A Novel Packet Switch Node Architecture For Contention Resolution in Synchronous Optical Packet Switched Networks
A Novel Packet Switch Node Architecture For Contention Resolution in Synchronous Optical Packet Switched Networks
A Novel Packet Switch Node Architecture For Contention Resolution in Synchronous Optical Packet Switched Networks
Packet contention is a key issue in optical packet switch (OPS) networks and finds a viable solution by including optical buffering techniques incorporating fiber delay lines (FDLs) in the switch architecture. The
present paper proposes a novel switch architecture for packet contention resolution in synchronous OPS network employing the packet circulation in FDLs in a synchronized manner. A mathematical model for the
proposed switch architecture is developed employing packet queuing control to estimate the blocking probability for the incoming traffic. The switch performance is analyzed with a suitable contention resolution algorithm through the computer simulation. The simulation results substantiate the proposed model for the
switch architecture.
Keywords: Fiber Delay Lines, Packet Circulation, Optical Packet Switch Networks, Packet Delay Probability, Contention Resolution.
1. Introduction
The growth of optical transmission technology in recent
years is significant by achieving a Tbps class of transmission speed. However, a rapid increase in the bandwidth requirement for optical network to support high
data rate puts the switching speed limit for the supporting
electronic technology. Thus, we need a photonic network
which can incorporate functions such as the multiplexing,
de-multiplexing, switching, and routing in the optical
domain substituting the electronic control circuitry. A
number of research groups have reported various optical
sub-wavelength switching approaches [13] and OPS
approach [4,5] attracts attention as it is capable of dynamically allocating network resources with fine granularity and excellent scalability. In general, packet switch
optical networks can be divided into two categories:
synchronous networks with fixed length packets and
asynchronous networks with fixed size or variable-size
packets. In an OPS network, contention occurs at a
switching node whenever two or more packets try to
leave the switch fabric on the same output port, on the
same wavelength, at the same time. This is a problem
*CSIS Group, **EEE Group
w 1
W !W
i 0
W w
W !W
P (d 0)
L 1
i 0
L ! L
L ! L
t L
with a more significant numerical difference. The effect
of delay time on packet delay probability with different
number of FDLs has also been investigated and the results are shown in Figure 6. The packet delay probability
decreases with the rise in the time delay in the switch and
this tendency is maintained by further inclusion of FDLs
in the switch. It may however be noted that slope of the
curve is higher in case of the switch having more FDLs
showing a better reduction in the packet delay probability with a slight increment in delay time.
4. Simulation Study
Figure 4. Packet delay probability as a function of the traffic load () for fixed size FDLs.
Figure 5. Packet delay probability as a function of the traffic load () for fixed size FDLs.
6. References
S. Yao, B. Mukherjee, S. J. B. Yoo, and S. Dixit, A unified study of contention resolution schemes in optical
packet switched networks, Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 672683, 2003.
I. Chlamtac, V. Elek, A. Fumagalli, and C. Szabo, Scalable WDM access network architecture based on
photonic slot routing, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 19, February 1999.
S. P. Singh, A. Mukherjee, and V. K. Chaubey, Wavelength conversion algorithm in an intelligent optical network from a multilayered approach, Journal of Optical
Networking (OSA), No. 3, pp. 354362, 2004.
B. Ramamurthy and B. Mukherjee, Wavelength conversion in WDM networking, IEEE Journal on Selected
Areas in Communications, Vol. 16, pp. 10611073, September 1998.
5. Conclusions
A fiber delay line as a solution of packet contention in
OPS network has been discussed to establish novel
switch architecture with an appropriate mathematical
model to simulate the traffic behavior. Model gives a
more generic solution for the packet conflict problem at
the switching node using FDLs. Packet circulation in
delay lines is the key feature of the proposed method that
improves connection probability up to a significant traffic rate. It also gives better utilization of FDLs through
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