Toward Understanding E-Prime by Robert Anton Wilson
Toward Understanding E-Prime by Robert Anton Wilson
Toward Understanding E-Prime by Robert Anton Wilson
PRIME, abolishing all forms of the verb "to be," has its roots in the field
of general semantics, as presented by Alfred Korzybski in his 1933 book.
Science and Sanity. Korzybski pointed out the pitfalls associated with, and
produced by, two usages of "to be": identity and predication. His student, D.
David Bourland, Jr., observed that even linguistically sensitive people do not
seem able to avoid identity and predication uses of "to be" if they continue to
use the verb at all. Bourland pioneered in demonstrating that one can indeed
write and speak without using any form of "to be," calling this sub-set of the
English language "E-Prime." Many have urged the use of E-Prime in writing
scientific and technical papers - Dr. Kellogg exemplifies a prime exponent of
this activity. Dr. Albert Ellis has re-written five of his books in E-Prime, in
collaboration with Dr. Robert H. Moore, to improve their clarity and to reap
the epistemological benefits of this language revision. Korzybski felt that all
humans should receive training in general semantics from grade school on,
as "semantic hygiene" against the most prevalent forms of logical error, emotional distortion, and "demonological thinking." E-Prime provides a straightforward training technique for acquiring such semantic hygiene.
To understand E-Prime, consider the human brain as a computer. (Note that
I did not say the brain "is" a computer.) As the Prime Law of Computers tells
us, GARBAGE IN, GARBAGE OUT. (GIGO, for short.) The wrong software guarantees wrong answers. Conversely, finding the right software can
"miraculously" solve problems that previously appeared intractable.
It seems likely that the principal software used in the human brain consists
of words, metaphors, disguised metaphors and linguistic structures in general.
The Sapir-Whorf-Korzybski Hypothesis, in anthropology, holds that a change
in language can alter our perception of the cosmos. A revision of language
* Roben Anton Wilson has published science fiction, historical novels, poetry, futuristic sociology and he has two plays published.
f An earlier version of "Toward Understanding E-Prime" appeared in Trajectories, No. 5, the
newsletter published by Robert Anton Wilson.