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A Novel Packet Switch Node Architecture For Contention Resolution in Synchronous Optical Packet Switched Networks

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Int. J.

Communications, Network and System Sciences, 2009, 6, 562-568

doi:10.4236/ijcns.2009.26062 Published Online September 2009 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/ijcns/).

A Novel Packet Switch Node Architecture for Contention

Resolution in Synchronous Optical Packet
Switched Networks
Virendra Singh SHEKHAWAT*, Dinesh Kumar TYAGI*, V.K. CHAUBEY**
Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani, Rajasthan, India
Email: {vsshekhawat, dk_tyagi, vkc}@bits-pilani.ac.in
Received March 15, 2009; revised April 30, 2009; accepted June 2, 2009

Packet contention is a key issue in optical packet switch (OPS) networks and finds a viable solution by including optical buffering techniques incorporating fiber delay lines (FDLs) in the switch architecture. The
present paper proposes a novel switch architecture for packet contention resolution in synchronous OPS network employing the packet circulation in FDLs in a synchronized manner. A mathematical model for the
proposed switch architecture is developed employing packet queuing control to estimate the blocking probability for the incoming traffic. The switch performance is analyzed with a suitable contention resolution algorithm through the computer simulation. The simulation results substantiate the proposed model for the
switch architecture.
Keywords: Fiber Delay Lines, Packet Circulation, Optical Packet Switch Networks, Packet Delay Probability, Contention Resolution.

1. Introduction
The growth of optical transmission technology in recent
years is significant by achieving a Tbps class of transmission speed. However, a rapid increase in the bandwidth requirement for optical network to support high
data rate puts the switching speed limit for the supporting
electronic technology. Thus, we need a photonic network
which can incorporate functions such as the multiplexing,
de-multiplexing, switching, and routing in the optical
domain substituting the electronic control circuitry. A
number of research groups have reported various optical
sub-wavelength switching approaches [13] and OPS
approach [4,5] attracts attention as it is capable of dynamically allocating network resources with fine granularity and excellent scalability. In general, packet switch
optical networks can be divided into two categories:
synchronous networks with fixed length packets and
asynchronous networks with fixed size or variable-size
packets. In an OPS network, contention occurs at a
switching node whenever two or more packets try to
leave the switch fabric on the same output port, on the
same wavelength, at the same time. This is a problem
*CSIS Group, **EEE Group

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that commonly arises in packet switches, and is known

as external blocking. Techniques used to address this
problem include optical buffering, wavelength conversion and deflection routing.
Usually in a contention resolution method, wavelength
conversion is a superior option as it does not introduce
delay in the data path and also avoid packet re-sequencing. On the other hand number of converters and placement of these converters in the network is NP complete
problem [6,7]. The deflection routing exploits the space
dimension to resolve contention. It introduces delays in
the data path and requires packet re-sequencing as packets may arrive out of order. This makes deflection routing not a good choice as contention resolution [8].
Optical buffering is fundamental to many optical
packet switch implementation which have been proposed
widely to overcome contention problem [9,10]. One of
the contending packets is routed through the switch fabric, while the rest are sent to FDLs. Optical buffers may
be placed at the input, output, or both, in a switch. However, a number of optical buffer arrangements have been
proposed in the literature, such as single or multi-stage
FDLs, feed-forward or feed-backward connections.


These three contention resolution schemes have been
used in pure form, or they combined to implement more
sophisticated strategies. Each of these arrangements is
used to implement a variety of packet switch architectures [1518]. These schemes, along with the various
combinations, make possible a wide spectrum of contention resolution methods that cover various tradeoffs of
performance versus cost and complexity.
It is observed that the existing buffering implementations require a huge amount of FDLs as well as complex
switch architecture that increases the overall cost of the
switch. In particular, switch architecture designed in [13]
uses a single level of FDLs i.e. all buffers are in shared
mode. This model performance degrades with the rise in
arriving packet rate or requires more delay lines to reduce blocking probability. The switch hardware cost can
be better managed with a proper node architecture design
with a better contention resolution scheme involving
flexible delay lines. This design can be further modified
to allow packet circulation in buffers or FDLs. This paper proposed a switch architecture that utilizes the delay
lines in efficient way involving packet circulation to resolve the contention. The proposed node architecture is
presented along with a contention resolution algorithm in
Section 2.

2. Node Architecture and Contention

Resolution Algorithm
Proposed node architecture consists of k fixed length
FDLs labeled as f1, f2.fk each having delay length similar to packet transmission time to keep synchronization.
Conflicted packets are circulated in the FDLs causing
delay in multiples of T and makes nT time unit delay
after n loop circulation. In case of contention for a particular output port let say m, one packet is transmitted to
the desired output port and remaining packets are diverted to the fixed sized free FDLs as per the proposed
Additional output ports are connected to the switch
through FDL lines as shown in Figure 1. The appropriate
FDL lines are chosen through the feedback control
mechanism to resolve the packet contention. If two


packets (packet-1 and packet-2) are competing for same

output port m at time t0, the packet-1 can be send to the
desired output port and the packet-2 is send to one of the
free FDL at time t1 as decided by the FDL control system.
The packet-2 is emergence from the delay line at time t2;
simultaneously packet-1 is transmitted successfully at
time t2 from output port m. Now this port is free to send
packet-2 at time t3. Let us say at time t3 a new packet
(packet-3) competes for port m then packet-2 and
packet-3 are in contention with delay time T and 0 respectively. Now packet-3 is send to one of the free FDL
and packet-2 will be directed towards the desired output
port. Here scheduling algorithm based on delay time is
developed to divert the packets in appropriate direction.
The packets can be delayed through FDL control up to
desired amount of time by circulation. Maximum possible delay time is decided by the signal to noise ratio at
the output port which depends upon fiber characteristics.
Eventually this constraint limits the number of maximum
possible circulation for a given packet with in the FDL
structure. The overall performance of the system is improved as circulation frequency is increased that compensate the additional cost involved for the switch. The
description of the proposed algorithm is illustrated
through a flow chart as shown in Figure 2.
A control structure, maintained inside the control
block of the switch keeps track of the status (0 for free
and 1 for used) of the each delay line, contended output
port (output port number from which packet belongs)
and delay time (how long packet is delayed). A mathematical model has been developed to visualize the internal behavior of the proposed switch architecture. The
model involves auxiliary FDLs to resolve the packet
contention and it is based on Erlang B data traffic model
having data arrival rate and packet transmission time as
and 1/ respectively. Here each fiber consisting of W
Consider an output fiber say F, of the switch, we assume S sources sending optical packet traffic destined for
fiber F. Let the on and off periods of each source be exponentially distributed with common means 1/ and 1/,
respectively. The mean offered load () to the system is
given in [10]:

Figure 1. Proposed Packet Switch Node Architecture.

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Figure 2. Flow Chart for the Contention Resolution Algorithm.

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A switch with M inputs and N outputs can be modeled

as an M/M/N/N queue. The probability that the packet
has to wait for service (i.e. packet blocking probability)
is given by the following Erlang C formula
P ( d 0)

w 1


W !W

i 0

W w
W !W


In the proposed switch architecture, if the destined

output port for the packet is not free, it can be sent to one
of the free FDL for a fixed amount of delay (i.e. equal to
the packet transmission time). Assuming that total delay
lines are D, becomes L = W + D outputs. So now this
can be modeled as M/M/L/L queue. The new packet delay probability can be given by following equation:

P (d 0)

L 1

i 0

L ! L



L ! L

Now the probability of number of packets delayed by

more than t seconds can be calculated by multiplying the
probability of number of packets delayed by time t=0
seconds with the negative exponential of t(L-).
P (d t ) P (d 0) e

t L


By using Equation (4) we can calculate the packet blocking

probability for a given amount of delay time t seconds.
For example for t=1ms gives us the probability of number of packets that will be delayed by more than 1ms.
MaxD = Maximum delay for the packet
St(FDLk) = Status of FDLk (0 for free and 1 for busy)
D(Pi) = Delay for ith packet
Drop_pkt = Drop packet count

3. Performance Evaluation and Discussion

The proposed switch architecture has been characterized
for its packet delay performance and blocking probability
under the influence of varying numbers of fiber delay
lines. The performance of the proposed switch architecture handling eight channels has been evaluated and
compared with conventional switch architecture.
The packet delay for the switch comprising of different
number of delay lines in the switch is computed using
Equation 4 and the corresponding results for delay lines
having 1 to 4 are presented in Figure 3. It is observed
that packet delay probability decreases with the inclusion
Copyright 2009 SciRes.

Figure 3. Packet delay probability for FDLs as a function of

delay time with =5 Erlang.

of more FDL lines. It is also inferred that the probability

deteriorates for a given FDL structure by increasing
packet delay time i.e. number of circulation allowed in
FDLs. It depicts that the effect of increasing the number
of FDLs on packet delay probability is more than increasing 10 times delay.
The influence of traffic load on the delay probability
of the proposed switch architecture has been computed
using the developed mathematical model and the results
are depicted in Figure 4 for the case of delay time to
packet hold time ratio as 1. It is observed that the delay
probability is not a linear function of traffic intensity and
increases rapidly with the rise in traffic at the lower traffic range however this dynamic gradient reduces at the
higher traffic range in case of a normal switch without
FDLs. In case of proposed switch architecture with a
single FDL, the qualitative behavior of the delay probability is found to be similar but with a quantitative difference with a lower numerical value. It is further observed that inclusion of more FDLs in the switch makes
the delay probability still lower values but not with a
significant difference. It is interesting to note that though
the numerical delay for a given load is lower for the
FDLs in the switch, yet the gradient of the delay is
slightly higher. This behavior reveals that in case of
FDLs the traffic fluctuation may cause more variation in
the delay probability as compared to a switch without
FDLs. The packet delay analysis for different time delay
to packet hold time ratio is obvious to appreciate physical operation of the switch. Figure 5 shows the variation
of packet delay probability for the case of delay time to
packet hold time ratio as 10. As we increase the delay
time the delay probability decreases significantly due to
more circulation in the delay lines finding a better probability of the packet to be processed. The curves in Figure 5
are qualitatively similar to the curves in the Figure 4 but


with a more significant numerical difference. The effect
of delay time on packet delay probability with different
number of FDLs has also been investigated and the results are shown in Figure 6. The packet delay probability
decreases with the rise in the time delay in the switch and
this tendency is maintained by further inclusion of FDLs
in the switch. It may however be noted that slope of the
curve is higher in case of the switch having more FDLs
showing a better reduction in the packet delay probability with a slight increment in delay time.

4. Simulation Study

Figure 4. Packet delay probability as a function of the traffic load () for fixed size FDLs.

Figure 5. Packet delay probability as a function of the traffic load () for fixed size FDLs.

Figure 6. Packet delay probability as a function of the delay

time for FDLs.
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The proposed switch architecture has been simulated

having 5 output ports with the varying number of FDLs
from 1 to 4. The request set of varying size from one to
ten units is randomly generated and is repeated 10 times
for each random value. The number of circulation for
each packet is varied from 0 to 3 for the simulation study
and the results are presented in Figure 7. It is inferred
that the throughput is almost equal for lower traffic (i.e.
10 to 30 requests) for different number of delay lines in
the switch. This may be attributed to easy availability of
the output ports for the lower incoming packet rate.
However at moderate traffic rate (i.e. 40 to 70 requests)
the availability of free output ports decreases due to
packet contentions and thereby reduces the throughput
for a less number of FDLs in the switch. The simulation
curves also support the expected results showing a remarkable dropout in the throughput for the case of one
FDL as compared with the four FDLs. It is also observed
from the curves that the throughput difference decreases
for higher traffic rate (i.e. 80 to 100 requests) and shows
nearly the same throughput irrespective of the number of
the FDLs showing the limiting packet handling capacity
of the FDLs. It is observed that the FDLs are beneficial
up-to certain traffic rate after that switch performance is
controlled by input-output ports involved.
The switch behavior for the incoming traffic involving
a three delay lines with different number of packet circulations in the FDLs has also been investigated. The
simulation results have been presented in Figure 8 for the
case of 0, 1, 2 and 3 circulation loops for the packets. It
is obvious to note that no packet circulation loop shows
the minimum throughput as compared to other cases.
These curves also show that the throughput is improved
significantly in case of circulating packets even for the
single circulating loop for a moderate traffic rate. However these improvements are insignificant at lower and
higher data rates due to constraints of the number of input-output ports.
The presented analysis confirms that switch size i.e.
number of input-output ports, limits the throughput and
makes it nearly constant after a given traffic rate. However




packet circulation. Both theoretical and simulated results

confirm each other. An important observation has been
made out that the maximum number of FDLs and the
circulations have a significant impact on throughput for a
given switch. Performance analysis of the proposed
switch architecture for asynchronous packet switching
can be done as future work. Further this model can be
analyzed with priority based packet scheduling algorithm
to control the traffic.

6. References

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Figure 7. Throughput as a function of no. of requests for


Figure 8. Throughput as a function of no. of requests for

packet circulation(s).

this traffic limit is increased by using additional delay

lines in the switch. This switch handling capacity may
further improved by circulating the packets in delay lines
providing the higher probability for finding the desired port at
the output. Number of circulation is a notion of packet
delay time and can be limited by the maximum time delay allowed in the switch.

5. Conclusions
A fiber delay line as a solution of packet contention in
OPS network has been discussed to establish novel
switch architecture with an appropriate mathematical
model to simulate the traffic behavior. Model gives a
more generic solution for the packet conflict problem at
the switching node using FDLs. Packet circulation in
delay lines is the key feature of the proposed method that
improves connection probability up to a significant traffic rate. It also gives better utilization of FDLs through
Copyright 2009 SciRes.

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Copyright 2009 SciRes.

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[18] A. Mukherjee, S. P. Singh, and V. K. Chaubey, Wavelength conversion algorithm in an intelligent WDM network, Optics Communications, No. 230, pp. 5965,


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