3rd House (Sahaj Bhava)
3rd House (Sahaj Bhava)
3rd House (Sahaj Bhava)
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2013 (31)
The Horoscope : Third House (Sahaj Bhava)
September (18)
Vargas - Divisional Charts.
Yogas In A Horoscope And Their Effects.
1. Power: Third house of the horoscope mainly analyze power, courage, hard work of the native.
2. Belief in Action: Third house of horoscope also tells about the belief in action over fate of the
native. If third house is powerful then the native have strong belief in action instead of fate. Such
natives can change their fate by actions.
3. Brothers-Sisters: Number of younger brothers, sisters and relationship with them is analyzed
with the help of the third house of the horoscope.
4. Servants: With the help of the third house of the horoscope, it can be decided that native will
have servants or not. If third house is powerful, then native will have many servants. But if it is
powerless then native does not have any servants. Also he will be successful in job instead of
business if the third house is powerless.
5. Yoga practice: Third house of horoscope chart is also related to respiration, therefore it also tells
about yoga practice of the native. If third house is powerful then native is a good yoga practitioner.
6. Throat, ears, bones: The third house of the horoscope tells about the throat, ears and bones of
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Mangal (Mars) is the significator or the Kaarak of the third house of the horoscope. Position of
Mangal (Mars) in the horoscope also plays an important role in the predictions related to the third
house of the horoscope.
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If third house is influenced by benefics, the person will be endowed with siblings and will be courageous.
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If 3rd lord is related with Mars and/or both planets are in 3H, the person will get good results in Dashas
of Mars as Mars is Karaka of 3H and courage. Sibling will face problems if these two planets are heavily
influenced by malefics.
If third lord and/or Mars is in Dusthana siblings may have to face trouble. On the other hand if these two
lords are in Trines/Quadrants then siblings will prosperous in dashas of these planets and in dashas of
their dispositors.
Prasun Siliguri
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You have a talent for literature and a naturally lyrical sense. Because of this beauty of mind, other people
find it easy to relax or open up in your presence, so this also facilitates any kind of social or therapy work.
Rahu in third house indicates Strong, courageous, brave, enjoys good fate and wealthy person and
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surrounded by friends. Rahu in Exalted or own sign gives favourable results. Rahu in Leo sign and placed
in 3rd house indicates influential personality. Good fate, good relationship with neighbours, journeys and
success in writing and publications.
Ketu in own or exalted sign indicates happiness, wealthy lifestyle enjoys life and sharp mind. Natal will
win over enemies, competitors, expert in his/her work, famous, good longevity, fateful and enjoys good
But weak Ketu is harmful, indicates fear and losses from friends and beautiful ladies or opposite sex.
Debli Ketu indicates mental harassment etc.
Third Lord in different houses
Third Lord In the First House
Native is a self-made person. Earns livelihood by own hardwork and efforts, Is lean and tall, brave,
courageous, helping. Person may have some bad health from time to time. Person is intelligent and
knowledgeable although may lack in formal education. If planet is a fiery planet, person may have a short
temper and becomes angry easily. Person have interest in Arts and beauty. And also himself is famous as
an artist if the planet is a soumya planet.
BPHS says: If Sahajs Lord is in Tanu Bhava, the native will have self-made wealth, be disposed to
worship, be valorous and be intelligent, although devoid of learning.
Third Lord in the Second House
2H is 12th from 3rd so this is an unfavourable position. Person is mean and is not happy as he lacks
initiatives. Person is lazy and have less energy to dispose off. Person is selfish and have an eye on other
peoples wealth and wives. This combination is also not good for younger brothers. If planet is an evil
planet person may become a thief or a fraud. Their image is not good in society and they are not punctual.
BPHS says: If Sahajs Lord is in Dhan Bhava, the native will be corpulent, devoid of valour, will not
make much efforts, be not happy and will have an eye on others wives and others wealth.
Third Lord in the Third House
Person is brave and have many friends. Person share good relation with brothers and relatives. Person is
happy, wealthy and have good children. 3L is good when in upchaya houses. This position is good for
younger brothers. If 3L is Mars or Saturn then person may have some difference with younger brothers
and may loose younger brother if other afflictions are also there. They are very confident, optimistic and
diplomatic. May have good relation with neighbors.
BPHS says: If Sahajs Lord is in Sahaj Bhava, the native will be endowed with happiness through co-born
and will have wealth and sons, be cheerful and extremely happy.
Third Lord in the Fourth House
Person lives a happy life. He is healthy, wealthy and wise. Buy may not have a good wife. If Mars or any
other evil planet is 3L then person may have a cruel hearted and mean wife. If Mars is weak person may
loose his property. Such persons have more than appropriate self-respect. May have some problems with
mother and family as 3L is 12th from 4H.
BPHS says: If Sahajs Lord is in Bandhu Bhava, the native will be happy, wealthy and intelligent, but will
acquire a wicked spouse.
Third Lord in the Fifth House
May lack happiness from children. Also may have troubles with domestic life. Such person are very
successful if they opt for agriculture. Govt service is also good for them. Although person is able and
BPHS says: If Sahajs Lord is in Putr Bhava, the native will have sons and be virtuous. If in the process
Sahajs Lord be yuti with, or receives a Drishti from a malefic, the native will have a formidable wife.
Third Lord in the Sixth House
Have problematic relation with brothers and relatives. Person becomes rich. Person may be included in
illegal affairs. This position is good for materialistic people if planet is malefic planet. If 3rd lord is with
6L then person may become a sportsman or an athlete. If both 6H and 3H are afflicted person may suffer
from many diseases. May have problematic relations with maternal relatives.
BPHS says: If Sahajs Lord is in Ari Bhava, the native will be inimical to his co-born, be affluent, will not
be well disposed to his maternal uncle and be dear to his maternal aunt.
Third Lord in the Seventh House--May be punished by authorities. May have to face much suffereings in childhood. Even youth is filled by
stress. Danger of accidents/injury is there. When 3L in 7H is well disposed he will have good relation with
brothers. He usually have regular income. Such person are good in subordinates position and are not
good at higher positions. They ar not careful about law much.
BPHS says: If Sahajs Lord is in Yuvati Bhava, the native will be interested in serving the king. He will
not be happy during boyhood, but the end of his life he will be happy.
Third Lord in the Eighth House--Person may have to face a criminal case which is usually falsly painted. Even if person is honest he is
treated as criminal and if there are more afflictions he may not be able to prove himself innocent. Career
may see some setbacks.
Person may loose his younger brother and he himself be suffering from diseases. Which are usually
chronic. Although person may have sudden gains. Such persons are honest aand have good intentions.
They are very sensitive. Although they are usually misjudged by society.
BPHS says: If Sahajs Lord is in Randhr Bhava, the native will be a thief, will derive his livelihood
serving others and will die at the gate of the royal palace.
Third Lord in the Ninth House---Persons luck improve after marriage. May see sudden and expected changes in life. May travel long
journeys. His brother will inherit ancestral properties and he himself will have good relation with his
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brothers. Person may have misunderstandings with father. They are very emotional and sensitive but
sometime they may just turn out to be non-believers.
BPHS says: If Sahajs Lord is in Dharm Bhava, the native will lack paternal bliss, will make fortunes
through wife and will enjoy progenic and other pleasures.
Third Lord in the Tenth House----Person will have a short tempered wife. He is happy, wise and wife obeying. Person tend to travel for sake
of business. This combination is good for brothers. He have successful brothers. He have pleasing
personality and are sincere. So they are famous in society and well accepted and have good reputation.
BPHS says: If Sahajs Lord is in Karm Bhava, the native will have all lands of happiness and self-made
wealth and be interested in nurturing wicked females.
Third Lord in the Eleventh House---This is not a favourable combination. Person will have to earn money with efforts. Person is not good
looking. Person is dependent on others. Persons health is also afflicted. Person may be selfish. He may
cheat his brothers and sisters. They are short tempered Not a very good combination. Although their
gains are good from profession.
BPHS says: If Sahajs Lord is in Labh Bhava, then native will always gain in trading, be intelligent,
although not literate, be adventurous and will serve others.
Third Lord in the Twelfth House--Person gets sorrow through relatives. Luck improves after marriage. Have a bad relation with father and
reputation of father is not good. Younger brother is extravagant and problem creating. Person have to face
losses due to younger brother. They have a dominating tendency, thats why they may have some
problems with friends sometimes. Person will spend on bad things.
BPHS says: If Sahajs Lord is in Vyaya, the native will spend on evil deeds, will have a wicked father and
will be fortunate through a female.
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