Colossal City in Space - Bible Study Guide
Colossal City in Space - Bible Study Guide
Colossal City in Space - Bible Study Guide
Talk about a great city! New York, Tokyo, and London are nothing in comparison! Just wait until you grasp the
amazing facts about this gigantic city that can travel through space. It's all fact, not science fiction! The information in
this Study Guide will thrill your soul and give you hope for the future.
Answer: The Bible declares that God is building a great city for His people. And this
city is as real and literal as any you have ever known.
Answer: This great city that is being constructed is, at this moment, in far outer space
in God's dwelling place, which is called heaven.
"The city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with
the reed, twelve thousand furlongs." Revelation 21:16. The city is perfectly square. Its perimeter is
12,000 furlongs, or 1,500 miles (a furlong is 1/8 mile). It is 375 miles long on each side.
The city is called "new Jerusalem" in Revelation 21:2.
"And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits. ... And the building of
the wall of it was of jasper." Revelation 21:17, 18. A wall 144 cubits, or 216 feet high (a cubit is
18 inches), surrounds the city. The wall is made of solid jasper, with radiance and beauty
beyond description. Think of it! Nearly 20 stories high and solid jasper!
"The wall of the city had twelve foundations ... garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was
jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald; The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the
seventh, chrysolyte; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth,
an amethyst." Revelation 21:14-20. The city has 12 full, complete foundations—each one made of precious stone.
Every color of the rainbow will be represented, so at a distance the city will no doubt appear to be resting upon a
"The street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass." Revelation 21:21.
"The holy city, ... prepared as a bride adorned for her husband." "Having the glory of God:
and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal."
"The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal [proportionate]." Revelation 21:2,
11, 16. The city, with all of its precious stones, gold, and shimmering beauty, will be lighted The city streets will be
with the glory of God. In its breathtaking majesty and purity it is compared to "a bride adorned pure gold--reflecting
for her husband." heaven's glories as a
Answer: The tree of life, which bears 12 kinds of fruit (and is in the middle of the city--
Revelation 2:7), brings unending life and youth to all who partake of it. Even its leaves will contain marvelous
sustaining qualities. This tree will yield a new crop of fruit each month.
Answer: Yes, the majestic holy city will come down to this earth to become the capital
of the earth made new. All the righteous will have a home in this city.
Answer: God will destroy all sin and sinners with fire. This fire will melt the earth and turn everything into ashes. Then
God will make a perfect new earth, and the holy city will be its capital. Here the righteous will live in joy, peace, and
holiness throughout eternity. God promises that sin will not rise up again. See Nahum 1:9.
A. The Lord, in person, will live with them (Revelation 21:3).
B. They will never become bored. There will be pleasures forevermore (Psalms
C.There will be no more death, pain, tears, sorrow, sickness, hospitals, operations,
tragedy, disappointment, trouble, hunger, or thirst (Revelation 21:4; Isaiah 33:24;
Revelation 22:3; Isaiah 65:23; Revelation 7:16).
D. They will not get tired (Isaiah 40:31).
E. Every saved person will be physically whole in every way. The deaf will hear, the blind will see, the
dumb will sing, and the lame will be able to run (Isaiah 35:5, 6; Philippians 3:21).
F. Jealousy, fear, hatred, falsehood, envy, impurity, cynicism, filth, worry, and all evil will be forever
shut out of God's kingdom (Revelation 21:8, 27; 22:15). People will no longer be burdened with the
worries and the cares that drive them to distraction. There will be no more nervous breakdowns. Time There will be
will become eternity, and the pressures and deadlines of earth will be gone forever. no use for
crutches and
in heaven.
8. How will the new earth differ from our earth today?
A. Vast seas as we know them today will be gone (Revelation 21:1). The oceans and seas cover
three-fourths of the earth's surface today. This will not be the case in God's new kingdom. The whole
world will be one huge garden of unsurpassed beauty, interspersed with lakes, rivers, and mountains (Revelation
22:1; Acts 3:20, 21).
Answer: Yes, there will be many boys and girls in the holy city (Isaiah 11:6-9), and these
youngsters will grow up (Malachi 4:2). We have degenerated much in stature, intellect, and
vitality since Adam, but all of this will be restored (Acts 3:20, 21).
Answer: The Bible clearly teaches that righteous loved ones who have
died will be raised to join the righteous living in God's kingdom (Isaiah
26:19; Jeremiah 31:15-17; 1 Corinthians 15:51-55; 1 Thessalonians
4:13-18). And the Scriptures also teach that people in God's new
kingdom will know each other, just as people recognize each other on
the earth today.
Answer: After His resurrection, Jesus proved to His desciples that He was flesh and bones by having them feel Him
and by eating food. This same Jesus of flesh and bones ascended to His Father and will come again to the earth. The
righteous will be given bodies just like the body of Christ and will be real people with flesh and bones throughout
eternity. The difference will be that the heavenly body will not be subject to death, decay, or deterioration. The
teaching that the saved in heaven will be ghosts who float on mist clouds and do nothing but play harps has no
foundation in the Scriptures. Jesus did not die on the cross to provide any such trivial and foolish future for those who
accept His love and nobly follow His way of life. Most people have no interest in such an
ethereal existence and, therefore, have little or no desire to enter God's heavenly kingdom--
often preferring it only because they fear hell. If only all people everywhere could learn the truth
about God's holy city and new earth, millions would begin to understand His love and would turn
to Him with all their hearts. A person who misses out on God's kingdom has made the supreme
blunder of a lifetime.
12. How will the righteous spend their time in the heavenly
"They shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them. They shall not
build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: ... mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands."
Isaiah 65:21, 22.
Answer: The righteous will build their own homes in the new earth. (Each will also have a city mansion built by
Christ--John 14:1-3.) They will plant vineyards and eat the fruit from them. The Bible is plain. Real people do real
things in heaven, and they will thoroughly enjoy it all.
A. Sing and play heavenly music (Isaiah 35:10; 51:11; Psalms 87:7; Revelation 14:2,
B. Worship before God's throne every Sabbath (Isaiah 66:22, 23).
C. Enjoy never-fading flowers and trees (Ezekiel
47:12; Isaiah 35:1, 2).
D. Visit with loved ones, patriarchs, prophets, etc.
(Matthew 8:11; Revelation 7:9-17).
Answer: Not even in its wildest dreams can the heart of man begin to comprehend the
marvels of God's eternal kingdom. All that Adam lost will be restored (Acts 3:20, 21).
Answer: The Bible makes it plain. It is simple. Give your life to Christ for cleansing from sin. When you do this, He
also gives you power to do His will and keep His commandments. This means, of course, that you will begin to live as
Christ lived and will overcome all sin. "He that overcometh shall inherit all things." Revelation 21:7. In short, a person
is prepared for heaven when he has heaven in his heart.
Thought Questions
1. How can heaven be a happy place when the saved think of loved ones who are lost? (Revelation 21:4 )
• The Bible says that God will "wipe away all tears from their eyes." Revelation 21:4. Surrounded by the
beauty and joys of the new earth, God's redeemed people will forget the tragedies and heartaches of the
past; "the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind." Isaiah 65:17.
2. The Bible says, "Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God." 1 Corinthians 15:50. How, then, can the
redeemed be flesh and bones? (1 Corinthians 15:50 )
• Here the Bible uses the term "flesh" to describe the unconverted person. A similar thought is expressed in
Romans 8:8, 9: "They that are in the flesh cannot please God. But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if
so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you." John 3:6 says, "That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that
which is born of the Spirit is spirit." The term "flesh" here again refers to the unconverted person, while the
term "spirit" refers to the converted or "born again" person. So the Bible is simply saying in 1 Corinthians
15:50 that no one can enter God's kingdom unless conversion first takes place and flesh becomes spirit.
Christ, in His resurrected body, declared that He was truly "flesh and bones." Luke 24:39. We shall have a
body like His, according to Philippians 3:21.
3. Is the apostle Peter in charge of the gate of the holy city? (Matthew 16:19 )
• No! The Bible says in Revelation 21:12 that the new Jerusalem--the holy city of God--has 12 gates, and at
the gates are 12 angels. No reference is made in the Bible to any of the apostles as guardians of the gates.
4. Is the holy city really big enough to hold all the saved people of all ages? (Matthew 7:14 )
• If the city were to be crowded and each saved person given only 100 square feet of ground space, there
would be room for 39 billion people in the city, which is many times the present population of the world.
Many statisticians believe that if all the people who have ever lived were saved, there would be plenty of
room for them in the city. The Scriptures make it clear, however, that only a few will be saved (Matthew
7:14). So there will be more than enough room in the great city.
5. Sometimes I wonder if the reward is worth the sacrifice. It seems that Satan is about to overwhelm me at times.
Does the Bible offer me any encouragement? (Romans 8:18 )
• Yes. In fact, the apostle Paul must have been thinking of someone like you when he wrote, "The sufferings
of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." Romans
8:18. Just one glimpse of that eternal kingdom will cause the worst trials and persecutions of earth to pale
into insignificance, and the redeemed will cry out: "Hallelujah, heaven is cheap enough!"
6. Will little babies who die be saved in God's kingdom? (Matthew 2:16-18 )
• We do not have a specific Bible answer to this question, but many choose to believe that infants will be
saved on the basis of Matthew 2:16-18. There the Bible tells of wicked king Herod slaying all the male
babies in Bethlehem who were two years old or younger. The Old Testament foretold this tragic, cruel
incident, and God told the mothers to stop crying because their children would one day be restored to
them. "Refrain thy voice from weeping, ... they [the slain children] shall come again from the land of the
enemy. ... Thy children shall come again to their own border." Jeremiah 31:16, 17. This is an obvious
reference to the resurrection.
7. Do I understand correctly that heaven, the home of the saved, will be right here on this earth? (Revelation
21:2,3;22:1,3 )
• That is correct. Although the holy city is now in God's dwelling place, He is going to move it to this earth.
Sin and sinners will be destroyed with fire, and the earth will be made new and given to the righteous in all
of its Edenic glory and beauty. The holy city will be the capital of the new earth, and God will move His
throne here (Revelation 21:2, 3; 22:1, 3) and live with the righteous right here on this earth throughout
eternity. And where the Lord abides, that is heaven. God's plan is to restore to man what Adam lost: the
glories of a perfect life on a perfect planet. Satan and sin interrupted God's plan, but the plan will be carried
out. We can all share in this new kingdom--and we must! It's too much to miss.
8. Why do so many teach and believe that the home of the saved is a misty place with ghostlike inhabitants who
float on clouds and do nothing but play harps? (John 8:44 )
• This teaching originated with the devil, the father of lies (John 8:44). He is anxious to distort God's loving
plan and present heaven as an unreal, "spooky" place so people will lose interest or become skeptical of
God's Word altogether. Satan well knows that when men and women fully understand the Bible truth
regarding the home of the saved, his power over them is broken, because they will begin making plans to
enter that kingdom. This is why he works so hard to becloud the issue and spread falsehood regarding that
heavenly home.
Quiz Questions
1. The holy city in space (1)
___ Is not literal, but simply an allegory.
___ Is a literal city being prepared now by God in His dwelling place.
___ Does not exist except in the minds of some people.
3. In the following list, check the true Bible facts regarding the holy city: (7)
___ It is called the new Jerusalem.
___ It is about the size of London.
___ Its walls are of topaz.
___ The city is as long as it is wide.
___ The streets are of pure gold.
___ The city has 14 foundations.
___ The apostle Peter stands at its gate.
___ Each of its 12 gates is made of one pearl.
___ Its perimeter is 1,500 miles.
5. In the following list, check all items that are true Bible promises to people in God's new kingdom: (5)
___ The Lord will perform marriages daily.
___ The tree of life bears 20 kinds of fruit.
___ The Lord Himself will live with His people.
___ After a million years, the saints will become bored.
___ There will be no more death or sorrow.
___ People will never get tired.
___ The lame will be carried around by angels.
___ Angels will be the doctors and perform all operations.
___ The blind will receive sight.
6. Check the statements below that tell the truth about the new earth: (6)
___ The seas of today will be no more.
___ The deserts will be larger.
___ Animals will be kept in lovely heavenly cages.
___ Tornadoes, earthquakes, and floods will not be known.
___ Cigarette butts will be carefully removed from the streets daily by the angels.
___ Flowers and trees will not wilt or fade.
___ Heaven will be right here on earth.
___ Sin will not arise a second time.
___ The glories of it all cannot be described.
8. We know that people in heaven will be real and will do real things because (1)
___ Science has proved this conclusively.
___ The Bible says we will be like Christ, who was real (had flesh and bones) after His resurrection and did real
___ Many preachers say this is so.
9. I can be sure of a place in that heavenly kingdom if I (1)
___ Say daily that I love the Lord.
___ Am fearful enough of hell.
___ Accept and follow Christ and keep His commandments.
10. What will the saved do in the heavenly kingdom? Check the true Bible facts listed below: (5)
___ Build houses and live in them.
___ Plant vineyards.
___ Kill animals and eat them.
___ Play heavenly instruments and sing praises to God.
___ Worship before God's throne.
___ Fly past hell and taunt the lost.
___ Eat of the tree of life.