Asian Values, Molly Elign, Stanford
Asian Values, Molly Elign, Stanford
Asian Values, Molly Elign, Stanford
Asian Values
A New Model for Development?
This paper explores modernization theory, re-examining the argument that economic
development inevitably leads to democratization. Using Singapore as a case study, the
conditions that allow for the continuance of authoritarianism after economic development is achieved are considered. Analyzing the role of state capacity and mechanisms of
state control, the author argues that institutional, rather than cultural, explanations are
the determining factors in Singapores continued authoritarianism.
Molly Elgin
Stanford University
eral economic policies without democracy. However, even Lee is hesitant to call the Singaporean
experience a model, for it is unclear that Singapores development is replicable elsewhere. In
other places that followed the liberal authoritarian trajectory, such as South Korea and Taiwan,
the ultimate result was a transition to democracy.
It is clear that we need to re-examine these
theories in light of the developments of the late
20th century. With that in mind, I will reconsider the argument that modernization inevitably leads to democratization. In particular, what
conditions allow for the continuance of authoritarianism even after economic development is
achieved? I will look into the case of Singapore
to begin to answer this question and attempt to
elucidate some of the factors influencing regime
Much of the debate on the relationship between regime type and economic development
focuses on the argument of modernization theory, an idea that developed out of the work of
political sociologists such as Emile Durkheim
and Max Weber, but that found its 20th century
voice in scholars such as Daniel Lerner and Seymour Martin Lipset. Lipsets work posited that
political development is a reflection of the social
and economic structure within a state. Though
his work examined a variety of other important
factors, such as enfranchisement and religious institutions, he focused on the effects of economic
development in ensuring stable democracies.
Modernization theory posits that as incomes rise,
ilton Friedmans view of political freedom is common in the United States and
many Western countries. The theory that rising
incomes lead to political liberty is embodied in
the declaration of the United States government
that only nations that share a commitment to
protecting basic human rights and guaranteeing
political and economic freedom will be able to
[] assure their future prosperity.2 Yet, criticisms of the theory that capitalism and democracy are inevitably linked have increased in recent
years. Not least among the critics are government
officials from countries such as China, Vietnam,
and Russia, which, until the recent financial collapse, experienced record growth rates despite
their non-democratic regimes. Do these countries present a new development model with a
diminished role for democracy? Should developing countries look to Singapores experience and
reject modernization theory?
The most prominent alternative is based
upon the Asain values thesis promulgated by
Lee Kuan Yew, the former prime minister of Singapore, to explain how Singapore was able to develop without political liberalization. The Asian
values thesis, as explained by Lee, claims that the
cultural inclination to respect authority and hard
work allows East Asian countries to pursue lib135
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Asian Values
Molly Elgin
dom in Singapore, however, Freedom House assigned scores of 5 and 4, respectively, to political
rights and civil liberties, classifying Singapore as
partly free.17 Polity IV declares: over the past
forty years [Singapores ruling party] has created
a hegemonic party system under the guise of
democratic governance. In number terms, on
a 21-point scale of regime authority, with -10
being a hereditary monarchy and +10 a consolidated democracy, Singapore rates a 2.18 What do
these numbers say about our intuition regarding
the relationship between economic and political
freedom? Is Lipset wrong about the path towards
Does the case of Singapore defy modernization theory? Before analyzing this case, some
background is necessary. Singapore was first a
British trading center and then a separate British colony. Following independence from Great
Britain, Singapore entered the Malaysian Federation in 1963, and was expelled in 1965 as
a result of disputes between Singapores ruling
Peoples Action Party (PAP) and Malaysias ruling Alliance Party and high levels of racial tension that included riots. The violence and uncertainty of the years in the Malaysian Federation
had a profound impact on fledgling Singapore,
and continue in many of the nations policies
today. With tensions between the Chinese and
Malay populations, and a threat of invasion or
forced re-entry into the Federation, Singapores
new government took immediate steps to ensure
national sovereignty. In the first year of separation from the Malaysian Federation, Singapore
joined both the United Nations and the Commonwealth, and began establishing diplomatic
relations with other countries, bolstering the nations international recognition.19 Two years later,
in 1967, Singapore co-founded the Association
of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and established mandatory national military service.20 All
of these steps can be seen as a concerted effort
on the part of Singapores leaders to establish an
international presence and to bolster legitimacy
through external recognition.
At the same time, the government embarked
Southeast Asia
Asian Values
on a strategy to bolster internal legitimacy. To reduce ethnic tension, a Constitutional Commission on Minority Rights and policies integrating schools and neighborhoods was introduced
in late 1965. The countrys hardships may have
aided in its rapid progress: with the withdrawal
of the British, the major economic and security
base of the country faced a crisis. This climate
of crisis helped the PAP to sweep the legislature, providing an unopposed political climate
to introduce drastic reforms. These included
strict labor laws, a family planning program, and
mandatory savings through the Central Provident Fund.21 The reforms, and the general global
economic upswing of the 1960s, helped establish Singapore as an industrial base and led to
its incredible economic growth, which has averaged 9% since independence. Singapores GDP
growth since independence is shown in the chart
below, along with a chart comparing the percentage change in GDP among members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
One often-cited explanation of Singapores
success is the Asian values thesis. Lee Kuan
Chart 1: Rapid GDP growth in Singapore between 1960 and the present.22
Summer 2010
Molly Elgin
Southeast Asia
Asian Values
with civil society groups.25 Infrastructural power, on the other hand, is the power of the state
to penetrate and coordinate the actions of civil
society through its own infrastructure, allowing
for the possibility that the state is a mere instrument of forces within civil society, as opposed to
an organization imposing order from above, as
despotic capacity implies.26
Singapore has both high despotic and high
infrastructural capacity, both of which are very
carefully controlled. In Singapore, maintaining
a careful balance of despotic and infrastructural
capacity ensures the survival of the current regime. Balancing the two types of capacity enables the state to both provide for its citizens and
repress them in carefully calculated ways. First, I
will look into Singapores infrastructural capacity, focusing on the intentional development of
human capital through the provision of public
goods and the process of developing stakeholders
in a non-democracy. Then I will explore Singapores despotic power with a discussion of institutionalized fear perpetuated through control of
information and a lack of independence of the
judiciary. Finally, I will return to Lee Yuan Kews
thesis, looking at some ways in which Singapore
has mimicked democracy and refuting the idea
that Asian values have given rise to Singapores
institutions and economic growth.
In discussing Singapores infrastructural state
capacity, I will utilize not only Manns definition
of the penetration of society, but also Theda
Skocpols interpretation of the capacity of the
state as an actor to accomplish policy goals.27
Concerted efforts by the government to improve
the quality of life of its citizens have yielded impressive results. Singapore ranks 20th in the world
in terms of Gross Domestic Product per capita28
and 25th in terms of the human development index, which captures important social measures,
such as life expectancy at birth, education, and
the adult literacy rate.29 To approximate both
Skocpols and Manns conception of infrastructural capacity, I use the World Bank Indicators
of governance, which measure the capacity of the
government to formulate and implement sound
Summer 2010
Molly Elgin
Chart 3:
World Development Indicators
of Singapores
Political Stability
A.Kraay, and
Governance Matters VIII: Governance Indicators
for 1996-2008
Government Efectiveness
Regulatory Quality
Rule of Law
Control of Corruption
Chart 4:
Regional Context: Government
Effectiveness in
South Korea
A.Kraay, and
Governance Matters VIII: Governance Indicators
for 1996-2008
infrastructural capacity. (2) By, in essence, coopting the middle class, the state is preventing
the formation of social groups that could pres-
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Asian Values
United States
South Korea
Public Trust
Molly Elgin
Southeast Asia
Asian Values
with less state capacity. Singapores policies depend on the governments capacity to sanction
non-compliance, increasing peoples tendency to
defer to the government.
It may be, too, that Singapores size and
economy enable it to exert control more effectively than other countries might. Singapore
ranks 192 out of 251 countries in terms of total
area44 and has a highly homogenous economy
that implies less incentive for competing sector
interests. With no agricultural sector, and about
2/3 of its GDP composed of services, many of
the sector-specific interest groups that arise in
more diversified economies seem unnecessary.
Combined with the states intentional integration of ethnicities, discussed above, this carefully
calibrated control may not be replicable elsewhere.
In light of this analysis, let us return to Lee
Kuan Yew and the Asian values thesis as a rejection of modernization. The preceding analysis
shows that rather than arising from a specific set
of Asian values, most of the deference to authority in Singapore is created and perpetuated by the
state. Careful balancing of despotic and infrastructural capacity prevents the path to democracy. Rather than cause us to reject the modernization thesis, Singapore may be the exception that
proves the rule. Certainly, modernization does
not necessarily lead to democracy, but the case
of Singapore shows us that maintaining a nondemocracy in an advanced economy involves
high levels of carefully calibrated control. What
1 Milton Friedman, Capitalism and Freedom (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1962): p. 8.
2 National Security Council, The 2002 National Security Strategy of the United States of America, White House website, <
3 Seymour Martin Lipset, Some Social Requisites of Democracy, The American Political Science Review (1959): pp. 83-84.
4 United Nations Development Program, Human Development Indicators, UNDP website, <>, taken from World
Bank, World Development Indicators 2007, Washington, DC, aggregates calculated for HDRO by the World Bank.
5 Dani Rodrik and Romain Wacziarg, Do Democratic Transitions Produce Bad Economic Outcomes?, CDDRL Working Papers, 29 (2004): p. 8.
6 Seymour Martin Lipset, Some Social Requisites of Democracy, The American Political Science Review (1959).
7 See the Freedom House website, <>.
8 See Ronald Inglehart and Christian Welzel, Modernization, Cultural Change, and Democracy: The Human Development Sequence (Cambridge University Press,
Summer 2010
Molly Elgin
9 See Samuel Huntington, Political Order in Changing Societies (Yale University Press, 1968).
10 Michael Ross, Is Democracy Good for the Poor?, American Journal of Political Science, vol. 50, no. 5.
11 Amartya Sen, Development as Freedom (New York: Random House, 1999): p. 15.
12 Bruce R. Scott, quoted in: Patricia Cohen, An Unexpected Odd Couple: Free Markets and Freedom, The New York Times, World Section, June 14, 2007.
13 Amartya Sen, p. 150.
14 Rodrik and Wacziarg, p. 205.
15 Prezworski and Limongi, p. 65.
16 Fraser Institute, Economic Freedom of the World: 2008 Annual Report, Fraser Institute website, <>.
17 Freedom House, Freedom in the World Singapore (2008), Freedom House website, <>. Countries are ranked 1-7, with 1 the
most free and 7 the least.
18 Polity IV Project, 2006 Country reports Singapore, <>.
19 US Library of Congress, Country Histories: Singapore, <>.
20 Gavin Peebles and Peter Wilson, Economic Growth and Development in Singapore: Past and Future (Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2002).
21 US Library of Congress, <>.
22 Singapore Department of Statistics, Time Series on Annual GDP at Current Market Prices, <
23 Comments from Fareed Zakaria, A Conversation with Lee Kuan Yew, Foreign Affairs, vol. 73 (1994): pp. 113-114.
24 Russell Dalton and Nhu-Ngoc Ong, Authority Orientations and Democratic Attitudes: A Test of the Asian Values Hypothesis, Japan Journal of Political Science,
6 (Cambridge University Press, 2005): pp. 211-231.
25 Michael Mann, The Autonomous Power of the State: its Origins, Mechanisms, and Results, p. 113; first published in the European Journal of Sociology, available
at <>.
26 Ibid., pp. 114-115.
27 Theda Skocpol, Bringing the State Back In: Strategies of Current Research, in: Peter Evans, Dietrich Rueschemeyer, and Theda Skocpol (eds.), Bringing the State
Back In (Cambridge University Press, 1985): p. 8.
28 Calculated based on a selected country report for advanced economies obtained from the World Economic Outlook Database, October 2008, at the
International Monetary Fund website, <>.
29 Human Development Index, Human Development Report 2007/2008, available at <>.
30 World Bank Governance Indicators, World Bank website, <>.
31 Housing and Development Board website, <>.
32 Singapore government website, Statistics, <>.
33 Diane Mauzy and R. S. Milne, Singapore Politics Under the Peoples Action Party (New York: Routledge, 2002): p. 100.
34 Freedom House Country Reports, Singapore (2008), <>.
35 Housing and Development Board website, <>.
36 Discussion based on DDRL class 2008-10-6 with Avner Greif, hypothesizing the effect of the Catholic Churchs policies restricting the formation of family
ties on institutional growth and development in Europe.
37 Donald Emmerson, Singapore and the Asian Values Debate, Journal of Democracy, 6:4 (Oct. 1995): p. 95.
38 The World Values Survey, <>, selected samples: Chile [2000], China [2001], Great Britain [1999], Republic of Korea
[2001], Singapore [2002], Taiwan [1994], United States [1999], Indonesia [2001].
39 International Herald Tribune, Asia/Pacific section, September 30, 2008, available online at <>.
40 William Glaberson, Paper to Pay $214,285 in Singapore Libel Case, The New York Times, November 29, 1995, World section.
41 See <>.
42 Internet Code of Practice, <>, 1996.
43 Cherian George, Managing Civil Disobedience, Singapore Straits Times, October 10, 2005, letters section.
44 Central Intelligence Agency World Factbook, <>.
Molly Elgin
Molly Elgin graduated in June 2010 from Stanford University with a Master in International Policy Studies, with
a concentration in Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law. She is currently Chief of Staff at the Center
on International Cooperation at New York University. Her main research interests include international influences on political development, political transitions, and economic development, particularly in Asia. She earned
her undergraduate degree in International Political Economy summa cum laude from Tulane University in 2004.
Southeast Asia