How can women maximise their political influence? Does state feminism enhance the political representation of women? Should feminism be
established in state institutions to treat womens concerns? Written by
experts in the field, this book uses an innovative model of political
influence to construct answers to these and other questions in the
long-running debate over the political representation of women. The
book assesses how states respond to womens demands for political
representation in terms of both their inclusion as actors and the consideration of their interests in the decision-making process. Debates on
the issue vary from country to country, depending on institutional
structures, womens movements and other factors, and this book offers
the first comparative account of the subject. The authors analyse eleven
democracies in Europe and North America and present comprehensive
research from the 1960s to the present.
L O V E N D U S K I is Professor of Politics at Birkbeck College,
University of London. She is author of Women and European Politics
(1986) and Feminising Politics (2005) and editor of Feminism and
Politics (2000). She has co-authored and co-edited a number of other
books and has published numerous papers, articles and chapters on
gender and politics.
Joni Lovenduski
Claudie Baudino
Marila Guadagnini
Petra Meier and
Diane Sainsbury
978-0-521-85222-7 hardback
0-521-85222-6 hardback
978-0-521-61764-2 paperback
0-521-61764-2 paperback
Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of urls
for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not
guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.
List of figures
List of tables
Notes on contributors
List of abbreviations
Notes on contributors
Notes on contributors
Notes on contributors
Notes on contributors
Notes on contributors
This book is the result of almost ten years of collaboration by its authors.
Although at first glance it appears to be an edited collection, it is in fact
co-written on the basis of a collaboratively designed research project. The
contributors are all members of the Research Network on Gender Politics
and the State. In the project as a whole some forty scholars from the USA,
Canada and Europe have met over a period of ten years, sustaining a
cross-national, longitudinal research project on gender and public policy.
Since 1995 this network has met to design, conduct and write up research
on state feminism in advanced industrial democracies. As chapter 1
describes, we decided to assess the impact of state feminism on womens
representation by examining the part played by womens policy agencies
in key policy debates since their establishment. In this volume we assess
the impact of those agencies on the issue of political representation itself
to offer a systematically comparative account of how and to what effect
womens movements have engaged the important issue of womens
political representation.
This volume is jointly edited by a team of five. Each member of the
team took responsibility for some country chapters and for assessing and
analysing parts of the model. Each supplied feedback to authors, prepared text that was incorporated into the concluding chapters and supplied feedback on drafts of the concluding analysis. The final manuscript
was prepared by Joni Lovenduski who was responsible for drafting the
introduction and conclusions and preparing the manuscript for
We accumulated many debts along the way. Our project depended
upon finding time, places and resources to meet, to solve problems and to
share research. A number of individuals and organisations have assisted
us. The American Political Science Association annual conference organisers welcomed us to convene workshops around the annual meetings.
Many early findings were presented at the European Consortium for
Political Research Joint Sessions of Workshops. The American National
Science Foundation International Programmes Grant (#9411142)
List of abbreviations
List of abbreviations
Joni Lovenduski
men dominate the traditionally more prestigious areas of economic management, foreign affairs and home affairs. Paradoxically the soft policy areas
in which women are more likely to be found constitute the major part of
state activity and absorb the bulk of government budgets. The patterns raise
the important question of what if any influence women representatives have
and where and how they are able to exercise it. They also raise questions
about the nature of political representation.
What is political representation?
Political representation has many definitions and takes many forms.
A standard and widely cited definition by Hannah Pitkin (1967) identifies
four types of political representation: authorised, where a representative is
legally empowered to act for another; descriptive, where the representative
stands for a group by virtue of sharing similar characteristics such as race,
gender, ethnicity or residence; symbolic, where a leader stands for national
ideas; and substantive, where the representative seeks to advance a groups
policy preferences and interests. In this volume we are interested in
womens access to political institutions and the effects of that access
on policy. Accordingly, we investigate the descriptive and substantive
representation of women as concepts that enable us to compare the extent
to which policy processes in democratic regimes are inclusive of women.
Political representation underpins the legitimacy of democratic states.
Ideas about political representation shape institutional arrangements and
definitions of citizenship. The requirements of political representation
are matters for negotiation, and subject to change. Therefore debates on
political representation are part of the process by which democracies evolve.
Such debates include concerns about the nature of political institutions, the
processes of decision-making and the quality of policy implementation.
Frequently they are constitutional debates directly aimed at institutional
reorganisation. In representation debates definitions of citizenship are
invoked and decisions are made about who is and is not a citizen, and who
may and may not be a representative. Debates about the implementation of
representation policy highlight the inclusion and exclusion of social groups
and individuals. In short, claims for representation are part of the process of
claiming membership of a polity; hence the debates they generate illuminate
the way political actors understand democracy.
Womens policy agencies and state feminism
Since the last quarter of the twentieth century there has been a proliferation
of (state) agencies established to promote womens status and rights, often
Joni Lovenduski
called womens policy agencies. WPAs are sometimes termed state feminist.
State feminism is a contested term. To some it is an oxymoron. It has been
variously defined as the activities of feminists or femocrats in government
and administration (Hernes 1987; Sawer 1990), institutionalised feminism
in public agencies (Eisenstein 1990; Outshoorn 1994), and the capacity
of the state to contribute to the fulfilment of a feminist agenda (Sawer
1990; Stetson 1987). In this book we define state feminism as the advocacy
of womens movement demands inside the state. The establishment of
WPAs changed the setting in which the womens movement and other
feminists could advance their aims, as they offered, in principle, the
possibility to influence the agenda and to further feminist goals through
public policies from inside the state apparatus. WPAs could increase womens
access to the state by furthering womens participation in political
decision-making, and by inserting feminist goals into public policy. Thus
WPAs may enhance the political representation of women. WPAs vary
considerably in their capacity, resources and effectiveness, raising
questions about the circumstances under which they are most likely to
enhance womens political representation. To understand them we need to
consider in detail the part they play in processes of incorporating womens
interests (substantive representation) into policy-making, a requirement
that is particularly important when the decisions are about political
representation itself.
Accordingly, the part played by womens policy agencies in securing
womens political representation is the subject of this book. We can expect
WPAs to provide the strongest evidence of the impact of women on the
political agenda because they ostensibly build women into the policy
process. The comparison of WPAs activities in different countries over
time makes possible an assessment of their effects on womens political
representation in both its procedural and substantive senses. The research
that is described in chapters 2 to 12 addresses the roles of womens policy
agencies in eleven post-industrial democracies. The research question is:
how, and under what circumstances, have WPAs furthered the impact of
womens movements on arrangements for political representation?
In addressing this question the book raises issues about the nature of
political representation in different countries. Do the variations in
arrangements for political representation suggest different ways of thinking about democratic representation? Do those differences impact on
womens representation? How do conventions about representation
affect the capacity and mandate of womens policy agencies? Are
womens policy agencies able to represent feminist movements? What
happens to womens movement agendas when activists collaborate with
the state? These are issues that studies of womens movements have
Joni Lovenduski
femininity that differ over time and across cultures. Thus gender is not only
a set of attributes, it is also a process, gendering, that should be thought of as
a changing contextualised social, psychological and political phenomenon that affects the way groups of women and men define and
express their interests. Gendering therefore refers to the way in which
debates are framed in terms of gender. It is the process whereby
phenomena, such as identities, observations, entities and processes,
acquire symbols based on ideas about men and women. Framing, in
this context, refers to the order, logic and structure in which an idea is
enclosed. Framing may be more or less contrived and deliberate, but it
always affects how we understand phenomena, ideas or events. A strong
version of its meaning is found in the slang term frame up which is the
false establishment of blame through a particular description of events.
The frames that are used to express an idea or event play an important
part in the meaning that is conveyed. For example, to paraphrase Carol
Bacchi (1999, p. 5) womens political under-representation may be
described by equality advocates as a problem of discrimination but by
traditionalists as a matter of womens choices. Framing occurs in policy
debates as competing actors offer competing issue definitions and policy
goals. The way a policy is framed or a problem is defined favours some
interests over others: the definition of the alternatives is the supreme
instrument of power; the antagonists can rarely agree on what the issues
are because power is involved in the definitions (Schattschneider 1975:
66). The dominant frame of a policy debate has implications for
decisions because it establishes the nature of the problem to be solved.
Thus gendered debates are those policy debates framed in terms of
ideas about how the problem and proposed solutions will affect women
in comparison with men.
Gender is therefore an important component of the way in which issues
are framed in policy debates. Policy-making can be construed as a set of
arguments among policy actors about what problems deserve attention,
how those problems are defined and what the solutions are (John 1998;
Mazur 2002). In this conflict of ideas only a few issues are taken up for
action. The problem for womens advocates therefore is twofold: first,
they must gain attention for their issues and the ideas they promote, and
second, they must ensure that the problem is defined in terms that are
compatible with movement goals. The public definition of a problem is
amongst other things a frame that affects how an issue is considered and
Paradoxically gender issues are often framed in gender-blind terms.
Historically the gendering of debates about political representation has
been invisible, built on the unspoken assumption that the political actor
Joni Lovenduski
(the voter, the citizen) is male. Feminist theorists have unmasked this
convention (Pateman 1988; Lister 1997) pointing out not only that
women are citizens, voters and activists, but also that women in traditional
gender roles have made possible the functioning and dominance of the
male political actor. Historically, when issues of political representation
were discussed, traditional gendering went unnoticed until the suffrage
movements claimed votes for women.
Gendering policy debates therefore consists of inserting ideas about
women and men into the discussion. This does not necessarily mean
the debates become feminist, or that their participants support womens
movement goals. Rather, this is a form of process change that, by making
gender differences explicit, provides the basis for a second form of process
change: increased participation by groups of women in the policy-making
process. One womens movement strategy therefore is to insert its frame into
the debate in order to affect policy content and outcome. The purpose is to
frame debates in terms that will highlight the status of women in order
to bring about its improvement. Once successful the movement then acts to
maintain their frames so that the debate is conducted in feminist terms.
Consideration of the gendering of policy debates illuminates how
policy debates are influenced by the womens movement. Do WPAs
insert ideas of gender into the definition of policy problems? And if they
do, are the ideas congruent with those of the womens movement?
Adapting a line of reasoning established by Schattschneider and others
(Przeworski 1991; Schneider and Ingram 1993; Cobb and Elder 1983;
Jenson 1988; Schattschneider 1975), we propose that WPAs may facilitate the goals of the womens movement within the state, not only by
advocating its agenda, but also by changing the terms of debate. In other
words, the WPAs may attempt to reframe the debate to accommodate the
problem definitions made by womens movement actors.
Analysing debates: the model and the cases
To summarise so far, our comparative approach to the study of the
impact of womens movements on debates about political representation
contains a number of elements or variables. For each we expect to find
variation across countries, over time and across debates within countries.
Our model is the product of a cross-national research project in which
authors developed the design collectively, and then individually, as experts,
made assessments of a selected country. The efforts of WPAs are examined
in each country to determine how they behave in relation to womens
movement attempts to affect state action. Each author has selected,
described and classified three debates on political representation, making
Joni Lovenduski
Women's movement impact
Dependent variable
Activities and characteristics of women's policy agencies
Intervening variables
Characteristics of women's movements
Independent variable cluster
The policy environment
Independent variable cluster
Joni Lovenduski
Joni Lovenduski
Policy and movement goals coincide
Women involved in
policy process
Dual response
No response
how they described the policy problem, the solutions they suggested and
whether they mentioned women or groups of women. Attention was paid to
the various ways women were portrayed in the debates, especially to the
images that were invoked of women and men and the significances of gender
differences in the debate. Researchers described the end point of each
debate. This could be a law, or report, or other kind of decision. In the
course of debate tracing, close attention was given to the part played by the
WPAs and womens movement and the characteristics of the movement;
agency and policy environment were classified according to the schemes
sketched out below. To maximise comparability, common variable descriptors were developed for each set of characteristics. These are described in
Appendix 2.
Movement impact
The impact of the womens movement on the outcome was assessed
using Gamsons (1975) two dimensions of substantive responses and
procedural acceptance. The impact of the movement was then classified
in terms of a fourfold typology. When the state accepts individual women,
groups and/or constituencies into the process and changes policy
to coincide with feminist goals, it is a case of dual response. When the
state accepts women and womens groups into the process but does not
give policy satisfaction, it is classified as co-optation. Pre-emption occurs
when the state gives policy satisfaction but does not allow women, as
individuals, groups or constituencies, into the process. Finally, when the
state neither responds to movement demands nor allows women or
womens groups into the process, there is no response.
WPA and QWPA characteristics and activities
The WPAs and their activities and possible interventions are examined
for each debate. For these debates about political representation we also
use the concept of quasi-womens policy agencies (QWPAs). These are
WPAs that are not formally established by the state but operate at state
level to improve womens status and policy influence. All but one of the
QWPAs discussed in the following chapters are located in political parties.
Joni Lovenduski
Feminism is defined as an ideology that seeks to further the interests of women within a
gender hierarchy and to undermine that hierarchy. The authors are well aware of controversies over the definitions of feminism and over what constitutes a feminist outcome.
Thus we do not offer a universal definition of feminism. Instead we accept the prevailing
definition or definitions in each country at the time of the debate. We return to this issue in
chapter 13.
Abrar, Stefania, Joni Lovenduski and Helen Margetts 2000, Feminist Ideas and
Domestic Violence Policy Change, Political Studies 48: 23962
Bacchi, Carol Lee 1999, Women, Policy and Politics: the Construction of Policy Problems,
London: Sage
Bergqvist, Christina Annette Borchorst, Ann-Dorte Christansen, Viveca
Ramstedt-Silen, Nina C. Raum and Au
oor Stynkarsdottin (eds.) 1999,
Equal Democracies: Gender and Politics in the Nordic Countries, Oslo:
Scandinavian University Press
Cobb, Roger and Charles D. Elder 1983, Participation in American Politics: the
Dynamics of Agenda-Setting, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press
Eisenstein, Hester 1990, Femocrats, Official Feminism and the Uses of Power,
in S. Watson (ed.) Playing the State: Australian Feminist Interventions,
London: Verso, pp. 87103
1996, Inside Agitators: Australian Femocrats and the State, Philadelphia: Temple
University Press
Franzway, S., D. Court and R. W. Connell 1989, Staking a Claim: Feminism,
Bureaucracy and the State, Sydney: Allen & Unwin
Gamson, William A. 1975, The Strategy of Social Protest, Homewood, IL: The
Dorsey Press
Haavio-Mannila, E., D. Dahlerup, M. Eduards, E. Gudmundsdottir, B. Halsaa,
H. M. Hernes, E. Hanninen-Salmelin, B. Sigmundsdottir, S. Sinkkonen and
T. Skard 1985, Unfinished Democracy: Women in Nordic Politics, New York:
Harding, Sandra 1986, The Science Question in Feminism, Ithaca: Cornell
University Press
Joni Lovenduski
Hernes, Helga 1987, Welfare State and Woman Power, Oslo: Norwegian
University Press
Jenson, Jane 1988, Changing Discourse, Changing Agendas: Political Rights and
Reproductive Policies in France, in M. F. Katzenstein and C. M. Mueller
(eds.) The Womens Movements of the United States and Europe: Consciousness,
Political Opportunity and Public Policy, Philadelphia: Temple University Press,
pp. 6488
John, Peter 1998, Analysing Public Policy, London: Pinter
Lewis, Jane (ed.) 1993, Women and Social Policies in Europe, Aldershot: Edward
Lister, Ruth 1997, Citizenship: Feminist Perspectives, London and Basingstoke:
Lovenduski, Joni 1986, Women and European Politics: Contemporary Feminism and
Public Policy, London: Wheatsheaf
Lovenduski, Joni and Pippa Norris (eds.) 1993, Gender and Party Politics, London:
Mazur, Amy (ed.) 2001, State Feminism, Womens Movements, and Job Training:
Making Democracies Work in the Global Economy, New York and London:
2002, Theorizing Feminist Policy, London: Oxford University Press
Meehan, Elizabeth and Selma Sevenhuijsen (eds.) 1991, Equality Politics and
Gender, London: Sage
Nelson, Barbara J. 1989, Women and Knowledge in Political Science: Texts,
Histories and Epistemologies, Women & Politics 9: 125
Outshoorn, Joyce 1994, Between Movement and Government: Femocrats in
the Netherlands, in H. Kriesi (ed.) Yearbook of Swiss Political Science, Berne,
Stuttgart and Vienna: Paul Haupt Verlag, pp. 14165
1998 Furthering the Cause: Femocrat Strategies in National Government,
in Jet Bussemalier and Rian Voet (eds.) Gender, Participation and Citizenship
in the Netherlands, Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 10822
(ed.) 2004, Prostitution, Womens Movements and Democratic Politics,
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Pateman, C. 1988, The Sexual Contract, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press
Phillips, Anne 1995, The Politics of Presence, Oxford: Clarendon Press
Pitkin, Hanna Fenichel 1967, The Concept of Representation, Berkeley: University
of California Press
Przeworski, Adam 1991, Democracy and the Market: Political and Economic
Reforms in Eastern Europe and Latin America, Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press
Rosenfeld, Rachel A. and Kathryn B. Ward 1996, Evolution of the
Contemporary US Womens Movement, Research in Social Movements,
Conflict and Change, 19: 173
Sainsbury, Diane (ed.) 1994, Gendering Welfare States, London: Sage
Sawer, Marian 1990, Sisters in Suits: Women and Public Policy in Australia, Sydney:
Allen & Unwin
Schattschneider, E. E. 1975, The Semisovereign People: a Realists View of
Democracy in America, Hinsdale, IL: The Dryden Press
Historically, political representation in Austria was defined in terms of
inclusion and exclusion. Exclusion corresponded with ethno-linguistic
cleavages but was also based on class and gender. Class restrictions on
mens voting were removed in 1907, and women were granted the right to
vote and stand for election in 1918. Suffrage was now universal and equal,
and elections free and secret. From 1918 to 1934 female MPs, especially
from the highly organised and centralised womens working class movement, which was part of the Social Democratic Party, represented women
as an interest group in decision-making bodies at federal and local levels. In
1934 the Christian Social Party abandoned its commitment to parliamentary democracy, and the parties of the left were outlawed. Between 1938
and 1945 Austria was part of the German Third Reich.
After the Second World War the party system was re-established. In the
decades following the war political representation was primarily understood in terms of economic interest representation, and womens representation in parliament hovered around 6 per cent. It was not until the
emergence and growth of the second wave of the womens movement that
the political representation of women became an issue. In the late 1970s
the movement called for a higher percentage of female MPs by linking
descriptive representation to questions of substantive representation, and
womens parliamentary representation began to increase up to 10 per
cent. By 2003 the proportion of women MPs was 31.7 per cent.
Universe of debates
Modern Austria is a consociational type of democracy characterised by a
party state and corporatism. Parties structure all elections, and all office
holders in representative institutions are party nominees and, mostly, also
party members and functionaries. The cabinet is chosen from the party or
coalition of parties holding a majority in the Lower House of parliament
(National Council). The parties represented in parliament are highly disciplined, and MPs vote along party lines. Accordingly, the party or the
coalition of parties in government commands a majority of votes in parliament, and it is able to pass and implement its policies (Pelinka 1998).
There is a complex network of formal and informal relations among the
large interest associations and between them and the government/state
bureaucracy. Negotiations with the social partner organisations, the
Wage Earners Associations on the one hand and the Employers
Association on the other, are often part of the pre-parliamentary stage
of the legislative process (Talos 1996). Political decision-making is synchronised not only by structural links but also by personal links. Leaders
of interest associations are usually MPs or even members of the cabinet.
The most important debates on political representation focused on
womens representation, citizenship rights of immigrants, the principle
of equality in the constitution, and changes in the electoral system. In
1971 parliament passed a new electoral law to reduce the number of
electoral districts and increase the number of seats in the National
Council. The measure gave smaller or new parties a better chance of
winning seats. Although in 1979 the Social Democratic Party (SPO
owed its victory in the national elections to the support by women,
barriers to the representation of women remained. Womens organisa demanded
tions and womens groups inside and outside the SPO
increases in the number of women in parliament and government.
Responding to womens demands, Chancellor Kreisky asked the 1979
party conference to increase his cabinet in order to accommodate the
appointment of four women as under-secretaries of state, two of them in
charge of the promotion of womens policy concerns. In the early 1980s
an action programme was agreed to promote qualified women for highlevel civil service positions. This programme provides evidence of the
symbolic nature of support by male office holders for womens demands.
The outcome of the debate was the 1992 Law on the Equal Treatment of
Men and Women in the Civil Service. In the same year, electoral law was
changed again. Once more the main focus was on the division of electoral
districts. Additionally, the personal element within the voting process was
strengthened. Voters were still required to vote a straight party ticket but
could now cast one preference vote. However, in the following elections
only a small number of candidates received enough preference votes to
win seats. In 1995 and 1996 Green Party women MPs brought in private
members bills that would connect state subsidies and public party
finance to the promotion of women in politics. Both measures were
rejected by the governing parties and thus settled. In Austria a minimum
standard of basic rights was incorporated in the Federal Constitutional
Regina Kopl
Law. Only a very general principle covered equality between men and
women. On the basis of the gender-related principles of the Amsterdam
Treaty of 1997, Austrian feminists mobilised in support of a constitutional amendment on equality between men and women that included
provision for affirmative action to decrease gender inequality. However,
the new amendment was formalised only as a state goal (Staatsziel) and
not as a basic or constitutional right. Universal suffrage is connected to
Austrian citizenship. In the late 1990s, in Austria as in other European
countries, rising immigration prompted questions about the hegemonic
concept of citizenship and led to demands for voting rights for foreign
residents. In 2002 the Council of the City of Vienna decided to allow
foreign residents to vote at city level. However, in June 2004 a supreme
Constitutional Court ruling argued that this reform was unconstitutional.
Debate selection
The first debate selected concerns womens access to cabinet positions
and the chancellors decision in 1979 to expand his cabinet by appointing
four women as under-secretaries of state. The second debate focuses on
the 1993 Law on Equal Treatment of Men and Women in the Civil
Service. The third debate deals with public party subsidies as an instrument to increase womens representation. These debates represent the
life cycle of the representation issue, from the first to the most recent
major debate. They also represent different facets of political representation. The three debates additionally meet the criterion of decisional
system importance given that the debates resulted in decisions made
in the internal party arena, in pre-parliamentary negotiations in the
cabinet and with social partner organisations, and in parliament.
Debate 1: Womens access to the cabinet, 19751979
How the debate came to the public agenda
The first debate on the political representation of women was sparked by
disappointment. During the first half of the 1970s, more and more
) as a party that
women regarded the Social Democratic Party (SPO
supported womens interests, and women became an increasing part of
the partys electorate. In the 1979 national election women of the left,
linked to autonomous womens groups, undertook a great deal of cam and its leader, Bruno Kreisky. In election addresses,
paigning for the SPO
would champion womens struggle for
Kreisky promised that the SPO
not only retained their majority but
emancipation. At the polls, the SPO
also gained seats. However, only one female candidate on the partys list
profited from the gain in seats. In the cabinet there were only two female
ministers and one female under-secretary of state. Matters became worse
when only a few months after the electoral triumph, Chancellor Kreisky
announced a cabinet reshuffle, dismissing the Minister of Health, a
woman. At this point, womens movement activists demanded that the
chancellor and the Partys elite set an example and choose a woman in the
cabinet. Initially Kreisky wanted to expand the cabinet by recruiting two
female under-secretaries of state. The resulting interplay between differ saw
ent power brokers, interest groups and traditional wings of the SPO
this number doubled.
Dominant frame of debate
When the issue came onto the political agenda, it was framed in terms of
injustice. Beyond lip-service on the promotion of women, Social
Democratic men refused to share electoral success. Although women
participated in the party organisation at all levels and in election campaigns through support networks and action committees, there was little
increase in their representation on candidate lists or in cabinet appointments. It was men who controlled access to power.
The dominant frame of the debate changed after the chancellors
decision to increase the proportion of women in his cabinet. Womens
were satisfied, but the opposition
activists outside and inside the SPO
parties, the media and also some Social Democratic Party officials complained that the enlargement of the cabinet occurred at the taxpayers
expense. Opponents carefully avoided questioning womens political
representation, and none of the new under-secretaries of state was
attacked personally in public. However, opponents agreed that there
was no need to enlarge the cabinet.
Gendering the debate
Proponents and opponents pointed out that women in political office had
different perspectives from those of their male colleagues and that they
made a substantive difference in public policy. Women were more active
and involved than men in issues that flow from their different life experiences. In particular, womens position in the workplace, influenced by
their experiences as mothers, affected their views on policy. There was a
divergence of attitudes between women and men on social issues including the role of women, social welfare and environmental protection. More
feminist proponents argued that without womens input, issues such as
Regina Kopl
battered women, child abuse and rape would have taken longer to reach
the political agenda.
After the cabinet reshuffle, debate gendering concerned the role undersecretaries of state played in government. According to the Austrian
constitution, under-secretaries of state are under the direct control of
federal ministers. With respect to their policy mandate, secretaries of state
participate in the Council of Ministers, where the chancellor, vicechancellor and ministers have a vote, but the under-secretaries of state do
not. Their roles are rather ambivalent as they are both cabinet members
and highest rank bureaucrats. The opposition parties soon focused on
this fact by comparing under-secretaries of state to housewives: both were
little helpers (Gehilfen). Opponents both feminists and male critics
argued that by appointing four women as under-secretaries of state
Chancellor Kreisky had reaffirmed womens traditional role.
Policy outcome
Kreisky was well known for his sensitivity to hot issues. Political
representation of women was a hot issue in most western countries at
the time. Two of the four new under-secretaries of state were explicitly
responsible for womens issues, one for womens affairs in general and
one for working women. Kreisky presented this proposal to the Social
Democratic Party executive, which accepted it. As a result, 26.1 per cent
of the members of the new cabinet were female, which far exceeded
womens representation in other decision-making bodies. Chancellor
Kreisky was correct in presenting his proposal as a venture with multiplier effects. It also created a change in atmosphere and male party
officials could not publicly deny or reject womens demands without
great difficulty.
One further outcome was the integration of womens interests into the
policy-making process for the first time at the cabinet level through the
establishment of two womens policy agencies. The under-secretary
of state for the affairs of working women was abolished in 1983, when
lost its majority in parliament and was forced to form a coalithe SPO
). The undertion government with the Austrian Freedom Party (FPO
secretary of state for womens affairs in general took over the mandate of
the abolished unit, and the agency was granted the status of a ministry in
1992. The Minister of Womens Affairs existed until February 2000
when the coalition government of the Austrian Peoples Party (O
and the Austrian Freedom Party decided to reduce the number of cabinet
Regina Kopl
movement at local, state and national level. In the decision under ques
tion it was near the power centre. The Bundesfrauenorganisation der SPO
not only advocated but also pushed and organised for more appointments. It had only a small independent budget and marginal administrative resources. The womens organisation was entitled to make policy
recommendations and to forward proposals to the partys annual conference. Historically, its major policy orientations were directed to social
and welfare policies.
At the time of the debate the chairwoman, who was elected by the
womens organisation, was a moderate feminist. She supported most
demands of the new womens movement but was not a second-wave
feminist herself. She and the womens organisation played an insider
role by gendering the policy debate through emphasising womens
under-representation in politics, accusing the party elite of being unwilling to promote womens concerns, and advocating the establishment of
womens organisation
womens policy agencies. The head of the SPO
advocated demanding the increase of womens political representation in
the partys highest decision-making bodies as well as in parliament. At the
time of the debate she was Minister of Science and she was believed to be
one of the few persons Chancellor Kreisky feared.
Policy environment
Between 1971 and 1983 the Social Democrats had held an absolute
majority in the legislature and Chancellor Kreisky headed a single-party
government. The policy sub-system was very closed because government
formation has always been the domain of party politics. Decisions on
cabinet members are formally made in the party executive bodies. Very
strong chancellors, like Bruno Kreisky, have successfully managed to
make the partys approval of their personal decisions a pure formality
(Muller 1996: 32). The matching issue frame at the beginning of the
debate was expressed in similar terms to those of the feminist movement.
Debate 2: Equal treatment of men and women in the
civil service, 19811993
How the debate came to the public agenda
The 1979 Equal Treatment Law established obligatory adherence to the
principle of equal treatment of men and women in terms of employment,
especially regarding equal pay. This law covered only the private sector
since wage statistics underscored that gender-related income differentials
Regina Kopl
Regina Kopl
package not only within their organisations but also in the media. In preparliamentary negotiations, social partnership organisations from the
labour sector nominated women to represent their interests in the negotiating committee. In parliament, women MPs dominated the final reading of the draft. Forming a cross-party network, women successfully
framed the debate. Most of the womens movement goals found their
way into the final policy formulation.
Womens policy agency activities
The Ministry of Womens Affairs initiated the policy proposal. Its staff,
together with feminist legal experts, drafted the proposal. The policy
mandate of the WPA was a cross-sectional one, co-ordinating all policies
related to womens issues at a federal level. Clearly, the policy mandate
covered the issue under study. The minister, Johanna Dohnal, like all
cabinet appointees, was politically appointed. She was also the chair womens organisation, and in this capacity was a
woman of the SPO
member of the party executive. Using her veto, she was able to prevent
the passage of drafts proposed by other ministers and was thus at the
centre of power. However, the WPAs administrative capacity was not
great. Three separate divisions supported the minister, and every year
there were struggles to increase a modest budget.
The head of the WPA was a second-wave feminist who supported
autonomous feminist groups. Her major policy goals were to increase
the representation of women in political and administrative bodies and
place controversial issues, such as domestic violence against women
including marital rape, on the public agenda. By networking and interceding, she sought to increase her influence (Dohnal 1992). The role of
the WPA in the policy process is therefore insider.
Womens movement characteristics
and the O
The major womens organisations were those of the SPO
The womens organisation of the Austrian Trade Union Federation also
played an important role in the debate. There was only a small autonomous
womens movement, mostly dealing with single issues and projects such as
rape crisis centres, critiques of patriarchy, and lesbian and gay rights. As a
whole, the womens movement was in a stage of consolidation. At that time
womens organisation was the most powerful. Because of the
the SPO
corporatist structure of Austrian politics it was interconnected with
women organised within the trade unions. For instance, the chairwoman
of the womens organisation of the Austrian Trade Union Federation
. Of course these
represented her organisation as an MP of the SPO
womens organisations only hold limited power within the party and trade
union hierarchy and in general have to tailor their ideas to fit the party line.
The advancement of equal treatment policies was an issue uniting most
movements organisations and activists. At the beginning of the debate,
female politicians from the major parties as well as Green Party MPs and
trade union representatives formed a cross-party womens coalition to
promote the WPAs proposal. However, during pre-parliamentary negotiations the womens phalanx collapsed. Brought back into line by their
VP womens representatives as well as female
mother organisations, O
civil servant trade unionists did not support the WPAs efforts to push
through the more radical demand of shifting the burden of proof.
Otherwise, the womens movement can be characterised as cohesive.
The womens movement was feminist insofar as most womens movement actors and organisations portrayed affirmative action and quota
regulations as necessary measures to overcome womens underrepresentation. No counter-movement mobilised to prevent the passage
of the new law. However, there were strong lobbies e.g. employers
associations, some civil servant trade unionists as well as some ministers
and high-ranking civil servants who tried hard to dilute womens demands.
Policy environment
The policy sub-system was closed. Womens movement actors had direct
access to policy formulation as representatives of womens party organisations, as functionaries in social partnership organisations, as cabinet
members or as civil servants involved in drafting the ministerial proposal.
During the evaluation procedure, when all groups involved are asked to
formulate their consent, criticism or rejection of the draft, criticisms came
VP ministers, as well as
from the Austrian Business League and some O
the civil servants trade union, which is OVP-dominated. The most controversial issues were negotiated at the pre-parliamentary stage by several
round tables in which the Minister of Womens Affairs, the Minister of
Social Affairs (male), top representatives of the Austrian Trade Union
Federations womens organisation, a female representative of the
Chamber of Labour, and the General Secretary of the Austrian
Business League (male) took part. The policy frame matched the dominant frame. Especially at the beginning of the debate, it was expressed in
terms that corresponded to womens movement goals. Male allies also
supported womens demands in general. However, on the more controversial feminist issues such as shifting the burden of proof or introducing
detailed affirmative action, support eroded.
Regina Kopl
At the time of the debate, Chancellor Vranitzky led a coalition govern . Since the SPO
and O
VP possessed an
ment dominated by the SPO
absolute majority in parliament, the government was able to control
decision-making. Therefore, the policy environment was characterised
by moderate left-wing control.
Debate 3: Public party subsidies, 19941999
How the debate came to the public agenda
The most important source of income for political parties in Austria is
public party subsidies. Donations have traditionally played a relatively
small role, and membership fees are of less importance as a result of the
decline in party membership. Direct and indirect forms of public party
financing campaign subsidies, funding of parliamentary caucuses and
subsidies to the parties political education activities constituted nearly
half of the parties budgets in the mid-1990s (Sickinger 1997).
In the 1990s the federal deficit dominated public discussion.
International recession, which reached Austria in the early 1990s, and
the costs of joining the EU in 1995 deepened the federal deficit. The need
to consolidate public finance was widely recognised. After the 1994
VP coalition government proposed
parliamentary elections the SPO
an austerity programme, cutting back expenditures, e.g. welfare payments. At the same time, the governing parties opted to increase public
party subsidies. Initially the debate centred on the necessity of austerity
measures to consolidate the federal budget, on the one hand, and the
coalition parties demands to increase public party financing, on the
other. An increase of state subsidies to political parties did not seem
appropriate during a period of budgetary restraint. Protesting against
, Jorg
the political establishment, the populist chairman of the FPO
Haider, successfully integrated increasing public party financing into his
strategy of fighting corruption, mismanagement and waste in public
In the 1994 federal election the proportion of female MPs fell for the
and the O
first time since the 1970s. The two major parties, the SPO
lost seats and sent fewer women to parliament. Womens representation
in the legislature declined from its peak of 25.14 per cent in March 1994
to 21.85 per cent in 1995. Women also remain vastly under-represented
in elective office at a regional and local level (Bundesministeruim fur
Frauenangelegenheiten/Bundeskanzleramt 1995). Faced with the failure
of the party elites to support women as candidates and office holders, the
chairwoman of the Green parliamentary caucus announced at a
Regina Kopl
Not surprisingly, female speakers from the Liberals and the FPO
rejected the term incentive. They described linking quota regulations
to public party subsidies as a coercive measure. Public subsidies should
not determine the composition of political parties or the extent to which
they represent social interests. In the debate during the final reading,
and O
VP representatives declared that parties interest in
female SPO
votes (of the female electorate) should govern recruitment practices
rather than legislative intervention.
Gendering the debate
Both proponents and opponents focused on barriers to womens repre VP womens organisation, as well as
sentation. The chairwoman of the O
Internal party rules make the inclusion of womens organisation representatives on every
list mandatory. But the number of seats reserved for womens organisation officials is
limited. Therefore, increasing the number of female MPs in the national parliament
depends on opening up conventional means of access to elected offices.
Regina Kopl
did not conchairwoman of the LIF and the spokeswoman of the FPO
sider themselves feminists and opposed legislative intervention on
gender relations. In other words, linking public party subsidies and
womens political representation did not unite the womens movement.
Furthermore, many movement actors gave priority to social issues. Faced
with cutbacks in the public sector and welfare payments, which were
detrimental to womens economic situation, feminist womens groups
and actors tried to force parliament to deal with womens demands
by organising a womens popular initiative (Frauenvolksbegehren) in
1997. Increasing womens political representation through mandatory
quotas was a priority only for some activists. During the third debate
no overt counter-movement against womens issues emerged but the
climate changed and anti-feminist attitudes slowly re-emerged.
Policy environment
The policy sub-system in the third debate was closed. The site of the
debate was parliament and the main actors were political parties. Only
high-ranking party officials took a position in public discussion and
legislative deliberations. Non-institutionalised participants were present
as experts at committee hearings, workshops or in the media. With a
and O
VP) were sucmajority in parliament, the coalition parties (SPO
cessful in voting down the oppositions parliamentary initiative.
However, having lost seats in all federal elections since 1979, and con in the 1990s, the SPO
had to cater to
fronted with the success of the FPO
its coalition partner. At the time of the third debate, left-wing control was
further weakened. In that all actors agreed that increasing the proportion
of women was a step towards democracy, the policy frame that initially
shaped the debate met the goals of the womens movement. However,
strong, mandatory measures were not party executives main interest.
Neither male allies nor non-feminist decision-makers supported the proposals to introduce quota regulations and action programmes for women
through the vehicle of public party subsidies.
Comparing the three debates on political representation discussed in this
chapter we find changing patterns of movement impact and state
response. In the first debate (representation of women at the cabinet
level) and in the second debate (Law on the Equal Treatment of Men
and Women in the Civil Service), the womens movement succeeded in
Regina Kopl
getting its demands on to the political agenda and keeping them there. In
both cases the state enacted policies that reflected the movements goals.
On the issue of public party subsidies and the promotion of women in
politics (the third debate), however, the state refused to act on womens
claims even though as in the first and second debates womens movement representatives were involved in decision-making and Social
Democrats had a major say. How can these findings be accounted for?
Analysing the first and second debates we find movement actors networking to achieve their demands. In both cases the issue was of top
priority to the major branches of the womens movement. During the first
debate autonomous feminist groups and individuals joined with women
womens organisation, which promoted the
organised within the SPO
plea for more women in politics. In enlisting the support of the chancellor
had an absolute majority in 1979 the
and the partys elite the SPO
introduced the bill on linking public party financing to the increase of the
number of female candidates and MPs. Nevertheless, the Green Party
was in opposition. As a result of the power structure in Austrian politics,
opposition proposals are only adopted when supported by the majority.
In contrast to the second debate, no womens cross-party network or
alliance was in existence to force their party elites to deal with the
proposal. During the late 1990s the proposal was a priority only for
some individual women and womens groups, but it was not on the
agenda of the major womens organisations, which focused on welfare
policies and social issues instead. The Minister of Womens Affairs, a
newcomer in cabinet, neither advocated nor rejected the bill in public.
Nor did she make use of her position as chairwoman of the SPO
organisation to start a debate on the subject within her party. Compared
with her predecessors she was not supported by feminist groups outside
the party and she was not in close contact with the womens spokespersons of the other parties.
, which had held
Still dominating cabinet and parliament, the SPO
power for almost thirty years, had lost much of its attraction. Unlike in
was at its peak, younger well-trained urban
the 1970s, when the SPO
people, academics and intellectuals shifted their votes to the LIF or the
Greens. Blue-collar workers, who historically sympathised with the SPO
became increasingly attracted by Jorg Haider, the populist leader of the
, who by successfully playing upon peoples emotions was able to
define the dominant discourse.
Summing up, the Austrian debates provide evidence that the success of
movement actors in achieving state responses, in line with movement
goals, depends on the following key factors:
* The role taken by the WPAs leader. Is she willing to go against the
party that appointed her in advocating movement demands? Is networking within as well as outside the political parties one of her main
goals? Do (male) allies holding power positions support her?
* A strong left that is not only in power but also willing to frame issues in
a way that is not always popular.
* A womens movement that treats the issue as a high priority, is unified
in its demands and connected to institutionalised womens bodies
operating within political institutions, such as political parties, social
partnership organisations, parliament and the cabinet.
Bundeskanzleramt (ed.) 1995, Frauenbericht 1995. Bericht uber die Situation der
sterreich, Vienna: Bundesministerium fur Frauenangelegenheiten
Frauen in O
Regina Kopl
Petra Meier
democracy. The argument is that there are as many women as men and
this proportion should be reflected everywhere in society. The Belgian
advocates of parity democracy emphasise that the concept fits well with
the Belgian conception of a citizenship with many faces, and their concern is to ensure gender is recognised as one of those faces. A less salient
debate in the second half of the 1990s concerned the voting and participation of foreign citizens and was partly influenced and crosscut by the
EU agenda on these matters. The issue of representation also arises in
economic and labour market decision-making. Whilst not all of the
examples refer to political representation in the strict sense of the term,
between them they show how the Belgian political and institutional landscape is full of procedures distributing positions on descriptive grounds.
Thus Belgian debates on representation involve several institutions.
The main institutions of political representation are the federal Lower
and Upper Houses of parliament as well as the federal government. In
practice the most important institutions are the governing parties.
Decision-making is strongly dominated by the political agenda of the
parties and the elements of most policies are set out in coalition-formation
This chapter examines three debates about gender quotas in three
different institutions. Debate selection was constrained by the late establishment of the womens policy agency and the nature of debates on
representation that have dominated the agenda since it was established.
Neither the debates on the representation of the linguistic groups nor those
on multiculturalism meet RNGS selection criteria. While several claims by
linguistic groups were settled in the 1990s, those debates had their roots in
the 1960s and were well advanced by the time the womens policy agency
was established. The debates on multicultural society have not yet reached
their end point. Moreover, as we will see, studying other debates than those
on gender issues would make it impossible to understand the way in which
the organisational logic of the Belgian political system influences the
potential scope and activity of the womens policy agency.
Debate 1: Quota for electoral lists, 19801994
How the debate came to the public agenda
The question of the political representation of women first made it to the
political agenda in January 1980. Paula DHondt, a Flemish Christian
Democrat senator, introduced a bill stipulating that no more than 75 per
cent of the candidates on local lists should be of the same sex. The issue
was described in terms of the desirability of political equivalence.
Petra Meier
Advocates sought a society in which both sexes would have the same
political rights and duties (Senaat Gedr. Stuk. 197980: 370/1). The
Council of State rejected the bill on the grounds that a gender quota
would violate the principles of equality and of non-discrimination.
Ten years later, in March 1991, Trees Merckx, also a Flemish
Christian Democrat MP, introduced a new bill. She advocated only a
maximum of 80 per cent of candidates of the same sex, but wanted it to be
applied to all except local and European elections. She also suggested that
at least one winnable seat on electoral lists be designated for the underrepresented sex (Kamer Gedr. Stuk. 19901: 1538/1, 1539/1). The
Belgian electoral system is a proportional list system. And although the
closed character of lists has declined, voting behaviour still tends to
reinforce the list order. Hence, only winnable seats are interesting,
which explains Merckxs focus on eligible list positions. The bill, along
with many others, fell when elections were called a few months later.
From then on the government took the lead on electoral gender quotas.
The first government of Jean-Luc Dehaene declared its intention to
stimulate an improved participation of women in political decisionmaking in 1991. The (Flemish male Social Democrat) Minister of
Internal Affairs, Louis Tobback, supported by the (Flemish female
Christian Democrat) Minister of Equal Opportunities, Miet Smet, proposed to impose gender quotas on electoral lists through legislation.
The bill they submitted to the Council of Ministers stipulated that
electoral lists may contain a maximum of two-thirds of candidates of
the same sex. This principle would apply to the list as such and to the top
and most winnable list positions (De Win 1994). Parties that did not
respect these stipulations would face sanctions, losing, amongst other
things, part of their state subsidy and financial advantages (Leye 1992).
The Council of State did not condemn the idea of a gender quota but
argued that the sanctions were disproportionate (Kamer Gedr. Stuk.
19934: 1316/1). Following disagreement within the Council of
Ministers, a working group was set up, consisting of the chairmen of
the parties in the government coalition. This group seriously reduced
the scope of the bill. It wanted the act to be a temporary measure and
applicable only to local and provincial elections. It dropped the stipulations on the distribution of fe/male candidates over the lists. And it
offered only one sanction: parties that did not find enough candidates
of the under-represented sex had to present incomplete lists (Carton
1995). The Council of Ministers accepted the new formulation of the
sanction and retained the idea that the quota should be applied to all
elections, but only from 1999 onwards. With these alterations the
government submitted the bill to parliament.
A neutralisation of the list order implies that the number of preferential votes for an
individual candidate determines his/her chances of being elected whereas the position
on the list plays no role.
Petra Meier
Wet van 24/5/1994 ter bevordering van een evenwichtige verdeling van mannen en
vrouwen op de kandidatenlijsten voor de verkiezingen. BS 1/7/1994.
Petra Meier
operated since 1992. Hence, we can see that the government took up the
quota act at the same time as a Minister of Equal Opportunities was
established. However, there is no direct link between these two facts, as
will become clear below. In 1993 the Council of Equal Opportunities for
Men and Women replaced the Emancipation Council and the older
Committee on Womens Employment. It can advise on its own initiative,
but its advice is (still) not binding (Raad van Gelijke Kansen voor
Mannen en Vrouwen 1997). In summary, over time the federal Belgian
womens policy machinery rose in the government hierarchy, in autonomy and in scope. In terms of resources such as budget and personnel,
however, it has always been marginal compared with those awarded to
other ministers and state secretaries.
When the 1994 bill finally made it through the political process, the
womens policy machinery was an important actor, represented by the
Minister of Equal Opportunities herself. She was not the official initiator
of the act but she strongly defended the bill introduced by her colleague
responsible for electoral matters. She did so within the Council of
Ministers, within the parliamentary assemblies, vis-a`-vis the press and
last but not least within her party, one of the coalition partners most
opposed to the bill. The womens policy agency gendered the debates.
Like the other advocates of quotas it did so by recognising and criticising
the underlying gendered power relations that characterise politics and
society as a whole. Although the final act was much weaker than that
initially suggested by the Minister of Internal Affairs and backed by the
womens policy agency, we can say that the womens policy agency
promoted feminist goals and acted as an insider. But it had no alternative other than to accept the act.
Policy environment
The Belgian political system is a typical example of a consensus democracy, ruled by a political elite subscribing to a fragile consensus. This
implies a rather rigid allocation of resources. The political system is
closed to outsiders and new actors in the field (Hooghe 1998). Many
issues are dealt with by a small but select club of insiders, most of the time
directly linked to and often mandated by the governing parties. This is
well illustrated by the impact that the chairmen of the governing parties
had on the bill. This logic underlying the policy environment has an
important impact on the womens policy agencies potential scope for
On the whole, the characteristics of the policy environment did not
change substantially between the various debates. Throughout this
Petra Meier
Wet van 20/7/1990 ter bevordering van de evenwichtige aanwezigheid van mannen en
vrouwen in organen met adviserende bevoegdheid. BS 9/10/1990.
had not risen on advisory committees. And even the nomination of female
candidates was not taken seriously in all cases. Male candidates were
deliberately nominated with less-qualified women. The advice of the
Council of State contained only technical remarks. It included both the
principle of applying a quota to the composition of advisory committees
and provision for strong sanctions (Kamer Gedr. Stuk. 19967: 860/1).
The Lower House debated the bill in May 1997, and the Upper House
did the same two months later.
Dominant frame of debate
Once again, advocates conceived quotas as a tool necessary to put into
practice what theory and law promised. But the opinions diverged over
what made quotas necessary. At the beginning of the 1990s the state
secretary referred to inequality in the functioning of democratic institutions. In a normally functioning system more women would be members
of advisory committees. Specific measures were necessary to overcome
the gender bias of the system. The underlying assumption, therefore,
was that the presumed equality of the sexes should translate itself in a
numerical equality at the level of fe/male participation in decision-making.
But the causes of the problem were not analysed. By 1997 quotas were
considered to be necessary because six years of practice had shown
that the 1990 soft approach of stimulating the nomination of
female candidates had not been successful. The Minister of Equal
Opportunities herself explicitly stated that men hindered women from
reaching the top. She cited the notorious example of an organisation
that nominated a male director and a cleaning lady as candidates for the
same function (Kamer Hand. 15/5/1997). Hence, what was considered
to be the cause of the problem and the justification of quotas was
explicitly named. The discourse was no longer on theoretical principles
and in this respect it was more open and radical. Advocates of quotas
also justified their claim by referring to the panoply of quotas characterising the Belgian political system. To them sex was a defining social
characteristic equivalent to the other social characteristics that underlay traditional cleavages (Senaat Gedr. Stuk. 198990: 989/2; Kamer
Hand. 15/5/1997).
The opponents of quotas wondered why gender should constitute a
basis for representation when many other social characteristics, for example,
age, carried no such entitlement to particular attention. They further
argued that being nominated as a member of an advisory committee is
an issue of capacity and not of sex. Finally, they wondered whether
women face discrimination on sexual grounds, or whether they encounter
Petra Meier
Policy outcome
The bill adopted in July 19974 was an update of the 1990 bill. All federal
advisory committees had to consist of at least one-third of members of the
under-represented sex. In the case of non-compliance seats would remain
vacant and advice would not be binding.
Wet van 17/7/1997 tot wijziging van de wet van 20/7/1990 ter bevordering van de
evenwichtige aanwezigheid van mannen en vrouwen in organen met adviserende bevoegdheid. BS 31/7/1997.
Petra Meier
Two legislatures later, in 1996, the issue made it to the political agenda
again, this time in the Upper House. Flemish Christian Democrat Sabine
de Bethune submitted a proposal to declare articles 99 and 104 (formerly
86) of the constitution open for revision. This time the demand was for
equal representation of both sexes. The underlying argument was that of
parity democracy, and comparisons were made with the federal governments policies of linguistic parity (Senaat Gedr. Stuk. 19967: 1657/1).
The Advisory Committee on Equal Opportunities of the Upper House
adopted the proposal (Senaat Gedr. Stuk. 19989: 1584/2) and sent it to
the Committee on Institutional Affairs of the Upper House where it was
ignored. It was not considered during the subsequent debates and was
rejected when votes were taken (Senaat Gedr. Stuk. 19989: 11374/2).
The issue received much the same treatment during the debates in the
Upper Houses plenary in April 1999, which was the end point of the
proposal to declare articles 99 and 104 open for revision (Senaat Hand.
Dominant frame of debate
Touching on the composition of the federal government and embedding it
in the constitution is a delicate matter. As in the two previous debates, the
issue at stake was the under-representation of women and the need to
increase their presence. During the 1991 debate this claim was not successfully justified. Eight years later the advocates of an equal representation of
both sexes in the federal government argued in terms of parity democracy
and of a new political culture. Contrary to the two previous cases, no
explicit reference was made to the causes of womens under-representation.
The argumentation was an abstract theoretical plea for a constitutionally
embedded quota. Actually, the most comprehensive justification for
increased participation of women in political decision-making appeared
towards the end of the decade and not at its beginning when it might have
helped better to justify the claim. Throughout the decade a theoretical
discourse on the issue of equal representation evolved. By the end of the
decade it was known and used by the advocates of gender parity in the
federal government. Arguably this debate was more of a discourse because
there was no explicit discussion of the issue. In the Advisory Committee
on Equal Opportunities of the Upper House, the principle of parity as
well as quotas meant to translate parity into practice was accepted. Their
discussion was of a strategic nature: although the original request was
for parity, some members preferred to claim a balanced presence of both
sexes, arguing that a 60:40 repartition of ministerial and state secretary
posts might be more acceptable (Senaat Gedr. Stuk. 19989: 1584/2).
Petra Meier
Although certain female MPs are convinced advocates of parity democracy, including a strict equal participation of both sexes in all institutions
of political decision-making, they tend to claim less far-reaching measures.
The underlying idea is that the majority might more easily accept a weaker
measure. Thereafter, in the rest of the parliamentary process there was no
debate; instead the proposal was simply ignored. The Advisory Committee
on Equal Opportunities debates were probably framed in such a favourable
way because only advocates of the issue were present. Most of its members
are in favour of an improved promotion of gender equality. Also different
from the previous two debates is the fact that all female MPs present in the
Advisory Committee on Equal Opportunities were in favour of the measures discussed, regardless of whether their party was a member of the
majority or of the opposition. This does not necessarily imply that female
MPs of the opposition became more feminist. Rather, it could be argued
that they spoke in their name and not on behalf of the party.
Gendering the debate
It is therefore not surprising that the issue was gendered in a way different
from that of the two previous cases. What had been implicit in the first
two debates now became explicit. The focus was no longer directly on
gendered power relations. There was a consensus that equal gender
power relations were a problem. But the advocates of parity democracy
went a step further and tried to provide an explanation for these imbalances, thereby highlighting the gendered nature of the basic concepts
underpinning contemporary state institutions.
Policy outcome
The final outcome was the decision within the Upper Houses plenary not
to declare articles 99 and 104 open for revision. This decision was not
defended, arguably because the majority of (male) MPs did not even
think it necessary to explain this decision. While the gender quotas for
electoral lists and advisory committees of the first and second debates had
become an issue associated with a notion of political correctness, the
same could not be said for sex parity in the federal government. Hence, it
was not an issue worth considering.
Womens movement impact
Higher, and later equal, participation of both sexes in the federal government was just as much on the agenda of the womens movement as in the
Petra Meier
The three debates map an evolution in the thinking on the underrepresentation of women in decision-making, escalating from the request for
at least one woman, via the need for more women, towards the conviction
that men and women should equally share all functions of political decisionmaking. There is also an evolution in the way in which the political
establishment reacted to the claims. In the first instance the feminist
claim was ignored. When ignoring it was no longer possible, the claim
was minimised. When minimising was no longer politically acceptable,
rhetorical correction was offered. When rhetoric was shown to be hollow,
a real measure was taken. But the measures did not necessarily correspond to feminist claims; hence the issues reappeared on the agenda. We
described this pattern for the case of the advisory committees, but it can
also be found in the case of a quota applied to electoral lists. In 2002 the
government coalition that emerged from the 1999 elections passed a
series of laws to require future electoral lists to comprise an equal share
of fe/male candidates, including the two top positions.
Linked to the evolution of attitudes towards feminist claims, we can
also see that the identity of the actor putting the issue on the agenda
indicates the extent to which it is accepted. Except in the case of the
advisory committees, MPs put the issue on the agenda first but these
attempts were rejected or minimised. However, when the State Secretary
or Minister for Equal Opportunities puts the issue on the agenda it is a
formal measure. This pattern obtained both in the case of electoral lists
and for the composition of the federal government. As we saw in 2001 the
federal coalition voted for an initiative by Laurette Onkelinx to make
executives include at least one member of each sex, whereas earlier
attempts of individual MPs did not succeed. And once the government
had agreed on the modalities of a gender quota for electoral lists at the
beginning of the 1990s and submitted a bill to parliament, it was accepted
by the legislature. The point is that by the time the State Secretary or
Minister for Equal Opportunities defends an issue, it has the necessary
support within the coalition to be accepted by parliament. For instance,
in the case of the electoral lists several male MPs of the majority openly
admitted that they voted for the bill only because it emanated from the
majority. But this also means that the womens policy agency can defend
an issue only once it has the necessary support within the coalition. Miet
Smet is arguably more of a feminist than Laurette Onkelinx. But when the
last debate first appeared on the agenda Miet Smet would not have found
enough support within the government to impose a gender quota in the
federal government.
All these patterns explain why the influence of the womens policy agency
was respectively labelled as insider, non-feminist and symbolic. Our assessment expresses neither a change of attitude of the womens policy agency
nor a decrease of its power. The apparently less impressive influence over
time of the womens policy agency actually reflects the stage of acceptance
of the issue debated and the functioning of the Belgian political system.
Thus the characteristics of the womens movement are less influential than
the policy environment in securing the desired state response and womens
policy agency activities. Both the womens policy agency and the womens
movement function within a particular policy environment, which to a large
extent determines their scope of action. What is politically acceptable or not
is prescribed by the governing parties. The State Secretary or Minister for
Equal Opportunities, other members of the womens policy agency and
feminist MPs are in the first instance members of their political parties.
This leads to a gap between what they want from a feminist perspective and
what they could defend as coalition partners. In both the first and the
second debate we saw the extent to which the womens policy agency was
unable to achieve what it thought would be a valid solution.
Submission to the general rules of the political game is required from
both the womens policy agency and the integrated womens movement.
During the debates the political womens groups had an important forum
to express their claims in both the Lower and the Upper Houses. But
when it came to voting on an issue, the female MPs mainly followed their
parties. Party positions were inspired more by majority versus opposition
conventions than by gender relations. Attempts to go against the dominant party line, as in the case of the revision of the constitution, proved
impossible. In such cases women were simply outvoted. The problem of
submission to the parochialism of the party elites is part of the reason for
the existence of an autonomous womens movement. They are not bound
by party opinion. They thus have more room to advance far-reaching
claims but at the expense of limited or no formal impact. It seems that the
Belgian policy system to a large extent determined the outcome of the
debates. In this respect the Belgian case presents a paradox. On the one
hand the specific character of Belgian society facilitates a representation
of women as a social group. Yet other facets of this character limit the
scope and effectiveness of the activity available to the womens policy
agency and to the womens movement.
Carton, Ann 1995, Paritaire democratie: een definitieve stap vooruit, Jaarboek
van de vrouw: 7189
Petra Meier
In Finland women gained the right to vote by 1906, and womens parliamentary representation has increased steadily since (Karvonen and Selle
1995: 5; Raaum 1999), rising from 9.5 per cent in 1907 to 30 per cent in
1983 and 37.5 per cent in 2003. In contrast, womens representation at
the local level and in the corporatist structures of Finnish society has
remained lower (Raaum 1999; Haavio-Mannila et al. 1985).
The high proportion of women in parliamentary politics has been
explained by socio-economic factors (womens high education level and
their full-time participation in the labour market), the existence of relatively strong and independent womens political organisations and, last
but not least, the structural characteristics of the Finnish political system
(Bergqvist et al. 1999; Karvonen and Selle 1995; Dahlerup 1989;
Haavio-Mannila et al. 1985). Finland is a parliamentary democracy
with a unicameral parliament and a multi-party system. The electoral
system is based on proportional representation and multi-member constituencies. The open list system and mandatory preferential voting also
make it possible for the electorate to express their gender preferences at
the polls. Traditionally, women have voted for female candidates and
men have voted for male candidates.1
In this chapter, we will analyse the substantive impact of womens
movements and the role of state feminism on debates concerning political
representation. The results suggest a link between womens descriptive
International political research has so far failed sufficiently to take notice of this tendency,
which has been important in increasing womens political representation, although Elina
Haavio-Mannila (1979) initially drew attention to this phenomenon (see also Pesonen
1991, 1995; Pesonen et al. 1993: 74).
and substantive representation in issues that explicitly concern strengthening womens presence in decision-making arenas. The analysis shows
how in such cases, a token female presence translated into critical acts
and a critical mass turned into womens successful co-operation across
party lines (cf. Dahlerup 1988).
Although internationally rare, in Finland cross-party alliances between
women became more prominent during the 1990s on issues that were
regarded as womens common interests, for example, day-care arrangements (Aalto 2003), prostitution (Holli 2004), gender equality policies
and womens representation. Several factors have contributed to the
emergence of such co-operative mechanisms; for instance, the strong
presence of women in parliamentary politics, the relatively strong
womens party sections and the greater independence of parliamentary
representatives vis-a`-vis the party.
Political representation
In the Finnish context, political representation can be understood on two
different levels which, however, are deeply intertwined. First, there is
formal democratic representation in both directly (municipal, national
and the European Union) and indirectly (regional councils, intermunicipal joint companies) elected bodies and politically appointed posts.
The electoral laws, party laws and citizenship laws have shaped formal representation in Finland. Three crucial debates have concerned limiting the
power of parties, restraining presidential powers and extending citizenship rights to non-natives. Gender has hardly featured in these debates.
Second, there are the corporatist structures of Finnish democracy. In
Finland, the descriptive and substantive representation of interest groups
is guaranteed through institutionalised co-operation with the state
(Nousiainen 1998: 106). The stages of Finnish policy deliberations typically include an initial committee proposal, a remittal process, and expert
and interest group statements. The descriptive representation of minority
groups (the Roma and the Sami people, immigrants) is moreover secured
through the establishment of special advisory representative bodies. Two
recurrent themes in the corporatist arena have been criticisms of trade
union power and male dominance.
Selection of debates
The legalistic nature of Finnish political culture is demonstrated by the
strict legislative control of both formal democratic representation and
party activity. The electoral and party laws were set in place at the end of
the 1960s, and thus before the era of Finnish state feminism (from 1972
onwards). Only minor amendments have been made since then, although
in 1998, a single act was created to combine the four separate electoral
laws. The laws regulate the procedures of candidate selection, party
democracy and party funding. Therefore, the cabinet, the parliament
and the Ministry of Justice are the most central decision-making arenas.
Parties are prominent actors but, as a result of legislative regulation, their
influence is restrained (Sundberg 1995, 1997).
For the first debate, a change in the electoral law in 1975 was chosen.
The 1969 electoral law gave the parties a monopoly over candidate
nominations for elections. This received huge criticism. In 1975, the
law was changed to allow again the nomination of candidates by independent electoral associations. The change in the law thus restricted the
power of the parties, which, at the time, was at its peak.
As the second debate, a decision that shaped the internal decisionmaking process of a party is analysed. In 1987, the Finnish Peoples
Democratic League (SKDL), as the first established party in Finland,
decided to adopt gender quotas for internal decision-making bodies. The
SKDL followed in the footsteps of the Green League, which had made
the same decision earlier when it was still a grass-roots movement. The
decision of the Greens set a precedent on internal quotas, followed by the
SKDL, the Social Democratic Party (SDP) (1996), the Christian
Democrats (1997) and the Swedish Peoples Party (2001).
In contrast to formal representation and the functioning of political
parties, the corporatist channel is much less regulated. It has been the
focus of state feminism and womens movements since the 1970s, fuelled
by a growing realisation of the disparity between womens high level of
representation in parliament and their low share in policy preparation
processes. In the third debate, the 1995 Equality Act prepared by the
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health is examined. The final law included
a minimum of 40 per cent of both sexes in all publicly nominated bodies.
As a result of this single decision, the proportion of women in newly
appointed public bodies almost doubled.
The selection of debates thus includes one debate from each decade
of the existence of the womens policy machinery in Finland. The
sample also represents some of the most salient debates on political
representation, as well as two central decision-making systems on the
issue, the party arena and the parliament. The two selected parliamentary laws were also prepared administratively by different policy subsystems, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Social Affairs and
arguments, believing as they did that the patriarchal structures of the party
and its masculine rules of conduct prevented women from full participation
(interview with Mustakallio 2002). Only when more women were allowed
to participate in politics would such barriers come down.
The women were not united in their assessment of the quotas. For
example, in her column in Kansan Uutiset, Tuula-Liina Varis accused
women who had argued for quotas of elitism, and expressed deep scepticism about the significance of quotas to ordinary women (interview with
Mustakallio 2002). When Salme Kandolin was appointed as the partys
general secretary in spring 1987, she immediately denied that quotas had
helped her. This disappointed the activists who had fought for the quota
rule (interview with Mustakallio 2002; see also Alppi 1988).
Policy outcome
The party executive adopted the internal party quota of at least 40 per
cent of both sexes in all decision-making structures in January 1987. The
positive impact of the quota rule was immediately seen at the party
congress that convened in May 1988, where a new executive was elected
(Finnish Peoples Democratic League 1988). Of the 163 representatives
at the congress 41 per cent were women. The new ten-member party
executive included five women, and three of the deputies were men and
two women. This was a clear improvement over the previous executive.
Since then, the SKDL has had a gender balance in its party executive
unlike most parties in Finland (Veikkola 1998: 24).
the conflicts to cause the bill to be withdrawn or delayed. She told this to
parliament in May 1994, urging it to change the law (Parliamentary
documents 1994: 13268, 135960). Two private members bills (Law
initiatives 34/1994 and 35/1994) for the inclusion of numerical quotas
were prepared by the Network of Women MPs in parliament as alternatives to the governments proposal. Mobilisation by women MPs was
also successful within parliament: the Parliamentary Standing
Committee for Labour Market Affairs decided to recommend specified
numerical quotas in its statement to the plenary.
Dominant frame of debate
The debate was framed in terms of gender equality, which was supported
unanimously throughout the debates regardless of ones opinion on
gender quotas. The problem was defined as womens lack of opportunities to participate in policy-formulation processes and the subsequent
gender imbalance in public bodies. It was thought that womens descriptive under-representation had also led to an under-representation of
womens substantive interests in policy-making. Nor was there enough
utilisation of womens resources and expertise in the service of society
either (see Gov. prop. 90/1994).
However, there was a conflict about the causes and solutions of
inequalities. For the right-wing parties and the employers associations,
the causes were to be found at the level of attitudes and the solution was to
change them through enlightenment and education. Numerical quotas
would not solve the real problem. Additionally, quotas were seen as an
inflexible method that would lead to more inequality between individuals. Quotas of men and women would disregard the individual expertise and merits that were required of persons recruited to political posts.
For the left-wing and the majority of female MPs, the causes of gender
inequalities were also considered to exist at the structural level, in gender
discrimination and the exclusive selection practices exercised by the
closed, male networks in society. Quotas would be an effective method
to counteract discrimination and to achieve change, as the Norwegian
example had illustrated. Moreover, many female MPs expressed their
extreme disappointment with the manner in which the Equality Act 1987
had been side-stepped in practice.
Gendering the debate
The debate was framed in a gendered manner from the very beginning. In
parliament, conflicts over the acceptability of gender quotas were closely
Policy outcome
From 1991 to 1995, there was a world record of 39 per cent of female
MPs in the Finnish parliament. The majority of them, across party lines,
supported numerical quotas of men and women and joined forces with
the opposition left-wing party men to form a parliamentary majority on
the issue. As a consequence, the governments proposal, supported by
right-wing male MPs and some National Coalition Party and Centre
Party women, lost the vote in the parliament.
Since 1995, the Equality Act has included a paragraph that decrees that
all indirectly elected public bodies (government inquiry commissions,
other similar bodies, municipal executive boards and other municipal
boards) must be composed of at least 40 per cent of both women and
men. There were also attempts to include similar numerical quotas in the
regulations concerning the decision-making bodies of state-owned companies, but the initiative did not gain enough support. Instead, they are to
have a balanced representation of both sexes.
As a result of the quota decision, in the late 1990s the proportion of
women in newly appointed public commissions increased from 30 per
cent to 48 per cent (Vahasaari 1995; Kaasinen 1996); in municipal
executive boards from 25 per cent to 45 per cent; and in municipal
preparatory boards from 35 per cent to 47 per cent (Pikkala 1999: 478).
Womens movement impact
Womens movement actors (including the Network of Women MPs in
Parliament), government ministers and individual female MPs were central to the debate and they also achieved their goal. Therefore, the state
made a dual response to movement demands.
Womens policy agency activities
From 1987 onwards, the Council for Equality shared responsibility over
equality policy with the Equality Ombudsman, a cross-sectional, judicial,
formally independent official charged with supervising the Equality Act.
Both institutions were located under the Ministry of Social Affairs and
Health. They both played active, albeit mutually complementary and
even conflicting, roles in the policy debate.
In the initial stages, it was the ombudsman who played an insider role.
As the expert on the scope and implications of equality legislation, the
ombudsman and his staff were central actors in the policy preparation
within the ministry and other policy deliberations. Ombudsman Paavo
B General
Aalto, Terhi 2003, Kuka vie? Naiset, politiikka ja paivahoitolainsaadanto.
Tapaukset paivahoidon subjektiivinen oikeus 1994 ja kotihoidon tuen leikkaus 1995, unpublished Masters thesis, Helsinki: Helsingin yliopisto
Alppi, Ulla-Leena 1988, Kosketuskohtia, Helsinki: Kirjayhtyma
Bergqvist, Christina, Annette Borchorst, Ann-Dorte Christiansen, Viveca
Ramstedt-Silen, Nina C. Raum and Au
oor Stynkarsdottin (eds.) 1999,
Equal Democracies: Gender and Politics in the Nordic Countries, Oslo:
Scandinavian University Press
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1989, Odotuksen aika on ohi. Naispolitiikan kasikirja, Koopenhamina:
Pohjoismaiden ministerineuvosto
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Candidates in Finnish Elections, Scandinavian Political Studies 2: 35171
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1985, Unfinished Democracy: Women in Nordic Politics, Oxford: Pergamon
Halsaa, Beatrice 1992, Policies and Strategies on Women in Norway: The Role of
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74, Lillehammer: Oppland Distriktshgskole
Holli, Anne Maria 1988, Tata vaaryytta vastaan ei taistella kukkasin? Yhdistys
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Pikkala, Sari 1999, Sukupuolikiintiot kunnallishallinnossa, Kunnallistieteellinen
aikakauskirja 4: 47383
The Fifth Republic constitution was adopted in 1958 during the
FrenchAlgerian war, in a period of violent political crisis. De Gaulles
text, which was framed to prevent governmental instability, is therefore
grounded in the fear of division. In different ways, and despite numerous
revisions, the political system favours efficiency at the expense of pluralism.
From its inception, the regime was the target of sharp criticisms. Despite
the direct election of the president, introduced in 1962, opponents of the
regime pointed out its lack of democracy. Claims for democratisation have
led to numerous debates on political representation; some paved the way
for the debate on womens quotas. Few of them ended up in reforms.
Decisions about political representation are made at the centre. The
powerful executive, consisting of both a president and a prime minister,
plays a significant part in the decision-making process. Some policies take
place through legislation, others require a special process of constitutional
revision. The voting system falls within the competence of the legislature.
Legislation is made by collaboration between the government and the two
chambers of the legislature. The government controls the agenda through a
system of party government. French deputies (Lower House) and senators
(Upper House) may amend bills, 90 per cent of which are initiated by the
executive. A Constitutional Council, the Conseil constitutionnel, may declare
a law to be unconstitutional, thus making later revisions a constitutional
matter. Constitutional revision must be initiated by the executive and may
be decided either by referendum or by the joint vote of both chambers of
the legislature. Lack of pluralism is the main weakness of the Fifth
Republic. Criticism accelerated at the end of the twentieth century, partly
in response to dissatisfaction with periods of cohabitation in which the
prime minister and the president represented different parties. Renewed
demands for a Sixth Republic were further strengthened by the entry of the
far right Front national leader, Jean Marie Le Pen, into the second round of
the presidential elections, thus excluding the candidate of the left, Lionel
Claudie Baudino
Jospin, from the final round of votes and paving the way for right-wing
control of both the presidency and the legislature.
The main results and surprises of the elections that took place in
spring 2002 may be summed up in three points. First, the far right-wing
candidate Jean-Marie Le Pen, leader of the Front national, won access to
the second round of the presidential election, preventing Lionel Jospin,
the socialist candidate, from playing the part of the expected challenger of
Jacques Chirac. Second, the right-wing parties won both the presidential
and the legislative elections, thus gaining an overall control of the political
assemblies. Third, the low percentage of women elected to the chamber
of deputies, 12.3 per cent (up from 10 per cent in the previous assembly),
revealed how limited were the effects of the so-called parity reform at the
national level. Any account of the wealth of debates on political representation after 1980 must keep in mind this moment of political crisis and
its constitutional implications.
Selection of debates
For the past two decades, debates on political representation have been
numerous and diverse. They have concerned each dimension of the issue:
the representatives, the electorate and the election. However, only the
debates on the representatives and the rules of the game ended up with
formal decisions.
The three selected debates concern the change of electoral system for
local council elections (1982), the change of electoral system for the
parliamentary elections (1985) and the parity reform (19992000). In
the first and the second debates, the rules of the game were at stake; in
the third, it was the characteristics of the representatives. All three debates
took place at the national level. Change to the electoral system was mainly
discussed in the two chambers of the parliament while the parity debate, as
a constitutional matter, was more widespread. It included a lively and
diverse social movement and the highest levels of the state. Whilst the
introduction of the proportional system was a short-lived reform, debates
on the electoral system were of great significance during the 1980s. The
Socialists accepted the constitution when they came to power in 1981, but
change to the electoral systems was a way of challenging one of the pillars of
the constitution without altering it. However, the proportional system was
later said to be responsible for the resurgence of the Front national. The
parity reform also challenged the sexual neutrality of the Republic. It gave
rise to a huge number of articles and debates in the media. From the
Claudie Baudino
electoral system. Somehow the government forgot the gendered dimension of the electoral promise.
Gendering the debate
According to Jane Jenson and Mariette Sineau, presidential feminism
peaked on 8 March 1982 (Jenson and Sineau 1995: 195). Government
failure to include the womens quota in its bill showed the limitations of its
commitment. Nevertheless, the public debate was explicitly gendered.
During the legislative debate, an amendment was put in by an independent deputy in alliance with the Socialist Party, Gise`le Halimi. Founder of
Choisir la cause des femmes in 1971, Halimi had a long track record of feminist
advocacy. Her amendment was well received by most of the left-wing
deputies, who reacted as if the initiative of their feminist colleague
put right an unfortunate oversight. In fact, Halimi was almost the only
champion of a womens quota in the assembly. Her proposal, designed to
gain maximum support, was not very ambitious. Following the advice of
jurist Georges Vedel, she supported a rather neutral drawing up of the
provision in which quotas were put forward as the best way to improve
womens political representation, but their political significance was played
down. Halimi tried to convince deputies that the amendment could be
within the constitution. In gender-neutral language, the amendment
referred to persons of the same sex. Halimis amendment did not request
the symbolic 50 per cent quota. More modestly, she supported the idea of a
quota set at 30 per cent (Halimi 1982; Debats parlementaires 1982). Similarly
another left-wing deputy, Odile Sicard, spoke in favour of the amendment,
arguing that what was at stake was not the political representation of women
but their taking part in the political game. In other words a quota would not
overthrow the system, but would merely adjust its working.
Policy outcome
Passed quasi-unanimously, the amendment proposed that party candidate lists contain no more than 75 per cent of people of the same sex.
A footnote would be useful to explain how the quota went from a
mininium of 30 per cent women to a maximum of 75 per cent of the
same sex. The few supporters of quotas did not really question the place
of sexual difference in the political system. The real outcome of the
process was the rejection of the quota by the Conseil constitutionnel on 18
November 1982, a decision that constitutionalised the issue with significant impact on the policy sub-system (Decision n8 82146 du 18
novembre 1982). The judges held that it was impossible to divide
Claudie Baudino
Claudie Baudino
In June 1981, among the 491 deputies, there were 26 women. They represented 5.3 per
cent of those elected. In March 1986, among the 577 deputies in changing the electoral
system, the reform also increased the number of deputies there were 34 women, that is to
say only 5.9 per cent. The new right-wing majority restored a permanent majoritarian
electoral system for general elections on 22 October 1986.
their support for positive actions. Halimi exemplified this trend. In the
Socialist Party, the group of women who advocated feminist goals had
pressed for a womens quota in the party leadership some years previously. They adopted a clear stand against a policy that considered
women as the immigrants from within (Roudy 1982a: 207). They
objected to a policy that grouped womens interests with those of minorities. In classifying women as a minority, the bill did not match the
expressed feminist description of the problem.
The interest of women in the reform was mentioned but not
questioned. Roudy was the only woman involved in the policy process.
Later, in August 1985, a short debate followed the drawing up of the lists
of candidates for the next election. In an article published in Le Monde,
dith Cresson and
three members of the government, Edwige Avice, E
Yvette Roudy, complained about the low number of women on the
Socialist lists (Le Monde 25 August 1985). Answering them in the same
newspaper, Hele`ne Goldet, a Socialist activist, claimed that caring about
sex on the political scene was stupid (Goldet 1985). By contrast, without
openly giving her support to the ministers, Christiane Papon, a member
of the RPR (Rassemblement pour la Republique, a Gaullist party) and also
the president of a womens association Femme-Avenir, asked for more
women on the lists and talked about quotas as a solution (Papon 1985).
The short exchange of views demonstrated that the low number
of women in the assemblies was not unanimously considered to be a
problem. Although the exchange took place after the bill was passed,
it reveals the lack of consensus and may help to explain why women
did not get involved in the policy process. The silence of women during
the debate ensured that the state did not respond to the womens
Womens policy agency activities
The Minister of Womens Rights gave her support to PR. Roudy supported
the bill but she did not really enter the debate. Activists, however, were
either indifferent to the political representation issue or supporters of
quotas, so the post-debate stand that Roudy took could not be considered
to be supportive of (divided) feminist goals. In approving the bill in the
name of women, she underlined the gendered consequences of the reform.
Her contribution could have been the starting point of a real feminist
approach to public debates. Instead she chose to avoid a gendered way of
solving problems. Moreover she presented her point of view in a newspaper
rather than in a political arena (Roudy 1985). In her article, she reasserted
that the failure of the 1982 womens quota had been a missed opportunity.
Claudie Baudino
She argued that the missed law made the political leaderships aware of the
problem. Her argument was that a gender-neutral approach to the issue
could be relevant. This symbolic activity of the minister was more about
supporting a government that was said to be on the road to ruin rather than
being aimed at the improvement of womens political representation.
In other words, Yvette Roudy entered the debate as a member of the
government, not as a supporter of women.
and women), the term parity also suggests equality between the sexes.
Thus the idea of parity advances sexual differences as a basis for claiming
equality. This combination of difference and equality allowed a wide
range of women activists feminist and non-feminist as well as politicians to support the reform. The ambiguity of the word was an asset in the
first part of the reform process. The term itself is politically significant. In
a way, it worked as a Trojan horse for quotas.
Parity not only convinced but also revived the French feminist movement.
Associations such as Parite, Parite 2000 or Elles aussi were to further the
reform process. In the 1990s, feminist groups and womens associations
gathered together in two main networks Femmes pour la Parite and Demain
la Parite to support the idea of parity. As French feminism has always
been highly divided, it is important to underline that all of these activists
supported the same goal. The development of a great, lively and united
movement in favour of parity was the first factor that brought the reform into
the public debate. The second was the strategy of the movement. The
activists made good use of opportunities to raise the issue: they entered
each debate on democratisation and above all in each electoral campaign to
obtain promises from the political leaders. During the 1990s parity gave rise
to political debate on three occasions.
In 1995, the disappointing results of the 1993 parliamentary elections
and the Beijing International Conference on Women highlighted the
need for reform. Presidential candidates were questioned on the issue.
By then the gender gap in the assemblies was broadly considered to be a
public problem. On 7 April, each candidate appeared before Le Conseil
national des femmes to explain what he or she intended to do to improve
womens political representation. Jacques Chirac, who promised only the
implementation of incentives to nominate more women, was elected. The
dissolution of the National Assembly in 1997 was an opportunity for both
the Socialists and the parity activists. The Socialist Party campaigned as a
progressive force and supported parity. Nearly 30 per cent of the Socialist
candidates were women and the party leader, Lionel Jospin, promised a
constitutional reform. But, once installed, the new government delayed
reform. Agreements between right-wing candidates and far right-wing
candidates during the 1998 local elections generated another debate on
democracy. With most political leaders calling for a renewal of democracy, the parity activists were able to remind them that the improvement
of democracy was also at stake in the parity reform. Accordingly, in
December 1998, the bill to amend the constitution to allow parity was
presented to the Assembly. In each of the three cases a wider debate on
political representation permitted parity advocates to raise the issue of
increasing womens presence.
Claudie Baudino
Despite the serious divisions between the supporters of parity and their
opponents, the debate was framed in very general terms. For example,
they did not really discuss the scale of differences in society, nor did they
enter into a discussion of benefits or consequences in the debate. The
generality of the debate concealed disagreements among supporters of
the reform. It helped parity to advance on the agenda without really
convincing public opinion.
Policy outcome
On 8 July 1999 two amendments to the constitution were adopted
and, on 6 June 2000, a law implementing the principle of equal access
of women and men to political mandates and functions was passed.
The first amendment to the constitution read: The law promotes the
equal access of women and men to political mandates and functions
and the second that: Political parties contribute to the implementation
of this principle (Loi constitutionnelle n8 99569 du 8 juillet 1999).
The provisions are the outcome of a compromise. Initially the proposal consisted only of the first amendment containing the word
guarantee instead of the word promote. Under pressure from the
Senate, the National Assembly changed the wording of the original
amendment and also added the second. This compromise weakened
the reform. The law and political parties are both responsible for its
The law establishes obligations and financial incentives (Loi n8
2000496 du 6 juin 2000). The actual legal obligations for presenting
women as candidates are established only for elections held under systems of PR in France: European, regional and municipal. The law
requires political parties to present lists that alternate male and female
candidates. If they do not comply, they are not allowed to register their
list. However, at national level the election of the National Assembly and
the president occur under plurality rules where, of course, no lists are
presented. The device to ensure parity at national elections is financial
incentives. Parties that fail to present equal proportions of female and
male candidates lose part of their funding. They are not prevented from
presenting their candidates. Financial incentives are less restrictive than
legal obligations. Thus, the rules of the electoral game have narrowed the
scope of the reform. Moreover, as all the provisions deal with candidates
and not with the elected representatives, the law does not ensure parity in
actual electoral results. To summarise, the more important an election,
the less constraining are the provisions.
Claudie Baudino
Originally, the Observatoire was divided into several committees. But it concentrated its
efforts on the political arena.
Constitutional lawyer, human rights activist, Robert Badinter has been a key figure of the
Socialist Party. Minister of Justice under the first Socialist government in 1981, he
initiated the abolition of the death penalty and remains famous for his involvement with
lisabeth Badinter.
the cause. He is the husband of E
Claudie Baudino
them were the numerous associations and groups of activists who sought
constitutional reform.
Activists lost control of the political process. The results of the
recent elections are evidence that parity is yet to be achieved. Predictably
women did better in municipal than in parliamentary elections. Equally
predictably, municipal results were also disappointing. In the first municipal elections, legal obligations for parity only applied to elections held in
towns with more than 3,500 inhabitants. As 34,000 of all the 36,000
French towns have populations less than 3,500, 94 per cent are excluded
from the new parity stipulations: approximately 20 million of 56 million
people in France, and a third of all city council representatives. In the 2001
municipal elections, political parties, public attention and the media
focused on larger cities like Paris, Lyons or Marseilles not mentioning
that smaller municipalities were not subject to parity requirements. The
legal provisions of the parity reforms do not apply to the placement
of women at the top of the list or in cabinet appointments. The 2001
municipal election results show near-parity between men and women
council members.4 However, women have not gained access to positions
of power, either as mayors or as members of mayoral cabinets. Thus, the
male-dominated party hierarchies have not been changed. Mayors gain
office as a result of their positions at the top of electoral lists, and hence of
the chain of command within their party, and mayoral cabinets follow from
list positions. The elections made it clear that there is no shortage of
women in politics; however, for the most part, the women who were
recruited for the municipal elections were newcomers with little political
experience. Indeed, many observers claim that predominantly male
party leadership has purposefully avoided selecting experienced women
politicians or women politicians with feminist records. In other words,
candidate nominations of women were made to avoid challenging the
real balance of power between men and women within the parties.
Another important observation to be made about the impact of the parity
reforms is that they apply only to the number of candidates, not the number
of elected representatives. The logic of the law was to establish an obligation with regard to the input side of elections but not the actual outcome.
In the parliamentary elections, the percentage of women in the
National Assembly did not rise substantially. Political parties preferred
to lose a part of their public financing rather than field sufficient numbers
In towns with fewer than 3,500 inhabitants, women represent 30.05 per cent of municipal
councillors. In towns with more than 3,500 inhabitants, they represent 47.5 per cent of
municipal councillors. When all the municipalities are considered together, women represent 33 per cent of councillors and 10.9 per cent of the mayors.
of women candidates.5 Thus the reform did not restore the balance of
power between the sexes in the assemblies, nor did it change political
practices. Women became involved in the political process but quickly
lost control over it. The debate on parity is a case of co-optation.
Womens policy agency activities
The creation of the Observatoire de la Parite may be considered as a first
step towards the reform. During the 1990s, several agencies were, simultaneously or successively, in charge of womens rights. However, they
were unable to act and were limited to expressions of the idea that
womens representation had to be improved. They did not take a clear
stand on the reform. In the speech she gave for the setting up of the
Observatoire, Colette Codaccioni, the conservative minister in charge of
womens rights, underlined the limited effects of the law (1995). She
argued that only the evolution of political practices could bring about
change. She appeared very doubtful about quotas. But, because two
supporters of the parity reform were to take control of the new agency,
her point of view did not carry much weight in the debate.
The Observatoire was a platform for the movement argument. Although
Halimis report gave a fair account of the different stands taken on the
issue, its conclusion clearly took the part of the activists. Following the
standard strategy of the parity activists, she first brought up the gender
gap in the assemblies, framing her statement in terms of danger for the
institutions. She then showed that the goodwill of the political leaderships
could not achieve equality of political representation. She discussed how
the leaders of the main political parties complained about the poor
number of women in the assemblies but admitted that they did nothing
to reduce the gender gap. The report paved the way for the defence of a
constitutional reform. In December 1996, the first report was handed in
to the prime minister. Although the right-wing government was slow to
follow up this report, a debate was organised in March 1997 at the
National Assembly. On that occasion Alain Juppe, the prime minister,
claimed that women had to be initiated into political practices, and he
The financial incentives introduced by the 2000 law are linked to the public financing of
political parties. The public grant is made of two parts. The amount of the first part
depends on the number of votes obtained at the first round of the parliamentary election.
And, since 2000, if the gap between the number of candidates of each sex is above 2 per
cent, this first part of the grant will be reduced by half the percentage of the gap. For
example, if among all the candidates of a party, there are 60 per cent of men and 40 per
cent of women, the grant will be reduced by (60 40)2 = 10 per cent. The second part of
the grant is proportional to the number of candidates elected at the National Assembly.
Claudie Baudino
constitutional reform. In the first part of the process, both their unity and
their diversity were assets that helped to put the reform on the agenda.
But, in the second part of the policy process, they were divided and did
not design a real strategy; hence they lost control over the process.
Policy environment
It took a co-operative left-wing government to put the constitutional
reform on the legislative agenda and to give the Observatoire the means
of taking a real part in the process. The political swing to the left in 1997
was a key factor for the reform. But the limited implementation of the
laws confirmed that the culture had not really changed. With no legal
obligations applying to parliamentary elections, the gender gap in the
National Assembly remains the same. At national level, the parity reform
did not really improve French democracy. The republican system still
needs to be effectively challenged (Baudino and Mazur 2001).
For the past twenty years, WPAs have been numerous and diverse. Some
of them were short lived, such as the Delegation interministerielle aux droits
des femmes or several secretariats dEtat (junior ministers offices). Others
have seemed to outlive the swings of political majority, such as the
Observatoire. Above all, despite the disappointing results of the parity
reform, their activities have come to be more and more in line with
movement objectives. Two factors can be put forward to explain why
the institutions and the activists have come closer. First, parity was a
turning point in the objectives of feminists. Where once they avoided the
political arena, now activists called for the improvement of womens
political participation. Political representation has become a priority.
Second, the spread of the gender mainstreaming approach in Europe
slowly pushed the institutions to take gender differences into account.
The discourse of parity was an important factor in this process. Since the
late 1990s, the naming and the missions of WPAs have been reframed in
parity terms. Created in 2000, the Comite de pilotage pour legal acce`s des
femmes et des hommes aux emplois superieurs des fonctions publiques has to
promote parity at the highest level of the civil service. In their first report,
its members suggested the implementation of positive action in the
recruitment of civil servants. In the new right-wing government formed
in June 2002, Nicole Ameline is in charge of parity and equal opportunity
at work; her post is titled the ministre deleguee a` la parite et a` legalite
professionnelle (Junior Minister for Parity and Professional Equality).
Claudie Baudino
While early WPAs could not play a major part in the reform processes
dealing with political representation, the parity debate enabled them to
gender their missions and may perhaps in the near future enable them to
gender policy.
Agacinski-Jospin, Sylviane 1996, Citoyennes, encore un effort . . . , Le Monde,
18 June
Agacinski, Sylviane 1999, Contre leffacement des sexes, Le Monde, 6 February
lisabeth 1999, La parite est une regression, LEvenement, 4 February
Badinter, E
dith Cresson, Hele`ne Gisserot, Catherine
Barzach, Miche`le, Frederique Bredin, E
Lalumie`re, Veronique Neiertz, Monique Pelletier, Yvette Roudy, Catherine
Tasca, and Simone Veil 1996, Le manifeste des dix pour la parite,
LExpress, 6 June
Baudino, Claudie 2000, La cause des femmes a` lepreuve de son institutionnalisation, Revue Politix 51: 81112
Baudino, Claudie and Amy G. Mazur 2001, Le genre gache. La feminisation de
laction publique, in Reperages du politique Revue Espace-Temps. Les Cahiers,
76/77: 6880
Codaccioni, Colette 1995, Discours prononce par Madame Colette Codaccioni,
Ministre de la solidarite entre les generations lors de linstallation de
lObservatoire de la Parite, Jeudi 19 October: 6
Debats parlementaires 1982, Compte rendu integral, seance du 27 juillet 1982,
Journal officiel du 28 juillet 1982, p. 4899
Decision n8 82146 du 18 novembre 1982, Journal officiel, Lois et decrets 269,
19 November 1982, pp. 34756
Decret n8 951114 du 18 octobre 1995 portant creation dun Observatoire de la
parite entre les femmes et les hommes, Journal officiel, Lois et decrets 244,
19 October 1995, p. 15,249
Fraisse, Genevie`ve (Propos recueillis par Miche`le Aulagnon) 1998, Une femme
en cole`re, Le Monde, 78 June
Frappat, Bruno 1985, Marge, Le Monde, 11 July
Gaspard, Francoise, Claude Servan-Schreiber, and Anne Le Gall 1992, Au
pouvoir citoyennes! Liberte, Egalite, Parite, Paris: Seuil
Goldet, Hele`ne 1985, Une anerie, Le Monde, 2526 August
Halimi, Gise`le 1982, Des municipales pour les hommes?, Le Monde, 27 July
1999, La parite dans la vie politique, preface by Lionel Jospin, Pais: La
Documentation francaise
Jenson, Jane and Mariette Sineau 1995, Mitterrand et les Francaises. Un rendezvous manque, Presses de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques
Journal officiel 1998, Assemblee nationale, compte rendu integral des seances du
mardi 15 decembre, n8118 AN, p. 10,495
Loi n8 2000496 du 6 juin 2000 tendant a` favoriser legal acce`s des femmes et des
hommes aux mandats electoraux et fonctions electives, Journal officiel de la
Republique francaise, 7 June 2000, pp. 85602
Since its 1949 founding, the political system of the Federal Republic of
Germany (FRG) has rested firmly on the principle of representative
democracy. The framers of the German constitution, fearing supposed
anti-democratic popular tendencies, designed moderating institutions
between the people and the exercise of power. Political parties became
the most important of these. Political scientists have characterised the FRG
as a party-state in which parties make all of the most important political
decisions. The German constitution, the Basic Law, explicitly assigns them
the role of forming the political will of the people (Conradt 1993: 8485).
Parties control access to the legislatures at all levels, in terms of both
candidate selection and group access to the policy-making process. Strict
party discipline, especially at the federal level, assures party dominance.
Germany has a neo-corporatist system in which interests are organised
and articulated in a structured fashion. Interest groups must have state
recognition to obtain formal representation in the policy process (Dalton
1993: 237, 271). Interest representation has traditionally been channelled through four major interest alignments (mainly business and
labour, less crucially agriculture and churches), each with direct access
to the parties and government bureaucracies. Groups outside of these
four categories have had difficulty gaining access to policy channels (see
Conradt 1993: 109).
Womens political representation in Germany has traditionally lagged
behind some other western European countries, but began to catch up in
the 1990s. Today women are represented at a rate above the European
Union average. At the federal level, women comprised fewer than 10 per
cent of elected legislators in the early 1980s, but this number climbed
to 20 per cent in 1990, 30.9 per cent in 1998 and 33 per cent in 2002
(Penrose and Geissel 2001: 98). Womens representation in federal-level
executive offices has increased as well. Before 1987 no more than two
women served as ministers in a given cabinet. Three to five women served
Selection of debates
Policy-making institutions
Major decisions about political representation are made at the federal
level. The lower house of parliament, the Bundestag, passes legislation
under the guidance of the federal government. The upper house, the
Bundesrat, must also approve certain laws. Parties play a central role in
the process by determining the legislative agenda and content in advance
The CSU is the Bavarian affiliate of the CDU. At the federal level, they function as a single
party, though they occasionally differ in their stance on specific policy measures.
The Round Table was set up in the German Democratic Republic in late 1989 as
communist control was waning. Delegates from fledgling opposition groups and the
church met with representatives of the established political system to determine the
direction of future political development, set election dates, etc.
combining the western Green Party and the remnants of the 1989 eastern
movements, formed a coalition committed to opening the German political system. The governments efforts to reform the neo-corporatist
system in favour of a more inclusive representation of interests spawned
new legislative proposals and new debates about political representation
in Germany.
Selection of debates
In this chapter, we examine three debates that have taken place since the
formation of the German WPAs in the late 1970s. The first is the SPDs
1980s debate about a quota system for electoral lists. It provides an
example of party-level decision-making in the German party state. It
further represents two decades worth of debates about who can stand
for election, a central political representation issue in any democracy. The
second debate, which deals with the federal equality law passed in 1994,
is an example of a legislative policy debate at the federal level that
illustrates the importance of political parties and the federal bureaucracies in policy-making. The third debate concerns the citizenship and, in
turn, voting rights of foreign residents in Germany. This legislation,
passed in 1999, was an important component of the Schroder administrations new emphasis on broadening German democracy. Two of the
political representation debates deal explicitly with gender, though they
are not necessarily gendered debates, while the third is not explicitly
about gender.
Inner-party quota rules mean that approximately equal numbers of men and women are
represented on the party lists. The so-called zipper system, common in the FRG, alternates mens and womens names on the list. Thus, regardless of how many seats the party
wins, half will go to women.
equality of the sexes. Since its inception in 1980, the Green Party has had
a fifty-fifty rule where half of all candidates on electoral lists are female.
Quota rules were fixed in their party statute in 1986. The Social
Democrats adopted a 40 per cent quota rule in 1988. The PDS introduced a 50 per cent quota rule at its founding in 1990. The CDU and the
FDP initially rejected any quota regulations, though the CDU eventually
introduced a soft quota (Quoren) in the mid-1990s. The debate within the
SPD will be discussed.
The support of women, equality between the sexes and womens
representation has always been a part of the SPDs programme, but the
reality looked somewhat different. For example, women comprised only
5.4 per cent of the SPD parliamentary caucus (Fraktion) in the Bundestag
in 1972. Women within the SPD, especially the partys womens commission, the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialdemokratischer Frauen (ASF),4 had
demanded a better representation of women for decades. Yet the majority
of the ASF rejected quota rules until the mid-1980s (Weis 1995) and
favoured other ways of increasing womens representation. Even at an
ASF federal conference (Bundeskonferenz) in 1977 most members
endorsed the view that quota rules were not necessary, because good
politicians, be they men or women, would make their way up through the
party machinery by performing well. The conference did, however, issue
a statement with several non-binding demands and proposed correctives
regarding the equality of the sexes. As it turned out these efforts to
increase womens representation were hardly successful. The ASF eventually endorsed a quota rule in 1985 and pressed the topic on the SPD
agenda. Other political realities also affected the agenda setting. The SPD
had been losing votes throughout the 1980s. The trend was particularly
evident in Bundestag elections, where the party lost large numbers of seats
in both 1983 and 1987. In contrast, the Green Party, having successfully
implemented a quota rule, continued to gain votes in this period.
Dominant frame of debate
The dominant frame used by actors on all sides concerned equality
and quality. The German SPD is traditionally a party concerned with
equality at least in the party programme. Thus the feminist discourse on
gender equality was perfectly compatible with the programmatic
One strategic argument claimed that quota rules would attract women to join and vote for
the SPD.
consisted largely of autonomous groups focused on local womens projects and eschewed participation in mens institutions (Ferree 1987).
By the late 1970s, a separate group of women, referred to here as mainstream feminists, rejected the autonomous feminists strategy and
instead tried to influence public policy by working within political
parties, trade unions, traditional womens organisations and state
bureaucracies (Rosenberg 1996). These two movement branches had
ideological and organisational disagreements with each other, with
feminists from the Green Party, and with eastern German feminists
after 1989.6 Thus the movement could not speak with a single voice
on any issue.
The ASF women typified the mainstream branch of the womens
movement. The ASF, having formed during the movements heyday in
the early 1970s, is the most important and relevant part of the womens
movement for this debate. As an organisation within the SPD, it was
clearly very close to the political left. Indeed, during this period the ASF
had become a strong section with a large amount of influence on the SPD
The fragmented nature of the movement makes it difficult to determine
the priority of the issue. In the 1980s feminists still debated whether
women and especially feminists should participate in male political
institutions. The autonomous part of the womens movement was not
directly involved in internal party debates on quota rules. The mainstream feminists, who were interested in womens representation within
parties, supported the idea. Thus, the issue was a high priority for the
segment of the movement discussed here and of low priority for the
autonomous part of the movement.
The counter-movement in the SPD was strong at the beginning, but it
changed during the debate. It became less active in arguing against quota
rules and finally became weaker than the feminist movement.
Policy environment
The SPD itself is the relevant policy sub-system for this debate. The
policy environment in the SPD can be described as moderately closed.
The SPD has a long history of supporting equal rights. In turn, the party
programme maintains that the decision-making process is accessible to a
On the 1970s and 1980s see Altbach (1984); Kolinsky (1988); Maier and Oubaid (1987:
3840); Brox-Brochot (1984). On the emergence of the eastern movement and eastwest
tensions see Kamenitsa (1993, 1997); Kenawi (1995); Rosenberg (1996); Chamberlayne
(1995); Ferree (1995b); Kiechle (1991).
wide range of party members, not only to a few. Therefore, the womens
section and sections of other minorities within the party can at least
claim to take part in the decision process. In reality, though, the elite of
the SPD had been purely male for decades. The official commitment to
openness and equality, however, enabled female party members to criticise the discrepancy and argue for more female representation.
During the early years of this debate, an SPD and FDP coalition
governed the FRG. After 1982 the SPD was the opposition to a CDU
and FDP coalition. So, for the key years of this policy debate, a party of
the right controlled both the executive and legislative branches.
Debate 2: Second Federal Equal Rights Law, 19891994
How the debate came to the public agenda
Since the 1970s, several German Lander debated equality laws dealing
with womens political representation, primarily through affirmative
action in civil and public service jobs.7 In the early 1990s the debate
reached the federal level, resulting in the 1994 Second Federal Equal
Rights Law and a modification of the Basic Law. The federal womens
ministry spearheaded this policy process, which resulted in a national
public debate about womens political representation.
This policy debate has its origins in several places. The collapse of
communism in the German Democratic Republic (GDR, East Germany)
and German unification raised the issue of constitutional reform, because
the Basic Law provided for its own revision in the event of unification.
The unification treaty focused attention on gender and women by stipulating the need for additional measures to ensure gender equality in the
new Germany (Vertrag 1990). In May 1990, the Bundestag requested a
study of the status of women on public governing bodies that played a role
in federal decision-making (i.e. governmental and quasi-governmental
commissions or advisory boards). The resulting 1991 report revealed that
women held only 7.2 per cent of positions on such bodies. Finally,
unification itself raised questions about womens status in Germany.
Compared with women in the FRG, women in the GDR were employed
at much higher rates, had more formal legal rights vis-a`-vis men, enjoyed
more state affirmative action programmes in education and the workplace, and received many social welfare benefits designed to help them
combine employment and family duties. Unification threatened to
For an overview of equality policy issues in Germany, see Nassmacher (1993) and
Berghahn (1993).
remove many of these rights and benefits, including the right to legal
abortion. All of these issues helped place gender equality on the political
agenda in the early 1990s.
Dominant frame of debate
All parties in this debate agreed on the basic problems: women held few
positions in the public sector and fewer positions of authority in the public
and private sectors, they lacked support for combining employment and
family, and the constitutional promise of equality of rights was not a
reality. There was less agreement about who was to blame for this situation. Most parties did not assign blame explicitly. Advocates of a larger
state role implied that the state had not done enough to make equal rights
a reality. Opponents of an expanded state role implied, vaguely, that
individuals were responsible for discriminating or making personal
choices that led to their advantaged or disadvantaged status.
Disagreements about proposed solutions centred around two issues.
The first was whether a statement about the states obligation to effect
equal rights belonged in the constitution. Supporters argued that only
inclusion in the constitution would indicate the seriousness of gender
equality, demonstrate the states responsibility for it, and protect the
commitment from reversal by future governments. Supporters included
the SPD, the PDS, Alliance90/Greens, women in the CDU and FDP,
and many extra-governmental organisations including the trade unions.
Opponents, including many in the liberal FDP, believed that proclamations about state policy goals did not belong in the constitution at all.
They advocated writing and enforcing gender-neutral laws to effect
equality and discourage discrimination. Many in the leadership and
Bundestag caucus of the CDU/CSU simply argued that a constitutional
statement was unnecessary given existing equality laws.
The second area of disagreement concerned the so-called compensation
clause. This referred to measures designed to remedy or compensate
women for past and existing discrimination. These ranged from vague
affirmative action goals to the inclusion of gender preferences in hiring and
appointments. The latter, usually labeled quota rules, were a hot topic in
the debate. Compensation clause supporters wanted constitutional protection for compensatory gender preference laws, so they could not be construed as discrimination against men and thus violations of the Basic Laws
prohibition against sex-based discrimination (Section 3, Article 3).8
They were particularly concerned about several state equality laws that were being
challenged in court.
1991, the Ministry for Women and Youth (BMFJ) became a middlelevel ministry in terms of administrative capacity. Its portfolio is crosssectional, dealing with womens affairs broadly conceived. The issues of
gender equality, womens employment, sexual harassment, and the
combination of career and family placed this debate squarely within
the mandate of the BMFJ.
The minister is a political appointment. Most staff, however, are civil
servants, including many femocrats. They have some influence in shaping
ministry proposals and positions, despite being bound to carry out the
ministers directives. The minister during this debate, Angela Merkel,
was a young, East German protegee of Chancellor Kohl, chosen largely to
give the government an eastern and female face during the controversial
post-unification abortion debates. She was able to act as a feminist
minister in the equality debate, in part, because the government was so
focused on the abortion debate, where she had little political room to
advocate for women (Kamenitsa 2001).
The ministry under Merkel clearly worked to gender the debate. In
speeches, press releases, newspaper articles, interviews and drafts of
legislation, Merkel repeatedly emphasised discrimination against
women and womens under-representation in decision-making positions;
criticised the state for failing to realise the constitutional promise of
gender equality; advocated measures to help women and men combine
careers and family; and argued for more state recognition of womens
economic contributions through household labor (see BMFJ 1993;
Merkel 1993; Frankfurter Rundschau 15 January 1993). Media coverage
and legislative transcripts reveal Merkels influence in shaping this
debate. Although not all of her gendering and policy preferences were
successful, she played a central role in framing this debate in the media, in
her party and in the government.
Although feminists criticised Merkel and her drafts of legislation, she
did advocate movement goals throughout the process, most fundamentally an expansion of the constitutional equality clause. She initially
advocated a compensation clause, but backed away when that proposal
threatened to stop all CDU/CSU discussion of equality law reforms
(Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 17 March 1993). The government and
CDU/CSU likewise rejected other state measures she advocated to
improve womens status (see Frankfurter Rundschau 15 January 1993).
Partisan political realities prohibited her from advocating any quota rules
and from presenting stronger versions of feminists goals in draft
In sum, Merkels BMFJ advocated movement goals and gendered the
policy debate. This makes the WPA an insider in this debate.
Ministry of the Interior press release from 16 March 1999, quoted in Klusmeyer (2000: 10).
Klusmeyer (2000) notes that the CDU used this frame to divide the public on the issue of
reform of the nationality laws.
thus voting rights, but neither did they work for such reform. In a search
of womens movement archive materials, feminist periodicals and the
publications of womens organisations, the norm was the complete omission of the voting rights issue in numerous articles, published interviews
and speeches by advocates of the rights of female foreigners. There were
only a few, isolated exceptions. As early as 1980, one Turkish womens
group in Berlin called for the extension of voting rights to foreign women
as a central criterion for their integration into German society (Neue
1980). In several cases, feminist groups joined dozens of other groups
in organising demonstrations for foreign residents rights, including,
among others, the right to vote. The above-mentioned periodical by the
German Womens Council was the only visible effort made by a womens
group to participate in this debate. The authors were supportive of easing
the naturalisation process, but were critical of the governments draft law
for not going far enough and for not explicitly including women and their
gender-specific issues in the new law. The policy outcome thus fell short
of the demands of the few womens groups who expressed interest in the
debate and was irrelevant to most womens movement groups. According
to the RNGS model, the policy outcome in this case was no response.
Womens policy agency activities
During this debate the federal womens ministry remained a crosssectional, middle-level ministry led by a minister with a political
appointment. With the election of a SPD-Green government, a more
feminist minister was appointed. This issue, however, was not within or
adjacent to the mandate of the ministry despite the fact that many of the
people affected by the legal reform were women. Instead, the mandate
for this issue rested squarely with the Ministry of the Interior.
Our research revealed no comments about or engagement in this debate
by the womens ministry. We found no evidence of efforts to gender this
debate, nor any advocacy of womens movement goals. Thus, the womens
policy agencys role was symbolic in this policy debate.
Womens movement characteristics
As noted above, the German womens movement in the 1990s was
divided and in decline. It was close to the traditional political left during
this debate. Mainstream feminists active in the SPD could, theoretically,
have had influence and did address another immigration issue. As noted
above, several womens movement groups and activists did focus on other
immigration issues, specifically the rights of abused and divorced foreign
women, but not on citizenship and voting rights. Thus, this debate was a
low priority for the womens movement at this time. Because the
womens movement was not engaged in the voting rights debate, there
was no counter-movement to oppose it.
Policy environment
During the electoral campaign that marks the beginning of this debate,
the conservative CDU controlled both the executive and the lower house
of parliament. During the period when the legislation was debated and
passed, however, the political left controlled the executive and both
houses of parliament.
The new SPD government did make efforts to open up the policy
process, but the realities of German parliamentary procedure left the
policy sub-system around this issue moderately closed. The political
parties and their parliamentary groups continued to dominate the subsystem. Inter-party negotiations about legislative content, the actual
drafting of legislation and the determination of which outside groups
could participate in the process were all controlled by the parties and
the government of the day.
The cases discussed here represent very different outcomes in terms of
state response/movement impact and WPA activities. Policy outcome did
not coincide with movement goals in the second debate, which ended in
co-optation, or the third debate, which ended with no response. Only in
the first debate, which took place within a political party, was there dual
response to movement efforts. The role of the WPA was symbolic in
the SPD-quota and citizenship debates (first and third debates) and
that of an insider in the equality law debate (second debate), although
movement goals were not achieved in the latter.
The characteristics of the WPA did not vary much across the three
debates and the variation generally did not correspond to differences in
WPA activities or state response. The one partial exception is the closeness to mandate. The WPA was most active in the one debate (the
second) where the issue was close to its mandate in terms of structure
and substance. In the other two debates, the WPA was either structurally
excluded (the first) or the substance was never framed as a womens
issue (the third). However, the one quasi-WPA included in this study,
the ASF in the SPD-quota debate (the first debate), played a central role
in achieving womens movement goals.
1995b, Patriarchies and Feminisms: the Two Womens Movements of PostUnification Germany, Social Politics 2: 1124
Geissel, Brigitte 1999, Politikerinnen: Politisierung und Partizipation auf kommunaler Ebene, Opladen: Leske und Budrich
Hailbronner, Kay 2000, Fifty Years of the Basic Law Migration, Citizenship,
and Asylum, SMU Law Review 53: 51942
Hoecker, Beate (ed.) 1998, Handbuch politische Partizipation von Frauen in Europa,
Opladen: Leske und Budrich
Jahresbericht der Bundesregierung 1979, Bonn: Presse- und Informationsamt der
Jansen, Mechthild 1994, Gleiches Recht ist unverbindlich, Die Tageszeitung
3 May
1995, Wo die Quote erfullt ist, beginnt demokratische Geschlechterpolitik,
Die Tageszeitung 25 July
Kamenitsa, Lynn 1993, Social Movement Marginalization in the Democratic
Transition: the Case of the East German Womens Movement, Ph.D.
dissertation, Indiana University
1997, East German Feminists in the New German Democracy: Opportunities,
Obstacles and Adaptation, Women & Politics 17: 4168
2001, Abortion Debates in Germany, in Dorothy McBride Stetson (ed.)
Abortion Politics, Womens Movements, and the Democratic State: a Comparative
Study of State Feminism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 11134
Kenawi, Samirah 1995, Frauengruppen in der DDR der 80er Jahre, Berlin: Grauzone
Kiechle, Brigitte 1991, Selbstbestimmung statt Fremdbestimmung: zur aktuellen
Auseinandersetzung um den x218, Frankfurt am Main: isp-Verlag
Klusmeyer, Douglas 2000, Four Dimensions of Membership in Germany,
SA/IS Review 20: 121
Kolinsky, Eva 1988, The West German Greens a Womens Party?
Parliamentary Affairs 41: 12948
Lieber, Dorotea 1999, Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser, Informationen fur die Frau 48
(March): 3
Maier, Marion and Monika Oubaid 1987, Mutter die besseren Frauen,
Braunschweig: Gerd J. Holtzmeyer
Merkel, Angela 1993, Von Frauenministerin zu Frauenministerin, Frankfurter
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Meyer, Birgit 1992, Die unpolitische Frau, Politische Partizipation von
Frauen oder: Haben Frauen ein anderes Verstandnis von Politik, Aus
Politik und Zeitgeschichte 2526: 318
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Nassmacher, Hiltrud 1993, Von der Gleichberechtigung zur Gleichstellung, in
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Penrose, Virginia and Brigitte Geissel 2001, The Long Run: Partizipation und
Engagement unter geschlechtsspezifischen Zusammenhangen, in Ulrike
In Italy, the concept of democracy has long been thought of as a means to
represent social and political divisions. The need to guarantee access to
decision-making arenas for the greatest number of social demands
explains why, after the Second World War, a proportional-type electoral
system with no minimum threshold was adopted. The results were a
multi-party system and coalition governments (Verzichelli and Cotta
2003). Until the 1990s there was no alternation of government coalitions,
but merely changes in coalition partners of the dominant Christian
Democrats. After the late 1970s widespread discontent about the
unstable and inefficient government coalitions increased and a debate
about constitutional reforms developed.
By the early 1990s, discontent had become crisis. The legitimacy of the
political elite collapsed leading to a widespread call for its replacement.
Party identities dissolved and organisations disintegrated, making way for
the rapid emergence of new political forces. The crisis accelerated the
adoption of new institutional rules. Although there were many contributing
factors (Cotta and Isernia 1996; Ginsborg 1996; Pasquino 2002), the
determining event was the Mani pulite (Clean Hands) investigation
launched by the judiciary in 1992. Mani pulite brought to light a widespread
pattern of corruption involving the highest levels of the Italian political elite.
It led to the dismantling of the party system. It focused on the government
parties and, in particular, on their leaders. Between 1992 and 1994 the
collapse of the party system involved an internal reorganisation whereby the
original parties were replaced and new political forces created (Morlino
1996; Bardi 2002). None of the governing parties in power between 1945
and 1992 stood for election in 1994 with the same logo and same name.
The crisis opened a public debate on the role of the political parties. Their
capacity as organisations able to represent citizens was questioned. The
need to adopt new rules of the political game was debated. Between 1993
and 2003, a series of reforms was adopted, including changes in the local
The percentage of women in the Lower House (Chamber of Deputies) was 5.6 per cent in
1953, 2.8 per cent in 1968, 8.4 per cent in 1976, 12.8 per cent in 1987 and 8.1 per cent in
1992 (Guadagnini 1993).
It deals with the following laws: the amendment for the statutes of the autonomous regions
(Constitutional Law 31 January 2001, n. 2) giving the law-maker the power to adopt
measures suitable for promoting equal access to elective posts for both men and women,
and the amendment to Titolo V of the constitution Part II (Constitutional Law
18 October 2001, n. 3) (replacing article 117 of the constitution) 1st para., seventh new
line. This amendment provides that regional laws remove any obstacles preventing
equality of women and men in social, cultural and economical life and promote equal
access to elective posts for both men and women.
Marila Guadagnini
Besides the voting system for the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, the voting systems
for the election of municipal, provincial and regional councils were also reformed by
introducing the direct election of the mayor, of the chairperson of the province (provincia)
and the chairperson of the region (regione).
Marila Guadagnini
At the 1991 party congress at Rimini the Occhetto proposal was accepted
by a majority of delegates (64.1 per cent) and a new party was formed with
a new name and a new symbol. The dissident minority formed a second
party, the Communist Refoundation (RC), which claimed to be the true
heir of the old PCI, a claim that it signalled by maintaining the old party
symbol (Bertolino 2004). The transformation process was characterised by
a lively debate that involved PCI members, party officials and leaders, and
received broad media coverage.
Dominant frame of debate
Between 1989 and 1991 debate turned to whether or not to abandon
ideological and organisational tradition along with the name and symbol of
the PCI. The question divided the party and the debate led to the formation
of two new political forces. The PDS debate focused on the ideological
redefinition of the party (the creation of a social democratic party based on
European examples) and on the reform of internal organisation to bring
about democratisation of the decision-making process, a streamlining of
the bureaucratic apparatus and a turnover of the political elite (Baccetti
1997; Ignazi 1992). Matters concerning political representation included
the procedures for the election of decision-making bodies, the selection
of candidates and the promotion of members participation in decisionmaking.
A central issue was who the party should represent and how representation should be guaranteed in a bottom-up rather than top-down
decision-making process. The new party embraced as its fundamental
values freedom, equality and equal opportunities. Therefore, womens
demands for representation were compatible with a programmatic
approach aimed at democratising the party and ensuring representation
of the greatest number of social groups.
Gendering the debate
Women were very active in the tumultuous phase leading to the creation
of the PDS. At the Rimini conference the majority of women delegates
voted for the creation of the new party, thus gaining the support of the
partys secretary Occhetto and many other leaders of the new party.
During the debate, women demanded both descriptive and substantive
representation. The demands were a continuation of old business, of
claims made and won in the old PCI. By 1986 PCI women had already
obtained a minimum threshold (25 per cent) for womens representation in
the partys executive board and in party delegations. In 1989 the percentage
was raised to 33 per cent (Guadagnini 1993). In 1986, the womens section
of the PCI, chaired by Livia Turco, drafted and published a document, the
Womens Charter (Carta delle donne). The charter provided an overview
of the way the request for womens representation was framed and the
kind of strategies to be adopted. The point of departure was that the
power of women can only come from women themselves. Only women
can represent women since sexual difference must be considered as one of
the elements upon which society is founded. By publishing and disseminating the charter, the PCI activists launched a wide-ranging debate
drawing in women from autonomous feminist groups, cultural centres,
trade unions, associations, the universities and the labour market, trying
to create a network of mobilisation and support outside the party. At the
end of the 1980s, the womens movement in the PCI was very lively. It
was becoming consolidated. There were by then a number of women
(about 30 per cent) in party decision-making bodies.
In the debate, women activists, officials and MPs wanted the new PDS
not only to include quotas for the presence of women in the partys
decision-making bodies and on candidate lists, but also to express the
point of view of women in the party programme. Crucial actors who
gendered the debate included some prominent women in the party, in
particular Livia Turco (who became a minister in the centre-left governments of the 1990s) and members of womens sections. Support also
came from a number of party leaders and officials who were convinced
that acceptance of womens demands would help consolidate a new
image of the party in contrast with the old PCI, both in terms of its
political elite and in its ideological content and programmes. Many
thought that reform would help increase the appeal of the party to
women voters (who, in Italy, had always tended to vote for centre parties,
especially for the Christian Democratic Party).
Policy outcome
The demands for womens representation were accepted in the new
party. This can be seen in three features of the regulations adopted in
1991. First, the PDS defined itself as a party of women and men that
proposed to create a society made to the measure of both sexes and
achieving full equal opportunities between women and men. Second, it
established quotas for the representation of women in all of the partys
decision-making bodies, delegations at congresses, and in candidate lists
on which neither of the sexes could constitute less than 40 per cent.
Finally, the new PDS provided for the establishment of womens
committees and sections within the party.
Marila Guadagnini
Marila Guadagnini
Policy environment
In this debate, the PDS itself was the relevant policy sub-system. The new
partys regulations stated that the decision-making process should be open
to a wide range of party members. The official commitment of the new
PDS to openness and to equality enabled feminists, at least on paper, to
achieve their goals. The policy environment in the PDS can be described
as moderately open. During the debate (198991), the PDS was in
opposition, and the governments of those years were formed by a coalition
of five parties pentapartito (Christian Democratic Party, Socialist Party,
Social Democratic Party, Republican Party and the Liberals).
The size of the consensus was considerable. Not only was turnout high (77.1 per cent), but
votes in favour of change were 82.7 per cent (with minimal differences between men and
women). By the time of the referendum, the crisis of the political system was deepening
and the old party system was being dismantled and decapitated. Faced with this deep
crisis, what the electorate wanted was mainly to get out of it. The question posed by the
referendum was perceived not so much as concerning a choice between two different
electoral laws but as a positive or negative judgement on the need for change in view of the
inefficiency of the political system.
The path of the law towards approval was a difficult one. Discussion began in April 1993
and came to an end in August 1993. The debate first took place within the Committee on
Constitutional Affairs (Commissione affari costituzionali) of the chamber (1 April 199313
July), then in the chamber (1430 June), and then moved to the Committee on
Constitutional Affairs of the Senate (712 July) before being discussed by the Senate
Marila Guadagnini
(1315 July): the law returned for the second hearing in the chamber (2328 July), before
being examined by the Committee on Constitutional Affairs of the Senate, and obtaining
final approval by the Senate itself.
Law no. 81 of March 1993, concerning the election of mayors, presidents of provincial
governments and of members of municipal and provincial councils. It contained a clause
establishing that neither sex could account for more than two-thirds of the candidates for
election to municipal and provincial councils. The adoption of this clause was strongly
supported by an alliance between Christian Democratic and left-wing party activists,
femocrats and WPAs (Guadagnini 1998).
Alessandra Mussolini stated: Obligatory alternation is offensive to women, who do not
need to be safeguarded in this way, but for what they are worth in the family, in their care of
children, and in the work they carry out within society. Cf. Bucci (1993).
Policy outcome
As stated, the law adopted in August 1993 provided that 75 per cent of seats
would be assigned using the majority system and 25 per cent using a
proportional system. A clause was included establishing that for the 155
(of 630) proportionally elected seats, lists should consist of candidates of
both sexes in alternate order (zipping). A few years later a quota system was
also introduced in the new law passed in February 1995 for the election of
regional councils.9
However, in September 1995 the Constitutional Court outlawed electoral quotas.10 According to the court, quotas were unconstitutional as
they infringed the principle of equality incorporated in the constitution.
In particular the quotas conflicted with article 3, which states that all
citizens . . . are equal before the law, without distinction of sex, race, etc.,
and article 51, which states that All citizens of either sex can have access
to public offices and elective posts under equal conditions.
The court decision has to be considered the end point of the debate
concerning the change in the voting system, since it abolished one clause
included in the law passed by the National Assembly.
After the court decision, the percentage of women elected in the lower
chamber, which had reached around 15 per cent in the 1994 election,
dropped to 11.1 per cent in the 1996 and to 11.2 per cent in the 2001
Law 43, 23 February 1995, concerning new regulations for election of councils in regions
with an ordinary statute. The new electoral system provided for a double vote in a single
round and on a single ballot sheet: one to assign 80 per cent of the seats, with a proportional
system based on the territorial area of the provinces, the other to assign the remaining 20 per
cent of seats using a majoritarian system covering a single regional area. The latter quota of
seats was the reward destined for the regional list which obtained the greatest number of
votes. The law contained a clause which prescribed that neither sex should account for more
than two-thirds of the candidate lists for the seats to be assigned with the proportional
Sentence 612 September 1995, no. 422, in the Gazzetta ufficiale della Repubblica
Italiana, 1a serie speciale, 39, 20 September 1995.
The number of women among the candidates for the election of the lower chamber
dropped from 17.3 per cent in 1994 to 12.5 per cent in 1996 and was 13.9 per cent in the
2001 election.
Marila Guadagnini
it was generally held that the provision adopted was likely to be cancelled
by the Constitutional Court,12 which is exactly what happened. Thus,
considering that the endpoint of the debate was the decision adopted by
the court, the womens movement impact/state response can be classified
as co-optation: in the first phase of the debate, held in the National
Assembly, women were involved with the policy process and obtained
policy satisfaction but afterwards the clause concerning quotas was
abolished by the Constitutional Court.
Womens policy agency activities
During the period of the debate in parliament, the CNPPO was chaired by
Tina Anselmi, an authoritative Christian Democrat who had many terms
of office as an MP. Anselmi had been the first female minister in Italy. She
strongly supported the adoption of quotas in the electoral laws as she was
convinced that quotas were an unpleasant but necessary measure to overcome the situation of under-representation of women. In this debate, the
role played by the CNPPO can be classified as marginal. The CNPPO
advocated the goals of the integrated womens movement (see below) but
was not successful in obtaining a gendered outcome: after the initial
success achieved in the National Assembly, the quota clause was abolished
by the Constitutional Court.
Womens movement characteristics
The womens movement characteristics in the first and second debates
were basically similar. The movement was re-emerging, it was close to
the left and it was still fragmented. The autonomous groups and cultural
centres of difference feminism opposed the quotas, as they regarded
them as a measure that accepted womens weakness. For them womens
representation remained a low priority issue. By contrast, the integrated
womens movement still prioritised increased womens representation.
However, it was divided on the means to achieve this goal. While part
of the integrated movement supported the introduction of quotas in
the electoral laws, some opposed it, considering that other measures
would be more suitable. These measures included: promoting political
training for women; putting pressure on the parties to increase their
nominations of women and on the media to give more coverage to
The same reasons explain the success achieved in obtaining a quota system in the law
adopted in March 1993, concerning local elections (cf. note 7).
According to the data collected in two surveys carried out in 1998 and 1999, only just
over half of all Italians (55 per cent) considered that a limited number of women in
parliament was a problem and that women should be better represented. It should,
however, also be said that there was a considerable difference between the sexes: the
problem was more keenly felt by women (63.7 per cent) than by men (47.3 per cent)
(Guadagnini 2000).
Marila Guadagnini
Cf. note 2.
Marila Guadagnini
The innovative element of this debate is the support given to the reform
by women of centre-right parties including Forza Italia and the National
Alliance Party (AN, heir of the MSI). Prominent members of these
parties, such as Alessandra Mussolini of AN, who clearly opposed the
electoral quotas in 1993, were now strong advocates of the constitutional
amendment. Different reasons may account for this change of attitude.
Women in right-wing parties became aware of how difficult it is to
increase womens representation without affirmative action measures.
In the second half of the 1990s, Forza Italia and AN had the lowest
percentage of women elected to the lower chamber, 7.3 per cent and 4
per cent respectively. In addition an increasing number of women voters
became aware of the problem of achieving equal opportunities. This is
probably why the centre-right parties and the Berlusconi government
supported the reform.
The constitutional amendment was inspired by the French experience.
In France, the reform was the outcome of a lively and widespread debate
held in newspapers, magazines and public assemblies. The debate helped
revitalise the womens movement and put the question of equality of
political representation onto not only the political but also the public
agenda. In Italy the debate that preceded the adoption of the reform
mainly involved the integrated womens movement: women elected at
all levels, political party activists, WPAs at national and local levels,
experts and some womens associations. It received limited media coverage (Beccalli 1999). It was the approval of the reform that actually
encouraged the widest debate: several conferences and seminars were
organised on how to implement the new law. These initiatives showed
how there was considerable interest in this matter among women in
general and widespread support among the various members of the
womens movement on the need to promote equal opportunities in
gender representation by means of affirmative action.
Policy outcome
The constitutional amendment was finally approved on 20 February
2003. The reform is permissive. It gives policy-makers the power to
adopt adequate measures to promote equal opportunities in access to
elective bodies.
The decision was followed by an implementation debate, a discussion
about the real provisions to be adopted (Guadagnini 2003). A number of
bills had been submitted which, in August 2004, had so far not been
approved by the National Assembly. They included various proposals
concerning todays diverse electoral systems. For the elections to
municipal councils, a bill submitted by centre-left parties proposed quotas in the electoral lists for small municipalities (with fewer than 3,000
inhabitants) and the rule that on every list the gap between the number of
candidates of each sex must not exceed one in larger municipalities.
All measures should be temporary and should be applied for a limited
number of years. For those elections run with a majority system, a
number of bills proposed a reduction in the percentage of electoral
expenses reimbursed to the parties presenting candidate lists that are
unbalanced in terms of gender. A number of bills proposed the extension
of party obligations to increase the percentage (from 5 to 10 per cent) of
their public funding that is dedicated to initiatives designed to promote
the participation of women in politics.
As far as European parliament elections are concerned (PR system with
multiple preference votes), a law was approved in April 2004 (Law no. 90 of
8 April 2004) which provided that in the lists of candidates, neither of the
two sexes may be represented by more than two-thirds of the candidates.
For the parties that did not respect this proportion, the amount of reimbursement of electoral expenses would be reduced to a maximum of half, in an
amount directly proportional to the number of candidates over the number
allowed. The regulation was to remain in force for ten years. The law was
preceded by a lively debate between those (centre-left female activists,
CNPPO) who demanded equal presence (50/50) of the two sexes in the
lists of candidates, and those (centre-right women, Minister for Equal
Opportunities, Prestigiacomo) who were in favour of the quota system
that was finally approved. The law had positive effects. The number of
female candidates in the 2004 elections rose 35 per cent and the number of
women elected by 20 per cent (about double the percentage of women
elected in 1999).
Womens movement impact
According to the RNGS model, the movement impact/state response can
be classified as a dual response, as female MPs took part in the debate
and in the decision-making process, and the policy outcome matched the
objectives of those who promoted the reform.
Womens policy agency activities
In the second half of the 1990s, the overall structure of the WPAs was
reinforced. In 1996, during the first centre-left government (presided
over by Prodi), a Ministry for Equal Opportunities (Ministero per le pari
opportunita`) was created alongside the two existing commissions.
Marila Guadagnini
The ministry has the task of mainstreaming the principle of equal opportunities in all policies adopted by the government. It is a ministry without
portfolio that commands limited economic means and resources. At
municipal, provincial and regional level commissions for equal opportunities were finally set up and operated. In the late 1990s, new WPAs were
created in Piedmont where the Council of Elected Women (Consulta delle
elette) was established. It is composed of women elected from all parties in
regional, provincial and municipal elections, and its task is to promote
womens political participation and representation.
The WPA that intervened in the parliamentary debate was the Ministry
for Equal Opportunities, whose minister at the time of the debate was
Stefania Prestigiacomo, a young manager from Sicily and a member of
Forza Italia who was not involved in the feminist movement. Not only was
Prestigiacomo the signatory of a bill concerning the reform, but when the
law was adopted, she credited this success to the centre-right women.
The reform was also given a substantial boost by the CNPPO, chaired by
Marina Piazza, a feminist sociologist. In terms of the RNGS model,
WPAs played an insider role in gendering the debate.
Womens movement characteristics
The movement was still fragmented, but it was growing. In the late 1990s
the autonomous wing consisted of a greater number of groups and
associations than during the previous debates. The autonomous movement may be described as a vast archipelago of small groups working at
local level. They tended to have a structured organisation and to specialise
in individual issues. The groups work in issue areas typical of the feminist
movement such as womens health and culture (Della Porta 2003). Many
associations provide social services, particularly services related to the
fields of maternity, gynaecology, intercultural mediation and violence
against women. They organise cultural and vocational courses, guidance
courses for family problems, legal advice, helplines for female victims of
violence and so forth.
In contrast to the previous period, feminist groups adopted a more
pragmatic approach. They sought alliances to achieve practical objectives
and began to appreciate relationships with the institutions, especially at
local level. The fact that in most cases the groups require public funding has
increased awareness of the importance of having women in decision-making
posts at both the local and national levels. Even though the issue of
increased womens representation in institutional bodies was still a low
priority issue, there was a greater consensus on the need to adopt positive
measures for ensuring balanced representation. The autonomous womens
Marila Guadagnini
awareness of womens under-representation. The parties (with the exception of left-wing parties) continued to evade the issue and to select a
limited number of female candidates.
In the third debate, the movements success can be explained by a
number of reasons. The law was permissive. Instead of requiring practical
provisions that would have to be implemented to increase the representation of women, it stated a general principle. Such generality enabled a
great number of actors to agree. It is likely that in the eyes of right-wing
politicians the law was considered as a useful rhetorical strategy to show
their positive attitude towards womens demands without committing
themselves to any real action. In actual fact, the debate following the
reform, the numerous legislative initiatives that had been presented, and
the new regulations for the European elections adopted in 2004
showed that there is true determination by women not to let the reform
be disregarded. Heightened awareness among public opinion, and among
women voters in particular, of the gender gap in political representation
probably helped reduce the hostility of the centre-right parties, which did
not want to lose consensus among female voters.
The use by feminist activists of arguments relating to the legislation
adopted by international organisations (UN, Council of Europe, EU) and
to the backwardness of Italy as compared with other democratic countries
proved to be an important element of pressure on reluctant male politicians.
Up to the end of the 1990s, the paradox in the Italian situation lay in the
contrast between the activism of the integrated womens movement and
the disappointing results achieved in terms of womens presence in elective
posts. In the 1980s and in the early 1990s this might be explained by the
lack of cohesion of the movement, which weakened feminist activists
attempts to achieve their goals. By the early 2000s there was a more widespread awareness of the problem of womens under-representation and of
the need to adopt affirmative measures, the only ones able to oblige parties
to include greater numbers of women in the candidate lists. Such awareness helps to explain the success achieved in gendering the debate on the
constitutional amendment. The next step is to obtain effective measures to
secure effective implementation of the amendment in all elections.
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University Press, pp. 43397
The right to be represented was a central issue in the Dutch war of
independence (15681648) that resulted in the Republic of the Seven
United Provinces. The Netherlands, including Belgium, became a centralised kingdom in 1813 after the Napoleonic occupation; in 1830,
however, the Belgians revolted to become an independent kingdom.
The basic rules for representative government were formulated in 1848;
in 1917 universal suffrage, male and female, was won. The Dutch political system is based on proportional representation; the most important
legislative body is the second chamber, the first chamber having limited
powers. A multi-party system makes coalition governments a permanent
feature; political parties are key actors in the policy process.
Until the 1960s the political system was remarkably stable; Dutch
political parties followed the fault lines of society, forming Catholic,
Protestant and Social Democratic pillars. An extensive system of corporatist advisory boards played an important role in the consensus
democracy, providing institutionalised access to the policy-making process mainly for business and professional interests and labour unions
belonging to the three pillars (Andeweg and Irwin 1993).
From the 1960s onwards, when new social movements demanded
more democracy, representation was regularly on the agenda in three
types of arenas: in the media, political parties and parliament. A new
political party, D66, demanding a more confrontational style of politics,
entered parliament with seven members in 1966. The womens movement was another important factor. Its core organisation, Man-VrouwMaatschappij (MVM, Man-Woman-Society), founded in October 1968,
began campaigning for more women in politics during the 1972 election
and has subsequently put pressure on political parties to pay more attention to womens issues and womens representation. The demand for
more women in politics received media attention at every election thereafter. In the 1940s and 1950s the percentage of women in the second
Jantine Oldersma
chamber rose from 5 to almost 10 per cent. Towards the end of the 1970s
the percentage hovered around 15, and towards the end of the century
around 35 per cent. The first chamber, the city councils and the cabinets lag
behind with approximately a quarter of female members. The percentage of
women in the cabinet received a severe blow when a right-wing cabinet
formed in 2002 came up with only one female minister out of a total of
fourteen. This was remedied, however, a year later in a new right-wing
cabinet after vigorous protests from women in the conservative parties.
Policy-making institutions
Parties and parliament are the most important players where political
representation is concerned. Debates over representation, however,
mainly affected parties on the left of the political spectrum. D66 made
political representation their main concern, but the party has rarely
succeeded in winning more than 510 per cent of the votes.
Selection of debates
The turmoil over democratic representation, brought to the political
agenda by political parties, reached parliament in the 1980s. The
Commissie-Biesheuvel reported in 1984 on reforms to strengthen the
influence of voters. In 1989 a committee of parliamentary leaders of all
parties (the Commissie-Deetman) made an inventory of frictions in the
Dutch political and administrative system. Six sub-committees followed
up on the initial analysis. The Commissie-De Koning examined the relationship between voters and elected officials, and the Commissie-De Jong
studied the corporatist system. Both reported in 1993. Representation of
women was an important issue in the 1970s and 1980s in two left-wing
parties, the Pacifistisch Socialistische Partij (PSP, Pacifist Socialist Party)
and the Communistische Partij Nederland (CPN), both of which would in
the 1990s become part of Groen Links (Green Left). The struggle over
political representation in the Social Democratic Party in the 1970s had
profound consequences for national politics because the party took part
in a governing coalition from 1973 to 1977. Womens representation
became an issue in the right-wing parties in the second half of the 1980s.
In the 1970s the main debates about representation in the Netherlands
were inside political parties. From these the debate about the action
party between 1967 and 1977 in the Social Democratic Party has been
selected. Though this party did not take the lead in debates about representation, the fact that they commanded a larger proportion of the vote
make them more interesting, from our point of view, than D66 or the leftwing splinter parties.
In the 1980s, debates about representation were mainly concerned
with the political representation of women in elected positions. The
debate about the second memorandum on equality policy has been
chosen to highlight the discussions in the womens movement over the
issue of representation.
In the 1990s, there were three important parliamentary debates about
representation: on the electoral system, on the introduction of referenda
in the constitution, and on corporatism. Proposals to change the proportional electoral system to a majoritarian system were watered down to a
mixed system and then abandoned; the introduction of a corrective
referendum was defeated by a narrow margin of one vote. However, the
debate on corporatism has been chosen because this phenomenon has
been considered one of the defining characteristics of Dutch political
Debate 1: The Social Democratic Party (PvdA), 19661977
How the debate came to the public agenda
Between 1963 and 1966, the Social Democratic Party lost about a quarter
of its voters. A group of party members, calling themselves the New Left
(Nieuw Links), blamed the partys incumbent leaders; allegedly they were
too inclined to accommodation and compromise. The party could only
survive, they claimed, if it could win back the (presumably young) voters
active in grass-roots organisations such as the student and the feminist
movements. The New Left analysis of the partys problems became
dominant in the party executive: in 1973 it pleaded for a reorganisation
to turn the party into an action party (Beck et al. 1978). In 1977 a new
party platform incorporated these ideas.
Dominant frame of debate
The New Left wanted to make the socialist party more successful by
polarisation of the political spectrum. Organising the party in a more
democratic way and linking it to social movements was seen as a crucial
element in this strategy. In 1967 New Leftists published their views on
party organisation in a pamphlet: Een partij om mee te werken (A Party
to Work With). The party should aim at polarisation in politics; expose
oppositions and conflicts in society and represent them in the political
arena. They argued for a more active membership, more democratic
Jantine Oldersma
To hasten this process, a substantial faction of party members argued that the party should
declare that they would not enter into a coalition with the Catholic Party, but make a joint
programme with other progressive parties before every election (Van Praag 1991,
pp. 667).
Jantine Oldersma
women; the 1977 congress also adopted 25 per cent as a target. In 1986
the party executive moved at congress to make the 25 per cent quota
mandatory and to adopt a voluntary target of 50 per cent female candidates in party committees and on party lists (Van de Velde 1994, p. 230).
Womens movement impact
The party discourse was gendered: not only were feminist issues introduced into election programmes, the basic party document was also
changed to incorporate feminism in 1977. The siege of feminists revitalised Vrouwencontact and more women took part in party committees and
in the party executive, making this a clear case of dual response. The issue
of womens representation was taken up by the party executive in 1971
and new measures were taken when efforts were not effective. The
percentage of women on the party lists slowly increased during the
1970s and more so during the 1980s.
Womens policy agency activities
A womens agency at national level did not yet exist during the first part of
this debate. The machinery for equality policy in the Netherlands was set
in motion in 1974 by the Den Uyl administration (197377), a coalition
cabinet of Social Democrats (PvdA), Democrats (D66) and the left wing
of the Christian Democrats (ARP). In response to a postcard campaign
and in view of the United Nations International Womens Year, in 1975
a committee was formed, consisting of independent experts, to give
advice on the needs of Dutch women. This Emancipatie Kommissie (EK,
Emancipation Committee) mainly consisted of MVM members. It
designed a five-year plan for equality policy, containing a programme
and a blueprint for a national machinery (Emancipatie Kommissie 1976).
Vrouwencontact, however, could qualify in this case as a quasi-womens
policy agency. It did have the capacity to impact on policy-making, and
could prepare and elaborate policy proposals relative to party politics.
Vrouwencontact was instrumental in persuading party members that feminist demands were widely shared by women in the party. The existing
network and their access to party resources facilitated feminists in gaining
access to policy-making circles within the party; proposals for quotas
gained legitimacy because Vrouwencontact supported them. The organisation thus played an insider role.
When the party became the dominant factor in a left-wing coalition in
1973, members of MVM and Vrouwencontact entered the national arena
to gain a foothold for feminism there.
Jantine Oldersma
Jantine Oldersma
as yet unable to realise the changes they desire. The overall aim of the
analysis was to shift the blame for womens under-representation from
their putative backwardness to the gendered nature of unequal power
relations. However, under-representation in politics received very little
attention, and where it was mentioned it was presented as a problem of
the backwardness of women. Women must be made aware of their position and helped to gain insight, the document states. They must organise
socially and politically to realise the aim of structural change in society:
This is why the proportion of women in public functions needs to
grow . . . Support for the womens movement (taken broadly) is therefore an essential part of the governments policies for women. The taken
broadly was to include traditional womens organisations, without which
the necessary support of the Christian Democrats would not be forthcoming. The price for a policy on women in politics, thus, was a retreat
into a more defensive policy frame.
This short clause formed the basis for granting subsidies to organisations that could hire, for a limited period, their own femocrat. Nearly all
political parties applied for one, to support their own auxiliary womens
organisation, and to help define their view on womens issues. The selection of women candidates received a further boost from 1988 until 1992,
when subsidies to political parties were granted under the condition that
they would contribute to the selection of more women on the party list
(Van de Velde 1994, pp. 299311).
In 1985, the Vereniging voor Vrouwenbelangen, Vrouwenarbeid en Gelijk
Staatsburgerschap (Vrouwenbelangen, Association for Womens Interests,
Womens Work and Equal Citizenship) received a subsidy to support
their organisation. Vrouwenbelangen was a direct descendant of the
Vereniging voor Vrouwenkiesrecht (Association for Womens Suffrage),
founded in 1894. It had a small membership of professional and politically active women from different parties. The 1985 International
Womens Year provided the occasion for starting Aktie m/v 50/50
(Action m/f 50/50), to stimulate attention to the issue of women in
politics. Vrouwenbelangen formed a coalition with most political parties.
The subsidy helped to professionalise the campaign and to give it staying
power (Angerman 1994).
Womens movement impact
Women and womens organisations, feminist or traditional, were taken
more seriously as participants in the policy process. Movement ideas were
taken over with very little alteration, making this a case of dual response.
Yet no specific policy on politics resulted. This was a result partly of
divisions within the movement about the correct way forward, partly of
lingering notions of the backwardness of women. A direct policy, confronting selection procedures and political culture, was unacceptable to
the cabinet or, for that matter, to many womens organisations or political
parties. Subsidies to womens organisations, however, did stimulate parties to pay attention to womens issues and to select women.
Womens policy agency activities
The leadership of the womens policy agency during this period changed
from Christian Democrat to Social Democrat to Liberal. Hedy DAncona,
feminist and Social Democrat, made an enormous impact by commissioning a new policy plan that gave the agency a cross-sectional scope and a
mandate that clearly included political representation. The staff as well as
the budget for research and subsidies increased considerably. Most of her
ideas were taken over and developed further by Liberal Mrs Kappeyne van
de Coppello, who turned out to be quietly feminist in her own way.
DAncona moved the agency from the Ministry of Culture and Social
Work to the Ministry of Social Affairs, where it remained. The agency
played an insider role, trying to change prevailing political discourses by
stimulating debate and research. The two conferences on women and
political power mentioned above were subsidised; dissemination of the
proceedings was financed, and a booklet on women in parliament was
commissioned in conjunction with parliament itself. The agencys research
policy prioritised research on power and politics and stimulated the publication of a number of studies into the gendered nature of Dutch politics.
Lastly, the subsidy politics of the Beleidsplan were utilised to set femocrats
to work on all political parties and on a front of feminists united around
Vrouwenbelangen as well. The agency, albeit in a roundabout way, both
gendered policy debates and advocated movement goals.
Womens movement characteristics
At the beginning of the 1980s the core movement organisation, MVM,
was still in existence; it would dissolve in 1988. The movement was a
large conglomerate of service organisations, semi-commercial organisations and many womens networks inside political parties and unions.
The womens movement was more or less consolidated in the course of
the 1980s, but may more aptly be seen as growing as a consequence of the
alliances with traditional womens organisations. This moved feminism
away from its left-wing allies to a position somewhat removed from the
left. Women in parliament united. During the 1980s nearly all political
Jantine Oldersma
parties more or less adopted the goal of having more women on their lists.
In that decade, politics as such was not a high priority issue for the
womens movement, but it gained some strong advocates. This shift in
alliances within the womens movement makes it difficult to state whether
the movement was cohesive: this was not the case at the beginning of the
1980s, but cohesiveness was forged between different groups in the
second half of the decade. There was no counter-movement, but a very
small religious party, the Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij (SGP,
Calvinist), still refuses to put women on the list to this day.
Policy environment
A coalition of Christian Democrats and Liberals dominated Dutch politics from 1977 until 1989, with the exception of a brief spell between
September 1981 and May 1982 when a CDA/PvdA/D66 coalition provided a window of opportunity for feminists. Overall, the power structure
was closed, especially where women and politics were concerned: contemplating a policy of quotas or other direct ways to move more women in
to political positions was unthinkable and there was no question of
allowing women into policy networks. Hedy DAncona used her nine
months in office as junior minister of equality policy to the full by drawing
in feminists to write a policy plan that changed the conception of women
and by designing a subsidy policy that created opportunities for feminist
researchers and for femocrats. Though the political climate changed to
conservative, the Liberal junior minister made sure that the womens
policy agency remained a niche for feminism.
Debate 3: Corporatism, 19891997
How the debate came to the public agenda
In the 1970s, corporatism appeared on the policy agenda when Iron
Rings of interest organisations, civil servants and experts were blamed
for frustrating progressive politics.2 In the 1980s, the corporatist channel was seen by right-wing governments as an obstruction to cuts in
government funding. As a result of diligent weeding by a number of
committees, the committee system slimmed down to about half its size
during this decade (Commissie-De Jong 1993, p. 41). In 1989, D66
Ex-prime minister Den Uyl attributed the failure of his own progressive policies
to obstruction by obscure entanglements of civil servants and committee members
(Van den Berg and Molleman 1980).
It is worth noting that the Commissie-De Jong had two female members. The CommissieDeetman itself had 33 per cent female members; the sub-committees together had only
6 per cent. These 6 per cent, two female members, were concentrated in the committee on
corporatism, while the other five sub-committees were all male.
Jantine Oldersma
The first study of committee members in 1967 revealed that only 5 per
cent were women. In a letter to all ministers, the Nationale Vrouwen Raad
(NVR, National Womens Council), a federation of traditional womens
organisations, drew attention to the statistics. The Emancipatie Kommissie
called for more women in advisory bodies in the report it published in
1976. A survey of advisory bodies by its successor, the Emancipatieraad, in
1991 showed that the rules meant to stimulate the appointment of
women were not only not implemented, but not even known to most
officials (Emancipatieraad 1991). The councils advice was to set and
implement targets. By 1993, the number of women in advisory bodies
had risen to some 15 per cent. A survey of all committee members in that
year showed that the goal, if not yet the practice, of descriptive representation had been taken on board by most political actors (Oldersma 1996).
Commenting on the report of the Commissie-De Jong in 1994, the
Emancipation Council stated that the introduction of twelve new strategic committees gave the cabinet a unique opportunity to realise immediately its long-term aim, namely that advisory bodies should have 50 per
cent female members. In the debate in parliament most parties agreed.
The history of substantive representation in the traditional corporatist
channel is different. In 1981, the Emancipatieraad (198197) followed in
the footsteps of the Emancipatie Kommissie (197581) to advise government on its policy on women. The selection of members posed problems.
Representation of womens organisations would have to incorporate
traditional womens organisations and thereby offend feminists. A committee of experts from the womens movement would contain only
feminists and was not acceptable to Christian Democrats. The compromise was a committee of independent members, carefully mirroring
party politics (Klink 2000). The ER was the main foothold of the
womens movement in the corporatist system. Over the years it gained
prestige in the eyes of movement actors as well as among politicians, as it
could benefit from gender expertise developed at universities and in
research institutions. It had a state-wide mandate and could largely follow
its own agenda.
Though the ER, as an expert committee, fitted the new policy, the
Commissie-De Jong categorised it as (womens) interest group oriented
and thus a candidate for abolition. The demarcations between new
expert committees would largely follow departmental boundaries and
have no place for equality policy. The council, however, made a final
attempt to fit equality policy in the new policy frame. If the advisory
function were to be spread over the new committees, the Raad stated,
then it would need to be formalised and members with expertise on
equality policy would have to be included. In addition an expert centre
Some technical committees were not abolished after all, because the members advice
would be more expensive if given on a commercial basis.
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Ter Veld stepped down because she disagreed with a new proposal to cut back on invalid
Jantine Oldersma
has the opposite effect, which might partially account for its relative lack
of support. In the second and third debates there was no strong and
cohesive actor to advocate both substantive and descriptive representation: in the first debate there was such an actor and in that case feminists
were very successful.
As all three debates met with a dual response, it seems fair to conclude
that the Dutch state has been open to feminist concerns. There are some
caveats, however, as the measure of openness for the issue of representation has clearly shifted over time. In the first debate, the Social
Democratic Party was very open to feminists and provided them with a
wide-open window of opportunity when they led the governing coalition.
But their periods in power were interruptions to right-wing rule. Even
when they were in power, policies directly influencing the political system were anathema to left- and right-wing politicians. Nevertheless, the
second debate shows that in the 1980s, equality of representation policies were designed and were successful, but they maintained a discourse
of womens backwardness. Despite a promising start to the 1990s when
the Social Democratic/Liberal/D66 coalition came to power, the minister
in charge of the womens policy agency during the later part of the third
debate de-prioritised the issue of womens substantive political
Womens representation has progressed immensely in the Netherlands
over the past thirty years, despite disagreement among feminists and
right-wing coalitions. Movement actors, however, succeeded in framing
the issue in a way that resonated with the prevailing political winds. The
contribution of femocrats, able to transform any type of policy frame into
a suitable policy, is considerable.
Andeweg, Rudy B. and Galen A. Irwin 1993, Dutch Government and Politics,
London: Macmillan
Angerman, Arina 1994, Women in Politics: the Case of M/V 50/50, the Action
Men/Women 50/50, paper presented at the seminar Effective Strategies and
National Machinery, New York
Beck, W., W. Van de Bunte, P. Nieuwenhuijsen, R. de Rooi, W. J. van Velzen,
P. Viehol, R. Vos and W. van de Zandschulp (Werkgroep Partij in Actie)
1978, Partij, parlement, activisme, Deventer: Kluwer (WBS-cahiers)
Berg, Joop T. J. van den and Henk A. A. Molleman 1980, Crisis in de Nederlandse
politiek, Alphen aan den Rijn: Samsom
Bleich, Anet, Freda Droes, Elsbeth Etty, Saskia Grotenhuis and Marijke
Linthorst (eds.) 1982, Feminisme en politieke macht, Vol. I: Posities, problemen
en strategieen, Amsterdam: De Populier
Jantine Oldersma
For research on the WI, see Threlfall (1996, 1998) and Valiente (1995, 1997, 2001a,
2001b, 2004).
debated mainly in terms of womens presence in representative institutions. Therefore, in general, debates on gender and political representation are the Spanish discussions on political representation.
Generally speaking, since the 1980s Spanish public debates on
womens political representation have four characteristics. First, deliberations are chiefly on womens quotas in political parties. Parties are the
main actors in the Spanish political system, and the second wave of the
feminist movement includes significant proportions of women who
belonged to both womens groups and left-wing parties. The main leftwing parties and coalitions have womens quotas. An example is the
electoral coalition United Left (Izquierda Unida, IU), which was created
in 1986 by the association of the Communist Party and other parties to
the left of the PSOE. The debate on womens political representation
developed principally (although not exclusively) on the left of the political
spectrum. By contrast the conservative PP remained strongly against
quotas. The PP participated actively in the discussion on quotas only
after the late 1990s when it responded to mobilisation by women on the
political left in favour of mandatory quotas for all parties.
Second, generally constitutional issues and womens political representation were discussed jointly only from the late 1990s. At that time
opponents to mandatory quotas declared them to be unconstitutional.
Previously constitutional matters were not a central topic in public discussions of political representation. Comparatively speaking, Spain was a
young democracy formed after the death of Franco in 1975. Most policy
actors were reluctant to reform the 1978 constitution because it was a
product of negotiation and compromise reached with difficulty by the
main parties during the transition to democracy. The existence of Euskadi
Ta Askatasuna (ETA) terrorism make changes in the constitution unlikely until the Basque conflict is settled, because the independence of the
Basque country (the terrorists goal) implies a constitutional reform.
Thus there was a reluctance to constitutionalise issues of political
Third, the discussions on political representation are conducted mainly
(but not exclusively) at the central-state level. The main left-wing parties
and coalitions that have womens quotas (the PSOE and the IU) are
central-state-based political organisations. The bill to impose a 40 per
cent womens quota on all parties was submitted in November 2001 by
the PSOE to the central-state legislature. However, in the twenty-first
century deliberations on womens representation gained importance at
the regional level. In 2003, two regions governed by the PSOE (alone or
in coalition), the Balearic Islands and Castile-La Mancha, were in the
process of establishing mandatory quotas of 50 per cent of women and
Celia Valiente
men in alternative positions (the so-called zipper lists) for all parties for
their regional elections.
Finally, debates on political representation often contained references
to international events. Examples include initiatives to increase the
presence of women in institutions taken successfully in other countries
such as the Nordic states, measures that failed because these were
declared unconstitutional, such as in France in the early 1980s and Italy
in 1993, and strategies promoted by supra-national organisations and
institutions, such as the United Nations or the European Union.
Selection of debates
Institutions that make representation policy
The political representation of citizens at the central-state level is regulated in general terms by the constitution and in detail by the 1985
General Electoral Act of 19 June (Ley Organica 5/1985, de 19 de junio,
del Regimen Electoral General, hereafter 1985 General Electoral Act).
Acts are made and amended in the legislature.2 Political parties, through
formal and informal rules, recruit candidates to represent citizens in
political institutions. In short, the legislature and the political parties
make representation policy in Spain.
Universe of policy debates
The WI was created in 1983. Hence there was no possibility of womens
policy agency intervention in debates before that date. The PSOE was in
power between 1982 and 1996 and after spring 2004. It was the main
opposition party between 1996 and spring 2004. Three party discussions
on womens representation resulted in action to increase womens political
representation. These were the approval of a 25 per cent womens quota for
internal party positions and on party electoral lists in January 1988, the
endorsement of a new 40 per cent quota in June 1997, and the submission
to the legislature of a bill to reform the 1985 General Electoral Act, making a
womens quota of 40 per cent mandatory for all parties in November 2001.
The IU has usually been the third largest nationwide political party in
national elections. In the late 1980s, an internal party debate on womens
The legislature is composed of two chambers: a lower chamber called the Congress of
Deputies, and an upper chamber called the Senate. Members of the Congress of Deputies
are elected by proportional representation under the DHondt system with closed and
blocked lists. The vast majority of senators are elected by a majority system.
The Constitutional Court is the supreme interpreter of constitutionality, and can rule that
laws are unconstitutional and invalid. It reviews laws made by the Spanish legislature, the
national executive and regional governments, and its decisions apply to the whole territory
of Spain and cannot be appealed (Heywood 1995: 1056).
Celia Valiente
The sources for this chapter mainly consist of published documents from the WI, the
womens movement and the PSOE; secondary analysis; and press articles from El Pas (the
main newspaper of general information with nationwide coverage).
Celia Valiente
Party developments
In the PSOE, the main advocates of measures to improve womens
political representation (including quotas) were feminist activists and
leaders, many of whom belonged (or had belonged) both to the party
and to feminist associations in civil society. The PSOE accepted women
(PSOE feminists) representing gender interests in the process. By adopting the 1988 quota of 25 per cent, the PSOE answered one of the
demands of the sector of the feminist movement pursuing higher levels
of womens political representation. Thus, the PSOEs reaction to (a
sector of) the feminist movement was a dual response.
This high priority is reflected, for instance, in the special attention paid to the topic by the
WIs journal titled Women (Mujeres). Pages on the matter can be consulted in: 1984, No. 2:
42; No. 4: 613, 1825, 2830, 4956, 845, 957; 1986, No. 12: 3, 623, 2834.
Since 1985, the WI director has been aided by the advisory council (Consejo rector), which
is primarily composed of representatives from the major ministries and (up to the 1990s)
six people who had demonstrated a long commitment to gender equality (Matilde
Fernandez among them).
Celia Valiente
The PSOE womens secretariat was also an insider in the 1988 debate
on womens quotas, since it incorporated the goal of the part of the
movement interested in mainstream politics into its own positions (a
higher womens presence in politics achieved through quotas) and
inserted these gendered policy demands into the dominant frame of
the debate on the PSOE quota. That the demands of PSOE feminists
could be heard was partly because they previously gained organisational
status within the party. In 1976, a womens caucus, Woman and
Socialism (Mujer y Socialismo), was formed in the PSOE and in 1981,
a member of the caucus was elected to the PSOEs executive committee,
with others following her in successive years. Carlota Bustelo (first WI
director, 19838) was the main advocate of the foundation of Woman
and Socialism. In December 1984, party leaders decided to institutionalise the womens caucus at the federal executive level, whereupon it
became the womens secretariat. The feminists in the secretariat successfully added clauses involving womens issues to PSOE congress
resolutions, electoral programmes, and other documents. The PSOE
womens secretariat has a broad and cross-sectoral mandate, since it is
in charge of gender equality within the party. It is a permanent bureaucratic agency of the party. It is part of the Federal Executive Committee;
therefore it is close to the major power centres. It has a medium institutional capacity (staff and budget), and has generally been headed by
feminists. Womens political representation was one of the highest
priorities of the PSOE womens secretariat from the 1980s (Duran
and Gallego 1986: 213; Folguera 1988: 1245; Threlfall 1985: 489;
1998: 823).
Womens movement characteristics
After emerging in the 1960s and early 1970s, and growing from 1975 to
the early 1980s, the feminist movement was in a stage of consolidation
by the mid- to late 1980s. The Spanish feminist movement, while not
negligible, has been historically weak, its activities involving only a
minority of women. The movement occasionally showed some signs of
strength, however. For example, it organised national feminist conferences regularly attended by between 3,000 and 5,000 women. In comparison with other western countries, the feminist movement in Spain
does not have high visibility in the mass media. In the 1980s, most of the
feminist groups were very close to the left. Political representation was a
priority for one of the sectors of the feminist movement that believed that
state policy could improve the status of women, but it was not a unifying
issue for the movement as a whole. The part of the movement interested
Celia Valiente
For more on the Spanish parity movement in comparison with that of France, see Jenson
and Valiente (2003).
Many sources document this priority status in the 1990s. Most issues of the WI periodical
journal Women (Mujeres) contain pages on the topic: 1990, No. 2: 27, 33; 1992, No. 9: 14,
2630; 1993, No. 10: 289; 1993, No. 12: 245; 1994, No. 13: 226; 1995, No. 18: 16;
1996, No. 21: 68.
Celia Valiente
from the PP and womens groups close to the conservative party, such as
Women for Democracy (Mujeres para la democracia). As shown above, in
the second debate, feminist activism in support of quotas was located not
only in left-wing political parties (as in the first debate), but also (although
to a lesser extent than in parties) in womens groups to some degree
autonomous from political parties.
Policy environment
The structure of the policy environment where the PSOE 40 per cent
womens quota was approved in June 1997 was moderately closed for the
sector of the feminist movement interested in political representation.
Members of this sector who did not belong to the socialist party could not
participate directly in the internal party debate, but PSOE feminists could
take part in the discussion and played a major role in it. Joaqun Almunia,
the PSOE leader who prepared the political document on the model of
the party to be discussed and voted on at the thirty-fourth congress (and
who became PSOE general secretary in that very congress), was in general moderately favourable to feminist causes. The frame that shaped the
debate on the proposal of the 40 per cent womens quota was expressed in
terms that were compatible with movement goals as expressed by activists. The 19936 PSOE government was a minority government supported in the legislature by the regionalist Catalan coalition, Convergence
and Union (Converge`ncia i Unio, CiU). Between the elections of spring
1996 and spring 2000, the PP formed a minority government supported
by three regional parties or coalitions of parties, CiU, the Canary
Coalition (Coalicion Canaria, CC) and the Basque Nationalist Party
(Partido Nacionalista Vasco, PNV). However, the PNV withdrew its support for the government around the middle of the legislative term.
Celia Valiente
PP gave women real opportunities to gain the centres of power, in contrast to the artificial quotas of the PSOE. They used as evidence the
increase in the numbers of PP women in elected office after the party
won the general elections of 1996 and 2000 (ABC, 27 January 2002: 28;
El Pas, 30 January 2000: 29; Nasarre 2002).
Policy outcome
In November 2001, the PSOE submitted a bill to the legislature on the
reform of the 1985 General Electoral Act to make parity mandatory. The
bill was debated and rejected in the legislature on 8 April 2003.9
Womens movement impact/State response
Continuous mobilisation in favour of higher levels of womens political
representation and mandatory quotas has been a feature of Spanish
politics since the late 1990s. Parity activists actively sought the advice
of constitutional experts, some of whom declared that the bill was
constitutional. They based their judgment on article 9.2 of the constitution which states that public power will promote the conditions under
which citizens freedom and equality are real and will facilitate citizens
participation in political, economic, cultural and social life (see, for
instance, Peces-Barba 1999).
The PSOE bill on mandatory quotas was submitted in November 2001
to the legislature by two PSOE female deputies: Micaela Navarro, PSOE
Womens Secretary, and Mara Teresa Fernandez de la Vega, PSOE
parliamentary spokesperson, who is known for her support of feminist
causes. Female MPs played a central role in the parliamentary debate on
the bill, a common phenomenon when the legislature is considering a
womens issue. Thus, the states response to womens movement parity
advocates was one of co-optation, because the state accepted parity advocates in the policy-making process but did not give policy satisfaction to
the parity mobilisation.
Womens policy agency activities and characteristics
The characteristics of the WI in this third debate were similar to the second
phase of the second debate. The WI was a cross-sectional permanent
bureaucratic agency distant from major centres of power. Its mandate is
The debate in the legislature can be consulted in the Congress of Deputies web page
Celia Valiente
broad and its extensive staff and budget gave it a high administrative
capacity. In 2000, the PP appointed Pilar Davila del Cerro as WI director.
She was a former civil servant. To my knowledge, she had no ties with the
feminist movement. She had significant experience in the policy area of
womens rights because she was the WI sub-director between 1996 and
2000. Between September 2002 and March 2003, the WI director was
Carmen de Miguel y Garca (a civil servant with expertise in trade issues).
She was then replaced by Miriam Tey de Salvador (a professional with a
previous career in the private publishing sector). Political representation
was not a WI priority during conservative rule.
After the 1996 PP electoral victory, the WI did not support mandatory
quotas. In the late 1990s, in reaction to the concept of parity democracy,
the PP coined the expression of balanced representation (representacion
equilibrada) (Jenson and Valiente 2003: 92). The WI produced a Fourth
Gender Equality Plan in March 2003, extending the Third Equality Plan,
which theoretically expired in 2000, until March 2003. According to the
Third Equality Plan, the goal to be achieved regarding women and
politics was balanced participation (participacion equilibrada) (Instituto
de la Mujer 1997b: 55). This wording is also present in the Fourth
Equality Plan to be implemented between 2003 and 2006 (Instituto de
la Mujer 2003: 235). As in the Third Plan, the section on gender
equality in decision-making is the shortest section. It offers soft measures such as the improvement of statistics and research on the matter
but not numerical targets (quotas). Thus, womens policy agency activities are non-feminist because the WI did not advocate the goals of the
parity advocates. Instead it defended the weaker goal of balanced participation and the weaker method of soft measures.
The characteristics of the PSOE womens secretariat during the third
debate were the same as during previous debates. With a medium administrative capacity and headed by a feminist socialist (Micaela Navarro)
between 1997 and 2004, the PSOE womens secretariat continued to
include womens political representation as one of its top priorities. The
PSOE womens secretariat advocated the goal of the parity movement in
the debate. It intervened in and gendered the debate. An example is the
intervention by Micaela Navarro (not only PSOE womens secretary but
also an MP) who defended the PSOE 2001 bill in the 8 April 2003
parliamentary debate.
Womens movement characteristics
As in previous debates, the feminist movement was in a stage of consolidation, was very close to the left and faced a moderately strong counter-
Celia Valiente
ABC, 27 January 2002
Alberdi, Cristina 1998, Democracia y ciudadana, El Pas, 2 November: 26
Bustelo, Carlota 1979, La alternativa feminista, Madrid: Partido Socialista Obrero
1980, Mujer y socialismo: para cambiar la vida, Madrid: Partido Socialista
Obrero Espanol
Chicano, Enriqueta 1999, Democracia paritaria, El Pas, 25 January: 30
Congress of Deputies web page: www.congreso.es
. and Mara T. Gallego 1986, The Womens Movement in Spain
Duran, Mara A
and the New Spanish Democracy, in Drude Dahlerup (ed.) The New
Womens Movement: Feminist and Political Power in Europe and the USA,
London: Sage, pp. 20016
El Pas, 19872003
Folguera, Pilar (ed.) 1988, El feminismo en Espana: Dos siglos de historia, Madrid:
Fundacion Pablo Iglesias
Gallego, Mara T. 1994, Womens Political Engagement in Spain, in Barbara
Nelson and Najma Chowdhury (eds.) Women and Politics Worldwide, New
Haven and London: Yale University Press, pp. 66173
Heywood, Paul 1995, The Government and Politics of Spain, London: Macmillan
Instituto de la Mujer 1994, Las mujeres en cifras: Una decada, 19821992, Madrid:
Instituto de la Mujer
1997a, Las mujeres en cifras 1997, Madrid: Instituto de la Mujer
1997b, Third Gender Equality Plan, Madrid: Instituto de la Mujer
2002, Las mujeres en cifras, Madrid: Instituto de la Mujer; retrieved 26
September 2002 from www.mtas.es
2003, Fourth Gender Equality Plan, Madrid: Instituto de la Mujer; retrieved 15
April 2003 from www.mtas.es
2004, Las mujeres en cifras, Madrid: Instituto de la Mujer; retrieved 18 August
2004 from www.mtas.es
Jenson, Jane and Celia Valiente 2003, Comparing Two Movements for Gender
Parity: France and Spain, in Lee Ann Banaszak, Karen Beckwith and Dieter
Rucht (eds.) Womens Movements Facing the Reconfigured State, New York:
Cambridge University Press, pp. 6993
Mujeres, 19836, 19906
Celia Valiente
Issues of political representation in Sweden during the past four decades
have been influenced by two processes: the modernisation of the worlds
second oldest written constitution adopted in 1809 and a struggle over
extending democracy. Constitutional reform and enlarging democracy
provided a contradictory setting both hospitable and unfavourable to
womens demands for better political representation. Until recently feminist actors and perspectives were generally marginalised in discussions
on constitutional reforms, with women at the last minute expressing
apprehension that a specific reform would adversely affect their representation. By contrast, the discussion on extending democracy and promoting equality offered a discursive opportunity of crucial importance to
the impressive growth of womens representation.
Besides issues of the day, aspects of the Swedish understanding of
political representation have formed an auspicious environment.
Historically social representation has had a strong tradition, dating from
the establishment of the four estates parliament in 1435. This parliament
originally rested on a broader basis than similar bodies elsewhere and
survived much longer (until 1866). Social representation, combined with
a constitutional provision that interested parties should be consulted in
the decision-making process, and the idea of a representative bureaucracy
paved the way for corporatist arrangements in policy-making and subsequently in administration. The political parties, in particular the Social
Democrats, the Centre Party and the Conservatives (the Moderates
since 1969), which have represented the interests of workers, farmers
and business respectively, also carried on the tradition of social representation. The principle of proportional representation, which furthers
representation of a broad spectrum of interests and ideas, has also been
central to Swedish politics. It has been reflected not only in the electoral
system since 1911 but also in the distribution of the chairpersons of
parliamentary committees, the county governors, and in some cases
Diane Sainsbury
Selection of debates
The policy sub-systems that make the most important decisions about
political representation vary according to type of office involved elected
or appointed positions. For elected office the key institutions or arenas are
the political parties. It is the prerogative of the parties to select the
candidates and draw up party lists. Moreover, there is little legislation
regulating Swedish parties. For appointed positions in the state bureaucracy,
the policy sub-system is much more complex, involving actors in government, the major interest organisations and the parties. Sweden has an
unusual administrative system. The ministries are primarily involved in
policy formulation with a staff numbering a few hundred civil servants in
each ministry, while implementation of policy is assigned to separate
national administrative agencies. This arrangement also gives ad hoc
inquiry commissions a unique role in policy-making, and in some
instances, the commissions draft legislation. Formally it is the government
that appoints the members of inquiry commissions and administrative
boards. Prior to the 1990s the corporatist composition of the boards of
the national administrative agencies, regional bodies and several inquiry
commissions gave responsibility to the major interest organisations to
nominate persons for these positions. The political parties also make
nominations, and in the 1990s party nominations became increasingly
For a more detailed discussion of the Swedish political system, see Arter (1999); Einhorn
and Logue (2003).
Diane Sainsbury
Diane Sainsbury
in party and elected office. In 1972 the Liberals were the first party to
adopt such guidelines. The party conference decided that women were
entitled to at least 40 per cent of the posts in all party bodies (Sandberg
1975: 80). Eventually the Social Democrats also adopted guidelines.
At its 1978 congress the party laid down the following guidelines: the
share of women in elected public office ought to reflect their proportion of
the population; while in the case of party office, womens share ought to
be in proportion to female party membership, which then totalled roughly
one-third of party members. The Social Democratic Womens
Federation had proposed that neither sex should have more than 60 per
cent of the positions, and that quotas should be introduced if a fair
distribution of positions could not be reached through agreement
between the sexes (Karlsson 1996: 160).
The second outcome was the establishment of the Advisory Council on
Equality between Men and Women in late 1972. It was attached to the
Office of the Prime Minister; the first chairperson was Thage G. Peterson,
the key administrative officer (the permanent under-secretary) of the prime
minister, and Anna-Greta Leijon headed the councils secretariat
(Karlsson 1996). After the 1973 election Leijon entered the cabinet
as Assistant Minister of Labour with special responsibility for womens
issues, and she later became the chairperson of the council (Leijon
1991: 119).
Womens movement impact
Both outcomes corresponded with feminist goals, and women were pivotal in the process. However, at the time the initial guidelines were a
disappointment to women, but in a long-term perspective they were the
beginning of a process in which the parties set forth guidelines and
recommendations that women could use in their fight to gain elected
Of special interest is the creation of the Advisory Council. Many
accounts of its formation fail to note the role of women. Instead Prime
Minister Olof Palmes speech at the 1972 party congress has been hailed
as a turning point, and he is assigned credit for its establishment
(e.g. Elman 1995: 241; Karlsson 1996). On the basis of these accounts,
the outcome would be classified as pre-emption. This interpretation,
however, overlooks the actions of the SSKF.
Embittered by the results of the 1968 and 1970 elections, which
actually decreased their share of the parliamentary delegation, Social
Democratic women mounted their own campaign for more women in
politics. As part of the campaign, the SSKF congress in 1972 drafted a
Diane Sainsbury
Democrats. The demand for political representation was originally overshadowed by other reforms, but by 1972 it had top priority and was a panpartisan concern. Its increasing priority paralleled the early growth of the
movement and the political mobilisation of women. The new womens
movement initially strengthened leftist forces but simultaneously posed a
challenge to the Social Democrats. The main organisation associated
with the new movement was Group 8 and its affiliates. Group 8 was
formally established as an independent socialist feminist organisation
in 1970.
Policy environment
The policy sub-system was the political parties, and as such the system
was only open to party members or around one-third of the electorate at
the time. The party congress/conference, where the party leadership often
predominates, makes decisions on nomination rules and guidelines. In
terms of access it was a moderately closed system, but importantly the
system was not closed to women. In terms of decision-makers few women
were delegates to the party congress/conference or in positions of party
leadership during the period of the debate.
Because this type of decision is an internal party matter, the composition of the government is less significant than when the issue requires a
parliamentary decision. More important is the nature of party competition, and whether measures to improve womens representation are
perceived to strengthen or weaken the parties competitive positions. In
the 1968 election the Social Democrats experienced a sweeping victory,
receiving 50 per cent of the vote, and they formed the only majority noncoalition government in their history. However, the Social Democrats
hold on majority power was short-lived, and the elections of the 1970s
were highly competitive contests where a fraction of the vote determined
control of the executive. The 1970 election the first under the party
leadership of Olof Palme resulted in a drop in electoral support but not a
loss of government. Unhappy with the election results, the Social
Democrats were bent on reversing the downward trend, and the votes
of all groups became critical.
In short, strategic and ideological imperatives conjoined, offering a window of opportunity. Strategically the Social Democrats were under pressure
as both the right and the left outflanked them on the issue of womens
representation. The pressure was keenly felt because the party wanted to lay
claim to the issue of gender equality. On the right, the Fredrika Bremer
Association brought up the issue of quotas and mounted a campaign, More
Women in Politics, in 19723. The Liberals were first to adopt guidelines
for party office setting 40 per cent as a goal for womens representation.
The transformation of the Communist Party into a leftist alternative
emphasising womens issues and the emergence of Group 8 as an independent socialist womens organisation also gave Social Democratic women
extra leverage (Karlsson 1996). Moreover, all parties were vying for the
support of women, especially those whose interest in politics had been fired
by a growing and enthusiastic womens movement. Ideologically the radicalisation of the Social Democratic Party emphasising greater democracy
and equality offered a discursive opportunity. How could the party present
itself as a proponent of greater democracy and at the same time not improve
its own record on womens representation? The partys emphasis on equality also made it especially difficult to deny the legitimacy of womens
demands for equal representation.
Diane Sainsbury
Policy outcome
The most controversial proposal of the commission was the introduction of
quotas. It recommended quotas and drafted a bill to this effect. At the same
time the commission mixed strong words and recommendations with a
conciliatory stance. The commission stated its firm conviction that only
quotas would achieve quick results. However, as a concession, it had chosen
a softer approach as a sign of its confidence in the nominating organisations assurances that they only needed more time. Accordingly, the commission recommended that the government give the organisations a chance
to show their good intentions by nominating more women. Strategically,
the commissions concession put the onus on the nominating organisations.
Quotas could be avoided if they nominated women. The commission also
laid down specific targets for womens representation on administrative
bodies and inquiry commissions: 30 per cent by 1992, 40 per cent by
1995 and 50 per cent by 1998. If the goal of 30 per cent was not reached
by 1992, the commission proposed the introduction of legislated quotas.
The commission and its proposals set in motion a remarkable growth in
womens representation in appointed positions. At the time of the commissions investigation in the mid-1980s, women held roughly 15 per cent
of the positions, but in the late 1990s over 40 per cent of the members of
inquiry commissions and the boards of national administrative agencies
were women. In the case of the prestigious position of general director of
an administrative agency or head of an inquiry commission, women
increased their share to approximately 30 per cent compared with around
5 per cent in the mid-1980s (Ds A 1986, 4: 32; Bergqvist 1997: 235;
Kommitteberattelse 1999: 395). Still these gains fell short of the target of
50 per cent set for 1998, and growth in womens representation on
regional bodies was lower and more uneven.
Womens movement impact and womens policy agency activities
This debate represents a dual response par excellence women were central
in the debate as well as the policy process and the outcome corresponded to
the goals of the womens movement. The activities of womens policy
agencies were critical to the response and are clearly classified as insider.
From the start, the drive to increase womens representation in appointed
positions in the state administration has been a project of femocrats
involved in womens policy machinery. The Advisory Council to the
Prime Minister first brought it up as an issue. The council, together with
its successors an all-party commission that drafted a national gender
equality plan and the Minister of Gender Equality worked to get the
Diane Sainsbury
issue on to the policy agenda and to keep it there, using the reports to
the UN womens conferences as a vehicle. Femocrats were not only
involved in agenda setting, they also framed the debate, gendering the
decisions of the state bureaucracy by emphasising their relevance for
women. Feminists were also in charge of the inquiry commission leading
to legislation, the government bill, and the eventual evaluation to see
whether the targets for womens representation were fulfilled (Bergqvist
1994: 1045). Furthermore, when the Social Democrats returned to
power in 1982, they consolidated the position of the Minister of Gender
Equality, increasing her resources (Pincus 1998). Most decisive, however,
the womens policy agencies had a mandate, which they had carved out for
Womens movement characteristics
In the 1980s some observers and even activists believed that the womens
movement was in decline; and there were signs of waning. The most
visible organisation of the new womens movement Group 8 was
losing members. Nevertheless it seems more appropriate to view the
1980s as a period of consolidation. The decline of Group 8 was partially
offset by its members joining the Left Party-Communists, and the membership of the womens sections rose, reaching a peak during the time of
the debate. Women also continued to consolidate their positions at all
levels of elected office. New feminist organisations, such as the womens
shelter movement, were growing (Gustafsson et al. 1997), and women in
trade union organisations made steady gains. Networks of feminist academics were created through funding provided by the research unit under
the Minister of Gender Equality. Finally, womens activism, measured as
various forms of individual political participation, increased compared
with the previous decade (Sainsbury 1993; cf. Stark 1997: 2301).
The key actors were very close to the parties of the left. The issue of
womens representation was of high priority to the movement as a whole
but there were divisions over quotas as a means to increase representation. The conciliatory move by the commission prevented an open rift
among women over the issue of quotas. The compromise also largely
defused a counter-movement that the proposal for quotas produced.
Policy environment
In the 1982 election the Social Democrats won 46 per cent of the vote
and formed a minority government based on a left majority in parliament,
and the party remained in power for the rest of the decade. The policy
Diane Sainsbury
Diane Sainsbury
Policy environment
The government was a minority centre-right coalition composed of
the Moderates, Liberals, Centre Party and Christian Democrats. The
Moderates held the post of prime minister, and the governments parliamentary base included the right-wing populist New Democrats.
Together with the New Democrats, the Moderates had made sizeable
gains and interpreted their victory and the rightward shift in the electorate
as a mandate for change.
As in the first debate, the political parties were the arena of decisions. In
three respects the policy sub-system was now more fluid and open. The
Support Stockings practised the tactics of disruption by creating uncertainty. They kept threatening to form a party but always at the last minute
postponed the decision. If they had acted upon their threat, it is likely that
the new party would have thrown the party system into a state of disarray.
Opinion polls indicated that a womens party formed by the Support
Stockings could attract 25 per cent of the vote some reports claimed
as much as 40 per cent (Stark 1997). Furthermore, the media were a
major player in the debate, showering attention on the Support Stockings
and booming up the prospects of a womens party. The constellation of
party strength also added an element of uncertainty. The 1991 election
not only removed the Social Democrats from office; it was their worst
election since 1928. The disaster at the polls caused much soul searching
within the party, opening up space for new ideas and the acceptance of
previously controversial proposals. Moreover, opinion polls showed that
supporters of left parties were most prone to vote for a new womens
party. Finally, the votes of women were perceived as especially important
to the left parties. In recent elections, a larger proportion of women than
men had voted for the Social Democrats and the Left Party.
In the major debates on the political representation of women, feminists
have been successful in achieving dual responses from the state and
the political parties. The debates produced a change in policy content
corresponding to movement goals, and they fundamentally altered the
understanding of democratic representation. Women participated in the
policy process, and womens political representation reached impressive
levels in a cross-national context.
The gains in representation resulted from party feminists and state feminists working in tandem. Party feminists concentrated on improving
womens representation in party and elected offices. They also spearheaded
Diane Sainsbury
the move to create WPAs and have filled the key ministerial positions.
Femocrats turned their energies to bettering womens representation in
appointed positions in the state bureaucracy.
The advances involved the activities of both womens policy agencies
and quasi-womens policy agencies. In the first debate quasi-womens
policy agencies within the parties achieved initial successes, while the
activities of womens policy agencies were both effective and necessary
to the outcome in the second debate. The insider position afforded
unique opportunities to influence the formulation and implementation
of policy. The crucial determining factor in this debate was the existence
of a mandate. Since nominations to elected office are the prerogative of
the political parties and state intervention in party activities has been
minimal, this area was largely outside their jurisdiction but posts within
the state were not. In the third debate it was again the womens party
organisation, but now in alliance with individual high-ranking women
party members, that influenced the outcome.
Specific characteristics of the womens movement help to explain
these successes. Consistently high priority was assigned to the goal
of increasing womens political representation, and the movement was
united behind this goal. The initial framing of the issue as the equal rights
of the citizenry reinforced movement unity. In the second debate, the
proposal to introduce quotas was divisive but the commissions compromise restored unity. The pan-partisan nature of the goal of womens
representation was also essential to the outcome of more womens nominations across most of the political spectrum in the third debate.
The stage of the movement varied (emergence and growth, consolidation
and resurgence respectively) but this conceals an important common
denominator the womens movement was not in decline but gaining
strength. Most significantly, movement access to major decisional arenas
strengthened over time through the institutionalised presence of women.
The location of feminist activists, working both inside and outside
the political parties and the state, has also been of key importance to
movement success. The stance of the movement has often been proactive
rather than reactive. This stance was possible because of the lack of an
organised counter-movement. At an early date, the political parties
went on record in support of womens representation, and the positive
positions of the parties limited the space for an overt counter-movement
to emerge.
Of the policy environment variables, the importance of frame fit stands
out. The master frame of womens representation has been its implications for democracy, and the emphasis on womens under-representation
as a glaring contradiction to democratic principles has had enormous
resonance. It appears to have been especially great when the policy subsystem is the parties, possibly because they see themselves as the main
vehicles for a functioning representative democracy. In contradiction to
the assumption that openness provides the most favourable policy environment, feminist successes have occurred in closed or moderately closed
sub-systems. Because of their institutionalised presence, women have
had access and opportunities to influence policy outcomes even in closed
With regard to the parties in power, the Swedish case offers evidence
both for and against the hypothesis that womens movements are more
effective when parties of the left are in government. On the one hand,
the ascendancy of the left from the mid-1960s to the mid-1970s
promoted a public discourse on equality and greater democracy that
feminists used, triggering the growth of womens representation in
elected and appointed positions. The movement has been more effective in increasing womens representation compared with most other
countries in this book, and the Social Democrats have been the dominant party in power. Moreover, it was a Social Democratic government
that established the first WPA. On the other hand, the non-socialist
government created additional WPAs and formalised the post of the
Minister of Gender Equality. Furthermore, during the last debate the
parties in power were a centre-right coalition. Despite this, the outcome
was a dual response. In other words, the party in power is not a necessary
condition for a dual response, especially when the policy sub-system is
the political parties. In addition, women experienced little success
in improving their representation during the first two decades of the
post-war period when the Social Democrats were also the party of the
government. Then a critical factor was missing the widespread political mobilisation of women.
Finally it needs to be stressed that the womens movement has not
influenced the outcomes of all debates on political representation.
The basic explanation lies in the low priority many feminists have
given to debates not specifically dealing with womens representation.
Furthermore, several of these debates have caused heated partisan controversy between the left and the right, such as voting rights for immigrants in parliamentary elections, undermining the prospects for an
alliance of women across parties. Such divisions can neutralise party
women who have been a political force essential to the successes of
bringing women into elected office. In short, two of the major prerequisites of feminist success in increasing the political representation of
women movement unity and high priority have not existed in several
other debates.
Diane Sainsbury
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War, in Ann Oakley and Juliet Mitchell (eds.) Whos Afraid of Feminism:
Seeing through the Backlash, London: Hamish Hamilton, pp. 22444
Step by Step 1979, National Plan of Action for Equality 1979, Stockholm: Ministry
of Labour
Ulmanen, Petra 1998, (S)veket mot kvinnorna och hur hogern stal feminismen,
Stockholm: Atlas
Although parliament is formally sovereign, UK decision-making is determined by party government. Supported by a single member simple plurality electoral system that normally produces working majorities for the
winning party in the House of Commons, governments are dominated by
a cabinet composed of majority-party politicians that is in turn dominated
by the prime minister and a few other senior ministers. Party government
secures the centralisation and closedness of the political system. Party
discipline secures passage of government bills. Formally accountable to
the House of Commons, the power of the cabinet is such that the system
is frequently referred to as an elected dictatorship. Major decisions are
taken by a combination of a minister, their policy advisers and civil
servants. Details of decisions are worked out in the civil service where
legislation and other policy documents are drafted. The formal arrangements conceal the extent to which decisions are significantly influenced
by the Number 10 policy machine.
Political representation takes place in both elected and appointed
bodies. The rules and procedures that determine who becomes a representative differ by sector. For elected bodies the political parties make the
most important decisions about who are the elected representatives
because nomination of candidates is a party matter, subject to very few
external constraints. In contrast, the nature of the electoral system is a
constitutional matter, subject to considerable regulation. Until recently
trade unions, business and employers associations, interest and advocacy
organisations and civil service officials made nominations for vacant
positions in government-appointed bodies whose membership is formally
agreed by ministers. Activity in support of equality of womens representation brings at least three international actors into the decision-making
frame: the United Nations, the European Union and the Council of
Europe. As with other members of the European Union, EU legislation
takes precedence in its areas of competence, which, since the 1997
The Standing Committee on Standards in Public Life first reported in 1996. It has
changed the rules on public appointments to make them more transparent.
Joni Lovenduski
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Policy outcome
The first of the two Pliatzky Reports recommended a moderate cull and
included a list of Quangos that should be targeted for drastic budget and
staff cuts or elimination altogether. The 1981 report identified executive
bodies, with expenditure on capital and current account approaching
5,800 million, and employing approximately 217,000 staff. In addition,
Joni Lovenduski
Pliatzky identified 1,561 advisory bodies, and found that it was impossible to count the number of tribunals.
The policy outcome was a review of the functions of Quangos, the
abolition of more than 400 of them, reduction in the budgets given to
remaining Quangos, reduction in staff and public appointments to them
(3,700 ministerial appointments and 250 permanent posts), guidelines to
ensure their accountability to parliament, guidelines to ensure any new
Quangos were evaluated before being established, and establishment of
thirty-one new bodies to take over the functions of the eliminated
Quangos! Guidelines were established for reviewing Quangos at least
once during each parliament. Subsequently regular reports on public
bodies were published including annual press notices listing separately
bodies that had been created and abolished since the previous report.
Dominant frame of debate
In keeping with Thatcherite rhetoric the problem was identified as the
inefficiency and expense of Quangos. The dominant discussion frame
was of efficiency and the reduction of government spending. Blame was
put on successive governments and government departments and the
practice of hiving off government functions to non-departmental
bodies. The frame did not fit with womens movement goals.
Gendering the debate
Parliament did not discuss the effects of the elimination and reduction of
Quangos in gendered terms. No specific parliamentary consideration was
given to how the reduction/elimination of Quangos, particularly in education and health sectors, might affect women. However, there was discussion of womens representation in the debate about appointments
to the new public bodies that were established to replace the Quangos
(The Times, 5 March 1980). Jo Richardson MP, later Shadow Minister for
Women, argued in the House of Commons that women should be better
represented in public appointments. She argued for equality provision to
be written into the statutes on public appointments. The government
responded by pointing out that women were listed among the candidates
for Quango positions.
In the press both substantive and descriptive representation were discussed. Substantive issues were also trailed in a related debate about the
effects of government cuts in public expenditure, which elided with the
Quango debate. Concerns originated with reports by trade unions and
the EOC. An article in The Times (11 July 1980) discussed the loss of
Joni Lovenduski
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permitted to internal factions and tendencies, and control over the promises of the election manifesto.
After their 1992 general election defeat, Labour modernisers initiated
another wave of party organisational reforms. Believing that the influence
of trade unions, which were affiliated via the partys federal structure, was
electorally damaging, modernisers sought to reduce this influence on
party decision-making. Unions had special voting rights that gave them
block votes on important decisions at all levels of the party including
leadership selection, candidate selection and policy matters. The debate
on the selection of parliamentary candidates was brought to the 1993
party conference by leader John Smith as part of a package of measures
designed to reduce trade union influence and especially to remove the
block vote.
To understand the debate one needs to be familiar both with candidate
selection and with wider debates in the Labour Party between 1979 and
2001. British electoral candidate selection is almost entirely a party
matter. The main decisions take place at constituency level. In the early
1990s trade unions had considerable influence over constituency selections because they were affiliated to the party at constituency as well as at
national level. Affiliation gave them guaranteed places on constituency
selection committees and entitled them to a fixed percentage of votes in
constituency candidate selection decisions. Their vote was normally cast
by local union officials in support of trade union candidates who were
usually men. There was no obligation for the local officials to ballot their
members before casting their vote.
Several months before the autumn annual conference, which is the
partys supreme decision-making body, Smith proposed that trade
unions give up their fixed share of the votes so that each party member
would have one equally weighted vote. Smith needed to persuade unions
to cast their votes in favour of one member, one vote (OMOV), thereby
reducing their own power in the party. The controversial move was
fiercely resisted.
Policy outcome
The proposal for OMOV was narrowly approved by party conference by
a vote of 47.5 per cent to 44.4 per cent, marking the end point of the debate.
The resolution included a clause establishing a system of all-women
shortlists (AWS) in half of the partys winnable and safe seats in the
next general election. Constituency parties chose their parliamentary
candidates from a shortlist of nominees of the various affiliated branches.
The AWS proposal therefore meant that local selectors in some
constituencies could consider only women when they chose their parliamentary candidate. The AWS clause was crucial to John Smiths victory.
The modernisers won because one trade union, the Manufacturing,
Science and Finance Union (MSF), which opposed OMOV, decided to
abstain because it favoured AWS (Lovenduski and Norris 1994). The
clause was inserted at the behest of the Womens Committee, a subcommittee of the partys NEC. The NEC Womens Committee debated
the options at a meeting attended by John Smith who committed himself
to implementing the proposal. OMOV was subjected to a clause-byclause vote at the 1993 conference. The clause establishing all-women
shortlists was overwhelmingly passed (Short 1996). The party quickly
implemented the policy.
Dominant frame of debate
The debate on candidate selection was polarised between modernisers
who favoured OMOV and traditionalists who favoured the retention of
some form of electoral college that privileged the trade unions. Founded
by the trade unions in order to facilitate the representation of their
members and interests, the Labour Party was attuned to the requirements
of descriptive representation. The debate was conducted in terms of who
should decide who the representatives would be. The issue of union
power within the party informed a discourse in which descriptive and
substantive representation were inseparable. The dominant (public) discourse of the debate was based on arguments about fairness, equity,
representation and policy improvement, and hence fit well with the
demands of the womens movement.
Gendering the debate
The gendering of the OMOV debate was made explicit in the clause of the
resolution that established all-women shortlists. The crucial actors who
gendered the debate were Clare Short, who was chair of the NEC
Womens Committee, Deborah Lincoln, who was party womens officer,
the members of the NEC Womens Committee, trade union equality
officials and womens sections, and a number of supportive party leaders
and officials including the party director of organisation, Peter Coleman.
The debate took place when the movement for womens representation in
the party was ascendant. Through the activities of womens advocates
organised in the party and unions a series of quotas had been established
at every level of the party except candidacy for legislative office, where a
target of 40 per cent was set in 1989. When it first emerged, the demand
Joni Lovenduski
Joni Lovenduski
Joni Lovenduski
EMILYs List is a Labour Party group formed to raise and allocate funds to aid women
seeking to become candidates. It is modelled on the US organisation of the same name
(see chapter 12).
Discussions between author and Meg Russell (see note 7).
Joni Lovenduski
Policy outcome
In September 2002, Robin Cook announced plans to rationalise the
hours by shortening the twelve-week summer break and abolishing latenight sittings. On a free vote (that is, free of official party whipping) with
an exceptionally large turnout of MPs and with considerable behind the
scenes activity by supporters and opponents of reform, the proposal to
pilot a changed schedule of sittings was accepted. According to The Times
whoops of joy by female MPs greeted the announcement of the result,
an indication that for some MPs the issue of womens representation was
part of the frame. Thus the policy outcome coincided with the goals of the
movement, a dual response.6
Womens policy agency characteristics and activities
WPA activities included reports and seminars on the issue, press releases
and public announcements. Their mandate extended by the Amsterdam
Treaty, they favoured increased womens representation and should be
regarded as advocates of womens movement goals. The Women and
Equality Unit put the transcript of the parliamentary debate on its website; the EOC, perhaps emboldened by the provisions of the Amsterdam
Treaty, officially supported modernisation in its statements and press
releases. The WNC used its extensive email circulation list to draw
attention to the debate. An email was circulated asking those on the
circulation list to write to their MPs to stress the importance of familyfriendly sitting hours for parliament. WPA activities were thus insider.
Womens movement characteristics
The affiliated womens movement developed significant professional
capacities by the end of the twentieth century. First, womens advocacy
organisations became more skilled at lobbying on issues of political
representation, at placing their views in the press and at networking
with influential politicians, journalists, think tanks and experts. An
important example is the Fawcett Society. Once a suffrage organisation,
it was revitalised in the 1990s. By the end of the decade Fawcett was
central to campaigns for womens political presence.
Second, feminist advocates expanded their affiliations, increasing and
extended their memberships of and activity in influential lobbying
The decision was partly overturned in a parliamentary vote on 26 January 2005 when the
pilot scheme was due to expire. This issue is likely to be revisited by subsequent parliaments.
Policy environment
The policy environment was moderately closed. A feminist presence in
the cabinet after 1997 increased access for feminist advocates but in a
closed system. The first Blair government (19972001) only grudgingly
honoured its pledge to put womens issues at the heart of government
(Lovenduski 2005). After 2001 first Sally Morgan and later Patricia
Hewitt became Minister for Women. Both were feminists under whom
the WPA became more powerful and competent.
For example, Sheila Diplock became executive director of the Hansard Society after
leaving Fawcett. Becky Gill, political officer of Fawcett, moved to the TUC. Laura
Shepherd Robinson went from Fawcett to the General and Municipal Workers. Alice
Brown was appointed to the Neil Committee and later became public policy ombudsman
for Scotland. Deborah Lincoln, a Labour Party womens officer in the early 1990s, was
made special adviser to the Minister for Women. Meg Russell, former Labour Party
womens officer, went first to the Constitution Unit and then to become political adviser
to Robin Cook on House of Lords reform.
Joni Lovenduski
All the selected debates addressed long-standing issues that surfaced and
resurfaced between 1970 and the present. Arguably the proportion of the
fragmented womens movement interested in issues of womens representation expanded over the years of the debates. None of the decisional
systems may be regarded as open in RNGS terms, a finding that is
congruent with most assessments of UK party democracy. Parliament
and the parties with their elaborate procedures, rules and conventions are
moderately closed, whilst the executive with its limited participation and
closely managed procedures and access is closed. However, the policy
environment did vary between issues and over time. The executive was
more open during the modernisation debates than it was during
the Quango debates. This development appears to be the result of
the favourable location of feminist advocates in the party in power. In
the third debate the womens policy agencies and the womens movement
co-operated, parts of the debate were gendered and considerable political
skill was assembled to press womens movement demands.
All three debates touched on womens descriptive and substantive
representation. However, the discourse was one in which differences
among women were rarely considered and the notion that men have
gender largely unexplored. Yet there is evidence that the gender implications of Commons modernisation were well understood by opponents.
The day after the vote to change working hours, the traditional, conservative and anti-feminist tabloid the Daily Mail raised the alarm about the
reforms, declaring that what was under threat was masculinity and
respect for the traditional skills and abilities of men. Such sophistication
is rarely found in the coverage of more sympathetic press commentators.
The research suggests that the womens movement began the period at
a stage of decline but that the integrated movement consolidated after
1979. It was close to the left, operating in the Labour movement and in
the Liberal Democratic Party. By 2001 it had some support on the right of
the political spectrum, as prominent Conservative women became more
vocal advocates of womens representation. The counter-movement
waxed and waned. For example, it re-emerged in the Liberal
Democrats after 2001 when that party rolled back its commitment to
equality of representation, reducing the number of guaranteed places for
women on its European parliament electoral lists.
Prior to 1997 WPAs had no mandate to influence womens elected
representation. Their efforts during the Quango debate were rooted in
concerns about womens economic position, which was within their
mandate. In the Labour Party debate on OMOV, the party QWPA was
both present and connected to party feminists. The QWPA in the Labour
Party was remarkably effective, possibly because of a widely held consensus that political parties are the appropriate forums in which to make
decisions about political representation. In addition the Labour Party
QWPA worked closely with advocates of womens political equality in the
womens movement.
It is notable that all three debates have a considerable, and continuing,
aftermath. The Quango debate turns out to have been the first of many,
and debates on candidate selection led to legal change permitting parties
to adopt quotas of women in 2001. Some mobilisation of MPs discontented with the changed working hours was apparent at the end of 2003,
and their votes proved decisive in 2005. This research highlights the
necessity for advocates of womens representation to mobilise in political
parties. It is likely that the successful establishment of party machinery
and infrastructure may be a precondition for effective state machinery.
Assuming that government will change hands at some time in the future,
then in the UK continuation of effective WPA will require at least some
integration of machinery and movement in all of the political parties.
Alison Warner of Nuffield College Oxford conducted some of the
research for this chapter. Meg Russell, Deborah Lincoln and Mary Ann
Stephenson all supplied important information and gave their time. Meg
Russell, Deborah Lincoln, Dionyssis Dimitrakopoulos, Diane Sainsbury
and Alan Ware offered helpful comments on earlier drafts of this chapter.
Beetham, D., Iain Byrne and Pauline Ngan 2002, Democracy under Blair: a
Democratic Audit of the United Kingdom, London: Politicos Publishing
Caul, M. 2000, Political Parties and the Adoption of Candidate Gender Quotas:
a Cross-National Analysis, The Journal of Politics 63, 4
Cook, Robin 2004, The Point of Departure, London: Simon and Schuster
Democratic Audit 1999, Making a Modern State: a New and Democratic Second
Chamber for Britain, Democratic Audit Paper No. 17, Colchester:
Democratic Audit
EOC 1988, Women and Public Appointments: Guidelines for Government
Departments, Norwich: KMSO
Hazell, R., O. Gay, A. Trench, S. King, M. Sandford, R. Masterman and
L. Maer 2003, The Constitution, Consolidation and Cautious Advance,
Parliamentary Affairs 56: 1569
Judge, David 1999, Political Representation, London: Routledge
Joni Lovenduski
Labour Womens Network 1994, Uphill All the Way: Labour Women into
Westminster, London: Labour Womens Network
Lovenduski, J. 1997, Gender Politics: a Breakthrough for Women, in Pippa
Norris and Neil Gavin (eds.) Britain Votes 1997, Oxford: Oxford University
Press, pp. 70819
2001, Gender and Politics: Critical Mass or Minority Representation,
Parliamentary Affairs 54, 4: 74358
2005, Feminizing Politics, Cambridge: Polity Press
Lovenduski, Joni and Pippa Norris 1994, Political Recruitment: Gender, Class
and Ethnicity, in Lynton Robins, Hilary Blackmore and Robert Pyper (eds.)
Britains Changing Party System, Leicester: Leicester University Press
Lovenduski, J. and V. Randall 1993, Contemporary Feminist Politics, Oxford:
Oxford University Press
MacDougal, Linda 1997, Westminster Women, London: Vintage
Mackay, Fiona 2003, Women and the 2003 Elections: Keeping up the
Momentum, Scottish Affairs 44: 7490
Mackay, Fiona, E. Meehan, T. Donaghy and A. Brown 2002, Women and
Constitutional Change in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland,
Australasian Parliamentary Review 17: 3540
Perrigo, Sarah 1996, Women and Change in the Labour Party, Parliamentary
Affairs 49, 1: 1725
Pliatzky, Leo 1980, Report on Non-Departmental Public Bodies, Cmnd 7797,
London: HMSO
1981, Non-Departmental Public Bodies: a Guide for Departments, London:
Rogers, Robert and Rhodri Walters 2004, How Parliament Works, fifth edition,
London: Pearson Longman
Russell, Meg 2003, Women in Elected Office in the UK 19922002: Struggles,
Achievements and Possible Sea Change, in A. Dobrowolsky and V. Hart
(eds.) Women Making Constitutions: New Politics and Comparative Perspectives,
London and New York: Palgrave
Short, Clare 1996, Women and the Labour Party, Parliamentary Affairs 49,
1: 1725
Debates over political representation are pervasive in the USA.1 Pluralist
by design, many of the countrys core political values and institutional
arrangements are premised on the belief that the number of voices in the
process is at least as important as the outcome produced. Definitions of
representation thus tend to focus on opportunities for participation in
public decisions. A host of the key constitutional and statutory developments of the twentieth century are telling in this regard, including direct
democracy, secret ballots, primaries, expanded voting rights, campaign
finance reform, eased voter registration, and more. American affinity for
the rhetoric of representation has hardly resulted in participatory parity,
however. The US Congress remained less than 14 per cent female in
2003; the state legislatures averaged just 23 per cent women members
(ranging from 37 per cent in Washington to 9 per cent in South Carolina);
and only six women a record currently serve as governors.
Another aspect of representation in a democratic system, especially
one so heavily draped in formal constitutionalism, is the manner in
which citizens are identified under its governing document. The Equal
Rights Amendment (ERA) of the 1970s and early 1980s addressed this
matter with respect to sex. Its ratification would have produced both
practical and symbolic effects. In the former case, most analyses conclude that it would have elevated the consideration of sex discrimination
cases to the level of strict scrutiny, the judiciarys highest threshold for
examining publicly sponsored differential treatment. Labour regulations and educational opportunities would have been greatly altered as
a result. With respect to its symbolic importance, scholars have made
the case that formal, especially constitutional, language matters greatly.
The author would like to thank Dorothy McBride Stetson for her expert guidance on this
project, and the National Science Foundation (Grant #SES-0084580) for its financial
support of the research reported in this chapter.
Janine A. Parry
spread among the key decision systems in American politics, capture the
most salient political representation conflicts in the decades spanning
from 1970 to 2000.
Debate 1: ERA ratification in Arkansas, 19721977
How the debate came to the public agenda
The addition of an explicit recognition of sex equality to the US constitution was proposed in 1923 by a radical wing of the victorious suffragists.
Though congressional passage was not achieved until 1972, nearly half the
states voted to accept the proposed amendment the same year, and in early
1973 it seemed virtually assured that Arkansas would join the rapidly
growing list of ratifying states. ERA-backers, including the state chapters of
the Womens Political Caucus, the Federation of Business and
Professional Women, and the League of Women Voters (LWV) as well
as the Governors Commission on the Status of Women (GCSW), had
been contacting policy-makers since the spring of 1972, and had received
public declarations of support by Democratic Governor Dale Bumpers and
several legislators (Woodruff 1972; Talbot 1972). But on 15 January a
busload of South Arkansas women calling themselves the Committee for
the Protection of Women disembarked at the state capitol building to
express objections to the radical changes they claimed the ERA would
invoke. The ratification debate in Arkansas was officially underway.
Dominant frame of debate
Law-makers and journalists considered ratification by the Arkansas
General Assembly a foregone conclusion at least at the outset. After
all, nearly one-half the states and almost two-thirds the number needed
for ratification had consented to the amendment already; it was widely
expected that Arkansas would follow suit. Proponents had been actively
courting legislators for nearly eight months, reassuring them that a constitutional guarantee of sex equality would affect legal rights only, not
social customs. Indeed, by 11 January 1973 the ratification resolutions
chief sponsor in the Senate proclaimed twenty-two affirmative vote commitments from his colleagues, four more than needed, and the House of
Representatives version had been co-sponsored by more than half the
chamber, assuring its passage (Arkansas Gazette 1973). In short, the
dominant frame of the early debate in Arkansas as elsewhere was that
ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment was a non-contentious
even symbolic gesture that women wanted and deserved.
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Amendment high on its agenda. Though the units administrative capacity during the decade was minimal, it did have a broad mandate that
covered or at least did not prohibit its active endorsement of the ERA.
It also had an independent (if small) budget, maintained moderately close
ties with the states progressive governors during the period of the ERA
debate, and was guided by some of the states most respected and accomplished feminist leaders.
The GCSW thus worked collaboratively with even indistinguishably
from other actors in the feminist movement in the ERA struggle.
Commissioners moved freely between the GCSW, the League of
Women Voters, the Arkansas Womens Political Caucus and other proratification organisations. Such interchangeability of personnel might
suggest that the Arkansas GCSW operated as an insider, wholly incorporating and prioritising womens movement goals and rhetoric in
gendering a policy debate of great significance to both. The problem,
however, is that neither the GCSW nor the womens movement won the
gendering war in this case. No longer a simple matter of symbolic
equality nor an overdue tool for the advancement of women, the debate
saw the ERA regendered by its opponents into a threat to the right of
women to be financially supported, to have access to sex-segregated
restrooms, to be non-combatants in military conflicts, etc. In this case,
then, the womens policy agency activities are best characterised as
Womens movement characteristics
With respect to the characteristics of the feminist movement, the ERAs
early chances for ratification in Arkansas looked encouraging. Cohesion
among the states pro-amendment groups was strong, and by early 1973
the measures passage had become the priority item on the movements
agenda. The state chapters of Business and Professional Women, the
League of Women Voters, and the American Association of University
Women, long vibrant on other issues in the state, were actively lobbying
on behalf of the measure, and were working in tandem with the GCSW.
What little state labour presence there was at the time also had come to
support the ratification position by 1977. Endorsements also were
acquired from the state Democrat and state Republican parties, the
Gazette, and many mainline churches. The caveat to this happy condition lay in the strength of the counter-movement in this debate. It was
numerically smaller, but formidable in volume and rhetoric. As in
venues around the country, Arkansas anti-feminists (and imported
ones such as Schlafly) successfully cast the ERA as anti-motherhood,
Janine A. Parry
advocates turned to the individual states, especially those in which citizens could take policy matters into their own hands through the mechanisms of direct democracy. California, Colorado and Oklahoma led the
way in 1990 by limiting the service of their state legislators. Activists in
other states soon followed suit, adding to their proposals caps on the
terms of executive officers as well as members of Congress.
Michigan which recently had seen lower-than-average state legislative turnover and other signs of increased legislative professionalisation
and at the time was represented by some of the longest-serving national
elected officials in the country was among these other states. Though at
least two earlier Michigan petition drives failed to produce the necessary
number of signatures to present voters with a term limits proposal, in
December 1991 proponents submitted nearly 150,000 more signatures
than required. The measure was among the most comprehensive of any
proposed: state representatives were limited to three two-year terms, state
senators to two four-year terms, state executive officers to two four-year
terms, US Representatives to three two-year terms, and US Senators to
two six-year terms. In addition, a lifetime cap was to be placed on service
at each level.
Dominant frame of debate
Proponents painted a picture of a term-limited Michigan as one enjoying
the leadership of citizen legislators preferably from business backgrounds rather than career politicians. By implication, anyone could
make a bid for public office, serve a few terms, and return home before
becoming too cosy with crooked lobbyists and too comfortable with
the trappings of public life. (This was a claim that the anti-term-limits
alliance of 36-year congressional veteran John Dingell, the Upjohn
Corporation, the Big Three automakers and the unions buoyed considerably.) Term limits opponents relied upon equally familiar arguments:
inexperienced law-makers would be at the mercy of complex issues,
career civil servants and professional lobbyists; citizens, faced with
lame-duck incumbents, would lack leverage over representatives in their
final terms; and a term-limited Michigan would find its national power
diminished in comparison with the congressional delegations of nonterm-limited states. Good government groups further scolded that term
limits were a shortsighted solution to the long-term problem of weakened
government accountability. Common Cause activists, for example,
championed campaign finance reform as an alternative that would give
challengers a better shot, while the League of Women Voters favoured
greater citizen responsibility in carefully examining the actions of their
Janine A. Parry
us. Unfortunately, theyve been quiet, she said (Boyle 1994). A review of
the commissions publications especially its newsletter Michigan Women
over its forty-year history suggests that it was engaged in a narrower range
of policy advocacy activities in the 1990s than in the 1970s and 1980s. In
terms of the role of the commission in Michigans adoption of term limits,
there is a silent symmetry between the womens policy agency activities
and the womens movement. While a few members of the latter group
showed late awareness of the gender implications of such a policy, neither
much engaged the matter. Thus, the value of the intervening variable
is symbolic.
Womens movement characteristics
Michigan long has had a relatively rich relationship with the second wave
womens movement. In 1962 it became the first state to establish (under
gubernatorial prerogative) its own womens commission (Harrison
1988). The adopted home of a pivotal figure in the womens movement
nationally (Democratic US Representative Martha Griffiths who in 1972
steered the Equal Rights Amendment out of the House Judiciary
Committee), it also included a state-level sex equity provision in its
1963 constitution and ratified the national ERA. Signs of continued
vibrancy including consolidation and cohesion abound. The state
was home in the 1980s to a coalition of twenty-six womens groups
the Michigan Womens Assembly devoted to womens economic selfsufficiency, choice, and the success of the Equal Rights Amendment
(Moen 1991). Another coalition supplemented by an alliance with the
states formidable union presence emerged in the mid-1990s to combat,
successfully, attacks on affirmative action. The Michigan womens movement, like that in other states in recent decades, is close to the Democratic
Party, or at least allied with Democratic legislators with whom they share
common policy goals (Woods 2003). A counter-movement exists in
Michigan to be sure, but does not appear to have been particularly strong
during the debate period, perhaps because the ascendance of conservative
Republican John Engler to the governorship reduced the perception of a
feminist threat. Regardless, the fact that womens movement actors were
divided on the term limits issue (as noted above) make its absence from
the feminist agenda no surprise.
Policy environment
Michigans moralistic culture joined contemporary political conditions to
provide a nurturing environment for a policy of mandatory electoral
Janine A. Parry
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Janine A. Parry
EMILY is an acronym for Early Money is Like Yeast. Founded in 1985 EMILYS list is
the largest and best known of the womens PACs in the USA. Its contributors seek to elect
pro-choice Democratic women to national, state and local office.
Party and the election of its first president in twelve years, too, the movement also experienced several key policy victories. Among these were the
rescission of the gag rule in family planning policy, the adoption of the
Family and Medical Leave Act, and executive and judicial rejection of a
partial birth abortion ban. Policy setbacks including attacks on abortion rights and a controversial welfare reform package certainly
occurred as well, a fact that speaks to the strong and cohesive countermovement which yet retained much of its 1980s influence in Congress
and the courts. Nowhere in this flurry of activity, however, was mention
made of loosened voter registration rules.
Policy environment
The fact that both chambers of Congress were Democratically controlled during precisely the same years as the voter registration debate,
and that Democrats had regained control of the White House by the
time of its resolution, was extremely significant to NVRAs passage. It
also impacted the dominant discourse of the early 1990s. The loss of the
White House after twelve years, and the loss of the one congressional
chamber they had managed to dominate only briefly since the Second
World War, set Republicans on edge. And with good reason. NVRA was
one of a trio of political reform bills that Democrats pressed for in the
early months of the Clinton administration. Many Republicans fought
all three (the others involved campaign finance reform and loosened
rules on political activism by federal employees), fearing a formula for
permanent Democratic control should they be adopted (Alston 1993).
Finally, in terms of the penetrability of the debate arena, decision subsystems in the USA are rarely more open than congressional debates,
especially those as widely publicised and easily graspable as the motorvoter proposal. The conflict which occurred in committee, on the
chamber floors and in the media consequently attracted a plethora of
policy experts, party activists, lower-level elected officials, government
reformers and others.
These debates on political representation in the USA suggest a limited state
response to the womens movement. Only in the case of eased voter registration did feminists see dual response. In the other two debates ERA
ratification in Arkansas and term limitations in Michigan the policies
adopted ran counter to movement goals. This may not come as any great
surprise in light of the absence of state feminism in these cases. Only the
Janine A. Parry
Alston, Chuck 1993 Democrats Flex New Muscle with Trio of Election Bills,
Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report 51, 12: 6435
Arkansas Gazette 1973, Legislative Ratification Appears Certain for Equal Rights
Proposal, 11 January: 4A
Blair, Diane D. 1988, Arkansas Politics and Government: Do the People Rule?,
Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press
1998, Personal interview, Fayetteville, AR, 10 May 1998
Boyle, Jacquelynn 1992, Term Limits, B: Yes, Detroit Free Press, 4 November
1992: 3A
1994, New Director Defends Panel, Detroit Free Press, 26 September 2002: 1B
Browne, William P. and Kenneth VerBurg 1995, Michigan Politics and
Government: Facing Change in a Complex State, Lincoln: University of
Nebraska Press
Burrell, Barbara 1994, A Womans Place is in the House: Campaigning for Congress
in the Feminist Era, Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press
Congressional Digest 1993, Voter Registration Reform, 72: 6796
Cooper, Mary H. 2000, Low Voter Turnout, CQ Researcher 10: 83555
Costain, Anne B. 1992, Inviting Womens Rebellion: a Political Process
Interpretation of the Womens Movement, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins
University Press
Daubenmier, Judy 1992, Limiting Terms isnt the Answer, Group Says, Detroit
Free Press, 8 June 1992: 8B
Decker, Cathleen 1991, Money May Play a Bigger Role in Elections, Los Angeles
Times, 11 October 1991: A1
Gertzog, Irwin N. 1995, Congressional Women: their Recruitment, Integration, and
Behavior, second edition, Westport, CT: Praeger
GONGWER News Service, Inc. 1991, Legislators Net $6.6 Million from PACs;
Group Seeks Reform, Michigan Report, 21 October 1991: 12
Harrison, Cynthia 1988, On Account of Sex: the Politics of Womens Issues,
19451968, Berkeley: University of California Press
Mansbridge, Jane J. 1986, Why We Lost the ERA, Chicago: University of Chicago
McGlen, Nancy E. and Karen OConnor 1998, Women, Politics, and American
Society, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall
Moen, Gerri 1991, LWVMI Works in Coalition with Michigan Womens
Assembly, Michigan Voter 38: 2
Janine A. Parry
This chapter was written by Joni Lovenduski using summary and analytical materials
supplied by the other editors. The final version benefited from extensive comments by
Diane Sainsbury. We are also grateful to Amy Mazur and Dorothy Stetson for offering an
exemplary map of the terrain of debate analysis in their earlier books for the project and to
Joyce Outshoorn for letting us see advance chapters from her book on prostitution
representatives are often constitutional debates, subject to special procedures in addition to or instead of normal legislative processes. Thus we
find that such institutions as constitutional courts may be involved, or
referenda may be held or enhanced legislative majorities may be necessary
to make decisions. Second, many of the debates about political representation of the past thirty years have been debates specifically about the presence
of women in decision-making institutions. They are gendered at the outset
at least insofar as they draw attention to the presence of men and the
absence of women from political decision-making. Therefore the central
research question shifts to one of how the debate frames of womens movement and WPAs affect an already gendered discourse. In many cases,
especially in the 1990s and later, we are looking at the extent to which
gendering alters in debates that were explicitly gendered at the outset.
Third, major divisions in movements between integrated and autonomous
feminists may take on a different significance as, for the most part, integrated feminists mobilise their political skills to engage political institutions
while autonomous feminists, although often supportive of claims for presence, in practice remain preoccupied with other concerns. Fourth, the role
of the political parties comes to the fore and may be more important than
the state in decision-making. As stated in the introduction to this volume, in
European systems of party democracy it is political parties that make the
crucial decisions about who our representatives should be. There is considerable institutional variation here. One such variation is the extent to
which political parties are constitutionalised, otherwise regulated and therefore subject to legal intervention in their decision-making. However,
although decisions about political representation may eventually play out
in state institutions, their formulation and development tends to be a party
matter. Political parties decide whether to take action on the issue and also
determine such procedural matters as whether political representation
should be part of the mandate of state womens policy agencies. Thus in
many debates not only are the internal party institutions established to
promote women in the party more important actors than WPAs, but they
also have similar characteristics and mandates to state WPAs. In this
research such institutions are called quasi-womens policy agencies
(QWPAs) and are considered separately from WPAs.
Womens movements and political representation: variations and
In our comparative analysis we use country-based definitions of feminism as
our benchmark. In the preceding eleven chapters each author employs the
definitions of feminism that are current in the country under consideration at
the time of the debate. Thus we are able to keep in view the diversity of
womens movements and feminisms that characterise each country, while at
the same time having the benefit of a definition that is comparative. On the
whole the womens movements described in this collection did well. Most
were in a period of growth or consolidation. Although our coverage is not
comprehensive, the debates cover a considerable time span; hence our sketch
of the movement is more than a collection of scattered images. Only in
Germany did womens movements decline over the long term. The movements have not resisted the impact of time. In many countries they were in a
period of re-emergence or growth during one or more debates, suggesting a
cyclical evolution. The movements were generally close to the left, with the
exception of parts of the movement in the Finnish and Swedish debates,
where in some cases they were both close to the left and pan-partisan.
Womens political representation was often not an immediate demand
of the new womens movements. Other issues, such as economic rights
and reproductive rights, had higher priority. There were also differences in
the timing of raising womens representation issues. In the Netherlands,
Sweden and Finland equality of womens representation was raised in the
1960s. In the 1970s it arrived on the agenda in Austria, Germany, the UK
and the USA. In the 1980s quotas of female representatives became a topic
in many countries. By the end of the decade womens political representation was an issue in all of the countries discussed in this volume, an effect
not only of womens movement activity but also of opportunities afforded
by extensions of mandate brought to womens policy offices by the
Amsterdam Treaty in EU countries. The late 1980s and 1990s also witnessed debates on womens access to administrative positions and posts on
appointed bodies. Electoral and constitutional reforms were increasingly
the subject of debate in the 1980s and 1990s.
The scope of the debates
The debates deal with several facets of political representation. A central
concern was the presence of women in decision-making positions, that
is the equal access of women and men to various sites of decisionmaking in the policy process, with some considerable emphasis on
equal representation in elected assemblies and cabinet positions.
Womens movements also attempted to secure womens presence in
public administration and in the public bodies charged with preparing
legislation. Internal party positions were a target for mobilisations.
Debates dealt with both the mechanisms of and preconditions for political representation and the nature of representation itself. Among the
mechanisms discussed, most attention was paid to electoral systems and
their impact on which people are represented and to formal quotas and
their effects. Debates on the preconditions of political representation
focused on citizenship and constitutional amendments to guarantee the
equal rights of men and women or to promote equal access to political
The debates occurred in diverse policy arenas and reflected an impressive
array of strategies to achieve equal representation between the sexes.
Strategies ranged between the two extremes of recommended guidelines
(voluntary) and constitutional reform (compulsory). They included the
introduction of formal party quotas and legislated quotas, the launching
of the zipper system (alternating candidates of each sex on the party ballot)
and a system of all-women shortlists, attempts to tie public party funding to
the nomination of female candidates, special subsidies to encourage women
to enter politics, threats to create a womens party or to present all-women
lists of candidates as alternatives to the regular party lists, affirmative action
and the establishment of gender equality or womens policy machinery in
parties and in government.
The policy settings of debates on political representation have varied.
Political party guidelines and regulations are normally the prerogatives of
the parties, with decisions confined to party organisations and members.
The first step to winning elected office is nomination and the political
parties are the nominators. In nearly a quarter of the debates the parties
were the major decisional arena (Table 13.1). In this respect the issue of
political representation differs from previous issues explored by the
RNGS network job training (Mazur 2001), abortion (Stetson 2001)
and prostitution (Outshoorn 2004). In those debates on representation
where the outcome was a law or a constitutional reform, the executive and
the legislature were the key arenas of decision-making. The special
arrangements typically required for constitutional amendments, however, often increases the number of veto sites. For example, constitutional
courts may affirm or reverse the policy decision as they did in France in
the 1980s and Italy in the 1990s.
The issue of womens representation came to the public agenda via a
number of routes. A common route was the general discourse on democracy. A closely related pathway was discussion on renewal or modernisation of a party or another major institution. A further catalyst was
disappointments regarding the lack of progress in the numbers of
women in office or the way previous reforms to improve womens representation were implemented. In most debates on womens representation
it was women who brought the issue to the public arena, but several
debates also reveal the importance of male allies and cross-gender
FI1 Independent electoral associations to
Government accepts independent electoral
nominate candidates, 19721975
FI2 Quotas for party executive in the Finnish Party adopts internal quotas of 40% women/
Peoples Democratic League (SKDL),
men in all executive structures.
19861987 Party debate
FI3 Quotas in the Equality Act of 1995,
Quota of 40% women/men for all indirectly
elected public bodies.
FR1 Change in voting system for local
elections, 1982
FR2 Change in voting system for
parliamentary elections, 1985
FR3 The parity reform, 19992000
GR1 Quota rules in the Social Democratic
Party (SPD), 19771988 Party debate
GR2 Second Federal Equal Rights Law,
SW1 Greater democracy and more women in Parties adopt guidelines for womens pre
politics, 19671972
sence in elected and party office. Advisory
Council on Equality between Women and
Men established.
SW2 Quotas for appointed positions,
Commission establishes targets for women in
elected office, threatens mandatory quotas
if not achieved.
SW3 The establishment of a womens party, Parties increased numbers of women
deputies, SD changed rules to provide for
equal distribution of women on party lists.
Women 48% of legislators and 50% of
United Kingdom
UK1 Reform of public bodies, 19791981
UK2 Candidate selection in the Labour
Party, 1993 Party debate
United States
US1 Equal rights amendment ratification in
Arkansas, 19721977
US2 Term limits in Michigan, 19911992
US3 National Voter Registration Act,
womens concerns
Quotas debates
Presence debates
4 debates
3 debates
debates, twelve were not explicitly and mainly about womens representation (Table 13.2). However, in three of these debates, IT1, IT2 and UK2,
womens representation was a consideration from the outset. Of the
remaining nine debates, seven (FR2, IT2, NL1, NL3, UK1, UK3 and in
a very minimal way USA3) became gendered in that issues of womens
representation were inserted by womens movement actors and were considered at least partly in terms of womens interests. In IT2, NL1 and NL3
interventions by womens movement actors led to the adoption of quotas to
ensure womens presence. In the cases of USA2 and GR3 no claims for
womens representation were made even though the terms of the debate
were compatible with feminist goals to increase womens representation.
In the case of USA1 it seems that the gendering of the debate reversed as a
strong counter-movement was able to (re)establish traditional gender roles
as central to the dominant discourse. In the case of FI1, the debate about
independent electoral associations to nominate candidates, the womens
movement did not attempt to gender the debate because electoral laws were
perceived to be part of high politics and a gender-neutral issue. We return
to these debates below.
The remaining twenty-one debates focused explicitly on women, and
hence were framed in gendered terms from the outset. Fourteen of these
debates were about quotas, defined as measures to permit or require
minimum presences of women (or maximum presences of men) in
decision-making arenas. Thus, including the second Italian and the first
and third Dutch debates, we have considered a total of seventeen debates
about quotas of women. Quotas to ensure the presence of women are very
much on the political agenda. (For a full rundown of measures to adopt
quotas of women worldwide see www.quotaproject.org.) They are a
procedural or numerical strategy, which is believed by many womens
movement actors to lead to substantive effects. In the debates analysed
Dual response
United Kingdom
AU1, AU2
BE1, BE2, BE3
No response
FI2, FI3
IT1, IT3
NL1, NL2, NL3
SP1, SP2
SW1, SW2, SW3
UK1, UK2
United Kingdom
NL2, NL3
SP1, SP2
FI1, FI2
FR1, FR2
GR1, GR3
Note: AU1, NL1 and SW1 are not included because WPAs were not in existence
at the time the debates began.
Dual response
No response
agencies with fewer resources and less capacity in providing linkages between
womens movements and policy-makers.
We predicted that agencies with greater resources and administrative
capacity will be more successful. The capacity of a WPA classifies its
scope and type of organisation (political, administrative or bureaucratic),
its proximity to political power, its administrative capacity in terms of
resources, the inclusion of political representation in its mandate, and its
leadership (feminist or not).
The thirty debates yield up to thirty-six observations of WPAs because
there are, as mentioned above, a number of debates in which more than
one WPA was present. The scope of all of the WPAs is characterised by
the authors as cross-sectional; hence we can eliminate this factor as an
explanation of variations. In twenty-seven observations they are political,
mainly in the sense that they are headed by political appointees chosen by
the government. In twenty-seven observations the WPAs were near to the
centre of power, usually the prime-minister or the cabinet. Most agencies
had limited or moderate administrative capacity or resources. In twenty-six
observations leaderships are classified as feminists for all or part of the
debate. Only in twelve WPAs are leaderships described as non-feminist for
all or part of a debate. A similar variation is evident in WPA mandates; in
twenty-four cases the issue was close to the mandate, in eleven it was not.
How do these characteristics map onto WPA activities?
Table 13.6 shows that insider agencies are likely to be political, to be
located in close proximity to power, to have feminist leadership and to
include political representation policies in their mandate. A comparison
of the characteristics of insider and symbolic agencies reveals considerable similarity: both types are likely to be political, have feminist leaders
and to be located close to centres of power. However, symbolic agencies
are less likely to include political representation in their mandate. Thus, a
major difference between symbolic and insider agencies is the inclusion of
political representation in their mandate. Marginal agencies contrast with
insider agencies in terms of type. In summary, the WPA characteristics
that stand out are type, proximity, leadership and mandate. However,
only mandate distinguishes between insider and symbolic WPA activities.
To support or reject hypothesis 3 it is necessary to examine the role of the
agencies both in relation to the characteristics of the womens movements
and in relation to the policy environments, the subject of hypothesis 4.
H.4 Variations in womens movement characteristics and/or policy environments explain variations in both womens policy agency effectiveness and movement activists success in increasing womens representation.
To examine linkages between womens movement characteristics, policy
environments, agency effectiveness and movement success, we first relate
Administrative capacity
5 2*
10 2
14 2*
26 2
Not close
2 cases
BE2, SP3
3 cases
FR1, FR2,
Symbolic 3 cases
7 cases
AU3, BE3,
SW3, UK2 FI1, FI2,
IT1, USA2,
1 case
1 case
3 cases
8 cases
FR3, NL2, AU2, BE1,
FI3, NL3,
SP1, SP2,
SW2, UK3
Consolidation decline
Marginal 2 cases
2 cases
7 cases
2 cases
BE2, SP3
6 cases
BE3, FI2,
GR1, IT1,
SW3, UK2
1 case
12 cases
AU2, BE1,
FI3, FR3,
IT3, NL2,
NL3, SP1, SP2,
SW2, UK3
2 cases
6 cases
11 cases
1 case
7 cases
AU3, FI1, FR1,
FR2, GR1
2 cases
IT2, UK1
1 case
Table 13.7 Womens movement characteristics and womens policy agency activity
5 cases
1 case
1 case 4 cases
1 case
1 case
2 cases
8 cases
1 case
6 cases
Strong Moderate none
Not high
Dual response
No response
Not cohesive
4 cases
FI1, GR1,
GR3, SW3
9 cases
FI3, FR3, GR2, IT3, NL3, SP1,
SP2, SW2, UK3
3 cases
6 cases
2 cases
3 cases
1 case
7 cases
AU2, BE3,
FI1, FR1,
FR2, GR3,
9 cases
AU2, BE1,
FR3, NL2,
NL3, SP1,
SP2, SW3,
2 cases
Left in/shares
Left in power?
Note: NL2: described as right with left window; AU1, NL1, SW1 NA: no WPA.
Symbolic 3 cases
IT1, USA2,
Open/moderately open
6 cases
1 case
1 case
3 cases
4 cases
3 cases
1 case
8 cases
1 case
BE3, FI2,
GR1, GR3,
IT1, UK2,
3 cases
IT2, UK1,
8 cases
1 case
BE1, FR3, NL2
GR2, NL3,
SP1, SP2,
FI3, UK3
Left not
Matching Compatible Incompatible
Frame fit
Dual response
No response
Frame fit
which a dual response was not achieved. That is, six of eleven instances of
co-optation, the only instance of pre-emption and three of the four
instances of no response. In two of the instances of no response (FR1
and GR3) the womens movements were not interested in the issue. It
may be that the theory that womens movement impact is enhanced by
the presence of the left in government should be revisited. The discourse
frame fit was matching or compatible in thirteen of the fourteen cases of
dual response, as it was in nine of the eleven cases of co-optation and
three of the four no responses, suggesting that appropriate wider discourse on an issue may be necessary but is not a sufficient condition of
feminist policy success.
To summarise so far, in fifteen debates WPA activities were classified
as insider or marginal and in fifteen as symbolic or non-feminist. In nine
of the debates in which WPA activities were insider or marginal a dual
response was achieved from the state. Our final research question is to
assess whether the agencies are necessary and effective links between the
movements and the state. This question is expressed as three related
H.5 Womens policy offices have tended to provide necessary and effective
linkages between womens movement activism and substantive and procedural
responses by democratic states.
H.5A If womens policy offices are necessary and effective linkages between
movement activism and state substantive and procedural responses, then variations in movement resources and policy environments will have no independent
relation to state responses.
H.5B If womens policy offices are not necessary and effective linkages
between movement activism and state substantive and procedural responses,
then variations in womens movement resources and policy environments will be
directly related to variations in state responses, regardless of womens policy
office activities.
The relationships set out in H.5 are described in Tables 13.11 and
13.12. Table 13.11 classifies the characteristics of womens movements
and policy environments that suggest a relationship with the dependent
variable, movement impact. Table 13.12 shows the same variables
controlling for the potential intervening variable of WPA activities. If
agency activities are unnecessary to or impede womens movement
success, then the direction of the relationships between independent
and dependent variables displayed in Table 13.11 will diminish. If
agency activities assist or enhance womens movement activities, then
the direction will increase. The sorting and classification process left six
variables in play: movement issue priority and cohesion, the openness of
the policy sub-system (environment), the presence of the left in power,
Priority high
not high
Cohesive yes
Policy system open
moderately closed
Left in/sharing power yes
Frame fit matching
Counter-movement strong/moderate
Yes (%)
No (%)
Cohesion yes
Policy sub-system open
moderately closed
Left in /sharing power yes
Frame fit matching
Counter-movement strong/moderate 42
dual response
the extent of the discourse frame fit, and strength or presence of the
counter-movement. When compared with Table 13.11 results show
that insider and marginal WPA activities assist womens movements in
reaching goals, as most of the relationships become stronger when
controlled for WPA activities. Table 13.11 suggests a strong link
between the relative openness of the policy environment and movement
policy success. Where the policy environment was open or moderately
closed the movement was more likely to achieve a dual response. For
debates during which the policy sub-system was classified as closed, the
movement was seldom successful.
Do the results support the proposition that activist WPAs assist movement success in achieving their demands on political representation? We
have shown in Table 13.11 an association between movement success
and cohesion, issue priority and an open or moderately closed policy subsystem and a strong or moderately strong counter-movement, but little or
no association with matching or compatible frame fit, left in power or
sharing power. Let us consider these associations in more detail.
Issue priority and cohesion
In terms of issue priority Table 13.11 shows that when the movement
attached a high priority to political representation issues a dual response
was more likely. The, also stronger, association between policy failure
and low movement priority for the issue mirrors this finding. Both the
associations between high issue priority and policy success and between
low issue priority and policy failure increase in Table 13.12 for insider/
marginal agencies. Hence insider/marginal WPA activities may boost
movement success where issue priority is high. However, they are not
able to overcome the disadvantages of ascribing low priority to the issue.
Where movements gave the issue being debated low priority they were
unlikely to be successful, whatever the type of agency activity. In half of
the cases in which WPAs did not support womens movement goals and
issue priority was high, the outcome was a dual response. Hence WPA
activities on womens behalf may not be necessary to successful policy
outcomes if issue priority and movement cohesion are high.
The strong association between movement cohesion and success
apparent in Table 13.11 is mirrored by a strong link between policy
failure and low movement cohesion. The impact of movement cohesion
increases for insider/marginal agencies as shown in Table 13.12, suggesting that activist WPAs may boost the success rates of cohesive
movements. The findings for symbolic and non-feminist agencies just
about support this proposition. The table shows that cohesive
high priority to the issue. Under these conditions WPAs provided a boost
to movement chances of policy success in debates about political representation. Activist WPAs were apparently unable to compensate when
womens movement actors did not give the issue high priority and/or were
not cohesive, and issue frame fit was incompatible.
Having explored the majority of cases, we can now turn to the exceptions
in order to describe fully the patterns of state feminism presented in this
study and to fill out our analysis. There are two patterns that run against
the overall direction of the findings: five dual response/symbolic cases and
three co-optation/insider cases. The first cluster of exceptions suggests
that WPA activity makes no difference. However, in three of these cases
GR1, FI2 and IT1 the WPA had no mandate to intervene in the
debates. These cases are discussed in more detail in the next section.
The remaining two debates in the category are the Swedish womens
party debate and the USA National Voter Registration Act debate. In the
Swedish debate the movement threatened to establish a womens party if
steps were not taken to improve the number of female deputies at the next
election. It was addressed to the parties and was especially felt in the
Social Democratic Party, hence was in many respects a party debate. In
the USA3 case the dual response classification is a very close call as the
gendering of the debate was minimal, amounting to only two interventions. Thus the first cluster of exceptions may be explained in terms of the
Insider activities were not associated with a dual response in only three
cases: BE1, GR2 and FR3. In both the Belgian and the German debates,
although the frame fit was compatible, neither movement was cohesive
and the left was not in power. Moreover in the case of GR2 the debate was
not a top priority for the movement, and hence the obstacles to success
were almost insurmountable. However, in the French case the movement
was cohesive, the frame fit was compatible, issue priority was high and
there was a strong counter-movement, but the right was in power. The
impact was classified as co-optation because womens movement actors,
though initially influential, lost control over the implementation provisions for the policy. Inevitably party priorities were reasserted and women
were not nominated for winnable seats in the following election to the
national legislature. This exception underlines the importance of political
parties to debates about political representation.
Overall the exceptions point to the importance of political parties
where insider agencies are more likely to have purchase. Political parties
Finnish political parties have womens sections that perform similar tasks to QWPAs in
other parties. They are relatively independent, receive directly a special portion of the
party subsidy and are a form of institutionalised feminism within the political parties. They
are therefore classified as womens movement actors.
Priority high
not high
Cohesion yes
Left in /sharing power or
inside left party yes
Policy environment open
moderately closed
Frame fit matching
Symbolic/non-feminist Dual
success were present. These findings support the proposition that activist
WPAs and QWPAs assisted but may not have been essential to movement success on this type of issue. In common with the majority findings
they suggest that activist agencies boosted positive effects of association
with the left, while non-active agencies appeared to be associated with
negative effects. Overall the ambiguous results of this association suggest
that womens movement friendships with the left are not necessarily
beneficial. This is an area in which more research is needed.
Nation-state patterns
The methodological decision to take policy debates on political representation as our unit of analysis means that researchers were able to examine
patterns of movement activism and state response on the issue over time,
within countries and cross-nationally. Thus nation-state trends are findings of the study. If strong nation-state patterns emerge then the benefits
of studying policy debates instead of nation-states are limited.
Accordingly, having discussed patterns of womens movement success
and WPA activities, we turn finally to a consideration of national patterns.
Some evidence that the national context has an effect is to be found in the
content of the debates. For example, debates about quotas in electoral
laws took place in Belgium, France and Italy where there were particularly low levels of elected womens representation in the 1980s and early
1990s (see Appendix 1).
But when we look at national patterns in terms of movement impact we
find substantial variation. In only three countries is the impact of womens
movements consistent over the three debates: Belgium, the Netherlands
and Sweden (Table 13.3). In Sweden and the Netherlands policy-makers
met womens movement demands for substantive and procedural representation in all three debates. In two of these debates (SW1 and NL1) there
were no WPAs in existence at the time the debates began. By contrast the
Belgian state consistently incorporated women as participants in the
debates but did not meet substantive demands. Whilst the Belgian debates
took place over a relatively short period of time, both the Swedish and the
Dutch debates were spaced over the whole thirty-year period. Overall,
however, consideration of the national context does not appear to be
decisive. There is variation in the ability of WPAs to increase the access
of women to the state in eight of the eleven countries discussed in this
volume. In four countries the response was the same in two debates. In two
countries, Austria and Spain, the debates followed the same sequence of
success in the first two debates and failure in the third. In Finland the
movement failed in the first debate, in which it was not interested, but
positions, WPA roles are both mediated and enhanced. The movement
has access to institutions through the women who have been elected.
Cohesion among elected women is increased not least because there is a
higher percentage of women elected in most of the parties. Over time
party differences on issues of womens presence decrease as their numbers become more equal across parties. Many of the chapters in this
volume emphasise the importance of a consistent presence of feminist
policy-makers and many of the successes occurred when the parties
associated with feminists were in power and the capacities and/or mandates of WPAs expanded.
State feminism
Are womens policy agencies state feminist in the context of political
representation debates? More broadly, does the establishment of state
feminism create feminist elites who substitute for womens movements?
For western Europe the answer to the first question appears to be yes.
Experts classified the activities of twelve state agencies as insider and
three as marginal. In every country except the United States examples
of insider WPAs supporting womens movement goals on the issue of
increasing womens political representation were identified. Our findings
suggest a state feminist presence in ten of the countries under consideration. Overall the findings support a theory of state feminism. However,
the results also show that state feminism alone is not enough. Womens
movement characteristics provide much of the explanation for policy
success. Thus state feminism must be supported by cohesive movements
united around an issue to which they give high or at least moderate
priority. The long-standing and widespread feminist concern that state
feminism functions properly only when associated with effective womens
movements is borne out by the results of this study and illustrates the
importance of the second question. The preoccupation of feminists with
establishing state agencies to promote womens equality and to bring
movement concerns into the state is justified as a strategy that brings
benefit to women by enhancing their success in policy debates about
political representation.
Finally the results also support the decision to select the policy debate
as a unit of analysis to allow longitudinal and cross-national patterns to
emerge. The assumptions of the research design are supported by the
data. The sorting and classification of observations to test core hypotheses of the RNGS model has produced meaningful results. These results
show that, by establishing WPAs, states offer institutional resources that
act to support goals defined by womens movements. The definition of
Percentage of women
Note: Due to the fluctuations in the number of female MPs during legislative
periods since 1983, the minimum and maximum number of female MPs for each
subsequent period is provided. For example, there were eighteen changes to the
number of women in parliament for the period 19906. The reason for these
frequent changes is that, since the 1980s, there has been a clandestine rule that
MPs resign their seats upon appointment to the government. The resulting
fluctuations in the composition of parliament have generally worked to womens
Women in the
Senate %
Note: All data represent the percentage of women in the respective assembly at the
beginning of the legislature.
Source: Leen Van Molle and Ehaie Gubin 1998, Vrouw en politiek in Belgie, Tielt:
Lannoo; Valeric Verzele and Carine Joly 1999, La representation des femmes en
politique apre`s les elections du 13 Juin 1999, Brussels: CRISP; www.senate.be;
Appendix 1
Number of women
Percentage of women
Date of election
Total number
of seats
Number of
women elected
Percentage of
women elected
National Assembly
October 1945
June 1946
November 1946
June 1951
January 1956
November 1958
November 1962
March 1967
June 1968
March 1973
March 1978
June 1981
March 1986
June 1988
March 1993
June 1997
June 2002
June 1947
May 1949
July 1952
July 1954
November 1956
July 1958
October 1960
December 1962
October 1964
October 1966
September 1968
September 1971
September 1974
September 1977
September 1980
September 1983
September 1986
September 1989
September 1992
September 1995
September 2001
Appendix 1
Number of
Number of women
Percentage of women
Number of women
Percentage of women
Appendix 1
Total number of
Number of women
Percentage of women
Chamber of
Appendix 1
Number of women
Percentage of women
Note: In 1971 the bicameral parliament was transformed into a unicameral body.
The data before 1971 refer to the lower chamber of the Riksdag.
Number of women
Percentage of women
1974 (February)
1974 (October)
Note: Figures are for the lower chamber (the House of Commons).
Appendix 1
State legislatures % 2
Notes: 1 All figures exclude women delegates to US territories. 2 Data are not
available for the period pre-1971.
Source: Center for American Women in Politics, Rutgers University.
Appendix 2
1 Cohesive: movement organisations active on the issue agree on the
frame and/or policy proposals.
2 Divided: movement organisations active on the issue disagree on the
frame and/or policy proposals.
1 Strong: prevalent and proactive movement aimed at issue or issues
taken up by different parts of the womens movement.
2 Moderate: counter-movement less active against womens movement
3 Weak: nearly moribund or non-existent.
Advisory Committee on Social
Emancipation (Upper House) 54,
55, 56, 578
Committee on Institutional Affairs of the
Upper House 55
Council of Equal Opportunities for Men
and Women 49
Emancipation Council 48
Flemish Womens Council 47
Francophone Womens Council 47
Unit of Equal Opportunities 49
Womens Consultation Committee 47
Belgium, political parties
Christian Democrats 42, 43, 50
Far Right Party 45, 52
Flemish Christian Democrats 44
womens organisation 48
Flemish Social Democrats 44
Green Party 45, 53
Green Womens political organisation 48
Liberal Party 45
Social Democrats 50
Berlusconi, Silvio 145
Bethune, Sabine de 55
Boethuis, Maria-Pia 208
Brussels 42
Council of Brussels Capital Region 42
Bumpers, Dale 241
Bush, George 250
Bustelo, Carlota 181
Finland, ministers/ministries (cont.)
Minister for Gender Equality Affairs 74
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health 64,
72, 77, 79
Finland, parliamentary bodies
Council for Equality between Men and
Women 68, 72, 77
Equality Ombudsman 74, 77
Finland, political associations
Network of Women MPs in parliament
Finland, political parties
Christian Democrats 64, 67
Democratic Alternative 73
Finnish Peoples Democratic League
(SKDL) 64, 66, 67
Finnish Womens Democratic League
68, 69, 70
Finnish Social Democratic Party (SPD)
64, 67
Green League 64, 66, 74
Swedish Peoples Party 64, 678
Finland, public bodies 74
Flint, Caroline, MP 233
Follett, Barbara, MP 229, 233
Fouque, Antoinette 98, 99
Fraisse, Genevie`ve 99, 102
frame fit 16, 26, 31, 74, 213, 285
framing 2, 78, 112, 157, 158, 15964, 187
France, debates
change of the voting system for the local
council elections, 1982 8791
change of the electoral system for parliamentary elections, 1985 914
parity reform, 19992000 94103
France, ministers/ministries
ministe`re des droits de la femme 87
ministre deleguee a` la parite et a` legalite
professionelle 103
Secretariat dEtat a` la condition feminine 87
France, National Assembly 95
France, parliamentary bodies
Comite de pilotage pour legal acce`s des
femmes et des hommes aux employs
superieurs des functions publiques 103
Conseil constitutionnel 88, 90, 91
Conseil national des femmes 95
Delegation interministerielle aux droits des
femmes 102, 103
France, political associations
Demain la Parite 95, 99
Elles aussi 95
Femme-Avenir 93
Femmes pour la Parite 95, 98
Parite 95, 99
Haider, Jorg 32, 39
Halimi, Gise`le 88, 89, 93, 98, 99, 101
Helle, Esko 71
Heritier, Francoise 98
Hewitt, Patricia, MP 235
Institute for Public Policy Research, UK 235
Institute for Womens Policy Research,
USA 254
integrated feminists 478, 54, 57, 137, 140,
143, 149, 150, 224
issue cohesion 283
issue priority 283
Italy, Chamber of Deputies 132, 133, 139
Constitutional Court 1323, 140, 142,
1439, 150
National Assembly 139, 142, 144, 147,
pentapartito 138
Womens Charter (Carta delle donne) 135
Italy, debates
change of the voting system for the
members of the Lower Chamber
quotas in the electoral law,
19911995 13844
creation of the Democratic Party of the
Left, 19891991 1338
Italy, minister/ministries
Minister for Equal Opportunities 145,
147, 148
Ministry for Equal Opportunities 148
Italy, parliamentary bodies
Comitato per le riforme elettorali (COREL)
Commissione bicamerale per le riforme 138,
Consulta delle elette 148
Equal Opportunities Commission (Prime
Ministers Office) 140, 141
National Commission for Equality and
Equal Opportunities between Men
and Women (Commissione Nazionale
per la Parita` e le Pari Opportunita` tra
uomini e donne) (CNPPO) 137, 140,
142, 144, 147, 148
National Commission for Womens
Emancipation and Liberation
(Commissione nazionale per lemancipazione e la liberazione delle donne)
(NCWEL) 136
National Committee for the
Implementation of the Principles of
Equal Treatment and Opportunity
between Workers of Both Sexes
Parliamentary Committee on
Constitutional Affairs 140, 142
Italy, political associations
Conferenza nazionale delle donne comuniste
Italy, political parties
Christian Democratic Party 138, 143,
Communist Party of Italy (PCI) 132,
133, 149
Communist Refoundation (RC) 134,
140, 142
Democratic Party of the Left (Partito
Democratico della Sinistra) (PDS)
132, 140, 142, 144, 149
Democrats of the Left (Democratici di
Sinistra) (DS) 133
Coordinamento delle donne DS 136
Forza Italia 145, 146, 148, 149
Lega Nord 140, 142, 145
Liberal Party 138
Movimento Sociale Italiano (MSI)
140, 142
National Alliance Party (Alleanza
Nazionale) (AN) 146, 149
Republican Party 138, 140, 142
Social Democratic Party 143
Socialist Party (PSI) 133, 143
Jenson, Jane 88
Jospin, Lionel 85, 95, 98
Judge, David 217
Juppe, Alain 101
Kalavainen, Meeri 67
Kalela, Reijo 69
Kandolin, Salme 723
Kansan Uutiset 71, 72
Kekkonen, Urho 66
King, Oona, MP 233
Kingham, Tess, MP 233
Kohl, Helmut 119
Kohnstamm 169, 170
Kortesalmi, J. Juhani 66
Kreisky, Bruno 21, 22, 24, 2632
Kuuittinen, Tuula 78
Kuuskoski-Vikatmaa, Eeva 72
Le Gall, Anne 98
Leijon, Anna-Greta 200, 21619
Le Monde 90, 93, 98, 102
Lembruch 165, 166
Le Pen, Jean Marie 85
Lincoln, Deborah 227, 229
Louekoski, Matti 64, 66
MacTaggart, Fiona 229, 231
Mancina, Claudia 145
Mani Pulite 130, 143
Manifesto of the 7, 103, 1223
Martnez-Ten, Carmen 186
Mazur, Amy 5, 12
Melkert, Ad 169
Merckx, Trees 44, 54, 55
Merkel, Angela 117, 11920
method 1214
Michigan Women 249
Mitterand, Francois 87, 91
Morgan, Sally 235
Mussolini, Alessandra 140, 143, 146
Mustakallio, Sinkka 69
Navarro, Micaela 189
Naytit 69, 70, 73
neo-corporatism 106
Netherlands 3, 153, 155, 157, 158, 15964,
165, 169
Atkie m/v 50/50 162
Beleidsplan Emancipatie 167
Concept Beleidsplan 162
corporatism 16570
Desert Law 167
Netherlands, debates
equality policy plan, 19811985 157,
158, 15964
Netherlands, parliamentary bodies
Commissie-Bisheuvel 154
Commissie Corporatism 154
Commissie-De Jong 154, 165, 166,
Commissie-De Koning 154
Commissie-Deetman 154, 165
Directie Coordinatie Emancipatiebeleid
(DCE) 160, 161, 167, 169
Emancipation Council (ER) 166, 167
Emancipation Kommissie (EK) 158, 160,
165, 166
National Womens Council (NVR) 166
Tijdelijke Expertise Commissie voor
Emancipatie in het nieuwe Adviestelsel
(TECENA) 168
Netherlands, political associations
Federation of Women for Economic
Independence 161
Kamerbreed Vrouwenoverleg 158, 160
Man-Vrouw-Maatschappij (ManWoman-Society) (MVM) 153,
1567, 158, 160, 163
Red Women (Rooie Vrouwen) 157
Vereniging voor Vrouwenbelangen 162
Vereniging voor Vrouwenkiesrecht 162
political representation 3, 2612
Austria 201
debates about 3, 212
Finland 623
France 856
Germany 94, 1067
Italy 1302
Netherlands 1534
Spain 1746, 187
Sweden 1956
UK 200, 21619
USA 23940
pre-emption 14, 90, 200
Prestigiacomo, Stefania 145, 147, 148
Prodi, Romano 148, 149
quasi-WPA (QWPA) 15, 25, 38, 136, 158,
160, 170, 201, 210, 212, 220, 2289,
236, 253
quotas 4355, 56, 94, 108, 109, 116, 137,
1401, 1756, 177, 1847, 2037,
Rasanen, Leila 67
Rehn, Elizabeth 74, 79
Richard, Alain 90
Richardson, Jo, MP 222
RNGS 5, 17
Roudy, Yvette 87, 90, 93,
94, 99
Ruddock, Joan, MP 233
Sahlin, Mona 209
Schalafy, Phyllis 242, 244
Schmidder, Philippe 165, 1667
Schroeder, Gerhard 109
Schroeder, Patricia 253
Segni, Mario 138
Servan-Schreiber, Claude 98
Short, Clare, MP 227
Sicard, Odile 88
Sineau, Mariette 88
lisabeth 96
Sledziewski, E
Smet, Miet 44, 48, 49, 50, 51,
53, 58, 59
Smit, Joke 156, 158, 160
Smith, John 226, 227, 228
Snowe, Olympia 253
Spain, Balearic Islands 175, 177
Castile-La Mancha 175, 177
Congress of Deputies 178
Constitutional Court (Tribunal
Constitucional) 177
Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA) 175
Spain, debates
Sweden, political associations (cont.)
Womens Equality 198
Sweden, political parties
Agrarian Party 202
Centre Party 195, 198, 202, 211
Christian Democrats 211, 216
Conservative Party 195, 202
Group 8 202, 206
Left Party-Communist (VPK) 198, 206
Liberal Party 202, 211
Moderates 211
New Democrats 211
Social Democratic Party 195, 202, 207,
Social Democratic Womens
Federation (SSKF) 198, 200, 201,
209, 210
Swift, Al 251
symbolic representation 3
Taina, Anneli 78
Taylor, Anne 231
Ter Veld, Elske 169
Tey de Salvador, Miriam 190
Thalin, Ingela 209
Thatcher, Margaret, MP 221
The Times 222, 232, 234
Tobback, Louis 44
trade unions (UK) 219, 22530, 235
Tuominen, Eeva-Liisa 72
Tuominen, Terttu 64, 66
Turco, Livia 135, 140, 141
UK, all-women shortlists (AWS) 226
Assembly for Wales 218
Greater London Assembly (GLA) 218
House of Commons 211, 216, 218, 231
Leader of the House 231
quasi-autonomous non-government
organisations (QUANGOS) 2215,
Scottish parliament 218
UK, debates
modernisation of the House of
Commons: parliamentary sitting
hours, 20012002 2315
reform of public bodies, 19791981
role of the trade unions in the selection of
parliamentary candidates for the
Labour Party, 1993 22530
UK, legislation
Human Rights Bill 1998 218
Sex Discrimination Act 1975
28, 230
USA, legislation
Civil Rights Act 1964 242
Equal Pay Act 1963 242
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) 239,
240, 2415, 256
Family and Medical Leave Act 255
USA, political associations
American Association of University
Women 244
Arkansas Womens Political Caucus 244
Common Cause 246, 248
Federation of Business and Professional
Women 241, 244
League of Women Voters (LWV) 241,
244, 246, 248, 250, 252
Michigan Womens Assembly 249
Michigan Womens Commission 248,
National Coalition Against Domestic
Violence 254
National Organization for Women
(NOW) 247, 253
Womens Campaign Fund 247
Womens Political Caucus 241
USA, Supreme Court 242
Van de Coppello, Kappeyne 158, 160, 163,
Van Dalsem, Paul 245
Van den Heuvel, Ien 157
Van Thijn 169
Varis, Tuula-Liina 72
Vedel, Georges 88
Veil, Simone 99
Vogel, Hans Jochen 111
Vranitzky, Chancellor 32
Wallstrom, Margot 209
Winberg, Margareta 209
women and policy-making 5