CASP Cohort
CASP Cohort
CASP Cohort
(Section A)
(Section B)
(Section C)
The 12 questions on the following pages are designed to help you think about these issues systematically.
The first two questions are screening questions and can be answered quickly. If the answer to both is yes,
it is worth proceeding with the remaining questions.
There is some degree of overlap between the questions, you are asked to record a yes, no or cant
tell to most of the questions. A number of italicised prompts are given after each question. These are
designed to remind you why the question is important. Record your reasons for your answers in the spaces
These checklists were designed to be used as educational tools as part of a workshop setting
There will not be time in the small groups to answer them all in detail!
CASP This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a
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Is it worth continuing?
Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) Cohort Study Checklist 31.05.13
Detailed questions
Cant tell No
Cant tell No
minimise bias?
HINT: Look for measurement or classification bias:
Did they use subjective or objective measurements?
Do the measurements truly reflect what you want them
to (have they been validated)?
Were all the subjects classified into exposure groups
using the same procedure
confounding factors?
List the ones you think might be
important, that the author missed.
HINT: Consider
The good or bad effects should have had long enough
to reveal themselves
The persons that are lost to follow-up may have
different outcomes than those available for assessment
In an open or dynamic cohort, was there anything special
about the outcome of the people leaving, or the
exposure of the people entering the cohort?
HINT: Consider
Big effect is hard to ignore!
Can it be due to bias, chance or confounding?
Are the design and methods of this study sufficiently
flawed to make the results unreliable?
Bradford Hills criteria (e.g. time sequence, dose-response
gradient, biological plausibility, consistency)
available evidence?