Bender Gestalt:Administration
Bender Gestalt:Administration
Bender Gestalt:Administration
Administration of the bender- Gestalt II occurs in two phases. Clients are First
requested to draw the design presented to them one at a time. The next phase begins
when the examiner removes the design and the paper with the reproduction on them,
gives client a new blank sheet of paper, and asks them to copy as many of the design
as they can from memory. During the copy phase, the examiner presents the cards
directly in front of the client one at a time. The series of cards presented should be
appropriate for the clients age (1-3 for the Children 4- 7 and cards 5 16 for person 8
and older). Clients are asked to copy each design with a number 2 pencil on a single,
blank, 8.5-by11-inch sheet of white paper that has been presented to them in vertical
position. A sharpened backup pencil should be available in case a client breaks the
graphite on the pencil. Pencil should be include erasers. These verbal direction are
taken from Brannigan and Decker(2003) and are recommendation as a standard
I have a number of cards here. Each card has a different drawing on it. I will show
you the cards one at a time. Use this pencil (give pencil to examinee) to copy the
drawing from each card onto this sheet of paper (point to drawing paper). Try to make
your drawings look just like the drawing on these cards. There are no time limits so take
as much time as you need. Do you have any question?
Here is the first card.
After the person has completed the first design, the next one should be presented
until the entire set of design has been reproduced. Timing should begin immediately
following the presentation of the first design. This sequence should be continued and
the total time noted after the last drawing has been completed. No comments or
additional instructions are to be given while clients are completing the drawings. If the
clients ask specific questions, they should be given a noncommittal answer, such as do
the best you can or begin wherever you like. If client begins to count the dots on the
design 6, the examiner may say you dont have to count the dots, just make it look like
the picture. If they persist, this may show perfectionist or compulsive tendencies, and
the behavioral observation should be considered when evaluating the test result and
formulating diagnostic impression.
Although examinees are allowed to pick up the cards, they are not allowed to turn
them unless they are in the process of completing their drawing. If it looks as if they
have turned the designs and are beginning to copy it in the new position, the examiner
should straighten the card and state that it should be copied from this angle. As many
sheets of paper may be used as desired although clients are presented with only one
sheet initially. There is no time limit, but it is important to note the length of time required
to complete the test, as this information may be diagnostically significant. An observer
form is included that enables examiners to note physical and test taking observation for
each of the design as well as record the scores. In addition to the copy phase a memory
or recall phase is presented. Immediately after having copied the final designs, clients
are given a new sheet of paper and given the following instructions:
Begin Timing as soon as clients begin their first drawing and stop when they have
indicated that they cannot recall any more of the design (after approximately 2 minutes).
Be sure to label the sheet as recall sheet and indicate where the top of the page is with
an arrow. The recall phase provides an assessment of their level of short-term, visual
motor recall. Typically, adult brain-injured subjects are not able to recall the design as
well as person who are not brain-injured. Now I want you to draw as many of the design
that I just showed you as you can remember. Draw them on this new sheet of paper try
to make new your drawings just like the ones on the cards that you saw earlier. There
are no limits, so take as much as you need. Do you have any questions? Begin