is responsible for continuously improving the efficiency and profitable growth of his or her unit.
The effectiveness of each associate is evaluated by the growth in contributions made toward I & O's profits,
strength, protection, and goals:

Evaluation of Associates
Contributions of Each Associate Unit
Toward I & O's:
Reaching I & O's final goal depends on all associates harmoniously working in a mystic-free, businesslike manner.
In such an atmosphere, associates can freely grow with no one's permission.
In addition, each associate is independent -- free to create and build responsibilities that contribute to I & O's
profits and goals. Indeed, each associate is expected to grow -- to seek, create, and build new values while
constantly assuming greater responsibilities.
No establishment structure exists within I & O. All depends on self-responsibility, fully integrated honesty, wideintegrated thinking, and hard-driving efforts.
I & O's Marketing Concept
Wide-scope integrations are I & O's guide to its goals. ...The data and numbers of the marketplace show the
quickest route to those goals.
Since commerce began thousands of years ago, marketing concepts have focused on selling to potential buyers.
But I & O's marketing concept focuses on delivering maximum values to buyers and non-buyers alike. That new
marketing approach is called the "99% principle" and is based on techniques outlined earlier in this volume.
I & O has three marketing policies:
1. Offer only original proprietary products that deliver much more value than any competitive product.
2. Offer only products that transcend time and cultures.
3. Market products through 99%-principle information brochures. ...Let the readers experience the lifesaving value of the product.
The marketplace is the key tool for discovering and developing those values most desired by everyone. Moreover,
the largest of all markets -- the market for crucially valuable, fully integrated ideas -- remained unknown and
untapped until Neo-Tech. Indeed, I & O's products and techniques are designed to reach that market. ...Marketing
those ideas will increasingly vanquish mysticism, abolish neocheaters, and reject external "authority" while
opening the way to non-aging biological immortality for everyone.
Time is limited: Since the development and marketing of any new product requires a major investment of
management time, each product must be carefully selected for its contribution toward reaching I & O's goal on
schedule. Thus, each I & O product must meet the following three standards:

1. Delivers values that are crucial to the prosperity and happiness of every conscious individual.
2. Delivers values that are universally and forever valid.
3. Delivers values that contribute to the collapse of mysticism and the elimination of neocheating.
Regardless of its profit potential, I & O rejects any product not meeting those three standards. For marketing such
products would dilute efforts to achieve I & O's goals. Moreover, such products are unnecessary since a growing
multi-year backlog of potential products that meet the above standards already exists.
Business is the most noble of all ideas, the most intellectual of all thinking, the most valuable of all activities.
Business is a man-made mechanism from which all major values of civilization are created, produced, and
distributed. Business is the mechanism through which people most effectively assert themselves into life to
produce maximum values for others and achieve abiding happiness for themselves and their loved ones.
Almost without exception, those who vilify, undermine, and drain honest businesses are those who usurp their
livings from the value producer. Most mystics and neocheaters undermine and destroy values out of envy and
resentment. For through their habitual parasitism, they have made themselves incompetent to honestly produce
competitive values for others and society. Such professional mystics, neocheaters, and external "authorities"
survive by draining their benefactors -- the value producers.
Moreover, the professional mystics and neocheaters who publicly scorn money and values are actually obsessed
with usurping money and values in order to live without producing competitive values for others. Such mystics
and neocheaters project false guilt onto the value producer in order to conceal their motives, methods, intentions,
and impotence. They demand control and regulation of the value producer when they themselves are incompetent
to produce values for others.
Business delivers competitive values to others, to society, even to the value destroyers. While the value
destroyers deliver only false guilt, usurpations, and harm to business and its value producers.
Business people are primarily interested in producing values for others. To such business people, money
represents not a means for consumption, but a means to grow -- to produce still more and better values at ever
lower costs and greater efficiencies. That mechanism for producing ever-increasing values at ever-lower costs is
the unmatched virtue of business. Indeed, business is the most moral, most intellectual of all human activities.
Business is the most widely integrated, evolved form of human intellect. Business is the antithesis of mysticism.
The extent to which a person follows mysticism or external "authority" is the extent to which he becomes
incompetent and moves toward death. But the extent to which a person integrates reality with his own rational
consciousness and fully integrated honesty (Neo-Tech) is the extent to which he will experience ever-growing
competence, prosperity, and happiness.
Once free from the destructive grip of professional mystics and neocheaters, all productive people from the
hourly wage earner to the Nobel-Prize scientist can live guiltlessly, prosperously, and happily forever.
Neo-Tech for Collecting Unlimited Prosperity and Happiness
Ending the 2000-Year Hoax of Mysticism
Throughout history, productive people have been too busy earning their livings to discover what mysticism is,
much less who the professional mystics and neocheaters are, how they operate, and how their deceptions

diminish everyone's life. Those mystics and neocheaters include the politicians, ruling "authorities", clergymen,
social "intellectuals", most lawyers, some bankers and business executives, certain media people, certain
educators, certain psychologists, and others (including friends and relatives) who parasitically live by draining
the effectiveness, prosperity, and happiness of others.
Professional mystics and neocheating "authorities" are dishonest people with no genuine earned power. But
ironically, most such people could quickly earn genuine power by switching from their dishonest manipulations of
mysticism to the honest integrations of Neo-Tech as their route to prosperity and happiness. With Neo-Tech, a
person prospers in all competitive situations by eliminating the dishonesty, stupidity, and blindness of mysticism.
...By using Neo-Tech to dismiss mysticism, one's competence and advantages increase so greatly as to guarantee
growing prosperity and happiness.
The clean, honest, mystic-free business mind is the mind that governs the cosmos.
A Memo from Mark Hamilton
One morning in December, twenty-five years ago, a young research chemist carefully listened to a renowned
scientist outline the long-range goals for one of the world's great research centers. Although awed by the
marvelous opportunities before him, that young man, Dr. Frank R. Wallace, realized that even with the achievement
of all the goals combined, a crucial ingredient would be missing: the greatest of all goals would remain
unmentioned, untouched, unrealized. By that evening, Dr. Wallace knew someday he would have to leave his career
at Du Pont to pursue alone the greatest human goal. Two decades later, he discovered through a series of
experiments the crucial, missing ingredient -- Neo-Tech. That ingredient not only delivers guiltless prosperity and
well-being to individuals, but will eventually deliver biological immortality to all who love life with its limitless
prosperity, happiness, and adventure.
Article 1
will cause the
An Address to the Executive Board by John Flint:
Business and Research Director of
Neo-Tech Pincer Movement #1
and author of "Industrial Philosophy"
July 15, 1986
Objectivist philosopher Leonard Peikoff states the most basic of all axioms in three words: "what is is". But that
axiom reduces to an even more powerful, more precise two words: "existence exists". Now, as I will explain, a
subtle but profound difference exists between those two axioms: "What is is" versus "existence exists".

Static versus Dynamic

"What is is" is static -- like some rock out there. On initial thought, "existence exists" seems static too. But when
you put that axiom into a fully integrated dimension, suddenly the meaning changes from static to dynamic. What is
that fully integrated dimension? Where did those integrations come from? They come from the Long Wave[ 17 ]
and the profound identification that consciousness is an integral part of existence.
Consciousness: Forever a Part of Existence
Consciousness is not something that evolved or developed out of existence. Consciousness has always existed and
is an integral part of existence. That identification is the crucial link missed by Einstein in all his work dealing with
existence, space, time, mathematics, and physics. Consciousness is and always has been a part of existence as
much as matter and energy are a part of existence. Now, with consciousness in the cosmic formula, "existence
exists" holds an entirely different meaning. The verb "exists" changes from a purposeless, static existence to a
purposeful, moving process -- a process that is being constantly integrated and controlled by conscious beings.
Indeed, the cosmos is not controlled by some god, some mystical power, or some "higher-consciousness"...or
even by the immutable laws of nature. But, as demonstrated in the Long-Wave article, all existence is controlled by
business-driven value producers such as you and me.
Limitlessly Wide Integrations Through
Consciousness Plus Neo-Tech
First, what is Neo-Tech? It is fully integrated honesty. It is free of neocheating manipulations and mystical
stupidities. Thus, Neo-Tech delivers unlimited, wide-range integrations -- infinitely wider than any other idea
With Neo-Tech, new knowledge is beyond the conscious mind only because of time -- the time needed to
accumulate facts and information for the integrations required to fill any understanding gap. Unlimited knowledge,
therefore, is separated from us only by time.
The human conscious brain never evolved or never needs to physically evolve in order to understand anything in
existence. Thus, the evolution of consciousness is a meaningless concept, just as the evolution of matter or
energy is a meaningless concept.
Consciousness is either present or it is not present. Thus, as demonstrated in the Long-Wave article, our own
consciousness here on earth today has the same limitless capacity to understand everything as does the
consciousness that controls the universe. Consider that conscious Greeks over two millennia ago had the same
capacity as we have today to understand anything in the universe. Given the knowledge, they could equally
understand, for example, all our rapidly expanding nuclear and computer technologies. Only the time to develop
the knowledge separates them from us. Likewise, our own consciousness today and the most knowledgeable
consciousness in the universe are both equally capable of understanding anything -- even knowledge a billion
years ahead of all current knowledge. ...Only time separates us from our cosmos cousins and all knowledge.
The Only Limitation is Overcome
Computers and Neothink
The only limitation of consciousness is processing-speed and storage-capacity. Yet today we can clearly see
solutions to those limitations: Layers of previously unknown knowledge fall away with increasing rapidity as we
move into the computer age. With ever increasing computer processing speed and storage capacity combined

with Neothink, human consciousness can integrate and understand anything in existence -- anything. That
unlimited capacity exists today, has always existed, and will always exist.
How does that infinite capacity work? How does Neothink work? A conscious being can make the widest-scope
integrations, up to the capacity of the mystic-free, conscious mind. Then that same mystic-free mind starts
building another area of maximum integration, and then another area. Next, at any time, that mind can integrate
those areas of maximum integration together into a new unit and then integrate that new unit with other new units
of integration. Without the integration blockers of mysticism, that linking and integrating of previously built
integration units can continue indefinitely. That's how Neothink works. It requires a Neo-Tech mind -- a mysticfree mind. Without mysticism, no integration limitations exist. Thus, nothing is unknowable to mystic-free
Philosophy Summarized
Prior to Neo-Tech, the broadest integration of a philosophical system was Ayn Rand's powerfully valid system of
Objectivism, commercially advanced by Nathaniel Branden, and currently carried forward by Leonard Peikoff
through his important philosophical and promotional contributions. Now, review Ayn Rand's one-word summaries
used to identify four of the five branches of philosophy -- metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and politics. Next,
move beyond with Neo-Tech to identify each branch from the widest integration. Through those integrations, one
can see why Neo-Tech is so real and solid. One can see why Neo-Tech is more widely integrated than the works of
Carnegie, Edison, Einstein, or Rand. For as great as those giants were, each had their widest-scope integrations
blocked by personal mysticisms. Thus, only from mystic-free Neo-Tech comes ever wider business, scientific, and
philosophical integrations.
Consider those one-word summaries of Ayn Rand's Objectivist philosophy:
1. Metaphysics: Man's relationship to existence or reality. Ayn Rand's one-word summary of metaphysics is
"reality". How can one get more basic than reality?
2. Epistemology: The method of thinking. Ayn Rand's one-word summary of epistemology is "reason". How
can one get more basic than reason?
3. Ethics: Ayn Rand's one-word summary of ethics is "self-interest". How profound, how simple.
4. Politics: Ayn Rand's one-word summary of politics is "capitalism". How precise.
5. Aesthetics: Ayn Rand never summarized aesthetics in one succinct statement.
Now, consider how Neo-Tech takes philosophy to the widest integrations:
1. Metaphysics: Neo-Tech's One-Word Summary
Metaphysics is Business
Metaphysics, the first branch of philosophy, was summarized by Ayn Rand as "reality". But, from the more widely
integrated dynamics of conscious-controlled existence, metaphysics has a wider integration than static, physical
reality. That wider integration is business! Yes, a dynamic business existence.
One discovers the relationship between metaphysics and business by understanding the Long-Wave article. That
article demonstrates how the cosmos, all existence, all reality is controlled by value producers functioning within
the dynamics of business.
Now, let's examine metaphysics -- a static physical reality versus a dynamic business existence: Business
universally encompasses the widest-scope, no-limit integrated thinking possible. And within that scope, all reality
is encompassed, which includes all physical reality. Indeed, physical reality by itself is a static, narrower-scope

integration than is business. For business also encompasses all intellectual, psychological, emotional, and physical
actions of conscious beings in a dynamic, changing process throughout all existence.
How is that? Think of what business really is. As identified many times in the Neo-Tech literature, business is not
just a specific term that's used like you have business here, you have art there, you have government here. No.
Instead, from both a metaphysical and an epistemological sense, business represents the antithesis of mysticism.
For mysticism is the unintegration of reality and the disintegration of thinking. Mysticism is the process of
attacking, destroying, and losing values and life itself through consciousness. ...Mysticism destroys man's
relationship with existence.
By contrast, business is the integration of reality, thinking, values, and life. Business represents the widest form
of fully integrated thinking and action possible. Business is the process of creating, elevating, or expanding values
and enhancing life through consciousness. ...Business enhances man's relationship with existence.
Now go back and consider the axiom "existence exists" as a dynamism that has forever existed as a consciousdriven process. For, as the Long-Wave article demonstrates, business has always driven the universe. ...Yes, the
universe exists as a dynamic process, not as a static thing. "What is is" is a static entity. "Existence exists" is a
dynamic process -- a forever living, growing, business process managed through Neo-Tech/Neothink minds to
achieve ever greater prosperity and happiness.
Reality is static and by itself enhances no values. But, business is dynamic and through consciousness enhances
all values. Business provides ever greater prosperity and happiness by enhancing man's relationship with
2. Epistemology: Neo-Tech's One-Word Summary
Epistemology is Neothink
Ayn Rand defined epistemology as "reason". Now, what is a wider-scope integration than reason? It is Neothink.
And Neothink encompasses all reason in a dynamic growing process. Reason is a static, specific method of
thinking. Neothink is a dynamic process that is integral to the metaphysics of business. And again, business
functions through net profits, numbers, data, and limitless wide-scope integrations to produce evermore
competitive values for others and society. Thus, business demands greater and greater integrations achievable
only through Neothink.
The "existence exists" of the universe is driven by business, Neothink, net profits, numbers, and values. Therefore,
metaphysics is summarized as business; epistemology is summarized as Neothink.
3. Ethics: Neo-Tech's Summary
Ethics is Value Production
As the third branch of philosophy, Ayn Rand summarized ethics as "self-interest". Now what is a wider-scope
integration that encompasses self-interest? Neo-Tech summarizes ethics as value production. And, of course, the
dynamics of value production naturally encompass self-interest. Indeed, value production is the benevolent,
natural dynamics of life, society, and the conscious mind. Thus, value production is the ethics of conscious life.
The "existence exists" of the universe is driven by conscious beings using Neothink to increase value production
through their businesses.

4. Politics: Neo-Tech's Summary

Politics is Free Competition
The fourth branch of philosophy is politics. Ayn Rand summarized politics as "capitalism". But capitalism is
encompassed within a wider-scope integration that Neo-Tech identifies as free competition. And a corollary
adjunct to competition is ostracism. Now, the dynamics of both competition and ostracism together yield an
interaction that guarantees political freedom and capitalism.
After realizing why free competition is the widest integration of politics, a single, universal political constitution
materializes: That universal constitution of less than 200 words[ 18 ] contains only one element -- the prohibition
of initiatory force.
On eliminating initiatory force, the dynamics of interactions among conscious beings become competitive. Thus,
the natural dynamic of conscious life is free competition. From that, one realizes that freedom means competition
and competition means freedom. Indeed, free from threats of initiatory force, unfettered competitive value
production quickly becomes the dynamic of conscious life.
Professional value destroyers and other criminal minds hypocritically spout about freedom. But they hate and
fear competition. For, competition would end their bogus livelihoods. Yet, freedom and competition are
inextricably linked. One cannot exist without the other. Thus, value destroyers must use force or the threat of
force to diminish or eliminate both freedom and competition.
Consider the modern white-collar-hoax axis of entrenched businesses and fascist-oriented governments:
Together they use force or threat of force through destructive regulations and crippling laws to restrict or
eliminate competition. They must squelch competition to usurp power and protect their bogus livelihoods.
Naturally, a part of competition is capitalism, which is a term for a specific kind of competition. But competition
itself holds a wider integration than capitalism. For, the dynamics of competition naturally occur not only in all
business actions, but in personal activities, in relationships, in art -- in all actions among free human beings.
The "existence exists" of the universe is driven by competition. Value producers control the cosmos through
business, Neothink, value production, and competition.
5. Aesthetics: Neo-Tech's Summary
Aesthetics is Value Reflection
The fifth and final branch of philosophy is "aesthetics". Although writing brilliantly about aesthetics, Ayn Rand
never succinctly summarized its essence as she did the other four branches of philosophy.
Now, to capture the widest-integration essence of aesthetics, one must first go back to the essence of ethics,
which is value production. From that, one discovers the essence of aesthetics is value reflection. That reflection
can occur, for example, through literature, art, fine art, music, dance, or architecture. In any case, the aesthetics
of value reflection naturally expand into personal living, into relationships, and eventually into the most integrated
of all areas -- business.
As value reflection expands into romantic relationships, family relationships, relationships among friends or
business associates, aesthetics can deliver profound pleasures and powerful advantages. Indeed, we already
experience the motivating fuel of value reflection in many subconscious, undeveloped ways. During the second
Neo-Tech World Summit, for example, consider the deeply motivating paeans and inspiring dances reflecting the
values of the mightiest business heroes. Well, that was a nascent expression of aesthetics in capturing the

beneficent power and values of the greatest heroes: the Carnegies, the Goulds, the Edisons, the Firestones.
Moreover, with Neo-Tech and aesthetics, no longer will those heroes remain maligned or unsung.
Through value reflection, we can integrate the dynamic aesthetics of any great value with music, the fine arts,
architecture, and all else artistic, beautiful, and emotional. Why? To provide the fuel of pleasure needed to build
values and happiness forever.
The "existence exists" of the universe is fueled by the dynamics of aesthetics, the concretizing of values, and the
reflection of values.
Thus, above are five branches of Neo-Tech Philosophy in their widest integrations. And where do those wide-scope
integrations come from? They come from not cutting off integration corners -- from being free of mysticism to
eliminate all limitations. Only with fully integrated honesty can we grasp ever wider-scope integrations that have
no limits. With that integration power, anyone can outflank and soar above all competition hobbled by mysticism.
Below is Frank R. Wallace's (FRW) subsequent dialogue with Mark Hamilton (MH). Mr. Hamilton is the Business and
Research Director of Neo-Tech Pincer Movement #2 and the author of the Neo-Tech publication titled, "Cosmic
Business Control".
MH: It's amazing what you just said. I read the Long-Wave article again last night for the second time in six weeks
or so. When I read that Long Wave, every time I read it, the integrations expand and mean something so much
more than the previous time. And what you just said breaks us all free.
As you were identifying and integrating those five branches of philosophy, I felt all conscious beings breaking free
from repressed, earth-bound philosophies into a limitless, Long-Wave philosophy -- the same philosophy that
exists throughout the cosmos. Just as you went through that, I felt myself breaking into the cosmos as I
integrated your words with what I read last night in the Long Wave.
The minute you encompassed reality with business -- those words were so profound to me. At that point, I knew
the path you were on with the other areas of philosophy. Neo-Tech is awesome. It's breaking us from the limited
earth view and propelling us into the unlimited cosmos view -- just as four centuries ago when we broke from the
stifling geocentric view into the liberating heliocentric view.
FRW: Yes, Neo-Tech breaks us free from the mystic-bound hoaxes and propels us toward the business-like
dynamics of our eternal cousins throughout the universe. Even a decade ago, the Psychuous literature identified
how all mystic-free conscious beings were, through the dynamics of business, capable of "driving the cosmos and
MH: You know, there is something momentous in what you just covered. I know people can't really grasp how
momentous that is until they grasp the Long Wave. The minute you said business over reality, that integration hit
me like an avalanche.
FRW: In the next meeting or two, I'll integrate the dynamics of Neo-Tech Philosophy with our goal of collapsing
mysticism. Those integrations will demonstrate how impotent the mystical/neocheating world is and how powerful
the Neo-Tech/Neothink world is. By understanding those integrations, everyone will intellectually and emotionally
realize how nothing can stop Neo-Tech from driving every professional neocheater and business quisling from
their fake jobs. Neo-Tech will also dump all the value destroyers in government and business to leave their
masses of blind followers floundering without direction, without protection from competition. ...Against Neothink,
they're all so small, insignificant, and impotent.

MH: That's exactly what I've been sensing. Against the uncorked power of Neo-Tech, you really sense the shrinking
"smallness" out there. Even with their guns, fists, and billion-dollar budgets, they all seem so puny. You can feel
their insignificance. You feel the power of their evil shrinking to nothing.
FRW: In reality, value destroyers are small and puny -- they are literally nothing in the dynamics of life. For they
contribute no net or competitive values to anyone or society. Yet, on understanding the philosophical essences of
Neo-Tech, one can see why the ideas and philosophies before Neo-Tech were impotent in dealing with the great
hoax of mysticism. One can also see why nothing before had ever stopped the value destroyers. Objectivist
philosophers from Aristotle to Ayn Rand could never really cure mysticism or stop its destructive evil -- even
though their philosophies stood alone in being intellectually honest, even though they laid the foundations for NeoTech.
Envision a value producer armed only with Objectivism. He can do little or nothing against the legions of
neocheating value destroyers. For his philosophical tools are limited to the important but static ideas of 1. reality,
2. reason, 3. self-interest, 4. capitalism, 5. aesthetics. Now envision the same value producer armed with NeoTech. He can quickly uproot, expose, and disintegrate all value destroyers. For his philosophical tools are the
dynamics of 1. business, 2. Neothink, 3. value production, 4. free competition and ostracism, 5. value reflection.
Another way to see Neo-Tech's unbeatable power is through contrasting ideas. Consider, for example, the
contrasting ideas of Objectivism:
1. Objectivism vs. Collectivism
2. reality vs. nonreality
3. reason vs. nonreason
4. capitalism vs. socialism
5. self-interest vs. altruism.
Now consider the contrasting ideas of Neo-Tech:
1. Neo-Tech vs. Neocheating
2. business mode vs. criminal mode
3. neothink vs. mysticism
4. competition vs. white-collar hoax
5. value production vs. value destruction.
Which set of contrasting ideas seems academic and impotent? Which set of contrasting ideas seems alive and
Eternally curing mysticism requires collapsing its 2000-year hoax. That collapse will decimate the armies of
professional value destroyers who depend on the manipulative dishonesties of mysticism and neocheating to
survive. And their timorous supporters will be dispersed by the loss of mystical hoaxes promoting specious
external "authorities". Those professional mystics and neocheaters will then be left without power or livelihoods.
Neo-Tech will leave them writhing in their dead-end streets of envy and hate. At the same time, Neo-Tech will
benevolently show them the door to life -- the door to competitive value production and happiness.
How is that done? How is that disease of mysticism forever cured? The metaphysics of business, the epistemology
of Neothink, the ethics of value production, the politics of competition, and the aesthetics of value reflection will
cure the disease of mysticism forever.

Now, consider other idea systems evolving from Socrates with his outdoor philosophical discussions -- and Plato,
Aristotle, Adam Smith, John Locke, Herbert Spencer, and Ayn Rand with all their writings. Those systems depend
on discussing ideas. Regardless of their importance to the foundation of Neo-Tech, they all evolved around static
philosophizing. Yet, stop to think about Neo-Tech: Here, all business evolves around philosophy and philosophical
ideas. Neo-Tech seldom, if ever, involves discussions of significant length about traditional philosophy. Instead,
Neo-Tech mainly involves integrating business, not philosophizing.
Except in the context of business, Neo-Tech seldom involves philosophy, politics, or how to establish a new order,
how to stop neocheaters, or how to fight "bad things" in the mystical world. Instead, with full-focus on business,
I&O is a company of quiet subversion -- subversion of Plato's world and the criminal-minded concepts of God,
altruism, collectivism, force-backed bureaucracies, and the white-collar hoax manipulated by professional
mystics and neocheaters.
MH: You know, as you were talking, I had the sense of discovering the full Neothink perspective in philosophy. I felt
how we are forever leaving in the dust everyone -- from Aristotle's followers to Ayn Rand's Objectivists. I really
sensed the difference between using ideas to philosophize versus using ideas in business to produce values...the
difference between just sitting there helplessly with philosophy and ideas versus controlling everything through
business and ideas. I felt this big limitless dimension open up to us and everyone in the future. Yes, it's really true
what you said: We don't discuss philosophy. For we're metaphysically in tune with our nature by pursuing business
through integrated thinking and honesty.
And through the Long Wave, we can see exactly how the cosmos has always been run and will forever be run into
infinity -- through the dynamics of business. It's amazing, we never philosophize. Yet, in one swoop, we leave in the
dust every philosopher from Aristotle to Rand because we are true to our metaphysical nature -- because we are
functioning with fully integrated honesty through business.
FRW: Interestingly, we actually philosophize every day from the widest context -- from a fully integrated, dynamic,
value-generating way through business. By contrast, traditional philosophizing is static -- dealing with a myriad of
"a-points" that lead to dead-end stumps available for mystical manipulations.
MH: Now, one can feel the impotence toward mysticism of every philosophy until now. ...Now, one can feel the real
power of Neo-Tech.
FRW: We must capture this integrated business-minded philosophy and inject it into everything we're doing. In a
way, we've been doing that since the November-3rd attack without explicitly identifying what we were doing. But
now, with the power of having explicitly identified the essence of philosophy, every value producer can and will
abandon the hoax of mysticism to flourish forever into the future.
MH: The Neo-Tech Philosophy makes the future so obvious. Combining Neo-Tech philosophy with Neo-Tech
business, the hoax of mysticism and all professional value destroyers will perish unless they become competitive
value producers.


From the Einstein Long-Wave identification in Appendix H of this volume evolves the profound concept that
consciousness is both an axiomatic component and the controlling element of existence. When that concept is
combined with the 114 Neo-Tech Advantages, all the integrations of Neo-Tech unfold into a philosophy of infinitely
wide integrations as shown in the chart below.
The chart below also outlines the Objectivist philosophy -- the most widely integrated philosophy prior to NeoTech. But that philosophy had its integration corners cut off by both general and personal mysticisms to miss the
final, limitless integrations captured by Neo-Tech:

Conscious Mode
Philosophical Mode
Integration Scope
Limiting Element

Very Wide

Aristotle, Rand
Infinitely Wide

The Five Branches of Philosophy


Never succinctly defined

Value Production
Free Competition
Value Reflection

Each of the five widely integrated branches of Objectivist Philosophy are subsumed within the five branches of the
more widely integrated Neo-Tech Philosophy.

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[ 17 ] The Long Wave: See Appendix H.
[ 18 ] The Universal Constitution: see page 222. The Constitution of the Universe

The purpose of human life is to live happily.

The function of government is to guarantee those conditions that allow individuals to fulfill their purpose. Those
conditions can be guaranteed through a constitution that forbids the use of initiatory force, fraud, or coercion by
any person or group against any individual:
Article 1
No person, group of persons, or government may initiate force, threat of force, or fraud against any individual's
self or property.
Article 2
Force may be morally and legally used only in self-defense against those who violate Article 1.
Article 3
No exceptions shall exist for Articles 1 and 2.
The Neo-Tech Constitution rests on six axioms:
1. Values exist only relative to life.
2. Whatever benefits a living organism is a value to that organism. Whatever harms a living organism is a disvalue
to that organism.
3. The basic value against which all values are measured is the conscious individual.
4. Morals relate only to conscious individuals.
5. Immoral actions arise from individuals choosing to harm others through force, fraud, deception, coercion -- or
from individuals choosing to usurp, attack, or destroy values earned by others.
6. Moral actions arise from individuals choosing to benefit others by competitively producing values for them.
NOTE: The Constitution Of The Universe is copyrighted by Neo-Tech Publishing Co. and Frank R. Wallace
If we reduce all choices down to only having the potential to manifest one of two possible result... Choice making
becomes simple. i.e.... Choices either empower liberty or slavery (a/k/a tyranny)... Choices either manifest wealth
in various forms, or poverty in various forms... Thus if every choice is determined by being consciously aligned
with manifesting liberty, wealth, value-productivity; then slavery, poverty, value-destructivity can't manifest. It's
just that simple... DOES THIS CHOICE move me and others toward liberty? ... DOES THIS CHOICE protect liberty? ....
DOES THIS CHOICE promote liberty? ... Because of the Universe's Law of Abundance, all forms of wealth manifest
when conditions are free from "blocks" to free-flow of abundance... such as tyranny (oppression by or slavery to
fate, beliefs, or control by others).
The challenge is to ascend out of carefully planned and executed ignorance, Neo-Slavery and color of law
tyranny ("blocks" to liberty and all other forms of wealth.)
The BLOCK to True Liberty is the COMFORT RUT Syndrome.. where individuals feel they have enough to get by
with... where there is some sense of security... So don't attempt to make improvements for fear of loosing what is
now available... Just go along to get along!
The BEST weapon for repairing damage, and defeating the terrocrats responsible for these destructive plots, is:
Economic power not subject to terrocrat control!!!

An Ever Better World Method provides safe fast projects to manifest PERSONAL and ECONOMIC POWER !!
An Ever Better World Portfolio manifests a CARTEL & UMBRELLA for other projects...
Promoting An Ever Better World Community, naturally promotes projects of An Ever Better World Lifestyle and
World... Spreading the message for the sake of helping others is great; however, if a person is compensated for
the value being adding, then the message will spread to a great many more people much faster... Thus helping
Community Members make plenty of money is a huge aspect of An Ever Better World Internet Academy...
Experiences teach that the economic means to freedom is the ONLY safe path left open...
Unity of Diversity... PURPOSE ALIGNMENT and UNIFIED ACTIONS will achieve what could NEVER be achieved alone.....
The projects selected will align individuals with the purpose and provide a path through which the various avenues
of information can flow... The Liberty Crusade CAN DO in a very short period of time what the Political and
Religious factions can't do... Accurately inform, align and motivate an electorate to eagerly DO WHAT WILL
MANIFEST the desired results!
The method to most easily accomplish any whole-life paradigm is to divide the WHOLE Objective into ESSENTIAL
Action PROJECTS, then divide each project into TASKS... Tasks are the smallest physical movements required to
achieve the desired result... Anytime confusion or stagnation appear, RETURN to the point where there is clarity,
and when progress was occurring... From this clarity point begin forward movement...
It's a general belief that people BUY on emotion, rather than by reason or logic... In the An Ever Better Community,
we cant afford that luxury of tossing reason and logic out the window... If we succumb to hype, illusions,
misinformation, and half truths, we sacrifice our credibility, our time, our money, our hopes and our dreams! ... SO
PLEASE keep your common sense activated and your computer logic focused on how to make the An Ever Better
World Vision the most sound method to obtain True Liberty and all other forms of wealth!! ... We must be flexible
enough to adjust the building materials as need, while keeping a strong foundation upon which to build True Liberty
& all other forms of wealth...
To obtain MAXIMUM clarity and speed for manifesting the desired results of An Ever Better World by doing a
PERSONAL and Social WHOLE-LIFE Liberty Crusade, we've elected to use readily understood terms and mixed
metaphors such as "gardening" "building" and" sports"... Linking familiar concepts, with new concepts, facilitates
clarity & comprehension speed....
Article 2
John Flint

The Cosmic Mind is Emerging on Planet Earth Today

The Neo-Tech mind is the cosmic mind. The cosmic mind? Sounds like science fiction, even mystical. But Neo-Tech
is the antipode of science fiction and mysticism. Indeed, through the competitive dynamics of business, the NeoTech mind will forever eradicate mysticism from planet Earth. So what is the Neo-Tech mind that is emerging on

planet Earth today? Why is the Neo-Tech mind the cosmic mind? What is the cosmic mind?
The Neo-Tech Mind Ultimately Controls Everything
As demonstrated in Appendix H, the cosmic mind governs all advanced civilizations. Also, as demonstrated in NeoTech Advantage #31, each advanced civilization throughout the Universe has passed through the Nuclear-Decision
Threshold. And to pass through that Nuclear-Decision Threshold, a civilization must be free of self-destructive
mysticism. Or, from the corollary perspective, no civilization infested with self-destructive mysticism can survive
beyond that Nuclear-Decision Threshold. Therefore, civilizations advanced much beyond our own must consist of
mystic-free minds functioning through fully integrated honesty. ...By definition, mystic-free minds are Neo-Tech
minds. Moreover, only through fully integrated honesty can conscious minds grow to the unlimited vistas of those
advanced civilizations. Only minds free of mystical integration blockers can have unlimited power -- cosmic
Thus, the Neo-Tech mind is the cosmic mind. And only the Neo-Tech mind can acquire cosmic power -- omnipotent
power within the laws of nature. ...What is the significance of the Neo-Tech mind suddenly emerging here on
The Emerging Neo-Tech Mind on Planet Earth
The mystic-plagued mind has dominated our civilization since consciousness emerged from nature-created
bicameral minds 3000 years ago. Unable to introspect and make conscious moral choices, bicameral man was
amoral and innocent. Like every nature-controlled animal, bicameral man could not be mystical, deceptive, or
purposely destructive. Only by creating the conscious mind could man jump past nature to outcompete and then
control nature. But, only after creating consciousness could he inflict upon himself the only disease of
consciousness -- mysticism. And thus, only conscious man faces the choice to (1) be honest or dishonest, (2) be
rational or irrational, (3) be productive or destructive, (4) be growing or stagnating, (5) be business-like or
mystical, (6) be happy or unhappy, (7) be alive or dead forever.
The Crossroads
In the latter half of this twentieth century, our civilization arrived at the Nuclear-Decision Threshold. But
conscious beings populating planet Earth are still plagued with the disease of mysticism. Thus, we have reached
the crossroads that all civilizations reach. At these crossroads, nuclear annihilation occurs in civilizations
populated with self-destructive, mystic-plagued minds (e.g., power-mad Leninist/Maoists, life-hating Shiites, and
other such mystically insane value destroyers with power). But in civilizations populated with productive minds
fully integrated with honesty, the reverse occurs: Nuclear energy combined with computer technology and other
fast-breaking technologies, ranging from super conductivity to nanotechnology, means soaring benevolence,
knowledge, and prosperity.
In other words:
1. With mysticism, nuclear energy will wipe out conscious beings.
2. With mystic-free Neo-Tech, nuclear energy will propel conscious beings toward their mystic-free cousins
throughout the cosmos.
Thus, the emergence of the Neo-Tech mind at this critical Nuclear-Decision Threshold of our civilization means
Armageddon. The Ultimate Battle between good and evil must now take place. This battle is --


Value Producers versus Value Destroyers
That war of two worlds is the crucial life and death determinate for our civilization: the Neo-Tech mind versus the
mystic mind; the business/integrating mind versus the neocheating/disintegrating mind; life versus death.
Could the diseased minds of mystics, neocheaters, and other value destroyers win the war? No, not with NeoTech. Could this be a dangerous war with the risk of losing to the value destroyers? No. What are the chances of
Neo-Tech losing this final battle to evil? None whatsoever.
No, Neo-Tech cannot lose. Why? Because as Pincers #1 and #2 start circling the globe, the Neo-Tech mind easily
outflanks and outcompetes all other minds, especially mystic-plagued minds. Again, the chances of Neo-Tech
losing? None whatsoever.
Ironically, this final, most crucial, important battle of civilization is no contest. In fact, this battle is laughable. No
matter how many guns, thefts, jails, and killings they resort to, the value destroyers will only accelerate their own
demise. Thus, the outcome is a sure-thing, total-victory outcome. Moreover, no one except those directing the
worldwide network of Neo-Tech bantam companies needs to take part or risk anything in the war of two worlds.
Indeed, everyone else can relax, enjoy the battle, and then reap the benefits. Neo-Tech business people alone will
collapse the 2000-year hoax of mysticism and eliminate all its symbiotic neocheaters. For the Neo-Tech mind is
the invincible cosmic mind that governs the universe.
Just imagine clean, healthy, omnipotent, fully integrated cosmic minds pitted against sullied, diseased, impotent,
unintegrated mystic-plagued minds. The outcome is pitifully obvious. For the "opposition" is based literally on
nothing -- the "opposition" is based on the nothingness disease of mysticism. Also, the minds of the "opposition"
are filled with mystical integration blockers. By contrast, Neo-Tech minds are free of all integration blockers and
limitations. That is why mystic-free, Neo-Tech minds can outthink and outflank all mystic-plagued, neocheating
Neo-Tech bantam companies need the war of two worlds. Those companies need to draw into battle the
professional mystics and neocheaters. Each Neo-Tech bantam company needs to engage in battle the professional
value destroyers with their armies of dishonest journalists, bogus-job academics, destructive politicians, and lazy
bureaucrats. For the Neo-Tech mind outflanks all their manipulations -- Neo-Tech jujitsus into oblivion all the
stupidities and irrationalities of mysticism and neocheating.
When that war starts, wave one of the Seven Neo-Tech Waves will begin rolling. And then each successive six
waves will increasingly wash value destroyers off planet Earth. ...Today, Neo-Tech bantam companies are quietly
integrating professional mystics and neocheaters into the Ostracism Matrix worldwide. ...Tomorrow, essencemoving, integrated-thinking value producers will first scorn and then laugh disintegrated-thinking value
destroyers out of existence.
Cosmic Minds are Now Evolving on Planet Earth
Imagine cosmic minds from civilizations millions of years beyond their own transition from hallucinating bicameral
minds to integrating Neo-Tech minds. Their histories and anthropologies would preserve their own transitions
from bicameral to Neo-Tech minds. But they would not long remember or preserve the nature and events of that
lightning brief time (in relative cosmic time) roiled in mysticism and neocheating. Thus, all notions of irrationality,

purposeful value destruction, dishonesty, initiatory force, evil, war, and death itself would be unknown and
incomprehensible to those advanced civilizations.
With Neo-Tech, the disease of mysticism will also eventually fade from our own Earthbound memories and
histories as an exceedingly brief, insignificant aberration. Why? Because mysticism is the nothingness disease
that holds no significance, meaning, or interest for future mystic-free generations. Even in our current
generation, all value producers will come to recognize value-destroying mysticism as nothing more than an
immature, wholly unnecessary stupidity. ...Mysticism and neocheating will increasingly seem like ludicrous jokes,
albeit profoundly evil and destructive jokes.
Curing the Disease of Death
Now, try to imagine clean, innocent beings from some advanced civilization observing the destructiveness of
mysticism for the first time. They would be witnessing an insane destructiveness based on nothing. Imagine them
observing bizarre, irrational, destructive factoids such as the guns and fists of November 3rd, the FDA, INS, DEA,
SEC. And imagine those super-productive happy beings observing wretchedly unhappy professional mystics and
neocheaters living by harming and draining the value producers.
Despite their super-advanced knowledge and technology, those cosmic beings would have no way to relate to or
comprehend the nothingness disease of mysticism and its destructiveness. They would have no way to relate to
evil, irrationalities, intentional destruction, neocheating, and especially death...all based on senseless nothing. In
fact, only the Neo-Tech minds evolving here on earth today can understand the nature of mysticism enough to
diagnose and then cure that disease of death. ...And rightly so, for the responsibility to cure our own disease of
mysticism lies entirely upon us conscious beings here on earth.
Neo-Tech meets that responsibility. The cosmic seeds of Neo-Tech are silently growing in 151 countries. Nothing
can stop the demise of mysticism. Nothing can stop the victory of emerging, omnipotent, mystic-free minds over
entrenched, impotent, mystic-plagued minds.
Lineup of Contestants
The following chart shows the lineup of contestants for the War of Two Worlds. Yes, Neo-Tech must and will
engage in war all the mystic/neocheating value destroyers. For the mystic/neocheating disintegrating minds, that
war is their death trap. But, for the Neo-Tech/Neothink integrating minds, that war is no war. The contest is no
contest. The lineup matches nothing against everything. The mystic/neocheater pip-squeak mind will perish
forever; the Neo-Tech/Neothink cosmic mind will live forever.
The Lineup

Diseased, Unnatural
Disintegrating Minds


Healthy, Natural
Integrating Minds

External-authority driven.
A disintegrating mind.


Introspective, independent.
An integrating mind.

Blocked integrations.
Dependent on others.


Unlimited integrations.
Independent of others.

Dishonest/lazy defaulted.


Honest/effort driven.

Value destruction.

Exist On

Value production.

Stagnation, envy, resentment, sickness, neurosis,

poverty, destruction, death.


Growth, value reflection,

romantic love, health, happiness,
prosperity, values, life.







Destructive, negative. Less than nothing.


Productive, positive.
Everything in Universe.

Death quickly.


Life forever.

Developing and Experiencing the Neo-Tech/Cosmic Mind

One develops and then experiences the Neo-Tech/cosmic mind by ruthlessly extirpating mysticism from oneself
and rejecting it in everyone else. One then begins sensing the awesome power and dimensions of Neo-Tech. Yet, on
further experiencing the limitless, cosmic dimensions of Neo-Tech, one realizes its total naturalness. At the same
time, one senses that other world left behind as a meaningless, grotesque realm that revolves around the disease
of stupidity and death -- the disease of mysticism.
On acquiring the Neo-Tech cosmic mind, one realizes the inchoate, immature, goofy nature of that dying other
world...and the incredible adventure of happiness that now awaits every value producer on Earth who enters the
cosmic-mind world of Neo-Tech.

The mystic-free Neo-Tech mind is the cosmic mind. And the cosmic mind has now evolved on planet Earth. With the
cosmic mind of Neo-Tech, we on planet Earth will soar forever into limitless life and happiness.
is fully integrated honesty.
Neo-Tech allows the guiltless creation of earned
money, power, and romantic love.
Neo-Tech is the route to forever growing
prosperity, health, and happiness.
Neo-Tech is the opposite of mysticism.
is the creation of problems where none exist.
Mysticism is both an individual and a
collective disease that puts people in coffins
and societies on crutches.
Mysticism leaves empty heads
and instills sour faces on people.
Mysticism is an act of war on rational thinking, honest effort,
prosperous happiness, and life itself.
is the deceptive manipulation of mysticism
to extract values earned by others.
are people who live by attacking values created by others
rather than by
producing values for others and society.
Mystics and neocheaters make good seem bad and bad seem good.
They trash the good and protect the bad.
They attack integrated, essence-moving business thinking and actions.
They attack Neothink and Neo-Tech.
is the Neo-Tech integration of the mind, body, and emotions
with factual reality
to yield honest prosperity and guiltless happiness.

Neo-Tech ends the neocheater's 2000-year effort to conceal the fact
that money is created only through the creation
of competitive values for others and society.
Neocheaters falsely detach money from values
while dishonestly linking it to guilt.
In contrast, by orienting directly around money,
Neo-Tech focuses on values
in the most direct, guiltless way
to vanquish the dishonesties of mystics and neocheaters. Appendix A
Eliminating Mysticism and Neocheating
Unbeatable advantages are gained by rejecting mysticism and eliminating neocheating: Neo-Tech people are the
antithesis of neocheaters. Master neocheaters usurp their way into positions of false power. They do that by using
mysticism to attack, undermine, and destroy values without their victims realizing who the neocheaters are or
what they are doing. But with Neo-Tech, one can quickly earn his or her way to power and prosperity by
outcompeting others -- by producing more effectively than those crippled by mysticism and neocheaters. With
Neo-Tech, one knows exactly what mysticism is, who the neocheaters are, how they are draining the value
producer, and how to render all neocheaters powerless. More important, Neo-Tech shows how to purge crippling,
stifling mysticism from one's own self. ...Neo-Tech cures the stupidness disease, the disease of mysticism. As a
result, Neo-Tech delivers limitless power and advantages to value producers.
Quelling the Mystics and Neocheaters
Most people live and die without ever discovering the existence of an innocent, exciting, brilliant world . That world
is the clean, mystic-free world of Neo-Tech: a cheerful, crystal-clear world that generates unending values,
prosperity, and happiness. In that world, Neo-Tech transforms the manipulations and dishonesties of the mystics
and neocheaters into advantages for everyone.
Neo-Tech revitalizes crucial words corrupted by mystics and neocheaters. Dead words brought to life include
honesty, power, prosperity, love. Through vitalization of the entire language, Neo-Tech reveals the futility of all
mystical, mind-over-matter, positive-thinking approaches that lead to nothing. By collapsing the 2000-year hoax
of mysticism, Neo-Tech eliminates the neocheater's survival tool. Through an incorruptible matrix of personal,
financial, and business advantages, Neo-Tech quells all mystics and neocheaters while delivering that crystalclear world of prosperity and happiness.
The Entelechy
Neo-Tech is the entelechy of prosperity and happiness. For Neo-Tech delivers unbeatable advantages in:

Competitive Actions
Business Dealings
Jobs and Careers
Finance and Investments
Personal Relationships
Art and Pleasures
Romantic Love
Does Neo-Tech Lead to Anarchy?
No -- just the opposite.
Neo-Tech leads to business-like order and prosperity.
and begins
Neo-Tech Rhapsodizes Man:
* away from the unhappiness of neocheating anarchy
* away from the disorderly harm of bogus-job authority
* toward the happiness of integrated honesty
* toward the orderly prosperity of value-producing business.
The whim of criminal minds dictates all purposeful harm inflicted upon society. The logic of independent
consumers dictates all purposeful prosperity bestowed upon society. Who are the independent consumers? They
are those value producers who use the marketplace, logic, and reputation to make their own judgments about
trading values with others. They make their own judgments free from the arrogated "protection" of bogus-job
consumer agencies, free from the dishonest media, free from Nader-like demagogues. ...Independent consumers
make their judgments free from the criminal-minded neocheaters
Mysticism and neocheating underlie all harm inflicted upon society. By contrast, business and Neo-Tech underlie
all values delivered to society.
Neo-Tech Justice
Subjected to the merciless Neo-Tech Matrix, all professional value destroyers and their bogus-job supporters will
eventually become honest, net value producers in order to repay every one of their victims in full. ...Or Neo-Tech
will relentlessly ostracize them out of existence through their own self-inflicted, premature deaths and suicides.
Appendix B


The primary value of language lies in being the tool of thinking, not communication. Conscious thinking requires
language, words, metaphors, and analogs with consistent meanings. Indeed, the essence of consciousness is
language since all concepts are formed by thinking through language. But professional mystics and neocheaters
purposely alter meanings, concepts, and language to manipulate the minds of their victims. They accomplish their
manipulations by confusing and mocking reality in conjuring up their own "truths" and "realities". For them, any
"truth" and "reality" that accommodates their whims, wishes, desires, or hoax will do.
The very nature of unintegrated words and concepts leaves language vulnerable to manipulation by mystics and
neocheaters. But a fully integrated matrix of the prime concepts would leave words and reality indivisible, thereby
blocking corruption by mystics and neocheaters. ...Such a matrix of integrated honesty is invulnerable to attack
and corruption because all its words are integrated into a single, indestructible gridlock.
Neo-Tech integrates the original 144 primary concepts into an indivisible web or matrix[ 19 ]. Such a matrix
protects from distortion all words captured within its gridlock. Because all its concepts are inextricably linked
and integrated, the Neo-Tech matrix is invulnerable to attack or corruption by mystics and neocheaters.
The Neo-Tech matrix means the eventual end of professional mystics and neocheaters. For their survival depends
on Machiavelli-like "divide and rule", "confuse and control", and "distort and destroy" techniques. To survive,
those mystics and neocheaters must divide concepts, confuse language, and distort words in order to prevent
their victims from thinking about and understanding what is happening. Indeed, those mystics and neocheaters
survive by separating meaning from context. They use concepts out of context while distorting words to block
clear, honest thinking. They are then able to forge an infinite variety of mind-created "realities". And through
those fake mind-created "realities", they conjure up all the rationalizations they need to live off the efforts of
Using divide-confuse-distort tactics, professional mystics and neocheaters can subvert any meaning or concept
to divine their own "truths" and "realities". They need their divined "truths" and "realities" to usurp values from
others. But against the gridlocked Neo-Tech matrix, such divinations, subversions, and confusions are impossible.
Thus, against Neo-Tech, mystics and neocheaters are impotent and cannot survive without themselves becoming
honest, self-supporting value producers.
The Web Effect
Integrated honesty and consistent effort assure the dominance of Neo-Tech over mystics and neocheaters. By
nature, human beings want to live the most productive, happiest lives possible. But mysticism and neocheating are
contrary to productivity and happiness. Thus, as Neo-Tech develops within each individual, a clearly integrated
matrix or web called the X-factor arises. The X-factor is what pulls nature's survival trigger. Pulling that trigger
causes a person to act in his or her rational best interest. And that means rejecting mysticism and neocheating.
...The X-factor will trigger that survival mechanism in any individual exposed to the forthcoming NeoTech/Neothink web. For the Neo-Tech/Neothink web yields evermore wider-integrated, inescapable identifications
about survival, life, and death. In turn, those identifications yield evermore powerful, clear, inescapable matrices
that function to everyone's permanent benefit. Those matrices redirect conscious beings toward their natural
survival powers -- toward life and away from death.
With those spreading Neo-Tech/Neothink matrices, the death-promoting scourges of mysticism and neocheating
will disappear from this planet.

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[ 19 ] The original 144 primary concepts of Neo-Tech were first developed and presented in the Neo-Tech
Reference Encyclopedia. Its concepts were then recognized as a gridlock matrix by Dr. Peter Meier at the Institute
of Cognitive Infomatics, Wilen bei Sarren, Switzerland. That Neo-Tech matrix is now evolving into an array of
Neothink matrices that will eventually envelop all businesses and societies to collapse the hoax of mysticism
worldwide via the dynamics of competition.
Appendix C
First Known Identification of
Master Neocheaters
"If we go back to the beginnings of things, we shall always find that ignorance and fear created the gods; that
imagination, rapture and deception embellished them; that weakness worships them; that custom spares them;
and that tyranny favors them in order to profit from the blindness of men."
Baron d'Hobach
The System of Nature (1770)
First Known Identification of
Governments as Mystical Illusions
"The state is the great fictitious entity by which everyone seeks to live at the expense of everyone else."
Frdric Bastiat
1801 - 1850
First Fully Integrated Identification of
Prosperity and Happiness via Vanquishing Mysticism
"Within our minds, we all fight the same life-and-death battle against mysticism. We all fight the same battle
against living by following internal feelings rather than by integrating external reality. And we all must make the
same choice to exert the effort needed to be honest, to integrate with reality, to think rationally, to quell
mysticism. For every individual who fashions a successful, happy life has chosen effort over laziness...honesty
over mysticism.
"All values -- all prosperity, power, love, happiness, and eternal life arise from vanquishing mysticism."
The Neo-Tech Discovery
Late 20th Century
The Neo-Tech psychological/romantic-love concepts grew from the trailblazing work of entrepreneur Nathaniel
Branden. ...Branden, through his business thinking, became the first person in history to integrate objective
philosophy with cognitive psychology.

The Neo-Tech philosophical concepts grew from the millennia work of logistician Ayn Rand. ...Rand, through her
writings, became the first person in history to start ripping mysticism out of philosophy.
Neo-Tech by nature is free of mysticism and its integration blockers. Thus, Neo-Tech yields unlimited integrations
with reality. As a result, Neo-Tech yields unlimited competitive advantages, power, and values. With mystic-free
Neo-Tech, a person joins the minds of all advanced civilizations throughout the cosmos. With mystic-free NeoTech, a person captures cosmic power forever. (Re: Article 2 on page 675.)
Primary Direct Reference
Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia
The Neo-Tech Discovery
Primary Philosophical References
The works of
Plato (immoral)
Aristotle (moral)
Immanuel Kant (immoral)
Ayn Rand (moral)

Secondary Philosophical References

The works of
The Bible (immoral)
John Locke (moral)[ 20 ]
Marx, Hitler (immoral)
Leonard Peikoff (moral)

Primary Psychological References

Sigmund Freud (immoral)
Nathaniel Branden (moral, but increasing mystical errors)
Primary Economic References
John Maynard Keynes (immoral)
Ludwig von Mises (moral)
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[ 20 ] As did many anti-tyranny writers of the 17th and 18th centuries, Locke effectively used " Natural-Law" and
"God's-Law" abstractions as foils to undercut the false authority of ruling neocheaters. Today, no such foils are
needed. For, Neo-Tech directly collapses government and religious hoaxes of neocheating and mysticism.
Appendix D


Even the best or soundest ideas alone are not worth much without the integrated thought and hard effort needed
to elevate those ideas to higher value levels. Thus, ideas alone cannot provide competence and self-esteem. In
fact, certain "intellectuals" use their focus on ideas as rationalizations to avoid the constant, hard efforts needed
to live competently, successfully, happily.
That focus on ideas alone is why certain intellectuals with valid idea systems behave immaturely and selfdestructively. And that is why they often attack one another with pettiness and unfairness. For such "idea" people
base self-worth not on competence achieved but on ideas held.
Indeed, many self-appointed intellectual leaders try to live on ideas alone. They fail to exert the constant hard
work needed to build competitive success and business competence. As a result, such "idea" people often appear
immature and resentful next to successful business people.
Consider the "leaders" of valid libertarian and objectivist idea systems: For example, consider the publishers of
the nonprofit libertarian magazine "Reason" and the now defunct objectivist newsletter "The Objectivist Forum".
Both noncommercial publishers tried to "protect" their subscribers from commercially successful Neo-Tech.
The lives and self-esteems of such "leaders" orient around presenting ideas and gaining followers. Now, their
work is a valid, important activity for which they can be proud. But, those "leaders" fail to put forth the
disciplined, mystic-free thinking and hard-effort integrations needed for elevating ideas to commercial levels -- to
levels beyond preaching to the choir. And, without the discipline of Neo-Tech, they and their followers drift into
various low-effort mystical modes of idea churning, group therapies, silver speculating, and John-Galt role
playing. Such mystical-mode activities retard life, happiness, and productive accomplishment. ...Midst those
undisciplined noncommercial approaches, mysticism flourishes.
By contrast, Neo-Tech orients around creating, integrating, and then elevating ideas to the highest value level.
That means profitable mass marketing of Neo-Tech/Neothink around the world via disciplined business thinking,
constant problem solving, and hard front-trench efforts. ...With such a highly disciplined, fully integrated focus,
mysticism is pulled out by the roots and roasted to nothing in the heat of competitive business.
Idea-only people like to play the role of an Atlas who constantly shrugs. ...Business-like Neo-Tech people never
play roles, never shrug. And their unlimited, integrated thinking always outflanks the thinking of mystic-tainted
minds with their restricted or blocked integrations.
But eventually, through the rising competitive pressures of Neo-Tech, even those idea-only people will awaken to
discover happier, more productive lives in the Neo-Tech/Neothink business system.
Neo-Tech means fully integrated honesty. Until Neo-Tech, no idea system in history could dent, much less collapse,
the neocheaters' 2000-year hoax of mysticism. But, for the following two reasons, Neo-Tech will both collapse the
hoax of mysticism and eliminate all its symbiotic neocheaters:
First Reason: Only Neo-Tech integrates the four dual essences that anchor all valid ideas to reality:
1. life versus death.
2. business-like thinking versus mystical thinking.
3. producing values for others versus destroying values of others.

4. honesty and effort versus dishonesty and laziness.

Without integrating the four dual essences that anchor ideas to reality, especially anchor #4, an idea system is
unable to stand firm. As a result, any such unanchored idea system is easily manipulated by professional mystics
and skilled neocheaters to perpetuate their destructions. ...But no dishonest or mystic-tainted mind with its
blocked integrations can out integrate, outflank, or outmaneuver the mystic-free Neo-Tech mind.
Second Reason: Of all the idea systems since Socrates, only Neo-Tech arose from the marketplace. Neo-Tech was
born, developed, and continues to be developed through the unflagging efforts, integrations, and disciplines
required for survival and success in the free market. Driven by market pressures, Neo-Tech business is an
unbeatable, efficient tool for eradicating mysticism and neocheating in both business and personal lives.
Market pressures force mystic-free, wide-scope integrations needed to constantly grow roots ever deeper into
reality. Without those mystic-free integrations and ever growing roots, no idea system can grow beyond its own
mysticism. As a result, all past philosophical ideas crippled and stagnated by the personal mysticisms of their
originators, ossified into incomplete systems, unable to grow beyond their mystically truncated integrations and
preset borders. Thus, such restricted systems hold little or no practical or dynamic value for most people. Indeed,
without those mystical-free, wide-scope integrations, even the most brilliant, valid idea systems become impotent
within closed borders. Once limited or enclosed, all such systems are easily outflanked by neocheaters and then
relegated to academic and intellectual debaters.
But, because of its commercial development, Neo-Tech differs from all other idea systems, including
libertarianism and objectivism.[ 21 ], [ 22 ] For only Neo-Tech continues to integrate, develop, and grow through
the no-nonsense, "dump mysticism or fail" exigencies of profit-oriented businesses. Moreover, only Neo-Tech has
been subjected to the street-tough business disciplines required to generate honest, competitive profits. Such
profits come from constant, mystic-free integration efforts focused on producing and marketing objective values
with maximum efficiency and growth.
Before Neo-Tech, no other idea system had been subjected to healthy business pressures. Most previous systems
evolved from low-discipline, pipe-smoking, easy-going philosophical or academic atmospheres. Such atmospheres
invite mysticism, non sequiturs, and neocheating. And without a financial bottom line to reflect the undisciplined
and unprofitable consequences of mysticism, those systems indulge in various forms of "easy-way" illusions and
neocheating to enhance power and fame.
Those systems also fail to identify, much less integrate, the simple and obvious essences that root ideas to reality.
Without integrating those essences, no idea system can be rooted in reality. And no unrooted system can prevent
its ideas from being manipulated by mystics and neocheaters into non sequiturs. Thus, instead of deterring
mysticism and neocheating, those unanchored ideas with their truncated integrations were simply manipulated by
mystics and neocheaters into self-serving non sequiturs.
For example, unanchored libertarianism can lead to violent Marxism-Leninism: The Bolshevist Revolution evolved
from libertarian ideas used out-of-context to gain initial credibility and support from the value producers.
Likewise, Fidel Castro's rise to Marxist-Leninist power began by usurping libertarian ideas to gain popular support
among those dissatisfied with Batista's regime.
Unanchored "objectivism", cultish guruism, and fanatical conservatism can lead to born-again ayatollism:
Religious conservatives and fundamentalists neocheat in "righteous" ways. If unchecked, that dogmatic
righteousness would ultimately lead to oppressive, mass-murdering theocracies like Iran. Such neocheaters
conveniently make non-sequitur use of pragmatically selected objectivist[ 23 ] ideas to gain credibility and
respect especially among political, fiscal, and economic conservatives. For example, a group called the Galatians

explicitly refer to themselves as objectivist/libertarian Christians. They use valid, rational ideas as dishonest non
sequiturs to promote irrational mysticism. But mystics and neocheaters can never use Neo-Tech as a non
sequitur to gain credibility or power. For, Neo-Tech always boomerangs back to expose the natures and essences
of professional value destroyers. And once the professional mystics and neocheaters are exposed and caught, the
iron-grip nature of Neo-Tech never lets go until they perish, commit suicide, or become honest value producers.
...Thus, Neo-Tech will rid the world of mysticism and neocheating.
Business pressures forced Neo-Tech to integrate with the essences of reality. As a result, Neo-Tech blossoms as
a firmly rooted negation of mysticism that cannot be hidden, twisted, or distorted by mystics or neocheaters. NeoTech is an unbreakable tool that holds a death grip on all mystics and neocheaters. Indeed, Neo-Tech is here to
stay, while mysticism and neocheating are fading forever. ...Eradicating mysticism and neocheating clears the way
for biological immortality with prosperity and happiness expanding forever.
Neo-Tech means fully integrated honesty and is a dynamic system for liquidating negatives -- for liquidating
mystical hoaxes and their symbiotic value destroyers. That dynamic based on negatives is profoundly different
from all other idea systems. Indeed, all other idea systems are static theories for promoting positives -- for
promoting the irrationality of utopias and the cant of telling others how to live. ...Neo-Tech tells no one how to live.
Instead, it tells everyone how to dump mysticism.
Indeed, the entire focus, purpose, and modus operandi of Neo-Tech is to cure the disease of mysticism. How? By
forever collapsing its 2000-year hoax built through generations of value-destroying neocheaters. Neo-Tech will
then put itself out of business by vanquishing mysticism and eradicating its symbiotic neocheaters. For then
everyone will be free to act according to his or her naturally honest and productive nature. Everyone will finally
be free to grow forever -- to increasingly produce competitive values for others and society. Everyone will have
captured Neo-Tech and its competitive advantages. ...Everyone will be living through fully integrated honesty and
the limitless, wide-scope, Neothink business mind.
Such total self-responsibility means acting through the dynamics of free business and unfettered competition.
Indeed, through those dynamics, each person quickly exploits his or her most efficient, competitively productive
actions that benefit everyone and society. Those essence-moving dynamics of business and competition let
everyone produce maximum values and benefits for society. ...And no one ever needs to be told or forced by
anyone to do anything.
The following table outlines other major differences between Neo-Tech and all other idea systems:


Mystic-tainted thinking blocks integrations into

restricted, non-growth categories.

Mystic-free thinking allows unlimited, wide-scope

integrations and essence-moving growth.

Offer "truth".

Offers honesty.

Based on positives -- on projecting utopias.

Based on a negative -- on eradicating mysticism.

Guiltily evade or dishonestly undermine values of

prosperity, power, romantic love.

Guiltlessly recognizes and honestly creates values of

prosperity, power, romantic love.

Depend on leaders or gurus living off their


Requires no leaders, gurus, or followers. Lives off its own

competitive value production.

Tell individuals what is best for them.

The individual alone knows what is best for self.

Depend on being accepted by peers, the media, or

certain intellectuals.

Depends on delivering maximum values to the broadest

possible markets via business.

Offer values to idea soulmates. Wanted mainly by

closed circles of soulmates. Most others ignore.
Few benefit.

Offers values to all. Wanted by those desiring to grow.

Every value producer benefits.

Potential customers are entities wanting

authoritative answers.

Potential customers are conscious beings wanting

prosperity and happiness.

Wimpish, languid, low-effort value sell. Rest on

laurels. Little more to learn or improve. Laid-back,
pipe-smoking professor aura. Self-esteem based on
ideas held. ...Seek little or no value elevation.

Tough, front-trench, high-effort value sell. No rest. Must

always develop, improve, grow, decrease cost, increase
value, push ahead. Self-esteem based on honesty, efforts,
and value production. ...Drives for constant value

Static, dying, unintegrated values dependent on non


Dynamic, growing, fully integrated values dependent on


Academic guiding pressures. Non-profit oriented.

Dependent on tax money, contributions, or
soulmate largess.

Free-market guiding pressures. Profit oriented.

Dependent on profit via delivering competitive, freemarket values.

Not integrated with the essences of life (effort and

honesty) versus mysticism (laziness and
dishonesty). Integrations blocked.

Integrated with the essences of life (effort and honesty)

versus mysticism (laziness and dishonesty). Integrations

Evade links to personal productivity, business, and


Integrates with links to personal productivity, business,

and happiness.

Cannot stand firm. Concepts not fully integrated.

Movable. Can be manipulated as non sequiturs to
support mystics and neocheaters. Thus, never
eliminate professional mystics and neocheaters.

Can stand firm with bulldog tenacity. Unmovable.

Concepts fully integrated. Can never be manipulated to
support dishonesty. Thus, always moves toward
eliminating professional mystics and neocheaters.

Seek rationalization of personal mysticisms in self

and others. Guiltily accepts attacks on values.
Accepts mysticism as "spirit" oriented.

Rejects mysticisms in self and others. Guiltlessly rejects

attacks on values. Rejects mysticism as death oriented.

Self-esteem based on ideas held and personal


Self-esteem based on honest, productive efforts.

Going nowhere, even sound Aristotelian idea

systems of libertarianism and objectivism.

Going toward mystic-free, open-ended prosperity,

happiness, Biological Immortality.

Lead to little or nothing. Always revert to

mysticism. Hold death as inevitable.

Leads to power, wealth, life. Never reverts to mysticism.

Holds death as obsolete.

For the full integrations of the above table with Neo-Tech, see Article 1 on pages 661 - 673 titled "The Neo-Tech
Philosophy -- The Widest Integration". Also see the Neo-Tech document on pages 437 - 444 titled "Supra Power of
the Mystic-Free Mind".
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[ 21 ] The originators of libertarian and objectivist philosophical systems developed much valid, partially
integrated knowledge. Indeed, the philosophical/business system of Neo-Tech commercially elevates the most
important aspects of those incomplete idea systems into more integrated, higher-level values.
[ 22 ] Most originators of valid idea systems had enthusiastic followers and sparked substantial movements in
their day. Those rational originators included Socrates, Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas, Etienne de la Botie, John
Locke, Adam Smith (18th century economist), Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart Mill, Herbert Spencer, Ayn Rand. But
being mystically blocked and, thus, not fully integrated with the four essences that anchor all valid ideas to reality,
their work never jelled universally or permanently. Thus, they failed to collapse mysticism and eliminate
[ 23 ] Objectivists Ayn Rand, Leonard Peikoff, and their associates, however, never exhibited religious dynamics
despite such claims by careless or dishonest people.
Appendix E
The Achilles' Heel of all Mystics and Neocheaters
The word non sequitur embodies the key survival tool of all professional mystics and neocheaters. Non sequitur is
a Latin word meaning "it does not follow". Because the word is dead-language Latin, its meaning is stable,
immutable -- unable to be changed or twisted by mystics and neocheaters. That is why the word is so valuable for
uprooting neocheaters. Webster's 9th Collegiate Dictionary definition of non sequitur is, "a statement that does
not follow logically from anything previously said".[ 24 ]
Use of Non Sequiturs by
Professional Neocheaters
Non sequiturs are most commonly, blatantly, yet cleverly used in news journalism. Most self-appointed advocates
also use non sequiturs to foster their fake careers. They all manufacture non sequiturs by linking obvious facts
and values to dishonest premises and disvalues designed to attack or undermine producers and competitive
values. They constantly use such non-sequitur/neocheating maneuvers to camouflage unfair, destructive,
dishonest modi operandi with opposite illusions of fairness, helpfulness, and credibility. But with Neo-Tech, one
easily identifies how their good-sounding facts or words are falsely used as non sequiturs to attack and harm
value producers. Such non-sequitur attacks are used to usurp power and values by journalists, clergymen,
politicians, political cartoonists, certain professors, celebrity social crusaders, destructive bureaucrats, and selfappointed consumer, peace, and nutritional advocates.
When attacking values, non sequiturs are powerful but dishonest tools for gaining strength and credibility without
regard to honesty. And using non sequiturs to purposely manipulate mysticism in order to usurp power and values
is neocheating. With non sequiturs, no honest link exists between the facts being presented and the attack being
Through understanding non sequiturs, one can clearly see the destructive neocheating in: 1. creating, holding,
expanding bogus jobs and fake livelihoods, 2. attacks on business/technology/producers, 3. destructive "liberal"

causes, 4. mindless chanting demonstrators, 5. mob violence, and 6. Hitler/Maoist/Leninist-style enslavement,

destruction, murder.
General Use of Non Sequiturs by
Religious Neocheaters
Some neocheaters use non sequiturs in highly generalized ways. For example, Popes and leaders of the Catholic
Church have for centuries brilliantly used inspiring art, great architecture, and classical music as non sequiturs.
By arrogating to themselves renaissance art of the greatest masters, the religious black-hat neocheaters wove
the obvious, rational, highly recognizable values of great art throughout their irrational, destructive doctrines of
religious mysticism. With that, the religious leaders created a mighty non sequitur. And projecting that non
sequitur let them gain the public respect and credibility needed to usurp unearned power, values, and livelihoods
from the value producers. ...That is black-hat neocheating on a colossal scale.
Specific Use of Non Sequiturs by
Media Neocheaters
But other neocheaters, especially in the media, use non sequiturs in highly specific ways. Mike Wallace's "60
Minutes" television program, for example, orchestrates outrage at New York City hotel owners who accept
welfare families. Those owners are projected as crooks for charging the city $70 daily room rates while charging
only $50 daily for rooms to self-paying customers.
But, "60 Minutes" purposely ignores the fact that few of those welfare families accept the responsibility to take
care of their own lives and bodies, much less their "free" rooms. Thus, their rooms soon become filthy and then
deteriorate rapidly toward destruction. With those facts ignored, the TV audience is treated to shots of an
unhygienic, obese mother with a brood of unkempt children vegetating in a cockroach-infested room. Then "60
Minutes", always cravenly shielding itself from valid rebuttal, implies to a viewing audience of millions that
somehow the hotel owners are responsible for the personal filth of those clients and the resulting cockroaches.
Mike Wallace lays the fault on value-producing businesses and their hard-working creators rather than on valuedestroying welfare schemes and their neocheating creators.
"60 Minutes" then attacks the hotel owners with the non sequitur of higher room rates as "proof" of some kind of
unscrupulous greed inherent in businessmen. Hence, most of the millions of viewers are tricked into accepting the
false, non-sequitur premise that profit-oriented businessmen are "insensitive", unscrupulous, corrupt and,
somehow, the cause of misery in others. With that premise accepted, the neocheaters can then demand that value
producers be controlled by others. By others? ...By the professional value destroyers creating bogus jobs and
livelihoods for themselves.
The facts, however, are opposite to what was projected. The hotel owners were not greedily overcharging at $70
per room for welfare clients, but were grossly undercharging at $70 per room subjected to welfare destruction:
A hotel has two main assets: (1) its physical real estate (rooms), and (2) its milieu (setting) that determines what
can be charged for their rooms. In accepting those welfare clients, the owners are charging only $20 per day
additional to have their two main assets systematically destroyed, day after day. Thus, when the full-context
situation is considered, the city is renting those rooms at bargain prices in a terrible, losing proposition for the
hotel owners. For, how many other hotel owners responsible for survival through long-range profits would allow
their rooms and milieu to be destroyed for only $20 a day?
Dominating the national press and TV news media are value destroyers existing on non sequiturs:
A conservative, religious-oriented TV talk-show host devastates an honest, brave woman voicing a valid objection
to school prayer. The bully TV host dishonestly uses a non sequitur in asking her where the good, loving mother

within her is. On another network that same night, an honest value-producing toy manufacturer heroically refutes
the dishonest, non-sequitur attacks on the toy industry. By standing firm on facts and context, that toy
manufacturer has the famous TV news commentator on the defensive...until that commentator suddenly asks
where the good, gentle grandfather within that businessman is. Such emotional-manipulating non sequiturs about
being a good mother or a gentle grandfather have no connection with the issue. Such dishonest innuendos dismiss
any concern for honesty or dealing with contextual facts. ...On and on go the "news" media, day after day, year
after year, living through attacks on values by using non sequiturs without regard for honesty or contextual facts.
As with all professional mystics and neocheaters, honesty and integrity must be replaced with non-sequitur
manipulations to support their destructive jobs and fake livelihoods. Such people must constantly invert values,
making good appear as bad and bad appear as good. Neocheaters must always use non sequiturs to press their
specious points on the public. For, to survive, they must continuously attack and lay guilt on the "greedy" value
producers in order to control them, to live off them. Indeed, over the centuries, mystics and neocheaters have
effectively used non sequiturs to attack and lay false guilt on business-minded value producers everywhere. ...The
non sequitur is the neocheater's survival tool for usurping a bogus living from honest value producers.
Neocheaters conceal themselves with non sequiturs designed to make dishonesty seem honest, harm seem
helpful, bad seem good -- and vice versa. ...Non sequiturs are the disguises worn by all professional mystics and
neocheaters. Neo-Tech tears off those disguises.
Use of Non Sequiturs by Politicians: the Premier Neocheaters
Even more pervasive, destructive uses of non sequiturs arise from politicians. Throughout history, politicians
have been the premier professional neocheaters operating on grand scales.
Essentially all their public statements and "career" actions are dishonest. And, while all their dishonest actions
are harmful to society, most are deceptively hidden behind good-sounding non sequiturs. But once non sequiturs
are understood, examples of political dishonesty become so clearly obvious and plentiful that further illustration
is as unnecessary as pointing out patches of sand on the Sahara Desert.
Indeed, Neo-Tech demonstrates the politician's vulnerability -- his impotence -- his near total dependence on
dishonest non sequiturs to survive as a neocheater. And through Neo-Tech, all politicians will lose their power. For
all their non sequiturs disintegrate on exposure to Neo-Tech.
Through Neo-Tech, all politicians will eventually sink under the accumulated weight of their dishonesties. And, for
the first time, professional mystics and neocheaters will publicly be held responsible for the harm they inflict
upon value producers and society.
Personal Use of Non Sequiturs
The most harmful non sequiturs are those dwelling within each individual. Such internal non sequiturs let
mysticism survive to the harm of everyone. A person is successful and happy to the extent that person struggles
to prevent internal mysticism and non sequiturs from undermining his or her life. By contrast, projecting
mysticism or unjust non sequiturs onto others sabotages all life, undermines all personal values, eventually takes
away all love and happiness, and turns one's life toward death. Moreover, almost all hurt, pain, loss, and failure
ranging from love relationships to business careers occur through letting internal mysticism and non sequiturs
determine one's actions. ...The major struggle in life is not overcoming mysticism and neocheating from others,
but is overcoming mysticism and non sequiturs within one's own self.

Neo-Tech Demolishes
Non Sequiturs, Mysticism, Neocheating
Perhaps the single most harmful non sequitur is blaming others for one's own problems or unhappiness. That
blaming of others is often done through the simple trick of using a point to evade the point.
In reality, others can never be responsible or blamed for one's own personal problems or unhappiness. To blame
someone else for personal problems is reality-evading mysticism. The responsibility of solving one's own
problems, as well as achieving success and happiness, resides solely and without exception within one's own self.
Personal failure is almost always linked to personal mysticism, laziness, dishonesty. Such personal defaults are
rationalized away through non sequiturs. Neo-Tech, however, demolishes those non sequiturs. In doing so, NeoTech brings facts and reality back into focus while collapsing the rationalizations of mysticism. Free of non
sequiturs, the individual can recognize why personal mysticism is not a natural part of one's own self. Instead,
mysticism is a destructive alien, a diseased intruder that can be isolated and ruthlessly rejected from one's own
self through the knowledge of Neo-Tech.
Neo-Tech Promotes
Power, Prosperity, Love, and Happiness
Neo-Tech demolishes non sequiturs to end mysticism and neocheating in self and others. On expelling mysticism
from self and rejecting neocheating from others, one becomes free to function in accord with his or her own
nature. Once free of mysticism, all people will flourish naturally toward achieving prosperity, happiness, and
youth-rejuvenating immortality.
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[ 24 ] A related but less hidden, less clever, less effective tool of mystics and neocheaters is expressed by the
Latin phrase Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc ("After this, therefore because of this"). That phrase expresses the
logical-fallacy syllogism: "that because one event follows another, the former must have caused the latter." For
example: A person has a cold. He takes a large dose of vitamin C. The cold subsides. Therefore, vitamin C cures
Appendix F

The Prerequisite For Non-Aging,

Youth-Rejuvenating Immortality
is the
Collapse of Mysticism
Neo-Tech today is undercutting the entire 3000-year support structure for mysticism.[ 25 ] And the expanding,
worldwide distribution of Neo-Tech is planting the seeds for an evolution that will collapse the 2000-year hoax of
mysticism -- the entire, rickety colossus will collapse into one resounding dust heap. With mysticism wiped out,
neocheaters will perish. All conscious individuals will then be free to flourish toward their natural, open-ended
potentials for business, prosperity, happiness, and life itself. From those potentials, commercial biological
immortality will evolve rapidly through the following three steps:
The first step in achieving biological immortality is to define its meaning:
Biological immortality means to live as flesh-and-blood human beings forever -- not just an extended life, but to
live mind, body, and soul[ 26 ] as one's own non-aging self for centuries, millennia, forever. Contrary to mystical
notions, no dichotomy exists between one's mind, body, or sense of self. Thus, biological immortality is not
achieved unless the entire person, including his or her conscious awareness, memory, and especially the sense of
self is preserved fully intact, forever.
Also, important to understand is that the purpose of biological immortality is not to serve others, society, or
mankind, but to preserve forever the most precious, important value in the universe -- one's own individual,
integrated physical and conscious self. For, the moral purpose of preserving anyone, including great value
producers as Michelangelo, Mozart, Carnegie, or Einstein, is not to benefit society (even though society would
enormously benefit), but to deliver the ultimate value to that lone individual. And the ultimate value is to continue
living as an continue experiencing flesh-and-blood life, growth, thoughts, values, prosperity, love,
and happiness forever.
Finally, as identified in Neo-Tech II, III, and V, the development of human consciousness obsoletes nature's need for
aging and death. For consciousness far surpasses nature's evolutionary process in efficacy for species survival
and for adapting to environmental changes. Thus, with consciousness, the idea that aging and death is needed to
protect and evolve the conscious species is itself mystical. Instead, mysticism alone is the underlying cause of
death for all conscious beings.
The second step in achieving biological immortality is to dispel the following six myths:
1. Death is not final. Life after death exists. False. For 2000 years, neocheaters have used various lifeafter-death myths[ 27 ] to dissipate everyone's natural desire to live fully. Such myths cleverly repress
the finality of death, leaving the mystics and neocheaters in control of those who accept those myths.
...Living fully requires rejecting the life-diminishing, destructive controls and myths foisted by
Evading the finality of death lets one rationalize laziness in avoiding the concerted effort and discipline
required to live fully during the one and only opportunity anyone ever has for life and happiness.
Moreover, that evasion of the finality of death lowers a person's value of life, self-esteem, and

independence. That diminished independence, in turn, leaves a person available for control by
professional mystics and neocheaters.
Memento Mori
But, remaining fully aware of life's briefness and death's finality lets one realize the supreme value of his
or her personal life. And with that supreme valuing and cherishing of personal life, one will by nature:
o reject the life-diminishing acts of mysticism,
o reject the destructive control by neocheaters, and
o adopt the psychological/motivational conditions needed to extend forever the values of life in
order to achieve non-aging, biological immortality.
2. Everyone wants to live forever. False. Those free of mysticism can respond fully and guiltlessly to their
nature. That natural response lets a person flourish as a value producer to achieve growing prosperity
and happiness. Thus, everyone free of mysticism would want to continue flourishing and living happily
forever. But because the disease of mysticism infects most people to various degrees, almost everyone
is blocked from being fully competent, productive, and happy. Thus, most people remain unaware of the
full value of their life. Moreover, mysticism leaves many people so incompetent they feel worthless,
miserable, and eventually become imbued with a hatred toward life. Also, the supreme value of life is
further obliterated in many people by bizarre, mystical notions of life after death. Such mystically
induced depreciation of life and self-worth further reduces one's natural happiness. Indeed, people
holding a low evaluation of life and self are unhappy and feel little desire to live forever. ...For, to
passionately desire biological immortality here on Earth, a person must experience a passionate,
prosperous, happy life here on Earth.
And finally, destructive mystics and neocheaters betray their conscious nature. They program
themselves to self-destruct -- to die. Time is their enemy. Each passing day brings increasing decline to
their lives. With time, exposure of their fraud to themselves and others becomes inescapable. And then
death becomes the only way out of their own entrapment -- their own betrayal. ...Thus, biological
immortality would be their worst nightmare.
3. Living forever would deprive younger generations of opportunities. False. While this myth is spurious, it is
for some mystics the most popular objection to biological immortality. But contrary to mind-fogging
mysticism, essentially all conscious beings would be assets to one another in a free, nonmystical society.
And such people would become increasingly valuable with increasing experience and interactions over
time. Thus, no one would ever need or want to "retire", which is a conscious person's most insidious step
toward death. ...But in a mystic-free society, steady increases in conscious experiences and integrations
over time would continuously create new values, more benefits, and increased opportunities for
everyone, especially the younger generations.
4. People living forever would cause overpopulation. False. Only unconscious plants, insects, fish, animals,
and mystics can experience overpopulation. With biological immortality, the required mystic-free
business-oriented society allows each human being to easily produce more values than he or she
consumes. Each additional person, therefore, becomes an asset to society, not a liability or a drain. Thus,
increasing population in a mystic-free society increases technology and values faster than is needed to
support any expanding population. That includes expanding man-made inhabited real-estate into limitless
space as needed. ...Population growth in which quality of life declines is impossible in a mystic-free
society. For in such a society, population growth always increases the assets and prosperity of everyone.

5. Living forever would be boring. False. The opposite is the fact. For creating and increasing values is the
essence of a happy, exciting life. That, in turn, gives increasing motivation to live forever. Indeed, all new
values come from expanding knowledge. And each new unit of knowledge generates several newer units
of knowledge. Therefore, the ability to generate new knowledge is limitless. The notion of finite knowledge
is only an illusion from our present, limited-knowledge perspective. For example, late in the 19th century
as the Industrial Revolution peaked, a proposal to close the United States Patent Office was considered
because of the illusion that little new knowledge or ideas remained to be uncovered.[ 28 ] ...Knowledge is
not simply uncovered; it is generated from past knowledge. Thus, each day, new knowledge and
discoveries generate ever-broader bodies of newer knowledge. That infinite newness makes life exciting
and compelling. In a world free of mysticism, stagnation and boredom are impossible.
No one in the last century could have, for example, imagined any aspect of the computer age, genetic
engineering, super conductivity, fusion energy, or nanotechnology. Indeed, everyone was many layers of
knowledge away from concepts needed to gain even a hint of the limitless bodies of radically new
knowledge being created today. In fact, infinite knowledge upon knowledge will always be generated
(rather than uncovered) forever into the future.
The generation of new knowledge by human consciousness is the only force in the universe not
predestined or limited by nature. Indeed, only consciousness can alter the fixed patterns of nature. That
conscious alteration of nature's course creates totally new knowledge. And such new knowledge is
beyond the finite knowledge available from nature unaltered by conscious minds. Thus, an open-ended,
infinite, man-created new knowledge is forever generated without bounds or limits. Happy, exciting
human life, therefore, can keep growing forever into the future.
6. Achieving non-aging biological immortality presents technical, biological, medical, and scientific problems
that are so complex and difficult that their solutions could be unknowable or, at best, remain unsolvable
for centuries. False. While much is not known, nothing is unknowable to human consciousness. In a
mystic-free society, the best minds will focus their attention in the most urgent, intense, and efficient
manner to achieve biological immortality. For the value of conscious life will become recognized as the
supreme value of the universe. Then, with broad-based intensity, all available resources and brains will
mobilize toward forever preserving the supreme value of individual life. Out of those focused,
unregulated efforts will evolve not one but several commercially competitive routes to biological
The third and final step in achieving biological immortality is understanding the requirements for achieving [A]
personal prosperity and [B] personal freedom. In turn, achieving [A] and [B] is necessary to achieve [C]
commercial biological immortality. The formula is [A] + [B] = [C]:
[A] Achieving Personal Power, Prosperity, and Happiness
(Neo-Tech delivers power, prosperity, happiness)
What is required to achieve personal power, prosperity, and happiness? What are the most valid, authoritative
instructions for achieving success? Ironically, no such authoritative instructions for success can exist. No one
can give personal success to another. But personal success can be guaranteed through Neo-Tech. For Neo-Tech is
the essence of personal power, prosperity, happiness, and romantic love. Neo-Tech is profoundly different from
any promulgated approach to life. Neo-Tech is the diametric opposite of the various varieties of inspirational,
religious, authoritative, positive-thinking, Search-for-Excellence, and other guru, mystical, or "I'll-tell-you"

approaches. Such approaches are based on follow-the-leader dictums. By contrast, only Neo-Tech is based on a
negative -- on the elimination of mysticism -- on the curing of a disease.
Unlike the "follow-me", "I'll-show-the-way", and "I'll-give-to-you" approaches to life, Neo-Tech does not attempt to
give that which cannot be given to anyone (i.e. personal success and happiness). Instead, Neo-Tech takes away
that which can be taken from everyone (i.e. mysticism). Neo-Tech moves straight toward curing the disease of
mysticism. Today, that destructive, eventually fatal disease afflicts human beings. Curing that disease will let
everyone flourish naturally toward his or her unlimited potentials. By identifying and then eliminating mysticism in
one's self, the following five advantages accrue:
1. Gain fully integrated knowledge -- especially in competitive situations: With such knowledge, one gains
unbeatable power and advantages over those clinging to foggy, inaccurate, unintegrated, mystic-tainted
2. Think with maximum effectiveness -- free of mystical distortions: That freedom from mysticism permits
the clearest thinking, the most effective decisions, and the most advantageous, efficacious actions. And
such actions can always outflank and outcompete all mystical actions.
3. Flourish towards one's growing potential: Unencumbered by debilitating mysticism, individuals will by
nature fulfill their potentials for prosperity, happiness, and love.
4. Seize control of one's own life and future: No one is more qualified than one's own self to determine how
best to think, act, and live. Consciously or not, everyone alone chooses his or her own course through
life. With Neo-Tech, one chooses to exert the effort and discipline to be honest, responsible, competent, in
control. With mysticism, one chooses to default on that effort and discipline in favor of dishonesty,
irresponsibility, incompetence, loss of control.
5. Halt being deceived by mysticism and drained by neocheaters: Manipulating mystical illusions is the
source of neocheating deception and power. Thus, recognizing and rejecting mysticism deprives
neocheaters of their 2000-year-old tool to usurp values and power from the producers.
By nature, conscious beings can flourish toward their potential in achieving personal power, prosperity,
happiness, and love. But few do. Why? Because for 3000 years essentially every human being has been afflicted to
various degrees with mysticism. And mysticism is a disease that cuts a person off from his or her natural,
conscious self and potential. At the same time, mysticism reorients a person's consciousness from a natural,
healthy happiness and life to an unnatural, unhealthy suffering and death. But Neo-Tech can (1) cure the disease of
mysticism within one's own self and (2) eliminate the harmful effects of mysticism and neocheating projected by
others. ...Curing the disease of mysticism lets a person flourish to his or her potential power, prosperity, and
Personal success can never come from choices made by others, but only from one's own conscious choices. No
one can think or live for another. No one can show another how to flourish and achieve abiding success. Only the
individual alone is qualified -- and well qualified at that -- to learn how to flourish personally. Indeed, Neo-Tech
never tells anyone what to do. Instead, it integrates reality and honesty to eliminate mysticism. And to the extent a
person eliminates mysticism from his or her own self is the extent that person flourishes: The mystical-free state
is the natural, healthy state for conscious beings. The mystical state is an unnatural, diseased state for conscious
Free of mysticism, a person can rapidly gain competence, prosperity, and power. On building that prosperity and
power, one increasingly values his or her life. And once one senses the insane evil and waste of unnecessary

death, that person will reject death-oriented mysticism. With that rejection of mysticism, biological immortality
becomes not only possible but mandatory.
[B] Achieving Personal Freedom
(Neo-Tech delivers a free, prosperous world)
What is required to achieve a free, prosperous world? Personal freedom is being free of force and usurpation
from others. Lack of freedom prevents the motivation, research, development, and business needed to achieve
commercial biological immortality. But contrary to most social and political notions, no person or group can give
freedom or prosperity to individuals or society. Instead, one must take freedom by removing mysticism and
neocheating from self and others. Indeed, collapsing the hoax of mysticism will deliver a free and prosperous
world. Current politics or philosophies, however, cannot collapse that hoax. For they are only unintegrated fodder
for the mystics and neocheaters. And such unintegrated fodder can be easily taken out of context and manipulated
by professional mystics and neocheaters to their own parasitical, destructive ends.
Even the brilliant bodies of libertarian political ideas and Aristotelian/objectivist philosophical ideas are
discouragingly ineffective in stopping professional mystics and neocheaters. All such good-sounding political and
philosophical approaches failed because they were never integrated with business and the twin essence of
mysticism: laziness and dishonesty. Instead, they simply exposed and attacked the various hydra-headed
symptoms of mysticism and neocheating, never identifying or exorcising the essence of mysticism and
By contrast, because of its fully integrated nature, Neo-Tech interlocks facts and knowledge into an inescapable
web. Once captured in that web, those facts and knowledge can never be extricated by mystics or neocheaters for
manipulation to their destructive ends. In the past, those deceptive manipulations allowed the mystics and
neocheaters to survive and thrive. But today, against Neo-Tech, the mystics and neocheaters are helpless -finished with no revival possibilities.
With fully integrated honesty, Neo-Tech garrotes dishonesty and laziness with steel-grip tenacity until mysticism
and neocheating crumble. Thus, Neo-Tech chokes mystics and neocheaters until they strangle and crumble in
webs of their own dishonesties.
By contrast, few political, psychological, or philosophical systems even mention dishonesty, laziness, or business
as relevant. And none of those systems identify or integrate dishonesty and laziness as the essence of all that
consciously harms human life. Thus, those idea systems remain as detached, out-of-context, non sequiturs
available for easy manipulation by mystics and neocheaters -- even when those ideas clearly identify and
vigorously attack various aspects of mysticism and neocheating.
Abiding freedom and prosperity can never be achieved through political or philosophical systems that are not fully
integrated with effort, honesty, and value production versus laziness, dishonesty, and value destruction. For that
reason, even the rational political ideas of libertarianism and the valid psychological and philosophical ideas of
objectivism have made little progress against mysticism. For their ideas are unanchored, unintegrated parts of a
whole that mystics and neocheaters can easily manipulate to survive and even flourish.
Paradoxically, that failure to integrate with the nature of effort and honesty may in certain cases be intentional:
On close examination, one finds the most clever of all neocheaters are among certain authors of anti-mystical
ideas and their ironically mystical blind-faith followers. For, by using valid anti-mystical ideas as out-of-context
non sequiturs, those authors can effectively conceal their own mysticism while being lionized for their honesty
and integrity in fighting irrationality. But all the while they are indulging their personal lives with closet mysticism.
One can identify such authors as those who make no concerted effort to identify the links between mysticism,
dishonesty, and laziness within their own work or personal lives. Such authors and their disciples seldom if ever

link mysticism with its essence of dishonesty and laziness. For they do not want to identify their own mysticism -their own dishonesty and laziness.
Without the inescapable, web-locking integrations of Neo-Tech, professional mystics and skilled neocheaters can
easily manipulate, hide behind, and even profit from the most brilliant exposs and attacks aimed at them. That
phenomenon is called the Breaker Morant syndrome after the Australian movie of the same name. That movie
brilliantly and blatantly demonstrates the destructiveness of mysticism and political neocheaters.
How could anyone seeing that movie ever again accept mysticism and political neocheating? Because Breaker
Morant, along with all other such ad hoc, anti-mystical statements, lacks integration with the essence of
mysticism and neocheating. And again that essence is dishonesty and laziness. Thus such attacks on mysticism
and neocheating present no problem to clever mystics and neocheaters. For their forte is to manipulate
unintegrated ideas and true statements into deceptive non sequiturs. Specific examples of using valid ideas, facts,
and truths as non sequiturs are provided in Appendix D titled, "Why Neo-Tech Succeeds When All other Idea
Systems Fail".
Clever mystics and neocheaters thrive on Breaker Morant movies, libertarian politics, and objectivist philosophy.
For mystics and neocheaters easily use those unintegrated attacks as decoys that give the appearance of
something being done to eliminate the symptoms of mysticism and neocheating. With those decoys, professional
mystics and neocheaters can keep spreading their destructive hoax as they have for 2000 years. They can
continue outflanking such attacks, easily twisting unintegrated facts in perpetuating their mysticism and
With the Breaker Morant movies along with libertarian politics and objectivist philosophies, the mystics and
neocheaters are basically saying: "If those are your best shots, great. Fire away all you want. For we can survive
forever under such attacks, so long as you never integrate your attacks with our twin essence of dishonesty and
laziness. ...Indeed, with you also deceptively hiding your own laziness and dishonesty, we are together as secret
soulmates. We are comrades. So long live mysticism. We all need mysticism to survive!"
But, by integrating with that twin essence, Neo-Tech is systematically moving mysticism and neocheating toward
their demise. Indeed, with Neo-Tech, mysticism and neocheating for the first time in history are doomed. ...With
Neo-Tech, the disease of mysticism is cured -- a prosperous, happy world free of mystics and neocheaters is
guaranteed forever.
The Vehicle to Biological Immortality is Business
Business is the highest evolution of consciousness, responsibility, and morality. No other living organism is even
remotely able to function on a business level. The essences of business are honesty, effort, responsibility,
integration, abstraction, conceptualization, objectivity, long-range planning, discipline, thought, control. Business
creates essentially every major human value, ranging from the development of consciousness, language,
mathematics, the arts, up to the electronic and biogenic revolutions. And now, from business comes Neo-Tech, the
cure for mysticism and the key to commercial biological immortality.
Neo-Tech I-V is a fully integrated system of ideas and values that is penetrating the public arena around the world
through competitive business dynamics. By subjecting Neo-Tech to harsh business disciplines, its ideas rapidly
reach markets far beyond small circles of elitists and academe. Without being subject to the intense, disciplined
efforts of business and marketing, Neo-Tech would have languished unrecognized and undeveloped perhaps for
centuries, trapped in those small, closed circles of less-evolved, nonbusiness intellectuals. But by jumping in the
front trenches and applying hard-nosed business and marketing disciplines, the extraordinary practical benefits
of Neo-Tech are becoming known to millions of honest working men and women around the world. And marketing

through a high-effort, high-discipline business structure provides fast, efficient distribution of Neo-Tech values,
ideas, and advantages worldwide.
Until now, the most widely circulated system of ideas has been the Holy Bible. But biblical ideas can be and are
mystically and malevolently destructive. For centuries, biblical ideas have provided the philosophical ammunition
to diminish happiness, drain prosperity, and neocheat productive people on a grand scale.
By contrast, Neo-Tech ideas benefit everyone by providing the practical tools to eliminate mysticism and
neocheating -- to enhance the life of everyone. Thus, life-enhancing Neo-Tech ideas will increasingly replace lifediminishing biblical or mystical ideas as the source of philosophical values for all honest, productive people -- for
all people who count. That, in turn, will establish the social, political, and business conditions needed to achieve
youth-rejuvenating immortality.
[C] Achieving Biological Immortality in our Lifetime
What is required to achieve biological immortality in our lifetime? Ironically, the various life-extension and quasi
immortality approaches will not accomplish that goal and can actually retard its achievement. For those
approaches themselves are often mystical, especially faddish nutritional/vitamin and wishful-thinking cryonic
approaches. Such approaches serve as decoys, deflecting attention away from the anti-mystical requirements
needed to achieve commercial biological immortality. Indeed, biological immortality can be quickly accomplished
only after eliminating mysticism. Thus, the fully integrated honesty spawned by Neo-Tech is essential for
collapsing the 2000-year hoax of mysticism. Moreover, only through integrated honesty can people become happy
enough to want passionately to live forever.
Within any society free of mysticism and neocheating, the supreme value of conscious human life and commercial
biological immortality would become manifestly evident. At that point, the most efficient deployment of brain
power and financial resources would be focused directly on achieving youth-rejuvenating immortality as quickly
as possible. And at today's level of knowledge and technology combined with Neo-Tech, the goal of biological
immortality could be accomplished within a decade by several independent routes, including various
nanotechnologies and other routes outlined in Neo-Tech V.
The Point of Biological Immortality
To exist forever as a living organism is not the point of biological immortality. The point is to live forever as a
growing, conscious being. With that being the point, the purpose of biological immortality is clear and simple -- to
experience growing happiness forever. ...Consider the following five items:
1) Conscious individuals in a mystic-free world can forever create new knowledge as demonstrated in dispelling
Myth #5 (page 424) that living forever would be boring.
2) The value of life is measured in terms of both current happiness and potential for future happiness.
3) Increasing current and future happiness is linked to increasing one's control over nature. That increasing
control over nature lets one produce rational values for self and others with increasing efficacy and power.
4) Increasing efficacy and power is dependent on developing and using new knowledge free of mysticism.
5) Since knowledge is built upon knowledge, availability of new knowledge is limitless. Thus, with time, mystic-free
conscious beings gain ever greater knowledge and power. With increasing time and knowledge, therefore, mysticfree conscious life becomes evermore valuable and happy.
Forever preserving one's growing value and happiness is not only the purpose of biological immortality, but is the
prime moral responsibility of each conscious being. Because new knowledge forever develops in a mystic-free
world, conscious beings can with biological immortality forever experience expanding value production and
happiness. For, with such value production, happiness can expand endlessly into never-before-known realms of
pleasure, knowledge, and accomplishments.

The achievement of youth-rejuvenating immortality is possible well within most of our lifetimes. But that
achievement depends on collapsing the 2000-year hoax of mysticism and eliminating neocheaters. Various quasiimmortality approaches such as life-extension health regimens may at best offer some health-awareness benefits.
But those approaches obscure the need to eliminate mysticism in order to achieve commercial biological
immortality. In fact, many life-extension approaches, especially the nutritional/vitamin approaches are
themselves mystical. For those approaches usurp scientific credibility with non-sequitur, unscientific, out-ofcontext, empirical information. Such approaches contradict the requirements for achieving biological immortality.
Likewise, the various mystical, non-sequitur, positive-thinking, and Search-For-Excellence approaches undermine
the achievement of personal success and happiness. For personal success and happiness require identifying,
attacking, and then eliminating mysticism within one's personal self. In addition, the non-sequitur nature of most
libertarian-political, objectivist-philosophical approaches undermines achieving a free and prosperous world. In
all cases, the elimination of mysticism and neocheating requires a constant focus on identifying and integrating
their twin essence of laziness and dishonesty.
Achieving personal success and happiness in a free, prosperous world is a requisite for achieving commercial
Biological Immortality. Together, those requisites require the eradication of a single negative -- the disease of
mysticism with its symptomatic 2000-year reign of neocheaters.
But today, through the Neo-Tech Discovery, the essence of mysticism and neocheating has been fully and
integrally identified for the first time in history. That essence is laziness and dishonesty. Aiming directly at that
twin essence, Neo-Tech provides both the diagnosis and cure for the disease of mysticism. Through Neo-Tech, the
worldwide collapse of mysticism has begun. Concomitantly, the powerful rule of effort and honesty through the
competitive dynamics of Neo-Tech business is already pushing back the rule of deception and force by mystics
and neocheaters. ...Business is the antithesis of mysticism. And honest business people are the antithesis of
dishonest mystics and neocheaters.
With the collapse of mysticism, the supreme value of conscious life will soar above all else. At the same time, the
quintessential commercial product, Youth-Rejuvenating Immortality, will become stunningly obvious. And with that
supreme valuation of conscious life combined with the collapse of mysticism, full mobilization efforts to develop
commercial biological immortality will begin. All viable scientific, technical, and medical efforts will be directed
into a rainbow of competitive products that will hurl mankind toward commercial biological immortality. With
today's knowledge of Neo-Tech combined with our current level of technology and the free-market mobilization of
commercial efforts, biological immortality could be available to everyone in a decade or less.
People must earn full-scale prosperity to love life and experience happiness with enough passion to motivate
rapid, full-scale development of youth-rejuvenating immortality. Neo-Tech will trigger that full-scale prosperity
through competition. And that competition will free millions of productive individuals around the world from both
the fatal disease of mysticism and the value-destroying chains of neocheating. Once free, all value producers will
flourish naturally toward open-ended prosperity, happiness, and values. They will flourish by (1) collapsing
mysticism, (2) rejecting false guilt for living productively and fully, and thus (3) rendering all neocheaters
impotent. That, in turn, will unlock the needed motivation to develop commercial biological immortality rapidly -within a few years.
The entire purpose of biological immortality is to experience ever increasing happiness -- to experience future
realms of the joys, pleasures, and happiness available only from conscious life. Such forever-unfolding happiness

is available to every conscious being living in a mystic-free world of forever-evolving knowledge, adventure, and
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[ 25 ] Mysticism began with the discovery of the conscious mind 3000 years ago. But manipulation of mysticism
by neocheaters did not begin on a major scale until the development of Christian guilt 2000 years ago.
[ 26 ] Soul as used in Neo-Tech means the essence of one's conscious self and has no mystical connotations.
[ 27 ] Life-after-death myths range from heaven and reincarnation incantations to scientific-cloaked cryonic
[ 28 ] In 1899, U. S. Patent Office Director, Charles H. Duall, stated, "Everything that can be invented has been
of the
Mystic-Free Mind
Mind Power
No, this is not what everyone has heard countless times in countless ways from professional mystics and
neocheaters for 2000 years. No, this is not positive thinking, cosmic consciousness, higher consciousness, the
subliminal mind, the subconscious mind, the spiritual mind -- or any other form of automatic, "higher power"
acquired through mystical faith or effortless believing. No, for all those good-sounding but false, mystical
approaches deliver exactly the opposite of what they promise. All those mystical approaches, in one way or
another, diminish the power of the conscious mind -- the human protective system, the human immune system. All
those mystical approaches short-circuit the mind to block or prevent limitlessly wide mental integrations. By
contrast, super-wide integrations lead to omnipotence over all people blocked or restricted by mysticism. ...Once
free of mysticism, any healthy human mind can make ever wider, ever more-powerful integrations to discover the
omnificent Neo-Tech/Neothink mind.
Bingo! -- A Winner!
Compare the human mind to a computer chip. That chip cannot release its mighty power until the last defect is
removed. But remove that defect and bingo! -- the full power of that computer chip is suddenly released to
obsolete all electronic circuitry of past history. That defect-free chip then provides the base for ever more-

powerful integrating devices with ever-increasing capacities. ...Compare that defect-free chip to the mystic-free
Neo-Tech/Neothink mind:
The mystic-free Neo-Tech/Neothink mind is healthy, consistent, omnipotent -- the exact opposite of the mysticcontaminated mind, which is unhealthy, arbitrary, impotent. Indeed, remove all mystical defects from any human
mind and bingo! -- the full power of Neo-Tech/Neothink is suddenly released to obsolete all mind circuitry of past
history. For, that mystic-free mind is free of all defects or integration blockers. And those defects or integration
blockers are what cause areas of blindness and stupidness that make one incompetent or uncompetitive in those
defective areas. By removing those defects or integration blockers, one can easily outcompete and outflank those
still crippled with mystic-contaminated minds.
Here Comes the X-Factor
What is the X-Factor? The X-Factor is that integration of knowledge which will collapse the entire superstructure
of mysticism and eliminate all its symbiotic neocheaters. Once that combination of knowledge (the X-Factor) has
been discovered and released, that collapse will occur swiftly, easily, completely. Why? Because the entire
mystical/neocheating hoax is unnatural, unstable, and built on nothing. In fact, that hoax is nothing more than an
unstable, 2000-year collection of fragile illusions waiting to be shattered and collapsed.
I & O Publishing Company through its Neo-Tech Research and Writing Center has identified the X-Factor and is
now collapsing the hoax of mysticism.
Conscious Mysticism versus Subconscious Mysticism
After twenty years of explicitly identifying, building, and integrating knowledge about mysticism and neocheating, I
& O Publishing is the only company or entity in history with the tools and knowledge to collapse mysticism and
eliminate its neocheaters. The key to collapsing mysticism and eliminating its symbiotic neocheaters (the XFactor) is not to focus on the specific evils or obvious destructions of professional mystics and neocheaters.
Instead, the key is to focus on the most subtle, innocent forms of mysticism deep within one's own mind:
A person must first explicitly reject obvious, external mysticism and then eliminate internal, conscious mysticism.
For the more one rejects the obvious, gross forms of external and conscious mysticism, the more advantages
accrue for that person to turn inward and purge or "edit out" the final traces of mysticism buried deep within the
An Analogy -- Purging the God Concept
Purging or editing mysticism from one's mind is similar to editing written work. For powerful writing, one must
first purge or edit out gross errors before more subtle, more powerful edits are possible. Much of I & O's written
work undergoes as many as forty to sixty edits before commercial release. Each edit level allows a previously
impossible focus on ever more subtle, more powerful edits. The final edits, impossible without those previous
more-obvious edits, yield the most powerful results. Likewise, for a supra-powerful conscious mind, one must
first root out the gross, obvious levels of mysticism and dishonesty -- such as purging grossly dishonest illusions
built around the false power of value destroyers or the zany beliefs in God or other non-existent authorities. Then
rooting out other increasingly subtle levels of mysticism is both possible and necessary to discover those final
traces of mysticism. Removing those final traces of mystical contamination suddenly yields a supra-wideintegrating Neo-Tech/Neothink mind. Against that super-powerful integrating mind, no professional mystic,
neocheater, or any other mystic-contaminated mind can compete.
That final elimination of subconscious mysticism is what suddenly lets the mind integrate all knowledge over
infinitely wide ranges. In addition, with a mystic-free mind, the left and right brain can, for the first time, fully

integrate together to deliver synergistic power. And that mystic-free, left and right brain integration is what
propels the human mind into wide-open, supra-powerful, Neo-Tech/Neothink integrations.
An Example -- The Seven Neo-Tech Waves
Subconscious mystical blockages have always prevented full, free-flowing integrations of the left brain with the
right brain. On removing those blockages, the left-and-right brain integrates fully, freely to deliver explosive
power. For example, contemplate the power of fully integrating left-brain business and strategy with right-brain
art and love.
The Seven Neo-Tech Waves will specifically demonstrate the explosive power of mystic-free, left-and-right brain
integrations. ...The Seven Neo-Tech Waves wash away mysticism and neocheating.
Mysticism's Last Line of Defense:
Protecting the Darkest of Subconscious Feelings
Secret protection of the darkest, subconscious feelings produces a fatal virus: Those dark feelings which
everyone protects are the aversions to combining consistent, integrated thinking effort with fully integrated
honesty. The cause of those protected feelings is laziness and dishonesty, which is the twin essence of mysticism.
Almost everyone today, including seemingly mystic-free people, are inflicted with those most subtle, most
protected feelings of mysticism. Those feelings produce a virus that causes short-circuiting tumors. Such tumors
block the mind from making limitlessly wide integrations with all knowledge. ...That virus and its short-circuiting
tumors are the final yet fatal barricade to the supra-powerful, immortal, Neo-Tech/Neothink mind.
Mysticism -- The Fatal Virus of the Conscious Mind
After identifying and rejecting all external and conscious mysticism, a person can finally focus on and then purge
or "edit out" the most subtle of subconscious mysticism from his or her brain circuitry. That mysticism is present
in human beings as a fatal virus transmitted from nature's bicameral mind 3000 years ago. That virus works to
damage and then destroy the protective elements of the man-created conscious mind. That destruction of those
protective elements eventually engulfs and then undermines man-made efforts to protect forever the physical
body -- undermines man-made efforts to achieve biological immortality. In that way, mysticism has ended the life
of every conscious being who has ever lived on planet Earth. ...But today, the discovery of Neo-Tech will lead to the
cure for mysticism -- the disease that brings unhappiness and death to everyone.
Unlimited Integrations
Delivers Omnificent Power
The computer chip on becoming free of defects suddenly breaks from being an inefficient curiosity into a superefficient integrator of electronic power. Likewise, the human mind free of mystical defects suddenly breaks from
being a blocked or stagnated thinking device into a super-efficient integrator of knowledge.
Once the final, most subtle mystical defects are identified and removed, one immediately recognizes the explosive
power of the mystic-free mind. For that person can suddenly use his or her newly freed left-and-right synergistic
brain to execute unlimited integrations of knowledge in all directions and all dimensions -- intellectually and
artistically. And then, with that newly harnessed power, any individual can achieve whatever is possible in any
area of knowledge.
Evolving into the Neo-Tech/Neothink mind delivers such power that the single, mystic-free individual suddenly
becomes much more powerful than the professional mystics, the professional neocheaters, and all their
organizations combined. Suddenly the impotent nothingness of those who live parasitically through false power
becomes obvious. Suddenly mystics and neocheaters become hapless, pathetic, insignificant -- a sick joke. The

source of their false power collapses as their tired old arsenal of guns, fists, prosecutors, blood, and jails
becomes obsolete, ineffective, ridiculous. ...Professional mystics and neocheaters suddenly become pip-squeaks
and clowns.
Mystics and Neocheaters Will Perish
An earlier document about Neo-Tech advises:
Quit Praying
Outcompete God
That advice is not hyperbole. For, God is a silly but virulent creation of the mystic-diseased mind. Moreover, the
dishonest God concept serves as a powerful manipulation tool for many neocheaters. But clean, honest NeoTech/Neothink easily outcompetes the corrupt, dishonest God concept.
Yes, the value destroyers around the world will be laughed out of their bogus livelihoods. Then they will perish and
be forgotten forever. ...Or they themselves will dismiss mysticism and neocheating to become happy, prosperous,
value producers forever into the future.
Happy and Powerful Forever
As people purge from their minds that fatal, viral infection of mysticism, they become clean, they become
innocent, they become happy, they become powerful -- forever.
The Old,
Neocheating/Neothink System

The New,
Neo-Tech/Neothink System

Used by professional mystics and master neocheaters to

dominate religions and governments in order to usurp
unearned power and livelihoods.

Never before identified, thus, never before

fully used by value producers to earn the
mightiest power.

Delivers only destructions.

Delivers only values.

Fatally flawed by mysticism. Closed boundaries. Mystical

contaminations always leave restricted, closed-end integration
capacity and limited power. Thus, this power system exists
only through deception, force, or fraud -- has no genuine

Mystic-free, flaw-free. No boundaries.

Unlimited, open-ended integrating capacity
and power. This power system exists through
the competitive dynamics of business -- has
genuine power.

Unnatural and unwanted once understood by those with real

Natural and wanted by value producers.

power -- the value producers. Produces no values.

Produces unlimited values for others and


Intentionally integrated dishonesty: The moribund power

system of the past.

Fully integrated honesty: The newly born

power system of the future.

Awaits being confronted, outcompeted, obsoleted, and finally

collapsed by Neo-Tech.

Poised through the dynamics of competition to

dominate all power thinking on planet Earth.

Appendix G
Mysticism and Neocheating into
Prosperity and Happiness
Mysticism Creates Problems Where None Previously Existed
Business Creates Values Where None Previously Existed
About 2000 years ago, a new form of dishonesty evolved. Today, that form of dishonesty is called neocheating.
Today, as in those ancient times, neocheating involves the undetected theft of power and values from others. Such
undetected theft is accomplished by manipulating mysticism to create problems where none exist.
Christian religious leaders orchestrated the first mass manipulations of mysticism: About 1800 years ago, those
religious leaders discovered a mighty tool for extracting power and values from merchants, laborers, farmers,
craftsmen, builders, and other value producers. That tool was false guilt. They used false guilt to undermine
prosperity and happiness earned by others. Projecting false guilt, those religious leaders attacked and
undermined the producer in order to usurp his earned power and values.
Those earliest neocheaters discovered they could control and then live off the value producer by manipulating
that false guilt onto him or her. From that discovery, those neocheaters usurped more and more power and
values from the naive value producers by adding more and more false guilt fashioned from the inverted ethics of
religion and altruism.
Christianity was founded almost 2000 years ago. For many years, Christian followers formed cadres of zealots
who resisted, heroically at times, the oppression of Roman authorities. Then certain Christian leaders seeking
greater unearned power discovered and developed a neocheating power more pernicious than any destructive
power known previously. That power destroyed Roman civilization. And that same power today undermines the
prosperity and happiness of every individual worldwide. ...That power is false, altruistic guilt in which the innocent
are made to appear bad while the guilty are made to appear good.

Those original religious neocheaters learned how to foist altruism and guilt onto innocent value producers to
deprive them of their earned prosperity, power, and happiness. Moreover, those early Christian neocheaters
developed cunning, Platonistic ethical systems that inverted values. Their bizarre, irrational systems were based
on altruism, collectivism, and egalitarianism. So effective were those systems for secretly exploiting others that
to this day most neocheaters vigorously and pervasively press hypocritical altruism on everyone as a moral
ethical system. ...But today, Neo-Tech is replacing those dishonest, mystic-based, value-destroying systems with
honest, business-like, value-producing systems.
Most neocheating systems use clever, good-sounding non sequiturs that make good appear bad and bad appear
good. With non sequiturs, neocheaters developed diabolically ingenious doctrines of altruism to sacrifice real
values to conjured-up false values. The net result is always the destruction of values. Over the centuries,
neocheaters have neatly woven destructive rationalizations, seductive mysticism, and good-sounding altruism
throughout government, religion, education, law, and journalism.
By contrast, of all the ethical systems built by society, only the system of business with its manifestations of
honesty, productivity, commerce, mathematics, and science is not rooted in mysticism or altruism. Instead,
business is rooted in the voluntary trading of competitive values. Thus, by nature, business is the most rational,
intellectually demanding, honest, productive, and benevolent ethical system possible to conscious beings.
But why is altruism so pernicious? Consider that religious and political neocheaters have for 2000 years honed
altruistic guilt into razor-sharp, well-camouflaged stilettos to attack, slash, and stab the value producers. For, to
survive, all professional mystics and neocheaters must constantly attack and undermine those producers in order
to usurp their power, property, and values. Also, to survive, the rewards of prosperity, self-esteem, and
happiness must constantly be faked by all neocheaters. For without faking their self-worth, they could not survive:
Without a faked or rationalized self-esteem, all value destroyers would either directly or indirectly commit
suicide...or become honest value producers to survive.
Earned power is the basis of self-esteem and happiness. Honest business titans, for example, have earned the
power to orchestrate vast ranges of actions to determine their futures. Indeed, by picking up the telephone
anywhere, day or night, they have the power to direct thousands of people into productive, life-enhancing
activities. Those business titans hold a real power that mystics and neocheaters never even dream of achieving.
Exercising such productive power is the primordial source of prosperity, self-esteem, and happiness.
By contrast, professional mystics and neocheaters can never experience earned power. They can only exercise
usurped power. Or ultimately, as mass-murderer Mao Tse-Tung accurately identified: "All political (unearned)
power comes from the barrel of a gun." For that reason, such neocheaters can never feel genuine power, selfesteem, or happiness. Indeed, they can operate only through unearned power...through destruction, deception, and
force in beguiling or forcing producers into sacrificing their values.
Such professional mystics and neocheaters survive by using non-sequitur deceptions or force-backed
machinations to drain the prosperity and happiness earned by others. Mystics and neocheaters justify their
dishonesties and destructions through specious Platonistic philosophies based on "higher" causes and altruism
that were designed solely to extort values earned by others.
Two Classes of People:
Value Producers vs. Value Destroyers
Two fundamentally different classes of conscious beings exist in free or semi-free societies:
(1) those who choose to live by exerting integrated physical and mental efforts to produce competitive values for
others and society (or those who are learning or striving to be competitive value producers), and

(2) those who choose to live by avoiding competitive efforts in designing their lives to live off the efforts of others
and society.
The sense of life, honesty, and maturity between those two classes are opposites: Value producers share a
confidence-driven goodwill and an effort-driven competence. But value destroyers share a resentment-driven
cynicism and a laziness-driven incompetence. That incompetence fuels destructive envy aimed at the value
producer upon whom everyone depends for prosperity and survival.
With the preceding knowledge, one realizes that politicians and clergymen as well as most lawyers, journalists,
academics, union leaders, and bureaucrats live by destroying rather than producing values. Thus, they live by
attacking or harming the producers, their businesses, their products. ...With that knowledge, one recognizes how
profoundly different value producers are from value destroyers.
Those Who Live by Attacking Value Producers
Professional mystics and neocheaters are clever, scheming people with well-camouflaged, criminal minds. They
steal physical and psychological livings from the producer with no one realizing their thefts. Without their victim's
knowledge, they orchestrate manipulations of mysticism, using non sequiturs to produce deceptive illusions. With
those illusions, they attack, undermine, and lay guilt on innocent value producers while making the good seem bad
and the bad seem good...the innocent appear guilty and the guilty appear innocent.
Ironically, the most vicious neocheaters fashion illusions so they appear as paragons of justice, benevolence, or
compassion. But they are the exact opposite. Indeed, vicious neocheaters are not only the Marxists and Maoists
who ravage or kill everyone, but are the force-backed bureaucrats, the anti-business regulators, and the Giulianitype prosecutors along with their politician, clergy, academic, and journalist cheerleaders. Also, included among
the vicious value destroyers are those union leaders, "consumer advocates", "environmentalists", "peace
advocates", and Armand-Hammer-type business quislings who live by attacking the value producers or supporting
the value destroyers. As demonstrated throughout the Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia, such mystics and
neocheaters are responsible for subtle, undetected destruction, suffering, and killings far beyond all the bloodiest
wars combined, which are also staged by professional mystics and neocheaters.
And what about those responsible for such force-backed bureaucracies as the FDA, EPA, IRS, OSHA, HEW? Those
people live by directly and indirectly attacking businesses, producers, and objective values. They are among the
cleverest, deadliest neocheaters. For they gain their power through draining others on well-hidden, but massively
destructive scales.[ 29 ] (For specific examples, see "The Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia.")
Such neocheaters undercut values and drain happiness from everyone. Without a qualm or backward glance at
their wreckage, they blithely commit any destruction they can get away with in order to keep or increase their
unearned power. Honesty means nothing to them. Long ago they abandoned the concepts of integrity, rationality,
and honest competitive effort. Yet, those neocheaters succeed by creating illusions that they care about life...that
they protect, help, or save the lives of others. Thus, with bizarre irony, they make themselves appear as
compassionate benefactors of mankind. Indeed, until the recent discovery of Neo-Tech, neocheaters for 2000
years succeeded in appearing as benefactors worthy of respect. But now, with Neo-Tech, they are exposed for
what they are -- value-destroying pip squeaks worthy only of contempt.
Stealing a Living versus Earning a Living
In stealing their livings through dishonest "for-the-public-good" laws and regulations forced upon entire
populations, government-type neocheaters eventually cost the lives of thousands even millions of innocent
persons while diminishing everyone's life. Such neocheaters range from power-type bureaucracy builders to
Mussolini-type crowd pleasers, to Nader-type government manipulators, to Silent-Spring type social authors. Yet,

those value destroyers always display look-good, non-sequitur evidence (e.g. "helping" the poor, prompt trains,
consumer protection, "clean" water). Through their force-backed laws and regulations, they point to the "good"
they do and the people they "protect" from the businessmen, the Jews, the industrialists, the factories -- from the
value producers. Backed by neocheating quislings in business (the white-collar hoax) and neocheating
collaborators in the media and the academe, such master neocheaters victimize all value producers. But those
collaborators will also become victims. For today, with Neo-Tech, all such collaborators will sooner or later be
stripped of their unearned well-being and smug security. They all will pay the price for supporting the destructive
machinations of professional mystics and neocheaters. ...Through Neo-Tech, justice will prevail.
All master neocheaters fake compassion as they pretend to benefit and protect the majority, the minorities, the
government, the country, the master race, the poor, the masses, the worker, the consumer. But instead, through
dishonest manipulations of mysticism, they relentlessly diminish and destroy human values and lives.
Without the slightest care, they live by hurting or destroying innocent others, often by the millions. Consider
Hitler's splendid-looking, mystically motivated, Panzer Divisions that blitzkrieged across Europe. They rendered
their constant destructions without the slightest care or even a backward glance at the destroyed lives, shattered
businesses, and flattened homes they left behind. Everyday, by the thousands, the life-long efforts of producers
were destroyed in an instant by the neocheaters' marching minions. For such value destroyers never honestly
think -- they never think or integrate what productive effort is, what creating values means, or who creates the
values they use every day to live comfortably, safely, easily. Instead, they blindly, mystically render their
destructions, every day leaving behind broken lives and rubble. ...So what! cry the neocheating masters as they
gloriously roll on attacking and destroying the lives and efforts of innocent value producers. For, the more
destruction such neocheaters render, the more secure and powerful they feel.
Those neocheaters just roll on, never considering the carnage they leave behind. For them, destroying the lives,
property, and values of others is their only route to power and control. For them, usurping and destroying values
(requires only force and deception) are much easier than earning and producing values (requires hard work and
honesty). Thus, they dare never to glance back at their products of destruction, which are the only products they
can deliver. ...Be they "liberal" politicians, conservative evangelists, modern preachers, pseudo business
executives, white-collar-hoax business quislings, dishonest journalists, or neocheating academics, they all must
live without regard for honesty or reality while attacking producers and destroying values.
Consider the highly publicized, "liberal"-type politicians or the highly visible, fact-twisting journalists. Such master
neocheaters build their unearned power by, for example, partaking in the orchestrated destruction of the innocent
value producers in Cuba, Cambodia, Vietnam, Nicaragua, and soon South Africa. They spread death and
destruction under a maze of dishonest, neocheating guises, including so-called human rights, while ignoring
individual rights. Indeed, they must bury individual rights in order to keep usurping power and values. ...Without
Neo-Tech to stop them, they would keep escalating their damage until all value producers were crippled or
Those Who Live by Attacking Values
Also, as identified in the Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia, among the subtlest yet most vicious neocheaters are
those orchestrating agencies such as the INS, IRS, EPA, SEC, and FDA. Those agencies through their force-backed
regulations cause the unnecessary sufferings and deaths of innocent people by the millions. The motives of those
responsible for attacking values have nothing to do with helping or protecting anyone, but have everything to do
with usurping a living by intimidating value producers into obedience, controlling their means of production, and
usurping their values.

What values, for example, has the FDA and its prosecutors ever produced for anyone? They survive entirely by
attacking and hindering those who produce life-enhancing values for others. Through power-usurping regulations,
the FDA throttles the entire drug industry. Through unscientific, dishonest, emotionally appealing demands for
"risk-free" products, they ply their power-generating regulations. And their costly, destructive regulations delay
for years or outright prevent the development and marketing of thousands of life-enhancing drugs and life-saving
Without government regulations and controls, the producers long ago would have developed (with voluntarily
accepted risks) definitive cures for essentially all diseases, ailments, and malfunctions ranging from deadly
cancer, heart disease, and AIDS to the agonies of arthritis, the sadness of senility, and the costly economic and
fitness losses caused by the common cold, backpain, and headaches. How many lives are lost, how many values
are destroyed, how much suffering is endured to support the bogus livelihoods within just one clique of value
destroyers in a single government bureaucracy?
Consider the destruction those bureaucrats wreak in usurping their fake jobs without producing values. ...Such
neocheaters represent the most cleverly hidden, criminally destructive elements in our society. Indeed, such
neocheaters are highly leveraged purveyors of poverty, suffering, destruction, and death.
But, today, even more subtly destructive neocheaters crawl from the swamps of mysticism. They have found a
new weapon that without the defense of Neo-Tech would eventually decimate all value producers and their means
of production. Those new-breed neocheaters are attorneys who blend tort liability with the malevolence of
altruism and the envy of egalitarianism. That new weapon is aimed straight at penalizing success and destroying
the means to produce values. ...The intended victims are the "deep pockets" of the most successful, innocent, and
beneficent value producers on this planet.
Those Who Live by Producing Values
No matter how much false power neocheaters gain by attacking the producer and usurping values, they never can
escape a fact they all want to deny: Honest, productive effort is the act of living. Thus, productive effort is the only
source of genuine power, honest prosperity, and abiding happiness. Nor can the neocheaters stop Neo-Tech from
collapsing mysticism and eliminating their means of survival. They cannot stop Neo-Tech from ending their 2000year reign of destruction, pain, suffering, and killing. For, productive effort integrated with Neo-Tech forms a
matrix that cannot be broken by mysticism or its symbiotic neocheaters -- a matrix of competitive values,
prosperity, and happiness.
Once the value producers see the mystics and neocheaters through Neo-Tech, nothing can blind them again.
Darkness can never return. Once free of mysticism and neocheating, nothing can deny the producers from gaining
their earned power, prosperity, and happiness.
The Mystic Mind versus The Business Mind
As throughout history, most philosophers live by attacking the power and value of the conscious mind. They do
that by promoting dishonest, cleverly integrated non sequiturs designed to subordinate man's power and
responsibility to profound-sounding, "higher" authorities that do not and cannot exist. Likewise, most authors of
philosophically, politically, or socially oriented books (including economic, management, and business books by
non-business or academe-oriented authors), operate from the same specious base of non sequiturs: Their books
or works sound good while directly or indirectly attacking value producers and undermining business values.
Rather than exerting the effort and discipline required to produce values, they choose to subvert values as their
route to unearned respect, power, and money. Such authors are identified as:
1. Those who avoid integrating their work with disciplined honesty and competitive effort.

2. Those who promote mystical notions or altruistic rhetoric to extract respect, power, and prosperity
from the value producers.
Business, The Fountainhead of Happiness
Before Neo-Tech, no philosopher, academic, or author had integrally identified how business is the prime source
of earned values, power, prosperity, and happiness. Also, before Neo-Tech, all mystics and neocheaters had
successfully concealed three facts:
1. Business-type thinking represents the most intellectual, disciplined, and integrated use of the conscious
2. Business-type action is the fountainhead of earned values, power, wealth, and happiness.
3. Business-type action is the prime mechanism for all competent efforts and competitive values.
But most important, mystics and neocheaters have for 2000 years hidden the crowning reward of business. That
reward is happiness, which in turn is the purpose of all human life. Genuine happiness and benevolent power are
available in never-ending quantities through business. Nothing even comes close to business as a source of
earned values, genuine power, and abiding happiness. But mystics and neocheaters with their guilt-projecting
altruism and envious egalitarianism have blocked the producers from recognizing business as the fountainhead of
all values. And, thus they succeed in blocking the producers from collecting their earned prosperity and
happiness. ...But today, the unhappiness of mysticism is yielding to the happiness of business.
The Happiness Manager
Recognizing the constant injustices inflicted on innocent businesses and producers by mystics and neocheaters, I
& O Publishing Company developed a key management position: The Happiness Manager. That position is integrated
with the Industrial Philosophy Department, which was also first established by I & O Publishing Company. The
Happiness Manager has three responsibilities:
1. Orchestrate company actions so all associates explicitly collect the power, prosperity, and happiness
earned by their productive efforts.
2. Prevent earned rewards of power and happiness from being diminished by trouble-making mystics or
usurped by destructive neocheaters.
3. Rid I & O of all dealings with such trouble-making mystics and destructive neocheaters...both inside and
outside the company.
Neo-Tech and Business
for Power, Prosperity, and Happiness
Neo-Tech V outlines the business, management, and marketing structure of I & O Publishing Company. That
structure integrates growth and prosperity with power and happiness. Thus, Neo-Tech enhances the power,
prosperity, and happiness of everyone contributing to I & O's goal. And that goal is to collapse mysticism and
neocheating around the world so all productive individuals can (1) collect their earned power, prosperity, and
happiness, and (2) achieve non-aging biological immortality.
The following two tables provide specific Neo-Tech approaches to business that deliver values, power, prosperity,
and happiness.

Table 1







Align and then integrate personal goals with business goals to gain maximum efficacy, power, and
Use the managerial experience, business knowledge, and financial backing available from within the
company to build power into self and career.
Assume a competitive attitude. All profit-dependent jobs exist in a hard-fact, competitive world. Each
individual stands ultimately alone to compete and survive. Each individual stands uniquely alone to build
his or her own life and happiness through his or her own strengths, integrated thinking, and productive
Act consistently and vigorously on objective reality to produce competitive values. For producing
competitive values is the source of all earned wealth, power, and happiness.
Acknowledge values in others. Criticize only in constructive ways and only with positive motives.
Support and protect (never undermine) the most important assets for the future. Those assets are the
customers, employees, management, and owners of the company.
Create and build rather than complain and wish. Avoid "recreating" reality to accommodate thoughts,
wishes, fears, or emotions. For that is mysticism, which leads not only to incompetence but to destructive
Think out and then write down ideas, problems, and possible solutions. Avoid "discussions" about
problems, especially personal problems or problems of others. Instead, concentrate on solving own
problems through integrated thinking and rational actions.
Formulate own thoughts about actions and decisions. Never assume the conclusions or actions of
management are automatically right or best.
Challenge management and existing ideas through carefully thought-out, honestly integrated, succinct
communications -- preferably in writing rather than through casual suggestions, lengthy discussions, or
problem-making complaints.
Avoid consuming time of self, management, and others in discussing undeveloped ideas. Instead, develop
ideas without involving others. Then present only developed ideas as thought-out, written action plans.
...Undeveloped ideas are easy, common, worth little or nothing, and usually waste precious time.
Increase access to the values of others by always acknowledging those individuals from whom values
Communicate facts in accurate, objective context. Keep those facts free of mystical distortions, whims,
and emotions. For efficient, honest business communication is required to generate growing profits.
Avoid purposely omitting essential information in any communication. For that is dishonest and
Act exclusively on objective reality -- never act on emotions that seek escape from problems, selfresponsibility, and effort: Avoiding problems equals stagnation and death. Solving problems equals
growth and life.
Act exclusively on integrated thinking and reason -- the only source of values, prosperity, and happiness.

Table 2

Assume responsibility for advancing the company and its goals. Take actions required for increasing
growth and responsibility.
2. Learn how and why a person becomes increasingly valuable to the company.
3. Focus on three key management responsibilities:
a. protect and build company assets,
b. organize and deliver full-context information required for accurate assessment by management and
c. fulfill promptly, consistently those responsibilities upon which others depend to do their jobs.
4. Integrate job goals with personal goals. Then steadily drive toward those goals. Only from dedicated,
driving efforts toward explicit goals can major values evolve.
5. Recognize that only two alternatives exist to constant, driving effort toward success goals:
a. fake success by draining previously created values,
b. stagnate and deteriorate.
6. Increase relentlessly the efficient, productive use of life's prime asset -- time. Must constantly struggle
for time and efficacy. Organize self and others daily to multiply range of effectiveness and achievements.
Successful management requires 60+ efficient hours/week: 40+ hours are needed to fully manage
short-range and long-range business; 20+ hours are needed for goal-directed, forward-motion
7. Quickly promote those who exert more effort and set better examples than their management.
8. Eliminate the crippling negatives of moodiness and mysticism first in self and then in others: Actions
dictated by feelings rather than reality not only create problems where none exist, but create
inconsistencies that diminish effectiveness and responsibility. Constant effort is needed to avoid acting
on feelings, mystical thoughts, emotions, rationalizations, distortions, wishes, bias, prejudice, favoritism,
9. Squelch trouble-making complaints and negative behaviors toward self and others.
10. Maintain a "no-enemy" policy and keep maximum options open: Always act from benevolent, guiltless,
advantage-creating positions. Reject mystical attitudes. For mysticism not only creates problems where
none exist, but by nature distorts reality, reduces effectiveness, leads to errors, destroys values, and
undermines happiness.
11. Exercise unyielding, uncompromising integrity when dealing with dishonest "authorities" and other
Neocheaters. Always respond in rational, thought-out ways that will mercilessly expose and eventually
put such neocheaters out of business.
12. Practice the "CAS Happiness Diet" (a forthcoming I & O Publication): Forego Caffeine, Alcohol, Sugar to:
a. achieve the consistent, high concentration required for major success and,
b. enjoy fully the rewards of intense efforts and high-level achievements.

13. Read and integrate Mark Hamilton's mystic-breaking business publications: "Neo-Tech Control" and "The
White-Collar Hoax". Those publications will, through the competitive advantages of Neo-Tech, forever
change the world of business: Mark Hamilton's direct, practical applications of Neo-Tech to business will
squeeze every drop of mysticism and neocheating from business thinking and action. Indeed, his work
removes limitations from business and individuals.
14. Implement the DTC technique (Discipline, Thought, and then Control).
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[ 29 ] In the widest context, government value destroyers can never benefit anyone. Instead, they can only harm,
destroy, and kill: A study by professor R.T. Rummel at the University of Hawaii reveals that in this century
government value destroyers directly and purposely killed 119 million of their own citizens in non-war actions -over triple the 35 million they killed in war actions (international and civil). In addition, government value
destroyers have wreaked such suffering and destruction on their victims to indirectly cause extreme premature
death (two decades or more of life lost) for at least 800 million conscious beings in this century alone. ...By
contrast, business value producers purposely hurt or kill no one. Instead, they give life and benefits to everyone.
Appendix H
Miscellaneous Notes
Neothink, the Mind of the Future
The human mind has a limited storage and processing capacity. But Neothink, a discovery made through Neo-Tech,
infinitely expands the capacity of consciousness to understand anything in existence. The exchanging of the
mystic/conscious mind for the Neo-Tech/Neothink mind will affect mankind even more profoundly than the
discovery 3000 years ago of exchanging the bicameral mind for the conscious mind. And, as 3000 years ago, this
exchange will occur swiftly, automatically regardless of what anyone does, says, or thinks. The pressure to
convert to the Neo-Tech/Neothink integrating mind is competition. Those who do not convert cannot survive. Just
as the bicameral mind could not compete and survive 3000 years ago against the conscious mind. Against
Neothink, all mystics and neocheaters are finished. They will be ignominiously scorned out of existence.
Neothink develops new concepts over unlimited ranges of integration. That unlimited capacity is accomplished by
dividing separate thoughts into two or more separate groups and then building each of those groups toward the
maximum capacity of consciousness. Those groups of conscious thoughts can then be swiftly integrated into new
units of knowledge and concepts beyond the capacity of the human mind thinking as a single conscious unit. An
example of Neothink through such maximum-capacity units is Frank R. Wallace's address titled "The Long Wave"
delivered to the Second Neo-Tech World Summit. In that work, many separate maximum-capacity thought units
were developed and then integrated into new knowledge far beyond the capacity of any single-unit thought of the

conscious mind. Another Neothink work is Mark Hamilton's "The Alternative" presented at the Third Neo-Tech
World Summit. That Neothink work combined with practical experience and factual data delivers revolutionary
business and management concepts. Those Neothink concepts through their competitive advantages will dominate
all future value production.
Neothink provides entirely different ways to look at nearly every important idea and concept encountered by
conscious beings. Since organized neocheating began about 2000 years ago, essentially all ideas and concepts
have been integrated with the big-lie hoaxes of mysticism and altruism. Those hoaxes were and are still cleverly
designed by neocheaters for usurping their livings from the producers. Thus, what often appears to be two
opposite choices in the prevailing mystical/altruistic context are not opposite choices at all. But instead, as
revealed by Neothink, those supposed choices are always the same choice. For all such choices are rooted in the
same mysticisms and illusions. Those choices are merely presented from different angles of dishonesty.
Neothink shows that the real choice is not between the various Hobson's choices of invalid mysticism, but is
always the disintegrated dishonesty of mystics and neocheaters versus the fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech.
Government Faces
People who live through bogus-jobs backed by force and dominated by the dishonesty and laziness of mysticism
are branded with sour faces. Has anyone ever seen a destructive government bureaucrat with a genuinely
radiant, happy face? Indeed, such people by nature hate life. For, they live by attacking and destroying values.
They want to die and harm everyone in the process.
By contrast, Neo-Tech people live with innocent, clean minds. For, they live through cheerful productivity. They live
by producing competitive values for others and society. They want to live and benefit everyone in the process.
Neo-Tech -- The Silver Bullet
Laziness versus high-effort value production are the two opposing actions that determine the quality of human
life. Ironically, the concepts of laziness and competitive value production are the two concepts most feared,
evaded, and distorted by mystics and neocheaters, ranging from Marxist-Leninist murderers to objectivistlibertarian underachievers. Thus, the two aspects of Neo-Tech feared most by mystics and neocheaters are: (1)
Neo-Tech's explicit identification of laziness and dishonesty as the root cause of all mysticism and neocheating;
and (2) Neo-Tech's explicit identification that the sole moral purpose of human life is abiding happiness, which is
achieved only through the competitive production of values for others and society. ...Neo-Tech and business are
the antithesis of mysticism and neocheating. Moreover, Neo-Tech is the silver bullet that will end mysticism and
neocheating to yield abiding prosperity and happiness for honest, conscious beings.
One can study in-depth the origins of the Neo-Tech Advantages through that historic Reference Encyclopedia."
Other Miscellaneous Neo-Tech Notes
1) Since the dawn of consciousness, every person who ever lived must alone make the same life-and-death
decision: Each individual must choose either to kill mysticism within one's own self or let mysticism kill him or her.
Either a person chooses to live life as one's own natural self through integrated thinking or surrender life to
unnatural mysticism through disintegrated thinking.
Either your natural self or alien mysticism will rule your personal life. The choice is always yours alone -- you or
mysticism, health or sickness, sanity or paranoia, happiness or misery, life or death.
2) Self-control literally means controlling your own self rather than letting outside forces (mystics, false
authorities, neocheaters) control your life. Personal freedom, demystification, and prosperity come through selfdiscipline and self-effort. That discipline and thought, in turn, delivers control power through the DTC Technique:
Discipline, Thought, and then Control.

3) Mysticism involves unfocused, arbitrary thinking. Business involves focused, purposeful thinking.
4) Mysticism is suicide. Such suicide occurs on all levels -- on personal, national, or world levels. That suicide
occurs rapidly or slowly, depending on the form and intensity of mysticism. ...Business is life on all levels, at all
5) Dealing with a person acting mystically is harmful. Dealing with a person in a mystical mode will, at best, waste
your worst, such dealings can cost your life.
6) One of the most fundamental Neo-Tech integrations is that of time with life. The wasting of time is the wasting
of life. The more one moves toward dishonest mystical/neocheating-like actions, the less important time becomes
to one's life. By contrast, the more one moves toward honest Neo-Tech/business-like actions, the more important
time becomes to one's life and happiness. ...Mystics and neocheaters kill life and happiness by wasting or
destroying time of others.
Japanese philosopher, Y. Kimura, made the following identification about the value of time for the value producer:
"For a producer of values, his time -- every moment of his life -- has a significance far beyond his immediate life.
An hour wasted has a compounded effect on, in essence, everyone on this planet. For a producer of values, his
personal life is, in actuality, public and even cosmic."
7) Professor Rosa Mara Meoo from Costa Rica made the essence identification about all mysticism and business:
"Mysticism creates problems where none exist."
and the corollary:
"Business eliminates problems that do exist."
The sole business of I & O Publishing Company is to cure the disease of mysticism and eliminate its symbiotic
neocheaters worldwide.
The sole goal of I & O Publishing Company is to end the 2000-year hoax of mysticism and eliminate neocheating in
order to achieve non-aging biological immortality with prosperity and happiness for all value producers -forever.

A Communiqu from the Universe

Zon is absent from the entire history of Earth's anticivilization. Yet, Zon embraces all the future. ...Zon answers the
how and why questions of life and existence.
The reader needs only a brief orientation to Zonpower rather than an Introduction or Preface as found in most
books. This orientation will help the reader capture the Zonpower dynamics that lead to limitless riches, romantic
charisma, and nonaging beauty guaranteed by Zon.
Movement I, The Foundation, is a nonmathematical presentation of Neo-Tech Physics edited for all readers -- from
general readers to professional physicists.
After Movement II, The Problem, and Movement III, The Solution, one captures the Zonpower needed to collect
limitless riches, romance, and a god-like mind and body.

"Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the Earth"
Matthew 5:4 -- 10
Meaning: Blessed are the unassuming value producers not invested in this anticivization --blessed are those
quietly wielding the omnipotent tools of Zon: for they shall inherit the Earth. Condemned are the parasitical elites
who live through force-backed criminalities -- condemned are those criminally investing in this anticivilization: for
they shall vanish from the Earth.
New Words and Concepts
Zon is a collective word related to the fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech and comprises (1) the Civilization of the
Universe, (2) those operating from its wide-scope perspective, and (3) the power required to control existence -the integrated power to gain limitless wealth and eternal happiness. ...Zon is the mind of God. Zon is you!
Zonpower is the power to control (not create) existence. Zonpower is derived from applying the fully integrated
honesty and wide-scope accountability of Neo-Tech to all conscious actions.
Neo-Tech is a noun or an adjective meaning fully integrated honesty based on facts of reality. Neo-Tech creates a
collection of new techniques and new technology that lets one know exactly what is happening and what to do for
gaining honest advantages in all situations. Neo-Tech provides the integrations to collapse the illusions, hoaxes,
and irrationalities of any harmful individual or institution.
Objectivism is the philosophy for the well-being of conscious beings -- the philosophy based on reason -- the newworld philosophy of limitless prosperity.
Anticivilization is the irrational civilization gripping planet Earth -- an unreal civilization riddled with professional
value destroyers causing endless cycles of wars, economic and property destructions, unemployment and
poverty, suffering and death. The essence of the anticivilization is dishonesty. ...Through Neo-Tech, the Civilization
of the Universe will replace Earth's anticivilization.
Civilization of the Universe is the rational civilization throughout the universe -- a civilization filled with value
producers providing endless cycles of wealth, happiness, and rejuvenation for everyone. ...Professional value
destroyers and parasitical elites are nonexistent in the Civilization of the Universe.

Parasitical Elites are unnatural people who drain everyone. The parasitical-elite class lives by usurping, swindling,
and destroying values produced by others. Their survival requires political-agenda laws, armed bureaucracies,
ego-"justice" systems, and deceptive neocheating.
Neocheating is the undetected usurpation of values from others: the unsuspicious swindling of money, power, or
values through deceptive manipulations of rationalizations, non sequiturs, illusions, and mysticisms. ...All such net
harms inflicted on society can now be objectively measured by the wide-scope accounting of Neo-Tech.
Subjective Laws include political-agenda laws conjured up by politicians and bureaucrats to gain self-serving
benefits, ego props, and unearned power. Enforcement of political-agenda laws requires the use of force and
armed agents against innocent people. ...The only purpose of such laws is to violate individual rights in order to
parasitically gain values produced by others.
Objective Laws are not conjured up by politicians or bureaucrats. Instead, like the laws of physics, they arise from
the immutable laws of nature. Such laws are valid across space and time, benefit everyone, and advance society.
Objective laws are based on the moral prohibition of initiatory force, threats of force, and fraud as constituted on
page 188. ...The only rational purpose of laws is to protect individual rights.
Ego "Justice" is the use of political-agenda laws to gain parasitical livelihoods and feel false importance. Ego
"justice" is the survival tool of many politicians, lawyers, and judges. Ego "justice" is the most pernicious form of
neocheating. ...Parasitical elites thrive on subjective laws and ego "justice" to the harm of everyone else and
Cassandra's Secret revealed through Zon is the power of the conscious mind to accurately, nonmystically foretell
the future. How? Through the mind's power to control its own existence...thus, its own future.
Intelligence is redefined by Neo-Tech as the range of integrated thinking. The range, width, or scope of valid
integrations is more a function of honesty than of IQ. No matter how high is one's raw IQ, that person can
ultimately be outflanked and outperformed by a lower IQ mind that is more honest, allowing wider-scope
integrations. In the Civilization of the Universe, wide-scope integrations are what give conscious minds unlimited
power. Neo-Tech intelligence supersedes the role of IQ detailed by Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray in
their controversial, best-selling book The Bell Curve (Simon & Schuster, 1994). Since fully integrated honesty, not
IQ, is the key to long-range success and abiding happiness, all races have equal access to the limitless prosperity
available from the Civilization of the Universe.
Purpose of Existence and Motive for Controlling Existence: Achieving and expanding happiness is the moral
purpose of conscious life.[ 1 ] Happiness, therefore, is the ultimate motivator behind conscious-controlled
existence. But, to control existence, one must realize that existence itself is never derived from thoughts or
emotions. Instead, thoughts and emotions, including happiness, are always derived from the conscious control of
existence. Thus, conscious control of existence is ultimately directed toward creating limitless prosperity,
rejuvenated life, and eternal happiness for everyone and society.
See the Appendix for additional word usages
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[ 1 ] As identified in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, happiness is the highest moral purpose of conscious life. ...Life
is the moral standard. Reason is necessary for human survival. Reason and honesty are required to achieve
Neo-Tech Physics
The Foundation

Create or Vanish Quarks and Electrons
Gravity Units
Control Existence
Gravity Units
Conscious Control
Gravity Units
Your Control

The main body of text for Neo-Tech Physics is simplified for the general, nonscientific reader. Moreover, Neo-Tech
physics is but one of several major metaphorical points made in the text. Those interested in knowing the full
context in which the physics is presented must carefully read all of the technical footnotes.

The Goal and Purpose of Neo-Tech/Zonpower

The goal of Neo-Tech/Zonpower is to cure the interwoven disease of irrationality and dishonesty.
The purpose of Neo-Tech/Zonpower is to have conscious individuals think about and see everything in a different
way -- different from the losing way in which everyone on this planet has been chained for the past 3000 years.
Indeed, Neo-Tech/Zonpower is a new way of thinking, a new way of seeing everything, a new mode of action that
leads to limitless, beneficent power over existence.
Again, "Zonpower" is not a treatise on physics or philosophy. Physics and philosophy are used as metaphors to
explain the omnipotent paradigm called Neothink, which is wide-scope, integrated thinking and honesty. The fully
integrated honesty part of Neothink is called Neo-Tech. Since fully integrated honesty will increasingly rule
cyberspace, Neo-Tech will increasingly banish false biases and illegal authorities from government, business,
science, education, politics, philosophy, communication, the arts. ...Zonpower uniquely has no leaders or followers.
In cyberspace, every conscious individual will eventually become an individual self-leader living in a valueproducing, business mode.
The metaphorical hypotheses in this first section may seem radical. Indeed, some hypotheses are radical and have
no direct evidence as of yet. Still, nothing in Neo-Tech contradicts the laws of physics and all radical concepts will
eventually be mathematically and experimentally demonstrated, modified, or falsified.
Existence Exists as Gravity Units
Gravity Units are the fundamental units of existence. They are indivisible, windowless units of submicroscopic,
quantized geometries from which nothing can enter or exit. Yet, those geometries exist continuously -- as a
quantum-blended whole through wave-like dynamics and smeared-out resonances. Also, manifestations of certain
Gravity Units could form the weakly interacting dark material that accounts for the missing mass in modern
cosmological theories. And finally, each Gravity Unit can flux into a universe of gravity, mass, energy, and
All wealth arises from conscious-controlled Gravity Units.

Chapter 1
Boundless Prosperity
SIGUs and Googolplexes
What are SIGUs and googolplexes? What connection do they have to boundless prosperity? First ask: How do
conscious beings meet the energy and communication requirements of an eternally advancing civilization? How
does one unleash nature's power to achieve near instant communication throughout the universe? How can one
capture the power of universes spanning billions of light years across? How can one unleash the universal power
locked in gravity units lurking beneath every subatomic particle? How can one direct the power of Super-Inflation
Gravity Units[ 2 ] (SIGUs) to eternally expand life and prosperity?

Take a Numbers Ride

Take a ride to the big: The mathematical term googol is the number 1 followed by a hundred zeroes, or 10100,
meaning 10 raised to the power of a hundred.[ 3 ] How big a number is a googol? Astronomers estimate our
universe is 15 billion years old...or 1018 seconds old. Over 22 centuries ago, Archimedes calculated that 1063 grains
of sand would fill the then known universe.
Consider today's known universe contains at least a hundred-billion galaxies each containing an average of a
hundred-billion stars. Now consider the mind-boggling number of electrons, protons, neutrons, and all other
matter-and-energy particles in those stars, planets, dark well as all additional particles scattered
throughout space. That number would equal 1086 particles, a number still considerably less than a googol! Now, if
our entire universe of about fifteen billion light years across were packed solid with subatomic particles with zero
space between them, the number of particles would rise to 10 130.
But, how large is a googolplex, 1010100? Just to print the number of zeroes after the number 1 would require enough
paper to pack solid our entire universe, fifteen billion light years across.[ 4 ] ...And a super googolplex is a
googolplex that is raised to an additional 100th power. No scale is available for any conscious mind on Earth to
grasp such a number.
Now take a ride to the small: Slice an average-sized pie in half ninety-one times. On the ninety-second slice, you
would need to slice the nucleus of an atom in half. How small is the nucleus of an atom? Enlarge a baseball to the
size of Earth. One would then see the atoms of that baseball as the size of cherries filling the entire planet. Now,
enlarge one of those atoms to the size of the Astrodome. The nucleus would then become visible as the size of a
grain of sand.
What about the smallest or shortest unit of time that the human mind can grasp: Planck's time of 10-42 of a second
-- about the time required for light travelling at 186,281 miles per second to traverse the diameter of the smallest
subatomic particle of, say, a 2x10-33 centimeter diameter, which is Planck's length. A time less than 10-42 of a
second measured from the theoretical beginning of time in our universe[ 5 ] cannot be experimentally simulated
or conceptually grasped.
Finally, grasping the smallest and the biggest in terms of eternity requires the axiomatic fact that existence
exists. Thus, existence has no prior cause and is eternal. Relative to eternity, the smallest unit and the largest unit
are equal in occurrence, time, or distance. For example, compare an incredibly fast event that occurs once every
10-42 of a second to an incredibly slow event that occurs once every googolplex years. The occurrence of those
events are equal in eternity. For, each of those events will occur an "infinite"[ 6 ] number of times in eternity.
The smallest units of existence, such as quarks and electrons or the even smaller Gravity Units as explained in
Chapters 5 and 7, to the largest expansion of the universe with everything in between and beyond are all a part of
eternal existence. Gravity Units, quarks, subatomic particles and energies; protons, neutrons, and electrons;
electromagnetism, nuclear forces, and gravity; universes, galaxies, stars, and planets; atoms, molecules, and
compounds; gasses, liquids, and solids; air, water, and land; mountains, oceans, and clouds; protoplasm, amoeba,
plants, fish, animals, primates, and conscious beings...all are part of existence and its natural evolution that has
occurred eternally. Indeed, each and every entity of existence has existed forever. Thus, conscious beings as
entities of existence have also existed forever throughout the universes as described in Chapter 6 and in
Movement III.

Rapid Communication Across Universes

by using
Super-Inflation Gravity Units Called SIGUs
Reality can never be contradicted. Thus, the laws of nature and physics can never be violated. That means nothing
can exceed the speed of light. So, how can near instant communication occur across distances that require light
(travelling at 186,281 miles per second) millions or even billions of years to traverse? Even more, how can
communication occur between universes from which not even light can escape? Conscious beings and only
conscious beings can accomplish such near instant communication. How do they accomplish that communication
without violating the laws of nature or physics?
Conscious beings harnessing the Super-Inflation nature of Gravity Units (SIGUs) can produce near instant,
gravity-pulse communication not only across an entire universe but possibly between universes -- all without
violating physical laws, including the speed of light. How? By gravity pulses transmitted through big-bang-type
inflations radiating from exploded Gravity Units.
How do gravity pulses communicate faster than the speed of light with nothing exceeding the speed of light? First,
realize that the smallest units of existence, Gravity Units, and the largest unit of existence, the full expanding
universe, are one and the same: They each contain the same mass and energy potentials. The units are just in
different modes throughout time and space. Next, examine the so-called big-bang or hypothetical spacetime birth
of our universe from a gravity unit: At 10-42 of a second or Planck's time after its birth, the entire universe is 1035
times smaller than a subatomic proton. Doubling every 10-34 seconds or doubling 1036 times at 10-32 seconds from
birth, the universe has grown to 12 centimeters across -- about the size of a grapefruit. And then, doubling 1050
times by somewhat over 10-30 seconds from its hypothetical birth, the universe has exploded to the size of our
solar system -- all in that tiniest fraction of a second. ...In other words, during that instant in time, the universe
has expanded trillions of times faster than the speed of light. Yet, nothing exceeds the speed of light. How can that
The super-fast growth of the universe during its first moment in time can be explained by the Inflation Theory
originated by Alan Guth of MIT in 1979. Such inflation involves the brief existence of "repulsive gravity" and the
relative positions of spacetime coordinates in accord with Einstein's general relativity. ...That super-fast inflation
can also be understood, without complete accuracy, in more simple Newtonian terms: Consider two entities
starting at the same point and moving apart near or at the speed of light. At the end of one year, those entities will
be about two light years apart. Thus, they will have "communicated" from their respective points A and B at about
twice the distance covered by the speed of light without exceeding the speed of light.
Now, consider breaking the geometry or symmetry of a universe-containing Gravity Unit or Geometry Unit,
causing a spacetime birth. That occurrence begins the near instant conversion of the smallest unit of existence,
the universe-containing Gravity Unit, into the largest unit of existence, the entire expanding universe. Incredibly,
that new-born exploding Gravity Unit has the same mass/energy total of an entire universe fifteen billion years
old. Consider what occurs in the tiniest fraction of the initial second during a big-bang birth: a near instantaneous
unit-after-unit multiplication, perhaps initially with repulsive gravity, into nearly the total number of entities (10 86)
that will exist in the mature universe billions of years old.[ 7 ]
Like the previous, simple example of two entities separating at nearly twice the speed of light, each of the rapidly
multiplying, countless entities are also separating at or near the speed of light from all the previous and
subsequent formed entities. That process multiplies distances of entity separation by trillions of times the speed
of light without any individual entity exceeding the speed of light. In that way, the total range of expansion or

"communication" announcing the big-bang birth occurs at trillions of times the speed of light without violating the
laws of physics. (See pages 91-92 for another perspective.)
What if conscious beings can control how and when to break the symmetry of Gravity Units? With conscious
beings controlling the symmetry breaking of Gravity Units, the efficiencies and power of universe-creating energy
and communication multiply. How can that multiplication occur? The most obvious way is by aiming or lasing each
spacetime birth in specific directions as energy waves or gravity pulses, rolling out in multidimensional
geometries ...rather than allowing the gravity explosion to convert into the "usual" universe-making energy and
matter radiating in three geometric directions. ...Also, such communication could possibly flash through
hyperspace to other universes.[ 8 ]
Business: The Power of the Universe
Competitive business is the eternal power of existence. It advances every level of society throughout the universe
as described in Mark Hamilton's Neo-Tech Cosmic Business Control, 510 pages, Neo-Tech Publishing (1989) and in
Eric Savage's Neo-Tech Global Business Control, 256 pages, Neo-Tech Worldwide (1992). Business is the natural
mode of existence for conscious beings. What is business? Business is the competitive production and voluntary
exchange of values among conscious beings. ...Conscious beings throughout the universe control nature through
Knowledge begets knowledge. Thus, knowledge is limitless -- limitless power. Harnessing universal energy and
communication through business represents one increment of productive achievement along the endless scale of
knowledge throughout the Civilization of the Universe. Indeed, conscious beings exert business control over
nature. Through the universal virtue of competitive business, advances in value production continue endlessly -beyond the imagination of conscious beings on Earth. Yet, someday, in the eternal Civilization of the Universe,
immortal descendents from Earth will routinely function along all levels of unimaginable knowledge and
How can conscious life be immortal -- eternal? First, examine the nature of existence: Existence is axiomatic.
Existence simply exists -- eternally, without prior cause. No alternative is possible. For, existence cannot not
exist. Thus, as part of existence, the evolution of consciousness is also eternal. Countless conscious societies,
therefore, exist throughout the universes with endlessly higher levels of knowledge -- with millions or billions of
years more advanced societies than ours. Because of such vast and endless differences in knowledge, conscious
beings at any specific level of civilization cannot imagine the knowledge or activities of say a thousand years,
much less a million or a billion years, more advanced societies.
If communication among conscious beings throughout the universe delivers rational benefits, such communication
would develop through competitive-business dynamics. But, probably no net benefits would accrue from
communicating with less advanced civilizations. Likewise, communicating with much more highly advanced
civilizations would probably yield no net benefits. For, conscious beings in the Civilization of the Universe would not
benefit by jumping significantly beyond their own ongoing, step-by-step integrations in developing knowledge and
values. Indeed, no matter from what level of knowledge, the continuity of experiences and integrations needed to
create ever expanding prosperity is the root cause of happiness in any civilization.
Why are net benefits impossible from big-gap jumps into realms beyond current knowledge? For example,
conscious beings cannot benefit from "million-year" advanced-knowledge jumps without going through the
integrated steps to acquire that knowledge. Indeed, to benefit from advances in knowledge requires meeting the
criterion for advancing prosperity. That criterion throughout all universes and all time is fully integrated honesty
combined with productive effort. In other words, that criterion is Neo-Tech.

On Becoming Zon
Most conscious beings among Earth's anticivilization will encounter the fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech at
least once by the year 2000. That encounter will knock each person down. But, most people will jump right back
up. Still enclosed in their mystical bubbles, most will bounce away...never examining what happened, never
discovering eternal life and prosperity. Yet, a few will stay to examine Earth-evolved Neo-Tech. They will benefit
enormously from applying its fully integrated honesty within Earth's anticivilization. ...And, a small number of those
people will go beyond Neo-Tech by entering the Civilization of the Universe. As explained in Part III, they will
become Zons. For them, the anticivilization will vanish into its nothingness as they experience the power of the
universe -- the power of Zon.
With the power of Zon, all things throughout the universe can become nonmystical conscious thoughts -- and
nonmystical conscious thoughts (T1) can become all things (T2) throughout the universe. ...As explained in Part III,
from the equation T1 equals T2k arises k as the universal constant of Zon. From the constant k flows the power of
Zon.[ 9 ]
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[ 2 ] A Super-Inflation Gravity Unit is equivalent to a symmetrical Geometry Unit of the entire universe.
[ 3 ] The power of the number 10 means the number of zeros after the number 1. For example, 10 raised to the
power of 2 or 102 means 100, 103 means 1000, 10100 means 1 followed by a hundred zeros, 101012 means 1 followed by
a trillion zeros. Likewise, 10-3 is 1/103 =.001. Also, 10-43, for example, is a decimal point followed by 42 zeros then
the number 1. ...Human life expectancy is about 2x109 seconds. The passing of a light wave takes about 10-15
[ 4 ] Roger Penrose calculated that to emulate all possible quantum states of the known universe would require
1010123 bits of information -- the maximum capacity for the Universal Computer.
[ 5 ] Contrary to big-bang theories, universes have no natural beginnings or endings as described in later
[ 6 ] Infinity is a mind-created concept, not a part of reality.
[ 7 ] Each new universe exploded from a single Gravity Unit will then contain its own space-time dimensions filled
with its own, new quantized geometries or Gravity Units each of which can in turn form a universe filled with
Gravity Units. ...For this, as with certain other hypotheses in Neo-Tech Physics, no direct evidence as of yet exists.

[ 8 ] In water, the speed of light slows by about 23% to 142,600 miles/second. Thus, in water very high-energy,
charged particles can exceed that slower speed of light to create a light-barrier shock wave producing Cerenkov
radiation. Now, throughout existence, no total vacuum can exist in which to measure the ultimate speed of light. In
our universe, the quantum vacuum state or the gravity-unit ether exists at a certain energy level. In a vacuum
state at lower-energy levels, light could travel faster than 186,281 miles/second. Does that mean certain particles
such as Gravity Units could travel faster than 186,281 miles per second through our universe and not exceed the
speed of light travelling through lower energy-level vacuums? Is the Guth's "faster-than-light" big-bang expansion
phase simply the speed of light traveling into a lower energy-state vacuum of meta space? Could such particles
set up a shock wave that would break or tunnel through the metastable vacuum of this universe into a lower
energy state, thus, annihilating at light speed our entire universe as we know it? Or, could lower vacuum states be
a conscious-controlled, advanced source of energy and communication? ...What about tachyons? They are
hypothetical particles that can never travel slower than the speed of light and increase in speed as they lose
energy. Existence of tachyons is entirely speculative and highly unlikely.
[ 9 ] The Zon constant k has not yet been determined. But, k would be the fifth and unifying universal constant:
unifying the relativistic, macroscopic universal constants of G (gravity) and c (velocity of light) with the quantum,
submicroscopic universal constants of k (Boltzmann) and h (Planck). Perhaps k manifests itself in some sort of
unifying ratio with the other four universal constants, such as k: Gc/kh. The Zon constant would relate energy,
mass, gravity, and their velocities to the flow of time toward decreasing entropy, not toward increasing entropy.
...Universal constants, including the quantum cosmological constant, ultimately arise from a deep, compelling
symmetry or geometry controlled by conscious beings. The Zon constant fixes the values of all other constants.
Except for consciousness, gravity is the weakest yet most pervasive force in nature. Indeed, gravity controls
universal motion. But, the fifth force of nature -- human consciousness -- is the grand-unifying force controlling
all existence. Conscious force is more subtle to specific measurement and mathematical quantification than
gravity. Still, consciousness is the most noticeable force on planet Earth. Moreover, consciousness is the only
force that can alter the otherwise predestined courses of the other four forces of nature: gravitational,
electromagnetic, weak nuclear, strong nuclear. ...Consciousness is the force that unifies all forces and heals the
seeming breaches of nature caused by quantum "uncertainties".
As a law of nature expressed by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, facts asserted as truth are never certain.
But, principles contextually determined through integrated honesty are always certain. Thus, for example, one can
have certainty about the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle without paradox or contradiction: (1) Metaphysically
one can be certain that any particle always has an exact position and momentum at any exact time. But,
epistemologically one can be certain that exact position and momentum cannot be simultaneously
least not directly. (2) Measurements can be validly done in Euclidean/Galilean/Newtonian coordinate systems or
in noneuclidean/relativistic/quantum-mechanical systems, depending on the object measured and the accuracy
desired. And finally, (3) the indeterminate and probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics does not negate the
laws of identity, noncontradiction, or cause and effect. The decay of radioactive atoms, for example, are both
indeterminate and probabilistic. But, each decay has an identifiable, noncontradictory cause. ...That means
Heracleitus, Plato, and Kant are out; Parmenides, Aristotle, and Rand are in.
As a side note important later: Plato is the father of organized deception through "noble" lies -- the father of
purposely dishonest government and science. Aristotle not only is the father of logic, science, and biology, but is
the father of rational metaphysics and epistemology. Plato subjugated conscious life to higher mystical powers.
Aristotle exalted conscious life on Earth as the highest value. Portions of Aristotle's ethics and politics, however,

remained under Plato's influence, thus, are fallacious. ...Philosophically, Plato and Kant are mankind's villains,
Aristotle and Rand are mankind's heroes.
Chapter 2
Your Journey to Zonpower
What is Zonpower? To answer that question, you must first take a journey that leads to the center of weirdness.
Then, you must go beyond, into the realm of weirder-than-weird. That journey will lead you into the weirdest realm
of the entire universe. And that realm is right here on planet Earth in its bizarre, upside-down, anti-power
civilization. You must go to that black-hole apex in order to go through it and then out into the advanced
Civilization of the Universe -- the civilization of honesty, prosperity, and happiness.
Journey to the Weirdest Realm
Only from this anticivilization can you discover the realm of weirder-than-weird. Once there, you will find the key
to Zonpower. Unlocking the door to all power and prosperity, you will escape the false journey that essentially
everyone on Earth is traveling: As one example, consider the false search in today's sciences and religions,
especially in astro/quantum/particle physics and the Vatican. That search is for a Quantum/God Singularity and
the Big Bang -- the fictional, wished-for birthplace of our forever evolving, plasmatic Universe.
World-class scientists have searched for that single point of creation. Yet, the notion of Singularity contradicts
the laws of nature and physics, as do the mystical notions of perpetual motion, cold fusion, low-energy
nanotechnology, along with various mystical interpretations of chaos and quantum mechanics. Many brilliant
scientists are pursuing never ending illusions that demand ever more tax money, such as the twelve-billion-dollar,
super collider (SSC)[ 10 ] in Texas. Such pursuits can generate ever more intriguing but eventually meaningless
science and mathematics.
Singularity is rationalized to occur in an infinite[ 11 ] black hole collapsed to an undefinable, single-point entity
filled with mathematical stratagems involving infinities. From such a single-point entity or Singularity, certain
physicists assert that our universe and all existence was born. In turn, certain religionists enthusiastically point
to Singularity as scientific proof of "God". For, the creation of our universe from Singularity would require a
"God" mystically preexisting in nothingness and creating a universe out of nonreality. ...What an unnecessary,
impotent notion.
Why resort to mysticisms, nonrealities, and nothingness to explain the creation of our universe? Why be stuck
within such unreal and harmful limitations? Consider the seemingly infinite number of ordinary conscious beings
wielding Zonpower throughout the rational civilizations existing among the universes. Most of those conscious
beings have the power to create far beyond any imagined creations of a mystical "God". And, unlike the miracles
of a made-up "God", conscious-being creations are real -- accomplished naturally, within the laws of physics.
Each such conscious being, for example, has the power to create an endless number of universes from an endless
number of universe-containing black holes existing at every spacetime point throughout eternity. Even so, most of
those conscious beings have technologically and economically advanced so far that they have long ago in their
forgotten histories abandoned the creation of universes as an inefficient, primitive activity.
Vanish All "Gods"
With Zonpower, one captures powers far beyond any imagined powers of a "God" conjured up in Earth's
anticivilization. Every such "God" is created to demand sacrifice -- sacrifice of the productive class to the
parasite class. But, with Zonpower, one escapes the "God" trap by entering the Civilization of the Universe.

Blasphemy? No. For, rational Zonpower, not imagined Godpower, is real and good. Zonpower, not wishful thinking,
delivers open-ended prosperity and happiness to conscious beings throughout the universe. Individual
consciousness throughout the universes is the eternal, grand-unifying force of existence.
On planet Earth today, Albert Einstein represents the furthest advance in theoretical science and physics based
entirely on a foundation of rationality and reality. Einstein avoided any arbitrary, quantum-mechanical retreats
into fashionable nonrealities or Eastern mysticisms. With the recent discovery of Zonpower, Einstein arises anew.
For science, physics, quantum mechanics, mathematics, and business can now advance in unison on Einstein's
foundation of rationality and reality toward the promised land.
A Journey into the Black Hole
To discover Zonpower, you must first take a journey to the realm of weirder-than-weird.[ 12 ] This journey
proceeds from Einstein's dual relativity viewpoints -- first from the observer's viewpoint and then from the
traveler's viewpoint:
Through a special relativity telescope/microscope, you are observing a spaceship hurling toward a universecontaining black hole of such great mass that all matter will collapse seemingly forever.[ 13 ] You see the
spaceship cross the event horizon to be inescapably captured by the enormous, always increasing gravitational
pull of that black hole. That overwhelming gravity continually accelerates the spaceship's plunge toward the
center point with ever increasing speeds -- speeds always approaching but never reaching the speed of light:
186,281 miles per second.
Observable only through your relativity telescope/microscope, the collapsing, mega-mass black hole itself is now
submicroscopic. And that black hole continues to collapse at ever increasing speeds. With fuzzy thinking, you
rationalize that the infinitesimally tiny black hole still collapsing ever faster, approaching the speed of light, should
in the next instant crunch into one entity at a single-point center. Your fuzzy thinking continues: All entities and
forces would then become Singularity -- a unified, single-point entity or force describable only in terms of unreal
Yet, no such thing happens as you continue observing through your relativity telescope/microscope: The
spaceship and all surrounding existence keeps hurling toward the center at ever increasing speeds with ever
decreasing distances, but without ever reaching the center. How can that be?
By continuing to observe the spaceship, you discover the answer through the laws of physics and Einstein's
Special/General Relativity: As any object approaches the speed of light, its mass density increases toward infinity
and its size shrinks toward zero length from the observer's viewpoint. Accelerating toward the speed of light, that
spaceship appears to you, the outside observer, to move forward essentially as fast as that same spaceship is
shrinking backward. Also, time aboard the spaceship appears to slow toward zero. Thus, as with all the other
entities of that black hole, the shrinking spaceship keeps approaching the black-hole center at ever higher
velocities, but with ever slowing time, never reaching that center.
At some approaching equilibrium, the collapse will stop accelerating as determined by the laws of physics and the
finite mass/energy/gravity geometry of the black-hole center. At that moment, the spaceship and all other
surrounding entities of existence captured by the black hole will stop shrinking. All existence will then lock
together in a black hole of finite size and specific nature -- a nature or physics characteristic to its particular
gravity or geometry. Moreover, that or any physics will always be in accord with reality. Thus, such a finite

geometry of locked entities can, by definition and nature, never be a single point of mass or energy...or of
Singularity. Instead, all that existence will be an energy/entity unit of gravity or geometry...not a single-point.
Without the mind-blocking, dead-end concept called Singularity, a new question and viewpoint arise: What or who
could break a black-hole equilibrium of locked-together symmetries, entities, and energies? The answer, as
described in later chapters, is that conscious people can break universe-containing black-hole symmetries to
create universes and encoded cosmos systems observable today.
Now, let us experience the same journey as a traveler on that spaceship in quest of Singularity. First, you would
have to somehow acquire such a spaceship from some advanced civilization. For, if you were capable of building
that spaceship, you would also have the knowledge to realize Singularity is a contradiction of reality and cannot
exist. Thus, any such quest would be a fool's journey, forever wasting your life. Indeed, when that universecontaining black-hole equilibrium were finally reached, you would be locked together with all entities and energies,
entombed apparently forever in that black hole.
Nevertheless, in that spaceship, you are now accelerating toward a seemingly infinite-mass black hole that will
collapse almost forever toward its center. Crossing the event horizon, you see the center of the black hole. You
fear an imminent crash into that center. But, soon, you realize something entirely different is happening. On
looking outside the spaceship, time seems to pass so slowly and then ever slower. To travel the most minute
distance seems to take forever. Every tiny incremental approach toward that black-hole center seems to take
ever longer as time passes ever slower.
Soon you seem to be standing still with the black-hole center never again appearing to get closer. Yet, the
spaceship's instruments show you are traveling at almost the speed of light and continually accelerating toward
that center. You realize that you are experiencing not only Einstein's relativity in time and space, you are also
experiencing relativity in gravity: Now, even the increases in gravity seem to have stopped. In fact, not even the
quantized effects of gravity can escape that universe-mass black hole. ...You seem to be forever frozen in time,
space, and gravity.
Finally, you the space traveler realize the ultimate fool's journey of boredom in which you have embarked and are
forever trapped. You lose all that conscious life and valid knowledge have to offer. Your fool's journey offers only
an endlessly changing physics, energy, and particles that at first seem rapid, interesting, important, and leading to
new knowledge for answering questions. But now, your almost infinitely slow journey is leading to nothing new -nothing that can build new knowledge or answer questions in reality. You can only observe endlessly slower
changing forms[ 14 ] of mass/energy that are forever predictable as a function of existence and its gravitational
fields, geometries, and dimensions.
Yet, the moment you awaken from your unreal physics-fiction dream is the moment you recognize what an
endless, inescapable fool's journey you have traveled and are now stuck. Then, the door to escape opens. Realizing
existence is never born or created, it simply exists eternally, your mind is finally free. Your entire thinking and
viewpoint change. You realize existence, not consciousness, is primary.[ 15 ] You can now gain valid, new
knowledge -- Zonpower knowledge -- that will show you how to escape that meaningless pursuit of a nonexistent
grail: the birthplace of existence. You realize existence has no birthplace. You realize conscious beings have
always controlled eternal existence through Zonpower.
Indeed, Zonpower brings you into the all-powerful Civilization of the Universe. With Zonpower, you control
existence and, thus, can break out of any black hole.[ 16 ]

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[ 10 ] The SSC's mission to find the Higgs boson is a valid quest, especially under brilliant Nobelists such as
experimentalist Leon Lederman and theorist Murray Gell-Mann...but not under the dishonesties and inefficiencies
of tax-funded science.
[ 11 ] "Infinite" is a useful mind-created concept that cannot exist in reality. Except for existence itself, which is
eternal and has no finites or boundaries, "infinity" violates the law of identity. In accordance with reality, at any
point one stops in traveling toward infinity, the entity is defined and finite, never infinite. For example, one's mind
knows that a curve can asymptotically approach a straight line forever. Yet, at any point on that curve, all
becomes finite and definable about that curve and the straight line.
Now, consider how the notion of a single point can always be approached closer and closer, but can never be
reached. For, like the notion of infinity, singularity does not and cannot exist beyond a mind-created notion. As an
analogy, think again how a curve can asymptotically approach but never reach that straight line and become a
straight line. Nothing in reality can justify a notion that such an ever approaching curve would suddenly contradict
its nature -- its never-ending course -- by arbitrarily and inexplicably jumping over a quantum space to join,
straighten out, and become a part of that never reachable straight line.
The laws of identity and noncontradiction always hold in reality. Those laws are eternally fundamental and
axiomatic throughout existence. Moreover, existence is not in space or time. Rather, time and space are in
existence. The universe is eternal, not infinite.
[ 12 ] This metaphorical journey is contextually and descriptively fairly accurate. But out of necessity for
nontechnical communication, some descriptions are not precisely accurate. Other descriptions await further
advances in physics.
[ 13 ] Every black hole originates from less than infinite mass and energy. All black holes, therefore, will stop
collapsing at some equilibrium point determined by its finite mass/energy: For example, stopping at the
Chandrasekhar limit then at the Schwarzschild radius. That equilibrium point of finite size consists of various
entities and energies that cannot by definition be a pure point of singularity. Instead, by nature, those entities and
energies are simply new, valid, and real sets of physics definable by that particular condition for those entities,
masses, energies, and finally gravity at a particular density or geometry.
[ 14 ] Changing from a black hole to a naked black hole from which nothing, not even gravity, can escape...and
finally changing into the geometry of a Gravity Unit.
[ 15 ] Aristotle is the father of the philosophically correct primacy-of-existence concept -- a concept fully
validated by Rand and Peikoff in the late 20th century. Plato is the father of the philosophically false primacy-ofconsciousness concept -- a concept disastrously advanced by Augustine, Hobbes, Descartes, Hume, Kant, and

Hegel. ...Totalitarian-trending governments and their destructive politicians, armed bureaucrats, and parasitical
elites require a dishonest, primary-of-consciousness philosophy to advance. Zonpower in cyberspace vanishes
Plato's philosophy, irrational acts, and government evils.
[ 16 ] With conscious beings, rotating black holes can actually become shortcuts through space and time.
Chapter 3
Seven Waves
to the
Civilization of the Universe
The Journey into a Black-Hole Civilization
A spaceship travels into a universe-containing black hole: That spaceship can never reach Singularity, all
in accord with the laws of nature as expressed by (1) Einstein's general relativity, by (2) full-context
quantum/particle physics, or by (3) multidimensional superstring or duality string theories.
Singularity and the big-bang creation of existence is a mystical notion requiring an imagined "God". Thus,
the astute Vatican and its Pope, as early as the 1950s, seized out-of-context quantum physics as the long
sought-after-link of science to religion "proving" the existence of their mystical "God".
The fundamental fact of existence is existence exists. That means existence is eternal without prior
causes. Existence includes the full evolvement of each new universe: from subatomic gravity units,
quarks, electrons to the elements and compounds...from land, water, life, conscious beings, buildings,
computers to conscious-created civilizations...and finally to conscious-controlled universes -- controlled
from both above and below. Thus, life and consciousness -- like geometry, matter, and energy -- have
existed throughout eternity. Indeed, conscious beings like us, not an imagined "God", have eternally
controlled nature and existence. ...Consciousness within each human being is the controlling force of
Discovering the Civilization of the Universe
Consider the very few honest philosophers who have lived on Earth: Parmenides, Aristotle, Thomas
Aquinas ("variance with reason is evil"), Baruch Spinoza, Adam Smith (economist), John Locke, Ayn Rand,
Leonard Peikoff. Consider their struggle against the irrationality of an anticivilization. They all sensed
increasing frustration at their inevitable failures because they too were an integrated part of
irrationality -- of anticivilization. They never knew how to leave or even knew that leaving an
anticivilization was possible. They never considered themselves being able to create and then enter the
Civilization of the Universe. ...They too were locked in a fool's journey within Earth's black-hole
Not until mystical, wishful-thinking notions, such as a Quantum/God Singularity, are cut away and
discarded can physicists, mathematicians, and astronomers once again move forward in generating
major new knowledge. As new-age mysticisms multiply, all fields of knowledge shrink toward darkness.
But, as Neo-Tech starts vanishing such mysticisms, those declines in physics, mathematics, astronomy,
medicine, law, education, and philosophy will reverse. The resulting forward movement will bring a golden

age of knowledge. From that new knowledge and prosperity, we shall learn to live forever with ever
increasing wealth and happiness. We shall be in the Civilization of the Universe.
Zon Easily Outdoing "God's" Supreme Feat
A century ago, no religious huckster could even imagine their mystical "God" could create a nuclearpower reactor or a computer. Yet, conscious beings easily do that today.
Who would be the winner in any Zon-versus-"God" contest? All conscious beings have the capacity within
the laws of nature and physics to outdo the greatest imaginable feat of that mystical "God" -- the
creation of our universe. Indeed, the creation of universes by conscious-controlled, Guth-type inflations
of Gravity Units is elementary child's play long-ago left behind by the more advanced Zons.
Unchain Jesus[ 17 ]: He was a hero of Zon, not "God".
Cut away and vanish the nothingness trap of mysticism, such as Quantum/God Singularity. Then what
happens? An entirely different view, thinking, experiments, and physics unfold:

A century ago, any thought of human beings cracking the atom to convert mass into energy was
inconceivable. Today, nuclear energy is routine. Likewise, today, any thought of human beings cracking
super-dense black holes or Gravity Units (GUs) into new galaxies and universes is inconceivable. Yet,
once free of mystical notions such as Singularity and the big-bang creation of spacetime, the cracking of
black-hole symmetries will become understood. Then, universe-making energy can be harnessed by
conscious beings breaking the symmetry of universe-containing Gravity Units -- all consistent with the
laws of physics. ...That process, in turn, will spin out the unlimited riches available from the consciouscontrolled unleashing of matter and energy from those Gravity Units.
Surpassing Einstein
A universe-containing Gravity Unit (UGU[ 18 ]) is equivalent to all the mass and energy of a universe spun
into a submicroscopic geometry of wound-up gravity or antimotion order at zero entropy -- the pure,
quantized geometry of gravity in which time and space do not exist. Advanced conscious beings create
countless universes from such hidden quantized Gravity Units. How? By breaking symmetries to unwind
the endless UGUs into universes of matter and energy...or perhaps into just gravity pulses for
communication. Why do conscious beings create universes? To utilize nature's ultimate energy and

communication source in advancing their well beings. ...That conversion of UGUs into endless riches and
universes by conscious beings is expressed by the equation:
UGU energy/c2<-->UGU mass-> [broken symmetry]->Energy+Mass+Time
The UGU state is near pure gravity in an existence field. UGUs are at once all energy and all mass. The
quantized Gravity Unit is the basic unit of existence -- the immutable source of all life and riches. Thus, all
expanding values and riches rise from that single unit (not a single point) -- the quantized GU.
Additionally, GUs are the energy and communication means among the controlling force of existence -goal-directed conscious life.
How does one prove conscious life is the only nongeometrically structured force of nature -- the fifth and
controlling force of the universe? By discovering anomalies in the universe that are unmistakably
obvious as conscious creations -- creations that could never be produced or configured by the other four
universal forces -- the geometrically structured forces of gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear
forces, and strong nuclear forces. ...Consider one observing a planet in a distant solar system. Did
conscious life ever exist there? What if that observer spotted a land-rover vehicle on that planet? That
land-rover vehicle would be unmistakable proof of conscious existence. For, no geometric force of nature
could produce or configure a land-rover vehicle. Now, extrapolate that example to anomaly
configurations in the universe. Are those anomalies a part of a nongeometric, consciously encoded
cosmos system? Such anomalies will be resolved only by plugging in the purposeful, unifying force of
conscious life into theoretical and mathematical models of our entire universe down to subatomic
phenomena. ...Is existence itself encoded by conscious control?
At every level, from distant quasars to subatomic quarks, from astronomy to quantum physics, certain
anomalies will be resolved as purposeful, life-enhancing conscious actions. Within that resolution exists
the proof that nongeometrically structured conscious life is the fifth and controlling force/dimension of
The conscious harnessing of Super-Inflation Gravity Units (SIGUs) allows near instant, gravity-pulse
communication not only across our entire universe but possibly between universes[ 19 ] -- all without
violating physical laws, including the speed of light. How? By rolling multidimensional geometries into
lased gravity pulses transmitted via Guth-type inflations of Gravity Units.[ 20 ]
From Impossible to Succeed to Impossible to Fail
Civilizations and anticivilizations are conscious-created, just as are land-rover vehicles, airplanes, and
television sets. None exist in nature alone. None are created by the other forces of nature without
conscious beings.
The Civilization of the Universe is created by conscious beings objectively integrating reality. But an
anticivilization is conjured up by humanoids subjectively disintegrating reality.
In an anticivilization, endless volumes of philosophy arise in order to rationalize or counter the endless
contradictions of reality and rationality. The Civilization of the Universe is civilization. For, civilization is
the integration of reason and objective reality. In such a civilization, philosophy simplifies to a few words
and then disappears as self-evident.
Civilization vanishes any anticivilization on contact -- somewhat analogous to matter vanishing antimatter
on contact. Both anticivilization and antimatter are anti by nature. Therefore, their natures can never be

changed. But, they can be annihilated, vanished, or puffed away by actual matter and the actual
Civilization of the Universe.
Throughout the universe, the position of anyone or any civilization on the scale of knowledge makes no
difference. Only the process of advancing unimpeded on that never ending scale of knowledge delivers
prosperity and happiness to conscious beings.
The Civilization of the Universe delivers far beyond any mystic's dream of a no-effort paradise. With
Zonpower, one can solve life's problems to live eternally in ever expanding knowledge, prosperity, and
happiness. For, the Civilization of the Universe is based on rational efforts integrated with reality -- on
disciplined thoughts, goal-directed actions, and iron-grip controls -- not on lazy rationalizations, wishful
thinkings, or sloppy mysticisms.
In any civilization, the only legitimate or beneficial function of government is to protect individual
property rights. The only legitimate use of force is self-defense in protecting those rights. By contrast,
criminal-controlled governments of anticivilizations depend on political-agenda laws, ego "justice",
initiatory force, threats, coercion, fake compassion, and fraud to survive. They survive by draining value
producers and violating property rights.
How can one escape parasitical elites while trapped in their anticivilization? The trap is the attempt to
reform their anticivilization, which cannot be done. The key is Zonpower. With Zonpower, one can cut
away and vanish the anticivilization. Consider the following: (1) Zonpower is the tool for building unlimited
prosperity available to every conscious being, (2) Zonpower is Neo-Tech applied from the Civilization of
the Universe, (3) Zon is anyone who is applying Neo-Tech from the Civilization of the Universe.
In an anticivilization, long-range successes are impossible. In the Civilization of the Universe, long-range
failures are impossible.
The Source of Eternal Wealth
Technically, gravitational "forces" do not exist. As Einstein discovered in surpassing Newton, gravity is
the relative interaction among the geometries of mass, energy, space, and time.[ 21 ] Similarly, universal
consciousness as promoted by certain physicists, Eastern religions, and pantheism does not exist.
Rather, universal consciousness as the eternal interaction between individual conscious beings and
existence is what dominates nature.
As Einsteinian relativity overtook Newtonian gravity, astronomers and physicists went about empirically
proving relativity. Likewise, as the Civilization of the Universe overtakes today's anticivilization,
astronomers and physicists will go about empirically proving Zonpower: the control of the universe by
conscious beings. ...Einstein's discredited cosmological constant will rise anew from Gravity Units
containing the hidden Zon constant that brings eternal wealth and happiness to the universe.
The Product from Zon -- Let There be Light!
Civilizations are created by conscious beings applying the eternal principles of nature to life. Thus,
civilizations can be created by billions of conscious beings or by a single conscious being. Moreover, as a
conscious creation, civilizations can be created and expressed in writing -- in a document. Once a
Civilization of the Universe is created here on Earth, anyone can experience that civilization. And, once
one experiences that civilization, he or she captures the power of Zon.

The ancients saw power in the gods among the stars. The golden-age Greeks brought power to man on
Earth. Today, Zonpower brings the Civilization of the Universe to Earth. ...Zonpower gives conscious
people power over existence.
On capturing that wealth and power among the Civilization of the Universe, one can never again look back
or waste a thought on the boring irrationality of today's anticivilization -- today's insane civilization ruled
by dishonest parasites who can only drain others and harm society.
Thus, the first-and-final product from Zon is the Civilization of the Universe. As explained in Movement III,
once one receives that ultimate product, he or she becomes a citizen of the universe. With the resulting
Zonpower, that person puffs away the anticivilization to gain eternal wealth, romantic love, and exciting

Science, Physics, and Mathematics

merge into
Conscious-Controlled Cyberspace
Francis Bacon (1562-1626) the father of the Scientific Method developed inductive reasoning and formulated
perhaps the most important maxim of Western thought: "Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed." To be
commanded, nature must first be understood. Thus, "knowledge is power". ...That power resides in consciouscontrolled cyberspace.
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) the father of modern science identified and demonstrated that mathematics was
required for the development of physics -- its theories and laws. Mathematics as the key to understanding nature
was also demonstrated by Johannas Kepler (1571-1630) in his discoveries of algebraic geometries that codified
the elliptical orbits and area sweeps of planetary motions.
The Zon Institute is seeking to develop the mathematical descriptions and field formulations of consciouscontrolled physics. All universal constants and the laws of physics are formulated through the cyberspace
unfurling of Gravity Units. Publishable contributions providing such mathematical descriptions may be submitted
to John Flint, The Zon Association, P. O. Box 60752, Boulder City, NV 89006.

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[ 17 ] Not the unreal, dead Jesus of establishment Christianity. Not the chained, captive Jesus manipulated by
parasitical "authorities" and vested interests since 400 AD. But, the real, ever-living Israelite Jesus -- the free
spirit of eternal prosperity and happiness.
The parasitical-elite class with its subjective laws and ego "justice" attacked, jailed, and finally killed Jesus. Why?
For his trying to bring the prosperous Civilization of the Universe described in Movement III to the harmful

anticivilization described in Movement II. ...The professional value destroyers of the Roman Empire convicted and
crucified Jesus solely to protect their ego agendas and harmful livelihoods.
Brief, erratic contacts with the Civilization of the Universe described in Movement III were perhaps experienced
by Moses, Confucius, Socrates, Jesus, Bruno, Galileo, Spinoza, Newton, Brigham Young, Einstein. But, today, a
consistent, nonstop journey from Earth to the Civilization of the Universe has begun. It began in 1976 with the
publication of the Neo-Tech Reference Encyclopedia.
The future belongs to fully integrated honesty -- to reason, rationality, Neo-Tech, and the Civilization of the
[ 18 ] Universe containing Gravity Units (UGUs) are existence, thus, have existed eternally. By contrast, universecontaining black holes (Chapter 2) form whenever an entire universe collapses into a black hole.
[ 19 ] Philosophically, only one universe can exist. For existence cannot not exist. No voids of nothingness between
universes or anywhere can exist. Thus, interlocking or overlapping gravity units, which must connect everything,
must connect all "universes" into one universe.
[ 20 ] No single entity or particle can travel faster than the speed of light. But, quantum fluxes can provide
"instantaneous" or "superluminal" travel of a particle such as the Bohr-orbit quantum jump of an electron. What
happens is a quantum flux produces a physics-permitted, positron-and-electron pair in a vacuum in a different
energy level or orbit. The space/energy difference between the two energy levels is the election-produced
wavelength. The positron then annihilates the lower orbit electron leaving the new electron in a different orbit,
giving the appearance of an instantaneous jump between orbits when in reality two separate electrons are
Similar rationally explicable phenomena occur with faster-than-light, "big-bang" expansions or quantum fluxes of
Gravity Units into universes. ...No mysticism or conscious-created reality exists in physics or reality, from
cosmological relativity to quantum mechanics.
[ 21 ] Somewhat analogous to two-dimensional flatlanders feeling the tugs of geometric variances as
"gravitational forces" when they traverse, for example, a crumpled sheet of paper.
Chapter 4
Zon's Force Field
Note to General Readers
Understanding the scientific technicalities of the previous chapters and the next four chapters with their
footnotes is not necessary for understanding and fully using Zonpower. Read those chapters for what you can
easily understand. Do not worry about the rest.
By understanding what existence really is, you gain control over impediments blocking your life. Without those
impediments, you can foretell the future to gain limitless riches.

Indeed, you can get incredibly rich by controlling the force fields of existence. But first you must know what
existence really is through Neo-Tech physics. Existence is axiomatic and eternal. For, existence simply exists with
no prior causes. Existence is a natural, open-ended plasma of force fields[ 22 ] eternally evolving with no
beginning or end. Neo-Tech physics demonstrates how human-like consciousness is not only an integral part of
existence, but is the eternal controller of its geometries, fields, and particles. ...Yet, what is the actual nature of
Most existence throughout the universe exists as an open-ended electroplasma, always evolving through its
interacting matter (M) and energy (E) fields or modes. Those two fields of existence eternally interchange in a
relationship expressed by Einstein as M=E/c2 (from E=mc2 ), with c being the universal constant representing the
velocity of light.
Existence cannot not exist. Moreover, no vacuum void of existence is possible. "Vacuums" of the matter field can
exist as in outer space, in vacuumed-pumped containers, and in areas between electrons. But, all those volumes
are filled with the unmovable, frictionless ether or existence field -- a uniform, continuous field of existence.[ 23 ]
Throughout eternity, a massless field uniformly occupies every spacetime point of existence. This field of
existence behaves as an ether matrix with stationary wave, vibration, or string properties. Within this field
matrix, both energy and matter geometries interact to form physical existence, always behaving in dynamic
combinations of one mode interacting with the other. Certain motions of the matter field, for example, interact at
the quantum level with the energy field. That interaction produces irreducible packets of quantized energies or
geometric structures. Those irreducible quanta, such as photons, send relief-seeking signals or perturbations
into the continuous existence field radiating throughout eternity.
Conscious Control of Existence Fields
During its creation, each new energy quantum slips smoothly and continuously from its matter field into the fixed
existence field. Like water flowing from a dripping faucet, each quantum is pinched off into a minimum-energy
wave packet. Simultaneously, from the continuous energy flow, a new quantum starts forming. Thus, continuous,
smooth-flowing energy forms discrete photons. In turn, those photons or pinched-off wave packets of minimum
energy matter create field disturbances or nonequilibrium pressures[ 24 ] signalling themselves in all directions
throughout the existence field. Such signals generally travel near or at the speed of light.
Eventually, each point line of disturbance or pressure signal is relieved by a receptor that absorbs such signals. In
turn, that disturbance absorption converts back into pinched-off packets of minimum matter energy -- chemical,
potential, or kinetic. In other words, a receptor relieves signal pressures by locally absorbing quanta equivalent to
the quanta from the originating source. Each absorbed quantum is then converted back into the equivalent of its
original mode. Such exchanges of modes can be detected as a wave/particle in the energy field or a particle/wave
in the matter field or a combination, depending on how and where that mode exchange is emitted, absorbed, and
measured.[ 25 ]
Those field or mode exchanges occur, for example, when stars pour nature-controlled, gravity-fusion energy into
its surrounding electrons. Those energized electrons, in turn, pour photons into the existence field. Those photons
cause disturbances that simulate waves ranging from radio waves to gamma waves. Those simulated waves
radiate toward receptors located at the end of all point lines throughout existence -- such as a lens of a telescope
in another galaxy. That receptor conserves existence by withdrawing or absorbing equivalent amounts of
pressure-alleviating photons to neutralize the disturbances from the originating source.
Similarly, a hydro, fossil-fuel, or fusion power plant on Earth pours human-controlled, power-plant energy into, for
example, a television transmitter. That energized transmitter, in turn, pours its human-controlled photons into the

existence-field ether. Such an action creates radiating lines of disturbances that are equilibrated by absorption of
photons into the matter field of, for example, a television receiver. The same energy/matter mode equilibrations
can be traced from that television set to the retina of a human eye, then to a conscious brain, and finally to
volitional physical actions that both alter and control the course of nature.
Discrete quanta or particles move at high velocities approaching the speed of light mainly in (1) expansions or
contractions of the universe, in (2) certain nuclear reactions or radioactive decays causing symmetry breakings
or hidings, and in (3) conscious-controlled actions such as particle accelerations. By contrast, the ordinary
transmission of light, electromagnetism, or quantum energy across space is not a result of any significant
particle movement. But rather such linear or curved transmissions are simply vibrating, resonating, or wave-like
disturbances in spacetime geometries propagating near or at the speed of light through the existence field. Thus,
discrete energy quantum and matter quantum do not themselves travel across space. Instead, each creates a
disturbance pressure that radiates wave like along the stationary point lines of existence. That wave-like
disturbance is eventually relieved, equilibrated, or absorbed by receptors at the end of each point line of
Consider the above description of locally creating and relieving energy pressures by emitters and receptors in
the stationary existence-field ether. Now, consider the popular notion that almost every particle ever created or
released physically races across space -- often across millions or billions of light years in space. That notion
seems to violate some sort of "least-action" principle. Such an action-inefficient notion of endlessly traveling
quanta seems as quaint as the notion of a geocentric universe in which all inertial matter, planets, and stars daily
race around planet Earth.
Indeed, both matter and energy interact locally, not across space. Light, for example, does not literally propagate
across time and space. But, rather, light locally manifests a disturbance that spreads wave like throughout the
existence-field ether until absorbed or equilibrated by a receptor.[ 26 ]
Conscious Control of Existence
The above example of an energy-releasing star can be "deterministically" calculated from the "immutable" causeand-effect of existence without conscious influences. But, the above example of an energy-releasing television
transmitter is the volitional dynamics of existence being integrated, controlled, and forever altered by freewill
human consciousness. Thus, as revealed by Neo-Tech physics, all existence is ultimately controlled and evolved
through volitional human consciousness.
Unknown to the busily self-serving Establishment, the nature of existence and its dynamics of matter and energy
are today being increasingly understood and methodically verified. That verification process will lead to the
corollary verification that human consciousness is the eternal integrator and controller of existence. ...Human
consciousness ultimately controls the relationships and geometries of the other existence modes -- matter and
energy along with space and time. The human-consciousness mode is the purposeful, unmoved mover of
Zonpower Commands the Future
The scientific verification that any individual conscious being can control existence will vanish Earth's irrational
anticivilization. As Earth's anticivilization vanishes, the rational Civilization of the Universe will embrace our world.
...With Zonpower, one can foretell and command the future by controlling the existence field that reaches into the
future -- into the Civilization of the Universe.

The age of Zon means controlling the universal information field not through Earthbound computers, but through
Zonpower: the foretelling knowledge of Neo-Tech physics -- the certainty used to gain limitless excitement, power,
and riches...eternally.

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[ 22 ] Fields and forces are the result of noneuclidean geometries and symmetries in space. Thus, there are no
unaccounted, spooky "actions at a distance". ...Superstring theory, which would involve the geometries and
mathematics of Gravity Units, consist of sixteen dimensions, or, in actuality, ten dimensions because six
dimensions are redundant. Those ten dimensions can, in turn, split into a rolled-up six dimensions in which time,
space, motion, and entropy do not exist -- and the unrolled four dimensions of our current observable universe in
which time, space, motion, and entropy do exist.
[ 23 ] An all-pervasive existence field of mass and energy modes is somewhat analogous to a combination of (1)
Dirac's ocean in which exists an endless field of "electrons" or energy fluctuations at all points throughout space
and (2) Faraday's nonmatter, stationary lines or fields of force. ...All known energy modes can pressure wave
through the energy/matter ratios of outer space. Most modes are absorbed or changed at the energy/matter
ratios either in Earth's gaseous atmosphere or in the liquids and solids of Earth itself. By contrast, almost all
neutrino wave pressures can pass through the electron/nuclear fields of thick solid masses, even through the
entire planet Earth without mode change.
This resurrection of an ether, not as a matter or energy field, but as a fixed existence field, reconciles Newton's
classical laws and Einstein's relativity with quantum mechanics. Such a reconciliation arises from a universal Zon
constant, k, which, in turn, arises from conscious control of the existence-field ether manifested at every
spacetime point of existence. The resulting causal control of existence by eternal conscious beings is (1)
universal, (2) fixed, (3) unmovable, and (4) independent of any frame of reference or method of observation.
[ 24 ] Not a pushing pressure, but a nonequilibrium pressure or disturbance signal seeking equilibrium. What is
detected only represents what is transmitted. ...A pressure intruding into the existence field causes that field to
curve around the intrusion which, in turn, traces the curved paths of gravity. The interactive relationships
between mass, energy, fields, curved space, and gravity require an ether of existence fixed throughout spacetime.
[ 25 ] In measurements, the distinction between metaphysical and epistemological certainties must be discerned,
especially in quantum mechanics: No metaphysical uncertainties exist in physical nature. Only epistemological
uncertainties exist.* Probability statistics are used in the absence of concrete knowledge. The de Broglie/Bohm's
pilot-wave theories help eliminate the mystical misinterpretations of quantum mechanics arising from the 1926
Copenhagen Interpretation. ...Pilot waves are the fingerprint disturbances guiding moving particles.
*Consider the following epistemological uncertainty: The ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter is pi or
3.14159..., a number that continues indefinitely without ever repeating. Thus, the use of pi in calculations, such as
the area of a circle A=pir2 , can never yield an exact or certain answer. For the answer always depends on how
many decimals one extends pi in calculating that area. Yet, an exact area exists, it just cannot be calculated by
using pi or any method of diminishing triangulation.

[ 26 ] Then what really is the "speed of light", c? First, consider atomic fission or fusion in which a given mass is
converted to energy as mc2 =E. Now, by contrast, the "speed of light", c, is the velocity at which a given energy is
converted to mass as E/c2 =m. Yet, light itself is the opposite -- it has no rest mass. So where is the connection of
light to the velocity, c? There is none. The "speed of light", c, is not the speed of light at all, but rather c is the
velocity relationships of field disturbances, which all have a speed limit of 186,281 miles per second in a particular
vacuum state.
Incidentally, traveling near or at the velocity of light, energy fields bend in gravitational fields. The quasi mass
generated by high-velocity, photonically disturbed existence fields is what bends in gravitational fields.
Chapter 5
The Physics Behind
Zonpower is a communiqu from the Civilization of the Universe. When you carefully read the entire communiqu,
an epiphany will occur. You will, for the first time in your life, know how to control all that affects you. Nothing
negative or harmful in the anticivilization will control you again. You will gain majestic control over your mind,
body, and all events involving your prosperity, happiness, and well-being. ...You will gain Zonpower from which you
will capture the power and riches available from the Civilization of the Universe.
Every owner of Zonpower must carefully read this communiqu in its entirety at least once, perhaps twice or
more, in order to reach into an ecstatic future...into the Civilization of the Universe to gain its power and riches.
At the same time, you will toss the yoke of today's stagnant anticivilization. Indeed, Zonpower delivers a stunning
new power to benefit from every event that touches your life.
Scientific Proofs
The final proof of the Civilization of the Universe lies in the foretelling powers of Zonpower that yield limitless
riches, even to those trapped in this anticivilization. But to vanish this anticivilization by having everyone on Earth
move into the Civilization of the Universe requires scientific proofs embedded in mathematics. Those proofs are
today evolving. One such proof will evolve from answering the fundamental question: What is existence?
The answer will arise by first answering another question: What is the relationship of consciousness to mass and
energy? That answer requires understanding the relationship of inertial or gravitational mass to a massless
universal ether -- a fixed matrix of existence. Then, one can discover the relationships among mass, energy, and
consciousness itself. ...How are (1) mass as "weight" and (2) energy as "weightlessness" related to (3) consciouscontrolled existence? Why do each of those three existence modes require a universal existence field? ...Below is
the simplest approach to answering those questions:
If Mass is Not Intrinsic, What is Weight?
Aristotle postulated things had weight because they had tendencies to be heavy or light. But that postulate does
nothing to really explain weight. Newton explained weight through the force of gravity. On careful thought,
however, gravitational force does nothing more to explain weight than Aristotle's tendencies. Additionally,
Einstein's general relativity demonstrates that gravity does not exist as a force. But rather mass curves space by
displacing the space surrounding that mass. Thus, gravity is simply mass moving along spacetime curves -- along
natural paths of least action.

The greater the mass, the more it bends or curves space toward itself by displacement. Therefore, the more a
unit of mass curves space toward itself the greater will be its inertia in falling toward another unit of mass with
space likewise curved toward its own mass. ...Mass falling through space curved toward another mass gives the
effect of gravitational attraction or negative energy striving toward nonmotion.
Now, through Einstein's relativity, one can approach an explanation of what weight really is. But, on still closer
examination, even Einstein fails to provide a complete answer. What is missing? The existence field is missing -the ether that Einstein dismissed. ...Mass is not intrinsic to matter. Thus, an existence-field ether is required to
explain what weight really is.
Why does Einstein's General Relativity fail to explain weight without a fixed field of existence? Take two
cannonballs of identical size, one made of solid iron, the other of solid aluminum. Both fall and accelerate in a
gravitational field at the same rate. Why does the iron ball weigh about twice that of the aluminum ball of the same
size? Einstein's general relativity explains that space curves toward the center of mass in proportion to that
mass. But, if a non-ether space surrounding the equal-sized cannonballs is being "displaced" and curved, is that
curvature equal for equal-volume cannonballs? Is the weight for identical-sized iron and aluminum cannonballs
identical? Of course not. ...What is wrong? Nothing.[ 27 ]
One must first strip away volume/particle/mass/energy ideas such as the mass of a quark or the energy of a
photon. For, gravity and weight can be understood only in terms of interacting geometries within a fixed existence
field beneath all mass and energy quanta...beneath each cannonball, quark, electron, photon.
The key concept is this: In order to have weight or gravity, one must have a fixed ether field of weightless
existence that is uniformly and equally present everywhere from the spaces between galaxies and above, down to
the spaces between quarks and below, down to the final symmetry of the ether-hidden Gravity Unit.
If that symmetry-hiding ether were not uniformly present and fixed everywhere in existence, the universal laws of
nature, such as gravity, would be arbitrary and fail. ...That fixed existence-field ether is not only necessary for
existence, but is existence -- conscious-controlled geometries throughout spacetime.
One must recognize that a fixed, weightless field is existence in which its modes of matter, energy, and
consciousness interact. The mathematics and experiments will then fall into place for understanding and
controlling existence.[ 28 ] ...Weight is simply what and where weightlessness is not.
Football-Stadium Experiments
From the macroworld perspective, conduct the following experiment: In a bowl-like football stadium, bolt on the
arm of every seat a simple, low-cost, push-button, battery device. On pushing the button, a precisely tuned radio
wave unique to each device is emitted. Beneath the stadium is a radio-wave detector hooked up to a computer.
Now, fill the stadium with 100,000 football fans. As part of the halftime ceremonies, provide a laser-light display.
Ask the spectators to keep their fingers on the signal button and immediately press it each time they see a green
laser flash. Deliver 50 green flashes during the laser display.[ 29 ] The signal detector and computer will detect
and record every person's signal, plotting each as a point along either side of a dividing line continuously
calculated as the medium signal time.
If those signals plot reproducible, double sine waves for each 3600 revolution of the stadium, watch out! For,
conscious quanta as an integral part of a fixed existence-field has been experimentally demonstrated. From such
verifiable and repeatable experiments, the Civilization of the Universe and its powers can become known and
increasingly accessible to everyone on planet Earth.

How would a double sine wave in this experiment (1) identify the fixed ether of existence and (2) demonstrate
consciousness as an integral mode of that ether? The Earth is orbiting the sun at about 67,000 miles per hour...or
about 0.01% the speed of light. Thus, if consciousness or conscious control is an integral part of the fixed ether,
those oriented most directly in line with the direction of that motion will, because of relativity effects, record on
average minutely slower but statistically measurable response times reflected by points plotted below the
medium line.
Those people sitting at a 900 angle to Earth's orbital motion will record on average a minutely faster response as
reflected by points plotted above the medium line. The average of those points should then show a double sinewave inclination for each 3600 revolution of the stadium. Statistically, on calculating the effects of relativity, about
100 points should fall outside the statistical average, above and below the line, for each 360 0 revolution of 100,000
points of data recorded after each green laser flash. That 100 point variation per flash times fifty flashes should
manifest itself as detectable, reproducible sine waves.
Why did the famous Michelson-Morley experiment in 1887, for which Michelson won the Nobel prize in 1907,
"prove" that no fixed ether existed? Because the signals measured were photons of light, which are not intrinsic
to the existence field. In other words, rather than seeking a weightless existence-field ether, a nonexistent
matter-mode ether was sought. Therefore, no relativity effects would be detected for photons in that experiment.
Thus, no detection of the "ether wind" could occur. But, what if consciousness or conscious control is intrinsic to
existence -- a constituent of the fixed ether? Then, with live conscious action, its mediating quanta particles called
thinkons will cut through a fixed field of existence at 67,000 miles per hour relative to the sun -- or greater
speeds relative to other universe entities, such as other galaxies, or the entire expanding universe, or even the
meta-universe -- the Universe of Universes.[ 30 ]
Other Experiments: Clocks and Computers
Physicists have already demonstrated minute differences in time for clocks at different latitudes and altitudes.
Those differences are attributed to differences in gravitational "forces". Could similar experiments utilize supercomputer-speed variations to detect both the orbital and rotational movements of the Earth through the GU
ether?[ 31 ]
Gravity Units: the Basic Unit of Existence
Gravity Units are neither energy nor matter.[ 32 ] But, in sort of a de Sitter sense, energy and matter meld into
the symmetry of Gravity-Unit space or an existence field. From that fundamental symmetry or field of existence,
all universes spring. Indeed, Gravity Units are that which the latest string theories are groping toward. Gravity
Units not only occupy all space among matter and energy particles, but comprise all such particles themselves
including quarks and electrons, including gravitons and photons.
The most fundamental controller of existence is human consciousness, the force that controls symmetry and
Gravity Units. From those dynamics, existence evolves. ...Consciousness is the ultimate logic, beauty, and
symmetry of physics from which future, major theories and discoveries will be predicted and confirmed.
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[ 27 ] Volume, of course, does not explain weight or General Relativity. And, of course, Einstein's General Relativity
is correct. Volume is simply used as an analogy to dig beneath volume/mass/energy to find the gravity
geometries needed to explain the origins of weight. ...See pages 15-20 of the Closing Ceremonies for further
understandings of weight.
[ 28 ] Controlling Existence at All Scales:
Any given astral volume of matter and energy will maintain its same weight before and after collapsing into a black
hole. For, any collapsed volume will still contain the equivalent number of mass/energy units for equivalent etherfield displacements. Total spacetime curvature and total gravity will, therefore, be equivalent for any
mass/volume in both its black-hole form and its fully expanded star, galaxy, or universe form. Now, by definition,
light and other energy or mass forms cannot escape a black hole. Thus, a normal black hole cannot be detected,
except by its gravity or perhaps by Hawking radiation. But nothing, not even gravity, can escape from universecontaining black holes that further collapse into Gravity Units. Why? Because mass and energy have collapsed into
a symmetrical geometry of gravity curved in on itself. By collapsing to trillions of times smaller than a regular,
microscopic black hole, the Gravity Unit becomes a quasi point that causes no ether displacement. It becomes a
part of weightless ether. Thus, the Gravity Unit is essentially weightless with no current technology to detect its
totally lost, inconceivably tiny weight and volume. ...This essentially weightless, undetectable Gravity Unit
represents the underlying geometry of all existence minus consciousness. Now, all geometries of existence are
subject to nongeometrical conscious control through Gravity Units.
Light cannot escape from black holes whose volumes are proportional to their masses. Neither light nor gravity
can escape from Gravity Units whose "volumes" are inversely proportional to their potential masses. Does space,
time, or motion exist beneath Gravity Units? Is our universe a Gravity Unit relative to other universes?
[ 29 ] An at-rest comparison of the speed of light versus the 5,000,000 pieces of data requires several orders of
magnitude more preciseness to detect the sought effect. But, the experiment can be enhanced to detect the
sought effect through added computer/trigonometric analyses that detect secondary changes in statistical data
reflecting particles not at rest but traveling 67,000 mph through the GU ether relative to the sun. ...Other motions
could be detectable, even overwhelming: for example, the high-speed motion of our galaxy through the GU ether.
...See pages 15-20 of the Closing Ceremonies for further understandings of this experiment.
[ 30 ] Electromagnetic forces such as photons would "disturb" but not measurably interact with a fixed ether of
Gravity Units. Thus, photons would act independently and could not detect the "ether". By contrast, hypothetical
thinkons would be intrinsic to Gravity Units, thus, would interact with the GU ether -- the unmoving frame of
reference for all existence. ...What is the speed through the GU ether is close to the speed of light, c, relative t o
the expanding universe? Does that mean conscious beings could measurably, albeit minutely, think more
efficiently facing one direction versus another direction? Worth experiments? What if conscious beings are
traveling at all directions simultaneously through the fixed "ether" at near the speed of light? In that case, the
"ether" could not be detected by Stadium Experiments and thinking rates would be equal in all directions. ...In any
case, the point of the Stadium-Experiment idea is not only one of physics, but one of metaphor to illustrate the
relationship of consciousness to existence.

[ 31 ] Neo-Tech physics with its ether field resolves the many mysteries of quantum mechanics, including Bell's
theorem in explaining the 1982 Alain Aspect's "faster-than-light" experiments. Conscious control of the ether field
removes the mysticism from quantum interpretations of CPT symmetry breakings, the Einstein-Bohr debate,
Schrdinger's cat paradox and Wigner's friend, and even reducing Everett's parallel universes from infinitely
multiplying down to two: the universe and the antiuniverse (the anticivilization). ...Rational consciousness
collapses the wavefunction of the antiuniverse.
[ 32 ] Energy and mass in the strictest sense do not actually convert from one to the other as suggested by
E=mc2 . They are really just two different modes of the most fundamental field -- the existence field consisting of
quasi spacetime points and Gravity Units. From any Gravity Unit or quasi spacetime point can spring the mass and
energy of an entire entire universe of quarks and electrons.
But, how do the quarks and electrons actually materialize? They materialize by breaking the symmetry of a
Gravity Unit or spacetime point, which is pure symmetry at zero energy, zero mass, and zero gravity. That
symmetry breaks into exactly equal but any amounts of positive and negative energy. The amount of energy
depends on how the symmetry breaks. The positive energy consists of mass and energy fields comprising the
dynamics of quark-and-electron motions. The negative energy consists of gravity comprising the dynamics of
antimotions and slowing time. The total energy, mass, and gravity for any universe or its alternate mode of a
Gravity Unit is zero, with all positive and negative energies exactly cancelling each other. Indeed, in the totality of
any closed universe or Gravity Unit, the conservation laws of energy, angular momentum, and electrical charge
disappear. They each cancel to zero. ...In a Gravity Unit, time stops and disappears into a spatial dimension or
What really are quarks and electrons? They are existence modes or geometries of quantized momentums that are
relativistically compacted into mass particles surrounded by energy fields or wave functions.
Gravity Units and their existence field are controlled by conscious beings through unblocked, wide-scope,
integrated thinking efforts. The fine-coarse graining of existence will reveal a quantized particle of conscious
thought: the thinkon. As photons mediate force in the electromagnetic field, as W and Z particles mediate force in
the weak nuclear field, as gluons mediate force in the strong nuclear field, and as gravitons mediate force in the
gravitational field, thinkons mediate the force of consciousness in the existence field. All existence can be
identified through various sum-over histories of thinkons. ...The thinkon particle can be deduced from footballstadium type experiments. What experiments could directly demonstrate the thinkon particle? The mathematics of
noneuclidean, multidimensional geometries may provide the field equations for the existence field and its thinkons.
Chapter 6
A Cosmology of Infinite Riches
From the F.R. Wallace's "Long Wave" publication (c)1985
simplified in 1995 to be contextually accurate if not technically precise

This chapter is going to take you on a journey. A journey into realms you never knew existed. By the time you
finish this journey, your thinking will change about you, this world, the universe, the future. That metamorphosis
will occur on putting together 25 pieces of a puzzle. ...When the last piece snaps into place, your thinking will

change forever.
More specifically, after reading this 25-part chapter, an array of new concepts will jell into a matrix on the final
page. That matrix will eventually end all mysticism and deliver endless riches to this world.
Part 1
A Neo-Tech Discovery
Tony, a lad of thirteen, was singing the theme song of Monty Python's "The Meaning of Life". The song went
something like this:
"Just remember that you are standing on a planet that's revolving at 900 miles per hour, that's orbiting at 90
miles per second. So it's reckoned that the source of all our power, the sun, and you and I and all the stars that we
can see are moving at a million miles a day. That's figured out as moving at 42,000 miles an hour, in our galaxy
called the Milky Way. Our Galaxy itself contains 100 billion stars. It's 100,000 light years from side to side and
16,000 light years thick. We are 30,000 light years from our galactic center and go around that center every 200
million years. Our galaxy is one of millions of billions in this amazing, expanding universe. The universe itself keeps
on expanding in all directions at the speed of light. It's whizzing as fast as it can go, you know, at 12 million miles a
minute. So remember when we are feeling very small and insecure, how amazing and unlikely is our birth. And
pray that there is intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'cause we are down here on Earth."
What makes those lyrics fascinating is that every statement is essentially factual and verifiable. But the song left
out the most important part: Probability statistics overwhelmingly reveal that our universe contains at least a
hundred million, and probably billions of Earth-like planets populated with conscious beings like you and me.
Millions of conscious civilizations exist that are millions of years more advanced than our newly born, immature,
still mystically oriented civilization.[ 33 ]
Moreover, that song was praying for what Neo-Tech already discovered. In fact, Albert Einstein spent his
professional life searching in vain for what Neo-Tech discovered -- the unifying, controlling element of the
universe: human-like consciousness.
Part 2
Einstein and the Unifying Link
Throughout history, conscious beings on Earth have struggled with mystical notions of a "superior"
consciousness, an imagined god, or some other "higher" power reigning over the universe. But today, by
integrating the dynamics of mass and energy, Neo-Tech reveals a relationship between our own Earth-bound
consciousness and all existence. The unifying power that orchestrates existence is not some mystical god or
"superior" being. But, as demonstrated in this chapter, that unifying power is conscious beings -conceptual/introspective beings as you and I.
Einstein never accomplished his ultimate goal of unifying all forces. He never derived a Unified-Field Theory. But
extrapolating Einstein's work into Neo-Tech reveals the unifying entity of existence -- the only integrating force of
the universe: human-like consciousness.
Why did Einstein not realize that fact? One reason perhaps stems from his abhorrence for unpredictable actions
among the dynamics of nature. For that reason, he disliked quantum mechanics or anything that suggested
arbitrary or "god-like" interventions. Always searching for order, Einstein focused on only two components of
existence: mass and energy integrated with the geometries of time and space. He believed those components

could always be explained, exactly and predictably. Thus, he never considered the third and controlling component
of existence: volitional consciousness -- a free-will, conceptual/introspective/integrating conscious mind.
Perhaps his passionate dislike for the unpredictable and disorder caused him to overlook consciousness as the
third spacetime component of existence. For consciousness can and does unpredictably alter the dynamics of
nature, every moment, throughout the universe. Yet, from the widest perspective, consciousness brings the most
elegant order and predictability to the universe as demonstrated in this chapter.
All past attempts to link consciousness with existence were based on mystical, "higher forms of consciousness".
Such irrational, ethereal linkages always originated as dishonest, unfounded assertions by mystics or
neocheaters conjuring up religious and political power. But the Neo-Tech discovery of human-like consciousness
as the unifying element of existence can be scientifically established not only with theory but with direct
observation and experimental proof.
Understanding the conscious mind as the controlling, unifying element of existence first requires understanding
the unchanging nature of consciousness and existence versus the changing nature of matter and energy:
Part 3
The Unchanging, Eternal Nature of Consciousness
As first identified by Professor Julian Jaynes of Princeton University and described in Chapter 28, the conscious
mind was discovered within nature's bicameral mind[ 34 ] about 3000 years ago. Given sufficient information,
that first conscious mind had the same capacity as conscious minds today to understand anything in the universe
from Einstein's theories to computer technologies and beyond. Consider the astonishing conscious minds of
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Archimedes that were flourishing only a few centuries after the discovery of
consciousness. They would, for example, have no problems whatsoever in understanding Einstein's theories or
computer technology. Given the information, they certainly had the capacity we have today to understand anything
in the universe.
In other words, while much is unknown, nothing is unknowable to the conscious mind. By nature, the conscious
mind requires no change or evolvement to understand anything in existence.[ 35 ] On acquiring the correct
knowledge, conscious beings today are capable of doing anything within the immutable laws of physics throughout
the universe.
Consciousness is man's discovery that sprang from his nature-evolved bicameral mind. Consciousness is not part
of nature's evolutionary processes, but is a natural phenomenon of existence.[ 36 ] Thus, the first conscious
minds on this planet 3000 years ago are the same as the conscious minds on this planet today...and the same as
conscious minds in any galaxy ten million years from now. All conscious minds have the same ability to understand
anything in existence.
Consciousness, therefore, does not evolve. It exists eternally, unchangingly.[ 37 ] And its capacity to understand
anything in the universe transposes into forever fulfilling the supreme responsibility of conscious beings. That
responsibility is to preserve forever the supreme value of the universe -- individual consciousness. To meet that
responsibility means achieving non-aging biological immortality as described in Parts 12 and 16 of this chapter.
Part 4
The Unchanging, Eternal Nature of Existence
Who Created Existence? And who or what created the creator of existence? And then who or what created the
creator of the creator, and so on regressing forever. Such questions are, of course, unanswerable. But, such

infinite-regression questions need never be answered.[ 38 ] For existence is primary and axiomatic -- meaning
irreducible, self-evident, and requiring no further explanation. While new realms of existence such as galaxies and
universes are constantly being created, nothing creates existence itself. It simply exists. Existence always has and
always will exist. And that primacy of existence existing forever is independent of consciousness or anything else.
...The most profound of all concepts as underscored by Einstein is simply: Existence exists. What is the
alternative? No alternative is possible unless one accepts the contradiction that existence does not exist.
Throughout eternal time, existence constantly generates new realms of life out of which conscious minds spring
from the evolvement of bicameral minds -- minds of evolved intelligence capable of discovering consciousness.
Once consciousness is discovered and harnessed, it can, with accumulating knowledge and productive efforts,
learn to forever muster new realms of existence. From those new realms evolve new life. And from new life evolve
bicameral minds from which conscious minds spring.
Throughout eternal time and space, the following creation cycle always has existed and always will exist:
Table 1
Realms of existence created by conscious beings --> life evolved --> bicameral mind evolved --> consciousness
discovered --> mysticism developed to replace lost, bicameral gods --> mysticism and neocheaters take control of
conscious beings --> partial freedom and capitalism developed --> Neo-Tech discovered --> guiltless prosperity,
power, romantic love revealed to value producers --> mysticism and neocheating are uncompetitive and, thus,
eliminated --> biological immortality achieved --> control of the universe learned --> new realms of existence
created by new conscious beings --> and so on, forever expanding and repeating the cycle.
Stated another way: Space, time, consciousness, and existence are eternal; they have no beginning or end.
Throughout time eternal, stars, solar systems, and Earth-like planets constantly form anew. Thus, living
organisms and conscious beings constantly form anew. Throughout never ending time and universes, limitless
planets forever generate life. That life, in turn, forever generates nature's evolutionary processes that always end
with conscious beings.[ 39 ] ...Conscious civilizations free of mysticism always survive, prosper, take control of
nature and then existence.
Given the endless number of water/oxygen abundant, Earth-like planets forever spinning in endlessly evolving
existence, one realizes life and consciousness have forever co-existed in limitless abundance. Human-like
consciousness, therefore, is as much a part of eternal existence as are mass and energy. When consciousness is
integrated with endless existence and time, the stunning conclusion unfolds that human-like consciousness is also
unchanging and has always existed.
Consciousness, mass, and energy are the three macro components of existence. Those three components are
inextricably linked and must be integrated into all physical understandings and mathematical accounts of our
universe. If only the mass and energy components existed, then all existence would be predictable and predestined
through the dynamics of nature and physics. But further research and refinement of data will show that seemingly
predictable actions of the universe are actually unpredictable from a mass and energy accounting alone. That
unpredictability arises from not accounting for the influence of volitional conscious beings throughout existence.
Human-like, volitional consciousness is:
1. the third and integrating component of existence,
2. the unifying component or force never recognized by Einstein,

3. the supreme component of existence that controls the dynamics of nature, mass, and energy to forever
preserve and evolve conscious life,
4. the eternal component that has existed and controlled existence, not for trillions of years, but forever.
The balance of this chapter develops a nonmathematical, nontechnical understanding of how conscious beings
dominate the universe and muster new realms of existence and life through increasing control of mass and
Part 5
The Changing Nature of Mass and Energy:
The Grand Cycle
All events of the universe fall within nature's mighty Grand Cycle, the dominating, all-inclusive energy wave
involving the entire universe. That cycle consists of nature's longest energy wave exactly counterpoised with
nature's shortest energy wave. All other cycles, waves, or forces of nature, ranging from cosmic and gamma rays
to radio waves fall within the Grand Cycle. ...The Grand Cycle is described in Table 2 below:

Table 2
The Total History Of The Universe
(omitting the unifying element of consciousness)
is contained in
which consists of
The Googol-Year Explosion
Half-Cycle, Long Wave
with gravity-wave dissapation
with proton decay
with quark and electron annihilation
The Googol-Year Implosion
Half-Cycle, Long Wave
The Googolth-of-a-Second
Full-Cycle, Short Wave
(black hole/white hole)
(a googol equals 10100 or
1 followed by 100 zeroes)

Probabilities, however, favor an ever-expanding,

open Universe rather than a static or a closed
Universe that eventually cycles into a big crunch.
For, if the Universe of Universes (the MetaUniverse) is conscious controlled, the open-universe
model is more logical, efficient, and delivers greater
business opportunities in constantly blending with
other expanding Universes.
A capsulized account of the Grand Cycle starting with the so-called big-bang birth of the universe is illustrated in
Table 3 above.
Table 3 also indicates that all activity during nature's longest wave, the googol-year exploding/imploding cycles,
exactly equals all activity occurring during nature's shortest wave, the googolth-of-a-second cycle. An
understanding of that seeming paradox will evolve over the next few pages.

Part 6
The Explosion Cycle
Within the universe, all existence oscillates in one Grand Cycle spanning trillions of years. The actual time to
complete that Cycle is not relevant here, but will someday be scientifically measured by us on Earth. But, even
today, experiments and calculations from the astrophysical Doppler effect[ 40 ] show our universe is in the
explosion, energy-to-matter half cycle. Our universe is exploding outward at near the speed of light, scattering
away from a so-called "big-bang birth" with ever increasing entropy[ 41 ] -- a measurement of spent energy.
Energy available for work throughout the universe will keep decreasing as the universe spreads out for trillions of
years until all energy is spent. In that state, trillions of years after the initial big-bang explosion, the universe
exists at its maximum scattered or disordered state -- as inert residue of an exploded bomb. At that moment, the
entire universe is motionless, energyless, and while always approaching absolute zero Kelvin temperature (0 0K=273.160C=-469.67deg.F), all energy is in the form of uniform, unusable heat radiation. ...Do subatomic arrows of
time exist? Will protons, quarks, and electrons eventually decay or annihilate to end in radiation for all subatomic
particles and motions?[ 42 ]
Part 7
The Implosion Cycle
With no usable energies or motions, the universe is dead. Entropy is essentially infinite. Entropic heat death has
occurred. Without the force of consciousness, one incredibly weak force remains -- by far the weakest of nature's
forces -- gravity. And, at that moment, in the absence of all other forces, gravity begins acting as an invisible
cosmic hand destined to fulfill its function as the ultimate housekeeper, healer, and energy restorer of the
universe. For, at that moment, gravity begins pulling a totally scattered, exhausted universe back toward
increased order while gradually restoring potential energy. Increasingly restoring energy by reversing entropy,
this cycle is the mirror image of the explosion cycle and equally lasts trillions of years. In that implosion cycle,
gravity eventually pulls the universe back into essentially perfect ultimate-compact, black-hole[ 43
]bomb, ready to explode into another big bang as entropy races toward zero.
As contraction of the universe begins, gravity gradually changes from the weakest to the mightiest force of
nature. Starting as an unimaginably faint but constant pull, gravity begins rebuilding the scattered universe by
drawing all energyless existence closer together -- perhaps initially by a millimicron in a million years. But every
movement closer together increases the pull of gravity.[ 44 ] That, in turn, increases the speed at which the
universe condenses toward an ordered, densifying mass. From the beginning to the end of that condensingcollapsing-imploding cycle, gravity steadily moves toward increasing all forms of energy ranging from potential
and kinetic energies to chemical, heat, and nuclear energies.
In the explosion cycle, all energy escapes the diminishing grip of gravity. But in the implosion cycle, no energy
escapes the increasing grip of gravity. In this cycle, the universe keeps moving together. Gravity holds all forms
of increasing mass and energy within the same shrinking unit as the universe races closer together at
accelerating speeds.
Part 8
The Googolth-of-a-Second Cycle
On drawing the universe toward a never reachable point, the accelerating pull of gravity begins compacting
matter and energy toward a super-ordered, super-compact black hole. Becoming the mightiest physical force in

existence, gravity begins crushing the universe. All forms of energy blend into all forms of matter and vice versa.
All molecules, atoms, protons, neutrons, electrons, sub-atomic particles, and energy waves of the universe are
crushed together into unrecognizable forms of matter and energy. That rapidly compacting universe assumes
entirely different forms of existence occurring only during that nearly instantaneous moment of super
compaction at the final instant of the implosion half cycle.
Then, as the entire universe implodes to the size of a basketball, those bizarre forms of existence keep changing
with increasing rapidity. Undergoing seemingly infinite changes into ever more radical forms of existence, the
universe crushes inward at near the speed of light, imploding to golf-ball size, then to pinhead size, then to
pinpoint size. Everything in the universe, including trillions of stars and billions of galaxies, even black holes, are
crushed into that pinpoint. The universe then flickers from microscopic to submicroscopic size then to sizes
unimaginably smaller than a proton -- all while continuously changing into near infinite varieties of unimaginable
radical structures shrinking toward zero volume and infinite density. ...The end condition may or may not be
different, more disordered, from the beginning condition.
Most incredibly, the total of all mass/energy/activity changes that occur during nature's longest cycle (the
seemingly infinitely long, googol-year explosion and implosion half cycles) is exactly counterpoised or duplicated
during nature's shortest cycle (the seemingly infinitesimally short, googolth-of-a-second cycle). In other words,
the total action during nature's longest cycle of trillions of years is exactly counterbalanced during nature's
shortest cycle occurring in the tiniest fraction of a nanosecond[ 45 ].
Part 9
The Universe Turns Inside Out
From Implosion to Explosion
At that final instant, all activity ceases as the universe is essentially, but not actually, at zero volume, infinite
density, and zero entropy. At that final instant, all the universe is in the form of gravity/existence symmetry. All
information and time from the previous Grand Cycle has vanished. At that moment, with a quantum flux, a new
spacetime is born -- the universe turns inside out from the implosion cycle to the explosion cycle. At once, the
universe converts from increasing order and compaction to "nothing" then to increasing disorder and
scatteration, from decreasing entropy to increasing entropy, from implosion to explosion. At that instant, the
entire universe is cataclysmically destroyed and then instantly reborn from seemingly nothing -- reborn in a bigbang inflation of a trillion times a trillion suns.
Created from seemingly nothing, a mammoth composite of post-inflation mass and energy expands in every
direction at nearly the speed of light. That ball of mass and energy keeps expanding for centuries, millennia, or
perhaps longer before blowing apart, scattering, and then congealing its mass and energy. That scattering and
congealing eventually forms visible stars, solar systems, planets. During our current googol-year cycle, millions
of Earth-like planets and conscious civilizations formed billions of years before Earth's formation. And millions of
Earth-like planets and conscious civilizations will form billions of years after Earth's formation.
Part 10
Super Grand Cycles
Assuming similar gravitational dynamics operate among universes,[ 46 ] similar Grand Cycles would occur among
the universes themselves, but on endlessly greater scales. And then, ever longer cycles exist among ever larger

clusters of universes, and so on, eternally. For each greater cluster of existence, its exponentially longer Grand
Cycle would have occurred endlessly in eternity.
From the perspective of forever greater Super Grand Cycles, infinity becomes two dimensional with one vector
forever reaching into space, eternally gathering greater and greater mass and energy. Concomitantly, the other
vector forever reaches into time, eternally repeating ever longer cycles. Thus, travelling on those two vectors,
existence evolves forever throughout the endless universes.
From the limited perspective of our world and universe, the speed of light seems incredibly fast and free. But
from the perspective of endlessly evolving existence and ever greater clusters of universes, the speed of light
seems increasingly slow and restricting. For, the process of escaping such super big-bangs seems chained to the
speed of light. Indeed, being limited by the speed of light, a seemingly endless time would be needed just for those
unimaginably large masses to escape their "instantaneous", initial big-bang inflations in their Super Grand Cycles.
Space, time, and distance throughout existence are mind-boggling because they truly never end.
Part 11
Grasping the Ungraspable:
The Infinity of Existence
Within the Milky Way, our relatively small galaxy, billions of stars and planets exist that are millions of years older
than our Earth. Within our universe, billions of galaxies exist that are larger than our Milky Way. Throughout the
Grand Cycle, millions of stars, solar systems, and Earthlike planets constantly form anew. Among those millions of
Earthlike planets abundant in water and oxygen, the dynamics of nature immutably generate life. Life, in turn,
always undergoes nature's evolutionary process that ends with conscious beings...and conscious beings always
evolve to control endless existence.
Indeed, life itself, its evolutionary processes, and thus, conscious beings themselves, have always existed
throughout the universe as its third and unifying/integrating/controlling component. And that
unifying/integrating/controlling component of the conscious mind was the component Einstein always sought but
never recognized. For, he focused only on the mass and energy components of the universe while overlooking the
component of consciousness.
When dealing with infinity, relationships among time, distance, knowledge, events, and probabilities become
meaningless, resulting in seemingly bizarre situations. Consider a realistically impossible event here on earth for
which the odds are a billion to one against occurring. When put in the context of infinite time, such an improbable
event will not only occur with absolute certainty, but will occur an infinite number of times. Throughout infinity,
whatever is theoretically possible becomes an absolute certainty that occurs an endless number of times.
To further demonstrate the bizarreness of infinity: Take an essentially impossible event that might occur once
every billion years. Now take an event that happens constantly, say, once every nanosecond. Relative to infinity,
both events will reoccur endlessly, forever into the future. Thus, from the perspective of infinity, no difference
exists between their occurrences, for they both occur with endless repetition. So, juxtaposed against infinity, no
difference exists between an event that occurs every nanosecond versus an event that occurs once every billion
years. For, throughout infinity, both events occur infinite times.
Also, in the context of infinity, no difference exists between distances throughout space. For, throughout infinity,
no reference points exist to measure differences among time or distances. ...Infinity is the only concept in
existence without identity or boundaries. Thus, infinity[ 47 ] is radically unique from all other concepts.

To grasp the meaning of infinite existence, one cannot view existence from the perspective of a finite planet or a
finite universe. Instead, one must view existence from the perspective of eternal endlessness. From that
perspective, no difference exists between a mile and a trillion miles, or a year and a trillion years, or a forest fire
and a star fire, or a lightning bolt and a big-bang birth of a universe. For, no reference points exist to compare
distance, time, knowledge, or events of any magnitude when forever really means forever.
As shown later, certain deterministic concepts in the above four paragraphs are valid only in the hypothetical
absence of eternal, free-will conscious life.
Part 12
Achieving Biological Immortality Now
From a perspective of the infinite time available throughout existence, all newly formed life evolves almost
immediately into a highly intelligent brain that can invent consciousness from nature's bicameral mind. The
resulting conscious beings then, nearly instantly:
1. take control of nature,
2. render obsolete nature's evolutionary "need" for life-and-death cycles,
3. evolve into the Neo-Tech/Neothink mind,
4. cure irrationality and its mysticism, the only disease of the conscious mind, and
5. achieve non-aging immortality in order to live forever with growing prosperity and happiness.
6. control existence.
But from a perspective of the brief, finite time available for contemporary life on Earth, exactly how and when will
biological immortality occur? First consider that, today, newly discovered Neo-Tech will eradicate the disease of
irrationality and its parasitical neocheaters. Without the constant destructiveness of professional parasites,
conscious beings will quickly, naturally develop commercial biological immortality as described below.
As Neo-Tech cures the disease of irrationality and vanishes those professional parasites, biological immortality
will become a certainty for most human beings living today, regardless of age. In fact, today, freedom from
irrationality will almost guarantee biological immortality for most people. And that could happen without massive
efforts or spectacular medical discoveries. What is necessary, however, is the curing of irrationality and its
mysticism. For irrationality, directly or indirectly, eventually kills all human beings while preventing biological
immortality for all conscious beings.
Irrationality is the only disease of human consciousness. The symptoms of irrationality are harmful dishonesties
and mysticisms. Those symptoms undermine the ability to integrate together the values of rationality and
emotions. What is the value of emotions? The all-important value of emotions is to experience happiness -- the
bottom-line moral purpose of conscious life. But, mysticisms mixed with emotionalisms dishonestly assume a
primacy over reason and reality. That dishonesty, in turn, casts mortal harm over every individual human being on
planet Earth.
Neo-Tech, which is fully integrated honesty, eradicates the disease of irrationality. Thus, the immediate
evolvement of biological immortality need not require quick technological breakthroughs, major research
projects, or even explicit, direct efforts. But rather, with Neo-Tech, the process of biological immortality can begin
immediately within one's own self. And that process will culminate with definitive biological immortality as the
3000-year disease of irrationality is cured by Neo-Tech worldwide.
How will biological immortality actually happen? First, consider:

a world without irrationality,

a world without professional value destroyers, parasitical elites, and dishonest neocheaters,
a world without their destructive institutions of usurped power, such as the FDA (the most health-and-life
destroying entity) and the IRS (the most value-and-job destroying entity),
a world without the anti-business elements of irrational governments.
a world without irrational governments.
Without life-corroding irrationality and its virus-like neocheaters draining everyone, business would explode into
an endless productivity spiral. That value-driven explosion would launch human life into upward-spiraling
prosperity with continuously expanding life spans.
Consider, for example, how the dynamics of computer technology have so far operated relatively free of
parasitical elites, professional value destroyers, and government interference. Being relatively free of irrational
regulations, force, coercion, and destructiveness, the computer industry has burgeoned. Computer technology is
now delivering soaring capacities for processing and utilizing new knowledge at rates faster than new knowledge
can be integrated and used by human beings. Such explosive advances in computer technology, or any technology,
requires being free of government irrationality and its professional parasites.
The rational, conscious mind is synonymous with the productive, business mind. The value-creating business mind
is the antithesis of the value-destroying political mind. The destructiveness of socialist, fascist, and religious
societies prevents their citizens from developing efficient business-driven technologies. Indeed, all such societies
are controlled by parasitical elites using force and deception to usurp harmful livelihoods. Such people live by
attacking, draining, harming, or destroying value-and-job producing businesses...and their heroic creators and
competitive expanders.
By contrast, explosive computer-like advances in human health and longevity directed toward commercial
biological immortality will naturally occur in any mystic-free, business-driven society. But exactly how could
biological immortality quickly occur today in a mystic-free society? Consider, a 60-year-old person today having a
life expectancy of 20 more years. In a rational, business-minded society, uninhibited market forces will rapidly
develop the most valuable products and technologies. ...The most valuable of all technologies -- the quality
preservation of conscious life -- will advance so rapidly that when that person reaches 70, high-quality life spans
will have expanded to 100 or 120 years, or more.
In a rational, mystic-free society, knowledge and technology accelerate geometrically. Thus, when that person
reaches 100, high-quality life expectancy will have expanded to 140 or 180 years, or more. Those accelerating
extensions of life expectancy would provide the time needed to develop definitive biological immortality for almost
every value producer living today. Indeed, in the coming years, Neo-Tech will cure the disease of irrationality to
eradicate physical diseases and death among all conscious beings on planet Earth.
In a competitive business-driven atmosphere free of irrationality, the life spans of conscious beings will advance
faster than the passing of years. Thus, the result of Neo-Tech eliminating irrationality is immediate, de facto
biological immortality. Then, rapidly accelerating health technology -- including antiaging genetics -- will yield that
definitive biological immortality.[ 48 ]
Therefore, by replacing all forms of irrationality, mysticism, and neocheating with the fully integrated honesty of
Neo-Tech, nearly everyone today can live forever.[ 49 ] Most important, with Neo-Tech, one can live forever with
increasing prosperity, happiness, and love.
Almost anyone living today can survive to biological immortality by (1) replacing the death disease of irrationality
with the life elixir of Neo-Tech and by (2) stopping mystical behaviors and destructive actions, such as making

problems where none exist, smoking, and becoming mentally and physically unfit. Almost everyone today can and
will achieve biological immortality by rejecting irrationality and neocheating both in one's self and in others. The
key for everyone is to first recognize and then reject the disease of irrationality and mysticism from within one's
own self. Then one can effectively reject irrationality and mysticism in others.
Life is everything. Death is nothing. Irrationality trades everything for nothing. Irrationality is a terminal disease
that breeds professional value destroyers who eventually harm or kill everyone. ...Today, the disease of
irrationality is totally unnecessary since it can be cured with Neo-Tech. Thus, through Neo-Tech, essentially
everyone can live forever with ever increasing prosperity and happiness.
Also, as demonstrated in Neo-Tech Advantage #31 of the Neo-Tech Discovery, conscious civilizations much
advanced beyond ours would by necessity be free of irrationality and neocheating. For, by holding irrational
premises, no civilization can advance much past the Nuclear-Decision Threshold[ 50 ] without destroying itself.
...In rational mystic-free societies, the idea of dishonesty is unknown.[ 51 ] Thus, unknown ideas also include war,
murder, deception, fraud, forced taxation, conscription, racism, theft, assault, envy, anxiety, guilt.
Part 13
Infinite Knowledge
To quote from the first Neo-Tech World Summit (March, 1986) keynote address titled, "Three Steps to Achieving
Commercial Biological Immortality in Our Lifetime":

"Living forever would be boring. False. Exactly the opposite is the fact. For creating and increasing values is the
essence of a happy, exciting life, which, in turn, gives increasing motivation to live forever. Indeed, all new values
come from expanding knowledge. And each new unit of knowledge generates several newer units of knowledge.
Therefore, the ability to generate new knowledge is limitless. The notion of finite knowledge is only an illusion from
our present, limited-knowledge perspective. Indeed, knowledge is not simply uncovered; it is generated from past
knowledge. Thus, each day, the discovery of new knowledge generates ever greater bodies of ever newer
knowledge and values.
"No one in the last century could have, for example, imagined any aspect of quantum mechanics, the computer
age, genetic engineering, superconductivity, or fusion energy. For, everyone was many layers of knowledge away
from even imagining those twentieth-century achievements. Yes, knowledge upon knowledge and achievement
upon achievement will be generated anew -- forever -- by human consciousness.
"Human consciousness is the only force in the universe not predetermined by nature. Indeed, only consciousness
can alter or go beyond the fixed patterns of nature. Consciousness obsoletes nature's blind, life-and-death
survival cycles when applied to human beings. ...In a society free of irrationality, every conscious being produces
open-ended achievements for society without bounds or limits. Thus, by producing an eternal stream of benefits
for society, each conscious life continues happily, forever."
End Quote

Part 14
Immortality -- the Natural State of Consciousness
Thousands of years ago, before anyone on Earth grasped the concept of geometrical shapes, a man looked toward
the heavens at the moon, then at the sun, then at the eyes of his woman. Suddenly he grasped the concept of
"round"...a strange, new concept that no one had grasped or understood before. From that geometric concept
came the circle, the wheel, the principles of mathematics and science, the automobile, the computer, and the
latest theories of gravity. Yet, essentially no one today realizes that a concept so naturally integrated with life and
taken for granted as the shape "round" was at one time unknown, strange, and spectacular to discover.
Likewise, a few thousand years from today, the natural physical state of conscious man -- biological immortality -will be so natural, so integrated with life, so taken for granted that only historians would realize how during a brief
time in faded history conscious beings were irrational and thus mortal. Indeed, mortality is not only the most
unnatural, bizarre state for conscious beings, but is an essentially unknown state among rational, mystic-free,
conscious beings throughout the universe.
In addition to biological immortality as revealed in the Neo-Tech Discovery, conscious man's most natural,
psychological state is happiness. Essentially all human unhappiness arises directly or indirectly from the disease
of irrationality and its mysticisms. With irrationality cured, happiness will become so natural and commonplace
that in future millennia few if any will know that unhappiness and death ever existed.
Part 15
Einstein's First Oversight:
Failure to Integrate Human Consciousness On Earth
With the Grand Cycle
Consider us Earth beings with our technology of less than 3000 years. Consider our advances projected by the
year 2000, only a few years away. Then project that rate of growth into a geometrically increasing curve of
knowledge soaring toward a thousand years hence, a million years hence. One can easily see that conscious
beings are altering the dynamics of nature at ever increasing rates. And through a relatively minuscule time span
within the incomprehensibly long, googol-year cycle, conscious beings on Earth can quickly learn to dominate
After only the first few centuries of consciousness, around 500 BC, human beings begin controlling nature faster
then nature's evolutionary processes. Witness, for example, the development of consciousness from only 3000
years ago, an invisibly short time span in the Grand Cycle as shown in Table 4 below. Earthbound consciousness
has already obsoleted nature's evolutionary processes: Today, man-made shelter, food, medicine, and technology
advance human survival and well-being much faster and better then do the slow evolutionary, adaptive processes
of nature. In less than 3000 years, consciousness is already taking over the dynamics of nature on Earth. With
that takeover, consciousness obsoletes nature's protective/survival mechanism of death. Thus, through time,
consciousness mandates biological immortality for all conscious beings.

Becoming free of irrationality, Earth beings will not just increasingly control nature, but will dominate nature just
a few hundred years hence as explained below.
During the next million years, planet Earth will geologically remain relatively static with basically the same oxygen,
land, and water conditions. But, with geometrically accelerating knowledge, we on planet Earth will soon dominate
and control nature. Consider, for example, the world's largest man-made lake accomplished by building Hoover
Dam with only 3000 years of accumulated, conscious knowledge. That man-made feat controlled and then
dominated nature's mighty Colorado River.
From the discovery of consciousness to the first automobile took 2900 years of accumulated knowledge. Then,
within 100 years, man went from the auto to the airplane, to the moon, and now toward super computers for
everyone. ...Knowledge accumulates geometrically, quickly leaving nature's forces far behind as if frozen
compared to the incredibly fast, always accelerating generation of new knowledge.
Perhaps only a few-hundred years hence, we Earth beings will be accumulating new knowledge at lightening
speeds. With that rapidly increasing knowledge, we will easily, for example, corral heavenly asteroids into manmade orbital matter to fill our needs, just as today we corral river water into man-made lakes to fill our needs.
...What needs will we Earth beings have a thousand years from now, a million years from now? And how will we use
our super-advanced knowledge and tools to control nature in filling those needs?
A thousand, even a million or a billion years, is an incredibly short time, a mere instant, within the Grand Cycle as
shown in Table 4. But, well within that brief time span, we Earth beings can also accumulate the knowledge to

dominate and drive the universe -- to interdict nature's mass/energy dynamics in preventing the Grand Cycle
from ever completing itself.
Part 16
Einstein's Second Oversight:
Failure to Integrate Consciousness Beyond Earth
With the Grand Cycle
Consider the billions of Earth-like planets existing within our own universe that are billions of years older than
Earth. Through immutable evolutionary processes among those billions of Earth-like planets, conscious beings
have evolved with millions or billions of years more advanced knowledge than we have on Earth today. ...Just
imagine the technology and capacity of those conscious beings who have enjoyed geometrically accumulated
knowledge for a million years, a billion years.
Human-like consciousness is the only entity in existence that can alter the inexorable course of nature. Human
consciousness quickly advances from building cities to utilizing nuclear power, to developing computers, to
making astronautical flights, to corralling astro matter, to understanding the universe, to controlling existence -and beyond forever.
Integrating nature's Grand Cycle with conscious beings reveals an elegantly simple understanding of existence.
That integration reveals how individual consciousness is not only an integral component of existence, but is the
dominating and controlling component. For example, at either end of the Grand Cycle, all life would perish. But
individual consciousness -- the supreme value of the universe -- must forever protect itself. Thus, conscious
beings a thousand or a million years more advanced in knowledge than we on Earth have long ago met that
responsibility to preserve the supreme value of existence: individual consciousness.
Without immortal consciousness, the Grand Cycle would inexorably and infinitely repeat itself as dictated by the
natural dynamics of mass and energy. But, with consciousness, the integrating and controlling component of
existence missed by Einstein, the Grand Cycle is always interdicted and truncated. Thus, the destruction of the
universe and consciousness has never occurred and will never occur. In other words, by integrating conscious
beings into the dynamics of existence, nature's Grand Cycle becomes hypothetical and never occurs.
Consciousness and Existence Integrated


Anything theoretically possible in existence, no matter how remote the probability, will happen infinite
times unless interdicted by conscious beings.
Human-like consciousness has forever been and will forever be an integral part of existence.
Conscious beings, as you and I, can understand anything in existence. On gaining the knowledge,
therefore, we can and will eventually do anything theoretically possible that rationally benefits our
Thus, human-like conscious beings throughout the universe always have, and always will, control
On curing the disease of irrationality through Neo-Tech, we Earth beings will gain the same power,
prosperity, and immortality of our fellow beings who control existence throughout the universe.

Part 17
Knowledge at the Speed of Light
Everything in existence seems limited by a universal constant -- the speed of light. For, as shown by Einstein,
nothing can exceed the speed of light. Consciousness, therefore, being an integral part of existence, must also be
limited by the speed of light. But how can the speed of light limit knowledge, especially since consciousness has no
limits on understanding anything in existence? To answer that, one must first understand the dual faculty of
1. The unlimited faculty to understand anything in existence.
2. The limited faculty to store and process knowledge.
By nature, each new unit of knowledge begets multiple units of still newer knowledge. Thus, consciousness creates
knowledge geometrically. So, then, what can limit increases in knowledge? Nothing can stop knowledge from
increasing forever. But, the rate of knowledge accumulation is ultimately limited by the speed of light in our closed
To understand the faculty of consciousness that stores and processes knowledge, one must first understand the
history of that faculty starting with the origins of man-discovered consciousness on Earth 3000 years ago: For
the first 2000 years after the discovery of consciousness, knowledge accumulated very slowly. That accumulation
gradually increased as the base of knowledge increased through memory and oral communication. Knowledge
then accelerated through written communication.
For man to produce great sailing ships, for example, he needed that initial 1800 years of accumulated knowledge
and technology stored and passed by memory, hand-scribed documents, and oral communication. Then he needed
another 1000 years of faster accumulated knowledge and technology stored and passed through written works to
produce steamships and trains in further improving transportation. He needed another 100 years of more rapidly
accumulating knowledge and technology stored and passed through printed works to produce automobiles that
greatly improved transportation. Next, he needed only 60 more years of accelerating knowledge and technology
stored and passed through books, journals, and communication equipment to produce practical airplanes that
provided transportation inconceivable a century before. Finally, he needed only 40 more years of soaring
knowledge and technology stored and passed through computers and electronic communications to develop space
ships for landing men on the moon and building space stations.
Now, today, new knowledge is accelerating so rapidly that our productive focus is shifting toward storing,
processing, integrating, and transmitting information through million-dollar super computers moving toward
thousand-dollar personal computers. Thus, today, computers are undergoing explosive increases in capacities,
power, practicality, and economies. And from now into the future, the demands of accumulating, storing,
processing, and transmitting knowledge will shift into high gear from man's limited storage-capacity brain to
external extensions of the brain with electron/photon-circuited quantum computers and beyond.
Today, storing and processing our geometrically increasing knowledge depends on our developing and building
increasingly efficient, man-made computers. Advancing economies and prosperity depend on developing ever
more advanced devices until the capacity of every spacetime point in the universe is utilized for storing,
processing, and transmitting knowledge.
Knowledge will increase geometrically for a few millennia or perhaps only a few centuries -- until the building of
external-knowledge devices approaches the speed-of-light limitation. From that point, the expansion of knowledge

shifts from geometric to linear. Knowledge will then expand linearly, near the speed of light, and limited by the
speed of light.
When our own expanding knowledge reaches that limitation, we can join the millions of other civilizations in our
universe that have reached that point. We can then communicate through the universal computer (perhaps
gravity-coded) and control existence as our fellow conscious beings do. For, then, the entire universe of
universes expanding at near the speed of light becomes our computer and storage facility for all acquired
knowledge.[ 52 ]
The relationship of conscious knowledge to existence reduces to a single equation. To understand that equation,
the following two points must be understood:
1. Knowledge is a function of time, which as Einstein determined is related to the speed of light.
2. Essentially all mega-advanced knowledge throughout the universe is generated, stored, and processed
near the speed of light, limited only by the infinite Universe of universes on vectors forever expanding at
near the speed of light.
Thus, knowledge ultimately obeys the same laws that all existence obeys...such as Einstein's law that integrates
energy and mass with the speed of light as expressed by his famous equation:
E = mc2
E = energy; m = mass; c2 = the speed of light squared
Likewise, knowledge integrates with time and the speed of light as expressed by the following equation:
K = tc2
K = knowledge; t = time; c2 = the speed of light squared
Today, in our young Earthbound civilization, the always fatal disease of irrationality darkens the future for all
human beings. Growing irrationality reduces and eventually stops the accumulation of new knowledge needed to
survive and prosper. Growing irrationality eventually destroys the conscious mechanism for processing and
accumulating knowledge. But, with the Neo-Tech discovery, irrationality can be cured worldwide to let all
conscious beings forge ahead, geometrically accumulating knowledge at rates eventually limited only by the speed
of light.
Part 18
The Universe is but a Dot Next to
Individual Consciousness
Every individual consciousness has the capacity to generate, process, and use new knowledge at rates
approaching the speed of light. By fully understanding the effects of such knowledge production and use, one
quickly rectifies the false view of life held by most people who have lived on Earth. That false view expressed in
Monty Python's "Meaning of Life" and promoted by mystics throughout history is: "Individual human beings are but
insignificant dots among the vast universe."
Facts and logic demonstrate the exact opposite: Without irrationality or mysticism, each individual consciousness
has unlimited capacity to generate and utilize new knowledge at near the speed of light. Francis Bacon identified,
"Knowledge is power." Thus, after a few millennia of such knowledge accumulation, any conscious individual gains

the power to so totally dominate existence that the entire universe and all its evolutionary processes seem by
comparison to shrink into static insignificance. For, in both power and significance, individual consciousness
quickly soars beyond the dynamics of nature and the entire universe.
Today, on Earth, the fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech finally reverses that mystical view bewailing mankind's
insignificance. Neo-Tech demonstrates that the power of the universe shrinks to almost nothing when compared
to the unlimited power of individual consciousness.
Part 19
Who is the Creator?
Does a creator of galaxies and universes exist? Indeed, such a creator could not defy the laws of physics. Yet,
today, as for the past three millennia, most people believe a creator must be some mystical higher "authority" or
power as promulgated by someone's scriptures or edicts. ...For two millennia, such mystical gods of creation
were conjured-up by neocheaters wanting nothing more grand than to live off the efforts of others.
As demonstrated in the balance of this chapter, everyday conscious beings like you and me work within the laws of
physics to create and control all heavens and earths.
Part 20
The Goal of Conscious Beings
Throughout the universe, conscious beings pursue their natural goals and responsibilities by achieving biological
immortality, limitless prosperity, and eternal happiness. Thus, they forever preserve the supreme value of the
universe: individual consciousness. For without conscious beings, no value or meaning would exist throughout the
universe. ...Conscious beings free of mysticism never allow their precious lives -- lives of limitless value -- to end.
Part 21
Galaxies Created Beyond The Dynamics of Nature
Eons ago, a conscious being, as you and I, worked at the edge of a distant galaxy with an integrating computer of a
spatial-geometry driven, mass/energy assembler. By assembling units of gravitational geometries, that person
corralled enough strings of wound-up gravity to equal the mass of another galaxy. As the moment of critical
gravity approached, the final collapse into an entropy-reversing, rotating "black hole" began. He then arose
smiling. With arm held high, he cried, "Let there be light!"[ 53 ] ...At that moment, in a far corner of the universe,
the light of a million times a million suns flashed and began its photonic journey across the universe. A galaxy was
born...a man-made galaxy.
Part 22
Galaxies Discovered Beyond The Dynamics of Nature
Today, eons later, specks of light from that conscious-made galaxy fall on the planet Earth -- on the lens of a
telescope. An astrophysicist examines computer data gathered from those specks of light. Then, integrating that
data with the physical and mathematical dynamics of astral mass and energy, he moves closer to a momentous
discovery. He moves closer to discovering a major astral event falling outside the natural dynamics of mass and
energy -- an event that irrevocably altered nature's charted course for the universe.
But, that scientist knows, as any competent scientist knows, that nothing, including conscious beings, can alter the
axiomatic laws of physics, mathematics, and existence. And he knows that existence can have no antecedent basis

or original creator. Yet, he realizes that, within the laws of physics, conscious beings can alter the natural
dynamics of mass and energy. Thus, he realizes conscious beings and only conscious beings can alter nature's
manifest destiny, not only here on Earth, but throughout the universe.
Combining such knowledge with computer processed data, that scientist moves closer toward directly observing
the alteration of nature's Grand Cycle by conscious beings. Such direct observation may come, for example,
through a correlation of computer data concerning black holes or possibly quasars and pulsars. In fact, such
correlations of data probably already exist on Earth -- hidden in considerable accumulations of uninterpreted
data. Integrating such data could reveal that certain cosmic events exist outside the natural dynamics of their
mass, energy, and gravity. In turn, that data could then demonstrate how conscious beings create and control
such cosmic events as energy and galaxy creators for the eternal prosperity of all conscious life.
Thus, conscious beings could forever prevent the Grand Cycle from completing itself. They could do that, for
example, by routinely creating gravity dimensions and geometries that constantly pump entropy-reversing
structures back into the universe. Such constantly created, new structures would break the dynamics of the
Grand Cycle, allowing the universe to forever oscillate within its most efficient range for conscious beings.
Part 23
Create Your Own Galaxy
Beginning with the data from that speck of light born a million years before, today's Earthbound scientist will
discover and prove a newborn galaxy created outside the mass/energy/gravity dynamics of nature alone. He will
then look toward the heavens realizing that he has discovered a galaxy made by a conscious being. He will further
realize that over eternal time, over eternally interdicted cycles, all the galaxies and universes, all the heavens and
Earths, were at one time created from conscious-made structure pumps that formed new realms of existence
while preserving old realms.
And finally, he will realize his mind is the same conscious mind possessed by our immutable conscious cousins
who create new realms of existence in other worlds and galaxies for us, them, and everyone.
Part 24
After the Discovery
After that first discovery of a conscious-made galaxy or black hole, scientists will then approximate from our
geometric increases of knowledge on Earth and our achievement of biological immortality, when you and I can
stand above all the imagined gods to give the command, Let there be light!
Part 25
No intimidating god or ethereal super consciousness reigns over the universe. Mystical gods or "higher beings"
do not exist, cannot exist, need not exist. For only universes created and controlled by rational, value-producing
conscious beings as you and I are needed to explain all existence. And with biological immortality, we Earth beings
will someday stand smiling at the edge of space creating our own stars, galaxies, universes, collections of
universes, and beyond.
The mightiest power in existence, the power to control existence, is expressed by the great command, "Let there
be light!" That power has forever existed among fellow beings throughout the universe. The essence of that power

is available to all of us, now, here on Earth today through Neo-Tech. ...Neo-Tech eradicates irrationality -- the
disease that causes ignorance and death among conscious beings.
AIDS degenerates the body's protective immune system into weakness, sickness, then death; irrationality and
mysticism degenerates the mind's protective thinking system into ignorance, sickness, then death. Irrationality
cripples and finally destroys the conscious mind.
But unlike AIDS, an immediate cure exists right now for irrationality and its virus-like neocheaters. That cure is
Neo-Tech. Curing irrationality will also bring definitive cures for AIDS, cancer, heart disease, and all other
diseases harmful to conscious beings. Neo-Tech forever eradicates irrationality and its symbiotic neocheaters,
allowing the individual to direct his or her life toward achieving guiltless prosperity and abiding happiness for self,
others, and all society.
Neo-Tech also opens the way for knowledge expanding geometrically to eventually approach the speed of light.
Every person applying Neo-Tech, therefore, holds unbeatable advantages over those crippled by irrationality,
parasitical elites, and neocheaters. Indeed, Neo-Tech allows human beings to acquire total control over both the
material and emotional realms. Neo-Tech gives all human beings on Earth today the power to execute the
tripartite commands: "Let there be wealth!", "Let there be romantic love!", "Let there be eternal youth!"

The time has come to grow up...or be left behind to perish in a world of irrationality. Clinging to irrational or
mystical beliefs such as supreme creators or "higher authorities" is as crippling to human life and prosperity as
would be the clinging to the once popular belief that the Earth is flat or today's fading belief that force-backed
"authorities" or politicians can advance the well-being of any individual or society.

After 3000 years, the time has come to abandon life-destroying irrationality and all its symbiotic parasites and
neocheaters. Now is the time to mature into meeting our responsibility of grooming the supreme value of the
universe -- our own conscious lives. Now is the time to groom our conscious minds with fully integrated honesty
for limitless growth and value production forever into the future. Now is the time to join our fellow conscious
beings throughout all existence in meeting our supreme responsibility to life -- to live happily, prosperously with
our fellow conscious beings throughout eternal existence. For, we are the creators of all heavens and earths. ...All
glory to us conscious beings!

[ A Mathematical View of Time, Eternity and Existence ]

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[ 33 ] Since 1995, astronomers have been discovering by direct observation other planets orbiting nearby stars,
providing mounting evidence for a super abundance of planets throughout our galaxy. Then, on August 7, 1996,
NASA announced direct evidence from a Martian meteorite discovered on Earth in the early 1980s that cellular life
evolved on Mars over 4.5 billion years ago. The implied ease that life evolved in at least two separate places in our
own solar system lends stunning support to the Long-Wave hypothesis that life -- evolved conscious life -- exists
on billions of planets throughout our u niverse. ...Moreover, an entirely different genetic form of life called
Archaea, which needs no light, oxygen, and lives at 4000F, has recently been discovered on Earth.
[ 34 ] The bicameral mind was man's intelligent, nature-evolved mind before he discovered consciousness as a
conceptual/introspective mind. The conscious mind is not a part of nature's evolutionary process. But, rather,
consciousness is a discovery by man that lies beyond the dynamics of nature. This discovery process is explained
in Chapter 28, pages 241-256. ...When referring to consciousness, the word discovered is used when perhaps the
word should be invented.
[ 35 ] Individual minds are endowed with various capacities. Individuals then develop or retard their capacities
through either conscious efforts or mystical defaults. But consciousness itself is either there to be used or
abused...or it is not there.
[ 36 ] As demonstrated later in this chapter, consciousness has always existed throughout the universe as an
integral part of existence.
[ 37 ] Consciousness is the fundamental invariance and overarching symmetry of existence.
[ 38 ] The Neo-Tech Discovery, Concept #28 identifies the specious nature of infinite-regression questions.
[ 39 ] As explained in Chapter 28, pages 241-256.
[ 40 ] A change of light-wave frequencies caused by a moving light source such as a star. The wavelength of light
from a star moving away red shifts -- becomes longer -- stretches toward the color red.
[ 41 ] Entropy involves the second of the three laws of thermodynamics for closed systems. Entropy is simply the
movement of events toward their highest probability or disorder*. Entropy measures irretrievable energy spent
on scattering a closed universe. ...For every star that explodes, every pebble that drops from a cliff, entropy and
disorder irreversibly increase throughout the universe. Approaching infinite entropy, all usable energy
throughout the closed universe is spent. All is flat and scattered to the maximum. No star is available to explode,
no cliff is available from which a pebble can fall. No wind blows. All is dead and still. Stars are collapsed, cold and
dark, or not at all. No sound or light exists: perhaps not even mass exists. Perhaps only unusable radiation near
and always approaching 0oK exists.
The same probability concept applies to formulating hypotheses: always formulate toward the highest probability.
Thus, the formulation of the Long-Wave hypothesis.

[ 42 ] Are gravity waves the final dissipater of energy and motion? Or does mass itself seek higher entropy? With
incredibly long half lives of 1032 years or perhaps up to 10220 years, do protons themselves decay toward infinite
entropy? What about the energy and mass of a quark, an electron? Do quarks and electrons finally decay or
annihilate with antiparticles? In any case, without conscious intervention, entropy death of a closed universe will
eventually occur. ...The laws of thermodynamics, however, apply only to closed systems. Existence itself is
eternally open and evolving. Thus, any meaning of entropy to existence disappears, including the idea of entropic
heat death.
[ 43 ] The universe-containing black hole described here is matter and energy condensed beyond the critical
mass and density needed to be captured, collapsed, and then imploded by its own gravity. When the collapse is
complete, the resulting black hole can convert into a white hole, exploding into a new universe. The entire blackhole/white-hole cycle occurs in the tiniest fraction of a second because all information, entropy, and time
obliterates between the two Grand Cycles.
[ 44 ] Gravitational attraction increases proportionally to the amount of existence involved multiplied by the
inverse square of the distances between the eventual masses and energies. That means gravitational attraction
accelerates exponentially as masses and energies are collapsed toward unity. Fields of existence are rolled ever
closer together, perhaps into multidimensional space* and then into Gravity Units.
*Up to a twenty-six dimensional space has been mathematically derived in superstring theory. ...Most of those
dimensions are rolled up into inconceivably tiny volumes or strings that vibrate at characteristic resonances.
[ 45 ] A nanosecond is one billionth of a second.
[ 46 ] Currently, Earth beings have no way to observe other universes. Thus, no way is currently known to
establish if gravity operates among the universes -- throughout the meta-universe.
[ 47 ] Infinity, as explained in the footnote on page 14, is a useful mind-created concept that does not exist in
[ 48 ] Curing death is described in the Neo-Tech Discovery: specifically in Part V and generally in Appendix F titled,
Achieving Commercial Biological Immortality in Our Lifetime. ...Mortality is natural in life, except for conscious
beings whose nature is immortality -- the same immortality God possesses!
[ 49 ] The longer a productive individual lives, the more valuable that person becomes through his or her
increased knowledge, experience, competence, productivity, and capacity for business and happiness. Thus, in any
rational, mystic-free society, the motivation for and value of biological immortality increases as the age of the
individual increases.

[ 50 ] Planet Earth is currently at that Nuclear-Decision Threshold. For our civilization to survive, the disease of
irrationality must be cured.
[ 51 ] Science-fiction stories and movies of evil or hostile aliens are illogical. For, no civilization with the nuclearenergy technology required for interstellar travel could survive as irrational, evil, violent, corrupt, or criminal in
any way.
[ 52 ] Conscious beings perhaps overcome the speed-of-light limitation through eternal inflationary expansions of
Gravity Units beyond our universe, into limitless existence and hyperspace.
[ 53 ] The expression "Let there be light" was first manipulatively used in the mystical world of the Bible, then
entertainingly used in the science-fiction world of Isaac Asimov, and now factually used in the objective world of
Chapter 7
Gravity Units
The fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech bridges the widest gaps among physics and science -- from the general
relativity of cosmic gravity and beyond to the quantum mechanics of quarks and below.[ 54 ] Conscious life using
Neo-Tech -- fully integrated honesty -- bridges those and other problems, great and small, to deliver eternal life,
happiness, prosperity.
The controlling keys of existence are the ultimate-symmetry Gravity Units as explained in Chapter 5. Also, as
explained on pages 45-46, gravity is negative energy, always pulling in toward nonmotion. Mass and energy are
positive energy, always pushing out toward motion. Our universe and all existence consist of gravity, mass, and
energy. The sum of all existence equals zero energy. Therefore, the total energy of (1) our universe, of (2) every
universe-containing, microscopically undetectable Gravity Unit, and of (3) all vacuums is zero -- nothing -- as
explained on pages 45-46.
No real vacuum exists in nature. All spacetime points in existence contain existence itself. All existence consists of
Gravity Units with zero energy. Thus, any and every point in existence can be quantum fluxed into equal amounts
of negative-energy gravity and positive-energy mass/energy. Then, exploding from the cold "vacuum" or
"nothingness" of pure geometric gravity into a cosmic inflation, that Gravity Unit forms a new universe of mass,
energy, space, time, and motion.

Zon Jr. Creating a Galaxy before Breakfast

A Metaphor
From any point above-and-below, in every vacuum state and universe, conscious beings can flux, break, or inflate
Gravity-Unit symmetries into limitless new galaxies or universes. All of those actions can occur without violating
the laws of physics.
Existence exists. For, existence cannot not exist. Existence is Gravity Units with fields of existence at every point
in space, matter, energy, and time.[ 55 ] As philosopher Ayn Rand recognized, "Existence is identity." Thus, Gravity
Units are identity: the fundamental identity of existence -- as is consciousness. ...The melded symmetry of
consciousness and Gravity Units points the way to unifying consciousness with physics -- points the way to
unifying all existence.
Gravity Inflations, Light Cones, and Universe Creations
Existence does not smoothly reduce down to nothing or non existence. Instead, everything in nature ultimately
reduces to a discrete bump, a quantum, a unit in an ether of Gravity Units (GUs), which are the eternal quantum
units of existence. GUs comprise the ether substrate in which all broken symmetries exist. A GU is an
unimaginably small entity with essentially zero surface at seemingly infinite curvature. Yet, each GU is still an

entity, a unit of existence -- the prime unit of existence with specific properties. The GU is essentially maximal
symmetry: a pure symmetry of gravity or field of geometry.
But, at the boundaries of GUs are asymmetric regions of countless smaller, connecting Gravity Units at which
quantum fluxes can inflate into separate universes. Each of those universes creates a spacetime quasi light cone
that eventually meets the real light cone of every other universe evolving from that Gravity Unit to create a
universe of universes many times the total size of the distance traversed at the speed of light.
For example, as shown by the illustration on page 92, magnify a Gravity Unit by a googol...or 10100 times. The GU
would now appear as unimaginably large with its highly curved surface now appearing as essentially flat. That
surface is asymmetrically disrupted with bumps of countless other, smaller Gravity Units. Those disruptions can
flux into universes at countless points on the surface of the GU to produce countless quasi light cones that
eventually link at distances in any amounts beyond that communicated by the speed of light.
As shown on the illustration on page 92, light cones linked from Y to B'' have communicated at many times the
speed of light with nothing exceeding the speed of light.
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[ 54 ] And, from chemical clocks of strange-attractor chaos that are strong on empirical demonstration but weak
on superstrings* of ultimate symmetry that are strong on theory but weak on empirical demonstration.
...Neo-Tech bridges those gaps.
*Strings, not points, seem to be the basic entities of existence. Even in nature-evolved life, the string-like helix of
DNA is basic.
[ 55 ] Time is always within a background of existence: Existence is not in time. Instead, time is in existence. Thus,
time can be measured as changing geometric shapes in space. Indeed, spacetime is a geometry dependent on its
contents and their configurations. Inside Gravity Units, time disappears into fixed spatial dimensions.
The Anticivilization
The Problem

Unconquerable Honesty
In this anticivilization, we each are alone in our struggle to live rationally. We have always been alone with our own
honesty. That aloneness of honesty is our only unconquerable strength in this anticivilization. For, we are chained
to a civilization based on dishonesty. In the end, that dishonesty cheats us of our earned rewards as we each die
unnecessarily, tragically unfulfilled.

By contrast, in the Civilization of the Universe, no such struggle or dishonesty exists. In an honest culture of
certainty and rationality, everyone is free -- eternally free, prosperous, fulfilled.
Chapter 8
Unlocking the Secrets
Limitless Wealth
On planet Earth, no major breakthrough of knowledge has occurred in two generations -- since (1) Albert Einstein
replaced Newtonian physics[ 56 ] with relativity and (2) a handful of brilliant physicists like Dirac and Feynman
developed quantum mechanics. Why no further seminal breakthroughs? Because thinking from today's greatest
minds, such as those of Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, short-circuits when their wide-scope thinking turns
to mysticism. Indeed, mystical bubbles reduce conscious minds to those of lost children, even the greatest minds
like those of Hawking and Penrose. Thus, trapped in mysticism, new knowledge needed to deliver prosperity, both
now and into the future, can no longer evolve.
In this anticivilization, the most brilliant conscious minds can no longer develop major, breakthrough knowledge.
Most such brilliant minds today are stuck -- limited to narrow, specialized areas -- bounded by integrationblocking mysticisms. Those brilliant minds are weakened and limited by mysticism. They can be outflanked and
outperformed by lower IQ minds that are mystic-free -- minds that can integrate wider perspectives of reality.
Because of their expanding mysticisms, geniuses today are thinking and living with increasing impotence. ...So,
where does the future lie?
The future lies in the Zonpower discovery: Throughout history, six seminal changes have occurred in the way
mankind views itself and its world: (1) the invention of consciousness three millennia ago, (2) the Greeks'
discovery of logic and its power, (3) the Renaissance's overthrow of traditional "truths" for the scientific method,
(4) the Copernican revolution, (5) the Newtonian revolution, (6) Einstein's relativity and quantum mechanics.
Today, the seventh seminal change arises: the unifying discovery of Neothink, Zonpower, and the Civilization of the
Zonpower delivers boundless knowledge and riches to any conscious individual. For, Zonpower frees reality from
irrational illusions. Zonpower connects reality with all existence to bring unlimited purpose, wealth, and happiness
to conscious beings.
Such wealth-producing, wide-scope integrations are easy to grasp and implement. This Zonpower communiqu will
prepare you. First, Zonpower provides an entirely different way to view yourself, the world, and all existence.
Second, Zonpower is so widely integrated yet so simply expressed that, on the first reading, you are ready to
collect its guiltless riches. Then, on each subsequent reading, your powers to collect its boundless rewards
How scientifically valid is Zonpower? Its mathematical models reduce to T1=T2k. Do not worry about that formula
now. It is derived on page 239 and made clear throughout Part III. Such a simple formula or model can explain
most, if not all, major anomalies in today's science and physics. That universal mathematical expression meets the
"simplicity-and-beauty" criterion of Nobel-prize-winning Paul Dirac. Also, for validating major theories, the T1=T2k
hypothesis meets the "correspondence" criterion of Nobel-prize-winning Niels Bohr.[ 57 ] The "correspondence"
criterion requires noncontradictory linkages with science and nature.
And, finally, valid theory must meet three other criteria: (1) offer answers to previously unanswered questions
and unsolved problems, (2) offer predictability, and (3) offer many ways to verify or refute the theory. Scientific

demonstration of those three criteria focuses on identifying conscious configurations encoded throughout the
cosmos. That scientific verification is the object of Neo-Tech research. But, practical proof already exists: Today,
Zonpower can make you rich, happy, and healthy.
[ A Linear View of Time, Eternity, and Existence ]
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[ 56 ] Einstein did not "overthrow" Newton's gravity. Rather, Einstein adjusted and explained gravity (Newton
would "frame no hypotheses"). Einstein actually strengthened and solidified Newton's inverse square law for
gravity with spacetime geometry. In context, Newton as Einstein was, is, and will remain correct.
[ 57 ] Niels Bohr's correspondence criterion should not be confused with his complimentary principle, which
means the more of one the less of the other. For example, position and momentum of a particle are
complementary -- the more precisely one is known the less precisely the other is known. Truth and honesty are
complementary. For example, the more dogmatically one asserts truth the less honest one becomes. In other
words, the more one demands truth, the less contextual or honest become the facts.
Chapter 9
Birth of Parasitical Elites
James J. Hill was a 19th-Century super value producer who pushed into a worldwide business dynamic. Just as
Hill achieved great success in the American railroad industry and began spearheading an international expansion,
he was snuffed out by a newly burgeoning parasitical-elite class in America. The story of James J. Hill is
documented in the book "Entrepreneurs Versus The State" by Burton W. Folsom, Jr.
Political Entrepreneurs Versus Market Entrepreneurs
In that book, Folsom identifies how throughout history there have been two distinct types of entrepreneurs:
political entrepreneurs and market entrepreneurs. Political entrepreneurs seek profits by working with the
government to get subsidies, grants, and special privileges. They seek success through political pull. In contrast,
market entrepreneurs seek success by producing increasingly improved values, products, and services at
increasingly lower costs.
The Transcontinental Railroads
The building of America's transcontinental railroads provided a dramatic example of political entrepreneurs
versus market entrepreneurs. In the 1860s, railroads began expanding rapidly throughout America. Thus, political
entrepreneurs seeking easy dollars teamed up with Congressmen seeking unearned power and glory. Those

political entrepreneurs lobbied Congressmen for the federal government to subsidize the building of America's
first transcontinental railroad.
That situation presented a perfect combination for the parasitical-elite class: White-collar-hoax political
entrepreneurs could line their pockets with lavish government subsidies, and the Congressmen handing out those
subsidies could garner self-glory and justify their jobs by proclaiming how beneficial they were to the American
people by financing America's first transcontinental railroad. Thus, a deception was woven by that parasitical-elite
class through claiming only the government could finance an undertaking as large and expensive as building a
transcontinental railroad. That same deception is still promoted in history books to this day.
With great fanfare, enormous subsidies were granted to the Union Pacific and the California Pacific. The California
Pacific started building track from the west coast, the Union Pacific from the east coast. Those companies were
paid by the government according to how many miles of track each laid. Consequently, both companies built along
the longest, most out-of-the-way routes they could justify. That way, each company collected the maximum dollars
from the government.
Spending public money they controlled but did not earn, the Congressmen were quick to claim credit for building
America's first transcontinental railroad. But, unlike market-entrepreneur businessmen spending their own
money, those Congressmen were not about to exert the nitty-gritty effort required to insure good value was
received for each dollar spent. Thus, the building of that government-financed transcontinental railroad turned
into an orgy of fraud.
As a result, after that first transcontinental railroad was built, subsequently called the Union Pacific, it had
enormously high operating costs. Because extra-long routes had been purposely built, because time and research
had not been taken to locate routes across the lowest-grade hills, each train took more time and fuel to complete
its journey. More wages had to be paid; more equipment was tied up. In addition, because the railroad track had
been laid so hastily, thousands of miles of shoddy track had to be pulled up and laid again before the first train
could even travel over it. Thus, from the start, the Union Pacific could not make a profit. As a result, the federal
government had to continue doling out taxpayer dollars just to enable the Union Pacific to operate after the line
had been completed.
Soon other political entrepreneurs ganged up with local politicians to demand federally subsidized
transcontinental railroads be built in their areas of the country. Thus, the federal government financed a
transcontinental railroad in the North, the Northern Pacific, and a transcontinental railroad in the South, the Santa
Fe. The building of those two additional government-financed railroads followed the same course as the building of
the Union Pacific. The lines were poorly constructed. The builders focused on obtaining maximum government
subsidies, not on achieving economy and quality. Thus, after the Northern Pacific and Santa Fe transcontinentals
were completed, they too had unnecessarily high operating costs. Both lost money from the start, and both had to
continue receiving government subsidies just to operate.
A Deception Is Woven
A parasitical-elite class consisting of political entrepreneurs, job-justifying politicians, and government-subsidized
university professors propagandize to this very day that only the federal government could have financed the
building of America's first transcontinental railroads. The story of James J. Hill is ignored.
James J. Hill was a market entrepreneur, not a political entrepreneur. He was an integrated thinker and a
forward-essence mover. Hill was born in a log cabin to a working class family in Ontario, Canada. He got a job with
a local railroad when he was a teenager. He loved railroads and integrated his life with them. Hill moved up

quickly. Soon he became involved in the building of local railroads. Then, in 1880, Hill decided to build a
transcontinental railroad privately, without any government subsidies. He would call his line the Great Northern.
Hill's plan to build a transcontinental railroad at the very northern border of America was labelled "Hill's folly."
Why? First of all, Hill was building a railroad way up north in unsettled wilderness. From where would his business
come? Secondly, Hill would have to compete with three transcontinental railroads to the south: the Northern
Pacific, the Union Pacific, and the Santa Fe. How could a private railroad be built without government help and then
compete with three other railroads that had their expenses paid by the government?
James J. Hill was forced to meet the disciplines of a bottom line. He had to stay within profitable red-to-black
business dynamics. Thus, instead of "rushing to collect government subsidies", he built his railroad one extension
at a time, westward into the northern wilderness. Hill would build an extension westward a few hundred miles,
then move in farmers from the East, free of charge, in order to settle the land along his railroad. Those farmers
would then start using Hill's railroad to ship their crops back East to market. Because Hill received no government
money, each extension constructed westward would have to profit before another westward extension could be
built. In ten years, Hill completed his transcontinental railroad, the Great Northern, without receiving one cent of
government money.
Hill had to build each extension with detailed planning to achieve maximum efficiency at minimum operating costs.
Hill personally mapped out and built along the shortest, most direct routes. He also carefully surveyed land to find
routes containing the lowest grades of hills over which to build. And, with Hill spending hard-earned private
money, he insisted on the highest quality workmanship and materials.
The three government-financed transcontinental railroads south of Hill's Great Northern were in the heart of the
country and none of them could earn a profit. But, what actually happened once Hill's Great Northern reached the
Pacific? All three government-financed transcontinentals went bankrupt and required ever more government
bail-out money -- taxpayer money -- to continue running. In stark contrast, Hill's railroad flourished from the very
start. The Great Northern produced a profit, even during recession years.
A Spiral of Inefficiencies
Because the federal government continued subsidizing the money-losing, government-financed transcontinentals,
each of those railroads had to obtain government approval to build any new extension. On the other hand, once the
Great Northern was running, Hill built his railroad with extensions called feeder lines. For example, if coal was
discovered a hundred miles to the north of Hill's line, he built a feeder line to service that mine. If good trees were
available for lumber on a nearby mountain, Hill would build a feeder line to that mountain so that a lumber
company could move in and use his railroad to ship its lumber to market. If a suitable valley for cattle ranching
existed a few miles to the south, Hill would build a feeder line to service that valley. Railroads discovered that
feeder lines were crucial to their profitability. But whenever one of the government-subsidized railroads wanted
to build a feeder line, it had to get approval from Congress since it was providing the financing.
Well, everyone knows what happens when politicians become involved. A simple business decision would get hung
up for months, even years, before receiving approval. Thus, the government-subsidized railroads could not
operate effectively. They could not compete with Hill's Great Northern railroad. What had initially been labelled
"Hill's folly" by the establishment ran circles around the government-subsidized, poorly managed railroads.
Fraud Is Inherent in the Parasitical-Elite Class
Over time, the corruption that laced the government-financed transcontinental railroads began unraveling. Unlike
James J. Hill's privately-financed transcontinental railroad, the managements of the government-financed

transcontinental railroads were not operating by the disciplines of a bottom line. Thus, those white-collar-hoax
political entrepreneurs did not exert the discipline required to closely supervise the construction of their
railroads for quality and efficiency. The survival of those political entrepreneurs did not depend upon efficient
management. Their survival, instead, depended upon exerting political pull. Consequently, the governmentfinanced railroads were left wide open to fraud. Managers often formed their own supply companies selling
substandard materials to their own railroads at inflated prices. Payoffs and sellouts were rampant.
Over time, the fraudulent practices of the government-subsidized transcontinental railroads increasingly
surfaced. The public became fed up with that corruption. Thus, glory-seeking politicians in Washington once again
rushed in to grab attention and "serve the public". A new deception was woven. Congressmen now claimed they
were the defenders of the American people and would expose the corruption in the transcontinental railroads.
Glory-seeking Congressmen began conducting investigations into the nation's railroad business. Yet, in reality,
those glory-seeking politicians were the root cause of that corruption.
As the fraud continued between political entrepreneurs and job-justifying politicians, consider what James J. Hill,
the market entrepreneur, was accomplishing. After completing his profitable transcontinental railroad, Hill
promoted the building of entire new industries in the Northwest, such as lumber companies in Oregon, apple
farms in Washington, mining industries in Montana, cattle ranches in the plains. Hill helped businesses move to the
Northwest and gave them special rates to ship their products back East until those businesses became
established. This practice quickly built up business along Hill's railroad line.
Next, Hill began thinking about business beyond America. He began exploring opportunities in the Orient. Hill
calculated that if a single major Chinese province substituted just one ounce of American wheat for rice in their
daily diets, he could ship 50,000,000 bushels of wheat to China from America. ...Hill, using wide-scope integrated
thinking, began moving beyond the boundaries of a restricted, single-nation mode. He began moving into a
worldwide mode.
James J. Hill decided that he was going to promote American trade in Asia, just as he had promoted trade in the
Northwest. So, he bought cargo ships and formed his own steamship company to ship American goods to China
and Japan. He then sent agents abroad to promote American goods to Asians.
While the white-collar-hoax political entrepreneurs were still trying to figure out how to get more subsidies from
the federal government, Hill was turning his attention to world business. James J. Hill was figuring out how to
deliver increasing values to the world. He realized that the key to tapping the vast markets of Asia was to build
trade by offering to ship American products on his railroad and steamships for free until trade could become
established. So, Hill began racing his steamships back and forth between Japan, China, and America.
Hill was a heroic forward-essence mover. He exported to Asia wheat from Midwest farmers and cotton from
Southern farmers. He offered a group of Japanese industrialists low-cost American cotton if they would test the
American cotton in place of the cotton that they traditionally imported from India. If the Japanese did not like the
American cotton, Hill offered to let them keep it free of charge. This worked. Soon Hill's boxcars were filled with
cotton bales heading to Japan. Utilizing this same technique, Hill got both the Japanese and the Chinese to start
buying American textiles from New England.
James J. Hill Was Spearheading
An American Dominance of Asian Trade
In 1896, American exports to Japan totalled 7.7 million dollars a year. Nine years later, James J. Hill had pushed
that figure to 51.7 million dollars a year. He was spearheading an American dominance of Asian trade. And this was

occurring a hundred years ago! James J. Hill worked diligently to promote American exports to Asia. For example,
starting around 1900, Japan began a railroad building boom. England and Belgium were the traditional suppliers of
rail. American rail-makers were still fledgling in the Pittsburgh area. But Hill recognized the importance of the
Asian market for steel and rails. So, he personally underbid the Europeans to capture Japanese orders for
American rail-makers.
Hill diligently promoted American goods in Asia, ranging from lumber from the Northwest to wheat from the
Midwest, to copper from Montana, to apples from Washington, to steel from Pittsburgh, to cotton from the South,
to textiles from New England. While the white-collar-hoax political entrepreneurs of the government-subsidized
railroads were being closed in upon, Hill was booming American business while blossoming his railroad into an
international dynamo.
So what happened next? Attention-seeking politicians began parading the corrupt political entrepreneurs infesting
government-subsidized railroads before the public through Senate investigation hearings. Yet, it was Congress
that created that corruption in the first place by self-righteously giving away public money it controlled but did
not earn. Instead of identifying that Congress was the root cause of the problem, Congress began clamoring for
strict regulation of the railroad industry. Congress then devised a strong-arm approach, proclaiming it was
protecting the American public from greedy, corrupt railroad executives.
Congress proposed creating the Interstate Commerce Commission to regulate and control the railroads and the
Sherman Antitrust Act designed to threaten and punish the railroad industry. Well, James J. Hill realized what was
occurring. He travelled to Washington to testify before Congress. Hill meticulously explained what had happened
with the government-subsidized railroads versus his privately-financed railroad and how the solution was for
government to get out of the railroad business altogether.
But Hill was ignored. Those politicians and bureaucrats could not increase their power nor garner self-glory if
they admitted that the root of the problem was caused by Congress getting into the railroad business in the first
place -- a place in which government never belonged.
Conscious Destruction
Congress ignored James J. Hill and went ahead to create the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) and pass the
Sherman Antitrust laws that heavily regulated and punished the railroad industry. The ICC and antitrust laws
forbid giving any special deals to customers. Thus, the techniques Hill had used to build up trade in the Northwest
and was now using to build American trade to Asia became "illegal" -- illegal not through objective law but through
force-backed, political-agenda "law". As a direct result of that legislation, James J. Hill ended his expansion into
the Asian markets. One year after Congress created the Interstate Commerce Commission and passed the
Sherman Antitrust laws, Hill sold his steamship line. His farsighted, wide-scope methods were stopped by corrupt
government regulations.
America's trade to Japan and China dropped forty percent within two years. ...Remember, before that point,
America's trade with Asia had been increasing geometrically. Two years after that legislation was passed by
Congress, America's trade with Asia dropped almost in half.
What happened in Congress was not a case of ignorance. James J. Hill actually set up residence in Washington to
intensively lobby Congress and its investigative committees. Hill made sure those Congressmen knew what had
really happened in the railroad industry and why. He even wrote a book about the situation and published the book
himself. Still, Hill's arguments were ignored. For, Congress's goal was not to serve the best interests of the public.

Instead, Congress could garner public support and praise by attacking and regulating the railroad industry, not by
admitting that they had been the root cause of railroad corruption. ...Power-seeking politicians with regulating
bureaucrats will always block free enterprise and competitiveness. The intervention of politicians and
bureaucrats will always drive prices up, service down, while spreading decay and corruption.
What Are the Implications?
How many people today have the slightest idea what happened a hundred years ago with James J. Hill? How many
people today know what was started by a single, integrated thinking, forward-essence mover? How many people
today know that James J. Hill was spear-heading an American dominance of trade in Asia one-hundred years ago!
Hill's incredible parade of value production, trade, business, and job creation was cut off in its infancy because of
a handful of politicians. Seeking to advance their own harmful careers, with total disregard of honesty and reality,
those politicians stopped a tremendous value producer, James J. Hill, and his push into Asia.
Hill's master plan was destroyed by corrupt Congressmen one-hundred years ago. And, one must not forget,
those Congressmen knew what they were doing. Hill diligently informed them of the real situation -- what he had
done with his privately-financed railroad, whose fault it was for the corruption that occurred within the
government-financed railroads, and what his railroad was doing for America's international trade by its freedom
to nurture new business. Yet, those elite, college-educated Congressmen proceeded to pass their self-serving
laws and regulations in order to protect and enhance their own harmful livelihoods.
What Really Happened a Hundred Years Ago?
Let us examine this situation even closer. ...What really happened a hundred years ago? What really was cut off by
the parasitical-elite class in Washington using force-backed political policies? James J. Hill was not only
spearheading an American dominance of trade in Asia a hundred years ago, he was also spearheading an
industrialization of Asia. Hill was pushing American business into Asia, causing railroads to be built, causing
factories to be built, causing new businesses to be created. He nurtured American business in Asia, and that
business was beginning to follow its natural course of flooding into markets and dominating trade. That, in turn,
would have led to a rapid industrialization of Asia.
Had James J. Hill been left free to continue spearheading the industrialization of China a hundred years ago, the
world would be different today. What kind of creative energies would have been released if China, a country of one
billion people, had industrialized a hundred years ago? Where would civilization be today? Would we have cures
for cancer, heart disease, AIDS? Would we be building cities in the oceans and on the moon? The contributions
that the Chinese could have made to science, to technology, to the world economy are mind-boggling. But no. All of
that potential was smashed. A billion people were pushed down and stagnated, 30 million Chinese were killed by
communist predators. Why? Because Congressmen a hundred years ago wanted to exercise unearned power and
feel false importance!
Thus Arose the Newly Born Parasitical Elites
A hundred years ago, one man learned how to honestly integrate business with reality. He started moving up. He
learned how business worked; he learned how the American economy worked. Then, he learned how the world
economy worked. He began learning how the whole up-rising of civilization worked. One man, a hundred years ago,
learned how to do integrated thinking and forward essence movement. He then began pushing the lid up on
society. If that man had been left alone, if he had not been stopped by the politicians, he would have swung open

that lid, China would have industrialized, all of Asia would have industrialized, the whole world would have risen up,
and America would have been sitting on top of it all.
Instead, James J. Hill was smashed down. The newly born parasitical-elite class consisting of politicians,
bureaucrats, political entrepreneurs, and other professional value destroyers smashed down whatever
threatened to expose their hoaxes, whatever threatened their nonproductive livelihoods.
Thus arose the newly born parasitical-elite class in America. They joined the worldwide parasitical elites that
created an anticivilization on planet Earth. But this irrational civilization based on illusions and hoaxes will be
replaced by the rational Civilization of the Universe sensed by James J. Hill at the start of the 20th century and
implemented by Zon at the end of the 20th century.
E.S., 1989
Anticivilization: The irrational planet Earth riddled with dishonest parasitical elites like Woodrow Wilson, FDR, and
the Clintons causing endless cycles of corruption, destruction, and death for everyone.
Civilization of the Universe: The rational universe filled with honest value producers like J.J. Hill, Ray Kroc, and Bill
Gates providing endless happiness, wealth, and life for others and society.
Chapter 10
Who Is Wasting Your
Brief Life?
An old man is dying. His one-and-only life is ending. All his adult life he worked hard producing values for others.
He complained at times, perhaps even questioned, but never more. He always accepted the dictates of the ruling
elite -- the politicians, bureaucrats, journalists, lawyers, university professors. For that acceptance, he collected
social security, food stamps, and other handouts for which he paid hundreds of times over with shrinking
happiness, security, savings, and standard of living. At the same time, threats from crime, drugs, racism, and
poverty kept growing.
His wife died ten months before. She had devoted her life to following the mystic path from the church, to
astrology, to theosophy. He always silently thought her life path was for nothing -- a sadly wasted life. Yet, was his
path any different? Indeed, they depended on each other. Her loss caused unbearable pain that wanted to scream
out. And now, for the first time, he began feeling an indescribable anger bubbling deep within his soul. What caused
that rising anger? Did it come from the same source discovered by his wife during her dying days?
Her anger began when she realized the mystic path, which consumed her entire adult life, was a terrible hoax -was nothing real. Her life was wasted on an illusion -- a vast hoax perpetuated and manipulated by those who used
deceit to advance their own harmful livelihoods, self-importance, and usurped power. ...Indeed, over the centuries,
those hoaxers used and wasted the one-and-only lives of their victims by the millions.
As his wife lay dying, she suddenly startled him. She had always been so tranquil. But, now, anger lashed out.
Suddenly that frail woman wanted to obliterate everyone associated with manipulating those mystic frauds.
Strangely, during her final moments of anger, he once again, after fifty years, felt love, excitement, and life with
his wife. And he knew she felt the same. Their eyes shared the most precious moment of their lives. They shared
once more, after fifty years, a fleeting moment of long-lost love and passion. Suddenly, they had discovered the
key to life and happiness together. Then, she closed her eyes for the final time. She was gone forever.

Now, today, as he is dying, that old man feels anger rising deep from within. He wonders what would happen if that
anger ever discovered its undefined targets. But, what targets? No, not the same mystic-leader targets his wife
so angrily attacked. Those mystic leaders deprived his wife's entire adult life of love, happiness, and excitement.
Yet, he was never tricked by those exploiters of ignorance and illusions. Then, who are his targets of this fiftyyear accumulation of anger now surging from deep within? ...On second thought, could those targets be the same
mystic hoaxers his wife discovered -- just more cleverly disguised?
In his mind, he begins reviewing his life, year by year. In the perspective of potential, his life seems to have meant
so little. He feels life lacked the growth, prosperity, and accomplishment that belonged to him. ...Did he miss a
tremendous life experience that he earned but never collected? Who then collected those earnings?
What happens to everyone's one-and-only life? The old man wondered. What happens to the promise of youth?
Indeed, almost every human life is drained or used up until each dies. Why does such a waste occur to essentially
everyone? Almost everyone seems to lose his or her life to nothing, for nothing. Who is responsible, who is to
Then, he recalls an experience shortly after his wife died. It was a Saturday afternoon. He went to the shopping
mall to which he and his wife had often gone. Somehow he knew this would be his last visit to that mall -- or any
mall. He sat in the rotunda to think about her.
After some time, he began noticing the people in the mall. He gradually noticed something different -- something
he never saw before: No one looked really happy! Many seemed overweight. So many seemed drained. Some were
harassed by their children. Others seemed unhappy with their spouses. He knew most wanted or needed more
money. Many probably disliked their jobs. Others were worried about losing their jobs, or had already lost their
jobs. Most looked bored, anxious, or empty. Like him, he knew almost everyone had abandoned his or her youthful
dreams of success, glamour, prosperity. ...Almost everyone's life seemed wasted.
He then thought to himself: To have so many losses and problems, we must be guilty of something. We must be
guilty of all kinds of faults, failures, and mediocrities. Anyway, we cause our own problems and limitations, don't
we? That's what the authorities say. They say we're to blame, we're at fault.
Wait a minute! We cause our own problems? We're to blame, we're at fault, we are guilty? Who says? Who exactly
are those who say we are responsible for not having success, prosperity, and happiness? Do we really prevent
ourselves from gaining success, prosperity, and happiness? Does that really make sense? Is that natural? Or is
some dark secret fooling us?
Coming back to the present, the old man realizes his rising anger is unlocking that secret. Such losses do not
make sense, he tells himself. Such losses are not natural. Yes, some dark secret has been fooling everyone. The
old man closes his eyes. He is dying. ...Someday everyone will discover the cause of that old man's anger, pain, and
suffering. Everyone will discover that the deeply hidden causes of human suffering and death emanate from the
parasitical-elite class.
Who exactly are the parasitical elites? A simple, wide-scope accounting process reveals one fact: Parasitical
elites are those whose livelihoods are draining much more, often infinitely more, from the economy and society
than they deliver. Such accounting answers the following question: Does one's job, livelihood, profession, agency,
bureaucracy, or company build or drain the economy -- benefit or harm the productive class? Does one produce
values or destroy values? ...Wide-scope accounting is a definitive economic-impact statement.
Murderous Organizations are Killing You
Some net value destroyers are so obvious that no specific accounting figures are needed for the public to see the
destructiveness of such people and their harmful organizations. Consider some of the most harmful

bureaucracies in America today: the BATF, DEA, EPA, IRS, INS, FDA, FTC, SEC. Such murderous organizations[ 58 ]
need guns, jails, and ego "justice" to exist and expand. Those organizations breed legions of professional value
destroyers who are responsible for mass property and business destructions that eventually bring economic and
social devastations. But, most harmfully, those organizations move everyone toward life-wasting stagnation,
unhappiness, and death.
Daily, those organizations violate objective justice by committing real crimes of force and fraud. Those
organizations are not only harming the economy, but are destroying society and everyone's freedoms by violating
each of the ten Articles of the Bill of Rights except the third -- they have not yet forced the quartering of their
troops in private homes. ...Those organizations depend on a legal system corrupted with the subjective laws and
ego "justice" used to advance their harmful political agendas.[ 59 ]
With conventional accounting within arbitrary or closed boundaries, almost any destructive end, even
destructions of entire economies and genocide, can be made to appear beneficial to the public as demonstrated by
Lenin, Hitler, and Mao. But, wide-scope accounting immediately reveals the destructiveness of those men and their
organizations. Now, apply that wide-scope accounting to organizations like the Drug Enforcement Administration
(the DEA). First, consider that the DEA exists entirely through gun-backed policies created by self-serving,
demagogic politicians. From that fact, the public can increasingly see that the armed divisions of the DEA are the
engines that support and expand the drug problem, crimes, death, and loss of constitutional rights for every
American citizen.
The armed DEA divisions continuously expand the market for drugs by providing the super-high price supports
that make possible the flourishing of organized crime and drug cartels. Such government-forced economics
necessitate pushing ever more potent drugs onto others, especially onto vulnerable young people. In turn, those
immoral DEA actions keep escalating the crimes and deaths related to drugs.
Gun-backed organizations like the DEA serve but one purpose -- the expansion of harmful livelihoods that let
politicians and bureaucrats drain the economy and damage society by creating ever expanding drug problems.
Likewise, the gun-backed divisions of the Internal Revenue Service work with Dole-type[ 60 ] politicians in
expanding destructive political agendas that enhance their jobs and power. Their armed criminal activities
diminish everyone's future by crippling or breaking the daring entrepreneur and aggressive business person.
Indeed, every large business today started with the daring courage, hard work, and precious seed capital of a
heroically aggressive entrepreneur. Yet, as official policy, the IRS directs its newest-trained auditors and armed
agents to "cut their teeth" on small, vulnerable, first-year companies. In that way, the IRS each year ruins
countless individuals and small businesses -- destroying the seeds to our economic future by destroying millions
of current and future jobs.[ 61 ] Indeed, wide-scope accounting reveals how the armed divisions of the IRS are
criminally destroying the essence of our economy, society, and freedoms not only for today, but for future
The IRS thrives as a destructive bureaucracy because of the irrational income tax. By contrast, revenues raised
through consumption or sales taxes would vanish deficits, reduce the IRS to a fraction of its current size...and
eliminate its armed divisions that back criminal collection procedures used to override due process while
inflicting cruel-and-unusual punishments on its victims.

No legitimate reason exists for armed agents in any bureaucracy . Local police and courts, not armed
bureaucratic agents, can competently and constitutionally protect all individuals, property, and organizations,
including physically protecting government officials.
What about the Immigration and Naturalization Service, the INS? By throwing wide-scope accounting on the gunbacked segments of that organization, anyone can see its harm to the economy. With its army of enforcers who
never have to answer to American citizens, the INS ravishes hard-working value producers and their families. The
INS army expands its power and livelihoods by attacking America's most competitive workers of the past and
future. Those workers are the immigrants who abandon their homelands and risk their lives to deliver competitive
values to our economy. Thus, they raise the well-being and prosperity of all Americans. Such life-improving
immigrants have been the backbone of competitive growth and economic prosperity in America, despite the
dishonest political demagoguery to the contrary.
And the Food and Drug Administration? Wide-scope accounting shows the FDA to be the biggest killer of all -literally killing millions of human beings. Operating under a power-mad Commissioner like Dr. David Kessler,
armies of FDA bureaucrats destructively build their own "achievement" files for their own promotions. By
enforcing increasingly cost-prohibitive compliance to irrational regulations, the FDA blocks scientific and medical
As specifically identified in the Neo-Tech literature, without the FDA and its armed enforcers, today we would have
cures for cancer, heart disease, AIDS, muscular dystrophy, and essentially all other serious diseases (Ref: The
Neo-Tech Discovery). Moreover, biomedical advances would have the human race moving toward non-aging
longevity as achieved in all mystic-free civilizations throughout the universe -- in all civilizations free of
parasitical elites. This concept is supported by recent findings in physics and astronomy as summarized in Parts I
and III of Zonpower.
Destructive Organizations
How Do They Survive?
How do destructive organizations succeed in deceiving everyone so completely for so long?
A successful magician deceives everyone in his audience with illusions. The key to the magician's successful tricks
or deceptions is to keep everyone distracted. The magician with his wand keeps attention focused on a decoy
illusion removed from the point of deception. With everyone's attention diverted, no one sees the deception.
All parasitical elites and their organizations have a myriad of decoy illusions. Created through deceptive
rationalizations, those illusions have hidden the destructions of the parasitical-elite class since Plato showed
golden-soul parasites 2300 years ago how to rule the value producers.
Consider today's Drug Enforcement Administration: With subjective laws enacted by power-usurping politicians,
the DEA uses its wand of deception to point at the drugs it seized and people it jailed as progress in the "War on
Drugs". But, in fact, the DEA has no motivation to diminish any drug problem. Without an expanding drug problem,
its system of livelihoods and power would diminish. Thus, the DEA has every motivation to expand its bureaucracy
of bogus livelihoods and power by creating and expanding drug problems, which it does very successfully.
Consider the armed criminal divisions of the Internal Revenue Service: With their wands of deception, those IRS
divisions point at the money and property seized. Through its gun-backed agents, the IRS criminally squeezes the

working assets out of the "underground" economy, heroic entrepreneurs, struggling individuals, and small
businesses. They point to the dollars they have seized from those whom they have crippled, destroyed, or jailed.
But throw wide-scope accounting on those illegal elements of the IRS, and one discovers its gun-backed enforcers
are destroying our present and future economy, jobs, freedoms, privacy, and well-being. More broadly, the IRSforced paperwork alone is the greatest time-and-life destroyer ever devised to expand bureaucratic jobs and
power. ...And most destructively, the IRS smothers youth from becoming the independent business giants needed
for the future prosperity of any society.
Consider the Immigration and Naturalization Service: The INS points its wand of deception at the "illegal" aliens it
forcibly drains, blocks, jails, or ejects from America. Such uses of force are not only racist, but are criminal acts
against innocent value producers. Those crimes are hidden by deceptive-wand myths such as "draining welfare
funds" and "keeping jobs for Americans". Both such claims are patently false. Wide-scope accounting clearly
reveals that "illegal" aliens (1) add much more in taxes than they "drain" and (2) create many more jobs for
Americans than they take. Thus, each racist INS crime diminishes everyone's job and life by undermining
America's standard of living, its economic strength, its international competitiveness.
And finally, consider the Food and Drug Administration: The FDA points its wand of deception toward "protecting"
the health of Americans. But, in reality, the FDA is responsible for killing more citizens than any other group of
parasitical elites. For, through power-usurping regulations, the FDA blocks the cures for all major diseases. The
FDA also blocks the development of major longevity advances. ...Only unhindered science and business can bring
disease-free, non-aging longevity, as accomplished in all mystic-free, parasite-free civilizations throughout the
The Neo-Tech Literature
With actual wide-scope accountings, the Neo-Tech literature reveals the huge net destructions caused by specific
politicians, bureaucrats, judges, lawyers, prosecutors, white-collar-hoax business people, and other parasitical
elites. The Neo-Tech literature also details how those elites can exist only by creating and expanding powerbuilding instruments such as armed bureaucracies. The Neo-Tech literature identifies how all parasitical elites
depend on armed bureaucracies and subjective ego "justice" to enforce their harmful survival agendas. And
finally, the Neo-Tech literature details the spectacular prosperity that awaits everyone upon terminating the
parasitical-elite class.
The Neo-Tech Wedge
Most people in government, business, and the professions are not targets for personal ostracism or job
termination. Instead, they are candidates to benefit economically, professionally, and personally by getting on the
honest side of the split caused by the Neo-Tech Wedge. That Wedge is already beginning to move through
governments and businesses, separating the honest productive people from the parasitical elites. ...Only
parasitical elites and their armed enforcers are targeted for ostracism and job termination. They are the ones
who waste everyone's brief life. They shall not escape the Neo-Tech Wedge.
Vanishing Armed Bureaucrats
In contrast to legitimately armed policemen who serve to protect life and property, armed bureaucrats serve to
harm life and property. Today, the increasing social and physical harms caused by politicized armed bureaucrats
are endangering all federal employees.[ 62 ] ...Bureaucrats, not law-abiding citizens, must be disarmed.

As with Shakespeare's Iago in Othello, a politician who lives through armed bureaucracies exists not to produce
values but to destroy them, not to bring social harmony but to disrupt it. As with the conflict in Sophocles'
Antigone, the conflict between Neo-Tech and politicized armed bureaucracies evolves from the deepest issues of
right versus wrong, honesty versus dishonesty, and protective government versus destructive government.
Neo-Tech will bring peace [ 63 ]to America and trust in government by vanishing armed bureaucracies.
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[ 58 ] Murderous organizations? Even the EPA, for example, is responsible for the deaths of 8-20 people for every
life it theoretically saves. The EPA kills people through the increased living costs and decreased living standards
that bureaucracy forces on society, especially on the lower classes (Ref: Forbes, 7/6/92, page 60). Likewise,
other bureaucracies cause long-term harm and death to countless more people than those few people who may
benefit. In fact, those who profit from or live off the lethal actions of those bureaucracies are accomplices to
murder -- often mass murder.
[ 59 ] Reference: The Neo-Tech Protection Kit, Volumes I and II, 780 pages, The Neo-Tech Research and Writing
Center, revised 1994.
[ 60 ] Career politician Senator Bob Dole has been a major supporter of expanding the destructive power and
criminality of the IRS through its violent armed agents.
[ 61 ] The Neo-Tech Research Center estimates that 7.1 million jobs in the American economy were lost from 19801990 due to businesses being damaged or destroyed by illegal IRS actions.
[ 62 ] The criminalities of various politicians and the brutal destructiveness of certain federal bureaucracies, all
deceptively whitewashed by the news media, are fueling a public loathing toward government that is threatening
its employees.
[ 63 ] On May 29, 1995, the following notice was posted on various Internet newsgroups:
Memorial Day: a Political Hoax
Clinton's wreath laying: obscene hypocrisy. Notice how such politicians, the cause of all wars, revel in glory as
they eulogize their dead victims. ...Remember when Memorial Day was called Decoration Day? It was not a eulogy
day for the politicians' dead victims, but a celebration for the end of war and its living survivors.
Chapter 11

Your Personal Terminator

Limitless Prosperity
In the popular Arnold Schwarzenegger movies of the early 1990s, the terminator represents a nonstoppable force
of destruction. In the real world, Neo-Tech represents a nonstoppable force that terminates all destructive
forces. ...Neo-Tech is your personal terminator.
Today, right now, you hold a personal terminator in your hands -- a terminator programed to eliminate all forces
that harm you, your family, your future. ...Your terminator comes alive today to deliver unending happiness and
What is a Personal Terminator?
A personal terminator is your natural self programed to deliver limitless prosperity by terminating all lifedepriving forces, large or small. For example, consider the most damaging of those forces, which began growing
over six decades ago: In 1933, politicians with their expanding bureaucracies began draining America's business
and economic assets. Starting with Roosevelt's New Deal, that drainage has expanded into the largest, most
camouflaged theft and destruction of assets in history. Today, politicians and bureaucrats, as part of a growing
parasitical-elite class, are devouring those shrinking assets.
Economic deterioration is upon us. But, with your personal terminator, you can end such parasitical harms while
creating prosperity for you, your family, and society.
Neo-Tech -- the Master Terminator
Personal terminators are generated from a Master Terminator called Neo-Tech. That terminator is eternally
protective to all conscious life.
First, consider that neither harmful leaders nor destructive terminators can exist in civilizations evolved beyond
the nuclear age. In other words, no civilization can survive much past its nuclear age with a destructive ruling
class -- with a parasitical-elite class.
Now, consider our civilization: Already well into our nuclear age, we are still ruled by parasitical elites. They are
unnatural beings. For, they replace their productive human nature with a nonhuman program of purposely
harming others, the economy, and society. Thus, they are not human beings. They are subhumans or humanoids.
Not science-fiction humanoids, but self-made humanoids. For, each parasitical elite has removed from his or her
thinking process the essence of a human being. That essence is the competitive production of economic and
societal values needed for human survival, prosperity, and happiness.
Those humanoids increasingly drain everyone and society through dishonesty backed by the deception and force
needed for parasitical survival. Those parasites live by covertly draining values produced by others rather than
by competitively producing values for others and society. ...A civilization ruled by parasites must end in nuclear
conflagration. But, that conflagration will never occur. For, the Master Terminator is programed to vanish the
parasitical ruling class as nothing in cyberspace.
In pre-nuclear ages, the Master Terminator worked to overcome nature's forces that were harmful to conscious
beings. With that natural terminator, for example, human beings worked to increasingly protect themselves from
the elements, wild animals, hunger, injuries, disease. Now, today, during this nuclear age, conscious beings are
using that same natural terminator to eradicate their most harmful and dangerous enemy -- the parasitical elites.
For, those professional value destroyers control the means to kill everyone on Earth in a nuclear holocaust.

In post-nuclear ages, evolved conscious beings will continue using the Master Terminator to overcome diseases
and death itself...along with overcoming the longer-range destructive forces in nature such as weather disasters,
earthquakes, asteroid and comet collisions, cosmic disasters, solar burnouts, and collapses into black holes.
That natural Master Terminator which functions throughout all ages in all universes is Neo-Tech. Indeed, Neo-Tech
is simply fully integrated honesty -- natural honesty. Nothing can stop the natural mission of Neo-Tech. Nothing
can stop its mission of terminating the parasitical-elite class.
Terminating the Parasitical-Elite Class
Today, economic deterioration accelerates: An enlarging pool of professional value destroyers increasingly
pillages the shrinking pool of professional value producers. But, today, the rising Prosperity Revolution will
accomplish the first-and-final valid class overthrow in history. That overthrow and termination of the parasiticalelite class by Neo-Tech self-leaders and honest business leaders will boom all economies. Mankind will finally
experience the unlimited prosperity enjoyed by all advanced civilizations throughout the Universe.
This is your revolution to unlimited prosperity.
Your Prosperity Revolution
A prosperity revolution? Neo-Tech self-leaders? Class overthrow? Relentless and uncompromising?
Overthrowing the entire parasitical-elite class? Yes. Forward march to the overthrow and unlimited prosperity!
Another revolution of bombs, blood, and tears? Power-seeking revolutionary leaders? Another round of
destructions leading to ever more destructions? Socialist, fascist, or world-order "democracy" inspired? Building
a new parasitical-elite class? No. Just the opposite.
All past revolutions required inconsistencies, illegalities, and destructions. But this revolution is unique. It is based
on Neo-Tech. And, Neo-Tech requires logical consistency, objective law, and honest productivity. Neo-Tech upholds
objective law by terminating all subjective political policies that harm you, society, and the economy. ...This is your
revolution. This revolution will bring you unlimited prosperity.
Your prosperity revolution? When will it happen? What will happen? Who will make it happen? How will it bring you
unlimited prosperity?
All past revolutions and class overthrows were bogus or compromised. For, all were fomented so one parasitical
group could take power from another parasitical group. All were fomented from false or artificial class conflicts
of nationalities, races, religions, political issues, economic levels, or social levels. .
The Prosperity Revolution is the first and only legitimate class overthrow possible among human beings: The
honest productive class ranging from ditch digger to billionaire entrepreneur will overthrow the parasitical-elite
class -- a criminal class comprised of destructive politicians and their legions of harmful bureaucrats, armed
political-policy enforcers, ego judges, politico prosecutors, corrupt lawyers, dishonest journalists, evil academics,
and white-collar-hoax business quislings.
Parasitical elites survive through false power -- power gained through deceptive illusions. But, today, with your
personal terminator, you can break their illusions to end all false power. ...Right now, with Neo-Tech, you can
prosper without limits.
Chapter 12

Terminating Evil
You are a hard-working entrepreneur. Starting with $3500, you worked 16 hours a day, seven days a week, for
over twenty years to build a medical-research firm. Your life is dedicated to a single goal: develop marketable
knowledge leading to the root cause of disease. Marketing various segments of that developing knowledge
increasingly provides the keys to understanding and then curing all diseases -- including cancer, AIDS, muscular
dystrophy, and death itself.
Your only competitor, I & O Research and Writing, was attacked on November 3rd, 1986, by an armed criminal
element growing within the IRS. I & O was destroyed through physical violence and looting inflicted by that criminal
element. Each level of criminal behavior used by the IRS is identified in the table below:
Responsbility Level

Criminal Activity


IRS Commisioner

Sanctions and uses criminal activities

Ostracize and prosecute

IRS District Directors

Direct criminal activities and destructions

Fire and prosecute

IRS Guns-and-Fists

Blindly carry out physical violence and property


Educate and rehabilitate if

possible...or fire

IRS Seizing Agents

Blindly carry out financial lootings and economic


Educate and rehabilitate if

possible...or fire

10:00PM, April 15: You have spent the last two weeks, sixteen hours a day, completing the tax paperwork for your
company and employees. Along with your accountant and lawyer, you have spent an average of ten weeks each
year over the past decade handling all tax matters concerning your company and its twenty-five employees. That
means for this decade alone, two years were lost to forced-labor paperwork. And that does not include the
irreplaceable time destroyed on paperwork forced by other government bureaucracies and regulatory agencies.
...Because of that growing destruction of time and life, both you and your business can never reach full potential.
Thus, you may never reach your goal of delivering the fundamental, unifying cure to all diseases.
That productive time consumed through such forced-labor paperwork diminishes the long-range potential of
every person, every trade, every profession, every business. You realize that destruction of the value-producers'
time is undermining the future of our economy and society. That time destroyed is even more harmful than the
irrational taxes the value producers are forced to pay. And, that devastating time destruction serves but one
purpose -- to expand harmful jobs and power throughout the government. That expansion of harmful jobs and
government power, in turn, serves only to expand the parasitical-elite class.
You have struggled long hours at the cost of all personal relationships. You have no time for vacations, leisure,
relaxation. That unrelenting struggle is required for meeting the responsibilities to your customers, employees,
and company. Without more time, you cannot reach your potential of building a worldwide enterprise -- an
enterprise providing countless jobs by delivering health, happiness, and prosperity to everyone. You realize that

those two years of forced-labor paperwork per decade (like receiving a ten-year prison term for producing
competitive values for others and society over a fifty-year career) was the very block of creative time and
crucial concentration needed to reach your potential, your goal. ...Such is the destruction inflicted today on every
hard-driving value producer with supreme potentials and goals.
Then, you realize the escalation of time-destroying tax complexities backed by harsher and harsher penalties has
nothing to do with collecting taxes. Instead, that escalation of destructiveness and penalties has everything to do
with increasing bureaucratic control. For, that increasing control over the value producers is how the parasiticalelite class survives -- how it creates more and more harmful jobs and power needed to live parasitically.
You now understand how the parasitical elites join with white-collar-hoax executives of stagnant big businesses to
prevent competition from the most competent entrepreneurs. You now understand why those elites must malign,
destroy, and imprison great value producers -- honest but aggressive, tough, often unpopular businesspeople like
Michael Milken and Leona Helmsley who prospered by delivering competitive values to society, thus, threatening
the livelihoods of all parasites. By stifling aggressive competition, parasitical elites keep their own harmful
livelihoods from being exposed and eliminated.
Also, without that competition, parasitical business quislings can entrench themselves in big businesses. For
years, even decades, such pseudo businesspeople can gain unearned wealth and prestige by milking the great
accumulations of assets built by genuinely competitive, aggressive value producers of the past. ...Most of those
original, heroic value producers came from an age before the creation of armed bureaucracies used to enforce
destructive political agendas.
You then think about history's greatest value producers in art, music, science, and business. Despite the manyfold increases in population and technology, we have no more daVincis, Michelangelos, Beethovens, Mozarts,
Galileos, Newtons, Hugos, du Ponts, Carnegies, Fords, Einsteins. Why? The reasons can be traced to the
destructive effects of an expanding parasitical-elite class methodically draining everyone's time, energy,
resources...and long-range potential. With each passing year, fewer and fewer tender youth can rise to become
great value producers. That shrinkage of individual potential reduces or eliminates greatness from all conscious
You realize that increasing armed enforcement of destructive political agendas is designed to support a growing
parasitical-elite class not only throughout government and stagnant big businesses, but throughout much of the
news media, public education, and the legal profession. You then realize all political enforcements involve criminal
violations of objective law by armed bureaucracies.
You realize that supreme value producers such as Andrew Carnegie, Florence Nightingale, J. J. Hill, and Henry
Ford will not rise again until that criminal class of parasitical elites and their armed bureaucracies are eliminated.
Indeed, if living today, every one of those heroic value producers would be in prison with their potentials
collapsed. In prison for what? For violating political-agenda "laws" enforced not only by the IRS, but by all the
other armed bureaucracies and invasive regulatory agencies cancerously growing today.
As described in Movements II and III of this New-Color Symphony, Neo-Tech and Zon will terminate those evils.
Chapter 13
My Termination
Depression hits me as I survey the view. The camp is bitterly uncompromising -- its sheer vastness, its images of
hopelessness and deprivation. The sight of withered, dying men and shoddy cardboard shelters, along with the
endless odor of decay, combine to bring emotions of hatred and abhorrence in all the unfortunate people who live

In the distance is the city: a tall, beautiful, magnificent symbol of man's achievement and prosperity. That symbol
makes the dichotomy of this land all the more painful. But this has been my home for the past three years. And,
deep down, I detest myself and all that I represent. Disgust wells inside me as I think of this place and my failed
attempts to rationalize my pathetic existence. Occasionally, in moments of honesty, I stop the rationalizing and
grimly accept my fate, knowing that I deserve no better. In recognizing these rare moments of honesty, I find my
mood becomes more positive. I almost mistake the mood for happiness. It isn't. I struggle to define the feeling for
a few seconds and then stop, fearing that analysis may eliminate it. But the feeling stays, alien yet welcome.
Welcome because it helps me face my last few minutes of life.
Death. An obsolete state in today's world. And yet today, the 3rd of November 2003, I will die a hideous and
barbaric death. I will be sacrificed, murdered. But strangely, through the actions of my life, I have given my
consent to this grotesque act. Again, the cold shock of reality hits me. My mind for once is free of mysticism and
dishonesty. How ironic that I have allowed myself to evade honesty for so long, only yielding to it at the end of my
miserable existence. My mood becomes reflective as I begin to wonder how I could have prevented this selfloathing and desperate end.
For as long as I can remember, I have succumbed to camouflaged laziness -- to wangling values from others
rather than earning values. Never have I put forth the effort to create anything of genuine value. Indeed, it is this
self-chosen flaw that has sealed my fate, just as that same flaw has sealed the fate of thousands like me around
the world. Decades ago, after cheating my way through a prestigious, Ivy-League university, I decided on a career
in law and politics. I had no grand plan to improve the world. But I knew the power of politics would be to my
advantage. I could use that power to outmaneuver my peers and competitors. For, most blindly believed, at least
initially, that politics was benevolent and designed for the good of the people. They rationalized against seeing the
big lie. I, without such quixotic limitations, easily used politics to capture a prosperous and prestigious living from
the efforts of others. I fostered the big lie to usurp values from productive people. Indeed, my skills of deception
and manipulation became highly refined. I made honest value producers feel guilty for any "selfish" gain or
accomplishment. It was easy. My technique was simply to blame them for the endless sufferings and injustices we
politicians ourselves cause. ...The value producers paid for our pillagings -- those suckers paid us to drain them
Within a short time, I was rich, famous, powerful. My life was easy, and my potential for further success seemed
endless. I was single-handedly capable of developing laws and getting them passed. I could control almost anyone
or anything...and look like a saint while doing it. I was responsible for legislation that greatly empowered the Drug
Enforcement Administration and its armed enforcers. That DEA bureaucracy had no motivation to reduce any drug
problem; for, it had no desire to reduce its jobs or power. It didn't matter to us that innocent lives were lost or
destroyed through our trampling on individual rights and property rights. We pushed to spend billions upon
billions of tax dollars on projects that I knew would never work. But, so what. Through the media, I always looked
good to the masses. Indeed, my "War on Drugs" created some of my richest years.
And my soul mates at the IRS? I helped create and expand their armed divisions. I cleared the way for them to rule
through fear and destruction. I loved increasing their power. I loved the viciousness of their commissioner. I loved
their lawlessness and criminality. We were soul mates. For, through them my power grew.
We politicians and our bureaucrats created a bond of malevolence with Newsweek-type journalists. That unified
dishonesty let us smear, control, and ruin America's greatest value producers -- innocent people like Michael
Milken and Leona Helmsley. We giulianied them. ...We almost took over America with me riding high.

Next came the environmental movement. With dishonest journalists and bankrupt professors, we exploited every
phony notion conjured up by pseudo environmentalists. Their hate-filled, save-the-earth movement offered a
bonanza of opportunities to increase my power. Political correctness became my favorite weapon. We passed
regulations controlling or influencing essentially every business. And, because of my power within Congress,
almost every special-interest group courted me. I seldom paid for anything. The gifts and privileges were endless.
It didn't bother me that the cost of everyday goods, automobiles, and housing increased substantially because of
the regulations I created. In essence, I said to hell with the masses. If they have to suffer or pay a higher price, so
be it. For, I was gunning for power -- the presidency and beyond.
I further increased my power by exploiting the ego-seeking demagoguery of the anti-abortion gangs as well as the
Ralph-Nader gangs. Feminists? Gays? Yahoo! With that power, I passed more and more laws telling people what
they could and could not do. ...And they did what I told them because my laws were backed by guns and jails. At
times, even I could not believe the power I had -- the extent to which people could be controlled and manipulated.
The power. I loved the power. It was as if people would fall to their knees before me -- I could do no wrong. And the
women, they were everywhere. Most were prostitutes, but I never paid for any of them. Sex. Orgy sex, kinky sex,
sex of any kind was the order of the day. Gradually, my wife, with the help of alcohol, learned to accept this, not
that her feelings or health mattered to me. I came to believe that I was above everyone. It began to seem that such
favors and advantages were owed to me. I answered to no one. Indeed, I quickly learned to live with myself; or
should I say, to suppress any twinge of self-respect and honesty. For, with the money and power, it was easy to
keep going, to keep taking more and more money, more and more power, more and more of everything. My lust for
power constantly grew. I could never get enough.
But then it all crumbled with the Prosperity Revolution of the late 90s. That's what caused my downfall. I
remember what seemed like the starting point -- our destruction of people like Milken and Helmsley. Our atrocities
began backfiring when we sadistically flaunted our power on that April-15th tax day. Using subjective laws, ego
"justice", dishonest journalists, and a vicious IRS, we snuffed out the unpopular but innocent Helmsleys.
Soon after, we saw our own end coming with the 1994 American elections. Value-producing men and women all
over the world began angrily realizing how they were being duped and exploited. ...Our final ploy was the Clinton
pirouette of 1996.
Finally, with Neo-Tech echoing around the world through cyberspace, the value producers took control of their
own lives, ending the stupidity of their blind obedience to me and all other false authorities. Almost overnight,
politicians like me were scorned out of existence: first in Eastern Europe, then in Asia and Africa. In America, it
started in those 1994 elections. Then, the whole world woke up to the hoax. Self-sufficient, value-producing men
and women suddenly realized they didn't need self-serving politicians giving them inflation, poor economies, and
wars. People realized they could control and direct all areas of their lives without a parasitical ruling class.
Charismatic political leaders such as myself were finished when the public started scorning us -- then started
laughing at us. For us, the bottom line to our final campaign was fear -- shear terror and panic over losing our
livelihoods, our social standing, our power.
Very quickly, once-powerful politicians were ostracized from society. We were no longer able to plunder the
values produced by others. And for society, everything began to improve. There were a few initial and minor
problems caused by the change, but advancement was rapid. Indeed, genuine free enterprise was the order of the
day, not the insidious "free-trade" mercantilism that I, Bush, Clinton, Newt, Dole, and others touted throughout the
world. A torrent of jobs were created. The standard of living soared. Poverty and racism disappeared. Third-world
wars and starvation ended.

Before being overthrown, my cohorts and I used constant tax increases to force everyone's earnings into our
power-boosting schemes. After we were overthrown, people invested their extra earnings into business and
technology. ...Trade and science flourished. Unemployment fell to nearly zero. Only the professional social
schemers were unemployed. Street crime vanished.
The technological advancements came quickly. Cures for AIDS and cancer came in a matter of months. Soon, one
goal captured the focus of the world: Non-aging longevity. The religious and political objections were increasingly
being scorned by the once submissive masses. The masses of productive people now demanded wealth, happiness,
love, and life itself.
For me, I sat on the sidelines, increasingly feeling pity and hatred for myself. I had known the truth about politics
and religion. Yet, I pushed my dishonesties onto the unthinking public. I knew I deserved the fate that awaited me -it was deserved because of the untold lives I had ruined by promoting and enforcing my destructive political
policies. ...The loss of prosperity, happiness, love, and life itself caused by my actions was too great to count or
imagine. If only I had assumed the responsibility to be honest and to produce values. Had I done this, I could right
now be living in that prosperous other world. All the pain and fear I now suffer was avoidable had I been honest. In
fact, if I and the others here had only exerted the effort to be honest in taking the responsibility to create values
and pay restitution for our crimes, we all could have moved into that sunlit world of prosperity, happiness, and
beauty. But now, it is too late for me. Starting over is impossible. Once, in desperation, I even offered myself to a
zoo as an extinct humanoid. I thought scientists could study me as a relic of evil. But alas, the wide-scope
accounting records of Neo-Tech showed I belonged here.
So that is why I am here -- in this nightmare of a camp. I was ostracized like the rest -- scorned out of society,
laughed out of existence, unwilling to participate in any activity with the producers of the world, unwilling to
produce or trade any desirable value.
In the beginning, we had food and supplies, mostly brought by the later arrivals. But eventually those supplies ran
out, as did the animals shortly afterward. It was at this point that our very existence became threatened. Survival
became the goal. We could no longer steal from the producers. They were now too smart, too organized.
Computerized ostracism made hiding or even a nomadic life impossible. Ironically, the only choice we had was to
live as before -- to live off other people, to live by sacrificing the lives of others to us. So, we took the concept of
sacrifice to its logical but horrific conclusion:
Some would have to sacrifice their lives so the rest could survive. That is why I am in this position today. My lot
came up. I would now be sacrificed to the remaining few. Death, a fair and just outcome for all that has gone
before me. It is with this perverse feeling of justice and inevitability that I console myself while I think of the
manner of my death: clubs raining down on my weak, undernourished body, wielded by those remaining few. I
imagine their emotions as they rip my limbs apart. They will be content with their meal, their hunger temporarily
averted; each will be glad it's not him this time, but each knowing that soon, very soon, it will be. Fear will be the
only companion until the bitter end. ...None can escape.
Suddenly, my introspection is broken by the sound of voices. I see my peers clambering over the rubble, weapons
in hand, their ragged clothes and starving bodies almost comical, contrasting strikingly to the power and strength
of the city visible on the horizon. Although I have accepted this ghastly end, I feel a fleeting desire to run, to
escape before they get too close. But where? What is the point? My death is certain whatever I do.
I am aware that I am smiling as they face me. A matter of feet separate us, death seconds away. No words are
spoken, but the sound of fear is deafening. My fear. And theirs.
I see the first club being raised high into the air by my own son. My life flashes before me. ...Oh, the millions who
suffered just to keep me feeling important! I craved the ultimate -- the goal of every politician -- the power to rule

the world. I craved the unearned power to control everyone in every way. For that power, I'd gladly surpass Hitler
in destruction. Yes, I'd gladly nuke the world just to have that power. For, I'm not human. I'm a politician. I'm a
I feel the first blow. I fall with my diary. I scrawl my last note: Honesty terminated me.
Chapter 14
The Prosperity Revolution
Over two millennia ago, the Greek politician and philosopher Plato established the techniques for hoaxing the
public, thus, allowing a parasitical-elite class to rise. Throughout the subsequent centuries, parasitical elites have
used Plato-like hoaxes to drain the prosperity that the productive class generates for society. ...Such sacrifice-tohigher-cause hoaxes remained largely unidentified until Neo-Tech unraveled them. Today, Neo-Tech is dissolving
those Platonistic elite-class hoaxes. That dissolution of illusions will wash away the parasitical elites along with
their higher causes that sacrifice us to them. ...All value producers will then gain their earned prosperity stolen
from them and society for 2300 years.
Human History Approaches Its Greatest Event
As our civilization approaches the year 2000, the greatest event in human history is about to break across our
planet. Planet Earth will give birth to a super civilization. Indeed, the whole world is shimmering, ready to reveal a
new, previously unknown world. Today, raw and unguided fomentations are bubbling from beneath the seams
circling the globe. Those fomentations are from the productive class -- those who add more to the economy and
society than they take. Those value producers are lashing out independently, without authoritarian leadership.
Without guidance, they are driving parasitical elites from their destructive livelihoods, including some of the
highest "authorities": politicians, clerics, bureaucrats in America, Europe, and Asia -- including elites in America
like world-order-dominator George Bush, theocratic-statist William Bennett, and killer-hypocrite Hillary Clinton.
Blindness of Past Revolutions
Without Neo-Tech, the productive class impotently lashes out at the parasitical elites, never identifying their
underlying hoax of sacrificing the workers to the rulers under the facade of helping the needy. Without identifying
that hoax, all revolutions eventually fail by perpetuating the very same hoax to often yield new, even more
destructive parasitical elites -- new breeds of parasitical masters: new breeds of socialist, fascist, communist,
theocrat, and world-order elitists.
To eradicate the parasitical-elite class, productive people around the world must have access to Neo-Tech.
Stop Paying the Parasite-Class Deficits
Who pays for the economic and social deficits created by the parasite class? Someone always has to pay. Until the
Neo-Tech Discovery with its wide-scope accounting, the parasitical elites could always delude the productive class
into paying their deficits. The parasitical elites have tricked each productive person of the past 23 centuries into
supporting their destructive livelihoods.
What hoax could make the productive class continuously pay for those deficits? That hoax as revealed in Plato's
Republic is to use truth rather than honesty. Ever since, that hoax has tricked the productive class into sacrificing
itself to the parasitical elites. The key to perpetuating that hoax is building public-accepted illusions -- illusions
built by dishonestly twisting truths and facts into limited or false contexts acceptable to the public.

The Hoax of Using Truth Instead of Honesty[ 64 ]

How does that hoax work? It works through false context. Avoiding full context to build false context is the most
powerful tool of deception. For, avoiding full context and building false context leaves honest people ignorant of
the "sacrifice the producers to the parasitical elites" hoax.
By limiting or falsifying context, anyone can build closed systems of bogus logic to support or rationalize almost
any idea or action -- such as the rationalizations behind all force-backed organizations like the DEA, FDA, INS, IRS.
Through false logic and context, one can create bogus but good-sounding claims or illusions to justify essentially
any destructive means to any parasitical end. And each public acceptance of such bogus claims or illusions means
the continued hoaxing of value producers into supporting the parasite class.
Once such hoaxes are identified through full-context wide-scope accounting, value producers worldwide will rise
in irreversible revolution. ...The genuine value producers will stop paying those leech-class deficits forever.
Irreversible Revolution
All parasitical deceptions and illusions are now exposed by the Neo-Tech literature. Thus, through Neo-Tech, the
business/working class will rise in the Prosperity Revolution to overthrow the leech class worldwide.
That Overthrow Can Occur Almost Overnight
In December 1989, on CNN satellite news, citizens of the Romanian productive class suddenly saw the false power
of their dictator Ceausescu and the rickety hoax of his parasitical-elite class. In just five days, those citizens
unleashed an anger that brought Ceausescu from the height of life-and-death power over all Romanian citizens to
his death before a firing squad manned by those same citizens.
Self-Defense against Criminals and Murderers
Consider the natural dynamics of a valid revolution: What happens when totalitarian oppression and censorship
occur? As identified by Thomas Jefferson two centuries ago, overthrow becomes the only moral self-defense
against the resulting rise of totalitarian criminals. That is why the government should never be allowed to disarm
its citizens. By contrast, the immoral self-defense against those criminals is to support them in order to "be safe"
from their enforcers.
Neo-Tech Assures Everlasting Peace
The opportunity for a peaceful overthrow must not be lost. The gun-backed oppression of free press executed
against Neo-Tech must be rectified. With unfettered free press, the Prosperity Revolution will vanish the
parasitical-elite class without a single incident of physical harm or violence. ...Everyone can then enjoy the
unending peace and prosperity available to all conscious beings.

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[ 64 ] See page 327 for explantation of truth versus ho nesty.

Chapter 15
Neo-Tech Resurrects
The Child of the Universe

The Child of the Past

leads to the
Civilization of the Universe
Neo-Tech is fully integrated honesty. Neo-Tech is the natural essence of conscious beings as demonstrated in
every young child still uncorrupted by dishonesty and irrationality. Through integrated thinking and rational
exuberance, every child learns to perceive, talk, and then conceptualize. Every child learns with the certainty of
integrated honesty present throughout the Universe. Yet, every child loses that certainty through the diseases of
dishonesty, irrationality, and mysticism.
The dynamics of Neo-Tech bring back that certainty of fully integrated honesty. Neo-Tech brings everyone back to
his or her nature. Neo-Tech resurrects that Child of the Universe who sleeps in everyone's soul. ...Fully integrated
honesty is the nature of every conscious being throughout the Universe.
What is Neo-Tech?
Neo-Tech is a matrix of fully integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting. From that matrix comes a certainty
about the most effective way to live every aspect of conscious life. Each human being has sought that certainty
since mankind became conscious. Indeed, Neo-Tech is the natural certainty residing in every conscious being
throughout the Universe.

But, on planet Earth, a parasitical-elite class has hidden the objective process of honesty for twenty-three
centuries by manipulating subjective assertions of truth: Beginning about 300 BC, the philosopher Plato pulled
civilization into a cave. He obliterated the individual with his force-backed master-servant collectivism. Plato then
crowned the parasitical elites and his philosopher kings with souls of gold.[ 65 ] Only they would have the
"wisdom" to control, exploit, and drain the productive class: the masses trapped in Plato's cave. Plato relegated to
his trapped servants lowly souls of copper and iron.[ 66 ]
How did Plato finesse such an outlandish hoax that dominates the Western world to this day? By using the
arbitrariness of truths to turn reality upside-down, causing a sea of "noble" lies, illusions, deceptions, shadows,
doubts, and uncertainties. Such created uncertainties let the parasitical elites rule through dishonesties backed
by armed agents of force. By contrast, Neo-Tech eliminates manipulated truths, doubts, uncertainties, out-ofcontext facts, deceptions, illusions, and gun-backed parasitical "leadership". ...The certainty of Neo-Tech uprights
reality and forbids initiatory force against individuals and their property, thus, dooming the parasitical-elite class.
Certainty Without Omniscience[ 67 ]
Reality is relational. Knowledge is contextual and hierarchal. Thus, certainty evolves from Neo-Tech -- from fully
integrated honesty. By nature, fully integrated honesty is the mechanism for building relational, contextual,
hierarchal knowledge. Through fully integrated honesty, we share the same certainty -- the same knowledgebuilding processes -- enjoyed among all mystic-free civilizations throughout the universe.
America Today
America today is at once the greatest and the worst nation on Earth: The greatest by the productivity, well-being,
and happiness created by the mightiest host of professional value producers and competent workers in history.
The worst by the harm, deprivations, and unhappiness caused by a rapidly expanding parasitical-elite class. That
leech class is cannibalizing history's most bountiful trove of earned wealth and created values. ...But, today,
everyone can look happily to the future. For, the rising Prosperity Revolution and its army of independent selfleaders will eliminate the parasite class to bring ever growing well-being and happiness to everyone.
Ending the World of Chains
Imagine a world of cruel masters binding to a stake every puppy born -- binding every dog for every moment of its
life from birth to death to a stake with a short chain. Those dogs during their entire lives would know nothing
except a totally bleak, constantly chained life. Thus, they would accept their one-and-only lives being used up and
wasted without ever experiencing the joys and well-being possible for all dogs, but experienced by none. Not a
single dog would ever experience natural puppy joy, playfulness, or the happy companionship of a loving master.
But, imagine if those dogs had the ability to become aware of their chained lives. Imagine what they would feel
toward their cruel masters.
Now, consider conscious human beings with almost infinitely more life experiences available to them. Imagine a
world of human beings chained to stakes from youth to death. Imagine their lives being used up and wasted solely
to support the destructive livelihoods of a few parasitical-elite "masters". ...Imagine the anger that would explode
if all those chained beings suddenly discovered that their lives and the lives of a hundred generations before were
used up and wasted just to support a handful of parasitical elites.
What will happen when conscious beings on Earth discover the hoax that has kept them chained, used up, and
wasted for a hundred generations? The rising anger will push the ostracism matrix everywhere in government,

religion, business, and the professions. A relentless army of value producers will then eradicate that parasite
class, ending the world of chains forever.
A World Brightly Lit
Over one hundred years ago, Thomas Edison lit the world with his electric light bulb. For many years, he built his
foundation of knowledge. He knew exactly what would happen and exactly how it would happen...the it being
electrically lighting the world. Then, he and his co-workers needed several more years of intense work to find the
exact combination to unlock an incandescent bulb with more and more uses until the entire world was lit with
Using Neo-Tech, which means fully integrated honesty, Frank R. Wallace and his co-workers spent twenty-three
years building the foundation of knowledge for intellectually and emotionally lighting the world forever. Today,
those co-workers worldwide know exactly what will happen and exactly how it will happen...the how being
cyberspace, the it being the vanishing of the parasitical-elite class in resurrecting the Child of the Universe on
planet Earth.
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[ 65 ] Plato also assigned souls of silver to the obedient armed agents of force serving the golden-souled rulers.
[ 66 ] In America, Plato's hoax reached its climax in 1993 with criminal-minded, golden-soul Hillary Rodham Clinton
knowing what was best for the health and welfare of the masses with their lowly souls of copper and iron. Through
Neo-Tech, the American public broke that hoax in the elections of 1994.
[ 67 ] Title of a lecture by objectivist philosopher Leonard Peikoff.
Chapter 16
A Single Credo for Neo-Tech Self-Leaders
Direct every thought, every discipline, every effort toward the overthrow of the parasitical-elite class -- toward
the eradication of every livelihood that harms the value producers, the economy, and society.
Eleven Requisites for Neo-Tech Self-Leaders

To recognize that all past revolutions and their class overthrows have been false, compromised, or
temporary. Only the Prosperity Revolution that eradicates the parasitical-elite class will permanently
empower the productive class.
The Self-Leader's Goal

2. The self-leader has but one implacable goal: the unrestricted well-being and happiness of the productive
class and all humanity.
3. To accomplish that goal, the parasitical-elite class must be eliminated. How will that be accomplished? By
welding the productive class into an ostracism force that is all-subversive toward everything supporting
that leech class.
4. Until now, every revolution in history eventually betrayed itself by overthrowing one parasitical-elite
class in order to replace it with another. But, the leaderless Prosperity Revolution can never impose any
form of rule or exploitation on the productive class. For, the single task of the Prosperity Revolution is to
eradicate the parasitical elites by eliminating their dishonest illusions, hoaxes, and mysticisms. The
revolution will then be over. ...All revolutions will be over forever. Unending prosperity and happiness will
The Self-Leader's Behavior
5. The self-leader dedicates his or her life toward the uncompromising eradication of the parasitical-elite
6. The self-leader breaks all bonds with the world controlled by parasitical elites. Yet, the self-leader
infiltrates that world. He or she deals with parasitical elites, increasingly through cyberspace, only to
subvert and destroy their corrupt systems more rapidly.
7. The self-leader rejects public opinion and the existing social morality. For the self-leader, morality is
everything that advances the overthrow. Immorality is everything that blocks the overthrow.
8. The self-leader not only suppresses all sentimentality, but he or she abandons all private hatred and
revenge. Day and night, the self-leader has but one thought, one aim -- the merciless overthrow of the
parasitical-elite class.
The Self-Leader's Relationship to Others and Society
9. The degree of friendship, devotion, and obligation toward others is determined solely by the degree they
are useful in terminating parasitical elites.
10. A second-degree or third-degree self-leader is one who has not yet totally committed to the elimination
of the parasitical-elite class. He or she is part of the common revolution capital to be used for the
greatest advantage in advancing the revolution.
11. The self-leader is proven not by his or her words but by the deeds toward advancing the overthrow. The
self-leader has no sympathy for the parasitical elites and does not hesitate to undermine their every
position. He or she may frequently penetrate any area and live among their world in order to hasten their
Parasitical elites can be split into several categories. The first category consists of those who are condemned to
termination as soon as possible. The second category consists of those who are spared temporarily as being
useful for provoking the public into revolution. The third category consists of those liberals and conservatives in
high positions of unearned power and influence, various dishonest politicians, and certain harmful bureaucrats,
lawyers, and judges. Those parasitical elites can be useful -- they can be exploited for advancing the revolution.
The fourth category consists of pseudo-leaders who can be useful for a while. But, eventually, parasitical elites in
all categories must be terminated.

The Greatest Event in History

What about other great events in history? Forget them. The emerging Prosperity Revolution is by far history's
greatest event. That event will open the way for all future advancements toward eternal prosperity and happiness.
Terminating the Parasitical-Elite Class
Independent self-leaders are developing with no leader to follow or obey. They are people who will increasingly
carry out missions of subversion against the parasitical-elite class.
So long as self-leaders have no leader to obey, they will steadily multiply and never stop moving forward. For, on
learning how to break the hoax of professional parasitism, they will react personally to each parasite who harms
or drains society. On their own, in their own ways, they will increasingly subvert the entire parasite class. They
will subvert the leeches one by one, relentlessly, until each is driven from his or her bogus career. Especially
through the Internet, self-leaders will have no time or energy limits to stop them from eradicating the parasiticalelite class that wastes the lives of everyone. They will have no more compunction about swatting down parasitical
elites who exploit society than they have about swatting down mosquitoes that spread disease.
So long as uncensored cyberspace and free expression exists, the Prosperity Revolution will proceed peacefully.
Without gun-backed oppression, the overthrow of the parasitical-elite class will be peaceful but uncompromising,
total, permanent.
Seven Waves to Prosperity
1. Plant the root system: Identify and define the problem, the enemy, the solution. ...Completed 1976.
2. Build the foundation: Establish a two-million-word body of literature published in twelve languages with
audio, video, art, and music supplements. ...Done 1966-1991.
3. Develop the confrontational phase: Setting self-exposure traps such as the Golden Helmet for
neocheaters, professional value destroyers, and the parasitical elites along with their armed enforcers.
(Ref: Politicians and Bureaucrats on Trial, B & W, 1991) ...Began in 1980. Activated in 1986. Continuing.
4. Carry out and complete the free-press protection phase: Decentralization of publishing activities and
literature distribution. Dispersion into independent phantom-bantam companies worldwide. Translate
foundation work into twelve languages. Distribute into 156 countries. Those actions protect Neo-Tech
publishing activities from being wiped out in further attacks by armed agents in America or in any other
country. ...Completed in 1987. Insures a peaceful revolution.
5. Enter the direct confrontational phase: Activate the self-exposure traps for the neocheaters,
professional value destroyers, and parasitical elites in government, the courts, business, and the
professions. Establish a computerized ostracism matrix that will drive all parasitical elites and their
cohorts from their destructive livelihoods. As of 1994, over 2450 parasitical elites, neocheaters, and
professional value destroyers have been permanently locked into the Neo-Tech Ostracism Matrix.
...Began in 1990. Continuing.
6. Begin the worldwide revolution-overthrow phase: Move from quiet foundation-building and self-exposure
confrontational modes to public-action terminator modes. To begin in 1998.
7. Cyberspace into the future.
[Neo-Tech Golden Helmet]
[Call to Revolution]
Chapter 17

Commanding Life
Planet Earth
The Final Decade of Earth's Anticivilization
A parasitical-elite class has spawned this upside-down civilization -- an irrational civilization that inflicts
purposeful harm on conscious beings, their economies, their societies. Parasitical elites today manipulate nearly
all politics, many bureaucracies, the legal profession, the courts, public schools, the academe, the news media,
religion, entertainment, and certain big businesses. What most of those manipulators represent as the best is
really the worst...the most destructive -- and vice versa.
Be prepared to discover the facts: Jay Gould is the best, Abraham Lincoln is the worst; Leona Helmsley is the best,
Eleanor Roosevelt is the worst; Malcolm X is the best, Martin Luther King is the worst; Michael Milken is the best,
Rudolph Giuliani is the worst; Florence Nightingale is the best, Hillary Clinton is the worst. ...Indeed, you must first
dismiss nearly everything that the parasitical-elite class and its news media represent as good and bad in order
to command your life on planet Earth toward boundless prosperity.
What Do the Following Have in Common?
Armed ATF, DEA, IRS agents, force-backed anti-abortionists, jailing of Milken and Helmsley, Jew and Japan bashing,
busting Noriega, gay bashing and gay "rights", racism, urban riots, RICO and seizure laws, PETA, political
correctness, the DEA, EPA, FDA, INS, IRS, OSHA, formal religion, Greenpeace, evangelism, gun control, Ralph Nader,
Fidel Castro, Jesse Jackson, Jesse Helms, Pat Buchanan, white-collar-hoax big-business executives: What do they
all have in common?
All of the above are based on economic and social parasitism. They are all backed by professional value
destroyers, parasitical elites, envy mongers, and self-righteous neocheaters infesting government, religion, big
business, entertainment, the media. By purposely creating problems where none exist, all such parasites end in
destroying the very values they pretend to support. Such destructive people must pretend to support values. They
must fake compassion and good intentions to survive -- to gain false esteem, power, and bogus livelihoods.
They and their supporters comprise a rapidly expanding class of parasitical elites. Today, from survival necessity,
they are converging in a final feeding frenzy. They increasingly loot and destroy innocent value producers through
despotic "laws": RICO, seizure, and EPA/FDA/FTC/OSHA/SEC-type "laws"...all backed by force along with the
irrationalities of ego "justice", fake scientisms, and pressured by escalating deep-pocket litigations. And now, the
parasite class fight one another to devour the remains of a vanishing class of genuine job-and-wealth producers.
Indeed, for decades, that escalating class of professional value destroyers has orchestrated libel, slander, and
public envy to attack and drain a now decimated, crumbling class of super value producers. Eventually, under
various disguised forms of fascist socialism -- such as Clinton/Gore/Dole-type, tax-the-producers envynomics -those converging parasites would drain dry the remaining remnant of super job producers and aggressive
entrepreneurs. The demise of those last great value producers would bring annihilations of the world economies
and societies. ...But, none of that will happen because of Neo-Tech and the Prosperity Revolution that started in
Chapter 18

What is the Illuminati?

What is Zon?
The Illuminati
has its origins in the biblical Abraham who smashed the idols four millennia ago in establishing the existence of
only one reality.
Ever hear of the Illuminati? For the past two centuries, they have been condemned by nationalistic governments
and mystical religions. How about the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, the Council on Foreign Relations, the
Trilateral Commission? They are semi-secret organizations that for the past several decades have been linked to
one-world conspiracy theories. Consider the controlling influences behind those worldwide organizations -businessmen, such as today's quiet businessman David Rockefeller. He, for example, is seldom seen or mentioned
in the mainstream media. But, he is hysterically attacked as the epitome of evil by the ultra- conservative media,
the nationalistic-populist media, and the religious-right media. Yet, David Rockefeller is among the world's most
moral, clear-thinking, responsible people.
The Illuminati Protocols
This chapter refers to the early Illuminati protocols -- the master plan for worldwide control first formulated over
two centuries ago by leading European bankers and businessmen. Essentially anyone reading the protocols alone
and out of context would view them as on e of the most evil plots ever devised. Yet, on reading those very same
protocols in the context of wide-scope accountability, one will realize the men responsible for those protocols
were among the most moral, clear-thinking, responsible people who ever lived on this planet. Moreover, through
Zon, today's Illuminati can make everyone on Earth rich and happy.
Making the Illuminati Serve You
Zon will far surpass the goal of the Illuminati. By understanding Zon, the Illuminati and their organizations will be at
your service -- providing you with limitless wealth.
Business-Controlled Master Plans
Business-controlled master plans underlie all actions controlling the creation of long-term prosperity and
happiness. Two such master plans or protocols operate on planet Earth: (1) the closed-system Illuminati protocols
developed in Europe over two centuries ago, and (2) the evolving, open-ended Zon protocols that began developing
in ea rly 1992 and reflected in the American elections of 1994. Today, Zon is replacing the Illuminati's master plan.
With Zon, the world will soar in cyberspace beyond the Illuminati's plan for worldwide prosperity. For, Zon delivers
eternal happiness with limitless wealth to all conscious beings.
The Illuminati, from its founding protocols forged in the mid-18th century by Adam Weishaupt and carried forward
in the 19th century by Albert Pike, have nearly completed their noble goal of undermin ing and eliminating the twin
instruments of irrationality and destruction on this planet: (1) forced-backed nationalist governments, and (2)
fraud-backed mystical religions. Now, after two centuries, that goal will not only be achieved but far surpassed,
perhaps as early as 2001AD. How? By replacing the established, seemingly violent Illuminati protocols with the
newly evolving, peaceful Zon protocols as deduced from the original, 176-page Cassandra's Secret manuscript

developed i n 1993. The specific Zon protocols will be ready for public use before 2001AD. But, first, one must
understand the goal and protocols of the original Illuminati as described below:
The Illuminati's Business Plan
Depoliticizing Planet Earth
Since the late 1700s, essentially all public reporting and exposs of the secretive Illuminati have been rabidly
negative. Most such reports and exposs emanate from paranoid conspiracy theories p resented in populist,
nationalistic, or right-wing religious publications. All such reports and exposs present the Illuminati and their
protocols as diabolically evil. Modern-day exposs especially rail at the Illuminati's tools used to undermine public
respect for political-agenda laws, irrational traditions, and predatory institutions. The Illuminati work to
undermine public support of the parasitical-elite class...a destructive class that survives through politically and
religiou sly ruled governments.
The modern-day tools of the Illuminati include international organizations such as the Trilateral Commission, the
Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, the Club of Rome, and the outdated Freemasons. In addition to
high-profile parasitical elites, those organizations comprise the most-influential, low-profile businesspeople
throughout the world. Still, they are all simply tools masterfully maneuvered into advancing the Illuminati's goal.
Many members of those organizations are sincere value producers; others are power-seeking parasites. Yet, all
effectively serve the Illuminati's pretended goal of worldwide political and economic cooperation. Beneath that
goal, however, lies the Illuminati's real goal: break the institutions that support this destructive anticivilization.
To understand the Illuminati, one must understand their poker-playing modus operandi. The Illuminati perfected
the shrewdest poker-playing stratagems im aginable -- analogous to those stratagems revealed in Frank R.
Wallace's Advanced Concepts of Poker, first published in 1968. After 21 printings, plus additional printings by
Crown Publishing and Warner Books, Wallace withdrew that book from print in 1986 in favor of the evolving NeoTech literature.
Consider the following stratagem by the Illuminati: To most effectively achieve their goal, they knew their real
targets for termination must remain concealed for as long as possible. Bec ause of their world-wide influences,
the Illuminati also realized that, over time, information about their work and goal would leak to the public, despite
their influence over the world news media. Thus, the Illuminati planted ruses in their protocols that would invite
hysterical criticism of them and their satellite organizations. By promoting hysteria against themselves,
criticisms would lose credibility, preventing any effective effort to block or retard their progress.
For example, the Ill uminati realized their secret protocols would eventually be publicly revealed. Thus, they
drafted their Protocols to conceal their real agenda. They made their Protocols to appear as a Jewish or Zionist
plot for placing all human beings under one-world tyrannical rule. They floated a poker-ploy hoax document titled
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. Throughout that document, they shrewdly planted a Jewish slur word
for Gentiles to describe their targets -- the goyim.
That strategy has worked brilliantly for two centuries: All exposs or attacks on the Illuminati turn into strident
accusations about being evil socialistic, communistic, Jewish, Zionist, satanic, or Luciferin plots for world
domination. Thus, all exposs and attacks have ultimately been dismissed as paranoid anti-Semitic, Jew baiting,
racist, or religious-right paranoia -- exactly what the Illuminati intended.[ 68 ] ...Inciden tally, from their origin to
modern day, many among the Illuminati are Jewish. But, they are moral Jewish businessmen, not socialists or

Zionists seeking world domination. Indeed, the Illuminati are ingenious "poker players" who orchestrate criticisms
of them to advance their goal.
The Illuminati especially utilize their poker strategies in wielding influence from their toolbox of international
organizations. Those organizations comprise the world's leading businesspeople, politicians, journa lists,
publishers, bankers, industrialists, military leaders, and other influential people used to advance a one-world
agenda. But, that agenda conceals the real goal fully known only to the Illuminati. That goal is to undermine and
eliminate the institutions supporting parasitical elites.
What gave the Illuminati businessmen their overwhelming power and success for the past two centuries? The
answer lies in their ability to create genuine values and jobs for society, combined with an unshakable moral
responsibility to bring growing prosperity to all conscious beings on this planet. Their moral foundation, however,
was based on knowledge limited to this closed, irrational anticivilization. Thus, for them, the only possible way to
preserve and then flourish human consciousness on Earth was to eliminate, by whatever means necessary, the
institutions that support this anticivilization and its parasitical-elite propagators. ...But, means cannot justify the
ends -- morally...and u ltimately, practically. Zon, by contrast, functions through the consistently sound principle
of fully integrated honesty. Thus, Zon solves such dilemmas by delivering practical, objectively moral solutions
free of force and violence.
Zon replaces the moral justification for violence upon which the Illuminati have stood since their institutionbreaking role in the 1793 French Revolution. ...Today, Zon has replaced that justification with a moral foundation
that peacefully elevates the weal th and happiness of all conscious beings throughout time and existence. That
moral base stands on integrated honesty, productive effort, wide-scope accounting, objective law, and the GoldenHelmet dynamics as detailed in the Appendix at the end of this manuscript.
The institution-breaking accomplishments of the Illuminati along with their one-world organizations such as the
Bilderbergers and the Trilateral Commission provide an advanced position from which the Civilization of the
Universe c an envelop this planet while peacefully vanishing the anticivilization and its manipulators.
With the discovery of Zon, the keys to prosperity are found in (1) originating conscious actions from Civilizationof-the-Universe perspectives and (2) recognizing that anticivilization perspectives are unreal. In that way,
harmful aspects of the anticivilization are dismissed and ultimately vanished. Also, in that way, the two-centuryold Illuminati dynamics of using deceit and force to under mine those elements supporting the anticivilization are
replaced by the honest, peaceful Zon dynamics.
The Most Moral Men on Earth
Without the concepts of white-hat neocheating and advanced poker strategy combined with Neo-Tech, anyone who
reads the Illuminati protocols[ 69 ] will come to the same conclusion: Those protocols are the epitome of evil. But
on understanding neocheating and the c oncepts of poker along with Neo-Tech and Cassandra's Secret, one comes
to the exact opposite conclusion: The Illuminati protocols reflect the most responsible and moral forces on Earth - forces designed to bring wealth and happiness to our world by breaking the institutions and racisms that
support this parasitically drained, death-oriented anticivilization.
As identified in the Neo-Tech Discovery, the original Illuminati also realized that honest business dynamics are
what sustain and advance conscious life. Thus, those business dynamics are the only source of genuine, lifeenhancing power among conscious beings. Indeed, only competitive value-and-job producers hold real power -the ultimate power to control not only current events but future events on planet Earth.

Until the original 18th-century Illuminati, no value-and-job producer understood the draining hoaxes and illusions
of the parasitical elites. From Plato's time, a ruling leech class has built and propagated an anticivilization with the
single purpose of sustaining their own harmful livelihoods by draining the productive class.
The Illuminati discovered that they, not kings, popes, tyrants, sultans, or other parasitical elites hold the power to
control and direct society. On that realization, those original Illuminati, most of whom were powerful businessmen
and bankers, moved with confidence to eliminate the parasitical elites by relentlessly pitting those leeches and
their institutions against ea ch other. That dynamic caused the world populations to increasingly lose confidence
in politics, nationalistic governments, mystical religions, and their parasitical leaders.
Schindler's List, the factual story of German businessman Oskar Schindler in the 1940s, illustrates how even at
the evilest depths of this anticivilization, the value-and-job producer is the only person with genuine power and
love...even midst humanoids who live by guns and mass murder. Only businessman Sch indler, for example, could
walk through the bloody mud of the Holocaust without soiling his soul, his compassion, his respect for human life.
Only job-producing Schindler had the power, moral character, and strength to reach into the depths of this
anticivilization to save conscious beings from the destruction and death wrought by its humanoid propagators.
Extrapolate the metaphor of businessman Schindler into the advanced technologies among the Civilization of the
universe. One will then rec ognize that honest businesspeople with their limitless valuation of conscious beings
are the real saviors of everyone in existence. Only such value-and-job producers have the power, responsibility,
and love to never let perish the supreme value throughout the universe -- conscious life, including conscious
human beings on planet Earth. ...The competitive, value-and-job producing businessperson eternally preserves and
advances all conscious life.
The Illuminati originally comprised the few mos t efficacious businessmen in Europe. The original Illuminati
rejected parasites holding false or life-draining power. Indeed, none of the Illuminati were kings, tyrants,
politicians, lawyers, religionists, entertainers, writers, or orators. Instead, they were quiet businessmen and
bankers -- they were among the world's most potent creators of life-sustaining values and jobs.
The Illuminati's relentless work has always been directed toward saving the future generations of conscious
beings fro m destruction by the institutionalized irrationality woven throughout this anticivilization. The Illuminati's
goal has been to free conscious beings from the tribal mentalities that make possible criminal societies:
parasitical governments, socialism, fascism, the welfare state, and mystical religions.
The Illuminati sought a world in which its citizens valued their fellow citizens not by social status, wealth,
nationality, race, or religion, but by what each did to competitively benefit othe rs and society.
For 250 years, playing the most ingenious poker game in history, the Illuminati have brought much of the world
close to their goal of ending 3000 years of unnecessary suffering and death inflicted on all populations of Earth -inflicted by parasitical humanoids through their criminal institutions. ...Finally, today, the newly arrived Zon
dynamics will not only peacefully achieve but far surpass the noble goal of the Illuminati.
Chapter 35 publicly identifies the meaning bene ath the Illuminati protocols[ 70 ], their master plan, their oneworld organizations...and the resulting future for all on planet Earth through Zon.[ 71 ]
The Neo-Tech Trojan Horse
Over the years, the Neo-Tech/Illuminati dynamic has evolved into today's Zonpower. This 200-year-old dynamic is
increasingly undermining false, harmful authorities throughout governments and religions worldwide. The NeoTech/Illuminati dynamic has been the hidden force beneath the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and

America's coming sea change first reflected in its Neo-Tech inspired 1994 elections.
The seventh and final cyberspace stage of Neo-Tech/Zonpower -- the public phase -- will activate sometime
before 2001 with the Internet distribution of the Zonpow er Protocols...the Trojan-Horse penetration of Neo-Tech
into the heart of the Establishment in America and worldwide.

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[ 68 ] A good example of how this strategy works is found in the April, 1995, Reader's Digest article titled, "This
Lie Will Not Die".
[ 69 ] The 18th-Century Illuminati Protocols, 32 pages, Zon Association (1994).
[ 70 ] What is the source of those Protocols? In 1906, the British Muse um in London received a copy of the
Illuminati Protocols written in Russian. Those secret Protocols were probably translated into Russian sometime
after 1850 from the original German language Protocols, which first appeared in Bavaria during the late 18th
century. Parts of the Protocols were used by Maurice Joly in his 1864 satire, Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli
and Montesquieu. In the early 20th century, British journalist Victor Marsden translated the Protocols into English.
His t ranslations were finally issued by the British Publishing Society in 1921 (Ref: Des Griffith, Fourth Reich of the
Rich). ...Metaphor or real, those Protocols express the Illuminati strategy.
[ 71 ] The Illuminati's goal has always been to replace the destructive forces of monarchism, nationalism, religion
with the productive dynamics of business. Toward that goal, Neo-Tech/Zonpower adds (1) free-market dynamics
for societal decisi ons plus (2) the essentialness of working-class individuals. For, such working-class individuals
are disconnected from the elite class, which is intellectually indoctrinated into closed-circle visions of nature.
Thus, non indoctrinated workers have retained their childhood capacities for fully integrated honesty -- for widescope viewings of nature. While vision-controlled elites, specialists, and philosophers -- including most
Objectivists -- have lost their capacities for fully integrated honesty.
Indeed, the honest, wide-scope views of nature by the working class will lead the mass advance of mankind into a
rational civilization -- into the Civilization of the Universe. ... Such ability to see nature as it is by non
Establishment individuals -- an ability lost by the indoctrinated elites -- was first identified by Georg Bchner
(1813-1837) in his path-breaking drama Woyzech.
Chapter 19

Dumping Goy Politics

Reality and Objective Law
The real physical world resides in a beautiful symmetry of rationality embodied by the objective laws of nature.
Philosophers and scientists throughout the ages have striven to discover the ultimate nature and symmetry of
existence. For 24 centuries, great minds have opened one door after another, solved one deep mystery of nature
after another, only to discover whole new and deeper symmetries hiding beneath the ever evolving forces within
the unchanging laws of nature. That long history started with the postulating of atoms and led to the discovery of
gravity, electromagnetism, and relativity. Those great minds ranged from Democritus to Newton, to Faraday, to Nobel laureate Leon Lederman, the preeminent experimental physicist who in his book The God
Particle (Houghton Mifflin, 1993) metaphorically named the ultimate nature of existence, the "God Particle"[ 72 ].
Are we opening the final door that reveals what lies beyond the "God Particle"? Will we find at last the elegantly
simple, beautiful force with no beginning or ending, lying beneath and above the "God Particle"? ...Beneath and
above that particle lie Gravity Units of symmetrical, subspatial geometries controlled by conscious beings free of
goy politics.
Nonreality and Subjective Law
The unreal political world of the goyim hides the ugly irrationality embodied by subjective laws born of politics.
Those laws are used to gain destructive livelihoods and criminal power in an anticivilization. As one discovers the
secret of goy politics, one discovers that everything arising from their political-agenda laws involves the criminal
acquisition of power -- from Caligula to Hitler to the Clintons.[ 73 ]
From Caligula's socio-fascist Rome to Hitler's socio-fascist Germany to Clinton's socio-fascist America, all
destructive laws arise from political processes -- processes designed to create self-serving political powers.
Today, as in Germany 60 years ago, the process of law making is driven by politics rather than by objective
reality. Indeed, most law today arises from arbitrary political correctness in a drum roll of force-backed,
political-agenda laws.
Such laws are turning political tools like the FDA, DEA, BATF, IRS, INS, EPA into armed bureaucracies that destroy
life, liberty, and society. Also, consider today's politicization of health care, food diets, abortion, religion,
education, the media, drugs, tobacco, law enforcement, criminal prosecution, immigration, the environment.
Decisions in those areas should have nothing to do with politics, but everything to do with objective reality. ...What
irrational forces underlie the politicization of human action?
The forces underlying harmful political actions are camouflaged dishonesty, hidden laziness, and parasitical
livelihoods. From those forces, a purposeful destructiveness arises. That destructiveness is used to gain
unearned values at the expense of the competitive value producers. Beneath those forces lie irrationality and
insanity -- the schizophrenia of parasitism. Contrary to common belief, schizophrenia is not a split or a dual
personality, which is just one of many possible symptoms of schizophrenia. Rather, the disease of schizophrenia is
the detachment of consciousness from objective reality, which is required to convert one's precious life into a
worthless life -- into a parasite.
The tripartite cure for insanity in government is simple: depoliticize, depoliticize, depoliticize. ...How will that cure
arise? Consider the following Illuminati article of June, 1994. This article was published five months before the
first Neo-Tech domino fell in America -- five months before America's November 1994 elections:

Obsoleting the Criminal-Minded Goyim
The most valuable goyim of the '90s are the Clintons. Faking compassion and using demagoguery, they foment
envy against the productive class -- against the competitive producers of wealth and jobs. They move forward,
feeding on individual rights and competitive value production. Their grand wealth-distribution schemes consume
the source of earned values and well-being. Their illegal schemes, epitomized by bribes paid through fraudulent
cattle straddles, undermine the public's sense of justice and honesty in America.
Moreover, the fake compassion of the Clintons is nothing more than a three-step, Toll-Booth Compassion:
Personally they give nothing that genuinely benefits humanity or society. Instead, (1) they collect self-aggrandizing
tolls by forcing the productive class into financing an expanding parasitical-elite class through political-agenda
laws. (2) They extract financial tolls by draining the only real benefactors of the needy and society: the
competitive value-and-job producers. And, then (3) they hit the jackpot with a neocheating livelihood replete with
force-backed political power and praise-filled honors.
Such three-step, toll-booth compassion includes larceny and homicide. For example: "If this law saves one life,
then it's worth it" type demagoguery hides the 100 or 1000 or million innocent victims hurt, impoverished, or killed
directly or indirectly through such sound-good, toll-booth-compassion laws -- laws that subjugate society through
force-back control, destruction, and death.
Seeking unearned power through virtuoso lying, the Clintons emasculate America's long-term security and
prosperity for their own power. Left unchecked, such criminal agendas would destroy health care, individual
rights, the economy, and maybe start a war to avoid impeachment or jail. ...The point is that such goy politicians
will loot, kill, and build violent hatred toward government just to sustain their destructive livelihoods.
Indeed, today, political predators are crushing property rights, plundering the middle class, and widening the gap
between the rich and poor. How? By escalating police-state regulations, destructive political-agenda laws, and
irrational taxes enforced by armed bureaucrats. Those irrationalities decimate small businesses, the middle
class, and individual self-reliance: the three originators of all productive jobs and earned profits. ...Why do
political predators purposely advance economic and social harms? So they can live in power and praise without
themselves having to produce competitive values.
The above dynamics are ironically in accord with the original Illuminati Protocols. Those master-plan protocols
use Machiavellian political tools such as the Clintons who have Dostoyevsky-type criminal minds[ 74 ]. For, such
goy tools cause calamities that undermine planet Earth's twin institutions of parasitical evil: nationalistic
governments and organized religions...institutions that subjugate the well-being of society to the parasitical-elite
Obsoleting such criminal-minded goyim will halt the government's parasitical feeding on the value-producing
class. A depoliticized civilization will bring eternal peace and prosperity. Indeed, the laws among the Civilization of
the Universe arise from the divine grace embodied in every conscious being who has ever existed. From those
laws arise genuine prosperity and romantic happiness.
End Quote

Seven-Point Agenda
America's First Neo-Tech President
1. Immediately pardon and free all individuals convicted of "crimes" created from political-agenda laws.
2. Veto and work to repeal every political-agenda law passed by Congress, current and past.
3. Work to end all welfare and social programs. Replace Clintonian toll-booth compassion with genuine
4. Privatize Social Security. Fully meet all obligations by paying back with market-rate interest all monies
paid into Social Security. Finance this payback by selling government businesses and assets.
5. Permit government activity only in areas of national defense, local police, and the courts to protect
individual and property rights. Eliminate all other force-backed government powers and programs.
Disarm all bureaucrats, not honest citizens.
6. Replace the irrational, envy-based income tax with a rational consumption tax -- a national sales tax.
Then phase out sales taxes with major budget reductions, market-rate user fees, and the Golden Helmet.
Use revenues only for national defense and the protection of individuals and their property from
objective crime.
7. Help redeemable parasitical elites, neocheaters, and professional value destroyers convert to
competitive value producers in the Civilization of the Universe.
Accomplishing the above seven points are the natural results of upholding the Constitution of the Universe:
Article 1
No person, group of persons or government may initiate force, threat of force, or fraud against any individual's
self or property.
Article 2
Force may be morally and legally used only in self-defense against those who violate Article 1.
Article 3
No exceptions shall exist for Articles 1 and 2.
Even Plato recognized that the creation of a civilization is the "victory of persuasion over force...". By contrast, an
anticivilization means the use of force over persuasion.
A "Heaven-Sent" Illuminati Tool -- The Clintons
Why did most of the news media and much of the public keep accepting the automatic lies and covering up
objective crimes by Bill Clinton when he became the President of the United States? What about his Machiavellian
drive to escape his crimes and stay in office? Through his and his wife's dishonest camouflages, the Clintons
strove to ravage health care and society itself.

All genuine jobs, prosperity, and happiness in any society come from honest individuals and businesses. President
Clinton had no concept of honesty or business. He never held or created a productive job in his adult life. He lived
parasitically by (1) demagogically attacking and then (2) self-righteously draining those who produce the jobs and
values upon which society depends. ...How did such a person become accepted by a population as its leader?
Congenial President Clinton was the most skilled, manipulative public speaker since Hitler, Churchill, and FDR.[ 75
] His gross lack of principles combined with his supreme ability to sound good let him project sincerity and good
intentions with persuasive skills, perhaps surpassing any neocheater living today. Pandering to envy and
parasitism, both Clintons "compassionately" extracted maximum capital from the producers to buy votes and
power from the public.
Indeed, Bill and Hillary Clinton were a key find for the Illuminati to accomplish their two-century goal of eliminating
public acceptance of the parasitical-elite class draining the value producers and society. ...Ultimately, the
pernicious Clintons will bring prosperity and happiness to America. How will that happen when all their actions
worked to decay individual rights, property rights, self-responsibility, self-respect, objective law, crime
prevention, education, health care, and the economy?
The "Heaven-Sent" President Clinton was a professional Elmer Gantry who exuded sincerity, confidence, and
compassion upon all whom he exploited for his own unearned livelihood and selfish ego. But, just as he built his
illusions to the height of public deceptions, the fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech began breaking those illusions
in 1994. As the illusions break, such parasitical elites and their supporting casts will be scorned or prosecuted out
of existence. The dishonest concepts of politics will be increasingly trashed along with political-agenda laws and
ego-"justice" systems. At that point, America will be ready for depoliticization and decriminalization.
The Clintonian criminal mind is woven throughout goy politics -- woven throughout the White House, the Congress,
the legal profession, the media, and the celebrity industry. Above-the-law/beat-the-law, golfing-partners
OJ/Clinton hid their criminal minds behind sharp lawyers, automatic lying, public adulation, and wonderful-person
facades. Such persons will always coldly, arrogantly rationalize themselves out of criminal acts ranging from wife
batterings and WACO killings to the destruction of public health, safety, and the economy.
The fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech and the wide-scope accounting of the Golden Helmet combined with the
coming cyber-information revolution will eliminate dishonest politicians, their harmful political-agenda laws, and
their armed agents of force.
Why is victory on Earth possible over the next few years? Consider the survival tool of purposely destructive
politicians and government officials. Their survival tool is the public acceptance of armed bureaucracies made
possible by deception and irrationality. To perpetuate those dishonesties, the fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech
and the wide-scope accounting of the Golden Helmet must be hidden from the population by force, coercion, and
fraud. Yet, every act to suppress the Neo-Tech/Golden-Helmet, including the jailing of its author and publisher,
enhances public movements toward its all-revealing, depoliticization dynamic.
Through cyberspace, Golden-Helmet economies backed by nonpolitical objective law could be in place by 2001 AD
or earlier. ...Prosperity and happiness will then be available for everyone and society.
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[ 72 ] Technically the "God Particle" is called by physicists the Higgs boson.

[ 73 ] Consider the following: How many Platos, Alexander the Greats, Caesars, Caligulas, Attilas, Genghis Khans,
Tamerlanes, Napoleons, Lincolns, Lenins, Woodrow Wilsons, Mussolinis, Hitlers, FDRs, Stalins, Maos, Pol Pots,
Castros, Idi Amins, Bokassas, Khomeinis, Pengs, Saddams, Nicolae and Elena Ceausescus, Bill and Hillary Clintons
were Jews? None.
[ 74 ] Such deluded "superior beings" think their "greatness" puts them above objective law, including
Raskolnikov in Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment, as the OJs and the Clintons in today's America.
[ 75 ] Clinton crafted words as Shakespeare's Iago crafted words -- crafted to put poisons in everyone's ear,
potions that make evil actions seem good and good actions seem evil.
Chapter 20
The End of Chaos
The Start of Guiltless Wealth
The best-selling book Chaos by James Gleick (Penguin, 1988) popularized the vogue theories of chaos in nature.
Yet, the universal laws of physics and nature preclude chaos throughout time, space, and existence. Still,
appearances of chaos are everywhere in nature, especially through irregular shapes called fractals.[ 76 ] Yet,
with enough knowledge, one discovers genuine chaos does not exist, save one exception. Indeed, the law of identity
along with cause and effect holds everywhere, barring that one exception.
That one exception proves the rule that conscious beings control existence. They control existence with a system
designed for eternal survival through limitless value creation. Ironically, that universal rule can be proven by its
one exception -- the existence of parasitical humanoids who survive by creating chaos. They survive by creating
chaos in draining economies and harming societies. With facades of good intentions and compassion, those
humanoids inflict cruel harm and fraud on society. Such inflictions of harm and fraud are epitomized by Clintontype Envynomics. Those media-hyped economics of envy would drain dry all productive dynamics remaining in
America. Indeed, envynomics provide the only means of survival left for the expanding clique of parasitical elites
and their value-destroying bureaucracies.
Throughout the vast universe, genuine chaos exists only in an unnatural anticivilization such as now dominates
planet Earth. Its humanoid rulers survive through parasitisms requiring force, threat of force, and fraud. They live
by criminally draining those who produce values for society. ...But, all such parasites and their unnatural
anticivilization will vanish on exposure to the natural Civilization of the Universe, which is now coming to planet
Beyond that exception found in an anticivilization, no fundamental chaos exists in nature, from quarks to
universes. Still, appearances of chaos exist everywhere. However, investigation into every such appearance
reveals either a transitory illusion in nature or a purposely productive act by conscious beings creating higher
degrees of order as explained in the coming paragraphs. ...Remember, conscious beings are the grand-unifying
force and controlling dimension of existence as identified in Part I on Neo-Tech Physics and discussed in Part III
on the Civilization of the Universe.

Only purposely destructive acts of parasitical humanoids create genuine chaos. Wars, for example, create bona
fide chaos that has no connection to the conscious-controlled flow of value production throughout the universe.
Still, chaos-causing humanoids and their anticivilizations, such as infesting planet Earth today, comprise only a
minute, transitory part of the universe. Thus, the effect of humanoid chaos on the universe is essentially nil and
undetectable, except at its tiny moment of flickering existence in time and space. By contrast, the appearances of
chaos created by increasing values are not chaos at all. Instead, all such appearances are revealed as conscious
creations of ordered values...even in Earth's anticivilization.
Look at a sleek, high-powered sports car from a little distance. One perceives beautiful symmetry and order -- the
antithesis of chaos. But, approach that car and throw open its engine hood -- chaos! To the nonmechanic, all
appears so asymmetrical and complex -- a chaos of wires and tubes among a myriad of varied shapes and parts.
Yet, pursue knowledge to the function and essence of that complex engine. One then perceives a supreme beauty
of conscious symmetry and purposeful order.
Now, open a computer -- chaos! But again, what looks like chaos -- a jumble of electronics, chips, and circuitry -is actually a wondrous display of conscious-made order delivering mega values to the economy and society. Such
value synergies arise from assembling widely varied components into functional designs. ...In ruling existence,
conscious beings create ever increasing values that appear as chaos to the more primitive, unknowledgeable eye.
Look into the night sky. Sense the smooth, orderly-rotating universe. Now, using radio and optical telescopes
combined with computers and astrophysics, throw open the curtain of the Universe for a closer look. Chaos! All
looks so asymmetrical, jumbled, complex. A seemingly random scattering of all kinds of stars, galaxies, black
holes, pulsars, quasars, nebulas, novas, particles, waves, rays, forces, fields, energies, and masses. Yet, on
pursuing the widest knowledge and integrations, one discovers the orderly purpose in such "chaos". With that
discovery on planet Earth, everyone will grasp the purpose and value of the universe as orchestrated by
conscious beings with much more-advanced knowledge. Then, finally, everyone on Earth can share that same
beneficial control over time, space, and existence.
In Earth's anticivilization, the more conscious beings evolve, the more chaos appears to the unknowledgeable eye
and primitive mind: Consider the obvious order of building blocks comprising the ancient pyramids. Compare the
ordered symmetry of those pyramids to the apparent chaos perceived by the unknowledgeable, primitive eye
gazing for the first time upon the jumbled maze of Manhattan's skyline. Compare the ordered drumbeats by early
African or Indian tribes to the apparent chaos filling the untrained, primitive ear listening for the first time to fullblast Wagnerian opera. Compare the easy reading of simple parables throughout the Bible to the apparent chaos
meeting the unintegrated mind perusing for the first time Zonpower -- a communiqu from beyond the stars.
Now, trace the societal values within the symmetries of ancient human achievements -- from the ordered
pyramids advancing to the more chaotic-appearing but astronomically valuable Stonehenge. Then advance
through the ages toward the ever increasing complexities of conscious achievements -- toward ever greater
economic and social values. Finally, consider the combined volumes of Neo-Tech and Zonpower: Their 1400 plus
pages combine the widest-scope integrations possible -- from subatomic particles to the universe of universes,
from eternal time to eternal mass and energy, from romantic love to non-aging longevity with ever increasing
prosperity and happiness for all conscious beings. From that integrated combination, an epiphany appears -- the
epiphany for the Civilization of the Universe enveloping planet Earth by the turn of this century.
A single artist can paint or sculpt a perfect-ordered auto engine or computer circuitry in a matter of hours or
days. But consider what is required to actually invent, develop, and then competitively mass-produce complex,
jumbled-appearing engines or computers that deliver ever increasing values to others, the economy, and society.

Such mega achievements require countless man-years of efforts -- heroic efforts combining fully integrated
honesty with brilliantly integrated efforts.
In other words, only competitive business dynamics deliver ever increasing values to all peoples, in all societies,
at all times. For, those dynamics follow the preordained paths of honesty and effort required for genuine job-andvalue production. Only that value production delivers prosperity and happiness to conscious life. ...Such value
production often appears as increasing chaos to the more primitive mind and eye. But, the opposite is always the
fact. For, all genuine values consist of conscious minds molding existence into ordered benefits for everyone and
On studying Zonpower, one finds a widely varied communiqu. Yet, on integration of these varied writings,
Zonpower unveils the supreme order for all existence. How? By contextually interweaving the general with
specifics, theory with practice, abstraction with fact, history with the contemporary...and the future. Thus evolves
a spiralling synergy of many parts -- a synergy that crunches millions of words and countless volumes into this
single communiqu.
Zonpower reveals to citizens of Earth their most important discovery: the Civilization of the Universe. Through the
condensation of such wide-scope integrations arises the Neo-Tech/Zonpower discovery. And, from that discovery
will come the first-and-final product of existence: the Civilization of the Universe.
Through the Neo-Tech/Zonpower discovery, that ultimate product can now arise on planet Earth. The Civilization
of the Universe will start overtaking the parasitical-elite class, perhaps as early as the 2000 AD elections. Indeed,
the Civilization of the Universe will vanish Earth's anticivilization and free everyone from unnatural deprivations,
unhappiness, and death. For, those evils were wrought by chaos producers ranging from subhuman thieves and
murderers to humanoid parasitical elites and professional value destroyers. ...The Civilization of the Universe will
vanish those chaos generators to bring everyone on Earth the gifts of eternal life, prosperity, and happiness -gifts that are natural to all citizens of the universe.
Universal Communication
Zon talks to every conscious being in the universe. But, with the disease of mysticism and prior to the NeoTech/Zonpower discovery, no one on Earth could hear Zon.
Can conscious beings receive the eternal communications from the Civilization of the Universe? Because of
mysticism and its anticivilization, no one on Earth could hear such communications. Through Gravity Units,
universal communication is possible within the laws of physics as identified in Movements I and III. As Movements I
and III further identify, we can cue our "ears" for such communication. Then, on curing the integration-blocking
disease of irrationality, everyone on Earth can receive the eternal benefits available from the Civilization of the

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[ 76 ] Nonlinear, far-from-equilibrium situations bifurcate into potentially endless fractals in any finite space. That
process, in turn, self-organizes into patterns of near-perfect order reaching over potentially limitless distances.

...Thus evolves not only the cosmos and life itself but all productive work, creative thinking...and limitless
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The Civilization of the Universe
The Solution
The Anticivilization
How long? How long?
How long must we suffocate and die
in a web of dishonesty?
Was John Milton[ 77 ] right?
Was the happy fall needed to gain paradise?
Dante proposed that conscious beings could escape evil and be born into a new life: "Incipit Vita Nova". Jonathan
Swift sensed the all-pervasive anticivilization, about which he bitterly railed. Voltaire recognized the futility of life
in the anticivilization in his totally pessimistic antitheodicy, Candide. None knew of the Zon escape -- the escape to
the Civilization of the Universe.
Escaping Dishonesty
A four-dimensional field or matrix of dishonesty pervades the anticivilization. Our every thought, our every
movement during every instant becomes entangled in that matrix of dishonesty. In its omnipresent smog, we all
suffocate and die. ...With the forthcoming Quantum Crossings and Zon Protocols, we can escape that dishonesty -escape that matrix of entrapment, diminishment, and death. How? By using Zonpower to quantum jump from the
anticivilization to the Civilization of the Universe.
The Civilization of the Universe
Free. Free at last. Free forever.

Chapter 21

Finding Tomorrow's
Golden World
On February 13, 1991, the federal prosecutor turned to the jury and revealed the man on trial was from another
world. The prosecutor told the jury that this one man was the most dangerous man. For, this one man threatened
the status quo -- threatened to upright this upside down world in which we live.
Did you ever feel that a better world must exist somewhere: an eternally benevolent world of honesty, integrity,
rationality, peace, security...a world of limitless excitement and prosperity? Where is that other world? How do we
get there? Has any explorer yet discovered that world? Does he have a map for us? Is that our world of the
In 1980, a scout, a pioneer, a Columbus set sail into the unknown to discover a new world. All but a handful of
people thought he was going to sail off the edge of this flat, irrational society. He did not. Instead, he returned
wearing a Golden Helmet. He had discovered that better world. He discovered our world of tomorrow. He
discovered a world of eternal rationality, peace, and prosperity. ...He discovered the Civilization of the Universe.
On returning from his long voyage, that man was imprisoned. Why? That man as a scientist ventured beyond the
known to discover the route to Shangrila. He returned with a map. And, that map shows all men and women the
route to a rational world of opportunity, growth, and unimaginable riches. Once started on that route, one can no
longer accept the political criminalities, social insanities, and economic destructions overtaking today's world.
Thus, for bringing you the map that leads to the Civilization of the Universe, that man was imprisoned by the
threatened parasitical-elite class. But, now, with his map and Zonpower, nothing can stop those on Earth from
discovering that golden world of eternal prosperity and happiness...starting now!
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[ 77 ] John Milton and many other writers with radical ideas that contradicted the Establishment were politically
imprisoned, some almost losing their lives: Dante imprisoned 2 years, Marco Polo imprisoned 6 years, Cervantes
imprisoned, John Milton imprisoned and nearly executed, John Bunyan imprisoned 12 years, Daniel Defoe
imprisoned, pilloried, barely escaped the gallows, Voltaire imprisoned in the Bastille twice, Fyodor Dostoyevsky
twice imprisoned for many years, nearly executed. And, remember, nonwriter Socrates was executed simply for
discussing his ideas. ...The author of Neo-Tech was politically imprisoned after barely escaping being shot by
armed federal agents who beat, kicked, and hospitalized his personal editor.
Chapter 22
Cassandra's Secret
13th Century BC
Cassandra of Troy possessed the power to predict the future with perfect accuracy. But, no one would believe

her. Thus, everyone missed collecting unlimited riches.

Imagine you are speaking to an old friend. Suddenly, you realize every conversation, every action, no matter how
seemingly reasonable or conventional, is geared toward losing values and happiness. Suddenly, you see this
mundane, completely "normal" experience as bizarrely unnatural. Then, you see nearly everyone and all society as
hypnotized losers in a civilization that is irrational, insane.
Next, you realize your own children, your spouse, your own self, all who seem to live with some success and
happiness, are equally trapped in an insane civilization that always moves toward loss and death. You then realize
the only realm of consistent sanity and increasing values lies within value-producing professions and marketdriven businesses.
Breaking the Hypnotic Spell
First, you must choose to live in either a sane civilization or an insane one. An insane civilization is one that
shrinks backward into irrationality. In today's anticivilization, essentially all thinking and knowledge are
hypnotically contracting into ever more narrow ranges that increasingly block honesty and understanding. Thus,
communication and actions are becoming increasingly politically correct, irrational, and harmfully split from
reality...increasingly schizophrenic.
Hypnotic irrationality grips Earth's anticivilization. That spreading irrationality yields a decaying system in which
increasing entropy brings decreasing order and increasing strife. That, in turn, brings declining job-and-value
creation. Thus, whenever irrationality prevails, time must be redefined as running backward toward increasing
ignorance, poverty, and entropy.
With consciousness as the controlling force of existence, the arrow of time in physics is reversed and must be
redefined: In an open and eternally evolving universe, time flows forward toward decreasing entropy (increasing
order) as controlled by productive conscious actions, not toward increasing entropy (decreasing order) as
controlled by nonconscious actions or destructive conscious actions.
In a naturally evolving civilization with decreasing entropy (increasing order and harmony), competitive value
production constantly expands. Thus, with rationality prevailing, time runs forward toward expanding knowledge,
prosperity, and decreasing entropy.
Various aspects of this time-and-energy flow throughout the cosmos are observationally and experimentally
demonstrated by electromagnetic-plasma cosmology -- a cosmology first identified by Nobel laureate Hannes
Alfvn -- backed by Nobel laureates de Broglie, Schrdinger, and Prigogine -- then advanced by Eric J. Lerner in
his popular book, The Big Bang Never Happened (Vantage Books, 1992).
Now comes the real discovery: You discover what everyone on Earth fears, including yourself. You discover what
no one on Earth wants, including yourself. You discover how anyone on Earth can become rich, powerful, happy -quickly, guiltlessly, eternally. Yet, only with great concentration and effort do you break your hypnotic paralysis
enough to barely open the easy-turning spigot to limitless riches.
Something seems paradoxical or upside down about the above paragraph, especially when restated as follows:
Everyone on Earth, including you, fears and shuns that which brings exciting riches and romantic happiness!
On learning Cassandra's Secret, you will understand the above statement. You will view reality from wider
dimensions. You will understand this anticivilization. You will see the invisible hypnotic state in which everyone on
Earth loses the values of life. You will then awaken to win everything -- fabulous riches and happiness while
benefiting everyone and society. You will discover what Zonpower is; you will discover that Zon is you. ...Those who

do not rise to understand Cassandra's Secret will remain asleep in malignant irrationality, steadily losing their
lives and happiness.
You Control Reality
Cassandra's Secret vanishes irrationalities and mysticisms, ranging from the false concepts of a finite existence
and the singularity big-bang creation of the universe to the criminal concepts of socialized collectivism and
political-agenda laws backed by ego "justice". ...Cassandra's Secret operates from two directions: (1) it vanishes
irrational illusions, (2) it reveals objective reality. Now, consider the following two points:

You can Vanish Irrationality: From the widest-scope knowledge possible, Cassandra's Secret interweaves
the essences of science, reality, business, and human consciousness to reveal a stunningly benevolent
and bountiful civilization -- a civilization 180o different from the one in which we all live. That endlessly
rich civilization is available now -- easily available to any conscious being on Earth who realizes the
impotent nothingness of all irrationalities, mysticisms, and insanities.
Today, the disease of irrationality infests everyone on Earth. Cassandra's Secret reveals how by stepping
into the Civilization of the Universe, you cure that disease -- you vanish irrationality into its nothingness.
2. You are the Controlling, Fixed Center of Existence: Human consciousness is eternal. It has always been a
fixed part of existence as demonstrated in Chapter 6. Indeed, human consciousness is the prime mover
of existence.
The above statement implies nothing mystical about consciousness. Cassandra's Secret is not at all about new-age
ideas, pantheistic Eastern mysticism, or some abstract "universal consciousness". It is about the limitless power
of your own down-to-earth consciousness. Moreover, you must understand that consciousness can never create
reality or existence.[ 78 ] Any claim that consciousness creates reality or existence is mystical. For, any such
claim contradicts the nature of both consciousness and existence. ...Existence was not created. Existence simply
exists as eternally evolving fields of matter and energy. Existence cannot not exist.
Indeed, consciousness is the sole integrator and controller of existence. Thus, consciousness is the prime mover
of existence. Ever wider scopes of integrations unleash the limitless power of human consciousness. By contrast,
irrationalities and mysticisms are diseases of human consciousness that truncate the power to integrate reality.
For, integration of reality can never move beyond any point of irrationality or mysticism. By curing irrationality
comes (1) ever growing knowledge of existence, (2) ever growing control of existence, and (3) ever growing
prosperity and happiness.
Newton's absolute physics, Einstein's relativistic physics, and Bohr's quantum physics are reconciled by the ever
widening knowledge generated from human consciousness free of mysticisms and irrationalities. Indeed,
existence is controlled to eternally provide ever wider, integrated knowledge and riches for every conscious
being. In other words, your consciousness is the fixed center and ultimate controller of existence.
Cassandra's Secret comprises the widest-scope integration with reality to yield accurate predictions of the
future. Cassandra's Secret is based on observed facts, scientific research, and direct experience combined with
inductive and deductive reasoning ranging from well-demonstrated theory and objective law to speculative
hypotheses moving toward rejection or confirmation.
But, Cassandra's Secret is in no way dependent on recognition or approval by anyone, much less the
Establishment. For, the anticivilization Establishment is irrelevant to evolving knowledge and progress. Moreover,

the fully integrated honesty and wide-scope integrations of Cassandra's Secret will ultimately end all bogus
livelihoods -- all livelihoods arising from professional value destroyers corrupting today's political, legal,
scientific, and educational systems.
The ideas revealed by Cassandra's Secret are now propagating through worldwide networks, beyond the reach of
oppressive "authorities" and their gun-backed political agendas. Neo-Tech spreads independently of the
Establishment media and academe. The key is Neo-Tech publications -- free cyberspace publications combined
with low-cost newsprint publications in twelve languages mass distributed by worldwide mailings from many
The certitude arising from Cassandra's Secret quietly spreads from those Neo-Tech publications to the
populations throughout the world. Nothing can stop that certitude from spreading in print and through
cyberspace. The revelations of Cassandra's Secret will bring honest, rational people eternal prosperity and
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[ 78 ] However, consciousness can and does control the modes of existence such as matter, energy, and
spacetime geometries to evolve new modes of existence, including new universes.
Chapter 23
Ultimate Wealth Lurks
Cassandra's Secret
Undreamt wealth can be gained by controlling the power underlying the universe: Zonpower is the universal
symmetry that underpins Cassandra's Secret. The power of Zon controls existence at all scales. ...Hidden beneath
everyone's consciousness flows Zonpower -- a mighty river of wealth creation. That power is available to you now:
through Cassandra's Secret, through the supersymmetry of Zonpower.
Born Free
Born free of the irrationalities propagating Earth's anticivilization, all young children hold the power of Zon. They
are citizens of the universe. But, quickly, every child becomes trapped in a bizarrely irrational civilization created
by parasitical elites...humanoids who have lost their humanity. Those humanoids must trap and blind every child.
Why? To assure the future survival of humanoids. For, they survive by parasitically draining productive adults
who have been blinded since youth by illusions, deception, and force.
This humanoid-created anticivilization blinds and then corrupts its children. This corruption is force fed into the
mind of every child. While unknowingly holding the power of the universe, children lack the knowledge to protect
their minds. Thus, before they can learn to use their power, they are inflicted with painfully destructive illusions

built on contradictions and irrationalities. Those illusions damage the minds of children and block Zonpower from
their consciousness.
How have such harms corrupted everyone on Earth for the past three millennia? To live "comfortably" in this lifedraining anticivilization, one must increasingly invest in the harmful illusions of the anticivilization -- one must sink
to a lower social dimension. From that restricted dimension, no one can discover his or her natural power.
Until now, Zonpower has remained submerged in everyone's natural consciousness. Yet, Zonpower functions in
parallel but hidden ways beneath one's clouded consciousness -- clouded since childhood. The resulting
becloudings provided the hypnotic set up for lifetime exploitations of every value producer by the parasitical
elites. Indeed, that exploitive set up is the illusion of "needing to get along in or approval from" this irrational
anticivilization hypnotically conjured up by the parasitical-elite "leaders".
Cassandra's Secret breaks that hypnotic spell. Once that spell is broken, one can freely access Zonpower to
control existence and predict the future to gain limitless wealth.
Leaving the World of Losers
Perhaps certain children become autistic because they will not let their minds be corrupted by the anticivilization.
Perhaps they withdraw from all relationships with their environment and cease their journeys into this corrupt,
unreal world. But with that withdrawal, they also cease their personal development.
In 1993, Public Broadcasting aired a documentary about an acclaimed "breakthrough" from Australia for treating
autistic children by a technique called "facilitated communication". Almost the entire professional field involved in
treating and caring for autistic children embraced that technique, around which they began boosting their
careers. Many millions of tax dollars poured into this "breakthrough", including costly physical facilities, such as
at Syracuse University, dedicated to "facilitated communication".
Yet, any objective observation of that technique, even by those unfamiliar with autism, will immediately reveal the
technique as bogus. Not only does the technique lack rationality, but has no correspondence with any law of
nature, science, or logic. Anyone can easily recognize the technique as nothing more than a Ouija board spelling
out the subliminal thoughts of the professional therapists "treating" autistic children. This technique is not only
worthless but is harmful toward those children and their families.
How could an entire field of professionals invest their lives and build their careers on something so obviously
bogus and harmful to everyone? When people start investing their lives into bogus activities, they increasingly
rationalize -- blindly and without limits -- to continue expanding their harmful investments and livelihoods.
Thus lies the mechanism through which almost everyone on Earth invests his or her life into this bogus civilization.
Once that investment is made in the anticivilization, one is trapped within its all-encompassing, irrationality.
Everyone in this anticivilization starts with the mind of an innocent, defenseless child. That mind is then tortured
with painful contradictions and dishonesties until the child either becomes autistic by withdrawing from this
irrational civilization or becomes "normal" by surrendering to its destructive irrationalities.
The more irrational and destructive people become, the more they will destroy and kill to maintain their harmful
careers in the anticivilization. Additionally, the more people invest in destructive careers, the less competent they
become in producing competitive values that genuinely benefit others and society.
Most politicians -- along with many bureaucrats, lawyers, judges, and stagnant big-business executives -- abolish
their human nature by becoming parasites. As professional parasites, they become camouflaged criminals, even
murderers, rationalizing behind shields of subjective political-agenda "law" and corrupt ego "justice".

Consider Hitler, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot, and the Clintons. Each increasingly invested their lives into becoming
clandestine parasites until they could no longer support themselves by competitively producing values for others
and society. Thus, such people must become increasingly open criminals and killers to survive.
With Zonpower, you leave all such losers behind forever.
Becoming Zon
Heathcliff, the main character of Emily Bront's[ 79 ] novel Wuthering Heights, reflects the hidden, parallel
consciousness that flows in every human being. Heathcliff is portrayed as the epitome of a nasty, evil man. Yet,
even in him, the nature of human consciousness surfaces to reveal nobility and good. Likewise, both the heroes
and villains created by the great novelist Victor Hugo reveal the underlying human power and nobility that flow
independently of the meanness and irrationalities controlling this unnatural anticivilization.
The nobility and good of human character are revealed at times in everyone, except in humanoids who have
destroyed their human nature. Indeed, nobility and good are revealed spontaneously, in greater or lesser degrees,
throughout the life of every conscious being. Now, today, the limitless potential of one's childhood can be fulfilled
through Zonpower. At the same time, anyone can tap Cassandra's Secret to emasculate and vanish the harmful
consequences of this anticivilization.
Through Cassandra's Secret, you will break the hypnotic spell of this anticivilization. You will discover how
Zonpower puffs away the harms propagated by parasitical elites. Zonpower lifts you toward wealth -- guiltless
wealth for you and society, wealth that flows from super-wide integrations of knowledge. In your hands, you hold
the widest-scope knowledge ever unveiled on planet Earth -- the knowledge of Zonpower.
From Zonpower, you gain an entirely new way to view yourself, your life, and all existence. You will then be poised
to capture eternal life. From Zonpower, you will seize iron-grip control and a confident certitude that brings
everlasting youth, riches, and romantic love.
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[ 79 ] She died too young at 30 as did her author sister Anne at 29.
Chapter 24
Zon Speaks
"In this anticivilization dominating planet Earth, only young children hold the power of the universe. For, they are
innocent and pure: free of the irrationality disease called mysticism. During their brief mystic-free period,
children live among the Civilization of the Universe. They hold the limitless yet unlearned power of the universe -Zonpower. But all children are dependent on their parents and teachers for acquiring initial knowledge. Thus,
parents and teachers are responsible for infecting and debilitating the minds of their children with deadly
irrationality -- with the integration-blocking disease of mysticism.

"The minds of such children are manipulated and twisted into grotesque dishonesties ranging from accepting
parental irrationalities and mystical religions to accepting the politically correct insanities and destructive
actions of harmful `teachers', `authorities', and `leaders'. Thus, children are dragged into Earth's irrational,
Plato-enslaved anticivilization to lose their potential for eternal growth and happiness.
"Upon accepting an irrational civilization as normal, a closed bubble of mysticism forms around each child. Each
such closed bubble assumes its own wobbly size and shape to accommodate the dishonesties, inner logic, and
rationalizations required to live `normally' in an irrational civilization. In such a bubble, one can never squarely
stand on reality. Therefore, one never has real strength or power. One is never anchored in objective reality, but
is always trapped in illusions. Thus, one never even glimpses his or her potential. Floating in a mystical bubble,
often upside down, one can never experience the Civilization of the Universe with its limitless power and wealth.
"Today, all citizens of Earth's anticivilization live in such bubbles, floating detached from reality and the universe.
Those bubbles are easily pushed around in directions that support false authorities backed by their armed agents
of force. Those false authorities lack any real power to produce genuine values for themselves and others. Such
parasites survive by manipulating both the dishonesties of mysticism and the evils of force. They learn how to
manipulate or force everyone's bubble of mysticism into supporting their own destructive lives.
"Indeed, every person living in this anticivilization is trapped within his or her own bubble, never to gain eternal
prosperity and happiness. Thus, everyone on Earth sooner or later stagnates and dies. By contrast, in the rational
Civilization of the Universe, stagnation or death of any conscious being is the ultimate loss, the ultimate tragedy,
the ultimate irrationality. ...Thus, stagnation and death have long ago been cured or eliminated from the Civilization
of the Universe.
"Until today, no one on Earth realized that conscious beings never need to live in an anticivilization. For, an
anticivilization is unreal -- created entirely from illusions and hoaxes by parasitical `leaders'. Those false leaders
live as they have for three millennia: by enforcing fraudulent political agendas in order to control and, thus, live
off the value producers.
"But, today, through Neo-Tech, all value producers on planet Earth can begin to recognize the Civilization of the
Universe. That recognition begins the journey into fully integrated honesty. That honesty, in turn, will begin to
dissolve the bubble of mysticism. When the bubble finally breaks, one lands upright, feet firmly planted in reality.
From that position, one commands reality, never again threatened or manipulated by illusions. From that position,
one captures Zonpower with its limitless excitement and prosperity.
"The most remarkable feature about Zonpower and the Civilization of the Universe is that to become Zon and
achieve limitless prosperity requires nothing remarkable. Zon and the Civilization of the Universe are open to all
honest people, no matter what their intellectual or physical attributes.
"Once one breaks his or her bubble of mysticism, the unreal anticivilization is revealed as nothing -- as a
nightmare of illusions. That person then becomes a Citizen of the Universe. That person captures the limitless
power of eternity. That person becomes Zon!"
Civilization of the Universe, 1993
Chapter 25
Are You Zon?
What Is Zonpower?
You are chained to an anticivilization

But Zonpower breaks those chains to let you capture

Boundless wealth, romantic love, and happiness
The Power of Zon
You are thunderstruck. You have discovered the source of unlimited wealth. You have discovered how to leave the
boring anticivilization of planet Earth for a civilization of boundless life, excitement, wealth, and romantic love. How
did you make that discovery?
Sitting before a mirror, you have just interviewed an ordinary-appearing human being. But, that person is not a
citizen of this world. Sitting before you, talking as a physical being, that person is a citizen of an all-powerful
civilization -- the Civilization of the Universe. With powers beyond what Earth citizens could ever imagine, that
person is called Zon. To those among Earth's stagnant civilization, Zon has powers wondrous beyond description.
A UFO has landed? An alien from space? A supernatural being? Or other such mystical wonder? No, nothing
mystical or supernatural. Yet, in Earth's tribalistic anticivilization, the powers of Zon seem infinitely wondrous.
Still, Zon is starkly in the here and now, standing before everyone on planet Earth. For, Zon exists just as you and
everyone else.
From where did Zon come? What can and will Zon do for you? How can you gain Zon's power? Can you become
Zon? Are you already Zon?
Zon was born on planet Earth. By five years of age, that child escaped Earth's anticivilization to experience the allpowerful Civilization of the Universe. During that escape, he held universal power -- a power greater than held by
any adult on Earth. But, not until many years later, decades later, did he rediscover that power. He then realized
that every conscious child two to six years old likewise escapes Earth's anticivilization to experience the power of
the universe. Yet, every child forgets that experience as he or she is inexorably drawn into Earth's irrational,
mind-crippling anticivilization.
A rare, perhaps one-in-a-trillion combination of ordinary circumstances let an ordinary person escape Earth's
anticivilization. He then returned to construct a map for all conscious people to rediscover the all-powerful
Civilization of the Universe. Today, by using that map, any conscious being can vanish the illusions of this
anticivilization to boom into a civilization of limitless power, wealth, and life.
Thus, today, one can finally become free of the life-destroying humanoids infesting planet Earth. Zonpower offers
everyone the key to vanish this anticivilization beset with parasitical elites, their illusions, their hoaxes.
...Zonpower will eventually bring everyone into the endlessly exciting Civilization of the Universe.
The Origins of Earth's Irrational Civilization
As babies first start becoming conscious, perhaps around two years of age, they automatically become citizens of
the universe with omnipotent yet unlearned and unrealized powers over all life and existence.[ 80 ] But, before
they can realize those unlimited powers, all young children are relentlessly, remorselessly drawn into Earth's
irrational anticivilization. This unnatural anticivilization could not evolve until man's bicameral mind invented
consciousness about 3000 years ago as described in Chapter 28. With that event, man's nature-organized
automatic mind jumped to a much superior, man-organized conscious mind.
About a half millennia after that jump, man's newly conscious mind became infected with irrationality, which is an
integration-blocking disease analogous to the immune-blocking disease of AIDS. The result was a fatal condition
known as Plato's disease. Named after its historical originator, Plato's disease breaks down rationality -- the

mind's defense mechanism against integration-breaking illusions. ...Without consistent rationality, such illusions
allow purposeful destructions, exploitations, poverty, unhappiness, suffering, disease, envy, evil, and death itself
seem a natural part of life.
Thus, illusion-infected consciousness creates economically stupid, war-like civilizations that continuously collapse
on themselves into black-hole anomalies. Irrationality is the disease that causes certain human beings to mutate
into parasites or humanoids programed to harm conscious life and society. Those mutants survive by feeding off
and draining value-producing human beings. That constant, parasitical drain leaves innocent people in chains -increasingly unfulfilled and eventually dead.
Zon's Escape -- Your Escape
How did one conscious person on planet Earth escape its unnatural anticivilization? How did that one ordinary
person as an adult rediscover the rational Civilization of the Universe? How can that person deliver to you
boundless power and prosperity?
In answering those questions, you too can capture Zonpower. You can have the power of Zon. You can become Zon.
Zonpower is Waiting for You
You can acquire Zonpower by going to the origin of Earth's anticivilization. At that origin, one discovers the exit.
...Prior to that discovery, no adult could leave this anticivilization ruled by parasitical elites and their armed
agents of force.
Until the Zonpower discovery in 1992, every person on Earth was embedded in this dead-end anticivilization. Every
person's thinking process was corrupted by parasitical "leaders" in government, education, journalism,
entertainment, and big business. Every person's logic was undermined by illusions and hoaxes from those
professional parasites. Indeed, to live off the efforts of others, all parasitical elites must undermine logic with
look-good illusions and rip-off hoaxes. As a result, everyone on planet Earth suffers incalculable losses.
But now, today, you too can leave that anticivilization. Immediately upon leaving, you will experience the greatest
mind empowerment possible for conscious beings. You will suddenly dominate life and control the future.
Moreover, you will be among the first in history to acquire knowledge beyond this anticivilization. You will capture
ever expanding knowledge from the all-powerful Civilization of the Universe -- you will capture Zonpower for
unlimited life, wealth, and happiness.
By understanding the charts on the next three pages, you can begin eliminating those who harm and drain your
life -- those who chain your life to a stake, those who keep you in a mystical bubble.
[ Your Route to Zonpower ]
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[ 80 ] Babies do not grow old; they grow toward knowledge and power. After becoming infected with irrationality,
however, everyone grows old and dies.
Chapter 26

Breaking the Bubble

Neo-Tech/Zonpower cures irrationality. Curing irrationality will end the parasitical-elite class and its hoax-built
anticivilization. Indeed, curing irrationality and breaking its mystical bubbles of illusions will bring everyone into
the Civilization of the Universe. ...Key knowledge for breaking everyone's mystical bubble evolved from three
sources: The Neo-Tech Discovery by Frank R. Wallace (800 pages, Neo-Tech Publishing, revised 1994), The Origins
of Consciousness by Julian Jaynes (467 pages, Houghton Mifflin, New York, 1976), and Objectivism: the Philosophy
of Ayn Rand by Leonard Peikoff (493 pages, Dutton, New York, 1991).
Julian Jaynes, an academic at Princeton University, avidly avoids recognizing the titanic significance of his
discovery that human consciousness is man-discovered, not nature-evolved.[ 81 ] For, to protect his own personal
bubble of mysticism needed to live "acceptably" in today's anticivilization, he must avoid knowing the mysticshattering key embodied in his work. And, as did the late Ayn Rand, her protg Leonard Peikoff, a highly
productive and principled philosopher, also avoids knowing the mystic-vanishing power lying within his and Rand's
work. For, he, too, must protect his mystical bubble in order to live "normally" in today's anticivilization.
As is now experienced explicitly with mystic-breaking Neo-Tech, Peikoff's masterwork will be experienced
implicitly as a threat by everyone living "normally" in an irrational anticivilization. Thus, today, Peikoff's great
work is largely ignored or minimized not only by the threatened parasitical-elite class, but by his professional
peers and objectivist cohorts. And, finally, neither Jaynes nor Peikoff recognizes the achievements of the other.
Thus, neither integrates their great works together: Jaynes's work reveals the origins and metaphysical nature of
consciousness; Peikoff's work reveals the epistemological nature of consciousness and its philosophical
Other major value producers, such as Albert Einstein and Michael Milken, were also trapped in their own bubbles
of mysticism. Thus, they never identified the widest, most important values contained in their work. For, they
would rather perish than abandon their lifelong emotional and material investments in the status quo that trapped
them in Earth's anticivilization. ...Every citizen of planet Earth exists in a self-made mystical bubble in order to live
"correctly" in a loser's anticivilization.
Vanishing the Parasitical-Elite Class
What are we talking about? We are talking about a parasitical-elite class that has created an anticivilization on
planet Earth. We are talking about a parasitical-elite class that after 2500 years has finally overwhelmed its host
-- the producers of objective values and genuine jobs...the sole providers of life and prosperity to mankind. We are
talking about a malignancy of parasites who drain and destroy those value-and-job producers. We are talking
about forever vanishing professional value destroyers and their anticivilization. We are talking about limitless
wealth, health, and happiness available to everyone on Earth. ...We are talking about the mystic-free Civilization of
the Universe enveloping planet Earth, perhaps as early as 2001.
"No, that could never happen," everyone exclaims. "Not in a generation, a century, or even a millennium."
Such an exclamation is valid within today's hoaxed anticivilization. But, anyone who steps into the Civilization of the
Universe will exclaim: "Parasitical elites? An anticivilization built on force and deception? ...Everything was so
irrationally destructive and boring back then. What is there to remember about such a value vacuum -- such
Indeed, parasitical elites are subhumans or humanoids who lack the requirements for supporting human life. They
lack honest character, long-range principles, real power. They live by manipulating truth to bleed others -- by

undercutting objective law, societal well-being, and human happiness. They bring society only losses and suffering.
Thus, all memories of those parasites and their hoaxed civilization will vanish as the Civilization of the Universe
brings to Earth the excitement of boundless prosperity and happiness.
How can such certainty exist about vanishing the parasitical elites and their anticivilization? That certainty rises
from new knowledge: As demonstrated in Zonpower, every hoax and illusion is revealed on exposure to the
Civilization of the Universe. Stripped of their illusions, parasitical elites go down the memory hole in whirlpools of
absurdity. Also washed away will be politicians living as destructive humanoids, bureaucrats violently enforcing
harmful political agendas, judges applying ego "justice", and prosecutors ignoring objective law and justice. ...They
all will vanish down the drain of public ostracism.
As the Civilization of the Universe envelops Earth, genuine value-and-job producers from hard-working laborers
to multimillionaire entrepreneurs will assume power. This anticivilization will then end. ...What guarantees the end
of this anticivilization? Relentless self-spreading Neo-Tech guarantees the end of the parasitical-elite class and its
hoax-built anticivilization.
The Role of Rand and Peikoff
Amidst the pending demise of the parasitical-elite class and its anticivilization, Earth's first valid philosophy
arises. That philosophy arises from two people in history who applied fully integrated honesty in developing a
comprehensive philosophy: Ayn Rand and Leonard Peikoff. Ayn Rand established Objectivist philosophy, despite her
tragic personal irrationalities. That philosophy evolved by overcoming the philosophical errors of Aristotle,
Spinoza, and Nietzsche. Today, Objectivist philosophy combined with the limitless prosperity available from NeoTech disintegrates the anticivilization on planet Earth by disintegrating all its bogus philosophies.
Ironically, the Civilization of the Universe with its Zonpower requires no explicit philosophy. For, by nature, the
only moral and practical philosophy throughout all universes and all times -- Objectivist philosophy -- is selfevident to everyone in the Civilization of the Universe. Indeed, valid philosophy -- its metaphysics, epistemology,
ethics, politics, and aesthetics -- reduces to thirteen words: What is is. Perceive it. Integrate it honestly. Act on it.
Idealize it. ...Honesty is free will.
Peikoff definitively grounds those thirteen words to existence. After thirty years of preparation and six years of
writing and editing, he crafted Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism into 180,000 words. Those words link the
Civilization of the Universe to existence, throughout time. ...Dr. Peikoff provides an unmovable position that
philosophically exposes the parasitical-elite class and its anticivilization.
In philosophically exposing the anticivilization, Peikoff provides a reality-linking tour from sense perception and
volition to concept formation, objectivity, and reason; from the nature of man to the concepts of good, virtue,
happiness, government, economics, and art. That tour is the death knell for the grotesque anticivilization in which
today every citizen of Earth lives...and upon which every Earth-bound citizen falsely feels dependent. Indeed,
everyone's comfort-zone rationalizations, livelihoods, socializings, and contemporary lifestyles are falsely
dependent on a wealth-and-life-destroying anticivilization. Yet, in reality, no healthy, prosperous life is dependent
on any anticivilization or on any parasitical humanoid.
How does Neo-Tech extend Jaynes's and Piekoff's works into Zonpower? Neo-Tech is fully integrated honesty
applied within a dishonest anticivilization. Zonpower is the limitless power radiating from the Civilization of the
Universe. Zonpower both unifies and evolves existence, radiating as unbreached, integrated honesty throughout
the universe. With Neo-Tech literature seeding the world in many languages, the Civilization of the Universe will
blossom to vanish Earth's anticivilization. ...Ironically, from the rising specter of uncompromised Zonpower, those
people closest to Neo-Tech, even the discoverer and author of Neo-Tech, will also feel their bubble-protecting

urges to shun the rise of Zonpower. For, they too will feel the threat of losing their stake in the anticivilization if
their "protective" bubbles of mysticism are broken. ...On stepping into the wider social dimensions found in the
Civilization of the Universe, one can use Zonpower to vanish all connections with the anticivilization.
Limitless Success Guaranteed
With Jaynes's and Peikoff's masterworks, the Neo-Tech/Zonpower dynamics guarantee the disappearance of
Earth's anticivilization. Indeed, today, with Zonpower, any citizen of Earth can step into the Civilization of the
Universe and vanish Earth's anticivilization. ...In the Civilization of the Universe, every conscious being is
guaranteed limitless prosperity and exciting happiness -- eternal success.
The Government and Religion of the Universe
Philosophy with its ivory-tower approach is incompre-hensible to most people. By contrast, government and
religion provide the behaviors, laws, and values understandable to general populations. Rational government and
rational religion, therefore, benefit society.
In an anticivilization, destructive governments and irrational religions grow from Earth-bound "authorities"
manipulating truths based on illusions and faith. Thus, harmful behaviors and subjective laws evolve. A parasiticalelite class backed by force can then rise by draining the value producers. Stagnation of conscious life results. By
contrast, the government and religion of the universe grow from rational consciousness. Humanoid parasites
cannot rise or even exist in the rational Civilization of the Universe. Thus, an unlimited flourishing of conscious life
Zon is the unbreached honesty of the universe. Zon honors the honesty within each conscious being. By contrast,
mysticism profanes honesty. Those who hold the honesty of Zon above the dishonesty of mysticism become allpowerful. Those who use the power of Zon to end the destructiveness of Earth's anticivilization secure themselves
among the stars.
Movement II of Zonpower identifies the problem: Earth's irrational anticivilization. Movement II also shows how
Neo-Tech lets one live free and incorruptible within Earth's unfree, corrupt anticivilization. And, finally, Movement
III of Zonpower shows how the universal "government" and "religion" of Zon let one become a Citizen of the
Universe to live free of the anticivilization -- to live forever with unbounded prosperity and happiness protected
by the Constitution of the Universe shown on page 188.
The Discovery of Zon
Zon is the essence of fully integrated honesty. Zon is the giver of boundless prosperity to conscious beings
throughout the universe. Zon is beyond God and heaven. ...Zon is the eternal government, religion, and paradise of
the universe. Zon is you.
Thirty years ago, Frank R. Wallace discovered fully integrated honesty, later called Neo-Tech. He then abandoned
the Earth-bound ideas of government and God formulated through manipulated truths and mystical faith. In 1972,
Dr. Wallace resigned his position as Senior Research Chemist at E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company with the goal
of bringing the limitless benefits of Neo-Tech to everyone on Earth. Twenty years later, The Neo-Tech Discovery is
published in twelve languages and distributed worldwide -- in 156 countries.
From the indelible foundation of Neo-Tech, the world advances toward fully integrated honesty -- toward Zon, the
rational government and religion of the universe. Today, Zon rises on planet Earth midst the pillagings, jailings, and
deprivations inflicted upon the value-and-job producers. Zon rises midst the economic destructions by a
burgeoning parasitical-elite class comprising morally corrupt journalists, politicians, bureaucrats, and judges who

are circling to silence Neo-Tech. They must silence fully integrated honesty to continue their harmful livelihoods.
To survive, they must break the all-exposing, wide-scope accounting of Neo-Tech. But, they cannot silence the
unsilenceable. They cannot break the unbreakable. ...Professional value destroyers cannot survive in the
Civilization of the Universe. In America, the first hint of their demise was signalled in the elections of November,
Compassion Rules the Universe
Who really helps the needy: the elderly, the handicapped, the oppressed, the sick, the helpless? Who really
protects the disadvantaged, the consumer, the environment, the innocent animals? Who really provides the
rational needs of everyone at ever lower costs? No, not those people who effusively try to convince themselves
and others how much care and compassion they have for the disadvantaged, animals, and the environment. They
are compassion hoaxers. For, they function by irrationally demanding others be forced into providing for the
needy and protecting the environment.
Those compassion hoaxers do not function through benevolence and good will. They function through parasitical
force and malevolent destruction. Be they politicians, journalists, judges, professors, advocates, or entertainers,
they all hypocritically feign good intentions to conceal agendas of unearned livelihoods, power, esteem.
How much can one trust a president or anyone who must implore his victims to "trust" him? How good are the
intentions of politicians, news journalists, judges, or clergy who must constantly try to convince themselves and
others of their good intentions and compassion, especially toward their ultimate victims, such as minorities, the
poor, the disadvantaged, innocent animals, and the environment?
By contrast, the genuinely honest, trustworthy, and good-intentioned person never needs to publicly prove that he
or she is honest, trustworthy, good-intentioned, compassionate. In fact, the more genuinely good-intentioned and
compassionate one really is, the less that person is aware of being good-intentioned or compassionate.
Essentially every parasitical elite and professional value destroyer is consumed with guilt over his or her selfmade, destructive nature. Each lives by what others think rather than by the facts of reality. Thus, each squirms
behind hoaxes of good intentions and compassion. Within each such hoaxer exists an agenda of vilifying, draining,
and destroying genuine value-and-job producers from innocent GM truck manufactures to innocent apple
growers. ...Dishonest compassion hoaxers at the end of Earth's anticivilization era include people like Hillary
Clinton, Pope John Paul, Jane Pauley, NBC news producers, Meryl Streep. Equally dishonest are the religiousexploiting demagogs seeking political power such as Pat Buchanan and Bill Bennett. ...Zon vanishes those souls of
Remember, Zon is fully integrated honesty: the widest integrations of reality throughout the universe. Those who
produce genuine jobs for others and competitive values for society have authentic power and benevolence. Those
who have earned that power have the greatest good intentions and compassion toward others. Thus, through Zon,
those with authentic power -- those souls of benevolence -- reign supreme among the stars, eternally delivering
genuine compassion and prosperity to all citizens of the universe.
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[ 81 ] Jaynes's work is reviewed in Chapter 28 of this communiqu.

Chapter 27
Rise from Your Knees
Until now, all governments and religions grew from dishonest mysticisms...from Earth-bound "authorities", force,
and fraud. Until now, all governments and religions worked to break human beings of their natural self-confidence,
creativity, happiness, pride, courage, and honesty. But, today, Zon makes the clean sweep sought by Nietzsche a
century ago. Zon frees everyone on Earth. Through Zon, any conscious being can unite with the Civilization of the
Universe to gain its unlimited power -- Zonpower. Unlike Nietzsche's strong-rule-the-weak ideas[ 82 ], Zon allows
every man and woman on this planet to become an "overman"; a superman ruled by no one, a genius regardless of
IQ or race. Zon brings dignity with boundless excitement, wealth, and romantic love to every conscious being
throughout the universe. ...Rise from your knees. Zon vanishes mystical "Gods". Zon lives eternally. Zon is you!
Guiltless Riches Through Zon
Energy and matter are one and the same as identified by Einstein. Energy (E) can become matter; and matter (M)
can become energy: E=mc2 . Likewise, thought and things are one and the same as identified by Spinoza.
Nonmystical thoughts (T1) can become all things throughout the universe; and all things (T2) throughout the
universe can become nonmystical thoughts: T1=T2k, where k is the universal constant of Zon. Also, the Di Silvestro
equation: T1(I+E)=vT2(k) in which I is the degree of intent and E is the degree of effort behind the thought. I
and E affect v or the velocity of converting T1 to T2, with T2 being the thought converted to reality. ...Thus flows
the power of Zon.
Consider this: Can empty space or vacuums really exist? Or does existence always exist -- everywhere? Is all
space filled with an ether of existence, filled with quantized Gravity Units -- the weightless geometry of existence
so tiny with near-surfaceless, seemingly infinite curvature that gravity, mass, or energy can neither enter nor
exit? If so, do endless universes exist above and below each Gravity Unit, hiding as pure symmetry beneath every
point in existence? ...Regardless of the ultimate answers to those questions, wealth and happiness evolve eternally
for every citizen of the universe.
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[ 82 ] Friedrich Nietzsche staunchly opposed nationalism, anti-semitism, and tyranny. After his death, his writings
were grossly misappropriated and dishonestly altered by his anti-semitic sister Elizabeth and the Nazis.
Chapter 28
Infinite Power
Conscious Dynamics
A person could make an excellent bet by wagering a hundred ounces of gold that Julian Jaynes's book, The Origin
of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind (Houghton Mifflin, 1976) will someday rank among the

twenty most important books ever written. ...Jaynes's book signals the end of a 10,000-year reign of authoritarian
institutions. His book also marks the beginning of a new era of individual consciousness during which people will
increasingly act on the authority of their own brains. That movement toward self-responsibility will increasingly
weaken the influences of external or mystical "authorities" such as government and religion.
The discovery of the bicameral mind solves the missing-link problem that has defied all previous theories of
human evolution. But more important, that discovery is generating a new field of knowledge called Neothink with
which all human life can evolve into abiding prosperity and happiness through powerfully competitive Neo-Tech
Dr. Jaynes discovered that until 3000 years ago essentially all human beings were void of consciousness.[ 83 ]
Man along with all other primates functioned by mimicked or learned reactions. But, because of his much larger,
more complex brain, man was able to develop a coherent language beginning about 8000 B.C. He was then guided
by audio hallucinations. Those hallucinations evolved in the right hemisphere of the brain and were "heard" as
communications or instructions in the left hemisphere of the brain (the bicameral or two-chamber mind). ...In
effect, human beings were super-intelligent but automatically reacting animals who could communicate by talking.
That communication enabled human beings to cooperate closely to build societies, even thriving civilizations.
Still, like all other animals, man functioned almost entirely by an automatic guidance system that was void of
consciousness -- until about 1000 B.C. when he was forced to invent consciousness to survive in the collapsing
bicameral civilizations. ...Today, man's survival still depends on his choice of beneficially following his own
consciousness or destructively following the voices of external "authorities".
The major components of Jaynes's discovery are:
All civilizations before 1000 B.C. -- such as Assyria, Babylonia, Mesopotamia, pharaonic Egypt -- were
built, inhabited, and ruled by nonconscious people.
Ancient writings such as the Iliad and the early books of the Old Testament were composed by
nonconscious minds that automatically recorded and objectively reported both real and imagined events.
The transition to subjective and introspective writings of the conscious mind occurred in later works
such as the Odyssey and the newer books of the Old Testament.
Ancient people learned to speak, read, write, as well as carry out daily life, work, and the professions all
while remaining nonconscious throughout their lives. Being nonconscious, they never experienced guilt,
never practiced deceit, and were not responsible for their actions. They, like any other animal, had no
concept of guilt, deception, evil, justice, philosophy, history, or the future. They could not introspect and
had no internal idea of themselves. They had no subjective sense of time or space and had no memories
as we know them. They were nonconscious and innocent. They were guided by "voices" or strong
impressions in their bicameral minds -- nonconscious minds structured for nature's automatic survival.
The development of human consciousness began about 3000 years ago when the automatic bicameral
mind began breaking down under the mounting stresses of its inadequacy to find workable solutions in
increasingly complex societies. The hallucinated voices became more and more confused, contradictory,
and destructive.
Man was forced to invent and develop consciousness in order to survive as his hallucinating voices no
longer provided adequate guidance for survival.
Today, after 3000 years, most people retain remnants of the bicameral guidance system in the form of
mysticism and the desire for external authority.

Except for schizophrenics, people today no longer hallucinate the voices that guided bicameral man. Yet,
most people are at least partly influenced and are sometimes driven by the remnants of the bicameral
mind as they seek, to varying degrees, automatic guidance from the mystical "voices" of others -- from
the commanding voices of false external "authorities".
Religions and governments are rooted in the nonconscious bicameral mind that is obedient to the
"voices" of external "authorities" -- obedient to the voice of "God", gods, rulers, and leaders.
The discovery that consciousness was never a part of nature's evolutionary scheme (but was invented by
man) eliminates the missing-link in human evolution.
Essentially all religious and most political ideas today survive through those vestiges of the obsolete
bicameral mind. The bicameral mind seeks omniscient truth and automatic guidance from external
"authorities" such as political or spiritual leaders -- or other "authoritarian" sources such as manifested
in idols, astrologers, gurus. Likewise, politicians, lawyers, psychiatrists, psychologists, professors,
doctors, journalists and TV anchormen become "authoritarian voices".
The idea of civilizations consisting entirely of nonconscious, yet highly intelligent, automatic-reacting people and
the idea of man bypassing nature to invent his own consciousness initially seems incredible. But as Jaynes
documents his evidence in a reasoned and detached manner, the existence of two minds in all human beings
becomes increasingly evident: (1) the obsolete, nonconscious (bicameral) mind that seeks guidance from external
"authorities" for important thoughts and decisions, especially under stressed or difficult conditions; and (2) the
newly invented conscious mind that bypasses external "authorities" and provides thoughts and guidance
generated from one's own mind. ...Understanding Jaynes's discoveries unlocks the 10,000 year-old secret of
controlling the actions of people through their mystical or bicameral minds.
What evidence does Jaynes present to support his discoveries? After defining consciousness, he systematically
presents his evidence to prove that man was not conscious until 3000 years ago when the bicameral civilizations
collapsed and individuals began inventing consciousness in order to survive. Jaynes's proof begins with the
definition of consciousness:
Defining and Understanding Consciousness
Julian Jaynes defines both what consciousness is and what it is not. After speculating on its location, he
demonstrates that consciousness itself has no physical location, but rather is a particular organization of the
mind and a specific way of using the brain. Jaynes then demonstrates that consciousness is only a small part of
mental activity and is not necessary for concept formation, learning, thinking, or even reasoning. He illustrates
how all those mental functions can be performed automatically, intelligently, but unconsciously. Furthermore,
consciousness does not contribute to and often hinders the execution of learned skills such as speaking, listening,
writing, reading --as well as skills involving music, art, and athletics. Thus, if major human actions and skills can
function automatically and without consciousness, those same actions and skills can be controlled or driven by
external influences, "authorities", or "voices" emanating under conditions described later. ...But first an
understanding of consciousness is important:
Consciousness requires metaphors (i.e., referring to one thing in order to better understand or describe another
thing -- such as the head of an army, the head of a household, the head of a nail). Consciousness also requires
analog models, (i.e., thinking of a map of California, for example, in order to visualize the entire, physical state of

California). Thinking in metaphors and analog models creates the mind space and mental flexibility needed to
bypass the automatic, bicameral processes.[ 84 ]
The bicameral thinking process functions only in concrete terms and narrow, here-and-now specifics. But the
conscious thinking process generates an infinite array of subjective perceptions that permit ever broader
understandings and better decisions.
Metaphors of "me" and analog models of "I" allow consciousness to function through introspection and selfvisualization. In turn, consciousness expands by creating more and more metaphors and analog models. That
expanding consciousness allows a person to "see" and understand the relationship between himself and the world
with increasing accuracy and clarity.
Consciousness is a conceptual, metaphor-generated analog world that parallels the actual world. Man, therefore,
could not invent consciousness until he developed a language sophisticated enough to produce metaphors and
analog models.
The genus Homo began about two million years ago. Rudimentary oral languages developed from 70,000 B.C. to
about 8000 B.C. Written languages began about 3000 B.C. and gradually developed into syntactical structures
capable of generating metaphors and analog models. Only at that point could man invent and experience
Jaynes shows that man's early writings (hieroglyphics, hiertatic, and cuneiform) reflect a mentality totally
different from our own. They reflect a nonmetaphoric, nonconscious mentality. Jaynes also shows that the Iliad,
which evolved as a sung poem about 1000 B.C., contains little if any conscious thought. The characters in the Iliad
(e.g., Achilles, Agamemnon, Hector, Helen) act unconsciously in initiating all their major actions and decisions
through "voices", and all speak in hexameter rhythms (as often do modern-day schizophrenics when
hallucinating). Hexameter rhythms are characteristic of the rhythmically automatic functionings of the righthemisphere brain. Moreover, the Iliad is entirely about action...about the acts and consequences of Achilles. The
Iliad never mentions subjective thoughts or the contents of anyone's mind. The language is nonconscious -- an
objective reporting of facts that are concrete bound and void of introspection and abstract thought.
With a conscious mind, man can introspect; he can debate with himself; he can become his own god, voice, and
decision maker. But before the invention of consciousness, the mind functioned bicamerally: the right hemisphere
(the poetic, god-brain) hallucinated audio instructions to the left hemisphere (the analytical, man-brain),
especially in unusual or stressful situations. Essentially, man's brain today is physically identical to the ancient
bicameral brain; but with his discovery or more precisely his invention of consciousness, he can now choose to
focus on integrating the functions of the left and right hemispheres.
Beginning about 9000 B.C. -- as oral languages developed -- routine or habitual tasks became increasingly
standardized. The hallucinating voices for performing those basic tasks, therefore, became increasingly similar
among groups of people. The collectivization of "voices" allowed more and more people to cooperate and function
together through their bicameral minds. The leaders spoke to the "gods" and used the "voices" to lead the masses
in cooperative unison. That cooperation allowed nomadic hunting tribes to gradually organize into stationary, foodproducing societies. The continuing development of oral language and the increasing collectivization of bicameral
minds allowed towns and eventually cities to form and flourish.
The bicameral mind, however, became increasingly inadequate for guiding human actions as societies continued to
grow in size and complexity. By about 1000 B.C., the bicameral mind had become so inadequate that man's social
structures began collapsing. Under threat of extinction, man invented a new way to use his brain that allowed him
to solve the much more complex problems needed to survive -- he invented a new organization of the mind called

Jaynes eliminated the missing link in the evolution of man by discovering that consciousness never existed in the
evolutionary processes -- consciousness was invented by man.
The Development of Consciousness
Dr. Jaynes shows through abundant archaeological, historical, and biological evidence that the towns, cities, and
societies from 9000 B.C. to 1000 B.C. were established and developed by nonconscious people. Those societies
formed and grew through common hallucinating voices attributed to gods, rulers, and the dead -- to external
"authorities". Various external symbols that "spoke" (such as graves, idols, and statues) helped to reinforce and
expand the authority of those common "voices". Such "voices" continued to expand their reach through
increasingly visible and awe-inspiring symbols such as tombs, temples, colossuses, and pyramids.
But as those unconscious societies became more complex and increasingly intermingled through trade and wars,
the "voices" became mixed and contradictory. With the "voices" becoming muddled, their effectiveness in guiding
people diminished. Rituals and importunings became ever more intense and elaborate in attempts to evoke clearer
"voices" and better guidance. The development of writing and the permanent recording of instructions and laws
during the second millennium B.C. further weakened the authority and effectiveness of hallucinated voices. As the
"voices" lost their effectiveness, they began falling silent. And without authoritarian "voices" to guide and control
its people, those societies suddenly began collapsing with no external cause.
As the bicameral mind broke down and societies collapsed, individuals one by one began inventing consciousness
to make decisions needed to survive in the mounting anarchy and chaos. On making conscious and volitional
decisions, man for the first time became responsible for his actions. Also, for short-range advantages and easy
power, conscious man began discovering and using deceit and treachery -- behaviors not possible from
nonconscious, bicameral minds. ...Before inventing consciousness, man was as guiltless and amoral as any other
animal since he had no volitional choice in following his automatic guidance system of hallucinated voices.
As the "voices" fell silent, man began contriving religions and prayers in his attempts to communicate with the
departed gods. Jaynes shows how man developed the concept of worship, heaven, angels, demons, exorcism,
sacrifice, divination, omens, sortilege, augury in his attempts to evoke guidance from the gods -- from external
All such quests for external "authority" hark back to the breakdown of the hallucinating bicameral mind -- to the
silencing and celestialization of the once "vocal" and earthly gods.
Much direct evidence for the breakdown of the bicameral mind and the development of consciousness comes from
writings scribed between 1300 B.C. and 300 B.C. Those writings gradually shift from nonconscious, objective
reports to conscious, subjective expressions that reflect introspection. The jump from the nonconscious writing
of the Iliad to the conscious writing of the Odyssey (composed perhaps a century later) is dramatically obvious. In
the Odyssey, unlike the Iliad, characters possess conscious self-awareness, introspection powers, and can sense
right, wrong, and guilt. ...That radical difference between the Iliad and the Odyssey is, incidentally, further
evidence that more than one poet composed the Homeric epics.
The transition from the nonconscious Iliad to the conscious Odyssey marks man's break with his 8000-year-old
hallucinatory guidance system. By the sixth century B.C., written languages began reflecting conscious ideas of
morality and justice similar to those reflected today.
The Old Testament of the Bible also illustrates the transition from the nonconscious writing of its earlier books
(such as Amos, circa 750 B.C.) to the fully conscious writing of its later books (such as Ecclesiastes, circa 350
B.C.). Amid that transition, the book of Samuel records the first known suicide -- an act that requires

consciousness. And the book of Deuteronomy illustrates the conflict between the bicameral mind and the
conscious mind.
Likewise, the transition to consciousness is observed in other parts of the world: Chinese literature moved from
bicameral nonconsciousness to subjective consciousness about 500 B.C. with the writings of Confucius. And in
India, literature shifted to subjective consciousness around 400 B.C. with the Upanishadic writings.
American Indians, however, never developed the sophisticated, metaphorical languages needed to develop full
consciousness. As a result, their mentalities were probably bicameral when they first encountered the European
explorers. For example, with little or no conscious resistance, the Incas allowed the Spanish "white gods" to
dominate, plunder, and slaughter them.
The Bicameral Mind in Today's World
Dr. Jaynes identifies many vestiges of the bicameral mentality that exist today. The most obvious vestige is
religion and its symbols. Ironically, early Christianity with its teachings of Jesus was an attempt to shift religion
from the outmoded bicameral and celestial mind of Moses to the newly conscious and earthly mind of man.
Christianity then discovered a devastatingly effective tool for authoritarian control -- guilt. Indeed, guilt not only
worked on conscious minds, but required conscious minds to be effective.
Despite religion, conscious minds caused the gradual shifts from governments of gods to governments of men and
from divine laws to secular laws. Still, the vestiges of the bicameral mind combined with man's longing for
guidance produced churches, prophets, oracles, sibyls, diviners, cults, mediums, astrologers, saints, idols,
demons, tarot cards, seances, Ouija boards, glossolalia, fuhrers, ayatollahs, popes, peyote, Jonestown, bornagains.
Jaynes shows how such external "authorities" exist only through the remnants of the bicameral mind. Moreover,
he reveals a four-step paradigm that can reshuffle susceptible minds back into hallucinating, bicameral
mentalities. The ancient Greeks used a similar paradigm to reorganize or reprogram the minds of uneducated
peasant girls into totally bicameral mentalities so they could become oracles and give advice through hallucinated
voices -- voices that would rule the world (e.g., the oracle at Delphi). ...Today, people who deteriorate into
schizophrenic psychoses follow similar paradigms.
A common thread united most oracles, sibyls, prophets, and demon-possessed people: Almost all were illiterate,
all believed in spirits, and all could readily retrieve the bicameral mind. Today, however, retrieval of the bicameral
mind is schizophrenic insanity. Also, today, as throughout history, a symptomatic cure for "demon-possessed"
people involves exorcising rituals that let a more powerful "authority" or god replace the "authority" of the
demon. The New Testament, for example, shows that Jesus and his disciples became effective exorcists by
substituting one "authority" (their god) for another "authority" (another god or demon).
As the voices of the oracles became confused and nonsensical, their popularity waned. In their places, idolatry
revived and then flourished. But as Christianity became a popular source of external "authority", Christian zealots
began physically destroying all competing idols. They then built their own idols and symbols to reinforce the
external "authority" of Christianity.
Among today's vestiges of the bicameral mentality is the born-again movement that seeks external guidance. In
that movement, people surrender their self-choice and self-decision making in exchange for false promises of
protection and guidance. Such vestiges dramatize man's resistance to use his own invention of consciousness to
guide his life.
The chanting cadence of poetry and the rhythmic beat of music are also rooted in the bicameral mentality. In
ancient writings, the hallucinated voices of the gods were always in poetic verse, usually in dactylic hexameter

and sometimes in rhyme or alliteration -- all characteristic of right-brain functionings. The oracles and prophets
also spoke in verse. And today schizophrenics often speak in verse when they hallucinate.
Poetry and chants can have authoritarian or commanding beats and rhythms that can effectively block
consciousness. Poetry is the language of the gods -- it is the language of the artistic, right-hemispheric brain.
Plato recognized poetry as a divine madness.
Most poetry and songs have an abruptly changing or a discontinuous pitch. Normal speech, on the other hand, has
a smoothly changing pitch. Jaynes demonstrates that reciting poetry, singing, and playing music are right-brain
functions, while speaking is a left-brain function. That is why people with speech impediments can often sing,
chant, or recite poetry with flawless clarity. Conversely, almost anyone trying to sing a conversation will find his
words quickly deteriorating into a mass of inarticulate cliches.
Likewise, listening to music and poetry is a right-brain function. And music, poetry, or chants that project
authority with loud or rhythmic beats can suppress left-brain functions to temporarily relieve anxiety or a
painfully troubled consciousness.
Jaynes goes on to show phenomena such as hypnosis, acupuncture, and dj vu also function through vestiges of
the bicameral mind. And he demonstrates how hypnosis steadily narrows the sense of self, time, space, and
introspection as consciousness shrinks and the mind reverts to a bicameral type organization. Analogously,
bicameral and schizophrenic minds have little or no sense of self, time, space or introspection. The hypnotized
mind is urged to obey the voice of the hypnotist; the bicameral mind is compelled to obey the "voices" of
"authority" or gods. By sensing oneself functioning in the narrow-scope, unaware state of hypnosis, gives one an
idea of functioning in the narrow-scope, unaware state of bicameral man.
Jaynes also identifies how modern quests for external "authority" are linked to the bicameral mind. Many such
quests use science to seek authority in the laws of nature. In fact, today, science is surpassing the waning
institutional religions as a major source of external "authority". And rising from the vestiges of the bicameral
mind are an array of scientisms (pseudoscientific doctrines, faiths, and cults) that select various natural or
scientific facts to subvert into apocryphal, authoritarian doctrines. That subversion is accomplished by using
facts out of context to fit promulgated beliefs. Such mystical scientisms include astrology, ESP, Scientology,
Christian Science and other "science" churches, I Ching, behaviorism, sensitivity training, mind control,
meditation, hypnotism, as well as specious nutritional, health, and medical fads.
Today the major worldwide sources of external "authority" are the philosophical doctrines of religion (along with
the other forms of mysticism and "metaphysics") combined with political doctrines such as Socialism, Fascism,
and Marxism. All such doctrines demand the surrender of the individual's ego (sense of self or "I") to a collective,
obedient faith toward the "authority" of those doctrines. In return, those doctrines offer automatic answers and
lifetime guidance from which faithful followers can survive without the responsibility or effort of using their own
conscious minds. Thus, all current political systems represent a regression into mysticism -- from conscious man
back to bicameral man.
Despite their constant harm to everyone, most modern-day external "authorities" and master neocheaters thrive
by using the following two-step neocheating technique to repress consciousness and activate the bicameral mind
in their victims.
1. First man is made to feel guilty. He is condemned for having lost his "innocence" by inventing
consciousness. He is condemned for assuming the responsibility to use his own mind to guide his life. He
is condemned for exchanging his automatic, bicameral life for a volitional, conscious life...condemned for
exchanging his nature-given bicameral mind for a superior, man-invented conscious mind.

2. Then man is offered automatic solutions to problems and guidance through life -- is offered an
"effortless" Garden of Eden or a utopian hereafter if he exchanges his own invented consciousness for
faith in external "authority": bicameral faith in some leader, doctrine, or god. He is offered the "reward"
of protection and the escape from the self-responsibility of making one's own decisions to guide one's
own life. But for that "reward", he must renounce his own mind to follow someone else's mind or wishes
disguised as "truths" promulgated by some external "authority" or higher power.
But, in reality, no valid external "authority" or higher power can exist or ever has existed. Valid authority evolves
only from one's own independent, conscious mode of thinking. When that fact is fully realized, man will emerge
completely from his bicameral past and move into a future that accepts individual consciousness as the only
authority. ...Man will then fully evolve into a prosperous, happy individual who has assumed full responsibility for
his own thinking and life.
Still, the resistance to self-responsibility is formidable. The bicameral mentality grips those seeking mysticism or
other "authorities" for guidance. Those who accept external "authority" allow government officials, religious
leaders, environmental and anti-abortion movements, faith, homilies, cliches, one-liners, slogans, the familiar,
habits, and feelings to automatically guide their actions. The Neo-Tech Discovery demonstrates how throughout
history billions of people because of their bicameral tendencies unnecessarily submit to the illusionary external
"authorities" of parasitical Establishments, governments, and religions. Such submission is always done at a net
loss to everyone's well being and happiness.
The Implications of Neo-Tech
To some, the implications of Neo-Tech (fully integrated honesty) are frightening, even terrifying. To others, the
implications are electrifying and liberating. ...The implications of Neo-Tech are that each individual is solely
responsible for his or her own life -- responsible for making the efforts required for learning how to honestly
guide one's own life toward growing prosperity and happiness. No automatic, effortless route to knowledge or
guidance exists.
No valid external "authority" exists that one can automatically live by. To live effectively, an individual must let
only the authority of his own consciousness guide his activities. All consistently competent people have learned to
act on reality -- not on their feelings or someone else's feelings or doctrines. An individual must accept the
responsibility to guide his or her own life in order to live competently, successfully, happily.
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[ 83 ] An interesting note that underscores the recency of consciousness: A person living to 70 years today will
have spanned over 2% of the time since human beings have been conscious.
[ 84 ] Metaphors and analog models bring the right hemisphere brain functions to the left hemisphere with a much
broader, wide-scope view which enables ever more powerful conceptual thinking.

Chapter 29
The Rise and Fall
of the
Earth's anticivilization is characterized by humanoids with criminal minds controlling value-producing human
beings. For 3000 years, such humanoids survived through hidden agendas designed to usurp the wealth created
by the productive class. Those hidden criminals are responsible for all wars, slave-master relationships, mass
thefts, purposeful property destructions, terrorisms, genocide.
Neocheaters: The Hidden Criminals
Two classes of criminals exist: (1) The less-dangerous subhuman class consisting of people, who with blatant
criminal minds, openly rob, injure, and murder human beings. Such subhumans are generally scorned by society
and are usually jailed for their crimes through objective laws and valid justice. (2) The most-dangerous humanoid
class consisting of people, who with ingeniously hidden criminal minds, covertly rob, injure, and destroy entire
economies, entire populations, entire nations, entire civilizations. Such humanoids are camouflaged criminals who
survive by destructive deceptions used to gain bogus livelihoods, respect, even adulation from their duped human
victims. Such criminals are usually praised by the parasitical Establishment and seldom held responsible for their
The subhuman class of criminals sporadically commit crimes against various individuals. The humanoid class of
criminals daily, continuously commit crimes against everyone and society through their destructive careers.
The anticivilization is created by the parasitical-elite class and its legions of professional value destroyers. They
exist by manipulating the disease of irrationality. Such career criminals deceive and plunder populations through
subjective laws, harmful regulations, and dishonest ego "justice".
Cambodia's Pol Pot to FDA's Dr. Kessler
Neocheaters comprise destructive politicians, corrupt lawyers, and killer bureaucrats who exist through the
criminal use of government force implemented through political-agenda laws, gun-backed regulations, and egodetermined "justice". Examples of destructive neocheaters in the closing years of Earth's anticivilization include
genocide-champion Pol Pot, mass-killer FDA commissioner Dr. David Kessler, envy-demagog Hillary Clinton,
Tiananmen-Square murderer Li Peng, job-killer Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt, child-abuser/killer
(Fijnje/Waco) Janet Reno, and Russia's star of evil Vladimir Zhirinovsky. ...In what way are all such neocheaters
mass killers? Wide-scope accounting demonstrates that for every life humanoids purport to benefit, they are
responsible for killing several, often dozens, even hundreds or thousands of innocent people directly through guns
and political prisons or indirectly through draining economies and destroying assets as documented in the NeoTech Protection Kit, volume II, 1994 edition.
Homer to Plato
How did the disease of accepting criminal neocheaters as legendary heroes evolve on planet Earth? And, how does
that disease continue to ravage everyone today? As identified previously, the philosophical father of the
parasitical-elite class and totalitarian governments is Plato. His neocheating masterpiece was The Republic
written nearly 2400 years ago. But, the foundations were laid 400 years earlier with two of the three primary
epics of Western literature -- the Iliad and the Odyssey.

The Iliad's hero, the nonconscious amoral Achilles, and the Odyssey's hero, the conscious immoral Odysseus, were
in essence nothing more than wildly irrational, criminal killers with no sense of honesty or justice. The nature of
all glory-seeking criminal minds is summed up in the character of Odysseus, especially as he returns home after a
decade of "glorious" battles and "heroic" adventures. The great bully Odysseus simply plunders and butchers the
innocent populations of defenseless coastal towns whenever he and his cohorts want to feel big and powerful -whenever they want to plunder the value producers, rape them, kill them, have a good time.
Such Homeric-hero characters are not human beings, but are humanoids with no concept of honesty, human
values, or objective justice. They are criminals who pretend worthiness through fake glories, destructive heroics,
and evil ego "justice". All their boastfully paraded "heroics", "courage", and "glory" are nothing more than masks
for criminal acts and parasitical cowardice. ...All such humanoids are simply plunderers and killers, nothing more,
no matter what "heroics" they stage. Indeed, was that the message which the blind-poet Homer intended? For,
Homer grants no hint of virtuous good-versus-evil struggles by those "heroes".
If so, 400 years later, the politician-philosopher Plato turned Homer's message upside down. As identified in the
Neo-Tech Discovery, Plato ingeniously constructed an integrated philosophy justifying the parasitical control and
dictatorial rule of the honest value producers by criminal-minded elites. Finally, 300 years after Plato, the Roman
poet Virgil in his famous secondary epic, the Aeneid, recycled Homer's Odyssey into a "gentler", more hidden form
of evil. Thus, Virgil laid the structure for ever more subtle and hidden neocheating techniques.
Ever since Virgil, subtle neocheating techniques have allowed criminal-minded humanoids to plunder the value
producers in countless, hidden ways while appearing moral, even heroic. Thus, those neocheating techniques
allowed an irrational anticivilization to rise and exist to this day on planet Earth.
Virgil to Hitler
Virgil promotes the evil falsity that the virtues of life, character, bravery, and morality lie in sacrifice and service
-- sacrifice of the workers and value producers to the service of the parasitical elites. All such calls for sacrifice
are done under the arbitrary guises of government, nationalism, religion, society, "higher causes"...whatever
sounds good at the time. Virgil's Aeneid lays the foundations for totalitarianism and "glorious" leaders like Hitler
to rise and destroy entire economies and populations.
Most Germans and many others in the 1930s were duped into admiring Hitler's Odysseus-like courage as one of
the bravest soldiers in World War I and the strutting Wagnerian "glory" he bestowed on the Third Reich. Thus,
most Germans and many others blinded themselves to the obvious fact that popular, glory-talking Hitler was
nothing more than a criminal value destroyer -- a mass murderer for his own parasitical livelihood and glory. Like
most politicians, Hitler increasingly committed destructive acts so he could increasingly feel big, important,
Likewise, prompted by a deeply dishonest media, many Americans were duped into admiring a good-sounding,
smooth-talking Hillary Clinton. Until the Neo-Tech dynamics began taking hold in America in 1994, most people
were blind to the fact that she was a criminal-minded lawyer intent on controlling society by draining the value
producers. She almost succeeded through her attempted power-grab encompassing America's entire health-care
system. How would she have carried out her giant, free-lunch fraud? Through use of government force -- through
subjective laws and gun-backed regulations enforced by ego "justice". ...Had Hillary Clinton succeeded, healthcare would have decayed, effective medical research would have stopped, businesses would have shut down, jobs
would have been lost, innocent value producers and dedicated doctors would have been fined and jailed, many
precious lives would have been lost.

How could anyone be so purposely destructive? Given the chance, essentially any politician from a small-town
mayor to a nation's president or his wife would eagerly seize Hitlerian power with all its criminalities and
destructiveness. For, that is the essence of essentially all politicians. Under camouflaged deception, they will
simply plunder and destroy people, property, jobs, capital, whatever they can get away with, in order to advance
their own harmful careers, glory, and order to have an Odysseus-like good time.
Capone to Clinton
Humanoid criminals are much more destructive and dangerous than subhuman criminals such as Al Capone. For
example, Hillary Clinton, with help from a fawningly dishonest media, rationalized away her criminal-minded
behaviors. Her camouflaged drive for Orwellian power and control would be justified through the sacrifice of
productive workers and hard-working businesspeople to a hypocritically proclaimed "higher good" or "caring for
others". Such ploys ultimately hurt everyone badly. For, Hillary Clinton's "higher good" meant nothing more than a
self-serving empowerment for personal gains through government force. ...Such self-serving empowerment and
gains are the essence of essentially all politicians who propagate Earth's irrational anticivilization.
Beowulf to a Neo-Tech President
The third and final primary epic of Western literature, the allegorical Beowulf, written about 1000 AD, reflects an
honest, moral foundation for conscious beings. The hero, Beowulf, is genuinely noble and honest as his pure
goodness triumphs over pure evil -- over allegorical monsters who are metaphors for humanoid neocheaters.
Indeed, Beowulf himself explicitly identifies the greatest evil as harming and killing innocent people, especially
one's own people. But, evilly unprincipled Odysseus, not virtuously principled Beowulf, underpins Earth's
anticivilization. Yet, Beowulf represents the first glimmerings of the Civilization of the Universe.
In this anticivilization, most political leaders are nothing more than camouflaged, criminal-minded plunderers.
Those "leaders" hide behind Plato's and Virgil's neocheating techniques. They are simply modern-day Odysseuses
committing their hidden crimes to garner unearned livelihoods, power, and glory -- be they a Hitler, a Stalin, a
Bush, a Clinton.
Will the to-be-announced Neo-Tech presidential candidate be the first major political figure of the past 2000 years
to embody the life-enhancing character of Beowulf? By 2001 AD, will the benevolent spirit of Beowulf vanish the
neocheaters and let the value producers bring eternal prosperity and happiness to all human beings? By 2001 AD,
will Cassandra's Secret and the fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech have vanished this anticivilization? By 2001
AD, will Zonpower be delivering limitless prosperity, love, and happiness to all conscious beings on Earth?
Honoring Value Producers and Ending the Anticivilization
The Neo-Tech web site honors the values delivered by the premier entrepreneur philosopher -- Dr. Leonard
Peikoff. The values he delivers to mankind are grossly under recognized and under appreciated not only by the
public, but by libertarians, objectivists, Peikoffian Objectivists, even Dr. Peikoff himself. Leonard Peikoff has
produced and continues to produce more major, competitive values than all the other professional Objectivists
combined.[ 85 ] Thus, sadness arises when that outstanding man diminishes himself through his own irrationality.
He has become a tragic Aeneas/Beowulf contradiction. ...Indeed, sadness is felt whenever irrationality diminishes
anyone of great personal value, be it one's spouse or child or mega value producers such as Ayn Rand and

Leonard Peikoff.
Whatever the root of his irrationality, Dr. Peikoff's persona shrinks with his advocating force-backed intolerance
as he expressed during his 1995 Ford Hall Forum lecture. Recall how Ayn Rand's life was tragically diminished by
her irrational, deadly, "dot-of-light" glamorization of smoking. Her emotional, irrational denials of the narcotically
addictive, physically destructive nature of tobacco smoking led her and some of her "caped" followers to the
grave. ...Now, today, arises the Peikoff tragedy -- Greek-tragedy style. But, because this outstanding value
producer still lives, he has the potential for a life of supreme fulfillment through his continuing production of
universal values. He can soar to great heights by using fully integrated honesty to eliminate his tragic flaw -- his
advocating force-backed intolerance.
Consider those who brought functional Objectivism to the general public. Of course, Ayn Rand was the prime
contributor. But major contributors also included: 1) Dr. Leonard Peikoff as the continuing producer of exciting,
profitable Objectivist values; 2) Dr. Nathaniel Branden as the highly successful, NBI business-entrepreneur
director who profitably marketed Objectivism to the public as well as being a major contributor to its products (a
value greatly under appreciated and misunderstood by Ayn Rand and most of her followers), and 3) Warner
Brothers, Inc., as the business-savvy launch pad of Ayn Rand's work and fame (a value also under appreciated and
misunderstood by Ayn Rand).
The values those competitive producers gave to our civilization should be kept separate from their personal
contradictions and errors. Such errors, as with any public figure, should be identified and accounted for
objectively. But, at the same time, their gifts of competitive universal values should always be recognized,
appreciated, and honored. For, their values, not their errors, are what count for the quality of our lives and
futures. Those who seek ego boosts by attacking Ayn Rand, Leonard Peikoff, or Nathaniel Branden without
acknowledging the outstanding universal values each has given to mankind should first consider what outstanding
universal values they themselves have given to mankind.
The bottom line: Absorb and integrate the values produced by others, honor those values, and then profit from
them. Also, identify the errors, reject them, and then make objective adjustments for them. That process is called
wide-scope integration with fully integrated honesty. That process takes profitable advantage of every value and
error available. That process carries one to eternal prosperity -- to the Civilization of the Universe.

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[ 85 ] By stating that Dr. Peikoff has delivered more competitive, commercial values than all the other
professional Objectivists combined does not imply the works of other Objectivists lack value. To the contrary,
almost all written and audio works of the Peikoff-sphere Objectivists such as the Berliners, Binswingers,
Schwartzs are valuable, interesting, and valid.
The Peikoffian dynamics of intolerant no-compromise Objectivism provide great power and strength when
applying its principles. Problems with the Peikoffians arise when they generalize their intolerances inaccurately
or emotionally to non-applicable areas of people and situations. Such misapplied intolerances are invalid, self-

limiting, and eventually lead to intellectual isolation, even personal defeat...especially now as every area of
mystical intolerance will be subject to the full scrutiny of the integrated honesty that ultimately rules cyberspace.
Leonard Peikoff has a wide array of valuable commercial products involving education and communication. Many
of his products contain uniquely original, invaluable information that will be around for a long time. Also, his 493page book, Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand, Dutton, 1991, is a supreme accomplishment that permanently
locks Objectivism into our civilization. Generally, those who carp about that masterpiece do not see the book as a
powerful, wide-scope value that will eventually drive all bogus philosophies from this planet.
Also, it was important to publicly identify Peikoff's "Police-State" error so adjustments can be made to make his
work even more valuable in the future. Hopefully, Dr. Peikoff will see and correct that error so he can more fully
enjoy the fruits of his great work.
The books, tapes, lectures and other products of the "tolerant", more open-ended Kelley-sphere Objectivists
might be more valuable to both professional philosophers and those interested in studying philosophy in technical
depth. Also, David Kelley's sphere might grow in academic importance faster than Leonard Peikoff's sphere.
Perhaps the most profitable lesson to learn in business is to accurately distinguish the 1) specific principled areas
for hard-nosed, objective application of no compromise intolerance from the 2) general non-principled areas that
require constant discipline to develop wide-scope, tolerant understandings. Acquiring that skill lets one take
profitable advantage of every positive and negative situation. Stated another way: In business, one increases
competitiveness and profitability by developing the skills to confidently toughen up with accurate, no-compromise
control of specific principles while loosening up with benevolent understandings of general principles. ...For
maximum effectiveness, communicate more like Horace and Erasmus and less like Juvenal and Jonathan Edwards.
Toughening up by lightening up powerfully complement one another in philosophy and business.
Chapter 30
Zonpower Rules Cyberspace
What should you do about this draining anticivilization and its humanoid creators -- its parasitical elites who only
fake the human qualities of value and compassion? Should you stand up, resist, fight back? Unless you are a NeoTech self-leader described in Chapter 16, you can relax. Simply ignore the parasitical elites. Ignore the negative,
the irrational, the unreal. For, with Neo-Tech advancing through cyberspace, the anticivilization and its harmful
humanoids will lose their power over you. And, when you learn Cassandra's Secret, humanoids will be unable to
drain your life or harm your future.
On learning Cassandra's Secret, anxieties vanish. You will discover that nothing in this anticivilization has power
over you or your future. ...Parasitical elites have no power in cyberspace.
After capturing Cassandra's Secret, most of what you see and hear from others becomes meaningless. Most of
what others say or do becomes pointless and boring. For, you will control all that affects you, now and in the
future. You will dismiss all political and philosophical positions -- left or right, conservative or liberal, rationalist
or empiricist. You will dismiss them all as equally senseless. You will see every position and argument in this
anticivilization as an irrational swirl of nothing.

On reading and rereading Zonpower, you will learn Cassandra's Secret and control the power of Zon. Not only is
Zonpower real, it is omnipotent. With Zonpower, any loss in the unreal anticivilization is no loss at all. For, within
the dynamics of nature, losses in an unreal world become gains in the real world. Thus, with Zonpower dynamics,
all such unreal losses become real gains in propelling you into the Civilization of the Universe -- into limitless
power and wealth.
In the anticivilization, its parasitical humanoids -- its malignant politicians, wealth-destroying bureaucrats, lifedestroying ego judges, mind-destroying academe, dishonest journalists, stagnant big-business executives -- are,
in reality, nothing. For, they make no difference to anything in the real world or over any span of time.
Humanoids and their anticivilization are no more real than fleeting antimatter particles that exist not in permanent
reality but in a transitory, virtual reality -- a false, simulated reality that affects nothing real, nothing in the
future. ...Those humanoids are nothing more than figments that can be vanished by Zonpower and the Civilization
of the Universe.
Arriving at the next millennium, today's anticivilization and all its destructive humanoids will have affected nothing
in our world, universe, or future. Only you with Zonpower will affect our world, universe, and future. Thus, this
anticivilization with its last wave of humanoids can be ignored and forgotten, now and forever. But, you, with
Cassandra's Secret, will become eternally powerful, forever gaining exciting adventure, wealth, and happiness.
The Hidden Source of All Advantages
Zonpower is easily understandable for readers at all levels, especially after a second reading. Yet, most dishonest
politicians, parasitical elites, destructive lawyers, and force-backed bureaucrats shrink in befuddlement on
exposure to Zonpower. Therein lies the hidden power of Zon -- its great advantage in this anticivilization.
As did the mythical Cassandra, Zonpower foretells all. Yet, the more minds that are beclouded by Cassandra's
Secret, the greater is its power. For, if the professional value destroyers knew Cassandra's Secret, they would
forcibly block its future. Moreover, most people will not directly hear about Zonpower until the year-2000
presidential campaign. Thus, today, arises the greatest opportunity. With Zonpower, one can live beyond the
parasitical elites -- one can live on Earth with immortal prosperity.
1996 AD
Most know something is wrong. Some know something is terribly wrong. Most want change -- real change.
They are right: Something is wrong -- terribly wrong. For, here lies a stagnant, envy-ridden anticivilization
shrinking into dishonesty and ignorance worth nothing to the future. But, relax. Enjoy life. The first domino of a
seminal change fell in America during its 1994 elections. Ahead lies the booming, exciting Civilization of the
Universe expanding through cyberspace forever into the future.
2001 AD
During the year-2000 Presidential Campaign, people in America will begin directly learning about Zonpower and
Cassandra's Secret through the forthcoming Zon Protocols.
2005 AD
After the turn of the millennium, highly productive market entrepreneurs will have already swept away today's
political parasites along with their armed agents of force.[ 86 ]

Zonpower is an exotic manuscript that initially will becloud most conscious minds on Earth. Like suddenly being
flipped up into a higher spatial dimension, Zonpower initially will make many conscious beings on Earth go blank
and run. That fact can be illustrated by the following account:
On Saturday, June 27, 1992, a meeting was held in Las Vegas, Nevada. At that meeting, Dr. Frank R. Wallace
revealed Zonpower. He explained how the reactions to this new discovery by essentially everyone would not only
be negative, but would grow increasingly negative as its dynamics became manifest. For, on planet Earth today,
essentially everyone is engaged in wide-scope dishonesties and evasions to protect his or her investments in this
anticivilization. ...But, therein lies the key to everyone's prosperity and happiness as described below:
Sweeping Away Ignorance and Evil
Part of Cassandra's Secret involves isolating the essence of ignorance and evil personified by many politicians,
lawyers, and judges. Many high-profile men and women, especially those in government and law, are ignorant of
justice and honesty. More destructively, they function through automatic dishonesties and deceptions. They build
harmful careers based on ego agendas and reveal the irrational foundations of an anticivilization. Those
revelations produce a predicted reaction among those exposed to Zonpower as described next:
Confronted with the foretold banishment of irrationality, many minds go blank. For, the closer one gets to the
knowledge of Zonpower, the clearer becomes the realization that the cure for irrationality is coming. In turn, that
means Zonpower will sweep away this anticivilization along with its parasites who survive unnaturally through
irrationalities, dishonesties, and deceptions backed by bogus political-policy laws, ego "justice", and armed agents
of force.
So why will almost everyone on Earth initially blind themselves to Zonpower and Cassandra's Secret? Because, (1)
almost everyone has a lifetime investment in this anticivilization with its wide-scope dishonesties and (2) almost
everyone is addicted to its neocheating opiates of the past 2300 years.
On reading Zonpower, many cannot proceed past the first few chapters when they (1) sense the end of their
lifetime investments in an anticivilization, and (2) sense the end of their hypnotic state that yields automatic, widescope dishonesties. Many will rationalize, "I don't understand", "this is real deep", "it's eerie", "it's kooky", "it's
beyond me", "it's scary". ...They cannot face losing their bad investments and hypnotic rationalizations.
By contrast, those who do not "have it made" with the Establishment, those honest workers who are not benefiting
from the ruling elites, those who are not invested in today's society...they will most quickly flourish on reading
Zonpower. They will be among the first to understand its intoxicating secret.
Thus, lies the power of Zonpower -- one's route to fabulous riches. By grasping Zonpower before it spreads to
everyone, one can dominate the sleeping minds of others. One can gain wide-awake powers far beyond the
parasitical elites. Indeed, the parasitical elites living today in this moribund anticivilization are losing their
deceptive means to control others because of Neo-Tech in cyberspace.
Cassandra's Secret
Harnessing Zonpower is a dual process: (1) recognize that nearly everyone's mind in the anticivilization will
initially becloud on exposure to Zonpower, (2) follow the two steps given on the next page for breaking mystical
bubbles and preventing one's own mind from becoming beclouding on exposure to Zonpower. ...Those two steps
will unlock the forecasting power of Cassandra's Secret.

Breaking the Hypnotic Spell

First consider that knowledge ends at each person's boundary of irrationality and dishonesty used to hold
everyone in the anticivilization. That boundary is defined by each person's mystical bubble needed to tolerate life
in this futile-loser anticivilization. But, by breaking that hypnotic boundary -- that mystical bubble -- one breaks
into the winning realm of limitless knowledge and prosperity.
The purpose of Zonpower is not to persuade or convert others. That cannot be done. For, no one can understand
beyond his or her hypnotic boundary or bubble. Indeed, everyone today mistakenly protects his or her mystical
bubble in order to justify living in an irrational civilization.
The essence of Zonpower is its power to break that hypnotic spell -- to break that mystical bubble in which
everyone on Earth is trapped. Once that bubble is broken, one is no longer trapped in the dishonesties of an
anticivilization. One can then soar beyond everyone else's boundary. One can soar into the Civilization of the
Universe, gaining its knowledge and foretelling power to collect limitless riches here on Earth.
Two Steps to Break Mystical Bubbles

Realize that Zonpower does not rise from a different drummer or some higher power. Instead, Zonpower
rises from every natural, mystic-free mind -- from every honest, conscious mind that produces
competitive values for self and others.
2. Read Zonpower...and then carefully reread Zonpower until its integrations reveal new-color powers -powers to accurately control, thus forecast, the future.
Those two steps let fully integrated honesty integrate and then use the wide-scope knowledge needed to control
the future.
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[ 86 ] Swept away as described by Mark Hamilton in his book Will America Go Neo-Tech?, Neo-Tech Publishing,
Chapter 31
Greatest Discovery
On any objective consideration, one cannot take seriously religious claims of life after death. Yet, such claims are
the centerpiece of Western religions as well as many other religions. But, all such claims are marketing hype to
exploit the deepest hopes and fears of conscious beings. For the past two millennia, afterlife promises have
hoaxed Earth's anticivilization into embracing mystical religions.[ 87 ]
Earth's Greatest Discovery: Profit-Driven Immortality[ 88 ]
The afterlife hoaxes promoted by mystical religions serve to hide the single most important, potentially provable
fact on this planet: Most if not all honest conscious beings who have died on Earth in the past 3000 years continue
to live with eternally expanding prosperity and happiness throughout the Civilization of the Universe!

Ultimate Justice
Justice is an immutable law of nature. As demonstrated by Cassandra's Secret, justice is always fulfilled
throughout existence. As a result, the eventual destination or just reward for every actual and potential value
producer -- of every honest conscious being -- is eternal prosperity and happiness in the Civilization of the
That just destination is the inevitable consequence of nature. From that nature comes (1) immutable justice that
characterizes the Civilization of the Universe, (2) the supremely leveraged, limitless value of each conscious being
when placed in a rational civilization, (3) the dynamics of eternally expanding prosperity, which demand the full
use of every available conscious being, and, as explained later in this chapter, (4) the technology needed to
transceive[ 89 ] every volitionally developed human consciousness through the omnipresent existence field and
into the Civilization of the Universe.
Humanoid criminals or parasitical neocheaters who have lived by harming others or society through force, fraud,
and illusions also meet ultimate justice: They become humanoids because they destroy the human nature of their
own consciousnesses. Therefore, they destroy the conscious structure needed to transceive through the GravityUnit existence field and into the Civilization of the Universe. Moreover, having lived as enormous net negatives to
society, humanoids such as destructive politicians with their armed bureaucracies and ego-"justice" systems are,
unless rehabilitated, worthless to the Civilization of the Universe. Thus, they simply vanish from existence, forever
Bases of Proof
Any future proof of immortality for conscious beings must be derived from theories that are in full
correspondence with the laws of physics. Theories derived both deductively and inductively must provide widerange predictiveness, reproducible experimental evidence, consistent mathematical definitions, and limitless ways
to test for contradictions and falsifications. This communiqu provides the elements needed to develop such
proofs, predictions, and facts. ...Those theories must withstand challenges of direct and indirect experimental
tests, observations, and calculations.
Listed below are the elements found in this communiqu. When assembled, those elements posit the hypotheses
that (1) the Civilization of the Universe exists, (2) every fully developed, honest conscious being who lived on this
planet for the past 3000 years continues to live with growing prosperity, love, and happiness in the Civilization of
the Universe, and (3) technology commonly exists throughout the Civilization of the Universe that provides eternal
life and prosperity to all honest, conscious beings on this planet. Those hypotheses also posit that every humanoid
criminal who has died during the past 3000 years has vanished from existence. Moreover, all such parasitical
humanoids who currently live by harming others will also vanish from existence. Humanoids living on Earth today,
however, can be "saved" by restructuring their behaviors in order to mature into healthy, conscious human
beings who competitively produce values for others and society.
Potential Elements of Proof found in Zonpower
Existence exists.
Existence is axiomatic, endless, eternal.
Existence exists eternally with no prior causes.
Consciousness is not only an eternal part of eternal existence, but is the eternal controller of existence.

Individual human consciousness is the greatest value in eternal existence...the seminal value from which all other
values flow.
The greatest social value among conscious beings is honest, competitive businesses combined with objective law
and justice.
Valid knowledge is contextual and hierarchal. Valid ideas are hierarchal paradigms of contextual facts.
Conscious knowledge is limitless because knowledge always begets new knowledge -- geometrically, up to the
speed of light.
The essence of human consciousness is goodness: By nature human consciousness is noble, rational, honest, just,
compassionate, value producing, benevolent, kind, loving, happy.
The only diseases of human consciousness are dishonesty, mysticism, and irrationality.
Those diseases destroy the natural good of human consciousness. Those diseases cause all wars and crimes,
including politically inflicted property destructions, harms, sufferings, cruelties, and deaths. Such evils are
inflicted by force or fraud to support the lives of open criminals (subhumans) such as muggers and rapists...or
the much more evil, hidden criminals (humanoids) such as destructive politicians, tyrannical rulers, and killertype (WACO) bureaucrats.
Camouflaged irrationality and deception used to drain, harm, and kill human beings is called neocheating.
Neocheaters are highly intelligent humanoids in whom the diseases of dishonesty and irrationality have destroyed
the human nature of their conscious minds. Thus, such neocheaters are no longer human beings. They are
humanoids who have destroyed the conscious structures of the human essences needed to enter the Civilization
of the Universe. [Ref: The Neo-Tech Matrix described in the Neo-Tech Discovery]
To parasitically exist, neocheaters purposely propagate a bizarre, irrational civilization on planet Earth within
which conscious life always moves toward unnatural death instead of natural immortality.
This unnatural, transitory anticivilization in macroscopic existence is somewhat analogous to the unnatural,
transitory antiparticle in microscopic existence.
As the bizarre antiparticle vanishes forever on contact with natural matter, the bizarre anticivilization will vanish
forever on contact with the natural Civilization of the Universe.
The supreme value of human consciousness will always be preserved by advanced civilizations using
multidimensional[ 90 ] transceiver technologies in quantum-state, digitized cyberspace. Those technologies
integrate rational consciousness with the existence field throughout the Civilization of the Universe.
By the fact of their continued existence, civilizations technologically advanced significantly past their NuclearDecision Thresholds are free from the diseases of dishonesty, mysticism, and irrationality. Thus, all such
advanced civilizations are a part of the Civilization of the Universe.
In most areas, no one can predict the state of technology 100 years ahead, and certainly not a 1000 years ahead,
much less a million years into the future. We cannot even imagine the technological states and economies of the
advanced societies throughout the Civilization of the Universe.
We can, however, know that no society, regardless of how advanced, can contradict the laws of physics or nature.
Moreover, we can know that conscious beings throughout the Civilization of the Universe will never purposely act
to violate their nature, well being, and happiness.
The basic nature of rational conscious beings has never and will never change. No rational being would ever let
technology overtake his or her nature, self-control, self-responsibility, growth, and happiness. For, that loss of
control over one's self -- one's greatest value -- would be self-destructive and irrational. Indeed, all conscious

beings in the Civilization of the Universe are free of such irrationality or any other impediments to the growth and
happiness of individual consciousness.
Thus, conscious beings in the Civilization of the Universe have the same nature: They live for happiness and its
corollary emotions of genuine self-esteem and love. Indeed, the moral purpose of conscious beings is to meet the
requirements for achieving rational happiness.
The nature of existence includes (1) objective law and justice, which characterize the Civilization of the Universe,
(2) the limitless value of each conscious being when functioning in a rational civilization, (3) the dynamics of
continually expanding value production and prosperity, which demands eternally preserving the supreme value of
every conscious being.
The most bizarre characteristics of the anticivilization are its overpopulation and aging problems. In any rational
civilization, overpopulation and aging are impossible. Exactly the opposite occurs. When free of destructive
humanoids, each conscious being is free to productively, culturally, and artistically innovate and flourish without
limits, becoming a priceless value to others and society. For, each conscious being in a rational civilization is free
to innovate and produce through division-of-labor dynamics far more values and resources than he or she
consumes. ...Always increasing in value while always decreasing entropy, conscious beings remains forever young
and precious.
Thus, in the open-ended Civilization of the Universe, a great demand for volitionally conscious people always
exists. ...When free in an open and rational society based on objective law, each conscious individual enormously
benefits and enriches all other conscious individuals and their societies. Through eternity, therefore, each
conscious being will eventually contribute more value to society than its entire population at any given point in
Knowledge and technology increase endlessly. All advancing civilizations require developing ever greater and
cheaper energy sources and production efficiencies.
Prosperity and happiness of conscious beings do not depend on their actual level of knowledge or technology, but
depend on their rational thinking and acting processes required for continuously advancing knowledge and
technology from any level.
Throughout the universe, every level of advancing knowledge and technology exists. Therefore, a technological
level of conscious beings exists whose most efficient production of values depend on the unsupervised
development and utilization of free-will conscious beings. Thus, each such transceivable conscious person would
provide endless values to all individuals and societies in the Civilization of the Universe.
Every populated area in existence has the economic-growth needs for which each additional, volitionally
developed, conscious being from any civilization would be of immense value. Thus, honest conscious beings
anywhere in existence are never allowed to perish.
In Earth's anticivilization, every volitionally developed, honest conscious person is transceived/redeemed on a
commercially profitable basis into the Civilization of the Universe. In other words, essentially every honest
conscious being who has ever lived on Earth continues to live, flourishing eternally, in the Civilization of the
Universe. ...But, the harmful humanoids of past history self-programed themselves to perish -- to vanish from
existence forever in the ultimate Ostracism Matrix.
Thus, justice and rationality are preserved through immortality.

Assembling the Proof of Immortality

Consider the effect of delivering irrefutable proof showing how all honest human beings live forever with
increasing prosperity and happiness. Such proof might include measuring Gravity-Unit field changes of human
beings versus humanoids and animals as they die.[ 91 ]
Of course, the primary responsibility of conscious beings on Earth today is to protect and preserve their
existence -- to create their own immortality in which transceiving would be unnecessary.
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[ 87 ] Religious faith has, however, been a key value at various periods in history. At times, for example, religious
faith served to divide and weaken government tyranny, and vice versa, leaving pockets of freedom to advance
knowledge, technology, and well-being within the anticivilization.
[ 88 ] Profit-driven immortality as presented in this chapter is a speculative hypothesis arising from a-priori
logic. Yet, logically, no contradictions exist in that hypothesis. Today, the chief value of that hypothesis is
metaphorical -- an illustration of justice that reality ultimately asserts. Tomorrow? Facts and knowledge will
unfold to reveal the hypothesis as fact or fiction.
[ 89 ] Transceived not in the mystical Plato sense of a detached soul. For, the soul and physical body are one in
the same and function as a unit. But, transceived (within a profit-mode, business dynamic) in the Gravity-Unit form
that captures conscious "I"ness immortality as described in The Neo-Tech Discovery, all in accord with the laws of
physics. ...The crucial importance of "I"ness in the rejection of the cryonic approach to immortality is detailed in
the Neo-Tech Protection Kit, volume II, pages 371-375, Neo-Tech Publishing Company (1994).
[ 90 ] Such multidimensional examples are derivable from superstring and wormhole theories. Traversable
wormholes, rotating black holes, and above-and-below Gravity Units offer theoretical but questionable time-travel
possibilities at superluminal speeds. Such possibilities, nevertheless, can be codified through mathematics.
[ 91 ] In the mid 19th century, the great German mathematicians, C. F. Gauss and G. F. Riemann uncovered the
noneuclidean geometries and higher spatial dimensions involved in such transductions throughout existence.
Matter, energy, forces, and fields arise from motions through varying geometries in various dimensions and
quantum states. Einstein needed Riemann's geometries to develop general relativity. Today, superstring theory
originating from Kaluza-Klein theory further links geometries in various dimensions to existence.

Chapter 32
Your Ride
into the
Civilization of the Universe
What will actually happen when you travel into the Civilization of the Universe? What will you experience? Will you
ever return to this anticivilization? What about those left behind? What will limitless prosperity and eternal
happiness really mean to you -- emotionally, practically?
Once in the Civilization of the Universe, you will quickly forget the anticivilization. For, the anticivilization vanishes
as the unreal nothingness it really is -- it simply vanishes to be forever forgotten. And, those left behind? They too
will vanish and be forgotten. But, no one will be left behind except criminal humanoids who have destroyed their
human nature and refused to reconstruct their humanity. Thus, every conscious being, once in the rational
Civilization of the Universe, has no reason or desire to connect their lives or memories with the destructive
irrationalities of an anticivilization.
What will a nonpolitical civilization based entirely on integrated honesty and objective law be like? That civilization
will be free of subjective political-policy laws, irrational ego "justice", and dishonest parasitical elites. Gone will be
force-backed governments with their above-the-law rulers. Gone will be the politicians, lawyers, and judges
identified as criminal-minded "superior people" by Fyodor Dostoyevsky in his classic Crime and Punishment. Gone
will be armed bureaucracies, mystical religions, wars, crime, fraud, poverty, disease, and death itself.
But, what is the Civilization of the Universe really like -- emotionally, intellectually, and experience wise? What will
living free of disease, mysticism, dishonesty, criminality, and irrationality be like? One's entire pattern of
thoughts, emotions, and experiences will be different -- so radically different from anything experienced in this
anticivilization that no one today could fully know or describe that eternal least not until the
Civilization of the Universe is created on planet Earth.[ 92 ] The conscious-created Civilization of the Universe
could be available on Earth as early as 2001. If so, then by 2005 AD, many conscious beings in the businessdeveloped countries will have already left behind this unreal anticivilization to reside in the exciting Civilization of
the Universe.
How can one get some idea of what conscious life in the Civilization of the Universe might be like -- some idea
before actually taking that one-way journey from this grotesquely contradictory anticivilization into the beautifully
harmonious Civilization of the Universe?
Perhaps one can begin imagining an eternally prosperous, happy life by trying to view this closed-system
anticivilization from the outside. From that external view, one can sense how irrationality constantly blocks or
cuts off experiencing life as ecstasy, cuts off achieving limitless prosperity, cuts off experiencing a fully joyful,
productive, rational life. From the Civilization of the Universe, every perspective will look different from anything
one could experience within this anticivilization. Each new perspective will be like encountering a new color for the
first time -- a new-color symphony -- a stunningly unexpected experience unrecognizable from any previous
The increasing government-imposed difficulties in achieving competitive values and genuine happiness throughout
this anticivilization will wondrously transform into the easy way -- the path of self-responsibile freedom -- a
consistently joyful path filled with endless victories. Indeed, that easy way is endless growth through discipline,
rational thought, and productive action. Perhaps the closest, but still distant sense to that experience, can be
observed in children under six years old still not diseased by the anticivilization. In every such child, one can
observe his or her learning as not only remarkably rapid but compellingly joyful and exciting. Until poisoned by the

dishonesties and mysticisms of the anticivilization, each young child experiences increasing joy in progressing
toward knowledge and control of existence.
Through the Zon Protocols, every adult can reenter the Civilization of the Universe left behind as a child. On
reentering, one becomes free from the life-draining burdens of irrationality, dishonesty, and mysticism. One then
gains hitherto unknown perspectives on discipline, productive work, love, happiness, health, diet, fitness,
entertainment, pleasures. Indeed, an ecstatic life of endless growth is experienced by all conscious beings in the
Civilization of the Universe. Even destructive politicians and other parasitical humanoids can reenter that
nonpolitical Civilization of the Universe after reconstructing their humanity -- after becoming honest, competitive
human beings who are genuinely valuable to others and society.
What joyful lives await human beings on Earth. Our journey toward the nonpolitical Civilization of the Universe has
begun. Indeed, our one-way, magic-carpet ride into the Civilization of the Universe begins with Zonpower and is
completed with the forthcoming Zon Protocols.
This unreal anticivilization whose politicians depend on dark Schopenhauer drives to survive by harming others
and society will then vanish. Yes, the Zon Protocols will usher in the Civilization of the Universe...the natural
civilization from which we came as children. And, into which, we will return as increasingly valuable, fully
responsible, mature adults. For, we belong to the eternally evolving Civilization of the Universe.
Zon is the natural law of conscious beings in all worlds and universes.
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[ 92 ] Consider a flatlander living in a two-dimensional universe being flipped up into a three-dimensional universe
then falling back into his flat-plane universe. Observing only a series of two-dimensional planes or lines fly by as
he travels through three-dimensional space, that flatlander would have no adequate way to understand a threedimensional universe and would have no way to explain it to his fellow flatlanders. ...Do not confuse this useful
dimensional analogy with the invalid analogy of Plato's cave to so-called higher realities. No higher or
multirealities exist. Only one reality exists.
Chapter 33
You Will Become Zon
Consider the following six points:
1. Zon is the measure of all conscious beings.
2. Zon is disconnected from every aspect of any anticivilization.
3. Parasitical elites have created a dishonest, violent anticivilization on Earth. They each will unhesitantly lie,
make war, commit crimes, murder, even mass murder to continue their destructive livelihoods and
increase their power usurpations.
4. One finds eternal freedom by disconnecting from Earth's anticivilization. Such a disconnection switches
one from this anticivilization into the Civilization of the Universe.

5. No part of any anticivilization is redeemable or correctable. For, nothing is redeemable or correctable

from illusions based on nonreality. ...Fully integrated honesty with its wide-scope reality vanishes all such
6. Daybreak does not at once replace the darkness. Thus, the Civilization of the Universe will not at once
replace Earth's anticivilization. In both cases, a seeming glow comes first. Then light breaks across the
darkness. All becomes visible, clear -- a peaceful civilization of eternal prosperity and exciting romance
here on Earth.
The following journey unites the above points by returning you to Zon whose kingdom is the Civilization of the

You Control Existence

You are Invulnerable
You are Zon
Zon is a citizen of all universes. How would a citizen of Earth recognize Zon? How would Zon appear? How would
Zon think? What would Zon do?
Zon is the controller of existence. Zon is the past and future creator of all universes. Zon is identical to you,
except he or she acts entirely through fully integrated honesty and wide-scope accounting. Thus, you can
experience Zon. Indeed, you can become Zon to rule existence and gain eternal prosperity. ...As Zon, nothing in an
anticivilization has power over you.
You were born Zon. Every conscious being who has ever existed was born Zon. But, on planet Earth, every
conscious being has been dragged from childhood into the dishonest illusions that perpetuate this anticivilization.
Thus, everyone today behaves as someone else -- as someone other than an honest, fully conscious human being.
...Until today, every adult on Earth has lived as a phantom, never realizing that he or she is an eternal Zon.
You are Zon living in an illusion-shrouded anticivilization. In this illusionary civilization, all human beings live as
phantoms deluded into believing they are mortals who live and die with no eternal power, purpose, or prosperity.
When, in reality, conscious beings are immortal with limitless power and purpose.
On vanishing the illusions of this anticivilization, you reconnect with Zon, the ruler of existence. Although you still
walk among the phantoms in this anticivilization, you have no connection with their illusions. You are as divorced
from their illusions as you would be divorced from the illusions of schizophrenics in an insane asylum.
Yet, you see everyone as your kin. You see the profound value and power in every conscious being. Beyond all else
in existence, you treasure the soul of each human being, regardless of what civilization or age in which each lives.
As Zon, how would you appear physically, mentally, and behaviorally among the phantoms of this anticivilization?
How would you gain ever increasing prosperity, love, and happiness when you are disconnected from all the
illusions comprising this anticivilization? How would you function among the hypnotized human beings and
destructive humanoids of this anticivilization?

As Zon, you do not feel superior to, aloof from, or even particularly different than others. Nor are you a Bartleby.
You simply know you are in a different civilization -- a 180o different civilization. That difference does not make you
feel uncomfortable or uneasy. In fact, your ability to function with others is enhanced. That disconnection also
enhances your ability to benefit all human beings and humanoids on this planet. Moreover, your disconnection
enhances your own happiness and enjoyment of life on Earth.
Most profoundly, as Zon you know that you are invulnerable to the irrationalities of this anticivilization. Like the
anticivilization itself, the irrational actions of both its human-being and humanoid citizens are unreal -- not
connected to reality. Thus, such nonreality has no meaning for real influence on you.
Still, you are among fellow conscious beings -- the greatest value in existence. Moreover, the objective
requirement for eternal life, prosperity, and happiness remains the same wherever conscious beings exist. That
requirement is to deliver ever increasing values to others and society. Through the division of essence and labor
combined with voluntary transactions, you create increasingly more values for others than you consume. You
become increasingly valuable to yourself, others, and society.
You live to be, not to have. You live to create, not to consume. You need nothing beyond the requirements to
produce life-enhancing values at maximum efficiencies for yourself, others, and society. You need or want nothing
from this moribund anticivilization. You neither need nor want anything from its inherently destructive rulers and
their dishonest media, organizations, academe, politicians, intellectuals, or celebrities.
Why the zero value of this anticivilization? Consider its irrational effects: The more life-enhancing values that
heroic value producers deliver to society, the more parasitical humanoids foment public envy against those value
producers. Why? To increasingly usurp unearned livelihoods from the productive class. Likewise, the more lifesupporting jobs that honest businesses deliver to society, the more parasitical humanoids use government force
to drain those businesses through irrational taxes, political-agenda laws, and destructive regulations. Such
insanity is not the fault of human beings. Rather, that insanity is inherent in any irrational civilization functioning
through subjective laws fashioned by parasitical rulers backed by armed agents of force.
In reality, you and all human beings belong not among this unreal anticivilization but among the Civilization of the
Universe. All the insanities of which an anticivilization is constructed are merely illusions that never exist in
reality -- bizarre illusions that ultimately yield only diminishment and death to human beings -- dishonest illusions
that serve only the parasitical livelihoods of humanoids.
Yet, you as Zon are eternally protected by honesty and reality. You are always advancing in real spacetime to ever
greater accomplishments, continually decreasing the entropy[ 93 ] of existence -- continually making order out of
disorder. Thus, nothing in the anticivilization can really harm or adversely affect your progress in moving through
spacetime toward eternal life and prosperity.
At this moment, you can experience the first glimpse at how you as Zon function among your fellow human beings
in this anticivilization. You first note the honest innocence of young children. You realize that essentially all
children under six years of age are Zons -- innocent, uncorrupted, honest. You notice how all such children
struggle to obtain objective knowledge, not illusions. Those children strive for value-producing powers, not
socially destructive pragmatisms. Then you realize how all parents and adults in this anticivilization are deluded
by their humanoid rulers -- humanoids who eventually corrupt and then bury the innocence, honesty, and power
inherent within every young child.
Only through that ultimate crime inflicted on all children has this bizarre anticivilization been perpetuated since its
creator, Plato, twenty-three centuries ago.

Real and Imaginary Killing of Human Beings

You start your journey into the Civilization of the Universe by transporting yourself into a mind and body that
functions through fully integrated honesty and wide-scope accountability. With the power of fully integrated
honesty, you discover the universal laws that deliver valid solutions to all problems. As a simple example, consider
two diverse problems in this anticivilization: (1) the unhealthy fattening of Americans and (2) the emotionally
charged abortion issue. Wide-scope accounting provides completely different perspectives on those two
problems, links them together in unexpected ways, and then delivers powerful, definitive solutions to each based
on universal laws. Consider the following example:
-- Real Killings-You are sitting in a mall ice-cream parlor eating nothing, just looking at those eating ice cream. You then look into
the mall promenade at the milling crowd. You let nothing block your thoughts. You think honestly, widely. Nothing is
out-of-bounds. In such wide-scope thinking, everything eventually connects together through new knowledge,
certain knowledge about the past, present, and future.
You are thinking about the intentional destruction of the human mind and body. You realize that such destruction
accrues through subjective laws and views replacing objective laws and views. By that process, you see America
is becoming a fat farm as well as an insane asylum. You realize that obesity and insanity are related. With druglike intensity, Americans are increasingly living to eat, rather than eating to live.
Indeed, the intentional destruction of the body requires the intentional destruction of the mind, which in turn
requires the loss of honesty through rationalizations. That loss of honesty evolves from a culture of parasitical
leaders foisting self-serving political agendas and exploitive mysticisms onto the public.
How do the above facts link together to cause the intentional killing of Americans -- the lethal fattening of men,
women, and most evilly, innocent children[ 94 ]? How do those facts link together to increasingly diminish the
chance for a healthy, happy life for Americans and their children? ...You discover the answer:
Research for the Canadian Air Force in the 1960s compiled and implemented scientifically sound facts about
human metabolism, health, and physical fitness. That study identified the objective causes of damaging one's
metabolism to breed unhealthy weight gains that lead to demoralizing stagnation, decreasing happiness, and early
Then in the early 1970s, Dr. Robert C. Atkins converted the Canadian Air Force findings into the best-selling, most
effective diet book ever published: The Diet Revolution.[ 95 ] [ 96 ] The eternal fact underlying Dr. Atkins' diet is
that carbohydrates combined with poor aerobic fitness -- not calories, oils, or fat per se -- cause unsavory weight
gain, heart disease, diabetes, hypoglycemia, and other health problems. For, the human body does not naturally
metabolize concentrated carbohydrates. In fact, above certain modest quantities, carbohydrates are both
poisonous and addicting to human beings.
Human beings are natural carnivores, not herbivores. Human beings are natural meat or protein eaters, not
vegetarians or carbohydrate eaters. Human beings naturally metabolize proteins along with fats and oils. Thus,
natural foods include meat, poultry, fish, cheese, nuts, butter, cream, eggs, low-starch vegetables, and high-fiber
cereals. While corn, sweet fruits, potatoes, pastries, pastas, and breads are troubling foods for human
metabolism. All concentrated carbohydrates are harmful above modest levels, especially the most concentrated,
purest form of carbohydrate -- sugar in all its forms, including fructose, honey, and corn-syrup sweeteners.
...Sugar, a heavily government-subsidized industry, is subtly the most addicting, toxic, and deleterious drug known
to afflict the human body...and mind.

Sugar is the crack cocaine of the carbohydrate drugs. Sugar is by far the biggest killing substance among human
beings today. Such concentrated carbohydrates lie at the root of most eating disorders, discipline problems,
concentration deficiencies, moodiness, unhappiness, depression, sloth, poor performance, and criminal behavior.
Indeed, without exaggeration, the most insidiously harmful of child abusers and drug pushers are parents who
addict their defenseless children with sugar in all its forms.
Those are facts: facts now, facts before, facts forever. Sitting in that ice-cream parlor, you realize why Americans
today are increasingly throwing away their health and happiness. You realize they are increasingly mutilating
their bodies and trashing their minds through endless upside-down "health" diets, government-subsidized
nutritional frauds, bogus low-fat school lunch programs, and dishonest government-backed, survey-type pseudo
science. Those frauds along with the FDA armed bureaucrats maliciously work to harm the physical and mental
health of all Americans and their children.
In the 1970s and 1980s, increasing numbers of people directly or indirectly recognized the universal, objective
facts about diet and health. Development and sales of sugar-free food and drinks escalated. But, in the early
1990s, sugar-free foods began vanishing in favor of meaningless low-fat, low-cholesterol, organic "natural" foods
-- politically correct foods. Mega-size, fat-free, sugar-laden cookies, brownies, snacks, and drinks are sold as
health foods while the most benign and effective of the nonsugar sweeteners -- cyclamates -- are dishonestly
banned by power-crazed FDA bureaucrats...and the harmless sugar-substitute saccharine is irrationally labelled
as cancer-causing by the FDA, leaving only dubious NutraSweet unscathed.
Today, as the public obsession with irrational food consumption and bogus fat-free diets grows, the per capita
intake of toxic carbohydrates soars. Indeed, consumption of sugar and carbohydrates is now accelerating as
people are deceived with illusions generated by the government, FDA, and bogus health advocates. Their sickening
deceptions dupe people into believing they are eating healthier by eating low-cholesterol, low-fat carbohydrates.
In the meantime, they and their children are increasing their carbohydrate intakes and addictions. Thus, they grow
fatter while irreversibly damaging their metabolic systems, leading to glandular harm, uncontrolled fatness, and
mounting unhappiness.
Next, consider Dr. Kenneth Cooper's great, scientifically grounded research in the 1960s concerning physical
fitness and his subsequent book, Aerobics. From that book, Americans freely, on their own, began a rational trend
toward genuinely improved physical fitness and happiness. For, in the 1970s and early 1980s, without the
blatherings of government "experts" or self-appointed "health" advocates, the two natural criteria of a healthy
human body were being increasingly understood: Human beings are by nature (1) protein metabolizers and (2)
long-distance running animals.
Yet, in the 1990s, sales of near worthless, non-aerobic exercise devices, health-club memberships, low-fat diet
books, and "anti-aging" pills soared. Fewer and fewer people kept aerobically fit to remain trim and happy into old
age. ...The key to human health and longevity is low-carbohydrate diets combined with aerobic fitness. The key to
human dietary happiness is the CAS diet -- no Caffeine, no Alcohol, no Sugar.
Observe the increasing political-correctness machinations combined with government-funded, pseudo-science
"research" in the form of noncontextual surveys. Today's avalanche of lazy, dishonest "science" is why objective
knowledge about health, fitness, and happiness is being lost in a sea of irrationality -- forgotten in a contradictory
blizzard of bogus, survey-type health "discoveries".
The mid 1990s was like reentering the Dark Ages that were dominated by dishonest religious Establishments
similar to today's dishonest politically correct Establishments. During that dark-age period of extreme
irrationality, knowledge about health and prosperity was lost or sequestered. Life expectancy plunged, for
example, to less than half that experienced in the previous, more-rational Golden Age of Greece.

Today's period of increasing irrationality blocks public knowledge of the destructive political agendas diminishing
everyone's precious life. For example, government promotes public dependency and control by increasing druglike carbohydrate consumption in the form of low-fat, low-cholesterol, sugar-laced foods and drinks. As people
become carbohydrate addicted, unfit, and unhappy, they lose self-esteem and seek ever more dependency on
authorities supplying good-sounding "easy answers". ...Consequently, the first major product that totalitarian
governments allow into their countries is the insidious, will-breaking, sugar-laced caffeine drug, Coca-Cola.
...Such governments show no interest in importing healthy, sugar-free, caffeine-free beverages.
The inescapable essence of a healthy human mind and body is honesty and effort. That identification about honesty
and effort will eventually serve to vanish our chronically sick anticivilization, replacing it with the eternally healthy
Civilization of the Universe.
-- Imaginary Killings -Now shift to an entirely different problem in this anticivilization: Today's religious-right individuals are among the
most worthy of Americans. Most religious-right people deliver genuine values and prosperity to others and
society. Many are hard working, productive, family-oriented individuals who act as foils to the destructive actions
of the parasitical-elite class throughout the secular Establishment.[ 97 ] Most religious-right people are selfsufficient and do not partake in government-sponsored, gun-backed parasitism. Yet, they are self-defeating and
thoroughly hoodwinked by their own demagogic leaders on abortion and issues like school prayer.
Only with fully integrated honesty can they escape their trap -- their contradictions of reality. With integrated
honesty, they can remove the threats against their lifestyles while expanding their admirable values to vanish
their nemeses: parasitical elites who enforce evil agendas through their armed bureaucrats.
Because of their loyalty to genuine values, religious-right people properly respect human life above all else. Thus,
they would be correct -- morally and legally -- to block by any means within objective law, anyone, including
government itself, who purposely murders other human beings. But, the problem with their all-out crusade
against abortion "murder" is simply that a fetus is not a human being. ...Potentiality is not actuality.
Their badly misguided concept of "murdering" fetuses springs from emotional brainwashings by false "spiritual"
leaders -- leaders who support agendas needed to advance their own self-serving demagogic livelihoods. Indeed,
at any stage, a fetus is nothing more than protoplasm. The fetus is not a baby, not a child, not a human being. The
defining essence or attribute of a human being is consciousness -- conscious awareness and conscious
functioning. The fetus has no consciousness. The fetus is not a human being. The fetus has no rights. The fetus
requires no legal or moral protection.
Many millions of intelligent, religious people have been duped into morally and physically defending fetuses as if
they were human beings. Consider their forcibly aggressive anti-abortion demonstrations along with other
contradictions such as their demanding prayer or silent mediation in public schools. Such repugnant blending of
church and state ultimately subverts the rights and freedoms of all nonreligious and religious people. For,
demanding any gun-backed government action to promote political frauds or religious agendas means sanctioning
gun-backed actions leading to all criminal acts, including political-agenda mass murder such as at WACO. Indeed,
WACO was a political fraud that involved real child killings by the President, his armed bureaucracies, and his
Attorney General.
Objective Laws are Universal Laws
In the final analysis, all problems tie together to yield valid, effective solutions according to objective, universal
laws that can never be contradicted. Only objective laws are valid and apply to everyone, at all places, at all times.
By definition, objective laws do not spring from the minds of men and women. Such laws have always and will

always exist universally -- independent of the human mind and its emotions. Thus, no objective law is new; each is
eternal. Moreover, no law -- physical, legal, or moral -- is valid unless that law is naturally applicable, universally
and eternally.
Living by the universal principles of objective law, one neither needs nor wants approval, acceptance, or
recognition from anyone interacting with this unreal anticivilization. The entire history of the anticivilization and
its humanoid rulers is one of fraud leading to human diminishment. The anticivilization has no real existence or
power. Its humanoid perpetrators have only illusionary existences and imaginary powers in an anticivilization first
conjured up by Plato and then perpetuated by parasitical elites. Such parasites are epitomized by the dishonest
hierarchies of the church, state, and academe who have fatally corrupted the minds and bodies of human beings
for the past two millennia.
Now consider the meaning of vanishing the illusions that support this anticivilization and its humanoid rulers -- the
meaning of you becoming Zon:
Becoming Zon
On becoming Zon, you increasingly disconnect from the actions, people, and humanoids interacting with this unreal
anticivilization. Your disconnection is not one of misanthropy, but one of grace. Your disconnection involves (1)
physical actions reflected by a pleasant demeanor, (2) mental processes reflected by creative, nonlinear, farfrom-equilibrium thinking that brings order out of chaos to create new knowledge, and (3) behaviors reflected by
benevolent disconnections from the irrationalities of this anticivilization. Those irrationalities include healthdiminishing, life-consuming distractions ranging from drug-like obsessions with eating to life-escaping obsessions
with sports, entertainment, and celebrities.
You need not correct anything in an uncorrectable anticivilization. You only need to disconnect. ...Now consider
these areas of disconnection:
-- Physical -Expanding health and vitality are earned, not given. Expanding health and vitality come no other way except
through DTC -- Discipline, Thought, then Control. DTC self-perpetuates, builds on itself, and then brings limitless
rewards to every aspect of conscious life. ...DTC is the most powerful determinant of human health, longevity, and
Returning to your free-ranging thoughts, you have long known human beings on Earth are by nature long-distance
running animals. Thus, through DTC, you run daily. You started years ago by running a slow 100 yards, working up
over several years to a steady five miles a day in 40 minutes. Now you run every day, probably not missing a halfdozen days in a year. Time and schedule "inconvenience" are no more an inconvenience than bathing everyday.
With that daily run, you are physically and mentally reborn each day, ready to advance beyond the
accomplishments of the previous day, progressing forever into a future of expanding knowledge and prosperity.
You also know human beings are carnivorous animals. Indeed, your natural, low-carbohydrate diet eliminates
desires for drug-like, high-concentration carbohydrates and sugar toxins. ...DTC naturally occurs throughout the
Civilization of the Universe as does the CAS happiness diet -- no Caffeine, no Alcohol, or no Sugar. ...You recognize
cups of coffee, for example, as cups of unhappiness.
You are trim, fit, and happy. With your spouse, values such as growth, communication, love, and sexual enjoyment
grow each year. In handling life, your effectiveness increases each year, never diminishing with age.

Your joy with your work, your loved ones, and your life expand eternally. You realize DTC and physical fitness are
natural for all conscious beings throughout all universes, in all ages.
You disconnect from the irrationalities throughout this anticivilization.
-- Mental -Your power to acquire expanding knowledge for controlling existence derives through fully integrated honesty and
wide-scope thinking. Fully integrated honesty is the underlying source of value creation and competitive
businesses on Earth and throughout existence. In an anticivilization, its humanoid creators and perpetrators can
survive only by disintegrating the most powerful essence of conscious beings -- fully integrated honesty.
You disconnect from the dishonesties throughout this anticivilization.
-- Behavior -Conscious beings are social animals mediated through value exchange and business. The limitless benevolence,
prosperity, excitement, and happiness possible among conscious beings are derived from the natural dynamics
among the Civilization of the Universe. They are derived from conscious beings freely producing and volitionally
trading mutually beneficial values through not only the division of human labor but through the division of human
essences. ...Poverty, crime, and war are inconceivable concepts in the Civilization of the Universe.
You disconnect from the socially and economically destructive behaviors throughout this anticivilization.
As Zon, you feel a profound care and valuation for the source of all human values, in all universes, in all ages. That
source of values is your fellow conscious beings. You also care for the humanoid parasites who created and
propagate this destructive anticivilization. Indeed, you work for their redemption as human beings. Why? Most
humanoids can be guided back to their childhoods when they were innocent Zons. From that point, they can learn
to grow up -- to mature into value-producing human beings. On becoming honest conscious beings, they also can
reenter the Civilization of the Universe to become limitless values to others and society.
The Zon Protocols
The forthcoming Zon Protocols is the medium through which the Civilization of the Universe will embrace planet
Earth. The Zon Protocols identify, integrate, and then vanish each and every illusion conjured up for the past two
millennia by parasitical humanoids. Eventually, through the Zon Protocols, every conscious being on Earth will,
with no transition phase or backward glance, simply click off this transitory, unreal anticivilization and step into
an eternal, real civilization -- the Civilization of the Universe in which each conscious person naturally belongs.
In the meantime, Zonpower will enable adults to protect children from being dragged into this illusionary
anticivilization. Children will remain Zons. Thus, their Zonpower will remain intact as they grow into adults. They
will leave this anticivilization behind as nothing. The anticivilization with its humanoid rulers will vanish, forgotten
forever. Everyone will then live prosperously, peacefully, eternally in the Civilization of the Universe.
Children are the Achilles' heel of this anticivilization. For essentially all children under six belong to the Civilization
of the Universe. They are Zons, citizens of the universe. Uncorrupted, they hold the power to control existence
through fully integrated honesty. When, through Zonpower or the Zon Protocols, parents realize that every baby is
born a Zon, they will protect and prevent their children from being dragged into this lethal, illusionary
anticivilization. Thus, when those children become adults, they will assume their responsibilities as all-powerful

citizens of the universe. They will be free of corruption and dishonesty. For them, the anticivilization will not exist.
It will have been vanished, forgotten forever. ...Conscious beings on Earth will then be free to control existence in
creating for society eternal health, prosperity, and happiness.
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[ 93 ] That capacity to decrease entropy is why conscious beings and only conscious beings can p otentially
reverse physical aging.
[ 94 ] With hypocritical concerns and dishonest pleadings, people like Susan Smith and Hillary Clinton either
directly kill their own children or indirectly kill thousands or even millions of other people's children. Also,
Dickens/Gifford-type child-labor dishonesties have starved millions of children.
[ 95 ] In later years, Dr. Atkins sadly surrendered to the politically correct establishment, grew stout again, and
leaned toward bogus fad diets.
[ 96 ] A modified, improved version of Dr. Atkin's diet was published in 1995: The Zone, Barry Sears, Harper
[ 97 ] As stated on page 273, Western religion has often acted as a foil to the destructive power of the state -- and
vice versa. ...In the Civilization of the Universe, no illusions exist. Thus, no state or religious powers exist. Only
individual Zonpower exists.
Chapter 34
The Zon Awakening
Nothing links the nonliving to the living, the plant to the animal, or the animal mind to the human mind. Similarly,
nothing links the slumberous consciousness of the anticivilization to the dynamic consciousness of the Civilization
of the Universe. ...Likewise, nothing links the endless deprivations in this anticivilization to the limitless prosperity
in the Civilization of the Universe.
In physics, nothing links one electron state to another or one spacetime system to another. In both life and
physics, essences exist in either one state or another with no flow, transition, or linkage between them. Consider
the nature of Planck's go/no-go blackbody radiation, Einstein's go/no-go photoelectric effect, and civilization's
go/no-go limitless-prosperity dynamics. Locked within the laws of physics, how could one ever enter the lawbased Civilization of the Universe from this criminal-based anticivilization?
As in physics with the introduction of Planck's energy, the introduction of Zonpower will allow entry into the
Civilization of the Universe. Eventually, everyone on Earth will leave criminal politics behind and click into the
Civilization of the Universe without transition.

Since no link or communication with the anticivilization is possible, no one today can know what life is like in the
Civilization of the Universe -- not until it actually appears on planet Earth, perhaps by the end of this century. Until
then, all that can be known with certainty is that life in the Civilization of the Universe means limitless prosperity
and eternal happiness. Indeed, everyone can look forward to the happiest shock of his or her life as each suddenly
awakens in a law-based civilization of eternal riches and exciting romance.
Why is linkage between the two civilizations impossible? That impossibility is not because of any cultural or
psychological differences, which are profound and absolute. But, rather, that impossibility is because the laws of
physics make impossible any contact or linkage, both practically and theoretically. The reason for that
impossibility lies in the fact that each civilization travels along separate spacetime coordinates. One cannot travel
or switch to a different spacetime system anymore than one can travel backward in time. For, any such spacetime
travel or switch would require the conscious reconstruction of every quantum state -- of every matter and force
coordinate -- in the universe at every instant in time. Thus, the arrow of time cannot be reversed or switched.
Spacetime systems constantly evolve and move forward. One is never able to travel to different spacetime or
light-cone coordinates that have already come and or elsewhere. Nothing can revisit, return to, or
alter events occurring in any past or separate time frame as reflected in a familiar way by Omar Khayym in The
Rubiyt nine centuries ago:
The moving finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all your piety nor wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a line,
Nor all your tears wash out a word of it.
Consider the two illustrations on the next page:
What do the two illustrations on page 305 reveal? Different essence systems are in different spacetime or energy
coordinates in different worlds or civilizations. In every such case, an unclosable gap always exists between
separate coordinates. Nothing can connect one spacetime system to another.
Then how does one move from one spacetime system, world, or civilization to another if no contact or transition is
possible? Like going from one time zone to another, one does not phase out of one zone and into another. One is in
one zone or the other with no transition. So, how can one in the anticivilization end up in the Civilization of the
Universe? How can one suddenly be in the Civilization of the Universe without any transition?
Consider the analogous, well-established laws of physics shown in Illustration A on page 305. Throughout
existence, at least two distinct coordinate systems of energy exist: (1) the limited closed-coordinate system that
functions below Planck's energy level doing little, and (2) the limitless open-coordinate system that functions
above Planck's energy level doing everything. Between the two systems, nothing except Gravity Units exists -- no
contact, no transition. Each system is in a universe of its own. Below Planck's energy level, a boring universe of
limited, closed boundaries exists. Above Planck's energy level, a lively universe of limitless, open evolution springs
forth -- generating all possible events and energies, without limits or boundaries. ...Everything is either above or
below Planck's energy level. Nothing is in-between. Nothing connects or mediates the two independent systems or
What about the animal mind to the bicameral mind as shown in Illustration B? The bicameral mind to the conscious
mind? The closed-system, rationalizing Kantian mind comprising the anticivilization to the open-ended, integrating
Randian mind comprising the Civilization of the Universe? The criminally destructive Hitlerian/Clintonian mind to
the heroically productive Thomas Edison/Bill Gates mind? ...What is the analogous Planck's energy that will jump
the spacetime gap or void from the anticivilization to the Civilization of the Universe? That equivalency of Planck's

energy is contained within the universal constant of Zon, k, described on page 11. From the constant k flows the
power of Zon.
The Civilization of the Universe is Zonpower. Once one integrates with Zonpower, he or she automatically makes a
Planck-like jump with no transition. Abruptly, one is in the Civilization of the Universe. The anticivilization is then
left behind, impossible to contact, soon forgotten forever.
Nonaging through Time Dilation
Civilizations are functions of conscious thinking, especially integrated thinking. The speed of integrated thinking
depends on the depth and range of objective knowledge acquired. All such thinking is subject to time-dilation as
described by Einstein's Special Relativity. In the closed boundaries of the anticivilization, integrated thinking is
severely and absolutely limited. Thus, both the power and speed of integrated thinking are limited to minimal
ranges. The speed of integration always increases with advancing knowledge. But, the closed boundaries of the
anticivilization holds the speed of advancing knowledge far below that which Einstein's relativity has any
observable effects.
By contrast, the Civilization of the Universe has no boundaries. Thus, new knowledge is limitless and the speed of
integrations are bounded only by the speed of light. Thereby, both knowledge and speed of thinking increase
geometrically, if not exponentially. With such a multiplying effect, the speed of integration will soon approach the
velocity of light as described in Chapter 6. At such speeds, time dilation becomes noticeable and then dominates.
What happens as the speed of integrations for new knowledge keeps accelerating ever closer to the velocity of
light? The resulting time dilation becomes so great that the flow of time essentially ceases relative to events and
experiences in technologically advanced cyberspaces.
The rationally open Civilization of the Universe allows conscious beings to live in eternal prosperity and exciting
happiness. By contrast, the criminally closed anticivilization forces conscious beings to live in boring deprivation
and then die.
Those differences in time dilation reflect the separate spacetime coordinates or paths along which conscious
beings travel in the closed anticivilization versus the open Civilization of the Universe. With those differences in
time dilation, any linkage or contact is impossible between conscious minds travelling along their separate
spacetime coordinates -- the anticivilization slow path versus the Civilization of the Universe fast path.
...Galileo/Newton provided the transformations of classical physics; Lorentz/Einstein provided the
transformations of relativity; today Neothink/Zon provides the transformations of consciousness.
The Civilization of the Universe is coming. On its arrival for each individual, the anticivilization and its criminal
parasites will disappear, lost in bygone spacetime coordinates, never to be revisited, forever forgotten as nothing.
Life in the Civilization of the Universe
Why do people who materially indulge themselves live in hidden desperation, cynicism, boredom? Why do they
grow increasingly dissatisfied with themselves? Why does the greatest dissatisfaction and emptiness occur in
those who seek ego indulgences and material gains most fervently? By contrast, what makes the Civilization of the
Universe inconceivably different in which everyone has limitless prosperity and romantic excitement...void of
anxiety, doubt, boredom?

In the anticivilization, why care about what anyone thinks, says, or does? Except for competitive values and their
heroic producers, what difference does anything or anyone make in the schizophrenic irrationality of an
anticivilization? Beneath this anticivilization, nothing except permanent value production makes any difference...or
sense. In the Civilization of the Universe, however, everything that each individual does or experiences makes the
most profound difference to everyone eternally.
Onward to Cyberspace
(See periodic chart on next page)
Chapter 35
Poker Stratagems
replaced by
Zon's Integrated Honesty
As described in Chapter 18, how could anything so seemingly evil as the Illuminati Protocols be compatible with the
fully integrated honesty of Neo-Tech? How could the founding Illuminati be the heroic precursors of Neo-Tech?
Those questions are answered by comparing the underlying dynamics flowing beneath the fatally flawed, closeended Illuminati dynamics to the pristine, open-ended Neo-Tech/Zon dynamics:
Compatible Dynamics
The original Neo-Tech author and the original Illuminati recognized that all conscious beings on Earth, throughout
the ages, were and continue to be drained, impoverished, and killed by a permanently entrenched parasitical-elite
class. Moreover, the original Neo-Tech author and the original Illuminati recognized that this parasitical-elite class
created a bizarre anticivilization from which no one could escape its always fatal human diminishments. The
original Neo-Tech author and the original Illuminati also recognized that no matter what reforms or advances
occurred, the same ever increasing cycles of parasitical destruction would always occur on planet Earth. ...Thus,
when technology advanced to the capacity of destroying the entire human race through biological or nuclear
weapons, that destruction would occur on the next major upswing cycle of irrationalities leading to mass
destructions or wars.
As was the original Neo-Tech author, the original Illuminati were fully aware that every conscious being and all
earned values on Earth would eventually be consumed by the parasitical elites. Although not knowing the final
technology that could destroy conscious life on Earth, the original Illuminati knew that capability would eventually
develop. Today, everyone knows that this total-destruction technology is thermonuclear energy.
Thus, the Illuminati today race to complete their goal of subverting and eliminating all life-draining institutions that
support parasitical humanoids -- eliminate them before they obliterate conscious life on Earth. The current
parasitical cycle will increasingly ruin the real value-and-job producers, their means of production, their capital,
their property. As in all past such cycles, this parasitical feeding cycle will escalate until the maximum possible
human values are consumed or destroyed.
By using nuclear or biological weapons to destroy maximum possible values, this final wipe-out cycle would end
most if not all conscious life on Earth. ...Some religious-right fundamentalists fervidly root for such an apocalyptic
wipe out.
As revealed in Movement II of Zonpower, the only solution possible by working within this anticivilization is to
undermine and then break every harmful institution throughout the anticivilization -- eliminate every institution
that supports humanoid parasites. That breaking of parasitical institutions could be accomplished by harnessing

genuine business power through advanced poker stratagems. For, by combining that business power with such
stratagems, one can outflank every parasitical maneuver.
The breaking of destructive governments and religious institutions along with their parasitical beneficiaries can
be done through organized, persistent business dynamics. In fact, that breaking of those destructive institutions
has been nearly accomplished. By whom? By the dedicated handful of highly responsible Illuminati businesspeople.
Advancing the Illuminati's goal required the confident certainty that genuine business power combined with
advanced poker strategy will always outflank and eventually vanish the false power of parasitical elites and their
illusion-built institutions. Indeed, the underlying Illuminati strategy is maneuvering parasitical elites and influential
leaders alike into irresistible positions of worldwide, ego-boosting power. Such positions are proffered by various
quasi-secret international organizations. But, the controlling long-range plans and power are orchestrated by that
handful of obscure Illuminati. Through such a system, the Illuminati could always maneuver influential leaders
worldwide into creating conflicts that increasingly undermine nationalistic governments and organized religions.
Incompatible Dynamics
While discovering the Civilization of the Universe in 1992, the following was revealed: On the brink of victory, the
Illuminati would catastrophically fail, resulting in the end of conscious life on planet Earth. For, parasitical
humanoids and their institutions can never be eliminated from within their own creation -- from within their
closed-system anticivilization. Instead, those humanoids on the brink of defeat would devour the Illuminati and
their organizations as explained later in this chapter.
By contrast, as revealed in Zonpower, the Civilization of the Universe provides an eternally open, evolving system
of advancing knowledge, value production, and prosperity that is totally independent of the anticivilization. When
individuals begin functioning from the Civilization of the Universe now arising on planet Earth in cyberspace, the
illusions of the anticivilization and the influences of its parasitical rulers simply vanish.
Thus, the Illuminati's goal can be fully achieved not by violently working within this unnatural anticivilization but by
peacefully working from without -- from the natural Civilization of the Universe. ...The Civilization of the Universe
is a healthy business civilization void of poverty and violence -- void of parasitical elites.
Credit for Zon and the Civilization of the Universe being able to embrace planet Earth and vanish the
anticivilization by the turn of this century belongs to the Illuminati -- to their two centuries of relentlessly
undermining the destructive institutions of this anticivilization. Credit must go to the heroic "dirty work" done by
men of productive accomplishments and moral responsibility from the 18th-century Adam Weishaupt to today's
20th-century David Rockefeller...and all the other unrecognized, low-profile Illuminati. For two centuries, they
have brilliantly duped and poker played the parasitical-elite class into undermining its own institutions.
Eight decades ago, Einstein's open system of relativity physics jumped past Newton's brilliant, invaluable work
within the closed system of classical physics. Both systems were dedicated to eliminating ignorance about
physical reality. To advance into the future, however, Einstein's open system had to move past Newton's closed
Likewise, today, Zon's open-system Civilization of the Universe jumps past the Illuminati's brilliant, invaluable work
on the closed-system anticivilization. Both works are dedicated to eliminating the deceptions supporting this
anticivilization. To advance into the future, however, the open-system moral base of Zon must replace the closedsystem moral base of the Illuminati.

The Illuminati Would Fail Without Zon

The Illuminati could not foresee the inevitable failure of their master plan. That failure would occur near their
moment of victory: In the death throes of this anticivilization, its parasitical-elite rulers in a desperate attempt to
survive would enter into a final feeding frenzy. They would devour the last seeds of human and financial capital
needed for populations to exist and prosper.
Today, less-and-less earned wealth remains for the burgeoning parasitical-elite class to feed upon. When those
last seeds of prosperity are devoured, even the Illuminati along with their master plan, their influential
international organizations, and their noble goal would end in a suicidal, global Hitler-like debacle. For, with the
essence of productive business gone, the Illuminati could no longer function. The anticivilization would then be
primed for a new cycle of Hitlerian tyrants to arise -- arise chaotically without the two-century-old restraints and
controls of t(e Illuminati. Such uncontrolled humanoid rulers would drum-beat the world toward nuclear
conflagrations, consuming nationality after nationality, race after race, population after population. ...The
Illuminati's fatal flaw is their working within the closed-system anticivilization. They could not foresee that in the
end they too would be devoured by the anticivilization.
Zon removes that fatal flaw to allow the successful conclusion of the Illuminati's master plan. ...Against the reality
of Zon, the anticivilization with its parasitical rulers vanish in cyberspace.
Today, with the glimmerings of Zonpower rising from America's 1994 elections, the Illuminati are sensing the shift
of their moral and operational base from the politicized anticivilization to the nonpolitical Civilization of the
The Wonderful World Ahead
Ahead lie limitless riches, romantic excitement, and eternal happiness for all conscious beings. Today, the
Illuminati can finally vanish this moribund anticivilization. How? By using the glittering nonpolitical Civilization of
the Universe as their new, limitless base of operations.
In the Civilization of the Universe, one asks not where another is from, but one asks what another does for a
living...what one does to deliver needed, competitive values to others and society. Concepts of race, nationality,
and religion are unknown in the Civilization of the Universe.
Objective Laws are Universal Laws
In the final analysis, all problems tie together to yield valid, effective solutions according to objective, universal
laws that cannot be contradicted. Only objective laws are valid and apply to everyone, at all places, at all times. By
definition, objective laws do not spring from the minds of men and women. Such laws have always and will always
exist universally -- independent of the human mind and its emotions. Thus, no objective law is new, like relativity
and the laws of physics, objective laws are eternal and valid in all frames of reference. Moreover, no law -physical, legal, or moral -- is valid unless it is valid in all frames of reference.
The Protocols of Zon
The Illuminati's goal will now be peacefully, humanely completed through the protocols of Zon. Those omnipotent
protocols arise from Cassandra's Secret. Around the turn of this millennium, the explicit, formal Zon Protocols
will be published through the Internet for worldwide implementation. ...The nonviolent Zon Protocols will bring a
nonpolitical business civilization to planet Earth.

[Evolution of Neo-Tech]
Chapter 36
The Zon Protocols
Most physicists, scientists, or physicians with vested interests in the anticivilization, such as tax-funded
livelihoods, will resist identifying that human consciousness is the omnipotent force controlling existence.[ 98 ]
Likewise, business people, professionals, or academics seeking praise and acceptance from within Earth's
anticivilization must avoid grasping the wide-scope dynamics of Neo-Tech with its fully integrated honesty. But,
those who integrate with Zonpower today or those who encounter the Zon Protocols at the end of this century can
disconnect from Earth's anticivilization to gain Zonpower.
Without Zonpower, You are Trapped in an Anticivilization
With Zonpower, You Control Existence
Until the unveiling of Zonpower in June 1992, every conscious adult on planet Earth was imprisoned in its
irrational civilization -- a mortally destructive anticivilization. Through force and coercion, a dishonest parasite
class has propagated an anticivilization around the globe. They continue propagating that anticivilization by
deceptively, forcibly draining the productive class, especially the entrepreneur business class which is the source
of all genuine jobs, prosperity, and happiness.
Without Zonpower, every conscious mind is imprisoned. Without Zonpower, no conscious mind is able to escape
the products of an anticivilization: dishonesty, irrationality, destruction, death. The reason for that entrapment is
that everyone is coerced from every direction. And no conscious mind can think honestly, widely, or deeply under
any form of coercion.
Most important, on trying to live by fully integrated honesty that is natural in the Civilization of the Universe, one
will increasingly feel uncomfortable and anxious if his or her life remains invested in the anticivilization. Indeed,
one cannot capture Zonpower while remaining invested in this unreal anticivilization.
Ironically, throughout history, only young children and certain schizophrenic savants have tasted Zonpower, albeit
in narrow areas. What is meant by stating certain schizophrenics have tasted Zonpower? Do their experiences
provide a hint of the undreamt power available to conscious beings not invested in this anticivilization? Consider
the ancient oracles of Greece, including the most famous, the Oracle at Delphi. They had one common background:
They all were naively honest, uneducated country girls who hallucinated as schizophrenics. None were invested in
the anticivilization. Yet, kings as mighty as Alexander the Great, emperors, generals, lawmakers, and the wealthy
regularly consulted and acted, often with spectacularly favorable results, on the uncanny, seemingly brilliant
insights of those hallucinating women.
Consider Joan of Arc in the early 15th century. She too was a naively honest, uneducated country girl who
hallucinated and was disconnected from society -- disconnected from the sophistications of the anticivilization.
Yet, as a teenager, she became the premier military commander and war strategist in France. She delivered
brilliant new insights into politics, warfare leadership, and battle tactics. Starting by liberating Orlans at 17 years
old, she personally led France to key victories over the English invaders. She then provided the political strategy
to restore Charles VII to the throne of France. ...At 19 years old, undermining the false power of the parasiticalelite class, she was politically imprisoned, tried by ego "justice", and then burned at the stake.
Why did those uneducated, illiterate women have insights beyond anyone else in areas of state and war? Because
they were uneducated, poor, and disconnected from established society, their minds were disconnected from the

integration-blocking dynamics of the anticivilization. In those areas, therefore, they were free to think more
widely, without to think with greater honesty.
In their areas of disconnection, they could gather wider ranges of integrations and insights than anyone
connected to the anticivilization, including the greatest contemporary experts. Thus, the unblocked minds of those
women could provide completely new and often more accurate perspectives of momentous events.
Consider the most powerful moral savant of Western Civilization: an uneducated, illiterate hippie who also
hallucinated. He too was disconnected from the anticivilization of his day. Yet, that man held moral sway over the
Western world for a hundred generations, right up to this day. That person was Jesus. He undermined the
parasitical-elite class, was politically imprisoned, tried by ego "justice", and then crucified. ...Jesus' earthly moral
principles are now yielding to the universal moral principles found in objective law and expressed by the
forthcoming Zon Protocols.
Indeed, wide-scope thinking is impossible under coercion. That is why no one in this anticivilization can fully grasp
the concept of integrated honesty to unleash Zonpower. Any form of coercion generates an array of
rationalizations that prevent the wide-scope, contextual thinking required for Zonpower.
By disconnecting from every aspect of the coercive anticivilization, the conscious mind springs free from the
anticivilization to gain Zonpower. With Zonpower, one controls existence through fully integrated honesty.
and the
Zon Protocols in Cyberspace
Through the Zon Protocols, you will live with ever increasing health, prosperity, and happiness. You will no longer
need to invest in a corrupt anticivilization. You will live in the Civilization of the Universe. You will vanish the
dishonesties, illusions, and nonrealties that today assault the mind and body of every conscious being on Earth.
The anticivilization with all its coercions, harms, and diminishments will disappear. You will gain genuine power.
You will gain Zonpower. You will control existence.
Today, you are unable to experience fully integrated honesty and wide-scope thinking. Today, you are bound within
bubbles of mysticism, stunted by coercions, blocked by rationalizations in seeking acceptance from an irrational
civilization ruled by parasitical elites. Thus, you will enter the Zon Protocols as a citizen of Earth's anticivilization
created by criminal politics and morbid religions. ...But, you and everyone reading the forthcoming Zon Protocols
will become a Citizen of the Universe. You will become Zon. You will be free of mysticisms and illusions -- free of
Earth's anticivilization. You will control existence through fully integrated honesty, boundless energy, and widescope thinking. ...You will gain the eternal prosperity and happiness available to all conscious life.
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[ 98 ] As reviewed in Chapter 6, The Long Wave
Word Usage
Neo-Tech is a noun or an adjective meaning fully integrated honesty based on facts of reality. Neo-Tech creates a
collection of new techniques or new technology[ 99 ] that lets one know exactly what is happening and what to do

for gaining honest advantages in all situations. Neo-Tech provides the integrations in every situation to collapse
the illusions, hoaxes, and all other forms of irrationality manipulated by the parasitical-elite class.
...Understanding is the process of honest integration.
Mysticism is action based on dishonest irrationalities and mind-created "realities". Mysticism evokes, accepts, or
uses unreal notions that create problems where none exist. Contrary to popular belief, mysticism today seldom
involves god-type religions or the occult. God religions and the occult are dying forms of mysticism with fading
powers to hurt the productive class. More generally, mysticism is the dishonesty that evolves from using feelings
or rationalizations to generate mind-created "realities". In turn, those "realities" create unnecessary problems
and unnatural destructions. Unnecessary and unnatural because the human brain cannot create reality. Instead,
the brain perceives and then integrates facts of reality in order to control reality.
Thus, "reality"-creating mysticism is a perversion or disease of human consciousness. Indeed, mysticism is the
destruction disease. For mysticism blocks brain integrations to erode all values. Mysticism breeds dishonesty,
malevolence, and death. Hence, mysticism is suicide on all levels -- on personal, family, social, and business levels;
on local, national, and world levels.
Neocheating is the undetected usurpation of a livelihood -- the unsuspicious swindling of money, power, or values
through clever manipulations of dishonest rationalizations, non sequiturs, and mystical notions. Neocheating
means new cheating for usurping values earned by others. Actually, parasitical elites have used neocheating for
two millennia in hidden, unnoticeable ways. But the techniques of neocheating were not specifically identified until
1976. Thus, neocheating is a new identification rather than a new technique. Before that identification, no one could
define or even notice a neocheater. Now, anyone with Neo-Tech can easily spot neocheaters and render them
impotent. For, against Neo-Tech, the illusions of mysticism vanish and neocheaters become powerless.
...Neocheaters are unnatural people. Some are humanoids.
The essence of Neo-Tech is honesty and effort.
The essence of mysticism and neocheating is hidden dishonesty and laziness.
NEO-TECH is rational. It lets one act consistently on objective facts. That approach yields beneficial emotions of
happiness and love. Thus, Neo-Tech captures reality by having actions produce emotions. ...Neo-Tech integrates
the mind.
MYSTICISM is irrational. It lets one act arbitrarily on subjective feelings. That approach yields harmful actions and
spoils beneficial emotions. Thus, mysticism loses reality by having emotions produce actions. ...Mysticism
disintegrates the mind.
Mysticism is the essential tool of all parasitical elites and neocheaters. But Neo-Tech will cure the disease of
mysticism to end irrationality, dishonesty, neocheating, and the parasitical-elite class.
Neothink is the boundlessly wide integrations made possible by Neo-Tech eradicating irrationality. Neothink is the
harnessing of Neo-Tech power here on Earth:
...Neothink outcompetes all, controls all.
Integrated Thinking is the honest effort of putting information into the most accurate, widest context by logically
connecting all known relevant facts. Only contextual knowledge is valid. Thus, genuine power is gained through
integrated thinking, both vertical and horizontal, in the widest possible context. ...Volitional choice, the essence of
free will, is also the essential of effective integrated thinking and valid knowledge building.
Justice is based on objective law and integrated honesty.
Ego "Justice" is based on arbitrary subjective laws and force-backed political agendas used to gain unearned
livelihoods and feel false importance.

Parasitical Elites are unnatural people who dishonestly drain others. They have lost the attributes of human
beings. They are humanoids who live by furtively usurping, swindling, or destroying values produced by others. To
exist, they must prevent honest, integrated thinking by others. For survival, they depend on ego "justice" and
force-backed political policies.
Criminal Minds: "Others owe me a living. Thus, I can live by destroying, stealing, leeching, or usurping values
earned by others." ...Criminal minds lay the responsibility for competitive value production onto others. Such
criminal minds epitomize politicians, business quislings, also many bureaucrats, academics, clerics, news
journalists, judges, and lawyers. For, their behaviors fit Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment definitive
description of the criminal mind: 1) Unawareness of or contempt for individual property rights. 2) The
presumption that parasites, usurpers, enviers, value destroyers, and con artists have a right to live off the
productive efforts of others. ...Criminal minds exist by using deception or force to live off the productive class.
Survival depends on fraud-driven or force-backed value destruction. Incompetence and unhappiness result.
Virtuous Minds: " I must earn my own living. Thus, I must live through my own productive efforts. I must
competitively create and produce values needed by others and society." ...Such virtuous minds are the opposite of
criminal minds. For, virtuous minds, by nature, respect individual property rights. Virtuous minds never need to
use ego "justice", deception, fraud, or force to prosper. Survival depends on value production. Competence and
happiness result.
Value Producers have business minds that benefit society. They live by creating or producing competitive values
and productive jobs for others and society. They succeed by honest, integrated thinking.
Money: Is it wanted for laziness or effort? A criminal mind sees usurping money as a way to escape competitive
efforts needed to produce values for others...a way to do less. A business mind sees earning money as a way to
increase competitive efforts to produce ever more values and jobs...a way to do more for others and society.
Neo-Tech Minds are the powerful, mystic-free minds of the Civilization of the Universe...minds based on fully
integrated honesty and justice.
Neo-Tech Business Minds easily outflank and outcompete the narrow thinking and dishonest behavior of all
criminal and mystic-plagued minds.
Truth is a mushy, hydra-headed word. Everyone disputes its meaning. Truth denotes a static assertion that
changes from person to person, opinion to opinion, culture to culture. Thus, truth is a hollow, manipulative word
that parasitical elites promulgate to gain credibility for their deceptions, destructions, and ego "justice".
Honesty is a solid, indivisible word. No one disputes its meaning. Honesty denotes a dynamic process that is
identical for every conscious being. Honesty cannot be manipulated. Therefore, parasitical elites must squelch
honesty in order to live off the productive class.
Discard the Word Truth -Uphold the Word Honesty
Discard Ego "Justice" -Uphold Objective Law
Discard the Parasitical Class -Uphold the Productive Class

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[ 99 ] New to the anticivilization, but normal to the Civilization of the Universe.
The News-Media Establishment
vanishes in
The news-media establishment must promote the political status quo as meaningful. Neo-Tech and Zon sweep away
the political status quo as meaningless. The news-media establishment has little value in cyberspace and no value
in the Civilization of the Universe.


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