50 Tapping Scripts Gene Monterastelli
50 Tapping Scripts Gene Monterastelli
50 Tapping Scripts Gene Monterastelli
To Stop
By Gene
Gene Monterastelli is the editor of Tapping Q & A and the host of the Tapping Q & A Podcast.
He is an EFT practitioner based in Brooklyn, NY who specializes in helping his clients to stop
self-sabotaging and to reach their goals in physical fitness and weight, relationships, and work.
Receive a 10 part guide to stoping self-sabotage with EFT for free at TappingQandA.com
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There Are Too Many New Things To Learn And Not Enough Time
There are so many new things for me to learn...And I know once I learn these things...My life is
going to be so much better...Because its going to propel me down the path...To my new
goals...To my new dreams...But right now it feels like I have so far to go...There are just way,
way too many things for me to learn...And it feels like Im starting from scratch...And feels like
its way too hard...And I recognize the fact...That everything I know how to do...At some point I
didnt know how to do that...Even the most complicated things in my life...I was able to learn
how to do...And if I had to learn...All of these new things all at once...Then it would be
impossible...But I dont...I have time to learn...To learn each individual thing...To learn each
individual task...And I give myself permission to be easy with myself...Taking each new thing I
need to learn...One at a time...Not feeling rushed...Knowing that if I take the time to master it...It
will be something that I know forever...If Im trying to learn too many things at once...Or I dont
give it enough time...It will cause long-term problems...But if I take the time...One at a time...To
learn all of this...I will own it and master it forever...I dont have to be in a rush...I dont have to
be in a hurry...I can learn all that I need to learn...In due time.
I Hate Failure
I hate failure...I hate failing...I hate having a plan and having it go wrong...I hate hoping for
better...And having it go sideways...I hate having things blow up in my face...I hate when things
dont work out...Its OK for me to hate these things...When Im frustrated with failure...When
Im disappointed with progress...When Im overwhelmed with what is going on...That is the part
of me...That simply wants better...That is the part of me...That wants more successful...That is
the part of me...That wants to move forward...I give myself permission...To recognize that when
I feel frustration about failure...It is the part of me that only wants better...It is the part of me that
wants more...I hear the part of me that hates failure...I acknowledge it...And I choose not to live
in it...I choose to hear what it has to say...I choose to respond to that...And I choose to move
on...Its OK to not be OK with failure...But I wont stay in that hate...I want to use that as
motivation to move forward...I want to use that as motivation to take action...I want to use that as
motivation to be fully present to who I am and where I am...I give myself permission to not love
failure...To learn from failure...And to let it go.
I Have Too Much To Tap For And Dealing With All Of It Will Be
Too Painful
I recognize the fact...There are a number of things that need to be cleaned up...There are a
number of things that need to be tapped for...There are a number of things that have been
lingering around...There are a number of things that I just cant seem to get rid of...And there is
so much of it there...It is a daunting task to think how much tapping I have to do...I know some
of it might be really personal...I know some of it might be really painful...Spending time in my
past pain...Is far from my favorite thing to do...Spending time in my past pain...Is far from a
really good idea...Spending time in my past pain...Sounds like no fun at all...And because it
seems like it could be so painful...Because it seems like it could be so much...Theres a part of
me that just doesnt want to tap for it...Theres a part of me that doesnt want to engage in
it...Theres a part of me that doesnt want to get anywhere near it...But I dont have to clear it all
to have success...I dont have to clear it all to make progress...There are actually lots of tapping
tools I can use that arent painful...Whats more important...Is that I do a little bit each day...That
I do a little bit each moment...That I do a little bit in such a fashion...That I continue to move
forward...That I continue to make progress...It doesnt all have to be painful...And I dont have to
spend a great deal of time in that pain...Because it all doesnt have to be cleared...In order for me
to be successful...It all doesnt have to go away...In order for me to make progress...If I spend a
little time...Everyday tapping...I will be accelerating towards action...And moving to my goals.