Rov Course

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ROV Pilot Technician Premium

(Code RPP02)
The Premium Course is designed for those without previous qualifications or experience in
hydraulics or electronic circuits. During the three weeks course students will complete training in
electronics, electrical mechanics and materials. The Premium Course must be taken prior to
attending the ROV Pilot Technician Course to complete the full seven week course.
Furthermore, you will learn how to pilot an ROV in many different conditions, in confined waters,
offshore and in a VMAX ROV simulator. Our training will give you the theory, practical
preparation and more than 60 flying hours that will increase your employability.
We highly recommend those without previous experience to attend the Premium Course and that
is because the ROV employers require employees who can pilot, maintain and repair ROV
systems in the field.

Code. RPP02
The duration of the course is 7 weeks. In this course you learn and pilot ROVs with the
students in the course RPN01, but before you will receive an intensive training in technology
divided in 3 weeks.

Unit 1: Electricity and Electronics

Basics laws: Ohm Law, Kirchhoff, Power, solve circuits

Power generation: DC and AC current, frequency, impedance

Motor :DC, AC, brushless, power control

Basic components: Resistors, capacitor, inductors, transformer, relays, light.

Complex component: multiplexer, integrated circuits

Test Instruments: Multimeter, Oscilloscopes, HV prove

Semiconductor: Transistor, triacs, diode, led

Protection devices: fuse, breakers, differentials, overload

Communications and ports

Digital Electronics: gates

Circuits design: rectifier, amplifiers,

Trouble shooting:
Practical: soldering and splicing tether

Unit 2: Hydraulics

Basics laws: Pascal,

Components: Cylinder, pump, filter, valves, accumulator, motor

Electro hydraulics

Circuits design and testing

Trouble shooting in 7 function manipulator

Maintenance of cylinder, pumps, filter, etc.

Unit 3: Materials

Aluminum, steel, plastics, titanium

Painting and soldering

Lubricants: oil, grease

When you finish and pass this course, you are now ready to join the ROV PILOT

85% pass mark requirements for all units.
Certificates for all units


Griffiths, G. Technology and Applications of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. Taylor &

Francis. Londres 2003.

Christ, R. D.; Wernli, R. L. The ROV Manual. Elservier (Butterworth-Heinemann).

Oxford 2007.
Roberts, F.N; Sutton, R. Advances in Unmanned Marine Vehicles. The Institution of

Electrical Engineers (IEE). Stevenage (UK) 2006.

Dering, C.D. The operation of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles . The Society of

Underwater Technology (SUT). Londres 2000.

Wernli, Robert L., Editor Operational effectiveness of Unmanned underwater systems .

ROV committee of the Marine Technology Society. Washington 1998.

Fossen, Th. I. Marine Control Systems . Marine Cybernetics AS. Trondheim 2002.
Fossen, Th. I. Guidance and Control of Ocean Vehicles . John Wiley & Sons.

Chichester 1994.
El-Hawary, F. The Ocean Engineering Handbook . CRC-Press. Boca Ratn 2001

Most common ROV manuals

ROV Pilot Technician

(Code RPN01)
Designed for people with technical qualification and background, this course will teach you not
only how to pilot an ROV, but also how to apply your technical expertise to a range of ROV
In this course, you will learn how to pilot an ROV in many different conditions, in confined waters,
offshore and VMAX ROV simulator. Our training will give you the theory, practical preparation
and more than 60 flying hours that will increase your employability. The duration of this course is
4 weeks. But ask us for the ROV Pilot technician standard course of 2 weeks!

Code. RPN01
The duration of the course is 4 weeks.

Unit 1: Technology apply to ROV


Thrusters, Video, Power, Telemetry, Connector, Cables


USBL, Sonar, Navigational Sensors

Manipulators and Tooling


High Voltage safety

Fiber Optics course (FOB06)

Unit 2: Legislation

Oil & gas Industry


Safety and Emergency Response

Personnel consideration,


Communication Skill


Projects activities

Unit 3: Piloting

ROV system
Piloting theory (navigation, sonar, USBL, safety, etc.)


Piloting Skill with simulator (40 hs in log book)

Piloting Skill in Harbor (30 hs in log book)


Piloting Skill in Sea. (30 hs in log book)

Unit 4: Workshop

Hands on in workshop
Fault Finding


Preventative and Corrective maintenance


IMCA: All unit are according to guidelines

85% pass mark requirements for all units.

Final Day.
Log book IMCA
Certificates for all units.
Curriculum Vitae and job orientation

Besides practices scheduled at sea, you may be able to participate in a shift in ongoing project
in Mediterranean (Depending on schedules and weather)


Griffiths, G. Technology and Applications of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. Taylor &

Francis. Londres 2003.

Christ, R. D.; Wernli, R. L. The ROV Manual. Elservier (Butterworth-Heinemann).

Oxford 2007.
Roberts, F.N; Sutton, R. Advances in Unmanned Marine Vehicles. The Institution of

Electrical Engineers (IEE). Stevenage (UK) 2006.

Dering, C.D. The operation of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles . The Society of

Underwater Technology (SUT). Londres 2000.

Wernli, Robert L., Editor Operational effectiveness of Unmanned underwater systems .

ROV committee of the Marine Technology Society. Washington 1998.

Fossen, Th. I. Marine Control Systems . Marine Cybernetics AS. Trondheim 2002.
Fossen, Th. I. Guidance and Control of Ocean Vehicles . John Wiley & Sons.

Chichester 1994.
El-Hawary, F. The Ocean Engineering Handbook . CRC-Press. Boca Ratn 2001

Most common ROV manuals

USBL and Pipe Tracker

(Code RPB03)
This one week course conbine theory and practise of differents ancillary sensors such as a Pipe
Tracker and Acoustic Positioning (USBL).
During this course you will learn how to configure, install, calibrate and operate these electronic
systems. These devises are mandatory and critical in cable and pipe inspection.

Code. RPB03
The duration of the course is 1 week

Unit 1: Positioning System. USBL




Installation in ROV and Vessel (responder, transponder, etc.)




Unit 2: Pipe tracker


Installation in ROV


Operation and reports.

85% pass mark requirements for all units.

Final Day.
Certificates for all units.

Simulator V-MAX
This course is designed to gain experience by completing survey and working missions using VMAX, a high quality ROV simulator

During this one week course you will be assigned by instructor differents
missions such as pipeline inspection, jacket survey, BOP operations and
STFL installation, which will all take place in a simulator.
For some of these missions you will be working together with a copilot
against the clock and under unfavorable environmental conditions.
Duration: one week

Objetive: Finish all the mission in the simulation with low visibility and
Total Hours: 40hs in Log Book (According IMCA, 40hs is the maximun to
write in the log book)
Requirement: Minimun entry level, ROV pilot Grade 2

Code. RPV01

Duration: one week

Objetive: Finish all the mission in the simulation with low visibility and current.
Total Hours: 40hs in Log Book (According IMCA, 40hs is the maximun to write in
the log book)

Real Flying Hours for ROV Pilots

Boost your career with


If you are already a Pilot or Supervisor, and you are looking for more hours of experience or to
further your career, we have designed these packs especially for you.

Pack 1:-Offshore Flying Hours + Work Class Simulator (1 week,

Code PKB01)
During this week you will receive an intensive training in ROV flying (approximately 20 hours)
and 20 extra hours using ROV Working Class V-MAX simulator under our instructors supervision

at all time. At the end of this week, you log 40 hours in your IMCA Logbook, and receive 2

Pack 2:-Offshore Flying Hours + Work Class simulator + Fiber

Optics (2 weeks,Code PKP02)
During these two weeks you will receive an intensive training in ROV flying (approximately 40
hours) and 40 extra hours using ROV Working Class V-MAX simulator under our instructors
supervision at all time. At the end of this week, you log 40 hours in your IMCA Logbook, and
receive 2 certificates.

Fiber Optics Training

(3 days, code FOB06)
We believe that It is highly recommended for every pilot technician to have
intermediate knowledge and skills in fiber optics and that is because all
modern ROVs use fiber optics for signal and video transmission.
In many ROVs umbilicals it is normal to find more than 3 fiber optics and
the ROV Pilot Technician will need torepair tether, umbilical, connectors, or
splicing them. To perform these operation to the highest standards you
need an adequate, theoretical and practical training simulating real
Code: FOB06

Objective of the course.

To be able to understand fiber optics in ROV system, to troubleshooting and to repair any
kind of problem in the system with high quality standard, under pressure and in the minimum
amount of time.

Duration: 3 days

Theory and final on line exam of


Mechanical Splicing
Fusion Splicing


Connector: LC, ST, SC

Testing and troubleshooting (Using OTDR)

In our course we use FOA books, certified teacher and the high quality instrument using for
testing and for fusion splicing.

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